File: 1705978717570.png (21.11 KB, 275x165, IMG_1960.png)

No. 927094
>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047>Returns as soon as she has a new boyfriend to show off… >>892030>…only to post about how much she loves being single five minutes later >>893163>Muh “sometime mabye good, sometimes mabye shit” Mensa IQ >>893699>Showing her true misogynist colours yet again, at least e-whores make money from showing their crusty holes on the internet, Vicky. Keep posting your catastrophically shooped unwashed pussy lips and pancake tits for free >>894622>LARPing as Megan Fox (but remember Vicky did it first!) while telling cringey boomer “jokes”>>895783>I don’t even know where to start with this >>896669>Reveals yet another boyfriend, file under “images you can smell” >>896946>Tags a picture of him as Ronnie Radke, her followers are so fucking retarded that they think it is actually Ronnie Radke >>896971>Vicky, how is this Halloween outfit any different to what you wear every damn day? >>897174>Yet more sperging about OnlyFans, stay mad Icky >>897491>Her assistant was kind enough to let all her adoring fans know that she’ll be taking another break from social media >>897761 >Victoria Bella Morte blames a woman for hating her child and killed the baby even though it was Victorias ex boyfriend that murdered the baby >>897975
>Victoria trying to convince people she doesn’t use drugs or have mental health issues >>989357
>Vicky’s public google reviews are found where she goes on and on about soy sauce and McDonald’s not being up to par cause she totally use to be a chef. >>898460
>Victoria writing many reviews about walk in clinics and hospitals for medication looking like she’s doctor shopping for more pills >>898777
>a Vicky heritage moment was posted when she said isis told her their plans for world domination >>898845
>Vicky going on about she doesn’t like talking about being sick when that’s all she does while being vague and posting her hospital braclets >>899174
>Victoria still stating she’d never sleep with your man unless she hates you >>900147
>icky trying to claim she isn’t a groupie while calling herself a groupie >>900178
>ickys Quora profile bio is.. something >>900560
> another unhappy client of Victoria stops by that will never get their money back >>900733
>Victoria on Quora talking about 15 year olds and their sex lives >>900958
>Victoria speaking as her assistant again saying she’s too sick to answer work emails but can date and take selfies>>901062>901105
>ickys vague posting trying to gain sympathy abiut her illness and how she might not make it >> 901504
>Victoria saying if she listens to music it’s usually something she wrote? >>901575
> celebrating being single >>906771So of course she’s posting her vagina flaps out right away on Facebook
>>908339>and her requirements to date her >>908441
>the beginning of victoeia telling everyone her boyfriend beat her up>>908445
>and the ems beat her up which she caught on tape that she never shows >>908502
>takes badly about girls with OF butt posts her nipples on Facebook, sucking her finger where her dad can see >>908638
> posting her self naked in bed, rubbing her face, saying RIP, grandma>>908737
> always goes on about how she has millionaires in mansions, trying to date her but then posts about her ex-boyfriend being a schizophrenic that beat her up >>909180
> she had women warn her about this boyfriend, but she hates women and just wants men’s attention so dated him anyway, and got her ass beat up >>909191
>anon found the boyfriend that beat her up and it’s a 24 year old emo kid from Hamilton >>909195
> she’s too lazy to work, but has Dylan Pound town over to take mirror selfies while they hold each other >>909717
> she was so ill and in pain she was in a wheelchair but now she’s taking mirror selfie’s whipping her head around with her ass cheeks out licking a knife, >>901396
> Victoria shooting her shot with Dylan Pound town to be shot down >>911130
> blasting her ex-boyfriend’s mental health issues for attention >>913512
> the movers from Guelph. Movers were treating her poorly because she didn’t want to date them.>>913917
> another loser Victoria dated and is blasting online like she isn’t the common denominator between all of these losers men >>914610
> make several posts about how she doesn’t want to keep a man that’s why she hasn’t been able to in her late 30s even though she was engaged>>914635Latest Milk:
Her edits get more unhinged every day, even though she’s been photoshopping her photos for 2 decades>>918269
Going on about how many times she’s been proposed to, but is too much of an ice queen to go through with it. Aka she needs a therapist.
>>918411Answering creepy question about relationships to kids on Quora>>918429
Vroom photos spread eagle on her bed for a low quality tattoo magazine
>>918663Claim she has knowledge of healing herbs medications hunting with long range weapons, AND a long distance medal winner>>918880
Realized she’s too lazy to photoshop her photos so now she just uses AI>>919140
Her AI boyfriend appears and she’s answering “him”>>919179
Posts a photo which seems to be her looking like she’s on drugs>>919397
Lives in buttfuck Hamilton, in what appears to be government housing. Calls her neighbours porch monkeys
>>919621Claims that black people don’t take care of their kids because of the media
>>919676… and refugees have aids>>919677
But she’s not racist cause she gave a person of colour jewelry once>>919704
Has her ex blocked cause he’s a crazy person that does drugs and stalks all his exes ( keep your standards high) but is seen talking publicly to that ex on Facebook
>>919705>>919707Starts to lose the number one spot in the inked originals scam so she starts to claim it’s for charity>>919769
Vicky got threads. Of course her neighbours hate her cause she turned down the superintendent>> 91936
>>910018Tattooed one person, probably because she was about to get sued. The lion with the sever underbite
>>920389Pretending she can rap>>919945
Talking more about her methhead neighbours
>>920631She’s turned down 1000 men in one week on a dating app>>920739
One of her worst edits yet>>920762
“I actually like to play with the balls the most” is a line she used while playing pool with her ex boyfriend’s youngerbrother. The ex bf that murdered the baby>>920831
>>920846 information on her ex that killed the baby. He’s currently serving his sentence
>>claiming she beat up her ex so bad while he was having a mental health crisis that he may lose use of his arm>>921341Her landlord of the cracked she lives in turned off her heat>>922508
Her ex bf that lost the use of his arms CARRYING A TREE ON THE BEACH>>922527
>923003 Victorias ex that killed the baby was sentenced and ick goes online to say the mom did it and everything said in court was a lie even though her ex apologized Her AI boyfriends profile is open, a video of him making out with icky is posted>>925057
Vicky graces us with her presence to bash Jackie that has returned her in years>>925258
>>925886 icky admits she was pretending to date someone so guys would stop asking her out, she was making out with a mannequin head in her ai bfs profile
Professional Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/pt/761425 14
>>>/pt/820650 19
No. 927095
File: 1705978922402.jpeg (512.01 KB, 1290x2451, IMG_1962.jpeg)

No. 927096
File: 1705979050127.jpeg (244.52 KB, 1290x1352, IMG_1963.jpeg)

>>927095She changed her name to vi vi and she’s going on about “ how bad it was” even though she got a 150 pound dog and was going out, on dating apps “ turning down 1000 guys”, playing pool.
Something tells me she’s getting hounded by someone for their money back
No. 927097
File: 1705979241954.jpeg (99.44 KB, 1290x450, IMG_1964.jpeg)

“Just looking for hot fun” is this an ad for sex on Facebook?
No. 927098
File: 1705979567896.png (9.28 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_1977.png)

Vicky put up a new singing video kek
No. 927105
File: 1705991008351.jpeg (998.71 KB, 838x1498, IMG_0731.jpeg)

A reminder that this is a 38 year old woman
No. 927106
File: 1705991152642.jpeg (Spoiler Image,325.39 KB, 725x564, IMG_0730.jpeg)

How does someone who posts this shit for free sperg so hard about how much she hates onlyfats whores? Is it because she knows that she couldn’t get away with cat fishing people for money? She’s so embarrassing
No. 927111
File: 1705998812862.jpeg (725.65 KB, 828x1531, F5C6C6CF-416E-4282-8612-307408…)

>>927095Same pic but with the weird caption. Brain tumor era?
No. 927117
>>927114Enjoy the turbocringe, nonita
No. 927119
>>927105If you now you now? Kek
Is this supposed to be Misa from Death Note? With a Dragon Ball? She's definitely too old for this
No. 927126
File: 1706014571587.jpeg (187.77 KB, 1290x920, IMG_1980.jpeg)

“Dealt with that a lot of the past” so icky has never been dumped but he’s been cheated on a bunch. So she stopped fucking them so they would leave her. Jfc
No. 927131
>>927126Shes so
toxic lol. All of her NLOG tendencies and she's too stupid to realise withholding sex as a bargaining chip in a relationship doesnt work, and scrotes won't "dump" you until they've found another girl they can fuck on the reg.
No. 927138
Omg new Vicky thread ty OP!
>>927117Oh my fucking god NTA but I just snorted water as I watched this
No. 927144
File: 1706028335912.jpeg (220.16 KB, 828x1792, 6BB21F80-DE9C-4124-B6C1-D8E5AE…)

No. 927159
File: 1706044287040.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1153x1770, IMG_8442.jpeg)

>>927144her body completely different in both of them. You can see her guy here more. Looking bloated as fuck. The editing on the arm has me rolling. This dress is so fucking ugly it reminds Me of those prom dresses/semi formal dresses that were worn in 2005
No. 927163
File: 1706050190983.jpeg (239.97 KB, 1290x1365, IMG_2482.jpeg)

>>927144Dragged the flower all the way in to cinch her waist.
No. 927166
File: 1706052939138.png (3.8 MB, 2389x3030, ViCollage.png)

Omg thank you, nonna, for the new thread! I was laughing so hard at the latest milk summary even though there's some typos. Here are some Victoria pics I had saved when we didn't have a thread.
No. 927170
thanks for the new thread!
>>927098what is the point of this other than to look at herself and vent her crotch while doing the usual gross face touching and word chewing. her brows and lips look like my first dollar store barbie, fucking yikes.
claiming to have been “deathly ill” with vague mention of brain scan and not losing her hair is somehow a new low for her. is this in addition to her alleged fucked up neck, chronic illness, fucked up wrist and whatever other medical crap she’s claimed to suffer lol.
No. 927270
New TikTok video addressing the “stalkers”(learn2embed)
No. 927272
File: 1706324718966.jpeg (902.26 KB, 1170x2023, IMG_0771.jpeg)

Still going on about how she totes looks like Megan Fox, never change Shingles
No. 927309
File: 1706409561827.jpeg (232.69 KB, 1170x649, IMG_0773.jpeg)

Oh she is LURKING. Sorry the comments about how you’re posting your unwashed snatch for free doesn’t make you any better than whores who charge for it on OnlyDegens struck a nerve. Keep seething you crusty hambeast
No. 927326
File: 1706477571144.jpeg (255.66 KB, 1290x2110, IMG_2792.jpeg)

The comments she left on her new video. Shes a muse to some, you guys.
No. 927361
File: 1706581358150.jpeg (274.98 KB, 1290x2147, IMG_2838.jpeg)

Glad she’s finally being honest with herself. Having that dungeon on the side of Guelph highway doesn’t mean she should be respected as an “artist” and she never was
No. 927628
File: 1706927287075.png (1.01 MB, 1080x2133, Screenshot_20240202-164041-679…)

It's insane how much Victoria hates women as a whole. She's posted this before. Victoria doesn't have a thigh gap and she feels a certain way about it so she always posts "science" saying women with thigh gaps have large vaginas? It's so fucking weird.
No. 927637
>>927628Is she thinking fat pussy with thigh gap = loose pussy? Lmao. Vicky is a product of her era too, MySpace scene girls and EDs overlapped heavily and thigh gaps were very important. Then you also had that early/mid-00’s emphasis on being a skelly with giant boobs. I love cows who would rather put hours into shoop than exercise and diet, but her issues with weight prob come from booze primarily.
>>927633Kek right she is insane. I wish she livestreamed, it would be amazing.
No. 927746
File: 1707220483499.jpeg (154.39 KB, 739x1393, IMG_9010.jpeg)

Posted a slow mo video in the same cheap prostithot attire. You can see the pillow warping around in the background as she moves. Doesn’t even work and can’t even keep a neatly made bed. Her pillows are fucking disgusting
No. 927965
File: 1707605172256.jpeg (166.72 KB, 1170x649, IMG_9143.jpeg)

Pretty sure She doesn’t know one Chinese person
No. 927969
File: 1707612458411.jpeg (299.55 KB, 1170x1894, IMG_0858.jpeg)

I wonder what prompted this
No. 927989
File: 1707658890352.jpeg (551.55 KB, 1290x1694, IMG_4366.jpeg)

>>927969All the name changes, making her profiles private. Shes probably getting her ass handed to her for stealing deposits again.
No. 928076
File: 1707797309893.jpeg (778.52 KB, 828x1306, IMG_5479.jpeg)

Caught in the wild
No. 928077
File: 1707797364272.jpeg (178.14 KB, 828x753, IMG_5478.jpeg)

>>928076Like another nona said she’s just so stupid and weird the mind boggles
No. 928131
File: 1707926779681.jpeg (306.54 KB, 1290x2150, IMG_4520.jpeg)

She’s a tech queen now because she unjammed a $34 portable camera from Walmart.
No. 928149
File: 1707972759578.webm (10.22 MB, 1080x1920, 10000000_1407635453191529_6669…)

>>928131I downloaded the video the other night. Her fake accent is sorta back.
No. 928159
File: 1708011086096.jpeg (403.93 KB, 1290x2253, IMG_4654.jpeg)

The one that she wants… is this old guy …?
No. 928240
File: 1708041423069.png (782.5 KB, 1080x1980, Screenshot_20240215-073630-974…)

This made me choke on my spit laughing earlier.
No. 928327
File: 1708108978200.jpeg (140.97 KB, 1170x1480, IMG_9386.jpeg)

Wonder what she’s bitching about now. Probably some scrote didn’t kiss her ass enough and left like they all do.
No. 928330
File: 1708110752677.jpeg (220.92 KB, 1290x2029, IMG_4783.jpeg)

>>928327Also changed her other profile to whatever this is and that she’s from New York. Wonder if someone wants to take her ass to court. Hopefully for the defamation saying that girl killed her own daughter and not Vicky’s ex like he’s in jail for
No. 928368
File: 1708194723528.jpg (547.32 KB, 1061x1428, SmartSelect_20240217_193334_Ch…)

>>928330Kekeke that pf is the dumbest ai I ever seen.
What in the mangled hands is this bs? How can she be so bad w ai when she spends so much time prompting?
No. 928385
File: 1708225468309.jpg (1014.89 KB, 1564x1564, 1000012789.jpg)

>>927272When ever she brings out the party city wig and makes the comparison I just wanna post this so I will
No. 928392
She changed her Instagram handle to @v33.v1p3r so ya she is trying to hide from someone if she’s changing everything
>>928385The audacity of this fat clown in costume jewelry and wish clothing trying to compare herself to Megan Fox is omega cringe and an insult to Megan Fox.
No. 928393
File: 1708260101792.jpeg (689.29 KB, 737x1213, IMG_9456.jpeg)

>>928385This is what I think of every time she makes these claims
No. 928402
>>928149lol i love when she can't hold the fake posh british accent and her natural tomboyish voice comes through.
>>928155she's proud of herself for knowing what a motherboard is so of course she has to show it off. that's the oldest trick in the book for pretending to be a tech whiz. seriously all she had to do was get some tweezers or a pair of pliers to remove the memory card. it looks like it was jammed with crud anyway, so this could have easily been avoided by keeping her stuff clean.
No. 928671
File: 1708525468198.jpg (253.31 KB, 1080x970, Screenshot_20240221_142605_Fac…)

Would appear she is hiding from people like you all said.
No. 928674
>>928671Every. Time.
What do we reckon? Dumped, chased for cash or both?
No. 928980
File: 1708891940847.jpeg (129.04 KB, 1290x1118, IMG_5595.jpeg)

>>928674Chased for money. She still changing her pfp on Instagram and made it private. She’s probably still posting there
No. 929019
File: 1708988479090.jpg (800.61 KB, 1080x2269, 1000004530.jpg)

>>928980She isn't posting on her insta at all
No. 929075
File: 1709054226276.jpg (296.38 KB, 1080x2270, 1000004536.jpg)

I feel like she's lurking. She posted this bizarre, filtered, short clip of herself as an "update"
No. 929109
File: 1709076522577.jpeg (165.71 KB, 1290x1167, IMG_5641.jpeg)

>>929075The caption of this fat filter is “ if you shame women for their bodies, I don’t want to know you”
Yet sitting around with her online friend calling overweight people jaba the hut. Vicky, take more time off the internet. You haven’t worked on yourself enough.
No. 929135
>>929109I’m pretty sure this hypocritical alcoholic retard shames a women’s appearance and body any chance she can get. She has no girl friends or girl groups she hangs out with either because she’s an insufferable women hater and awful person.
>>929075Nice to see the filter kept her true form beak of a nose tho
No. 929228
File: 1709246345603.jpeg (332.05 KB, 1290x1563, IMG_5701.jpeg)

Girl really said she likes the soft filters
No. 929256
File: 1709265614289.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x2128, IMG_9885.jpeg)

>>929228>only soft filtersProceeds to use AI photos trying to pass it off as real and uses the heaviest filters in existence. Stay mad and hating yourself, Vick. Over explain and try to justify your insecurities some more. It’s so entertaining in a cringe way where I want to peel my eyelids off.
No. 929398
File: 1709528357561.webm (7.7 MB, 720x1280, 64689377827595744_n.webm)

Can anyone translate this Xanax speak?
No. 929406
File: 1709566335522.jpeg (369.6 KB, 1290x2159, IMG_5781.jpeg)

>>929398Sounds like she’s trying to do a Romanian accent?
No. 929410
File: 1709577448520.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1163x1995, IMG_9989.jpeg)

>I only use soft filters
>muh icy eyes
Those contacts look awful and her eyelash is glued on all fucked up. Looks like she just porked back up again too. Lookin wide
No. 929427
File: 1709652018696.webm (1.34 MB, 720x1280, VictoriaMentioningMethAgain.we…)

No idea what accent she is going for now. It's really weird on the words "stone" and "shows." Idk who she's making these videos for. All this shows me is that Victoria surrounds herself with meth heads.
No. 929453
>>929449bringing out the “dual accented” bullshit while trying to shade other ppl lol. i like how she added all that other crap to justify her slurry speech cos she totally doesn’t drink or do drugs.
didn’t she give herself some shitty ~makeup tattoos~ not too long ago? guess they’re the disappear/reappear type like her face dots.
No. 929468
File: 1709699018035.jpeg (248.58 KB, 1290x1892, IMG_5845.jpeg)

She’s almost 40, and guys that are 21 aren’t younger?
No. 929475
File: 1709705409061.webm (11.49 MB, 1080x1920, VictoriaSlurder.webm)

Another slurring video about how many guys want her.
No. 929488
File: 1709738873490.png (192.83 KB, 1080x1105, Screenshot_20240306-082935-790…)

This woman is unreal. Some guy posts a laughing emoji and she launches into a paragraph about how funny, kind, and savage she is.
No. 929494
File: 1709752774909.jpeg (370.01 KB, 1290x1874, IMG_5866.jpeg)

>>929468So her ex is just as retarded as she is. She said 10-20 is too young. That being said, mentally 18 to 22 isn’t a huge jump like she’s saying. Shes just a 40 year old predator cause no mature man her age would deal with her
No. 929596
File: 1709942711833.jpeg (359.45 KB, 1289x1056, IMG_5957.jpeg)

Her exes were all on drugs recently, everyone in her neighbourhood is a drug addict, she’s taking in people off the streets. What does she expect when everyone she surrounds herself with is a crackhead from Hamilton?
No. 929715
File: 1710223667459.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1991, Screenshot_20240311-203536-965…)

Wtf kinds of drugs is she taking???
No. 929757
File: 1710299855075.jpeg (400.1 KB, 1290x2079, IMG_6006.jpeg)

>>929733Also coping with the “shadowbanned” caption with not one like or comment in 3 hours
No. 929800
File: 1710426162939.jpeg (308.49 KB, 1163x1003, IMG_6030.jpeg)

Ai vs real … there is no way either one of these is real
No. 929801
File: 1710426352320.jpeg (310.36 KB, 1290x2189, IMG_6032.jpeg)

Rejecting old men on Facebook is her only accomplishment and she’s going to be 40.
No. 929802
File: 1710426486468.jpeg (154.86 KB, 1283x708, IMG_6035.jpeg)

Digging in the dirt tan
No. 929806
lol the size of her upper arm in the "original"
>>929800vs the size of her upper arm in this pic
>>929757 No. 929834
File: 1710472824766.jpeg (187.14 KB, 869x461, IMG_0403.jpeg)

Th stretched and warped ear fusing with her jawline from pulling her jay Leno chin up too much
No. 929908
File: 1710726052279.jpeg (202.93 KB, 1290x864, IMG_6111.jpeg)

She’s literally going to be 40 in 3 years. So no, not tomorrow but you’re pushing 40 typing like a 16 year old with no job or education.
No. 929910
File: 1710726425520.jpeg (266.71 KB, 1282x1431, IMG_6112.jpeg)

>>929908“I age like a vampire”
“I get mistaken for for mid 20s”
Sure you do.
No. 929943
File: 1710779583620.png (227.03 KB, 1080x946, Screenshot_20240318-093501-426…)

>>929908Multiple edits on this one too. Here's my favorite comment, lol.
No. 929966
File: 1710798548282.png (1.97 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_6113.png)

“I just got hotter in my opinion.” The cope is unbearable. Even if she did look like her photoshopped photos, it doesn’t matter. She mentally hasn’t aged a day since high school.
Get a job sticky
No. 929972
>>929943>>929966Most people over 25 and everyone over 30 does not care about the shit she’s bragging about. Most people have actual stuff going on in their lives, have found happiness or at least direction.
Just fly bragging about trash, annoying to everyone else in the room but not worth a second thought.
No. 929977
File: 1710809274276.jpeg (416.94 KB, 1290x2373, IMG_6125.jpeg)

She couldn’t open her eyes all the way cause she was too drunk. Now she’s pill popping.
No. 929989
File: 1710818931552.jpeg (248.25 KB, 839x653, IMG_0528.jpeg)

>>929977Her eyeliner and crusty ass lash falling off is sending me. Someone come get their drunk aunt with Parkinson’s
No. 929994
>>929977night vision and aging backwards… seriously?! Low quality videos, heavy makeup and editing/filters to the point of having no skin texture isn’t “aging like fine wine”, she’s so delusional and so are her “fans”.
I’d love to see her post a makeup free video that isn’t edited and is of decent quality, she never will though, she’s perfectly happy lying to her followers and herself.
She’s clearly deeply insecure and requires constant validation to feel good about herself, she doesn’t seem to care that it’s coming from ugly old men. Also who talks like this about themselves? There’s being confident then there’s being conceited, she obviously can’t differentiate between the two.
No. 929999
File: 1710852574360.jpeg (148.99 KB, 1290x790, IMG_6126.jpeg)

What is she yapping about? People using photos from when she was 16? Is she talking about lolcow
No. 930000
File: 1710852699979.jpeg (152.26 KB, 1290x890, IMG_6127.jpeg)

Admitting to being a master manipulator isn’t a flex.
No. 930001
File: 1710852803057.jpeg (76.8 KB, 1290x566, IMG_6128.jpeg)

Not being dumped cause you only date drug addicts*
No. 930015
>>930000No wonder no one stays with her.
>>930001But she has openly admitted to being cheated on which is worse
>>929999She just likes to think she's the hottest thing ever but in reality she's just an average pushing 40 yr old woman clinging on to shitty trends and manipulation tactics
>>929943She's STILL probabaly obsessing over my man… she claims every one is stalking her but ive had my profiles for private for years because of this my man who was the one who WARNED me about her. She also likes to date my friends to prove to the world she isn't 300 pounds but the fact is she's shaped like a fridge and people literally LAUGH at her personality after meeting her and the fact is we don't think she's 300 pounds we just don't think you look like the edits sticky stay retarded.
No. 930046
File: 1710947430716.jpeg (291.49 KB, 1290x1893, IMG_6138.jpeg)

Icky, your eyelash is hanging on with a prayer. Wash your face.
And hermitting everyday all day/ living off of tax payers must be nice
No. 930047
File: 1710947642450.jpeg (174.62 KB, 1290x788, IMG_6141.jpeg)

Of course it’s the woman’s fault and she should work on herself so she doesn’t hurt him again.
No. 930048
File: 1710947778496.jpeg (227.48 KB, 1290x1159, IMG_6140.jpeg)

Someone who has been POISONED? She dates such sketchy ass dudes that her first thought was poisoning
No. 930089
File: 1711059173456.jpg (181.06 KB, 1070x1071, IMG_20240321_151545_466.jpg)

Wow, vampire queen
No. 930105
File: 1711080284310.jpeg (154.06 KB, 710x411, IMG_0703.jpeg)

No. 930145
File: 1711161510644.jpeg (343.78 KB, 1290x1734, IMG_6243.jpeg)

She wrote a caption about not fucking over her friends by hitting on Vicky. The background of the conversation changes when she “tells them off” and this conversation makes little to no sense.
Again icky. These things wouldn’t happen if you hung out with people that weren’t losers.
But she probably made this up. This conversation looks as real as the mannequin head she was making out with.
No. 930158
File: 1711218578528.jpeg (291.61 KB, 1290x1162, IMG_6250.jpeg)

The last person she said “yes” to was an active drug user, that had some psychotic break and beat her up. What kinda guys is she saying no to
No. 930207
>>930190She can't meet high value men due to her own problems, but if she lived in a city with a higher population she might have been able to trick a nice guy into staying around short term.
I'm not in the Guelph alt scene like half of this thread so maybe I'm missing something, but she's a Small Town ho who never left the Small Town. If there were any high value men in Guelph, they would have left long before meeting Vicky in a bar / crackhead houseparty, and if by some miracle she'd ended up with a decent boyfriend, she would have ruined it by cheating on him with a z-list band's bassist thinking it'd be her ticket out of small town canada. Everything about her screams clout-chasing loser who is happy to fuck people over to "be somebody." Which would have been extremely off-putting for any man who didn't just want an easy lay.
It's hard to find a good guy when you're a chronically unemployed scam artist who only meets people at house parties and you act like a total psycho the whole time.
No. 930232
File: 1711421264805.jpeg (440.63 KB, 1270x2131, IMG_6313.jpeg)

>>930231The ham arm, the blurry side and the boob.. whatever the fuck is going on there.
No. 930632
File: 1711547226125.jpeg (331.5 KB, 1290x2283, IMG_6319.jpeg)

“Alone” drinking and pretending you amounted to anything? Checks out.
No. 930637
File: 1711566164076.jpg (513.58 KB, 1080x2340, 1000015347.jpg)

No sticky your just an used up old hag and acting a fool. It has nothing to do with anyone else boyfriends or how you look or how their girlfriends look is looks all that matter to you? Why are you STILL obsessed over people who REJECTED YOU literal YEARS ago you fucking stalker you call every one a stalker but fail to see the REAL stalker is you would literallt stalk my profiles when i was 15 and you were like over 10 years older than me you know how many people literally removed their social media because this bitch is a literal fucking stalker who stays stuck on the same topic for literal years but your so delusional you think they still want you? Girl if they wanted to they WOULD if HE wanted to he WOULD how many other girls boyfriends are you salty rejected you and how many of their girlfriends probably have jobs and families do you think anyone even rememebrrs you or your famous? Maybe on lolcow your the biggest cow on here I rest my case No wonder You'll die misreble amd alone I love to break it to u but we all AGE its natural it will be said again by me this time no one is jealous of a welfare bum assistance failed career fried cant grow her hair past her shoulders photoshopped to shit loser looks dont matter that much and the fact Vicky can't just stay in her lane and accept shes just as average as the women she insults if not worse off. Have u ever seen Vicky next to an actual normal looking girl? Did you know things with penises actually have people attached to them and can actually tell the truth did you think dating my friends and stalking me wpudlent backfire? shit Vicky no one wants someone who's been ran though by like a bunch of drug users go seek validation somewhere else. Like she really wants every other girl than her to be 300 pounds and is so stuck on thay delusion but that's simply not the truth Vicky. Not everyone who hates you is "aging badly" you can tell yourself that but it dosent make it true keep lying to yourself vic your no better than anyone but you'll never get that you'll never even understand what im saying Vicky because the bleach from your hay looking hair got to your brain before the truth did.
No. 930648
File: 1711569930651.jpeg (523.28 KB, 1290x1459, IMG_6323.jpeg)

“Miss you” to the cat she threw out to replace with a German Shepard. Kek. Wonder why she had to turn the comments on to this post
No. 930664
File: 1711603330316.png (579.34 KB, 822x2043, Screenshot_20240327-222217-537…)

>My VipersOh man. Victoria is big mad at this anon
>>930637 No. 930672
>>930664No fucking way is this 37 year old claiming to be in her early 20’s now. Lying about her age by claiming to be 13 years younger than she actually is. She posted her ID in earlier threads and her year of birth said 1987. Fucking loser predator creep
>my vipers What the fuck OMEGA CRINGE
No. 930687
>>930664It took her 9 hours to respond to
>>930637. Kek.
She's gonna act like her bullying someone 15ish years ago is an outlandish claim, and then go on about ceo's proposing to her lmfao.
Didn't she claim that ISIS tried to kidnap and recruit her, too? I swear she's the queen of making up the most unbelievable shit about herself.
No. 930699
File: 1711642946616.jpeg (64.93 KB, 1290x297, IMG_6339.jpeg)

>>930664So it seems icky lives in the same building or rooming with this guy..?
(sage your shit) No. 930700
File: 1711643043532.jpeg (512.01 KB, 1290x1689, IMG_6336.jpeg)

>>930699Or it’s just that he was at her place getting tattooed. So she’s illegally tattooing from her flop house with cheap ink. This was posted five days ago, so she CAN get a job.. she just won’t.
No. 930701
File: 1711643168072.jpeg (125.96 KB, 804x904, IMG_6337.jpeg)

>>930700Up close. This looks like a prison tattoo
No. 930702
File: 1711643519406.jpeg (107.56 KB, 1290x461, IMG_6340.jpeg)

>>930675She was in a “car crash” five months ago… for a girl that has claimed to heal quickly, she’s sure milking the government
No. 930705
File: 1711649049495.jpeg (304.14 KB, 1290x950, IMG_6352.jpeg)

>>930664“I’m a few years past 20, buds”
But was 35 two years ago.
No. 930710
File: 1711656879330.jpeg (287.23 KB, 1290x1487, IMG_6356.jpeg)

>>930664“Yeah 15 year old quit running your mouth or is adults will beat your ass” kek
It’s icky and her followers that are the cows. Shes a package deal
No. 930743
File: 1711766658471.jpeg (381.72 KB, 2083x1179, IMG_8602.jpeg)

>>930700I thought mirroring this might make it look better but I was wrong
No. 930759
File: 1711798224063.jpeg (289.04 KB, 1170x1283, IMG_0936.jpeg)

She never owned a bike only her father does. More lies from the book of Vicky. She doesn’t have her M2 license she’s a retard. This was commented under an AI generated photo that was captioned “miss riding”. I never seen someone lie so much to try and look cool to strangers online. Never forget when she photoshopped herself in the bad cyberpunk mash up mess on a bike facing backwards like the stupid bitch she is
No. 930775
File: 1711816305590.png (1.59 MB, 970x972, IMG_9524.png)

>>930701She traced a photo of Jesy Nelson… badly.
No. 930777
File: 1711819568747.jpeg (240.41 KB, 1290x1099, IMG_6410.jpeg)

I’m none of these people. “Pushing 40” while icky is about to be 37 having imaginary fights with girls in their mid 20s instead of paying taxes and getting a job.
No. 930813
>>930777Old unaccomplished fats is having a crisis and new lies just dropped saying she’s way younger than she actually is. You were born in 1987 deal with it.
>>930791She doesn’t have a solid friend group at all. People drop her quick when they realize how insufferable she is. Every friend she’s hung around with doesn’t last long just like Jackie. That friendship fell through fast because Vicky was a piece of shit and owes her a lot of money even had to beg her to live with her again yet jackie declined. Had to beg someone 10 years younger than her to live with them because she’s a welfare case loser with nothing to her name. I’d kill myself if I had Vicks life at her ripe old ass age. Never posting about hitting goals or life landmarks or enjoying times with friends. All her posts are about how so hot she thinks she is in her delusional mind and bad photoshop edits in hideous clothing calling herself a model. Peak pathetic. Writing paragraphs about how not bothered she is when she’s literally foaming at the mouth while typing with her fat sausage fingers
No. 930820
>>930777People can fucking read you know
Don't flatter yourself sticky
No one thinks anyone likes you it's you who's delusional and won't accept that people DONT like you. Tell yourself whatever makes you feel better but it dosent make it true. Keep reading every single post sticky. It's hilarious. When I say if he wanted to he would I mean everyones boyfriends you chase after ever. Which is countless. Desperate slag. All you do is seek male approval. From literally everyones man in general again I say if he or I guess they wanted to. they would. The only thing u remotely got right is my age from reading this page try again lol idiot the whole point of my post is NO ONE wants you. Fucking dense still stuck on someone's man Holy fucking shit this is fucken gold fucking touch grass cow.
No. 930830
>>930823Fucking kek
Without doxxing myself, I spent significant time with her in my teens and she was a monster back then, too. Everything was about status and how the public perceived her. I feel a lot of this is to due with the fact that her mother is a monster too and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. It's fascinating how one person is a literal time capsule of MySpace in 2008. I'm big excited for her to return to tell us all how scummy we are and that her 'shops are candids or magazine cover shoots.
No. 930837
File: 1711924958208.jpg (104.77 KB, 1070x1070, IMG_20240331_154135_234.jpg)

All the comments on this pic are "breathtaking".
No. 930902
File: 1712030337474.jpeg (355.96 KB, 1170x1363, IMG_0373.jpeg)

Spotted in the while. My favorite retard
No. 930904
>>930902>die dieNot just die but die times two, so you know it’s legit. She didn’t just die once but twice in a row. No one dies better than vicky. And thank god she heals suuuuuper fast because she came back to life and all her medical friends clapped. She has risen.
>>930837Her tattoos make zero sense and now look AI generated. Because this is actually what AI does when it puts tattoos on a person kek
No. 930971
File: 1712146683561.jpeg (189.69 KB, 1290x862, IMG_6482.jpeg)

She has a bunch of Quora answers about dating people almost 2 decades younger than herself. “Even though she looks mid 20s”
No. 930988
>>930971>I look mid twentiesGirl you look more like mid 40s with your busted ass and ugly outdated clothing and style
>men who are 40 and act like 16 year oldsYou’re also 37 and act 16. She’s honestly such a retard
No. 930994
File: 1712168368698.jpeg (195.98 KB, 1290x1263, IMG_6486.jpeg)

>>930971She answers these to make herself feel better about the life she leads.
No. 931004
File: 1712178957930.png (67.68 KB, 1080x420, Screenshot_20240403-141509-948…)

>>931000She does. She will answer some questions with versions of "idk" like this one.
No. 931779
File: 1713980893392.jpeg (194.23 KB, 1290x1396, IMG_7426.jpeg)

Picking up her meds in a sketchy fucking neighbourhood. No wonder she’s always surrounded by crackheads there’s a lot of government housing around there. Shes probably in rehab, prison or can’t afford to pay for her internet anymore.
No. 932085
>>931989Honestly think she got kicked out of her apartment is living in a shelter, in jail for scamming (the government) or in rehab.
All tinfoil obviously but she hasn’t worked in years
No. 932179
File: 1714446658629.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1843, IMG_1199.jpeg)

>>932171Pretty sure her dad would mention it, he posted yesterday about his dead sister, the rest of his posts are about bikes, qanon conspiratard shit and this, supporting a literal neo-Nazi. Shingles really is a chip off the old, racist, retarded block
No. 932201
File: 1714507919794.jpeg (283.53 KB, 1290x2083, IMG_7639.jpeg)

Looks like she has a 3rd Facebook profile
No. 932202
File: 1714508025856.jpeg (233.24 KB, 1290x1484, IMG_7640.jpeg)

>>932201Looks like it’s actually her cause the same nerds from her other profiles are commenting. Hasn’t posted on here since March either
No. 932242
File: 1714575552304.jpeg (362.97 KB, 1290x1274, IMG_7670.jpeg)

>>930700This guy posted that she was doing a tattoo for him from her Hamilton shack a month ago around the same time she stopped posting.
She also has been claiming to be too sick to work but she’s keeping deposits since 2021.
I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like fraud to me. I’m sure she’s been taking deposits, or at least has been keeping some. People seeing her going out to play pool, go to raves that have their money being held hostage are probably starting to ask for their money back.
I’m sure she’ll come back saying she was in the hospital again to scam more people
No. 932253
File: 1714591089244.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1942, 1000005048.png)

Vic larping as her assistant always makes me reminisce on the first thread. God will never give us a greater online meltdown
No. 932395
>>932253This and that time she sent kiwifarms a cease and desist while pretending to be a lawyer that got the Canadian Royal Government (or whatever the fuck) involved, pure grade A milk.
Pls don’t be dead, Icky. You’re my favorite cow. Your milk has never been plentiful, but I believe in quality over quantity.
No. 932718
File: 1715133673752.jpeg (325.49 KB, 1290x1637, IMG_7965.jpeg)

My check in to see if Vicky is dead, in rehab or in jail and stumbled on an old post of a guy calling out Vicky. Shes called poc apes recently but I’ve never seen this one before. Shes nothing but consistent
No. 932756
>>932734plenty of people use that term about
fighting, don't make it about race.
No. 933319
>>933268I just don’t see icky walking into rehab. And like another anon said, she doesn’t have friends and hardly any family, so no one that cares enough to force her into rehab (intervention style).
She’s not dead because people would be posting about it. Maybe she is in jail kek.
It’s crazy that she’s been this quiet. Has her quora also been quiet? Something definitely happened if she’s been off the internet for this long.
No. 933322
>>933319No Quora or Instagram posts. Totally silent.
She’s either in a coma ( drinking on medication), jail or she got kicked out of her place and the only way she could go stay with her mom is if she went to rehab first.
Paying rent while on disability or welfare is pretty difficult.
Or she’s getting in serious trouble for stealing deposits for years. She’s not taking time off for healthy reasons. There’s no way.
No. 933709
>>933703Some of Vicky’s past roomies and friends have been here before so I’m sure they would have come here to mention it as well if she died.
Idk how Canadian jails work, but I imagine it’s similar to American jails where you sit in jail if you can’t pay bail (which is usually a fairly small percentage that most people can post unless it was a super serious crime and your bail was significantly high). In which case I imagine she would have posted bail by this point. Unless she literally murdered someone.
Rehab makes the most sense. How many days has it been? 90 days is pretty standard.
No. 933711
File: 1716168168320.jpeg (130.43 KB, 1290x1164, IMG_8438.jpeg)

Her post count has changed considerably. Seems like she’s deleting posts maybe?
No. 933780
File: 1716254013889.jpeg (88.76 KB, 1290x830, IMG_8451.jpeg)

>>933711Looks like she’s is posting on her Instagram but it’s private. She owes someone a lot of money I’m assuming since at this point she IS stealing the deposits. It’s been 2-3 years and she won’t work but is posting herself playing pool, out at raves, etc. she’s scamming people and on the “run”
No. 933781
File: 1716254295075.jpeg (90.57 KB, 1290x431, IMG_8452.jpeg)

>>933780There is a post on Reddit about Victoria scamming people from awhile ago and someone came back a year ago calling her a scam artist. I’m sure life hasn’t gotten easier for her. I wouldn’t doubt for a second she was taking deposits while off “sick” since 2021
No. 933820
File: 1716311628457.jpg (697.93 KB, 1080x1961, 1000051825.jpg)

>>933780She hasn't posted anything since March 27, seems like she's just archiving and unarchiving posts.
She's been kinda boring lately.
No. 934220
File: 1716746282518.jpeg (792.86 KB, 1170x1609, IMG_1746.jpeg)

She’s alive just not posting. She follows a bunch of young men who thirst trap so if you go through her following and peep their reels you might find her in the comments.
No. 934289
File: 1716840489112.png (768.44 KB, 3537x1960, for richer or poorer.png)

Found her MySpace archived from 2011. I love the clumsy use of words like denote and profound that don't really fit in the actual context cohesively. Never change sticky!
No. 934339
>>934289Holy shit she really hasn’t changed. I mean, I think anyone would cringe at their old MySpace page. But it’s extra cringy to know that this is basically the same exact crap she has on her Facebook profile kek.
>some famous rockstar drooling all over meNever change, icky.
No. 934616
File: 1717249354572.jpeg (506.91 KB, 828x1402, IMG_7217.jpeg)

>>927094Nta but shes made over 700 complaints Kek
No. 934654
File: 1717285997768.jpeg (292.48 KB, 1290x1680, IMG_8866.jpeg)

Not posting since March to come back to post a meme of a guy hula hooping saying “ how to wave not jackhammer his” is so on brand for sticky.
No. 934657
>>934618“Blonde haired girl with tattoos that make me identifiable”
Does she think she’s so famous that her tattoos will make her celebrity apparent to whoever is receiving her DMCA complaint? Or does she truly think she’s the only speshullll blonde tattooed woman in the world? Genuinely asking, I can’t imagine someone of reasonable mental function filing a dmca this way.
(sage your shit) No. 934819
File: 1717505942370.jpeg (516.3 KB, 1290x2189, IMG_8927.jpeg)

Heading into her 40s and back to the Miss Victoria murder name.
No. 935176
File: 1717800814950.jpg (243.38 KB, 1077x1915, 1000005582.jpg)

She lives! I was starting to miss these heavily edited/ai selfies.
No. 935343
File: 1718015527092.jpeg (1012.32 KB, 1170x1472, IMG_3461.jpeg)

Back to cringe posting. All the filters and make up looks horrendous
No. 935347
>>935343Dear fucking god
Literally James Charles with shit eyebrows and dusty ass hair.
Like does she even do makeup anymore? Or did she develop another habit so she can no longer afford it and just uses filters Wtf happened to her hair. Her eyebrows are a fucking mess and those lips look like a butthole and she's squeezing the life out of those saggy melons. The neck wrinkles ft the filterd face what in the actual fuck?! Kill it with fire before it lays eggs I will feel the world is safer once she can no longer procreate whatever child services would just take the kid anyway lmao you think she'd last 24 hours? She looks like a man in drag actually no that's an insult to men in drag because like what the actual hell is this shit?! The bar is in hell friends.
No. 935520
File: 1718210713619.jpeg (531.52 KB, 1170x1623, IMG_2131.jpeg)

Seeing her in the wild is so funny
No. 935738
>>935350 I don't think it's Vicky but probably someone who's known her personally. Their vendetta posting has been going on for a while and it's cringe and annoying. Can mods do something about it maybe? A few examples of their most recent and obvious posts:
>>930637 >>930813
>>930820 No. 935869
File: 1718551768604.jpeg (312.28 KB, 1290x1816, IMG_9346.jpeg)

New icky post. .
No. 935872
File: 1718567855769.jpeg (127.59 KB, 1290x932, IMG_9354.jpeg)

>>935870Almost 40 with a bio like this.
No. 935882
>>935869she looks like an insect in this photo. what filter did she use? praying mantis babe?
>>935870it really does look like she's in some sort of budget hotel or a halfway house. the dingy window with no reflection and cheap dollar store furniture give it away.
No. 935996
File: 1718761381336.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x2386, IMG_3740.jpeg)

>>935869This video is…..something. The extreme downward angle. The legs spread all the way out to appear thinner. The weird blowing a kiss to slapping her ass to giving the finger with the most vile plaque covered tongue I’ve ever seen. Her tongue is fucking solid white ffs. Put down the phone and pick up a goddamn toothbrush and mouthwash. 37 and posting this shit is so embarrassing
No. 936002
File: 1718776738560.png (586.8 KB, 1080x1984, Screenshot_20240618-225752-636…)

Victoria has been active on Quora giving her expert advice.
No. 936010
>>936002She’s explaining a sociopath, but doesn’t realize she’s explained herself.
Shes been violent with two exes, she still brings up Adrien (15 years later) to slander him on Facebook.
Pot meet kettle
No. 936011
File: 1718804088881.jpeg (101.32 KB, 1290x600, IMG_9431.jpeg)

>>936002Expert answer such as:
No. 936012
File: 1718806673590.png (308.25 KB, 1080x1274, Screenshot_20240619-071419-648…)

>>936011This one is wild to me. She acts like she's a celebrity, then throws in a paragraph about "legal convictions to your name" lmao, Victoria has such a methy life.
No. 936140
File: 1718981059269.jpeg (369.78 KB, 1290x2159, IMG_9503.jpeg)

“ Unattainable chameleon” aka the photoshopped lizard.
No. 936158
>>936140Who even IS this? I mean at this point we’re way past “chameleon” and veered straight into “face transplant” category.
Someone take Vic’s access to AI effects away from her.
No. 936264
File: 1719120700350.png (45.76 KB, 1115x624, victoria.PNG)

No. 936275
File: 1719142158743.jpeg (77.32 KB, 485x485, 41E37AD2-3E10-4CC6-BE35-353C6C…)

>>936264she actually thinks chris chan, a legitimate retard who can barely function in the real world, owns lolcow.
Vicky, you can always just close your tab and so something else with your life. not our fault you have no friends and scammed people.
No. 936310
File: 1719173827948.jpeg (505.04 KB, 1290x2102, IMG_9535.jpeg)

Icky joining the “man or bear” conversation. Of course saying police officers ( which aren’t only men moron) keep people safe and so do firefighters.. so women should choose the men.
Leaving out the her ex boyfriend killed a 3 year old girl of course
No. 936313
File: 1719177675396.mp4 (10.67 MB, 1080x1920, C8jvcoeuWAb.mp4)

where did her accent go?
also this caption kek
>Man vs Bear? The argument when it is within your direct vicinity in the woods.
>There are 20,000 bears in North America, Canada has 19.3 million men. 147 female homicides in one year and 300+ bear incidents in jasper park alone. Do the math.
>Don’t let evil win. Both sexes need to treat each other better.
>Woman are capable of doing horrific things too, and I am not dismissing anyone’s trauma as invalid, it is valid, you deserve justice, you deserve love and understanding and care, but it isn’t fair to vilify an entire gender on some POS. That’s called sexism.
>Some women are h0@k3rs that can pass things, does that mean men have the right to call all women that? Think about that for a second. How you as a woman would feel in that situation.
>If you disagree and are sexist, you are welcome to pick the grizzly bear in real life and see how that works out for you.
>But as always, be prepared, learn martial arts and street smarts, and raise respectful men.
No. 936316
File: 1719178192547.jpg (108.98 KB, 877x1280, IMG_20240623_142347_921.jpg)

>>936264>>936270Yes she has been saying Chris Chan owns this board and we are all either Chris Chan, a man who she turned down, or women who are jealous of Victoria because our boyfriends flirted with her or whatever. Pic related is from October 2023 but I'm reposting it again because it's just so insane that she thinks this.
No. 936329
File: 1719180842989.png (1.87 MB, 1008x1594, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 6.03.…)

>my sleepy eyed fox look
girl we’ve all seen your beady little eyes without filters and photoshop, no one on this earth wants to look like you. you don’t even look like “you."
No. 936341
File: 1719187698650.jpg (150.31 KB, 720x1156, Hgh.jpg)

>>936316This is her too I assume, how I know is you can request the link and it lead to this thread. The complaint was also made the day before
>>936264 was made .
I assume it's okay to post these because you can look at all the complaints made about any site on lumendatabase.
No. 936342
File: 1719187707848.png (21.11 KB, 275x165, 1000019804.png)

>>936329Ah yes, 'her' sleep eyed fox look, as seen in the thread pic from her live stream kek doesn't everyone want to look like they need prescription glasses 24/7 just like Sticky?
No. 936350
>>936341Plot twist, icky is the cp spammer.
I’ll bet every time the site went down because the host fees weren’t paid, vicky thought it was because of her kek
No. 936364
>>936313the three different hair colors, hand on her head, barely moving so the filter doesn’t slip but can see he eyes aren’t actually that color. must be nice to have the time to record opinions no one asked for lol.
for some reason her profile won’t show up for me so thank you for capturing & sharing the cringe.
No. 936369
File: 1719197457100.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1502, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 10.48…)

she’s so fucking dumb kek. muh stanford and yale education!
No. 936376
File: 1719202203552.png (298.55 KB, 1080x1211, Screenshot_20240623-210633-702…)

>>936325>giant cope or a fabrication to “save face” with her scraggly hick 50 year old / bot followers. I think you solved it for me, thanks nonna. Victoria is trying to lie to the Roger Zanows on her friends list. She doesn't actually believe Chris Chan is behind lolcow.
Here is the caption to her "man vs bear" video which makes just as little sense as the video itself.
No. 936383
File: 1719208429720.png (87.06 KB, 1080x527, Screenshot001.png)

>>936376Miss Critical Thinker doesn't realize bear "incidents" are not attacks. They're just being a nuisance and coming to eat fruit. They aren't murdering women at an insane rate. Human males are. No. 936408
>>936369she deleted this, but kept her retarded man vs. bear reel
>>936313. she also changed her username back to @modelviper and deleted her age (36—she’s still posting like this at
36) from her bio.
>> No. 936425
>>936313This is so fucking funny and big boomer energy. Really showing her old age here. She needs to stop with that horrendous filter her eyes look retarded with the blue filter half on.
No. 936426
File: 1719265105171.jpeg (332.86 KB, 626x772, IMG_0596.jpeg)

>>936310Shingles we’ve all seen your real face
No. 936486
File: 1719331873449.jpeg (489.11 KB, 1290x2353, IMG_9578.jpeg)

Not sure what’s going on above her teeth on the top but it’s really noticeable in this video. I don’t know how to post videos here but she’s doing a scene from peeky blinders, with costumer changes for every character. Time well spent I guess
No. 936543
File: 1719371269737.jpeg (313.25 KB, 1170x536, IMG_3948.jpeg)

>>936486She can’t be serious with this makeup choice. Why the fuck did she put her lash on like that?To make her eyes look longer? MUH SLEEPY FOX EYEZ! The filter makes it even better
No. 936642
>>936486Her behavior reminds me of coconut kitty before she died. Just spiraling, posting nonsensical videos while looking totally zooted.
What does she do all day? Is her mom supporting her? She doesn’t have a job. I don’t get it. How does a 37 year old manage to be such a complete failure.
No. 936901
File: 1719761726539.jpeg (102.32 KB, 1179x470, IMG_0574.jpeg)

here’s a link to vicky’s quora profile if anyone needs a laugh. this needs to go in the next op, along with her threads link
>>936408> No. 936935
File: 1719794831972.png (18.26 KB, 733x185, Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 03-43…)

>>936901KEK great advise miss "studied over 200 lectures on narcissism". I actually read her bio as being a joke account, but sadly it is not.
No. 936937
File: 1719795175842.png (156.09 KB, 1272x882, Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 03-50…)

This is so wild and retarded I have a hard time believing it's not a blatant joke.
No. 937113
File: 1719987771583.png (312.01 KB, 1179x1029, Image.png)

>>936901holy shit, she’s dumb
No. 937222
File: 1720119369498.png (233.72 KB, 1232x898, Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 2.40.…)

did you know tattoos show that a person is actually rich? vicky should know. she’s tattooed
>politicians rockstars ceos heads of health board doctors lawyers police chiefs every profession you can damn well think ofshe must be so rich! she’s been paid the value of designer bags and luxury cars for her tattoos in her little scratcher shack, but for some reason she has neither designer bags nor a car. i wonder if the mystery ailment that put her out of commission for the past year was brain damage.
also, she unprivated her instagram again, but sadly the man vs. bear post
>>936313 and whatever this was
>>936486 are gone. one of my favorite things about her is when she’s pretending to be a hot science babe, but she only posts IFLscience-tier clickbait garbage, and she clearly doesn’t even understand
that. No. 937250
File: 1720139893723.jpeg (168.33 KB, 1290x685, IMG_9894.jpeg)

“Since I’ve never been dumped”
Didn’t her last ex beat her ass and use hard drugs? You’ve set the bar so low.
Adrien cheated on Vicky and he broke up with her.
No. 937319
File: 1720219911916.png (156.61 KB, 1080x670, Screenshot_20240705-174607-857…)

These are so fkn funny
No. 937339
File: 1720232457669.jpeg (469.79 KB, 1290x2431, IMG_9912.jpeg)

“ if this is what I’m going to look like at 90 years old I’m going to be fucking hot. But the problem is I already look like the top one now”
First of all moron, you’re using a free filter. It’s not going to be accurate. Secondly, the top one is suppose to make you look at least alittle younger and you look 40. Which says a lot of the state of you.
She’s completely lost her accent
No. 937376
>>937341Even with that 19 year old filter she looks like a dusty old alcoholic that smokes a pack a day. Every single one of her posts is LOOK HOW YOUNG I LOOK. I AM SO SO YOUNG TELL ME I AM YOUTHFUL. She hates that she’s and old bitch so much. Piling on filters and clown make up to cope. Pushing 40 and hasn’t done shit with her life and will be forever alone
>>937319Kekkkk I wonder if this is about Adrian. Except for she hit him and he hates her. Left her ass for someone normal and beautiful
No. 937388
File: 1720287081842.jpeg (281.62 KB, 1290x2345, IMG_9914.jpeg)

He didn’t ask for a nude and women get this crap on social media all the time
No. 937397
>>937391Nona, are you retarded?
>>937388 wasn't defending the moid, just pointing out that Vicky seems to have overreacted. I also thought he was asking for a selfie, but I'm naive when it comes to online dating.
No. 937442
>>937437This. I wasn’t defending him at all. It’s creepy and weird. What I was saying is she posts this shit all the time that she’s some goddess that men want photos from. It literally happens to any woman that opens a social media account. Her only accolades are creepy dudes on the internet.
>>937391 like relax
No. 937525
>>937341sorry if this comes off as a nitpick, but i noticed her double copula (“the problem is, is that…”). it drives me nuts, but normally i wouldn’t say anything. however, she went to stanford, yale,
and harvard, so she should really know better. now i’m convinced she faked her british accent all those years (!) to cover for how stupid she really is, because she’s definitely stupid enough to believe a british accent makes her sound smart. btw, she’s private on instagram again.
No. 937601
File: 1720478900317.jpeg (313.08 KB, 1290x1775, IMG_9969.jpeg)

Unhinged icky reviews incoming.
It was on camera in the house. Why the fuck would she have camera with audio in her government housing apartment? Lying or a paranoid crackhead.. you decide.
No. 937602
File: 1720479016373.jpeg (397.79 KB, 1290x1951, IMG_9970.jpeg)

Never cease to amaze me that a woman that has been living off of the government can tell people what they should do for work.
No. 937603
File: 1720479152898.jpeg (162.79 KB, 1290x730, IMG_9971.jpeg)

>>937601Why does every pizza place she go to have glass in the pizza…?
No. 937604
File: 1720479211389.jpeg (287.09 KB, 1290x1917, IMG_9972.jpeg)

More healthy eating for the Queen icky.
No. 938105
File: 1721212080497.jpeg (870.53 KB, 1170x1136, IMG_4527.jpeg)

Looking absolutely haggard. The bronzer clevage and wonky cross from editing kek
No. 938106
File: 1721212208791.jpeg (666.82 KB, 1170x1870, IMG_4528.jpeg)

Of course you reply to every single comment. You don’t work and sit on your fat ass all day online. So famous she gets 6 likes and under 30 on her new profile picture. Sad.
No. 938302
File: 1721367151094.jpeg (268.23 KB, 1289x1834, IMG_0477.jpeg)

This is legit terrifying
No. 938303
File: 1721367486202.png (384.88 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_0478.png)

Mary’s browns chicken, the healthy fast food.
No. 938394
File: 1721433483312.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1705, browneyes.png)

>>938316Messed up my post on accident and replied too early. Speaking of icy blue eyes, Victoria recently got this comment. I'm surprised she didn't freak out and describe how they are green grey for 3 paragraphs.
No. 938540
File: 1721619591020.jpeg (274.26 KB, 1170x610, IMG_4628.jpeg)

>>938302I don’t know how to put videos but she added that classic sword video to this of her flailing around and it’s amazing. Thanks for the throwback Vic. She thinks this is some sort of bad ass flex but she legitimately looks like an out of shape retard neck beard
No. 938586
>>938564Kek I forgot how good this gem is.
>I have no target but I’m going to blindfold myself anyways because it makes me look coolerShe looks like a 5 year old when they play with plastic sword that goes with their Halloween costume.
No. 938685
File: 1721781558500.jpeg (118.23 KB, 629x810, IMG_0572.jpeg)

Ickys bi monthly goodbyes for attention
No. 938686
File: 1721781605440.jpeg (275.78 KB, 1290x1963, IMG_0571.jpeg)

Yeah icky… don’t worry your next boyfriend is probably just graduating high school. So gross
No. 938687
File: 1721781646655.jpeg (412.88 KB, 1290x2080, IMG_0569.jpeg)

New old photo uploaded.
No. 938693
File: 1721783668033.jpeg (81.34 KB, 1290x434, IMG_0573.jpeg)

Answering Quora questions like they are for her is my favourite.
No. 938694
File: 1721783916270.jpeg (206.35 KB, 1290x1164, IMG_0574.jpeg)

>>937601The response to this review kek
No. 938698
>>938694>when you order for someone elseOh my god did she tell them over the phone the pizza is for a friend KEK
Are her friends deaf, dumb and blind? Why is icky always ordering food for everyone and then leaving reviews?
Rhetorical question, vicky is fat and eats garbage.
No. 938710
File: 1721816859162.jpeg (300.42 KB, 1096x574, IMG_4787.jpeg)

>>938694Is this fat bitch lying about glass being in pizza again to try and get more free pizza? This is t the first time she has claimed this from 2 different pizza places kek
No. 938849
File: 1721967089756.png (77.82 KB, 1080x528, Screenshot_20240725-211018-054…)

Good ol' Vic.
No. 939369
File: 1722536304863.png (8.79 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0904.png)

>>939221That is most definitely plastic Amazon hair mixed with her dry real hair.
No. 939393
File: 1722569463201.jpeg (140.68 KB, 1290x612, IMG_0932.jpeg)

Her obsession with answering these teenager age gap questions on Quora is so weird
No. 939416
File: 1722610262377.jpg (328.61 KB, 1079x1952, 1000058476.jpg)

Why the fuck a 36 year old woman would post her hospital wristband like girls do in highschool for attention? she looks dumb.
No. 939420
File: 1722612770821.jpeg (296.02 KB, 1170x2080, E9CE39E6-B383-4E7B-B298-B552C6…)

>>939416Allergies is mentioned twice. She’s literally flexing being sorta sick at a clinic after eating something weird.
No. 939456
File: 1722646145013.jpeg (313 KB, 1290x1736, IMG_0955.jpeg)

She couldn’t have been in the hospital for anything too serious cause she was answering a bunch of Quora questions Thursday and today at like midnight.
>>939420Her bracelet says she has an allergy to Celecoxib.
Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate pain and help relieve symptoms of arthritis.
She’s probably doctor shopping again.
No. 939457
File: 1722646598088.jpeg (93.43 KB, 899x731, IMG_0956.jpeg)

This is from yesterday- August 1 2024 and she posted it 16 hours ago.
Which would have been 5pm in Ontario and she was already home.
She wasn’t in the hospital that long to make this big a deal
No. 939458
File: 1722646809071.jpeg (166.7 KB, 1144x1435, IMG_0961.jpeg)

>>939457And I don’t know if these is suppose to look like she got blood drawn but that looks like an infection from someone using drugs.
No. 939888
File: 1723219941541.jpeg (973.23 KB, 1162x1896, IMG_5304.jpeg)

>>939458Was going thru old stuff and just noticed this from January. Is this retard subtlety trying to imply she has cancer or something and is receiving chemo????? Lying about cancer but she’s in the hospital because she’s an alcoholic junkie is just crazy as fuck. I hate this disgusting waste of life so fucking much.
No. 940038
File: 1723332786410.jpeg (166.13 KB, 738x1360, IMG_1198.jpeg)

“If you think you look like my overly edited photos, you just have filler”
You’re 37, icky. Get a job.
No. 940041
File: 1723333027523.jpeg (218.21 KB, 1290x1326, IMG_1197.jpeg)

>>940038The “men being…” highlight is wild. Kek.
Everything about this profile bio area looks like a 14 year olds.
>>939888Some Autoimmune disorders also use chemo.
“ alcoholic cirrhosis has been identified as a precursor to several autoimmune disorders”
No. 940059
>>939888She’s not saying cancer because she doesn’t have cancer, but she is subtly hinting at it. If she outright said “cancer” and then it turned out she didn’t have cancer, she would have a hard time defending herself. But here, she can be vague enough where she can say “I never said I had cancer”.
I think she’s just doctor shopping and her favorite kind of doctor she mentions all the time is a neurologist. I lost count how many times she’s mentioned being proposed to by neurologists.
>I wonKek she’s so insufferable.
No. 940069
File: 1723340454998.jpeg (114.83 KB, 641x755, IMG_1209.jpeg)

Ick thinking Quora question are directed to her specifically is my favourite
No. 940070
File: 1723340532952.jpeg (128.85 KB, 1290x597, IMG_1204.jpeg)

She’s single without a job and going to be 40 in 3 years. Was she planning on waiting until she’s 65?
No. 940072
File: 1723341006875.jpeg (177.04 KB, 1290x900, IMG_1213.jpeg)

This is her 10th different hospital or doctors she’s reviewed in 2 years…
As someone that doesn’t doctor shop that seems a bit much?
No. 940314
File: 1723519333210.jpeg (274.52 KB, 907x1459, IMG_1288.jpeg)

Yammering on about how she’s not wearing makeup and this is how she wakes up because she has permanent makeup but you can see the eyebrow/ eyeliner filter in her hand.
No. 940315
File: 1723519427406.jpeg (157.19 KB, 1290x969, IMG_1284.jpeg)

Sabrina carpenter is blonde with bangs. It’s not revolutionary icky
No. 940317
>>940314I have no foundation!
A thousand filters and the video is a blurred mess. You sure showed the haters with this one! Imagine always posting about your very obvious insecurities while talking about how “natural and young” you so look instead of accomplishments or cool moments with friends? It’s always ME ME ME LOOK AT ME AND VALIDATE HOW YOUNG AND NOT OLD I AM at her rotten dusty age. Sad
No. 940320
File: 1723522156251.mp4 (4.27 MB, 624x1110, vicpermanentmakeup.mp4)

>>940314Here's the entire video, slurred words and all.
No. 940324
>>940320She 100% has a clip-in track in the back. You can see it in the last few seconds of the video. She’s filtered to hell. I don’t know any grown ass woman that uploads videos like these. It’s so insecure.
Also I love that she’s finally just stopped the British larp and dropped her Australian accent.
No. 940328
>>940320finally she drops that stupid accent, her real one isn't bad even if she sounded stupid
kek at just not being able to live without those filters and the 420p
No. 940348
File: 1723554089836.jpeg (187.58 KB, 1290x859, IMG_1291.jpeg)

Sounds like something a narcissist would say.
No. 940351
File: 1723556873206.jpeg (357.17 KB, 1290x1284, IMG_1289.jpeg)

I can’t figure out what’s she’s even trying to say here …? The lower class is saying it’s too old… and the media wants workers bees so they don’t want people to have babies?
Of course icky thinks that if you’re young you smoke and drink so your baby will have deformed eyes.
The mental gymnastics she’s doing here because she’s almost 40 with no kids
No. 940352
File: 1723557042320.jpeg (319.68 KB, 1290x1158, IMG_1290.jpeg)

This girl is on some heavy drugs because what?
No. 940362
>>940352I think she's trying to use that inspirational meme shit where they say, "Your body's cells renew every 7 years, so you're not the same person you were 7 years ago – don't let the past haunt you, sis!" or whatever.
Vick is taking that and applying it to sexual partners, claiming that one's body count resets itself every 7 years because you're "technically a new person." Which is, of course, really dumb.
No. 940388
File: 1723576000217.jpeg (200.14 KB, 1290x995, IMG_1293.jpeg)

>>940072Two more hospital reviewed.. this is how 12 in a year? Why is she at a kids hospital? This girl needs to stop abusing her meds for real
No. 940389
File: 1723576250239.jpeg (151.64 KB, 1211x637, IMG_1297.jpeg)

>>940388Seems like her whole life now if taking money from the government, ordering shitty food and complaining to city hall.
So sad
No. 940410
>>940407In Ontario, OW (welfare) or ODSP (disability)
There’s no other possible way she’s paying her bills. Unless she has a low level job
No. 940497
File: 1723730097474.jpeg (468.26 KB, 1290x2527, IMG_1329.jpeg)

“Before you come for people you don’t know.. put your hand down your pants and smell it. You have bigger fish to fry”
She’s gotta be just stealing gross old people memes from Facebook.
No. 940498
File: 1723730380905.jpeg (172.43 KB, 775x1356, IMG_1337.jpeg)

>>940497It’s the old jet set guy that called icky an alcoholic.
No. 940499
File: 1723730478928.jpeg (402.16 KB, 1290x2233, IMG_1334.jpeg)

“Cherish the little things” and posts a bunch of overly filters photos from her bedroom.
Nothing with friends, family, on vacation. Nope. Just these
No. 940505
>>940499She tries so hard to look classy and just ends up looking tacky as fuck in these gross ass cheap clothes and accessories. Poor person trying to larp as a rich one. Edited her body so much and then blurred the whole background but it’s still so obvious and warped in the background.
>>940497Girl go wash your hands you smelly bitch. Fingernails always have so much dirt under them she’s so filthy
No. 940587
>>940498In all her recent reels, you can CLEARLY see the filter on her eyes moving she looks like she belongs in one of those reptilian conspiracy videos.
>>940320No way she’s trying to say this is permanent makeup I work with ladies in their 60s who get permanent liner done and it looks nothing like this. It’s supposed to look natural and subtle not winged.
No. 940605
File: 1723839879966.jpeg (276.03 KB, 902x715, IMG_5504.jpeg)

>>940320She needs to pick up a fucking tooth brush and see a dentist about that gum disease she’s got goin on and stop focusing on her hay textured hair
No. 940622
File: 1723850897666.jpeg (196.44 KB, 1179x783, IMG_9530.jpeg)

Stumbled on this in the wild, lol
No. 940629
File: 1723854389223.jpeg (792.65 KB, 1290x2172, IMG_1404.jpeg)

>>940622Where did you find this and when was is posted?
Shes in such pain that she’s out drinking with a bunch of 21 year olds?
I didn’t see her photo in this album but if this is what the Feista Fridays look like and she’s in her late 30s, alone.
Kinda sad
No. 940630
File: 1723854459228.jpeg (414.48 KB, 1288x2567, IMG_1405.jpeg)

>>940622Not one person in there thought she was 21 as she claims
No. 940633
>>940630holy shit is that
megan fox christina aguilera sabrina carpenter?
No. 940647
File: 1723861492646.webp (27.46 KB, 755x721, IMG_5525.webp)

>>940630Mac tonight lookin ass
No. 940655
>>940647I thought the same thing,
nonny. Kek indeed.
No. 940698
File: 1723938500300.jpeg (344.05 KB, 1290x2136, IMG_1457.jpeg)

The banner… the onlyfans advert pfp… complaining about being 80 since she was 16 on her birthday. All around weird
No. 940701
File: 1723945254560.jpeg (129.06 KB, 1290x734, IMG_1459.jpeg)

>>940698So you’ve been 80 or 37? Just take the compliment jfc
No. 940715
>>940701Math is our friend. So, with this we know Vicky was born when her father was 21. I believe she isn't the eldest either. So very chav like. Honestly all I read is, her father has the mentality of a 16 year old at 37.
>>940622Sunglasses with a beer in a club.. Kek go home grandma.
No. 940718
File: 1723985899805.png (10.71 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_1461.png)

What in the actual fuck
No. 940738
>>940718These drunk ai selfies are hilarious im surprised no one pointed out
>>940499 fucked up flipper hand.
No. 940769
File: 1724043634389.jpg (528.5 KB, 1080x2340, 1000008688.jpg)

The reason you can find her in any pics is because she photoshopped herself in them
No. 940775
File: 1724050910587.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x2340, 1000008690.jpg)

December 2023 she was at zen for a foam party. Drinking even though she hasn't drank in years
No. 940778
File: 1724058687567.jpg (314.07 KB, 1080x2340, 1000008691.jpg)

No. 940875
File: 1724193002610.jpeg (97.9 KB, 1290x475, IMG_1533.jpeg)

>>940778So she was so sick and injured she had internal bleeding and is at 30 doctors appointments .. but a month later she’s out at the club. Maybe use the little energy you do have to get a job and pay people back you stole from.
No. 940977
File: 1724301264408.png (138.08 KB, 1080x749, Screenshot_20240820-175004-364…)

Victoria thinks people befriend her for clout, lol.
No. 940995
File: 1724356033812.jpeg (449.88 KB, 1290x1692, IMG_1668.jpeg)

Another doctor review. What I’m gathering is she thinks where she was living was poisoning her.
And she said he ex beat her ass and she got in a car accident.
No. 941061
File: 1724463129039.jpeg (374.26 KB, 1290x1411, IMG_1746.jpeg)

She’s healed. It took 5 years, but she’s healed! I’ll put money on the fact that she’ll never work again, though
No. 941062
File: 1724463172927.jpeg (101.29 KB, 1290x754, IMG_1747.jpeg)

>>941061“I’m hot but I’m shy”
I got second hand embarrassment
No. 941080
>>941061Bets on whether or not she had a hot neurologist kekkk
>Le sigh Double kekkkkkk oh my god I bet the whole doctors office would talk shit about her crusty ass
No. 941119
File: 1724508917948.jpeg (598.05 KB, 1290x1104, C1FB70E2-C8F4-42E1-ACBC-CB4A37…)

>>941061I’m so curious to know what neurological issue she had that is now “cured”. Also, I should have known she was into saggy old moids.
No. 941138
>>941119Wonder if this waste of life will start working (scratching horrendous tattoos) again since she’s totally “cured”. I am ready for the prison tattoo milk but also concerned for her overcharged
victims as well. I am certain she’s never done taxes either and owes the CRA a ton of debt. Also betting on she scammed with CERB
No. 941151
File: 1724532742778.png (307.34 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20240824-134242-792…)

>>941061She's so retarded
No. 941439
File: 1724684733771.png (270.09 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20240826-074525-123…)

These are so fkn funny
No. 941459
>>941439She loves this site because she gets to just talk about herself, because she thinks these questions are asked directly to her.
Instead of some nice, thought out answer involving the two people, she literally gives a visual guide on her own expressions and what they mean.
>muh grey-green eyesI like how she picked the two rarest eye colors and mashed them together. What happens to muh icy eyes? We all know your eyes are the color of paint water, Ick.
No. 941603
File: 1724797570653.jpeg (557.23 KB, 1290x1683, IMG_1883.jpeg)

“Due to my martial arts training schedule”
“ One thing I’ve learned about guys who don’t like this figure is many are closeted.“
“ Though the idea for high iq children is thick thighs”
No. 941794
>>941603>derere>super skinny and curvy>babies feed off of hourglas figures >bulk cut repeat she is such a water brain, it’s as painful as it is beautiful
it’s impressive they haven’t banned her off of quora because she never answers the questions and still doesn’t understand this is a forum, not a social media platform for her to role play as her oc. she’s the 8th wonder of the world i tell you what
No. 941884
File: 1726060556571.jpeg (351.67 KB, 1290x1926, IMG_2519.jpeg)

Icky sees a chart on Twitter and automatically believes it. This doesn’t say anything about women.
“ The chances of getting pregnant at 40 decreases from 85% at age 30 to 44% at age 40. There are several risks of having a baby at 40, including genetic abnormalities in children, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia”
So don’t start looking for 18 year olds to get your pregnant, girl. We know how you like to date them youngins from your Facebook
No. 941885
File: 1726060828930.jpeg (193.68 KB, 1290x1062, IMG_2520.jpeg)

>>941884And she posted it on Instagram saying she’d dated anyone older than 22. You’re 37 years old.
No. 941894
File: 1726063769391.png (941.19 KB, 1920x1080, download - Copy.png)

I've been waiting to post this. Came across at my job, looks like vicky got booted for not paying rent back in 2023, which lines up with the movers review she got slammed for and deleted. All publicly available information on openroom.
>>muh independent wealth
No. 941905
File: 1726070950879.jpeg (87.12 KB, 1290x530, IMG_2526.jpeg)

Imagine being almost 40 and having this outlook.
>>941894You can’t pay your bills, only have a grade 12 education, hasn’t travelled outside of Canada after 2 years old, no job, no savings and got kicked out for not paying your rent.
But yeah you have options cause your filtered photos.
No. 942510
File: 1726592285800.jpeg (140.5 KB, 1290x651, IMG_2721.jpeg)

“Tired answering questions” shes been on quora, literally, for hours
No. 942514
File: 1726592499208.jpeg (84.64 KB, 1290x485, IMG_2722.jpeg)

>>942510This question was asked by, what looks like, a 16 year old girl in the states. Vicky, get off the internet.
No. 942516
File: 1726592622418.jpeg (200.6 KB, 1290x781, IMG_2723.jpeg)

>>942510“Is Putin insane”
Actually- Putin is just like Jay-Z
No. 942521
File: 1726593199697.jpeg (48.9 KB, 393x462, IMG_2726.jpeg)

“Very picky”
No. 942611
>>942516She could have spewed some psychological mumbo jumbo ~muh Harvard lectures~ and try to sound like a pseudo intellectual, but instead says his personality type, and “her” personality type, and all the other people with the “same” personality type as her.
Amazing. I think her brain is literally Swiss cheese. I’ll give her 5 more years before she’s a full on vegetable.
No. 942833
File: 1726794415252.png (576.27 KB, 1080x2102, Screenshot_20240919-161511-898…)

Omg she's been busy on Quora! Who is this ex she is talking about who was so obsessed with her? Lol.
No. 942870
File: 1726844687808.jpeg (108.6 KB, 696x500, 915B0CCE-D262-4BE0-94CE-BD3C52…)

>>942833what is it about quora that causes her to do this
No. 942984
>>942833“ I can’t remember… oh wait I remember now”
“I’m very beautiful so that can intimidate men”
“One of my more selfish acts”
You need a girlfriend to chat with, ick. Holy
No. 942985
File: 1726867964628.jpeg (137.38 KB, 1290x663, IMG_2930.jpeg)

She’s legit retarded
No. 942993
File: 1726874801912.jpeg (22.94 KB, 890x534, 12E39C3E-4032-4AC6-8F24-02C075…)

>>942985Wow. She actually said this.
No. 943007
>>942985This would make a great banner
I’m glad I’ll never reach this level of mental retardation.
No. 943008
File: 1726889324987.jpeg (418.33 KB, 1290x1148, C38F5794-2C6F-4C78-A5D9-F41D56…)

According to this, the site does say “a question for you” but that’s just the site’s way of getting engagement. The question is thrown to people who have answered similar questions.
I could see how a retard would assume the question is asked of them specifically. Quora addiction was not on my Vicky bingo card kek
No. 943011
>>943008poor retard's duped by a company's algorithm and is now spending hours of her life talking to no one.
hook. line. sinker.
No. 943019
File: 1726923404911.jpeg (215.85 KB, 1263x995, IMG_2948.jpeg)

She 100% thinks these are for her, to ramble about herself.
“Getting me to say I love you is like getting blood from a stone”
Just fucking Christ… go to therapy
No. 943028
File: 1726935898473.png (136.8 KB, 1080x610, Screenshot_20240921-092402-491…)

She thinks court documents are the same thing as "the internet lying."
No. 943074
File: 1726993676898.png (232.64 KB, 1080x1038, Screenshot_20240922-012230-267…)

>social media is deceptive. I use autocorrect.
What the fuck?
No. 943075
File: 1727001161041.jpg (253.81 KB, 1063x821, SmartSelect_20240922_123131_Fi…)

It's ok everyone, she's working on a cure for narcissism
Holy fuck, I'm dying
No. 943078
File: 1727002110701.jpg (215.66 KB, 1080x540, 20240922_124737.jpg)

She's insane and I'm here for it
No. 943092
>>943078“I collect engagement rings like thanos”
Sure girl
No. 943114
>>943092It's funny how she
thinks these little statements make her sound like the ultimate desirable babe, when really they make her sound unstable and like there must be something wrong with her if she's had multiple failed engagements.
No. 943137
File: 1727061325452.jpeg (93.34 KB, 1290x543, IMG_3046.jpeg)

Didn’t think she could lose it anymore, but here we are.
No. 943189
File: 1727126154829.png (274.17 KB, 1080x1340, ironic.png)

No. 943280
File: 1727200848909.jpeg (348.75 KB, 1290x1121, IMG_3108.jpeg)

“This is out of my scope”
You’re a failed tattoo artist, scam artist and have a grade 12 education. Yeah- I’d say so.
No. 943323
File: 1727244348757.jpeg (335.78 KB, 1290x990, 4B5AE655-1961-457E-9C7C-0795E9…)

>some people who are sad are extremely funny
Icky’s life is very sad and she makes me laugh so this is actually true.
No. 943498
File: 1727450571229.jpeg (343 KB, 1290x1913, IMG_3235.jpeg)

Being 40 and having imaginary fights with 20 year olds on your Facebook. You may have a “fatter ass” but you can’t pay your rent and don’t have a job or education. Priorities are bleak when you’re as deep as a puddle.
No. 943499
File: 1727451002025.jpeg (127.92 KB, 1290x526, IMG_3236.jpeg)

>>943498I had to look these people up. I can tell you his wife is a sports illustrated model, actress that speaks 3 languages. I know icky only thinks about looks because she’s never accomplished anything outside her filtered up photos. You should be a little jealous ick
No. 943608
File: 1727563232747.jpeg (73.86 KB, 1290x541, IMG_3296.jpeg)

She’s so famous she gets zero likes in 40 minutes. Also- wtf is this? Vague posting and middle aged is wild
No. 943609
File: 1727563595967.jpeg (319.98 KB, 1031x739, IMG_3299.jpeg)

“Can women be born leaders?” Icky rambles on about how women love to gossip, how she’s a rare woman. Jesus Christ.
There’s no way this bitch has friends.
No. 943638
File: 1727589041768.png (80.27 KB, 1160x268, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 1.41.…)

>>943622none of these questions are being asked to her directly. people post a question on quora and anyone can answer them. she just hasn’t figured that out yet.
No. 943645
File: 1727610548228.jpeg (140.84 KB, 1170x604, IMG_6967.jpeg)

“Certification in Criminal Psychology and
Profiling, CPD Accredited UK”
Her education larps never cease to make me kek
No. 943647
>>943645but anon she probably took one of those paid online tests and got a piece of paper mailed to her that says so!
i am seriously wondering what she is doing in real life currently. she's not even attempting to do tattoos or posted about being out anywhere in ages. she isn't even posting that many shoop'd selfies recently. she just constantly posts on quora.
No. 943780
File: 1727658933902.png (519.06 KB, 1080x2052, Screenshot_20240929-181357-046…)

You mean like how you ran your own photo thru an app which changes you into the opposite gender and then made that the profile pic of your AI/mannequin head pretend boyfriend?
No. 943957
File: 1727837977029.jpeg (571.92 KB, 1179x2039, IMG_9743.jpeg)

correct me if I’m wrong nonnas, but was she not recently in her own thread shitting on some girls wedding photos while stalking her on the fake mannequin head AI bfs instagram profile? Why can’t she open her mouth without telling on herself.
No. 944405
>>94360981% + 51% = 132%
i don’t understand how her mind thought this would make any fucking sense. she’s such a fucking troglodyte.
No. 944476
File: 1728254901137.png (701.43 KB, 1080x1619, Screenshot_20241006-084354-391…)

No. 944497
File: 1728270251983.jpg (65.03 KB, 1080x596, IMG_20241006_200338_539.jpg)

No. 944533
>>944476This looks absolutely nothing like her what a retard
>>944497Delusional as fuck if she thinks she’s famous. Nobody gives a fuck about this old fat failure
No. 944535
File: 1728309447814.jpeg (457.82 KB, 932x1455, IMG_7208.jpeg)

The warped background says otherwise. Every time she posts a full body pic it’s the most shit quality blurred 2 second video in a dark room. She sure showed the haters with this one!
No. 944756
File: 1728436980405.jpeg (305.03 KB, 1290x2270, IMG_3747.jpeg)

>>944476Lay off the filter icky
No. 944874
File: 1728560868598.jpeg (163.8 KB, 1290x1277, IMG_4802.jpeg)

Stumbled on this and it reminded me of Vicky. This woman went viral for trying to pass off this absurd fake text as being from a real PT to try and flex how 'desirable' she is. Reminded me of Vicky.(offtopic)
No. 945342
File: 1729030298542.jpg (484.86 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20241015-230643_Sam…)

>>944535She literally posted a picture that's 4 years old found in old threads
No. 945523
File: 1729177717359.jpeg (574.31 KB, 1060x835, IMG_7525.jpeg)

I always forget how fucking huge her chin is when she can’t edit it to a dorito. Screen shot from an old video of hers. Reminds me of that big chinned emo guy and also has a beak of a nose like him too kek
No. 945531
File: 1729188694902.gif (585.34 KB, 320x240, IMG_9070.gif)

>>945523Every time I see her real chin, I think about gifrel. It’s probably made of bort.
No. 945612
File: 1729301435087.png (157.12 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_20241018-182944-682…)

I will never get over her Quora answers.
No. 945673
File: 1729398248743.jpeg (382.03 KB, 845x703, IMG_7412.jpeg)

Her spergs in her first thread instantly made her my favourite cow
No. 945844
File: 1729692158522.jpeg (221.2 KB, 1290x872, IMG_4393.jpeg)

I don’t think anyone here said she’s 50, she’s pushing 40. She’s going to be 38 and still acts like this in the internet.
If someone’s man is in your DMs, they’re a pos and going after a bottom feeder like icky is on brand.
What the insult really is, is ickys priority on her own life. Caring about some bum in your DMs instead of getting a job or education. Just sitting at home making up fake scenarios for 6 likes on a boomer social media platform.
No. 945845
>>945844“ I'm not even 40 even if I had a 24 year old someone would be going to prison if they weren't my age cuz l'd be a minor and my parents would of been flipping.”
Also..? Wtf is this drunk ramble about
No. 945880
>>945844It never ceases to amaze me that many of the classic cows are around my age, I guess their immaturity makes me forget kek. It’s ok to be closer to 40 than 30 girl, it’s the insecurity that ages you.
>>945342Never change Icky Vicky
No. 945906
File: 1729806111009.jpeg (195.1 KB, 1290x1557, IMG_4531.jpeg)

Her posting this is so funny. There’s court documents stating a man killed his fiancé's child and she still blamed the woman
No. 945932
File: 1729874704984.png (339.56 KB, 1080x1287, Screenshot_20241025-094338-446…)

>I did clearly further education
No. 945945
>>945932we can tell you love pizza, fatty. you love it so much that you lie and say every pizza has glass in it so you don’t have to pay for the massive amount you’re inhaling. stupid pig. she’s such a girl’s girl
>>945906 but icky vicky is using her art teacher’s creepy husband’s crimes against her. also kek
>muh university>muh diplomas (not degrees)where? youtube videos don’t count, dumbass.
No. 946046
File: 1729996437724.jpeg (408.12 KB, 1290x1264, IMG_4627.jpeg)

>>945991Maybe she meant a broken printer that’s bleeding ink?
No. 946047
File: 1729996651295.jpeg (55.45 KB, 500x358, IMG_4628.jpeg)

>>945932Yes, icky. Not that you weren’t showing up to class or applying yourself! Not that you suck at making art.. no. It’s a woman’s fault, not yours! Your jealous art teacher!
(sage your shit) No. 946060
>>945932She has the worst/most boring kind of mental illness because it’s so focused on men and her being soooooo desired by men and hated by women because of it. Shes been that way her entire teenage/adult life. It’s SO bizarre.
I’m just so happy she never reproduced. She would 100% be the kind of mom that would blame her daughter for getting molested by whatever whitetrash scrote she had around. Or be incestuous with her son. She is beyond help.
No. 946067
File: 1730012821741.png (96.59 KB, 1080x517, Screenshot_20241027-000606-322…)

No. 946068
File: 1730012967125.png (177.06 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20241027-000804-035…)

>>946067Sorry for double posting but the drugs Victoria was taking when she was answering these Quora questions 9 hours ago must be great. Why is she locked out of her mailbox?!
No. 946410
File: 1730345311360.jpeg (457.82 KB, 1290x1750, IMG_4801.jpeg)

This is the most insecure post I have ever seen.
No. 946411
>>946410“Who HAD a tattoo career” yeah, whatever happened to that Vicky? You failed because you wouldn’t go to training and fuck up peoples bodies.
A Diploma in Psychology and Law? Watching YouTube videos and taking a free test online doesn’t count.
All you have is a failed business, you got kicked out of your last apartment because you stopped paying rent, no friends, no family that speaks to you.
Just a Facebook, clinging onto 2014
(sage your shit) No. 946412
>>946410>diploma in lawThat’s a new one
>14 (martial) artsShe can’t be serious kek
>record breaking radio DJLiterally what record did she break? She wasn’t even a DJ she was a radio personality with a painfully fake British accent
>eat make up so you can be pretty on the insideIs that why she is so fat? Please don’t eat your make up icky.
This really is the most insecure rambling I’ve ever read from a woman.
No. 946431
File: 1730375783857.jpeg (28.58 KB, 800x491, IMG_3525.jpeg)

>>946410Seeing her unhinged larps will always put a smile on my face. She’s so delulu I wonder if she still practices her mortal kombat kicks.
>A martial artist of 14 arts including sword in which I can stop 4 inches of a target blindfolded.Just like my animes kek never change Vicky
No. 946443
File: 1730383595898.jpeg (315.92 KB, 927x796, IMG_4810.jpeg)

>>946410I couldn’t even screen grab them all. She edited this 18 times.
From 10pm to 5 hours ago which would have been 5am in Ontario. Kek.
Just seething that her ex moved on
No. 946444
>>946443“When youre "beauty" melts, and all you are left with is the content of your character what are you then?”
When you are beauty melts lol
Is she talking to herself?
No. 946445
File: 1730384233594.jpeg (196.42 KB, 1290x662, IMG_4812.jpeg)

>>946410Yale open online courses don’t mean anything. They’re “open” to the public and FREE.
No. 946455
I never paid her much attention bc she seemed so annoying ehich yeah, she is, but she's also really entertaning as a cow. It's insane to me that she has fans and followers, people who can't see through her. 14 martial arts? The shit she writes on Quora? I can't find the post rn but there was one where she described being a master manipulator who can effortlessly and accidentally make any man fall in love with her. Wtf is going on in her brain?
>>928131"Can take apart shit (tech) I've never seen" and fix them with no manual? And all you did was open a device, push a board and pull out a card.
Seriously, what the hell has to happen in a person's life for her to end up this way?
I'd love to see her reaction when faced with someone who actually knows what they're talking about wrt the subjects she claims to be an expert at (she's a super mega expert in narcissism and schizophrenia guys).
No. 946465
File: 1730407282401.jpeg (304.09 KB, 1170x782, IMG_7942.jpeg)

>>946410She already deleted this hilarious larp and just posted this
No. 946467
File: 1730413285216.jpeg (51.12 KB, 500x313, IMG_9313.jpeg)

>>946465Vicky has left the chat
No. 946487
File: 1730467832870.jpeg (726.75 KB, 1170x1289, IMG_7956.jpeg)

Looks like she just used AI to generate herself in costume this year instead of photoshop kek
No. 946505
File: 1730488115118.png (301.91 KB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_20241101-120710-979…)

No. 946555
File: 1730517930638.jpeg (160.97 KB, 1290x590, IMG_4912.jpeg)

She’s been saying she shadowbanned on Facebook for like a year now.
No, people just moved on with their lives, grew up and you’re still rambling on about the same shit
No. 946560
File: 1730521432386.jpeg (141.6 KB, 1500x1120, GbVYpalW0AAdHOF.jpeg)

Nice editing job on the back leg
No. 946565
>>946554Every word that comes out of her rotted mouth is a lie. Talks about not drinking for years but this
>>940622 was recent.
>>939457 shows a hospital band but the red one looks like an event one so maybe she got too drunk and ended up in a hospital kekkk
No. 946573
File: 1730550493234.jpeg (321.13 KB, 1170x918, IMG_7994.jpeg)

>>946487Even her brain dead coomers can see her shooping is a digital painting
No. 946577
File: 1730553289467.jpeg (270.05 KB, 1170x1897, IMG_7993.jpeg)

Can’t wait for this “interview”
No. 946583
File: 1730565628150.jpeg (107.28 KB, 1290x422, IMG_4924.jpeg)

>>946580And whatever this is
No. 946648
File: 1730607385079.png (740.22 KB, 1080x1665, Screenshot_20241102-211408-448…)

Victoria is using her new Twitter account to give advice to meme photos.
No. 946651
File: 1730613496155.jpeg (368.09 KB, 1926x2048, IMG_8026.jpeg)

She literally fucking balding at this point. That hairline is fucked and patchy from constantly dumping bleach on her head for ages
No. 946670
File: 1730664139746.jpeg (341.18 KB, 1290x1649, IMG_4981.jpeg)

No. 946693
File: 1730678706105.jpeg (980.41 KB, 1170x1607, IMG_8032.jpeg)

Her Twitter is just reposting Elon trash simping for Him and MAGA shit while She’s Canadian. Everything she posts is just schizo boomer garbage.
No. 946699
File: 1730688753306.jpeg (195.45 KB, 1290x1134, IMG_5031.jpeg)

Big goals for icky
No. 946700
File: 1730688921338.jpeg (294.84 KB, 1290x1655, IMG_5032.jpeg)

“Certificate in criminal profiling”
89 followers.. wounded how long until she’s dming Elon asking him to lift her “shadow ban” kek
No. 946701
File: 1730689465117.jpeg (86.27 KB, 655x575, IMG_5035.jpeg)

>>946700In Canada you have to meet requirements established by the RCMP. Shes just created a whole new life from her moms basement
No. 946713
File: 1730701322751.png (397.16 KB, 1080x1621, Screenshot_20241103-232040-525…)

Poor thing really wants Elon's attention.
No. 946791
File: 1730772663464.mp4 (1.53 MB, 790x720,…)

In between all the retweets about Trump, Victoria posted this video of herself.
No. 946797
File: 1730777027218.jpeg (176.01 KB, 1290x790, IMG_5088.jpeg)

>>946700Girl doesn’t even know the difference between “their, there and they’re”
No. 946798
File: 1730777179927.jpeg (398.28 KB, 1290x1821, IMG_5089.jpeg)

Ickys obsession with Chris chan continues kek
No. 946800
>>946798>this thingOk based
>runs a siteKek I forgot she thinks Chris-chan owns and runs lolcow
No. 946835
File: 1730817016441.png (263.97 KB, 1080x1221, Screenshot_20241105-072750-833…)

Lmao ok Victoria. I wonder if she gave the police station a bad Google review.
No. 946839
File: 1730820735990.jpeg (354.67 KB, 1290x1551, IMG_5096.jpeg)

>>946835In true Vicky fashion, she edited this post a bunch of times.
Her first few she said she’s dealing with this.
Cause as always it’s everyone else’s fault and not hers.
Wonder if she’s finally getting slammed for stealing peoples deposits
No. 946840
File: 1730821077237.jpeg (98.38 KB, 1290x892, IMG_5097.jpeg)

>>946835Last review she left was 6 days ago for a university in New Brunswick.. maybe that’s where’s she’s taking free online courses. Kek
No. 946862
File: 1730841616153.png (696.26 KB, 963x1305, Screenshot_20241105-122024-610…)

Victoria telling Ivanka Trump that she's a total babeeeeeeee
No. 946932
File: 1730934102468.png (122.39 KB, 1080x569, Screenshot_20241106-160108-405…)

I don't even know what to say
No. 946945
File: 1730948868158.jpeg (494.93 KB, 1290x1621, IMG_5147.jpeg)

Sticky is really working on getting elons attention, even on Quora(repost)
No. 946978
File: 1730978891191.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1732, IMG_8173.jpeg)

But I thought you were rich and lived in many many mansions! Yet lives in squalor shit. Interesting to call herself out like this
No. 947025
File: 1731018617798.jpeg (150.44 KB, 1290x549, IMG_5210.jpeg)

>>946978I wonder if these 2 things are related or it’s just the state of her life.
No. 947039
File: 1731027600107.jpeg (160.9 KB, 1290x1006, IMG_5214.jpeg)

>>947029I totally agree… with the doctor shopping and making out with a mannequin head, she’s high as fuck.
No. 947042
File: 1731028767130.jpeg (351.75 KB, 1290x1730, IMG_5215.jpeg)

Guys, she studied criminal psychology in her crack den covered in mould. She knows that you shouldn’t let the serial rapist / killer out of jail!
No. 947043
File: 1731029045768.jpeg (481.07 KB, 1290x1845, IMG_5218.jpeg)

Her Twitter is going to be endless entertainment. Just a crackhead screaming into the void for 0 likes and 14 views
No. 947044
File: 1731029132452.jpeg (140.02 KB, 1290x592, IMG_5216.jpeg)

>>947043Her dad doesn’t even come back to Canada to visit her..?
No. 947046
File: 1731029923058.jpeg (170.77 KB, 1290x1740, IMG_5219.jpeg)

Continued professional development courses….?
No. 947047
File: 1731030020561.jpeg (293.07 KB, 1290x1002, IMG_5220.jpeg)

She’s still riding for the baby killer I see
No. 947049
File: 1731031150848.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1772, OfThoseWhoBeforeUs.png)

Christmas came early tonight with all these new Vic tweets. I'm gonna make a collage later.
No. 947123
File: 1731095796320.png (898.92 KB, 1080x1529, Screenshot_20241108-125543-635…)

Victoria wants to save America. Which lucky state should be the first to try out her system?
No. 947154
File: 1731111808588.jpeg (96.62 KB, 824x900, Gb5p0pnXkAAY-ar.jpeg)

No. 947175
File: 1731162397999.jpeg (280.42 KB, 1170x831, IMG_8273.jpeg)

Her new Twitter bio is hilarious. This larp is too much for Me when She’s an uneducated retard who’s done nothing past high school and was never qualified to get into a university for these things. She’s been shooping her saggy tits and gut for the past 17 years while squatting in crack apartments scratching horrendous tattoos and stealing money. Absolutely never attended school. Show us those many cetification papers Vicky, please!
No. 947198
File: 1731195906295.jpeg (286.49 KB, 1290x2164, IMG_5329.jpeg)

>>947181I’m assuming she’s flexing these free courses online thinking she can practice law now.
No. 947254
File: 1731279630277.jpg (108.89 KB, 750x1334, media-Gb_-6iMWIAAzyx5.jpg)

No. 947264
File: 1731287109500.png (843.36 KB, 960x686, 1000000291.png)

Just wanted to remind of some classics
No. 947268
File: 1731287263561.png (978.99 KB, 720x726, 1000000292.png)

>>947264I miss these. AI has truly drained her creativity
No. 947279
File: 1731300830937.jpg (142.64 KB, 428x604, fpnVv3B8dEY.jpg)

>>947268I miss these too, nonnas. I was actually going through some of the classic Victoria shoops recently.
No. 947281
File: 1731300964981.jpg (84.21 KB, 1000x440, vick.jpg)

>>947198>tattoo artistI wish. The horrible tattoos she use to give people were so funny, especially the ones where she'd tattoo her own face on someone. Maybe she'll get off the drugs and go back to working if she can't find use for her totally real psychiatry and law degrees.
No. 947283
>>947281>the tiny horse legKek I forgot how bad this one was.
>>947279These are so refreshing compared to what she does now. It’s like cute wannabe gyaru purikura
No. 947285
File: 1731305606418.png (169.03 KB, 935x1192, Screenshot_20241110-231204-371…)

She is practically begging for some scuzzy Facebook guy to slide into her messages and ask to come over.
No. 947332
File: 1731372166980.jpeg (133.35 KB, 1290x629, IMG_5392.jpeg)

“I only date hot guys” the bar is super low in Hamilton I guess
No. 947335
File: 1731372436847.jpeg (391.8 KB, 1290x2369, IMG_5396.jpeg)

She’s back posting on tiktok. Just rocking back and forth to terrible music. Low effort like everything else she does
No. 947347
File: 1731390258644.png (464.48 KB, 1080x1418, Screenshot_20241111-224239-272…)

>>947335She is high as fuck.
No. 947355
>>947279When the sistine chapel got damaged and Vick decided to try and get in on it with a shoop …
I miss the old vicky.
No. 947358
File: 1731410827041.jpeg (393.94 KB, 538x1254, IMG_8342.jpeg)

>>947347“My dressing room not my room”
Trying to claim she lives in a huge place that has her own vanity room as if she didn’t get evicted from a crack head apartment not too long ago for not paying rent. Very luxurious. Doesn’t she live in Hamilton? That’s a disgusting and dirty junkie city and you know she resides in the Barton street area with her non existent income. Looking at the background it looks like a cheap dirty apartment. Clothes and random shit in a big pile. Clean your fucking room Vicky it’s not like you have anything to do or a job to go to. Pig
No. 947360
File: 1731424304327.jpeg (483.77 KB, 1290x2479, IMG_5406.jpeg)

I feel like she posted this before. Super proud of stealing Facebook boomer memes.
The filter on this one is terrifying
No. 947361
File: 1731424423498.jpeg (145.82 KB, 1290x594, IMG_5407.jpeg)

>>947360Also- she posted these between 16 hours ago to 2 days ago. I don’t think I’ve ever seen views that low on tiktok before. Wonder if she’s going to say she was shadow banned here too kek
No. 947365
File: 1731428787317.jpeg (205.49 KB, 518x406, IMG_8344.jpeg)

>>947335She wore this ugly thing during Covid in the cold Canadian winter. Now she fashioned it into a shirt. Broke bitch behaviour. But keep telling everyone how you have a super massive wardrobe please
No. 947366
File: 1731429948109.jpeg (83.45 KB, 789x724, IMG_8348.jpeg)

>>947335Damn that’s a big bitch. WIDE
No. 947377
>>947335>>947347>>947366Here's the TikTok video for the sake of convenience
No. 947378
>>947360This is pure nightmare fuel
No. 947379
And the last of her recent TikTok videos
No. 947412
File: 1731508478222.jpeg (498.58 KB, 1283x2189, 1655774970866.jpeg)

>>947399here's the screenshot with the caption. its my favorite vicky moment too.
No. 947417
File: 1731515995821.webp (142.98 KB, 570x798, IMG_5450.webp)

>>947412Casually floating 500 feet in the air
No. 947434
File: 1731531414305.jpg (1.13 MB, 2448x3264, 1000000331.jpg)

>>947412I randomly get "I was so wild
How little have I changed…"
stuck in my head like a haiku sometimes. This remains so unbelievably iconic, and then when people asked how she was naked she said it was a nude top edited off, no mention of the logistics of her being so close to the window, implying they let her up on that tiny bit of footing
No. 947458
File: 1731553763195.jpeg (68.21 KB, 1290x369, IMG_5503.jpeg)

If she put in as much effort into accomplishing things as she does random men she meets on Facebook she’d probably be the girl she’s made up to make herself feel better
No. 947485
File: 1731616450675.jpeg (372.5 KB, 1290x1691, IMG_5540.jpeg)

Icky saying pedos might just be adults with midget fetishes is wild kek
No. 947493
File: 1731620496462.jpeg (366.66 KB, 1290x2046, IMG_5543.jpeg)

She down fucking HARD for Elon
No. 947494
File: 1731620802034.png (1.23 MB, 966x1754, Screenshot_20241114-144454-572…)

>>947493It's so bad she's replying to AI pics of Musk.
No. 947495
>>947494KEK I saw this on the front page and knew immediately this was in the Vicky thread and she was going to say she looks like his “girlfriend “. AI aside, they look nothing alike.
Never change Vicky.
No. 947500
File: 1731629568729.png (962.67 KB, 1080x1568, Screenshot_20241114-171134-060…)

Victoria's message for Trump
No. 947517
File: 1731646197487.jpeg (898.91 KB, 1170x1152, IMG_2679.jpeg)

>>947494kek yeah okay, shingles. you know damn well that this is your true form.
No. 947663
File: 1731809381894.jpeg (288.93 KB, 1290x1003, IMG_5708.jpeg)

She would have male on her non existent licence for the betterment of human kind? …
No. 947679
File: 1731827521775.jpeg (30.23 KB, 393x414, IMG_9525.jpeg)

>>947663What the fuck does any of this mean
>accidental >I’d say do itBut it’s supposed to be an accident so you’d have no knowledge or say. And aside from that, the fuck does that have anything to do with homelessness and being a fag????
>crossdresses for the fun of itThis never happened.
No. 947683
File: 1731837201986.jpeg (404.67 KB, 1170x958, IMG_8565.jpeg)

No. 947689
File: 1731856887414.jpeg (29.75 KB, 480x480, 2A22CE5F-549B-46A4-8F49-7D96C0…)

>>947625ahh I had no clue how old these are, I just assumed she looks better or more tolerable than retarded filtered pic
>>947663lord help us all because vickie gave us brain damage
No. 947690
>>947663So I
THINK what she’s trying to say is if being accidentally misgendered on an official document would somehow (?) set right all the social injustices in the world - Vic would be zen with it.
She’s so magnanimous. All hail the beauteous, wise, kind goddess Victoria Emma!!! We’re not worthy!
No. 947776
File: 1731992359975.png (151.61 KB, 1080x543, Screenshot_20241118-215819-432…)

>>947722There is no other explanation for this behavior.
No. 947789
>>947776Jesus fucking Christ, psychiatrists have ‘Dr’ in their title because they’re fucking doctors of medicine you fucking clown. Just like any other medical practitioner. I’m not au fait with the Canadian tertiary education system but I can’t imagine it would be too much of a divergence from that which operates in my Commonwealth country. You have to either complete an undergraduate degree in medicine, which is 5 or 6 years of study, or if you’ve got an undergrad degree in another field you can apply to the graduate entry program (about 4 years in length) which has limited seats and is an extremely competitive procedure that involves passing an entrance exam with very high marks and often requires an interview. Then you have to complete a year of mandatory internship in a hospital followed by at least another year of residency. It’s only after all that (~8 years) that you are eligible for training at the Royal College of Psychiatrists (add another 5 years). So over a decade all up. There is no other way to become a qualified, certified psychiatrist
t. an actual psychiatrist Did Shingles even graduate high school? I’m not being snarky, she’s an illiterate dolt so I would be genuinely surprised if she did, given that her grasp of the English language consistently hovers around the primary school mark.
No. 947796
>>947792>>947789I looked it up. According to anon
>>514402 she graduated. She also used to brag that she was on honor roll (lol).
No. 947819
File: 1732044822879.png (967.98 KB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20241119-123032-627…)

>Elon Musk Musk
No. 947825
File: 1732046724823.webp (41.66 KB, 1080x632, IMG_9559.webp)

>>947776KEK where is she getting the confidence to be this retarded in the open for everyone to see. She’s starting to remind me of coconut kitty in her last year.
Honestly I think she will drink herself to her death bed by the time she’s 40. God speed Vicky. You were my favorite cow.
No. 947836
File: 1732052408678.jpeg (30.85 KB, 275x143, IMG_0944.jpeg)

>>947830I’m the psychfag from above, Vicky has always been my favourite cow (I’ve made many if not most of her threads here) and this latest LARP is especially hilarious to me. Setting aside the fact that she can’t even spell the most basic of words, wanting us to believe that she has any sort of tertiary education, much less from a fucking Ivy League college, is egregiously embarrassing. This “revelation” of hers that psychiatry is a “sister branch of psychology” (fucking turbokek) has me on the verge of cringing myself into combustion. She has unlocked a whole new level of r/iamverysmart derangement. How the fuck can someone spend ~4 decades on this forsaken rock yet not have the most rudimentary understanding of what a medical practitioner is?! One would assume she’d be somewhat more informed on account of all the hospitals she’s graced with her unwashed presence and blessed with her illiterate google reviews
No. 947838
File: 1732054096319.png (330.21 KB, 1080x874, Screenshot_20241119-150616-340…)

>He was a direct decency of the prophet Muhammad.
No. 947849
File: 1732063930875.jpeg (236.7 KB, 1290x684, IMG_9564.jpeg)

Putting aside the answer has nothing to do with the question asked, her answer is such a narc response. Anything negative is not of her doing. It’s always because of someone else. She wants us to believe she’s being poisoned or whatever by some instead of the fact she’s a raging addict.
No. 947888
File: 1732156952530.png (1.11 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20241120-214212.png)

Bad attempt at editing the dirty nails?
No. 947889
File: 1732157206673.png (47.99 KB, 1080x756, Screenshot_20241120-214518~2.p…)

Did she go dark on insta or just change her name?
No. 947890
>>947889Her current insta is but she has been changing the username left and right for the past few months.
No. 947891
File: 1732158138906.jpeg (70.03 KB, 1290x736, IMG_5964.jpeg)

Shes totally lost it- I’ll put money on the fact that she’s still dating the mannequin head.
No. 947892
File: 1732158352443.jpeg (230.49 KB, 959x1533, IMG_5966.jpeg)

“I haven’t drank in 5 years”
Her from December 2023
No. 947893
File: 1732158721814.jpeg (328.33 KB, 1290x1400, IMG_5968.jpeg)

>>947891I take it back- I think she’s so delusional hopped up on pills in a make-believe relationship with Elon
No. 947894
File: 1732158850564.jpeg (85.51 KB, 1290x376, IMG_5969.jpeg)

“For being a model”
No. 947904
>>947893I love how Apartheid Clyde is considered a bastion of intellect for literal retards when he is demonstrably a fucking moron, I would be astonished if Vicky
wasn’t thirsting over his inbred amphibious looking ass. I wonder if, in an alternate universe where she wasn’t an insufferable raging cunt and actually had friends, whether those friends would encourage her to stop embarrassing herself. It’s amazing how she comes across as both a boomer and teenager simultaneously. She’s so fucking stupid it’s insane. I don’t think it’s just drugs and alcohol either, in fact I’d put money on her being genuinely mentally handicapped
No. 947933
File: 1732225686096.jpeg (320.7 KB, 1290x1205, IMG_9601.jpeg)

>>947891But she just explained to her quora fans that she’s not looking for a relationship as explained in this questionnaire
No. 947996
File: 1732327721708.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1651, Screenshot_20241122-190656-327…)

>>947891Maybe she's in a relationship with Elon in her mind.
No. 948000
File: 1732335057051.png (325.63 KB, 1080x1140, Screenshot_20241122-192432-007…)

>What is introductory psychiatry?
>A course I already passed.
No. 948006
>>947996you need to spoiler this vile shit.
>>948000this is just genuinely sad, she def has some wet brain like dementia.
No. 948017
File: 1732377291423.png (451.43 KB, 1080x1460, Screenshot_20241123-084715-268…)

>>948006Sorry, nonna. I'll spoiler the hideous Elon AI pics that she reposts from now on.
The ISIS member in a taxi made an appearance again!
No. 948032
>>948017At this point I genuinely do not know whether
Vic or Pixy is the most mentally unwell cow. Both are so deep in their delusions.
No. 948035
File: 1732400829700.jpg (312.6 KB, 1080x2340, 1000010929.jpg)

Here it comes(repost)
No. 948095
File: 1732461606130.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1542, Screenshot_20241124-081858-696…)

This is so embarrassing. I am so embarrassed for her.
No. 948096
File: 1732461988612.png (93.44 KB, 1080x499, Screenshot_20241124-082329-339…)

>>947891Victoria sure knows how to pick 'em! Let's see. She's dated: a baby killer, a schcizo who attacked her who hangs clothes hangers from his ear gauges, and now this guy who is harassing her after dating her for a week.
No. 948102
File: 1732470101561.png (294.5 KB, 1063x889, 1000008557.png)

No. 948108
>>948102Kek could you imagine Vicky as your therapist? She would charge you money so she could talk about all the things she does her way and how she never has any problems because of it.
“I’m a cold hearted ice qween INTJ, I dress like a tomboy and reject men’s proposals and I’ve never had any issues. I cured someone’s cotard syndrome. That’ll be $200”
No. 948114
File: 1732477468198.png (191.18 KB, 1080x869, Screenshot_20241124-124249-643…)

Stfu Victoria, you are not experiencing a deliberate famine just because you couldn't scam free pizza from 3 different places by leaving fake Google reviews about there being glass in their pizza.
No. 948130
File: 1732488530459.png (208.39 KB, 750x827, 1477159627317.png)

>>948107I almost forgot the moid who fell for her fake astrophysics credentials cause she said she studied astrophysics at ivy league college on her resume because she watched youtube videos on astrophysics. That guy tried to offer her a job at a observatory. I wonder if this larp will go on until another moid gets fooled by her photoshops and tries to give her a job she's not qualified for.
No. 948132
>>948102I would love to see Vicky show a single accredited qualification for literally anything. She was kicked out of her “tattoo studio” (dusty industrial unit), friends house and last apartment for being a broke, cat piss covered hag with no job apart from stealing deposits and occasionally tattooing illegally from whatever hovel she managed to beg her way into.
I genuinely can’t wait for someone to call her out on her imaginary psychiatrist larp, but unfortunately that day will probably never come because nobody cares enough, kek. Keep screaming into the void icky, Elon will notice your thirsty, boo-licking ass soon I promise!
No. 948137
>>948134“The police officers” who wanted to hire her on the spot because she was so proficient with her ~uwu sword skills~
The drugs, booze and delusions of grandeur make an incredible combo.
No. 948154
etc, which is an abbreviation for
et cetera you illiterate fucking moron (though electroconvulsive therapy is an amusingly apt slip, given how fried her brain is). Are there any other medfags here besides me? Shingles attempting to convince people that she has any sort of academic background, much less medical training, is absolutely hysterical
No. 948155
File: 1732510576761.jpeg (58.12 KB, 783x464, IMG_2049.jpeg)

>>948132I don’t use twitter or any other social media but if I did and I stumbled across this derangement without knowing who she is I probably wouldn’t care enough to interact but I would find it hilarious because she is so delusional it’s honestly astounding
No. 948212
File: 1732585050987.png (445.27 KB, 1080x2216, 2retards.png)

Victoria only keeps ass kissers around on her accounts. That's why she never gets called out for the embarrassing and outrageous stuff she says.
No. 948213
File: 1732585070139.jpeg (318.73 KB, 1290x1785, IMG_6448.jpeg)

Her twerking on Twitter for Elon is my favourite delusion(repost)
No. 948214
>>948212Kek she responded at the end with her other account
>>948213Can you guys take 3 minutes to read the thread before you repost what’s already been posted?
No. 948229
File: 1732624711327.png (352.46 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20241126-053745-296…)

>I guess girls are feeling threatened again
No. 948233
>>948229Just noticed this is the same dude as
>>948212I'm not exactly looking closely, but is that an AI profile pic? I just really want another boyfriend arc.
No. 948238
>>948233>shannon northman Kek. Considering she logged into the wrong icky account here
>>948212 to reply to him, my guess is it is likely a sock puppet account and she was replying to herself. She just didn’t use her face to make this fake moid this time around.
No. 948244
File: 1732645733645.jpeg (378.03 KB, 1290x1981, IMG_6544.jpeg)

>>948238Looks like someone she met in twitter
No. 948271
>>948183 I mean supported housing, where they have social workers and medical staff on site. Independent living - they live "independently" but there is staff in the building. Most cities have something like that in some capacity but that she went to Woodstock to Kitchener to Hamilton makes things really
sus imo.
No. 948339
File: 1732757501857.png (220.66 KB, 1080x883, Screenshot_20241127-173053-278…)

>it was found women with ink had higher self esteem than women who weren’t according to a study done on a beach
No. 948342
File: 1732759279379.jpeg (129.59 KB, 1290x626, IMG_6636.jpeg)

>>948339 A STUDY DONE ON A BEACH?! I think this is the hardest I’ve laughed on lolcow- thank you icky.
No wonder she thinks her bootleg online courses mean anything.
No. 948345
>>948339People put tattoos on credit cards all the time icky. Having tattoos does not equal money and a lot of people are covered in shitty cheap tattoos.
>a good pain tolerance Also false. Numbing agents exist for a reason
>a study done on a beachKek
No. 948373
File: 1732793060024.jpeg (783.18 KB, 1170x1472, IMG_9042.jpeg)

Keep being delusional Vicky. We love laughing at your pathetic life
No. 948413
File: 1732827427106.jpg (282.97 KB, 1080x540, 20241128_215511.jpg)

Hes presenting himself as something different on every platform
Gonna assume he's just as much of a catfish as ViPeR
No. 948424
File: 1732842197145.png (374.36 KB, 1080x1605, VictoriaSingleCope2024.png)

No. 948457
>>948451All other posts on Twitter get under 50 views and mostly 0 likes.
She’s just a crazy person screaming into the wind at this point
No. 948534
File: 1732970241515.jpeg (312.3 KB, 1170x565, IMG_9118.jpeg)

Someone come take their grandmas phone away already
No. 948535
File: 1732970726981.jpeg (222.89 KB, 1170x652, IMG_9121.jpeg)

On this post she also says “you'd be suprisef at how common this is for models or rockstars or actors Le sigh” once again comparing her nobody self to celebrity status. She’s a delusional nobody who needs to get off the bottle and on the meds
No. 948541
File: 1732977472631.jpeg (250.44 KB, 1290x1247, IMG_6761.jpeg)

>>948535These two are a match made in hell
No. 948550
File: 1732984674147.png (153.58 KB, 1080x561, 1000008677.png)

No. 948638
File: 1733065334299.jpg (425.84 KB, 1080x3382, 1000008763.jpg)

>>948635Her new love interest even created a page dedicated to models and celebrities a month ago. He's the only member of course. The description reads
>>So this is a glimpse into my world the things that appeal to me and turn me on. Scuse me?
No. 948680
File: 1733085484736.jpeg (163.81 KB, 1290x556, IMG_6848.jpeg)

“Hide the accent till notice something”
…wat(repost, lurk more)
No. 948720
>>948707I want to believe it’s icky, but they have very involved profiles over multiple social media platforms that I just don’t see icky putting the time or effort into.
I think it’s a catfish/scammer and they’re targeting Vicky because she’s obviously mentally retarded.
No. 948738
>>948723Her mannequin head boyfriend had friends too. She's not above mass following and stuff.
I wonder what his post history is.
No. 948841
File: 1733238203950.jpeg (701.22 KB, 996x1641, IMG_9226.jpeg)

God this delusional retard is such an obscure sped. Vicky you absolutely don’t have big boobs and you’ve been wearing ratty cheap extensions for almost 20 years as seen from this candid
>>940778 that hairline is most unfortunate from all the bleaching. I don’t even want to imagine what that skin looks like that She slathers foundation on with Her dirty mitts that constantly have black under the fingernails never using a makeup brush and a million filters. You know damn well she sleeps in that shit too and doesn’t properly wash her face or brush her rot mouth. Her cope is too much. Old ugly bitter hag
No. 949013
File: 1733444040882.png (109.79 KB, 1080x567, Screenshot_20241205-171320-720…)

I'm laughing so hard. I love Victoria so much.
No. 949090
File: 1733528441609.jpeg (268.33 KB, 1290x1686, IMG_7246.jpeg)

So picking she chose to get engaged to a schizophrenic crackhead from Hamilton
No. 949222
File: 1733676300089.jpeg (415.19 KB, 1290x1603, IMG_7270.jpeg)

Victoria shingleton literally stood by a dude that killed a 3 year old toddler even though he admitted to killing the child.
But please tell us again how you care
No. 949255
File: 1733723834867.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1290x1693, IMG_9833.jpeg)

She’s been on quora for HOURS answering the same questions about narcissists over and over again. She has no idea what a true narcissist is kek
No. 949279
File: 1733774181886.png (383.28 KB, 1080x1283, Screenshot_20241207-215651-113…)

>>949272She slightly updated her Quora profile too. Everything above "I've studied over 200 lectures…" is new.
No. 949291
File: 1733784504615.png (376.45 KB, 598x1732, Screenshot_20241209-154530-781…)

Whoever makes the new thread needs to include her Quora.
She posted about this twice. Such an unbothered queen.
No. 949292
File: 1733785027804.png (1.61 MB, 2074x2222, LookImNotAWhore.png)

>>949291The second status. All this tells me is that Victoria entertains men who call her a whore. She's always taking to Facebook to declare what a not-whore she is.
No. 949299
File: 1733798184382.jpeg (518.44 KB, 1290x1709, IMG_7404.jpeg)

>>949292So….. I guess this is who she was talking about
No. 949300
File: 1733798381269.jpeg (316.55 KB, 959x1267, IMG_7415.jpeg)

>>949299She’s “picky” but was “in like” with this lister that’s in and out of jail? LOL. She posted this that it makes her look good? Scrapping the bottom of the barrel
No. 949315
>>949299Wow she sure always picks the ugly white trash dudes. But totally always has “rockstars and billionaires” after her kek
>>949300“Studying” girl hasn’t studied shit in her life she’s busy being schizo and larping on quora
No. 949318
File: 1733837313091.jpeg (460.82 KB, 1290x1623, IMG_7442.jpeg)

>>949300This response was posted five hours ago… 3 in the morning in Ontario. She’s so unbothered and trained in psychology but can’t wrap her head around most women would have blocked this loser and moved on.
No. 949321
>>949318This is so frustrating to read. She does NONE of this. She constantly entertains and defers to the absolute worst piece of shit men. She spends several screenshots actually answering this fucker's questions and defending herself from accusations of being a whore. She's acting like she's this badass who rejects men all the time and is this icy cold babe who can just drop guys without any feeling. Yet this
>>949300 shows that she spent a significant amount of time trying to reason and explain herself to a psycho. Victoria is vying for this man's approval yet telling others how much she "owned" this dude. It's straight up delusional.
No. 949322
File: 1733846601998.jpeg (253.4 KB, 882x1556, IMG_7470.jpeg)

>>949299I think he’s… homeless? And he lives in the UK.
No. 949369
File: 1733915965416.jpeg (619.56 KB, 1170x1893, IMG_9424.jpeg)

>>949299>mmmmm I like metalThis women really is a certified retard
No. 949471
File: 1734036086848.png (73.6 KB, 1080x453, Screenshot_20241212-133810-569…)

>>949369More evidence for the "certified retard" pile.
No. 949522
File: 1734097903786.png (197.53 KB, 1080x1094, Screenshot_20241213-065040-231…)

Victoria answered a bunch of Quora about Xanax and Adderall at 2-3 am lol.
No. 949544
File: 1734115091121.png (1.26 MB, 2439x1873, InternationalShortBusAccredida…)

>>949527I don't have a Quora account but I'm guessing that when you join these groups to answer questions, you can put some sort of tagline on yourself and that's what Victoria has done.
No. 949585
File: 1734206256443.webp (37.39 KB, 1070x1041, img_1_1734206209598.jpg)

Oh no
No. 949604
>>949585Shadows on the left side of her face, but on the right side of her boobs.
I thought as an artist she'd at least grasp light sources by now.
Nevermind that stretched out tattoo
No. 949605
File: 1734231213618.jpeg (150.24 KB, 1290x1153, IMG_7674.jpeg)

The weird dude she met on Twitter
No. 949608
File: 1734245242122.jpg (411.56 KB, 1920x1920, 1000007812.jpg)

No. 949654
File: 1734299288405.jpeg (64 KB, 552x363, IMG_1220.jpeg)

>>949595The hemline on this dress defies logic.
No. 949667
File: 1734308362799.png (807.64 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20241215-171802-125…)

>Some of these aren't catchers
Wtf is she talking about?
No. 949669
File: 1734312159106.jpeg (368.85 KB, 1290x1615, IMG_7698.jpeg)

>>949667She changed it “ AI catchers” she checked here more than anyone I swear.
No. 949670
File: 1734312403372.jpeg (152.92 KB, 1049x1246, IMG_7699.jpeg)

>>949669Is she really thinking anyone believes this is a real face? “Ai catchers” free online don’t work. I’m surprised her many certificates from India didn’t teach her that. The drawn on eyelashes and weird ass hairline.
>>949608 she changed on the back of an uber?
No. 949729
File: 1734385876908.jpeg (200.06 KB, 1290x1680, IMG_7714.jpeg)

Tattling on yourself icky. This is what happens when your only options are: being single or dating trash
No. 949762
File: 1734442589925.jpeg (1000.99 KB, 1113x1636, IMG_9732.jpeg)

Looks like she’s just reposting old photos because this is her old room not the shit hole from
>>947379 also why is it whenever she posted the dog she was just laying her lazy ass in bed. She was never taking the poor things on walks or playing outside letting it run around and get exercise. She shouldn’t be allowed around animals especially how she abandoned her poor beautiful senior cat. I hate this bitch so much
No. 949769
File: 1734469208060.png (211.7 KB, 1080x986, Screenshot_20241217-135906-696…)

No. 949809
File: 1734502097673.jpeg (Spoiler Image,320.26 KB, 1290x1503, IMG_9960.jpeg)

>>949773I went to some of her followers pages and they seem just as dumb as her. That or they’re bots. I honestly don’t understand that site at all. It’s just a bunch of people asking retarded questions and then a bunch of other retards answer the question.
Spoiler because it’s not icky but one of her followers.
No. 949827
File: 1734535531948.jpeg (46 KB, 511x512, 1518457562413.jpeg)

>>949769Holy fuck! This might be my favorite vick so far!
How can she sit down and type this kinda bs without dying from cringe?
She really pulled a "i studied the blade" unironically
No. 949832
File: 1734543475822.png (313.95 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_20241218-103614-482…)

>unless that person literally algae's
Victoria is on so, so much Xanax.
No. 949921
File: 1734705507818.png (869.44 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20241220-071919-449…)

Figures Victoria "I won't steal your man unless you behave a certain way towards me" Bella Morte would be supportive of someone like Ariana Grande.
No. 949923
>>949918KEK nona
>>949921She is such a wannabe Homewrecker but doesn't realise a homewrecker is the most embarrassing thing a woman can be. I'd rather wear a shirt that says 'sex offender' on it than a shirt that says 'homewrecker'.
No. 949976
File: 1734769800184.png (453.61 KB, 2615x790, 0uyOOI7XJ1Mki7.png)

Victoria, being the idiot that she is, answered about a dozen fetish questions on Quora about bare bottom spankings on minors. At 2-3 am her time.
No. 950005
File: 1734821496579.png (177.47 KB, 1080x1086, Screenshot_20241221-154936~2.p…)

>How does anaesthesia work?
>I was strawberry blonde as a child but now my hair is 2 shades of blonde
No. 950018
>>950005Kek she is so fucking retarded I can’t.
I’m not a doctor or a nurse, but isn’t anesthesia just a term for the cocktail of medication they pump into you to keep you pain-free and asleep? Like, they don’t just give you “anesthesia”; it’s a whole process of various drugs.
Also, is she suggesting she’s received surgery and totally felt them sewing her up? Kek.
No. 950041
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more quora nonsense
No. 950042
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samefag but wtaf
No. 950081
>>950041>take your 3 year old to the doctor for bed wetting because he’s probably being abused OR…or…he’s still learning how to hold his urine.
>clearly a trolling question about 27 year old son showering with parent> answers it like it’s a serious questionKek I wish she had a sense of humor
No. 950091
>>950081>>950084These were all part of the series of spanking/bed wetting fetish questions that Victoria answered as if they were serious questions from non-pervs at 2 am that I posted about here:
>>949976 She's truly unhinged.
No. 950092
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Victoria posted this on Twitter. The caption:
>Photoshoot time. Real body no photoshop on it. Clearly you don’t model in a lot of clothing to show off tattoos. #missvictoriamurderwithoutphotoshop#victoriabellamortewithoutphotoshop#realbodies#bodypositivity#loveyourself #tattooedmodels #tattooedgirls
No. 950105
>>950092That cheap aliexpress lingerie looks itchy and doesn’t even fit. She’s been wearing this ugly thing for how many “photoshoots”? What a sooperdooper glamorous model! Also shooting on an old ass iPhone. 2 Luxurious 4 Me. And what exactly is she modeling for? Old boomer Facebook likes? In her dirty government housing hovel? Pathetic. Those filters are giving me an aneurysm
>realbodies >bodypositivity >loveyourselfShe should take her own fucking advice kek because she clearly hates herself and edits her body non stop. But if I was Vicky I’d hate myself too
No. 950196
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Lmao she hops on Quora first thing after waking up.
No. 950199
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Most people close to 40 are already married with kids. Maybe bought a house with their partner. Not icky… serious relationship means putting you in her Instagram bio and making vague posts.
No. 950200
>>950196I'm so happy there are more nonas taking a break from Christmas cheer to check on this cow. A little break is needed from family, food and the all around intensity christmas can be.
Victoria on the other hand is opening her eyes and check quora first thing she does. Merry Christmas Viper, hope you have the Christmas you deserve
No. 950220
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Being a pick me should be considered a mental illness.
No. 950228
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Ok there Vic
No. 950258
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I love when Victoria gives Trump advice on Twitter.
No. 950291
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>>950267Merry Ickmas indeed. She has graced us with unsent love letters she sent herself. No. 950309
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Why did grandma post this screen shot with her Merry Christmas message kek. She cant resist showing her narcissism