File: 1442864887048.jpg (57.68 KB, 454x604, x_94f9ddb1.jpg)

No. 218886
Fallen Myspace scene-queen turned scratcher.
>> (er sorry, DIGITALLY PAINTS) herself to hell and back, photoshops her tattoo portfolio, plenty of legal drama concerning stolen tattoo deposits. Lies about most, if not all of her life & accomplishments. Self identified 'intellectual' who deletes & blocks anyone engaging her in actual discussion. Vicious narcissist, and don't be surprised if she DMCA's everything if she finds this thread.
All images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.
Image sources: No. 218887
File: 1442865147488.png (1.04 MB, 672x903, FASHIONSHOW.png)

I'll post some of my favorite comments, but scrolling back on her Facebook will give you plenty of gold.
No. 218888
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No. 218890
File: 1442866062043.jpg (222.48 KB, 514x537, cleftchin.jpg)

And of course, some candid photos featuring a cleft chin you'd never know about otherwise.
No. 218891
File: 1442866209774.jpg (48.6 KB, 733x595, bestshoop.jpg)

Some of my personal favorite & disastrous shoops that she has done of herself. She has gotten better, but there are still many flaws.
No. 218895
File: 1442889972492.png (39.6 KB, 732x202, signposts.png)

Another favorite of mine.
No. 218899
File: 1449874428528.jpg (20.24 KB, 221x376, lol.JPG)

She's huge now
No. 218900
File: 1449876343556.jpg (32.85 KB, 392x571, lol.JPG)

This one is my personal favourite and pretty lulzy.
No. 218903
>>218901Last I heard, Bunny had shacked up with one of the bouncers of the strip club where she worked, and got preggo.
Anyone know more?
No. 218905
File: 1450478181000.jpg (247.75 KB, 658x339, BUNN.jpg)

>>218904Forgot the pic
But to elaborate too: all the videos she posted about converting to Islam and how she joined because the book was beautifully written was apparently because her hair was fried to kingdom come. As soon as it got healthy, all the videos about Islam were deleted, all pics gone (except those that were saved) and she's no longer a Moslima. Pretty scummy honestly.
No. 218906
File: 1472663322786.jpg (134.33 KB, 680x1024, 8hEl4v-Blio.jpg)

I am back with more, many moons later.
As far as I can tell, she has desperately tried to have this specific photoset eliminated off the net. Presumably the photographer wouldn't let her shop them to hell and back. I can see why, her tits look so sad.
No. 218907
>>218905She looks so pretty on the left photo!!
It's really sad that she joined just to cover her fried hair though. She could have worn a wig, right? Are you sure that was her reason, because you also have to cover arms/legs and seems she was previously interested in very skimpy wear.
No. 218908
File: 1472850252113.png (615.97 KB, 389x600, jesus.PNG)

>>218907Bunny still strips, she looks haggard as hell now though.
No. 218911
>>218909pretty sure it's a mole. she's had it for years.
also kek of course she's dressing like HQ for stripping.
No. 218912
File: 1473390722488.jpg (134.74 KB, 870x595, ps.jpg)

How does someone get this deep in the photoshop pit?
No. 218913
File: 1473413073122.png (858.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-09-05-22-33…)

Her work isn't actually that bad but her denial is amazing. (Also bonus fedora in the comments)
No. 218916
File: 1473534801980.jpg (42.51 KB, 604x414, x_4b2c9f93.jpg)

>>218913She still a scratcher tho, I don't think she even works in a shop now. AFAIK the last "shop" (hair salon) she worked at, she owed them a bunch of money for rent/her spot before disappearing.
No. 218917
File: 1473535009130.png (1.28 MB, 988x948, ps.png)

Oh, and no Vic discussion would be complete without a before and after Photoshop of her tattoo work. She is JUST bringing out the HIGHLIGHTS!! GOD!!
No. 218922
File: 1473596299469.png (511.54 KB, 563x544, ohdear....png)

>>218917anon from earlier that said her work wasnt too bad. I officially retract that statement because what the actual fuck. Oh well good thing it comes off with soap and water right guys? … guys?
No. 218923
>>218907She had made a YouTube video stating she had converted to Islam before she deleted all of her headdress videos in favour of a dreadlock video and removed all traces of her Muslima photos from her accounts.
She previously spoke of how beautifully written the Quran was and went right into it in a video but all of the videos of her in the headdress and mentioning the Quran have since been deleted.
Some Muslims questioned what happened in the comments section at the time it had happened but it seems she just deleted/blocked them.
There was actually a website hosting her image I linked that mentions goth Muslims but handy enough, that's gone too (but there's a Pinterest link; so that's the only proof of this there is now).
She could have just worn a wig but she had to be super edgy instead and pretend to be Muslim for a couple months.
No. 218924
File: 1473785027028.png (713.8 KB, 478x597, sfdsfds.PNG)

>>218922I think the worst part is that there is no hope in hell for a coverup because of how rough and dark she goes with her tattooing. Maybe in 10 year after the ink has lightened up? What a mess.
Anyways, another classic Vic shoop, everything looks so.. wrong.
No. 218927
File: 1473791321869.jpg (101.25 KB, 604x404, lol7.jpg)

No. 218928
File: 1473812224931.jpg (37.33 KB, 633x355, y_5b5c821f.jpg)

>>218927Oh man, I have some pictures from this "fashion show", although i will say i'm pretty sure Vic has lost weight since then… she was getting up there tho.
No. 218932
File: 1473860094016.jpg (64.18 KB, 604x401, lol2.jpg)

photos that weren`t edited by her
No. 218933
File: 1473860543168.jpg (216.26 KB, 892x1080, jesus christ.jpg)

this is by far the cringiest shoop ive ever seen in my life
No. 218937
File: 1473900259041.jpg (229.44 KB, 1280x860, 19UwOnJt4v8.jpg)

>that whole spiel on photoshopping
ho boy
No. 218938
File: 1473900370279.jpg (281.94 KB, 1280x864, 6hAG4aBJalw.jpg)

The whole thing is a great read, her narcissism is a sight to see. "What do you do other than modelling?" "Comics for a local paper at age 13" like what are you doing gurl, you're nearly 30 years old.
No. 218940
File: 1474347759148.jpg (44.67 KB, 542x800, 14390766_1112140435544741_6668…)

How are people this easily fooled by shoopin'? Her chest is a mess.
No. 218942
File: 1474401377292.jpg (140.27 KB, 680x1024, lolomg.jpg)

she photoshops her boobs like those but fake plastic halloween boobs you can get but they in ~reality~ look like this. Constantly bragging about how everyone always asks her if shes had work done and of course shes like "no I just naturally look like a listless second life CGI sex doll".
No. 218943
File: 1474407410578.jpg (67.85 KB, 453x604, x_07dee1bd.jpg)

No. 218946
File: 1474514850801.jpg (116.31 KB, 882x1024, vfiScc6xwmY.jpg)

>>218945It's not too hard if you know where to look.
Here is one photo that is, effectively, erased from the net from earlier this year. I wonder if someone called her out on her bimbo-level shoop?
No. 218947
videos of her work not edited.
videos of her fa her work.
(there are many on instagram)
She left her old shop because someone smashed her tattoo machine…and noone replacesher.they kept hundreds of dollars work of her things from her after the split…and never once offered to help pay for her smashed machine.she has judged tattoo conventions as far as Argentina for major magazines there…she isnt a scratcher.
OP you should jealous. if you actually knew her at all you would know that she was a nerd in school who got cute over summer and is nothing but nice to everyone she meets.
fins something better to do with your time than slam people on the internet for the fact that their weight has changed over the years or make up stories and edit pics of her to make her look bad in them.
i feel sorry for you that you feel so much pain inside that you need to take it out on other people who you clearly dont know.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 218951
File: 1474557339226.png (1.7 MB, 1318x980, lolll.png)

>>218950Dropped my pic lol
No. 218953
i know that girl with the parrot...Victoria refuses to tattoo her as well as other big artists because she picks and tears at the tattoos when healing ...the girl has begged Victoria to ink her many times since after talking smack about her.... also, cover ups take more than one go to take leaving residue on the underside.Victoria has never been rejected by a shop in her life...she has left some...and is asked by many shops from all over to come work for them, and rejected tv show roles... Again...uninformed and jealous. If you looked at her can see the mannnyyy healed tattoos come back for round two and see how they have healed in comparison to the new work, which is sometimes hard to tell apart. Her work heals very dark and very bright. I know...i have some of it on me.I truly feel sorry for you...having to spend your days on the internet bashing reflects your character...if you spent half the energy you do hating on people perhaps you would actually accomplish something. if you knew the first thing about her you would know she is kind to everyone she meets by default and stands up for people who cant stand up for themselves......and you...well you just seem bitter, obsessed and jealous.

Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 218954 they let soratohers judge tattoo conventions? i highly doubt that.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
>>218953That tattoo isn't fucked up from picking, the artist straight up hamburgered that skin, can't pack color for shit, blew out her lines, has no idea about color theory, and should never pick up another tattoo machine again.
The only good thing about that tattoo is the victim won't have to do too many laser sessions before getting a coverup, if she even can through all that scar tissue and skin damage.
No. 218957
Keep making stuff up..posting multiple everything else you have posted so far...noone in their right mind is going to believe you...youre just making yourself look silly and sad...and people can see through your lies and motivation for them, you are jealous so you want to destroy her...the proof is in the links up there. Tons of beautifully healed pieces.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
This post is considered slander and libel and is illegal as it pertains to business. It can be reported to the authorities. When charged, cases can be hundreds of thousands in damage depending on what the person makes.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
>>218958 ok Internet lawyer, where'd you get your law degree? The same place that taught Victoria to tattoo?
P.S. Slander has to be verbal in form. If it's in writing it's no longer slander but libel.
No. 218964
File: 1474610011114.png (21.74 KB, 425x249, surejan.png)

>>218958It's only libel if it's untrue, lol!
No. 218966
That girl flipped at her when Victoria had an allergic reaction and couldnt tattoo,for cancelling on her...after she had cancelled on Victoria many times before.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Victoria was live on webcam for years on stickam for the radio show she did. We know what she looks like and there are tons of videos her on instagram of both her and her tattoos. The majority of people wouldnt be so gullible as to believe your fantasy. Do you honestly have nothing better to do with your life than sit on the internet wasting your life bashing someone you "don't like"? Lookin them up obsessively to say bad things about someone you dont know? Seems like an a lot of energy, time and emotion to use up on someone that could be used for things that benefit you as a person and make you happier in the long run.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 218970
>>2731>she was a nerd in school who got cute over summer and is nothing but nice to everyone she meetsWhat kind of high school fantasy lmaoShe wasnt always "pretty" she was super nerdy and awkward...she knows what its like to be the underdog...the girl that wasnt pretty or liked very well...or that guys paid attention to. Which is why she isnt stuck up like some girls who are...shes very sweet, as intimidating as she can look in person..and takes people for who they are.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
File: 1474641112403.jpg (75.16 KB, 720x720, 13061992_525312791010974_55767…)

Some more horror stories, like the chest "tattoo" she did here, years after 'healing'.
I legitimately feel bad for the dude, he's going to need a miracle worker to make his chest look normal again.
No. 218975
File: 1474641604097.jpg (240.49 KB, 650x891, dominatrix_fairy_by_delphinear…)

>>218917Oh yeah.. and this isn't even her image? lol
No. 218976
You cant even see the tattoo clearly, he has a ton of hair on his chest and its shiny.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 218979
File: 1474645557058.jpg (73.71 KB, 640x640, 10559740_10152399304248347_803…)

i've seen this shared a few times. the before is victorias healed tattoo and the after is when she got it fixed by someone else.
No. 218980
Girl who got the elvis tattoo was her doppelganger for a while and dressed just like her. carli anne vickery...victoria never finished the tattoo on her and she went around claiming that an outline was finished work...any trained artist in realism can see that is just an outline.she never completed her past boyfriends best friends chest either, but it looks way cooler in person than it does in that pic with all the hair on it.some people really have nothing better to do with their lives.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 218981 alot of movement...very hard to "edit"...she isnt big like some of the images posted above are edited or warped to make her look that are like 5-7 years old of her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 218982
oh look what i found!its funny the girls bashing her seem to want to look just like her.... the broads from this thread that got them banned. if you look up the other girl carli...she pretended to be her for a long time right down to the makeup. no wonder you are on the internet posting warped photos of her and her work....youre obsessed.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
File: 1474653353613.jpg (48.39 KB, 604x453, x_84a0b3d4.jpg)

>>218982>>218981>>218980>>218970>>218966Your narcissism really shows with how you defend yourself anonymously. It's really pathetic! Not very INTJ of you.
No. 218985
>>218926Sadly I don't think you can laseraway this monstrosity. Laser removal hasn't been perfected yet.
I would just cut my skin off and graft new skin on it. That's how bad your tats are Victoria.
No. 218992
File: 1474676848407.jpg (95.1 KB, 1189x585, jesuswhy.jpg)

Holy FUCK this is unfortunate.
No. 218996
>>218989Honestly, she's very attractive woman in her natural state. She has a lovely smile (although she should look into whitening treatments) and pretty eyes and no one would be ridiculing her if she just presented herself as she is. But trying to convince the world she's this impossibly perfect, sultry siren is just pathetic.
Just accept yourself as you are, Vic, and get on with your life. You'll be a whole lot happier and Lolcow will forget all about you.
No. 218998
File: 1474758614355.jpg (47.99 KB, 604x453, x_10c88489.jpg)

>>218997I'd say average, but what really makes her ugly is her attitude. I really do think she has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder. I don't think this person has ever taken blame for anything she has done wrong (like butchering tons of people's tattoos- look at her defenses in this thread even- there is an excuse as to why she wasn't in the wrong every time), or if someone informs her that she is wrong about something factual, she deletes everything and pretends it never happened.
I have no doubt therapy would be really helpful for her, but narcissistic traits are pretty hard to untangle and can take years, AFAIR.
No. 218999
>>218997Okay, so I overreached somewhat; I should have just said "attractive". But she does have blonde hair and big hooters and guys are drawn to that like flies to garbage so I gave her a few more points for that.
But I do think she has a lovely smile, it's tons more attractive than the stupid pouty bombshell shit. Plus it's real – no Photoshop required!
No. 219000
>>218999Shut the fuck up Victoria
You are fat and ugly and greasy looking.
No. 219002
she had her teeth whitened a while back and posted it on facebook and is way more toned in person nowsome of the people on this thread are delusional you cannott edit a video where a sword is being moved around that fast around her body it would blur her body to fuck
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 176680from what i can tell alot of these images of her are from 10-7 years, that one itself is at least 7 years ago, as ive followed Victoria for that long. people change and their body changes in that time. i dont see one recent photo of her on here, just old pics, some edited to make her look bad. it is jokes that the people posting badly about her dress as her, lol!
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219005
She came into my store the other day, she is prettier in person than her photos are now. She was a bit bigger years ago. She needs to lay off the photoshop, she doesnt need it.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219008
(3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of
an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or
an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
You are obsessed with the idea that everyone on here is Victoria, huh?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219011
File: 1474985203096.png (73.24 KB, 638x428, tjTaEno.png)

Hi. This lady is sending me complaints to the contact form.
She apparently doesn't understand we're different sites and I have no idea how she got to my site from this one.
Attached is email #1.
No. 219012
File: 1474985235605.png (273.14 KB, 638x1533, HuKxizo.png)

And email #2.
Both sent from
No. 219013
>>219011Fuckin lul. Sorry Josh.
Victoria there's nothing you can really do other than stop bumping your damn thread. Please leave Josh alone!!
No. 219020
File: 1474992770637.jpg (55.1 KB, 345x600, x_d16d2a88.jpg)

Anyways, no need to feed Vic's delusions further. No "JADE" needed for people with severe PD's.
I wonder why she no longer takes actual photos of her tattoo "work"? It's all potato quality videos which makes me think she really just hasn't improved at all and is still just as dirty of a scratcher as she has always been.
Still doesn't work at a shop, still doesn't have any respect in the community, still disrespects her clients and peers for having standards.
No. 219023
criminal harassment is prosecuted by the crown attorney, she does not need a lawyer or law firm.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219025
I think these posts are hilariously delusional. Victoria was a shop artist for years...judged conventions which is the most prestigious thing a tattoo artist can do... and has been offered guest spots as far as Vegas ...but keep living in your dream world, where she is a "scratcher" who doesnt know what she is doing.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
To quote the officers "people don't like pretty people"Have a good time spreading lies ;)
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219036
>>177348>>177360>>219008Please ignore this poster, we're dealing with it currently.
>>219011>>219012Thanks for the info, Josh.
No. 219037
File: 1475020071856.jpg (84.21 KB, 1000x440, 1483651_281623745318936_150311…)

I'd be inclined to believe she was getting better at tattooing if she got an apprenticeship under someone who was well established, and if she started posting clear photographs of her current tattoo work. There hasn't been a clear shot of anything in months, just blurry and filtered video.
More "work" from the past.
No. 219038
>>219037That doesn't look so bad from the thumbn-OH GOD
That horse body is so fucked I can't even.
No. 219041
File: 1475031450197.png (459.86 KB, 501x499, lmfao.PNG)

her fake-ass legal threats fell apart immediately and now she's losing her mind lmfaoooo
milk milk milk
No. 219043
>>219042The fake accent is precious too, how do you live with yourself when you're so fake, holy shit.
Old video her ex posted, she doesn't talk a whole lot but you get a feel for what her actual voice is like when she's not shitting out of her mouth for her fanz~~~
No. 219045
File: 1475034965912.jpg (159.89 KB, 1200x1012, 9a7oqa0wwjI.jpg)

>>219033Yep, here is a pic of them together. Gotta love that blurry waist.
No. 219049
>>219041She looks like a literal clown.
>people who say "OMG photoshop she is so fat"Is she really this stupid? We're not mocking her (just) for being a fatty. She's TERRIBLE at editing and makes herself look more like a computer-generated blow-up doll than a human, her tattoo skills are shit, she's a delusional, self-obsessed crybaby, and she irl looks like a 40 year old who lives in a trailer park, works at a run-down strip club that caters to bikers, has 4 kids that all have FAS, and blows dudes for meth.
>>219045Gotta love her hair bending around her boob, like her tits warp space-time.
No. 219052
File: 1475105461079.jpg (77.22 KB, 581x960, 6NrOSQQpBbE.jpg)

That time she photoshopped all of her features out and her bellybutton nearly vanished.
No. 219053
Im seriously worried about the mental health of some of the people on this post. do realize your behavior shows you have a mental disorder right?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219055 a forum full of crazy people showing how weak they are by continuing to degrade someone else else so they can feel whole...proven by science at sad!Please form an orderly line for your straight jackets.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
The site owner is so fucked if this goes to court.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219061
File: 1475132201025.jpg (31.56 KB, 600x450, original.jpg)

No. 219062
That pic is like 7 years old...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
clearly....people misseed the memo..the more you post the more you affirm that you are a narcissistic, sadistic psychopath...a cowardly one at that who has to hide their name when talking shit bout someone. your weakness IS showing by the need to feed on bringing other people down because your ego and self esteem is so fragile you need to see someone else fall to feel complete. i feel sorry for you. it must be terrible to be so weak that you need to degrade others. go seek therapy or something.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 219064 someone who studies psychology... there are some really obsessive and mentally unstable people in this forum.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
They cant even drop it either they arent strong enough to do so because their mental disorder has them addicted to it and they cant control themselves anymore its like narcissist crack
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Some of these people on here are creepy, do you guys stalk this girl to talk about her on the regular or is it a part time thing?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Wow....alot of people in here have some nasty personality disorders to be doing this. Drop the bullshit, weve all seen recent videos of her and old photos from when she was dating a guy almost 7-6 years ago isnt relevant.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
every time someone disagrees with you you say that. its your go to to distract from your obvious mental disorder.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219072
>>219070because pointing out someone's already blatant shooping and their lack of care when it comes to ruining other people's skin forever is SO bad, but there's nothing
problematic at all with labelling an entire anonymous forum as having mental disorders!!!
No. 219073
you always think its victoria whether or not it is which is funny even science says your mentally unstable and judging by the fact that you are so weak that you keep posting and replying even after that is pointed out makes it even more obvious that you have a mental disorder. all you are doing is proving to everyone here that you are unstable and have a serious personality disorder get therapy
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219074
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219078
File: 1475158899526.jpg (47.44 KB, 621x925, v-ioYrQxogo.jpg)

The breakdown you're having in this thread is so raw.
More fun blow-up doll shoopin, weirdly stretched and liquified sequins everywhere. Also what's the deal with the sharpen tool all the damn time?
No. 219079
File: 1475162234340.gif (458.46 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

>>219078Okay, even VICTORIA doesn't expect us to buy this one – does she??
No. 219080
File: 1475177556361.jpg (40.64 KB, 600x400, 1472269529270.jpg)

No. 219082
classic "look what you made me do" "its the victims fault im doing this" make your narcissistic sadistic mental illness even more obvious why dont you. too weak to drop feed on it, it controls you. you have no power over yourself other than to feed into your narcissistic tendencies, showing your mental illness and obvious personality disorder more clearly with each post.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
Wow...its a NPA meeting in here...Narcissistic Psychopaths you guys have like meetings in here? Do you stand up and say "hi, my name is --- and im a narcissistic sadist?" and go around the circle?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219084
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219086
Victoria coming in with her "fans" to defend herself is the best thing that has happened to this thread.
>>219082Vic, at least choose which link you want to use for us narcissistic sadist to read.
No. 219087
HAHAHA....SAYS THE PERSON WHO IS SO DESPERATE TO POST cus they have a personality disorder they cant control
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219088
i think its funny that they think every post on here is from victoria
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219093
File: 1475194583712.jpg (32.86 KB, 800x610, qX-iYh3JuKs.jpg)

>>219090hahaha holy shit
For real, if you're that concerned, stop posting in this thread and let it die! It was barely moving until you flipped the fuck out.
More pro shoopz to pass the time.
No. 219094
victim blaming....classic narcissist /sadist/ psychopath behavior...and refusal to accept responsibility for your actions so you pin them on someone else.keep showing us how mentally unstable you are by continuing to are incapable of taking yourself away from it due to your mental has more power over you than you do over yourself. you are not in control, it is. Your weakness is showing.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219095
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219097
>>219094Victim blaming, hmm? You mean the way you blame all of your tattoo clients when you fuck up the job so miserably it can barely be repaired?
>>218947>>218953>>218980>>218966You truly are a delusional narcissist. I care about the people you mangle and then shit all over because you cannot claim responsibility for your fuckups. "No one in their right mind is going to believe you" which is why you make fake legal threats?
"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism." Get help and keep your nasty hands away from others for your own gain. :^)
No. 219098 i study psychology...and this link is accurate...these people are mentally ill and you cant reason with that level of delusional. they live in a fantasy world and berate and attack people to gain their own sense of self esteem.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219100
File: 1475196403282.gif (1.94 MB, 450x259, 837592p1.gif)

This is some Sperg-chan level shit.
No. 219101
>>219098What exactly are you gaining by arguing with people who you believe are mentally ill? What are your expectations here? We get it, you ~study psychology~ and are able to search Google for "trolls are narcissists" to find an article that backs up your claims.
You're just bumping your thread and it's the only thing even keeping it alive.
No. 219103
Just helping you realize how mentally unstable you look bashing a girl for days on end to gain what is missing from your self esteem ...and that your personality disorder is so far gone you cant even walk away from it. Do even you realize how creepy it is that you look someone up on the internet and hide behind anon to bash them like a coward? its obsessive...and if you cant see anything wrong with that behavior then it just really reaffirms how delusional and unstable you are.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219104
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219105
coo coo's nest
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219107
ive never seen more crazies in one place in my life.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219116
File: 1475200260128.gif (659.99 KB, 356x272, x83784923hf.gif)

>>219115Don't worry, friend.
No. 219118
i doubt shes been studying astro for 7 years straight...but you can tell she is educated in psychology.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219121
you dont know who posted that do you? as the poster said you are still here doing the same shit proving them right
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219122
hahahahahahaha looks like they got your personality type nailed.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219124
>>219041i just watched this on her fb page and oh my GOD so cringey i'm screaming i almost feel kinda bad for her?????
also why does her accent sound so unnatural, she's canadian but it sounds slightly faux-british
No. 219126
File: 1475781284878.png (55.7 KB, 750x414, IMG_6525.PNG)

No. 219127
File: 1475782498114.png (96.54 KB, 750x1116, IMG_6527.PNG)

No. 219130
that last photo is her underage or at least 10 years old...people keep posting shit from 10-7 years saying its relevant...sorry its not. She took many videos of herself and spoke to people live, and also did so for years on radio. we arent buying your shit op. i saw her british passport is on her facebook...i agree with what people have been posting in here about the personality disorders, it shows by the fact that they cant drop it and keep posting ancient photos of this broad...its creepy af
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219131
HOlY FUcK crazies are bbbbackkkkk posting shit that is 10 years old trying to pass it off a her now
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219132
She had her teeth laser whitened a while back
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219134
Oh look, the narcissists are back to post more irrelevant old ass photos nobody gives a fuck about, not sure if she is 16 here or not...but that atreyu shirt style is really old, i have one and this looks like a bad shot of a pretty girl
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219135
Did i say i was Victoria? oh yeah, no, i didn't...but this is totally true...your personality disorder got the best of you and you came crawling back to get your drug i see.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219136
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219137
someone find these trolls a straight jacket...they clearly cant leave it alone due to their debilitating mental disorders its pathetic to watch their weakness and need to feed on sad
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219138 those photos she is underage im pretty sure...she doesnt even have tattoos and she used to draw them on herself when she was 16 even in school
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219139
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219140
you arent kidding anyone by posting photos of a girl who posted live videos and answered live questions to her just come off like you have a mental disorder and are obsessed with this girl.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219141
pathetic psychopathic sadistic narcissists it must be sad that you need to try and bring someone down to feel whole it shows how weak and out of control you are of your own self esteem and self.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219142
someone get these people straight jackets and a restraining order for victoria...they found photos of her underage if that aint stalkerish i dont know what is.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219143
I know her...these shots look nothing like her now..she was a big bigger at a few points and she stopped posting photos of herself around those times. Her now
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219146
Her waist is so tiny now how the fuck is this girl fat? even in her "bigger" photos she still looks pretty yall are just mentally unstable
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219147 looks totally fake....yall are fuked this girl isnt fake youre just mentally unstable and have to try to find a flaw in her to make yourself feel better...its sad.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219148
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219149 think she looks more like her profile photos than any of these old ass or doctored photos of her in all her recent videos...i smell some bullshit and its coming from trolls with obvious mental problems.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219150
I saw her answering through video to her fans online and she is pretty, its on a shared post on her page these edited or old photos look nothing like her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219151
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219152
File: 1475825458006.png (342.91 KB, 409x539, 14522896_1124242944334490_4293…)

>>219149implying this isn't doctored
No. 219153
""Tiny waist...she looks nothing like the photos posted in this thread ,they look edited to make her look bad.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219154
She looks like her irl, anyone with half a brain knows model photos are edited, she doesnt need it.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219156 THIN AF
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219157
wow anyone who thinks this is fat needs some serious body image counselling...and mabye mental counselling too...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219158
File: 1475826128337.jpg (60.82 KB, 732x960, dumb retard whore.jpg)

yo look at this goofy pignosed faggot i hope she dies of aids tbh
is she jewish btw?
No. 219160
you has some serious body image issues if that is fat to you, her waist is two hands wide
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219161
always thinking its victoria...narcissistic paranoia at its finest
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219162
hoping someone you dont know dies of aids...that sounds really mentally stable......and what does her religion have anything to do with shit? take your anti-jew shit elsewhere, nobody wants your prejudice, nutbar ass here.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219164
anti-semetism on thread.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219165
I dont think Victoria has ever mentioned what her religion is or isnt.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219166 girl looks nothing like the pics posted in this thread, she is very skinny... the photos in this thread look old or edited to fuck.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219168
Hahahahahah i was at that prom with her friend Nikki, that photo is at least 7 years old
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219169
( REAL!!!smallll waistnice tits
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219170
You are fucked up if you're anti-semetic...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219172
Victoria doesnt do alot of dudes in general, shes had mostly had long relationships and spaces in between where she barely went near a guy. I know her well, and its messed up to see people bashing her on here due to their lack of self esteem and mental issues,vbecause she is really kind person,
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219173
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219174
""Agreed these old photos arent relevant. She is skinny.Some people on here are sadistic narcissistic psychos.Also, fuck the anti- semitism on this thread.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219178
person above needs their eyes tested, she looks like her videos like the link below, which look like her pics, you clearly haven't seen her irl...i've partied with her, shes tiny, but not with heels on and really nice.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219179
File: 1475830060207.jpg (3.73 KB, 200x192, samuel.jpg)

>>218890when did sam hyde transition? he looks great!
No. 219180
Who the is Sam Hyde?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219181
File: 1475830526498.jpg (6.26 KB, 240x210, sammy.jpg)

>>218984Fuck the transphobia on this thread. He looks stunning here. Glad to see him finding himself.
No. 219182 a vid of him.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219183
Lol...they arent the same person...he's still doing comedy im watching his shit now.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219185
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219186
Run along and get some meds for your mental disorder.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219187 vid def looks like her in person can confirm.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219188
you can tell she is tiny but not fat at all i want to know if the sword is real though
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219190 she doesn't look fat, but you sound mentally unstable being on here bashing a girl for weeks, shows how weak you are against your mental disorder, it controls you.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219192
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219193 link that was posted sums up the people who are still on this thread bashing Victoria. Every time you post it looks to us all that you are nuts. Do you even realize how crazy you look posting shit about her? Mad lurkin someone you "hate"? Tryin to pretend everyone on here is her? How warped are you? Get some meds for that or something
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219195
("")!!!! wow, she actually looks like she does in her photos, and she aint fat
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219196
File: 1475839033232.jpg (36.95 KB, 321x537, 1474556576869.jpg)

This fat bitch should do lesbian porn because her nose is basically a strap-on.
No. 219197" New research, which will be published in the November 2016 issue of Personality and Individual Differences, probed deeper and found more.1 The researchers confirmed that trolls are psychopathic and sadistic. They also made a new finding: Trolls are strongly characterized by the trait of "negative social potency." This is a measure of a person's cruelty and willingness to use others for their own gain. Questions asked on this survey include things like, "I enjoy embarrassing others." In other words, it's a measure of how terrible someone is."-Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D.Oh, you know...just a PHD doctor in psychology says your behavior means you should be medicated...and judging by the fact that you cant stop, your personality disorder is pretty sever. Get some did it anonymously, so not only are you a psycho who needs medication but you are also a coward.

Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219198
"This fat bitch should do lesbian porn because her nose is basically a strap-on"her nose is beautiful in all the pics and videos, post a pic of your you, i bet you cant hahaha
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219199
File: 1475839503314.png (93.14 KB, 315x207, chin.png)

>>219196>Wears a corset underclothes to pretend she's skinnyCan't hide it in your face though
No. 219200 vid says different whoever thinks she is fat has some serious body image issues and probably needs therapy....i don't see any fat on her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219201
File: 1475839651088.png (147.53 KB, 403x206, backwards.png)

>Stands with legs apart and hand over backwards corset.
Can't show without corset? Obviously, corsets give the appearance of a waist.
No. 219202
File: 1475839819944.jpg (73.09 KB, 1280x720, me_213534w6436.jpg)

>>219198Ok this is me but there was some bad lighting lol
No. 219203
corsets don't make people that skinny...or there would be alot more people wearing them.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219204
File: 1475839857042.gif (993.18 KB, 440x332, gtfo.gif)

>>219200>>219198>>219197>>219195>>219193You aren't foolin' anybody with the corset vic pls.
No. 219207
ive seen her in a bikini without a corset and there are videos of that too...shes still as tiny as the videos posted....i have partied with vic, she doesnt even lace them up all the way and can usually put her fist up underneath them.a corset isnt going to make you that skinny i dont know what planet you are on.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219208
File: 1475840270725.gif (1.49 MB, 350x466, heilfam.gif)

This girl is cuter and it's a one hand thing
No. 219211 really skinny, if she was wearing a corset you would see it bend in the fabric when she sad down, i know because i wear them if pulled that tight you would never be able to bend like that
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219213
File: 1475840435544.gif (54.21 KB, 273x343, victoria.gif)

>>218890You can lose weight but you'll never lose that chin…I feel bad for her tbh
No. 219216
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219217
File: 1475840900585.jpg (76.78 KB, 580x580, m_560b4ff97e7ef6299502109b.jpg)

>>219216LOL yes they do. Show without a corset and we may believe you.
No. 219218
There are videos of her all over without a corset and she is still skinny, plus if you had seen her in person like i did you would know that.Whoever is on here bashing vicky has a mental disorder and is very obviously obsessed with her. I wanna know what they look like...probably really nasty considering they wont post a pic of themselves on here.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219219 face, and she is really skinny, you can tell.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219220
File: 1475841332090.png (Spoiler Image,816.76 KB, 1228x751, 3RbfaFY.png)

>>219217Just wearing a corset doesnt make you lose weight….fat doesn't come out by being squished, it can get semi permanently rearranged but if you eat the same you will stay at the the same weight.
No. 219221
>>219218No there isn't And you're clearly too obsessed with yourself to let the thread die.
>>219220You're wearing a corset (even though it's backwards) here
>>219201doing the same thing. I'm not entertaining your insecurity any longer. Stop googling yourself narcissist.
No. 219222
You can tell in this video she isnt wearing a corset...her flesh bends when she puts her hands on it, corset have bones in them that hold the flesh down and tight...if she was wearing one, she wouldnt be able to indent the flesh as it would already be sucked in and pulled tight
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219224
">>180518Just wearing a corset doesnt make you lose weight….fat doesn't come out by being squished, it can get semi permanently rearranged but if you eat the same you will stay at the the same weight."agreed.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219225
File: 1475842528100.jpg (79.51 KB, 750x414, tasty boiga.jpg)

No. 219226
how many old ass pics are you going to throw up/ edit to fuck to try and convince like she looks like that right now? Post a pic of your cowardly narcissistic troll self, i wanna see your face but you are too scared to.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219227 saw her last week, this video looks like her, those photos are edited to make her look like shit, you can tell. some people spend a fuckload of time trying to bring down people they "hate" seems more like obsession
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219229
File: 1475842976556.jpg (161.31 KB, 2000x1000, me_chillin_235093475987.jpg)

>>219226Ok I will post another pic. Tell me what you think lol
No. 219230
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219231
that isnt you, youre too much of a coward to show the real you
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219232
lets see pics of the people posting this shit, im interested now.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219234
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219235
awww, look they think they are only talking to Victoria...there there little mentally unstable narcissistic troll, itll be okay if someone doesnt agree with you.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219236
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219237 is so skinny, how is that fatpeople must of edited those pics or they are reallllllly old
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219240
We played beach volleyball together on a date, she is skinny and short with big tits
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219242
Show me the trolllss!!!show me the trolls!!! :D Its not narcissistic to post pics of yourself on here you are just afraid you pussy hahahahaah
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219245 well this blows those really old and doctored pics people keep posting of her to bits. You actually convinced me for a while that she was not usually that gullible.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219247
im just going to repost my earlier post here[Archived Copy]" New research, which will be published in the November 2016 issue of Personality and Individual Differences, probed deeper and found more.1 The researchers confirmed that trolls are psychopathic and sadistic. They also made a new finding: Trolls are strongly characterized by the trait of "negative social potency." This is a measure of a person's cruelty and willingness to use others for their own gain. Questions asked on this survey include things like, "I enjoy embarrassing others." In other words, it's a measure of how terrible someone is."-Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D. Psy[Archived Copy]" New research, which will be published in the November 2016 issue of Personality and Individual Differences, probed deeper and found more.1 The researchers confirmed that trolls are psychopathic and sadistic. They also made a new finding: Trolls are strongly characterized by the trait of "negative social potency." This is a measure of a person's cruelty and willingness to use others for their own gain. Questions asked on this survey include things like, "I enjoy embarrassing others." In other words, it's a measure of how terrible someone is."-Jennifer Golbeck Ph.D.

Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219248
File: 1475844501099.jpg (9.89 KB, 236x177, 2cf89639334912b87167fd85fb0a4c…)

>>219247I'll post one too for your mental health Ohio State study also found that editing photos of oneself was associated with higher levels of self-objectification.
No. 219249 went on a date with her, and this is what she wore too. Very beatiful but it didnt work out. She doesnt look anything like the photos in this post, they look either really old ,edited or warped.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219250
I dont know why you think you are talking her her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219251
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219253
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219254
Somebody cant leave the thread and stop trolling...their narcissism is showing. I wonder if they know how stalkerish and bonkers they seem to us all?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219255
The fact that yall are still here bashing this girl is enough to diagnose that you have a badddd mental disorder.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219257 have dated her she is realy cool she is a great person and i dont even care that she is chubby.
you guys are mean just because a girl weighs a little more doesnt mean she isnt worth your time trust me i dated her and she was great
No. 219258
If you think your past girlfriend is "chubby" with a waist that small you need help.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219259
Duuuuuuddde, how did you get a girl like that to date you? Tips?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219260
She may have been then, but she aint now.... got any advice on how to get her attention?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219263
>>219260so like she really likes when you buy her fast food she is like really hungry
also if your black thats a plus
she will talk nonstop about her facebook just pretend to listen
>>219261hey just so you know i got myself checked and i have a mild case of herpes so you might want to go to the doctors just in case
No. 219264
>>219262we didnt take any pic together she seemed nervos around camera idk why
>>219263we didn't fuck jsut blowjob so im ok lol
No. 219265
I actually know people who worked with her, they used to make fun of her for being a "nun" and turning down guys all the time for over a year and a half, some were celebs too... so i doubt she slept around, people do like to say shit though, but really the only people who would legitimately know would be her and the other person, the rest is speculation.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219266
>>219229>>219202Sure, so elliot, how's it been in hell? I mean, you killed yourself, so…
OK vic, come clear, we're not stupid y'know. It's a fucking shooter. And Isla Vista only happened in 2014. His pictures are fresh and you are clearly an idiot
No. 219267
that poster is clearly trolling... they either didnt date her or doesnt want anyone to date her because he cant have her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219269
How do i get her to legit date me, not from the troll claiming they got herps....anyone know?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219271
>>219265>>219267you can trust me i know her irl. why would i lie on the internet lol you seem paranoid and mentally ill
>>219270yeah her breath was pretty bad
No. 219273
I dated her, shes all clear, no herps, but shes really distant and not very affectionate, and she doesnt seem to put effort into herself when she is losing interest.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219274
I met her at a party and she smelled amazing, looked great but she looked bitchy.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219276
I dated her, she is beautiful, clean and usually smells great ... until shes giving up on the relationship and then she stops doing her hair or makeup or caring about her appearance in general.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219280
Didnt she have glass stuck in her gum that was infected that she had removed?How did you get her to say yes to dating you?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219281
I was at that fashion show that isnt even remotely true but she couldnt even walk in the heels and she was the finally model... she had to learn right before.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219284
File: 1475849880347.jpg (29.78 KB, 604x434, lol10.jpg)

Lmfao. Fuck oral health.
No. 219285 had her teeth lasered, she showed me and they are really white, you can tell in the video... i dont know what happened but i know it was bothering her and now she is "obsessed with her teeth"
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219286
"it was pretty easy if you hit on her she will date you"i tried that already in person :(
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219289
she always smelled like Chanel and tasted like spearmint gum, she chews it alot.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219290
Nah, more like Vanilla and Jack Daniels.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219293
File: 1475853901989.jpg (51.25 KB, 368x604, lololol.jpg)

No. 219294
nice hat
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219295
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219296
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219298
File: 1475855194764.jpg (36.05 KB, 604x395, lol11.jpg)

No. 219299
That photo is in bad lighting and like 8 years old.....
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219300
she looks cute and happy, not the best pic of her though :D
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219301
How many old / warped and old photos of her are you going to post?We all know she looks like this : really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one huh?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219302
File: 1475857336243.png (184.53 KB, 400x350, 1465895120676.png)

what the flying fuck is going on in this thread. Fucking hell, she's totally lost it. Could mods please clear this up?
No. 219307
its still funny that this person attacking her with a mental disorder is obsessed with the idea that everyone on here is Victoria
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219309
show your face lol it would be funny to see who is this mentally unstable.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219311
i understand that only cowards need to wear masks when insulting someone, because they are afraid.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219312
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219314
Lol @ thinking erryone is her
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219316
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219321
>>219320So basically
-HD movie
-TV drama
-TV sitcom
-Car commercial
-Shopping channel
-That one blender commercial that comes on at 3am
-Public access tv
-home videos from the 90s
- bigfoot video
-tv static
No. 219323
File: 1475868306334.jpg (604.71 KB, 2048x2048, BAE90973-9465-4369-8014-1594BB…)

Sorry, but you don't go from looking like the first picture to looking like the second without either MAJOR photoshop or MAJOR plastic surgery. Vic has denied both accusations but little does she know, we're not fucking idiots. We all know she photoshops her photos to oblivion and that she is nothing but a complete fake with a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder.
No. 219324
File: 1475870318633.jpg (614.7 KB, 2048x2048, CEFBD883-642A-4CB0-B80F-BE5BAA…)

Another great example
No. 219326
bringing up images that have been warped or are old isnt fooling anyone. video looks like her...and no amount of old ass images is going to make people believe otherwise. Stop same fagging your narcissistic bullshit nobody is dumb enough to believe you
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219327
reposting the same old images of her that are warped beside one she stated she purposefully edited to look like a cgi final fantasy character doesnt prove much
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219328
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219329
photos that are warped and old < new videos and live feed of her looking like her actual photossorry, but this thread is garbage, this girl is skinny as hell and pretty and these people look obsessed taking pics of her that are 10 years old and warping some of them to make her look bad.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219330
File: 1475874170356.gif (2.23 MB, 373x210, faeb016.gif)

In this thread like
>where is mods
>why is she still here
>she has nothing better to do
No. 219331
Poor thing. See, Victoria used to be young and pretty -and that was all she had. Emphasis on "had".
She got older and fatter, which is normal, happens to plenty of people, but it's apparently kinda hard to deal with when you don't have anything else except your looks. Whoops, had your looks. Thus, shooping so extreme her pictures look like intentionally exaggerated digital drawings, not photos. Also, going on and on about how she's skinny, so pitifully desperate I can picture her crying and rage-typing.
She's bad at tattooing, and this thread makes her go apeshit because, well, she's afraid it hurts her livelihood, but I guess it's even more about how deeply insecure she is. And she really doesn't seem to be very smart based on this desperate, frantic samefagging. The lady doth protest too much.
No. 219332
*posts old photos that are 10 years old...8 years old or even from prom and some that are warped and photoshopped photos to make her look bad**Victoria posts live new videos and responds to people saying their name withing minutes that look identical to her and posts video of her showing a waist so tiny she can fit both her hands around it**mentally ill person says she "lost her looks"*...yeahhh
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219335
File: 1475878063288.gif (499.66 KB, 500x206, thumbs.gif)

>she stated she purposefully edited to look like a cgi final fantasy character
No. 219337
>>219329Sorry, but you're not fooling ANYONE. I do believe those pictures are from 2011 and 2012, which would make them only 4 or 5 years old. Not 10. Someone needs to go back to elementary school and learn some basic math skills. Just face it hun, you've lost all credibility on this thread and you just keep digging yourself even further every time you post. Oh, and let's not forget the fact that you haven't explained why it is your hair warps beside your waist in those "new" photos. Could it be because you photoshop your damn waist in all of your photos? Hmmm….
And before you post that damn video again for the hundredth time, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you're either wearing a corset or you're editing your videos. I would go with either one considering you've edited your videos before. It's no secret and it is possible to do.
No. 219342
>>219221i think you have a problem if you think everyone correcting you is the person being talked about….
sometimes you are just wrong and people correct you.
No. 219343
>>219342??? It doesn't matter????
I didn't need to be corrected why are you responding to that now after all the time passed?
I wasn't referring to a corset "literally" making one "loose weight" I meant it gives the appearance to a lessor weight. I just misunderstood the post. No need to go back to it chill out.
No. 219344
>>219311Why is it so hard for people to understand that there are some females on the internet that
gasp don't feel the need to post selfies all over their shit when they're online solely for the sake of discussion.
It may be hard to grasp for someone who spends hours painstakingly editing the shit out of their photos for the validation of a bunch of randoms on the internet, but not everyone on the wants/needs every bit of attention they can get, all the time.
No. 219345
>>219304>you and your friendsThere are no friends. It's only Vic.
>>219344Her sperging has been focused entirely on her appearance. She hasn't defended her tattooing skills, shooping skills, or intelligence, because those things don't really matter to her. The only thing she cares about is being physically attractive.
That's why she keeps demanding that we post pictures of ourselves; she truly doesn't understand that people can have any sense of self-worth that isn't directly tied to their appearance, or that there are people who don't need to constantly beg for attention by plastering the internet with (horribly edited) selfies.
She's shallow, dumb as a rock, artistically talentless, very emotionally unstable, and obsessed with herself. She's bordering on horrorcow status imo.
No. 219346
File: 1475910285028.jpg (34.5 KB, 413x395, 1310483412100.jpg)

haha holy fuck i don't check on this thread for ONE fucking day, ONE day!!!
No. 219347
File: 1475910630714.png (498.34 KB, 489x704, yikes.PNG)

Another dump taken on an unsuspecting customer.
Not a scratcher apparently, but doesn't work at a shop? B-but I thought she was the best tattoo artist ever who has judged conventions!!!!
No. 219348
File: 1475928324495.png (117.7 KB, 597x634, IMG_4276.PNG)

Pls explain since you know what you're doing
No. 219349
File: 1475928798413.png (75.75 KB, 640x678, IMG_4278.PNG)

The fact that people are willingly paying her to let her fuck them up is beyond me. yikes
No. 219350
File: 1475929589113.png (173.98 KB, 640x802, IMG_4281.PNG)

>>219347Imagine what her portfolio would look like if they were pictures from the client themselves
No. 219353
>>219324She looks hot in the 2nd pic. Guessing someone else shopped her here tho.
>>219348What is happening here….?
No. 219355
Thoae tattoos are unfinished lmfao. anyone can tell that, they look good, and as a tattoo artist you can tell someone fucked up that edward on their own, as the originals skin doesnt loook hashed blown out nor compromised.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219356
that cross tattoo is beautiful, and freehand too, wow!
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219357
holy shit that cover up cross tattoo is amazing, and freehanded?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219359
Those are clearly unfinished tattoos and they look great so far. What the fuck did that guy do to that edward tattoo? It looks like they didnt wash it for a week. No sign of line blow out or tissue damage, just scabby af, clear indication of mistreatment.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219361
i want something like that cross tattoo she did.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219362
File: 1475940848692.jpg (47.08 KB, 604x453, x_2b219c9c.jpg)

More candids, holy eyebags batman.
No. 219363
hahaha whatever dude got that edward tattoo looks like they fucked it up hard... if it was the artist going heavy his face would have a blowout to fuck and there would be obvious mashing of the skin in the before photo. Im a tattoo artist by profession of 7 years, and ive only ever seen stuff come back like that meaning some idiot didnt take care of it.Judging by her other work, she knows what she is doing.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219364
File: 1475941057574.jpg (47.12 KB, 604x453, x_0d3fc9c3.jpg)

I think the funniest thing about Vic losing her mind in this thread about us 'stalking' her by 'collecting' all of these photos is that I'm getting all of these photos from a fan group of hers. It's quite meticulously organized.
You've plastered your mug all over the internet for over 10 years now, you shouldn't be surprised people save and reupload archives of this shit.
No. 219365
clearly Darcie is on this post....those photos are from literally 10-8 years ago ...again scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and make her look bad....
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219369
im pretty sure Victoria has some terrible ones of her, i used to hang with them, she just has more class than to post ancient photos trying to make someone look bad
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219370
i know those girls, they havent hung out in like 8 years....and they used to post videos together
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219371
File: 1475941407485.png (638.71 KB, 910x590, themoreyouknow.png)

>>219363What other work? Because she hasn't taken a clear photo of anything she has done in years. Neither have the clients who've had it done (curious!!)
And for reference, on the left, a clear photo of a tattoo. No retarded color filters or shitty phone cameras allowed, sorry!
>>219365>tfw never met Vic in my life and her sheer retardation is going to drive her to attack people who aren't involvedhow exciting!!!
No. 219372
Its a camera phone video still, its not as high res as a photo. Victoria is planning on releasing high res vids soon, she was talking to me about it at our last session. Her work is awesome.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219373 looks like her video...not some old ass 10 year old photos of her. How is a 10 year old photo in bad lighting even relevant?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219375
man, i wish that there were artists around here who could do shit like that cross that on me.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219377
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219379
scratcher is the name for noobs with scratchy line work because they dont know what they are doing....this isnt a scratcher, her ink and lines is smooothhhi want a ram skull on my chest with wings like that around it
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219381
Agreed, saw her last night at my restaurant with friends, she looks nothing like those 10 year old photos and she is really nice
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219382
Yo id let her ink me, any broad that can freehand that as a cover up knows whats up
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219383
that cross tattoo is insanely good, i dont believe she inked that
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219385
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219386
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219387
File: 1475942850243.jpg (79.69 KB, 540x720, 198028_10150135447026517_31124…)

I wonder if she'll get dinged by mods for spamming the shit out of the thread & "calling the police" to take the site down and have it revealed that she has been samefagging for 90% of this thread.
More tattoos she did early on, I really feel bad for all of the people she has fucked up.
No. 219388
thats a really pretty tattoo of the tree, bad place to put words though, they blow out over time with weight gain and loss.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219390
i got words on my side and they stretched to fuck on me when i gained 60 lbs..i should of went bigger with the words like my friend who got the same thing from our artist, hers is still perfect
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219391
that doesnt look like Victorias design work, it looks taken from something else
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219392
i want something like that cross tattoo she did but with a big ass dragon on it.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219395
some people have health problems which makes them gain weight and cant help it...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219396
Wow, its not my fault i gained weight and my ink stretched, i have a thyroid problem, fuck you.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219398
That cross is too clean and centered to be freehanded....
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219399
yeah, you can gain 60 lbs from health conditions, you're just an idiot who doesnt know anything about thyroid problems.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219404
File: 1475946662630.jpg (36.99 KB, 600x528, kek.jpg)

>>219396Holy shit, this whole thread is hilarious. Keep taking the bait, Vic!
No. 219405
>>219373>>219377Did you happen to miss the fact that I've already said YOU EITHER EDITED THAT VIDEO, YOU'RE WEARING A CORSET, OR ITS BOTH??? Or are you just so fucking dumb that you don't know how to read?
No one is falling for your shit Victoria! And the fact that you keep samefagging yourself on here pretending to be other people, saying things like "SHE FINE AS FUcKKK NOWWW" and " SHES REAL!!! smallll waist nice tits" shows exactly how pathetic and delusional you really are. It's so damn sad that I almost feel sorry for you. ALMOST.
No. 219406
I work in film, that video isnt edited, lmfao.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219407
when she took this video replied live to people, kinda hard to "edit" live...lmfao
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219408
File: 1475949885722.jpg (116.31 KB, 730x960, NbhJCOg4WTM.jpg)

This one looks like she literally 'painted' on cleavage lmao
No. 219410
Most of the photos people are posting on this thread are 10-7 years....really old. But the one of her inking is alot newer.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219411
some are even older, from prom and when she was underage.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219412
>>219377Please – there is so much blur on this video you can't tell what the hell you "really" look like.
To paraphrase Chocolate Puddin': "Miss Victoria I've got to know, why are you so motherfucking blurry? You're glowing like some kind of spooky ghost or angel from Heaven or some shit!"
No. 219413
really white skin is glowy in photos and video, and has to be powdered down, i know because mine does the same thing when i model if they dont contour me.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
(blogpost) No. 219414
File: 1475951517252.jpg (55.15 KB, 600x450, 1444666665070.jpg)

>>219371that is the wonkiest cross I've ever seen
No. 219415
>>219413What the fuck are you talking about? That sounds made up as hell lol. Also
>my super speshul snowflake white skin glows when I ~model~ bc I am such a pale goffick princessway to basically confirm you're Victoria, can't go one post without blowing smoke up your own ass can you?
No. 219416
File: 1475952226602.png (38.48 KB, 561x423, r6383jd.png)

>>219415Her narcissism knows no bounds my guy.
No. 219420
thats probably a fake linkedin
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219424
File: 1475975804907.png (100.43 KB, 503x746, IMG_6555.PNG)

This is relevant. Although it doesn't just apply to just her personality, it applies to everything about her.
No. 219425
File: 1476009821503.jpg (22.5 KB, 320x240, fsaaf da f.jpg)

>>219420>>219413>>219411>>219410Vic, you're the most pathetic samefagger I've ever seen. It's pitiful.
No. 219426
File: 1476027403495.png (115.83 KB, 640x799, IMG_4279.PNG)

No. 219428
File: 1476033172086.jpg (3.4 MB, 2556x1666, peacock.jpg)

>>219427It looks like somebody tied to strangle it and broke its neck
No. 219429
File: 1476036318100.png (286.39 KB, 446x588, disasteralright.png)

holy shit, nothing could be worse than what's being put on their skin now
No. 219439
>>219438Don’t forget the store owner who met her, somehow got her full name and just happened to find this thread. And the person who was at her prom. And the multiple people who went to her high school!
Somehow all of these people not only looked her up and came to this thread, but they all just happened to do at the same time. Amazing! She must be so famous and cool because literally her whole town is searching her name and posting at the exact same time.
What a nut.
No. 219444
File: 1476145229587.png (978.99 KB, 720x726, 20161010_201811.png)

>>219443She must really hate herself. She looks like a cartoon character!!
No. 219446
>>219444My question is does she try to pass this off as what she really looks like? Because they're so obviously over shooped to the point that literally nothing about it looks real. Maybe she's trying to do digital paintings or whatever it was called that kooter said she was doing for their knd phase?
Even so, it's bad. Whatever it is, it's bad. Very poor use of photoshop skills, and she might even be visibly impaired since she looks at the finished product and thinks enough of it to put it online for thousands to see.
No. 219448
>>219444AND she tries to say she's 5'4" -_-
Yeah, maybe with heels on but without, she's 5'2" at the most. It's obvious.
No. 219450
File: 1476151871456.jpg (8.72 KB, 225x225, dfsfds.jpg)

>>219444the fucking sword shooped behind her, holy shit
No. 219452
File: 1476206106350.png (1.75 MB, 1908x1102, Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 11.1…)

Yep, all natural, all right.
No. 219453
>>219444This is fucking terrible even from an aesthetic standpoint.
Gaudy, tacky colors and shitty editing.
Can't she at least make nice shoops like Dakota used to?
No. 219454
File: 1476209965700.png (101.41 KB, 640x743, IMG_4294.PNG)

I'm pretty sure she also tattooed a self portrait…on her thigh…facing her.
No. 219455
pretty sure that is her reflection as medusa on athenas shield...athenas shield was a mirror...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219456
File: 1476215216572.jpg (52.2 KB, 750x555, fake-eyes.jpg)

Im dying at this thread lmfao like how. Shes literally this chick 2.0.
No. 219459
to be Athensas shield it would need be a mirror, showing the lookers reflection, but with medusas head on it.. Victoria has eyeballs and doesnt walk around with snakes in her hair
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219460
>>219459What are you trying to say?
On another note I checked out her instagram and it's pretty lulzy how she's been jumping through so many hoops to prove anonymous ~narcissistic crazies~ on the internet wrong. And why doesn't someone tell her she's got that damn corset on backwards
No. 219461
File: 1476224587673.gif (949.3 KB, 314x500, tattoo2.gif)

>>219455>>219459Hi Vic.
Also, here is the image she used as 'reference' for her tattoo, which she also shooped when it first went online as a 'finished' piece.
No. 219462
File: 1476228317627.jpg (215.46 KB, 700x900, pablo-picasso-self-portraits-c…)

>>219459It doesn't have to be realistic to be a self portrait
No. 219466
>>219465you're gunna love this then
in side shots her head is bigger than her waist lmao
No. 219467
>>219466there….. are no words.
in related news i have a migraine now
No. 219470
>>219469oh god this thread has gotten so out of hand that I thought this was another selfpost because it started with "i saw her at the fashion show"
sorry u had to see that tho
No. 219472
File: 1476242087210.jpg (44.81 KB, 1280x720, GWrolysj7jw.jpg)

did she honestly shoop extra eyelashes into this potato picture lmao??
No. 219474
File: 1476245048269.jpg (25.68 KB, 519x800, FB_IMG_1476244551563.jpg)

Omfgggg. This is on her Page as new, wtf one tit is like lopsided. If you are going to take so much time making yourself look like a cartoon jessica rabbit knock of fucking make sure your tits are the same size!!!!
No. 219477
File: 1476286303271.jpg (55.27 KB, 1240x910, karen-meangirls.jpg)

Hmmm as soon as Victoria left all of her èx boyfriends`and `people that have seen her in real life and think she really does look like her videos` and `psychology professors`left too. So strange…
No. 219478
im pretty sure its because we are all watching how creepy and pathetic it is that you are STILLLLLL stalking this girl, lmfao
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219488
File: 1476327838235.png (190.55 KB, 413x411, 20161012_230155.png)

No. 219489
File: 1476328104387.jpg (86.68 KB, 600x475, original.jpg)

No. 219490
File: 1476328522876.jpg (22.5 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

One more for now. She's not inherently awful looking, just very average
No. 219495
>>219466She has such dead eyes.
>>219490Is this edited? One of her boobs is significantly larger than the other.
No. 219498
Everyone has narcissistic traits. In fact, it's healthy to be a bit selfish. That's where self-preservation and self-care come from.
Narcissistic personality disorder comes from when a person exhibits too many selfish traits to the point where the preservation of their ego takes precedence over all else.
This is the saddest part of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The person is effectively unable to "recover" because that would mean tearing down the grand illusion they've so carefully crafted, the mask they've worn so long they now believe to be their true self.
I've followed this girl for a while out of psychological interest. I've been haunted by narcissists most of my life and she struck me as a glaring example.
It's okay to have imperfections. You don't owe anyone thinness, for example. Personally, though, I do believe you owe people honesty. At least, if you want their respect.
It's sad to see the logical fallacies that lead to no accountability. "I know you are but what am I?" Deflecting. "I'm a total sweetheart!" Maybe you're polite to strangers… But that does not negate being a liar, or a person who misrepresents both themselves and their work.
Unfortunately, a person so deeply rooted in their narcissism and their illusion of grandiosity won't likely change their stripes. What will inevitably happen, if it hasn't already, is the person will become a "broken down" narcissist. They will be lonely and feel hard done by- like nothing was their fault and the world was just out to get them (ex. They're just jealous!)
They'll retreat into a private world (gaming or something) where their ego can safely continue existing and the pain is numb.
It's sad and I don't wish it on anyone. Life has so much more to offer than attention and narcissistic supply. You miss out on all sorts of beauty and love when your existence is the equivalent of an attention drug addict.
I wish her well.
No. 219501
>>219498Aside from all of the obvious super self-absorbed into her own looks thing, she keeps claiming to be a super sweetheart and shes so nice to everyone but shes such an asshole to her clients. Constantly bailing on long standing appointments last minute, claiming they just want to be her when they`re (rightfully) disappointed with their tattoo. She goes straight to their character as if shes trying to create some underlying motive of that person to save her reputation. I`ve never met a tattoo artist who has made more enemies with her work because it`s just plain terrible.
Also, one of the most blatantly NPD things that i`ve noticed reoccurring here is that she actually thinks that people are taking the time to photoshop her and make her look worse. They`re just un edited pictures but shes so detached from reality that she thinks that she looks like her shoops and not real photos.
No. 219508
File: 1476407353796.png (86.42 KB, 640x810, IMG_4311.PNG)

No. 219509
File: 1476409206598.jpg (177.13 KB, 1024x1024, HsKusxZOm9U.jpg)

>>219508Holy SHIT that looks really bad
>>219498>Sadness Lilly???????????
Anyways, here is another terribad Vic shoop. She is 29 but she looks like she's a washed up 40 year old.
~she is wise beyond her yearz~
No. 219516
*people post photos of her from 7-10 year ago of her on this thread, with people still thinking its her now*Not aged well? bitch doesnt seem to age much at all.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219518
pretty sure anyone with a brain can tell some of those are her prom photos they are that old and the fact that alot of them have no tattoos in them when she drew them on herself since she was 17 also makes it obvious
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219519
>>219489Aside from those awful eyebrows I think she looks good here. It' sad she doesn't realize that, her shoops are OTT ridiculous.
It also helps that her thirsty hair is damp in this pic.
No. 219522
"shoops" ...samefag post much? you pretend everyone you talk to on here is Victoria and are clearly mentally unsound and obsessed with her.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219524
>>219518LMAO I just noticed. How are you gonna sit here and tell people that you`re not victoria when you`re literally having an aneurysm and talking about hoe she used to draw tattoos on herself when she was younger.
So ethier you`re vic or you for some reason stored the knowledge that this crusty wench used to draw tattoos on with permanent marker OVER 10 YEARS AGO? You`re giving yourself away every time you post haha.
No. 219525
its still funny how you think its all her, lol.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219531
>>219530Lmao I was dying at that. How can you be literally watching this thread like a hawk for a month and not pick up on the language and terms? For such a self-proclaimed intellectual she sure has a hard fucking time trying to
A: Hide her self posts effectively
B: Pick up on any vocabulary whatsoever
C: learn how to use an image board
No. 219534
File: 1476467074673.jpg (86.76 KB, 700x524, Futurevictoria.jpg)

"It's just digital painting, guys! It's just photoshop, it's still me!!"
No. 219535
>>219531lmao it's hard to switch up your writing style when you've spent most of your life fabricating a fake personality
>>219534kek "I just upped the brightness/contrast! Im all natural"
No. 219536
File: 1476468047767.png (16.77 KB, 510x147, jfc.PNG)

Who the fuck after the age of 17 says this shit? My god.
No. 219537
File: 1476468354884.png (639.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161014-140125.png)

classic Sadness Lilly
No. 219538
> attack the issue up for debate… not the personOkay so just like how whenever one of your clients hates the garbage you leave on their body you immediately go for their character and try to publicly make them look terrible to discredit their opinions.
Literally so hypocritical. Fucking airhead.
No. 219539
File: 1476468817126.jpg (80.72 KB, 490x720, 391638_185257971566330_7356601…)

My favorite shoop. Check out the difference in hand size, one got squished from inflating her booobs and the other got stretched from sucking her waist in. Not to mention the other trashy shit going on in here.
No. 219540
File: 1476469219029.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161014-141751.png)

Hey Vicky, abusing a thesaurus ≠well-educated.
No. 219542
File: 1476471749162.png (73.07 KB, 640x489, IMG_4319.PNG)

>>219539omg I'm dying this is a gem.
No. 219543
File: 1476472318950.png (97.01 KB, 640x661, IMG_4323.PNG)

here's some candids I came across, her hair tho
No. 219544
Her and the singer of ligeia were singing together.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219545
>>219539this is too fucking much i can't breathe
is her better-looking scene friend in the front supposed to be riding a SHARK?
No. 219546
File: 1476473503522.jpeg (88.86 KB, 750x888, image.jpeg)

When u smell ur own fart
No. 219549
File: 1476481072326.jpg (60.35 KB, 500x282, 5198823857_ff68748aef.jpg)

>>219539the left boob looks like Wilson from Castawat
No. 219552
File: 1476487158273.png (178.09 KB, 332x323, Victorianails.png)

>>219509Nobody gonna talk about how dirty her nails are??? wtf
No. 219555
looks like makeup or dye caught under her do realize you are on the internet ... talking shit about someone elses nails right? Do you seriously have nothing better to do?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219558
Sounds like a pretty pathetic pastime, and sorry, not Victoria but nice try.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219559
>>219498>>219500>>219537Still making me kek
>>219558Victoria you're really boring compared to most cows and to be honest the only thing that keeps this negative attention on you is you continuing to come here to defend yourself. It's feeding the trolls. Its clear that you only keep this tab open on your browser to monitor your own thread but consider lurking moar around the site. See the countless pages of threads that have died over the years, their subjects once again lost in Internet obscurity? That could be you. But you playin.
No. 219561
>>219552Holy Fuck, if my tattoo artist came at me with these nails, I would RUN
…and also contact the health department
No. 219562
Im sure she isnt the first person to get dye stuck in her nails...
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219563
Ive had my hands do that from self bronser, and she looks way more tanned here.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219565
Hahaha everyone is "Vic" to youTodays pressing topic of discussion "is there dye under Victorias fingernails? Was it makeup? Read all about it"If that doesnt sound obsessed to you and sad that you even come here to talk about such "important topics" such as another human beings fingernails shows how pathetic you are. Grow up and get a hobby or life or something, damn.Its actually sad and kinda entertainin' watching how creepily fixated you are
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219567
>>219565That is what this website is for and you're not even relevant enough to be on the /pt/ board here.
You're not victoria, but out of all of the threads here about the all of other cows we pay the same amount if not more attention to, you only choose this thread to stick around and bitch about it in. We never see you bitching about it when it comes to anyone else.
Ok, "not victoria." You're totally convincing us. Especially with your sad Lilly post, with almost the exact content as your sharp tongue fb post that you shared everywhere around the same time.
No. 219572
Lmfaooo you think its all Victoria.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219574
File: 1476577787399.png (519.19 KB, 495x800, 1545221_570658579692932_148505…)

Man who cares, time to post moar ridiculous shoops and "photoshoots"!
No. 219576
File: 1476581314049.png (44.1 KB, 589x431, IMG_4354.PNG)

just gonna dump this shoopjob here lmao
No. 219577
File: 1476581597188.png (11.7 KB, 355x130, tgfred.png)

One of my favorite Vic "You're the Mentally Ill Ones!!" Shingleton.
"Properly trained artist bitches" huh? Obviously you wouldn't be in the position to do that huh, scratcher?
No. 219582
>>219580Exactly. I can't even express how excited I am for that to happen (please let it happen). She deserves the dragging, tbh. Also link this thread to her scratcher victims.
Also, Victoria, do you know what an IP address is? If not, you're in for a real treat
No. 219587
File: 1476588795173.png (45.63 KB, 640x464, IMG_4356.PNG)

>>219577You think she'd take her own advice and maybe tie her hair back. pic related, a still from her tattooing her victim
No. 219589
That is from a Video of her tattooing her first colour portrait, which was featured in many magazines. But sure she's a "victim"
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219590
i saw it in person at a convention, the colors and the tattoo on that girl is beautiful and people kept taking tons of photos of it.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219591
shes covered that girl in beautiful ink for years, ive seen it in person, calling her a victim sounds pretty stupid
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219592
File: 1476622931279.jpg (455.89 KB, 2048x2048, A1EE2170-8FFC-4C62-9ABB-EAFC1B…)

Looks like she's been shooping her photos to oblivion since 2007.
No. 219593 the video of where that still was taken, tattoo looks good.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219594
In the photo with the teddy bear she was around 16 years old, i remember it from myspace.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219596
File: 1476623452023.jpg (574.24 KB, 2048x2048, 2114D1BA-DCAB-4C68-82CD-F2ABF2…)

And let's not forget that time when she took the image of a necklace from google and photoshopped it onto her torso
No. 219597
I like how anyone that disagrees with you is "Vic" or, now that youve been caught samefagging calling her the same name the whole time you say "Vicky"
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219598
As if she is the first model to have something photoshopped into a pic with her. Go get a magazine, every model and celebrity in it is photoshopped.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219599
>>219597I like how you think only one person posts in the thread…Vic, Vicky, Victoria, V, Victora, sadness lilly, w.e you go by these days
>>219596Yass good catch kek
No. 219600
> still doesn't understand what samefagging means This is the longest mental breakdown. Still her trying to prove herself to us
mentally ill trolls.
No. 219601
File: 1476624954902.jpg (540 KB, 2048x2048, BAF90600-3749-438F-907E-758330…)

Proof that her hair is extremely short without the massive amounts of extensions she usually wears.
No. 219602
File: 1476625183140.jpg (397.58 KB, 2048x2048, F41E69BF-C908-4D6F-B3CD-44ED1D…)

Seriously, wtf was she thinking when she cut her hair like this???
No. 219603
If she is posting videos and pics of it i highly doubt she cares that people know she has shorter hair... is the video those stills are from, holy shit sword skills.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219604
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219606 look ratty to mem, here is another one of her i found with her sword girl would slice a bitch up fasttt.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219607 hair looks kinda like a final fantasy character here i dig it.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219608
File: 1476626194833.jpg (25.63 KB, 493x333, IMG_4361.JPG)

>>219603>>219604>>219606>>219607Of course you "dig it", it's your hair
No. 219609
i like her hair better shorter.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219611
Yes because everyone in the world is Victoria right?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219615
Yeah....everyone on this thread is clearly her, lmfao, how funny
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219616
i say that with sarcasm.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219617
Im definitely not her, lol!
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219619
>>219617Well shit my bad I guess you proved me wrong. Idiot.
Arguing with this level of autism feels wrong.
No. 219624
File: 1476629665210.jpg (482.79 KB, 2048x2048, 6C498D39-F6E3-4070-81D0-0E8DF7…)

She can't even keep her photoshopping consistent. Her eyebrows in the first picture are way up there compared to the second. And on top of that, she claims she's wearing no makeup in these. ?
No. 219627
File: 1476629917379.png (88.08 KB, 750x817, IMG_6644.PNG)

And here's this gem. And just for you Vic, it's from 2012 and it has NOT been edited. This shows exactly what you really look like so take a long hard look at it in case you've forgotten.
No. 219639
File: 1476636337730.png (1.05 MB, 1214x1213, victor everyman.png)

I have been Victorias friend for many years now and I have nothing but good things to say regarding business practices, physique, and overall character. Truly she is a gem.
No. 219641
File: 1476636530966.png (799.16 KB, 1270x923, baron victor von mur dear.png)

Victoria and I were classmates during her time at Yale. I fondly remember the night I was up until 5 studying for the big psychology exam. She stayed up with me all night helping me with flash cards and keeping my morale up. If it hadn't been for her I wouldnt have gone on to be one of the most well known psychologists in my field. I owe my entire career to her
No. 219642
File: 1476636619876.jpg (21.31 KB, 450x450, autism_speaks_blue_beveled__ta…)

No. 219643
File: 1476636725662.png (1.12 MB, 1181x1581, jose victor muerte.png)

Hola! Soy un cliente de victoria.
Cuando my mama se murió querÃa un tattoo para su memoria. La única persona que hizo justicia a la belleza de madre linda fue victoria.
Es un ángel esa señora.
No. 219644
File: 1476636915091.png (705.37 KB, 1322x1140, patches the clown.png)

Before I became a well loved clown I was a loser . Victoria lifted me up when I was down. My life was going nowhere but she gave my life direction.
She is the best.
No. 219646
K, I love Victoria Murder, but those painted photos are funny af
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219647
Victoria is awesome, but the monocle one made me laugh pretty hard.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219649
File: 1476638109223.png (548.86 KB, 1177x926, murderer the assassin.png)

>>219646>>219647I too, I skilled ninja, think she's a swell gal
No. 219650
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Victoria is a really nice person, but im sorry the ninja and monocle one made me laugh so loud my neighbor probably heard me.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219651
I think she is super beautiful but that sombrero and the stache pic tho, LMFAO im dying
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219656
File: 1476638922321.png (727.25 KB, 1336x1642, donatoria trump.png)

Victoria is definitely a wonderful woman, she is! She's absolutely phenomenal and she's got a great pair of ya know gestures towards chests
Do I think she'd win miss universe? I do! I really do! I think she'd be a great role model for young girls out there.
No. 219659
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Shes a babe but that was golden lmfao Is she gonna build a wall tho?
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219661
These paints are killin' me bahahaha
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219662
>>219654She thinks she's safe because this is an "anonymous" image board and shes probably hiding behind proxies.
Victoria you obviously enjoy spending time here, you should lurk moar. You could learn from the cows that came here before you. Just take a look at what happened to spoony. Oh and let's not forget keeks. She was spergchan, she pulled the exact same shit trying to spam this board to get it shut down and she thought she was super smart too with her proxies. Newsflash, admin can still see through all that shit. She was exposed, dragged, and now she lives in shame. It's hard to actually be anonymous online.
No. 219665
lol @ thinking we are all her
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219669
File: 1476640099560.png (225.6 KB, 1167x1126, victrio.png)

Geez guys, you're being a little too harsh here…. I mean… Victrio! Vic!
No. 219670
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219672
omg im dying over this paint photosbahahahahaha
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219673
She's pretty but im sorry, those paint edits are too much, i cant breathe im laughing that hard.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219677
I'm most def not Victoria ;)
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219678
File: 1476640847203.png (32.47 KB, 720x141, logo.png)

No. 219681
Draw anon = skills
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219682
File: 1476641210850.jpeg (11.48 KB, 299x201, Victoria.jpeg)

No. 219683
Draw anon is best anon
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219684
File: 1476641339327.jpeg (9.74 KB, 299x211, Vicky.jpeg)

No. 219685
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219686
File: 1476641444039.jpeg (22.77 KB, 299x216, vicc.jpeg)

Learn from this, Vic.
No. 219687
Draw anon teach ways pls.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219688
File: 1476641553469.jpeg (11.46 KB, 226x187, Vic.jpeg)

Last one, but since you're eating this shit up; UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE AND GET HELP!
No. 219690
File: 1476642703373.png (245.25 KB, 312x584, Imnother.png)

I really don't see where ya'll are comin from, I'm not her but she spent many summers on my ranch ranglin' the cattle better than anyone on this side of Texas, she's also pretty as a peach! I reckon ya'll are jealous, just leave puddin' alone!
No. 219692
Draw anon you are genius
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219693
File: 1476643271412.jpg (38.44 KB, 390x470, dfjdk.jpg)

>>219690Holy fuck anon!!!
No. 219694
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219695
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219696
File: 1476643393988.png (731.9 KB, 936x597, lmfao.PNG)

Pictured: Vic looking at pics of herself ITT
No. 219697
Draw anon is legend.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219698
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the mustache and sombrero!
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219701
File: 1476644773962.png (908.33 KB, 1440x1221, vicky mays.png)

No. 219706
File: 1476656679911.jpg (559.96 KB, 2048x2048, 4CFE6541-CD5E-4E8A-91E6-3CE8F9…)

This is what her body looks like without the photoshop
No. 219707
she looks cute but that pic is sooooo old, that is her past boyfriends place...meaning over 5 years ago.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219708
File: 1476656946988.jpg (103.22 KB, 900x698, IMG_6667.JPG)

This shoop is fucking hilarious.
No. 219710
she posted an updated video, but she is skinny af now
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219718
File: 1476657789816.jpg (55.91 KB, 627x758, image.jpg)

Dirty ass hand again
No. 219722
File: 1476658904226.jpg (40.77 KB, 609x678, image.jpg)

thin with natural muscle tone
No. 219723
that photo with the flowers is like 7 years old...noone gives a new stuff
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219726
>>219722 Ursula IRL?!
>>219723 Hai Vaca!
No. 219727
File: 1476660333903.jpg (66.58 KB, 640x565, image.jpg)

Dirty hands part 2
No. 219729
File: 1476662081218.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6652.PNG)

What a fucking bimbo
No. 219733
File: 1476663869131.jpg (17.75 KB, 295x218, image.jpg)

Fcking ew
No. 219736
File: 1476666598523.jpg (84.84 KB, 564x706, image.jpg)

Yikes imagine being 30 and doing this.
No. 219738
File: 1476668524394.jpg (98.72 KB, 720x898, mdIxuiGSxpo.jpg)

What I don't get is how she isn't better at shooping? She's been at it for over a decade now and everything still looks like overprocessed shit.
No. 219740
>>219736>>219738I think it's hilarious how every single one of her pictures makes it look like her waist has its own gravitational pull that attracts her hair to it, even though at the same time we're supposed to believe that her balloon tits are so big that her hair would technically have to be draped over them away from her body. It kind of makes sense. These shoops take place in an alternate universe.
In the victoria murder universe, physics don't work the same as in the real world.
No. 219741
>>219740I was just thinking the same thing for
>>219736 how on the right side it looks sorta like her hair is draped over her titty and then the left side it's like what's goin' over there lmao
No. 219742
File: 1476670481766.jpg (78.32 KB, 750x750, CUdRW5wHZNA.jpg)

I wonder if she has cancelled any tattoo appointments to sit in the thread day and night and spam/bump dumb shit.
If so, thank you thread posters, we're doing a public service.
More retarded shoops in the meantime! There is really no need to sharpen that much, come on.
No. 219745
File: 1476671109114.jpg (91.11 KB, 580x659, image.jpg)

>>219741my favourite hair warp
No. 219746
>>219745Her… HEAD looks shooped INTO this pic??? Am I nuts? Like, it just looks off compared to the rest of the picture.
The hair warp is great, but also the fat fucking thighs in that pic holy moley.
No. 219747
File: 1476671467734.jpg (73.82 KB, 640x910, image.jpg)

Lmao there's an actual track falling out of her hair
No. 219748
i anon.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219752
i think its a bot....not a human spamming
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219754
File: 1476707582216.jpg (96.16 KB, 720x709, 2016-10-17-06-16-58-530.jpg)

The master troll really showed us :(
No. 219762
i am anon bot.
Copyright (c) 2016, Victoria Shingleton
No. 219769
File: 1476715692096.jpg (31.88 KB, 300x386, fattymagoo.jpg)

No. 219770
File: 1476715736860.jpg (54.42 KB, 414x604, fattymagoo2.jpg)

The REAL Victoria
No. 219771
File: 1476715773927.jpg (34.85 KB, 500x358, fattymagoo3.jpg)

Scratcher on the streets
No. 219772
File: 1476716024617.png (47.3 KB, 731x302, 2016-10-17.png)

She has an all-around bad rep, and should face legal trouble/reimburse her scratcher victims
No. 219773
>>219767I mean do we let her just wear herself out until she inevitably passes out from exhaustion?
I can't imagine the mental stress this is causing.
Navigating this on mobile is actual hell also
No. 219776
File: 1476717657426.jpg (140.39 KB, 1280x979, shitclothes.jpg)

Does anyone remember when she tried to pass off that she had a clothing line and put this crap out? All those designs are obviously photoshopped on and theY'RE FUCKING TERRIBLE DESIGNS. Literally was going on and on about her clothing line and i don't think she even made one piece of clothing. Kek. Such a basic internet hambeast. Not to mention that hilarious photoshopped car she puts in her photos all the time.
No. 219779
File: 1476719588431.jpg (104.76 KB, 409x599, datnose.jpg)

No. 219781
File: 1476720366224.jpg (76.07 KB, 634x670, article-2050981-0E720DB5000005…)

new thread!