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No. 908454
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>897986Websites: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Tiktok: (Banned)
Camversity: (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: (Inactive)
Reddit: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).
Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/92925General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/174607Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
Last Thread:
>>Her goth gurl phase already comes to an end>>Obviously bought engagement on her cosplay photos>>Boyfriend saga with lifeofozy begins. He moves in right away.>>Her boyfriend keeps making posts about being in it for the money and attention. Claims to have access to her account>>They break up but soon get back together in less than a month.>>Claims sagging skin and wide body is due to extreme weight loss, extremely low body fat and muscle gains>>Moo's attempt to appear as a skinny queen fails as her SO exposes her actual obese size via candids.>>Claims to have a 25 inch waist>>A lot of bad porn or photos that looked like they were edited in MS paint>>Elderly cat Jaeda passes away. R.I.P>>Peachymomokun account banned>>Senpai Squad and lvl up exp featuring Momo despite people not wanting her there>>Last thread ends with both Moo and Ozy flinging shit at how the relationship ended. It was revealed both were verbally and perhaps physically abusive to each other. Both were texting their ex. Both were obviously not in it for love. A lot of speculation is up in the air. A match made in narc heaven. More relationship drama to come. No. 908458
In the last thread wasn't it proven that he owed his "ex" thousands of dollars?
I find this funny because didn't another anon speculate he was with another attractive OF thot and was just using Moo for the money and clout? Since he has no income of his own you know he was using Moo's money to pay the other woman. Ouch
>>908457 you're right
I hope anons who were transcribing this has some of his posts before he ran off
He's so sketch
No. 908465
File: 1674781611588.jpg (292.88 KB, 940x613, momoscats.jpg)

finally a new thread.
She's already replaced jaeda with two new cats.
One of them has a heart murmur (which i swear one of her other cats has/had) and hyper thyroid, while the other is, rather fittingly, fat.
Also got me thinking, we haven't seen any mention of either the lizard or snake she had
No. 908472
File: 1674784952193.jpeg (701.51 KB, 2971x3264, 2DFC88CE-4E7F-45F4-9C80-942E20…)

She couldn’t edit out that weird yellow stain on her skin? lol I added the reference she put in since it shows she’s incapable of portraying Pochaco’s personality correctly at all, after all these years doing the same character. The only emotion she knows is boredom.
I’m currently capping her unhinged rants on Twitter and man… it’s really hard trying to decipher her cunty gibberish. There’s a lot so I’ll be saging the posts.
No. 908474
File: 1674785706456.jpeg (840.72 KB, 1287x1871, F762E030-8C13-437B-A9DB-D9D8E2…)

Moo, you literally run from anyone that confronts you in person, gtfo.
No. 908475
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I’m not really posting these in order because it’s all over the place but I think the start of all this is because her friend Mimsy (Amber) was exposed for some shit.
No. 908476
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No. 908477
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No. 908478
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No. 908479
File: 1674787220533.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2271x3264, E8634267-14EA-4B43-8B92-C483FE…)

If any other anons wanna scavenge her Twitter threads, please do. I’m getting brain rot from reading it.
No. 908480
File: 1674787332870.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2522x3264, 40AC187B-0F07-4BCB-BF15-95B3A2…)

And finally just some random bullshit. God she really is just a stunted 16 year old in a 40-something’s body.
No. 908481
This thread is proving to be milky as hell
Though it's telling how bothered Moo is. She was outed as a predator and she's still mad years later. But watch her defend her "friends" till the end of days. They're only bullies if they personally cross her. It's basically what Moo is saying. What a narc
>>908479You're doing gods work
Moo is only acting this way because she thinks she's invisible because her money doesn't come from the cos community or women. It comes from disgusting scrotes who jack it to porn. She just wanna feel superior to other sex workers by claiming it's cosplay. Even the photo studio she sank a huge part of her income into didn't get her foot back in. And sucking literal dick for SS doesn't count
No. 908484
>>908455Ty for your efforts, nona
>>908465>I grieved for months watching the cancer spreadI feel like this is the first time she mentioned Jaeda having cancer and receiving chemo (outside of Ozy mentioning it in his stream in the previous thread). Maybe it was mentioned in passing and never brought up again because it was upsetting to her. Then again, she only brings up her numerous animals when we talk about them first.
No. 908485
>>908484I think she did a few years ago when her other cat was sick. But instead of taking the cats to the vet she dumped them at that wolf sanctuary while she went on vacation (She hasn't been back since)
But there has been zero news of Moo taking that cat to treatments, giving them any pills or drips, nothing
The fact that she went cat shopping the next day is kind of telling. Even she states she doesn't want to morn and "continue the love"
which is just ignoring her cats and letting others care for them
No. 908498
File: 1674793525879.png (51.68 KB, 754x402, absolute trash.png)

>>908480Imagine admitting to amending taxes so that you don't have to pay taxes by making it look like missing donations were just oopsies and not because you're trying to scam out of paying your share of taxes.
No. 908500
>>908499Any larp is better than admitting she's morbidly obese
It's whatever fits her narrative of the day. She's going to delete this rant and go back to being a white witch who will post a random quote from a self help book and say she's a being of love and light. It's a cycle.
Moo's true identity can only be described as "Eric Cartman"
No. 908509
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>>908477so moo is going to continue supporting mimsy after this?
No. 908512
>>908458He owed his ex's DAD thousands. This is his claim as to why he couldn't cut her off socially.
Completely ignoring how divorced parents can share custody of a child and never contact eachother directly. But his snaggletoof ass can't transfer funds without having her digits? Venmo? Paypal? A check in the mail?
I for one am more interested in which ex moo is talking to. The way she acts like a sugarmama is hilarious. Just imagine if she did move to Japan. She'd be poor for all she would be spending to keep hosts telling her she's not fat.
No. 908514
>>908484the only thing u can’t say about her is that she didn’t love her cats, that’s her ONLY redeeming quality.
though getting new cats immediately after she (jaeda) died is cold blooded in my opinion.
No. 908522
>>908514She can claim to love her cats as much as she wants but she has constantly put them in harms way and done things that are known to mess with cat's health.
>Last time she bought new cats she admitted to not quarantining them nor giving them a proper time to adjust>when she would make her garbage cosplays still she showed that she would have the cats around glues with toxic fumes and other things that are dangerous for cats>Now immediately replacing a cat with new ones, which is almost sus to me cause is it really that easy to adopt cats with needs? I thought there's usually a pretty long process to prove that you can be accountable for any emergencies the cat may have. How is she going to do that when she's back to waddling around cons?If they were normal or younger cats I wouldnt complain about it but there's a heightened level of responsibility you need to have, especially if you go out of your way to adopt older cats with health issues.
Even if she 'loves' them as much as her shriveled heart can it doesnt mean that it's on par to a normal person loving a pet.
No. 908524
>>908522this. i even remember her talking about how the cats were bullying eachother and she just let them "tough it out". not all cats are the same and can tolerate others. she doesn't even seem like she interacts with them much and probably thinks they're hands off like this retard
>>908517 cats require just a much attention and care as dogs and demand more attention in fact if they're needy because they're not as obedient.
No. 908525
>>908465>a tentative motherAssuming she meant "an attentive mother" in trying to translate Moo-speak.
At least she adopted older cats instead of buying more designer breed kittens, but there's a reason they usually tell you to wait a few months or even a couple of years before "replacing" your animals who pass. Feels more like "look at how amazing and caring I am, give me attention" rather than actually caring about the cats.
>>908488Yes please, give us a Moo tax saga! I wonder how much of her wigs, make-up, bikinis, dildos, and crap for the terrible sets in her "studio" she tries to write off as business expenses (if she does her taxes at all).
No. 908531
>>908529To be fair Moo killed a bunch of snakes and lizards because she got bored of them in less than a month, bought more to prove she's a good owner, got bored and so on.
The only reason the cats are alive is because cats don't need as many needs as reptiles. That and she forces whoever lives with her to take care of them. If she has no one she dumps them at her moms place or tells her mom to come over.
Umbran is the one who feeds the cats, cleans the litter box and I'm sure was the one taking care of Jaeda. Now Moo brought in two more cats to dump on her "friend"
Yeah the cats aren't being euthanized, but it isn't fair for the people in Moo's life whenever she impulse buys an animal
No. 908534
>>908533That and Moo is an extreme over sharer
She will show the cheap cat food she buys in bulk for her cats every so often. But you don't see her buying any pinkies, meal worms or calcium for her exotic pets. And the tanks are not in her house in any of her photos when before they were out n easily noticeable.
I can agree it's a tinfoil, but a very possible one
No. 908538
>>908465>In honor of Jaeda's passing I didn't want to just sit here and grieve, so I adopted two brand new catsMoo you have like what, FIVE other cats? Couldn't you just give them more attention than adding more into the mix?
>Two senior cats that probably had previous owners and names they are used to>Renames them to fit her precious animuSuch a caring momma.
No. 908539
>>908524So I'm retarded for saying that cats are "hands off" ? I wasn't saying that you can give them 0 attention and never take care of them, but they're definitely less of a responsibility than a dog. You don't have to take them outside and many cats only give you attention when they feel like it. Are
you retarded???
No. 908548
>>908533>if you kept upI've been here since the early threads, I know what she's like.
>>908534I'm not even saying it's impossible that they died, just that we don't have any evidence that they did and anon I replied to was stating it as if it was a fact. It's something I've noticed a lot in these threads lately, anons just saying untrue or unverifiable things as if they're well established facts. We have so much tangible evidence of Mariah being a shitty person, we don't have to make stuff up about her.
No. 908550
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>>908542Ozy does not want our attention.
No. 908551
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>>908550so he's gonna be at LvL Up too?
No. 908555
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Moo is back to fighting with people on Twitter again and lying about her procedures/spreading misinformation. Doesn’t she have two brand new senior cats with disabilities to take care of?
No. 908556
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She responded to Mimsy’s apology post. I’m glad more people are getting on Moo’s flat ass but it’s not enough imo
No. 908557
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>>908555Check the website, it’s a weight loss tea
No. 908564
>>908544No, he leeches off women he dates
Why he owes his ex money and why he moved in with Moo right away.
He opened up an only fans when dating Moo because he thought he could make an income like that. But as far as I know only women and giga chads make big bucks there
>>908555No anon, Umbran is taking care of them. Joking aside, I don't think Moo should be getting more lipo and plastic surgery with the IRS sniffing around. I can't believe Moo is giving weight loss advice when she uses lipo as a means of weight loss.
Also the full body thing she's talking about is def removing the excess skin and a breast lift. It's such a waste of money and effort because once she stops lipo and her snake oil poop teas she's going to re gain and stretch her skin out more. This is such an unhealthy way to lose weight. I'll be surprised if she makes it to 32
No. 908572
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Her legs are so gross. Fur suit thighs
No. 908573
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I think she’s capping for this ugly white so much because she’s the only one besides akemis busted face uses her shit studio
No. 908575
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>>908573Which she’s probably not even paying for either lol
Moo can’t for the life of her just shut the fuck up and keep her nose down. She keeps inserting herself into shit like this knowing she’s gonna get dog piled, and rightfully so. Moo, you’re not a martyr.
No. 908580
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>>908573There’s a joke everyone fell for that Amber used an AI for the apology
Wish Amber was more milky but maybe once the dust settles she can be added to the calves
No. 908584
>>908572That waist shop kek!
I can see she can't decide if she wants skinny legs or big ones.
>>908573These bitches are embarassing. The flowers are all warped around her head and waist
>>908580Moo really needs to stop speaking for other people. By Moo's own admission she barely hangs out with her. So they're barely friends. More like Moo attaches herself to the most
toxic cos thots in hopes they don't turn around and out her as well. It's a mean girl clique except it's completely 1 sided. None of these bitches will defend Moo, rightfully so
>>908581Moo is 1000% talking out of her ass. She pretends her friendships with others are deeper and hope others wont call her out. Just like how she pretended she was bff's with Belle Delphine, Nigiri and Etika.
It's how she inserts herself into drama to stay relevant. And if anyone claps back Moo will pull up the one screenshot of them saying hi as "proof" of their friendship. It's pathetic
No. 908591
File: 1674874808217.gif (2.98 MB, 498x427, fake-press-on-nails.gif)

>>908588Making a bad joke but Moo is already plastic. Nothing on her body is real kek
No. 908599
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What in the actual fuck is this face/pose?? No wonder she sticks to the same shit, this looks so unnatural.
No. 908604
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>>908599Okay, she’s definitely working with Akemi in this set. It’s fucking hilarious.
No. 908605
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NSFL. Jesus christ.
No. 908614
>>908612I wonder if that dude was the "
abusive ex" Ozy was whining about in his stream.
Just goes to show our cow will do anything for dick, whenever she manages to snare one.
No. 908625
>>908614Anyone who rejects Moo also happens to be
abusive. It's funnier because Moo was boasting how much of a bad bitch she is and how she'll beat on anyone who doesn't treat her right.
Anyway, I don't believe anything Moo says, or it's at least a half truth
No. 908626
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Moo needs to lay off the filters, Jesus Christ.
No. 908631
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tbf you also failed college. Linguistics major my ass.
No. 908632
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No. 908637
>>908631She needs to lay off the asain beauty filters. This is legit just scary to look at. It's like she maxed out all the settings on the app
I guess now that Ozy isn't editing her pics she has to use her phone
No. 908641
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>>908555Y’ALL I CAN’T I loved how she begged everyone in her other to give people another chance but she’s out here like this
No. 908663
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she’s getting shredded on twitter rn its hilarious. so many quote retweets and replies dunk on her. she keeps using laugh emojis, so she must be seething
No. 908665
>>908614>>908614the lack of self awareness given the fact she cant keep her hands to herself.
always the one who retaliates thats in the wrong to her lol. -v
(-v) No. 908666
>>908632Christ, I can't tell if the filters made her hands that small or they're just small because they're against her massive girth. She going on and on about weight loss but these pictures really state the opposite lmao. And her pupils are so distorted, this is some horror level shit.
After all these years I'm still so glad she keeps posting this type of garbage thinking she's slaying.
No. 908676
>>908626holy mother of kek look at that fucking dimple
>>908636Her eye make-up is so abysmally terrible. I've never called Moo fat or even ugly, but her poor choices when it comes to artifice make me want to a-log the fuck out of her every time. It drives me so mad I made my own Momokun Beautification Plan (Illustrated)
No. 908679
>>908663She's missing main points.
They're focusing on HER behavior rn. It doesn't matter what others do. "Well other girls are mean!" it doesn't justify her behavior. Be in control of you and don't blame your actions on others. Zero accountability
It's obvious she just wants attention and right now she's flicking her bean because she has it, even if it's negative.
It's going to backfire however because her current game plan is to surround herself around the most
toxic cosplayers in the community. They will either not give her the time of day when she gets in trouble or throw her under the bus if she annoys her too much. But I get it, any friend Moo had that was a decent human being has left her.
No. 908680
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I wonder what her "therapist" thinks about her only viewing herself through filters.
No. 908682
File: 1675023271895.jpg (49.16 KB, 338x254, horse teeth.jpg)

>>908626She's so god damn ugly.
>>908641>>908663She's flexing the sexual assaults now but this is all going to bite her in her flat ass just like it did back then.
No. 908684
>>908680I'm sure her "therapist" tries to get her out of his tattoo shop as fast as possible
Moo would see a real one and leave the office after the first visit because they'd def tell her she's a narcissist
No. 908685
>>908682>She's flexing the sexual assaults now but this is all going to bite her in her flat ass just like it did back then.Actually not really. Before she was a somebody in the cos community and she was still trying to maintain some of her "I'm a pure lil angel, I'm the real
victim here" attitude. now she's a nobody in the actual cos community and is just a porn thot and everyone knows she's a bitch
"Oh Moo told a girl she's fat and slapped her face at a con? Typical Moo." Nothing will actually be done
The only thing that'll make Moo cry and go "woe is me" is if her onlyfans was taken down. She knows she isn't a cosplayer and the only thing keeping her up is porn.
No. 908686
>>908680Even with the filters she's still huge. I can't wait for a candid to slip in soon. With how milky Moo has been it's only a matter of time. I like to think Moo breaking up with Ozy and failing to get the scrote she actually wanted is making her act out.
Though laughing how her 40+ obese lookin ass is back to doing her teen larp. May as well dress like your mental age. You also know she's catfishing another scrote with these.
No. 908689
>>908688if you think about it she does make bank and she isn't spending as much as she was
She got two cars and a house. She no longer goes on two weeks international vacations. Her biggest expenses are her dead photo studio, food and plastic surgery. She also saves enough for engagement
She isn't living a poor life. But she's what I like to call fake rich. Shit cosplays, cheap everything, Ikea furniture.
A good comparison to someone who's actually rich is Stephanie Soo. There is also a saying, I forgot what it was. But when someone saves enough money for a house but can't fill it with furniture. It's what Moo did.
No. 908728
File: 1675093868268.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.98 KB, 1079x1617, IMG_3971.jpg)

Akemi has dropped to a new low
No. 908730
>>908729I just can't get over the tiny butt cheek she's trying to balance on. Moo will never have one as long as she refuses to get a BBL. She hasn't grown on in months even with all her trying.
>>908572 We can all see the bad editing and desperate attempts.
No. 908743
File: 1675109622078.jpg (60.3 KB, 678x567, back.jpg)

Ozy's back.
No. 908744
File: 1675109934715.jpg (39.86 KB, 899x133, Screenshot 2023-01-30 131811.j…)

A rumor about the breakup found on the subreddit.
No. 908749
>>908743Mooriah isnt with him anymore, he's irrelevant to the topic.
>>908744That post was so badly written it's not even a rumor, it's just BS.
No. 908755
File: 1675115011913.jpeg (276.41 KB, 2048x1366, 222906EF-294C-4D7C-A784-A79E2B…)

Her arm gives her away. She should just pay someone to edit her photos at this rate.
No. 908763
>>908731It might be. Akemi is one of the last few friends who see her and has some clout. Moo use to have a whole squad.
If you noticed even Sniper Wolf bailed on Moo. Gotta pay big bucks so your last friend will hang with you.
No. 908764
>>908755I can't believe she's going to a con soon. What she going to do? Wear a tarp over her body to hide the fat? Or just hide in the hotel room even though Senpai Squad is putting their necks out for her?
I think the last time she was in a public con didn't she just do cross play and hide behind a giant circus tent of a kimono?
No. 908785
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Pretty sure umbran moved out and distanced herself from her too. You never see them mention each other anymore besides if she's making her a wig. Imagine how insufferable you have to be to drive away a simp like that.
No. 908792
File: 1675149514927.jpeg (170.81 KB, 2048x1366, 0453809F-1279-407F-95B2-A4766C…)

Akemi can’t even put her knees on the ground because moo is so god damn huge and wide.
No. 908802
File: 1675172856451.jpg (884.6 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230131-074658_Tik…)

It appears she's been at her new place since July, so I can't assume it's because of Ozy.
No. 908849
File: 1675223376697.jpg (333.44 KB, 824x613, newarc.jpg)

new arc just dropped. Looks like whatever dick she's chasing must be into gundam, because afaik she's never mentioned gundam before today.
No. 908860
>>908842lmfao also knew maddie when we were both in Illinois and can confirm this is true. She also constantly pretended to be poor and beg people for things. She also shoplifted. Constantly.
She went from cow to cow. Throwing shit at the wall until moo stuck. She used people for clout to launch her own brand
No. 908913
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No. 908947
File: 1675386291777.jpeg (780.97 KB, 1292x1564, 953A93B7-6743-491F-85E8-B9CF1E…)

No. 908988
File: 1675447624432.png (187.01 KB, 720x966, BE498518-7DE2-4818-8E15-EA306F…)

>>908982mariah is practically the crazy simpsons cat lady at this point. she loves being alone, huffs her own farts, talks like a total retard, and can’t keep a friend or a boyfriend around her for three seconds. i feel like the more cats she gets the more single she’ll be
No. 909024
>>909021i'll try to explain in a way that people who don't make kits will understand. other than the fact that the kit itself is cheap and lower end, it's just not well put together at all. the seams on the legs feet and arms aren't put together properly, and the places where she cut it of runners(the frame the pieces are attached) still have nubs or bits of plastic that you need to cut or sand off. it looks like she snapped the pieces off the runner instead of cutting them with clippers. i hope that makes sense. basically she bought a cheap kit, didn't assemble it properly at all or with any care.
t. a huge gundam fan who makes those "kawaii" versions of the models.
No. 909043
File: 1675529233495.png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 1284x2778, 3404A012-C314-4BDD-BC15-C23BC8…)

Her body is so fucked due to sucking out all that fat from just her stomach.
No. 909045
File: 1675529465252.jpeg (Spoiler Image,351.94 KB, 1267x1619, 6ABC386F-2DE5-43EB-AEC1-29DA81…)

She’s getting that weird skin rub under her boobs fat people get. It looks so red and irritated.
No. 909046
File: 1675529731517.jpeg (Spoiler Image,48.17 KB, 587x798, A818B782-77EB-484E-94A0-F24922…)

No. 909047
>>909043That's not even her real account. It's a fake one that's been floating around for quite a while now, they've just changed the site they're linking to.
The funniest thing to me, is that the fake account gets more genuine interaction than her real one and also that they're reselling her content.
No. 909062
File: 1675552573556.jpeg (293.38 KB, 1216x873, CE26328D-C317-4826-A0B0-14848F…)

You don’t pay $8 a month because "it looks nice". You’re just mad IG never gave you one.
No. 909063
File: 1675552723630.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3264x1710, 30A49742-F356-4168-A65D-CF3A5A…)

It physically pains my tits to look at her.
No. 909064
>>909063all that plastic surgery, lipo and filters and she still looks like that
god damn
No. 909079
File: 1675593410700.jpg (128.32 KB, 511x669, Untitled.jpg)

No. 909143
File: 1675663558286.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.44 KB, 1079x721, pi061k2obifa1.jpg)

!!!!!NSFL!!!! I'm gonna fucking hurl
No. 909157
File: 1675697233702.jpg (82.5 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f485…)

>>909143I really didn't need to see that first thing in the morning
No. 909159
File: 1675697508966.png (68.69 KB, 714x574, 1675114367392.png)

>>909143Looks like old yoghurt, what the fuck.
No. 909171
File: 1675707544550.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1007.9 KB, 1284x1711, FD7C2E79-A780-44BB-9318-DE4D45…)

NSFL. This entire set is so cursed, I cannot imagine the smell.
No. 909176
>>909171They couldn't even get matching socks or tights, she shows off the footies like she does with foot porn and its NOT WORKING.
God have mercy on our souls
No. 909197
File: 1675732710763.jpg (36.73 KB, 191x226, 1482722861597.jpg)

She just put out an anal set apparently. Can't wait to see her gross dilated butthole that I doubt she cleans.
No. 909202
File: 1675736726045.jpg (82.12 KB, 1080x1255, 8zfxwrgcu1ga1.jpg)

No. 909222
File: 1675753353070.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3264x2784, 3E698F4E-AD38-4401-B9EC-2FA7EC…)

Sorry for cramming them in one pic but moo is fighting with people on Twitter again and it’s such a fucking cringefest.. She finally admits her studio isn’t a "business" and for "private" use despite having it open for bookings. Calls her MJ botch job a "Barbie nose". Yes, this is the behavior of someone who is totally happy and in control of her life.
No. 909223
>>909222All she needs to do is flex on her haturs with her Momokun shirt she made with her new posse with photos at that gym. She looks like a total idiot. I can hear all the cosplayers laughing at her like Yureta, Nigri, Bishoujomom, Lori even if she checks the Moo thread, probably Vamp getting secondhand embarrassment, I can see the sewing slaves cringing that they know her. This is why no one goes to bat for you publicly Moo and even Holly is sooo picky. She doesn't like having to interact with her unless other cosplayers in
good standing also join in which they usually never do. Holly only chimed in about the bullying stuff one time and not even to attack anyone. To be honest, that was probably just moo obsessively trying to piggyback off of Holly's post.
No. 909224
File: 1675757276239.jpeg (565.96 KB, 1284x1165, E548432D-B3AF-4C1A-A00E-B26DEF…)

>>909222Oh she’s pressed.
No. 909225
File: 1675757847847.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1284x2065, 80EDAC51-7530-408A-9D02-D9F19A…)

>>909224Samefag but the way she’s losing her mind on twitter about being called fat and keeps posting videos of her sucking in her gut.
No. 909226
>>909222Not that we needed more proof that she's completely delusional, but listing a toilet and a backsplash like those are actually some kind of flex and thinking she has a barbie doll nose really hammer home just
how delusional she's gotten lol
No. 909228
>>909222>I have huge tits. Great friends. Beautiful family and healthy animals. An amazing home and garden. And a healthy lifestyle. Barbie doll nose. A toilet that talks to me.The immense amount of cope in this one tweet. Moo you have mangled sagging tits, friends who are only around for your money, questionably cared for animals and plants. Constantly shilling and using diarrhea teas. A Michael Jackson nose. But hey, at least you actually do have a toilet that talks to you I guess?
Also kek at her spelling of "pitty".
No. 909233
>>909222Its times like this i'm glad she's back on twitter and people call her out for shit.
>a toilet that talks to me and a splashback.This is what really gets me. Imagine bragging about a talking toilet and a splashback, as if that's something to be jealous of.
>you think i'd rely on (my) studio booking clientsIs she admitting no-one actually uses her studio other than her?
>>909231the realization that she has a yeast infection
No. 909243
>>909228>you scared your boyfriend away, someone who was using you but had genuine interest >you’re an internet pariah, you literally have to BE SINGLE to make money>you’re a mangled lipo mess, and a fat bitch LARPING as a skinny fitness god like luna slater and her anorexia. how can you be skinny but you have ugly discolouration between your thighs and coochie? that’s a sign of BEING OVERWEIGHT>your parents hate you>your sister is cuter and ambitious and positive to be around, and nobody wants to be your friend>you don’t have friends because you keep physically abusing and blackmailing them. they’re scared of you>vamplettes, your loyal, cosplay counterpart doormat bestie couldn’t take your shit anymore and ran to the highest hills after she used you to get a nose job. you scared her away. as well for SUSU, that black chick you cosplayed with, costume designers, umbran, a lot of people, etc.>and you’re about to be 28 extremely close to 30.>tits look like pancakes. flapjacks.> jessica nigri won’t even stand in the same room with you. she hates you. >no egg.jpg >no ass.jpg No. 909249
File: 1675787317134.jpeg (368.82 KB, 828x1339, 3360066A-E495-4DD7-948E-9EC77E…)

>>909225It’s around 8am and she’s still at it.
Did you guys know if you suck in your stomach enough, it stays flat!!! -Moo logic.
Moo must be the sole cause of the Adderall shortage jfc.
No. 909250
>>909249I love how she's trying to embrace her linebacker shoulders, lol.
Clearly it's getting to her and she's totally not bothered by it
No. 909252
File: 1675788006141.png (1.4 MB, 1716x1045, lol2gether.png)

wildn out on twitter lately lol. This is a response to an account that posted Pokimaine after the deepfake fiasco.
No. 909254
File: 1675788279125.jpeg (437.77 KB, 828x1266, F5E2B4AA-F9A6-46BF-BD7D-E4AE7C…)

What’s funny is how Mimsy is still tagged in every post like she’s going to come to her defense. Moo, we all know you lurk here. You probably read it while going at a snails pace on the Stairmaster.
No. 909259
>>909222At this point it's kinda clear she's having these almost daily twitter fights because at least she's getting attention somewhere.
She has to cope because her last two boyfriends didn't love her at all and were using her. She knows she isn't a cosplayer and is just pushing low grade porn. Everything she does is to make herself feel better.
Also her studio is listed as a business and her stating publicly it's not, it's for personal use is a bold move. Isn't the IRS investigating her right now?
No. 909260
>>909224It's because people now a days can easily spot filters and photoshop
We saw candids, she's still morbidly obese. I don't know why she's so obsessed with being "skinny queen" when she hasn't been fit in almost a decade. That amount of self loathing must be tiring and stressful. No wonder she hates going in public where she can't control the pictures or edits. Like half her income is liposuction and plastic surgery. What kind of life is that?
No. 909263
>>909256It is interesting that she changed her tune about the studio. If memory serves me well, she was advertising it in cos community as a safe place for women (whom she bullies and sexually harasses) the only people who shot there are acquaintances (my good friends she claims) Maddie was also supposed to have a sale counter for her wigs in the studio, they both made a big deal about it. Obviously Maddie isn’t her friend anymore so that might be another thing.
Moo has also been known to just follow groups of people around even though they can’t stand her. This goes all the way back to high school so of course she’s in denial about being delusional. She has been like that since her first boob job, and was the #1 jock in her school. She has never grown up and will never change and I’m
Laughing that she’s likely getting audited for her illegal porn studio.
No. 909270
>>909255Wait why is she flexing… about a backsplash? Everyone has them. She talks like she's a poor person.
Then again this is the same person who bragged about her one time order of toilet paper she got for her studio kek.
>>909256It's private because she's embarrassed that no one wanted to go to her scam studio. Moo was going to charge people for the air. But she's going to get in trouble because her studio is listed as a business and the IRS is sniffing around because she def filed it in her taxes last year to get a bigger refund.
That and she can't film porn there if it's a business. No matter which lie she sticks to, she's breaking the law and thus fucked.
No. 909300
>>909289If that is true I think I know why. It's because Moo never actually paid or reserved a time slot to shoot at places. She just showed up with a camera and her friend and started posing in huge costumes and in suggestive ways where other paying customers could see her.
I know there was a few instances she whipped out her flat udders.
>>909290We knew that studio was going to be a huge financial flop and get her into trouble. And of course she didn't do anything legally. It might take a couple more years but I feel like she's going to be in a similar situation as Onion and his taxes. Moo's so delusional she thinks she can just hang up the phone and just keep dodging them
No. 909335
>>909325She seriously has a habit of being told no and doing whatever she wants anyway. That’s not
problematic at all.
(sage your shit) No. 909369
File: 1675926606511.jpeg (Spoiler Image,431.68 KB, 1284x755, 5799DFD8-D32C-4B9C-B8CC-8D04F5…)

Word of warning. Someone leaked her poorly made porno with her ex boyfriend. It’s absolutely depressing. No. 909374
File: 1675931005700.png (Spoiler Image,710.81 KB, 1116x714, lel.png)

>>909372I didn't hate myself (or my roomie) enough to turn the volume on, but I did see him back there howling at one point kek
My personal fav part is him desperately pawing at his gut trying to keep it off cam and failing miserably.
No. 909385
>>909369I dont understand, how in the hell does whatever Moo does turn out to be shit? why can't she do anything good lmao
seriously the only simp I can imagine that would pay for this would be some bottom-of-the-barrel rotten basement-dwelling neckbeards
No. 909441
File: 1676004832685.jpg (499.84 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230209-225329_Ins…)

Back to posting about momo on his new account. Also posted a love song as his bs "song of the day" IG story.
No. 909492
File: 1676050546223.jpg (442.86 KB, 1080x981, Screenshot_20230210_093518_Twi…)

Moo is trying to hard to jump from Nigri to Amouranth
No. 909493
File: 1676050582543.jpg (430.67 KB, 1080x1000, Screenshot_20230210_093508_Twi…)

>>909492She doesn't even actually comment anything and luckily not a single wife has come from her. I think she knows that moo is absolute toxicity.
No. 909533
>>909513i’m late to this but goddamn the flappy skin was more than i expected. why would they release literally the most awkward bleak unsexy porn ever wow
are we sure they got back together or is this just an old video that was uploaded
either way
fucking ew
No. 909602
File: 1676159041496.jpeg (329.75 KB, 828x959, 65337EC7-21EA-4FF7-8A5F-DF46C9…)

And it comes to no surprise that Moo is still letting Mimsy shoot at her “private art project” studio. Gotta wonder what shit she has to say about Moo behind her back lol.
No. 909672
>>909492This is hard evidence that Mariah rides the “negative attention” bus. That’s why she’s kissing Mimsys ass and now Amouranth. Two people sitting at the top of the shit pile, that’s also why she’s been spewing insanely narcissistic replies like “yeah I’m
toxic” and when someone told her that’s shes a SA “yeah that’s me”
( learn to sage) No. 909674
File: 1676210443518.png (118.22 KB, 1762x981, peachycollective.PNG)

>>909602she still has public booking pricing listed for her "private" photo studio
No. 909693
>>909674No one ever needs to book more than 2 hours when they could just ask to book an hour later in between for two $85 bookings instead of a 4hr booking and save themselves $150. Moo will always, always show she never graduated college and never passed any of these classes and kept any knowledge. She's an absolute idiot and these numbers show. When the minimum for an hourly booking is twice the cost at 2hrs than just booking 2hrs, who the fuck will ever do more than that? They should just come back the next day or something instead of this random upcharge that Moo probably thinks is brilliant. LOL
I didn't even go to college and went to trade instead and even I can tell just how shotty this is and just how someone can work around her costs to make it easier on their end for their wallet. Moo, you are not a business woman.
No. 909724
File: 1676250157809.jpg (167.62 KB, 1080x1919, 330800302_163145586492557_1093…)

Looks like Moo is sewing again
No. 909728
File: 1676252345820.jpeg (802.25 KB, 3128x3264, 627FCA90-FEB2-4C05-8506-29936A…)

>>909724I guess she’s finally pissed away any goodwill with friends who knew how to sew so now we’re gonna get to see Moo desperately try to convince people she’s totally a cosplayer again lol. Can’t wait to see this disaster unfold. The funniest part is her trying to pull off Chun-Li again with those fursuit thighs.
No. 909783
File: 1676321248315.jpg (24.28 KB, 649x269, follow.jpg)

Moo is following Ozy again.
No. 909784
File: 1676321284473.jpg (57.5 KB, 967x416, follow3.jpg)

>>909783He's not following her though.
No. 909785
File: 1676321326677.jpg (36.37 KB, 370x563, follow2.jpg)

>>909784…but then you get stories like this.
No. 909786
File: 1676321562544.jpg (9.01 KB, 393x140, follow4.jpg)

>>909784oops sorry, he is following her.
No. 909789
File: 1676326204248.jpg (809.25 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230213_160950_Twi…)

Elfen Lied but make it obese.
No. 909807
File: 1676355404475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1284x1738, 7F4834BF-1198-4644-9F89-0CC93F…)

Yeah this is totally sexy.
No. 909873
File: 1676465568746.jpeg (832.27 KB, 2048x2048, EAF95172-4467-4393-B22D-9E5412…)

It appears Ozy and Moo may be back together.
No. 909875
>>909874nta but not
this obvious. moo is so pathetic to get back with him so soon after all that shit talking she did.
No. 909911
File: 1676514906654.jpeg (869.31 KB, 3264x2308, 4B8707C5-1A38-475C-B5AF-744D71…)

This artist is known for posting shitty anime art with subject matter meant to get a rise out of people. Of course Moo had to chime in. There’s even more people telling her to stfu in the thread. I’m sure if she was buddies with this person, she’d be defending them.
No. 909927
>>909926She posted a link in the screenshot
>>909911, but she is absolutely moralfagging and trying to seem like she cares at all when her entire thing is just getting asspats for the bare minimum and turning tragedies into soapboxes about herself. She will use anyone dying to try and elevate her popularity like with the Vegas shooting and she turned it into a all about
her thing. Or BLM and she said fuck that, I'm taking this over as whatever bullshit race she felt like being that day.
Moo will never, has never, and will forever be a shitstain on actual empathy.
No. 909947
unless a dick she’s tried to hop on has been interested in it or it’s a huge meme, she probably hasn’t heard of it.
No. 909968
File: 1676659584288.jpeg (1020.42 KB, 3264x2213, E4A80E08-805F-452A-8BA2-503EA8…)

Still as wide as ever.
No. 909969
File: 1676659690601.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3264x2276, 1F2FFDFD-F414-4FEA-91BD-ADEF3D…)

It looks like ass. Which is to be expected. God I hope anons at Lvl Up this weekend get some good shots of this mess.
No. 909979
File: 1676676840882.jpg (221.91 KB, 1188x1859, 20230217_173325.jpg)

When will she realize her legs don't make her look thicc, they make her look like a stumpy toddler.
No. 909982
File: 1676677604775.jpeg (1.46 MB, 874x1910, E338CB6E-0772-430C-B204-DEAC58…)

God I hope some kind anons bless us with pics from the con
No. 909990
>>909979her rolls struggling under the shapeware n waist shop
but DAMN
she's just as big as ever
No. 909998
File: 1676712419151.jpg (170.8 KB, 540x952, Screenshot_20230218_102510_Ins…)

No. 910012
File: 1676759909205.jpeg (1.17 MB, 887x1858, D6B4CA29-0B8C-4259-8C7F-57B03E…)

He probably didn’t put this on by choice lol
No. 910014
File: 1676765799865.jpg (223.62 KB, 1080x1919, 331857486_856415332258266_9217…)

Looks like she didn't attend today
No. 910028
File: 1676787306854.jpeg (616 KB, 880x1525, ED6110C2-79A1-4313-AAFB-2368EF…)

>>910027She was advertised on the IG page as being there from 1-4pm Friday through Sunday. No clue if she was even at the booth the full 3 hours on Friday but I wouldn’t put it past her to just leave after an hour (I’m being generous here). Moo has a history of shirking booth obligations.
No. 910029
File: 1676787547672.jpeg (57.27 KB, 540x960, A1E3B308-BEE1-4CEB-A798-B0088A…)

>>909979How the mighty have fallen.
No. 910030
File: 1676788016371.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1284x1978, 641F9046-09F0-4298-9BB8-71FBE7…)

I just don’t understand what this is supposed to do. Are we supposed to be aroused? Like how is someone who makes their whole life sex work, why is incapable of taking decent pictures?
No. 910031
>>910027I don't think anyone saw her. If she did take pictures she's def editing them and going to post them later
As far as I know, no one wants her there unless it's the rare scrote who looks at her porn
No. 910032
>>910029What a throwback! The old nose and turtle lips, when she did that shitty pink eye makeup for every character ever, her sole contribution to the outfit of 'weathering' on the bell and horns, the Castle Corsetry suit squeezing her into a somewhat passable shape, no cheesebar flower or Douma tats…
Back when she didn't have to spread her rancid cooch to get money too, how utterly lovely that the only person she has to blame for her downfall (and mutiliation of her body) is herself.
No. 910052
File: 1676829470013.jpg (628 KB, 1079x1916, Screenshot_20230219_095625_Ins…)

She's not attending the convention at all, cat Sohpie is limping.
No. 910061
>>910052So she possibly went to 1 of the 3 days she was booked to appear at the booth and she didn’t even post that on her main account.
Wonder if she’s just skipping because Vamp and Maddie are there with their groups
No. 910063
>>910052Cute excuse to not attend the con. Or people’s complaints piled up and she got ejected out. I know people were complaining on LVLups pages and senpaisquads about her attending.
dipshit adopted senior cats and pushed away all her slaves “friends” so no one’s home to watch the cats while she wobbles around cons like a morbidly obese creature
No. 910069
>>910060aww is the bitter bitch offended? go get some surgery
nonny stop being bitter
(sage your shit) No. 910074
>>910052She wouldn't have to make up excuses to not go if she didn't shop herself 150 pounds lighter. SS keeps ruining their rep for her
>>910063I was actually wondering the same thing tbh. Moo always had awful con behavior even if you don't include the SA stuff. That and you can't really call her a cosplayer. She's been a porn thot for years now so she def doesn't really fit in.
tbh I don't think Moo even wants to attend these things or go out in public anymore. She's terminally online because she'd rather live in a fantasy. I think she's happy that SS gave her guest status even though she never came at all.
No. 910084
>>910082Then anon can go back to those other pages that have nothing to do with SS too like they said
>LVLups pages No way every single place that exists has these comments scrubbed. Just sounds like anons want to make it seem like a bigger response than it probably is which is a big let down.
No. 910102
>>910090Because she has no cos career. She only pulls in a handful of porn sick scrotes
For most guests they pay them some comp or their weekend badge. I think for SS squad they just promote her online to make Moo feel better and that's it
I don't know why they work with her. There is zero benefit I could think of unless Moo is fucking them for every promo. If that's the case that's beyond rock bottom.
No. 910118
File: 1676932942726.jpeg (249.9 KB, 1284x1572, E006FAB0-4567-4CF7-A3ED-355263…)

>>910102Have no idea why they do when she does this by their cars. I can only imagine that she would’ve busted a seam this time around.
No. 910122
>>910110Most def. Less people want to meet her because they don't recognize her from her delusional shops
But the main reason is she doesn't want people to see what she's become. She's so addicted to photoshop and is so anti social.
No. 910126
File: 1676938494481.jpeg (549.32 KB, 899x1418, 12A92620-7B09-46FA-8AE8-C34A81…)

>>910122Speaking of delusional shops…
No. 910145
File: 1676994503849.jpg (303.12 KB, 1080x1504, Screenshot_20230221_104811.jpg)

The irony
No. 910156
>>910154Yuh we already knew her home was a newly developed area out there
Wished you coulda snapped a candid or two though. Is she as big as we think she is?
No. 910194
>>910188He went with Akemi too. You know her insecurities are bubbling
Akemi always makes Moo insecure even before Ozy seeing as how she always photoshops her waist smaller than hers kek
No. 910206
>>909968What terrible form and she should have bought actual weight lifting shoes instead of going barefoot like the fat ogre she is. Knew her knees were being crushed by her massive weighted fursuit thighs, she’ll have to have knee surgery. I think that’s the real reason she’s trying to drop weight, surgeons like to work on nonobese people cause they can die under sedation. Knees are important but not a life threatening surgery you need asap.
Jfc ozy
>>909998 looks greasy and I would be so weirded out if my friends bf said he was laughing/looking at a pic of us for five minutes, when it’s not even funny. He’s trying to fuck akemi or they already did.
No. 910213
File: 1677115733373.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1578x4160, 15388CA1-4DD2-4CB6-8ED5-66F0F4…)

Could this awful “sex” tape be the reason they broke up? Kek
No. 910215
File: 1677115895083.jpeg (4.67 MB, 1672x4160, 2F209E21-E332-482F-BDD2-E89219…)

Moos empty booth and more gross fake dick since ozy probably got upset his fat gunt being hopelessly tugged out of sight was posted everywhere to see without his knowledge.
No. 910216
File: 1677116018437.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.69 KB, 855x1280, D8FF9BA0-5D08-4DB2-BD33-561189…)

>>910201It was during this shoot
No. 910253
>>910240No one wants to record an autist screeching on stream like a retard. It's unbearable to listen to, trust me. He did say on the stream that he was planning on editing and uploading last night's stream.
He was playing VR chat and at one point saw an anime girl dressed in a cow outfit and said, "DUDE THAT LOOKS LIKE MY GIRLFRIEND" and it did indeed look like Moo. That was the only reference to Moo I caught in about an hour's worth of stream. He was getting drunk on moonshine and was coked out of his goddamn mind, it was unbearable. But it seems he could possibly be dating with Moo currently. Hard to tell for sure. I suspected that they aren't going to be posting their relationship on social media this time, and it seems to be the case.
No. 910317
>>910314Her body would be fine now if she was actually working out this whole time. Her wake up call was when she was 180 pounds. But instead choose lipo and fake exercise
I just miss the days where she would post her mukbang sized meals multiple times a day. Too bad she stopped when even her fans were grossed out by the amount.
No. 910332
File: 1677275332770.jpeg (628.8 KB, 899x1961, 601EEE64-CF7E-4B72-9318-13228A…)

No. 910381
File: 1677350755482.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 1284x2575, 524C8EBC-7950-4F95-956C-4F89F6…)

The fact that he’s holding up her ass like she does is taking me out.
No. 910407
File: 1677371257944.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.95 KB, 720x1125, 14760192-7E9F-4FE7-90F8-57ED73…)

>>910405Samefag and spoilered for autism and for it legit looking like an ass kek
No. 910409
File: 1677371616822.jpeg (1.01 MB, 894x1940, 4D0B6E7D-A1FE-4A8B-A4B7-F1F9EB…)

I’m assuming she’s going to try to get into vtuber shit on Twitch. Still clinging to that ugly ass MooMoo "OC".
No. 910439
File: 1677435384049.jpeg (874.54 KB, 1170x1712, 60E02C99-2C72-4E45-B79F-8194B7…)

>>910381$30k, everyone
It's been at least a year at this point, right? That's the final product. No further reduction in swelling from here.
No. 910453
File: 1677455062771.jpg (51.33 KB, 533x445, lolol.jpg)

lol but you aren't all that busy now are you, baby?
No. 910496
>>910485no, i mean moo said all the stuff about him being
abusive and cheating during her spergout. nothing he said there is evidence of him lurking, even though he probably is.
No. 910502
>>910501Ozy is absolutely lurking. Everything he referenced in that screenshot is everything HE, NOT MOO, has said, all on his streams, which were all written and posted here. Moo never called him autistic, we did (as he did several times on his stream). TBH, Moo never said basically anything about him - he's the one that said all of this shit.
So, Ozy, baby: we're only repeating shit that you have said. You said it yourself, word for word, "don't do what I do and get addicted to coke." You're the one that said all that crazy shit about your "girlfriend" Moo. I watched you say it all on your stream, retard. You can't get offended by us repeating your own words. And we didn't need you to say it to know you're a fuckin' junkie. It's written all over your face.
(no1curr) No. 910504
File: 1677533674136.jpeg (Spoiler Image,3.84 MB, 1500x4493, C4DFFCA0-AC55-4655-8AD6-5072F5…)

She tried to shrink her fur suit thighs and her waist in one pic
No. 910505
File: 1677535005793.jpeg (Spoiler Image,177.05 KB, 1170x1825, CBA9FCD6-5F6F-4E0D-B865-B035F2…)

>>910332His face is so ugly
No. 910507
File: 1677535130342.jpeg (239.14 KB, 1284x1190, B006ADFA-799A-42A9-A140-FFC507…)

>>910453Looks like someone got butthurt and reported the twitter kek
No. 910523
>>910505I'm beating a dead horse but good Lord Moo please wash your ass. The smell emanating from that blackhead mine must be abysmal.
>>910504Even edited, her girth is massive. Where have her monthly gym posts been too? Has she just given up?
No. 910542
>>910507>>910510>>910531That’s because she didn’t report that account, I did. Cow-tipping isn’t allowed. For rich and pure milk, the leche must come from the vaca itself. Imposters not only clog the udders, but also taint the milk itself.
We need to get rid of the fake accounts, especially before pasteurization. For the sake of purity and a continuous stream of lulz.
The milk must flow.
No. 910544
with his addiction problems I can see a schizo word salad future for Peter. It’ll happen around his mid 20s.
nonnie. I want the purest milk as well.
No. 910599
File: 1677635296545.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2278, DAF3E602-05DA-4F03-9D9C-0F5921…)

>>910572bet any money its this retard whose been licking at moos udders. Sage for no milk but she idolizes moo like umbran used to. She’s an apologist for moo’s sexual assault too. Thinks that because moo is “famous” and making money that she’s amazing.
No. 910643
File: 1677732062502.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1284x1940, 1357055A-5BE7-4E6A-81B9-F72B54…)

This thread seems relatively dry right now. I wish someone had gotten candidates of her at the con.
No. 910649
File: 1677738495413.jpeg (854.17 KB, 3264x1983, 1663BDC5-974D-4FC8-B534-A486D5…)

Doesn’t count if you buy them, Moo. This account also barely had 4k followers until recently. I don’t know why she bothers buying them knowing it’ll get banned eventually like the others.
No. 910654
>>910648if you're referring to
>>910118 it was last year.
No. 910662
File: 1677785058362.jpeg (941.08 KB, 3264x2500, 4F3C8CA2-CDED-4325-A6C7-641CA8…)

>>910648Samefag but she WAS at the con on Friday, I just got the costume mixed up.
No. 910663
File: 1677785217083.jpeg (Spoiler Image,270.57 KB, 1536x2048, E1CE138E-FA40-4EA6-BE6E-4C0167…)

No wonder no one goes to the studio. I’d hate to have to do a shoot and have to pass by this.
No. 910710
File: 1677871084901.png (70.96 KB, 810x343, nomo.png)

Hmm, not followed by Moo anymore. On his most recent Instagram post, she had commented yesterday something like, "how does it feel being the prettiest guy ever?" and he commented back "thanks love." But those comments are now deleted (sorry I didn't screencap on time).
Is it already happening again? Odd, considering he had just shown up on one of her Instagram stories again. They were starting to loosen the reigns a bit.
No. 910753
File: 1677894400647.png (2.1 MB, 1510x1803, momotogether.png)

long time lurker just to keep up, saged because it's not really anything big but she deleted and reposted thisa few hours ago and I managed to catch it since I was on twitter at the time.
the first image was fine by her standards so idk why she zoomed in. maybe nitpicky, sorry if it is.
No. 910791
File: 1677930894824.jpg (106.93 KB, 720x1280, 20230304_055319.jpg)

>>910710Weird because they both with nimu to see Demon Slayer together. They're not actively following each other though.
No. 910792
File: 1677930967993.jpg (82.79 KB, 720x1280, 20230304_055301.jpg)

>>910791samefag but *both went.
No. 910805
File: 1677966748802.jpeg (839.96 KB, 891x1944, C41F2F2E-11D3-42E0-8428-47219F…)

This image is like an optical illusion.
>>910792I just saw both of their IG stories and BOTH are the kinds of assholes who whip out their phones and record during a movie. They’re at Downtown Summerlin’s Regal theater, I’d hate to have to pay for a ticket there just to see these fuckups ruining a film. No doubt Moo made a ton of noise whenever her fictional husband showed up.
No. 910820
File: 1677983030568.jpg (Spoiler Image,804.42 KB, 3875x5812, IMG_0729.jpg)

They basically painted her a new ass with all that smoothing.
No. 910824
File: 1677985994355.jpeg (686.7 KB, 828x1472, 190A9C25-41BF-4A1B-A2CF-9F32F5…)

>>910820The lashes make her eyes look so lopsided
No. 910843
File: 1678009225148.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1125x1995, FAD61927-3D05-4F25-9304-4ACD66…)

she just created a free OF
No. 910893
File: 1678073192602.jpeg (577.55 KB, 1125x644, C0866C81-75ED-4186-B4AC-BD2C78…)

>>910820Her arms are ginormous, you say she is loosing weight but the lipo has made her body so weird it’s hard to tell.
No. 910894
File: 1678073801867.png (75.09 KB, 610x465, followagain.png)

Moo following Ozy again.
No. 910895
File: 1678075475312.jpeg (771.05 KB, 1125x1992, B36BC2E8-F4F5-44ED-B1F9-30AD8E…)

wonder who she’s talking about (considering her habit of branding everyone who doesn’t fully pander to her as her haturz)
No. 910957
File: 1678162709146.jpeg (84.76 KB, 828x737, AD27E03A-54BA-4B69-B654-729737…)

We’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: nose is so, so bad
No. 910966
File: 1678186198588.jpeg (72.58 KB, 1161x653, E8A57489-407D-443A-9EE0-33A4D1…)

>>910957It’s so snouty, a true pig nose
No. 910978
>>910974small dick fat gay ex boyfriend who i run back to for some reason??? check.
mangled body? check.
forcing my female cosplay friends to stoop low and lose their self respect? check.
force them to shove things in my filthy clam? check?
botched arab pornstar nose? check.
No. 911003
File: 1678226011638.gif (125.92 KB, 828x737, moo_nose.gif)

>>910957when comparing it to what it COULD have looked like, it is an actual shame she wasted so much money on such a botched nosejob.
No. 911037
>>911031she does look like the main character
the fat one, of course
No. 911063
File: 1678302145597.jpeg (80.51 KB, 1450x1014, 2CDCEE8D-885B-419F-8E4F-8452BF…)

>>910966>>910957Waiting for her to recreate this shot.
No. 911105
File: 1678362278517.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1995, 22A11329-2449-4009-B48C-795A17…)

rambling about the soul again i see
No. 911278
File: 1678565653495.jpeg (83.74 KB, 497x973, D7C33B93-CA99-4859-A95C-DD1741…)

surprised no one has posted this, but last night she went on another “i’m so unbothered and the toughest bitch around” bender, literally have never met someone so unable to take accountability before
No. 911303
File: 1678585940653.png (124.72 KB, 1101x749, unfollow.png)

Unfollowed again by Moo. What's going on here? Is it really Kev and Lori all over again?
No. 911413
File: 1678675906066.png (14.69 KB, 557x380, exagain.png)

>>911303Ahh there it is. Time to make the block/unblock ex/girlfriend calendar for these two, because I mean for real.
No. 911418
File: 1678682571335.jpg (745.51 KB, 1827x2500, moo.jpg)

moo is suddenly a trans ally. I wish she'd get into more arguments on twitter now that's shes back on it.
No. 911446
>>911303tbh as much as Moo bitches about Ozy's short comings she probably loves this relationship. She was bored as fuck before. Moo having a
toxic relationship with all the drama and control is exactly what she wants.
>>911418She wants some kind of alley card because no one is going to acknowledge her
POC card. Too bad she already went on anti lgbt spazz outs before. She was only an "alley" when she pretend to be a lesbian. She also said she dated an imaginary trans guy when people were calling her out for being homophobic during her devilman crybaby phase.
No. 911449
File: 1678771281447.jpeg (102.97 KB, 828x1111, 73C3CD18-C3C3-4E7F-83C5-267F98…)

>>911446She fails at literally everything, so it’s not surprising she fails at being a "ally".
No. 911450
File: 1678771426018.jpeg (584.26 KB, 1690x3264, FDDAC116-4FC3-458C-AB20-C876E7…)

Moo proving she will never be self aware.
No. 911451
File: 1678771606945.jpeg (863.05 KB, 3051x3264, A93128FB-6582-4395-A35B-287163…)

I can’t imagine she had anything to talk about on that podcast when all she does on OF is scrape the bottom of the barrel for content.
No. 911465
File: 1678847083357.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.99 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230314_212410_Sam…)

Unspoil at your own risk.
No. 911479
>>911451>>911465She can gloat all day about her lifting, weight loss, and gains, but she genuinely tells on herself always in the end. Her skin in the spoiled photo looks so dirty, discolored, and unwell.
>>911469ngl her ass is very reminiscent of the old ladies at my medfag job
No. 911480
File: 1678866353543.jpg (300.37 KB, 1847x1022, moo.jpg)

>>911418and she's back at it again.
>>911465why. why, do i always click on these when i know full well i'm going to be disgusted. jfc
No. 911486
File: 1678879968840.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.34 KB, 1079x715, lolmomo.jpeg)

A fake cock you say? No in-fighting nonnies, but fucksake…
No. 911495
>>911494if i recall she has a medical room, "post apocalypse" area that's connected to her greco-roman area, a victorian room, the obligatory Japanese classroom, apartment and tatami rooms, the gym/yoga room, and the toilet that she said could be used as a set.
I think she might've said that the classroom could be rearranged into an office, but i can't be bothered checking.
>>911486I would like to point out that the dildo isn't even in the right position to even appear attached to akemi. Its like she just put in on top of her pants and said good enough. Oh, and not to mention, she's late to the trend as usual
No. 911552
File: 1678967074118.png (14.66 KB, 445x503, twitcharc.png)

>>910409looks like our twitch arc is about to start again, apparently she's going to be doing tekken streams because she's totally welcome in the fgc. I'm also fairly certain that, unsurprisingly, she's stolen that "moo moo" full reference image(again). I'm going to be genuinely shocked and amused if she's shelled out for a vtuber rig, that community is going to eat her alive.
No. 911610
File: 1679088443866.jpeg (803.18 KB, 2549x3264, A1DCAA59-9EE8-4568-991A-68C77B…)

>>911609nta but the character sheet she posted on Twitch is old af. She paid an artist on IG to "modify" the Milk Party OC so people would stop saying she stole it. But it still looked bland and unoriginal.
No. 911716
File: 1679288162032.jpeg (Spoiler Image,214.56 KB, 1366x2048, 55E78EE2-C238-45E2-95EF-80663D…)

I didn’t think it was possible for her to look trashier but Moo always manages to find a way.
No. 911739
File: 1679340179880.png (Spoiler Image,497.41 KB, 1284x2778, 633725B2-AB26-495F-A24E-883E53…)

Oh Moo, never change.
No. 911766
>>911607when did they say there werent smaller names that do just as good work?
We're talking about Moo here. She only wants to work with either the biggest names (see Reiq and the person who did the character sheet I cant remember their name but they've got numbers) or someone who is already a fan so will do it for cheap/free/for clout. Moo is a creature of habit. I think the only thing she's done to surprise us in the past 5 years is how gross her porn got.
Also Moo is too stupid to go to a smaller artist. She probably did what she used to do in the cosplay scene, see who made what for whoever she knows is popular and keep going until she found someone who said yes.
No. 911873
File: 1679516737385.png (Spoiler Image,453.31 KB, 828x1792, 4798A936-20F4-475D-BF12-6CAB42…)

Spoiler just to be safe, but Ozy is wearing ahegao pants at the gym and thinks that it’s cool. Cringe.
No. 911899
File: 1679526201214.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.21 KB, 887x1587, 712DB1F5-7879-4721-A48C-8106A9…)

This post already got removed from IG
No. 911918
File: 1679539282165.png (10.48 KB, 593x210, ozy3.png)

>>911873Caught this comment on his twitter today. Are we already going into round 3 (possibly 4)? Moo hasn't followed him though. He's been favoriting and re-tweeting about being "super private af" so I imagine if round 3/4 is happening, they're gonna try and hide it from us.
No. 911919
File: 1679539323511.png (35.74 KB, 580x681, ozy4.png)

>>911918Also caught this - ok but like… is he even like 6'2"? He is not fucking 6'6", wtf?
No. 911921
File: 1679540113104.png (618.3 KB, 799x452, ozy5.png)

>>911919Sorry for samefagging but I went back and looked at some of his full body pics. I mean, he looks tall (and I'll give him this: that's hot) but like 6'6" is hulking tall. I'm guessing he's more like 6'2" - 6'4" maybe? Why lie about this?
How tall is Moo?
No. 911924
File: 1679543800177.jpeg (139.13 KB, 736x749, 5606B20E-2CF4-47B1-A167-27B6BC…)

>>911921Yeah he’s not even close to any of that. Michael Jordan is 6’6” and his wife is 5’6” and here’s what the difference in their heights looks like
No. 911925
File: 1679544071641.png (3.94 KB, 318x151, ozy6.png)

>>911924Eh, he's lurking and thinks he's clever.
No. 911926
File: 1679544011398.png (3.94 KB, 318x151, ozy6.png)

>>911924Eh, he's lurking and thinks he's clever.
No. 911928
>>911921I think he thinks he's being funny? What's actually funny is judging by
>>911921 it's likely he is actually around 5'7", so no wonder the meme struck a nerve. kek
No. 911941
File: 1679587120569.jpeg (41.31 KB, 828x488, 141C78A8-1054-48D9-8787-C55D4D…)

Her “engagement” is the same as her friend Mimsy who has over a million followers. She can’t make it any more obvious she’s buying it.
No. 911997
File: 1679630036974.png (21.94 KB, 610x580, lololoz.png)

Yeah, keep it private, like fucking your fatass hose beast while screaming like a retarded gimp and posting it online for all the world to see? I'm sure your mama liked that one.
No. 912018
File: 1679674984580.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.74 KB, 1242x1023, 94018D17-3ACD-4179-8ED2-160160…)

No comment
No. 912029
>>912025I think she's a straight woman who enjoys sex with a male partner, or she DID. Now with the constant barrage of coomers telling her how hot she would be if she degraded herself just a little more, ehhh I see she's repulsed by it. She's dead behind the eyes.
Imagine being her. A white chick that can't get laid in Japan. Like, they'll fuck any bitch just to be a gaijin hunter, but not moo. Even here she's paying for sex. Is that even a thing? A woman paying for sex? And with that doughy snaggletooth rat? Ppffttt get outta here
No. 912045
File: 1679715996247.jpeg (770.78 KB, 3264x2888, 7623CA84-DC22-4ACA-885E-334D04…)

"Thicc Samus" is back and wider than ever. Also, I’m not surprised she has a fan in Robaato. A total fucking douchebag artist. Birds of a feather.
No. 912050
File: 1679717141769.jpg (486.92 KB, 2500x1668, 8 - 9I8IG68.jpg)

>>912045>>912046"The one and only thiccsamus" lmao…picrel is when she was 'thiccsamus', this is just a disaster now.
No. 912051
File: 1679716828262.png (344.98 KB, 1242x948, Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 11.59…)

>>912045the placement of the hair in the second pic makes her nose look sliced off
No. 912054
>>912045i don’t understand why ozy couldn’t go for succuboos or any of these photoshop ethots instead of moo. at least with skirby, she’s skinnyfat who photoshops herself to be a stick but moo’s body constantly changes and it’s borderline confusing. i’m surprised she doesn’t go through some kind of body dysphoria. i need a
nonny right now to take her normal, less shopped photos of her at the gym with her no ass, giant botched thighs and fat arms, and this photo of her donkey kong hips in the samus suit. her face makes tara strong look like she’s in her 20s.
No. 912061
>>912055I bet you he only "dates" her when she gives him money while he shoots his shot with other thots when they're broken up
We also know Ozy is feeding Moo. Tinfoil but I wonder if this is his way to get back at Moo
No. 912063
>>912045Oh my God her teeny tiny little ass cheeks in this suit, it looks like it’s been edited to look worse, I’m dying
>>912051Dear Jesus, between that and her horrifically drooping eye, she really does look like South Park Michael Jackson.
No. 912082
File: 1679761085811.jpg (311.14 KB, 1423x1524, Untitled.jpg)

>>912078ntayrt, but it took me literally five minutes to find these
No. 912107
File: 1679808012369.jpg (106.84 KB, 594x1080, notbothereed.jpg)

No. 912117
File: 1679840844496.jpeg (Spoiler Image,180.47 KB, 1366x2048, 725217CA-B0D9-4814-B226-548433…)

Small cheeks
No. 912118
File: 1679840934143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,212.38 KB, 1270x1588, 59AA0FCF-42B5-49ED-A4C2-DF4DC4…)

Linebacker shoulders. It’s funny she talks about clout when her “official” cosplay twitter has terrible engagement.
No. 912182
>>912151He only tweeted that because Moo is insecure. Look at who he follows and talks to. The rest of the women he chats up are half Moo's size. Moo is obese and desperate while Ozy is broke and desperate. Match made in
toxic heaven
No. 912560
File: 1680230447108.jpeg (356.48 KB, 3264x3264, 950D2CF2-4118-49C2-94E3-64251E…)

Moo finally got her badge since IG is just handing them out to people who pay, just like twitter.
No. 912572
File: 1680246927694.png (178.48 KB, 816x832, Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 08.13…)

Edited to avoid a b&
No. 912583
File: 1680261915622.jpg (19.44 KB, 567x198, Untitled.jpg)

So she must've broken up with what-his-face, because she's back on her douma/archer shit again. As for the piercing; why not, its just another excuse to talk about how she's so tough and enjoys the pain or whatever bs she said about her tattoos and it's not like its going to make her look any less botched
>>912572I am genuinely shocked at this point that someone would pay real money for this. She just looks like she's in pain.
No. 912601
File: 1680279925949.png (23.22 KB, 353x459, ozzzz.png)

>>912600I mean these posts seem kinda pointed.
I caught him livestreaming the other day and in a very big coke-energy manner he went on and on about how he and his friends are starting a podcast, he's commissioned some cosplay, he's going all in on content creation all this stuff. I mean good luck to him I guess but he is so beyond off-putting. He honestly freaks me the fuck out. I have no doubt he'll be back in Moo's arms soon enough.
No. 912670
File: 1680422261562.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.63 KB, 1080x596, thriving.jpg)

>>912607Christ that's depressing.
No. 912748
File: 1680533085953.png (394.02 KB, 828x1792, IMG_4243.png)

Mariah posted her downward spiral publicly last night. Too lazy but there’s also a video she took of herself crying… like what?
No. 912751
File: 1680533972307.jpg (233.36 KB, 1080x1918, 175841.jpg)

>>912748She doesn't even look human.
No. 912756
>>912748Her eyebrows are a fucking offense. Seriously. How can she thinks those look good?
And I think she's implying that she's crying over Steven Universe?
No. 912770
>>912748I got chu fam>>912756I doubt she’s crying over the cartoon. She usually dumps a ton of clips or pics when she’s manic about a piece of media.
I honestly expect her to start blaming "the matrix" at some point for her misfortune since she’s all about that alpha male bullshit.
No. 912772
File: 1680544531647.png (81.26 KB, 513x577, ozycrazy.png)

>>912770TBH, based on what Ozy has been posting recently, I theorize that they have already gotten back together and broken up yet again in the last week, and this interlude lasting mere days this time. Whenever Ozy posts about "being private" I think he's talking about her. He also posted this thing (see picrel) about "there's a possibility she's crazy." Hard not to see the connection to Moo.
They both posted some like, vaguely chinese-religious kinda symbols on their stories yesterday making me think they were together. Then we get these crying pics and "there's literally no point." It's gotta be Ozy.
No. 912776
File: 1680550422764.png (35.92 KB, 371x570, letgopsyc.png)

>>912772another interesting post from yesterday.
No. 912779
File: 1680554556522.jpeg (108.41 KB, 828x1460, IMG_4244.jpeg)

>>912748another image I was able to snag, can’t forget to apply filters—even during ones mental breakdown
No. 912806
File: 1680578580866.jpg (103.28 KB, 1080x844, Screenshot_20230403_202255_Twi…)

>>912748This might be about her knee too? 2 inconveniences and she freaks out.
No. 912810
>>912806With her being so over weight and not knowing the proper form for a weighted squat I'm not surprised
Her ankles are next
No. 912846
>>912840Her nipples do. I don't think moo realizes most women don't have the same nerve feeling all over as the nipple area. Sounds like cope from her because she's an idiot who couldn't get a guy to touch her under after the reductions and graduation.
I've been here since thread 15. Moo just thinks hentai should mimic reality and the reality is actions are more arousing, even in areas without tons of nerve endings. Moo must think the whole boob is supposed to feel like the nipple does. Unless the doctor completely botched the job and severed her nerves on her areola replacement, Moo definitely had feeling at least there to the tip, or half the tip.
No. 912899
File: 1680738053395.jpeg (102.42 KB, 828x1457, F0841D9B-4361-4962-AB13-1098AA…)

moo repeating the same thing for 3 whole IG stories about how hairy men are acceptable and worth love too after the OF interview. (we all know you like hairless asian men moo)
all i can think about is how shitty her eyelashes look
No. 912909
File: 1680750172455.jpeg (514.22 KB, 3264x2807, 3649531F-B548-46AF-9441-E61A0B…)

>>912899I couldn’t stomach listening to that podcast and only saw the reel of her stating that she masturbates to her own porn. Because of course she does. Also, she’s "single" again lol
No. 912937
File: 1680812569955.jpeg (48.63 KB, 898x1482, 4BD6F16D-ABAB-4EC6-8B80-B46497…)

Calling a literal cult leader "daddy"… I know it’s inconsequential but jfc.
No. 912956
File: 1680861385998.jpg (185.1 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20230407_035625_Ins…)

The jokes write themselves
No. 912993
File: 1680968983045.jpeg (571.63 KB, 3264x2308, B12A2623-9001-4DE0-BF5D-55771E…)

No. 912996
>>912993Watch out, the containment device has been breached, prepare for total lard meltdown!
Her playing off the wide flat expanse of her 'ass' catching on a corner of something as stronk girl shit is just so Mooriah.
No. 913012
File: 1681052641365.jpg (76.41 KB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_20230409_080426_Ins…)

>men can't shoot here
>men have to be in waiting room at all times
>men men men no men no way
Of course she'd let LEON CHIRO shot there though, known for sexual harassment, blackface, and for making fun of the BLM movement. WOW! This studio is for right wing bigots! Absolutely wouldn't feel safe as a women there.
No. 913022
File: 1681095281101.jpeg (213.36 KB, 1600x1139, D80C6F99-6FA1-4363-A454-4568CD…)

>>913020It’s Professor Turo from Pokémon Violet.
>>913012So much for that "safe space for women" bullshit Moo was pandering before it opened. But since this place is now her "personal studio" and not at all an actual business, she’ll let all the sex offenders shoot there as long as she can benefit from it.
No. 913084
File: 1681231346604.jpeg (755.05 KB, 1836x3264, 9453C1E5-E9AA-405B-AA3B-870BF5…)

Someone must have pissed in Moo’s Cheerios today
No. 913090
>>913084How fucking pathetic she has to be to meet someone, call them a friend, but at the same time with this post, it's telling them that they aren't friends at all because Moo discredits people from the get-go. Now who has no loyalty, Moo? Your logic literally folds in on itself. She's a fucking miserable cunt and I hope everyone around her uses her for the rest of her life. Loyalty doesn't matter. Being a genuine fucking person does. Acting like loyalty is all that matters, no matter your actions, shows just how small and sad she is. I bet she wouldn't snitch on an offending pedo if she knew one because
No. 913120
File: 1681264946950.jpg (80.93 KB, 713x1267, 20230411_210002.jpg)

i am going to cat/germ sperg here, sorry anons, but holy fuck why would you have this cat walkway over your counter where you prepare food at? so all their hair and dirt can fall right into your food. yum. not like she has anyone over to cook for anymore and all she eats is takeout so she probably didn't even consider it.
No. 913129
File: 1681276442200.jpeg (169.93 KB, 896x1591, 07A02F6C-0473-42F3-876B-356699…)

No. 913133
File: 1681279545754.jpg (503.69 KB, 2160x3434, customs.jpg)

Looks like someone is getting desperate for money. The studio not paying well, is it
>>913120this looks terrible. putting aside the hygiene factor, it just looks like a bench has been stuck to her roof.
>>913131>have this in their Japanese house.well that explains it.
No. 913188
File: 1681405203520.jpeg (118.01 KB, 893x1233, A12AEAD3-3A3C-488D-AC55-71E7F5…)

Why would anyone be proud of looking like a stunted toddler?
No. 913219
File: 1681441695532.jpeg (154.17 KB, 880x1590, 5C3B6563-350D-4334-BC91-D20FFB…)

No. 913232
File: 1681476000322.jpg (123.92 KB, 471x1363, 20230410_003058~2.jpg)

>>913031Found on Twitter under the Sakuracon tag. Anyone recognize the character she's dressed as?
No. 913252
File: 1681499937469.png (17.33 KB, 585x254, followingagain.png)

Moo is following Ozy again. Is the cycle repeating?
No. 913254
File: 1681500590858.png (36.77 KB, 528x320, follooooowww.png)

>>913252He's hinting at it.
No. 913322
File: 1681696901488.jpeg (115.38 KB, 895x1247, 1BA1F5D5-D449-4DA0-87ED-3B6720…)

No. 913361
File: 1681799736881.png (Spoiler Image,41.24 KB, 500x282, DF172699-5880-4AD7-A94E-3826A5…)

>>913356Reminds me of Skwisgaar’s mom.
No. 913397
File: 1681871416292.jpeg (165.69 KB, 891x1601, 83760DBC-6D82-44AC-958D-88A3CF…)

No. 913504
File: 1682093237371.png (19.41 KB, 647x296, unfollowedagain.png)

Once again unfollowed by Moo. Guessing their little "private" dalliance has ended.
No. 913585
File: 1682278262649.jpeg (150.89 KB, 885x1603, 5FBC2831-F83A-4AB0-B308-8D8986…)

No. 913627
File: 1682420995109.jpg (164.89 KB, 1080x1911, Screenshot_20230425_051040_Ins…)

She looks so huge
No. 913728
File: 1682585904752.png (840 KB, 1284x2778, 03032DCB-AE86-46F1-9397-536D4C…)

>>913120She also keeps the robo litter box RIGHT next to the dining table. That makes me feel ill. It’s not like she lives in a tiny apartment? She definitely must not ever sit there. Just because it self scoops doesn’t mean it’s 100% odorless, I have 2 of them and it still smells like litter, just not like poop. Not very appetizing.
No. 913897
File: 1682945257571.jpeg (58.53 KB, 1170x1730, F46BA9A7-CE50-452E-8305-68EE95…)

>>913828>>911919dw peter, i won’t expose anything else i just enjoy being a dick.
stop lying on the internet.
No. 913921
File: 1682995232494.png (824.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230501-223947.png)

The beads in the smudged ass crack ….
No. 914022
File: 1683248836691.jpeg (Spoiler Image,158.65 KB, 908x1643, 99ACB5A4-4524-4C3D-8E35-D981CC…)

Moo’s edits are hilarious enough on its own.
No. 914112
File: 1683382013207.jpeg (221.78 KB, 1170x2103, IMG_5229.jpeg)

looks like Moo reversed her so called unfriending of Kevin. Anyone remember how she said she cut ties with him over his views? Wonder if she’s trying to get into his pants?
No. 914115
File: 1683383772175.jpeg (Spoiler Image,105.88 KB, 828x1352, 85D3B273-16AC-41A6-87F0-B77DCF…)

Looks like she’s wearing a literal diaper.
No. 914119
File: 1683387472537.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.85 KB, 1170x1996, IMG_5249.jpeg)

drama is still happening. She did delete the previous conversation. I didn’t get a chance to cap it before it was deleted, but the insta user posted the exact quote from twitter that Moo sent to someone. I’ll post it next with a sage
No. 914120
File: 1683387535812.jpeg (108.07 KB, 787x1005, IMG_5233.jpeg)

this was what the insta user quoted before Moo chickened out and deleted it.
No. 914139
File: 1683433772859.png (41.84 KB, 377x297, Screenshot 2023-05-06 212022.p…)

I know it's not Moo but I had to do a double take today.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 914184
File: 1683593251310.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.69 KB, 921x1639, 8B427421-69C7-46A2-85CE-A092B8…)

No. 914282
File: 1683833669178.jpeg (639.16 KB, 1823x3264, A1074574-7D1B-4FA3-BD4A-A384C6…)

Moo has some nerve to preach about integrity when she backtracked on condemning Kevin for his comments and lashed out at anyone calling her on it.
>Don’t just sit by and be a sheep that watches people crumble
Bitch, you never once voted in your life for things that matters HERE. Sit down with your goddamn blue live matters lunch box and shut the fuck up.
No. 914304
>>914282If I had a friend or mutual like this, I would block her.
You don't get to tell people what to do, mooriah
No. 914364
File: 1684165496349.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 3840x5760, NSFL.jpg)

I absolutely love the downfall of momokun the more I keep up with these threads. She went from: "I don't have to get naked or sell porn like you bitches lol, get on my level" to picrel. Warning NSFL.
No. 914419
File: 1684263165207.png (76.81 KB, 357x572, momomo.png)

Who is this? Has Moo finally moved on from Ozy, or is this someone already in her universe?
No. 914420
File: 1684263507968.png (15.69 KB, 528x420, lolozy.png)

>>914419Meanwhile, Ozy has been posting endless shit like this on Twitter, vague posting about "her," and back to the whole "keep it private until it's permanent" thing on his Insta. Pretty obvious he's still on about Moo.
Ozy, if you're here, and it's really over between you two: fucking spill it here, bitch.
No. 914423
File: 1684265504062.png (23.78 KB, 907x442, lololol.png)

>>914422Dunno about photographer. Just another young wanna streamer from what I can see.
No. 914428
File: 1684273068815.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.26 KB, 898x1487, 298F4A9D-3E2B-469A-B215-6CBBAA…)

She looks high as fuck. Which makes sense since you’d have to be to post something like this and be proud of it.
>>914423His IG looks just like Ozy’s when he first surfaced here, barely anything there and nothing interesting. Judging from your pic, there’s no doubt she’ll be paying him to stick around.
No. 914429
File: 1684275138409.png (25.55 KB, 376x593, todayoz.png)

>>914428Ozy's posting a lot of this whiny bullshit today. Guessing he's mad about this new skinny Twitch clone getting posted on her story? There's no way this isn't all about Moo.
No. 914456
File: 1684351680407.png (3.3 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4797.png)

>>914448she is attending ACEN. I grabbed a screen shot when it was up
No. 914482
>>914480Hopefully she changed it by now.
>>914456Cute cat though,
No. 914502
File: 1684453327809.png (110.1 KB, 448x643, arm.png)

Arm surgery? Does she just mean lipo?
No. 914600
File: 1684691977364.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.65 KB, 1294x1686, 6EEA9268-7F85-42AD-AD6C-B813FF…)

Really hurting for those funds now huh? That studio must be eating so much of her glorious Nippon vacation money.
No. 914637
File: 1684773572480.jpg (104.47 KB, 720x868, FjqFqX4XwAcubHu.jpg)

>>914364I would eat her ass and cunt like ice cream.
Put me out to pasture
File: 1684774059542.jpg (Spoiler Image,860.78 KB, 4096x4096, heehee.jpg)

Her face is beyond busted, how does this even happen?? Her left nostril looks like it's collapsing as well. $30k nosejob right there.
No. 914666
File: 1684806726413.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.07 KB, 1080x838, Screenshot_20230522_205239_Dis…)

Nsfl. Seriously if you don't wanna puke, don't unspoil.
No. 914670
File: 1684811876270.png (Spoiler Image,57.91 KB, 611x256, moofuckinarms.png)

>>914666I watched that hideous new video and couldn't help but notice her arms looking wonky, and these marks on the inside of both arms. "Surgery" eh?
How is she not embarrassed to release these videos that clearly show how grotesquely fat she is? There is no way this bitch works out 5 days a week. She is so effing fat.
No. 914671
>>914670it looks similar to lipo incisions, they’ll look like oval holes and when healed they’ll be slightly dimpled in. ofc she’s not following aftercare again she never follows through with the strict compression garment rule.
also if it it, her surgeon hates her to put it in such obvious areas. good ones try to hide them in armpits, elbows or hidden area.
No. 914794
>>914770Stop being so new, she has numerous threads you can backread.
>called her "thicc SamusShe referred to herself as thicc samus, same with Mei and Chun-li.
>>914780It's amazing, she's literally spreading her butthole now after mocking vamps lol
No. 914813
File: 1685034007152.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.82 KB, 828x1337, B8F1B3B3-6116-4249-84C3-030D30…)

Just yikes…
No. 914842
File: 1685104380583.png (440.75 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_5430.png)

Moo, you use filters out the ass. You look like a 53 year old grandmother without the filters.
No. 914845
>>914842weird flex when your face is 80% plastic. I’m always shocked when I see her that she’s not in her 40s.
also a baby face means nothing with that monstrosity you call a body, Moo
No. 914867
File: 1685133623503.png (92.22 KB, 346x551, babyface.png)

>>914842Yeah, real babyface. wtf why did she post this? is she trolling?
No. 914868
File: 1685134011586.png (3.65 KB, 459x77, narc.png)

I am almost certain that Moo and Peter were together again recently (you can always tell with Peter because he'll post about "keep it private until it's permanent" which is a dead giveaway) and this confirms it for me.
No. 914894
File: 1685149868155.png (79.29 KB, 411x405, Abe.png)

>>914867Sorry to Abe Sapien enjoyers, but she looks more and more like a rubber mask of a fish woman. I don't understand why she dissolved her lip fillers and redid them to only make the same mistake of overdoing her bottom lip compared to her upper lip. Really emphasizes her mouth breather trait
No. 914964
File: 1685302356959.jpeg (450.98 KB, 3264x2374, 0DB04FD3-A914-4B78-BECC-5D0B80…)

Sometimes it’s worth checking Twitter to see her braindead posts.
No. 915163
File: 1685887226136.jpg (58.54 KB, 596x491, Untitled.jpg)

you go to gym to excercise, not play games and pose. you have a gym in you "studio" for that
No. 915176
>>915165That’s not her home. She’s also done this kind of shit not long ago in front of her "trainer" Rossbossfit where he posted an IG story of his clients and she was lazily doing the stair master while draped over the thing and browsing her phone.
If she’s that hard up for cash that she’s whining on Twitter for having to promote her OF, maybe cut the gym membership and "personal trainer" because it clearly isn’t being utilized.
No. 915258
File: 1686035130205.jpeg (Spoiler Image,579.19 KB, 3264x2660, D4A515DC-9B29-4345-82E0-A01FAD…)

Hard to approach her when she literally flees to her hotel room as soon as anyone looks at her weird.
Also, that photo on the right. Is it just my screen but her clothes blend into the chair making her stomach look like it’s bulging. I know all her sets are unfortunate messes to look at but jeez.
No. 915279
>>915258No one approaches her because you can
1. Smell her before you see her
2. Looks like an obese middle aged botched mom
3. The screeching
She's unpleasant to all the senses
No. 915349
File: 1686236727013.jpg (61.86 KB, 589x897, Untitled.jpg)

what a great trainer you've found moo. Supplying you weed and taking photos of playing games while "working out". super supportive
also, she's apparently working on her albedo cosplay, which wasn't that the one (or at least one of the ones) she kept promising and never following through with years ago?
No. 915356
>>915349sorry to weedfag but Black Truffle isnt new at all but its definitely on the stronger end of strains so why would a trainer give you something that will undoubtedly give you hardcore munchies?
new tinfoil: Moo's trainer is actively making sure she stays big so she keeps throwing money at him.
No. 915373
File: 1686250061663.jpeg (Spoiler Image,90.51 KB, 828x1320, CD6021AA-409C-4E35-BE2A-AA8391…)

>>915349Yep, she promised it years ago and had supposedly dropped 3k on the outfit then only to buy another one.
No. 915374
File: 1686250121752.jpeg (Spoiler Image,128.58 KB, 1152x2048, 775992CD-0BB7-44C1-87DB-21E36D…)

No. 915395
File: 1686280427759.jpeg (65.17 KB, 874x1527, 15701D23-055E-489E-9DE5-C36104…)

No. 915426
File: 1686342802239.jpg (198.96 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230609_153503_Gal…)

Did anyone else happen to see this on her twitter?
No. 915435
>>915426Yeap. I wonder if she's starting to realise people don't want to date onlythots, not that I imagine she has people lining up to date her.
Alternatively, I wonder if ozzy (or whoever she's dating) has said something about it.
No. 915461
File: 1686414996305.png (184.14 KB, 458x422, ozymooo.png)

>>915426Based on this, I think these two are back at it.
No. 915466
File: 1686449264609.jpg (428.3 KB, 1784x2048, 20230610_210858.jpg)

I assume she just gave up on weightloss.
No. 915487
>>915481>>915486Same fag really don't know how to read:
>>915474>depending on your current condition for safety>>915476She is not.
No. 915505
File: 1686522876645.jpeg (752.6 KB, 3264x2921, DD152A5D-EBA0-41D1-89E3-5F8302…)

And that’s all the "crunch" progress you’ll see until she gets her finished costumes in the mail lol.
200k doesn’t count if they’re all bots, Moo.
No. 915510
>>915505Lmfao what is this even supposed to be. Its like she looked up what other people
Are doing and scribbled a shape in marker to make it look like she did something. Shes such a larper its unreal
No. 915555
File: 1686613631037.jpeg (100.3 KB, 1170x1357, IMG_5858.jpeg)

anyone happen to catch her massive breakdown on insta/twitter regarding her orders from TheRealReal?
No. 915556
File: 1686613716909.jpeg (222.11 KB, 1170x2033, IMG_5859.jpeg)

here is the best one imo
No. 915559
>>915556Smells like a scam anyway. Wasn't a lot of her "designer" items knockoffs? I know she had some legit gucci items though
But why is she selling all of her stuff? At this point she has more cosplays than she does actual clothes. I guess pretending to be rich and famous has drained her cash faster than we expected
No. 915561
>>915556Launching an investigation with the BBB? Lol, Moo is so goddamn stupid. The most they’ll do is maaaybe send a strongly worded email about her complaint but they don’t have the authority to do anything. But yeah, way to broadcast your money woes by going ballistic on a public social media platform.
Again, how’s that studio “business” doing Mariah? You know, that thing you thought you could fall back on once OF dried up?
No. 915577
File: 1686680811512.jpeg (191.04 KB, 902x1594, 9530FF19-FE9C-4A5F-9373-3177C8…)

No. 915601
>>915577Her thigh looks morbidly obese Jesus Christ
and who is this crusty balding fuck? did she get a new photographer lmao
No. 915629
File: 1686848303356.jpg (Spoiler Image,136.53 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230613_162812_574f63ca66…)

she's so fucking hot, bros…(moid get out, also not spoilering)
No. 915648
>>915629Oh yeah, seeing shit like this will totally make people want to come and take photos in her studio. No amount of bleach will ever make that bench clean again…..
(And nitpick, but her photog didn't even shop out the massive ugly scuff marks on the toe of her shoe. Her vag is out but I can't stop looking at that lmao)
No. 915651
File: 1686879023948.jpg (73.26 KB, 589x738, why.jpg)

she just keeps hitting new lows, and apparently they're all already sold out too. She must be getting desperate for money if this is her new scheme.
No. 915653
File: 1686885004647.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.87 KB, 1079x1334, Screenshot_20230615_201136_Twi…)

Her arms are as wide as her thighs
No. 915672
>>915651Lmao this is approaching
Shayna levels of desperation. And she used to think she was too good for porn.
No. 915683
File: 1686940152823.png (250.61 KB, 1124x654, nicetrymoo.png)

>>915653lmao at her tiny head and hands. y'know, I'll admit, even though I knew she was lying about how much weight she's lost, I did believe from some photos that she had lost at least a little bit. but seeing these unedited polaroids? it's clear she's just as fat as she was before. she's just gotten more fat sucked out of her chin and waist.
No. 915727
File: 1687024680002.jpeg (48.35 KB, 828x529, 8DEC1C29-CCB5-482D-A10E-CDD9D5…)

>>915722She has it listed in her account profiles. Also, posted further up in the thread is her sorry ass “AX crunch” IG story lol
No. 915729
File: 1687026088589.jpeg (109.96 KB, 891x1596, A4483506-2BE0-4D9D-BF5C-0FF863…)

She’s selling her underwear and old videos on ManyVids now. So between this and her offloading thousands of dollars of crap on consignment shops (which she may or may not have been scammed out of lol) is it safe to say she’s hurting for money to keep up her lifestyle? The studio clearly has zero business asides from her friends who most likely are comped and maybe one or two other "models".
No. 915777
>>915771No one really shoots at the studio though. If she goes to Japan for a couple weeks, it doesn’t matter in terms of the studio.
I agree that she’s probably lost a lot of income due to not posting much and being lazy, and the studio is sucking up a lot of what she does make. She also probably has a mortgage plus high utilities for her house. She just assumed she’d be making a ton of money forever and then made a huge mistake opening up the studio that no one is using.
No. 915788
>>915781nta, but she’s also ignored requests from people on IG (it’s been posted here a while ago) to book the place to shoot for a group of people who run a decently large fitness IG page. They’ve apparently gone through the site and never got a response from her so they resorted to posting comments on her main account. Which were also ignored.
I have to wonder how many people she’s screened and deemed "not worthy" of shooting there due to them not being popular enough for her to leech clout from or them possibly making her look bad in comparison. At this point, beggars can’t be choosers lol
No. 915825
>>915821>>915823I don't think it's her or her friends. As much as I know anons hate admitting it, she
has a fanbase and some of the grossest guys out there who are into period porn. You don't think they won't buy a pair of panties to jack off with it? Scrotes will buy anything, especially when it comes with a photo. Her men aren't quality. Just remember that. They like toilet paper on her asshole and pay for it.
No. 915826
>>915825I'm the least likely to give benefit of the doubt, but even this is dubious at best. It's like her claiming people are buying her old cosplays, there would be proof somewhere. In particular:
>men jacking off into itAre common enough on nsfw twitter that it'd be pretty easy to see if it's bs or not, not that you should go looking for it, but momokun is a "celebrity" and known enough people would brag.
No. 915854
File: 1687252126723.jpeg (130.75 KB, 1035x890, IMG_1498.jpeg)

she completely lost what little hamstring definition she was rocking with at the beginning of her ""career"" and won't even attempt to edit it in but will keeps making her quads to be fucking huge giving her that fursuit look, that detail in specific tickles me
No. 915906
>>915743She also may not have gone because of how fat she's gotten.
Japan is the last place you'd want to visit as a fatty
No. 915920
File: 1687388097543.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.47 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20230621_175529_Sam…)

That is one big bitch. No wonder she's not out in Japan. Also paid a new scrote to fondle her granny tits.
No. 915921
File: 1687388251643.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.02 KB, 1080x641, Screenshot_20230621_175504_Sam…)

My apologies for the not so great screenshots but damn this bitch is fat
No. 915923
File: 1687388304265.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.86 KB, 1058x634, Screenshot_20230621_175412_Sam…)

Granny tits in mention. Wasn't she supposed to get a reduction?
No. 915926
>>915920How fucking dare you. Can't you tell that's jiggling muscle? She's actually a skinny queen who's underweight. She use to be anorexic. That's what a real woman look like. She isn't a little girl
(All things Moo said)
No. 915930
>>915577you're right
Balding and creepy looking
Didn't she get in trouble in the past for trying to get into romantic relationships with past photographers and prop makers? I hope he tells her she's too fat for him too.
No. 915933
File: 1687405963308.jpeg (168.01 KB, 896x1584, 332105A8-F81F-417F-8F84-44B075…)

>hee hee
No. 915935
>>915933I love how the mirror gives her away always kek
>>915934I’m surprised she hasn’t been posting about AX aside from that crude skirt drawing
No. 915937
File: 1687427798488.jpg (49.65 KB, 584x681, Untitled.jpg)

firstly, Gross
and secondly, this cements my belief (if she is indeed going commando)that she just brought a cheap multi-pack of underwear and is just reselling them
No. 915946
File: 1687444659194.png (5.03 KB, 594x199, Natural.png)

>>915944You're right, totally natural comment that doesn't match bot response patterns at all.
No. 915952
>>915937doubt.jpg. She's fat too can you imagine how the chairs where she sits would smell
I can never understand when a woman says she doesn't wear panties. What about the discharge?!?!?
No. 915967
>>915952She practically lives in leggings so she likely thinks underwear aren’t necessary, especially to avoid visible panty lines.
Her hygiene seems all around rancid so it’s pretty believable.
No. 915988
File: 1687587096928.jpg (213.74 KB, 1809x899, Untitled.jpg)

someones upset people don't respect her for selling nudes.
oh, and she's also got another photobook vanity project in the works, because her last one was sooo popular.
No. 915994
File: 1687611569467.png (5.41 KB, 586x180, Caught lol.png)

>>915937>>915944>>915948She wouldn't have deleted the tweet if she didn't get called out on it.
No. 915997
>>915988LOL! SHe's so upset. She even said her job is running the failed photography studio. The one she admitted is just for private use. The one she turns down all customers. The "No porn allowed" but exclusively shoots porn there. The "safe space for women" but let pedo looking men work for her.
She needs to be careful about what she says online though. Zero survival instinct on this one. She claims it's a business to write off taxes but it makes -cash and it's for private use. Maybe she wouldn't need to get naked to get money and attention if she was actually talented
No. 915998
>>915988Doesn't understand people are being mean to her because in the past she use to bash sex workers much worse. She also can't compare to male artists. They are usually faceless people who horny draw. It's not like they plastered their real name onto their porn. Porn names exist for a reason Moo
To add, there are plenty of beloved nsfw female content creators who are loved like Tabicord. She takes nudes, has an onlyfans, gives real gym advice. Moo has a list of like 100 things she did horribly wrong. She'd still be trying to convince people to kill themselves if she wasn't humbled. Imagine becoming everything you hate and being on a fast decline
No. 916001
>>915988"I'm not a provider."
What happened to your "I'm a stronk single bread-winning wahmyn" Moo?
And that's exactly why people are calling you out. You make porn and you'll never admit to it because you're ashamed and mad you have to do it to keep yourself afloat.
She's so upset she can't take a few pics of her in cosplays, make bank and get high/drunk at cons while avoiding her problems anymore.
The only people who buy her content are scrotes who keep it on the down low and don't care about her, just her cellulite and willing you stoop as low as she has. I love watching her get shredded on Twitter.
No. 916003
>>916001Her never admitting what she does is just straight up porn is still funny. She's so lazy 90% isn't even in cosplay, it's her flopping around her house. So what does she mean it isn't porn?
"I don't think what I do is porn" will never not be funny. Even she's ashamed of herself. At least she's admitting all she's good for is low quality porn.
Wonder what happened to her lie of secretly being a top realtor though
No. 916011
File: 1687659183516.jpeg (628.89 KB, 1958x3264, 62651123-E6CB-46E7-AD6A-C9B121…)

I’m betting this is about Squarenoodle.
No. 916012
File: 1687659256081.jpeg (163.7 KB, 1288x1246, 5C1DB01A-994F-4DDD-9DE9-2F4D20…)

Lol she’s still ignoring messages from nobodies.
No. 916013
File: 1687659421114.jpeg (Spoiler Image,630.99 KB, 3264x2153, B64B3891-A811-41CD-AECE-D7393B…)

>skinny qween
No. 916018
File: 1687679112303.jpg (27.33 KB, 587x455, moo.jpg)

right, whoever said she'd do scat come claim your prize.
>inb4 piss isn't scat
its one step away
also, she's really flushing her career away lol
No. 916036
File: 1687721543003.jpg (70.14 KB, 720x1027, 20230625_143239.jpg)

>>916020>>916035samefag, forgot to upload pic
No. 916047
File: 1687733888088.jpeg (Spoiler Image,220.69 KB, 1232x1644, 8F05F153-62AA-4898-84FD-F21A59…)

No. 916057
>>916055>"Pee fetishes rise up!">Teases being in the bathroom>You don't receive it but instead receive something elseThat's a scam. People who continue to buy her content deserve dogshit served to them but this is essentially what scamouranth does, moo feels she's good enough to pull the same bait and switch.
>>916054She would need to make this clear, which is unlikely as she doesn't keep everything else updated until she reads here and gets reminded about it.
No. 916062
File: 1687760291348.jpg (54.22 KB, 589x619, meetngreet.jpg)

she's doing meet & greets with senpai squad/express skins again at ax.
whats the bet she ditches like lat time?
>>916047and she's deleted it
No. 916064
>>916054I literally said in the
>>916035 "unless she cuts out the pissing parts…" which means she can indeed upload it to OF if she cuts out the pissing frames. Fucking read.
And if she IS cutting out those scenes then she's just doing her natural "teehee I'm just teasing gaiz!" charade she always does by tempting scrotes with her verbiage but never delivers the actual product.
No. 916067
File: 1687783411713.png (Spoiler Image,510.5 KB, 1710x1001, Dumbass.png)

I see she's back to making this dumbass face.
No. 916068
File: 1687783568758.jpg (106.19 KB, 1284x2282, 355665649_962257141694109_3804…)

LOL Umbran posted the Power wig, but totally blocked out/obscured moo's name
No. 916069
>>916059It's just her masturbating on the toilet and using the bidet function to simulate peeing as she added a pee sound effect in editing since she started to "pee" before she even sat down fully because:
>Someone will leak itIt was leaked.
No. 916081
>>916062Hmmm she might but then again her calves are going to be there as well so she might feel protected. I’ll never understand why senpai squad capes for her so hard, like is she really that big of an asset for them to still shill?
>>916078Mooriah in her hunbot era, I wouldn’t be surprised with how insane she sounded when she was in her supplement phase
No. 916082
>>916081The only reason they still associate with her (I’m guessing) is because she drops a lot of money for them to detail her car. SS probably doesn’t want to lose her as a customer so they need to appease her. Of course they could also just be shitty people so who knows lol
But still, she never fulfills her duties at the table or skips out after less than an hour so why they even bother is beyond me.
No. 916092
File: 1687827678930.jpeg (454.52 KB, 1927x3264, 135E473C-B567-4708-97CA-9FA26D…)

It’s probably related to the consignment shop debacle that was posted upthread.
No. 916101
File: 1687836933282.jpg (148.31 KB, 1079x1230, Screenshot_20230626_203702_Twi…)

Guarantee she's hoping those artists who freaked out over the fem Miguel with hype her up
No. 916121
>>916120It's going to be the art community. I follow several NSFW artists due to my art and there's a couple that show they follow Moo with a few 100,000s followers. They were a part of the Miguel discourse
>>>/ot/1612385 She's hoping for this attention at least.
No. 916124
File: 1687885437266.jpg (61.52 KB, 590x697, Untitled.jpg)

apparently she's also doing meet and greets for lowkey geeks. She's really trying to work her way back into the cosplay community isn't she?
Oh, and she's disabled replies for that post too
No. 916127
>>916125I got the same ominous vibe from it lol
>>916120nta but petty drama thrives on art Twitter no matter who’s involved.
No. 916149
File: 1687910782053.webm (2.76 MB, 1280x720, 20230626_170231_Instagram.webm)
>>916092She had these on her story in-between the shit memes before she removed them.
No. 916165
>>916152Ive tried looking but havent found anything so far, but im still searching now. Ive checked under her last name and her company name as well.
>>916155She has so little self awareness most of the time, like maybe dont joke about going to court and winning? But hey more milk for us
No. 916171
File: 1687981558031.jpeg (619.3 KB, 2152x3264, 57F2B89C-2EF4-4E9F-B456-14F777…)

No. 916183
>>916179Was thinking the same too, it reminds me of her broom ass looking wig for Velma too, as much as I hate helmet wigs it did make her look somewhat, and I say this with like the least amount of credit I can give her, presentable
>>916175But for the nonas who called it that they would beat each other up, please collect ur prize!!!
Damn moo… sexual assaulter and physical too
No. 916207
File: 1688013878836.jpeg (196.02 KB, 1244x1488, D47C2FB9-D293-4E4E-98EF-88DBCA…)

Of course she would choose Jasper. Yikes.
No. 916210
File: 1688023736725.jpeg (158.79 KB, 1699x1297, IMG_9615.jpeg)

No. 916215
File: 1688036985578.png (197.33 KB, 1207x1474, twitter.png)

moo, once again arguing on twitter
No. 916216
>>916207her cosplays are always either just flavor of the week or the most manipulative/
abusive characters she can find