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No. 496075
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>487756Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameRecent:
>antares a.k.a. JustCallMeCatOk back at Mariah's house to sweatshop her another shitty costume. >PDiddy video gets usual wave of negative comments about Mariah. Her Mei boots looked like shit, many lulz were had>OhNips, artist who designed "punk!Mei" etc. for Moo, decided to provide milk and "no longer associates" with her >>488323 >>489883 >>494986 >decided to """""redesign"""" her OC Moomoo. >BunnyAyumi, SSS and others are currently making Mariah look like a complete zoned out dumbass ITT: >>495812 No. 496084
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I'm sorry for the shitty OP everyone but holyFUCK
No. 496086
>>496080She normally instagram rants to see if anyone there agrees with her first. Like with Devilman Crybaby drama.
But nothing. She's pissed. Something must be going on over there.
No. 496102
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>>496075shes just liking all the posts vamp made
No. 496113
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lmao is she trying to power up and go into big bad momo mode before her statement? you are not a fuckin anime mv Mariah
No. 496117
>>496113lmao. love the passive agressive 16 year old tweets. never change mariah
oh wait. you never will
No. 496120
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No. 496125
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> :3
> says old prints
> prints will be up soon!
> has a store full of prints she could link to?
Not bothered
No. 496134
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No. 496136
>>496120Vamp, put your phone down and just stop, you're just making yourself appear to be a bigger cunt with each post.
Nothing about Momokunts Red riding hood was "inspired", it was straight stolen off of the original design, with some colour change. The dresses look identical (minus the fact that the one moomoo wore looked cheap as fuck)
No. 496154
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found this convo in vamps likes
No. 496155
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No. 496162
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No. 496163
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No. 496164
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okay so her excuse for the keychains being so pricey ($5 extra) was because “you get a print too tho” but if you’re a low grade twitch streamer with as little as 703 followers you can get one fo free
No. 496165
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No. 496166
>>496154That person is dumb because Mariah
originally said that the cosplay was for the hentai. She didn't call it an OC until weeks after she had already publicly said that it was for Milk Party. You can even find tweets and posts of her saying that it was specifically for that.
No. 496171
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>>496165she’s right, all these people are full of hate and reaching. okay.
No. 496177
>>496168i feel like vamp wishes she wasnt living there for this
the only response mariah should steal is "I'M SORRY, I DID STEAL THE OUTFIT [et al]"
No. 496186
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Come on Mariah call Bunny and Susu "bitch bois" like you did with _plusfox and allll the other guys who did not suck your clit.
No. 496198
how much does it even snow in Vegas anyway?
No. 496199
>>496162So because Moo was a lazy cunt and didn't plan for this shoot sooner and there is a rush to get things done fast, because the snow is melting and the Wolf can only go out in the winter. Now it is MyOppa's fault that Moomoo was forced to ask someone to steal the design. Oh poor Moomoo.
Damn those talented artists for being fully booked.
No. 496202
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Whoops sorry guys she’s TOO BUSY working on cosplay to deal with a statement right now
No. 496209
>>496202crazy eyes
i bet her cats will be in there, if they arent already, before the room is properly vented out.
No. 496211
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No. 496217
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No. 496221
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No. 496231
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>>496222nope from what I could see but after scrolling through his 6000 Minecraft screenshots I did find something kind of funny
he asked her for this exact same print back in November and didn’t get a reply, clearly she was checking her @s for some quick ~fan enegagment to clear up her timeline and decided to answer him this time.
No. 496239
>>496219>>496224dats why she gonna donate the $100 to her friend i mean charity
to save the melty woofs
No. 496246
>>496239God I forgot this was supposed to be for charity. Again, why isn't she emphasizing THAT as a reason for why the outfit needed to be done quickly/cost-effecticely.
No. 496252
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The shoot wasn’t rushed for the snow/because of snow either. the snow was just a bonus to the shoot and even then it was patches.
No. 496254
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>>496252and while vamps out there wking don’t forget that she took roxy instead of you.
No. 496261
>>496005>>496009>>496063I was just gonna say, that tweet made me do a double-take to make sure I wasn’t actually in the onion thread.
>>496246Didn’t they say that the CC rip-off was actually more expensive to make than the original? That could have been a spur of the moment lie to pretend she wasn’t stealing because she’s cheap, but it would bite her in the ass if she’s going to claim “cost-effectiveness for charity UwU”.
No. 496281
>>496280moo desperate to show she aint shook
someone with those autumn witch thief tweets handy should send them back to her on this latest twitter temper tantrum
No. 496306
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Heres a photo I got of her at ALA, no edits, just forgot to post it. Also, fuck vamps wig, shits garbage. As a Fem hog cosplayer myself, who put in far too many hours on mine, and my friends Junkie. Shit just makes me so mad.
No. 496321
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No. 496342
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Aww, I got blocked by Vamp before even getting a response. Too much real talk for her to handle, I guess?
No. 496345
>>496344Samefagging but her protecting Mariah's thievery is only going to make her look bad to other cosplayers and companies. If she wants to make a career out of cosplays, then she's going to need to pick which battles are worth fighting. This shouldn't be one of them since there
is proof.
No. 496347
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Does Vamp not realize she's not gonna come out on top here?
She's busted in the face and her best friend either threatens or eats away her problems. Neither of them have posted any extraordinary or memorable cosplay recent.
I hope they get comfortable fading away from the cosplay scene. No one will miss the ugly step sisters.
No. 496360
>>496324Kinda odd that she would say Mariah would beat her up when the person tweeting at her didn’t even mention about moo threatening her to defend her, so whos reaching here??? Scared that the anons about moo being on your ass to defend her isn’t bothering you ?? I mean we’ve seen moo dangle friendships as some power trip kinda thing to make people feel like they owe her their lives cause she blessed them with her precious time and presence
Also she fucking types like moo. With. The. Constant. Periods. After. Every. Fucking. Word. Have these bitches ever heard of a comma???
No. 496374
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Edgy as fuck my dudes..
No. 496408
>>496397>can't understandit's not that, it's that moo is a fucking brat and doesn't give a fuck. of course she won't admit anything, she just went off on like everyone who said something and is burning bridges left and right.
moo's not smart enough to even be like 'oh noes i didn't realize i was stealing!' she's gotta be defensive about everything. fuck she could be using the public domain thing as a defense for what she thought she could do, then just apologize to get away with it. but instead she chooses to use assert it as fact, she's very very stupid and so while she
is manipulative, she has no tact. and the only reason she's been good up til now is cause no one was addressing it.
No. 496414
What the fuck did I wake up to, oh my god lol. This is not at all what I was expecting, I went to sleep getting a bit bored of the moo thread, but bless the milk gods. I have so many things I want to discuss, but it’s impossible to pick one.
>>496324 vamp is digging her own fucking grave, she’s stayed neutral on a lot of things, but she is picking the worst one to try to defend her shitty cows honor. What happens when you and Mariah split vamp? Going to live that dream grocery store sub management life? She needs to sit the fuck down.
>>496217 this is different moo, you have literally thousands of people who just confirmed they hate you, cosplay community and not. For her to not make a statement just makes her look like more of a poor sorry loser. And,the fact she’s been avoiding it this whole time until a larger person comes in to back her into a corner says a lot about her. This isn’t just the myoppa thing either, this is all of her shitty, awful behavior up until that point too. Moo and vamp are both trash who deserve each other.
No. 496416
>>496321>>496341Are people calling them out on consistently spelling MyOppa's name wrong? If you want to "flatter" someone you were "inspired" by, spelling their name right is literally the least you could do.
Also I guess we now know where Vamp stands on the issue of theirs being an abusive controlling relationship.
No. 496426
>>496332I feel like vamp is taking all her frustrations from this thread (she's obviously kept up with them) out on twitter.
like what this anon said
>>496360 plucking "should couldnt beat me up" out of nowhere when it's been said here a few times.
Vamp, you had a chance to redeem yourself but you look like and utter tit and you're turning out like Mariah by the looks of it. You're already dead cosplay career will end up the same if you carry on.
No. 496433
File: 1518010518349.gif (487.89 KB, 500x303, damnit vamp.gif)

>>496426She's really shooting herself in the foot with this. People on here were rooting for her to leave Moo and be free to de-thot and improve her cosplays once she was out of that toxic environment, and other big name cosplayers were also seemingly cheering her on by promoting her while pointedly ignoring Mariah. If she had simply kept her mouth shut and moved on quietly then many people would have been happy to support her while she rebuilt her image in the cosplay community. She rarely got involved in Moo's drama before so nobody (except snarky farmers) really missed her input. Why did she have to go and stick her foot in her mouth by defending her on this one downright indefensible issue? Bad move, Vamp.
No. 496482
>>496478I'm blocked by her but I really want someone to bring up the fact that yes "red riding hood" is public domain, which is why the dress is
named that, but that doesn't mean it's a cosplay or "red riding hood's" outfit.
Also, I know we know, but I want someone to ask her why she's changing her 'moomoo OC' so much when she already made merch of the old one?
No. 496488
>>496482Someone did bring up the Red Riding Hood thing being Public Domain!! I can try asking about the second one before I get block't.
Also taking screenshots now.
No. 496498
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>>496493No reply to this one yet.
No. 496501
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>>496498Caps 2/???
Still saying.
No. 496508
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<a onclick="highlightReply('496505');" href="/snow/res/496075.html#496505">>>496505</a><br/>It's only bullying if you're bullying but not if I insult everyone!!!11!<p>
No. 496514
>>496507Lol no, but moo didn't copy a 'cosplay' she copied an outfit that was designed by an indie designer…for a fashion show.
Gucchi and LV sue(and win) over less similarities in their basic as fuck clothing designs, why should an indie company be different? It's not about her simply copying a generic thing.
>>496512It is saged you fucking cunt.
No. 496515
>>496514Woahwoah wrong tag my bad. I meant
>>496507 no need for name calling here. My clicker clicked wrong.
File: 1518018877638.jpg (183.83 KB, 345x437, 174706-m-03-dl[1].jpg)

Lolitafag here, but innocent world is currently running a 'red riding hood' series
> know it has pictures, but with moo's logic since it's red riding hood it's all public domain right?
No. 496534
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Bringing back from the last thread the "re-design" of Moomoo with the Mai Shiranui concept for SNK heroines, her "inspiration", now we can have an idea of how it's gonna be the bikini version 2.0.
No. 496541
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>>496530Adding to this, if someone can post this somewhere, we probably should. Taken from her site directly.
I know, amazing, google translate works when you're not trying to fake Japanese lol.
No. 496551
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>>496545This it's just a speculation but maybe if she took a bunch of Mai Shiranui cow fanarts as samples for the artist (Bcs of course she can't be original for once), the thing on her ponytail would be based on this, but again it's just an idea.
No. 496572
>>496507god i am sick of this wking shit.
when you cosplay, you're not stealing the design or claiming it as your own (moo does though), you're representing a character. people make clear what they're cosplaying because they're not trying to pretend it's theirs, they are trying to express their interest in the character or artist or design.
sure, cosplaying for money has an element of profit, but you're profiting off of the notability of someone else's work, not the idea that you made it.
that's why moo sucks. she uses people to make her stuff so she can cosplay popular things to get noticed, but then she pretended
she made everything and did all the work, and got all the credit. now she's moved on to try to get credit for the entire creative process, i'm almost surprised she doesn't just trace something and pretend she drew it as well.
No. 496580
>>496572I think that’s what I hate most about moo. She has nothing of value to offer.
>Her bodyIt’s lumpy, covered in marks and ruined. Chubby girls with nice skin are a dime a dozen
>Her modelingHer poses are uninspired, generic, unflattering and always photoshopped to melted skin hell
>Her costumes She has 0 skills when it comes to creating. She can’t sew a costume or make armor. She can’t style wigs, and she can’t fit in to pre made cosplay.
>Her community impactShe has literally none. She does nothing for anyone in the community out of the goodness of her heart. She can’t offer advice to newer cosplayers because she has no skil and she can’t have a positive impact on the cosplay community in any way because she’s incapable of selfless thoughts.
She’s just.. there. A gross, sagging lump that’s
there No. 496612
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>>496582that would be a really hilarious twist and i wouldn't be surprised if momo was willing to do such stuff.
No. 496629
>>496625>I only pin Moo as being stupid enough to think "wolves can only go outside in winter."This. It has moo written all over it. Like she obviously meant "I wanted to take the photos with wolves in the winter" but tried to twist it to make the wolves look like the bad guys. "It's not me, it's the wolves,
they're the ones who can only go outside in the winter! Moo does that all the time.
Either she's feeding vamp lines or typing herself.
No. 496661
>>496482I swear they are fucking stupid.
It's not like any of the Grim's designed the red riding hood.
As far as I know the only remarkable thing is her red cloak (which isn't even accurate the German version, thus the one from Grim, translates to 'Red cap' they only added the cloak later) and the basket with all the stuff in it.
I really don't understand how Vamp is not ok with the OC but totally fine with the dress. It's basically the same thing??
No. 496665
>>496641Moomoo once said that she likes to mute people because she feels like people will go crazy then. She is such a random internet troll.
Anyways you might be muted.
No. 496674
>>496661Literally the whole “it was inspiried by ~all~ red riding hoods, everyone is stealing from everyone then!!” Argument pisses me off.
In costume designing/cosplay it’s a huge fucking piss off when you create an original design for a character and someone else comes along and does it. If MyOppa has done a cannon design than sure, but her design was unique and designed by her. It looked nothing like any of the images they’re pulling up on google.
It just sucks because in fashion and cosplay it’s getting harder and harder to stand out above the rest, so when someone comes along and recreates your original design without your permission it just rubs it in how difficult it is in the industry haha.
I wish bunny didn’t have to hold back, I wish susu was passed so that Mariah wouldn’t think she’s won.
I pray after her statement comes out they get ruthless and put her in her place.
No. 496675
>>496661Literally the whole “it was inspiried by ~all~ red riding hoods, everyone is stealing from everyone then!!” Argument pisses me off.
In costume designing/cosplay it’s a huge fucking piss off when you create an original design for a character and someone else comes along and does it. If MyOppa has done a cannon design than sure, but her design was unique and designed by her. It looked nothing like any of the images they’re pulling up on google.
It just sucks because in fashion and cosplay it’s getting harder and harder to stand out above the rest, so when someone comes along and recreates your original design without your permission it just rubs it in how difficult it is in the industry haha.
I wish bunny didn’t have to hold back, I wish susu was passed so that Mariah wouldn’t think she’s won.
I pray after her statement comes out they get ruthless and put her in her place.
No. 496676
>>496620>unsaged>hi ___ on completely unrelated postSo which one of mariah’s ass kissers is among us?
>>496674They said all that needed to be said on the matter. The art theft really has nothing to do with them so I don’t know why bunny jumped in. Everything has been set in motion so all that’s left is for moo to fuck herself even more with a dumb statement while everyone is already roasting her.
No. 496683
>>496424It's been said before but they intentionally spell it wrong to keep the tweets from being searchable.
>>496433I really don't understand why she decides to shield Mariah NOW, she's been in a bazillion twitter fights for the past year and Vamp has always been silent about it. Why does she suddenly emerge from the shadows to ruin her reputation? Is it because SSS and Bunny are calling Mariah out for the first time and Vamp is afraid that Moo's gonna take her down with her?
>>496582Moo's psycho but I doubt she would actually do that. People here like to forget that Vamp is also a toxic thot just like Momo and has had her share of drama in the past, so it's not surprising that she'd be this aggressive.
No. 496700
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She finally took fate/stay night out of her bio not that it really matters but just keep pushing that “all I need is my friends and cats!!” Thing
No. 496728
>>496720Look at this
>>496534The hairstyle is almost identical. It's less of a rip off than the original 'moomoo' but it's still pretty obvious since we all know moo will never cosplay something with a short cut and ponytail because she's too busy trying to hide her fat.
BUT chances are it's the artist stealing it rather than moo cause he's obviously not a designer if you look through his artwork.
No. 496770
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I don’t know if Bunny purposesly posted this the day after the moo confrontation but i’m loving it
No. 496809
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>>496799I’m watching the video she posted….does she think someone’s going to kill her? Kek she never posts stuff like this lmao
No. 496816
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flipping tires!
No. 496866
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No. 496869
>>496866>tenderbroembrace"Mariah didn't contact me to get this taken down!"
But suddenly they're the best of pals!
No. 496874
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I don’t mind Sabrina and I know she’s friends with moo but I hate that she’s ~inspired by momos Calvin shoots. I know momos had a more “natural” look but was she totally unedited?
No. 496875
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No. 496926
>>496433lol this gif sums up my feels too man
i know vamp is shit, but im all for anything
triggering moo
her showing up this time is def suspect
No. 496929
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hmmm keeping an eye on that follower count
No. 496945
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>>496929it could be organic but I’m suspicious, maybe someone who knows more about twitter followers could clear it up but it seems like she’s gaining new followers every few minutes
No. 496947
File: 1518045532004.png (3.57 KB, 523x36, bye bye real followers.png)

she's definitely buying from one of the sites that trickle in followers because earlier today when I checked she was down by 33 and if you look through her most recent followers? All of them are extremely suspicious between locked accounts, very 'normie' looking accounts, and straight up blank accounts.
There's nothing she's done recently that would have gained her such a consistent stream of followers.
No. 496951
>>496949>>496947Sorry I deleted that comment I wanted to post one that showed the times whoops but YUP I figured. it’s okay momo you can’t but
all your friends
No. 496952
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>>496951trickle trickle, so this is one follower every 10 minutes roughly?
No. 496954
>>496875Soooo…the hair in a pony tail is what changed?? And blue eyes. Wow. What an imagination.
Oh sorry, she has a tail now. Which will ultimately look like garbage in her shoots and will be tossed.
>muh totally original OC dudes (c) me plz don’t copy alter or repost No. 496959
>>496954maybe she can finally move on to nudes and buy a butt plug tail
sorry i dont want to see her naked (ive seen the "leaked" ones), im just on a shitposting high about it due to the BEFORE nudes aka wheres the nudes
No. 496962
>>496489i think they literally dont understand the difference. if i can make anime clothes and no one cares, why is this clothing suddenly off limits?
which, whatever, but you are ignoring all the intent behind it + adding more to the mountain of lies
No. 496966
File: 1518046655760.png (1.56 MB, 900x600, THEFT.png)

hEY guyS check out my original content~
could use some hoenst feedback on how to improve/other info to include
No. 496976
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No. 496998
>>496989I think so too. Like when pixel artists make a base and just work off it. He's basically a glorified doll maker.
I actually thought it WAS the same base, but then I pasted them together. Shit is just so samey it doesn't stand apart at all.
I'm too lazy to look up more of his art to find the base of Moo's, but hers is way worse than the other girls.
No. 497005
File: 1518048815373.png (440.42 KB, 1080x812, moo.png)

Fixed to make it more accurate to what Moo actually looks like
No. 497014
>>496675i bet she was waiting for the cow redesign to make her "statement"
i bet she wont address anything but the cow and even then it wont be a real apology like usual yawn
No. 497042
>>497024Wtf nobody mentioned feminism.
>>497005>>497027I would make the ass smaller too! Anyway awesome edit kek
No. 497086
File: 1518052082612.jpg (58.77 KB, 736x654, 433281de283106332411e3c90527bd…)

>>497067now that's definitely not true. if you look up almost all pro-studio anime character sheets, they have a basic-ish pose that is dynamic enough to express the character's personality, and some poses showing the clothing etc.
see below 1/2:
No. 497088
File: 1518052135565.jpg (366.52 KB, 900x800, Hoshikawa.Hotaru.full.2107110[…)

>>497086and 2/2
these are both from the same show even, but give a good impression of both the character and designs
No. 497091
File: 1518052241590.jpg (32.96 KB, 312x236, kof___mai_as_a_cow_by_soniagre…)

>says cow girls are generic
>MUH OC GUIZ, has a shitfit when its not seen as unique because its a ripoff
>remakes it as Mai Shiranui with pink hair, another ripoff
Funny thing is is pic related. Mai turned into a cow as part of a Athena stunt when you lose to her. This can't be a coincidence my dudes. Bokuman knows.
No. 497105
>>497086Not that anon but the reference sheet looks like an imitation of the ones that Western artists make for concept art, not like the ones that you're showing.
But the way that Bokuman did it is the same way low tier deviantart artists make.
No. 497109
>>497105that's probably true, i guess i just felt like someone trying to draw kawaii uguu waifu animu would be a bit more creative.
is true, haha.
No. 497116
>>497106It's not from KOF, but from SVC Chaos aka one of the SNK vs. Capcom crossover games. Athena Asamiya is not playable, but the original Athena from the Athena games is a secret boss and can be unlocked as playable.
(sage, just in case)
No. 497121
>>497047the other girl has a dynamic pose thats at the end
moo has nothing
just like irl
touching my hat pose donut steel No. 497129
>>496874moo is never unphotoshopped except in her insta and snap stories
and even then…
No. 497135
>>496903theres literally nothing of note
she couldve just got a head shot done
No. 497177
File: 1518055299372.jpg (94.32 KB, 736x531, d89eb80c568d29b3c64e7a5e07f235…)

>>497170NTA, but anon those are what bakumon is trying to do, what do you mean? He's obviously showing off designs. Also, the concept art for meguka are even more dynamic than his.
No. 497180
File: 1518055382205.jpg (51.6 KB, 500x368, 9adaef68afd3456d26c46d58d445d4…)

>>497177Sorry, adding one more, but it's the same deal. Both Madoka and Homura look like different people.
No. 497215
File: 1518058031238.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, 0DD47EE6-80A6-4021-8503-102A8D…)

No wonder vamp supports momo, this girl has DRAWN ON IN PAINT flowers and PASTED on sunglasses but vamp loves it!
No. 497222
This is kind of OT, but someone reposted a cosplayers photo and it got removed for copyright on Twitter. Like, the image was replaced.
>>497215lmfao this is a nightmare
No. 497240
File: 1518059648942.jpg (11.36 KB, 300x168, IMG_1545.JPG)

>>497215I can't fucking believe this. You're going to feature a mother fuckin Microsoft paint cosplay? Leave. Get out.
No. 497259
File: 1518062084769.png (316.13 KB, 1080x748, 20180207_195331.png)

>>497215Sorry for OT/derailing but a lot of bad cosplayers pull this bad photoshop shit
No. 497265
File: 1518062544148.png (143.35 KB, 558x410, Screenshot 2018-02-07 at 8.02.…)

please dont
No. 497302
File: 1518064918760.png (1.53 MB, 1835x1021, remakereaction.png)

>>497265I swear its gonna end badly. I can imagine using her regular hair or trying to copy KayyBear with the type of dress.
No. 497318
File: 1518066387870.jpeg (469.65 KB, 750x847, 9DA754B9-E7F1-4EED-99EA-63F011…)

here we go one more time everybodies feelin Fine
No. 497329
>>497320This will be so hilarious and bad looking. What makes it even funnier is that she's AGAIN just copying someone who got attention from Mama Nigri with her female Hanzo.
>>497323Fucking christ does she use glue to style her ratty ass wigs? What does she do to them to make them look like this? It literally looks like she intentionally teases the fiber to the point it starts turning into dreads and then throws the wig to the floor a couple of times for good measure.
No. 497331
>>497318So three years into cosplay and she still doesn't know this shit? Really? She can't use youtube to figure shit out?
>>497320Oh god it's going to look like the Michelin Man cosplaying as Fatzo.
No. 497332
File: 1518067505365.jpeg (202.49 KB, 899x1200, A5E951CC-3480-4B80-8D32-8AF165…)

>>497323I’m glad she likes her Yoko wig so much she decided to make a pink one for her oc
No. 497333
>>497318>>497322>>497323This room looks like it belongs to someone who never got punished as a child. Her parents are failures just like she is.
What adult has a room like this? Seriously!
No. 497335
File: 1518067893709.jpg (126.41 KB, 666x879, 564841894.jpg)

>>497323the wig looks ratty yes but i'm actually curious about how did she make this part look natural? isn't it hard to make ponytails like this look natural at that part?
No. 497366
File: 1518070092940.jpg (26.66 KB, 534x800, comethefuckon.jpg)

>>497335You can see all the wefts though… this looks terrible. Why not just buy a ponytail wig from Arda, the company she /totally/ gets the rest of her ebay-quality wigs from? They have exactly what she needs and she wouldn't have to do any of this, and it'd look a thousand times better.
I mean I KNOW why, she's cheap and lazy, even though she's making so much more work for herself.
No. 497383
>>497378Definitely this. You can
tell that she uses way too much product.
No. 497446
File: 1518079284427.png (2.59 MB, 1242x2208, 036677DE-91CE-4B4B-8A2B-BB4791…)

>>497368She makes it so obvious she lurks here still
No. 497461
>>497446remember when she was talking about how she was cleaning like crazy because she was moving to her super cool umineko vintage home soon
Ah good times, wonder what happened to that plan
No. 497481
>>497104I don’t know if you even need a thread, anon.
Just type the words “momokun cosplay nudes” and you find them right on google images.
No. 497527
>>497020>I'm really starting to believe she has a learning disorder or just something fucked up in her brain in general.I know it's become kind of a buzzword lately but I'm convinced that Mariah's a narcissist.
>requires constant attention, cannot be away from social media for more than a day or two>overshares intimate details about her life>exaggerates or lies about achievements, talents and influence>name-dropping to make herself seem more important and popular>manipulates and exploits the people around her>unable to develop and maintain meaningful relationships>externalizes blame, pinning blame on everyone but herself>thinks everyone envies her and is out to get her>no real creative ability, just copies and steals what she sees successful people do/make>strong sense of entitlement, indignation whenever she's called out on lying, cheating, stealing because she honestly believes she should be able to do whatever she wants>no empathy, has no respect for the boundaries of others (e.g. threatening to beat up anyone who touches her without permission but sees no problem with grabbing some stranger's ass at a con on camera)>treats animals like props and toysI could go on but it all starts to blend together after a while and I don't want to shit up the thread. The bullying, circular arguments, condescending attitude and unwillingness to admit fault is all part of a pattern that we've seen over and over with Mariah. She might throw out a superficial apology here or there to take the heat off, but deep down she doesn't believe that she's ever truly done anything wrong.
No. 497546
>>497322Looks like there's a big old cat shit stain on the floor next to the drop cloth. How in the hell is she going to get a deposit back for this?
And when the fuck is she actually moving out?
No. 497566
File: 1518100842010.png (207.22 KB, 216x400, Screenshot_7.png)

>>497322Is this vamp?
Can't they afford a table?
No. 497600
>>497543You mean after Gabby Cosplayed it like she copies everyone elses Cosplays.
Sage for no proof just a speculation.
No. 497613
File: 1518105607637.jpg (43.42 KB, 500x375, peko-chan-02.jpg)

I hadn't checked the threads in a couple days but it was some glorious milk.
We have been blessed by the milk gods, truly.
No. 497660
>>497637Yep, if you defend trash, you are trash!
Can't wait to see Moo unlovingly squeezed into that bunny suit, red is really going to show off vein-chan to her fullest.
No. 497662
>>497660Really starting to think that was Moomoo swiping Vamp's phone and WKing herself. "Vamp" was certainly tweeting very similar to how we've seen Mooriah do in the past, especially during a meltdown.
>>497661Sounds about right. She's stupid as fuck and she knows it deep down, so she gives herself airs of "greatness" and is basically living out some extreme delusions of grandeur at this point.
No. 497666
File: 1518109879114.jpg (33.79 KB, 775x129, cow.jpg)

No. 497692
>>497662I really think it was Moo posing as Vamp during that triade. We've never seem Vamp WK Moo so viciously during all the other times Moo's come under fire. The fighting was all from Vamp where as Moo was… strangely quiet. Only posting only about how much she loooooves her followers/community/humankind, etc. And we know this Bitch cannot resist getting the last word in so that's suspicious to say the least.
The twitter WKing only made Vamp look like an absolute ass so she really had nothing to gain from it. We know Moo only cares about herself so she probably wouldnt give it a second thought to drag her friend through the mud by using her account. As long as the ass getting fired isn't Mariah's it's all good, amiright?
No. 497852
>>497527>>497755As much as I agree with these points, I feel like diagnosing her with a disorder will just give her more excuses. If she really does have these conditions it's irresponsible of her not to do anything about it because it's clearly harming her and those around her.
It would be nice to get testimonies from people who have actually been around her to confirm that a lot of these points are true.
No. 497934
>>497852>>497865>>497925Oh it would definitely just give her excuses. This girl uses her race, gender, weight you name it as reasons to excuse her behavior. We know that she lurks here so it's best to not even try to bring up other mental issues that she might have. She's an absolute asshole and you don't need a mental disorder for that.
Bet she's going to bring up a mental illness now that we've talked about it here.
No. 497981
File: 1518127692127.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 76F6C221-42E6-4BED-9703-116B43…)

Why does she only work out a week before the con
No. 497999
>>497991bitch you're nothin'
but jello
No. 498017
>>498014About 3-4 threads back I believe. Moo wanted Vamp to get rid of her cat because her shitty kitten kept picking fights. Instead of getting rid of Guzma, the cat causing all of the trouble, she wanted Vamp to make the sacrifice. Vamp said that she would move out instead.
She should have pointed out that it was Moo's cat that was causing trouble but she's spineless.
No. 498052
>>496241Art anon here
What outfit should I put moo in? Her new “oc cow jean” girl?
No. 498054
>>498052put her in unwashed leggings, some type of plaid shirt, and need to be redone acrylic nails
oh, and ratty hair like moo's new wig for her
No. 498102
>>497991What happened to her personal trainer? No PT would ever tell anyone to do this. If she actually did 60x4 with a weight she'll be so sore tomorrow she'll be crying.
And Momo, lat pulldowns target your back the most with shoulders being a minor secondary. If your shoulders are the biggest issue after your workout your technique is awful.
No. 498123
>>497991If she's so set on losing weight, why isn't she doing cardio? Like, wouldn't it be easier to lose the weight, then bulk up with muscle?
If she's working out as much as she tries to claim, then theoretically she should be gaining weight from the muscle mass, whilst also looking slimmer…
No. 498134
>>498129In order of diet > cardio > weight training
Would, logically, be most effective but we all know Moo is too lazy for that. And it's evident she isn't eating only 1200 calories a day because like she'd go through the effort to calorie count
No. 498137
File: 1518137389465.png (838.19 KB, 720x1031, Screenshot_2018-02-08-16-48-09…)

Translation: Moo is going to have me make her dress and she will watch!!
No. 498141
File: 1518137517988.png (140.6 KB, 720x772, Screenshot_2018-02-08-16-51-31…)

No. 498157
>>498137I find it pathetic that Mariah does this. What's the point of having people come to her place and have them sweat shop everything last minute? She could have easily ordered the Saber dress ahead of time. She clearly had intentions to do Saber for a while since she was talking about doing Saber for months. I have never seen any other cosplayer do this, let alone someone who is "famous". I feel sorry for Elizabeth because she is forced to make up for Mariah's laziness by making everything last minute for her.
I assume Mariah does this so she can say that the people "helped" her with her cosplay so she gets the credit for the cosplays. Basically like what she did with Keintastic when he "helped" her with her armor.
No. 498171
File: 1518139484718.jpeg (94.68 KB, 1024x486, 998CC202-5441-4090-B380-751F72…)

No. 498190
>>497991>>498184I was gonna point that out too, moo is so retarded she can't even spout gym lingo correctly or even in a logical way seeing as so many people thought she meant 60 reps.
Also this might be a nitpick but her mentioning the lat pulldown being what's making her sore is silly. I would imagine a compound move like squats or bench press for 4 sets would be more exhausting to brag about.
No. 498220
File: 1518142671993.png (393.62 KB, 1242x2208, 09A19243-BCC4-4CE1-A8E6-F10021…)

>>498190Like bitch wtf? I lift weights and I KNOW she fucked it up… Gym snob, gym newbie YOU KNOW she fucked that up. jfc
No. 498262
File: 1518145272160.png (3.47 MB, 750x1334, B03ED6D2-0EA0-45FE-8B08-94CFF8…)

Excited to shoot with Elizabeth and is shooting like 6 sets over two days this weekend (so no time to write her statement) also talks about how patreon is adding “lenses” which is like an insta/snap story for your patrons. she says you can only set it to patrons only or everyone so she’s excited to see what they do with that
No. 498337
File: 1518149679568.png (12.62 KB, 294x209, Untitled.png)

>>498320like does this even pay or what?
No. 498411
>>498407Not wanting to suppor this bitch but maybe she’s trying to do the thermogenesis trick or trying to create a body sauna by
Covering herself that much during workouts. Some people believe it helps you lose weight faster by doing so, but is just water and getting dehydrated.
Probably her bodybuilder dad taught her that. But I doubt. We are taking about momokun here.
No. 498426
File: 1518155238624.png (120.17 KB, 720x718, Screenshot_2018-02-08-21-42-40…)

>gets asked if wig is Baiken from Guilty Gear
Sorry to say but I don't think Moo knows what Guilty Gear is nor has the mental capacity to play it.
No. 498470
File: 1518156932319.jpg (31.89 KB, 270x480, 27849115_1721048937918574_5473…)

found by a friend and sent to me.(we know)
No. 498475
>>498411I don't like defending her, or even siding with her, but I always wear long sleeves or a sweater to the gym, no matter what time of the year. I just feel more comfortable and the equipment is dirty and I don't like my skin touching it. I'll even wear gloves on days I don't need them because the gym is dirty as fuck!
She does probably smell really bad! I don't understand how her hair can be in her face and touching her neck like that at the gym! That would drive me crazy.
No. 498483
>>498337>>498352man team envyus lol team was a joke in the NA circle.
alex ich was the only good one, good thing they disbanded. so that means moo won't have to learn about lol, overwatch and csgo, just overwatch and csgo!
No. 498533
File: 1518161497569.png (402.71 KB, 602x1080, Menu_art_m.png)

>>498489Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club, anon. It's unlikely Moo had the patience to get through the game, but it was a big thing for a minute. She's never gonna go through with it though now that it's dying down lol, it's too late for her to get any attention from it.
No. 498616
>>498510It's definitely a different person each time. Comes with the territory of an ever-growing cancer unfortunately.
>>498492I just wanna point out that the scabbing you'd get from bleaching your hair heals within a week. It's a very superficial chemical burn. So if Moo had been telling people her scalp was messed up for more than week it's because she was picking at them to the point of infection, and/or she was furiously scratching her scalp while the bleach was on so the burn was more serious than it should've been.
No. 498622
>>498616>the scabbing you'd get from bleaching your hair heals within a, that's not always the case…
alwaya want to get it checked, because while most times it is similar to a sunburn, it can be very serious.
No. 498624
>>498337Inb4 moomoo suddenly has a huge hard on for overwatch league. He’s social media manager for one of THE worst OWL teams too. They’ve won a whole TWO GAMES. sounds like a downgrade of a job tbh.
Sage for owl sperg
No. 498633
>>498624>>498337Overwatch League seems to pay pretty well. They’ve pumped a lot of money into it to make it both a success and appealing job wise. DF might be one of the worst performing teams atm but you can argue that some of their individual players have more fans than whole teams combined. I wouldn’t be surprised if Momo starts claiming connections to the team.
Sage for irrelevant esports talk.
No. 498694
>>498633The twitch streaming rights alone were a $90mil deal. So yes, he is definitely getting paid seeing as DF is a popular team, something Moo could benefit of
anyway sage for additional esports autism
No. 498695
File: 1518187612088.png (1.05 MB, 708x1156, Screenshot_2018-02-09-06-44-05…)

Elizabeth is over and brought her pet lizard
No. 498872
File: 1518198937931.jpg (97.63 KB, 933x715, IMG_1378.JPG)

>>498831I'm imagining a super round Hanzo with a shit wig and vein-chan. Do it Moo. Embarrass yourself.
No. 498926
>>498860It wouldn’t surprise me. She always spergs out at anything even implied to be be gay and is so quick to shout it down as “ITS NOT GAY MY DUDES!!! QUIT TRYING TO PUSH YOUR BULLSHIT LGBT AGENDA!!” Which she immediately tries to cover her ass by saying “I’m totes bi my dude, so I can’t be homophobic”.
She was probably thinking to herself “Why won't these dykes leave me alone”
No. 498948
>>498920Best part is, SSS is classy. You don't see her sporting a hairy ass, you don't see her pubes out on display at cons (especially with kids around), you don't see her pussy lips hanging out, and most of all, she doesn't have nudes out on the internet. She is every Mariah wishes she could be.
You can tell Mariah tried to copy SSS with everything. She copied her POVs, her catchphrase, and tried to make an OC just like her. If I was a guy, I would pick SSS any day over some wrinkly, overweight slut.
No. 498949
File: 1518204335418.png (970.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180208-233357.png)

got this lovely screen shot the other day from her Insta. also she answered the door with a fucking airhorn in Elizabeth's face. How can she do that to her friends. Also also anyone notice how she like bobbles her head when she talks? Everything she does is fucking annoying.
No. 498988
File: 1518207626687.png (21.67 KB, 882x406, momographeon.PNG)

We haven't had a Graphtreon check in a while so here's her development during the past year. She went through a massive dip at the end of October when the donation drama went down and it keeps on going. At a slower rate but the downfall is definitely continuing.
No. 499209
>>499161If a patron has issues with getting rewards from a creator and no proper reasoning is given then patreon WILL do something about it. I think the issue is her neckbeards dont report her.
I've seen it happen.
Pretty much every sales site does the same thing (storenvy tictail etc) they will refer the buyers to the seller first before doing anything themselves or even say that a paypal dispute should be made.
>repost cause i forgot to sage No. 499254
>>499247"Moomoo shorts instead of pants"
Getting more lipo on your legs Mooriah??
No. 499272
File: 1518226191153.jpg (222.59 KB, 1773x1773, PicsArt_02-09-05.29.06.jpg)

No. 499284
>>499272Mooriah is the one that stalks people. Even the people she blocks herself. The reason I know is because she was
triggered by some people who posted about her during the MyOppa scandal.
No. 499303
File: 1518228728878.png (2.89 MB, 750x1334, 51929392-35C7-4D6E-8C83-673C7C…)

SURPRISE! red body suit is now for moomoo
No. 499311
File: 1518229027817.jpeg (163.38 KB, 749x927, 90FA0307-B119-4EFF-A7F5-81F0F8…)

No. 499314
>>499303That makeup is so sad and the horns don't really match??
This is a mess.
I'm so tempted to design an OC similar to hers just to really piss her off.
No. 499316
File: 1518229351992.jpeg (83.99 KB, 750x209, 8A83A572-7331-4C8B-A643-44814F…)

>forest by castle corsetry
hmm, what announcement does momo have for us? is she going to follow in the footsteps of every girl right now and try to do a figure/comic/game or something?
No. 499319
>>499311>>499303She cant even make it accurate to the design she supposedly paid for
>>496875 if she was going to do big horns why not tell the artist???? Also wtf does does a red corset have to do with a cow or fluffy wrist cuffs?
The corset is very poorly made as the cup size looks like it was made for an A cup and the crotch isnt wide enough to properly hold in her crotch fat (which is probably the grossest thing I've ever had to type)
Also everyone please notice she's keeping the armband from the other design
>>499313because none of it was made by her and her bodyfat is being held in with a full metal corset?
I'm calling that the tights are going to rip partway through thr shoot since there are already runs starting in them.
No. 499331
>>499324>>499314The horns are so thin too. They look really….out of place. She's too big for those thin horns.
And yiiikkeess, her gynecologist must make a ton of money since she always shoves clothing in her vag.
No. 499337
File: 1518230818489.jpeg (354.1 KB, 750x930, 89325132-FF8A-4523-AACD-9AAFAF…)

No. 499341
File: 1518230928636.jpeg (241.27 KB, 750x671, 91C9720D-F3E2-437C-8DA5-277CA5…)

>>499337> 468 followersBig sponsorship moo! reach for the stars! inb4 she uses app for a week and never again
No. 499350
File: 1518231429828.jpeg (381.3 KB, 750x980, 7943FABD-35EA-4DBF-A09E-CE8D47…)

> forest by castlecorsetry
No. 499356
File: 1518231874033.jpeg (385.59 KB, 750x720, DEBD7D35-B8CB-48F5-9996-89859B…)

No. 499362
>>499288Nah I dont think people will forget and not care. Its more the longer she holds out the more the accusations seem true. If false allegations were said against you wouldn't you do your best to prove you arent a piece of shit?
Momo knows she's in the wrong, so of course she can't defend herself.
No. 499377
File: 1518232856048.jpeg (119.53 KB, 750x310, 05574AFF-5034-4D76-ADBB-4D954F…)

Remember when bOdY suit senpai used to make her own body suits and bunny suits?
No. 499398
File: 1518233493538.gif (2.29 MB, 275x180, 1515310459970.gif)

>>499377What fairytale is this shit from? hahaha
No. 499494
File: 1518241199610.jpeg (420.52 KB, 513x906, 33D8F58F-F5E7-403E-ADFC-5EEDE1…)

is that you labiakun?
No. 499496
>>499495The back of that corset looks horrid
Why aren't the strings tight on top?
No. 499498
>>499494Home girl got her whole puthy out for the whole world to see but lewds before nudes my dudes
Shame she actually looks pretty cute here albeit low quality and shoop
No. 499510
File: 1518241982581.jpg (244.41 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20180210_005217.jpg)

"Get this lewd set of moomoo on my patreon this V Day"
No. 499524
>>499510yeah thats not nude guys. totes not nude.
ah c'mon who are you fooling, pasties won't cut it moo
No. 499527
same, anon
but then I'm swiftly reminded what a cunt she is and then I'm put off all over again
No. 499532
File: 1518243632638.jpeg (303.6 KB, 1063x1660, 8FDA1FF2-ECE4-4B09-AA47-F0344D…)

>>499495I'm so confused, when did she get some sort of ass? Even with instagram tier poses and angles it would of never made her flat ass look normal. There's no noticeable warping in the image either. Did she finally use her lipo'd fat to stick it back into her rear?
No. 499539
File: 1518244517780.png (26.9 KB, 206x491, IMG_8193.PNG)

>>499533Seriously, I was looking at it and it keeps the same exact shape when she's not wearing it. That's now how fabric works, those are solid plates meant to shape and contain the obese lump of flesh that is her body.
Who is she fooling? She hasn't lost any weight, it's just shaped and pushed.
And we called it, instead of making a statement, she's almost going nude to distract everyone.
Real classy Mariah.
No. 499575
I can’t see any visible shop i this
>>499495But you can see some warping near her waist in
>>499311Cmon assholes, we literally saw her flat flabby self as roadhog a week ago. Three visits to a gym does not change someone’s entire shape. This is all shop, angles, and an industrial grade corset.
No. 499577
>>499550Got to hand it to C.C., she knows how to mold a human lump of dough into a decent shape. Mariah is probably deluded enough to think she looks this good WITHOUT the industrial strength fabric shell she crammed herself into. She’s like moon sand. sure, she looks alright now, but once the corset comes off all that lard is gonna expand again.
It’s a decent quality corset and the only consistent “boning” Mariah’s ever going to get.
No. 499598
File: 1518251436115.jpg (203.96 KB, 678x808, redguy.jpg)

No. 499600
File: 1518251615468.jpg (Spoiler Image,661.17 KB, 2000x1575, qfUpTkK.jpg)

>>499510Looks alot like Penny Underbust's cow shoot.
No. 499605
>>499510Did she photoshop her tits bigger? They're definitely not that big or firm in other photos. Also stay classy, this isn't trashy at all or anything!
>>499600So can we add this to the list of stuff she's ripped off?
No. 499607
>>499605It’s the angle + the way her arms are squishing them.
Can confirm, have moderately big saggy tits but great tit pics.
No. 499619
>>499605It definitely looks photoshopped. Her tits are almost to her collarbone.
She airbrushed the shit out of this but couldn't airbrush or edit out the weird skin beneath her tits?
No. 499634
File: 1518256526503.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180210-015333.png)

No. 499635
File: 1518256718656.png (4.86 MB, 1242x2208, 140C3F4D-5740-4889-86F4-8940F4…)

Labiakun reporting. Eating my way through the latex, will be with the world shortly and reunited with veinchan
No. 499668
File: 1518261284362.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.89 MB, 1242x2208, 1B45C0D0-A0E4-43B1-8068-2B9AE5…)

>>499635Shoddy phone edit, I just had to see exactly how much of her vag was hanging out. Surprise, all of it, literally. And it looks like it has a five o'clock shadow.
No. 499670
File: 1518261625920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,430.81 KB, 1242x1546, AFA51D00-9436-462D-8A53-5A6498…)

Nightmare fuel
No. 499740
>>499527>>499522Her face and nose are heavily photoshopped, and so is her body. You find her hot because it's not her
>>499510Countdown to actual nudes: +1
No. 499777
File: 1518280761634.jpeg (170.32 KB, 1232x1207, E7A9F117-E090-4CB4-84D5-E031E0…)

>>499740 I don't think her face is photoshopped. It really doesn't look good in any of these photos. She looks like a literal granny. Honestly it might just be face tape, but it's really not doing her any good.
No. 499782
File: 1518281268144.png (215.83 KB, 473x598, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 8.47.…)

No. 499813
File: 1518284667326.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, 6F85D919-C185-47AE-8049-4833E6…)

She looks like such a fucking hammy beast in this good god
No. 499854
File: 1518288015467.png (523.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180210-122846.png)

She kept pulling the latex off of fupachan and letting it snap back to her body. Accidentally hit the other girls arm,then upset when she couldn't snap the other girl's thigh high (actual prolonged footage of her confused and failing to get those sausage claws under the other girl's sock) does she always get so touchy with whoever she shoots with? Or is it her acting bi again?
No. 499863
File: 1518288282101.png (304 KB, 356x626, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 10.44…)

No. 499865
File: 1518288318777.png (349.99 KB, 592x579, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 10.45…)

No. 499867
File: 1518288391145.png (221.58 KB, 625x560, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 10.46…)

No. 499875
>>499865she's already butchered the meme, again lmao
imagine how horrifying it'd be seeing that in real life rather than just through a photo though…
No. 499879
File: 1518288909829.png (43.47 KB, 209x116, armass.PNG)

her arm fat looks more like an ass than her actual ass does
No. 499881
File: 1518289012514.png (1.68 MB, 1152x2048, 1518241982581.PNG)

>>499777Labianese Paula Deen.
>>499813She really shouldn't make that face.
No. 499894
File: 1518289550295.jpg (93.04 KB, 960x960, 27655180_1632634696830255_6582…)

New header image. Can't confirm artist even though the style is SO familiar
No. 499907
>>499647spend 2 seconds to look at her boobs in the corset or even in the latex pictures. they're small. it's angles/pushing them together.
>>499786 it's a trick to avoid back fat rolls/tits but moo is so lumpy her fat is hanging over it anyway
>>499894 pretty sure it's that Steak guy who tries to suck up to every lewd girl. I honestly cant tell if it's for exposure of it he thinks they're going to fuck him for his malformed art.
No. 499914
>>499909OH the reason I was super confused is that this _mrsteak dude looks like speedosausage's work.
Also _mrsteak has shitty self esteem. Thanks for the help.
No. 499915
File: 1518290940951.png (100.13 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1914.PNG)

She publicly talked shit about Steff and is now sucking up to her
No. 499921
File: 1518291185802.png (39.35 KB, 628x281, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 11.33…)

Sooo what are you going to do Mariah
No. 499928
File: 1518291468985.jpg (83.68 KB, 755x898, moomoo.jpg)

>>499921Mariah is on the phone with the CEO of insta to get it fixed
pic related
No. 499929
>>499922Steff won't do it. She's already had her 2 cents on Mariah.
>>499922Exactly. Nigri probably told Moo to go lick Steff's asshole for popularity points since they were both at ALA. Steff puts alot of effort into her costumes so Mariah probably needs a new sweatsho-I mean commissioner
No. 499947
>>499943A dorito with an extra chin.
>>499940I remember that. Steff wrote a friends-only FB post and someone showed it to Mariah. Mariah freaked out on Steff. Is that the one?
No. 499948
File: 1518292430146.jpg (10.05 KB, 210x240, images.jpg)

>>499865Still unable to do that meme properly, huh? Also, her Nurse Joy wig is atrocious. Without mentioning she was doing that cosplay, I would have no idea. Joy's bangs are VERY specific and these are a dull scissored mess..
No. 499952
>>499942Before she went on her current crash course of milk and sadness, her and Vamp tried to win a contest as crappy Pokemon gijinka. Since Steff didn't give Moo a prize or coddle her ass, Moo has held a grudge since and had made Steff do the same.
>>499947Yep, that's the one!
No. 499953
>>499928Momo has the ego of DJ Khaled without any of the success.
He also always talks about being at the gym while getting fatter every hour, so they have that in common.
No. 499962
File: 1518293242044.png (116.7 KB, 453x191, Untitled.png)

>>499948I assumed she was basing it off of the newer Nurse Joy's (pic related), but even then, if it was the anime based one, the colour and bangs are still wrong, and if it's the game model one, then the colour is also still wrong, but the game model only has one loop, not two.
No. 499991
File: 1518294777081.png (11.1 MB, 2208x1242, CB93FC69-CCB0-442F-BD49-42E6E9…)

Remember that group of cosplay girls celebrating a birthday in Vegas that moo tagged along to?? They posted a vlog and it’s so obvious moo invited herself along. Theyre constantly focusing on everyone but her and the few times she can she tries to jump in to frame. They’re all dressed up and rented a super fancy hotel room and she looks like a fat slob
No. 499993
File: 1518294912094.png (9.28 MB, 2208x1242, F5247F33-004D-4AC0-9A41-DD0B1B…)

>>499991She’s not in it very much but when she does sneak in to frame she’s constantly making those gross h3h3 cough sounds. I think she might actually have a smokers cough and she’s been trying to cover it up with those joke sounding coughs - vapes make you hack too.
No. 499997
File: 1518295026986.png (8.52 MB, 2208x1242, D3FD606B-7E68-4BF3-B985-C04C80…)

>>499993Last one worth noting - the friends who’s bday it was were trying to balance on the moving walkway rail for a cute pose and our heifer tries to hoist her fat ass up and gives up half way
No. 500011
>>499915The worst part about this is that MooMoo isn't doing this genuinely. "Kill them with kindness." Now she's put Steff in an awkward position, if Steff ignores her or continues to subtweet her, then she looks pathetic on her end. But Moo is such an awful person, how do you fake being nice to someone who doesn't deserve it?
Honestly if Steff ever becomes her friend or they develop a personal relationship, hell either froze over or maybe Mariah is actually changing.
No. 500039
File: 1518297808189.jpeg (642.25 KB, 677x887, AFB77CA2-F28B-4E20-826F-4295FA…)

No. 500040
File: 1518297838861.jpeg (644.94 KB, 674x913, C110A96A-1FEF-490B-B26A-80E005…)

No. 500043
>>500012Didn't notice it before but wow. Disgusting. I can't imagine how those girls felt with this sloppy sow around, ruining their pictures and image.
Can anyone post the vlog?
No. 500044
>>499991Ugh, she just
looks annoying.
No. 500057
File: 1518298883533.jpg (185.97 KB, 1270x1080, Quality.jpg)

That quality cosplay yo
No. 500073
>>499999They look like they're taking a picture or posing for a nice video shot and Moo just has to ruin it by being "quirky", aka annoying, like she always does. Just like that photo of the wolf handler where she's in the background making some dumb pose. Always trying to make herself the center of attention. She thinks it's cute, like when Nigri's making funny faces or whatever. But she's so slobby and does it consistently, especially when surrounded by girls much more attractive than her.
>>500057She just has such a great eye for detail, other, lazier cosplayers wouldn't even think to add that extra glue all over the fabric! Not our Mariah though!
No. 500102
File: 1518301061241.png (595.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180210-171507.png)

Dying inside after seeing the amount of cat hair and shit on her hat. sorry for potato quality it's from her insta stories
No. 500170
File: 1518305523609.jpeg (599.26 KB, 727x1283, 84FEFC01-6BE2-4535-85F0-A82BFD…)

r u kidding me? this…all your did was change horns and add weird realistic ears YOU COW
No. 500173
File: 1518306080935.jpeg (450.33 KB, 750x756, DE0AA447-C54B-4892-B36D-A1E071…)

wew check out that ass smoothing
No. 500175
>>500173so much smoothing there's no more crack
this is so embarrassing
No. 500223
File: 1518309765241.gif (21.23 KB, 485x183, ComeondenialletsgetSICKENIIIII…)

I'm fucking crying, everything is so airbrushed that she looks like cheap sausage meat forced into a doll mold but this comment though. I think guys are naturally stupid but for some reason whenever Moo posts they get even stupider for some reason.
No. 500225
File: 1518309869117.png (1.05 MB, 550x1200, sharpened.png)

No. 500229
File: 1518310176703.png (659.06 KB, 540x1028, moomooshoop.png)

>>500173I was attempting to shoop this (poorly) but I had to stop at this point because I couldn't stop laughing at how ridiculous it looks.
No. 500239
File: 1518310733744.png (453.14 KB, 584x570, majinbum.png)

>>500223the best part about her shops is they basically make her a billboard you can slap anything on to
you could probably recreate majinbum imagery on
>>500225 shot easily
No. 500246
File: 1518311517318.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180210-170510.png)

No. 500285
File: 1518315765673.png (165.18 KB, 640x480, Grunty's_sisters.png)

Now that I think about it Vamp and Momo reminds me of Grunty's sisters from Banjo Kazooie. Especially with one of them holding a cat!
No. 500304
File: 1518317503181.jpeg (594.66 KB, 750x1098, FDAE57AB-E290-4831-BA15-6A8008…)

when you can’t even quote the song right
No. 500309
>>500246can she get a foundation that actually matches lmao
>>500304her wig is looking more and more like trash everytime she takes pictures in it jfc
No. 500316
File: 1518319070654.jpg (284.98 KB, 910x668, Screenshot_20180210-185002.jpg)

>>500309I mean it seriously looks like it was dropped on the floor and had cats play with it. Look at that sag
No. 500318
File: 1518319427343.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 6BE9D654-F820-4CED-A45C-38A04F…)

like if you care about your wig for your ~oc so much why not just take it off after your shoot and not…change clothes without taking it off and continuing to wear it.
No. 500326
File: 1518320258105.jpeg (428.58 KB, 2048x2048, 7A0BB31F-19A5-4793-92FC-E91776…)

Expectation vs. Reality
No. 500332
>>500318I'm betting she's going to be buying a new one soon after seeing us point out that it was obvious that she just recycled her old, ratty wig.
With the excuse with that was the plan all along my dudes, I couldn't get the new wig in time to meet my super busy schedule of getting high and watching anime on Netflix.
No. 500337
File: 1518322110540.jpeg (575.06 KB, 750x1105, B0FDD101-AA27-461F-ACF9-3DB395…)

mootographer my dudes
No. 500340
File: 1518322210667.jpeg (549.48 KB, 750x1101, AE5A460B-9C0A-4217-AF96-4039CC…)

>>500337“Make sure you take pictures of me taking pictures”
No. 500346
File: 1518322821280.png (914.97 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-02-10-20-18-51…)

No. 500349
File: 1518322999901.png (362.81 KB, 429x637, Screenshot_2018-02-10-20-21-33…)

>>500346Same Instastory, real stacked workout lines
No. 500361
>>500359this is her other oc
No. 500364
File: 1518324129010.png (301.02 KB, 1055x323, Screenshot 2018-02-10 at 8.41.…)

Added some new things to her wishlist..
No. 500373
File: 1518325132686.jpg (23.77 KB, 320x231, ryuuko smug.jpg)

>>500365I see she has plans for a Satsuki Kiryuuin cosplay
she'll be the pig in human's clothing though
No. 500434
File: 1518331315331.png (858.67 KB, 720x952, Screenshot_2018-02-10-22-35-36…)

No. 500435
File: 1518331388184.png (978.28 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-02-10-22-37-06…)

How much you wanna bet Elizabeth won't talk to her after this trip
No. 500451
>>500193>>500261Things that don't need to exist but apparently do: ASS CONTOURING WHY THE FUCK
>>500173No amount of smoothing is gonna give her the ass she wants, unless she wants something so smooth that
>>500239 can make a masterpiece out of.
>>500370Labia-kun just wants to be free of this festering prison called Mooriah but instead the poor thing suffers under latex, too-small spandex, that "forest" she had earlier, and probably a general lack of hygiene. Please pray for Labia-kun.
No. 500507
File: 1518351039125.jpeg (226.5 KB, 1242x1669, E3C620CB-0D13-4AB9-BBA2-FEFC01…)

I find this interesting. DBS is on Funimation. Mariah knows this, she’s so “buddy buddy” with Funi. Or was it only Rojas and now that he left (wonder why) she’s no longer so close to them? Because no one there actually cares about her? And she brought them so much bad publicity with them featuring her in that jank ass shoot?
No. 500887
>>500361OomOom-bahduhboom…I claim this as my OC no steals lol
reminds of the movie Hairspary (original) and pinky's slogan " fatty fatty 2x4 can't fit through the dressing room door?"
sorry, feelinhalf creative today!
No. 500945
File: 1518397544995.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180211-170102.png)

No. 500951
File: 1518397755290.png (Spoiler Image,493.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180211-170127.png)

No. 500965
File: 1518398143110.gif (1.82 MB, 352x264, 52323.gif)

>>500304oh my god shes wearing her "corest" under that you can see the bumps from the boning
No. 500971
File: 1518398453808.jpeg (178.54 KB, 949x1004, 7697B27E-B22E-4228-A0E2-630255…)

man these spot the difference games just keep getting harder and harder
No. 500975
>>500945First of all she looks like she is gripping the counter so hard she could rip that shit down
Second of all bitch unedited where?! The lighting effects on this didn't magically happen and we all know your edited because you look ten times more bloated in every instagram snap story than you ever do in cosplay
No. 500978
>>500976i think it's elizabeth's kitchen
No. 501016
File: 1518402402302.png (539 KB, 938x515, waaaa.png)

>>500373I love you anon
She's about to ruin my wife and I'm already still recovering from those terrible Saber shots
File: 1518403377698.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, B514623C-3A79-47EB-8801-040A8C…)

>tfw ur done with this shit before u even get in the door
No. 501039
>>501035her tits are smaller than they "should be" because she got a reduction in high school
let alone whatever other nightmares they go through, including the mentioned too small bras etc
No. 501084
File: 1518407135172.png (3.67 MB, 1380x6756, momokun.png)

I really need to find a better way to spend a Sunday night. Hopefully the dimensions of this won't get wonky when I upload…
No. 501107
>>501084Ooohhh, I wonder if you can add in the fact that the email Mariah used and MyOppa’s email are both different.
Really highlignt her intelligence level.
No. 501109
>>501084This is great, Anon! I like that it's easy to read and right to the point.
>>501102This. Maybe add that it does not appear that she tried to contact MyOppa through any other means like social media, like MO's facebook or even send a follow up email.
No. 501113
>>501084Anon you are amazing.
Also ty for mentioning the contradicting stories moo and castle corsetry we’re saying. I feel like the fact cc straight up admits moo contacted her first is ignored a lot.
It might be hard to prove, but also mentioning how moo went to idiot CC days after she sent that email to my oppa is good. Although that may seem more like speculation since they can say they hung out fir other reasons.
No. 501118
>>501107>>501109>>501102Anon who made the graphic here.
I debated adding the bit about the wrong email, but I figured My Oppa's site is
slightly confusing (if you're a moron) and doesn't make the contact info entirely crystal clear across the whole site.
I wanted to make this as unbiased/factual as possible (really difficult, because I think MooMoo is total scum), and I wanted to make solid arguments that are difficult for people to refute. The "sent to the wrong email" thing seemed like a weaker point to add imo.
>>501113Oh, I sooo wanted to add how she went to CC just days after the email was sent to My Oppa….but unfortunately there's no solid proof of it, even though we all know it happened.
No. 501123
>>501084Nice! Nitpick but if you update this you have a spelling error. Botique > boutique. It’s near the top under ‘The Facts’ for MyOppa.
Would also recommend taking out ‘as of today’ for ‘as of February 11, 2018’ If it’s going to be circulated.
No. 501125
File: 1518409652249.png (3.67 MB, 1380x6756, momokun.png)

>>501123Thanks anon! Fixed.
I'm too lazy to try and circulate this, but if anyone else wants to, obviously you can feel free.
No. 501139
File: 1518411395886.png (834.74 KB, 702x597, why would you even post both o…)

>>500953She finally got some syrup for her pancakes
No. 501153
>>501139You can even see how much smoothing she does vs when she doesn't by comparing the face and tits in this one
>>499881She's so fucking lazy. She could easily get smoother skin and less wrinkles if she would just take care of her skin.
No. 501167
>>501125Kek somebody should print several copies of this and distribute them at cons
Or maybe leave them stacked in the toilet so people can take them freely
(Sorry if my english is shitty)
No. 501197
File: 1518415692841.gif (3.77 MB, 480x270, CEB9A13A-5805-40F7-8284-ECC119…)

>>501192ALA already happened but im kind of tempted to do it for katsucon lmao
No. 501198
>>501139i'm sorry but it looks like she rubbed shit all over herself…
at least scat fetish fans will be happy?
No. 501207
>>500945Kek this looks like an old hag mid-fall in a life alert commercial.
“Help! My life is in a downward spiral and I can’t get up!”
No. 501216
File: 1518417689257.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, 5D6DB787-1A12-47E7-8445-2484D7…)

No. 501221
File: 1518418127245.jpeg (188.17 KB, 747x930, 9BDCA346-A916-4100-8F02-6BB32B…)

No. 501316
File: 1518428371179.png (740.01 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-02-12-01-34-39…)

No. 501317
File: 1518428397347.png (669.75 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-02-12-01-34-54…)

No. 501318
File: 1518428422483.png (1.15 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-02-12-01-35-10…)

No. 501321
File: 1518428484394.png (1.19 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-12-01-35-47…)

No. 501327
>>501125Maybe addition of the timeline not matching up?
her contacting my oppai the 2nd of november, saying she waited a month, then upped it to two, but said on her live stream/instra story the 10th 'how excited she was to work with CC on an upcoming shoot'.
No. 501336
File: 1518430202926.png (714.96 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2018-02-12-02-08-25…)

Squarenoodles begins his shitty shoops
No. 501359
>>501318Jesus, if I was gonna leave something so shitty and unfinished looking, I'd at least never post it for everyone to see. She couldn't at least sand the back and paint it a solid color or something? People are still gonna see this when she's walking around at the con.
Every cosplayer I follow who's crunching for Katsu is showing off all their sewing and armor details, and here's Moo… Raw foam covered in glue.
No. 501404
File: 1518444644122.png (263.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-02-12-04-32-18…)

Saw this comment in the Facebook group "oppai squad". Are these police report claims actually true?
No. 501426
>>501364>>501272>>501192This seems a little cringey, especially with how long the latest infograph is, nobody will bother or they'll get bored (it bored me, but I also already know the story)
If any farmer is really so inclined to post flyers about Mariah, I would lean more towards one of the cow "OC" vs Milk Party parodies that have been posted or somethibg that promotes Milk Party and bashes her stealing it, since it was so blatant. Like just 2 screenshots where one says "milk party cosplay" and the other says "my cow girl OC." People are simple and dumb so you have to get the point across quickly, especially if you wanna get their attention while on the shitter.
No. 501440
>>501426i agree, it's too long and drawn out for one issue. PSAs need to be more concise.
>>501404this is probably true. anyone want to pay $1 or so to get a bg check on her?
No. 501446
>>501426I personally think distributing the flyers is too close to cowtipping. But it’s subjective idk
The graphic isn’t short/catchy, there’s no way it would hold many people’s attentions at a con. I made it more with people like you guys in mind, people who are already invested in MooMoo drama and will pay attention and care about all the small deets.
No. 501450
>>501446>people who are already invested in MooMoo drama and will pay attention and care about all the small deets.but to other's points, those people are already either here, or researched enough to find us. the point of the other PSA was to reach as many people as possible. you can still make these topic specific ones, but i think that a smaller image with shorter more 'greentext' tier info is better. also there's not much reason for the zoom-ins and full post SM comparison, just one or the other is fine.
these PSAs shouldn't really be for us, but more for the general public to create traction.
No. 501474
>>501450I originally thought about making it more like a PSA, like the other graphic, but I decided against that. I’m not here to spread awareness or inform outsiders of MooMoo’s scumminess, I’m here to laugh at her with you guys.
The graphic was made more with the intention of summarizing the recent concrete non-speculative My Oppa stuff, for our ease, so we don’t have to sift through lots of threads to find info. Good for newer anons to the MooMoo thread to reference too. I also wanted to use it to bring up specific laws MooMoo is violating, since those haven’t been touched on much here.
No. 501488
>>501474I dig it, it makes a good counter argument to all of her WKs defending this shit. I also like how polished it is compared to the other PSA, a lot of people were dismissing it due to how 'chan' it looked.
Maybe next time make shorter ones, but I think you did good with this one, and it will be even better when you add the bit about her talking up the CC commission before she emailed My Oppa.
No. 501514
>>501439I heard from someone who knows her that she was held back a year or something so if she was a senior at the time she would most definitely be 18. During the whole college gate incident you can see that her first year of college happened around when she would be 19 so it proves she was indeed held back.
>>501404I would believe this kind of behavior from her especially because of how she acts now, even though she is in the public eye. That says a lot about a person. She's enacted more witch hunts than any other cosplayer I've seen and she hasn't even been around that long. Like yeah even when Jessica Nigri was starting out and also a lying cunt she didn't doxx people or bully people publicly like Mariah has.
No. 501537
>>500951>>500953the thing I'm really noticing is how fucking unflattering vamp looks on these. girl, stop letting this bitch publish pictures where you look like a crackwhore, it's not worth it.
>>500965of course she is, cuts the photoshopping her an ass time in half
No. 501656
File: 1518467215171.png (946 KB, 720x1171, IMG_7204.PNG)

How much longer until Mariah copies this idea too?
No. 501716
>>501709She's obviously hard at work studying in between her tire flips, softcow porn, and #Katsucrunch.
So hard at work, in fact, that she doesn't have time to update us on how her exams are going.
No. 501723
File: 1518470457002.png (380.63 KB, 600x683, Screenshot 2018-02-12 at 1.20.…)

Why does she need to take a picture of her gusset?
No. 501789
>>501723Gotta love howbshe always tries to play up bein slutty fuck meat, but the second someone points out a nipple or her pussy lips hanging out she is immediately like “It’s no what you think my dude lol. I’m not some trashy hoe who has to show her private parts to get attention”.
Me thinks someone want neckbeard money, but doesn’t want any of the negative stigma that comes with it.
No. 501947
File: 1518484763983.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1539, Screenshot_20180212-201910~2.p…)

No. 501955
File: 1518494453683.png (3.28 MB, 1380x6223, momokun2.png)

Updated graphic based on various anons' feedback. I couldn't find the instastory about CC, so I left it out. idk much about non-American copyright laws, so correct anything that's wrong.
No. 501974
File: 1518560293656.jpeg (143.96 KB, 892x908, 7203FB06-8650-4E80-B8DF-C87D56…)

l m a o
someone should refresh her memory
No. 501980
File: 1518560641476.jpg (47.11 KB, 480x597, FB_IMG_1518560527400.jpg)

Now she's going to mexico.
No. 501982
File: 1518560709115.png (172.89 KB, 616x676, Screenshot 2018-02-12 at 6.33.…)

No. 501988
File: 1518560837492.png (25.33 KB, 584x146, Screenshot 2018-02-13 at 2.27.…)

No. 501989
File: 1518560878956.png (400.12 KB, 594x681, Screenshot 2018-02-13 at 2.28.…)

No. 501990
File: 1518560934852.png (274.57 KB, 602x468, Screenshot 2018-02-13 at 2.28.…)

No. 501991
File: 1518560985768.jpeg (70.32 KB, 750x335, 47014CF8-AFC6-4A20-B529-86DFAB…)

>>501989Cosplay my way, cosplay eBay.
there’s a slogan
No. 501994
File: 1518561149882.png (239.47 KB, 609x562, Screenshot 2018-02-13 at 2.32.…)

No. 501995
File: 1518561202560.jpg (75.63 KB, 1056x976, IMG_20180213_000536.jpg)

An anonymous throwaway account trying to wk her posted this and she said she's never seen it before and now that account is gone?
No. 502007
>>502003She's a professional businesswoman and dual major at UNLV my dudes! She knows how to market!!!!
>>501974She calls herself a professional cosplayer all the time. She does it whenever she has to suck up to a company. She always uses the "I'm just a weeb" card. If that's true, she should cut out all of her sponsorships and get off of patreon if it's "just for fun".
No. 502008
File: 1518561770607.png (809.91 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-35-29…)

No. 502009
File: 1518561796189.png (931.44 KB, 720x947, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-35-47…)

No. 502010
File: 1518561822644.jpg (140.6 KB, 706x1024, IMG_20180213_174248.jpg)

Looks like Mama Nigri won't be there to dote upon her 'cosdaughters' "big build" that was barely made by her
No. 502011
File: 1518561865838.png (882.86 KB, 720x949, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-35-39…)

No. 502012
File: 1518561978741.png (881.71 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-34-34…)

>>502010This is the third time she's done this right? It has to be on purpose
No. 502016
File: 1518562066402.png (1.2 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-33-49…)

No. 502019
File: 1518562199870.png (1.01 MB, 720x1170, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-34-59…)

No. 502022
>>501995Where would anyone but Momo get this from? Unless MyOppa posted it herself then someone else sent it to Momo?
I want to believe it's real, but we need a source.
No. 502026
File: 1518562425604.png (923.17 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-33-44…)

No. 502029
File: 1518562481578.png (889.55 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-34-06…)

No. 502031
File: 1518562524892.png (704.68 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-13-14-33-56…)

No. 502036
>>501995>>502022Facebook anon, confirm?
It might be that MyOppa submitted a DMCA form herself but
No. 502058
File: 1518563575918.jpg (437.7 KB, 2048x2048, 288A6D3A-B97D-4D2B-9B85-06994B…)

>not a professional cosplayer my dudes
No cosplayer "for fun" has an email for "business inquiries". That is something someone who is doing cosplay AS A JOB would do. She clearly says on patreon she wants to make cosplay a career. I think she's using the "I'm not professional" excuse to weasel out of people saying her crafting skills are shit. It's the only way she thinks she can hide from criticism. Like no Mariah not being "professional" doesn't excuse you from being shit and as long as cosplay and things related to cosplay are your main source of income, YOU ARE unfortunately A PROFESSIONAL!!!
No. 502106
>>501993I actually like this set so much better than any other set that she has done so far. Might be the lights though since you can't see her cakey face that well.
It just seems more professional so far? Idk.
(Really hate to say she looks good so don't shit on me I'm already hating myself for saying so kek)
No. 502125
>>501995frenchfag here, couldn't find anything of 'Absolon Limitée Co Lpa', Piana-aux-Ré doesn't seem like a real place either. Vauce doesn't seem to exist, unless it's Vaucé or Couesmes-Vaucé.
take that as you will
No. 502149
File: 1518568688579.jpeg (26.18 KB, 500x374, 48A7FBCB-9EC0-4A24-86DE-0C9A73…)

>>501991>armor by me >chest by kbbqWait
No. 502160
>>501974It’s always “IM NOT A PROFESSIONAL!!! I NEVER SAID I WAS!!!!” when people call out her shitty behavior and shit cosplay. But she is so quick to suck any company’s dick for sponsorships and brand deals when she wants them. She always uses this shitty excuse to absolve her from having to produce any sort of quality work or to clap back at someone when they criticize her shit behavior and actions.
Cosplay is your job, dipshit. You don’t get paid to do anything else. So yes, that makes you a professional. And like every other profession, a certain amount of skill and conduct is expected. And you don’t get to wave that shit off just because you don’t like getting criticism. So how about you just shut the fuck up.
No. 502187
>>502181Yeah she clearly isn't afraid to wave around her "professional" status when it comes to partnerships and free stuff. If it's just for fun, she should buy badges like everyone else. Not go to the badge pick up and show off you ~oh so big following~ for free stuff.
Didn't she talk about her many sponsorships when some company on instagram was looking for models and they were fat shaming or something??
Can someone post caps if they find it?
No. 502189
>>502008Woah, the difference between KBBQ's work on the chest-piece and her skirt armor is glaring. The chest piece has nice structure and depth, the paint job isn't perfect (probably from sitting in a pile on Moo's floor) but the colors and shading are pretty dynamic and over all, looks solid.
Then you look at the armor of the skirt, it's obviously just some poorly cut out sheets slapped together. The paint job is atrocious and honestly, it just looks dirty. It doesn't even look like armor.
No. 502213
>>502010To answer your question if related: no I don't think so. Nigri doesn't really care enough about Moo to cancel a con because of something Moo did or if Nigri really doesn't like Moo (Jess will never fully take a side anyway).
I think Jessica is just really picky about the armor since it's been a project spanning over about two years. Good move on her part to just wait tbh.
No. 502222
File: 1518573271351.png (890.19 KB, 1156x1212, momo.png)

i got these caps
No. 502223
File: 1518573286345.png (174.94 KB, 1280x752, momo2.png)

No. 502224
File: 1518573308401.png (498.22 KB, 1198x1056, momo3.png)

No. 502226
>>502224With Mariah's track record I wouldn't be surprised if she's lying.
Honestly though if this is fake, it was VERY well made
No. 502294
>>502213I love me some milk so I watched the Nigri doc and apparently that particular build has been one she's been trying to work on for years but since she actually gives a fuck about this character she doesn't want to debut it until it's "perfect" - which I can respect.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want to have to listen to Mariah bitching and moaning about her "haters" and all these allegations, though. I strongly sense that Nigri TOLERATES Moo but when she sees shit like what Moo pulled with Susu and MyOppa… not to mention the fact that she BLATANTLY copies Nigri to an unsettling degree… it probably is pretty taxing to tolerate her presence. If I was Nigri and I was already stressed/bummed out about my costume; the LAST thing I'd want to do is spend time with someone like MooMoo.
No. 502307
>>502294We all know Nigri isn't a fan of Moo. We have had many hints. Some subtle some more obvious. Nigri has never featured Mooriah specifically but features other people who hang around her. Nigri also has NEVER worked with Mooriah directly. Show me a photoshoot that they have done together. Also the rumors that Martin Wong or whichever Asian photographer mentioning how Nigri doesn't like her. Yeah it's a rumor until said photographer says it but with all the evidence piled up already, it's pretty much proven itself.
Nigri sees Mooriah as just another fan girl. Yeah they interact but I've seen Nigri interact with people she hasn't even met in person! Maybe they have each other's numbers or even address but I'm sure Nigri gave her that info to network and assumed she wasn't such a psycho.
No. 502343
File: 1518581117864.png (2.16 MB, 1360x768, yD1dDYg.png)

>>502336In WoW lore, Elune doesn't really have a physical entity. I saw Nigri's elune and it was shown in her "Documentary". It's more of a fanart than canon
No. 502348
File: 1518581909686.png (260.43 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-061820.png)

>>501974by the way, Twitch recently changed their community guidelines to.our advantage.
No. 502387
File: 1518585635247.jpg (55.09 KB, 720x960, 27867660_1260804247397855_8737…)

No. 502393
File: 1518586295306.png (15.07 KB, 275x266, 1509394391354.png)

>>502389She butters it up when it matters. We've all seen her true abilities with Triangle
No. 502401
>>502387Why is the hoopskirt showing?
I mean, I'll give her credit for using a hoopskirt because most people don't and limp dick Sabers look super dumb but Saber really needs a custom made hoop skirt to get the right shape. THis one is too full and too long. Gluing some trim on the bottom doesn't hide the fact that it's hanging out the bottom.
No. 502420
>>501404Anakin-kun here.
Phil is my friend. I don’t know anything about any police reports, I definitely didn’t report anything and I didn’t even tell my therapist or the psych hospital that Mariah was the reason I was suicidal. There was a girl that talked to me about her bullying other girls pretty badly and it should be in the imgur album. She never said who they were though.
I also don’t think I started the movement! Y’all were definitely here longer. But I guess I did have an impact locally, everyone hates her here now. Fanime is gonna be interesting.
Sorry for the disappointing non-confirmation.
No. 502451
File: 1518592608747.jpg (80.89 KB, 700x700, saber.jpg)

>>502387The armor makes it look pretty dull tbh.
As fat as Sabers go, it's alright. But IMO, I know I would get dragged for not being body positive and shit but she's just going to be way too fat to look good as Saber.
>This cow did about 40% of the work on this costume>Bitch boi bucks paying for almost everything else>Still going to Katsucon>Still going to get featured alongside actually good work>Still going to pester almost anyone noteworthy with a camera and make it onto their photo albumsI wish mediocre cosplayers would stop getting famous just cuz lewds. No matter what she does it seems like someone is still willing to throw her a bone and that's what gets me I guess. She's really not losing anything on Patreon yet despite all of this info being available on her being so insufferable.
No. 502453
File: 1518592869698.png (414.76 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-02-13-23-19-14…)

No. 502462
File: 1518593629316.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, 0A6C54D0-5636-4702-A839-1B765B…)

No. 502465
>>502462Wow. That looks like shit.
Why is the bun so far out?
No. 502469
File: 1518594370053.jpeg (234.29 KB, 750x1084, 65DFABAB-7701-4B48-8F01-CAF6D0…)

No. 502472
why does this cow not know how to spell.
No. 502478
>>502451Looking at this just shows that hers isn't even accurate… The dress is supposed to be split, and the detailing and the hanging parts on the panel are wrong. And it looks like the the front panel is supposed to be a different color from the actual dress. I understand adding embellishments on simple design, but you're supposed to add to the design, not change it.
>>502462I don't understand why she didn't just get a premade Saber wig, there's tons of them. I guess so she can take full credit for SOMETHING but it's not worth it.
No. 502479
File: 1518595718367.png (795.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180213-065806.png)

No. 502482
File: 1518595821952.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-000625.png)

No. 502485
File: 1518596213138.png (880.3 KB, 720x949, Screenshot_2018-02-14-00-14-21…)

I can tell where the back rolls are
No. 502495
File: 1518597335982.jpg (119.05 KB, 679x960, 27858429_10156126882394320_313…)

>>502482J-List posted this recent… I'm assuming this is where Moo is getting the only-wearing-an-apron-fucking-up-the-whole-kitchen idea from.
I don't get why she'd think it's cute. Most people commenting on the J-List post are in agreement that the idea of a bitch wearing just an apron while baking is not only super impractical, but also too annoying and stupid to be funny.
No. 502557
File: 1518609833885.png (2.68 MB, 844x1200, 4013DA76-D34B-487A-A4F7-F0442B…)

>>502478The dress is actually just split for the sake of that Figma; momos dress is actually accurate in that regard.
No. 502564
File: 1518611817367.jpeg (108.31 KB, 750x1042, 69EE7410-B648-406A-A767-5FF713…)

>>502557Anon is right, this picture is taken from the wiki, but it’s her in game sprite. So in terms of accuracy not having the dress split is correct but the rest is….. debatable
No. 502573
File: 1518613615346.png (722.43 KB, 750x1334, 4041B867-A2F9-44FC-AC0F-BC0AB2…)

No. 502574
File: 1518613674839.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, 19738542-6A67-4231-AFB9-A019CB…)

Sunday is maid shion and dear god I hope someone captures this girl on roller skates
No. 502661
>>501980I just noticed now, but look at the caption under it saying "Cosplayer Profesional"
But she's still not a professional cosplayer, my dudes.
No. 502683
>>502387Does she even have the back piece? Or did she just call it a day with the chest piece and plans to wear the cape to cover up the fact that she doesn't have the back armor?
Most people who wear the cape do so without the armor, because the people who put the effort into the armor don't want to cover it up with a cape.
No. 502711
>>502661If anyone brings it up, her immediate reaction would be
"I didn't tell them to put that my dudes. I didn't have a chance to proofread it. Too late to do anything about it now my dudes. They said it. Not me."
Whether or not she likes it, she's making money on cosplay and she can keep saying "I'm a lewd model" but her lewd modeling all started from cosplaying. If she is strictly a lewd model, she shouldn't even mention being a cosplayer and market herself as only such. If a convention invites her to a convention as a cosplayer she better tell them she's a "lewd model" (fancy word for sex worker). But this is classic Mariah 101. She is willing to flip flop and change her stance on whatever will fill her greedy gut with money.
No. 502723
>>502717can we fucking give it a rest???
nig is not the fucking leader of cosplay. she literally has no obligation to do so, and no motive, since people will drag her into drama. she doesn't want to, there's legit no reason for her to. all she's been doing forever is bolstering other lewd girls to try to stay relevant and be nice, she's never ever decried anyone or pushed any kind of positivity other than uwu be nice!
No. 502747
>>502728For all of Moo's shitty planning and last minute rushes, it does seem like she plans some costumes well in advance. She just, you know, leaves a lot of shit until the last second because she's a lazy sow.
See: Her planning to use Castle Corsetry to rip off My Oppa well in advance of trying to get it from the actual store.
No. 502748
File: 1518630607060.png (1.23 MB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-02-14-09-47-41…)

Cat made a majority of it I just watched my dudes!!! From miles away!!
No. 502765
File: 1518631626872.png (35.42 KB, 593x201, Screenshot 2018-02-14 at 10.06…)

No. 502770
File: 1518631870560.png (1 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-02-14-09-47-07…)

That's a huge bitch
No. 502799
>>502479>the meticulous little thingsyeah like ironing the fucking dress fabric before posting any shots of it, or heck before you actually start sewing it together
god I can't handle how she has this need to constantly show how amazing and smart and good she is at absolutely everything, while simultaneously fucking said everything up in the simplest possible ways
No. 502801
Momo has obviously lost weight. If it was from working out, maybe. But with how much she lies, I always assume she took another trip to the clinic. However whenever she loses a little bit of weight, by the time summer rolls around she gains a bunch of it back. Do you guys think she will keep the weight off? Or continue on her vicious cycle of losing 10 pounds and gaining 30 back?
>>502799she didn't even sew the orange dress or the saber dress. She just took credit for her friends hard work "Yeeeaaaah she did the simple boring sewing yawn… but I added decals~ So technically I did this whole dress <3"
No. 502805
>>502577Many of us care who she is because she proved that Moo did in fact bully people in high school for liking anime. Get the stick out of your ass, anon.
>>502420Please don't let people scare you off, Anakin.
No. 502871
>>502842nice blog
No. 502892
>>502877It’ll be the exact same as her Takano project, where she wouldn’t shut the fuck up about “how proud of this set she is” and how “it’s a dream project that I can’t wait to show you guys”. And literally no one gave a fuck when it came out. It got so bad that she had to make up bullshit stories about showing it to people who have never seen the series before and them telling her how it was “so perfect”.
That should have been her wake up call that told her that no one gives a shit how much time or effort she puts into her “cosplays”. All they are concerned about is how much ass and tits they get to see, magnifying pictures scouring for any hint of a nipple, pussy lips or her asshole. But yet she is deluding herself into thinking that people actually give a shit about her “craftsmanship” and how much she cares about a series and how she should be considered on the same level as some of the biggest names in the cosplay scene.
No. 502894
File: 1518642792433.jpg (479.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180214-131241.jpg)

No. 502896
File: 1518642830288.jpg (501.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180214-131234.jpg)

No. 502902
File: 1518643095670.png (Spoiler Image,287.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-131337.png)

No. 502903
>>502894Her tits look lopsided in this.
>>502896Her Roadhag looks so fucking dirty, holy shit.
No. 502905
>>502892It's far too late for her supposed craftsmanship to be recognised, as it's obvious that's what she wants to happen because 'professional my dudes'. She dived straight into distasteful lewds with below average sewing and armor making skills. Her work only looks better due to commissions and ready made items bought from sites like Amazon.
Every single one of her dream builds are around 10% of her actual work. She'll only pump out costumes like these with some money thrown at her 'friends' who help her make the entire thing while she gets all the credit. Moo will never improve and make anything fully by herself like actual TALENTED cosplayers.
No. 502912
File: 1518643539878.png (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-132423.png)

No. 502915
File: 1518643741605.png (3.95 MB, 1280x1920, MARV9238.png)

>>502901Holy shit her nipples must hang really low for her hands to be covering them where they are. She really needs to work out so her tits aren't so saggy.
And kek that wrinkly knee.
No. 502916
File: 1518643755873.png (3.15 MB, 1365x2048, F1FB61AC-7167-4725-87B5-F75B98…)

All of these look like domestic abuse lmao
No. 502917
File: 1518643844889.png (3.46 MB, 1365x2048, 87785B17-BD10-403C-ABCC-151BED…)

COLD AND SCARED every picture
No. 502918
>>502905It's kind of crazy that she went down this path this early into her "career". I've been here since the first thread and I remember back then she was all about trying to get her crafting skills to mama Nigri level. She used to post progress of things she made and sewed herself. I knew her saying all that shit was bullshit because I knew since the beginning she was just another money hungry attention whore but damn… I thought she would at least try to have somewhat of a respectable reputation before basically doing porn.
But hey. She did this to herself. If she wants to just be known as someone people masturbate to instead of someone people could look up to as a craftsperson that's on her.
No. 502924
File: 1518644055542.jpg (792.38 KB, 1073x1636, Screenshot_20180214-223219.jpg)

Porn debut in 3… 2… 1…
No. 502941
File: 1518644609145.gif (448.93 KB, 500x354, B9CFFDAA-A55F-4443-9835-057E65…)

>>502930The shades of pink and cream with her skin, the soft blur, and all the editing really just makes her look like a soft blob next to an actual human…well more like a chansey than a nurse Joy.
No. 502970
>>502482am i the only one who cant figure out this pose
i know shes supposed to have been tee hee such a klutz i fell master sama but like… idk her body is just weird
>>502484thats the face she always makes tho
No. 502971
>>502917these pics look so gross, was ALL that flour mess really necessary? why not something more subtle and that could be licked off? idk.
her "cosplay" photoshoots are just sporting a wig, now with these "moomoo" items she stole from the hentai, everything is now "cosplay", whats next, a hobo moomoo?
she doesn't know how to pose at all, the setup of her photos are better imo but still, the model is so bad… no sex appeal at all, she looks scared or out of place. seriously…
No. 502977
File: 1518645937622.jpg (Spoiler Image,326.57 KB, 1200x2004, nero cesar moo.jpg)

>>502513it feels like they forgot to shop her butt on, or they just gave up lol
No. 502981
File: 1518646042869.png (1.68 MB, 1240x782, Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 5.06…)

>>502969sorry to be weird but did they shop them out??
No. 502985
File: 1518646290716.png (1.12 MB, 1008x575, dirty.png)

Couldn't she wash her feet?
For real?
No. 502986
File: 1518646327021.jpeg (192.54 KB, 1240x782, 2598C278-29AA-4ABE-B40F-B76CDF…)

>>502981It looks like her aerola starts where the line is. think they’re just soft nipples
No. 502999
>>502987Yeah that makes sense! Lmao!
This chick is the reason why cosplay is turning into shit!
No. 503041
>>502901Dude literally the tiniest ass ever.
She actually posted this?
No. 503057
>>503047I don't have any troll Twitters and I'm very lazy. Anyone who wants to share it feel free, I don't mind.
Just don't mention it's from here I guess or admin will get angry.
No. 503094
>>503068>Not to mention her expression looking as if she just got barged in on while doing a shit on the toilet.nailed it.
these skype theater classes shes taking are really paying off my dudes
No. 503106
File: 1518650966688.png (892.29 KB, 1024x683, MARV9190_preview.png)

What's even going on with the shoop on the inside of her lower leg though? That whole side is unnaturally flat instead of having a gentle curve to it?
No. 503142
>>502901her fucking elbow has more of an ass. also wtf is this shop job?
>smoothed out the cellulite thighs>still lumpy on the sides??? you can't just smooth out the back and leave their shape like mashed potatoes wtf.
No. 503206
File: 1518658013421.jpg (17.15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>503190It also makes her legs look longer and waist smaller because she does this to every underwear/bikini bottom she wears for a shoot. But to me it just comes off as being very old-fashioned, like bikini bottoms from the 90's, and knowing Moo she doesn't know what looks fashionable.
No. 503267
File: 1518660460481.jpg (120.1 KB, 375x250, 6sSOM.jpg)

>>502916Why does she do this with her mouth? She looks like she has Downs
No. 503272
File: 1518660655347.jpeg (513.22 KB, 1365x2048, 0AAA1079-6721-40AE-8978-A48AF0…)

No. 503274
File: 1518660836673.png (1.32 MB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-02-14-18-10-43…)

Its okay you wear shit for 3 days at a time anyways
No. 503275
File: 1518660893410.png (1.01 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2018-02-14-18-10-50…)

No. 503278
File: 1518661154446.png (52.2 KB, 711x223, Screenshot_2018-02-14-18-16-16…)

No. 503307
File: 1518663799457.png (113.64 KB, 500x293,…)

>>502769underrated comment rofl!!
>>502770Why does she insist on smearing herself in dirt??
No. 503379
File: 1518669680136.png (Spoiler Image,927.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180214-223908.png)

No. 504160
>>503281lol i think its better because the lighting is lower
well for the suchbus anyway
No. 505909
File: 1518851324952.png (252.3 KB, 336x379, MOMOKUN.png)

Oh God,she looks HORRIBLE
And of course she's trying to suck up to that fuck boy Dave Yang