File: 1453907984859.png (758.5 KB, 586x515, ahripoop.png)

No. 86210
old one
>>67670 maxed out. a bland white girl who photoshops herself asian and lies, scams and cries wolf.
No. 86214
File: 1453908164976.png (649.28 KB, 465x587, grgwg.png)

still pissed off that she tries to claim to be ahri. she looks nothing like her, sounds nothing like her, she can't even play her in the game well at all. she should have called herself mayopop
No. 86340
File: 1453940024327.jpg (514.81 KB, 937x602, Untitled-2.jpg)

No. 86557
File: 1453961735228.png (233.55 KB, 491x637, 1429079261955.png)

I know it's been posted before I just want to keep it here
No. 86715
File: 1453981795928.jpeg (35.62 KB, 400x400, 5BsTGZrH.thumb.jpeg.393f6c1100…)

i found this twitter when i browsed ahripop, surprisingly there was a lot of tweet discussing the callout acc. anyway, is this acc hers? that profile picture though, so k-pop…much asian… No. 86727
File: 1453989981060.png (853.15 KB, 553x840, 35e88fee0b1fa3443894f3373b337c…)

>>86715Decided to look up her tag, found this under loligaurdian's twitter.
It's quite depressing looking at his tweets saying "I love my girlfriend" honestly.>>86715
No. 86792
File: 1454003158433.png (356.06 KB, 600x370, CZyfpSJUsAAEmql.png)

Lol, found this while looking on twitter like the anon above did.
I've never seen this pic of her, how cringy..comparing herself to an actual korean girl.
No. 87169
File: 1454071489089.png (545.75 KB, 815x523, jdfjbdnfbjkfn.png)

No. 87186
>>87169Wow, I didn't know that it would hurt so much to not be asian… She must be in some serious hurt right now.
On another note, Shinoro ?? Another asian wannabe ? Are all asian wannabes friends ?
No. 87206
>>87169Please repost and tag this to @/ahripop, pleaaaase! we need her to come back soon so we can see more of our kemonomimi haafu japanese with korean name kitty waifu and her glorious shoops!
/sarcasm, in case someone doesn't get it
A lot of pain, suuuure, skyleigh, suuuure…throw in some bipolar disorder while you're at it, it would definitely make your story more convincing.
No. 87458
File: 1454133780142.jpg (166.33 KB, 373x466, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>87169everyone should post pics
of her real face with the tags.
or is that too cruel?
Why does there have to be a begging campaign? Also why does the get well soon pic have to be a tittypic?
No. 87490
File: 1454149926222.jpg (25.1 KB, 320x320, 1453722351395.jpg)

No. 87493
File: 1454150145723.jpg (35.14 KB, 263x500, IMG_20151210_204741_thumb_jpg_…)

No. 87546
>>87469are you the same faggot that kept spamming "lol omg so savage" at everything in the last thread because pls stop. saying Savage all the time doesn't make you cool it makes you look like a retard
ok thanks bye
No. 87623
File: 1454191165198.jpg (96.89 KB, 558x640, image.jpg)

Nyas or Nyoo ?
No. 87659
>>87546Probably one of those PULLtards that think calling Skyleigh a slutty weeb is "OMG SO SAVAGE XD"
>>87625Ok we get that you think she looks like Anne. You say this in every thread. Anne is uglier and looks like she shit herself in 99% of her photos.
No. 87717
>>87623Does tiddies look saggy …
Though if she keeps trying to stretch her tiddies to the moon and back they will end up as little'ol saggy tiddies.
No. 87795
>>87783please do
but i doubt she's ever gonna come back if a pic like that starts circulating
No. 87804
>>87169I'm laughing so hard at the fucking tags
>#helpme #please #worried #suffer #health #recovery #animefuck off skyleigh you're fine, you're just buttmad that you got called out for your shitty meitu abuse and average white girl face
consider feeling bad for actually shitty things you've done, like scamming people, lying about your heritage several times, photoshopping yourself into another race, ect…
No. 87816
>>87744Nope all white besides a middle eastern guy. She legit feeds off attention. She probably never go away (social media wise)
which will be a good or bad thing for you all. She was gone for you all but she never really left for us, just pity parties and all.
No. 87824
File: 1454243073396.png (666.42 KB, 923x596, Screen Shot 2016-01-31 at 7.23…)

its called sarcasm
No. 87830
File: 1454252486149.png (286.56 KB, 512x513, 6e9f88391504e518362377ffd905da…)

I never realized she edits her nose so much until I watched this video on her Meipai.
No. 87847
File: 1454256963554.jpg (287.47 KB, 591x887, ahripopdesugetwellsoonahri.jpg)

gotta love ahripopdesu, hahahaah
>>87824by the way that shinoro guy is really defending her, huh? good thing he can't detect sarcasm like most of her followers, lol. by the way, did anyone see that @/oshiridewatashiofakku 's comment before he deleted it? I missed it :(
>>87816honestly, i hope she doesn't come back and fix her attitude and mistakes etc., etc., but who am i kidding, i secretly wanted her to come back so i can lol at her shits, hahhah…yeah, i know i'm a big hypocrite
No. 87873
File: 1454259554884.gif (5.83 MB, 506x494, 1f3c457843f8eb834edd39c4cbc0a2…)

>>87831Made another gif of the meipai of the time she met Oppa Nya~ QuQ
No. 87886
>>87873not the same anon as
>>87848 , but this is really cringe…she desperately wants her life to be like k-drama when she dates this justin guy
No. 87901
File: 1454263027530.png (106.1 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

found this in the Instagram of the guy kissing her ass
No. 87934
File: 1454270635963.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.25 KB, 357x556, 66.jpg)

>>87783not that anon and I know this pretty rude. I felt really bad but I just wanted to try it . I'll probably delete this later. it's not even a good shoop
No. 88002
>>87934What the fuck
What made you decide that faking her is a good idea? This is some dumb shit.
No. 88069
taken from pull since i'm too lazy to cap myself.
i think this one @/shinxrx himself. i kinda remember ahripopdesu is sort of challenging him to post the support post on his personal acc. that comment is on
>>87847 post, it has more replies now.
No. 88070
File: 1454299970439.jpeg (255.05 KB, 687x1222, image.jpeg.d4ead18e20e78f98160…)

No. 88306
File: 1454349788504.png (299.16 KB, 927x595, 56af7ea0a26f9_2016-02-02_02_14…)

that shinoro guy is not very bright, hahahaaaaah
No. 88312
>>87824#asian #japan
What the fuck even?
No. 88426
File: 1454366737247.png (129.2 KB, 281x500, nbnbnmb.png)

apparently shes lying about being in the hospital
No. 88498
File: 1454376377305.png (626.93 KB, 1229x690, ahri.png)

>>88426Hospital? Sure…. So much emergencies… and yet have so much time to be on league. (EVEN RIGHT NOW)
No. 88503
File: 1454376476124.png (547.92 KB, 1185x708, ahri2.png)

>>88426In fact, she has been consistently on league and playing. No. 88520
>>88429 You tell me, you're the one who posted this cancerous post
>>87934. Keep your retardation to yourself.
No. 88533
File: 1454383364035.png (28.07 KB, 674x432, facepalm.png)

> Ignite on Vayne> Not building CDR on Karma> Almost 40min games with no mag pen or armor pen as carry roles> Not going OP Healraka (Warmogs/Rod of Ages/Spirit Visage) on ARAM for fuck's sake> Losing an ARAM match as SorakaHow can someone be so fucking bad at this game
No. 88602
File: 1454397156886.png (324.78 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-02-01-21-11-06…)

more of that shinoro white knight loool, the way he typed all of that is just cringe inducing, just like sky herself
No. 89043
File: 1454508155582.png (792.17 KB, 936x599, SO SICK.PNG)

a very hospital looking bathroom.
No. 89053
File: 1454511103908.png (766.58 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>89043This racist white bitch is such an ugly hambeast oh lord I feel so good about myself right now
No. 89061
>>89043I'm honestly surprised that she still have friends, after all she did. Oh, maybe that friend is also as horrible as her, birds of a flock often stick together.
>>89053I'd sound really ignorant, but…despite of the in-yo-face boobs, bunnytrooper doesn't look like a female at all…maybe it's because of her face…
No. 89071
>>89054Based on bunnytrooper's recent insta update, it seems that Skyleigh just keeps on lying about her race.
She'd get a little less hate if she stopped saying she was 1/64 Asian. Skyleigh just doesn't learn.
No. 89169
>>89043>>89131Skyleigh isn't a supermodel but she sure looks like one next to bunnytrooper. Posing next to Skyleigh really accentuates how fat and potatoy she is.
>>89134Is she dumb? She thinks not looking Hispanic is the same thing as pretending to be Asian when you're 100% white? L O L get a grip.
No. 89183
>>89169Who she kidding? She looks Hispanic. Anybody who just thinks Hispanic people have to be tan is an idiot, being pale doesn't mean you look white.
>curvyToppest Kek.
No. 89192
>>89131>>89133>>89134Everytime one of Skyleigh's "Friends" tries to defend her, they start talking about their own problems. Couldn't even make it halfway because of "I barely have time to make my own cosplays now!!". She's just trying to get herself into this mess.
Also, she looks hispanic. Maybe she looks white to a non-Floridian but to me, she looks hispanic.
>>89190She probably expects to never work, and have her neckbeard fans/sugardaddies pay for everything.
No. 89305
File: 1454549012702.png (161.89 KB, 603x759, snicker.png)

>>89304she can try putting that down :^)
No. 89345
>>87921Looks like greasy bacon beside a rump roast. Jesus, Skyleigh has no curves … no tiddies nor booty.
Lol, rump roast already removed all her post about Skyleigh.
Couldn't take the heat rump roast ? Your suppose to be able to take 250-275 ~
No. 89372
File: 1454560376581.png (10.55 KB, 504x124, 931de83ec2df44284ee6c6928804e8…)

>>89358>>89360Nope. Didn't last at all.
No. 89417
File: 1454569867776.jpeg (266.78 KB, 750x1270, image.jpeg.5b22164a00a10a8bf6e…)

lcpp left some comments on @/ahripop.101 acc. skyleigh seems far worse than she presented herself to be, in real life.
image taken from pull
No. 89442
File: 1454579502346.jpeg (137.83 KB, 750x982, image.jpeg)

>>89439She looks even worse unshooped.
>dat Ahripop eyeliner No. 89465
>>89459Believe it or not, but some ppl are actually
No. 89469
>>89459>>89462Chill, faggots. That anon only express some sympathy for her loss, it's not like she/he made a whole fucking novel about it.
Anyway back to sky, I notice in
>>89043 she used that tacky phone case she ordered from the last page. I guess she intended to keep that koreaboo name forever, looool
No. 89486
>>89469Oh shit you're right!! I completely forgot about the shitty phone case.
She should of spent the money to buy more clothes, because every time she's wear that same high waisted skirt and stripped shirt. Or am I the only one who picked up on that?
No. 89497
>>89462PULL users be like "wow Skyleigh is such a bitch and a whore. cheating on her boyfriend??? she's the dirtiest, sluttiest scum there is!"
2 posts later:
"omg she'd be such a nice girl if she stopped shooping. she's actually really cute and I'd be her friend if she stopped lying about her race. UwU"
No. 89519
>>89497stop derailing the thread with pull, if you want to bitch about them, go to their thread in /pt
>>89486she better spent the money to some therapy session or something, since she claimed she's ssoooo siiiiick and depressed uwu nyaaa~
No. 89582
>>89580>PULL is too considerateHAHAHA are you retarded?
We're not even saying PULL is "too considerate"; we're saying that Ahri's PULL thread is filled with immature hypocrites who talk shit about her and call her names, but then turn around and say that "oh she's not that bad uwu".
If you're asshurt because we're talking shit about PULL, then you need to leave because you're not mature enough to be here in the first place.
No. 89593
>>89582The people who say contradictory things aren't even always the same, holy shit.
Good job guys. This is surely helping to milk Skyleigh. Your obsession with being a better, more honest human by being on lolcow is adding to the true cause.
No. 89648
>>89593Your response is exactly why Pull members are hated. Just stfu.
>>89630Who cares what new whiny chick turns up to know Skyleigh?
ooohh ahhhhh she changed personalities as she got older.
We already knew that.
Really wish the Pulltards would just stop now.
You try to turn water into milk and it's annoying.
No. 89662
File: 1454635515547.jpg (32.75 KB, 640x640, 12545404_1046242022106591_7372…)

taken from ahripop.101. i've never seen this one before, when did she post it? That droopy eyes and eyeliner though, looks horrible
No. 89667
>>89648You need to re-evaluate what you want in your life here on lolcow. You aren't being "mature" or edgy-we-are-all-evil-and-honest-here by jumping down throats of people who very well are not PULL-goers whenever you think people are being weak by being "kind." Get over yourself.
>>89662She looks so white…. and some times her photos look similar to Cecelia.
No. 89691
>>89688 said, chill the fuck out. No one wrote a fucking novel. A lolcow user who is on a "kinder" portion of our spectrum just said some short comments. Stop getting fucking
triggered whenever someone says something not 100% cruel and shitty.
Every time you fuckers mention how PULL members or whatever are here, Skyleigh laughs and gloats at how we aren't exposing her and instead fighting with her other enemies.
No. 89697
File: 1454648150551.png (474.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-02-04-23-54-19…)

This rando-ass cosplayer is hitting up all of the expose instagrams and commenting dumb shit.
No. 89698
File: 1454648266071.png (446.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-02-04-23-54-27…)

Why is this bullshitter who is not even a fan of Skyleigh whiteknighting? Does she think she can be Skyleigh's bff and gain fame? And people aren't mad that Skyleigh is being a cat???? People are mad about her scamming, abusive, Asian-insisting ways?
No. 89705
>>89575well you're clearly from pull…
>>89697he's probably hoping that she'll suck his dick because he defended her.
No. 89735
File: 1454666557722.jpg (336.86 KB, 960x543, whiteknightfail copy.jpg)

Another postless acc white knight that supports her desire to be Asian on the exposing acc. Why do they keep poping out, one shitstorm after another?? It's like they calculate this to keep her relevant.
No. 89739
File: 1454670115631.gif (175.31 KB, 500x278, laugh.gif)

>>89735Dumbest white knight I've seen yet.
No. 89742
File: 1454671525001.jpg (138.59 KB, 335x1602, wkfail.JPG)

>>89735yeah i got too much time on my hand right now and that whiteknight wrote a fucking novel to reply the last user, yeezus…i don't bother reading them all, but if anyone wanna read them, i compile this
No. 89792
>>89698I'm not mad at LCPP exposing Skyleigh, but why is she the only one doing it? What about Ellis? I mean, Ellis is the one involved in all of it and not LCPP.
>>89696Wow, I wonder how Bunnytrooper felt when Skyleigh asked to photoshop/meitu herself first before the friend could post it.
No. 89796
>>89792maybe the reality is that Ellis just doesn't want to get involved because he has some skeletons in his closet too that his girlfriend LCPP just doesn't know of, and Ellis just isn't a good lair, or he wants to avoid getting exposed himself.
Im just playing devils advocate since everyone always acts as if Ellis is some saint. Or maybe he is and LCPP is a power hungry gf wanting to look tough parading her saint boyfriend around to make Sky look bad, now that finally feels she has power over Sky now that all this shit is happening. She never did said much about this until now.
That is just a big theory though maybe his or LCPP's lurking will get him to say something.
No. 89803
>>89792Bunny probably believes Sky's "omg I shoop because I'm not confident!!! QmQ" shit so she was like "ok if it makes you more confident, Skyleigh"
>>89798>>89796Seriously, this. LCPP tries to seem more mature than Skyleigh but she's continuing to stir the pot and dredge up shit about Skyleigh at the same time.
If Chelsea was actually mature, she would just ignore all this shit that's going down and just keep her mouth shut.
No. 89829
>>89827Has LCPP stated not wanting to be involved ? Or being the better person ? I've only seen her throw mild to salty shade and say shes willing to answer peoples questions about Sky.
Ahripop101 posted screen caps of a convo with LCPP but i'm not bothered to post it as its stupid and doesn't give any lols. Though the comment about Fuzzy's head up Skys ass was ight.
No. 89861
>>89827Exactly. At this point she just looks catty and annoying about it. Even though making fun of Skyleigh is easy, I would never focus so much on my lovers ex. That would make me feel pathetic as fuck. And welcoming people to ask her questions about Skyleigh seems disrespectful to her relationship.
Sorry just can't jump on the lap of anyone who decides to hate on Skyleigh. Half of her haters are dumb too. Have we forgotten Ann?
I think Skyleigh's friends give us more information and shit to laugh at than any of her haters anyways.
No. 89926
>>89909You would think having the opportunity to type shit out would help you filter your autism, but no.
>>89883Who bitched? Because every farmer has the same opinion on what someone should do. One does not speak for all.
No. 89941
>>89939>in generalBecause everyone subscribes to your interpretation of things.
You're derailing the thread with your autism and thinking its "XD"……
No. 89944
>>89935yeah, i also think she's not salty at all. she knows sky in real life better than us anyway and she stated a couple of times that she hates her for more reasons than what sky has done to ellis. i think they were '
triggered' (not sure if it's the right word) by the naruto jacket post, because it's actually ellis's. sky tried to sell them for a higher price than it should too, if i'm not mistaken? she's down on airing her dirty air ever since.
No. 89965
>>89961I don't know what anon said it but yeah… She needs new clothing. It almost looks like she
re-wears them 5-7 times before washing them to repeat the dirty cycle of wearing it again.
Fucking dirty squirrel, I hope she at least changes her underwear.
No. 89981
>>89979They were each other's "waifus" and they left asskissy comments on each other's photos and Skyleigh drew an animu picture of them together.
Sumomo doesn't lie when questioned about her race but she isn't 100% honest about it either. She untags herself in IG photos that aren't shooped and tags herself in her own photos to bury the unshooped ones that she didn't untag.
No. 89987
>>89981aaah yes, now i remember the animu post, thank you anon! i don't remember the caption and comments though, but oh well…bottom line, i guess they aren't friends anymore since sky is inactive and sky's followers are decreasing so sky has no 'use' for sumomo.
I know sumomo photoshops too, it's apparent in some of her photos, but haven't heard any denial of it tbh. Gonna search if she has her thread here, maybe she has some milk too, hahhah
No. 90069
>>89798Yes, but those are really the only things he has done for this "fight". The jacket incident, occasional insults, and the DMs. LCPP just seems catty at this point, not even skyleigh is dealing with her. At this point, LCPP is really just beating a dead horse.
>>89961Yeah, the loliguardian guy posted these on his account back when they started dating I think. I remember seeing them before.
No. 90227
File: 1454816434281.jpg (68.69 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg.5eeb2172a11674d51f70…)

taken from pull. she changed the private acc's profile picture with her horribly photoshopped face, seems like she's preparing to come back. does anyone follow this acc? i wonder what she posts there…
No. 90231
File: 1454818203028.jpeg (24.29 KB, 400x400, MkBzZpTM.jpeg)

I think this twitter acc is hers too, the profile pic is her bunny lingerie cosplay : i don't get why she made two postless acc without many followers
No. 90523
File: 1454903982018.jpg (195.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-02-08-01-50-42…)

Yeah, Skyleigh didn't gave up on her dream of becoming korean.
She might come back soon, with a giant text saying she was depressed because of bullying, and how tough was to be hospitalized (still playing league everyday and wearing her gross ears out there).
No. 90526
File: 1454904781463.jpeg (23.84 KB, 483x187, image.jpeg)

>>90523She's still active on her Ahripop account.
No. 90528
File: 1454905425021.png (654.16 KB, 1159x670, ahri3.png)

Pretty sure…. she is having someone else boost her account. She has never had such a kda (kill death assist)….
No. 90601
>>90528one of the first streams i watched was her playing katarina on aram (fucking free kill fest for kat on that game mode holy shit) and she was doing so bad. she didn't even have auto cast on. (which for kat is pretty important if you want to be quick, which you need to. you need to be super fast and strike and do damage before anyone reacts of they just cc you). i personally don't believe skyleigh has the mechanics and thinks of roaming under 20 minutrs to get 10 kills so quickly, especially since kat has a pretty shit early lane phase in this patch. i guess she's doing like nigri and having someone play on her account for her.
she'd most likely get placed in bronze if skyleigh tried to do her provisionals by herself
No. 90647
>>90640Agree. Nigri was good at keeping relationship with important person in the scenes too, afaik. Sky's definitely terrible at engaging with her viewers. Although I can never finished any of her streams, the last two streams were a step up though in terms of interacting with the viewers, but she only did that because Justin was in the viewer's crowd, and she stops playing the game when she interacted.
Moreover, her voice though, uuugh…so fake! Like that other girl who talked shit about her in pull 1.0 then kiss her ass (i forgot her name, sorry), they are just as annoying.
No. 90836
File: 1454994585999.jpg (120.86 KB, 1085x712, whythefuckyoulying.JPG)

from PULL.
pathetic girl, i knew there's something fishy about her sexuality when she wrote pansexual on her ig description one time. but this got me curious, is it possible to have sexuality change? Like, you're sure you're gay/lesbian at first, but then after some time, you realize that you're bi and some other time you realize that you're pansexual/demisexual all along?
No. 90851
>>90836Basically what
>>90837 said but she put that she was pan around the time it was hip to be pan/demi/ace on Tumblr.
No. 90885
>>90876she's still posting though, but only on here
>>90523 . and that insta is private.
No. 90955
File: 1455042084872.jpeg (101.07 KB, 750x519, image.jpeg)

Who's gonna tell this kid about the real Skyleigh?
No. 91002
>>90997But the post is about Skyleigh… hence the @ahripop and the " my favourite cosplayer" …
Though her cosplay is only her wearing a wig claiming its a complete cosplay.
No. 91017
>>91002I meant that she probably tagged "koreangirl" in reference to the champion Ahri, not Skyleigh who is obviously not Korean.
She used to have full costumes but has since given up since she figures she can get away with just a wig and shoop.
>>91007GNSS is run by this thirstyass dude who started the brand specifically to lure in girls like Skyleigh and Sumomo.
No. 91145
>>91017Eww, I was thinking it was run by some over weight chick trying to be Kawaii and make believe that popular girls are their friend(s).
Its made by a neck beard ???
No. 91162
File: 1455119784110.jpeg (52.3 KB, 360x480, image.jpeg)

>>91145He's not a neckbeard, just a League playing /fit/izen wannabe.
No. 91198
>>91190Its the legs isn't it.
No. 91596
>>91593If you have in iPhone you might be talking about the app "Deco Album" there's others
Prico. You just gotta search buzzwords like kawaii to be honest to find them, or go to the Japanese iTunes Store.
No. 91616
>>91593I like Instasize just because it centers your image for you too and it has other borders for you to choose from. I think Skyleigh said she uses an app called PicLab or something like that.
Speaking of phones, I'm surprised Skyleigh has an iPhone instead of a Galaxy. I had a super koreaboo friend switch over to a Galaxy because Galaxys are apparently more popular in Korea.
Sage for OT
No. 91862
File: 1455280138443.jpg (153.05 KB, 490x735, 0a8c1e_04b0d0cf839c48c5b0e7b10…)

Has anyone posted this before?
It seems to be Skyleigh's old website. Has some old photos of her, prints for sale, a bio… No. 91864
>>91593i thought sky use meitu? that's why she has that meipai videos, i assume meipai is some kind of a plugin in meitu.
>>91862I think someone did post it on the older thread. I remember reading the "I am boob and love parkour uwu nyaaaa~" somewhere.
No. 91866
File: 1455282218507.png (876.08 KB, 602x600, 3f6755fc0cf2008e3b2ee878c6bac2…)

I miss Kitty Waifu QuQ nya
No. 91869
>>91596>>91616Thanks anons! I'll look into it.
Is funny that her photo quality is so poor if she has a freaking iPhone, man.
No. 91870
>>91869She makes them grainy so you can't spot the editing mistakes of hers..Though, you still can see them cause there that obvious.
I like Meitu and Line camera for editing pictures and neither of them purposely fuck up the picture.
No. 92035
>>92019Wait .. I thought pull went quiet? Her threads active again … ?
What shit are they making up about her since I don't really care to visit it ?
No. 92041
>>92035it hasn't been updated from what i've seen, just typical pull bitching again.
sage for OT.
No. 92874
File: 1455460715138.png (100.98 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Oh skyleigh…
No. 92966
I think "old yeller" would be more suiting for her. She needs to be put out of her misery ( knocked off the net).
Also why does she look so old for a 18 year old ? if that green haired picture is accurate
>>87490 No. 92989
>>92966That green haired pic is from her Vocaloid phase when she was about 16.
Sage for no milk
No. 93321
File: 1455564590532.jpeg (89.14 KB, 750x347, image.jpeg)

I hope she shoots Ahripop
No. 98120
File: 1456419314987.jpg (65.25 KB, 364x500, image.thumb.jpg.e7ce9e32f1e982…)

No. 98218
>>98120>career in artSo speshul and artistic u guise
Paying off my debts working in McDonalds
No. 98229
>>98120The cosplay community has gone to shit… but it's because of people like her who do it to try to be famous and "make a career in cosplay". If it has just been about fun and friends, we wouldn't know who she was.
My guess is she'll go in some other direction trying to get attention, but I don't think she'll actually disappear. People like this need validation.
No. 98241
for sorry, english isn't my first language
No. 98254
>>98211>>98218>>98227>career in artI mean, an art career is possible but I'm assuming she means "art career" as in drawing her animu kitty waifus with tits bigger than their heads.
>>98246kek she was discriminated against for being Ahrikin and she had to deal with the bulliez!!11one!1 on the internet who made fun of her for being irl Ahri! QoQ ;______;
No. 98634
File: 1456588541065.gif (342.62 KB, 320x234, amused.gif)

>>93321lol what if she really does shoot her
No. 98727
>>98312cosplay has always been terrible, no matter how or who does it.
it's a sin
No. 98829
>>93321>>98634She's not gonna shoot Ahri. She's saying that to "threaten" her "haterz :)))".
>>98725Won't be missed by anyone except for the pull kids who still bump her thread daily and those gross old men who wank off to her plastic shooped pictuures.
No. 99589
>>99581well what race is really
not gook, not cracker, not black, not middle eastern, and not latino???
is, anon??
No. 99790
File: 1456907197655.jpeg (223.12 KB, 750x1109, image.jpeg)

Does she ever shut up about Skyleigh? Every single one of her "discussion"/"rant" posts always mentions Skyleigh somewhere. Her holier than thou attitude is unbearable too.
No. 101072
>>101060Same anon:
She is wearing some red velvet dress with the ears. She knows my face,but will try for ninja picture.
No. 101279
>>101274because she's irl ahri
also learn to sage your OT posts
No. 101306
>>101252Same anon:
didn't get a chance to get her picture,didn't feel like going through her "protector"
No. 101617
>>101527Well since nobody else took pictures of her, and she didn't pose in the photobooth as of yet she's clearly not cosplaying for fame.
I mean you can casually cosplay and walk around a convention? Especially if she was dressed like anon said nobody is gonna take her picture…everyone there has some nice costumes from what I'm looking at
No. 101622
>>101524Yeah I can read but what's the point of making completely useless comments? If you just want to say pointless shit, then post it on PULL.
>>101617Pretty sure she just goes to cons to hang out with friends and have fun just like, you know, pretty much everyone who goes to cons.
No. 106981
>>106971She's not wearing 2-3 bras and socks for stuffing. no animu oppais to see here :(
Sage for OT.
No. 107332
>>98120>I wanted a career in cosplay.What? What are people like her ever talking about? There IS no career in cosplay. You can maybe do commissions for people and struggle by as a starving artist. If you get big like JNig, it's really just a fluke. There's no real future there outside of being a glorified booth babe at best. When you get too old, you have to start breaching into other things, like with Yaya and her fabrics.
This is why I think so many cosplayers are stupid, particularly the cosplay whore variety. It's a hobby. You're not really meant to get super far in something that's just about enjoying fandoms and seeing friends. I'm glad the so-called "toxic" community broke her.
Also, typically people who throw around the word toxic are toxic themselves. No surprise with her.
No. 107598
>>107279How do y'all find these accounts so fast? (Unless you were the one who made the account)
If I had stalkers that could find my new account so quickly, I'd be too scared to have a public account again too.
No. 187140
File: 1477251786454.png (132.24 KB, 751x882, 1.png)

Ran into this from my feed and thought the best course of action was to revive an old thread with some relation to Ahripop. Note: OP is bunnytropper.
No. 187141
File: 1477251821512.png (146.58 KB, 729x942, 2.png)

No. 187143
File: 1477252384924.jpeg (83.85 KB, 742x941, received_10205317192688074.jpe…)

Forgot about the spam portion to this site, I am just going to make it to four parts instead of five.
No. 187144
File: 1477252439648.jpeg (101.23 KB, 756x946, received_10205317192728075.jpe…)

No. 187158
File: 1477254771435.png (287.7 KB, 953x491, ahrpop.png)

>>187144lmfao this is her bf
No. 187219
File: 1477265225694.png (128.75 KB, 742x859, 7.png)

Bonus screenshot before the whole post was deleted:
No. 187288
>>187158WOW…he is so fucking ugly I honestly, I have no idea what to do right now. I am beside myself.
How did she go from fucking that random Asian guy to this edgy looking trashbag?? Could she really not pull anything better? Damn, she's fallen so hard.
No. 187357
File: 1477283973043.jpg (77.77 KB, 960x960, 12987010_557058044474952_61997…)

>>187169what i'm gathering from the screencaps is
>bunnytrooper complains some love live cosplayer called her fat>ahri says she loves love live>random guy vaguely accuses ahri of not letting him into some party after he did her a "big favor">rando tries to dodge ahri's bf but then spills that ahri "backstabbed" him after he did a huge favor for her>ahri's bf tells him to just ignore her if he doesn't like her>random to play if off like ~nbd~ but it seems like the fight involves ahri's bf's recent party>ahri's bf basically doesn't give a shit but random wants to keep going>>187288>>187300she's not exactly model quality but i feel like she could do better than this…
>pic is him No. 187360
So she went from this…
>>91162 to this
>>187357 ?
New guy looks really douchey. Her ex was pretty average looking, but at least he was fit?
No. 220152
File: 1482450621534.jpeg (66.58 KB, 750x693, image.jpeg)

She's back as himeahri
No. 220544
File: 1482517197551.jpeg (128.08 KB, 750x1145, image.jpeg)

She looks so homely and average without shoop. No wonder she tried so hard to look "Asian".
No. 220568
File: 1482520261230.png (531.93 KB, 596x436, Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 2.10…)

>>220544Thats still touched up/filtered . She has a very square jaw/chin.
No. 220678
File: 1482534954236.png (428.79 KB, 815x602, Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 6.14…)

No. 220683
File: 1482535332592.png (75.36 KB, 247x248, 1479277596222.png)

Damn I missed Ahripoop. Christmas came early this year
No. 220749
File: 1482544196323.png (243.11 KB, 733x410, Screenshot (32).png)

lol, if they think she looks old now they should really see her without the photo editing
No. 220805
>>220749#MelanieMartinez #CrybabyMelanieMartinez #VideoGames
Seems accurate. . .
No. 220808
File: 1482552610704.png (2.8 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2016-12-23-23-09-08.p…)

Always hiding dat chin….
No. 220975
File: 1482596132470.png (2.38 MB, 1419x2008, Screenshot_2016-12-24-11-13-04…)

>>220862>>220925>>220854Back to shooping her nose and chin.
No. 221013
>>220975Why the fuck are her photos soooooo shitty and grainy for iphone pictures. . . ?
Does she have to reduce the quality that much to make herself look even slightly attractive ?
No. 221046
File: 1482609805559.jpeg (720.65 KB, 2560x2560, image.jpeg)

>>220912Yep she's 19.
>>221013She's really not that cute without shoop and filters. (That's not the say she was cute WITH shoop…)
No. 221410
>>221046>not that cuteYou all have impossible standards lol.
Idgaf that she shoops since most instagram weebs and cosplayers edit their selfies these days but at least she's dropped the fake Asian wannabe act. Gotta grow out of this stage before you hit twenty.
No. 221452
>>221410>>221412mmm, I'd rather have high standards then low ones… If I go based off off your point, I may as well call every girl with makeup and filters "omg cute" …
And who says she stopped the wannabe Asian thing ? She still calls herself Ahri … ( Asian name ) She only slowed down on the shoop which is probably to lay low.
No. 221524
File: 1482698206640.jpg (398.42 KB, 720x549, CYMERA_20161225_153353.jpg)

surprised her cat is still alive
No. 221526
File: 1482698373392.jpeg (163.49 KB, 750x1197, image.jpeg)

>mentions her phone quality
Does she lurk here? Also she's slowly going back to shooping more.
No. 221530
File: 1482698924326.png (3.83 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0950.PNG)

Didn't she say she was pretty poor? Remember how she asked for donations and said she didn't have many things ? Her family looks loaded with a Christmas tree like this, even if more family members are over. Also how much are those virtual reality headsets ? It seems to be a new gadget they got
No. 221551
>>221530Her family was always loaded. They live in Windermere, Florida. She asked for "donations" as a way to get her followers to pay for her shit.
I remember she asked for $150 to get her cat dewormed which definitely isn't enough to cover the vet bills, let alone the medication. Later she posted a new cosplay and some PULLtard found the site where she got her cosplay and the whole thing with shipping was (surprise, surprise!) $150.
No. 221588
File: 1482708028179.png (297.71 KB, 600x512, 084.png)

>>221455>>221507Dunno what the fuck happened lol. Someone please explain these comments to me.
No. 221627
>>221526I see she still stuffs her tits to the high heavens and shoops her waist in.
And how can she blame her iphone for the quality of the picture !?!?! She edits it to that low of quality because you can't see her edit fails as much. I wouldn't be in the slightest surprised if she got a new phone from her parents since the last time she was active she was bragging about her Alienware laptop.
No. 221680
>>221588In the previous threads on here and on pull, there were people who would obsessively stalk Ahripop. Her voter info was posted here with her full birth name, and some people from pull went as far as to stalk her family for "candids" and one harassed her using the email she provided so that people could email her with questions about the used cosplays that she was selling.
Tbh nothing she's done warrants stalking and digging up information to that degree. We get it she shoops and pretends to be Asian, but her family shouldn't get dragged into this.
No. 221719
File: 1482728096241.jpg (10.04 KB, 329x281, 1439877219583.jpg)

man oh man did i miss ahri
can't wait to see what she has in store next
No. 221829
File: 1482757442701.png (573.53 KB, 813x600, Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 8.02…)

Careful Sky, your squareness and age are showing.
No. 221858
>>221843vvCute, ey ? vv
>>187357I personally think she could do better, but who knows this one might have money so maybe thats why.
No. 221879
>>221534>>221557Same. I've always thought that she's cute, her shoops were awful and she can appeal to weebtards just as she is.
>inb4: "Hello Pull xddd" Hello samefag, the world doesn't give a shit about your vendetta hateboner
No. 221916
>>221843What??? Her BF is hideous, even for a plain person like her.
I think she's shooping a lot less than before and I don't think she's trying to look asian so I guess it's a good thing (?). Everyone and their mom edit their pics posted online, so…
I really hope she grew up into a better person. But since she still keeps her name as "Ahri", I don't doubt that she might come back as her old self again.
No. 221924
File: 1482772038973.jpg (576.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161226-145957_mh1…)

My favorite part of her comeback, her followers can't even recognize her without the asian shoops.
No. 221933
File: 1482773070265.jpeg (21.72 KB, 480x360, BBsgn6J.jpeg)

>>221575They're just fucking with us lol. I don't know what about our posts implied we were obsessed Pulltards.
No. 222151
File: 1482789109288.png (71.48 KB, 806x386, Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 4.50…)

Not sure if her followers don't like her real face and are leaving, or if those are all fake bot followers dropping like its hot.
No. 222595
File: 1482848805384.png (68.04 KB, 1366x437, Screenshot (1).png)

lmao the girl got a "business email" after she just reappeared after a break
makes total sense
No. 222861
File: 1482891703003.png (494.28 KB, 931x596, Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 9.19…)

>>222595>>222151Just magically leaps up 600 followers in the morning .. Guess she's back to buying followers.
No. 222948
>>222947Well shit I mean the other way around
sage for shitty OT, nitpicking.
Her shoops look decent now, nose is quite huge but the grainy 2005 quality is really fucking noticeable. Ahri's a great cow it's nice to see her hiatus is over.
No. 223069
File: 1482939371649.png (522.71 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-12-28-10-34-15…)

I'm surprised how shops are still sponsoring her despite all the bad ref she has
No. 223198
>>223072Cute use of ~. Assuming everyone is everyone. lol Plenty of us don't give enough fucks to use up brain space to remember whatever Ahri's mom's name is. Calm down.
Of course her fans don't care. Lol that is why they are her "fans."
Be careful about being so
triggered and overdramatizing the situation, kid. Your age and connection to Ahri show.
No. 223429
>>223069 I think they just hand out free "10% off codes" to anyone with a following for free promo and then dumb twats like Sky get to feel special. They don't even show her on their Ig page except for one really old shoop of hers.
I find it funny that her bot followers are poofing so she bought 659 yesterday and now its right back to dropping.
>>223059Pretty damn sure the girl that owns that stalker-ish account is a Pulltard, that even named her account is named after Sky ( AhriPop ). I remember her posting the red haired pictures of Sky from her moms fb on Pull and then here.
No. 223873
>>223198you seem pretty
triggered as well to me…lol
No. 224185
File: 1483103223328.png (8.76 KB, 524x127, KJ4adxU.png), so if what she says it's true, despises her family money she will also have a job, which means she's able to afford all those cosplays she is willing to make but instead she decides to milk other people for it. Holy crap, and I thought she changed but I was wrong. Let's wait until the rewards become ""boudoir"" photoshoots.
This whole "car passion" is so random though.
Sage cause I don't want to bump this shit anymore.
No. 224237
>>224087ironically enough, she knows how to. she has a picture that's public that says "hi stalker", and previously all of her photos except for a few family photos, her cover photos, and her profile pictures were all private.
>>224185she had a job before when she was asking for money though gofundme too.
gfm is a one-time deal. once you get the money, you have to pretend you used it for what you said you'd use it for. patreon is less restrictive since you get repeated payments + you never actually declare what you're supposedly using the donations for.
her car passion has been known for a while. she claimed that her dad got her a viper for her 18th birthday and she used to post pictures of sports cars all the time.
No. 224633
File: 1483150261869.jpg (27.97 KB, 500x500, avatars-000047345163-p2n862-t5…)

>>223069Got a bit of a kike nose, I don't see why her most prevalent insecurity was her chin.
>>224286>>looks like my mom when she was young. i want a gf that looks like that.Wat
No. 224652
File: 1483151881621.jpg (254.18 KB, 700x1051, CYMERA_20161230_213733.jpg)

Plz donate to my patreon and follow my stream
No. 224669
File: 1483153764286.png (3.97 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2016-12-30-22-08-30.p…)

>>224633Obscure the chin and noseeeee.
No. 224714
>>224652this is so awful. it literally looks like she pasted her head over someone else's body.
>>224704once you shoop, you can never go back.
No. 224982
File: 1483202802750.png (555.86 KB, 600x602, Screen Shot 2016-12-31 at 8.45…)

>>224652her shooped face reminds me of this girl
No. 225140
File: 1483220894877.jpg (259.32 KB, 695x892, CYMERA_20161231_164829.jpg)

No. 225569
File: 1483250326129.jpg (324.27 KB, 720x1000, CYMERA_20170101_005903.jpg)

No. 225802
File: 1483308992009.png (933.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-01-16-59-25…)

No. 225803
File: 1483309040829.png (390.7 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-01-17-14-24…)

She sounds so fucking weird with that voice changer she's using
No. 226361
>>225803i don't think its a voice changer? last time she streamed she simply faked her high pitched squeaky voice.
did anyone catch her stream and know what games she played? last time i catched her playing league she was playing at bronze level and had a negative kda as an adc with ignite kek
No. 226441
>>225802Is she trying to jump into the boobies streamer thing? I think she's trying to copy Rinnie Riot (, even calling herself princess and copying Rinnie's Patreon description too.
I don't mind the ears, but this hair color is so ugly. Also, I love how she keeps hiding her chin.
No. 226506
File: 1483397232095.png (832.82 KB, 1085x567, comparison.png.17213705d038aa3…)

Of course she would be a fan, RR has want she wants
-fake tits
-slutty cosplays
-had surgery to look korean
No. 226515
File: 1483398351973.jpg (317.58 KB, 743x743, CYMERA_20170102_180552.jpg)

Is sky trying to look like tsuruko?
No. 226600
>>226515no, but i wouldn't be surprised if Skyleigh was mad jelly that tsuruko legitimately had some asian in her
>>226595i believe she's chinese. i think the anon was saying she had surgery to look more korean aka 'one of the cool asian countries'. she is obviously asian
No. 226657
File: 1483417893064.png (380.97 KB, 500x641, rinnieriot.png)

>>226441>>226626omg…i thought the name was familiar. i used to follow this girl. she posted makeup tutorials in the form of images on her tumblr/blogspot.
i was super envious of how she looked, but i barely recognize her now. not anymore tho, she's absolutely ruined her face. this pic is prob shooped too but you can search her on google images and see the difference in her old face and her new one. she's aged herself so badly she looks mid to late twenties gangnam unnie when she's only 22 :(
No. 227078
>>226822>>226829It's clear that the screenshots are from IG, not a hack or anything so Ahri either needs to be more careful who she adds on "private" accounts or get better friends.
tbh the pics just cement how much of a cow she is.
No. 227319
File: 1483538289197.jpg (43.07 KB, 372x500, screenshot1.thumb.jpg.da7666da…)

No. 227320
File: 1483538376044.jpg (61.5 KB, 417x500, screenshot2.thumb.jpg.777156a1…)

No. 227322
File: 1483538428102.jpg (60.04 KB, 465x500, screenshot3.thumb.jpg.ddadd1f4…)

No. 227324
File: 1483538477665.jpg (62.83 KB, 368x500, screenshot.thumb.jpg.4c8d93432…)

No. 227334
>>227322why does the pic in the middle look so different than the one right next to it? we all know that snapchat filter doesnt give you such long slanted thin eyes.
but if those pictures are from 45 weeks ago i guess she was still doing asian makeup and shoops, so in all honesty, even if her current hair is uggo her makeup is much better now
No. 228286
File: 1483665258117.jpeg (180.66 KB, 750x1182, image.jpeg)

Her photos went from blurry potato to jpg artifact tier
No. 228601
File: 1483725463847.png (995.45 KB, 959x533, screen cap.png)

No. 228604
File: 1483726443951.png (489.95 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1020.PNG)

>>228601Do you think she has a job? I don't think she's going to school if she has time to squeeze in streaming in between shifts. Although I could be wrong. Dressing up and doing makeup and then plyaying games for at least an hour takes quite a bit of your free time. Also lol @ the last part of her description
No. 228610
File: 1483727315563.png (684.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-06-13-26-44…)

No. 228895
File: 1483754911268.jpg (474.02 KB, 1042x799, 1451758956503543.jpg)

No. 228926
File: 1483757719901.png (931.33 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-06-21-54-56…)

She wants her stream to pay $40 for 1 more hr of gameplay
No. 228929
File: 1483757987964.png (684.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-03-21-25-50…)

Imma bet she likes genji cuz hes japanese
No. 228930
File: 1483758065622.png (814.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-03-22-18-27…)

No. 228931
File: 1483758140679.png (776.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-06-04-51-19…)

No. 228933
File: 1483758209820.png (626.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-06-04-51-22…)

No. 228943
File: 1483758912555.png (2.36 KB, 312x74, Q2ovVlj.png)

>>228928She's spending literally 30mins of this extra stream hour just talking instead of playing.
No. 228970
File: 1483761812444.jpg (125 KB, 1335x753, dXAJFqj.jpg)

No. 229215
>>229203What do you expect from a girl who probably did average in highschool, doesn't talk about attending college and panders to weebs? Her family seems to have money but it doesn't look like they enrich themselves or travel. That's a pretty dumb, typical American statement to say though.
Ahri really doesn't seem that smart, just the way she speaks she has such a limited word bank and can't talk while playing a game, which isn't hard to do at all, kind of like chewing gum and walking.
No. 229376
File: 1483831938675.jpg (355.43 KB, 716x899, CYMERA_20170107_181913.jpg)

No. 229412
File: 1483840138721.jpg (156.07 KB, 395x537, 5503f5531229dc16257d0fc517f03c…)

>>228890She couldn't look more European in this kek bitch be looking like Erwin Rommel, but that's not necessarily an insult. Nordic features are attractive when they aren't plastered with weab cat ears.
>>229215You don't have to travel to become sophisticated and broaden intellectual horizons, really you don't even need formal education in a day in age where books are made redundant to modern technology. Knowledge is all around you there's obviously limitations
I hope she has a long-term plan though I guess if she has a high-school diploma she can always opt for higher education there's no way of telling if she really is as naive as her online presence since she made it through high-school I can assume she has adequate intelligence.
No. 229468
File: 1483846484760.jpg (11.02 KB, 320x180, khvlucclg.jpg)

>>229376That wig is fucking hideous … Honestly the freckles,spider lashes and fried looking ginger/blonde wig looks like a terrible hick/hillbilly/trailer trash cosplay … Except thats how she walks around on the daily ..
No. 229486
File: 1483847873453.png (804.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-07-22-44-41…)

No. 229488
File: 1483848053698.jpg (256.02 KB, 720x1099, CYMERA_20170107_230000.jpg)

She's trying so hard to hide asian references, her cat used to be called miso now it's soup
No. 230447
File: 1483984584586.png (741.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-09-12-37-09…)

No. 230448
File: 1483984634388.png (894.19 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-09-12-54-39…)

No. 230568
File: 1484005337292.png (1.14 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-09-18-28-27…)

What's the point of her uploading this?
No. 230790
File: 1484060317759.png (818.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-10-09-56-20…)

She still traces her pics
No. 230819
File: 1484064458940.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-10-11-04-04…)

No. 230821
File: 1484064511614.png (979.11 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-10-11-05-29…)

Tries way to hard to be cute
No. 231149
File: 1484104057390.png (3.15 MB, 1440x1993, Capture _2017-01-10-22-05-19-1…)

Annnnnnd…. The Asian-wannabe is back. not pictured, origami ring
No. 231163
File: 1484106698857.jpg (433.79 KB, 720x1212, CYMERA_20170110_225013.jpg)

Camera? She uses her phone and those apps to edit her pics hence why they are so grainy, if skyleigh got a camera she would actually have to learn how to use photoshop
No. 231686
File: 1484190642989.jpg (221.39 KB, 701x841, CYMERA_20170111_220759.jpg)

I like how she thinks shes important and good enough to pull this kind of shit. Even pro and popular streamers do not have that kind of scummy "rule"
No. 232503
File: 1484326936639.png (942.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-13-11-46-14…)

No. 232536
File: 1484333244862.png (12.13 KB, 262x328, fail patreon.png)

No. 232537
File: 1484333358807.png (55.72 KB, 256x625, fail patreon 2.png)

mo's rewards are still pretty bad
No. 232538
File: 1484333424026.png (30.18 KB, 276x612, patreon fail 3.png)

No. 232541
File: 1484333965877.jpg (60.86 KB, 184x323, CYMERA_20170113_111750.jpg)

>>232506She should go back to this
No. 232542
File: 1484334066203.jpg (163.14 KB, 395x582, CYMERA_20170103_102435.jpg)

No. 232546
File: 1484334605935.jpg (115.15 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

her friend lunakoto looks cuter
No. 232647
>>232550>>232637She self-posted on here and on PULL.
>>232546Hi Luna!
No. 232721
>>232502A bit creepy, seeing how Genji is 35 and is 19.
saging because no real contribution.
No. 232731
>>232546she photoshops so much, her whole face is a blur wtf
under neath the eyes and the bangs and side fringe, her cheeks, and don't forget her chin which melts into her neck
she just looks like every other white girl who wants to be asian so bad
No. 232732
File: 1484355584223.jpg (465.36 KB, 1060x943, 13941000_8331811681346747.jpg)

I think i found an old art account of hers
No. 232752
File: 1484358914893.jpeg (147.24 KB, 750x937, image.jpeg)

>>232546>that eye makeupIf you want to talk about yourself, at least make a separate thread.
No. 232778
File: 1484364308649.png (787.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-13-22-21-37…)

So quirky!!
No. 232829
>>230819>>231148agreed, in the snap she looks ok but when you go to her stream she looks like shit? idk if it's the pixels or she actually edits her pictures a bit before posting them on her story but idk, her webcam makes her look fugly. her bangs seem so big in
>>230821 and her nose looks very big.
im not usually one to point out noses as i too have a whitey nose but the angle or the webcam is just really not doing her any favors
No. 232846
>>232827I doubt those are real jewels. They look like cheap cubic zirconia or glass jewels.
As for her stream donations and patreon, she just wants people to pay for her hobbies. Simple as that. She's basically a patreon hoe wannabe.
No. 232961
>>232829Again with this nose thing. I swear, some cows can have the smallest button nose ever and yet there will always be the anon that says "look at that snozz" anyway. As far as I know you can't edit snaps and instagram stories before posting them.
The good thing with Skyleigh is that she chose the right audience to appeal to: she's the perfect "weeb waifu" as an opposite look like the instaho would look terrible on her. She already has the neckbeards. She should just avoid further lies and work on the Patreon stuff to milk em. Perhaps not falling in softporn shit unlike the other Momo…
No. 234726
>>234725or the body. yes she's relatively thin but it doesn't really seem like she has an ass, and those double brad tits seem shooped.
then again, it's not like neckbeards have standards, but i just don't think skyleigh has anything special (like being chubby like momo, having huge tits like nigri, etc). nothing sets her apart from the crowd. she buys cosplay, has no talents, has no personality or skill on stream.
No. 234729
File: 1484418396785.png (193.72 KB, 272x339, Screen Shot 2017-01-14 at 1.25…)

>>232961This is Lolcow anon, people are going to think and feel differently about things. Its a waste of energy to get upset that someone doesn't like a feature on somebody else's body..
IMO her natural unfiltered nose is a potato.
>>234725I don't think she pulls either style off in reality. Without filters and editing and chin hiding angles she looks average to a smidgen below the line.
>>234727Maybe mods find this thread underwhelming and not worth cleaning up ?
No. 234735
>>234729Not upset or anything, I just observed that sometimes some people's obsession with noses here gets overboard, even when the nose in question is pretty normal and the cow's doings are more debatable than her looks alone.
>>234727Use the catalog for now, farmhands are going to have an hard time deleting all that shit in three boards
No. 234744
>>234738people who aren't good at painting can criticize a painting, or point out what they dont like about the piece.
saying that you find someone ugly does not mean you're riddled with insecurity, it's just kind of a fact of life.
levels of beauty are different to everyone but when something is borderlining ugly, most people can safely agree together that it doesn't look good.
she looks ok with her shoops, but with candid pics of her at cons she just looks so ugly in comparison to her shoops (although i admit she's average usually)
No. 234834
File: 1484442268699.png (817.55 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-14-19-47-59…)

No. 234892
File: 1484451901790.jpeg (118.15 KB, 750x1219, image.jpeg)

Weeb ~azn~ shoop is back
No. 234913
File: 1484453072199.png (170.33 KB, 749x1101, IMG_2187.PNG)

>>232752This is nothing versus her miku look. Sage because this look was so bad but she was so proud of it
No. 235448
File: 1484539083519.png (656.85 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-01-15-22-54-42…)

Newest pic on her instagram
No. 235789
File: 1484609476090.png (439.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-16-09-25-02…)

No. 235790
File: 1484609526916.png (598.44 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-16-18-28-02…)

No. 236567
File: 1484740658555.jpg (256.24 KB, 1192x769, 12325160_10208965089546593_187…)

No. 237207
File: 1484852305772.jpeg (171.17 KB, 750x1028, image.jpeg)

>lives ~30 minutes away from Disney World
>gets hotel room there anyways
No. 237265
>>237252well that would be a really stupid thing to spend money on lol
have there ever even been any reputable surgeons in skorea that would try to make a white person look asian? not like that nutjob from Brazil who looks like ps1 graphics
No. 237308
File: 1484869262940.gif (765.77 KB, 244x180, 1465727987638.gif)

>that nutjob from Brazil who looks like ps1 graphicsMy fucking sides
No. 237668
File: 1484951273293.png (145.19 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-01-20-17-18-39…)

She is supposed to be getting a puppy…yet she couldn't take care of her "sick" cat.
No. 237684
File: 1484954732688.jpg (1.05 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170120_182350.jpg)

Instagram live
No. 237762
File: 1484969126901.png (833.83 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-20-22-25-38…)

Dat chin
No. 237898
>>2377382/3 of her stream was her begging for money (and she was LITERALLY begging money to play more).
As usual, only played aram and she was awful. Had around 12~15 viewers and got 50 dollars, holy fuck. The stream quality is terrible, she could use the donation money for a new camera or smth but I bet she will just buy more crap cosplays from spreepicky.
No. 237938
>>237684ugh that hair colour. she looks like a greasy weeb. look at her nose.
i can understand now why some people rag on about anon's making fun of ahri's nose because it's edited in her pictures and looks fine but candid pics is a whole other story.
yeah sorry but i don't really find her cute as she is. i can give her props for putting effort into her appearance but it all looks mismatched and gross
No. 238027
File: 1485041465066.jpg (341.02 KB, 717x903, CYMERA_20170121_182944.jpg)

She looks terrible
No. 238045
File: 1485045752773.png (427.79 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-01-21-18-20-08…)

Her magical boobs are back
No. 238062
>>238027Looks like she's taking a page out of Koot's book on how to edit titties.
Really didn't take long for her to start taking cheap shots for her neck beards.
No. 238070
File: 1485051032410.jpg (214.91 KB, 579x591, CYMERA_20170121_210917.jpg)

Jus like the good ol times
No. 238105
File: 1485057673337.png (877.43 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-21-22-59-53…)

No. 238111
>>238048yeah, idk if it's the way she edited them but they look really flattened, like pancakes almost kek.
how many pairs of ears does this girl have? i've seen at least 3 or 4 different ones now
No. 238569
File: 1485134422300.jpg (391.5 KB, 720x885, CYMERA_20170122_201931.jpg)

Her eyebrows are like _ _
No. 238577
>>238111I guess its sort of an improvement from her old crusty black and white ones she was constantly wearing before.
>>238569She zipped in down lower to show her bra more then she did before, wonder how long it'll be before she just starts posing in nothing but her bra and panties and labeling it "modelling".
No. 238611
>>238105Idk if im being petty but her Twitch looks atrocious?
Theres way too much going on in terms of outlay sorta like a bad tumblr theme some weeb decorated.
No. 238673
File: 1485145925709.png (727.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-21-23-20-24…)

No. 238676
File: 1485146184971.png (658.89 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-21-23-02-15…)

From yesterday, funny how some of her viewers call ber a waifu. eww
No. 238786
>>238673Gotta show them titts for them clicks.
How embarrassing to have to fake everything just for people to donate/like you ..
No. 239248
File: 1485279388913.jpg (238.29 KB, 1918x907, 14517589565043298749323.jpg)

I can't believe no one says anything when she looks like this compared to her instagram
No. 239254
>>239248Because its 2017 and people care more about how one looks on social media then they do in real life. Those that care about how someone truly is and looks end up here.
TL;DR : People don't like reality so they rather ignore it.
No. 239262
File: 1485284238840.png (817.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-24-13-54-28…)

No. 239268
File: 1485285251558.png (734.68 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-24-14-05-06…)

No. 239273
>>239268she has a friend on her list called princessahri? do you think she gets jealous when she sees people cosplay ahri/be ahri better than her?
i mean, besides having ears and being a weeb nothing about her really says ahri from leage anyways, and we both know that's where she got it from because i don't think ahri is a popular girl name in korea?
No. 239304
File: 1485294242357.png (3.33 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-01-24-16-43-00.p…)

This potato face…
No. 239311
>>239304Part of me is happy she has the confidence to show her real face and feel proud, but the other part of me can't help but feel bad about how unfortunate she looks.
Damn she looks like shit. Dat jaw, thin lips, meaty nose and those horrible brows ….
No. 239680
File: 1485349380817.png (782.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-25-08-01-24…)

No. 239681
File: 1485349427482.png (623.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-25-08-03-52…)

No. 239797
File: 1485370018896.png (614.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-25-11-49-35…)

No. 239832
>>239822I think the hate boner is people can't forget the cringy shit she use to do. People don't trust or believe her.
That and her desperately begging for money for doing the smallest things like sitting down is very shady. She use to beg for money in the past so she can go to korea for plastic surgery. She got called out on that in the past.
Now she is very vague on what she is using the money for. She is still with her mom and dad. She is still just a spoiled weeb brat who wants other people to pay for her bad habits like stuffing her face and buying garbage.
No. 240024
File: 1485402946740.jpg (345.93 KB, 720x895, CYMERA_20170125_224348.jpg)

She put so much blur on her face look's like it's plastic
No. 240059
>If you read the beginning of the post, in which you clearly didn't- she got her whole schstick from the lol character, ahri.but i said:
>nothing about her really says ahri from leage anyways, and we both know that's where she got it fromexcuse me anon but what is your point here?
>schstick No. 240386
File: 1485465176413.png (470.07 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-26-16-12-24…)

Wow! Look how azn she is!
No. 240481
>>240468I know right? Cup o noodles is totally all asians eat.
Gotta add a fake bonzai tree and a weeb accessory to make it taste better.
Goodness this is all so cringy.
No. 240645
File: 1485507726878.jpg (186.97 KB, 2400x1200, theahrireality.jpg)

Talking about people not seeing reality, Sky reminds me of an episode of South Park where all the girls shooped themselves and that's all the guys could see. Anyone else know what I'm talking about?
No. 240757
File: 1485535122887.jpeg (93.96 KB, 750x1009, image.jpeg)

Oh lord. The weeb in her is leaking out into public.
No. 240772
>>240757I wonder what passes thru the Starbucks worker's minds when they ask what her name is or what she wants written on the cup.
How does one not feel humiliated when saying " Princessss Ahri ".
No. 240802
>>240386Fun fact: Sticking your chopsticks vertical in a bowl of rice or noodles is bad in Japan. Called tsukitate-bashi (突き立て箸), it is incredibly taboo because it reminds Japanese people of funerals, where a bowl of rice is left with two chopsticks standing vertically in the center. It's also supposed to bring bad luck.
Bet she doesn't know that.
No. 241005
File: 1485573957523.png (901.25 KB, 935x665, screen shot.png)

No. 241012
File: 1485575372840.png (1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-27-22-49-26…)

No. 241025
File: 1485578065806.jpg (6.13 KB, 189x137, kawaii azn waifu.jpg)

I finally caught her stream and holy fuck her voice is so forced. If you compare it to her old Youtube videos, its so obvious.
Also shes going 0/13/4 in Aram because she spent most of the game talking about her Patreon
Someone said she looked young and she went on about how she has really good genes. Shes now talking about how shes actually going to get vampire fang implants?? for her teeth after she gets braces.
No. 241070
>>241054>>241056hello ahri/fanboys, stop replying to posts that are a month old
>i wonder what the people who think she's "not even cute" find attractive?maybe an actual cute girl? Not an average weeaboo who photoshops herself into a blur to try to look cute
No. 241074
File: 1485582934202.png (118.27 KB, 540x922, Screenshot_2017-01-28-00-50-54…)

"Cringe af" ha
No. 241128
>>240923>>240802I wouldn't say it's bad because no one really gives a shit nowadays, but it's a little weird and kind of shows that she's not used to using chopsticks often. From personal experience, what people usually do is lay their chopsticks across the bowl when they're not eating. Chopsticks are long and it's just more stable to lay them rather than stick them into your food. To each their own I guess, and she probably just did it for photo reasons, but it does look clumsy. It'd be like if she took a photo of a steak or something but with the fork just stuck standing up in the middle of it. It's more weird than anything.
Sage for OT nitpickery.
No. 241154
File: 1485607360540.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-28-07-42-44…)

No. 241269
>>241230Those are fake fang caps.
She has an obsession with fangs,vampires and blood.
No. 241270
>>241256That's exactly my point. She only THINKS it makes her special. No one could say anything about her if it wasn't for the cringy weeb stuff.
But she is still as interesting as a potato. She is just a potato in a wig and ears
No. 241276
File: 1485636068339.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.55 KB, 500x559, potato.jpg)

So basically
No. 241288
File: 1485637899867.png (491.5 KB, 425x747, 1452196429090.png)

>>241275Overweight no way. But she was always this weird skinny fat. That and I think the square head makes her look chubbier than she really is. She never really had any defined shape. Old pic but it's hard to see an unshopped pic of her whole body
No. 241324
File: 1485646053471.png (362.16 KB, 539x919, Screenshot_2017-01-28-18-13-51…)

Oh look,another bra picture.
Showing off her new hair color.
No. 241327
>>241324Come watch my stream
don't forget to take your credit cards out
No. 241328
>>241288Yea, she has an unfortunate shape ( rectangle ) small boobs,ass and no variation from hips to waist. No wonder she's so obsessed with shooping large knockers on herself
>>241324 … Somewhat wonder if she's going to start dressing like that on her streams for extra bucks.
( Then again I remember the stories from her ex about the gross she she would do for favours )
No. 241341
File: 1485649746973.jpg (262.63 KB, 521x720, CYMERA_20170128_192759.jpg)

Funny how she tries so hard to present herself as innocent and sweet when she's a conniving slut
No. 241381
File: 1485657669596.png (1009.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-28-21-40-34…)

No. 241387
File: 1485659624324.png (476.08 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-28-22-13-07…)

No. 241401
>>241342 Some of the hate accounts had contact with her exs and posted caps of their convos with him. She sleep around a lot and cheated a lot. Apparently would do sexual favours for photographers in exchange for free photoshoots ( even if they were double her age ) . Which all sounds believable with how fast she dropped her bf for some Asian guy she had a hookup with. I remember she even posted a video of them in bed together and a picture of her legs under blankets but tried arguing they were his perfectly shaved legs with red nail polish. She's a hoe who's obsessed with appearing innocent.
From what I gathered, she's the towns bicycle with ugly cat ears.
No. 241450
>>240645Yes anon I feel that exactly.
That one episode was moving and hilarious at the same time, this shit could hit so close to home it brings one to tears esp the ending.
No. 241797
>>241401i actually forgot about justin. she left her crusty whiteboy in a heartbeat to stay with an asian guy for like what, two months?
it was pretty funny when she posted this video on her insta of her and him being recorded from somewhere (weird) and they were holding hands and trying to be kawaii korean dramu happy couple.
wouldn't surprise me if she starts doing some momo shit to get some money on her patreon. somehow doubt it though because i feel like you need pretty high quality pictures on there, and not grainy ihpone pics.
she could pay someone to photoshop her a bit like momo does but i have a feeling she's very greedy with her money
No. 242165
File: 1485803426399.jpg (97.18 KB, 1333x751, rnPtxC8.jpg)

She's so gross, eating snacks and cleaning her hand on her own clothes. And she keep screaming everytime she dies, oh my god.
No. 242194
File: 1485809438053.png (972.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-30-15-50-11…)

Shes always cupping her face
No. 242200
>>242165Legitimate question : Why do any of you watch her shit quality streams if its already a given that its going to be gross and crappy ?
Are you a sucker for punishment ?
>>242194Because he hides how wide and square her face is.
No. 242203
>>242200i've tuned in to two of her streams before to check them out and see her unedited face, but that's it. i do appreciate the occsional stream cap tho because she looks like a potato
>>242194notice how she also has a sticker on the other side of her jaw ?
No. 242280
File: 1485819705680.png (1.43 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2103.PNG)

She's live on instagram. Right as I started watching she was talking about how she's growing in "other areas" of her body but not in height anymore.
No. 242297
File: 1485820916836.png (873.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-30-19-01-22…)

So kawaii
No. 242298
File: 1485820939626.png (710.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-30-19-01-11…)

No. 242354
>>242280Dat potato nose.
And was that her way of sugar coating "she gained weight"… Kek.
Bravo Sky ! You gained weight and are that much closer to looking physically like a potato.
No. 242379
File: 1485827578579.png (3.7 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1280.PNG)

>>242297Glad to see she finally got her arm out of her face. When she was outside she had her arm like pic related until she lied down on her arm and had the arm holding up her phone covering half her face.
No. 242625
File: 1485876247614.png (836.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-31-10-23-18…)

Has she even fulfilled the donor rewards for last month yet? Lol
No. 242675
File: 1485886940929.png (754.31 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-31-13-19-14…)

No. 242676
File: 1485887025604.png (752.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-31-13-23-55…)

No. 242677
File: 1485887076151.png (1001.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-31-13-24-09…)

No. 242720
File: 1485894467661.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-31-15-13-40…)

No. 242734
>>242720She's growing "in other places" again ?
Nobody cares that you're getting fat Sky.
No. 243125
File: 1485966428182.png (491.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-11-26-46…)

No. 243215
File: 1485982118810.png (711.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-15-47-56…)

Drawings still suck
No. 243287
File: 1485990794595.png (875.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-18-00-29…)

Lawl she use to try to make herself seem 'perfect' when she was she was pansexual, half korean or japanese, furry, skinny with big tits, made her own costumes, played alot of instruments, spoke different languages, super gamer gurl, guess we're not so far off. She's been slowly reverting her gimmicks and bullshit kek
No. 243434
File: 1486002095844.png (917.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-01-20-18-09…)

No. 243580
File: 1486049545985.png (748.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-02-10-30-46…)

No. 243671
File: 1486067586626.jpg (814.55 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20170202_153200.jpg)

No. 244314
File: 1486174985105.png (4.04 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-02-03-21-22-30.p…)

Cover everything.
No. 244922
File: 1486257338872.png (808.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-20-05-49…)

No. 244936
>>244922Jesus fuck she is thirsty for those dollars …
Ey Sky, you could always just suck dick for some extra change. Nobody is going to donate to your piss poor Patreon.
No. 244969
File: 1486264568076.png (724.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-22-15-07…)

Shes live on insta and still looks horrendous as ever
No. 244970
File: 1486264710123.png (642.27 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-22-18-41…)

So quirk
No. 244974
>>24497038k "followers" and only 27 views …
Totally legit.
No. 244989
File: 1486267348763.png (731.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-04-22-52-57…)

What an unfortunate side view
No. 244994
File: 1486268092406.png (659.25 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Never forget pastel obaa-chan.
>>244989Yikes. She looks like a potato
No. 245186
File: 1486291816928.png (465.38 KB, 735x516, Untitled.png)

i literally thought it was princessmei lol. she looks exactly like her in this pic.
No. 245203
File: 1486298338515.png (922.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-05-07-37-59…)

No. 245291
File: 1486308832235.jpg (530.09 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170205_103414.jpg)

>>245186Looks the same desu ne
No. 245341
>>245322Really makes me wonder if
>>243792 is right… There is almost barely any responses or conversation except for the constant posting of every picture she posts. All these weebs seem to flock here in hopes of "fame" by self posting.. who knows.
No. 245368
>>242761OT but does anyone know what these Polaroids are called?
>>244994What the fuck. I don't know if I'm overly sensitive but its in poor taste to take a photo of your dying grandmother and share it to strangers.
No. 245383
File: 1486319566916.jpg (202.67 KB, 960x720, image.jpg)

Her new bf
No. 245754
File: 1486347539963.jpg (484.81 KB, 720x889, CYMERA_20170205_211648.jpg)

Gaiz my side view isnt that bad lemme edit it real quick
No. 245774
>>245559>>245611she needs to get a tinder. plenty of thirsty asian guys use it.
>>245756are you Almaz or Zimry?
No. 245780
>>245383>>245291>>244989look at this potato. her clothes look so chunky and clash with her hair colour.
>>245186this pic is so ugly she looks uncomfortable why post this.
for a while i thought "you know what, she's actually cute now. she doesn't shoop like a weeb and i guess there are uglier snowflakes" but then i see her livestreams and i just can't call her cute. average sure but to me she's not attractive, especially with those outfits she's been sporting lately.
No. 245895
File: 1486371143586.jpeg (207.1 KB, 720x960, image.jpeg)

I think I found her boyfriend's Facebook page and it says that he's 29. Also Sky might not be a kawaii azn goddessu, but she's a huge step up from his last gf if that's him.
He's also an honest to god furry and brony who posts shit like pic related.
No. 245950
File: 1486390390672.png (228.22 KB, 500x374, tumblr_inline_o0upoxTUNg1tlc69…)

So sky when are you gonna go back to this?
No. 245952
File: 1486390424684.png (809.61 KB, 1080x1392, IMG_20151226_113356.png.569605…)

No. 245953
File: 1486390474444.jpg (5.84 KB, 150x150, 12383619_871561599608709_75113…)

No. 245954
File: 1486390718424.jpg (776.86 KB, 1377x1085, CYMERA_20170113_132402.jpg)

She's got the lying, whoring, scamming and pandering fetish thing back
>>245950 all thats missing is this
No. 245961
File: 1486391435818.png (279.02 KB, 392x500, Screen_Shot_2015-12-09_at_11.4…)

>>241401Does that mean she fucked for this pic?
No. 246025
>>245957So you think dating someone 10 years older is gross? You need to be 18+ to post here.
>>245895This guy is so fucking weird. It's funny how she said on her instagram live that the guy is just a "friend".
She doesn't look ugly on her livestreams, although she seems very obnoxious and avoid answering questions like "Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have a master?". People think she is into petplay since she tags her pics with #kittenplay and shit, when she's actually just a weeb who wishes to be a ~~real life anime kitty waifu~~.
No. 246464
File: 1486466399457.jpg (627.08 KB, 720x893, CYMERA_20170207_061931.jpg)

No. 246515
File: 1486479313909.png (4.03 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1317.PNG)

>>246510It's because she's a child anon! She looks so young guyz xD
No. 246530
File: 1486482711881.jpg (612.77 KB, 720x847, CYMERA_20170207_105215.jpg)

No. 246531
File: 1486482767581.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-07-09-01-40…)

No. 246598
File: 1486486625252.png (1.06 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-07-11-56-35…)

No. 246608
File: 1486487747626.png (865.11 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-07-12-15-39…)

No. 246612
File: 1486487962072.png (655.29 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-07-12-18-52…)

Playing a game as equally as boring as her and I thought sky said she can't live a day without her ears kek
No. 246736
File: 1486502019179.png (1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-07-16-13-27…)

No. 246791
>>246612Every gamer plays agario uwu
lol I knew her small percent of active weeb fans wouldn't be enough to jumpstart her twitch career. She's boring and sucks st games, and since she doesn't look good on cam twitch has no interest in her. How unfortunate
No. 246795
File: 1486511893684.png (792.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-07-18-30-03…)

No. 246853
File: 1486518454747.jpg (455.49 KB, 717x894, CYMERA_20170207_202725.jpg)

Wearin a cheongsam
No. 246855
File: 1486518472004.jpg (108.36 KB, 712x264, CYMERA_20170207_204145.jpg)

Nice tags
No. 247096
>>246689>>246830No she definitely has an Asian fetish. Just look at how much she used to show off her kawaii asian oppa compared to this boyfriend and the boyfriend before the Asian guy.
I find that most Asians have standards even for white girls. Conventionally cute girls will still have better luck than potatoes like Skyleigh when it comes to thirsty Asians.
Tbh she should just get a Tinder or whatever dating app people are using nowadays and shack up with a local Asian for a night.
No. 247193
File: 1486542267028.jpeg (115.86 KB, 750x747, image.jpeg)

>>246539Nah she's visibly heavier than before. Pic related was her around holiday 2015/16.
No. 247216
>>246531>>246464Damn that unfortunate bodyshape, she's put on a ton, her legs have gotten so goddamn thick
>>245756I too thought she looked good here aswell too bad
>>245291 and
>>244989 is the reality of her face, her nose is a literal potato. RIP
No. 247293
>>246464I very much get the weight gain comments but her legs seem so much more stumpier with those god awful cheap wedges that are doing her no fucking favors.
If she gains more weight past this she will reaaaaally start having some srs trunk legs due to her height rip
(To this day i still cant get over the kitten ears and wearing them in public. I cringe everytime)
No. 247339
File: 1486572450397.png (81.82 KB, 225x400, image_crop__2017_02_08_11_44_3…)

The good ol days with her vietnamnese boytoy
No. 247454
>>247096Could be. I assumed she showed him off because he was "objectively" better-looking than her former boyfriend, not because of his race. If he had been white and handsome, I bet there would've been a lot of selfies too. And how can you brag about a Vietnamese boyfriend if you're pretending to be Korean or Japanese? That doesn't make sense to me.
Sage for pointless discussion.
No. 248108
File: 1486673460683.png (931.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-09-15-49-20…)

No. 248117
>>246608Why does this girl have the worlds shittiest layouts ?
A lot of people make their own stream layouts and although they aren't super polished or professional looking they look decent. Way better than the blurry mess Sky makes
No. 248297
File: 1486693471668.png (591.89 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-09-20-35-32…)

No. 248474
File: 1486733742343.png (762.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-10-08-34-20…)

Shes peob gonna try to sell these for $50 +
No. 248550
File: 1486750042793.jpg (70.9 KB, 745x745, 91BDA0DFD5A3F751570DABB442CE6E…)

ofc she would base her makeup off a korean
No. 248551
File: 1486750227987.jpeg (140.31 KB, 750x1043, image.jpeg.8e33a211d0c17436542…)

>>248550Though it looks abit better compared to her old makeup
No. 249277
File: 1486856037331.jpeg (60.97 KB, 750x1129, image.jpeg)

That retarded PULL account is back too
No. 249391
File: 1486873980480.png (479.57 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-02-11-23-09-57…)

On her stream she us talking about a streaming schedule and that if people want her to stream on Saturday it will be $40 and a donation to her patreon
No. 250106
>>249555Yep,she was.
Because free money is easy
No. 250149
File: 1486956333404.png (867.58 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-12-22-24-58…)

No. 250173
File: 1486958848677.png (488.67 KB, 811x597, Screen_Shot_2015-09-22_at_11.4…)

No. 250174
File: 1486958915028.png (717.13 KB, 479x625, image.png.110dd74a7e4360c679c3…)

No. 250390
>>250171She did say …
Last time people asked her often and her answer always changed from half asian to quarter asian to 1/10th asian. Then she posted some picture of a asian guy standing with her family as "proof" she got the asian blood.
When she got called out on it and the hate accounts started she back tracked and said she never claimed to be asian.
No. 250440
File: 1487000085299.png (315.57 KB, 595x598, Screen_Shot_2015-12-04_at_23.1…)

She always had a wonky face even with photoshop
No. 250542
File: 1487015110137.png (839.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-13-14-42-32…)

No. 250544
File: 1487015157535.png (817.35 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-13-14-46-20…)

No. 250545
File: 1487015204147.png (1.39 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-13-14-46-24…)

No. 250560
>>250376Doesn't she have an expensive Alienware laptop? Wouldn't those be good to stream at an ok-ish quality and get 60 frames?
Her streams are super low quality, so either her computer or internet sucks, or she doesn't know how to configure obs/xsplit so her stream settings are all wonky. Maybe a bit of both
I feel like the only people paying her are the same 4 creepy men. Not even boys her age.
No. 250593
File: 1487024315229.png (921.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-13-17-14-19…)

No. 251089
File: 1487091115994.png (721.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-14-11-51-19…)

No. 251095
File: 1487091205561.png (256.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-14-11-53-35…)

Potato chan
No. 251767
File: 1487125045194.png (6.49 KB, 332x173, KReqoCr.png)

Yep, her saturday streams are paid now. If you want her to stream, pay 40 dollars and there you go!
No. 251779
File: 1487126579174.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

Whew lad
No. 251819
File: 1487133284558.png (2.73 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170214-233116.png)

What is this supposed to be…?
No. 252022
File: 1487171571510.jpeg (218.4 KB, 750x1181, image.jpeg)

Don't underestimate her abilities
No. 252179
>>252022>abilities What abilities are we talking here? Her horrible streams, shit weeb artwork, or the godawful photos she produces like in
>>251779 I'd put my money on her incredible egotism. Bitch thinks she's Ariana Grande.
No. 252373
File: 1487206278864.png (997.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-19-51-25…)

No. 252376
File: 1487206360217.png (732.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-19-51-28…)

No. 252377
File: 1487206414077.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-19-51-30…)

No. 252378
File: 1487206465013.png (1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-19-51-39…)

No. 252385
File: 1487206845954.png (910.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-20-00-26…)

No. 252434
File: 1487211894673.png (914 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-15-20-00-30…)

No. 252478
File: 1487215947673.png (2.93 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170214-233132.png)

>>252385Video version looks totally different, kek
No. 252538
>>252478webcam video is totally different from the story picture which is totally different from her shooped posted picture.
i guess the older guys really dont care that much as
No. 252867
File: 1487278380946.png (857 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-16-15-52-45…)

No. 253061
File: 1487299974493.png (581.6 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-16-21-35-45…)

No. 253271
>>252968Everything is ruined by the ears.
But with the boob thing, it could be because one of her arm is raised, and one breast is always a bit bigger than the other (due to dominate handedness or w/e)
Sageing b/c of boob talk
No. 253294
File: 1487345717625.png (482.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-17-10-34-20…)

No. 253295
File: 1487345767786.png (278.43 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-17-10-36-41…)

No. 253296
File: 1487345817223.png (875.31 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-17-10-34-58…)

No. 253297
File: 1487345868133.png (839 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-17-10-34-40…)

No. 253298
File: 1487345935426.png (1.26 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-17-00-47-00…)

No. 254128
File: 1487478497400.png (134.43 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-02-18-23-25-31…)

So this guy was happier seeing her as an under aged shooped Asian wannabe.
No. 254311
>>253319I feel like it's someone who has a vendetta against her and is desperately trying to make people interested in insulting her again. Not gonna happen, since now she's boring as fuck.
0/10 dry milk
No. 255455
File: 1487697467813.png (848.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-21-12-17-00…)

Her fat fingers
No. 255458
File: 1487697849651.png (606.48 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-21-12-23-20…)

You'd think she would buy a new webcam with the patreon money
No. 255460
>>255458Please stop….
Nobody cares about this fat stump of weeby trash. She's not interesting and was hardly interesting when she was being a cunt.
No. 255809
File: 1487739925593.png (1.19 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-02-22-00-02-04.p…)

She's just so awkward now.
>>255458Lol what Patreon money?
>>255460>>255456>>254311>>254204>>253319There are several different ppl who post here. If you think she is boring and watery as fuck, just ignore it. Stop derailing, especially when you think there is no milk.
No. 256660
File: 1487884978499.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-23-16-21-47…)

Sky trying to make her patreon more engaging, doubt she would actually send out the promised goods
No. 256669
File: 1487886321116.jpg (339.36 KB, 717x888, CYMERA_20170223_164422.jpg)

>>248234How is this cute?
No. 256671
File: 1487886417855.png (737.53 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-22-09-37-55…)

Does she even play overwatch??
No. 256675
File: 1487886599528.png (Spoiler Image,964.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-23-16-48-47…)

>>247339>>248551Last year she claimed to be ahri, this year shes gonna try to be
No. 256677
File: 1487886813273.jpg (322.33 KB, 720x1660, 1434508690633.jpg)

>>255460Annoying and cringy then, still annoying and cringy now.
No. 256818
File: 1487903311411.png (742.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-23-21-20-40…)

And shes back at it with the crappy store selling crappy over priced shit
No. 256821
File: 1487903601476.png (843.7 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-23-21-33-37…)

No. 256822
File: 1487903925438.png (790.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-23-21-20-44…)

Does she really think this will work?
No. 256825
File: 1487904491188.png (593.04 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-23-21-47-59…)

Shes like a kawaii squidward
No. 256878
>>256872b-but anon-chan! how is she supposed to prove that she is a kawaii korean-japanese waifu without pixel gifs covering every inch of her layout?
>>256822Apparently she does and she expects that someone will pay up to $110 for them.
No. 256998
File: 1487944994991.jpg (88.67 KB, 640x640, 1433857582549.jpg)

I mean she didnt look half as bad as she does now
No. 256999
File: 1487945070113.jpg (658.09 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170213_195529.jpg)

The many faces of a delusional slu
No. 257189
File: 1487974636550.png (891.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-24-17-14-10…)

*covers 50 percent of face
No. 257287
File: 1487984830895.png (780.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-24-20-05-39…)

No. 257290
File: 1487984892841.png (884.06 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-24-20-05-36…)

No. 257292
File: 1487985026396.jpg (347.97 KB, 720x850, CYMERA_20170224_200951.jpg)

That pushup bra is atrocious
No. 257303
>>257292It looks like ass crack of a over weight man.
Why the fuck do her tits look 2D ?
No. 257450
File: 1487995193746.png (870.93 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-24-22-58-18…)

How to hide potato nose 101
No. 257764
File: 1488033006693.jpg (377.83 KB, 720x896, CYMERA_20170225_092754.jpg)

That prince guy is some creepy looking indian guy that truly believed sky was azn or something since ahripop
No. 257770
File: 1488033728153.jpg (405.27 KB, 712x1107, CYMERA_20170225_094100.jpg)

Someone actually bought that for $40 lol
No. 257771
File: 1488033747636.jpg (356.08 KB, 720x1115, CYMERA_20170225_094044.jpg)

No. 257773
File: 1488033879411.png (440.83 KB, 576x1024, image_crop__2017_02_25_09_44_4…)

>>257770She's also selling a fake ass lol figure
No. 257775
File: 1488034077278.png (175.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-25-09-48-13…)

Prints comin soon boyz
No. 257910
File: 1488052911680.png (851.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-25-14-59-21…)

"Please buy my shit guys"
No. 257918
File: 1488054055134.jpg (517.75 KB, 2560x2560, 1445806252841.jpg)

Whatever happened to annedere?
No. 258034
File: 1488066577116.png (921.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-25-18-48-37…)

What company in their right mind would hire someone who wears cat ears to model their cars
No. 258036
>>257785"this is why i like to play other games usually on my streams bc the fps drops"
bitch you're 0/5/7 as katarina on aram. you should be having a kda of like 6 not -5.
and what do you mean other games? agario? the one where you slither a worm around to get orbs and try not to crash into others?
how can my ordinary laptop stream better than your "l33t" alienware gaming laptop?
and yeah she's super nasally which is why i've missed all her streams. she's boring as well, but can anyone let me know what the chat is like? the one time i went in when she was still ahripop it was just a bunch of young weebs roleplaying.
>>258034the dress is ok but her hair is so ugly looking and those ears must def scream "Weirdo" to normal people
No. 258080
File: 1488069770117.jpg (464.36 KB, 712x786, CYMERA_20170225_194308.jpg)

She looks trashy lol
No. 258094
>>258034Beef cake shooped herself a waistline.
>>258080Legit looks like a man in a wig.
No. 258147
File: 1488074470149.png (1.02 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-25-21-00-44…)

Fade? More liked dyed
No. 258235
>>258147Why do all these snowflakes have yellow ass hair? She's looking like looney Slater.
Your hair faded from pink fast because it's the colour of a friggin brass instrument. T O N E R.
No. 258281
File: 1488080948779.png (107.32 KB, 256x766, 4822039482049.png)

lol who the fuck does she think she is
No. 258549
File: 1488111786363.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, 1444713598723.png)

No. 258552
File: 1488112015444.jpeg (21.57 KB, 420x420, 566a36831d9756836.jpg!thumb420…)

>>258281Skyleigh thinks she's a ~anime girl waifu~
No. 258554
File: 1488112431403.jpeg (115.66 KB, 749x1197, image.jpeg.8773aaed0c03a5d5bf1…)

>>258034Omg Her bod actually doesnt look like this?? Shocker!!
No. 258556
File: 1488112580198.jpg (193.84 KB, 540x566, CYMERA_20170226_073213.jpg)

>>258036Momo's fanbase consists of old people and autistic nerds
No. 258557
File: 1488112744564.jpg (31.91 KB, 180x133, CYMERA_20170226_073925.jpg)

Model material here
No. 258628
File: 1488126192007.png (827.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-11-22-29…)

No. 258630
File: 1488126262051.png (682.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-11-22-21…)

No. 258634
>>258630>>258628>>258034She looks so proud of these but they're so horrible, unprofessional, and a little ghetto. Only someone as egotistical as her would look at them and say "yes these look good"
>>258080I can't even with her face here.
I would think she snuck on the set of she didn't tag them in it.
No. 258692
>>258554Her face looks genuinely deformed here. Autistic anime waifu QuQ
>>258630She looks so awkward here, her face kind of looks like she's about to cry. The quality is terrible and she should really fix up her hair. Get some new socks, ditch the ears and get a flattering haircut and go back to black and she would look so much better.
(Also careful Skyleigh, your white is showing)
No. 258703
File: 1488136566047.jpg (54.89 KB, 729x960, dsfd.jpg)

>>257918annedere as far as i know only has fb rn and she doesn't seem to involve herself in drama prob bc she doesnt want to be posted in these lmao i have mutuals w her on fb so sometimes i see her pop up, apparently she's the cutest angel according to them
No. 259044
File: 1488167117937.jpg (570.64 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170226_224418.jpg)

It's laughable and sad how she still tries to emulate this character and still fails miserably at it.
No. 259045
File: 1488167177019.jpg (24.92 KB, 480x480, 12224087_731223107010182_17943…)

>>258718She looked kinda like a tranny in this
No. 259050
File: 1488167618223.jpg (499.6 KB, 912x913, CYMERA_20170226_225222.jpg)

It still boggles my mind how people actually believed momo's azn lie
No. 259081
File: 1488169777189.png (117.86 KB, 300x300, image_crop__2017_02_26_23_28_4…)

>>258718>>259045I always thought she looked like one
No. 259085
File: 1488170415852.png (313.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-23-39-20…)

No. 259086
File: 1488170463119.png (312.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-23-39-30…)

No. 259087
File: 1488170516446.png (220.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-23-39-35…)

No. 259089
File: 1488170601815.png (336.43 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-26-23-37-45…)

>>259044She tried making it seem like that wasn't the case lmao
No. 259121
File: 1488174176930.jpg (30.61 KB, 306x306, IMG_9803.JPG)

>>258630She still wears those fucking ears everywhere
No. 259260
>>259044Seems like she's moved on from Ahri the Korean fox girl to Tamamo no Mae the Japanese fox girl. Either way, she's still a weeb.
>>258554>the blur in the graphic from where she enlarged her boobkek
No. 259624
File: 1488203640703.png (585.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-27-07-49-57…)

Soon she'll be selling these for $40
No. 259647
File: 1488209408764.png (38.41 KB, 606x540, image_crop__2017_02_27_10_28_2…)

For an easy payment of $40 usd, you can get a crappy generic letter written by a asian wannabe slut who aspires to be like other online sluts! Order now!!
No. 259652
File: 1488210564906.png (613.77 KB, 499x521, bootleg.png)

>>259044lol she calls herself ahri lmao. more like toucan sam in a halloween cop costume
No. 259919
File: 1488242680940.png (574.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-27-18-11-08…)

No. 260386
File: 1488302511163.png (1.1 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-28-12-12-04…)

No. 260389
File: 1488302574501.png (946.66 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-28-12-12-56…)

How much lighting does this girl need
No. 260391
File: 1488302933804.jpg (199.8 KB, 720x557, CYMERA_20170228_122742.jpg)

Can't even see her nose>>260389
No. 260400
File: 1488303397963.jpg (169.21 KB, 715x481, CYMERA_20170228_123659.jpg)

Looks kinda manly too
No. 260515
File: 1488310697241.png (761.15 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-02-28-12-38-30…)

Her whole stream consists of her trying so hard to be a kawaii fun waifu, she tries especially hars on her crappy voice. Just give it up.
No. 260517
File: 1488310887292.jpg (333.42 KB, 720x715, CYMERA_20170228_144103.jpg)

More car pics
No. 260519
File: 1488310927281.jpg (358.38 KB, 720x700, CYMERA_20170228_144119.jpg)

Still looks awks af
No. 260522
File: 1488311028989.png (751.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-28-14-40-26…)

What crappy and lazy patreon rewards
No. 260599
File: 1488317119362.png (966.8 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-28-15-33-23…)

"I really care about my fans and I totally don't just see them as cash!"
No. 260714
>>260710I think it's 2017 but she's covering the 7 making it look like a 2
>>260519She looks like a sad retard
No. 260744
File: 1488325321926.jpg (431.69 KB, 720x1112, CYMERA_20170228_184019.jpg)

This chick is white mixed east asian, I'm sure ahripoop thinks if this girl is mixed and looks like that surely people will think/believe I'm mixed!
No. 261356
File: 1488387144252.png (280.39 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-01-11-42-18…)

You're a potato Sky.
No. 261357
File: 1488387176740.png (215.44 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-01-11-42-20…)

No. 261590
>>260522tfw you have no skills so you can't offer anything to your patrons. not even good pictures, or cosplay shoots. she has like what, 5 bought cosplays max anyways?
honestly just a weeb playing dress up and not having the looks/bod/attitude/skills for anything.. how sad
No. 261681
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Idk if this is relevant, screen cap of ellis who dated her said that she cheated on him with 8 different ppl
No. 261716
File: 1488414147438.jpg (93.5 KB, 720x1069, 2222.jpg)

I thought she said that she was leaving for good, barely lasted a year. She was only gone for a good 10 months or so before she couldn't handle losers validating her sad existance
No. 262018
>>261716What a sad world we live in that people will worship fake people.
Why do any of these heavy photoshopping hoes even get one stan ? This girl isn't even moderately attractive in person and just gets uglier with age like Kota. Even got that nasty personality
>>261681 and attitude.
No. 262052
>>262042I find it fairly believable since she bounces from guy to guy in a heart beat and is always dangling off the arms of photographers at cons. She slept with Justin just hours after meeting him .. soo ..
She's not apposed to using her body for neckbeard attention online, so why would she be in rl ?
No. 262080
File: 1488471642635.png (189.19 KB, 748x319, Screen_Shot_2015-09-23_at_1.18…)

>>262052Sky talks about her purity ^ _ ^
No. 262081
File: 1488471715259.png (572.09 KB, 595x596, Screen_Shot_2016-01-18_at_9.10…)

Apparently one of the ppl she cheated with when she was still with ellis
No. 262083
File: 1488471887181.jpg (150.9 KB, 570x575, CYMERA_20170302_112348.jpg)

People only cared and liked her was when this was her look. Now she barely has any fans with her current gimmick or than diehards like akinyaa and prince alzamar
No. 262092
File: 1488472464124.png (279.34 KB, 394x500, Screen_Shot_2016-01-15_at_2.32…)

Some buried gems
No. 262094
File: 1488472501864.png (106.55 KB, 315x500, IMG_20160110_102002.thumb.png.…)

No. 262096
File: 1488472808449.jpg (46.48 KB, 600x400, 60468590.jpg)

>>260400"Okay, see, what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna shellac her with makeup, and I'm gonna blast her with light to soften up all those features."
No. 262167
File: 1488480663464.png (846.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-02-13-48-02…)

10 bucks she wont send them out
No. 262182
File: 1488482690174.png (361.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-02-13-58-04…)

((Hella expensive))
No. 262183
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No. 262257
File: 1488490411808.jpg (408.1 KB, 1280x1265, e6e8dbcb-0def-4ec0-9068-8a0bfb…)

Courtesy of ahripop callout tumblr, her current shop is eerily similar to her old one
No. 262259
File: 1488490594237.png (299.7 KB, 639x371, 30sem11.png)

How can you have a innocent and cute persona with this shit??
No. 262264
File: 1488490879758.jpg (273.18 KB, 628x949, CYMERA_20170302_164106.jpg)

No. 262402
File: 1488507263509.png (1.05 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-02-21-05-53…)

No. 262403
File: 1488507287889.png (660.44 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-03-02-21-06-05…)

She looks almost naked with that lighting
No. 262404
File: 1488507471802.png (698.83 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-03-02-21-10-07…)

It was funny watching her struggle to explain to her viewer that practically her "contest" is a sham. She gives out hints on her stream and the viewers have to guess the right number by donating some money and inputing their answer as the donation comment. So basically it can be anything, BUT DON'T WORRY if you don't get the number right like what Sky says you'll get a hand written letter from her and it's a win win!
No. 262407
>>262259This is someone else btw. I forgot her username but I used to follow her on Tumblr.
>>262266I never said she shopped like it. But she clearly still does her eye makeup in a Korean style is all. A little earlier in this thread an anon posted a picture of a post she liked and it was the same makeup look by a Korean girl (showing you how to do it). Yeah she may not be shooping but it's not reaching to say she's def not doing western styled makeup
No. 262415
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No. 262416
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No. 262485
File: 1488524060563.png (329.68 KB, 964x341, Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 10.5…)

>>262257PULL gtfo. Take your dumb ~exposure~ blogs somewhere else.
No. 262587
>>262485Wow, they took this shit to multiple platforms …
You'd think she crapped in their cereal those mornings with how dedicated they were.
This is likely why she isn't doing the full asian shoop and makeup because she got shredded for it. Its likely she's still obsessed with Japan/Korea.
No. 262715
File: 1488570757940.png (955.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-11-26-36…)

Why do shops still sponsor this mess?
No. 262716
File: 1488570798499.png (670.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-14-29-29…)

>>262415She totally has a daddy fetish, gross.
No. 262717
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No. 262730
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No. 262731
File: 1488572498447.png (698.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-15-17-48…)

No. 262732
File: 1488572525601.png (681.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-15-19-23…)

She looks like a mexican hooker
No. 262764
File: 1488574804621.png (961.65 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-15-55-16…)

She put put another insta story where she awkwardly tries to dance and shake her hips while making ugly faces that she thinks is sexy lmao
No. 262830
File: 1488579609558.jpg (317.63 KB, 720x856, CYMERA_20170303_172003.jpg)

Sky looks horrible how did she think this was a good pic??
No. 262837
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No. 262839
File: 1488581137277.png (696.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-17-37-33…)

No. 262963
File: 1488593332535.png (1.09 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-03-21-03-10…)

Pro gamer right here
No. 262964
File: 1488593431198.png (817.9 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-03-03-21-04-06…)

Lol she was so cringy idk if it was the black wig or what, she kept saying hello, thank you and nice to meet you or something in korean over and over, like thats not cute. Thats annoying.
No. 263138
File: 1488635708766.png (649.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-03-04-08-51-30…)

She can't decide if she wants to be innocent or slutty