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No. 699480
Holly Brown is an artist YouTuber who specializes in hypocrisy, terrible anatomy and most importantly starting projects she can never finish.
Social Media:
Youtube: (Vlog Channel): Website: Store: CalArts Rant she is known for: [DL][Archived Copy]
>22-year-old freelancer artist who does youtube, lives with her mom (aunt), and runs an online store>She hates her brother and constantly sperges about him whenever she gets a chance. Was known to keep bashing him on a live stream once (way after he went away)>Takes on too many projects at once, then complains about it afterwards>Constantly bitches on twitter>Is a big hypocrite, the type to give advice and then do the total opposite>Thinks she is a professional hardworking artist when in reality she is a stay at home slob who can never finish anything>Shits on other artists>Always talks about how she doesn't have money and how ""poor"" she is but is constantly seen (and broadcast on Twitter/social media) buying unnecessary items>When she buys said items, she brags about how great they are, then is known to disregard them (usually sell them) about a week or so after using them>Always talks about trying to earn money from various art projects, but it never works>Cant take criticism to save her life, she will usually respond with something passive or aggressive or blame it on her style.>Is a complete FUJO, but yet complains about Fujoshis, a total hypocrite>Hates women and just wants to draw "teh gays">Has no friends and is cooped up inside her house. Her room is very filthy.>Cant spell or write for shit. Has terrible grammar anything she writes is confusing. (Also goes and shits on people for not knowing how to spell)>Has a terrible personality in general>Wasted 83 artists' time by attempting to put together a BNHA zine, and constantly complaining about the work she created herself instead of answering e-mailsPreviously:
>San Japan prep quickly goes awry due to poor time managment>Holly makes it to San Japan with less stock than intended, but still takes over most of her shared booth>Displays her poorly drawn porn front and center and only censors her display copy with stickers, complains on twitter about being told to take it down>Makes no money compared to her expenses pre-con>"Idk guys, I might not do as many cons now, too much drama">Decides to make more terrible "gay shit" instead, this time about sex slaves (it's not rape, my dudes)>Finally posts an apology about her poor managment on the zine, but still decides to keep printing them at home instead of using a printing service>Lets her ass hang all the way out in a livestream with TwistedDisaster where she tackles fun, family-friendly topics such as religion and rape for her teen audience (>Has a very obvious rape fetish and blatantly displays it in her comic>Proceeds to lie about talking about her very obvious rape fetish>Has attempted to make hitler doppelganger rapist-kun sympathetic
>Projects List: Hamilton Animatic, Clever Kitchen, Convention Stuff, Paranormal Plague, Purgatory (redrawing/inking), BNHA themed zine, Rape/Slave comic/zinePrevious Threads:
>>>/snow/286955>>>/snow/375886>>>/snow/428135>>>/snow/480758>>>/snow/498020>>>/snow/527029>>>/snow/550611>>>/snow/579925>>>/snow/610529>>>/snow/646597>>>/snow/668003>>>/snow/686056 No. 699498
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No. 699501
>>699482Don't worry about it anon, the picture is A+ and the thread title is going to piss Holly off, it's all good.
>>699498Everything about this is shit, but the top right… It looks like he's holding his legs open or something, and Simon's hood looks like a muddy winter lake.
No. 699550
File: 1538160892905.png (54.92 KB, 608x395, lalalacanthearyou.png)

Holly, people give you constructive criticism all the time. You just don't want to hear it and prefer to yap on about ~da haturz~
No. 699591
>>699553shut up, cLEArLY u don’t know anything since you’re calling her a bitch and that’s mean u hater, idk that’s just my opinion /s
holly, if you’re clearly incompetent at something that you proclaim you’re great at, then ppl are going to laugh at you or try to inform you of what you’re doing wrong. some of her vids are the most blatant examples of that, like the “anatomy mistakes young artists make” and the “color theory” vids. those may be her worst, considering how shit her anatomy and colors still are and how absolutely sure of herself she was. even if those were made a while ago, i don’t doubt that she still believes every word she said in them. god that color theory piece was a hot fucking mess lmao. i mean yeah, i get what she’s saying in that ppl telling her she has a potato face and stuff like that is kinda pointless bc she can’t fix it, but in terms of art? nah, honey, you’ve got a LOT you can fix with that.
No. 699603
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No. 699669
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Tinfoling here but maybe she's tracing and being stupid by announcing something like this
When you can just turn the opacity down enough?????
No. 699671
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Leave my childhood alone Holly. Also this isn't even that close to Reese's hair.
No. 699906
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No. 699930
>>699923I just re-read through Purgatory, and I can attest with 99.9% confidence…..
I did not see a single thought bubble or narration bubble.
No. 699932
>>699826>your characters look like they are bending reality by just existing in your shitty backgroundsThis is so evocative, I teared up.
Worst thing that could happen, and I've seen this before, (indie comics industry-chan) is that she decides to incorporate this concept, and all her other failings, into her style and go 'surreal'. Let's hope no one offers her a toke or she will decide her mind has been expanded and treat us to exquisite edge
>>699906>a lot of religious people do this when tragedies occurThat is so fucking vague!! Hindus?? Muslims??? Do you mean Catholics? I'm supposing that the religion is based on Catholicism,(priest rape!! Squee!) but to say religious people get Stockholm when 'tragedies occur'… tragedies? Tornadoes give religious people Stockholm Syndrome? I'm actually stressing out about this. DO SOME RESEARCH.
'Stockholm syndrom bro' should be Simon's new name.
No. 699947
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>>699926tfw you get cucked by hitler
No. 699950
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>>699498What's up with the random Moses?
Frankly, Moses has better facial proportions than her drawings on that page do kek
No. 699951
>>699932Usually the opposite tends to happen.
For instance, a lot of Greeks lost their faith in the gods when the Plague of Athens happened.
>>699603I feel like Lemia Crescent is a bit cowish, too. Remember that assmad video she made about how her art teacher in high school said her anime fanart was garbage? And she was shocked that he gave her a bad grade when she explicitly states that she knew she was doing the assignment incorrectly?
No. 699975
>>699962Stockholm Syndrome isn't even a real observable medical condition. It isn't acknowledged by law enforcement
or the mental health community to be a "syndrome" or disorder.
why? Of all of the directions should could have taken the story after Simon got raped, why
Stockholm Syndrome, that tired borderline-abuse-apologist cliche?
When sexual abuse victims in the church avoid telling authorities, it's because of victim-blaming and gas-lighting, not because Jesus makes them develop feelings for their rapist. They genuinely believe that it's their fault it happened.
Is buttrape literally the only story element that matters to Holly? It's like she read Killing Stalking and took it to be a guide for writing rape/abuse.
No. 699978
>>699962It's more like she's saying "don't you know anything about psychology, bro?"
Cause she does, obviously.
This is a sensitive topic, it's a good thing we have the esteemed Professor Holly Fujo Brown to teach us about trauma.
As a side note, realistic rape trauma is neither sexy nor kawaii, which could be the issue here. I'm not even talking about her abusing the trope for gain, I just mean the way it usually plays out is not very aesthetic. Living with one's rapist for years causes emotional scarring that can leave people almost catatonic, incapable of caring for themselves. Many victims try to make themselves unattractive to protect themselves, eg. put on heaps of weight. Not very kawaii.
>>699975I think she's going for the Lolita story-line where a child becomes attached to an adult based purely on the authority they have but, you know, without doing any research and calling it Stockholm Syndrome.
No. 699998
>>699975how did it go from "I'm being raped by my teacher to save Damien's life" to "I'm actually in love with my rapist even though it's only been like a week"?
also the fact that immediately after being raped he was coming onto Damien and trying to fuck which was so absurdly forward and out of character that even Damien was weirded out by his 180 personality change, and that was without knowing he was sexually abused like the day before.
I think Holly is trying to very hamfistedly portray how many CSA victims become hypersexual later in life without realizing it takes a lot more than a few days to make that transition????
No. 700047
>>699906Why does this feel just comicly bad?
I'm normally a little forgiving of Holly's ignorant antics but sometimes she just seems so brain dead that I just can't with her.
You really can't be surprised that people are mad at you for halfassing your rape victim character after your rape comic. Really? Stockholm Syndrome?
No. 700050
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Some more tumblr questions, im not disney idk
I archived some of the purged tweets under her related hashtags, mostly about the rapey stuff/the aftermath.
No. 700051
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Friendly reminder that a year ago she drew mpreg art of her 15 year old characters.
No. 700087
>>699906Oh there we fucking go.
That's not how stockholm syndrome or religion works.
>>700041He's working on his ""thesis"", so I'm assuming a couple of months.
No. 700095
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>>700051Jesus Christ, it's like she's trying to play into all the worst fujoshi stereotypes.
No. 700135
File: 1538222374413.jpg (3.28 MB, 2218x7526, thechoosenone.jpg)

i started getting confused about the plot so i went back and read from the very beginning of Purgatory. Forgot how much of a trainwreck it is
Pic related
No. 700210
>>700135Those fucking close-ups really got me.
Also what kind of human sacrifice gets shot? That's not a very sacrificial way to die, you'd think they'd slit their throat or sth.
No. 700235
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>>700135Bless you, anon. This is an excellent summary of the story so far for those who are new to the fandom.
No. 700248
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Holly missed a chance for ending bad written joke and instead made Hershel look like a lunatic. What else is new. All the characters so far seem like annoying assholes, so basically holly-self inserts.
No. 700252
>>700244>>700248Was that exchange meant to be funny? It falls completely flat, Hershel so far seems emotionally unstable and like a complete dick. Unless he's just a ~hot blooded Latino~, but no stereotypes, right?
Honestly PP is easily the worst of her comics, the art is terrible, the pacing and writing is terrible, I can only imagine how much worse it'll be once she introduces her skinny escort boi uwu
No. 700255
>>700240>>700241I'd like it to be understood that everything said in praise of Holly is ironic in this thread, please. I don't think I was being unclear.
>>700251He looks fucking psychotic in that panel. Wide-eyed, twitchy smile. Maybe he's got Stockholm Syndrome lmao.
I think, for her, she's meant to be sad that he's screeching at her because she likes him and she has enraged her fair prince.
No. 700279
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>>700263It gets complicated when you're trying to optimizing flow, but in this case, i think she wants us to read right to left first because Ash's speech bubble is higher than hairgel's head or something. That's insane, no one with eyes would ever read it the way she wanted it to be read.
No. 700293
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Holly please just finish your comics before making aus of them. Or at the very least establish a plot?? Character traits? Why the fuck make an au before those.
No. 700303
File: 1538244359065.png (884.75 KB, 1082x1264, Hershey angry Hershey…)

>>700248it makes this unsettling to read when Hershel flips a switch so many times in so few pages. He goes from his goofy flirtatious line in the previous panel to seething in anger. Why? Is he a relaxed funny guy or a hot head?
He seems really neurotic and flat so far, Princess comes off as a bit stuck up and I guess Ash is supposed to be ~cool and sarcastic~, haven't seen her do much besides stuff her face and piss hersh off.
I know it's only the first few pages but i'm not getting a great first impression from this comic. It's a step up from Purgatory though, so that's something.
No. 700322
>>700293This is funny, because she said in a stream with Michie she liked vampires… but she had no real desire to do vamps.
She was kind of shitting on the idea, because she didn't want to be like all the FUJOS with YAOIVAMPS.
I guess she changed her mind as usual.
No. 700353
>>700303I think Holly has a problem with not understanding how comedy works, honestly. It feels like she has a punchline in mind when she writes the story, and is just making the characters say what they need to to get to the joke. The bad thing is, it makes your characters literally nonexistent and your story suck, and Holly legit doesn't know what a funny joke is so there's no point in the first place.
Holly, stop writing comedy stories, you're obviously not built for it. At least Purg has some sort of story and not meme :3 faces and forced dialog in one poorly drawn location.
No. 700380
>>700303>It's a step up from Purgatory though, so that's something.Talk about a low bar to clear.
Hershel has the disposition of an abusive spouse in this. He goes from flirting to fucking screaming and knocking shit over in a few panels.
>>700353Wait, her stories aren't comedies? Because they're pretty hilarious to me. Hitler-face and Backwards Penis are comedy gold.
No. 700433
File: 1538254492418.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.07 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i found holly's source of inspiration this year for the necks
No. 700450
>>700433What a cursed image
>>700353It seems like the extent of Holly's comedic sense is animu faces :3 and people screaming really loud/being ~random~. I guess it appeals to a big chunk of her fanbase.
No. 700518
>>700303What do you think she thinks is the appeal of her characters?
In PP is she gonna try to make the story about this rag tag mimatched group of young adults who fight monsters every week? Or is gonna try do overarching plots with an edgy "this character was raped" story line badly thrown in?
I just don't know with her.
No. 700523
>>700518Well, imo since this really is just an excuse for her make some imaginary friends and having her self inserts(s) fuck her made up boyfriend, she probably thinks the appeal is just… Inherently there? Like, these characters are tailored after what she thinks a friend group would be like, it's comforting to her, therefore she thinks it's comforting to others as well. It would be sad if she had any empathy for other people.
And as for the second question; both, like a magical girl show with darker themes but awful (still rly funny tho fam like idk born story teller.)
No. 700595
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It’s kinda sad seeing how much Holly’s art has lost any individuality to it; it’s always been ugly but I feel like it used to have a certain charm to it.
Pic relevant because the more she’s tried to “sexy” Hershel up, the less interesting his character design became.
No. 700686
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We can tell lol
No. 700703
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>>700303Holly repeats herself like this because she has no confidence in her storytelling and doesn't know how to show action A causing effect B.
Your character just needs to move from Room 1 to Room 2, but you panic and draw three panels of them standing in Room 1 followed by four panels of them standing in Room 2 announcing "I left Room 1 and entered Room 2." All you needed was one panel of them walking through a door - but that's Holly, all the time. She either doesn't know what panel she needs, or she's scared readers won't get it if she doesn't drill it into their skulls.
It's the art equivalent of circling a word over and over instead of explaining herself. She did it here with Ash making Herschel mad, she did it before with Princess making Herschel horny, and she even did it when Herschel explained they were broke.
>>700248They are lol. Her repetition affects her writing too. Herschel's constant raging makes him terrifying, but to her he's just a goofy hothead. Ash is also a psycho for needling him beyond his breaking point, but Holly thinks this is cute "banter" between friends. It's a friendship written from mutations of fictional friendships, not her own experiences.
Princess is the worst because Holly hasn't considered her motivation. She's a journalist, yet doesn't know what social media/YouTube is? She thinks a million-view YT channel is a "hobby," doesn't get how they could earn money off it, or even why they'd want to record monster sightings? And then doesn't listen to their insider info, even if she's 99% sure they're crazy?
She was proactive because Holly's narrative needed her to be. Then she suddenly didn't know anything because Holly's narrative needed her to. Then she was the angry black SJW woman because Herschel's peen needed her to be. Now she's back to pro-journalist so Holly can exposition dump. She's the only non-self-insert, and it shows, because she's just plot putty.
>>700251>>700255The "joke" is Ash ignoring Herschel's outburst. Herschel is trying for anime-delinquent, and Ash is meant to be snubbing him with a bored/disinterested/"pathetic" expression, which only makes him angrier. That's why Princess acts like nothing happened - Herschel's anger is not a threat amd all women ignore him, that's the punchline.
Problem is Holly can't nail expressions, they're too extreme or inappropriate for her intended tone. Best way to fix this is to study people in art AND real life. This joke didn't land because Herschel's anger was WAY too strong and Ash's "ignoring you" face reads like sadness/embarrassment.
She's been retweeting this artist, who seems nice, but Holly thinks she's found a magic bullet and is using a lot of these tips without really understanding them. She's started "pushing" expressions just like this tweet, only it's not supposed to be this extreme ALL the time.>>700490Herschel isn't Edward, he's pic related, her "precious uwu son" of the moment. Herschel's two modes are "exploding in anger" or "smug and confident," so he's just mutated fandom Bakugo.
No. 700758
>>700730She needs to pace herself. She's apparently now aiming for a page a DAY for Chroma Prince? She's going to burn out even more trying to maintain that.
She's a fulltime artist, she needs to schedule like she takes this seriously as a job, 9-5 Monday-Friday to her WORK, not her hobby. One day a week should be for Purgatory, one for Paranormal Plague, and then two or three for Chroma Prince since that's where she wants to make money.
Assuming she spends 4-5 hours* on each page of her comics, that's 3 hours left to dedicate every day to her million other projects, like her coursework, her animations, her zines, and her merch/store. If she updated Chroma Prince twice a week she could have a whole day for that.
Though right now, she'd be better to use that time to make buffer pages so if something like SanJapan comes up her comics aren't left dead for weeks, growing irrelevant.
And then, TIME OFF. Two days a week where she isn't actively working. This can be when she does her self-indulgent doodles and sketches, which do well on social media, or when she gets the fuck out of her house and interacts with real people.
She has no time management to speak of, so she's just constantly stressed and scrambling to meet her own deadlines.
*If she's spending longer than that then game over, because her results are not worth that drain on her time and energy.
No. 700780
File: 1538291380280.jpg (550.84 KB, 728x1021, 1534274514-ch01_027_web.jpg)

>>700703Oh my god that twitter artist is exactly what she wishes she was. Even the giving of helpful art advice. Uh ohhhhh I think she's copying characters/emotions from this artist without knowing what they mean.
No. 700784
>>700780All she's ever been was a tryhard copycat.
trying desperately to recreate poor attempts of actual technique.
Looking for any and every shortcut to get her stuff to look 'pro' as fast as possible, without regard for actual detail, practice, or thinking.
Holly wants the results faster than she has allowed to give herself the time to actually learn.
That's why she continues to fall short.
No. 700789
>>700777She only ever talks about thumbnailing it out, I don't think she has an actual script or more than a rough outline of where the story is going, which is
insane for a project that's supposed to be 4-5 books (according to her).
No. 700800
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>>700248I didn't understood what it was all about until
>>700703 pointed out that the last shot is a "I'm ignoring you face" and not a sadness one.
Like literally Herschel looks really hurt on the verge of tears and Ash remorseful.
So I drew something fast and I hope it's not considered a complete redraw but I genuinely didn't understand the page was supposed to be a COMEDY in the first place. All the action happen so fast and the character's emotions look intense but not in a funny way.
I think Holly is trying to pull her panel layout and comedy from mangas but totally ignore that she has to change her style to make it understood that it's an absurd joke and not a real meltdown.
I obviously didn't put much time and effort into it, it was just to show off some anime tropes like the hurting bubble, the crow croaking in the background for a failed joke, etc etc. And I didn't even touch the last part cause you got the idea.
Also she doesn't seem to understand that there's mangas with very fast paced jokes but it works for them because it's filled to the brim with jokes. Hers is not that type of surreal comedy so she has to let some time pass before jumping from one joke to another (flirty Herschel to angry herschel)
No. 700807
>>700800Good attempt but that's not actually how the page was constructed.
>>700248was cutting up two pages to explain what the joke was the punchline was continuing on from because it was so confusing.
>>700244This was the second page by itself.
What you did really did make it clearer but it's way more confusing with the pages split as they actually are.
No. 700821
>>700807My bad, I goofed !
My point of the expressions and taking from mangas without changing her art still stands, but yeah disregard the rest
No. 700835
>>700832No I agree, but I goofed and used another anon remade page instead of Holly's original one.
I just wanted to highlight how the comedy could have been done (big caricatures during comedic relief panels, mangas tropes like being hit by rude bubbles and coughing up blood). I didn't want to redraw her page for her and start a circle jerk of redraws and derailing the thread.
The way the characters interact makes no sense, it's either they're too uptight or too intense. She can't nail proper faces either. Herschel looks in anguish, Ash just looks like she's intentionally rude but also feels bad for it and Princess reacts like they're all acting seriously. So the reader is left confused, is Herschel joking, or seriously hurt ?
No. 700838
>>700800Mistake aside your changes/additions are exactly what Holly was going for. But for future reference there's a thread for redraws.
>>243951She needs to decide if she wants to be "anime" or not. Purgatory and early PP were distanced from it, but since the big redraw she's been leaning into it hard. Either is fine but she can't have it both ways, embrace being an OEL-manga-style webcomic or stop leaning so hard on manga/anime shorthand.
>>700777I think she has written everything out, just never edited it and now feels obligated to stick to her script. Stories evolve and it's essential to edit your earlier writing. You can trim the fat and tighten the pacing, leave meaningful foreshadowing, maintain consistency, and most importantly make sure everything you'll spend time and effort drawing is worth it - will it further the plot, build the world/characters, have artistic/thematic value?
Holly's comics indicate she writes/plans ahead too far, then doesn't clean them up. She's been working on Purgatory since highschool for example and it shows. If she actually were drawing them on the fly they'd probably be more fun to read, in a crazy Dominic Deegan way, since it's not like they have continuity now.
She mentioned a script on her most recent Purgatory pages (in comment replies) but could've been joking.
>>700832This is all getting hard off-topic which is why redraws have their own thread but by making the first panel highest anon mostly fixed the paneling issue. The read order is much clearer than the real original.
Anyway, after making a video explaining she won't be doing Inktober, she's announced she'll be doing Inktober.
No. 700856
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>>700841just before everyone puts their foot down on redraws he my fix for some of the slow paced banter
No. 700874
>>700244The page SHOULD end with that final panel imo. The anon context-edit makes it all make way more sense.
In addition, the what it's laid out currently made me think that Hersh and Ash are turning their heads in that middle black panel to look at Princess. That is legitimately how I interpreted it.
But yeah they all come across as assholes and I didn't even realize this was supposed to be a joke.
>>700856I'm laughing too much
No. 700970
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>>700856What if Princess was Reese this whole time???
No. 700975
>>700973Also it doesn't even look like anyone's thrusting in that picture anyway. Some movement lines would have helped.
Fuck it, maybe she does mean trust. Like Hershel is
trusting Reese not to drug and rape him again.
No. 701092
>>700244My guess is that it wasn't comedic this time.
Holly stated that Ash and Herschel USED TO be fuckbuddies, so she probably wanted to introduce the fact that he still has feelings for her, or thought they shared more than just their intimate tools, while she's pretending he's only giving her free stuff.
That way her look is kinda more justified because she feels bad about hurting his feelings but maybe they agreed on being
just friends and keeping distance hurts both of them in the process?
Still herschel is seriously unstable and I'd be hella pissed if my friends shouted at my face every two sentences.
No. 701105
>>701038Kek it is a mental disorder, that doesn't mean it's bad but the average person does not have gender dysphoria/dismorphia which is what makes it a mental disorder, just like those with body dismorphia, that's a mental disorder too. There's nothing wrong with that and it can be treated too with therapy and transitioning but to say it's not a disorder makes no sense
Saged for obvious autism since this topic is a mine field with sperging autists and has no correlation to holly at all unless she one day said she wanted to become an uwu soft boi uke
No. 701218
>>701016i see someone is making use of her discovery of greenscreening out her sketchlines
first thing upon seeing the thumbnail was 'ouch', bc of reese's broken wrist
>>it's frustrating to have an aesthetic for every fucking character… then, don't? you're the damn artist, you can literally change that
No. 701228
File: 1538341658197.png (278.07 KB, 890x535, 5zISZzD.png)

Someone posted this pic a thread or two back and I showed my friend and they said 'Holly says she's trans, when??'
Then someone posted this youtube comment, and I weeped.
We all know how Holly loves to staunchly state she is against something, and then a little bit later do a total flip.
I'm just waiting.
I wish she would do a vlog of her face again. I want to see if she is still trying to be Reese.
No. 701233
>>701231I wasn't implying that she is trans, but she says she is bi, and I don't think she is really bi. I could see her saying she was trans, without transitioning.
Nothing is impossible with Holly.
Well… except appealing art and well-written stories.
No. 701252
>>701233Yeah hey not to backseat mod or anything but let's nip the tranny talk in the bud. There's a separate thread for that:
>>>/snow/570991>>701016Can we talk about how awful her noses are? Hershel's nose looks really broken and borderline antisemitic lmao
No. 701281
>>700948No she literally wrote "trust" and never "thrust" a BUNCH of times across several panels in Seize. Screens are in 2nd-to-last thread I believe, just do a search for the word "trust".
No need to worry about justifying any of this.
No. 701507
File: 1538373407358.jpg (106.86 KB, 720x913, IMG_20180930_202815.jpg)

No. 701576
>>701507Is she retarded? The answer to #2 is obviously 'd'.
Proportions are actually pretty useful, especially when it comes to sales and art in Holly's case.
When you allocate money to different expenses, you need proportions; the amount you spend on an asset should be relative to the profit you'd stand to make from it. If you're mixing paint, especially large quantities of it, you need proportions. If you're printing your art, you need it.
Finally, (RMCAD anon again btw) this must be from the stupid new "math for artists" class RMCAD offers. It's supposed to be an alternative to finance, which was previously the only required math class. Even though finance is much more useful and practical. They should call this class "math for little babies who are afraid of practical adult math".
No. 701593
>>701507>>701576I can sympathize that even basic math can stress me out if I go into the mindset that I'm incapable of doing it, but man, going to a brick and mortar school would really benefit her when she has teachers to talk one on one with or tutoring services to use or even other students to interact with and stop her from destructive thinking. A local community college class in pre-college math would cost half each credit hour she's paying right now and rebuild her confidence in non-art related ventures.
But of course, bitching is easier than trying.
No. 701624
>>701507This is middle school level math at best…
Why even bother having students take a math class if you aren't going to really teach them math? A finance class would have been so much more useful.
No. 701914
File: 1538425130076.jpg (292.72 KB, 901x1200, Docf2LaUYAAbRO1.jpg)

Ugh, it's unnecessary to shit on someone for how they look, but ever since she said those rapey things I just can't stand her face.
No. 701924
>>701914 I feel the same way, and look at her go, buying a ratty 30 year old vintage sweater off of ebay.
But she just had to have it because it was SO
aesthetic Gross.
No. 701930
File: 1538426532009.jpeg (17.9 KB, 306x350, yuck.jpeg)

>>701920I wish that didn't mean what it means.
The most harmless seeming things she does reveal horrible truths to us.
We are cursed.
No. 701974
>>701914Okay, what she looks like has nothing to do with the kind of person she is or the shittyness of her art, but…
She looks like a tranny here, like a less-gross tomgirl Chris.
No. 701987
>>701979And yet she boasts not stereotyping races. When blacks and Hispanics specifically are hypersexualized.
Gotta have the sexy beefy boi and rapey, self harming prostitute bottom boi too though. Being inclusive is the bonus afterthought. /s.
No. 702017
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No. 702019
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No. 702032
>>702019I wonder how the zine order progress is going lmao. It's OK holly you can say that's what it really is.
She seriously does need to scale down though instead of spreading herself so thin in half assed attempts at making a quick buck.
No. 702065
>>702044get over your " woe is me " attitude holly, I follow plenty of ACTUAL talented artists that would love to be in your place and live off their art.
She only has herself to blame for piling on too many projects at once
No. 702088
>>702014>>701976>>701974>>701937I know it's stupid asking this on lolcow but let's try to not make fun of Holly just because of her looks? I mean there's already so much milk with all the other shit Holly pulls that we really don't need to stoop so low.
>>702017Absolutely no one is making Holly print all these books herself. She could easily just get them printed at a shop if it is that difficult for her.
>>702072I'm pretty sure Holly doesn't know enough about blood types to even think up that lie lol. Then again Holly doesn't seem like the kind of person who would actually remember her blood type either so there's a good chance she just stole the blood type of her favorite character from a yaoi or something like the fujo she is.
No. 702092
>>702065It just proves that skill has nothing to do with success. I don't know what makes money, but she's got it. She should be an artist's manager, not an artist.
>>702088I agree with the looks thing. If there's a comment to be made IRT Holly sins, (ie. laziness, general insanity, delusions of grandeur) then let fly. She can't help what she looks like, and honestly, she's not ugly, she's just annoying with a lack of self-awareness.
>>702091lol, fucking probably.
No. 702135
>>702088Holly is genuinely unpleasant to look at and could be improved by giving a fuck about her health and appearance. That's a fact. More than anything she looks sickly to me.
>>702091Isn't AB a pretty rare blood type?Wouldn't shock me at all if it was some anime blood type test. When anons first started talking about Reese being a self insert I had my doubts, but now it's all but confirmed.
No. 702160
>>702147imagine a fuckin kickstarter for any of her projects though.
Please pay me to complain about having to reward backers MY SPINE JUST BROKE, BRO
No. 702176
File: 1538447079468.png (5.57 KB, 552x119, no.png)

This makes me very uncomfortable. People need to spend their money more wisely. Regardless of what a turd she is I would be so embarrassed to own a comic that looked like that. Not even cause it's fujo shit, just cause it's sooooo uglllllyyyyy
No. 702191
>>701914I feel like she had to have deliberately attempted to take a super unflattering photo. This is super cringe.
>>701974I thought she looked like a man here too before even reading your post. It doesn't help that the shirt is literally colors of the trans flag kek
>>702135Agree. As I wrote above, I think she went out of her way to make the picture look bad, because then she's "beating critics to the punch" in a way. If she took better care of herself, she'd feel better about herself…
No. 702228
File: 1538452847819.jpg (302.13 KB, 1000x1250, f383b684-ac8b-4fc3-978b-8ef142…)

so is holly doing kinktober or inktober or what? she flip flops so damn much I have whiplash.
also these are the kinktober prompts for this year and they're super tame…her delicate fujo sensibilities were offended by the lack of yaoi rape prompts I guess.
No. 702242
>>702228eck, ack. This is so lame. I hate kinksters. Being so obsessed with telling everyone about what gets you off makes people look so attention-seeking. I'm not one of those "keep it in the bedroom!" kind of people, I think sex should be talked about freely, but everyone I've ever seen who rants about ~kinky stuff~ is the exact kind of person you don't want to think about sexually and they MAKE you. Sorry.
I'm glad and sad Holly didn't do this. But seeing how much is about girl sex I can see why she didn't.
>BreastsActually, she could have done her sweet mexican boyz for this, they have titties for some reason.
>>702241Like I said. It's the girl stuff that squicked her, no doubt.
No. 702256
File: 1538454964312.jpg (328.81 KB, 380x885, 1538454831773.jpg)

I had assumed she was looking at this Kinktober list rather than the FilFig one. imo there's a pathway for the more vanilla with this one, too.
No. 702323
>>702260I think she just wanted to talk about it to be edgy. As usual.the whole video/talk about inktober was how much she didn't…want to do inktober, but also kind of wanted to do inktober, so maybe she should do kinktober, but not
that kinktober wowee she's not gonna link it, but maybe she won't do kinktober.
It's like she's trying to transition into a NSFW art sort of thing, publically but is too chicken shit to actually do it. She talks big shit like she can do it but hesitates to make the dive wholesale because she'll know she'll drop half of her audience, and the other half is underage, so she's been trying to skirt around and flirt with the topic.
She needs to just get over herself first since she obviously can't handle sexual themes or drawing a dick on right side up.
No. 702341
>>702088>>702135I think her appearence is relevant insofar as it reflects her health. For instance, it wouldn't kill her to brush her hair, wash her hands, amd drink some water for a change.
>>702256NGL these drawing prompts seem more fun and interesting than the regular Inktober prompts.
I'm kind of sad she's not doing Kinktober. I was looking forward to all the milk from rape and backwards penises.
No. 702388
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No. 702393
>>702388alright, honesty time. This is far from good, but this is the first thing she's drawn in a long time that feels even remotely like it comes from the heart; like she kind of enjoyed drawing it at all, or maybe even has some basis in her real life. She has a cat, right? I think for once this is something she can actually relate to.
I mean in terms of draftmanship, yeah there's princesses whole design, the flips and the braid. The fact her hands just disappear into the cat… and the fact it could be traced or referenced heavily from something else. But you know, I'll take what I can get from Ms BRown.
No. 702398
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>>702228>>702256Please Holly please do kinktober. The most entertainment part about these threads is getting to see the drawn porn.
>Sex machineParticularly excited for this one lmao
No. 702407
>>702256I also assumed she meant this one. I kinda hope she does it, even though she'd definitely pick the most vanilla ones.
Holly doesn't seem like she's into porn at all, 2D or otherwise, I'm not sure why she tries to brand herself as an NSFW artist. It's very awkward and uncomfortable.
No. 702447
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>>702388I'm concerned she's once more ripping off miyuli.
Since Princess is slowly becoming her character Esther.
No. 702448
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>>702388Hair flips and all.
No. 702451
>>702447>>702448C'mon holly this is such poor taste.
>>700703She said in one of her old videos his personality was supposed to be a mirror image of Arin from game grumps, she specifically said especially in regards to his sudden mood swings/outbursts. I think it's because Holly finds that funny… but let's play humor doesn't really translate into drawn/written form since it's mostly about timing and delivery. Maybe you can pull it off but you'd have to use a lot of artistic intuition, something holly lacks. Couple that with her inability to draw expressions and stiff poses, her characters just come across like schizos.
No. 702465
>>702451Does she know that Arin and any other youtuber also exaggerate their behavior because…you know…entertainment? They have a personality outside their "quirk", Holly.
But like, what does Hershel have? What does he want to do? Why is he a "buff boi"? And why is he so angry? Is he on fucking steriods??
Also apparently Hershel is suppose to be the special anime boi to cure all the monsters in her story? But why?
No. 702473
>>702466Tinfoil: all of her fans are visually impaired.
I know a lot of artists I was a fan of when I was a teen were actually not good at all, I was just enamored with a cult of personality. You see the same thing with youtubers these days. They're often not doing anything particularly interesting, they're just an attitude exhibition.
It's fun to be a fan, and sometimes an unusual/seemingly confident personality is enough to sweep you up into believing you're part of something cool.
No. 702500
>>702469also, she commented a while back that she "made" hershel bi. like it was an afterthought, something she tagged onto his characterization.
she doesn't realize that attraction doesn't just inform who you literally fuck. it influences EVERYTHING in your life, how you view the world, how you engage with it, how you react and interact with and to other people… she doesn't get it bc much like hershel's, her 'bisexuality' isn't real, it's something she puts on like a cape and that she thinks can change every day. that's not how it works, sweetie.
No. 702540
>>702500To treat sexual orientation like a character trait is just as stupid as treating sex or race as one. As you say, it informs the way people learn to navigate the world. Humans are driven subconsciously by our interest in sex in such a huge percentage of our decisions and interactions. How society views the nature of that interest affects our self-confidence, fears, goals and choices, even if one is completely closeted.
One of the most conspicuous demonstrations of bad writing is characters seeming to have been born yesterday, formed out of the ether with a bunch of labels branded on their asses. "Mexican" "Gay" "Glasses" "Muscles" "Rapist" "Blood type AB"
She just seems to have no empathy or interest in people's lives. Even fictional people of her own creation. As long as they do what she wants them to do. I bet she treats real people in her life that way too.
No. 702541
>>702065Perhaps ot but it's baffling how teens seem to orbitate such shitty quality art, they seem awed with 10 min doodles and really makes me believe the idea that they just like art that they could pull off with a little of practice instead of more skilled ones
>>702469>>702500What more can you expect from holly "I didn't went to this university because it was full of libs" brown, you can really tell how being a shut in distance you from reality lol
No. 702776
>>702643I agree. I also think Holly has a good youtube voice? She's good at talking. Like, none of the words are good and the ideas are trash. But when she's just talking about art she sounds very comfortable and its easy on the ears.
A lot of people passively watch artube while drawing. So being able to talk well for 15 mins + and be vaguely interesting is all you need. Topic videos are basically just another genre of vlogging like let's plays are.
No. 702786
>>702776That's a good point. Looking at the comments under a lot of her videos, you see a bunch of her fans (especially the younger ones) commenting "notification squad~!" or 'i was gonna do my homework but then holly uploaded!' or latch onto some unfunny thing she said. If she's drawing or flipping thru a sketchbook the laser focus is on what they saw in the moment and that's the take away.
None of them are listening to the trash she's actually spewing so it's easy to consume.
No. 703246
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No. 703273
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>>703251Newfag and not an artist but I attempted to fix her proportion issue. You can't fix the wonky neck and or shoulders though..I also think that she's made "shortcuts" for all her characters because I can't see her drawing that picture and not seeing her own glaring anatomy issues.
No. 703276
>>703251Kek, why did she even have to throw gender in there? It's not like generic pretty girls are a subject that's especially popular on YouTube only, and there are countless female artists in general that draw pretty boys.
But of course Holly, you're not like those other girls.
No. 703345
File: 1538588022062.jpg (120.67 KB, 971x883, model.jpg)

Oh good, more shortcuts.
She really is like one of those annoying dudes that put down everything that young girls like while also glorifying their own interests, except in this case she's also ridiculing herself, despite thinking she's "special." It's honestly getting a bit ridiculous how much she hates women, lol. Also, a lot of artist that draw pretty girls have their own OC's? And the're usually a lot more compelling than anything Holly shits out.
No. 703346
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No. 703364
>>703251>>703274>>703276>>703309Yeah, drawing attractive people is normal for most artists, because they're the easiest to draw and because attraction is common source for inspiration.
Y'ain't special, Holly.
It would be more unusual to see somebody drawing a bunch of old or ugly people.
No. 703372
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Keep building those straw men, Holly.
No. 703434
File: 1538596604537.jpg (209.36 KB, 860x418, Untitled 1.jpg)

>>703425not a redline/redraw
just fucking look at this mess. this would be completely useless to help keep consistency unless you were trying to make him look consistently retarded.
Also, all her drawings have anime long mid-face which I read about (and subsequently cured my drawings of) ten years ago in this cute tutorial No. 703455
>>703434kek, I can't believe this is tutorial almost 10 years old know. Imo it's not even that since her eyes are still anime sized, she got rid of the chins by just moving all of the features down way too far.
I don't know who told her to draw a model sheet without drawing guidelines so, you know, the character could actually have the same proportions every time.
No. 703479
>>703372No Holly, its more like you draw lots of romanticized rape, spout off your incoreect views on consent, and then people insinuate that you have a rape fetish.
There's a bit of a difference.
No. 703548
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No. 703762
>>703750since you didn't sage that, I'm guessing you're new. Don't assume everyone's cow-tipping, it gets SO boring when we all start flinging accusations like chimpshit. Lots of people dislike Holly, thus, this thread.
>>703683I think she's shading tumblr gurlz in general. If you're in internet illustrator circles on tumblr you'll see a lot of pretty girls and crystals, though that's just about as dated a theme as flower-crowns on serial killers tbh. But if she stopped being so god damn lazy and actually looked outside of what's in front of her she'd realize that's not a realistic representation of women in illustration. She just has no friends, rightfully.
She makes fun of SJWs but has her ass firmly glued to their sofa.
No. 703768
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No. 703787
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>>703772are you fucking telling me that's supposed to be a boy….. i hate your art so much holly brown. the intention is worse than the execution. Also for anyone who didn't click through to the tutorial posted earlier it hits holly's face problem on the head
No. 703799
>>703794I don't even know if it's your typical sameface syndrome since she is SO inconsistent with her art any one of her characters can look radically different from panel to panel.
She can't even make them look the same in reference sheets ffs.
No. 703803
>>703768He's pulling his hair into clips, takes his hand away, starts cutting the hair, and then stops with Damien's bangs suddenly being longer? Am I reading this page correctly? What is this?
Jesus Christ, Holly, this isn't difficult. Even with shitty art, you can at least try to be consistent between panels.
No. 703810
File: 1538628102319.jpg (386.55 KB, 750x738, 1538158651330.jpg)

Can someone explain the purgatory characters and how they are related.
Who is the hitler guy and why is he raping simon? I thought he was simon's dad but apparently not?? Why is he lusting after simon's dead mom if they didn't get together and have a kid?
And the black haired old man, who is he? I thought he was damian's dad but he seems to care more about simon than damian?
I am so confused.
No. 703816
>>703812I seriously read the whole fuckin comic and I still have no idea what's going on and who her characters are an how they're related.
All I know is that simon and damian are gay kids, there is a rapist hitler and some older man who is just there to act as "the voice of reason".
The only thing that's happened is someone got human sacrificed and there's a hole full of skeletons. There are like 400 pages and I feel like absolutely nothing has happened so the characters just seem so bland and lifeless.
No. 703825
File: 1538629243357.jpeg (413.47 KB, 2113x1028, B6FCBBBA-74B3-4B28-9E40-8FEA8F…)

>>703434Anon if you're gonna nitpick at least do it properly
No. 703838
>>703810I'll give it a shot, even though it's been a while since I got through this mess. Hopefully this helps:
Simon - golden boy, protagonist, apparently a genius, gay, like totally conflicted because of the rape and his religion, stockholm syndrome
Damian - gay, also genius (but wants to use that for profit blabla), the new kid, seen as a misfit
Simons dad (older black haired dude) - is Simon's dad, high ranking within the church, is okay with the gay
Hitler - rapist, kind of a Snape situation but weird, he assaults Simon because he looks like his dead mom, and Hitler was in love with her, but she married Simon's dad instead, also high ranking "chord member" or whatever
Simon's mom - dead, basically female Simon, allegedly promiscuous, I think she got sacrificed, the only female character (?)
Random bully - Hitler's son, snitch, nice sometimes
No. 703847
>>703838Where the fuck are damian's parents?
Please tell me they were sacrificed lol
No. 703870
>>703803duh! he's looking down! Gravity makes your hair grow half a foot, obvs.
>>703825I feel like part of a turn around is that they should already line up, y'know? Also, by the collar placement, I'm not a hundred percent sure she knew they didn't lol. I dunno if nitpicking is the word for pointing out that all the proportions are completely different. I was less concerned with the head proportions myself, and more concerned with the inconsistent facial feature ratio, which is also evident in your edit.
>>703838Fucking lol, I didn't even notice the Snape thing. I didn't think of her once being a harry potter girl but I can see it now. I wouldn't be surprised if this started out as a fan-fiction and she made it more "mature" by turning wizards into cultists.
No. 703874
>>703864Honestly same, but as far as the situation goes it's probably just our storytelling queen not coming up with enough characters.
>>703870I don't actually think she's a big Harry Potter fan though, isn't that "stfg im gonna get u cause u look like ur sexy parent idk" quite a common thing in some media? It started out as Damian being some kind of demon child "corrupting" Simon slowly, with it being shown through the color scheme (it was a lot more interesting back then…) For what it's worth she did draw some ugly HP fan art once though.
No. 703914
>>703911Yep she charged me for my copies. With how much they cost to make I think I might throw them in a bargain bin for $5 just to get rid of them at my next con.
She gave us the PDF and Nothing matches up. One of my books is missing credits in the back entirely, I know a couple artists weren’t even included in the PDF at all or the book but still were paid on the first pay date.
This whole thing is stupid and was totally something that could’ve been taken care of by doing pre-orders and fulfilling the artist orders first, and building up stock.
No. 703935
>>703914wait, some who dropped out still got the money or their art just weren't included but got paid?
You should message to holly and say that your books are missing pages, and honestly, do what many of the anons previously has suggested. Tear the bitch in half with evidence please.
No. 703950
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No. 703952
>>703910>>703914i'm sorry this is happening to you, but in a way, i'm not surprised?
in one of her vlogs, she shows finished copies of seize, and then goes to say she forgot to ink a page and does that on camera. i've always wondered what she did with the "finished" copies after that, but i had my doubts that she would trash them. that she'd do that on the zine is a new low, but given how she's been acting about the whole thing not a surprise, tbh
holly is an absolute asshole
my advice would be to put pressure on her. demand she replace the faulty copies, keep bugging her about it. if she complains about production material, shipping, remind her that you are not responsible for her messing up her work and that there is such a thing as 'quality control'. even if the crooked cutting can be argued about ("it's HANDMADE, my dudes, what do you expect?"), missing six pages cannot
(out of interest, are you one of the artists that 'bothered' her before, ie did she feel like she had to shut you up by getting your stuff out first, or have you not complained to her before this?)
No. 703954
>>703910Fuck, I'm sorry. I wish that wasn't so funny. Did you end up getting your twenty dollars?
make sure to document how shit it is, take photos, keep at least one copy
even if you don't feel like pushing it, you can back up another artist when they do.
No. 703956
>>703548>Ew no>But I'm totally not like those other girls/"a large majority of artists"Alright.
>>703910Disappointing, but completely unsurprising.
No. 703960
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No. 703962
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No. 703964
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No. 703981
>>703964>the people who are responsible if I get my degree or notSo, you?
>>703962>random ass backgroundyou mean "not made by me" and "3d model"
For that perspective to work he needs to be only slightly taller than the height of the table in the background in case anyone's wondering why he looks so short
No. 704033
>>703962Wasn't she boasting about how much faster the lineless style was the whole time?
This looks like a WIP shot from a terrible shota dating sim.
No. 704054
>>703962 "lineless took too long"
Fucking HOlly, didn't you spend video after video bragging about how much more efficient and quick lineless animation would be??
Her life is one giant contradiction all the time.
>>703910Don't let her do you that way.
No. 704085
File: 1538665269496.png (64.59 KB, 639x650, g1hdeJv.png)

Unsure if this has been posted here, but here's an old tumblr post from one of the zine artists. This was posted on September 1, and it's still at the top of the "true colors zine" tag.
No. 704165
>>704053Problem is when only 1-2 of the artists are saying stuff like “let’s do something about this” or ‘let’s take this public’ the rest of them wimp out and say “it’s fine” or “I don’t want to be mean”
um she doesn’t give a fuck about you or your art. She pretty much refused to promote her own project, do the books correctly, or credit you properly in the damn thing. She’s basically saying we’re nothing to her.
There is only so much one artist out of 80 can do. SAY something. Nothing is going to change if you keep letting her walk all over you.
No. 704187
>>704108 For the most part, yeah. I think this was kind of a deliberate move on her part, to pick followers who are either desperate fans vying for 'their queen's' attention or she just happened to pick artists who just wanted to ride her coat tails (which isn't even that big a deal since her following really isn't all that large).
One of the larger artists in that Zine is Michie/twisted disaster, but she's buddy buddy with holly and I highly doubt she'd say anything with holly's dick in her mouth lmao.
Honestly it's been like 3 or 4 months now, and nothing's been said, or done. By now, I highly doubt any action will be taken.
Especially now that that anon has shared describing the state the books are in, that lowers the chance of them taking it to a callout because they don't wanna be caught/identified as having posted here.
They should've just done up an anonymous post/blog on tumblr or twitter, and done it that way THEN come here. Calling her out, despite our best efforts, has gotten no one anywhere, so…too bad so sad, Holly will just slide them $20 and keep it moving with her bullshit.
It's not on us to do the callout work FOR the artists who are only brave enough to come here and whine.
No. 704201
>>704187For sure. It’s hard to know you’re a small artist, say something, and then have her brain dead fandom come attack them for coming at their fat cow overlord.
Honestly as once as I get a reply on replacing the books with accurate books, I’ll be doing a public post. I don’t care if she knows I’m lurking here. I only found this place cause I googled her Trying to find her contact info when her zine email went fucking silent so this bad rep? it’s really all on her.
she doesn’t proove otherwise.
No. 704205
>>704187I see what your saying, but honestly fuck the other artist if they want to be wimps, then let them. At this point i think the artist who actaully do care should just call Holly out for THEIR OWN sake. You would be surprised by how easily Holly freaks out towards things like that. Some pics of the defective books, screenshots of emails and dates and ect are enough to gain attention. Fans problably will be a problem, but its tumblr and youtube and they are problably 12 year olds, their minds will change if a bandwagon starts. But someone HAS to start SOMEWHERE. Even if its ONE person.
Geez, man, I'd be damned if someone fucked up my hard work like that. But if that doesnt convince any of you guys, if you guys want to dickride Holly bring attention to the scam will bring you more attention/popularity.
No. 704338
>>704205it's funny to me that they're so scared of a bunch of preteens coming and talking shit on their blog when turning on anon will resolve 90% of that potential issue.
part of making it as an artist is looking out for yourself. that means if you create work for the purpose of getting paid and/or promotion, then you better make damn sure you benefit. rolling over and going "b-but the 12 year olds I am such a smol arteest" just ensures that you did a lot of work for literally nothing. hell, a callout post would likely go viral in the art community and get you even more attention.
I'm honestly past feeling bad for the zine artists tbh. what Holly is doing is objectively wrong. no one in the community except asslicker michie gives 2 fucks about her. but y'all are really so afraid of literal children making a bit of noise. lmao
No. 704352
File: 1538689140262.png (289.15 KB, 566x708, vwTmgZA.png)

idk She probably never thought about it because she was soooooooo busy with the zine, idk
No. 704403
File: 1538693782287.png (89.65 KB, 919x606, 2018-10-04_175408.png)

Wait didn't she mention that printing or getting stuff that is colored off set printed more expensive as an excuse as to why she didn't do that with the zine ?
But yet when it comes to her own work it'll be fine ?
shows how much she even cared about the zine in the first place , especially since she didn't promote it but maybe once or twice .
No. 704455
>>704413I don't know about any other anons, but I want screenshots, names and icons blurred out of course.
Like, it's ridiculous how much they let Holly get away with in this instance, and now she finally decided to turn around and make a discord channel? After ALL that bullcrap? If true, then it's a last-ditch effort to keep the artists quiet and from posting here.
it's a little dubious coming from someone who just 'knows' but there isn't any proof.
No. 704463
File: 1538701811882.gif (2.21 MB, 508x508, f3694f9a-ec11-4c89-b83a-064441…)

>>703950Why kin such a poorly written character?
No. 704516
>>704413sounds like you guys are getting a whole lot done I mean, only several months have gone by and you guys are still simpering about standing up for yourselves.
No. 704662
File: 1538719344942.png (159.31 KB, 585x375, hcbrown.png)

It still amazes me that there are people who actually like Holly's characters so much that they want to draw them like this
No. 704873
File: 1538756352995.jpg (191.52 KB, 1080x822, Screenshot_20181005-111834_You…)

Idk why her community thing popped up on my youtube feed, I usually try not to watch her videos.
No. 705088
File: 1538781375894.png (113.84 KB, 645x887, 11png.png)

No. 705095
File: 1538782834077.jpg (74.58 KB, 362x160, meat.jpg)

>>705069ew i didn't even notice his lips.
I looked at the full version and acne's there he's just really dark for some reason so you can't see it.
Their necks are so short it's like she was so scared of the holly-long-necks (daddy-long-legs) that their heads retracted like threatened turtles.
>>705088Punching her?? Uh ohes. Let's hope she's being over-dramatic.
No. 705114
>>705088Usually I'd 100% believe anyone who said this but WHY is she ALWAYS inconvenienced at such convenient times?
I agree with everyone when they say she purposefully takes on too much but I'm starting to wonder if she ever expects to do all of it in the first place. Maybe she's so used to getting away with half-assing everything she thinks that if she says "I'm gonna do 100 things" she knows no one's gonna call her out for doing 70 and she'll get praise for the hundred and pity that it was so hard.
idk, my sluts, my dudes, my bros. She's a swindler.
No. 705384
>>705309He's so tone deaf.
He's probably legit autistic.
No. 705516
>>705455it b interesting milk if holly started dating anyone
shes mentioned "dates" but shes never mentioned a gf/bf or even a rl crush.
No. 705617
File: 1538866068946.jpg (89.44 KB, 720x730, IMG_20181006_154803.jpg)

No. 705642
>>705617what is her finger doing
is that a finger?
why is she so WHINY???
she has opportunities so many people would KILL for. Just shut up and enjoy your money/ a sustainable career doing something creative/ affording college
No. 705719
>>705689Why is the back of her hand against the screen tho
>>705309Holy shit, this autist.
He must be fourteen. They should get married when he comes of age.
No. 705735
File: 1538883135284.jpg (255.11 KB, 1188x801, keef.jpg)

Here's my 'Best Of Keefers The Welsh Witch'
>>704403>I'm cryingDo you think people are actually moved by her comics or are they just gushing
No. 705840
>>705735>Your ass looks just as good as I imagined????
I guess being a die-hard fujo isn't enough to keep away the creepy orbiters.
No. 705895
File: 1538915088977.png (179.01 KB, 640x1136, 099BC940-FC36-4AC9-B414-0AE023…)

Cant post the video but you can go to her twitter. Spoiler alert. Its bad
No. 705903
>>705895Damn she really had no idea how to animate…
The least she can do is put a ton more in between and hold that one frame a bit where he notices a viewer. It says it's a second long but I'm thinking it might be better if she slowed it down to at least 2 or 3. There's way too much jumping around in what seems to be a kinda nonchalant typical anime head turn where ugu senpai notices you and smiles like the cute boi he is.
I can't seem to tell what frame rate she's going at, maybe 24 frames per second because of how fast it is, or maybe 12 since it looks like there are so few frames? Though I'm pretty sure it's 24. It looks like she's trying to draw on twos but is still missing a whole lot of frames.
It's not bad as a beginner animation… but I really suggest to start with the basics like ball bounce, flower sack, understanding s curve c curve before trying something a bit more advanced.
Holly if you're reading this, please at least double the frames shown in this and draw certain frames out, this is way too fast and choppy
Sorry if I sound like a fan of holly, I do animation work and am really passionate about it so I would like to see those attempting it get better even if they are a cow
No. 705918
File: 1538919797098.gif (1009.09 KB, 634x384, okt.-07-2018 15-42-57.gif)

No. 705923
>>705918look at the book. Since she has ever animated she is still holding on to the hope that
>This is enough fill in frames, right? Soon she will have to bite the bullet
No. 705935
>>705918This is what happens when a non-animation major chooses to make an animation as their final thesis. The only good thing about this choppy animation is that at this rate Holly
might actually be able to turn something in an graduate. Granted it is going to suck but it's something.
No. 705963
>>705918I feel like this sudden Clever Kitchen dump is just her wanting to experiment again with animation.
First she pulls the NDA out her ass, and now she can suddenly show every fart she does because SCREW IT I'M PUTTING SO MUCH EFFORT?
Why, that's not how things work Holly. It's either you are under NDA and you can't show anything otherwise they won't give you your degree (which is honestly stupid and unheard of) OR you want to show things and you do it because yeah why not.
AND you want to show things because you're putting in so much effort but you do it NOW? Just like every time you make something and can't wait to show people so you make videos and show stuff THE MOMENT you finish something (or in most cases even START something)?
She obviously dropped CK and is going back to it NOW and since she lives for social media glory she HAS to post whatever she's doing at the moment. I refuse to think that this piece of animation took her more than a couple hours from scratch to finish.
Also she's really really great at erasing her own memory: lineless was easier and quicker and everybody using lines were stupid fuckers, can't you remember, Holly?
Also also she mentioned she changed a lot of stuff for this project, while she claimed to have worked for months over it. I mean ANIMATING it. Style and story should be approved BEFORE starting a project, not midway into it. This is further proof that this is probably something she's making for herself without any guidance, because there's no way they let you animate minutes of your short and THEN you get to change everything.
As for the comic pages: she's an absolute idiot. She admitted that she's used to bite more than she could chew and yet she insisted into a ridiculous schedule.
For fuck's sake holly, the fact that you CAN, MAYBE, spit out 8 pages a week, it doesn't mean you HAVE to do it. You have to consider the days in which you're sick or feeling low or if you have more complex pages, you need to build up a decent amount of buffer pages and THEN set your schedule.
You have to be realist of how many pages PER AVERAGE you can draw, she decided to go into daily updates after only two days of making pages, that is totally fucked up and OF COURSE she couldn't keep it.
It's one thing when we talk about the webcomics, because they're free to read; but she promised daily pages for her PATREONS. Before promising pages daily, be sure to have AT LEAST two weeks worth of content set aside so you can continue working on your DAILY plus the other tons pf project you place your sad ass into.
There's nothing to praise about what you do, holly, and if people get mad at you because you don't deliver, it's to blame on you and you ONLY. nobody forced you to make daily content for your patreon PLUS four pages each of your other two webcomics.
Shitting out pages like this is not helping her improve, because she's not thinking about composition or trying out new things or even draws backgrounds anymore. I personally would prefer something well made even if it's one page per week instead of seven pages a week crappily drawn and poorly scripted munguh.
No. 705978
She deleted the streams (and her entire stream playlist) except not really: for timestamps would be appreciated, especially for the first video. I'll post them on twitter as well under Holly's related hashtags, since that's exactly where she doesn't want them.
No. 705999
File: 1538929981444.jpeg (130.4 KB, 640x458, 38B931C5-3E4E-463F-9BFB-5728CA…)

Ofc Keith commented on the animation video
No. 706018
>>705918Since she loves FMA and Ed's character so much, she should at least watch some scenes frame by frame to try and learn
something. It's pretty impossible to make a pilot for an animated show by yourself in a few months with no prior training anyway, but it can be better than this.
No. 706148
File: 1538942613659.jpg (83.79 KB, 720x624, IMG_20181007_130306.jpg)

…if you know what's ruining your brushes then why tf are you doing it? This logic kills me.
No. 706341
File: 1538960684544.jpg (97.2 KB, 720x643, IMG_20181007_180448.jpg)

No. 706354
File: 1538962771797.jpg (16.91 KB, 216x274, 54b7e064ecad04a829ce645e-750-7…)

>>706341>people assume u have friends, bitch if I did I wouldn't be in driving schoolwhat does this mean
No. 706366
>>706364for real, people get tired of playing chauffeur, especially if you don't spot them for gas (which Holly definitely wouldnt).
how does anyone in America get to their 20s without learning to drive? does her city have good public transport?
No. 706434
>>706118Why is she making a 6+ minute animation for her graduation capstone/thesis/final whatnot if she's not an animation major?
She had no aptitude for character animation prior, even when she allegedly applied to CalArts. She should have just made an issue of Paranormal Plague her final assignment. Holy shit.
No. 706449
>>706434She should have just made a whole bunch of nudge nudge trust trust for her final assignment.
I wonder how many weebs in the world have submitted yaoi for their finals lol
No. 706699
>>706354She means that she doesn't have friends because she can't drive anywhere and is stuck at her mom's house all the time. At least, that's her complaint in her vlogs.
It's just an excuse, but that is what she means.
No. 707241
File: 1539064506158.png (35.73 KB, 646x332, drama.png)

idk i dont want drama fam like why are u so triggered stfg lol
No. 707261
>>707241“all art opinions are biased” i mean, she’s not wrong, but her “tutorials” aren’t even…tutorials really? she tries to teach things she doesn’t fully grasp herself, and the way in which she does it isn’t even an actual lesson; it’s her rambling about some backwards-ass way to do something while her shitty drawings are done on screen.
how much do you guys wanna bet that she’ll go back to tutorials in a month or so? iirc, those get a lot more traffic than her regular speedpaints or what have you, so of course she’ll probably notice (if she hasn’t already) and go back to them soon.
No. 707279
>>707261exactly, when someone who is skilled shows how they do things, what they are saying is "this is the right and wrong way to do what I do personally"
She presents her opinions like they're tried and true industry techniques, and they're just NOT in any way! If they were she wouldn't keep changing her fucking mind all the time about what's the ttly only way to do it my guys, what kind of dumb bitch would ever do it different idk whatever
No. 707347
>>707333I wouldn't be surprised. I've got severe ADHD and I can definitely identify with a lot of her sperging. I don't fuck people over though and that's the whole problem with Holly. You've got to know your limits and you can't excuse yourself from responsibility. When I was a kid I used to start huge projects with other people and drop them, I would never do that as an adult, especially if there was money involved.
No. 707570
>>707335Eh tbh it differs from school to school. Sheridan, a leading animation school has a website where students are allowed to post their works from over the years at the school and it's good to see some of the amazing stuff some students are already capable of doing like airin budiman and his story boards and short film.
Though maybe the copy right laws are different in america but last I remember as long as you post something and say it's yours I'm pretty sure you have the right to take others to court if they copy your idea and you have evidence to back up that you made it first.
I think it all falls down to ones own opinion in the matter and if your art is actually good
It's so annoying when people are like I don't wanna put my art out there in case someone steals it despite it being complete horseshit, but that woukd make sense for a school to see it online and think the student just copied it if they don't have the time and resources to check if the student actually did or not
No. 707574
File: 1539104935986.jpg (36.1 KB, 720x302, IMG_20181009_100827.jpg)

No. 707599
>>707574"I hope they're good, 'cause if they are-"
You'll make better art? You'll get more done? You'll use them a lot?
"that's definitely an X-mas present for my sister."
Oh, my mistake. I assumed Ms. Professional Artist over here was planning on
actually using the expensive supplies she bought. Silly me.
What the fuck kind of artist just throws supplies into the wind like that?
No. 707636
>>707599Not to WK, but it sounds like she'd just give them to her sister and not use them herself?
She bought copic markers a few weeks ago, I don't know why she'd buy more to use for herself.
No. 708148
File: 1539128076818.png (279.62 KB, 720x681, Screenshot_2018-10-09-19-32-01…)

What does this even mean, her grammar is super incoherent. Why has resse basically turned into a female oc
No. 708394
>>708148what i don’t understand is that she tries to show reese off as this super effeminate guy who wears makeup and shit, but wouldn’t he cover up his acne better if that were the case? i can’t deal with the fact that she said he was an escort, w/ that greasy af lettuce colored hair, acne bumps all over the face, scars and bandages on his arms, etc. no one would pay money to have sex with that guy. hell, he had to kidnap and rape hershel lmao. also how about we just interpret hershel’s acceptance of the act at the end of that awful comic as immediate stockholm syndrome, since holly thinks that rape doesn’t count if you’re a strong beefy man.
that magenta background color hurts my eyes too, aaagh. this girl and her saturation levels. does she ever tone it down?
No. 708542
>>708148little finger just going through the knife handle, huh. Perf.
JUST USE REFS fucksake there are a wealth of hand-holding-knife poses on the internet in almost every pose.
Hell, even if she just tried the pose herself she'd realize it's impossible and agonizing
No. 708652
File: 1539158937028.png (156.31 KB, 633x696, twttr.png)

Herschel's type is Holly's self inserts, who would have thought? She really is a natural storyteller after all, it was wrong to doubt her.
No. 708654
File: 1539159051979.png (629.41 KB, 1456x777, glck.png)

No. 708672
File: 1539161759543.png (256.29 KB, 884x560, asg.png)

>>708664No, that was scrapped that when she started falling in love/lust with Herschel, like a very normal and stable person.
No. 708674
>>708652she's sooo transparent! She takes photos of herself with hair over half of her face! Doesn't she realise how gross that is? lmao, she's like those insane fujos who dress up/photoshop like sexy yaois but she's too lazy to even do that
She just desperately wants a fan to say "Hey, I just realised, you look like your sexy characters" so she can go "Huh? gross, bro. Yuck, my dude, you're crazy, my guy." whilst feeling smug as fuck
No. 708687
>>708654Nani the fuck is with those pecs? This chest anatomy is janky as hell.
>>708664Is this just going to devolve into a giant gangbang?
No. 708695
File: 1539164933828.jpeg (41.15 KB, 625x350, 81744D99-0B0F-4050-9617-437E1A…)

>>708654Don’t know if this was already pointed out and sorry if it was, but holy shit I finally realized what her art reminds me of. From the hairstyles to the chins to her god awful anatomy, it all matches up.
No. 708715
>>708652I can’t wrap my head around how “long hair covering half the face” is supposed to be a type. I bet she decided on that hairstyle to simplify it so she only has to draw one eye.
>>708654Their hair is actually exactly the same…big swoopy face cover chunk, side part and weird horizontal flippy piece above the ear. She designed one character and then decided she liked it so much she used the same design with slight alterations for anther character. And she’s using the excuse of beef boy having a type to try and cover for laziness and bad character design.
No. 708719
>>708715isn’t that like the typical emo hairstyle? (aside from the bangs swept to the side thing) that’s not at all surprising coming from holly. still, the fact that reese’s and ash’s hairstyles are so similar is a bit off-putting considering that they’re both a part of the main cast. sure, their hair is different colors, but wouldn’t you want to vary them a little more, especially since they fill basically the same role of hershel’s weird sassy love interest(s)?
oh wait, this is holly we’re talking about. the same person who got so lazy that she turned all of her oc’s hairstyles into massive swoops and chunks of hair that she can just scribble out. even princess, who i think had dreads at first or something similar, got a single fucking braid that has a mind of its own instead. at least it doesn’t look like its going to spread its wings and fly away soon though, unlike hershel’s hair.
No. 708824
>>708687lmao the pecs! they look like they've been slapped on like a thin sheet of silicone
i think she used a artists anatomy doll, that's why the pecs would be separate
No. 708860
File: 1539185849263.png (258.46 KB, 616x626, edtnk.png)

Are we going to ignore this or
Because I'm cool with that
No. 708864
File: 1539186307554.jpeg (407.86 KB, 640x1135, A08625E3-4E21-4E88-AC8F-5CDBFB…)

>>708860We are officially in the “long neck” phase
No. 708906
>>708866I think it's quite the opposite, like
>>708881 said she constantly shits on ~boring~ fine art and complains that she just wants to draw the yaoiz. She won't put in any effort either way.
No. 708961
File: 1539190363205.png (55.35 KB, 693x467, keithnannigans.png)

Saged for Keith shenanigans, but if seems like Holly might be catching on? Also why is his last comment so… Aggressive? God damn
>>708913Np anon, and good for you! Lol, what did she say that made you want to look her up?
No. 708989
>>708961I watched almost all the videos she had available last year and at one point I started to notice that whatever advice she try to give to others artists,it's not helpful at all and just give me a headache. I was even tempted by her sketchbook slam challenge at some point. But really in the end between her "do this,don't do that" and her shitty attitude I just felt that i was listening to an art bully.
At best she's just at the same level that those white noise I have in my mp3 but otherwise nope.
>>708965kek because clearly no one can like both or choose one whiout shitting on the second
No. 708995
>>708961Keith creeps me out. If I was her, I would ghost and/or block him.
Based on his art and manner of speaking, he's either autistic or younger than 16. I guess with that in mind, it's possible Holly is just humoring him out of pity.
Saged for Keith derailing
No. 709034
>>708995I did the research. Unfortunately, from searching through his twitter history I can say he is quite probably an adult man, autism is not out of the question
>>709030And he's gay. Talks about being a gay wiccan a lot.
>>708695STOP lmao
No. 709048
>>708971Gakuen Handsome, it's pretty great.
>>708989Dang, glad you got out before doing the carpal tunnel challenge, it really was one of her dumber projects, and that's saying a lot.
>>709034He's bi, not as exciting as a true yaoi boy, but at least it means that they can live happily ever after!
No. 709590
File: 1539223549847.png (356.38 KB, 620x803, neckphase.png)

>>708860Artist imagining of logical progression, 2018
No. 709834
>>709590eye is too 3D and interesting
nice try anon
>>709048I forgot about the sketchbook slam. Didn't she wuss out of her own challenge or something?
No. 709874
>>709590This is too good anon.
>>708961Keith sounds like a fudanshi who has issues with women, they're perfect for each other.
No. 709881
>>709590God damn this is good, please make a shittier version so that it can be truly canon. This is easily on of the top 5 BRown fan art pieces.
>>709834Pretty sure she completed it (while whining excessively about it, of course) but she really shouldn't have.
No. 709894
>>709590thanks for the laugh anon, this is amazing
love the hair swoops
No. 709927
File: 1539255736520.png (80.18 KB, 679x584, btip.png)

Just in case you've been wondering about Holly's crotch and Michie's tumtum.
No. 709976
File: 1539263717383.png (676.6 KB, 1242x2208, 326121A8-7A4D-421C-BC0D-BA1B1E…)

From twitter… I genuinely don’t know where to start with this
No. 709977
File: 1539263855784.png (1.55 MB, 1242x2208, 7F6BBEDE-4FD1-49CE-AC23-2F3E8D…)

2nd twitter pic. This is Simon and Damian btw this is what they look like now
No. 709994
File: 1539265289264.jpg (20.71 KB, 188x180, 1111111.jpg)

brain damage??
No. 710134
File: 1539272925316.jpeg (267.3 KB, 640x951, 3D392090-0105-441D-99AC-54DF62…)

Why? It looks like every other dreamworks expression she’s drawn.
No. 710185
>>710092lmao to be fair, it was a distracting way to put it. anon might not be on her A-game.
>>710134Does that look more like the nose she draws for her animation goblin or is it just me?
I also find the fact that they're looking less like unspecified anime creatures and more like preteen boys disturbing.
No. 710274
>>710239She has though but that's almost milk in itself right? She's way off schedule, no Patreon content ect. She's just dicking around on Twitter instead of working so super hard like she claims lol.
Also wow at her inability to even draw someone with their arms crossed ffs Holly. Didn't she mention once she didn't believe learning anatomy was important? Cuz it shows.
No. 710303
File: 1539284235374.png (6.41 MB, 1242x2208, 63071742-7916-4FC6-9976-A7029E…)

From Instagram
No. 710304
File: 1539284368167.png (226.33 KB, 1186x470, 1503462106640.png)

>>710274'Anatomy worship' lol
No. 710327
>>710304Anatomy is for chumps like Rembrandt and Michelangelo. Everyone knows that capturing a gesture
and drawing it anatomically correct is impossible wizardry.
And while we're at it, lets get rid of those pesky paint brushes. Finger painting is the true master technique. Who needs bronze casting when we have Play-doh? Art is all about having a giant circle-jerk where no one has to improve or change.
No. 710374
>>710307lfmao I'm
>>707347 and I've also got rapid cycling and I'm getting butthurt
SSRIS are murderously bad for mood disorders but they're more likely to send you off the deep end than
trigger a comfy hypomania if that's what you're supposing she's experiencing.
>>710337>hypocriticallmao no way
She insults people who can't do something that she can do and then when someone's better than her (or makes fun of her inability) she says it's for chumps.
>>710239She's charging up, anon. We're riding the wave until the next big minor inconvenience she faces/ horrifically inappropriate sex comics arrive. Speaking of which, is patreon anon still around?
No. 710860
>>709590dammit I wish we could like posts on this site because this is fucking gold. -X X T R U S T-
>>710304Bad anatomy doesn't necessarily equal bad art, but in Holly's case, her bad anatomy doesn't fit in with the style she goes with, considering her characters are human beings and her style has heavy elements of "realism" with the way the characters look. There's a lot of anime with unique and very interesting anatomy structures. You would think that as much as she gushes on MHA, she'd take some notes on unique character designs and even faces.
Her anatomy mistakes aren't even because of style choice or anything, she's just not double checking anything and if she IS asking people to check her work, she's most likely asking people who kiss her ass just because she's a skill level or so above them.
No. 711052
File: 1539352216064.png (29.37 KB, 643x308, 11a.png)

Yes Hobby, that's literally how it works. She deleted more tweets by the way, don't know which ones in particular though.
No. 711070
>>710304This is particularly annoying cause it's so easy to pick up anatomy. Once you know how arms, legs, or whatever works and looks you can just draw it over and over again with no struggle.
Like if you want your "muscle boy" to look like a muscle boy then you NEED to figure out what those are, where their placed and how they move. Else your just gonna have a skinny character with oldly placed tumors everywhere, like Hershel.
No. 711217
>>711096>>711070It was super obvious that she doesn't do anatomy studies when there was a page in Seize that had like 3 identical panels with angles of Hershel with his arms raised up, and the way she drew his arms was different
in every single panel. It's like she just made up what muscles were there, forgot what she drew, and then made them up again, over and over, on the same exact page. It's really pathetic that she doesn't realize this is an issue at all.
No. 711775
>>711036also, comics artists with really nice flow/line/sketchy style can get away with wonky anatomy because their drawings are natural and expressive. lolnotholly.
>>711052I love how often she says pussy out. she's so tough and awesome!!
>>711299Oh yeah, definitely getting weird, but the anon I was replying to seemed to be referencing her sudden delusions of grandeur/ being a narc which if she's bp suggests more of a hypomanic state than a full manic or depressed state.
Come on Holls, I've got a thirst for some hollybrowntown yaoi porns! Listen to Keef!
No. 711819
File: 1539431125091.png (475.5 KB, 1019x678, 12312sp.png)

idk lol so quirky stfg fam
No. 711975
>>711950it's an anime pose
pretty much the answer to every weird style or artistic choice of hers is"because anime"
No. 712225
File: 1539477751977.png (96.44 KB, 287x402, 1aer23.png)

>>712199>i've been busy as shitWith what? Deleting stuff, not updating your patreons, selling fucked up zines and backpedalling?
No. 712248
File: 1539479806104.png (312.71 KB, 704x433, ld.png)

>>712199not that these are revolutionary, but they're kind of nice. she's not relying on symbol drawing when she does landscapes i guess
No. 712281
>>712199I've noticed that every now and then she draws a good face that's appealing to look at.
There are some thing she's improving at but also some things she's regressing at…
No. 712338
File: 1539492232001.jpg (111.57 KB, 1200x675, DpcIGXPV4AEIiIe.jpg)

No. 712424
>>712338God she does this hand pose all the fucking time now…
Holly, fingers have joints
No. 712441
File: 1539507903420.jpeg (19.22 KB, 210x240, 5E17BD0F-66AE-4D5E-8D46-038881…)

Holly’s inspiration for long necks?
No. 712450
>>712097Fuckin great investment for her actual fans, eh
>>712225Oh my god are those pubes lollll
>>712248"awwright lets draw sum spooky stuff."
I actually thought that goosebumps cover was an anon being cheeky, i am appalled she actually made that herself.
No. 712466
>H.C. Brown>Calls other artist lazy and dumb>Shit talks people online for having a different opinions then her>Gives her clients shit products and refuses to take responsibility for it>Aggressively criticizes family members and people she knows on her vlogs for hundreds of other random people to see.
>"I was bullied and I'm not an asshole"Uh. Awkward.
Holly your really not as chill as you'd like to be. In fact, your on a constant high and low with how you interact with people. As a 3rd party, I seriously think most people wouldnt give you shit if you just didn't react as outrageously as you do sometimes.
No. 712484
>>712338The monster looks pretty cool, but the woman looks downright grotesque, like Quasimodo.
The weird assymetry of the eyes leads me to believe that Holly NEVER flips/mirrors the canvas.
Also, it looks like there are Cheetos in her ears.
No. 712716
File: 1539547877941.jpg (568.21 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181014-151016_Chr…)

Yea brown has been soon busy
No. 712745
>>712723Besides that one person with defective copies? No. I don't think we'll be hearing from the zine artists on lolcow anymore, some anons scared them off last time. We'll just have to wait and see if anything comes of their discord chat (if Holly hasn't shut it down/convinced them to stop already.) Yeah, she talks a lot of shit, but some people find confrontation hard and she's manipulative, unfortunately.
>>712716Why does she think she's naturally good at colors? This looks so gross.
No. 712806
>>712448Her summary of the Carly Beth episode is so… wrong.
She says she has seen it the most too.
Her comprehension is fucked. How is she alive.
No. 712811
>>712807I agree, and I have no idea.
But it is really telling that she can't summarize it in a deeper, more accurate way.
I find it hard to believe she even rewatched it before doing all this, which would have been… smart.
Good thing all her followers are 12 or as mentally unstable as she is, I guess.
No. 712992
>>712832ooh shit. either she’s just forgotten or is trying to ignore that as well, lol. i would say she’s planning to shut it down soon bc she’s “so overwhelmed!!” with the absolute nothing that she’s done for her patrons these past few weeks, but that would depend on how much $$$ she makes off of it. or maybe some peeps have stopped being her patrons bc of the radio silence? what rewards does she even have? i’m assuming there are no physical ones bc she would never be able to keep up with a monthly schedule of sending out stuff.
that is odd though. no doubt she’ll complain about how patreon is a shitty system that screws over creators or whatever sometime soon. i think she already did something like that in the past, but then jumped back onto it for a little bit of $$$ (as usual). Geez, you’d think she’d have an easy time getting stuff out to her patrons if it’s all digital. (but of course, it’s not the showing her art part that’s difficult so much as it is the actual doing of the art, if you can even call it that.)
No. 713144
File: 1539602057935.png (433.1 KB, 1013x872, hamton.png)

No. 713147
File: 1539602169275.png (327.81 KB, 899x871, gift.png)

So, what's the legality of not fulfilling patreon goals? Is that allowed on patreon? She's so scammy.
No. 713192
>>713147afaik with patreon, if you choose to charge once a month, it's more of a guarantee that patrons will PAY every month, rather than a guarantee that you'll POST every month if that makes sense.
They do have an option to charge per creation, and patreon even suggests you choose that option if you post less than 4 times and holly should really pick that option tbh
No. 713308
>>713192but that would mean
1) being realistic about her goals
2) not getting to charge people for when she fails to deliver
tbh, it probably makes sense in holly's brain, to charge monthly. bc, obviously, even when she's not posting, she's still working on this stuff, my dudes. like, idk, but full drawings, they don't just, happen, you know. she works really, really hard on her porn, my dudes, and she deserves to get paid for all her hard work, y'know? like all the thumbnailing and plotting, that is work, too, and she doesn't get any compensation, even if eats into her PROFESSIONAL work, my dudes.
(seriously though, i didn't know patreon had that option, that sounds great for ppl who either do detailed/big rewards, and/or those that go through periods where keeping up with monthly rewards can be difficult.)
No. 713350
File: 1539621397402.png (75.48 KB, 647x566, moral.png)

>>713308yeah, a lotta people don't understand that holly deserves money i stfg
No. 713374
>>713350Tbh I finally agree with her on something. Any story is always subject to personal preferences but I always personally thought the main character of Dear Evan Hanson is so irredeemably an asshole.
I'm genuinely suprised Holly thinks the same
No. 713638
File: 1539643750571.png (674.27 KB, 640x1136, 4CD5CAB1-0C87-49C7-BEC9-6B93F9…)

Oh look another goal she won’t keep up with.
No. 713639
File: 1539643894921.png (915.11 KB, 640x1136, 20AA1A5D-32BC-42EC-BE4F-B3DF2A…)

Better picture of the illustration. The clothing folds bother me so much.
No. 713848
>>713638Wait is this supposed to be the new Damien with the short hair? Id so i like this version better since he doesnt look so fat and he no longer has that ridiculous hair cut… But at the same time its really bad to have a charcter go through a drastic change in apperance halfway througg the second book for no real reason none the less having two.
I dont even get the reasoning behind it as well? Simons dad is like we gotta look not suspicious so we gotta cut your hair Damien but then lets simon keep his grown out? Wouldnt a sudden hair cut seem morr suspicious? It makes no sense tbh but i understand that it would be hard to change the characters if you know longer like their original apperance and want to fit the new designs in for no reason
No. 713930
>>713874>>713869Oh wait yeah you're right lol its roy
>>713927He officially got a haircut in the comic just a couple days ago but weve yet to see his new hair cut in the comic but yes she did change it in her drawings of him that weren't related to comic pages
No. 713931
File: 1539664491343.png (41.4 KB, 678x309, 111a.png)

Fam, Holly is behind on the comics because she is being productive and decorating! I bet you must feel pretty stupid for doubting her dedication to art.
No. 713933
File: 1539664527755.png (96.82 KB, 618x374, dumb.png)

got to get more dumberer to win the stupid olympics
anyway, at what point does starting a new project continually despite making no progress on others become legit like, schizophrenia or something?
No. 713935
File: 1539664830549.png (84.97 KB, 643x608, mood.png)

You know when you rely almost entirely on rape to make your comics seem interesting and dark? Tfw you finally get to indulge in your rape fetish i stfg
No. 713937
>forets you can sketch in pencilMaybe that anon who asked if she had brain damage was on to something
istfg it sounds like she has a seizure half way every time she tries to write a post
No. 713940
>>713927>>713930It's clear she can't do delayed gratification. That's why she spoils minor and major reveals for her comics months before they happen - she wants the smaller rush of attention from her fans NOW, even if it comes at the cost of the overall quality or suspense of her comics later.
Imagine if she'd managed to STFU about Damien's haircut. We hate Purgatory and we'd still be impressed, imagine how her actual fans would feel. Now it's just boring because we know how it ends. Reese's reveal in PP is going to have no impact when we already know everything about him.
Then again, if she can cover all the exposition outside the comic, she can go straight to the yaoi she actually cares about.
>>713935I'm shaking Holly what does this mean. Last time she talked about "the good part coming up" it changed Purgatory from just bad to irredeemable.
Fuck, the only time Holly managed to actually keep her mouth shut and not spoil a major plot revelation was the one time she actually SHOULD have warned her readers about what was coming.
No. 714015
>>714001She always wants what she doesn't have and when she gets it I stupid and for bad artists and she doesn't want it anymore.
>>713999Therapy and medswould be so good for Holly. She's slowly but steadily ruining her life with her shopping addiction and myriad of other issues.
No. 714133
>>713931>>713933this is SO frustrating and ridiculous… i dont mind artists posting personal work between their obligations but this is just getting ridiculous, i feel stupid for thinking she would actually take comics seriously and was gonna focus her obligations on patreon but?? no?? instead she "wants markers" so she's just gonna go off and work on some "original art pieces" BECAUSE SHE. WANTS MARKERS. its not even like, a necessity, just "something she wants."
her patreon claims access to "10+ pages of nsfw per month," but with the final page of seize being posted on July 30th, in August we only got 2 of her sketchbook pages, and September we got her 2018 sketchbook and a "supplies" post no one asked for. she also started Chroma Prince on September 24th CLAIMING it was going to be daily, which she delivered on for a whooping whole 2 days. but she wants markers so fuck the fools giving her $250 a month i guess.
it wouldnt even be so annoying if she just claimed her patreon was a glorified tipjar, which it basically is at this moment.
No. 714146
File: 1539701500929.jpg (171.9 KB, 443x971, 20181016_165134.jpg)

>>714134What the fuck is this pose?
No. 714151
File: 1539702266776.png (67.37 KB, 388x447, nooooooooo.PNG)

Who holds stuff like that????
No. 714207
File: 1539708947682.png (398.63 KB, 929x808, prgtr.png)

No. 714214
>>714207dead wife PTSD ?
yikes, way to make yourself sound so educated BRown.
she really needs to get outside and meet people like this girl really needs real life friends.Or she's gonna lose all sorts of social awareness on some topics in general. She can't sit and get all her views from the internet. The way she treats heavy topics shouldn't be used in a " my story so edgy looks it has rape blah blah" that's just so insensitive to those who went through such trauma. Shes literally an edgy 13-year-old in a 22-year-old woman's body and it's quite sad.
No. 714219
>>714214Her social development ended when she dropped out of that art high school and started home school. It's like she hasn't been out of the house since 2012 lol.
Also Holly please stfu about how much attention you paid to your 15 year old OCs ass you fucking pedo.
No. 714230
>>714214You know she wanted to make a #
TRIGGERED joke and this is the most restraint she could muster kek.
That time skip really hurt the integrity of the comic, not that there was much to begin with. Nothing that's happening makes sense.
No. 714326
>>714214Which is fitting, since she draws like a 13 year old, too.
If any aspiring artists take anything away from Holly, it's the importance of references. Literally 80% of the flaws in her art come from her being too lazy/proud to use references.
No. 714373
>>714370shes a whole ass mess, sometimes shes just plain stupid.I'm just waiting for her fans to come to their senses soon to find what a fraud she is.Tbh I usually don't like to hope for that but it'll be a wake-up call.
but for now, we can let it pile up .
No. 714593
File: 1539742395632.jpg (59.42 KB, 428x433, b23a8c30-a9f8-4d06-a888-79e6e4…)

>>714328Oops sorry forgot to attach the pic like the tard i am
No. 714888
>>714840Yo i noticed that too. I will say it DID make a difference (it felt more like a comic).
But that is evidence once again that she lurks this thread.
No. 714914
File: 1539775728850.png (44.04 KB, 645x455, always.png)

No. 715048
>>714888I don't enjoy being contrary, but I didn't feel like it made a difference personally. It was really jarring to me, given the fact she hasn't used a single one until now.
It kind of felt shoehorned in, just like Damian's haircut, or Atarah giving Simon glasses so he looks more like his mom.
She has no patience for anything, and that shows even in her storytelling. It's really crazy.
I'm appalled that the only reason she could think of for Damian's hair to be cut was so that he would look "less suspicious", even though Simon has long hair. His dad should be cutting his hair too if long hair on a boy is frowned upon in the community.
Of course, that was never established before or even noticed. Damien has had long hair since the very beginning of the comic and no one said anything about it.
I suppose that is why it felt shoehorned in though.
I thought she was working on a buffer too? Why did she post all these pages at once?
I don't know. I've read Purgatory twice, though. I was genuinely trying to figure things out, and make sense of it. I'm not hating on it, but it just really doesn't make sense. Even when something had a chance to be explained, it wasn't. Nothing has really happened, besides Simon being raped by Atarah.
I just think Holly really needs to let it go for a while. Just because you don't finish it now, doesn't mean you can't revisit it later with a fresh, and hopefully more mature take.
But as it stands, I just feel that Holly is beating a dead horse, for no better reason than pride I guess? She started it, and she claims she must finish it, but… does she even have an actual ending in mind? It's hundreds of pages in, and no ending in sight so…
Saged for being long and bloggy.
No. 715388
File: 1539814949616.jpeg (328.02 KB, 640x1036, DAE1A6DA-D9DD-45F2-9C48-716752…)

She traced AL.
No. 715391
>>715355I know right, eveyone is acting all autistic just because hollys on the down low with her lolzy shenanigans.
Holly didn't drop out of highschool shes just retarded, and as far as we know(just saying this to make sure none of the anons goes full retad and is taking my wording seriously),not in the autistic way
No. 715438
File: 1539817525495.jpeg (81.02 KB, 556x878, 413E251D-921A-442F-B91A-E17B3D…)

Oh my lawd this thumb…
No. 715458
File: 1539818545377.jpg (277.87 KB, 900x1200, DpvY0D_UwAAobW0.jpg)

No. 715739
File: 1539838971502.jpg (826.16 KB, 2252x566, holy shit.jpg)

>>715388Wow! She didn't even try, whether we're talking about quality or hiding the fact she traced.
No. 715934
File: 1539866519040.png (122.83 KB, 246x257, 2222.png)

>>713848The real reason Damien doesn't look like that anymore is thus:
When she started the comic she was obsessed with her characters being ~unique~ and ~idgaf if they're weird lmao~
Now, she wants them to look 'hot' and not awful because she realizes what fucking idiots they looked like so they must become boringly fuckable instead of looking like retarded icecreams
No. 715941
File: 1539867276154.jpeg (396.3 KB, 640x985, 5E169BE0-4A18-4191-8358-17343B…)

No. 715943
>>714320 >>715438UGHH that's so good it's actually nauseatingly deformed. She should do a horror comic.
>>714326She actually thinks using refs is something only bad artists do and it's cheating. Meanwhile, she's terrible and cheats all the time.
>>715941I wish she would get a shock every time she said idk or I stg
No. 715948
File: 1539868488509.png (1.15 MB, 640x1136, 9BB0891E-2752-41E9-A9D8-253093…)

Can we talk about how fucked that fence looks??
No. 715972
>>714593i don't know anything about boku no academia other than it's super popular right now but I just looked it up and I think the eye style has inspired her to draw less obnoxious eyes. looks pretty derivative. They were way more angular before.
>>715948She had no idea what to do one the tree texture ended so she just drew shitty jagged lines. hope that fence continues to fall and crushes him.
No. 716011
>>716006it limits the amount of limbs she has to draw in this case
the previous fence was just because she was tracing
No. 716038
File: 1539877891272.png (113.29 KB, 633x768, polBR.png)

I thought you weren't supposed to talk about politics or be passionate about it because it ruins your life, but oh well, guess it doesn't count when it affects Holly.
Is the traced FMA drawing one of the pieces she is going to sell? That seems a pretty scammy.
No. 716092
>>716038Keef is literally her only friend now
wedding bells
lmao, So many dumb weebs sell traced fan art. It must be legal but to this day I'm surprised people are allowed to sell fan art at all. Apologies for blog but my brother has a semi-popular youtube show and this girl started doing fan art and selling it and was genuinely confused when i told her to take it down. I'm still baffled by fan culture.
>>715948Her style is so limiting irt her 'human' characters! You know how in manga there are the bishonens/bishojos/cute children and then everyone else is a fucking goblin because you can't give grandpa sparkly eyes? Her attempt at sort of escaping manga into a style that gives her more freedom to make interesting characters backfired because she still has one ideal 'handsome' face and when she tries to go outside that ideal you get dorito chin herschel or hitler chan or claw dad.
No. 716199
>>716162its not that deep fam shes just an idiot
also lots of artists prioritise drawing things they love/enjoy
No. 716203
>>715458>>715948what the fuck is up with that background? why are they in a forest?
>>715941I hate the way she draws Ed's braid… it's supposed to thicker and shorter, she even drew his hair shorter in
>>715388 No. 716264
>>716038>USPS is retreating from international agency>"globalist policies fuck over artists"What?
>>715941The colors look pretty nice to me, it's a shame about everything else.
No. 716579
File: 1539921479645.png (12.3 KB, 488x322, kissmarrykill.png)

No. 716594
> Plauge> Purgatroy> SebasitainIs she like… okay? She types like she's being forced at gunpoint. Doesn't she have spell check on her computer? Why doesn't she take the extra 2 seconds to fix typos in her own titles or character names? Is it the same reason she leaves belches and stuff in her videos, because she thinks it's cool not to care? It just makes her look like she doesn't give a shit about her work or her fans.
It's hard to use memey misspellings (protec, Salmon) when your writing legit reads like that.
Also ofc she kills Ash without hesitation. We knew
No. 716640
File: 1539925515818.jpg (366.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181019-000338_Tum…)

Idk how people think that her reviews are helpful. Even when I was a "fan" I was always confused on what she liked?
One day she would be like "brush pens are the best "
And then next "they are shit don't waste your money "
There's nothing good or helpful in any of her reviews????????
No. 716643
File: 1539925663243.jpg (384.87 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181019-000705_Tum…)

Brown is the biggest pussy I know.
She has no backbone at all.
No. 716744
>>716643holly brown vagueposting about other artists?? in MY lolcow thread?? it’s more likely than u think.
maybe if you weren’t such a pussy, you would say it to their face, BRown, or describe the situation better rather than ranting about it on tumblr just to get asspats from your followers. a hardworking professional artist could look at holly’s work over the past 2 yrs or more and point out her lack of improvement and tell her specifically WHY she isn’t improving, and she would throw a bitchfit just like this. not calling out the other person involved in her drama renders her free of criticism from both her followers and their’s bc no one has any idea who she’s talking about and whether they’re worth shit. (although really if you’re comparing any other artist to holly, she usually takes the shittier spot.)
sidenote: holly would definitely be that girl in high school who would talk mad shit about others constantly and then get scared when one of the ppl in question actually confronted her about it. lmao
No. 716746
>>716744It looks like it's some random who used the hashtag based on the other tags and the stuff at the top.
Probably should have been noted if that is the case.
Also what's with this "BRown" thing I keep seeing? Is it just one poster or is there some widely accepted meaning to it?
(If it's just one person it's a dead giveaway to your posts, though, which is against the rules. Just in case it is.)
No. 716757
>>716753Oh, anon, are you a fan? Maybe stick around a while and read back through the threads; you might learn something new about her. She traces and is a scammer; this isn't the hill to die on my friend.
And honestly? Most of us aren't trying to get to her, we're here for laughs and receipts. Sage next time.
No. 716792
>>716748No, I just had to take a break from Holly threads because they got to be too depressing, and it sounds like
>>716750 is describing the time period in which that happened.
It's still something I've noticed mainly from a particular posting style, but anyway.
Thanks 2nd anon for explaining that.
>>716753Now THIS person is new.
No. 717085
File: 1539980448841.jpg (1.1 MB, 1280x1237, file_7c720c479a_original.jpg)

>>717083Heres the pic since anon didnt seem to want to post it despite this being an image board and all
No. 717100
holy cow. there's not selling your art under value and then there is being fucking delusional. three-hundred dollars my ass.
(that's 2/3 of my monthly rent! motherf-!)
No. 717183
>>717141 She's not.
She only used like three muddy-ass browns, pink and gray, it's so ugly. Who would want this on their wall?
-That's a rhetorical question.
No. 717200
File: 1539994462407.jpg (696.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181019-191357_Chr…)

Is the frame 100 or 200$$???
There all so wonky I can't rn??
No. 717203
File: 1539994611983.jpg (454.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181019-191632_Tum…)

>>716643Why didn't you include the rest of the text?
No. 717244
>>716746my bad. i shouldn’t have assumed it was holly, especially since the post isn’t full of spelling mistakes and oddly worded phrases. i still stand by that side note though. it’s not surprising at all that holly’s toxic attitude affects her fans and followers too.
aside from that, we all know she drew all of these originals she’s sellling now in a day or two, tops. the roy mustang is maybe the only one fairly priced (when factoring in the materials if it’s a watercolor piece of whatever, time spent, etc.) the kiki one is killing me though. they’re all ugly, but at least the others have some personality to them with the scenery and characters. this is essentially just a few motifs from kiki’s delivery service redrawn in her ugly style and copied and pasted onto a pepto bismol background color. a frame should never add that much to the cost, especially if it’s just a standard one that you could find at any store. granted, it is quite a large piece (didn’t she tape different sheets of paper together for it iirc?), but still, no one’s going to buy that. it’s one thing for a teen or young adult to cough up $15 for a short yaoiz zine or a print, even $50 for one original or multiple stuff, but more than that?? $300 fucking u.s. dollahs??
No. 717268
File: 1540001976228.png (36.37 KB, 314x296, whydoeshelooklikethis.PNG)

I finally checked out the most recent Purgatory update and the way she drew Simon's dad here put me off a whole lot. His eyes look obnoxiously close and big. This is not a good look lmao
No. 717277
>>717268when the anime hits
It's funny cause she was going on about how ugly moe anime eyes are and how the eyes she draws are not that big…sure
No. 717292
>>717200Why's the Roy Mustang print randomly got rounded corners and the others don't? Why's the kiki one framed and the others aren't? Like, there's no visual consistency or real thought put behind what she decides to throw up on her shop.
Aside from BNHA, the other anime, while they have their fans, aren't pulling much for kiki or FMA stuff. She's probably just doing art pieces of older anime because she thinks she's being so sophisticated with her choices.
she can make art of whatever anime she wants but all of it ends up looking so dour and sad, the color palettes on all of them are so depressing and muddy and all the subjects look so fucking uncomfortable. She has no quality control or standards.
>>717268She's trying so hard to make her eyes FMA-esque, you can see it but it's not quite there.
…Y'know. Proportionally, you're supposed to be able to fit a 3rd eye in between the two eyes you have, measurement wise, to get a sense for where shit goes. On your face.
But fuck it, anime intensifies I guess.
No. 717377
File: 1540013457098.png (632.18 KB, 661x602, animus2.png)

>>717277>>717292animus have at LEAST an eye between the eyes. because asian faces are less protruding, their eyes tend to look further apart than caucasian eyes
she's just dumb
i like that sucking wound in his head that's slurping his hair in like a whirlpool
No. 717392
File: 1540016878449.png (1.96 KB, 540x34, 7777.png)

>>717389She's so fucking dull.
I like this out of context though.
No. 717405
File: 1540018822189.png (754.67 KB, 1612x900, preeech.png)

No. 717406
File: 1540018828483.jpeg (252.03 KB, 640x869, 2446C711-B723-4BBD-AADE-FFAE45…)

>>717392I know you wanted to post it out of context but I think it’s even funnier if you consider the tags are related to this. She agreed saying that boys are better and girls are clowns so… like… she didn’t understand the post at all?
No. 717412
>>717405christ that last one??? Fucking spell it out, thanks.
She supports incest, pedophilia, abuse, rape and NSFW of minors.
Am I missing something? That's the joke, right? She'll be friendless because she supports that? Fucken kill me.
No. 717415
File: 1540019913144.png (46.37 KB, 624x435, yes.png)

>>717405>>717412i like to imagine it's an existential crisis
No. 717426
>>717416LOL FUCK oh well, thanks for the lulz.
BRown almost exposed.
In that case, what the fuck is she talking about pretending to be anti that mess. As if she doesn't get her jollies from all that shit.
No. 717445
File: 1540026193818.jpg (165.26 KB, 900x1200, colrase.jpg)

>>717426idk fam she hasnt done incest yet why are u calling her hitler?
No. 717520
>>717085I don't mind using templates to show off products that are not done yet, or digital products, but I think it's disingenuous to show real product on a mockup template.
I know it's way over her caliber to set up a nice space to shoot her prints but still. If it's that expensive maybe she could clean up a desk a bit, add some plants and hang the painting for real :/
No. 717646
>>717642I remember when she made the purgatory Kickstarter and had the panel of them kissing in the banner. Someone asked her why she did that because the comic isn’t very focused on that (it’s not focused on anything though bizarrely) and she said something about how it’ll get more popular that way because people love “gay shit”
Yea Holly that’s a totally reasonable thing to do.
No. 717655
>>717646The fact that it's all just "gay shit" to her says a lot, her characters are basically blow-up dolls for her to draw her hot yaoiz while pretending it means anything. She
should just learn how to draw properly and do porn without plot.
No. 717682
File: 1540061514375.png (81.79 KB, 645x760, twet.png)

No. 717684
File: 1540061607402.png (76.29 KB, 640x394, chrom.png)

No. 717709
>>717684that’s actually not a bad logo, although it might be better if it was centered a bit more. lol at “only putting out sfw pgs” for the chroma prince thing; so like 3 pgs a month then? she hasn’t even reached any nsfw stuff yet in it, has she?
also, who gives a fuck whether a fictional character is a worse person than another one. they’re both shitty people clearly, end of story. when she posts stuff like that, even if it’s unintentional, it almost gives the impression that she’s comparing an abuser to a serial killer as if to say, “well, he could be worse, so like, idk fam, give him a break.” of course it’s all fictional, but still. holly seems like an emotional manipulator herself sometimes.
No. 717740
File: 1540070186840.png (1.23 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181020-151421.png)

No. 717744
>>717740keeping up with deleting all her own bullshit got too exhausting eh
or maybe Keith made a move and she burned it down in response?
No. 717749
File: 1540072135197.png (626.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181020-174631.png)

cinnabani stop cowtipping, what's your vendetta anyway btw
No. 717752
>>717749they're not cowtipping
lmao what is holly trying to say? I know I traced it but it turns into something else when I ink it?
No. 717770
File: 1540074159206.png (577.54 KB, 521x858, Screenshot_20181020-161425.png)

No. 717779
>>717749>yea I traced it but it'll look different once I ink it!…is that what she's saying?
I feel like she's just upset about something, and her Twitter will be back to public soon.
No. 717851
File: 1540083685193.png (258.72 KB, 1332x372, ugaiz.png)

So i'm looking at this, and the verified five star purchases are from 2016, unverified one stars from this year, I might have missed it from a few threads ago, but was this you guys? Because if so, you guys are fuckin dumb.
That aside, just from the cover I hate this SO much, but it's way more like what she ACTS like she does, if you know what I mean. It's not manga, it's got that edgy sort of "I don't care if the characters are good looking, I'm a cartoonist" look. I think in her head, this is still what she does.
I mean, her work back then wasn't 'good', but I can see her improving from this point in a much better direction than she has gone. Why'd she have to revert to weeb. idk smh I stg.
No. 717871
>>717844She's also down to 116 tweets on twitter now, and she dropped her kiki print price from $300 to $150 lmao.
She must really have spent the day just scrubbing her shitty social media presence. She'll be back soon.
Hell, maybe if she just took some time off for real instead of trying to hide how shitty she behaves, it'd do her some good. She's such a coward, but I guess acting tough and edgy as a front for the internet can be draining.
No. 717907
>>717871so why has she gone on a DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING rampage? is it because she got exposed for tracing? it seems like right after she commented on cinnawhatever's tweet she went private/delete mode.
deleting all your social media is really good to keep in touch with the zine artists, holly…oh wait, you weren't doing that anyway.
No. 717931
Tinfoiling but sounds like she's finally caught up on the thread and is freaking out.
Her personal tumblr gets linked, she purges it. People pan the price of her Kiki print, she halves it.
>>717749I think this was her not understanding what was being called out at first. The thread had been saying Al's lineart looked too different, so she said "Well duh, it's not inked yet." Then she realized it was actually about tracing and she FLIPPED, deleted her reply and locked her account in panic.
I'm worried she's spiraling but OTOH this is the worst possible way to deal with her problems, so.
>>717740She didn't delete, just locked. She's either using the wrong word again or being dramatic, like when she said stress made her lose weight and not her crash diets lol.
No. 717944
File: 1540098406062.jpg (488.76 KB, 1377x792, 9X5hnfZ.jpg)

>>717926The person archiving her tweets and replies on twitter obviously comes from here. You can still see tail ends of cinnibanni's arguments with holly in the likes, and I have reason to believe that she's the one running that side account because she's been gunning for bringing Holly down for some time now.
No. 717959
>>717956 I'm giving it 2 days, max. she can't help herself.
She's probably just trying to lay low, hoping people will forget her bullshit, as usual. That and she's probably trying to give us less milk.
I also wonder if this is her trying to put her nose to the grindstone on those 3 comics she says she works on this time. I'm curious what her new gimmick will be when she comes back.
No. 718008
>>717740Listen, I get that her art is the focus here, but she literally looks like Chris-chan. Like, she looks related to him.
>>717770The fetishization of gay men is so gross and creepy. I mean geez everyone has fetishes, but airing them out in the open like this is just. degrading to gay people.
If it's creepy for men to fetishize lesbians (which it very much is), then it's creepy for women to fetishize gay men.
No. 718019
she didn't delete her personal blog, she just changed the name/url.
it's still here No. 718023
>>717931She's been lurking and indirectly talking about things in this thread for ages. I guess it's just getting to her more.
Her problem is that she wants to do whatever without being criticized, but that's just not how the world or social media works. If you broadcast your gay rape fetish and constantly step on people's toes, not everyone will like that (actually, most people probably won't).
No. 718026
>>718008I've never found it AS creepy, cause a lot of men are open about their wish to turn/rape lesbians and even under the cloak of anonymity not even goblins like Holly would claim that. (I'm sure some crazy women do, but I haven't seen it, and it's certainly not common.) I think that's actually the point. Before I realised I was a big ol' lesbian I was into the yaoi scene, many years ago, and for me the appeal was porn without seeing a woman being penetrated because I saw it as demeaning/ embarrassing to imagine it was me. A lot of straight girls have the same thing, being a voyeur is more comfortable than inserting themselves into a fantasy because women are raised to be ashamed of their sexuality, but it's that very separation that dehumanizes the characters in yaoi, the artists have no empathy for the characters because they have personally distanced themselves to allow themselves to comfortably fantasize about them. That's where you get the weird violent fetishes from. They're playing with dolls to vent their frustration- but they're not (consciously) fetishising gay men because the characters couldn't be further from realistic depictions of gay men. I'm not excusing it by any means, just explaining where I think the mindset comes from and why it's so popular. Basically, it's not AS creepy because fujos and their fetishes are generally not dangerous to gay men, where men (is there even an insulting term for men who fetishise lesbians?) could be and have been very dangerous to lesbians. Mainly it's just cringey and aspergers for a woman in her 20s to still be doing.
>>717944I know it's hypocritical considering where I am currently posting, but I find this kind of creepy. Is this a call out twitter dedicated to her? Yeck. It's just sort of creepy/cruel to directly retweet her so she constantly sees it. At least she can choose not to look here.
No. 718030
File: 1540122056417.png (672.2 KB, 1080x1651, Screenshot_20181021-223945~2.p…)

found this on her blog ….
No. 718043
>>718037Sure, I get it. And I agree, I was more just disputing the idea that the two being similar made them equivalent. You suggested that they be seen as equally creepy which I would agree with if they lead to the same behavior is what I'm getting at.
And yeah lol, obviously the non-con shit is gross as hell but I don't think it's actually a fetish like others here do. More so than getting off on the actual porn, I think she enjoys shocking her teen readers. It's an ego trip being seen as mature and cool and unfazed by taboo subjects. She has a lot of insecurity, I think it's also why she's so preoccupied with 'teaching' people how to do things. Being an authority figure makes her feel important, and kids kissing her ass doesn't help.
No. 718044
>>718040Ahhh my b, didn't even make the connection.
>>718043I think she does enjoy "shocking" her readers (see how giddy she gets when something weird is coming up in her comic) but I don't think that's the whole story. She definitely seems to have a thing for noncon in particular. Maybe it's because she's a terrible writer and the only way she thinks is she can shock people is write rape scenes into every story. Or maybe she just chalks it under "that gay shit."
No. 718078
File: 1540132373906.png (1.81 MB, 640x1136, B209C186-65E4-44DD-95F9-2B92CE…)

Toxic? Because someone pointed out she traced a drawing? Wtf happened, didnt holly always defend tracing? I dont think tracing in and of itself is bad i just think the way she traced that robot character didnt make sense, the legs didnt match its torso and the size was fucked. Its really not that big of a deal Holly.
No. 718172
>>718101Good point. I guess I wouldn't know what straight girls actually feel about it, just going by a few reports from girls I knew being less comfortable about porn with women in it. It's super interesting to me because we don't talk much in un-nerdy society about female attraction to anything but straight sex and muscles.
It absolutely affects gay men, I just mean they're not often in physical danger. Obviously it's still homophobic and awful, I didn't really explain it right lol, sorry.
>>718120>Oh look a lesbianU awright, mate? I'm not arguing the fetishization is better or worse! Ffs, I wish I never said anything. Don't worry, ~
problematic~ lesbian going away now.
>>718078I'm really curious if this actually was about that tracing thing - if she's that thin skinned she's got a lot worse things to worry about than being 'caught' tracing. Hasn't someone outside of here ever brought it up before?
No. 718200
>>718172I feel like that can't be it, she's gotten flak on her social media before. The account in
>>717944 has no followers, so it's not like there is any huge outcry.
No. 718254
>>717749I know it's hypocritical to say but this girl's got a weiiirrd preoccupation with The Brown. She's sort of veiling it under SJW pretenses but I honestly think she just wants to bully her lmao.
>>718231no shit? I didn't know that. Cons are fascinating.
No. 718260
>>718254So is calling someone out bullying now?
I mean holly has shit on the art community multiple times, and has called some of the artists in the zine bitches at one point?
No. 718265
>>718200Getting caught tracing, especially selling traced work, is pretty bad. That said, none of her preteen edgelord followers would care and she's already trashed her reputation with other artists so it probably would've just blown over without a peep. Anyway the timing adds up though, she replied to the tracing accusation yesterday afternoon then locked literally everything down soon after.
I'm worried about her because she operates in such extremes. I don't know if she still actively self-harms but I wish she'd get some real professional help. Her habits and coping strategies are all incredibly unhealthy.
No. 718266
>>718101>>718172I can't speak about Japanese yaoi, but I know that some American girls like gay shipping because male characters are more common and more fleshed out in American media than their female counterparts.
While voyeurism has a lot to do with gay shipping, I think the prevalence of the Smurfette Principle also plays a role.
No. 718291
File: 1540153317197.jpg (638.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181021-152137_Chr…)

Looks like someone bought the original
I can't tell if its the recent one she put up not to long ago?
No. 718311
File: 1540154624277.png (189.32 KB, 470x314, YEAHMUTHAYEAH.PNG)

>>718291is that a sticker of my favourite BRown-art?
No. 718344
File: 1540158272488.png (398.4 KB, 1080x497, 20181021_174458.png)

aaahh geeeeez i'm soooo glad she spend all that time working on the logo and banner for chroma prince instead of updating the comic. past page 4. it's almost been a month now, if she didnt have enough pages to consistently update for a MONTH, much less "daily" like she had promised she shouldnt have started posting the project online.
"Holly brown is creating comics" is she now……
No. 718379
>>718344Elf dude is so cock-eyed and his ear bugs me lmao. it's a really derp face.
>>718361Probably because she drew the jacket before (or in place of) the actual body.
No. 718407
>>718361That's pretty old, back in the chin dynasty. Her twink designs are new, as well as the creepy upturned grinch noses she draws now
>>718379I'm not seeing the cock-eye, I think it's just the weird way the jaw is rotated away from the top of the head that makes the eyes look derp
No. 718543
File: 1540191356688.jpg (64.15 KB, 427x655, Obama-Unit.jpg)

>>718311Green hair and orange-y brown skin? Guys, I finally figured out what Reese's race is.
He's a chia pet.
No. 718550
File: 1540193515980.png (45.76 KB, 982x472, Screenshot 2018-10-22 at 2.32.…)

No. 718564
>>717752I have no clue, but I'm just glad someones saying something. Someone had to bite the bullet at some point.
Long as she doesn't link back to us i'm glad she's saying SOMETHING
No. 718575
>>718550lol just realized she has barely any twitter followers compared to her yt. no wonder she’s felt like she can post/say whatever she wants on there w/o consequences (until now apparently). it may keep away the ppl who called her out on their twitter accounts, but it ain’t gonna stop anyone else, holly. just fucking own up to this stuff for once in your gd life.
remember when a couple of ppl were appeased when she admitted that she had poorly planned the whole mha zine project and that she was working to fix some of it a month or so ago? yeeeeah, i was one of them. should’ve figured she’d say something just to get ppl off of her back. it’s kind of beating a dead horse by this point though. everyone except her was fucked.
h.c BRoWn: complains about other artists not working hard enough and when accused of doing the same, “b-but i worked so hard tracing this artwork to sell and ignoring all of my current and past obligations to my customers!”
No. 718579
File: 1540198866808.png (88.51 KB, 675x711, flippinburgers.png)

No. 718582
File: 1540199450374.png (45.71 KB, 695x443, thinktrwice.png)

Also trouble in paradise
No. 718663
File: 1540220410787.png (59.53 KB, 720x603, Screenshot_2018-10-22-10-57-12…)

The way she jokes about rape… don't expect any of your audience to respect your story when you don't respect it yourself. When will she grow up
No. 718725
File: 1540228192133.gif (796.26 KB, 220x132, giphy.gif)

Nothing says "I take rape seriously" quite like infantilizing the victim, fetishizing the abuse, and making creeky little jokes about it. A rape joke by itself is one thing (some people use jokes to cope), but when you combine it with all of Holly's baggage, you get a pretty gross situation.
Also, "Salmon" is an appropriate nickname, since Holly's characters are about as compelling as dead fish.
No. 718769
>>718751she probably just wants to hurry up and wrap it up at this point. she clearly hasn't enjoyed making it for quite some time now. it's going to be clunky and rushed, but she'll be able to say that she finished it, technically.
>>718701it's already a header picture for a past thread.
>>718550I swear she had more followers than that on twitter…don't tell me she wiped/blocked a chunk of them. if that's the case, what a coward. keep digging that grave holls.
No. 718783
>>718769how tf is she going to wrap up a story that didn't even have middle? literally none.
it's sad because there's obviously people who are (somehow) invested in the story and probably waiting for some sort of climax and instead it's going to be "simon's dad beat up atari and the gay bois lived happily ever after the end"
No. 718823
>>718663Literally all thats happened so far in purgatory:
Damian learns about the customs that take part in the new city he lives in
A solstice takes place implying citizens who have done bad are killed but because Simon's dad is board member he and his kid have a higher chance of getting noticed for their wrong doings
Atara threatens simon to have sex with him so that his boyfriend doesnt get killed(for not doing well in school as opposed to being gay??)
Instead of getting proof to a higher board member to kill atara at the solstice simon accepts where he then has a break down after about half a year
Simon's dad wants to move to the city where his gay son and his boyfriend will be safe and so they have to cut their hair
Atara is trying to make simon look like his mom so he can finally fuck his highschool crush
These are all the major plot points that have taken over 300 pages to write despite most of it could have equally been done in a much better way in like 100 - 175 pages
So why is she talking about an epilogue, is the book done when they move to the city???
No. 718964
>>718957It'd be more interesting if she wasn't so laser focused on her 'gay shit' yaoi porn fixation. It's the only thing she seems to want to put any actual energy and focus into.
But it takes less effort to draw a few crappy porn scenes and ask for money than it is to actually build up and work on a compelling story that anyone could enjoy. Sex sells and the money appears faster if she just sits around and draws backward dicks and 'trust trust'.
That isn't to discredit other nsfw artists who do it for a living but they don't half ass it. At least they're up front about what they do. Holly is always acting coy and dancing around it like it's a big deal, while pretending like she's so mature and secure in what she does.
She can't have it both ways. She's caught in this limbo of wanting to make a story that's accessible to a wider audience but then wanting to draw trashy porn that appeals to her fujo freak fans, and she ends up half-assing both because as much as she claims to, she's actually unable to focus on more than one project and she hasn't
ever been forthright about that to her self or her audience.
No. 719038
>>718895Who she fell out of love with as soon as she came up with Chroma Prince, which she fell out of love with when she realized how much effort it would take. The difference in how much fuck she doesn't give is obvious comparing the old color pages to the new B/W ones.
>>718823Purgatory reads like the bits that some other comic skipped over.
Normally a story like this would start with Damian and Simon meeting and falling in love, then cut to when Attarah notices this and blackmails Simon into a relationship, and explore that a bit before cutting to where Simon's dad is ready to take him and Damian and run.
Instead, Holly skips the bit where the extremely sheltered cult kids realize they're gay and start a relationshp, because what's compelling or interesting about that right, waffles for 100+ pages doing nothing until Simon gets raped, shows the rape but time skips so she doesn't have to explore the fallout and can just handwave away Simon's confusing relationship with his rapist as "it happened off-screen." Then more empty pages about Damian getting a haircut and Simon being a twink or whatever. She yadda-yaddas the good bits and draws the boring minutae instead :/
> it could have equally been done in a much better way in like 100 - 175 pagesNot even, this story has just enough content to comfortably fit a 30-50 page one-shot. There is NOTHING about it that makes it a 300+ page epic.
No. 719055
File: 1540259294643.jpg (566.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181022-204822_Twi…)

No. 719089
File: 1540261601377.png (85.38 KB, 512x900, sinammon.png)

it's all squished for some reason
No. 719093
File: 1540261822189.png (431.42 KB, 1536x2048, 6DA7B83E-7418-4393-AAEC-630EA4…)

>>719084>>719089Here is a less squished version
No. 719095
>>719089its squished but readable, thanks anon.
she makes a lot of good points, here. I'm glad someone finally made a comprehensive list, even though it's a bit short in my opinion.
No. 719104
>>719055"Look what you did! You made her private her Twitter!"
They're acting like Cinnabani or whatever told Holly to kill herself. Literally all she did before Holly hid her Twitter was point out that a print was traced?
Maybe if you don't want people to point out that you trace, don't fucking trace.
Side note, is Holly's Twitter still visible for people who follow her, or is it completely inaccessible?
>>719100Yes, it's not cow-tipping unless Lolcow is mentioned.
In this case it's just poop-touching. This genius read the thread and decided it was their job to be the Cyber Police.
No. 719168
>>719132She hasn't deleted fucking anything- simply her twitter is private which means only followers can see tweets and who is watching her tweets but not following except haters?
She deleted some actual tweets but she does that all the time as a policy
No. 719171
>>719109Yeah she'll definitely be back with more milk
It's been a year since her last massive spergy bawleting spree when she wiped most of her channel after finding these threads for the first time (at least I think it was the first time)
The year following that has been ripe with milk we'll definitely have plenty to look forward to.
No. 719174
>>719168ok? Why u mad tho
>>719089Lol this girl's nutty, she's really going public saying all of this with her identity attached. Hi cinbun, don't let the troonz find out you're a farmer.
No. 719183
File: 1540270439532.png (460.18 KB, 513x906, unknown.png)

behold, the eventual evolution of holly's art
No. 719202
File: 1540273142887.png (592.1 KB, 1735x857, ohhno.png)

I need to lie down.
No. 719229
>>719188This had potential but they are so fucking spergy I put them on Holly's level lol. Also yeah Holly isn't fat it came off very Vendetta chan.
No one will take this seriously.
No. 719231
>>719188wow! yet another long, unfunny rant video prod. by yet another #notliketheothergrills edgelord that recycles the same shit that's been posted itts since day one and adds virtually nothing. amazing.
/sbtw why is she/are you shilling shitty animu porn artists so hard? kek
No. 719280
>>719269I see what you mean, though uncle's voice is more nasal and bani's sort of sounds… idk how to put it. holly and uncle are both sort of nasal and bani just has a sort of lower… not smoother voice but i can't quite put my finger on the word im looking for. Clearer maybe? Uncle and Cinnabani also don't have that weird whiny tone to their voice that Holly does.
They all sound depressed as fuck though.
No. 719300
>>7192551) not alog the entire video
2) not have shitty meme editing
3) not lay into her weight for 5 mintues straight because it has zero bearing on her
problematic behavior
4) not use slurs like fag etc because the normies will get offended and discredit the video based on that alone
No. 719362
>>719331She did not which is the one thing i really wish she had.
Honestly, if the other anons dislike the video make your own video. I dont mean that in a rude way, i literally just want people to do more videos calling Holly out lol. The next video should include the zine mess
No. 719437
File: 1540305466215.png (126.94 KB, 408x327, lmao.png)

>>719188pretty entertaining - some anons are sperging that the video "won't be taken seriously". I think if you stop pining for some investigative journalism content cop that gets holly cancelled (which doesn't even ever work) and just relax you will enjoy it. i am laughing at the edits etc as just like an extension of the fun of shitting on her on here.
pic not really related - actual holly art that looks like a crude mocking edit
No. 719456
File: 1540306046099.jpg (619.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-094723_You…)

How can she burn out when she doesn't even work in the stuff she says she would?
No. 719495
File: 1540309208324.png (17.31 KB, 517x208, cringabani.png)

i dont think cinnabani is a farmer
No. 719537
>>719495tbh i've tweeted stuff like that and im here- you just ignore the anti-trans stuff.
im here to hate on holly and baylee, not talk abt how much people apparently hate trans ppl
She's referenced stuff brought up here too much to NOT be a farmer. At least on these threads.
No. 719558
>>719538Pretty much exactly this. The way she kept going on about her weight was super weird though, even if it was just a segway into her """nutritional advice."""
Tbh it'll be really interesting to see how old Holls will get out of this dilemma, it feels like she's kind of backed herself into a corner with this one.
No. 719842
File: 1540339558944.png (79.98 KB, 1080x439, 20181023_194354.png)

No. 719887
>>719884she didn't really apologise
She just makes a bunch of excuses as to how this is a legitimate technique and we've got it all wrong
"sorry you think I've done something wrong" an apology does not make
No. 719903
File: 1540346832950.png (242.61 KB, 565x814, 639fc61f96e39c91817efa0be92a32…)

i followed cinna on twitter and someone linked her the holly video and she responded to it
No. 719921
>>719919description still says
>Comic artist who also does animation no you don't
No. 719929
File: 1540350148627.jpeg (16.65 KB, 484x272, A3915BBF-6B2B-4377-9D12-9DC923…)

>>719903KEK praise be to this girl I hope she continues to call Holly the fuck out.
No. 719938
File: 1540351222334.jpg (1.09 MB, 2742x3263, 20181003_191556.jpg)

someone in the artist discord got 26 copies and half of them are downright fucked
No. 719941
File: 1540351241532.jpg (1.51 MB, 3024x4032, 20181004_145559.jpg)

No. 719942
File: 1540351263156.jpg (1.49 MB, 3024x4032, 20181004_145825.jpg)

No. 719943
File: 1540351292243.jpg (520.53 KB, 2016x1512, 20181004_145507.jpg)

every other page is upside down
No. 719944
File: 1540351333507.jpg (458.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-222042_You…)

Only one person really pointed it out to holly, its not like she was attacked????
But she's making it seem that way which is really meh
But as we can see her fan base ea. ts it up like no tomorrow
No. 719945
File: 1540351445921.jpg (673.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-222419_You…)

No. 719946
File: 1540351466554.jpg (663 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-222426_You…)

No. 719947
File: 1540351483304.jpg (607.15 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-222430_You…)

No. 719948
>>7199431. Please tell me your exaggerating, what the fuck. This is on another level.
2. Please tell me that person got a full refund
No. 719949
File: 1540352001724.jpg (721.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-223305_You…)

Ass kisser alert
No. 719950
File: 1540352021437.jpg (644.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181023-223313_You…)

No. 719952
File: 1540352143867.png (270.31 KB, 512x680, hollydoesnttrace.png)

>>719879TL;DR: She copy/pastes standins for "complicated" characters like Al so she can move them around when drafting the composition, but she was totally going to redraw Al in the REAL final version, she'd never trace!!
This is garbage. The blue head construction she did in pic related is how you SHOULD simplify figures to quickly move/edit them, it's her fault for adding more detail. Tracing would be slower and more limiting, and also wouldn't enable her to quickly edit/redraw the composition anyway. She's contradicting herself. Her excuse is detailed figures are harder to play with, but her traced figure is more detailed?
Her evidence is these other two examples of using clip art/photos.
They look fake as hell. She went dark for 2 days coming up with a plausible excuse and thought she needed other examples of photobashing. The Deku/Todoroki example is absurd. She already planned to use a screentone for the trees, why would she photobash? No human artist would think of doing this.
She repeatedly acknowledges it's bad and ineffective, that she "probably shouldn't do it," etc. Holly infamously NEVER admits fault in her own process. Pointing out holes in your own lie is a biiiig tell. She's happy to cop to this "bad habit" because it's better than copping to tracing.
She's either lying or has the world's worst drawing process, and bad artist she may be, but my money is on lying.
She's distracting from the real issue by calling this "toxic drama" about "referencing" and "not freehanding," all buzzwords to soften "I got called out for tracing."
And she again said she "deleted" Twitter and Tumblr when she didn't. Deleting would be much more drastic so it sounds like she's fishing for sympathy.
She would've carried this all the way to print if she hadn't been caught.
>>719880All of them lmao. She keeps calling it "referencing" so the comments are "all artists reference uwu"
>>719884She apologized IF anyone THOUGHT she was tracing because she toootally wasn't. She's not apologizing or owning up for anything, she's saying she's the victim here of "toxic social media" and its "drama." The most she apologized for was posting it and for being "lazy," but not for tracing. She's sorry she got caught.
>>719938Even her physical merch has art lean. Remember she got her own zine printed profesionally after she realized she was shit at it? Nobody can defend this.
No. 719953
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No. 719955
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Jose needs to find a new aryits to watch
All holly ever does is run away, but one person wouldn't back down and it scared her.
No. 719959
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No. 719967
>>719962lmao hi holly
This is not how you use references. This is just plagiarism.
(hi (cow)) No. 719975
>>719972Using photo refs = fine!
Copying a whole-ass photo you didn't take, pay for, and is not public domain is plagiarism
No. 719977
>>719974My mistake. Sage next time (in the email field).
I dont think she traces and warps myself; I just think she copies (the whole image) or 1 to 1 traces. And thats not cool lmao
No. 719983
File: 1540354841568.png (76.89 KB, 1229x411, sureholly1.png)

Looks like she actually want ahead and deleted twitter for real this time after getting this comment, very sneaky lol. Since there's a zine anon here: are you guys planning to take action for those fucked up copies etc?
No. 719988
Christ, guys, don't be worse than the commenters on Holly's video.
References are to help you understand what you're already drawing, not to copy 1:1. Say you're drawing an arm and it looks all fucked up because you don't know how arm muscles work. You find some reference photos and you study them until you understand how the muscles fit together, and you apply that knowledge to fix your image.
You don't just take a photo of an arm and trace over it, that teaches you almost nothing.
People do master studies where they try to get their drawing as close to their reference as possible, but you usually don't present studies as your own original work. And there are times where tracing is appropriate and acceptable but it's not the same as referencing.
>>719976TBH most of the shitty redraw artists probably think tracing is how you "use references" because it isn't teaching you how to actually draw.
>>719981Broken anatomy is actually a symptom of poorly traced art and not a defence since she doesn't understand what she's copying.
Write "sage" in the email field.
Otherwise, glad to hear that something might finally be happening with the zine artists. IMO the worst thing Holly has done to date is insist on printing this zine herself but getting her own doujin printed professionally.
No. 719990
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>>719987Good for you! Yeah, it's probably better to keep it under wraps, thanks for updating us though, the things you've shown so far has been pretty baffling/entertaining.
No. 719992
File: 1540355500059.png (51.77 KB, 1106x211, sureholly2a.png)

>>719990(Forgot to expand, sorry!)
No. 719995
>>719988Personally when i use anatomy references in my art, drawing from reference IS how i study. if im using an arm photo reference, copying the muscles (at least in my sketch) helps me understand the placement of those muscles, and from there i can take liberties in my own piece based on what needs to happen.
At least in the buff miku one, i just cant see where she traced the anatomy of the photo ref, it just looks like she made up her own anatomy but vaguely copied the pose.
No. 720002
>>719995ain’t no way she knows anything about human anatomy. it’s blatant in literally every single other drawing she’s done. i lean towards the theory that she freehands while looking at the reference, but the cowboy bebop drawing makes me think that she took the pinterest pic into photoshop and vaguely drew the characters over the people, if that makes sense.
the zine thing is on a whole ‘nother fucking level though. someone HAS to post that and get it out there! that is the shittest craftmanship i’ve seen in a long time. someone who has never printed artwork professionally before or done book binding could still do a better job than that. there’s no excuse for that, especially considering how long it took her to make and send it out. only problem now is that if she actually deleted her twitter, then the only places to show this piece of trash book are on tumblr and yt. i think posting it on twitter would have gotten a lot more traction than those 2 sites, but maybe not.
u guys do what u want to, those of u who are zine artists. i hope things end as well as they can either way, but this should be one of fhe last straws for anyone who remotely gives a fuck about BRown and her “career” that just seems to be her shitty excuse as to why she won’t leave her house.
No. 720016
>>720010Will you fuck off period if you're gonna be derailing with pointless
trigger fighting. Both of you honestly stfu if it ain't about Holly.
No. 720018
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No. 720019
>>720002Honestly if more gets out, on top of the fact that she deleted her twitter, her "career" is effectively fucked, moreso than it has been. I could be wrong, She won't have as big a sounding board because twitter is where she would just spew and rake in those edgy teen fans. Here's hoping.
And here's hoping for more Zine bullshit because holy SHIT those print outs are atrocious. If I was an artist, I'd be pissed. That's an insult, she basically just spat on the zine artists.
26 copies and she thinks the person receiving them won't do a quality check (when she should have done it herself
in the first place)??
No. 720023
>>720002I was literally just looking at her Patreon, (which only seems to be in a linktree on her IG bio now). It's funny how she's still bringing in like $250 without having done a single thing. Does she even do those private livestreams? No discord??? No PDFs??? Yall might as well be burning your cash at this point.
I bet you she doesn't talk with or interact with any of the people who support her. She probably doesn't ask them what they think or what they might like to see, or even thanks them for their support. Nothing. Just radio silence. If you want to see ANYTHING from her, you'd go to her twitter, which she posted MORE content on for free lmao. What a waste of your coin, but continue to get ripped off I guess.
No. 720034
>>719953God, this dumbass. It's not concept art dipfuck, it's an art print. The same rules don't apply to both.
Also, concept artists just do photo-bashing for the initial pitch and brainstorm. The actual concept art is still shit they draw themselves.
This is an individual piece she is attempting to sell, which makes tracing completely inappropriate. I can see someone tracing as practice in their personal sketchbook, but selling traced art? Fuckssake.
Remember when Andrew Dobson was lambasted for tracing Big Ben in a print he was trying to sell? It's almost like Holly is
trying to be the next Dobbo.
No. 720058
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>>720054Kind of actually, but the thing is that you can't really let everything slide because a bully turns around and makes herself a victim. Holly is super manipulative, and it's pretty important to remember that.
No. 720060
>>720054yeah, but it’s kind of pointless to think about. some ppl think of these threads as just bullying and hate, which, to be fair, a good amount of it is basically that, especially in Holly’s eyes since she doesn’t take any kind of criticism well. I don’t think anyone’s told her to commit suicide at least; in fact, lots of ppl have expressed their concern for her mental and physical wellbeing and described ways in which she could improve on those aspects. (albeit, not so politely worded, but otoh, Holly is supposedly the queen of taking no bs, so.)
i hope she doesn’t do anything like that though. yeah, she’s been making some big mistakes lately, but she CAN rectify them (like sending the zine customers refunds or better quality books). it’s not the fact that she’s making these mistakes that annoys ppl now so much as the way in which she handles the aftermath, or lack thereof. everyone fucks up, but it’s easier to gain respect when you acknowledge it and try to better yourself than when you ignore it and blame other ppl for “misinterpretations” or what have you. (re: holly has difficulty understanding pov’s besides her own and should probably work on that)
No. 720069
>>719089Holly's politics aren't really that bizarre or abnormal. Nothing milky since most likely half the people in America agree with her "conservative" views.
Also I don't think having rape in a porn comic is really that much of a bad thing. It's a fantasy. Porn artists rarely if ever get in trouble for depicting noncon since they're honest that "it's just porn". Holly gets in trouble since she has to rationalize it. Also, because her audience is mostly underage and she doesn't explicitly portray herself as an adult artist. The fact that she acts so sneaky/dismissive about it is what attracts negative attention.
No. 720071
>>720059 in this case she isn't a victim. she's a liar and a manipulative bully. yeah she's got mental health issues for sure, that I hope she gets help with, but none of it is a free pass to treat people the way she does. I think that, while her "I want to die" statements are very worrisome given her self harm history, they can also be a bit manipulative appealing to a more sympathetic and forgiving audience.
she's not getting the help she needs and i think that'd be the best investment she would make for herself, not spurging on art supplies and piling on projects as a coping mechanism.
Again, none of it is an excuse to treat or talk to people the way she has.
No. 720080
File: 1540374694346.png (1.11 MB, 936x824, butter.png)

Totally working on the zine/patreon, fam :)
No. 720144
>>720058>>720059>>720060That's what blows me away. She constantly criticizes other people and techniques, but then she's shocked when people call her out on bad technique/hypocrisy.
Don't dish it out if you can't take it, BRown. And especially don't try to put yourself in a position of authority when you do shit like trace and screw up zines.
>>720080>>720110That keyboard is filthy. God Lord, get a Clorox wipe and clean that shit up.
>>720137It's irrelevant what concept artists do, because she's not a damn concept artist, she's a comic artist.
How fucking hard would it have been for her to just draw it herself? If the tracing was a place holder, why post it in the first place?
No. 720148
>>720144>"If the tracing was a place holder, why post it in the first place?"If the traced bit was just a place holder why trace it in the first place? I mean wouldn't it be easier to just leave the stock image as is than actually go over it and trace it? Holly 100% was planning to slap muddy colors onto Al and pass it off as her own work.
Also it's not really irrelevant what concept artists do since certain techniques aren't just limited to certain art fields. If a 'comic artist' wants to use 'concept art' techniques more power to them. Of course said 'comic artist' is still responsible to make sure their final piece doesn't violate copyright.
No. 720274
File: 1540401512910.png (366.06 KB, 466x830, patreonupdate.png)

Oh shit fam, hype
No. 720286
>>720273I think it was a whole ass sketchbook some pitiful fool bought and it came with some stickers.
>>720274knew she would make a reactionary patreon update after lurking here…
can't wait to see how much shit she scraped up last minute for an update before a whole month went by.
No. 720320
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No. 720321
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No. 720323
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No. 720324
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No. 720325
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No. 720326
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No. 720389
>>720373it's because they're like 12, only literal children are incapable of criticizing things they like. they either blindly worship it no matter what or hate it with all their being, there is no middle ground. black and white thinking is pretty much a hallmark of child logic.
I don't even need to read the entire comment gumi is replying to that's all "UMMM DO U EVEN INDUSTRY" because I know it's someone who does not art at even a hobby level and is just parroting whatever they heard Holly said.
No. 720406
>>720389Also something to note about photo bashing in the video game industry: yes when concept art books are published the art is making money, but the original pupose of the photo bashing concept art is to quickly and effectively pump out prop designs by the hour n
NOT initially used for the purpose of selling as commercial/fine art for consumers.
Also nobody fucking traces someone else's work in the industry you fucking retard, yeah people save a bunch of photos for mood boards and a starting point for idea flow but no professional in the video game industry directly traces a peice of art.
Shes so fucking stupid i stfw she always acts like she knows how certain industries work without ever working in that kind of field
holly if youre reading this and actually want to get into the video game concept art industry try checking out real youtubers are actually activley eorking in the video game company and actually know what the fuck they're talking about.
A good start would be Trent Kaniuga, FZDSchool, and maybe bobby chiu but hes more of a motivational speaker than soeone who actully teaches anything
But what am i talking about, this is holly and i doubt she actually cares about video game concept art, shes just using it as an excuse to justify her shitty an irrelevant behaviour
No. 720427
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Shit is actually going down in the comments now, blesssss. Also I can barely make sense of Holly's respons to this.
No. 720436
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such milk
No. 720507
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>>720436Er, did she delete the middle one?
Someone's getting a little snippy, it seems
No. 720512
>>720507did she just use "sanctimoniously" in place of "simultaneously"
I can't believe someone so bad with words and art is trying to make her living from both
No. 720514
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No. 720515
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No. 720516
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This is great
No. 720522
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>>720514>>720518Okay doublepost, but did Holly just backpedal so hard she fell off her bike?
She claims that she works in one layer and that's why she needs to trace because it needs to be transparent…but this WIP has the placeholder on a background layer?
No. 720527
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Nah holly we all saw the full version no one took it out of context at all.
No. 720528
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No. 720529
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No. 720531
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No. 720532
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No. 720533
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No. 720536
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No. 720537
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No. 720547
>>720543Lol they won't. Watch Holly just take down this video and disappear for a week or so because she was 'totally bullied off social media you guys!!!!'
Also, does anybody know if she actually updated her patreon between all this drama?
No. 720577
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No. 720579
>>720574GOD Holly lmao
"No I wasn't victim blaming!! I'm just saying that if a relationship turns toxic it's because you weren't able to say no"
Just shut up! Just stop replying until you can cool your head!! Yikes!
>>720575> Don't socialize or know any menPREACH
Seriously why does Holly start with the whole "Girls are so catty and bitchy men are superior in every way" when she doesn't even have any male friends and the men she does know are all awful to her (Keith, her brother) while the only people in her life who support her in any way are generally women
I mean granted they're all "not like other girls" girls but fuckin hell
No. 720591
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No. 720592
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No. 720593
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No. 720594
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No. 720605
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No. 720616
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No. 720617
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Did anyone save the stream?
No. 720630
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Holly says its not that simple
But then goes with the end that its simple??????????
Also I'm glad that this is the pinned comment that means her followers will read it I hope.
No. 720631
>>720589The comment on one of the rape scene pages was literally blaming Simon for the situation. There's a screenshot in the last thread.
So does she think that Simon and Atari are in a happy consentual relationship despite being statutory rape? He keeps willingly fucking Atari so it's not rape obvious, it's impossible to manipulate or take advantage of someone so they're obviously just dating and it's clearly had no impact on his psyche.
God she's a hypocritical retard. It's rape if it's her gay yaoi boy and fat Hitler but real people? Nah.
No. 720632
>>720574Hearing her initial ignorant drivel about SA victim blaming on the stream was shocking but comical because it just shows how much of an ignorant friendless kissless virgin she is but all this doubling down is making me physically ill what a vile fucking human being even after having things laid out before her she still doubles down on her disgusting ideas about SA and toxic relationships despite clearly never having been a victim of either.
Absolutely repulsive I have never been so disgusted by this troll and that's saying something.
No. 720634
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Ooohhh shitttt
She's gonna regret doing that
No. 720638
>>720634She's trying to make a point about posting the actual livestream as if she didn't say a million other shitty things in it. It isn't like what she and TwistedDisaster said was out of context, either. It was the entire chunk of the conversation from start to finish.
So linking that livestream makes it worse.
Her fans tho, they're not even going to bother, they're probably going to ignore it entirely and keep worshiping their 'queen'. can't really help that.
It's actually also amazing how long she managed to keep these other issues at bay.
Like, of
all the straw, a fucking tracing of Alphonse is what broke the camel's back, and it's fucking hilarious.
>>720633Ah right on time, as usual. almost due for a new thead as soon as things start ramping up.
No. 720641
>>720631Sounds like she plans for Simon to magically realize he's been groomed/abused, tell someone (dad,) and then Atara will be "thwarted"
>>720593>Many people have never been taught these things like mental manipulations/grooming etc. Realizing that rapists are power hungry and that you have the power to thwart them is what gets them caughtSo it'll be extremely simplified and probably tasteless, and she's still implying it's Simon's fault since Atara is only getting away with it because Simon lets him? It's not like Atara is literally blackmailing him his boyfriend and his family or anything. Nope, just go public and your rapist is immediately "thwarted," no repercussions, even tho Holly herself is on that "false rape allegations are the real problem" train irl
If she really cares about doing a meaningful rape arc why isn't she listening to people with actual SA experience telling her she doesn't understand rape??
Like 99% of her problems could be solved if she just shut the fuck up, calmed down, and listened to people.
>>720630Lmao wtf. Holly literally can't imagine an abusive boyfriend? I vote this for new thread pic
No. 720646
>If she really cares about doing a meaningful rape arc why isn't she listening to people with actual SA experience telling her she doesn't understand rape??
>Like 99% of her problems could be solved if she just shut the fuck up, calmed down, and listened to people.That's her entire hang up though; Holly
HATES being told she doesn't understand something, but
LOVES saying how 'a lotta people don't understand' something.
No. 720651
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No. 720652
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Maybe that persons "fake person" radar is not working at all.
No. 720653
>>720652A lot of people do more than holly and complain less than. She does.
There are plenty of people who go to school have a job and do YouTube
She's nothing special
No. 720654
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No. 720664
>>720659Not surprised in the least that they're handling it as bad as she is. You
are the company that you keep, after all.
No. 720679
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48 people had the right idea to unsubscribe
Maybe others will to who knows?
No. 720686
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No. 720687
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No. 720690
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No. 720705
File: 1540442496689.gif (1.84 MB, 540x310, heathers annoyed.gif)

>comes onto LCF for the first time
>announces who they are
>looks for validation for arguing with cow
>doesn't sage
Why does it always have to be this way?
No. 720710
>>720705>>720704They deleted, get over it.
>>720679We can only hope those children following her have some sense and unsub.
No. 720723
>>720717I think a string of names in the title is fine, eg. "HC BRown / HollyBrown / IDK
Fujoshit Rape Apologist" and any of her other illustrious titles.
No. 722059
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apologies if this was pointed out but Corey Holmes works on bee and puppy cat and lab zero games. You know, the people who made skullgirls.
No. 729980
Also if she's dropping out of school, my guess is she's not going to finish Clever Kitchen?