File: 1516853239492.png (4.31 MB, 2480x1748, handgore.png)

No. 480758
Most well known for her cal-arts rant, where she bitches about how hard it is to get in while claiming to have gotten in. Also known for giving shitty advice to impressionable beginners. of aforementioned Cal-Arts rant: [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy]
>21 year old "freelancer" (lives at home with her mother and runs an online shop selling ugly art)>Salty Youtube fujoshi artist that claims that her art is superior because she went to art school>Constantly preaches that art takes hard work, claims to always practice and study but her art hasn't improved in over two years>Whines about being a starving artist with no money, yet has enough money to buy a new Mac computer and a Cintiq tablet within the same week, then sold said cintiq because she got sponsored for her shitty shitty art>When faced with genuine criticism, she replies with "it's my style hurrr get over it!!">Whines about nobody buying from her online store, but when people do, she whines about having to package and ship off her items >Pandering to the Musicals crowd to get more Youtube $$$>Claims to be the only non tumblrina artist and is a textbook tumblr fujo>Generally insufferable and shitty person Last thread: Holly continues to make crappy animations, says she'll give up comics because she can't make a living off them and to focus solely on animation then decides she will make comics still. Makes merch for a comic she's only finished a few pages of. Hires someone to flat her comics for pennies on the dollar. Denies she's a fujo with a fetish for gay bois then admits she's a fujo in a recent video. Still drawing potato face.
Previous thread :
>>>/snow/428135 No. 481131
Choice OP pic, anon.
>>481083It's such a dumb criticism, especially when it comes to the 100 days of comics thing. Most people wouldn't want to spoil the pages they've been working on for over 3 months.
No. 481159
File: 1516904925836.png (557.59 KB, 1138x698, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 10.2…)

Those 2 poses look so uncomfortable…The way he's sitting to the way her hand is bent.
No. 481385
>>481169Oh noooo he’s just really buff!!!!! You don’t understand!!!!! Beefy men don’t act like normal people of course, they can’t pose like everybody else, it’s just a poor positioning of courseee!
… her excuses gets dumber every time.
No. 481503
File: 1516928166680.png (1.35 MB, 1084x816, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 16.5…)

For someone who shows a lot of her hand a lot in videos, those are some crusty ass nails. And I dont get why she's making these stickers the hard way. She makes so much work for herself and then claims how tired she is and how much work Holly did.
No. 481812
File: 1516966472516.jpeg (72.99 KB, 1280x720, 62D9537D-DA5D-4D2D-9589-1BE87E…)

It’s totally the muscles guyssssss!
See? Even this guy is malfor— oh wait no he’s a normal dude. My bad. Guess it’s not like buff men can’t “pose”.
Honestly she gets on my nerves so much. The only way somebody couldn’t be able to act normally is if they’re HUGE and I mean really huge. The mass would be in the way for certain things. But her chara looks “defined” more than muscular, at least not the way she’s implying with that statement.
Also saying “I used the mannequin” is stupid. First of all she never understands what she sees. Second, a mannequin might help you with the spaces, but muscles, fat and skin CAN move. Some muscles rotate, other flex, it’s not a stable mass. If she paid attention in her gestures she would have noticed that.
No. 481838
>>481812Those pose mannequins are useless anyway exactly
because the muscles don't move. Your torso changes shape completely if you move around. She should know this by now.
No. 481857
>>481838Point is: she thinks just because she produces a lot she’s getting better and she’s a good artist. It’s true that you need to produce a lot but you should study and examine what you’re doing while producing. She thinks she’s beyond the study phase probably, because she’s so pro. Quantity over quality should be allowed only during deadlines and when you’ve reached a certain level.
Makes me laugh that she thinks 4 hours for a full comic page is a lot of time. 4 hours could only be the colouring. Well thought comics can take like 6/8 hours per page excluding colours.
Focusing on how many pages you produce instead of taking your time to figure out what you’re doing is one of the big no nos if you plan on actually learning something.
Without study she will just keep on repeating the same mistakes.
Saged because probably nobody cares
No. 482068
>>481857No I think the points you brought up are noteworthy. What bothers me is that she has a lot of influence on teens/young adults who are either interested in art classes or are in pursuit of an art career. Her superiority complex over how she produces a lot of work (sloppy, ugly work tbh) will more than likely influences her audience to repeat her methods because they think it will bring them success. Idk, as someone who once watch Holly and was dumb enough to start mimicking her I just wanted to say that.
Sage for spurging
No. 482089
File: 1516996656305.png (279.08 KB, 962x806, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 11.5…)

>>482068Yo, if you're gonna sage, then actually sage. Just type the word "sage" in the email slot.
Anywho, I'm catching up on videos and this part of the drawing just makes no sense compared to this one
>>481159 No. 482189
>>482163Yes and no.
I mean, you can use confidence as a defense mechanism and still try to better yourself. Like, show others you already know how to do stuff even when you don't, but keep practicing until what you create is actually pleasant. You know what I mean?
If I'd be as unsure and hurt by criticism I would probably work more and not give people any kind of "opening" to talk shit about me. She is faking confidence (although I must admit that I sometimes think she fakes being fragile or knowing her things are shit rather than the opposite) but if she never EVER improves it means that she might BELIEVE her own lie.
Some things could be fixed easily, like the table legs for instance. Another anon pointed it out that in diners like that tables only have one leg in the center. Do a stupid 10 minute research on google, or use logic.
She bitches about how correct it is to trace and then she doesn't do it for the right things. She doesn't even use references properly.
I don't know if I should feel sympathy for her, because as I said it sometimes seems fragile even when she's being bitchy, while other times she is humble and self deprecating but I sense like she's doing it to fish for comments.
No. 482328
File: 1517018253717.png (260.41 KB, 392x340, rt.png)

>>482247lol She still hasn't even tried using it for anything. She could've even made the pencil pouches she failed at with it. The iron on adhesive they sell that you can print on is really durable shit. Could've even used it to make stick on stencils and those die cut bookmarks she was creaming her pants over. I do artist alley as a career so thats why i followed her, but she really just scrambles around with no real plan. She has a ton of conventions in her area and she doesn't even try. Why? Cause shes a cringy basement dweller that is scared of other people offline. She boasts that she is so much better than other artists cause she's SOooo resourceful but in reality just wastes money on things that help with the business and then never use it.
She got the cricut machine about a year ago. More like 11 months. I've had mine since last april. It's the bees knees.
Hers is just sitting there on the floor unused. It cost $200. Doubt her mom uses it like she says with it up in the garbage heap.
No. 482422
File: 1517027310233.png (117.9 KB, 198x304, 3424124.PNG)

Is her green-haired oc inspired by that one background character in Dream Daddy or am I just seeing things
No. 482483
File: 1517034607332.png (108.32 KB, 188x411, jhkjhkhj.PNG)

nobody walks with the same arm forward as their leg, holly.
No. 482501
File: 1517036518433.png (1.01 MB, 1182x912, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 23.0…)

Damn. Such fire, but yet so true.
No. 482504
File: 1517036568498.png (1.4 MB, 1180x1222, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 23.0…)

So, she's claiming that her same faced drawings are 200% better than this?
No. 482523
>>482501Holly, the spelling thing was ONE of the issues addressed and not the motivation for that post.
Also I find it ironic how she’s being criticising other people’s grammar and spelling when she’s the one butchering her own language.
No. 482530
File: 1517044402306.png (49.94 KB, 1180x220, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 01.1…)

Kind of late for that now…
No. 482542
>>482541She's probably going to go ahead and unlist them from youtube. but like what's the point, all the BS still happens on her twitter and main channel anyways.
But yeah she probably does lurk here, or else she probably wouldn'tve made that option. We'll see I guess.
No. 482547
>>482522She's aged him up to 15 I think, and then again to 17? Still underage though.
>>482530The comments about how terrible she is must be getting to her.
No. 482669
File: 1517068000536.jpeg (23.38 KB, 640x126, 89A9DBF5-54DA-47CD-95C1-A3756F…)

Think this might be why she hid her videos? I’d be weirded out too if somebody created playlists for all of my vlogs especially considering I already have a vlog channel.
No. 482701
>>482530lol nothing of value is lost. I just watched those vlogs of hers to see if she managed to clean that shit hole of a room Holly has.
By the way, Holly never cleaned her fucking room. Bet you anything it smells like piss.
No. 482816
File: 1517080634858.png (10.42 KB, 584x135, freelance.png)

LOL you don't want to take commissions or freelance cause it "Makes your life hell"? Welcome to being a full time self-employed artist, bitch.
No. 482832
>>482823Like myself (also a full time illustrator struggling with money sometimes) I honestly think she doesn't want to do it cause it's that fear of the fact that you're failing at what you want to do.
I however am 27 and worked retail for 10 years before I went full time illustrator. I don't think she has ever worked a part time job? at least not in her time on youtube.
She's young and stupid and has a spending addiction.
If you got money probs, DON'T FUCKING SPEND MONEY. Kinda obvious? You don't need a new camera, and ipad, fancy gifts for family, and grubhub-ing food.
No. 482963
File: 1517087833462.png (67.83 KB, 1172x278, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 13.1…)

How long has it been since this "challenge" anyway?
No. 482966
File: 1517087938487.png (827.93 KB, 1194x1226, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 13.1…)

This animation was confusing when I first played it. Had to replay it 5 times to understand that it was his reflection…
No. 482970
File: 1517088089112.png (85.33 KB, 1108x438, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 13.1…)

Lmao the only thing we got from those vlogs is that you live in a shit hole and your burps are disgusting af. Both of which you can ALWAYS cut out and also actually clean up. What does she mean by intense?
No. 483028
>>482999I LAUGH thinking how stupid her audience is. They white knight for her endlessly and stroke her "ego" to the point where she thinks she is such hot shit.
She used to be so nice and shit a few years ago but now she's on cringe levels of Logan Paul to me. She acts like a shitlord cause it gets her views. WOW so edgy. Just another example of shitty young adults being shit.
No. 483120
>>483109This is just a very big guess, but maybe because it's Japanese brand?
Idk. I heard that these sketchbooks have very thin pages, so it's only good for sketching. Only basing it off on one product on Amazon, but it seems kind of expensive for a small passport sketchbook…
No. 483124
File: 1517091581459.png (1.27 MB, 1702x962, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 14.1…)

Everything looks very stiff…Holly, so I guess your problem wasn't entirely about the thick lines! It's just that you have no sense of the human body and it's line of actions.
No. 483144
>>483120I can tell you that I have a couple of these and it's not a big deal. I think she saw some videos from the planner community that she likes to rag on, thought "I'm gonna get this expensive thing" and went ahead and got it just to show off. but the paper is actually nothing special and the leather cover is unnecessary for drawing. It's a nice-to-have thing but I think the fact that A) yes it's a japanese brand and B) she splurged money on a thing she's not going to end up using and now has to turn around and shill for more money is like the name of her game by now.
C) fun fact it's not even an midori/travelers company notebook she has so.
if she's not gonna use it she should sell it.
She should sell all the junk she's not using but she's one of those people who hoards and likes to say she has things, and when someone tries to help her it's probably "Oh I was gonna use that"
but like. bitch, ya didn't.
No. 483287
>>483261the legit kickstarter
Over the course of 100 days, 20 comic creators from the 100 Days of Making Comics group each set out to create a short comic or pin-up based on the theme "Life in Space""
Holly: I didn't do the theme in a LITERAL sense cause I wanted to be unique so… I made mine about stoners "SPACING" Out!
No. 483649
File: 1517115129708.jpg (120.26 KB, 1196x720, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 20.5…)

lmfao hypocrite much, Holly?
No. 483652
File: 1517115267898.jpg (91.87 KB, 1176x592, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 20.5…)

Why is she such an asshole to people
No. 483995
>>483987-Doesn't give them a color key
-Hires someone who can't work at a high DPI
-Literally gives no one who applies a guideline for what she's looking for.
"If you use a portable hard drive, your computer wont have problems with editing large files with a high DPI and it won't slow down your computer!"
Wow are you an actual idiot?? Oh yeah, you are!
No. 484004
>>483987Yes because the problem is just disk space, right?! It’s not ram or limitations in virtual memory.
600dpi is WAY too much. In french comic the common resolution is 450, because they are a4 size and they need more details. She is just doing a crappy work that’s going to be printed really small. 300 is the minimum for printing but it’s also the COMMON for comic stuff. Of course if you need to print something really huge you work with higher dpi or same dpi but different size.
The way she works is so messy, and she loses so much time doing useless things… and why for god’s sake does she do flats all on one layer?!
It’s truly a shitty flat work but for what she’s willing to pay and without any directions given I think that’s exactly what she deserves. I am trying so hard to push play again because this is seriously challenging for me to watch.
No. 484018
File: 1517161170760.png (21.49 KB, 141x100, 2018-01-28_12-38-08.png)

Shits on flatter for "being shit"
Can't even draw a container of fries
No. 484041
>>483987>"This guy I pay barely anything to flat my comic? Gosh, look at the crappy job he did!"Maybe you could get someone better it you paid them more, but that's just too wild of a concept I guess.
Also what is her deal with 300 dpi? That's a standard resolution, if you print a smaller format it's perfectly adequate. We're not talking about a billboard or poster here.
No. 484127
File: 1517167752285.png (294.99 KB, 629x437, light source.png)

>>484114"I'm so good at shading"
Where's the light source at?
No. 484164
>>484154 it's when your shading has no defined light source, or is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the drawing and the shading is like a globule of an undefined mess.
Holly here seems to be doing it but in reverse, she seems obsessed with like, back shadowing things w/gradient so I wouldn't call it pillow shading exactly but it's still a pretty undefined mess of a job.
(edited ccause i fucked up on the picture link)
No. 484172
File: 1517169366012.png (84.08 KB, 600x409, 68BCB25F-702D-4802-9E4B-F39FEE…)

>>484138Yep that and the zygomatic plane is totally flat for her
She should have “built” light into her cheekbone and maybe add some cast shadow at the side of the nose
Pic related because I fear I cannot express myself properly
(Didn’t draw the pic)
(Also I’m so tempted to just correct the shading and stuff for her but I don’t want to look like I’m showing off)
No. 484277
File: 1517175214201.png (65.33 KB, 1508x160, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 13.3…)

Thankfully not all of her followers are shit heads like their lord and savior.
No. 484282
>>483987>"Using an external hard drive won't slow down your computer when you're working with large files"Where do I even fucking begin.
Also I don't know why but her taking jabs at colorblind artists because their colors won't be "pretty" really rubbed me the wrong way too, does she even know how colorblindness works?
No. 484296
File: 1517175886589.png (1.41 MB, 1166x1208, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 13.4…)

So I'm guessing all of her machines/materials to print stickers are now gathering dust…Why didn't she just do online order in the first place???
No. 484306
>>484282I’ve known people that were really good at colouring only to find out like six months later that they were colorblind.
Yes she has no idea of how colorblindness works, bet she doesn’t even know there are different kinds, as well.
No. 484333
File: 1517177310272.png (35.47 KB, 330x159, 330px-Color_blindness.png)

>>484314She seems to think color blindless = "unable to pick harmonious colors", which is utter bs because depending on the type you just see a different spectrum of color.
No. 484422
>>484042"If she has a problem with his work, why not tell him in private?"
Oh no, not a back and fourth! She might not be able to post the vid the same day! Imagine how little time Holly gave the poor guy to do the flat in the first place.
Holly's claim to fame is all about quantity. She knows what she's posting is shit, but she's afraid NOT posting every damn thing she does will lower her to us peasants.
No. 484450
File: 1517181440043.png (10.41 KB, 592x128, 2018-01-28_18-16-36.png)

Yes, you are being one ty
No. 484474
File: 1517182506043.png (13.2 KB, 590x157, bf03845cbc6893f823df198709538f…)

She claims on her twitter that she apologized, but I honestly think she's just saying that because she got so many comments calling her out
No. 484478
>>484474She doesn't ever just take responsibility for being an ass or oversharing.
No. 484494
File: 1517183581353.png (109.03 KB, 1128x438, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 15.5…)

Why are these people sticking up for her mistakes…
No. 484625
File: 1517189963132.jpg (219.67 KB, 1450x824, Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 17.3…)

>>484494No kidding, anon. These people are spreading this information as though what Holly did wasn't even a big deal. Might be a stretch, but these people are just like when the 12 year olds defended Logan Paul for his bullshit.
No. 484630
>>484625Not comparable at all, but yes she was really unprofessional and even though she admitted she had faults in commissioning the flats, she phrased so that it was a rant against the flatter.
If what she received wasn’t good enough she should have asked the guy privately to at least do a clean job. I don’t think her bitching about color picking was a coincidence either
No. 484687
File: 1517192114008.jpg (30.39 KB, 400x446, so it begins.jpg)

>mass deletion>mentally cracking>>484668Also you are an amazing comrade thank you
No. 484758
>>484296Redbubble going like "OH GAWD NO PLEASE NOT HER FFS KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME"
I print stickers on RedBubble all the time and they come out top notch. Holly is so clueless
No. 484762
>>484751Thank you, Anon.
That's very sweet and I will pass on the blessings to my bro.
No. 484847
>>484796maybe if someone could compile a Holly cringe playlist of the reuploads i'd love you.
Also another who uses my spite for Holly as improvement fuel. It's a good example of what NOT to do so? education purposes?
No. 484994
>>484527I think she mentioned before that Herschel was supposed to be Hispanic/Latino before, but…
I dunno, it really doesn't look it.
And I dunno too many Hispanics with the name "Herschel", either. It's kind of a weird, blech name and super unrealistic of her to try to get people to believe it w/the way she depicts him.
No. 484998
>>484994>Hispanic/Latinowhat in the everloving fuck
I thought you guys were just being stingy when you all said the green haired guy was just a white dude with black skin slapped on, but holy shit this is another level. Holly is so same-facey all her characters are just white dudes lmao
(also thanks anon)
No. 485004
>>484994>>484998Herschel's last name is something hispanic, I think it was Sanchez or something. Anyway, he could be born/raised in the U.S and still have the name Herschel.. there's nothing wrong with an ethnic character having a non-ethnic first name.
and I really don't get this "her characters look white" thing. Holly draws bad cartoony shit, they all have the same dot-eyes and line mouths, how does anyone realistically expect her to make characters in her shitty style look a certain ethnic? she's not that good.
No. 485012
>>485004That's true, too, anon. I don't think ethnicity is really the issue here, and it's not like she's pushing it, so it's kind of a non-issue.
It's irrelevant at best because even if she WAS pushing it, she doesn't strike me as the type to go delving into anything beyond skin color and names. ya can't expect much outta her except laziness.
No. 485063
>>485004I should clarify that my problem with it isn't anything to do with Holly 'pandering' (which I don't think she's doing), it's literally like you said: her style is so stupid simple that she can't possibly make anyone look like they're supposed to. Literally, Herschel is just Simon's dad with a fucked up nose and weird hair.
The only reason I brought up his race at all tbh was because, in her recent vid, she colored him basically grey, like he was fucking dead, and I had no idea what she was thinking she was doing. Idgaf if she makes hispanic or black or whatever characters, but she needs to realize her character design and color choice is too shit to actually do the things she's trying to do, and I wish she would realize that for once and get better at it. Her 'style' is crippling her.
No. 485217
Finished uploading all we could find.
Prequel to my last reupload: about Anime-disliking Art Teachers: about Patreon: artistic growth imo:'ve got two more.
One is a long rant that will take another while to upload/process so I won't be able to post it yet.
The other one deals with topics that make me unsure whether I want to republish it at all or not. Still mulling that over.
These videos are all the ones we could still find. Sorry it's not more, but I feel these already give a really good overview about Holly's attitude towards her audience, work and critics.
No. 485276
>>485189I can relate a lot to this video tbh it’s one of the times I related with her so much it hurt.
My parents used to say the “must be so hard sitting in your room all day” shit. So I moved out.
I feel like she’s right to be upset but she needs to find places where she can just vent and get empathy. There’s a lot of artist discord groups that have that. I’m sure other artists can relate as well to the patronizing behavior to being an artist.
No. 485353
>>485217Pretty good anon thank you.
But fuck I wished I archived the one where it was "stop following or gtfo". Its where you hear her holding back tears and claiming your art teacher isn't a master
No. 485668
File: 1517261652176.png (908.68 KB, 1154x1134, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 13.3…)

Holly just dumped all of her sketches (not gonna post all of em cuz thats too much work), but dear god…the hands.. Wish these were uploaded before this thread was made so it could be part of the thread picture. This is Cal-Arts material, guys!!
No. 485671
File: 1517261725463.png (982.13 KB, 1198x1198, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 13.3…)

>>485668Just one more cuz ugly feet and more blobby hands
No. 485682
File: 1517262232619.png (62.33 KB, 606x446, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 13.4…)

I guess she's over the animation phase and gonna go along with storyboarding…which nowadays is very close to animating…Not sure if she can do it well cuz her storytelling and compositions are terrible and confusing.
No. 485696
>>485682I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now. She's not going to stick with it. as a board artist myself, I can tell you right now it's VERY heavy work. It's not really "easier" than animation, and like anon said, it's practically animation nowadays. She's probably just doing to try and milk the musical audience, They're pretty easy to attract.
I think if she wants to take storyboarding seriously, she's going to have to stick to comics to get an understanding of perspective because she has NONE.
GOD I can almost already see her spouting off 'storyboarding tips' like a know-it-all while you watch her do everything wrong/the exact opposite of what she's saying.
sorry for sperging but this really hit a nerve with me. saged just in case.
No. 485719
>>485708Saying she’s a comic artist is a stretch.
If she can be considred a comic artist because she shits out some poorly done pages, then she can easily be considered animator/storyboard artist if she does half hassled crap.
If we have to be blunt here, she can’t be considered any kind of professional figure. She’s amateurish at everything but she claims to be a professional artist and that’s what’s most infuriating.
No. 485736
File: 1517264065993.png (777.37 KB, 878x896, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 14.1…)

Different anon here, but I can't help but not post these weird boobs. Her tutorial videos are such a riot…
No. 485741
File: 1517264238192.png (564.32 KB, 398x714, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 14.1…)

Im not caught up with her comic, but who is this character?
No. 485753
>>485735My point is that she can claim of pursuing whatever career she wants, and be story boarder, painter, comic artist. It it’s okay to claim herself one of those titles, she can claim to be whatever she wants and that is kind of okay. She claims to be PROFESSIONALLY doing those things and that is not okay.
I don’t know if I’m making my point clear, though. I’m so sorry.
No. 486013
>>485753I agree with you exactly on this point. Claiming to be a professional when she's not can be harmful to said community as a whole, especially when she's not in a position of authority to be spouting off 'tips' she picked up from other sources, or out of her own ass that she figures are shortcuts.
She doesn't act like a working professional and her work ethic doesn't reflect that, either. She needs to realize that it's okay to say you're just a thing without saying you're a professional…
And nobody said she had to be a ray of sunshine, but she really does need to fix her attitude and humble herself a little because she's always wondering why she's got so many people 'hating' on her. She's way past the point of being excused for shitty, condescending behavior.
No. 486052
I found another short one that I forgot to upload earlier. It seems to be the oldest file out of these (last February) so yeah, she was already taking online classes throughout the other ones.
And here's the long one: No. 486244
File: 1517277887508.png (172.26 KB, 294x534, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 18.0…)

Can we take a moment to look at his foot
No. 486392
>>486244and the reference she ended up using was of that foot from a totally different perspective (I think it was actually a perspective looking up at some pirate-dude from a low angle).
Is that why all of Holly's anatomy is so weird? Because she has no idea what perspective is (as obvious by her backgrounds) so she uses refs from just ANY perspective and doesn't think it matters?
No. 486402
>>486392Oh man, if that's the case then she's going to have a
real hard time with storyboarding.
No. 486724
>>486712ow come on, it's not the first time she backpedals on her arrogance. She can say one thing and believe another, she sometimes tries to be humble and I think this is one of those instances.
If she was really that unsure she would try to better herself, don't you think?
No. 486776
>>486724Not necessarily. A lot of insecure people prefer trying to build up a shield out of fake confidence instead of showing themselves as fallible and therefore vulnerable. Especially if they feel like they will be attacked if they do.
No excuse, but definitely a common phenomenon.
No. 486833
>>486142She admits she was wrong, and said she'd be more careful ablut what she says in the voiceover, it's an okay response imo.
I think people are being harder on her in this thread than usual lol, it was shitty but she's trying to take responsibility at least. Like
>>486712 said, she's clearly very insecure and a terrible communicator, but tries to pretend otherwise.
No. 486870
File: 1517330116525.png (18.9 KB, 756x112, Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 08.3…)

Was her instagram bio always like this? I can't tell if she's trying to be edgy or it's some sort of problem
No. 487179
>>486833I agree for the most part. Maybe I'm too sympathetic because she clearly needs mental help. Being trapped physically and mentally can really make a person bitter. But that doesn't mean it's remotely ok, obviously she has to take just as much responsibility for her actions as anyone else.
I've noticed while watching her videos she will start criticizing seemingly random things that she doesn't do, unprompted. I don't follow her thought process on that. But she harps on and on about it (like the coloring thing). But then when it comes to something
she does wrong or less efficiently (such as everything on one layer, because "keeping track is hard" or whatever), she quickly spits out a flimsy excuse and moves on. I don't understand why she brings it up at all at that point but it shows she's self-aware somewhat yet then it all vanishes back under all her outward bitterness.
She's really a sadcow for me more than anything but it's a bit fascinating.
>>487039>with weird ass anatomyThat actually is a tumblr trend
No. 487571
>>487179I agree with you 100% anon. Holly is a sad, sad person, but definitely because of a lot of things like being trapped at home and having no irl friends. Honestly, her shit art doesn't make me enraged as much as it makes me sad because I can't see her changing because of the lifestyle she lives.
The thing that DOES piss me off tho is how she uses her youtube platform to basically destroy little kid's self esteem by being pessimistic about art, and also spreading lies about art techniques that would ruin a new artist. I can't help but put myself in their shoes and think of how godawful Holly makes art sound, and imagine that I would've stopped because of that stupid shit. Holly is a rare breed of lolcow that you feel sorry for, but also vehemently loathe at the same time.
No. 488144
File: 1517414498594.jpg (188.44 KB, 940x1347, ec49dfe9-55e8-4b24-8009-04d690…)

what the fuck is this paneling
No. 488247
File: 1517420685137.jpg (Spoiler Image,306.92 KB, 900x1293, 09.jpg)

>>488144Holly couldn't make her panels fit. The odd panel is the middle one, it is just one dude with no background and no text. To make more sense the first three should have been layered on top of each other, then the last two could have been the stop of a new page. But she wanted to clutter her page with nonsense and try to do something like pic related.
there just isn't enough going on in this page that excuses this, even the first two panels could have been combined too one panel. There are 5 different ways she coulda made them fit
No. 488479
File: 1517430613512.png (2.19 MB, 1038x1334, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at 12.2…)

The perspective on the buildings…holy fuck, she''s not gonna do well on storyboarding when these shit doesn't make sense.
No. 488515
>>488479I know this has been said a million times, but those goddamn glasses, every fucking time.
I wish she would at least give a story reason for why they look like that, like saying they're 'traditional' models for glasses or they're in the shape of a holy icon or something, just not "hey, I like anime so I'm gonna piss all over any atmosphere with these stupid fucking triangles!"
No. 488546
>>488479Apparently Holly fucked up on these pages aspect ratio and is going to have to redo 10 pages of her comic. Holly’s workflow just sucks. It’s always 1 step forward and 4 steps back for Holly.
Also the dumb whore uses adobe bridge on a Mac. Pretty dense in my opinion. I don’t know one illustrator or commercial artist who uses adobe bridge.
No. 488553
File: 1517434402791.png (806.75 KB, 857x530, derpspective.png)

>>488479so close yet so far
No. 488562
>>488479To be fair, that cityscape is still probably the best looking thing I've seen her draw yet from these threads. (Also in places like NYC there can be odd triangular intersections, but these buildings she drew look like they're all attached…)
>>488515The glasses make me think Homestuck every time.
No. 488769
File: 1517444253783.png (63.65 KB, 1546x230, Screen Shot 2018-01-31 at 16.1…)

These kids are becoming a spawn of Holly to a whole new level
No. 488827
>>488769and they also don't know how the english language works kek. What was the last part even supposed to say?
Also, wow at the 'crap oc' part, how much you wanna bet they posted the comment and then went back to furiously jerking off over their own rainbow Mary-Sue oc's
No. 489518
>>489511They weren’t even that good to behind with. Also I couldn’t really call that animation, looks more like an animatic or storyboard kind of thing.
But yeah two girls says art teachers are shit and the same two girls can’t draw even remotely good.
No. 489757
File: 1517523160139.jpg (511.13 KB, 1440x1800, Screenshot_20180201-230557.jpg)

>>483649Hi my name is Holly and I love bitching about people misspelling words despite not knowing how to write myself
I am seriously baffled at how she wrote "necessary" it's not that hard to Google a word if you're unsure of its spelling ??
No. 489860
>>489757I can’t stress this enough: she’s a native English speaker.
She’s supposed to know her own language. All of the people she bitched about were probably shattered all over the world and some of them spoke English as a second or third language. Still she has to complain without knowing if somebody is struggling to speak HER language to get in touch with HER or has simply problems misspelling or grammar wise.
No. 489870
>>489860Yeah she really has no right to complain. It's very inconsiderate of her if folks are at least
trying to communicate with her, but then half the time her thoughts written down are incoherent, incomplete or just badly composed.
Some folks can be so out of touch with the way they come off, but sometimes I think because Holly hates criticism, she'd rather be blissfully unaware or would rather just not care.
No. 489954
>>489948She also implies “comics” can’t be silly or without a story or a big picture behind.
Screw all the newspaper COMIC strip, I guess, or all the single panels that are WEBCOMICS and insanely popular. Screw 4komas, as well :)
Yes totally comics can be only ONE way, your way, holly. Dream it until it becomes true.
No. 490317
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No. 490319
File: 1517560036732.png (365.73 KB, 1242x1372, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 00.2…)

This one's just in case she deletes her whole spiel. Gdi, Holly is such an ass and like everyone's saying, I AM GLAD that someone called her out. How do you get upset over something like hourly comics where you it's just a fun little thing? At least most of them are more entertaining than her 50+ page comic book
No. 490321
File: 1517560481515.png (90.99 KB, 1204x518, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 00.3…)

Anyone else find it annoying when Holly keeps saying "my dudes"? It's like a 60 year old uncle who's trying to be hip
No. 490352
>>490325No, she just has to point out that comics without a story are not comics.
Because she makes story driven comics! You know what, if the story is shit and poorly written maybe it’s better NOT to do story driven comics at all.
Not all comic artists are capable of being their own scriptwriter. Holly’s a proof.
No. 490639
>>490534Which is sad because all she needs to do is just get better. She has every opportunity, going to school (albeit online, but still, she can email or skype her professors for advice), tons of fans to give her criticism (including us), and lots of money to go buy supplies. All she has to do is try.
I went thru the same thing when I was a kid, seeing my friends get better while I sucked, but you know what, Holly? Being a bitter bitch about it doesn't do anything for you, it doesn't make the better artists worse than you. It makes you an idiot because you're not improving.
She could be so good, but she CHOOSES to be angry and it's really reductive and sad.
No. 490907
File: 1517609487905.jpg (111.73 KB, 576x927, tumblr_na77mbBezh1r7c87xo1_128…)

>>488144I can forgive her for he bad anatomy and perspective, but if you're drawing comics you HAVE to understand composition. It's literally the most important part of graphic design.
No. 490932
File: 1517611391107.jpg (244.64 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_1517611098337.jpg)

Some poor sap bought this print from Holly… Where's the rest of the background?? Pretty sure the original is up thread or in the previous one. It had a side table with bottles and stuff on it.
This looks so bad and this person paid for international shipping rip
No. 490949
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No. 490952
File: 1517612640276.png (749.16 KB, 1490x866, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 15.0…)

wtf is wrong with his face…his nose and mouth are so unflattering
No. 490969
>>490935I’m so mad.
She’s like I’m all passionate about comics I read comics I draw comics
Didn’t she just read like two mangas and half a webcomic?! How dares she decide what’s a comic and what’s not.
I’ve always done full story hourly comics and I love story driven comics, but there’s absolutely NOTHING WRONG in the kind of comics she despises.
Most of them are done by people who work full time in animation or comics and still want to promote the event doing simple hourly sketches of their daily life. SO WHAT. Just because it’s not entertaining for YOU it doesn’t mean it’s not a fucking comic.
She denies the existence of one panel Comics, of comic strips with no continuity, and pretty much everything that’s not what SHE does.
Just because you’re lucky enough to be able to draw all day your stuff doesn’t mean that everybody can produce 24 full pages in a day. People work, have families, that’s why it’s simpler to just make updates about your day especially when your followers might want to know what you do for a living.
I did the hourly something like five or six times. Every time it was a story comic. We used to sit in circle and do it with professionals and students and amateurs (basically we had meeting points for this challenge but I remember it being called differently) and everybody did something different and unique. And I never got offended if somebody put less effort than me or if they didn’t have plot or if they were just doing a story about looking for ideas for a story. The point of this day is to make people draw and talk about comic, it’s supposed to be funny. Thank you for killing this for all of us. Of course you know better.
Fucking bitter ignorant b*tch.
No. 490980
File: 1517613779516.png (84.4 KB, 1064x462, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 15.1…)

This bitch has gone too far with this bullshit. And yes, Holly. I WOULD buy one of those comics like "Precious Rascals" by Anthony Holden. They're hell of a lot more entertaining than your shit. Not everything has to be serious. Has she even ever taken a class on comics or tried to research? I just can't with this girl.
No. 490981
File: 1517613796506.jpeg (56.57 KB, 640x253, 75ED7456-03B1-486B-890B-CFDCF6…)

Samefag but this is what I was referring to:
Glad I’m not seeing things, they ARE separate events
No. 490986
File: 1517614047173.png (173.9 KB, 1550x684, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 15.2…)

Im glad that not everyone's a delusional kid
No. 490988
File: 1517614133822.png (50.84 KB, 1524x132, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 15.2…)

This person makes no sense
No. 491021
>>491013They called her out real good on the video she deleted when she talked shit on her flatter she hired for peanuts. She walked back, not
too hard but, it was clearly too much for her. She can dish it but can't take it.
No. 491025
>>491021Yes but that was like one in a hundred, so to speak…
Maybe people are starting to react because they got sick of her after that video?
No. 491046
File: 1517618803100.png (14.63 KB, 528x268, kj.PNG)

Here we go
No. 491055
>>491046Must have burned so hard.
SO hard.
Now I’m sad she deleted the video.
No. 491059
File: 1517619253644.png (5.03 KB, 372x87, what.PNG)

>>491046>unrealistically thick skinHolly talks big game all the time tho, but when people serve it back she can't take it, like at all.
It's not unrealistic to think that if you have hard opinions on something, you better be prepared to take the criticisms/opinions against it
No. 491075
File: 1517620324647.png (146.26 KB, 750x1334, A6CB6352-F1A3-4933-B315-C29498…)

No. 491079
File: 1517620742332.jpg (2.75 MB, 1433x2001, crap.jpg)

Anybody noticed how she twisted her dialogue with Monique? She made it sound like she was attacked for no reason; oh and of course she had to mock M.
I don't think she should stop posting or expressing her own opinions, she just needs to learn that if you say something rude, people can come off as rude as well. It's called reaction.
No. 491087
File: 1517621350208.png (173.38 KB, 750x1334, FA5DEFC4-626F-4809-9974-CDE735…)

Sorry for posting part of the same image again but wanted it to go with her next message to Holly
No. 491123
File: 1517623417507.png (1.94 MB, 2490x1470, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 7.59…)

So I just checked and Holly took down all of her 100 Days of Making Comix vids… Interesting that someone who is ~so tuff~ cannot handle criticism. As another anon said, she can dish it out but she can't take it
No. 491124
>>491115She even ADMITTED to have read basically nothing but mangas in her life, yet she claims to know more about comics than everybody else.
Like yes okay I understand you don’t like that kind of mini comic… but what, you don’t like it so it’s not a comic? Just shrug it off, ffs
No. 491131
So I guess that means she quit the 100 day challenge, then.
>>491129She absolutely will not be making any money from porn art, if her nsfw drawings are any indication of that.
Or maybe she will. The audience for porn may surprise us. Especially when it's targeted to fujoshi…
It's a bad move either way because the majority of the following she accumulated is like teenagers, so, like. I wouldn't if I was her.
No. 491138
>>491129Yeah, she WISHES she could draw porn for a living.
Fun fact: tons of well known comic artists started out with a side job as porn artists, often under cover because they didn’t want to be recognised. But yes sure let’s talk shit about a whole genre of comics, like porn is a bad thing or easier to draw.
The most damaging part of her art is her head. I wish she could find some sort of inner stability.
No. 491147
>>491131Yeah I didn’t think she would actually do it. It just irks me that anytime she “gives up” she States right after that she’ll start drawing porn.
Fuck I doubt even fujoshis would find her art appealing when it comes to porn. I don’t think she sold many of her NSFW comic.
>>491135It may be easy money but from the way she talks about doing commissions she’ll never actually do it.
Let’s hope so anon
>>491138Kek. I agree. Also I didn’t know that about artists in the community thanks for sharing that’s a pretty interesting tid-bit
Thanks everyone for answering! I had no fucking clue why she decided to bring that up every time she gets frustrated. Like I’ve stated before it irks me that she does it.
No. 491155
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No. 491157
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No. 491159
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No. 491165
>>491159If that’s really the case then she should learn how to properly speak. She’s not being blunt, she’s being offensive and explained why everything is the way she says it is. When called out, she deleted everything. How is that expressing an opinion?
You can say “your jacket is so ugly it’s insulting my eyes” and be blunt but if you say “you fucker what did you have in mind buying that ugly jacket? It’s as cheap as your ass, for god’s sake if you intend of buying a jacket buy the brand I wear. ‘Cause everything else is shit and so are you” … well that’s an insult
No. 491168
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No. 491169
File: 1517625787676.png (135.54 KB, 750x1334, EB38F386-F23E-4065-A5A7-C989D9…)

No. 491176
File: 1517626010559.png (164.76 KB, 750x1334, 94D68C24-9DEF-4DE3-9FF1-FED437…)

No. 491186
File: 1517626500336.png (147.01 KB, 750x1334, 4F9F36EC-B90D-48FD-BD51-AC2139…)

No. 491203
File: 1517627519129.png (138.71 KB, 750x1334, 2F7A3CE4-E387-445A-A52B-94635B…)

No. 491210
File: 1517628101235.png (172.36 KB, 750x1334, BFB322D8-819B-414E-AB5C-84B5DB…)

No. 491213
>get criticism over (insulting) opinion>"wow call-out culture is so toxic"if you wanna be the person that's blunt and "offensive" you gotta be able to take the criticism that comes with that. You can't expect to say shit like that and have no one react. Not everyone's going to kiss your ass.
how can she lack so much self-awareness?
i was kind of warming up to her lately because it seemed like she was owning up to her mistakes, but this just ruined it all.
No. 491216
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No. 491227
File: 1517629005678.png (183.75 KB, 750x1334, 6415A93C-16CF-4960-866A-DC82FB…)

No. 491228
>>491216She needs to be more positive…the never ending shooting herself down is making her like this. She DOES need help. It never hurts to go look for a therapy or someone to talk to. Her audience wants her to improve, but honestly she's doing this all to herself and it's not because of the "haterzz"
>>491226>>491213I def agree with both of you. We were going in a direction of "ok, yeah! this is small start, but better than nothing", but now it just turned ugly af.
No. 491233
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No. 491246
File: 1517629969934.png (84.74 KB, 750x1334, 92DE7069-C9FF-479A-A305-005991…)

So not deleted forever I guess
No. 491255
File: 1517630167958.png (61.11 KB, 1060x346, Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 19.5…)

>>491246in response to this….
I question everyone who's an avid fan of her shit.."Positive influence"???? Bitch, where?
No. 491265
>>491233I was agreeing with Monique and tried to be respectful and Holly blocked me. I actually wish she'd get help or really move out and make friends, I really appreciate Monique speaking out about everything.
>>491246>>491250It doesn't really make sense if she puts it in a Playlist, but deleting it would erase the views from her channel.
No. 491267
>>491265I saw you anon. You were very respectful but Holly is a spiteful bitch.
I didn’t think to add in your responses when I was screenshotting everything.
No. 491268
>>491255I don’t know what it is about newer artists who feel they need to follow the “influencers” (used very loosely) who have the loudest and rudest voices.
Holly does not give “tough love” or anything even remotely called criticism; she voices her opinions in the nastiest way possible and people listen to her because they think she’s “just speaking her mind,” “speaking her truth,” or fighting the status quo.
Holly is bitter and depressed from drawing 12hrs a day locked up in her room. She needs to step back from herself and take care of her mental health.
No. 491273
>>491267They wouldn't have added much, anyway. It just seemed as if Monique was on her own and I wanted to back her up, one of Holly's fans even told her to fuck off. Very fitting fanbase.
>>491268Maybe because it's 'edgy'? Holly does post very regularly, which a lot of art channels don't. But other than that I really don't understand why people like her and Bailey have a large following. I guess it's hard to tell what's genuine/good advice when you're young or just starting out.
No. 491278
>>491216please, everybody be considerate! Treat her with the same respect— wait.
>>I don't partecipate in the youtube artist collective because people hate me! so mean! what did I do wrong?!MAYBE you're a total ass 24/7??
It's so good when the bully plays the victim, don't you think? Gee it's infuriating how she manipulate reality just to get attention.
She should have had the decency of at least deleting the videos. But of course not. It was just a prank!
GOT YOU SCARED, HUH? Don't call out my bs anymore otherwise I will do it for real next time!
>>491268That's not only that, you know. I know people who are locked in house and draw for the same amount of time if not more (depending on the deadline) and they don't feel the need to shit on other people.
She obvs need to take care of herself in many ways, but the things she REALLY needs are a reality check and growing a pair.
>>491273yeah that's a mystery. Somebody theorized she has a huge following because kids see thi "adult" being rude and unrespectful and think it's cool and the right way to act so they are justified to pursue bad behaviours.
No. 491372
>>491046She wishes she could draw porn for money. Her art style and anatomy would make dicks recede.
>>491096Thank you! I'll be watching this later. Glad someone saved it. Her bitterness intrigues me and I'm glad she's getting told off for being so shitty to other people. Too bad she has to try to justify her way out of being at fault whatsoever instead of actually learning from her experiences.
No. 491432
File: 1517646092204.png (64.38 KB, 1198x280, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 00.2…)

Wow, she's actually opening commissions. Wonder how much bitching she's gonna post about
No. 491441
File: 1517646853413.png (190.21 KB, 1566x650, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 00.3…)

People are questioning on her latest video about the "drama"
No. 491465
File: 1517651894813.jpg (26.62 KB, 527x543, 1512358316961.jpg)

ok Holly is purging her whole account right now it seems
No. 491473
>>491459Is she… crying?
I can't even tell if I'm feeling more angry than sorry for her tbh… She obv wasn't mentally ready to put herself out there, it's well-known that every semi-famous person accumulates at least some hate and gossip around them. You have to grow a pair if you want to have a big online presence.
Of course we know that this "hate" in her case is more like being called out on repeatedly being an asshole. Internet isn't your personal hugbox, Holly, deal with it. Being rude isn't an "opinion".
She's acting very immature. It infuriates me that she aspires to be a professional artist, but throws tantrums over and over again. And I'm actualy a bit worried for her well-being at this point, she sounds and acts like she's seriously depressed and lost in life.
No. 491481
>>491477She does not seem to. it would seem she is very grudgeon-hearted and sits on the sidelines watching other artists and their friends have fun while shes in some corner by herself talking smack about how "stupid" everyone else is for having fun instead of "working hard" like her.
like I've said before, I've never really seen or known her to help another artist out (tutorials dont count), shout fellow artists out that she likes or attempt to interact in a polite manner with anyone. it's sad, but only she can make those steps to becoming more than who she is right now. she has to want it, and it seems like she doesnt.
No. 491496
File: 1517655605946.jpg (1.31 MB, 1972x2785, BGen_Carol_Mutter_DM-SC-97-001…)

Honestly, you guys are pretty bad. You're all too mean. It's not good. You should all be nicer. All your "complaints" about how "awful" she is are dumb, they're inconsequential. You're all far worse than she is. So, If you want to be mean to someone deserving, go say mean things to a mirror.
No. 491506
>>484902Man every time holly says "um" I think an angel dies
lol i swear all i ever hear "um, burp, sniff, hard sniff. slurp and lips smack" more than actual words, Well that and "fuck, shit, stupid" to name a few yikes i feel bad for her cause she has only negative descriptive words…
No. 491511
File: 1517656571402.jpg (1.86 MB, 2840x1850, Crosbie_Saint.jpg)

>>491499You spend too much time on BULLY FORUMS, you've forgotten what sincerity looks like.
>>491459Is she deleting comments? I scrolled through them a bit and only saw extremely positive comments gushing about how sorry they are. I found one comment telling her she needs a thicker skin and lo and behold she had responded to it about 30 minutes ago! Naturally she snapped at the person. That was the only comment I saw that wasn't ridiculously sweet, and considering how recently sure had responded to it, it seemed quite possible she is screening/deleting comments.
>>491473To me, it sounded like she had just been crying and was still sniffing.
I don't want to see her doing this. She's so isolated and that almost certainly has influenced her attitude and lack of tact, and why she is constantly having to put her foot in her mouth. She needs to realize that negativity only breeds further negativity, including berating herself. She has to deliberately make a concerted effort to better herself in order to see improvements in how people perceive her.
I really worry about her being so depressed and only further isolating herself. I hope she gets help, even someone to talk to who isn't necessarily a therapist. Her over sharing is common with people who don't get enough social interaction.
It just worries me a lot to see someone so clearly depressed doing rash/drastic things. Not a wk, just a fellow depressed person. She's entertaining to cringe watch but I hope she gets even a little better mentally.
sorry for rambling a bit
No. 491542
>>491478>>491530If she really is crying/was right before that video, she really shouldn't have put it up… I get it, she really must be upset and acting solely on her emotions, but this is the point when you really should step away from the computer, take a deep breath, calm down and rethink your choices. This is a kind of rant you put up on your personal blog or bring up in convo with friends, not the one to upload on the huge channel that can potentially make or break your career.
The thing about the comments really shows that she should consider taking a break. You're right, she just digs through the giant stacks of positive ones without paying attention to them, looking for the even slightly negative ones to reply to. I don't know if it's a common practice in the youtube community, but it seems like an unhealthy thing to do in her situation, even more so lurking here (pretty sure the remarks on people calling her racist and homophobic are in regards to her threads?)
No. 491543
Non ass-pat comment spotted! It will be
deleted in 3…2…1….
>>491537Because she doesn’t think about what she’s doing and doesn’t use PROPER references. She should practice more anatomy and more basic perspective, as… you know… bodies move in space. Bodies are masses and you’re supposed to apply perspective on them too.
No. 491572
File: 1517666794485.png (171.21 KB, 805x944, comment.png)

Seems like she just deleted this one
No. 491597
File: 1517669755799.png (436.95 KB, 1272x1314, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 9.55…)

No. 491602
>>491597It's funny how she shades Monique by calling her healthy when she literally has a fatal illness kek
Also Holly people worry about your health because you post shit about how you're depressed and used yo self harm all the time it's not out of nowhere
This is such bullshit honestly all it is is her being harsh and "blunt" and not being able to deal with others doing the same back. If anyone is a hypocrite it's her she says she can't say shit because of PC culture but then gets butthurt because people are hurting her feelings? Lolk
No. 491605
>>491597>>assuming everybody worried about her are healthyI am in a dark place mentally speaking, and still I wish she could get help… because she’s only getting worse by herself. How am I being better than anybody else if I’m an anon? I should be allowed to say all the nasty things in my brain and that’s it. If you put your face into it maybe yes some could be doing it to look better in the eyes of holly and the readers but again what’s the point? We’re not playing pity challenge here, she has to stop thinking her life is the only one messed up. You can be judged by healthy or unhealthy people, and just like you hate people assuming you have mental illnesses people can get pissed if you think nobody else is fragile.
She is more toxic for those who are already compromised and depressed.
No. 491610
>>491597I'm not really sure where she's even getting that whole "people call me racist and homophobic and I can't say anything anymore because muh PC culture" thing from? Most of the criticism against her seems to be that she's being a petty bitch for no reason, not that she's saying ~
problematic~ stuff? I mean, I do remember some anons claimed she's a "homophobe" in the previous (?) thread but there were plenty of others who disagreed with them, so even "hate forums" like this don't give her that much shit for being "non-PC", it's mostly just about her general rudeness.
No. 491705
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No. 491708
>>491597She doesn’t understand that no one is blaming her because she’s opening commissions, but it IS bad and sad when you talk shit about what people want to be drawn. Who would want to buy from somebody who’s making fun of you or totally hates your OCs? I know work is work and I doubt somebody genuinely loves doing commissions if not for the money, but some opinions are better off unsaid.
It’s not the commenters who ruin her business, it’s her attitude and the way she can’t be bothered to tone down arguments.
No. 491739
>>491703."im sick of the drama over every little thing I say"
."fuck the art community"
we don't like you either please go away
No. 491764
>>491756It's weird that I discovered her a few years ago (but didn't subscribe since her style isn't really my taste) after seeing some of her Rendr Sketchbooks, and seeing her now… it actually feels kinda sad tbh.
>>491758It's weird that she claims to have a blunt and take no shit personality but at the same time she's being a dick to other people. Like the thing with her flatter. She did admit her mistake of not providing colors but she had to cross the line by shitting on him in the video.
Also the fact that she draws 12 hours a day iirc is both good and bad for her. Good because she seemed like she had a good work ethic but judging from her process she didn't work smarter. Bad because I know a lot of people who get affected by this (a friend of mine only had one meal for a week since she needed to finish her work for a studio) and I kinda hoped Holly would interact more with irl ppl.
>I like how now that she’s getting negative feedback she exclaims “Stop guys you’re hurting my business reeeeeee!” Excuse me? Holly your face and name is your fucking brand and the shit you spew from your mouth is what is impacting your sales and business.This is what happens when someone takes everything, even criticisms as an attack. Very unprofessional.
No. 491772
>>491764She needs another job. 12 hours a day should be a much better artist, and she obviously is constantly pissed off by the whole thing. She loves comics, just do art as a hobby not a job and you will learn to love it again.
Plus, quit with the attitude, delete and block all the negative people and start a new channel/new content. There's plenty of grumpy youtube artists but it is not a healthy path, especially if what is posted above is true and she is not talking to anyone except family and net folk. That's not so bad in itself buy when it's all trollin' and complaining it's bad
No. 491892
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Such a great influencer amongst the youngsters.
No. 491903
>>491892That poor fucker should be angry at holly, not the other commenters.
It was her decision to do this and that and unlist/delete stuff. Nobody asked for it. Nobody really accused of what she is all defensive about.
Being a crappy clog of grudge is not the only other option to the bubbly polite cookie cutter artists on yt
No. 491950
File: 1517692895224.jpg (43.62 KB, 542x466, 1513801525050.jpg)

>>491597>>491705Why do all the people who annoy me overuse "dude(s)" or say "my dude(s)"?
No. 491954
File: 1517693123545.png (60.7 KB, 1452x210, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 13.2…)

I feel like these people don't know the entire information/story to these "dramas" that Holly makes for herself. Misguided anger????
No. 491957
>>491954This might be the most delusional comments I've seen her fans post.
She isn't getting hate because she's successful, she's getting hate because she's a giant hypocrite with an awful attitude
She needs help not asspats
No. 491967
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Holly's video is misguiding these people at what the issue is. Making herself the victim and acting like a 13 year old threatening to take down her videos when she doesn't even follow through. These dramas are only created because she did it to herself. And for the viewers that are reading this thread, I want you guys to clear your head from the rage and think carefully on why we act this way.
No. 491980
File: 1517694740850.png (203.5 KB, 394x523, 1506154302349.png)

>>491642>>491689Might be because of her doing stupid shit like this No. 491992
>>491990Its a link to an uploaded webm
People using Apple products might have issues opening them.
No. 492008
File: 1517696105823.jpg (112.39 KB, 572x303, 1506874778824.jpg)

>>491954Wow that shit was really awful and immature (I kinda feel bad for the romanian one, Holly kept talking over her)
While I don't know very much about relationship she has with her sibling, I think Holly has had somewhat of a rough life and maybe that's why she acts the why she does
No. 492018
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when her fans make her characters look better than they actually are.
No. 492022
>>492012She's not wrong, but it's cringey to talk about it when your art/persona is your career. It's best to just not talk politics around your fans, no matter what your opinion.
Wondering why she draws tumblrstyle, though, especially with all the mystery meat brown characters she draws.
No. 492023
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Who dis
No. 492030
File: 1517697502695.png (336.09 KB, 1522x842, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 14.3…)

Waiting for this to be responded, if not then deleted
No. 492031
>>492022Agreed it doesn’t matter what her political views are if she wants to be a professional artist she claims to be she needs to shut up and focus on her work. Trying to pull punches in every directions is what is causing all the ire from everyone around her.
Also her stans are clearly tweens and the fact she acts like she doesn’t know her own analytics is fucking laughable. There’s a reason only a small percentage of her fan base is actually buying her merch.
No. 492045
File: 1517698473607.png (3.87 MB, 1172x6948, noporn.png)

>>492031I also don't understand why she is making so much merch for a comic that only has three pages. Most of the characters haven't been introduced yet and we don't know anything about them, why would I care about merch?
I know that she makes them for money, but it would be wiser to spend more time on the comic first or make more general merch/new ones for her old comic.
But yeah, it's clear how old her fanbase is and I'm still surprised how badly she handled the whole situation.
In other news, she opened up her commissions and surprisingly doesn't allow them to be nsfw. Her prices are fair, I think.
No. 492046
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No. 492047
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No. 492048
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>>492040Q u a l i t y. Crab hands are delicious.
No. 492049
File: 1517698607561.jpeg (143.38 KB, 750x886, 4343B40A-342C-4DB8-BDC2-CCD275…)

Found these in her comic section.
No. 492051
File: 1517698790495.png (49.61 KB, 1503x178, fji.PNG)

someone's trying to get the calarts reupload taken down
No. 492052
File: 1517698792000.png (33.2 KB, 1522x134, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 14.5…)

Looks like someone found that cal arts rant.
No. 492065
File: 1517699307632.jpeg (128.23 KB, 750x584, 554387C3-0B21-4CBB-99EE-222941…)

M also responded to Holly on her newest video
No. 492066
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No. 492076
>>492070No doubt. I can kind of see her needing to do refunds honestly. I kind of have this bad feeling about her doing commissions and I don't know why.
But that's exactly the point being proven here, if she's gonna act like a bitch, I wouldn't hire her. The fact that she got a lot of commissions makes me uneasy, more for the client than her.
Sincerely, good luck to her, but I doubt it's going to last.
No. 492092
>>492088>all that bullshit with the "inbred" cherry on topC'mon, can we not.
>>492090I don't think she wants to appear professional, just a "cool" nonchalant girl who says what she wants and is also good at art. Kinda chuuni.
No. 492103
>>492096Well then I guess she has no idea what being a professional means.
I think she probably thinks it means just making a super serious comic with a long story. Anyone who has fun drawing is not a professional.
No. 492105
>>492007Probably part of why she took down her vlog channel, she talked about shit like that all the time. While I think she's wrong and most of her views are shitty, it wouldn't matter if she wasn't dragging that shit over her "professional" presence. That's some Istebrak-tier shit.
>>492087Her prices are fine imo. A lot of artists grossly undercharge for their commissions and it just hurts everyone.
No. 492106
>But I feel as a "professional" she'd have an eye for style.On that last point, anon, there's
no accounting for taste…
No. 492111
>>492106Duno, I think a big part of the reason why Holly's art is bad is because it's too lifeless. Her traditional work doesn't seem to have the same problem. Well, it does, but to a lesser extent. I would think she'd notice the difference and try to emulate her traditional work digitally.
I would say she's benefit from using a slightly textured brush pen, or even just adding some noise to her art. Her art currently is not crisp, clean, or focused enough to get away with the unforgiving digital hardbrush. I feel you have to have a deep understanding of line weight and quality to benefit from using it.
No. 492113
>>492105She's charging $25 for flat and uneven line work. You don't charge others what you wouldn't pay for.
(side note if this doesn't get quoted then oops in advance)
No. 492116
>>492107I think you misunderstood the last part. I think Holly thinks that anyone having fun drawing is not a professional. She complains so much about other artists, mainly because they do whimsical, pointless, or "baby" art while she is creating "real" art.
It is common for some artists to think the more you suffer drawing, the more professional you are. Apparently she revises her work way too many times and frequently throws her drawings away. I think she's bitter af at her skill and output level, and is irritated at other artists who just draw for fun.
No. 492129
>>492045For her quality I expect $15 line and $20 for commissions
Also I secretly want her to do more porn, her porn is so bad it's funny
No. 492144
File: 1517703267748.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.69 KB, 900x822, 1503849880809.jpg)

>>492136>>492130You telling you don't like backwards penis?
No. 492145
>>492130Spoiler: it’s ugly af.
Boobs are sentient and she doesn’t know where to place the frenulum.
No. 492154
>>492152Rendr sketchbook tour.
There were something like four videos total on YT centered about that brand.
No. 492177
File: 1517705121768.png (Spoiler Image,787.08 KB, 776x536, help.png)

>>492130This gem was in her first thread. A sight to behold.
Sage for old stuff
No. 492184
>>492177This is so unsexy I feel like I'm looking at a child posing nude, but with a giant chin.
This is one of the few times I feel uneasy looking at porn.
No. 492189
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No. 492190
>>492186Yeah she said she aged the characters up to draw them in porn. The only difference to Simon being older is that his hair is longer.
She had a whole debacle about whether she should/shouldn’t draw porn of them because they’re kids in the comic. Eventually she made sketches and even a mock cover if I remember correctly? With Damien and Simon older together. Damien having short hair and Simon with longer hair.
No. 492196
>>492179Yeah it was something like that. There was no plot kek. She wanted to just draw porn. The bare bones of a story is the guy naked is sick and human so they’re looked up to like royalty? And the alien dude fucking him is his bodyguard??? That takes care of him and was assigned to him or something.
Also that whole comic has no real borders. It all looks like shit.
No. 492208
>>491597At the end of this, is she claiming she'd be more mentally sound if she wasn't being criticized? That's such a shitty thing to say as she's effectively saying "You all made me do this." I've yet to see a single person actually wishing for this, before or after she did it. Also note how many of her sentences contain the words shit or fuck. So professional. It's definitely the haters ruining her image, though!!! /s
Also I feel that those of us (myself included) who battle depression and have tried to move forward can very clearly and easily see how she surrounds herself with self-destructive behavior and thoughts, because many of us have been there to varying degrees.
I really feel that the isolation is the worst thing for her. 12 hours a day drawing means so little time for anything else, for breaks, for enjoying other interests/hobbies, for socializing…
Her voice always sounds like she's 100% miserable. That is not healthy or normal and that is a good reason for people, even ~mentally healthy~ people, to start seeing at least a few red flags.
Also as others said, how dare she shit on people worrying about her mental health when she's basically shown off cutting marks in the past? She could at least show some appreciation for people caring, but she can't even bring herself to see it as such. Ffs.
And the comment deletion just makes me hate her all over again. Why fucking make a video like that and then delete any comment that isn't positive, even neutral comments? She shouts how little she cares while constantly proving how much she DOES. But she is so blind to how to turn around any of these situations or impressions. She needs to stop. Not meaning suicide as some anons unfortunately suggested, but she legit needs to CHANGE. ANYTHING.
Sadcow who could be less sad but won't making me sperg over here.
Also I too would never hire someone with that kind of attitude toward art for others. inb4 she stops accepting commissions and/or talks shit about them again.
This bashing of people caring/worrying about her reminds me of Lainey when people were initially sympathetic toward her and how she flat out mocked them on video with Onion instead. But Holly doesn't even have any sort of companion. Girl really needs a friend (that she spends TIME WITH) goddamn.
>>491967God I hate people who type like this.
>>492041This is a good analogy. The same approach applies to her life and socializing.
>>492058This please
No. 492220
>>492190Jesus, alright then. Thanks for letting me know.
Even worse when you realise her fanbase is mostly teens.
No. 492234
>>492219Agreed. She was very open about her arms when the first few fans of her pointed out in her comments. She can’t hide that shit and I won’t fault her for her past.
I will only fault her on her actions here and now.
No. 492255
>>492240People found Rebecca Sugar’s nsfw art and that’s not affected her career.
I don’t want Holly to make tons of porn but drawing slightly dubious shit doesn’t seem a problem in a lot of art fields.
No. 492262
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No. 492291
>>492287Nah, she ain't one of those. She's not sick like that, she's just pandering, honestly.
Purgatory is kind of a drag though, and I agree that she needs to really reconsider what she's doing with the comic long term. I remember her saying she wanted to do a volume 2 sometime in the future, but she's got so many projects pulling her in different directions.
No. 492294
>>492144Sigh, he's holding him like a fucking piece of paper in the second one.
I never understood how Holly became so popular with shit art and shit attitude. Some mistakes are just so basic it reeks of someone who never tries to properly study bodies and rely on memories.
>>492047That person is entirely right. Getting along with people in the studio is plain essential, and studios are usually closely linked together.
It's incredible how she aknowledge that people talking shit about her is harming her brand but can't link her bad attitude to the backlash, even when people explain it in a very simple manner. Incredible.
I'm pretty sure that she's so bad at interacting with people because she never gets out of her house and socialize.
No. 492313
>>492287No I was not trying to imply that when I brought up her aging up her characters. I was bringing it up because I thought it was stupid, tacky, and brought no purpose to her work. Another anon pointed out she never even really went through with the porn comic because she realized it wouldn’t make her money. She spent a ton of time on it and a ton of time flip/flopping on whether she would ever do it.
To me it shows she has no fucking direction with her work. It’s constantly been like this. First purgatory she got bored went to paranormal, stopped that to start animatics and hated that so she went to try full animating, found it was hard and jumped to storyboarding, hated it and now has gone back to paranormal and animatics.
No. 492342
>>492219Sorry, I worded it poorly. They were visible. People saw them. Stills of them have been posted in these threads.
I'm saying that it's fairly common knowledge because of that, so it's especially shitty to shit all over people who dare state concern for her mental wellbeing. I hope this was more clear from the rest of my post.
I didn't mean she was literally showing off/flaunting them, and it wasn't some personal attack against self harmers in general as I've even fallen into that category in the past. Calm down.
>>492234I'm saying she's clearly struggled
at least in the past, and the proof is visible/tangible. So it's not unreasonable for people to worry about how she's doing or if she's struggling with anything. She's the one being unreasonable toward people who express concern.
Her depression likely never went away, just potentially how she handles it. Obviously neither way is handling it very well. But no I am not shitting on her for her cuts. It's just more evidence justifying people's very warranted concerns.
>>492334Agreed, I don't think it would be good to commission her. She can lie in the bed she made for herself, anyway.
Though a small part of me would like to see a comic about her improving her life, kek
No. 492351
>>492342We’re in total agreement anon. Yeah I think you might have worded your post a bit off that it could definitely be taken the wrong way.
With her past depression and even her discussing how she dropped out of college for a time before doing online classes it definitely is concerning for others.
Thank you for clarifying yourself.
No. 492385
File: 1517715975653.jpg (179.7 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_1517715851518.jpg)

Yet again one of Holly's fans draws her characters better than she does.
No. 492389
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No. 492406
>>492385I think it’s really sweet that Holly is getting fan art drawings of her characters.
I don’t want Holly to do anything harmful to herself. (Isolating herself, hurting herself, etc.)
I want her to improve but she deserves honest criticism. I’m worried about Holly’s future if this is how she handles critique…
No. 492436
File: 1517719515613.jpg (45.89 KB, 244x275, pt.jpg)

i'm just saying, we do have board-tans of lolcow & the old admin floating around. that's ripe material for commission, imho. unless it'd be considered cowtipping to a degree…?
No. 492448
File: 1517720026617.png (178.07 KB, 391x306, 1493411649535.png)

>mfw Holly is almost like me minus being internet famous, being a jerk to critique
how do I not be lazy? It's one of my biggest enigmas that stuck on me forever.
I get tired mentally whenever I work on an illustration or sketch for 35 min. I try to fix mistakes I see or practice getting used to techniques but I still feel lazy/its not enough.
Does any other artfags relate?
No. 492612
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Uhm… like… she’s guilty of that too? And with crotches as well…
No. 492635
File: 1517755610154.png (460.37 KB, 750x1334, F48B72FA-1D3C-4A7E-B323-7640D8…)

i would ask for a fucking refund, jesus.
No. 492691
File: 1517762077988.png (64.54 KB, 194x290, Capture.PNG)

where the fuck is the shading
No. 492757
File: 1517766245176.jpeg (57.95 KB, 640x165, 97B58619-6F3D-438B-B566-5CB657…)

Tried to look it up on YT, this was one of the results. Help.
I would have done a response video myself but the tweens power is sincerely frightening.
No. 492801
>>492755Yeah. no, I'm not watching 40 min of that, their voice is so grating and the audio is straight doodoo.
and if they don't know anything then why the fuck are they making a 40 min rant without checking the facts. it's not hard.
what a waste of time.
No. 492879
File: 1517773091596.png (59.41 KB, 1682x120, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 11.3…)

As suspected, she's just another Holly fan who made a video "white knighting" her based on no information. meh
No. 492907
>>492893Was that the Hamilton thing? Pretty sure she got tired of it after the first couple of frames.
There was also that "short film project" she planned to make about that little chef guy or whatever but I think she abandoned that, too.
No. 492909
File: 1517775669961.gif (1.86 MB, 500x400, 1511382957693.gif)

>>492635>mfw Holly gets tons of commissions even tho her art is mediocre and there's a plethora of amazing artists out there offering commissionsThe art world is so cruel and frustrating lmao
No. 492942
>>492635This is so close to being decent, it's actually frustrating to look at.
One good thing about the quantitiy of art she produces is that at least people should get their stuff fairly quickly.
No. 492952
File: 1517778500606.gif (1.09 MB, 478x360, 36qhZfO1tt9lrzo3_500.gif)

>>492918>she will spend everything in useless crap and then complain again about needing money.urgh don't remind me
No. 492960
>>492635Holly is so toxic that whenever she does something remotely clean people are falling over themselves because wow, this time she didn't bitch about how long it took, or how the shading was annoying her !
I'm even guilty of that because this drawing looks better than whatever she actually produced recently, but looking closely is nothing but this awful gradient shading I'm starting to hate, those flat eyes and a character trying to dislocate her own shoulder.
And for $40. Mate you should have rather went to go see a movie and order pizza w/ sides for that price.
No. 492973
File: 1517778931851.jpg (90.91 KB, 336x442, 1482936144180.jpg)

>>492948>i could be making so much more money with commissions yeah the fuck right bitch.
No. 493137
>>492691A lot of areas seem to be unshaded completely, and it doesn't seem to just be stylistic. Like the entire back of the chair - the rest of the chair is shaded. Her calves are another example; the shoes are shaded, the knees are shaded, and that makes the calves look completely flat.
Also the hands and face. Again, neck is shaded, so… confusing.
It seems like she gave up half or 3/4 of the way through.
I don't really like nitpicking art to such extents but
someone paid for this, so.
And yeah it's still better than most of what she draws. Probably because the character isn't designed by someone who tends to portray humans as half alien or something.
>>492909i feel u
Also so much love to reupload anon(s). Holly is truly a "delete fucking everything" cow now.
>>493034I think they're supposed to be unlisted but in a playlist now, which defeats the purpose pretty much. Unless she took them down for reals after that.
I wish she'd just fucking
own her behavior if she's never going to learn from her mistakes or change. Being a blunt bitch and then being a coward afterwards takes a lot of the punch out of it. I do believe she sometimes doesn't realize how she's coming off, but it's happened so much that you'd think she'd try to self-monitor even a little. People would be so much less irate at her fuckups if she'd give a sincere apology and MAYBE even talk about how she'll work to be better going forward.
I can dream, I suppose.
No. 493177
>>493156Her lineart is even worse than her under drawing.. wtf, why Holly
Why does she work so hard to make things look worse
No. 493185
>>493156>>493177Her sloppy black and white cartoony underdrawings look a lot better than the scratchy digital lines she puts over them. Holly could make a really quirky, creepy looking comic if she just let loose.
Instead of looking like a amateur-ish cartoon, her art looks like bottom of the barrel tumblr style.
No. 493209
File: 1517791435926.jpg (63.99 KB, 720x555, _20180204_164257.JPG)

I didn't expect she would be making videos again so soon
No. 493210
>>493201Her lettering is the fucking worse.
She doesn’t need someone else to do flats, she needs someone who can make her text make sense and visually appealing.
No. 493231
File: 1517792193333.png (45.48 KB, 835x349, view video.png)

>>493197>>493194Mega master race anon here
This is why its better to upload these videos in a mega or a google docs. She can take them down on Youtube easily
You don't have to download like pic related
CalArts Rant -!TcgFQZgS!n777xwTdrMHho0B87tNmeRpHl4zv5aoS873gU8b658k5 hour stream where somewhere in there she claims she dated 3 guys in one older thread-!TEA2XZ5a!QhMryj1zkQrL2CEDXLkZZVJTEG6fpcEjOpWWklv8Sr8 No. 493238
>>493224Her argument is essentially that "everybody is going to have 4K monitors in the future" so your files need to be basically clean enough to look nice at higher resolutions (aka, you can post 100 dpi or less on instagram because people see it on their phones, but 100 dpi or less looks like shit on a monitor).
I can kinda understand what she's trying to get at, but nobody is going to fucking zoom in on a digital art piece far enough to notice the difference between 300 dpi and 600 dpi, no matter their monitor. It should only be a thing for people who want to print shit out at large sizes (like I print my art at 18x24, so high dpi is important, not just making the file the size it'll be printed at).
The problem with it is Holly shits out work that's only supposed to be printed BELOW 9x11, so there's no fucking point and it just wastes space on her computer for no fucking reason.
No. 493248
>>493224Okay so that claim of Holly's is actually complete bs.
DPI is a measurement for print. For screens, the industry standard is to work with 72 dpi at all times and instead adjust the width and height in terms of "how many pixels high/wide is this image", because screens work in pixels.
For print, you're usually fine with 350-400 DPI so long as you keep an eye on the format of your file in inch or cm. Anything upwards of 400 DPI gets difficult for an eye to discern anyways.
Normally, you only crank the DPI way up when you're scanning a traditional piece, to make the digital copy crisp enough to, for example, print it as a bigger format than it was drawn as. With that technique you could create a completely beautiful and crisp poster from a hand drawn business card if you wanted to, provided you crank up the DPI high enough while scanning.
tl;dr: Holly is talking out of her ass there, high DPI have no connection to depiction on screens, and past 400 DPI not for print either. They're only important when scaling up works with digital means.
No. 493281
I've backed up what I still had of Holly's main channel vids for you guys.
Embedded and first link is Holl making me cry with how much better her high school art was than what she produces now (and mentioning the hate forums): explaining how and if to Youtube Artist: her wisdom about why nobody should use watermarks: try to stick to milky stuff, I hope these are appropriate.
I also tried to back up the stream you guys linked but haven't tried out the file yet. If you want me to back up anything else, just toss a link in here or sth, I try to keep up.
No. 493299
>>493293I could watch it without an account. (I'm using Chrome on OS X if it's still not working for anyone)
Thanks anon!
No. 493305
>>493231>>493156Thanks for providing
anyone got any more of her livestreams?
No. 493311
>>493307Reading it and up to page 45. The pacing is weird and the "fanservice" scenes are really long compared to all the plot scenes.
I had no idea the weird sepiroth haired character was a boy. I thought it was a girl. Also the main guy's glasses are irritating me more than anything else.
No. 493319
File: 1517796391564.jpg (36.94 KB, 960x583, 25592011_1547919985294733_3016…)

wow I'm so happy i found a community of people who hate this fat cunt as much as me ! <3
No. 493324
File: 1517796592910.png (156.3 KB, 490x614, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 18.0…)

That body proportions. How did she ever pass this as an okay for a final product
No. 493336
>>49324872 dpi is a bit outdated actually and a bit arbitrary. Also its ppi if you're talking about web, and it really doesn't matter when setting up a webfile. Resolution really only matters if you want to print.
The fact that Holly doesn't know this… it's just… ug…
If you want a file that looks nice when you zoom on it just make it larger. Seriously, instead of making a 72ppi image make a 1ppi image and you'll see what I mean.
Dpi really only matters for printers and scanners. And more doesn't mean better. If you work large and about 300-450dpi you should be fine. If you are concerned talk to your printer and see what the specs of their machines are.
Also Holly posts purgatory in jpegs which
triggers me. It's stark B&W png is the way to go.
sage for graphic designer sperging.
No. 493417
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Do any ANONS have the video where she shows what the older version of purgatory used to look like ?I actually think it's like 40% better then the stale piece of bread she's making now it actually looks like it had some passion before she decided she wanted to be "professional"
it's called "The first draft of my comic"
No. 493422
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No. 493423
File: 1517801639565.jpg (310.17 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_1517801502522.jpg)

Full img from Holly's latest tweet. Take a look at the sticky notes
No. 493436
>>493434He's miles better than Holly. I don't understand why he'd ever want to get himself tangled up in any project of hers.
..For peanuts, no less.
All I know is, if she's taking commissions now, she'd best be paying him more.
No. 493459
>>493441IF I was him, (and I ain't)
I don't think I'd be confident in putting example work in my portfolio of Holly's comics I helped flat.
I get having to start somewhere, but I think there's plenty of other places to start that might be better for him. If he needed a leg up, I don't think getting involved with a mean-spirited, sour artist would be the best move.
No. 493494
>>493487It's interesting that she's kept his name hush, though. don't artists who hire/collaborate often…
say or
credit who they're collaborating with, so that they may have more visibility?
Even if it is Holly's work, y'never know who's watching what you do…
But then again, this is Holly we're talking about, and even if she made stellar work, her attitude would be pretty damaging by association. Not only that, but honestly, she doesn't seem the type to go ahead and say "This is the person flatting my comic, check out his work!!" because she doesn't quite know how networking and socializing professionally works.
No. 493586
>>493583Even less accurate *
Same anon, sorry. Guess I’ll sage.
No. 493609
>>493583I'll agree that his art isn't amazing, but in comparison I think he seems more skilled. Plus he doesn't draw huge fuckin Jay Leno chins kek.
Not to wk the guy, but we also don't know how long he's been doing art.
No. 493620
>>493583 Are you okay?
>>493610 people have an opinion? Some people think he's better. Relax, this ain't about America's weird pres
but back on topic. If you aren't a professional it is just a nice thing to do to mention who is doing what for you in your comic. It puts you in a good light and if you appreciate the person you just give them a shout out
I personally find Holly lazier than ever after finding out she has a color flatter for a comic that barely has a chapter out. She is so focused on getting her shitty line art and wonky panels on a page instead of flatting her own work. I get she doesn't know shit about digital, but come on.
I agree, any dummy can color within the lines. However his style is already better than Holly's and she claims to be such a ~.:professional:.~
Purgatory will never be finished. She keeps "fixing" the same pages over and over. I guess in a weird way that is her purgatory. Working on a bad comic that will never be finished.
No. 493625
>>493417Or if anyone has pics of the original artwork, could you share that too? I keep looking at this and
>>482504 and honestly the old art had a lot more personality in it. Sure the characters were still wonky and inconsistent but they were at least more fun to look at, I really wish she had stuck with this style.
No. 493628
>I guess in a weird way that is her purgatory. Working on a bad comic that will never be finished.This has to be one of the most poignant things said about her and her situation/projects I've heard so far, anon, LOL.
Side note but I hate the way she overuses the god damn gradient tool for shading. No wonder she can't mix colors, she's not learning how to do it properly…!
But then she calls the fill tool cheating.
No. 493637
>>493628I’m pretty sure Holly doesn’t use the fill tool because the brush she uses for lineart doesn’t work well with the fill bucket.
As for her new gradient shading method, despite how lazy it is at least it is a step up from her old pillow shading.
No. 493647
>>493643Nope, still up, here's link: for some reason it's not showing up when google searching, may just be tumblr being dumb tho
No. 493655
>>493647Yeah, couldn't find her website either. Maybe she changed her settings to not index it.
QUITTING YouTube lasted for what, less than 48 hours? This is why you calm down
before you say things.
No. 493730
>>493723Thank you for this. The older version actually feels like it has some
life in it. Some things might be "off" but every page looked better than her revision imo.
No. 493732
>>493730Yeah. It has the kind of charm that Jhonen Vasquez and Tim Burton established themselves with, a stylish wonkiness. Much stronger silhouettes and compositions, very dynamic poses and expressions. Admittedly it is kind of cluttered and the red can be very intrusive, but it's not like those two things were stuff she actually fixed with the later version (in some newer pages she actually used big red blocks of background).
So when I first saw the video my jaw dropped. There is so much goodness in that old style.
Same with her high school art btw. Those were some amazing studies and especially her still lifes are really, really good? Where did all of that go??
No. 493764
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>>493723Now you guys can understand why I brought the subject up! In her pursuit to become "Professional" she seemingly SUCKED THE LIFE out of her art.It's rather sad honestly.but then I remember shes a total bitch and I don't feel bad at all
No. 493789
>>493779Okay, now we definitely know she lurks here, since she was referring to this
>>492007 post with the Trump thing.
Holly, if you actually read the responses, you'd notice that most people were calling you cringy for bringing politics into your work, not saying you're "racist" for following Trump. Personally, I don't even think it's that big of a deal, there are other artists who are much more guilty of that shit. Most people here have a problem with your general attidude towards art and criticism, not you being ~not PC enough~ or whatever.
No. 493797
>>493779I'm glad that she acknowledges that she doesn't have the ability to say things nicely/communicate efficiently, but filtering what you say is not "censoring yourself", it's just how you interact with other human beings.
Hey Holly, since you clearly lurk here: Don't get hung up on the handful of people calling you a homophobe or bringing up that you're following Trump, think about all the other shit that people pointed out. You're not being forced to censor yourself, but if you say stupid shit, you'll get a reaction. Just take a day before you post shit to think about what you're saying.
No. 493853
>>493800And that's not even mentioning her Halloween/Inktober Collab a while back. Where she yawned constantly during the voiceover, mangled the name of her collaborator (mentioning that she didn't know how it was pronounced but not caring to just ask her collab partner), dissing his line art and even changing it because "it was wrong" without asking (upon which he could have told her that the "mistakes" were actually intentional uncanny-valley elements) and bitching and moaning the entire time about how little she likes collabs and how much it apparently sucked to work on this one.
She has long since deleted that video afaik but geeze. Her collab partner was a super sweet younger (iirc) artist whose entire collab half was basically gushing about her even though she prepared her linework in a way that barely gave his otherwise really beautiful coloring work room to shine. Poor guy was so dejected after that, even though he dealt with it very graciously. I'm still fuming when I think about this.
But yeah, it's like she is physically incapable of bringing up other artists without being respectless to them.
No. 493866
File: 1517849725124.png (418.07 KB, 1170x732, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 08.5…)

These look decent, but I dont understand the lighting?? And her boobs are like split in the center, but her body is turned.
No. 493868
File: 1517849778349.jpg (30.08 KB, 919x204, jWjda2y.jpg)

>>493863Ah, there you are.
No. 493869
>>493863Newfags please, write "sage" in the email field and don't put your name in.
>>493866Hershel has such skinny arms and shoulders for what's supposed to be a buff dude.
No. 493870
>>493853Maybe an anon can find the upload the video for us if the ever saved it
>>493866She also like to put wrinkles into cloths sole for the fact of putting wrinkles in the cloths i can just imagine her saying " idk i guess wrinkles go there"
No. 493877
>>493870She doesn't know where muscles go. His arms always look flat, mainly because of the way she shades. She doesn't understand where shadows and light sources go and that's why I sperg on her overusing the gradient tool for shading.
Too much reliance on overlay/layer filters, too.
I understand that these are tools to help you work faster, but you've got to understand things at a fundamental level before launching into the shortcuts because you're lazy.
No. 493905
I'm shocked to see the lack of maturity being displayed here. This behavior is something that would be seen in a public school from children that were not taught the most basic principles of acceptable social behavior. In other words, this is clearly a forum dedicated to bullying a single person. Obviously not everyone on here is a child with poor social skills, (which I would still expect better behavior from,) so how is it that people here have the time to spend hours stalking someone on the internet just looking for something to be nasty about. Most of Holly's comments are generalized and of her own personal opinion, which are not being forced upon or directed towards any of you specifically. If you do not enjoy her videos and it upsets you to this extent then simply do not watch them. It is perfectly fine to disagree with a statement and everyone has their own beliefs, which should be used to start an interesting conversation or simply be noted and not extended upon, but this hateful behavior is not okay. Instead of trying to tear someone down because they do not make art to your personal standards or have a contrasting opinion to yours, use your time making yourself the best you can be. If anyone here has an ounce of empathy and wants to better themselves then learn from this and apologize to Holly. Or at the very least just try to think of things differently in the future. It’s like getting your art critiqued for the first time, it hurts, but once you stop taking things so personally then it helps you improve your art. Being able to look into differing opinions more objectively does the same. Instead of being offended by someone’s opinion try to consider the new information and perhaps it will even change your own views, or not, which is also fine, but it is important to respect and treat others as human beings with feelings, even if they are across the world or on a computer screen.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 493923
>>493905Oh my god, everything you said can and should be said to Holly herself. She does not just have a different opinion and is expressing it; she is using her platform to say that how others do art is WRONG and she is RIGHT about everything she does. She publically shames other artists for doing innocent things with their own art and has a nasty attitude about doing things the “right” way because she is so “passionate” about her craft.
She herself cannot take valid and constructive criticism and when she is faced with negative reactions, her solution is to ragequit and blame others for their response to her “blunt and honest (read: totally spiteful)” way of speaking.
She is influencing others that being jaded, cynical, and nasty towards others and their art is just ~being honest~ when she needs to take a long hard look at herself if she really wants to be seen as a professional in any kind of art industry.
No. 493934
>>493905 "If you do not enjoy her videos and it upsets you to this extent then simply do not watch them. "
Yeah and if you don't like 24hourly comics don't watch them. But she did an entire long-ass video shitting on PEOPLE who did the thing. She's absolutely right and we're the horrible monsters.
No. 493953
>>493933If you need specifics, I recommend watching her recently deleted video regarding hourly comics, where she basically calls people’s work drivel and shitty because they do not follow what her ideas of comics are. If you truly DO care about seeing our side (which I highly doubt) maybe that is a good place to start.
Holly has a platform, she has fans and people who look up to her. She uses those videos to talk shit about other artists’ practices, techniques, and skills with a holier than thou attitude. She is looking to be a professional in this industry, to work for companies and with colleagues but she doesn’t act like an adult.
Telling people to just ignore her stuff when she is actively crapping on her peers is ridiculous when Holly doesn’t follow that idea either! When she doesn’t like something, she makes a 20min video on it being hateful then can’t handle when people call her out for it.
No. 493954
>>493933Since the video has been deleted I'm not gonna name names but I have literally seen her cuss out another artist in the YT community in their comments.
She also threw a little bitch fit over the hourly comics thing, and she's blatantly shaded Baylee and Monique Renee.
No. 493963
File: 1517853769575.jpg (11.96 KB, 566x107, e9EB67g.jpg)

this is on her latest video and probably why we're going to be getting some wk's here. Bad move
No. 493979
>>493933Except Holly is not a child, and criticizing a fully grown adult when they're being an asshole on the internet is a completely different scenario.
>I don't see where she did the thing because she deleted it, but even if she did it's still okay and you're the villains!!Okay.
No. 493982
>>493933Did you really just compare Holly to a two-year old, kek
So even her fans just see her as a baby
No. 494034
>>493779besides her whining about non existent issues everyone apparently has with her,
those "caricatures"… what has Anno ever done to her? i had no idea that was who it was mean to be until she said and tbf it looks like 4 different people? also how instead of learning how to exaggerate characteristics she plans to just use warp tool on an image and trace that like how fucking lazy!
No. 494070
>>480758>>492635Her hands are floating above her lap, left arm looks disjointed, lackluster shading on hair and right arm, weird folds on skirt, right leg looks shorter than the left
She has potential but her anatomy always fails.
No. 494084
>>494017Don't feel too bad. A lot of people on this thread used to be "fans" of Holly. Personally I used to watch all her videos as soon as they came out. I think for me what made me realize that she was maybe more then just "brutally honest" was when she said in a (now deleted) vlog that you shouldn't send her fanart if it looks bad.
No. 494099
>>493933Holy shit, I had no idea she said that, what a fucking asshole. Like the other anon said, I'd be happy about any kind of fanart for my characters, even if it's shitty, because it still means someone cared enough about your work to draw it.
If I was one of Holly's fan, I'd actually be scared to draw her fanart after that. There's no way to know what is "good" enough for her.
No. 494103
>>494084Pretty sure I remember this, it was so fucked.
I think this was the point where I too thought she was an assole and just waned to see her fail after that.
No. 494124
File: 1517861605233.png (27.07 KB, 873x198, HollyBS.PNG)

>>494099Her Youtube channel is only the tip of the iceberg anyhow. Her Twitter is where she keeps posting (and then deleting) most of her impulsive bs.
No. 494133
>>494017Welcome. Don't beat yourself up over it, you're not the only one who didn't know about all this stuff. It's hard to keep up when she deletes it all the time.
>>494084For me this happened when she was talking about making merch or whatever. She sounded unsure and was doing it for the first time, so people in comments gave her advice and ideas. The next vlog basically started along the lines of "I'm not stupid lol I know what I'm doing idk lol you all think I'm incapable of doing this simple shit shame on you". Not the exact words, but the overall message and tone was like "fuck off u plebs I know everything". What a way to treat your fans who saw you struggle and wanted to help a bit.
Her fanart ramble sounds so ungrateful. She says that the art community is full of meanies, but is doing the opposite of being a good member herself. She has the power to influence. It's so powerful for the beginner artists to be noticed by their fav. Just a simple like on a fanart can literally make a month of some young kid's life and motivate them to heavens. I'm sure lots of people itt get sent badly drawn pics of their OCs, but we all can agree that it's a wonderful experience when someone likes what you do so much, regardless of their skill.
No. 494192
>>494137She has over 200k, Most art YouTubers probably at least know her name. Baylee is one of the biggest art channels and she's still under 1M subs.
She may be relevant but she claimed that she popularized talking art videos which is just such a ridiculous claim to make lmao, girl. It's not that novel of a concept.
>>494178She made some controversial videos that blew up, like her calarts rant, and some art advice videos that followed.
No. 494193
>>494190Weird, did she delete those? They're not on her channel anymore.
If I were her, I wouldn't have taken down my cash cows.
No. 494217
>>494200True. Also, however sad it might sound, her personality attributed to this. She really stands out amongst sugary-positive videos, so her attitude naturally attracted some subs. If only she knew it's possible to be opinionated and honest without being a total asshole.
I actually think that if she socialized better, she might've pulled it off. The upbringing plays a role as well, but it's possible to learn to be polite and blunt at the same time, one just needs certain skills to voice their opinions on controversial topics without trashing anyone in particular. She gives off a vibe of a person that is just oblivious on how her words are percieved, thus the deleting sprees when people point out she fucked up again. It actually explains why she thinks she gets hate for the opinions themselves and not for how she shits on everyone while voicing them, she just doesn't seem to understand how social interactions work.
No. 494230
>>494217>she just doesn't seem to understand how social interactions workThis, if she just got off the internet once and awhile (IRL friends would probably help her too) I think she'd be able to deal with this a little better.
I recall in her early vlogs that she would try to go outside and ride her bike(to exercise I think?) I wish she'd at least do that again so she's not in cooped up in her room all day, but I imagine its difficult to do because shitty Texas weather.
No. 494276
I found her thru that calarts rant, and from the get-go thought she was a major butt. I mean, I'm not gonna sit here and lie and say I didn't subscribe because I thought her videos were funny, and, she was approaching topics so differently, because, I did derive some measure of enjoyment from it. But the more I listened to her the more bitter and insecure she seemed to sound…
And I'm not usually one to judge who I think should be popular on youtube or not because it's mostly anyone's game, but I honestly don't think she should've been any kind of voice for the art community, much less the more impressionable, younger demographic, but they think she's so cool.
I get the feeling she's someone they hopefully grow out of in favor of better uses of their time and resources, but there's always going to be that audience that think being edgy and an asshole is cool and can be misconstrued as honesty…And, to an extent, I get it.
But you can only get but so old before the novelty of rebellion and having 'no filter' stops working for you and you have to actually start growing up, if you don't want to keep backpedaling every 1 or 2 videos after you put your foot in your mouth.
She could benefit from TONS of videos that help with things like social skills, interaction and networking and apply those tips. She needs to broaden her scope outside of her own view and do something else besides be bitter and sit at her desk all day.
I apologize for the long post.
No. 494315
>>494280Yeah, I've wondered this too. However, the degree of isolation she puts herself through can also affect a person's ability to socialize. Though the two could be going hand-in-hand with her. I can't help but wonder how she was before tumblr culture which sort of promotes the whole "introverted shut in" behavior, which includes mental illness as well as behaving mentally ill (or more ill than someone already would). I was involved in that sort of culture years ago, as I'm passionate about psychology and mental health, and it was legit very damaging.
>>494296OT but this is kind of really adorable and your boyfriend is awesome for helping you in this way.
>>494300She always seems depressed to me, but I guess staying up all night drawing comics and redrawing is fairly manic.
No. 494346
>>494336Nah I never meant to imply that it makes someone an introvert if they're an extrovert or whatever.
>it's not like she ever stopped speaking to people for months since she's always onlineThis doesn't mean she's actually socializing and relating with others or feeling involved/accepted (and vice versa). It seems all her current closest interactions are just out of "necessity" (like her flatter, commissions, etc).
I just wonder how she used to act maybe a decade ago or whenever she was in highschool. I'm sure she wasn't some charming popular kid, but she had to have been better than this.
No. 494385
File: 1517873207231.png (89.21 KB, 1664x485, Capture.PNG)

Oh my god some of her fans are dumb
No. 494405
>>494346She slashed up her wrists and was routinely suicidal(she admitted that in one of her deleted vlogs)
So no, not really. To her, how she is now is an improvement, which I guess is true to a degree.
But honestly it just makes me think Holly's biggest issue is that she never dealt with any of her problems when she was younger. Just because she's not actively hurting herself anymore dosen't mean she's not just as self-destructive, y'know?
If that's the case, girl needs some help before it gets worse.
But who knows
No. 494456
So. Not to get too personal, but I've watched Holly's videos at a time when I was too anxious to function. At first I enjoyed them, not for her art, but for her personality, as I always liked the snarky type of youtuber. However, reading past threads and her recent behavior kinda shaded some pretty bad light on her. Long story short, I really do not want to end up like her. I think because of recent events, I'm planning to pursue help with social functions, because wow am I appalled with what seclusion does to you, especially to an artist like Holly. I know artist are usually introverted, but this is just too much
I do cling on hope that Holly will get better, but I doubt it.
No. 494466
>>494462same user also cow tipped in the recent vid. I think she deleted those comments but,
>>493963might explain the few sudden whiteknights we got around that time.
No. 494608
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No. 494619
>>494616Nah. She doesn't claim to do better (at art in terms of skill), she mainly claims to
know better. Which is still bs but still a different beast.
No. 494627
>>494622Or the entire "anatomy mistakes artists make" video or whatever it was titled.
The whole video was just tonally bad as if to say "UGH you're IDIOTS here, look how it's done
CORRECTLY. -proceeds to do wonky anatomy-
No. 494633
>>494622I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm. Which video did she brag about her speech bubbles in - one of her unlisted making comics videos? She has to be fucking delusional to think her word balloons are even remotely DECENT.
This bitch is going to kill me through how stupid she is.
No. 494672
>>494633I'm pretty sure it was the one about the 24h challenge, uploader anon reposted it here:
>>491096She was basically shitting on comics that don't have speech bubbles and saying they're "not comics" while praising her own amazing speech bubbling skills. It was pretty cringe, like most of her latest videos.
No. 494779
>>494768I didn't know either for a while since I'm relatively new to the Holly drama, but she helped Holly stream like in posted by
>>493156 No. 494789
>>494780Didn't Donnie also purge her channel after she got a "really harsh criticism" from a friend who everyone suspected to be Holly? I actually have no idea if either of the two is still around anywhere.
>>494758This is pretty fucked anon, if that's all true, Holly is an even shittier person than I thought.
No. 494798
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>>493866Saw this post on instagram and then saw this comment. Like wtf
No. 494805
>>494803I feel like she's partially the reason both of them kind of packed up and vanished. It doesn't seem like Holly is good at keeping legit friends without shit talking them or getting into some drama.
Maybe the feeling was mutual. you can sometimes here Ioana's tone become frustrated or upset with the way Holly acts out.
No. 494815
>>494758Do you know her Instagram or other social media? I miss her art :( tell her to come back
sage for ot
No. 494831
File: 1517898330278.jpg (112.08 KB, 840x384, 000000000000000000000000000000…)

Holly responded to the Connie video.
No. 494834
>>494831Oh Holly why… you don't have to respond to everyone who dislikes you.
You're just perpetuating the cycle.
No. 494840
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>>494831>As an artist any bullshit claim harms your businessHow does she not realize that her poor attitude/how she handles things can also harm her business
Also she's just feeding the flames, if she's "done with drama" why reply to a video that's about said drama.
This is baby shit drama that most people would forget in like 3 days, and this reply is not helping her
The doxxing/death threats bit is a bit much tho, I have no idea who would want to do that to her. Like, this thread isn't fond of her but that shit is unnecessary
No. 494843
>>494831>I am fully capable taking criticism dude. Personally I feel like your opinion on this is not even nessisary to begin with."I can totally take criticism, let me just go on this angry rant about you criticizing me even though you have no business criticizing me in the first place!"
…okay then.
>comics should tell a story- short and simple. And I'm pretty sure that person was telling you a "story" can just as well be "this is how I spent my day". It might be a boring one but that still doesn't mean you get to decide a comic "isn't a comic" just because its plot wasn't exciting enough for you. By that logic Purgatory isn't a comic either since nothing fucking happens for the first 150 pages or so.
>yes I'm deleting some comments. Cause again I'm done with drama.Except she was deleting every comment that was even remotely critical of her. I guess everything that isn't pure ass kissing counts as "drama" now?
>Enjoy the dank viewsKek
No. 494848
File: 1517900207878.gif (1.32 MB, 322x242, VlgXG.gif)

>>494843>By that logic Purgatory isn't a comic either since nothing fucking happens for the first 150 pages or fucking dead
Anyway at this rate, i really am just convinced that something really is wrong with Holly. Or that she's just young and stupid. isn't she only like 20? a dumb shitty kid, really.
No. 494867
File: 1517903309646.png (59.75 KB, 1170x254, Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 23.4…)

Is that a hint hint towards us? kek
No. 494887
>>492744>>492859>>492881>>492882Not that it's matters to anyone else and not sure why I'm doing this (I guess I just wanna find "peace" with myself because I do feel a bit bad) But yeah hi, the 40 minutes of white knighting-girl here. Someone already dropped my username here so no need for me to expose myself anymore than I already am. But yeah I just wanted to say I'm also the same person as this anon:
>>494017And I really appreciate that people forgot about my shitty rant almost as quick as I took it down. I'm laughing at myself since I stated in the video "I'm not just some white knight" But that's exactly 100% what I was and as people pointed out: if I didn't know anything, I shouldn't have touched the subject. I actually discovered this thread AFTER posting the video and once I realised that I indeed had no idea what I was talking about and how ignorant and baseless the video was, I was like "shit" and took it down.
Basically I put my hand in the oven and was surprised I got burned lol.
And as I've explored this thread even further I also noticed that I have a lot in common with Holly in a sense that I make impulsive emotion driven decisions that tend to come bite me in the ass later. (though for the most part this has happened irl and not online, thank god) And without going further into details I've experienced being a "shut in", like Holly, myself in the past (in a smaller scale though) but my closest friend kindly pointed out that I might need help so I searched for it and I'm better now. (I hope Holly would talk to someone too.)
The point being that I guess the reason I got so upset was that when Holly got called out for her bs, maybe that made me discover some unpleasant truths about myself as well. And since I'm a young artist myself and have started sharing my stuff online not too long ago, I got scared I might end up like her: at first thinking "for no good reason" like I stated in my now deleted rant. But now at the moment of writing this my thoughts have switched to the fear of being hated on for making the same mistakes as Holly because I wouldn't acknowledge my shitty behaviour.
People already told me to not beat myself up for it so I'm not asking for pity but I actually thought that my experience might be useful to the possible other holly-white knights who might be passing by this thread and make them consider that Holly isn't as cool as they thought.
In the deleted rant I told people to "Grow up!" But whoops, ironically it turns out it was me who needed to grow up and dig a little deeper. Once again: even though I feel bad for Holly I'm glad I found this thread and people pointed out my bullshit. I learned a small life lesson.
Apologies for the long post, I just felt like I couldn't shake the embarrassment of my behaviour without coming clean, even though it would have been smarter to just stay quiet since this thread is about Holly, not me. And people weren't paying much attention to me always….
No. 494896
I was at work so sorry if some of these are old now but i got my 2 cents on a few of these
>>494785Yeah, I've got the message but I won't share it because I know Ioana wouldn't want that but it likely wasn't the nicest message to get after being ignored for a while by her, and I personally felt pretty bad too since I was on a call with her at the time and she hung up because she was really upset..
>>494789lol I've got screen shots of her calling me an asshole after hate following me if you guys want it? It's only short though, so not sure if it means much apart from just sorta proving stuff?
>>494803She's not all that edgy! sort of super mega/ oney plays humour if you consider that edgy. She might've been a bit different with holly but before we were even friends back in 2016 her first message to me was that she thought my art was cute so she's never came off as rude to me (though I was hesitant to talk to her after finding out she was Holly's
sorry if any of these are sort of OT! Just clearing a few things up because I know Ioana and I'm fairly sure she doesn't lurk here herself to do so!
No. 494898
>>494887It's okay anon, there seem to be several people who had their "eyes opened" about her lately after lurking in these threads, kek. I personally used to be fine with her a few months ago even though I didn't like her art but then she started to get more and more rude and negative.
And re-watching some her older videos, I noticed that even back then she already had a pretty bad attitude that somehow just went past me. E.g in her "you need color theory" video she was pretty much shitting on "fine artists" for no apparent reason other than that they're "mostly self-taught" (according to her) and claiming you NEED to go to an art school to understand color theory (like SHE obviously does). I guess she always came off as somewhat arrogant and bitchy but somehow it seems to be getting worse lately.
No. 494910
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>>494899(I'm sincerely sorry I type like i do haha) there was a little more to this but there's the meat of things, aka her response. Childish probably wasn't the best word to go for but at the time I was under 18 with way less followers and hadn't even really talked to her/ she only knew of me for being friends with an ex friend of hers, I wasn't really sure what the right word was haha. Just seemed a bit hypocritical from someone who made a video called 'Stop hate following and gtfo'.
No. 494922
>>494919Yup, indeed! That's what I've taken from my own experience in the "art school world" at least. couldn't have said it better. They seem to be looking for a potential for growth and if you fit their methods of teaching. And that's why some people go through several art schools in their lives because they might start polishing their skills in a more easy to get to-schools and once they have more knowledge and experience, move on to perfecting their skills even more in a more challenging and competitive school. But from what I saw from Holly's CalArts-rant it really made me go "geez! wow…" Because with an attitude like that… I don't even know what to say.
Especially since from what I understood she had completely misunderstood the methods of how the school accepts students.
No. 494934
>>494920While apologies are good and important, they start to lose meaning when you do something almost daily that causes a huge blowback and requires an apology. Plus her pervasive negative attitude doesn't help, either. Basically her apologies seem kinda insincere. The least she could do is lay low a bit or be less vocal if she can't control the way she says things or what she says (which she even said she'd not narrate art vids on bad days, but she never ended up following through and simply stuck her foot in her mouth the following day).
Bare-minimum ass covering =/= actual remorse.
No. 494936
>>494924No, she's pretty far along in her online school courses. she's stubborn though, and progresses slowly because of that.
her skill and her mindset/attitude seem tidally locked.
No. 494943
>>494936Oh my gosh! That reminded me:
When I was in art school, during my first year I was very stubborn when it came to certain critiques my teachers gave me. Sometimes I was in denial of what they said and I might've refused to listen to their advice or make excuses like "but I like how this looks!" But during a longer critique session one of my favourite teachers pointed out my stubborn nature. And ever since then I've had this one rule for myself that I repeat like mantra sometimes:
"You're not here to show off, you're here to learn"
meaning that if you want to be taught stuff, you can't have the attitude where you already know what you're doing. You need to remember that you have a long way to go. If you already knew everything why would you be studying?
No. 495011
>>494866you're forgetting her whole spiel about "I don't understand why artist would join a company like Disney and lose their independence and ideas id never do that!" dont remember the video
but basically this is why she tries so hard to earn off her own art cuz she's already superglued the Industry door SHUT
No. 495033
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>>494831 It's a long reply from Connie, but I figure I'll post it here incase something happens.
No. 495034
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No. 495035
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No. 495036
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No. 495044
File: 1517928658416.png (153.92 KB, 921x577, hc skype call.png)

I mind as well share the time I had a 3 hour skype call with this retard
Looking at Holly feel like looking into a mirror of what may happen if I told Youtube seriously at that age. I would have stayed fat, miserable and pathetic from not getting a job. This happened nearly a year ago so I'll try to recount some details
>Decides one day to talk to her on insta out of curiousity and somehow convinced her to call me up
>Found out she doesn't like whataburger and diet dr.pepper so technically not even really Texan
>Remembered she said she was 5'7-5'8 because I remember jokingly calling her Gigantor (I'm under 5'3)
>Asked her why not get an outside job? "I'm busy with school and muh art"
>Tries to be positive and made her laugh a lot
>She has poor social skills though that she can't detect sarcasm
>Not surprised considering that she is autistic
>Said that she wants porn of her characters drawn
>Got free time and doodled her brown guy getting fucked in the ass since she said her comic was about gay men and she drew him a lot
>Tries to give it to her but blocks me for any real reason before sending it to her
>Weridly ghosts me when asked why
Must of got pissed that I drew her made up boyfriend getting anal screwed haha.
All joking aside she really was a Debby Downer with the lack of social building blocks to make friends. She seriously needs to go outside and get a job. I wished I had screenshots of her insta Dms, because I remember her somewhere in there she said she was a "priest to her art"
No. 495167
>>494996She nearly showed my fucking address in one of her vlogs during the… what? one month i liked her? Didn't even try to blur it but you can't really make out the majority of it thankfully.
I'm still kinda mad.
No. 495198
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So apparently writing more than somebody else means wanting drama and being agitated or something.
This kind of fan is the worst, they don't even care to see anything else aside from Holly's pov
No. 495215
>>495213The comments on
>>494559>>495198I saw that too and it really pissed me off. Might as well just write "Lol tl;dr ur wrong xD"
No. 495280
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What kind of abusive relationships are these kids in?
No. 495287
>>495148I mean do have her real skype username but I feel its kinda fucked up to leak that kinda shit. Well she did block me and can't grab my old Dms. So you take more work for it
Oh I remember her saying she was insecure because one of her classmates in high school is now published comic artist so that's something
No. 495356
>>495287She mentioned sending Purgatory to publishers before, understandable that she'd be insecure about that lol.
Do you have any other Skype messages, or just the call?
>>495287 No. 495407
>>495356It was just a call with me sending funny videos. She was inking her comic the same time I was talking. I told her to get a cintiq and she said "It's a glorified coloring machine and don't see a real need. If I do, I'll get refurbished"
I told her not never get a refurbished cintiq after telling her my bad experience with one. So at least she took the cintiq advice but not the weight loss advice. We later talk about skincare and she said the most she has ever done was a scrub once a year.
I remember that since it made me cringe
No. 495624
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The only thing more annoying than her voice is this god awful nail. Jesus, you'd think with your hands being the part of you we see most you'd at least take better care of them.
No. 495696
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No. 495713
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She's seriously reminding me of those 2007 emo kids on DeviantArt who went on a "ugh everyone is so MEAN, I'm gonna leave DA FOREVER" rant every few months or so and then miraculously changed their mind after getting enough ass pats.
No. 495755
>>495729>>nobody asked her to shut upShe’s being repressed for so long she’s feeling good saying whatever she pleases. Courage in the form of a screen.
I feel sorry for those who took time to actually try reasoning with her…
No. 495757
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>>495729>I'm just gonna embrace being the bitch youtuberWhy am I not surprised?
No. 495898
>>492040 Saged for old discussion, but it really rubbed me the wrong way that she was so shitty to her brother.
Granted, he might be an ass but it sounded like he wanted to learn from her and bond with his sister. Judging from the conversation in video between Holly and pyunck(?) they aren't close or even amicable.
It makes me kind of sad because siblings relationships are really important and you cant get that bond with anyone else.
No. 495909
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I really hate the term Millennial but god damn if the shoe doesn't fit for this cunt!
No. 495921
> Stop telling me to check my privilege!Maybe when you stop saying stupid shit like "Being a parent isn't a good excuse to not have time to draw. I was a babysitter and they didn't really wanna hang out that much. What's the big deal?"
Sorry for the old milk example. At the time there wasn't anyone else to bitch about it to.
No. 495949
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>>495804>the commentsIt's only going to get worse from here on out folks
No. 496022
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I think I'm suffering heartburn for the first time ever. I should be getting a headache
No. 496052
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>>495804Pity, she is never going to learn from her lessons. She's going to sink even further from that. Sounds like a good idea to ignore the "HATURZ".
No. 496073
>>496052You know you're down your own rabbit hole when you have that "Everyone who says anything I don't like is a Hater!" poor girl
but what do i know Noone here even watches her content.
No. 496236
>>496203I think she does, she referenced a post in this thread pretty specifically about her following Trump in one of her recent videos. Whenever she says "hate forum", she means here. And she admits she reads her "hate forum".
idk, I guess her personality is like her art. She has all the tools to succeed, but instead she doubles down on her own way of doing things when confronted. She ends up doing worse than if she swallowed her pride and listened to honest criticism.
Holly is both very vain and very insecure at the same time. It is common among artists, I think. Just look at /ic/. The difference being people post anonymously on /ic/, while Holly is an idiot and does the same but with her name and "brand" attached.
No. 496242
>>496236Sometimes I love to just be crude and hate on people and things unreasonably. I think most everyone here can relate since, well, look where we are.
I don't think Holly understands that there is a time and place for this kind of behavior, and it's either anonymously or among close friends. If you act like a bitch for the whole world to see, people will start hating you. Holly just can't be pleasant, she can't even fake it.
I'm wondering what the reason is that she just cannot stop herself from popping off.
No. 496258
>>496255Read yourself.
>>492088She just said she hated people accusing her of racism for following Trump on twitter. Not really anything political.
No. 496264
>>496260Well she says she reads her "hate forums" and she brought up the Trump thing in the video posted less than a day after that comment was made.
I'd say it's highly likely she's read this thread.
No. 496266
>>496260Yeah but she can follow and like whatever politician she likes, it’s her business. EVen among celebrities some rooted for trump, she doesn’t have to restrict herself from being into politics only because kids follow her… idk this thing rubs me the wrong way. Not a trump fan, btw.
She doesn’t even realise what she says, she only mentioned her following “the president” and that people were crazy about it. What made people snap was saying that the wall is a good idea because you see immigrants on a daily. That comes off as racist, but again she never understand the implications or forgets about what she does or say.
No. 496272
>>496266You can't really neg her for those beliefs because a hundred million people agree with her. I mean yeah it's divisive to say she wants a wall but it sounds like a one-off thing and she hasn't spoken of it since. Her main problem is all the art community drama she's been collecting.
I'm really tired of people trying to shoehorn Trump hate into fucking everything.
No. 496275
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rofl, oh boy…
No. 496277
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excuse me while I go gag myself
No. 496302
>>496300Last option, settle for a divorced older man who will tolerate my bullshit and let me live in his house for free.
I feel like that's the only other option.
No. 496309
>>496293Even if by some miracle she does actually improve her art so that it was on a professional level, her shit attitude is going to prevent her from working in the art industry.
>>496302Kek. Honestly doubt that will happen. She just seems like a generally unpleasant person to be around. Honestly, most older divorced people could do so much better than Holly as long as she continues being the lolcow she is.
No. 496319
>>496316My guess at this point is that she just feels safe because she doesn’t have to deal with real people.
There are no faces on the internet, others are not real humans with real emotions. Only holly can be hurt by things, because she’s real, she knows she exists. I highly doubt she would act the same irl, even she said she is not this extreme in person; and if she is it’s only because she got worse not having social bonds. Talk this way to the wrong person and you could get in trouble or seriously start a fight.
But yes this is the internet, you don’t have to be responsible for your crap. Unless you are everybody else but holly, of course.
No. 496320
>>496319You're making actually a really really good point here.
Which would also explain why she is so attached to youtube because speaking online probably feels empowering to her. While without it she's just a lonely artist.
No. 496357
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>>495804she deleted all the bad comments already and liked all the ass kissing ones. also bailey jay commented on this video with a fucking yeet yeet
No. 496365
>>496313you're a huge dick, you know? i wasn't on lolcow during the recent break thing, but i followed her and imo you're not anybody to tell her to get a new personality because
you don't like the current one. i hate this entitled "how dare she not yield to what people tell her to do" that's actually being justified here. She said in a video that her childhood was full of extreme poverty and depression, and this was the happiest and most financially well-off she's ever been, thanks only to youtube. so i'm glad she has something that keeps her head above water, and i don't want her to lose it and go back to being miserable. I'm just surprised Holly turned out to be one of those weak people that submit to this sort of shit so easily, ruin her own happiness for the sake of people who aren't being affected one way or the other. I thought she had more backbone than that. I'm glad she came to her senses.
>>496365Oh please. get real, anon. You can have a rough past and let that shape you, but it shouldn't define you, much less give you an excuse to treat others like absolute garbage. That's what cowards and bullies do.
twice fold if you're behind a screen dictating what you think is and isn't art while calling everyone else's art shit.
No. 496392
>>495729>"Instead of trying to be less shitty and understanding where people are coming from, I'll just continue being shit and ignore all criticism!"I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed lmao.
>>496357Holly is an overt cunt, Baylee is a covert one, it all works out.
No. 496605
>>496365I grew up impoverished without my parents too, in fact, I was in a very similar situation to Holly.
And, I was also an edgy teenager who was mean to people online. I popped off at everyone who disagreed with me, and I was rude to people I disliked. I was also in the art community.
And guess what? I learned my lesson. After 16 years of age I quit acting like a scathing asshole, started a new art career, and now I have no problems.
I hate the "I had a bad childhood" excuse. If you're adult enough to realize you were mistreated, you're adult enough not to mistreat others.
No. 496635
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Her socialblade has been turbulent, especially in the views/videos she has up.
No. 496704
>If you dont show me the decency of respecting me then why should I change my content for youBITCH respect isn't a right its earned. For most social interactions what you get is what you put in. SO if you are hyper critical, negative, judgmental, and salty its no suprise that people will choose to respond to you in the same way. Why is that hard to understand for her???
Can I also just vent and say Im so tired of this girl's indecisive and naive nature. She just strikes me as someone who doesn't know what she wants, how she's feeling, or even what to do about anything.
No. 496736
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I'm actually very surprised that Teoh watches Holly enough to comment on her video. He's a pretty talented and well-respected artist in the watercolor community. You'd think he'd be above the issues of a pissy fujo.
No. 496743
>>496738"Abloo bloo bloo I've been done for 48 hours and I'm soooooooo sad you guys."
"I have a lot of people quote/unquote concerned about my mental health"
Something tells me that if she didn't recieve as many asspats over her 'mental health issues' she'd be acting even sourer than she usually does.
No. 496746
>>496738She mentions that depressed people lack vitamin D.
You know how you can remedy that, Holly? Go the fuck outside and stop living like an unsociable, filthy troll.
No. 496752
>>496746Almost everyone lacks Vitamin D in the winter, at least in the northern hemisphere. Vit D deficiency and symptoms of depression do overlap though.
It kinda bothers me that she said in her other video that she was "mostly fine" and "everyone has mental health issues" (they really don't, everyone has issues but most people aren't mentally ill) and basically trying to downplay her issues, same with her response to Monique but has done a complete 180 in this video. I feel like now she's turned around and uses it for sympathy points.
No. 496761
>>496755I kinda understand that she was trying to look "tough" and basically lashed out because she felt cornered, but she doesn't even acknowledge that that's what happened and still tries to shade everyone who expressed concern for her. As someone who also struggles with depression, her lack of self-awareness and lifestyle will just make her worse in the long run.
Glad she managed to stop cutting on her own, I guess that's the only good thing.
No. 496783
>>496738It actually does sound like Holly might need medication to treat her depression. Her "depression backstory" sounded eerily similar to mine (stressed out all the time, socially anxious, feeling numb most of the time, bouts of mania, etc but change the self harm to binge eating)
I used to be a lot angrier and very much "the world is out to get me" attitude before I had a wake-up call my first semester of college and finally got help. I'm finally at a better place after 3 years. But I couldn't have done it without medicine. Every time I accidentally miss a day of meds, I feel what I felt like before and I honestly don't know how I managed to not kill myself. It was awful.
Saged for blogpost
No. 496819
>>496738She basically just pulled a logan Paul
>has a falling out with internet>comes back with a sensitive topic videoShe KNOWS what shes doing and ppl are falling for it
No. 496864
> If I'm being an asshole it's just me being an asshole.I can't remember if she contradicted this point but I think the video was just a (reasonable) excuse to take some time off whenever she has an episode.
Don't get me wrong I have a bunch of issues with her but I think that's reaching. Her problem is that she doesn't think she's being an asshole most of the time.
No. 497006
>>496864Fair point, anon, but that's just the problem. It just seems like she's taken nothing from the experience and
decided not to listen. She doesn't take criticism well at all, and she if she doesn't think she's being an asshole, then, that's the problem. like anon prior said, she's missing the point.
She could benefit from taking actual time away from the social media for more than 48 hrs.
No. 497041
>>484954>>484902What makes me sad is that she thinks she's such hot shit and treats a lot of her fans poorly, but people lap it up.
Even I have a better sense of perspective and proportions than her, and I haven't drawn shit in over five years. I don't understand how someone produces that much without nailing the basics.
No. 497054
>>496732>wants to cash in on the dramaYeah I've been wondering this.
>>496726Lmao and the whole "I ATE SUBWAY" bit is just funny to me. Really shows she has no clue when not to say something.
Though I am glad she's going to be resuming her Making Comics series.
>>496746>>496752Vitamin D supplements are a thing. I have to take them. Just an example or analogy of how it would be so easy for her to help herself improve even a little, in many little ways, but she would rather complain and wait for people to kiss her ass.
(Also, thanks for reminding me to take my Vitamin D)
>>496761I hate to be this person but it is possible she's just cutting somewhere that isn't her arms. But I hope she has stopped altogether.
>>496914I mean, sympathy isn't a limited resource. Feeling something for someone who is clearly troubled is fairly natural.
No. 497484
>>496605My boyfriend also had a similar experience growing up, though honestly probably worse being mixed race. People do think he's an asshole, but the kind they actually like and want around (who knew that was possible!)
What a lot of people don't seem to get is that mental illness and rough upbringing may be good reasons for shitty behaviours, but they are NOT excuses. People should always strive to become a better version of themselves, not just brush it off :/
No. 497499
>>497439They are so cringe-inducing.
It's hilarious how they say they need proofs, accusing the video of spreading false informations.
No. 497503
>>497499YEAH RIGHT?
That video spreads false informations, but holly doesn't!
Somebody should put the mirror for her videos in the comments, with screenshots and stuff. Probably they won't even see the problem, but still they couldn't see the video is totally made up.
No. 497653
>>497618>>497629I have multiple people in my life on various degrees of the spectrum and she does not come across as being on it.
I realize the spectrum, like mental health issues, can be different for everyone, but I believe ego is her main problem. Using the spectrum as an excuse for appalling behaviour is disgusting. Anyone who would do this needs a kick in the ass.
Apologies, if I come across as harsh, it's a very personal subject. Sage if I am off topic
No. 497747
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Here comes to another waste of money. I know we shouldn't nitpick about how they use their money, but she's a "starving artist" who wastes too much to call herself that.
No. 497752
>>497747Is it going to be like the stickers, where she buys all this equipment only to discover that the profit is barely worth it?
Honestly gonna tinfoil here but my guess is that she's still upset over people calling her out so she's buying new toys to soothe herself lmao
No. 497824
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lol, I'm sorry, but I'm laughing so hard right now. Youtube dont want your "art tips", Holly!
No. 497846
>>497841Usually by uploading copyrighted stuff but maybe the mass deleting/hiding of her old content
triggered something?
No. 497893
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Im sorry, but who grabs their wallet like they have no fingers?
No. 497911
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I feel insulted
No. 497920
>>497902A newb made one too soon here
>>493151If no one else feels like making another one.
No. 497940
>>497920Its funny cause she has this attitude when someone criticizes her like "oh boy, Tumblr is at it again lol"
But she always sorta struck me as a tumblr stereotype.
>She believes the only way to do things is her way and everything else is wrong.>She likes to harshly criticize people but throws a heart attack when people do the same thing to her.>She likes to post very emotional vents and makes her meltdowns very public.>The Fujo artist thing, of course.Idk, just a thought.
No. 497993
>>497893I can't get over how bad her anatomy is. How are his arms supposed to work in the third panel? Where's his shoulder?
The restaurant seems so sad and empty and has such a weird scale… Like, no restaurant would use a space like this. I wish she'd just go back to tracing reference images of environments.
Why is she using two panels to show him getting his wallet/money out? This comic takes so much longer than Purgatory for her to draw and we'll never get any kind of plot this way.
>>497920The thread is locked, we have to make a new one either way. It's also better to have one that links the past threads to make it easier to look through them.