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No. 898210
Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.
Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.
>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom. >Is now 21 years old but legitimately plays with dolls>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake PR>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim. >Lillee participated in a public Covergirl ad campaign where anyone could submit selfies to be displayed on a scrolling billboard in Times Square. Lillee waited through hundreds of submissions to catch a photo of herself on the billboard, then posted it as though it were a collab where she exclusively modelled for Covergirl. MAIN ACCOUNTS AS OF 2022 (Updated May 2022) :
Lillee: (Suspended) (removed)
http://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended) (Suspended)
https://tiktokcom/projectbullyishPREVIOUS THREADS:
>>>/snow/847048 3.
>>698862 4.
>>718259 6.
>>724333 7.
>>736259 8.
>>754981 9.
>>767645 10.
>>773135 11.
>>777937 12.
>>784721 13.
>>794372 14.
>>802142 15.
>>811813 16.
>Laur posts random pictures of houses and whatever she sees >>888725 >>888747 >>888766 >>888784>Laur's having some sort of episode >>888813 >>888818 >>888827 >>888828>Lillee's dentist visit videos get pulled from her channel >>888837 >Lillee and Laur charge $8.99 to see a video of Lillee at an empty beach >>888855 >Laur unfollows John Liu presumably because Lillee's Law wasn't a priority for him >>888883> Laur and Lillee charge streaming service level prices to watch her videos >>888987 >>888990 >Lillee photoshoot at a Crate and Barrel sidewalk >>889630 >>889631 > Lillee draws an Elsa-looking woman as a flapper >>890007> Laur tries to hop onto keffals' dropkiwifarms train >>890081 >>890133 >>890261 >>890645>Another Lillee photoshoot where she gives herself a weird turtle-looking neck >>890533 >>890535>Lillee should avoid nude-colored heels because it looks like she has pig's feet >>891114 >>891119>Lillee goes to a Floral Escapes mall pop up >>891380 >>891607 >>891625>Lillee edits out a scene in her Floral Escapes video where she talks to a woman that isn't her mom >>891625 >>891667>Lillee gets sponsored by a bedsheet company and the company photoshops a longer neck on her >>891835 >>891839
>>891850 > Court documents show that the Truemans have not renewed their lease on the attic for some months and may potentially get kicked out >>893233 >>893248 >Laur owes money to the bank for failing to pay back a loan for her failed antique venture and also owes an estimate of $16,000 to the IRS >>893251 >>893255 >>893253> Laur doxxes a random person and then deletes the post >>893385 >>893426 > Lillee's set to do an LJ Talks episode with the Solved Skincare man who survived the attic >>894376>Lillee posts a few snippets from her trip to an Alice in Wonderland-themed exhibit >>894567 >>894568 >>>894733 >>895396>A random dude decides to interview Lillee >>895698 >>895873 >>895877 >>895892 >>895897>Lillee gets some "guest writers " to tell their bullying stories for Bullyish >>895727 >>895728 >Laur's day in court with the landlord is on December 8 >>895744>Meanwhile, Lillee and Laur are due in court on December 9 because they didn't pay for the oral surgeon's work on Lillee's teeth >>895856>Lillee tags Netflix on her Bullyish story to make it look like her passion project got picked up by them >>895985> Lillee's 1change4change schtick gets flushed down the drain cause she's wearing a shitty Shein jacket >>897015 >>897053 >>897120> Laur says that she found out she was being evicted from the farms and that she was never given the petition notice >>897427 >>897439 >>897468> Lillee produces full-blown foot fetish content under the guise of a "comedy film" >>898011 >>898018 >>898019 >>898047 No. 898256
>>898240Please educate yourself on Lillee's foot fetish history in all the threads to not look stupid.
Clear foot fetish crap in this video:
1. Shoes calling her a "Foot woman"
2. Lille walking slowly to show the back of her feet - that's somethig fetishists request a lot.
3. Putting shoes on slowly
4. "Omg she's gained a quite a bit o weight" implying the shoe is struggling and being squished..obvious foot fetish crap
5. Moaning like retard throughout the whole video
Sorry to break it to you but you fell for her weak trick to diquise a fetish video for an innocent stop motion video. If you expected some detailed macro shot of her feet you need to remember that this bitch can't film for shit and makes no effort to even shave her legs, this is the best she could come up with.
No. 898293
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Noticed that Lillee is paying ten dollars a month for core pro membership on DA. They really just love pissing money on useless things.
No. 898312
>>898259I think Lillee has just immersed herself in the fantasy that she’s gonna be famous one day and shuts anything else out. She’s been doing it for years, it’s natural not to pull her head out of the sand for this. If anything she’s just going to sink into her maladaptive day dreaming even further.
Despite all the articles and declarations about what a strong, boss babe CEO Lillee claims she is, it’s really obvious she’s just a scared little girl. And she’s scared of EVERYTHING. I remember the video of her going in for that minor surgical procedure nearly having a breakdown, it was like she had never been made to do ANYTHING uncomfortable in her life.
No. 898324
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Laur is posting random places in her stories. This one is funny because Brampton is not in Mississauga and the photo is of a building in Toronto. All are 3 different places in Ontario.
No. 898325
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>>898324Here are the others
No. 898326
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Their ERAP application is still under review. Any bets on whether they get this assistance?
No. 898327
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The Truemans will be homeless by Christmas.
No. 898335
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Laur, Brampton and Mississauga are two different cities. For Christ’s sake, open a map.
No. 898336
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what will Netflix think of Laur arguing with an anonymous message board?
No. 898340
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Things must be bleak in the attic.
No. 898356
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…meanwhile Lillee’s still having to dodge landlords and process servers by hanging out at public parks
No. 898358
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who tf are cheerymonkey and dr tom???
No. 898368
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Money laundering? Clock tower?
No. 898372
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set your alarms, nonnas
if laur even still has wifi by then kek
No. 898393
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>>898366She went back a year and a half to find a fb pic of a cocktail garnished with a slice of dried blood orange and chose to make a thing of that? Really?
No. 898402
>>898372Sigh. Same old same old with her. "This ends MONDAY", sure Jan. Does she think no one remembers all the other Mondays "this" was supposed to end?
Keep chasing your own tail Laur
No. 898406
>>898324Lmao Laur posted my general area a while ago, I don't have any social medias and didn't post about it here because what she wants is a reaction. Which yes I am giving to her now but what is she going to do, continue posting google image photos of various (probably wrong) locations? Maybe she'll find some housing on her search kek.
Nonna that she's trying and failing to intimidate right now, don't worry about it Laur can't do anything and all reasonable people see her as the deranged lunatic she is.
No. 898410
>>898372Can someone make a collage of all the times Laur has said 'this ends monday'
your threats are as empty as Lillee's future bestie
No. 898420
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" But even I can no longer remain silent" Bitch you scream about it for years at this point
No. 898422
>>898420Doxxing isn't illegal lmfao. Also:
>a group of people on websites they should not be onThat makes no sense. She's really been hitting the Franzia hard tonight. Did she just post this? It's 5 AM wtf
No. 898428
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Did any anons get a wellness check?
No. 898435
>>898267All her previous adresses were on public websites before Laur had them removed.
The weird thing is that they kept moving on the exact same area, few streets appart.
They never took advantage of what NYC has to offer and they live in a rather expensive place, far above their financial means.
Tinfoils were that Laur needed to stay in that particular place either for running her scams, subrenting, grab free food and clothes from charity org…
Because it couldn't be staying in NYC Queens, just for LJ could be hoping a productor would show at her door at any minutes, right?
No. 898442
>>898393Wait THIS is what she was going on about, with the "dried fruit" thing?
Who looks more credible, Laur, someone who went out for fancy cocktails once and took a picture –
someone posting hours and hours worth of disconnected, misspelled nonsense in the middle of the night, obviously drunk, while on the verge of being homeless?
No. 898446
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Laur’s up and threatening nonnies with cyber police
No. 898449
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This doesn’t make Laur look sympathetic at all. It looks like she’s doxxing and publicly shaming a bunch of addicts kek
No. 898459
>>898456what’s Laur going to do? Gather the bots and review bomb the practice? Stalk your social media, contact your peers/patients and tell them you’re a bully? Does she think that’s in the best of interest of Lillee, who’s currently trying to become an anti-bullying advocate?
I don’t understand the motivation for this latest meltdown.
No. 898464
>>898462Laur is incredibly gullible. I suspect someone has been feeding her information about gang stalking and content farms. If
Netflix is encouraging Laur’s doxing of suspected bullies, she’s not talking to a real Netflix producer. There’s too much legal liability for them.
No. 898467
>>898459>I don’t understand the motivation for this latest meltdown.Narcissistic injury. She’s losing control of
everything, so she’s just lashing out. Classic.
>>898466But we committed the ultimate crime of hurting Laur’s feelings. She’s really entitled, thinking the police give a fuck about anons making fun of her retarded daughter
No. 898470
>>898467There's often a
trigger for these outbursts of hers. Last time it happened RIGHT before the farms found out she was dodging her eviction. I wonder what it could be this time?
No. 898471
>>898420>on websites they should not be onAnd yet here she is, taking screenshots and pretending to be on of us, kek.
Laur, focus on finding a place for yourself and your family.
No. 898473
>>898472All these videos Lillee put on her shitty Youtube channel I'm amused as heck she never bothered to seek sponsorship from a VPN.
Goes to show you how behind the times she is. I wonder if Laur kept Lillee in the freezer alongside Earl and was let out early hence why Lillee is living like 10 years behind everyone else when it comes to fandoms, clothing and whatever else she thinks is relevant right now
No. 898475
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good lord
No. 898480
>>898479and 16 hours ago when Laur started her meltdown
I don’t believe she’d post cp but she was messing with Elaine and her pet scrotes at one point who have posted gore/cp
No. 898482
>>898479>>898480I think it's possible that Laur is involved with this somewhere along the line as she's up the ass of anyone who hates the farms and does mix with weirdos who actually
do commit cyber crimes like owning/posting illegal shit.
No. 898484
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laur responded
No. 898491
>>898484Just…wow, lmao. It's a good thing she probably doesn't have the money to buy a gun.
All this only weeks before the big eviction trial. This is going to end very badly for them. Best case scenario is they're going to pull a Luna & Lurch and end up in a seedy motel together or renting a single room in an Airbnb. Worst case: Earl ends up in a shitty state care home while Tha Eyeball Queen and Loony Laur are stuck living out of their car/various shelters.
I still find it hilarious that Laur pulled the classic white trash move of tanking her dependent daughter's credit score by putting the (inadequate) oral surgery in her name kek.
I only wonder what Laur's next scheme will be. My tinfoil is she'll try to marry Lillee off to the first fugly scrote with a roof over his head in a bid for housing.
No. 898493
>>898491im afraid for lillee. yes she is extremely cringe but she is clearly a
victim here. im getting gypsy rose vibes except instead of munching her mom just keeps her in this delusional, stunted, isolated state.
No. 898494
>>898493It's hard to imagine that even a narc like Laur doesn't feel a pang of guilt when she sees other girls around Lillee's age getting ready to graduate college, working, hanging out with friends, etc.
We've already seen evidence of Lillee's bitterness towards the idea of other girls her age being talented and successful, with more on their resume than elementary school plays. Def a gypsy rose/Venus angelic scenario in the making.
No. 898515
>>898505Aren’t there internet privacy laws that keep them from pulling IPs from a commercial website and doxing them? No doubt there’s going to innocent
victims of Laur’s week long dox-a-thon.
No. 898520
>>898518Every time Laur has contacted someone’s place of employment, it has blown up in her face.
First was VM anon, up until she gave the recordings to Diane, Laur was denying she ever contacted anyone’s job. Next was QoB, Laur emailed her company and didn’t realize she was talking to the person she was lying about. Then Laur denied doing it, so QoB had to release the messages. They were incredibly embarrassing and showed how absolutely unhinged Laur was. Around that time was also when Laur filed an ethics complaint against Rekieta, which he read on a livestream. And finally, the janitor. You’d think she figure out this is only going to end badly for her.
No. 898532
>>898491It literally wouldn't kill Lillee to at least apply for actual work in retail. She knows the bare minimum about makeup etc to bullshit her way into a department store focused on makeup or something. Even if she did get fired shortly after it would at least get a tiny bit of money in to support her family until they get their shit together.
But god forbid Lillee actually goes outside and interacts with the real world like a normal person would. If I knew I was about to be kicked out my home I would be doing anything I could to scrape money together, even if it meant selling a majority of my collectables, TV, Even my phone or laptop or PS4 to make sure I had cash to get by to make sure I had the essentials I needed. (Since I know Laur stalks LC now I'll add this extra part here and hope she takes notes about their personal hygiene - There's this wonderful thing called Shower Gel Laur, You and your daughter should look into it.)
No. 898536
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>refused to turn German
New piece by Lillee on anti-semitism. She needs to pick up a book or google what she’s talking about. She’s repeating information from Laur, which is wrong most of the time, and embarrassing herself
No. 898541
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>>898539This account was never confirmed to be her actual cousin but they shut down the grandma john fleeing from France story
No. 898542
>>898536Oh my god, woman. SHUT UP! You are not Jewish and you have no knowledge of our culture - be that the reality of being ethnically Jewish or following the religion that you know literally nothing about. Does she think you can only be Jewish or German? Does she know that the national socialist party is no longer in charge?
>>898539Spawning Laur and Lillee and having them ruin the family name is probably worse than getting fried alive tbh.
No. 898552
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No. 898554
>>898497Her dolls were worthless. Most of them were from wallmart or cheap reproduction.
I'd say her shoes collection's worth more, especially since she never went out and never used them much.
It's been months we didn't see the cats. I doubt Laur put them in a shelter or bother to found someone to take good care of them. I bet she just abandoned them on the road.
No. 898556
>>898552Oh my god Laur listed herself as an actress on IMDB for her role in Pauper of shoes.
I can’t stop laughing
No. 898567
>>898566im eating mcdonalds and watching a lets play on youtube
i had a good life
No. 898571
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>>898570Goodbye cruel world, I’m being welcomed to hell by these two
No. 898572
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>>898571Scariest goddamn thing EVER?????
No. 898573
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Good luck soldiers, we will be waiting for you to come back home once you serve your sentences in cyber jail. God bless us all.
No. 898575
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>>898566If there's one thing I'll take comfort from in the coming days, it's getting to see this glorious retardation from earlier in the thread.
No. 898582
>>898566The black sites are finally descending upon us with our own black magic. We should have never photoshopped her pics full of blood and decapitated with Laur as a representation of our Satanic troll god. When the Mayor personally comes to arrest me, I will only utter one word … "kek"
Welcome to the 79 chosen ones, anons! Beam us up or whatever.
No. 898586
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No. 898590
>>898586>I personally believe that U. S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education, like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should—our education over here in the U. S. should help the U. S., uh, or, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children. No. 898599
>>898586Wow it almost sounds like all of these problems could be solved by deleting your social media accounts. Insert Tyler the Creator meme here.
Unless, of course, maybe you just thrive on the negative attention and enjoy feeling like a
victim. Just a thought though.
No. 898610
>>898586So in a nutshell this article is IN DEFENSE OF:
child neglect
foot porn
late-night rants about witches in a cult
scamming PR from actual talented creators
racist tropes
scam cosmetic lines
medical misinformation
lies about the Holocaust
faking pansexuality for clout
threats of ruining careers
animal abuse
false takedowns of
POC-run channels
fictional accomplishments
Did I miss anything?
No. 898621
>>898586Lillee, you’re a fool. Are you seriously advocating that social media platforms should require a state ID to register and account?
You have a better chance of your imaginary boyfriend showing up at your door with flowers. Why would a social media site ever do that? Tens of thousands of people who use social media don’t have IDs. Why on earth would a social media site shoot themselves in the foot like that?
Not to mention that would impede the whole market of buying bot accounts. Not that your one million Jeanie’s have done anything for you but you might miss out on the PR goodie every three months.
Seriously, you’re talking out of your ass and you look like a clown. I get this is you trying to find a niche for yourself after you failed at literally everything else you tried, but if you’re going to try to look like an actual advocate to people, you can’t come up with insanely impractical ideas. It makes you look like a child.
No. 898636
>>898633NTA but kek, same. They stick out like a sore thumb in here. Also:
>faking pansexuality for cloutAs if pansexuality is actually a real thing and not just a trendy rebranding of bisexuality, lmao.
No. 898679
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No. 898688
>>898687I was outside venturing out of town for the day via train and enjoying the new Black Panther movie.
You know.. doing stuff Lillee isn’t capable of.
No. 898696
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I remembered Laur was tweeting about not qualifying for PUA a year ago through a sock
>>853101 She also said they were expecting to pay for Lillee’s oral surgery with their assistance and now we know that never happened. Laur can’t provide documentation proving they earned income in 2020 and like nonnies mentioned previously, a letter from the CEO of Lillee Jean Beauty isn’t sufficient. I’m tinfoiling her latest freakout was due to getting notice they’re assistance isn’t getting approved and eviction is imminent.
No. 898706
>>898703Oh absolutely that’s what happened. The first “swatting” happened right after a dentist appointment and someone zoomed in on the stack of papers laur was trying to wave around as proof and it was from adult protective services.
Not to mention the fact they suddenly rushed to get it done after years and years of Lillee insisting her teeth were perfect and that she would never change themmmmm
No. 898723
>>898679This picture makes me so sad. I think Lillee is a very pretty young woman and she definitely has a lot of unrealized potential, it's such a shame Laur pulled her out of school and made her mildly retarded.
I can't imagine Lillee homeless, she still plays make believe with shoes, the fuck is she gonna do with no reliable internet connection?
No. 898730
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>>898727CP on /pt/, scroll with caution
No. 898736
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I'm know I'm being a sperg, but I was re-watching some MrMenno videos and this troon is a spitting image of Laur. Maybe Laur's long lost brother or older brother of Lillee who managed to run away?
No. 898740
File: 1669159345710.jpeg (669.25 KB, 1170x1358, 12D751F4-D61E-434C-AC96-1B675F…)

>>898706>>898709She said it was adult protection services in her swatting video too.
I’d totally forgotten the first “swat” attempt was about Lillee being in a wheelchair. Now Laur’s claiming Earl isn’t mobile and he might be in a wheelchair. I wonder if someone called on Earl’s behalf.
No. 898753
>>898740Now there's a thought. It's weird for Lillee to mention a wheelchair at all which makes me feel like someone knew there was someone with a wheelchair in the house.
Tinfoil that a neighbor was worried about Earl.
No. 898798
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Laur’s shared the same Bullyish promo 8 times today.
No. 898807
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No. 898834
>>898833Actually reminds me of a humanised version of the weird overly toony/goofy and horny version of that fake Jessica from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Still astounds me how she thinks with teeth and horrible facial expressions she tries to make she could have ever been taken seriously in the beauty/modelling industry.
No. 898849
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they removed multiple videos yesterday. anyone know what other videos disappeared?
No. 898850
File: 1669305440287.png (935.66 KB, 828x3156, A0DDAAF3-A0A7-4271-B532-35935C…)

Landlord’s lawyer is calling bullshit
No. 898852
>>898850Ily legal anon.
It's so puzzling to me how Laur works harder to scam and grift than she would if she was gainfully employed. This has to be so much unneeded stress on herself and her dependents. She could be a Glenn Danzig impersonator with literally no effort.
She's such a shitty person and an even shittier mom. Even her parents and sibling hate her kek.
No. 898853
File: 1669306889103.jpeg (682.72 KB, 828x1459, B7B81BBD-B94D-445B-B06C-EFA797…)

>>898850Lillee, if you’re reading this, your mom is lying about the following:
1. Being served - there’s now a notarized affidavit saying that 3 notices were attached to the entrance door.
2. ERAP “stepping in” to cover your rent. Whatever information Laur has provided to ERAP is still under review. They will not pay your rent until everything has been processed.
Laur knows that ERAP probably won’t cover the rent so the only reason she applied was to prolong your stay at the apartment as the landlord cannot evict you while your application is being processed. There’s a reason why the landlord’s information was processed very quickly and yours hasn’t been submitted yet. You probably didn’t submit the signatures to expedite your application because you don’t want to expedite the application.
Please get a real job ffs and stop scamming with your mother. It’s embarrassing.
No. 898863
File: 1669310951135.png (462.32 KB, 828x2093, 407B748C-6940-4F61-94E8-34D201…)

>>898856It’s gone from her website too
No. 898864
File: 1669311533452.jpeg (315.09 KB, 828x467, 2AB6EE3B-6453-4BFB-97A0-8C203A…)

>>898863The description of the video is in thread 22 in case any lawyers are reading. Also here’s a still from the video where Earl is standing up.
No. 898869
>>898863>>898864for fucks sake.
well girls, the LJ saga will surely be coming to an end soon
No. 898872
File: 1669314329958.jpeg (300.72 KB, 828x1058, 94BE100C-09FB-4E65-B1FA-C527AE…)

Sorry if this is ancient milk but in 1991 Laur and Earl were trying to sue someone for 2 million dollars. I’m guessing this is the accident that made Earl disabled.
No. 898884
File: 1669318979934.jpeg (783.12 KB, 1170x1566, 1AE24198-B896-4C6B-8843-AF0056…)

>>898864Laur said Earl can’t walk but look at all these pictures of him walking
No. 898897
File: 1669328363873.jpeg (602.98 KB, 1170x2223, 2C565BF9-3538-4D88-9D73-EE5BD8…)

>>898849The weird shoe video is gone. Did LJ figure out she was filming foot fetish stuff?
No. 898953
File: 1669341988381.jpeg (516.86 KB, 828x1405, F18F8F4D-4D41-494D-80EB-886A58…)

No. 898959
>>898853Laur is retarded. Having a permanently disabled person who can't walk living on the second floor of a house with no elevator is cruel. Plus we have this
>>898864One of these attorneys need to call APS again.
No. 898986
>>898984The only reason she's probably so
triggered by it is because she knows we have a lot of shit on her. I wonder what would happen if it wound up in the landlord's hands. There's probably notes about different videos made about Lillee, As well as notes and timestamps made every time Lillee and Laur have said something
I would love to see or hear what the court would make of Laur and Lillee's take on a much older man being fine in a relationship with a child as long as the parents have given permission. That's not gonna go down well in court at all.
No. 898998
File: 1669383737726.jpeg (693.36 KB, 1170x1942, 08317069-62A9-47FB-8E48-9AE91F…)

>Lillee Jean in NYC taking selfies this Thanksgiving 2022
No dinner with family. No parade. No pictures with friends. Just Lillee taking selfies in a parking lot because they’re hiding from their landlord. This is sad.
No. 899001
>>898998I can't even mock this… it's just too bleak for such a young girl.
>>899000I thought the same thing. This is the first genuine-
ish looking smile I've seen from her in a long time. The pic looks like something you'd send to a friend… if only.
No. 899021
File: 1669396683396.jpeg (282.66 KB, 2048x2048, A6821379-D72B-4272-B0A8-AC2317…)

Someone left fake reviews for the landlord’s lawyer right after he mailed Laur a letter informing them their lease wouldn’t be renewed.
No. 899022
>>899009I think it's just her unfortunate misaligned jaw and that she's actually trying not to make crazy eyes.
I think that color green looks nice on her.
I swing from anger at her arrogance to massive cringe to pity. Her mother has ruined her life so far. Ruined her credit. Lillee may not fully understand what's happening but she's got to see how close they are to being homeless, right? She needs a simple job, maybe answering phones or something…?
No. 899033
>>898998In the sprit of. Celebrating Thanksgiving… she takes selfies?????
Is that what our pilgrim forefathers did at Plymouth Rock - selfies?
No. 899052
File: 1669405503318.jpeg (619.95 KB, 1170x1373, 3E5F0B92-1118-47F9-97A2-EC95C6…)

>>898849not sure if it was recent but they removed the video about her great grandma fleeing Russian tsars
No. 899055
File: 1669406283747.png (75.16 KB, 943x295, jeaniezgalore.png)

Going back to basics, she still has 1 million followers on Instagram. Fuck Laur for spending money on bots instead of paying rent.
No. 899071
>>899038Laur's used Lillee's fear as a way to both spoil her AND control her.
Afraid to go to school? You don't have to. Afraid to get your teeth fixed? You don't have to.
But fear is a double edged sword Laur wields wildly. She uses stories to scare Lillee into doing what she wants. When Lillee was in near tears before her procedure Laur was going 'What you WANT your eye to pop out?" Like it wasn't Laurs neglect that got her TMJ so bad in the first place.
Lillee's never had to do anything uncomfortable and because of that she's afraid to do anything uncomfortable.
No. 899127
>>898999They already posted this photoshoot (with Laur taking pictures) on 11/18
>>898356 weird they had no other pictures of Lillee to post. Kinda hoping Lillee and Earl had enough and took off to stay with family.
No. 899130
File: 1669483077414.jpeg (233.57 KB, 828x455, 217BD19B-1313-4156-8C8C-5ECDB1…)

Her jaw movements never cease to amaze me
No. 899167
File: 1669518269720.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1453, 06C3AAD5-DCA9-4890-A9ED-F38B8A…)

shoes are a weird choice but otherwise she looks normal
No. 899180
>>899167Weird shoes aside, I agree. If she would just close her damn mouth it'd be a fine pic. Her hair looks better than usual.
Guess they're still hiding from the landlord. This isn't going to end well. All I can say is Laur 100% deserves whatever is coming, just wish she wasn't ruining her retarded child's life in the process.
No. 899223
File: 1669565362726.png (2.04 MB, 527x2333, F3D2A673-102B-4724-826D-A5C8C7…)

>>899180The open mouth thing is necessary to make her lips bigger and her face longer lol. For some reason she’s obsessed with making her lips bigger.
This is what her mouth actually looks like
No. 899256
File: 1669596288588.jpeg (611.33 KB, 1046x1850, 8E621257-2903-4BAD-B4A1-3F0DBB…)

>being with family and friends
this is sad considering all Lillee posted on thanksgiving was selfies
>it’s important to pass on lessons learned by paying it forward
what does this even mean? it’s like she’s just parroting things she’s heard and doesn’t understand what the phrases actually mean.
No. 899332
File: 1669681880172.jpeg (918.27 KB, 828x1420, C4318B79-3581-4747-9C22-9122B6…)

Words are hard
No. 899416
File: 1669816326790.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1973, 50AE50FC-3C9F-41FE-AE98-B7A049…)

new holiday photoshoot with Lillee in a cardigan, showing off her grandma bra
No. 899437
File: 1669827907628.jpeg (72.29 KB, 735x1121, 2B8FE033-AFB0-4A36-8271-C57C5A…)

>>899434Lurk more
She uses paper backgrounds and she’s had that chair for years
No. 899500
File: 1669865714027.png (45.62 KB, 825x257, Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 10.3…)

Damn, is Laur still commenting on Primink's video about Lillee?
No. 899515
File: 1669869992710.jpeg (48.33 KB, 777x518, 42DB75AA-2AF1-4063-AF3B-0C5EEF…)

>>899497Autistic anon checking in:
She has multiple piercings in each ear but Laur was too cheap to spend money on proper jewelry so Lillee had a bad reaction to cheap metals. Now she’s under the assumption that she can’t wear any earrings because she’s very sensitive.
No. 899546
File: 1669896528706.jpeg (153.54 KB, 1170x577, B4DEE22E-CF5B-4C1E-9E76-FDF167…)

>>899500found another comment by Laur
No. 899550
File: 1669897957603.jpeg (132.4 KB, 1170x443, A205110B-C5CF-423C-AC1B-BDEBFD…)

>deleted all your socials except your parents
also leaving psycho comments on sunnyv2’s videos
No. 899562
>>899555Lillee is also a week away from her court date with the oral surgeon.
They’ll be homeless and broke for Christmas.
No. 899566
File: 1669910466410.png (1.19 MB, 1200x879, 3E077D92-6C64-407E-9FDD-BD6547…)

Lillee Jean getting a job era is coming in 2023
No. 899703
File: 1669990681338.jpeg (283.09 KB, 2048x2048, CD594347-5570-4D95-87BF-929C30…)

>>899500I was looking at Lillee’s YouTube comments for this sock and noticed a strange pattern. Lillee turned off comments on all of her YouTube videos a few months ago. 3 months ago she made a community post with a picture in front of a strip mall, 27 out of the 28 comments left are from Laur’s sock accounts. Lillee usually responds to every comment, we make fun of her for having full blown conversations with fake Jeaniez. After the post with all Laur’s socks responding, Lillee stopped interacting with them. She has a handful of real people following her and commenting, Lillee still responds to those but not Laur’s obvious sock accounts. It could be a coincidence but with her turning off comments on all her videos, it makes me wonder if she finally figured out of the scope of Laur’s sock puppetry.
No. 899719
File: 1670003890684.jpeg (690.07 KB, 1170x2010, 47BB294D-1E1E-4C71-B90C-5B0778…)

>cyberstalking is a crime
so is squatting in a house you don’t own, yet here we are
Laur’s been completely silent lately for the last week. I guess anons hit a nerve reminding her she’s a week away from being homeless
No. 899732
File: 1670007242434.jpeg (420.96 KB, 1170x1295, 6819EFCF-218B-42DA-B9F4-3ACB5D…)

>>898849lillee deleted 277 posts from tiktok last month. damage control maybe?
No. 899785
File: 1670042705146.jpeg (736.8 KB, 1170x2000, 9CB9847F-75F8-46ED-9988-2970A5…)

New holiday look. The outfit isn’t terrible. she’s attempting to pout but looks scared instead
No. 899807
File: 1670077272510.jpeg (95.07 KB, 673x560, image.jpeg)

I hope LG's frontal brain lobe fully forms, so she can look back at all of this as a fully grown adult woman and cringe.
No. 899886
>>899785I don't think Lillee looks scared here, it's more trying her hardest to look seductive as she thinks that's the vibe that needs to be put on here with that particular outfit, However as per usual, Lillee doesn't know how to emote properly so she looks like the abomination that is CGI Cleo from the latest Disney live action Pinocchio with those uncanny valley goldfish puckered up lips. My main gripe with Lillee's photos is that they're not done professionally at all. Think of all the semi-professional pictures they could have had of Lillee if they hired a actual photographer who would know how to dress and pose her and not waste all that money on fake followers and awful rent-the runway combo clothing.
That angle would probably work if she was outside amongst people and she was the main focus of the picture and other people blurred out maybe but against a white background? She looks like The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
No. 899951
File: 1670199529275.jpeg (20.28 KB, 320x400, B62024DE-3175-4542-82D6-DF1606…)

>>899785New Year January 1, 2022 pic on her DA - same outfit?
No. 899953
>>899951This is one of the worst photos I have seen of her. Her face is stiff like always, but the most horrible thing is she is just standing like that. She makes it so apparent her proportions are fucked up. Those T.rex arms are hilarious. Sometimes I think she and Laur does it on purpose.
I get that she will never be pretty or have a normal body, but they do not even try to make her look good. Fits the
victim narrative I guess.
No. 899958
File: 1670202074680.jpeg (997.93 KB, 984x1454, AA3D44C7-E868-4231-A85E-1A582E…)

>>899951It was a dress. It’s the same hallway, so they haven’t moved.
No. 900010
File: 1670246395694.jpeg (59.23 KB, 791x120, 6C74C629-2FAF-4C0B-A47F-ADF9F3…)

Busy week for the Truemans. Laur has a court date on Thursday and Lillee has one on Friday.
No. 900042
>>899785>>899886OK, great, it's her "holiday" look. That's fine if this was the look she chose to go to a holiday party. But just like the New Year outfit
>>899951 >>899958 it's just really sad knowing that she got herself ready like this only to go NOWHERE. No holiday party with Pheepy at the French Consulate. No invitation to Vanessa Bryant's holiday shindig for her closest friends in LA (Laur is close enough to her to have helped her with Kobe's funeral). Not even a single Jeaniez to celebrate with.
No. 900144
File: 1670331175144.jpeg (727.18 KB, 1170x1664, 6C1C79E7-D3D4-4F18-80ED-27FDEE…)

>you don’t have to be bold, to speak loud
Lillee’s attic pidgin makes the pivot to motivational speaker hilarious. She makes no fucking sense. She looks like shit in the video. I’ve never noticed the dark circles under her eyes. It’s pretty well known that Lillee enjoys sleeping all day. Assuming 3 months of waking up at dawn to hide from the landlord is taking it’s toll on Lillee.
No. 900194
>>900144Her lipstick is true horror.
What's the point of posting any stories or new insta pictures if she blocks everyone?
No. 900196
File: 1670354474519.jpg (135.81 KB, 887x673, Screenshot 2022-12-06 142004.j…)

>>900195Guaranteed they will cry that Earl is incapable of moving. And, maybe he is?
Still, living on the 2nd floor with no elevator must be a problem.
No. 900199
File: 1670359023496.jpeg (139.24 KB, 828x916, C479F362-43BC-4D07-9CCB-259B54…)

>>900195Their ERAP application is still under review so they can stay until they get rejected. ERAP application provides them with an eviction protection.
For some reason landlord’s info is now marked as not verified. Strange.
No. 900264
File: 1670419164691.jpeg (798.78 KB, 828x1462, EAC66A5F-21F6-4B3A-A78C-06EEBF…)

Laur posted a bunch of stories early this morning
No. 900267
File: 1670421577626.jpeg (660.22 KB, 1073x2028, 492DFF4B-A3F6-4B9E-A166-A6B3C7…)

>your enemies will never win the war
which enemies? The surgeon suing her, the landlord suing her or cyberbullies? Its almost as if she’s not trying to threaten people anymore but she’s trying to convince Lillee everything will be fine. It won’t. Even if Laur manages to scam ERAP for their current place, she’s not getting a job anytime soon (ERAP only covers a year of rent). They will eventually be evicted because Laur doesn’t pay for anything.
No. 900273
File: 1670428868752.jpeg (468.53 KB, 1170x1231, 12C0C888-00B2-4988-9770-F963B8…)

>>900199There are ways the landlord’s lawyer can get around ERAP eviction protection. In the holdover petition, it said they were being evicted for something other than unpaid rent. If the landlord is evicting them because they violated their lease by having 2 cats pissing all over his no pet property, eviction protection wouldn’t apply. I remember a
nonnie said the landlord registered his business at the property. If he’s planning on using the property for himself or his family, he can still evict the Trueman’s. The landlord also has a chance to submit documents to ERAP if he thinks the Trueman’s are ineligible. Which might be why the status changed. If he’s not evicting them for nonpayment but because they’re damaging his property and a nuisance, ERAP doesn’t apply.
No. 900284
>>900273I looked at some more of the lawyer’s eviction cases and I’m sure this is what’s going on. The eviction notice sent to tenants owing money is completely different. It has a breakdown of exactly how much they owe and gives them instructions on how to apply for aide. He’s evicting Laur because she’s a problem tenant.
He probably asked them to stop filming in the house after the APS visit & wellness check. Laur claims they’re in imminent danger because of stalkers. I’m sure this guy didn’t want stalkers showing up and doing something to his house (it would never happen because no one’s staking LJ). They removed any video of Lillee walking around the house. The apartment was listed as no pets online and they had 2 cats. The cats seemed to disappear late this summer when Laur got notice their lease wasn’t being renewed. When she said tried to come to an agreement with the landlord in her answer, I think it meant they got rid of the cats and they started filming outside.
No. 900339
File: 1670450478209.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x1905, 99FF9F2A-B3E1-477C-BCC2-E5F258…)

she might get evicted tomorrow but she still has to stick it to the haters
No. 900403
File: 1670501537447.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1080x2065, 7F266465-C1E7-4576-AD23-4799B5…)

she was sharing posts on instagram at 4am
No. 900413
File: 1670509193528.jpeg (417.37 KB, 1170x2033, 1923380E-B97C-4C15-93BA-7D8B4C…)

court case starts at 10:30am and laur is spamming bullyish promos while she waits kek
No. 900423
File: 1670516112714.jpeg (412.21 KB, 828x1376, 5A5DAFB4-54FE-447F-AA7D-5443B4…)

She’s out
No. 900424
>>900423> Fear is knowing what you have done. Strength is working to fix thedamage you cause.
Laur, maybe practice what you preach
No. 900425
File: 1670517134936.jpeg (281.06 KB, 1284x669, B604FC2C-C632-4461-AAB1-3E53CC…)

Case has been rescheduled. No new court date assigned yet.
No. 900533
>>900425Did she even went there? Could it been reschedule because she didn't show?
What happen if LJ doesn't go today?
No. 900544
File: 1670605960336.jpeg (150.49 KB, 828x443, F47B7BFE-498C-4B4F-A0ED-4F2F3A…)

Was Lillee’s court rescheduled?
No. 900789
File: 1670858142053.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, ea80ef_330af83f68654abaa954944…)

No. 900790
File: 1670858236234.jpg (635.38 KB, 1280x1920, ea80ef_1472294863bb41049892207…)

No. 900801
>>900789She has this huge hangup about the fact that she has thin lips, especially her upper lip, that she overdraws them to the point where they're like those wax candy lips.
>>900790This is frightening. There is absolutely nothing in her eyes. It's creepy how her wide smile doesn't match her dead eyes. There is absolutely no joy in them. For someone who claims to be a model and actress you'd think she'd know about expressing emotion through her eyes.
No. 900807
File: 1670868512018.jpeg (285.53 KB, 828x507, F0ABC11D-D73D-41D7-9A8D-5B9E02…)

>>900790The strings of saliva on the left are a nice touch
No. 900909
Nonnie I was about to comment this exact same thing. He’s legit someone I recoil at and have to look somewhere else. The exact reaction I have whenever I see a picture of Lilz with her weird mouth open toothy smile. Glad someone else can see it and not just me.
No. 900915
File: 1670928040801.jpg (Spoiler Image,121.79 KB, 1600x1155, procedure-open-mouth.jpg)

>>900790Everytime she smiles like that she reminds me of this dentist mouth opening device.
Hell she didn't even needed one when she went to the dental surgeon she didn't pay.
No. 900922
File: 1670943466208.jpeg (780.14 KB, 828x1363, 21D4D744-0B18-4AD8-9BF8-86F134…)

No. 900966
File: 1670979511141.jpeg (38.63 KB, 622x613, FO0xuuiXoAcIZar.jpeg)

>>900922God DAMN she and her mother are so fucking stupid
No. 900985
>>900790She's striking alright, just not in the way she yearns for. She looks like a fugly stalker/murderer in a D-list horror movie. That's the only role she could ever realistically land.
These two would make such fascinating fodder for a psychological case study. Their life depresses me, but I can't get enough of their futile attempts at portraying this "influencer" persona that falls flat by every metric. One question that gets beaten to death every 10 posts is "why are they still doing this?" And at this point I don't think any rational person could understand their motives. They're a textbook case of shared psychosis. Can't wait for the saga where Lilz runs off with some low-IQ coomer to escape Laur. Now THAT will be milky. Kek.
No. 901201
File: 1671222304898.jpeg (326.47 KB, 767x901, 7D244327-0AAF-4291-871E-4750DE…)

Laur posts this screenshot every other day. It’s so cringy and weird
No. 901225
>>901201Thought she was thriving (despite) adversity. If so, why is she having her mother post these horrible things much of which she probably made up herself to look like
victims. And even if people really did send that kind of hate, it seems dwelling on that to get attention is their passion project.
No. 901451
File: 1671809532145.png (2.65 MB, 828x3307, F530EDD6-CB13-4C41-9FFC-BA7417…)

Awful fit
No. 901641
File: 1672174750720.jpeg (709.32 KB, 1125x1848, B9187961-4D8C-4EBF-8E8F-397342…)

>>898210Her personal Facebook page (Fka Lillee Is Silly) changed name to “Christina Anderson”. Not a very effective way to disappear, if that’s what she was trying to do.
No. 901656
>>901641>>901654They’re probably repurposing the accounts for bullyish testimonials. I bet we’ll see Christina Anderson show up as a reformed member of Mark Cuban’s witch cult? Or another
victim of Primink & the black websites?
No. 901672
File: 1672257523044.jpeg (422.07 KB, 828x905, 72C64000-D999-4DD9-904F-360380…)

>>901641This pic is hilarious. Real “14 or 40” mystery
No. 901720
>>901709Exactly. She is sucking her jowls, pushing her tongue against the bottom lip to make them bigger and bugging her eyes out for disney princess.
I know we tinfoil a lot but i genuinely think she is insane. Whenever i try to recreate this face i think what normal person would do this and think it looks good??
No. 901724
File: 1672405032909.jpg (199.2 KB, 820x1696, LJ stats dec.jpg)

Are they even going out since the court case?
Her Yt channel is dead, it's been one month without any posting and they're surprisingly silent.
Seems they are now buying low low quality views.
- 26 000 views for december.
Anyway, I was expecting her to pretend she has the greatest xmas just the prove the booolies wrong.
But maybe Laur is too drunk to post.
No. 901726
File: 1672413614513.jpeg (209.51 KB, 1080x1920, A08619E9-68B5-429C-B1EE-B4E874…)

$9 for video rental is insane kek
No. 901772
>>901726Last time I rented a video, it was in the 90's and it was a VHS.
Who tf "rents a video" in 2022?
>>901771Did she posted any pictures or stories? kek
No. 901790
>>901781I agree that Laur is doing it to hide the abysmal stats, but all of the above thumbnailed content was already uploaded on YT months ago.
When was Lillee’s actual last cooperation?
Come to think of it, when was her most recent proof of life?
No. 901792
File: 1672529819635.jpeg (86.01 KB, 1080x1920, 7C5281EC-5CA7-44B0-88BE-DAE919…)

No. 901795
>>901793Those are the eyes of an unbalanced person, christ. Will 2023 be the year Lillee pulls a Gypsy Rose?
Happy New Year!
No. 901796
File: 1672545627318.jpeg (79.25 KB, 502x703, AE223863-287A-41E8-939F-DCC7C5…)

>>898210I aged LJ and scared myself cuz that’s my grandma.
No. 901802
File: 1672578324485.gif (488.9 KB, 480x270, 543593CA-F817-4FAE-9FB6-19C1CA…)

Happy new year!
No. 901970
File: 1672893018116.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1441, 64507A32-57E9-4E6A-8178-4E61B5…)

In awe of her neck
No. 902033
File: 1673044521654.png (281.91 KB, 936x1048, Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 5.28…)

No. 902052
File: 1673071478168.jpeg (641.79 KB, 758x1363, 42ADB845-8223-48E0-AFBB-B9611B…)

No. 902090
>>902052Holy shit, literal troll-face genetics. She really does look so much older than her age. I genuinely think Laur was probably prettier at Lillee's age (which isn't saying much).
She should get darker hair to make that honker look less gigantic. Her naturally ashy rust color does her no favors.
Also, I'm sure Laur's the one who told her the over-lining lip trick. I've had white trash family impart the same "beauty tip" to me once in the past. But Lillee's overlining is next level. I know she's retarded, but you'd think that with makeup being the one thing she can kinda sorta do competently, she'd know that the colors she picks are terrible for her thin lips.
No. 902132
It appears that an AI has written an article about Lillee's perfect Vanessa Paradis chompers. Its pulled a fair amount of text from all the Medium articles she wrote about herself, but the bot filled in the gaps with info it found elsewhere, including a quote from someone mistaken for an actual fan. I wanted to get screenshots of the best bits posted before Laur figures out how to cyberbully a robot journalist into taking the article down, but for some reason, it won't post the image when I try, no matter what format I use.
Here's the link, if another anon wants to grab images: No. 902148
File: 1673211044244.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.73 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20230108-123358_Chr…)

>>902147Samefag, but also the fact that this is a featured pic…
No. 902205
File: 1673288097979.jpeg (286.75 KB, 750x999, 7C522A40-E09D-48DA-BE6B-03EEE6…)

>>902184The landlord has to have Googled to see that they’re either lying about being rich, or lying about being poor.
No. 906503
I am only able to view the farms via proxy, so posting pics here isn't working for me (imgur link below,) but Lillee and Laur have been deleting tons of content across multiple platforms for the past few weeks. At first I thought that she was losing views on youtube because of a bot sweep cleaning up fake engagement, but then I started paying attention to the upload counts and noticed the numbers dropping dramatically. Almost half of her IG posts are gone, and from scrolling through her page now, I'm not seeing any images of the crazed possum grin she used to plaster everywhere pre-invisalign. Now I'm wondering if that article about her teeth was actually something they commissioned, but since they have to set aside all of their welfare money to move out of the attic, all they could afford was some weird AI-generated crap.
I can't tell what all they've been deleting from youtube or tiktok, but if any anons have content of hers that they want to save for posterity, the window of opportunity may be closing. No. 906636
File: 1673690572666.png (51.15 KB, 1101x681, xcvvxc.png)

Lillee's been copyrighting striking shit.
No. 906638
File: 1673690862177.png (47.79 KB, 1080x683, b bvc.png)

No. 906694
File: 1673842091486.jpg (Spoiler Image,158.78 KB, 979x1741, Screenshot_20230116_170521_Chr…)

Her deranged smile never ceases to amuse me.
Sorry, Laur. Your Josh Moon spam ain't hiding this.
No. 906699
Since LJ and Laura Trueman have been deleting all sorts of embarrassing photos of LJ’s face, mouth, and voice, I scoured her old journal and found some entries they’ve also deleted. This one looks like a dialogue LJ posted that occurred between her and her older French boyfriend. Some of the dialogue is in French because that’s his native tongue, but I haven’t translated it yet. Maybe someone else can work on that.
LJ: Pheepy, I’m home!
Pheepy: mademoiselle, me amör, where have you been all moi life? I have croissants and chèvre prepared for oui because my 14 year old princess deserves the best en la vie¡
LJ: I was at the public library looking at all the books, my suavę 29 year old diplomat boyfriend, Pheepy. I usually spend a few hours a day looking at the books. I saw a few hundred at least today. Whenever my work schedule is education positive. There are benefits to being the boss of your own company y’know.
Pheepy: mademoiselle, you are so mature for your age and you have been this way since we met when you were 12 years old. What did you teach oui-self today?
LJ: I did some of the quantum physics and then held an impromptu study session with some fans who were around and asked for help. One was named LaQuisha and the other was Bim Taj Mohel. I strong clarify some of then science concepts for them. They thanked me in their native culture babe and I multi culture them to.
LJ: Pheepy, my loyal boyfriend since before puberty, but is 29 years old and a friend of the family and a diplomat for the French consulate , I just wanted to tell you that I can’t talk about my Netflix special because of a NDA
Pheepy: i-zipp e-m’lipp mademoiselle
Pheepy: I brang your madre some flowers. Stargazer Lillie’s, your magnifique favorite
LJ: ok
No. 906704
>>906699I'm suspicious you're trolling tbh, this is so bad I can't believe it's not satire. Even for a 14 year old that would be incredibly embarrassing.
I just have basic school french and even I can tell every bit of french in that besides "croissants and chevre" is garbled. Not even worth putting in a translater.
>me amörMy love, should be 'mon amour'
>deserves the best en la vieDeserves the best in life, should probably be 'dans la vie'
>oui-self Oui as you may know is 'yes', not your.
>i-zipp e-m’lipp mademoiselle'I zip my lip' as if spoken with an accent, I don' know why all his dialogue isn't written like this.
>madreSpanish, not french, for mother
No. 906708
>>906699Samefagging but this is definitely fake on second viewing.
Lillee always wrote out Philippe/Philipe's name the long way. It was only Laur and trolls calling him Pheepy? And there is zero crossover in the timeline where she claimed a Netflix show and a boyfriend, she didnt claim to have a Netflix show until she was well into adulthood and Pheepy died years ago.
Nice try though.
No. 906740
File: 1673892388073.jpeg (669.92 KB, 1170x1523, 053E0F33-393E-4946-A707-5BC2D6…)

She removed almost all the content from her YouTube channel. 38 videos remain.
No. 906776
File: 1674073174321.jpeg (16.74 KB, 275x269, 7FF4A852-0FDF-4BD6-B345-1985C1…)

>>906769wait it’s gone? i loved laughing at that video..
No. 908022
File: 1674095329645.jpeg (461.85 KB, 762x1103, EB1978B6-FEAF-41B4-B9B2-CD8FEE…)

Chic indeed
No. 908035
File: 1674109726988.gif (695.04 KB, 320x320, lillee-jean-happy-dance.gif)

Better start saving gifs, nonnies.
No. 908036
File: 1674109939925.gif (1.63 MB, 480x270, lillee-jean-happy.gif)

No. 908040
File: 1674113036848.png (192.1 KB, 1646x570, great advocacy.png)

Looking at her spam playlists really shows you how many videos they've privated.
All of her Tiktok accounts have been made private. Her Tenor and Giphy (where she uploads) don't appear to have had any deletions. Her Deviantart might have had some deletions, it's currently at 358 uploads, and I remember her having more of her digital art on there. Lillee's Pinterest also appears to be the same and she's even still adding pins to her boards.
I don't have any good theories as to why they've done this. What is there in all her boring old makeup videos to hide? Maybe Lillee is going to going to make a full Lillee Jean streaming service and you'll need to pay to see them. Lillee and Laur have seemingly unlimited time to do this bullshit, so maybe they went through every video and have decided for some reason to private them. The Youtube account Laur used to upload those strange short clips and doxxed bullies in the tags also has made most of the videos private/deleted.
No. 908042
File: 1674114317036.png (444.51 KB, 1647x907, LILLEE JEAN CHRISTMAS.png)

I also found this playlist Laur made with some strange videos added to it. first 3 videos are a random baby, one is a tribute video for her with the description;
>2 years ago today Lilee lost her battle. She'd be four right now.Another video is one by AlyxIllustrates and is a callout video. Then another video of a child singer named Lilia Jean. 2 beauty videos made by people who aren't Lillee, and finally the Spotlight Korea video. If this has been posted before let me know but I just think it's strange Laur has a #lilleejeanbeauty #christams playlist with some random baby tribute videos thrown in long with videos that have nothing to do with Lillee.
No. 908046
>>908040If I had to guess maybe Lillee and Laur are trying to hide what evidence there is out there that'll make them look shitty when they're back in court.
Can't have a court full of professional people hearing her shitty racist/homophobic takes and not take her side.
They're deleting any proof that could show Lillee is a lying hypocrite.
No. 908153
Imagine wasting so much money on views and followers to private all videos right after.
>>908042My tinfoil is darker. Laur is obsessed with her sister's murder; she tought it would be a way to gain fame and money rapidly.
She maybe is fantasizing about LJ's murder and all the attention and compassion she could get for it.
She'll finally be the center of attention.
Especially when she terrorised LJ with the fake stalker story/fake death threats, never let her go outside alone or just going outside for years…
Now that LJ is a dead weight, I would totally see Laur going full Baby Jane.
No. 908232
File: 1674271699056.jpeg (202.8 KB, 1170x1227, 4ED64843-FDAD-4ECF-B174-7FAC9B…)

people in the comments of sunnyv2’s video thinking Lillee’s Instagram account is gone because she blocks everyone who watches her stories
No. 908257
File: 1674321701605.jpg (248.97 KB, 939x939, 32154074_2080736165531919_3041…)

Laur's least favorite pic of Lillee still lives on though.
No. 908271
File: 1674359088476.jpeg (472.51 KB, 1170x1942, 7F784518-3388-433D-B130-4DDBBE…)

Laur says Bullyish will be out in the fall
No. 908319
File: 1674483455337.jpeg (173.22 KB, 1170x915, 9F5A68A0-4D60-46AF-92EC-853289…)

Laur removed all the photos and fake prop credits from her IMDb. She also updated the trivia section to include Lillee’s activism for people with mental & physical disabilities kek
No. 908320
>>908319Pfft we have dozens of screen grabs of Laur using psychiatric issues and medications as insults. So she can’t go there.
But if Lillee wants to discuss Turner Syndrome and help others…that would be admirable.
No. 908347
Have any anons checked her site for content deletion? WITH A VPN because Laur is probably still checking IPs every 5 minutes.
>>908319Tbh my first thought was this wasn’t added by Laur and instead was to troll her and LJ. It is in character for Laur to say Lillee is an advocate for mental disabilities and then turn around and pull out the boomer medication shaming. But physical disabilities is a new one. I’m going to guess this will be in Bullyish, Lillee’s going to point out how she was bullied for her teeth. 50/50 chance she’ll admit it’s part of a deformity or disorder, most likely she’ll pretend her teeth were normal and perfectly fine. Maybe the disabled adult will be Earl.
No. 908355
>>908347Website still says cyberstalking gangs etc. but they’ve removed all pictures of her pre-braces teeth. When Lillee first got sued by the dentist, Laur started leaving comments saying Lillee was bullied into fixing her teeth
>>882896 Laur’s going to say Lillee was embarrassed by her microdontia and bullied into getting expensive, painful surgery and now they’re homeless & destitute.
No. 908393
>>908385NAYRT, I went to her website some times ago without vpn and I'm in Switzerland, what will Laur do about that? kek
Don't know about US but in Europe geoloc is quite vague.
She'll never have a precise adress, just the name of the canton at best.
No. 908453
File: 1674774807744.jpeg (139.65 KB, 779x588, EEC039B6-48A4-432C-B25E-5DF87D…)

Lillee removed 120 posts from her ig in the last month
No. 908518
File: 1674823106484.jpeg (102.74 KB, 849x508, FCD30FE2-6E4F-4128-8CAB-ADE792…)

78 visitors to her website kek. Even if all of them rented a video, she’s making less than $700 a month.
No. 908530
>>908518Most of those are us or Laur.
The massive deletions make it seem like lLaur finally had a wake-up call, but I don’t believe she’s capable of that
No. 908566
File: 1674859413157.jpeg (997.94 KB, 1170x2003, 545B54A4-D7D8-4BD8-8DD3-B5AFA9…)

The link Laur shared is for a fake Adah Lazorgan account. Lillee’s commenting on the fake account’s posts and the legitimate one. Not sure if Laur boomered the post or if they got scammed with counterfeit makeup. Either way it’s funny.
No. 908667
File: 1675007715676.jpeg (508.78 KB, 1099x1454, 94503AD9-0463-438C-8F5F-85EB35…)

>>908647They want to be left alone while they pretend they’re accomplished and famous. They’d be an interesting psych study. Shared psychosis is rare.
No. 908768
File: 1675126170903.jpeg (469.34 KB, 828x1039, C3B5A4AA-849D-41F2-B949-7B94D3…)

Her face is so lopsided
No. 908782
File: 1675139249696.jpeg (83.07 KB, 414x662, AF4CD3C1-2DC1-4A3A-B69D-53ACFD…)

>>908768Yeah her jaw is jacked.
No. 908807
File: 1675174609289.jpeg (294.68 KB, 2048x2048, E8B51DF1-7D34-48D4-B2E7-C005D6…)

Saw Laur’s name mentioned in another thread and she’s been orbiting some pretty fucked up individuals
>>>/snow/1756303Laur & Rachel follow each other on twitter. Rachel’s thread is impossible to follow because it’s full of scrotes and gayops. From what I can tell Rachel’s accused of being responsible for cp spam at the behest of Lillee Jean livestream alumni, Elaine. Rachel recently accused Reno, the Australian cosplayer who called in a wellness check on Lillee Jean in 2021, of calling in a wellness check on her and breaking in to her California home. Seems like Laur’s found a new pet autist to point at her enemies.
No. 908839
File: 1675216411353.jpeg (772.06 KB, 1170x1530, 4AFFC772-7957-47BD-93BF-202A72…)

>>908832You can’t see her tweets because her account is private buy you can tell from the responses she’s known about the article since December
No. 908879
>>908827>>908844This kid just watched a few youtube videos, and most of this came from Primink. Does Laur think that this whole school was bewitched by Diane and her cult? What about the whole school district? How much harassing is Laur doing to this school I have to wonder.
>>908868Nah, they think they're planning something big but it never comes to that. All their self perceived hype deflates to nothing. Just lies and deception.
No. 908882
File: 1675271033731.jpeg (823.45 KB, 828x1504, 1A3AA83B-E4A4-4612-A09B-30F159…)

Invisalign will never fix that jaw. It’s fucked
She’s also starting to get Laur’s shitty hairline kek
No. 908897
File: 1675310878456.jpeg (172.89 KB, 885x885, B8FB3E12-9D8B-44EA-A69B-01E4F2…)

>>908872Thank goddess every single Shaniqua tweet was preserved in a secret vault.
No. 908898
File: 1675311907694.gif (1.03 MB, 480x270, lillee-jean-tired.gif)

Oh Laur, we're waiting. What scheming, delusional bullshit are you plotting and going to have your physically and mentally stunted daughter carry out?
No. 908921
File: 1675356101632.jpeg (85.15 KB, 886x499, 46E9B89F-52C6-4081-A686-0A18FC…)

>>908918I have so much saved, lol
No. 908935
File: 1675376383713.jpeg (129.19 KB, 827x1324, 66230F45-2F18-41A5-B730-45E89F…)

>>908922A - a racist
B- someone raised in an attic
C- both
No. 908939
File: 1675379757858.jpeg (604.37 KB, 897x1374, B3728CB1-79E9-4744-8F82-12193D…)

Is this new? Earl’s alma mater was Baruch?
Suppose he had the same volleyball scholarship as Santos’s?
No. 908952
>>908897I went back to read the old Lillee threads and every Shaniqua post made this
>>906699 post slightly more credible. It's the little shoehorned details that get me kek
No. 908957
File: 1675393298279.jpeg (179.87 KB, 1170x721, 42FB6783-7614-412C-8CB2-0B7865…)

>>908939Can’t find anything on Diamond Earl attending Baruch. But I did find linking Earl G to the school. The same Earl who’s associated with Beckles Madina. His past employment at Attic Treasures and his education at Revlon Training Center seem like a bad joke though
No. 908963
File: 1675395245988.jpeg (221.7 KB, 914x1200, B7A9FDEB-711B-449E-BFC5-BB4FC3…)

>>908957Florida Earl has 7 arrests so Laur stole her husband an education from a felon. Sounds like our Laur!
No. 908964
File: 1675395410737.jpeg (77.8 KB, 885x498, 16A2F267-18D6-406C-919F-C50423…)

>>908962Laur wrote this, there can be NO DOUBT
No. 908965
File: 1675395980127.jpeg (121.09 KB, 885x885, 709006E6-B4E2-42AD-8918-AE1F02…)

>>908964Let us not forget the fake gay friends
No. 908966
File: 1675396021694.jpeg (160.12 KB, 885x885, CB3EA980-5E21-4E31-AE85-3FBCBB…)

>>908965Who were Google images…
No. 908981
>>908963Definitively looks like him.
There were some tinfoils about him (or Laur) going to jail.
Would explain why Earl always hide himself, why they never left the state and why Laur had LJ during her 30's when she married at 16.
No. 909001
File: 1675456790827.jpg (22.98 KB, 324x491, earl.jpg)

>>908999Thanks! Yeah this is a different Earl - probably cousins though
No. 909008
File: 1675463313853.png (449.05 KB, 742x413, wrr1s14ic02z.png)

>>909001Earl out here with big Mrs Mac energy
No. 909014
>>909001Don’t forget that Lillee is 4’9” now. Not sure how tall she was in this pic
Is Earl also a dwarf?
No. 909026
File: 1675486977850.png (422.05 KB, 540x1598, 1675388156809.png)

Found picrel in Liz Fong-Jones KF thread. Wonder what Liz "consent accident" Fong-Jones would think of all the racist shit Laur has said.
No. 909033
>>909026Liz is probably also a racist (source: kf thread)
The transphobic "penis or vaginer" rant would upset Liz more. I love to see cow crossovers.
No. 909041
>>898210It isn’t a true LinkedIn page - she’s using it to post pics of Lilliee’s crooked mouth and articles about what
victims they are.
No. 909070
File: 1675572961821.png (792.47 KB, 828x1304, 69D34FE6-3F57-4E2E-9351-9DA24F…)

Lillee has a new short comedy out
No. 909072
File: 1675574092618.jpeg (238.76 KB, 705x980, 9792C225-7A56-46AA-85DF-8EDA12…)

Almost 4.5 million views gone over the last 30 days
No. 909074
>>909072She's been deleting videos for a while now, so the drop in views isn't surprising.
- Also sage your shit
No. 909075
File: 1675584224891.webm (331.27 KB, 576x1024, papa trueman.webm)
>>908963He does look a lot like our Earl but his hairline is way different than his. Ears look different too. I don't know if I'm just face blind but I don't see how his hairline could reverse receding and we know the Truemans have no money for hair transplants. Here is a Tiktok Laur had uploaded of Earl to compare. I may be misremembering but didn't Laur's parents live in Florida? She had a post on Facebook about an estate sale in Florida.
No. 909076
File: 1675584268631.png (1.62 MB, 1124x2152, pedo earl.png)

And Earl's tiktok account in case this hasn't been posted yet lol
No. 909078
File: 1675591996137.webm (13.9 MB, 720x1280, 6F4D76D8A9EFFDF732366274E0660C…)
Lillee posted a snippet of her mind over beauté episode on IG. As usual, she is trying to spew as many big words as possible to sound smart while actually making no sense at all.
No. 909092
File: 1675614499106.jpeg (593.45 KB, 1170x631, 156F0324-A191-428E-876A-0F1947…)

>>909089What the fuck is this? Brief description for anons…Peony has questions about her & Violet’s upcoming Malibu vacation. Violet says her baby won’t be able to make it because he joined the MLB. Peony says she knows he’s accomplished but she’s never been invited to any events. Violet goes through his long list of accomplishments including nascar and jumping high. Violet sends Peony a picture and Peony says it’s a cat.
No. 909100
>>909098With the mannerisms of a 56 yr old.
But then these are the women who called driving around their own neighborhood a “Voyage”.
For someone who doesn’t want to be picked on, she 100% is begging the world to pick on her.
Wonder if Laur put her up to this to draw more boolies their way? She misses us when we don’t pay attention.
No. 909105
File: 1675624227745.jpg (65.82 KB, 776x505, who.jpg)

Picrel narc level: LJ.
>>909089Did youtube threaten to delete her channel? Why would she put this on Vimeo instead of youtube were most of her bought followers are.
No. 909108
File: 1675629429847.webm (17.64 MB, 1280x720, peony_&_violet_short_comedy_fi…)
>>909089Let's archive this bizarre video. The genre is comedy but I don't understand what's supposed to be funny.
No. 909112
>>909105Cinematography? Animation? There was NONE.
Add these to the list of other words she doesn’t know the meanings of. Like pauper and bullyish.
No. 909116
>>909092Having dropped out of high school barely after starting it, she clearly missed those creative writing classes. This is…. I don't know what this is, but it's not a story. And no, this is not some kind of avant garde non linear narrative.
My tin foil is that the Truemans are trying to rebrand lille as a writer and actress. She is too proud (or too scared and jealous) to go on auditions, so she is writing her own material and putting it out there for some famous and powerful producer to be enchanted by her beauty, amazing acting skills, and clever writing.
What is she now… 21, 22? And this is her "work"? This is what she thinks will get her noticed and win at film festivals? When she gets a lot of backlash at her terrible acting and writing, she'll just say oh, I was just doing something lighthearted for fun, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
No. 909173
>>909108Wow, just wow.
She really thought that was a good joke.
This is supposed to be the trailer, right? One (awful) joke doesn't make a good trailer for a film, it tells nothing of what the movie is going to be about.
Also no one, and I mean
no one talks like this.
God, I can't wait to watch it.
No. 909187
>>909186There’s also horseback riding, surfing, tons of camping, wine and great fresh oysters. Oh wait she isn’t into this either.
LA would fit her better. They can have grub hub deliver old-people’s food to their motel and not have to see anyone.
No. 909189
>>909173>Also no one, and I mean no one talks like this.In Lillee's world they do. And by Lillee's world I mean cartoons meant for children.
>>909186>Not to mention how cool she thinks it would be to take a Malibu vacationI truly think her only reference point on Malibu is Malibu Barbie commercials.
No. 909193
>>909173It's not a trailer. That's the whole movie. It's based around one joke - Violet's boyfriend that she's bragging about is actually a cat.
No, seriously.
Violet brags about her boyfriend being in the MLB and being able to "pounce" thousands of feet
And then when Peony asks for a pic or whatever she sends a pic of her cat.
Yknow what I'm autistic enough to transcribe it in its entirety.
>Peony: hey girl (mnph) queensweetielove how are you sis? >Violet: Alright. It's another day. That's good right? >Peony: Hm. Yeah, I guess. I've been thinking about the vacay to Malibu and it just doesn't feel right the rest of the fam is coming.>Violet: Yeah. My baby just joined the MLB. Don't wanna leave him.>Peony: Vi, I'm your sis. Like, sister. like looks like me sister we tell eachother everything>Violet: I haven't even been to any of his events>Peony: [in the whiniest, hammiest voice] Viiiiiiiiii-olet!!!!!!>Violet: Yeah, he's super accomplished. He's a little MLB baby with his blue and white uniform. He's a NASCAR race driver, He's 1000 jumps, he's on the ropes every day, he pounces like no one's ever seen before. He's gooooood. Like really good. Hold on, I just sent you a picture.>Peony: Viiiiiiii.>Violet: Are you judging my baby? >Peony: No no no no >Violet: Oh my god you're like freaking me out.>Peony: It's a cat. It's a freakin cat!>Violet: My son. >Peony: Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiolet!!!!!!!>Violet: Hey Peony? I see how it is. hangs up call on dinky iphone 8~Exeunt~
Also she was slurring her words a LOT through the whole thing. Either Laur's been sharing the Franzia or her half-baked teeth are causing her pain again
No. 909194
>>909189Malibu Barbie kek
Hard to imagine Lillee n LA. The land of plastic surgery and expensive fashion. And she’d be toddling around in her awkward way, wearing capris as long pants because she’s 4’9”. And she’d have Laur, no bra and in massive clog shoes yelling, “Aaaamazing!!”
No. 909359
>>909193The first line is
>Hey girlwithmyfacethatIlovebut the rest is correct.
I had to watch that part seriously like 10 times to understand what the fuck she was slurring there so totally understandable.
The fact that THAT is the whole thing is just…sad. Tragic.
No. 909419
File: 1675973515806.jpeg (1.23 MB, 828x1465, C6ED7BE5-7260-4ADB-B14F-69B67B…)

She looks like a legitimate retard here
No. 909420
File: 1675976425910.jpeg (187.51 KB, 885x885, 23E2FEFF-E26D-49C3-827F-BD21B3…)

>>909419Found another gem from back in 2017 when Lillee was at comic con with Arsenio Hall.
No. 909446
>>909419Absolutely nothing behind those eyes.
Her two facial expressions photographed are rictus grin or trying hard for blow-up doll lips.
She's jutting out her fucked up jaw and there's some serious and ridiculous facetuning of her jawline and neck.
No. 909467
File: 1676033518896.jpg (573.38 KB, 1242x1234, 1562786632709.jpeg.jpg)

>>909420None of the lillee race larp posts will ever peak higher than "nigga factory". It's just randomly shoehorned in with no clear purpose or tangible meaning
No. 909469
>>909108Am I the only one who would love to see a whole serie of that?
Each episode with what she thinks 20-something would do for holidays, hanging out, going in bars, going with friends, whatever any topic.
I miss the time when she was posting one bad makeup video/day while ranting about the bullies.
It was so funny.
No. 909472
>>909469>Am I the only one who would love to see a whole serie of that?No
nonny you are not. I would enjoy it too, the same way I used to enjoy her crigy dance tiktoks. It would be so entertaining but not for the reasons she intended.
No. 909478
>>909472>>909469LJ should start a patreon for real. I would give money to see more "acting" but with Laur too.
And more videos "a day at home with Laur and LJ (and earl in the freezer)".
No. 909579
File: 1676141817065.jpeg (674.42 KB, 750x3707, 8D4051F4-5187-402B-9AC0-781EAD…)

>>898210>>909476Remember when Laur tried to get a brand cancelled for discriminating against an old white lady pretending to be a black woman? She’s like a retarded Rachel Dolezal
Special guest appearance by the “transgender fe-to-ma” Jeanie too.
No. 909648
File: 1676176362378.jpeg (273.67 KB, 1080x1920, 0F20648E-1CDE-4D57-BA1E-9D4E1B…)

No. 909649
File: 1676176543618.png (2.75 MB, 828x1774, 64C6243D-D3C4-430C-A128-4A99D4…)

She’s alive and pale as fuck
No. 909671
>>909648I know we said it million times but her neck is pure nightmare fuel.
Also kek at the reversed ^ on the >qui êtes-vous?
>>909649Still better than pictures in the attic, but when we said she needed to go outside, it was more going outside in all the NYC many many great places, than going outside 10 sec for a picture in random boring NYC streets.
No. 909710
>>909677She looks like her 60 yr old mother dresses her.
Remember when she once said she was born with Epstein-Barr and we all laughed? I just learned that Williams Syndrome used to be called Williams-Beuren. I’ll bet she meant to say that.
No. 909942
File: 1676596078479.jpeg (128.31 KB, 640x976, 4AD7E762-E790-49AF-9EFE-B45C50…)

>>898210Yesterday’s pics:
“Long red hair down, with diamond earrings”
No. 909946
File: 1676606358571.jpeg (193.8 KB, 828x1138, 86979693-ED25-4B64-BA3B-C70D49…)

>>909945They’re pants from Rent The Runway
I guess they’re back to renting cropped pants from RTR
No. 909971
>>909942At least she's not claiming to be blonde anymore.
Her hair is still brown though, not red.
No. 910005
File: 1676737371854.jpeg (339.56 KB, 828x1409, 2EA1CD31-CB6A-4E38-BD0D-F77D06…)

No. 910043
>>910005Truly amazing she (or laur) posts stuff like that and at the same time being completely unable so see the massive hypocrisy.
She's been the one living in the attic for years and refusing to go outside meeting real people while pretending to be that super famous insta influencer and wasting all of their money of fake posts, covers, reviews, followers, views, comments, etc.
No. 910077
File: 1676862522635.jpeg (204.29 KB, 828x845, E82EA813-F591-49C6-9E7A-C26F4C…)

No. 910096
>>910094She’s forgetting that Laur wouldn’t exist online if this were true.
Her ability to construct a coherent sentence is worsening, yet Laur posts these little nuggets of illiteracy as if she’s proud of them. Bullyish is going to be hilarious.
No. 910108
>>910092The one for their looming eviction that was supposed to be in January did.
I'd be pleasantly surprised if whatever their next scheduled court date is doesn't get pushed back as well. They're human cockroaches, these types always find a way to squirm out of dire consequences.
No. 910120
>>910108I read up on ERAP and tons of people in New York abuse it in order to avoid eviction. What’s interesting is that once ERAP funds are processed to the landlord, they have the right to reject this money and evict their tenants ASAP. If they accept the money then they can’t evict their tenants for another 12 months.
At this point the Truemans probably haven’t paid rent for at least 4 months (their ERAP application was filed mid October). Hopefully their landlord just writes off his losses and doesn’t accept ERAP funds.
No. 910157
File: 1677014303754.jpeg (706.53 KB, 762x1357, F58FE61F-511A-47EF-95EB-249F6E…)

No. 910368
File: 1677329764721.jpeg (72.74 KB, 355x633, 10B81E38-FE5E-4979-B5D2-43A3AB…)

>>910157The Grudge III coming out soon
No. 910486
File: 1677518237731.webm (13.92 MB, 720x1280, 244582431AB7BE6B034F1C0F166214…)
So is she going to take constructive criticism now? Good for her. I hope she makes more weird comedy videos.
No. 910488
>>910486How did you even understood that?
It's her usual patronizing nonsense LJ-knows-better-than-everyone.
The last screen has her name 12 times.
Keep dreaming anon.
No. 910554
File: 1677596794344.jpeg (197.4 KB, 1080x1920, 1FAFB794-3CCD-4E36-847E-A92C9E…)

New poster
No. 910628
>>910554It's ironic. The only thing that made the Truemans interesting was their display of laughable stupidity and all the milk. They didn't want to be seen that way and the more they tried to cover up, the milkier it got.
Now, they have removed almost all traces of their foolishness in order for the public to focus on merits of her so-called projects. But her "work", whatever that is, is uninteresting and poorly executed. So if she wanted fame on her own merits rather than from her mother's antics, well, she got her answer, that is, she is nowhere near the talent she thinks she has.
So now she has zero attention other than the nitpicking found here. No one cares about her content other than to laugh at her complete lack of self awareness and transparent fakery and that's all be put behind a paywall that no one wants to shell out for.
No. 910647
File: 1677736198635.png (1.99 MB, 828x1681, 26B4D5EA-E048-4AF9-8706-5D3186…)

Her acanthosis nigricans is getting worse
No. 910877
File: 1678054912103.jpeg (781.13 KB, 1170x1983, 91A18176-548D-4321-97D1-3D8C35…)

>prize yourself
No. 910947
File: 1678157686959.jpeg (229.04 KB, 828x1333, F65551C5-BCF7-498A-B3CC-6B0BB9…)

They’ve been approved for ERAP
No. 910977
>>910954>>910947Isn't that another proof LJ is on disability?
They'll probably spend the money to other paid articles, ugly clothes from Shein and weird 5$ amazon wigs.
Anyway, the landlord must have the shitiest lawyer, like how hard is it to find this thread?
No. 910983
>>910954I don't think you're misguided at all, because there are definitely plenty of people who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own and are either still waiting for approval or will never get access at all, while Laur and Lillee play Pauper of Shoes make-believe on the government dime. However, since the landlord of the staircase house is petitioning to evict the goblins for reasons other than non-payment of rent, getting approved for ERAP might not save them from getting booted from their current squat. Any anons who are angry about them gaming the system again might feel better to know that, because this ERAP application is in the public record, there is now tangible proof that the CEO girlboss entrepreneur LLC LARP has been debunked by a whole government agency. Most of the callouts have moved on, but I don't doubt that there's still one or two out there that care enough to show the broke-ass receipts to anyone that gets duped into believing that Lils is some kind of successful motivational speaker with
valid wisdom to impart.
>>910977I don't know about the particulars of ERAP in NY state, but where I'm from, any funds granted for emergency rent assistance must first go to cover the arrears on their current rental, and then the rest would usually go as a lump payment to cover future rent for an aggregate total of (up to) one year's worth of rent payments. The money would only be paid directly to the tenant/applicant if their landlord refused to participate in the ERAP program. If their current landlord succeeds in evicting them, they are going to have to prove they have sufficient funds to cover the rent on whatever new attic they find, which would mean they would have to disclose to their new landlord that they would be paying with ERAP monies, so I imagine they wouldn't be able to pull their usual squatting/subletting habits. It would mean, though, that whatever other government benefits they receive would be freed up to finance their fakery again. I wonder if Lillee will come back out from behind her safe paywall to return to youtube, or if she's decided that she prefers to live in her private fantasy land where her only audience is herself and her mother.
No. 910987
File: 1678204916067.jpg (169.6 KB, 1109x1209, lkin.jpg)

>>910983Thank you for all the infos Anon.
>if Lillee will come back out from behind her safe paywall to return to youtube, or if she's decided that she prefers to live in her private fantasy land where her only audience is herself and her mother.I was also wondering that.
She has a somewhat active profil in Linkedin where she displays the successful CEO card patronizing in the void and pretending she has a full career behind her.
As usual her posts have 3 likes.
It doen't seems she'll go out for events either or at least not until late spring/summer.
No. 911010
>>910988proof from a random anonymous imageboard? i dont think it works that easy
No. 911038
>>911010Proof are from screenshots of their own videos.
Laur said she had a disabled person at home: someone not able to walk. We have screenshots from either Earl or LJ standing up and walking in the house.
And other pic or videos with their cats inside (now abandoned somewhere). Landlord didn't want any animal.
Plus all the "events" LJ went to (uninvited). If she can go there, she can work surely.
Seriously, how comes nobody at ERAP bothered to google Laur's name, "CFO of Lillee Jean Beauty Inc" and found LJ-super-famous-CEO-actress with 1M insta followers?
No. 911040
File: 1678276547775.jpeg (687.24 KB, 1170x1775, 72D8709F-0F90-4008-AB38-641CA1…)

Lillee remade the Gwen Stacy acting reel
No. 911041
File: 1678279694268.jpeg (150.05 KB, 1170x516, 4859186E-915F-4296-A50D-C1C750…)

CapAssist was able track Laur down for their lawsuit. They filed in 2017 but there’s a new pre-trail conference date set for June 2023
No. 911051
>>911041How many pending lawsuits against Laur? Kek
LLTiques, TrueTiques, TravelTiques, whatever, also the dental and the eviction.
No. 911080
File: 1678316521268.jpg (90.6 KB, 895x378, LJBullyish.jpg)

>>911051Don't forget DiamondTiques!
Heads up nonnies, according to Lillee's latest Medium article, she has just COMPLETED her documentary, Bullyish.
No. 911164
File: 1678422982454.jpeg (254.96 KB, 828x959, 38599E8D-994B-4AC4-915E-DA6677…)

They’re back to hinting that Lillee may be doing auditions
No. 911165
File: 1678423039236.jpeg (228.06 KB, 1080x1920, C83E3688-1C04-410C-A07C-051894…)

>>911164From Laur’s stories
No. 911166
File: 1678423253343.jpeg (910.47 KB, 828x1231, BA243F42-28FF-450B-A996-E1012D…)

She’s gotta stop facetuning herself into oblivion
No. 911167
>>911164Key word is "hint". Not actually do. Can anyone really call a 5 second vinmeo an acting reel?
Also, she has 8 followers on vimeo. Don't see the Israeli promo anywhere else but here, not even their own insta. What is the point of sponsorship if like 8 people are going to see it?
No. 911176
File: 1678439314649.jpg (53 KB, 955x528, easy delusional girl.jpg)

>>911163It's amazing how she can't act, not even for 5 seconds.
She always sounds pretentious/contemptuous or angry.
Too bad she lacks empathy and can't tell what the scenes are about.
Still can't wear a wig properly.
I've been watching her stories and she's full into delusion talking as she had a full career behing her and as if she's in position to give advice about beauty, lifestyle, make a career in entertainment…
No. 911241
File: 1678491095289.webm (14.21 MB, 1920x1080, lilleejean_adah_lazorgan_(2023…)
G8 promo video. Why do they keep reusing the same audio? Why does she have to bite her cheeks? Looks weird.
No. 911264
>>911230>>911192Nitpick but one of the wannabe famous in her insta pod offered her a cooking book. It's the one LJ used for Belle cosplay.
Anyway, either Laur sold it, either it's lost in the hoarder attic.
No. 911326
File: 1678645578188.jpeg (151.98 KB, 1170x1439, 1B634899-99D8-4D7C-A925-BFD913…)

>>911264The chick who gave them the book warned people to be careful around Lillee
>>844767 Laur probably threw the book out after
No. 911455
File: 1678811035172.jpg (70.84 KB, 820x650, ljdl.jpg)

>>911439 Lillee now has 269 bad overexposed fake drivers license photos uploaded to IMDB.
Elizabeth Holmes has none.
No. 911604
File: 1679071439504.jpeg (44.73 KB, 828x387, A6D8504C-6A74-45E8-BE42-630DB8…)

I use a website to view her ig stories and they recently started to add some stats kek
No. 911612
File: 1679093996579.jpeg (75.23 KB, 828x1220, B7E94077-23F0-4678-9853-6ACC75…)

No. 911613
File: 1679094031746.jpeg (94.49 KB, 828x1111, 7CAFD425-24E6-427B-A75C-41A04B…)

Dead eyes
No. 911619
>>911612>>911613This is so sad. Still at it, still delusional, still no personal growth, still doing nothing, still stagnant, still not developing, still putting out nothing beneficial into the world, still not helping others, still making the same uninteresting content, still trying to stick it to the haters, still caring about what others think, still suckling at her mother's teat (I pray that is true only metaphorically). How long can she sustain this? The current path she is taking to fame and fortune is 100% guaranteed to fail. Laur's junk - I mean, antiques grift and exploiting government benefits can only carry her so far.
No. 911625
File: 1679103933049.jpeg (8.3 KB, 290x234, 1D6FD213-2C35-4896-8660-305780…)

>>911612Her pants are holding on for dear life
No. 911633
>>911613Nightmare fuel.
>>911612She looks like what an alien who can't figure out women's body proportions and really awful at drawing would come up with.
>>911326That's too bad. If anyone needed a free healthy cooking book, it was her.
I know lots of anons blame 100% of that on Laur and she has indeed huge responsability in the trueman trainwreck, but Lillee is 21 next month. On the previous videos she acts as tyran and treats Laur like servant. At this point, she is the one choosing all of that.
No. 911664
>>911656Ily for the Female Trouble reference
nonnie lmao
No. 911678
File: 1679229672711.jpeg (87.83 KB, 1170x1851, 024F069F-591D-48B3-A406-ACAC55…)

>beth is on a role
22 with an 8th grade education
No. 911693
File: 1679255855108.jpeg (139.26 KB, 828x1195, E9406F2D-2E42-489A-B0AC-8804BD…)

She really does have very unfortunate body proportions
No. 911698
File: 1679261334530.jpeg (35.28 KB, 755x620, A32BAE9A-0344-46A0-AB14-D26090…)

>Modeled For Israeli Brand In American Ad
No. 911700
Lillee Jean is an actress, and filmmaker. She debuted two short films, directed, produced, and written by herself. 'The Pauper Of Shoes' (2022) is about a conniving red pump named Calvinne, who seeks revenge on the pack's leader, Jennifer. She also debuted 'Peony and Violet' (2023), about two twin sisters living in their own world. Of her show, 'Mind Over Beaute' (2022), Episode 7, of Season 2, also premiered, respectively titled ''Prize Yourself'.
>two twin sisters>respectively titled No. 911731
File: 1679325216092.jpg (49.04 KB, 626x422, something.jpg)

>>911678Laur's video photography just keeps getting worse.
Also this hair -
"There's something about Lillee"
Imagine not knowing the difference between "role" and "roll".
The jokes just make up themselves.
No. 911792
File: 1679433263479.png (142.96 KB, 1125x2001, 4524F91B-C1A7-4A64-85DE-94D439…)

This just went up on YouTube. I’m guessing Laur did it because no one is calling them out anymore. Gross.
No. 911793
>>911792Kek this is honestly hilarious. A fucking typed out word document? Love the shoehorned in mention of
pansexuality this shit can't even be deemed as homophobic let alone
bullying. Absolutely laughable and definitely Laur's handiwork. Archived just in case No. 911796
File: 1679438945002.webm (420.51 KB, 720x1280, lillee-jean-sucks-dick.webm)
>>911793Couldn't watch your upload on vimeo. So here is webm. This is so stupid. What's the whistling on the background? She making tea?
No. 911827
Lillee’s court date for the ortho surgeon is on Monday
>>900584 maybe Laur’s going to say Lillee can’t come to court because she’s being stalked by someone on YouTube
No. 911836
>>911792Kek how did you find it? Did you search Lille Jean and most recent videos?
I'm thinking of
>>911827 this in action. I don't know how YouTube shorts work but there are no has tags. Either Laur will say someone sent them the video, or she'll have to admit she's searching LJ's name in YouTube and seeing what comes up. There's also no proof this is targeting our LJ and not some other random Lillee Jean in the world.
No. 911933
>>911882>why pick the thing she pretended to be for 3 whole days?Because of course LJ or Laur wrote it. They want to larp as LGBT.
And they don't want to acknowledge all the bad, stupid and ridiculous things they did.
Speakig of which, they said they finished the bullying project. We know it's another lie.
I expected them to post some trailers or more "news"about that tho.
No. 911934
File: 1679575831186.jpeg (267.87 KB, 2048x2048, 760AA7FA-C0C0-4833-8D51-7903D8…)

Laur’s still obsessively responding to comments on SunnyV & Anna Oop’s videos
No. 911936
>>911934Laur is truly the best cow.
She has I don't remember how many pending lawsuits and a hearing on monday, yet she still wastes her time doing that.
No. 911958
File: 1679595427054.jpeg (101.42 KB, 1170x1216, 60B9AF5D-5579-47C4-8923-BC4CB7…)

>>911934Laur got an ad for buying followers and doesn’t understand YouTube ads are targeted based on your search history and other data kek
No. 911969
>>911936She misspelled Kimetsu no Yaiba.
OFC it's Laur!!! The ONLY Dragon Slayer who can't spell her own name. She really is the best cow there ever was.>>911936
No. 912000
>>911934"What did you just wake up from your rock?"
She butchers phrases so much.
No. 912011
File: 1679658844819.jpeg (226.77 KB, 2048x2048, 807D0CA5-6F1C-4105-A924-CC348F…)

>>911958She truly believed she had something with ad thing kek
No. 912120
File: 1679862228966.jpeg (176.68 KB, 1125x1659, 8165086B-668E-49C5-906B-50CE8A…)

Still making up her own nonsense words. Stay in school kids!
No. 912136
File: 1679870962751.jpeg (128.26 KB, 828x1217, 7E59F442-6BAB-4C51-AE72-D3FA63…)

Lillee got some new headshots
No. 912137
File: 1679871076682.jpeg (105.61 KB, 828x1105, 85F682AA-56E2-416A-9E84-89FA20…)

No. 912139
File: 1679871777740.jpeg (1.72 KB, 58x86, 5DBB3FA5-DCBD-4CF9-A785-EABB6D…)

>>912136She looks so unhealthy. Laur’s cooking would kill anyone.
No. 912141
When your new headshots look like a disabled persons feature.
No. 912148
File: 1679886549070.jpeg (183.19 KB, 828x1345, D83AF682-471F-4121-88A2-A187BC…)

English language, is, hard
No. 912217
>>912148Is this So Lillo Qui (Soliloquy? Is that what she's trying to spell?) shit going to be fucking hilarious (and not for the ways she wants it to be)? Yes.
Is it lulzy enough to be worth giving the attic goblins money for? No. Sorry Laur.
No. 912218
File: 1679949563169.jpg (33.92 KB, 540x360, 360_F_44980072_bO7DGmhDTZ1Ttn5…)

tbh if she got her teeth fixed maybe stopped being retarded, she would be considered attractive.
Where i live men go crazy for women who look like her if those women have blue eyes and light hair which she has.
No. 912228
File: 1679957072429.jpeg (43 KB, 828x393, A18E5DF6-F51C-4549-8BD0-D5D070…)

Lillee settled with her oral surgeon. I wonder how much they agreed to pay
No. 912238
File: 1679974312409.jpeg (150.14 KB, 828x1366, 8677DBC0-B53D-47E0-A252-9FA496…)

You can really tell where her lips end kek
No. 912240
File: 1679974914228.jpeg (103.98 KB, 828x970, BB8CB209-8D0D-4579-99EB-88DC77…)

>>912120Her first episode is actually episode 2? No. 912241
File: 1679975310689.webm (5.34 MB, 826x462, FullSizeRender 2.webm)
>>912240Here’s a backup in case Laur is furiously refreshing this thread
No. 912369
File: 1680004963141.jpeg (40.97 KB, 1170x623, 97B81BFA-AF94-4E81-953B-3B3A35…)

>>912240It’s the adapted/inspired cool girl monologue from Gone Girl. Lillee’s new series is her bad re-enactments of famous movie scenes but slightly tweaked to avoid copyright issues.
No. 912373
File: 1680007110033.jpg (32.39 KB, 567x462, ugh.jpg)

I just hate her mouth shape so much
No. 912383
File: 1680013159021.jpeg (44.71 KB, 828x463, 509EC1D5-EBA4-46D9-8129-5643C5…)

>>912373This is her profile in relaxed state. I wish she’d just embrace her features and learn how to emote like a normal person. The things she’s doing with her mouth are unpleasant to watch
No. 912385
>>912240Hmm maybe I'll be reaching out to my contacts at 20th Century Fox to see if any permission to use their content to get around copyright laws.
>>912369Kek at the end
>This does not constitute dermatology advice. Consult with a doctor, or dermatologist No. 912386
File: 1680013704956.jpeg (60.98 KB, 636x1170, 0E5991E4-6399-46D6-A4BF-138281…)

Who is mistaking her for a dermatologist with skin like this? She can’t bother with the day old eyeliner either?
No. 912390
File: 1680016426646.jpg (12.88 KB, 295x445, abb60d5cb3df67c8e0d48928ac9e03…)

>>912241>>912373The way she pulls her mouth down to fake a bigger upper lip makes her look like de niro when he does this thing with his face like in picrel
No. 912406
>>912241Why those ridiculous re-enactments and why the scene from gone girl?
We know she only watches kids targeted cartoons and movies.
It's clear she didn't get what the scene is about. She thinks is about a cool girl cutting and dying her hair in the bathroom, girly style, when the scene and movie is really dark and sad.
It's about
a woman faking her own death to blame it on her husband and goes as far as harming herself really bad.
Won't go into details to not spoil. Ffs Lille is so dumb and ruins every scene her stupid mind picks.
No. 912486
File: 1680111019146.png (3.76 MB, 1280x1920, ljtummy.png)

>>912406Agreed, she had no idea what the topic was, and so yet again she announced her lack of sophistication with a bullhorn.
She also tried to squeeze a chunky sweater into leggings this week. She's not doing well.
No. 912492
>>912486That color sweater on her pale skin does her no favors. Her teeth are so yellow, and that lip color doesn't work on her either. She needs to bleach those nubs.
Positive: it looks like her hair has been washed.
No. 912514
File: 1680167993906.png (1.68 MB, 1535x764, sweatertuck.png)

>>912486She's attempting to recreate this and is failing horribly.
No. 912588
File: 1680269901069.jpeg (191.42 KB, 828x1261, 4ABF759F-4884-445C-A738-5515C6…)

Laur’s been spamming her ig stories with posts about Neil D’Monte’s (he’s the beanie guy from one of LJ Talks episodes) shitty clothing brand and also some other artist (picrel).
Imo they both believe that these “connections” will jumpstart Lillee’s career as an actor, hence the acting reels and her new shitty acting show.
No. 912605
File: 1680282991653.jpeg (125.68 KB, 1170x1803, 2B6C5B25-5F3B-4E8B-BC24-EF26A3…)

>all rights reserved
you can’t copyright something you stole from a movie, which was based off a book kek
No. 912630
>>912605>So Lillo Quistay in school kids
how do neither of them know how to spell Soliloquy? In the age of spellcheck and everythig
No. 912637
File: 1680314063275.jpeg (183.96 KB, 1170x1769, 46B62B57-AA0E-4CF6-82D0-454C8F…)

So-Lillee-Quy would at least make sense as Lillee makes herself the center of everything. She added a question mark to the end on some posts which makes me think she’s trying to use French but it translates to so lillo who? Does she think Lillo is a fancy French spelling of Lillee?
No. 912716
>>912695I… I just… what would make 21 year old Lillee think performing Norma Desmond's final scene from Sunset Boulevard as though Norma was a sexy young vamp was a good idea? This is a genuinely bizarre take on this scene and I have to believe that much like Gone Girl, she hasn't seen the movie and has no idea of the context of the lines she's reciting.
Unless this is very subtle shade she's throwing at her mom, a 50something woman well past her prime (whatever constitutes "prime" for Laur) who has gone completely delusional & insane due to isolation and loneliness
No. 912743
File: 1680523386629.jpeg (193.78 KB, 1170x1640, 15844A86-8AD3-4A3D-9DD6-7EBBC0…)

Lillee tried to define acting using random words from a thesaurus
No. 912744
File: 1680523791115.png (46.9 KB, 412x263, IP -

>>912743>being in the presence of an eerie "star"She really missed the mark here because she acts like this in all of her acting videos.
You know she thinks having that wig cover half of her face is sexy. To me it looks like she's about to have some hair as a meal.
No. 912755
>>912716I don't think Lillee even really knows how to be subtle. It was probably her mom's idea and her Laur wanted her to do it just because it's a famous scene, context be damned.
Lillee at least has the deranged facial expressions down.
No. 912757
>>912755This totally has Laur's greasy fingerprints all over it. No way Lillee would have heard of this film or scene.
>eerie "star"If this was her only takeaway from this complex character, the pool of aspiring, talented, versatile, educated, skilled, hard-working, unknown actresses is too large for anyone to consider working with her. All of this just amounts to some unfortunate, lonely adult woman who wants to play dress up pretend and record it to fulfill her and her mother's delusions of grandeur.
No. 912851
>>912695She says "I'm too happy" while looking angry. Great acting Lilz.
And did she… pre-recorded her voice bc too lazy to memorize the lines??
No. 912855
>>912743ChatGPT can write better English than the attic gang.
The video is hilarious though. Lillee should make parody videos.
No. 912888
File: 1680721175942.jpeg (325.77 KB, 1080x1920, 7A4B45ED-935D-48DA-8A99-88E26A…)

I made this but I’m legit surprised that Lillee isn’t doing anything Barbie-related right now. The goblins are consistently out of touch with modern culture
No. 912959
File: 1680874971339.jpeg (255.06 KB, 1242x2208, 8158250F-97A8-4C5B-BAFA-B636E5…)

>>912888She saw this post and posted picrel on her stories kek
No. 912960
File: 1680877453727.jpg (283.14 KB, 1080x1920, barbie.jpg)

>>912959>>912888made my own, wasn't sure what to do as the tagline
No. 912961
File: 1680877851881.jpg (258.86 KB, 1080x1920, barbie.jpg)

just havin a bit of fun now
No. 912972
File: 1680899048646.jpeg (189.33 KB, 1080x1920, E3E7BA52-AA55-4699-A212-70004A…)

>>912961 But I’m a MODEL!!!!
No. 912984
Laur is fat and I would not have sex with her.
No. 913001
File: 1680985583947.jpeg (67.7 KB, 740x1048, D99815AB-F4EC-40EF-B9D1-1E4DB0…)

God her face is so fucking crooked
No. 913016
File: 1681081618176.jpeg (118.59 KB, 828x1411, 4B122E5A-88F7-4A5F-B272-174CAE…)

I think she’s getting Laur’s hairline
No. 913038
File: 1681135340952.jpeg (23.99 KB, 684x299, 47ACBFD9-B7FE-4843-A359-7F7EDB…)

Laur’s civil case from 2017 got recently reopened and she’s got a court date on June 1st. Does anyone know why an old case like this would get reopened?
No. 913107
File: 1681243891562.jpeg (185.1 KB, 1242x2208, A548D500-28DE-4E74-942D-6C95FD…)

No. 913116
File: 1681261310812.jpeg (24.66 KB, 630x423, 11AF1A61-CE9F-4E91-BF16-9EC54E…)

>>913107Her bite is absolutely fucked. How do you even fix this?
No. 913117
File: 1681261571433.png (8.73 KB, 224x225, A5020F82-277E-40EB-8B45-02C8BB…)

Joker Mouth
No. 913155
File: 1681341332009.jpeg (61.36 KB, 828x962, IMG_7504.jpeg)

>>913147She still owes the government almost $17k
No. 913214
File: 1681436834531.png (Spoiler Image,185.86 KB, 554x860, jelly.png)

>>913212Oh please oh please oh please
(autism) No. 913216
File: 1681438566451.jpeg (177.54 KB, 1248x1683, 290E30D1-69AA-4ABD-AC5E-4DAA99…)

>>913155Laur the actress has updated her IMDB page.
No. 913217
>>913216damn her vision must be getting bad if she thinks that looks like she hasnt run her face under a beauty filter from 2011.
All that editing and she still couldnt edit out the 5head kek
No. 913242
File: 1681484772859.jpeg (9.7 KB, 250x204, B108C0FA-62FE-4349-8A2D-E9C6E4…)

>>913235Yeah filtered to hell and back, BUT I’ve gotta say she was probably prettier in her day than her kid could ever be. Damn she looks like Earl.
No. 913263
File: 1681515112679.jpeg (26.76 KB, 828x460, IMG_7531.jpeg)

>>913261This was my favorite part
No. 913272
>>913263Still can't wear the damn wig properly. How lazy is she?
She's so inarticulate I barely understand what she's mumbling, even for the famous quotes.
>>913262Those videos are still confusing af. What is she expecting from that? No producers is going to show up and all whatever that is, is not festival material worth.
No. 913371
File: 1681827378807.jpeg (130.08 KB, 828x1180, IMG_7551.jpeg)

It’s Lillee’s birthday!
No. 913373
File: 1681827434658.jpeg (307.34 KB, 828x1249, IMG_7553.jpeg)

No. 913374
File: 1681827484269.jpeg (263.67 KB, 828x1508, IMG_7555.jpeg)

No. 913401
>>913286She takes critique as an attack. Laur did her a real disservice by teaching her anything short of absolute praise and adoration was bullying.
>>913304Reading between the lines I've always tinfoiled that part of why she hated school so much and Laur took her out was she couldn't deal with her jealousy of the other girls in her class. She calls it bullying but we've seen the way she looks at other more successful women on Talks, she can't stand it.
No. 913406
>>913371Her hair is now…red?
>>913308LJ wishes she looked and acted like Mia Goth. As for the Pearl character
a serial killer is million times more likable than LJ.>>913371
No. 913446
We know lj is stunted and delusional but surely she can see something isn't normal, right?
If I remember correctly, when she turned 19 she did the infamous live b-day and showed all the presents pheepy (laur) bought.
Then she did nothing on the 20th, the 21st, 22nd. A party is out of question, she doesn't have friends or other family than laur and freezer-earl.
Still she does nothing, not even buying presents or going out to eat or anything special idk.
That's so sad seriously.
No. 913461
>>913446>surely she can see something isn't normal, right?I don't think she can right now. She's too immature to realize it. Her emotional age is more like 13-14. Laur didn't let her mature and find her own identity once she was pulled out of school.
If she's learned anything, she's learned not to say dumb shit like it's OK for adults to date minors as long as they have the child's parents' permission. She (Laur) learned a hard lesson in that. I think for the most part, they learned not to espouse their bigoted, small minded hate on public channels for people to see. Not because they think it's wrong but because it won't get her brand deals. So now everything is behind a paywall, except they also know that putting 100% of their content there will get no viewing so they still put out clips here and there. None of it is going to have Hollywood producers knocking their door down to sign Lillee.
Going back to the question, no, she can't see that something isn't normal, at least not right now. But even Lillee can learn something, although it will take time. It's just sad that it will take a lot of time, and it could be too late. I'm thinking at least 10 more years. She might look around in her late 30s, when Laur isn't as mobile and the scams and money have run dry, and realize that this isn't going anywhere. To earn a paycheck she will finally have to get a job, but she'll do what Laur does and pad her resume with all kinds of bs. Some lazy recruiter will end up hiring her but she won't last very long because she can't do the work she was hired for, but rather than get fired, resign so she can say something like, that place wasn't good enough for me so I left. To digress a bit, I have seen many applicants who do that and they go from job to job, never getting promoted and their resumes show 9 months here, 3 months there, never one full year anywhere. And that's a red flag.
Thank you for indulging my bit of armchairing.
No. 913496
File: 1682085597239.png (280.04 KB, 828x2792, plgct.png)

No. 913532
There is an intense argument between
the editor of a paper and an employee. Roxie Capri is devoted to making this life the best it can be, in contrast to Florence Kleinfeld, her superior. A dramatic tone is used to finalize the working relationship between the two women in this short picture. Both need
each other, in the end.
That dumbass accidentally posted her complete script for Miss Roxie on her website under the Halloween section. I hope this doesn’t violate any copyrights but here it is.
Miss Roxie, by Lillee Jean Trueman
Written by Lillee Jean
Produced by Lillee Jean
Dialogue by Lillee Jean
Idea Concepted, Fully by Lillee Jean
Miss Roxie: Miss Kleinfeld, I am an employee of this newspaper, and a Damn Good One. I am Devoted to making this life, as best as Can Be…
Miss Kleinfeld (Boss): Miss Roxie, I am your boss here at the news paper.
Miss Roxie: As much as we disagree on the future of this news paper because I want it to go digitalé and you want to remain a news paper like the New York Times is a newspaper and a digital website is something like and the FBI, as much as that is true, You should know that I have a Terminal form of Brian disease (uncurable by MDs) and I may get very very very, sick from THIS UNCURABLE VIRUS.
Miss Kleinfeld (newspaper boss, worked hard to get where she is in life - doesn’t like websites): OH MY GOD Roxie I had no idea you were going to be dead. This is a very dramatic tone change used to finalize the working relationship between us Women. When are you going to be finalized with the disease?
Miss Roxie: May 10th but actually that is a HIPAA violation to ask and you will hear from my lawyers
Miss Kleinfeld: OH MY GOD Roxie I am so sorry can we make a website and go into the digital age for me to say sorry?
Roxie: yes and I was bullied in school and on line but I made lemonade from lemons
Written by Lillee Jean
Makeup for Movie by Lillee Jean
Actors played by Lillee Jean
Special thanks for Lillee Jean and Laur Trueman and I was bullied in school and so I left and now I’m 22 and successfull by Lillee Jean(namefagging)
No. 913533
File: 1682141453085.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.91 KB, 600x400, depositphotos_597693056-stock-…)

>>913496I always think her eyes are so blank and vacant. They lack warmth and sparkle. Besides her holding her eyes so wide open and having no intelligence behind them, the lighting definitely doesn't help. Makes her look like she has lizard eyes.
No. 913576
>>913532This one
>>906699 that you did was funnier, I just remembered "Bim Taj Mohel" which killed me at the time
No. 913670
File: 1682472401537.jpeg (61.11 KB, 1170x752, 2DBFEB67-8523-4CC1-B6DA-DA8F0A…)

Laur’s all over the comments with her sock accounts
No. 913681
>>913671Lillee has always been a tool for Laur. Like the 'prop' biz or #justice4brenda, she has always used anything she could to try to claw her way to fame and adoration.
She can't let Lillee fade into obscurity because it's the closest to 'fame' she's ever gotten to, even if it was infamy.
And honestly it is sad. What else can Laur take from her daughter? She's dragged her name through the mud, she's left her emotionally and socially stunted and afraid of the world, and I'm sure she's already taken out loans in her name.
No. 913690
File: 1682508483627.jpeg (68.61 KB, 1170x559, C00733E6-104F-4553-B130-42558E…)

>>913668>Hi LJB Beauty Looks like Laur can’t file copyright claims from any of their legitimate accounts. And she wonders why YouTube doesn’t take them serious
No. 913692
File: 1682511873128.jpeg (112.78 KB, 1170x1275, 0B8FD0EB-7878-46A0-B774-60F76B…)

>>913670there’s comments from the same sock account on Sunny’s video too kek. I wonder if Lillee even knows Laur is doing this or if she found out from the video
No. 913695
>>913692Same - I've wondered for a log time if Lillee knows ANYTHING of what Laur gets up to, both positive and negative. Like, did Lillee really not know that the Cover Girl thing wasn't a modeling job?
Laur came after me the other night with a dozen messages at 3am. Her manic periods seem to come almost predictably 3 months apart. Curtis landed on a manic week.
No. 913705
File: 1682530512035.jpeg (44.69 KB, 828x782, IMG_7630.jpeg)

Laur is mad about the new video. She posted this on her ig stories
No. 913712
>>913695>>913705Aw shit. Here we go again. Is she going to post pictures of buildings with vague threats again? Will someone get cops on her front door because of wellness check or will Laur go straight to swatting this time.
Fucking Laur. Take a shower and go to bed. Start applying for jobs in the morning. These youtubers don't know Laur is behind all those fraudulent copyright strikes and disturbing messages. So they take it out on Lillee. G8 job throwing your daughter under the bus.
No. 913730
>>913718That day in the life video is still on her IMDB page under the category of “reality tv” yet it’s deleted, lol.
She also has Bullyish listed but the link to it is dead.
Such a professional.
No. 913770
File: 1682678727145.jpeg (30.57 KB, 1170x624, 7A94BD8F-C64C-4520-BA1B-E55A5D…)

From her latest instagram post. Saged because it’s not milk, but it made me laugh.
No. 913773
File: 1682686886464.jpeg (75.93 KB, 1170x654, EC2A0CB3-D550-4E73-8162-59C988…)

>29 other content creators for their selfie promotion
they changed their story about the cover girl billboard again
No. 913842
File: 1682835001922.jpg (11.67 KB, 382x116, huh.jpg)

>>913668In the comments just now. What does she mean?
No. 913844
>>913842a convicted felon has a warrant out for her arrest, but messaged the YouTuber while running from said warrant
(i didn't watch the video)
it could be wholly unrelated to our subject at hand but instead a reference to another video, and the commenter was just commenting on a new vid in hopes for an answer
No. 913847
>>913787Pre-recorded voice again. Adds to the uncanny valley.
Lip-sync is so bad.
Is she even capable of learning by heart more than some few words?
No. 913850
File: 1682856726561.jpeg (64.54 KB, 1170x567, 25D2BEF6-4A44-4917-BF8F-E09934…)

>>913844It’s Laur and she’s accusing someone of violating their probation by posting online.
No. 913866
>>913847 I could be wholly wrong, but tbh I think it was recorded normally and then she purposely unsynced the sound because she read here that in an earlier video she couldn't be bothered to memorize the lines. This is her sad passive aggressive infecund way of "sticking it".
>>913849This might be a nitpick but that was a weird awkward ending. The fraction of a second before the cut, rather than holding it in character, she suddenly spins and looks about to ask Laur, "How was that?"
No. 913868
>>913866Damn, you have faith anon. I don't think the bad lip-sync is on purpose at all.
If she would be any smart, she would just wrote/print (bc we know she barely can write) the lines on a paper and Laur would hold it outside the camera field kek.
Or she could cut every two sentences to memorize the following lines. Those facecam are awful anyway.
I mean, that's so few lines to remember.
>If only I could have a guardian angel telling me what to do Well it's all here LJ.
No. 913869
>>913841Same reason she never got her art classes, let her drop out of school, and paid for all of her 'red carpet' moments and faked her career.
She takes criticism as an attack. As criticism is part of training in any field, she won't subject Lillee to any formal training or education ever.
No. 913932
File: 1683036926912.jpeg (224.27 KB, 1170x1634, IMG_2638.jpeg)

the watermark is sending me. hoping this is a bad hairpiece and Lillee didn’t give herself chunky 90s highlights
No. 913940
File: 1683039599556.jpeg (67.64 KB, 828x467, IMG_7691.jpeg)

>>913929Laur finally got a credit
No. 913942
File: 1683040364846.png (2.08 MB, 828x2643, plgct.png)

>>913940If I were Lillee, I’d fire my cinematographer for filming in the daytime with daylight beaming in the background. I’d also fire the prop master for using these kinds of props on a set of a fancy office
No. 913946
File: 1683044871266.jpeg (81.83 KB, 1170x619, IMG_2642.jpeg)

she’s approximately two and a half wine bottles tall
No. 913961
File: 1683057313293.webm (10.79 MB, 1280x720, lillee_jean_miss_roxie.webm)
>>913929We need a local archive of this masterpiece. Lillee says the F-word! This is a story about their mother-daughter relationship, right?
No. 913963
>>913961It's so sad to see a grown woman playing imaginary "office" with her mommy. And all mommy could be bothered to do was put out a crap wine bottle and a plastic horse for props?
Evidently Laur also taught her that it's ok to have a total psycho meltdown at your secretary job if they don't appreciate your color coding, oh my god…she's so stupiddddddddddddd
The lack of schooling only shows more with age.
No. 913989
>>913961Seems it's the exact room of the Malvie pictures.
Things look packed with many carton boxes. Laur had to do a lot of cleaning I'm sure.
>This is a story about their mother-daughter relationship, right?That's interesting as my first thought was: why so much yelling? Are the neighbors all gone?
No. 914032
File: 1683291815664.jpeg (89.69 KB, 1170x921, IMG_2654.jpeg)

They uploaded a bunch of minute clips to Lillee Jean Production’s YouTube channel yesterday. These look like powerpoint presentations.
No. 914208
File: 1683653255519.png (133.78 KB, 828x1931, plgct.png)

Lillee is no longer a beauty guru
No. 914229
>>914228What's the point of making these skits (sorry, short films) if she's hiding them behind a paywall that no one is paying to get through though? Her and Laur blocked pretty much everyone from even visiting her site anyway.
Are they trying to make it LOOK like she produces content in the hopes they can keep grifting random goodies off companies that only give people a glance over?
No. 914262
>>914252I've been thinking about this too. Has she even seen the movies? Maybe the goblins are trying a new strategy to keep people interested by making them guess what's going on, like #FreeBritney.
>>914259I doubt that. Youtube doesn't monetize that type of content. Mocking Lillees short films is like bullying a special needs person. She is not promoting any products in them. What is there to call out?
No. 914270
File: 1683817891005.jpeg (111.89 KB, 1170x660, IMG_2758.jpeg)

>>914264>our girl Reallilleejean looked stunning #metgala2019 >nowhere here, does it say, Lillee Jean went to the met gala the screenshot literally says Lillee Jean looked stunning at the met gala
No. 914274
>>914270"Fan edit" = Laur editing LJ into the Met Gala to make it look like LJ went to the Met Gala.
They really do hate it when their lies get called out.
No. 914289
>>914264Holy shit the editing is hilarious, all this fucking text flashing by so fast you need to pause to read everything, then ending with an extended hold on "She became a filmmaker" with LJ flailing her arms with no sound for what feels like half an hour (but is probably just 30 seconds, still way too long)
Protip Laur and LJ: if you don't want to use either of your own voices for a voiceover narration and are too cheap to hire someone else, there are free online robovoices you can use, and some of them sound practically human! That way you don't need to put text over fucking text in what is meant to be a visual medium.
No. 914296
File: 1683859287584.jpeg (410.28 KB, 2048x2048, BE95BCC9-9024-4D5E-8A9E-F5F478…)

>>914264>who later would be found out to be content farms Who found out? No one other than Laur is saying this about Primink or Sunny. Their proof Mark Cuban is running content farms targeting them is one Reddit comment about the billboard, something Lillee wrote for her blog and video tags? Also noticed the title is suspiciously close to Curtis Price’s previous video “the influencer who faked her own life has returned”. For sure Laur’s going to try some copyright nonsense.
No. 914324
File: 1683999581942.jpeg (57.66 KB, 1170x653, IMG_2816.jpeg)

Curtis Price is doing another video. Laur’s right about these drama channels being predictable
No. 914333
>>914264They use that image of her with the deadest of dead eyes and then gets upset when we call her "dead eyes".
Also when Primink has 10 million+ views why does she fixate on old ladies with no internet reach tweeting about them instead? Even Curtis is nothing view-wise to Primink.
No. 914349
>>914334Laur be screeching about content farms yet this video looks like it was made by bots. Kek.
>>914339Lillee doesn't have anything to put on her CV. At least the call outs can't accuse her of lying this time.
No. 914357
>>914354It is though. For example I'm Mizrahim Jewish, I no longer practice the religion, but this is what's in my blood, like
>>914356 said it's literally in your DNA and will be picked up by those tests. That being said, I don't believe the goblins actually have any Jewish in them. They very clearly added it in there for
victim points like her pansexuality.
No. 914365
File: 1684168178771.jpg (132.88 KB, 1080x990, ljaliens.jpg)

>>914357It's still cultural appropriation - even if her great grandfather had been a rabbi, the fact remains that SHE herself has said she prays to saints now.
This is more the speed of Lillee's theological comprehension:
No. 914368
>>914354Yes it is
>>914357Looking at Laur I have no problem believing she's got Jewish ancestry, but it doesn't matter since they're clearly not practicing Jews, and it's not like it's an accomplishment to have Jewish ancestry.
>>914365Diamond Earl was probably raised Lutheran.
No. 914370
>>914365Oh, absolutely. I doubt she's even skimmed the wikipedia entry for Judaism, let alone done anything remotely close to practising it. The only holiday she ever mentions is Hanukkah, which she's probably seen on tv and in films and equates to “Jewish Christmas”. I wish LJ would post more schizo shit like picrel though. Hell, maybe she knows aliens are real because she is one. That would explain a lot, kek.
>>914368Honestly, I have had moments of “is that Ashkenazi heritage or is Laur just ugly” but I still lean more on the side of it being bullshit. The goblins are American though, so it's not surprising they think their racial heritage is an achievement. It's average yankee behaviour.
No. 914371
File: 1684181746684.jpg (61.02 KB, 455x680, LJSpeaks.jpg)

>>914370Exactly - she thinks her ancestry is somehow "superior" to others' - she always comes off as an old racist.
And can we never forget the way she spoke to trans people?
No. 914402
>>914373Every now and then she'll post "omg remember the transphobia?!" and it's seldom on topic. Very odd behaviour. Defending troons on lolcow is like pissing in the wind.
>>914396Kek I remember the photo you're talking about, nona. You'd think they'd at least fork out a few dollars for a cheap menorah to help the LARP but nah, just slap an IG sticker on a photo of a Christmas tree.
No. 914437
File: 1684321236669.jpeg (90.46 KB, 1170x660, IMG_2838.jpeg)

what is jewtubia? I can’t find anything online about it
No. 914553
>>914538I hate this annoying sheep shagger. Him and all the other YouTubers who do videos on the goblins are giving them exactly what they want - attention and fuel for their
victim complex.
No. 914597
File: 1684689509119.webm (8.91 MB, 640x356, Roxie.webm)
>>914590Local archive.
Wtf is this thing? A comedy film? Are you supposed to root for one of the characters? I can see neither of them has ever been employed. Kek.
No. 914599
File: 1684690332282.webm (1.98 MB, 640x356, Bloopers .webm)
>>914591Local archive.
Laur: "That was so fucking good"
Lillee: "I can't do it again. Sorry."
No. 914703
File: 1684876054529.jpg (112.25 KB, 1920x1080, ring ring.jpg)

>>914678>>914597My first time trying to transcribe, so sorry for any weirdness/mistakes, but I just hate myself enough to do this. Even my cat is looking at me repulsed rn. I included asterisks so even nonnies who want to spare themselves from watching get a hang of this, but since I'm stupid and didn't remember they turn in to cursive I deleted and used brackets instead.
>Kleinfeld: (on phone) "Yes, I know! The magazines have been on the decline for over six months now! These new trends are ridiculous!">Laur says ring ring>Kleinfeld: "Can you not see that I am on the phone!? Let her in or your job." >Kleinfeld professionaly continues screeching to the phone: "I don't understand why we're failing. This is just nonsense! We have done so much work!" (slams cup on table) "I invested so much money! Figure it out. Figure it out now!" (slams cup on table again for dramatic effect or something)>Roxie: "Mrs. Kleinfeld, hello.">Kleinfeld: (looks like she smelled a fart)>Roxie looks like she realized she farted>Kleinfeld: "I will call you back. You will tell me what's going on. You will inform me of who's doing this (poor cup gets slammed on table mid sentence). Today! Get to the bottom of this. Put it on my desk by tonight. I need to know what is going on with the magazine. This is nonsense! (looks at Roxie like she farted again) Give it to me by tonight.">Kleinfeld looking through some papers and glaring at Roxie: "This is useless!">Roxie: "Wait, what?">Kleinfeld: "You heard me. What's this color-coding nonsense!? This is a business. This is a corporation, Roxanne! This is not some high school project. Ridiculous." >Roxie: "I don't understand. I didn't do anything. I've done everything you asked for. Here are all the papers.">Kleinfeld: "You know what? I think you're the reason we're failing. I think you're sabotaging my business, my company, my corporation. Are you siphoning off contacts? What are you doing!? This is nonsense!" (slams papers)>Roxie: "I am not the reason! I have done everything for this job. I have doubled up. I have doubled down! I am not the reason. And that still isn't good enough for you? I got news for you. That is good enough for me. You're such an ungrateful, downright asshole (flailing fists)! I have asked editors for help! Did you know that (crazy eyes)!? I have gone out of my way to do things for you. And this is what you give me? Disrespect!? Disrespect on you! Disrespect on your family (professionally slams papers on shelf)! Disrespect on your fucking funny business papers (flails papers)! I have done everything! Everything! And you're blaming me!? I am done! I am done waiting for your next, 'maybe I'm going to promote her'! You are never promoting me! I am just the asshole who never realized that. You are never promoting me! I am done. I am done (slams papers) starting today I am done with your fucking papers (slaps papers)! When you can't write your next paper, think of me! Think of me! I am the heart of this paper!">Kleinfeld: (mean girls pose) "Don't let the door slam you. It's imported."End of unprofessionalism the film. "Let her in or your job" was such a bizarre line, but I am fairly sure she actually said that.
No. 914704
nonny! Even though the clip was short transcribing it felt like a small eternity. Laur's ring ring was my favourite kek. Little kids play pretend home, but adult goblins play pretend work, I guess.
No. 914732
>>914703Thanks for writing this out, I'm glad the lines I assumed I misheard from the terrible audio are actually there. "Don't let the door slam you"? lol.
Also like that Lillee forgot she was talking about a magazine by the end as it switched to "paper" instead.
No. 914789
>>914703Literally what was the point of this? Is it going to be a series, are we going to see Roxie get back at her evil boss? Like as a scene it's absolutely nothing. It's two bitches yelling and flailing at eachother.
I guess Lillee really is trying to showcase her acting and only her acting. Her script writing is even worse than her digital art was.
No. 914848
File: 1685108182657.jpg (134.79 KB, 993x613, Untitled 2 (4).jpg)

>>914844Those dancing tiktok videos and the workout on youtube (the one with her cat and in pyjamas), were absolute masterpieces.
There were those very impressive attic workout pictures and how I wish she would do more.
Laur you can screenshot my fan comment and add it to your website!
No. 914856
File: 1685117430041.jpeg (101.78 KB, 1170x880, IMG_2912.jpeg)

new video titles are in attic pidgin
No. 914858
File: 1685120310960.jpeg (10.4 KB, 250x207, F995B7EF-B009-4BCB-B1EB-B4BEC0…)

>>914857I want to take back and apologize for something I said about her before. I see the resemblance - her uncle probably WAS Walter Matthau.
No. 914905
>>914899"It's imported" ???
Laur, that hasn't been a phrase since the Victorian era. Literally everything you've bought Lillee from Shein and FashionNova is imported. That bust of George Washington in the video? Made in China. Also if you'd EVER had a job, you'd know that the manager of an office isn't the head of the corporation, didn't build the office building, and the switch from paper files to digital happened about 40 years ago. Jesus, I just can't with Laur.
No. 914930
>>914895I think you're onto something with the make believe comment.
Laurs MO has always been throwing shit, see what sticks. She's always desired fame and attention (and free shit) but I think it's a little different for Lillee.
It's all basically maladaptive daydreaming for her.
We know she barely showed up for school in middle school and was completely isolated by highschool. No friends, no real family aside from her mom and dad. Not soon after was when she started roleplaying the life of a model and influencer. She went ham on the fan accounts and ham on her 'friends' like James Dee, Mario, Pheepy, and of course Shaniqua and all their messy interpersonal drama.
It was literally her playing dolls. It was how she learned to cope with her life. By imagining this 2003 era disney channel show version of a starlets life and roleplaying that fantasy out online.
While skills and results vary, lillee HAS put in a lot of effort into producing content. I don't mean the content was high effort but for a while she was making different look videos multiple days a week. Doing the makeup, filming, editing. Part of it was probably what Laur sought: throwing spaghetti and seeing what stuck or what free shit they could get. But I think the bigger part of her liked to truly imagine she was this successful influencer/ceo/model/youtuber. It gave her meaning and something to do, and if you have zero friends, zero plans for the future, zero prospects….
It makes sense she keeps making content, even if she's blocked everyone from her insta, from her site, even if all of her videos are hidden behind a paywall on a site that she's blocked anyone from visiting.
She doesn't have anything else to do but daydream.
No. 915005
File: 1685383395687.jpeg (166.46 KB, 1170x1509, IMG_2980.jpeg)

>>914990Scarlet Witch cosplay from Feb 2022
No. 915106
File: 1685640613792.jpg (56.21 KB, 564x846, 0c88867be90571b9a969dc6facfe89…)

"Over Memorial Day Weekend, Lillee Jean was spotted in Manhattan sporting a trendy and casual look. Her red hair flowed freely as she donned a light purple top (ABERCROMBIE), light blue jeans (EXPRESS), and nude sandals (MADDEN), paired with a simple blue crossbody clutch (COACH). The multi-talented filmmaker, model, and actress added a touch of elegance with a pearl drop necklace, pearl earrings, and pearl bracelet. "
No. 915121
>>915114Nah man, she's aware. It's deleted now but in her old day in the life vlog, right after uploading a new video to youtube she gets a comment. She's surprised and Laur says 'that was me' and Lil says 'wow, you pulled that out of your ass'.
I think as a form of coping, Lillee became severely invested in maladaptive daydreaming. She got pulled out of school at what, 14-15? She only had Laur and Earl and rarely left the house. All she had was this imagined promise of what her life was going to be one day when she made it big.
Over the years it sort of spiraled from there. It's half her roleplaying and acting out this fantasy, and half riding along this sinking ship Laur promised her would sail them to Fame and Adoration island.
But honestly, what motivation is there for Lillee to stop now? The longest she's ever been away from Laur for a moment was likely when she would go to school back as a 14 year old. The world is scary and confusing and she can barely take polite criticism, let alone all the heckling and trolling she's gotten online. Why not just stay at home and imagine life how she wants it?
No. 915173
>>915106Has Lillee literally EVER worn a crossbody bag as, you know, a crossbody bag?
Also normal women don't act that excited when their mom's taking to a parking garage.
No. 915190
>>915107that's all they can afford right now and all of these brands are easily accessible at any somewhat decent suburban mall. can you imagine them trying to go shopping in bloomingdale's?
>>915189yup, they are totally riffing off a daily fail/people magazine script. as if anyone would be stupid enough to believe she has an editor writing for her.
No. 915192
>>915189For sure, they've written like this for years. At least she's not doing the super embarrassing poses like she just got caught by the pap.
>>915190I honestly don't even see them shopping in person unless they were using the mall as a photo op.
No. 915282
>>915274I can’t find any details but Laur has retained a lawyer for her bankruptcy case:’m guessing even Laur’s profound knowledge of law can’t get her out of this pickle
No. 915304
File: 1686155174438.png (293.18 KB, 1068x1293, simoens choice.png)

Lillee's landed a super legitimate high profile modeling gig yall
No. 915305
>>915304A lady in New Jersey’s Shopify page, lol
Laur’s so bad at momagering.
No. 915333
File: 1686184604812.png (28.73 KB, 893x662, Screen Shot 2023-06-07 at 8.37…)

>>915304Did Laur write this?
No. 915343
File: 1686222026240.jpg (261.95 KB, 1171x1462, attic business academy.jpg)

>>915333They have a 4 weeks shipping times, which is the typical useless website dropshipping from China.
So it seems they have the same business goblin skills.
You can find their items on many other websites for less money (one on an islamic website so keks).
The email of the owner is an hotmail adress one google search away from some condos renting/buying in New Jersey.
No. 915398
File: 1686294668927.jpg (80.02 KB, 564x1002, powers.jpg)

>>915343"Lillee Jean, a talented actress, and filmmaker, recently performed a new monologue on her show So Lillo Qui. In the monologue, titled "Powers", Lillee Jean's character expresses her belief that those with special powers should use them for good. Throughout the piece, she shows frustration and confusion toward a friend who refuses to explore their own powers. Despite her annoyance, she acknowledges that there is a positive side to having abilities. This original monologue was written by Lillee…"
No. 915447
New 'article'"I am done with the influencer/beauty guru period of my life. I want to continue to be a director and tell the tales I want to see, as well as a performer, which is tremendously gratifying. I don’t want to be stuck behind a computer screen making content daily. I am not a YouTuber, nor an Instagram model..what kind of future life is that? "
No. 915483
>>915447So, she is not a CEO anymore?
>The acting and theater communities drive you to be your best, and unleash an exciting fire for me. Which communities is she talking about? She has 0 interaction besides Laur.
>I have several acting auditions lined up, too, which is so amazing!Yes Lillee, we all believe that. May be post a picture of it (preferably not one that is already on Dreamstime).
No. 915507
>>915493From what I recall from previous threads, the ONLY other auditions she had 'lined up' she did not go to. There were only two, too, and one Laur paid for her to participate in.
I seriously don't believe Lillee will participate in anything 'acting' related unless she's written it herself or it's one of those pay to participate scams. And considering she couldn't even show up to the last ones, I'm thinking even those are slim.
No. 915508
New article."Lillee Jean has made the decision to move on from being an influencer for a number of reasons, one of which is the lack of creativity involved in this type of career. As an influencer or beauty guru, Lillee Jean felt that she was constantly churning out alike content, focusing on makeup tutorials, skincare routines, and product reviews. While these types of videos can be helpful to viewers, they did not provide much room for creativity, originality, or profit."
Someone should tell her not to expect much profit from acting….
No. 915547
>>915513>pirated and stolenAttic academy strikes again. What do they think pirated means in this context? Is someone torrenting Lillee's videos? Kek.
"Being on the internet makes you relatable, and people develop parasocial relationships with you. They think they own you. They think they made you. The truth is, that was the absolute worst time in my life. Grown adults creating gossip, rumors, and lies about a teenager. "
Didn't she start influencing right after dropping out of school? So the time she spent at home with mommy dearest was the absolute worst time in her life. That's depressing.
No. 915549
File: 1686605066149.png (40.46 KB, 825x157, 23.png)

>>915514Why is Laur suddenly saying Lillee is 23?
No. 915578
File: 1686687760400.png (18.1 KB, 930x581, 5E22480A-8050-414F-A9F4-E09BCB…)

>>915563Her “education” - found on her page
No. 915581
File: 1686693507567.jpg (154.89 KB, 1200x900, DwHeqXuXcAAGlHQ.jpg)

>>915575i knew carmelita spats reminded me of someone
No. 915587
File: 1686695268422.webm (6.59 MB, 1280x720, lillee_jean_so_lillo_qui1.9pow…)
>>915398New episode 1.9 Powers.
Is this supposed to be from an actual movie?
>Throughout the piece, she shows frustration and confusion toward a friend who refuses to explore their own powers. I didn't catch any of that. She is just mumbling something.
No. 915589
File: 1686698844777.webm (7.38 MB, 1280x720, lillee_jean_trueman_project_bu…)
>>915275No sound this time.
Don't watch this video if you have epilepsy!Who are Ronnie, Jody, Lynn, Dee, and Jen? I like the egg pod. What did that mean again? It was some kind of threat against Laur/Lillee.
No. 915595
>>915592Nope she spelled it wrong - she’s a magnificent cow.
Has anyone heard of naming their school teachers on their resume before, like ever? Wtf
(sage your shit) No. 915607
File: 1686743254747.jpeg (33.55 KB, 388x552, RSdnM22.jpeg)

Just watched a vid on her YT and this was the suggestion for next video, top kek
No. 915622 article.
"Lillee Jean’s work has been applauded for its raw, authentic storytelling and unique attitude. Her vision and commitment to her craft have allowed her to establish herself as a rising talent in the industry."
Seems like she's backtracking a tad and focusing on herself as a 'film maker' rather than just an actor.
No. 915625
>>915587>story by Lillee JeanThere is literally no story to this, kek.
>>915589TY for the epilepsy warning, nona. Can anyone summarise this for me? Laur's Bullyish content has gave me horrible headaches before. Who knows, maybe the goblins really are l33t haxx0rs who have our identities and she's trying to kill me by putting out videos that will
trigger a seizure, kek.
No. 915639
File: 1686867067967.png (272.07 KB, 1067x1758, Intro .png)

>>915625I'm sorry anon. I tried but it doesn't make much sense. Here is the intro. "Content farms" using same hashtags. Blah blah
No. 915640
File: 1686867215183.png (307.25 KB, 1080x1748, Voting.png)

>>915639Lillee totally registered for voting. I don't know why this is important.
No. 915641
File: 1686867317743.png (161.88 KB, 1280x720, Gang.png)

>>915640Laur wanted to name these people
No. 915642
File: 1686867517055.png (213.39 KB, 1080x1736, Cult.png)

>>915641Something about cults. I hope Laur understands that Reverse Goatse Hacks and Comic Sans MS attacks are not real.
No. 915643
File: 1686868104736.png (530.22 KB, 1066x2311, Egg.png)

>>915642And here comes the egg pod. I don't understand how this has anything to do with bullying. Egg merchandise was mentioned in the previous screenshot. So maybe this is it.
The rest of the video is screenshots of people mocking and threatening Laur and Lillee, screenshots of some legal(?) documents, screenshots from the farms questioning Lillees heritage. You know. Same old same old.
No. 915666
>>915639>Why was this video made?To laugh.
>Does it benefit the worldYes.
>What is the intent of this video?To laugh, laur, to laugh. Question 1 and 3 are the same.
>Why did this person "sleuth" for information?What?
>How do you feel after watching this?Great.
No. 915673
>>915650Yes. Laur claimed someone sent LJ the egg pod and tape, because time is up and Lillee is being silenced.
The package was actually sent to Laur. It has a customer reward tag and the following text:
"Great news, Mrs. Trueman: Your recent entry was successfully processed! We thank you for your participation in our Sweepstakes. Your loyalty is appreciated. Now, see enclosed for details about special Cash Prizes! But wait … there's more! As a way to say "thank you" for your interest in our GREAT VALUES, we've enclosed a special customer reward for customers like you! Use the
seal above to take advantage of this offer, See next page for exciting details!"
So, either someone participated in Sweepstakes using Laur's name and address, became a loyal customer, and sent Laur the reward, or Laur did it herself.
No. 915678
File: 1686933453853.png (528.57 KB, 1189x1377, glam.png)

Lillee's modeling for an Israeli brand
No. 915680
>>915678Born and raised in Israel and never heard of this brand before. Probably some new startup ran by retards who didn't think to google LJ. The hashtag of Israel is so telling though, kek. She'll be loving every minute of this, feeling like a true and honest Jew. Lillee would hate Israel if she realised that they'd used her dumpy ass for cannon fodder once she hit 18. A conscription saga would've been
so milky though…
No. 915681
>>915678Makeup looks cakey and bad even with all the facetuning.
And doesn’t Lillee know that supporting Israeli brands is in bad taste right now? I suppose beggars can’t be choosers.
No. 915701
>>915686this is different silly
nonnie. She's modelling as an ACTRESS now. It's exactly the same as modeling as a beauty guru but she now posts cringe reels and says IM AN ACTRESS now instead of uploading videos to youtube.
No. 915717
>>915678So, she's back at scamming indie lazy brands.
And technically, if she got free products, it worked.
She isn't featured on the brand's insta tho.
I'm still confused about the actress arc: she says Miss Roxie is a short movie, but she won't do anymore than the scene we already saw, is that it?
No. 915730
File: 1687026638154.png (63.53 KB, 1023x737, bystorm.png)

Armed with her experience of playing a flying monkey in middle school she's gonna take hollywood by storm gang I can't breathe
No. 915733
>>915730>…at only 22 years old…That "only" part rings a bit odd. In most cases and life in general, 22 is absolutely a young age - you can't argue that. But in the context of being a "starlet" and actress, just getting started at 22, if she is indeed going anywhere, is not young. There are many professional children who become very accomplished, or even moderately successful actors who are able to support themselves. If she had gone to drama school, just graduated, and is now embarking on a career, hey, there are many 22 year olds doing the same thing. But she didn't go to drama school. She didn't have an acting career as a child. So this "only 22" thing makes it sound like she's precociously accomplishing something extremely rare, and she's not.
No. 915753
>>915746character actors don't need to be attractive, but they do need to know how to act. They also, as
>>915752 points out, need to leave their house.
No. 915755
>>915752There's no way Lillee and Laur actually intend to go to auditions or casting calls or put legit work into this. They couldn't be assed to do that with her modeling career, her beauty guru career, her influencing career…does anyone here really think they're going to start trying now?
Nah. They're going to do what they always do: attempt to fake it until they 'make it'. Granted they've never made it before, but eh, they're just throwing spaghetti at the wall.
They're laying the groundwork now: attempting to make it look like this career is new to her because she's pivoting from a 'successful' career as an influencer, making two minute scenes and calling them short films to fluff up her resume.
From here, you can legit tell exactly what they're going to do: contact the directors and people in the film industry Lillee's had on her talk show and try to beg them for a role without needing to audition.
No. 915756
>>915755>contact the directors and people in the film industry Lillee's had on her talk show and try to beg them for a role without needing to audition.From what I recall, LJ never had anyone from the film industry as in 100% legit and successful.
She just had two guys who had minors roles way back then (still much more than she did).
But maybe I remember wrong?
It was also very obvious all of her guests were disappointed by the interviews.
I'm curious about the Hollywood thing:
>>915730 She doesn't want to leave the house but she's implying she'll go to Hollywood? Or is she saying Hollywood will come at her? kek
No. 915786
>>915770Laur's understanding of show business is extremely shallow. She thinks it's Lillee being fawned over, looking pretty, and wowing everyone by just being herself and the innate talent she never has to improve because it's perfect. Meanwhile, Mama Laur is behind the camera bossing everyone around, including the director and producer, then at the end of the day, counting all the cash Lillee's made and stuffs it into her bra.
Lillee isn't special enough to be an overnight star, no matter how much Laur thinks she is. Yes, there are outliers but they are just that - extremely rare cases where luck, talent, personality, timing, everything aligns. They have none that. Nothing will happen by sitting at home hiding from real world human interaction.
The problem is that the Truemans want Lillee to be a "starlet". If that's the goal, that will never happen. If Laur taught her daughter to have a tough skin, work hard, and learn from criticism, she might have had a chance. But they don't understand the craft of acting. They have some extremely dated notion of what stardom is that probably comes from what Laur saw on tv as a girl.
No. 915842
File: 1687216278933.jpeg (230.84 KB, 1007x2001, 90441AA2-FE20-4C5E-B64F-DE8E69…)

Hey everyone, Pheepy was able to teach Lillee enough French for her to be fluent.
No. 915851
>>915842>Mary Poppingskek
Also…Yorkshire accent? I doubt she could tell a Yorkshire accent from an Australian accent. Or point to Yorkshire on a map.
No. 915864
>>915842I thought Lillee was a Disney fan? And yet she can't even spell the character's name right. It has the same energy as people who use "rEpunzel" or "Pokerhonus".
And I very highly doubt she was in a production of Mary Poppins Jr a professional actress would at least refer to the production as it's correct name on her resume. (I've never seen the stage show version btw but from what I know why would there need to be a scene with a bunch of dancing/singing umbrellas? There's only one important umbrella in the whole story that I'm aware of. My guess is Lillee so desperately wanted a role she begged the director to make one up for her so she could be on stage the same time the main character was so she could share equal stage time and pretend she was the main character.)
No. 915873
File: 1687280768810.gif (633.31 KB, 498x373, grr-angry.gif)

B..ut Anons..! She forgot all of her wonderful cosplay like the dwarves and tinkerbell!