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No. 880742
>>880714I gotta say, the first half of the video was enjoyable! It's nice when she's not around loud drunk idiots. It was a fun look at her finally traveling to a place other than other parts of Canada or Disneyland.
But the latter half of the video was just awkward. She needs to stop vlogging slow parts of hanging out. We don't care what groceries you got, Baylee. Just go and talk to people instead of shoving the camera in their face while they're trying to relax.
No. 880745
>>880740It seems she doesn't bleach her hair often anymore, and when she does it's just her roots… But what is frying her hair more and more? The conditioner she dilutes with or is it her heat styling because I don't think she even does that anymore?
There's people with mohawk hairstyles that have way more hair than her entire head does. She needs to see a doctor if it's not her own fault.
Tldr: god, I've never seen hair so terrible
No. 880862
>>880846>>I'd never ever use more heat or wash more just to protect my hair.If you want to protect your hair, you should use as little heat styling as possible and also try not to wash it too much, not the other way around.
Baylee uses heat almost daily for either straightening or curling her hair, even though curling can easily be done with no-heat.
She really needs to take better care of her hair, so that all the damage can grow out and healthy hair grow back. I don't think she ever properly researched about bleaching and dying her hair pink and how to maintain it. She was probably thinking it'd be the same as with her blue hair.
No. 880970
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>>880714She startin to look like a crack head with that hair
No. 880974
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>>880970She looks rather ill to me, not surprising given her atrocious diet and lifestyle.
No. 881189
>>881187Remember when she had cysts and the resources to remove them long before it became a problem, but she waited until she couldn't wear her mickey ears at disney because the cyst got so big?
That's her life in a nutshell. I feel like she'd rather suffer until it becomes a problem instead of trying to make progress to fixing it.
No. 881254
>>881016That was actually Baylees and Christians plan, to turn the old art room into a gym. Baylee mentioned a few times how Christian wants to get weights and how she will then put the elliptical in there too. She has put the elliptical in it but neither of them have purchased any weights or any other gym gear so far.
She also owns an actual bike, which is really nice and was purchased just 4 years ago (brand new) and she hasn't used it at all this year. I'm not even sure if she used it last year or not.
Does she never get any back pain from never working out and sitting hunched over at her desk all day?
Really so many things could be improved by putting up a schedule and be disciplined enough to do them. Building up habits over time instead of waiting until the last minute and then just got for quick fixes (like with her hair).
No. 881779
>>881732She said before that she wouldn't be vlogging anymore if it happened.
>>881727Why does she feel the need to vlog every moment of a trip? those beach parts were so cringe and weird. i dont need to feel like im invading the privacy of her and her friends when i watch vlogs. im only here for the cats and the art disasters
No. 881822
>>881779I liked the part where she fined herself getting all over Christian and her friends making out.
All your filming is probably annoying to everyone around you. I’d honestly avoid Baylee if I knew her irl. She acts like she’s the only person in the world.
No. 882130
>>881822I liked seeing her interact lovingly with Christian though, especially when she pet his face. They seemed happy together. I don't think I've seen a vlog where they seem into each other until this one, it was sorta refreshing.
Though, all her friends always piling on top of Christian is a little weird but that might just be me I guess?
I do agree it felt a little invasive of her friends a bit, but I enjoyed this more relaxed vlog way more than her usuals, even if they did make Hawaii seem boring like
>>881747 said
I don't think talking about her possible children is really relevant to anything going on currently, but I'm sure she has trouble conceiving as well.
No. 882150
>>882145Oh she has been talking about it. It's part of the reason why she doesn't vlog daily anymore, because when she would have kids she wouldn't have time for it anyways (at least not on a daily level).
She even talked about it in a vlog when she cut out weekends and holidays how she slowly prepares for motherhood.
She did say before her wedding that they won't have children right after but want to wait a little bit more.
In one vlog (where she talks about quitting foundation) she also said that she went off of birth control a year ago. Granted that doesn't mean that they're trying since there's other options, but obviously people are speculating since she has said many times that she and Christian want to have kids at some point after the wedding.
No. 882235
>>882192Yeah she went through a spell there right after their wedding of talking nonstop about having kids or what will happen if they have kids.
I think this Hawaii vlog is the most exercise she's seen in months. Nice to see her and Christian show some affection towards each other, that usually never happens.
No. 882236
>>882192I mean she’s fat and also getting old. It’s harder to get pregnant when you’re overweight and in your 30s.
I don’t think they’ll ever have kids. They barely take care of the cats.
No. 882310
>>882145She admitted that they tried in a live stream, just before the basement flooded (and she still was on keto). But she didn't say much about it and admitted it in a pretty much quiet voice. I had the impression she didn't want to talk about it much. But I can't tell if she hesitated because she just didn't want to talk about it in general or if it was a difficult topic. Well, whatever.
Sure, they can clearly change their mind about having kids and if they go with "it either works or it just doesn't" – whatever is fine for them.
I'm just a bit worried she drinks so much, in my opinion at least. But it's her health.
I mean, if she would do some decent art or at least do pieces with an actual background, there would be no need to talk about her private life so much.
No. 882333
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>>882115Because Christian likes to take a dicking while Baylee watches. He goes off on the weekends for 'DnD' but it actually stands for Dick n Dick sesh, not Dungeons and Dragons as we have been led to believe. Could you imagine? I wouldn't be too surprised. Here's a candid from such an event.
No. 882413
>>882333Is this a joke? It looks like him but who are the other people?
Would explain her complete lack of emotion when discussing him on camera
No. 882430
>>882417She never said something about menstrual problems as far as I can tell. She seems to be fine to talk about her poo (which was somewhat of a topic during several streams since she had problems with it during her last keto), so I guess she would have mentioned it somehow if there would be a problem.
But I guess that's too much of speculation. I think she's fine but just overweight.
(She could have just not been in the mood to talk about baby stuff that day either, so whatever.)
>>882333Nah, that's dumb, Anon. You remember how excited he was as Baylee wanted to draw Nut and he pulled out his DnD books for her? No, just no.
No. 882597
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>>882567Nothing because it stands for ‘Dick n Dick’ or a gay fuck sesh for those with non existent brains. When Baylee says he’s gone away for DnD it’s NOT to play Dungeons and Dragons.. geez.
No. 882828
>>882809No I get what you're trying to do, but that doesn't stop it from being fucking stupid and pointless
>>882826Like I said, I'd rather it be dry than get that shit
No. 883601
>>883290Oh please, anon. Plenty of women have kids in their thirties, do you think women’s uteruses shrivel up and die if they don’t pump one out when they’re in their twenties?
There are plenty of reasons why she isn’t having kids now even tho she’s talked about it forever, namely being a lazy fat cow, but age isn’t a big deal in having kids
No. 883700
>>883671You know that you don’t need an extra nursery to have kids. And that most people wait until they are pregnant and well beyond the 3 months line before starting buying stuff. Nothing worse when having a constant reminder to not have kids when looking at kids stuff. And after having a kid you realize that you didn’t actually need half the stuff everyone tells you you need.
I SO hope she will post a video soon. This nitpicking is embarassing in this thread.
No. 883744
>>883700She probably will soon enough. She has been back since Monday and is probably trying to hurry out a new art video.
I wonder how rushed it will be because I don't think she pre-filmed anything.
No. 884477
>>884332I doubt she has given up, she simply hasn't prepared videos to go up during her trip.
She's so disorganized and honestly simply too lazy as to plan these things in advance and to have a little backlog of videos to go up while she is on vacation.
She used to talk about how she wants to film stuff in advance but she never does. Once a few year ago, she uploaded a Disneyland haul on her main channel because she didn't had anything else to go up.
No. 884485
>>884482I know but she used to be all about wanting to pre-film videos, which she never did then either.
It's extra lazy when you consider that she knew for a long time about the Hawaii trip and the wedding, so it's not like they wouldn't have been time. Plus that it's in general a good idea to have some extra videos ready in case of illnesses or other emergencies (for example when the basement flooded). It'd be different if youtube would just be her hobby but it's her main income.
I don't understand how she can be so carefree about these things. Especially considering how youtube isn't a safe income anymore (if it ever was).
No. 884789
>>884731I watch a lot of vlogs but Baylee's are by far the most boring ones.
Not only does she film a bunch of useless things, she's also bad at filming and editing the vlogs to make them more interesting.
Why is she so against putting effort into the things she makes?
No. 884935
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Sage on to be on the safe side/not actual milk per say, but we all know her obsession with Spongebob, who thinks she's going to drop the $300+ USD for the F.U.N edition? (Battle for Bikini Bottom Remastered)
No. 884993
>>884991that tablecloth is so tacky.
ofcourse she couldn't be bothered to draw something
No. 885083
>>884991It's not even close to being studies, it's simply mindless copying that she does.
Won't help her improving, you can see with her sketches of these "studies" that she actually has no idea how things work.
How someone that makes a living of art, for like 6-7 years now and went to art school, just doesn't know how to do studies and how to improve is just sad.
No wonder her art hasn't improved in years.
No. 885230
>>884991Lol @ her referring to Loomis' writings as 'tips'
Honestly this entire video makes her seem do juvinile as an artist. More so than just an artist into animation and kids shows.
No. 885301
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>>884991the bit with her own book in amongst other how to books - yikes. I mean at least she said she recognises it now as being very cringe - but then she says she thinks the texture section is good. um, no. no it is not
No. 885338
>>885245To be fair, she did start out as a regular animator at the studio. She got promoted to senior animator a few months later. If I remember correctly a project at the studio ended so many animators quit except her, so when they hired new ones she was the oldest animator there and became senior animator.
The Pixies movie was rather low budget, so my guess is that the studio couldn't afford a better animator than her.
She still had way more luck than she realizes with her entire art career. She only had to work for a relatively short time in a studio before she went to be a freelancer. She didn't even needed patreon for very long (I think it was less than a year?) before she could live entirely from YouTube.
No. 885340
>>885147I think it's a mixture of being too lazy and her simply not seeing a reason to practice. She's too in love with being a youtuber.
She doesn't wants to be an artist or an animator, she just wants to be a fancy youtuber.
No. 885396
>>885230Glad I’m not the only one who got irked at calling techniques artists have learned through years of experience as just “tips and tricks”.
It’s like calling an surgeon’s protocol for heart surgery just their “tips and tricks”.
No. 887000
>>886783Honestly watching her and her boring ass friends and random tourists throw themselves into powerful waves like idiots, like is this really what people do? Why not swim at a beach with calm water since she wa s adamant about snorkeling and then they all immediately lost their garbage to the sea.
They were all super insufferable at the jack box thing too, her for being “I HAVE to win” and them for annoyingly jabbing at her (tho they were mimicking her being annoying). It was at least variety but like, watching her and her friends do nothing but binge drink even before this video is exhausting
No. 887023
>>887000I think it was some known beach, which is why they wanted to go? Don't understand why she even said that this isn't the place for snorkeling and then she still did it anyways and lost her goggles.
I wonder why she is so stubborn and keeps including the drinking and partying in her vlogs. It's always a tricky thing to include because the people that watch the vlogs don't know anyone from the friendgroup and a lot of things are only funny when you were actually there.
No. 887139
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>>887133The anatomy though…. the foreshortening doesnt work at all
No. 887165
>>887157If she at least would put more effort into it and practice male anatomy. This is just such a mess.
The anatomy is all over the place. Like does he have two collar bones? She has line art underneath the neck that indicates a collar bone but she also has two lines a bit further down and is it just me or doesn't this have an actual proper light source? I looks like the light is coming from underneath in some parts but in other parts it looks like it comes from the right side?
No. 887328
>>887196I didn’t watch it but lol didn’t she show off some torso “studies” in her sketchbook recently too? Like shows how much she’s just aping and not learning, anatomy is like the easiest fix before you even bring it to full render. Like look at the fuckin leg being broken at the hip joint on the left, that’s even more atrocious than the double collarbone and pepperoni nip
>>887133I thought this was a lavendertowne video from the thumbnail, she’s super trying to get her viewers and that’s just fuckin rude. She no doubt is gonna change the thumbnail again like she always does but down to the style of thumb she’s desperate for views from that crowd
No. 887335
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>>887133I think its worth noting the pictures she used for reference doesnt match the angle of the pose shes chose, she just copied the arm at the wrong angle onto her drawing. Someone who is more skilled could use these references and chanfe them as needed for their drawing but baylee really isnt at that level.
No. 887364
>>887332She is redesigning her things again.
Will she ever figure out how she wants her store stuff to look?
She also got all her bags she wants to use instead of tissue paper and she is already considering using something else instead. It irritates me more than it should how she is so undecided and hops back and forth with her packaging.
No. 887443
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Of course she would be supporting two known racists. She hardly even wears makeup. Just more shit to buy because she can.
No. 887475
>>887469She talked about ditching the one she's already started, because she "only" invested like 20 hours and wants to do a video about one from the contract, which she doesn't even have yet.
The ones she got are samples, where she says she only wants to start them.
But honestly - starting a diamond painting is a huge waste of material. And you're not really gonna get any more information from it, unless you finish it, hang it and test how long the glue sticks or something. So she's just gonna waste them.
If she knows she's slow and wants to do a video about it, why doesn't she get a simple one in the smallest possible size and leaves it there? It's still a lot of work for a pretty lame video, but there'd be a chance for her to finish it.
No. 887476
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I saw this on twitter and all I could think of was baylee.
No. 887511
>>887475I think it’s cuz diamond paintings don’t come in any smaller sizes than big posters unless they were like macro pictures of flowers or something. Like I understand wanting to switch to a product that’s gonna
pay you but the way she justifies it by saying the shitty pieces of wax are heart shaped and the edges of the poster are scalloped is bullshit. She’s already working on a diamond painting of her art anyway and there’s nothing different from pack to pack.
Plus she also talks about having nothing to do during her stream when cutting stickers and it’s like ??? aren’t you still working on your stupid diamond painting
No. 887518
>>887511Diamond paintings DO come in smaller sizes. They just scale it down to a few inches by a few inches - and you can get them done in 2 days or so. They lack detail, yes, but it's way more manageable and if you want a high-quality picture, you stick to prints.
I'd understand if she ditched that huge ass thing to do another one in a size she does her art usually, or nothing more than double the size.
Speaking of her doing art - wouldn't that be a better idea to do in her streams? Working on concepts for videos or studying to fill her self-improvement sketchbooks?
Oh wait, that would be actual work and not active procrastination.
>>887476The amount of supplies and the quality of art does look like BJ. But it's tidy and aesthetically pleasing. Instead of a pink, stuffed mess.
No. 887602
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>>887133He looks like this dude on TikTok (not “hot”).
No. 887605
>>887443I'm not surprised. She's a big Shane Dawson fan, so of course she'd get some.
>>887511>>887518It just shows how little passion she has left for art. She only does art for videos but doesn't want to work on videos during her streams (she's worried that people won't watch the video if they already seen the art on stream), doesn't cross her mind to do art just for fun.
No. 887794
>>887761She's actually not a good business woman at all and doesn't know her audience.
I believe it was two years ago when she talked several times about not wanting to work on art videos on streams and then she tried to do a separate piece of art for her streams only but I guess it got too much work for her. She got into this whole thing of not spoiling her art anymore, also not showing it in the vlogs.
No. 888071
>>888049That outfit in the beginning, is not doing her any favors.
She also confirms that she only really got that 52$ eye shadow palette for a video. I know she'll make the money back from the video but I can't help but feel like it's such a waste.
And she might be streaming more often again. Fitness streams though, which honestly might be a good idea for her. She seems to be more likely to keep it up when it involves streaming.
No. 888311
>>888307Exactly! She probably hasn't even looked thaT much into the capabilities of Posca pens and what restrictions they have. Baylee probably thinks she'll be able to make a grand piece with them, but like you said, they're best used simply.
She needs to learn silhouetting if she's going to use them and she has one of the best books for that, but with her being lazy about studying, she won't pick up The Skillful Huntsmen to study at all, even with it being right in reach of her.
No. 888602
>>888311I didn’t watch her art book video but does she have that book? Like even if she did like that would seem like she only had it as a leftover from school than anything else. It has a lot of very good tips but it looks mostly like game art and BJ is one of those artists who use the fact their “style” is cartoony to not stick to or learn any fundamentals
She probably got them because other art tubers like kasey did posca videos when they were popular but even kasey admitted she wasn’t good at them and didn’t like them at first and her style suits them much more
No. 888775
It's sad how she'll use the posca pens once and never again. Posca pens can be so much fun and you can make some cool art with it. It's also just good to break out of your usual art bubble and try some different things like different styles.
I already can't understand how she got them a month ago and she hasn't tried them or even swatched them. Isn't she at all curios?
>>888602I feel like she holds on to the whole cartoony style excuse much more than she used too. Like as if deep down she knows how bad she is but since she has been an artuber for years, she can't admit how she hasn't improved at all, so she keeps saying "Oh it's because it's cartoony".
No. 888866
>>888775She had the store then all her vacations to LA and Hawaii so I get it if she was too busy to swatch but she can’t seem to multitask or concentrate on more than one thing at a time, it’s why she’s so slow. But she’s probably holding back for a video to swatch them cuz she thinks she can get like multiple videos out of them, like she’s probably not gonna have any posca videos until December at this point (or with the racist eyeshadow palette)
I think the bubble is BJ’s problem because even when she tries different mediums, she’s way too scared to lose her current YT/Stream stans to do anything new other than her wretched “hot guys” series (honestly I feel like she does it to try to be edgy and her stans encourage it cuz they’re weird horny young people) and she’s too scared of not gaining subscribers with her generic girl art (cuz she only gains from clickbaity videos like hers on the YT algorithm). Like when she worked with oils, she didn’t make it look any different than her digital (and just sells the digital anyway) so what was the point of it? When she tried to do the watercolors in “ghibli” style, she didn’t and just stuck to a method that was wrong and made very expensive watercolors look like tempera paint. She won’t give herself the time and space to actually try, and honestly she would be a better channel overall if she actually KNEW how to learn from others and showed her progress in becoming better but her bubble is too safe
No. 888922
>>888866She'll also has to start preparing for her next store launch, since she wants to sell Christmas pins. I'm not even sure if she ordered the pins yet.
I think her problem with not being able to concentrate is partially because of bad planning and not having a schedule.
In Baylee's mind she has a million things to do and jumps from one unfinished task to another.
In reality most of her tasks are minor things like cleaning the dishes and if she would get into some good habits of cleaning things right away, she would barely register them as a task that needs to be done. She'd just do them.
It'll help her mind be more at ease and be able to concentrate better. Better concentration for the task ahead might also make her a bit faster/more efficient. She's painfully slow.
The problem is that Baylee doesn't see a problem, she lives with the mindset that she still gets things done so there is no need for change.
No. 889261
>>889182Speaking of wish, did any other artists get a sponsorship from them?
I remember there was a trend where they'd order random supplies to try them out but I don't believe any of them were sponsored.
No. 889360
>>889182lol, I just wanted to write how she hasn't shiny hunted in forever and then I see the vlog…
I feel some of the stuff she wants to give away would be better if she'd just give them to a friend with children, like the shrinky dinks or those cheap walmart markers. Just feels a bit odd to give it away to your viewers.
>>889165Agree. The only think that bothered me was that curled hair. I think it's too short and makes her face look even rounder.
No. 889421
>>889408She needs to stop bleaching and heat-styling, so that her hair can rest and the damage grow out. It'll take a while but at least she'll keep her hair then.
I don't understand why she didn't went to a professional, why she still isn't going to a professional despite the obvious damage.
No. 889467
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If she’s making art with the makeup, why did she buy the makeup bag? To store all of it after she uses it one time for views and never touches it again?
No. 889625
>>889467>>889480Cmon, basiscs.
It's pink.
No. 889627
>>889261Yeah, come to think of it I don’t know any other artists other than Baylee getting a wish sponsorship especially since she said she had to mention wish every X amount of minutes and everyone said she was robotic and she had to cross off brand names and stuff. Most videos centered around wish products point out how
problematic the service is, even generally positive ones like safiya nygaard’s videos, especially since it’s rife with bootlegs and low quality products. Baylee just saw $$$ and was too stupid to consider what the potential backlash was so she turned off the comments because of the “hate” (it was mostly people telling her that wish is bad and all the products are bootlegged, which you can’t have on a sponsored video of course), but it’s still up on her channel
No. 889849
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just saw this streamer on someone else's video. the resemblance to baylee is uncanny
No. 889865
>>889819When even your fans make hints that you should make thumbnails and you still refuse to do them.
The art looks so meh. There is no thoughts put into it she just smashed the art supplies on it. I don't understand why she put all these geometric shapes on it, they add nothing to the vibe she was going for.
And would it have killed her to put a bit more effort into the face? She got a big set of pencils, it's super easy to shade with that. The lips are simply one solid dark grey/black. Semi-realism, yea right.
No. 889928
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No. 890225
>>889928The woman somehow reminds of Roseanne.
The 90's background doesn't help.
No. 890327
>>890321She only does it in the hopes of getting retweeted by either Jeffrey or Shane.
That's why she did the whole Nintendo Labo thing as well.
No. 890653
>>890363Guess that elliptical in the basement will never be used again…
I find it funny how she keeps talking about how awful the audio is without that mic she bough and people in the comments are just saying how they can't hear a difference at all.
She made one sketchbook tour for her improvement series and is already considering to only make one every 3 months instead of monthly.
No. 890677
>>890386I thought the same thing about her constant need to film every mundane thing she does. But then I watched a couple of her workout streams as background noise and I think actually it's good for her to put herself out there as an unfit, obese person (her words, not mine) not being ashamed to be seen huffing and puffing as she works out. Lord knows Twitch is full of fatties glued to a controller so it makes a nice change of pace to see someone taking a small step to better themselves. Assuming she sticks with it, of course.
Her twitch chat is so annoying tho. There's one chick who cannot shut up complaining she's on death's door and no doctor believes her and they're all so mean when she's on the verge of dropping dead. It doesn't matter what Baylee's doing on stream or what anyone else in chat is talking about, she keeps bleating on. Between her and the 13 year olds making edgy lewd spongebob jokes it's insufferable.
No. 890681
>>889819I really think she should stop with these subscriber boxes. The reason subscriptions like scrawlr work is because they give you supplies with a specific project in mind, give you ideas and instructions on how to use them effectively, etc. baylees fans just kind of put some stuff in a box and send it to her
shes said in the past that she doesnt do them because they take longer to ship to canada so everyone will already know what's in them, but that's not realy why people watch those videos? they watch them to see the art you make with them
No. 890768
>>890681And before that she said she doesn't want to have that many art supplies as she already owned so many.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she was afraid of the comparison between her and other artists when she would be using the exact same supplies and the same prompt.
She's also a bit late with the subscription box thing, I feel like that trend is dying.
No. 890953
>>890949Nevermind the typos, nut picking would have been funny and very much in Baylee-fashion I guess lol.
( No. 891039
>>891011Just because his make up brand is used world wide and by proffessionals doesn't necessarily make him a good person and by buying his products you are supporting him as a person and there are definitely enough reasons to choose not to support him as a person.
Also yea there are no ugly colours but then again ugliness is subjective, so is beauty. But the palette doesnt fit the idea most people will have of what is pretty in regards to colour combination. You likely wont be able to create a look that is not out there, especially if you have little knowledge of colour theory as Baylee does
No. 891148
>>891140That came a lot quicker than I was expecting. Guess she really wants to use the hype for the extra clicks.
All three paintings look boring and wonky.
It would have been a smart idea to use something else than the eye shadow palette as well, like if you want to stick to make up, maybe an eyeliner or lipstick. Just so she would have something with more pop in there.
No. 891181
>>891140well at least she was honest and admitted that she was only doing this for clicks.
they all look terrible as usual but this time she can blame a dumb medium for how they turned out, rather than her being bad at art.
No. 891194
>>891192It's not 6. At least not officialy. Proper description in property archives is:
This 1,038 square foot house features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom."
So my guess is only ground floor is proper living space. The renovated basement is still a basement and very likely doesn't meet building codes to be considered livable (not an architect in BC, Canada, so I wou;dn't know what those are) or might not have been properly renovated with needed permits. Which frankly would be my guess after seeing how it was stupidly flooded.
No. 891198
>>891194They got three bedrooms upstairs though.
The upstairs is: the living-/diningroom, the kitchen, a bathroom, their bedroom, the artroom and the warehouse-room.
The basement is: a bathroom, her old artroom, the toyroom (now a guest bedroom), a storage and Christian's man-cave
No. 891206
>>891204Of course I do. And of course I won't be posting it, because I actually read the rules on doxing.
If you want to find it yourself, search for Disney Store and Tim Hortons in Burnaby.
No. 891213
>>891210That would still make 3 bedrooms upstairs and three downstairs.
There are three closed rooms with a door, a window and a closet upstairs and three downstairs plus two bathrooms (which obviously aren't bedrooms) and then the open kitchen-dining-livingroom and Christian's open mancave.
No. 891242

>>891224Trust me, it does. It's EXACTLY how I found it within 15 minutes.
She used her windows views few times in thumbnails of her videos too.
Tidbit of her entry - which she's shown in her vlogs, but from different angle as a proof the house exists.
No. 891244
>>891243Compare its surroundings to her window views. Heck, to her video of showing pumpkins on her porch. Perfect match.
It just shows you lot like to shit on her but don't actually pay attention to what she says. Because she described her surroundings in her vlogs in stupid details including just how far disney store is. She also posted few videos nonchalantly showing details of surrounding buildings.
Like I said, once you have all the pins on the map, the house is right there.
(posting pictures of a cows house and posting multiple snippets of their dox) No. 891295
>>891140 Honestly, did she not see how lopsided the last two where? I know she mentioned it, but she didn't seem to give a shit.
>>891284 Not really related to Baylee, but the stickers she got from that artist, that Vaporeon and Leafeon look like it was traced then altered to me. The Vaporeon not as much, but that Leafeon looks like it was ripped from the concept art and just slightly changed.
No. 891324
>>891177Can someone post the drawings cuz I don’t wanna watch the video.
Her meme on Twitter with the palette got retweeted and not any of her drawings
No. 891342
>>891340>>891339LOL wow is she blind?
that second one just looks gross and terrible, like it definitely got too many oils from her hands and it’s why it’s all blotchy and gross, she’s trying to use the eyeshadows as really shitty pastels but they’re so grainy they don’t apply well (like you’d get more pigment out of a ten dollar palette from the drug store). The first one is slightly better but for someone who’s been “studying” anatomy, the girls look like bootleg monster high dolls that were run over by a truck. Their heads are weird and super flat, don’t even get me started on the weird mouths, and their arms are different lengths.
>>891039Anon, I think u got me right when I said the colors were ugly cuz like separately, they MAY be good eyeshadow colors but together, like it’s this weird combination of dusty, frosted pinks and dark, cool colors but then you have the weird middle row of warm, saturated oranges and a strange puke yellow and they all don’t go well with each other. None of these colors go together well in a good color family or theme like a good palette should. And BJ has no sense of what colors look good together either so they all go hand in hand
No. 891369
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No. 891374
>>891369Gotta say I agree with that, anyone who wants can buy the palette and in the end do with it what they want. It's not her fault that it sold out and some people missed out on it.
I find it a waste of money in her case since it is unlikely she'll ever use it again and let's be honest, the art looks terrible but it's nothing new that she purchases things only to be used once and then never again.
No. 891765
>>891567Not locking her comments down cuz she got like one or two critical ones is an improvement for her tbh.
But yeah, this phenomenon I don’t understand with baylee: she has a ton of followers on many platforms but she barely engages with any that she can’t do directly like on a stream, and for having so many, THEIR engagement is also super low. Like she has 48k followers on twitter, but her average posts get less than 20 replies, she barely is active replying on there, and each post only has a couple hundred likes. It’s why we suspected that she buys most of her follower numbers. Like I think she prefers to only socially interact with her audience through streaming, which is FINE like y’all can compartmentalize if you need to, and like probably most of the people watching and commenting on her videos are the same people who watch her stream, but it confuses me that she has such high numbers with little to no engagement. A big indicator of numbers that were bought
No. 891769
>>891567I've been following Baylee for years now and unless she is super fast with deleting comments, she never really has gotten much hate. Most of these "hate"-comments is actual
valid criticism.
Even when she had this Art-block drama going on, most comments weren't hate but people just saying their opinion in a friendly way.
I agree with the lack of engagement on her part. She has always been terrible at it but it seems to have goten worse in the past few years. Sure you can not always reply to every single comment but I follow artist with a similar following sometimes even more and they interact with their audience so much more.
No. 891785
>>891769Even if she replied to like 5 comments every video, like a few, pin a funny comment. It would look like she actual gives a shit about creating content because she enjoys it and not just for the money. it's not that hard to upload a video, check it 20 mins later and reply to some of your fans.
Ever since Arty Advent she just skimps on every aspect of making a video. The idea is bland, like the hot guy series or using shit from her fans that she already owns and/or doesn't know how to use, like watercolours. The art is shit and rushed, it's filmed and edited as fast as possible, then when it's uploaded she gives herself a pat on the back, and moves onto the next half-baked, shit idea that comes out of her balding head all while ignoring criticism from "haters" so she can get back to making her friends fold boxes for her Katnipp knock-off online store.
No. 891801
>>891785That's the saddest part, she could do so much more with just a little bit more effort.
The problem is that she likes to dream big (just hear how she talks about Jeffrey having his own big business, you can hear how she wants that too) but to do minimal work for it.
It's just not enough to just get new equipment.
No. 892577
>>892564The issue is her 'studies' are a joke, she doesn't understand how to break down the form or use shapes properly to build the figure. Artists like her, Waffles and so on and so forth focus on drawing the outline over breaking the figure down and studying the fundamentals so it's easier to draw from imagination.
She's quick to be snarky and dole out criticism but quick to shut down ANYONE who tries to help her. It's like her claiming she hates her art, I'm calling it that it was a stunt to make people lay off her.
No. 892792
>>892611It feels like she is too late with her Christmas launch, like not for the launch itself but more with the preparations. She's gonna be in a mad rush again and probably forget about her Art channel again as well.
Also Bayls, have you considered just telling Christian to move down again instead of making remarks in your vlogs how you really want his stuff to go?
He might also just likes it more upstairs, it's his home too.
No. 892828
>>892800I was thinking the same thing. He seems to enjoy being upstairs.
If Baylee is so bothered by his stuff on the table, why not just tell him to put them into one of the drawers of the table? It feels a bit silly of her to complain about his keyboard on the table, meanwhile she takes up two rooms in the house with her mess.
Not to mention that her stuff was lying all over the dining room table too until she put it away to make space for the Christmas decoration.
No. 893300
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Baylees posca pen art. She worked on it on her last stream
No. 893371
>>893300This is an actual decent piece of graphic art. I am shocked.
Maybe she should just give up trying to draw people and continue making animals and creatures instead.
No. 893413
>>893371I remember when she drew her fursona and people here were saying almost the same thing.
I actually really like this piece too and I think she should experiment with this type of style more. I prefer it way more.
No. 893448
>>893300Honestly I'm positively surprised. Yes it is not perfect but it's decent and I do like how she worked with the medium instead of bending it to her style.
It's sad because every now and then she makes art that isn't complete garbage, but it's so rare and she refuses to work on her skills.
No. 893875
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No. 894097
>>893872She's stupid, no other words for it. With pump markers it's as easy as push in the felt tip and keep it like that for few seconds for paint to drip out. Then it can be moved with regular paintbrushed. Like a paint. The one that is inside the markers. It's markers 101. Instead she went and destroyed 2.5 mm nibs by drawing in wastelands.
Good job, Bayls.
No. 894233
>>893990Yeah like, why the fuck did it need to be so big? Just use paints cuz that’s what they’re there for? I saw it on the blog and I was wondering why it was streaky as fuck so it’s just like, while it’s better than like most of her art, it’s not done in a smart way and agreed that the poor planning makes her look way the hell more dumb.
>>894009She was also genuinely distressed that it would be “spoiled” if she’s working on art on streams when it’s like, she barely does art as it is so wouldn’t working on it on a stream be better so she’s not scrambling like she always does?
No. 894317
>>894233She doesn't even have a set upload time anymore, so she could take all the time that she needs. If she doesn't wants to spoil it, then don't work on it during the stream, problem solved.
>>894297Kiki wants threw up right between the mail-boxes and her desk in the warehouse while she was working on packaging orders, so the pins on the floor are the least to worry about.
No. 894347
>>894315The mess is one of the reasons that makes it difficult to watch her vlogs sometimes. It's just, it's always messy everywhere all the time.
She doesn't seem to value or belongings at all, since it's not just garbage that lies around but also things like art supplies, clothes, etc.
No. 894508
>>894315>>894347I recently moved in with people who live like Baylee does, don't know how christian puts up with it, it is truly a nightmare. What's even worse is Baylee doesn't have an outside job so she has no excuse as to why her rooms are so dumpy,
I've asked it before countless times but I'll ask it again, what does she do all day and where does her entire day go?? It's mind boggling. I watch her vlogs but she still does so little in them it only feels like a portion of her day, not all of it.
No. 894549
>>894508This looks like depression, not gonna lie.
She steadily drops any responsibilities she had, from steady job that gives structure to even self imposed schedule. She becomes bigger and bigger slob, care less and less about appearance, leaves the house only when needed and exhibits all signals for anhedonia.
It really fucking sucks to be her atm.
No. 894977
>>894953Or close it for once? The room would look less messy instantly.
Or just move the mail stuff and storage to her old art room downstairs. Just leave at least 12 inch between floor and bottom shelf and even if the room floods again, it won't affect her stock.
I also don't get why she's so stuck to those boxes either. Would be easier to just wrap some tissue paper around the pins and send them away in cardboard mailers. For the prints she could add an extra layer of cardboard but there are some pretty sturdy cardboard mailers out there so it wouldn't be really necessary.
No. 895066
>>895062Baylee is the queen of being wasteful.
She ordered like 2000 bags and then decided she doesn't wants them and got that crinkly paper. So she bought 2000 bags for nothing and will just fill it up with crinkly paper, while she also has a lot of tissue paper left too.
No. 895239
>>894977If she was smart, then she would know that time is just as important of a currency as money, like the time spent folding hundreds of boxes could be better spent in other areas like actually working on artwork. And a box of bubble mailers would take up less space than the boxes, and since she sends most of her mail though chitchats anyway, it’s cheaper to do bubble mailers/flat mailers. I think she’s fixated on the boxes cuz she probably got one or two complaints that prints were bent the first time or during the spongebob print bullshit, cuz she didn’t put “do not bend” stickers on them, and with people calling her out on not being “eco conscious” that she’s developed a complex about pleasing everyone cuz she’s so afraid of getting negative feedback.
Ultimately, she’s wasting her own time by working inefficiently and I doubt she recognizes it cuz it’s doing ok so far. She needs to stop and think about all of this and how it’s affecting her time but I doubt she won’t considering that like, she sells so many pins at once and she spends less time on artwork than she does folding boxes. Maybe if it eats into her 8 hour grind a thons in Pokémon but highly doubtful
No. 895256
>>895239It's been talked about in the previous threads countless times how she doesn't value her time or factor in her time spent into her prices and how it may seem she makes a lot of money because she earns a lot at a single time, but she probably earns less than minimum wage yearly when you factor in time input to money output, or even cost to ship / fly vs earnings.
She's been doing this for years with her buttons, you'd think she'd catch on with her pins.
No. 895274
>>895260Seeing how she is considering only posting a sketchbook video once every 3-4 months…it'll probably take a while before the one comes out.
That self-improvement series was short lived. It's already clear that she wants to abandon it entirely and frankly, it was doomed from the start. As usual she didn't give it any thought in how she wants the series to look like and didn't spend any time researching how to improve. Just look at the last sketchbook video, how often she went on to cartoon-y stuff instead of focusing on the basics and learning from real life.
I love a cartoon-y art style but unfortunately if you wanna improve realism is were it's at. You gotta learn the rules before you break them.
No. 895388
>>895260I don’t think she lacks the awareness to take a Watts or Proko course, she’s exactly like all the animation students that were in classes in my art school where, because they all drew cartoony and worshipped at the feet of 2D Disney, they lacked a ton of fundamentals and felt like they didn’t need them. Which in some ways, I get it cuz many of them could not draw at all cuz animating is a different skill set, but you can super tell when they try to transition to more illustrative stuff that they lack the knowledge on how to observe and interpret real life from 3D to 2D to stylization. Like I think the Watt/Proko style of learning is very helpful and also very traditional especially towards painting, but people like BJ who have this “I draw cartoons, I don’t NEED fundamentals!” will never see the value in learning things like these if they can’t draw like fuckin spongebob or elsa on model. AND shit like Proko and like James Gurney and so many actual GOOD teachers have a ton of free content on like youtube, but BJ doesn’t even try that, just like studio vlogs and stuff, and at this point it doesn’t seem like she wants to extend the effort to be a better artist if the mediocre stuff is doing well for her
also have u noticed that a ton of these people who get Skillshare sponsorships often use them for things not related to art, like video editing or cooking? A ton of them like BJ should use them more for self improvement imo
No. 895390
>>895388She mentioned Proko once, I think?
What I meant to say is, that she knows she's not good enough to get into art school, so she coped out of getting better by going into 3d animation. From this stems her dislike of proper art ed and didain for art schools. And all the courses you mentioned ARE proper if u ortodox art ed. She'd had to admit to herself and stop being defensive about her skills (or lack of) to be able to make actual progress. This is what I think is lack of self awarness, that she doesn't realise just how defensive she is and how longterm it's hurting her career.
No. 895400
>>894673Wasn't that the point of the Hawaii trip? But she ended up vlogging anyway cause she has an addiction to oversharing?
>>895262She went to college to be what? An animator? wasn't that a waste of her time and money since she doesn't even do anything relative to that anymore??? She really can't talk about art college when she wasted all that on a degree she already wasted.
She worked at Bluesky and I guess she quit because she wasn't working at a bigger production studio and got bored.
She has ADHD really badly and starts projects she never finishes and becomes obsessed with side things that are unproductive and arent just hobby things for fun (like making those pokemon buttons for no reason)
I think she does stuff like that to avoid doing actual work, but uses her husband and friends to help her when she wants to flex on the vlog/social media
No. 895407
>>895396I like "the diploma mill", never heard the phrase.
I agree. Her going there is exactly what I'm talking about. She's aware she won't get into good traditional proper one (maybe not 100% conciously, but if so, that makes her even less aware) without skill already present so she went for the easy one with side dislike for traditional stuff.
No. 895722
>>895694Depends on the TOS. If you say yes to them YT could fine you anyway, no matter where you live, don't they?
On the other hand, I don't think YT will go after everyone after January 1st and make them pay that ridiculous amount of money. Would be a total PR desaster and YT would loose a lot of creators. (It's already a PR desaster tbh but people are just afraid, not actually fleeing a sinking ship.)
I wonder if this will make way for new platforms or if everything will go the same way as usual.
No. 895732
>>895722But it's not YT that is supposed to fine the content makers, but the FTC. FTC is American office and has no right to fine anyone outside of the US, so unless Canada has some weird legal agreement with the US that allows that, she's blowing it for talking points.
Can YT punish her tho? Sure. They can terminate any account on a whim and have done so, but they can't FINE her either.
No. 895759
>>895732Okay, thanks, then I got that wrong.
(I thought the FTC fines YT and YT just "hands this fine on" to the creators via TOS, so to speak.)
Well, then everyone outside of the US can relax. Nice.
No. 896008
>>896002The whole YT demonetization drama is interesting as I follow a lot of OOAK doll people and they also fall into the “fringe” genre like BJ’s kiddy art. Like I read Arin’s thread and he explained a lot, you have to appeal content if it gets auto-flagged, tho who knows if BJ wants more work on top of her “workload”. It’s funny cuz hexitan, a very popular doll customizer, just went all out and created an uncensored, 3 titted, nude doll to be like “yeah this isn’t a kids channel”.
But if this means more of BJ’s “hot guys” series and bad anatomy, which also yeah get low ass engagement and views, just oh god hell naw. We pretty much know a ton of her subscribers are fake anyway, she isn’t bringing in the views she needs to make enough money like she used to. If she was smarter she’d go down the katnipp route honestly
No. 896040
>>896002I checked his thread, but he is way optimistic and also not 100% correct. FTC announced they plan on going after individual creators, not only YT, but they also said they have way too few people to go looking each and every video. FTC also treats YT like a TV station (which is weirs, because they want to go after single people), not an internet site where you can't even set up an account (according to TOS) if you're under 13. It's still true they simply can't go after anyone who is not American and falls outside their jurisdiction. But YT can by banning, demonetizing and so on.
So all in- with vague definitions of "content for kids", automatic AI filter and internet being a wild west, it's a mess that will have great impact on creators.
But THE worst that can happen to BJ is her being put on Kids YT and excluded from targeted ads (which are paying less than targeted). Maybe demonetized. Maaaaaaaybeeee - and that's a very very maybeeeeee, terminated from YT. Which obviously YT doesn't want and will work to prevent, because content = money for them. I see them banning kids content altogether first and making YT over 13 only with targeted ads.
So back to BJ- she either didn't think it out at all and bought into blind panic, or she just treats it as good talking points, because "I may lose my channel' is good cklickbaity title. You decide.
No. 896119
>>896040I just feel like content creators are making this waaaaay bigger and scarier than it actually is. Most of the weight falls onto YouTube, and just like with anything else, people will adapt to make it work.
Baylee hardly makes any money off of YT considering her subscriber count. Especially compared to someone like Waffles, who, despite having medical issues still posts regularly and knows how to appeal to her audience. Baylee has horrible ideas for videos and the most popular seem to be alcohol marker comparisons.
I think that maybe Baylee should consider ditching illustration and moving towards pins and stickers exclusively. She seems to be doing well in the department as people are eating it up. And since she just looooves to stream pressing buttons and sorting pins, there would be no shortage of work for her to do. Just more frequent pin updates to keep her store going.
No. 896252
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>>896244Her cats are going to one day ingest the shit she leaves around like this tinsel ribbon and that's pretty much a death sentence.
She lets her cats just go wherever too and if she left those pins on the floor all night i wouldn't be surprised if the glassine bags have been bitten. Cats love that shit.
No. 896305
>>896244Jesus fuck, just add white to neon paint like normal human being and paint with opaque paint.Has she ever used neons? She's so frustrating.
And covering brush? Just do motion tracking and make color mask in post profuction. Omg. Has she ever truly edited anything?
No. 896442
>>896244I can’t believe she’s even considering to try and sell those defective pins as C grade by painting them with Posca pens and adding glaze on them. What the hell!?
Also, I kinda hope this COPPA rule affects her shitty channel greatly… oop
No. 896454
>>896453>My channel is not monetized.This is your fallacy in the argument you present, because you are not even targeted creator in the whole COPPA issue. Your not getting paid for your hobby, but it's an issue for people who aren't treating YT as a hobby and (I cringe to say it) are professional YTubers getting paid from it. If getting only views satisfies you, good for you. But you won't be able to buy new camera with them if you wanted to up the quality.
So have fun with your YT, but don't derail the argument claming COPPA isn't an issue at all just because it's not an issue for you.
No. 896484
>>896244I wonder how that new video idea will turn out. It sounds like it'd be better for like a TikTok or a quick video for Twitter and Instagram, not really for a YouTube video.
>>896252She let Kiki lick all over her diamond painting and didn't care much, you really think she cares about tinsel lying around?
Reminds me of when they moved into the house and she got tired training her cats after 3 days and just decided to let them run all over the kitchen counters and tables.
No. 896509
>>896244That effect looks SO BAD. Even if she did the suggested motion tracking less than half-hearted, it wouldn't look any more fake.
Keeping the brush clean on the upper side looks like you're using a dry brush. Doing opaque strokes with harsh lines does not make it look at all like you're actually paining something.
AND she doesn't even know how to use the effect in a video - and doesn't want to make any art to do a compilation-type thing. What a waste of time and supplies.
No. 896537
>>896531Does she ever look graceful though?
Still a bit impressed that she puts herself out there like that, and DDR is still better than nothing.
Is there actually a reason why she won't try Just Dance? She owns a PS4 and seems to enjoy the dancing kind of workouts so why not update?
No. 896538
>>896531Does she ever look graceful though?
Still a bit impressed that she puts herself out there like that, and DDR is still better than nothing.
Is there actually a reason why she won't try Just Dance? She owns a PS4 and seems to enjoy the dancing kind of workouts so why not update?
No. 896548
>>896483I think views going up reflects the fact Youtube are not "punishing" creators with this rule, but actually recommending your video more often when it is "for kids" meaning they have no chance of getting in trouble via collecting data about children accidentally, which is what they already got a huge fine for doing. "For kids" is basically "low data collection setting"
>>896454If my channel was monetized that would mean more views, which means more potential ad viewers.
Baylee's channel is kid friendly (in theory, actually no kids could sit through watching her doing the dishes) and I think she'd struggle to prove otherwise under scrutiny, with her art style.
They still get ads, just not targeted ones. I don't think it's the death knell people are viewing it as (due to very confusing literature presented by Youtube, and wild speculation by creators)
>>896535Lol don't do it Anon
No. 896554
>>896548This is where you fail to understand what is going on.
"For kids" means more views because it's allowed to search and stream on Kids YT app. It's true ot gives you more views.
But monetization wise, those views are worthless, because kids CAN'T be advertised to. So when your video is streamed on regular YT with an add, you get the lowest tier bid on that add, because you marked it for kids and YT legally can't check statistics for watchers. Advertisers don't want to pay for targeted adds that are worth a thing. What is more your videos will be stripped from end titles, queuing, commenting and adding to playlists. Which all of those are essential to building your audience and viewers retentions.
So yeah, co grats on extra views from 10 year olds, which you can't even identify in your statistics, because YT can't even disclose their age. If you ever wanted to build your channel outside of hobby thing, you will have really hard time making it worth your humongous effort.
No. 896556
>>896548If YT is doing that then the whole thing that is supposed to protect kids will hurt them. How many channels that are not for kids will be termed for kids bc creators fear the fine. With yt guidelines even chucky would be for kids because it prominently features a doll. Let’s hope yu,ftc will provide better guidelines.
And the loss of the comment option is a serious issue. As is the save and like option.
No. 896692
>>896667Yeah, it does. Kinda.
But honestly, though, it would only be really necessary if she would sell them at cons/ in person.
No. 896699
>>896692You're just splitting hair at this point. I have uet to buy a pin from an artist and not get it on a backing board. It helps them not move around and chip during transport and usually backing also serves as a business card/promo for the artist.
If she really wanted, she could reuse the tiny bags for her C grade pins, but 300 business cards she uses on them has really small impact on anything but her extended work time.
No. 896859
>>896700You are aware that things evolve in life and however it started, it can have different use right now? Also tell all the artists that print their names on the backing cards, they're doing it wrong, because they should hang them instead at Disney's
>>896716Why do you sound so butthurt, she does something in a way that doesn't copy how Katnipp does it 100%? She's likely doing it because she thinks it looks good. Dunno, does she need to have a really good and reasonable reason everytime she does something? Laugh at her inefficiency, but there are better subjects to get assblasted than glassine bags for pins, which isn't even THAT weird for people selling pins.
No. 897091
>>897064I can't believe she drew three drawings for one video
Unless they're not new
No. 897149
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No. 897196
>>897064That was even more underwhelming than I thought it would be. This idea just doesn't work for an entire YouTube-video. For Insta, Twitter or as Intro it could've been a fun idea, man even in form of telling a story but just for revealing already finished art work? Meh.
>>897077It does. I wish she would go back to a more neutral brown or something and maybe try to keep it a bit cleaner.
No. 897806
>>897786She slipped on cat vomit. Lovely.
Other than that it's just boring. She went out with friends, talked a lot about that far Pikachu plush and the end.
She really needs to learn that she doesn't need to film and upload everything. Less is sometimes more and would make for better vlogs.
No. 897868
>>897786wow baylee and jacob together are even more awkward than baylee and christian. is this girl capable of having a conversation that doesn't sound stilted as fuck?
she only filmed at this place to prove that she leaves her house.
and her sandwich… god the most revolting shit i've seen in my life. onion, canned tuna, and string cheese? i'd rather lick the cat vomit.
No. 898065
>>898054It's a weird, uncomfortable mix of her intro music, Halloween and Christmas? And the pacing was almost like a ticking clock effect, like she was racing against a clock or running out of time. Such an odd choice, especially after just talking about doing ASMR for the pins.
The ease with which she shared the vomit story was disturbing. Her oversharing knows few boundaries
No. 898069
>>898065That what gets me, she didn't seem disgusted by it at all just, she only thought it was funny how she almost fell into it.
Reminds me of the time where she just had to film Kiki's vomit and show it to the world.
No. 898091
>>898069If you have indoor cats, it doesn't even register anymore. You're just glad you found it instead of the cat vomiting in you closet. Cat's vomit is really nothingburger.
Should she announce it to the world? Well, if your life is THAT boring that slipping on cat vomit is exiting… But it really is nothing in a life of cat's owner.
(wanna hear really funny story? I once stepped into half a mice my cat dragged into the house. THAT was something to talk about.)
No. 898168
>>898091ya, as someone with 4 cats you kinda get used to it. It's still very gross and stepping in it sucks, but it happens and its the nature of owning cats.
fun fact, cats are pretty gross
No. 898600
>>898555So went to scope out how much she spent on these garbage prints
the two 300 stacks are $244.41
the three 150 stacks are 126.70
she spent almost $900 on these and assuming they'll be similar prices to the old smaller prints she'll have to sell almost 200 prints to make that back.
I've never seen even big name artists buy this many prints even with more variety so I think she's just delusional.
No. 898607
>>898600>>898590You shit one her, but do you watch her stuff at all? She sells out every time, prints included to the point she hag to re order once, because she sould out first few hours into her preorder.
Tho those are a waist of prismatic laminate, especially that painter one, fugly AF, reminds me of stuff I did in art school, when I was 14. I grew out of it within 6 months of slaving for grades.
No. 898797
>>898607This is what freaks me out about her audience, like who the fuck is buying all her stuff and what are these people like? Are they kids or just giant adult-babies like herself? I don’t watch her streams but it also seems like she has a couple thousand subscribers, even if less than half of them buy her stuff, she’ll still sell out.
>>898600Anon, u forget about pricing and profit: she sells out every time she opens her store so if she sells all 300 prints, even at like 5$ (idk her pricing but I assume it was like 5-10), she makes about 85-90% profit on them. It’s baylee so we know she doesn’t take time, labor and shipping into consideration so she isn’t super aware of how much her hourly boils down to, but seeing that 900$ turn into 5-10k depending on her pricing she sees that as successful.
No. 898819
>>898681Yeah she makes it sound like such a horrendous task having to do one speedpaint. If she would have planned the launch (and really any launch so far) better in advance she could have had videos prepared before hand or would have been further with the preparations for the store.
>>898708I agree. It's fine to buy dolls if that's what she likes and wants to spent her money on, but it's sad that she just shoves them in a corner. It is the same with all her Jim Shore figurines. Those aren't cheap either but they get completely lost standing in those cabinets in the corner. Her Thomas Kinkade print also just drowns on her wall with all these other prints. She has no sense of making the most of the room and how to decorate/showcase things nicely.
This way she doesn't seem like a collector but more like a hoarder. She just gets things to have them, not for enjoying them.
No. 898824
>>898819Guess it's a combination of a few things like she clearly has a buying problem in general too. It's like she gets a high from buying stuff until it arrives, has another small high from unpacking it and then everything drops until she buys something new. Disney stuff seems to be one thing that gets her the most highs. Like she watched Frozen 2 two days in a row, and I bet it won't be the last time.
Almost like she never learned to regulate herself.
Also why are these grown white westerners always so obsessed about Disney? lol I like those movies to a certain point too but beeing so obsessed when you're around 30?
No. 899197
>>899176Agree about the toys, at least about the limited dolls, if I were into it, I wouldn't have minded owning a few.
Tho to be fair, she is walking a line between proper collector and a hoarder of those, because she crams them and doesn't display them nicely - she has perfect place to do so in her basement. A lot of space to set up cabinets, it's now dry and dark - which is important so the resin and materials don't fade in sunlight. Yet she plans on putting ANOTHER cabinet into her already overloaded room. Go figure.
I think what makes her look childish is not the designer dolls, it's her obsession about DISNEY designer dolls and not actually curating her collection. Frozen is a movie for 10 year old. She went twice, cried and then got 300CAD dolls. Not because they would make her collection more curated and interesting, but because Frozen.
No. 899318
>>899197Not to mention this new Elsa doll looks cheap af.
The other dolls she got during D23 look so much better. I wouldn't mind owning one of them too.
No. 899631
>>899443It's because she just dumps everything instead of having a trash bag at hand or putting things away.
It's funny since she keeps talking about being efficient, yet when it's about cleaning (and other things) she is super inefficient and rather spends all day cleaning a huge mess.
No. 899688
>>899455She's either careless or 1k of dolls means nothing to her
These dolls are clearly designed to stay in their boxes, I don't see the point of deboxing them.
No. 900188
>>900184For real, those dolls are some sort of capital investment, aren't they?
She could just buy them, keep them for a while and then resell them. (But for that she better should keep them in their boxes.)
No. 900198
>>900190I honestly don't think she realizes how lucky she actually got with her art career.
In her mind she works a lot and is very busy, which might was true for a while, like when she had a full time job, vlogged, had a store, streams and an art channel but really isn't true anymore and hasn't been true in a long time.
No. 900240
>>900194more BS busy work. a print isn't as valuable if it's not hand signed? it can't be printed on?
girl your ugly prints aren't going to increase in value period. you're not a real artist.
No. 900396
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How long before Baylee does a poorly planned piss poor quality version of this?
No. 900426
>>900396Haha I've been wondering the same thing!
I've seen a lot of these making pins out of clay going around instagram and am surprised she hasn't hopped on to that yet since she has a lot polymer clay and is so into the enamel pins.
No. 900464
>>900240I think this exemplifies why she has lucked into this situation - her audience are into her, so they buy the absolute mediocrity she sells to have that “connection”, regardless of what it is. She really doesn’t have to face the problem many artists do in balancing what they want to create and what their audience want to see because her audience will buy anything from her.
I once looked into what the usual way to go about signing art was, and from what I read, unless it’s a very limited run, you don’t sign prints. But her audience loves them more for that.
No. 900546
>>900194I haven't watched any of her videos in months but it's shocking how much she has regressed in that time. The house is a straight up mess, there is so much stuff everywhere even the walls and floors are just absolutely crammed full of shit. Like how? She has a house that is way too big for 2 people yet she manages to run out of space. It doesn't even feel like a house but moreso a hoarder's dumping ground, I don't understand how anyone can be comfortable living in a mess like that. Honestly I feel for Christian because it's obvious all of that shit belongs to Baylee.
That aside, I'm surprised by how much she still sells (or expects to sell) with her main channel slowly dying. The fact that she can just create whatever crappy idea she has without even having to think twice about it being something that people would actually want proves that she just got super lucky with her carreer. I honestly think that her luck with it also just has made her super complacent, she literally just does the bare minimum amount of work with everything and somehow still manages to make a profit.
No. 900564
>>900464I wonder how long that will work for her. She had extremely good luck with her audience so far, but her views are dropping and I feel like she can't keep up with the sales either. At some point her audience will get bored of ordering everything.
If Baylee herself doesn't get tired of having the store, because honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she did and just stopped with it.
No. 900736
>>900627you can't tell me that her math is quicker than just… calculating how many a/b/c grades you have as you're grading them. keep a pad of paper with three columns and mark them as you go.
that would involve planning ahead though, so nvm.
No. 900918
>>900912Thank you!
Ngl in super jealous I wish my art would sell like that too
Do we know how much of every pin she ordered?
No. 900922
>>900918I did a quick search and the numbers were
Cutie pine: 500
Gingerbun: 500
KikiMidna: 200
Bunkin: 350
Bebe Box: 200
Amazeen Ort: 200
She also says she doesn't want to order under 200, because then the costs would go up.
No. 900937
>>900922There are 200 people who bought Amazeen Ort pin.
Let that sink in.
No. 901095
>>901013This somehow feels like she just didn't knew what to talk about and remembered that there was this tweet going around, so she talked about that.
The art is meh. It's obvious that she has no idea about the anatomy, especially the part that is covered by the sweater/jacket. She just drew half a head and a potato sack.
No. 901365
>>901287She's not crazy popular, she gets under 200 viewers on her fitness streams. I don't know if her 'art' (read: doing chores) streams pull in more people. But I've seen gamers go full time twitch streamer with the same amount of viewers so idk.
Her chat is so obnoxious tho. They have a really weird culture where whatever Baylee is doing they just talk amongst themselves about their illnesses and pets and the crushes they have on people IRL. It's so boring, I can't imagine Baylee can grow her Twitch because she's probably already at the max amount of people who would listen to that dull nonsense.
She said she got more than 1000 orders so her Twitch viewers aren't her primary buying audience.
No. 901479
>>901477Even worse is her procrastinating. She had the whole week (from what I could guess) to clean up, do her art video and what not, but no. She spends the whole day that her store opens and sells out cleaning, signing prints, doing art video and streaming.
She's supposed to have a bullet journal to keep her shit organised but it seems she doesn't even use it anymore if she's this freaking disorganised..
Other than that, how does she package things so slow and why does she feel the need to just vlog herself packing when that also takes time away from her packaging to set up the camera.
No. 901597
>>901262The problem with this is that her streaming audience is just her YouTube audience as well. It's the hardcore fans of her that just like whatever she puts out.
Let's be honest, her streams are boring and she doesn't really stream things that catch people's interest. I mean her creative streams are just store prep. So I don't think she has many followers on Twitch that aren't actually from YouTube.
I do totally agree though that she has no idea what she wants her YT Channel to be, other than her dream of being a youtuber. I mean she doesn't even say that she's an artist, she'll always say she's a youtuber. It's weird how she is so in love with the idea of being a yter but can't be arsed to put effort into her videos.
No. 902335
>>902280I haven’t watched one of her vlogs in a while, and was genuinely shocked at how bad she’s looking, especially the condition of her skin. If your job was filming yourself on a daily basis, would you not invest in a basic skincare routine or something? Is it not embarrassing to upload yourself harrumphing about like a greasy, pastel blob, whose only true joy in life is the thrill of buying plastic shit?
I wish she would go back to pre-wedding Baylee when she had the longer blonde hair, and had more pride in her health and appearance. Wasn’t perfect, but was a hell of a lot better than this thing she’s become. Such a major downfall.
No. 902438
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I can’t believe she is 28, she looks like a 47 year old woman who let herself go and only showers once a full moon. What happened, she looks so different from her teal hair days…
No. 902440
>>902229Plus she drinks and binge drinks as well, a lot of people don't realize the amount of calories comes from drinking alcohol especially hard alcohol with mixers. It’s definitely not helping her in the slightest.
>>902280Already slacking off on the exercise, I give it another two months and that’s generous. For the amount of days she does a vlog, which span like 2-3, it’s crazy how boring they are and how she thinks this is quality content? Like it’s vlogmas time now and there’s tons of people doing daily vlogs but she ever ever leaves the house unless she has to buy something or drink and streams her mundane work. She’s become a house toad
No. 902443
>>900922Pins at that quantity and if she’s ordering straight from the manu (which she probably is cuz you can usually pay middlemen to do all the grading, carding and bagging) are about 1-2$ USD depending on what finishes you do on them. You never really want to order under 100 and most manus don’t let you anyway because they’re still expensive and labor intensive to make and it’s pretty average to sell them for 10-15$ depending how big they are.
>>900937She seems to have a good amount of less than A-grades so it could be actually like 180 pins but it’s still crazy people paid money for it. I’ve seen lots of really dumb pins and it still isn’t one of the most tacky, but it’s seriously one of the things really for her weird fandom clique
No. 902477
>>902335She did actually quit foundation earlier this year and with that she also went and got a new products for her skin.
I know that she said only once that she feels like her skin is a lot nicer and that her acne scaring has gone down, but she never said anything else about it.
Doesn't really look like a difference.
>>902443She ordered 200 of the amazeen ort but yes, she only sells around 180-190 of them and keeps the rest in case of a package getting lost so she can resend them.
She sells the A grades for 10$
The B grades for 8,50$
and the C grades for 7$
It's probably in Canadian Dollars, since well she's Canadian.
So even with a bunch of C grades, she'd still make a decent amount money with the pins.
No. 902515
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Anyone want to buy some crack?
No. 902605
>>902495Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. I feel she would have updated the world more about it otherwise.
>>902515God her hair looks thin. I know she always had thin hair but it looks so much worse than it used too. Why is she even so determined about the pink hair? It damaged her hair so badly that she had to cut it shorter and also got extensions to hide how thin it's gotten, her dark roots look terrible with the pink and now she also started to wear hats to hide how greasy it is (she even bought like 5 more ) because she doesn't want to wash it too often.
No. 902622
>>902605Oof her hair is even more than fried at this point. You can tell how damaged it is by the split ends she has basically at her jawline. It's her hair literally breaking and falling off.
Does she know how bleach works? It's not a magical potion that makes your hair white, it strips your follicle of all that's inside it until becomes translucent and then dye is placed ontop. She cannot possibly maintain that pastel of a hair color for years when shes not a natural blonde. No amount of hair extensions are going to mask how damaged it looks. She should just buy a wig honestly.
No. 902624
>>902605The pink shade she insists on having doesn't suit her at all
Wearing pastel clothes would look better with blonde hair, why does she want to look like tubby custard
No. 902654
>>902622It’s jarring how pretty soon she’s going to have no more natural hair left to dye, that’s why she’s starting to go down the road of extensions so buying a wig isn’t out of the question.
Also, nitpick, but I find it pretty funny about the recent hat situation. She finds one to cover up her greasy whisps of hair, likes the convenience of just hiding the problem, proceeds to buy many more of said hat to add to her hoard, and now wears a hat inside the house. The mental gymnastics she does to justify her decisions in life is amusing to say the least.
No. 902732
>>902687No wonder she is a size, she doesn't eat proper balanced meals and even then it's utter processed shit like that.
>I know how much you guys like me packaging orders in the vlogsWhut? Who said that? Boring as fuck.
No. 902790
>>902687Her hair is thinning so badly…
Is pink hair worth the health of your hair, Bailey?
No. 902809
>>902790It gets worse every time we see her dye it. I think the only option at this point is to shave it off. She could start with an undercut on one side and let it grow back before doing the other side if she's too afraid to buzz everything off.
It's just really sad to see her use those extensions in vlogs because you know she's aware of the problem but just refuses to try and look decent. Her skin has gotten worse, she's definitely lacking proper vitamins that you'd get from eating more than just processed crap.
Speaking of appearance, I watched her latest main channel video and her sweater was coated in stains. Why does she think that's acceptable?? Does she have any self worth anymore? Just wear a different hoodie, goddamn. Stop showing the world how gross you are.
No. 902860
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Even her legs look bloated… I’m just shocked at her appearance since she got married…
No. 902918
>>902687Wait, she says she wants a vlog out of every day, which is why she films so much boring stuff but didn't she stopped daily vlogging forever ago? Why does she feel she has to get a vlog out of every day now?
Just put several days together and have one interesting and fun vlog, instead of several boring and repetitive ones.
I guess she wants to get the extra YouTube money since it's Christmas.
No. 903002
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No. 903242
>>903120The sweater doesn't do her body shape any favors. I kinda miss the old days where she would actually get properly dressed way more often, instead of just wearing old sweatpants and hoodies.
The section with the Christmas party was so awkward. Not only did she basically just were casual clothes (yeah a bit more fancy casual clothes but still casual) and then she just awkwardly filmed some stuff and talked to the camera. It gives the impression like she didn't socialize at all and was just awkward. Also why would you take this chin picture and have it print out at the office party? She even seemed proud that other people have seen it hanging there and even had to show it around to people.
I wonder if Christian was embarrassed by her.
No. 903381
It would have definitely said in the event invite what the dress code was - I assume his branch of the company is a big enough branch to warrant cocktail/suit and tie attire.
Also to note, in some scenarios photos from company photo booths are available to download from the company cloud after the party - if this is the case, everyone with access to the drive is going to get a disturbing surprise come the next couple days…
>>903242I agree with the awkwardness of the party - in addition, I would feel so uncomfortable (as an employer/employee) that the company Christmas party was vlogged and placed on Youtube. Small segments of video that disappear after 24 hours? Okay. Vlog on Youtube? No.
There would be a company-wide e-mail if companies I'm familiar with found out the Christmas party was on the internet.
No. 903867
>>903644Some places also include spouses with employees, especially if they’re a big company like Shaw.
>>903643Yeah it happens a lot if you’re not in the US especially. Plus idk if baylee was taking money in USD rather than CAD, PayPal is super no-no about that if you’re not a business account
No. 903945
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Was just watching her vlog, how can she eat that !?
No. 903962
An internet and TV service provider. Literally the second Google result.
No. 904039
>>903977So she was really excited for this party already like a week ago but still didn't prepare anything until the day of the party?
This was so boring to watch. I don't understand why she insists on filming so much of her parties. They're probably fun for the people involved but watching them is just random screaming of people no one knows. 20 minutes of that saran wrap game is just too much.
No. 904251
>>903987I hope more of her friends keep taking the piss out of her like that cuz some of them are clearly uncomfortable with her filming them all the time but then she gets them all too drunk to care.
>>904076She also barely does any prep besides hokey decorations and children’s games either. It really bothers me that like the extent of any food she has is like party trays and a dip she slathers together, like you’re the host so could you do any actual hosting other than offering your home? And like, if she has these parties often then like maybe your friends can pitch in money for more than that? They all seem way too “stuck in the poor college kid” mode even tho they’re all in their late twenties and thirties and baylee is just the party house where they go to drink
No. 904571
>>904251Sometimes I get the feeling they only include Baylee in the friend group because she has a house they can use to party in. It probably is just because we only see Baylee's part of the prep, but that always makes it seem like she does everything and gets everything while her friends just party.
Doesn't help that they only really get together for parties/drinking.
No. 904700
>>904695Pretty sure they're mostly Christian's friends that he met over his work.
If you look at her vlogs, in the beginning of them she only ever hang out with Jacob. They would watch GOT and Once upon a time together, went to the mall, have game nights…
Christian though started to go on work trips and he had these work parties and then started DnD and so forth.
I don't think Baylee ever bonded with any of her co-workers from the studio she worked at and doesn't seem to have any contact to her old classmates from art school.
No. 905240
>>905219It didn't sound like she'd want to find a new group, more like she'd want her old group.
Yeah, she could definitely use some friends of her own, instead of just Christians and Jacobs friends. I feel like she is actually rather lonely. Sure they have a party like every other week, but as others have said before she doesn't seem to really be part of the group. She's just there because she's Christians girlfriend.
No. 905247
>>905169That’s fair. But Baylee doesn’t look like she has ANY friends or hobbies now. I wouldn’t consider art to be one of her interests, and playing Pokémon hardly counts.
The only time she leaves the house is to go shopping. Her lifestyle CAN’T be healthy.
No. 905280
>>905259Oof the chaos.
She takes her livestreaming so much more serious than her art. She tries so hard not to miss a game stream and if she does she'll just do it on another day and she's so quick in just streaming all day. But doing some sketching or practice? Nah, that's too much.
No. 905506
>>905282Making friends is difficult as an adult cuz like school you’re forced to interact with people but imo it seems like a lot of tubers like baylee and kasey have an even more difficult time cuz they work at home and never leave their houses, so they all just end up with the shittiest personalities. Baylee especially since her social interactions only revolve around her and she doesn’t engage people outside of anything involving her and her interests. She’s super normie but only interacts with people that praise her, like she is lucky she doesn’t have a giant edgelord personality like kasey, but like surrounded by people that always praise her for doing the bare minimums, she’s pretty much settled and just let herself go.
She’s bleaching her hair again, who wants to bet she’ll bleach it all off this time?
No. 905594
>>905573She bleaches her own hair? Wtf over the counter products are way harsher for you than products bought by salons (that can only be bought by salons)
If she wants pastel hair like that she needs to see a professional. In fact, I think a professional would inform her as soon as touching her fried/damaged hair that she needs to grow it out and let it heal or risk damaging her follicles. It's been so long shes had this Patrick star pink hair - she really has never been to a salon to make sure her hair wasnt going to fall out? I cant imagine the damage on her scalp from applying lightener consistantly without having any schooling on how these chemicals work.
No. 905870
>>905671She said it runs in her family to get these cysts which it does, like she’s probably more susceptible to them but her scalp is probably burnt to hell by all that bleach, she probably has more cysts if not bigger.
>>905861seriously like a nice wig is cheaper than those extensions that she dyed and ruined, if she is really adamant about having pink hair and not losing all of her natural hair, which tbh like probably can’t grow back normally now cuz she’s bleached the shit out of the follicles and it will probably take over a year of growth to get normal hair back, she can wear a wig on her “on camera” segments and let her scalp rest otherwise. But since she HAS to film every second of her day and stream for so long, I doubt she is smart enough to figure a solution even tho all her stans will stay with her regardless of what she does.
No. 906609
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>>906607Bunbun scene with glitter
No. 906610
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>>906607She got a lot of pricey things in that box aswell, it’s just a shame that it’s going to be thrown back into her hoard of art supplies she doesn’t use.
Also with the amount/variety of stuff she got, wouldn't it have been simpler to do individual artworks that are around a specific medium/craft supply? Having glitter and metallic paint and everything forced together just doesn’t mesh well. But that would have been more creative thinking though I guess.
No. 906635
>>906610Yeah, she could have made two drawings with the amount she got. It woukd have been easier to use all supplies she got, plus the girl who sent it to her deserves it, she bought a lot for her.
She also said ber next video will be the same drawing but with copics. She really has no ideas on what to do with this channel
No. 906688
>>906635She can make a hundred drawings with that many supplies
Some of the supplies are kinda pricy too
No. 906857
>>906610Ewww yeah wtf is up with that yellow? It looks like she’s trying to do the whole “isometric” looking thing too but it would improve it SO much if she had just put in a line to indicate the wall cuz they’re all just like floating in pee or something. And like the Halloween one, she has no idea what to do about shadows or lighting, like she indicates shadows but has no idea where they go or how they sit, like why is the shadow under the table HIGHER than the couch? Why don’t have any of the buns have shadows at all?
What a waste of supplies. Although she makes these student grade colors look the same as when she uses her expensive schminke set
No. 906961
>>906635She’s just gonna recolor this drawing in the next video? That’s like peak Layzee and a new low for her. She’s drawn maybe like once this entire month?
>>906638Don’t feel sorry for her, she probably thinks everything baylee draws is fantastic plus she essentialy is trading about 50$ +over 30$ in shipping for a bunch of crap from her shop. That’s the thing with her stans, like they are in super deep denial that she does no wrong and shits gold
No. 907878
>>907637I think in Baylee's case it's more that she's stubborn, she thinks she can handle it herself.
Sure she's at least a bit self-conscious about her hair, since she did got the extensions and also the hats that she bought to cover up her roots and the greasiness but I don't think it's so bad that she wouldn't go to a hairdresser.
No. 908260
>>908070Yeah I didn't mean that her hair wasn't bad, I meant that her embarrassment of it isn't that bad as that she wouldn't go to a hairdresser because of it. I think she doesn't go because she thinks she can fix it herself.
I don't even know why she is so set on having the pink hair. Most of the time she covers it up with these hats that she got and has to hide her ends with the help of extensions.
No. 908541
>>908463Her Copic marker drawings are just SO bad because she has no understanding of shape and color. Being blendable doesn’t compensate for lack of skill.
She tried to cover her ass by saying the subject matter wasn’t conducive to the supplies sent to her in the mystery box, but she drew the image after she opened it? This chick seriously hates drawing and it shows.
No. 908580
>>908463Both look bad. What is nicer about the original is that the colors are brighter, which fits the seem. The copic one looks so dark and muddy but doesn't has weird textures. She just lacks skill.
I kinda feel bad for the person who send her the box. There were a lot of supplies and it couldn't have been cheap and then Baylee just recolors the art using her copics.
No. 909635
>>909507She mentioned how her hair is doing better now than it was 3-4 months ago. Strange of her to mention it after someone on this thread brought it up recently…
On an unrelated note I kind of like those socks she got Christian lol
No. 909721
>>909378She never made an update about it. It really felt like she just wanted to watch these kind of vlogs to feel better about herself. She sounded a bit salty when she talked about studio vlogs.
>>909635She also said it when she got her extension but her hair isn't better. Her ends are all fried and her hair masks won't repair that damage. She has to let healthy hair grow but since she won't give up on bleaching, heat styling and clip in extensions, her hair will just be as fried when they reach her chin/shoulders.
No. 909994
>>909853Oh god…
It didn't even turn out good. That is just badly colored and Santa looks like a creepy old guy.
No. 910177
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Take a look at the list. I see some familiar names
No. 910193
File: 1577386600976.png (Spoiler Image,3.21 MB, 1424x1784, why.png)

Here's the full drawing for those who don't wanna give Baylee more views
>>910177It's pretty shitty of her to put Draw with Jazza, Waffles, and Kasey on the naughty list. I get putting your friends' names into your piece as a fun easter egg, but putting them on the naughty list? Did she not think this through? Doesn't she know how shitty and shady that makes her look?
At least Holly's name is in the naughty list where it belongs, lol.
No. 910327
>>910193It just looks so bad. She has no idea of anatomy and the colors look awful.
Santa doesn't look hot, he just looks like creepy jelly.
It doesn't help that she obviously was in a hurry for this one.
No. 910337
File: 1577398344871.png (26.14 KB, 518x186, comment.png)

>>909853Even her followers are creeped out by this content. Just stop BJ. Just fucking stop.
No. 910668
>>910665They might be extra bad because she was in a rush doing them. She did the Santa one while being home with her family during Christmas and I assume she rushed out the BunBun one before leaving Vancouver.
She has a habit of not planning her time right and then she ends up rushing things.
>>910667Really the worst part about the bunny one was the coloring. That looked terrible. The adult bunny also looked a bit deformed to be honest.
Other than that it was ok. She might should consider some other colors for the bunnies than that one shade of brown she uses for all of them.
No. 911685
>>911371She just has no eye for colors and knows nothing about color theory.
She should have just used a color palette from that catalogue she printed out once.
>>911330She got that book from Schmoe just before she did that drawing so that's probably why it looks so much like Schmoe.
No. 911823
>>911738She's pretty much openly stated now she doesn't like doing art. Only sketching for her sketchbook tour. That face she made at the thought of it.
Also, "rough-rider green, of course I have that" ew. "my foot patreon will be linked down below if you want to see more" ew again
No. 912339
File: 1577879809072.jpg (Spoiler Image,401.05 KB, 1814x893, BJ WHYYYYY.jpg)

>>912132Just hw exactly do you go from sorta ok reference like this, to this hipster monstrosity like this? HOW? I mean, I knew she has 0 knowledge on how to art, but… like. This is on another level.
No. 912346
>>912339I really don't get why she insists non making this suggestive garbage
It looks bad in her style, it highlights her weaknesses as an artist and it's not what most people follow her for. Not to mention all her other content is so juvenile. It's just weird.
I know a lot of people who make cutesy kids stuff get frustrated and start venting but like, why can't she keep it to herself
No. 912350
>>912346It’s cuz she’s immature and approaches anything “sexy” with the mind of a 12 year old. She mentions penises and suggestive shit in like almost every vlog, like she said the magnets were arranged in the shape of a penis or something in her family’s house? and she HAD to show the suggestive souvenirs in Hawaii. She does it cuz she thinks it’s funny but it’s obviously not, it’s just bad, but she doesn’t draw more than 1-2 things a month so she has to post it on her art channel anyway cuz how many room tours can you do (she’s probably gonna do another one when the dolls are all up honestly)
>>912339Both of them still look like he’s taking a shit on the floor but yeah she still doesn’t know how to use reference nor knows anything about human anatomy
No. 912369
>>912132She stays up all night before traveling so often… Why does she keep doing this to herself?
>>912339Lack of skill. She doesn't really know anything about anatomy or perspective, or how to use references. She also rushed through this art, which she tends to do with all her art actually. She lost her passion and just wants to get a video done as quick as possible so she rarely puts thought into her art or do a bit of research.
>>912346If it at least would be good looking but it just looks so bad and every hot-guy is just worse than the last one.
No. 912525
>>912369I also wonder why she stays up all night too, but then gloat-sobs for what I can guess is sympathy-asspats?
She's stuck in what I suspect is a college mentality and her 'time management' (we often note how shit it is) is blown because she 'makes her own schedule' but has no real repercussions if she doesn't follow through with anything.
It's been stated many times before but I think her making a weekly commitment to a group or different hobby outside of her house would help her.
Sage cause no milk and just bitching in kind.
No. 913088
File: 1578051470083.jpg (228.42 KB, 1079x1486, Adam_Graphite_Instagram.jpg)

>>909853Instagram blessed me today with its algorithm and BJ, THIS IS HOW YOU DO SEXY HUNKS.
I'm posting here, because I think it shows exactly what the issues with Baylees art are.
No. 913114
>>913111Life is boring without cringe and kitsch and fun. BJ artwork is just bad, becauseshe tries to be edgy and sexy while she has no skill or maturity to pull that one off.
This one is very skilled artist having fun with tropes, sure the implications are there, but subtle enough, so you can take it from grampa stretching in the morning to Santa having just fucked Mrs Clause. Not be in your face like Baylee's Thicc Santa's flat arse that leaves nothing to the imagination and thus making it cringey.
She not only lacks in actual art skills but also storytelling skills.
No. 913241
So, when will Bailey go through Financial troubles?
I've only seen it once, which was last year or in 2018 when she stupidly thought she didn't have to pay taxes on her YouTube earnings. It was chuckle worthy to see her scrambling to pay when she finally owed in back taxes.
"Uhm, so like, The CRA (Canada revenue agency)thought that YouTube counted as taxable earnings but like, it doesn't teehee, they are sooo stupid."
3 weeks later
"Okay, so I owe a lot in back taxes. I just drained mine and Christian's accounts to pay! tee hee! check out my new jack sparrow doll that cost me 300 dollars!"
As sick as it is, I'm looking forward to when her and christian have to move back into a one bedroom apartment because the sweet YouTube money just isn't the same anymore. She doesn't do 'art' anymore, has little drive, very obvious she even hates to pick up a pencil. Sure she does 'children' content and that's where a lot of YouTube earnings are but all good things come to an end.
No. 913380
>>913241Baylee thinks that all her other income from the internet will keep her afloat (pins, twitch, sponsorships etc) but the thing is she would have none of that if not for YouTube. Her fans will grow up and stop buying her art, stop going to her twitch streams. She won't get any sponsorships if she doesn't have the audience.
The only reason she has an audience is because of YouTube, and that wasn't even her art. It was when copics were all the rage and she had a huge collection.
Her YouTube goes down, she's going with it. And judging by the house they rent and the shit they buy I doubt they've got a massive savings to fall back on.
No. 913459
File: 1578120463132.png (532.5 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2020-01-04 at 12.43…)

her eyeshadow is wonky
No. 913515
>>913493That's really her problem. She's inefficient with her time and plans it poorly, plus that she doesn't think long term at all.
She should really sit down and think about what she wants her channel and her career to be. It feels like she reached all the goals that she had (makes a living as a youtuber, published a book, hit 1 mil subs) and now she just kinda floats around.
>>913241She actually never talks about buying a house anymore. Just like 2 years ago or so she mentioned frequently how she is saving for a house and how she really wants to buy one.
Maybe she stopped saving up for one since her income might isn't as good as it used to be and/or her expenses have gone up (I mean those Disney trips, collector dolls, new cameras…)
No. 913520
>>913515I remember her talking about the house buying stuff. Aren't the prices like crazy ridiculous over there? She might still be saving up for it, but with the way she spends her money I'd find that very surprising.
I can understand high house prices being depressing and not really a motivator to save up for that, but I get the impression that both her and Christian make good money, so if they budgeted right they probably would have saved up a big chunk of money already. I don't think that income dropping would be a reason to stop saving, personally. And, with her store I think she has made way more money this year than before.
I totally forgot about the tax situation that she had to scramble for, which just makes me think she didn't save much at all, and she didn't incorporate until like recently so her taxes are still going to be a lot.
I just wish she'd put a bit more effort into the editing for the vlog. I liked the new year's moment, but the clip where the guy was talking about his mum finding out he smokes weed wasn't really needed? Idk, that's probably just me.
I used to enjoy her vlogs so much. She seemed so motivated and so driven for her work. She's actually the reason I started a channel myself. It's kind of sad to see the decline..
No. 913545
>>913520They are but I think she also kinda let go of the wish of owning a house. Maybe because of money, maybe she's just content renting. I do wonder if they're ever going to do anything with the basement now since they both moved upstairs. I know Christian was meant to go back down but I get the feeling he kinda likes being upstairs with Baylee.
She once said that her goal was to save around 250.000 Canadian dollars for the purpose of buying a house, so that that could be the first payment and then they would pay the rest bit by bit.
Yeah true, I assume her youtube income isn't as good as it used to be since her views aren't that good but Twitch and her store probably make up for that actually.
I know what you mean. I get that vloging isn't her main thing but her vlogs are just so boring these days.
She just let herself and her career go.
No. 913667
>>913545 If she didn't waste a lot of her money on Disney shit and copious amount of art supplies and spend a shit-ton on rent. Stay in that one bedroom apartment, they'd have the money by now.
Her days of making a lot of money from YouTube alone have passed. She probably makes enough to cover some bills and a few toys but not gang busters like the last few years.
Her income from cons, pins will dwindle when her YouTube channel fails. Like another has said, her fans will grow up and no longer pester their parents for 10 or 20 bucks to buy her crap.
Bailey is not prepared for when things implode. I doubt they have savings considering she gets money and buys a fucking toy. Her previous animation job didn't pay enough for a 6 bedroom house and I doubt Christian makes enough to cover the rent/bills alone.
No. 913783
>>913722Who gives a shit if he smokes weed, its perfectly legal where they are
as for the tax thing, she was underpaying taxes back then hence why she had to pay a shit ton during tax season and then this year she was fucking over paying. Baylee just hired an accountant something she should have done a long time ago considering she clearly has no idea on the concept of money management
No. 913912
>>913540Well this is one where she shows that she owes over 18.000 She has other vlogs were she talks about taxes and I know it wasn't her first time owing taxes.
Once, I think it was in 2018, she was scrambling to get everything ready for her taxes the evening before they had to be handed in and she didn't have all the receipts because she couldn't find some and because she couldn't be bothered to print some out. She even admits how she could do it earlier and how she is terrible at keeping track of everything but then just laughs it off and says something like "Why work all year when you can get it all done in one night, lolololol"
No. 914032
>>913919She just got too comfortable with the youtube thing and yet she doesn't really prioritize her channel.
Art is just not a career for her. Doing it for a video already seems to pain her, her skills are mediocre at best, despite it being her job and she could invest all her time to it.
Honestly, I think if her Twitch income could pay her bills she would quit YouTube in a heartbeat and just do shiny hunting all day.
No. 914056
>>914043Am I just misunderstanding things or does she make she store launches unnecessary complicated?
She says things become so last minute because she has to wait for the pins to arrive which takes about a month but she could still have folded all the boxes before hand and ordered and signed her prints. She also could plan the launch in advance so that she still has 2-4 weeks from the time the pins arrive to when the store launches.
If she then just sets aside a certain time each day to either prepare boxes, prints, designing new things things would already be much smoother.
No. 914061
>>914048"a decent caring wife would not let her husband smoke weed"
lmao what a fucking reach
No. 914071
>>914069>Moral integrity.Fair enough
>You look like a giant hypocrite when you judge for shit like that blah blah blahNo..? Given her audience is children and she is associating herself with drugs, it's not a good image.
>It's funny how you fail at trolling, TBH.You're the one trolling, I was just stating I'm disappointed in them. That's my own belief and if you agree or disagree that's fine, I don't care.
Can't people have a civilised discussion without throwing insults on here? I disagree with things that people but don't go around yelling 'TROLL' or 'you're a fucking this or that' at anyone. Geez.
No. 914092
>>914071its fucking weed not cocaine, considering that alcohol is actually bad for you, be more up in arms about Balyee drinking on yt instead then lol
in other news this isn't a weed debate thread, go do that somewhere else
No. 914295
>>914057But by having a store for a limited time she keeps the demand high. Her store customers are essentially the same as her yT audience and mostly her Twitch stans IMHO. If she would sell for a longer period her buyers would be saturated pretty soon. Also her items would loose some sort of speciality that items have you can't buy all year around. Like she does limited runs of pins. So people don't think twice if they want something because they have to buy it now or the item is probably not availiable for some time or never again. (I suppose her stans by her stuff also as presents for other people. Like her Midna&Kiki pin is cute and universal and makes a good gift for cat parents.)
Overall, Bayls isn't good enough to appeal to more people outside of her stan circle so by having a store for a limited time with limited items she keeps the risk low.
Also I can't imagane her doing PR stuff to get a foot in the door outside of yT and Twitch to expand her costumer cloud; would be too much work and so a sixth job. lol
No. 914363
>>914307She lacks discipline to keep to a schedule like that. In her mind she is busy all the time and it gets worse since she loves to jump from one unfinished task to another, which was especially obvious when she was still daily vlogging.
Some vlogs she'd say how she really needs to do a video and clean but then she just suddenly decides to go out to buy something that she remembered she wanted to get.
>>914355She cut her streams a few months ago. She used to stream every day from monday to friday but felt that she should invest that time into her actual work (her channel) so she switched to only 2 streams a week, one "creative" stream and one game stream. Then not too long ago she decided to go back to streaming in the morning and those are her workout streams.
No. 914451
>>914447I wonder if she has a difficult time not vlogging because she kinda misses someone to talk to?
Might just be me, but when they have a get together with their friends she always seem like the fourth wheel. They're Christian's friends and she's just the girlfriend. She doesn't even hang out with Jacob that often anymore.
She sometimes seems lonely and honestly also bored with her life.
No. 914566
>>914451>>914470It’s pretty much both imo. She doesn’t have “friends”, she has viewers, even Jacob doesn’t seem attached to her in any way cuz he’s just a presence. And whenever her “friends” aren’t drunk, they also seem low key annoyed by all the filming.
But yeah she also knows people judge her cuz she can’t keep a consistent art channel so the vlogs are her way of being like “but I am working! Look at all the things I work!” when tbh everything she does is busywork to procrastinate from making any art on her main.
No. 914884
>>913912The tax Vlog I remember is when she had pink hair and kept insisting, to her self and the CRA that she did not have to pay them because youtube money doesn't count.
Also in this video, she goes from slightly stressed to having to pay "Omg I gotta pay! But I want a dyson, I can't get it now!" Que near the end of the video she buys it anyways and set up a payment plan to pay the rest off in a couple of months.
Personal shit, I did my taxes wrong one year and ended up owing 500 dollars. I freaked the fuck out. Bailey just giggles, furrows her brows and then proceeds to keep spending money, ignoring she has to make a $900 payment for a couple of months.
Does Christian make good money? Will it be enough when her youtube and her shop/con going fail? It will, this won't keep up. Her fans will get older and she eventually won't be bringing any new ones in. How is she going to sell art when she isn't even making new art? I can't see this keeping up for her. Every side channel she tried, she gave up. She got damn lucky on youtube, sad she thinks she got to where she is with skill and personality. No baylee, your art became popular because you're skill level is on par with the children you pander to. They can draw along with you and produce the same results.
No. 915131
File: 1578475126575.jpeg (223.87 KB, 1242x1728, 22648F69-2800-4D81-953F-1FEE33…)

No. 915202
>>915131The eyes look so soulless.
She said she wanted to redesign her avatar because of coppa but would that really help? It still looks cartoony and so does her art in her videos.
No. 915203
>>914884Ah sorry I did not remember that at all.
I know she had troubles with taxes several times and that that was the one time where she showed how much she owed, which was quite a bit.
She is incredible carefree with money, especially ever since they moved into the house.
No. 915211
>>915202>CoPpANo. COPPA is a threat exclusively to Americans, because it'sa law passed by US congress governed by Federal agency (FTA), at the worst she could have her channel terminated by YT and that wod be all. With her ONE channel being actually for kids, it would be enough to mark it so and be done with it, but she went and deleted content and changed stuff, cause she's stupid.
It's clear that for her it was just blind-panic at worst or trendy talk topic at best. Anything she does 'bEcAuSe CoPpA' is just her being stupid/ riding a trend, so whenever she mentions it… dunno. Laugh.
And TBH, I can't wait for the first creator being fined those fabled 42k, all signs point it will be delicious shit show with many lawyers killing themselves to go against FTA pro bono to get their name out there.
No. 915263
>>915211YouTube deciding that channels are made for kids is still a big worry to art channels. There's already channels being marked as made for kids that clearly aren't.
I don't particularly want any creator to be fined. It's not the creators who should be getting punished for this. YouTube doing the data collecting is the issue, so youtube should just turn that off and leave it at that.
Baylee should 100% be concerned about it, because her channel is one of those channels that has a very fine line between being made for kids or not being made for kids. There's others too ( Chloe Rose, SoCraftastic and those other ones I can never remember the names of ). They might say their intended audience isn't kids, but their content clearly shows otherwise.
No. 915273
>>915263>YouTube deciding that channels are made for kids is still a big worry to art channels. There's already channels being marked as made for kids that clearly aren't.Anyone who bases their existence on status quo of the site they have no control over deserves a wake up call. Is it shity for them, sure. Is it not expected. No.
>I don't particularly want any creator to be fined. It's not the creators who should be getting punished for this. YouTube doing the data collecting is the issue, so youtube should just turn that off and leave it at that. I want to, because it's the fastet way to make changes to whole policy, when it goes to court and makes big news.
Have you read the law? I assume not (exacy like majority of panic stirers), because then you would know that FTA has deciding power to define who is the 'data colector' and some years back they decided that it is also a person who makes money on those data, not only who collects and stores them. It is actually legally FDA who curates the understanding of the COPPA law and youtubers themselves are within their legal and correct definition.
>Baylee should 100% be concerned about it, because her channel is one of those channels that has a very fine line between being made for kids or not being made for kids. There's others too ( Chloe Rose, SoCraftastic and those other ones I can never remember the names of ). They might say their intended audience isn't kids, but their content clearly shows otherwise.Baylee should not be concerned about it, because she is Canadian and the only thing that can happen to her is YT enforcing THEIR INTERNAL RULES, NOT COPPA. Literally, FDA can't approach her as she is Canadian and they are the only ones who can enforce it. It may be semantics, but important distinction. Baylee should be concerned with YT guidelines on waht is for kids and what is not and go with that. Changing avatar doesn't make any difference when she draws pooping Santa.
No. 915440
File: 1578543502610.png (853.78 KB, 818x621, bay.png)

Hard to believe this is the same person. This is screen grabbed from a very old 2014 vlog where she talked about how she'd never go light with her hair again, only dark colors because it lookss good with her skintone, and was talking about this being her high school self. Crazy how things have changed.
No. 915475
File: 1578551998642.png (134.63 KB, 500x173, 6D11C702-4A55-4118-B753-45F71D…)

>>915305It just hit me that the cartoony version she had before looks like a combo of cartoony styles with the main character from the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court? Except with the bulbous noses she is obsessed with.
She goes on and on about not making a cartoony avatar but this one is even more cartoony than the simplified one. It looks like a spongebob self insert OC. But also surprised she decided not to make it an art video but she also was like MEH?? when she said she’d make another art video. Just outright say you hate making art BJ and put an end to it
No. 915542
>>915479She was much more charming back in the days. Her art was never great but she had a sweet personality that actually seemd a lot more genuine that whatever she does now. I used to love her vlogs and she seemed so much more passionate about art and youtube.
These days she is just an obnoxious try hard that wants to be a popular youtuber.
It's sad to see how much she let herself and her art go.
No. 915545
>>915542I remember when Pokemon X and Y came out and instead of spending the $50 on food (her last for the next 2 weeks) she bought the game and it was stupid but relatable in a real young adult kind of way. It was more interesting watching her in her small apartment, working to get by and saving up instead of impulsively buying anything and everything on a whim.
so yes, she was way more likable when she actually had to work for everything. When she actually had to put in effort into getting those YouTube shekels.
She seems so far from reality now, has been since her move into that house. $18,000 in back taxes? no biggie for Baylee, never mind a normal person would go into shock. Rooms dedicated to children's toys? of course, doesn't everyone have that past the age of 26?
No. 915667
>>915664Forgot to sage, sorry.
I loved Baylee at the beginning of her vlog channel. That’s when I started watching. She was calming to listen to go about her pretty average day, and she was far less obnoxious.
The vlogs lately are 15 minutes of zero substance. She doesn’t do any work. She re-cleans the same mess over and over. It’s a chore just getting through a single video at this point. I have a feeling that’s why she cut back from uploading daily vlogs, she has NO material.
No. 915722
>>915664Her recent vlog she spends the back half of it hemming and hawing on if she should make the thumbnail a cartoon or her real face or art that’s less cartoony. The new one is slightly more representative of her art in that it’s a “painted” style but she lacks any consistency considering her last artworks were the terrible bunny art and pooping Santa.
Then she says in the vlog she has no idea when she’s going to release another art video on her main channel, so she’s not even trying anymore
No. 915956
>>915945She hasn't done anything since the pooping Santa on Christmas and I guess her Avatar redraw. I'm all for people taking vacations or having reasonable working hours but Bayls barely works and just slacks off as much as she can.
No wonder her art hasn't improved and her views are dropping.
No. 915964
>>915722Yeaaa I think she is using the whole "made for kids" thing as an excuse to not work on her channel anymore. It's been clear to all of us here that she wasn't really into it anymore, but I bet she'll come out and claim that this has demotivated her and all that jazz. I don't think her channel has even been hit yet…
I have a feeling about what she's going to do next, but I'm just gna wait and see if that happens. Maybe she'll surprise us all and find some renewed interest into her art…
No. 916513
>>916253She seems happier doing game streams than art but maybe Twitch isn't paying enough yet so she doesn't want to abandon the art channel.
I don't really see her in an art career, unless she really turns around and finds passion for it again, it'd be better for her to have a different job and just to art as a hobby when she feels like it.
No. 916732
File: 1578797322028.jpg (120.93 KB, 724x752, Pfft.jpg)

>>915305If you're going to draw yourself Bayls, try and be a little more accurate.
No. 916833
>>916746Her sister looks good, like if Baylee actually took care of herself and wore more than sweatpants and spongebob shirts or bleached her hair until it broke off, she would also look perfectly fine and normal too.
She only seems to leave the house to buy things or drink nowadays
No. 916874
>>916833Small thing but it does really make a different to get properly dressed. It helps you to get into the mindset of "Now work starts" instead of just slacking off.
>>916843She always seems awkward interacting with "friends" and family and it seems to get worse (just like everything else).
It's sad especially with her family because she used to say how much family means to her and how close they all are but she barely saw her family during the last year.
No. 917081
>>917069And the drawing she created looks like it was made with actual shit lol. No seriously, I mean it. It's ugly, it's bad, the colors look like poop.
Why does she insist on using a reference that she herself admitted wont even work irl? Then she says she likes her thumbnails better and blows up the proportions and use that as a sketch instead of realizing why her bigger sketches fail! Small thumbnails look good cause you don't see details etc. She's such a mess….this video is a declaration of war against art, she's lost it.
No. 917120
File: 1578873952485.jpeg (149.11 KB, 763x750, 2974AD66-6825-4CED-BAF5-7B7398…)

>>917069It’s so ugly. I kinda half listened to the letter her mom included in the beginning, and I’m pretty sure she went on about finding the difference between light and dark really interesting, hence sending Baylee the supplies to make a piece with that in mind. But nah, can’t stray far from generic girl pose with no lighting difference whatsoever. It was really nice of her mom to send that box unprompted, but more art supplies into the hoard.
No. 917240
File: 1578884876506.png (238.97 KB, 409x257, petal.PNG)

>>917119again with the closed eyes with raised eyebrows. why does she think faces work like that?
bonus points for her saying how much she loves her own 'petal dance' picture. it's fricking cross-eyed, baylee. for fucksake
No. 917388
>>917119Oh god no…first I thought
>>917081 just exaggerated but it really just looks like muddy poo.
I hope she at least has some self-respect and won't turn this one into a print.
>>917240Not only that but it's also more boring than her vlogs. It's just a generic girl standing around and lifting her arm. She didn't put an ounce of thought into creating this piece.
No. 917484
>>917477Honestly it's what bothers me the most too.
She doesn't try to work with the medium, she just wants to get a video done.
That seems to be her mentally since a while now. Just getting a video done, no matter the art/content.
No. 917525
>>917477she doesn’t even try to get out of her comfort zone. she treated this exactly as she would a copic illustration, when what she should have done was take inspiration from her graphite opposite challenge artwork. that was the one and only time i’ve ever been impressed by her (yes, I know it’s a fucking low bar).
she needs to take an art class. she’s the pan beesly of YouTube.
No. 918674
>>918202Ah I see it's in the New Year vlog. I didn't watch that one because I dislike the party videos. The one I saw was a couple of vlogs before that when they are out drinking with friends and one of their friends mentioned his mom watching the vlogs when he's in them and now she knows he smokes.
I wonder how the landlord feels about him vaping in the house?
No. 920028
>>919848I’m actually kind of impressed she showed “using” skillshare and applying it to the art cuz god knows she needs to relearn her basic shit again. The face and body are wonky and she doesn’t exactly super nail the “light source” thing, like she still uses a very general ambient light except this time she uses more yellow as a highlight, but this is more learning she’s shown in the past like five months.
She needs to let go that doing art on stream is “spoiling” it somehow
No. 920092
>>919872Just shows you how little she actually knows about art. No wonder she stopped improving a long time ago.
>>920028Too bad that she only did it for a video and won't really go back to practice this more. It's frustrating how she just won't think about how to improve and to actually look for resources to learn from.
No. 920247
>>920188I don't think she even realizes how bad she actually is. She is completely lost in the art world, in a bad way.
I was kinda hoping that when she made the "I hate my art" that she kinda found new motivation and passion for it but Baylee just doesn't really seem to care.
I feel like a bunch of these arttubers never really made the switch from hobby to actual job in their heads. So they feel comfortable just staying on the same art level for years.
No. 920818
>>920247Yeah, baylee and other art tubers are pretty much too comfortable and have no incentive to change. Baylee has a ton of stans who will eat anything she makes, her store proves it and people bought her sexy men prints at cons when she used to do them, so she doesn’t have to improve at all.
I’m pretty sure they’re also afraid to change and baylee especially is too afraid to do anything that isn’t her pretty girl art or those weird sexy men drawings because her audience was built on people liking that kind of art. A lot of her stuff like the watercolors and the art boxes show she’s still super unskilled at a lot of things, those videos don’t perform as well, but she always does copic marker drawings of girls after those videos to bring that audience back.
No. 921765
>>921659Nah, it will. Me and my partner run a business from home. There's a lot that can be claimed as business expenses. Internet 100% will be a business expense. She takes up 2 rooms for her art stuff, so she'll definitely be able to claim a certain amount of her rent as a business expense. There's a ton of other things you can claim, but I live in the UK so it might be different over here. (iirc we can claim up to £50 per head per year for coffee/biscuits in the office, for example)
It just baffles me that it's taken her this long to do this. Good on her for finally doing it though, she'll be saving so much money in tax now.
Just a side-note for the skillshare thing: it annoys me how all these YouTubers get sponsored by skillshare, yet none of them take advantage of this. They only watch one random skillshare class to do their videos and that's it. There's legit good stuff on skillshare. They have free access to skillshare I imagine, if not because of the sponsorship, then through all the people who use their links. It's so frustrating to see :/
No. 921769
>>921765Same where I live. I had to declare what % of my home surfaces is used for business and pretty much it's how much of each "house" expence I can claim for business. Downside is I also have to pay council taxes for office space instead of housing, so it's a balancing act for everyone. But BJ is not wrong, for once.
>SkillshareThey'd actually have to have some observation skills AND no narcissistic tendencies to be able to see themselves from distance, so they actually could improve. You could hit her with the best how to draw book and she'd still would not improve, because she's got too fragile ego to admit to herselves she should work on her own skills. I've seen some of her early vlogs recently and I trully wonder where the fuck that Baylee has gone. She wasn't skilled ir talnted, but was fun and had potential. The current one is just a blobby slob.
As for her hair I have new theory- at some point in their life everyone has to do atuff by themselves, mostly because of lack of funds, so you teach yourself, do it and if you're good you may continue, but usually when you earn enough you just prefer to pay someone to do it better and so you don't waste your time.
She just never grew out of that mindset. She prefers to do her own hair. She bought a saw to do stuff herself instead of asking at the store to cut planks there on spot. She used to have a sewing maching to fix jeans (not that she weras any now…) Many many examples like that.
No. 921900
>>921508Baylee you really don't have to vlog everything. It's just so boring.
Good that she finally starts to sort her business a little. Took her long enough.
I wonder how long she'll keep this up.
No. 921907
>>921789That's not right. Her yearly total for everything for pre-incorperation was 54,756.92
You can see it at 7:13 and again at 7:27 . She then also says that her expenses went up because of the store launches. So, she doesn't spend anywhere near 20k a month. It's 5k a month.
No. 921954
>>921943hmm, I'm not so sure. A big chunk of that is her store. If your business is one that sells physical things, that's a big cost. The shipping alone is 11k. I think a bunch of pins were 3k as well one month.
I'm curious to see what it would be like if all the store stuff wasn't included. I'm guessing her expenses would be.. idk, at least half I would hope…
No. 922353
>>922349And it will still sell, depending on the amount she will order them.
Unlike her Breeze piece she wants to order 600 prints of. lol
>>921536That cat calendar? Yeah, it's boring and not funny at all.
But despite the shopping I found this vlog quite interesting because numbers. lol She also showed what her rent was, roughly 34k. Which is not that much if it's for 10 months. Where I live you can rent a house with 5 rooms for that money.
>>921907Her supply spend was around 32k.
55k all in all takes into account her rent for her art room, internet, etc.
No. 922440
File: 1579799061908.jpeg (758.62 KB, 828x1284, AB751CBF-4622-472B-9F99-504CD9…)

No. 922442
>>922440I dunno about this piece…I think it's nice that she tried to make the cartoon side look a bit like her but the entire picture just looks kinda meh.
It's just so bland and boring somehow.
No. 923105
>>923068It's what gets to me, is that repeated behaviour of not caring. She just takes everything so carefree and relies on being lucky.
Not just with her cats but with every thing.
No. 923391
>>923386It's impossible for cat owners to have stuff in their house, where their cats live with them, to be totally free of "cat". Like, people who are allergic and still buy from her are doing this at their own risk. And it's not like that they could clean the stuff themselves if they are that ultra allergic. Or have another person doing this for them.
The only real safe solution would be to have the store stuff in a completly different building and Bayle would have to change clothes that she could only be wearing there, and also she would have to wash / dry them seperatly in machines that never had been in touch with her "catty" clothes. Cat hair just gets everywhere. (Though when she packages her stuff it doesn't look like to me that there is sooo much hair and filth y'all claim to be. I think y'all exaggerating.)
That her cats are climbing around the working tables is another thing, and I agree with you that she should make them stop doing that or overall keep them out of the room for the cats safety. But even if she would do this there wouldn't be a 100% guaranty that her stuff would be cat-free.
No. 923579
>>923511I’ve often wondered about this - I don’t think Baylee looks anything like her mother either, so maybe she looks like her Dad.
Someone else mentioned it, but she used to seem a lot closer to her family. There was that awkward exchange between her sister and her one year where her sister said that some people couldn’t afford to fly to Disney multiple times of year or something like that. I wonder if that
triggered a bit of a rift between them. I just know Baylee used to mention her sister way more than she does now. i’ve always assumed there was some coddling of the children when her parents divorced which explained Baylee’s personality. But maybe it was just Baylee who was babied, and that would explain her sister seeming more put-together.
No. 923583
>>923400Some of you anons are going really are on the weed. Highly doubt it's gonna stink of weed if Christian uses every so often. We don't know if we even know if he uses a pen or not.
Smells like cat piss, probably since her cats are all her stuff. Weed highly unlikely
No. 923631
Pretty sure it's just one anon going off about weed over and over again.
>>923579Is her sister younger or older?
No. 923714
>>923579I remember in the earlier vlog days she would face time with her sister almost daily. When her sister was visited they seemed a bit awkward together too.
Kinda sad because Baylee used to say how important family was to her and that she misses them.
>>923631Her sister is younger. Baylee is the middle child, she has one older brother (who she somehow never mentions these days) and one younger sister.
No. 923947
>>923780Once again, this site isnt for complaining about the usage of weed, if you cant pull your head out of your ass about it then get the fuck off and actually research shit
Back to baylee, the washi tape would be cute if she didn't use that gross yellow color in the background. I also don't understand why she's doing the game/console thing? Its already been done and she knows it, its like she cant make up something new
No. 924103
>>924062I think she wants to do it on stream, because she knows for sure that she'll have something to do on her art stream. If she finishes it "off camera" she will then have to think of something else to do.
She only does art for her art videos or a product these days, so that's also what she does on her streams. That sketching she included in the vlog was like the first time she did something that wasn't for a video (although I wouldn't be surprised if she was trying to figure something out for a video with that.)
She could just draw for the sake of drawing, but we all know she doesn't do that anymore.
No. 924822
>>924707That art is terrible, it's clear that she just needs to sit down and sketch loosely than making stilted pieces all the time.
That and why do they still just live in clutter and filth when they have so much space? Having bins of clothes instead of putting them away is so odd
However, it was nice to see the more romantic side of these two. Usually they don't interact much so it was sweet to see that Christian isn't just a robot.
No. 924905
>>924822She just mindlessly draws the same things, staying in her comfort zone, never actually studying.
At most she (badly) copies some stuff from an art book, without any thought given to it.
She's also way to caught in this idea that a sketchbook should look pretty and aesthetic, instead of focusing on improving, she focuses on choosing the right colored pencils.
That improvement series of her started like 7-8 months ago and there has been 3-4 videos and zero improvement.
No. 925272
File: 1580265040968.jpg (354.93 KB, 1422x1145, IMG_0221.jpg)

>Why does she insists on looking like a pink blob? I kinda wanted to see how she'd liok with ger dark teal hair. So much better.
No. 925376
File: 1580296088978.png (373.15 KB, 640x1136, 4B5FBDC7-1683-40A7-B8D0-97962C…)

>>925135I think this one out of the four “illustrations” hurt my soul the most.
I’ve mentioned this before but I wish she drew more of a scene for her illustrations instead of just “random character”. Even the girl she drew baking last year didn’t really get a whole set up for the drawing. But i also think she should be practicing and building up her drawing skills before anything else
No. 925383
>>925376Yeah, she rarely ever thinks an idea/concept through. She just thinks of some pose and draws it. Done.
She is too concerned with just getting a video done but not about the quality of what she produces.
>>925103No wonder her views are dropping, her art is boring, her skills are…well…not good and her personality changed for the worse, especially in her vlogs.
No. 925386
>>925185Kinda odd when an artist can't see how a certain color doesn't suit them.
She wants to look cute but it just looks bad, it's just too much pink.
She's never been super fashionable but I swear in the earlier vlog days she looked so much nicer, even when she was just wearing a Disney shirt.
No. 925419
>>925272Yeah she copied them in "her style", but that also included getting rid of the expressions of the characters.
The art of the book is really no refined art, but the characters have loads more expression than her dead eyed, eyebrow raised standard faces. It got especially sad on that bandana-guy, which she started with female proportions and then messed up the expression big time.
And of course the last one was her favourite. Generic girl looking straight forward without any expression. Just what she does every time…
No. 925447
>>925376I would have NEVER thought that the drawing from the book would actually look better than what another artist would redraw from it.
It's so ugly!!!!!!!!!! What's with the fugly face??
This is just embarrassing…good on her for living in a bubble that makes her believe everything she does is so well done, reality would hit her so hard lol
No. 925532
>>925524 Do you even know her? When she says she's embarrassed by it she rather means that it's so lulz and edgy, like omg they are naked and hawt and I just showed everyone in my family, they all turned red lmao.
As if she has any self awareness and realizes how fucking cringe and awkward she is, especially with basically everything she creates. She'd never stop that because her art is who she is. If anything she must have realized that the majority other fans and buyers are youngsters who can't hang that stuff up without their parents asking them wtf that is.
No. 925722
>>925532She has actually stated that its embarrassing in a recent vlog with her accountant or something but i dont know if that she means she'll be stopping them or not
>>925533Not sure where you two are getting the idea that she sells them when none of the hot guys are available to buy any where anymore
No. 925790
>>925788That border looks stupid.
Imagine if she'd spend half as much time on her art, as she spends on re-doing her thumbnails…
No. 925819
File: 1580384724743.png (604.16 KB, 1527x903, Untitled.png)

Another washi tape design. Took her an entire 5 hour stream, even though she had all the rough sketches from the previous stream..
No. 925834
>>925819She's extremely slow, especially with art.
Maybe partially because she doesn't really wants to draw. We all know her passion for art went away a long time ago.
No. 925849
>>925788How could two people own so much hair stuff when they both have barely any hair? Christian’s beard looks scraggly as fuck too
But oh look she’s buying more expensive electronics again. Cuz of course she needs another tablet for this toon me bullshit
No. 925856
>>925761If she still did cons, she’d probably still sell those shitting Santa prints to people cuz her followers will always buy whatever crap she puts out but places like cat print and red bubble won’t print it on items FOR her to sell and now that she sells at large volumes, she probably wouldn’t print them at home unless there was a demand.
She acts “embarrassed” about them but it’s also like, she’s the one who chose to draw this garbage to show people in the first place and she never draws for fun, only if she can make a video for it. It seems like she’s starting to understand her social reach more now so of course those don’t fit in her aesthetic anymore but it’s also like she produces so little content that she doesn’t understand you don’t have to show people all of your art if you don’t want to
No. 925983
>>925788I wish she'd just not do the cat shame calendar thing. The way she reads it is so awkward and monotone, and her only comment every time is to say "bebe, no bebe" i hate it.
Really shows the difference between her older vlogs when she used to do the spongebob jokes versus now.
No. 926249
>>926246She’s probably stealing kiki’s food and diet does nothing if you don’t do portion control. Why get anything for the cats like one of the portion control feeders when you can buy yet another tablet?
>>926097she has one of the biggest but older cintiq displays but Wacom just introduced new ones, the Cintiq Pro line. I’m betting she upgraded, the pro line is about 1500-3300 USD plus the special arm for it costs about 350, or she saw another YouTuber use another display tablet like an XP pen or something
No. 926254
>>926246>>926249All I ever saw her was taking away Kiki's leftover wet food once, so Midna wouldn't eat it.
I agree that a portion control feeder would be the best and it's not like they wouldn't have the money for one.
>>926250I don't see a need for her to upgrade. She only uses her cintiq for thumbnails. If she does digital art, she uses her ipad. But wouldn't be surprised if she just wants a new tablet, just to have a new tablet.
No. 926628
>>926445Why does she need so many digital devices when everything she does digitally could easily be done on her older cintique or the ipad.. She's such a bloody hoarder.
>>926627She must of asked for it instead of a monetary component for the sponsorship.. No way they'd just give it to her on top of a sponsorship deal.
No. 926660
>>926455Last january wacom was sending out their wacom cintiq 16 tablets. Chloe Rose got one, but they skipped Baylee.
Now they're sending out their new tablets again, and this one Baylee got one.
But the thing is regardless what cintiq or how many of them Baylee gets, it won't help with her art… She probably thinks that a new cintiq will be a magic wand to help her art.
No. 926732
>>926660It's why she has so many art supplies, she thinks the more she has, the better she'll magically become.
She has a bunch of soft pastels she hasn't done anything with but showed them off in a few videos. Bought inking pens and a 70 dollar set of ink and used it once. That expensive 3d pen and a assortment of different colours she used only a few times.
I wanna ask if she was always so self indulgent but I remember when she lived in that small one bedroom apartment where she was thinner (still chubby but not the gross blob she is now)seemed tired from work and little stresses, unlike now where she is tired from just doing nothing.
Weird seeing a grown adult partake and spend in childish endeavors because she never got to as a kid. It's always gross seeing adults make up for it, to the point they regress mentally.
No. 926774
>>926755Yeah I remember when Pokemon X came out and she bought it "I bought the new pokemon game, It was my last 50 dollars for food for the next 2 weeks but I really wanted it!1!" yikes
When this does implode, anyone think she'll sell some of her toys? the ones that can be sold or do you think she'll desperately hang out to all of it?
The meltdowns of no longer being able to go to Disney 4 times a year will be great!
No. 926819
>>926774Yes, that's what I thought of but couldn't remember exactly.
Well, I don't wish for anyone to be broke. But when this implodes, all I can do is hope that she sells her Diseny dolls. And I do hope for her that she still have most of the boxes bc without them she will get a lot less money. Can't wait for her to get rid of them (or most of them) bc a tiny room full of dolls is creepy af to me. lol
No. 926881
>>926819I guess I shouldn't say broke but I mostly mean, she doesn't have an abundance of money to spend on crap and she'll be brought back into the real world and be grounded again. She has a very lackadaisical attitude to everything now.
Money just made her able to throw it at any problem. "My art sucks? expensive art supplies should help!"
"Childhood sucked because I didn't get every material item I wanted? I can just buy it all now and regress mentally!"
"$18,000 in back taxes and another year thinking I don't have to pay taxes on my youtube income? tehee I can pay back $18,000 easy, who can't? time to get a 500 dollar Dyson while in serious tax debt!"
They'll always have money thanks to christian working but they will have to downsize, she will have to sell a lot of her shit just to make some cash and a lot of room. I can't see her willingly wanting to give up shit. She could make a video putting on a brave face but when that camera turns off she'll cry into her blubber.
No. 927378
>>926445So why couldn't she have done that toonme thing with her followers without the tablets?
First I thought she might wants to do a giveaway and that's why she wanted to wait, but seems like she's just keeping both.
No. 927544
>>927470That was her old iPad, which she still never used.
These old vlogs are a millions miles better than the shit she churns out now. She's almost like a completely different person
No. 927565
>>927544wow, she has come a long way, and not for the best.
"I'm sick of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." "I only spent 17 dollars at the grocery store so I saved money!" Dang, Baylee being cheap?
then she ruins it by spending money on worthless shit at target and the Disney store. So she has always been a shitty spender when it came to toys and merch.
She was taking public transport and lived in a small apartment. Could she go back to that eventually?
No. 927591
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Gah She’s such a f*cking slob, she grosses me out. Her hair reminds me of Doc on back to the future, it’s just not white. Her hair is hella fried!
Of course she needs a mobile studio pro, not like she has a cintiq or iPad Pro … pfft
No. 927638
>>927544Man she used to be so different.
She had an actual job, she did at least a little bit more cooking, she would go outside (remember that she has a bike that she used to drive to the park with?) and she also seemed much more happy doing art. I mean she not only worked at an animation studio, she'd also do art for her youtube channel afterwards.
Sure her skills were never great but at least there was motivation in what she was doing. She also didn't had all these annoying quirks she has now, she used to be calm and less obnoxious.
No. 927755
>>927754It looked so boring when she went out with her friends.
She seems so awkward with her "friends". She doesn't even seem that close with Jacob anymore.
No. 928206
>>927754Every time she does that cat voice, a cat dies.
So weird to see her do her nails all nice, some makeup on when her hair is brittle and her skin looks paper white and sickly.
She has such a lack of personality she makes weird silly faces to make up for the fact that she isn't saying anything worth actually saying and she is just a husk of being.
She comes across really awkward with her 'friends' like she is in the friend group but she isn't apart of the group chat. On the fringes really.
No. 928433
>>928384Yeah it's kinda obvious that she started imitating Shane when he did that documentary series of youtubers.
Baylee just tries to copy other youtubers and not in a good way. I mean she clearly tries to be edgelord Kasey with a pinch of cuteness katnipp. It's sad because her personality seems fake and obnoxious now, while back in the old days she seemed way more genuine.
>>928302Honestly I feel like she is often only invited because she is Christian's girlfriend and because she has a big house they can use for partying.
If she and Christian would get divorced, I doubt many people from that friendship group would really stay friends with her.
No. 928518
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The lineart from baylees next video
No. 928543
>>928517So…she uses that cintiq as a third monitor so she can watch videos on it.
Instead of using her Ipad for that or her laptop.
No. 928593
>>928571The hips look wrong too. The upper body does not fit the legs.
And could she please stop using that granny frame. (But I like th twist of her beeing in real colour in front of a "monochromatic" background like in
>>926445 and
>>925788 .)
No. 928653
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>>928518there's fingers for the other hand but where's the rest of her arm?
No. 928740
>>928653It’s supposed to be hidden by her body but the shoulder on that side isn’t high enough to indicate that the arm is there, plus it’s too long compared to the shoulder closest to us. The dress/skirt is more terrible, like it also is cutoff weird behind the flowers that it doesn’t indicate a body correctly. I don’t understand why she has to draw into the corner like that and the way she drew the hem shows no understanding of how fabric moves around a 3D body. Plus if it’s so windy her skirt is like that, then why isn’t her hair also being pushed to the right?
I guess references are only necessary if you need to draw a Santa shitting on the floor of a staples
No. 928839
>>928543So far she got:
*HP laptop, touchscreen specifically to replace older MS surface
*ipad pro
*now two cintiques
All specifically to make it easier for her to draw on the go (on the couch).
She should've realised it's not hardware, but her, when she first didn't use HP laptop for what she intended it to.
(She also still has old surface tablet, old ipad, old screen she uses as TV and other shit, but she chose to watch her show on a cintique… oh and samsung galaxy s8 or s9, which frankly have screen better than most cintiques… go baylee?)
No. 928875
>>928871Wacom gave her that small cintiq and a mobile studio for free, yes.
She'll probably do a video on them, she was planning on doing a toonme video but with her followers (just like the one Kasey did). I doubt she will do a giveaway since she seems keen on keeping the cintiq as extra screen and she said in the vlog were she got them that she has been eyeing the mobile studio for a while, so she could work from the couch.
So no, no giveaway but probably a video on them.
I actually just remembered that Winsor and Newton once send her a huge box of their pigment markers, and all she ever did was swatch them on stream and then they were never seen again.
No. 928891
>>928839I think the old surface did never turn on again after she dropped it (multiple times?) and fixing it would have been more expensive than getting a new one. But it's ridiculous how much screens she has just to watch something while doing something else.
The video output would have to be massive to actually justify all those screens ö_ö
>>928518Why don't the legs extend until the border, but fade out just above? Why does her head touch the upper border then?
It also looks like the arm in front is broken under that sleeve/strap-thing.
Aaand I assume the perspective from below is not intentional, as it's neither flattering nor making any sense for that.
The more I look at it the more chills (in a bad way) I get from the broken neck and hips. Why can't she just flip the canvas to check if it looks somehow reasonable? Or just fucking trace some stock image of that pose, if she's not capable or motivated to actually try?
No. 928949
>>928891She only uses references for the hot guys series and even then they are used wrong and she has no knowledge of anatomy.
And she only “used” tutorials when skillshare sponsored a video. So why even use their millions of anatomy for artist classes when they aren’t sponsoring this?
She doesn’t try at all but she knows people will eat this up cuz it’s a cute girl and everyone just jizzes their pants over the same generic cute girl she draws. This drawing highlights a lot of her weaknesses with her strengths as well, the snub nosed face is one she does well and often but she tends to go into unnecessary, over detail like the flowers in her hands and her dress, like there’s not enough variation in the sizes of flowers to not make it read like an actual bouquet, just a cluster of eyeballs. It’s the reason why she makes those “my art sucks” videos cuz she shows she’s slightly cognizant of her weaknesses and yet she doesn’t try at all and keeps pumping out this stuff cuz her audience will eat up anything she (or her Santa) shits out
No. 929446
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i like how she's trying to seem like a expert but lets her cats roam around her house even with packages for customers open and tiny things that could choke them all around the floor
No. 929603
>>929552Yep. A few vlogs ago you can see two of them lying on the kitchen floor. She also let a piece of tinsel lying around for months for the bebes to play with.
Didn't Kiki also fell from the top of her old desk and shattered a big piece of glass, which Baylee didn't clean then for several weeks?
No. 929747
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I’m cracking up!
No. 929770
File: 1581192846861.jpeg (135.91 KB, 725x583, 38EC01A7-4B06-4615-AD5E-4FFF16…)

Samefag but a picture of the final drawing.
No. 929791
>>929770It looks bland, boring and unfinished.
The body just looks terrible. The sunflowers in the bouquet also look tiny for sunflowers.
I don't understand how her fans can praise her so much and say she improved. Her last pieces were awful and this isn't better.
No. 929924
>>929800This is what I've always suspected with Baylee. Her 'fans' are young teens who can't draw for shit themselves or can draw and 'okay' picture. See what Baylee draws, draw it for themselves, it actually turns out somewhat like Baylees and go "Omg so easy! helping me learn to draw and it's aesthetics I like!"
So does anyone think Baylee knows she panders to young kids-preteens because her art is so shitty even they can keep up with it?
No. 929950
>>929770this feels a little nitpicky to say, but it bothers me so much how some of the sunflowers are circles and some are ovals. I think she was trying to make the oval shaped ones look like we're seeing them from an angle but with her lack of perspective, they just look flat and deformed when juxtaposed next to the round flowers.
Also why is the girl's hair just one giant pillow-shaded blob? Why is the face so low making the chin look too small and the head look too big? Why is her hipbone detached from her torso? What kind of delusion goggles does Baylee look through to see this as quality work?
No. 929980
>>929769They're also telling her that her practice is paying off when she's ditched the self-improvement series and is clearly not practicing.
This piece is hideous.
No. 929989
>>929942I know right? She did the same with her fancy light source painting. She does the minimum and still wants praise for that.
The only reason she even does these sketches is to get enough pages for her "monthly" sketchbook tour that she did once and never again so far.
She should consider following some more professional artists instead of that lazy butt Holly Brown. But I guess seeing others that are on a much higher level and that get so much more done is too intimidating.
>>929980There's no improvement with her art. If anything I feel like it's gotten worse in the past months. She did that terrible colored bunbun picture, that she even did twice…, pooping Santa with neon Christmas tree, mud girl swimming in poop, lifeless Mangapeople from that book and now this.
As with everything she does, she never put any thoughts into the improvement series.
No. 930091
>>929996True, not every artist needs to spend hours and hours doing research and practice for a piece. But in general, artists who don’t are more advanced and have already done the practice and have enough material in their mental visual gallery and muscle memory to let them produce quality work without putting in large amounts of time.
My problem with Baylee is she’s a facade of what she thinks being an artist is. She thinks that if she LOOKS and ACTS and sort of just kind of draws something that makes her a great artist and then she pats herself on the back for doing the bare minimum. The thing is, even with the “explorative” work she did, she still failed to understand how to create something of quality. I feel like she only did those preliminary sketches just so she could say, hey guys! I did pre-sketches! Look! I’m a real artist! But she still doesn’t understand what the true purpose of pre-sketching is. She still tried to make them look pretty and neat instead of using them to really explore and push herself.
No. 930358
>>930293>>929996At ANY skill level, it won’t hurt to spend five minutes googling “woman holding flowers” and get an idea of how an actual person holds flowers and what bouquets look like. Going into a full drawing without having the visual library of reference or knowledge is a very beginner and amateur thing to do and overall, it’s weaker because she’s lazy and did the barest amount of work before doing details
>>929989She asked in a vlog if people knew of any other “work from home” type vloggers who didn’t do art cuz she had “enough studio vlogs” to watch so she definitely is intimidated by other artists but they also don’t waste their time by videoing every single moment of their days.
No. 930460
>>930358It's especially frustrating because she made a video about how she hates her art and wants to improve. Well using references would already improve her art.
All she watches is Holly, Joy San and maybe Jazza (though I feel like she only checks out some of his art videos, not his vlogs) and Holly she definitely watches to feel better about herself.
No. 930590
>>930293Yes, that's why I said I wasn't defending her at all. In her case, the work she did was laughable.
But to say that every artist puts more work into it? That's just simple not true.
No. 930617
>>930460Tin hat but she did that mostly for the clicks and to get her followers to give her sympathy pats, she lives in a hug box afterall. She’s unwilling to put the time and the effort into getting better until it costs her a sponsorship or money because why put the time into it when you can spend hours shiny hunting or gaming instead? And why put in effort when her followers are gonna eat it up regardless? It’s just genuinely frustrating that she can make money being mediocre when there’s dozens of good artists who don’t get as much clout or traction as she does even though her engagement is low and she clearly buys subscribers and followers.
I think she watches more YT’s than she says she does or follows them on other platforms, like there’s too many similarities to people like katnipp to think she doesn’t watch her. Mostly because Baylee doesn’t interact with other artists apart from whatever she did with that YT collective, her engagement is extremely low with people outside her sphere and not at like an artist alley, so she didn’t get the ideas of making a pin shop and making washi tape out of thin air
No. 930773
>>930689Baylee desperately needs commitments outside the house to structure her schedule around. Look, working from home isn't for everyone. It's hard to keep yourself on track without a boss breathing down your neck. Even harder for someone with Baylee's non-existent attention span. She keeps thinking if she does less work, puts up less videos, does fewer art streams, commits to fewer conventions… she'll get more done but all she's doing is giving herself longer stretches of time to procrastinate. That's why she was so much more efficient when she was working outside the home and doing YT in the evenings. She only had a couple of hours a day to do art stuff so she fucking did it. Now she does barely two hours of work in a 8 hour work day. If she took herself to art class or volunteered at that animal shelter she fundraised for she'd do more work in shorter bursts.
She should take a skillshare class in time management.
No. 930908
>>930845Me too, as long as I can mute it because that bebe-voice and screeching hurts my ears.
>>930773I wish she'd realize that. She gives herself so much unnecessary stress and can't focus because there is just no structure. She tries to give herself a schedule but she isn't the type of person who can stick to something like this, not to mention that it's often not enough to just have a start and finishing time. She needs more structure during that time too. I agree that some classes or voluntary work could benefit her in that regard.
No. 931411
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>>929770Isn't anyone bothered by how she drew brests and how they relate to the line of the skirt? Like they're either weirdlu asymmetrical or she drew what-tf-ever skirt.
No. 931828
>>931784 Sage for hair sperging but damn her hair is so fried. The ends aren't all the same length because that's what's left over on her scalp after it breaking off once it reaches above her jaw. She has no health left in any follicle. I've actually never seen hair so damaged worn so proudly before. Is she just in straight up denial about how that bubblegum pink isnt a sustainable color?
If shes going for the cutesy alternative look or whatever it's rare to see people actually have that light of a pastel as their real hair color. It's usually wigs or photoshop.
No. 931856
>>931784I love how her whole proper work day has already fallen apart. It lasted like what? A week?
>>931828She is in denial about it. A while ago she was saying how much better her hair had gotten, while in reality…it doesn't look good.
No. 932013
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Found on reddit. Familiar print
No. 932040
>>927754Imagine sitting at a restaurant next to the one you failed to get a reservation at, then getting kicked out of that place you were sitting because someone else reserved it, only to eventually to end up eating at a Denny's..
All of this just to roll some dice to see what 7$ shot you buy from a shitty theme pub.
And why is she sweating in February? lol
>>930689I thought for sure from the sketch and hair texture this figure would have dark hair and skin. It would have made way more sense to contrast with the dress.
No. 933336
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It's that time of the year again
No. 933422
>>933336It'll either never happen to begin with and is just talk about what she could do or it will last for a month and then she's back to the usual.
She couldn't even keep up with her new work schedule or with the improvement series.
No. 933458
>>933336Im thinking of two things that she’ll probably try and it won’t last.
One: Rebrand herself and her channel. Sort of like Katnipp and try to focus more on running a shop. Make videos about that instead of creating art.
Two: Maybe change to animate more. She said she wanted that newer cintiq so she could work on animation away from her desk. Haven’t seen her use that since she got it though.
No. 933474
>>933458I'd find it very strange if she went with option 2. She's thought of the changes now, and she hasn't done any animation in forever.
She'll probably make some kind of big video about it soon.
No. 933548
>>933351Imo I think she should switch more to twitch cuz she spends most of her time there anyway, but she’s said the opposite in a vlog once cuz she believes YT will be a steadier income when she eventually has kids (which is stupid cuz she barely posts more than once every two months on her main channel, like it’s not realistic to think that’s a steady income)
>>933458I’m thinking it’s 2 mostly cuz like she has to do a video for Wacom for giving her those things plus with all the delays from manus in China, she probably won’t open her store until April cuz it takes her so long to prepare for it
No. 933562
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No. 933566
>>933562and I bet this still won't wreck her or hinder her financially.
owe $18,000 in tax debt? no biggie for Baylee!
Watch, this will end up being no problem for her financially and she'll learn nothing.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
No. 933579
>>932102I've never seen that mentioned before but I have been wondering if she does.
I really wish she would just let her natural colour grow out and let it recover.
No. 933580
Mostly what has turned me off from all of her stuff is her attitude towards everything. She just comes off like she cant take any critisism (and Im not talking about people even being mean I talking about people commenting on ways to genuinely improve art). You NEED critique to improve in art, that is the hardest thing about now being out of art school is you lose that input from classmates on what you can fix. Every art "rule" she seems to take offense too and tries to pull the whole "well this is just my STYLE" and thats fine, but the rules are not there to be elitest they are there for genuine reasons and you can break those rules but you should be intentionally breaking them because you want a specific result, not because you dont like listening. She also always seem to view art as a chore, and it is sometimes (i personally just enjoy some part of the process and truly dread other parts), but when you have a schedule that has no deadlines, why are you rushing to get something done in two days. Something she then puts out in the world and usually SELLS. I spend at least 4 days planning out and making my different pieces when I was in school and that was when I also had like 4 other art pieces to do two. I would love to see her switch her format from just trying to throw out some generic girl with the same face and no background, and change it to her showing her process on finding a concept/idea/challege, sketching that out, and really working on it, not just ruhing through it, and then also REWORKING it, she has the ability and time to edit and adjust things but she never does. She is so frustating to watch, becuase even in her voice overs, when she talks about her work she just conveys that she doesnt care and isnt invested, which is fine, then dont do art, go just do twitch and game streams and commit to that, commit to SOMETHING, becuase its certainly not art.
No. 933581
Her hair looks really bad, even when its fresh. I also have thinner hair, but she isnt helping herself at all. She wants that cutesy pastel look and one it doesnt look good with her skin tone, its doing her zero favors, and also it makes her hair look thinner, and it only looks good if you keep really up to date, she needs some dimension or something. She should get a shadow root, makes it look less gross and unkempt when you roots show, and also it good for your hair in general, also makes your hair look less flat. One all over really light color makes your hair look super flat and thin and her hair already is thin so again, not doing any favors
No. 933675
>>933537It’s really interesting seeing the difference between Brooklyn and baylee, like wasn’t baylee’s wedding some big THING like a traditional wedding whereas Brooklyn’s looked super small, like just their families then eating at a buca di beppo? It didn’t even look like they had a photographer either.
Half the video is her trashed and walking on the strip but I’m surprised she didn’t film more of it, like the ghost museum, cuz she films every mundane minute while at home but also all the dumb drunk stuff with friends. It didn’t even look like she was busy with wedding stuff, like Brooklyn didn’t even have bridesmaids or friends present. seriously, if she can extend the same courtesy to not have cameras all the time to her “friends” as she did her family, maybe she’d be less lonely.
No. 933757
>>933581It's all about her do it yourself attitude. She lives walking distance from Disney shop and both in Vancouver area are located in big malls. I bet there are plenty hairdressers around her.
But I bet it boils down to either her depression or shitty approach to criticism- she would have to admit to herself she did something wrong and ask somebody else to fix it. She won't even get a helper for her shop, because she thinks she can manage it all by herself and despite her throwing away money on material shit, she's surprisingly stingy with things like that. She just doesn't want spend money on hiring professionals if she can avoid that. I'm surprised she even got to an accountant after 2 years, she must've realised just how much she's loosing on taxesand it hurt.
No. 933758
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>>933537I've nothing against Brooklyn, but the top of that deess is at least two sizes off of she should have use some pull up pads, or socks or skmething. It really looks off.
No. 933999
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>>933988She mentioned him in the newest vlog and I believe that is him sleeping on the couch next to Christian.
You can see him clearly in this vlog dancing with Christian at 04:38 yeah she never talks about him. All we know about Wendell is that he is the eldest of the three, stayed with their dad during the divorce to finish high school when Baylee and Brooklyn moved away with their mom, he works with medicines, and is married to a woman named Amanda.
No. 934063
>>933336She talked about it on her latest stream. Aside from existing commitments (the remaining subscriber mystery boxes, the diamond painting she has coming on, one more skillshare video she's under contract for) she's quitting doing art videos and switching over to animation exclusively.
She admitted she hated making art videos, she hates sketching, she's unhappy. She wants to keep going with the store which idk how she plans to do because she couldn't come up with any original pin designs and just made her avatar into a pin instead. All her store prints are existing artwork. She'll have no stock for her store if she stops doing art but whatever.
I don't think she'll be successful but good luck to her anyway. I hope she finds something that makes her happy. I think she's outgrown youtube and would be happier working back in an office but she's not ready to accept that yet.
No. 934172
>>934063That sounds like a stupid idea. She has barely done any animation since she left the animation studio.
I also don't see how it would make her happier when she even says she hates sketching and has lost her love for art. It feels to me like she doesn't wants to admit that art isn't a career for her and she doesn't want to give up on youtube either. She knows her channel is way past its peak and this just seems like a last, desperate try to get it going again.
I absolutely wish for her to get better and I'd love for her to find some of that old passion for art that she used to have but I just don't think animation is the answer for her.
She should consider getting a job somewhere and make art and youtube a hobby again.
No. 934205
>>934063At least she finally admitted that she hates doing it. We've all known it for a loooong time, I wonder if she's just been in denial this whole time.
Also, good luck to her on the animation thing but like… animating is also art… and it's also sketching? Like, I don't get how switching to animation is the solution to this problem. But, I'm sure she'll spill everything in a video soon.
No. 934383
>>934339So she got four diamond paintings and said she feels like just getting started right away but that she is worried she'd be done way before march 4th (the launching day for the diamond paintings)…does she know that diamond painting takes quite a while? And that she is really slow?
Or did I just misunderstood her?
No. 934616
>>934406she never has videos in the bank or thinks of making any before she goes on trips at all, she always works on everything last minute and barely does any thought or “work” beforehand (cuz her shitty “thumbnails” are barely anything). I can’t find the tweet but kasey once tweeted about making like six videos in a row before she went to Japan for two weeks and baylee replied “stop making me look bad”
>>934383yeah when she said that I was like, are you for real? cuz it took her like two months on the current painting she has now and she barely did two inches of it. I doubt she’s actually gonna finish one of them by the fourth anyway cuz it has to be the ONLY thing she works on and she can’t do anything that long that isn’t gaming ever
No. 934645
>>934383Yeh I don't understand her logic with that. She doesn't have anything else going on in terms of video's that she is working on.
I went to watch the section in her stream where she talked about the changes she's going to make ( it's in her stream where she works on her avatar pin. She talks about the changes at the 4 hour mark ) because I was curious. She isn't planning on making a video to explain the changes, or at least then she wasn't. She's not working on an art video right now either. She doesn't have her prints to do store launch work… so why not just get started on the diamond painting?
She said she doesn't like editing one art video for an entire day… so like, don't do that then? Stop doing them last minute and spread out the work. It's not that hard.
Really just more proof that she needs to get better at planning stuff. She'd do so much better with everything :/
Someone mentioned that she said she hates sketching, but that's not true. She hates forced sketching ( which I find kinda weird, why would you force yourself to sketch? Of course you're going to hate that ). When I first read the comment I felt like that was her admitting she doesn't like to draw, but yea that's not the case at all. She's just really not liking having to do art for videos and having to film everything etc etc. I can understand that, it's the classic result of turning your hobby into your job.
No. 934655
>>934645>which I find kinda weird, why would you force yourself to sketch? Because sometimes you have shitty day and yet still have to work? Because sketching anatomical references is boring as fuck and still a staple of any artist's work? There are plenty of reasons why you have to force yourself to sketch and if it's boring or not coming along you hate it. But here's the thing- if you're a pro, you do it either way, because it's your job.
>>934616Didn't she try few times to have at least one video in advance and failed miserably? She had one longer good streak when she had her callendar with post it notes with written ideas.
And by longer streak I mean she managed to last at most two months with pre planning her shit.
No. 934675
>>934645It's frustrating because if she'd just planned better and started some good habits, she could avoid so much stress and unhappiness.
Working from home, being your own boss is hard for sure, you need the discipline and the planning.
I don't think she really thought about the changes and what they would mean, for her channel and for her way of working.
>>934655Yeah she tried for a really long time to always have a few backup videos but she just never managed.
No. 934965
>>934685I think she doesn't wants to switch because she is too caught up in the idea of being a youtuber, not a streamer.
She might also doesn't want to not have that income from youtube. Not to mention that without youtube.
Personally I think she'd be better off with a job that is outside her house. This way she could treat art and making videos more as a side thing/hobby.
No. 935903
I feel like if she had made the switch to do animation a while ago it would be fine, but at this point, she missed the boat. She is an ok art Youtuber (in terms of her following), but a lot of that comes from her getting in earlier and establishing a following when competion and overall youtube content was not as competitive. She was also a lot more enjoyable to watch back then compared to now. So I don't think if she just started her channel now it would be successful, not with the kind content she has been putting out for the last two years. Now add her trying to turn her channel into an animation channel, yeah a while back when she originally started her channel might have been fine, but there are so many GOOD animation channels with prominent followings she has to compete with, and I tend to find animation really shows your weaknesses like I don't like her art style, but some of that you can chalk up to style preference, but with animation, if its BAD animation you can tell and its not just your style. So I cant see her being sucessful with animation on youtube (its also been SUCH a long time since she done any animation and that's a skill that you get super rusty on quick). She also barely has drive to pump out a single video a week, a video that maybe she spends 2 days doing the art for, animation takes FOREVER, even some simple stuff, so she is either going to barely put anything out or she is going to put up really quick lazy rushed stuff and its going to show. From my understanding, she also studied (as well as at the studio she worked at) did more 3d/computer animation, and that's definitely not what she plans to do (its more time consuming and also expensive program wise), and the only 2d work we have seen her do is short gifs and puppeting, which are both not just too short or two basic for a good video. I just dont see what she plans to do, streaming would be better but I think 90% of her streaming audience comes from youtube so you cant cut off that without feeling a drop.
No. 935914
She just procrastinates and doesnt enjoy her work. I think she rather be an etsy seller than a youtuber but she isnt really original enough. She spends all her time on her store instead of anything else and i guess that is working for her FOR NOW. But people are not buying from her store becuase they just found her pins and like them etc, all of that is coming from her youtube following, so if she keeps neglecting youtube. Its kind of like, yeah Jake Paul probably sells a lot of merch and makes a lot of money from that, but all of that is not because people just love his merch, they like HIM and his content and so they buy from him, same with Baylee. There are a lot of people who must buy from her shop but all of that does not exist in a bubble, its all being generated from her youtube channel, even her twitch audience is generated from her youtube, so you cant neglect the main thing that drives EVERYTHING else. She doesn't even spend much time making stuff for her store, so its not even like she is spending her time doing the artistic side of all of that, she spends all her time on either constantly rebranding her logo (which doing OCCASIONALLY is fine, but constantly makes it bad for business, you have no brand recognition). And then she spends probably 80% of her time just PACKAGING. Which Im not sure how much she makes from all her products, and it must be enough to pay for the pins/prints and well as packaging supplies (she seems to spend too much on the packaging though). But I wonder if she has calculated how much time she spends on LABOR, like if she had to pay herself an hourly? Like if I spend $20 on supplies to make a painting, and then sell it for $40, that's a SEEMINGLY good exchange, but if that painting required a dedicated 5 hours to make, that's only paying yourself $4 an hour. Which means its not worth your time. I feel like she probably ends up making less from her store, than if she just worked a traditional job. She should just get back into a traditional job and then allow this to be her hobby, I think she would be happier and more motivated, even if just a part-time job, get out of the house do some work that pays you, and then be able to come home and do art for fun and allow the money you make from art to be EXTRA, that way it feels less forced, that is what she complains about, she doesnt enjoy HAVING to do art, and most people do, but to be a working full-time artist you have to be able to get over that and mix it in and find joy in the challenge of the forced part of it, she also doesn't hold herself to any structure which is also probably a contributing factor
No. 935963
I remember when she made the decision to leave work, and back then it made sense and she seemed to have a lot of plans for how she would utilize the time, but it seems like now she let all that slide and she spends too much time doing things that are just chores or more so work that is related to her channel…but not really, like packaging or redesigning business cards etc, and its all just more so procrastinating work. If you are a yotuber/artist, at LEAST 50% of your work time each day should be on that, not on side projects or very minor details. Like if you have not made a art video in over a week, why are you focusing on business cards you don't really need? There is a time and place for all of that but its like if you have a store you spend all your time decorating and never actually take time to create the things you plan to SELL in that store, need to think more big picture. She needs something to give her more sturcture, beause working from home isnt working out for her, her channel is BARELY there most of the time, and when it is you can tell she spent maybe a day doing the actual art (and most of the time she TELLS you too), the point of getting rid of the schedule was supposed to be so things were not rushed, but if you still dont do art until the last minute then you NEED a schedule to keep you at least in practice, at least a bit more accountable for how you spend your time.(tl;dr newfag)
No. 935981
I just don't see her as a successful animation channel. She is late for that train to hop on to and her drawing really isn't that good. She lacks so many basic skills that she'll have a difficult time to stand out as an animator.
What does she even wants to animate?
Her life isn't that excited as that she could do story-time videos and she also does not possess a talent for comedy.
I feel like she just binge watched some animation channels and is now hyped from that, so that she feels like doing it herself.
>>935963What really helped her in the beginning, after she quite her job, is that she had patreon and that she did the animated intro for another youtube channel. It still gave her deadlines to follow and gave her some structure.
But after she finished her book, she never really had set deadlines for long term projects as she never has real projects anymore. She isn't good at prioritizing nor time management and honestly, a good bit of discipline wouldn't hurt her. She goes after what she feels like doing way to much.
No. 936006
Ok nevermind. She just realises she's slow as fuck and plans to finally take advantage of that and focus on streaming that long stuff instead of trying to press it into videos.
She still plans on doing copic and oil paints as well.
Oooor that's me trying to get something good out of her not knowing what she wants.
>>935956I'm totally with you. Some structure would do her good - a little less procrastinating and a little more force for her to actually do something.
No. 936277
>>936004Because $$$ and she’s locked herself into doing that subscriber box thing as long as she has them. Like, one of the things she actively avoids is people criticizing her or disappointing the people that give her the most attention so if she didn’t finish the subscriber box series, she’d still have the guilt of that hanging around. But she rushes them like she does everything else. And she probably has a contract with the diamond painting people to at least do one full video of them to get people to actually BUY the paintings.
This is why I think she’s not going to do well if she actually does switch to animation without like, having them up on her art channel like the videos she does now, because she doesn’t have any safety nets other than streaming should she lose income on her YT channel
No. 936821
>>936806Would that really be a smart choice?
She barely gets one video a week done and she doesn't do art for anything else than a video either.
Oil paintings and animation take a long time and she'd kinda need to have several things going at once.
Baylee isn't really known to be efficient or to manage her time well. I don't think it would last for long until she gives up on that plan.
No. 936902
>>936806I don't think she will be making money with that.
It would be better for her to change the way she edits and narrates her art videos.
No. 937057
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>>936974The diamond painting just further shows how wonky her drawing is, I can’t get over what this face looks like
No. 937061
>>936902if she gets a big enough following on insta with oil paintings and what not then she could make money with sponsored posts
>>937057diamond paintings are pixelated they all look wonky
No. 937063
>>936974seriously, what is the point of diamond paintings? gluing shitty plastic beads to make up a shitty pixelated picture. makes "adult colouring books" seem like the height of creativity.
BJ we are on to you. this is just a massive timesuck so you can fill 100 twitch hours with not doing anything creative
No. 937194
It seems that she isnt planning to be a full animation channel, like some people assumed based on her stream. She just plans on taking more time and doing longer terms stuff and not having a planned date/schedule….which would be fine, if she wasnt HER. Having a loose schedule really works for some people, but it hasn't proven to work for her. She seemed to be doing better when she was doing weekly videos, working at that studio, and also doing Patreon. She probably has better art now compared to then (maybe), but she actually was doing ok and that seemed to work well. She keeps getting more and more lax with her schedule and structure and she its not like she is putting out better content. She puts out the same quality level (if not less sometimes), than when she was putting out 1-2 videos a week. She doesn't use her time to work on stuff, she uses her time to sidetrack and have an excuse to put it off forever until she feels like she needs to put something out, and then she rushes it. If you only want to work from home from 9-5 you cant spend half of that doing chores and shopping. Otherwise, you need to adjust and work other hours. I get she changed her schedule becuase doing 1-2 videos felt like a lot of work and she wasnt enjoying, but at least was getting the hours in to improve, she doesn't sketch for fun really or do any outside art, so everything you see her do for her one vieo every 2 weeks or so, is ALL she has done. If you don't post regularly or at least come out with a great video after a longer break, you are just tanking your channel. She can give her self a month to put out some art and it is almost always the same kind of art she could have put out in a week (aka 2 days of making it max)
No. 937239
>>937194That's just it.
The whole reason she stopped having a set upload time was so she could focus on art and putting out things she likes. If she really wanted to, she could have easily worked on an animation project. She has mentioned for a long time that she wants to. She just doesn't know how to use her time efficiently.
Baylee needs to realize that she has to work on herself, or her career and (mental) health will just further go down the drain.
No. 937253
>>937239She says in the vlog she should “stop uploading videos just because [she] has the content” meaning like, she wants to do longer projects and not just upload cuz she has to. But that’s weirdly like, even LESS productive than her rushing the art videos now cuz she barely publishes content that ISNT her vlogs or streams as it is?
She’s really too thick to understand that like, she doesnt need to be on camera all the time cuz like all the time she spends vlogging her day doing essentially nothing and the time editing, plus streaming, like of course she doesn’t have time to do anything else cuz she doesn’t count talking to her camera as time. Her time management is the worst
No. 938296
>>938177She isn't dedicated enough for art, she lost a lot of her motivation for it over the years. She just wants to get art done for a video.
What bothers me about the diamond painting is that she doesn't has any interest in it. She does it because she has to since the company is collaborating with her. She'll never do one again after this. At the very least she could have done some new art for them.
No. 938299
>>938188Honestly if I wouldn't know better I'd never guess that she's been vloging and doing art videos for years now.
She seems so amateurish, not knowing what to film, what to share, how to make interesting edits or time lapses, etc.
Doesn't help that all she does is just sit at home. Back in the days she'd at least go to work or she took her bike to the park.
No. 938624
>>938246She was on keto I think the end of 2018 but she only did it so she could gorge on food on a Disney trip. And she did loose a lot of weight, she’s a short person so losing any amount of weight would make a difference, but she immediately went back to poor eating after she came back so she probably gained the weight back and then some since going back to carbs but still eating a high fat diet doesn’t do anyone any wonders. While the cardio might help a bit, she was doing more pokego and walking back then too and now she barely even leaves the house and usually it’s to go drink.
>>938299Yeah she films everything but everything is nothing really? Like it just seems she does it cuz she’s lonely and always needs the constant validation of others in some ways or just always needs an audience. She’s not invested into making good content for the vlogs at all but she does so much of it, like she doesn’t realize as well that if she applies the same frequency as she makes posting boring vlogs about nothing, her art channel would be healthy
No. 938879
>>938624Yes, she did keto before her wedding as well. That's when she lost a lot of weight since she wanted to fit in her wedding dress. She looked really good during that time, much happier and healthier.
After her wedding it just slowly spiraled down. Before it she'd actually hang out with people without having to drink, she'd visit her family more often, go out do stuff other than shopping… No wonder her vlogs seemed generally more interesting then compared to now.
Now she just rambles to the camera while sitting in her art room. Doesn't help that her personality now just consist off forced quirks and annoying laugh.