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No. 913498[Reply]

If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

Previous threads
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No. 938504

>>938503 (me)
Some of this info includes leaked video footage and limited screenshots that are public but I have more if you want to see them.

No. 938524


No one cares about some nobody YouTuber. Except you anon, clearly for personal reasons. Delete your posts, he’s clearly not into you

No. 938569

Can we get a thread on transmaxxers or would that just fall under the regular troon threads?

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No. 930240[Reply]

>Previous three threads:
Boring Repetitive Cycle edition >>304747
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
The boring repetitive cycle continued, but then Venus disappeared from the internet for 2 months.

Most recent milk:
Venus wants scrotes to pay for her boob job and "bimbofy" her >>304775
Suicidebaiting continues >>304834
Venus posts and deletes a manic post of her bruised legs and a rambling caption about being overmedicated >>304913 >>305224
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No. 938938

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Even her OF simps aren't putting up with her shit anymore.

No. 938940

Are we not going to comment on the burned bleached hair? Also she is wearing the same blouse for the third or fourth day in a row.

No. 938941

That's probably a wig if >>938723 is anything to go by. It looks like an extremely brushed out lolita wig.

No. 938944

I would have thought it was a wig if it wasn't the exact same length as her hair in the recent photos. Time will tell.

No. 938948


She fried her hair. Maybe she's being drug tested and is trying to mess with the results kek

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No. 926623[Reply]

New thread since old thread is about to lock

Old thread: >>>/pt/res/918599



>Previous thread developments:

-Still spergs out over misgendering
-Still insists she's being raped by a ghost
-Confirmed from the cow's mouth that she's taking over the counter, Walmart testosterone
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No. 938881

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same sad bullshit

No. 938888

Fuck me sideways, here we fucking go again with this sad, sack of shit.

No. 938894

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Kek she's even using AI images like a boomer.

No. 938923

Why do troons always pick these pretentious sounding names? I honestly hate this name so much.(sage your shit)

No. 938937

she sounds like a porn actress kek

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No. 352777[Reply]

In the new video Amber mentions her friend behind her, 'talking to some dude.' then she goes, 'Goals!'. Must be getting desperate for someone to take care of her. She knows that housing situation isn't going to last, no matter how much she protests otherwise.
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No. 938899

Amber hasn’t talked about ozempic in weeks. It was a given she was going to fail again but I can’t help but tinfoil on how much Slommi was involved with the decision to stop the injections.

No. 938911

Even if Tommy (she a gorlfriend or an NB?) wasn't attached to amber I'd still be all for people outing a.. registered fucking nurse who works with immobile patients and then specifically has fetish accounts bragging that she gets off on making her partners become "immobile and so heavily dependant on her" Fuck that combination. Add the kid in too for maximum dysfunction

No. 938925

ew…. i can't believe there are women who do this type of shit. its so scrotal by nature

No. 938931

She stopped around the time she started smoking weed again. Which is hilarious, considering last time she did ozempic, she stopped doing weed because of the munchies. But of course she blames it on the drug not working anymore.

No. 938939

Don't wanna plaster old pics of the now deceased gf here but before her health decline her twitter showed her attending ssbbw conventions. Scrawny ass fetishist men in their element hanging around some of the biggest women you'll ever see all in one room together. All while they still have just enough mobility to travel to this shit but will inevitably meet men who'll have em bedbound in no time. Call me naive for being shocked a woman took that role instead. Swooped in to enjoy that sweet bedbound to dead era they crave but later have to feign muh sadness over.

Her moving on to others mere weeks after the death.. with amber not being first doppleganger she hit up. Real scrote like.

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No. 931666[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/914105
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Regina's jury trial is set for Nov 1, 2024 >>914714 Sarah's jury trial is set for Sept 30, 2024 >>916344
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No. 938933

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No. 938934

well then I want to let everyone know that there is a video out there in which Greg tells about using that wand on Sarah when she was underage. and there was then some sort of argument or something and he "wouldn't do it anymore".
that smoking gun is out there, I seen it, no i don't know the title of the video anymore but I suggest they find it. specifically Sarah's lawyers.
oh, and you're welcome.
i'm sure there has to be at least one other person out here who knows what video i'm talking about and / or has seen it too.

No. 938936

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You have to wonder if he's lurking. Reading and responding in real time. Best part of this tweet is the 184 views and just one like. Scroll through his posts and he tops out at 3 or 4 likes per tweet.

No. 938946

Sarah's lawyers should sue him for slander too (I don't remember if they're already suing him for slander or just for grooming), they would easily win. Plus Grease still has 200k in the bank and Footface was traveling to Japan recently so he can't claim he's too broke to pay the damages.

No. 938947

Turd Bundy was a dumb moid just like Grease is. Everyone acts like he was super smart just because he represented himself in court, but he lost the case and was sent to fry in the electric chair, so…
Grease will lose too if he tries to represent himself.

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No. 932701[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>921722
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@peachygirlmomo
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
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No. 938901

Has she ever thought that going to her sister every week for treatments and lip injections could be effecting her lips? Along with what another anon mentioned, chronic cotton mouth from weed.
All of these procedures are aging her horribly without all the filters when drinking water and eating healthy would solve so many issues for her. Like, is she allergic to healthy choices? When was the last time she's seen a doctor for her health?

No. 938903

Anime boys. Please don't equate fantasy kink to irl impulses. I know Moo touches adult women, but she's never touched or tried to touch a child inappropriately irl and her fantasies involve dictionary characters.

I'm surprised someone has called Moo out on the fact that in the early years of Shadman, he first began to draw incest porn of his own mother, but apparently Moo only recently heard about all the bad shit he's done. She's full of lies. He was doing this stuff even before he started focusing on lolis.

No. 938904

She mentioned it as a job, not anime boys. Like when she was pretending a teacher is a possible career she could ever have. I know she says shit to appeal to the coomers, but it's still weird as fuck she even said that and is now pretending to have morals.

No. 938907

> Please don't equate fantasy kink to irl impulses

Sorry but if one of your fantasies involves something with teens you're fucking weird.

No. 938908

You're right. The hypocrisy of there. I just don't believe it has any real basis in reality. Moo is a coward and considering how she hates not being doted on, the attention span of a kid yelling about "skibidi sigma rizz" is probably not what she'd want. lol

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No. 937206[Reply]

Remember to visit https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting; anyone failing to do so will be exiled to The Hovel to think about what they've done. Each miserable, grimy plushie in Luna's pile contains the eternally tormented soul of an anon who forgot to sage.

Previous Thread: >>920554

The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless
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No. 938856

I think the spinal stenosis is because she's fat, not the needle. Lel. Imagine being an addict and yet you're still so fat you deal with fat people health issues.

No. 938902

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Revisiting her old threads from when they were actually interesting to read and it's jarring. She's melted over the past few years….I don't think I've ever seen someone look WORSE off heroin compared to when they were in active addiction

No. 938916

She's in active addiction right now. It's clear to see, IMO, from the way her eyes go wall-eyed like that, which is when she's high, probably on a combo of benzos and fent.

No. 938942

why is luna following amberlynn reid's new gf on instagram? is she friends with amber or something? seems so random

No. 938945

She indulges in cow-watching herself here and there

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No. 914454[Reply]

If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

26 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.

Previous thread: >>890095

The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.
>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.
>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming

Taylor’s Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorndean
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylorndean/
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No. 938776

Cool can't wait to watch that next video in 6-7 months

No. 938781

>>Im making a pile of useless trash in someone else's bedroom, I hope it never gets thrown away teehee

Hoarder behavior. I know its supposed to be cheeky but its not really funny when she hoards animals and the mental issues that cause that can be transfered to other "collections."

She mentioned mood stabilizers earlier upthread but its possible she also got stimulants or has been on them for some time before adding mood stabilizers.

No. 938820

>10 videos lined up
the mania, kek

No. 938825

it’s bold of her to claim things are going to be different this time around and in the same breath promise ten videos kek. she’s definitely on some kinda high right now

No. 938873

Ahh yes, our yearly "I have so many video ideas and so much ambition" update. If I remember correctly, that means she's about to go MIA, then pop back up in 9 months so that she can post all about her physical/mental health, brush over the new sober date she will more than likely have, say everything is sOoOoOo much better. Rinse and repeat. I wonder if she is actually aware that she does this exact thing every year right on schedule or if shes genuinely so brain fried from the drugs she believes no one notices.

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No. 864707[Reply]

Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.(shit thread)
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No. 938718

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Jess when she realizes that by blocking all her followers who would have bought and eaten these videos up in response to lolcow users calling out that she had these followers (ignoring the fact that none of us are following her and just look her up occasionally to see what nonsense she is into) that she has killed off her fanbase effectively. OF is really only profitable when you have a fanbase. I'm sure she terribly regrets blocking all her fans now that her new porn venture isn't getting engagement. I think it also shows how lazy and entitled to think that one vanilla video in the woods is going to have everyone jumping up and down when she has completely alienated her fanbase from her. It was a huge financial mistake on her end.

No. 938728

I think she’s wasting her video editing skills on porn. She needs to build a portfolio and edit for YouTubers.

No. 938730

Tbh I think Jess is a very artistic person and really could have jobs in editing or the art space. She was sexually abused by her dad as a child according to her and I think she just never recovered from that as is obvious by all the male validation she seeks with men who are frankly losers. I have always felt that she was always more interesting, better looking, and talented than the dudes she was with. And yet she skin walks her men or their exs.

She always discussed not wanting children and suddenly she is with a man with children and she has a child??? It's sad to constantly watch her change for a man.

It's sad in a way because I feel there has always been potential in her.

And don't get me wrong, I can acknowledge that she is a deeply flawed person. She is rude to her fans, does drugs, used to post adult baby porn, is a serial cheater, is doing drugs and porn again even though she is now a mother. Many of her former friends have spoken out about her and that she is a dramatic person and not easy to get along with. Jess clearly struggles to maintain longterm friendships and 100% is definitely due to her abrasive personality.

I still feel bad sometimes. Her digital footprint is terrible and it prevents her from a lot of places of employment. She doesn't have a formal education. She didn't marry someone well off and due to his DUI history he also probably is not going to find a good career anytime soon.

Jess clearly had a rough upbringing and has mental health problems and surrounded herself with losers and creeps so maybe she just did not have a fair chance in life.(sage your shit/wk)

No. 938732

Hello Danny or White Knight(hi cow)

No. 938734

lol how am I Danny or White Knighting when I am shitting on Danny for being a DUI underemployed man with two baby mamas and Jess in my post? It's just hard not to feel kind of bad for a clearly mentally unwell person with a bad past make bad decision after another for years and use the skills they have for porn when she simply doesn't have the following anymore

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No. 927094[Reply]

>New “Viper Model” pic, same old crusty cumrag clothes, ratty polyester extensions, abysmal editing and shitty plastic backdrop >>875718

>Vicky to the rescue, how generous of her to offer up time out of her hectic schedule to replace Amber Heard in Aquaman >>876397
>Another one of her tattoo victims stops by, 10/10 delicious, absolute flavourtown >>876506
>Clearly back on the booze, immediately after the surgery she had that definitely wasn’t fabricated >>877404
>Icky Vicky now available in HD wallpaper, praise the lord >>878142
>Imagine being proud that you’re a misogynistic piece of shit, at the brown age of almost 40 >>878496
>Nobody, especially surgeons, thinks you’ve had surgery >>879918
>More excuses for not working, just give it up Vicky >>880301
>Claims she dumped her boyfriend of 1.5 years, immediately starts fishing for scrote attention on Facebook but is totally happy being single >>881791
>You don’t have any clients or close friends, Vicky >>884157
>The projection, my fucking sides >>884977
>Icky’s new hobby while “recovering” seems to be leaving rambling, grammatically incorrect and ultimately pointless reviews of doctors and restaurants on Google >>887268
>Makes some random old dude’s death all about her >>887606
>Announces taking a break from social media to “heal up”, we’ll see how long this lasts >>889047
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No. 938702

you can tell she's missing her myspace days so bad when she does this.

No. 938710

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Is this fat bitch lying about glass being in pizza again to try and get more free pizza? This is t the first time she has claimed this from 2 different pizza places kek

No. 938711

I love how she claims she was a Michelin star chef but only eats cheap takeout, “incredible fries” KEK

No. 938712

At least the onlydegens whores are getting money from coomers, shingles just does it for the attention from inbred retarded boomers on Facebook

No. 938849

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Good ol' Vic.

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