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File: 1624237766671.jpeg (37.3 KB, 275x213, EBAA870D-1D5E-48F5-8F3E-99A5F3…)

No. 841230

Vicky is a middle aged scratcher from Buttfuck Nowhere, Hicksville, Canada with an exhaustive recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving disastrous mangled tattoos to her clients. One of the reasons why this thread exists is to warn anyone who happens to Google her name prior to getting a tattoo from her.

Vicky is also a washed up “scene queen” who likes spending her free time reliving her glory days on MySpace by getting hammered and posting poorly shopped thirstpics and embarrassing videos on her various personal and “professional” social media accounts. She then posts the resulting DMs she gets from random horny old men and neckbeards, the sorts of DMs normal women ignore or are repulsed by, seemingly as proof of her desirability - despite, of course, being perpetually single for pretty much her entire adult life.

Vicky exhibits a plethora of curious behaviours such as pretending to be British, pretending to be wealthy, pretending to be a super-fit ninja, pretending to be educated, pretending to be a model and pretending to be the one and only woman who likes/does "X", and of course, pretending to be unbothered by criticism.

Latest milk:

>Has ANOTHER new boyfriend. Is too embarrassed to show his face.

> was interjecting herself into mr poundtowns relationship to the point of him being no existent in her life. >>>/pt/827710
> kicked out of her last “salon” she tattooed out of and is still taking money from people.
>has nowhere to work.
>got dragged on tiktok to the point of shutting off comments
>won’t stop talking about penises of ufc fighters
>Jackie came with the MILK. >>>/pt/829023
>too much to go over, but Victoria’s cat pissed all over her couch and Victoria was too broke to pay for it. Begged Jackie to stay at her place cause she can’t pay her bills.
> Victoria is still so delusional she thinks she look like Megan fox when she wears a cheap black wig.


> Vicky creates a new Instagram account for her tattoos, has hardly any followers and ends up making it private >>>/pt/820656

> Continues to post egregiously shooped pics that are looking more and more like an overinflated sex doll with less and less resemblance to her actual self >>>/pt/820676
> Despite being an award-winning Michelin star chef who has cooked for celebrities as far off as Timbuktu the only thing she seems capable of cooking are Yorkshire puddings (which would explain why she’s so fucking huge) >>>/pt/820908
> Joins TikTok, looks fatter than ever >>>/pt/821095
> Posts a video to “prove” her fake Versace bra is real >>>/pt/821108
> Spergs incessantly about how she doesn’t want to be skinny, hard fucking cope for being a ham planet >>>/pt/821012
> Is so ~ not bovverrrred ~ by lolcow that age continues to post about us on her social media, claims she fucked her ex after he left her for her former friend >>>/pt/821407
> Claims she is booked until April, which is clearly bollocks as she spends all day doing fuck all besides posting grimy selfies on social media >>>/pt/822022
> Still making up r/thathappened tier tales about how other girls’ boyfriends want to bang her and how everyone is jealous and crazy (the fucking irony) >>>/pt/822051
> Still claiming that everything posted on lolcow is lies and that we edit her photos to make her look worse because we’re “intimated” by her beauty (my fucking sides, I cannot with this delusional fat retard) >>>/pt/823263
> Insists the only people who post here are the same group of four girls who she’s had a falling out with in real life >>>/pt/823270
> Bunny is true to her promise that if Shingles mentioned her again she’d return to the farm to share more anecdotes, such as Vicky getting kicked out of houses for being dirty >>>/pt/823340 texting Bunny begging to hang out >>>/pt/823358 and most hilarious of all, how she threw a shit fit over not being able to make pasta on a fucking camping trip >>>/pt/823482
> Her shoops are becoming progressively more insane, indicating that she must have a lot of spare time on her hands >>>/pt/823740
> Claims she looks ~ soooo young ~ despite looking like a 50 year old lot lizard >>>/pt/823999
> Vicky gets called out for being a catfish on TikTok >>>/pt/824095
> Someone who got a tattoo from Vicky stops by, namefagging up a storm while not telling us anything we haven’t heard before >>>/pt/824267
> Another Ontariofag who has had the displeasure of meeting Shingles comes forward confirming everything said about her her >>>/pt/824770
> More bullshit about how every man wants her, every woman is jealous and scared Vicky will steal their man and how she’s an ~ untouchable ice queeeen ~ >>>/pt/825345
> Another person Vicky has mangled with her scratching pays us a visit to share the extent of Vicky’s butchery to her skin >>>/pt/825779
> Some scrote posts her nonsense to a body building page, Vicky uses the opportunity to screech ad nauseam about how she doesn’t edit her body, which is an insult to anyone with functioning retinas >>>/pt/827243
> People on social media point out that Shingles is a retard for bashing sex workers when she does pretty much the same thing as them but for free >>>/pt/827341

> The quality of her shart tier work has somehow deteriorated further >>>/pt/799820 >>>/pt/799789

> She produces a tattoo so atrocious that it deserves its own line >>>/pt/805503
> A calf is born: introducing Xameron “the contrarian” who gives us a coked-out 18,000 word screed at 1am about muh zero sugar energy bars >>>/pt/800078
> Cameron goes off on some other irrelevant bitch named kayla for seemingly no reason >>>/pt/800090
> To the surprise on precisely no one, cameron looks like this >>>/pt/800296
> He returns later to call us the obsessive losers after writing an entire novel about how Vicky wouldn’t suck his dick >>>/pt/800376
> Congratulations! it’s twins! a second calf, Kayla (when you order Trisha Paytas on Wish), is thrust upon us >>>/pt/800605
> Cameron comes back yet again to sperg about phone chargers, Vicky’s fridge, and a tonne of other retarded shit >>>/pt/800642
> Kayla also has a sperg for the ages, posting nonstop on Facebook and to anyone who will listen to her >>>/pt/800822
> Onlyfans era Vicky is imminent, even though she loves screeching about how much she hates sex work to all and sundry while posting porn lite to her “professional” profiles for free >>>/pt/805696 >>>/pt/802843

Her past milk is approaching Tolstoy levels of documentation so here is a pastebin of that: https://pastebin.com/SsvpzQy0


Professional Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaBellaMorteOfficial
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victoria.emma.5680
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/missvictoriamurder
Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/451633048



No. 841231

File: 1624237981084.jpeg (123.54 KB, 749x1063, 9F91BDCE-CCE5-477E-A655-017662…)

That orange tan, she looks 45.
It’s shocking me how embarrassed she must be of her new bf. Kek. She always posts guys.. she must be more desperate than usual

No. 841233

File: 1624238676367.webm (2.82 MB, 720x1280, smoothies.webm)

Bless you, anon. I will now dump some milk. Here is today's story from Victoria. This is the most we've heard her boyfriend. The way he talks to her sounds like that one "friend" of hers who told her to "shut the fuck up" in a video awhile ago but I don't know if they sound the same voice wise.

No. 841236

That DOES sound like the guy that would tell her to shut up. Which makes sense cause he had a girlfriend when icky was hanging out with him. He’s also in his early 20s.

No. 841240

File: 1624240128749.jpeg (191.96 KB, 1282x1427, BEE2EA98-4052-42DA-8B77-90750A…)

I will put money on it being this guy. He was dating a ginger when they took this video. So it would make sense icky would take this child from his gf.

No. 841241

Same thought, anon. I can't remember what his Instagram is but I know it's in one of the former threads, as a screenshot at least, because we were posting about Vic hitting on this dude while having a girlfriend.

No. 841242

File: 1624240687841.jpeg (72.76 KB, 1282x354, 1B91BC7C-04EB-4951-AC34-F66479…)

This is him. His account is private now… which makes me think it’s him.

No. 841245

File: 1624244755921.jpeg (120.05 KB, 1284x527, 44B9DF71-3B78-404D-8639-708C62…)

Old school morals? Doing cocaine, drinking heavily, not showering, not brushing your teeth, stealing people’s bfs, stealing deposits, posting publicly about wanting to get slammed in a sun dress, chain smoking, sticking up for your pedo brother, posting pedo bait, talking about your “pussy”, treating friends like trash, talking about injuring people with swords… the list goes on. You’re a pick me bitch that does OF for free on Facebook.

No. 841247

File: 1624244908637.jpeg (198.99 KB, 1283x1738, A9A2781A-9E39-4AD2-9ECF-E3F8EC…)

Won’t do of… has her tits hanging out for kids on tiktok. Also 1 like in 3 hours…Much famous.

No. 841261

she looks like she went into a tanning bed with ski goggles on.

No. 841264

File: 1624255660241.jpg (96.35 KB, 785x1280, IMG_20210620_230625_161.jpg)

She posted this to her stories a few days ago.

No. 841266

File: 1624256011962.png (1.37 MB, 1578x1280, ahem.png)

The following night she drunk posted these two stories one right after the other and didn't bother to delete the first one after clarifying "metalhead/rocker/goth" lol.

No. 841279

Well for one this guy sounds like a misogynist (no surprise here, seeing as she’s one herself) but I genuinely don’t think this is a real person.
She just cut out the audio of someone disrespecting a girl and inserted it into her video. You definitely wouldn’t hear a man talk to me that way, she has absolutely no self respect.

No. 841281


Does anyone remember his ex GFs insta? We could probably lurk it go confirm, they're all children so probably air it all online

No. 841337

File: 1624305246044.png (91.95 KB, 976x562, Screen Shot 2021-06-21 at 3.33…)


Uhhhh ok…. sure

No. 841340

Vicky admitted to sleeping with her ex while he was in a relationship, and says she doesn’t care to snatch your man if she doesn’t like you.
And hey icky. I bet a lot of girls at the bovine and other Ontario clubs would disagree that you “look out for girls”

No. 841342

File: 1624307198091.jpeg (34.38 KB, 828x248, B74682F3-D203-4A2E-B45E-E77424…)

“Girls take care of one another” unless it doesn’t benefit Victoria

No. 841362

Imagine being 35 years old and your entire identity hinges on typical pickme antics from 2004. This bitch is actually touched in the head

No. 841368

File: 1624318029641.jpeg (253.61 KB, 1282x1517, 06DDB3A9-54C0-47BE-9EBA-90DE21…)

Victoria : “Girls look out for one another”

Also victoria: puts down women in sex work or their views don’t line up with Victoria’s exactly.

No. 841370

File: 1624318728647.jpeg (126.48 KB, 556x960, 3D6EBF2C-D1AE-4015-B9C4-B6DF95…)

“I’d never do onlyfans” Photos Victoria uploads.

Considering Victoria was totally offered a deal with onlyfans she would know only fans isnt just “buttholes” LEGIT models are on there selling photos that aren’t nude. She knows that wouldn’t fly cause then she’d have to compete with other women and she’d get laughed off of the platform like she did tiktok.

No. 841377

It never fails to make me howl that Victoria wants my husband since I post on here. Seriously Vicky, come and give a shot. It's a short cab ride. I only ask that you allow me to record raw footage of your attempt.

No. 841378

What is the background of this photo suppose to be? Looks like a giant chunk of gold ore lol. Is this a recent upload?

No. 841379

Anyone else notice how rough her hair is looking? I guess that explains the "Megan Fox" wig. Hair looks like a few dusty cobwebs swaying in the wind

No. 841391

Wait…what? Did I miss this milk somewhere in the threads? Not that it surprises me because she is known for going after married men if she doesn’t like the wife. And that’s straight from icky herself. What a skank.

No. 841393

She’ll make up issues with women if she wants to fuck their men. She’s delusional. People in Ontario already know.

No. 841394

she'll always find some way to humble brag that neckbeards message her. here it's in the disguise of girl power! creative

No. 841401


Guess shingles is finally giving up on the act of being totally British. She isn’t putting on the fake horrible cringe accent

No. 841436

A small improvement! Now she just needs to grow the fuck up and stop being such an immature pick-me

No. 841457

New to this site so I don’t really know how it works. I went to high school with victoria and was good friends with her brother. Hung out with Victoria a few times way back when but haven’t seen her since a party at her dads house in like 2009 where she dressed as an “ice queen”. Can confirm she is 33 (will be 34 this year) as she was in 12+ when I was in grade 9. Ask me anything

No. 841458

Also she never had that fucking accent in hs and even her brother is embarrassed by her and said she’s now intolerable to be around due to her extreme narcissism. I don’t know how to respond to my own replies I’m using safari on my phone. I also happen to know that her brother asks to be pegged by his gfs lol

No. 841459

Is she racist? And what are her parents like? Vicky talks about how her mom is such an awful person.

No. 841460

What’s shes like at parties? Does her online photos resemble her irl?

No. 841464

File: 1624403994248.jpeg (337.24 KB, 1282x1932, 8652A15C-C41D-4A89-B940-E47BE0…)

I wonder what it’s like to have this little insight and think everyone else is the problem. Especially at her age. Goddamn. >>841457
Also, don’t write anything in the name part. Mods shut up and let the milk stay.

No. 841468

File: 1624409385535.jpeg (208.51 KB, 1282x1904, 313FA7CA-FD4C-454E-AD33-4420D3…)

She’s even late when people pay a $500 deposits for scratcher tattoos.

No. 841472

is vicky a mod now

No. 841479

> Can confirm she is 33 (will be 34 this year) as she was in 12+ when I was in grade 9.

Interesting I definitely thought she was between 35-38.

No. 841483

Makes it even sadder because she looks aged and crusty as fuck. Vicky girl I know you’re reading this please drink a glass of water and put down the booze for like, a day

No. 841489

>>841457 did you see in person her acting ridiculous and horny at parties? She brands herself on being this cold unattainable princess guys chase around but we've heard accounts of her being sloppy drunk and hitting on any guy at parties so that's interesting!!

No. 841493

The mods nowadays are dumb fucking assholes that seem to not want anyone to have any fun.
Yeah, except everyone in this thread you nub.
Of course there are rules but you can't even bend them slightly for potential milk? Over namefagging of all things. I'm still pissed that they were repeatedly banning Jackie and wouldn't let her stay to spill all the shit she had on Vic.

inb4 complaints go in /meta/ yeah yeah, I'll take my ban.

No. 841522

I never witnessed any racist behaviour but probably. Her dad has mad anger issues and he mostly took his anger out on Laird (often getting in physical fights). I met the mom once. She kept to herself. I do remember that she cheated on the father with the neighbour so that caused a lot of shit with the fam. I think wyonna (youngest sister) is a nurse now and appears to be the only normal one

No. 841523

At parties she is loud and obnoxious. The one I was at she would just make the rounds with her little posse of younger scene kids and like walk through the house as if she was the main character of a movie eyefucking the imaginary person that was watching her. Which she also used to do in the hallways of our school lol

No. 841524

Sorry and no she doesn’t resemble her pictures in real life. She is like 4’11” like the rest of her family and is chubby. She has very small eyes, a larger nose, ratty hair, puffy eye bags always…her eyes are hazel and her teeth are yellow. She used to tell people that she filed her eye teeth down because she thought she was a vampire. I shit you not she would tell people her skin was iridescent like in twilight

No. 841525

Omg twilight skin? That’s fucking hilarious. Keep spilling the tea anon. Is her hygiene as bad as everyone says?
Agreed. Just let the milk come. I wish the anon would come here who posted two threads ago after it locked about how Vicky sent her bf sexual texts all the time

No. 841526

Samefag. You mean she wasn’t eyefucking all the guys who hit stop signs looking at her? What was she like in high school?

No. 841531

In high school she was very aloof. Not popular, hung out in the tech hall, often in the bathroom doing her makeup. She didn’t come often and slept late. I’m not sure how she was in her subjects because she was not in my grade. I do remember her and Laird saying that they fought someone because there was this rumour going around the scene community that she and Laird had sex

No. 841538

Icky also claims to have beat up bully’s in school for other people? Honestly… I wouldn’t be surprised she slept with her brother. Her family seems fucked.

Did you ever know her to have a bf?

No. 841542

Yes she had this boyfriend named Kale or Kalevi or something and one named Zach. The Zach guy ended up dating lairds gf and they’re still together.

No. 841545

So Vicky’s bf dating lairds gf… and they’re still together. Vicky’s bf dates her friend Sam and they’re still together. No wonder Vicky is so insecure and attacks anyone that speaks to her man or Facebook crush. Kek. AND her mom had an affair. Makes sense why icky is so fucked up.
How did icky act when she started to get noticed on MySpace? Did people make fun of her for photoshopping her photos in school?

No. 841553

File: 1624489730436.jpeg (273 KB, 1282x1279, F192E209-B6E3-4408-B2F8-7C96D7…)

Another edition of Vicky’s photos vs clients photos.

No. 841560

>I shit you not she would tell people her skin was iridescent like in twilight

Vicky was doing this shit as recently as before she started using bronzer so it fits.

No. 841567

Fortunately for her that was after she graduated pretty much. Nobody knew who she was or cared. I can post her yearbook pics if you want

No. 841569

Do you remember her ever having a job?

No. 841570

Yes we need those yearbook photos kek

No. 841572

K I’ll go get them from my moms house tomorrow. My sister graduated the year before her so we should have as good as 10th grade Victoria if she was still at that school. Be prepared because I remember her having brown hair in one of the years lol. No I don’t remember her ever having a job although one of her bfs then Dan did gig planning in Guelph at the Shadow which was the big venue at the time and I remember her kind of tagging along with that title

No. 841576

File: 1624497403142.jpeg (2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 339FAFA3-8A11-4B92-84E8-DCCB07…)

Here’s one for now folks

No. 841578

She looks like the average 16 year old. I was hoping she would be more awkward looking kek. She’s always been so painfully average though.

No. 841579

hi- so i have a question guys should i tell my crush i like him?

No. 841580


No. 841581

Ugh….. you think she looks like a normal teenager? How does she look 35 in high school? If you told me this was ickys mom I would believe you.

No. 841582

File: 1624498680598.jpeg (223.75 KB, 1023x1376, 70F7B2FC-FB16-42B1-8DE9-843818…)

I get people age but…..

No. 841583

Not that anon but I also think she just looks like an average teenager here.

No. 841584

Anon, none of us likes Vicky, but let's not be ridiculous, kek. She doesn't look 35. Her eyes make her look stoned though.

No. 841585

Saged for no milk, but straight up she looks old as fuck to me. Or maybe it’s just the fact that I can see her eye bags.

No. 841587

Pretty much. An average teenager with a slight touch of Down's

No. 841591

If you're S______, hello, I hope you're doing well (and welcome to lolcow)

No. 841592

She looks like a cute highschool kid you retards. That just highlights how pathetic her current state is, no need to scrape the bottom of the barrel here

No. 841593

Cute is pushing it, anon. She still has that beak and a smug smile. But she does look like a normal small town Canadian kid.

No. 841602

She used to be cute, what happened to her

No. 841606


wow the "icy eyes"

No. 841607


She always had an unfortunate hairline. She fried it even more with over a decade of bleaching

No. 841611

Vicky’s always been looking like she’s an ambiguous age it seems. She has chunky features (wide face and chunky nose) so it adds a few more years to her face. It happens to some people.

Now she still looks older but she keeps acting like a retarded teen and imo that’s what throw people off. Nobody over 20yo would be like “I’m a good girl that looks like a bad one lollll I’m loyal AF except if you badmouth me then ill suck ur bf cock”

I think cute is right, in the average but cute sense. She definitely was not ugly but certainly not stunning either.

No. 841615

She just looks like a teenager. People from old high school yearbooks always seem to look a bit older because the styles we associate with a previous gen were trendy at the time. Look at kids on tiktok saying that 2000s highschoolers look like they're in their late-20s/30s, or look yourself at a photo of highschoolers from the 70s/80s.

No. 841621

File: 1624540389540.jpeg (382.06 KB, 1283x1864, E29AF5CF-1488-4BB3-A1E4-DF2B96…)

Aka icky couldn’t find anywhere to hire her so she’ll be tattooing out of her apartment.

No. 841625

File: 1624545299484.jpeg (323.63 KB, 1282x740, 40B46983-D212-4DC7-9904-7AA9B0…)

I wonder how icky feels knowing her tattoo is in porn?

No. 841629

that's not the same tattoo you retard

No. 841631

File: 1624548409957.jpeg (192.67 KB, 995x1015, 2F0E532C-77FB-454B-B60F-8BC72A…)

If you’d like to click her link to her porn page it’s right there for you. This Nicole girl is from Ontario and she’s a “gainer” porn person. So porn + eating to gain weight fetish. She tagged Victoria cause she did the tattoo. You’re welcome for spelling it out for you, retard.(sage your shitflinging)

No. 841632

File: 1624548760030.gif (939.87 KB, 500x308, giphy.gif)

Calm down, anons.

It's obviously the same tattoo, but did she laser off the tacky frame?

No. 841633

File: 1624549114278.jpg (40.51 KB, 600x300, BoReUT9IcAAalpz.jpg)


It's either the same tatto with the frame lazered of and touched up, or Vicky is copying again

No. 841634

It's the exact same tattoo, however, she did say "my baby is finally finished" meaning she probably did the dog first, THEN did the porn, THEN finished with the frame.

No. 841635

It could have been done in more than one sitting. Dog first frame later. Also what is the milk here exactly? Who cares if a person with shitty tattoos does feeder porn? It's not like ick could or should do anything about it.

No. 841637

She can’t, but she hates sex workers

No. 841650

A tattoo artist that makes fun of sex workers with sex worker clients. She’s been called out publicly and fired as an artist for being a twat against a stripper. The many reasons she has no clients.

No. 841665

she looked so cute here!!!!!!

No. 841781

File: 1624629280891.gif (495.75 KB, 500x213, 9E62C876-0C8D-473A-8E23-1864B9…)

You looking at this photo of Vicky

No. 841830

Come back and post more pictures please!!!

No. 841841

File: 1624645270333.jpeg (134.72 KB, 1279x1470, 693E8963-C54F-4FDD-BBF9-125EF5…)

I couldn’t imagine dating this chick… passively aggressive posting memes

No. 841928

even in her photoshops she looks like a fat woman sucking in. She really has never seen what a thin person's arms and legs look like, which is startling for a tattoo artist that offers realistic style work

No. 842073

File: 1624765987454.jpeg (132.25 KB, 640x1136, B86FFD1A-FE69-4AC5-A2A9-65F54A…)

No. 842074

File: 1624766033233.jpeg (103.75 KB, 640x1136, DD7F1B88-B03D-4215-B083-B00D1E…)

No. 842075

File: 1624766058425.jpeg (123.05 KB, 640x1136, 3639DB76-67F9-4695-BEF7-B17564…)

No. 842076

File: 1624766084758.jpeg (111 KB, 640x1136, E0B73C15-5641-4FD5-AB08-41CD9E…)

No. 842077

File: 1624766119504.jpeg (110.32 KB, 640x1136, 698FF1BE-D679-4D38-93D1-E06BD8…)

No. 842078

File: 1624766163381.jpeg (107.21 KB, 640x1136, A8DA29F6-B8CC-4554-90CB-E4D27A…)

No. 842100

File: 1624803019345.jpeg (307.97 KB, 1283x2192, E577479B-2FA0-4F5B-865F-EA9A70…)

So her new bf must be a ufc fan cause she’s constantly posting about it out of the blue since dating him. Girl needs her own personality.
Also she is fazing out her “totes real” accent.

I really wish her brother would come here and drop some tea.. he seems to hate her the most. Like I want to know if she fakes the accents around her parents kek

No. 842101

KEK. Guy called her a liar. Jackie said the same thing.. first time she met her she didn’t know who icky was cause the photos and her real form are so different

No. 842264

FUCK what is with that foot? I’m assuming it’s the foot of whatever bottom feeding dude she’s banging. That tan line is crunchy and disgusting. If you’ve ever seen a homeless person or beach bum, their feet look like this. Crispy fried skin cancer

No. 842272

Considering she totally doesn’t care what anyone thinks but also is too ashamed to show this guys face makes me think he’s an old crackhead from Guelph.

No. 842297

Could be her hammy feet.

Also thanks anon for making a new thread!

No. 842299

That’s clearly a mans foot and hers are in the boots. She thinks it’s cute showing off that a man would be near her. Thanks for bumping with your shit commentary though!

No. 842301

Lol perhaps it’s that old champagne guy from before.

No. 842303

This looks like she snuck a pic to prove a man is there. Why would she focus on his foot and not the sushi/sashimi?

No. 842343

100%. The sushi blur is all but confirmation. Ick was too excited that a man pointed a bare toe in her direction and maybe touched knees with her.

No. 842383

File: 1624980025880.jpeg (295.94 KB, 1283x1480, 776B0067-9B45-4883-BCCB-D0A511…)

I don’t think anyone’s pissed off icky.. the fact that you smell like a dirty foot irl as a tattoo artist is more the problem. Your cats piss on everything.. doesn’t matter how much you wash it
Also stop flexing that you have money, red bottoms but wear clothes with holes in it.

No. 842411

File: 1624995223872.jpeg (468.06 KB, 1283x2195, 2EF4305E-5ABE-4523-9EC1-025201…)

So unbothered. Lolcow living rent free in ickys mine.

No. 842414

File: 1624995616440.png (188.89 KB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20210629-040303~2.p…)


okay tbf the insta that anon posted was a VIDEO – that panned over the table with sushi, the dude's disgusting foot, and then up to the UFC fight on tv. the little black bootie things looked empty to me tbh; like maybe she was wearing them previously but had her feet up on the couch.

god damn, if you're gonna be autists at least do it properly plz. anyway I took this screen last night when I was drunk, she has since deleted the top comment. kek.

No. 842418

This is like one of those AI generated photo collages, that's wild man

No. 842419

Lmao damn that sperg. Didn't realize it was a video because I don't haunt her socials. Just here to laugh and spectate, it 'aint that serious. Maybe have another drink and calm your tits anon.

Top comment has me fuckin' cackling. Bless them, they a real one.

No. 842706

Tattoo shops / artists were officially allowed to open yesterday. Let see how long it takes until Vicky’s lazy ass to bring people into her apartment and do more scratchers

No. 842721

File: 1625157082336.jpg (276.51 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20210701_123020.jpg)

Of course this big brain, Mensa alum with supreme intelligence believes these completely fake retarded videos hahahaha also isn't she known for being a serial cheater??

No. 842869

File: 1625250149707.jpg (75.01 KB, 720x1187, IMG_20210702_132034_946.jpg)

This is a video and then it ends with her deleting the guy that makes the bf uncomfortable.

So I guess Victoria made her bf delete all his female friends, kek.

No. 843018

Kek, Imagine being this insecure, like, 6 days into your relationship.

No. 843167

File: 1625504611925.jpg (65.65 KB, 720x937, IMG_20210705_120022_017.jpg)


No. 843181


What’s with this shitty wig is she trying to be uwu pastel goth now? She’s too old, fat and haggard for that soft bb look. More filters than a water treatment plant.

No. 843187

Her eyes were irritated by liner? Before it was her eyes were infected from magnetic liner. I think it’s just the fact that this girl doesn’t wash her face properly

No. 843194

File: 1625522014801.jpeg (77.28 KB, 1080x1304, EF2F744A-D6FE-400C-A8CA-DC27BD…)

Looking at her overly filtered face hurts my eyes

No. 843218

Or her makeup is 10 years old and has been sitting in filth. Or she's sticking her unwashed black fingernails that she has been sucking on for selfies in her eye area. Could be anything with Vic's standard of hygiene.

No. 843224

This is how she’s spending her Monday? Ontario has been open for almost a week now after being closed since November …? Her sketchy ass tattoo Instagram still sitting at 18 posts.

No. 843225

File: 1625538660017.jpeg (322.27 KB, 1576x1280, 496361F8-F9BB-4D5C-98FE-44ECA2…)

Flipped the photo and turned the horrendous lighting down. She looks 55.

No. 843236

she tries so hard to look young and ends up looking like a 40 yr old mom going through a divorce

No. 843239


Can really see that beak on her face when you turn down the lighting and fix the angle

No. 843256

I actually think she looks cute here. A little like Venus. Much better than the horrid shopped nightmare

No. 843286

She looks like pedo Sia lmao

No. 843309

File: 1625594620995.jpeg (239.92 KB, 1282x1061, EAAF7BEC-C7E0-409D-96E0-F4159B…)

She looks like the love child of sia and baddie winkle.

No. 843312

Oh come on, anon, that's harsh…

….don't do baddie like that, kek

No. 843316

Gross, anon. Turn that brightness back up! And I can finally see how fake her contacts look.

No. 843325

Wow, that is one unfortunate beak. What’s the correlation between cows and being, uh, nasally robust? Proboscisally prominent, if you will

No. 843330

File: 1625600525328.jpeg (437.12 KB, 1283x2206, 25C4EE19-CDEE-4D12-85BB-F89AAD…)

You know she actually believes this shit too. Like she leached off of Jackie, letting her cats piss all over her couch and thinks it’s a privilege.kek.

No. 843360

File: 1625614849302.jpg (136.18 KB, 720x1136, IMG_20210706_175519_883.jpg)

Yesterday, Victoria switched her Facebook relationship status from "in a relationship" to nothing. Either removing it or hiding it. I nearly mentioned it yesterday but didn't. Now she posts this story about her cat "making her feel better" and I dunno lol. Maybe she got dumped.

No. 843378

File: 1625628222042.jpeg (359.68 KB, 1125x2436, C6B9C250-A52E-4DCB-B218-FB90F8…)

A friend of mine who tattoos in Guelph posted this “fix up job” he did. take a guess who’s work they are “ fixing up “

that rotten potato gem and the frame is a sure give away.

No. 843387

I was confused for a second because I thought this was a post from vicky, but the boat scene was too bright and clean, where the frame looked like her typical garbage.

Then I read your post and realize it’s a different tattoo artist who did the boat scene. Jfc that frame is beyond saving. You’d be better off just filling it in with black. She really needs to find a different job.

No. 843390

Everything in this tattoo looks like shit, but especially the frame. I feel so bad for these people.

No. 843411

That gem really does look like a potato lol.

No. 843452

Agreed. It's an over all horrible tattoo. Both artists suck

No. 843461

I know (better) artists in and around Guelph who fix her work regularly, but don’t often post it on social media to avoid her drama.

This makes it a bit more difficult to see how badly she messes people up as we don’t have many after images after someone tried to salvage it.

No. 843473

File: 1625680052833.jpeg (185.42 KB, 1283x2200, 222A3CC7-F419-4FE5-9433-B1B387…)

We get it victoria, you post your softcore porn for free.
She’s the definition of pick me. I tarios been open for a week, how about get a job.

No. 843475

File: 1625680425517.jpeg (66.88 KB, 1282x471, A3BF8182-6909-4A4F-9BDA-E50C6A…)

New question. She can love someone without a job, cause she barely has a job.

No. 843480

File: 1625681101645.jpeg (354.71 KB, 1122x1878, 861ECF35-56D4-4BD6-A7C9-8667E1…)

“I’m old school.. I don’t sell photos of myself”

Also Vicky: “ I’m a model that sells my body and time for $3000 a hour to take photos of me rubbing up a half naked chick”

Okay icky. Just cause you’re not on OF or Snapchat doesn’t mean you aren’t making softcore porn.

No. 843488


It’s the black swimsuit shooped red for me

No. 843491

This photo is shopped to hell and back but I swear to Jesus I can still smell her

No. 843501


Knew this looked familiar Are you the person this belongs to? Any updates?

No. 843502

File: 1625692412058.jpeg (401.17 KB, 1282x1769, 5E963D64-E4C6-4E5E-9607-8E1E15…)

I love how she made this about herself. KEK. She must be a laugh riot to hangout with.

No. 843569

It amazes me how much work she puts into setting herself up so that she can be a total bitch to any woman that doesn't immediately fall over herself to worship at Icky's feet.

"Uh she didn't even acknowledge that I'm more beautiful than Megan Fox and Christina Aguilera put together? Jealous stalker. She doesn't want to be best friends with me 2 minutes after I flirt with her boyfriend in front of her? She's clearly a crazy psycho who doesn't support other women."

The length this cow goes to justify her ridiculous attitude toward anyone who doesn't fawn over her, what a class A narcissist.

No. 843641

File: 1625787550900.jpg (49.67 KB, 720x1026, IMG_20210708_163837_841.jpg)

Lol! Perfect description anon. Pic related.

No. 843649

LMFAO this is so …. wow.
I can't even imagine being hated so much that I'm up here.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 843654

Do you have any tea on Vicky?

No. 843933

File: 1626036254455.jpeg (339 KB, 1283x1853, AF134A16-7271-433A-B44C-68AC9F…)

This drunk 40 year old “half heaven half hell” she’s MILKING that unemployment from covid.

No. 843967

did she post this cringe herself?
the filter really accentuates how fucked her hair is.

No. 843972

File: 1626060165671.jpg (36.78 KB, 640x640, d98.jpg)

No. 843981

Kek. The fact that the “hell” side shows the true size of her gum line and double chin.

No. 843983

This made me laugh out loud in real life holy shit she’s exactly like those desperate middle aged women on TikTok.. Unironically too!

No. 844000

File: 1626083833642.jpg (811.91 KB, 3840x2160, 4klaugh.jpg)

this is too much for me omg

No. 844067

kek, this looks like something i'd make when i was 12 and emo

No. 844070

File: 1626128090140.jpg (102.15 KB, 1080x389, Screenshot_20210713-081210_Fac…)

No. 844071

"i can be your angle or yuor devil" unironically

No. 844075

File: 1626130201533.jpeg (206.63 KB, 1283x1418, 5B6C39F7-FD5C-46F5-A168-69E6B4…)

Not even trying to hide the fact that she’s using filter. Also she’s talking through this whole video and didn’t turn the sound on. Kek. Big boomer energy.

No. 844080

File: 1626132040159.jpeg (100.21 KB, 1281x601, 5AB34EAC-6BC9-4EAB-92EE-F94045…)

It’s called face filter and a wig. I……

No. 844081

Friendly reminder that she's full of shit and anything above 50 spf is mostly just marketable fluff.

No. 844083

Those wonky eyes remind me of tuna’s.

No. 844095

Why are her fingers literally filthy all the time

No. 844120

File: 1626164726493.jpeg (31.76 KB, 220x220, 9FBFC6B3-865B-4120-8788-CEC1BF…)

holy shit is that Megan Fox?!

I wonder what Vicky intended to put in this frame. upside-down self-portrait?

No. 844121

I love the Vicky self portrait tattoos and if it wouldn't be unsafe for my health I would really consider getting one for lolcow.

No. 844161

She looks better as a brunette, but where did her eyelids go?? Does she honestly think this filter is fooling anyone? Everything about this comes off as a feeble attempt to recapture her youth. Embrace your age Vic and just take better care of yourself.

No. 844177

Using THE most obvious snapchat filter there is too, "it's muh natural beauty"… That filter will put the eyeballs on the outside of sunglasses for god sake kek

No. 844183

File: 1626208567969.jpg (112.51 KB, 720x1166, IMG_20210713_133535_446.jpg)

It finally happened. Vic posted a status about two women and didn't talk about herself.

No. 844185

She didn’t bring herself up, but I guarantee she posted Megan fox so people will tell her how much they look alike again.

No. 844187

Omg I totally thought that was Vicky in this picture /sarcasm

No. 844192

File: 1626214757654.jpeg (486.33 KB, 1282x1873, 423AF7DA-A84D-4530-9A62-05F25E…)

Girl is tattooing in a wish wig and devil horns. The fact that she doesn’t even pull her hair back makes me cringe. Also the guy that she’s tattooing on is the same dude she tattooed the “butt” tattoo she stole from another artist.

And I wonder if that’s a room in her house kek

No. 844193

Haha you beat me to this by seconds. And i was going to say, that's totally a spare room in her mom's house she's tattooing out of.

No. 844195

those drug store box dye tier gloves, omf. it's not hard to find properly fitted ones but playing dress-up is more important to her.

No. 844196

File: 1626215584310.jpeg (190.35 KB, 728x1277, 2955A0F8-7239-4576-ADBA-6C5F9C…)

This looks exactly like the person that would still get tattooed by icky.

No. 844216

File: 1626232814881.jpg (36.44 KB, 720x378, IMG_20210713_201914_352.jpg)

I guess she still has the boyfriend.

No. 844223


She’s always “working out” but has always a fat round chunker

No. 844233

File: 1626265497899.jpeg (105.29 KB, 1282x538, 72271F78-CDC9-42FC-AB61-2AC053…)

The sense of humour on this one…. Non existent. Not saying any of her followers are funny, but jokes slide right over her wig.

Her bf is totes cute but she won’t show his face. She doesn’t care what people think, but she won’t show his face. This girl knows she’s dating a dud.. he’d have to be to stay with her this long.

No. 844238

I know we’ve speculated but this is pure, unadulterated autism

No. 844253

God she is so embarrassing.

No. 844254

File: 1626288141573.jpg (97.8 KB, 640x766, IMG_20210714_114203_240.jpg)

New Victoria photo.

No. 844255

Beat me to it. “I don’t do onlyfans”
Also Vicky…. Thirst traps with her whole ass out for free.

No. 844258

File: 1626290906952.jpeg (413.29 KB, 1112x521, 8AC21556-7883-48D1-9443-C933D0…)


What the fuck is happening

No. 844260

I hate the hair with these contact lenses, but this pose would've looked so much better if she could keep her ham hock hand away from her mouth.

No. 844261

Lol I love how this heffer thinks she's so above everyone who has an OF account, to the point of mocking them with status updates and then proceeds to post this shit for free. Who's the real idiot here Victoria?

No. 844262

File: 1626295721876.jpeg (196.5 KB, 1282x1190, F120BBD5-A8EF-4B0D-89B5-647F9D…)

Imagine having a bunch of old men from Facebook using your photo for their phone background? Opening it at a restaurant and the waiter seeing your whole ass… kek. But OF is too much. Kek. I’m assuming G is her crackhead bf

No. 844263

She’s got a Lillee Jean style fat girl dumper, with the zero definition in her thighs and everything. She thinks she’s “thick” just because she has a lardy build. God damn this is not her angle, she looks 5’1” and chunky as fuck. Wig is tragic, too

No. 844264

File: 1626297021951.jpeg (627.55 KB, 1170x1386, F7B45CC1-CE9A-48FB-91BF-5738C4…)

Local buy and sell had a post about someone wanting quick tattoos with no wait. Most people told him not to do this and I was thoroughly impressed that in over 70 comments not a single soul mentioned Vic. Funny how a bad reputation and bad work follows someone eh?

No. 844268

Those Divine brows plus the “old school morals” on full display here, her boyfriend probably said Megan Fox was hot once in passing and it has resulted in this embarrassing shitshow. If I didn’t know she was a woman I’d assume she was a tranny

No. 844270

look at the jawline. she edited out her double chin.

No. 844272

File: 1626303663594.gif (236.78 KB, 220x220, tattoos?.gif)

Does she even tattoo anymore

No. 844277

Ah yes, the gaudy gold fixtures, fake vines and open closet door. This is absolutely a room in her apartment she is now tattooing out of. The paint matches the walls in her other photos. Such professional! Much sought after international tattoo artist who makes 10 grand a week!

No. 844278

File: 1626310552062.jpg (6.34 KB, 106x105, IMG_20210715_025502.jpg)

what in the plasticandproud is going on with her lips

No. 844284

File: 1626317117272.jpg (106.93 KB, 1080x674, Screenshot_20210714_224324.jpg)

Another great coomer comment that she liked. But so totes above those OF "whores"…

No. 844313

Repulsive. When will she ever stop equating her entire self-worth to the attention of scrotes and neckbeards? It's genuinely getting sad at this point.

No. 844320

Is flailing around with a sword and bullshitting about fighting terrorist taxi drivers a hot category on OF? Because she could make a killing.

No. 844327

File: 1626358255577.jpeg (149.41 KB, 1282x1080, 8A8835C6-1CC2-4367-A0B5-9279B3…)

So instead of getting a job she’s holding on to that tattoo dream. It flopped but instead of admitting she failed she’s photoshopping the hell out of her photos, answering more questions on quora and hanging out with her bf she’s too embarrassed to be seen with.

No. 844420

File: 1626439356508.jpeg (389.33 KB, 1282x1893, CCFABB3B-A804-4190-953F-C9FCA7…)

This girl must be new to Vicky’s page. Icky has been making softcore porn for Facebook for awhile now. Not very old school values, INTJ of you icky

No. 844426

this is so fucking funny though, let's see how she will explain that she is not like other hoes and actually very old school

No. 844427

Seems suspicious. It only takes 5 seconds on her page to figure out she's a pick me narc. One of her featured pics is that one of her ass in the TikTok leggings that went "viral"… If she's been on her page long enough to somehow appreciate her hot takes (that's a kek in itself) she'd know this.

No. 844428

It'll be deleted when she wakes up at 3pm est today kek she usually never engages unless it's a dude saying something like this and even then she'll typically reply but then delete it a little bit later

No. 844481

Unless I'm missing it, the comment is gone. No surprise there.
Icks only approves of having her crusty shapeless ass kissed.

No. 844493

File: 1626487224293.jpeg (258.91 KB, 1282x923, 2729B51E-212C-4A5C-8ED1-664AC9…)

It’s still up. Someone tried to stick up for Victoria but made her look dumb as fuck. It’s 2021 she’s can do what she wants… but other women can’t according to Vicky. Cause that’s not “old school” values.

No. 844505

Sticky just gets mad whenever she dosent have the fattest ass in the grocery store

No. 844533

File: 1626529404267.jpeg (83.78 KB, 1282x331, 56DAA095-1CA4-4F6E-937A-D68EFE…)

Victoria: “selling your body for money is gross. I never think it’s okay”

Also victoria: I’m $3000 an hour my own clothes and get naked to “model” for no other purpose then to put it in online magazines. Or social media.

No. 844546

I can see the blur tool on the hairline of the cheap synthetic wig lol

No. 844552

File: 1626541775219.jpeg (222.86 KB, 1283x2032, 541BA943-B688-43AD-8F98-89C7D6…)

Icky took “in a relationship” out of her bio completely. Ontario just went into stage 3. Meaning bars, nightclubs etc are open. Timing is everything. Wonder what story she’ll make up about has she totes wasn’t is to him.

No. 844555

Does anyone know what her political stance is? Like regarding trump, lgbtq, climate change, Covid etc?

(I know her views regarding feminism, „every woman is beautiful, yay female power, but only as long as it’s about me, in my favor and I get complimented“)

No. 844557

File: 1626546385041.jpeg (350.98 KB, 1283x1825, 437AF9F1-8C4F-46E4-A67C-56CBEE…)

I tried to do a deep dive for you, but this killed me. Onlyfans isn’t okay but your dad sharing your stuff with your ass out in your profile pic is okay. Puke,

Anyways her dad runs a page called “ red hand” or something. It’s pretty much about keeping the UK pure. She’s stated there she doesn’t want brown people bringing aids into her country. She’s also stated she is a trump supporter, she doesn’t follow the covid restrictions and she doesn’t mind gay people but trans / anything else she’s against.

No. 844573

File: 1626553323557.jpeg (255.04 KB, 1282x1489, 2D7372F2-AA18-466C-AB29-A6D8D3…)

Damn. I thought this was a cow, but she’s from Brampton and has a relationship statues with someone and photos up. Pissed someone off it looks like.

No. 844576

File: 1626554835991.png (3.38 MB, 1284x2778, A1AFE88E-6B0F-4CCF-84C3-C5228B…)

Vicky’s bf. He’s a lot younger than her. Not sure if they’re still together.

No. 844578

Can you provide a link? Every Gabriel Hodges that comes up is not this guy. Nice find if it's true.

No. 844579

No. 844581

File: 1626556702461.jpeg (190.49 KB, 1282x1151, 4EAEF1E3-9494-4CD2-B070-34B40F…)

“It’s G’s too” which is her bf Gabriel. But she’s also excited that other men are using her ass as a phone wallpaper? Those old school morals.

No. 844582

Jokes on icky. I see this guy on tinder all the time. He matched with my lil cousin last night.

No. 844592

File: 1626566671461.jpeg (762.53 KB, 1125x1059, FA69150A-2BAE-4B4D-AAE4-80A4B7…)

Fuck is this ugly bozo

No. 844604

Lmao is he in jail?

No. 844609

This might be a new low for Vicky. Didn't she claim millionaires and athletes tried to get with her? He looks like the special ed greeter at a walmart

No. 844619

Mid-level snooping indicates he may have been born in 1995 making him almost a decade younger than her. I guess the younger they are, the more naive and impressionable they are.

No. 844641

Theplagueking? Wow such edge. Looking through the pics it’s yet another guy from some band or other, or pretending to be. He should feel special he edged out all those billionaires and famous people to hook up with granny pump and dump . If he has no sense of smell they might get on.

No. 844645

File: 1626591132031.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210718-163721.png)

Excellent snooping, thanks anon. Autism warning in advance, I'm a Vicky enthusiast and took the liberty to go through his Twitter. Two things immediately cracked me up. One, his skinny, Christian Bale in the machinist, classless body. Omfg, I hate to say it but even Victoria can do better. Two, he's out here publicly thirsting over onlyhoes. Toppest of keks, think Vicky needs to realise what demographic men associate her with.

No. 844648

File: 1626591338757.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210718-164059.png)

No. 844649

File: 1626592218067.png (Spoiler Image,971.44 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210718-170917.png)

Ok are we sure it is this guy? He had a (sexworker kek) wife in 2019

No. 844671

Nah. They aren’t together anymore. He changed his status on fb April 2021 to in a relationship when ick did.

No. 844678

Oh wow I bet she's mad this guy used to date and promote an evil sex worker lol. Now I have to go see if the ex gf is hot

No. 844688

>>844671 are we sure? That sounds too good to be true that she's got herself an ugly kid who used to date an iviiiiil sex worker. Sounds like milkmas.

No. 844695

Anon, good find! I see he’s the perfect fit for our Vic. Into UFC, Dark Souls, metalcore, posts Libra content, and is a bit of a narcissist. I assume this is why she was suddenly into fighting.

No. 844698

I second this. I'm curious as to how anon found out it was him. Maybe they have some insider knowledge. In saying that, this absolutely looks like the exact type of guy Vic would date.

No. 844699

She was posting a bunch of motorcycle awareness safety stuff during the time she was trying to get with Mr. Poundtown, who is really into motorcycles. She always alters her personality to go after whatever dude she has her sights set on.

No. 844715

File: 1626643723773.jpeg (Spoiler Image,798.57 KB, 1170x1450, 623121E0-6B1B-41F8-96F0-49B0B6…)

She appears to be heaps better than Vic in the looks department.

No. 844721

>>844715 can we all agree that while yes she posts her ass publicly, let's keep this woman out of it? Her ex is dating Vicky, she already probably deals with bullshit plenty

No. 844724

File: 1626650048022.jpg (658.27 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210718-191251_Chr…)

Look at that beautiful skin damage. But it's okay guys she does microderm and it's oh so youthful.

No. 844725

Love her fried ass hair as well.

No. 844863

nta but why draw the line there? not long ago anons in this thread wouldn't stop posting vicky's gymbro friend and his girlfriend

No. 844877

I don't know if you're the girl in the pictures or someone that knows her, but you can integrate a little better by entering a linebreak after the post number.

No. 844885

ah damn thanks! no I don't know her at all, I've been reading threads for a while but idk why it always seemed more pleasant the other way. Thanks for the heads up!

No. 844896


I think the poor ex is copping flack even if we don't mention her. I'm sure Vicky thinks the ex is the one posting caps of the bf and is s0 jelus he's with her

No. 844924

File: 1626741598295.jpeg (270.98 KB, 1283x2024, 9EFE9533-9B5F-457E-B4C7-FFCC96…)

No. 844937

Haha how is this comment still up? It says it's from a week ago. She deletes everything negative if a woman says it.

No. 844976

File: 1626754155889.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3839x3940, 087B9BC1-BEB7-4991-B91B-FA9B15…)

My eyes rolled back into my skull

No. 844986

She's the most conceited person I've ever met

No. 844991

Hi! Have you been here before and shared stories about Victoria? If not, do you have some stories you can share with us?

No. 844997

Vicky.. she means you're fake as fuck.

No. 845020

Hahahahahahaha I am loving this. Vicky the crusader against only fans and sex work, has this as her boyfriend. It really doesn't get better than this. No wonder she won't post anything about him. Heffer finally lands a guy who can handle her stank for longer than a one night stand and she can't even talk about him publicly.

No. 845022

File: 1626792383847.jpg (134.52 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20210720_104337.jpg)

Are we sure this Plague King guy is Vicky's boyfriend? Who made the connection between Gabriel Hodges and theplagueking?
This is plague king's twitter and apparently his name is Matthew according to this post her made linking his new profile.

No. 845026

He either deleted his FB profile, changed his name or made it private. His FB profile had ( Lil Svdist ) which linked to his Twitter that matched his Facebook photos. His comments on her photos and statuses are suddenly missing.
Her own boyfriend who looks like something dredged from a shower drain doesn't want anyone to know he's sticking his dick in her. Kek.

No. 845036

Gabriel could be some alias name as Matthew doesn’t have enough zing to it. Similarly to how Vic doesn’t use her real name.

No. 845046

Can also confirm I saw "Lil Svdist" in the nickname section of his bio when I was snooping a couple days ago. And yeah he deleted his Facebook, kek.

No. 845051

File: 1626812585980.png (107.65 KB, 206x275, 1537927393829.png)

Wow how fucking embarrassing kek. I wonder how/if he got tipped off on the threads. Probably >>844924

No. 845056

Vicky must be trying to keep him a secret from the farms. ~muh stalkers~

I can totally see her telling him to hide his identity/SM pages

No. 845066

File: 1626823658265.png (1.15 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210718-170333.png)


So I knew this might come up so I took screenshots. It's definitely him because the tattoos match across the Facebook and Twitter profiles. He has these stupid videogame tattoos on his hand, which was visible on posts across both platforms. I understand your suspicion though because he really looks like a generic skinny sadboi NPC, guy needs to learn to count his macros kek

No. 845084

this is why vic is my favorite cow. she always finds new ways to be more embarrassing. this guy is the best you can pull?
she's also the cow who it would take the least effort to fix her life while being the least likely to ever do so.

No. 845086


That's definitely the beauty of being a Vicky watcher. It would require such minimal effort on her part to become completely boring and the threads to die off.

No. 845098

are we sure this is a tattoo? looks like a crayon drawing

No. 845140

File: 1626884130478.png (1.21 MB, 1874x1256, Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 8.39…)

her business tattoo page looks like an escort ad.

No. 845143

Anyone who can visit her page and walk away thinking "yes, this is who I want to permanently scar my body" gets what they deserve.

No. 845167

Oh no…sweetie why would you use that profile picture for your BUSINESS.

No. 845172

And the pinned video is her saying “ you wanna say I’m photoshopped and very ugly and fat in person. That doesn’t really work when I’ve already met him in person sweetheart” kek. So professional. No wonder she isn’t tattooing / has no where to work. This girl is a liability.

No. 845181

Wtf is this even supposed to mean lmfao. "You may hate me but men don't" isn't the flex she thinks it is. Men will dick down anything, it's not an accomplishment. This girl has serious mommy issues it seems

No. 845205

I love how one of her recent photos was her tattooing in her spare bedroom while wearing hair dye gloves, a Halloween wig and fucking devil horns kek. Such professional, many mansion dwelling queen

No. 845230

i wanna rip those hangers out of his stupid retarded fucking ears lmao kek looks like the pathetic loser shed settle for.i wanna rip those hangers out of his stupid retarded fucking ears lmao kek looks like the pathetic loser shed settle for.

No. 845284

i wanna rip those hangers out of his stupid retarded fucking ears lmao kek looks like the pathetic loser shed settle for.

No. 845424

She's really going through her megan fox larping phase again.
Trash picture as usual, I don't understand why she doesn't just dye her hair this colour instead of the dodge wig

No. 845426

File: 1627049333834.jpeg (274.11 KB, 1283x2038, 704FD85C-E6B4-4E98-8C87-B368D6…)

Aka she spent too much on cheap wigs and won’t go back to work so can’t pay her phone bill. It literally takes an hour to switch your phone over. If that.

No. 845445

“Settling” implies that she’s dating down. They’re cut from the same unwashed cum rag, nonnie

No. 845871

File: 1627351517022.jpg (56.92 KB, 720x555, IMG_20210726_190432_651.jpg)

Needs more white

No. 845874

File: 1627352194331.jpeg (285.56 KB, 1282x1949, 25C5CD40-D439-45F3-81CD-4790EF…)

I guess that’s why she’s such an ice queen. She’s slept with every dude in the metal scene in Toronto

No. 845877

File: 1627352626073.jpeg (287.58 KB, 1282x951, E25C8FFF-C082-4439-B0F9-4F8D9D…)

Drew Apicture is a pretty popular tattoo artist / tattoo shop owner and she literally just traced his work off off Pinterest. How many times does she need to be caught doing this? Doesn’t even try to change it at all.. his is just better executed. Hope he comes across this.

Victoria Bella morte… when you want stolen art on your body.

No. 845896

not defending icky, but fyi copying existing tattoos and tracing is pretty common practice… if a customer comes in and wants a tattoo that looks exactly like another existing tattoo or some random picture from the internet that has been copied a million times, would you just send them away? or did you think every single tattoo in the world has to be 100% original artwork?

No. 845903

I think tracing an artists work exactly is not common practise. Usually artists will put their own creative spin on it. She doesn’t have a creative spin.

No. 845933

Tattoo nerd here. Depends on the shop you go to. If you go to a hole in the wall, yes. They will rip off other artists, that would be common practise among artists like icky.
If you go to a real artist, that respects art… usually what will happen is they will take a photo and make it their own. Icky has been know to rip off other artists and that’s a huge no no.

No. 845934

File: 1627386018298.jpeg (248.64 KB, 1283x1578, D2DF1556-FEDC-4FE3-BA88-5C5FD3…)

So if you check the floors from sushi night and the tattoo..she’s most likely working out of her house now. I guess she’s just running her shop out of a share room, no license and not paying taxes.

No. 845948

Shouldn't that be reported to public health if true?

No. 845964

Agree with you anon. Any respectable artist will refuse to copy another artists work. They’ll do their own custom pieces and flash that people can pick from. A sign of a bad artist is someone that will copy anything you find on the internet directly and will tattoo in multiple styles because they don’t have one of their own.

No. 846002

File: 1627413977977.jpeg (243.2 KB, 1282x1910, B71ABB8F-DE15-41F5-B986-125C60…)

That’s right. Vicky just gaslights her friends straight to their face cause she thinks she’s better and smarter than everyone else.

No. 846039

File: 1627437573049.jpeg (392.81 KB, 1282x1394, A2CE1166-143A-46F2-B866-16A4FA…)

“I lm too good for Onlyfans”

No. 846040

File: 1627437684408.jpeg (308.85 KB, 1282x1528, 424685C4-8D1A-4990-B40B-6BA421…)

Some guy telling her she looks like Megan fox. She goes on about how she wore black hair and a red lip before she was famous on MySpace.
Now she’s talking about how “she wouldn’t want the part in transformers” and acting isnt her top priority right now. …. I can’t

No. 846048

Where is her belly button?

No. 846049

she didn't blend the skin smoothing airbrush effect on her forehead. rookie mistake, Vic.

No. 846050

Her expression looks like she's revolted by something. After all these years she still shoops her waist in to the point the ends of her hair curve inward with it and it's such a dumb give away.

No. 846051

File: 1627441036933.jpeg (525.69 KB, 1282x2514, 82A54A01-E020-420C-BA9C-EF0BA8…)

The amount of editing in her tits and waist. You can pretty much see her vagina. Don’t know why she pimps herself for free

No. 846056

File: 1627441738967.jpg (321.16 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20210727_230712.jpg)

Also this complete failure.

But she could be in movies ya'll

No. 846065

File: 1627447254365.jpeg (694.87 KB, 1052x877, FB3A4E2C-078F-4EFA-A0CC-BB40E6…)

She even shooped fake nails on herself horrendously. I am howling. She tells on herself so bad because not only did she do a shit job at it but she didn’t shoop them on in the last pic

No. 846067

What’s with the sudden extreme Megan Fox skinwalking? She shoop’d her head shape and everything to look like her. And of course she’s an amazing actress but basically GAVE Megan the role in transformers. Because acting just wasn’t her priority.

>inb4 was totally offered the role and offered $100,000 but turned it down because she doesn’t need the money and had many mansions.

No. 846079


She couldn't even get an extra role as the dumpy fat bff. Delusional.

No. 846086

transformers IS an action movie smh

No. 846093

File: 1627474511282.jpeg (229.21 KB, 1282x1120, E078D583-A31D-47DF-AF2D-598345…)

Of COURSE all her friends and family tell her she’s Rosa from Brooklyn 99! So smart. So tough. So mysterious.

No. 846094


Bet she fancies her scrawny crackhead chode du jour resembles MGK too

No. 846095

Transformers is an action movies, Vicky.
And imagine being this insecure. She’s almost 40 and can’t tell a stranger on the internet she’s isnt trained in something.
Like “ it’s not my focus right now” aka I’m almost middle aged and I’ve never acted a day in my life

No. 846097

File: 1627475886226.jpeg (187.95 KB, 1282x1092, EDE914E5-F234-40AC-A23B-D0F386…)

Icky: don’t hit on me or I’ll tell you gf. Women help women.

Also icky with other women’s husbands:

No. 846098

File: 1627476851528.jpg (695.86 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210728-085254_Ins…)

Is no one going to point out the fact the her pinky "nail" is coming out of the side of her han?????

Da fuck XD(XD)

No. 846099

File: 1627476961471.jpg (629.52 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210728-085507_Ins…)

She also forgot to fix the ribbon that's being eaten by her rolls on her underwear

No. 846111

lmao, girl gets one box of dye and now she is every dark-haired woman

No. 846116

Only movie she’s starring in is a amateur porn with the tags big women and grannies.

No. 846118

tf are you talking about

No. 846119

anon is high and cannot tell a difference between a nail or a fake flower

No. 846121

It's not her hair, it's a synthetic wig.

No. 846126

Her "seductive" photoshoots always send me into orbit, the dusty, lace like curtains, the equally dusty, old looking lingerie, the dollar store plastic greenery and fake flowers..
And then to top it off with that "I just sharted and it's leaking down my leg" facial expression.
Such poise, much class, definitely a sought after high class model who gets paid thousands of dollars kek

No. 846129

File: 1627502764471.jpg (154.32 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20210728_160242.jpg)

Her followers are just as retarded as she is, it's "Calgon, take me away" and she's definitely old enough to know what it is, they still sell their body sprays and bath bombs at every grocery chain in Canada.

No. 846134


I think they are trying to point out the poor photoshopping done on her nails. It looks like she's trying to have a nail on her pinky butthe alignment isn't right. I can kind of see what they are saying

No. 846145

File: 1627510866696.jpeg (486.29 KB, 1282x2044, 96117E6E-5510-42C0-A4F4-6B5CE0…)

Needed more white. I swear she books
People for hundreds of dollar appointments to to add alittle white.

No. 846147

File: 1627511085157.jpeg (274.11 KB, 1211x878, 425C44CE-E42D-4685-A058-A329C0…)

Training VS no training. Remember to google your artists. Yikes.

No. 846158

That face is MANGELED!

No. 846161

How is it looking straight at you and sideways at the same time?

No. 846165

File: 1627512743984.jpeg (333.88 KB, 1267x1526, 30767CA7-9D11-4C91-B412-0DDBDE…)

Here’s another angle of the video. She said this healed beautifully? Why does it look 20 years old? The mane looks like a terrible Karen haircut.

No. 846171

the way she shaded the eyes makes it look like the lion has horizontal goat pupils lmao

No. 846293

I don't even know anything about tattoos and I can see that turning into a big blob in a few

Holy fuck I'd cry if I got that and pray for laser to be able to help. No saving it.

No. 846354


It’s the dusty lingerie and right tit shooped bigger than the left one for me.

No. 846363

As someone who unfortunately got one of her tattoos, she is literally all over the place. She either puts the ink in too shallow so it just falls out as it heals or digs deep and leaves blowout and scars. My tattoo is supposed to be symmetrical and is far from it. She reworks the skin over and over thinking she can add depth and layers of ink as if it’s a painting so you’re left with fuzzy, blotchy bits that desperately need new outlining - she doesn’t even line her tattoos. I’ve thankfully had it fixed and I have sleeves done by reputable artists and NEVER had the issues I had with her tattoo.

No. 846367

It’s been posted on this thread already. I don’t need her harassing me online, which she does. She tracked down my friends, my family, etc and harassed them all because she got called out for bad work.

No. 846380

No offence but what on earth prompted you to get a tattoo from her?? Even with her editing the tattoo pics she posts you can still tell their messed up, weird warping, she doesn't understand placement, everything just looks like a blob. Just curious what about her made you think that was a good idea?

No. 846404

i am a different person who signed up to get a tattoo by her because I knew nothing about tattoos and was told by local ppl she is amazing. most local tattoo artists here are terrible so not a lot to compare too. she stole my deposit and never did any work on me. still considering civil lawsuit but she has no life and is a stalker so I may just consider it charity work.

No. 846406

why has no one taken her to small claims? there is no way she can enforce her no refunds policy unless the retards that give her money let her.

No. 846417

It's not worth the time investment/headache, generally. Court in Canada isn't like the US

No. 846421

i think most people are afraid of her in some ways because she has nothing to lose. she is a narcissist with no life…so if she wants to ruin your life, she can focus on it all day long. plus she has no fixed address or shop so it's difficult.

No. 846436

Same anon here. I got the tattoo from her many years ago and this was before Instagram so all her info was on Facebook with no lolcow threads or online reviews. Her images looked decent so I got a small tattoo to test her out. I was naive and didn’t have many at the time. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve never set foot in that building. That’s why I hangout here to stop others falling for her nonsense.

No. 846440

With no fixed address because she’s a couch hopper, it’s nearly impossible to serve her court papers. She also is very good at dodging process servers as her schedule is all over the place if you do manage to track her down somewhere.

No. 846483

she has no job or assets so it's a money sink to chase her and she knows it.

No. 846513

File: 1627697104599.jpeg (342.54 KB, 1282x2064, A3257607-50C6-4159-80C7-873825…)

So I don’t know ick, but I’ve seen her in person a couple times… does she really think she looks like her photoshops? Like does she think she’s fixing her photos to look… more like her in person self? She can’t be this mentally ill?

No. 846518

She absolutely believes she looks like those photoshop abortions. When she sees her unflattering pics her brain refuses to accept that's reality.

No. 846542

Lol anon, Victoria has posted this same "different lens" infographic at least 3-4 times in the last couple of years. She absolutely believes she's just "fixing" her pics to what she thinks she looks like irl LOL.

No. 846742

File: 1627747892822.gif (1.1 MB, 450x288, BelovedInnocentGopher-size_res…)

You're just ugly Vicky, deal with it

No. 847533

I have know Victoria since high school - back before her "MySpace" days. Back when she had brown hair, and a lip ring and was a skater kid. She went by Vicki. Can 100% confirm she is not British - that accent is fake. Even when I have hung out with her recently, there is no accent. A friend got tattooed by her, and it was the worst choice. She went waaaaay too deep with the needle, and now this person has constant itching in this placement and the tattoo itself is raised. Even other artists have said this was mutilation. The piece is only partially done, and this person is hoping to somehow fix this disaster.

No. 847569

What was she like in high school? Was she just as much a compulsive liar or did she truly make all the boys hit stop signs? What prompted your friend to get tattooed by her?

No. 847803

your friend may be shit outta luck. anons on here have said local artists are fed up with fixing her work and some will say they can't help you

No. 847810

Back in high school she was actually pretty decent. She was fun to hang around and was a good friend. She is definitely not the same person she was - but people change - and in her case, not for the better.
My friend is hoping to just have the piece finished - there is no chance for a cover up, but they have spoken to another artist and they are working on a way to finish the design.

As much as I would like to say that Vicki isn't the person that everyone says she is - the sad reality is that she mostly is.

No. 847811

God that sucks so bad for the people who were naive enough to go thru Icky. I mean yeah they should have done research and googled her but I would not wish her work on anyone.

No. 847829

The crazy part is that she has a handful of repeat clients who seem to worship her: Noelia Kidd, Heidi Gerber, Roger Zanow (guy who is obsessed with Vic and flew from New York to Ontario to get tattooed by her), to name a few. They all seem pretty happy with their work and that Noelia woman just goes on and fucking on in Facebook comments about how amazing and beautiful (on the inside and outside!) and supremely talented Victoria is. So it seems like her act has fooled at least a few people lol.

No. 847900

Suspect post

No. 847903

What? I've been posting here for years. I just pay attention to the ppl who interact with Victoria on Facebook and I find it fascinating that she still has a few repeat clients despite nearly everybody else getting really bad and regrettable work done by her. What was suspect about my post? That I used real names?

No. 847964

Vicky doesnt know how to sage kek

No. 848005

The grammar isn't poor enough to be Vic.

No. 848046

File: 1628117988124.jpeg (314.88 KB, 1281x1900, FD761ABF-72A1-48BC-AD7A-B33CBB…)

“The whole way from the uk” this is her aunt. She didn’t fly in for a tattoo. Love the way she words it to make herself more in demand.

No. 848049


I can’t stand that cheap shitty blue ink she always uses

No. 848107

Victoria did my first tattoos about a decade ago so I have some of her less offensive ink from when she was doing decent work.

I met her in person then and have been following the downward spiral since.

No. 848121

Would love to see how this looks today, my guess is like a giant definition-less bruise. Her complete lack of outlining is startling.

No. 848261

It's funny the one she did outline probably needs more touch ups than the one she didn't. It's on my shoulder so I never really think about it but it needs to be completely recoloured and what looked so vibrant at first is now just faded in the wrong ways.

I'm not saying this to stick up for ick as I KNOW her work has gone way down hill. My friend got a few pieces from her which is why I wanted them. And hers are decent too! But these are from so long ago when she was at least trying to be professional. But I've never gone back (she still offers me touch ups but never pursued) and all my tattoos since have been much much better.

No. 848635

File: 1628391077504.jpeg (418.73 KB, 1283x1984, DCABB8CC-15A1-4E13-8E74-7626E6…)

This isn’t the worst thing she’s ever done, but the facts that she’s having all these randoms in her house with her cats tattooing is really gross.

No. 848636

File: 1628391396529.jpeg (97.67 KB, 640x640, 856BACB9-3C06-4AF7-AA6A-EDDD68…)

A dude from jersey did this tattoo. She changed it to more “realistic” but right down to the placement of the ribbons in the back of the flower crown and rose peddles on the rib cage. Kek.

No. 848637


Not defending the trash bag but that's a Grateful Dead Bertha tattoo. Pretty common amoungst fans. Hers looks like shit. The red is too muted and muddy.

No. 848642


It's rose petals, not peddles you fucking retard

No. 848651


Victoria is known for always tattooing her shooped face onto her victims but here she really just matched her Jay Leno chin with the skeleton

No. 848677

File: 1628414507280.jpg (157.73 KB, 683x1001, 71VBJbSw4aL._AC_SL1001_.jpg)

No. 848691

This already looks faded, can't wait to see it in a year. The top bits of the flower crown are already fadidng into nothingness, along with the red. I'm sure Vic would counter with either "it's not donee" or "it just needss more white"

No. 848701

the roses look like raw meat

No. 848718

Leave it to Victoria to tattoo a defect skull with crossed eyes.
Lol even as she's directly copying another artists piece, her drawn anatomy and skeleton confirm she's a lazy and incapable artist.

No. 848720

ah the ribcage, exposing incompetent artists since forever

No. 848731

Her tattoos always look so faded, old and washed out.

No. 848866

Finally finished? How many sessions did she drag this out for lol. Any half decent artist would have easily wrapped this up in one and offer a touch up if needed, but it’s Vicky we’re talking about here

No. 848938

File: 1628654582426.jpg (92.38 KB, 254x452, mvm1.jpg)

Hot milk! We knew each other back in high school, photo from 2006 1/2

No. 848939

File: 1628654678643.jpg (107.34 KB, 270x480, mvm2.jpg)

Hot milk! We knew each other back in high school, photo from 2006 2/2

No. 848949

Kek nona thanks for posting these. I am not suprised to see she never changed those weird comma eyebrows since she was in high school. Can you tell us a little bit of what type of person she was then? Was she as much of a liar as she is now? I sort of imagine her being quiet irl (especially in hs) but outspoken online. Did she have a british accent? Was she popular? Any stories you remember?

No. 848954

KEK these faces are begging to be shooped onto one of Vicky's blatant self portrait tattoos.

>Hot Milk!

Oh Guelph, never change.

No. 848960

That forehead and hairline oooof
No wonder she refuses to give up the emo side part

No. 848961

She also claims to have “beat up bullies” in high school / she was so sort of hero. How was she really in hs.

No. 848968

File: 1628693770655.gif (225.91 KB, 244x160, _bloom1628693336268.gif)

Vicky and her cat looking at each other after she realises some of the linework is just cat hair. Score! Another session after the infection clears !

No. 848971


No. 849027

Unfortunate hairline aside, she has just gotten worse and worse with age. I suppose excessive drinking, hacking 3 packs of darts a day and being a terrible human being will do that to you.

No. 849045

Can you confirm her she? It tends to change from year to year

No. 849046

No. 849139

File: 1628819712763.gif (448.58 KB, 444x258, ba-dum-tsss-drum.gif)

>her age changes from year to year
it's called a birthday, anon

No. 849140

Lmfao I really need to start proofreading my posts before I send. I think this year she is 33 but last year it was 35? Magical ageless queen

No. 849148

Everything I've read puts her at 33, born in 1988. Bunny was the one who came here and said she saw Victoria's id, which had her birth year as 1985. I think Bunny was misremembering or mistaken because a couple of people here who went to school with Victoria confirmed her age as 33. Pretty sure yearbook anon confirmed the 1988 birth year.

No. 849201


In highschool she didn't beat up anybody. Her favourite bands were Atreyu and Children of Bodom. When she did show up, which was maybe half the time, she was often dressed in a weird combo of pirate and scene queen. She did have a slight accent, but it was just attempting to mimic her mom's and was very inconsistent.

This was the era when she was gaining popularity on MySpace and developing her alter ego. She was quiet in class and on breaks/ lunch, she wasn't popular in the slightest and was often trying to sound smart in the 'I read the thesaurus' kind of way.

At shows, she was generally not in the pit and often gossiping with younger girls trying to take them under her wing/ appear to be the leader of the scene and flirt with band members. Nobody took her seriously that actually knew her. Her stories were always so embellished and were very egocentric/ spun to make her sound like she wasn't the asshole.

I remember she was dating some guy when I knew her but he broke up with her and she tried to spin it like she broke up with him, classic Icky.

I only went to their parent's place once, her brother and sister seemed relatively normal, mom was hostile, dad was nice enough. It's a shame that she hasn't sought therapy or treatment for whatever kind of atypical she has going on.

No. 849204


She's either an 87' or 86', confirmed.

No. 849270

File: 1628946836395.jpeg (433.35 KB, 1065x1243, B3F71CD9-D96F-4AB3-8C8E-DBA31F…)

All over Pound Town’s FB about being single and how she totally turned down $50K from Onlyfans because she’d rather post her ass for free. Keep scratching out of your spare bedroom there, Vick.

No. 849276

This has to be my top cow lie in the past couple of years. It's right up there with Stefany/Ellie and her telekinetic balloon popping powers that the mean Dr. Rad tortured her into popping (she popped them).

This is the second time Victoria has claimed this. I hope she keeps posting it too. $50k AND the front page, non-nude too. I wonder if this is a completely made up lie by Vic or if some scrote tried to scam her, trying to get sexy pics and saying he's totally representing OnlyFans, and now she's bragging about it online. Either way, lol.

No. 849280

Along with living in many mansions, multiple proposals from rich businessmen, doctors and rockstars and making $10K/week tattooing. Kek, my sides.

No. 849289

That’s not… how onlyfans works. You’d literally just have to google onlyfans to know it’s subscription based. Cardi b doesn’t even have “front page” and a contract. But sure Victoria… with your 8000 followers on Instagram and 300 followers on tiktok. They totally want your overly photoshopped photos.
Also why would they offer her that amount of money for NON nude when she does that on Facebook for free? And she’d turn it down when she does it FOR FREE? That makes no sense. Even if that were true, she looks like a fucking moron.

No. 849309

She probably got DMd by some horny loser trying to scam her for 'contract sample photos' or whatever and she's dumb as rocks and thinks it was actually an official onlyfans rep

No. 849311

Saged for no milk but…
. There are “referral links” so girls will try and recruit others girls or guys with their referral link. The person makes a cut of the person that signs up So they’ll promise them the world to sign up. They probably told her she could make $50,000 and doesn’t have to be naked and will put her on their front page.
IF THIS even happened. But onlyfans doesn’t reach out to anyone to sign up. The guy that owns it is a billionaire.. he doesn’t need ickys few thousand followers

No. 849316

File: 1628971053946.jpeg (291.99 KB, 1282x1587, 88EA20BD-EA45-42C8-AEF0-F9A80D…)

I don’t know anything about tattooing but this doesn’t suck. I’d like to see it in a couple months though.

No. 849317

File: 1628971148741.jpeg (132.18 KB, 1282x654, 0EE609F7-08EB-4D8A-B120-667342…)

“A good environment helps” aka not working around other people and from her house cause she can’t get along with anyone or show up on time.

No. 849326

Kek what a mess of a tattoo. Makes zero sense. Why is there a compass floating in space, surrounded by Roman numerals? And the floaty island with a tree….? It’s like a collage you make in high school art class.

No. 849333

Fucking kek at the silhouette of the crying guy. I feel ya bud. This entire tattoo is shit artistically speaking. I'd be curious to see how it heals. All of that white will age like poorly, it always does.

No. 849334

Pretty sure this video was taken in her actual living room. Is tattooing from home even legal in Ontario?

No. 849338

Technically it’s legal if you set up some legal stuff. Like paying taxes, health inspector has to know it’s a business.
Also the home must be PET FREE. So what she’s doing isn’t up to standard and she’s likely to get in shit next time someone complains about her work.

No. 849340

If she’s tattooing out of her house she is supposed to register it as a business and Guelph Public Health would do inspections and post her business address. Given that she doesn’t want people to know where she lives and she’s gross af my guess is she hasn’t registered the business and therefore health inspections are not being done. This is the worst scenario for clients and likely why she enjoys it so much as she doesn’t have to follow any health measures.

No. 849349

File: 1628988145385.jpeg (73.32 KB, 1282x693, 2B7A494B-894B-430D-832F-357EEE…)

You can look up tattoo shops, registration and inspections online. The only one for her is her old shop. So her shop isn’t registered for taxes, health inspections.. and she has cats which is illegal. One pissed off client( which shouldn’t take long) and she’ll be shut down. We know full well she can’t get a job in an actual shop…

No. 849370

so we're meant to believe this guy is just naturally that shade of neon orange? surely if I went to his page he'd still look like a nuclear cheeto and that's just his skin tone.

No. 849541

"nuclear cheeto" my sides left the planet!

No. 849548

File: 1629167172587.jpeg (239.1 KB, 1281x1579, 5624D415-3952-4BB1-8C15-45FFC7…)

…. Yikes.

No. 849550

File: 1629167428773.jpeg (164.18 KB, 457x1315, D46C5DAB-24A0-48DD-87DA-CE5472…)

This is a video on her fb. Why is it just a black blob? What are those trees on top of the tigers head?

No. 849551

it looks like she fucked up the top of the tiger and just blasted that haphazard mess. also trying to figure out what the 'never swimver' text is supposed to say.

No. 849553

I think "never surrender" but for some reason my eyes see "surrrder"

No. 849555

You're pretty close. It says "never surrrnver." I'm dead lol.

No. 849582

File: 1629208608402.jpeg (83.66 KB, 1282x435, B2439D5B-7027-471A-961D-84AB9C…)

Very professional Facebook booking system.

No. 849609

I never understood why she wouldn't just get some online booking system that automatically manages your calendar like a lot of freelance hairstylist and MUAs have. She insists on being DM'd for appointments and then never even looks at, nevermind responds to appointment requests. She's truly her own worst enemy.

No. 849614

Probably cause that would cost her money, just like quality ink.
She’s online posting selfie’s and replying to thirsty neckbeards but can’t run her business. HOW people still get tattooed by her I’ll never know

No. 849647

Willing to bet money this chick never receives a reply or her deposit back lol

No. 849702

File: 1629300435376.jpeg (262.98 KB, 1283x1356, 7BA493E3-79E1-4CF1-AF29-2E586A…)

Why would you get a message on Facebook and reply on Instagram? Keep it interesting? Aka “ I’m a fucking idiot and you’re not a man blowing smoke up my ass so I didn’t both writing you back. I’m going to blame you and keep your deposit”

No. 849711


What a piss poor run “business” she has. Too busy getting drunk and fucking around to even scratch tattoos properly. She’s so pathetic and lazy it’s unreal

No. 849789

Yearbook anon here - coming in to say she would’ve been born in 1987. My sister was born in ‘88 and ick was in 12+ when she was in grade 12. So she would be turning (or has turned) 34 this year - I think her birthday is in August.

No. 849847

As of right now, Vic hasn't replied again. This girl is definitely not getting her deposit back. Blessing in disguise really.

No. 850048

File: 1629491375589.jpeg (372.04 KB, 1282x2232, BD6478D7-5506-431F-9AD1-4EAD84…)

Trump supporting, larping as a British person living in America victoria is back.

No. 850050

are those mexicans or afghans

No. 850064

Why the fuck does vicky care who the President of the United States is? Oh right, Vicky’s a Trump lover. Oh, and by the way, I know you creep around here Vicky. Stay in your MySpace queen bubble and out of politics.

No. 850065

What the fuck. They’re Afghans, you stupid twat.

No. 850085

File: 1629500589565.jpg (199.13 KB, 966x966, astralphotography.jpg)

I cannot stop laughing. Vic is back! She said this was a "birthday girl on vacation" photo. She credited "Astral Photography." I guess that's her new bf. Please enjoy this amazing Victoria photo!

No. 850086

TOPKEK her eyes. The wonky waves. The 2009 era waist belt.

Is she wearing a bra and spanx on this “beach”? I can’t. And a big oof for that hairline.

No. 850090

Don't forget the garters and the totally real diamond bracelet in this totally real pic of Victoria on the beach. Every time I look at this pic I see something funnier. I really hope these are part of one of her famous sets and will release a couple of these a week as she shoops them.

No. 850092

Lmaooooo this picture is so embarrassing. That is such a lazy photoshop.

No. 850095

File: 1629503657007.jpeg (164.82 KB, 1282x890, 647F52C6-F49F-404E-A198-CB8956…)

But guys! These photos are totally for a magazine. They flew her out to take these totally really beach photos.

No. 850105

File: 1629506952846.jpeg (268.86 KB, 1282x1528, 8C052363-1B1A-4995-BC6A-5DF967…)

This is terrifying. Also, astral photography isn’t a thing. She’s given her new boyfriend a photography name as always. Too embarrassed of him still though. Even though they’re on “vacation” together.

No. 850111


Some art anons should edit this into various other backgrounds. Like the city dump. Go crazy lol

No. 850133


No. 850134

Omg yes art nonnies please!

No. 850136

Vicky looks orange. Lol. Is that why she’s a Trump lover? Lmaoooo

No. 850138

File: 1629518797404.jpg (539.7 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210821-000620_Ins…)

Fuck her new video is a slur fest. She can hardly get the words out and her hair is absolutely fried. Nice to see she dropped the horrible accent though

No. 850155

I knew having shit taste is pretty common to people but god I still cant believe theres simps for this creature lmao

No. 850160

She looks like some kind of 90s bad cgi horror monster

Kek, go ahead and post the MAGAZINE these are for, ick-madeup-storia

No. 850161

I know autistic face blindness is a thing, but the shit these men think is passable has led me to believe they have some kind of genetic defect when it comes to viewing women. I want to think they don't actually believe her shitty shoops and just ignore it in favor of their small dicked fantasies, but that might just be how I maintain sanity.

–To be fair to the moids, we don't always catch the call outs. She's quick to delete criticism… When she realizes that's what it is, at least

No. 850172

I hate when she edits her eyes so 'icy' it looks like nightman from always sunny or those bad cat eye contacts that Michael Jackson has in the thriller video.
I get that she thinks she comes off as some vampire goddess but it just looks like ugly Halloween contacts. Raven does the same thing. The contacts/edits do no favours

No. 850173

File: 1629543789927.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x1440, Photo_1629543683193.jpg)

Here you go, nona

No. 850175

File: 1629543835467.png (611.32 KB, 571x966, 1629541337621.png)

And here's transparent Vicky if someone else wants to make something

No. 850176

File: 1629543873131.jpeg (31.01 KB, 426x639, images - 2021-08-21T190406.685…)

No. 850190

Karl keeps talking about getting stuffed.

It sounds like she starts with the accent on Karl catch’s herself and then speaks in her normal voice. I guess finally at almost 40
She was sick of being called out on it.

No. 850211

Lol omg this is good! I’m working on a couple like her on vacation with elon musk on the moon.

No. 850229

I am here for the art, thank u anon.

No. 850248

What clothes? This entire "outfit" is the 5/$20 accessories deal at Ardenes

No. 850250

Why is there green/blue shading on her arms? I don’t know why she thought this was a good idea, but other models on beaches do not have this odd colouring.

Is she trying to fool people to think she actually left her house? The nearest beach that has blue-ish water is Tobermory, but it’s rocky and less sandy. She likely Googled a beach photo and plopped herself in there.

No. 850262

She always has her right hand positioned like that because she edits out the clicker used to take the photo herself. Its EXTREMELY obvious.
This photo is a disaster. Hair longer on one side vs the other. She is bursting out of those things around her thighs. Girl is a mess.

No. 850280

File: 1629611336990.jpg (194.93 KB, 1080x876, astral7photography.jpg)

>Photocredit: Astral 7 Photography

No. 850294

she blurred two of her teeth into one big. nice job

No. 850297


So these photos are for a magazine, allegedly. She got the “photographers” name wrong the first post. The editing into the beach is horrible. And she’s posting the shoot before it’s published in the magazine? Okay.

No. 850299

A photographer so exclusive that there is absolutely no information about them online or anyone else but Vicky who had them hashtagged on ig

No. 850300

big Hatchetface energy

No. 850307

Her lower left arm is huge. I'm really suprised she didnt photoshop her hip or more hair in front of it. Even though the photo overall is highly edited, she still looks really chunky in it.

No. 850316

Why is she wearing 2 belts and what is up with that piss yellow blob by the side of her face? Truly a top notch photographer kek

No. 850370

It's been days since her recent "magazine photo shoot" and I'm still howling. I cannot get over the eyes. Her face must be haggard as fuck for her to blur it into that flat matte mess.

No. 850378

same, everything about it is funny. the badly shooped eyes, skin, teeth, jawline and boobs, her tacky clothes and belts made of cheap synthetic material, her hair, her new made up photographer who takes pictures and edits exactly like vicky and "frankie" did, her claim that it's for a magazine. it's the best thing that has happened in her thread for a while, i hope she blesses us with more photos soon

No. 850389

What a wanker

No. 850393

What is she even doing with her hand here?

No. 850395

File: 1629742056199.jpeg (406.36 KB, 1283x2038, DCDA319C-9D49-4CE0-AAFF-BA0FD8…)

That’s what I’m saying. Imagine paying “$3000 an hour” for a plus size model giving you the claw hand. Modelling cheap pirate clothes on a fake beach.

I guess she’s pushing her hair back, but this is awkward as fuck. Not as good as she thinks she is

No. 850410

File: 1629751874577.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1915, 434078D8-F63D-4428-9ACC-D40A94…)


Straight up just shooped weave on. She never ceases to amaze me

No. 850425


Zoom in on that ear. Kek
This dumb bitch gave herself two ears.

No. 850489

Lol you have just one?

No. 850512

File: 1629815860506.jpg (388.7 KB, 1080x1006, Screenshot_20210824-103026_Chr…)

>>850489 Not the anon your replying to, but normal people have one ear on each side. Not icky though! I circled it to make it a bit clearer, but she's got some weird double ear thing going on here. I hope Icky Astral Photography still lurks here so she can go edit that shit. Seriously, how can she be so bad at this? She's been doing this for how many years now? She's the definition of a NEET, you'd think she'd atleast use her time to improve on something. Then again, it's icky we're talking about here, so..

No. 850517

Hahahaha this "photoshoot" us the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I come back here there's a new wonder to behold.

No. 850519

File: 1629819176241.jpg (307.92 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20210824_113238.jpg)

Well you've certainly failed at tattooing…

No. 850530

It went from funny, to sad to depressing. This 34 year old woman can’t even afford to go on a real vacation, so she photoshoots herself onto a beach.
She’s probably at home making a fake website for a fake magazine so she can tag it on her terrible photos.

No. 850533

That image of a rocket or whatever blowing up reminds me of the challenger and has me clutching my pearls a bit.

No. 850537

Wow first she’s got two pupils and now this? I can’t even stop laughing.

No. 850575

do you guys think she uses a green screen? i'm just trying to find mistakes that proves that she shooped herself into a beach, but if she did, she did pretty well considering her shitty photoshop skills. she definetely didn't cut herself out of a photo manually, just look at her hair or zoom in on her thigh in this >>850085, you can see little hairs on it. so maybe she did actually go to the beach, it's just her overall editing that makes it look weird and unnatural.
but idk

No. 850576

I think she did actually go to a beach, there's tons all around Ontario. The water also looks like this at a lot of places like at Cyprus Lake (Tobermory) or anywhere around Georgian Bay, BUT I also think she just edited the water to look more bluey/green. In which case this could have been taken literally anywhere.

No. 850579

If she actually went to the beach that’s even worse. Came in a pirate hooker outfit for a photoshoot

No. 850580

true, nothing about her look in those photos says beach. aside from the outfit, who wears a full face of makeup, curls their hair and wears extensions to the beach? she's probably the type to get mad if she gets her hair or face wet and complain about sand like that star wars meme

No. 850590

That beach is about as convincing as the time she pretended she'd been to the Sistine Chapel.

No. 850591

The only things she cares about is making thirst traps for peoples grandpas on Facebook. Girl has no travel experience, education passed high school. You’d have to be some type of vapid to literally not care about ANYTHING but posing for shitty Facebook photos.

No. 850593

File: 1629849017340.jpg (551.14 KB, 1080x1346, Screenshot_20210824-181509_Fac…)

A strip club used her photos and i fucking lost it

No. 850597

File: 1629850704471.jpeg (89.52 KB, 1282x410, B8230BDC-1717-4349-B20C-A68714…)

KEK! She’s too good for OF, but takes photos for Facebook they use at strip clubs. Not any strip club.. one with a 4.0 rating on google with reviews like this.

No. 850598

who goes to a strip club expecting honest work ethic and clean faced maidens tho kek? moids are braindead

No. 850601

Right? Maybe at some super high end place but most strip clubs, especially one using Vicky's picture as an advertisement, aren't gonna be having JLo from Hustlers swinging around the pole lol

No. 850602

Who leaves a review on a strip clubs page for their "friend" what a retard kek

No. 850624

File: 1629860771440.jpg (845.6 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210824_230511.jpg)

Her cum target cross has magically blurred away

No. 850630

Girl probably went to Guelph lake and called it a day.

No. 850745

File: 1629915911328.jpeg (215.05 KB, 1023x685, 6119632B-4103-46FD-A7F4-BD1875…)

Ontario anon here. She went on “vacation” to the beach in Toronto. A birthday vacation an hour away from Guelph. Exciting times.

No. 850747


You can’t even swim in the water because it’s so filthy and polluted. What a luxurious get away.

No. 850817

Vicky thinks she’s “hot af” Lmaoooo delusional

No. 850865

File: 1630002000412.jpeg (192.23 KB, 1242x661, 98C8B57B-6130-44BA-B373-5B6D53…)

Keep it classy with Pound Town, Vicky! Totally professional model and in demand international tattoo artist pushing 40 and still talking about her vagina for free

No. 850866

File: 1630003282397.jpg (69.59 KB, 720x1177, IMG_20210826_114041_501.jpg)

Did you guys know that Victoria is available to do wedding paintings? She's so talented!

No. 850870

File: 1630006135985.jpeg (111.22 KB, 1282x382, D9143395-BC6A-4D8B-8360-3192C6…)

The comment she left on his cum harder status. Girl has had sex with every dude in the metal scene in Toronto, but she’s Demi.

No. 850871

File: 1630006176971.jpeg (191.86 KB, 1282x1280, 96DBBEA2-B8C3-49C4-87CD-7D25E6…)

Hating on OF girls again, while posting her butthole on Facebook.

No. 850872

File: 1630006643283.jpeg (409.5 KB, 1283x2122, 791B94B1-CF33-4DB6-B52C-3ABE3B…)

Victoria: hates girls on onlyfans.

Also victoria: being naked is the tits.

No. 850883

Holy fuck her stomach is so doughy it can't even be hidden with all that shoop and blur

It's uncanny you can tell how tubby she must actually be from that alone

No. 850909

Made that profile private again, quick.

No. 850910

It's because she knows that no one would pay cash money maple dollars to see her shoop disasters and ladies that can make money off their looks makes her seethe. Do she just pretends to be too good for that while simultaneously being uwu supportive of other queeensss.

No. 850916

File: 1630034309894.jpeg (135.98 KB, 780x960, 6FE16C27-1165-425C-9230-ADFFEA…)

No. 850917

I’m not surprised she’s an idiot when it comes to the Covid vaccine or that she’s using recycled arguments with no merit.

No. 850918

File: 1630035846555.jpeg (15.04 KB, 225x225, 8CDAFBEF-2FF6-4031-9766-4DAC9A…)

Yes Vic show us how brave you are by mindlessly regurgitating Facebook boomer rhetoric. Show off that Stanford education, or was it Harvard?

Pic related of other “violations of human rights,” according to Dr. Vicky.

No. 850929

learn2sage anon

No. 850934

brave and stunning. what an inspiration

No. 850937

Kill yourselves you stupid fucking retarded c u n t s. Seriously, die already.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 850946


You big mad, huh?

No. 850947

At least we are smarter than you, Nonnie.
What’s wrong, did we hit a nerve… using logic? Ouch
Sucks 2 be u

No. 850948

The super brave Facebook warrior took this status down. She’s only brave in her own mind.

No. 850949

Victoria, is that you? Oh wait no. She’s too stupid to figure out replying

No. 850951

There’s no way victoria would be up now. It’s 9:30am in Ontario kek

No. 850963

I think it's just friends only, which is a bummer.

No. 851034

Are you serious? If you’ve read icky’s thread you would KNOW she knows how to reply

No. 851038

Victoria has replied to her threads before but has she ever saged?

No. 851041

It’s not that serious. People have lives outside lolcow. Relax

No. 851083

Want inked up? Limited time deal cause it's short notice… Freehand self portraits of how vicky looks in her own head with a side of Covid because she's also a fucking anti vaxxer.

No. 851122

File: 1630251225402.jpg (59.61 KB, 720x952, IMG_20210829_083229_076.jpg)

Nobody wants your meth head boyfriend who puts clothes hangers in his gauged ears, Victoria.

No. 851321

File: 1630413276713.jpeg (424.89 KB, 1283x1970, 08AAC77F-A9C3-40CE-9D61-DE11A2…)

Imagine NOT googling your artist? Someone is paying icky for the 3rd grade art class back piece. I’ll put money on he’s a mid aged white man from a trailer park

No. 851325

Looks like 5 other tats she’s already ruined. Those scales are so embarrassing.

No. 851327

holy fuck that linework is atrocious, really does look like some 13 yr old on deviantart

No. 851328

How is it possible that her pencil drawing looks even worse than her tattoos???

No. 851331

File: 1630415939142.jpeg (133.28 KB, 1283x1729, 5A4B695A-FC53-43A9-8FB1-C80CDA…)

So icky is no longer working in a regulated shop.
And she’s an anti vaxxer… Ontario is announcing vaccination passports next week. Meaning people can’t come to her shop unless they have the vaccine. I give it a week before she’s shut down.

No. 851342

if she tries to stay open, what would happen? would she get fined or deal with charges?

No. 851350

The body/tail makes no sense at all

No. 851363

File: 1630426827168.png (3.25 MB, 1170x2532, F94460D4-7D67-43F4-9E67-66B945…)

Top Google result looks awfully similar, but she’s such a creative artist.

No. 851365

Actually many businesses in Ontario are going against the mandate and still operating like normal so chances are she will be too and will still have clients

No. 851393

File: 1630444430161.jpg (110.18 KB, 720x1133, IMG_20210831_141141_469.jpg)

LOL I love when Vic posts lolcow memories. That was when some farmer took a still from one of her horrific twitch streams and put it on the body of this Victoria dress photo. That pic makes me lol every time.

No. 851404

There is no cow I get more second hand embarassment from than Vicky. Imagine still posting statuses like this when you're in your mid-thirties. Everyone else her age is married and having kids, not constantly talking about themselves, their selfies and their "stalkers making them look bad"… It is so fucking cringey I can't stand it

No. 851440

Not sure why anti vaxxer wasn't on my Vicky bingo card. She's the perfect candidate. Hyper confident about topics she knows nothing about, obnoxious as fuck and uneducated. Go back to Ireland and live with your redneck racist loser dad.

No. 851445

Isn't she already living with her redneck racist loser dad kek

No. 851572

File: 1630542412209.jpeg (163.88 KB, 1282x1383, 1890A2D4-937A-4026-B8BE-4C08A9…)

I wonder if she’s going to try and sue the Ontario government? Kek. Ontario is starting the vaccine passports the end of September. Considering she’s not well respected in the tattoo community, she’s not registered as a business and she’s not going to have / require the vaccine.. I can’t see this going well for her

No. 851573


If anyone does stumble across this page, thinking of using Vicky as a tattoo artist here’s your sign not to. She’s not even registered with public health and works out of her house with her mangey cats.

Only her old shop is, which was closed down due to her not paying rent.

No. 851669

File: 1630591267063.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.9 MB, 4656x3492, 20210203_203326.jpg)

I cant believe shes still allowed to tattoo. Give me a sec to collect all my screenshots.

This chick fucked my arm up for real thank god im getting it fixed

No. 851672

Mods PLEASE keep your ban hammers holstered and let the milk flow.
Continue Emma! Sorry to hear you got Vic'd. We would love to see photos!

No. 851674

Second this! Every time someone comes here with milk they get banned. Please don't this time!

No. 851675

Yes!! Finally some milk, thanks for coming here Emma!
Please mods, listen to this anon >>851672

No. 851676

File: 1630592952448.jpeg (733.46 KB, 1163x2473, F5012B5E-CEA9-4D91-82BD-79616E…)

Wait is this that centaur woman? This looks BAD. Question… why did you end up going to her

No. 851677

Emma, heads up, you dont have to put your email in at all!
thanks for sharing. i know the board is weird, but you telling the truth means alot.

No. 851688

Tattoo anons! I have tats but they are from a great artist so I have never personally dealt with a bad tat. Why exactly would this happen? I know Vic is a sucky artist but this is super bad and faded.

No. 851691

Speaking as someone who unfortunately got tattooed by her and has since gotten sleeves and whatnot from GOOD artists, let me chime in.

She never does outlines. She also doesn’t know how deep to go so it either fades out or is so deep it scars. Poor quality ink and tools also probably don’t help. She has no idea what she’s doing and takes five times as long as professional artists and just reworks an area over and over again turning it into a muddy mess.

No. 851735

Exactly this. When you refuse to outline a tattoo, the ink just bleeds out over time. You need that outline (it doesn't have to be thick and bold unless you want it to be) to hold the rest of the ink in. It's like tattooing 101.
You can also tell she has no understanding of shading because her tattoos look like kid's drawings with it being heavier and lighter in certain areas.

No. 851897

Omg I'm so sorry

No. 851909

File: 1630706548386.jpg (4.11 MB, 4000x3000, 20210903_180157_HDR.jpg)


I first found VM on myspace and fell for the photoshop. Thought she was super cool.

Keep in mind i started this tattoo back in 2012/13. Way before i saw any of this online stuff.

I actually became pretty good friends with her, when my father died she was the first person i told.

Im really sad she decided to scam me out of nearly 3 grand and wasted 29 hours of my life, not to mention all the travel it took me to get to her (2 hour drive each way)

Its super blownout in some places and has barely any ink in others. It looks awful! Im in the process of having a sleeve done on the same arm by a really great artist who said he will try to blend it all in as best as possible but said my best option is to have the whole thing lasered off a few times before getting it covered.

No. 851910

thank you for sharing your experience, she's so awful.

No. 851911

3 grand and 29 hours? Holy shit! There’s no way it should’ve taken that long. It took her 16 hours to do a very simple piece for me and she tried to charge me more and I refused to pay. I had mine fixed by someone in Guelph and it looks much better than the washed out mess she left me. It took Vic three times the time it should have and it wasn’t well done.

No. 851919

>3 grand
My jaw literally dropped. What the actual fuck. I’m so sorry she scammed you like that. Vicky is such a piece of shit.

No. 851921

File: 1630719109459.jpeg (309.04 KB, 1156x1262, D781F1A0-EB2B-4C40-8D7A-42962D…)

So wait… this cost you 3 grand and took 29 hours? Icky is on crack… I’m sorry girl, but this is so fucking ugly

No. 851924

I know it's on your body and I feel bad for you (glad you're getting it covered, seriously do the laser first) but that tiny horse leg is so fucking funny

No. 851929

File: 1630722887609.jpeg (433.45 KB, 1283x1797, F9B32221-E97A-41FC-82D8-FEA0D0…)

“My body my business” and now this? Did icky gain 100 pounds over covid and she’s trying to pacify herself.

No. 851956

File: 1630764691277.jpeg (517.8 KB, 1283x2206, C1358E63-3FFF-4651-8EB3-2642EB…)

No. 851957

File: 1630764763200.jpeg (89.47 KB, 1200x630, 2AFEE415-1611-41A2-A75E-4A0955…)

For those who don’t know.. it’s suppose to be this guy

No. 851960

There's a lot of things I could say about that horrible tattoo, but the fact that I had to see this picture to put together that the black thing was supposed to be a hat should speak volumes on its own…

No. 851964

Hockey helmet at that. Unfortunately it just looks like a black blob and IMO that’s the most important thing because it’s a hockey mascot. Otherwise it just looks like a fraggle.

No. 851974

File: 1630777801900.jpeg (156.26 KB, 693x693, 33EFF759-514F-4390-A9FF-07E094…)

The helmet is by far the worst part, but that line work.. oof. Mostly is these spots. As Emma was saying above.. $3000 for a half sleeve? That’s premium prices and she doesn’t not offer premium work. This is untrained, junior artists work.

No. 851975

File: 1630778400998.jpeg (365.41 KB, 1282x2129, E1F79A41-A8EF-4BE0-A8A6-1D545C…)

“Tattoo convention judge” icky 100% told them to write this.

No. 852010

not wk'ing but at least she outlined this one. Most definitely the bare minimum when it comes to progress, but its something.

No. 852014

Vic photoshopped that photo so badly. Its warped and trust me never had that amount of definition

No. 852015

File: 1630845217535.jpg (96.63 KB, 1080x1163, FB_IMG_1630845166367.jpg)

This is what it looked like after 4 sittings

No. 852018

it will have correct proportions in 40 years, anon

No. 852026

It needs more white.

No. 852028

So at this point while taking this photo… we’re you getting nervous or thought she’d be able to pull through?

No. 852033

holy fuck the proportions

I’ve never seen anyone use a miniature pony body as a centaur. I’m fucking dead

No. 852042

This hurt my feelings it’s so bad

No. 852043


can we start a gofundme for this anon to get it lasered off?

jk but goddamn. Vicky is so lucky people can't sue for shit tattoos.

No. 852049

nah it looks like a dude crouching over in the bottom half of a horse costume. The knee is where the hock should be wtf

holy kek

I'd donate, OP you're too pretty to die like this

No. 852077

How did you justify going back at all, yet alone paying for multi sessions … Fuck laser and cover ups, that shits so bad I'd amputate

It should be considered unlawful to put that on someone Jesus

No. 852080

Honestly guys for the first few sittings i was happy with it. Keep in mind the angles photos are taken at make the horse look so different. It looks fine from the back (if you look quickly and then look away lol)

If yall want to make me a go fund me, by all means!! My new sleeve/cover up project for this has already cost me 14 hundred amd we havent even made it past my elbow.

No. 852081

I know it’s harsh and it probably very humiliating that you spent so much money on that abomination but truth is you gotta take the L and just roll with it. Hope you can salvage it someday with a reputable artist.

No. 852082


Seconded. This is brutal (no offence). And it might bring attention to others who are considering her work.

No. 852088

Yeah the artist im seeing now is fantastic, im not going to post his name cause i dont want him associated with her drama/garbage.

Trust me this is an L ive taken graciously, but im not gonna let vm get away with it now that shes messaged me and tried to blame it on me. I run my own business and dont need my clients seeing all this drama.

No. 852090

wait wait wait, she's messaged you since you posted here?

No. 852091

Not recently no.

I found out last year that she uad taken to Facebook to bash me and then deleted it.

It was posted here a while back.

She messaged me saying some bs. I keep meaning to screenshot the convo and post here but im not sure how to post more than 1 photo at a time

No. 852092

What was she like in person? Like any cringe stories or behaviour? Understandable if you don't wanna talk about her looks, but was there anything she did that gave you red flag vibes?

No. 852093

use a screenshot stitcher like the app Stitch It to organise all of your photos into one long picture

No. 852100

you can post the pictures 1 by 1 if you dont want to stitch them together. That's ok on imageboards.

No. 852108

File: 1630955023609.png (1.65 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-124331.png)

The face was actually beautiful after the first sitting, everything including her got worse as time went by.

She would go from english accent to canadian redneck in an instant. She stopped after i told her my father was a british imigrant who LOST his accent completely after living here for 3 years.

She was inconsistent with her stories, late by hours at a time, and worked out of a hair salon owned by a LOVELY woman named cathy. (My mom misses you, cathy!)

Lookswise, nothing like online. One time she showed up in adriens boxers, no bra, and a like..pj shirt. She literally had just rolled out of bed and didnt even bother putting on deodorant.

I dont say this to be rude or insensitive, but if your in a small space with someone for HOURS at a time, please dont smell like your boyfriends cummed in boxers.

Adrien was a really great guy i felt really bad for him near the end, she would demand shit from him and freak out if he didnt answer her back right away.

She had a "health inspector" come for a surprise visit while i was there and the whole thing was so dramatic i still wonder if she didnt pay someone to pretend to come in acting concerned lol

No. 852109

File: 1630955105751.png (375.86 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121328.png)

No. 852110

Yeesh dude, she's so gross. I'm interested in hearing more about the health inspector drama if you're willing to share

No. 852111

File: 1630955751511.png (334.44 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121410.png)

No. 852112

File: 1630955799873.png (245.77 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121431.png)

"I didnt know"

No. 852113

File: 1630955881146.png (245.18 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121459.png)

No. 852114

File: 1630955911364.png (252.1 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121524.png)

No. 852115

File: 1630955944316.png (279.02 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121554.png)

No. 852116

File: 1630956035150.png (275.64 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210906-121614.png)

She continued messaging me and thats the last ive heard of her. She has my number, all 3 other Instagram accounts and my fb. Still nothin' lol.

No. 852117

The fact that she said “ sorry I missed your message” like 7 times is concerning. That’s not an excuse. She’s a business that does online booking through Facebook messaging. The same Facebook she posts pictures of her asshole and gets thirsty messages from old men. Clearly she misses messages. She’s too cheap to get a real booking system and that’s your fault? Kek. “She was a baby artist” no she’s an artist with NO training.

No. 852118

File: 1630959415895.jpeg (630.65 KB, 1283x2178, C337F513-EF19-45D8-B868-6FBDB9…)

She just posted this. Sure, Jan. You’ve gotten better. She’s have to pay ME to tattoo me. Jfc.

No. 852120

File: 1630959778220.jpeg (383.02 KB, 1282x937, CB104FFB-A1D2-4E3C-93E5-1B7DAF…)

What you pay for … what you get with icky. >>852116
“When I inked that, I was a much younger artist” so she’s acknowledging that but charged $3000? Sounds like a scam artist to me.

No. 852121

it was ugly even after the first session. it looks like a child's crayon drawing. so i hope that you're confident with the artist you've chosen to cover it (but please get laser first). i'm sorry you had to go through all this though, vicky is not just a terrible artist but also a terrible person. funny how she wants to both claim that she is better now (admitting it was badly made by her) and blame it on the fact that it's old + skin stretching (was she calling you fat? wtf)

vicky, all tattoos age and end up looking different and that is something you have to keep in mind when you make a tattoo, not something you can use as an excuse when it eventually turns to absolute shit. that's why you need training no matter how good you are at drawing/painting on paper. you're drawing on someones SKIN, you can't just keep packing and trying to fix mistakes, it has to be well done in your first fucking try and you have to take into account that it will change overtime and make something that will look good even if it's a bit faded and blurred

No. 852122

$3000? for that? holy shit. i'm so sorry.

No. 852124

She fucked up hugely and she knew it. I've never seen her react this passively to someone not kissing her ass, let alone calling her out. Good on you for drilling her. She deserves to be more than embarassed.

No. 852125

i wonder what mental gymnastics she did in order to feel so confident about the "i did cover ups of tattoos of any tattoo artist critisising my work"-story. i bet one person came years ago to have a homemade stick n poke covered up

No. 852130

File: 1630970532293.png (661.73 KB, 1170x2532, EF22ABCA-F975-448A-BCB7-DFAA98…)

She has a habit of coming after people who rightfully complain and not getting back to clients for years on end. Very professional.

No. 852132

File: 1630970653795.png (723.76 KB, 1170x2532, 3F706B94-AEC5-47F0-87FA-75A749…)

Second photo

No. 852134

File: 1630972288893.jpeg (93.1 KB, 1282x496, 1581592D-92CA-4A00-9D96-30EA54…)

Never mentioned a labour day deal before this moment. PLZ SEND ME MONEY.

No. 852138

she's so manipulative. always "so sad" because clients are so mean and it is never her own fault

No. 852139

Seems to be a common theme. There was just a girl on her Facebook that was posted here saying the same thing. “I messaged you and you never got back to me about my tattoo” go unprofessional

No. 852140

I added Vickers on an insta I have specifically for following cows and she blocked me almost instantly lolol. either she recognized her herd on my FL or she was just suspicious because the account has so little followers/activity… sry for the blog I just thought it was funny.

No. 852141

as an archer I can tell you there is nothing right about how that creature is using that bow. The perspective is so out of wack… what is going on?
I'm so sorry this is on your body Emma. Why doesn't she use a reference when she clearly can't draw something from memory? Also horses are notoriously hard to draw. This tattoo was doomed from it's conception; everything Vic touches wilts away and dies.

No. 852156

You probably have to pretend you’re a white trash dude into white trash tattoos. Bonus points if you have a pretend girlfriend.

No. 852161

The fur around the neck bottom left looks so odd, it looks like the wolf has a tuft hanging out of its mouth.

No. 852168

Isn't it hilariois that the girl posts that Icky took so long to do her fucked up centaur piece, so now there's this "amazing wolf tattoo that only took four hours".
Why does she make it so obvious that she lurks here? Stay bothered you dumb bitch.

No. 852181

“I’m a better artist now” then why did she charge these obscene amounts for her self admitted mediocre work? Fucking grifter.

No. 852188

It looks like a wolf on one side and German Shepard on the other kek

No. 852193

The mismatched eyes and ears do it for me. Also looks like it was done on too small of an area and will be warped in not time, but what do we know

No. 852197

I somehow doubt this is healed as those blacks and whites are very crisp. This will likely fad into a grey blob with time.

No. 852203

File: 1631040423109.jpeg (484.22 KB, 1283x2200, 4CAC91FC-5C7D-46AC-9DA3-1408AF…)

Wait does this lady think this is icky. Kek

No. 852213

File: 1631045487890.jpeg (103.66 KB, 1096x664, C4A8ECC2-26CE-462B-9E02-BF67D5…)

She’s not the only one

No. 852215


What an insult to Rebel Wilson to be compared to some no name jackass in Canada. Otoh kinda makes you think people could totally believe icky was 300 pounds at one time. The difference is that rebel probably worked hard for the new bod. Vick would just do drugs.

No. 852229

She's too poor to afford drugs. She'll just photoshop herself thinner like she does now.

No. 852230

I am SCREAMING that people think this is Vicky holy fucking kek

No. 852236

Well im glad i could share those with you all lol.

I hope she gets help tbh.

No. 852242

It never ceases to amaze me how proud of her brain dead following she is.

No. 852251

File: 1631071500089.jpg (109.23 KB, 342x942, IMG_20210908_052302.jpg)

jc what is this "fur"? i don't even think she tries, she's just lazy

No. 852333

she's probably fuming about these.

No. 852431

Rebel Wilson is Australia's answer to Amy Schumer, so insult away.

No. 852724

File: 1631380368258.jpeg (180.76 KB, 709x1230, BC1715C3-6D13-4208-9B45-4FE1DE…)

That like work…. Jesus.

No. 852731

That man's chin patch of facial hair is only on one half of his face and not even remotely centered. He doesn't strike me as a person with an understanding on what looks good.

No. 852734

File: 1631384904028.jpeg (452.97 KB, 1282x2128, E2F8A111-F204-4509-94D9-244DE8…)

Is icky trying to claim SHES a feminist now?

No. 852745

File: 1631394407777.jpeg (118.49 KB, 461x929, 5EBC724B-80C9-4E14-BEC3-4E006F…)

This ain’t world war 2, guys.

No. 852795

wait, is she implying the wrong people won ww2?

No. 852842

File: 1631481527012.jpeg (319.26 KB, 1282x1523, 69ACB026-33E6-484C-973C-A6B315…)

Of course, Vicky thinks telling someone to kill themselves and calling a used car a POS is on the same level. We all know she loves telling people to kill themselves so it’s not a shock.

No. 852883

>I can't judge
>Just did exactly that
Uh huh

No. 852997

File: 1631645690175.jpeg (266.07 KB, 1283x1718, 74C2E38B-3859-4F6B-A23B-0BB19A…)

Such a cute memory…. Of doing nothing. And there’s no photoshop but the amount of filter is insane.

No. 852998

File: 1631645820501.png (1.7 MB, 1331x2048, Screenshot_20210914-205313.png)

"No Photoshop hatuuurs!"
The obvious filter doesn't count

No. 852999

that skirt is about to burst. also who tf writes "no photoshop" besides people who actually edits their photos all the time lmao she's just telling on herself

No. 853000

File: 1631658987794.jpeg (65.72 KB, 1281x494, 5D1C6DE2-5095-4F89-8454-092417…)

Under this photo. “Sorry I’m taken” kek. Dude is saying he would fuck you, icky. She must be really embarrassed of this man of hers.

No. 853024

It's so funny that she feels to need to say the "no photoshop" thing every time… Like who the hell says that? Narcs do, they're basically thinking "I'm so unrealistically beautiful right now that I have to announce to people that this photo doesn't have photoshop! They will be amazed by my natural beauty!"

Nobody normal announces that because for normal people not using photoshop on a mirror picture isn't an achievement

No. 853047


That’s one serious beergut right there. I wouldn’t even comment on it tbh e cept for all her hatred and lies about being some rail thin supamodel or whatever

No. 853056

>no photoshop!

>tattoo shifting to the left

>plaid skirt design also shifting to the left against her gut
>the cross on her necklace seems to be glitching out

No. 853069

File: 1631754870334.png (11.04 MB, 1284x2778, ECF1D994-92C7-4F8D-BEE2-05A4C3…)

Honestly.. looks like she tried to make her body slimmer and fucked everything up

No. 853113

This is such a deranged response. Vick, this isn't a confession of love from someone who wants to wife you, it isn't even a compliment. He sees you as an acceptable hole. That's it. Men are not discerning. A horny man will make a fleshlight out of a ziploc bag and some warm spaghetti in a pinch. That's what he's equating you to. She's so fucking stupid.

No. 853117

>>853113 Top kek, I can't stop laughing at "warm spaghetti and a ziplock bag", which is somehow still miles ahead of Icky. Plus, there's no chance of STD's and you don't have to forcibly remove it from your home after it refuses to leave and vomits Jack Daniels all over your carpet.

No. 853141


Didn't he say "I would laugh out loud."?

No. 853159

No he’s saying he could tolerate putting his penis in her for a few minutes

No. 853238

File: 1631898834181.jpg (112.03 KB, 659x1280, IMG_20210917_101218_494.jpg)

I thought Victoria didn't have Covid? All those times last year she was sick she kept saying it wasn't Covid..

No. 853355

I mean, she was kicked out of her cousins salon for not being hygienic (among other reasons) but I’m sure she will use this fake opportunity to preach about how she beat covid (same as she beat depression and anxiety- cause that’s a thing) although she vehemently denied it was contagious. She’s also claimed to have a super duper high powered microscope that she can see the virus in her blood lol. Such a sCiEnTiSt

No. 853372

>headline translation: booster shots are effective.
It’s almost like it works like the flu shot, that you are recommended to get every year.

I know she’s an absolute moron but wow this just puts the last nail in the coffin.
I’m surprised she didn’t claim to be totally immune to the virus.

No. 853373

Now that you mention it she will not only say she’s totally immune but that she kicked novel covid in the ass with her elite ninja training and sword skills.

No. 853377

The conversation wasn’t 100% about Vicky so she had to make sure it was. Classic narc shingles. God love ya

No. 853410

File: 1632006011326.jpg (81.09 KB, 640x640, IMG_20210918_155903_707.jpg)

New Vic pic lmao

No. 853415

>>853410 If this is the photoshopped version I cringe to think what the original looks like. "Muh hourglass figure", kek. Are we supposed to believe she's on a beach with that poorly done background?

No. 853420

File: 1632011589854.jpeg (225.88 KB, 1170x769, 35A8B359-50F1-40C4-A1D0-E746F5…)

Of course she is lol

No. 853421

When I first saw this I seriously thought it was bad fan art- her face looks drawn on. Also like how you can see her stretch marks on the upper right (her left) leg. She missed with the blur tool I guess

No. 853430

Oh wow is this embarrassing. Ignoring her shopped body, she is still using that party city background? And fake ivy? And she’s sitting on a wood window sill? What am I even looking at?

No. 853431

LMAO I know it’s been said before, she relentlessly bashes OF e-whores (rightfully so) but then posts shit like this for free? I swear there is no other cow more lacking in self-awareness than old Shingles
She went to such great lengths to assure everyone that she didn’t have the coof, while it’s highly probable that she did have it given that she has no regard for public orders or the well-being of others, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she’s lying about it because she thinks “beating” it is a flex

No. 853432

File: 1632019764454.jpg (16.85 KB, 159x270, 1632006011326~3.jpg)

What is this melted warped shit?

No. 853433

Wearing a puka shell necklace in the year of our lord 2021?

No. 853439

this looks like something from a cheap 90's porn magazine, kek. maybe that's what she refers to when she says "old school values"

No. 853455

Pour one out for those extension ends, bc they're beyond dead at this point. Victoria's photoshopping is always a fun Ispy game.

No. 853457

I know mostly morons follow her, but they really can’t be buying this shit. She goes out of her way to really fuck up a photo before it’s even published .

No. 853578

File: 1632102423252.jpeg (281.46 KB, 1284x1217, DD8FD597-94D8-4E2C-9018-E62AA1…)

Her tattoo page! The header is her sucking her finger? Is this real life?

No. 853579

File: 1632102475919.jpeg (284.52 KB, 1284x1736, 52F13060-F036-4CC5-A85B-27AA79…)

It looks like this was done by someone that can’t use their left hand and tried… that’s for sure.

No. 853580

File: 1632102891759.jpeg (189.15 KB, 1189x909, 06722019-EB09-46E9-9E33-ADBAC8…)

Ickys been using so much filter she’s starting to look like Sahar Tabar

No. 853581

Is that an upper arm? Why is it so wonky looking? Is it the tat, arm or both making it look weird?

No. 853583

File: 1632103170206.png (Spoiler Image,7.54 MB, 2048x1536, 7C72F52F-E136-4574-A768-52E01B…)


No. 853627

I can't get over how special needs she looks.
Side note, if she draws lines like she applies eyeliner, no wonder they look like blown out shit.

No. 853638

Her idea of layering clothes expired over a decade ago in the MySpace era… thick belt under boobs, the skirt, the cardigan, This shit tier eyeliner..
Lady, please upgrade your wardrobe. I’ve seen 15 years dress better from a bargain bin

No. 853639

File: 1632142574611.jpeg (Spoiler Image,414.98 KB, 828x1303, 62829D8E-0478-485D-84FA-56E32A…)

Samefag but why show off your tiddies if you pick at them? Eww

No. 853653


Giving me Luna vibes. Wash your sweaty pancake tits and clothes, Vick

No. 853697

god damn. i think she is actually above 25 bmi in this. she keeps getting fatter. idk why she doesnt bother photoshopping her arms.

No. 853708

File: 1632174798314.jpg (280.35 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210920-224659_Fac…)

I know her personally but from the MySpace days we got in a fight about someone from I'm fro not her country. A total cycle of a guy who I knew personally she defended like her life depend on it since he had followers. Pictures not about this but thought it was funny. Also I've ever posted here so please let me know if I'm doing it wrong

No. 853709

Wait, Elisha Cuthbert is 38. It’s been somewhat confirmed Vic is 34, or is she dumb and didn’t Google her?

No. 853721

Both. She looks older, so she assumed it.

No. 853729

“She looks like me” Victoria even knows she looks 45. Congrats girl, you played yourself.

No. 853738

File: 1632186169688.jpeg (171.55 KB, 1284x1432, F4B96B44-225A-412B-9633-5E757F…)

Icky, tell your boyfriend to hit up leg day.

No. 853747

aww she's dating a trash bag

No. 853749

Tinfoil; she won’t stand next to him in a photo because of size difference

No. 853754

File: 1632189689426.jpeg (370.28 KB, 1282x2249, 7718F1B3-7E56-4398-B60D-3CE390…)

So in Ontario you have to have your vaccine to go to the gym, restaurants and movie theatres. More importantly to icky. Bars.

The fact that this girl won’t get a vaccine cause she thinks she’s smarter than medical professionals is top kek.
Also, just cause you can’t get smashed at a dive bar in buttfuck nowhere because you’d rather spit in the nurses / doctors faces while they work endless hours doesn’t make this nazi Germany you fucking cow.

No. 853758

All of the ladies ITT complaining about not being able to find a lover,

I am a mid 20s male looking for my darling sweetheart. If you are interested, please message me on discord at alfredonred#8027

220lbs, although I will cutting back down to 210lbs once my doctor prescribes me vyvanse again
mid 20s
Mental illnesses: depression, ADHD, BPD, Bipolar, possible aspergers
Interests: anime, poker, riding bike

Qualifications to be considered for gf material:
under 5'8"
not fat


No. 853760

That's exactly what I thought. He's obviously a skinny manlet and it would only emphasize how bulky she is.

No. 853761

yeesh I replied to the wrong comment

No. 853811

File: 1632231104632.jpeg (245.74 KB, 1282x969, 38A036C1-B4B3-41E5-8F06-6A0363…)

Just a quick google search will show 69% of people are full vaccinated in Canada and 75% of people have at least one. That would mean 69% of people wouldn’t care cause they have the passport? Also a quick google search would tell you she pulled that number out of her ass. Most people are for the passport. And again, just because you can’t go to the bar or a show doesn’t mean there’s going to be a civil war.

No. 853813

So the same as plenty of other countries? Poor Canadians, so oppressed. And "civil war" kek, if anyone thinks not being able to go to a bar that has restrictions is so oppressive that it's worth dying or killing for, they're legit retarded. News flash Vicky, restrictions of all kinda have always existed. But I don't see you claiming oppression because you have to show ID and not be naked when you go to a bar

No. 853819

File: 1632236798616.jpeg (123.46 KB, 1282x920, 9CFAC59A-5F2F-43F0-A911-BA8D4B…)

Kids need these shots to even go to school…? Kek. This isn’t oppression you fucking moron.

No. 853849

File: 1632244646731.jpeg (387.28 KB, 1282x2210, 121FA4C6-796C-444C-927C-42B0C6…)

Bless you whomever you are. How long until icky tries to sleep with this girl bf

No. 853851

Lol you just know she felt so smart typing "redolent" and "precursor"

No. 853853

This is honestly so fucking funny. She's delusional.

No. 853868

File: 1632252841176.jpeg (297.33 KB, 1282x1851, B3812979-5C8A-4AD6-81BF-8EDCB9…)

This photo is probably edited, but You can still tell she gained at least 50 pounds. Going through the drive thru in an Uber at McDonald’s but doesn’t wanna out the vax in her body cause she dOeSnt know what’s in it.

No. 853871

Isn’t this the same girl that claims she tattoos doctors and high professionals? Yet she’s an anti vaxxer?

No. 853880

Oh, Vicky, please buy some new clothes. The three pieces of clothing you own are rotting. I can smell them through my screen.

No. 853884

File: 1632257961522.jpeg (102.72 KB, 696x872, F80A00B6-9C66-41B0-B915-ED96E4…)

Obviously this person is trolling considering there has been a case of polio in North America since like the early 1990s. Imagine that. Vaccines work. People that still get tattooed by this moron deserve the shitty work

No. 853887

File: 1632258525643.jpeg (108.94 KB, 1282x549, B71D5C21-5059-4251-877F-436539…)

And considering that many people have their vaccine…? Why does she lie so much. She’s also posting stuff on Instagram about how masks work. I think she just wants to hide her face for life cause her teeth are rotting tbh

No. 853905

This comment doesn’t fit ickys narrative that the Canadian government is turning into nazi Germany so she just deleted it. Kek.

No. 853919

File: 1632268222293.jpeg (250.78 KB, 1242x1066, 89035B21-D989-4245-B0B1-DE3B23…)

So people that have had the moderna are more likely to have covid then people that have had covid before? This tattoo artist from Guelph, Victoria Bella morte, is refusing her vaccine while getting sloppy drunk at parties. Didn’t she claim during lockdown to be offered heroin? So she’s clearly hanging out with people that don’t care about their own wellbeing’s, let alone others. Natural selection.

No. 853922

File: 1632268843614.jpeg (230.54 KB, 1093x1242, 427BE476-8234-4CA0-999B-D9C28B…)

These were written two days apart.
She was out in April at a drug fuelled party, but too sick from “not covid” to reply to customers with deposits.
So either she’s lying about having covid, or she was lying about NOT having covid and going out to party.
Either way, the girl that hangs out with meth and heroin junkies ISNT getting a vaccine. You can still get sick, if you previously have been sick with covid. You can also be a carrier.

No. 853925

File: 1632269773708.jpeg (168.6 KB, 1282x774, 3AC70BC5-E88F-4C8C-9D4C-E84810…)

No. 853928

This reads like satire lmfao. Next thread pic.

No. 853930

This is so embarrassing!

No. 853967

oh god I shouldn't have laughed this hard lmao
+1 for thread pic

No. 853975

holy shit that girl is so embarrassing
next thread pic pls

No. 853978


Science "stuff" No particular books on any particular topic, just you know, stuff.
I can't help but picturing her studying a map of our solar system trying to memorize the planets for 4 years. God she's a fucking moron in every possible sense.

No. 854009

File: 1632326293658.jpeg (165.72 KB, 1282x1540, CAE5DB6B-7231-4A93-8B06-1B2DAE…)

So she was skipping to read science stuff, but it was her teachers fault she failed? Make it make sense. It’s always someone else’s fault. Of course she was superior to the teacher.

Also these are the only places in Ontario you need your proof for vaccine. Also, they’ve made an announcement that they’ll probably only be using the vax passport for upwards of 5 years. It’s to keep us out of lockdown. But you know, EXACTLY like nazi Germany. Girl can’t drink at the bar.

No. 854019

File: 1632328679318.jpg (124.11 KB, 720x1181, IMG_20210922_093727_663.jpg)

She's so dumb lol. Nobody was shitting on Megan Fox. They're showing that beautiful women have skin texture too. Victoria thinks they're insulting Megan by saying she isn't flawless. And ofc the left pic is filtered.

No. 854023

Totally missing the point, this only shows that SHE is insecure at the idea of having skin texture. Sure, some lighting will make skin texture more clear but that doesn't make a photographer bad? Why should a woman only be photographed in certain lighting lol stop shitting on women, Vicky

No. 854024

samefag but like she's bothered about other women being shat on, she's only projecting because she can't handle that she looks the way she does in candids

No. 854034

>Victoria thinks they're insulting Megan by saying she isn't flawless.
Yes bc she is projecting hard, still has the delusion that she looks like Megan Fox.

No. 854035

File: 1632335343120.jpg (45.38 KB, 482x710, PSX_20210922_202627.jpg)

its not just your pizza face that makes you ugly vicky. it's also your hideous personality.

No. 854039

Nobody called her ugly?…. Once again the point went directly over her head. I guess skipping class to read about science stuff did nothing for her brain development.

No. 854041

File: 1632338298268.jpeg (394.79 KB, 1283x1886, 58687DE2-0916-449A-B1CF-1CBCA1…)

The only toxic person is you icky.
Get a therapist and stop blaming your shitty behaviour on everyone else

No. 854044

Maybe 75% of the losers Victoria associates with are anti vaccine mandates, but we just had an election here and only 5% of the population voted for the party without them. So no, Vick, most people don't want to interact with you in public recreation spaces. So really no change you just can't force yourself on married men anymore while wearing 6 plastic belts and nothing else

No. 854065

File: 1632352197975.jpg (71.68 KB, 640x640, IMG_20210922_160818_418.jpg)

New pic from the recent series. No puka shell necklace this time.

No. 854067

File: 1632354458824.jpeg (89.52 KB, 1284x382, A12FEA34-51E8-4096-9A55-6EEA87…)

Oh no. Victoria is going to boycott restaurants and bars. What will they doooo

No. 854068

File: 1632354803521.jpeg (309.11 KB, 1282x1170, A77FC0D9-D6A8-49E1-B612-DD7BD7…)

How is this suppose to pass as the same person?

No. 854072

bitch, how are you gonna boycott if you’re not allowed in

No. 854074

HONESTLY. Kek. You’re not allowed in? Talk about quitting before you get fired. Jesus Christ this girl is a trip.

No. 854078

>I'm very happy being a hermit

Good, what's the issues then?

No. 854081

File: 1632360338261.jpeg (692.45 KB, 1011x1174, DAA64355-3964-4FD9-ABA8-347C80…)


The absolute state of those runny tits. I like when she photoshops cleavage on those sad saggy bitch tits

No. 854091

She’s using her arm and hand to sort of hoist them up along with shitty shooping.

No. 854107

hey vic, google some other women who aren't shooped to death and learn from them, the smallest part of the waist is NEVER that much higher than the belly button

No. 854113

Actually anon, it's Megan Fox that looks like Vicky. Not the other way around.

Ah yes she's made sure to keep her extensions far away from her body so they don't get warped while shooping in her totally real curves. Still looks awful but is it finally learning?

No. 854125

"Boycotting any business that requires a passport"
Literally every business, Vick. It's a government mandate you idiot. I can't imagine this inspires any trust in your ability to provide sanitary tattoos.

$3000 for overworked garbage by an anti vaxxer without an apprenticeship. Ooookay

No. 854144

Boycott any establishment that requires me to not be a sloppy drunk, have basic hygiene, or actual manners or money!
- Vicky

No. 854204

File: 1632443043733.jpeg (104.96 KB, 1284x386, C9A529F4-647F-40DA-861F-5A991A…)

“I believe in modern medicine” “I’m not getting a vaccine cause I’m not a human test subject” wasn’t this girl blowing lines of coke at a house party two years ago? All the sudden she cares.
Ps moron. They’ve been working on vaccine for a lot longer than two years.

No. 854206

File: 1632443171057.jpeg (346.01 KB, 1278x2240, 333A8990-6013-4CEB-9971-582B26…)

Says the girl that brings up bunny everytime she gets the chance.

No. 854226

doesn’t she wear makeup? does she wait for every substance she puts on her face to be out for 10 years before slathering it on? what a dumb shit.

No. 854237

>I just prefer to seethe
That much is obvious Vicky

No. 854250

The best part of this is that at the same time she's posting on her white trash Irish dad's Facebook about how it causes infertility and shit.

No Vicky, your infertility is caused by smoking, drinking and not being able to hold down a man

No. 854251

May I see the clinical studies of the use OxyCkean on the human head?

No. 854255

File: 1632498449725.jpeg (228.6 KB, 1282x1141, 515AB970-9FA4-4A2A-93D6-B14D56…)

Girl probably got a 30% in science. Did icky even graduate high school?

No. 854271

It’s less than 0.5%, and it’s mostly nurses without a bachelor’s degree. So, the least educated health providers are the most likely to freak out about it. Good riddance.

No. 854291

File: 1632521632683.jpeg (424.91 KB, 1283x1373, 1520AA52-CAAB-4224-BD3D-153CEC…)

Yeah super common there Vicky. For someone that like to read about science and stuff, she sure likes to pull shit out of her ass.

No. 854294

File: 1632522325909.png (2.07 MB, 1284x2778, 13DA73F6-F385-4ADB-93D1-1D1998…)

The fact that she writes this stuff and presses post is top kek. Also insulting to people that died in/ survived the holocaust.

No. 854313

She's probably at home tonight just stewing that she can't go to the pool hall and make guys hit sign posts or be a merch girl for the local pad Thai metal show.

No. 854336

>>854255 Jesus, this whole family is retarded inbred white trash. Larry the pedophile Laird is somehow more illiterate than his idiot sister.

Vicky talking about MRNA therapy causing "blood clots, myocarditis, and long term risk of cancer" is pretty funny. First off, it's been shown that the vaccine isn't gene therapy, and secondly… those sound like the risks associated with cigarettes, and we all know how much this fat bitch loves those.

She really is such an idiot.

No. 854337

i fucking can’t stand people comparing a very badly handled virus to the holocaust, implying that they are in any way oppressed like that is so mental you can’t take it seriously but they’re serious and it’s unbelievable. anyone with holes in their brain large enough to think that and post it literally cannot be saved. polio was far worse and no one who fought through ww2 would ever compare those two things. she’s also in fucking canada what have they been through to be able to put that horror into perspective. i know she’s an old mentally ill long term alcoholic with no education, but there’s tons of people like that and even they know better than to compare this to the holocaust.

No. 854342

File: 1632541998447.jpeg (107.07 KB, 1282x401, 742A95C9-3CA0-4906-8CD6-5BBF34…)

I live in a city close to icky. We in no way have been close to oppressed. I haven’t been stopped in the street, nobody has asked me about my vaccine or if I have it.
Nobody has asked me for my vaccine passport up to this point. She’s a fucking moron. She’s a narcissist. She has compassion for other peoples suffering, like in the Holocaust because it has nothing to do with her. If it has nothing to do with her, she doesn’t care. She can’t go to the bar so dirty old men can feed her ego, so she being oppressed. That’s that.
Also she pulling this info out of her ass.

No. 854343

File: 1632542105103.jpeg (270.87 KB, 1282x1820, 71D09FDA-FADE-4974-975C-7333A9…)

Victoria and her dad are racist pieces of shit. Imagine thinking, with everything happening in Afghanistan, that sending people back in a good plan.

No. 854345

File: 1632542528144.jpeg (93.07 KB, 1282x393, C4C92160-0C1B-400F-BDA6-498E0F…)

Not particularly heartbroken over people dying. Nah. Fuck those people. Kek. This girl is just a racist as her dad

No. 854349

File: 1632544203875.jpeg (566.6 KB, 1282x2191, 235B93FF-1BE7-479C-8236-E9EE73…)

If you google still born and covid vaccine there’s tons about covid, unvaccinated and stillborn babies. Yes, you may have a still born if you are infected while pregnant. “Nurses aren’t allowed to say anything” but of course they told icky.

No. 854353

So its the exact opposite of what she's claiming then? Lmfao never change Vicky

No. 854363

Chiming in to say: I work in the NICU at my hospital so i work in very close quarters with L&D, and you know what we don’t see? Mother’s who are vaccinated losing their babies. As a matter of fact, many of our own pregnant staff members got the vaccine WHILE pregnant and they had healthy babies. We’re finding the babies are actually being born WITH the antibodies themselves against Covid. You know what we ARE seeing? Pregnant mothers who contract Covid and lose their pregnancy. We’ve also seen mothers intubated in ICU who either lose the pregnancy or the baby has to be sectioned while mom is intubated and holed up in ICU while the baby comes to us in NICU. Now this is just my experience in my hospital, but I hope y’all can see what a fucking moron she’s proving herself to be from someone who works with this firsthand. And we damn well are allowed to talk about it if we please.

Someone needs to slap some sense into her already. Sage for my blog post, just wanted to shine a light on her misinformation.

No. 854384

Thank you anon!! Ive had friends refuse the vaccine because theyre scared of infertility. The more realistic info we have the better the fight

No. 854414

Saged also. I’m not a nurse, and I’m not claiming to be. One of my friends IS. She works at a smaller hospital in a small city in Ontario. She was crying one day saying it breaks her heart seeing this young people in their 30s, unable to breath on their own. Unvaccinated. One of the nurses she was training just committed suicide about a month ago because right the mental strain of all this Covid shit. Icky saying shit like this pisses me off, she can’t see past her own asshole. She’s seeking her bigoted asshole fathers approval so much she doesn’t care that she’s spreading misinformation. Everything is about her.
I don’t think she looks at the bigger picture, not that she know how. The more people that get the shot, like polio, the less it will spread. Therefore our grandparents and compromised people are less likely to get it. So if you are able, you get it. She’s dense. And her sister is a nurse. The sister that actually did something with her life and got married so it makes sense she’d be shitting on nurses any chance she gets.

No. 854473

File: 1632619325540.jpeg (180.24 KB, 1116x717, E66FA361-3157-4F8F-BCE5-2A129E…)

Our positive queen is still friends with you if your vaxxed but she’ll talk shit about you and your choices.

No. 854479

>she can’t see past her own asshole
even with a mirror she'd be too fat

No. 854503

File: 1632641815973.png (13.48 KB, 420x204, sage.png)

you still dont know how to sage anon

No. 854533

Victoria Covid Morte is the exact kind of person who would refuse the vaccine. She thinks she's smarter than scientists and doctors in the same way she wants people to believe she charges supermodel rates for modelling.

In her narcissistic mind she has 3 Harvard degrees and denies proposals from 5 billionaires a day. Meanwhile she's a mean spirited, jobless leach who contributes nothing positive to society.

No. 854569

File: 1632694156137.jpg (59.02 KB, 640x640, IMG_20210926_150824_894.jpg)

No. 854574

can the covid spergs please for the love of god sage your shit

No. 854577

was she voted “Girl Most Likely to Be Painted on the Side of a Van” in her yearbook?

No. 854580

What in the party city wig

No. 854582

I will literally pay her to not post this shit. Wow, just…. Wow. Who’s middle school photoshop project is this???

No. 854586

File: 1632704812976.jpeg (166.02 KB, 1282x828, 1C1DA26B-97A6-4546-AD1C-21951E…)

Her sales team. KEK. Icky is selling signed posters of herself now.

No. 854587

My fucking sides, please continue to tell us how you’re “old school morals” Icky. At least onlyfans whores are making money off showing the internet their Arby’s, you stay broke by doing it for free

No. 854588

File: 1632705011101.gif (1.82 MB, 223x200, D90329E5-AC04-48CA-9041-B38FDD…)

>sales team
>charging for autographed “graphic design is my passion” tier shoop

No. 854591

Anyone else notice the profile pic of the man commenting about the autograph? Why does Vicky only attract ugly, married, and extremely intelligent men?

No. 854593

File: 1632706157321.jpeg (146.81 KB, 1281x1143, 7E1D75EE-F9BC-46FF-9E40-B8A6BF…)

The looks inbred.
Didn’t she make a whole post about how she’ll tell on you if you have a gf and are in her DMs… but this is totally cool cause she’s financially gaining from it. Sounds almost… Onlyfans-ish

No. 854594

File: 1632706548024.jpeg (251.17 KB, 1283x1867, 7018A252-9A28-49CB-837B-4E4C27…)

She started a fake Instagram for her fake “professional photographer” I didn’t think she could get worst, but this is worrying

No. 854604

File: 1632713477111.jpeg (483.96 KB, 1284x2778, 1380EF44-6925-44DF-A8E9-135282…)

She photoshopped wig hair on and herself into a beach? And she’s selling this? She posted this?

No. 854605


Let's see those magazine credits Vic. Your boyfriend / magazine photographer has a pretty weak portfolio. Two photos? Surely he has more work to show for himself if he was hired by a magazine to whisk you away to Canada's finest toxic beaches for your location bikini photo shoot.

No. 854609

Wow look at that totally-not-artificial lighting. I mean, she’s IN the water. You can’t convince me she wasn’t really in the ocean. Look at that sunset! The camera is pointed right at the light source. That totally makes sense to me.

No. 854612

This is what I treated mental illness looks like, nonettes. Seriously though, she is so out of touch with reality, it’s actually terrifying. And more terrifying that her inbred intellectually handicapped followers believe it

No. 854614

Is she in Ontario? Canadafag here, I don't think we have any beaches that look like that here in ON. So fake lmfao.

No. 854616

I'd love for her disclose the magazine that not only paid her but gave her commercial rights to sell these photos as prints.
Just kidding. We all know this was shot in her stagnant apartment, as she modeled a decade old pushup bra by some guy with a camera phone and a penchant for trailer trash.

No. 854652

File: 1632737836649.jpg (335.57 KB, 1080x1093, Screenshot_2021-09-27-23-15-51…)

Almost looks like she's pissing, never mind the random blue-green lines running along her thigh.

No. 854654

frankie photography 2.0

i'm honestly a bit thrown off because I genuinely cannot tell if she was actually on the beach here. like the small details on the water of where she's standing and the strays on her wig make it look pretty real but the lighting on her and the color of the water (and vicky's history of editing) make it look fully shooped.at least it's better than the party city beach backdrop

No. 854655


Icky and GoblinJeanz is a two side of the same coin lmao, at least LJ is born and raised to be a retard but Icky just keeps making a whole new level of embarrassment.

No. 854660

File: 1632745138135.jpeg (80.67 KB, 1282x382, 24D1BEF9-FB37-4460-9447-0AEEBD…)

Your whole ass is out icky.

No. 854670

She should ask her sales team to help her find a home and a driver's license.

And I can't with the decade old thong bodysuit, ratty weave and full face of Myspace era makeup while standing in filthy lake ontario.

No. 854688

Meh, there are some beaches on Lake Huron that look exactly like this but even if it is real she's edited so extreme it LOOKS fake af kek

No. 854698

I am perpetually amused at Vicky's conviction that she's the girl that the music video cuts to when the Whitesnake guitar solo starts.

No. 854711

I think what she did was take these at the lake and Shooped the sunset into the background and changed the water to a more tropical hue. She would otherwise be in shadow with the sun behind her unless the photographer had an external flash.

No. 854713

File: 1632784005639.jpeg (54.36 KB, 800x443, 03025E53-A877-41F3-86D6-CC4076…)

She looks like the missing sister to these two.

No. 854717

File: 1632785558220.png (8.64 MB, 1170x2532, 625B21BA-00A1-4C46-A734-1F4285…)

No. 854731

She looks 45

No. 854736


This genuinely startled me. Everything about this is harassing my eyes

No. 854743

Did she post this on purpose?

No. 854746

Man she's been hitting the sauce pretty hard.

No. 854748

File: 1632800261871.jpg (592.88 KB, 2500x2500, Weird-Al-Yankovic.jpg)

I thought that was Weird Al in drag

No. 854786

Does she even hear what comes out of her own head?! Sales team? What fucking sales team hahahaha bitch can barely run her own tattooing business but now apparently has a sales team slinging merch?

No. 854791

Probably the same thing as saying her ex bf Adrian was her “photographer”. I suspect the new bf has been given a pseudo job to see if she can sell prints, but it’s likely not going to pan out the way she thinks it will considering there are prettier, more professionally established internet girls out there.

No. 854796

Looks like one of those old, bad homestruck or whatever it's called cosplayers lmao

No. 854798

What photographer let's their models hair look like this without fixing the GIANT KNOT

No. 854800

File: 1632857607358.jpeg (378.24 KB, 1170x1101, D4AEA284-653E-4431-8350-49CF0D…)

No anon, a friend posted it on a status she had

No. 854804

File: 1632860807635.jpeg (239.49 KB, 1051x1051, 9038CA5A-0E27-40B6-994F-AFAFB8…)


Icky…… come on

No. 854832

>>854804 Why is her actual face so long and oval-esque(??) It's like a real life Mrs. Potato Head. Only this was the Goth version that didn't sell well and ended up in the 99 cents bin at Dollar Tree.

No. 854835

She's got a Jay Leno chin, hence all the photoshopping. Extremely apparent in all the candids we've seen her.

No. 854838

File: 1632876493666.jpeg (147.4 KB, 1282x1004, 40646AE4-2667-4503-B9E6-664A0F…)

Petty. Kek

No. 854846

File: 1632878160800.jpeg (302.41 KB, 1283x1656, BA6DBF7F-2B37-4243-985E-C963DF…)

Not the clearest photo, but tattoos icky does always turn into these black blobs

No. 854852

>I’m in love
Yes, with yourself Shingles. Don’t act like you’re not just keeping this scrote around for an on-tap ego boost while he uses you as a cum rag that he’s too embarrassed to show anyone
The way she uses lipliner combined with her absolutely abysmal shooping that makes her mouth look like a greasy prolapsed anus triggers me something chronic, I fucking hate it. I swear I can smell every picture through the screen

No. 855011

Tbh, I think her normal face looks way better than her shoops.

No. 855023


Nasolabial folds

No. 855119

Nitpick. Everyone has nasolabial folds when they smile.

No. 855138

this picture smells of sweat, cigarettes, self-tan, cooked hairextensions and cheap perfume

No. 855209

File: 1633135572789.png (2.53 MB, 1894x2048, Screenshot_20211001-204410.png)

Two things that stand out right off the bat… first, I don't think Vicky knows how a shadow is supposed to work. And second, is it just me or does she look like she's packing a good four incher here?

No. 855211

Dead hotdog arms and the bent flaccid penis. What is this supposed to represent?

No. 855215

This is so funny. Did she Photoshop that plastic belt on? Actually everything about this photo looks cut and pasted. I love Vic shoops.

No. 855222

I had to go look at her profile. I thought this was a joke.

No. 855223

keeeek, her entire head looks pasted on. it doesn't have the same skintone as her body, is way too small for her neck and lard body, and isn't placed correctly at all. this is one of the funniest ones in a while

No. 855224

File: 1633140852610.jpeg (203.38 KB, 1283x1348, ED927734-DD74-4DB4-8CFD-D53B8E…)

Why is her neck as wide as her head? Her eyes are so close together. This is SLOPPY. Even for icky.

No. 855225

I don't understand this picture at all lol are 2 people supposed to be taking her picture? Why are they her shadow? Let me guess that's "astral7photography"? kek

No. 855226

File: 1633141245800.jpeg (303.92 KB, 1282x1806, B2284D14-E12D-4238-A728-15D283…)

Sure was KEK

No. 855232

You forgot cat shit/piss, hotdog water and mildew
The eyes were the first thing I noticed, what the fuck

No. 855239


Why is she wearing a pushup bra under a "bathing suit", a patent leather belt from circa 2002 and a garter belt in the water? What is this disaster? She over blurred her skin to the point she removed part of her left hand, part of her chest tattoo and her thigh/ crotch tattoo. I always get a nice chuckle looking at the degenerates profiles who like and comment on her trashy uploads. They all look like they chew crayons and fist cats.

No. 855245

the more I look at it the funnier it gets lmao Icky is such a queen of embarrassment lmao

No. 855252

File: 1633159756142.png (171.37 KB, 1440x1170, Screenshot_20211002-022758~2.p…)

No. 855255

Actual psychopathy
The longer I look at this the less sense it makes. There’s no way this woman isn’t intellectually handicapped

No. 855257


I like how she blended to so that her neck tattoo is melting into her "pasty porcelain" skin.

No. 855259

File: 1633180617637.jpeg (328.16 KB, 810x2775, 0CC5BF58-100F-4290-84F7-0AD93F…)

“The chill life” kek. Okay girl. Literally raves and calls people names with the slightest inconvenience.

Also… if she has more than a nub and her nails are long…. This doesn’t make any sense. Maybe her sales team edited it for her.

No. 855262

>vic and "photog" shadows in the "professional" shot
yeah okay, this tells me these beach photos are real, just edited to hell and back enough to look fake

gg ""astral7photography""

the rest of her though.. what in the terrible pose floating leather belt and packer hell is this

No. 855264

I cannot get over her giraffe neck. also love how esteemed photographer astral7photography exclusively takes pictures of one person, very convincing and professional.

>They all look like they chew crayons and fist cats.
KEK anon

No. 855268

That's her double shadow, it's very rare don't be jealous

No. 855290

File: 1633199282344.jpeg (105.3 KB, 1282x601, E1341B08-126D-42A0-BA18-395551…)

This girl has about 3 braincells bouncing around in her head

No. 855304

File: 1633204339862.jpeg (212.63 KB, 1283x1348, 5D9B66EF-29A2-4C42-8716-CE7059…)

She missing fingers on both hands. Totally professional shoot with self tanner coming off

No. 855396

Isn't she a model that charges thousands per hour? Shouldn't she know what a portfolio is?

No. 855418

Watching her interact with her "fans" is entertainment in itself. She's either telling them off over nothing, doesn't understand anything they say or the jokes just go right over her head

No. 855438

i think she’s genuinely autistic at times bc she’s so socially retarded

No. 855443

she definitely has something wrong with her brain. idk if it's autism but her actions cannot be explained by narcissism alone.

No. 855521

File: 1633440414702.jpeg (257.28 KB, 1282x1604, 6D2FB9A6-D82C-4B12-9910-665447…)

“My assistant (aka my bitch boy young bf) will be running my Facebook.” I guess her posting that totally professional photo with her dick and three fingers finally scared her off the internet for a bit.

No. 855522

File: 1633440447463.jpeg (323.19 KB, 1282x1828, 92F729A8-AC86-4725-9F35-CD5723…)

“The chill life”

No. 855529


Bitch can’t even form a proper sentence. Reading that hurt my head

No. 855541

I love how the pinky looks tiny and deformed.

Also the awkward couples shadow in the background. Idk why after all these years of editing her photos she just barely gives a fuck. It’s the only reason horny bottom of the barrel dudes are the ones interacting with her cause only a dumb scrote who wants to jack-off would look at this image and find it hot . To anyone else it’s glaringly bad.

She’s like the ultimate pick me.

No. 855557

File: 1633471111649.jpeg (143.25 KB, 1282x993, 55E67C42-9E54-4545-95F8-1789B1…)

Came back 30 mins later to tell everyone about her totally real assistant.
From telling people she’s a highly sought after model, posing on the ceiling of Notre Dame shirtless, having an assistant and all of her other lies.. she must really know her life is boring

No. 855558

File: 1633471289622.png (2.41 MB, 1284x2778, 42B8EAB3-2831-4E5C-B84C-1DDB72…)

I guess her assistant is an anti vaxxer too

No. 855564

I hate this fat retard so much, her stupidity quite literally hurts my head. Also, who wants to take bets on how long she’ll be off social media for? A narc can’t last long without their life support

No. 855566


Let's invent a new way to dodge those tattoo appointments and keep deposits. It's my "assistants" fault.

No. 855570

Right Icky, I guess everyone should take their chances with COVID for those sweet sweet antibodies. If they die from it I guess they were just weak compared to a ninja princess warrior goddess martial arts expert like her right? Plebs. /s Seriously this moron is so rage inducing with how she masquerades as a genius but makes herself sound like an uneducated sheep every day. She’s one of those idiots who think the louder they speak/repeat something they read once, the smarter they sound. Maybe she should go volunteer to work a Covid unit with no PPE then if her antibodies are so superior.

No. 855579

>taking a break from social media!
>anything posted isnt from me!
>posts q-tard anti vaxx garbage

Kek not even surprised. She’s not taking a break. She just wants to post things and not get cancelled for it. Cause she can go back and say “but it wasn’t me!”

No. 855597


Her popularity is on life support followed closely by the aging limp dicks who entertain her photos as being genuine. There's nothing to cancel. Vast majority of her followers are hate watchers. No one is sad to see her leave social media, this is proven by the lack of engagement on her departing post with 21 reactions and 3 comments.

No. 855663

File: 1633563236826.jpeg (165.79 KB, 1284x829, 549EC97D-D02F-4E8C-8B2B-3C5964…)

A week ago she was talking about her sales team, selling posters( autographs extra) now all the sudden she’s taking time off. From someone that steals deposits… smells fishy.

No. 855665

File: 1633564536796.jpeg (188.23 KB, 1282x1080, 89732025-33D0-4B9A-AED8-5CB5B2…)

Super professional.

No. 855850

I don't know why everyone has interpreted this as her leaving social media. I totally read this as she's trying to come across like a legit celebrity that have agencies running their social media accounts.
All that post was, was to blow smoke up her own ass and try to make herself seem way more popular and famous than she is. Same as this make believe "sales team"

No. 855873

>>855850 does anyone really believe that an obese, butter-faced NEET with no discernable talents, really has a sales team? I find it hard to believe she has a working shower let alone an entire team of people working for her. How delusional can she get?

No. 855909

File: 1633750783673.jpeg (103.41 KB, 1282x298, 1DF1F8B5-5F0C-42A5-8100-CFD960…)

gas and energy stuff. Love catching her genius IQ in the wild

No. 855976

File: 1633826910181.jpg (90.42 KB, 720x1177, IMG_20211009_174001_854.jpg)

Here's a totally real post from Victoria's assistant.

No. 855979


The amount of lies and lengths this girl goes thru to make herself seem “famous” and high in demand truly leaves me astonished. Anyone with a brain knows everything about her is just a facade. Self posting pretending to be an assistant. Just wow.

No. 855981

I’m not a burger anon so don’t celebrate or know exactly date but isn’t thanksgiving sometime in November? If so why’s she giving out thanksgiving ‘deals’ when it’s not thanksgiving & you can book the date for whenever (bc her diary is WIDE open).
Or is thanksgiving something that That the US says as a phrase like ‘here’s a little something to say ty’ normally?

No. 855982

she's canadian. canada and us have different thanksgiving dates.

No. 855984

Yeah thanksgiving is this weekend in Canada.

She’s giving out discount tattoos from her living room but can afford an assistant?

No. 856008

If I believed she wasn't just samefagging as her "assistant", I'd automatically assume it was just her inbred looking boyfriend (if he's even still around). Types exactly like her, though, and somehow I feel like she'd have a problem letting an SO on her social media. Probably wouldn't want them seeing all the men dming her about how they just walked into poles due to her beauty, kek

No. 856028

>Or is thanksgiving something that That the US says as a phrase like ‘here’s a little something to say ty’ normally?
bless your heart, anon

the phrasing is a little different and it has a LITTLE more attention put into it? I mean Vick could do it if she was sober and thought for five seconds

the real tell is if the status has 10000 edits

No. 856069

I like how she made an attempt to look like she was someone else typing, but still used "ink" as a verb and still used all the exact same keywords. Also, I've never known a tattooer who offers "deals" on art. I live in her area and most good tattooers' books are closed right now as they catch up with the Covid backlog. If you're dumb enough to sign up for one of these tattoes you deserve a "rose" cabbage or a paralyzed centaur.

No. 856115

>>856069 Hey anon, since you live in the area, can you answer a question? Just exactly how bad is sticky Vicky's rep as a tattoo artist? Does anyone local actual go to her, or is she known as the tattoo artist you go to if you want to leave deformed and with hepatitis? I'm asking because she somehow still gets clients, even if it's not alot. I've heard that reputable artists know of her, but for all the wrong reasons (like having to constantly fix her horrid tattoos). Despite acting like she's some famous pinup pig girl, I'm sure she's known around town as nothing more than an old MySpace band groupie and NEET, right? I always like to hear from locals who have knowledge of this… disaster.

No. 856130

File: 1633974212150.jpeg (218.94 KB, 1282x743, 534EC8FD-7D9B-480C-A62E-9BE691…)

So if Victoria or her boyfriend deem you to be rude, she’ll take your money and you’ll be banned. Considering icky likes to snap on anyone that doesn’t agree with her and lies constantly, good luck to anyone that gives her money.
Any tattoo artists etc here? Is not liking your client enough to keep their deposit? Kek

No. 856134

Tinfoil but why do I suspect her boyfriend is an anti vaxxer, jobless loser and she’s “hired” him to be her assistant?

No. 856135

>banned from being inked

It's vicky

No. 856136

Way to out yourself again ick. Never in my life saw anyone spell ‘respectful’ with two l’s at the end except this tard. What a sad larp she’s got going on this time, pretending to be her own assistant for why I wonder?

No. 856140

Didn’t catch the double “L” it’s definitely, Vicky. Jfc…. This is so embarrassing.

No. 856141

‘Unlike most shops’

So you mean actual trained professionals who don’t tattoo out of their apartments?

No. 856144

This is so cringey I am dangerously close to actually pitying her. Mid thirties, unmarried, living with her parents, no job, no friends, no achievements, overweight, alcoholic, dangerously stupid, and now pretending to be her own assistant on Facebook to impress fat middle aged simps.

No. 856150

Waaait wait wait.

She told me Laird was her brother(newfag)

No. 856152

>>856150 Huh? What are you referring to? Laird is her brother, I don't see any recent comments suggesting otherwise…?

Also anon, you don't need to write your name in the "name" box, but if you've got no new milk, please write "sage" (minus the quotation marks) in the email field so you don't bump the thread.

No. 856153

Laird is her dad and brother. They have the same name.

No. 856155

File: 1633981271391.jpeg (424.12 KB, 1283x1794, EDDE57BD-3848-47EA-BF0D-9C2923…)

This was edited as well to add the “we understand things happen”
She’s taking time off social media, she’s posting about “chronic pain” and being harassed. Can’t wait for whoever she fucked over to pop up.

No. 856162

File: 1633982893038.jpeg (183.54 KB, 1282x774, A41C95B5-51AB-4BA3-9D71-15F86F…)

Is her boyfriend typing for her now while she screams incoherently about her haters from bed? Kek.
Drama surrounds this girl and she takes no ownership. She matured to 16 and gave up on her own mental health

No. 856179

File: 1633988591088.jpeg (142.75 KB, 1282x664, 3A923E92-C2AC-4783-A463-FD10F5…)

How would her “assistant” know this isn’t a new client?

No. 856180

File: 1633988784104.jpeg (275.87 KB, 1282x1123, 3547B244-0B3B-47A0-8361-D69342…)

Swearing if you’re in a military situation?! What is happening here? I honestly feel like it’s just her and her boyfriend typing these. This is some folie à deux bullshit you hear about in murder shows. Kek. Just when you think icky can’t get anymore bonkers this happens. “If she returns” no, she’ll just talk through her bf or her “assistant”
And what’s “K”

No. 856182

File: 1633988871059.jpeg (327.9 KB, 1282x1106, 9E347E21-A7D2-4FE8-8983-402298…)

Already edited. Taking time off social media is hard.

No. 856190

Someone just commented here “ Victoria’s boyfriend is a deadbeat dad and everyone in his hometown knows it” then deleted it before I could respond. Wonder if his babies mother was here and decided it wasn’t worth it. Or it’s a troll.

No. 856191

File: 1633991367434.jpeg (326 KB, 1282x1162, 89875111-9DB2-4B14-9F07-BDC416…)

This Victoria person will sleep with your babies father, partner, boyfriend.

No. 856193

Victoria is the ONLY person I know who misspells words like "respectfull." It is 1000% just her pretending to have an assistant.

She probably told her boyfriend she's doing it to avoid stalkers but the truth is it's all just another one of her weird mastubatory fantasies.

We are watching a narc grasp at straws as she falls to pieces.

Nobody is booking for tattoos.

No. 856199

File: 1633997174590.jpeg (335.01 KB, 1282x1235, 1BA48EF0-2595-4A16-B2E3-B2F3B7…)

When people on Reddit are trying to be nice to icky, but also realize she’s her own worse enemy.

No. 856208


holy shit this is so clearly vick. like I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt but no, that's definitely her. lmao what a moron


>weird punctuation spacing
>pathological mental issues need professional help, everyone who says anything about me is crazy
>me and V me and V me and V


No. 856210

Holy mother of god this is so embarrassing, all the posts are so fucking obviously her. I know we all love to bandy around the term “retard” in relation to cows but she is a legitimate sped. There’s no way this fat spacca doesn’t have an intellectual handicap

No. 856212

File: 1634002190760.jpeg (745.64 KB, 1282x2302, 06796A8D-42C2-4275-80A1-5D328A…)

Holy shit. I’m sure her assistant being paid 70 cents an hour wouldn’t care enough to edit this comment response this many times kek. How is she getting worse

No. 856213

File: 1634002298863.jpeg (296.49 KB, 1283x1435, 61992E14-0248-47FD-B97C-1DDF6F…)

Between this fake photographer Instagram she made and now the fake assistant. Jfc. If she had any friends they’d be telling her to get mental help

No. 856219

File: 1634008884185.jpeg (420.35 KB, 1282x1753, 0EEEC0B7-6C20-42C5-98D2-739A99…)

Icky probably had to kick someone out of her cat piss stained apartment cause they asked her why they were being tattooed in filth.

No. 856220

So wait is this Icky talking or her assistant? Man this is actually pretty sad. At this point it's obvious she's at a clear low. This is what a starving, failed narc looks like in real time.

No. 856222

At this point I’m starting to think she’s completely gone off the deep end and lost touch with reality. This is almost sad at this point. Do we even know she has a boyfriend or did she make him up like the assistant… she just out there filming random guys at the park

No. 856239

the 3rd pic is especially hilarious. the mismatched perspective/horizon lmao. how many drinks does one need to actually think this looks alright? in all of them she looks like a floating giant. Shin Icky no Kyojin

No. 856260

These people cannot possibly believe this is her assistant or that she even has one. Assistants don’t engage in conversation with people unless it’s strictly to book or organize appointments. And idk why she thinks her “shop” is so special when actually all tattoo shops honour your deposit unless you cancel or need to rebook with less than 24-48 hours. Someone should take one for the team and reach out to astral photography to book a photo shoot wonder if they charge 3 grand an hour

No. 856263

At this point, I seriously believe she is on meth or speed or something.

No. 856266

She made that post about “not doing shitty drugs” cause she was at a party where people offered her meth and heroin. Chances are her new bf brought her to this party since she has no friends. If he did, he probably dabbles in drugs at least… she probably think she’s above it all cause she only does coke. Last time Jackie was here she admitted to icky doing coke at her places. Her mental instability and drugs are probably making her super paranoid

No. 856267

File: 1634061833536.jpeg (96.42 KB, 1282x503, AEF32BCC-0AE5-417E-9D40-4A3E10…)

Not “don’t do drugs” don’t do SHITTY drugs. The thing about the Guelph area is there’s ALOT of drugs. Either you’re rich or you’re a skid… not many people are in between. There’s been drug busts in that area.. cocaine mixed with meth and fentanyl.

No. 856275

If you think Vic can afford anything above paint thinner and the residue from discarded meth tinfoil, you're wrong. Weed only composed of stems and seeds is gourmet tier for her.

No. 856279

Considering she charged $3000 for the centaur mess of a tattoo, I think she has more money than we give her credit for. How she spends that money is another story. She’s been living on her parents, Jackie’s couch for god knows how long. She at least has $60 for a bag. Kek.

No. 856293

File: 1634081152534.jpeg (128.15 KB, 389x700, 12426097-6AB3-4B1E-95B0-2A3931…)

Victoria Bella morte back at it, stealing deposits and never doing the work. So I guess this is why icky is having a mental breakdown. Someone called her out for being a POS and ickys probably saying this girl has stalked her cause she’s jealous that’s why she’s kept the deposit.

No. 856294

File: 1634081241109.jpeg (93.72 KB, 1282x493, 7896D306-64FD-4A54-A8F7-309997…)

Too bad it’s in writing that icky liked tattooing her.
Icky, give it up. You failed.

No. 856295

Yeah she definitely took that 3000 grand from me for the centaur tattoo but that was years ago, I wonder how much she made in total with all the people she scammed.

I'm so excited with how the rest of my sleeve is going I can't wait to get it "fixed" (as much as possible)

And ps! Thanks for the clarification on the Laird thing, and omg she was pretending to have an assistant way back in like 2010. It lasted like maybe a month. She blamed her for missing a message of mine. She's been this Psycho the whole time.

No. 856299

Well considering what’s happening ^ above, makes sense she’s be again pretending to have an assistant again. And yeah, that was years ago but she’s been tattoo other shitty pieces for the same price I’m sure.

Also, I just looked up the girl that wrote that review. She’s a Certified Career Strategist. Can’t make this shit up. She also works at a college, married with kids. She’s beautiful and blonde. Vicky didn’t want to tattoo her cause she hates women.

No. 856303

File: 1634084974930.jpg (320.21 KB, 1472x4464, icky.jpg)

Oh Icky is pissed that there's a review she can't claim is her imaginary stalker or that she's never tattooed this woman before, two years ago she left a response.
I capped Icky's response in the event she can edit/delete it.
I found the Google reviewer and immediately recognized the soon to be shapeless mess within seconds. A jeweled tattoo with no outline and lots of white that will fade in months.

People stop letting this hack Victoria Belle Morte / Miss Victoria Murder touch your skin. Beware of her or any professional who uses the phrase "get inked". She's a scratcher who will steal your money and leave you scarred with prison quality tattoos.

No. 856304

File: 1634087297960.jpeg (162.05 KB, 1074x897, 9C3A9995-6672-430B-97F0-C8195B…)

This is the most of her tattoo I could find. This woman really likes to hide her tattoos in photos and I wonder why. This didn’t heal well at all from what you can see of it

No. 856333


You're not wrong, nonnie. I am in the area and there is a massive problem with meth. I think the lady doth protest too much. Luckily I've only stumbled into her a handful of times, years ago. She wasn't on meth then but since moving to Guelph and Adrien leaving her, I can see her falling into that crowd super easily because the people who do heavy drugs here, like her, are all losers hanging out at the dirty ass pool hall and sharing needles and pipes outside.

Don't get me wrong, the drug problems in Guelph are really sad and unfortunate, but
she's a dumb tool who was probably told to get off the alcohol due to alcoholic hepatitis or some shit (Probably when she was SOOOOO sick without COVID lol) and swapped over to smoking meth with the other billiard losers.

What a dipshit lol

No. 856355

Considering she currently lives at her parents house(or government housing), can’t afford new clothes, bums her boyfriend for food or can’t even get a new location for her business should be pretty telling she doesn’t make a whole lot of money.

No. 856382

File: 1634169429872.jpeg (505.56 KB, 1283x1676, CE888532-667F-4A64-858A-F99F74…)

This isn’t new, Victoria blaming things on people so she doesn’t have to take the blame. She’s said on and off for years thats she’s had an “assistant” anytime she messes up and forgets to message clients back. (Probably due to her heavy drinking / unhealthy lifestyle)
I know Victoria’s old friend jackie was here in the thread confirming Victoria owed a taxi company in her town money. I’m from a town over from Victoria shingleton. In these small towns, if you take cabs a lot during the week and they know you, they run a tab until the end of the week. ( they know where you live) she stopped paying her taxi company and came out with this story that she was sexually harassed.
She clearly doesn’t care who she hurts as long as she gets her way. Her parents spoiled her growing up with no consequence. Between that and MySpace “fame” inflating her ego, she’s become whatever she is now. I don’t think she does drugs anymore, but back in the day with bands she did, Quite frequently.

No. 856388

Did you know her back in the band days I assume? What was she like when she was doing drugs with them?

No. 856391

I don’t know her.I wouldn’t say. I’ve been in the same concert halls, bars etc with her. We use to know some of the same people in the “music scene” she was a mess. The was a small music venue in Toronto on queen street a lot of people would go to. She was always chain smoking, hitting on everyone. She’s get so fucked up and pretend she was bi sexual for dudes attention. She talks a lot about herself. Back then she made a huge deal about herself in the music scene. She was in some radio show and thought she knew more about music than anyone. Everyone knew about her antics. She’s a nobody now. Even people she was “friends” with would talk shit about her cause she treated everyone like dog shit. She does steal from people, including the cab company. As far as I remember the cab company ended up at her old shop demanding money from the landlord.

No. 856392


Oh and sorry for the double post but I remember people telling me about her before I was in the same room as her. They were laughing cause she thought she was the smartest person cause her favourite animal was a dragon. Lol legit takes herself so serious.

No. 856476

My sides anon! I always love hearing stories about Vicky in the wild. If a grown ass adult ever told me their favourite animal was a dragon I’d probably assume they’re developmentally delayed. What a sad life she continues to lead

No. 856523

She overcharges her clients for her ugly-ass tattoos and gets all of her clothes off AliExpress, I think she has enough money for drugs.

No. 856552

I s2g every couple months we get some fresh version of this autism. No proof, no milk, obviously a regular farmer. Guelph-chan, you went digging for a screenshot from 2015 of her warning local women about a creepy dude, probably the one decent thing she's done in her life, and used it as an unsaged springboard to tell us she's a slut and her favorite animal is a dragon? You are my personal cow kek

No. 856570

This Vicky assistant?

No. 856575

No. 856586

I s2g every couple months we get some fresh version of this autism. No screenshots, no milk, obviously a “regular farmer.” Troll-chan, you went digging for a reaction from lolcow because you’re a creepy chick, probably thinking it’s okay to accuse men of sexual assault to get out of a bill and you used this as your platform. You are my personal cow kek

No. 856714

File: 1634437456331.jpg (90.77 KB, 720x998, IMG_20211016_192311_018.jpg)

I think Victoria read this wrong. The people who wrote the negative reviews were awarded money because the company bullied them with a lawsuit.

No. 856717

LOL she must be drinking again

No. 856722

I love how illiterate she is

No. 856747

Lmao she definitely read it wrong and is imagining this as some warning against the bad review she got. My fucking sides

No. 856762

Ayrt, she deleted this post off her page. LMAO she's lurking. That is fucking hilarious.

No. 856774

I know a few anons have asked for legal advice regarding stolen deposits, quality of work etc. And found that it wasn't worthwhile…but I do wonder if she has enough victims now to warrant a class action lawsuit

No. 856779

The assistant and her need to take the L and stay off the internet forever. She needs to go back to school and give up tattooing. She can’t redeem herself at this point.

No. 856782

Oh anon there is no assistant lol. It's all Vic

No. 856847

She kept my $250 deposit even after I have asked for it multiple times. I'd join

No. 856858

But but but she’s already been to several Ivy League schools anon! Bill Nye and Degrassi Tyson both come to her for help with their homework! She’s the reason elon dumped grimes! She only lives in Guelph cause her parents are old and she is totes humble.

No. 856866

I know someone who served her a cease and desist yet she still carries on. Vic is so close to a small claims court case it’s not even funny.

No. 856962

I don't know if that was autocorrect or on purpose but I legit lol'd at Degrassi Tyson, it's fitting on a Canadian cow thread

No. 857227

“New sales team will be handling that this week” payments for these posters. Conveniently is taking time off social media after advertising these / taking money from people probably. That’s no surprise

No. 857269

Did she tell you what her favourite animal was

No. 857624

File: 1635125697768.jpeg (295.91 KB, 1283x1609, 5C7CB1B2-3DE0-464A-BD9B-44E7E7…)

She’s doing better work than ever guyzzzzz. Can we take a look at the face and ARM though?

No. 857634

I’m looking at the way the hand is bent…

No. 857643

No "V", you haven't improved. The only people who praise this shit tier level of tattooing are trailer trash and convicts. Good job butchering another appendage.

No. 857650

Her pretending to have am assistant is SO embarassing.

No. 857651

I want to get a lolcow tattoo from Victoria so bad.

No. 857655

It looks like it ate too much, with that hand on the stomach, and is about to barf. Kek what is this mess

No. 857660

Stretch Armstrong with wings

No. 857688

File: 1635172559456.jpeg (384.87 KB, 1283x2066, A1887F3C-DD55-40E9-801A-361CBF…)

This tattoo looks fucking Hungover.
The arm is bigger than the head

No. 857724

This has to be because Guelph is small right? I mean I feel like when you get a tattoo that you want to be in the style of realism you would ask to look for healed work and a portfolio from your artist! I know getting a tattoo you regret or a shitty one is easy if it’s you’re first, but I just don’t understand with how word of mouth works and basic google that she keeps fucking people up like this!!! I mean look at the fucked up hand and wrist.

No. 857726

Sadly, lots of people don't care about quality when getting a tattoo. Though, it's very intriguing in "V"'s case because she's not cheap. I have no idea how, in 2021, she still manages to have any customers at all.

No. 857745

that face looking like mr bean, such realism kek.

No. 857747

File: 1635209291951.jpg (139.94 KB, 1080x1350, astralphotographylol.jpg)

Victoria is still pretending to have an assistant. Here's the caption on this pic:


>V on the beach in Ontario this summer

No. 857750

Holy shit she is enormous. This is so embarrassing

No. 857757


Love how the water is just getting pulled upwards towards her poorly shooped waist. Even with all that photoshop she’s still a thunderous ham beast. Just makes you wonder how horrendous it is in reality.

No. 857762

She's a brick housssse, she's mighty mighty just lettin' it all hang out

No. 857806

I just can't stop laughing when I think of seeing Vick on the shores of GTA lake Ontario, wading past dead fish, little children and dads with beer guts in strappy Lingerie from Wish's 2015 collection, a face full of rough makeup and ratty ancient hair extensions. Wish I could have been there. It's a good thing there are no sign posts at the beach

No. 857813

File: 1635257045130.jpeg (164.21 KB, 1282x1186, 324F622E-5516-4474-AC18-C60A3C…)

This is the most unedited her face has been in a photo, though. She looks 45 and her hairline is tragic.

No. 857818

It’s so sad that she’s just beating this beach pose to death. Shake it up Vick- I mean assistant

No. 857885

File: 1635293863294.jpeg (166.39 KB, 1282x522, 6550E408-4C4A-4782-819C-95CB95…)

I totally don’t smoke or drink guys! I mean… this is v’s assistant.
Fuck right off this is so pathetic.

No. 857886

File: 1635294256950.jpeg (201 KB, 1282x855, E6DDFBE8-5DC9-47BB-8AEB-72C109…)

Tinfoil but this is starting to sound like a controlling bf at this point. Considering she only dates trash and her daddy issues run deep maybe she’s letting him control her social media.

No. 857887

File: 1635294304392.jpeg (105.33 KB, 1282x578, 26BFF608-70EF-478F-8EF4-7AF25E…)

Aka she got embarrassed off the internet by yet another client calling her out for stealing money and she runs away from her problems

No. 857906

File: 1635306075466.jpeg (131.18 KB, 1281x646, 6A7728A6-304B-46F8-9C4C-840E56…)

No. 857910

This is so fucking embarrassing. Her fans have got to realize this is fake as hell. What kind of assistant would sit there and ask their employer for their opinion on every comment on their post?

No. 857918

As someone who hangs a lot with successful tattoo artists and models in a big city … no one has assistants. They have the managers and receptionists at the shops handling their emails and bookings, maybe.

But not even the really rich ones have a personal dedicated assistant that’ll answer their fb comments kek. I mean it’s already obvious for anyone with common sense.

No. 857919

her fans are a bunch of braindead bottom barrel scrotes anon, they can't see her ridiculous shoops they sure ain't gonna see this 'acting' lmao

No. 857946

File: 1635338932952.jpeg (239.46 KB, 1080x1048, 7DF35FFB-ADED-4320-87E9-857AE6…)

She’s been pulling this “assistant” shit for years, it’s so embarrassing

No. 857948

File: 1635339091772.jpeg (436.22 KB, 1283x1603, AFCF205F-7470-48F8-8175-59863F…)

She can also come back and answer when a man asks her to come out drinking really quick.

No. 857956

What's with this "v" shit all the sudden lmao

No. 857961


She’s a lizard inside a human costume?

No. 857965

File: 1635352364104.png (2.54 MB, 1685x996, lol trash.png)

She's calling herself "V" because she wants to be the main character named V from Cyberpunk 77 and thinks it makes her sound more interesting.

This whole thing with her faking an assistant and being an anti-vaxxer that's accepting tattoo clients but won't disclose what her ongoing illness is? Sus and weird. She probably does have Covid.

No. 857983

Well she’s admitted to having Covid, and I’d believe it. She posted about being at a house party during lockdown with meth and heroin users. Covid has lingering effects on your organs and general health. Considering she’s smoked cigarettes for over 15 years.. her body is fucked

No. 857995

No way. This is 100% still Vick. Why would she make a post about how she's totally not addicted to anything? My guess is she's trying to stop being a chain smoking alcoholic. Maybe her mom sent her to rehab. Or maybe she's just detoxing at her mom's house because she's an antivaxxer and can't go out anywhere

No. 858040

If I had to guess, because she keeps saying it isnt contagious then maybe she is suffering with long haulers from when she previously had Covid. But don’t be fooled people can certainly get reinfected with Covid despite having had it months ago/last year because the antibodies don’t last/aren’t enough to completely prevent a reinfection of it. Similar reason why we now need booster shots of the vaccine.
Im guess she either is having some bad long haulers, or she’s got Covid again. Didn’t she ask say back when she had it that she ~wasn’t contagious~?

No. 858043

why not go visit an actual beach? she’s self employed so surely it’s easy to just go away to hawaii for a week or something

No. 858044

No. 858052

KEK you must be new. And sage your shit.

No. 858063

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When even her sketchy, white trash followers aren’t buying her bullshit anymore.

No. 858076

Nah. She's sick all the time because she's trying to quit drinking, hence the whole "I don't even drink" cope. Good luck with that kindling Ick! Girl is seriously unwell mentally and physically. She's practically pickled her brain judging on her deterioration over the years.

No. 858271

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So much for her assistant running her fb page. And here we have Victoria, in the wild, sharing her views on why women should be objectified in movies. I literally cringed when she willingly shared videos of her drunkenly swinging a sword. Second hand embarrassment.

No. 858338

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When another person from Ontario calls her on her bullshit.

And where can I find this? I want to follow the mess. Kek.

No. 858367

Ok so what dumbshit drunk thing did Vicky do to make her hide herself?

No. 858368

Clearly something embarrassing enough that even Victoria couldn't narc her way out of.

She chooses to live in a very small town, and act a drunken fool out every night she can afford it. She probably tried to seduce someone in a drunken haze that was seriously off limits (a relative, someone very married, etc)

No. 858566

I’m willing to bet money she got shut down for tattooing in her apartment in Fergus. She wasn’t licensed (business wise or tattoo) so this is her way of drumming up sympathy and excuses for herself as to why she isn’t honouring appointments or giving back deposits. The fake assistant is her idiotic way of avoiding the people who are likely freaking out on her for taking their money, and vaguely posting about being sooo ill will be so she can make anyone who questions the legitimacy of her claims feel bad. Classic cycle on repeat.

No. 858591

Nail on the head

No. 858600

If this is true isn’t she worried about being sued or charged? Seems high risk for little reward (wtf is a couple hundred bucks at the end of the day)

No. 858604

Lmao you give shitcki too much credit. She has nothing, so a couple of bucks is everything. Even if she was scared, she spends deposits instantly, so how exactly would she pay someone back? She probably makes less than minimum wage most months

No. 858744

As much as vick is a full blown tard at this point and the ‘assistant’ thing is sus, I’m like 99% sure there’s someone running her fb.

I followed her on it a few weeks ago just to have a giggle, and ‘she’ liked an old profile pic of mine, which happened to be of me in a bikini at a lake.
Let’s be honest vick would never. But also lol if that’s her partner who liked it.

No. 858748

Maybe she tried to do a face tat while drunk and it got infected. With Hep C.

No. 858769

I honestly believe that it is her and her boyfriend running her social media. Just like her new boyfriend is her new photographer astral photography lol.

No. 858796

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Back on her bullshit

No. 858805

KEK this made me laugh because you’re right, Vicky would never. And it’s hilarious that her scrote liked your bikini photo.

I wonder why he’s in hiding and why vicky is letting him run her account? It’s so weird.

No. 858819

Ok I’m fever sick but hear me out. Maybe it’s because the only thing I’ve watched is murder shows today, but - what if she’s dead? And the reason why she won’t share his photos / or live video with him is because he wants to hide?
When’s the last time anyone saw her in person? If they took enough photos together, technically he could post as her for a long time.
An update extreme roll of goofy tinfoil though.

No. 858833

Anon please take your actual medicine, I worry for your health

No. 858883

This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and I love it. Kek. I want to run with this tinfoil for a bit. BUELLLLERRRR

No. 858885

we should be so lucky.

as weird as the bikini photo thing is, the assistant posts were 100% written by Vicky.

No. 858905

I agree, I don't even know why anons are still speculating whether it's Vicki posting or not, of course it is. There's been more than one instance now of her double ll's (eg. Wonderfull)… This "assistants" interactions with fans on her posts is just as cringe as Vicki too with the over the top pretentiousness and preciousness, and the weirdly vague replies only intending to cause more questions than answers

No. 858911


my tinfoil was also either hep c from dick/paraphernalia or cirrhosis from drinking too much. both are pretty serious and also have a physical component (jaundice). i don't think vicky is skillful enough to shoop away that much sick. if so it makes sense that someone else is checking out her social media from time to time when she's too out of it.

No. 858912

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There’s no way icky would have posted this with as little photoshop as it has. I agree that it’s her and her boyfriend.
She eats trash, been drinking and smoking for years. Nobody should be shocked the girls been sick on and off for 2 years. That and she’s probably embarrassed her bf enough online and he threatened to breakup with her unless she handed over her passwords. She dates whitetrash so I wouldn’t be shocked

No. 858914

I agree. She caught herself some white trash scrote who is "protecting" her by controlling/having access to her social media. I'm sure she got wasted and embarrassed herself (online & off) and something happened and it's "The only way I can trust you now" control shit. He isn't always posting but no-value scrotes gonna scrote when they see a bikini pic.

No. 858921

I return post fever and I don’t recognize my own post, kek. I’m gonna lay off the law and order, and continue to lurk quietly.
Thank you nonnies for having a good humor.

No. 858923

lmao hope you feel better nonita! next time take some nyquil and sleep it off, although the post greatly amused me.

No. 858928

We appreciate you. Kek.

No. 859002

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Her “assistant” up at one am fighting with people on Facebook about ickys drinking. “Mabye” and came back to change Victoria to V. Kek. This girl is a dumpster fire.

No. 859003


weird that her assistant also edits things repeatedly like an r-word too huh

No. 859008

And still people think this assistant is real… "Mabye" kek

>Doesn't drink regularly

What else is the excuse for this then?? Because totally healthy sober people are up at almost 1am editing their replies 18 times in a row to change insignificant nonsense

No. 859009


The lady doth protest too much. Taking bets her totally not contagious, not covid illness is either liver or kidney disease

No. 859012

LMAO classic Vic with the multiple edits. "Alchohol" indeed.

No. 859019

The amount of times she drank gets less each time she edited the post kek

No. 859020

>V has drank 2 times in the last 4 months
>V has drank once in the last 4 months

No. 859022

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…. That this is weird as fuck and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see this is bullshit? Kek

No. 859023

Is this back-peddling or is she having a mental breakdown?

No. 859036

"mabye" she's pregnant

No. 859050

And here comes the gas lighting

No. 859077

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Appointments this week are “play by ear” so professional.

No. 859078

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No. 859079

These replies make me howl kek always has to make people know she isn't infectious or contagious but now also casually throwing in that it's also not for mental illness hahaha like if you're gonna act like your medical information is so personal and private and "how dare" anyone ask, why say anything at all? It's these weird, vague replies that are fueling the speculation and questions and she can't even understand that

No. 859081

This is absolutely hilarious. She just can't help being milky. Victoria totally doesn't do drugs, have mental illnesses which require medication, she drinks mabye twice, no, once per year, and she isn't infectious or contagious at all so you should schedule a "by ear" appointment with her assistant.

No. 859082

KEK. I’m crying over this

No. 859084

Reading this as “send me a deposit and I’ll maybe give you an appointment but like how dare you ask any questions or think this is sketchy.” Anyone who believes this shit deserves to lose their money and/or get a garbage, low quality tattoo. Red flags galoreeeee

No. 859104

Honestly. Between these sketchy Facebook posts about “mabye” getting an appointment and her latest bad review about icky holding the deposit for years I don’t know how anyone books with her.
Anybody with eyeballs can see she’s lying.

No. 859112

My guess is cirrhosis of the liver, but that’s total tinfoil.

No. 859114

She’s probably type 2 diabetic. Terrible diet and lifestyle will do that- or, plot twist- it’s nothing at all! If you’re dealing with an illness most people would take legitimate time off and just tell their clients the situation, not create a fake nameless assistant to vague list and fight with anyone who questions this entire shit storm

No. 859117

Let’s be real, if she’s actually sick she’s been unhealthy for awhile. I’m sure this didn’t just come out of nowhere, she’s gained like 70 pounds during lockdown.
I think she’s using this an excuse cause she got that bad review. She’s gaining sympathy. She’s pulled this assistant thing before when she has problems with female clients. Or she kidnapped. Or her stalker is breaking into her house.

No. 859131

I think it's really simple. She can't legally tattoo anywhere but she still wants to collect deposits because it's her primary form of income.

No. 859190

As a man I have met Victoria in real life, she has a tiny waste and your all jealous

No. 859192


No. 859206

Looks like the judge orginated here before bumping a bunch of old threads. I wonder why

No. 859208

Can’t tell if this is a troll or icky trying to stay relevant.

No. 859214


Wow, she has a tiny waste, I'm jealous I wish I had a tiny waste.

No. 859223

Me too nonnie, but it's hard when everything comes in plastic packaging. I always sort my trash though.

No. 859225

I've said it before. She is "sick" with alcoholic hepatitis. I am a thousand percent sure. She's probably been laid up on her ass detoxing and full of meds in a hospital for a few weeks and "couldn't book" at least once before and is back in hospital again after her "twice a month" bender, I mean single drink, and wound up in hospital again with liver failure and god knows what kind of bodily infections from being a dirty person on top of a drunk.

She'll be dead as soon as she's no longer sick and therefore able to drink (in her mind) despite having organ failure. That's probably exactly what happened this time to end her up so sick again.

She's legitimately killing herself.

I'm incredibly high, like fever anon and their murder theory.

No. 859226

What size though? 1gallon? 5 gallons? I hear 13 gallons is the most optimal size.

No. 859246

What is a waste? Also- *you're.

Classic illiterate Vicky white knights. Bless you all.

No. 859248

Can we stop the obsession w Vicky having liver disease. She drinks a lot and is unhealthy, yeah, but so are a lot of fat lazy trash people. She's not some all-the-way-gone alcoholic with a terminal illness. We'd know. You definitely come off as being sheltered af, like you're unfamiliar with what actually drinking oneself to death looks like and you're bored and making shit up.

No. 859254

the tinfoiling is amusing but the reality behind this new bizarre behaviour is likely to be much less exciting.

No. 859278


Bored, sheltered, and making shit up? Homie, I lived it. That's how I can see it in her, too. I'm also in her town and hear shit. Relax your anus.

No. 859281

Nta and sorry for blogpost but I'm also a drunk and she hits all the marks. 3am drunk posting, ridiculous amounts of post edits, she even gets that drunk confidence like when she videos herself swinging that sword around like a total tard or her ridic "modeling" shoots. She's got the oral health of a chronic drinker, you can see the bulk in her belly. I could go on and on but the biggest indicator is her mental and emotional deterioration. My money is on alcoholic hepatitis as well. It's pretty much the precursor to liver failure, though she doesn't seem quite there yet. Time will tell.

No. 859284

>>859281 I know no1curr, but I know a thing of two about addiction and I agree, she hits all the marks. The thing with alcoholics is that it's truly bizarre in some regards. You usually won't find a 65 year old heroin addict that's been using since they were 20, if you do they're an outlier and probably on their death bed. With alcohol it's not like that, you'll see some people die after ten years of heavy drinking while others have been drinking 40 years and are still going strong in their addiction. It really depends on a number of factors (pre-existing conditions, co-morbiditys, early or late onset, etc) but I wouldn't be surprised if she's got alcoholic hepatitis or pancreatitis caused by her heavy drinking. I don't know how much she drinks, how often, or how long she's been drinking for, but if it's quite likely that she can't quit cold turkey or she'll get DTs and withdrawal syndrome for which she'll need benzos to taper off the alcohol. Icky is a shitty human being but I don't think many people realize that alcohol withdrawal is one of the few withdrawals that can kill you if you've been drinking long enough. That's why if a rehab is at capacity, they'll take the alcoholic over the opiate/heroin addict, the former will kill you and the latter, while uncomfortable, won't kill a healthy person.

No. 859285

So, like how much do you have to drink for this to happen? I ask because I drink heavily and I've never (at least not yet) had any adverse health issues whatsoever. I'm talking A LOT of booze too… I've always wondered if it's because I also drink a shit ton of water and most alcoholics and drug addicts I've known don't take in any water whatsoever.

No. 859286

Just as above anon said there is a lot of factors going into it. Food intake, genetics, type of alcohol. Some people have a high tolerance, others not so much. I lost someone close after he turned jaundiced practically overnight and was given 3 months to live. Died a month later because it got to their heart before it effected their liver or mind. Alcoholism is no joke, DTs can and will kill you whether it's blood pressure spikes and drops, electrolyte imbalance, a bunch of shit. Anons speculating are right on the money. If anything else, her mushmind is the biggest tell all. You'd have to be chronically drunk to believe your own lies like Ick does. The assistant saga is hilariously bad.

No. 859288


There's no real answer to that. It only took me a few months of alcoholism to end up hospitalized and, like you, I drank and still do drink an incredible amount of water.

Water won't protect you. At all. Alchyanons, I truly wish you all the best. Even Ick. This is no way to die. It's horrific. Get your shit together while you still can because there is no "safe HIGH intake" of alcohol. You may get lucky, but the odds aren't in your favour. Be well, ya'll.

No. 859297

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> I don't know how much she drinks, how often, or how long she's been drinking for

which is why it’s kind of silly to speculate, we already know she’s an alcoholic but there’s no way to tell where she is in the process or what individual factors affect her. Then again, she is in the right age range. I honestly thought it was typically later.

No. 859301

She’s an alcoholic for sure. She lies about her intake, she blames the alcohol at her place on her friends. (Oh that vodka is Jackie’s not mine)
The fact that her “assistant” made a status on her Facebook asking people not to ask her to come out drinking makes me think her bf is taking control of her life.

No. 859309

I’m a bit younger than Vicky so it’s wild to imagine someone her age taken out by alcohol of all things, but I guess I’m biased because me or my friends work the usual 9-5 where we can’t exactly show up smashed to work every day. Vicky makes up her own hours (or rather, remakes them by arriving whenever she feels like it) so there’s no stopping her weekdays binges I guess.

I think the one thing that sells it to me is her own old friend (the dude with the champagne bottle they used as a photo prop) telling her she was drinking too much. If a guy in the entertainment industry tells you to slow down, you’re probably a giant mess.

No. 859311

If this is the case, I winder if her "sickness" could actually be withdrawals if her bf is controlling her drinking? major tinfoil tho

No. 859315

Look, she's been busted. No one but her retarded ass says "mabye". Literally noone. There is no assistant. I doubt she even has a real life boyfriend either. I seriously doubt she's sick either. She isn't too sick to pretend to be her own assistant and reply to posts all day.
Shit, maybe one of her rotten ass teeth finally shattered and she's hiding til it can be replaced.

No. 859318

Whatever’s going on with sticky, she made her Instagram private and one of her facebooks all the posts were privated. The only clients she gets are idiots that think she’s cool or wanna bang. Not cause her work is good. She’s pushing herself more into obscurity, which is a great thing. She’ll need to get a job at the local grocery store in a years time

No. 859319

Lmao this. The fact anyone here is even entertaining the idea this is anything other than a way for icky to hide is embarrassing. Are you even reading these "assistant"? It's all 100% her

No. 859320

>Assistant posts*

No. 859324

Her assistant is about as real as her “professional photographer” astral 7. Funny how they took a social media break right when icky did. Kek. Totally sought after though