File: 1691162910099.jpeg (107.24 KB, 1125x1955, IMG_6735.jpeg)

No. 304747
>Previous three threads:Carve A V Edition
>>294375Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition
>>286668DID edition
>>275598Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.Recent milk:
Going through a boring repetitive cycle of suicide baiting , abusing perscription drugs, glamorizing her alcoholism and rotting teeth, claiming she will get help and for people to subscribe to her OF.
Most recent milk:
Venus promoting anorexia to her insta followers
>>294381 ,
>>296874 ,
>>299211Venus still drinking despite saying she would be sober pt1
>>294473 ,
>>294484 ,
>>294496 ,
>>294509Venus thinks she may be a ''read deal alcoholic''
>>294626Venus angelic drunken video message
>>294643 ,
>>294644Venus alchohol pt2
>>295012 ,
>>295015Ken possibly wants to get back with Venus
>>295066Extremely cringe painful to watch Venus dance video
>>295430Thousand yard stare
>>295557Weaboo venus says she doesn't know evangelist
>>295563 ,
>>295578Venus manic post e-begging for ppl to sub to her OF
>>295763Ken posting Venus on his insta…
>>296001 ,
>>296002 ,
>>296110 ,
>>296175Venus ''im taking a break from social media''one hundredth post
>>296250 ,
>>296259>>296794 Venus now lying and trying to deny the ''Carve a V'' story she made despite many of her fans seeing that, now she is trying to gaslight her own fans telling something they saw her post was false.
Alleged private messages of Fukaeri saying Venus was asking her for money
>>297157 ,
>>297158 ,
>>297165Burn book
>>298662Venus has a new boyfriend
>>298675Venus only sleeps 3-5 hours
>>298800 ,
>>298801Venus getting drunk at a bar at 5 AM
>>298809Venus possibly doing OF in a taxi
>>299084Venus cant remember a pic she took because she works hard and not because is blackout drunk
>>299090Venus deletes weird posts telling her minor followers what would they do if she was their horny older alcoholic sister
>>299435Lmao venus claims she is working at a ''prestigious animation school''
>>301253Venus is now on bad terms with one of her top simps David
>>301462 ,
>>301465 ,
>>301502 ,
>>301504Venus suicide baiting
>>301671 ,
>>301674Is this what Venus draws at her prestigious school KEK
>>301869Venus's friend Fukaeri dies, ken likes the post stating fukaeris death
>>302438lengthy post to promote her OF
>>303514Venus suicide baiting
>>304124 No. 304749
File: 1691164346749.jpeg (370.84 KB, 1101x1639, 1D0BD1EE-F9BA-4FD4-8456-1F5C02…)

She’s back planted in Manaki’s apartment. Yes, the poor fool took her in. Again.
No. 304751
File: 1691164362764.png (285.4 KB, 762x721, Penus.png)

Ah our poor attention seeking Benus didn't know where else to go and read about herself since kiwifarms is down & hidden and there hasn't been a new lc thread about her in almost two weeks so she resorted to lurking in her subReddit to get her fix.
desperate times call for desperate measures.
No. 304753
File: 1691164515725.jpeg (146.47 KB, 1078x1944, B552DFCF-5ABA-452A-B286-1DD0AF…)

>>304749And she’s feeling pleased with herself about it. “Powerful” even.
No. 304765
>>304751She's just upset because she can't convince people she didn't do or say things when she clearly did.
Her gasslighting her audiance and living about her actions didn't help and it's great to see her being called out for her fake dumb ass so called girl boss video delusional behavior she claims never happened.
It's litterly her admitting to everyone she knows what's she's doing and will force everyone to eat her cake of bullshit.
Her fake cluelessness is a laugh and she can't stand the fact she can't convince people she any different.
Poor venus wants attention so badly from anywhere and anything no matter what.
No. 304775
File: 1691224233827.png (36.8 KB, 713x436, venus boobjob.png)

No. 304786
>>304775God she is completely brain dead. She has learned nothing.
She barely commits to anything and thinks she can finesse some hundreds from fans by offering to become a ‘bimbo’?? She’s forgetting her only appeal was looking petite and cute.
No. 304794
>>304770The splotchy wall covering and the purple curtain. It’s her old room.
>>304776I guess it could be an old pic but I don’t think so. I think she’s run back her safe place at Manaki’s.
No. 304816
File: 1691300280276.jpg (913.27 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20230806_004016_Chr…)

No. 304817
File: 1691300344282.jpg (396.53 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230806_004106_Chr…)

No. 304834
File: 1691325258014.jpg (258.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230806_073600_Chr…)

No. 304835
File: 1691325285751.jpg (254.01 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230806_073611_Chr…)

No. 304836
File: 1691325317999.jpg (564.03 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230806_073618_Chr…)

No. 304839
>>304826Please tell me why so many anons in this thread believe a word margo says. She is a literal lifestyle scammer, she lies as easily as breathing and this has been proved by her own posts over and over again. Venus learned every manipulation tactic she knows from Margo, and she will still never compare to the textbook narc that Margo is.
I don't know what level of unmedicated vendetta against Venus you would need to have to EVER believe a word Margo says, but maybe it's time to take a step back and look at yourself in the mirror because Venus is an annoying, suicide baiting drunk mess, and that's all she is. The tinfoiling she's a murderer and Margo was right all along is unhinged and retarded. Manaki is a smelly neet, not an influencer. If Venus killed someone she would've immediately been caught. Japanese police would obviously blame the mentally ill alcoholic foreigner wife
>tldr if you believe a word margo says you are retarded No. 304848
File: 1691334894268.jpg (967.81 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20230806_101717_Chr…)

No. 304851
>>304839To be fair what venus did would have anyone believe she may have done something to Manaki, so this isnt a case of margo lying but more of a misunderstanding. For anyone who doesn't know why Margo says this its because Venus sent her a mail asking Margo to help her in court and get cinically diagnosed so Margo freaked out and thought it had something to do with Manaki.
I remember seeing it in one of the threads here but I don't remember which one it is but I know it was in the old ones.
(imageboard) No. 304861
>>304817“Forced disability” my ass. She applied for it and spent years going through the process to score those monthly checks.
“don’t care about the monies” lol again. Her lying ass.
No. 304875
>>304826>>304851Margo can't keep her story straight. The details change every time she brings up these allegations.
>Mikan Mandarin got Manaki's laptop>Apricot got Manaki's laptop.>Venus needed the court documents for insanity defense for murder trial. She spent 1 month in asylum for murdering Manaki.>Venus needed the documents for defamation case. She called the wrong person a pedofile and got sued. I'm trying to understand Margo's train of thought here.
1)Venus+Manaki are last seen together on Venus' insta pictures taken in Swedish convention.
2)Manaki deletes his public social media accounts.
→ Venus murdered Manaki in some Swedish forest, took his laptop, and just left him there.
Makes sense? No?
No. 304882
>>304839you are absolutely right about Margo and there's no way a suspicious murder would not make Japanese news, especially if a foreigner could have been involved. Venus didn't murder anyone, she isn't smart enough to cover it up or have an alibi if she did, she doesn't have any physical strength to overpower him, etc. etc. Yes weak people might kill someone in their sleep or with poison but then you have a whole crime scene and evidence to dispose of.
Margo is not only a narcissist, she has a flair for the dramatic. I'd more sooner believe Margo killed him and tried to frame her alcoholic sex worker daughter. Margo needs a psych program and Venus needs rehab + therapy.
No. 304913
File: 1691433907045.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1336, zulp4kbal4gb1.png)

>>304912Someone on reddit posted the image but no caption
No. 304918
>>304917I'm more inclined to believe that she's just drunk falling. Unless she's hitting herself while intoxicated.
Also forgot to sage with the bruises pic, my bad
No. 305224
File: 1691446492942.jpg (480.1 KB, 1080x1103, Screenshot_20230807_181645_Dis…)

>>304913Here is the caption for the deleted bruse photo.
No. 305265
>>304839lol please. While I don't believe she killed him, Venus is way worse than and more manipulative than Margo.
>>304861Exactly. She's just once again being a manipulative scumbag. She also doesn't deserve mental illness disability when she's fucked up due to prescription shopping and abusing medication. I also believe despite her drinking issues, she actually is capable of holding down a job if she truly wanted, but she's made it crystal clear from her teenage years she doesn't want to work and wishes to be pampered. It's absolutely disgusting that she leeches the system, leeched Mana, leeched Ken, when other people with similar issues never qualify for disabilty. I know a mentally ill Japanese national who didn't get it, but we have this scumbag Asian fetishizing weeb abusing the system. And her meds and acting extra unhinged online. Probably to secure that free disability bag. Then she likes to feign humility that "it's not about the money! I'm not a
victim" etc. Actions speak louder than her empty, manipulative words.
No. 305281
>>305265Anon are you smoking crack? What retarded vendetta do you have against venus to forget the lifetime long insanity quest margo has?
Venus just ebegs and ruins her own life kek unless you're a newfag I don't get it
No. 305319
>>305281>> Venus just ebegs and ruins her own lifeWrong. She’s ruined Manaki’s life, for years. This whole “she’s only hurting herself” argument is b.s. She’s a
toxic bloodsucking drunken leech.
No. 305333
>>304913In a taxi, with a suitcase, all bruised up and prior to this was posting stories on the outskirts of town pretending like it was "where she wanted to be." Looks like we're back to the couch surfing part of the cycle.
>>305328We've been through this before. Mana wanted a animu waifu IRL because he was a dumb horny moid. Venus wanted a visa that required the bare min qualifications to get because she's a lazy bitch. Mutually exploitive relationship where both parties were at guilt. It both blew up in their faces. Venus is just higher up on the trash tier because she cheated multiple times and still trashed talked him; despite him taking her in after Ken got his dick went enough times to be done with her. Every time Ken tossed her to the side, she ran back to Mana. She bites the hand that feeds her as far as giving her a place to stay goes. Miss "gurl bo$$" shoulda took her OF thot money and rented a place if Mana was sooooo
toxic and as bad as she claims.
No. 305362
>>305339nta but they say both suck. only saying Venus is more stupid because she could not go back to him, but the dumbass idiot still does. why? most likely because making her life better so that she wouldn’t need to relay on him would be too much effort.
both of them suck and neither of them should be defended if neither tries to better themselves.
No. 305583
File: 1691847667988.jpg (604.62 KB, 1080x2248, IMG_20230803_221019.jpg)

>>304751Same caption but before/after edit. There is additional text added in the end.
No. 305584
File: 1691847773615.jpg (1009.41 KB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2023-08-12-15-19-50…)

Similar photo but not exactly the same.(sage your shit)
No. 305585
File: 1691847905556.jpg (810.44 KB, 1080x2248, Screenshot_2023-08-12-15-19-55…)

Don't you think something's… Changed? Is it the moment of realisation and beginning of redemption?! Or am I naive?
No. 305649
>>305585>Is it the moment of realisation and beginning of redemption?! Do you see the thread's title? The cycle? People who haven't seen at least 3 turns of the cycle shouldn't be allowed to post. This is 100% phase whatever in the cycle that has been going for over 10 years. Literally dozens of times we have seen this exact 'realization' before
>and beginning of redemption?!sus tbh
No. 305660
>>305596I complete agree with this. I don’t think she will ever get better because she is so reliant on her fan base to support her bad decisions and behavior. I wouldn’t even call them fans as they don’t support her well-being, more like people who are entertained that her life is an absolute shithole. Unfortunate that she doesn’t realize that and thinks she still has genuine fans.
Her shit may be cute and kawaii at a young age, but people at her age bracket are mostly accomplished in life and emotionally stable. She’s also in a country where society thinks you’re a failure if you are not married in your 20s. How can she not be self aware? That’s why she drinks everyday.
No. 305699
>>305653I haven't seen anyone blindly defending Peenus from the evil people on the reddit thread yet. Venus just wants to be the
victim again and people to say nice things about her. It's not working (except in her instagram comments but atp it's hopeless).
But what is it about the reddit that makes her so "sad about the haterz"? Venus has always known about (and lurked) her pull and lolcow threads. So what's the big deal? lol
No. 305733
>>305653i think thats whats really going on. Notice how she pathetically worded her post like shes trying her best and ppl are being mean sadface. There is not even a hint of her taking any responsibility, just your usual drunk sadpost from our resident terminally online neet. its riddled with jealousy of other people, namedropping reddit so the fagelics can wk, broadcasting shes a complete social retard from being online for over a decade, and fishing for sympathy yet again.
>>305585youre fucking naive. go read the past 3-5 threads before commenting again.
No. 306043
File: 1692624442480.jpg (137.07 KB, 1080x626, Screenshot_2023-08-21-09-06-04…)

>>306041Yea jealous of this prematurely aged alkie and her Margo-face. would never want to live in shitty Japan or anywhere in Asia for that matter so what does she have to be jealous of
She changed her insta bio to call herself cute and tiny, fucking delusional LOL
No. 306081
File: 1692686713075.jpeg (914.18 KB, 971x1193, IMG_0549.jpeg)

>>306079Think she herself said she was 5’7 once idk where.
No. 306091
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>>306079Considering the Japanese models are 10cms shorter than her, I don't think the skirts being shorter on her means she's 6 foot, she's a normal european height
No. 306352
File: 1693105154616.jpg (96.6 KB, 720x1030, Screenshot_20230827-035612.jpg)

>>306329Not sure why you think most women are dwarves. Aversge height of European women: 5'6".
(derailing about height) No. 306359
File: 1693131920756.jpeg (271.58 KB, 1169x1555, 20343B80-A7AE-42AB-BA27-DE3F3B…)

>>306352Check-mate insecure tall anon. Venus is tall. 5’7” is definitely tall for a women. Accept it.
(heightsperging is getting out of hand) No. 306413
File: 1693238585588.jpg (66.33 KB, 1063x641, IMG_20230828_010614.jpg)

Buying followers or did someone make a tragic video about her again?
No. 306414
File: 1693238657629.jpeg (263.7 KB, 1086x1128, 9DD1745A-4C5D-4F63-BB80-928792…)

Posting about “muh skills and “being creative.” Translation: I’m on welfare so I can sit on my ass all day coloring in my colorbooks like a 6-year old.
Still harboring delusions about ‘muh art’ and how creative she is, such an artiste, just like mommy.
No. 306415
File: 1693238713872.jpeg (267.97 KB, 1074x1492, 52DBC60C-4256-416E-BED4-A88508…)

the full post.
No. 306417
File: 1693238794503.jpeg (273 KB, 1458x1364, 75E03F0D-49CB-4A44-A151-60B809…)

Why her fingernails are always so dirty and grimy is beyond me.(triple posting retard)
No. 306468
File: 1693281602295.jpeg (320.27 KB, 1170x1695, 2A457731-0833-4725-8B04-88E1FB…)

off topic and OLD screenshot but i cant believe it’s been 8 years since venus married manaki lol she really has been stuck in a boring repetitive cycle for so long
No. 306471
>>306470I honestly think her mom helped coherse her until marriage. He creeped on her since she was a minor and her mom was
abusive. It was a ticket for them both and I think Venus caught on real quick Margo's plan.
No. 306473
>>306414>>the fact that I'm not hotMegakek, it’s about time she realizes it.
>>306417…holy fuck. If you love yourself even one tiny bit, don't post such pictures.
No. 306522
>>306414>>My skills are breathing and blinkingShe’s so boring. She can’t even think of anything to say about herself, because her life is just whoring and spending money, so she just lists a bunch of vague things that most people do and makes out that that makes her special and nerdy.
I’m also wondering why she’s dressed like that, and what “FCC” stands for (on the sign). The Franciscan Chapel Center in Roppongi? Doing her weird Catholic larp again, I see.
No. 306563
File: 1693359807523.jpeg (75.65 KB, 787x758, 1E10B67C-B4AA-47EA-B219-1916EF…)

>>306423Why are her eyes like that?? She looks like a sleep paralysis demon. And grimy and dirty on top of that.
No. 306665
>>306414She really thinks her skills are ….writing?
Most of the time she has problems writing coherent sentences.
No. 306789
>>306787NTA but there's literally 0 wrong with saying female outside of twitter rage culture. You should point out the actual retarded logic in that post.
>>306665She had something going in her "doll" era, but threw that away pretty quickly.
No. 306834
>>306687theres no hard proof. we assume shes back at manaki because thats what shes always done when theres a fallout with ken since she doesnt have family in japan, otherwise she'd be homeless.
>>306763and this is because she doesnt care to, paired with being drunk all the time. if she put in effort into improving her language skills we'd see improvement, but she uses all that energy for shitposting, alcohol and fishing for comments.
No. 307002
>>304781Sounds like another porn brainwashed scrote.
Tell me you've never seen real naked women without telling me you've never seen real naked women.
No. 307040
File: 1693937224929.png (370.56 KB, 864x1249, Screenshots_2023.png)

>>306675This comment says otherwise. I am aware that it's old and probably spoken about. But she could be lying idk.
No. 307054
>>306687If you're referring to this post
>>304749 it's already been stated as speculation and not proof here
>>304794The response clearly states "I think she's run back" and "it could be an old pic". If she's back that could result in full fat cream so I want 100% proof and I'm waiting patiently for that proof, if it exists.
No. 307211
File: 1694129241736.jpg (349.07 KB, 827x1432, IMG_4063.jpg)

Her psuedo-philosopher phase continues. "#dontdoit :(( but also make sure to carve a V for veenus."(:(()
No. 307478
>>307046Don't worry for my tits they are perfect to my man. Worry for the fact you'll never ever touch some, scrote.
>>307075Their life-long virginity is enough as a punishment, anon.
>>307211I feel like it's about Fukaeri too. Can't convince myself she offed herself though.
(weird tit blog) No. 307733
File: 1694653925980.jpg (1.12 MB, 1079x2600, Screenshot_20230913_221405_Ins…)

No. 307735
File: 1694658914490.png (416.07 KB, 640x1136, 4B186152-6212-4781-A531-B2A713…)

Anyone who believes anything she says at this point deserves this shit
No. 307742
>>307733"throw myself off to the street willingly" translates to "I had no man to exploit for money/a place to stay and couldn't exploit fukaeri for that 2k I wanted to pay rent that Ken was no longer paying for me and welfare that I'm also exploiting wasn't enough to cover my bills." She did not
willingly choose to live on the street.
No. 307747
File: 1694669491506.jpeg (223.22 KB, 828x1381, IMG_1569.jpeg)

alright see you later
No. 307768
File: 1694710254485.png (2.13 MB, 1652x2064, 55744665.png)

Another version of her post where she claims to have a fractured spine.
No. 307786
>>307768Maybe Venus saw that there recently was a fundraising party for that ninjacatgirl who apparently has some kind of medical condition with her spine and now wants also some cash for her "fractured spine".
And lol at her "I'll never do a gofundme!!" bullshit. How many times has she already asked people if they'd give her money via gofundme (for her therapy snacks or something).
No. 307827
File: 1694779689077.jpg (426.42 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230915_071053_Ins…)

No. 307828
File: 1694779723332.jpg (423.33 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230915_071103_Ins…)

No. 307829
File: 1694779761680.jpeg (704.98 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_0922.jpeg)

Let’s pretend I have visions when I ‘don’t take my meds’ aka, I took all my meds recreationally/can’t afford more and got blackout drunk.
Who actually are these posts for? Surely none of her followers actually do anything. I’d be so embarrassed to behave like that.
No. 307880
File: 1694830386355.png (5.23 MB, 750x1334, 7A52CED0-29E3-405A-A290-EBA875…)

No. 307899
>>307880Let’s see the back brace then Venus…
Jumping from the fourth floor of a building is no joke. If she is telling the truth (she’s not) then she is very lucky that she didn’t end up paralyzed.
What a terrible thing to lie about.
No. 307950
File: 1694945645724.png (2.18 MB, 864x1587, 19372.png)

hide top teeth "smile"
No. 307957
File: 1694961782236.png (62.07 KB, 1229x376, VenusComments.PNG)

This YouTuber talked about Venus here: strongly suggest reading the comments as well, it's hilarious that people still think she's an innocent doll.
(learn2embed) No. 307968
>>307950Got that chronic hard-core alcoholic day one of attempted sobriety look. Anyone that knows an alcoholic knows the look.
This will last a day or two before she goes back on another bender. These people bring nothing but misery to anyone unfortunate enough to be in their lives.
No. 308042
File: 1695147369968.jpg (80.19 KB, 1053x648, IMG_20230919_201802.jpg)

No. 308182
File: 1695305628337.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230921_091302_Chr…)

No. 308197
File: 1695311171916.jpg (256.87 KB, 827x1410, IMG_4131.jpg)

>>308182How old is this photo anyway? Either she's been wearing the same fucking outfit in every photo since August, or she's in too decrepit and unwashed a state that she can't even post her usual greasy filtered selfie.
No. 308201
File: 1695312056913.jpeg (152.35 KB, 1125x596, IMG_9626.jpeg)

No. 308267
>>307786Yeah, she likes to verbalize "I'm not a
victim alot", probably after lurking her threads, but actions speak louder than words.And she's aware of ninjacatgirl, as she responded to someone asking her to donate. No one should donate to that scammer though. They are exploiting donators.
No. 308272
File: 1695341233372.jpeg (151.59 KB, 1170x1570, 8382DF51-0F1C-4E8B-826D-9BC83D…)

>>308267She once blamed her fans for making it impossible to have a full recovery because they wouldn’t care enough to donate to a gofundme
No. 308295
File: 1695386786785.jpeg (380.9 KB, 1169x2279, IMG_9101.jpeg)

Same repetitive Ken slander
No. 308296
File: 1695386854518.jpeg (450.69 KB, 1170x2294, IMG_9102.jpeg)

Ken recent posts since will be deleted, like always
No. 308297
File: 1695386904841.jpeg (220.41 KB, 1170x2288, IMG_9104.jpeg)

No. 308305
>>308301No no, bad use of English thats it. I’m all for the trues about her lmaoo.
Also just saw the recent post
>>308302 Just posted all that drama for attention, this threat title is just right for her then
File: 1695405320274.jpeg (174.52 KB, 815x817, E7AAAF88-5D4A-40BB-BE40-D451C9…)

I do like how he posts unfiltered photos of her greasy blobby face though.
No. 308333
>>308182This is actually quite deep. And well written too. She appears to have
valid episodes of insight. No one totally overcomes difficulties straightaway. It can take a long time. With some people not until they're really old. I'm not white knighting, just pointing something out here.
No. 308353
File: 1695416956804.jpeg (118.91 KB, 817x1328, 71204D75-47FA-4F71-B73D-9234B8…)

>>308303>> doing a Q&A on Instagram about ken.It’s all deleted now.
Here it is if you missed it.
No. 308354
File: 1695417053821.jpeg (114.53 KB, 813x1327, AB15B719-113C-4395-8F25-7A84CC…)

No. 308356
File: 1695417168237.jpeg (153.05 KB, 812x1407, 15000E92-E34A-472E-B8C1-E065BE…)

We’ve all seen his dick, Venus. You posted videos of it on your Twitter account.
No. 308359
File: 1695417342206.jpeg (257.74 KB, 799x1413, 9C1F2F8B-C4AE-4CE5-AF74-07A071…)

4/8 She carved his name into her arm and posted pics of it but he’s the one who is “obsessed” with her.
No. 308360
File: 1695417438867.jpeg (95.62 KB, 818x1321, 99A0DBF8-A35B-4840-BFAE-5E24F3…)

She’s suing him? lol
No. 308361
>>308359"Alcoholics are egomaniacs with an inferiority complex - they get upset, are dramatic and need constant stimuli. And validation."
That's a weird way of self-reporting Benus-chan, lmfao.
No. 308362
File: 1695417553662.jpeg (110.21 KB, 796x1436, 3ECE9EE5-019F-4CC3-80D9-8359A2…)

Don’t know what this is supposed to mean
No. 308365
File: 1695417702619.jpeg (98.06 KB, 809x1419, CF5E7AF8-A637-4E7C-A444-608632…)

99% this is (another) lie.
No. 308367
File: 1695417907382.jpeg (130.13 KB, 802x1404, 623700A4-7CA5-4940-90DC-D8F634…)

The denial and projection is stunning. Total wet-brained logic.
No. 308369
File: 1695418787440.png (146.16 KB, 640x1136, DE54F645-8289-4442-8516-2C9509…)

There was this one too. Simple double standard looks like but kinda hard to tell exactly what she means as usual
No. 308382
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No. 308412
File: 1695449708377.jpg (165.65 KB, 1080x1497, Cringe.jpg)

the contradiction, the projection, and the attention.
No. 308413
>>308333instead of mocking you, because we were all in your shoes once, let me just inform you that every few months or so, Venus 'writes' (or uploads) something like this, giving brand new people a sense that she 'recognized' something that was shallow/self-defeating about her behaviour which you've been watching. However, it's somewhere between completely fake, or true but lasting usually less than one day. You will see her
>write about her realization that being authentic is what matters>by end of week scam fans with a fake nintendo switch giveaway>write about her realization that moderation is what matters>next day post about an idea to start get into hard drugs >write about a realization that modesty is what matters>1 week later start onlyfans/start sucking dick on camera etc>calmness>stab boyfriend etc etc. The cycle of fake 'insight' or ten-second-long self awareness, or more likely just """self-aware""" themed creative writing posts for social media sake, has played probably, not exaggerating, 20 times
No. 308414
>>308413Way more than 20 cycles. She seems to like getting people to encourage her and give her advice, then have some big “fuck you” moment where she publicly binges or does something crazy. It seems like she convinces herself they were trying to control her. Pretty easy to see why but I won’t armchair it out.
But yeah her followers who fall for it are just enabling the next relapse
No. 308419
>>308411She's probably harassing/threatening/baiting him obsessively. Maybe she shows up to his home or work to cause problems. Remember, she stabbed him. He should block her, but it's not that easy to remove a nutjob from your life. He shouldn't engage and just sue her instead of post about it because he's just stooping to her level. But it's good drama so whatever. Also she deserves it given she started posting about him first and doxxed him way back. You reap what you sow. It baffles me how many people think Ken isn't allowed to call her out on her bullshit or harassment. You can't just exploit and manipulate and harass someone and they just have to be silent about it.
>>308333Kek it's not "deep" at all. Surface level "pseudo-awareness" written as if from a 12 year old. She likes to pretend she's profound and a skilled writer, and yeah, if you think that's "deep", you are a white-knight.
No. 308472
File: 1695524335113.png (1.28 MB, 1242x2208, 3D832FB6-9B51-4A3D-ADED-86D4E2…)

>>308467samefag, pic didn't load
No. 308506
File: 1695565587407.jpeg (652.4 KB, 1125x1817, IMG_9694.jpeg)

From Reddit. “I never lie” How’s your broken back?
No. 308544
>>308541>Why doesn't she just become an AV and do porn?She's foreign. She can't enter the AV market easily and even then she's unkempt, unwashed, greasy and terrible at b/g content. Her Onlyfans and Manyvids proves this, she also can't stick to one thing for long as, again, proven by her onlyfans.
>I'm sure she can make millions as a gaijin porn actress in japanese videos.While they
do try trapping gaijns into porn, she's not young enough nor attractive enough.
No. 308546
>>308506I thought she “dreamed of prostituting herself since she was a child”?? This is the life she chose for herself, instead of going to school and getting a normie job. And next post will be something like “I’m okay guize! Just a widdle oopsie! Just needed more strong zero, I love whoring really!”
No. 308571
>>308541She has no charisma, poor self maintenance, a shit ton of drama behind her, she's a drugged out alcoholic. She could never build a proper following and also why would a gaijin fetishist invest in a girl who tries so hard to look japanese and hardly has any of the features that are fetishized in white girls ?
It works for June Lovejoy because she can read the room, market herself, form proper connections with others and act out a persona that she knows moids love. Venus can't do either of these things and is a pain to be around in general. It's too late for her to get an AV career. The only things within her reach is bottom of the barrel shit.
No. 308709
>>308669They don’t just give it to you automatically no matter how many years. You have to apply, fill out paperwork, pay the fees, have your taxes in order, and do interviews. She probably didn’t do it. Her spouse visa would have been
valid until she divorced. She probably just relied on having that the whole time and didn’t go for permanent residency or citizenship.
No. 308733
File: 1695808938265.jpeg (91.52 KB, 720x1276, 1681655464519.jpeg)

>>3087275 months ago, in her stories.
No. 308789
>>308735There is a 6 month grace period (more if you have a child with a JP national) to change visas post Japanese divorce. I'm also starting to wonder how many of these rehab& mental hospital check ins are just her way of delaying the process, whether it be for divorce or deportation. She also hasn't been as active lately. Usually when she's officially back at Manas, she starts posting frequently from her room there as well as a few YT videos get filmed. She's having prolonged periods of not being chronically online so I think she's in the transient phase of the cycle. But all this talk about travel, taking in Japan out her bio , and fleeing the country is
No. 308881
>>308879NTA but you would have a better point if she cared at all about love and wasn’t looking for a man to take care of her. That’s literally all she wants. She just thought she could move up but she fucked up.
She cannot take care of herself and is now looking for anyone who will and lets herself be abused and humiliated in exchange so which do you think was better?
True about him deserving a nicer partner though, not that she agrees or cares.
No. 308974
>>308972It does technically, especially as she's unemployed. This is
Why she refuses to make it official.
No. 309098
>>309012Some of us live in or have lived in Japan. You are right about the people who think a google search will tell them all the requirements, when it is actually decided on a case by case basis. But everything that was said about needing to jump through hoops and do everything right and present yourself nicely was absolutely true.
What it comes down to is if she’s still married, she’s fine, if not, she’s freaking out about her visa. The only proof you need that she didn’t get it all sorted is to look through this thread and past threads and see she’s incapable of that.
No. 309099
>>309012>Can we not tinfoil? We don't know her visa statusIt's easy to figure out when you've lived in Japan rather than just visited it. I've lived there for more than 10 years, Venus is an open book online so unless she has a double life NONE of us know about, her visa status is definitely pretty obviously tied to being with Mana, thus an official divorce would void it. Japan's visa requirements are pretty straight forward, none of which she meets, again, unless she has a life none of us knows.
No. 309216
File: 1696553591101.jpg (253.57 KB, 1080x2176, Screenshot_2023.jpg)

Actions speak louder than words.
No. 309229
File: 1696600549809.jpeg (328.9 KB, 1078x2096, IMG_8493.jpeg)

Back in Kabukicho.
No. 309256
>>309216How about staying consistent with your onlyfans, beenus? That way you don't have to suck random dick for booze and drugs.
No. 309301
File: 1696692958838.jpeg (343.4 KB, 831x1313, BE79C318-7F7D-452C-8631-456B6E…)

We’re back to the manic barhopping party girl part of the cycle.
No. 309302
File: 1696693003498.jpeg (196.09 KB, 811x1397, 46033F87-1875-4CE0-80D5-40078E…)

oh so precious and kawaii party girl
No. 309306
File: 1696695649133.jpg (759.21 KB, 1079x1852, Screenshot_20231007_111644_Ins…)

She's on track to approach 30 still calling herself a "loli", but she already looks more haggard than healthy people that age. Anyway, the cycle continues. Bleak.
No. 309311
File: 1696696725410.png (930.61 KB, 640x1136, 39388F98-E956-4576-A1F6-836787…)

She posted and deleted this a couple times with different captions
No. 309312
>>307880While fake, this is more than a "hehe minor injury, back to the usual" type of scenario. She can barely function in her normal day to day, you think taking this supposed fall she would be doing the usual..?
No. 309313
File: 1696697027666.png (1.09 MB, 640x1136, 24D6FAEF-337D-471C-B500-BAD653…)

>”I can’t tell you how many well known people call me ‘the cute girl’ or ‘the kawaii girl’
No. 309314
File: 1696697095101.png (1.09 MB, 640x1136, 6B5E6B88-AE9D-4541-8D63-73FA49…)

No. 309318
File: 1696697846184.jpeg (192.27 KB, 640x1008, 92AF40A4-E44F-4B0A-B643-9426D6…)

No. 309324
File: 1696698364335.jpeg (210.37 KB, 640x847, 120AF1D6-76CE-4EAB-93A1-BB1C4F…)

>I love your hair!
The fuck is wrong with these people? Bots? Evil creeps egging on someone’s self destruction? Just massively retarded?
No. 309325
File: 1696698511871.png (19.77 KB, 584x186, Kekk.png)

>>309323Nothing has been posted, but surprise surprise, she's running a promotion. She's just trying to get eyes on her dead platforms for money.
No. 309335
>>309332She is not hacked ffs. Look at her caption on
>>309314 where she calls her accounts “internet thingies”. She is purposely being half assed because she knows idiots will believe it
No. 309351
>>309344Nonny, are you ok?, are you ok?, are you ok
nonny,.. you've been hit by, you've been struck by.. severe autism.
(severe autism) No. 309393
>>309307yeah shes a legit social media addict and drama whore. she cant just lay low and get her act together. last time she was harassing her ex for money, he put her on blast, then she lied the account was hers.
Now here:
>>309311theres a chance she legit got in contact with someone, unsure if in person or online. either way it sounds like she was very very bitter over it and posted her real thoughts, and we know deep down shes a bitter cunt jealous of her old friends, acquaintances, etc. She deleted it because it looks bad and instead pulled her usual
victim card and lied 4chan hacked her. So she gets her usual dose of sympathy and a possible OF sub
No. 309460
File: 1696857839829.jpg (148.87 KB, 1440x2577, Screenshot_20231009-152140_Ins…)

Venus admitting to committing a felony (?????) and blaming God for it
No. 309481
File: 1696885400826.png (Spoiler Image,1.35 MB, 1130x930, ,ej.png)

When did Ella Freya and Venus become friends? People didnt seem to care too much and were only rumoring about her being an escort and camgirl, but I stumbled upon her recent cam videos now. She also had kidney surgery as in recent. I guess JP models are all the same.
No. 309489
>>309481Like 2018ish when she started messing with Ken. If you go through Venus's insta, you can still see pics of them together from around that time.
As for claiming to have committed felonies,she's probably lying per usual but it's just insane she does/says crazy shit on the internet like this and retards STILL WK and defend her.
No. 309497
>>309493Is there any proof of that? I just know Ella had a SD from Singapore, but I didn't see any photos of Venus with him, or was it a different guy?
>>309481There was also a rumor that she used to send nudes to married guys and threatened to send screenshots to their wives if they don't send her money. She still does better than Venus tho.
No. 309687
>>309601No one said 27 is elderly or something, retard. Obviously a 27 year old is still young, but VERY young? it’s almost 30. Not a teenager. people this age should at least somewhat have their shit together and this bitch doesn’t need to be coddled or infantilised any further.
And what the fuck do Americans have do with anything? Venus herself has aged like dogshit left in the sun just fine without being American. I’m also sure Japanese people with their well known youth obsession are more likely to call a 27 year old woman “old” than an American is
No. 309764
>>309703The Japanese age more slowly due to their diet and all the stuff they put on their skin, Chinese, Korean and Japanese people are very big on skin care and even have drinks that supposedly promote it's health. It can be quite weird at times.
They also have a very skewed view of what youth actually looks like because of how slow they age and because of their weird views on how humans should develop and the milestones they should reach… and honestly they align a lot with how Americans think humans should develop, too, specially after WW2.
Japanese male otaku are gross and think that once women are adults they lose their value, so don't go by what any of those creeps say, though. It's like listening to incels for advice.
(derailing) No. 309788
>>309764yes, it's the associated innocence that gets them riled up. school girl outfits
trigger memories of a time where moids felt happier and had their first crushes. it's both sentimental and predatory
No. 310070
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No. 310085
>>310063Hi again mods
>>310082Let's see how long she sticks to it. Sounds promising kek
(ban evading sperg) No. 310090
File: 1697586143092.jpg (468.26 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231018_083116_Ins…)

No. 310092
>>310089This. She doesn't want to get better because she wants attention. Likely cause she feels unloved and if she got better, there'd be no one to worry about her. She'd be healthy and reliable and people would congratulate her and move on. And her desire for wanting to be the ultra
victim like in the manga she shared, is probably again for attention. As well as feeling special and unique. She'd love to actually experience horrible things but get away unscathed so she could then boast about it to people so they think she's sooo special and unique/wild and the tragic heroine. She wants to feel special and loved imo. And she goes about it in the most deranged way. Plus I think her life is pretty mundane, no matter how "wild" she tries to make it seem, so I guess that's another reason for having these fantasies. Having public fights with her ex doesn't make her life "interesting" or less mundane. Same as drinking or going to therapy. I think she's just bored.
No. 310098
>>310082You poor sweet thing. How new are you to this ongoing trainwreck? She’s been posting this “no more faking it you guys! New start!” routine repeatedly for years (as noted in this thread’s title.)
Keep hoping Poor Venus is going to turn this whole thing around though. This time for sure!
No. 310117
File: 1697642592962.png (508.2 KB, 1145x1716, 20231018_111054_Instagram.png)

”Go to a foreign psychiatrist and get better!
I'm really pissed off with this culture.
Most of your fans are weak as shit.
What are you advising?
Addiction and menhera are virtual products.
I have no choice but to tighten up
For myself and those I truly love
If there's no love, I'll look for it
I am responsible for my own problems, relationships, etc.”
Peenus, you're never going to change.
No. 310190
File: 1697721228469.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4754.png)

No. 310221
>>310192nta but her even talking about having any introspective and even here and there knowing she's to blame, is a start. That's usually how people begin to unspiral, but yeah. It's going to take years. Almost 2/3rds of her life was manipulation by her mother and then sold off to a guy she thought liked her and realized it was all about obsession and fetish. Then had no skills because she was sheltered so much and only knows how to be on camera. OF started getting popular and she saw she wasn't getting money just off her face anymore.
This whole this is an unfortunate spiral, but you can easily see how it all became so wrong and so fast. Now she has to figure out how to keep up with keeping herself up.
No. 310230
>>310221Why are people so unable to see that this is precisely what she wants all of us to think so then when she crashes we say "Ah, but you tried!". She's not gonna change, she starts the cycle over and over because she knows that what she does is wrong, but her talking about it not being instagram material only shows what she's really thinking about: how can I milk this for my benefit!
Some people can have all the introspection you want but never move from there if it doesn't benefit them. She's a master manipulator and you're falling for it.
No. 310237
>>310236exactly, this is all it is. this isn't some bright "aha!" moment. She's just milking it, that's all.
And to hell with whomever keeps saying "this is all she's known", ffs. As if she doesn't go out into the world and sees other people having actual lives. a ton of her now ex friends have lives, so no, it's not all she knows.
No. 310259
>>310256she may be physically that but mentally probably around 12. maturity comes with experience, not passing of time. very hard concept to grasp, I know. many people over 30 keep being very immature due to their own circumstances.
>>310251>You do understand plenty of us had no positive role models growing up or none at all, that there's plenty of orphans out there> Handfuls of people have had to learn shit they didn't when they were kids because nobody taught us, and yet we're not here doing what she's doing.some are doing what she is doing. some are doing worse. some are doing better. some are dead or druggies. your perception is very narrow because you like it that way.
No. 310314
>>310190Idk why everyone is feeding into and falling for her suicide baits. Honestly she's way too much of a narc to do it.
It'll never happen. Hopefully she gets a job or something, or go back to her makeup tutorials and craftings.
No. 310336
>>310321Notice how
triggered she gets whenever ppl tell her to leave glorious Nippon? Everyone who isn't a weeb knows the MH resources are dog shit in Japan and she could atleast get it for free where she's from. If she gets this
triggered at reasonable suggestions from fans about leaving Japan, she'd have an epic meltdown if she was actually forced to leave the country.
No. 310365
>>310336Idk why ppl say it. If she really wanted to leave, she would. She likes the trends there, (where else is mental problems seen as a trendy fashion?) and she said recently that it's not true what is said abt mental health care in Japan. Quite honestly it sounds like they're just as ready to give ppl medication as they do in other countries. Better she sticks to self help, not rely on outside 'help', so many ppl get screwed up even more
because of the medication. It's lucrative big business for big pharma so of course everywhere is going to push it on ppl.
No. 310445
>>310365Venus being a weaboo glorifying Japan?? In this economy?!
But in all seriousness, tingoiling about big pharma and all is not the point here, the point is that if she leaves Japan she won't be as interesting… she could care less about anything else.
No. 310486
>>310254You clearly know nothing of venus if you don't think she wants to be in Japan. She has fetishized the culture since she was a preteen. She CHOSE to marry a guy just to get the easy way to live there. Literally committed a crime to do so. She tells her fans its annoying when they want her to move elsewhere for healthcare and claimed Japan's healthcare is fine. She gets attention and can use Japan for content. She 100% wants to be there. No one forced her to go there. She didn't go there to escape Margo either, or else she could have went literally anywhere with A youtube channel. She
chose Japan. Stop trying to spread misinformation just because you're a clueless white knight.
No. 310488
>>310259What I find hilarious is idiots like you who think she does manipulative vile acts and commits crimes etc because she's "mentally unwell." Uh, no. She does those things largely because she is a shit person. She'd do it even if she didn't have bpd, npd histrionic etc. Sure it's harder for her to control impulses, but not impossible. And there's plenty of people with bpd who do not do the vile shit like she has, including callously using children for her own gain or commiting DV. Your take is incredibly narrow and offensive, assuming mentally ill people do horrible shit like she has and can't control themselves like some rabid animals. She
isn't clinically insane. She knows what she's doing when being manipulative and just doesn't care. Mental illness isn't what makes her not care. She needs mental care AND to work on her disgusting ego, the latter having no relation to mental illness.
(4x back-to-back infighting, at least don't spam the thread) No. 310565
File: 1698046738549.jpg (402.95 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231023_161625_Ins…)

No. 310596
>>310585Marge posts on instagram lately about that trashy American guy she married being
abusive, says she has a restraining order against him and is in the process of divorcing him among other shit, but shes not really active enough to need a new thread
No. 310717
File: 1698270541847.jpeg (69.52 KB, 821x1296, 0374F3CE-BAFF-4E0B-88C5-22FDB8…)

>>310704So this happened? ‘drunk livestream’ at 5AM her time?
Did anyone record it?
No. 310744
>>310717I watched all of it. Nothing really of interest was said. She drank a "beer cocktail" which apparently is beer and some kind of fizzy water drink mixed together. She scribbled down some makeup video ideas people recommended and rambled about being "esoteric" (lmao) every five minutes.
She talked about her usual alcoholic ventures and AA and treatment. She said she's a soooooper productive workaholic obsessed with time management and that she would use cigarettes to track time throughout the day (what?) She teased a bunch of her new money making schemes (The usual patreon, podcast, etc. bullshit) that will never come to fruition.
The only interesting thing she mentioned was that she has plans on getting dentures.
No. 310755
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No. 310760
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No. 310783
File: 1698319972508.png (231.05 KB, 456x588, 1697013942197.png)

>>310755She looks like Shayna
No. 310794
File: 1698328218198.jpeg (166.05 KB, 640x1440, 8879F290-B5AA-4BE2-828B-DEA0BF…)

>>310784I tried dropbox but the quality is utter shit. I’m probably going to put it on reddit. I did notice this meme became reality though
No. 310807
>>310778they are, but they fell out because of excessive drinking.
she said in the livestream they didn't get knocked out and she was probably going to get it fixed at a dentist but couldn't afford it
No. 310812
>>310744Venus also mentioned that she doesn't have access to her Youtube channel and wants to make a new one with her new found energy kek (that's apparently the project she's been raving about lately)
She was rambling how Youtube wants her to identify herself with a video or something, she didn't make a lot of sense. I don't get why she can't just do that?
No. 310816
>>310808It’s just her main subreddit as far as I know.
No. 310819
File: 1698343275828.jpeg (318.19 KB, 1162x1995, BA736F75-E61E-4EAC-A8EF-1ABBB0…)

Seems to be in a cubicle of some sort (with a stained dirty mattress up against the wall, ugh.) Doesn’t look like her room at Manaki’s.
In one of the clips it sounds like she says “when I lived in Japan I talked with some of my friends about having anxiety” or maybe “where I lived in Japan”? Hard to understand because she’s so slurry.
No. 310820
File: 1698343711353.jpeg (306.64 KB, 1131x1927, 99C40111-005A-4477-B94A-65C32C…)

Her ‘beer cocktail.” Cheers!
some tidbits from the stream:
- when she drinks she “gets in touch with the spirit world.”
- one time she quit drinking for 2 weeks and went to an AA meeting and “had a fucking seizure.” Now she just drinks every day to avoid such issues.
- She’s “been on a 9 month bender.”
- Most people can’t drink as much as she does. She “can handle a glass of vodka a day and still function.”
So basically a hardcore alcoholic and no attempts to recover.
No. 310821
File: 1698343802259.jpeg (314.98 KB, 1119x1950, 608A99BE-5A3F-4D94-9A97-AFB329…)

“Doing arts and crafts reconnects my brain.”
No. 310835
>>310819I can’t post the link for some reason but in the 2nd reddit clip at around 4:30 she’s talking about alcohol withdrawals and she says “even in Japan when I was at the clinic” they gave me antipsychotics. That’s twice where she talks about Japan like she’s not there anymore.
Or maybe I’m reading too much into this, idk.
No. 310856
File: 1698380536741.mp4 (17.93 MB, 0101.mp4)

>>310717>>310803There were 2 Instagram Live clips posted on r/venus_angelic. Here they are, split due to their size.
> Clip 1 “I dunno, heh, I should make a video on how to style bloated face.”
No. 310859
>>310856That was someone else’s. This is the one I posted: seems like hardly anyone even watched it so maybe it’s not slowing up for everyone, possibly because my account is new.
>>310846You’re welcome
No. 310861
File: 1698391142177.mp4 (11.75 MB, 1080x1918, 0109.mp4)

>>310856> Clip 2“So basically why I drink spirits is because, uh, it’s not…I don’t get drunk anymore, uh, I talk, oh ok, I mean, I know I sound crazy but, uh, I don’t have much a spiritual life going on, uh, at times (?), so when I get to, like, I mean I do but when you get a little bit, like extremely tipsy, you know like the game creator Zun of Tohou (?), who constantly talks about spirits? So, uh, when I drink, I get, like, in touch with the spirit world, um, so I usually like, look at, um, mandalas (?). It sounds a little better, like, but, it like, invokes certain, uh, reflexions (?) in my body [indecipherable] or visions. Anyway, the thing that I figured out, not so much the music ones, but yes, the, uh, hallucinogenic animations, the digital or like drawings or stuff like that or just having visions. I don’t know why, why it is. Is because my Hungarian ancestry. Anyway, eh, so, while drinking I figured out how to read these* and like, I invoked, uh, the voice of, the, um, I invoked being able to hear when people are, when the devil’s voice is speaking or when an angel’s voice is speaking. And that’s what I’m able to do right now but at the beginning it was so hard, that I ended up like, mistaking things and being really mean to people and upsetting them but also, even so I was really mean to them, they kinda gave me all of the answers I (?) wanted. So yeah, this is good. I got this, I got this in a really creepy shop in Akihabara. Anyway, that’s a craziest story and I should make you pay me money for this but ok.
* She referred to this as schizo kanji.
>>310859Yes, sorry.
I planned on uploading them but splitting it took longer than I anticipated and life got in the way. Here it is.
No. 310900
>>310861Thanks for the transcript, anon - she literally sounds like she’s having a psychotic break with all this angel/devil bs and her missing teeth. Nothing she says makes sense.
As for the not being in Japan thing, she did mention as far back as a month ago in
>>307747 that she might be leaving Japan, and she’s been living there on borrowed time for a long time. Could also just be fucking with everyone as is usual for her.
No. 310935
File: 1698452733735.png (1.5 MB, 1652x2064, photostudio_1698452676494.png)

Teeth look broken.
No. 310952
File: 1698466598969.jpeg (282.48 KB, 1170x1864, 6A9BC547-96A0-4568-AB06-010FDF…)

>>310868At the beginning of this one someone said she should do tiktok lives more. I guess she sees the chat on a delay but when she sees that she says “tiktok, what’s tiktok?” She’s so full of shit while acting like she’s doing real talk. Just trying to control the narrative as usual.
No. 310966
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No. 310967
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No. 310968
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No. 311018
>>310973>”she’s sarcastic a lot”That’s not what sarcasm means. And she’s a toothless drunk whose idea of humor is “something something school shooter, hitler eye drops”
Was she also being sarcastic when she said she never said anything about a V scar?
No. 311088
>>311083Yeah I mean she could have just enrolled to get the visa, as a lot of people do. But you can only do it once as they won’t renew it if you didn’t do what you were supposed to.
Equal chance that she just said some bullshit when someone asked what she does. She’s drunk on livestream at 5 a.m., what do they think she does kek
You also probably can’t get welfare on a student visa so now I’m curious
No. 311100
File: 1698681960226.jpg (301.21 KB, 1078x1911, Screenshot_20231031_010004_Ins…)

Guys, she doesn't edit her face, she shapeshifts because of her state of heart.
No. 311241
File: 1698735194183.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 2432x2432, 3E773FE2-444F-4832-86B3-49DACB…)

>>311100The most amazing thing is when her heart changes state, it can even change the shape of nearby objects such as wine glasses
No. 311260
File: 1698755947483.jpg (246.88 KB, 1170x2080, 396662095_873085553972169_3087…)

No. 311267
>>311261NTA but because the picture is funny asf? You don't ever show your significant other funny pics? Or are you eternally alone,
(derailing) No. 311274
File: 1698763077087.png (561.34 KB, 814x508, ethanollabel.PNG)

>>311260what the label says for anyone curious.
guess she has is drinking cleaning ethanol now? reminds me of those alcoholics that steal public hand sanitizer.
No. 311289
File: 1698775780918.png (252.05 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5590.png)

She is totally “fine” after drinking that anons
No. 311330
>>311243Thinking a woman looks "insanely old" (like, she's an alcoholic woman in her 20s and looks exactly like that) and that's a jumpscare definitely makes me think you have a healthy relationship with a nice moid, like heaven forbid you get old (or become an alcoholic like venus) and become a "jumpscare"
Also it is weird to show your boyfriend nudes of other women in the hopes he will insult them for you, it screams insecurity.
Venus is a mess but her thread definitely attracts cows in their own right, since the key element to being a cow is the lack of self awareness. I wouldn't show some lolcow's shameful nudes to anyone I know because that would be weird and reflect poorly on me, what if your dude showed you a photo of another dude's lopsided dick? What would you think? You'd think it's weird he's looking at that and he seems insecure.
(derailing) No. 311335
File: 1698828790955.png (291.47 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_5670.png)

No. 311358
>>311330Nta but what screams insecurity is your long ass rant. Another lonely fat girl in the thread.
>>311343She became so boring. Not even worth it.
(useless post) No. 311418
File: 1698960561650.jpg (178.62 KB, 1080x1926, venus1.jpg)

No. 311419
File: 1698960586295.jpg (226.19 KB, 1080x1885, venus2.jpg)

No. 311420
File: 1698960613452.jpg (73.82 KB, 1080x1924, venus3.jpg)

No. 311428
File: 1698964981049.png (259.68 KB, 1242x2208, B099EF85-6F45-4B11-87D1-06D111…)

>>311418who the fuck is he? did this dumb bitch seriously give her password to some random guy??
No. 311433
>>311430Exactly. She eventually cries abuse and uses her followers as her personal army against every boyfriend. Fucking psychotic narcissist.
>>311428117k followers with 3 posts on a private account. Probably bought those followers from the same site as venus
No. 311451
File: 1699006601132.png (138.52 KB, 363x716, 2023-11-03 12_13_00-Reddit - h…)

Her ex posted again
No. 311452
File: 1699006729313.png (320.9 KB, 427x740, 2023-11-03 12_18_44-.png)

Whatdoes this mean(unsaged retardation)
No. 311453
File: 1699006874693.png (42.72 KB, 356x720, 2023-11-03 12_21_09-Reddit - h…)

Doesn't she have that spiritual awakening every 2 weeks? What changed this time?
No. 311454
>>311451Isn't bro an old dude himself, if 27 is old he must be ancient. moid logic. also only 4 years between 23 and 27.
I have no idea why she stays in Japan like there is absolutely nothing pleasant or aspirational about her experience there, terrible men included
No. 311455
>>311454You're thinking too deeply
nonnie. He's literally talking about venus's mentality and poorly taking care of herself, based on the actual Japanese wording because does she look and behave like a 27 year woman in the apex of her life? His age and him being a guy is irrelevant in speaking facts.
>I have no idea why she stays in JapanBecause she's able to partially game the system due to her not officially divorcing Mana, if she left she'd LITERALLY be fucked with 0 support.
No. 311469
>>311452>>311453These are what she thinks is her “edgy
dark humor” Which she imagines is totally hilarious, (along with her superior intellect and creativity.) iow, she’s every bit as delusional as her mom.
No. 311479
>>311451She translated incorrectly lolol
He doesn‘t say he hates.
It literally says, that 23 year old healthy and cute girls are much more satisfying than an almost 27 year old menhera hag
(sage) No. 311499
File: 1699037844221.jpg (451.31 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231103-195611_Red…)

rare sane moment? this is what a lot of her critics (here) have suggested. she may actually have a chance if she goes through with it.
No. 311502
>>311499Beautiful princess disorder? lol
I get this has to be a joke, but knowing how mental health industry (especially in america) likes to medicalise every slight variation in personality types, it wouldnt surprise me to find its serious.
No. 311524
>>311428either a lie or he was a new manager she gave her accounts over to then she tried to manipulate him/screw him over in some way given he allegedly called her crazy and given how she has screwed over other managers in the past. She probs cant get the account back if she signed some contract or something. but of course, venus is always the 100% innocent
victim in these cases and chooses to do nothing about it, even though she could if she really was randomly hacked.
No. 311528
>>311454He's a fat middle aged slob who preys on young girls. He's not a
victim here (nor is Venus… they're both terrible)
>>311503He's a fellow alcoholic and that's probably what she liked better. Because Mana certainly looked way better and was closer to her age.
No. 311529
>>311500yeah I highly doubt after years of doing anything she can to stay there, she just voluntarily wants to leave. when she wanted to leave mana for ken, she started teasing the whole gay thing to have a
valid excuse for leaving him and hiding her visa fraud. no doubt this is the same thing. if she ever leaves, it's not by choice but she'll say it was.
>>311479ty. i had no idea she altered the translation to make what ken said seem more vitriolic so he looks worse.
No. 311533
File: 1699063688747.jpg (294.37 KB, 1074x1908, Screenshot_20231104_110657_Ins…)

Are we all going to ignore her crazy talk about Margo cursing her?
No. 311534
File: 1699063712092.jpg (171.21 KB, 1076x1911, Screenshot_20231104_110706_Ins…)

No. 311543
File: 1699076632388.png (515.58 KB, 1170x2046, IMG_8987.png)

Treatment in the US??? She can't even afford treatment in Japan. Is she for real??? Bitch better take her ass back to Europe lol. According to PULL she refollowed Ken but then he unfollowed a few hours later before posting this retardation. She's probably upset he's not giving her money. She spergs like crazy whenever Ken doesn't do what she wants.
No. 311548
File: 1699079484334.png (283.21 KB, 750x1122, IMG_6953.png)

>>311544Yea its a discord server now. Here's the screenshot they got before the unfollow. After this she started posting more insanity. This is probably why she's sperging about how "Men don't ever have your best interest at heart." Blah blah blah. Same old it's someone elses fault for her shit decision.
No. 311556
File: 1699098731774.jpeg (185.71 KB, 1047x691, IMG_5605.jpeg)

In the comments on her latest post she said she’s being evicted
No. 311557
>>31152499% likely this was a guy she's was fucking and just trying to turn her remaining simps onto him after a falling out, like usual. Beenus is retarded but she doesn't just hand over account to every person who passes by when talking to her in general you can tell how evasive and paranoid she is.
>>311556>Evicted for Jumping>Never actually jumpedYep, confirmed she's kicked out of Japan finally.
No. 311560
File: 1699104026902.jpg (820.64 KB, 2565x3602, IMG_7054.jpg)

Betwwen the crap she was posting and this picture, her "schizophrenia" and "having an episode/moments of insanity" are DEFINITELY performative. She's doing it to get engagement and likes and more attention for her "project." She is 100% fake as fuck. I doubt her alcoholism is even as bad as she pretends it is.(armchairing)
No. 311565
File: 1699104692457.jpg (171.5 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-11-04-14-09-48…)

Ah yes, so serious that's why you regularly suicide bait your audience and Ken to get money out of him. Fuck off Venus.
No. 311566
File: 1699104896801.jpg (98.02 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-11-04-14-10-54…)

Describing herself perfectly. Staying for the visa, not respecting Japanese society, talking about God, yet virtue signaling at the very same time, as if she's above that.
No. 311570
File: 1699109499494.png (295.31 KB, 1757x1577, 75jiy065.png)

The usual stupidity
No. 311572
File: 1699109959766.jpeg (229.64 KB, 1170x2080, Venus_angelic_3228583470194728…)

She's such a fuckin' hypocrite
No. 311586
File: 1699120813029.jpg (224.95 KB, 1080x1421, 1234.jpg)

Do you think she is talking about Manaki?
No. 311593
>>311543>>a friend suggested…Last time a “friend” supposedly suggested she had DID, but she dropped that after actually getting backlash from her dumb followers. She’s literally just a grifting freeloader shopping for labels to make everyone pity her instead of doing the hard work to actually get past her trauma.
I actually think she’s considering leaving Japan voluntarily simply because she’s outstayed her welcome at all the inpatient facilities in her area and the medical system is getting wise to her malingering ass. Well, Europe doesn’t want her back, and she does nothing but bitch about the US, so…
No. 311641
File: 1699159879064.jpg (514.11 KB, 750x1290, IMG_7172.jpg)

How much you want to bet she took a bite, spit it out then ran to social media to post it pretending she ate the entire onion with skin because she read that's what some alcoholics do to help with hangovers. The fact that she feels the need to show off eating an onion makes it highly suspicious of being performative, rather than something she just regularly does.
No. 311653
File: 1699182234409.jpg (202.05 KB, 1205x898, img765454.jpg)

>>311646possibly, but since she's larping a vampire now that explains her ratty look/trying to look undead/not putting on makeup and prob eatin/pretending to eat raw onion. just another performative aesthetic for her cause she cant stand being the normie washed up nobody she is. she always has to pretend to be "different" or special in some way. when shes just your typical alcoholic bum.
No. 311665
>>311523>>311563>>311564>>311565>>311579>>311593>>311641Her fans will never get this since theyre so far up Venus' ass parasocially, but I think some anons here have trouble grasping just how fake, vapid, completely devoid of personality and morals Venus is. The only genuine thing about her I've noticed over the years is that shes jealous of anyone doing better than her (Taylor, Kenna, Mikan), wants money for dumb shit but doesnt want to work for it, holds grudges, looooooves getting drunk, attention of any kind, and is terminally online because she hates herself and her life (black market surgery, photoshop and filters to hell and back). Its why she has no friends, associates, or even a bf and how she managed to fuck up all her side gigs and collabs years ago
>>311586shes beginning to realize how good she had it with Manaki. Was their age difference weird and creepy? Yes. But Manaki virtually never did anything bad to her. He didn't hit her, nor abuse her in any way, didn't pimp her out. He was just a complete and utter doormat; Paid the bills, bought her stupid shit, gave the most steady housing shes ever had. Considering how they met and how he was following her for years when she was underage, he was like a woman's perfect idea of a predator. He even had the courtesy and justification to tell Venus to stop wearing stupid kawaii egl shit in public because he knew the connotations in japan (otaku, j-fashion fan or sex work. look at where all the egirls are now, and where she is rn, he doesnt want to look like john or something) and get pissed when she nearly killed herself with that sketchy ass surgery to get thinner. Even would take her home during her drunken karaoke streams. Now she has no one looking out for her anymore and has busted teeth lmao
No. 311671
File: 1699200983480.jpg (474.14 KB, 1440x1920, stories1.jpg)

No. 311672
File: 1699201013860.jpg (274.26 KB, 1440x1440, stories2.jpg)

No. 311685
>>311673I doubt she has BPD, sounds like she lived her whole life with NPD.
But she's gonna read this and self diagnose herself with BPD.
Prime example with now two delete videos, when Venus was straight up insulting Mikan and Nat at a dessert buffet. And Manaki did an impression of her calling other girls ugly and primping in the mirror.
Venus is a straight up narc.
(armchair) No. 311846
File: 1699386220140.jpeg (97.77 KB, 808x755, E6CBFDBE-7530-4BBD-A588-85F50D…)

After mumbling something about applying to some school “in February” a few weeks back (which seemed odd, why wait until February? unless you’re up against a deadline of some sort) she’s now ‘a student’ on her instagram bio.
Purely from a love of learning I’m sure, not at all for visa scamming purposes now that her spouse visa is dead and gone(visa tinfoiling)
No. 311914
>>311895No one in the world was retarded enough to think the government cares about her Instagram bio. That your mind even went there is amazing.
You are the retard if you think she is drunk posting incoherently at all hours of the night and morning, then taking herself to school to receive an education.
At first I thought she enrolled somewhere to get a visa but on second thought that costs money. She probably just pulled it out of her ass like “working at a prestigious animation studio and being so passionate about it” lol
No. 311918
File: 1699436866809.png (1000.9 KB, 720x1299, Screenshot_20231108-104308-585…)

Another thing that never happened + lots of babbling on her story now, took screens in case deleted but gonna cut it if no one posts it (8 screens and idk if everything is worth posting)
No. 311920
File: 1699438429805.jpg (114.76 KB, 1080x1920, VWJ1K6WD.jpg)

I would pay money not to recieve advice from Venus, she should try that like how are you gonna be giving people advice when your life is like this? Aren't coaches/advisors meant to have aspirational status in some way? Is this the narc delusion talking?
No. 311921
File: 1699438539105.jpg (159.58 KB, 1080x1920, D0R1N3RE.jpg)

>>311920Different anon to
>>311918I will post the stories because they're interesting (in that it's another bunch of lies and promises which conflict with things she has previously said)
Previous image is this:
No. 311922
File: 1699438613080.jpg (142.63 KB, 1080x1920, NSTJI5GO.jpg)

>>311921It's all the
toxic people's fault and none of Venus's terrible life choices that got us here
No. 311923
File: 1699438735849.jpg (135.55 KB, 1080x1920, QLER83QO.jpg)

>>311922I think she means "slightly sobering up" when she says detox, like it takes people months or even years to completely recover from alcohol addiction. She thinks by consuming slightly less but still drinking it is a "detox"
No. 311925
File: 1699438822279.jpg (47.45 KB, 1080x1920, CO0R4W08.jpg)

>>311924Can't wait to see this masterpiece Venus
No. 311927
File: 1699438992150.jpg (150.08 KB, 1080x1920, HYBRM9NO.jpg)

>>311926Last one, there is just a one line story saying "sry for typos" not worth posting after this one
No. 311935
File: 1699450430269.png (Spoiler Image,561.95 KB, 608x902, 2.png)

I love how she hints at her OF and does nothing on it, she doesn't DM anyone either, taken from another site. The last time she actually posted to it that can be considered "content" and the last actual post was just something stupid. So yeah it must be sub renewal time that she's trying to get people to sub again. She's not cute enough to pull this scam off.
No. 311936
File: 1699450458620.png (Spoiler Image,159.3 KB, 601x777, 1.png)

>>311935She didn't lie about using it as a "blog" kek
No. 312023
File: 1699533484526.jpg (25.99 KB, 1170x2080, 400003196_239189555581993_5545…)

No. 312024
File: 1699533511289.jpg (86.35 KB, 1170x2080, 400003194_1009100913725571_708…)

No. 312025
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No. 312026
File: 1699533618286.jpg (212.95 KB, 1170x2080, 399841741_209380085519100_5113…)

No. 312027
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No. 312028
File: 1699533669123.jpg (102.78 KB, 1170x2080, 400199891_333391462626384_4770…)

No. 312029
>>312027But beenus, I thought you "gave your OF/MFV to someone and they never gave it back"? Kek, so basically what this dumb
nonnie said:
>>312012>you're acting like you can just put a personality disorder and mental illness on a shelfNah, Beenus is just an alcoholic and basically rotted her brain with her dumb bs over the years.
>>312026>"Sorry I gained a bit of weight"Where?
No. 312039
>>312028It wasnt hard for anyone with a brain to know that getting onto big pharma meds would not help her but got shouted down by all the voices saying yes she
must see doctors she "must* have meds. For the tiny few who might be helped, they screw up more people. Its big business. when will people realise?
No. 312045
>>312039Exactly, you can’t say anything against it, and you can’t say that maybe putting humiliating naked images of herself all over there internet might be bad for her mind. Because there’s “no shame” in anything, this must mean that it’s good idea. Most people can’t handle it.
Also it’s not just the meds but the constant talk about which disorder causes you to act which way. No one even considers that maybe their actions and refusal to take account for those actions has caused their personality problems and not the other way around.
Now we have to watch people like Venus destroy their lives and die slowly while being cheered on, not allowed to even speak against it without being attacked. And we are the “haters”.
No. 312072
File: 1699620354842.jpg (357.23 KB, 1440x1080, stories1.jpg)

No. 312073
File: 1699620399484.jpg (372.26 KB, 1440x1440, stories2.jpg)

No. 312086
>>312072Her writing gives me the same braindead feeling as her videos - I can’t figure out what she’s trying to say, if anything. I feel like it’s just Heather Explores type word salad that she’s spewing into the void because she can’t comprehend the idea of just existing offline for two whole minutes.
>>312073Why is she even asking this? She’s been in AA like five different times and kept saying stuff like how it was cult like and unhelpful. The person answered her question, but she just mostly ignored it and continued keyboard mashing. I don’t think she’ll ever stop drinking anyway.
No. 312397
File: 1700003329914.png (546.85 KB, 4096x4096, 20231115_000824_264.png)

Idk if I should sage, barely any milk(sage, this isn't milk)
No. 312639
File: 1700307837364.jpg (246.86 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20231118_203358_Ins…)

No. 312640
File: 1700310030783.png (529.98 KB, 720x1291, Screenshot_20231118-131949~2.p…)

>>312639Also her old video was reposted on his insta yesterday
No. 312646
>>312644which is guilt trip him into blowing money on her? if this pic is recent and not her posting old pics, this wont last long but it at least confirms shes still in japan.
all that time shit talking him and sending her fagelics. they gonna be too dumb to realize
No. 312647
>>311924Here she goes again self-diagnosing. Now she has bpd again, and bipolar and is schizo. Venus stfu.
>>311925It'll probably be AI generated like Margo's crap.
>>312027So, she didn't lose her onlyfans now? She can never be consistent with her lies.
No. 312722
>>312703Oh ok, I guess it is him and he just lost weight then.
Wow… he really came back after all that… I guess Ken is who she was talking about here
>>311586 and not Manaki after all.
No. 312762
>>312708I doubt the photo is recent tho unless she dyed her hair black again and wears shitty extensions. Also I wouldn't call him fat, he just has an ugly beer belly. There isn't much fat in his face, neck, chest and extremities.
But I have to admit I thought this is another guy and she's trying to make him jealous or something like that too at first lmao
No. 312903
>>312868Because this thread is full of idiots that have no attention span to read before asking questions multiple times or making statements without receipts/that contradict receipts. In summary, Zoomers need to learn to integrate, or fuck off back to Tiktok.
>>312805>some of you guys seem to have brain issuesNotice the avoidance of the word "retard" when being a smug asshole, while also being too stupid to abide basic rules of the site.
(infighting) No. 312926
File: 1700658929625.png (907.87 KB, 720x1265, Screenshot_20231122-141604-108…)

Disgusting greasy hair…(hair nitpicking)
No. 312927
>>312926Is it seriously
that greasy? I think maybe it's just wet.
No. 312928
>>312927..It's greasy
No. 312929
>>31292On length I thought so too, but look closer at bangs, they are seriously greasy.
But also her hair is pretty long compared to last pic, can extensions get that greasy and nasty? I kinda hope it's a really shitty wig.
(nitpicking + not even saged) No. 312955
File: 1700669166455.jpg (249.82 KB, 1236x864, suicide bait.jpg)

>>312940I don't believe that she's actually killing herself this time but she phrased it in an ambiguous way to imply it.
No. 312962
File: 1700672492677.png (235.31 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_0181.png)

so she’s back and she tried getting “free plastic surgery” and now she doesn’t have a jaw..?
No. 312964
File: 1700673930072.jpeg (972.26 KB, 1125x1955, IMG_1036.jpeg)

No. 312965
File: 1700673959524.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1959, IMG_1037.jpeg)

No. 312966
File: 1700674108949.png (1.56 MB, 720x1279, Screenshot_20231122-182919-706…)

No. 312967
File: 1700674146511.png (75.06 KB, 720x364, Screenshot_20231122-182953-099…)

She also deleted caption (again)
No. 312977
File: 1700682441432.png (25.06 KB, 251x342, tooth-extraction-bone-loss.png)

>>312962Tbh I think it's more that her back molars rotted away and she likely had some bone loss in her jaw which is what happens when one's teeth rot and fall out.
It makes young women look super aged.
The "free plastic surgery" could just be a tongue in cheek lie about her dental implants filling out her face again. We all know no building fell on her, but we have all seen her nasty teeth.
(tinfoiling) No. 313001
>>312982that’s not possible with anons who are clearly very sheltered and naive and need time off their phone.
Like. have NONE of you anons ever been drunk? Been drunk and say stupid shit to get a rise out of people? Because thats literally all venus does nowadays.
She knows are her fans and anons here are dumb enough to psychoanalyze on a dumb tangent. Shes is a dumb drunken bitch. End of story.
No. 313020
File: 1700748828406.jpg (306.62 KB, 1080x2208, Screenshot_20231123_161410.jpg)

No. 313030
File: 1700753475871.jpg (1.16 MB, 2520x2921, 11.jpg)

No. 313034
>>313020So her tooth rot has spread to her jaw and now the jaw is rotting too, leadeng to ‘facial collapse’? Bummer. If the rot/infection is inside the bone she’s screwed. And she’s still pounding those Strong Zeroes and smoking too.
meth mouth is a helluva disease.
No. 313038
File: 1700757713323.png (80.97 KB, 720x466, Screenshot_20231123-173549-133…)

The image didn't submit, sorry for not noticing!(delete instead of doubleposting)
No. 313040
>>313038>fiancé here we go again
Also the way she describes her accident sounds like an OD
No. 313062
>>312962She found the good drugs, apparently.
>>313019Nothing happened.
>>313060Nonnie…OD in general.
No. 313101
File: 1700813226533.jpeg (269.84 KB, 1475x1659, BE79155B-E332-46B1-B2C6-77FAA5…)

>>312977This isn’t tinfoiling, anon is right - Venus has facial collapse from rotten and missing teeth because she’s too much of a tard to stop drinking and eating sweets and go to a dentist. She literally said “facial collapse” herself in the discord. She’ll need more than a “cheap dentist” to fix that though.
No. 313107
>>313020"I didn't understand how to go to a dentist"
WTF? What's not to understand about how to go to a dentist?
No. 313110
>>313063you know shes pretty much never sober right?>>313101
why is critical thinking so hard. she "looked up" aka googled or some shit and thinks she has that. she hasnt been properly assessed from a fucking professional like a goddamn dentist.
No. 313123
File: 1700839746823.png (961.81 KB, 640x1136, 741D227E-A3A7-4A42-8B1B-ACB0AD…)

kek at the people in denial about her drug use. She was on live stream having obvious withdrawals. Said she’s going to the doctor on Monday for her jaw, so that’s probably why she has to sober up.
I only caught part of it but she said she had to leave her other house because of a mental breakdown. If purple curtains means mana’s house then I guess that’s where she is. She said she is back together with nekopachi.
No. 313177
>>313166That’s her old room at Manaki’s place, where she’s been squatting for the past seven years. The stained mattress leaned against the wall is new though.
The walls and purple curtain are unmistakably Manaki’s place, pathetic cuck that he is.
No. 313179
File: 1700872677732.jpeg (294.98 KB, 1093x1623, 1856871E-9A41-4302-92ED-51078E…)

So I guess this place, where she was at in August/September, was yet another drying-out clinic she bounced to after getting kicked out of her rented ‘two story house’ and prior to landing back in her old room? That’s the pattern with these people (chronic alcoholics,) they bounce around between hospitals and clinics repeatedly, never getting better because they don’t give a shit anymore.
Just a guess based on experience.(reference the previous post instead of reposting image)
No. 313213
>>313179Mattress-chan also co-hosted a previous live about a month ago
>>310813>>313192She’s done that slurring thing for as long as I can remember, and I used to think it’s because she was always drunk. But now I think it’s because she has no bottom teeth - her lower lip is always kinda sunken looking. And she said in that live that she wanted to get dentures.
No. 313229
>>312977I agree with your first sentence since there are recent pictures of Venus missing her teeth and her front teeth being pitch black and rotting away. I don't agree with your second sentence though, implants are expensive and require regular oral hygiene something venus can not do for some reason (hygiene is too hard for her?).
>>312964There is a high chance she is just trolling her fagelic followers like she always does or there is a possibility of her getting another botched surgery again.
>>313020She is making zero sense. The alcohol has really dumbed her brain down. Someone tell venus that rotting teeth or accidents have nothing to do with "free" cosmetic jaw surgerys.
>>313123Ew the mattress.
>>313177These retarded "she is at manakis house" tinfoils need to be put into rest. Either have actual receipts of her being there or shut the fuck up. It is obvious that she hasn't been at manakis in a while now so how long are we going to keep calling every cheap hotel or couch-surfing that she does as being at manakis.
No. 313278
File: 1700938871281.jpeg (690.28 KB, 2266x2266, 188B7A2B-0BFE-4DC9-B4B9-BE6ED2…)

Same room
No. 313283
File: 1700941889975.jpeg (210.45 KB, 817x1127, 7A647382-8051-49F2-B78A-AB8A94…)

>>313278Yeah it’s really not that hard to figure out, just look back at her instagram from 1-2 years ago. It’s the same curtain, same wall covering pattern, same wood trim. It’s the same room she’s been camping out in for the past 7 years.
No. 313287
>>313285The mana saga will never end until he officially signs papers, but since he is a legit "good guy" he doesn't want blood on his hands.
>>313268>>313278KEK, next time do your research, most of us have followed her long enough to know her shenanigans.
No. 313326
>>313314I don't agree with your tinfoil… but I am going to be honest that i do find it eerie how he disappeared of the face of the earth. And I also find it weird how there is no proof he is ually active like the so called friend had no proof and neither did they even give any proof they contacted him, people also kept sharing fake accounts saying that was him.
I do think he is alive but I still find it weird how he is in hiding now. I wonder if someone from real life told him about Venus airing out dirty laundry about him for the world to see ans that's why he disappeared.
No. 313343
File: 1700973398636.jpeg (288.7 KB, 2044x1151, F6DEB8A6-F8C2-413E-A1CB-B93159…)

>>313324>> a place Ken let's her stay in No, it’s her old room. Same door and doorknob, for one (screenshot from her 2017 room tour video)
No. 313344
File: 1700973441996.jpeg (175.22 KB, 1143x1421, 4D2F69F7-556D-47E7-B2BB-D2AC2B…)

>>313343and from her latest stream
No. 313364
File: 1701008042745.jpeg (497.68 KB, 1499x1482, IMG_2551.jpeg)

Latest stories, looking like shit and saying some guy took her accounts
No. 313371
File: 1701014216966.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1184x2297, IMG_9205.jpeg)

I’m not sure she has access the newest videos are from June and I can’t imagine she would still want these up given there’s actual shit in her ass crack :/ it also looks like she wasn’t making much money on OF anyway
She just begs for tips on all the posts but doesn’t get anything
Picture is not safe for life(emoji, subjectfagging)
No. 313374
File: 1701014678800.jpg (148.79 KB, 1080x1932, IMG_20231126_180200.jpg)

Reflecting on her time spent in the psych ward. She's such a dumbass
No. 313377
File: 1701015763318.jpeg (Spoiler Image,962.44 KB, 1077x1590, IMG_9219.jpeg)

More from her OF — livestream with no filter from last year
No. 313378
File: 1701016121148.jpeg (Spoiler Image,816.71 KB, 1095x1447, IMG_9211.jpeg)

I cannot believe how embarrassing her content on onlyfans is— and to learn that she’s not even making money off it… that’s just so sad. She ruined her life and didn’t even profit off of it. With her tips and likes the way they are… she genuinely is not making a lot and never was.
No. 313379
File: 1701016180025.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1008.3 KB, 1094x1469, IMG_9209.jpeg)

Last pic… nsfl(old milk should at least be saged)
No. 313388
File: 1701019264188.jpg (54.21 KB, 418x552, 23455678.jpg)

>>313387you sure about that nona?
(derailing) No. 313389
File: 1701019391706.png (13.86 KB, 706x251, kek.png)

>>313388NTA but yes, I seen it too
(derailing) No. 313394
>>313371You gotta laugh when people post "porn" that is this revolting, just missing the point entirely.
>>313382It's a pyramid scheme, most people made less than minimum wage and literally like 5 hoes made a million (inc Belle)
No. 313408
>>313350Idk man, having to explain to your mom that you're getting a divorce because your asstranged wife cheated on you multiple times with a married man, with kids, and she's now a drugged up, black put drunk OF porn hoe/prostitute cum rag is pretty embarrassing. Especially in a backwards ass country like Japan where ppl stay in relationships with unfaithful spouses all the time because of how negative divorce is seen.
>>313407This has been discussed at length, but it was because she was a greedy bitch who thought she could move up with Ken. She started hanging out with Taylor R and Ella Frey, who had sugar daddies and Venus wanted a piece of the sugar baby pie. See, when she was friends with Tsukuro and Mikan,she was higher up status wise because they were students who had to work for a living. But with Taylor and Ella, she probably started feeling hella insecure that she was the broke bitch in the group compared to them. Venus strikes me as the type to not actually want friends for companionship, rather what she can get from them. Whether it be a sense of superiority over them, or for monetary gain, ppl are just objects to her.
No. 313412
File: 1701043096290.jpeg (286.34 KB, 972x1535, 38810047-0363-4DC9-9EEB-7AF838…)

>>313409She thought ‘Ken’ was gonna marry her and would be her visa hubby #2, lol. Maybe her deluded wet brain still hopes this will happen.
Someone initiated divorce proceedings in 2019 the first time she left and moved in with ‘Ken’ (post is from Sept. 2019.) Who knows what the status of that is today, she keeps bouncing back and forth between him and Manaki. I don’t think either one of them wants to be married to her alcoholic toothless ass.
No. 313473
File: 1701112249167.png (161.68 KB, 720x1218, Screenshot_20231127-191523-335…)

She was active on her discord, but honestly I have no idea what she meant.
Possibly she was drunk again?
No. 313475
File: 1701112574293.png (512.22 KB, 600x1200, Screenshot_20231127-201552-202…)

Also I just remembered this on old thread, maybe Venus really didn't know how to go to dentist because Margo admitted herself she "never had to go to dentist", no dental care ever?
No. 313498
>>313496Most of us weren't brought up to learn how to pay taxes and we still did it. Stop defending Venus being lazy.
>>313497Most don't because they don't have someone to force them to anymore. You have to be 18+ to use this site I thought.
(infighting) No. 313509
>>313498Going out of your way to make venus the bad guy here when its her moms fault. Kids learn through teaching and her hand was held all the way into afulthood because of her narc, controlling mother. You can see this through all the threads and her actions after leaving Margo. This isn't the same as making appointments and where to go out who to see, how to tell if a doctor is legit.. Don't pretend you've never cried to mommy when you were 18 and didn't know who to call after getting kicked out of pediatrics. This isn't some rare issue.
Example: her surgery she jumped on because it was free and they reached out to her to make all the scheduling, she just had to show up. It's not excuses, anon,its just the fact that some of us aren't blinded by some vendetta and actually think.
No. 313512
Bitch "doesn't know how" to go to a dentist but knows how to get illegal weight loss surgery, use a man for a visa, do porn, sleep with a married man, spend all her money on expensive clothes, suicide bait ppl to get what she wants, and be a manipulative bitch. "Stop blaming Venus it's her mom's fault." GTFO with that retardation. Some of y'all dumb as hell. She knows how to go to a fucking dentist, she just doesn't because she would rather spend the money on drugs,booze, expensive clothes, hair and nails. She just got back with Ken and surprise surprise, new hair extensions&nails. Still no fucking dentist appointment.
No. 313528
>>313509>Don't pretend you've never cried to mommy when you were 18 and didn't know who to call after getting kicked out of pediatrics.I did my research because I knew I'm no longer considered a kid. Using your words:
>This isn't some rare issueMost people in the world realizes you can't be on your parents teat forever. Asian households are more commonly multi-generational, but Venus literally expects handouts all her life, hence why no matter what she has a safety net to run to when shit hits the fan.
>>313512This kek. It takes FAR MORE knowledge to do the shit she does than it takes to walk into a fucking dentist office.
(infighting/derailing) No. 313529
>>313509>> her surgery she jumped on because it was free and they reached out to her to make all the scheduling,This was addressed a few posts ago, maybe read the thread before you go off spewing fiction?
Again: Venus herself has said she reached out to multiple doctore about the surgery, set it up herself and paid for it herself. But she “doesn’t know how to go to a dentist,” poor thing. Lol
No. 313540
>>313512I think it's more of the issue she wasn't taught the importance of taking care of her fucking teeth, many such cases (check DMFT, many EU countries have problems with that), a lot of EU kids don't give a fuck about going to dentist twice a year to check your mouth
Not to blog but I knew a gal who lost three teeth at the age of 18 because of poor dental hygiene, last time being at dentist at 12 so it's not entirely unimaginable for me
No. 313543
File: 1701133591438.jpeg (273.59 KB, 1536x1386, 4D9C7437-88EE-4457-9D7D-526F4D…)

>>313540Yeah well she’s had black discolored teeth for at least the past two years (screenshot from 2021)
No. 313545
File: 1701133725358.jpeg (281.02 KB, 1475x1508, C99AE056-9606-43EA-914D-4ED8EF…)

And this, from last year
But poor Venus “didn’t know how” to see a dentist or even brush her rotten teeth, because MARGARET
No. 313547
File: 1701134170205.png (839.64 KB, 1025x720, Screenshot_20231128-021515-876…)

>>313543Let's be honest, her teeth (same as her hair) has been a mess ever since at least 2016, just gradually been worse and worse
I also remember them being piss yellow around 2017? 2018?
No. 313562
>>313552>she’s severely mentally illStop believing her stupid larps.
She’s selfish and uncaring, and tapped out the mommy excuse about five years ago.
Maybe she doesn’t want to go because she does have illegal drugs in her system. In her live it seemed like she was in withdrawal, probably panicking about a doctor knowing she’s on something. Wouldn’t have to do that for just alcohol.
(derailing) No. 313631
>>313630>I'm more interested to know if she's actually back with Ken, or Manaki, or both?She's hiding out at Mana's based on her room, since he doesn't want to have her blood on his hands if she does do something retarded while they're still
legally married.
No. 313633
>>313630Going by her insta and livestreams, she got kicked out of her apartment sometime over the summer (she said she “had to leave because I got psycho in dere.”) Guessing it was a combination of public drunkenness/acting out and possibly nonpayment of rent and/or trashing the place with smoking inside. Looks like she landed in yet another drying-out clinic in Aug/Sept, then back to Manaki’s because she had nowhere else to go and guilted him ino letting her back in, AGAIN.
So, she’s posted up in that room which now features a stained mattress leaned up against the wall, going through withdrawals and bragging online about
muh BOYFRIEND. What a girlboss.
No. 313634
>>313630we'll never have solid proof because venus isnt saying anything, not to mention she lies all the time. in my opinion as time goes on i don't think shes with manaki anymore. idk if shes with ken because she always harasses him for money once a blue moon and hes dating (read: grooming) a girl younger than her.
that would mean she somehow got a place of her own (and trashed it) or at least has a roommate. but that doesnt seem feasible either since i cant imagine anyone tolerating her.
either way, anons keep asking this question over and over. either way, no one knows the truth other than venus. were not even sure if shes in japan anymore, but she sure loves to keep people guessing.
(read the farmhand post/don't respond to derailing) No. 313635
>>313634>>313633Just some theories based on logical probability:
It's interesting anons have been assuming she's living with Manaki for years based only on being seen in what looks like her old room. But, assuming it's not just a similar looking room (very generic), he could have simply moved out, it's just rented I'm sure so nothing was stopping him leaving once they broke up. The chance of your ex husband tolerating your onlyfans and pimp married boyfriend while you still live together, (as well as her constant crazy posts, drug, drinks and suicide attempts) is so low in a country like Japan which is very reputation and law-oriented.
the fact he's never been heard from again, she overshares so much I'm sure we'd have seen at least a creepshot or a reference to something he said or did, but it has been nothing for years.
So it's likely he moved out coinciding with whenever she last mentioned interacting with him, which was years ago. (maybe anon can figure out when, last time I remember was the weird post implying he slept with a tranny or something).
She said she spoke to Mana's mom on the phone sometime this year but that could be a lie and doesn't mean he is still around in person.
This was around the time she admitted she would just be calling everyone desperately (for attention)
They probably aren't divorced or she would be out of Japan, but he probably last saw or spoke to her years ago based on what she has posted.
And cheating pimp Ken not helping her with her health is a given, he doesn't seem like a very caring fellow, so the endless conversation about dentistry is dumb, no shit a girl who is never sober for more than a few hours at a time and is actively trying to commit sudoku isn't gonna look after her health.
No. 313636
>>313634>> were not even sure if shes in japan anymore, but she sure loves to keep people guessing.It was proven that livestream she did was from her old room in Manaki’s apartment
>>313344Did you miss that?
No. 313637
>>313635And who do you think has been paying the rent on that apartment all these years, Venus? She’s incapable of paying her own rent, as she’s shown in her one attempt to rent an apartment on her own, which lasted a whole six months.
Also, in your scenario she would have been paying rent on TWO apartments during that time (last Nov-this past summer) which is impossible given her status as chronically broke.
That is Manaki’s apartment, not hers.
No. 313690
File: 1701276201444.jpg (267.02 KB, 720x1284, IMG_20231129_174226.jpg)

>>313686Hair looking as greasy as a french fry
No. 313695
>>313658So, now MANAKI is paying rent on 2 apartments, one (far away! lol) for him and one just for Venus to use “when she pleases’? What are some of you people smoking?
Why is it so hard to believe that Manaki is still living in the same apartment he’s had since 2016 and he allows Venus to crawl back every time she blows up her attempts to move in with or near her “boyfriend”?
No. 313712
File: 1701283670580.png (3.32 MB, 4096x4096, 20231129_194641_774.png)

Summary from her discord. Her hair are not greasy, they are just extra shiny!
No. 313717
>>313704Or, as Manaki doesn‘t want to be on videos,
she must film in the room and keep the rest of the apartment out of sight.
It‘s not unusual for a Youtube personality/livestream person to always use the same room.
I agree Venus is doing a lot of shit, but some of you are tinfoiling way too much.
(learn to sage) No. 313757
>>313491Pretty sure she mentioned going to a dentist years ago too so she's lying for pity
>>313497>>313509You are incredibly stupid and a whiteknight if you think a woman of 27 who has decaying teeth causing her problems that she keeps covering up (aka
IS aware she has a problem), doesn't go to the dentist "because she doesnt know how to" or "her mommy never to her to one." This is the most imbecilic take I have ever read. Of course she knows how to pick up a phone and call a dentist. Not going for yearly checkups is one thing, not going when your teeth are having active issues and blaming it on your mom is another. She didn't go because she abuses substances and didn't want anyone to find out. That's why. She OBVIOUSLY knows to go to a dentist. She had
no problems calling multiple gastric bypass surgery doctors to get her illegal surgery (no, they didn't reach out to her), nor did she have problems going to get her hair or nails done, and she DID in the past go to get her teeth whitened and talked about it on her YT, but suddenly "doesn't know how to call a dentist." Please. So many dumbass white knights in this thread rewriting history.
(autism) No. 313763
>>313712>Schizotypal personality disorder typically includes five or more of these signs and symptoms:
>1.Being a loner and lacking close friends outside of the immediate family>2.Flat emotions or limited or inappropriate emotional responses>3.Persistent and excessive social anxiety>4.Incorrect interpretation of events, such as a feeling that something that is actually harmless or inoffensive has a direct personal meaning>5.Peculiar, eccentric or unusual thinking, beliefs or mannerisms>6.Suspicious or paranoid thoughts and constant doubts about the loyalty of others>7.Belief in special powers, such as mental telepathy or superstitions>8.Unusual perceptions, such as sensing an absent person's presence or having illusions>9.Dressing in peculiar ways, such as appearing unkempt or wearing oddly matched clothes>10.Peculiar style of speech, such as vague or unusual patterns of speaking, or rambling oddly during conversations1-3 can be easily explained via depression/anxiety/autism etc. 4 and 5 don't really apply to Venus, maybe 5 when she is drunk or high but that's not a result of SPD. 6 paranoid thoughts don't really apply to Venus, unless she felt this way when high and didn't state it and it's normal to distrust others, especially when you are a person who constantly manipulates/harms others for your own gain, like Venus. 7 can be seen in completely mentally healthy people and in Venus' case is something she picked up in AA because they made her pick a religion for recovery and could also be delusions when drunk/high or she's just larping as usual. 8 doesn't apply to Venus. 9 (the unkempt part) applies to her but that is obviously a result of depression/drinking, not SPD and 10 doesn't really apply to her either, aside from rambling on social media, but that can be seen in completely healthy people too and a lot of her ramblings are performative.
Highly doubtful she actually has SPD. She's just shopping for a "unique" mental illness because she's highly self-obsessed and can't stand that she's not a special person, just a generic washed up alcoholic.
(medfagging) No. 313770
>>313752>> After the Xmas fiasco, I am convinced that Ken lies to Venus about leaving/not being with his wife.Definitely. He also gasses her up about meeting his family, specifically his niece who Venus fantasizes about being bffs with, just like a big sister! She’s delusional and desperate and also wet-brained enough to buy all of it. They’re perfect for each other.
She’ll still be sitting in that same room, bragging about “muh
boyfriend” a year from now, just like she was last year at this time, in between alcohol benders.
No. 313778
File: 1701322857564.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1186x1968, IMG_2899.jpeg)

Oh god(sage non-updates)
No. 314024
>>313873It was me. People do that a lot in Japan. Ken started to post about her supposed cocaine use and said he was about to call the cops.
And Venus bleached her hair multiple time in less than one month at the point she fried them. Then she cut her hair and get back to brunette. Suspicious for me…
Also, if she was really adopted by Manaki's family, it may be the real reason of her being able to come back everytime. Japanese police don't put their nose in "family business".
(learn to sage and stop tinfoiling) No. 314084
>>314034Retards need to study Japanese family culture and how their family registry system works.
They won't though, because they somehow are jealous of a loser.
No. 314516
File: 1701920919043.jpeg (132.88 KB, 1089x1805, DF4B9FBA-0A29-4703-A245-5DAAB0…)

In the absence of actual news on the VA front (she’s done another one of her disappearing acts) there is this development: ‘Ken’ deleted that old video of her that he posted on his instagram
>>312640 when she posted the pic of the two of them together on hers
>>312639 and started talking about ‘my fiance’ this and ‘my fiance’ that.
No. 314652
File: 1702001436475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 6480x1080, Instagram.JPEG)

>>314640 mentioned, Venus messaged Margaret and she shared some screenshots of the messages. They are not in chronological order and I’m sharing them in the order Margaret shared them in. Using a spoiler as these are rather large images.
No. 314653
File: 1702001506615.jpeg (Spoiler Image,855.27 KB, 1183x3338, Caption.JPEG)

>>314652Here is the caption only to present the full “story”. As usual, Marge is Marge-ing.
No. 314658
File: 1702002842089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 591x6282, Comments.JPEG)

>>314653And here are the comments.
No. 314687
>>314676Venus doesn't look bad in any of this and it's formatted weird. Honestly seems like margo reached out first considering how long and self victimizing her replies are. Her mom is still manipulating her, even the messages. It's pretty fucked up.
>>314685Highly doubt venus was taught much, she didn't go to normal school. Margo fucked her up.
No. 314714
>>314658The irony is Margo's typical narc projection.. everything she accuses Penus of is the same shit she's doing, while playing hard at being the
victim in front of her supporters. I figure that her supporters simply despise Penus so much that they eat up whatever she has to say about her and kiss her ass.
No. 314717
>>314715They never stop. Narcs get a high from antagonizing their
victims and acting like they have the high ground. Sad to see Penus thinking she can try to reason with her and having it thrown back in her face so Margo has fuel to slander her more and get asspats from fans saying "what a privileged brat, after all you've done for her". I agree that she failed Penus big time.
No. 314725
File: 1702061506634.png (201.65 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20231208-133951.png)

I just posted a comment on Margo's IG post telling her what a scumbag narc she is, and two minutes later the comment is already deleted! Good thing I took screenshots haha stupid bitch. I can't stand how this haggard lady still to this day tries to play victim. Shame on her for being such a terrible mother, and still being one to this very day.(/w/ Rule 5.1 - Do not contact a subject's family)
No. 314727
>>314726You're not supposed to interact with the cows, come to the thread, brag about trying to get a reply from the cow, and she is a cow, even without a
new thread.
No. 314779
>>314717I think you're forgetting that Venus is exactly like her mother, it's just Marg is a more seasoned narc lol. Let's be real. Venus wasn't trying to reason or reconnect for good reasons. It's because she wanted something from Marg. Venus only hits her up when she needs something from her because she wrecked all her friendships in Japan and is on off again with a married man who has 2 kids. How many times did this bitch suicide bait ppl this year alone just to get attention, sympathy, and god knows what else? They're both trash. Marg posts private messgaes between her and Venus. Venus posts private messages between her and Ken as well as doxes his phone number.
>>314713Since they both use men for shit, I wouldn't be surprised to find that much of Marg nomadding Venus was because she was leeching of simps around the globe. As we've seen with Marg's latest failed marrige and Venus with Ken&the "med student", both mother and daughter know how to pick some real winners lol.
No. 314780
File: 1702106238155.jpg (64.6 KB, 250x396, 5521866-4011137f132c3f68c095ac…)

Now claiming to be asexual and unmarried…
No. 314797
>>314653Anyone else think this is on purpose? Venus isn't posting, so Margo is posting to raise interest in Venus so she doesn't become irrelevant or something like that. Adding logs to the fire
>>314784>>314787My guess was that it's a screenshot of her journal she writes on her phone.
No. 314819
>>314693People make up so much stupid shit about Venus' education and early life. Marg posted newspaper articles of Venus going on field trips with her schoolmates. She was a normal kid and went to a normal school in Switzerland until she was 11. She then lived in Tenerife for 4 years where she went to a normal school she would frequently complain about on her blog. Which by the way is still up.
Her life didn't really become unstable until she left for London.
I don't know why so many people think you'd just randomly "forget" your native language because you move a lot. Margo was with her until age 18 and they communicated in (Swiss) German the entire time.
Venus' English wasn't even good when she lived in London. The only reason why she's more comfortable with it now is because she's terminally online.
No. 314820
>>314819>I don't know why so many people think you'd just randomly "forget" your native languageFor people who speak more than language you legit can "Forget" your native language if you've used another for far longer, especially the older you get. You won't be an idiot as you can still understand, but you may mix up words or even forget some words. It's normal,
No. 314821
>>314811It wouldn't surprise me if it were true actually, when she first made her OF she would constantly brag about how much of a horny pervert she was but she looks like a sex trafficking
victim in all her content.
A lot of psych meds also kill your libido and she eats those like skittles.
If she ever enjoyed making porn she's damn good at hiding it.
No. 314856
>>314820I know people who live for decades in a foreign country. They sometimes forget words of their native language but they never completely unlearn their language. That's ridiculous.
>>314779I don't know if I remember correctly but didn't Marge evade taxes by country hopping. I don't know all of the details anymore of Venus running away 2016 but didn't Marge wanted to sue her because of the stolen laptop and the stolen channel, but she could only do so by a court of switzerland which she is still citizen of. Because of her evaded taxes that would backfire majorly.
(learn to sage) No. 314867
>>31486685 is still normal IQ, though low
(i don‘t know how to sage, please teach me) - to the mods
( No. 314870
>>314858Her language skills in every language are appalling, remember so long ago when she briefly tried to be a vtuber and lasted about one or two streams of garbled nonsense.
I don't think she ever really converses irl, she has always been terminally online so her writing is probably where she is most fluent (and maybe is why people don't realise how bad her spoken language skills are)
No. 314930
>>314927It's not about believing anything anyone says, it's just a logical conclusion anyone with two brain cells can make from observing how her mother behaves.
>>314929Making up mental conditions is also a mental condition. I don't see how people fail to understand that.
(derailing/infighting) No. 315107
>>314948She's dumb. OF push new accounts
after you make your first check its harder.
No. 315466
File: 1702824364775.png (254.83 KB, 720x1524, Screenshot_20231217-154714-566…)

Venus hasn't been on her server this month at all, so even server owners give no fucks about her
No. 315512
File: 1702852748599.jpeg (343.24 KB, 1536x697, 48C8FD58-C393-477C-A14C-308B62…)

>>315501It’s that Kirie person, Venus’s longtime mod, protector and #1 superfan. She lives on that server, chatting with her little Discord friends, all day every day. In the past she’s posted long discourses about all the heart to heart discussions she’s had with Venus trying to help her with her struggles. Now she just hangs out on the server all day long, despite Venus ghosting it weeks ago.
No. 315519
>>315509They run Venus's discord. They are on topic. Anons shouldn't be blocking out important info like who is making a statement to change her discord is Venus doesn't come back. No one wants to derail about her, but blocking her out makes no sense.
>>315512Thank you, anon. Now we have a name when addressing her. So she's likely to leak info.
No. 315559
File: 1702892692941.png (67.24 KB, 711x569, Screenshot_20231218-104355-487…)

I didn't notice it earlier, but Margot wiped her account.
No. 315720
>>315649Last activity on her discord was on 29th, as she announced her Instagram live. Twitter is dead for months, no insta stories too.
>>314780This is the last story I think, so 11 days ago?
(learn2sage) No. 315749
File: 1703094600355.png (1.86 MB, 840x1664, Screenshot_20.png)

>>315720This is older than posted here, her last stories were a photo in a train with a suitcase and a photo of Tokyo Station posted 20 days ago. To be fair not that long has passed, maybe she finally is taking a proper break from socials.
No. 315773
>>315703>>Her last posts indicate she got back together with Ken and typically when she's with him, she's more stable and quiet… until they break up for the millionth timeActually, long absences from SM usually mean she’s passed out drunk for days on end, not ‘stable and back with Ken.’ First, it’s a long-distance, 99% online ‘relationship.’ Ken lives hours away by train from where she’s currently holed up at Manaki’s (hence the look you guys I’m on a TRAIN! insta stories.) Second, Ken deleted the old video of her he posted on his instagram the day after she was last heard from (the train pic) and neither one has been heard from or seen since (almost 3 weeks now.)
My guess: seeing her in person with that mouthful of rotten teeth (or maybe toothless if the doctor she said she was going to see on 11/27 pulled all of them out) grossed him out and he kicked her to the curb (again.)
If she was ‘with Ken’ she’d be flaunting it all over instagram. Plus, as noted earlier they live hours apart so all she has in the best of times is visits and meetups for lunch. Ken does not want her living with him.
No. 315927
>>315827Yeah, this person
>>315816is definitely a fangelic.
>>She’s totally still with ‘Ken,’ they’re in love and that’s why she hasn’t posted anything for 3 weeks! It’s totally not that she’s just on yet another alcoholic bender, nooo.(infighting) No. 316161
File: 1703383849482.jpeg (290.86 KB, 1284x979, IMG_1308.jpeg)

Is this a recent change? It just says V and blogger now instead of all that extra shit.
No. 316693
>>316681Yes. She goes on extended alcohol benders, then reappears and is all “Feeling much better now guys, whole new me! Fresh start!!”
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
No. 316826
File: 1704150494049.jpeg (339.21 KB, 1087x1727, C90E8DF4-2D0C-4FEC-BCFA-16EA5F…)

>>316805No, just a NY rant directed at the
haters. No. 316828
File: 1704150722549.jpeg (312.64 KB, 1098x1214, A6FC4332-BFBA-4FB8-A1AB-153541…)

full caption:
No. 316967
>>316889The tsunami is something different. She might’ve experienced small earthquakes but no one’s that
trigger a tsunami
No. 317353
>>316826Please does anyone have an archive of her ABC XYZ TBA song? I have searched to the best of my ability but my ability is low
I really need to hear it again
Sorry to even ask. Boy, bye!
(spoonfeeding) No. 317456
File: 1704763192670.jpeg (305.19 KB, 1519x1885, 2A3F19A5-AC1D-46BA-BFAC-E4C088…)

Word from chief fangelic Kirie on Discord: ‘I guess she’s still alive, idk.’(this isn't milk)
No. 318114
>>318111You guys have to start facing it.
She has either acquired brain and is ashamed of her online behavior too much to show up, got put in jail for something (the login to OF would contradict that), discovered hard drugs and is OD all the time or had her phone stolen and lost access to her IG and can't afford getting a new one. Or dead.
We may never find out.
No. 318159
>>318158>Is that information public in JapanIt is public info, but it depends on cause and if it's worth even looking into record wise. It's the only way to find people if they happen to pass away in remote areas for example.
>would it be possible to find out?Only family or related can unless you're putting in a police report.
>When's the last time she logged into OF?Start of last month to collect money from sub stragglers.
(this is an imageboard) No. 318170
>>318158>When's the last time she logged into OF 27th of December
Knowing her lack of self control, she will probably end up getting a stroke from OD.
One positive option is that maybe she got her teeth fixed and is recovering from getting implants , but I wouldn't bet on that.
(learn2integrate) No. 318236
>>318235This was a lie.
>>318225It was just some guy she was fooling around with, it went south (as usual) so she dragged him in her stories (as usual.)
No. 318304
>>318239not sure if shes doing this particular stunt for attention, but her whole lifestyle since the Kitano and Ken era is def for attention and intentional. Its not just some poor lost girl who couldnt help herself. If you guys remember, she once made a post about "whats wrong with being a troublemaker" and how being "normal" was boring and recently made a post about how she's so "different" than others and doesnt want to lose that (she isnt different btw, shes a typical narc/mentally unwell person, just like all the rest out there in the world). So its obvious she does stuff like go to hosts clubs/ stir drama with her ex and others so her life isnt "boring", so she can go online and post about it and people can be like "woah her life is so crazy." this type of behaviour is a sickness in itself though. might be part of histrionic, but i literally know people who go out of there way to get in drama so they can boast about their "crazy" life to others. this is totally venus. Its also why she embellishes things and flat out makes up stories. Pretty sure Margo did the same thing with cody. She loves having a crazy story to one up venus and be a
Hopefully shes been safely deported away from the country she fetishizes, on assistance in her home country and gotten a real job and place by now and if her alcoholism is truly as bad as she pretends, she is getting help for that too, but I doubt it.
No. 318305
File: 1705927255429.jpg (37.36 KB, 484x292, m2.JPG)

No. 318454
>>318449Let me try.
>You guys have got to do believing Anthony margo says our doors in regards to venus. Venus did not manipulate margo at allYou guys have got to stop believing anything margo says in regards to venus. Venus did not manipulate margo at all. Seems like a roll of the keyboard or something. In any case, it's accurate. Idk why anons want to believe a woman who abused her daughter, doesn't live with her daughter, and who made a generalization that can go for anyone.
No. 318494
File: 1706186204004.jpg (313.58 KB, 1080x2340, 1000005119.jpg)

It's saying she's live but when I click, nothing happens(learn to post)
No. 318497
File: 1706187094515.png (71.26 KB, 621x385, Beenus.png)

>>318496There's no live indication for me.
No. 318972
File: 1707058079511.png (99.52 KB, 720x575, Screenshot_20240204-154939-108…)

She's not dead enough to not shill her (actually dead) OF(this is an automated post, not milk)
No. 318978
>>318977>This tinfoil is bad when these are automatic like another anon said.>>318975>It's automated if set up to be.The point is with the way MV works
because she doesn't sell a lot she's generally not in any algorithm for someone casually browsing to come across it out of the thousands of e-thots who are basically making daily sales. It's not hard to believe she may have been posting elsewhere to try to get people to her porn platforms, she made it
painfully obvious even if she disappears she still can check her onlyfans et all and nudge people to it. Not really tinfoiling, just going by precedence.
(tinfoiling) No. 319211
File: 1707422084293.jpg (44.95 KB, 485x380, XuIaord.jpg)

Both original messages in japanese, this person on her latest insta post claims to be her friend and say she's fine
No. 319318
>>319287When I checked her profile I thought the same thing right away.
Also, when I saw her comment at first glance before translating it, my heart kinda skipped a bit for a second because of the angel emoji lol.
No. 319340
File: 1707605041364.png (115.12 KB, 436x1526, img-2024-02-10-22-45-33.png)

The "friend" made some more posts. The ones above the lines are ones she wrote in Japanese that are auto-translated, below are the ones she wrote in English. Obviously they could be fake, but her profile doesn't appear to be (posts spanning years) so it would be weird to lie.
>I stayed with her at a certain place from the 6th to the 9th
>She is now in a place where she can't use her cell-phone, but she doesn't have to worry about her life at all.
>She's resting
No. 319348
>>319345so she's in jail?
>>319347I think they meant Natsumi was also detained?