File: 1736529558987.jpg (152.92 KB, 1049x1246, 1734312403372.jpg)

No. 950941
>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047>Returns as soon as she has a new boyfriend to show off… >>892030>…only to post about how much she loves being single five minutes later >>893163>Muh “sometime mabye good, sometimes mabye shit” Mensa IQ >>893699>Showing her true misogynist colours yet again, at least e-whores make money from showing their crusty holes on the internet, Vicky. Keep posting your catastrophically shooped unwashed pussy lips and pancake tits for free >>894622>LARPing as Megan Fox (but remember Vicky did it first!) while telling cringey boomer “jokes”>>895783>I don’t even know where to start with this >>896669>Reveals yet another boyfriend, file under “images you can smell” >>896946>Tags a picture of him as Ronnie Radke, her followers are so fucking retarded that they think it is actually Ronnie Radke >>896971>Vicky, how is this Halloween outfit any different to what you wear every damn day? >>897174>Yet more sperging about OnlyFans, stay mad Icky >>897491>Her assistant was kind enough to let all her adoring fans know that she’ll be taking another break from social media >>897761 >Victoria Bella Morte blames a woman for hating her child and killed the baby even though it was Victorias ex boyfriend that murdered the baby >>897975
>Victoria trying to convince people she doesn’t use drugs or have mental health issues >>989357
>Vicky’s public google reviews are found where she goes on and on about soy sauce and McDonald’s not being up to par cause she totally use to be a chef. >>898460
>Victoria writing many reviews about walk in clinics and hospitals for medication looking like she’s doctor shopping for more pills >>898777
>a Vicky heritage moment was posted when she said isis told her their plans for world domination >>898845
>Vicky going on about she doesn’t like talking about being sick when that’s all she does while being vague and posting her hospital braclets >>899174
>Victoria still stating she’d never sleep with your man unless she hates you >>900147
>icky trying to claim she isn’t a groupie while calling herself a groupie >>900178
>ickys Quora profile bio is.. something >>900560
> another unhappy client of Victoria stops by that will never get their money back >>900733
>Victoria on Quora talking about 15 year olds and their sex lives >>900958
>Victoria speaking as her assistant again saying she’s too sick to answer work emails but can date and take selfies>>901062>901105
>ickys vague posting trying to gain sympathy abiut her illness and how she might not make it >> 901504
>Victoria saying if she listens to music it’s usually something she wrote? >>901575
> celebrating being single >>906771So of course she’s posting her vagina flaps out right away on Facebook
>>908339>and her requirements to date her >>908441
>the beginning of victoeia telling everyone her boyfriend beat her up>>908445
>and the ems beat her up which she caught on tape that she never shows >>908502
>takes badly about girls with OF butt posts her nipples on Facebook, sucking her finger where her dad can see >>908638
> posting her self naked in bed, rubbing her face, saying RIP, grandma>>908737
> always goes on about how she has millionaires in mansions, trying to date her but then posts about her ex-boyfriend being a schizophrenic that beat her up >>909180
> she had women warn her about this boyfriend, but she hates women and just wants men’s attention so dated him anyway, and got her ass beat up >>909191
>anon found the boyfriend that beat her up and it’s a 24 year old emo kid from Hamilton >>909195
> she’s too lazy to work, but has Dylan Pound town over to take mirror selfies while they hold each other >>909717
> she was so ill and in pain she was in a wheelchair but now she’s taking mirror selfie’s whipping her head around with her ass cheeks out licking a knife, >>901396
> Victoria shooting her shot with Dylan Pound town to be shot down >>911130
> blasting her ex-boyfriend’s mental health issues for attention >>913512
> the movers from Guelph. Movers were treating her poorly because she didn’t want to date them.>>913917
> another loser Victoria dated and is blasting online like she isn’t the common denominator between all of these losers men >>914610
> make several posts about how she doesn’t want to keep a man that’s why she hasn’t been able to in her late 30s even though she was engaged>>914635Latest Milk:
Her edits get more unhinged every day, even though she’s been photoshopping her photos for 2 decades>>918269
Going on about how many times she’s been proposed to, but is too much of an ice queen to go through with it. Aka she needs a therapist.
>>918411Answering creepy question about relationships to kids on Quora>>918429
Vroom photos spread eagle on her bed for a low quality tattoo magazine
>>918663Claim she has knowledge of healing herbs medications hunting with long range weapons, AND a long distance medal winner>>918880
Realized she’s too lazy to photoshop her photos so now she just uses AI>>919140
Her AI boyfriend appears and she’s answering “him”>>919179
Posts a photo which seems to be her looking like she’s on drugs>>919397
Lives in buttfuck Hamilton, in what appears to be government housing. Calls her neighbours porch monkeys
>>919621Claims that black people don’t take care of their kids because of the media
>>919676… and refugees have aids>>919677
But she’s not racist cause she gave a person of colour jewelry once>>919704
Has her ex blocked cause he’s a crazy person that does drugs and stalks all his exes ( keep your standards high) but is seen talking publicly to that ex on Facebook
>>919705>>919707Starts to lose the number one spot in the inked originals scam so she starts to claim it’s for charity>>919769
Vicky got threads. Of course her neighbours hate her cause she turned down the superintendent>> 91936
>>910018Tattooed one person, probably because she was about to get sued. The lion with the sever underbite
>>920389Pretending she can rap>>919945
Talking more about her methhead neighbours
>>920631She’s turned down 1000 men in one week on a dating app>>920739
One of her worst edits yet>>920762
“I actually like to play with the balls the most” is a line she used while playing pool with her ex boyfriend’s youngerbrother. The ex bf that murdered the baby>>920831
>>920846 information on her ex that killed the baby. He’s currently serving his sentence
>>claiming she beat up her ex so bad while he was having a mental health crisis that he may lose use of his arm>>921341Her landlord of the cracked she lives in turned off her heat>>922508
Her ex bf that lost the use of his arms CARRYING A TREE ON THE BEACH>>922527
>923003 Victorias ex that killed the baby was sentenced and ick goes online to say the mom did it and everything said in court was a lie even though her ex apologized Her AI boyfriends profile is open, a video of him making out with icky is posted>>925057
Vicky graces us with her presence to bash Jackie that has returned her in years>>925258
>>925886 icky admits she was pretending to date someone so guys would stop asking her out, she was making out with a mannequin head in her ai bfs profile
>mental state and substance abuse is deteriorating SOCIAL MEDIA:
Professional Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/pt/761425 14
>>>/pt/820650 19
>>>/pt/927094 No. 950947
File: 1736539197765.png (340.17 KB, 589x617, utrgh.png)

I imagine that combo tastes vile. Also, lol at the worst faceswap she's done yet. I wonder which AI she uses..
No. 950950
Tysm for making a new thread nona ily!
>>950947Horrorstyle editing aside, I commend her for changing up her style a little. Not that she's wearing a lot of clothes in this pic, but it's v refreshing seeing her in anything other than those god awful crusty black shorts. And the one glove. You know the one I'm talking about. I hate that thing w a passion. If she had two she could maybe go for some type of team rocket inspired look or something kek but no, we get the one (1) single glove everytime and all I can think of is Axl Rose. 2025 Axl Rose. Sorry for retard posting but Vicky is one of my absolute fave cows and im positively giddy she has a new thread
No. 950969
File: 1736554059337.jpg (154.18 KB, 1080x1060, 1000007759.jpg)

Did she pull her cleavage up way higher in this one? Kek
No. 950971
File: 1736555022314.jpeg (292.05 KB, 1170x697, IMG_0226.jpeg)

Caught this while there was no thread
No. 950972
File: 1736555074682.jpeg (141.72 KB, 1170x639, IMG_0030.jpeg)

Samefag but this as well
No. 950977
File: 1736558692143.png (286.66 KB, 1080x1388, Screenshot_20250104-133028-082…)

Thanks for the new thread.
No. 950978
File: 1736559226951.jpeg (278.68 KB, 1290x875, IMG_0292.jpeg)

Ahh thank you anon! I was wanting to make a new one really bad but did not have any time.
No. 950979
>>950977She should sign off the internet and maybe find a job or a hobby.
it’s really so cringe looking at her threads
Idek who this is I just saw this
No. 950980
File: 1736559299095.jpeg (539.75 KB, 1290x1293, IMG_0249.jpeg)

Her hoard is just her genius mind at work you guise.
No. 950982
File: 1736562218160.png (513.66 KB, 654x700, this is getting so unreasonabl…)

The captions justifying her egregious use of AI is a constant with her. Her face on this pornified AI body is so fucking off looking. Not a pixel of her is real.
By the way, her updated socials are: will need an account to view her Tiktok because her profile has been flagged with "contains themes that some may find uncomfortable" KEK
No. 950983
>>950982Omg that’s a bad shop
Does she think people will never see her irl
No. 950999
File: 1736604175182.jpeg (248.46 KB, 1170x2061, IMG_0526.jpeg)

>>950982Nothing in this photo makes sense the ai background is hilarious especially since this part is just hanging in the air in the background and just disappears. The bars the the railing don’t even match up the windows on the building in the background don’t make sense. Even with the horrendous shoop on her face she looks like a busted cake faced 50 year old whore. “People think I look like I’m in my 20’s! I’m a vampiiiirreee” the delusion is astronomical on this washed up bitch. The crusty dry hair and dry ass skin she looks like she smells like shit
No. 951047
File: 1736659008651.jpeg (618.42 KB, 1290x1521, IMG_0388.jpeg)

I think icky has a yandere fetish kek. She’s always praising “high functioning” sociopaths and places them into this clearly fictional idea of what that is. I want to know what is rotting her brain so hard (aside from the pills and booze) that she’s pretending to be a psychologist AND a lawyer.
No. 951128
File: 1736767374724.jpeg (479.46 KB, 1162x1359, IMG_0624.jpeg)

>yes I know I look in my twenties
I can’t with this haggard women she’s coping way too hard with the fact she’s almost 40 and looks mid 40s already kek. Also You’re not a catch Yourself Miss Shingles. You’re a jobless wench living in government housing with nothing to show for Your life. Of course the only Men who will come into Your circle will be the same bum ass losers You are Yourself. Nobody with normalcy will come near You.
No. 951135
File: 1736779059002.jpeg (328.01 KB, 1290x2029, IMG_8475.jpeg)

A special kind of narc. “Enough about the holocaust, the real loser is the man that doesn’t grab my attention” kek
No. 951136
File: 1736779191216.jpeg (122.45 KB, 1290x521, IMG_8476.jpeg)

>>951135Her whole life is sitting on Facebook trying to find a boyfriend at 40. And this sounds more like a guy trying to help his friend not get catfished by a 40 year old jobless crazy person.
If it happened, which I doubt.
No. 951138
File: 1736779541712.jpeg (123.04 KB, 1290x519, IMG_8479.jpeg)

>>951136One of her comments on Twitter on this post. Kek. This girl has fried her brain from drugs, I can’t think of any other reason for this behaviour
No. 951139
File: 1736779601362.jpeg (445.12 KB, 1290x1859, IMG_8477.jpeg)

Funny that icky posts about women “hating” all the time yet here she is
No. 951140
File: 1736779653738.jpeg (259.11 KB, 1290x1425, IMG_8478.jpeg)

Victoria on the internet making excuses for pedophiles. Disgusting.
No. 951160
File: 1736794119643.png (569.06 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20250113-114133-948…)

Posting about how her friend made a meme of her again.
No. 951171
File: 1736798617879.jpeg (924.61 KB, 1156x1492, IMG_0627.jpeg)

>>951160So is She trying to claim that someone made
this meme and photoshopped her face onto it and then Elon tweeted it and it’s viral??Why does she lie about the dumbest fucking shit ever what a loser. Why also wouldn’t she tag her obviously real friend who made this then? She needs to be put into a nursing home
No. 951177
File: 1736800556707.jpeg (1014.73 KB, 1170x1979, IMG_0630.jpeg)

Why does she constantly make up friends she doesn’t have. “My Muslim Bestie” just fucking stop already
No. 951179
File: 1736801686855.jpeg (961.18 KB, 1170x1572, IMG_0628.jpeg)

She’s posting horrendous shoops from 10+ years ago. Her face looks really masculine here honestly looks like a drag queen
No. 951181
>>951179She’s never gonna get married
She’s so embarrassing online
No. 951186
File: 1736807095710.png (903.11 KB, 2457x1651, Buffoons.png)

>>951160Some of the comments under this post
No. 951199
>>951194I think she does a lot of drugs and doesn’t know how to be an actual adult
Does she live at home with her parents too lolll
No. 951214
File: 1736829085398.jpeg (145.83 KB, 1290x571, IMG_8503.jpeg)

>>951171She ended up tagging them and they just said “I have all the memes”
The guy probably just stole a meme from the internet and used MS paint to put her face on it once years ago and she hasn’t moved on. Such a weird thing to get excited about, especially since the girl looks like a prositute and she claims to hate them so much.
No. 951219
>>951216Yea it literally looks nothing like her. Kek Vicky is just delulu and husbando-ing Elon. So she needs to self-insert herself into his world. And this is the autistic route she took.
The 5-head did almost convince me for a minute tho I won’t lie.
No. 951220
File: 1736833572233.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1290x1961, IMG_0423.jpeg)

Here. I googled it. Took 5 seconds to verify that it’s not Vicky’s face and she’s a retard. Kek.
Spoiled for butt
No. 951273
File: 1736917317819.png (651.96 KB, 1080x1953, Screenshot_20250114-220051-802…)

Victoria updated her Quora bio. All the italic stuff at the bottom is new.
No. 951352
File: 1736993526474.png (95.53 KB, 1080x530, Screenshot_20250115-191047-871…)

Coming from the person who pretended to be kidnapped twice in order to get out of tattoo appointments.
No. 951441
>>951352This post was the final piece i needed for my schizo tinfoil kek. 'was'? She doesn't work anymore and has no intention to return to work? In ickys mind scamming people counts as work.
Tinfoil is her weirdo parents are letting her live with them rent free and covering basic bills like food and internet, but nothing else. Icky doesn't DO anything anymore, it's like she regressed to an angsty teen sat in her bedroom seething because she doesn't have any personal income. She used to hop bars and show off her luxurious mansion decor, all funded by her scam/job. That stopped a while ago. When was the last time she flexed her wealth with a purchase, or the last time she went outside to socialise? She doesn't even interact with the local town drug addicts she met at parties anymore, which suggests she can't afford to go to the party in the first place. Her socials are nothing but pajeets and right-wingers she obviously met on the internet.
It also explains why she's been desperately pursuing middle-aged divorced men and larping as wifey material, if she hooks ANY guy with a job she can mooch off him instead of her parents.
No. 951493
File: 1737180714461.jpeg (516.28 KB, 1290x1827, IMG_0480.jpeg)

Her answers are as dull as her personality.
>what would you do if…
>wow fun
No. 951531
File: 1737230612440.png (123.17 KB, 1080x605, Screenshot_20250118-130230-105…)

No. 951761
>>951493I'm confused because I thought she read this thread often enough–
why has she still not realized these questions are not sent to her personally?
No. 951767
File: 1737443862496.jpeg (132.67 KB, 1290x557, IMG_0519.jpeg)

>>951761Because she’s quite literally retarded, anon.
No. 951779
File: 1737472809633.png (365.1 KB, 1080x1372, Screenshot_20250121-081907-026…)

Is Victoria okay?
No. 951791
File: 1737485478772.png (993.76 KB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_20250121-115015-418…)

She is so pathetic.
No. 951868
File: 1737595292576.png (241.2 KB, 1080x988, Screenshot_20250122-145513-416…)

I love Victoria so much lmao. She is so delusional about every single aspect of her life.
No. 951877
File: 1737612353236.png (172.58 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20250122-230407-184…)

Victoria should release a wall calendar with 12 of her funniest shoops
No. 951912
File: 1737677854664.jpeg (188.14 KB, 1179x720, IMG_0283.jpeg)

>> not currently practicing due to an injury
Just incredible delusion. This dusty welfare queen hasn’t worked in years, and barely worked when she had a “tattoo shop” due to being “kidnapped”.
No. 951960
>>951912Not working due to a injury so had to close my lawyer/gp/tattoo/blade study/forensics lab office studio dojo.
Ok then
No. 952054
File: 1737954434432.webp (51.69 KB, 1070x1144, img_1_1737954337915.jpg)

No. 952065
File: 1737977351425.jpeg (509.02 KB, 1170x602, IMG_1117.jpeg)

>>952054What the fuck is even happening here? So much bullshit going on I like how the torso is a completely different colour and looks grey from her tattoo being smudged from the liquify and blurring. The straps and those ugly as fuck leggings are blended into her skin. Her fatass thighs are going to burst out of those leggings that do not fit. The tit shoop is hilarious as well. What does she do when she meets people in real life and she has flat saggy flapjacks for tits kek. Can’t blame that one on the angles and lightinggggg
No. 952071
File: 1737985125275.png (33.44 KB, 139x123, failure of a human being.png)

>>952054her hair literally dissolves into her neck, totally amazing photoshop right there lol
No. 952078
File: 1737993803080.jpeg (914.57 KB, 1170x1220, IMG_1123.jpeg)

>>952054Looks like she’s wearing one of those silicone tits that trannies wear what was she thinking when she posted this??? Her chest is a completely different colour than the rest of her holy shit
No. 952307
File: 1738342768561.jpeg (899.33 KB, 946x1337, IMG_1255.jpeg)

Looking busted as usual with her dirty wrinkled button up and weird ass filter
No. 952334
File: 1738376848872.jpeg (231.58 KB, 1170x1837, IMG_1269.jpeg)

>>952330The audio quality from her temu mic paired with her fake shitty put on accent makes this video pretty unlistenable. I can’t stop staring at the extension track sticking out of her thin greasy combover. What did I just watch?? She’s so wide and that tattood lipliner looks like shit on her lip. Hands and hair on face the entire video trying so hard to hide her chunky face. Not even the layers of filters can help that moon face or giant beak. This video quality in 2025 is hilarious. Did she seriously spell finale as finally???? 200 IQ queen showing off her big intellect again. I can’t wait for the 2025 finally
top metal awards.
No. 952338
File: 1738385351262.jpeg (307.53 KB, 1290x1998, IMG_0645.jpeg)

>>952330My fucking sides. It looks like she drew herself a mustache KEK
No. 952343
File: 1738392525561.jpeg (1.44 MB, 3960x3236, IMG_1277.jpeg)

No. 952365
File: 1738435602879.jpg (375.83 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20250201_194335_You…)

The lip liner look like a badly groomed mustache.
Also, the reason nonna tought she had a chest plate is that she wears a push up under the corset. My guess is that she tried to edit it to be part of the book hence we have discolored MEGA BOOBS. Kekek
No. 952366
File: 1738438902355.jpeg (439.92 KB, 828x1729, IMG_8406.jpeg)

>>952330A quick look at the website promoting the youtube channel. Icky Vicky is so very cringe. Anyone recognize his name from FB interactions? Blake Mossey?
No. 952385
File: 1738480185794.png (776.89 KB, 1080x1382, Screenshot_20250202-000243-061…)

2025 is off to a great start. Thanks Victoria! Glad to be with you nonnas once again. I've been dying at the metal music review video all day. Pic rel: is she really going to interview real people? Maybe they will be AI versions of metal acts, like her AI mannequin head boyfriend.
No. 952387
File: 1738481090135.jpeg (481.4 KB, 1170x734, IMG_1294.jpeg)

>>9523852 likes on a post she put up 7 hours ago (one of them being herself of course) on her page with 118k totally real followers. How fucking sad. Found the YouTube owners Facebook and he’s an old boomer whose editing skills are as good as Vicks. I like how she’s making a huge deal about this YouTube channel when it’s just some 50 year that lives in a town of 7k people and hardly any subscribers. But of course Vicky blows it up to be a “metal magazine”. Nobody also gives a fuck about magazines anymore but she’s an old retard who still thinks they are relevant that famous people get onto.
No. 952388
File: 1738481997769.png (501.54 KB, 1080x2144, VictoriaMetalGuy.png)

I think Victoria is trying to go after this Facebook guy with her current metal arc.
No. 952390
File: 1738500376185.jpg (73.93 KB, 400x600, portrait-fabulous-longnosed-mo…)

>>952385That nose ring makes her schnozz look bulbous kek.
No. 952396
File: 1738523836273.jpeg (323.86 KB, 1290x2076, IMG_8935.jpeg)

>>952385Is she high on heroin .. she’s speaking so slow and her eyes keep rolling back in her head.
No. 952401
File: 1738531201283.jpeg (68.48 KB, 1290x567, IMG_8976.jpeg)

>>952399She also removed Japanese and added French and Spanish.
I would love for her to prove that
No. 952402
File: 1738532258799.jpeg (172.13 KB, 876x586, IMG_8979.jpeg)

Icky pissing people off on Quora too. Not one person believes her “diplomas”
No. 952403
File: 1738533489889.jpeg (235.66 KB, 1051x856, IMG_1309.jpeg)

>>952399Delusional alcoholic
No. 952423
File: 1738572367925.jpeg (432.05 KB, 1170x1252, IMG_3590.jpeg)

>>952402Not to be that nona but how do you see deleted comments only visible to you if you’re not the one whose comment got deleted or the one who deleted it
No. 952546
File: 1738787463323.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x1523, IMG_1372.jpeg)

When you shoop your face thinner than your neck. Big ass forehead and thinning hairline from decades of bleach. The body shoop is also retarded.This looks insane
No. 952559
File: 1738803985592.mp4 (815.37 KB, 720x1280, Intervention episode shit.mp4)

Captioned “Tomboy life” and her face is melting, breasts so anatomically incorrect. Her tattoo work ended ages ago due to the shack closing but I also wonder if she lost her fine motor skills. She seems totally demented.
No. 952565
File: 1738808470508.jpeg (179.47 KB, 452x566, IMG_1381.jpeg)

>>952559Seriously looks like male pecs kek she painted her tit onto her jacket a bit too. Also shooped one bigger that’s one of her signature fuck ups when editing her udders
No. 952568
File: 1738815736869.png (13.1 KB, 118x79, Boobcross.png)

>>952565My favorite is how she can't keep her ugly chest tattoo placement consistent.
No. 952571
File: 1738821416748.jpeg (66.68 KB, 539x596, IMG_7321.jpeg)

>>952546She looks like the helth meme doctor.
No. 952593
File: 1738869934567.png (346.72 KB, 606x510, f1e.png)

>>952571Considering she wants to larp as a doctor so bad.
No. 952627
File: 1738925102276.jpg (168.53 KB, 921x910, 1000000547.jpg)

This is still the most incredible and unhinged shit she's ever done.
No. 952628
File: 1738925211701.mp4 (323.46 KB, 658x1170, 1000000548.mp4)

>>952627I honestly wish this all wasn't posted so quickly because I imagine the ai chimeras she would continue to post would be hilarious.
No. 952640
>>952627>>952628Vicky could be an absolute legendary cow if she wasn’t such a fucking thin-skinned moron kek
I’d also drink myself into oblivion if I had to live with the fact that I, at 37 years old, pretended to have a boyfriend and used my own face and AI to convince others I was in a relationship.
>>952593Kek thank you queen
No. 952648
File: 1738960710091.jpeg (1.63 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_1414.jpeg)

>>952628Also don’t forget when she tried to sell an ai generated colouring book on Amazon. All this hag does is scam and still fails at that. Go fill out a McDonalds application, Vicky
No. 952651
File: 1738961183887.gif (4.87 MB, 600x689, IMG_1415.gif)

This was absolutely insane behaviour I have never witnessed anyone do something so psychotic in my life
No. 952734
File: 1739075589651.jpeg (324.27 KB, 1170x2254, IMG_1430.jpeg)

>>952648So I found one of vickys Amazon accounts. It was easy because she is the only review on her ai scam colouring book which also has the same date when she posted about it in her Instagram stories. Her red dress is one of the reviews which is just some cheap Chinese shit and a $16 costume jewelry blue heart necklace (rich elegant queen) also featuring a vibrator. Who the fuck buys cheap chinese sex toys off amazon? There’s some weird shit in her reviews kek No. 952740
File: 1739087741377.png (1.13 MB, 4224x1517, Victoria_TumblrWriting.png)

>>952734That's funny, nonna, because I just found her old Tumblr account. No. 952757
File: 1739116725862.jpeg (188.99 KB, 1170x871, IMG_1438.jpeg)

>>952734A pill organizer kek aren’t these usually used by elderly people who are forgetful about their meds? Guess being drunk all the time plus having a fried brain makes her forgetful
No. 952792
File: 1739186498098.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1008x1867, IMG_1467.jpeg)

New video of her just eye fucking the camera on her viper Facebook page and you can see a bug crawling up the wall behind her (sorry I do not know how to upload videos here)
No. 952920
File: 1739453979129.jpeg (455.59 KB, 1170x1286, IMG_1586.jpeg)

Hilarious coming from the one who has threatened to beat people for calling Her out on Her bullshit multiple times and it would also be hilarious seeing this blobby out of shape unhealthy midget try to fight. I wonder who she’s scared of to post this probably fucked the wrong person over for money and now they are coming for Her. Where are all her big fighting words now how she’s a military martial arts sword queen
No. 953021
File: 1739628109463.jpeg (341.93 KB, 1170x820, IMG_1643.jpeg)

Saint Vicky turns down racists even if they are super duper h0t!!!!
No. 953080
>>953021Vicky would literally be the funniest troll if she wasn’t actually being serious. Turned down a super hot guy ? You mean your head-husbando Elon musk? I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to go into a STEM larp honestly.
>using only zuck’s first name like he personally reached out to herKek I fucking love her.
No. 953417
File: 1740340091893.jpg (4.63 MB, 5000x5000, DrBellaMortetoyou.jpg)

>>953390imagine taking a throwaway joke comment on lolcow so personal. Do some yoga and calm down nona.
on StickyIcky; shes still answering quora like its her full time job, its mostly health stuff. It's like the powermods at reddit pretending managing a 1000 subreddits is of actual value kek
And ofc shes mentioning gastroenterologists because fat alcoholic
(derail) No. 953585
File: 1740558108273.jpeg (337.3 KB, 1280x2339, IMG_0381.jpeg)

Vic posted a reel yesterday, which she quickly took down again, of her just eyefucking herself, looking very high and showing the camera into her cleavage
No. 953587
>>953585vicky: i'll never do onlyfans
also vicky: offers of-style content for free
No. 953612
File: 1740598650764.jpeg (792.65 KB, 910x1759, IMG_2033.jpeg)

She posted some cringe videos on her Instagram I don’t know how to upload them but here is a screen shot of her at a shooting range. What the fuck is that hair and extensions???! Absolute disaster nothing matches and you can fully see the tracks. Also she doesn’t know how to fucking shoot because the recoil bounces her fat ass so far back I’m surprised it didn’t blow her ratty weave off. Her back is built like a fridge my god she’s thick. Don’t know what else she’s trying to hide under the shitty star stickers
No. 953616
File: 1740602975393.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1776, IMG_2037.jpeg)

Screen shot from another video she posted on Instagram where she spends the majority of it shitting on someone’s looks while having her full gum rot smile on display. Makes fun of her lips while she over lines her own and uses a filter to make them bigger. She touches her face a few times in the video and her finger just disappears into her face because the filter blur is that intense. The filter can’t even follow her eyes so she just looks extra retarded and special. No fake accent in this one either
No. 953617
File: 1740603938867.mp4 (11.84 MB, 720x1280, 1000115452.mp4)

>>953616grabbed the full clip, nona. leave it to icky to be too brain damage to see that the woman she's talking about is using a filter
No. 953620
File: 1740605518034.jpeg (222.62 KB, 633x631, IMG_2044.jpeg)

>>953617Fucking Kek lay off the layers of filters you insecure bitch
No. 953621
File: 1740605777585.gif (10.11 MB, 800x1038, IMG_2046.gif)

>>953617Her laugh and smile are haunting. Gross
No. 953633
File: 1740616407790.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x1915, IMG_2055.jpeg)

>>953617Vicky’s brain is so rotted from alcohol consumption and pill cocktails that she doesn’t realize this page is a parody character and the whole face is a filter. Making fun of someone’s fake face when she’s wearing a fake face herself is hilarious honestly. Pic is what she actually looks like. Gorgeous with no filters. Vicky wishes she was her
No. 953651
File: 1740647821689.jpg (594.21 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20250227_090904_Fac…)

Now she was apparently a teacher for 2 years
No. 953753
File: 1740846868153.png (177.52 KB, 1011x703, 548913285195.png)

Guys please believe that I'm really cool and not a pathological liar.
No. 953777
File: 1740874640990.jpeg (140.95 KB, 1290x530, IMG_9661.jpeg)

>>953753“I don’t need to explain myself”
“Those who matter deserve the truth”
So… message them instead of making a very public post on boomerbook.
No. 953779
File: 1740875972347.jpeg (24.02 KB, 275x259, IMG_9662.jpeg)

>>953753This is the guy that she claims is in his mid 30s by the way. Even if he is.. mentally this person is 12
No. 953782
>>953753Lmao 13 edits on this.
>I'm not contagious. I absolutely died when I got to that line.
No. 953790
File: 1740894887740.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1170x2328, IMG_2185.jpeg)

>>953753Kekkk she’s addressing this candid taken by some college event page. It’s clearly a corona and you can see the dark blue label thru the bottle non alcoholic corona is light blue. Nobody believes this big chinned high thinning hairline alcoholic she seriously looks like she’s balding absolutely bleach burned her scalp after years of dogshit at home box bleach jobs
No. 953839
File: 1740958250200.jpeg (267.81 KB, 1290x572, IMG_1380.jpeg)

Sounds like a mental health issue
No. 953840
>>953839“It’s not a mental health issue it’s moreso medical incapacitation or normal judgement and mood to a level mentally and non deadly”
Imagine claiming to hold a “diploma” in psychiatry (which we all know isn’t a thing) and then writing this crap while also saying you’re not suicidal or anything dumb. My brain is officially broken
No. 953906
>>953852so you can ask him out
nonnie?? kek
(sage your shit) No. 953914
File: 1741096946181.jpeg (111.07 KB, 383x764, IMG_9719.jpeg)

>>953753A comment left on her post and the tattoo in question.
No. 953985
File: 1741151638306.png (557.52 KB, 1080x2144, Screenshot_20250304-221235-455…)

>Part of being a model
No. 954088
File: 1741305448054.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1810, IMG_2371.jpeg)

Sorry I have no clue how to post videos here from Instagram but here’s a video of Vick making a lame raunchy joke about how “someone insults you so bad and you’re just like dude you should probably come get your cum..back it sucks”
No. 954093
File: 1741311907488.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1869, IMG_2372.jpeg)

No. 954099
File: 1741319438802.webm (2.43 MB, 650x1156, 1000116210.webm)

>>954088grabbed a webm of this clip, i'll try to post the other recent ones, too
No. 954101
>>954099Idk what she’s even trying to say here but the fact she’s holding her chin and trying to conceal her face as much as possible is so funny to me paired with the heavy filters. Has a big dirty stain on the sleeve of her sweater filthy pig bitch
>>954093Those ugly ass leggings again what the fuck is this outfit? She looks like a lot lizard from the 80s she has no clue on how to dress always wear the ugliest combination of cheap Chinese garbage and thinks she’s original
No. 954103
File: 1741320917716.webm (5.16 MB, 672x1196, 1000116211.webm)

>caption: They say put a filter that turns you into the opposite sex (clearly this is filtered) on yourself and if you don't think they are attractive lower your expectations Imfao. Also, clearly if I had a kid the guys genes would be involved this is just what I'd look like as a dude with long hair and no cool piercings or this kinda looks like someone I know the first one is dark hair and black and white the second one is my blonde real hair and #funfilters #whatwouldilooklikeasaman
No. 954112
File: 1741351543950.jpg (585.7 KB, 1080x2340, 1000013535.jpg)

No. 954134
>>954112She definitely can't fit two hands her waist now.
I wonder if she's giving up on her British accent in favor of being more "American" with her love of Trump.
No. 954135
>>954134She never could kek
>>954112Damn look at this out of shape doughy lady! Her shit jiggles around every movement hahaha she addresses her chin immediately but why is there a blurred shadow all around it did she paint/contour her whole ass neck to give the illusion of having a smaller face? That extreme combover is crazy hiding her disappearing hairline that’s some shit you see balding males do with emo bangs
No. 954149
File: 1741383434623.png (1.07 MB, 796x1332, toilethag.png)

>>950941the empty toilet roll in the middle of the floor
No. 954154
>>954135> Damn look at this out of shape doughy lady!IKR? How high was she to think that outfit was a good idea? It illustrated exactly how wide and soft her midsection is, not to mention those thighs.
Also: How does our super intelligent INTJ ice queen — who has been pursued by soooo many millionaires — not know that gum smacking is obnoxious and trashy AF?
No. 954193
File: 1741458736721.png (816.04 KB, 1080x1092, Screenshot_20250308-113010-525…)

Who the fuck is she talking to?!
No. 954194
File: 1741458970772.mp4 (4.98 MB, 508x902, Victoria_TheModel.mp4)

>>954193Samefag but posting the video now. I am genuinely so embarrassed for her. Why does she think she looks like a fashion model?!
No. 954234
>>954193>>I did this without a tan to look more toned Is “toned” in the room with us?
She could have legitimately stuck it to the “haturzzzz” posting a video like this looking wide and doughy as fuck, but she had to make it about “muh high iq thick thighs flabby midsection means im a fertile genius pick me”. Honestly it’s a shocking contrast compared to the ai slop porn bot shit she usually posts, but somehow she still made it sad and pathetic.
No. 954252
File: 1741490083475.gif (2.98 MB, 360x480, 5C118007-32CF-4991-A7BC-543EF4…)

>>953621Home girl looks like a horse when she smiles but has the audacity to make fun of others.
No. 954255
File: 1741496380980.png (1.34 MB, 1546x1032, garbagepants.png)

>>954194Every time she has worn these pants it looked like her stomach was eating them and I kept trying to figure out what was going on. They don't have a fly they are just straight up ripped open.
No. 954262
File: 1741505032568.jpeg (25.13 KB, 598x351, IMG_2367.jpeg)

>>954252Why are her gums in the back on the left look like there is an inflamed lump?? Is it infected or a result from her rotting tooth? Looks painful and uncomfortable as fuck it’s sticking out so much that’s disgusting her rot mouth must smell like death it makes me sick looking at it
No. 954266
File: 1741523297599.png (758.63 KB, 543x970, neck.PNG)

>>954194the way her neck tells on her with the filter, reminds me of that one lady on tiktok
No. 954273
File: 1741533825269.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1977, IMG_2380.jpeg)

Wow look at this toned and totally not fat model!!!!
No. 954288
File: 1741551113243.jpeg (56.79 KB, 1014x232, IMG_2382.jpeg)

>>954194She posted this retarded video to Facebook and this is a comment under it I’m surprised Vicky hasn’t blocked and deleted this yet she must still be asleep
No. 954290
File: 1741551927561.gif (17.88 MB, 800x1141, IMG_2386.gif)

>>954194Why is nobody talking about the bug flying/crawling around her head most of the video so nasty she’s such a dirty stinky slob it’s winter ffs she definitely lives in filth
No. 954293
>>954290Honestly, this whole thing - the live, the “stop comparing yourselves to models (like me, teehee)” psa, the stills, everything that came out of this - is bad. I don’t know what she expected to do, or thought she was doing, but she appears to have made herself look worse than ever.
As usual.
No. 954299
File: 1741564127966.jpg (125.87 KB, 868x1168, SmartSelect_20250310_004046_Fi…)

>>954292I can't stop looking at it. It's not even a 5 o'clock it's a whole ass sailors beard.
When she moves it looks so retarded kekekek
No. 954304
File: 1741573325826.png (1.28 MB, 1061x1832, IMG_221910_0.png)

I skipped to a random part and she’s yammering on about getting along with everyone on high school but she was “ a jackass” and “beat the snot out of bullies” in the same sentence. She’s almost 40 still posting poor quality mirror videos like it’s MySpace days talking about high school. She truly has not moved on.
No. 954305
File: 1741575442451.png (1.18 MB, 1079x1909, 1000003380.png)

At around 50:30, she starts falling over in the heels, and cuts the live feed.
When it resumes, she no longer has the heels on, instead she is standing on the balls of her feet (?) before quickly zooming in again
Bonus: the bag of garbage to the left, torn up curtain in the mirror reflection top right
No. 954309
>>954295in a way it’s to be expected that she’s declining mentally. she’s aging badly, has nothing to show for it, and her life has been steadily going down hill each year. at least when she was younger, she had her tattoo shop, she was going to parties more often and she still had some scene friends to chat and drink and maybe smoke a joint or two. yet the last time i ever saw her communicating with anyone other than these random druggy dudes whom she may or may not be fucking for money, it was that protein bar nigga and dollarama trisha paytas. everyone else has pretty much abandoned her at this point since she’s so mean and male-identified. and each successive place she has moved into has steadily declined as well. she’s gone from living in somewhat-ok flats/houses to rooms to whatever this unheated serial killer hovel is. and all this time her life is falling apart, instead of trying to improve herself, get her license, stop drinking, try not to be mean and lazy for at least a day, she’s been coming here to a-log or sitting up on failbook sticking her fingers in her mouth. now it’s quora, an already washed up platform google fucked into oblivion, preaching non-sense, so not only is she basically ranting into the void but she also missed the peak of when quora was really popping. though, i am not sure what she expected to happen to her life. i would probably also go a little nutty too if i was an aging scene queen turning into a walking donut, sucking in my still-jelly belly with dust bunnies and flying roaches surrounding me. however she has no one but herself to blame.
No. 954358
File: 1741653034810.png (588.94 KB, 632x1062, pigfilth.png)

>>954305at first i thought this dark spot on the back wall behind the chair was a shadow or possibly an unpainted patch but it’s definitely water/mold. she’s living in actual squalor (not a mansion)
No. 954404
File: 1741738436219.png (121.26 KB, 1080x653, Screenshot_20250311-171206-902…)

No. 954431
File: 1741796440835.jpg (68.91 KB, 798x523, natural-hair1-o9dggg4vfeju24dd…)

>>954423Because only African people can be considered black or like what? Kek
These women would be counted as black women in most Western countries and they're from Guyana