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No. 352792
>>352780High praise.
Learn how to make threads, OP. Provide links, introductory information and also the previous thread link.
Youtube: thread:
>>>/pt/304962 No. 352812
Some info on Big AL for the new people:
500 lbs hamplanet, vlogs to document her "weight loss journey" but gets fatter by the minute.
Films "Mookbongs"/Mukbangs as an excuse to binge. Ate an entire bag of Cheetos in one sitting in the last one. Gets butthurt every time someone criticizes her for her food choices because she knows what she's doing and everybody deserves a cheat day/year.
Has only 32,000 subs but pretends to make bank on YouTube. Constantly eats out, goes on Walmart shopping sprees, furnished a new apartment with cheap crap and bought 63 Christmas presents for her (now ex) girlfriend alone. Refuses to spend cash on anything important like getting herself the help she needs. Quit her job because sitting in the chair hurt her, but was supposedly fired idk. Youtube is her only source of income.
Has animals she can't take care of. Has 3 cats and one dog, the dog is fat and anxious all the time because it never gets walked. Her ex who lives with her smacked a dog in the face in one of her videos and it caused some drama. Has a baby kitten she is supposed to spay now but apparently she's too lazy.
Constantly blows smoke up her own ass because of what a loving and giving person she is in her own mind. Bought two gift cards for a random homeless lady around the holiday season, then wanted to give it to some random stranger when she was no longer there. Walked up to some random stranger and started telling her the long ass story of how much of a hero she is, then called her a bitch when she didn't want to accept the cards and listen to her sob story.
Lies all the time, mostly about dumb shit like I haven't eaten all day before consuming 800+ calories in one sitting, but some lies are really vile. Accused another ex gf (Kasey) of raping her when it's not true, also claimed that her aunt abandoned her because she's fat when in fact it was because of her attitude.
Last but not least, constantly mooches off of other people and cannot ever be alone. Supposedly dated 20+ guys during her teenage years, then went full lezzy and moved in with her first gf at age 18 (this is the one she accused of rape so if you would like to hear how much of a good housemate she wasn't, I recommend checking out her video). While she was still with Kasey she already started flirting with what would be girlfriend number two, Krystle. She sent her an iPod as a present while she was still with Kasey. After her first relationship ended she moved in straight with Krystle and her family, didn't work, didn't pay rent and didn't contribute anything. Stayed with her parents even after they broke up, until she met gf number three, Destiny. Moved in straight with her family, had a job for about 3 months but otherwise didn't do jack shit either. The two of them eventually moved to a place of their own but are broken up now and still live at the same place. Whines about how Destiny took away her future by breaking up with her because she's so dependent on other people. Is now suddenly pretending (?) to be into guys again cause she's been single for a month now and she's getting desperate.
What happened recently:
>Destiny broke up with AL, supposedly because she wanted to work on herself and be single or something.
>Destiny immediately started hanging with some other chick (Dana), are officially in a relationship a month after the breakup
>Dana is a landwhale too and much uglier than AL although she edits her pictures to shit. Immediately joined a FB hate group against AL, started posting selfies with Destiny and gloating about how she's hers now, liking anti-AL stuff etc.
>On Valentine's day, AL decides to film herself drinking an entire bottle of wine, then goes on Younow where she drinks two more bottles of beer. She knows Dana joined the hate groups and says she "did her wrong", seems bitter af about Destiny and Dana. Also retweets some anti-Dana shit.
>A few hours later she snaps Destiny and Dana sitting on the couch in her apartment, they brought her chocolates and Dana is supposedly a great person and all the shit she said/retweeted was just because she was drunk you guys.
>AL said she's not interested in the D, but keeps calling guys cute, says she would date Bruno Mars, how it's "goals" to text a dude etc. Somebody is getting desperate for a new caretaker.
I hope this helps, OP is a little sparse.
No. 352864
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I like this lip colour but what's up with how intense her duck lips are? You don't need to purse your lips so hard girl
No. 353400
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From a recent snap of Destiny's. What a catch.
No. 353439
>>353408She's a humpback landwhale.
>>353335It's funny how AL thinks she'd even be able to have any power over kicking Destiny out and is being such a good person for not doing it. One of them has a gf, a licence, a car and a job. The other earns ~1K a month by being a laughingstock on Youtube and otherwise contributes nothing. It's not like she could afford the townhouse, four animals and her 4K+ calorie a day diet. The quality and frequency of her videos has already gone to shit because Destiny is no longer around to drive her to places, and she has nothing to really vlog about being stuck alone in the house 24/7. I bet she really regrets quitting that job now (assuming she did quit and didn't get fired).
No. 353442
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Why??? That's so many burgers?? Just wtf is this a normal American meal??
No. 353443
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No. 353444
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No. 353447
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No. 353450
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No. 353454
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No. 353455
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Ugh her tongue looks gross
No. 353457
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No. 353459
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She was singing in this one. It was a video but I can only screenshot
No. 353460
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No. 353466
>>353442For a lot of Americans that is a normal meal. Those are large sliders, with fried chicken rather than hamburger, and a person of normal weight who was not ravenously hungry could eat two and feel very full, especially if they had fries along with it.
Those sliders are similar in circumference to a McDonalds hamburger or cheeseburger (the ones we now consider kid size and not the Big Mac or Quarter Pounder) but the buns are fluffier and the meat is fried and breaded. She easily has over 1000 calories in just the sliders.
But yeah, a substantial number of people in the USA find this to be a normal meal. Amberlynn must be eating between 4000-5000 calories a day to be at her current weight. This to her likely just feels like an appetizer before her main meal.
And I don't think Destiny likes her new cow because she's somehow better looking than Amberlynn. Dana has an unappealing face and her body shape reminds me of a water buffalo. This was not a change based on looks.
Destiny is probably into Dana because Dana works, doesn't rely on Destiny to do everything for her, isn't a shopaholic, and is still capable of showering daily without a struggle. Dana could have a second nose growing in the center of her forehead and an anus where her navel should be and just being the tiniest bit self-reliant makes her more attractive to Destiny. Factor in that Dana doesn't deliberately humiliate Destiny in videos or broadcast every little thing they do on YouTube and Dana becomes the better choice for someone who had been dealing with AL.
No. 353471
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can we just…
No. 353493
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Hanging out with destiny and everyone again..
No. 353494
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Why? Just why??
No. 353495
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She's gonna accidentally squish that dog to death one of these days
No. 353585
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Well your a whale so your half way there..
No. 353689
>>353400Destiny used to be cute when she was skinny imo. she should lose weight and try to find a normal gf. its depressing that she broke up with some ugly landwhale just to date some other ugly landwhale. i get it that she can do much better with her current looks, but damn girl. you're better than that… take some time to yourself, get better. this is just sad.
i've noticed not everyone here likes her, but she's not a hopeless case like Amberlynn imo.
and if she did lose weight and started dating normal people, i think it would destroy AL.
No. 353708
>>353683I recommend checking out Kasey's videos on the matter. His Youtube channel is called Kasey with a K, he has two videos in response to AL: A rebuttal to Amberlynn and Evidence. In the rebuttal video he talks about how Amber came to live with his family because she had no place to stay, even though they didn't have much cash either. She didn't do jack shit around the house and apparently also abused Kasey/got physical with him. She was not supportive of his transition and also started talking to Krystle/gf number two while she was still with Kasey. She sent her an iPod as a gift or something and apparently AL threw a tantrum because she didn't get the one she wanted. She also put lovey dovey stuff about Krystle on her FB while still with Kasey. Apparently she also messaged Kasey when she started seeing Destiny, because she was never intimate with Krystle but wanted to bang Destiny, and pretty much asked about being smelly because she didn't use to shower every day kek.
In response to the videos, AL took down the rape accusation and uploaded some kind of slam poetry where she pretty much said oops I used the wrong word and now everyone hates on me, woe is me. Idk if these two videos are still up/mirrored somewhere.
No. 353715
>>353689Facially speaking AL is prettier than Destiny imo, but she is far too delusional to ever lose weight unless she starts therapy or something serious happens to wake her up. I don't really know if Destiny has the potential to be cute, but a lot of people look really derpy when they're overweight so maybe there's hope lol. She'd definitely look better if she got a flattering haircut and stopped dressing like a preteen boy though, that's for sure.
I don't think AL cares too much about who Destiny dates and how they look like, she never seemed to be that into her in the first place. Like in the get drunk with me video she even said she fell in "love" with Destiny when she said that she loved her. Pretty telling imo. She's just the kind of person who can't ever be alone, she always needs someone no matter who it is.
No. 354007
>>353882I'm pretty sure the dog she smacked in the face is not even theirs. She defended herself on Twitter saying "the owner" told her to give it a smack if it tried to bite any of the cats. Tbh I'm more upset that nobody in either household is going to walk the dogs because everybody involved is too fat to move.
>>353995I used to be so confused about people saying that AL has a pretty face because I was no idea how you can even tell anymore. She's pretty much past the point where your facial features disappear under the lard. But judging by her older videos she does have the potential to be pretty. Too bad she won't ever lose weight.
No. 354030
>>353995i think she'd actually be super pretty. she has a rly cute face and great hair. it's a shame, if she even went for one walk a day, she'd lose weight.
i'm sure her body doesn't WANT to be carrying that much weight, any kind of exercise/cardio would help in a big way.
No. 354031
>>353641ugh, yeah i feel bad for her too. it's all so fucking creepy and incestuous almost.
>>353882oh my fucking GOD seriously? what the fuck is wrong with these bitches. the way they treat dogs is bloody ridiculous.
No. 354038
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No. 354050
>>354039You mean the
ghost of Kadee Konstantino.
No. 354248
>>354156She gets out of breath from standing up. She has to use the disability scooters at Walmart because shopping is too much effort for her. There is no way she would film herself going on walks because it would confront her with the reality that she cannot move anymore. If she really wanted to keep up the Youtube is my job sharade she should get back to being a weight loss channel, keep a video diary of what she eats, do some small exercises she can still do at her size etc. She could do videos about different kinds of diets people do and try them herself, give going vegan/vegetarian another chance etc. It'll give her something to talk about, and maybe she'll even lose another 15 lbs in a year or so. If she was smart she learned to drive herself because she needs it for her "job".
>>354244Pls elaborate how it is weird to say somebody would look better if they took better care of themselves. That's a fact lol
No. 354255
>>354248>Pls elaborate how it is weird to say somebody would look better if they took better care of themselves.Not the anon you're responding to.
Because she's not on lolcow because she's obese, she's on lolcow for being an attention whoring moron youtube personality with drama.
Swipes at looks always seems trite because if it's not about one thing, it's about another thing. Someone could always stand to change something about themselves because very few people are 10/10 model attractive anyway.
If she lost weight, then it would be about her facial features, boobs, etc. Look at other lolcows with average bodies and see how people find other shit to pick at..
No. 354262
>>354255I know what you mean. Comments about looks get on my nerves too because a lolcow's entertainment factor comes from the drama they cause online, not the way they look. It's like being entertained by someone dangling keys in front of your face tbh. But at the end of the day we're on an image board dedicated to making fun of people so there's going to be a lot of nitpicking. Nothing any of us are talking about here is of much value, we're all here to point and laugh at the freaks in the circus.
I don't think people saying she would be pretty if she lost weight is criticism, though. Quite the opposite, people are admitting that she has the potential to be pretty even though she's kind of a shitty person, as opposed to criticizing everything about her
because she's a shitty person. I found it quite refreshing tbh. Weighing three times as much as you're supposed to is also not a small nitpick by any means. Holy shit you should never do that to yourself, no matter how many HAES tumblrinas/fat fetishists/chubby chasers tell you it's beautiful.
No. 354494
>>354471>You are so much better than everyone else because you only focus on her shitty attitude and not her weight. Is there a reason why you're being so specifically personal about this?
Not saying HAES shit isn't stupid and all, but not every obese person I've ever met is anything like Amber. The fact is if she weren't such an attention whore personality she'd have never made it to lolcow status anyway. Having a shitty attitude is the reason why cows, flakes, and mistakes land here. Nothing else. Or this website would be filled with innocent uggos and fatties who did nothing wrong except post their pictures on the internet.
You seem upset and I'm not sure why. All I said was that her weight is tertiary and a tired way to bring down a cow, and it's true.
No. 354520
>>353683>>353708Someone uploaded a copy of the abuse video Amberlynn deleted. She took it down right after Kasey put up his rebuttal video and if my memory serves me correctly here AL had it up for months prior to that.
That slam poetry video you're thinking of was never deleted, it's still up on ALs channel.
No. 354961
>>354922With that title I thought she was going to show us her makeup routine. She irks me with those clickbait titles Also why did it take her 40 minutes to do her makeup? She doesn't even use that many products.
I'm undecided as to whether she'll try to squat at Krystles house indefinitely. On one hand she'd probably like to stay there again if Krystle and her family allowed it. She'd get driven around much more than she is now at the very least. On the other hand I doubt she would abandon her pets and her mountain of crap. It would look super suspicious if she tried to bring all those animals, a literal ton of body sprays and her scarf tub for a week long (or however long) visit.
No. 355006
>>354961I'm pretty sure she only superficially cares about these things. She needs her pets as props because she likes to portray herself as an animal lover and a kind person. If she actually gave a fuck about any of them, she would make sure their needs are met. Neither Rarity nor Jax have been spayed even though they should be. Twinkie doesn't get her nails clipped and nobody ever walks her. She's okay with Dustin smacking a puppy in the face. Such an animal lover you guys. The excuse will probably be that she didn't want to remove the animals from their home environment.
And as far as her things are concerned, lezzbereal she has so many that she wouldn't miss 90% of them. She buys all the cheap plastic shit because she's compulsive, spending money makes her happy and she doesn't do anything else with her life. Not because she really wants/needs any of it. Ambaby buys a necklace, maybe wears it once or twice, tosses it into the hoard and it's never seen again. If she had to part with her belongings it would be a good excuse to hoard even more shit afterwards.
Or she could always manipulate Dustin into sending her her things. They're still best friends 5ever after all. Krystle also sent her a box or two of stuff when she moved in with Destiny iirc.
She's so needy that I'm sure having someone to baby her takes priority over both her animals and her Walmart treasures.
No. 355300
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No. 355372
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Ugh the way she's holding her stomach…
No. 355375
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Who's that in her sunglasses reflection?
No. 355376
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No. 355377
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No. 355378
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No. 355380
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I hate her gross tongue out selfies so much
No. 355381
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No. 355384
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She kept zooming in on her face on this snapchat video
No. 355385
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No. 355386
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Isn't this a show aimed at teenagers?
No. 355387
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She looks like her son ew
No. 355388
>>355382Holy shit this is the only person I've ever seen hang out with her who's not a landwhale herself. She looks like a fragile little child among Big AL's elephant herd.
Judging by Ambaby's desperation on Snapchat, she'll probably try to groom this chick into her next feeder/chauffer. Run, normal-looking girl, run far away!
No. 355516
>>355432In the beginning of the video she talked about having gall stone attacks and pain flair ups from her slipped disk. I bet that's the reason why comments are disabled. She doesn't want to hear people telling her to lose weight or take better care of her health.
>>3555113 months?! WTF, Oh there's no way she's going back to Kentucky once she gets to Krystals house! I hope Destiny doesn't rely on her for any rent or bill money because she won't be getting any after she leaves.
No. 355547
>>355538Lol so much for Destiny breaking up with her because she wanted to work on herself.
Seriously, that story is creepy as fuck. When you've reached a point where your partner can't even go to work without having to check up on you on regular intervalls, what even is the point in dating them. Like wtf is the point when you have so little trust?
I love how everything in a relationship is all about me me me for Ambaby. I don't date bi girls because they'll leave ME. I miss Destiny because she showed ME affection. I flipped my lid because she didn't call ME. She should peobably consider therapy before dating someone again kek.
No. 355699
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No. 355704
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No. 355705
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No. 355748
>>355538>she said no because she dated bi girls in the past and they left her because they missed guys (maybe they just wanted a excuse to break up with her). Or maybe they left bc AL was shit? I hate how AL seems to think that she's never the problem.
It's so weird. You know how narcissists may hate themselves and project their insecurities yet at the same time, they can be arrogant and they think highly of themselves? Kind of like a "I think im shit but im still so much better than you lol"
AL strikes me like that tbh
No. 355931
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No. 355970
>>355967It's really quite sad. When Sharla's not available she has to subject herself to Destiny & Dana's PDA, and just being around them in general, in order to get out of the house and go out to eat or restock her pantry with food.
Since Destiny is obviously done with AL she really should just be like "I'm not a part of your life anymore, so you are going to have to learn to take care of yourself now." and stop shuttling her around to various food establishments.
No. 356056
>>356054Things might be different now but I'm in the age range where what you just said was basically my experience. Girls were trendy bisexual just to hold hands and drunk kiss other girls but past groping each other's chest they wouldn't be interested.
Getting involved with a bisexual was a 50/50 shot of being heartbroken when they ditched you for a guy because you didn't want threesomes with the dude she was using you to bait.
No. 356152
>>356054>most of the bi girls I know all ended up with dudesMen who are attracted to women
vastly outnumber women who are attracted to women. Statistically speaking, most bi women (and bi men) will end up with someone of the opposite sex simply because the dating pool is so much larger.
>>356039>Then by the end of the video she shows her choker collectionIt's amazing she can even find chokers big enough for her tree trunk of a neck.
No. 356242
>>356241I'm pretty sure this is from the night before last. I don't
think she'd been drinking before this stream.
No. 356967
>>356946Yes, they will end up with a huge high-energy working dog that will probably develop some issues because he's been separated from his mother way too early and his owners both work and leave him alone 10 hours a day. They are both hamplanets so you know he'll never get walked after work, either. As soon as he's no longer cute and fluffy and starts wrecking shit he's going straight to the pound if he's lucky, or Destardny will take out her anger issues on him.
I don't really give a fuck if these "people" cheat on and take advantage of each other (even though Dana's and Amberlard's fake ass friendship is highly amusing) but the fact that they get away with neglecting and abusing innocent animals is aggravating. If you love animals, good for you. But if you do not have the time and resources to properly take care of them, DO. NOT. GET. PETS. These poor babies deserve better.
No. 357154
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AL is a Miley Cyrus fan and she said on younow that one of her brothers tweeted about her. This and Trisha Paytas acknowledging her is only going to encourage her to continue being a fat fool on the internet.
No. 357370
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>>357316Thank you
>>357317 I got this blurry one.
No. 357371
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No. 357491
>>357371>>357370Seeing how big she's become is absolutely depressing. I binge watched some of her old YT videos this weekend and damn.. she wasn't even fat compared to how fat she is now. I mean, she was fat, but she had a neck and she didn't have two huge chins yet. I know she won't but she needs to drop the extra weight. At this point she should go for surgery.. sadly.
You know when people lose weight and that makes them change their behavior in many areas of her life? I really wish that would happen to her. She could live a truly happy life if she wasn't so lazy/obsessed with food. I've come to really like AL despite all the shit concerning Kasey and the way she complains about life, has tons of support, but never better herself. Idk. I think she is captivating someway, idk why or how, so I get the hype and how "bigger" YouTubers like Trisha are noticing her.
I'm one of the people who thinks she's not truly gay (probably bi instead) but goes for girls because they're allegedly easier to control/convince of things or is kinda afraid of men. It's also easier to get with a fat lesbian that almost no one wants than with an okay guy personality wise.
Get your shit together, AL. Lose the weight!!
No. 357541
Surgery won't help. For one, it requires psychological counseling before the procedure is done. It takes several months. Unless you go out of the country to do it. Two, if your mind hasn't changed, you'll still have the same habits and issues that made you morbidly obese in the first place. I've literally seen people make themselves sick after the surgery because they continue to overeat. They ended up gaining a bunch of weight back. We just lost a youtube due to complications from going out of the country for the surgery and being 500 lbs at one point. She lost a LOT of weight but put a bunch back on. Not all of it, though. Still continued to be depressed and once she tried to continue to lose weight and wasn't able to deal with her childhood trauma's thru food, the depression became severe and she actually became suicidal. Died in her sleep due to organ failure complications of being obese for all that time, even though she wasn't anywhere near the 500lb she once was.
If Amberlynn got the surgery, she'd still be AL, except she's gotten the 'last resort', she'll regain the weight and have even less hope than before since they're not going to ring that weight loss surgery bell twice.
The YT I spoke of above had a husband. There are plenty of easy to manipulate chubby chasers out there. I don't get where people think men are so complicated and hard to control. My sister in law and other brother's girlfriend are overweight…my brothers are NOT. The one brother, his wife is bigger than Dana but not as big as AL. They're (the guys) not unattractive either, but the one girlfriend is (the other's wife is not). I do agree that her sexuality is up in the air. Probably bi but prefers women.
No. 357889
>>357878>remember my post 2 posts upThat's cute lol
Also, if u were also asking someone from kiwi to add you, u shouldn't have ur place of work listed tbh….
No. 357899
>>357878>>357793>>357889what group are you guys talking about???
Is there some milk i somehow might have missed.
No. 358090
>>357990So she basically lost nothing? Your body -/+2lbs throughout the day on average anyway.
She's fucking huge, she could be losing 10lb+ per month not 1 just by eating less. That's not something to be proud of Amber. Her TDEE to maintain that large a weight must be near 3000 calories. She can't justify that.
No. 358112
>>358090thats an old video, you can totally tell she still has the cold sore on her mouth, it amaze me how she thinks she is so smart that she can deceive people lol
she must be eating close to 6000 (if not more) calories to maintain close to 500 lbs, if she eats 3000 she would lose weight xD
No. 358279
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>>358268I had to see for myself lol. I wonder if we'll get another video with the talking scale confirming this?
No. 358475
>>358459She also proudly proclaims that she hasn't slept beside Destiny for about a week and a half! ONLY! Bear in mind Destiny and AL broke up January, I think?
She is truly pathetic and doesn't even try to go for mediocrity. She just scrapes at the bottom of the barrel and calls it a success.
No. 358580
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She was going to go on a date with her new crush tonight, looks that's been cancelled.
No. 359137
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No. 359140
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Ugh there both so fucking ugly
No. 359141
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What?? This is from amerlynns snapchat
No. 359142
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No. 359143
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No. 359210
AL had her date tonight but she told everyone she wasn't going to give any details and that some parts of her life are private. Later when Sharla was on she told her that her date asked AL if she was pretty enough, she said yes. AL said her date told her she looked even prettier in person (of course she shared that little detail). They went out to eat and saw a movie. I forgot the movie she said she saw but later she said she still wants to see that 50 shades movie. AL and her date were hanging out and she said her tummy started growling and she was self conscious but her date asked her if she was ready to go eat now and AL said yes. She said her date was "good" and that they needed more time to hang out and get to know each other. AL said that she used to have no standards at all in relationships and that after Destiny she does now and that she wants someone who can live up to those standards.
A commenter said Dana looked like Shrek. She then got a little shady about
someone who joined a hate group about her. Someone asked her if she and Destiny have decided how they will split up the furniture and AL said she bought all the furniture. She said Dana and Destiny were out the day before (wouldn't say where) and were recognized and that person was pleasant but wished they saw Amberlynn too.
Sharla was the one who did her eyebrows on snapchat the other day (these
>>359143). Al and Sharla were talking about double chins and AL said she doesn't really have one and she has to push her chin in to make one appear. Then she said well not too much for someone of her size. AL showed Rarity Grey briefly and she has gotten bigger since I saw her last, still very cute. I've gotten the impression lately that Twinkie is her favorite pet.
Someone was asking AL about college and she said she went but felt pressured into it and all she got was a lot of debt. This part kinda pissed me off because she went to college because Kasey's mom told her to get a job or go to school which is not unreasonable at all. Maybe she wouldn't have an attitude about owing money if had actually completed her degree and had the ability to get a decent job. All those shopping trips aren't helping her pay off that debt by the way.
AL at one point said she was going to leave real quick to get a drink. She came back with soda
and funions (I had a giggle fit lol). Someone must have said something about the soda because Sharla got defensive and said AL could drink whatever she wanted and water doesn't quench everyones thirst and if a diet pepsi quenches your thirst you can drink it. AL started eating the funions and apologized for the noise. Some people must have said some shit about the funions because AL got defensive and said it was a small bag and only 100 calories. She said if someone gained weight because of that then they have a problem (let's just pretend she's not close to 500 pounds and practically housebound lol). AL said she's been losing weight lately and asked Sharla to confirm. Sharla said oh yeah she's been losing a lot of weight! Amberlynn said she might upload a new weigh-in tomorrow.
Sharla was getting tired and had to go so she said bye and finally left, it was after 3am. AL said it's boring without Sharla and a commenter said you could actually try to answer our questions. AL spent the last few minutes answering basic questions really quickly and read out some hate comments. She said she wasn't getting her hair cut any time soon and that she is interested in a lip plumper. I'm not sure if she meant injections or one of those glosses that gives some temporary fullness. Someone suggested ombre hair and AL seemed into it. Someone told her not driving isn't the end of the world. AL said there really ins't public transportation in her area.
No. 359233
>>359210>water doesn't quench everyones thirst I wonder how people used to survive before the invention of Pepsi lmao. These people are all so dumb and unhealthy. Jesus take the wheel.
>AL said that she used to have no standards at all in relationships and that after Destiny she does now and that she wants someone who can live up to those standards.Lemme guess: driver's licence, car, animal hoarder, willing to help her pull up her pants every morning, enabler/feeder, willing to be exploited on social media and filmed at all hours, well-paying job or enough cash to afford 4,500 calories in food/day + daily Walmart hauls, no sense of shame, below average IQ or extreme pushover, place of their own, tolerant of AL's extreme clingyness and various mental disorders… I mean yeah, these are some pretty high standards tbh.
>all she got was a lot of debt.It's almost as if she shouldn't have bought 60+ Christmas presents for her autistic son. It's almost as if there would have been a better use for that money.
Didn't she also hint at Destiny having moved out? I couldn't watch it myself but I heard that she did.
No. 359402
AL is live again on younow. you go here when she's not live you can see captures from previous broadcasts.
>>359233She said something about Destiny moving out but later she played it off as a joke to get a reaction out her viewers. She has said she likes living alone multiple times since the breakup so who the fuck knows with her! If you go to her younow and watch the captures from yesterday there is a really long one (about an hour and a half) so if you have the time and a lot of patience you can see a lot of what she said.
No. 359424
>>359402When she got she said she was feeling depressed and someone said depression is usually set off by something. AL said she was feeling lonely and wanted to go on younow to talk to people.
She mentioned the lip plumper again and said it was those suction things that Dana recommended to her and now she's obsessed with the idea of it lol. She said she started filming a mukbang in a restaurant with Sharla but they couldn't do it and cut off filming after like a minute. She said that will be in a future vlog. She said her mukbangs are usually the amount of food she would have eaten anyway which does not surprise me. When she was talking she said her mouth felt sore because she just got done filming some videos and felt like she had been talking a lot lately.
Someone asked about tattoos and AL has always said she wanted some one day but today she went into detail. She said she hasn't ever gotten any because she's afraid of hating her tattoos in a couple years or so. She said she's glad she didn't get the tattoos she thought would be a good idea when she was younger. She said at one point she had wanted a star behind her ear and also had wanted to get the lesbian equality symbol. Now she likes the idea of getting just an equal sign on her finger (very original) like equality for everyone or something. She thought about getting a kitty tattoo but now she likes dogs more so she might something for Twinkie. Someone said get Twinkies paw print and she liked that idea. She said she likes tiny tattoos but later said if she were skinny she would probably have a full sleeve. She said she saw a squid tattoo on tumblr that she really liked but wasn't sure if it would look good on her. Some people were telling her that squid tats were hipster and that they're hipster unicorns. She didn't seem to know that. She said if she ever gets 100k subs she will get a youtube tattoo of some kind since youtube means so much to her. She wasn't sure if she could ever get that many subs.
She started talking about youtube and people have been asking her why she calls it a job if she doesn't upload too often. She didn't really answer that specifically but talked about much youtube means to her. She said it made her feel good to have people to talk to and people who cared so much about her since she doesn't have family. She got really emotional and was crying when talking about this. I'm not a complete asshole and I felt for her but I don't think it's too healthy to rely so much on internet fans for most of your positive acceptance in life. She said she used to feel like she had family with Destinys family but not anymore. I'm sure Destinys family was nice enough but they didn't all approve of AL right? She said everyone would be talking about Amberlynn crying but that they were happy tears.
Someone asked why she likes Dana so much. AL restated they were definitely broken up when D&D got together. She went on to say that Dana is so nice to be around and emphasized that she has never done
anything wrong towards her to make her not like being around her. Less than 24 hours ago she brought up the hate group thing again but ok Amberlynn lol. She even said she doesn't know why people don't understand that she's ok with their relationship and that they're all friends. She says she doesn't judge other peoples relationships and she's always tried to break up amicably in the past. She went on about this topic for at least a few minutes. Someone brought up that she still depends on Destiny and AL said she doesn't depend on her for anything. She emphasized not money or transportation, not a thing. She said if people think she has to use someone for a damn car than they can stop watching her videos. She said she has several friends who have cars. She went on about how giving she is and that she would give her friends the shirt off her back and if Destiny ever needed anything she would help her out. Which she said she has done recently but she wouldn't say what she helped her with! She doesn't like when people judge her for her friendship with them and when people are rude and say hateful things she just thinks they are miserable and want to spread their misery. Someone asked if Destiny would get Twinkie and AL said hell no Twinkie is my baby.
No. 359431
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>>359424She left for awhile to answer the door and when she came back she said it was a pizza guy who had the wrong house number. She mentioned how one subscriber talked to her and looked her in the eyes and said I don't know why you get the hate you do. AL said she has made mistakes in the past but that she owned up to them and that people should let her move on. She said has forgiven herself for those things in her past. A lot of people in the comments were giving her this or that type questions that weren't too interesting really. Later she read out this comment (pic related) and was kinda sassy about it and said she talks how she talks.
Someone said something about chemtrails and AL said Destiny got her believing that. Someone commented that chemtrails don't mean anything and AL said it's true everytime she sees chemtrails it rains the next day. She said the plains are putting out something to make it rain but to google it because she can't explain it well.
Someone asked if Destiny ever called her fat and she said no. Someone asked if she felt responsible for Destiny gaining all that weight. AL said no she didn't make her eat all that food and that it isn't Destinys fault that she gained weight either. Please let's all remind her of this when she and Destiny are no longer friends and she wants to try to shift any blame in her direction. Someone asked her if Destiny ever gets upset about her streams like the one last night. AL said no and that Destiny is too chill a person for that and that she understands the ins and outs of this sort of thing. Someone made a comment that people think AL puts Dana in the vlogs so she will get hated on. AL ignored that because she doing the press 3 if you're a fan sort of thing. AL said the name on her birth certificate is just Amber. So I guess Lynn is her middle name? Libby came on and AL has guested her. The first thing Libby said is why do people call you guys other names like Dustin. AL said it's because of homophobes and that it's actually cyberbullying. But then she said if Destiny weren't gay she wouldn't dress like that because that's butch lesbian style, like her new haircut. She said she doesn't like being called Dustin.
No. 359461
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>>359431Libby was talking about her recent breakup, AL asked if it was for real or a makeup/breakup thing. Libby talked vaguely about some issues but she ended that by saying he's 20 and that's too old for her She said 19 is as old as she should go, since it's 3 years difference. AL then answered a commenter and said they are 10 years apart. So Libby is only 16, soon to be 17? AL said she met Libby through Destiny and that Destiny was a friend of Libbys sister. At one point Libby showed her a potted tree she had got recently and somehow AL moved onto the topic of weed, idk how. AL said if she lived in California she would probably smoke weed all the time but that she doesn't want to live in California again because she doesn't like the weather.
Libby talked about all the reactions AL gets she said one day she watched some videos made about AL and seemed to think all of that was insane. People were mentioning stay negative and Amy Slaton, one person said Amberlynn and Amy Slaton are 2 youtubers he would like to slap.
AL told Libby that Destiny is hardly ever at their place and that she's used to living with other people. Later on in the broadcast AL asked Libby if she remembered all that stuff with Kasey. Neither of them said anything about that but I'm curious about what she's talking about and what she said to other people about Kasey.
Libby said she's lost 25 pounds since AL and Destiny moved away. AL talked about how they would go to Walmart together with Destiny and get ice cream and snacks. Libby said her family eats pretty healthy and that sort of thing was a welcomed treat(she's a kid though). AL admired Libby's family for eating healthy and AL asks what they do and said she needs to cook more. Al said she's prefers whole grains over white bread but she doesn't really buy bread. But she also eats out constantly so I guess she won't just make a sandwich for lunch when she's home by herself. A commenter said something about them being boring. AL said they can't be lit all the time. Libby called them out a bit for saying mean things when she's not being healthy enough so they shouldn't complain when they talk about healthy eating. Libby said she hit her highest weight when AL and Destiny were hanging with her every weekend. AL said she only gained 10 pounds after moving to Kentucky, she said she gained about 60 while living in Florida. AL said Libby motivated her to get healthier foods at when she goes to the grocery store tomorrow. Libby says she doesn't blame the weight gain on them because she could have chosen to not eat those things.
Al talked about how she had been on for 3 hours and Libby said what do you talk about for so long? AL said she chats and answers questions so Libby said I'll answer some questions. She talked about makeup and showed off a drawing of hers. She seems pretty chill. Her dad interrupted to say something and a someone left this hilarious comment (pic related) lol.
No. 359479
>>359461Earlier someone asked Libby if she thought Dana was pretty and Libby said she only saw Dana once but thinks everyone is pretty. AL said she thinks Dana is pretty. I thought it was shitty that AL read that particular question out loud though, she should have left Libby out of all that.
They were all talking about Libbys dad even the commenters were making dad jokes and someone in the comments knew his name. That freaked out Libby a bit and AL told her they probably found his name through facebook. AL didn't seem too bothered and said she thought about getting rid of her facebook but she gets all her news from there.
Al said she had been on for nearly 4 hours but that's way better than 10 hours at her old job. Someone brought up DVTs and AL said that you can get those from sitting too long as she explained to Libby like sitting at school for 8 hours a day. She completely forget that people walk throughout the building during school hours to get to their classes which is way more activity than AL gets on the average day.
AL told Libby her date last night was good but her new crush moves slow like molasses. She said she's liking that but it's
very different from what she's used to. They were playing smash or pass from suggestions in the comments and AL found a way to mention that when she was bisexual she liked black guys but that was in highschool. Libby said she would like to visit Kentucky to see them and meet their new friends. AL mentioned to Libby that she could meet you know who. Libby called the guy she was referring to a gross redneck and said he tastes like cigarettes. AL said spill the tea and asked if she kissed him? Libby said he was pushy and she felt taken advantage of saying how gross he tasted. Libby said he could be seen in ALs moving out video. AL kept asking questions about the type of kiss and Libby said I don't want to talk about it he's gross.
Libby seemed surprised and curious that you can get paid from younow and AL said she'd tell her how much you can earn from bars later. People in the comments were suggesting that Libby could do youtube or younow but Libby is not sure what she would do that would be entertaining. She talked about the kinds of comments AL gets and isn't sure how she would deal with that. AL told Libby that she gets recognized in public all the time and that she loves it. People in the comments were saying that Peter Monn came on and is talking crap about AL and Destiny, AL said she wanted receipts. I've heard of that guy but never seen any of his videos before. Someone said Trisha was on younow too and she would guest with AL if she would just say hi. AL freaked out and said I can't, I wouldn't know what to say. Libby was encouraging her to talk to Trisha but AL said I need to go, I have stuff to do. So as AL finally got off of younow she said it wasn't because of Trisha sempai noticing her and that she really does have things to do like walk Twinkie and eat.
No. 360058
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>>360036Not exactly what she said…
No. 360408
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Fucking kek
No. 360409
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No. 360410
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>>360409From destinys snapchat
No. 360594
>>360567She's so eager to insinuate that she's "eating so little rly everyone else is a fatty did you see the weight destiny gained? Did I mention this is diet btw? I didn't eat all this soup btw only a bowllll saving the rest for laterrr btw totally walked earlier.. I'm only having one of these!"
Do you think she makes up these health-based lies to her friends off camera too or the acts just for her online persona and irl she's a full-on no-shame glutton?
>constantly eats all day every day>"I'm very familiar with nutrition, I know how to moderate. I've literally been starving myself. I've been losing weight.">gains 100+ lbs in yearDoes she say these things for show or is she in denial? She never outright says she's skinny but she tries so damn hard to project on camera that she lives like a skinny girl. Even if she doesn't eat ever she's still a hamplanet. No matter what she says, as long as she's extremely morbidly obese, no1currs or believes any of it besides her.
No. 360666
>>360660Sorry for samefag, hit post by mistake.
Also wanted to say that I don't doubt she's the same irl. Hamberlynn only hangs out with enablers. Every single friend she has is a landwhale herself, and/or stupid af. They probably believe it when she says she mysteriously keeps gaining weight because they do not know anything about nutrition themselves and probably don't understand where their own weight gain comes from.
For example Sharla parrots everything AL says. When people on Younow got pissed at AL for chugging diet soda, she kept bitching about how AL lost weight (sure Jan) and water doesn't quench everyone's thirst (lolwhat?). For a diabetic shr's impressively naive.
Not a single person she hangs out with is healthy, or critical of AL. All they do is cart her around to feed her more garbage and go yas gorl slay slaaaaay.
No. 360806
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>>360773There's something honestly amazing about the ZERO SUGAR PEPSI placed right in the front of the camera shot. Amberlynn is totally losing weight and dieting just look at this healthy beverage she drinks while she shoves taquitos and shitty processed mac and cheese down her gullet.
No. 360858
>>360773Iirc she said in one of her weigh-ins that she is not actively trying to lose weight at the moment, but she also said it was her new year's resolution to lose 100 lbs this year, hence all the fake weigh-ins. I am looking forward to her stuffing her face at Texas Roadhouse and becoming more and more swollen while simultaneously claiming she's magically losing all her weight without trying.
It's so obvious she's given up. Ever since Destiny broke up with her, she's becoming more and more vile. She obviously thinks she's hot shit with her childish glitter makeup, greasy hair and chokers disappearing in her fat folds, now that her viewers keep telling her how ugly Dana is and how she's the prettier whale. As long as she can still get enablers, dates and asspatters irl she is not ever going to change. I wonder how much longer she has left before she keels over and goes to the great Walmart in the afterlife.
No. 361009
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No. 361088
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apparently big AL's aunt just reached out to her (minutes ago) on Younow. She asked her a couple of questions and Tammy got them right…
No. 361094
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Her auntie is on fire.
No. 361095
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No. 361260
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No. 361261
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No. 361262
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No. 361269
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>>361262How does anyone look in the mirror and see a literal circle for a body every day and say "I don't need to make any big changes to my diet"
No. 361339
>>361260It's the same fucking hairstyle she always has!
Ohemgee, so sorry, gurl, my hair is lookin a mess righ nao lezbereal.
plays with strands fat giggle No. 361341
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No. 361342
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No. 361344
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>>361341All I can see every time I see a new Destiny pic…
No. 361585
>>361558Yeah, AL said before that Mary is not supportive of gays, but she also seemed annoyed af in that one video where Mary was moving into her new apartment while AL didn't lift a finger to help her and kept filming her. I'd like to think she meant good luck finding someone willing to marry a vapid morbidly obese leech who cannot do anything for herself. Good luck finding a wedding dress you fit into.
It's funny now most of AL's friends seem to tolerate her rather than like her. She hangs out with the ex, the ex's new gf who openly drags her ass online, a bunch of high school kids and the openly homophobic redneck. The only one who really seems to want her around is Sharla, and it's hard to say if it's because she's an attention whore who wants to weasel her way into AL's YT video, or if they connect because they're both as vapid, unhealthy and annoying as each other.
Either way, gorllll needs to love herself and maybe make some genuine friendships with people who are NOT asspatters and enablers, but I suppose that's not easy when you bring nothing to the table.
No. 361665
>>352777>>361585Honestly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if AL's "Friends" have a secret group to sabotage her. I mean Dana was in that hate group and it always seems like AL is desperate to stay friends with those girls while they're trying their hardest just to tolerate AL. It's kind of like the middleschool mean girl shit, they probably have a group message on their phone where they plan things or say things without AL.
Anywho, I think she needs new friends who have the better goals. Someone who can push her to make right dietary and financial decisions.
I wonder if someone like that approached AL to be friends with her and took her out to eat salads and taught her how to fiscally plan… what would happen.
Would AL be annoyed at not getting her way or would she start to change? Hm
No. 361691
>>361665I wouldn't really say they're out to sabotage her, they probably talk behind her back though. No idea for what reason they keep her around, but it has been speculated that AL probably pays for their meals/shopping trips etc and that's why they let her tag along. It shows how much of a leech Al really is though. Any sane person would not want to be friends with anyone who is so openly against you or the things you believe in, so it speaks volumes that AL still calls these people friends. It's almost as if the only standard she has is licence, car, stable income and a place of their own.
I think she would 100% be annoyed if she ever met a "good friend". I don't remember where she said that, but I'm pretty sure I remember Destiny saying AL literally yells at her if she doesn't get her way. Something like "I'm 24 years old, if I want to eat out tonight I'm going to eat out!" She's an overgrown toddler, an Ambaby if you will. If she met a skinny/healthy girl who did not talk in teenspeak and cared enough about her to want her to be healthy too, imagine the chimpout if they went to a restaurant together and she said something along the lines of "Amber, maybe it's not a good idea to order nachos, fried pickles and a huge steak in one sitting. That salad there sounds pretty good though, what do you think? I'll have one, too." She'd bitch endlessly about how she hasn't eaten all day, about how everyone deserves a cheat meal, about how she lost a whopping 23 pounds in the last 2 years (after gaining like 150 or so), and how it's okay because it fits into her calorie budget just like diet soda, which is totally okay because it has no sugar and no calories.
She only hangs out with enablers, but that's how she likes it. Even her Youtube shows she can't handle any criticism whatsoever. All the feedback she wants is yas gorl slayyyy. I think the only friend she ever had who cared about her weight loss was Krystle.
No. 361694
>>361692Maybe. I don't have any experience with foster care (thankfully), but I heard some kids get used to strangers caring and providing for you. Like when she was living with Destiny's mom and people on Younow, Snapchat etc. were asking her how much rent she paid to stay there, her reaction was "wtf why should I pay rent???" She also threw a fit on Younow a while ago because Destiny was supposed to pick her up and drive her to Walmart so that she could buy some storage boxes, but then she wanted to bring Dana and her boxes would not have fit into a car filled to the brim with 3 landwhales.
It's like she has no shame about depending on others for everything. She seems to think it's normal that others do everything for her while she contributes nothing. This might be something she learned in foster care, and since nobody ever seems to push her (hard enough) towards independence, she hasn't matured a bit.
No. 361774
>>352777so what WOULD work?
By no means am I trying to be a whiteknight or save AL's poor ass, but lets all be honest. Everything she does is getting old.
Surely, the trainwreck was entertaining for a bit, but seeing it go in circles and circles. It's really disconcerting and annoying. Now I would like to see content of her actually changing.
She should know youtube is about Balance. Sure have a trainwreck, but balance it out with a positive outcome..
NO, not the bullshit weighin video where she has to sound like a pig being drowned to stand on that industrialized scale that's probably used to weigh meat at the butchers.
Like Shaycarl, he was a religious trainwreck in the beginning. But he also lost weight and had it together for a bit and then had a bigger wreck with that cam girl.
All I'm saying it, I want to see different content. Some positive ones, even if she has to bitch and moan. I want to see her wake up on a decent time and cook herself an oatmeal and walk around the block 3 times.
So she denies therapy, is surrounded by enablers … there must be something there…
Just for the sake of different content
No. 361803
>>361774The one thing that really makes me not want to watch AL anymore, apart from her killing herself with food, is how vapid she's become recently. Two years ago she used to talk like a human being, now she talks like a human Instagram account. And ever since Destiny left her she's become even more of a cunt. All that shade she throws at Dana is hilarious considering that in the past she tried so hard pretending to be a nice person.
Tbh I think AL is at a turning point now. This is the first time in 7 years that she has nowhere to go. She jumped from gf to gf but the chick she's currently talking to (Becky) said she wants to take it slow, which either means she's not really that into the hambeast or at least not as much of an easily manipulated idiot as her past gfs. Destiny effectively moved out and she's alone in a house with four animals she can't care for. Speaking of the house, it's a mess now so it's obvious she can't keep it clean. She's also pantsless most of the time so probably can't even dress herself without help. Without Destiny, she likely doesn't earn enough to afford her lifestyle much longer. She needs a new caretaker quickly, but that's not going to happen. Out of her 4 main friends (Destiny, Dana, Mary, Sharla), three are openly throwing shade at her and/or appear to be fed up. Yes, she's still surrounded by enablers but the question is how much longer they want her around.
Imo Amberlynn doesn't lose weight because it's hard and would not benefit her. She's too fat to work, sit and drive so she has all these things done for her. Her morbid obesity gets her attention on YT and despite everything she still manages to make friends and get dates. Sure, if she were at a healthy weight she'd be more comfortable, and she'd actually have a neck to put a choker on. But I suppose she'd also be expected to grow up and do things for herself, so the cons outweigh the pros.
The only way I can ever see her lose some weight is if her enablers got tired of her bullshit and she had to step up and take responsibility for herself. At the moment things don't look so good for her, and I know that this year she will visit her ex Krystle for a whole month, who is the only person who actually wanted AL to lose weight. If she gets desperate enough I can see her attempting to diet again so that she can stay with her. Either way her chances are small unless she gets her head out of her ass. People like her usually fail.
No. 361817
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>>361803>>Two years ago she used to talk like a human being, now she talks like a human Instagram account. your whole post is on point but this ^ made me kek. she has to stop with YAAASSS and GOALS, fuck. that shit is ridiculous, especially when you stop to think she's 26. and her chokers
trigger the fuck out of me, she needs to stop getting them. i remember she complained about people saying fat girls shouldnt wear chokers, and i know some fat girls that could rock chokers, but in her case its true. if you dont have a neck, dont wear a choker. most of the time you can't even see she's wearing one, jesus.
No. 361823
>>361817Idk, if she said shit like yas and slayyy when she's alone talking to the camera it would still be annoying, but at least it would be somewhat self-ironic, "this is how we're supposed to talk on the internet, right u guise?!?". But she also does it around her friends and it makes her sound like a shut-in who only socializes through the internet and forgot how actual human beings communicate with each other.
Tbh if she wanted to troll by wearing chokers even though she has no neck and they look like shit on her I wouldn't be so bothered. I mean she has to walk around like that, not me. More power to her. But her choker obsession started like three weeks ago and she already bought so many. She won't even be able to wear all that cheap plastic shit before the fad dies down and she'll toss them into her already impressive jewelry hoard, never to be seen again. It blows my mind how someone in their mid-twenties can be that impulsive and irresponsible. I'm sure she also has a shopping addiction at this point. Whatever helps her fill the void in her life lol
No. 361894
>>361803you get to that size through pathological eating and enablers. even someone who drives her around, allowing her to avoid learning to drive or facing any issues over her weight re. getting licensed, is enabling her.
she's probably not ready to give up the eating so no amount of diet attempts will work. I've just watched that 600lb ep with 'james k' so maybe I'm more pessimistic than normal.
No. 361907
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>>361851If she wanted to hide her beetus she'd also have to start wearing gloves and cover up that hole that's been in her arm for 9+ months. That tiny little band around her neck/chins doesn't really help all that much.
I think she wears chokers because she's a troll/loves to sabotage herself. People say fat girls shouldn't wear chokers because you need a neck for that, so she wears them anyways because she knows it'll get a reaction out of people. And not only does she love wearing them, she has to buy 40,000 in a single month because people also regularly give her shit about her spending habits.
I'm sure she lurks. She repeatedly set up fake FB accounts to infiltrate the AL group, so of course she's going to read what people say about her on forums/imageboards where you don't even have to sign up, especially because people always post info from the group. She already explained away the massive gash on her arm by saying she had OCD and compulsively picks her skin, which is why the wound doesn't heal. I suppose her "strategy" for the skin discoloration is not bringing it up and hoping that people don't notice. She's still in denial.
AL, if you're reading this pls don't be stupid and at least get some medical assistance. You're friends with two diabetics so you should know how dangerous this shit is when it goes unchecked. Don't address it online if you're that ashamed of it, but please consider that you're already killing yourself by being 500 lbs, you really don't need diabetes-related complications to help you out.
No. 362308
>>362184Not yet anon, not yet.
I hope one of her baes will drive her to the hospital once she starts having issues.
No. 362742
>>362592Awww cute, she thinks heating up frozen food is cooking. Sometimes I wonder when's the last time she had a green leafy vegetable.
>>362653Hard to say. She keeps tweeting/snapping about how she has to get her shit together, and she keeps faking weigh-ins so I suppose she is still somewhat bothered about her weight. But then you see her portion sizes and how many times she's eating out, and it's pretty obvious she's given up.
She either really thinks she's the Queen of Moderation and underestimates the amount of calories she consumes in a day, and thinks one day she's going to wake up skinny if she wishes hard enough. She keeps bragging about how much she knows about nutrition but it's obvious she's really clueless.
Or she does have moments of clarity where she knows she's screwing herself, but then she remembers that losing weight is harder than binging, so she eats like a pig while halfheartedly trying to convince everyone around her that she's really truly honestly cross my heart and hope to die still losing weight somehow.
No. 362795
>>362742Here is the snapchat conversation you're referring to where she talks about getting recommitted to weight loss. She seems more concerned about getting cute and follows it up by saying she might feel differently by tomorrow lol.
I think she is genuinely clueless about healthy eating and nutrition regardless of how much googling she has done on the topic. At her size if she consistently maintained even a relatively small calorie deficit the weight would be falling off of her. That she ever called herself the queen of moderation tells us how delusional she can be.
No. 362849
>>362795Yeah, that's the one. Sorry, should have linked it. Tfw realization finally hits you but then you're like nah. Change is hard.
Anyways, iirc the only time she ever lost weight was when she was living with/off Krystle's parents, ergo when she ate what other people put in front of her. There's no way she knows anything about nutrition. Everything she eats is saltier than the dead sea, but somehow she's still proud of the processed crap she "cooks" (for lack of a better word) and claims on YT that it's totes healthy. She also has no concept of normal portion sizes and it's blatantly obvious. Remember that plate she wolfed down during her last mookbong? 1,400 calories.
>>362843To be fair her stomach is likely stretched to shit and she has got to be hungry 24/7. If you and I ate a whole pizza we'd be full for a day and a half, but for Big AL it's likely just a light snack. That's why people like her really really need to learn how to cook if they want to lose weight. Cook and count calories, that's step one. A lot of processed food is calorie dense but not really filling, like a shitty little hamburger that will make you feel hungry again in an hour and a half but still has calories out the ass. If you eat vegetables on the other hand, like a proper salad with a homemade sauce that doesn't add unnecessary calories, and no extra bullshit added like corn or guacamole, you can eat comparatively huge portions, not go hungry because veggies take longer to digest, and still create a calorie deficit.
Like seriously, she doesn't even have a job. She could stand in the kitchen all day chopping vegetables. She has absolutely no excuse except lazyness.
No. 362878
>>362849If she won't get a proper glucose tolerance test she should at least go to a pharmacy and buy a home glucose monitor… they aren't even that expensive compared to all the money she spends on stupid shit from Walmart.
Amber, because I know you read here, here is what you do:
Take a blood sugar reading as soon as you wake up in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. That number should be below 100 mg/dL. A reading up to 125 means you are prediabetic, and above 125 typically means you have full-on beetus.
Now eat a meal, preferably one that's higher in simple carbohydrates or that has some sugar so you can test what your body is capable of… so yeah, go ahead and eat a plate of pancakes and syrup or whatever. Then wait one hour, without eating or drinking anything else in the meantime. Take a blood sugar reading, and that number should be below 140.
A healthy person with a functioning pancreas will never see their blood sugar rise above 140 even after a giant sugar and carb loaded meal.
I'd take back everything vile I've ever said about her if she can prove that her blood sugar is consistently within normal ranges, but that will never happen.
No. 363101
>>363089I think her height is 5'3 I'm not sure if it's true. A woman who sits around all day doesn't burn many calories.
I'm 5'5 and I burn 1450calories from sitting and doing nothing all day
No. 363138
>>363119I don't know how comatose or midget or muscular dystrophied you are but generally women aged anywhere up to menopause can maintain healthy weight on significantly more than that. 1200 is usually for weight loss unless you have unusually low BMR.
Sage ffs
No. 363299
>>363138>>3631191200 is weight loss for most people. Just using an online TDEE calculator with a rough estimate of her height and weight says she's maintaining her weight at about 3390 calories a day
This is starting to derail the thread, bring it back to talking about AL and stop arguing about stupid shit
No. 363300
>>363218If the 1,100 calories/day were meant for a hypothetical skinny Amberlynn, they make even less sense. If AL lost weight (which lezzbereal will never happen), it would probably involve a fair amount of working out, and she would probably build up quite a bit of muscle mass from carrying her 500+ lbs around. She's too lazy to suffer through the mild discomfort of physical activity or restrictive eating though, so it's a moot point anyways.
Either way, who cares. The point was that she overeats, which I think we can all agree on. It's hilarous that she's eating portions that big but still steps on the scale expecting a weight loss.
No. 363315
>>363310Don't forget about "I haven't eaten all day", which makes a glorious return in her latest vlog.
If dis bitch ate the way she thinks she's eating, she'd be the Walmart version of Eugenia Cooney.
Tbh at this point she should just smash up her scale/put it out of its misery and jump on the HAES train. They would fucking love her because she pretends to eat like a sparrow and yet she's the size of a whale. Other landwhales love that because they want to justify their own unhealthy lifestyles by saying they can't get thin anyways because muh genetics.
I always gave AL credit because unlike all the other fat cows she at least acknowledges that she has an unhealthy relationship with food and is fat for a reason, but if you don't do anything about it what's the point? When you're going to die of heart failure at 35 anyways, you might as well go out with a bang and eat 20 donuts a day.
No. 363614
"Don't forget about "I haven't eaten all day", which makes a glorious return in her latest vlog. " She's so absurd with that. I remember she said that in the pizza eating video, how eating carrots wouldn't be healthy because there's no enough calories, as if too few calories are her problem. Three 'big slices', her own phrasing, is what she eats just to, 'get something in' her stomach. A normal person will eat a snack or a piece of fruit, make a deli sandwich, something normal. Then she declares, the diet pills, 'must be working' while she's cramming the 3rd slice in her mouth. One of the most ridiculous things I've ever witnessed.
No. 363630
>>363614Her old pizza video makes me rage like no other. She had just started taking the diet pills then and claimed that they were making her not hungry and not wanting to eat anything. While stuffing those 3 slices of pizza into her mouth she stated several times how she didn't want to be eating. She's so goddamned stupid that she didn't realize that the whole POINT of those pills is to kill your appetite so you can more easily lower your daily caloric consumption.
I'm not saying I think those pills are a good idea for anyone, but I was eye-rolling so hard at her not feeling hungry at all yet still stuffing her face with a high calorie food.
No. 363635
>>363630That just goes to show that fat girls only do mookbongs to have an excuse to binge.
AL keeps saying she
has to overeat because she's filming a mookbong, and she has to film a mookbong because people request it all the time. Then when people get bitchy she says she hasn't eaten all day or it's okay because it fits into her calorie budget or everybody deserves a cheat day. Gurl has had enough cheat days to last a lifetime and yet she keeps pretending like she's such a dainty eater. It's ridiculous.
She has the choice to say no and not eat like a pig. But it's what she wants to do. Shows how serious she is about her weight loss journey.
No. 363642
>>363315 A sparrow eats twice its body size in food a day.
So calling her appetite sparrow like is accurate.
No. 363648
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I saw this hilarious comment from her grocery haul video.
No. 363813
>>363101Holy shit, how do you people survive? I eat well around 3000 calories, if you include my beer intake. And I'm 5'4 and 99lbs. I'm starting to think I have thyroid problems.
Sage for blog post.
No. 364028
>>363888She sounds pretty mature when she says living alone will be good for her and she wants to learn how to drive, but we all know she's already looking for the next feeder behind the scenes, and as soon as she finds another person to live off of, all of that will be forgotten.
Sharla really sounded like she wanted to hang out with her that night. Pure joy. And why the fuck would you film your ex gf pulling up her pants in public and post it for the world to see? Ewww. These people have no shame.
No. 364080
>>364067Because she's a hillbilly who hasn't been taught proper table manners. In one of AL's v-logs she's eating egg drop soup and ends up with more egg on her face than in her mouth.
Every single friend AL has is the definition of white trash, but they have zero shame. They're so fascinating to watch.
No. 364082
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AL, please show this to Sharla. I don't even see how it's comfortable to hold a fork like that.
No. 364358
>>3643512-3 years is a lot of time to change, especially if you're still rather young. The sad thing is that she changed for the worse in every way imaginable. She's fatter. She's unhealthier. She's less mature. She's dumber. She's more arrogant. She's lazier.
It really shows that Krystle cared about her and wanted her to get better/lose weight, but Destiny didn't give a fuck, and neither do any of her other piglets, so AL stopped giving a fuck, too. And with all those Youtubers acknowledging her, she's getting more and more arrogant about her "Youtube job".
And yet all her enablers in the comment section still think the "haters" are the bad guys. Yas gorl slayyyyyyy.
No. 364491
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>>364490also lul at this in the comments section
No. 364710
>>364696To her hanging out = pigging out. Every time she says in a vlog that she'll hang out with X today, the very next shot is of that person's face buried in a plate full of fast food crap. She's such a shallow person that her only interests are food and spending money on cheap shit. To be fair she's reached a point where she's getting winded from standing, so she's disqualified herself from a lot of activities she could be doing.
She'd be so much healthier and happier if she'd get into a different social circle. But she's given up anyways so whatever. She seriously needs to defend her binge eating though. It's so annoying. Like just eat the pizza, nobody believes that you haven't eaten all day and literally never eat.
No. 364833
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People on YouNow (the Youtube stream part) are saying that this is her "new boo". Anyone else got any info?
No. 364873
>>364833The only thing I know is that they were supposed to have a date on a Saturday, then AL said there was a change of plans and she'll hang with Sharla instead, but then she went on a date anyways? She said afterwards that the date went well, the chick said she looked even prettier (fatter) irl, but she wanted to take it slow and get to know AL before they start a relationship. Ever since then she never said anything else about dating someone so either the chick wants to take it really slow or she's not that interested. AL never said who she was talking to, but some people on Kiwi messaged Becky to "warn" her about AL, and Becky responded that she doesn't do drama and AL knows that, and at the first sign of something fishy happening she'll be out.
So yes Becky and AL are talking somehow, but nobody knows if they're a thing/still hanging out. I'd recommend not harassing Becky on social media because she really doesn't deserve getting shit just because AL sucked her into her gravitational field.
No. 365606
>>365323AL tries so hard to convince everybody that she's soooo independent now, "lol u guise I used to be a u-haul lesbian but not anymore! XD", but it's obvious she's really bothered. Left to her own devices, she's completely screwed. She hardly vlogs anymore because she's housebound unless her friends take pity on her and drive her around.
I don't know if she's actively talking to other chicks but I'm sure she's not going to wait for Becky if something/someone else comes up. I know Krystle is visiting her this year and then she'll go stay with her for a month or so. I bet she's not going to be leaving voluntarily. After all Krystles parents loved her and cried sooo hard when she finally moved out, so it would be really selfish to make them go through that again amirite?
No. 366019
>>365753"This is why I'm okay without cho ass." Yeah, unless you need a ride. The way she keeps inserting herself into Dana's and Destiny's relationship tho. You can basically smell the awkwardness.
And lol @ her thinking she and her gang of piglets have "fans". All she does is eat and shop, does she really think that warrants fans?
>>365990To be fair I don't know if she has panda eyes because she's too lazy to wash off her makeup or because of her beetus. Her neck and knuckles are definitely fucked though.
No. 366192
>>365820hi Dana
Al is bad but Dustin is the worse
No. 366220
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>>365820>Oh and where was Al when her kindergarten taught her how to use the safety scissors? Those photos in the frame looked like they'd been hacked at with plastic knives.IKR? It doesn't look like she even really tried.
No. 367468
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A little update for everyone who's wondering, Becky is still around.
Dana and Destiny now have a total of three puppies: The australian shepherd mix, a chihuahua and a beagle mix. Plus Jax the cat who I guess is now an outside cat after not having been fixed and having been an inside cat for all his life. These people have been dating for 2 months and aren't home for 10+ hours at a time. Now taking bets how long it'll take before all of their animals are either dead or abandoned.
No. 368020
>>367761she. wants. a. g. wagon…
i just want her to get better but honestly mentally, it has been a downward spiral. hope if A.L. is lurking she sees this video.
Same issues, cant fit in to cars or anything.
get less chips
No. 375405
>>371979Sage for OT but people need to get over carding meaning anything to begin with.
Most places have a policy where if someone looks under 40 or 60 they get carded, no exceptions.
It's pathetic of some people to think the cashiers care about validating strangers on whether they appear young. And not that they're just following a dumb store policy that could cost them the job if they don't card. Jeez.
No. 375887
>>375405When Amberlynn said she couldn't go in because she doesn't have an ID, I immediately thought that was code for she just didn't want to get out of the car or was ashamed to get out. She's used so many excuses in the past for why she used to sit in Destiny's car vlogging instead of going inside with her.
Do places really card you just for going inside a liquor store? I've never been carded just for walking inside, only when I am the one actually making the purchase.
No. 381528
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This link was left in the comments of her most recent vid. Apparently someone screencapped their DMs with Dana. Not sure where the rest are but hopefully someone can find. I think a very amusing subplot in all this will be when Destiny's beady FAS eyes shift off of Dana and onto another new and shiny whale. Leaving Dana in roughly the same spot as AL, alone and caring for a shitload of animals.
No. 382157
>>382145People on lolcow have stopped though? No one has said anything in like a month and you're the one bringing it up again. The comment sections in her videos are cancer though, they always come up with stupid theories and analysis.
>>381695She tells people that she has a new GF, say they've been together for a month, buy her flowers and chocolate. And says she's going to see her family. The other video i don't really remember much… I think it was the usual "I'm going out to eat with Mary" and the rest of it was her crying about her mom having cancer (yes, it was really sad)
No. 382268
>>382145absolutely. i mean, go on any dating site and you'll notice that the male vs female ratio is crazy. she can easily find some loser to date and manipulate. getting attention from a bi girl /or finding another lesbian at all, is waaaay harder.
and i don't think that's she's obnoxious about it either. she's not talking about her sexuality 24/7 or anything like that. she's not getting any money or recognition from being an "LGBT youtuber!". people give her attention cause she's fat and that's it. i don't think she's faking shit.
the problem is that she treats her partners like shit, not that she picks female partners. fuck all that. those posters in the kiwi thread are ridiculous. they act as if she's a straight mastermind pretending to be a lesbian to destroy women. deeeelussionnn
No. 382856
>>382270Tbh completely honest I THINK she might have been starting to lose weight lately, so no (I watch her videos religiously for the sake of curiosity, so I'm not a fan or a h8rrrr but neutral). Some people have commented on how her double chin seems a bit smaller, and I think I can see the difference.
She did seem to gain a lot of weight from 2016 to Feb or March though.
No. 382877
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>>382817this just in, users on kiwi farm think they are superior human beings to lolcow users. to the kiwis who are lurking here and getting
triggered: get the fuck over yourselves. we're all drama hungry bitches gossiping about people online, and you trying to adopt this holier-than-thou attitude is kind of pathetic. I've seen it more than once, not just in relation to this thread.
at least we don't spend most of our time jerking each other off for internet points because we don't have a stupid rating system.
No. 384708
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Just creeping through destiny's Instagram. There are some real cringey gems of her/amberlynn. I know the ~drama~ has cooled down tremendously but I'm still grossly fascinated by both of them
No. 384709
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No. 384711
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This one.
No. 386878
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>>354521This girl claims to have known AL when they were kids. I found this in the comment section of this video, you can sort the comments by most recent to see it.
No. 389463
>>389459Plenty of male pig fuckers and feeders around. I'm more surprised the dating pool in Kentucky for lesbians is as big (gorl!) as it appears. Be easier to attract a male to be fair
>>389460Who is Nene?
No. 390628
>>389376Becky is basically both of Krystal and Destiny merged into one.
Has Krystal's downy miserable sagged face and Destiny's hideous manly style alas baby elephant body to boot.
She certaintly has a type
No. 391352
>>391208It grates on me when she taps her damn nails on everything
>>391226Yup. I also don't see how sex is physically possible - though I'd prefer not to dwell too much on it.
No. 433299
>>432766I'm coming back over here from the Kiwi thread. Null initially locked the thread but then he created an entire subforum devoted to her. The new section has no rules because apparently their mods hated the thread and couldn't handle moderating it any longer. Now their pathetic dox-happy members are shitposting and threatening to dox anyone who annoys them.
I get that forums have a certain culture to them and that many ended up in the Kiwi AL thread because they Googled her name looking for a place to vent about her. And that made the KF regulars all salty.
So whatever. I'm back here and I hope many of the other who were hanging out in the KF thread end up here as well so this thread can be active again.
for content… in Amber's latest Q&A video the darkness on her hands and fingers is worse than it has ever been. It's terrifying to see.
No. 433980
>>433934AL is super milky but almost no one gives a shit about her because they care way too much about dry weebs and pseudo anachans. I'm not and never was a member of KF, and I haven't posted on lc in ages, but it's hard to find a place to discuss AL. I'm not really a haturrrr, and somehow I'm still rooting for her, but it's hard to interact with anyone who watches her videos. Her comment sections are pure cancer.
Latest news on AL:
- moved in with Becky and her roomies after dating/knowing each other for only 4 months
- gave her beloved furbabies/cats to her frenemy Rafe saying she couldn't have them at her new place
- said she wasn't
allowed to renew her lease because "I didn't want to"
- is being generally very rude to her fans on YN
- made her fans believe she was serious about weight watchers only to say screw it after only a week
Etc etc
No. 434363
>>433299people were getting pissed because of the whiteknights and a-logs. not that the thread existed but the resulting cancer was an annoyance. with shit threads talking about exceptional youtubers recording elevators and toilets KF is not immune to utter garbage.
the great thing about Null moving the thread to its own subforum is all the retarded posting about how fucking fat she is and how im totally better than her because im only 95kg is basically gone.
sage for KF sperg
No. 434383
>>434355>>434363Oh I agree with you that that anon should've saged their posts. Momo is a weeb cow though; that's the crowd that likes makes fun of her or likes her.
About KF: I'm not a poster there, so I don't know anything really.
There are tons of milky and interesting things to discuss about AL, but unfortunately this board isn't interested.
No. 462320
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>>462239I haven't watched that video but I've been following the drama on KF. Basically Amberlynn dumped two of her cats with Rafe and paid her $20 a month to feed and care for them. Even though that's a hideous underpayment for 2 cats Rafe agreed because she grew attached to them and was worried that AL would just dump them at some shelter and they would get separated, which would be awful for the cats since they were bonded.
Amberlynn being the lazy loaf that she is, never had either of the cats fixed. Rafe admitted this on discord, and the chat got together and donated her money to get the cats fixed, paid directly to the vet. The appointment was set up and everything, then Rafe retardedly blabbed to Amberlynn about the appointment via text saying she was going to get them fixed and was that ok?
Amberlynn proceeded to lose her shit, saying that she wanted to "be there for the cats during the procedure", had Becky drive her down to Rafe's place and retrieved the cats. It's clear to everyone involved that Big AL has zero intentions of ever getting them fixed. Lied in the past before that she couldn't get them fixed because there was a law and her cats "weren't old enough" (complete bullshit, no such law existed) but now has retracted that and said they were old enough.
Rafe was upset by the whole thing and posted to discord about how Amberlynn had horrible living conditions for her pets (no surprise there) and didn't take care of them to the point that it's borderline abuse/neglect. AL retaliated by taking potshots at Rafe and calling her house dirty, lying about how much money she would give her, all the standard bullshit that she's known for. The drama left off with her now claiming that there's an appointment to get her cats fixed in the near future but knowing AL, she's going to keep pushing it off and pushing it off, and her cats are never going to get fixed. She doesn't give a flying fuck about any of her animals.
Pic is screenshot of the cats & discord user who offered to pay.
No. 462325
Shit has been going down lately, so I'll try to sum things up from the very beginning around when this thread stopped being updated:
Amber wanted to move in with Becky but she said she couldn't have her cats there, only Twinkie, because the house owner didn't want more animals there. So she dropped them at Rafe's. She kept telling her fanbase she deeply missed them and had contact with them all the time, and that she was paying Rafe money for their food every month. She would often stay at her house and sleep there, and go on YouNow at her house.
Fast forward:
For some reason I'm not sure why, Rafe contacted people in an AL discussion discord group saying AL never really cared about the cats and didn't really pay her, and that AL took the cats with her after Rafe asked her if she could get Rarity, one of ALs cats, fixed for free. Screenshots were posted on kf(? Not too sure about this part since I'm not a poster but I'm sure the screenshots were uploaded to of at this point) which prompted a bunch of people to ask AL wtf what was happening.
AL said she couldn't let Rarity stay at such a filthy environment after getting surgery, that's why she and Becky has to pick her up. And apparently the house owner allowed her to have her cats again, for 30 dollars a month. There's a lot more to the story, but that's my tldr version. In the video above they're basically explaining their side of the story and Becky rages and whines because Rafe betrayed her trust and ruined their friendship.
No. 484336

So is anyone else here still following her? She's lost about 20lbs since her latest decision to lose weight, started a couple weeks back. Averaging 2-3lbs weight loss per week which is kind of laughable considering she's on the cusp of 500lbs.
She's also been sick with the flu twice in a month. With all the flu outbreak that's been making the news and then the reporting of deaths of young, relatively healthy adults, I wonder if it might take her out? Her relative youth has been the only thing keeping her in a state of (questionably) good health for this long. That this is the biggest she's ever been (her claim), the comorbidities that go along with being so obese (that she likely has but her fear of facing reality keeps her from real diagnoses and management) and then being immunocompromised? She'll probably be fine, it was just a thought that crossed my mind watching her latest vlog.
It's also been interesting watching Eric's, her roommate, vlogs. Not only because we're treated to the truth of how massive and deformed she is, but because they, at times, highlight how rude and snappish she can be.
No. 485964
>>485199I didn't think that it would last this long either but Becky seems to have gotten sucked in. She is pretty unintelligent tbh so I'm not surprised.
Just a few updates on the situation:
> Becky quit her job/now vlogs with hamber
> Becky and Hamber have lost around 20-30 lbs each so far this year, with hamber disclosing 2 binging incidents
>rarity still isn't fixed. Hamber continues to blame the vet clinic for not calling her back after months of waiting. She has finally decided to find another vet to fix her cat. No. 512811
>>512754Oh man, I didn't even realize AL had a thread but this is all golden.
She's one of my favorite YouTubers. I've been on a weight loss journey for about a year now (60 lbs down, 20 to go) and every time I want to skip the gym or eat an awful meal I just watch some of her videos. She's such a terrible example, all of her dieting is fads, no real exercise, and I think the most damning thing is that by lying on YouTube she somehow convinces herself that she's made progress and deserves rewards like junk food and shit. I hope we see her get up to 550 within the year.
No. 530262
File: 1528838071941.jpg (75.03 KB, 616x686, bra.jpg)

>>528075She absolutely stays wearing that nasty depleted bra even with the alleged 10k a month! There was a pic from months back where you can see her from behind in a thin strappy top and she keeps the back band high up near her shoulder blades. She
might be able to find a bra somewhere but it would be costly and she'd really need to get properly measured but I doubt she would ever even try to do that.
No. 530283
File: 1528840652250.png (1.77 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1320.PNG)

>>530262I found the pic I was looking for, I would sage if I could.
No. 532674
>>532395She said it's all WW fault because the program allowed her to eat shitty food.
Also, she says that she is/was recently 593 pounds and not the 500 pounds she claimed she was a few months ago.
My 600lb life, here we are.
No. 532752
>>532743I'm not too familiar with WW, but she explained it that certain health foods will be 0 points, like chicken. So, she would go and eat chicken nuggets from McDonald's or something and count it as zero points.
Also, she said that she usually rewards herself at the end of the day for "doing so good".
Yeah she fucked it all up.
No. 532818
>>532752Ok but a quick Google search gives a site that gives ww points for every MacDonald's menu item and it's actually 12. she is dumb enough to not bother checking that different chicken dishes have different health values or she's dumb enough to think it wouldn't make a difference and she could cheat the diet as if it were a game using the points for regular chicken whenever she ate it
Honestly though, if you're on a diet fast food should just be an automatic no
No. 533773
File: 1529594352977.png (85.21 KB, 750x458, IMG_3359.PNG)

Why is Hamber retweeting shit like this? The only way Necky could be seen as abusive is if you count enabling abuse, but a lot of people speculate that Becky doesn't actually enable Amber until Amber throws fits and such
No. 556172
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from old thread didnt get to post my bad shoop because thread max.
No. 556173
File: 1533071114423.jpg (45.24 KB, 640x640, AirBrush_20180731162943.jpg)

after (if she wasnt a lardass)
No. 556176
>>556174but could you imagine….
if she was healthy one day?
No. 556181
>>556172I don't get the "if she lost weight she would be sooooo cute!"
Hamber would be avarage at best.
No. 556348
>>556181shoop op here.
cute is pushing it. she would be average.
but she also wouldnt be on deaths door.
i think its just interesting to think of what she would look like normally instead of an actual planet.
No. 565533
File: 1534705447094.jpg (273.61 KB, 370x1001, img.jpg)

Update on AL
She is currently 528lbs, and has been bed bound for over a week due to depression.
Stopped her anti-depressants a few weeks ago but decided to go back on them recently. Is writing and reading her own poetry.
Claims to not have enough energy to go out to eat, brush her hair or bathe. Stays in her bed-nest because that's where her computer and television are. Still gets up to use the restroom though.
>unrelated but does anyone else think Becky looks like the thumb guys from Spy Kids?
No. 565560
>>565533>>565550Also forgot to mention she got a "casting call and audition" for "some reality show" but has not disclosed any further information. Promised to tell more if anything comes of it.
Drove all the way to Kentucky for PRIDE a few months ago but when the day came she was too tired and it was too hot so she did not attend any festivals. Ate at The Cheesecake Factory and shopped at Torrid every day instead.
No. 566139
>>565560yup. Sadly looks like Becky has been gaining some weight too. Hamber is so predatory.
Why is this thread fairly inactive? Considering how active she is on youtube. I like watching Amber's drama but it isn't as fun without seeing other people's reactions
No. 566140
>>566139also I just recalled she wore a dress from Torrid as a shirt because she is getting so big. Filmed herself "pranking' Becky by saying she did not want to lose weight and wanted to go on 600lb Life, which upset Becky a lot and she said something along the lines of "guess we'll just kill ourselves." Then Amber cackled at her and was like IT'S JUST A PRANK but she is obvs testing the waters.
Also claimed she's going to see a therapist but i'll believe it when i'll see it. she is getting sooo big. the full body shots are scary. she is annoying but i do want her to get healthy, she is honestly going to die if she keeps this up.
Since i follow her a bit i can pop in on some weekends and write up little updates for the thread. it really is quite the circus on her channel
No. 571429
>>571368Every one of big ALs girlfriends has gained weight with her. I guess it would be hard not to on her famous 14-different-kinds-of-salt chili.
I legit feel sorry for Becky. Before AL she had a job and weighed like 50lbs less.
No. 589332
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No. 589611
>>352777Ur Gorl's latest update.
it's so sad and pathetic… like she's fully given up at this point. 71 points for WW plus no exercise and still eating out everyday?
Shee still can't catch her breath while sitting down how many months later?
Hey Necky: you're going to be a widow soon just a very blunt heads up.
No. 611108
File: 1544225674726.png (161.38 KB, 2313x1709, Amberlynn 2018 Weight Progress…)

So after today's weigh in, Amberlynn is still hovering around 550-560 lb (& has been since Nov 1st). She started this year at 467 lb, so that's about 90 lbs gained this year alone!!
I was bored & curious so I tried searching for an Amberlynn weight loss tracker graph. Alas, no luck. Apparently I am the first person autistic enough to attempt this, but here's how it turned out.
I probably missed some weigh-ins because she has far too many videos.
Some interesting things I noticed:
- after she hit 500 lbs on April 29th, she lost 7 lbs over a 1.5 month period
- after which she gained 20 LBS IN 15 DAYS WTF (her record for quickest gain)
- she also gained 21 lb over a month from February to March (470→490)
No. 611110
>>611108Oh, also forgot to mention - Becky hasn't weighed in in a while, but if she's sticking with the same eating habits, she should be over 290 lb by now!
And Amberlynn is projected to hit 600 lb by April 2019.
Will end 2018 at ~565 lb.
No. 611535
>>611110Becky is well into the 300 pound range and has been for some time. She might've been around 290 maybe a year and a half ago.
The difference however between her and Amber is that she feels
shame for looking how she does. When you watch Amber's videos, you can tell Becky is extremely self-conscious. Clearly if YT wasn't how they earned their income, she would want nothing to do with being on camera. She's spoken about it before, specifically how her meds make her feel even more fucked.
Amber will end the year weighing 580 going on 600.
But honestly, after 400 pounds it's pretty much all the same. It only changes how much faster Amber will become more immobile and sicker. She's lost unless she gets bariatric surgery, or some kind of surgery that will make her physically ill when she overeats. Mentally she just can't do it.
No. 611639
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No. 611922
File: 1544408946359.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.49 KB, 1136x610, al2018.jpg)

>>611691Her head isn't the only part of her that's almost as wide as it is tall.
>>611108I've thought about making graphs before, her weight gain this year is actually alarming even to her "haters" but yet not to Amberlynn apparently. She's barely mobile anymore and her heavy breathing is now the background noise in her videos but she still won't put in serious efforts.
No. 614304
>>614224>>614269I'm wondering if we're watching the bedbound tipping point right now, in real time. Seems like this leg issue is bad and she's been pretending it away.
There is no amount of willpower or dieting that can overcome this level of pathological eating. She needs medical intervention.
No. 614474
>>614224>she's starting to be embarrassed to be seen in publicDo you really believe this?
There's no difference in her looks from what she weighed 100 pounds ago to how she looks now at almost 600.
As far as I recall, she's complained about bodily pain for the past year too at least.
She's only coming up with "embarrassment" and "leg pain" as excuses to mask that she is becoming permanently homebound.
How can she be direct to the point without admitting that she was wrong about how bad her weight was/is for years? Doubling down and acting arrogant is her defense mechanism.
Picture this: A normal human can hop out of bed in a few seconds.
Amber needs a few minutes just to prop herself up, gain the momentum to swing herself out of bed, and then lift up over 500 pounds of mass with her knees.
Of course going to the store or a restaurant would seem like gargantuan tasks when she needs so much effort and time alone to get out of the bed, get dressed, and bathe herself for what little she does.
Amber isn't even 30. She's a young woman and she's already worse than most geriatrics.
No. 614660
>>614474>Picture this: A normal human can hop out of bed in a few seconds.>Amber needs a few minutes just to prop herself up, gain the momentum to swing herself out of bed, and then lift up over 500 pounds of mass with her knees.Oh god anon, thank you for this horrifying thought. The prospect of being so trapped under your own weight that you can barely even stand yourself up is nightmare fuel. But she's just gotten used to it and let it come on slowly like a frog in a boiling pot…
I agree with the other anon that this is where her videos are going to start being more sad than entertaining. She's already started looking a little glassy-eyed as of a couple weeks ago, and in her last video she's started lashing out at the people closest to her irl (Becky, the fag shack). She's going downhill so fast now.
No. 614813
>>611922man, even simple things like going to the loo or having a shower must be a real struggle.
And I'm sure the stress on the lower joints would be causing problems like sciatica, bursitis, osteoarthritis etc which are really difficult to manage with meds even at a healthy weight (IME anyway).
I suppose it's like any eating disorder in the way it fucks with brain function and perceptions of "normal" too, so there's all that to try and overcome on top of the fuckload of weight.
What a bloody nightmare.
No. 614831
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>>614815I think Becky is very slow and has the resting facial expression of a gobsmacked fish, but I don't believe she's a legit retard.
AL's last girlfriend though, Destiny? I'd put money on it. Check out some of her older videos if you get the chance.
No. 614844
>>614815She's Ambers 'type'.
>>614824Holy shit man, she's done for if she won't even get this checked out.
No. 615372
File: 1545242191342.gif (2.35 MB, 480x270, hugnry.gif)

Anyone else use her videos as inspiration to not eat shit foods? Whenever I feel like I want to eat junkfood I just watch her videos and I become disgusted and eat something better instead. honestly helped me drop a lot of pounds(blogposting)
No. 621404
File: 1546710006928.jpg (109.94 KB, 554x554,…)

No clue what all you anons are on about, amberlynn has always been a skinny legend
No. 621729
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>>621404Body like a melty candle.
No. 625265
File: 1547324945939.jpg (131.06 KB, 720x1080, efe7b9f43d37ecdc133f5b4eecbbb7…)

>>614269I only occasionally watch a video of hers, but in one she was complaining about people harassing a nutritionist that wasn't even hers. If she had/has a nutritionist they must not be that good, if she considers you can still eat junk food when you're morbidly obese instead of eating healthy for once.
No. 634211
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>>634209To give you an idea of the cost. It also comes with online coaching from people who have done the program but who have no medical or nutritional training so yeah it's a bargain!
No. 634418
>>634387I'm wondering if the timing of that news has to do with being knocked back for weight loss surgery? or had that already happened.
>>634211Is she going to get sponsored for this or is the fool going to buy it. at least it's not a grape fast…
No. 635247
>>635244at her size, surgery would be best, even if only to stall the effects of the diabetes she's presumed to have. she's a 'pathological eater' (as dr now calls them), a simple dietary change is beyond her where she is now. she has to make some big changes mentally too. no amount of diet advice or new programs will change that.
just eating fruits and veg with no protein surely can't be that healthy in the long run. dr now makes his patients eat the protein first.
No. 635393
File: 1549050282513.png (120.08 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20190201-094704.png)

>>634418She's not getting weight loss surgery, her doctor told her to get health insurance, do a low carb diet and come back for monthly assesments. Shockingly she has done none of those things so she's not on that path.
Nope she paid for this which is why she's justifying that high pricetag. The girl she spoke with on instagram told AL that someone like her could lose 200 pounds in a year so she was like take my money! She's not even youtubing properly by getting free sponsered stuff but then again what weighloss company would want to take a gamble on her? She'll end up binging and making the company look bad regardless of how good it might be.
No. 635604
>>635393I'm sure if was able to stick with it strictly she would lose the weight to where she could get the surgery. I just kinda think
>>634725 will happen.
No. 636069
File: 1549167204843.png (116.86 KB, 480x815, food delivery.png)

>>634211The gag with this Optavia plan is that she still has to buy other ingredients in order to make the recipes. And it has things like potato flakes… When she could easily save time and money by just getting a subscription to healthy food cooked from scratch, pic related. This would be her answer, because people like getting fast food when they're hungry and not have the time or the patience to cook.
No. 638623
File: 1549778533618.png (1016.09 KB, 2048x965, 38b2049.png)

her new video isnt actually new. she totally binged and is stalling til her replacement shipment comes.
No. 638680
>>638651amberlynn is so underrated on this site. she's such a tragic lying disaster and ruins the lives of those involved with her, lol.
i was excited to see her lying about sticking to the diet when she's obviously gorging herself sick on the regular
No. 638832
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>>638623She has a convenient excuse for that, she's made complaints of being sick an awful lot this past year. Also has anyone here seen the news that Beckys mom and sister were upset with someone who is likely AL on facebook? Because tension with a girlfreinds family will certainly make this bedbound saga interesting
No. 638857
Here you can see the facebook messages that started it all.
>>638843The Zachary guy didn't even dedicate an actual video to the messages, he was live streaming before he going out that night and so many people commented about the messages he read them out loud. Interesting choice from AL though, rather than denying the messages were about her she decided to threaten a lawsuit on the behalf of Beckys sister. Hmm, you'd think Beckys sister would want to reach out to them herself if she's actually going to sue.
No. 638925
>>638842It's not diarrhea anon, it's waterfalls! /s
maybe her next "program" after this will be drinking Jilly Juice.
No. 639255
File: 1549936837360.jpg (324.17 KB, 913x1000, engaged.jpg)

Destiny and Dana got engaged. I'm sure Amberlynn cares about this a lot, adding the tension with Beckys family and the lolsuits I imagine this must be a stressful time for AL. So…I wonder how that strict diet program is going?
No. 639358
File: 1549979162509.png (395.44 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20190212-083558.png)

>>639277The theory that the car broke down is interesting to me, maybe Beckys family helped them out with rides.
Being around Amberlynn more often and driving her to Walmart nearly everyday would lead to some fights. But this is AL it could be her health or even something with her family that upset her, she's not going to ever say.
No. 639695
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>>639670She'll never change, if only she read the comments on her videos and take them as constructive criticism.
No. 640105
>>639255I'm happy for them. Destiny seemed to have really matured since breaking up with Big Al, and Dana seems sweet. Good for them, mazel tov.
Without seeing the full thread, I thought it was Becky and Al that got engaged and thought there's no fucking way Al would go through with it, she's probably already got another tree branch lined up after Becky dumps her cause Becky is this close to breaking, especially since her family got entangled into Al's narc games, always triangulating like a sneaky narc. Choose life, Becks.
No. 640118
>>640105>Dana seems sweetWasn't she shittalking al on a fb group a while back?
>>639670Her diet cycles are becoming so rapid, is she taking notes from chantal?
No. 688182
>>688177You die quicker starving than you do obese. To most im pretty sure thats a subconcious reaction, I also know lots of anons and others think Eugenia is being just as manipulative as amber even with the whole 'her mom is the devil' because of how autistic tier Euginia acts about things shes openly doing to herself etc.
Amber is also a very special case because she started out as a weightloss channel, she constantly cries about her weight and life affected by obesity then a day later posts a Mukbang thats monetized.
Effectively making money off if what she admits is an issue, which is part of the internets general vitriol besides the fact that yes most people online will call even bmi 16 people fat and things become very homogenous in these situations.
(she also seems to not have learned after years as a plussized woman not to entertain comments she doesnt like but instead we have a whole meme about her 'haydurs')
No. 688183
>>688177You die quicker starving than you do obese. To most im pretty sure thats a subconcious reaction, I also know lots of anons and others think Eugenia is being just as manipulative as amber even with the whole 'her mom is the devil' because of how autistic tier Euginia acts about things shes openly doing to herself etc.
Amber is also a very special case because she started out as a weightloss channel, she constantly cries about her weight and life affected by obesity then a day later posts a Mukbang thats monetized.
Effectively making money off if what she admits is an issue, which is part of the internets general vitriol besides the fact that yes most people online will call even bmi 16 people fat and things become very homogenous in these situations.
(she also seems to not have learned after years as a plussized woman not to entertain comments she doesnt like but instead we have a whole meme about her 'haydurs')
No. 688185
>>688182Kinda why I think they should be demonetized. They are basically given incentive to indulge. They are people with low self control. So low that they are endangering themselves. And they are being rewarded for their bad habits.
It's destructive.
No. 688198
>>687792She’s caught in a self-destructive cycle that she’ll never be able to break without some form of outside intervention. And that will never happen because she’s surrounded by equally selfish and ignorant people who either don’t understand that she’s dying or don’t care.
A year ago I thought it was kind of funny but I genuinely don’t think she’s going to make it. Every time she begins a new cycle she gains 10 more pounds
No. 690332
>>689257the thread here is inactive because the kiwi thread is so busy, no point in crossposting everything every day. Check out the ALR threads there and search/lurk for answers to any questions.
1. yes, people are theorizing they've moved.
2. isn't mentioned anymore.
3. yes, that's her name.
No. 694752
File: 1566895173249.jpg (178.77 KB, 1262x999, hdupdlib8vi31232.jpg)

Amber and Becky now with normal woman for scale. She's not going to last much longer.
No. 694899
>>694752Becky looks dainty compared to AL
She’ll be dead within a year tbh
No. 694900
>>694752Look at them LEGS
Even Beckys look tiny
No. 695124
File: 1567033407221.jpeg (38.52 KB, 342x400, 0903CD1B-90BA-4DC9-B4C8-1F8E92…)

>>694752Holy hell - she’s turned into Violet Beauregard! Just paint her blue and you won’t be able to tell the difference!!
No. 695807
File: 1567300981964.jpg (116.65 KB, 810x1440, amber.jpg)

Aaaaand the love from her audience might be enough to keep her going guys. Don't stress.
No. 695809
File: 1567301210030.jpg (498.34 KB, 1280x720, ALcycle.jpg)

I can't find her cycle chart in here so adding it.
Stage 4 unlocked!
No. 695898
>>695883there have been rumors of shit going down, their behavior in each others' vlogs have changed and they seem to be like not tiptoeing around each other, but significantly less friendly.
side note, I've been wondering for a while but didn't know where to ask bc didn't want to deal with the discourze, is Destiny the one who goes by Casey now? I heard something about AL "misgendering" one of her exes, and started hearing about some Casey person out of nowhere, but never learned for sure if that was just Destiny's new name or if it was something else
No. 696045
>>695908Think of how many terminal deathfats live without youtube welfare though. Amber has got it good compared to most others in her weight class.
Since Amber cannot change herself, I am not surprised by her decision to stay on youtube being that she's a chronically unemployed and lazy narcissist.
This is the only way she can support her takeout habits and Torrid hauls.
Government welfare would not support her current kind of lifestyle. The difference between her and deathfat women on shows like My 600 Pound Life is that they have husbands or children they can manipulate to pay for everything. She only has Becky, and that dunderhead quit her job too. Becky is only useful for grocery runs and taxi service.
They're fucked if they don't keep the hate viewership on youtube going.
No. 696107
>>695898Destiny started going by Dusty for a while, not sure if she still does.
Casey was a very old GF as anon says, and who was accused casually by Amber of rape and abuse (archive of deleted video here): found out later and made a public response.
Amber then made the famous "Rain And Petals Eavesdrop, I used the wrong word" poem.
No. 703286
Drama leak going down on KF. Tldr
>Ex-wife of the new husband of Becky's mom (Norma) spills tea on cancer fundraider>Norma has complete insurance coverage through the new husband who is retired navy, gofundme is a scam>She's abusive, batshit and homophobic>She tried to guilt trip Eric for not promoting her gofundme>Becky originally wanted to get with KF leaker's (FrazzleCakes) daughter, is only with AL for $>Becky harrassed the daughter at her job after she got rejected>Becky quit working because taking care of AL paid better No. 703288
>>703286>is only with AL for $ >Becky harassed the daughter after she got rejected >Becky quit work because taking care of AL paid betterIt's not that I think Amber deserves a soulmate, but I hope this revelation finally shuts up all the Becky stans acting like Big Al is holding her hostage. It's so obvious why anyone would be in a loveless relationship with Amber if not for the fact that she's sugaring someone into being with her.
Becky confirmed for being a manipulative piece of shit, just like her.
No. 704099
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>>703286From Amberlynn's insta
No. 711157
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Not entirely related but I stumbled upon this reference in an article I was reading for college? Didn't she study criminal justice? I couldn't find the article this was refering to and it's probably not hers since she never finished college but it's a weird coincidence
No. 720696
>>690332the kiwi subform is full of armchairing and self-important wining about how youtube channel xy stole
their precious content without giving them a shoutout. I wish the thread here was more active.
in Amber-related news, looks like there's something wrong with Becky, healthwise. several doctor appointments + low sodium diet. Amber keeps mentioning that they are "going through something" in every video. She's dying to exploit her caretakers illness for views.
No. 720730
File: 1571614014849.png (71.12 KB, 477x254, h4gsxa7gwcr31.png)

>>720696>>720703There was a screenshot on the amberlynn subreddit about how it was "something to do with kidneys". The subreddit isn't too bad, it's like the halfway point between the dead thread here on lolcow and the obsessive spergs on kiwifarms. They reupload Amber's videos quickly.
No. 720953
File: 1571680038712.png (356.17 KB, 1108x785, 57687983498315.png)

>>720730according to the subforum, Becky's family started another gofundme. this time it's for Becky's stepdad's stroke and mini heart attack (whatever that means).
I have yet to see proof that it's legit though (like Norma mentioning it on FB). anyone could set up a gofundme in his name, right?
link: No. 741177
File: 1576517960263.png (22.76 KB, 657x513, Untitled.png)

Slightly meta but the Amberlynn subreddit has been banned.(necro)
No. 744028
>>744021and isn't she like
barely five feet? her weight somehow makes her look taller but she's practically a sphere at this point
No. 744343
>>743837I don't know anything about her, but I feel awful for her. This is no way to live… damn. I could hardly move at the end of my pregnancy, and breathing was hard. I can't imagine what THIS unit of a girl goes through. She needs HELP. it is not too late for her, she can improve this…. why isn't anyone helping her? You have to have a very serious awful addiction to end up like this.
I wonder how much food she is eating to maintain this? At her current size, if she did keto, her body would go insane and think it's starving and she'd lose a lot of weight very rapidly. Why doesn't she just binge on chicken breast and salad???
There's no way she's making it to the bathroom on her own. Who is helping her go to the bathroom, hosing her down and dressing her? I have so many questions
No. 744364
>>744343Oh heck, here I go again posting in a dead thread, it's like I'm begging for a 24h ban. Maybe sage will save me.
Listen, I understand your sympathy. I've been following this cow for like two years now. I still feel bad for her. But bottom line is: ALR is conniving, lying, manipulative and delusional. She purposefully surrounds herself with enablers who rely on her financially so she can exorcise control over them. I wish I could direct you to her reddit, but it has been taken down. Go through comments of just a few of her videos and you will see who she is. This size is not the result of people not wanting her to get better or not helping her. She drowns out and ignores people offering helpful suggestions and support. She surrounds herself with "yes" men. She often gaslights her fans. Over the last yer her fans have been begging her to check herself into an inpatient facility, since at this point it's the only thing that can help. She either ignores or gaslights. She also calls all who criticize her as her haters. She uses her LGBTQ status as a shield as well as her size, so over the years many people with
valid criticism have been labeled as homophobic or fat-shaming.
No. 744449
>>744343don't feel too bad for her if you haven't learned anything about her first. she's not a good person. yes she's killing herself in a slow and unnatural way, but she's also had EVERY opportunity to get help from really great professionals and has shit talked them online instead, lying about their methods and claiming that "she knows what works for her." despite the fact that her weight loss journey has really been a weight gain journey.
there are many videos on YouTube from other people compiling her lies/calling her out/etc. but she's also an eternal
victim and they're all just boolies obviously. if you care to learn, just go search for "ALR lies"
No. 744691
>>744343I feel you, but she doesn't want help.
She stops every diet etc because she doesn't want to stop eating. She wants to eat herself to death without anyone criticizing her.
I wish Becky would 5150 her because ALR is going to be bed bound soon and that's her ticket to death.
No. 778785
>>778753Am I cruel for thinking that it’s kinda her own fault?
Spending endless money on shit that doesn’t matter and IGNORING her body?
Plus I’m not being funny she’s an abuser, neglecter, transphobic and a rapist.
I find it difficult to feel for someone who lies so much tbh too.
It’s shit she’s got cancer (if she has) but I can’t help but think
You ain’t laughing now bitch
No. 778786
>>778785And another thing -
If she loses her womb. That’s saving a child from being obese as fuck.
Sorry not sorry
No. 778790
>>778785I don't think its cruel to recognize that she brought this upon herself. I think even she recognizes it deep down. She's been ignoring symptoms for years out of fear of going to the doctor and being told something she didn't want to hear, and waited until it got serious enough to not ignore.
She is not a smart person or a good person.
But I don't think you have to like her or forgive her to feel pity for her in this situation. I don't think she's lying about the diagnosis. Her reaction seems pretty visceral and real and she's not that good of an actress (her makeup tutorial Jeffree Star impressions are SHIT). I wouldn't wish a cancer diagnosis on my worst enemy. It is a truly terrible thing, even when its technically your fault. I think it would be cruel to be happy that she has cancer, and say stuff like "you deserve it." Not sure if anyone deserves that.
No. 778792
>>778753I’m sorry she’s facing this diagnosis, and I wish her the best treatment and support.
This is why it’s important to see a gynecologist regularly. Amber is 29 and had never seen one.
No. 778807
>>778806nta but shes complained of constant UTI's, heavy/irregular periods, suspected (and now confirmed) sleep apnea. plus she lost her 70 pounds from illness, didn't look into that but apparently some kind of infection (im guessing that was the cancer eating her alive)
>>778797because shes fat and stinky. she didn't sleep with Krystal for the same reason and i doubt she gets much action nowadays. its insecurity, merged with the lesbian myth that she can't possibly have any STD/HPV/cancer because shes a technical virgin.
nobody deserves cancer but people have been warning her for years and she still continued to eat herself to death. if she actually lost a good amount of weight her outlook now, cancer or not (fucked hormones from obesity possibly caused this diagnosis) would be much better. as it is, gorl let shit get worse and worse without seeking proper healthcare and now here we are
No. 778810
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Wow, who knew a morbidly obese woman would develop one of the most common female cancers that even healthy people get! I'm so glad you guys get to pat yourselves on the back for being right on your call if she dies. /s
No. 778811
>>778785we're all transphobic here - do we deserve to get cancer too?
I feel for this cow. Being ignorant and scared of the doctors office isn't really a crime, and I wouldn't wish cancer on my worst enemy.
No. 778815
>>778810anon this isn't kiwifarms, we don't have a death betting pool here. only 1.5 percent of women get uterine cancer under the age of 30, its not at all common and is in fact much more common fatter women (70% linked to obesity) so what? she didn't see a gyno once in her life, she made herself fat. nobody wants her to die or be smug about her cancer, people just lack empathy over her condition because we've been telling her to lose weight for years.
>>778811i don't think anyone personally cares about transphobia except trannies and virtue signalers but as a public figure its smarter not to piss off any of your possible audience, so having it out in the open just further proves how dumb the cow in question is.
No. 778823
>>778803You don’t? The more you know, I guess. I did a quick Google search and said a way to diagnose can be a pelvic exam. Maybe I was thinking of cervical cancer.
My point is, Amber seems to be paranoid about her health but almost selectively. She’s been crying and having anxiety the past month about a twitchy eye yet just
assumed her heavy periods were normal because she’s fat and fat girls have heavy/irregular periods. I can see how if they’ve always been heavy, she wouldn’t bat an eye but also how she goes to the literal emergency room over every little health issue, why she wouldn’t go to a gyno to talk about her female health. I think despite being her weight, she just thinks nothing THAT bad could actually happen to her, hence why she’s made a game out of her health for clicks.
No. 778825
>>778823I believe so too. I think she always figured because she was still so relatively young, that nothing would ever actually reach the point of being life threatening. A heart attack sure, but she probably figured "at least that's a pretty fast way to go out" Cancer is torturous and slow.
The good news is that a LOT of times, that specific kind is treatable via surgery/removal of infected organs. but it depends entirely on how soon or late it was noticed. I wonder what stage she is? How long has she had the more alarming symptoms?? Well I do remember that it was long enough for her to lose almost 100 pounds which is pretty troubling. Was it that she was actually working out during this time or was it truly the cancer eating away at her? I used to follow her somewhat closely, but gave up maybe 5 months ago or so
No. 778845
>>778803most uterine cancer is first detected by gyns reviewing symptoms with patients, then a visual exam, then imaging
you are correct that Pap smears are for cervical cancer, not uterine cancer
but if Amberlynn had ever seen a gyn and told them her period woes, they would have recommended imaging
go to the gyn, gorls
No. 778952
>>778811Ehh speak for yourself, I’ve been here for years and have no issues with trans people. I just like watching a slow moving trainwreck.
ALR is one of my favorite cows but haven’t kept up with her the past couple weeks. Hope she gets her shit together,I’m not shocked but also think she has a chance if she can wake up and address her issues.
No. 778957
>>778953nayrt but I've never understood how most of this site is gender critical lol.. I've seen a lot of anons support BLM, mental health equality, and the like, but their capacity for sympathy/advocacy ends at trans people? doesn't make any sense.
>>778825back on topic, does anyone think a complete hysterectomy could save her? I can't imagine she's already progressed to stage 3 let alone stage 4 at only 30 yo.
No. 778992
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>>778968Yeah, seems like other corners of the internet are still half thinking she's faking/lying on top of lmao'ing and turning it into some grand new scheme for her to just attention whore which is an intergalactic level stretch tbh. Will she probably do a million videos about it now, yes. But I doubt she'll be happy and greedily rubbing her hands together over it, cancer is going to take every penny she's ever seen in her life.
And even though it's one of the lesser dangerous cancer's and just at stage 2 instead of stage 3 or 4 apparently, the problem won't fully be the cancer itself, but her habits and body type. She doesn't have the discipline to have a healthy recovery. Kind of like how that snowflake Angela/Himeka was warned to hell and back about recovering from her boobjob, but ignored it and wound up with permanently disfigured looking tits that put her out of business and made her hate herself. Even if Amber has a successful removal, she'll probably get sick and pass over an infection of some sort.
No. 779046
>>779031Amberlynn has always been a weight-loss account, so she’s absolutely not HAES.
The fact that she never lost any weight until she got cancer doesn’t mean that she’s secretly HAES, just that she’s bad at losing weight.
No. 779785
>>778992I see a lot of people repeating this, but it's more likely she got diagnosed with grade 2 rather than stage 2 cancer. Amberlynn probably thinks they're the same thing.
She won't know know the stage until she gets scans done. The only thing she would know at this point is the grade, which refers to how aggressively the cells are growing. Grade 2 isn't great, and the chronic utis, back pain, and menstrual tsunami are not good signs.
No. 781882
>>781783Holy shit, I know I had seen other clips where she mentioned heavy bleeding and clots but these two year old clips are her describing the same 'bleeding out in the shower' scenario that eventually put her in the ER. And her doc saying "give it a couple days and see if it stops"
I spotted Alex is Shook made a vid just addressing what had happened, explaining why his amber reactions have stopped and he was pretty balanced and civil but even under that vid there's a huge amount of comments saying
>She's nothing but a lying bitch >You can't believe anything that bitch says >She probably just has pre-cancer but she's exaggerating for attention >I saw the ER pics and I bleed that much every month!People really spreading this idea that she either doesn't have cancer at all or 'just has pre-cancer'. I'm going to sit back and see what comes next with her but I really don't know how people can so confidently declare that it's a lie at this stage.
No. 781929
Talks about having a ct scan. It showed enlarged lymph nodes which may or may not be a sign of it spreading, getting a pet scan next. I recommend skipping the first 9 mins if you just want the cancer update
>>781918I said I'm skeptical myself, but I've been subbed to Alex is Shook for a while now and I've seen him go through a bit of a change lately. He sought help for his substance addiction and as he has recovered he's become less bitchy in the reactions. He still has the same audience though so it's just interesting to see the juxtaposition of the calm vid and the ragey comments.
No. 781947
>>781882not to WK, because amberlynn is an undoubtedly bad person, but it’s because she’s been so dehumanized by those who watch her regularly. they don’t see her as a human being who is equally capable of suffering, becoming ill, and dying, which is ironic because they constantly concern troll about her having heart attacks and whatnot. it’s a really weird kind of cognitive dissonance. like, think about it from the perspective of if you were just interacting with someone on the street. Even the most hateful person probably wouldn’t tell a random stranger that they’re faking their cancer and they’re actually just a fat fuck who needs to go on a diet, but people feel entitled to tell amberlynn that because of her history and because they’ve reached a point where she is so far removed from them in their mind that she doesn’t even register as a real person anymore. She’s just a caricatures, something that people who are already fat can use to say “well at least I’m not her,” and when she dies, a lot of those same people will probably act very shocked and feign sympathy for her.
No. 782422
>>782193The vitriol is super extreme too. For someone who's only ever told some lies about her own life that resulted in consequences that mainly just hurt herself, these people talk about her like she punches dogs and kills babies.
Now she might have been truthful about reporting her cancer symptoms over the years, but those same people who've insisted it was all an act are now doubling down and trying to save face by saying her cancer is fake cause god forbid they'd have to admit they were wrong(!!) in assuming the obese woman they hate was lying about everything under the sun. As if it's uncommon for morbidly obese people to have comorbid health issues or something, they just can't stand it. They can't stand feeling like ALR got a one up on them because it turned out she told the truth this time and that they should back off for it. It drives them nuts.
They were all so quick to leap for joy when they suspected she was having congestive heart failure, or speculating when she was gonna drop dead from diabetes or a heart attack. Cancer though? RABBLE RABBLE SHE'S A LIAR RABBLE RABBLE. Idiots.
No. 782567
>>782422She announced that she's getting a hysto and when I read the comments other women who've had hystos for various reasons, mostly cancer, were trying to be positive by saying 'Hey, no more periods, it's not all bad'
> Ha! did you hit the wall right after your hysto!That's what she attracts lately. Lots of that, and it's mostly women.
No. 782576
>>782461Animal abusefags like you are the worst.
>she threw a kitten!!!!You mean she took the cat and dropped it behind her where they were sitting? When cats land on their fucking feet and themselves jump from taller heights all the time? It wasn't a baby. You should have a bigger problem with that shitbag Destiny manhandling the cat in that same video making it uncomfortable since you're so concerned with what cats are feeling.
>Twinkie Storr is overfed and neglected!!!Were you one of the fags calling animal control on her? Because boy were you idiots milky wasting their time and taking away resources for animals going through abuse. ALR has been better about making sure the dog's nails are trimmed. Twinkie actually appears pretty normal and loves ALR. Go worry about animals suffering neglect and abuse that actually endangers their lives, like not being fed at all and receiving cigarette burns.
No. 805240
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>>805103>>805104Or you could update us? A lot of people don't want to give her views that pay for her grocery hauls.
All I've seen lately is that she's on Jenny Craig. It's all so repetitive but I guess we should be glad she cycles in one sense of the word.
Anything else? There's never going to be anything truly new from her until she carks it.
No. 825622
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For those of you who don't wanna give her views here's what I gathered so far.
> over 600 pounds, her girlfriend helps her shower now. Will tell you she's 575
> Claims to only drink low cal proteins drinks and low cal carb meals. Continues to have videos like cake reviews.
> Says it's common for her to eat things like a whole box of wheat thins and a container of cheese spread as just a snack. Will proceed to have multiple "snacks" through the day like this
> Says she will keep eating until it physically hurts. Claims nothing is her fault because she has food addiction and binge eating disorder.
> says her 2021 goal is to lose 100 pounds before the year ends. Says this while doing a mukbang
> She currently will no longer report her actual weight because she's scared of judgmental people
No. 830477
>>829994My notes from watching this for the people who don't want to give her the views.
>The mentioned like:dislike ratio is insaaaane. Really shows how her community is feeling and how disconnected she really is from the reality of her situation.>She immediately makes the same excuse she always does and tries to direct blame off of herself. "The comments triggered my emotional eating, I'm not the only person like this!!">She also wants to keep doing youtube, then says people shouldn't be mean / critical of her. Instead of criticizing her, we should do things to make it harder for people to be negative towards her.>In response to a comment saying they have sympathy for Becky and can't imagine how she feels, ALR turns it around to make it sound like Becky doesn't take care of herself at all which forces ALR to worry more after Becky then herself. More victim / matyr complex bullshit of her being the foundation and only provider for her family.>Confirmed she is getting professional help>Whined people are meaner to her than other "failed weight loss" channels and it isnt fair. Said she has no intention to leave YouTube.>Mini ranted that tough love doesn't work and people should never give tough love. Then ego boosted herself about how she so beautifully and unconditionally loves people, so she could never be mean to someone like that. Guys, she's so nice and supportive and loving and better than us.I'm mad and wish I didn't watch it
No. 830872
>>830477I feel bad for her. She doesn't deserve this dislike rate. She actually has a good personality tbh
James charles is a pedophile, look at her and his dislike rate. He gets more like than amber
No. 830906
>>830872I don't feel bad for her, but I understand her. It makes sense why she carries on with the youtube even though her viewership is cruel and no one really likes her.
Imagine if she stopped doing youtube and focused on her health: The one thing that makes her happy–food in excess–would no longer be an option for her. She'd lose all her youtube revenue money. Becky would leave her (contrary to what the haterbase says, Becky is a parasitic thumb and is only with ALR for her money). If she loses the money, she'd be forced to find a job and no place would want to hire a 500 pound woman. Living on disability and welfare wouldn't be anything like her current lifestyle with frequent hauls. The truth is she'd be miserable for years before things would get better like most addicts, and that's bitter medicine to swallow.
could stay on youtube and make genuine attempts at losing weight–kind of like how she did years ago when her ex gf's family cared about her–but everyone knows that's not why she has views. Tons of successful weight loss channels don't and will never reach ALR's views. Because truth be told, people like to voyeur a trainwreck. They love to tune in to hate ALR because they know she's going to fail every diet, come up with every shaky excuse, and parade her body in front of a camera to gawk over. ALR knows this too, but it's at the cost of her shortened lifespan and it's really sad. She'll never snap out of this unless she starts making money from other sources a la the Slaton Sisters via reality tv money and other freebies that come with being an infamous sick person. She's fucking stuck.
No. 830925
>>830872bitch has an entire video where she admitted she lied about family members to make them seem like they hate her for being fat and still maintains that her ex abused and raped her when she was the abuser and dating a minor.
amberlynn has one of the worst attitudes and personalities of all the deathfats on youtube. at least nikocado avocado is entertaining and can be funny. alr just does target hauls and whines about haters and her “wATeR WeIGhT”
No. 830940
>>830892Are you kidding me? Look at avocado and other fat youtubers, amberlynn is definetly a mature woman. Also her videos are entertaining
>>830925Everyone can change, most of reid's haters are prob cat and dog "lovers" because theres a video of she throws a cat and people sperging about "uwu animal abuwse bawd"
No. 830996
>>830925who gives a shit about her ex?
Also AL is cringe as fuck but she isnt a bad person. Shes just a fatty with an eating problem that gets money from people who hate her. Shes one of the tamest lolcows
No. 831007
>>830940You do realize she is a massive troll right? Watch any video that reviews her content, she has a system for her channel.
>Does mukbangs and hauls, shows off how fat she is getting>Gets depressed about said fatness>Promises to go see a therapist/dietician >Starts diet for about a week or two>Goes back to mukbangsShe is also super petty and really mean. Her and momokun have a similar agro personality and they both delete insta vids when they spurg and go off at their fans.
No. 831017
>>830996thats what I don't get is how much people truly hate this woman
like people will criticize her "self diagnosed" binge eating disorder as if an otherwise totally mentally healthy human would eat themselves to even 400lb let alone 600lb. it aint rocket science but here we are accusing a quarter ton woman of lying about having a shit relationship with food.
i've followed her for years and years. i'm a covid ICU RN who not only finds her videos good for decompressing after an esp shitty shift but also have first hand knowledge and experience with -actally- shitty, deeply manipulative and hateful humans. i can't help but feel those who actively participate in FB hate groups or feel compelled to leave awful comments on her YT videos are especially lacking in their lives. I am entertained by her and continue to wish good for her but I would never actively or feel compelled to compare my life to hers–not only are they two different paths but i know my life is actually more fulfilling and nicer than her's without having to crunch numbers and leave a comment somewhere.
TL;dr if ur life aint fulfilled (and you sincerely have awful feelings towards amberlynn) quit worrying about ALR and start making yourself interesting and elegant so that you lead a life worth living
No. 831033
>>831017Yeah look the hate watchers are enabling her as much as you are and as an RN you should know better. If Eugenia Cooney is fair game then why not Amberlynn?
Fuck outta here with your blogpost.
No. 831044
>>831017I'd say my life has been pretty successful and ~
elegant ~ , and yet I still hate this dumb, fat, manipulative bitch. It's almost like both things can be true at the same time. I'm sorry you lack the mental capacity to recognize how horrible and disgusting ALR is.
No. 831078
>>831017i'm kinda the same way. amber is my comfort cow lol. i usually just have her vids or edits people make as background noise.
it is really stupid how much people hate her, shes just another narc on the internet. her milk isn't crazy at all so i get why this thread is dead, just funny to see comments on youtube telling her to die and this and that just because shes fat
No. 831090
>>831078“just because she’s fat”
she made false rape accusations against one ex and clearly pines over another ex in front of her fiancée (and the ex’s fiancée), she treats her animals like crap, and she’s a huffy, scoldy asshole
fat is her biggest health problem, but it’s nowhere near her biggest personality defect
No. 831268
>>831248Anon is clearly here bored trying to shit up the thread pretending to be 2-3 different people and a RN.
At least change the typing style if you're going to try to distract from your favorite cow's defects.
No. 831297
>>831292she can weigh whatever, idk
fake rape accusations and shitty care of animals are objectively bad no matter who does them
No. 833972
>>831292Shes just a fatty who lies about losing weight. Thats like all of them.
Shes a compulsive liar. Shes nowhere near as bad as most cows on this website.
(unsaged sperging) No. 833973
>>831292And no im not the same anon. Shes just one of the tamest cow on this website.
No one believed her rape accusation cuz shes a liar and i cant even feel bad for anyone she dates because they date her for her money.
Shes ugly, fat and is bad with animals.
Compare that to pedophilia, rape, scamming, grooming, etc which most cows on this website have done. Shes tame and just your average fatty who lies for attention (which you can find on twitter and tumblr).
No. 837020
>>835316I think what stands out to people is the 'narc' traits in her because how can you be 500 pounds and still often act like you're full of yourself. A few other deathfats have come along with the same vibe tho. They're the size of a truck but they apply some make up, then eye-fuck themselves in the viewfinder and seem to have no trouble bouncing from one commited partner to another with no downtime inbetween. Weird shit but nothing uniquely shocking.
Was watching one of her livestreams for the first time in a while today. Becky was recounting a childhood story and Amber had never heard it before. It rang a bell for me, in old livestreams the same thing would happen often. How do you spend years togeher, not working, alone all day since covid and probably before, engaged to be married…and you don't know all this stuff from your own partners past? They're the type of stories you'd know already.
No. 842425
>>842421ALR and Becky moved out of that house to their own apartment over a year ago, before the pandemic.
>>842409right? Becky alludes several times that their combined weight gain is one of the reasons she's leaving. Amberlynn had the woe is me manipulation act turned up to 11 and Becky was too cool for it. Amberlynn saying shit like
> remember when I thought I had a brain tumor? God, there's so much I'm gonna miss about us> if I ever feel happiness again I'm gonna feel so guilty> all I want to do is drink to numb the pain but look at my skin, the jaundice, my liver is not doing so great right now, drinking is not a good idea for me> I feel guilty for not bettering myself when I was with you, now I don't want to better myself because I should have been doing that already (cue Becky begging her to get better for HERSELF, not for Becky)
No. 842522
>>842407Becky said that she needed to grieve for her mother..thought that was pretty telling. Obviously when you're dating amber you have to put your own feelings aside and concentrate more on ambers struggles, her illnesses, her whole thing with her mom coming back into her life.
I remember thinking that it was odd and uncomfortable when ambers mom came back right around the time becky lost hers. We all know amber wouldn't have any genuine sensitivity about her loss. Too busy rubbing her mommy/daughter reunion in beckys face while she put on a brave face at the time. That whole period was messed up with amber requiring attention because of her weirdly timed diagnosis. Then there was the tik toks she recorded laughing in the car while becky was nearby visiting her moms grave! There was always a battle to be beckys number one priority no matter how much becky had going on herself. I just wish she would move in with one of her sisters or stay with eric. Having to stick around and slowly ease amber back into single life again isn't her job.
Does anyone wonder if the falling out with destiny and dana fits in somewhere with this? She's lost all 3 of her closest lesbos in just a few weeks. Surely there's more going on here.
No. 842557
>>842407RUN BECKY!
Honestly not surprised. Becky posted up in the guest room right when they moved in. I hope her dumbass doesn't stick around out of laziness.
No. 842599
>>842576I thought Destiny and Dana didn't break up. Dana posted that caption on IG where she gushed over how much she fucks up but that she loves Destiny, and then everyone speculated that they broke up; we never got any actual proof, though.
Dana posted a picture of Destiny on her instagram on June 15. I think they're still together, but correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 842716
>>842647Yeah, but that could just have been because the money runneth dry from a certain 600 lb. gorl. But then again, they're white trash, so I doubt they were actually going to spend a whole lot on it, anyway, so maybe that's not why.
I'd say the fact Destiny cheated on Amber with Dana in the beginning says more about their doomed relationship than a cancelled wedding.
No. 842740
Becky isn't going to get off of her lazy ass and get a good enough job to support her AND her cheap crap/video game addiction.
No. 843013
>>842951It's nice to see (mainly becky) admitting things have been rocky behind the scenes for a while. Alot of people thought it was strange that the break up came so soon after the engagement but to me it makes sense. Imo the proposal was them trying to put a band aid on the relationship.
Amber is the kind to chase commitment and 'proof' of the other persons undying love… so similar to how some bpd people react she got her big commitment gesture and it still didn't fill the void she thought it would. I remember thinking that they weren't too excited when revealing the engagement. Something was already off around december when they were buying their 25 days of gifts. Buying things to patch things up. All the gifts and rings and they didn't seem all that happy.
No. 843183
>>842991At first I found it sus that foodie beauty was confessing her drug addiction at the same time ALR was announcing a break up. I feel like foodie is reading her own KF thread to find interesting theories… then turning them into storylines basically. I wondered if Amber was doing the same and both of them were in on it.
At this stage I don't know though. I do think that when it comes to Amber even the most passive or patient partner will dip after 3/4 years. Her relationships have a limited lifespan.
No. 843238
>>843155I can’t believe Becky could be that good at acting
Her thinly veiled contempt and impatience just jumps out in those streams
Nominate her for the Oscar for Best Performance by a Leading Thumb if this is a hoax
No. 843257
>>843238This, honestly. I dont think either of them would be this good at acting, not even Amberlynn who loves lying. Everytime Amberlynn lies or makes up stories its so easy to tell she is not telling the truth, and I just dont think she would convince Becky to do something like this.
So yeah, fuck me if its real then they both need to be hired in the acting industry for real.
No. 849001
>>848973There’s no way wifey isn’t a troll.
An apparently according to her beautiful, fit, stunning, inspiring, motivating, perfect, hot girl interested in amberlynn? Nah. Necky is def as good as she’ll get
No. 849233
>>848973>>849165ALR is getting catfished at best and even IF wifey were real, what self-respecting person tolerates a long distance relationship with someone still living with their supposed ex?
No matter what airs they put on for the camera, we all know Beckster is still hauling around Amber's ass.
The entire thing is so contrived and stupid, no one should even give them attention for this and imo it isn't over until they move out for good.
No. 849247
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>>849233what if wifey is that bella chick that wanted chris to an hero? she's a lesbian so it may check out
No. 849701
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Since nobody has posted - this is supposedly “wifey”. She made an appearance via FaceTime audio on ALR’s latest “wine”stream, where Amber held up a singular bottle of wine and took a few sips, most of them fake, likely to have the excuse later of “I was drunk!!!!”. Like one singular bottle of wine would be enough for her 500+ pound ass.
ALR claimed Becky is quarantined for 2 weeks because of covid but it seems more likely she’s temporarily suspended from Hamber’s content because of the ass-wiping comment.
ALR claims “wifey” (her official girlfriend now) is coming in September but keeps wanting to come sooner.
No. 850020
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DM leaks regarding Becky "quarantining"
No. 850021
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>>850020cont. The person leaking this also dropped this.
No. 850042
>>850020The misspelling of Twinkies name is sus, especially given both people in the convo misspelled it the same way. Some people think the video scrolling through messages has a cut it in where they look through the messages, then cut, then you're viewing beckys profile. It's not a smooth transition.
I mean everything included is pretty believable and probably still closer to reality than anything amber spews in her streams. But I think it's just faked by someone who has closely followed her drama for a while.
No. 850200
>>850021Amber has the discipline to plan her social media shenanigans and inter-personal manipulations, but the bitch can’t stop stuffing her face before she has to crap her bed instead of going to the toilet?
Fuck this world.
No. 851026
>>851019>I think Wifey is an autistic butch lesbian, in the style of all of Big Al's past conquests.This.
Good business move from Amber hiding her for now, the people make up the drama themselves and she doesn't have to bother attracting attention. Of course they made up something about trannies, people here and on kf are obsessed with them. Rent free etc.
No. 851127
>>849701This is NOT WIFEY.
I KNOW this girl and the white girl Issey in real life. They're both successful content creators and artists from London. The black girl, she is no a lesbian. She's straight lmao. She's pissed off because people keep messaging her about this drama and she is staying out of it hence why she deleted her account.
Not wifey.
(retard spacing) No. 852070
>>852003I’m really wondering what happened and no one is really talking about it from what I’ve seen, weird af.
Wipey saga sucks ass. So boring. Just amber giggling like a 12 year old and pretending to be bi suddenly.
No. 852094
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>>852070Subreddit isn’t banned, it was put on private and you can request to join on the desktop site. Reddit retards can’t fathom that Wipey is just a dyke that likes to strap fat bitches and keep pushing the retarded narrative that it’s secretly code for her being trans
No. 852101
>>852094With amber saying we'll never get to see wifey.. I hope things crash and burn real quick. It's no fun having to just guess who or what exactly her new caretaker is. It weirdly reflects foodie beauty and her man right now…
>I'm never going to shut up about this person but at the same time I'm also not going to tell you anything worthwhile about them. God guysss stop asking about them! They're a very private person. >Tune in next livestream for more minor hints as to who they are though. I'll sprinkle them in. It's old already.
No. 852133
>>852101For now her strategy is working stellar
>>>/ot/901936People find it very fun to guess. And I'm sure she's reading the speculations and playing into them.
No. 852437
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Wipey revealed.
No. 852457
>>852440what this woman could see in alr is mystifying
reasonable looking with a college degree and an actual job
is it grift or fetish or both? I hope we find out
No. 852471
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shes's being sued by discover bank, so alr is clearly her cash cow
No. 871802
>>870917She has this increasing sickly tone to her skin in all these recent mukbangs and I've been trying to see if it's lighting but I don't think it is. I know it shouldn't be surprising at her weight to look like hell but it's in recent weeks she's looking extra unwell. Grey skin and dark circles.
I remember when she lived with the gays and was about to have her crazy ER bleed she had a blotchy redness in her face leading up to that and she was aware of it att as she tried to just lotion it away and would reference it all the time in vids. She looked off and knew something was up. Does she see herself lately?
No. 872477
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No idea who even took it but pics of twinkie being walked by the mystery gf are being shared. She's even wearing the shoes amber showed in her xmas gifts vid.
Is this jade from before? She looks a lot heavier than I remember.
No. 878797
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No. 885169
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>>885165Did Chantel get her hooked on crack-smack-meth-everything?!
No. 891369
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Kinda old one from her ig story
No. 908780
>>908774Some French Youtuber made a badly researched video about Big Al which has now made her a poor
victim inspirational queen in the eyes of Francophones everywhere. It's equally annoying and hilarious.
No. 938826
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ambers new gf a confirmed feeder whos last girlfriend lived in a nursing home and died. truly a horrorcow turn of events. shes even mentioned in the womans obituary.
No. 938827
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>>938826same tattoo to confirm it. from the womans funeral video. also has "tommy" speaking at it if anyones interested i can try and post an mp4. she only died in april and she's already moving onto her next
victim. this is gonna get real dark real quick.
No. 938848
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commence the cope
No. 938851
>>938826Her new gf's ex, Colleen, just passed in April at only 44 years old in the nursing home. Seems Emily moved on over this loss pretty quick to be in a new relationship just a couple months later.
>>938827>>938848There's no way this isn't going to end badly.
No. 938876
>>938853What's there to be scared about? This is exactly what Amber wants–someone who will enable her and let her do what she wants. Which is to eat and be a
You didn't think she was going to truly lose weight at this point?
No. 938885
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>>938853Could see it coming once we started getting gfs that go by a whole host of fake names to try n cover up their pasts, the trash trail of fetishes and 5 min old exes they come with. Someone like tommmy/willow/emily one-upping the whole jade/francis/wifey.. dom, poly, babygorl bs was to be expected. An audience warning her against someone only signals to her maladaptive brain that its definitely love
Whatever tf her name is getting smushed
No. 938889
>>938879I think it's more so that she wants the lovebombing. Pairing being actually addicted to food and narcissism means she has an easier time ignoring and being delusional about her weight/health. I don't think she wants to die, it's just easy for her to push it away and not think about it especially now that she has an actual extreme enabler. It's so many layers that need to be unraveled for long enough to actually get healthy, so it's never happened. She's a goner
>>938827Tommy looks like a fucking pedo/rapist being photographed alongside their
victim, showing her off like a piece of meat, poor woman did not deserve that painful existence and death
No. 938898
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Screenshot of Tommy talking at the funeral, it's definitely the same person. I'm still curious as to what is going to happen to the daughter she mentioned during her funeral speech
No. 938939
>>938925Don't wanna plaster old pics of the now deceased gf here but before her health decline her twitter showed her attending ssbbw conventions. Scrawny ass fetishist men in their element hanging around some of the biggest women you'll ever see all in one room together. All while they still have just enough mobility to travel to this shit but will inevitably meet men who'll have em bedbound in no time. Call me naive for being shocked a woman took that role instead. Swooped in to enjoy that sweet bedbound to dead era they crave but later have to feign muh sadness over.
Her moving on to others mere weeks after the death.. with amber not being first doppleganger she hit up. Real scrote like.
No. 938972
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>>938887She was over a thousand pounds at her highest. 1040 was the number bragged on their shared kink acc like it was a badge of honor to bypass the 1k mark and break even the most heavy duty specialized beds.
Maybe one day the tables will turn and some bbbbbw gf will actually crush emily too hard. Even out the deathkink shitshow.
No. 938979
>>938967> You'd think amber would be happy in a relationship where her behavior is rewardedIn theory, yes, but it has to really hurt her ego that most (?) of the women she can attract are either after her money or are feeders. People like Amber, Tess, Chantal and other fat internet personalities* are repulsed by feeders (as they should) and insist if we liberated ourselves from the shackles of society, we’d also find them as irresistible as they are. They all seem to be rather narcissistic so it’d make sense that they’d all behave similarly and shared the same opinion.
*Unless they’re intentionally positioning themselves as feedees.
No. 938998
>>938995 >totes over you guyz >You don't know the full story >You want me miserable, you just hate to see me happy >Well I hope you're happy now, you ruined my mentalz, emilys life and her mentulz > We were so happy but then youuu guys blew this all up into something it wasnt..Most predictable cry and lash out session.
>You guys have interfered with my life in like.. pause.. a way that makes me want to just fucking disappear.. Can't even remember which past cry session it was but last time she said something very similar it started a whole drama over whether she was skirting with suicide baiting or just I'm leaving the youtubes baiting. Will she ever stop that shit.
No. 939014
File: 1722111274262.jpeg (633.4 KB, 889x1926, oh.ambie ig.jpeg)

She changed her ig from tommys.girl to oh.ambie, Tommy unfollowed her 10 minutes after the it's over video came out
No. 939025
>>939006the whole story of this person being on feeder websites and posting fetish photos? was she secretly working with FBI Frank to take down the dangerous feeder-industrial complex?
we know plenty of the story, thanks
No. 939057
>>938885>>938972You just know this poor woman was stuck marinating in her own filth for hours at a time in the nursing home. Deathfat patients are definitely more often neglected because of the sheer amount of time and effort it takes to do even the most basic tasks. I'm not even sure what kind of lift they'd have use to get her up so they could wash under her? Most lifts only go up to 450 or 700lbs. It's insane that Tommy is a nurse and would want this for anyone.
>>938925>>938939Honestly it's probably less scrotal than we think and it's something more like when you get those homicidal nurses who intentionally OD people with insulin to kill them. She's just doing so in a way that's harder to prove she's doing it and a much slower prolonged suffering. The bonus is that she gets to feel needed while she's pushing them to their death since they can't do anything for themselves.
No. 939066
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>>939057The toe curling amount of emphasis she put on enjoying non mobile, dependant gfs who cannot function alone and need her for everything. When your job is conveniently the same dynamic your sexual life revolves around? Such pure unfortunate coincidence
Even the man who fathered her child was back then some fat af wrestler who used to go by 'Crusher' kek, so in line with her tastes but ig scrotes are less inclined to slowly kill themselves to please someone. The sudden tommy tomboy switch up in her personality only happened after that. When she moved on to finding women who'd become her instant soulmate and die in exchange for a few months of sweet true love bs-ing
But hey we totally don't know the full story you guyz. That mystery info amber is withholding that'd easily prove Emily isn't some angel of death nurse after all.
No. 939294
>>939290She's never quitting youtube, she's still making money off of not doing anything at all, uses it as a lure to catch new caretakers/feeders and still gets enough praise from her ambabies, there's no way she's giving it up for anything. She's just scolding the evil people not wanting her to end up that woman's second
No. 939298
>>939290Kek at lardass crying about people "ruining" Emily's life by simply reposting her own voluntarily public posts. And in the same video she goes on to try to deflect some heat to Valentine by saying her name, trying to "inadvertently" get people to find her. I hope the chubbychaser has some good shit to say about ALR. Otherwise finding her is about as useless as finding Jade, someone who didn't even want to be seen in public with her during the relationship.
ALR's only hope of source for an income outside of shitty vlogs that get carried by reaction channels and forums is diving full on into feeder content on specialty websites.
No. 939316
>>939290Given how much she lies, makes up fake names, altered timelines and pretends to break up with gfs only to reintroduce the same gf as if they're someone new.. god knows whether valentine was an affair with a married woman or an affair with an engaged woman (emily and coleen were engaged, that gets overlooked) Or if she was talking to multiple taken women at once with overlaps imo. But there's no version that paints her in a good light.
The tiktoks she posted att like 'your bitch doesn't know about me' are still godawful. Her bragging about muh growth and taking it slower in relationships means.. waiting for taken women to leave their wives for her or for their gfs to pass away. She thinks this is redeeming.
No. 939330
>>939319 > you need to tell me everytime you sleep with your wife or kiss her ..
> Later pretends to the wife that omg she thought they were only married for financial reasons You could practically hear the 'how do I twist this' cogs turning in her brain during the phone call but she'll never be as slick as she wants to believe she is.
No. 939404
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tiktok from june referring to erica cheating on her with.. her own wife
No. 939479
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Emily is either trying to figure out the timeline that nobody else can make sense of.. or they're still together and she's being ambers flying monkey. You decide..
No. 939524
>>939479Amber did a drunken livestream yesterday where she said that she and Emily/Tommy/Willow are still together and that the feeder website was just for money and that Emily wasn’t actually into that
who knows what’s true and what’s clickbait
No. 940396
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ot but this reminded me of that discussion i saw on the feeder subreddit lol