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File: 1642479952342.jpeg (513.32 KB, 1170x1559, 5CE1DCD9-8BB3-4929-8EF8-DD96E3…)

No. 864707

Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.(shit thread)

No. 864708

You didn't even try. Shit thread

No. 864730

File: 1642507478869.jpg (37.64 KB, 540x540, loll.jpg)

No. 864731

why do you have a trip code

No. 866137

Shit thread, post nudes or gtfo

No. 867773

Link the old threads.

She skin walking her new boyfriend by being all hippy and druggy now when with her ex she was all goth and emo like him

No. 868509

File: 1645962109382.jpg (384.16 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220225-190614_Ins…)

She decided to basically be half naked aside from underwear qnd a bra in public and put on some clothes as ppl walked by she's so gross qnd nasty

No. 868518

She was at the beach in a bathing suit

No. 868647

I used to follow her youtube account a few years back. Do we have any more info on her? I always felt she was milk-worthy

No. 868664

She has threads in snow look it up. And sage your non milky posts

No. 868936

There was milk like a year ago but she not really milky anymore (probably because she not as active online as she used to be) but she appears a butt ton more happy then she was with her ex. I wonder if she marry this dude too?

No. 883139

File: 1657675587007.png (4.44 MB, 750x1334, 27599707-DAA9-4A8F-8F37-2FAFDD…)

She ain’t looking too good recently

No. 883143

Her ex friend posted these a few weeks ago

No. 883145

File: 1657675978135.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 3D73ADF4-C49F-44DA-BE72-70880C…)

No. 883146

File: 1657676006611.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 363601E1-E438-481B-9744-E258AE…)

No. 883147

File: 1657676032376.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, E1B91046-BCD2-4043-9546-326291…)

No. 883151

I’m glad to see this pedophile piece of shit aging like warm milk. it’s what she deserves.

No. 883160

File: 1657681208094.jpeg (996.23 KB, 750x915, 189585F2-03C0-4B0F-9001-684821…)

Putting on some chunk kek(not milk)

No. 883172

what a tiny little baby girl uwu. so tiny

such baby

No. 883188

what are her current socials?

No. 883238

@tangerinehunnie on Instagram

No. 883494

She looks good in this picture orange hair suits her a lot

No. 883696

Vendetta much? Post in the personal cows thread.

No. 885268

It's a shit thread but it's not vendetta, she's a well known degenerate.

No. 885358

But she doesn’t even post anymore and left the age play community and quit sex work. She lives a normal life now, the only thing people come here to do is body shame. That’s not milk.

No. 886108

File: 1659393322051.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, C79C1F9E-511B-43E8-89AC-ADF2E9…)

She’s now pregnant.

No. 886109

File: 1659393643372.jpeg (264.51 KB, 750x528, F8349BF1-93F4-4992-B07D-34A92B…)

No. 886110

The child is gonna grow up and most likely be bullied if their peers ever find out who their mom is. one Google search of her name and you can find her pussy spread on the internet. Poor kid.

No. 886138

File: 1659406721654.jpeg (93.14 KB, 960x453, 06F4B1DE-47B5-49A3-9B43-B4A33F…)

Kids will see their classmate’s mother featured in the Barcroft/Truly video.

No. 886166

This is nice to hear! Noticed how much she has grown up with Danny he looks like he has shown her better paths in her life like crafting and selling her art rather then taking nudes. She grow up by taking care his children and making a small little family of there own. It nice to see someone happy and enjoying life. I think she be a good mum. You can notice how much she changed with him she really looks like she is acting herself and not like a forced personality. I wish her all the best and genuinely pleased for them.

>>885358 I think she said she left sex work for Danny and his girls if this shows how much growth she has had since meeting him. That was her main source of income so it was brave her doing that and taking the courage to stop

No. 886177

Ayrt, I had no idea. I see her insta is private and she seems to be leaning more into a hippie schtick than the mental illness she once was. Good for her, she looks nice from what I can see. I hope that it's a reflection of her turning over a new leaf.

No. 886182

File: 1659449953228.jpeg (337.51 KB, 750x702, 348F9AEC-2A60-401E-A3A0-D40CA7…)

Well she hasn’t left sex work cuz these videos and clips and stuff still actively get posted on her Twitter. Of her in diapers. Using baby attire sexually. And now she’s having a baby of her own. As well as mothering two other children? Gross.

No. 886201

It’s nice that nonnies want to believe she grew up. The reality is she’s still selling her porn and if she really left the scene she would nuke the accounts and delete every video.

No. 886418

Wow. I forgot all about her. I feel bad for her child. It will be embarrassing having a mom who makes diaper porn.

No. 886434

Gross, we love a redemption arc and this isn't it. What literal retard called this thread vendetta?

No. 886464

She doesn’t make porn anymore, her Twitter and JFF have been abandoned. Those are just auto tweets.

No. 886479

Well she's still selling it so it doesn't really matter if she's still making it. The money is going into her bank account.

No. 886487

Who cares if she’s making money off of that cesspool of a community? I would milk that until people stop buying. You guys nitpick too much. She deleted her kink Instagram and stopped actively making porn and sold all of her kink stuff. Should just be happy with that!

No. 886490

Holy shit this is so fucking depressing

No. 886609

I agree. I would milk it too there a surprising large demand for that content and if i could make money out videos I made a year or so ago and not having to put a single bit effort into it then yeah wouldn’t everyone

How? It’s a good thing new life new beginning. I don’t get what’s depressing about two people who are happy and are starting a family? Explain your depression logic cause it just makes you sound sour

No. 886616

>It’s a good thing new life new beginning.
not always. pedophiles deserve the rope. I feel so sorry for this (potential) child.

No. 886646

>Unsaged wk
>You guys nitpick too much
>Should just be happy with that!
Be less obvious you don't belong here second anon is at least trying.

So the main reason she's a cow is because she made simulated cp and you're both admitting you'd continue to profit off of it given the chance just like she is? Just because the community is disgusting doesn't make you both any less disgusting, sorry to tell you. Women have agency you're not absolved because the men consuming it are worse. How does she look the children around her in the eyes, let alone her own soon? The associations she's made in her brain surrounding children/child-like behaviour is haunting and that would be punishment enough if the degenerate bitch at least stopped making money off of her pissy diper videos and genuinely moved on.

No. 886662


Exactly my point. She was still actively making content whilst mothering her Two adoptive children from Danny. She had her own apartment where she would simulate cp with many different content creators and on her own.
It is not sour to suggest that this is extremely fucked up. She stopped producing and actively making the content. But she was still making simulated cp videos whilst mothering these Two younger children.
The association between that is vile and if you don’t see how extremely fucked up that is then you truly don’t belong on this thread.
Her videos of her her in diapers, pacifiers, bibs. Begging for daddy and mommy. Are still on the internet. And she is making profit from that. She is actively still using that community, she has not fully gotten herself away from it. And now she is having her own child.
How can you possibly disassociate within a year or so these interactions with children.
Plus we already know how quickly and impulsively she makes decisions. She literally cheated on her ex for this new guy and they’ve barely been together for Two years and already they have a family of Three children?
How is that not scary to look at. And overall just worrying.
That one day these Three children are going to grow up and see what this woman put on the internet, and how fucked up their youth truly is destined to be with a pedo baiter such as herself.

No. 886665

this shit makes me so sick. i hope someone calls cps on the children and her.

No. 886678


Not to mention she fully admitted to doing drugs. Probably in front of these children. LSD, Mushrooms, etc etc. All exposing these children to fucked up things.
Not sure but she could also possibly be doing other drugs, not to mention she was accused of having track marks in the other thread.
In front of her kids? Not out of the realm of possibility. And her past with drugs.
All her exes were druggies in some way so there’s no chance she wasn’t also partaking.
Probably still doing it now too, as Danny is known to be a drug taker.

Also what’s really upsetting is that Kara (Jess’s ex best friend and also the band mate for Danny original) effectively being the link and how Jess met Danny to cheat on Stephen. Already confirmed he was kicked from the band for “not respecting women” … so what does that actually entail? He has Two young children and he doesn’t respect women?
All of this is extremely concerning and now she’s pregnant.

No. 886680

File: 1659720405577.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.76 KB, 577x573, FDC2165B-82A2-4E8D-BFFF-1056E8…)

How can you possibly state that this isn’t concerning when she’s allowing this to be published on her social media’s? And profit off of her spreading her pussy and suckling on pacifiers? She is very aware that these are still being posted.

No. 886682

File: 1659720459754.jpeg (Spoiler Image,209.84 KB, 662x377, D24C4D50-72BC-4639-B2B3-FE1A28…)

Absolutely disgusting. That this pedo is having a fucking child. And you’re telling me she should be making money off this shit? You’re just as concerning and need a real reality check.

No. 886694

While whiteknighting you also admitted to being a pedo yourself. Nice.

Idk why you would even attempt to defend this. She's still selling questionable porn and that's probably where a majority of her income comes from. It's going to be on the internet forever and her kid's and their friends and their parents will probably find it one day.

If she was truly done then she would remove any content that is for sale.

Tbh, she should have stayed with kittenplay but maybe it wasn't degenerate enough for her?

No. 886843

probably the same anon who can’t stop talking about how she’s an “e-SWer” in /snow/

anyway, hypothetically speaking, any pedophile who gets pregnant should simply die in childbirth

No. 886865

I think Danny is concerning, he literally used his own blood to make a heart for Jess for Valentine’s Day. Beside all the druggie behavior how the hell are they going to be stable enough to have a family.

No. 886878


They gamble a lot. As seen by their twitch streams in the past so we know that for sure. They share very sporadic and addictive behaviours i.e drugs, gambling, the fact he feel in love with that pedo
Not to mention it has been confirmed she literally cheated on Stephen for Danny
Which, just shows how unloyal of a person she still is and how she has not changed her ways in the slightest. She’s just stopped actually making the porn, yet she’s still selling it.
Not sure what Danny works as, but he’s in a band called ‘Young Bird’ after being kicked out of Karas band ‘Peachy’
And Jess, doesn’t work, she just occasionally makes sales in her craft items but that’s not enough to support a family which will now be of 5 plus their cats.

Also I would still love to know what happened to Jess’s dogs. Because she abandoned them too for Danny.
She’s not moved from her ways lol.

No. 886884

Will she abandon her kid too? Time will tell.

No. 886889

I sincerely hope so. No child deserves to be raised by a pedophile. Hopefully CPS is up her ass on day 1.

No. 887256

File: 1660075144661.jpeg (609.74 KB, 828x1251, 48E73D5E-39CB-45EB-BF1C-96C873…)

Here’s a FB post I found, can’t believe this.

No. 887363

this baby would be better off yeeting itself before it’s born. Jess is still in contact with her pedophile clientele. I can absolutely see her selling pics of her new baby, especially because she’ll fit even less into her uwu I’m just a horny baby schtick once she has a kid herself.

No. 887402

File: 1660163280713.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, 85B86195-01A4-4F67-800B-C5D383…)

She’s having a girl and I’m guessing by the name hint it’s going to be called Clementine.
Also a “mini me” I’m going to throw up, disgusting

No. 887407

I think it’s going too far to say she would produce and sell porn of her infant child. Since she has been with Danny she dropped the baby lifestyle and only did it for work at that point, which she no longer does. Also proof she’s in contact with her clients? How can you even claim that? I think you’re really reaching.

No. 887455

I like that name

No. 887889

Can you stfu wking this whore, pedophiles get the rope haven't you read the thread consensus?

No. 887908

You throw the word pedophile around so carelessly. By definition, she is not a pedophile and has not done anything illegal. Having a daddy kink is cringe, but doesn’t make a pedo. Regardless seems she grew out of that whole kink lifestyle and all of this banter is obsolete. Wishing death upon someone on the Internet you’ve never met is small-minded and pathetic. You complain about white knights, as if seeing the humanity in someone is somehow worse than being a bitter and hateful nobody behind a screen. Wasting your time checking a forum and posts of someone you hate so much is more telling of your life and priorities than anything.

No. 888002

Can you stop being a retard newfag? I don't mean to hi cow but this is getting ridiculous. Just because other women think "she's" crossed the boundary into pedophilia doesn't mean you can come here an convince us otherwise. There's more to child abuse than physical molestation and her online activities are so disgusting that the thought of her being around children warrants anons calling her a pedophile. Taking a borderline meme phrasing of "X gets the rope" personally makes you seem even more personally invested than camping the thread already did. Oh and you're speaking to more than one anon you absolute degenerate, imagine thinking it's only one person who takes issue with this disgusting behaviour? And maybe you should stop bumping what's likely your own thread, it's getting fucking sad.

No. 888014

Are you lost

No. 888069

>people are only pedophiles once they’ve done something illegal
kys pedophile

No. 888304

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Jess or her baby daddy trying to white knight

No. 888425

I know this is Jess forum but her ex is so cringe my god why is he dressing and acting still like a 13 year old emo boy with rubber bracelets ugh makes me whole body shudder he got to be roughly 32 by now? Please Shave your head again you looked so much better

No. 888498

No no no no…

No. 888543

I'd imagine his head is still shaved, the emo hair is wigs. He pretty obviously has a bad case of arrested development.

No. 892788

Jess has literally cheated on at least 3 of her partners, confirmed. Weirdly I think her and Danny will last though. She’s always been someone who has claimed to never want children and now they’re expecting. She definitely is pro-choice so she actually is excited to be a mom.

Her life obviously is on the best track it has ever been with Danny so even if he is questionable I think so far he’s easily the best partner she’s had. I’m sure there’s sketchy shit about him out there too, especially considering his ex band cut him off for being toxic to women. I think a lot of that falling out just had to do with Jess and Kara(?) not getting along and him choosing Jess over the band.

Steve still acts like a 13 year old scene kid and his looks are fading so it looks even more weird and immature than it did before. His TikTok’s are awful and cringe. Maybe eventually he will grow out of this emo phase, it’s not doing him any favors

I do wonder what David is up to. He stopped all social media after his breakup with Jess basically.

No. 892842

This is not a good path for a hideously BPD adult baby ageplayer who's only ever gotten their money and approval through degredation and degeneracy. God help that poor kid. As attention hungry and vapid as she is, this is an awful path to be on as she notoriously makes impulsive shit choices and hopefully she is ready for all that parenting entails, but seriously doubt it. Absolutely hope she somehow turns her life around and is a good parent, but you can see how anons would be skeptical when other cam whores, not doing ABDL content, are not historically good moms. The guy she's with doesn't seem to be as stable or mature as a father should be, either.

No. 892959

I apologize for asking to be spoonfeed, but could you or any other anon who knows link his Tiktok? I'd appreciate being able to laugh at this ugly manchild creep again.

No. 893057

She looks like she has downs here.
She's still a pedophile cringe baby tard.

She never left sex work. You can still find it all online selling it on Twitter still.she still has a chatterbate account. She deleted
her YouTube vut not much else…

If she cared about her future child she would delete it all. She may have matured a bit. But clearly not by much. And an anorexic being pregnant is concerning its self.

No. 893116

She abandoned her subscription site Twitter is just auto tweets and her chaturbate account hasn’t been used in a year. Js. She also deleted her manyvids and clips4 sale along with her abdl Instagram where she had all her fans.

No. 893151

She still has the option to delete her Twitter. Kek. And any other account that still exists. This can all be traced back to her. You can still find her on ABdreams.
Js tard.
She will always be a predator. Js.
If you are on here to defend her GTFO, you don't belong here.
Her borderline traits never changed. She will never be a good person. Her track record is so bad it cant bee undone.
She must regret that babygirl tattoo by now. And all her dumb uwu ink. Pathetic.

No. 893165

You sound so stupid giving so much hateful energy to a person you only know exists through the Internet and a persona. Good think the internet doesn’t matter and she’s actually doing something meaningful with her life while you sit here and continue drudging up a bunch of irrelevant bullshit that clearly bothers only you and this corner of trolls.

No. 893228

Your justification is mind numbing and you are likely a Degenerate just like her. Tell yourself that you're a better person all you want. but the person you're sticking up for is probably just as sick as you. You want to act like the people on here don't have a life. well look at you on here too. You're defending somebody who reenacts being molested as a child and is now bringing a child into this world. let that sink in. You want to say she's bettering herself? But does she have a real job? is she helping disabled kids?Is she donating to foundations? Is she taking down every single bit of smut that she's put out in this world? Is she putting a positive footprint in the world in any fucking way? No ! So check yourself

No. 893276

So you have to donate or help disabled kids to be a good person? You better hold everyone to that standard then. What she did for money in her past shouldn’t define her entire future. She decided to stop doing all of that and start a family and do something more worthwhile with her life. Everyone has the opportunity to do something different from what they were previously doing. You can stay mad forever about what I stranger did online or you can move on.

No. 893278

Meanwhile why don’t you look at who actually isn’t changing or contributing anything positive? Stephen. Stephen is still pandering to minors and the ddlg community, making emo porn on onlyfans, working at Walmart, wearing a wig, and being an uwu sad emo boi at 33 years old. Jess on the other hand slowly moved away from the fetish shit when she could financially afford to quit and then decided to focus on art and family. This thread feels pointless because all anyone comes on here to do now is talk about shit she isn’t even doing anymore and how she will be a bad mom. That’s so lame there’s way more problematic people out there to direct your attention towards.

No. 893293

Why do you guys think Jess left Steve? Because she wasn’t into abdl anymore? Curious to hear your opinions

No. 893313

Speculation doesn’t lead to truth.

No. 893315

Probably because she wanted to grow up and he did not. I doubt someone like him could me mature enough to handle a marriage and all it entails. It would get exhausting being married to someone who only plays video games and makes videos jumping around to emo music. Clearly she evolved once she left him.

No. 893325

>You can stay mad forever about what I stranger did online
>About what I did online
>No sage

No. 893332

Do y’all think Jess will cheat on her babydaddy? She’s cheating on everyone she’s had a relationship with

No. 893548

>What she did for money in her past shouldn’t define her entire future
The internet is forever newfag, you coming here to sperg about muh change every month won't suddenly persuade anyone to agree with you.

This isn't his thread stop deflecting you look like the biggest cow.

No. 894200

>What she did for money in her past shouldn’t define her entire future.
when “what she did for money” was pedophilia, yes it absolutely should define your her entire future.

No. 894531

Why is anyone defending her ?? Its likely Jess. I wouldn't be surprised if she still looks on here daily.

As for stephen ya hes a loser just like her. Only difference is he likely wasnt a cheater like her.
The guys gotta grow up sooner or later. There should be a thread for him.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 894682

cp warning, bump

No. 894691

There’s no cp…

No. 894694

on account of it being deleted now, yes.

No. 894698

But there were no children. Everyone was over 18. Therefore, NOT cp. Fucked up? Yes. CP? No.

No. 894792

Sure she didn't make porn with anyone underv18 but she did sleep with a 17 year old when with Stephen. I was an insta post about it about 2 years ago.(imageboard)

No. 894800

cp again. bump

No. 894802

what?! isn’t she like 30?

No. 894811

She’s 27 and that literally never happened, she doesn’t even talk to minors. People love to make shit up here.

No. 894812

You guys just say anything you want here, don’t ya? Doesn’t matter if it’s true as long as it makes someone look bad. Fucking dumb.

No. 894814

File: 1665413990736.jpg (369.6 KB, 1283x1283, 1621182301478.jpg)

>unsaged posts
>hyper defensive correction
>getting offended over being called 30 years old
tell me you're binky without telling me you're binkie. Nobody gives a shit. Nobody was even accusing Binkie of making CP. "CP bump" is because the website is getting raided by people unrelated to Binkie, you're projecting more than you realise. Nobody thought she was making porn with minors but you're extremely agitated, which looks guilty as hell.

>she doesn’t even talk to minors

she was dating a guy with children last year, what a dumb lie to push. "She can't fuck children because she keeps herself away from ALL of them!!" sus as fuck

No. 894815

pic rel is her last bf who isn't underage but sure as hell looks like it kek. Definitely normal for a 27 year old to date men who look like teenagers

No. 894818

Clearly being around her bf’s kids is not what I was referring to. Read the context. I was talking about the accusation of fucking a 17 year old.

No. 894819

That’s her current boyfriend and you are reaching.(sage your shit)

No. 894822

If you stop bumping the thread with your defensive autism people will stop baiting you by shit talking your precious cow. Please shut the fuck up, no1currs as much as you do.

No. 894904

i'm >>894682 and you're right, i was literally just trying to warn site users about the cp spam on the front page.


you're all fucking retarded. hope this helps!

No. 894912

what would y’all do if you found out your mom made pedo porn? I’d probably kms personally, or at least expose my parents, emancipate myself, change my name, and leave the parents to rot in their weird baby sex room in their stinky trailer.

No. 894917

File: 1665479956480.png (312.73 KB, 423x500, topkek.png)

This thread contains one of the most committed wks I've ever seen. Watching them squirm over something as irrelevant to them as a courtesy cp bump can only be described as

No. 894920

Ah yes because dating someone who looks young makes you a pedo even though I think he is a year older then her. Makes sense. You sound like a literal retard or someone under 16 who lacks brain cells. Kek

No. 895064

Bumping CP further down.

No. 895488

I wonder if Steven knows that Jess is pregnant so fast after their divorce(i wonder if you know how to sage)

No. 895536

Its been nearly 2 years not really that fast

No. 897368

Jess looks really good honestly. Like what a glow-up(necro)

No. 897453

Bump - CP on main page

No. 897686

Her style suits her too she looks a lot better then she used to. Natural hair colours suit her better

No. 897694

That’s what I’m saying. Natural hair and a bit more meat + plus no drugs or smoking really has made her glow up.

She still skin walks all her partners but honestly this is the best look so far. She was always way out of Steve’s league imo and the way he looks in his most recent YouTube videos Compared to how she looks now is like night and day

No. 897717

The more meat is cause she’s preggo lul

No. 897719

I agree she’s always taken on her ex’s style or personality, but I feel like the way she is now is most authentic to her genuine self instead of just a copy of her boyfriend. They seem to complement each other well and she looks to be healthier and happier. I’m glad she stopped being a degenerate and moved onto better things.

No. 897775

When she was David she was hippyish too I think this style always been her style but she changed it for Steve or when she was a kitten. I think she only skin walked Steve ex because he was still obsessed with her. Maybe why she stole her tattoo

I agree the browns look very nice on her and the orange hair.

Yeah they look like a good couple

No. 897779

That’s a good point… the second they divorced Steve started posting about Tori heavily. It must’ve gotten to Jess that he never got over her and gave her some sort of complex to be like her.

No. 897791

He was still in love tori even after cheating and abusing her (dunno if she was the same) but it must made jess feel like crap knowing she won't be like his ex

No. 897813

This definitely seems like a much less toxic situation because fuck that

No. 897815

Jess honestly had just shitty luck with guys. Both David and Steven are losers who treat women awfully.

I remember David refusing to take down pictures of his ex sucking his dick on tumblr (not Jess, a girl after Jess) after they broke up.

Steven abused his girlfriend physically and emotionally. I think Jess stayed with him for so long cause she had already blown up her other relationship and she thought Steve was hot. Steve somehow hit the wall so not only did he have that shitty past and no real job, he also wasn’t as attractive anymore. Made it easier for her to leave.

He always weirds me out with his content. It appeals to minors while he also talks about kink/weird daddy shit(lolcow.farm/rules)

No. 897833

That photo wasn't David it was Steven and his ex its still up I belive. Yeah Steve creeps me out to I get strong perv vibes from him he claimed he wasn't into the daddy dom but its all he posts and talks about, it makes it worst the fact that he never grew past teenage emo vibes just something really odd about him

No. 897837

While I wouldn’t put it past Steven to do that, I am referring to a post on David’s topazdaddy tumblr account. Both of them were clearly creeps towards women.

Apparently her current baby daddy got kicked out of his band for being disrespectful to women so I guess it is a trend with Jess.

Even though it is a glo-up from the degenerate borderline pedo shit she was doing, I am sure their relationship is going to blow up in the same way all of hers do. Steven recently confirmed that she did in fact cheat on him. We all knew, but I guess there’s an acknowledgment from him now(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 897963

But didn’t he cheat with her on Her ex David? So no sympathy for him

No. 897980

This is true. Steven knew who she was.

Does anyone know if Steven has a thread for himself so I don’t have to keep dragging it on this one? Until Jess has a baby there probably won’t be much milk on her

No. 898023

There’s no milk anymore anyway period lol

No. 898105

Assuming she doesn't do a complete 180 and return to baby larping while sucking dick on cam while she has her own infant, sure kek. For her child's sake let's both hope not.

No. 898113

Well she deleted all of her baby socials and sold all her stuff. Worth mentioning she also has never made porn with her current partner.

No. 898134

Yeah, but she continues to profit from and keep up old videos of her morally reprehensible porn despite claiming to have moved on. I've seen weirder shit happen but I hope it doesn't.

No. 898155

Yes she did she sucked his dick in car park in very early relationship its on one the prev threads

No. 898178

She never posted a video of her sucking his dick she just posted saying she did.

No. 898180

She said the photos she took of herself were taken after sucking his dick in the parking lot, but no footage of his dick being sucked was ever posted. She never posted him anywhere on her porn sites.

No. 898181

how has this thread not been fucking nuked. it's meant to be in snow in the first place not pt and the same fucking wk keeps coming back to say wow she deleted her porn of herself acting like a baby, what a woman

No. 898221

Kek I know right. She's so brave and stunning.

No. 898993

Seeing Steve's twitter it clear he was in to ddlg and she was in to the baby stuff more.

No. 899013

He chose to get with her knowing she was full blown into that at the time and exploited it for views anyway, so nobody feels bad for him. He definitely seemed into it for the camera!

No. 899112

Yeah he acts like he not into it but even his ex before binkie was doing it too he is such a liar(sage your shit)

No. 906421

File: 1673331272574.jpeg (753.94 KB, 828x1467, 46492E24-5F28-4A6F-B3F8-C781E8…)

No. 906434

>Despite this I continue to profit from it by not scrubbing the content I'm in control of and I wk myself on an imageboard monthly saying this exact same shit

No. 906438

It’s so funny how she was so hateful if you had anything negative about that lifestyle but now that she has a baby on the way she’s ashamed and wants to block all the weirdo DDLG/abdl lovers who made her mildly relevant

No. 906450

It’s good to see her move on from that. Doesn’t appear that relevance is something she cares about anymore and this isn’t milk. Ded thred.

No. 906489

File: 1673415340957.png (111.83 KB, 824x610, kek.png)


Maybe delete your fucking porn accounts if you're "tired of seeing it." Anybody can still pay Binkie directly for her degenerate pedo porn right now, this is a screenshot from her justfor.fans taken today.

No. 906549

File: 1673507088113.jpeg (379.72 KB, 828x1293, DCF07289-2464-4E0B-8408-6904DA…)

No. 906550

File: 1673507112635.jpeg (349.13 KB, 828x1300, D4785440-CD5D-4845-8387-CAE70A…)

No. 906551

File: 1673507134307.jpeg (565.22 KB, 828x1066, AC673567-6CFC-4D9D-8ADD-737272…)

No. 906563

her eyes are so close together wtf

No. 906565

Well she’s dead now so her eyes aren’t really anything anymore.

No. 906573

Fucking kek nona

No. 906593

I know not related and not really milk but if you ever want to cringe look at Steven’s tiktok and Instagram it so embarrassing. He acts like a 13 year old. What makes it worse is that is a nearly 40 year old man who’s followers consist of teenage girls.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 906705

Is that why u abused her and cheated on her and mocked her publicly for having issues and did a video on her letter/email she sent to you in jail and publicly mocked her or has he forgot that?


>>906593 I know it's gross he looks like he needs a good scrub. His wigs don't suit him at all and the jelly bracelets need to be trashed. Waiting for the day he gets called out being creepy he already has the vibes.

No. 906732


I definitely think it is only a matter of time before someone comes out accusing him of sexual assault. He’s already physically assaulted his ex. He gives pedo vibes.

No. 910684

Oh dear lord its given birth and the baby looks like its embarrassed already(imageboard)

No. 910690

Firstly, sage your shit. Secondly, this is an imageboard. At least post a screenshot.

No. 910692

No need to sage as this is a update. Also don't fancy embarrassing the poor baby. It's on her Instagram(yes you need to sage. this update is worthless without any context.)

No. 910695

Don't post the baby on here not with the tags and topics that are posted in this form. just for the baby safety

No. 910717

yeah, not posting pics of the baby but it’s a girl. big fucking yikes @ pedo princess, hope someone’s keeping an eye on all of them.
>prior community I was previously a part of
you’re a pedophile forever, dumb bitch

No. 910774

No one asked you to, you could've blurred the child or only posted the caption. This is an imageboard your unsaged conjecture isn't valuable here.

No. 910817

File: 1677978695357.jpeg (517.95 KB, 828x1061, 449F72F6-8D77-4729-81C1-9BB6BD…)

stop mini-modding, you’re “contributing” even less

anyway. poor baby

No. 910826

It's not minimodding to inform you this is an imageboard, newfag. Thanks for finally doing the bare minimum.

No. 910836

File: 1678002292847.jpeg (658.15 KB, 828x1039, 5BA4468D-593B-4994-848B-A23B54…)

you’re really going to continue to shit up the thread and not contribute anything at all? not even snark? oldfags report and move on

anyway, I wonder how much of the actual baby/kids stuff she bought for porn will be reused with this baby, vs. how much she sold off just to re-buy kid-sized versions of the adult-sized kids things she bought.

No. 911688

Her body will never bounce back. Goodluck selling porn now lol.

No. 911689

>>910695 maybe she should protect her own baby by not posting public photos of her child when she likely has pedophiles fallowing her. If she's that concerned she would protect that baby her self but she's already failed to do that.
I feel so bad for that kid already. Imagine having that as a mother.

No. 911715

How long do you guys give it before she cheats on her babydaddy and replaces him for someone else?

Also how do you think Stephen feels about his ex wife having a baby with the dude she left him for(sage your shit)

No. 911723

Stephen posted a video of how much he misses his other ex who passed away.
After seeing how sweet tori was , I can see why jess was trying to skin walk tori so badly. Because Stephen was still in love with his ex even when with jess.
He straight up said in his video that he could never grieve his ex death because of jess.

I know he wasn't nice to tori but imagine not being able to grieve over an ex because you're wife is a crazy jealous bitch.

No. 911727

I give it max 3 years.(sage your shit)

No. 911728

She stopped doing porn way before she even got pregnant.

No. 911733


Tori was a drug addict and Stephen abused her. He just tries to get clout and sympathy off her death every so often even though he was awful to her. Jess also just is a perpetual skinwalker. She just becomes whoever she is dating or friends with. Now she’s a hippie because she’s with her current bd but she was emo/scene when she was with Stephen. She was a weeaboo with David cause he was a weeaboo.

I think Jess really has never had a sense of self or personality.(sage your shit)

No. 911871

white women never had a personality. she went down the riley reid route. quit doing degeneracy because they’re old and feel bad, found a 5/10 guy and have a kid with them, promote trad wife culture despite being disgusting porn whores back then

(ban me idc, id you do that means you’re a white woman)(newfag)

No. 911874

This guy is average and sloppy looking. He also looks like a manley. Great sperm picking. you know, when you fuck and try for a baby, and end up with a girl- it means that the sex was bad and the dick didn’t reach the cervix.

enjoy your small dick husband and your autistic kid jess, you fugly pickme bitch ;)(;))

No. 911888

Jess needs serious mental health therapy. Her borderline personality will always rule her life. Her mental health will only worsen her child's life. You can't save everyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just remember she managed to make her marriage look picture perfect online. She will likely do the same with that child's life. But we all know behind closed doors it's not a picture perfect family. It never will be because jess will never be happy with herself. Unless she get therapy and strong medication. Back in the day women like her were put in Psych words.(¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

No. 911956

Why so salty? She might be on medication and you can tell she mentally more happier these last 2 years since she left her ex she doesn't look drained or ill no more and she posts happier content and days out. Nobody life is perfect everyone has ups and downs, people make mistakes so you can't just point fingers and act like she the only one. I'm not defending her past but she put a instergram story up a while ago long before her baby saying she choose to stop doing porn for the girls and she looks happier for it.

No. 912004

Some times having a child can 'ground' people I know a lot of people who were wild and chaotic and felt lost before they had a child and afterwards they had something worth living for or they calmed down and became more motherly. I think this has happened to jess and its nice to see.

No. 912008

no it’s not you weird moid. jess won’t fuck you, hee clam is forever ruined and hee tits are sloppy(sage your shit)

No. 912009

She had a c-section so nothing got ruined. The way you speak about women and mothers is disturbing… this entire back and forth is creepy and delusional.

No. 912019

And the way jess sexualized babies, children and fathers in order to profit from pedophile porn is disturbing. I hope that shit sticks to her forever.

No. 912058

“i had a kid guys so that doesn’t make me a pedo anymore!!”

invalid excuse

No. 912185

i’m not surprised that most of you are defending her. i just remember seeing fucked up pedo shit in off topic threads here and there. crazy how you guys won’t let shayna off the hook but it’s okay for jess because she got knocked up and have a kid. so every pedophile should have a kid, and that will stop them from being pedophiles? is that the retarded logic that you idiot women are sticking to right now? godspeed that all of you in this thread defending binkie are fat and alone and miserable so you guys don’t have children yourselves. i wouldn’t even trust my kid around you freaks

No. 912186

fucking sick weirdos lol

No. 912488

Also Stephen posts on his OF its super sad and pathetic. He’s a bigger degenerate loser than Jess ever was imo

No. 912500

Having a baby doesnt excuse her pedo porn. Infact it makes it all WORSE! Whos to say shes not one of those sick bitches who would exploit their children for male attention.

I pray for her child. I dont wish anything bad upon that child but who knows what this bitch is capable of.

No. 912505

Pretty sure she made weird fetish porn and then grew up and realized it was shameful and now she has moved on and started a family. Everything you just said is really extreme and ridiculous.

No. 912529

Anon, it's not the same people ripping Shayna to threads but giving binkie a pass. The same people don't occupy every thread, and it seems to be one or two people max defending this shitbag pedo with the same lexicon and lack of sage every time.

No. 912532

stop defending the pedo

No. 912533

She made pedo porn for years as her sole source of income. She posted it to multiple sites and continued to sell it even after she stopped making new porn content. She was one of the loudest and proudest about her degeneracies and openly flaunted it online for many years. She was already an adult woman while doing this. People who don't think this shit is extreme and disgusting are just as fucked up as Jess. Why are you defending a fucking pedo-enabler so hard?

No. 912534

In reality someone who dressed like a baby isn’t a pedo no matter how much you want to make that the case. Even if the porn she made somehow appealed to pedos, which it still wouldn’t because pedos like actual kids, that still doesn’t make her one. You can hate ABDL all you want but it’s cringey and embarrassing at worst. Not pedophilia. There’s nothing left to even say about her anymore but you just want to beat a dead horse and hang onto her being a “pedo”. There’s no new milk. It’s stale.

No. 912542

No offense but ABDL is pedophilia. Not all pedophiles want to assault children because of the consequences but they turn to the next best thing which is Abdl

No. 912544

I’m sure for some people that could be the case, but for Jess she clearly just liked the money and attention from it until she decided to do something else. It was trendy but then became oversaturated and when she left Stephen it fizzled out and she moved on. I see it as her sexualizing her inner child and needing fatherly male attention from her partner until she healed and then that partner got discarded and the abdl stuff ended. This girl desperately searches for an identity and obviously it was easy to latch onto that for a time, but now it’s over.(whiteknighting)

No. 912547

Everyone white knighting in this thread has brain worms.

Her, in a diaper and a onsie, pretending to be a baby while getting fucked is disgusting. If she did it SOLELY for the money she is not only disgusting, but also a lazy exploitative whore.

Why dont all of you guys go white knight shayna when people call her a pedo? Fucking retards.

Def not trying to minimod,
Everyone defending ABDL in this thread should be permabanned.

No. 912548

You are fuckin deranged

No. 912550

I do wonder if Stephen made her realize how disgusting men who are into ABDL/DDLG are. David was definitely never into it, he seemed like he went along with it and I’m pretty sure they broke up due to him not liking it. I think once she was with Stephen who genuinely is into that weird shit she realized dudes who are into that are weird creepy losers(sage your shit)

No. 912553

if this is a moid, jess will not wear diapers and have sex with you. go jerk off to shayna okay?

No. 912554

For the love of god, stop evading the fucking ban to justify your pedophile bullshit opinions you stupid fucking faggot

No. 912575

After her and Stephen broke up he said he wasn't into ddlg and daddy dom shit but look him now doing thirsts about it and actively saying he looking for a little and doing role play. He so creepy

No. 912576

I personally think she enjoyed it when she was first getting into it wearing the frog onsie and having having few pacifiers but she saw a open market with diapers and porn and she went for it for money and it went to far.
During the time she was heavily into it a lot of youtubers and instergramers ect were either doing kitten play or age play it was such a odd time in the world and I'm glad it over.

She be forever known as as girl, I'm surprised she hasn't had her name changed to get away from it

No. 912577

Anyone know how much money she used to make during the peak? If I remember correctly she had porn snapchat and like 2 or 3 websites. Also does anyone if she got money from her social media's

No. 912580

stop samefagging to whiteknight some ugly pedo ogre on the internet you brainless retard

No. 912581

whoever defends binkie princess should be on a watchlist and banned from the internet. go defend shayna clifford, we don’t need to hear your hot takes on how every pedo should have a kid because it changes them lol

No. 912595

Yeah her name will forever have that soiled (no pun intended) reputation I am also suprised she didn't change her name. Good luck if she ever wants a job or the children search her up. How can her partner let his kids around her and how can his mother support that

No. 912598

No one gives a fuck about the person you mentioned 4 times

No. 912618

Stephen is a blatant liar. He definitely liked it before her and still does after. Idk why he lies about it(sage your shit)

No. 912655

go defend shayna pedo

No. 912682

>>912542 my dude I need you to explain your logic. They're not allowed to get off to kids so they instead get off to adults and getting off to adults is… close to pedophilia? I feel like getting off to adults is the furthest thing you can get to pedophilia.

No. 912683

Healthy normal adults are turned off by other adults acting and dressing like children/retards.

No. 912692


No, I get that. It's extremely weird. I'm asking what makes them pedophiles though.

Cuz like, for example, I like women being treated like furniture, right? Put her on all fours, treat her like an inanimate object ect ect. It's hot because of the degradation and sense of control over someone willingly giving it up. But it doesn't mean I want to fuck my dining room table, you know?

So how is ABDL different from that? Are you sure they want to hurt kids??? It seems like they're actually pretty adamant in NOT involving kids. Hell Binkie tried to expunge this fetish long before she had a kid specifically because she didn't want it associated with all of this.

That sounds like the opposite of pedophilia, so I am just incredibly confused.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 912699

It’s not pedophilia and your logic is sound and correct. These people just talk out of their asses because they want to be hateful and bitter over a stranger on the Internet that they don’t like or agree with. So much so, that they keep this thread alive even though there’s nothing new to talk about and this is all recycled and regurgitated nonsense. >>912692

No. 912711

no, you’re just a pedohpile apologist who is wasting their existences on some ugly sow who pretended to be a baby getting fucked for some reason. i bet you’re the sick shit that requested the shayna “board.” sick retard. nobody cares that you’re a pedo lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 912730

top 10 lolcow threads that desperately need to be locked and stopped

No. 912746

Okay, BinkiePrincess(hi cow)

No. 912773


No. 912804

Still unsure how this thread has been bumped so consistently over the past week. Like just log off, look away from the screen

No. 912805

Oops meant to reply >>912730

No. 912824

This thread really needs to be locked. It's getting bumped to the front page every fucking day due to newfags not knowing how to sage.

No. 912828

yeah this place is such a shit hole, i see more traffic at the farms. at lest the farms closes shit threads and hides them

No. 912870

someone has an extremely vested interest in clearing this pedophile’s name, and also continually bumping this thread. I don’t know who that could be though

No. 912871

someone has an extremely vested interest in clearing this pedophile’s name, and also continually bumping this thread. I don’t know who that could be but I’ll be relieved when CPS catches up with her

No. 912872

someone has an extremely vested interest in clearing this pedophile’s name, and also continually bumping this thread. I don’t know who that could be but I’ll be relieved when CPS catches up with her

No. 912897


Lmao how is CPS gonna catch up to her? She literally stopped doing the ABDL stuff months before she even conceived her kid??? What're they going to do? Press charges on her for being a responsible parent?

No. 912906

>being a responsible parent
Nta you're not wrong about the cps thing but if this is the metric by which you judge someone to be a responsible parent, the bar is in hell.

No. 913048

bump don't scroll CP

No. 913187

mommy, these are probably the same sick pesos that approved the shayna pussy worship thread. might as well make one for binkie and all the sickos here. all of you are hypocritical fat pieces of shit that virtual signal about a bad person when you guys do the same thing lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 913227

I totally forgot about this creep. Do her videos still exist anywhere on the internet or are they gone forever?(sage your shit)

No. 913238


She did the salt the earth move. But still happy to post breastfeed photos on Instagram so her old fans get some their rocks off still

No. 913240

even though she removes and blocks anyone that has to do with her past Internet stuff? Okay. You’re the one sexualizing her relationship with her baby like a weirdo.

No. 913284

Awww bless jess

No. 913341

No. 913385

wow imagine asking to sage old posts. brainless idiot

No. 913404

When will this thread finally be locked? Seriously, it gets bumped all the time by newfags who haven't learnt to sage after months of this shit several times a week and there hasn't been any milk in a looong time.

No. 913407

Not the anon but they didn’t ask for it be saged you ‘brainless idiot’ triggered much?

No. 914148

Not Stephen’s new girlfriend having the same name as Jess’s newborn baby(sage your shit)

No. 914151

His new gf already moved in with him too. This guy just does the same thing over and over with every girl. Already trying to exploit her for attention online. Also she’s 24 and he’s 33. Gotta go for younger girls since he’s mentally 15 forever!

No. 914152

She’s also into the weird baby and kitten play shit. And yes the age gap is super creepy(sage your shit, emoji)

No. 914153

Give it few months and the first only fan clip will come out. So gross thought he publicly stated when him and Jess broke up that he wasn’t the one into this shit? He creeps me out so much he just dirty older man vibes.

No. 914154

You can tell a creep from a mile of by who they are following and if you look at his in instagram it just all underage littles, abdl/ddlg and porn accounts

No. 914155

You can also tell a creep by the fact that he insists on dating fan girls younger than him so he can take advantage of them and put them online for views. His relationships are all performative on his end, even him “grieving” over his dead ex. He’s a creep and a pathetic man child who needs attention from teenage Internet strangers to feel valid. And the worst part is he’s bald.

No. 914156

It is a clear pattern. All his girlfriends are copy paste of each other.(sage your shit)

No. 914162

When writing a post in the email section put sage so you don’t get banned,
I Wonder how long until she lets something slip about Jess or starts dressing like her and his other ex

>>914155 lol it’s just wrong he definitely will end up being a middle age pedo who hangs out with teenagers if he isn’t already. How old is he 33? And he still wears emo band tops and bracelets and long colourful wigs it’s always the people who never grow up always end up becoming nonces. I know it’s shit his ex passed away but did he legit forget it beat her up and shamed her a video over a email she sent from jail I have zero sympathy for him. I know Jess is a skin walker but it must been shit for her to be second best to his ex

No. 914164

I mean Jess probably skin walked because he made her feel like she would never compare to Tori.

No. 914969

Jess gtf out of here. You made your bed. Your name will never be cleared. You have train filled of people who fucking hate you. At least 90% of people in this thread see you for who you really are. A used dirty diaper Degenerate girl with a baby. Keep defending yourself all you want. But you are indangering your child posting public photos of your child considering your past… doesn't matter if you blocked those people. Anyone could have a fake account and still fallow you and your baby for sick kicks. I feel bad for the father of your child… because Jess puts all those little girls in harms way just being under the same roof as them.

No. 914971

She skin walked more people than just tori. She's mentally ill and becomes obsessed with people.

No. 915024

Yall are seriously so bored(back to twitter)

No. 915388

She's always been pretty homely looking but she currently looks more haggard than ever before. She lives in s trailer now and has a bowl hair cut. Kek look where baby porn got her. No where significant. Good job Jess. You're still gross.(necro)

No. 915396

She does not live in a trailer… where’d you get this from? They live in a house with multiple bedrooms and a big backyard where they also have an RV.

No. 915397

Good job, anon. You’re still obsessed and posting online about someone you dislike. Sounds like you’re doing much more significant things!(whiteknight)

No. 915453

now how would anyone know that? anyway hope this pedophile retard has her kid taken away before Binkie Princess uses its bottles as sex toys or worse

No. 915471

She makes it look like she lives in that rv on her social media. Regardless she looks more haggard than ever. She's still gross.

No. 915477

Not really… their RV is in like 3 pics and they used it as a prop for a maternity shoot in the backyard of their actual house. She’s posted pics of the baby’s nursery, their bedroom, the kids’ bedroom, and the outside of their house. You just wanna talk shit. And haggard? The definition of the word means looking exhausted or unwell from fatigue. She just had a baby cut out of her 3 months ago and is caring for a newborn plus two other kids while still putting some effort into her image and going out into the world. You try having major abdominal surgery and care for a baby on top of it and try to look anything but exhausted. You’re a miserable loser. Get off the Internet and get some fucking perspective.(sage your shit)

No. 915484

>She’s posted pics of the baby’s nursery, their bedroom, the kids’ bedroom, and the outside of their house.
wow that seems really fucking dangerous for anyone, but especially someone who’s spent the past decade pretending to be a baby getting raped for the internet. ffs those poor kids.

No. 915485

File: 1686484188752.png (471.29 KB, 856x1058, Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 7.49.…)

IG: https://www.instagram.com/tangerinemommy/ (https://anonstories.net/stories/tangerinemommy)
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tangerinemama (https://proxitok.pussthecat.org/@tangerinemama)

it's actually disturbing how many pics she posts of her baby and two young step-daughters, knowing she's a fucking pedophile with pedophiles watching her. also she looks absolutely busted now kek, you love to see it.

No. 915496

You are clearly Jess. You do a really bad job blending in and whiteknighting on here.
Actually my sister had a c section 3 weeks ago and she doesn't look half as bad as Jess. Jess will likely have a mental break down real soon. Taking care of 3 kids, she couldn't handle taking care of herself not too long ago. And how do you know how big her house is if you aren't Jess?
Oh and those stomach tattoos must look really good after giving birth. Kek. Her age play videos are still online with some tranny btw.
It's also concerning how she's posting public photos of these children online.(sage your hi cow)

No. 915500

I don’t get the point of picking apart someone’s physical appearance after having a baby. Seems like low hanging fruit. She just looks like an average person.

No. 915501

normally I’d agree but this bitch is a pedophile so fuck her. plus not everyone lets themselves go when they’re pregnant but BinkiePrincess clearly did. it’s hilarious that she looks like she’s 45 years old now. it’s what she deserves.

No. 915502

here’s a cute lil trip down memory lane for Baby Clementine to watch in a few years ♥
>diapers aren’t really his thing so much as they are mine
fucking freak. she got so fat since then too kek.

No. 915688

She just losing any attention from her sex worker days. She just exploit the kid

No. 915725

my mom is 40 and looks younger than this hag. karma is looking good. and apparently her husband has a pre-existing child? (her ig mentions something about being a “stepmom”)(sage your shit, not your personal blog)

No. 915735

BinkiePrincess is stepmother to at least two super young girls, yes. hope CPS is watching.

No. 915745

That's frightening if those kids go on YouTube at their friends house they will see step mommy on that documentary she did with David.

No. 915750

File: 1687057787974.png (72.52 KB, 1802x747, lol.png)

I'm fairly sure Jess is watching this thread for damage control, if she's not the one wking herself then she's got a really unhealthy relationship with someone with a learning disability. I'm certain she's reading here because after I posted >>906489 she removed the public subscription option within 1-2 days.

I'm less sure about the next part (its all tinfoil) but I think she's still camwhoring and keeping it on the down-low. She has preexisting customers from before and her camming profiles are active. She is still getting likes on her posts and her posts/videos/photos go up and down. She has also gained a "live cam power model" badge on her profile in the last 5 months.

No. 915758

File: 1687084386178.png (350.56 KB, 1792x828, IMG_1808.png)

found her baby daddy’s mugshot. he’s had multiple DUIs and flipped his car off the interstate a few years ago. there was a baby seat in the back so he already had kids by this point. Jess has since posted pics of them drinking, even after the new baby. so this dude has three kids and as many DUIs before 30. nice! https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-tampa/watch-drunk-driver-flips-car-off-interstate-in-tampa-after-crashing-off-exit-ramp trying really hard not to a-log right now because drunk drivers are the scum of the fucking earth and he easily could have killed someone. people shouldn’t even have a chance to get a second DUI. Danny and Jess both absolute retards confirmed

for fuck’s sake, Jessica

No. 915759

She’s had subscriptions off for months, you can’t delete your page until the last subscription runs out so someone probably paid for a year awhile back. Anyone who has ever cammed on there gets a badge, since badges are new and she used to do live shows, they put one on her profile. She’s not using JFF. >>915750

No. 915762

no i don’t have to sage anything. retarded butthurt mods lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 915763

this website is so dead because of the stupid bitches admin hired for mods lol binkie doesn’t care about your fat asses(sage your shit)

No. 915767

Take your meds and Sage your shit

No. 915775

File: 1687109467890.jpeg (251 KB, 828x1153, IMG_1809.jpeg)

double checked and this is definitely her Daniel Buchholz / @zenscientist https://www.instagram.com/zenscientist/

the latest pic on his grid is him smoking pot whilst driving. I’m no teetotaler but I feel like that’s pretty fucking dumb when you’ve got at least two DUIs under your belt, but I guess any man who knocks up a grown woman pretending to be a baby isn’t all there

No. 915828

Did Stephen have a criminal record? I know David did but was wondering if it’s a full on pattern for Jess(sage your shit)

No. 916187

File: 1687996454076.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20230628_195310.jpg)

She's still on chatrbate her age play videos are still on there and she still has a fetlife account with tons of abdl content available.

No. 916188

File: 1687996567193.jpg (1.5 MB, 4032x3024, 20230628_195145.jpg)

Still on fetlife

No. 916189

File: 1687996649444.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 20230628_195903.jpg)

Bullshit she deleted everything.(spoiler nsfw content)

No. 916261

File: 1688203757623.gif (3.68 MB, 480x358, F244AEB1-DC63-4F61-9253-20A80A…)

Yo she looks like shiiiit

No. 916273

Imagine being so obsessed with someone who clearly moved on with their life to excessively search the Internet multiple times to find the most pointless shit on them and to actively search for the partner too. No one cares about them why don't you go get a life. Learn to sage too.

No. 916276

this pedophile deserves permanent ridicule and shunning from normal society. On top of that, this pedo shouldn't be allowed to be near any children ever again, including her own. Nasty POS.

No. 916310

Imagine thinking you're better than everyone on here, but you keep coming back here to comment becauseyouhave no life. Imagine being such a Degenerate that you defend pedophile age players.
Jess just got caught. She didn't delete everything online like she said. Such trash.(sage your shit)

No. 916319

“Got caught” that’s so dramatic. She probably forgot about them since she hasn’t been active in over a year.

No. 916333

If you haven't been active in a year then you'd be able to close your Justfans account. You said 2 weeks ago that you can't delete your shit because you're still getting money from degenerates >>915759. Closing a fetlife is easy. You didn't do it because you still make money through fetish content. It takes zero effort and they allow anybody to delete their accounts at any point.

I feel bad for her kid. Imagine going on YouTube, seeing your mom in a crib and googling her username just to find all of the fetish porn she didn't delete because "she isn't active anymore"

No. 916356

Exactly! we all know the truth. She's just as gross as always. She claims she removed everything offline but there's still a lot out there.(sage your shit)

No. 916396

File: 1688649764363.jpg (519.7 KB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_20230706_092437.jpg)

Was wondering why she got pregnant so fast. I know that her ex was a man child but this post just confirms it.

No. 916399

Danny is the most well adjusted man in her life. No one in their right mind would ever reproduce with Steven lmfao. Dude acts like he is a 10 year old and makes content that appeals to 13 year old girls(sage non-milk posts)

No. 916411

If a drunk driver is the most well adjusted man in her life. That's just fucking sad.(learn to sage, lolcow.farm/info)

No. 916416

Who do you guys think has the creamiest cum? David, Stephen, or Danny?(Sage that nasty shit)

No. 916436

Sorry forgot to Sage there, my answer would be David. I think his would be the milkiest and most fertile.(retard)

No. 916446

Her taste in all men is deplorable, this just screams "the man I'm obsessed with cares for his 2 children and I needed a child as an extension of myself so me and my child can compete for the attention."

No. 916455

David would be most fertile having been a heroin addict for years? Versus Danny who has three kids? Logic!

No. 916456

You just scream “I can’t let go of the obsession to hate this stranger online and post to forums about her life even though there’s nothing to talk about anymore because I’m bitter and unfulfilled and feel threatened by people’s growth and happiness” sad.

No. 916472

Wouldn’t that also make you obsessed? Besides the last couple days this thread has been empty kek. So what, you’re just checking in on a pedo waiting for updates just to chastise anonymous people? Definitely what a fulfilled person does.

No. 916475

You’re literally doing the same exact thing tho? Checking on her and checking on the thread and posting to it and responding.(infighting whiteknight)

No. 916489

Welcome back nonna! We knew you’d be back

No. 916495

it’s about time these (retard) mods do their job. make this thread dead s possible. and fire the ugly incel that’s restexting, that shit needs to be abolished. i want kiwi farms back not this dead shithole of a website. die(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 918450

She just posted a story about how she drinks and eats her own breast milk

No. 918453

Okay she did not say she drinks it she said she’s tried it there’s a difference there

No. 918467

File: 1692939340932.png (7.55 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3608.png)

She also posted this rancid pic of her a few days ago

No. 918525

So creepy to think about the fact she eats and drinks her OWN breast milk especially after her being into ABDL and drinking out of bottles for half her adult life

No. 918530

She said she has tried it once and tries the purées she gives to her baby to make sure it tastes sufficient before feeding. That’s far from “eating and drinking” her breast milk as if she’s just constantly doing it in large quantities because she likes it. YOU are making it weird, not her.

No. 918577

Does anyone know why she took down the David porn? I miss that video of his meat(unsaged thirstposting)

No. 918580

Didn’t she take down all her porn though? Cuz yknow, she’s “ashamed” or whatever?

No. 918642

david has a pathetically small penis but yes lust over a shitty deadbeat drunk parent and his diaper wearing loser of a wife

No. 918654

The fact she used to dress up as a cow sexually and is mimicking it in that photo of her milking herself is actually gross

No. 918655

I’m not making it weird, she made it weird when she drank from baby bottles and fucked in her cum filled diapers only to now go on and have an actual baby of her own- everything she does is now weird. Drinking and eating her own baby milk, is creepy in HER circumstance because she was a degenerative that acted exactly how her newly born child did whilst getting dicked down by her partners. How she can look into the eyes of her small little baby and not feel ashamed from the porn she produced is beyond me. And the nerve to publicly blast her child’s face in this day and age is also crazy.

No. 918678

You sound stupid because David’s cock is huge. Also David is her ex, he doesn’t have kids as far as we know.

Let me be mad about my favorite porn being gone. If anyone has it still please be willing to sell it to me I will pay 400$ for it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 918711

Unrelated but does it bug anyone else how willing she is to post her kids face and her step kids faces? Especially given what’s been happening with kids pics online and her past audience? Like it’s so negligent and screams “I had a baby for clout cuz getting fucked dressed up as one wasn’t cutting it”

No. 918712

I really wanna know what the biological mom thinks of her posting photos of her step kids faces. It’s so weird because it’s not hard to find the full name of all 3 kids at all, I wonder if their grandparents who own a cut little Floridian cupcake shop know about the porn she produces. Would be a shame if they ever found out, right?(don't tease about cowtipping or involving family)

No. 918719

Threatening to invade the personal life of someone on the Internet who you do not know, even if you don’t like them, is fucked up. Messing with someone’s family and interpersonal relationships just because you disagree with things they’ve done online in the past is not a valid thing to do. The fact that you can’t move on with your life and continue to even think about harassing someone offline is really weird behavior, especially when this person has clearly done their best to scrub the Internet of their old content and start a family. I really hope you are perfect and have made zero bad decisions your whole life so a stranger doesn’t follow you around forever constantly reminding you and threatening to ruin your life even if you’ve changed.

No. 918731

File: 1693530071113.png (1.44 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3681.png)

Not Jess but can this man please shut the fuck about about his failed marriages and relationships. He post such cringe shit on his story it’s embarrassing, like the divorce was what? 2 years ago? get over it

No. 918736

File: 1693539951252.png (1.11 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3720.png)

Yaaayyy another cash grab! Guess the ceramics business wasn’t cutting it just like the porn! So glad she’s starting a bar business with a man with what? 3 dui’s?

No. 918746

Opening up a legitimate brick and mortar business is not a cash grab, it takes a ton of money to start a business like that. If they’re opening their own business they must’ve been saving for awhile. People trying to make money without having to work for anyone else is the dream we all wish to obtain.

No. 918756

File: 1693585788197.png (172.99 KB, 613x473, 1.png)

kek anon it's a craft beer GARDEN in florida, it's not a real business or bar. Look it up on google, it's in a residential area being run out of a trashy home. Definitely a cash grab, especially with the hipster craft beer theming.

Picrel is the google location, company logo is the same as binkies company.

No. 918758

Stephen is a huge fucking loser. Literally of everyone in Jess’s life he is probably the biggest fuckup. He posts shit that I expect from an emo 12 year old. He also dates the same type of woman expecting a different result. His new girlfriend is also an online clout chasing slut who posts her ass and tits on IG, does the kitten play and ddlg nonsense.

Does anyone think he’s just a hobosexual and uses women for housing???

No. 918759

Also sorry forgot to Sage(you have a 30 min window to delete and correct posts)

No. 918765

You don’t know much about Tampa do ya bud? Commercial and residential areas are mixed together especially in the area their bar is in. Lots of businesses are in old historic homes. They’re probably turning the building into a bar. Beer garden doesn’t mean literal garden, you sound dumb af. And yeah opening a business is to make money… like any other business. When you go to work you’re also cash grabbing. Everyone wants to grab cash. You have to, to live. Some people are entrepreneurs, some work for other people. You sound jealous.

No. 918779

I'm not even that anon, but you could try reporting nitpicks instead of writting emotionally invested paragraphs and calling anons jealous of an ex baby prostitute.

No. 918782

But that’s where the jealousy comes from. That someone they hate so much and think is such a degenerate actually did something better with their life while they are still in their same undesirable position, longing for more but doing nothing to make it happen. Meanwhile projecting that onto strangers on the internet to feel better. Cause at least I never used to make fetish porn, amirite?! Sad.(whiteknight)

No. 918789

Do you live in Tampa?

No. 918790

i don’t understand why bitches go on lolcow farm to defend some human being who doesn’t give a shit about your existence

No. 918805

this thread is one of the hardest not to “hi cow” in istg. some cows I kinda get defending, they’re harmless and can be endearing. not this bitch. she’s a pedophile and she’s fucking ugly iside and out. this new hippie dippie flower child persona she adopted for her latest boyfriend can’t hide the fact that she’s a nasty fucking pedophile who enjoys pretending to be a baby getting raped.

agree with banned anon - I accidentally found all this info just looking at Jess's socials. why would you pretend to be a raped baby and then post pics of your actual baby online? to the SAME AUDIENCE?

I hope this stupid cow gets mastitis

No. 918816

Why in earth would I be jealous of Jess? She reeks of attention whore and is a god damn cheater. You can give her the benefit of the doubt all you want but that won’t change the fact that her old fanbase definitely still follows her and is now looking at images of her baby and possibly doing gross shit with said photos. Generally speaking it’s not safe to post your baby’s photos online due to the rise in ai generated shit and god knows what else and the fact that she went from making abdl porn to making her whole account revolve around her baby is a special kind of gross in my opinion. You can make mommy content with out posting your child yet she chooses not to cuz she knows her baby girl will get her the most views.


Anytime she post herself pumping/heart feeding it feels like soft core fetish shit. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was honestly

No. 919633

File: 1695156039196.png (848.34 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3903.png)

This shit is so cringe

Also you love your daughter so much yet you don’t have the decency to cover her face when you post her or not post her at all knowing your old fanbase of predators are scouring your page still

No. 920334

File: 1696425090120.jpg (8.18 MB, 4624x2080, IMG_20231004_140658.jpg)

Jess you can run but you can't hide from your past.

No. 920343

plus her husband is a deadbeat piece of shit drunk driver danny rip off with two pre-existing children he shouldn’t have custody of because he drove drunk WITH THEM

No. 920502

File: 1696651384944.jpeg (428.32 KB, 1170x1373, IMG_4162.jpeg)

Bell is back, she posted an explanation on why she was absent on her jff though there was no mention of Jess. Are they even friends still or? I’m honestly curious if she’ll even bring Jess up at all

No. 920727

File: 1696974915603.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x1964, IMG_4256.jpeg)

Really? That’s what she cheated on Stephen for? Also for fucks sake can you at least try to cover up your baby before posting her. You know the fucking creeps that scour on your page.

No. 920891

File: 1697334180923.jpeg (Spoiler Image,587.92 KB, 1170x936, IMG_4373.jpeg)

You’d think for someone being “done with abdl” she’d ask them to not repost or reuse her content

No. 920892

File: 1697334225361.jpeg (Spoiler Image,157.45 KB, 870x460, IMG_4374.jpeg)

The photographer when asked why he still post her btw

No. 921049

These people have kids and then get jealous when their baby gets more attention then them. Why even have a kid at that point? She’d probably pimp her daughters out if it was legal. people into ddlg are the same as lolicon(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 921952

File: 1698805632256.png (6.37 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4712.png)

I find it interesting how she rarely post about her step daughters, where are their pumpkins?

No. 922493

Pretty sure they’re with their real mom

No. 922671

File: 1699759035240.png (4.98 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4868.png)

How long we thinking this is gonna last?

No. 922672

>marinade on that
among so many other reasons (pedo being the main one), this retard should have NEVER been allowed to reproduce.

No. 922675

She’s a serial cheater so we will see. Though they do give weird poly couple vibes so who knows(sage)

No. 922681

It's lyrics from a Dope Lemon song.

No. 922727

File: 1699919611053.jpeg (111.95 KB, 534x470, IMG_2047.jpeg)

Girl looks like a corpse(unsaged non-milk spam)

No. 922750

Anon you might wanna change your profile picture

No. 923039

File: 1700325137611.jpeg (448.79 KB, 828x1466, IMG_1902.jpeg)

Girly does have regrets it seems. Should delete her porn twitter then if that’s the case. Feel bad for the baby, kid is gonna have a fucked upbringing especially when it gets exposed to the internet. Bet in a few years she’s going to divorce again and be a single mom “influencer” as her next gimmick.

No. 923064

She doesn’t have any porn social media? Everything is deleted.

No. 923083

>don't post any of that one day it will be embarrassing
That's not the word i would've chosen kek

No. 923093

Her content still gets re posted by abdreams not to mention bell has still content with her. >>922750
Also no fuckin way she blocked me, just from pfp alone that’s actually insane, crazy how she’s “moved on” and “not focusing on hate” yet monitors this thread 24/7

No. 923107

No offense but you’re a retard for doxxing yourself and when I like looked at your profile you’re literally a degenerate DDLG e-girl yourself so I’m confused why you are here when you are literally like Jess LMFAO

No. 923113

>social media isn’t real
Why do people say this now? That might have been the case one upon a time but now what you post on social media can have a major impact on your actual life and how you get treated or where you can work or any number of things.

No. 923115


Hiiii cow! I genuinely don’t believe anyone here other than Jess would take the time to find my account just from pfp alone, cuz yknow, forgetting to crop out my pfp that I changed recently is definitely me doxxing myself. Also crazy shit accusing me of being into ddlg when that’s all people remember you for.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 923118

lol I am definitely not nasty ass Jess. You are just stupid and gross. You aren’t the first person to dox yourself like a moron here, I expose the last person if you scroll up far enough. You just look stupid posting on here when you are literally a nasty pedo baiter yourself LMFAO.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 923129

I'm the one who pointed it out and I didnt even bother, kek.
Can you sage your retarded powerleveling?

No. 923667

Not really .. she is chunky now

Isn't this her 3rd engagement? And she's not even 30 yet.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 923785

File: 1701409068318.jpeg (317.82 KB, 1170x816, IMG_5224.jpeg)

This isnt like, personal info but this also something that should probably stay between family? Your babies milestones shouldn’t be shared to 5k strangers you’ve never fucking met and don’t know the intentions of, what happened to keeping that shit to your close family???Like it’s weird as fuck your account solely centers around your baby and nothing else. What is Jess gonna do when Clem is 13 exactly? Post about her going through puberty like all those other mommy bloggers?? Complain about how hard it raising a teen cuz she can’t exploit her anymore?


It is, they’re moving real fast too they’ve only been together for what? 2-3 years? Having a baby only 2 years (or less) into dating. Embarrassing honestly

No. 923823

How is meeting someone and having a child after 2 years rushing? And same with getting engaged after 3 years? That's pretty normal when people are in there mid twenties

No. 923830

She’s only with the guy cuz she slept with him while married to Stephen, and Jess is not in her mid 20s she’s pushing 30.

No. 923837

Probably because they’re way more well-matched than her and Stephen were. They seem happy and in love to me. And yeah people in their 30s can’t wait forever to have babies.

No. 923855


The meat ridding is crazy, she’s literally a serial cheater and made porn of her dressed up as a baby. Also “well matched” my ass she changes her aesthetic every new boyfriend. He probably only Married her cuz they have a kid together.

No. 923868

He proposed to her at a concert to their song in front of hundreds of people, he definitely loves her. She didn’t get accidentally knocked up either they planned their pregnancy. Whatever fits your hateful narrative about two stranger’s lives tho.(whiteknight)

No. 923891

“Strangers” really now? Last I checked Jess willingly dressed up as a baby and made a living off pedo baiting. No one in their right fucking mind is gonna have a positive narrative on someone like that. Having a planned pregnancy doesn’t erase what she’s done, Danny ain’t a saint either, his ex band mates have came forward and said he treats women like shit as well as having multiple duis and driving while under the influence of pot. Ur honestly retarded for defending them

No. 923896

“Driving while under the influence of pot” lmaooooo

No. 923900

Retard can’t come up with another excuse for defending them so they attacked my word choices. Sorry is weed better? Cannabis? Like it’s all the same shit fagtard get outta here with your whiteknighting

No. 924400

Pretty sure he crashed the car under the influence with kids in the back, could be wrong though.

No. 924401

I’m sure you could have probably said the same about his baby mama that he was also engaged with, Y’know, the one he already has two kids with? It didn’t take him long to move onto Jess at all, they broke up in the July before he moved onto a married woman in the November of the same year. Jess quite literally cheated whilst MARRIED, she wasn’t even married for that long before she did- and in all honesty they looked seemingly happy before she went and did that- the same way she looks seemingly happy now. Other than the fact she looks absolutely exhausted from looking after her own child and 2 others that aren’t even hers. Neither of them gave room to move on from their last partner, took DUI boy 4 months and Jess, well, she was already supposed to be dedicated to another man. I very much doubt this new relationship is any different just because she got herself knocked up. Girl always says her relationships are SO FULFILLING when she’s in them until she ditches them and retcons her story to meet her narrative.

I’d absolutely love to know what Kara has to say on both of them, for those of you who don’t know Kara was Jess’s best friend and also in a long term band with Danny. When Jess cheated, Kara cut off both of them, seems like there’s so much more she has to say about the pair of them. To lose your childhood best friend over a man speaks volumes and idc what any of you say, that shit shady as fuckkkk.

No. 924402

Wouldn’t be surprised if she got pregnant purely just to meet the requirements of her partner lmao. “Omg Danny senpai had two kids with his ex, time for me to one up her!!!”
The same way she skin walked Stephen’s ex Tori, became scene and edgy, even mimicked her photos. Befriended multiple exes of his just to have a weird compatible parallel to them for some form of twisted validation- yet- weebafied when she was with David. She literally morphs and adapts to her partner like a fucking chameleon, read any of the last few threads and you can see it yourself. She has no real personality other than becoming whatever male figure she has in her life is. Her partner is a father, of course she wants to spit out her own l child so that she can feel like the more important one and have more of a say in the relationship. Danny doesn’t give a shit that she’s had his child, that doesn’t suddenly make their relationship true and proper, as seen by him already having kids with a failed marriage- it’s not proof that their relationship will last at all. It’s only a matter of time.

No. 924403

She’s always been on this thread and reads everything we say, which makes is 10x more creepy that she’s aware of how fucked up posting her baby AND THE CHILDREN THAT ARENT EVEN HERS all over social media for all of her old coomers to see. She wants the attention. She can pretend she doesn’t, but girl wants to be a social media celebrity so bad she can’t even protect the minors in her life. I just don’t know how Danny’s baby mama would be okay with that but I assume most of the people in her ‘new life’ are unaware of her previous online antics.

Also would like to say, Danny was with her when she was still doing the baby porn, she only stopped doing that a year after they were together, he’s just as fucking bad. Imagine having kids and getting with a girl who does that shit, nasty ass motherfucker.

No. 924404

File: 1702321099307.jpeg (196.04 KB, 828x684, IMG_2827.jpeg)

And before anyone says “omg it’s her social media she can do what she wants” SHE LITERALLY HAS THIS ACCOUNT FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES- it’s there because she’s trying to be a micro-influencer, she already has her own private instagram that she uses for her personal use and has done for YEARS, for her actual friends and family to see. She knows exactly what she's doing and she wants it to be that way. Because behind the “omg leave me alone guys” persona, she’s a shallow, self-cantered individual who exploits the minors in her life to prove that she’s somehow changed and become a better person.
If I were her, I’d stick to the private account and get my baby off of social media. But we all know she’s not gonna do that, because she’s changed, right?

No. 924467

If I recall correctly, she also had her nsfw twitter and tumblr up for months after having her baby, even going as far as putting “I’m a fat baby” in her Twitter bio. I’m like she finally deleted them like, 2 months ago

No. 924470

Tbf I think she deleted her Twitter about a year after she got with Danny, but she 100% had it up for a while, I’m just pretty certain she deleted her actual Twitter account before she was trying. However she did have NSFW photos and videos being reposted on Twitter etc-

Also Danny helped her with some of her OnlyFans content, there was one specifically that I remember where she wrote “sucking dick in a car park subscribe to watch” or something along those lines, and it was Danny who she was doing it with. He was also recording content for her lmao

No. 924472

File: 1702405155661.jpeg (199.85 KB, 828x1086, IMG_2832.jpeg)

for those of you who need proof that he was indeed married and engaged 4 months prior to meeting Jess. If I had to guess it was his baby mama, if not then maybe he is exactly like Jess and also speedruns through relationships and engagements.

No. 924473

File: 1702405468697.jpeg (163.72 KB, 828x762, IMG_2835.jpeg)

And the plot thickens. His last relationship was with a girl called Candice.

No. 924474

File: 1702405539084.jpeg (210.8 KB, 828x298, IMG_2834.jpeg)

Seems to me Jess knew the girl whilst she was still with Stephen. How awful. Seems like Danny’s old band mates Kara and Christopher were also friends with her as proven by this post which makes sense why they all fell out after everything went down.

No. 924476

File: 1702405620941.jpeg (103.96 KB, 828x475, IMG_2833.jpeg)

Stephen is also still in contact with Kara and Christopher after the cheating scandal. Damn Jess, you really are fucked up. Your childhood best friend even ditched your ass after the shit you pulled.

No. 924477

From what I can gather based on their social media’s. Danny was with a girl called Candice in 2020 who was part of the friendship group.

Jess was with Stephen.

All of them hung out and met up with each other including Danny’s old band mates (including Kara which is Jess’s childhood best friend and the lead singer of the old band)

Danny broke up with Candice 4 months prior to homewrecking.

Jess was still with Stephen and married him during this time.

In November Jessica cheated somehow, either slept with Danny or whatever else which ended in divorce.

Shortly after that Kara kicked Danny from the band and cut ties with Jessica, still remaining on ok terms with Stephen.

However Kara has specified there is a lot more to the story that she wants to talk about but can’t for whatever reason.

No. 924488

Jess is a prolific cheater and homewrecker.

She cheated on her high school boyfriend with David (David also cheated on his then girlfriend). She cheated on David with Stephen. Then cheated on Stephen with Danny who also was in a serious relationship at the time.

It's hard to feel bad for any of the men involved because Stephen was happy to be a homewrecker. David as well, but at least you can make the argument with him was that he was a high school kid when it happened.

I imagine Jess will eventually cheat on Danny and will end up as a divorced single mom. She has cheated in literally every single relationship she has been in. All her close friendships eventually burn and many of them have either outright said or heavily implied that she is an awful person who feeds off drama and screwing others over.

No. 924489

The way she skin walks every man she's with is just sad and weird. A weird weeaboo neko anime wannabe girl with David, emo adult baby with crymanbaby but calls himself Daddy even though he acts like he's 12 Stephen, and now the hippie zen girl with Danny whose aesthetic has been that forever according to his old social media posts.

It's weird and sad that she lacks any sense of self and I don't think she had any business being a mother. She obviously became a mom because Danny has children and needed to compete with BM and fit his mold.

One thing I will give her credit for is that physically she looks the best she has ever looked and her baby does look well taken care of. I also can respect that she admitted to regretting being in the DDLG/ABDL scene and admits it was an embarrassing thing.

No. 924491


100% she became a mother to compete with the BM and have an extension of herself to get attention.
She’s impulsive and makes quick decisions that crash and burn.

And for the record it was barely 2 years that they had been together before she became pregnant, let alone try for the baby. She took on 2 children and then spat out her own in such a short amount of time which screams impulsivity so loud.

I think behind the glamourised self she portrays on the internet she is cracking slowly. She constantly posts about how exhausted she is but always makes sure to say it’s worth it because she loves her daughter. But I don’t think she realised how tough 3 children would be to raise, she exhausted and tired and I think part of her regrets it but it’s overshadowed by her motherhood hormones that convince her she loves her life.

No. 924492

Do you think her having a baby makes her sick thinking about the adult baby porn crap she used to do?

No. 924495

Oh yeah definitely at least I’d hope so.

No. 924501

Tbh? I bet she probably still participates in the fetish w/ danny in private. Or at least some sort of age play crap

No. 924503


I don’t think he would tbf I don’t think he was ever affiliated with her DDLG or ABDL content, I do think they do some fetish content though. That’s if they still have sex, 3 kids and a newborn probably renders their libido as none existent that’s if they get the chance to do anything.

No. 924520

File: 1702435216290.jpeg (2.18 MB, 1170x2159, IMG_5407.jpeg)

Something that truly gives me the ick, is Danny tagging Jess’s then abdl insta (now her baby’s account, didn’t even bother making a new profile, just changed the handle and prayed I guess) in photos of his actual kids. Like they genuinely do not care about these kids online safety

No. 924533

Yeah he tagged her account multiple times when they first started getting it on whilst she was still producing ABDL content and had it on her page.

No. 924534

Tbh if I was the babymama I would take all the evidence of her weird diaper baby videos in front of the judge.

No. 924550

Hellobinkie was her main account that she deleted all her abdl content from even before dating Danny and just posted regular stuff there because she didn’t want to get deleted. Smolbinkie was her abdl account.

No. 924567

Hellobinkie was still attached the that lifestyle, had all the ABDL and DDLG followers on it as she used that account for a few years after getting it back up and she had the entire community on it, even on the odd occasion would have kink posts that weren’t as raunchy as Smolbink.
So why the heck would either of them associate her with any of the children before they cleansed it, so weird.

No. 924568

No they really don’t, it upsets me how easily you can find all of her kids information. Including the ones that aren’t even hers. Baby mama needs to step in but honestly as I said, I don’t think anyone in Jess’s ‘new life’ even knows what she did on the internet prior. For all baby mama knows Jess is just some random bitch who got knocked up after 1 year of dating.

No. 924608

File: 1702513456580.jpeg (305.44 KB, 828x1366, IMG_2850.jpeg)

Yet again posting her child’s face all over her social media but wtf is this shit, it looks so dangerous and those ropes at the bottom look so bad

No. 924610

Danny literally posted that. The swing looks fine, it’s rated well on Amazon and quite a popular style. The ropes are extra slack depending on how high the ceiling is it’s hanging from to be adjustable so they probably need to cut it.

No. 924624

It literally looks like hot ass, it’s giving sad beige baby. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how Jess is turning out to be, sad and beige

No. 924631

Wood is sad beige? Her whole room is filled with color.

No. 924635

how much of her “baby fetish” stuff did the baby fetishist give to her actual baby?

No. 924652

This thread is so hard not to hi cow the wk is hard here

No. 924655

I know she has some of Jess’s old stuffies that she had in her nurseries, I remember when she did an Instagram tour of her daughters room and they were in Clementines closet

No. 924657

The fact you literally know the details of the swing concerns me, especially if you’re just some stranger on lolcow, did you read that and instantly go to find the exact swing or are you Danny or Jess? If you are some stranger, this is proof Jess and Danny need to stop posting their crotch goblin,

No. 924672

Her room is filled with various shades of shit colored orange to match Jess’s current aesthetic. Her baby is just her current aesthetic all the way down to the same

No. 924673

That’s actually vile, like “here you go baby! The stuffed animals I had when I was getting fucked in a diaper!” If I recall correctly she got them from the thrift too and didn’t even bother to wash em

No. 924677

Yeah she wouldn’t wash them she’d just put them in her toy bin, now Clementines got them. Gross as fuck.

No. 924680

File: 1702581708564.jpeg (385.37 KB, 699x1468, IMG_2855.jpeg)

No. 924684

File: 1702584232101.jpeg (458.21 KB, 828x1004, IMG_2856.jpeg)

if you look at the bin she posted in Clementines nursery (kinda odd saying that because she’s done so many of her own) it’s the same bin she used in her nursery when she was with Stephen

No. 924686

File: 1702584273044.jpeg (541.28 KB, 828x608, IMG_2857.jpeg)

Also, the plushies in the closest. Very reconisable.

No. 924688

File: 1702585799144.jpeg (84.17 KB, 696x701, IMG_2859.jpeg)

No. 924689

File: 1702585835928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,64.02 KB, 596x346, IMG_2858.jpeg)

No. 924691

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she gave Danny’s girls some of her old fetish stuffed animals too, she’s genuinely disgusting.

No. 924692

File: 1702591455326.jpeg (652.76 KB, 1656x1496, Image.jpeg)

I’m scared for the baby

No. 924693

That’s fucking vile Jesus Christ(sage your shit)

No. 924694

Jess is 100% lurking at the very least. she just privated and unprivated her IG today.

whatcha hiding? you fucking pedophile

No. 924695

Just a reminder, we can all always file an anonymous report to both CPS and the FBI online. Even giving them a username can help them track the person down. Don’t ever hesitate to do it in situations that look dangerous, such as this one.(sage your shit/cow tipping)

No. 924696

Why tf did she unprivate it, she needs to keep it private and remove her old fan base(sage your shit)

No. 924697

Also does anyone know what happened to her old cat Momo? She had her for years and years and then suddenly she stopped existing after she moved in with Danny?

No. 924698

Doesn’t mono live with bell? I could be wrong though

No. 924700

don’t get yourself banned nonnie, sage your commentary https://lolcow.farm/info but to answer your question, how’s she supposed to bait other pedos with a private account?

the fact this man is aware of the DDLG shit and doesn’t care, lets Binkie around his daughters and created another one with her, is proof enough they shouldn’t be parents.

No. 924709

That poor fucking baby doesn't deserve this. Why narcissistic assholes insist of posting their children all over public accounts is beyond me. And Jess has taken it one step further, it's disgusting.

No. 924779


Or they can compartmentalize and don't equate their kinks with children. You know people do that, right? Like you can be into petplay and not think about it every time you see a dog, because they're unrelated. "This man knows about the DDLG shit, let's Binkie around his daughters" yeah because they don't involve the kids in their fetishes lmao. They can compartmentalize. They're not thinking about DDLG stuff when around kids. The fact that you guys immediately think about kids when DDLG kinks come up is extremely concerning.

No. 924783

You know a whole lot about being a degenerate for someone trying to paint concerned onlookers as degerates kek. If you didnt want polite society to equate your fetish to pedophilia, don't pretend to be a baby while you're making porn 5head.

No. 924784


Again, you guys are the ones thinking about children when presented with porn. That definitely sounds like a "you" problem.

No. 924788

>makes porn pretending to be a baby getting raped
>implies concerned onlookers are the true pedos
never change

No. 924794

File: 1702750832047.jpeg (27.37 KB, 828x393, IMG_4290.jpeg)

Danny blocked this person after this was posted. they’re lurking. I hate pedophiles so fucking much! “we compartmentalize! we were just pretending to be pedophiles! YOU’RE the pedophile hurrrrr” fucking freaks.

No. 924797

File: 1702752377298.jpeg (266.7 KB, 827x2823, IMG_4295.jpeg)

imagine posting your baby for these people. imagine defending this.

No. 924799

File: 1702753303196.jpeg (146.57 KB, 828x585, IMG_4297.jpeg)

BinkiePrincess is literally here right now trying to scrub evidence of her pedophilia

No. 924803

footage from Danny’s second DUI

btw Jess has unfollowed 400+ accounts and counting since this >>924797 was posted. currently sitting at 8,402. it’s insane that she let so many of her fellow pedos follow her and look at her baby until she saw us mention it. this doesn’t make you look any better, Jessica. it’s too late! we all saw you pretending to be a raped baby and profiting off pedophilia!

No. 924807

Crazy thing is, she can be a mommy blogger without posting Clem. Plenty of moms do it, Jess is just too selfish or fame hungry to be a better parent. I mean a while back she posted Clem in the bath with a wet cloth covering her despite 100% knowing what’s been going online with cp and ai.

No. 924814

Do you think Danny has ever seen the iconic videos of Jess sucking David's dick while he was dressed as a teddy bear LMFAO

No. 924817

Oh my god don’t remind me of that video, the disrespect to rilakumma hurts

No. 924818

File: 1702763780644.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1170x1993, IMG_5449.jpeg)

Her most popular video on TikTok is her giving birth and showing a partly nude clemy, it also has the most saves and shares. Really telling

No. 924822


Accusing someone of being a pedophile for only engaging in acts with OTHER ADULTS is asinine.

YOU are the ones thinking about children. They're thinking about consenting adults. You're thinking about pedophilia.

That's really suspicious. You guys are really weird for immediately equating children with the consensual sexual acts of adults. Stop doing that.

No. 924830

just because the sick fucks pretending to be raped babies are consenting adults doesn’t make it okay. your porn brain rot has you justifying pedophilia and then projecting it on everyone else. freak. people like Jess should be sterilized tbh.

No. 924831


Man, just say you don't understand what consent is. It's less characters.

No. 924832

t. Degenerate retard

No. 924835

>acting like a pedophile is fine because we consented
you nasty, girl

No. 924836

if you get turned on by the idea of children, whether it be pretending to be one or pretending to fuck one, you are a pedophile.

No. 924837


Yeah, agreed. Which is why they're not thinking about children. I don't get how you don't get that. The sexy part isn't the baby clothes part. The sexy part is the "adult being reduced to that position" part. The operative being the "adult". Taking the power from the adult, taking the status from the adult, taking the freedom, the independence from the adult. That's what makes the fetish. I'm telling you. They're not thinking about children. They're thinking about adults. YOU'RE the only ones thinking about children.

Stop. You're wrong. Fundementally.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 924839

how do you know what they’re thinking? very thunk provoking

No. 924843

I'm sorry normal people don't know the delusional intricacies of a degenerate fetishist's mind. If it helps you sleep at night to rationalise it this way then good for you. But don't be surprised when the rest of the population who find it inconceivable to mix even the notion of children with sex, make the logical connection to pedophilia. There are many fantasies that involve power discrepancy that have absolutely no relation to children. If what you're saying was really true there's plenty of outlets to fullfil the fetish without perversely making a mockery of child abuse. I think it's pretty obvious why you want to die on this hill, but at this point it's getting embarrassing.

No. 924857

Jess said herself it was to cope with being abused as a toddler, although I do think she’s lying about it being non sexual

No. 924858

Tell me you're a pedo without telling me you're a pedo

No. 924863

no idea about Jess but I think a lot of these retards wish they had been abused as kids and get off on pretending they were and they think it somehow justifies this disgusting shit. (it doesn’t, kys)

No. 924867

Either Jess or Danny are on this forum or there’s some serious retards coming in to WK. Gtfo trying to justify her shit you degenerative swine. no one gives a fuck. Get a fucking grip and sort your life out, she’s a fucking freak and so is her ugly ass trailer trash new boyfriend.

No. 924913


I’m not justifying her daddy fetish, it’s disgusting. I’m just saying she said she was abused when she was 2 when she was being interviewed about it and that’s why she does it. Idk anything about that or if that’s true or not. Either way, regardless of her childhood it doesn’t make it right

No. 924914

File: 1702844955966.jpeg (199.03 KB, 621x1131, IMG_5478.jpeg)

She looks like a fish here, she’s been on a baking run recently, probably to see like an actual housewife and not a reject pornstar who uses her baby for clout

No. 924921


I have a feeling she posts on Danny’s account, idk, just a thought

No. 924974

File: 1702929135669.png (1.67 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2884.png)

> Also is anyone else terrified of the day that your baby has to rely mainly on food for nutrition?

Wtf? Why would anyone be scared of this, most women are grateful that they can stop breastfeeding because it hurts you freak.

No. 924982

I actually read somewhere breastfeeding can decrease your risk of breast cancer

No. 925030

Right like that’s such a weird thing to post. Maybe it’s cuz she knows she won’t be able to post softcore clips of her pumping anymore

No. 925112

Does anyone suspect that Jess likely has BPD? I feel like it would explain a lot(sage your armchairing)

No. 925158

A lot of moms, especially first time moms get really paranoid about their baby choking on solid foods

No. 925238

Lol I got removed as a follower, followed again and I got blocked and I wasn't even a abdl account. Jess is definitely going through her followers.

Also I'm pretty sure Jess has said on the past she has BPD(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 925375

Maybe one day Binkie Princess will reinstate her Social Media stuff & her channel calling it "Playful Mommy w/ her Kids"(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 925469

File: 1703309321284.jpeg (974.99 KB, 836x1481, IMG_5550.jpeg)

Looks like someone’s thinking about a second baby! Also is she gonna turn into one of those weird trad wife’s or something?

No. 925828

Weird trad wife that does LSD and shrooms whilst her husband mines bitcoin and does shitty NFTs

No. 925843

File: 1703742851092.jpeg (1.32 MB, 813x1429, IMG_5658.jpeg)

I bet someone had to look real hard for those non fetish photos

It’s almost sad watching her try to come off as a normal person with basic human decency

No. 925860

Has she changed her Instagram name? I cannot find her at all

No. 925874


No it still the same one. Likely she has blocked you. Always worth keeping tabs on the current losers instagram account as Jess will likely comment / like his posts

No. 925879


That’s actually crazy because my account is literally completely normal in every way possible with no affiliation to anything weird, nor have I ever interacted with her posts, wtf lol

No. 925896

imagine having a whole ass baby and step kids and still finding the time to lurk on an internet thread, so self obsessed

No. 925897

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No. 925898

File: 1703855784393.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1399, IMG_3093.jpeg)

No. 925952

Can’t believe someone had a baby with her after all the nasty public videos she’s done but moids are also nasty

No. 925957

File: 1704038979095.jpeg (1009.17 KB, 828x1022, IMG_3143.jpeg)

Blocks people on Instagram but still can’t refrain from posting their kids faces still.Went through Danny’s likes and it’s all “owosnowbaby” “DDLGprincess” & ‘daddy’s little kitten’ seems like you’re blocking the wrong type of people.

Do better you pair of tramps

Also he looks like actual ass

No. 925958

File: 1704039148434.jpeg (42.77 KB, 828x144, IMG_3144.jpeg)

Absolutely disgusting that they’re still allowing these types of accounts to like and view photos of their children.
Blocking accounts that have nothing to do with the fetish but you still have this pedo piece of shit and others like it view your account and more importantly YOUR INFANT CHILD. this is getting absolutely ridiculous.

No. 925969


Not to mention he posted their location while at the park with their kids. I mean my god do they really not give a fuck about these kids safety. Anything for likes I guess!

No. 925970

File: 1704061281557.jpeg (72.87 KB, 331x247, IMG_3145.jpeg)

Looks like a fucking horse

No. 925974

Why does he have a second mouth above his lip. Jess really knows how to pick em

No. 926011

If this is an actual picture of him then Jess has a horrible taste in men(sage your shit)

No. 926024

It’s an actual photo on his Instagram

No. 926027

File: 1704174076300.jpeg (931.07 KB, 830x1504, IMG_5752.jpeg)

Literally what is she yapping on about. Like oh fucking no your baby is growing and is becoming a little independent.

No. 926029

What the fuck is the point in posting this on her story and not sharing this privately with someone who can help her more efficiently. It fucking irks me that this woman is in control of another human beings life it makes me want to alog

No. 926030


She post it so she can get sympathy, she could care less about her kid. She’s so desperately trying to come off as a normal Person who didn’t make baby porn that she forgets most of the shit she posts about is stuff no one cares about/ shouldn’t know about. 7k people don’t need to be knowing the development of your child and your breastfeeding struggles

No. 926031

Maybe it's because I'm not a mom, but this is weird as fuck. Like she cares more about her reputation as a tradwife supermom, instead of the kid?? This text wall is about her and not the baby, why is she trying to get sympathy over an arbitrary decision she made? I've never heard of babies requiring breast milk for at least a year? Weaning at 10 months is normal? Even when she's talking about the baby, it's about how the pump inconveniences her and she wants to cuddle him without it? The end of an era part is fucking weird too. "Me being the mother of a baby is coming to an end" what the fuck? He's not even one year old yet, he's going to be a baby for a while even if he's not breastfeeding?

I've only ever heard moms feel bad about not being able to breastfeed at all, because the baby won't latch or they can't make milk. Fucking weird she's making a big deal out of this.

No. 926034

>>926031 Well as you said your not a mother so you probably wouldn't fully understand but most mothers want to be able to keep there baby a baby for long as possible if she's 10 months old she's only 2 months away being classed as a toddler I think that's what jess is trying to say. The fear and anxiety as a first time mother makes you unsure of your decisions lots people typically over share online for advice and support these days i don't know why you are all looking to much into this? And no I'm not defending her past actions before I get called jess I'm just saying this is normal thing to post for first time mothers in this generation

No. 926036

Tbh anon, I find it weird when all moms do this not just Jess. It’s one thing venting In a mom blog or forum but she’s doing it on an account with a history of also being a fetish account. Majority of her followers come from her past as well as Danny’s now. Both of them know this yet instead of protecting their children they continue to post them. With how the internet is right now and stories coming out about ai n shut you’d think they’d keep their kids identities private.

No. 926051


> has no energy but can still find the time to stalk internet forums

Yeah okay. That definitely checks out.
This is so fetish bait it’s actually sickening. She’s literally making her child an extension of herself in the most ridiculous ways, the idea of her child having independence is scaring her because she knows she won’t be able to control her and she will have thoughts and opinions of her own. Like why the fuck is she so emotional that she can’t breastfeed? It’s so fucking weird. Breastfeeding is not a requirement for babies, sure it’s good, formula is quite literally there for a reason. Girl is literally so weirdly attached to breastfeeding her child, probably more than the child itself.

> give yourself permission to thrive in motherhood

The idea of your child growing up and not breastfeeding affects you that much? Jesus Christ Jessica, get a grip.

No. 926052


Of course they won’t keep it quiet and shut the fuck up and live a normal life. She wants to be a mommy vlogger, it’s just difficult because she can’t erase her raped baby days so she tries to stay low-key but her constant need for internet validation peeks through every so often.

> posts breastfeeding content, pump content and pictures of her babies to her audience that primarily come from her ABDL & DDLG days

This screams fetish, nobody else would give a single fuck about her if she never did what she did in the past and was just a normal woman - so she leaches off the last community because it gives her the micro-celebrity status giving no fucks who’s life she puts in danger with it.

She truly does not give a fuck, she has read every message in this forum and literally does not care. She is very aware of what she is doing, she just does not give a single fuck.

Clementine was literally only born because Danny-Senpai had 2 kids with a previous baby-mama and she wanted to compete in her weird sick skin walking fashion that she’s always had. I mean, look at how she was with Tori and Stephen, as well as that red haired chick in the suicidegirls that he dated. She is a serial skin walker, that is the only reason she birthed her crotch goblin.

And isn’t it a surprise that now all her content is her posting about how drained she is, how tired and lonely she feels - most of her posts are negative and her ranting about how difficult it is for her. Because what her dumbass didn’t clock onto is that a child isn’t a fucking dog like Calcifer & Margo - you can’t just rehome them and abandon when you get tired of them. Now she made her bed and is laying in it. What a sad little life.

No. 926053

She gives such big Acacia Brindley vibes it’s actually hilarious. What a fucking joke.

No. 926054


It’s not like she’s a proper first time mom because she’s literally a step mother to two children. She’s just obsessed with being able to control her kid and knows that she’s coming to the age of where the child will throw tantrums and be harder for her to parent and she has no choice but to look after her and can’t just fuck her off to her friends house and rehome it like the countless pets she’s done that to.

No. 926072

File: 1704232486483.jpeg (1.24 MB, 807x1456, IMG_5760.jpeg)

She just had to make sure we could see the binkie, so we knew she’s a “real mom”

No. 926103

It’s funny that it would of been an adult one not only 3 years ago

No. 926185

it’s because once the baby requires food, she’ll no longer be able to just shove it on her boob and go back to scrolling IG, DMing with pedos, and monitoring her own lolcow dot farm thread. all she talks about is how she’s soOoOo exhausted from being a mom, but she’s truly in the easiest part of her kid’s entire childhood. do you think she resents the baby now that she can’t pretend to be one, and has to actually act her own age instead of her child’s? dp you think Jess changes the baby’s diaper, then changes her own? or does Danny do that for her?

No. 926226


Kek, she resents her child now that she has to be an adult(pointless + unsaged)

No. 926439

File: 1704865715361.jpg (124.72 KB, 720x854, Screenshot.Instagram.jpg)

Oh look no surprise she still has kink accounts following her and once again too easy to find but like clockwork after posting this she will block them. Jess if you love and care about your child maybe keep her off the internet blur her face and block off these accounts without lurking here for once be a decent parent

No. 926440

File: 1704867642044.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3464x3464, 392A1A2A-9161-4576-80C6-0A1B6A…)

Dannys account is literally filled to the brim with them. They need to go private at this point but we all know they won’t cuz getting likes and attention is waaaayyyy more important than their daughters safety

No. 926441

They're allowing user "littlebabyfucktoy" to follow them just absolutely fucking digusting do you even care slightly about who is looking at your kids? I can't imagine what's going through their heads to allow this. Even people who aren't "influencers" take a look at who's following them once in awhile

No. 926535

It’s actually kinda funny because they’re blocking accounts with no relation to kink whatsoever yet still allowing these types of accounts to follow and interact with their content. It actually angers me so much. They’re useless.

No. 926550

File: 1705097137463.jpeg (279.32 KB, 1072x1213, IMG_0145.jpeg)

I know this is from awhile back but Danny posted this pic of their baby sitting naked in a carved pumpkin

No. 926561

It’s mostly definitely because Jess is aware of the fact that her only real fanbase is her abdl fans. Nothing about her is interesting enough to follow and majority of people find it gross when moms make their entire account about their babies.

No. 926603

File: 1705209734452.jpeg (2.31 MB, 1170x1916, IMG_5994.jpeg)

Yall ever wonder how her parents feel about all the shit she’s done. Especially after accusing her dad of abusing her

Like “sorry for saying and doing weird shit online here’s a loaf of bread!”

No. 926608


Do we know if her dad and mum are still together? I do find it really odd, she did her DDLG/ABDL vlogs in her mums home on multiple occasions.

Her dad being accused of r*pe is wild one, if her mums still with him. That’s an entire can of worms to open.(stop censoring your words)

No. 926620

I remember years ago she did a YouTube video when she was in her petplay pastelquartz era where she filmed a play date with her little sister and her dad was in it for a brief few seconds. And pretty sure her hansel and gretel tattoo on her upper arm was for her dad it was posted on one the other threads but if a family member raped me as a child I definitely wouldn't ever see them again let alone get a tattoo dedicated to them. It's so bizarre. Definitely curious why she stayed in contact with him after everything she said he did

No. 926630

File: 1705267407632.jpeg (989.06 KB, 1170x1395, IMG_6011.jpeg)

Does anyone else think she looks rancid here. Jesus jess try taking a shower before posting.

I would be surprised if she was just lying for attention, or to try and justify why she’s into pretending to be a raped baby for money. After all she did lie in that one interview that her ddlg wasnt sexual

No. 926673

iirc her and her mom are really close and she knew about the abdl and petplay shit she either said this in a vlog or on a younow years ago but i do remember she said her mom knew what she did online wise this was before she did porn btw

No. 926714

File: 1705429061018.mp4 (2.28 MB, 1280x720, 1698706980.mp4)

>>926630(non contribution)

No. 926752

Uhhh…random much?

No. 926754

She claimed her bio dad sexually abused her, and her parents split possibly because of it and then she hated her step dad and convinced her mom to divorce him eventually, then shortly before she got married to Stephen her mom got remarried as well. She once went to her dads to connect with her 2(?) younger sisters who were toddlers and she said she was going to try to build a new relationship with him because she wanted to protect his new daughters from him, but that's the last she ever mentioned anything of that

No. 926963

File: 1705796591517.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1170x2027, IMG_6131.jpeg)

Literally who cares? literally go tell ur family this not ur abdl fans. She thinks she’s some celebrity when in reality she’s just some washed up ex porn star who’s using her kid for likes. Also clemmy literally didn’t need to be in this image at all

No. 927128


She makes me feel so sick, how can she read everything we have put on this website and STILL not privatise her life. KEEP YOUR KID OFF THE FUCKING INTERNET AND STOP EXPLOITING THEM TO YOUR ABDL FANS !!!!!!!

No. 927129


Also off topic but she genuinely looks so bad, probably the worst she’s ever looked. She looks like a shell of who she used to be and deadass looks just plain and simply- ugly. It’s a shame really. She looked her best when she first got with Danny but recently she just looks washed out, tired, soulless and a complete mess.

No. 927180

File: 1706084557424.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1170x1749, IMG_6195.jpeg)

Dude her whole life is ugly, body, face and house. This new “hippy” look just ain’t it

No. 927239

Why she posting half naked pictures again? Fuck me she looks terrible.

No. 927252

Maybe she’s finally realizing that clammy isn’t giving her the fame she wants, also notice the small thing of bath toys in frame, always trying to appeal to her pedo fans

No. 927355

File: 1706572160333.jpeg (573.93 KB, 790x782, IMG_3759.jpeg)

I’m ngl I thought this was Danny at first, I’ve never seen her look so manly in my life

No. 927366

File: 1706601156510.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1170x1945, IMG_6294.jpeg)


She literally looks like a bull frog now, the weight gain has not done her any good

No. 927378

You guys she's always looked like a man with that jaw. She's always been dirty, dirty feet, home, hair. This is nothing new. But now she just looks haggard, dirty, chubby and washed up. Anyone think she's pregnant again? She's looking a bit bottom heavy. Also she will never make her account private because she loves the attention negative or not.(learn to sage)

No. 927408

Cool phone case

No. 927446

completely irrelevant why the fuck did you think to type that? Contributed absolutely nothing.

God, I remember the van photos with her dirty feet in the frame on her bed. Pure black. Maybe she is pregnant or maybe she’s just fat. She did have a C-Section so maybe her stomach muscles aren’t as strong anymore.
She HAS always looked like a man. But the chub deadass makes it look worse imo, she still has no figure so she just looks like a fat man, her hair is giving ‘the beetles’ - she just needs some glasses and a beard. I’m just baffled, she looks like a bullfrog. The perfect description of her. The big bulging eyes and the droopy double chin and no jawline is really giving RIBBIT.

No. 927492

File: 1706763156480.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x1565, IMG_6293.jpeg)

Speaking of home can we talk about how tacky this wall is behind her. I don’t even wanna know how more ugly the house is. It’s giving not necessarily sad beige mom but burnt beige mom

No. 927550

It's cow print. Do you know where you are?

No. 927563

File: 1706842498580.mp4 (4.29 MB, 576x1024, 13424CB1976C0BEE831A1FE6936B30…)

Me me me! Tell me all about how pretty I am!! Tell me how much of a good mom I am!!! Tell me my daughter is pretty like ME! Me me me!!!

No. 927632

File: 1706934583937.jpeg (763.4 KB, 1170x1933, IMG_6336.jpeg)

She really doesn’t have a personality huh? Just hoping onto whatever trend. How long do we think her trad wife life is gonna last?

No. 927636


loool she’s lucky the baby looks more like Danny, self obsessed cow.

No. 927985

File: 1707649344390.jpeg (295.93 KB, 1170x1846, IMG_6443.jpeg)

What’s with this new obsession over clem looking like her. Like why can’t Clemmy be her own person why does she need to be a mini you??

No. 928020

File: 1707702538621.jpeg (905.98 KB, 828x1719, IMG_3866.jpeg)

Soooo she’s moving out of Florida ?

No. 928059

They can't afford to live in Florida anymore.. Jess's sex work money has run out and I don't think Danny is making much money

I guess the beer garden didn't work out(unsaged, no proof)

No. 928092

File: 1707846074914.png (5.33 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6491.png)

It’s the way they truely know nothing about online safety, like yes thank you for sharing your location and your kids location to a bunch of strangers online.

From what I’ve seen Danny has taken the groovy garden thing outta his bio, also there hasn’t been a new post or updates for almost a year now so who knows. Wouldnt surprise me though if it was a failed attempt at a cash grab

No. 928094

How is there no proof that the beer garden failed when they literally have moved to a LCOL state and no longer are living where their beer garden was located. It also isn't in their bios anymore(no proof because there are no caps, this is an imageboard)

No. 928098

Asheville is the worst place to raise a kid. There’s no jobs besides part time work and it’s insanely liberal so there’s homeless people running around all over,

No. 928105

File: 1707868857410.png (4.55 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6502.png)

This ain’t even milk she just looks so fugly, in every photo taken of her

No. 928112

File: 1707875975118.jpg (56.3 KB, 1071x603, tumblr_pmzgl9khaY1xwsclro1_128…)

Aunt Gayle looking ass

No. 928154

File: 1707998037687.jpeg (932.61 KB, 821x1316, IMG_3889.jpeg)

Lord have mercy they are a sight

No. 928157

Tbh I feel like she edited that pic or sum shit, she looks completely different in her profile pic and other post compared to it

No. 928174

If they did move to Asheville that’s still far away from his daughters. He should have stayed in Florida for them.

No. 928185

They did move, Jess posted on her story about being happy to see the mountains every morning. Honestly I was thinking about that, lowkey seems like they’re trying to have their own little family separate from his step daughters, which is on brand for Jess considering she used to get mad at Stephen for trying to grieve his ex when she passed

No. 928196

Those poor girls jfc. It’s sad they had a baby together and then fucked off. Not solely Jess’s fault because he’s the dad and he should know better.

No. 928237

Gale has real morals. Jess wishes

No. 928251

So are her stepdaughters living with their mom now and Danny just completely abandoned them?

No. 928325

Seems like it, wonder how long it’ll take for him to do the same to Jess

No. 928363

Wow what a fucking asshole. Those are his own daughters and he’s already leaving them for his low-class new lover. The definition of a deadbeat parent

No. 928369

File: 1708202536888.jpeg (2.66 MB, 1170x1897, IMG_6590.jpeg)

She just posted this, guess she saw what we were saying

No. 928372

Oh so she’s cutting off all contact with her entire family now?

No. 928505

I've flown from NC to florida multiple times. It's an hour at best tbh. This post reads like she's annoyed the girls living so far away and had to leave her family.

No. 928585

If it wasn't already obvious they're the incessant wk that camps this thread.

No. 928607

oh ffs. so now three little girls will be exposed to Jess’s shit. I hate this bitch so much. they should never be allowed around children, not even their own. I wonder if her step-daughters’ mom knows about Binkieprincess.

No. 928619


What does she mean by ‘very difficult to leave the house where she was born and spent the first year of her life’ ??? Do people in her area know about her or something?(sage your shit)

No. 928625

File: 1708467601052.jpeg (607.74 KB, 1170x1924, 3391BC98-A546-4E19-95D0-E45019…)

This post feels so fake, she’s known Danny’s kids for what, two years tops? Can’t just wish her happy birthday either she has to put in how she’s such a good “bonus mom” (aparently stepmom makes her feel less important)

No. 928627

I don't think the kid uses Instagram so she can't see Jess's post lol. Unless she was cheating on Steve for 2 years but idk.

No. 928631

Maybe I’m missremembering Didn’t Danny and her get together 2ish years ago?

No. 928642

File: 1708475532483.jpeg (219 KB, 1181x1188, IMG_0256.jpeg)

Somebody plz explain to me what the fuck she did to herself to make her go from this:

No. 928643

File: 1708475582855.jpeg (144.13 KB, 808x1241, IMG_0255.jpeg)

To this:

in the span of not even 6 years. God, she looks absolutely hideous. Unrecognizable. The worst photo I’ve seen of her yet.

No. 928648

2 publicly and possibly 2 behind Steve’s back.

No. 928660

File: 1708487890970.jpeg (252.42 KB, 1170x473, IMG_6708.jpeg)

The difference in Danny’s post speaks volumes

No. 928953

File: 1708815600067.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1555, IMG_6835.jpeg)

Upset she no longer has her porn body

No. 928991

File: 1708925176245.jpeg (54.6 KB, 392x500, 4215348C-66F5-47EE-8FB3-5A193B…)

No. 929174

File: 1709164109638.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1170x1999, IMG_6919.jpeg)

Hates her body yet is always finding a way/reason to post it?

No. 929208

File: 1709199387907.jpeg (167.73 KB, 707x831, IMG_4177.jpeg)

I think I’d also hate my body if I inflated like this within 4 years.

No. 929212

>>929208 you must be one those ignorant people who think a woman's body goes back to being flat as a ironing board after having a baby. She's had a baby and a c section she won't ever look like she used to and that's OK it's normal. I personally think she looks 1000x better at this weight she looks healthy and she been dressing better and looks so natural recently. Idk why your all shitting on her? You took the piss out of her for having pink phase & wearing diapers and now your taking the piss out her when she's done a 180. You all insult her weight when she was thin on the older threads and you insult her when she become a healthy weight make up your mind.
Yes she done some gross things but at this point I swear the people who keep bring up her past want her to go back to age play with the amount of times they keep obsessing over it. If you want to complain about someone complain about steven
He still actively engages abdl/ageplay and follows a lot of minors when he is 30+.

It's really obvious that there is one anon who is going back and forth talking to themselves about old milk soon this thread gets locked the better.

No. 929215

The benefit of her gaining weight and changing styles is nobody is going to instantly recognize her as a former ddlg pornstar. Unfortunately online that’s a different story unless she legally changes her name and makes a completely new instagram account.

No. 929258

The whitenignting is crazy. Like dude she won’t suck ur dick cuz you said she looks good fat. Quite frankly I think it’s disgusting she went from posting herself pissing in diapers to posting a irl baby, especially given what’s happening right now online with pedophiles and mommy bloggers posting their kids. People only follow her because of her old content, and the ones that don’t are most likely creeps. She and her husband completely ignore online safety when it comes to their kids

No. 929262

why would she ever do that? she’ll lose what few “fans” she has and that’s what all of this is about

No. 929267


Why are you even on this forum, actually, why are you even on this website? Do you not know what this woman is, she deserves to be dragged for being a pedophile and then posting her literal child onto the internet. For the record, nobody has the mentality that a woman goes back to their usual weight. She’s just genuinely ugly and deserves to be shat on for all of her pedophilic choices. And I think karma is swallowing her up and it is visibly showing. If you actually read any of this thread you would understand how much of a disgusting person she is for sexualising literal babies instead of being a pathetic whiteknight clogging up the thread.

No. 929303

File: 1709347587759.jpeg (919.84 KB, 1170x1458, IMG_6971.jpeg)

This ain’t Jess but isn’t it eerie how much the second photo looks like her, like I straight up had to do a double take

No. 929314

File: 1709359671671.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2144, IMG_6973.jpeg)

Samefag but Steve also follows her

No. 929498

File: 1709765192429.jpeg (1.51 MB, 3464x3464, 2538BAAE-49B8-40DC-8A2A-76F615…)

The fact that her topless child’s pics have more likes than her selfie pics should worry her but it clearly doesn’t.

No. 929535

Significantly more too

No. 929559

I honestly wish Jess could get back into ABDL & be both an ABDL & a Mommy at the same time like "Playful Padded Tangerine Mommy". She would consider getting back into ABDL again if she regains the desire for it so #fingerscrossed.

No. 929560

If she wants to be both an ABDL & a Mommy at the same time like "Playful Padded Mommy" then that's great. She can always unblock all those accounts in the future if she would change her mind.

No. 929561

She may decide to rejoin the age play community in the future if she wants to be both an ABDL & a Mommy so #fingerscrossed. ABDLs are now called Littles.

No. 929562

There's things about that community that I think need to Change

No. 929563

She needs to unblock my account because I play music.

No. 929564

Tangerine Mommy should unblock my account because I play music(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 929578

Autistic pedophile faggot

No. 929579

Birthday party post vs a boring selfie will probably get more interaction because of the context.

No. 929580

Bro she’s not a “mommy” she’s literally a MOTHER to a real child. Stop pushing your disgusting fetish onto someone who wants nothing to do with it. Implying she should wear diapers with her LITERAL BABY is so fucking deranged you belong in prison.

No. 929611

It's up to her if she would get back into it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 929612


what on gods beautiful Green lovely Earth have I just read. Get the fuck off this thread you absolute degenerate scum. You are what’s wrong with world and I hope you have a horrible horrible life filled with nothing but regret and sadness. I hope you get cancer.(responding to a moid)

No. 929615

She is very clearly not getting back into it. You have severe mental issues and need to be locked up.(responding to a moid)

No. 929619

File: 1710003713415.jpg (877.1 KB, 2048x1152, 405687359_209318328878133_6132…)

Holy shit this guy (Oscar Stern of Jacksonville, Floridas) is a complete illiterate retard. He's not only using his actual name to shitpost about ABDL whores on lolcow.farm but he's used it and his photograph on fucking dailydiapers.com:
Hey retard, if you post again I'm sending all your fetish profiles to your mother

No. 929645

What a total loser! Hilarious nona, I fucking love you.

No. 929661

He literally looks genuinely retarded. I guess u can judge a book by its cover sometimes lol

No. 929716

Wearing the T shirt of the middle school he went to as well. Baffling

No. 929739

Motherfucker DFE'd his shit. Topkek

No. 931267

File: 1712889743436.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x2055, IMG_7786.jpeg)

“Flash back to when we were wee ones” she makes it sound like they’ve known eachother for decades and that she didn’t use him to cheat on her HUSBAND at the time

No. 931278

She's so embarassing acting like they are childhood sweethearts LMFAO. Like girl you cheated on your childhood sweetheart (David) with your last husband (Stephen the bald almost40 year old 12 year old) then cheating on your last husband with this bozo.(sage your shit)

No. 931279

How long do you guys think it will be for her to cheat on Danny? Tbh though they give me creepy weird poly couple energy(sage your shit)

No. 931291

She might take longer than her current record considering she has clemmy around, but it would not suprise me if she or honestly if HE cheated on her

No. 931402

File: 1713231692441.jpeg (627.88 KB, 1170x1059, IMG_7898.jpeg)

Praise for a man who’s bound to leave you like he did his ex-wife

No. 931480


Couples who post massive paragraphs like this have the worst fucking relationships in real life. Why post this message on social media, just say it to him or text it.

No. 931546

She has to prove a point that they actually DO have a good relationship and that she isn’t worried he’s gonna cheat on her like he did his past wives.

No. 931547

well she had (one of) his (many) babies, he’d never do something like that. right? right????s

No. 932549

File: 1714969322064.jpeg (2.01 MB, 1170x1750, IMG_8400.jpeg)

Her getting fat was the worst thing to happen to her

No. 932607

For real, I didn’t even recognize her at all.

No. 932617

File: 1715040811989.jpeg (772.02 KB, 1015x1822, IMG_8404.jpeg)

What exactly does Danny do for work for her to be able to be a stay at home mom in this economy?

No. 932663

Possibly a mix of just government aid like food stamps and also living in a LCOL area. Pretty sureJess has been unemployed outside of sex work for years basically so she isn't really qualified to do much, and childcare is expensive so it probably makes more sense to just stay home. Honestly their house is cute and they seem to go out a lot so seems like whatever it is they're doing fine.

Jess honestly turned her life around for the better in every way. Legitimately leaving Stephen and the degenerate culture was the best thing for her. Stephen is still a loser dating copy+paste mentally ill fetish girls and at least Jess is not selling her body with fetish porn anymore dating balding emo adult men who act like they're 12 years old.

Also, does anyone know whatever happened to David?.(sage your shit)

No. 932672

>>932663 she needed to put on weight tbh she was sickly looking before. She looks like she has a more mature grown up body now. She did sell clay items for a short while which were pretty good tbh they looked like a lot of work went into them dunno why she stopped. And I agree she farming chickens and baking bread really done a 180. Every time this thread pops up I get surprised how much she changed for the better. Stephen on the other hand … there is a lot that can be said about him he is very milky with lots of strange behaviours. Isn’t he selling porn now? I saw picture him only fans baiting ages ago. He creeps me out the way he dresses and acts at his age still. He genuinely looks like he smells like scalp and onions.
David left the internet ages ago he did have a public tumblr account where he was open about his addiction.

No. 932678

Tbh Stephen is still so milky. He has been a bit AFK but everytime he posts it is always cringe asf. I also agree that his behavior has always been insanely creepy and offputting. Even though Danny has his own baggage but he is by far the most put together man that Jess has been in and also the most attractive by far. He'd unironically be good looking if it weren't for the hippie aesthetic. I do remember David's tumblr being wild and he even had sex photos of his ex blowing his dick that he refused to take down for a bit so he was pretty damn creepy himself.

Jess is doing pretty damn well for herself now.

No. 932935

>government assistance
>ruined reputation for making pedo porn
>ruined body
>had a baby with an alcoholic druggie who has multiple other kids
>lives in Florida
>looks like she smells
>”doing well for herself”

guess the bar is in hell on this site

No. 932964

File: 1715402715279.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x1700, IMG_2010.jpeg)

Asheville is a touristy town and everyone works in the service industry as they got rid of some sort of factory years ago. I get the sense he’s in a trade or something because homes there are very expensive. If I recall he does music stuff so it might have to do with that.
I would have to agree that Danny is clearly the best upgrade she could ever ask for. I’m happy she’s less of a lolcow but I swear to god she better not fuck it up and cheat on him. If she’s unhappy just leave and take the child support.

No. 933009

I was hopeful for a second that they started censoring their baby’s face because they know it’s a bunch of literal pedos following them. but no. of course not. fuck these nasty ass people for real.

No. 933863

nonna you forgot one thing
>this sleazy POS drove DRUNK with his multiple children in the car
>most likely legally cannot drive
>most likely has a strict custody arrangement amongst the other kids
>binkieprincess probably had to drive his useless ass around because he can’t stop drinking

No. 933871

Binkie must think it’s an “achievement” to drive her baby daddy to pick up his other children from his other baby mamas

No. 934101

No she got her wish come true. Now she looks like a real baby. All chunk and no tits.

No. 934102

Living off baby bonus and social assistance.

No. 934103

SHES ENGAGED AGAIN??(sage your shit)

No. 934144

America doesn’t have a “baby bonus” and she’s already over a year old, I’d think the expenses already would outweigh whatever bonus you’d get. And NC is a work for welfare state, so you can’t just get free money for no reason. Danny clearly works outside the house and is able to provide for the family, not sure why that’s impossible to believe. It’s incredibly hard to even get food stamps these days.

No. 934191

Yeah NC is notoriously bad for labor laws too. Breaks aren’t even mandatory.

No. 934735

good! this scrote won’t stop getting DUIs and getting women pregnant. this time he knowingly knocked up a pedophile, and now they won’t stop posting the baby for her pedo followers. he doesn’t deserve a break.

No. 934746

gets 1 DUI back in 2018 “He WoNt StoP gEtTiNG DUIzzzz”

No. 934747

he has multiple. why so defensive? >>924803

No. 934766


No. 934771

File: 1717457038837.jpeg (98.12 KB, 1280x720, 90.jpeg)

the video literally says the one five years ago when he flipped his car off the interstate was his second DUI. they constantly smoke weed while driving too. hopefully not with the kids in the car but i wouldn’t put it past either of them because it’s so normalized.

>Troopers arrested 27-year-old Daniel Anthony Buchholz and charged him with driving under the influence. In his arrest report, officers said he showed slurred speech, poor balance, and a sleepy appearance. He allegedly smelled like alcohol and admitted he was drinking beer.

>Buchholz spent the night at the Hillsborough County Jail. He's facing several charges including DUI, causing property damage, and refusing to take a breathalyzer test.

>Police say the crash resulted in about $6,000 in damage. Authorities say the driver had watery/bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, poor balance, admitted to drinking beer before driving and had a distinct odor of alcohol on his breath.

>Daniel Buchholz, 27, was arrested for driving under the influence in the incident, his second DUI in Hillsborough County.

sounds like a real winner, doesn’t he?

No. 934775

File: 1717458360881.png (153.31 KB, 1386x782, Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 7.37.…)

what’s this? domestic violence/battery? you can go here, search his name + DOB 4/12/1991 (he & jess have made this info public). god what a massive fucking loser kek. https://hover.hillsclerk.com/html/case/caseSearch.html

No. 934792

If you look into that file even further on that website, you’ll see the State Attorney dismissed the DV charge entirely. It will remain on an arrest record, but he wasn’t found guilty. Second, if you look even further on that site, that “DUI” from the mugshot in 2018 was revised and dropped to a reckless driving charge. You can’t get the full picture from just reading arrest records and it’s stupid as fuck to dig shit up on someone who clearly turned their life around and is doing well.

No. 934793

The hillsclerk arrest records show 2 reckless driving charges. One from 2015, one from 2018. The 2018 “DUI” got reduced to reckless driving, you can look that up yourself. And in 2015 he got a reckless driving reduction. So he actually has 0 DUI’s. Trusting a news coverage website is hilarious.

No. 934807

Did you know that getting arrested for DV doesn’t necessarily mean you actually beat someone? In Florida if the cops get a call for a domestic dispute, someone has to get arrested. The details of a situation are not shown on an arrest docket. If the charge was thrown out, it likely means the other party involved decided not to press charges. Someone in the heat of an argument can say shit and get someone arrested.

No. 934808

Weird to assume he would smoke weed in the car with his children. You’re just talking out of your ass because there’s nothing new or interesting to say about these people other than pull up arrest records from years ago or how fat Jess is. Sounds like you need a hobby and to focus on your own family. Even though you likely don’t have one…

No. 934809

File: 1717498886371.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x2281, IMG_0357.jpeg)

Been following this guy with religious psychosis for a while now. He saw a guy turn into a demon apparently. He’s asking people to spam popular creators to “colllab and talk” to him. I cannot stand how many people support this guy. Like. Why?! It’s ok to call a crazy person crazy.(wrong thread/sage your shit)

No. 934810

religion, that's the answer.

No. 934811

a battery charge means he hit someone, period. you just pulled that out of your ass about florida requiring someone to be arrested on a domestic dispute call. they obviously saw reason to believe danny hit someone. but it sounds like you know all the details somehow, so go ahead and spill them.
odd thing to say for someone camping in this thread at all hours for some unknown reason. i’m not saying he literally hotboxes his kids, i’m saying he likely drives high, like all stoner retards do, and doesn’t think twice about driving high with kids. they literally had a post of them smoking in the car so it’s obviously nbd to them.

No. 934814

Hitting blinkers on the highway is an American right(sage your shit)

No. 934913

Someone can literally get a battery charge for someone even saying they were hit. Idk all the details but you certainly don’t either! Also I’m pretty sure they go on dates without the kids and can do whatever they want when their kids aren’t in the car/around.

No. 934916

judging by his record, he really shouldn’t be driving at all, much less when he’s high. he and jess are such massive losers. i guess i’d probably stay blitzed all the time too, just to cope.

No. 934961

File: 1717564647468.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1170x1950, IMG_9091.jpeg)

Bringing her baby around someone she made abdl porn with

No. 934974

What a hideous gaggle of chucklefucks.

No. 934976

this picture smells soooo bad jfc

No. 935865

File: 1718550673056.jpeg (256.4 KB, 534x460, IMG_6170.jpeg)

What the fuck happened to her? genuinely curious how you can look so bad in such a short period of time. Is she not taking care of herself? She looks like a complete different person and not in a good way.

No. 935886

She’s lost some weight since then. It seems she’s been eating healthier and exercising so that’s good. A lot of people fail to realize how hard it is to not let yourself go once you have a baby. The first year is just acclimating and survival and you barely have time for even a shower, let alone a workout regime and healthy diet and ability to keep personal style and flair. You eventually come out of the fog and begin to be able to prioritize yourself and it seems she’s beginning to do that now.(whiteknight)

No. 935919

She has not lost weight since then she has gained. She is 2x the size she was when she gave birth. The picture taken was literally last month, cope.(sage your shit)

No. 935932

You must not be paying attention to her Instagram stories then because she’s actively losing weight. Also just because that photo was posted for Mother’s Day last month doesn’t mean it was taken last month. It was in a post with photos from over the course of months. Regardless, people can lose weight in a month. She said she has lost 4 pounds in 4 weeks with exercise and clean eating. Weight fluctuations are common when you’re a) not in your early 20s anymore and b) have carried a whole child and had your hormones go haywire. It’s sad that she’s literally so unproblematic now and just living a normal life so all anyone wants to do is body shame.(whiteknight)

No. 935944

nice cope. why are you acting like you’re the only one who’s ever had a baby? not everyone lets themselves go, especially after the first kid. it’s not like she has a job, and clementine is over a year old now. i thought danny is soooo wonderful, despite being a drunken druggie? can he not watch the baby while she showers? tbh they both look like dirty stinky druggies and i feel sorry for the baby, for so many reasons. also don’t worry, we still shit on her for being a pedo, but now she’s a fat stinky pedo.

she’s looking so much like the fat head-banging “ballerina” laura from the pro-ana & bpd threads >>>/snow/2004319

No. 935974

If she truly felt shame for her past she would never actively hang out with people she did abdl fetish porn with. That's just the truth.(sage your shit)

No. 935980

this. plus she was still selling her pedo-pandering baby porn long after she renounced it. she was also selling it after clementine was born >>915750 similarly to how she didn’t remove abdl/pedo followers until after anons here called her out, but still posted pics of her baby for her hundreds of pedo followers to see >>924692 fucking TRASH

No. 938141

She changed her Instagram again to hide

Nice try cow your boyfriend make it very easy for us to find you.

No. 938182

It’s been tangerinemommy since she got pregnant retard.

No. 938433

File: 1721490924981.jpg (648.19 KB, 1080x2640, 1000004201.jpg)

shes back at it.

No. 938435

File: 1721491404313.jpg (939.99 KB, 1080x2640, 1000004202.jpg)

No. 938442

imagine the smell. i guess this is better than pretending to be a baby, but if my baby daddy couldn’t provide for me and my child without my having to resort to onlyfans, i’d leave his broke ass. wicked weed didn’t work out, or was his job just that shitty? i wonder if jess herself is averse to getting a real job or if she simply can’t find one due to lack of qualifications + her disgusting digital footprint.

No. 938450

File: 1721510652583.jpeg (272.68 KB, 828x1458, IMG_0791.jpeg)

Ah yes, the creative spin on Onlyfans of a visibly musty couple rolling around in the grass and touching each other while actively avoiding dog shit on the ground and any job applications in their way. This is a weird direction to take after birthing a child and participating in one of the most degenerate forms of porn there is.

No. 938457

First off, this is exactly what she said about ddlg. ItS nOt a SeXuAl tHinG! See how long that lasted. And second, they should in no way shape or form be doing fucking psychedelics with an infant in their care. So fucking stupid it makes none of the other nonsense they’re doing even matter compared to that!! Absolutely irresponsible!

No. 938458

I genuinely cannot believe how thoroughly this bitch changes her entire personality and beyond to entirely mimic the person she is dating. That’s some intense mental illness. Like she completely erases all evidence of the past personality right down to her fucking furniture, cats and dogs and now even had a whole ass child to complete this larp. Incredible.

No. 938464

I did notice she seemed to be focusing on fitness (going for hikes) and had lost weight. Big surprise this is exactly what it's for. How pathetic.

No. 938466

So where is there kid while they are doing psychedelic drugs and nude painting???? Dumb ass druggies. I honestly think they're just tight for money or something and she isn't qualified for anything else. No employable skills and ofc a terrible digital footprint.(sage your shit)

No. 938483

It's all great they will get banned quiet fast for the shrooms stuff, public nudity. Oh and boob painting come on she barely has any(sage your shit)

No. 938508

Exactly this. Wonder how long this purely ~artistic~ and not sexual OF is gonna go on before she slips right back into the even more gross shit. Imagine your mother trying to live out her teenage scumbag dreams straight out of a throwaway Skins episode with another unemployed junkie, embarrassing the family even more for years to come. I guess she figured it can't get any worse so she might as well.

No. 938512

File: 1721597540212.png (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 1179x2921, Image.png)

they’ve already deleted the list of stuff they won’t do. they said on twitter they have four slots left at $4.44, which means 6 people have subscribed. that’s $26.64, and minus the 20% onlyfans takes, it’s barely over $20. i make more than that in less than an hour at work, and i don’t even have to show anyone my asshole kek. sex work is such a scam. their poor daughters.

No. 938515

File: 1721599711593.jpeg (616.17 KB, 1179x2066, IMG_0872.jpeg)

jess links their onlyfans in the same place she posts pictures of her baby and family. she came here wk’ing herself insisting she’s changed, but it’s so obvious she hasn’t at all. i can’t even fathom this level of trashiness. danny obviously doesn’t have custody of his first two daughters, thank goodness, but poor clementine is stuck in this mess.

No. 938518

Her family knows what she is. Losers will still worship her from the old days. She go back to her pedo content soon. Wait till his other kids families find out if they don't know. Custody could be fun

No. 938519

File: 1721603666084.jpeg (478.76 KB, 1170x1264, IMG_0489.jpeg)

Lowkey weird they’re following Kara, didn’t she dump their asses for being homewreckers/cheaters

No. 938521

File: 1721603766453.png (6.8 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0490.png)

Obsessed much? Maybe listen to us and do better instead of pretending to be this innocent girl getting shit on for no reason

No. 938523

File: 1721604204672.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1170x1872, IMG_0491.jpeg)

Sorry for samefagging or whatever it’s called but my god brining up how you BREASTFED ur still infant child in a nsfw post is so insane. How much yall wanna bet she was waiting for the day clemmy stopped feeding off her so she could make this shitty content?

No. 938526

i don’t think that’s why she waited. the fact that she’s even mentioning it makes me think it’s not an issue for her. she only waited because she wanted to lose weight first.

No. 938531

File: 1721610009324.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1170x1747, IMG_0493.jpeg)

Posted an hour ago btw

If she was serious about keeping her personal life separate her account would be private and she wouldn’t be posting about her new porn account

No. 938532

Why the fuck is this retard obsessively mentioning being a mother and breastfeeding on a porn post? She is so transparently trying to mix the two despite what she it's disgusting. I hope the mother of the other girls get full custody so they can escape this pathetic shit. Unfortunately that's more that can be said for poor baby Clementine.

No. 938534

She wants to be one of those older “milfs” so badly when she’s not, she’s a first time mom sexualizing herself and baby for a few internet clicks. At least with the abdl shit it was just her being sexualized

No. 938541

A few years back? It’s only been like two years. Also I thought that was a mans ass before I scrolled down. I find it so unappealing that she keeps bringing up the mom thing with her porn. Men who like milfs like really normal looking moms I’m pretty sure. (Men like anything even resembling a hole but you know what I mean) its not really the market she is looking for.

No. 938544

File: 1721626188563.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.45 MB, 1170x1678, IMG_0502.jpeg)

Can we talk about how uninterested he looks here

No. 938548

Ew, she is grossly overestimating her's and her mouth breather's level of attractiveness. She's a classic delusional cow. Luckily for her she pander's to the lowest common denominator.

No. 938561

It's hilarious how we have this oh so "mysterious" whiteknight in this thread swearing up and down that Jess is different and that she's changed, but as soon as either a) she lost weight and/or b) she was tight on money, she went back to porn. This reminds me of that other venture she and this guy went into that failed. They lack business sense. It was only working when she was the prime spokesperson for DDLG.

No. 938562

To be fair she made money doing this with David and Stephen and Danny is objectively more attractive than either of them combined to be frank. Which isn't saying much because he still looks dirty and unwashed. He also clearly has a large, thick penis by some of the videos and photos they have posted which explains all his damn kids

I assume they are in financial dire straits right now if they are resorting to this. Lol. It's honestly sad and embarassing and everyone who said Jess was doing better gotta eat their words cause she is back to being a degenerate with her hairy butt (sent me into orbit seeing all that hair on her ass)(whiteknighting penis)

No. 938563

She is washed out. Oddly enough she went on a blocking spree where she blocked the target audience who would pay her for stuff she is posting now. She blocked all the fetishy accounts and people into porn only to prove something to the people of lowcow. Agreethat neither of them have any business sense. I feel bad for their kids, has to be mortifying to eventually find out your parents were doing sex work and drops while you were a wee baby(learn to sage)

No. 938566

>He also clearly has a large, thick penis
He's a mouth breather with a gummy smile and scrawny troon shoulders. Love yourself anon instead of salivating over that creature's peen.

No. 938567

danny has a gross little boy body. jess probably loves that though. one of her thighs is bigger than his torso. >>938544

No. 938570

File: 1721661929513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,647.79 KB, 1179x990, IMG_0892.jpeg)

we know danny works at wicked weed but does anyone know what he actually does there? salaries on glassdoor show around $20 per hour or less for just about every every job there. that’s not enough to support a baby and work-shy wife, plus he presumably has to pay child support for two other kids, which isn’t cheap. bet his legal fees haven’t been cheap either. no wonder they’ve resorted to onlyfans. they’re both so fucking stupid. it’s a shame they’ve dragged a baby into it.

links for the next thread

No. 938572

All of her partners have been very thin men. So it's not unusual tbh. I still think she left Stephen because Danny was better looking. Jess is going to eventually cheat on Danny probably, he's a moron imo. As soon as Danny loses his hair or looks uglier in anyway she will cheat(sage your shit)

No. 938608

Thanks for proving to everyone you would never change jess. A real "I told you so" moment lol she could never give up her perverted ways. Not even for her baby.

No. 938609

She got thunder thighs now(sage your shit)

No. 938611

I feel like I’m looking at a twink thirst trap on the gay side of twitter.

No. 938627

of course the guy with Duis worked at a craft brewery lmfao. He's probably a laborer of some sort. I can't imagine he makes much money because it's asheville. Jess needs to work a part time job while her man babysits.

No. 938629


We all knew she would not give up her ways. It was a matter of time. I just wait for her to get banned as the whole drugs sex onlyfans don't like

No. 938641

File: 1721754498084.jpeg (391.71 KB, 1125x1741, IMG_2599.jpeg)

This is actually disgusting and I hope no innocent family ever sees this shit. They live in a tourist town with high traffic right now. Also where the fuck is their daughter? Who is taking care of her when they’re filming?

No. 938642

File: 1721754805141.jpeg (250.29 KB, 1125x1623, IMG_2600.jpeg)

They’re telling on themselves posting this caption. I censored them.

No. 938643

Seriously grotesque. Is this worse than pretending to be a fucking baby being raped, due to the potential for people and children to come across this IRL?

No. 938658

didnt she say there would be no hardcore on her account??? full on sex is considered hardcore, no?

No. 938660

She said no penetration or oral kek

No. 938662

Only thing that scares 'em is a job application.

No. 938667

they probably get food stamps and wic at the very least, so i’m thinking they’re thinking onlyfans is a way for them to skirt the income requirements and make money under the table. even though it’s not actually under the table and you’re supposed to report it & pay taxes on it.

No. 938697

File: 1721787305315.jpg (390.48 KB, 720x1371, Familyouttingbutmakeitporn.jpg)

It looks like the disgusting bitch has taken the whole family there. I hope to god someone was looking after them in a completely unrelated location whilst they were doing this.

No. 938705

i know they post their poor kids’ faces (in the same place they post their porn no less) but we shouldn’t, idk

No. 938718

File: 1721832705122.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1179x1372, IMG_1102.jpeg)

Jess when she realizes that by blocking all her followers who would have bought and eaten these videos up in response to lolcow users calling out that she had these followers (ignoring the fact that none of us are following her and just look her up occasionally to see what nonsense she is into) that she has killed off her fanbase effectively. OF is really only profitable when you have a fanbase. I'm sure she terribly regrets blocking all her fans now that her new porn venture isn't getting engagement. I think it also shows how lazy and entitled to think that one vanilla video in the woods is going to have everyone jumping up and down when she has completely alienated her fanbase from her. It was a huge financial mistake on her end.

No. 938728

I think she’s wasting her video editing skills on porn. She needs to build a portfolio and edit for YouTubers.

No. 938730

Tbh I think Jess is a very artistic person and really could have jobs in editing or the art space. She was sexually abused by her dad as a child according to her and I think she just never recovered from that as is obvious by all the male validation she seeks with men who are frankly losers. I have always felt that she was always more interesting, better looking, and talented than the dudes she was with. And yet she skin walks her men or their exs.

She always discussed not wanting children and suddenly she is with a man with children and she has a child??? It's sad to constantly watch her change for a man.

It's sad in a way because I feel there has always been potential in her.

And don't get me wrong, I can acknowledge that she is a deeply flawed person. She is rude to her fans, does drugs, used to post adult baby porn, is a serial cheater, is doing drugs and porn again even though she is now a mother. Many of her former friends have spoken out about her and that she is a dramatic person and not easy to get along with. Jess clearly struggles to maintain longterm friendships and 100% is definitely due to her abrasive personality.

I still feel bad sometimes. Her digital footprint is terrible and it prevents her from a lot of places of employment. She doesn't have a formal education. She didn't marry someone well off and due to his DUI history he also probably is not going to find a good career anytime soon.

Jess clearly had a rough upbringing and has mental health problems and surrounded herself with losers and creeps so maybe she just did not have a fair chance in life.(sage your shit/wk)

No. 938732

Hello Danny or White Knight(hi cow)

No. 938734

lol how am I Danny or White Knighting when I am shitting on Danny for being a DUI underemployed man with two baby mamas and Jess in my post? It's just hard not to feel kind of bad for a clearly mentally unwell person with a bad past make bad decision after another for years and use the skills they have for porn when she simply doesn't have the following anymore

No. 939219

File: 1722394781846.jpeg (Spoiler Image,730.82 KB, 1170x925, IMG_0872.jpeg)

She’s really over estimating how much attractiveness she has good god

She looks like a dude in that first pic honestly

No. 939222

She looks like if hank hill dyed his hair bright orange. Nightmare fuel.

No. 939399

File: 1722576798603.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.49 KB, 1125x1315, IMG_2704.jpeg)

They posted a clip of a porn preview but what’s notable is Danny is hiding his face now.

No. 939409

Her arms are bigger than his lmao how is this erotic ? looks like if two retards were left alone in a room.

No. 939493

File: 1722697328444.jpeg (657.76 KB, 1125x1849, IMG_2711.jpeg)

Jess and Danny can’t afford a $300 airbnb so they’ve taken it upon themselves to grift.

No. 939496

She put on x her boyfriend had a vasectomy no more babies for him

No. 939498

File: 1722698853750.jpeg (226.65 KB, 1125x704, IMG_2712.jpeg)

Here’s the cap anon forgot. Thank god he got a vasectomy.

No. 939521

Honestly this is so fucking sad and embarrassing, especially as they have children. Jess is truly a disgusting and pathetic person. And yeah both of them are fucking ugly and aren't going to making shit from this porn stunt because they are ugly. Her nipples look like they are experiencing necrosis and she doesn't even bother to shave her ass. Hairy ass piggy tits

No. 939527

Isn't it against terms and conditions to film paid content in an AirBnB? Or does it solely depend on the owner? Either way kek @ how they couldn't shill out a single cent to add to the fund. Yet another child abandoned by their mother in favor of twink dick and embarrassing videos.

No. 939530

It is as Shayna got in trouble for it a while ago. I think I know which airbnb it is too. I live in the Charlotte area and there’s one house that matches that description.

No. 939635

File: 1722878159779.png (40.98 KB, 724x598, Capture1.PNG)

Looks like her onlyfans is going well that she keeps having to put it on a offer.

No. 939667

File: 1722913153823.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1170x1756, IMG_1089.jpeg)

Why is she getting off with the blinds open anyways if she didn’t wanna get caught? Also gross she’s doing it on the couch where her step kids and baby sit and lay on.

No. 939668

File: 1722913294073.jpeg (Spoiler Image,820.91 KB, 1170x1233, IMG_1091.jpeg)


She really shoulda stuck to the abdl shit, it’s embarrassing seeing her beg.

No. 939676

This isn't as morally outrageous as ddlg fetish porn, but it makes me feel just as gross looking at it. It's shocking they're a real couple. It looks like "fake amateur" porn made by a skeevy porn company and it's two actors with no chemistry. Idk why they're going out of their way to market it as wholesome hippie sex when thats not the content of their videos. They are not respecting each others bodies or having loving sex, they're desperately performing for the sake of income and it shows. If I wanted to watch 2 desperate losers aggressively fuck in a wooden panelled room I'd watch free porn, this shits everywhere and it's not worth paywalling.

Also any man who fishhooks a girl during sex is just the worst. Why is he doing hardcore degrading shit to his babymama during their cutesy OF couple scenes?

No. 939678

>>939668 her currently porn has nothing special, they try to sell themselves are MILF and DILF, but they don't even look like it lmao, they are just a ugly couple fucking, and men, who pay for that, won't pay to look at a fat bitch getting fucked by an emo.

No. 939683

File: 1722947134568.jpeg (48.59 KB, 191x241, IMG_1169.jpeg)

Jess went on a blocking/removing spree of her porn sick most devoted fans and is paying the price for that now so it is pretty funny. Being able to be successful on OF largely stems from having an already good social media follower base.

No. 939684

Also she should get her tattoos covered. They all look legitimately bad.

No. 939754

File: 1723048919487.png (334.14 KB, 695x772, Capture2.PNG)

Wow she looks really bad here. She needs to eat some pies as man anorexia

No. 939777

File: 1723066624408.jpeg (Spoiler Image,773.96 KB, 750x1144, 38F9AC15-93FC-4389-8BF4-FD45F5…)

you are a MOTHER. THIS IS THE ACCOUNT YOU POST YOUR BABY ON.(caps lock off please)

No. 939790

The fact that this stinky woman can't be arsed to at least make a different account to post her degeneracy makes me nauseous. What part of the game includes soliciting gross moids to access pictures of your children? The moids who managed to avoid the blocking spree are the same ones who were just watching her simulate cp. She's just vile.

No. 939803

>>939777 never cared about her age play stuff, but this makes me disgusted, advertising her porn in the same account she posts her baby. Plus the other girls are getting older, what if at some point they get a cellphone, visit their IG and see them advertising porn? That's fucked up

No. 939819

I am honestly hoping his ex sees this shit and does something. It's beyond disgusting they do not know how to separate their family and see life.

No. 939830

If it was just OF which is behind a paywall then a judge wouldn’t care. Since there’s public accounts like twitter and instagram that has her advertising I’d say the ex has a case. She could also bring up Jess’s past of being a ddlg degenerate and show the truly video with her lying about it not being sexual.

No. 939837

The ddlg stuff the courts won't care much about. That more the media. However the posts her promoting her sex work on a page with kids will be more to a judge. Plus how the kids father is involved. What one is the worst. Frankly I would go for having photos of her kids and his kids on a sex workers promotion page.(sage your shit)

No. 940308

it makes me laugh so hard to see her of isnt even doing as good as she expected…like what did you expect???(sage your shit)

No. 940475

File: 1723713845224.png (2.64 MB, 915x1800, 442416600_18433591714058504_21…)

cant believe she found a decent looking emo dude in his thirties, cow luck s m h

No. 940476

As a fellow past emo anon you're right that he's decent looking but the fact that this is what passes as decent looking for elder emos is so sad lmfao
All the emo guys I liked when I was a teenager aged horrendously

No. 940526

In my opinion Danny is definitely the best looking of her partners that we know of by far. I also think he's a lot better looking than her.(sage your shit)

No. 940586

>>940475 so they not only posted their location Asheville, NC but also posted a picture his work uniform so all her followers (potential pedophiles) can search up where he works. what's stopping some one from following him home and seeing where they live. Do they not think of these things? They have three young girls to protect
Yet they keep posting their names and faces online for everyone to see

>>939803 only a matter of time before they find out that their step mom shat In diapers for money and for them to see their dads dick
Pics. All you have to do is Google her name on Facebook and her ddlg pictures pop up

No. 940592

Don’t forget their house and street view from the porch lol. They’re so fucking retarded. Asheville has a big crime problem too.

No. 940612

>Do they not think of these things?
She rebranded her pedo account into a baby account and posted pics of her baby and breast-pumping content for fetishists to jack off to, the safety of the kids is obviously not a concern

No. 940662

t. 3 blind retards

No. 940692

File: 1723931210970.png (206.75 KB, 756x201, cow.PNG)

Awww bless Jess no one wants to give you positive attention. We all just love to rip in to you and mock you. Face it you are washed up

No. 940745

File: 1724020941431.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1170x1383, IMG_1640.jpeg)

Girl that looks like shit.

No. 940817

Excuse me while I barf

No. 941368

File: 1724643116730.jpeg (588.88 KB, 1125x1315, IMG_2920.jpeg)

Looks like they didn’t get to film in the airbnb.

No. 941393

Did she explain why they missed the concert and skipped out on the airbnb? Imagine spending all that money on tickets and a place to stay just to bail on everything and drive home.

No. 941416

File: 1724677538314.jpeg (429.03 KB, 1125x1001, IMG_2924.jpeg)

Yeah she got “violently ill” the day of the concert.

No. 941430

Imagine selling you and your partner's body for $3.33 a month. That is really insane to me on another level. Like why not just go get a real job at that point instead of contributing to your already horrendous digital footprint?

Like does she not think of her future? She is with a man who doesn't make good money and her looks have already seriously deteriorated on top of blocking her entire fanbase. Honestly Jess was never very attractive imo but she was thin/firm and a huge personality in a niche kink space that a lot of weirdos flocked to. Her tattoos all look awful too and while she is going for this "milf" vibe she just doesn't fit the aesthetic at all in my opinion. Generally milfs are associated with thickness and not insane hair colors. The orange is giving Chucky and just is not flattering.

I feel so bad for her daughter because she ended up with two broke idiots for parents. I really think Jess should try to go get an education at a technical school or CC and get an actual career instead of selling her asshole on Twitter for $3.(sage your shit)

No. 941440

Jess gives me allergic to having a regular job vibes. Correct me if I am wrong, but has she ever had a job that wasn't streaming/youtube, sex work/advertising for some fetishy companies, or her short term Etsy shop?

Like I legitimately think it is possible that she has never had an actual job, including even something basic like retail. At the very least it seems she hasn't had one in a good while.Does anyone have recollection of her doing so?

No. 941565

>>941440 she used to be a baby sitter during her ddlg & kitten phase which was a red flag it’s self imagine finding out the young girl you hired to look after your babies was in diapers herself and getting off to wearing them.
I’m also pretty sure she worked a few days at a vape store when she was with Steven to skin walk his ex who passed away. But other then that she got a following at a young age which helped pay her bills for a good few years and the sponsor from adult diapers companies and then the sex work she’s always has some sort of work history but not since she been with her new boyfriend

No. 941589

File: 1724786623516.jpeg (357.14 KB, 1080x1498, IMG_6160.jpeg)


No. 941788

I don’t remember that part, but I did hear she wanted an actual real life babysitter to come over and watch her when Steven was gone for part of her roleplay

No. 941789

I’m not surprised she worked at a vape store considering she vaped a lot

No. 941791

I saw her in west Asheville last night looking haggard as fuck per usual & loading her kids up in a van. Sadly didn’t get a pic bc I was on the opposite side of the street but was able to point her out to my bf (a successful local business owner that knows a lot of people) “that chick over there makes porn as a raped baby”. I’m sure half the degens in AVL won’t give a fuck but I’m doing what I can to spread her lore.

No. 941823

I know this is old but dam it’s so cringe. Even the deleted stuff is still floating around the internet. I feel so bad for the children in her family when they find this shit

No. 941839

File: 1726044438488.png (679.39 KB, 1315x761, binkie.PNG)

Hello Jess,

Bet you was happy Lolcow was down hoping it gone forever when you last visited and saw the server offline?

Glad to see you took your sex work off your Instagram page where you have photos of kids. Finally you learnt something right. Let's hope the kids real mum decides to take action againt you for that. You just a joke.

No. 941867

$20 says she took it off because it’s an embarrassing failure, not because she realized it’s creepy and gross to post her OF in the same place she posts her kids

No. 941899

Idk if that’s the case because they did have subscribers lol. I think they got caught by his ex.

No. 943255

Well depends as they stopped promoting it as much so likely did not work out as well as they had hoped.

No. 943317

you just know this bitch smells like body odor, stale pot smoke and her own shitty piss diaper

No. 943324

File: 1727244763789.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240925_080847_Sam…)

Since she got a job now I think it is safe to say that it was a failure

No. 943363

the all-black makes me think she’s a server?

No. 943672

Jess’s city of Asheville is completely underwater right now. Nobody has cell service which is why we haven’t heard from her in a while.

No. 943733

damn, i didn’t take a screenshot because it didn’t seem important at the time but she said a couple of days ago that she was getting FOMO watching her florida friends’ hurricane prep. i’m guessing she did nothing to prepare herself. also how much y’all want to bet her job is at wicked weed with her greasy moid?

No. 943741

I was thinking about her. I hope she and her family are ok.(sage your shit)

No. 943753

I mean every time Florida has a hurricane it goes north and N.C. is on its path. I live in Charlotte and I’ve heard the roads are completely fucked and you cannot go into Asheville unless you’re emergency. I wonder where they’ll go if their house in Asheville is gone?

No. 943791

File: 1727663313305.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1125x2025, IMG_3363.jpeg)

New update from Jess.
I was thinking about her too.

No. 944267

File: 1728046728548.png (978.51 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_3467.png)

It seems like Jess and her family are fine. Their house is still up but they’re without power/water. Luckily they live on a steep incline in the city so they had no idea it flooded. Tbh they should pack up and move out of Asheville. staying is a fruitless endeavor if they’re unable to work/live.

No. 944272

File: 1728052478552.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x1876, IMG_1827.jpeg)

Meanwhile her ex husband posting the most cringiest comeback video ever.

No. 944275

Hm wonder what happened to that bald confidence he was sporting. What a faggot.

No. 944292

what the hell is bro doing, isn’t he like 34? grown ass man

No. 944301

I wonder if Jess is a loser because she only attaches herself to loser men (David (criminal weeboo), Stephen the grown man who acts like an emo 12 year old, and her current dude with a DUI and is a restaurant server at his big age with 3 kids) or if she only ever gets with dudes like this because she is a loser in of herself.

Like why could she have not found a semi-successful, normal man? She has a type for skinny Peter Pan men who have engaged in some form of illegal activity and are working teenage jobs. Like she didn't consider the financials when she had her baby, knowing she can't provide that much financially?? Like why get pregnant by a dude with no good job prospects. It's so dumb and honestly sad to see her put herself in situations that will cause longterm struggle.

Her parents failed her so bad.(learn to sage)

No. 944313

that may be true about her parents failing her, but she’s too old to blame them at this point. SO many people have horriffic upbringings even worse than hers and not all of them turn out like this. to answer your question, she gets with these losers because she’s a loser.

No. 944376

File: 1728123124656.jpg (603.89 KB, 1080x2400, 1000030056.jpg)

And here comes her begging for money stage.(repost)

No. 944378

you couldn't take the time to check the thread before posting this?

No. 944385

Yes and it Jess we talking about here. If it was a link to a community one I can understand but to her personal Vimeo.(sage your shit)

No. 944390

nayrt but they’re saying someone already posted this. anyway, i won’t fault her for posting the venmo. asheville looks terrible right now. but i will fault them for having a baby with obviously no savings whatsoever and only one server job for the three of them. remember the trip they just wasted a bunch of money on? imagine how many diapers that could have bought. water is being handed out for free right now. i also wonder if the “family” they were staying with was danny’s other baby mama.

No. 944392

This is what it is for me. Her social media always involves her spending money on stupid shit she doesn't need when they're living on Danny's meager income.

Honestly I sort of don't believe the whole she got sick spiel for that Airbnb. I genuinely just think they didn't raise anywhere close to what they needed and came up with an excuse to not look broke. Her and Danny both give lying grifter vibes.

Jess was so irresponsible to have a child when she is broke and uneducated with a man who also has no good skills and is uneducated. Please donate to the community, not the people who have their house and waste their money on concerts instead of savings(sage your shit)

No. 944393

please learn to sage. the other thing that gets me is that they just moved from florida. i don’t think most people in asheville understood how bad even a “normal” hurricane could be, because they considered themselves protected from them and haven’t been through them on a yearly basis. but someone from florida should absolutely know the effects and how bad it can be. they should know how to prepare. and they should damn sure know that you need to have money and supplies set aside for situations like this.

No. 944419

when N.C. gets hurricanes they aren’t that severe like Florida is. Going to blogpost but I used to have a job in another town and one time there was a hurricane. It was small but I decided to call in because I just didn’t feel like it was worth it. The next day I everyone was shaming me for staying home and saying “it’s not THAT bad”. That’s how North Carolinians operate I’m afraid.
I don’t think she got the Airbnb either because when it got close to the date I actually checked the availability and it wasn’t booked for those days. You’re just going off my word so there’s no definitive proof so I suppose take it from a grain of salt.

No. 944442

i’ve lived all over florida and on the east coast of north carolina and yes, they ARE really bad in that part of NC. but the mountainous west coast of NC hardly ever sees hurricanes, that’s true. but the point was that jess has lived in florida (i think for most of her life?) so she should be well aware of how bad hurricanes can get. and regardless, they should’ve had some kind of savings put away for any kind of emergency, especially since they have a baby. how much do you reckon they spend on weed and shrooms each month? imagine spending that on an emergency kit and savings instead.

No. 944443

Her twitter she has the post below. To be fair there are worst suffering than her but clearly her Onlyfans will not take off.:

My city of Asheville was just devastated with a catastrophic hurricane. This is historically unprecedented and all of western North Carolina is suffering. My partner is out of work due to damages for the unforeseen future, my day job I just got is also closed until further notice, and we have no way to support ourselves or children. Our neighborhood is on day 6 with no power, running water, or cell service. The city and surrounding cities have scarce resources and little to no access to supplies and necessities due to no available gas and no income. 3/4 of our city was entirely washed away. Roads and highways gone. Entire small rural mountain towns decimated to nothing. Thousands of lives lost and bodies in the hundreds surfacing in trees and rivers throughout town. People getting stabbed and shot over basic goods out of survival. Homes gone. Vehicles gone. Businesses gone. History gone. We are devastated beyond comprehension. Please try to consider donating some money to us so we can figure out how to feed our babies and make a plan for the time being. We have no idea when we will be able to go back home. We have no idea when we will be able to access clean water or work again or access basic needs. We are staying with family 3 hours away, but our time here is coming to a close and we still need to figure out different arrangements. Anything helps. And if you could, please refer to my instagram tangerinemommy for more info on this tragedy. I’m updating my stories with news around the clock and ways to also help our community. Please go on TikTok and look up western North Carolina Helene or Asheville Helene. Please share what’s going on with anyone you know. We are fortunate to have our lives and our house is not flooded. But the road ahead is scary and uncertain for my family. Thank you.(this is an imageboard post a screenshot)

No. 944469

The worst place to raise a family is Asheville unless you’re a business owner or a tradesman. Their jobs are all tourism based. Yeah, hurricanes can be bad out here but lots of people ignore the warnings and go into work anyway. Jess is retarded for having a baby with Danny and should have found a man in a higher tax bracket.

No. 944482

danny could never stop doing drugs long enough to join a trade even if he weren’t too retarded and burnt out. also, he’d probably show up drunk to the worksite. so he’s stuck in the service industry with three whole kids plus a workshy wife and their combined drug habits. sucks to suck i guess.

No. 944495

To be fair I think very few men of value would want to wife up Jess considering she does drugs and has a bunch of adult baby porn of her on the internet. She also is a whore and habitual cheater with a plethora of mental illnesses. A lot of her former friends have come out about her and talked poorly about her behavior and how she leaves a path of drama and toxicity wherever she goes.

She probably should have sought after one of her creepy male fans with a decent job though. I'm some loser IT guy with a good paycheck that pays her for diaper porn may have married her lol.

Does anyone else anticipate that her and Danny will eventually split up?

No. 944628

It’s hard to say. Since he apparently abandoned his own daughters to live with their mom I’m assuming he will dump Jess’ ass as well, but he seems to be a loser who’s into her, plus they have a kid together so who the hell knows

No. 944653

I feel like he’s got more to lose if Jess leaves. He’s going to be stretched thin paying child support for 3 kids.

No. 944705

Wow what a simp there.

He give up with her soon with her mental health breakdowns

No. 945032

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Bless the snowflake needing a mental health break. What a wake person

No. 945126

Not white knighting here, but she lives in Asheville. Have you seen the news??? I'd need to gtfo if I had to go through what those people just went through. There were dead bodies everywhere. They're still finding them.

No. 945131

People got it worst than her. She just now milking it for her own gain. She before saying how tough it was yet has money to go to a gig. Others have nothing to afford to go on mental health breaks(sage your shit)

No. 945137

Literally the white knighting is crazy. She even admitted their house is fine. Literally just trying to milk the situation to her benefit and take food out of the mouths of those who are actually suffering loss. She's a loser grifter and selfish. The actual victims can't go to concerts(sage your shit)

No. 945138

The audacity to beg for donations because she is facing homelessness and then go to a concert is absolutely sick. Legitimately Jess is a bad person. She will always take the easy and immoral way out, putting her wants and needs over anyone, even her daughter apparently.

Just a loser ass clown. I would be pissed if I donated to that diaper wearing cow(sage your shit)

No. 945170

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It’s like when the stepson of one of the titanic submersible millionaires was missing so he went to see blink182 kek.

No. 945521

>>945137 I been following her stories couple days too add to the ‘take food out of the mouths of those who are actually suffering’ comment she got about 30+ free pumpkins to decorate the outside her house and porch when those 30+ pumpkins could been made into soups and meals for those who are homeless but now they just getting left to rot. For someone that gone all woke about her community and wanting to help others sharing information on where to get free water ect she sure is doing the opposite by driving around wasting fuel looking at the town & going on a get away to a concert when fuel right now should be reserved and keeping pumpkins for decorations, filming her self running tap water for ages rather then collecting it in a bucket to flush toilets. She’s extremely lucky her house wasn’t destroyed and to be bragging about going away to concerts while others being found dead and are homeless just rub me the wrong way. All that activist posts she been sharing and the crying videos about her town then she does selfish stuff like this.

No. 945525

Yup it’s so fucking disrespectful. So many people homeless or dead and she has the gall to “spread awareness” by taking advantage of other’s kindness. This is the break Jess has been looking for because OF didn’t take off she can now peddle money because she’s a filthy opportunist.

No. 945674

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Think the cow is on to us again

No. 945684

I’ve been keeping an eye on r/asheville and people are saying that loads of residents are leaving due to loss of income/housing. Jess and her man are incredibly fortunate to have a home still standing and be completely unaffected. I’ve read on local sites that water is now running in downtown and stores are starting to open up again.

No. 945757

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