File: 1517250254326.jpg (656.15 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1439048539.jpg)

No. 485956
Previous thread:
>>431342Vicky is still working from home and posting badly edited potato quality pics/vids despite announcing the grand opening of "Bella Morte studios", a tattoo and photography studio (shack) located in buttfuck nowhere. She has also recently named her self timer "Frankie".
>30 year old tattoo scratcher who works out of her apartment, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo properly scars people's bodies>Former myspace scene queen with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects>Narcissistic attention whore who describes herself as a 'real life Final Fantasy character'>Can't talk about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them>Claims to be well-versed in psychology, astronomy, quantum physics to name a few fields of study (despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields)>Posts videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a 'sword fighter'>(Poorly) fakes a British accent>Known on Lolcow for selfposting hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her irl>Tried to DMCA lolcow and kiwi, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involvedAll images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody. Image sources:
Facebook: FB: No. 485959
File: 1517251027090.png (958.08 KB, 1440x2196, Screenshot_20180129-132804.png)

"Studied this disorder avidly" but can't spell the name of it, fuck me
No. 485974
>>485959OMG she cant even copy / paste the word "narcissistic" correctly
Such intellectual!
No. 485989
File: 1517258836956.jpg (371.64 KB, 592x548, lolnasty.jpg)

I tried to make her seem human, she shoops so much and that hair is so blurry and fried it makes it impossible
No. 486029
File: 1517269885462.jpg (969.51 KB, 1080x1247, AirBrush_20180129180119.jpg)

>>485989This was my attempt lol
No. 486211
File: 1517399994172.png (367.75 KB, 1440x1385, Screenshot_20180131-065459.png)

>>486198Speaking of modelling, check out this load of crap bahaha. Oooookkkaaaayyyy Vic
No. 486214
File: 1517400235697.png (2 MB, 1440x1922, Screenshot_20180131-070250.png)

>>486212And of course, some more Frankie photography
No. 486240
>>486211She has been lurking again.
>>486198Definetly sounds like what she would come up with to deflect the haterzzzz. That came just "coincidentally" as farmers make fun out of her having to photograph herself as no one else will put up with her photoshopping.
No. 486249
File: 1517426484880.png (1.12 MB, 1440x1940, 20180131_142038.png)

>>486240I agree, she posted this as well, definitely directed at us hahah watch out for incoming "I'm not bothered" meme
No. 486255
F at
R eprehensible
A rtificial
N eckbeard-fishing
K atana-wielding
I ncel-baiting
E mbarrasement
No. 486256
File: 1517430358777.png (10.16 KB, 480x149, vickys no fuks.png)

>>486249DING DONG! You are the winner!
No. 486264
File: 1517433134807.jpg (103.99 KB, 501x800, Vickynavel.jpg)

Time to celebrate Vicky with my favourite Vicky pictures!
I call this one,
1#Vicky's Navel
I love this photo because she forgot where the human navel is located and photoshopped it about an inch too high.
She forgot to photoshop her hands, so her finger is the width of her eye.
No. 486265
File: 1517433321372.jpg (81.66 KB, 478x720, VickyWaist.jpg)

2#Vicky's Waist
I love this photo, because her waist is so small, it has created a vortex all around sucking everything towards it.
Vicky accidentally photoshopped her forearm thicker than her neck.
No. 486266
File: 1517433552405.jpg (266.31 KB, 1024x662, VickyCurtain.jpg)

3#Vicky and the Curtain
I love this photo, because Vicky has no shoulders or collarbones in this. She got lazy and just airbrushed everything, yet still is chubby.
She is dressed in a cheap curtain.
No. 486267
File: 1517433981948.jpg (117.44 KB, 580x1000, VickyAnatomy.jpg)

4#Vicky's Anatomy
I love this photo, because Vicky's forearm is at the height of her ass and she has no ears.
This is one of my favourite vicky's of all time. The gargantuan left arm, the waist as thick as the thigh, the collarbone boobs AND no neck really make it a masterpiece. It brings together everything that make Victoria Bella-Morte who she is today as a con-artist.
Cons. She photoshopped herself a vagina tattoo.
No. 486336
>>486278Dear farmer,
Can you not see? That is a piercing by the famous piercer, Photoshop™ -kun. He is a cousin of Frankie Photographt.
No. 486344
>>486267those eyebrows. How could she think those are ok.
She photoshops herself and yet she leaves those two hideous things that look straight from my shitty animu doodles?
No. 486491
File: 1517573673305.jpg (77.59 KB, 514x800, Vickycalves.jpg)

5# Vicky's Calves
She does not have so many trash tattoos and has less Photoshop
Her calves are thicker than her thighs and you can really see how dirty and ratty her hair is.
No. 486529
File: 1517596158917.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2214, 20180202_132839.png)

This is my fav Vic shoop. Accidentally blew up one tit bigger than the other. Also pulled in waist but forgot to get rid of the gut bump. Derp.
No. 486665
File: 1517684258535.jpg (252.12 KB, 621x927, vickydeshop.jpg)

>>486529How could I forget! I tried to deshop it based on candids of her.
No. 486742
File: 1517709807957.png (104.28 KB, 640x964, IMG_7569.PNG)

literally anything and everything is a way to her to brag about her delusions of being oh so special it's wild
this was on an instagram video of a bleeding cut lmao
No. 486887
File: 1517806070038.jpg (152.7 KB, 720x987, IMG_20180204_234609.jpg)

Don't even know what to say about this one
No. 486963
File: 1517897680662.jpeg (121.53 KB, 640x812, 03194E2B-49CF-4516-8F12-17B65C…)

Vicky reminding everyone that she’s so desirable even married men are always after her. I swear every time she posts something it’s about her super high IQ and intelligence or how beautiful she is. Always blowing smoke up her fugly insecure ass
No. 487144
File: 1517978685553.jpeg (181.46 KB, 627x1040, AFACA702-D3BE-4AB4-B029-68CAC6…)

An awkward bad shoop ~photo shoot~ by the self timer known as Frankie photography. No credits or links to “Frankie” because he’s obviously imaginary. I wish someone would ask her for his photography page or his Instagram to look at his other work. I’d love to see vic scramble to spew out a lie about that one. She keeps taking pictures in the same shitty dress. Go buy yourself some new clothes girl. Makes her look even more broke and bummy always wearing the same shit
No. 487146
File: 1517979007649.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, 9E5FAC1A-68F1-4ACB-ACDB-B4D26D…)

Samefagging but this is seriously such a disaster she shooped one hip smaller than the other and there are so many things that just look way off. Fuck her life
No. 487212
File: 1518022179113.png (220.53 KB, 1440x853, Screenshot_20180207-114924.png)

>>487144Looks like you got your wish, anon
No. 487264
>>487144Is it just me or does she really have a dragon Ball just chilling at the side..
>>487252Since a FEMALE is asking she most likely will delete the comment or block and pretend nothing happened
No. 487315
File: 1518103348016.png (595.22 KB, 1417x1880, Screenshot_20180208-101505.png)

>>487305Don't think it's happening lol. She ignored that comment while replying to other ones on that photo. Also changed her profile to some really old photo of her. If Frankie was a real person, this would be insanely rude of her to refuse to give his contact info to potential clients. Are you a liar or just an asshole, Icky? Either way, makes you look bad girl.
No. 487392
File: 1518144063822.png (183.71 KB, 935x448, hbgr.png)

No. 487407
>>487392hahaha, she gets a phishing message (or some guy in india who wants hernumber) and she posts it as a brag
"nah, it's legit, but i'm a hermit so i passed"
No. 487444
File: 1518190115305.png (525.14 KB, 1411x2268, Screenshot_20180209-102638.png)

>>487392The comments on this are so cringey
No. 487539
File: 1518260942230.png (424.77 KB, 496x692, ISISvicky.png)

Holy shit, now she is claiming she is communicating in secret with terrorists.
My sides have erupted.
No. 487540
File: 1518261124042.png (45.78 KB, 478x528, ISIScab.png)

>>487539Hey guys, she totally was deemed worthy enough to become the TOP ISIS dog.
Someone called her out and she somehow tried to deflect it, looking even dumber.
No. 487573
File: 1518300767035.jpg (71.97 KB, 680x671, e2e.jpg)

>>487542Her online biography that she wrote about herself sounds like an online role player. I wonder if she used to role play on the internet as this character that she created, then she decided it was appropriate to make that her identity for irl and online.
No. 487590
>>487539so she was talking to an ISIS member (a group that's only been around a few years) but it was when she was too young.
pick one, vick
No. 487690
>JUDGE MElol,we do, you utter nutbag
I love Vicky, she's absolute gold <3
No. 487707
File: 1518415293878.jpg (774.55 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180212_005845.jpg)

Someone please save this video before Vicky notices how sad her tits look
No. 487710
File: 1518415472013.jpg (897.71 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180212_010453.jpg)

I can't
No. 487715
>>487707"natural face"
only lips done, eyeliner, mascara, and cheeks done
to her "natural" is just not wearing halloween lashes
No. 487734
File: 1518423261348.jpg (893.97 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180212_031412.jpg)

Holy heffer! Is she fucking drunk right now?! Fucking WOOOF
No. 487769
>V ¡ c T o R ¡ A M u r Ð e R
>a k a
>Victoria Bella-Morte
>.I am the deepest ocean, the most treacherous ϟea.
>.I am the ϟixth, i am the Ʃighth.
>.The most ominous of any abyss.
>.Nice to meet you, i'm Victoria.
>.I'm British, loyal, sharp tongued, creative and far more intellectual than my physical age and appearance will ever denote.
>.Anything brutal…anything beautiful….from opera to death metal, i adore it all.
>.I speak my mind, and i'm honest to the point of getting myself into trouble. I can admit my own faults….and i can also tell you not only of an enemies idiocies, but of their strengths…balance is key, there is no right or wrong…..evil is a point of view, and if you cannot discern the truth from all sides, don't assume you have any clue what the fuck is going on.
>.I'm sweet tempered until provoked, then watch as i tear the poor sod who illicited such behaviour in two…it will take alot for me to get to that point. My hair is a wreck half the time, i practically live in fuzzy robes or boys clothing. You'll find me at either extreme, geek glasses and a tomboyish appearance, or looking like something that walked out of final fantasy. Both suit my personality perfectly, and both feel equally as comfortable.
>.Behind these pale green eyes of mine lurks a delusory intellect that apon first notice, you'd most likely wouldn't identify is there, especially if our first meeting is in a party situation, when my accent becomes thick and i'm boistrous and loud and cheerfull….until i wind up rambling on about psychology, philosophy or science. In either of those subjects, which i have studied and questioned since adolescence, as much as i do know….you'll find one thing about me….the more i know, the more i feel i know nothing. This world is incredible intricate in so many ways… we are infinitesmial…humans do not have the capacity to comprehend absolutely everything, and i will never be arrogant enough to assume i can ascertain the answer to every puzzle this world has to offer. My lust for knowledge will never be satiated none the less.
>A few things i've done over the years include:
>Local paper for comics at the age of 13
>Owning an international clothing line at the age of 19 - To be revamped
>Graphic Design
>Digital Painting
>Anger Management Radio 88.3 (Metal Radio station…Broadcasts on T.V, Radio, and Stickam)
>Promotion for bands
>Management of various salons, beauty distributors ect.
>Head Cook
>Gore specialist and Make-up for mini movies
>Karate, Kickboxing and Dance, won medals
>Painting and Drawing
>Ongoing writing
>Various Modelling (Pure Imagination Clothing, Toxic Vision, ect- Incredible designers btw)
>Graced Magazines with my tattoo work, or likeness and even done a few covers for Britian's Elite Magazine, Tattoo Lifestyle magazine, Inked Magazine, Tattooed Girls Magazine
>.I've turned down far more than i've done, but my reasons for that are my own.
>.I'm currently writing 2 books on and off which i plan on finishing when much older, and when my vocabulary, knowledge of human psychology and imagination will surpass that of my younger self.
>.All my ink was done by myself, some were done in a mirror, like my neck, if you would like to set up an appointment, let me know and i can put you in contact with my booker.
>.If there was ever something to say to would-be enemies, it's this : "I don't care what you think about me, i don't think about you at all" oh….and….underestimate me, please.
>…this is but an infinitesimal piece of information about me, a glimpse. For i am so much more than words, we all are. A phantasmagory of thoughts, images..memories…for that is all we really have in the end don't we? Memories.
>.Pleased to make your acquaintance darrrling…
She's sick.
No. 487771
File: 1518457562413.jpeg (46 KB, 511x512, 3BE5B66E-73DD-46F0-A7C7-785B4B…)

>>487769>Behind these pale green eyes of mine lurks a delusory intellect that apon first notice, you'd most likely wouldn't identify is theresomebody’s deluded alright
No. 487775
File: 1518461288617.jpg (81.6 KB, 640x960, ee8.jpg)

>>487771The fact that she brags about her katana skills gives me a chuckle!
No. 487778
File: 1518462183096.png (219.69 KB, 373x327, 544.png)

"Here is a pretty simple thing that will help you learn alot about me. I am what i am, i like what i like, from geeky, nerdy, silly looking…to oldschool shit your parents probably like far more than you…i don't live up to preconceived notions or "fads"…i dress down like a tomboy most of the time to see who is actually real and who is false.
Also, i'm probably not what you would ever expect intellectually.
But then again, if you really knew me, you would already be aware of this.
I am nothing more than a being with insatiable curiosity in many fields…
"I am death, the destroyer of worlds."
You watch me like a predator,
Your eyes show that you are prey
There is no right nor wrong, that is perception that is an illusion of the mind, there is only vibration … energy of which you yourself, in this world, are combined.
They say that ignorance is bliss and knowledge is misery….knowledge is only misery when ignorance of knowledge seems everlasting.
Every person i meet that believes in me makes me want to be a better person, not just for me, but for them.
Oh the things i could show…oh the breath i would waste.
I have two modes
1. Do a badass job
2. Don't do it.
I’ll watch the stars like immortal specters and see them fall to dust…i’ll play in crystal constellations, and hope it holds my infinitesimal heart in it’s intricate web of glowing beauty, like luminescent fireflies in it’s inverted heartcrushing paroxysmal complexity.
.I am the deepest ocean, the most treacherous ϟea.
.I am the ϟixth, i am the Ʃighth.
.The most ominous of any abyss.
- No. 487781
File: 1518462952147.jpeg (68.01 KB, 572x652, 6BC19604-8995-461A-8B68-86814D…)

Final fantasy gurl
No. 487798
File: 1518465845177.jpg (29.81 KB, 926x152, vick gets one right.JPG)

>>487771she had to get one right eventually.
No. 487817
File: 1518475919075.png (205.25 KB, 504x697, 151380940466624-5.png)

>>487781Kelly and her have a FF obsession.
>>>/snow/466706 No. 487909
File: 1518583539335.jpg (21.48 KB, 320x224, Kuja.jpg)

>>487782>>487781Final fantasy man, perhaps?
No. 487910
File: 1518584848211.jpeg (76.95 KB, 639x503, 598DC4CA-36F4-4157-B850-350651…)

>>487909She looks more like the giant moog that cait sith rides on
No. 488039
File: 1518710191651.png (384.93 KB, 1440x1771, 20180215_105220.png)

Vicky posts all positively about Valentine's and after 2 hours of being on social media and seeing that everyone but her is out , decides to post an angry status about how everyone's boyfriends are hitting on her hahaha. Aw, Vic, hope you didn't drown your sorrows in cheap whiskey last night.
No. 488440
File: 1518961712818.jpg (698.05 KB, 1077x2003, Screenshot_20180218-134614.jpg)

Yes Vicky. But the model in this photo is actually toned and not a fat piece of lard like you. Keep believing you are on the same level when in fact you look like her sitting down when you are stood up!
No. 488656
File: 1519004812665.jpg (181.39 KB, 768x1024, PicsArt_02-18-08.41.01.jpg)

she posted a video like a week ago and this happened in the comments when someone points out she filmed it herself.
see her get super mad and miss that they were replying to the other person's claim they were jealous, as well as call them reetarded and tell them to play in traffic. don't cut yourself on all that edge vicky.
her hair looks like toothpaste, the random chunk of flower just hanging there makes no sense and the outfit is classic forever stuck in my space fashion. so where are the results of this ~shoot~ to show us how amazing you are?
No. 488661
File: 1519005077095.png (140.75 KB, 1080x759, 20180218_202224.png)

>>488656samefag, here she is pretty much encouraging someone to kill themselves for commenting on her post.
No. 488714
>>488656“Next they’ll say omgzzz you edited this before posting omggzz you’re actually 3000 pounds”
Too bad you did edit that with horrible filters and you are a fat whale in real life. Nice flap jack titties and line backer shoulders there Vicky
No. 488784
>>488766this is muh tit
these are muh teeth
No. 488873
File: 1519074216183.png (302.1 KB, 1440x1992, 20180219_160401.png)

Cringe queen is fawning over some cringe king. This guy could have his own thread in snow.
No. 488874
File: 1519074245472.png (396.46 KB, 1430x1797, Screenshot_20180219-160159.png)

No. 488876
File: 1519074383728.png (451.77 KB, 1434x2336, 20180219_160735.png)

No. 488961
File: 1519096302859.jpg (620.37 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180219_221031.jpg)

Some more Frankie photography posted. How is it that her tits are saggy af in a bra and then ballooned to high heavens without one. Giiiiirrrllll
No. 488968
>>488874>>488877>>488880>>488927I don't see the mega cringe. His posts are shitty, dated jokes but theyre clearly satire, unlike ol vic whose serious about everything
It also looks like he's just interacting with her as he probably would most followers for attention/popularity but she's straight up lusting after him lmao
Maybe I just need to see more of him but what's been posted doesn't seem very milky, unless I'm missing something? Like these posts all just look like he's taking the piss out of stuff
No. 489056
File: 1519128361951.png (38.89 KB, 501x403, thejokeandVicky'shead.png)

I love it when jokes go way over Vicky's head.
No. 489139
File: 1519139527039.jpg (363.3 KB, 1440x1388, Screenshot_20180220-013524.jpg)

More rambling about how every guy desires to marry her on her cupid post.
No. 489158
File: 1519143117183.png (203.89 KB, 1440x843, Screenshot_20180220-111140.png)

Ten bucks says she eventually makes an obvious fake account if people keep asking about Frankie. This is on her newest profile pic.
No. 489216
File: 1519157447464.jpeg (167.61 KB, 640x781, 04C43B79-38B2-40A5-AA29-0DD4D5…)

The newest butchery. It’s really sad how she hasn’t improved over the years at all. She uses waaaay too much white she doesn’t know how to grey wash at all this is going to look like garbage as it ages.
No. 489238
>>489216It's so poorly placed, too, the spike thing right on his elbow is gonna get saggier and saggier and blow out in like half a second.
Looking at it again its like she tried to tattoo on what seems like an armored gauntlet but failed to account for the arm twisting.
No. 489426
File: 1519232059712.png (1.06 MB, 1437x1756, Screenshot_20180221-115428.png)

Glass houses , Vic
No. 489481
File: 1519246653413.png (635.27 KB, 1024x636, tumblr_msth90cBZT1qf4pl0o1_128…)

>>489424also is it just me or is size 8 big for a person as short as she is. dainty fantasy Princess got some bigass feet!
No. 489485
>>489407fucking lel, she tries to claim 100 lbs but gave up one number short.
Vicky: you clearly weigh like 140 at least, why not run with it and go BBW with curves and whatnot? It would be better than trying to hide the fact that you're clearly much heavier than you pretend to be. If you accepted being heavier, you could focus all of your photoshop efforts into making your face alterations look real.
No. 489627
File: 1519276306814.jpeg (129.04 KB, 640x899, 00D77AC4-238F-4850-A795-1E3DCA…)

I find this especially funny because i Know a guy who had a gf and he cheated on her with Vick about 3 years ago. And she would continue to hit on him fully knowing he was dating someone (he’s an ugly scumbag too)
No. 489631
>>489627Classic insecure girl move
>flirt relentlessly with taken man>send him unasked for nudes>sext him with no prompting>consider it a win when he gets turned onI hope that dudes ex gf got a good laugh at Vicki instead of being heart broken
No. 489638
File: 1519278146767.jpeg (35.26 KB, 540x262, CF1AD072-2B03-41C5-9A4A-3BB28E…)

Dropping a gem screen cap of a status from May 2017. Talking about being ~so smart~ and then spells painful wrong.
No. 489683
>>489627She's notorious in the toronto music scene for knowingly sleeping with people's partners. She slept with my friends boyfriend ( a guy in a local band ) even though it was really apparent from his social media he was in a relationship ( she found him via instagram ). she's a really insecure star fucker. thats why you rarely see her in the city she's on a lot of peoples shit lists, which makes it kind of hilarious when she complains about how she doesn't have a lot of female friends. Its not that girls don't want to be her friend because she's so smart and special and no one other then boys can truly understand her its because she literally can't keep her legs closed and has slept with everyone, she doesn't care about a guys relationship status.
I think she likes feeling like she's wanted even by people with partners because she gets to "one up" a usually way hotter girl, but really she's just a easy slob.
No. 489850
File: 1519355310935.jpeg (67.13 KB, 640x872, 1E9D1E3A-F8D8-4C08-BFD4-F36D4B…)

She sounds like a 14 year old on 9gag
No. 489929
>>489683Yeah, which band?
I'm fairly active in the Toronto metal scene and I've never seen her at a show… not to mention we don't have any mutual friends on FB. To whom in TO is she notorious to??
No. 490077
File: 1519451464053.png (1.29 MB, 1440x2045, Screenshot_20180223-232536.png)

Vic, you have already threatened a couple people with the "say it to my face" shit and then back down. Last person was willing and you started messaging their friends with idiotic things like "she thinks you're fat" instead.
No. 490101
File: 1519469013364.png (661.94 KB, 1440x1873, Screenshot_20180224-054311.png)

>>490077Why change 350lbs to 400lbs and add a random comma at the end of this post? What a random edit.
No. 490123
>>490086>>490116so i don't have screenshots, i searched my old hard drive and everything so i apologize and i get its hard to believe me without them,… but there was actually a status the shop made before the one anon shared, where they claimed that she had stolen from other people working at the shop and never showed up to her appointments… she was unreliable and unable to be trusted apparently.
kicking myself for not taking a screenshot!!
No. 490384
File: 1519590676077.jpeg (125.15 KB, 640x923, 6B91C47C-4915-4492-96D4-540A0F…)

Vic showing off her dart board with the darts she totally threw and didn’t just stick there and take a video. I would love to see her make a video of her playing and see how she actually does. Notice how she spelled board as bored because she’s so super intelligent with such a high IQ that she can’t even spell most simple words correctly or use the proper ones. Such a goddess
No. 490438
File: 1519610598235.jpg (435.87 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180225_210342.jpg)

This fucking mongoloid is telling people her drinking problem is because of her ~~~high IQ~~~~ I can't
No. 490475
File: 1519625918849.jpg (373.72 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180226_011935.jpg)

Why is she like this
No. 490477
>>490475I want to see if she's actually this autistic in person. I live in her city, too, and I just want to see the cow in action. Best places for Vickyviewing?
I don't understand how she actually has real life friends her age when she hasn't matured past 12.
No. 490533
File: 1519680381987.png (541.99 KB, 1440x2062, Screenshot_20180226-145100.png)

No. 490680
File: 1519761435259.jpeg (105.24 KB, 640x789, 701CAECB-4780-4C03-B087-D280F5…)

She wears this fake supreme hoodie a lot and every time I see it I get annoyed.
No. 490685
File: 1519770758750.jpg (698 KB, 1440x2374, Screenshot_20180227-173027.jpg)

>>490680"I'm a trendsetter"
"I bought this cause I saw someone else wearing it"
Vicky, you absolute moron, no one copies anything you do. You're a walking "how to fail at life" manual.
No. 490789
>>490778She did a shitty tattoo on him recently seen in this post
>>489216And I guess he hasn’t posted any pictures of them hanging out because Vicky won’t let him. She doesn’t want any candids posted that she can’t photoshop to death or edit with 50 filters and brightness turned way the fuck up.
No. 490803
>>490101>"YOU FAT 400 POUND JABBA ASS BOOLIES I USED TO KICK ALL UR ASSES"Ah yes, love it when someone who claims bullying is wrong acts like an aggressive internet tough girl. Kind of like something…a
bully would do, hm? The irony of the meme is lost on her.
No. 490933
File: 1519883340169.png (1.88 MB, 1440x2464, Screenshot_20180301-004442.png)

Vicky you retarded piece of shit. Bullying someone isn't even on the same level as shooting up a school. Gun violence in America is mainly a result of unstable people being able to easily access guns, not bullying. I know you want to violently act out because you feel you're being bullied, but justifying murder as a response to bullying is beyond fucked up. Ps: you are being "bullied" because you're a ridiculous retard with delusions of grandeur. You're a failure and you will be "bullied" for the rest of your life unless you get some fucking therapy and start acting like a fucking adult.
No. 490934
File: 1519883479357.png (500.76 KB, 1433x1568, Screenshot_20180301-005119.png)

And speaking of acting like an adult… you haven't grown up at all. That's why we make fun of you, you fat, smelly child.
No. 491374
File: 1520107571598.png (400.86 KB, 815x597, vic1.png)

watch out. vicky getting into self promoted digital magazines. moving on up there girl! (1-2)
No. 491398
File: 1520117560235.jpg (572.34 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180303_175010.jpg)

Frankie is amazing
No. 491401
File: 1520119496680.png (150.67 KB, 1418x723, Screenshot_20180303-181926.png)

>>491374Much intelligence. I always cringe so hard when I see the comment section on her posts. Also, she's the only girl on that page who doesn't have a link to a photographer and who has such a badly shopped photo. Sticks out like a sore thumb. You really shouldn't have submitted , Vic. You look stupid next to the other girls.
No. 491403
File: 1520121370569.jpg (402.01 KB, 1316x1453, 2018-03-03-18-51-54.jpg)

Today is a bad day. First I find out elfatale the Megan fox lookalike looks like a drag queen irk and now my other woman crush Victoria Bella Morte also looks like a drag queen. Am I into drag queens? Do I need counseling or do these women?
Sage for irrelevance but man did I Dodge a bullet not getting a tattoo from vbm. I almost got a PORTRAIT(derailing)
No. 491415
>>491374notice how that dude she keeps mentioning went from being the one behind the camera to "set direction" credit.
>>491404nope, that's just a lot of investment hours into photo shopping herself.
>>491409it looks like she took the head/face from an older photo and replaced what was present. the magical boob lift is hilarious.
No. 491443
File: 1520143654375.jpg (83.1 KB, 500x373, 25532758630_0105fe1411.jpg)

>>491415i think you nailed it, she looks like she photoshopped the top from a shot from one of these photos where she looked like a completely different person. the difference in the hair alone kills me
No. 491493
File: 1520191691400.png (443.53 KB, 1440x2080, Screenshot_20180304-141605.png)

Someone made a dumb joke about Victoria's breasts on her profile pic on FB and she has completely lost it. There's about 8-10 paragraphs like this and a status. I'm honestly shocked I don't think I've ever seen her so angry.
No. 491506
File: 1520196472300.jpg (145.23 KB, 852x1136, IMG_1168.JPG)

Dug up this portrait of a kid she's done. He looks ill haha.
No. 491512
File: 1520200343117.png (843.36 KB, 1440x2443, Screenshot_20180304-164449.png)

No. 491513
File: 1520200365260.png (562.06 KB, 1440x2438, 20180304_165025.png)

No. 491514
File: 1520200386480.png (213.38 KB, 1440x936, Screenshot_20180304-164527.png)

No. 491515
File: 1520200425708.png (250.16 KB, 1440x1279, 20180304_164139.png)

And then this was the status which seems to be deleted now.
No. 491529
File: 1520204329722.gif (70.58 KB, 275x155, 1510959804487.gif)

>>491513>Also I'm hot as fuckClearly she hasn't seen herself with and without photoshop. Girl who are you fooling with those triangular eyebrows?
No. 491539
File: 1520205292059.jpeg (63.01 KB, 566x518, 807816E1-FF54-4E6F-8104-BCEB17…)

I turned up the brightness and you can tell all the parts she poorly shooped. She blew up the right tit bigger than the left and the shadow she drew around them at the top doesn’t make any sense
No. 491545
File: 1520206199785.jpg (235.79 KB, 1304x902, Screenshot_20180304-182331.jpg)

"Get help"
"You wish!"
I mean, I know she probably meant that the person wishes she was mentally ill, but only a lunatic would have this reaction to some mild trolling. On top of that, she deleted the status posted in
>>491515 and the comment posted in
>>491493 so clearly she knows she overdid it. She's
sexy crazy and she knows it.
No. 491559
>>491545The perfect reply to that tirade
Thank you for providing, anon
No. 491577
>>491564oh sorry anon i deleted my comment because i felt it was usless input kek
for context - her "northern ireland" accent sounds too hoity toity proper than any northern ireland accent ive heard no matter how weak.
No. 491585
File: 1520210329179.png (1.06 MB, 1440x2317, 20180304_193904.png)

Miss Knockout realized she sounded stupid and started deleting comments but tried to cover it up by claiming she is being reported. She then deleted the whole comment thread along with this video, otherwise I would have posted it. The accent on it was hilarious. Don't cry and drink yourself to sleep now, hot stuff.
No. 491599
File: 1520211810405.jpg (650.56 KB, 1440x2283, Screenshot_20180304-195759.jpg)

Sorry for double post but this is just sad. I sent the screencap to a friend laughing about how she deleted it and then I posted the screencap on here. Friend replied saying it's still up. I looked again thinking I'm too tired and was seeing things but the caption is different and the comments are gone. I compared the time of my post and message to the time of the upload and she re uploaded only a few minutes after I posted the screencap on here. Girl how obsessively do you check this thread??
Anyway, here's the link: No. 491601
>>491585“They cried and got their knickers in a twist”
Yea we are over here crying and totally not having a nice laugh about how hard you are snapping about being caught in your shitty lies. And she always uses the same insults “stupid bitch kill yourself” she sounds like an edgy teenager. Her making multiple posts about this shows how much it’s bothering her. She’s the one crying.
No. 491625
>>491601and with that, she made her entire facebook friends only
No. 491626
File: 1520217243275.png (1.8 MB, 2490x1199, omgeye.PNG)

more "i woke up like dis" rhetoric, claiming she has natural permanent eyeshadow because she's pale, or something
No. 491651
File: 1520235157542.jpg (182.42 KB, 1062x1543, _20180305_102711.JPG)

I was checking out her (completely public) Instagram and this made me burst a seam. Dumbass took a cropped photo and tattooed it on a larger area as is. Of course it's still "not finished". Wouldn't a tattoo artist as good as she claims to be complete the top of the head by referencing other photos of Alice Cooper?
No. 491741
File: 1520264058421.png (788.94 KB, 1080x1859, PicsArt_03-05-10.32.14.png)

>>491651the sharing on the nose makes it look warped and the eyes are killing me. maybe she didn't want to put in the effort of all that hair, gotta have time to pack a ton of white in it.
her flipping out and telling people to off themselves is nothing new. it was funny to see her go from saying it was one person to multiple individuals who have been ~stalking and harassing~ her.
here she is pretending that she is all about #girlcode after calling someone a cunt and telling them to kill themselves.
No. 491744
>>491741"Us girls need to look out for one another!" "Kill yourself cunt!"
This bitch has multiple personalities.
No. 491747
>>491741Translation: "girls should be kissing my ass and idolizing me and if they don't they're bullies and i'll tell them to kill themselves with my ~sharp british tongue~!"
>>491511"my boobs are real and the only thing that brings me any joy or self worth is being considered attractive! that's why i have a tantrum like a fucking child every time someone implies that i'm not! kill yourself!"
i do not envy the psychiatrist that has to eventually unpack these issues.
No. 491895
>>491796How drunk is she here?? She sounds absolutely shit-faced, a day in the life
read mean comment, drink, upload drunken pics/ramblings cry yourself to sleep.. good plan vikkums, good plan.
No. 491919
File: 1520361338504.png (548.6 KB, 1080x2000, PicsArt_03-06-01.32.09.png)

this is the only photo from that e-zine where she didn't have her hand in her face, and it was flipped so i fixed that. the composition of the fake cleavage and bra is hilarious, especially compared to the other women in the same issue.
No. 491944
File: 1520368754558.jpeg (196.11 KB, 750x1130, 15283D5A-A265-4AAF-BC14-4251D6…)

>>491919Clone tool mishaps. Nice reverberating tattoo.
No. 492026
>>491944>>491512"Its clearly that I pulled the top up higher"
It's ~~~clearly~~~ that you're bad at Photoshop and a liar,
Jan Icky
No. 492068
File: 1520395867356.jpg (874.44 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180306_231229.jpg)

Never forget what you really look like, Shingles
No. 492082
File: 1520398495785.jpeg (438.07 KB, 2048x2048, 3F0A431A-4EFE-4AD1-8B51-CF0A9A…)

Comparing all of her edits feels like a spot the difference game, one doesn’t even have the earring - one her waist is significantly smaller - you also see her neck bones, the boobs are all different shapes and sizes which is fun considering her pose itself doesn’t change much at all
No. 492083
File: 1520398881939.jpg (42.33 KB, 600x900, earcuff.jpg)

>>492072It's probably one of these.
No. 492145
File: 1520413421269.jpeg (194.26 KB, 640x884, 3AF661E6-2496-4D2C-AFBF-B52549…)

Another shitty tattooo. The caption kills me “In progress..needs a bit of white”
Of course it’s in progress still all your tats are! And it really doesn’t need more white you need to chill on that and learn how to grey wash. Every time she is showing a tattoo it’s always a shitty video that is shakey. I never see other artists doing that if it’s a large piece that can’t fit in one photo it’s usually 3 photos they took at different angles to show the work they did properly and you can take everything in. Not a shitty shaken cam video. I wonder why Vicky never shows her healed work? I will see artists posting their work after it’s healed often. We all know Vicky’s poor victims tattoos age like gum on a sidewalk. That poor guys shoulder is going to look so bad as it ages and a black mess
>>492086I bet she had to get him to repeat that so she could record it and put it on IG.
No. 492147
File: 1520414410053.gif (4.3 MB, 517x1422, manyfacesofViccky.gif)

>>492082Thank you! You inspired and made it a lot easier for the many faces of Vicky.
No. 492149
File: 1520414871630.jpeg (134.51 KB, 1016x762, 536046C7-40C2-4EA7-B978-470962…)

>>492145I think Vicky is attempting to do armoured shoulder piece tattoos. When I compare her work to actual professionals (like this work) hers looks like a dumpster fire in comparison
No. 492156
File: 1520416688591.png (227.51 KB, 605x346, 628CF422-C1C0-492D-9B70-D67E95…)

The goddess diet
No. 492292
>>491915did you read the comment you replied to? they weren't talking about vic
>>492145tbh she probably doesn't even get to see the healed tattoos herself, as most of them are probably soon fixed by other artists
No. 492614
File: 1520524911385.png (292.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180308-160003.png)

Nice one to whoever reported her! I wish he ban was more permanent! Was this because she told someone to kill themselves?? And now she's saying it was because someone got butt hurt? This bitch is so damn deluded
No. 492639
File: 1520531201545.jpg (894.59 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180308_124626.jpg)

>>492614The edit history… did she really need to edit this like 5 times? And she didn't catch "must of" after all that. Dat high iq.
No. 492641
File: 1520531371401.png (453.92 KB, 1440x2461, 20180308_125051.png)

>>492614Also, the comments on this are just gold. Here's her calling herself famous.
No. 492643
File: 1520531597135.png (349.36 KB, 1440x1980, 20180308_125344.png)

>>492614Here is her taking about how she doesn't care and how we're all mentally ill and lack self awareness (glass houses, Vic)
No. 492765
File: 1520559962647.png (72.84 KB, 481x980, IMG_0487.PNG)

I bet by the end of this night, someone wanted to hit her in the face with a bouquet of flowers. But that's it.
No. 492828
File: 1520591522501.png (114.29 KB, 1440x497, Screenshot_20180309-053155.png)

Please Vicky
No. 492830
File: 1520592783931.png (353.85 KB, 341x484, 95TisFO.png)

this is forever one of my fav candids of vicky
No. 492839
>>492639>don't dish it if you can't take itlisten to your own advice. how many times have you threatened legal action against those who posted pix of you to discuss how shooped you are?
>>492828put up or shut up vic. every time she tags this tyler dude it's like she's trying to prove her lies b/c someone else was there. his ~sleeve~ is a tragedy and i dont care if someone offered a free full body suit, i wouldn't let them draw on me with a pen if it looked like that.
No. 492841
>>492828 Ive seen this moo cow in person and she looks like she can barely stuff herself into a woman large.
children section my ass.
No. 492864
File: 1520611751640.png (571.52 KB, 804x581, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.0…)

>>492854poor Ty with the grossest of sleeves
No. 492865
File: 1520611889558.png (716.4 KB, 889x593, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 11.1…)

>>492854they are actually in several on her insta and fb
No. 492900
File: 1520625082793.jpeg (146.95 KB, 789x640, DF20EB63-A40D-440E-A74B-6E4A9D…)

Th caption on this is “when ur so tiny u can find clothes u can wear in the kids section of a store lmfao”
First off those shorts are being suffocated in your tree trunk thighs and really don’t fit. Secondly, those type of shorts were popular in the early 2000’s so I’m pretty sure she just found them in her closet from when she was younger. She took a shitty video and turned it on a side angle to make herself look skinnier (fat chick tactics)
No. 492913
>>492909She's like Lainey, when Lainey claimed to use children's shoes and it turned out the size was the equivalent of an EU 38 adult shoe. In the same spirit, Vicky uses children's L, which ironically has less bust and hip space and a bigger waist as children obviously haven't matured yet into a female shapes. Basically, she's admitting she has in reality a fat gut, small tits and a flat ass.
Oh the irony.
No. 492923
File: 1520632803485.jpg (106.78 KB, 1195x611, JVphR8i.jpg)

>>492908I imagine that she's standing in this pose.
No. 492924
File: 1520634060399.jpeg (124.46 KB, 640x992, 1C10B004-FA82-4E48-8B27-E83606…)

She liked her own post of her fat legs lmao
No. 492928
>>492900Gee, I wonder why she didn't have her buddy Tyler just take a video of her in the shorts for her. Surely that would've been easier, right?
Gotta get them fat girl angles in!
No. 492936
>>492864that scratchy as fuck 'shading' around it, the blotches in the blue, whoever said "perfect one" should go get their eyes lasered b/c all of that ink and it still looks fucking flat.
>>492913kek, thanks for pointing this out, will get an extra chuckle any time she mentions it in the future.
No. 493038
File: 1520702006908.jpg (83.42 KB, 720x901, 29104226_2053707221325360_4621…)

Slick Vic started her usual rant against immigrants (hypocrite much?) and then tried to tell a girl actually living in N. Ireland she was wrong.
No. 493039
File: 1520702030276.jpg (79.59 KB, 720x903, 29067276_2053707224658693_1456…)

No. 493040
File: 1520702054033.jpg (101.78 KB, 720x923, 29027384_2053707237992025_1711…)

No. 493043
File: 1520702549631.png (351.17 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180310-172131.png)

Found vickys tiny shorts. Lmao of course they're from Walmart. And they go up to an xl size which is probably the size she got
No. 493053
File: 1520703881777.gif (46.22 KB, 463x655, 93VvCnv.gif)

>>493039Britain and United Kingdom are two separate things you insufferable bint- also the first thing you should know about Northern Ireland is people have the right to describe themselves as Irish if they want to, he'll, I'm from there, raised Protestant and I still refer to myself as Irish as it's factual and I am not hung up about it. In fact only the most sectarian Orange Order fucks would get hung up about it. None of Vickys tantrums will ever be able to detach the North from the South culturally.
No. 493098
File: 1520712822427.png (61.98 KB, 968x342, underweightVicky.png)

Is she really claiming to weigh 90lbs here, with my understanding of English grammar I decipher that she is claiming so. Then again, the brilliant Vickster is too smart to understand conjunctions.
She also is going on about being super famous.
No. 493118
>>493098I think she's saying that she's 10-15 lbs above the cut-off to be considered underweight, which is also bullshit.
I'd guess she's somewhere in the 150s based on candid shots.
No. 493146
>>492913Not to defend Lame, but some stores in the U.K. sell EU size 38 in the children’s section. So idk if it’s the same in the US? (Source: me, because that’s my shoe size.)
>>493098>hospitalised at 5’3” and 80lbsFucking kek no you wouldn’t. Why is she so dramatic all the time?
No. 493173
File: 1520725607894.png (320.52 KB, 1440x1322, Screenshot_20180310-184546.png)

This is a lot more accurate than "I'm so tiny" bahahah
No. 493185
File: 1520731596597.png (837.04 KB, 640x1136, D95E60BE-5438-4DC4-B273-39ECD7…)

my favorite thing about this picture is that her forearm is bigger than her upper arm
No. 493215
File: 1520742345125.png (259.62 KB, 1336x1307, Screenshot_20180310-232356.png)

Glad to know she has an ant problem on top of tattooing people without washing her hands… or herself in general. Vicky, you nasty.
No. 493237
File: 1520761642292.jpeg (40.1 KB, 532x349, D9E6454D-C440-4B84-954D-2DC29D…)

Hottie Alert
No. 493269
>>493098not that i believe vic has ever kicked the crap out of anyone, I feel like people were calling her out on bs and she was the bully, much like now, and made threats to anyone who didn't live her delusions.
>>493239my sides
No. 493293
>>493284I think the main point we should be focusing on is that last part. The bitch hasn't lived there since she was a young child and has no right to try and tell ANY part of the UK what to do.
She's clearly very fucking racist as well (and I'm not the type to throw that word around freely).
No. 493304
>>493039>England is our mother countryShe's so desperate to be a posh Londoner with her accent and her bullshit
>telling an NI person they're not Irish because they're BritishHow does she work this out? Most Brits lay claim to two identities - Britain and their actual country - and I think the majority of them probably just go by their country.
>we don't put up with terrorism in belfast!Think you've missed out on a massive part of history there lass
No. 493396
File: 1520817851601.jpeg (145.91 KB, 640x839, F1AACD04-8AF3-4F98-B181-FE9521…)

No. 493438
File: 1520835600487.jpg (183.06 KB, 619x486, IMG_0227.JPG)

For reference
No. 493458
File: 1520854991228.jpg (572.17 KB, 1317x2056, Screenshot_20180312-074009.jpg)

>>493295She finally deleted it. So quick to tell others to "educate themselves" and yet can't bother to do any research herself. Just acts like she knows what she's talking about and deletes any comments proving her wrong. So stupid and insecure.
No. 493472
File: 1520876810430.png (77.92 KB, 1440x438, Screenshot_20180312-133744.png)

Kek Vicky posted a video of lady gaga talking about how we need to be kind to each other and stop dividing ourselves. Someone commented this and she liked it. Didn't notice the misspelling. And doesn't Vicky preach that we should all be nice to each other and stop "bullying" and judging people? Also, she doesn't know jackshit about history, she just pretends she does.
No. 493553
File: 1520907185910.jpeg (124.18 KB, 639x784, 968C1C96-D5C4-45CE-95B4-58B01E…)

“Want inked up?”
Why does she sound like someone that is still learning English? Also kek at “some are unfinished” yea, all your work is. Because people go to a different artist to fix your catastrophe
No. 493554
File: 1520907574863.jpeg (450.82 KB, 1770x1440, 5A2895F2-52BB-4343-924E-292FC3…)

>>493553All of these tattoos in that video are aweful and didn’t her Edward scissor hands one heal to look like mush? I know there’s a picture of the healed result floating around I just can’t find it
No. 493560
File: 1520912039197.jpeg (110.39 KB, 612x612, 61D92594-2A37-494B-8181-41BEF8…)

>>493554Stole this from the 2nd thread on her, I’m thinking this is the one you’re thinking of….
No. 493561
File: 1520912141745.jpeg (100.55 KB, 720x960, F0828A70-5114-4FF4-B127-84D27E…)

Also found this hilarious Wonder Woman self insert
Look at the measly old hand in the corner all decrepit
No. 493573
>>493568I've noticed that too. A lot of the photos of her fresh work actually looks pretty decent (minus anatomy). I suspect she's photoshopping them to look cleaner or more highly contrasted?
Either that or they just heal poorly cause she's a scratcher.
No. 493574
File: 1520930046174.jpg (964.01 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180313_043220.jpg)

Tattoo from 8 months ago vs 2 weeks ago. Seems like the only improvement is the filter.
No. 493580
File: 1520940570147.jpeg (178.09 KB, 640x816, A7A8C2CB-9497-4114-8A89-FBC7AF…)

>>493568An explanation as to why they look so shit by an artist who’s actually had to fix some of her work. She also uses no actual definition, like no line work at all? It’s all just shading and highlight. Which anyone who’s had white in a tattoo knows that an excess amount of white is just gonna turn yellow. Her shading is a blend of light grey, medium gray and dark grey - when healed and the dark lightens, it just looks like one hot mess.
I suspect she turns up the contrast on her tattoos and photoshops them - she photoshops herself so there’s no doubt in my mind her work is edited. Also a fresh tattoo always looks more vibrant and raw right after
No. 493584
File: 1520941683276.jpeg (86.94 KB, 640x640, BA48FA4B-458E-4F2D-A8AF-CD13AA…)

>>493580The evils being referenced is this btw. The one that looks good is the retouched version done by the new artist. The grey blur is Vicky’s work that she was sperging was “unfinished”
Everyone who enjoys Vicky needs to reread the first thread it’s such a treat when you see all her self posts defending herself pretending to be other people. I love going back there every once in a while kek
No. 493679
File: 1520984478355.png (2.24 MB, 750x1334, 0249CF94-DE4D-44DE-8078-97D904…)

>>493666I would but then she will know and I’d prefer to avoid that drama lol what I do have is an example of a tattoo she did that was fixed by someone local
No. 493682
File: 1520984909245.jpeg (102.36 KB, 576x654, 8F3D79A8-6072-4C99-8ED6-E81EAF…)

>>493679This is the original Vicky has posted on her page
No. 493765
File: 1520999731244.jpg (677.3 KB, 1440x2240, Screenshot_20180313-235213.jpg)

Oh dear. First of all, it's artfaktors, not arkfaktors. Second, that's the shop, not the artist. Third, why didn't you credit the artist and even go so far as to crop out their handle because someone tagged you in the photo posted on the artists page which is Dave Paulo, so you knew full well who to credit. Lastly, this was posted over a year ago with no credit to your photo so the person either had no clue who you were and just stumbled across a random image or was just too embarrassed to admit who you were so maybe you shouldn't flatter yourself.
No. 493767
>>493765wow…Dave Paulo is a legend, I can't believe someone used vicky as a reference. Gross. Probably would be embarrassed that he put so much effort into drawing a scratcher.
Kind of a universal irony there…
No. 493826
>>493560there's something going on there, I feel like this is more of an after -> before
god help him if the right is an after with touch-ups
No. 493924
File: 1521079912062.png (295.66 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180315-021151.png)

Jason…you are outwhitted
No. 494101
>>493924>school shooters are outcasts and bulliedNot really, Vick.
People said that about the Columbine shooters Eric and Dylan, but in reality Dylan had friends and even went to prom. Both of them came from middle class backgrounds with families who cared about them.
Nikolas Cruz may have been regarded as weird by his peers but he was able to get a girlfriend. He had friends in high school. And despite his parents passing away, he was adopted into a generous family and was set to inherit wealth from his biological parents.
These are boys who created a narrative that society was cheating them in some way, and used it as an excuse to hurt others because they demanded more for nothing. They were coddled, and the answer isn't to coddle men some more by saying society made them pull the
People like Vick just victim blame because it's easier to guilt people that they should just accept being murdered than hold these shooters accountable.
>>493977Agreed, but what can we expect of Vick's bigly "outwhitting"?
No. 494103
>>494101not to mention Cruz went to shoot not his classmates or kids who bullied him, but children younger than him he didnt know
had nothing to do with vickys "bullying" narrative
it's not surprise that she's parroting the same shit seen on far right or gun nut pages, seems its all she subscribes to
No. 494189
>>493560Her problem is she is weak at shading, so she compensates with white ink to highlight her shadowing and create a contrast, white fades and leaves behind the truth of her tattoos - shitty shading.
She is a terrible tattoo artist and doesn't know how to properly ink without compensating with white ink.
No. 494190
File: 1521196809774.jpeg (85.7 KB, 640x639, ADC94844-12B5-4317-8C04-1144EC…)

I’m having a good laugh at “be authentic”
Vicky is the fakest shit I know from her personality/“IQ” to her shitty shoops to even the way she speaks.
No. 494192
File: 1521199488239.jpeg (97.89 KB, 750x570, 8FF39088-BB07-4A32-9730-15BBF5…)

Just gonna leave this here…
No. 494232
>>494162 is probably right. We're going to see a lot more blocking and deleting comments since she realized she can't tell people to kill themselves without risking getting reported and being deprived of that sweet neckbeard attention.
No. 494297
File: 1521367568464.jpeg (108.97 KB, 639x837, 1E753DD0-9E55-4732-A240-885B5B…)

Such an amazing sword master! For someone who’s never taken classes or actually studied the art and wields a replica she makes all the men look slow and inferior in comparison to herself!
No. 494338
>>494297Vic we know you fucking speed up the footage on top of looking absolutely ridiculous.
you really should stop being so impressed with yourself
No. 494365
File: 1521405362228.png (275.16 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180318-203203.png)

I wish i had the confidence/delusion this bitch has! However with Icky it comes off as narcissism and self-absorption. Basically she's saying "yo I'm the hottest fucking girl in the room. I'm totally badass and like to do shit on my own. Don't approach me" when in reality it's "I'm too fucking annoying to have any friends therefor I am always on my own because no one can stand me"
No. 494368
File: 1521405904825.jpeg (186.16 KB, 640x913, 2F9A25EA-3927-4D07-97D5-D2465B…)

This shoop is hilarious. I turned up the brightness a bit on it. What’s with the weird shadow she drew around her waist? Her tits look so edited to shit and really off. For fuck sakes Vicky, get off your fat ass and hit them gym because anyone with a brain isn’t buying this shit
No. 494383
File: 1521409585303.jpg (116.34 KB, 768x768, kTmTQrbqvgUHysm0pIfund2KOX2pk9…)

expectation vs reality
No. 494384
File: 1521409876558.jpg (151.47 KB, 1280x720, cats.jpg)

>>494383Maybe they just really liked the play. lol.
No. 494389
>>494365>I hope this helps skip some questions I get when I go out alone.Implying she's so famous that the average person recognizes her and checks her social media.
I'm just imagining her out alone , playing pool in the middle of a busy bar while people are annoyed waiting to play with their friends. No one approaching her to ask her to join their game. Vicky goes home alone, upset, and posts some horseshit about how men just won't leave her alone when she goes out.
No. 494395
File: 1521411674987.jpg (727.57 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180318_181245.jpg)

Lol girl the reason you wouldn't go to a strip club is because you would be surrounded by women who are far more attractive than you and men who have no interest in you. Also, love that she's acting like she's better than strippers and shitting on sex workers in general when she's supposed to be supporting all women. Vic, the average stripper is cleaner than you, you smelly old bag. Plus, they get paid to be slutty, you're just a sad internet hoe. Lastly, the fuck is up with her fans? The girl claiming a stripper groped her KEK yeah right. And the basement dweller who wishes a girl would touch him.
No. 494400
File: 1521414176961.jpg (59.36 KB, 450x637, XYoBR.jpg)

>>494395She talks so much shit. It's funny because she can dish it out but can't take it. lol.
No. 494402
File: 1521414775825.png (13.31 KB, 312x198, sedatives.png)

No. 494412
File: 1521416990874.png (224.27 KB, 1424x2152, Screenshot_20180318-194651.png)

She specifically said allergy. This is a list of symptoms of an allergic reaction to a sedative. Plus anaphylactic shock can kill you. She can't be fucked to Google before she makes these ridiculous claims.
No. 494454
>>494401I'm retarded. I meant sage my own question, not your post. Sage isn't an option so I can't sage my useless questions.
>>494402She's such a neckbeard. But a lot of neckbeards aren't as stupid as her. If she was just a bimbo, at least it would be endearing. She's stupid, vile and a lying braggart. I kinda wish I knew her in real life just to see this freakishness in person.
No. 494465
File: 1521436275466.png (940.29 KB, 1440x1560, Screenshot_20180319-010939.png)

That's rich coming from a scratcher.
No. 494471
>>494465i swear to god every asshole who says "a child could do this" deserves to be punched in the face and bleed over a canvas, because that is what the artist was doing spiritually and with paint. it's a history of expressive mark making if you want it in the simplest terms. i'm not mad most people don't know how to read a painting, and that you have to honestly sit with it
in person for sometimes an hour for all of the emotional textures to be perceived, but if you simply can't be assed to read a little about the history of modern art and its progression then fuck you for real. especially with her being an "artist", she doesn't know what that means.
i bet her opinions on performance art would be a fucking riot.
No. 494519
File: 1521462809517.png (770.13 KB, 976x1480, 20180319_082547.png)

>>494465>a five year old could replicate thatfunny you bring this up. here's a tattoo by a 7 y/o that is better than pretty much everything you've ever done.
>people masquerading as artiststalking about yourself again vic. interesting how you've never posted a single sketch, drawing, painting or stencil of the tattoos you've done, something even an apprentice has plenty of to show how they've improved over time. i don't think there is a single medium she has been able to enter even at a mediocre level except for photoshop.
No. 494524
>>494465The thing is that Pollock's art looks like it does BY CHOICE. Her work looks like shit because she is shit.
She's probably just mad because he has a legacy and, despite her narc rants and self-obsessed essays, the only legacy she has is lolcow.
No. 494525
>>494395The main difference is…
Strippers are honest about living a risky life and at work selling a fantasy to men.
Vicky is in denial about living WITHIN a risky fantasy and selling a lie to men.
I can see how she could get these things confused. Most strippers have moved on and paid their tuition by 30, and are now working white collar jobs. Vicky is over 30 and still hasn't moved on AND she's doing all this salty posting for free. Strippers have more integrity and situational awareness than Vicky could ever have. The only way that Vicky can seem superior to others is by putting down other women. Just a week ago she was posting about female unity and now she's trashing a female dominated field and claiming they all want her pussy and give her an STD. Nice.
If she was truly superior, she wouldn't need to say a word. But she isn't, she's afraid to acknowledge that even crack addicted street walkers are more lucid than her.
No. 494526
>>494525Add suffers from internalized misogyny to the list.
Why be just a racist when you can be sexist against your own gender as well.
Anything for attention.
No. 494530
File: 1521470460995.gif (496.11 KB, 300x200, you keep using that word.gif)

>>494524>>494488>>494471Talking about art, proves she has no idea what the words she's using actually mean.
A conceptualist is an artist of conceptualism. Conceptualism is concerned with conceptual art, "A genre of art in which the transmission of ideas is more important than the creation of an art object".
Conceptualism is not a statement, it's institutional critique.
She has no idea that a conceptualist is a word for an artist doing conceptual art. What she's saying does not make any sense.
>you're not an artist, you're an artist making a statement…What does she think art is?
No. 494567
File: 1521494118354.png (661.28 KB, 1124x1000, funhouse.PNG)

>>494534it's some funhouse mirror shit
No. 494650
>>494383Where she put the whiskers on this
triggers the shit out of me
No. 494656
File: 1521523262104.png (583.26 KB, 1399x2119, 20180320_011802.png)

Didn't know whether or not to post this since it's the usual boring "you're all obsessed with me" shit but she deleted it so posting just to bother her
No. 494714
File: 1521557291241.png (19.02 KB, 500x212, thingsthatdidnthappen.png)

Queen Vicky can't even go play some pool innocently without getting swamped by men!
No. 494814
File: 1521594489797.png (2.24 MB, 1618x1182, lolll.PNG)

Google maps finally updated the streetview, now the shack can be seen in current form: pukingly ugly maroon with a bright red door.
Kids, stay out.
No. 494834
File: 1521603271044.jpeg (156.52 KB, 640x887, 60287FDE-CFAA-45C3-AAC3-8B507E…)

I guess this lady doesn’t know anything about tattoos because this looks like absolute garbage no outlines or anything it just looks so blurry and aged already
No. 494850
>>494834Fucked up the shading ? That's ok! You can just blur it all out with white ink. Won't heal all smudged and yellow at all!
Fucking Vicky jfc
No. 495973
>>494814literal representation of shady shop that looks like you can catch something from just walking in the door.
>>494834not sure if she did the letters as they look healed, but that frame is just going to be blobby mush.
No. 496010
>>494834it's hilarious that this 'person' had to not only wax poetic about the shitty tattoo, but add in that she is: "smart, funny, and ~~beautiful~~"
like really?
"you were able to take my ideas and incorporated your own"
> I want my initials and maybe put some flowers around it
> a'right govna, how 'bouts I put yow initials in the middol and put some perdy flowers round it right proper?
> amazing! No. 496013
File: 1521646135808.png (1.96 MB, 1419x2425, Screenshot_20180321-111403.png)

Her body is already saggy and lumpy, I can't imagine what she's going to look like at 40. Nauseating. Also, she really needs to accept the fact that she will never get married.
No. 496258
File: 1521699852321.jpg (387.41 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180322_022115.jpg)

Girl calls you out on something or makes fun of something, "kill yourself". Guy is a total creep and "he's cute!". Vicky, you desperate hoebag. You probably actually wish he did date you.
No. 496324
File: 1521736832413.jpg (1005.7 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180322_115929.jpg)

Kek Vicky got called out for the stripper comments. The thread is way too long to post all the screencaps but good old Icky just kept repeating that sex work is mentally damaging while copying and pasting random articles and continuously repeating "I will trust PhD doctors" when told that she has no clue what sex work is actually like.
No. 496326
File: 1521737009212.jpg (849.93 KB, 1436x2467, Screenshot_20180322-120134.jpg)

I'll post this one though.. "i care too much about women" girl please don't make me laugh. Also, they're fine, they're getting paid. Not just uploading photoshopped tit pics for neckbeard validation. You're the "mentally damaged" one, Icky.
No. 496459
File: 1521758166780.jpeg (143.06 KB, 750x1092, E2CC534D-5822-4198-B6E7-629FF8…)

Lmao ok
No. 496503
File: 1521767761743.jpg (66.01 KB, 1023x653, ouch.JPG)

I guess her client claims Vick gave her an infection from their session together
Odd that
No. 496563
>>496350i would love to see one of her pieces on snake__pit, especially if it had her face.
>>496327wonder if vic was trying to shade her with the initial comment considering they have history.
No. 496629
File: 1521791911811.jpeg (54.47 KB, 640x982, 287D0B55-F469-4841-80CA-9423E5…)

I was looking at her joke of a website and what the fuck kind of hours are these?? 4:30-9:00 and only on weekends by appointment? So she is only open in her shack for 4.5 hours during Monday-Friday and weekends (when most shops make the most money) her lazy ass can’t be bothered to work on the weekends unless someone made an appointment. I think the cherry on top is that this site is made off a free web page builder. Every thing about her is so dodgy. I am so convinced she mostly lives off of mommy and daddy there’s no way she makes any money. Maybe that’s why she’s always wearing the same clothes and buys fake supreme kek
No. 496652
>>496552>>496651I'm pretty sure this is a parody account. It's convincing but it needs more white, lol.
How long before ick spergs about insta meanies? #badtats #drinkcrysleep
No. 496673
props to the maker then. had me 100%
No. 496679
File: 1521816815471.png (1.12 MB, 1447x1010, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 10.5…)

more "no filter" "i woke up like this" insanity
No. 496817
>>496679she's more orange than Donald Trump. If that's no filter, she should see a specialist…
I love the comment someone left about how healthy her hair looks - fucking really? That aint real hair.
No. 496843
File: 1521858491055.png (358.81 KB, 1440x1664, 20180323_222720.png)

The fucking irony of posting a status calling other people narcissists then posting another right after talking about how unattainable she is. And lol at "I'm not a kid anymore". You're right, you're fucking 30. Stop talking like a self obsessed teenager.
No. 497070
>>497031jfc the quotes are identical to her
> touch my abs! i dont exercise at all!
> can you believe it, i've never had any professional dance training*emphasis on the bad british accent
No. 497125
File: 1521955955131.png (190.42 KB, 1440x771, Screenshot_20180325-012228.png)

Most artists/shops won't refund deposits under certain circumstances where the client is inconveniencing them, but when it's the artists personal shit (especially when it's unclear when/if the artist can reschedule), that's when you get your deposit back. She's got this all backwards.
No. 497130
>>497031God YES I wanted to post this daaays ago.
“Smell my neck! It’s not perfume…it’s ME! It’s my natural scent”
>>496679I don’t know what’s more pathetic…the obvious skin smoothing filter or the fact she even has to announce “no filter”.
No. 497167
>>497125I figure it goes without saying that if you're offering a service that you cannot provide, the person who paid you gets their money back.
This goes in any field and includes the tattoo industry. You get your deposit back.
I look forward to future small claims court cases over this sort of act
No. 497182
File: 1521989809945.jpg (882.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180325-105225_Ins…)

couldn't make myself suffer through her ig live replay, but there was plenty of cringey face and hair touching. also that nose contour and gross lip ~natural beauty~.
No. 497190
File: 1521993247249.jpeg (304.73 KB, 1920x846, 101A22E2-7A9D-411A-BCC1-C79A1D…)

The resemblance is uncanny
No. 497196
File: 1521993641319.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180325-115125.png)

>>497182She was pushing the hair hiding to new limits
No. 497296
File: 1522014705043.jpeg (143.26 KB, 640x888, EEB711E3-9417-481B-B6F7-FCCFD4…)

I was looking at a video on her IG where she is flailing around her shitty “practice katana” and the hashtags are killing me. Pretty embarrassing.
~tagged for fellow swordsman to find~
No. 497345
File: 1522029781602.jpeg (122.11 KB, 639x659, 3E8C97EF-8517-4CE4-9D90-224EC3…)

>>497296Her comment on this video hahaha
No. 497631
File: 1522096195918.jpeg (126.88 KB, 630x822, 3F487CBF-7250-484A-AFF8-BC4C5E…)

She looks really masculine here with a mix of 40 year old rocker mom. Age hasn’t been kind to her
No. 497651
File: 1522099602652.png (4.85 MB, 3423x1291, obvious.PNG)

>>497631She's getting very sloppy with the photoshop
No. 497652
File: 1522099748722.png (560.54 KB, 967x594, Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 5.25…)

I noticed that too, the shadows are all fucked up and there's an obvious "halo" outlining certain areas. In other places (pic is related) it looks like she just painted on a shadow. Also, her face is just awful. Where'd your eyes go girl? Is she high?
No. 497673
>>497652Tfw you buy stockings that are far too small for your
treetrunks thighs and they rip as you're pulling them up eh vic?
No. 497919
File: 1522141783123.jpeg (57.23 KB, 640x915, 0AF8768A-A0F3-434E-B628-FC364E…)

Speaking of sloppy shoops her eyes here are killing me. It’s like she doesn’t even try to hide it
No. 497943
File: 1522160500133.png (208.49 KB, 369x378, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 9.55…)

>>497919her drawn on eyes are always comical
No. 497968
File: 1522167107162.png (95.67 KB, 525x469, professional tattoo artist.png)

She can't even keep track of her appointments, Run Jason Run!
This is a sign from the universe, don't let her ruin your skin.
>>497631She has no idea what thin women look like, so her photoshops are fat thighs that are just… shrunk down horizontally. They still have the fat girl shape, so it's pretty obvious that she's in reality quite fat by now.
No. 497988
File: 1522169530613.png (866.54 KB, 535x1082, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 12.5…)

The fuck is she talking about? She get her statistics from youtube again?
No. 497990
>>497968how does she keep track of her shit?
take the guys name down, and deposit, but delete the emails? did she start a sketch, and if she did, does she have no info from the guy on file?
like how does this happen multiple times
No. 498157
>>497910right, that ~magazine~ has a six site and i couldn't find the issue she's supposed to be in.
>>497990maybe the clients are made up and she makes these posts to seem like she's so busy. or just stupid.
No. 498164
File: 1522201958149.png (728.6 KB, 1440x1611, Screenshot_20180327-204108.png)

Of course Vicky believes some bullshit conspiracy theory that can be disproved with a simple Google search. She's seen the videos!
>>497988Gun regulation causes more shootings! It's all because of bullies who want to take away your guns! There's no victims, only bullies and crisis actors!!!
No. 498168
>>498157i could see her making fake posts about fake clients - who posts on facebook hoping someone sees it? HOW DID SHE MAKE THE BOOKING?
like her whole system is "write "WANT INKED" to me on facebook messenger", so why not check her messages for this guys name??
yeah, he's totally not a real person.
No. 498174
>>498164Once again, superior intellect Vicky posts a source from some garbage click-bait site.
There are a lot of things about Vicky that baffle me, but her disdain for this movement is one that's crystal clear. She's a fucking idiot who handles sharp objects like she's having a seizure and pretends to be some mater swordsman. Just like most gun nut retards, they want to pretend they're a military trained swat specialist. So she can clearly understand an adult taking away a weapon from her for her own safety and the safety of others. I'm not even trying to debate this shit, her animosity is clearly because she's a fucking idiot who should not own any kind of weapon.
No. 498240
File: 1522220246688.jpg (570.75 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180328_025531.jpg)

Jeepers…. good thing I don't fact check anything so I can use any crap article to randomly pat myself on the back…. for something that realistically isn't an accomplishment at all… am I for real?
No. 498297
>>498168are you new or what? vic made up a photographer to credit her self-timer shoots to, lies about her sword skills, edits herself into a different person and is terrible at tattoos yet has been plastering the internet with bullshit for years, but her making up a client to seem like she's actually getting bookings is a reach? yea, ok.
actual tattoo artists don't post the way she does, and they certainly wouldn't wait til the day of a booking to announce they have "no records attached to the file".
No. 498338
>>498330>>498297I literally was agreeing that it's something she
would do.
> yeah, he's totally not a real person. No. 498361
File: 1522253927557.png (335.04 KB, 1398x1686, Screenshot_20180328-121843.png)

Hahaha her own sister is calling her out now..
No. 498380
File: 1522256039234.png (302.38 KB, 1183x626, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 12.5…)

she's losing her mind at this point
box cutters killed 3000 people on 9/11? linking to a terrorist attack in china that involved 10 attackers?
No. 498463
File: 1522268755276.png (64.17 KB, 425x344, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 4.25…)

>>498361lol she deleted her sister's comment, wow
No. 498491
File: 1522272030491.png (68.24 KB, 1020x386, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.20…)

>>498463it was too uneducated for her
No. 498492
File: 1522272102322.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1492, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 5.21…)

ripping on underage massacre victims, classy vic
No. 498514
>>498510His argument with Laird WT about how AI driven cars is especially mind numbing
this family has mental problems
No. 498544
>>498510Laird WT is her brother. His profile picture is that Mel Rose girl and him who he's dating who took those shitty bridal shower pictures that she let Vick shoop to death. I just think of the wood panel warping in the background of one of those pics and laugh.
Maybe he has 2 facebook profiles? but that's 100% her brother.
No. 498548
>>498544It's her brother, 100%. It's his newer Facebook account, he abandoned the other one. The girl in the icon is his girlfriend, Mel Rose, and he's right behind her.
>>498544Who knows? Who cares?
No. 498568
File: 1522283267131.png (501.03 KB, 1440x2443, Screenshot_20180328-202829.png)

>>498548K I don't wanna derail the thread too much but seriously wtf like if these are both his profiles then retardation runs in the family
No. 498574
>>498568Oh, jesus. My bad.
Laird Shingleton is Laird WT's and Icky Vicky's father. Vic's brother used to have a 'Laird Shingleton' facebook account, too. They share the same name.
No. 498712
>>498575Oh shit! I know icky's dad, my brother races (rr) I've heard his name in the paddock but I had no idea of the connection until now. Last I heard he was building a bike, my life would be complete if icky became a road racer.
Imaginary sage for biker ick.
No. 498727
File: 1522329112316.png (232.78 KB, 472x1196, Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 9.11…)

No. 498731
>>498727One fat neckbeard playing along.
It's funny how Vick was doxxed here and accused of photoshop so she tries to do it to others.
God she sounds like she hasn't graduated high school. "Pissed off their man likes me." No guy under 40 is going to buy that cheap biker trash with hideous eye brows, smelly and fat.
No. 498785
File: 1522345098463.jpeg (66.54 KB, 640x430, 1F3E893D-59F8-43F0-803A-BB007B…)

>>498727The fact she always compares herself to celebrities kills me. And obviously shit like this bothers her if she constantly posts about it. A lot of “non anon” people call her out too and she snaps thinking she’s just a ~famous model celebrity~ that everyone is jealous of. Get a grip you pathetic cow
No. 499038
File: 1522426328445.png (564.25 KB, 750x1334, 6FD07917-596C-43D3-A459-B51875…)

She posted an old shoop from five years ago on Instagram and is now saying Christina copied her?!?
No. 499059
File: 1522430265854.jpg (726.89 KB, 1080x1689, 20180330_131630.jpg)

>>499038>have looked this way longerbrown haired vic would strongly disagree.
No. 499072
File: 1522432881842.jpg (41.64 KB, 400x300, christina-aguilera.jpg)

>>499059Christina has transformed herself a few times.
No. 499099
File: 1522438237379.png (48.62 KB, 318x348, Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 3.27…)

>>499040saw this comment. Vic is such a retard
No. 499173
File: 1522444817410.jpeg (278.75 KB, 624x1111, 218CF808-C78E-4FEB-8237-F1C19A…)

>>499099Heaven forbid someone calls her out
No. 499195
>>499072true, but vic is claiming to have the look before xtina, and idk when she did the dark hair but i doubt it was the same time vic did.
>>499173omf, is she really trying to say that she was drawing xtina's style as a sixth grader? damn, she's hitting the delusional juice hard.
No. 499219
File: 1522451310109.jpeg (106.66 KB, 750x961, 0F886C27-4675-4B5E-9095-47857A…)

The only photo she’s ever posted without a lie. Amazing
No. 499241
File: 1522455138518.jpeg (2.33 MB, 4096x3386, 90BCFFA1-3DB4-4F1D-B480-E3CB4A…)

I know it’s been mentioned before, but I honestly love how she tattoos her face on people claiming it’s not her. Although it’s not “her” it’s still how she sees herself. That’s why the tattoos and her photoshopped photos always look the same. Its the girl she wishes to be. Over the years she’s become so delusional she actually believes this is her.
No. 499255
File: 1522460515105.png (121.81 KB, 750x865, 1511036058591.png)

>>465653>>499099this is just a rehash of her "I had this look before Megan Fox and I'mmmm olderrr"
No. 499367
File: 1522493438125.png (226.42 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2018-03-31-18-43-45…)

>>499255>>499175>>499185>>499195You guys are all just jealous because she looks like 'Marilyn Minroe' and you don't
And Christina copied her look. Don't you know? Megan Fox actually got surgery to look like Vick.
I heard that Marilyn Monroe actually travelled in a time machine to the future and saw Vicky and went back in time and she got really depressed because she couldn't be just like Vick so she killes herself. She was so jealous that she'd never be beautiful or as smart or have cool swords like Vick, so she wanted to leave this world.
No. 499370
File: 1522495525578.png (11.54 KB, 521x142, dicks.png)

Why is she bragging about getting dickpics? This woman, smh. I think she's been lurking here again and has to prove that she's totally desirable.
No. 499374
>>499367you caught me anon, i am just so obsessed and jealous of vic that i wish she could tattoo the shopped version of her face on mine.
>>499370as usual, she's making claims without proof and and we know how much she likes to show off, but she can't take/post a ss of her inbox, we're just supposed to take her word for it b/c she's just so desirable.
No. 499419
>>499403I agree. She's next level narc. I have never seen anything like it. She seems to think her narcissism equals confidence and observations about her made here equals narcissism (for some weird reason)
Does she not know that people like it when people are humble?
No. 499425
>>4993701-Every woman on Facebook or snapchat or most social media platforms receive various dick pics day to day,you aren't desirable and you aren't special.
2-Not liking Magic Mike does not make you special or different or 'not like the other girls' a lot of women (including myself) don't like or enjoy the M.M movies.
I bet she's one of those cunts who mock women constantly about liking twilight and 50 shades of grey like she's the
only girl that hates those franchises because she's one of the boys. Newsflash Vick, a lot of women here probably hate those movies too. You aren't special and it's not going to get you neckbeard points.
No. 499467
>>499439Legit. It's like she thinks 'show bobs and vegana' tier comments in her inbox is actually real guys fawning over her and losing sleep over not being able to date her.
No Vick, it's thirsty indians and dropkicks who send these messages out by the dozens to any woman who will react.
No. 499477
She's such a retard. I wish she wasn't so insecure and would do youtube, because I would love to hear her say the narc shit she does in her comments because it's fucking HILARIOUS. I want to see that shit in action. It would also be interesting to see the difference in her appearance on video and in her shoops. I tried watching a live stream only once on instagram but it was just a close up of her face, only face on, blurry as hell, and she barely said anything, just answered to compliments saying things like 'awww thanks' and answered boring questions…and of course did her usual poking tongue out, stoned/retarded expression thing and constantly pushed her hair into her face.
Come on Vick, make a youtube and tell us your amazing opinions on how every female celeb is copying you and how the terrorists told you their isis plans!
If she made a Raven level youtube and overshared, I'd never be bored on the toilet ever again I shit you not (pun intended)
I imagine it would be like a cross between Raven and Kiki. Raven's negativity and constant bashing of other people and women, and Kiki's humble bragging and narcissism.
I also imagine it would be filmed on a potato.
Sorry for my youtube sperging, I just think it would be amazing.
No. 499598
File: 1522548661080.png (92.11 KB, 1076x704, convoluted.PNG)

holy convoluted, batman
No. 499625
>>499598"External stimuli" and the illegal status of making knives
Whew lad
No. 499671
File: 1522562987924.png (276.1 KB, 1417x1322, 20180401_021030.png)

Or you can just do everyone a favour and delete your profile
No. 499936
File: 1522631813416.png (1.15 MB, 1453x1649, shank.PNG)

Because nothing says safety like a prison
No. 499941
>>499936depends on which prison
I've been in jail before and it was crazy, no pens, even if you used a pencil they'd keep a close eye on it, no makeup was allowed, no one was allowed to bring you snacks or blankets or any type of beauty or bath product, no bobby pins, most you can do is two pony tails, you have to take off your bra so they can remove the wire, etc etc
the most someone can bring you and was allowed in was books, they had to check it and open it and whatnot, they'd even give you extra days if you snuck in peppermints
No. 499943
File: 1522632267202.png (215.44 KB, 1425x1122, Screenshot_20180401-212256.png)

Is there ANYTHING Victoria won't respond to with bragging.
>>499936And because dangerous people will always look for a way to hurt someone, we shouldn't bother trying to minimize their chances? Makes sense.
No. 500001
File: 1522641466601.png (1015.14 KB, 1440x1751, Screenshot_20180401-235502.png)

Literally always salty though. But seriously, "smother me with attention all the time unless I'm being a pissy cunt" and she wonders why her last boyfriend dumped her and no one wants to date her other than desperate neckbeards.
No. 500024
>>499943y i i i i k e s
Jared has a family, works full-time as a tattoo artist, owns his own award-winning shop, and has clients on a waiting list. He does really, really big and beautifully detailed work, so it doesn't surprise me if he's unable to text anybody back when he's with clients for 5-10 hour sessions a day.
But Vic? The most we've seen her do lately is take self-timer photoshoots and write Facebook posts about fake clients that she forgot to get contact info for in order to look busy.
… thinking about it, how does she even make money for anything? There's no way she's getting steady income from tattooing, we'd be flooded with "unfinished" "needs more white" portfolio work then.
No. 500075
File: 1522667147345.png (211.9 KB, 460x807, Vickybennlurking.png)

>>499943Notion, only one of the people there seems to be considerate of peoples effort and time, has a loving family, a thriving business and tattoos beautiful work on people.
The other one is Vicky. No wonder she's so fucking bad at "tattooing", she can't even stay concentrated on a service that people PAY HER FOR.
>When Vicky assumes people in their mid 40's are "texting back if they really like someone">Vicky assumes that people in their mid 40's are still hitting up girls DM'sYikes, she really is unaware of how juvenile she still is. The man has a kid and seems to be married, he really doesn't need to worry about hitting up girls.
>>500024I think she lives at home, and that her dad pays her a tugboat. She just posted that she's getting a new piece inked, can't wait to see her tattoo another picture of herself on herself!
On other news, she's been lurking again and now posted some dank proof of all the dick in her DM's. To no one's surprise, it's some middle aged chav sending her shit.
Just like everyone was speculating here, give yourself a pat on the back girls!
>>499439>>499425>>499374>>499467 No. 500175
>>500075i love how she was joking but his response is 100% not joking
the guy asking "wanna see my cock?" is to be taken seriously, here.
No. 500178
> I'm a tattoo artist* part-time
* couldnt get hired anywhere
> model* part-time / unpaid
* online only, unpublished
* self photographed, self submitted
> radio dj* part-time / unpaid
* internet radio
surprised she didnt list swordsman ninja, since she was listing hobbies and not things that actually require responsibilities
No. 500406
>>500365gotta love her Parkinson's cam so she can try and hide any details
literally the only tattoo artist on instagram who tries to hide her work
No. 500463
>>500455it's on her stomach???
oh wow, when she shoops her waistline that thing is gonna be hilariously warped
No. 500474
File: 1522776599922.png (664.29 KB, 1082x1288, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 1.28…)

Holy shit she's so dumb. So, so dumb.
No. 500504
File: 1522779712030.jpeg (133.69 KB, 640x882, 7C277CB9-9C64-43BE-8BE8-AF3756…)

What a damn mess. That line work makes me feel sick.
No. 500525
>>500504The lines are literally coming out of the chickens ass wtf
The whole damn thing just looks bad and like it was painful
No. 500535
File: 1522786053072.png (1.21 MB, 790x1116, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 4.07…)

>>500529from a video
here's the half second where it was actually in focus
No. 500578
File: 1522790699378.png (378.13 KB, 481x469, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 5.20…)

>>485956this picture truly encapsulates how much of a tard she is.
No. 500583
>>500535>>500535this makes me weep for this poor girl—- i don't even care if she's the one who knowingly sought vic out and walked into her shack of a shop.
no artist within their right mind is going to cover that mess up.
No. 500619
File: 1522796275281.png (434.16 KB, 1440x2207, 20180403_183718.png)

Holy fuck no one asked your hipbones or whether or not plasma came out why can't you just answer questions normally
No. 500621
File: 1522796430918.png (199.61 KB, 1440x973, 20180403_183646.png)

It wasn't bad , it's only bad if you do it all in one sitting, which is what I did but I'm a warrior goddess, I can handle anything except for mean people on the internet.
No. 500669
File: 1522803788640.png (142.11 KB, 1451x1108, Capture.PNG)

> goes away in 1-2 days
> 2 hours pass
> all gone, not even any redness or ANYTHING, because am special
> but still wont take a pic
No. 500742
File: 1522812980487.png (2.16 MB, 1440x2025, Screenshot_20180403-233653.png)

Honey the only things you're liberal with are the Photoshop and the bullshit.
No. 500744
File: 1522813213731.png (331.32 KB, 806x456, Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 11.3…)

No, Vic, this looks nothing like you. You look like a dumpster fire, this is a pretty good drawing YOU DIDN'T EVEN DO! Didn't even credit the artist. God, she's got such an ugly personality that no amount of photoshop or makeup can make her passable.
No. 500751
>>500744should contact the artist, she's not only re-posting without credit/permission, but also using it as her display pic, and her insta doubles as her commercial "artist" page.
for an "artist" she sure doesnt respect them (oh wait)
No. 500818
>>500669she missed the opportunity to take a picture of her tummy and blame the chubbiness on the "ridic" swelling
>>500808yeah I can imagine her drawings being decent, she should really stick to paper/digital and not skin
No. 500874
File: 1522853712361.png (74.92 KB, 925x236, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 10.5…)

bitch changed her Instagram profile pic to the drawing she didn't do and no one said looked like her. I think she finally gave in and tried to credit the artist but just slapped the artist's name in the description, didn't say "this was done by…." nope, just randomly mentioned the artist. Also, there was a comment saying she should credit the artist, that's gone too now.
No. 500875
File: 1522853815380.png (335.25 KB, 804x465, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 10.5…)

Vic's sad attempt to credit the artist
No. 500890
File: 1522856976710.jpg (427.21 KB, 1437x1463, Screenshot_20180404-084709.jpg)

>>500875I went to go look at the artist and saw her in the comments and jesus christ learn to chill out, Vic. So friendly and professional!
No. 500893
File: 1522857395719.jpg (208.61 KB, 822x598, Untitled.jpg)

>>500890I love this, thank you @thatxo
No. 500909
>>500744>>I have them captioned as the original artistUh huh, sure… then you just smacked their name in the description with no other information
>>500875And that was only after she got shit for not crediting the original artist.
By the way what the fuck does "poodle haired nation" mean? Your autism is showing Vic
No. 500916
File: 1522861672021.png (26.91 KB, 285x147, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 1.07…)

I want to know how she went from "wearing children's clothes" with hipbones & all that to also being "thicc"
Like, pick a lane.
No. 501021
File: 1522881578667.png (29.58 KB, 310x143, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 6.38…)

everything about this comment. everything.
No. 501022
File: 1522881713315.png (20.47 KB, 310x88, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 6.41…)

oh, now she can draw, and draw this style, and always has
of course
No. 501053
File: 1522887892986.png (1.2 MB, 1770x1206, 846F34AE-923F-451A-869F-B1C2A4…)

Nope. Just more saggy and sad. Honesty she can’t even take a compliment “but my x y and z is so much better” fuck off. And of course she would say something like “I drew that style too when I was younger I did it first and know how to do that style” like holy shit dude. I guess she’s salty because that artist actually has talent and more followers for her art than vile vic will ever have
No. 501070
File: 1522891415095.jpeg (173.08 KB, 749x866, 12142875-388D-4E95-A60C-27BD3F…)

>>501026Straight from frankie photography himself.
No. 501119
File: 1522901348251.jpg (910.04 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180405_000709.jpg)

Like really, Vic? You really think you should be a spokeswoman for English national socialists? Fucking hell. Go ahead, then.
No. 501126
File: 1522902275090.jpg (1.01 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180405_002425.jpg)

>>501123Sadly all too close to her actual shops
No. 501174
File: 1522910049819.jpg (719.23 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180405_023533.jpg)

Kek she found the parody insta
No. 501181
>>501174 wow vic you are so not bothered
hopefully you'll be even less bothered that some people genuinely thought it was you ;) ;) ;)
No. 501184
File: 1522913366271.jpeg (26.72 KB, 236x283, 1BA27DF3-FCA7-4302-B0B1-65ACD0…)

>>501174“Next time come in so I can beat the shit out of you”
She sounds so hurt. She’s so stupid that she didn’t even notice the google maps ping in the picture. And I’m sure she wouldn’t be acting tough in real life. This wench is such a keyboard warrior. When she’s done running her tantrums she smashes that block button after.
Here is a non shooped Vicky fat face with no glamour snap chat face filters. So plump
No. 501186
File: 1522913664074.jpg (141.88 KB, 404x345, SecondLifeMarketplaceGenya.jpg)

>>501126The right one looks like those Second Life recreations that were hip in the late noughties… Or one of the badly animated girls you'd see in advertisements for malware sites barely disguised as virtual porn.
No. 501189
File: 1522914352057.jpg (353.57 KB, 1440x949, Screenshot_20180405-033923.jpg)

>>501174Second time in like a week that she's trying to dox a chick for no reason. First the girl she blasted on fb, now she's obsessing over the Mel chick from a while back thinking it MUST be her. I mean, if you're not bothered then why do you remember the names of these girls and how come it never crosses your mind that the numerous dudes who have called you out/made fun of you might be doing this?
No. 501197
File: 1522916615994.png (617.82 KB, 1398x1834, Screenshot_20180405-041455.png)

>>501189>>500890Okay so we got "poodle haired nation" and "spongebob teeth". I'm at a loss for words. A 30 year old genius, everyone. Is she drunk?
No. 501208
File: 1522920222017.jpg (502.06 KB, 1440x1029, AirBrush_20180405052143.jpg)

>>501201Dumpster fire indeed. This is posted on the pic of the parrot tattoo. Hopefully this girl calls her out too, especially cause she just defended her meanwhile Ick smack talked her.
No. 501267
File: 1522941585046.jpeg (907.53 KB, 2048x1536, CD011D30-2F2B-4D0D-B887-311D88…)

>>501243This is the tattoo Michelle got from her (her husband also went there) and I’m sure she’d answer your questions
No. 501290
File: 1522948158041.jpeg (1.93 MB, 4096x4096, 9668BBAA-640B-4BFD-A168-E045C9…)

>>501141Some examples of the wonky boobs
No. 501293
File: 1522948391006.jpeg (251.63 KB, 750x1093, ECA2DCEC-645F-4D74-B5D7-6E02D5…)

While going through her photos I found this gem.
What the hell is going on, how did 240 people like this train wreck?
No. 501305
File: 1522949463487.jpg (423.34 KB, 750x1093, vickletsWedding.jpg)

>>501293This picture always gets me, shopped the picture towards the original proportions using the leftmost wood seam, the only one that had been left untouched by Vicklet.
No. 501311
>>501305The comparison between Vic and the woman on the left is just great. The woman on the left looks pretty, nice body, healthy shiny hair, gorgeous smile and seems like a naturally beautiful young woman. Then there's Vic…. her face looks like she just shat herself, hair looks 100% fake and covers most of the dress, the pose is the classic "trying to look thin" fat girl pose, and she just all around a mess.
Props to photoshop anon, you did a great job bringing out Vic's natural hamminess.
No. 501312
File: 1522950429601.png (566.95 KB, 750x1334, 8AAF1AE2-B1DC-40A5-A75A-A64E7B…)

>>501208Vic is losing it on Instagram about the parody account
No. 501334
>>501312I feel bad for whomever this Mel girl is, because it was me.
The google images pic with the google pin turning into "see, she took a pic of my shop irl" is worth it, though.
No. 501338
File: 1522953909831.jpg (73.46 KB, 521x491, vic.jpg)

>>501320The goddamn irony in this
(had to repost to remove my picture)
No. 501341
File: 1522954126321.jpg (37.8 KB, 520x206, vic.jpg)

>>501318Reported this one too
No. 501348
File: 1522954358439.png (37.27 KB, 301x194, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 2.52…)

the voices in her head…
No. 501351
File: 1522954457886.png (26.23 KB, 288x121, Screen Shot 2018-04-05 at 2.53…)

> the cyber police
> consequences will never be the same
No. 501370
>>501366Yup, it is. It's the place she works at, dunno why she's butthurt over that. When people get tattoos or go to check out a place, they kinda need to know where the location is. It's not like anyone doxxed her, she should just see this as free promotion.
My theory is she just doesn't want people coming down to the shop to get candid pics of her fat photoshopped ass.
No. 501407
File: 1522961771929.jpg (82.48 KB, 505x541, vic.jpg)

>>501352How has she left this on for two hours? This is amazing!
No. 501421
>>501414they are on youtube
https://www. youtube. com/user/ VictoriaMurder /videos
look for the asking alexandria one where she's at a party and the emo birthday one both
where you can clearly hear her talking with no accent
No. 501452
>>501439holy shit it's like a compilation of how fucking ugly she is
every time she opens her mouth too. despite previously knowing she's at best Canadian, I'm now willing to believe she's authentically British thanks to that winning British Book of Smiles tier teeth. I mean, I'd seen pictures of it, but fuck it's even worse in person
How can she even put up these little video clips and have people believe the shoops? Like do the majority of her neckbeard followers just not watch the vids what the fuck. No amount of hair covering can hide how nasty her face is
No. 501489
>>501483the last one to me sounded a like it had a little more of an irish flair, they should've added her current accent which is like ~posh~ brittish, cause yknow in northern ireland they sound like they come from england and speak super clearly kekek…
honestly the whole video her voice just got more and more fake and try hard, also the dudes she hangs out with…. yikes.
No. 501506
File: 1522981477903.png (200.85 KB, 1484x967, irish.PNG)

>>501489no no, according to vicky in Northern Ireland NOBODY calls their accent Northern Irish, just British.
No. 501619
>>501341>I ruined my fav white jacket last time that happenedis she implying she has "plastered the walls" with someone's blood before hahaha what? oh Icky
>le sighShe's literally a legbeard
No. 501645
>>501506She is a tard.
People definitely say they have a Northern Irish accent here. Obviously she wouldn't know that though.
No. 501730
We will never have another cow like Vicky, this is so good. It fascinated me that she continues to do this regardless of how many times people call her out on being embarrassing and retarded. She never ceases, never purges her online accounts, just continues to supply us with this sweet goodness. God I love it.
>>501341>plastering your blood all over the wallsShe’s literally a fat neckbeard with a katana
No. 501750
File: 1523030901043.png (169.49 KB, 318x481, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 12.0…)

take a look at that ham hock leg
No. 501754
File: 1523031298322.png (139.63 KB, 229x518, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 12.1…)

Silly bitch, part of her leg look like they were terrible cut down in photoshop. Also that boob shoop, Vic if you insist to shop your boobs so much at least TRY to make them look realistic, these look like the cross-eyed version of boobs.
No. 501766
File: 1523032499593.jpeg (1.75 MB, 3485x4096, 15AF2B73-6DBE-466B-98A2-6E08B7…)

I tried to unphotoshop this photo. I pulled the legs out from the squished tattoos on her legs so the hearts are now the same size. Then I tried to make the details on the jacket the same size again, and fixed her broken arms. It’s not perfect, but at least she looks somewhat proportional now.
No. 501767
>>501439Wait, it seems like she was a "radio personality"
before the shitty accent. I wonder what her coworkers and listeners think?
No. 501797
File: 1523036523455.jpeg (290.53 KB, 1770x1109, 6EFD7BB4-E1C5-4470-85F1-F5AC06…)

Uh oh, Vicky is calling the cyber police on me for an account I didn’t even make and is creeping my Facebook from another account and mssging my friends
No. 501858
File: 1523043978097.jpg (463.3 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180406_145906.jpg)

Mad lolcow disease
No. 501895
File: 1523050662984.png (474.32 KB, 400x594, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 5.35…)

always around her tits and waist its pathetic
No. 501916
File: 1523052565189.jpeg (44.59 KB, 640x393, 10803B03-BF20-4D26-A9CB-6E2338…)

Her fucking calf is bigger than her thigh. Classic bad shingle shoop
No. 501929
File: 1523052899029.jpg (44.83 KB, 401x604, original.jpg)

>>501895lest we never forget
No. 501964
>>501929it should be lest we forget.
lest we never forget implies that we should forget it.
No. 501968
>>501966>>501966Yes, the angle would have that kind of perspective, but I'm not going to waste my time arguing with someone who's so autistic that they had to make two posts "correcting" people in a row
>>501964>>501966when they clearly don't leave the house or see human beings in person.
No. 501987
File: 1523056743939.png (1.28 MB, 988x948, 1473535009130.png)

Never forgotten vikkums.
Not ever.
No. 502001
>>501980That wasn't even the point, never said she was a healthy weight, just pointing out that your nitpick was retarded and baseless.
>>501987Man I can't believe people willingly do this to themselves.
>>501989>cancer No. 502008
>>502001You implied she’s a healthy weight.
Anyways I think the anon who pointed out the leg might of been referring to the photoshopped thigh, and how she slimmed it down so much that they are the same size. With a person the size of vic even with perspective her thigh would be larger.
No. 502021
File: 1523061359490.jpg (223.14 KB, 750x1050, THEEDGE.jpg)

>>502008Hm I did not, I was saying it was perfectly normal for anybody's calf to look bigger than their thigh from that angle unless they were malnourished, which I shouldn't even have to explain but I know the 'tism makes you guys look way too hard into things and you have a hard time recognizing spacial perspective and shapes.
She's clearly an oinker and talks in a weird hybrid accent like a wannabe bush pig, as has been established this entire thread. Don't worry, I'm not trying to threaten that status by pointing out logic. There's more than enough milk, no need to nitpick when there's plenty.
No. 502027
File: 1523062091363.jpeg (1.62 MB, 4096x3048, A0C2AE9A-5D64-45CA-AA73-AABE9F…)

>>502021You’re still missing the point. She photoshopped her thigh thinner and forgot her calf. From this perspective it wouldn’t be larger than her thigh but her calf would be larger looking than normal.
No. 502048
File: 1523063277161.jpeg (179.53 KB, 750x1139, F3F41FF1-4A8C-4A30-80EB-626378…)

She also squishes her videos to make herself appear skinny. She took a 16:9 video and made it 4:3. That’s why it has black bars but other parts of the video don’t. I stretched it back to a 16:9 ratio showing how the original video looked.
No. 502122
>>502058technically it's true, since it's a video, so she used a different program to squish it
just like her "0% photoshop 100% sass" video on her official page - no photoshop, just heavy instagram filter and low resolution
No. 502124
File: 1523071420028.png (88.22 KB, 1724x519, immune.PNG)

dat immunity
is there anything shes NOT the best at?
No. 502300
File: 1523119454040.png (481.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180407-124239.png)

Probably reading the thread
> no snapchat filters
> uses a heavy Instagram one
No. 502390
File: 1523135522003.jpeg (60.73 KB, 622x514, 61DCE6D3-EF30-4B85-8783-5B6B89…)

>>502379She uses this dirty ass phone I believe. This was from last november so she probably has the same one. Looks like she put it through a blender.
No. 502406
File: 1523137012570.jpeg (2.25 MB, 4096x4096, DA9EF828-51BC-4941-BF5D-CD3A76…)

How does the quality go from this to this? Both posted on her story the same day, has to be the same phone.
No. 502434
File: 1523143708884.jpg (1005.42 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180407_192812.jpg)

Same person?
No. 502447
File: 1523147278119.png (59.44 KB, 974x294, Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 8.27…)

I'm sure you hear that a lot.
No. 502491
>>502124omf there is nothing she won't humble brag about, like who even cares about fast tattoo healing ability besides her.
>>502128my sides
>>502164you know it's bad when she's not hyping up her ~iiink skillsss~ but i want to see how shitty it is.
No. 503154
File: 1523271609798.png (384.67 KB, 573x730, VickyHistory.png)

>>485956Vicky is on a roll, she shared a post depicting events from 1775 thinking they happened just now. Governor Thomas Gage should have been the giveaway, he was born in 1721.
The best part? This was the event that
triggered the War for American independency. lmao
No. 503155
File: 1523272091429.png (429.58 KB, 547x710, Vicky being relevant.png)

Then, Vicky also had posted a picture from 2014.
She didn't even bother reading up on the event, had nothing to do with patriotism.
The flagpole was installed as such, that the line where you pull up the flag through, was flapping against the metal of the pole, and the flag was so disproportionately big that it would bang against the flagpole and make noise all throughout the night. It created so much noise that 7 neighbors complained about it after the first night.
No. 503455
File: 1523334394928.jpeg (97.6 KB, 640x626, 36F47EBB-7453-47EE-916A-0C5C60…)

She’s so edgy with her blood on the dance floor make up and halloween vampire teeth. I could see someone who’s a teen pulling this shit. Someone in their 30’s tho? Kind of sad.
No. 503513
File: 1523348840048.png (191.69 KB, 996x1436, Vicky_ Ben Shapiro HIGH IQ.png)

>>503180Don't worry, today she sperged about Ben Shapiro having a genius level IQ.
Ben Shapiro has a high verbal IQ, but his actual IQ is between 125-140. Genius at the lowest is 145+, so again she has no idea what the fuck she's saying means.
No. 503515
File: 1523349049921.png (51.42 KB, 675x616, Silverback Gorilkla.png)

>>503513To add to this, her silverback gorilla comparison is taken out of context from the actual study. With a single google search it was proven wrong from the first result onwards.
She really has no idea what she's talking about 99% of the time.
No. 503528
>>503513>I don’t accept made up words like edgelord cringey and cis BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL OF THESE THINGS!
You doesn’t accept made up words, we don’t accept made up people you dumb narcissistic horsefaced cow
No. 503564
File: 1523369530376.png (231.32 KB, 290x464, Screen Shot 2017-12-12 at 10.3…)

an oldie but goodie
No. 503574
File: 1523371967929.jpg (695.59 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180410_104942.jpg)

Hates sex workers but posts slutty pictures for likes. At least they get paid, unlike her bummy ass. Pfft. I wonder if this is stemming from her being jealous af of Bunny.
No. 503638
File: 1523382693627.jpeg (28.64 KB, 545x116, 39D15FF5-D824-4C54-BE27-E0A37A…)

I’m howling
No. 503641
>>503576If she hates hookers so much, why does she try so hard to look like one?
>>503637Yes, yes she does.
No. 503653
File: 1523385860124.jpeg (124.8 KB, 750x873, 0EEF16E6-1A53-44AB-AFAD-DBEE23…)

No. 503751
File: 1523397658544.jpeg (204.04 KB, 750x846, 06256D1B-7B25-4134-AEE7-6A9591…)

Why can’t she just take a picture and smile like the rest of them? No, she has to show she’s a total “badass.”
No. 503761
File: 1523398949246.jpg (84.21 KB, 1000x440, 1475020071856.jpg)

>>503650This is EXACTLY what
>"failing art TWICE"looks like. Good on her for being honest about how shit she is. Kek.
No. 503863
>>503761Also is that a skin disorder in the background, a multi-coloured vagina, or a shitty galaxy?
Seriously tho, what I think are supposed to be stars look like pimples.
No. 503874
File: 1523415983275.png (693.5 KB, 536x806, Screen Shot 2018-04-10 at 11.0…)

>>503834it's also a 3 legged horse
and why does the torso just randomly cut off?
No. 503891
File: 1523418162909.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, BE85874D-8C40-4E4D-BF3B-57E417…)

That awkward short stubby leg.
No. 503905
>>503638Sorry to nitpick but that’s not even how that works. NASA Pathways has a min 3.0 college GPA requirement for junior positions. For senior positions, it’s a branch of the US federal government and they use the US civil service pay scale where your position is earned, either through grad school or years of work experience. Either way intelligence really has fuck-all to do with it.
It’s like she sits there and thinks “MENSA is for smart people… NASA is for smart people…” and assumes the two are even remotely connected. Does she really believe no one can fact check that? It takes like two seconds.
No. 503925
File: 1523427148819.png (84.04 KB, 932x168, Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 2.11…)

>>503915i want to know more about The Laws of Logic she's referring to
No. 504071
File: 1523475525828.png (57.97 KB, 872x428, Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 3.28…)

Since I was curious I tried reaching out to MENSA, initially I wanted to see if they had any record of Sticky Vicky but sadly they weren't able to give me any information about whether or not she has ever completed the test and has been deemed gifted and a MENSA member.
Obviously, we all know Sticky has roughly the same IQ as a cumrag (and that's being generous) but I still thought it was worth a shot to get hard proof of yet another lie.
However, I did ask if MENSA has any ties to NASA as far as recruitment, screening, whatever (as Sticky claims they do). And as anon here
>>503905 mentioned they have nothing to do with NASA as far as recruitment, testing, screening, nothing.
I'll include a screen cap if anyone is interested in posting it on her facebook, I would but I said one thing to her on Instagram and she blocked me on Facebook, Instagram, etc…
No. 504114
File: 1523481976430.png (2.09 MB, 1440x2465, Screenshot_20180411-172335.png)

>>504101Speaking of delusion
No. 504136
>>504071NASA has no recruitment through Mensa, Mensa mostly deals with interest groups; you can get invitations for local Mensa activities. Mensa costs money to join, and you get a magazine subscription basically. You can also apply for scholarships through Mensa, but that's about it. Occasionally there will be a seminar or something along the lines. Mensa might hold a seminar with a NASA guest speaker, but that's as far as their co-operation goes.
NASA recruits as
>>503905 stated and I'm willing to put money on Vicklet going "Smart = Smart… NASA = Smart, Mensa = smart, so NASA = Mensa….!"
NASA has lots of experts, ranging from their potato cultivation experts to mechanical engineering. NASA had 17,211 employees in 2016, which includes sanitation fyi. Now, I don't know does Vicky mean that even NASA sanitation crews are genius IQ tested…
No. 504156
>>503513Is she implying
she's a member of Mensa? My sides.
No. 504171
File: 1523491086328.jpeg (110.3 KB, 750x874, 112378BC-3F7A-4AFF-8DCC-A9E77C…)

>>503653Sry I had to
gave her a nice lil’ neckbeard aswell
No. 504236
>>504114the most modest there is
who are we kidding, she picked her cuz of the ~swords~ and ~justoneoftheboys~
No. 504243
>>504240Strange, you never seem to see her with the same "friend" more than once. Probably cause no one can stand being around her more than once.
Also the wedding dress one wasn't with friends, it was for a bridal shop or something
No. 504430
File: 1523543341090.jpg (462.77 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180412_103022.jpg)

Okay Vicky
No. 504431
>>504430You know its true anon, I mean she's single, hasn't been in a long-term relationship, hasn't gotten an actual modelling job ever, and constantly has to prove how great she is. All signs point to "hot as fuck".
God, I threw up in my mouth a bit just typing that.
No. 504451
File: 1523547128905.jpg (328.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180412-112819.jpg)

hahaha omg. I don't even have commentary for this. Stands for itself.
No. 504461
> and would realize she has super strength (stronger than you)she's typing like Donald Trump now
also, for Ms English nationalist, why doesnt she use British spelling?
No. 504834
File: 1523597989461.jpeg (80.24 KB, 603x620, CD36E338-4CBD-4F51-857E-16DD63…)

That double chin and man hand
No. 504842
>>504171this is awesome
>>504430what post were the top comments on?
>>504834ah yes, the up nostril open-mouthed pose, complete with tilting head back and hand-on-face to try and hide what it really looks like.
No. 504845
>>504114I hate it when people post that just and just write whatever they are under it. You think people are gonna look that up and be like "oh, Barbara really IS Elsa, those personality traits match up beautifully!"
No1curr you heifer, sit your ass down and stop showing off memeworthy behaviour.
(OT but some of my friends do that and it's so fucking annoying to watch them post "Oh I'm X :))" one after another under those things.)
No. 505115
File: 1523661710559.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, 031CD86A-6DF5-4238-960C-0696C9…)

>>504859What the hell does she do to her lips? They look awful and she isn’t fooling anyone
No. 505117
File: 1523662468392.jpg (67.67 KB, 480x552, Chola-chick.jpg)

>>505115It's chola make-up fam!
No. 505129
>>505115her aesthetic values always kill me. she's a stereotype of the out of touch 30 y/o that wants to do a youthful and trendy look, but instead looks gaudy and dated.
it's really funny how she copies characteristics of chola make up and photoshops herself to look like a lebanese popstar too, because it's so inconsistent with the
british nationalist red pill goddess brand that she's pushing.
No. 505186
File: 1523681412162.png (428.01 KB, 1440x2403, Screenshot_20180414-004701.png)

Want do inked?
Want get inked?
Want some inked?
Like "want ink?" would make most sense and be closest to "want milk?" but still…
Vicky, you dumb. You real dumb.
No. 505256
File: 1523710804451.jpg (89.9 KB, 601x459, Screenshot_20170716-154504.jpg)

>>505186Kinda like "got milk".. always vicky, always.
20 says she panicked thinking it was a farmer
No. 505260
File: 1523713556770.jpg (261.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180414-093736.jpg)

>>505186What the fuck does this explanation even mean? She's shortening it from "Do want inked??" Jesus Christ. Slang also refers to words, not scrambled basic words in a sentence.
No. 505307
>>505260i would normally side with anyone saying anything against vicky but cee is retarded.
inked isn't past tense in this sentence. like vicky is trying to shorten down "do you want to get inked?", the same way someone might say "do you want to get baked?" or "do you want to get punched?". it's called future perfect tense.
vicky is trying to shorten it down kind of like "do you want some?" can be shortened to "want some?" but vicky is stupid bceause she thinks "do you want inked?" sounds like an okay sentence instead of a neanderthal grunting out it's first attempt at a full sentence. "want ink?" doesn't sound retarded and still makes sense in her line of work.
also cee is racist lol. "i'm not black so i don't spell like an ignorant asshole" OKAY
No. 505570
File: 1523784020006.png (26.31 KB, 578x307, vickyforeingpolitics¨'.png)

Vicky is now adding foreign politics to her long list of achievements. She is convinced war refugees are a planned invasion. Draws out katana her typing style is still stuck in 2008.
>wouldn't of
It's insane that english is supposedly her mothertongue.
No. 505572
>>505570*We're on the edge
*I'd like to thank
*wouldn't have been there
*hope your need for ratings WAS worth it
No. 505730
>>505570she can't even get her Syrians straight
like, does she think the ones who were refugees fleeing Assad will attack Canada because the US attacked Assad? If anything they would be happy
also, her entire rip about "Russian collusion stoking the fire" is just word salad.
> wouldn't of been there> Ms. English 2018 No. 506078
File: 1523881455458.png (2.29 MB, 1440x2295, Screenshot_20180416-082013.png)

"At least they were unique"
How? They were a dime a dozen and all had the same hair, a band shirt and tight jeans. And the line about the hair…
No. 506084
>>506078She really is stuck in the scene era.
I think the problem with people like her and Greg is that they achieved their success in a certain era and instead of changing or adapting to fit the times like Audrey Kitching or Shane Dawson, they try the same shit over and over again, thinking people dig it. That's why their only fans are weirdo children who didn't grow up with that shit so it's fresh to them, or losers like themselves that are also stunted and stuck in that time period.
Bizarre though, you'd think because of all the kids that Greg hangs out with, he'd have more of an idea of what's cool.
Vicky on the other hand has too many neckbeards that prop up her ego so she thinks she's still hip and happening and will probably be 'scene' or 'a blonde goth' or whatever she identifies as till she is 90
No. 506140
>>506138lol, as someone born in 1990 and NI so therefore Vicky should mirror exactly what I think
I thought it was Goth > Emo > Scene. Isn't scene like Leda Muir
Vicky's asthetic is chubby alt girl.
No. 506145
>>506138Scene is just a colourful version of emo.
All these retarded alt subcultures are the fucking same anyway and both emo and scene are dead.
Also born in 1990, last time I ever saw someone get a scene haircut was 2010 and the girl that got it was a tryhard, had no idea what scene was, and all didn't realise that hairstyle was dated as fuck by 2006. At my school anyway.
No. 506205
File: 1523915378017.jpg (642.9 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180416_175126.jpg)

I'm Vicky , nothing can kill me, I can tame a komodo dragon. I can do anything!!!!!
No. 506209
>>506205>I woke up to a bear a few meters from meLmao
She just has to pretend to be the *~best~* at everything
No. 506242
>>506205Apparently Vick is the crocodile hunter now and all animals just LOVE her.
I hope she gets fucking bitten by a spider or angry dog or something.
It's annoying because even when they mention it's poisonous she just keeps going on about how it wouldn't bite her.
Okay Vick…I dare you to go touch one. Because you are clearly Dr doo little, snow white queen of animals.
Next thing, this crazy bitch will claim she swims cageless with great white sharks and not only did they not bite her, but they also told her that she looks like a final fantasy character and swam her to shore on their backs.
The fucking delusion.
No. 506269
File: 1523939884867.png (262.18 KB, 1440x1360, Screenshot_20180417-003512.png)

>>506205Ugh I've had many reptiles and first and foremost, monitors generally aren't very social pets. She likely wouldn't deal with a pet rejecting affection/handling very well. Second, they aren't cheap to house. Third, they generally require live feeding. They aren't a beginner pet at all. I pray she isn't serious and is just trying to be edgy.
No. 506273
>>506269She is definitely trying to be edgy. She likes to pretend she already knows everything.
I bet if some random said some bulshit to her like- 'you should adopt a Malaysian striped water monitor, they are IDENTICAL to komodo dragons but not poisonous'
She would type something back like 'oh yes I know all about them, I wanted to buy one but my cats/they were all sold out' or some bullshit excuse, all the while not realizing that I literally just made up that reptile and it doesn't exist. She can't ever admit she's wrong or doesn't know anything. Drives me crazy.
No. 506384
>>506205she sounds like those idiots on that fatal attractions show who take on exotic animals to fuel their ego of being able to tame and relate to it. there was a dude who had several large lizards, including a komodo, and it bit him without being pissed off. never seeking medical treatment, he eventually succumbs to the poison in it's saliva - even though he was on a rigorous workout routine and in good shape - and his beloved 'pets' fucking eat him.
every asshole in this series had the same attitude of having a ~special bond~ with their animals and it didn't spare them or others from being harmed or killed.
oh, you held a snake once that was probably less than 3 ft long and with someone else supporting it but yea, pretend to be cool and claim it was around your neck which no one with even the lowest amount of common sense would do.
No. 506389
>>506384Yeah definitely.
I live in Australia, home to some of the deadliest animals on earth and my general rule is 'leave it alone and it won't fuck you up' but honestly, animals like snakes and reptiles and exotic types can bite you for no reason. They are not the same as a dog. Hell, I treat my own cat like a king and spoil it so much, but if he's grumpy he will bite me once in a blue moon.
People with this attitude are fucking idiots.
Look at what happened to that guy that got mauled one day by his tiger for no reason. Or that lady who had her face ripped off by a chimp. (Mind you the chimp was on drugs) Even the crocodile hunter, an experienced wildlife man was killed by a stingray, which honestly is not a common death by that animal.
Wild animals can flip randomly one day, even the domesticated ones and Vicky seems to think she'd be fine with raising a Komodo dragon? Really?
No. 506391
>>506205The young alligator that she claimed sat on her lap and the boa constrictor were probably instances of one of those travelling reptile shows. I've seen them visit shopping centres and schools.
The bear thing was either a lie or she went camping and spotted one from a distance. Also she doesn't specify what bear it was, so it could have been a less aggressive species or a baby.
No. 506828
File: 1524013401424.jpeg (681.33 KB, 750x1334, 020EF7D9-733D-4894-92A5-9D1364…)

Don’t know what pub she was at, but it would have been funny seeing some random girl taking videos like this while I was having a pint
No. 506910
File: 1524018651077.jpeg (140.37 KB, 640x1136, B565E6FB-E6D6-4523-943D-0B34C5…)

No. 506994
File: 1524027596675.jpg (759.79 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180418_005657.jpg)

"So ugly and photoshopped" k but it's extremely low res and filtered and you can STILL see significant differences. Nose is twice the size of the Photoshop one , face is fatter and differently shaped, looks heavier in general, tits are long and saggy looking instead of the ridiculous balloons she keeps accidentally shooping different sizes. How does she not see that even in her potato quality filtered vids, she doesn't look like her photos.
No. 507000
File: 1524028353733.png (829.11 KB, 955x781, Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 1.10…)

everything about this and the comment thread, dear god
No. 507002
>>507000She couldn't just be the other character from the show, he
had to be a super warrior time traveller with swords. She had to be.
No. 507007
>>507000Cat "demanded to be held" but looks annoyed af and clearly wants out.
And because of said cat, she couldn't pull the usual Photoshop shenanigans on her body and you can see how boxy it is. Also, the way she shooped her nose just bothers me…
No. 507077
File: 1524039822620.jpg (83.76 KB, 610x610, 10-21-16-nik3rs-l-610x610-hat-…)

>>5070006 years ago, Lana wore the hat better. It does not fit Icky's clothes at all. What is she even going for? But she's such a trendsetter keck.
Also lol at her Saiyan Mary Sue alter ego.
No. 507112
>>507000It's always incredible how she doesn't have one ounce of humbleness in her …
Plus she's clearly stupid as a rock because Bulma is a really cool character, she's extremely smart, brave and helpful despite being human. You'd think she'd take some inspiration off of her.
No. 507127
File: 1524053136955.jpeg (454.76 KB, 732x1301, DF37BAB3-384B-40F1-8000-34412F…)

>>506994I love that her “fanzzz” are calling out her potato quality images
No. 507149
File: 1524060355898.png (237.44 KB, 499x229, Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 10.0…)

Anyone else remember when she was saying "look at these child-sized shorts I got, I'm so smol"?
Bitch has a front butt. Also, there's snow outside, why is she wearing summer clothes when it's snowing and freezing rain in Ottawa?
No. 507252
File: 1524077667251.png (251.68 KB, 1440x1213, Screenshot_20180418-144543.png)

Vicky just rudely flipped at a fan who politely suggested a smart phone with a decent camera. The video that was commented on is her reacting (for the millionth time) to lolcow making fun of her phoroshop. Then she recently accused and doxxed two chicks over an Instagram parody account (that she angrily commented on like 50 times). Before that, told someone who was mildly trolling her to kill themselves numerous times. So calm abd collected and totally not emotional at all (like those OTHER girls).
No. 507254
File: 1524078417178.png (213.24 KB, 1440x1380, Screenshot_20180418-150234.png)

>>507127Why does this bother her so much?
No. 507257
>>507252And yet that guy she was dating briefly left because she's an emotional basketcase and demanded he tell her he loves her. I can smell crazy clingy girl on her a mile away, she's so histrionic about everyday things and its honestly abnormal to have an innocent comment about photo quality
trigger someone like that. Such an unbothered INTJ warrior ice queen.
No. 507277
File: 1524083053761.png (229.58 KB, 1440x1125, 20180418_162013.png)

>>507274Oh no anon, she dates plenty and all her boyfriends are hot af.
Seriously though, Vicky needs to accept that she's average as hell and aging like shit on top of that. Stop waiting for a guy out of your league and settle with one of your neckbeards bros, Ick, or you'll die single.
No. 507279
>>507277Or she should just buy a body pillow with her overly photoshopped self on it.
She's the type that preaches "I don't need a man! I'm too good for any man! I like being single" yet cries everytime a high school friend announces being engaged.
Hope ya enjoy cats Vic cause your headed straight for crazy old cat hag and fast.
No. 507322
File: 1524086911834.jpeg (518.61 KB, 2048x2048, 8274F1F2-D798-4FA8-9996-F3F403…)

She is super naive about relationships and dudes in general
No. 507616
File: 1524115043649.png (169.91 KB, 1404x656, Screenshot_20180419-011507.png)

She puts people on blast over nothing. If this actually happened , this dude would be doxxed. Way to make it obvious that you're reading the thread and feeling insecure about no one wanting to date you.
No. 507879
File: 1524164555687.png (124.89 KB, 541x1326, apevicky.png)

>>507616The conversation below this is another classic Vicky excerpt.
>I had to remind them that no race was excused from me using that as a term for an applies to any (as there are apes of all colours) It simply means they are acting primitive in my eyes..which isn't a good thing
>they are acting primitive in my eyesIs she trying to say that they are acting like primates?
No. 507974
File: 1524170161598.jpeg (161.17 KB, 750x924, 3B39E117-E26A-462D-8819-CB5E6D…)

No. 508280
File: 1524191537140.jpeg (417.53 KB, 1770x1483, 69FBC99E-138F-47E2-BD69-CD6B66…)

New hilarious shoop on her Instagram. The window in the background is warped and a blurred mess she also accidentally cut off some of her shoulder when editing them smaller than they are.
>>507000In this photo the window is more clear. It’s like she turned the lighting down so she could shoop her hammy body more easily without it being so noticeable. Too bad she failed miserably
No. 508282
File: 1524191654264.jpeg (54.03 KB, 591x309, C4E46401-DD43-4B2B-9348-FE791E…)

>>508280Looks really off and just pitch black. Damn is she ever sloppy