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No. 914454
If you’re new, please make sure you read and before posting
26 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.
Previous thread:
>>890095The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally comingTaylor’s Social Media Links:
Twitter:’s Links (mind the fakes; don’t fall for the parody accounts and old accounts of hers that have been taken over):
Twitter: Milk
>Went on an internet break in september>Changes her name on youtube >>897669 indicating she’s “uploading in a week”>Does not upload in a week>Returns from her break in late november promising a new video explaining everything >>899382 >>899386>Posts selfies edited to make herself look 20 pounds thinner after anons commented on her weight >>899408 >>899407>Crazy meth sperging >>899413>Her explanation video doesn't get uploaded when she promised it would >>899457 she starts making excuses >>899501 >>899460Joking around with the man she calls her abuser
>>899579>After 10 months she actually uploads a video. “i've been stuck in a depression for 3 years” >>899589 (it's half an hour of her deflecting responsibility and playing the victim) >Video recap (ty anon!) >>899631>Shows off her absolutely disgusting living conditions >>899585 >>899612>Admits in the video she didn't leave her bed for days, was pissing in cups, keeping them in her bedroom and wasn't brushing her teeth or showering >>899622>Posts a picture holding what looks like a pipe and swiftly deletes it >>899706>Posts more horribly edited selfies to make herself look skinny >>899836 >>899833 ends up deleting them>More meth sperging >>899874 >>899873 >>899875>Lies about her sobriety drug >>900041 anons who have experience point out the flaws in her story >>900080 >>900075 >>900059>Her fans are upset about the fact she’s friendly with her self proclaimed abuser >>900301>Tries to justify taking down her jonny video >>900559>Classic “that's what blue eyes look like in the sun” junkie sperg >>900872>MORE over sharing meth sperges >>901087 >>901086 >>901085 >>901084 >>901083 >>901082 >>901081 >>901455 >>901449 >>901473 >>901577 >>901570 >>901798>Wanted to get another video up before the end of the month but didn’t because she's lazy >>901806>Ghosts again in the new year after saying she had multiple videos lined up and ready>Comes back a month later claiming six months sober and using her totally real “health issues” as an excuse to why she's been absent >>906761>Says she's uploading “right now” >>908389>Does not upload >Absolutely ruins her hair >>909455 >>909463 >>909526 >>909637>Goes on a manic sperg about how everything is different now and she's so changed because she got a boyfriend >>909315 >>909314 >>909312 >>909311>Enter: Zack Skogen, said boyfriend >>909853 >>909846 >>909845>Says she's “herion free” for 8 months >>909904 >Posts a video >>910109 its a rushed, low effort “educational” video about her snakes.>Video recap (ty anon!) >>910170>Posts more super methy unflattering pics >>910205 >>910218 >>910203>Rants about her abuser >>910350 >>910343 >>910339 (guess jonny’s back to being the bad guy?)>Boyfriend bought her a pet frog >>910397 >>910418 >>910413>More crackhead selfies >>911014 >>911012 >>911011 >>910890>Uploads again (to everyone surprise) ”going to my first reptile exspo in 5 years” >>911099 >More super boring, seemingly rushed content that doesn't stand up to her old videos>Turns 26 >>912142 >Wants praise for doing the bare minimum >>913201>Proves she's still horrible at taking care of her pets >>913435Old Milk
>“Logs back onto” social media after disappearing for over a month >>882137>Obligatory munchie update. She has another temp heart monitor, this time gunning for a POTS diagnosis. Her heart is so bad she “might end up in a wheelchair” >>882138 >>882976 >Jonny exposes texts between him and Taylor on his instagram, the messages make it sound like she isn't sober and hasn’t been for years >>882980 he quickly deletes the story.>Taylor and Cassie live stream >>883405 generous recap (ty livestream anon) >>883513 and video archive >>884016 >>884035>Says on stream she pissed in fast food cups and kept them in her room because of depression>Accidentally confirms her relapse by saying she's “several months sober” in july when in february she was almost 10 months sober >>883769 If she didn’t relapse she would be well over one year sober, not just a few months.>More lying about editing and uploading videos that don't exist >>884126 >>884183 Same old self sabotaging cycle>Gnarly meth sores peaking through filters >>882292 >>885556 >>889737 >>889738 >Coincidently rants about losing weight and posts a creepy wannarexic vid after JCs new gf being skinny is brought up >>889102 >>889161>Goes on a narc rant after dying her hair, says she's going to reveal the new amazing, innovative, color in her comeback video >>888429 >>888430 >>888431 this doesn't make any sense because according to her the videos were already filmed and edited weeks earlier. >Says a new video will be up “this week” >>889148 then “just a few days” >>889259>Aaaaand to nobody's surprise the upload date changed from just a few days to the end of august or the beginning of september >>889740 No. 914455
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Sorry I slacked so hard on getting this thread up, I’ve been trying to post it for a few days but it kept reloading the page before it reached 100% and telling me I didn’t make a post? Anyways, potential video today…
No. 914463
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This is a few weeks old, but im confused. I could’ve sworn she didn’t have her license, so why does she own a car kek?
No. 914490
>>914455Jfc she's such a manipulative, lying, loser. No one asks her about when she's going to upload a video anymore because no one cares. All I ever see are comments saying to "upload when she feels ready". But she still feels the need to constantly lie about a video upload, it's pathetic.
>>914463 In what world does she have money to move anywhere much less cross country? Must be kinda nice to be somewhat delusional and carefree kek
No. 914493
>>914455I guess she’s been asleep for a day and a half.
>I was totally going to upload but then I woke up and my heart went crazy, I couldn’t even stand up without passing out so I obviously had to go to the hospital and definitely couldn’t tap my phone screen few times to make the video live bc I had the worst case of fAtIgUe anyone had ever seen. …Or some other munchie bullshit.
No. 914514
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Shocked no one posted this. This cat is obese.
No. 914528
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saged bc maybe i'm tripping and it's just shadows, but does this look like a massive bruise that's been edited for cover up to anyone else? You can see it in several of the newer instagram pics she has but this one is the most obvious. To me, anyways.
No. 914532
>>914521I doubt she’s going anywhere, she gets all dressed up so she can go take selfies then retreats back to her dumpster bedroom to lay in bed all day.
>>914528Mega embarrassing seeing her spew her sobriety shit while having the most obvious track marks ever kek.
No. 914537
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New video out
No. 914550
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Samefag but….not a great reasoning for doing that
No. 914689
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>>914662lol. of course not.
No. 914787
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No. 914803
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Her hand at 15:14 is a mess of track marks. Those ones near her thumb look fresh.
No. 915021
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Today’s instagram story meth spurg is about the number 21 for some reason, her ugly phone layout and her shitpost Pinterest home page
No. 915022
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No. 915023
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No. 915028
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using the L word now with her bf
No. 915037
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No. 915109
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I am not looking forward to the massive novel and crackhead selfies she’s going to post when she hits “one year sober”
No. 915171
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>>915159Guess so. That’s the only reason I believe she’s sober (from heroin, like the screenshots say) now, even though her sober date probably isn’t accurate, because she’s so fixated on this. She’s literally counting the seconds that she’s been sober, so it’s not like she’s actually out there living her life in a healthy or constructive way that’s not centered around being a junkie. Relapse inevitable when she realizes 365 days isn’t some magic number where you suddenly don’t feel cravings and don’t get back the past 6 years you’ve squandered.
No. 915209
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just like Luna, Taylor has purchased her very own sparkly sobriety chip from Amazon
No. 915297
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for her to claim a year clean is insane
No. 915301
>>915209so she’s really claiming she was sober during this train wreck
>>883513lol sure.
No. 915381
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>>915297the semi-monoboob in the right photo is giving Cabbage Patch doll ass
No. 915383
>>915297holy crap i only just noticed just how bad the photoshopping on her chest is in that photo. i saw it mentioned before but didn’t really register it until this doll analogy
nonnie also, her eyes are so freaky. she’s got doll butt boobs and bride of chucky eyes
(unsaged emoji) No. 915540
>>914787It’s been almost 3 weeks since she was “about to upload” her next video
>>915209And a week since she was going to upload a sobriety video “in a couple days”.
But dw guys she’s definitely doing
soooooo much better now.
No. 915546
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Just as expected we got a paragraph of rambling and selfies for her “one year sober”
No. 915548
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No. 915550
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>>915546literally everyone and their dog knows you’re not actually sober in the true sense of the word you attention starved manipulative junkie. don’t even get me started on her buying her own sobriety chip, this dumb bitch thinks she can buy sobriety.
No. 915554
>>915550She’s clearly still struggling with addiction and still acting like a sneaky addict. No one who’s focused on recovery and sobriety would pull this “sober from heroin” shit. Also it’s probably nothing, but since she lies about everything it’s worth noting she moved the date, last week it was June 5th (
>>915209 ) and today it’s June 4th.
No. 915560
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No. 915564
>>915546I really wish her ‘fans‘ would call her on the
>from heroinshit. it’s not exactly inspiring to trade heroin for meth.
No. 915582
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No. 915600
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No. 915726
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She’s at another reptile expo and I’m really hoping she doesn’t impulsively buy another snake she can’t take care of
No. 915740
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Big sperg about her future.
No. 915748
>>915740She should probably add “get entirely sober” to her list but I guess everything is hard without the extra motivation meth gives you kek
>>915742If she did have an enclosure ready for him, you know she wouldn’t show it anyways. She can’t show her enclosures because anons always point out what she’s doing wrong and for some reason taking criticism and improving her care is worse to her than letting her pets live in subpar conditions.
No. 915787
>>915779You have one new message sent at 2:15 A.M.
"Hey it's Taylor, I can't come today, I'm so depressed I'm peeing in cups"
No. 915793
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Am I the only one doubting she “found” this spider at the expo and is just trying to cover up the fact that she impulsively bought another animal?
No. 915837
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>>915794(samefag) she apparently did everything possible except looking for a booth that sold jumpers and asking if it was theirs or at the very least asking if it was native and could be released. how did she even keep a loose spider smaller than a nickel with her at an expo ? i’m leaning towards she bought it and had to make up a fantastical story about how she saved it or whatever because she’s a compulsive lair and can’t help herself.
No. 915890
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As if she could tell the sex of a spider
No. 915964
>>915837>I didn't even consider it could be anything but a wild oneThere are commonly different kinds of spider breeders at reptile expos but ok.
I find jumping spiders inside occasionally and it's not a big deal but as always why make up a story? It wouldn't have been hard to find the breeder and ask. Her stories are always so weird.
No. 916071
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more sperging from the early hour of the morning
No. 916111
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No. 916115
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video is dropping in ~30 min she says
No. 916128
>>916126so one thing is different, which is that she is
ready now. Wow we've never heard that before. No therapy, no rehab, no change in habits, no exercise, no new friends besides exjunkies and junkies. Not that I'm one to say how people should get sober. But I wouldn't bet my money on this one. Again I hope she stays sober but this unfortunately feels like just another "I'm a whole new person"-video again. We've seen those already. If she really wanted change, she could start by making a new personality besides the drugs or the animals she abuses. Idk go dig for rocks or something, join a local history group, learn to knit. P.S that spider is a female, it's really easy to tell… If you do your research before getting a pet.
No. 916131
>>916126Yeah sorry I just don’t believe she’s sober, even if I disregard the fact she’s lied about being sober countless times before, she’s throwing up red flags left and right. I believe she’s heroin free based off the fact she’s been patting her own ass for a month now, but her saying over and over how much better she’s doing doesn’t prove anything when she not
acting like she’s better. She lied about this video this (and others)
>>915209>>914787being uploaded like a month ago, she has no life, no other responsibilities or commitments yet it took her that long to simply sit down, film, and upload a very basic video with minimal editing.
No. 916145
>>916144Fr the only time she has tits anymore is when she does the push your arms close together pose. She admitted that weight loss made her loose fat is the worst places, I believe she said
>heroin took my titsOr something equally retarded.
No. 916251
>>916144the cleavage in the photo… are you blind? whether she's pushing them together or not that's what i was referring to
like why show off your bangs when your cleavage is the main point of the photo
No. 916409
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No. 916424
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No. 916462
“Waiting on it to upload to YouTube!l
“Waiting on monetization”
“YouTube is deciding if it’s as friendly”
Every. Single. Fucking. TIME. We don’t care about all of the steps of the progress just upload you fucking lunatic, she’s a broken record and I’m pretty sure is retarded or has no brain cells because she posts the same shit all the time. Even with the “this year is gonna be my year!!!! Everything is so much better!” She’s fucking annoying bro and a sad ass cow with nothing going on in life or upstairs.
No. 916550
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>why is nothing on YouTube simple lol
Idk it seems to be simple enough for literally every other creator on youtube
No. 916569
>>916550Even if we believe the audio was glitched why did it take her days to come out with the problem instead of taking a minute to post this on instagram 2 days ago? Her lying is so fascinating to me, how do people she knows irl respond to her always pulling this bullshit? Maybe that’s why she has no friends, it would be so uncomfortable to be around someone who lies constantly and I’m sure she doesn’t take criticism well. I always got the feeling that aggy dude stopped hanging around her because he saw through her act, I remember once when she showed texts between them and he was dead ass like
>just upload when you say you’re gunna uploadShe desperately needs more people in her life that hold her accountable for the things she does and says.
No. 916604
>>916586I sat through some of it, different time points.
Her hair is fucking fried to hell, split ends galore. She doesn't seem to be taking care of herself much, going by looks.
She sounds pretty bored and unenthusiastic the entire time, except when talking about Tofu "regressing" from the """work""" she did with him as a young animal to make him more friendly with holding and interaction.
She claims in the video that her shaky hands are from "recovery." I personally don't think she's actually sober, but maybe she does have permanent damage. I have no idea, not a drug expert.
We don't really see the snakes in the enclosures, and can't say I'm a fan of either. I don't know much about kingsnakes, but the ratsnake setup (for Tofu) is kinda ass and really far from what most ratsnake owners and breeders would recommend.
No. 916634
>>916586Hoooow is she still squeezing that snake like a toddler? Also, if it's shedding "all the time", it's probably not a "growth spurt" like she says but probably sick, like parasites or something. Snakes try to heal themselves by excessive shedding when they are sick or hurt… Maybe a broken rib from her squeezes, who knows.
Also, wow that cat got health problems again, who would have guessed when 4 cats share one litter box omfg. How can we keep telling her these things for YEARS yet she learns absolutely NOTHING? How??
No. 916850
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Big story spam 1/2
No. 916851
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No. 916856
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she’s already on her way to killing that poor jumping spider. overfeeding jumpers causes bloating (exactly like her picture) and it can lead their abdomen rupturing which kills them.
>tee hee look how fat she is
i genuinely hate this bitch so much
No. 916945
>>916928I snorted kek
Unfortunately though, the reason you've never seen an obese spider is because their abdomens rupture when they get too much food. This one is ready to blow.
No. 917048
>>916851She's so retarded it's not that hard to ID a spider given its location or just use inaturalist.
> Hard to ID cause can't see the full length of its legs. Just look at its damn eyes idiot. I'm sorry it's ~ocelli~ but you didn't have actual biology education to know that word.
>>916856That one anon called it after she posted about feeding it.
She needs to give up on the spiders. She comes off as so tryhard and just wanting to be quirky because she pretends to know anything. She needs to shut up and just go to school.
No. 917250
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new video coming soon (maybe)
No. 917285
>>917276It’s the unidentified one that she was calling a tarantula sling that died
>>916851(This one) not the jumping spider.
No. 917350
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No. 917426
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No. 917434
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No. 917444
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Looks like she’s making a “one year sober video” but didn’t she already do that?
No. 917447
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No. 917457
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new post to accompany new video
No. 917459
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idk if she's skinwalking layna with the whole bangs look but idk why she thinks she looks good with bangs or how she thinks these bangs look good… bangs just don't flatter certain people…
No. 917461
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them meth sores tho
No. 917466
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>>917456Watched the first 10 minutes and I can already tell that her "daily routine" is non-existent and she does nothing. She couldn't even go out and pretend to be active for the video. She says she still only showers every three days and doesn't brush her teeth everyday because of muh recovery. She has to lay in bed after getting dressed because she is so tired (I'm not joking). She has a boyfriend and is filming at his house while he's at work, and she stays there til the afternoon/night leaving the animals starving at her family's home while she "stares at her phone and computer in silence". Finally, she laments once again her peak era with Johnny when she was so accomplished and had her own place… how many years has it been again ? The rest of the video seems to be her usual ramblings about addiction and recovery, as if she was in any place to give advices.
No. 917529
>>917509Nta but around the 19 minute mark she says
>I just got home, unpacked, started washing my makeup off all that stuff. Im gunna sit here and have a drink and I might draw a little bit just to relax Maybe she meant a pop or water but normally when people “have a drink to relax” they mean alcohol.
No. 917735
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Impulse bought another reptile she can’t take care of
No. 918445
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showing off the new toy
No. 918818
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Supposedly ‘found’ this cat
No. 918819
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No. 918822
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August update
No. 918850
>>918833Idk she’s been having a rough month
>>918822 which means her and her boyfriend probably broke up. Her mental health fully revolves around men.
No. 920679
>>920499I'm sure junkie qween will crawl out of her hovel eventually, it's not uncommon for her to fuck off for months at a time when she’s struggling. she most likely relapsed on heroin and is too scared to reset the sobriety timer and delete her self asslicking posts about being
sObEr FoR oNe WhOlE yEaR so she's hiding in shame. she'll no doubt be back, if not for the internet validation, then for her pathetic measly YT "paycheque"
No. 921589
>>921544She’s still following/unfollowing people pretty regularly. She’s just hiding. Unfortunately because she centred this most recent come back entirely around her being one year sober it’s gunna be a big hit to her self esteem to have to come clean, if she did in fact relapse. I imagine once she gets a few months under her belt again she’ll be back with another “my life lately has been
the hardest ever, some bullshit about how fragile her uwu health is, and but I’m ___ months clean now!”. She’s been stuck in this cycle since 2017.
No. 921834
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she lives
No. 922225
File: 1699153514460.png (1.56 MB, 1440x1431, Screenshot_20231104-230423.png)

Y'all sure are slow to pick up on the new boyfriend drop(leave the name field blank)
No. 922237
>>922225every reply is telling her she looks sOoOo happy!!1! she literally just looks like every other bitch who’s gotten work done. forever stuck in resting bitch face. her lips look cartoonish
it’s painfully obvious that she has veneers in that second photo kek
No. 922247
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>>922225he's like cody ko's wife as a man, it's freaky
No. 922507
>>922258In what world is three nose rings and a chocolate milk mustache on a man an upgrade lmao
He sure doesn’t look employed
(sage) No. 922722
File: 1699914973204.jpeg (1.22 MB, 828x3584, IMG_D55089A15036-1.jpeg)

she found a spider
No. 922723
File: 1699915041532.png (1.43 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9328.png)

No. 922740
>>922225This isnt a new boyfriend you moron, its that wtf.zach guy and he’s been posted about before
>>922507In what world is JC not a downgrade to literally anyone? And this bf of hers has his own place, and a job, tay’s last video she filmed was at his apartment and she mentioned her bf was at work.
Three nose rings = not employed but JCs ugly cheap tattoo scribbles not to mention the tattoos on his face, ongoing child endangerment case, and horrifying google search background info on him = employed. Gotcha.
No. 922823
>>922740Aesthetics aside he’s basically out of her league, she’s a lazy unemployed drug addict who leeches off her parents and has no aspirations, he’s employed, independent, seems good for her and as far as I can tell he isn’t into hard drugs…. so good for her tbh. Plus literally
anyone is a step up from Jonny Craig keeek
No. 922905
File: 1700174901459.jpeg (760.87 KB, 828x7168, IMG_9372.jpeg)

life update
No. 923499
>>923408Meth isn't aesthetic. It isn't "I'm a poor sick widdle girly who is in so much pain from my EDS & fragile medical issues & tiny body that I had to". It isn't artfully tragic deaths at 27. It's bad skin, bad teeth, bad hair, gross sex and the ultimate "trashy" drug.
To Tay, being a heroin heroine is tragic and beautiful. Being a meth addict is Traylor Trash. She would never play up that aspect of her journey for her fans, it's not the "look". Momentarily after rehab bro dick she tried to make it seem glamorous but did not succeed.
Also, when it comes to drug addict hierarchy, they always have someone to look down on. "At least I never was xxx" Pot shames alcohol, alcohol shames pills, pills shame real opiates, opiates shame meth. But there's such overlap it's just silly.
No. 923573
File: 1701117041203.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4000x3000, 9EDB2FD9-8339-44E3-9692-31C543…)

Last nights story, the rest was just blurry photos of the cats.
No. 923659
File: 1701237453566.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1179x10485, IMG_8985.jpeg)

No. 923715
File: 1701309637906.jpeg (921.3 KB, 828x10752, IMG_9596.jpeg)

okay but why was she leaving songs on repeat with the volume all the way down
No. 923716
File: 1701309771004.jpeg (155.42 KB, 828x1792, Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 9.02.…)

lowering her suboxone dose
No. 923961
File: 1701622730767.png (6.41 MB, 1170x2532, BD383745-0B3D-46D7-9ACA-ED07A5…)

No. 923962
File: 1701622754628.png (8.04 MB, 1170x2532, 268C8493-C8B3-4A6A-9026-8EC45B…)

No. 923963
File: 1701622797154.png (7.75 MB, 1170x2532, B2AE236E-0D7D-46B6-8025-B2C0B1…)

No. 923964
File: 1701622853606.png (7.89 MB, 1170x2532, 98187A13-47B6-4DB9-BEEC-AA8F41…)

5 stories to blame the devil her hair is fcked up
No. 923968
File: 1701625208909.jpeg (287.75 KB, 1170x1124, 56F0535E-CA1F-40DA-B964-7FA3C4…)

>>923966Samefag. Her hair a month ago, with her real hair length highlighted.
No. 924019
>>923966I could’ve sworn she already posted about her fried hair and looking back I was right. she posted pretty much the exact same thing a few months back, selfies included. I assume that’s when she actually cut it because it’s absolutely not any shorter than it was then.
>>916071but she’ll use any excuse to take 100 pictures of herself and post them because she’s obsessed with herself, it’s not about the hair at all.
No. 924079
>>924003lmao she claims those curls are "natural"
i remember when jc and syd were together and syd finally posted her natural hair, taylor went on a meth rant about how "curly" her hair was and proceeded to show a bunch of pictures of her younger with hair that had obviously been curled and wasn't natural
No. 924080
>>923964I'm so confused… does she genuinely think that we all believe her hair grew this much
>>923968 from
>>889738 within the span of a year or is she posting this to front for her boyfriend? kek
He's not very bright if he couldn't feel/see the hair extensions this whole time lol
No. 924416
File: 1702332768824.png (571.38 KB, 828x1792, IMG_9837.png)

urge to hoard rising…
No. 924422
>>924416What’s so different about this snake in caparison to the ones she already owns other than pure aesthetics, and being able to say “look at how cool
this particular snake is”. She’s so transparent. The fact she’s even looking at animal listings and prioritizing growing her hoard instead of like, getting a job? Applying for school? Filming a video? Or anything even remotely productive is astounding. 2023, another year she completely pissed down the drain, making practically zero advancements or progress in her life. What a waste.
No. 924504
>>924416She already has
over twenty animals in her care that she basically never posts about, why add another one that will eventually just get thrown into a plastic tub and neglected once the attention she gets from it dies down?
No. 924620
File: 1702523612701.jpeg (950.8 KB, 828x7168, IMG_9905.jpeg)

story dump
No. 924637
File: 1702566943865.jpeg (432.02 KB, 3303x1232, 32662D2F-C765-4D37-A682-6CB82B…)

>>924574I went and looked the the most recent video of him and his front leg is like curled up under itself in a little ball. Doesn’t look right at all.
No. 924685
File: 1702584266953.png (153.38 KB, 828x1792, IMG_9913.png)

new video (eventually) (maybe)
No. 924715
File: 1702612085426.jpeg (847.75 KB, 1170x1610, IMG_2583.jpeg)

No. 924718
File: 1702612332627.jpeg (240.07 KB, 1176x2048, IMG_2581.jpeg)

>>924716Is this the dealer she sent nudes to? Bet she let him fuck for free dope. Lots of girls on H do it
No. 924757
>>924756916 is sac area code
and to be fair i was just reading earlier posts in his recent thread and saw a pic of his sober date tattoo lol
No. 924759
File: 1702678446491.png (999.26 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png)

>>924758who is this man?!
No. 924760
>>923961is she skinwalking Layna or is it just a weird coincidence Taylor cut her hair like hers right after Layna got a haircut?
>>923964 She can’t be that obsessed with anyone Jonny talks to right?
No. 924865
File: 1702791300387.jpeg (873.02 KB, 828x7168, IMG_0084.jpeg)

sick snake
No. 925811
File: 1703706599648.jpeg (992.77 KB, 828x3584, JPEG image-4619-88C4-8B-0.jpeg)

No. 925812
File: 1703707398123.jpeg (2.54 MB, 828x8960, IMG_A5C726C930AC-1.jpeg)

TL;DR she's thirsty sometimes
No. 925813
File: 1703708958849.jpeg (1.96 MB, 828x7168, IMG_86E3147894B3-1.jpeg)

still posting, still thirsty
No. 925883
>>924763So TL;DR according to Jonny and his former bandmates and IIRC one of Taylor's friends?, Taylor was actually on drugs prior to meeting Jonny, and pushed him to relapse on hard shit, begging him to help her try new shit for the first time.
Jonny is a cunt, but Taylor was not a good thing for him in hindsight.
No. 925956
>>925883maybe the 30 something year old man shouldnt have seeked out a 20 year old girl? just a thought.
no one or nothing would have been good for jonny at that time other than rehab and the lack of ability to contact women.
of course his bandmates would say that, i'm sure that's what jonny told them.
No. 926001
File: 1704138173868.jpeg (272.4 KB, 828x3584, IMG_0514.jpeg)

obsessing over her 15 minutes of relevancy once again
No. 926062
File: 1704225253011.jpeg (677.47 KB, 3056x2717, 0E5BD9B1-8925-4681-A99C-9CB0B5…)

It’s incredible how fast she burns through computers, this laptop is barely a year old. She got it last December:
>>900611 No. 926154
File: 1704325772969.jpeg (205.82 KB, 1169x1239, IMG_9601.jpeg)

>>926152pretty ugly little lairs. I got my old forums mixed up though, it was actually guru gossiper. picrel.
No. 926268
File: 1704560719089.jpeg (550.38 KB, 1179x2097, IMG_0188.jpeg)

(this is not milk, sage it)
No. 926356
Her latest video from a month ago
>>924748doesn’t even have 50k views (which is weird because her pet videos used to do the best). Every other pettuber from her era has other business ventures to support themselves because even with their consist uploads they can’t survive on just YouTube. Like at this point is it safe to say she fell off and her YT career is
dead dead?
No. 926466
File: 1704921909337.jpeg (262.43 KB, 1080x1767, IMG_7431.jpeg)

>>924759Way late to this, but that’s Aaron Doh. He started off on Vine where he was pretty popular and I guess he does TikTok and crypto bullshit these days.
No. 926772
File: 1705500435178.jpeg (1.91 MB, 828x7168, IMG_A49003D6700D-1.jpeg)

sobriety update
No. 927280
File: 1706334761458.jpeg (461.39 KB, 1179x1078, IMG_0769.jpeg)

No. 927281
File: 1706335116737.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1179x13946, IMG_0768.jpeg)

No. 927343
File: 1706548568104.jpeg (743.72 KB, 4096x2048, 5DCA6BE8-624C-4E84-A792-D13C14…)

No. 927979
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No. 927981
File: 1707631370589.jpeg (1.06 MB, 4096x2048, AA2C0DCB-650A-4934-9ACA-C9696F…)

No. 928062
>>927979its been
>I cant wait to tell you whats happening this yearfor half a decade now, and spoiler alert, nothing ever happens. she was doing drugs under her parents roof and they still bending over backwards to accommodate her, how privileged can someone be. she can cry all she wants about muh addiction, my life is so hard! but she spent her “worst years” laying around her cozy parents house while they provided anything and everything she needed and all she had to worry about was catching a high. she in for a rude awakening when everyone in the real world doesnt rush to accommodate her like mommy and daddy do
No. 928334
File: 1708111666590.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1886, IMG_0391.jpeg)

She’s been reading LC, lots of discussion about “hooded eyes” in several threads lately, lmao like why did she feel the need to point out what type of eyes she has? I would have never noticed. She’s goofy
No. 928724
File: 1708576198510.png (551.21 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1392.png)

No. 928773
>>928726Don’t feel like going all the way back but she claimed 3 months ago she was getting off of it completely and was only a few mg away from the lowest dose
>>922905>I'm almost to the lowest dose though! Only two more adjustments to my dosage to go, and then all that's left is whenever I feel ready to stop taking itMore lies to make her audience think she’s making progress when she’s really just going in circles.
No. 928778
File: 1708635833637.jpeg (1003.47 KB, 3464x2615, 208F54E0-6F26-4B18-8806-B3EB2C…)

>>928726tbf it’s hard to keep up when she’s said so many contradictory things. in 22 she apparently switched to the shot form of subs (it’s an entirely different drug called vivitrol). picrel is jc recommending it to her and a rant she went on about it. thats the last post I could find about her dosage, she only recently switch back to the suboxone narrative and has seemingly forgot she ever claimed she was on the injection. her narrative makes no sense when you read old threads
No. 928822
>>928778>>928727im a pharmacist and there are 4 doses of suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) films. 12/3, 8/2, 4/1, and 2/0.5.
a lot of prescribers will write scripts for "half a film" but you really really aren't supposed to cut the films…
No. 928949
File: 1708807353056.jpeg (1007.36 KB, 4096x2730, F14F20B1-52B9-434A-BC11-F2A649…)

No. 928979
>>928954Of course everyone is sick of it, you’ll notice she has no friends. Imagine watching someone you care about go through this cycle, constantly making poor choices, sabotaging themselves, crying about being the
victim, never accepting responsibility, never making progress? Addicts with a
victim complex are emotional vampires, eventually you have to detach for your own mental health
>>928976>They’re going to have her under their roof into her 30s leeching off of them with no job and no contribution to the house. They really failed as parents just letting her walk all over themThey’ve crippled her for life. I’m still astonished they just handed over the communal living room for her pets, any normal parent would’ve been like: you’re 26, if you want more space get a job and move out? But poor little Taylor always gets her way.
No. 929013
File: 1708980985572.png (313.04 KB, 828x1792, IMG_3186.png)

>>928949she’s still going on about this
No. 930208
File: 1711373931060.jpeg (360.23 KB, 2532x1170, IMG_0957.jpeg)

She reminds me of Ariana Grande (not a compliment) in the way that she larps as an uwu little gorl with the hoodie sleeve over the hand pose. She’s so quirky and not like other gurlz u guise. It’s bizarre how often she needs to remind us of that.
No. 930722
>>930716Is it this one? "My experience dating Johnny Craig" (please let me know if there's a better way to share videos that aren't on yt anymore)
No. 931097
File: 1712330581617.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1179x10346, IMG_2432.jpeg)

>>930809Speaking of posting about her silly quirky cats
No. 931103
>>931098She made a post about her tank a few days ago, expressing wanting to get back into it, but said it “wouldn’t be the same without cheese”. She made no reference to his replacement who hasn’t been seen in
4 years (march 30 2020). Imo it’s very likely it died and she’s just hoping everyone forgot, that’s her MO. Idk about mushu tho, Taylor always gave her the most subpar care and last time she made an appearance at least 2 year ago she didn’t look well
No. 931106
File: 1712348536996.jpeg (384.39 KB, 828x3584, IMG_3796.jpeg)

adding more animals to the hoard
No. 931122
>>931114I was gunna say the exact same thing about her saviour / god complex. like when she “found” (stole) the jumping spider at the expo or whatever this cringy shit was
>>916851or how she “rescued” her rats because they were feeders. she needs something to feel important because her life is a meaningless shithole
No. 931124
File: 1712434430146.jpeg (1.23 MB, 3464x3464, A8D9DD03-AC8F-413A-8CB8-5D4684…)

she admitted she only bought it because it was discounted. also she doesn’t know what’s wrong with it and her plan to rehabilitate it is apparently just hoping it gets better.
No. 931134
File: 1712466282945.jpg (149.03 KB, 1080x767, Screenshot_2024-04-07-07-01-53…)

>>931124About 7 years ago when I came across her on YouTube one of the first videos I saw of hers was about blue tangs and all the reasons not to get them. Like her I was pretty young and she seemed knowledgeable on a topic I know nothing about (salt water fish). It's interesting to now see this years later and find out that she not only went against what she preached back then but also doesn't seem to have progressed in the hobby at all. If anything she's regressed and makes even less informed decisions now than she did back then. Interesting throwback imo.
No. 931137
File: 1712470659452.jpeg (301.84 KB, 1170x1058, 5C4B4DBA-80D6-4F24-BC31-C87897…)

Couldn’t help myself.
No. 931155
she's right back to where she was. no change. this is sadder than ever.
>>931134In this video I think she even talks about why you aren't saving the fish either and are just contributing to exactly what she mentions here
>>931124 overfishing and abuse of animals via awful stores like Petco. disgusting
No. 931164
File: 1712597556776.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1176x11204, IMG_2530.jpeg)

I love how she brings up a quarantine tank after it was talked about here
No. 931211
>>931164a quarantine tank exists to use as soon as a new animal is brought home. you use it FIRST to protect the established fish and identify illness BEFORE you potentially introduce pathogens to their tank. you do it to make sure it's safe to add new, 'unknown' fish without risking the health of the known fish. there's no point quarantining him AFTER putting him in the larger community tank. she is laughably bad at animal husbandry, how the fuck do people still think she's an 'expert' when she introduced a new, sick fish to the tank and then said she could just quarantine it after. if he does end up needing meds she might as well medicate everyone now since she's exposed them all to whatever illness he'll need treatment for.
it's been years and she just cannot get animal care 101 into her head
No. 931213
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No. 931214
File: 1712740677880.png (405.29 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6792.png)

Yeah Ich can pop up for a bunch of different reasons but it’s probably pretty safe to say that Irwin got ich from the newly added, physically unhealthy,tang you just added in there! Like no shit!
No. 931219
>>931213>>931214wow who could’ve ever seen this coming?
except literally all of us….
No. 931277
>>931164Taylor flooded her parents floors twice.
Talking about she caught it in time.
Oh yeah her brain is fried.
No. 931298
File: 1712964160603.png (4.12 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1188.png)

She got ANOTHER animal for fucksake
No. 931299
File: 1712964323330.jpeg (958.57 KB, 4000x4000, IMG_1193.jpeg)

No. 931308
>>931300>I'm gonna have a bedroom to myself She's so fucking entitled lol. The principle of hoarding exotic animals bought from sketchy breeders, shoving them in excessively tiny cages, then whining that
they're invading
her space is something else. Nobody made you buy all these burdensome animals tay.
>>931299If she's moving out of her mom's, why does she need to deep clean EVERYTHING? They've been been in use this whole time so they shouldn't be gross due to the routine cleaning. Did she just leave all the animals to die 4+ years ago then left their unwashed cages to fester until now? The way she's talking makes it sound like she's never bothered to clean or move anything until today.
No. 931309
>>931298>>931300The fact that she’s moving all her pets out of her bedroom because they’re taking up too much of her space while she’s actively acquiring
more of them is insane
>>931308>The way she's talking makes it sound like she's never bothered to clean or move anything until todaythis is very likely close to the truth
No. 931313
>>931300A change of environment is going to help her a lot mentally? And by change of environment, she means getting her animals the fuck out of her room? LOL. Sorry but I don’t think anything is going to help her “mentally” at this point. Lol @ her definition of change of environment. When I first saw she was moving her animals. I thought she was moving out or something.
Also, why is she just now doing this after having a crowded ass room for five years?
No. 931392
File: 1713217464733.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1179x2101, IMG_2802.jpeg)

No. 931420
>>931392I'm sure her parents love this new decor, 20 plastic bins in their front room. it really makes the place so cozy and looks really tasteful
if I were her parents I'd set an ultimatum that if she stays the reptiles and fish do not stay. maybe she gets to keep one snake (she'd pick the one that cost $10k because it's cool to show off). her parents have probably bonded with the cats over the last several years so those would be allowed to stay, and the hedgehogs are obviously long dead and gone. I can't remember if she had any other mammals in her hoard that she hasn't announced the deaths of at this point
No. 931425
File: 1713281911974.png (519.62 KB, 1068x618, 1000017691.png)

Her mom posts YouTube videos cooking and random stuff every now and then, not very interesting but the axolotl tank and betta tank are gone from the kitchen and not anywhere in the living or dining room.
No. 931426
File: 1713281981415.png (1.16 MB, 2400x1080, 1000017690.png)

>>931425Year and a half ago Taylor walking past the axolotl's tank, other tank was blurred behind dirty dishes. Another couple of animals gone
No. 931429
>>931428there's really no way of knowing. she never posts any of the animals anymore except the fat cats. we barely see the snakes either. for all we know those Tupperwares are empty.
didn't she used to have rats? they probably would have died naturally due to life span by now but I can't believe how little she posted about even her most sociable animals
No. 931435
>>931429she put them down and posted about it, but only after they all got debilitating tumours and could no longer move
>>931433according to social blade she made 250$- 4000$ over the last 12 months. even if the 4k number is accurate (social blade estimates high) that's the most embarrassing yearly income ever and she could never survive on her own
No. 931438
File: 1713294503005.png (3.88 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1308.png)

Bro is this bitch on meth and lying about being sober and that’s why she stays up all night, sleeps all day, and does tweaker shitb shit? Posts like a tweaker, acts like a tweaker, walks and talks and looks like a tweaker, Miss Tweaker Nicole Dean just can’t stop reminding us about her shaky hands:
No. 931442
File: 1713297036426.jpeg (528.27 KB, 1670x3463, 5D662BBD-0B59-4D5A-BFB7-21B187…)

>>931438Once you notice her use of “from heroin” in every single post she makes about “being sober” you realize she’s probably been doing meth on and off the whole time
No. 931471
>>931392Such sad, sad enclosures. So depressing, especially for a seeming hobbyist/
influencer. She should have and would have continued to get sponsored to have the nicest and best examples of how to keep and maintain these animals and encourage top notch care to her millions of subscribers.
No. 931484
I still think it‘s tragically funny how she never realizes how logically flawed her blatant lies are and always have been. Whenever she‘s on the "omg I‘m doing so well, this is finally my year, been sober for x long" mania trip she says she’s "on the lowest dose of Suboxone ever and currently trying to get off completely" (currently has been the past 3+ years btw) BUT when people call her out for always having tiny pupils, she says "Guys, it’s the Suboxone!" at one point a few months ago she literally said she was on 12mg, which is A LOT, especially if you’re trying to wean off. Girl, you can’t have both! Then she constantly mentions how she’s so depressed she didn’t shower for a year and a half and peed in cups, yet she obviously always took proper care of her animals and their enclosures, duh! I can honestly believe she barely took care of those tanks until moving them. And like someone else here mentioned, I also wondered before if she might enjoy keeping her animals rotting in those tiny, dirty enclosures, like that she’s some fd up sadist or something.(newfag who can't sage)
No. 931533
File: 1713547447053.jpeg (166.59 KB, 935x512, IMG_1523.jpeg)

>>931471idk if this is normal wear and tear as far as reptiles go (so sorry if im being retarded) but she posted bindi’s enclosure like a week ago. it looks really gross and i assume this was after she cleaned it out to move it
No. 931536
File: 1713556052962.png (2.41 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1354.png)

I think Taylor is legitimately retarded. Like wow so cool, your cat is so comfy and stretched out, congrats. Totally unique and not like other cats. She posts the most pointless stuff, instead of filming content she literally rots in her bed all day with her cats. We’ve gotten the same exact photo of her with one of her cats every day now. What is she post this pointless shit
No. 931537
File: 1713557093902.jpeg (802.43 KB, 3419x2093, E577279F-2959-43D4-88A8-B0E433…)

>>931536and more narc sperging about her hair. can’t wait for her to bleach it and then whine and cry in a few months that’s it’s damaged and broken like she always does.
No. 931541
Looks like it, she shouldn’t be vaping if she
>>931540supposedly has that super fragile heart condition that makes her heart go boom where she needed a monitor. or was that only because Halsey has that disease?
No. 931562
File: 1713628232170.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x2169, IMG_2943.jpeg)

>>931561Did some digging, looks like its this one, if so its nicotine
No. 931673
>>931533Pretty sure that's not normal for a reptile and that she did exactly what
>>931308 said and let her animals literally rot in absolute filth until it was time to move them to a room other people could see them. Hence, the need to spend hours deep cleaning the enclosures. God, that shit has got to smell horrible and she was just rotting in it.
I can't stand her. I get being depressed, I get being a drug addict, hell, I even get living with your parents till you're 40. But jfc, this girl hoards animals to let them suffer and eventually die of a preventable illness all so she can get ass pats from internet strangers. I hope to god she never has fucking kids.
No. 931762
File: 1713966619458.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1179x2088, IMG_3037.jpeg)

No. 931769
>>931762moves enclosures to another room to "have her own space"immediately gets more animals after she realizes there's more room to hoardAlso, radio silence on the ich situation 2 weeks ago
>>931214. I guarantee most if not all of those fish are dead and she will never talk about it again.
No. 931791
>>931673 said. All of it. I’m also an addict in recovery, I’m also depressed and I’ve experienced a lot of things Taylor went through. What I don’t do: Get 30 animals or more WHILE I’m depressed and/or on drugs and leave them to suffer/die. It’s the same as people getting 5 kids while they’re on drugs and can’t even manage their own lives. It causes damage to other living beings and though in Taylor’s case, it’s "just" animals, but still… Her obese cats who live in her filthy room with syringes lying around and who share one litter box, her reptiles and snakes, most of which she hasn’t shown in years…
(no1curr) No. 932076
File: 1714258215789.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1174x8156, IMG_3162.jpeg)

No. 932100
>>932076>thats a lot of moneywhat a cope kek. anons were recently talking about how poor she is, she must be lurking. its not like the app actually gives you money, you’re not saving anything… because you dont have a job or income
>>932080because she’s an idiot and her brain is mush from abusing drugs before her frontal lobe even had a chance
No. 932116
File: 1714344369017.jpeg (352.61 KB, 1179x1885, IMG_3179.jpeg)

No. 932127
>>932116I get it, she’s getting rid of her junkie bed that she used to do drugs in and replacing it with her junkie bed that she used to do drugs in,
with Jonny. That will fix her.
No. 932135
File: 1714416756573.jpeg (658.93 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2193.jpeg)

>>932127why would you want to sleep in the bed where you and your ex used to nod off. we saw the state of the house when she moved, that furniture should of been burned. let’s not pretend it wasn’t an actual drug den
No. 932142
File: 1714424612749.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1174x10166, IMG_3206.jpeg)

Girl we get it you swapped your bed out, also will you show anything besides the cats? How about the enclosures you just set up instead of 20 photos of the bed you did drugs in?
No. 932153
File: 1714429323488.jpeg (188.46 KB, 1242x1192, IMG_7330.jpeg)

>>932135holy fucking shit. her bathroom was carpeted
No. 932170
File: 1714444402342.png (362.67 KB, 828x1792, IMG_4115.PNG)

hoarder behavior
No. 932198
File: 1714505392265.jpeg (1.06 MB, 3058x2703, 691AE0CC-E617-47BF-A5F9-816C45…)

wonderful. another animal she can kill
No. 932203
File: 1714508792515.png (1.76 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4124.png)

>>932198setting this up like she has to keep it, “or else”
No. 932216
File: 1714520363411.jpg (283.32 KB, 1300x740, eight-frame-15-day-beginning-l…)

>>932205That bird is atleast 7-10 days from being a fledgling and still very much needs its parents. In cali they wont take doves period because they are a pest. (I rehab birds as a hobby) It would be an easy raise and release case but knowing her she will turn it into a pet that she will probably kill.
No. 932235
File: 1714539045513.png (4.08 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7567.png)

Do we believe her?
No. 932579
>>932135Mm that shitty southwestern black tar.
Remember when she claimed she had such a high tolerance she was shooting China white and then solely fentanyl but didn’t know that China white is literally just pure Chinese fent in the first place. She was such a noob sloppy junkie, couldn’t hit for shit so she used her hands
No. 932615
>>932604acute hepatitis c can clear up on its own and if not antiviral meds fix it. she most likely got diagnosed before it became chronic and just needed some sovaldi or whatever
>>932613totally possible… because of the whole pathological lair thing, but she was also sharing needles with jonny hepatitis
Craig… sooo?
No. 932622
File: 1715050940378.jpeg (891.82 KB, 1170x2049, IMG_2349.jpeg)

>>931880At this point im starting to think the anon who said the tubs could be empty might be onto something, because why is she taking pictures of random dusty snakes in her yard? She has cool exotic pet snakes in her house
also im SO retarded but im dying at the snake “running off” they don’t have legs looooool No. 932682
File: 1715119080896.jpeg (1.51 MB, 3391x3366, 53F6F7E5-4B4B-481D-8F22-AE97CE…)

shes playing with a dead bird on instagram right now…
No. 932683
File: 1715119582412.jpeg (383.09 KB, 1170x1786, IMG_2388.jpeg)

>>932682I hope she’s not taking this as some delusional meth head sign from the universe to get a pet bird.
No. 932690
File: 1715124862940.jpeg (95.62 KB, 1170x603, IMG_1599.jpeg)

taylor your early 20s did not “slip through your fingers,” you became a junkie
No. 932795
File: 1715201053811.jpeg (197.21 KB, 1170x960, IMG_2439.jpeg)

>>932682she’s gotta be tweaking…
No. 932886
I didn't realize people were actually using the spreadsheet. So I am trying to update it
Quick disclaimer; It obviously hasn't been updated daily. I thought the NOW command would only update when I accessed it, but it updates when ANYONE accesses it. So, I changed it. NOW command is still there but I added a 'last updated' section that i will manually change.
Added a new status, MIA, meaning we know they are not in TND's care, but we don't know where they went.
Added a mantis and tarantula I missed, added Shoe the Pacman, I'm unsure of what crabs that she has that all died (got the halloween/moon crabs and the one hermit crab, were there more?). Also all of the fish outside of the 150g rehomed… Could anyone help with figuring out which fish that may be? I figured it will only leave saltwater fish.
Still going around cleaning it up and updating. Let me know if I fucked something up, or if there is anything I should add. No. 932925
>>932886goose, dove and pigeon have all been put down (the death post is on instagram) she posted a while ago about not having hedgehogs anymore. shes recently got a jumping spider (phidippus puis)
>>915793 a sailfin tang
>>931106 and two more lizards (leechie and side show bob)
>>931298 >>931762 No. 932934
>>932925>>932926Thank you, I'm sorry I left it so terribly for so long. Although now that I'm working on it again, I'm realizing why I abandoned it. It's a mess.
Rats updated, trying to look for more accurate date on when the hedgehogs left (all I have was that they couldn't find new homes, and she decided to keep in them in her vid in aug 2019), I genuinely didn't realize she kept the jumping spider so I added that, along with the lizards and fish.
I've been going around adding more accurate dates and links in cells to whatever media mentions important info. Realized I totally missed some animals completely.
If anons find anything incorrect or missing info, please let me know so I can update.
No. 932976
>>932683>what is going on with me and birds rn??this is actually embarrassing. You would think an animal expert would know when it’s baby bird / fletching season like other anon said.
Taylor where’s the new video? How about you show us what’s really in those enclosures?
No. 932983
>>931438a couple threads ago when she was compared to a thumb thumb with her hunchback ass and weight gain she entered her wannarexic era
>>931536 aaaand to me this post confirms it, she's wannabe ana…. lol to us she looks dumb but in that world she's bodychecking. but she's still not even that skinny so… part of me feels like she's trying to be all brain dead like eugenia cooney, she's seeking concern for her uwu so sick but it's not working cause she is not sick she's just a washed up old hag
No. 932984
>>932983sorry to elaborate on my first point, i think what she's attempting to do is fish for concern with her "shaky hands" which sometimes happens when someone is starving themselves. she knows what she's doing. but she's shaking because she's high on stimulants. she's so transparent it's pathetic…
also randomly searched this thread after like a year and a half because i was bored and curious and it's insane to see her still thinking she's going to make a comeback, crazy even JC has had a redemption arc creativity-wise and she hasn't even done it. like what is she doing
No. 932985
>>932886I think she has five cats
nonnie. Do they still have Esther?
No. 932997
>>932988Lmaoo I’m just gonna take that as a compliment since apparently I’m writing in English well enough for you to think I’m a native speaker when I actually just learned it in school, you know, in Germany. This is so ridiculous I just laughed out loud. (I’m aware that the term "y’all" is a Texan thing, I probably subconsciously used it since this thread is talking about Taylor and she obviously says that a lot- Idek why I’m trying to explain myself) Let’s see if this posts because last time I tried to respond to another dumbass on here I got banned for using the laughing emojii.
And all of this bs just because I dared to question whether she’s actually using meth. As if heroin wasn’t bad enough. Some of you pretend like I’m defending Taylor when I’m most definitely not, believe me…
(Self posting obviously, don’t worry this is the last time I’m talking on this matter)
No. 933003
>>932997>>933002ntayrt but kek. in your original post you say you’re coming back to lolcow
>being on lolcow again more frequentlyand then you say
>I tried to respond to another dumbass on here I got banned for using the laughing emojiifarmers know not to use emojiis. at least do some research and learn to integrate if you’re gunna lie
No. 933012
File: 1715459227175.png (1.94 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1656.png)

Love how she says “one” of my tv’s
No. 933015
>>933013The whole "I subconsciously used it because it's how she talks."
Fucking kek. It might just be Taylor with how fried that thought was.
No. 933017
>>930208This is the last time we’ve seen her face
>>93299 And lmao
>>933014 , she said she peed in cups in her room, peeing the bed like it’s no biggie would be insane kek
No. 933021
>>932991The last time she posted her face without filters or makeup she had some pretty obvious marks?
>>917461>>933014No anon, she actually just switched her old mattress out for the one her Jonny used to shoot up in. No more pee stains for our gross meth queen, she’s moving up in world!
>>933013I was going to say this exactly. It’s word for word what she said in that post. Also could be a coincidence but she frequently uses the capital D smiley emoji, some examples:
>>914455>>915171>>926062And if it
was her coming here to try and convince the thread she’s not on meth, that’s means she’s definitely on meth
No. 933023
File: 1715468498828.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1176x6214, IMG_3445.jpeg)

No. 933026
>>933012having a clean bedroom is not a monumental milestone, you’re just proving to everyone you’ve been living like a disgusting pig for the last number of years
>>933023>when u get into a mental state where ur not taking care of yourself I understand struggling with MH but like why share with the world that you don’t practice basic hygiene? keep that to yourself
>I’ll have it back within a weekgreat. so we can expect the video that she promised about moving all the enclosures by late 2024/ early 2025
No. 933030
File: 1715477301308.jpeg (556.66 KB, 1298x3118, D6C621B5-C18E-44A5-89D3-AFCCED…)

>>933027of course she stays lurking. it’s not like she has anything better to do on her schedule…
No. 933034
File: 1715488978224.jpeg (729.06 KB, 1174x8289, IMG_3468.jpeg)

No. 933035
anon posts this
>>933017 at 03:59:47pm CT, so let's say 4pm
taylor posts this
>>933023 50 minutes before 06:01:39pm CT, so let's say 5pm
>>933032no anon, I'm sure she was putting on a full face of make-up at 4pm to go out with all her friends, not to prove anything to lolcow
No. 933067
File: 1715524555709.jpeg (661.61 KB, 3287x2483, 4CF22F88-F334-4A32-B01A-70478F…)

>Almost two years sober from IV heroin (and all drugs)
KEK. still lurking. go on taytay, show us your little sober app but the meth version, you seem to have no problem sharing your heroin one…
>Idc about it being anything big, or having a bunch of eyes on it or anything. I just want to be happy
this is probably the closest we will ever get to her admitting her career is in the shitter.
No. 933068
>>933067She does care about becoming a big platform. Otherwise, this would be a hobby and not the only thing she is focused on. Addiction clinics hire former users all the time. Most even pay for them to become addiction counselors.
But that's work and dedication. Not filling up piss bottles and stealing neighborhood wildlife for attention.
No. 933083
>>933034Who tf asked for a video of her moving and swapping out her bedroom furniture, anon was right it’s sad this is such a big event for her. Even sadder that she thinks anyone wants to see this. Fuck me, this bitch is retarded
Like yassss queen your “fans” cannot WAIT to see you setting up your new bed adorned with 50 stuffed animals.
And this bitch is so transparent. She has been responding to EVERYTHING being said on lolcow on her IG stories.
Let’s see if she shows any of the animals in this next video. It’s kind of embarrassing that she’s been posting so much about redoing her bedroom at her parents house at 27 years old.
No. 933164
File: 1715708728796.jpeg (1.63 MB, 828x5376, JPEG image-479A-A99F-7E-0.jpeg)

she has her laptop back
No. 933171
>>933164she goes through computers faster than anyone I've ever seen. she got this one last year to replace her old desktop and other broken laptop
>>900611and it barely made it a year before she also fucked it up. what is she doing to them, who treats a 2 thousand dollar laptop like a cup coaster?
No. 933232
File: 1715739193757.jpeg (226.71 KB, 1179x2066, IMG_3538.jpeg)

Girl we get it your laptop is fixed. How many times is she going to make a story about the same thing
No. 933244
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No. 933308
File: 1715816743144.jpeg (391.56 KB, 1179x2095, IMG_3555.jpeg)

No. 933330
File: 1715831637899.jpeg (616.61 KB, 750x1284, taylorweknowyouposthere.jpeg)

>>932977>Or do y’all just call her a meth head to insult her?:D Then at least be precise and call her a junkie.Just leaving this here.
No. 933334
>>933260no anon she's not just gonna show us her moving plastic tubs, she also filmed swapping out her bedroom furniture get it right! because her audience definitely gives a fuck and wants to see that! kek
taylor i know you read here, you should film another video talking about your junkie life (it's honestly more interesting, sadly) like maybe for your two year totally really sober anniversary! don't forget to address the meth situation, since you know, sober means clean from everything lmao. also if you're so damn determined to prove us wrong about everything how about you show us your snakes and the rest of the animals? not just your cats or fish. also you should pee in a whatburger cup and film yourself opening a drug test and sticking it in there. (we will know it's actually our piss because suboxone will show up) i promise no one cares about your bed. we want to see if you're actually sober and if your fucking animals are even alive.
>>933308lmao damn two makeup selfies back to back this last week?? that comment about her not showing her face in 6 months bc she's so gross and greasy really got to her kek
No. 933336
File: 1715835091016.jpg (83.48 KB, 1200x865, 1635187780977.jpg)

would you beleive me if i said this was taylor
No. 933373
>>933315 She said almost word for word this same thing a month ago
>>931164 then announced immediately after that her tank had ick. I understand ppl making mistakes, but after dealing with these issues why wouldn't you have set up a quarantine tank just in case? It's just straight up abuse. Not that it'd matter, she'd probably kill the fish either way considering this is the same dumbass who thinks that good bacteria is held in the water so apparently all you need for a nitrogen cycle is old tank water and it will be fine. She's so fucking stupid and negligent. She knows more about fucking drugs than she does her animals and she's cared for them if not her entire life than at least half. It's pathetic.
>>933334 I didn't get to screenshot it but at one point she was proudly announcing that she showers regularly AND washes her face. kek that comment really struck a nerve
No. 933382
>>932980>>933337kek i just noticed “germany” anon said it’s 1 PM there. germans don’t use am/pm, they use a 24-hour clock. god she’s dumb.
>>933376kek. basic hygiene shouldn’t be such an accomplishment “two years” into “sobriety,” but it definitely is if you’re a meth head. really makes you think.
No. 933505
>>932985>>932994Added esther, I added that it's her mother's cat, I'm not sure if it always was though.
Trying to figure out the whole seahorse situation, when she got each one and when each one died. It's a fucking nightmare.
No. 933562
File: 1715998871921.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x2103, IMG_3606.jpeg)

No. 933564
>>933562People are finally getting bored of her posting 8-10 selfies of herself doing that same dead fish stare with her head at a slightly different angle.
Love that she claims she took them in front of window so no one will question the tiny pupils.
No. 933588
File: 1716046624562.jpeg (54.85 KB, 1170x406, IMG_2605.jpeg)

>>933562Riveting content Taylor, your followers are absolutely eating it up!
>more changes have happened in the last month than in the last several years combined, it only keeps getting betteris hilarious when you realize her
huge life changes are cleaning her bedroom and showering on a regular basis kek
No. 933603
File: 1716053415338.jpeg (834.32 KB, 1179x1110, IMG_3614.jpeg)

No. 933605
File: 1716054609019.jpeg (95.63 KB, 600x1024, IMG_1782.jpeg)

>>933603Christ. And I love how she said her face is no longer melting off because of meth, but no mention that she’s not doing it anymore lmfao.
>>933562Even in this post; one of the pics is her sober app that still says “free from heroin”. We all know she obsessively reads here, you think she’d change her app to say “clean for 23 months” or “sober for 23 for 23 months”, because you can absolutely change what substance you were addicted to. She probably doesn’t think or count her. Matthew has an addiction, but anyone who lets themselves get like THIS, is addicted.
No. 933617
This narcissistic bitch would
never ever pass up on the opportunity to brag about being entirely sober and get all the ass pats. Heroin might’ve been her original DOC, but this
>>933605is not the face of a casual meth user. I don’t even know how this is a debate,
Her silence is an admission No. 933622
>>933605Spoiler for schizo moment.
The last time she had brown red split dye with bangs was in 2020, but she didn’t get her septum pierced until late 2022 so this picture couldn’t have been from then, and has to be post 2022. the only hair style that kinda lines up is the blond/red split dye from early 2023… Looking closer im 80% sure she edited half of her hair from blond to brown to make this picture look like it was from years ago when it’s probably from 2023. Do the math I’ll go take my meds now
No. 933628
File: 1716067216711.jpeg (668.54 KB, 1169x2178, sdcsdvb.jpeg)

>>933622you are 100% correct. She didn't get her septum pierced until she had the split dye with the red and blonde, which was late 2022– so she was def not sober then.
No. 933631
File: 1716068612872.jpeg (931.88 KB, 3464x2330, F19BF341-F0C2-45EB-92B7-18B86E…)

>>933622the out of place blonde strand she forgot to edit and the very clear stark line between the “brown” and blonde make it obvious (bonus picture of her wearing the same septum ring during that time). shes soooo insanely sneaky and manipulative
No. 933633
>>933628the whole disappearing and reappearing on the internet thing is clearly her going on a binge. she wouldn’t post for months bc her face looked like that so ofc she was “isolating”
and we just proved it, again
No. 933642
>>933640i’m sure she’d think we’re just nitpicking on this one but she quit heroin
FOR METH. like it’s not as if she just smokes weed every now and then (that’s still not sober but
it’s not fucking METH) but she’s straight up lying. she sounds like fellow layabout junkie luna slater and her “uwu i’m so clean and sober, i only get zooted on xannies now, pity me + pay me”
No. 933648
File: 1716095008371.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1179x1354, IMG_3629.jpeg)

>>933631Not to mention when her hair was split red and brown in 2020 there was more brown in her bangs than red
No. 933668
File: 1716132796497.mp4 (6.49 MB, 1080x1920, instasave.mp4)

I know the majority of her animals eat other live things but did she really have to shakily film herself fucking sawing off a piece of this live worm? like she couldn’t even one chop it. that’s not my issue and neither is the fact that she cuts them up in general, but why did she film herself doing it?!?! She could’ve just shown a video of her feeding the frog the little piece. It was just very creepy and made me feel weird, I guess I’m too much of an empath but the way she filmed the worm wiggling around then started sawing off a piece of it made me feel icky. Like I’m completely aware her pets eat all kinds of live rats, crickets, ect but she’s never posted herself mutualizing them in real time. In fact, if I remember correctly anytime she would post animal videos on YouTube (feels like a LIFETIME ago) she would always put a warning to skip if you don’t want to see the live feeding process. I’m probably being dramatic, maybe it’s just me, but this video is just so fucking creepy. Has she posted herself killing an animal for feeding in the past? I hope you guys understand what I mean, I know some of them eat live animals but filming the part where she kills them is a little unnecessary, I’m getting sinister/sociopath vibes from it.
It’s also very telling how silent she’s been about the meth situation, because she’s constantly indirectly responding to us on her stories. Let’s see if she addresses this or anything about her “sobriety” in her next video, which, if I had to guess, we won’t be getting until July. She’ll post a video for the 4th or something. I really want her to post an updated sobriety day in the life video for her two year “anniversary”. I’m dying to see how different it is from the the one year video..
No. 933697
File: 1716149384129.jpg (100.86 KB, 720x1350, Screenshot_20240519-134340.jpg)

>>933668In answer to your question, yes. A better anon than me may find the thread. They were moving so fast & I was so wasted at the time so my memory is iffy- but I remember a video/clip where she hit a pinky or rat pup on her dresser(?) to feed a snake.
I found the shaky-hand moth video from 4 years ago where anons mention it, but I didn't go all the way back to find the original incident. IDK why I cropped it retarded I'm not drunk anymore.
No. 933713
File: 1716172001623.jpeg (384.23 KB, 1170x1542, IMG_1848.jpeg)

>>933648i wonder how she’s going to casually explain this via instagram story kek
also has anyone checked in on mama dean lately? her youtube is absolutely retarded and hilarious
No. 933999
File: 1716475150851.jpeg (446.74 KB, 1179x2067, IMG_3751.jpeg)

Sneak peak at the new set up in the background
No. 934167
File: 1716661031600.png (1.65 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2656.png)

>>933232Apparently all she’s been doing is editing for 11 days straight. Another blatant lie.
No. 934323
File: 1716858260334.jpg (267.03 KB, 1078x1916, 1000009106.jpg)

>>934296is this a new animal? I can't keep track
No. 934330
File: 1716863926055.jpeg (701.31 KB, 1178x4150, IMG_3934.jpeg)

>>934323Not sure, don’t think she’s posted it before, maybe a new pet, or maybe her bfs? It’s hard to tell where the photos were taken.
No. 934335
>>934323>>934330She's posted this leachie before, see here. No word about if it's hers.
>>931762Reminder that she also recently got a crested gecko a few days before that
>>931298 No. 934338
File: 1716868161035.png (106.35 KB, 1587x676, tnd excel sheet.png)

Spreadsheet looks less gay now. Added some fun facts. New animals should be up to date, now I'm more concerned about updating these old animals. Please let me know if anything is wrong, or if you have any info that's missing.
The cost tab was always there but hidden; let me know if you think it should stay hidden.
>>934323I believed it first appeared in April. I think it's a New Caledonian Giant Gecko aka Leachie.
No. 934343
>>934338Thanks for updating anon! I think the cost is interesting to add. Insane seeing how much she'd spent on just buying them alone, not to mention all the husbandry/supplies/etc over the years
I don't have axolotls so I might be wrong but pretty sure Mushu was a Melanoid morph not white. Rip little buddy, I doubt she's still alive at this point
No. 934435
>>934434the animal gifting is
very concerning. side show bob and shoe were both birthday present from him, shoe last year and bob this year. seems like a thoughtless gift when your gf already has over 25 animals she’s can’t care for aptly plus no where to put them. I would ask what he was thinking but he actually looks like a he has an extra chromosome so he probably wasn’t thinking anything at all.
No. 934439
File: 1717020048148.jpeg (279.75 KB, 1179x2077, IMG_4042.jpeg)

No. 934442
>>934439she started going on about moving her pets and this video idea
three months ago its taken her months to get to the filming and editing and she’s still needs to film and edit more??? lol k.
>>934435normal well adjusted men don’t date dirty feral unemployed crack heads that piss in jars and look like this:
>>933605shes a walking red flag and she doesn’t even have her youth/beauty and internet fame to balance it out anymore. that retarded pot head is the best can do for herself. I bet not even jc would want her gross ass at this point. tbh she should marry her bf before he realizes he can do better and leaves her lol.
No. 934471
File: 1717083754770.png (2.37 MB, 1080x2278, Screenshot_20240530-095310.png)

>>932542Nona, she needed you to know kek
No. 934494
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No. 935032
File: 1717640048755.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1178x3077, IMG_4206.jpeg)

No. 935034
File: 1717640268342.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1178x5043, IMG_4207.jpeg)

More photos from her sobriety post
No. 935061
>>935032>I still have every single thing ever sent or given to meWhat a pathetic attempt to reconnect with her pet audience, most of those people left when she made her entire personality about drugs. 4 of her 7 posts from the last year are just ranting about her addiction.
>I'm staying sober and working towards being able to follow my dreams again Hopefully your dreams are getting an actual job, because the content creator ship sailed on without you
>For awhile I tried to kill everything I was from a child up until that point; embarrassed of certain things, insecure over other parts. I wanted to feel invincible- because i spent so long feeling weak. But i lost all sense of myself in an attempt to prove to myself that i could handle anythingWhat in the world is she even going on about here? It’s nonsense.
>two years clean to rediscover who I am atthis age is a great startYou completely ruined you're life, cute cope though kek
No. 935195
>>935034Bruh imagine being an 11 year old in 2017 and sending this fanmail to Taylor, only to have her not reply. Then she chooses heroin over her fanbase and gaslights them. You forget about her after a while. Then 7 years later you're 18 and you happen to see her using your cringe letter to prove that she's a likeable human being. And she didn't even censor your name. I hope Leah's doing well.
She never cared about her fans and this feels icky
No. 935214
>>935182they have to be pretty old, she hasn’t had a P.O. box since like 2018? and. most of the animals in the drawings are long long dead. I’m guessing most of them were in her storage and she found them when getting her bed.
>>935195no it’s icky. she ignored and manipulated her fans for
years, lied to them about uploading because she knew her most dedicated stans would run and rewatch her videos in anticipation and be her little cash cows and now she’s using thier sweet fan mail for validation and internet points. it’s nothing short of disgusting.
No. 935323
File: 1717974977368.jpeg (192.76 KB, 1170x1945, IMG_2340.jpeg)

why would she say this? jesus fucking christ kek
No. 935330
>>935323I seriously do not understand WHY she doesn’t just upload whenever she wants. Why does she post these excuses every time, regardless if they are true or not?? It just seems like laziness and it’s not like she has a normal posting schedule anyways. Posting this type of shit just shows she is the type
of person that something always happens to… just like your coworker that always calls off or comes in late and has some insane excuse.
But she doesn’t even fucking work so why even post this????
No. 935377
>>935323>now so i'm gonna go do it real quick>22 hours ago it’s downright hilarious watching her struggle like a retarded fish out of water to do
the most basic of tasks. this kind of terminal lack of motivation should be studied, it’s almost impressive.
No. 935380
File: 1718052459543.jpeg (514.1 KB, 1170x1517, IMG_2776.jpeg)

>>935360her junkie videos actually do better than her animal videos(picrel). Unfortunately sponsors don’t want ads running on a video about addiction, so it’s either: do the animal shtick and get shitty views and therefor shitty ad revenue or: do her junkie shtick and get good views but not get sponsors and therefor shitty ad revenue. It’s a lose–lose situation for her lol
No. 935401
>>935393she posted pics of
something in an editing application
>>934167so she’s at least working on it in some capacity, god only knows if it’s anywhere near upload ready though…
No. 935468
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No. 935486
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No. 935505
>>935486does her ugly retarded boyfriend do
anything other than buy her animals she can’t take care of, or what? this is getting ridiculous
No. 935521
>>935486This is basically an admission that she wasn’t taking care of her pets when she was using heroin. Also kek at the idea that this specific lizard is going to stop her from relapsing somehow? She was acquiring pets like crazy right before she went into literal
rehab and none of them seemed to matter to her at all.
No. 935543
>>935486Animals are not gifts. How can you just gift an animal to someone out of nowhere unless he got her all of the stuff it needs too? Which I doubt it? There's no way to prepare an enclosure if someone just gives you an animal. Her "omg…" suggests she wasn't expecting it. Or she just already has all the stuff lying around for it that she needs from the animals who have died already because for the animals that were given away their stuff would have went with it.
Not like we ever get photos of the animals in their enclosures anymore.
No. 935547
>>935507Her broke ass found a pathetic moid to fund her animal addiction! looking at the trend, I’m sure every holiday, birthday or minor achievement from here out will be another “gift” added to the hoard. Tragic.
>>935486What YouTube video, am I right? At this point I really hope she’s not sober. If she is that means the constant lying about uploads/ working is just
who she is, it was never the drugs influencing her to manipulate and lie, her personality is just that of an insufferable bitch that only cares about herself.
No. 935587
>>935505Like she isn't lying… How many boyfriends she has had who ALL buy her animals at every corner. She is just lying to cover her ass, totes not hoarder guyyyyss!
Her mom is allowing her to continue hoarding animals in her house? Now that the animals aren't even kept contained in the junkie den anymore? What happened to the reason why her cats had to be contained in her bedroom with one single litterbox, now that the cats are allowed into rest of the house? Did mama Dean finally, complitely, give up with Taylor?
No. 935590
File: 1718266516559.jpg (850.86 KB, 1900x800, Isola-dei-Pini-Nuova-Caledonia…)

>>935543The other pets' enclosures are basically a plastic container with holes, some rocks and dead leaves in it. Little leachie could've lived in its native New-Caledonia island, but the enclosure she's gonna give him will be close enough, right?
No. 935629
File: 1718305027807.jpeg (110.73 KB, 1170x814, IMG_4353.jpeg)

He’s just as bad as she is. She’s helped him go from 0 animals to 5 in a yr or two. She’s clearly still hoarding animals through him. If they ever break up will this end up just like with Jonny where she takes back ownership of said pets? Her BF’s gotten a lot of species she’s claimed she’s “always wanted”, like a red tail boa. I can see there being truth in her being off heroin only because it doesn’t exist anymore and she’s probably now using fent/tranq and meth. Her behavior’s the same as w/Jonny. She’s never been slick.
No. 935632
>>935629I mentioned this upthread
>>934434Would not be surprised if her parents finally put their foot down after she took over their living room so she’s using her boyfriend’s house to keep going. Without heroin getting new animals is one of her only sources of dopamine, it’s a new shiny toy to play with but eventually it’s not new and exciting anymore so she needs to buy another to keep that dopamine coming in. It’s sad watching her these last few months, it seems like it’s just one new pet after another…
No. 935640
>>935486she’s such a bad pettuber, lack of content and work ethic aside. shouldn’t she be
discouraging pets as gifts? ugh she’s so annoying. these are living beings that she mistreats and uses as accessories and i hate her for it.
No. 935642
File: 1718317824583.png (Spoiler Image,225.68 KB, 640x1073, IMG_3541.png)

wonder if taylor cares about this, probs not
No. 935667
File: 1718337482080.jpeg (1.23 MB, 4096x2731, 4E7A02CB-5D6E-4AE6-BCEC-84D635…)

Immediately handling reptiles after you get them stresses them out, but she doesn’t care she has a new prop.
No. 935707
>>935691according to this post
>>935323she already uploaded it five days ago? that’s how she knew it wasn’t monetized. she’s right back to how she was at her worst, constantly making promises she can’t keep and lying through her teeth to try and save face.
No. 935887
>>935486She was "gifted" a gecko she's been posting pictures of for almost three months, just now?
Sure Jan.
No. 935888
>>935887april 24th is when she first posted him.
>>931762idk who tf celebrates two years sober months before they actually reach it. that’s weird.
No. 935910
>>935888I think these are two separate geckos which makes it even worse but either way, she still got the “baby” one before she hit two years so it’s still strange. I thought the new video was in the process of uploading like weeks ago and the next time we hear from her would be when it posts… if she’s right about the snake feeding thing all she has to do is cut that part out. It can’t take THAT long… she’s not exactly a busy person.
She truly has just lost all passion to upload and be a content creator which is fine, it happens, but she keeps trying to make a “comeback” yet it never happens. It’s sad when Goiter is doing better than her. Not that he’s doing amazing but he got sober before her, is announcing a new tour today, is still making music even if it’s shitty, ect. Like did he really ruin her (what I originally thought) or at what point do we blame her and claim she’s done this to herself?
No. 935913
>>935910It’s the same gecko anon. she was referring to it as baby leachie (short for leachianus gecko) because she hadn’t named it yet, she’s finally decided on pickle, “baby leachie”
is pickle.
No. 935927
>>935918>1500she only makes a few thousand a year from YouTube, you’re telling me she spent almost half of that on one single lizard? so much for saving up to move out.
>>935910>she keeps trying to make a “comeback” yet it never happensevery year around the same time she posts about how amazing things are and how everything is better, maybe uploads one video, then she retreats, goes back to making promises she can’t keep and starts the cycle over,
she’s been doing this for five years now. I find it absolutely fascinating how someone can be so unaware of themselves and their actions.
No. 935978
File: 1718728247609.jpeg (310.67 KB, 1170x1818, IMG_2846.jpeg)

I’m sure this will be used as an excuse to delay the video that’s totally definitely already done another few weeks
>im just so sick with covid that I can’t work! feel bad for me and pity me, none of this is my fault!
No. 936045
File: 1718833767557.jpeg (378.89 KB, 1179x2098, IMG_4526.jpeg)

>>935978There it is, I’m sure the video will be posted sometime in 2025 at this rate
No. 936118
File: 1718925685708.png (2.05 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2149.png)

Just methin around 1/3
No. 936120
File: 1718925887233.png (550.61 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_2151.png)

Apparently this piece of information is more important than working on getting the video up, after how ready she claimed the video is the best thing for her to do would be too hide until she announces that it’s live. I don’t know why she thinks we care about dreams she used to have as a child when she’s been hyping up this video for so damn long now. She is geeked on something for sure
No. 936121
>>936119lol do you think he even reads half of this shit
i do have to say tho, i like that he is not thrown in our faces all the time. he is pretty private and not posted much, and his account is private. i feel like he does NOT want to be involved in anything.
No. 936122
>>936118>>936119>>936120there it is, the dumb shit posting I was just talking about! it’s funny that she can’t make a simple video without it taking literal months and it’s so much funnier when you see the frequency at which her mother uploads. like Jen is
unironically a better youtuber than her and Jen doesn’t even get paid for it kek.
No. 936468
>>936414I don't believe her when she says what's stopping her from uploading is YouTube's policies. The YouTube monetization sites say her channel is likely demonetized, so she was unlikely to get adsense revenue anyway. The excuse feels like a teenager explaining to their teacher that they
totally did all the homework, it's just that she couldn't send it to the teacher before class.
She's clearly filming footage but past that point it's hard to tell where the truth ends and the lies begin. If she's filming and editing it but YouTube's limiting it, why not upload to tiktok or somewhere else? Maybe she's got fully edited videos she's too self-conscious to release, maybe she's not finishing the editing process.
I wonder who she's doing this performance for. Is it for her fans, herself, her mom, or her boyfriend? I don't think it's for her fans. It could be self delusion so she doesn't have to accept her past mistakes, but having a 1.9mil sub YouTube account that she keeps pretending to return to, that would stop anybody close to her pressuring her to get a real job.
No. 936574
File: 1719415054641.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x2097, IMG_4742.jpeg)

I bet most of these people don’t even care about her anymore
No. 936603
>>936574So is she pretending like these are new?
Yeah it's filling up more because she just put them up??
>>936578No, this is definitely a weird thing to do. They look like from mostly 7 year old fans that had to have forgotten she even exists.
No. 936613
>>936574nobody posted screencaps, but maybe a month ago she said she was gunna finish putting the fan art up and film it for the video when she got home from her boyfriends house. I guess she just got around to it, which means the video was never done and she most likely
never even uploaded it. when she does does upload
probably in 3-6 months I guarantee the footage of her hanging this garbage up will be in it, proving my point.
No. 936615
>>936614It’s well beyond pathetic. She first mentioned making a video out of moving furniture here:
>>931299 At the beginning of April and started talking about moving the furniture here:
>>927979All the way back in fucking
February. It’s taken her nearly 5 months to get to this point and it doesn’t seem like the end is anywhere in sight.
No. 937047
File: 1719882862175.jpeg (835.53 KB, 3419x2977, CC778F6A-0B42-4784-A1AD-688BE2…)

It’s been weeks since her video was totally uploaded and she’s still entirely ignoring her responsibilities. keep squandering those precious days away Taylor, 18 days can turn into 2 months in the blink of an eye.
No. 937097
>>937095yea she has a car, it's this one
>>914463but she does not have her license for some reason? that’s why her mom/boyfriend drive her everywhere, it’s very bizarre kek
No. 937130
File: 1720024171016.jpeg (188.31 KB, 1170x2016, 9976013E-33D0-4355-888C-E597CB…)

>>937114both those pictures are horribly photoshopped. like wtf is this?
No. 937171
File: 1720061114744.png (633.76 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_2311.png)

She had the “intention” to upload multiple videos this month guys. Just the intention though. And she totally just found all of this out today.
No. 937172
File: 1720061192762.png (868.17 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_2312.png)

I just hate her. More excuses
No. 937209
>>937171>>937172Love this for her, hopefully it doesn’t get fixed, she deserves it.
>my intention to upload multiple videos this monthUhhh… WHAT kek? She’s been working on one video for months and she thinks anyone believes she was going to upload
twice? That’s actually ridiculous.
No. 937225
File: 1720122275394.jpeg (317.38 KB, 1170x1496, IMG_3002.jpeg)

she made twenty one cents in the entire month of June. homeless people begging for change on the streets are making more money than her lmao
No. 937576
>>937282I love this for her.
Not to mention she had tons of subscribers who were children and then suddenly started talking about heroin and her druggy boyfriend. Serves her right. I thought she made a separate youtube to talk about that stuff, but of course she needed the attention of her subscribers.
No. 937600
File: 1720478269304.jpeg (934.56 KB, 1179x2112, IMG_5236.jpeg)

Someone’s stuck reminiscing instead of uploading
No. 937909
>>937904couldn’t agree more. she doesn’t have enough motivation or work ethic needed to fix this, she’s incapable of doing
anything anymore. it would almost be sad but she did this to herself, she refuses to do anything to make her life better or help herself. she really does deserve this.
No. 938236
File: 1721332630113.png (212.31 KB, 366x349, fatasscatto.png)

>>938234her cat is even fatter than before, holy shit… poor thing
No. 938242
>>938234she tweeted about how part of the video is her talking about “returning to posting”? is she gunna pretend she’s returning once a year for the rest of her life? if I had a dollar for every time she’s claimed she’s making a come back I’d have more money than she makes in year. now that she’s uploaded a boring low effort video I’m sure she’ll disappear again for months, safe from a few instagram shitposts or for more ass pats about being “totally clean from HEROIN”
>>938241it only took her seven months! in taylor time that’s pretty fast kekk
No. 938246
>>938243I think she uses her videos as a social outlet because she has nobody else to talk to. She finally posts for the first time in like a year and it's just her uselessly rambling about herself + some half ass b roll footage.
No. 938268
File: 1721343830944.jpeg (693.38 KB, 2304x4096, 69B6C072-03B7-40FB-95A4-A31DE7…)

>>938266She’s bleeding Instagram followers, and as soon as she posted on YouTube she lost 10k subscribers
(sage your shit) No. 938272
>>938266At this point it’s just people who forgot about her, saw the update, and said ‘Ew’ before unfollowing.
I did watch her video though and there’s this latest taking it down for a bs reason. Really sad that after all these years of trying to force it she is still…. Trying to force it. She spends about 3/4 of the video talking about how unhappy she is being online and making videos. If her parents were any good they’d make her get a job, literally any job. Being a server would be too hard for her, but just working at the cash register somewhere. Even at the mall food court
No. 938275
>>938268all she does is lie and avoid accountability, it’s not a shocker people are getting fed up with her acting so blatantly rotten.
>>938272she's clearly just fishing for reassurance and pity. and complaining about a job (that she barely even does) that most people would kill for is so tone deaf and privileged
>wahhh wahhh my life is soooo hardthen get off your lazy ass and do something about it, you’re almost 30. my god she's insufferable.
No. 938342
>>938310Drugs will do that to you, she had everything going for her, even if her advice was
problematic she was living the life when it comes to YouTube being a career, and then she ruined it, I’m not surprised she’s monotone and sad about it. She knows whatever she puts out now she will never be as successful as she was before the drugs.
No. 938357
File: 1721414858337.jpeg (301.12 KB, 2032x1170, IMG_2629.jpeg)

The two greasy little strands of hair are driving me nuts, it looks so bad and worst of all - intentional like she thought it was cute? Anyway the video is up. So far only 3 negative comments out of 77, the rest are asspats from teenagers (many state their age) that have grown up watching her and tell her that even if she takes another 4 years to upload again they will still be around (no exaggeration that was literally word for word one of the comments). They’re enabling her lazy behavior just like her parents do. This time tomorrow, I’m curious to see how many followers she’s lost on Instagram and YouTube. I haven’t watched the video yet, I just had to rant about the awful hair. Reading the delusional stan comments is kind of entertaining if you want a laugh.
No. 938359
File: 1721415205258.jpeg (302.43 KB, 2062x1170, IMG_2630.jpeg)

She really couldn’t be arsed to brush her hair before she films? It looks disgusting. Greasy, matted, tangled, fried and damaged from dying it 87 different colours since we’ve known her.
No. 938360
File: 1721416337204.jpeg (971.27 KB, 1743x1170, IMG_2633.jpeg)

>>938236Star is fucking MASSIVE her belly literally touches the ground when she walks, what the fuck is wrong with her family who is in charge of feeding Star?!?!
No. 938363
File: 1721417664988.jpeg (1.34 MB, 2058x1170, IMG_2635.jpeg)

>>938357i spy with my little eye a track mark on that titty. and it’s never been there before. she’s pinned as fuck in this new video too.
also we were right about them literally taking over the entire living room now.
No. 938365
File: 1721417955811.jpeg (448.39 KB, 1051x870, IMG_2636.jpeg)

fat swollen feet and ankles just like fent boi.
No. 938372
File: 1721419817360.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2037x1170, IMG_2639.jpeg)

Pinned as fuck, no way she’s on the “lowest suboxone dose”. Also to not clog up the thread with additional posts, she mentioned being up for 24 hours then crashing (meth), and that the rest of her animals who couldn’t fit in her parents house are at her boyfriend’s place. So nice of him to take on half of her hoard.
No. 938545
>>938365It was mentioned in the older threads, but she got hepatitis from using dirty needles with a certain someone. The liver failure causes water retention, and bloat.
I'm not sure what she expected, her career slowly died after the constant lies, broken promises, drug use, and gaslighting. I genuinely think she could've turned it around, but it's been nearly 7 years from her family friendly days.
It boggles my mind why she hasn't rehomed more of her pets, but at least she doesn't have a large audience anymore to promote her hoarding.
She has a boyfriend to mooch off of, so honestly she will be fine. I can't see her ever working a normie job.
No. 938555
>>938549She has kankles kek? I don’t believe she’s sober, she seems to refuses to address or give a date for when she got off meth, which is because she so obviously
never got off of it. It’s not rocket science.
No. 938579
File: 1721670243587.png (577.9 KB, 733x534, tnd.PNG)

She genuinely looks fine, her hair just looks unwashed / brushed. It's 100 times better than the over dyed look. I wouldn't say she's 'sober' cause she probably still smokes, drinks, and hoards animals. She's "prescription pill sober" at best. Its obvious she still has serious mental issues, and there's absolutely no way she's going to consistently film again.
She will toy with idea of making videos again, but once she realizes the YT game has changed, and she needs to put in actual work she will quit again. There's no money in it for her anymore, and that idea of easy passive income is the only thing keeps her coming back. Sorry Taylor, but you ruined your career for Jonny, and it's not coming back. I think now that the money is drying up its finally starting to sink in.
No. 938717
>>938579>idea of easy passive income is the only thing keeps her coming backIt's not the only reason. The years that most young people spend going to school, entering the job market etc she spent high out of her mind with a has-been rockstar. She has no skills, education or experience. The only jobs available to her now are beneath her. So she keeps coming back to YouTube but her days of e-fame are over.
Her situation is not one I'd want to be in. I don't doubt that she is horribly depressed and feels like shit most days. She needs to make a drastic change or she'll still live in her childhood bedroom in a decade.
No. 938735
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No. 938736
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No. 938738
>>938735>i'm now not going to be so erratic with feeling motivated and then suddenly pummeling back into the depths of depression every 3 secondsStill using mental health as shield and playing the
victim instead of admitting she lied constantly, it was wrong and she shouldn’t have done it. People like Taylor are the reason mental health is so stigmatized. Depression is not an excuse to be a gross lying sack of shit, fuck all the way off Taylor.
No. 938740
File: 1721849625859.jpeg (263.29 KB, 828x1346, IMG_2219.jpeg)

>>938736She literally only buys from dollskill she has no actual sense of style that is her own
No. 938781
>>938735>>Im making a pile of useless trash in someone else's bedroom, I hope it never gets thrown away teeheeHoarder behavior. I know its supposed to be cheeky but its not really funny when she hoards animals and the mental issues that cause that can be transfered to other "collections."
>>938750She mentioned mood stabilizers earlier upthread but its possible she also got stimulants or has been on them for some time before adding mood stabilizers.
No. 938825
>>938820it’s bold of her to claim things are going to be different this time around and in the same breath promise
ten videos kek. she’s definitely on some kinda high right now
No. 939096
>>938750idk, i have a different theory
>>938579>mood stabilizers.>>938735>“erratic with feeling motivated and then suddenly pummeling back into the depths of depression”it sounds like Taytor got diagnosed with a not cute disorder, bipolar. she’s clearly describing being manic then being depressed.
that’s why she’s not writing 3 dozen posts about how, in retrospect, this totally fits -personal anecdotes 1 through 16- so she’s definitely been bipolar her whole life! it makes so much sense! or how now that she knows what’s wrong and has mood stabilizers she can finally get back to making videos full time, but actually for real this time.
there’s nothing uwu quirky smol bean uwu about bipolar. she’ll prolly bring it up eventually because, obv, an unhealthy desire for attention (good or bad), lack of self awareness and oversharing are in a cow’s nature. but there’s no implicit social capital for her to exploit from a bipolar dx.
No. 939151
>>938735yeah, just like last year when “so much stuff was coming” and it was “finally her year and “everything changed in the best way possible” and she “finally escaped the cycle”
and then proceeded to do
absolutely nothing>>929023 No. 939207
File: 1722383248355.jpeg (873.7 KB, 3464x3124, 04E388FD-4202-47CD-937A-EB2CBB…)

Story dump 1/2
No. 939208
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No. 939414
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No. 939506
I agree with the anon who said she’s completely disconnected from the pettube community, but I think even more importantly, she‘s disconnected from her viewers. There have been influencers who stopped doing content for a few years and came back and were able to still be successful because their fanbase was curious about what they were doing in the meantime and excited about the content to come, but Taylor hasn’t been really gone, every couple months she comes back and repeats the same stuff over and over, her struggles and how everything will be different THIS TIME. People lost interest. Her numbers keep dropping with each videos she posts and there are especially less and less people who are truly devoted to her and her content so even if this time she really came back and started posting regularly -which obviously isn’t gonna happen- she couldn’t make this her full time career anymore. She had a true opportunity to become a huge successful influencer and make millions when she first became viral with her pet videos. If she had been posting regularly for a couple years before and just came back from a hiatus, she could still use her platform, because she would’ve spent years building a connection to her viewers, but she didn’t. She’s been posting only semi-regularly since the beginning, and only very sporadically since at least 2019. Whenever I read her comments on "recent" videos, it’s so obvious most people haven’t even noticed she‘s gone because they lost interest in her as a person.
sage for ot
No. 939578
File: 1722811580946.png (3.23 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_2239.png)

>>939577Double post, forgot to attach pic. This is before/after cleaning. I don’t know shit about aquariums/aquatic life, but it still looks filthy.
No. 939639
File: 1722881800304.jpeg (718.19 KB, 1170x2077, IMG_2910.jpeg)

She puts more effort into gaming than her career that shows supposedly working on a series for, ffs. Haven’t watched the new video and don’t plan to. She’s falling off. Her last IG post about her new video has 25 comments lmaooo
No. 939659
File: 1722892081173.png (645.8 KB, 1244x703, proteinskimmer.png)

>>939578this video is a nightmare. summary but if you keep aquariums don't watch it because you'll be
>very annoying video game effects through the whole video, lots of screen flashing and "error stuff" while on-screen text tells us her tank water is dirty and she'll be dumping it into a trash can. yes, taylor, this is called a water change and it's a normal part of aquarium maintenance.>she complains for like 3 minutes that there's a cricket in the room where the tank is so she can't do her talking in front of the aquarium due to it. so she'll be moving to a different room. apparently she didn't want to do V/O even though this kind of video makes no sense without V/O since it's her working on her tank>her room is a fucking mess and she's filming at 4 in the morning>oh my god she's still talking about the cricket>finally at 3:30 into the video she actually shows the tank. it's a mess so she stops showing it and instead shows a ton of old footage with "(MY AQUARIUM BEFORE)" on the screen, including videos of Cheese obviously>says she lost passion for "all her hobbies" over the past 4 years and "because of that I sized things down in my aquarium." sure taylor>she says she's going to try and bring it back to where it was and today is just starting with "one basic water change."to anyone who has ever kept a fish tank, especially a marine reef like this, a water change is expected monthly at the very least. they way she's acting, it's like she's doing a deep clean of a bathroom or something, not routine maintenance of a living system.
>tests specific gravity with refractometer which feels like overkill since I know that bitch doesn't calibrate it (you're supposed to calibrate it every time you use it with deionized water)>says her microphone completely broke on her after she only used it 5 times so she needs to buy a new one. embarrassing.>I honestly don't know why she's doing specific gravity and not salinity but either way hers is way too high. she does the water change with RO/DI water so at least there's that but it just makes it obvious she does not do any water changes as there's no other reason the salinity would get this high.>her tank is filled with aptasia anenomes >scrapes algae off glass. this should be like a daily maintenance thing, maybe a couple times a week at least. clearly has not been done in a long time.>the other algae on the side of the tank is coralline algae so she'll leave it since it's generally good for the tank. she says this and then begins viciously scrubbing said coralline algae with an algae scrubber>her light dies so now her video looks like shit>notes she has bryopsis algae as well but if you pull it out, it will spawn and spread. she demonstrates this by pulling some out.>opens her sump cabinet and it's a fucking mess of cords. it's no wonder she electrocuted herself before, it looks like a fucking nightmare. she clearly never cleans her pump and has to spend a bunch of time unplugging and replugging shit in to figure out which one is for the lights.>she makes a siphon by sucking on the tube which is absolutely gnarly and how the fuck does she not have a simple siphon bulb?? again proves she does not do this often because doing this once the wrong way and getting a mouthful of tank water will have you rushing to amazon right then to get one.>she stops the siphon because there's something stuck in the tube but leaves the end in the water, holds the tube up to check, and gravity naturally pushes the water into her face. literal fucking dumbass>every time I wonder why she's doing something a stupid way she reveals it's because she broke something. this time it's the pump to put water back into her system. again, she never fucking does this water change.>she pulls out her protein skimmer and it might be the most disgusting one I've ever seen. it's clearly been months since she cleaned it given the lack of animals in that system, there should not be that much build up in one month. picrel>she swaps the mechanical filtration as well which, yay taylor doing the bare essentials>she says she's going to continue this series and that she'll talk about how the tank got to this state. I'll believe it when I see it.>her video ends with her wishing she could have helped that cricket. fuck off taylor No. 939705
>>939694the protein skimmer was what really told me she isn't doing anything and hasn't been in months, if not years. her parents aren't doing it and she never hired anyone to do it so it's not being done. those poor animals are living in their own shit just so Taylor can keep telling herself that one day it'll be just like the old times.
it's never going to happen. she needs to give up on it and move on. she isn't capable of caring for a system like this anymore.
No. 939709
File: 1722966573254.jpeg (452.28 KB, 3464x1302, 044A6AD5-1B04-414C-8C25-FCC362…)

kinda nitpicky and ot but what the actual fuck is going on with the left side of her face, it’s like it’s caving in? it almost looks like she lost teeth.
No. 939735
>>939694Spreadsheet is here
>>932886(don't look at the other tabs they are still all fucked)
Not updated on the fish yet.
The fish have been easily the hardest motherfucking part of all of this because she gets aquatics so quickly and their deaths/rehoming mean nothing to her, so they are rarely discussed. Mostly going off of what is mentioned in videos, which is not a lot.
If anyone has some heads up on any of the fish info that is missing or incorrect let me know.
No. 939997
>>939990>meth really eats away at fat volumeEh, I don't know if I agree with that. I think it's just aging, a generally unhealthy lifestyle and some weight gain/weight loss, which most likely wasn't the result of a healthy diet.
>she still thinks it ok for her to do makeup like she did back thenI don't see an issue with her makeup. She's been going for an alt look for years and in alternative makeup really anything goes. It's not like the mainstream trends where you look outdated if you're a few years behind.
>>939975I had the suspicion that one of the reasons why she's always failing at making a comeback on YouTube is because she literally can't figure out the current vibe and this cemented it for me. Sucks when you spent years getting high and completely fell behind.
No. 940869
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No. 940880
File: 1724196276492.png (591.35 KB, 892x625, 0518-21054.png)

>>940869>skin looks like shit despite caked on makeup>fake lashes barely hanging on>hair is a rat's nest and a completely different color from the extensions>eyes torn wide open the entire video >hands shake like a magnitude 10 earthquake Yikes, I haven't seen her in motion in a long time and I'm kind of shocked how rough she is looking. The video itself is lazy as hell and not even worth a proper summary. It's just her imitating the Kurtis Conner type of "humor" and saying basic facts about the geckos. The only semi-interesting part is when she briefly mentions the pets she rehomed because she brings up one of her past geckos (Phoenix). She contradicts herself by saying she eventually just wrote down random names on impulse, and then a sentence later says it was hard to decide who to let go.
Then at the very end of the video she says she is not going to get any new pets for now, but wants to start
hoarding again exploring more species once she moves out. So it's good to know that the definition of insanity never changes for Taylor
No. 940892
>>940880>once she moves out Kek that really shows how out of touch she is. According to social blade the high end estimate for what she made in the last month is not even 1000$ and social blade is notorious for
overestimating. There’s a reason most YouTubers have side hustles and other endeavours, there isn’t a lot of money in YouTube anymore, especially when your views are as shit as hers are. She will never be able to support herself and a hoard of animals on that kind of income she’s actually delusional
No. 941009
File: 1724388116270.png (1.64 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3127.png)

She commented this under her latest video.
No. 941054
>>941026I don't understand why she hasn't just signed up for an online school diploma mill yet. At least that way it would look like she did
something other than being a NEET junkie for half a decade.
No. 941957
File: 1726098353696.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1607, IMG_3363.jpeg)

Her arms look huge and manly in her new selfies(nitpicking)
No. 941958
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>>941957Pretty sure JC’s arms are smaller. How is her stomach thin but her arms are fat
(nitpicking) No. 941959
File: 1726098519675.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1418, IMG_3365.jpeg)

She looks so dyke-y. Do some pushups taylor(nitpicking)
No. 941982
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Wtf is that on her arm? Crusty bitch
No. 942107
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Hasn’t she used accidentally eating gluten as a cover up for being on drugs before?
No. 942119
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No. 942124
>>942119“Did” meth. Ugly bitch is still hiding all her face scabs with filters and concealer, plus the earlier image of her gross arm fungus.
Have never seen someone that was so beautiful go downhill so quickly, lol it’s impressive she ruined her career and her looks at the same time
No. 942270
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>>942119I just seriously don't understand how her face changed so much. The difference between her appearance in old videos compared to now is fucking insane. She looks like a completely different person, and it's not because of time and aging. I don't know if it's because she weighs less than she used to, or if her shitty sense of fashion really has that much of an impact on her looks, but my god. It's like meth somehow changed her bone structure kek it's bizarre. If I was her, I'd be crying myself to sleep every night looking back at how good my life used to be
No. 942397
>>942119>I’m being sarcastic how is that sarcasm, she
did do meth and it
did irreversibly ruin her face? it’s hilarious she’s trying to act like it’s just nOrMaL aGiNg, everyone knows hard drugs mess with your appearance, why would she think she was going to be the exception kek
No. 942534
>>942119Nobody looks that drastically different from 19 to however old she is. And she never looked baby faced or anything like that. She always had an older looking face.
>>942270Back when she knew how to wash her hair too. Good times.
You do lose some facial fat as you age, but who knows if she got more facial filler besides just her lips too. And somehow her eyebrows are higher unless she shaved most of them. People think the hollow cheekbone look looks good because that's what celebrities are doing. It just makes you look older since fuller cheeks are more youthful.
No. 942595
File: 1726627341630.jpeg (273.34 KB, 1170x1526, IMG_3686.jpeg)

new video is up. the thumbnail is kinda hilarious, her dead pan stare, shitty makeup and crack brows have me ROLLING. the least she could do is like… smile? she looks miserable.
No. 942608
>>942595Ahhh the classic Taylor thousand yard stare ptsd flashback face!
Very sexy and mysterious. Definitely not off putting and unsettling
No. 942634
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>>942595She looks like a wax figure.
And holy hell, her views are at an absolute all time low. The video before this one only has 30k views after an entire month, which won't get you much more than 150 dollars. In her case it might be even less, since she uploads so infrequently and Youtube probably gutted her channel's amount of ads due to her junkie content.
No. 942828
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No. 942836
File: 1726798473735.png (555.83 KB, 1280x720, _izNTMaTSgA 00-13-18 FIXING UP…)

>>942595I was going to make a summary for the video but it's really basic tank maintenance that isn't interesting. I like tank maintenance videos because they're soothing but Taylor doesn't know how to edit anything to be soothing or calming so it comes off disjointed, in my opinion. The most egregious stuff she does is pull out her water testing supplies and realize they all expired 2 years ago (then insists on ordering more online and thus waiting to test instead of just going to Petco) and also dumps two giant bags of sand into her tank at once. which… it's not like it's
bad, but it makes the tank look terrible. here's a shot of the tank at the very end after she finally scrapes all the algae off the glass and the sand has settled on top of all the rockwork and makes it look like shit.
she also mentions finally setting up a quarantine tank. when having a large system like this, a quarantine tank is more or less expected, especially if you plan to get new animals like she keeps teasing… but better late than never I guess. I hope she actually keeps up with maintenance on both of them, when she was hydrovaccing the sand it looked disgusting.
(side note on the sand: Taylor makes the excuse that she doesn't hydrovac her tankbecause she usually has inverts to eat the poo and other detritus from everything in the tank. except she hasn't had any inverts in her tank for awhile. and still was just allowing the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels to skyrocket - and then blames said levels for why she can't introduce inverts. gee, Taylor, I feel like there's a normal way to solve this problem and it starts with basic aquarium maintenance.)
(she also claims that the nitrate levels are only bad for inverts right after saying her tank is high in ammonia and nitrite as well, which are poisonous to fish, which she has multiple of in her tank. I don't know what "high" means to her, but either way, wtf)
No. 942838
File: 1726798924471.png (486.15 KB, 1280x720, _izNTMaTSgA 00-10-18 FIXING UP…)

>>942836taytay dumping sand. for those who don't know, you usually add sand in small batches to keep it from clouding up in the tank and following the water current into the sump. you add it at the beginning when you're first building the tank like this… before you add the water.
she also adds in a fuckton of new filter media including carbon and… I have no idea why she's adding that, I don't know of anyone who uses carbon on their reef tanks (or any warm saltwater tanks) since it usually uses more carbon than other types of systems, so adding stuff that removes carbon instead of dosing more in through soda ash seems backwards. especially when she wants to add
more animals.
it also seems like she doesn't realize that the sand is a source of biological filtration (despite calling it live sand) as she adds a ton of new filtration media to the sump. I guess she really had no cycle going? it's hard to know since she doesn't give us any actual data on how the tank is performing and all we can use to judge is the fact that the fish aren't belly up yet.
I said I wouldn't summarize it but I guess my aquarium sperging got the best of me, my bad nonnies
No. 943209
File: 1727136724112.png (1014.81 KB, 1280x720, _izNTMaTSgA 00-09-39 FIXING UP…)

>>943179she showed about 5 clownfish, a few corals, an "adopted" sailfish tang (she got it for free because it had messed up fins) and a seastar.
also, of the tang, she says it's 'still nervous' when her hands are in the tank which tells me this is either a recent hoard addition or that she, again, does not do any maintenance on her tank. or both!
No. 943211
Also she's using tiktok a bit. not very much, but if you want to watch her play with bugs in the dark, here you go.
No. 943213
Taylor claimed in the previous Reef Tank video that she would explain why it looks so bad now and where the fish went. She didn't mention any of that all. Maybe the next video? Probably not.
>>943209I also spotted a Firefish Goby. I know the sailfish tang is a new addition from this year sometime, if I'm remembering right. People got angry (rightfully so) because she didn't quarantine the fish, especially when it had issues!
No. 943225
>>943213>the sailfish tang is a new addition from this year sometime if I'm remembering rightYup, the sailfish saga starts here
>>931106if anyone’s curious
No. 943226
>>943225Samefag but it’s interesting that the story has changed from
>Petco gave me him super discounted bc his fins are shredded up so bad To
>The pet store gave it to me for freebecause pet stores totally just give away free animals to strangers. What an odd thing to lie about.
No. 943926
File: 1727816304126.jpeg (682.33 KB, 1179x7668, IMG_6698.jpeg)

she claims to be moving out of her mom and dad’s soon
No. 943959
>>943926wait kek what the fuck? I thought she moved in with her boyfriend FIVE MONTHS AGO.
>>931299 >>931300
So the whole family moved and Taylor made it appear like she was moving
all by herself and she was singlehandedly moving all the furniture, but that was a lie? how pathetic
No. 944063
>>943926looking at social blade the absolute most money she could’ve made since her comeback is 1500$
at most but somehow she’s going to buy a house… girly couldn’t even afford a mortgage payment never mind feeding herself and her hoard of animals. anons are right she’s going to move in with her boyfriend and pretend didn’t just go from leeching off her parents to leeching off him.
No. 944203
>>944065this. exactly the same pattern as how she's totally gonna have an upload schedule guys and she's uploading right now guys it'll be up in a few hours guys oh no it got corrupted guys I'm gonna reupload asap guys. then radio silence for 2 months, followed by a post about how recovery is so hard you guys </3
rinse and repeat
No. 944282
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No. 944434
File: 1728228871417.jpeg (255.19 KB, 1179x2064, IMG_9095.jpeg)

Eww. Also girl. You’ve got not "aura points" anyway, is this a joke?? Lol
No. 944435
File: 1728229182495.jpeg (201.4 KB, 2096x1179, DAA4D05A-2719-4428-B9BF-FAFA1F…)

The other two stories Taylor posted last night… How about you text your mom and ask how she’s doing and how bad the hurricane is if you’re worried about her and your brother instead of your followers? I’m sure they have cellphones.
No. 944506
File: 1728281530281.jpeg (588.46 KB, 1170x1912, IMG_3654.jpeg)

>>944290Ope she replied to me. How many fucking times has she claimed to be on the “second to lowest dose”?! She’s so disingenuous and never has actually stated what mg she’s on. No one fucking “forgets” to take their suboxone for two days, and if that’s the case, she’s retarded for staying on it, if you haven’t noticed you didn’t take your suboxone, then you’re on a low enough dose to get the fuck off of it. She’s just addicted to the mild buzz it gives.
No. 944507
>>944506this is the biggest load of bullshit i’ve ever read in my life. i work in clinics. i’ve seen the tapering process. the actual detox is AGONY. It’s worse than cold turkeying dope. I’ve seen users clean for YEARS, even close to decade who taper off to detox and end up relapsing.
When you taper off methadone most clinics make you detox for at least three days and then put you on suboxone for a week and the detox for methadone is hard but the subs are 10x worse. I always recommend detoxing in a profession detox center because it’s that bad.
this junkie bitch (she’s not clean, no one not high as fuck would look in the mirror and think those eyebrows are ok) hasn’t been on a program long enough. she doesn’t do counseling, she doesn’t have support outside replacement therapy and harm reduction. I’d recon she didn’t take her subs because she was getting high, if she even is taking subs at all.
No. 944508
File: 1728283752093.jpeg (349.16 KB, 2096x1179, 4325E12D-E53B-46E7-8019-16A7A7…)

Taylor’s new feed post. Yet again claiming she tried a new make up technique, yet it looks as shitty as always, as well as her stringy, greasy bangs and her unblended, non-matching extensions.
No. 944689
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Using all the people in your life for porn is insane behavior(wrong thread )
No. 944954
File: 1728622781514.jpeg (338.04 KB, 1179x2092, IMG_9158.jpeg)

Taylor, that would’ve been so funny if you used that song to announce you relapsed. Haha. If you were actually ever honest about relapsing and not only ever admitting to it months to over a year later when you finally just got sober again. Seriously, she‘s sooo quirky and funny. Luuulz.
No. 945041
File: 1728788998798.jpeg (1.17 MB, 3464x3464, B7CAADB2-3674-4DC3-B4C8-793B9D…)

Why is there always something wrong with her
No. 945099
File: 1728871304088.png (329.73 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6902.png)

she’s “found a house”
No. 945492
File: 1729118058626.jpg (451.18 KB, 1179x4770, IMG_6965.JPG)

move in date announced
No. 945526
>>945501Oh it’s almost definitely a rental, and her boyfriend is absolutely footing the bills. It’s funny, she could easily be honest and say she’s renting a house but she just
has to pretend she bought it for ??? Idk internet points? For her ego? To pretend she’s still successful? Her compulsive lying never fails to amaze me even after all these years.
No. 945675
File: 1729403052876.jpeg (829.31 KB, 1170x1376, IMG_3807.jpeg)

Her new set of selfies bragging about her naturally curly hair kek I remember she never breathed a word of her curly hair until it was learned Syd had natural curls. Her hair looks like shit despite bragging about it in the caption
No. 945716
File: 1729472836826.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1179x1992, IMG_8203.jpeg)

Her lips look so gross
No. 945739
File: 1729537899635.jpeg (638.88 KB, 1179x5112, JPEG image-4AFA-B961-6D-0.jpeg)

>>945492update: move in date solidified
No. 945782
File: 1729607500767.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1179x2159, IMG_8225.jpeg)

More selfies, shes so full of herself. She has all these animals she could show off and yet she has to post multiple sets of selfies everyday. There was once a time where the animal photos outnumbered her selfies, when she actually was interested in them and at least somewhat cared about them. Now it’s all her ruined junky face.
No. 945822
>>945782orange clown make up? check
pinned pupils? check
arms tucked behind her back to hide possible tracks? check
No. 945881
>>945857So on point. She looks like she would be in a Soft White Underbelly video and be all "people are always shocked I‘m an addict because I don’t look like it"
Also obviously strategically hiding her arms behind her back in that picture…
No. 945948
File: 1729889749338.png (2.76 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_3841.png)

SHE COULD NOT MAKE IT ANYMORE OBVIOUS SHE READS HERE. First mentioning the “lowest suboxone dose”, then pointing out her hair not matching her extensions after a nonnie pointed it out, now she’s owning up to how she starts off her videos RIGHT after I mentioned something about it here.
No. 946001
>>945948She's always been reading here.
My favorite response was the whole meltdown when Farmers ID'd the corner of a bedframe & doxxed the hotel she was leaving rehab for with MethBro, who bought her that gun.
In reality, we are Taylor's only friends who aren't just enablers. That's really sad when your "haters" are the only ones offering decent advice. If she'd listened at any point earlier, she wouldn't be the nasty looking tranny, with shitty tattoos, desperate for views.
Personally, I can't wait until she can't maintain her addiction balance, starts to balloon up like her mom, and as she gets fatter & fatter- so will her narcissistic tattoo of herself. Art imitates life.
No. 946039
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No. 946062
>>946039I do not understand how her face always looks like she’s anorexic yet her body looks like a pudgy bloated corpse.
>it feels so good living againI cannot imagine having such an empty meaningless life that going out with friends
once is this big of a deal, the bar is on the fucking floor. But I guess anything is an upgrade from playing dress up and taking pictures of herself on her parents porch.
No. 946101
File: 1730043738592.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3464x3464, 3C1A6DEF-1236-46DE-8A33-FAFD6D…)

those are some serious cankles kek
No. 946143
>>946139I believe she’s off heroin, that’s why she hyper fixates on it, but that doesn’t mean she’s sober. She wasn’t just into heroin, she was a full blown meth head. She also lamented for ages about how dependent she is on subs, how she couldn’t go down a dose or stop them without going into
crazy width drawls yet a week or so ago she just “teehee forgot to take them for two days” which is seriously not how that works AT ALL.
No. 946146
File: 1730094293840.png (Spoiler Image,2.08 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7225.png)

>>94613911:23 from her latest “meet all of my ball phthons” shit video.
Looks like a bruise to me and matches her previous injection habits. She always said bruises stay around for a while whenever this was pointed out before, but two years sober? Yeah this dumb bitch is a liar
No. 946250
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No. 946273
File: 1730219531299.jpeg (1.85 MB, 3464x3464, 99BEC070-15BA-4532-8023-BF1B48…)

No. 946449
File: 1730395579056.jpeg (837.71 KB, 1179x10229, IMG_8408.jpeg)

Rambling about rotting rats, flaunting her app that tells her how much she’s saved by being off heroin like it’s her actual savings account, and seems to be naming another pet.
No. 946533
File: 1730498559120.jpeg (297.51 KB, 1179x3807, IMG_8440.jpeg)

She’s literally always sick, also how much makeup do you have to wear for your face to get raw?
No. 946661
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No. 946753
>>946533Working with patients with addiction issues you can spot this shit from a mile away;
>im sick= im coming down>my skin= i picked/ made my skin laceration worse> my addiction issues= please feel sorry for me>I’ll get it done soon= don’t hold your breath It’s obvious her parents have enabled her for her whole life. She never truly hit rock bottom. Being coddled by the internet, and having every excuse under the sun for why she’s still hoarding animals, looking at herself, getting faded, living at her parents, having “mysterious” health issues, and killing them animals is crazy.
Sometimes it’s the person that WANTS to change, and that will put the work in to get better. This girl has had more opportunities to get better than anyone trying to “recover”, on top of that, the ammount of animals she’s killed for content is disturbing, and people still want to infantilize this woman. Why anyone hasn’t called animal control on her dumbass is crazy.
I know I sound harsh here, but these addicts manipulate people around them into believing they’re gonna change and never do. Shes been at this sob story for years now. She needs to get it together
No. 946757
>>946753People have called animal control on her, she’s mentioned this in a video being all proud and bragging that they never took an animal from her despite people calling them, but it’s literally just her state‘s laws that are basically as long as a pet isn’t on the verge of death, they can’t take them away from her. And if we’re talking about dead animals, it’s nearly impossible to account for any animals that dyed in her care and have animal control act based on that, since we haven’t known how many she actually still owns for years. So if someone called animal control on her now saying she’s killing her pets in negligence, she‘d have to have literal cadavers laying around for them to take action.
I agree with everything else you said though. It’s just been the same excuses for years and it’s honestly a mystery to me how her viewers still coddle her like that. It might be because a huge portion don’t follow her on other platforms, so they don’t see the shit we see - I kinda imagine the few people who still watch her just randomly see her video pop up after however long she’s been absent that time and they’re just excited for new content from her without being aware she‘s been telling the same bs lies for years and that there’s no progress. That’s just what people comment on her videos anyway.
No. 946769
>>946757Kek I remember her vice video about how she was addicted to drugs yada yada ya. I couldn’t imagine her having fans. For an “animal” influencer, she’s a flop, she lost all credibility in the animal community when she started using drugs and making her channel about her “recovery”. The animals are better off outside than in her care.
I bet she’s foaming at the mouth knowing JC spent Halloween with Syd.
No. 946779
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>>946769>I bet she’s foaming at the mouth knowing JC spent Halloween with Sydomg she literally
just unprivated her JC bashing video keeeeek. everyone knows keeping tabs on your ‘’’’absuive’’’’ ex is so healed girl boss behaviour! what a sad obsessed little weirdo she is.
No. 946920
I don't understand how Taylor is claiming June 4th 2022 is her sobriety date when you can easily go back and look at what was happening in the threads during that time, that cracked out YouNow stream with Kassi was AFTER that date, does she really think we're that stupid or forgetful? Or that her junkie antics are literally documented?? The sober date is a larp because she's too embarrassed to admit she's not sober from meth, cannot remember the actual sober date (if there even is one), or she's just hoping her followers never find this thread to see that she's lying.
>>946906speaking of chelsea, she is the reason i know about these threads. i wonder if her psycho ass still posts here. don't feel bad for chelsea, she treated amanda the same way, actually she was even worse and actively bullied her, taunted her, just like she bullied taylor online bragging about how funny her thread was, wouldn't shock me at all if she was the one who made it. seriously, FUCK chelsea.
No. 946957
>>946920You’re right. Forgot about Kassi and Aggy. She first said her sober date “from everything” was June in November 2022
>>899386 but she was on a cracked out bender with Kassi from July to then. Somehow Kassi was living with her in her tiny bedroom too? Maybe she makes June her sober date to lie to her willfully retarded mom to hide the fact she was shooting meth in her filthy bedroom with a hobo clown. The difference between her then and her now is night and day. Maybe her bipolar meds are helping a lot.
No. 947031
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Her new video is outperforming her animal content by miles and I think it’s monetized? So expect less animal content and more of this - which can’t be healthy for someone that’s “afraid to get better”.
No. 947062
>>946139She never really hit rock bottom or faced severe consequences for her addiction other than destroy her reputation online. She still shamelessly posts to social media anyway. And even though it's a fraction of what she used to earn, her YouTube channel never stopped providing passive income.
Not to blogpost, but I cannot tell you how many attempts I made at sobriety before I stopped white-knuckling and relapsing. It simply is not possible without honest introspection and a drastic change in lifestyle. I would believe she was sober if she got a job, even just as a cashier at a grocery store, that required routine and accountability. If she posted literally anything other than selfies or tangents about her hair no one asked for, or better yet, abandoned social media altogether. If she had any real reason to stay sober at all.
do believe she stopped shooting up and I think it would be more obvious if she was still using meth. But she has been caught with alcohol and admitted to going to bars multiple times since her earliest claims of getting clean. I wouldn't put it past her to abuse benzos or her suboxone either.
How would we know if anyone in her personal life has noticed? I don't think her mother uses Twitter or posts vlogs anymore, but even if she did, in no way would she benefit from publicly calling out Taylor's lies.
No. 947189
>>947185Exactly, especially because like the other anon said she has no reason to be and stay clean. Her career is tanked anyway and has been for years and her remaining circle of fans, friends and family all coddle her, nobody will call her out if and when she relapses. I’m also sure she does have phases of sobriety and is doing slightly better overall, but she’s definitely still using heroin/fentanyl or abusing her suboxone or other opioids at least occasionally, even if she’s not shooting up. Those pupils don’t lie. She hasn’t separated herself mentally from that druggie lifestyle or from the guy who brought her into this-If she had, she would be talking about it non-stop. Aka about how sobriety changed her life, but she doesn’t talk about it, because it didn’t. I’m so certain about that because although she literally does "recovery content"- for years those were literally the only type of videos she uploaded- those videos are never about her actual recovery, how she’s doing better having left drugs behind, but just her whining about her past and essentially trauma-dumping on her viewers and clear she hasn’t moved on one bit. Slightly OT but I mean, there are actual recovery accounts on social media run by people who have been sober for years or even just months and it’s just obvious that they radically changed their lives by moving on. Taylor hasn’t. And that’s the huge difference that after all makes it obvious she’s not sober for two and a half years, even if we’re ignoring all the other obvious signs of her using.
No. 947323
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No. 947410
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move in photos
No. 947470
>>947451I’m so sorry, I got carried away, I admit. I just felt like it’s odd she wants to start a new life in a new house with a new boyfriend and she’s still keeping the ugly couches she bought with her
abusive ex.
No. 947519
nonnie, i agree with you completely. the first thing i thought when i saw that photo was “jesus christ only a man would ever pick furniture this abhorrent” and i was so glad that you immediately thought it was awful too. i know it’s a nitpick but it’s seriously laughable
No. 947648
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Her new videos up, watching it now. I noticed she said “we have a water purifier” about the new house implying she’s not in this alone, whoever said her bf is paying for this is probably right.
No. 947712
>>947703Oh, we’ll probably get lots more milk again now that she’s moving out, so the new thread will be full much faster than this and the last couple ones, guaranteed. She’s posting more regularly, she’s moving in with her bf and she doesn’t live with mommy anymore, so she doesn’t need to hide a lot of stuff anymore. I don’t wish relapse on her, or anyone, but I can honestly see that happen too. She’s moved on 0 since moving out of her "big influencer house" she turned into a drug den, drugs and Jonny are still her only focus. Besides the animals, and she will also definitely start hoarding again. It’ll be 2018 all over. I don’t see any reason why not and that’s pretty telling for someone supposedly two and a half years in recovery, you should be able to name several things that will stop them from turning their lives into a disaster again… But there aren’t any.
No. 947713
>>947709If no one else steps up I’ll do it, I’ve done the last couple.
>>947712Tbh I don’t really know how this is gunna go. Her boyfriend is really private but I honestly don’t think he’s into anything other than weed, I feel like if she was relapsing she would still have to hide it from him and even though he seems to work all the time that wouldn’t be easy when you’re living together. I know “staying clean for your boyfriend” is still a horrible excuse because that just means if they ever break up she’ll spiral but she’s codependent as fuck so for now he might be keeping her somewhat together.
No. 947949
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Potential new thread pic if still needed. Dedicated to couch sperg nonna kek
No. 948039
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Her new video is out, it’s just a weird video of her animals moving around on the floor pretending it’s a house tour, I couldn’t even watch the whole thing I had to skim it. The way she let tofu rub all over her rusty stools bothered me but maybe I’m nitpicking.
No. 948050
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She already got a new snake
No. 948053
>>948050wow. she should have
at least given herself time to adjust to living alone and get into a routine before going back to her bullshit. this is the same girl who could not practice basic hygiene or walk 4 feet down the hall to take a piss… yea keep adding more responsibility until she’s suddenly too depressed to get out of bed again and her pets suffer the consequences because her mommy is not around to do her job for her anymore.
No. 948058
>>948052Yup, she’s literally stuck in 2017, but thankfully, the pettube community has evolved since then (but she hasn’t), people are more aware of hoarding and criticizing bad animal care than they used to. But she either doesn’t realize that or she doesn’t care. For her, her animals are still just props, a quick endorphine when she buys a new one, and after she finished filming a video, three reels and took a couple pictures, her new snake will just collect dust on her shelves like her funko pops. I mean, she literally keeps her snakes in stacked tubs that look like shelf drawers. She’s still a hoarder and she’s got a lot of backlog. She needs to replace all the animals she killed or had to rehome because her childhood bedroom was already full to the brim with half of the animals she accumulated in her fancy mansion.
No. 948061
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Someone’s running out of money, moving into a house with only a few thousand dollars left to your name is crazy. Let’s just say she did buy this house, how is she going to pay the mortgage and all her bills with her washed up YouTube career and a few thousand in the bank and take care of all these animals, not to mention now buying new animals already. Even if she’s renting, renting a house is usually on par if not more than the mortgage would be.
No. 948104
>>947977you didnt deserve the redtext
No. 948111
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Even if this is a joke (it’s probably not) it’s really distasteful to post this, given her hoarding history. She needs to focus on the animals she already has, give them proper enclosures not just plastic bins. I hope they’re not still sitting on those paper towels.
No. 948157
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I didn’t realize how small the place actually is until she posted this video. It’s just one small living area (kitchenette/ living room/dining room) and then 4 bedrooms off of that, 3 of which I assume are packed full of pets and enclosures. Maybe I’m nitpicking but it just makes the animal hoarding seem so much more bleak, a tiny house packed to the brim with like 40 animals.
No. 948314
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Another new snake
No. 948334
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As per usual it’s being used as a prop before it’s even settled in
No. 948337
>>948334>but i’m too excitedIn other words
>lol I don’t actually care about it getting settled, LOOK AT MY NEW COOL SNAKE!!! GIVE ME ATTENTION!!!like does she seriously not hear herself? at least she admits it’s all about what
she wants and she doesn’t really give a fuck about the animal being comfortable, like that’s something to brag about…
No. 948399
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>>948334>>948337She’s lurking kek
No. 948419
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She can’t afford substrate for the snakes she has and she’s already bought two new animals.
No. 948522
>>948517shes used to work at petco. she’s capable of working. nobody
wants to work a minimum wage job, it’s out of necessity. taylor is just a spoiled privileged little brat thats never struggled hard enough to be forced into that position for survival.
No. 948529
has anyone posted her TikTok? she just posted this video of her OBESE python… the rest of the account is kind of outdated, but there’s more of her animals there then what I see of anons post of her insta
No. 948546
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>>948517She addressed this in a post recently but if all this is true she ought to be on disability. YouTube won’t last forever and the only time she’s ever talked about a plan b is going to school for zoology and is unclear what comes after.
No. 948577
>>948546Taylor is a pathological liar, as well as an addict, so everything she says should be viewed with EXTREME suspicion.
Taylor doesn't have a job because she's a munchie, it's not because she has crippling disabilities. She didn't finish Highschool, and the "genetic disability excuse" was the easiest way to convince her parents.
If she wanted disability, she'd need a reputable doctor to sign off, and she'd need to prove her case in court to a ALJ (disability judge). The fact that this hasn't happened after 7 YEARS means; she's probably not as disabled as she claims to be.
Very interesting how EDS never affected her going to pet expos, hanging out with her friends, the bar, concerts… She's just lazy guys. She's just excited to be moving out, and mooching off a new boyfriend.
No. 948769
I‘m a bit late, but I was bored so I just watched Taylor’s recent video and my goooood, she’s so annoying and boring at the same time. She tries to be funny the whole time (the video is "her animals doing the house tour", so quirky…), but her humor is just sad and eye-roll worthy to me. Plus, like always, she holds her snakes very weirdly where they’re not supported at all and you can see they’re uncomfortable. That’s what happens when you keep your snakes in a stinky little sandwich box for five years you only spot-clean at the most and only take them out once in a blue moon to take pictures and videos of them to post on social media in which you’re also usually antagonizing them and causing them stress, because it’s "funny". Seeing her snakes’ enclosures also made me think again about how she’s always been talking about being depressed and on drugs not leaving the house, living in filth, not bathing or even using the bathroom, well, that’s exactly the state your animals are living in, Taylor. Rotting in dirty, tiny boxes. But they didn’t choose this. You chose it for them. Doesn’t seem to ever cross her mind. It’s always just woe‘s me.
No. 948875
File: 1733272238580.jpeg (276.83 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_4132.jpeg)

Confirmation that her boyfriend lives with her (not that it was really needed). If you add his 5 or 6 pets to the 2 new snakes, the frog and the 2 geckos, the hoard is technically up by at least 10 pets all within a relatively short period of time.
No. 948995
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Yet another new snake. She’s going to hit thread limit solely in new animals.
No. 949016
>>948995This isn’t surprising. Addiction ruins your brains natural reward system and makes you seek out low effort ways to get dopamine. I’m not convinced she’s sober but her buying new pets is so blatantly a proxy for drug use. She gets a new pet and while it’s not on the same level as drugs, it makes her feel
happy and fulfilled… until it doesn’t anymore and she needs to buy another one to keep that dopamine flowing. Nobody can convince me she’s in therapy because any therapist would see right through this behaviour.
No. 949070
>>949036Taylor‘s remaining viewers are the stupidest and naive influencer fanbase I‘ve ever seen, by far. After all these years, I‘m sometimes still baffled by their level of ignorance and how they enable Taylor. I think it’s likely that if her fans had stopped coddling her early on and called her out on her lies, her terrible pet care and relapses, she would’ve gotten sober a lot sooner, if she even is now, and not been rotting in her childhood bedroom doing heroin for years. I’m not a fan of the whole tough love "addicts need to hit rock bottom, be homeless/go to jail to get better" thing, but a lot of addicts need some type of reality check to succeed in their recovery longterm. Her fans on who she relies on for money calling her out would’ve been that for her, but it never happened and the way it looks like, it never will. People will honestly rather loose interest in her entirely or forget about her before they‘ll ever hold her accountable on a bigger scale, aka not just a few comments here and there, and it’s sad. Sorry for rambling…