File: 1579079485738.png (827.17 KB, 726x687, HAHAHAHA YAOI IS MY SOLE PERSO…)

No. 918453
Holly BRown is a bad artist, YouTuber, webcomic author, and fujoshi popular with edgy children for her "no bullshit" attitude despite not accepting any criticism.
She believes she's known for two webcomics:
Purgatory, her oldest and worst comic, about two gay teens in a cult with lots of rape: Plague, whose most-drawn character hasn't been introduced, with rape DLC: also wrote Chroma Prince, a Patreon-only NSFW yaoi comic about alien sex slaves. She only did 4 pages before shutting down her Patreon.
She's actually most known for ranting about the CalArts admissions process being unfair even though she was DEFINITELY accepted: (currently deleted):
(ART): BUSINESS): FETISH): (privated): (currently deleted): the last thread:
>Went silent for a while after San Japan, only posting new shitty redraws of Purgatory on her Tapas and the occasional Instagram post/story>Returned to Twitter, but her Tweets are locked and she put in her bio that she will block anyone who tries to follow her>Posted on IG how she is “busy” with work and packing Kickstarter rewards, even though no one has posted online about getting their items and Holly constantly lies about how much she works to get sympathy points.>Hinted at making new merch for her store, and later revealed that she’s making shitty mugs that no one asked for>Finished Purgatory, which had the most shitty climax and the most abrupt ending (but she still hasn’t sent out rewards)>Returned in a big way by posting two live streams where she cried about how her life is shit and threw a giant pity party for herself. Her stupid followers gave her asspats (and even suggested she go into sex work) during said live stream, and they also harassed a commenter who asked about $70 worth of merch from her Etsy that they ordered a year ago. Holly eventually acknowledged the customer by telling them to just open a dispute and she’d refund them. She has since put these streams on private.>Claimed that she’s working 3 jobs: The Disney Store, a coffee shop, and a Ford factory, though she is probably lying about the latter two and is only working at the Disney Store.>Got her Etsy shops suspended, and opened a new store on Shopify instead of trying to reopen her Etsy. She now has to pay $30 a month to keep her shop open.>Began uploading pages for the Purgatory Epilogue on her Tapas, even though it was a Kickstarter Exclusive>Made the new Purgatory books available on Amazon, even though she has yet to send out all the Kickstarter rewards, giving her backers a huge slap in the face.>Did a live stream on IG where she sat in her car of her work’s parking lot, complaining about having to work, mentioned how she’s purposefully doing s shit job to get herself fired, and talked about how she’s applying for a graphic design job. She ultimately didn’t get the position. She also confirmed on this live stream that she sold her laser after San Japan.>Went on a commission livestream where she rambled about how Inktober is a waste of time and supplies, how white people don’t like black fills, and about how much “Etsy sucks”>Made a video for the first time in forever, where she talks about making designs for pencil cases and makes a crappy design with art supplies and a rando cat.>Made a video about how to format comics in KDP, even though the process would be much easier if she wasn’t too stubborn to use Clip Studio Paint>Quit one of her jobs and announced she was going to make mental health tip videos on Skillshare in another attempt to get-rich-quick. She backpedaled after her fans told her it wasn’t a good idea, but she continued to ask her followers what kind of lessons they would be interested in for her Skillshare.>Made an announcement on her Kickstarter that if she doesn’t finish packing all the rewards by the end of November, she’s just going to refund the orders she didn’t get to. Her dumbass followers then commented that she doesn’t have to refund them and to just take their money as donations.>Uploaded Sketch Rambles Episode 2, where she talks about watching financial guru videos and how she has a Professor Venomous fetish with some hints of daddy kink. She also showed off her sweatshirt sleeves that were encrusted with snot and tears from her last streams.>Finally showed her books for Purgatory, but the cover matches up with the ones on Amazon instead of the ones on Kickstarter. It is likely that she had Amazon print the books, then she bought the Amazon copies to send to her backers.>Posted stories about her excitement that MCR is back together and is gonna go on tour, complaining about how she’s too poor to go, but then shows off buying the Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star palette.>Announced that she’s doing ANOTHER (the third) redraw for Paranormal Plague and she’s relaunching the comic in January 2020.>Finished uploading all the Purgatory pages on her Tapas, officially ending the comic. She then announced that she is now gonna focus on Paranormal Plague for the next 5 years, estimating that it’ll be about 15-20 volumes.>Posted on her story a comment that criticized her for focusing on making new merch and redrawing Paranormal Plague instead of focusing on sending out Kickstarter rewards that have been delayed for 8 months. Holly responded super passive aggressively and complained about how she needs a life outside of just sending out awards.Previous threads:
>>>/snow/286955>>>/snow/375886>>>/snow/428135>>>/snow/480758>>>/snow/498020>>>/snow/527029>>>/snow/550611>>>/snow/579925>>>/snow/610529>>>/snow/646597>>>/snow/668003>>>/snow/686056>>>/snow/699480>>>/snow/720739>>>/snow/757175>>>/snow/798932>>>/snow/843247>>>/snow/871488>>>/snow/888492 No. 918479
>>918471all her jobs are fake news. you can't just get hired on the day with nothing but bad references. we forget how much she lies. we start to think - ah, the way she presents this aspect of her approach to this situation involves some dishonesty. later you find out
her whole response never happened.
the situation itself never existed.
the context for the situation never existed.
No. 918588
Twitch stream: really in here for over 3 hours.
No. 918607
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She must be addicted to self sabotaging herself. It’s in the ToS pretty clearly and she’s done this what, twice now?
No. 918793
>>918783Why are you so fucking insistent on this? It’s not imperative that there needs to be a new thread ASAP especially since there’s nothing milky going on. Chill.
I’m surprised her Twitch hasn’t been banned yet for broadcasting shows. I thought people got taken down pretty fast for that.
No. 918991
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No. 919831
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>have tv paint
>use photoshop anyway
she is really scared to learn a new program huh
No. 919953
File: 1579312698181.png (31.59 KB, 805x662, Purgatory- Print Copies.png)

>>919939Same anon, out of curiosity I just checked out her KS again and apparently several people still have not received their books as of five days ago. Holly please just finish the rewards for the people who acually bothered to pay you money for your shitty comics before burying yourself in a bunch of new projects that will probably never be finished anyway, this is getting ridiculous
No. 920095
The thing Holly never learned to be OK with is leaving some projects on the back burner. Instead of working on 1 or 2 projects and leaving a couple others to simmer, she'll try and do 4 at once and think she'll make progress on all of them at the same quality and capacity. She doesn't accept the fact that each thing takes time and that just because one project is a comic and the other an animation, that she can devote equal amounts of time to each, on her own. So, what's she got now:
Paranormal plague, which, like anon above said, we'll probably never see past 200 pages but I'm guessing less than that.
Clever Kitchen, her fully colored "hobby comic". Regardless of whether or not she calls it a hobby, it's still a project.
Game grumps animation, because of course she has to ride that trend that's been long played out.
I know I'm missing some, but unless she's legit a machine(she's not), or she is doing this full time for a living (she isn't), she needs to focus on one project at a time, because she seems to have a hard time splitting her energy and interest between even two. She has no real goal or motivator except maybe money. But you can't get something from nothing.
No. 920219
File: 1579389183800.png (1.16 MB, 858x926, Screen Shot 2020-01-18 at 6.13…)

Her floor is disgusting, how does she live like this?
No. 920225
File: 1579390072713.png (1.86 MB, 1334x750, C70C0F9D-FDDA-4FD3-9DCE-EFECC1…)

She’s a 20 something women and god she’s such a unhealthy and unorganized person
No. 920226
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I can imagine how many bugs and mouse she must get lol
No. 920228
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No. 920244
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No. 920245
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Wonder what happened lol
No. 920362
>>920244Gee Holly, has your edgy "honest" humor gotten you rejected by a sponsor? I mean who could have see that coming, really.
She's so stupid lol. I love people who say fuck all on the internet because they are so 'real' but in actuality they're just children that never developed a filter for interacting with basic social skills and then whine when that affects their lives. Like no shit. She always acts so surprised when her unprofessionalism is treated for what it actually is as if it's everyone else's fault for not finding beheading videos funny.
No. 920380
>>920366Even if she could afford going back to school what would be the point? Holly still wouldn't be able to keep down a job because of her attitude and because of her possible undiagnosed mental issues.
Also, regarding the dropped sponsor, I wonder who the sponsor was. I know there is a bot going around right now pretending to be a sponsor and then hacking channels. Holly might have actually dodged a bullet.
No. 920396
>>920364wait is it confirmed with an official diagnosis that she is bipolar? and even if she is, it's not an excuse to act like an asshole.
>>920366i really think those are made up, she has been talking about all kinds of jobs left and right, but hasn't even kept them for a day. who would wanna hire someone with like 60 jobs on their cv that they only had for 1-7 days?
No. 920429
>>920427Says new job is manual labor job where she installed internet physically. Like climbing poles and crawling around in attics.
$1000-$1500 per week
Wanna take bets on if she lasts through the certification process?
No. 920437
>>920427>If I ever get a BF and he yells at me his ass is grass. You do not yell at me.Ooookay Holly.
>Just fucking communicate, idiot.Is that what you said to all the people still waiting for their kickstarter books?
No. 920476
>>920461She says applying to jobs is her hobby but either there are no other applicants to anything in her area or she's straight up lying. She gets 2 out of 3 jobs she ever mentions in vlogs, it's literally impossible.
She supposedly doesn't get any hours which is why she's fucking around at home and stacking up jobs. How many is she supposed to be holding right now? Disney Store, Domino's, the baby photographer job and now this repair labor stuff?
She mentioned in her last vlog sitting around alone sketching in Starbucks in the hopes a stranger will randomly sit with her and talk to her. This is what she considers "making friends".
No. 920507
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Her and her deformed foods, can’t she draw anything else other then junk on her desk/table
No. 920531
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No. 920608
File: 1579478841909.png (216.22 KB, 1334x750, AAD277F0-5182-42E8-B714-2D85C2…)

What the fuck
No. 920625
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No. 920626
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She really let herself go
No. 920627
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No. 920628
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No. 920641
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>>920626>>920627>>920628Deadass thought that was Holly's mom at first Jesus
>>920225>>920226>>920228I can smell these pictures.
No. 920672
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Clear images of her OCs in the Big Mouth style. Charging $10 for this mess. 1/2
No. 920673
File: 1579487171438.jpeg (276.71 KB, 489x512, 0D0BBBE2-E2AE-42D2-81E6-214BA3…)

God, what a mess. She couldn’t even clean it up, and of course she has to sell it. 2/2
No. 920679
File: 1579488280294.png (64.57 KB, 402x383, wtf.PNG)

>>92042710 hours of live stream being proactive
No. 920706
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Her fans must be just as cringy and lonely as she is.
No. 920707
>>920679Please say sike…………
Anyone know when she did this in the stream?
No. 920710
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I think it’s safe to say Holly has no job at this point. 11 fucking hours streaming…
No. 920723
>>920716 Look here:
>>920706She already listed and sold it…
No. 920737
File: 1579496434527.jpeg (44.57 KB, 590x568, C8F2CAD6-5706-4386-B286-9D9AE4…)

Actual highlight of this is that Holly draws herself like a south park character now when she don’t really look that fat in the face yet.
No. 920738
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>>920737Samefag since I’m on mobile but here’s more of her being shipped with Herschel.
No. 920763
>>920738i said years ago and it didn't sink in here. she doesn't want to be an artist. she doesn't want to have a financially or creatively successful comic. She draws because she masturbates to the drawings. that's
The rest of the surrounding shit, the channel the comics the store, is incidental
No. 920792
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so is she manic or just horny
No. 920886
>>920881Tbf shes probably thinking of it as a stupid joke that she thinks most people would find funny and not as a weird kink thing that alot of the anons here are making it out to be
Its probably all just bad jokes, ngl I can't blame her considering how long her stream went on for, shes probably going bonkers atm
No. 920900
>>920886The weird thing for me is how Hershel is just like staring at her farting ass and smiling in a way that's supposed to be… sexy? It makes it seem sexual as opposed to silly.
Also, is that meant to be Holly farting or a giant baby? lol
No. 920902
Listening to her describing PP romances is so fucking weird.
>when herschel, when he uh, dated ash, it's early on in the story, before the story starts
>it was more of a sexual relationship rather than romantic one
>ash just likes having company around and herschel just liked to escape seeing fucked up stuff all the time, so it was yeah, the SEX, I know that, but it was inherently kinda toxic for that reason
>so the romance with reese is different, it's more about making each other laugh, and, um, haha, big horny energy, hahah
No. 920911
>>920908She goes on and on about characters dynamic, and that it has to be different, if characters are too similar that romance can be hard.
but then her description of the Reese romance shit it's just:
>it's more or less just memes, haha, they just meme a lot No. 920919
File: 1579543550571.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1125x2015, 831C2246-3DE8-43B6-95B0-4414A2…)

>>920792Holly’s favorite doodles from the stream.
Mine too, tbh.
I always love it when a fujoshi day dreams about being with their handsome and hunky OC.
No. 920930
File: 1579544743804.jpg (26.24 KB, 260x370, 1k.jpg)

>holly: haha, do people actually put themselves in their comic to date the main character? cuz that's so cringe
>also holly:
>"Yes, I am so excited to get the puss."
No. 920962
>>920932>pearl-clutchinglol bitch, where?
Desperately trying to be relatable and thirsty to a crowd of Internet teens is cringe. Holly’s in her twenties now. She should really know better by now.
No. 920976
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Who would buy this crap
No. 920980
>>920976god this is ugly
>>920977anon, have you never in your life time seen a black and white comic? it's not unusual to not color to save time, her work isn't shitty because of the lack of color.
No. 921068
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>>921058Are you saying this is not a priority for a body pillow right now?
No. 921090
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No. 921091
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No. 921092
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No. 921093
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No. 921094
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No. 921096
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No. 921097
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No. 921113
>>920737her self-loathing's kinda sad like she's not ugly. if she took better care of herself and let her hair grow out some more she'd be pretty in a generic white girl way
ot but i absolutely loath that "3 smile" she always draw it's just so crooked
No. 921239
>>921113No one cares whether she’s ugly or not, anon. She tears down other people/things constantly and so it’s no surprise that she’s massively insecure and self-loathing. She needs to stop her habitual lying and procrastinating, and stop making herself the
victim just because people are questioning or criticizing her (not in this thread but on her Kickstarter for example).
No. 921321
>>921239There's some anons that are really hung up on her physical appearance for some reason
>she's not ugly, I thought she was ugly but she's actually a babe, she's a girl, she should look more feminine, she should take care of herself, she'd be so much prettier if she didBecause being pretty is what matters in the Holly Brown trainwreck, apparently. Holly has numerous mental health issues way more important than her appearance. If she wants to get better, she should start by working on those instead of "growing her hair out to look prettier" Not to mention she had long hair and it looked like a fucking rat's nest (and that one anon that kept sperging about "the curly girl method" or whatever)
No. 921403
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Holly is live on IG freaking out. Apparently her YouTube was hacked?
No. 921412
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>>921405"hacked" meaning someone guessed/bruteforced her password and deleted her channel. dunno why anyone would care enough to do that, but…
No. 921437
>>921414damn lol, since she barely realized that one "employer" was a scam this is most likely true then. she would never admit to being dumb enough to download that if she realizes it's the cause, so we might not ever know if she really fell for that lol.
>>921424if it's a bot it doesn't care about channel size, it just deletes what ever it has access to. maybe this will at least teach her not to be a dumbass anymore and look shit up. i hope she realizes she needs to change her passwords now cus she definitely only uses one everywhere.
No. 921474
File: 1579645117093.png (31.28 KB, 852x399, Holly Brown hacked.png)

There's this weird Russian text on her YouTube description, Google translates it as "And no one knew what Rabbit thought about this, because Rabbit was very well-mannered."
No. 921482
File: 1579645941483.jpg (31.58 KB, 400x492, 869.jpg)

>>921474It's a quote from the soviet winnie the pooh cartoon. Pic related.
No. 921672
>>921582You mean the one she lost the info for apparently and locked herself out of it? She never bothered to figure it out and fight for it which is why she went and made a new one.
Tbh, this is going to make her even more irrelevant than before if she can’t get that account back and it’s her own damn fault.
No. 921761
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>>921678Don't know how you manage to get locked out of your biggest channel that you had for years because you "forgot" the password but yeah. Even funnier that she didn't even try to contact YouTube about it.
No. 921811
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No. 921825
File: 1579705213860.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, E7F09962-B745-44F4-B7A7-F3828B…)

She can afford anything for her hobby art and can’t afford a decent cat carrier oh god
No. 921842
>>921811Poor kitty. I hope they have money set aside for vet bills, I doubt they have pet insurance.
Emergency commissions in 3,2,1…
No. 921850
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No. 921857
>>921850Powerleveling/personal shit
My cat died from this! spent $4000 (it was for a new furnace lol) in savings trying to fix my little guy. He passed away the third day at the emergency-vet. Urinary disease is no joke in cats and affects 1 in 3 male cats. They often die from it.
It's not looking good for this little kitty. maybe she'll get lucky and can get him on some pills but could holly afford them? could she even move her lazy ass to even give him the pills everyday?
Holly needs to put her cats on a better diet.
No. 921861
>>921857Does she even still have money at this point? Or if she does, is she willing to spend thousands for her cat?
Idk, maybe she would since she doesn't hate her cats as much as their dog.
No. 921868
>>921850One second she's laughing about cats dying and wishing death on her dog, the other she's posting multiple stories of her ill cat acting concerned. Are we supposed to believe that she actually cares about him and isn't just posting those for pity points/ hopefully some pity donations as well?
>idk this is the worst timing for something like this idk idkWhen would a GOOD time for your cat to die be, Holly? She really needs to get some perspective and she should never, ever get another pet. She can't even be responsible for herself, let alone a pet.
No. 921910
>>921850Oh my god that poor cat looks like it's suffering so much. Holly for once just stop being selfish and show some compassion.
Also, what does she mean this is the worst timing for this? She literally has no job, no school, not working on her comic anyway? She bitches so much about things 'wasting' her time but that's exactly what she does to herself
No. 921932
>>921908she's never said she wished her cats would die. why do people on here just make shit up? she loves her cats. she has said she is waiting for the dog to die as it sits around and wheezes in between peeing on all her stuff.
>>921833 too the picture literally says he couldn't get in the carrier. these threads are pointless if everyone in them lies and exaggerates so just stop.
No. 921934
>>921912i do wonder if she really didn't even try the "forgot your password?" option every website has. maybe youtube went down or something while she was trying that and she didn't bother trying later or to contact them through email?
>>921932calm your tits, i thought she meant the carrier was too small and couldn't be bothered to buy a new one. this isn't a good solution at all, the cat can't even sit up and there are barely any air holes.
No. 921964
>>921932>why do people on here just make shit up?Honey, you got a big storm comin' if this is the first time you're seeing people lie/ make shit up online lmaaaoooo, let alone on lolcow of all places
>>921960>spreading information that isn't backed by evidenceNoone's writing an academic paper on Holly, and you're kidding yourself if you're only expecting "actual milk and events" all the time. LC is about shittalking more than anything.
No. 921973
>>921965But anon, that’s mere seconds that could be better spent sketching merch of OCs no one will buy! /s
Holly apparently didn’t consider it a high enough priority which is why she keeps sabotaging herself.
>>921964Seriously this. Sometimes I wonder why a few anons here seem so personally invested in what Holly does or how she’s perceived online. And on lolcow of all places.
No. 921981
>>921973I'm not personally invested in how holly is perceived online, nor am I here to defend her honor. I just like reading the threads but when nothing is true and it's a game of telephone among people who can't read what's the point?
it's like if you were watching a tv show and wanted to go online to read discussions about it but all the people in the forum had the show on in the background while they played on their phone and made dinner and so they just make up what happened. and act like you're a sperg for pointing out nothing they said was true.
i'm repeating myself at this point so I'm not going to post about this anymore but I wish some anons here would go write their fanfic somewhere else.
No. 922018
File: 1579733255421.png (347.54 KB, 624x443, picture 2020-01-22 at 4.46.02 …)

these things were SO close to being cute if not a little bland but the 2nd expression on them just ruin them (especially princess like she's supposed to be anxious but the tiny pupil look doesn't work)
No. 922043
File: 1579735266550.png (2.55 MB, 1800x1633, 86B2C344-40BD-4E08-ABDE-62AB4F…)

As much as she complained that she didn’t have a twitter account to bitch at YouTube from (she says she didn’t have clout and it’s probably because she blocked everyone who tried to give advice on her posts) she still has one. So she went ahead and made another that isn’t protected atm. We’ll see how long that lasts because she’s incredibly insecure on that site.
I remember her constantly deleting her posts every few days. This won’t last long.
No. 922070
File: 1579738284271.png (1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200123-010615.png)

she is showing her ugly ass chibi drawings and keeps on laughing very awkwardly. also said she is thinking of changing her username if she can't get her account back.
No. 922076
File: 1579738870077.png (16.26 KB, 611x131, hhggn.PNG)

No. 922159
>>922073They don't need to sage as long as it's milk (it's not even that old). It's not like everyone here follows Holly on all her accounts jfc.
>>922018I don't understand. When you think that she would be good at drawing something that has a(n intentional) lean, she'd be better at it since all her art has an unintentional lean on it. But nope. It still looks wonky asf. Did she even used guidelines for this.
No. 922237
>>922225fuck off sanctimonious ghoul anon with this pathetic reach
>W-wouldn't you just be happy that you cat is alive and being taken care of? this is so smarmy you've lowered yourself beneath the cow at this point
No. 922441
>>922342They have more than three pets:
They have the dog, and I’m pretty sure they have at least three cats, but I think it might actually be four. There were cats in previous vlogs we never got to see because they enjoy being with Holly’s mom better.
So far I think we have constantly seen shadow, Casper, expresso (writing that x pains me) and I think she mentioned another cat in that latest video.
No. 922510
>>922043I think both accounts are real, but she just wanted a BS account for probably memeing and complaining especially since she also recently said she might change her username on YT as well.
Maybe getting ready for a "rebranding?"
No. 923713
File: 1579979022515.jpeg (225.22 KB, 750x1334, 44E42FCA-FA3D-4728-9889-E08264…)

No. 923755
>>923713ANOTHER new job???
Which one is this one? Is this one she previously mentioned or is it yet another one she claims to have gained?
No. 923806
File: 1579995687012.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, FE9C6079-5674-43D0-804A-23D4EB…)

No. 923837
>>923791>There you go,fuck off?
>the worst case did not eventuate so distress was invalidyou are really a terrible person
No. 923878
>>923869>There you go, anons who were worried about "unexpected medical bills in the thousands"because they addressed it directly to me, moron
>>923865>dudeand speak for yourself.
No. 924087
File: 1580050881292.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, ED04AA5C-D8DE-41B1-914D-7422CA…)

She’s not even through a whole book and making new characters that look like Scooby Doo rip offs
No. 924269
>>924255agreed. imo the art equivalent of tone deaf is like the people who say "i can barely draw a stick figure!" as adults and you can tell they can't even look at a reference and draw something even close to similar.
holly is more of the type who was once good for her age (as a kid) and often praised so she unconsciously believes that she shouldn't have to practice and do boring things because she's so ~naturally talented~ and then ironically falls behind all her peers. i see it all the time and i think the main issues are arrogance and laziness.
No. 924284
File: 1580080622821.jpeg (594.48 KB, 1242x946, 712B0645-24F4-4673-A1CF-0D0E8C…)

I thought it was against Twitch’s tos to stream shows?
No. 924287
>>924087this is just a personal opinion but i prefer the scratchy lines. her inks just suck out any movement and life the sketch might have had. but why is she so goddamn allergic to introducing her characters through her actual
story and not random merch or sketches?
No. 924301
>>923969Why doesn't Holly just admit she wants to draw crappy porn? I'm sure her fans would eat it up anyway
>>924287For me it's hard to tell if the scratchy lines are done intentionally or just remnants of the original sketch
No. 924435
>>924118some artist are so good they don't need any guide lines when drawing a face or body…however
Holly thinks she is just SOOO good that she can forgo this step. I'm going to guess it's because her visual library is so weak she doesn't have anything to build upon in her mind while drawing.
She doesn't leave her cave, er I mean room unless for work, right? does holly ever brag about life drawing? or is she just 'too cool' to be sitting and drawing people out in public?
No. 925384
File: 1580298587658.png (406.03 KB, 640x1136, DB329D95-4EF0-4E9A-BA7A-EE3882…)

She finished the grid thing. Not only is it wonky as always but theres such a big distinction between the original characters and the new ones she created. Its not blending well together at all
No. 925395
File: 1580303104287.png (732.77 KB, 750x1334, B34C67C6-D27F-49EE-82BC-B47D69…)

Is his arm a literal sheet of paper ? His torso is turned straight ahead and somehow his am which she portrayed as very muscular and thick is supposed to go outside the frame and straight down, if she would even have any logical thinking, she would turn him a little bit sideways so he can go out and down. Now this is how flat her art is because she has no consciousness of space or anatomy.
No. 925440
File: 1580313807944.png (266.97 KB, 750x1334, A5290F77-01AF-4CCE-BA19-21190B…)

When you have no clue about character posing lol she’s dried up
No. 925592
>>925564Right, I literally thought he was standing in front of a tree lol
Tbh though, I am interested despite the crap art. I think because Holly's been talking about and drawing these characters for years and only now is it actually starting
No. 925621
>>925440holly you stupid faggot why don't you make herschel's head stamp at this point?
i am so sick of seeing the same exact drawing, each fucking line rote memorized
No. 925688
>>925556>>925564>>925592>>925559If you look at most people with afro kinky-curly hair pulled back into a ponytail the tightened hair will be smooth (especially since most people will use product to smooth the top hairs further) So I cant really blame her for that part. The front curl not being the same texture is weird though.
The google image search for afro puffs is proof enough of that.
This doesnt stop her attempt of drawing poofy-curly hair from being trash though
No. 925717
>>925384Why is Princess in the middle? And she's also extending out onto the other squares, so it makes her seem like the main character.
I would think Ash, Hersh and Reese would be in the middle row
No. 925847
>>925440It looked like Herschel was trying to hold his shit in while Reese is a fucking look-out.
>>925384All of her characters looked scared, constipated, confused, or all three. The dog even looks like it doesn't wanna be there.
No. 926179
>>925384I know Princess is supposed to be like an 'uwu anxious' character but why is she crying?
also look at Reece's short fingers lol
No. 926225
>>924087Holy shit. I just noticed. The 'Ns' near the top of Herschel's hair are actually 'Zs'. Wtf.
If she'd ever make this a print, I'll buy it. Such a perfect decoration for Halloween. I bet that if kids would come knocking at your door and see this, they'd be screaming bloody murder.
No. 926278
File: 1580478685500.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, 9C88489B-B8E0-4949-A738-D1DF6E…)

Here we go again more distractions
No. 926487
>>926278If Harry's on the right, then who's the guy on the left?
Also. She forgot Harry's scar. How can any true Potterhead forget about it lol.
No. 926765
>>926699Why do I feel like this is just another
>I can do this so much better than everyone elserather than
>I genuinely like this thing No. 926811
>>926765Because that’s likely exactly what this is.
>>926737Before she added the letter I assumed he was holding the finger out for the owl to perch on (though they should perch on your forearm) but with the letter I have no idea. The only thing I like about the painting is the warmth of the colors, but even then everything looks weirdly muddy to me also.
No. 927020
File: 1580624952405.jpeg (680.51 KB, 1125x1526, 1E0AFF50-D530-4ABE-8E3F-58055A…)

The finished result. She really just spent the past day working on this huh
No. 927021
File: 1580625041588.jpeg (299.98 KB, 1125x1098, 163F4CCB-148E-4C8A-89DE-281D48…)

>>927020second drawing she posted with the Harry Potter one. The anatomy is so wack kek
No. 927028
File: 1580626006495.jpeg (61.6 KB, 1024x659, 035BC53A-E418-4D3B-A654-C008CD…)

>>927020I’m no wizard potterfag but is this really how you hold a wand
No. 927043
>>927028It is if you love dropping wands.
Maybe I'm overanalyzing, but it creeps me out a tiny bit that Holly prefers the Marauders era (in which the protagonists can be a bit sadistic,) and choses a bullying scene to draw as soon as she gets back into HP. Not trying to come for Marauderfags at all– this is about
Holly with her rape fantasies.
No. 927054
>>927021ngl i always thought Holly would be a Snape apologist
>>926854you should have taken a photo of it
No. 927093
File: 1580641588017.png (5.03 KB, 763x143, Unbenannt.png)

>>927081I doubt it, the last comment was made 4 days ago
Not to mention her last actual update was in freaking october
No. 927106
>>927020No wand in the HP universe is /that/ short. Also. Look at that "shading". Where is the light source. Why is there light inside the cloak. Whut.
>>927021I never knew Snape was an amputee. Apparently, he doesn't have feet.
Her faces are so long, and yet it looks so crowded. How.
No. 927219
>>927054I should have bought it because 1. I’m incredibly interested in minor internet train wrecks 2. it would amuse me to no end to own a “Kickstarter exclusive” book when some people who actually backed the thing don’t even have it yet and 3. it was $2.50
I wonder if it’ll be there when I go back lol
No. 927262
File: 1580660576372.jpeg (252.33 KB, 680x986, 70830BD4-7FA7-401B-A9AE-3FDEC2…)

>>927225It was the version of the book on the top, here.
No. 927265
>>927234AYRT. Was thinking the exact same thing, or else that she ships Sirius and Snape. The latter especially squicks me out, because Sirius is written as being particularly culpable in the plot to trap Snape with Remus-as-werewolf.
>>927177Exactly. Nothing wrong with Marauders era fans. For that matter, I wouldn't even particularly care if some rando shipped Snape and Sirius (not that I know for a fact that she does.) It's just that it's Holly, and I can already see the trust trust.
>>927262My bad, I thought you meant a print like a poster of sorts. It does sound like an interesting purchase though.
(Yes, I've been posting a lot this weekend.)
No. 927269
File: 1580660814536.jpeg (272.57 KB, 680x1138, ECDF9BA2-DB56-4412-BEC6-05F34B…)

>>927225Wow, sorry, I can’t fucking read. The print was a copy of the full cover art. You can see a version of it in this picture from the old Kickstarter, but that was for the $500 “get the original art” tier. The print itself was a little smaller than the book.
No. 928074
>>928062Not the anon but:
"And no one knew what Rabbit thought about this, because Rabbit was very well-mannered"
As mentioned in an earlier thread it is in reference to an old Winnie the Pooh book.
No. 928231
>>928224the heck, it said it wasn't available because it's private at first, but now i can watch. maybe the dude who got holly's account is turning shit on and off or yt updates takes some time for me.
also i have to speculate, could this be the doing of a farmer, or holly herself pulling a publicity stunt? i doubt at this point this is the same scam the anon talked about before, those dudes just deleted people's channels, this one is fucking around. and i doubt any actual "hacker" cares about cracking up holly's account.
No. 928402
File: 1580883540601.jpeg (282.34 KB, 1125x1336, FC5FC18B-A88E-42D6-A7C2-719E43…)

It’s a viscous cycle.
No. 928415
>>928405I think Princess is supposed to have an eating disorder and anxiety, so she made her smol uwu to better portray those characteristics
>>928391>>928402>>viscous cycleLOL
But yes Holly, you need to learn some focus
No. 928636
>>928573>>928210>>928443All videos are private and "This channel is not available."
Damn, wanted to see the videos that were unlisted
No. 928693
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No. 928780
File: 1580974426915.png (49.08 KB, 597x361, 352.PNG)

>>918453Holly has so many jobs that I can't keep up
No. 928813
>>928812That, or the hacker is just messing with the account still.
The question tho, if it really ain't Holly, then who dafuq would spend all their time messing up Holly's acc lmao.
No. 928856
File: 1581001323519.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, 966960DC-6750-4436-B54D-FE64E3…)

Hashtag team hacker
No. 928988
>>928856>>928860>>928981LOL I'm loving it, true personal growth
At least her hair's growing back, and it looks healthier now
No. 929276
File: 1581088578385.jpeg (341.37 KB, 1125x1028, 81B81A7F-7AB6-41D0-9447-E3B243…)

No. 929318
>>929233$3000 of crowd-funded money for a computer?
what an actual piece of shit lol
No. 929323
Holly Brown's channel got renamed to "REPLAY SUKA" me section now changed to
"Хочешь слушать хиты до того, пока о них все узнали? Подписывайся на канал и жми на 🔔"
No. 929324
File: 1581098444550.jpg (159.5 KB, 1445x851, Holly.JPG)

No. 929398
>>929385yea, i feel like it's not the exact same guys as mentioned in one video that was posted though, since they were only known to delete channels. this particular hacker might be using the same system.
>>929392i know fuck all about this girl but i'm interested. you really just need to go to the top and use the "new thread button" after you wrote the thread post anon.
No. 929441
File: 1581118164522.png (227.54 KB, 640x1136, 4731FC92-DEE7-4166-9BB9-0787A4…)

She mad mad
No. 929456
File: 1581121260216.jpg (223.66 KB, 1080x876, Big mad.jpg)

No. 929561
>>929550The only reason I don’t care about creepshow ranting on and on is only due to
her being a farmer . But still, she should know from these threads that holly probably deserves it and could benefit from logging off for 5 seconds and not shout her out at least w/e.
No. 929803
File: 1581199424415.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1125x1999, D366552F-F060-4037-8614-B0C037…)

Looks like holly knows how bad her drawing skills are kek
No. 929896
>>929803what i don’t get is that tracing a reference (for free) on the internet helps a lot with understanding the shapes in different angles and helps down the line. She’s gonna have to remember the way she’s holding that stupid 5 dollar piece of traSh and i’m sure it’s gonna look the fucking same.
i get going to stores to maybe relax if you’re panicked or anxious or just to be around people for a few seconds but you know what would be better holly getting a part time job,
No. 930053
File: 1581271582179.jpg (2.78 MB, 2316x2716, IMG_20200209_190450.jpg)

No. 930182
>>929998Crazy how she goes through jobs so fast.
I know Amazon isn't an ideal place to work but it would have given her the hours to pay back some debt she has. personal sperg but I wish I lived close enough to one to work there.
Her ex boyfriends? I refuse to believe this ball of negativity ever had a guy willingly within her proximity.
She lives with her aunt, does the aunt never tell her to clean her room? I wouldn't be happy if my own kid was living in my house and treated their room as a fucking cave to dump his or her garbage.
No. 930185
>>930132Also she doesn't seem to understand the 100 day of making comics challenge at all? She's all like
>"30 minutes is nothing, it's not enough time for me to give a shit, so I don't care and it's not a real goal. It's no time at all.">"I want 2 pages of paranormal plague a day, and 1 page of clever kitchen a day"She just clearly doesn't understand that the point of the challenge is to force yourself to turn comicking into a habit, and to show that if you do 30 minutes every day, you will get way further than you thought initially. Ah well, can't wait to watch her crash and burn by trying to do 2 pages a day, jesus christ.
No. 930232
File: 1581298172072.jpeg (793.96 KB, 1125x1996, B5FEBADF-3075-43E2-AF39-65257C…)

It still baffles me how much she talked up this comic and then the moment she got the chance to work on it she avoided it completely. Her logic makes zero sense
No. 930283
>>930276ooh, didn't know that, I visit the thread sometimes lol
The house can't be at Chandler level but dang. Holly's room looks messy, it makes me stressed just looking at it lol
No. 930297
>>929992Tracing something first and then drawing it on your own can make it easier to identify the right shapes and everything
>>930021>>930042>>930043That also implies that ALL her supposed past boyfriends have had issues with premature ejaculation, wtf?
No. 930299
File: 1581309059510.png (316.37 KB, 640x1136, F66C96BF-7D4C-4D22-95B2-18E4AC…)

First MCR, now HP, someone stop her from attacking the few things that I love
No. 930311
>>930299Wait these are HP characters? I thought it was Reese and two other rando OCs.
She’s going to butcher cybersix so hard if she ever makes fan art for it lol
No. 930323
>>930303To be honest, I don't think she even cares but
oof her fans are minors, right? So she's linking rape and dubcon fics to teenagers?
No. 930326
>>930303The weird thing is, she claimed she reads it for the plot and thinks the sex scenes are excessive, but she knows 'everyone else reads it for the sex'
But it's pretty obvious that her own comic attempts have been bare bones plots with characters that she wants to fuck.
Holly you're such a horny liar
No. 930351
>>930344I remember her saying it was French guillotine executions, yes, but that it also made her curious to watch Chinese beheading videos
She also laughed while describing how her sister's cat snapped its neck because it tried to jump while on medication
No. 930370
File: 1581331090917.png (158.33 KB, 674x890, oh holly no.png)

>>930299>>930311NTAYRT but yeah. (Not saging, in case the caption is relevant to the next thread.) I'm as livid as I can personally be about a fandom thing, kek. Lupin did not brush it off
at all, James is dead before the books begin so who knows what he thought of it, and using Peter as an arbiter of morality would be ridiculous. Hard to predict if Holly is moving towards SnapexJames, SnapexSirius, or what, but it's headed somewhere ugly.
No. 930372
File: 1581331979464.jpg (20.56 KB, 680x510, 81610424_2948862515148298_5292…)

>>930371If you're not playing dumb just to derail, but have actually spectacularly misunderstood the point, please read the threads.
No. 930374
>>929873dont be an ass. Holly is annoying but that doesnt give you the right to beat her up or threaten her with violence.
>>929882dont we all need money to live? its crazy hard making a living as an artist. plus she wants to move out this month, so… money issues are certainly understandable.
not trying to defend Holly, but let's be reasonable. the last thing we want is for some morons to accuse us of 'cyberbullying'. it's ludicrous that we even need anonymity just to voice our opinions on a 'professional' art YouTuber. what happened to product reviews? if Holly's 'artwork' is a marketable product, why are we cyberbullies for writing negative reviews on them?
No. 930519
>>927020the random long boot /short boot situation is killing me.
>>930351That's so morbid. wtf
No. 930559
>>930371No but don't you think it's questionable and retarded that Holly views straight relationships as less
valid/interesting than gay ones, on top of the fact that she herself can never have that?
It would be one thing if these people just got off and left it at that but they are downright unhealthily obsessed with gay men and think they know more about what it means to be a gay dude than an actual gay dude. Without ever coming into contact and having an actual conversation with an actual gay man. To me that is what defines a fujo. A straight chick who talks over gay men and has nothing to do with them.
If you are such a proponent of everyone being able to be open and comfortable sexually isn't that a big problem? A group of people that have nothing to do with the real group screeching over them? People who view straight relationships as "boring" who are not even LGBT?
Again you could save yourself the pain of having to answer all these questions, if you had the balls to admit it's just about getting off and has nothing to do with real LGBT issues.
Acting like it does is just gonna make you look like an ass especially if you have never even stepped foot in the 25 mile radius of a gay man like most fujos.
And anyway if you think about it gay men probably don't feel the need to overcomplicate shit and waste their own time by writing fanfic because at the end of the day it comes natural to them to be attracted to that, so they leave it behind at age 14 like the rest of us. If fujos were genuinely attracted to watching and listening to gay men fuck they would have the balls to watch 3DPD gay porn instead of looking at some shitty drawings literally meant for a 12 year old girl discovering her sexuality for the first time (the literal reason yaoi is never fucking most of the way through, it would scare off the target audience who's never seen a dick irl before).
I genuinely refuse to believe it's healthy or normal for adults to get off ONLY on cartoons or fanfic. It shows a severe detachment from real sex. Like it is the ultimate marker of a virgin who doesn't know what's so pleasurable about the 3d world.
Like don't even defend that, you know why you make yaoi/fanfic and it has nothing to with real LGBT problems, it's because you can't get laid and are stuck at the sexual and romantic development level of a middle schooler. It's time to grow up and get laid and move past the fanfic anon. You are at stage 10 fanfic cancer if you find yourself needing to justify what you get off on by acting like your porn is a social justice movement. You are clearly too old to be writing fanfic.
Don't these fanfic people ever find it creepy and questionable that they are participating in the side of a hobby that is primarily made by kids discovering their sexuality for the first time? Personally I think that's the REAL question here, why haven't they moved on from fanfic, it's such a waste of creative energy 9 times out of 10, and what do they get out of being in a community full of naive, sexually frustrated children? Seems predatory to me, personally. On multiple levels.
Adult fanficers/fujos should be shot down like the dreck they are lmao do not be deceived when they act like the sludge they produce is in any way meaningful or a contribution to the LGBT movement.
(derailing) No. 930564
>>930559damn you took the bait anon lmao.
but you bring up an interesting topic that i hope is not too ot to comment on. i don't think choosing fictional works over irl porn is a sign of someone being detached from real life. lot of porn is very repetitive, boring and not in anyway connected to real life, while erotic fiction lot of the time has better character dynamics and even story (of course not talking fanfic level writing here lol).
but this is sure as hell not the reason holly jacks it to yaoi, her writing is horrible and she doesn't give a damn about the characters having any chemistry at all before they get to the fucking.
No. 930643
>>930559Some of your points are
valid fujos are gross and annoying and definitely take up way too much fandom space in same sex ships sure but you have to understand that there are a lot of gay and bi people in fandom as well lol. Fandom is one of the only places we exist fictionally and there's nothing wrong with fanfiction and fan art conceptually. Not having the ability to form relationships irl and choosing to vent your sexual frustration with anime men raping each other is worrisome for sure though lol. Also she lies about her sexuality for brownie points and to justify her fetish. I prefer same sex fictional stories because I've been in a same sex relationship for 7 years. I don't hate straight relationships or view them as inferior at all though that doesn't make sense. Holly just deadass seems to hate herself so much she hates all other women as well.
No. 930703
>>930559Nah, there are plenty of people who indulge in/get off to anime/fanfic who are perfectly well adjusted and in healthy romantic/sexual relationships. My best friend loves yaoi and has been happily married for 3 years. That means nothing and fetishes generally mean nothing. The important thing is the distinction between fiction and reality. When you project your beliefs about what you see in fiction into real life you’re crossing a hard line that no healthy adult should (like harassing gay persons in public by asking invasive questions or demanding they kiss/hold hands or hearing about someone recounting a story of sexual assault and finding it hot or defending the perpetrator). Otherwise no one cares (or should care) what anyone else faps to.
The one point I will agree on are people who try to hide their fetish behind activism or being an LGBTQ+ ally. Just seems weird, harmful to the cause and ultimately unnecessary.
No. 930733
File: 1581400076764.jpeg (2.09 MB, 1242x2042, EB88DD63-A4BA-4DAA-BEF5-1A481C…)

I can’t with Herschel’s arm…
No. 930751
File: 1581403011262.jpeg (116.43 KB, 445x500, bleh.jpeg)

>>930733Jeez it's like a creepy deformed limb
Also, wtf is Princess' face? No one makes that expression in normal conversation.
No. 930818
File: 1581426353334.jpg (25.92 KB, 473x271, fc4f43917d0bc3f7fdaae2b5822260…)

>>930733Why anon, it is clear that Herschel has merely fallen
victim to a faulty Brackium Emendo! /s
No. 930820
File: 1581427041098.png (813.7 KB, 1903x744, Screenshot_2020-02-11 Holly Br…)

>>930731your english is broken as fuck so i went and looked at her account. they removed the music uploads, but left the banner and description like how they changed it, also for some reason removed her pfp. would have been more hilarious if they really just used it as a music reposting account lol.
No. 930841
File: 1581431394676.png (14.79 KB, 1118x838, 3927f0279ed109e35afa4ed19036d2…)

>>930836are you the same anon who posted that "we are hating on the gays now" shit? please stop your weak ass unsaged attempts.
No. 930856
>>930836Yeah holly is bisexual, she claims to have dated women. But even if she hadn’t ever dated a woman, she’s still attracted to them, making her a bisexual.
Her sexuality has nothing at all to do with being a lonely homebody that gets off to bad quality porn.
Some anons here are far too interested in Holly’s masturbation habits.
No. 930865
>>930835>That feel when you draw random lines on arms because you don't know anatomyIt's frustrating that Holly is aware of her own shortcomings yet won't do anything to correct them
Also, does anyone else feel like Holly sounds drunk in her recent vids? Maybe she's just tired, but her speech is so slurred and delayed
No. 930868
>>930836Level with us when you come back from your inevitable infighting ban: do you think we're so stupid that we'll be stumped over the question "but how can a gay/bi/trans person possibly have
problematic views towards a group that isn't their own?" Some gay men invalidate bisexual men, some bisexual women fetishize gay men, some lesbians hate trans people. Just grace us with the point you're actually interested in making, because no one's buying it.
God is it cathartic to call out fake allies of fandom.
No. 930923
>>930868Yeah, this is a really good point. Plus, Holly is still a woman fetishizing gay men- bisexual or not. Not to say you have to be a gay man to write meaningful stories about gay men that happen to involve sexual scenarios, but Holly's writing is empty and she clearly just beelines to the sex scenes. Plus, its concerning that most of the gay media she consumes involves rape and/or
toxic relationships. Say what you want about fiction, but its more than possible to internalize an unfair bias about gay men from that.
Also, side note, Holly makes drawing look so hard.
No. 930978
>>930835She doesn't like drawing men with rounded pecs but every time she draws women they have sausage boobs. She wants to draw pointy characters so she doesn't like drawing women because they're curvy.
She's so irritating when it comes to making excuses for herself not to do something. At least she admits that ParaPlague is just her drawing what she thinks is attractive to herself.
No. 930989
>>930836Holly said 'i am straight by all means' in a video and then when people started calling her a fujo she started lying and changed her story to 'im bisexual but won't date a girl unless she's a 10'
Kindly fuck off lol.
No. 931120
File: 1581465171592.jpg (316.18 KB, 1080x929, Screenshot_20200212-005254_Twi…)

shes apparently gotten her stuff back
No. 931196
>>931002Still, I don’t buy it. Maybe she thought she was straight. But way she draws her female characters is a red flag for me. The way she draws everything, it’s so focused on the body, the poses and expressions. and then she just slaps clothing and a storyline on top.
I think holly is such a homebody she’s probably ok with physical contact from any sex at this point, probably didn’t want to admit that earlier to herself because bisexuals still aren’t that accepted right now.
No. 931458
>>931350dafuq, get out with your weird theories. As if you need to fuck dudes for learning basic anatomy, go freaking life drawing or whatever. Honestly one of the weirdest things I read on this board
>>931396easy - taste and too much anime. There's tons of artists who intentionally give males a more androgynous shape (very popular in japanese media), in Hollys case it's only an illusion, as she actually gives every single character the same base shape and she never actually studies the subject.
No. 931465
>>931460^This, 100%.
I miss the art talk. Only two people even talked about her vlog explaining why her anatomy is so shit.
No. 931475
>>931464TBH, a lot of people have a rape fetish, or a loss of control fetish in some regard. It doesn't mean they actually want to be assaulted or to commit those acts; or that they don't feel sympathy for
victims of the act. Don't kink shame. Kinks are fine and dandy as long as they're in theory and not practice.
That said. Holly and TDs infamous stream where they
victim shamed rape
victims is another matter entirely, and there's no explaining that away.
Her laziness to learn basic human anatomy shouldn't be put on how sexy it is to her or not. It's just laziness and a stubborn refusal to fucking learn how to draw.
No. 931485
>>930835Her talking about the arm anatomy is infuriating. She acknowledges that her arm anatomy is bad but she doesn't want to take the time to learn because she's already taken anatomy classes ?
You dont HAVE to know all the ligaments and bones etc. But it's good to at least know the basics so you can see how the arm is built. Her strategy of "senseless repetition" OBVIOUSLY doesn't help shit because the arms still look awful. Try again.
No. 931667
>>931620She has even said recently that she bought a pass to attend weekly figure drawing sessions - I wonder how long that lasted.
Plus when she's shown her figure drawings in the past, you can see how she just stylizes them without trying to observe and study the human body.
>>931475Yeah a rape fantasy doesn't mean she's a bad person or anything - but in terms of art it seems like she only draws to insert her edgy rape scenarios - Purgatory was centered around rape, Para plague has barely begun and she already wrote a rape mini-comic on it, and her recent Harry Potter drawings have bullying rape undertones.
I mean damn Horny Holly, go masturbate and then work on some actual drawings for once
No. 931714
>>931464Wat this literaly makes no sense, because she is sexually charged that means she doesnt want to learn actual anatomy? If that was the case then she would probably study more of the body type shes sexually attracted to.
The reason she sucks at anatomy and doesnt want to learn is because its hard to learn without proper focus and doing extensive research and knowledge of the human figure. Holly is lazy as fuck so she obviously doesnt want to put in the time since to improve one should be spending at least 3 hours a week soley dedicated to any said subject they want to improve at, more time the better.
Holly just wants to be able to say "yeah i drew that, did you know i dont even do figure studies? Yeah im so great at art aren't I"
No. 931725
>>931714NTA but I think what they're trying to say is, she's drawing a lot of muscular (sorry, "beefy") men (well, mostly Herschel) because that's what she gets off on; however, she's lazy as FUUUUCK and can't be bothered to research actual muscly men, plus what you said
>"yeah i drew that, did you know i dont even do figure studies? Yeah im so great at art aren't I"so she just draws them straight from her head and they end up looking like shit.
No. 931726
>>931725Not the same anon as above, but I feel like this is such a weird thing to point out - most artists draw what they like to see/get off on, I would hardly call it a fault in itself - it's the fact that she's sooo bad at it that makes it cringe-worthy
Completely agree with the second statement
No. 931735
>>931714obviously her laziness plays a big ass role and i'm not ruling that out from the equation. but this laziness combined with her wanting to get off to her art is why i think it's so bad. drawing things well takes time and by the time she learns to do it better/completes a piece she won't be able to get off too it cus she's been starring at the same thing for a while. so she rushes ahead just to satisfy herself instead of learning to be better.
i'll admit though, i think i overgeneralized the rape fetish stuff, but holly just seems generally fucked to me, not just socially but in a sexual aspect. that's why i said "i'm saying that she is like an idiotic middle schooler, who still giggles when she hears the word penis". she's the type of person who'd find a figure drawing class oooh so sexy because she isn't mature in any regard, she has the tastes and drawing skills of a middle schooler who's just going through their sexual awakening.
No. 931796
>>931793anywhere really would be good for her, just sit down at a park and draw passer bys, customers at a cafe, anything.
>>931777is it really accurate to call her workalcoholic when she never truly gets anything done? she goofs off on like 6 project at once, making merch for her characters no one else cares about and the likes. not saying she needs to be a workalcoholic, but if she had any focus and wasn't so lazy she could get so much done in all her free time and get better at art so much faster than people who have responsibilities to attend to.
No. 931825
>>931475Never forget when she
victim-shamed Simon, her her own personal goddamn character that she WROTE to get raped, for "allowing" himself to be alone with a dangerous predator.
No. 931827
>>931793 Lol, I've drawn at the beach! At bars, cafes, and parks too. There's free life drawing videos online as well to use for study.
>>931796Ahah, that's the difference between 'working smarter' and 'working harder'.
She takes on a dozen projects at once to keep busy, and in a way, self sabotages herself from concentrating long enough on one thing to make any real progress. She's very "ALL or NOTHING."
She feels like she's working her butt off, but really, it's the weight of stress catching up. She can't focus on anything long enough to make headway (recent exp: her 100 days of comics; she hasn't posted a video in two days, after saying she was going to update every day, vlog style.)
It's why she switches focus so often. She gets burnt out when she gets stressed, and abandons her current work style to try something new (The constant new merch, and switching between traditional and digital supplies for art)
I imagine nothing ever feels like it's working to her benefit by investing her time in it; so she ditches it and moves on to something else.
'Workaholic' I guess is an umbrella word to say she's always focused on work, even if she's not getting anything done.
No. 931995
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On a different note, seems like more and more people come forwards saying they haven't received a package, let alone an explanation. I'm starting to get confused myself, hasn't she shown the packaged books like 1-2 months ago??
No. 931998
File: 1581672597059.jpeg (256.31 KB, 1242x1035, 9104C4D7-1BED-4D03-B7D3-5835FD…)

Fellow anons, what will you guys do to celebrate the upcoming one year anniversary of Holly not fulfilling her Kickstarter?
Honestly, it’s people like Holly who make it harder for other creators to use sites like Kickstarter because people will see it as a scam and never receive their rewards. Holly basically took $10k and told her fans to fuck off because she feels like she's entitled to that money.
I bet it’s too late for most people to get a chargeback by now.
No. 932001
>>931998I never used Kickstarter personally, but isn't there a protection against such things by Kcikstarter itself? I mean, otherwise people would get scammed left and right.
(Though if it were, I kinda doubt any of Hollys fans would have the courage to contact KS, since they would be scared their queen might get angry at them personally)
No. 932003
>>932001Kickstarter isn't very good for this. In my experience some people get away with it by never admitting that they've stopped working on delivering the rewards, but constantly finding reasons to delay it; mental health reasons, suppliers/publishers they're working with making mistakes, other circumstances they're
victims to and can't control.
Until the kickstarter gets fulfilled they can't start another one, which means they can't make too much of a career of this; but even if some people request and obtain a refund, they can still make bank from dedicated fans/people who kinda forgot they backed the kickstarter because it's been delayed for so long. (I don't think this is how Holly approaches her kickstarters, I think she's convinced when starting it she'll fulfill the rewards, but she gets lazy/distracted and benefits from being able to delay things without too much backlash).
No. 932030
>>931735Holly is not some completely sexually fucked up monster newfag, she's immature and inexperienced. Stop projecting.
>>931998This is Holly's real fucked upness, the ability to feel no remorse after taking 10K from children just to sit in her room for a year.
No. 932087
>>931998Fucking hell; has it been a year already?
That's scummy AF. She should at least keep people updated. Then again, if she spent all the money, and has no money to print her own copies or ship them out, that could be why it's taking forever.
Or maybe her lazer breaking is the reason, since some of the rewards were wood charms?
Either way, refund or replace rewards (with donors permissions); sweet hell.
No. 932139
>>932087Pretty sure she's out of excuses at this point.
If memory serves me right, she used the money to start her laser "business", bought tons of now unused materials and also a car.
Ther fact she hasn't given an update since October says everything
Only makes me wonder how much shit she can do until even the dumbest of her fans understands they can't expect anything from her
No. 932171
>>932166>harebrained quick-money making schemes like the laser cutterAnd her logic on the laser being a money maker in the first place was faulty logic. How could making merch at home EVER be cheaper than just ordering it from china, where everyone else gets their merch made? It never really made sense.
Her bank card moves faster than her sense can keep up.
No. 932275
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No. 932279
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>>932278What's the point of a redraw if everything looks just as shitty as before?
No. 932304
>>932031I think alot of anons are confused with why her sexual tendencies are being brought up because they didnt watch her latest video on her vlogs channel. It seems really out of the blue, but if you watch her video the topic makes alot of sense since she litteraly spends the majority of the video talking about how she hates to draw ugly people
Like literally in her words she says the reason she doesnt draw fat people, ugly people, or minorities is because she doesn't find them attractive
No. 932354
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>>932276'ol donkey kong lookin ass princess
No. 932415
Fucking finally, a Paraplague update so the story can actually start
>>932275I hate how Holly always has to make Princess' braid look like it's flying off in some random direction. I'm pretty sure braids don't float around with every little movement.
>>932278Also, what's going on here? What's that 'tap tap' in the middle panel?
No. 932546
>>932275I'll never understand how Holly draws (or copies and pastes) two panels, side-by-side, with identical camera angles and/or positioning of characters without her realizing it looks boring and lazy?
I have no clue how a page like that can take "forever" or anything longer than an hour. Each panel is so empty.
No. 932577
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i Know this Video is Kinda Old but, What the Hell are those Faces? It Shows that Holly can’t Do a Decent Expression.
No. 932620
>>932614Nah anon I member, she definitely said at one point it was set in the 80’s .
The dumb thing is, a slice of life comic where the main characters do all the action behind the scenes is kind of a good idea, if only holly was more self aware so she could write good comedy. Personally I think she needs to try stand up at least once so she could understand exactly how bad her jokes are. Idk what the scene is like in tx though
No. 932678
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Not really milky but it looks she might finally fulfill orders. She can’t be that dumb to realized that orders haven’t been filled out for months. She was probably stalling for time.
No. 932696
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When I checked her KS the other day, there was maybe one or two cancelled pledges. There’s a substantial amount more right now. That’s probably what got her attention.
Also, good to know she’s still collecting money in her stores while not shipping anything. Why do these people still support her?!
No. 932748
>>932724There's no way she just noticed.
I bet she only sent out rewards to important backers(Baylee) or the ones who paid the most
No. 933030
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Holly isn’t productive at all though. All she ever does is jump from one thing to another without ever finishing anything. I’m amazed she even finished purgatory but that was only because she would end up owing a lot of money back to her kickerstarter backers. Honestly I think it’s best when she’s not “productive” because it might actually give her a chance to sit on her quickly fleeting ideas and decide against them.
No. 933031
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>>933030I also find it ironic that she doesn’t feel productive even though she’s finally getting to make her new comic that’s she’s been talking about for years. And yet she doesn’t want to actually put in the effort to make it. All she wants is instant gratification and it’s plainly obvious here.
No. 933068
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She was Almost Close to recognize that why she draws those Hair Floppy Things.
No. 933074
>>933063Is it just me, or does it seem like her saying “I’m getting rid of everything cause I only want to own like, four things” and “I’m not really into sublimation printing anymore”
Sound like she’s selling all her belongings again to pay debt or the things of value are being repossessed cause she fucked up something with her debt.
No. 933123
>>933074I was thinking the same thing.
I think she’s manic again and is going to get rid of shit only to buy them again when Holly gets money. It’s apart of her mental gymnastic routine.
No. 933131
>>933123as someone who had a similar problem once (spending too much money on shit whenever I had any) I can absolutely confirm that's what is happening - you start loathing the things you bought and try to sell them again/get rid of them. We've seen the cycle with her countless of times, pretty much a symptom of really bad self-confidence, she's trying to compensate.
(nothing new here, I know, just wanted to re-enforce)
No. 933386
>>933242Ugh yeah, I cringed when she was showing off her turquoise kitchen appliances. They're all packed away, unused, and she's seriously acting like she's already on her way out? That's why you can't move out Holly, you have poor impulse control
>>933314Most mature adults realize that their parents can still offer a valuable perspective - but I feel like Holly has an awkward relationship with her mom. Supposedly she pays rent and her car payments, which seems a little unbelievable.
But I recall a vlog where she was walking along a highway at like 5am to buy food because she feels guilty when her mom buys her food. Then she also treats her room like a dirty motel room with food, clothes, appliances everywhere. I don't know, there's something weird about it
No. 933409
>>932001>>932003>>932009Late reply but Kickstarter does not issue refunds. I remember looking into it once since I backed Omocat's scam of a KS but Kickstarter states some shit like "things happen, backing a project includes taking a risk that things will fall through" and absolve themselves of any responsibility when it comes to failed projects.
On their accountability page ( they state that creators are legally required to fulfill their rewards or offer a refund. This line in particular stands out
>We crafted these terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill.So I guess if one of her backers is loaded and angry enough to sue for their money back, they could and might actually win, but lol. I guess for Holly's benefit, her fanbase is pretty much all broke teens so she'll just continue to get off scot free.
No. 933512
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Comment on her latest insta post.
it's been a year, holly.
No. 933522
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>>933512I find it beyond ridiculous at this point. She has literally stated that she has extra copies just hanging out in her hoard of a room and she sells the copies on her online store. She literally has zero reason to not ship the backers their items. It takes less than 5 minutes to pack it and 10-20 minutes to drop it off at the local USPS or whatever shipping service she’s using. But instead of doing that she chooses to draw more random crap of her OCs
No. 933607
>>933589Well, if you're a friendly and understanding person, girls won't be mean to you. I seriously wonder where she gets these ideas from? If she feels every girl she meets is judgemental of her, than that's probably just Holly coming off as judgemental first or cuz she made a poor first impression by making one of her horrible "edgy" jokes leading to them being wary of her.
Most girls don't give a shit if you're "ugly". That's such high school bullshit to think they do.
No. 933616
>>933607She's socially stunted. She's said before she had zero friends in college and she's naturally catty with low self esteem.
She wants to be the 'pretty one' like what does that even mean really?
No. 933664
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During the stream someone mentioned her old Harry Potter art and she decided to fixed its profile
No. 933673
>>933664Loving that glasses step that goes right into the middle of his ear there?!
While I can't say it's gotten worse, it hasn't gotten better. Like the back of the head still feels weird and flat. And his eyes look like, 50% more terrifying and dead as they stare out into the darkness. And what the hell is up with the mouth.
No. 933723
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Jeez. I feel bad for her in this situation. She just got the car less than a year ago too
No. 933727
>>933698That's concerning, what is she saying this time?
>>933723Wow that's terrible. If the car is totaled, she probably got hurt too, even if she's mostly fine
No. 933739
>>933723Not sure if this would be considered cow tipping but there’s probably some kind of open record about this if there’s an ongoing investigation. Might be hard to find since we don’t know where it happened though.
At least if she wasn’t at fault her insurance will cover it.
No. 933835
>>933764Lol no, her art has always looked like shit to me.
Its actually really sad that I've been reading these threads since the begining and since then been able to learn to draw professionally as a freelance concept artist while holly literally hasnt improved one bit. I just pity watch at this point
Its crazy how when you think that the only difference between someone achieving something and someone getting no where is that you have to be motivated and constantly strive for that goal, not just brush it aside and hope it comes true one day
No. 934282
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>>933723Update on the car situation
No. 934482
>>933764Honestly I only found her through a random mention on a Tumblr blog and looking at her videos … I'm actually shocked she had as many followers as she did.
Her attitude is so bad that even watch her review videos makes me wonder what these companies saw in her.
No. 934553
>>934282A bike is actually a really good idea, and the exercise may benefit her mental health by getting the endorphins going.
A truck is a not-so-great idea.
No. 935322
>>935312If that's the case, they should fuck off and go bitch to holly on her every sm
You're not gonna get your rewards here
No. 935950
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She's piercing her own ears.
No. 935957
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The impulsiveness is amazing. Too bad she doesn’t have the same energy to fullfil her kickstart or PP.
No. 935965
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>>935960Someone already tried talking some sense into her. She hates being told what to do that she’d do anything to spite other people even though she’s messing up her own life. She acts like such a child that it’s why I love to watch this train wreck.
No. 936082
>>935957>>936023We're aware, anon. Relax.
Holly desperately needs therapy– I think we can all agree on that.
No. 936241
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Does anyone remember what ended up happening with this shit? I found this while going through my old harddrive. God they make me wanna puke.
No. 936313
>>936093She basically said she wants to quit regular art youtube videos to post animatics. Weirdly enough the same thing is going on right now with Baylee Jae who wants to quit the art videos for animation.
>>934063I don't see the switch working for any of them. There is a reason why animation on Youtube pretty much died aside from storytime videos and people who actually animate do it thanks to Patreon support or streaming their progress on Twitch. It's like a month of work for a video that won't reach 10 minutes so it won't be able to be monetized… much easier to turn on the camera while showing a sketchbook or drawing a picture and ramble about something.
I'm not sure how other anons feel about this but I find it funny how she thinks she's being less controversial in this new channel spamming streams instead of when she didn't stream ever and only did salty videos on art topics. Having crap hot takes about art is not that serious but her unstable hateful personality really leaks in the streams. I rather have her shit on art topics than shit on other people, her animals, her coworkers, her job and anything that breathes. Not only is she more controversial now than she used to be, she makes less money as well and spends hours on these mostly fucking around distracted by chat.
No. 936339
>>936333I assume it's because she sees objects and cats all the time and likes old vintage stuff and cats. She references them too.
But since she doesn't like humans, doesn't interact with them she doesn't like to look for references either.
Stuff that you actually like, you draw better.
Sorry terrible english.
No. 937381
>>937243Lol we called it.
But honestly, it was very predictable she’d love Carry On which is basically gay HP fan fiction, its another fandom she could ruin
No. 937391
>>936313It's amazing to me how someone so concerned about having and making money could lose money on absolutely everything she tries to do. Just when I think her self-sabotage can't get any worse she pulls an idea out of her ass that takes her further on a neverending downward spiral of obscurity, poverty and even more mental issues. The only thing she's good at, at this point, is fucking up her life.
The sad thing is, her life would be so much better if she just did the opposite of every impulsive idea she decides to go with.
No. 937422
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>>937243Sirius x Snape fanfic we all knew was coming. The last panel of the three she posted on Twitter
No. 937426
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No. 937441
>>937426Everyone looks so fucking miserable, or like they've got a gun pointed at them and being told to smile.
Also I don't like any of how the guy on the far right is executed. She doesn't know how to draw textured hair. And his arms are too short, like he's the back of a cardboard cut out, it's killing me how flat he and everyone else is. Holly PLEASE do an action scene I cannot wait to see it.
No. 937457
>>937426Wow, she made Princess look like an actual child. Right down to the overalls… She looks like a little white girl Holly colored brown because diversity.
I REALLY don't like that the big white guy next to her is supposed to be her love interest. It feels very wrong.
No. 937461
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Can we please talk about these proportions??
No. 937466
>>937464I think anons' discomfort of the size play comes from Hollys' past character pairing and shipping of adults with children. Size kink or play is fine; but with Holly, it does come across as: "smol child sized girl is an adult, and therefore legal
finger guns"
No. 937474
>>937461There is so much; I'm not sure where to start. Ignoring anything that might be classified as 'style', and focusing solely on anatomy issues:
-Most of the arm lengths are wack. Like, Ash has a shoulder higher, but the arm that's higher, is also longer, making it 3-4 relative inches longer than her other arm.
Don't even get me started on 6'4" man on the end; what is with that baby arm?
-6'10" man has a weird baby head. For a man that large, he should have a bigger head and neck. Height and size isn't just how long your legs are. The proportions are wack.
-Hard to judge Princess. Something is off. I keep looking at her, but it's hard to pick out what's wrong. Maybe it's just because she's surrounded by giants? Either way; for a child sized anorexic, she has a very full face. Maybe cheekbones would help sell her character?
-Not an anatomy thing… but Shrek hairs' bandages are gross. That's someone you don't want swimming at the public pool. Just looking at him, I can taste chlorine and dirty latex bandages. Ack.
No. 937496
>>937426I think I know what else it is about this lineup; none of them look like they were drawn on the same plane or even in the same file. None of them have a center of balance between the upper and lower halves of their bodies, and none of them are proportional.
Character lineups like these are almost as much a pain in the ass as character turnarounds, because proportion and balance, are things you actually have to pay attention to when you're making any kind of character reference.
>>937491She's been over sharing her characters for over a year now, she's well beyond tricking herself into thinking she's already told the story without having done anything concrete.
That's the thing about long term projects: there's a lot of shit you need to keep your mouth shut about, or you've fools yourself into thinking "I've already done this thing/told my story". That's why she always goes back and fucking noodles around aimlessly, reworking, rewriting, and retelling everything. She's had like three false starts on this one comic because there's always some element of it she wanted to change, but she always, without fail, ends up blabbing and then it's back to square fucking one. Back to fucking around and noodling.
No. 937550
>>937426What really bothers me is the fact that Holly doesn't seem to realise that hands extend past the crotch? So the arms are so absurdly short that it just looks fucking weird.
Also Lafayette's left arm is literally a midget arm compared to the rest of him. And they're all so badly and awkwardly posed. It's just a bit of a sad mess
No. 937585
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>>937426How can anyone see this and click upload
No. 937675
File: 1582777366019.jpeg (861.26 KB, 1125x1614, 0E786216-8796-4E8D-80BB-32F60A…)

Holly posted two pages of pp on Tapas yesterday. Nothing really new since she already posted them on her instagram story awhile back with just the lineart. (1/2)
No. 937773
>>937707Lol, I legit thought you were making a dick joke until I saw your link.
But yeah; as far as height charts go, this one is lacking and borderline useless.
No. 937775
>>937677Old cheese by this point, but those pleated arms of Hershels' are getting worse.
Also, has anyone decrypted the meaning of 'tap tap' yet? Who's hand is that? What does it mean?
No. 937776
>>937775I was wondering too, is it Ash tapping Princess' shoulder to get her attention? Since she speaks to her after that.
It's so strange to dedicate two panels to that when the interactions otherwise move really fast, though.
No. 937778
>>937491Really though. What fun is getting into a comic, when you've already met all the characters.
Even 'Lafayettes' tattoos probably hint at his paranormal form, since it's the same tattoo on both arms.
No. 937814
>>937426so the names we know… ash, reese, hershel, rusty (? i saw it in the comments of this post on ig), princess, no idea, no idea.
>>937778shit. wanna bet this dude is some kind of centipede?
No. 937821
>>937778>>937814seconding this. with how much she's already given about the story and how the paranormals work, it seems pretty obvious what she's trying to foreshadow. she's not at all subtle.
also, i know she's never seen a person of color outside of watching the hamilton bootleg, but can she at least try to study what textured hair looks like before drawing it? lafayette is the flattest character on the page. i wonder if she'll decide to just not learn how to draw textured hair and give him an easier to draw more white hairstyle like she did with princess.
No. 937828
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>>937426>>937474lmao, princess looks weird because holly drew her and then just scaled her down. she doesn't know how to draw short people. Look how fucking odd she looks next to hershel
No. 937901
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>>937585Did she forget about his tattoo in this one or what
No. 938147
>>937677Are her comics always this backgroundless?
Having backgrounds makes everything feel more real. Like the characters are actually in a place, cafe, a bedroom, hallway and not just some white void.
who lied to this girl that she could do comics?
Also she sucks at panel structure. None of it makes your eyes go along the page that would help move you along.
That second pic where the black girl is looking towards the guys phone. Her eyes look to the left when she should be looking to the right. Our eyes will follow hers into the next panel.
No. 938165
>>938147i think it could benefit even by having flat colors as backgrounds. so much less boring. the panel structure is awful, but what REALLY gets me is the lettering. The speech bubbles are lopsided
and why make the one bubble AND the text crooked?
No. 938253
>>938239which is still a bit of a joke in itself, considering she doesn't really earn money with her comic anyways. I guess that's one of my biggest gripes with her - not only is she not working efficiently, she has absolutely no obligation to upload pages that often (her fans never really mind at least) ans she STILL manages to make everything in a rushed manner.
She re-drew PP like 3 times now and it's not only her anatomy and shape language that have gotten wore, it still looks like she can't be arsed to actually take some time to create something that at least has some love to it. She literally just shits it out.
No. 938347
File: 1582907834259.jpeg (124.28 KB, 1131x350, EA5EA3B0-F627-4DEE-B5C4-701D39…)

Who’s gonna tell her lmao
No. 938411
>>938233 Her eyes should still be looking to the right, so our eyes follow along into the next panel. This is comic basics 101. It should be set up in a way where our eyes can easily flow along the page. Not jump back and forth.
don't try to defend this haha. This is just bad and it's pretty evident that holly has no idea how pacing or composition works.
Scott Mccloud, though his art isn't the best either at least does know how comics work and she could benefit from reading even one of his books. She should also be reading some actual published comics, award winners even to get a sense how a good comic is structured. She isn't learning shit from her crappy Japanese doujin comics made by armatures.
No. 938436
>>938411She's read Blankets by Craig Thompson so she will read western graphic novels. As much as she hates them, she might benefit from reading superhero comics, if only for figuring out panel layout for action scenes.
I think she mentioned Scott McCloud's The Sculptor before but I think she was just bashing the art style for it.
No. 938449
>>938426I'm sorry!! I'll give you credit for being able to follow what the hell is happening in that page lol
I guess it bugs me how she is doing it because aren't people paying for this? aren't most people paying using their mom's credit card?
"Hey mom, can I buy this book online?" and never receiving a product.
sure it is just a silly book by a shit youtube artist but people deserve a good quality item if they are paying for it.
>>938436she should be reading a lot of western manga. Eastern manga isn't doing her favours. The way she panels along with the flow read like we should be reading right to left.
Superhero comics, as lame as the can be will teach her how to tell a story with words and pictures, not new ones but more older ones anyways. I'm thinking of 80s teen titans where half the time it read like a soap opera.
Scott McCloud is low tier artist, but he really does know how to make a comic at least. Holly can't do art or proper story telling so her comics are just pure shit. A good story can always make up for bad art.
I do remember holly going on about how art is super important to her when it doesn't appear to be.
I think she likes the idea of being a 'tortured' artist. The kind that wallows in self pity or a drunken stupor all day and can still produce amazing work. She can't be she sure wishes.
Holly, you aren't Hemingway.
No. 938467
File: 1582920946912.png (183.61 KB, 704x396, tumblr_nm24jjsoqg1qh4gnmo1_128…)

>>938449>A good story can always make up for bad art.Absolutely. If Holly could execute a story well, I would probably look at her art as 'ugly but very endearing and uniquely Holly' rather than 'it looks like someone had a seizure while holding a pencil'
She could probably benefit from having a writer flesh out her ideas better, but it's not like she has friends who would do it for free/fun or the money to ever hire one.
No. 938476
>>938467It's like she forgets that when making a comic, you are telling a story lol
Does she read? not just comics but novels? It would help her a lot with, well, how to tell a story. I don't care if she reads the twilight saga first then continues on to an actual challenging read she needs to start.
She should also be watching movies. Not to sound like a film fag but there are a lot of great movies that'll help her. Since she loves doing challenges so much she could do a story board challenge.
Eastern doujins aren't helping this girl at all. There not meant to be copied and held to a standard you want to emulate, Holly.
No. 938574
>>938504She said she doesn't like to do scripts before, right? I feel like she'd benefit from reading about screenwriting. Though, she'd benefit from doing any kind of research.
In one of her videos, Holly mentioned how much she hates introductory chapters so why can't she just jump past it and introduce her characters along the story? I wouldn't mind a intro chapter being chapter 2 as long as we move out of this diner scene.
No. 938616
>>938504makes it more frustration that she still gets people funding a kickstarter. Not to be one of those people but there are some good artists that don't get much attention but Holly makes a youtube channel, plays up a Misanthrope shtick and little tweens and teens eat that shit up.
>>938574Holly needs to read a screenplay book. She needs needs to read a "how to write stories 101" book. Memorize pixar's 22 Rules of story telling. She just needs to read books, not doujins made by bored japanese girls.
She strikes me as someone who just thought "I'll do comics, seems easy enough. I just make some character sheets and the story will just to me, right?"
God no. It takes writing out the story, whether you write it like a novel or a screenplay. Then you should get someone to read it. Fix something they may not understand in the story. Next is to make a rough draft of each page and how it's going to flow.
Holly does none of these things. Just get's started on the final draft. What you aren't supposed to do. It's a big reason why she keeps failing. Comics are harder to do than they look. You need to know pacing, flow, perspective and composition.
She needs someone to look over her shit before puts it online. Can't her mom or aunt look at her stuff for her? I'd say a co-worker but she for sure is that one co-worker no one else likes because she is so unpleasant and then wonders why no one talks to her. Also she appears to be someone who can't take criticism well. She might just shave her hair off at 2am again.
No. 938857
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>'s showing off her awful animation skills again.
No. 939102
>>938976Why does she hold the pen like that?
The way she is holding it goes against wanting to do smaller fine details in drawings. Her grip on the pen is not helping her.
Did holly even attend high school art class? because if you take even one class you learn enough of the basics. How to hold a pencil, when to use your shoulder when drawing.
why art? why did she get into art? she isn't good at it and it's been years and there still hasn't been improving, why does she keep lying to herself. She doesn't have friends to feed her ego to make her believe she is better at art than she really is, so it can't be Dobson Syndrome.
No. 939120
>>939102I firmly believe anyone can learn art if they're open-minded and willing to trust others to teach them. Holly is too stubborn to improve, study, and use reference to enhance her art. She wants to be good without having to study but that's impossible for almost everyone. She's trying to improve by drawing fictional characters from her head over and over again, which just leads to regression. She thinks as long as she keeps drawing the same thing, she'll get better, but that's not how it works when she doesn't challenge herself or use any form of reference she can actually see.
For the art high school thing, well… At least here, art high schools don't have the same standards as good art colleges. They teach you the fundamentals, and tell you to draw and paint very specific things. It's hard to mess that up, and they'll pass you as long as you followed the process even if the end product isn't that great. Side note, I've heard that many students who went to art high school don't even continue in the arts afterwards.
No. 939136
>>939120haha I meant like regular High school. You know "I'm so glad I have art class after Math class, I can unwind a little." even basic art class in high school teaches you some key pointers.
She did an online art school that she admits the teachers told her she sucks but had a very "whatever, I draw what I want!" attitude. I know she refuses to grow and change and yes she for sure never challenges herself.
I just wonder why she decided on art to be her thing. She never wants to improve, she never accepts criticism. She seems to hate it despite how much she does it. She suffers from the same syndrome as Baylee Jae "If I buy these expensive art supplies it will magically make me better at art."
She is a terrible artist. She doesn't have what it takes. She has no discipline to do art. She forgets it takes a lot of focus and determination and a willingness to suck before you get better.
I met one art teacher who said "Never use references, ever." and she meant for everything, we should just know how to draw it without seeing it and yes she meant when sketching and she thought marketing your art online was stupid and never works… Holly appears to do this (in terms of not using a reference) It's like she takes pride in the fact she doesn't use a reference. She probably doesn't understand what it means to use a reference for a piece of art.
I'll say it again, art is not for Holly. Sure anyone can learn but not this girl. She doesn't have it.
No. 939233
1) white men are evil
2) especially if they has blue eyes
3) i know like 2 blue eyed white men who are 'unpleasant', so they're all evil (stadard incel logic)
4) Billie in Stranger Things is a hottie…. but eww he's 26 years old. he's TOO OLD. (for Holly who is 24…)
5) thirsting after barely legal boys
6) thirsting after (young) Zac Efron
7) womansplaining how to tell if a young person is of legal age (because all teens have babyface) …like Millie Bobby Brown (even with tons of make-up on and that weird unflattering dress she wore to the Screen Actors Guild Awards)…. really, Holly is a master at telling if a teen is a minor or not: Onision should take Skillshare classes from her.
8) my merch is not here yet because of medical health professionals who are doing their job and protecting my state from the Corona virus.
9) i ordered charms from China (during a serious Corona virus outbreak there) and it's not my fault those things were not delivered. that's all on Corona-chan.
10) Corona makes me angry because it delays the crappy merch i was trying to sell to you. i dont care about all the people who die(d). nah, fuck that. why dont these Chinese people work harder and make my merch already????
and that's just the first 25 minutes. Jesus Christ i cant sit through 2 hours of this crap stream. who cares if Holly is rebranding or not? i dont. thats her problem. what im disgusted by is this shitty attitude of hers she exposes herself in her own streams.
i guess after awhile you stop noticing this shit as you become desensitized to this bullshit because it happens in like every stream Holly makes
No. 939246
>>939233God wtf is happening with her..? How is someone who's 26 too old for her??? That's a HUGE red flag imo…
Regarding the coronavirus, parcels will spend ages in transit then when they land, they should be irradiated to kill any germs leftover( at least they do that in Australia). Either way, if those charms are ever delivered, she can always quarantine them away from her family.
Either way I'm sickened that all she gives too shits about is her order when there's so many lives on the line, so many dead and suffering people.. how does she not care about another person's life?
No. 939251
>>939249yeah. this does negatively affect people who work with China. but they do actual business, unlike Holly, who blames all her shortcomings on other people
>>939233anon, shes not saying shes attracted to teens. you obviously werent paying attention to what shes saying (i cant blame you, but)
she did say she's glad the actor is 25. because she feels attracted to him. because he's obviously 25 and not a teenager (hence the babyface discussion: she said she knew while watching that this actor was older) and it was ok for her to be attracted to him
also she had a crush on Zac Efron when she was in middle school. (not now.)
No. 939255
>>939253Same anon but I will also admit faults regarding the first part which was talking about Billy from stranger Things, I went back and rewatched that part. But her all encompassing 'white men are evil' comment is a
toxic mentality to have.
No. 939370
>>939136Holly went to an art oriented high school she's been taking art classes consistently since at least 15. She just hates listening to teachers tell her to stop drawing OCs without reference and just study please.
I remember back when these threads were new and she was in art school she used to post her figure studies and complain the teachers were telling her they were too stylized like she genuinely doesn't understand how to draw.
No. 939426
>>939370Did her mom pay a tuition for this school or was it a high school that just focused more on the arts? sperg-My high school focused on the arts though we were severely under funded and it closed down 5 years after I graduated lol anyways for holly going to an arts dominated school, I just would have figured she'd take art more seriously. Maybe listen to the teachers more.
yeah I get the vibe from her she just doesn't understand how to draw. She should just stop doing art, it's not for her. Her mentality is shit and her work ethic follows suit. I don't care she has job, she probably never picks up extra shifts and begs for as little hours as possible.
can't stress this enough. Her world view is very limited. She appears to not have had many friends, having friends leads to conversations which lead into agreements and disagreements, people challenging your views. I feel she didn't get this enough. Another thing she appears to not watch many movies, which are very beneficial for comics. She doesn't appear to read anything, doujin manga doesn't count. She wants to make comics without having any idea how to make one and has no idea how to tell a story. Has anyone told her this? or is she that much of a dead horse?
No. 939450
>>939445Samefag sperg, but being a (terrible) artist myself, I don't understand her. What delights me the most about art is being able to experiment and try new things, wanting to do fanart for stuff I liked as a tribute, trying different mediums even when I fucking suck at them, trying to draw anything other than a 3/4 character facing left and being terrible at everything (lmao) Holly seems to be using art to either wank or try to make money. It's either her OCs or shipping fanart or trying to flex about her nonexistent abilities (the Sketchbook Slam challenge) She doesn't seem to be having any fun with it and yeah, I know I'm projecting hard, sue me lol
>>939446Ummm your point being? She's seen/ read a single series that almost every person in her age group did, so? I wasn't saying that Holly has never read anything or never seen a single movie in her life.
No. 939457
>>939446Harry Potter doesn't count. It's normie tier. Like someone else said it was popular for her age group so of course she ended up liking it.
It's fairly obvious Holly has very a limited world view. She sticks to the same media and doesn't branch out. Yeah we have favorites but we still get older and get new favorite shows that end up being shows we can re-watch. No some ninth grade ninja show doesn't count either. Does she read novels? a novel series? does she watch movies to get inspired? does she have a favorite trilogy? No she doesn't. She thinks she is so much better than everyone else because she doesn't consume as much media as everyone else. She doesn't understand that the people who create are often the biggest consumers of media.
She prides herself on not playing video games when they can be just as influential. What does she think video games are, pacman still?
>>939445I think you summed up what she does in a day. Just add in a ton of self loathing. Girl does not look happy with herself and I suspect really hates who she is and has for a long time.
No. 939582
>>939575Well, she's got some perverse lust for Herschel and he's 'beefy.'
Also to any readers with curly hair, do you face as much oppression as Holly apparently has? She was complaining in her stream about how people have treated her because of her hair. At some point she says because of her hair type, people called her dirty even though we've seen her hands and her infamous unkempt fingernails.
No. 939636
>>938857Jesus Christ, does she not know anything about s curve and c curve?
Why does she think her animations are good when its obvious she knows nothing about the 12 principles
Like, at least learn the basics, then start practicing the harder more refined stuff, if you start out trying to do masterpieces without understanding the basics you'll learn at a much much much slower pace
No. 939640
>>939457does Hamilton count?
>>939480or is that also a relic from her middle school years?
she'd have to be a fan if she's tattooing a Hamilton quote on herself……..?
No. 939683
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she has this really warped world view where she just has it so bad and everything is harder for her than anyone other.
just in that last stream she talked about how:
1) her mental illnesses are worse than general mental illnesses
2) her hair is so much more harder to handle and she's opressed because of it
3) her life in general is just so fucked and she needs to struggle so much more than other people
like how out of it is she? i get that she has no friends because she's an ass but jesus
No. 940298
>>940279It probably has less to do with her tortured artist persona, and more to do with the fact she knows no one wants to work or deal with her for any substantial amount of time.
She had that flatter she was paying peanuts years ago; and ended up bad mouthing him in her videos and streams, till they left.
Nah, that only way to make serious adult friendships and connections is to meet them organically, when THEY approach YOU in a coffee shop to watch you draw. (lol, I wonder if she's still trying to meet people this way?)
No. 940312
I'd be willing to do it for her it it meant she'd be releasing less shit like her previous work in the world
No. 940345
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>>940325Yes, it was discussed. The old thread lists are a mess though so maybe you skipped it, but I remember it. has been animating here and there for like 2 years and she still hasn't learned what a keyframe is lmao
No. 940363
>>940347That hair is about to take off, like a helicopter!
>>940350Her gamer tag just reads "Knight of donuts" to me. Reminds me of the American donut place, 'Kripsy Kreme'
No. 940366
>>940325I am SUPER up to date on all drama Holly related. I found lolcow just a few weeks ago, when looking for any updates on the Russian hack. (I like to listen to Hollys' videos at work, and was missing them. It's like a soap opera for artists.)
I ended up binge reading ALL of the threads (mostly because it was more interesting than my current work load)
Funnily enough; I have learned a lot from Holly. Just… I've learned what NOT to do; both in business and in art theory.
No. 940399
>>940325It was like two years ago now so it was one of the first threads. Here's a breakdown based on my memories of the situation from back then lol.
Holly hires a flatter, he flats her pages, she goes on a rant about him in a video less than a week into hiring him complaining that he used the wrong colors to flat the page even though she admits it was because she never sent him the pallete she wanted, she then claims it's becuase he is color blind (he actually is partially colorblind but still picks better colors than her) she accidentally shows his name so the whole video looks like she's publically blasting a flatter she's paying less than minimum wage for something that was her fault to begin with. She only had him do like two pages before firing him and her audience mostly called her out for being an unreasonable jerk (except the occasional edgy child that made fun of the dude for being a color blind artist) and then Holly said she's just never going to work with anyone because she's bad with people.
The end.
No. 940682
File: 1583298099991.png (26.6 KB, 590x93, san japan.png)

Some updates -
She has a tumblr blog for Harry Potter fanfic recs, haven't looked at any of them:
https://hollyshpfanicreclist.tumblr.comWill be going to San Japan as a regular convention goer.
No. 940683
File: 1583298147860.png (124.39 KB, 494x508, holly icon.png)

New twitter icon
No. 940745
>>940717it looks weird because
>>940683it doesn't have a nose.
No. 940823
File: 1583334088805.png (296.14 KB, 449x505, Capture.PNG)

>>940683She just copy the style of some keychain in AliExpress, it's just herself in the Sirius style that she wanted but was sold out.
No. 940934
Redraw fag, but I edited Holly's icon a bit as an experiment. All I did was move the mouth up the face and add a nose, and it looks a lot less creepy. I mean, it's still shit, but in the words of Holly herself, "it's a nice, polished turd." I know this thread doesn't allow redraws, redlines, or edits, so I posted it in the designated redraw thread if anyone is curious:
>>>/ot/243951 >>940811For the anon who kind of misses edits and redlining, this is for you.
No. 941040
>>940934it looks way better anon! Holly can't even copy something correctly lol Comparing Holly's original to yours, just really shows how bad hers is.
She should stop doing art. Yeah I know if she did that she wouldn't be as milkable but for her sanity she should stop.
How has she not gotten better in the last few years?
No. 941207
>>941127I say she should stop because it's been years now and she still hasn't really improved! why should she even continue if she has had no growth. She doesn't want to listen to criticism, which if you want to do art she needs to do.
Sure anyone can be good but Holly has shown, and again it's been years, that she can't get better. If I wanna throw her a bit of a bone she has improved by maybe 10% since her first thread on here. That's being nice.
you say hard work but she doesn't want to put in hard work! It's easier for her to bitch about it than do it. She prides herself for not listening to her art teachers and doing her own thing even if it means she will continue to suck because "Fuck them! If I wanna draw gay shit, then I'm gonna fuckin draw it." She should just stop it. She doesn't seem to enjoy doing art. Only does it because "Hey, why stop now, what else am I gonna do?" She isn't even 30, she has tons of time to find something new.
>>941186How she dresses, the 2 am hair shaving, the tone of her voice, yeah you can tell she isn't happy with her life. She wants friends and she is delusional for thinking someone is gonna stop to sit with her to chat at a coffee shop while she is drawing. This is mean but if she was more attractive or maybe gave off a more friendly vibe she might get a quick "What are you drawing?" With her attitude now, would she even be able to keep a conversation with anyone before she scares them off with her teenage misanthropic view on life?
I speculate she never really had friends. maybe a classroom friend but not really a "Hey let's hang out after school!" "Party at scott's house, you coming?"
No. 941261
>>941207>>941127She doesn't have to stop doing art at all, BUT she should stop being delusional about making a career out of it. Drawing OCs and cheap comissions all day works if you want to earn some pocket money during high school, but an actual day job in the field is barely comparable, needs extreme discipline and constant grinding in fundamentals (anatomy, colour…). Not to mention she would need good socialising abilities and be incredibly reliable.
It's pretty obvious she has no idea how to make art a "real" job beyond deviantArt style comissions - her bad comic will never sell enough to make a living off of it. Not to mention she completely fucked her slim chance of getting money from YouTube within the last 2 years by destroying her fanbase and also thanks due to the Kickstarter fail, which hurt her reputation even more.
It's great if someone has art as a hobby, but making it a career is a very different story - she should keep the hobby and enjoy it like that, it would probably be better for her mental health too. She just needs to lose the "I'm too good to work in retail!" mentality, since she really has nothing else to offer, being a college-dropout who lives with her mother and all.
I wish she would start taking life seriously.
No. 941312
>>941261Normally, the longer an artist draws, the better they get, and if they're doing commissions, they naturally up the price of those commissions. Holly hasn't grown though, because she doesn't enjoy the process, or learning new things, or challenging herself beyond clickbaity titles, like "Slam challenge" or "100 days of comics, but the non-bitch way", in which she just turns on auto-pilot and doesn't actually learn anything besides the grind.
Also; she failed to understand what markets pay the most. It's too bad she is disgusted by furries, because that community lives off art and the demand is high if you can build up a good persona and clientele.
No. 941342
>>941261Yeah I guess I should have clarified. She can continue art as a hobby but as a career she needs to give it up.
Art would be good for her after a hard day or a mental break down but the fact she keeps trying to make this into a career is frustrating to watch lol She keeps trying different gimmicks, get rich quick kind of things for art and they never stick.
She is honestly lucky she even got a fanbase in the first place. The market for art is so over saturated that some people can barley get likes or a follow but Holly, who is a shit artist, gets lucky and gets 600 likes on a shit piece of art, and it's not even fan art. Or good youtubers with better art only ever gained a fraction of the followers Holly did. She really shot herself in the foot by wrecking it all and getting to full of herself. The tracing debacle, Kickstarter, unpleasant attitude.
She is lucky in a sense that she lives at home still and has other people in the house paying most of the bills. Sure she has a lot of debt but people have had worse debt and made it out okay. She needs to go back to school and start over. Find a full-time job somewhere, pay off debt while saving up. Whats she gonna do when she is 40 and her family sell the house, Holly can't afford the rent or utilities or even basic upkeep. She wants to buy a truck? The maintenance on those is expensive, She can't afford it.
>>941312That's rich she is disgusted by furries, she looks like she smells like a Wet Rat. With how she gets lucky gaining an audience despite her shit art and attitude she should just pander to furries. It's over saturated too but again she seems to have luck getting noticed.
No. 941631
>>941460The descriptions are what got me. She wrote what she thought foot fetish people would like I guess? And like, the actions were bizarre. A single foot with a water hose on it. "Splish splash, I'm making a mess, playing in the mud, winky face."
I only wish there were more. And no; not for foot fetish reasons; just for comedy.
Also, didn't that one stalker of her streams get super mad she was posting her feet online?
No. 941777
File: 1583474385319.png (244.44 KB, 494x508, tracy.png)

>>940683>>940823would anyone be surprised the mouth and eyes match up perfectly or
No. 941831 was just streaming but its been cut off and she might have deleted it
she was drawing the beatles and shitting about another mental disorder she knows absolutely nothing about again, i dont understand her interest in the beatles, she doesnt seem very interested in their music or work, the drawings dont resemble the actual people at all, but what they remind me of is the way people on deviantart would draw yaoi of them like 10 years ago and she already has admitted to shipping real people like in MCR so its not a reach to assume this is just another yaoi fanfiction outlet for her.
I dont think she seriously likes MCRs music very much either, for a fan, she never seems to talk about their music or career, she seems to exclusively talk about their appearance and fanfictions
people were talking about her not having actual hobbies or consuming anything, and i think thats sort it, even the little she does consume she only consumes for yaoi/shipping purposes and its really obvious in her art its kind of sad, she cant be interested in anything unless she can read it in a doujin
No. 941855
>>941777never post here but i saw this picture scrolling past and it legit made me smile. i know it's not, but this really reminds me of is snapesnogger lol truly amazing.
good day to you, anons.
No. 941932
>>941831When the hell did she get into The Beatles,its so sudden.
>>941917 There’s a project where Beatles fans reanimate separate parts of some episode from the Beatles cartoon that was started by the wtfbeatlescartoon blog on tumblr.I believe Holly is intending to take part of it.
No. 941975
>>941957They're 'beefy' but they're also kind of effeminate in design and we all know how much Holly hates 'girly' men.
I want to see Jonathan with those lines she uses for muscles. He'd look like that one edit of Herschel where his head is fucking tiny.
No. 942092
File: 1583539089158.jpg (19.88 KB, 242x400, pool.jpg)

On the topic of the Beatles, Holly's art always reminded me of the beatles cartoon: inconsistent and dopey as fuck
No. 942157
>>942092Is this where she gets that misshaped mouth she always draws?
>>942122There's an old sketchbook video of hers with fanart from the cartoon so I can believe it.
No. 942240
>>942231Why would it make you change your mind about pursuing art as a career? Holly's trappings are all of her own creation. Literally just don't do what she's doing and you'll be a successful artist.
Don't really know what you were trying to get at in your response.
No. 942249
>>942240Just dumping my thoughts after following this thread for a while, I know it sounds incoherent. I'm sorry.
I am going to pursue something in art, watching Holly and other art cows like Becca just made me change my mind about making it my main gig and pursuing it in college with my parents' money. It made me see how getting formal education in art really doesn't matter. Also I'm not a particularly disciplined person, and I can really see myself becoming something like Holly or Becca if I truly just went off and became a self employed artist with my current state. So I'm going to get a non art degree and a non art job first, to sharpen my discipline and get a stable income first.
No. 942332
>>942231you are fucking retarded if you think every straight woman who likes yaoi is secretly a trans bi dude. it's better you don't pursue arts because from your post alone it's telling you'd just draw shitty ~uwu trans representation~ shit while spouting every single male leaning female character is actually a dude who hasn't ~realized it yet~.
>>942298exactly, people are taking holly's word way too seriously on this topic even though she constantly lies to make herself seem better. she really wants to be in some oppressed group to be able to excuse even more of her shit.
No. 942472
>>941831unlisted video now.
not all that much milk in it either. only that Holly doesn't understand aphantasia and keeps obsessing about it.
No. 942499
>>942495>>942493shes excercising her flabby arms at the same time by holdig her phone as an exercising weigt in her left hand while drawing with her right
wait is she righthanded?
No. 942547
>>942484She bought cigarettes and joked about picking up addictions. She doesn't know how to smoke though.
She's talking about A/B/O in fanfics and how she never knew how prominent in fandom works. She was thirsting for Sirius so she decided to read A/B/O fics about him.
No. 942772
>>942770>we should leave it at that and stop speculatinganon this thread is all about being critical of holly, and especially of her obvious lies. if you are that accepting of everything she says you shouldn't be here. it's very obvious she came up with the bisexual lie as an excuse when she got called out for fetishising gay men. she also expresses no interest in women and as thousands of anons said before, is usually jealous of them in the most catty straight girl way possible.
i'm always amazed people like this are still in the thread, like are you guys upset orbiters of hers who haven't realized how lolcow is all about not taking everything cows say at face value?
No. 942773
>>942772>i'm always amazed people like this are still in the thread, like are you guys upset orbiters of hers who haven't realized how lolcow is all about not taking everything cows say at face value?I think it's more that there's people here for different reasons, and not everyone is interested in every little nugget you can pick at for milk.
I for one don't give a shit about Holly's sexual experience or preference; I'm just here for the art and business critique, and bad life decisions.
I think some others would agree it gets old when stuff gets rehashed over and over to death, like whether she's bi or not. Honestly, it doesn't really matter. Even if she's using it for a smoke screen for shipping gay dudes, she's not a dude, and any trans theories are just speculation, and just gossip. Why gossip and speculate when there's real shit she's doing?
No. 942781
>>942772>like are you guys upset orbitersLOL. I think a good portion of these threads started this way. How else would most people know about Holly, unless we had seen a video or been a fan at some point. Until her shit art, personality, and business decisions shone through.
For the brief ten minutes I watched her latest stream, I spotted at least four farmers in chat based on their comments. We might be the bulk of the people who watch her stream and stay in the loop of what she's up to.
No. 942785
>>942781true, i was thinking more in terms of newfags, since they sound a lot more coddling, like the people who oh so patiently been waiting for their purgatory books when they shouldn't have trusted her in the first place lol.
>>942782yea but i was specifically talking about the bisexuality thing, so it seemed very random.
No. 942786
>>942773I'm here for the dumb shit she says and her delusion on her part thinking she can make art a career lol
Whether people want to believe it or not…Some people have better luck getting noticed online than others and Holly just happens to be one with luck to get noticed.
She seems to get clicks and views easy (her nasty footstagram is an example, she got follows and likes easier than most) so you'd think she'd notice and take advantage of it but she just doesn't.
Also here for her bad art and how she hasn't improved since she started.
If she wants to self insert into a story where she has friends, fine. But it'd be more believable if she had friends before. Her comics come across like she hasn't had many conversations with people. She wants to write about a group of friends doing shit but it comes across poorly. Has Holly been to parties? has she gotten into a petty argument with a friend and later made up? was she the bigger person and apologized first? (let's be real she would never apologize) Has she stayed up late with a friend on the phone? Drove in the middle of the night to pick them up? Who am I kidding no she hasn't she is selfish.
Her interests are the same ones she's had since her middle school/high school days.
Holly will always be milkable. She hates herself but she also has such a huge sense of self importance "I can't do a retail job, I'm an artist! Women are mean! they are the problem not me! I'm not unpleasant!"
No. 943135
File: 1583776848292.jpeg (467.51 KB, 1125x910, B00BE44C-306D-43E4-8BDB-490E2D…)

She may not draw those weird long faces anymore but her art hasn’t improved in two years
No. 943153
>>943135Holly, because apparently you lurk here sometimes. You suck! you are a shit artist! It's not a career for you!
go pick up a job with full time hours and pay off your debt. Also maybe finish your comic for your backers. Way to go scamming people you unpleasant slug.
take walks, dress nice even if you aren't going to leave the house. meaning don't wear pajamas all day. Shower frequently. Clean under your nails. All these things will put you in a better head space and you can 'draw' more. Does she even have asspatters anymore? Who keeps telling this dolt she is any good and she should continue making this a career?
No. 943267
>>943259>>943255>>943238Because it's lazy lol When you read up on how to make comics (which holly and others should do) it's stressed how backgrounds help set the tone. That white backgrounds constantly make everything more flat and lifeless. You'd think with how much Holly Boasts she takes art and everything related so seriously she'd know this.
You don't need intricate detail in every background but white all the time is just lazy. So what manga's do it, they at least put weird shapes (pentagons) in it's place.
It's lazy, when you have too much white it takes away from the setting and the characters are just talking in white voids.
so yes it does matter. Western comics, especially superhero still manage to get something in the background.
No. 943278
File: 1583799847233.jpeg (385.45 KB, 1920x1439, 9936CE46-18CA-4420-B455-7F3FE9…)

Her charms came in. I like the star glitter effect but the designs themselves suck
No. 943327
>>943278 lol @ the spelling error
Anyway, why does she keep ordering charms when its obvious no one buys them? Aren't you supposed to learn from your mistakes? I literally cannot imagine how it feels to be so full of yourself to think your practically unknown comic will sell merch?
No. 943421
File: 1583817806835.png (664.46 KB, 850x1144, you tried.png)

>>943278How does she always manage to fuck up perspective
this bad. There's a perspective grid option
in Photoshop!
No. 943466
File: 1583832535119.png (36.26 KB, 717x827, Unbenannt.png)

Out of interest I just checked her KS page and lo and behold, there's already new comments by people who still haven't received shit.
At this point it's probably safe to say she simply doesn't care.
No. 943973
File: 1583903539720.png (46.39 KB, 591x169, picture 2020-03-11 at 12.11.15…)

No. 943992
>>943973If she's going off medication under the guidance of her doctor while remaining in therapy then that's a perfectly
valid choice, but honestly, she's never bothered being responsible with her mental health before so why would she start now? We all know she's quitting cold turkey and ghosting her therapist. It's honestly so depressing to watch her sabotage herself over and over again. I can empathize with hating how meds make her feel sick and unlike herself, but if she's not going to take them then she needs to at least give therapy an honest shot and learn some healthy coping skills so she can at least be a halfway functioning human.
No. 944289
>>943976I don't know if she reads this thread but in case she does:
Holly, ask to try different meds. Maybe this one just doesn't work well for you and another could make a huge difference.
No. 944787
File: 1584061697841.jpg (193.15 KB, 1079x870, Screenshot_20200313-120849_Twi…)

I guess a pandemic is a good excuse as any to quit your 34th job.
No. 944821
>>944787What kind of job would fire people over an unexpected pandemic? Maybe tell them to stay home, but straight up lay them off? Either I'm hella stupid or this bitch's story doesn't add up.
Also, "crona virus," lol.
No. 945304
File: 1584175280045.png (271.4 KB, 720x1026, IMG_20200314_103710.png)

A couple of Holly posts from IG. 1/2
No. 945306
File: 1584175322497.png (370.35 KB, 720x1051, IMG_20200314_103738.png)

No. 945309
>>945306>>945304And here I didn’t think her poses could get any more stiff. The pic in
>>945306 definitely has to be referenced off her pose dolls since the arms don’t even close around her LOL
Holly, go outside… watch a movie. SOMETHING. You desperately need to know how actual humans interact.
No. 945632
File: 1584238980069.jpeg (697.63 KB, 1125x1627, 31258D00-3624-4740-97C2-9AC1DD…)

No. 945900
File: 1584295765969.png (28.68 KB, 219x136, Screenshot 2020-03-15 at 2.07.…)

>>945632wtf lol she doesn't even TRY anymore. i get using shortcuts, but she's curled so much up into just relying on shortcuts and shitting things out that she can't even be fucked to draw a line or two uniquely on a brick?
how many times is she going to copy and paste the same crack in the brick? she even puts the copied image right above another one and it looks like she only once tried to flip one of the copied cracks.
please holly, stop being lazy. and with herschel's bangs, learn how creating tension and negative space works, having a tangent touch a border like that is a lvl1 art scrub mistake. seriously.
No. 946014
>>945991Weren't they hacked at the same time?
Before she just used to say she lost the password for the old obe
No. 946392
>>946324God this video aggravates me everytime i watch it. I cant believe some people actually think she got in just because she says she did.
If she got in she wouldnt think that a sketchbook wouldnt be used as an extension to one's portfolio
Jesus christ this just sparksmy hatred for her all over again
No. 946812
File: 1584497027570.png (4.31 MB, 1242x2208, 11EA11B8-DFD5-4ED8-B943-8094B5…)

No. 946814
File: 1584497137075.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2208, 241EAEFF-EBA8-4F0A-B3AC-1CA400…)

No. 946815
File: 1584497145109.png (7.51 MB, 1125x2436, 47127118-E9BB-4712-9040-A0D41E…)

No. 946883
File: 1584510617652.png (114.13 KB, 624x284, rip.png)

>>945632Holy shit it's like she's doing it on purpose. The other bars and bricks were fine! All she had to do was line up the bars with the bricks, and she still managed to cock it up. Good lord.
>>946814Jfc just make a typeface out of your handwriting and do it digitally ya dingus
No. 946914
>>946886>>946898Duly noted.
Also, does anyone have any sugggestions for the next thread title?
No. 947308
File: 1584588794291.png (1.04 MB, 1193x1038, crossover.png)

>>946886She looks like a cross between jon and garfield
No. 947471
>>947308petition for this to be the next thread pic
>>947415exactly. maybe the "i'll make whatever the hell I want" mindset worked back when she had a sizable fanbase who was willing to throw money at whatever she shit out, but she managed to fuck things up so hard for herself that people have finally taken her off of her pedestal.
she tries to rationalize it with "but i'm such a hard worker" but the "work" she puts in is just doing frivolous and repetitive bullshit like redrawing her OCS or comics 100 times over, instead of actually creating things a potential audience would buy. she needs to use all her self deprecation to give herself a reality check.
No. 947499
>>947484Thats a shit cop out tho because she has access to medicine to combat her manic episodes, shes just refusing to take her pills without telling her doctor
Like yeah it sucks that her brain is sabatoging all resonable plans to be a functinal human, but maybe if she actually took the medicine thats supposed to combat that then maybe she wouldnt continue to fuck her life up
No. 947880
File: 1584724899260.jpeg (763.3 KB, 1125x1788, 9085E464-F0D5-4625-A908-698D01…)

No. 947881
File: 1584724957556.jpeg (684.94 KB, 1125x2040, 4F2027E0-9B32-49A3-AA49-B6272A…)

2/2 she’s referring to racist uncle
No. 947910
Imagine Holly Brown telling you to get a life, and it being justified lmao
No. 948113
>>948099Here's a sequence of events for you newfag.
She said multiple times that she was straight. She was called out for being a fujo. She made a video about writing gay characters that began with her saying she was ACTUALLY bi and had been this whole time so how can she be fetishizing herself. The end.
No. 948152
File: 1584793879870.jpeg (355.93 KB, 1125x1393, 1A29A4C4-1B99-4C8A-B51E-300F4C…)

Holly did a livestream on Instagram around 4-5am this morning. Mostly talked about her dumb Harry Potty fan comic and the comic making process. Something to note was that she said her favorite types of scenes to draw are the character dialogue ones because action fights are difficult. Anyway, she showed a thumbnail for a fight scene in pp and it’s pretty clear why she said she doesn’t like drawing action kek
No. 948209
Honestly she just can't draw figures because anatomy and perspective is for plebs apparently. Why do you think it takes Holly so long to draw a single page? I can't imagine trying to hack away with lines until I have something that looks almost normal for hours at a time. She should really learn how to draw before deciding to make comics.
No. 948419
>>948152Bruh is the pig guy they're fighting Olson? That would be pretty hilarious and sad if she made the fat guy a litteral pig monster lmao
Does that mean Princess's monster would be a skeleton since shes supposed to be anorexic or have some kind of restrictive eating disorder?
I mean this is all just speculation but im pretty sure in a stream she said that the characters turn into monsters due to mental illness and in doing such their monster form is a physical representation of that mental illness so it makes sense… But if thats the case then why is Reese a giant flower vine thing? It doesnt make any sense lol
I guess if the vines have thorns since he cuts himself but I honestly have no idea
Also why the fuck is Princess just standing there while the pig guy is coming at her? She would clearly have the time to run away or at least react (which is why im thinking the pig is Olson since theyre suppose to date so maybe shes stunned that he turned?)
Sorry for the autistic ramblings I'm just bored and speculating until she finally decides to post something for once
No. 948473
>>946225so…. Holly feels threatened by a tall white dude (20 minutes in the video)
>>948426but she pairs her tiny POC character with a tall white dude… Holly come on!
No. 948474
>>948473yeah…. and then
>>948152she writes a fight scene where this tall white dude who is supposedly dating the tiny POC character attacks the tiny POC character with a knife…
>>948419is this supposed to be domestic abuse stemming from untreated mental illness????????????
No. 948789
File: 1584950402118.png (439.65 KB, 720x869, IMG_20200323_095831.png)

genuinely feels like she's been working a 100% more on this harry potter comic than paraplague recently unless she just posts less paraplague
No. 948792
File: 1584951396254.png (63.23 KB, 1360x961, 1499623028409.png)

>>948789why the fuck does snape look like pic related
No. 948926
>>948789is that supposed to be Lily? Did she really draw the character whose description is just "red hair green eyes" as a grey-eyed brunette?
also good to see we've moved from "my chin takes up half my face" to "my nose takes up 2/3 of my face" for snape there
No. 949053
>>948789It feels that way because it is that way. She likes Harry Potter better because she doesn't have to think about plot or characterization at all, it's already been done for her, so all she has to do is badly render fujoshit with it until she gets bored. She's spent so much time fucking around with PP that she's clearly become resentful of it and forcing herself to work on it is a giant chore. We are never going to see the second chapter, let alone the second book.
And honestly, from a business standpoint, she will make more fans and money with fanart than her terrible comics anyway. Like being a medicore fan artist isn't exactly aspirational but for Holly it's probably the most she will ever achieve, so.
No. 949086
File: 1585050285622.jpeg (461.66 KB, 2048x1159, 5FA86499-91BD-497B-B22B-74872A…)

Holly’s now posting her stupid Harry Potter fan comic on twitter. She said in a livestream about a week ago that she wasn’t going to do it digitally, but of course she did it anyway. This woman will literally do anything but work on her “passion” project Paranormal Plague. Anyway, here are the pages posted so far (1/3)
No. 949107
File: 1585059381576.jpg (2.43 MB, 4500x3000, WB_F8_Lily_young_hand_open_lan…)

>>948926>>949058In the books it's a major plot point that Lily and Harry both have green eyes. In the movies, from what I'm reading, she has brown eyes. She has red hair in all iterations. Lowkey, I think Holly is a casual fan who's seizing the opportunity to capitalize off of a big fandom with lots of slash opportunities. Nothing necessarily wrong with that, but it is interesting to watch.
>>949086There are surprisingly okay-looking portions of this, mainly James in the first panel. Anyway, trying to make sense of the writing gave me a fucking aneurysm.
No. 949133
>>949088How in the hell, even with that big ass nose, does she manage to STILL give them all the same faces???
Holy shit I am utterly shocked and impressed in some way.
They don't even look a thing like the movie counterparts they just look like ALL of them, Hershel in different wigs (in the case of Snape, a paste on nose).
No. 949222
File: 1585081805763.jpg (411.72 KB, 2048x1274, EO606LDWAAEM8yr.jpg)

>>949187>>949207the technique is just her using a tutorial that was going around about adding gradients into block shading and adding a bit of a halo of a yellow around the outside of the shadows.
The fact that none of the shadoe placement makes sense and there is not even a slight grasp at how light and shadow work show that she's just a hack.
The colors are probably grabbed from another artist since lets be real this is what the coloring in her original comic looks like
No. 949291
File: 1585094867608.png (113.09 KB, 600x315, 12TTQIZAWSJEbJE7RjMIfdg.png)

>>949290They all have the dreamworks face
No. 949395
>>949394I couldn't stand watching that for more than 5 minutes the fact that she's working on the comic RIGHT THEN
No. 949416
>>949086>>949087>>949088Holly, go home, you're drunk.
I think Holly burned herself out on her PP characters by drawing them for literally everything but the comic. Now she's bored of PP and she wants to draw Harry Potter.
No. 949446
>>949087watching the video of her drawing this, I couldn't help but cringe when she warped perspective on her brick.jpg, and tried to line them up. The right walls back bricks are like 1/4 the size of the bricks on the back wall, whereas the bricks closest to the viewer are the same size as the back wall. What even. She knows how to use the tools, but doesn't know any perspective rules.
Also, that giant bed doesn't have supports at the end, but if she had cut the bed off at the middle support, it would have been closer to normal bed size, and not… HAGRID lentgh.
Also, that floating window that repels shadows irks me… me not as much of the fact that Snape looks like Herschel, and Sirius looks look Ash. The resemblance is uncanny AF. Sirius even has those stupid hair thingies.
No. 949565
>>949423Underrated comment
>>949415>>949395Little x's on clothes is fine, it's such a nitpick. I don't think shes trying to pretend to be holier than thou professional comic artist, I think it's just a utilitarian function so she won't forget to fill it in.
No. 949648
>>949614Yeah, all of them. PP was going to be the exception with Ash and Hershey being a straight couple, but then she added Reese and prioritized a gay rape comic over the main PP story lmao.
I reckon one big reason she struggles to work on PP is because her yaoi fetish ISN'T the focus. She managed to finish Purgatory because the subject was about her favorite things: gay teens and gay rape. The only on-screen female character was a flashback of Simon's dead mom. PP is supposed to be about monster hunting or whatever and actually has females in the cast that aren't dead, so of course she avoid it to work on some yaoi bullshit of Harry Potter. She's a fujo gremlin.
No. 949888
>>949614>>949881Holly's writing is shit and she's definitely fujo trash, but this "stop fetishizing gay people!!1!" shit makes you all sound like SJW fakebois.
Fujos like Holly make this stuff because they know they can sell it to other people with the same fetish. Fetishists making shit for other fetishists isn't exactly new on the internet, and I can't help but roll my eyes at this "fetishizing gay people!!1!" moral outrage when there are people out there drawing nugget rape porn and shitting dick nipples.
Idk, people being shocked at her relatively vanilla fetish is just baffling to me. Frankly the shit about a character getting roofied and kidnapped is more shocking to me. Or hell, the fact that Holly has scammed people countless times.
No. 949892
>>949888thank you anon, i thought the same. no actual gay men seem to give a shit about fujos wanking to m/m, it's only ever "gay" fakebois (projection at its finest).
holly's done way more concerning shit than being a run-of-the-mill fujo tbh
No. 949923
File: 1585230755230.jpeg (157.47 KB, 750x1334, 6DB7F03C-4B03-4976-B3E9-F671CF…)

>>948789This drawing is just not right, her mouth either looks like it’s half ass done or she has a big buck tooth, and the shading on that left arm is just cringe worthy
No. 949960
>>949575honestly, I cant fault her for forgetting because if you've read other pro comics (Jeff Smith's Bone for example), they forget about some of the X's too. bot trying to defend holly, but it's not a fair nitpick when even big artists do it.
also, yall really just gonna let the thread lock, huh
No. 949991
>>949919>>949892>>949888No one said she needs to stop lol were you
triggered by the comment or something
No. 950123
>>949919>>949892>>949888Holly was the one who was in denial of her gay fetish. Calm down.
Not saying the YT comment was
valid cause it's the same people who bitch and moan about there not being 'representation' but then when people include shit in stories they complain 'wait no not like that'
but Holly herself is trying to claim 'she just enjoys stories with 2 guys' when it's obviously an obsession and a fetish for her to think and write about gay men and she's pretty peak fujo trash
No. 950676
File: 1585438847969.jpeg (644.3 KB, 940x1279, 8379B414-81FC-4BA2-BEF7-8F19B7…)

>>949088New shitty update for the Harry potty comic. Rip pp is never going to get past 17 pages
No. 950687
File: 1585441844941.png (45.38 KB, 198x319, LQiUv17.png)

If you think the threads are bad leave.
>>950676 Meanwhile I'm going to enjoy dislocated shoulder man.
No. 975691
>>928856she looks like a milf but im pretty sure shes a virgin :(
Imagine having such an unhealthy lifestyle that you look 60 at the ripe age of 24