File: 1520860824141.png (190.99 KB, 408x402, Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 9.15…)

No. 527029
Most well known for her cal-arts rant, where she bitches about how hard it is to get in while claiming to have gotten in. Also known for giving shitty advice to impressionable beginners. of aforementioned Cal-Arts rant: [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy] [DL][Archived Copy]
>21 year old "freelancer" (lives at home with her mother and runs an online shop selling ugly art)>Salty Youtube fujoshi artist that claims that her art is superior because she went to art school>Constantly preaches that art takes hard work, claims to always practice and study but her art hasn't improved in over two years>Whines about being a starving artist with no money, yet has enough money to buy a new Mac computer and a Cintiq tablet within the same week, then sold said cintiq because she got sponsored for her shitty shitty art>When faced with genuine criticism, she replies with "it's my style hurrr get over it!!">Whines about nobody buying from her online store, but when people do, she whines about having to package and ship off her items >Pandering to the Musicals crowd to get more Youtube $$$>Claims to be the only non tumblrina artist and is a textbook tumblr fujo>Generally insufferable and shitty person No. 527198
File: 1520874740625.png (1.15 MB, 1758x1222, Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 1.12…)

No. 527208
>>527198i cannot, for the life of me, distinguish between the thick and thin lines. usually, whenI think "thick lines" i think shit that was used for, idk, my life as a teenage robot or dexter's lab.
and does she know that most animations don't have animation? mostly because it's a bitch to do and makes the animation process even harder. i know she doesn't think things through, but really?
No. 527218
>>527198She continues to shit on people more successful than her. And also if that's the only con, then why
not do it with 'thick' lines. They're not even that thick, they're like like 2px wider than her so called thin lines.
She's overly concerned with the style of her animation rather than animating correctly. She's never going to be able to finish this thing. Shoulda just made a comic, since she's so 'professional'. Or maybe just
used a part of her paranormal plague comic so she could kill 2 birds w/one stone.
Oh well. Like I said before. She works harder, not smarter. whatever. crash and burn.
No. 527228
File: 1520876987915.png (274.5 KB, 1166x926, Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 10.4…)

wtf is going on at the bottom. I think I prefer these silhouettes only cuz we dont have to see their wack expressions
No. 527236
>>527228Ok but we still don't know who the fuck any of these characters really are, so how about telling us a bit about them first so we give a shit about silhouettes.
Also the body shapes are pretty much the same. The only thing distinguishing them is height and hair.
No. 527273
File: 1520880140843.png (40.73 KB, 398x389, 1520876987915-1.png)

This is the worst character silhouette I've ever seen. Holly seems to know what makes good art but she's incapable of producing it herself.
No. 527277
>>527228Wow, these are absolutely terrible. Far left and far right are almost the exact same besides the hair. I'm not even sure what's going on with the one on the bottom?
It's all just so sloppy and mediocre. All I can think of when reading about this person is "Dunning-Kruger".
No. 527294
>>527228Baylee Jea's abomination of a book had better silhouettes than this…
Using silhouette is how you can check if you have clearly defined a pose or if your character will read well on screen or panel without any other details.
I don't know why she makes me so freaking angry.
How can Holly have her head so far up her own ass? ugh
No. 527342
File: 1520886479008.png (25.77 KB, 275x269, Untitled-1.png)

>>527273This reminds me of that character design exercise where you make random blobs and try to find a figure in it.
No. 527369
fucking sides…
No. 527399
>>527342Oh my god anon, I fucking wish this was the original.
>>527228It's so surreal seeing her talk about art because if I didn't know what her art looked like, she often
sounds like she should be capable, but she's just saying the words with no understanding.
No. 527417
File: 1520892934968.jpeg (64.22 KB, 900x798, 1510122404561.jpeg)

>>527411>>527342Here, saged for old.
No. 527434
File: 1520894220100.png (9.19 KB, 227x133, 3e5ca796b8885d0868129f5a7fb649…)

No. 527617
File: 1520906624257.jpeg (134.58 KB, 1024x1668, B8ABF63F-C79D-40A3-BF3B-3124F7…)

>>527417That’s…that’s not how foreshortening works.
I take it she was going for something like this? It’s hard to tell as neither arm looks connected to the body.
No. 527815
>>527198>>527228Holly just doesn't know how to draw children. They are just her regular megachin characters with a shorter forehead and a shorter jaw.
To make a character look more neotenous (like a child), you have to center their features towards the bottom half of their face. Give them a big forehead, slightly bigger eyes, and a smaller nose and mouth. Plus round cheeks and usually more pronounced ears.
Seems like Holly's thought process was "hm, how do I make the small face of a child? I'll just shave off some of the size of the head by making the chin and forehead small. That'll work! Nice and small!"
She did the exact same thing with his body. Looks like she just squashed an adult body until it looked short enough. Seriously Holly, how are you in art school…. no… how can you be a human being who has seen a child more than once in your life and think they are just shrunk adults with small chins?
She is so bad at character design, just so bad. Especially for someone who mainly draws their own original characters. You'd think if you're going to market mainly your own OCs you'd make them look good, but no.
No. 527829
>>527815Oh yeah?? Oh yeah n
*a? Gonna create neotenous features? For a child character or for symbolic/metaphorical stylistic reasons? Do it and watch what happens dude:
No. 528036
>>527829This video probably influenced her in a bad way. She taught herself never to create a big forehead or a low-centered face because she thinks it makes her characters ugly. Holly really ever only draws boys she wants to fuck. She'll make her little boy characters "handsome", but in the end they just look like freakish twinks.
>>527953You can tell he's a little boy because Holly loves to draw young boys in booty shorts/bicycle spats.
Holly thinks male children are shrunken, feminine adults. Just shave their chins and make them dress like girls. Just look how she drew Damian in her webcomic. He wore booty shorts, thigh highs with a fucking garter belt, and a sailor uniform top.
No. 528132
>>528098>>528117Wish she was just more honest about it. I don't really have a problem with shouta but it irritates me how much she denies being a shotacon AND a fujoshi.
The only issue I have is that she uses her slutty shota characters for her "professional work". I don't think your art teacher wants to see a scantly clad little boy with a bow.
No. 528398
File: 1520986085320.jpeg (292.12 KB, 750x760, CC0B3609-7011-44B6-899F-88039C…)

Looool sure. The linked video is unavailable.
No. 528402
>>528383I have never actually watched the CalArts rant before… thank you for the link anon!
She sounds like a complete idiot in this. Holy fuck.
Like she missed the entire point of why they wanted a sketchbook. (Btw most portfolio submissions require sketchbooks) Christ
Sage for old rants but Jesus
No. 528428
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No. 528432
File: 1520987337833.jpeg (313.87 KB, 750x829, 75A3FB9A-C7CB-48EB-883E-7AC993…)

No. 528440
File: 1520988570115.jpeg (342.45 KB, 750x951, 6DA18A85-8699-4FBE-8A18-E55096…)

She means traced
>>528436 No. 528448
>>528440She's really fucking lucky that she's a massive youtuber because that waiting until posting a ton of pages at once just doesn't fly for a lot of comic artists.
But who wants to bet that she doesnt actually have many pages done at all? or if she'll even make it to her san japan deadline of having books for paranormal plague lmfao
No. 528619
File: 1521000668175.png (61.76 KB, 1170x268, Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 21.0…)

genes? what? Is this because she doesn't talk to anyone that her English is getting worse like her art?
No. 528646
>>528619Maybe it's because some people focus better than others and really have a story they want to tell and are able to separate fan art time from the time they put into working on their personal projects. It's called 'discipline' for a reason. Something that she does not have.
And it's not even anything special.
No. 528650
File: 1521002604506.jpg (14.21 KB, 416x113, vKQRYsS.jpg)

No, don't flatter yourself, Holly.
No. 528747
File: 1521012720838.jpg (173.25 KB, 1078x1264, PSX_20180314_023052.jpg)

It's been said before but Jesus does this character look bad. Also what is with her obsession with 4K??? Most people can't tell the difference between 1080p and 4K anyway so why use up all that storage space?? Totally unnecessary in my opinion.
No. 528768
File: 1521018949855.jpeg (69.44 KB, 640x480, 3AB9FF25-767D-491B-8600-8E7A16…)

>>528747I just realised this character is an excuse for Holly to make Edward Elric into a shota.
Similar hair/personality.
No. 528993
>>528986The eyes have to be that close together because his face is so extremely narrow if they were any farther apart, he'd look like an ayylmao.
Many people mention Holly's problem with giant chins, but another problem she has is making the face and facial features too narrow. most of her characters either don't have cheeks or barely have cheeks. The side of their face is just a narrow, flat plane. Because she draws the face so narrow she has to make the eyes extremely close together. On adult characters you can stylistically get away with it (if you were actually good at drawing, however Holly is not), but on child characters it looks terrible.
The design on this character is really all over the place. Megaman style no-wrist arms? Usually your character is short and stubby with a rounded face, especially considering he's a child. And the hair? It just looks wrong. Is the right flap a bang or is it connected to the side part of his hair? It's too long and tall, looks like a crude play-dough bird that died and fell on someone's head. The turned up nose? it's too narrow, looks like a mickey mouse nose, it just needs to be painted black.
Let's not forget his short shorts, pink apron, giant bow, and long eyelashes. Holly wants to fuck these gussied-up little boy characters but isn't talented enough to draw them remotely sexy.
No. 529003
File: 1521044611108.jpg (233.6 KB, 1078x1264, 1521012720838.jpg)

>>528993Being a bit of a dick here. But I took this into photoshop and made a couple adjustments.
Separated and resized the eyes(one is slightly off balance), tried to fix the ear a little so it makes more sense, and slightly adjusted the face to fix the broken cheekbone.
Not redrawn but adjusted. Saged for art red lines?.
No. 529031
>>529025I think she may actually believe that little boys are like fully grown men but smaller, cuter, and more feminized, like her sexual fantasies. There is no little boy alive that would dress and act like her characters.
She doesn't understand marketing and how to appeal to an audience, or curating one. She was blessed by the youtube gods and now she thinks that everyone loves her awful ideas and awful drawings.
No. 529051
File: 1521047492701.png (222.79 KB, 601x618, strong background.png)

>strong backgrounds
Something about this looks super unappealing to me, maybe it's the color choice. Also, nice that she admits her animations will be "poor" before she even started doing them.
No. 529067
>>529003>>528747By the way I didn't do the redline, just
>>529003 felt the need to clarify since I was a dumbass and didn't crop my original screenshot
No. 529085
>>528747God, those teeth. I hate it when people with 'cartoony' styles don't realize that giving your flat, silly-limb cartoon characters anatomically realistic teeth is fucking terrifying. (And, in Holly's case, they're not even correct, which makes it even worse, like some Silent Hill monster).
It really speaks to how Holly doesn't know how to stylize, let alone how to make something appealing. Probably why the 'fix' other anon posted still looks like trash.
No. 529148
>>529067>>529003The eye is still super fucked…
(sorry I didn't crop it before the posting the red line)
No. 529157
File: 1521054397457.jpg (357.32 KB, 1024x1466, mm25__roll_helping_megaman_wit…)

>>529051This character is like a Holly version of Megaman from the Completed Works art book.
You can tell she was going for
-cute shota
-flat stylized anime hair
-thick limbs
-short shorts
-childlike appearance and face
Instead of making a cute tesuka/astroboy/old anime style cute young protagonist, Holly makes a freakish chimera. She is unable to stop drawing giant chinned paper dolls. She seems to be locked into a certain style of drawing as she only really knows how to create symbols of what she sees. She hasn't demonstrated once a knowledge of 3d space in her art. All of her drawings are very stiff, and all suffer from the same problems every single time.
Her having absolutely 0 sense of style also makes everything so much worse. The hair would look bad even if drawn properly, and the giant bow in the back? Completely ruins the silhouette and makes a lot of weird tangents/blobs that are hard to read.
No. 529295
>>529157>The hair would look bad even if drawn properlyFucking this, anon. I've never thought of it that way but you're absolutely right, everything from design to execution is wrong.
Reminds me of those stupid glasses Simon wears; they'll never be okay, no matter who draws them.
No. 529354
File: 1521064310672.png (2.7 MB, 1374x976, pick_him_up_copy_by_smokeplane…)

>>529348at least Long Exposure's isnt as fucking stiff as Holly's
No. 529372
>>529370completely agree. i almost feel like because she built herself up to be like "the lineart youtuber" with the brush pens and stuff, that she's trying to distance herself as much as she can from that image
No. 529393
File: 1521067459452.png (851.03 KB, 438x976, holly brown original art.png)

>>529354What the FUCK
Why does this artist think it's ok to steal from Holly Brown?? Here's the original…smh
No. 529395
File: 1521067713916.png (818.26 KB, 438x976, holly brown original art.png)

>>529393Holly forgot to add her filter
No. 529404
>>529374I wouldn't say Long Exposure is better looking, those large ass chins and expressions are still ugly. It's just more skillfully drawn. Of all the artists Holly could've copied she chose this one, shows her shit taste in art too.
OT but why are fujos so obsessed with making the "bottom" a feminine soft boi and the "top" a masculine asshole, like they're incapable of drawing a gay couple unless they project straight dynamics onto them. The short brown kid looks like a woman with how big his hips and how small his shoulders are smh
No. 529428
>>529404Because they can’t get it out of their heads that one guy has to be “the girl” therefore more feminine. It’s a fucked up trope
Hopefully Holly will grow out of it. But if she’s into the shota side of things she might not. I’m not going to touch that psychological can of worms with a ten foot pole.
She also has weird hatred of females and in a sense herself. She may be projecting herself into her male characters. Possibly why she makes one super feminine, a wish of something she may want to be? Idk sage for Freudian nonsense.
No. 529568
>>529393oh my god, i was already dying and then i scrolled down to the feet and my fucking sides
this is the only acceptable fanart, everyone else take note
>>529395+1 now it's perfect
No. 529584
>>529404>>529428there's a right way to do that twink/bear type dichotomy but it hinges on both of them still acting like fucking men. these self-insert fujos might make the characters different in appearance to hide it but their feminine bias bleeds through. there are men who prefer a more androgynous/feminine appearance but they're still men beneath that.
perma virgin NEETs like holly have no idea how normal people act, much less men in general, much less gay men. her characters have as much depth as her art, but the only male characters who aren't obvious projections of her are a stereotype peeled from someone else's better creation. she's the primest example of why interaction with people is so integral to writing/drawing realistic people.
No. 529666
>>528398I watched that video before she took it down. iirc it was a project involving her recycling pages of her sketchbook. Dang I should've saved that long ago because I could barely remember what happened in that video.
>>529350>Off-topic but that Long Exposure comic is just a rip off of jaymamon’s styleSaying x is a rip off of y is really tiring. And yeah you can point out similarities and such but also I've seen so many artists who have similar styles (mainly because they influence each other and whatnot) and I don't really see the point of comparing one to another.
OT I still think comparing artists is bad and the underlying thought of "hey you're ripping off of x's style and I think you should. Reminded me of the gawki v feverworm problem and the two watercolor artists I follow back then (something which is something they should have solved in private tbh).
>>529051Wish she's tone down the weird anime hair and fucked up proportions. Also the background seemed flat to me. The framing and 'foreshortening' was bad too. Wish someone would do a fundamentals challenge.
>>529157The way she draws characters lacks depth and perspective. Like those eyes and hair at
>>529051. She didn't make an effort to make the other eye look smaller and the right side of the hair looks longer than the left side. At least the pic you posted had some depth to it despite it being anime style, something a lot of artists who only study from anime fail in doing.
>>529584>these self-insert fujos might make the characters different in appearance to hide it but their feminine bias bleeds through. there are men who prefer a more androgynous/feminine appearance but they're still men beneath that. OT but I get war flashbacks to that time I see fanart of my fave characters being together. I just hate it so much. Fujos are a disease and makes people who write realistic gay relationships look bad.
No. 529672
File: 1521099885945.jpg (451.64 KB, 831x1280, 1520989594608.jpg)

>>529666>At least the pic you posted had some depth to it despite it being anime style, something a lot of artists who only study from anime fail in doing.Industry level anime artists actually understand the fundies and drawing in 3d space. Amateurs like Holly often rely on it as a crutch because it looks easy to do. Thus, anime style gets a bad reputation.
It actually takes a lot of skill to reduce/simplify forms in a drawing. Problem is, it looks so effortless that beginners don't understand the skill needed to actually get gud, and end up symbol drawing for years and years. It's deceptive, but there's no excuse to remain trash. Every single weaboo/anime artist is told constantly to study the fundies but it usually goes in one ear, out the other. Like Holly.
No. 529695
>>529691Taken from the CalArts website;
"Only portfolios submitted with a self-addressed, pre-paid package will be mailed back to students."
No. 529716
File: 1521111806904.png (55.21 KB, 1180x208, Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 04.0…)

oml get ready for this, anons
No. 529717
File: 1521111923120.png (1.23 MB, 1158x1228, Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 04.0…)

Yeah, I dont think you're really learning correctly. That bike looks flat and curved. And those legs. Also why does she always add random lines in the arms? Is that to define the muscle or lighting??
No. 529730
>>529717neither since she obviously doesn't know the placement of either.
it looks like he's riding that bike in reverse, and I love how his expression looks like he doesn't know what he's doing, much like Holly.
god, this picture looks so flat. and his knees wtf, that's not where you put your legs on a bike…
No. 529741
>>529695Thank you anon.
>>529717I think they’re supposed to be lines to define shadows, but of course since she doesn’t understand anatomy or volume they don’t work well. Also I think it contrasts with the rest of her “style” and something like this can’t be used on a single body part only.
Wow she got even lazier, doesn’t want to ink her pages anymore? Maybe she realised there’s no way she can finish her comic in time and she’s trying to use shortcuts or maybe she’s just bored with her famous “thin line inking”.
No. 529745
>>529717I think she's trying to describe the Triceps with that weird ass line on the upper arm, but she did it wrong. The line on the wrist is also off… I know what she's trying to do but she missed the mark.
She just doesn't understand the lines she's using to describe anatomical form.
No. 529752
I think it is a unanimous agreement that she needs to get out and interact with real people.
No. 529755
>>529717Problem's with the bike in this pic:
1. that bike's back wheel is flat
2. that is not where you place your legs/feet on a bike like that. His thighs should be closer to if not hugging the gas tank. And his feet aren't even on the pedals/whatever
3. Dude's fucking slipping off the back of the bike.
4. The seat is also weirdly placed and it makes him look like he's sitting on the passenger seat, not the rider's seat.
5. he shouldn't be literally laying on his stomach to reach the handlebars.
6. She drew a pretty standard motorbike but she fucking drew it too big. Literally…she should have just referenced a guy sitting on a bike…not that fucking hard, Holly.
No. 529787
>>529780Will she stick with it?
I am only two minutes in and am about to have a rage fit… She is so arrogant and uninformed! ARG
No. 529797
>>529780omfg…the tall fucking 'quark' guy is supposed to be a match to the shota boy
she fucking matched a shota boy with an obvious adult… her fujoness is far reaching and never ending
No. 529801
>>529797You are taking that out of context.
When you are creating characters for a comic or animation you often want to 'match' your character lineup by using complimentary color schemes or repeating character 'shapes'. This often helps visually identify the characters as being from the same 'group' or suggests that the characters have similar interests or goals.
No. 529847
>>529791Lmao, Holly is one of those "I luv science" normies who thinks space looks pretty and theoretical physics is so cool and interesting.
Basically an idiot fascinated with shit she can't understand. Fuck sometimes it's just embarrassing, like her "primortial" soup.
No. 529870
>>529393>>529395My fucking sides
>>529404Not to derail or suck the artists' dick but it's not really that kind of story. The short kid is a chubby nerd that gets bullied in school and is otherwise pretty normal.
>>529428I know Fujos who freely admit that they hate women/female characters, and even Holly herself has said that she relates more to "gay" pairings. Gay in quotes because it has nothing to do with actual gay dudes.
No. 529876
>>529717I actually think this is a great idea. It's out of laziness, sure, but because she draws at 10,000,000 DPI her lines from the comic look really bad even though she's definitely capable of way better
this could, of course, just be remedied by her using a reasonable goddamn dpi, but that will never happen
No. 529956
>>529873Oh Christ, anon, you do not want to see her sketching process. In a (now deleted?) livestream, she was drawing a Heather's character playing croquet, and she
did do more than the initial sketch, but it didn't matter anyway because none of her sketches were good nor even informed by the sketches underneath. It was like she made the initial sketch and then deleted it from her memory and made it again over the top.
It was so goddamn infuriating to watch, I swear that vid could be used as torture. Something has to be wrong with her to not understand what she was doing.
No. 530095
File: 1521141936980.png (960.21 KB, 1176x1170, Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 12.2…)

lol her arms are so short and wtf is with his hand
No. 530109
File: 1521142732590.png (1.74 MB, 2032x1030, Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 12.3…)

what are those manga lines for?? And oh god, the placement of the characters is gonna make the audience confused like, hey! they were there and then all of a sudden theyre there?
No. 530110
>>530105She said that it doesn't work on her computer. Which seems quite odd considering her iMac is a fairly recent model.
>>530095>Good day>Those handsI guess that's relative.
No. 530152
>>530109She has learned all of her animation knowledge from watching stuff(i believe is what she said)
She needs to read a fucking book on storyboarding at least!
In the first few chapters, they all go over Character Placement in a scene and not breaking the 180 rule.
Honestly, she would benefit from reading some damn books, fuck social interactions, for now, the girl needs some actual knowledge in her brain.
No. 530227
File: 1521147227023.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.21 KB, 571x1000, mfw-holly.jpg)

>>530109The zoom on that shitty face on the left is meme worthy lol. How does she think any of that looks remotely okay
No. 530439
>>530405This! Thank you!
I am so sick of the arrogance!
The kitchen thing for example, restaurant kitchens are designed a specific way for easy of use and the health code(cooling/heating tables, shelves instead of cupboards, etc)
She has no fucking clue why things are designed a specific way.
No. 530475
>>530104It isn't just you. It was discussed and a collage was made, I think, last thread.
>>530109All her characters look so punchable.
No. 530932
>>530924I binge read it the other day as well. Although I'm not really a fan of the art style, at least I can tell that the artist knows how to draw. The characters don't look the same, and the poses never look stiff. There were a few earlier panels that were underwhelming, but overall, Long Exposure is an example of an artist who knows how to draw, even if I don't particularly care for her style.
Holly should read it and take note about the poses. That's my biggest gripe with her art, it doesn't matter how simple or complex her characters are, they always look unnatural and stiff. Hell, even when her characters are just standing still doing nothing, they still look so stiff.
No. 531051
File: 1521224666382.jpeg (270.81 KB, 640x792, 8E882B06-24DD-4C87-9F4C-F1E68B…)

Why did she animate him smoking? Wasn’t he supposed to be a kid??
No. 531121
File: 1521230594169.jpg (206.8 KB, 869x1292, MR-334329-564005-2[1].jpg)

>>531099Whenever we discuss her anatomy here I think of ONE/the artist who made One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100. His art is far from impressive, but it communicates the story clearly and that's enough to be successful.
No. 531291
File: 1521345037378.png (119.76 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Dont you guys know, Holly knows a lot about animation -rolls eyes forever
No. 531297
File: 1521345328628.jpg (67.15 KB, 621x681, ageless.jpg)

lol well… so i mean… haha
No. 531364
File: 1521348215583.png (259.88 KB, 1148x716, Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 21.4…)

Ok yeah some cartoons have 4 fingers and can get away with it because they know how to draw hands, but Holly just makes it look like a dinosaur claw. And who reaches for a cigar like that with the cigar popping out by itself with no hand movement that's holding it
No. 531466
File: 1521353856892.jpg (214.26 KB, 800x1586, 1000 year old vampire…)

Holly "broken ankles, broken dreams" Brown just sent me this image. She says she's ditched the lineless style because the amorphous blobs reminded her of eating too much play dough at foster care and having to get her stomach pumped. The first and last time she ate anything other than tv dinner.
No critiques please, we know they aren't necessary.
No. 531582
File: 1521370642584.png (106.72 KB, 1188x450, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 03.5…)

Oh the irony…and also if she didnt spend so much unnecessary purchases for a con, she wouldn't be shit poor. Ya know, I thought she didnt want to spend a lot of money on animation programs and that's why she's using photoshop? Which is it, Holly?
No. 531595
File: 1521372401249.jpeg (277.16 KB, 640x693, 706AD43B-EDB5-4227-8F5C-AE9910…)

>>531582Yes she did the same thing for clip studio paint, and she used to say that flash was a shit program but now she’s all defensive about it and calls out ignorance in the community. That’s the holly way. I’m really sad because I know she will get this money too and I am saving up to buy this program for quite a long time but since I don’t shit money like her, I end up saving or using money for stuff that’s actually needed. Good job on buying a program you will not be able to use properly and shit on it before realising you only have to put effort into understanding the interface.
She’s such an hypocrite.
>>531291Yeah because if you make reviews you OF course can make the thing. All historicists fought wars, every wine critique can make wine, every food critique is a chef, movie reviewers are all actors and directors and only comic book makers are allowed to review comics. What a wonderful world she lives in.
Pic related: now it’s either toon boom or tvpaint, so long for “I’m only using photoshop”, it’s not even a third option.
No. 531598
>>531596She can buy whatever she wants but shitting on them first and telling people it’s idiotic to buy a program if you can use another one you’re paying for is even worse than simply watching her waste money.
At least the stuff she wanted for the conventions… well, she wanted them all. This program? She stressed out it’s too pricey and useless because it’s THE SAME with ps (and I hate that thing, if you’ve never used a thing you can’t say it’s the same) and then… begs for money to have that “unnecessary” program that is now vital.
No. 531600
>>531582I don't know if she's eligible, but students can get a discount on the TVPaint license so it shouldn't be that much. It's like 50% off. I hope she's actually done research and downloaded the trial and not just decided to buy it because other people are using it and she
thinks it would be better.
>>531582>most of the super difficult stuff isn't actually harduh
No. 531603
>>531600She’s only been using photoshop so far, she would have stated she tried it if she did. And of course she didn’t do her researches or her online school is not valid for the discount.
This is not her first time buying stuff without even trying them first and realising they’re not good for her.
Remember the screenprinting supplies, for instance?
No. 531605
>>531603Yeah, but screenprinting I kinda get because you might not have access to a workshop to try it. Software is honestly just inexcusable because they allow you to try it.
What does she even need the pro license for? She has the creative suite for compositing/blending layers, and the standard version is only 500€. You don't get to complain about not having money and then just flush
other people's cash down the drain too.
No. 531607
File: 1521374258064.jpg (144.11 KB, 720x720, 20180317_114542.jpg)

Is there anything she DOESN'T hate?
No. 531853
File: 1521399370707.png (112.84 KB, 1180x488, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 11.5…)

oh lord…higher quality dont mean shit when your animation's poopoo, Holly!
No. 531951
>>531945It's not necessarily outdated, but a lot of it is wrong. I got a peg bar for like $2. They are NOT that expensive. Animation is an investment no matter what and I don't know why she's trying to talk on a subject she doesn't know shit about. All she's concerned about is what products to buy instead of actually
doing the work fuck this video, fuck her. sorry for the rant, animation just hits close to home.
No. 531963
File: 1521407611202.png (543.53 KB, 750x1334, D8849565-5E04-47BD-8890-0F2CB7…)

Same anon as above, but y’all, look what she just replied to me when I said that maybe she shouldn’t be teaching people because she’s going to be new to the program insert side eye emoji bc I’m so done She makes it seem as if I’m telling her never to teach anything, yikes
No. 531978
File: 1521408497772.png (161.02 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Oh no Anon, she's annoyed - eye roll
No. 532090
File: 1521415725173.png (138.86 KB, 1178x576, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 16.2…)

Lol look at her rage
No. 532093
File: 1521415818254.png (720.34 KB, 1174x888, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 16.2…)

So…she does do figure drawing, but it looks like she doesn't know what a line of action is or how to add weight…these look stiff af
No. 532095
File: 1521415953692.png (122.57 KB, 1572x404, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 16.3…)

No. 532113
>>532095Of course, let's skip the basics, who has time for that?
Damn her project is going to suck (if she ever finishes it).
No. 532134
>>532095Dear god… as an illustration student this pissed me off so much. My first year painting class was basically paiting fruits for the first semester to learn the basics (e.g. saturation, warm/cool), and even when we moved to paiting figures they were 3 hour poses just to learn other basic knowledge. YOU have to go through ‘boring’ stuff to be able to move onto the next level.
Sorry for ranting but Holly makes no sense and it looks like her classes are not teaching her anything either.
No. 532171
File: 1521419994503.png (619.53 KB, 1166x1176, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 17.3…)

that same face syndrome though…You can't just slap a diff wig on the characters and call it a day…
No. 532223
File: 1521422225358.png (417.02 KB, 584x1004, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 18.1…)

tfw the redraw looks uglier and can't tell who it is even with the wig
No. 532244
>>532223Bitch, if you (Holly) animated it, the fans and the managaka would cry. The anime industry would be in tears at the bs u call ~animation~ (which FYI is really just her drawing and redrawing poses to how she
approximates actual movement which is COMPLETELY incorrect).
Ooooh, I am so fucking salty at her blatant disrespect for real hardworking animators
No. 532276
File: 1521425264011.jpg (34.94 KB, 608x436, Capture.JPG)

>>532223how… did that fix anything. Holly's color theory is just playing with the hue/saturation slider and calling it a day.
No. 532314
File: 1521427837314.jpg (119.32 KB, 1199x952, why.jpg)

Just leave him alone already, ffs
No. 532359
>>532314She's got like 5 different faces and hair variations here and none of them even look like Ed.
>>532223Color is admittedly one of Holly's stronger suits, but she has no idea how it works outside of her comfort zone. She really is peak Dunning-Kruger.
No. 532371
File: 1521430620343.png (47.45 KB, 1526x216, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 20.3…)

Yeah, it has like minor issues, but I bet you that she didn't even try to use this program and just rage quit when she couldn't figure something out. Shits on things that pros such as Studio Ghibli uses smh.
No. 532409
>>532223>>532276like others have said, it looks like they're underwater in her """fix"""
the lighting for the rest of the picture is warm, why would she "correct" it by making everything cool to match the hair? if anything needs changing, it's the hue of the hair, tho honestly it looks alright to me. she claims she knows so much about colour theory and yet she doesn't understand any of what she talks about.
No. 532517
File: 1521437506123.gif (966.72 KB, 350x450, tumblr_inline_p0psd7klyP1qmqh6…)

>>532439TV Paint is the main piece of software they use at CalArts for 2d, and I really doubt Holly is going to give any sort of tutorial to rival the best animation school in the US.
No. 532551
File: 1521441208685.jpg (12.07 KB, 264x199, 1418951299791.jpg)

>>532314Nu-weebs were a mistake
No. 532555
>>532542She probably will get knocked down a couple of pegs if
A: She doesn't get the funds for the program.
B: She doesn't finish the animation on time for her degree
C: She doesn't make a profit doing the convention
Of course, knowing Holly, she might just make excuses for the above.
No. 532626
File: 1521450056351.png (409.89 KB, 1078x605, eeeeeew.png)

This character represents how I feel about Holly entirely.
No. 532662
>>532613You make really legit points, anon. This
is pretty scammy behavior. She doesn't have even one project to back up or justify anyone giving her money, and even when people aren't giving her money, she's complaining about how 'broke' she is and literally the next day will spend hundreds on a thing she'll barely even use.
She needs to pick a lane and stay in it. Preferably
not animation. She'll animate half-ass for two days and then make a video acting like she knows everything there is to know about what animators need to do and get.
I think she
is a scam artist and really does need to be called out on her shit before more people get suckered into her schemes. She's not 'poor' or 'broke', she's just shitty at managing money and will look for any way to turn a buck, and will try to get it from her large audience if she can so that she can buy
more shit she won't need.
It's honestly got to stop.
No. 532670
>>532223>>532276>>532314This is just so cringe. I know so many amazing artists (way better than Holly) who have the decency not to shit on artwork they dislike. It's just rude. You REALLY should be humble when you compare yourself to others (or just don't do it unprovoked). No, instead she shits on talented professional artists because she has one nitpick and suddenly that makes her art better. Holly is nowhere near the level these animators are at, instead she critiques a color they chose and now she thinks she can show them up because of this ONE thing she thinks she can do soooo much better.
Is this a cope? Does Holly think that only the most capable, special, and talented artists can critique industry professionals? Does she think because she can articulate the problem with and "fix" someone else's art she is better than them overall?
No. 532678
File: 1521459261599.jpeg (171.73 KB, 640x503, 5B02727B-95EF-4012-85B6-CAEA4D…)

She’s already pushing her main project behind to animate some FMA. This thing she has, to prove the world she’s better than the professionals, I think it has to stop. Also lol wow Such practice. With all the amazing and dynamic scenes FMA has to offer she picked one with just dialogues and pans.
No. 532682
>>532314I just want her to not do the dreamworks brow raise even
>>532371>I couldn't figure out how to use it so I'm hoping money will buy me knowledge No. 532730
>>532683Why would I be sarcastic, professionalism sparks from every cell of this wonderful artist so full of positivity and talent!
(Yes, I am being sarcastic. She will probably never become a professional with that skill set and attitude)
No. 532734
>>532731But anon, it’s everybody else that’s creating drama about her! She never shits on people or talk about companies and the industry negatively, people just love making things up and making her look like she’s the bad one when she’s just honest and blunt!
Honestly, if she ever gets into the industry I’d be so surprised I could really fly to her and shake her hand.
No. 532737
File: 1521470306449.png (1.28 MB, 1424x1620, purgatory.png)

I miss purgatory
No. 532747
File: 1521471305353.png (740.01 KB, 1424x1620, purgatory2.png)

No. 532863
>>532678>chooses scene of Ed reading off a book>"most of this isn't even animated, just lip sync over a still frame, so it won't take long to re animate"yet even this scene has a lot of facial nuances and body language animation she's incapable of recreating.
If she wanted to practice, why didn't she just reanimate the opening with Ed's hair?
No. 532906
>>532737>>532747These are perfect, anon, I'm dying.
Makes me want to read it again just to pick out the horrid art mistakes and grammar.
No. 532924
File: 1521488036865.png (443.71 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Someone make it stop. NO ONE asked for this!!
No. 532940
>>532924the perspective on those candelabras, though. my sides.
what even is she doing wasting time on trivial shit? why does she have to feel she has a point to prove? If she wants to prove something, she should actually put effort into finishing her own projects instead of trying to "fix" a pro's…
Hey what ever happened to that Hamilton booklet she was gonna make??? lmao I feel like every time I post I'm reminded of several things she started but hasn't finished.
she won't be ready for a convention. she won't be ready for graduating.
No. 532970
File: 1521491773651.png (420.78 KB, 1074x1064, Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 4.35…)

No. 532971
File: 1521491787227.png (426.67 KB, 1180x820, Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 13.3…)

Nooooo ew ew ew ew. they dont even look like theyre looking at eachother
No. 533168
File: 1521503759204.png (114 KB, 823x852, 1518629514588.png)

>>532747>that upper right neckoh god I thought it was this edit but it's actually the real thing
No. 533221
File: 1521506290314.jpeg (324.01 KB, 640x802, 6A1659F4-FF76-4541-B0D0-A9DB7B…)

Okay so apparently it all sparked as a response to butch hartman, of course she had to show that her version is so much better.
No. 533226
>>533221She'll never get anywhere in her career down talking
industry fucking professionals who worked at Nickelodeon for over 15 yrs. Like, Butch Hartman isn't the only one who sees that tweet, and the animation industry is very, very small and tight knit. They're going to remember her as someone to avoid.
No. 533259
File: 1521508254027.png (44.93 KB, 1176x194, Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 18.0…)

She's not very good at planning is she..what's priority for her right now anyway?? It's like all over the place
No. 533286
>>533015I highly doubt it
not sure if anyone managed archive it because she deleted the live stream but didn't Holly say that she finds holocaust jokes funny cause she likes shocking humor and her defense was that they were all dead so it was ok
No. 533295
>>533283Because distended maxilla, sloped foreheads, wide noses, and nappy hair are conventionally unattractive, but all these things make up the morphology of sub-Saharan Africans.
Holly doesn't want to draw things she considers unattractive. She sexualizes all of her characters, even for her school projects.
Since Holly doesn't know anything about skull morphology (considering she doesn't understand anything in 3d space, and also she copies a arty-city plastic skull), she concluded that to be non-white means that you have brown skin and a large nose. She doesn't understand the anatomy behind anything not immediately observable.
No. 533331
>>533316That's true; the only reason I'd say it's open for critique still is that she's making such a big deal about how ~Nick
should be black~, so
she drew him black, but really she just made his skin dark. Like his hair isn't even afro-textured, which could be a solid indicator that she put some thought into this besides "gonna make Nick black for tumblr points!"
No. 533513
Sasuga Holly!
No. 533645
>>533283Idk what you guys expect from her, she can barely draw
anyone. She can't even do different eyebrow poses. She just assumes she knows what things look like and uses her symbols, I also assume that she barely ever sees any black people since she never goes anywhere, doesn't have any friends and only watches anime and cartoons.
No. 533661
>>532970Oh my fucking god… "It weirds me out when people draw nick white". Holly have you considered that when people draw human versions of the Zootopia characters they often pay attention to the species the character etc? Red foxes are from Eurasian origin and are often seen in more nordic environments. So it kinda makes a lot of sense for so many people to draw him white since… most people in those areas are white, especially in Europe.
And another big reason why people make him white is that zootopia human fan art often chooses the hair and eye color based on the fur and eye color in the movie to make it clear who the humanisation is supposed to be of. And seeing an african american guy with naturally red hair and bright green eyes is not very likely/common.
I'm not saying that he absolutely MUST be drawn white. I actually think it doesn't really matter, it's just fan art and as many others pointed out the movie left a lot up for interpretation. So people can draw him any color I don't care, but I just hate when people try to police how people are allowed to do their fan designs or in holly's case: trying to act all smart about it. Like do you want a medal or something??? Thank you for your oh so groundbreaking insight Holly!! <3
Ugh sorry for the rant but things like this really piss me off. Especially since holly's logic is so black and white (no pun intended lol) like "oh they had prejudice against him so he must be black durrrrr" God… Based on that logic fucking EVERYONE in the movie would be black.
No. 533790
>>533661Why can't white people just draw other white people
why do you have to justify it? Just draw it.
No. 533806
>>533790I wasn't trying to "justify" anything. I just wanted to speculate why the majority seems to draw Nick white and why there wasn't really any reason for Holly to feel "weirded out" by it. So I just thought about it and came up with a couple of reasons why people make certain connections and design choices so often when it comes to this character. But yeah as I said: I don't like being a design police and people are allowed to draw whatever kind of characters they please. I just simply hated Holly's reaction to these things and maybe I looked a bit too deep into it since I personally really love character design and the thought process that goes into it and how different people approach it. But Holly seems to have a very flat approach when it comes to writing her characters or talking about other characters. Like she doesn't really care or give it any deeper thought.
But yeah I see how I made myself sound a bit silly with all this speculating.
No. 533938
>>533894I think Paranormal Plague is something she wants to make too, she was always talking about wanting to finish Purgatory to work on it.
But she seems to have lost herself, between trying to get into animation, wasting her time and money buying book binding equipment and con shit, it's like she's dropping everything she doesn't think she can make money off of.
No. 533964
>>533938she's always half-assing things, trying to pass it off as hard work while trying to cut corners,
while trying to turn a buck, and if it doesn't make money fast enough for her, she's on some other shit.
Art as a career is a slow game. A marathon. And if she keeps veering off track to do something else, she won't have accumulated any substantial work behind her to sell, much less mark as an accomplishment.
Besides her kickstarter for her first Purgatory book ( I almost typed Paranormal Plague, she has too many titles with "P's" in them), she's completed 0 projects. And even then, you can't really count Purgatory because that isn't done either.
And now she's mooching money for a program that costs $1500 that she'll probably ever only use once. What a sham. I wonder how long she'll be able to fool people. I know impostor syndrome is a thing for most artists, but, hot DAMN, is she an impostor, pretending to be a pro because she has physical things she bought with money. Not because she actually makes anything with it. Pisses me off.
How do you not actually make art with what you have. There's so many artists way less well off than her that make twice as much.
Sorry for the rant but she really needs to be called on her snake oil shit.
No. 534008
File: 1521573220195.png (1.28 MB, 750x1334, AFEEF28D-5E75-4210-815B-1A5B12…)

No. 534022
>>534008I've been noticing this pink hair trend among shit youtube artists.
That's not a good dye job, it looks like literal shit and cotton candy. It's ugly.
Also rose gold is nowhere near that color.
No. 534034
>>534024You only brush curly hair right before you clean then, combing and brushing only make them bush like. She should at least fix them with her hands or buy one of those special brushes created for this kind of hair. I’m happy she’s happy but that’s basically orange, it’s either she didn’t let the colour sink in enough or her bleach was too reddish.
I think her light brown/dirty blonde suited her best.
No. 534136
File: 1521581920891.png (1.82 MB, 1844x1196, Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 14.3…)

It's "senpai", Holly and i dont get why she's so proud of these drawings
No. 534263
>>534210Probably because she either pulls in too close to the page or she tilts her head when she draws. She doesn't really look at the way she draws, her posture or anything, and I don't really think she understands what she looks at or what studies are supposed to do for her.
She just thinks "Oh that seems about right, these are good studies then" and posts them like 'see look how much I study". She makes such a big deal out of it when she gets around to doing it because she probably doesn't do them as much as people think she does. So she keeps posting the same shit over and over again, but she's not really fooling anyone except her fans.
No. 534297
File: 1521589940477.png (287.41 KB, 1250x1270, Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 16.5…)

Well well well. Look who I found.
Holly, no one wants to work with someone with shit attitude and wonky ass backgrounds.
No. 534299
File: 1521590041519.png (403.86 KB, 1164x1084, Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 16.5…)

No. 534306
>>534299That could easily be solved in a simple way: stop being so up your ass and caustic.
No. 534310
>>534299That's what happens when you become well known though? If someone with 200 followers posts dumb shit no one cares and you can probably just delete it with barely anyone seeing, if it's 200k people there are consequences.
If you regularly say shit that can be used negatively against you, maybe there's something inherently wrong with
what you say lmao.
No. 534318
>>534297I mean like, maybe stating what you actually do in the form of a passive question doesn't make people want to hire you. I hope that person doesn't even waste their time after taking 1 look at her twitter feed, that shit is all you need to know she's terrible to work with.
Okay bye.
No. 534322
>>534318I would be SO PISSED if she did. She's starting a new show and looking for potential artists on the web, which is amazing. Also I looked at the first entries and decided I won't apply because there's so many talented and varied artists there I would feel an imposter. She, on the other hand, feels so comfy she had to just be casual and say "yo, hire me bitch" kind of things. Of course it could only be her way of defeating shyness, but damn. We are talking about BIG name and BIG houses.
>>534297Your avatar is showing, love.
No. 534339
>>534322Hey, anon you never know! Knowing you went ahead and applied is better than not doing it and never knowing…Give it a try…
sage for anon artist encouragement.
No. 534347
>>534339The thread is gone now, but you're a gem. Thank you for the encouragement, you're right! I still need to work on my imposter's syndrome
(saged because it's an intimate moment, but you all can watch if you want)
No. 534526
File: 1521600902537.png (223.6 KB, 601x499, hollips.png)

>>534411Lmaooo how the fuck is she gonna make a decent lip sync when she can't even draw a human mouth? How hard is it to look in a mirror to see what making different sounds looks like? Or even watch a tutorial? She isn't even trying.
No. 534533
>>534411She is… quite actually in the beginner stage of animation, and yet, she thinks she can tackle a full animation? How foolish can you be? The lip-sync isn't bad, and yeah, it's a practice, but you'd think someone trying to do a full little animated short would be beyond beginner's practice. But she isn't.
She's so caught up in proving how professional and skilled she is that she doesn't even bother to put in the effort to REALLY become that.
It reminds me of when I was, what, 8/9? I would hold my pencil really neat and try to sketch shapes/do that circle with cross-lines as a "foundation" and make VERY sketchy lines, because I wanted to seem skilled and professional. Did I know why some people did that? No. All I knew was that it was professional and so I tried it more and more and only realized how dumb it was when I saw the years many took to become how good they were, and that you wouldn't get anywhere by not knowing what the hell you're doing and why.
The only difference in that is that I was a child. Holly is in her 20s. And trying to tackle some stupid ass animation short when she has no prior real experience with animation. Incredible.
No. 534692
>>534664I don't even see the appeal in someone like her doing animation. Her comic work doesn't have any sense of action or flow to it, as evidenced by the first few pages of PP having dull movement despite the vine thing supposedly whipping Hershel around by the leg (one of the most movement based things I can think of).
I can understand comic artists like Tite Kubo or Stan Lee wanting animations of their work because it's all motion based and fight based. They can already convey motion in comics, but animation is just a step up since it's actually made for it.
All Holly does is plots full of talking, and her animations are just that too. On top of that, her style is too basic and doesn't stretch well, her characters look flat and not in the Bugs Bunny way, more like children's misconception of anatomy way. They have no weight or consistency, even in states of motion.
Why animate when you're obviously using the correct medium for talking heads already? Heck, a novel would be a better choice for her, since she likes telling stories and not putting in work into actually drawing them out.
No. 534732
File: 1521616417882.png (48.29 KB, 1192x218, Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 00.1…)

oh god…dont tell me she's gonna do pin puppet animation when she can't even do regular ones
No. 534750
File: 1521620533442.png (792.59 KB, 1800x2088, FINALGRADE.png)

>>534411Since you don't need to be a an expert to be a teacher, I'm gonna be Holly's teacher. I failed her.
In all seriousness, the "scoring" was just for fun. I mostly wanted to show off how her frames don't make any sense with the audio.
No. 534887
File: 1521645080240.jpeg (269.25 KB, 976x1298, 4C7E7764-0712-4FCA-9E4F-EC2B53…)

>>534750 I’m sure your grading system is just for fun and the lipsync ís atrocious. Lipsync doen’t need to show every letter a someone says. (Sage for off topic)
Source: Animators survival kit
No. 534927
>>534411Why bother practicing animation if you're doing like 6 frames of bad lipsync on a mostly static head and then give up lmao
Why do it if you clearly can't be fucking bothered, I don't get it. It's legit frustrating.
No. 535047
>>534905Off topic because I hate talking about looks, but, na she's pretty trollish.
I bet you in a week's time, though, she'll be engrossed in something else entirely. Or change her final 'animation' into yet another comic. She should make things easier for herself instead of constantly be out to prove something to people.
No. 535085
File: 1521663557732.png (108.16 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Aka, learning to ignore valud criticism?
No. 535230
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No. 535231
File: 1521672461568.png (451.02 KB, 586x684, Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 15.4…)

No. 536041
File: 1521757316689.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2048x2732, F6A4E145-89F7-4072-864E-9D3764…)

So… Holly apparently now has completed her degree in illustration and is proficient in TV Paint…
No. 536055
File: 1521757956704.png (1.62 MB, 1174x1382, Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 15.2…)

Oh yikes. I wonder how she's gonna fix this
No. 536086
File: 1521759178764.png (436.94 KB, 1023x1150, 5684298.png)

>>536041She didn't rename the files before uploading them to the website so when you click on them…. lmao.
She also dumped in all her yaoi fanart bondage shit in her sketches showcase.
No. 536095
>>536041So now wanting a program means you’re an expert using it?
Her level is so mediocre that I honest to god Can’t understand how she even deludes herself into seeking a career in the industry.
Also her composition is so horrible I can’t understand how she feels like she’s a professional at both comics and storyboarding.
I mean I kind of get that since she releases a book she “could” be considered a professional (she claimed to be one even before that, tho) but how can she claim to be a professional in storyboarding?has she even ever WORKED in animation?
No. 536115
File: 1521759986810.jpeg (298.79 KB, 640x893, FB980F44-347B-4AC5-A32A-DBCFCD…)

Shouldn’t she be working on her FIVE books for the conventions or the prints/stickers/whatever or even just the ANIMATION of 8 minutes she wants to make?
No. 536160
File: 1521762157973.jpg (25.95 KB, 800x450, e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4…)

>>536041>After Effects>TVPaint>Toon Boom>Completed BFAThere is brushing up your resume and outright lying about half of it including your degree
No. 536313
File: 1521768910962.png (863.1 KB, 1164x1142, Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 18.3…)

I dont really see much of a difference aside from the fact that it's straightened..the bridge parks makes it look twisted
No. 536622
>>536339I honestly think in her case it's sloppiness.
>>536313It wouldn't look this way if she used a perspective grid instead of taking shortcuts and tracing over the original that is already off.
No. 536869
File: 1521840200222.png (65.47 KB, 1180x258, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 14.2…)

And it's not your responsibility to make those youtube videos teaching younger children how to draw incorrectly
No. 536874
>>536869She's always so angry lmao. Art obviously doesn't bring her joy. it shows.
it's more of a chore to her.
No. 536925
File: 1521847625134.png (1007.68 KB, 1626x1278, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 16.2…)

That hair is the worst fucking thing I have ever seen. Is it just me or did it go even higher
No. 536928
File: 1521847933130.png (690.19 KB, 1626x1248, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 16.3…)

The hair looks like it wants to him alive…it's like a fricken spider on top of his head
No. 536983
File: 1521851089864.jpeg (35.12 KB, 388x262, BEABCDDD-D213-41EA-9BBE-B20967…)

>>536925Everytime she draws hands “holding” cups like that makes me so fucking infuriated like and she thinks she can criticise professional artists?!! BITCH TAKE A SEAT
No. 537051
File: 1521856710359.png (535.11 KB, 1000x694, book1book2.png)

She thinks her art has gotten better, meanwhile Purgatory used to have a good balance of black and white, and now it's overwhelmingly white and all the more boring to look at. In my opinion, the art has only gotten worse and worse. It looked its best in the first iteration that she completely wiped out for being so ugly.
No. 537156
File: 1521870821744.png (916.73 KB, 1178x742, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 22.5…)

Oh lord..please dont tell me this is what influenced some of her characters…im wrong, right?
No. 537208
>>537207She based Hershel's design off prince Naveen.
That's what I am deducting.
No. 537209
File: 1521876655858.png (1.48 MB, 1168x1192, Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 00.2…)

Nooooo please leave him alone, Holly! She just had to give him the only facial expression she draws
No. 537210
File: 1521876665523.jpg (137.55 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20180324_003001.jpg)

>>537207Never fucking mind I hate it
No. 537238
>>537210That’s off model and it makes him look like a mean son of a witch. Also it grosses me out, like he’s that kind of person to think you’re an object and not entitled to your own body. Grats on achieving all of that with just a character study. Also one of his feature is the hole in his chin and she must have thought it was a slip of the animator’s hands apparently. But again nothing in this is on model.
And those fucking paw hands, she never even tries to draw them, even in her “zootopia” piece they had mittens, and it’s seriously amazing how impaired she is at drawing hands without reference or tracing.
For the love of god holly watch a movie and stop at random and you’ll see that people have more expressions than the dream work smirk.
Also this is her SECOND art degree she’s taking, supposedly. She mentioned that in one of her vlogs. So it’s even more sad she’s at that level.
No. 537241
>>537225Because anime. You can often see people in anime tilting back their head while laughing. Ngl it’s not that unusual, some people actually do it irl, but it’s usually the start of a real loud laugh and often right after that you’ll see the person bending OVER, so yeah not the most effective way to represent joy.
She needs to stop watching ONLY animuh.
No. 537242
File: 1521882952157.png (1.65 MB, 1138x1182, Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 02.1…)

No. 537245
File: 1521883289645.jpeg (67.36 KB, 640x213, 12E0636B-2ABD-4647-B043-7FA33C…)

looks like she’s explaining her own style and clever kitchen here
No. 537247
>>537051I had to jump back 10 pages because I'd forgotten that Damian was talking to the Dad after she inserted that flashback right in the middle of their unrelated conversation lmao.
I also think the blacks looked much better before, it suited the (supposedly dark/serious) tone of the story. Now it's just…bleh.
Like another anon has said, I think the premise or purgatory is really interesting, but it's just meandering along, 310 pages in and Simon made out with his boyfriend a lot, got molested and his Dad found out he's gay but had zero reaction to it, most of the activity of the cult has been off-screen and the story is barely moving. She could be reaching the climax now, but instead she wants to add another book, of what?
No. 537287
File: 1521896592872.png (402.24 KB, 750x1295, holly.png)

She seems to have deleted her ask blog by now but got this screenshot before it.
Idk about all artist alley rules but is she allowed to sell content that has pornographic content in it without a warning, or would this be too small to matter? Considering it can be sold to minors.
No. 537288
>>537287Okay this is just a bad idea. Holly was raised on fujoshi internet so she probably doesn't understand the gravity of selling pornography to minors.
I could see myself as a 16 year old fujoshi thinking it would be 'nbd' but as an adult, no.
No. 537297
File: 1521897879550.png (15.29 KB, 1132x85, lewddudes.png)

>>537287>>537296Double posting but I decided to look up the San-Japan rules ( and Holly would be ok selling porn as long as it's labelled and discreet - think an 18+ sticker on the front of the book - as well as IDing any buyers.
No. 537299
>>537294Oops, forgot that clothed sex =/= sex!
Holly should definitely go ahead and sell her junk! She's totally not going to be banned from future cons/ face legal issues!
>>537296While this may be true, I'm pretty sure it is not legal in the US to sell obscene material of the pornographic nature to children. Also, considering it is material of two underage characters, Holly might run into even more trouble.
No. 537306
>>537287If it's the only one, why not remove it..?
>implying it's ok to sell a book with a BJ drawing without labelling it as such if it's not too noticeable No. 537435
>>537416No, that's a terrible idea. She hasn't actually sold any porn to minors, if she actually sells the uncensored book at the con then someone can tell staff, but "this artist
might bring NSFW!" is unnecessary.
No. 537458
>>537436Cause then they'd have to take every report of "X might be doing Y" and punish or screened based on that. Not to mention, it is deliberately getting her in trouble as a punishment rather than just letting her naturally face the consequences of her actions. Theyd be punishing people based on what they
might do rather than what they have
done which can fuck over a lot of other artists, especially if someone has a vendetta against them and finds out that San Japan takes reports based on what someone
might do seriously.
Basically don't count all ya chicks before they hatch, cart before the horse, etc.
No. 537503
File: 1521921696777.png (289.71 KB, 1000x860, d57f94cbeecb5b2d71c01b4410b853…)

>>536313I'm actually a fan of drawing two point perspective, I just did this in 5 minutes so sorry for shit drawing, but It's very easy to see that she doesn't understand two point perspective at all. The vanishing points don't go on the horizon, and some lines don't even line up at all. This is stuff you learn in high school or in a first year foundation class. I'm not sure how she thinks she can go around teaching others when she doesn't even understand the foundations.
No. 537534
>>537504I don't think she got that many commissions to begin with.
Did she deliver her kickstarter rewards? I don't remember when she sent all the books out.
No. 537713
File: 1521937980523.png (1.08 MB, 1192x1358, Screen Shot 2018-03-24 at 17.3…)

Oh lord…what the hell are these
No. 537730
>>537713let's fucking talk about how reese's bottom half is facing a different direction than his top half. nice work, holly!!
also, is that arin at the bottom? my god. this page is particularly bad and i'm loving it.
No. 538056
File: 1521995445602.jpeg (70.45 KB, 640x180, 842E6D90-1BB4-4292-819E-8F4605…)

Wait is she against commissions AGAIN? she did one with lemiacrescent and admitted she shat on them in the past only because she couldn’t get to collaborate with anybody
No. 538063
>>538056>comparing asking to collab with an abusive relationship>What is networkingJust say no if you don't want to do it, Holly. Be professional for
once in your life.
No. 538070
>>538063She was just fine when she milked lemi with their Steven universe collab, though. She wasn’t big at the time if I recall correctly. But of course everything is bad when it’s other people doing it. She has always good reasons or different situations.
Also yes it was probably a “joke” but comparing collabs to abuse shows she doesn’t have any idea of what REAL abuse is.
No. 538246
File: 1522016581696.png (95.22 KB, 1180x514, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 15.2…)

>>538104Yeah that's probably it because the tweets before that were her complaining about youtube not working
No. 538256
File: 1522017112091.png (139 KB, 1268x604, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 6.28…)

Why is she still buying stuff she doesn't need and starting even more projects
No. 538416
File: 1522033797251.png (647.5 KB, 1178x1182, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 20.0…)

For someone who's complaining about money, she sure likes to splurge on useless things. Do you really need a fitbit to count your walks? I know my phone already does it for me.
No. 538448
>>538416I used a Fitbit out of curiosity it really is useless. Neat that it can track your sleep but I lost 30lb by eating less and lifting weights not meme wristbands.
Doubt she has a stable diet plan where she needs to track her macros and calories those repeating the cycle of her giving up.
I once asked something on my old twitter if she was going track her calories in the cutting phase of her diet and she blocked me. She must have thought cutting means cutting her wrist
No. 538457
File: 1522040357953.png (784.52 KB, 1170x932, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 21.5…)

What's the point of re-drawing this when she has so many other projects?? Especially her class finals
No. 538458
File: 1522040465355.png (116.29 KB, 1186x484, Screen Shot 2018-03-25 at 21.5…)

Girl, you didnt even try Flash to its potential and you wanna get a $1k program that you'll probably use once? Why don't you practice on the programs you have first before buying something big.
No. 538509
File: 1522052258043.png (1.46 MB, 1176x1182, Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 01.1…)

This looks actually decent, if you dont pay attention as well…
That hairline and where the heck is the light source coming from?
No. 538511
>>538509The background looks passable, the colors are decent, and the composition is fine.
However the style is still terrible.
No. 538561
File: 1522065816196.jpeg (867.25 KB, 1722x2048, 41E22F26-5874-4C71-918D-62A017…)

Amazingly Holly manages to still draw cats as badly as she does while owning too many cats. You’d think she’d be able to draw a cat that looks like a cat.
No. 538564
>>538558Yeah not really what I meant. Allow me to elaborate more:
She’s said in the past (and does it now too) that she grew up really poor; but I think the kind of poverty she’s referring to it’s not a
real issue. Even when she wasn’t big she used to buy food instead of cooking, and spend here and there. She never suffered hunger or had troubles paying for bill or rent, that’s what I meant. If working is a “plus”, it still doesn’t count as working because you NEED to. She WANTED to work part time and purposely quit to better focus on art. That’s a kind of luxury not everybody can afford to experience. If she really was that poor and couldn’t even buy potatoes to eat then she would think twice before splurging on random art programs.
No. 538573
>>538566Same anon you replied to. I grew up in similiar conditions: couldn’t afford money and all of my stuff was hand me downs, and that taught me money has a certain weight. Whenever I had money I used to save it for what really mattered and I kept using that attitude.
I put money on the side and spend only what I can afford. I give myself a self allowance basically, and never go out of that. I also think twice or more if a thing is really important to me, before wasting money on it, because that same money could buy me dinner or a pair of shoes.
I have a “spending problem” too, but I only consider what I CAN chew without taking damage on my savings, that I won’t necessarily have in one place forever, but end up using for serious stuff and emergencies.
I’m saging this blogpost, don’t worry, but what I wanted to point is that it’s not about “western” culture, as I am western as well. It’s how you deal with things.
If you spend like crazy and then complain you’re poor, I’m sorry but I would judge you too. And if all of your money was given to you without virtually no effort it’s easier to spend, I am assuming that you don’t go around asking for money to spend on stupid things you don’t really need, and usually you spend your own money. And usually one has money because of work. I can somehow see the difference, sorry if I can’t explain it better.
Tl;dr she’s Constantly whining about being poor while spending money she’s not supposed to have (if you’re poor, you can’t afford to buy what she buys in a month) and ASKS people to buy her a really pricey program. That’s beyond wanting a “revenge buy” attitude. That’s not knowing what money is and how it should be earned.
No. 538701
File: 1522083612729.png (124.87 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Because Holly's opinions are facts, donmt people know that //sarcasm. She pisses me off when she states opinions like facts. Bruh. They are disney movies. Taste is subjective. Why does she get so mad people like a movie she doesnt?
No. 538707
>>538638That is pretty cringey…
Honestly drawing Kasey some fanart and writing her a cute letter would have been so much better than sending her USED supplies and a print of Purgatory. I’m glad that Kasey played it cool but I would have loved to see how Holly would have reacted if someone sent her used supplies and a print of their comic.
No. 538713
>>538598She would probably benefit from seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist. I don't know if she ever has, but based on the state of her bedroom, the wording of some of her tweets, and her unpleasant attitude, it wouldn't surprise me if she was seriously clinically depressed.
I do really hope she gets better. She'd be a great part of the Youtube art community if she got some help. I know she's making an ass out of herself and this whole thread is just to showcase that, but it'd be nice if it was no longer applicable for once.
No. 538758
>>538710She didn't send the comic, she just sent a print.
>>538724I think she's trying to cozy up to some of her "colleagues" after all and just didn't know what to send Kasey.
I also think giving her these rando watercolors when Kasey has watercolors that are considered some of the best brands out there is pointless, why would she use them? She should have donated them to a school or something.
No. 538766
that's what I just said.
No. 539118
File: 1522122282509.png (819.85 KB, 1168x882, Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 20.4…)

Any thoughts?
No. 539130
>>539118who the fuck hates monsters inc and finding nemo. who can find it in their heart to say tangled is better than big hero 6. sorry anon who said stating opinions as facts is annoying but thats what im doing
the police are on their way holly i hope this tweet was worth it
No. 539131
>>539118as if i'd take holly's opinion for anything, but HONESTLY.
ratatouille (which she spells wrong every time) is definitely not as good as incredibles and she doesn't even like monsters, inc. ? she seems like a boring and grumpy person who doesn't stand for anything she doesn't love. i can't imagine if she ever has kids. "you're not allowed to watch finding nemo because I DON'T LIKE IT".
No. 539187
>>539118Princess and the frog over Lilo and Stitch?? I mean the scene with the lightning bug dying made me cry, and the evil dude was cool, but really?
Lilo and Stitch still has me curled up and crying when I think of Lilo's parents dying in the rain and her poor sister trying to keep the pieces together. I'm about to cry right now dammit.
Of course she'd say Nightmare Before Christmas wins too. Cause it's dark and edgy like her soul.
No. 539195
>>539155Who said we can only talk about Holly’s art?
The list is unprofessional and childish. She needs to be building a portfolio, not slamming children movies.
No. 539211
>>539155Yes, it's necessary to discuss, because this thread would be dead right now given the fact Holly isn't really producing that much art/art videos right now.
Go tell Holly to stop making dumb tweets and post some art for us to discuss instead. Or a video that is 10 minutes long, because wow, she has been making them short.
No. 539246
File: 1522132757896.png (69.92 KB, 1182x290, Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 9.42…)

>>539118shit opinions topped off w some even shittier opinions
No. 539257
>>539195I suppose five or so posts about how Holly doesn't like Disney movies the right way and which movie is the actual objective best is interesting and valid discussion.
And the thread wasn't really dead considering it had been posted to with far more cringier content in the last 24 hours… But that's just me stating my opinion as fact.
No. 539274
>>539257Can we not do this shit? If you want to discuss something else, bring up your points instead of complaining about how everyone else is doing the thread wrong.
Holly can like what she likes but it's pretty laughable to say that other people's opinions are trash and then putting up this shit, especially as someone who claims to love animation but can't see the merit in anything that doesn't appeal to her tastes. Remember that this is someone who wants to be a storyboard artist/work in the industry.
No. 539277
File: 1522142677149.png (3.06 MB, 1612x1376, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 02.2…)

Oh lord…this part confused me for a second there
No. 539278
File: 1522142712958.png (1.67 MB, 1590x732, Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 02.2…)

This looks like an uncomfortable stand up position
No. 539288
File: 1522143725135.jpg (71.53 KB, 600x429, gaston.jpg)

>>539118>Nightmare beats Beauty and the Beast (no one saids no to Gaston)>Claims that she loves Jordon Peterson even though he hates Frozen and loves Beauty and the Beast>Frozen beats Tangled>Hates Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, Inside Out, and Finding Nemo>Why the fuck is Nightmare before Christmas on there and not Hunchback?>Claims Tarzan sucks because it has more than 2 songs you can remember from that movie compared to Princess and the Frog>Thinks Prince in Princess in the Frog is hotter when Gaston has a fucking harem and men respecting himThis is why she has no friends, she has the worst taste in films and in men
No. 539303
>>539246Everyone can remember more Phil Collins Tarzan songs than Princess. Friends from the Other Side and Almost There is all anyone cared about. Yes the movie has a better moral than Tarzan but at least Tarzan's water animation physics doesn't look like mucus in Princess.
No. 539318
>>539288>thinks Gaston is hotter than Prince NaveenDelusional
>>539277This is a nitpick, but the breaking news line seems so off, like it's clear that this guy is a character and that's the only reason he's announcing his name.
No. 539329
File: 1522151763298.jpeg (249.79 KB, 640x692, 1B28C351-F6FB-4E9C-9A49-AA9E70…)

>>539325I was about to say the same thing. It’s eigher you get introduced by the studio or you say your name at the end of the report and usually you have logos and names displayed anyway.
Pic related is how hard she is working on that comic. It’s been ages and she only shat 6 pages (three of which were on like this summer?) and she didn’t even thumbnail 30 pages. And she wants this thing to be done by August? You’re supposed to know how many pages it will take to introduce a character, don’t you WRITE your script? 30 thumbnails are so easy to do, really, it takes a day tops If you’re loose enough. This makes me so mad because she thinks she’s a pro at comics and her fanbase think this is how you do it in the industry.
No. 539334
>>539329Wait, did she say she wants the first volume to be complete by August, or just the first chapter? The latter seems pretty unlikely already.
Holly seems like the type who doesn't script, just jots down a rough outline and thumbnails pages as she goes.
No. 539335
>>539334She wanted to have a book (let?) ready for the convention. It was in her “FIVE BOOKS MY DUDES” plan.
I mean she could just sell a single chapter but still she’s so slow she can’t possibly finish a chapter, figure a book.
No. 539365
>>539325>>539329it is lazy what she did but there aren't tentacle monsters either and the comic has that. You dunno what era or reality this thing is set, maybe in tentacle reality there's a guy who always says his name like that.
There's maybe twenty lazy/wrong choices/bizarre contradictions and beginning amateur mistakes in each panel but the "normally you'd have a logo displayed" kind of critique won't stick in this not-normal world
No. 539439
>>539365Sorry but this is something you can expect from people who actually PLAN their stuff and want the reader to notice the small details.
Sure, it’s a fictional world and sure normal rules might not apply to it, but in all honesty from how she’s dealing with pretty much everything and the premise of her comic (regular world with paranormal stuff) this is just another mistake because she doesn’t even watch news.
So in this universe your diners change size in every panel and it’s empty because invisible people work there? Come on. We both know it wasn’t a quirk detail, it’s just her not knowing better.
No. 539572
>>539277>>539278Their eye lines never match up to anything they're supposed to be focusing on.
And her background is so lifeless and dead. As much time as she puts on focusing on what color gradient to use, she couldn't take any of it to populate the diner…?
>>539365Haivng a comic or any piece of media set in an area people can identify with is all the more reason to give it some type of grounding. Sure, rules are meant to be broken, but only if you know them in the first place. these are all simple things people recognize in their daily lives and grounding your comic in some sort of reality that people can relate to is something to be considered once she starts laying down the 'rules' of the supernatural bits so that it suspends our disbelief as readers. If she can't keep either elements consistent, or at the very least believable she's failed, not just as an artist trying to portray her world, but as a storyteller.
No. 539711
>>539700She has no idea how to draw women.
Does anyone remember her "Quit Stealing from Miyazaki" video and how she talked about only taking inspiration from your own experiences or some shit like that? I always found it funny… since she's a fucking hermit who has zero friends and basic human interactions.
No. 539762
>>539277I love that Orson Kingsley's announcement made the things on the table move and made the characters switch to the other half of their seats.
>>539278The seats don't depress when they're sat on but the apparently they perfectly morph around a person's heels.
No. 539772
>>539762My sides, everyone looks so fucking uncomfortable.
Holly, please, some life.
No. 539783
File: 1522198560549.png (929.46 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

This hand just fucks me up
No. 539799
>>539783what pisses me off the most is the glasses, thats not how they are structured? they don't have two arms on each side, they only have one on each side. It wouldn't make any sense anyways bc the second one looks like it would end up rest inside your ear and that wouldn't be comfortable at all. Plus I know that some people don't like drawing the arms on the glasses but it just comes off as lazy most of the time :/
sorry if this is incoherent
No. 539826
>>539799>>539783I think the top one is just decorative, even so, the one meant to actually be an arm isn't placed right at all.
The panel where we first see the character's face, first off, that finger is broken. Second, the arm doesn't even reach to the back of her ear. It's clearly supposed to be on her face, but yet…. ???
No. 539920
File: 1522211773773.png (282.44 KB, 491x338, fries.png)

Regarding the new Paranormal Plague pages, I'll start off with a positive and segue into a negative. I liked that Ash ate through all her fries and started eating Herschel's fries, it was a funny and subtle way to develop her character. However, I HATED how we see their food disappearing without any shots of them actually EATING, save for page 9 panel 6 (not shown here). And BECAUSE there are no shots of them eating and the food is just set dressing, I wouldn't be surprised if the great majority of readers missed the one thing that was actually funny here. The rest of the attempted jokes are complete garbage. Half of them are just plain unfunny, and the other half seem like a shitty recreation of muh japanese animes, completely forgetting that comedic timing in comics is nothing like in animation. The only joke here is Holly.
No. 539949
>>539943>the long manfucking kek
i went to read this for the first time (instead of looking at caps in the thread) and i hated every second of it. nothing happens yet everything that will happen is extremely obvious. no one is likable at all and the dialogue sounds like it was written with auto predictive text. it's so artificial and soulless that i have genuine trouble believing a human made this.
No. 539992
File: 1522226735387.jpeg (132.26 KB, 640x346, F5EBBDF8-3207-426F-AFA6-FBE67A…)

Oh yes holly, you really are a pioneer.
I wonder if she really loves animation or just talks because she’s watched a couple CN cartoons and a pair of Disney movies.
No. 539994
>>539920I didn't realize that she was eating his fries either, she could have easily drawn Ash putting a handful in her mouth in one of the panels where Hershel is talking.
I read the 9 pages again and it's still unclear what the relationship between Ash and Hershel is or what they do together, and she's already introduced two other characters that are probably going to be equally poorly developed. Pick up a book on writing Holly, it's useful for comics too, trust me.
>>539992What the fuck is she talking about lmao. I wonder that too, I don't think she actually watches any animated shorts or films because there seems to be no way she'd say this otherwise.
No. 540000
>>539992How can someone be so dense? First of all I think she meant TV-14 because this is a tv show not a movie. Second of all from what we've seen so far this show could probably get away with a TV-PG rating if she stopped trying to be so edgy and only included 'adult' stuff when it was absolutely necessary.
Also she wants to 'challenge the audience'. Bitch how? Your show sounds like the most trite piece of garbage I've seen in a while. It's just a rehash of annoying tropes that you personally find amusing. There is no sustenance, no bigger picture and no need for you to have a TV-14 rating other than the fact you are too lazy to rewrite some inconsequential things so it would be appropriate for a younger audience.
No. 540067
>>540054Yeah the same way Dark Horse was supposed to publish Purgatory.
She will probably do the same thing: pitch her shitty unprofessional stuff here and there, and then proceed to create tons of videos in which she shits on the industry saying that doing things on your own is way better.
Also it enlarges your penis.
I remember when she was all excited about pitching Purgatory to various publishers and she got rejected from basically all of them. She was all positive and then she started to say that the comic industry is shit, publishers will drain your blood and that it was her choice to self publish her books.
This will be the very same.
Except it's not unusual for animation houses to browse social medias for new talents so it'd be even funnier to know the same people she will beg for a job will read all of her angsty rants and shit.
No. 540097
File: 1522248707321.png (242.03 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Holly posted on twitter her FMA animation and I just want it to stop. Why does she think she can outdo professional animators?
No. 540238
File: 1522261546069.jpg (84.92 KB, 1080x487, IMG_1522261418739_12.jpg)

No. 540239
File: 1522261682335.jpg (131.26 KB, 1080x757, IMG_1522261418739_1.jpg)

Breaking news: local fujo gremlin who has two (2) original female characters, and has admitted she can't relate to women, has a hot take on strong female characters.
No. 540241
File: 1522261716872.jpg (197.37 KB, 1080x1073, IMG_1522261341538_1.jpg)

No. 540252
>>540241“Strong opinions people can’t handle”
More like you fucking don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t know how to say something without being an ass
No. 540277
File: 1522264616825.jpeg (69.63 KB, 425x178, 637E4FCA-1B40-4836-9B0E-9F12F7…)

>>539992Oh holly I wanna slap u but I feel so bad for you not to have seen Kill Bill. Is there a way we can force her to watch it?
No. 540411
File: 1522274278822.png (674.03 KB, 1174x756, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at 14.5…)

Bitch, it's called tilting up and not panning and if you're gonna pan, then pan. If you did any studying, you would know. What was the point of making this? There's hardly any action
No. 540417
File: 1522274638207.jpg (84.91 KB, 900x631, j7hZ9oO.jpg)

That's mighty big talk for someone who just sent a postcard to a more popular youtuber, piggybacking to promote your shitty comic.
No. 540421
>>540417I agree with her but what's the point of this lmao, like girl, why are you subtweeting people more famous than you
again? Get a diary.
No. 540527
File: 1522282865027.jpg (160.69 KB, 1385x464, ew.jpg)

Her idea of a bounce. Holly is too lazy actually redraw shit and instead stretches em instead like those meme animations on youtube
No. 540793
>>540757Sometimes I wonder if Holly even looks at her stuff after drawing/animating it. How would anyone, let alone a student at animation, look at that and think it's okay? I don't make animations, but even I can see that it's seriously fucked in so many ways. So, how can she look at it and not realize that it's janky and doesn't remotely look good?
I mean, fuck man, I feel embarrassed posting artwork that I actually like, and she posts shit like that without even caring? How?? Does she have no pride in herself or is she genuinely blind? I just don't think she even looks at her work before throwing it on the internet and forgetting about it like some sort of disease.
No. 540806
File: 1522313343841.png (814.24 KB, 1440x1725, 20180329_014809.png)

>>540803I hate this the most the most though
No. 540916
>>540910Key frames aren't even hard to do, her foundation and understanding of posing, setting, and acting is severely lacking. if she had even bothered to reimagine the scene with more acting, it would have worked. but she picked one of the more stagnant scenes, because she's lazy.
like if you're gonna be lazy, and you know you're gonna cut corners before you even start planning to animate…. then don't do animation.
No. 540918
File: 1522339438345.png (169.51 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Dalia is our hero
No. 540965
>>540891Anon, you’re not paying attention.
She’s so great at art and talked that much about regular topics that she now wants to switch to a full animation channel.
Don’t you think she knows what she’s talking about? I mean, q channel devoted to animation, in which she talks about how to animate and creates TUTORIALS… and you’re trying to tell me she doesn’t know shit about animation??????
… you’re right.
No. 541037
>>541021Thing is: she claims to be everything -comic artist, illustrator, graphic designer, animator, storyboard artist; and for each field she talks too much and without any knowledge. So yes basically “the art community” she talks shit about, is angry at her.
Btw you CAN be all of those things listed before, but you get there through practice, learning and working hard. All she does is he decides she a pro in a field and that’s it.
No. 541214
>>541210I suspect it's because when some of them were young, they didn't really get critiqued all that much, or didn't take it very well to begin with. And in their 20s they begin to get set in their ways and only accept asspats from being spoiled for so long.
That's not always the case, but, some artists are more stubborn than others. Some won't budge because they think what anyone else has to say is a waste of their time, while they waste their own time digging their heels into bad habits and surrounding themselves with people who will only kiss their ass.
No. 541302
>>541210Some people just cannot take critiques. I don't think it's a matter of how old you are. I've known people of ALL ages who just cannot handle critique, for all kinds of reasons.
They almost always never change, and stay that way well into their older years (I'm talking like 60s+).
I'm not saying Holly won't ever learn how to take critique, and realize it isn't a personal attack. I just highly doubt it.
No. 541344
>>541268Let's not, you don't need religion to not be a lazy asshole.
>>541210It's more about what type of person you are, but also a lot of younger artists in particular take critique very personally - like if you question their art, you question their integrity as a person. Most grow out of it, some just gain an unwarranted sense of self-importance on top of it.
No. 541383
File: 1522398938224.png (879.17 KB, 586x1408, Screen Shot 2018-03-30 at 01.3…)

"Professional" artist from the industry, guys.
Sorry, its so long. I got too lazy to individually post em
No. 541401
>>541388Anon don't you know?
Real artists don't fix their mistakes, they just pump out as much work as possible as quickly as possible.
No. 541708
File: 1522429742172.png (5.42 MB, 1242x2208, 2FFF89F0-0D7A-468B-B2E2-2F8637…)

Them legs mayn
No. 541887
>>54171614:17 in her making comics.
She SHITS on Craig Thompson!
Then goes into talking about "visual symbolism" and how she was going to do a video on all the hidden symbols in Purgatory.
No. 541896
>>541210What I suspect, and what's certainly true for me, is that artists can usually see what's wrong but don't have the skills or time to fix it. When i had critiques in my uni art classes, the stuff that my peers pointed out were things I was aware of but again, I either didn't have the time or the skills to fix.
So when you're aware of what isn't working in your art, it becomes sort of annoying or sometimes hurtful because you've already heard the critique a thousand times from yourself if that makes sense.
Saged for blogpost-ish
No. 541909
File: 1522444694460.png (17.78 KB, 266x275, 1521503759204.png)

>>541892Holly kek this is complete shit
Lmao people in my highschool animation class do so much better than that.
The scene she's referencing off of doesn't even call for a squash and stretch since he's just sighing, and the fact that it's from an anime (where studios dont put that much detail into trying to make every scene a disney masterpiece) and isn't even a dynamic scene.
I hope she does more of these and keeps acting like a twat, maybe in about a week she'll leave animation alone and won't try to rustle any animation geek's jimmies
No. 541917
File: 1522445058319.jpg (15.46 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>541898This is close to the scene she's recreating, it's him trying to explain to the girl why God doesn't exist and that everything has a sciency answer or something like that, I think it's been like 5 years since I've watched fma so I could be wrong
No. 541939
File: 1522446412656.png (171.4 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

She posted a new image for san japan, but she couldnt make the star symmetrical?? That shit is driving me crazy.
No. 541959
File: 1522447744864.png (228.63 KB, 578x645, whats foreshortening.png)

>>541917Here's the exact bit of the sigh. This looks exceptionally bad
No. 541991
>>541892he should've ALREADY taken the book out by the time that sound effect at the way end happened. What even is the point of reanimating this if you're not willing to learn anything from it.
Sloppy work.
No. 542015
>>541896Honestly this.
Seeing your mistakes but having factors that make it a bit hard to tackle it are the worst
No. 542156
File: 1522462441583.png (439.5 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 542175
>>542156God she would watch that sad sack.
Again trying to feed of other peoples attention and get popular.
No. 542236
File: 1522467579801.png (108.63 KB, 1440x525, 20180330_203133.png)

What was the point of her buying the fucking thing if she barely uses it. You don't leave the fucking house!
No. 542332
File: 1522485639576.png (1.24 MB, 1184x1200, Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 01.4…)

When this looks better than any of her other art
No. 542625
>>541958Fucking hell, I had to check because I couldn't believe this was the actual caption lmao.
>the English dub is kinda better than Japanese in most casesIn which world though
No. 542630
File: 1522524959725.jpg (69.8 KB, 670x448, ccs.jpg)

>>541939>>542411It's meant to be pic related. The proportions aren't even correct.
No. 542735
>>542643I'm not sure what you mean by this but it's supposed to be a star in a circle? It's Sakura's Star Wand right?
>>542723Honestly Holly just wants to make stuff that she can sell to the lowest common denominator. She probably picked to draw the star wand in the first place because it was easier to draw than the bird head sealing wand (that showed up way more often) and because she knew there would be casual fans who wouldn't mind spending a couple of bucks on some cheap stickers and junk.
No. 543138
File: 1522575501509.png (864.54 KB, 998x611, 2018-04-01 11_35_38-Holly Brow…)

>>542735>Holly just wants to make stuff that she can sell to the lowest common denominatorThis. I doubt she actually likes CCS very much, but Magical Girl stuff is always popular even among non-weebs who just like the ~*aesthetic*~.
Her final piece makes zero sense though? It's a weird mish-mash of different artifacts from different genres, and even some cartoons. How did she fuck this up. It's meant to be a T-Shirt.
No. 543152
>>543138Wonky pokeball, Inuyashas necklace looks like a hot mess, the Kiki's broom, I didn't realize it was hers at first and Sakura's staff in the blue background doesn't have that empty space around the star as the black one does.
The FMA thing… the design is just a overly detailed mess.
She must have drawn these in really small scale. This just looks like bootleg mess.
No. 543183
File: 1522583923780.png (1.32 MB, 1164x1104, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 04.5…)

No. 543256
>>543177Fuck Holly for stealing an AMV (with minor edits) with NO credit whatsoever to the original creator. Wonder how she would feel if someone traced her art and passed it off as their own…
>>543181Baylee's was actually funnier.
No. 543262
>>543256I thought the same thing, I figured she'd at least link the original but nope.
Yes it's a shitty Naruto AMV from 2007, but you still didn't make it. At least shitpost with integrity.
No. 543333
File: 1522600980825.jpeg (43.65 KB, 750x196, 0F37D0E3-D6E2-4989-8ACF-B453CB…)

>>543303>>543303Yah but she isn’t correcting her fans from thinking she did tho
No. 543443
File: 1522610167105.png (316.37 KB, 602x337, 2ca5183773c468f11267aa9537c391…)

this scares me
No. 543461
File: 1522611302736.png (443.84 KB, 929x596, 56d20473def215f47f8ef8a9b77eca…)

>When your fans draw your characters and put you to shame
Interesting to see her characters actually look human, though. Is this what Holly sees in her mind when she draws?
No. 543732
>>543443Dud holly just make this character black with pink hair for no reason?
Isn't FMA set in early 1900s alternative universe Germany?
No. 543834
File: 1522634963006.png (196.11 KB, 995x1216, solarsands.png)

>>542267OT but Solar Sands is just as bad as Holly, if not worse. He goes out of his way to "crit" the easiest of targets with only the most bare minimum levels of knowlege. He's a grown ass man calling little kids' art shit when he's a total amateur himself.
No. 543885
>>543864it's not so much that he's drawing him period it's more so (at least IMO) her intentional wording.
saying "i drew J.D. from heathers, what an edgelord" or some generic shit like that is different than something along the lines of "i drew a school shooter that's singing about slushies". it threw those anons who didn't realize it was J.D. off due to the recent events and that's precisely the intention of that wording. with what's been going on lately, you don't throw around the words "school shooter" lightly.
No. 543900
File: 1522640880812.png (393.44 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Thoughts? I thought the first drawing on the left was better than her usual stuff, but her "studies" are always so stylized.
No. 543917
File: 1522642030259.jpeg (22.01 KB, 460x366, 1826D4E2-2840-4D71-AFCD-926A55…)

She needs to put the tablet away and pick up some charcoal. There’s a reason it’s still used by almost everyone studying figures. I’ll help her make more fluid strokes and give a looser feel. It’s so damn fast, it’ll stop her from overthinking it. It’s also better for value studies.
She needs to practice traditional mediums more in general.
Her figures looks just like her comic drawings, which is not a compliment.
No. 543920
File: 1522642160237.jpeg (90.72 KB, 770x922, 38687EA3-B6C1-42E5-B7F2-BC275E…)

this is the level she should be at.
How are her teachers not addressing her fundamental flaws? She’s not practicing properly, just repeating the same mistakes over and over.
No. 543925
File: 1522642398129.png (1.17 MB, 940x1384, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 21.1…)

lol why is she so upset about this when they're trolling her
No. 543991
File: 1522649125470.jpg (48.96 KB, 446x570, aL3QSWJ.jpg)

>>543461To be fair, it's of course worlds better than Holly's art, but I can't help but see a familiar face….
No. 544039
>>543461Oh look, he actually looks buff for once.
>>543550>>543566>>543885Give me a break, I don't like Holly either but you're being ridiculous. J.D. is a pretty popular character, and the fact that he's a complete psychopath is played for comedy in the musical too. If reading the word "school shooter" upsets you it's time for an internet break.
No. 544045
>>544039nah. they're fine. maybe it's you who needs the break.
>>544020once she graduates she's definitely gonna lord her online degree over
all of us. That'll sure show us. /s
No. 544112
>>543566your autism is showing, anon.
btw i think the pic of JD on the left is actually one of the better pieces holly has done. the one on the right sucks though.
No. 544170
>>544133but on top of that she doesn't look at what is actually on the page. For example she often (actually almost always) leaves off the ends of legs and arms where they cross behind something. like how the leg stops at the arm in this one
>>543900 You could say that's fine in this situation but it's typical for her
No. 544191
File: 1522680537138.png (940.9 KB, 750x1334, 3C861593-D9E1-42BA-9784-A96B7D…)

The collapsed skull of the woman holding the baby and the wonky bottles.
No. 544192
File: 1522680584290.jpeg (47.51 KB, 317x350, 18949E2A-8A93-4512-928C-004FAF…)

What even is this expression?
No. 544194
>>544191Holly’s anatomy is still so bad and those poses are very stiff.
Also I wish that Holly would get a little zap after typing or saying “Idk”. We all know that you have no idea what you’re doing or saying. I know it’s a nit pick so sage this I guess but Holly just doesn’t seem to have any self awareness.
No. 544213
>>544209You should make a thread. I personally would also follow it.
>>544191I was going to say that was not a woman holding a baby but her character Simon but then again I guess it could also be Simon's mom since Holly essentially used the same character design for both of them.
No. 544247
File: 1522686120917.jpeg (22.67 KB, 209x222, 1F1A38E9-2345-48E8-BB3C-928DEF…)

Guys what the fuck. This is middle school level AT BEST. How can she be proud of this crap. Also the hand holding pens is so wrong and painful to look at.
No. 544383
File: 1522695487283.png (210.48 KB, 568x429, geniush.png)

>>544351That was about the difference between the regular version and the pro version though, there are student discounts for both.
She finally figured out that the student discount exists though, either because she lurks or because someone who actually bothered to visit the TVPaint website told her.
No. 544387
File: 1522695901916.png (128.39 KB, 235x297, jd hand.PNG)

>>543183That fuckin' hand tho
No. 544837
File: 1522724975718.png (144.92 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Meh. I grew up with rich kids so i can understand how they can be annoying, but really?? This is why she claims getting a degree online is better? Clearly her online classes aren't helping her imrove.
No. 544913
>>544904It really feels like she lurks lol. Been quite a few things she's mentioned right after bringing them up here.
The only reason I sometimes think she doesn't know is that if she does, she handles it relatively well? I feel like she would've named or referenced us directly by now since she overshares
No. 544984
>>544837How would she know you can learn it all online when she can’t do professional work? How does she have such a high opinion of her work? If she actually went to school, maybe she’d be humbled.
Also I have plenty of rich friends, artistic types too. They’re just people. Like regular human beings. Not some weird mythical archetype. Has she ever spoken to a human outside of her family? Does she have any irl friends?
No. 545167
File: 1522761362948.png (149.7 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Holly always does this thing where she talks shit about fine art and praises illustration. Im totally biased because i love both, but i get tired of her complaining about it. Shes crazy if she thinks her work is better than other fine artists
No. 545194
>>544837Wait, she went to a real art school at some point? I assumed that she never went after the Calarts rant, anyone know which one it was? (sorry, slight newfag to her)
Why is she bitching about rich kids taking art anyway? I went to a private school during sixth form, and there was literally only 1 other person at that school taking A level art with me, art is the least popular subject with rich people, so I doubt there were that many at her most likely no name university
No. 545235
>>545232First year of every school is not indicative for somebody’s behaviour. One can start school with an idea of the artist they want to be and end up being the opposite, there are lots of variables. But she can’t know this, she left everything hard behind her back and found comfort in her own room in which she’s the best artist and doesn’t have to compete with anybody.
What’s ironic is that she thinks rich dudes were entitled while she totally wasn’t. Look in a damn mirror, holly.
No. 545362
File: 1522782493228.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, 4C55C009-8A2A-462E-BF2D-33B336…)

Nice pig nose, holy.
No. 545412
File: 1522785522107.jpg (291.02 KB, 640x1136, mol.jpg)

>>545367Yes and no
If the nose wasn't at such an extreme angle, she could have gotten away with just an higher/rounder chin line. Even deleting the line entirely would have helped.
But the nose is seen almost completely from below. Leaving aside
real anatomy, here's what it should look like IMO.
Because if you're going to tilt your head or look at somebody from below, all of the face is foreshortened.
I raised the nose, made it slightly smaller, skewed the head and raised her mouth, as well. The chin is not really visible and I played with the shadow to give more of a "raised head" look.
I don't want claps, and please don't insult me, I think this counts as redlining and it's supposedly not against the rules.
I'm in no way shape or form wanting to "brag", this is just HER stuff with a couple touch ups.
saged, of course.
No. 545503
>>545412god, i thought this was one of her better pieces recently but seeing these corrections makes it so obvious what was wrong with it. you don't want claps, but this looks way better man.
also, anyone else think she looks like hawkeye from fma in this?
No. 545551
>>544837Lol, is she implying that everyone at art school is rich?
>>545362The parts of the rifle are shaded like they go into different directions, and who holds a gun like that?
No. 545733
>>545362where is her left thumb?
WTF is this right hand? I mean what does it hold? and how jagged is it?
WTF is this scope???
that random pocket in the middle of the jacket.
Oh my.
No. 545983
>>545975sorry, that's nonsense. If that were the case at least the lines within individual parts would be straight, and the parts would actually resemble parts of a gun. it's just a person's vague guess at what makes up a gun (tube with some random tubes and flat bits) drawn in wonky freehand by a person who can't see what they're drawing. Have a look at her other drawings and you'll see that messing up supposed-to-be-parallel lines this badly is typical for her. The hands probably are traced though.
Obviously it's hideous but I'm still surprised that aside from bad technique she doesn't seem to have basic adult capacity for logic. She drew a hand as if it were holding a grip, but this never caused her to think that the gun should have a grip for the hand to grip on. She looks and sees a hand gripping air and thinks "Hmmm. Yeah I guess"
No. 546111
>>545975I agree with the other anon that it's too bad to be traced tbh. Also she might as well have looked up a picture of someone
holding a gun then, instead of whatever is happening with her hands.
No. 546245
File: 1522866594223.jpg (87.25 KB, 1300x957, female-police-officer-swat-bla…)

>>545362>>546211It took me literally less than a minute to find a picture that's almost the exact same pose but un-fucked. I feel like this might have been her ref.
No. 546294
>>546245lol yes that's definitely it. This makes so much more sense, as the WHOLE gun is facing us and it's on perspective. Holly's just laying flat, like if it's on its profile, while the glass…is it called target? is facing us.
Also yes, in that picture the girl has a raised head. Holly thought she could get away without foreshortening just by upturning the nose.
No. 546353
>>546245Holly shit! She literally can't even trace a single stock photo???
No wonder she can't complete the 2 second long FMA animation!
No. 546408
File: 1522875638109.png (63.73 KB, 1176x244, Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 13.5…)

Or maybe if you're starting out digital, you could spend 100$ on an intuos or the pro and even then…some pros still use those and instead of cintiqs. The iPad was made so that people who had the extra money could draw digitally outside their home, which I thought what Holly wanted?? Except instead outside, she goes to her bed or living room…
No. 546427
>>546424"however for pros"
isn't she referring to herself here?
No. 546456
>>546408>Perfect for highschool age artists>800+ expenseNo fucking way lmao. Like OP said, even some pros working in major studios prefer the intuos because your hand doesn't cover the drawing. Hell, some pros prefer the iPad because of mobility and honestly, being able to draw on the toilet is pretty neat if you have the extra cash, but beginners should just buy a used bamboo or sth.
>>546420Pretty sure she did.
No. 546524
>>546467I want her to break into the industry.
It was a long time ago when i could laugh at really badly drawn comics.
I miss Rob Liefeld.
No. 546815
>>546456I kind of disagree. Since the new iPad is Apple Pencil compatible I really would recommend it as a entry level tablet for beginners mostly due to its versitality if the user decides later that art really isn’t for them.
If you are more of a serious digital artist looking to upgrade though I would reccomend saving for a cintiq or buying a non Wacom tablet like Huion.
I know that this probably won’t be the most popular opinion but I feel like screenless tablets are a bit outdated at this point. The learning curve can be a bit demotivating to new artists and if you are actually a professional most companies will give you a screen tablet to work with.
No. 546834
File: 1522911183197.jpg (181.29 KB, 1242x1234, emq82amnqxo01.jpg)

>>546827I'm not a huge fan of him myself but at least he doesn't take himself too seriously. You gotta give him credit for that. Holly will block you the instant you criticize her.
No. 546837
>>546815A lot of pros even in illustration use non screen tablets because they're easily portable, more ergonomic in a lot of cases and as mentioned before you won't block the screen with your hand while drawing. It's personal preference, and honestly I feel like people are buying cintiqs now just to seem better and more dedicated than they actually are.
Saged like a mofo.
No. 546854
>>546851Well it’s not like we have any milk until Holly releases the video.
On a positive note it looks like Holly has a pretty good relationship with her adoptive mom going off the fortune cookie tweet she posted. I’m genuinely happy for her.
No. 547077
>>546815Basically agree with
>>546837, I recently upgraded to a screen tablet and it's not all that. Afaik, Holly has never used a good non-screen tablet extensively and went straight from traditional to a cintiq, so it's not like she can do a real comparison. She just assumes that screen = better and necessary.
No. 547117
>>547091It may make the digital art creation process closer to traditional, but that doesn't make it better for digital. Spent over a year with a non-Wacom screen tablet before switching to intuos for space reasons, but no regrets. A lot of the cheaper screen tablets are unable to use tilt brushes, have bad colors, have bad customer support, software compatibility issues, etc. I've noticed no difference in my output or quality after switching, either.
That said, some people genuinely do better with visual feedback from a screen tablet. It's just not necessary for everyone
No. 547147
File: 1522951406049.jpg (157.41 KB, 720x735, 20180405_200239.jpg)

good luck then
No. 547187
File: 1522952565682.jpeg (178.33 KB, 640x497, C4703383-2D36-4466-A553-65A9E9…)

I can’t believe that after all that time she completed this crap without noticing how horrible it is.
No. 547231
>>547223The horse is not traced, the legs are too fucked off and the anatomy of the chest is non existent. The horse and the man have different perspectives though so I can see how you would think she traced.
The fact is that she thinks she knows human figure so well she doesn’t really need references, while she’s aware she doesn’t know how q horse is made so maybe she looked longer at the ref.
No. 547238
>>547187The horse looks much better than the dude lmao, oh Holly. Plus horses aren't that large.
>>547147She's going to be broke so fast, and far away from any support system she has. I doubt she has the sense to try job-hunting before she moves out.
No. 547241
File: 1522954105382.jpeg (116.66 KB, 351x496, 2DA1F469-057D-4A52-83E0-F6EC63…)

Studios would fight to get, she’s so talented and everything she does is so dynamic and for fuck’s sake another mitten hand
No. 547247
File: 1522954413771.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, F412754C-88FE-4656-A774-C514F3…)

It’s also hilarious that she posts this screen cap with “beautiful american cheerleader” ignoring the fact these are made on purpose and that if she wanted to shit on the drawings… that girl has the same nose as her KC main character.
I’m not saging because it’s stuff from her Twitter.
No. 547307
File: 1522957933483.png (584.45 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

am I the only one who doesn't think the horse is better? Look at this shit. Thats not how horse tails look like.
No. 547323
File: 1522958923601.jpg (79.25 KB, 480x796, IMG_20180405_145924_229.JPG)

Probably because it's miles better than your "actual" work, Holly.
No. 547326
File: 1522959053296.jpeg (204.17 KB, 1200x833, DZvvjRbUMAAZb6K.jpeg)

Bigger pic. Still not quite good enough. Upper right looks really flat where it shouldn't be.
No. 547347
>>547238I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, but horses typically weigh anywhere from 1200 - 2000 lbs. If anything the horse should be larger, but I think she made the mistake of treating the figures separately when they should be treated as a single unit following the same line of action (from an artistic and physics standpoint; horses exert a tremendous amount of force to hurdle themselves through the air and a rider experiences every bit of that as well.) If she had referenced an image of a horse and rider jumping she would know this, but in all likelihood she did what she always does and said “I know how to draw people,” and then only referenced a horse to slap it underneath. Probably an unsaddled reference image because no saddle anywhere ever actually looks like that.
But that’s just what she does.
>>547326 she draws a shitty human figure the way she “knows” how to draw and THEN tries to fit a human skull inside of it, as if she was actually referencing human bone structure. Ultimately the skull itself ends up looking fucked because she doesn’t realize she’s working ass-backwards on literally everything she does.
No. 547349
File: 1522960825380.jpg (203.81 KB, 1300x1130,…)

>>547347I guess his body is throwing me off but he doesn't seem the right size in relation to the horse, is what I mean. It varies but a human head is not this tiny in relation.
No. 547367
File: 1522962151497.jpg (256.02 KB, 1456x1031, H0GrFzp.jpg)

>>547187I see Holly went to the Hajime Isayama school of horse drawing.
No. 547398
File: 1522963491116.png (480.73 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 547425
>>547398Even if you've never sat on a horse before, how do you get it
this wrong? Like just in terms of purpose?
No. 547428
>>547216would it have killed her to look at a reference? ALL of this is so terribly off and looks like a 15 year old did it. horses are known for being one of the most difficult things to draw but I can see this dumbass's arrogance took the wheel. bridles nor saddles look NOTHING like that and the stirrup is just????
interestingly, the rider is even fucking worse. he looks completely 2 dimensional, for starters, and why is his other leg presumably standing straight when the one closest to us is bent? did his stirrup fall off? he's basically collapsing over the horses neck too.
even without looking at a reference this piece is so fucking illogical and I'm embarassed that she posted it like it was something to be proud of.
No. 547433
File: 1522966140798.jpg (59.67 KB, 162x415, professional.jpg)

>>547216His body was seriously messing with my head so I transformed it around to understand and his proportions are a riot, his torso is probably even longer than that. It's like she made his lower body too tiny and just stretched him like a slinky to make up for it instead of fixing it.
No. 547581
>>547216Did she…
Okay this fucks me up but i have to point it out.
The horse has no horsetail… it's the hair that grows from the horse's asshole. Or a crude torture to the horse.
Also: the rider is twerking… or at least poses for a moneyshot but the jacket is in the way. And his other leg is no leg, it would mean that the guy has so fucked up anatomy that he has 2 hips on top of each other. I think the other leg is a huge boner.
Also also: capes. How do they work? (light as feather, going from one shoulder to… mid-back)
Also also also: the rider's head is way to small.
Plus one: So the "saddle" is falling off (the feet is shown from a lower angle yet everything else is not… what?) because nothing keeps it on the horse, the horse has a belt on his chest and is probably a bunnyhopping unicorn (or the farther ear grew out in the wrong place).
Holly please until my 2 year old cousin can draw a less fucked up pic i suggest you to not move to Cali.
No. 547862
File: 1522998088141.png (57.64 KB, 1180x206, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 00.0…)

who in the world would want her originals? And cutting board? What? Am I missing something here?
No. 547881
>>547862Tbf there’s more chance of selling her originals, as she has lots of immature and low standards fans, than selling a kitchen cutting board.
She bought a new tool, that’s why she’s selling the boards. Still, she could have spent money and energies into something relevant to what she does.
No. 547902
>>547881wants to move to cali but spends money on an useless cutter
No. 547910
>>547862Originals I get. Pretty standard.
But a kitchen cutting board? For who? I'd not want to cut my vegetables on her horse-faced atrocities.
No. 547936
File: 1523017415368.jpg (586.55 KB, 1280x946, IMG_0405.JPG)

So on an official blog about her thesis project, she can't even use spell check before hitting upload??
>Can't spell
>What is structured sentences
>Unnatural dialouge
>One big example page of why she sucks
No. 548099
File: 1523034365769.jpg (79.42 KB, 677x348, ebeddba9186d50bf00d8a021fd0ea7…)

>>547936>"I know I'm a lot more detailed than industry standard">A lot more detailedJesus fucking C h r i s t
No. 548150
>>547945Not only that but I've never seen an apron that ties at the neck????? You tie it behind around your waist!
Goddamn Holly, actually look at references and understand how the fuck things work!
No. 548212
>>548099But anon she drew the bricks! Priorities! What’s more important: a clear establishing shot with a line of action or detailing a wall that’s not even likely to be in a professional kitchen?!
>>548150They do, actually. I mean yes they do tie in the waist but some of them you can “resize” at the neck, to give boob allowance and adapt to every kind of height.
He’s using a granny apron tho
No. 548217
File: 1523038538893.jpeg (241.51 KB, 640x749, E6A802A2-3247-41EA-968B-3216EE…)

Oh yes holly teach us what self love is. Maybe learn to loathe yourself a little less, before preaching, though.
No. 548322
File: 1523047437811.png (240.34 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

New stupid holly post
No. 548365
File: 1523050875225.png (527.54 KB, 898x756, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 14.3…)

I'm…not really sure what's going on and also this is probably nitpicking, but it would help if her panels are going horizontal and not have so many random cut scenes
No. 548370
>>548365There is a story here. Somewhere.
But god knows what it is.
No. 548394
>>548365>>548370I honestly have tried looking this over several times and still don't even know how to read it.
Left to right? Top to bottom? Wtf is going on?
No. 548411
>>548394I believe it starts from the top left and goes down… but I have no idea what's going on
I think he can't find the flour because a ghost took it? And he's having a hard time because the girl isn't helping with the work?? Idk tbh
No. 548471
>>548411In moviemaking it's usually top to bottom and proceed from left to right (if there is any… depends on how many notes are attached to it and how big the pics are).
Huge boards where the director instructs the camera crew or other crew (no if any notes), it's left to right and top to bottom. take on what the story is on
>>548365 is this:
Shota wonders what meal should he do with just one egg and some flour in his desposal. The other stuff is out of date.
Turns around and finds nobody is around to help him (they fled because he stinks).
Rushes to the customer and apologises, offers an egg and some flour-soup as a "refund".
Sets up a Rude Goldberg machine in the drystore for hunting down roaches and rats for some meat, using the out of date rice as bait.
Realizes a female Darth Vader and a bunch of her stormtroopers are searching for his droids in the kitchen.
Mister Rapeface surprises him and grabs his nuts.
Shota offers Mr Rapeface some cold floursoup. Shota is a prankster because he put the spoon in reverse into the soup.
Female Darth Vader pats her dog at home.
Shota got a message that Holly didn't draw any bricks yet. That makes him sad and cries.
Shota tries to kill a rodent that bit off his left index finger.
Female Darth Vader is walking her dog while jogging.
——end scene——
No. 548584
File: 1523073000583.png (35.42 KB, 182x154, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 20.5…)

>>548365lmfao the lady in the last panel looks like she's possessed and the dog's like "Help me"
No. 548585
File: 1523073102452.png (41.8 KB, 1180x130, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 20.5…)

>idk idk idk idk
When is she ever sure????
saged cuz not too important
No. 548646
>>548297Then why make him possessed in the first place? Will the possession make him ‘believe’ in his natural talent more? If so how is that not different from yugioh?
Also coming back to the yugioh influence, atleast that show had a point (selling cards). There’s no way Holly will be able to pitch this piece of garbage to any self respecting network
No. 548658
>>548365My best bet: he is out of eggs and flour, he goes to clean a table and asks for a minute from the woman, he goes to the pantry for flour (?) and overhears his mom (?) talking, he is caught evesdropping by the man and reminisced about his mom and her dog (???) and then he’s mad the woman walked out without waiting and then he wants to kill the rat in frustration but instead thinks of his dog…
What a fucking cluster fuck. That’s my legitimate attempt and I still have absolutely no idea of what is happening or the flow or location or the fucking point or story. Damn it’s bad.
No. 548663
File: 1523085729885.jpeg (320.62 KB, 750x603, 165230F4-2D04-4832-AC21-44F214…)

>>547216Wtf happened between this and her sketch? His feet went from a semi-correct position to wtf. Even the tail is better in the sketch. The sketch is no masterpiece but how do you end up with a supposedly refined finished product that makes less sense than the sketch?
No. 548680
>>548671That sounds really gross and slightly pedophilic depending on what those 'certain things' are…
I mean if its not integral to the plot to have a child do adult only things then why even have it in the story in the first place? Or better yet, if it is integral why not find a way to have the child do it anyway without being possessed? The only reason I can see Holly needing the possession angle is if she want's the kid to do inappropriate fan servicey things like those animes where the girl is technically 1000s of years old so pedos can get their rocks off.
No. 548684
>>548680I’m assuming the child is possessed because a child can’t own a restaurant and the older man that looks similar to the main is his “adult form” that will be shown at some points throughout the animation. Like in yugioh. Of course knowing Holly some type of shota element will show up that she’ll try to justify under the “well it’s not the child doing the thing” example being the body of the character smoking cigarettes.
Hopefully she’ll realize that it just doesn’t make sense to put anything like the cooking cigarettes in and doesn’t actually add to the character in any way but to go “oooo look see adult things haha bet you didn’t expect a 12 year old to do that”.
No. 548689
>>548682Why, I'm not going off topic?
You on the other hand added nothing to the discussion.
>>548684I mean if the only point of the possession is so that the child can own the restaurant there are so many other ways she could have gone about doing that.
It's obvious Holly chose to make a animation thesis is so she can break into the industry. With that in mind why didn't she just pick a more PC premise for the short that really showed off her animation 'skills'?
No. 548706
File: 1523095997887.png (97.55 KB, 715x420, hc calories.png)

>>548322>a cutter talking about self-loveI honestly believe that she just lost water weight, will plateau, then give up. She is the type that wants shortcuts and probably thinks just walking without lifting and calorie deficit without macro tracking will help her progress.
Also not sure if walking 20,000 steps = –400 calories. That's something you get from doing HIIT
No. 548712
File: 1523097104575.jpg (195.59 KB, 1920x1080, Jedediah-Night_20At_20The_20Mu…)

>>548708Skype anon that called her up
Can confirm she was 5'7/5'8 because I recall jokingly saying "Woah Gigantor" to her in the call because I'm way shorter.
Don't know if it matters
No. 548715
>>548689you need to sage if you don't have new milk to contribute e.g. video/screenshots/etc
just type 'sage' in the email field
No. 548717
>>5487071200 is a good diet, anon. She’s mostly sitting on her ass all day, and there’s no way she will be consistent in doing her walks. The wrong is she’s only counting calories and not what she’s even ingesting.
I remember when she started dieting she was all about making spaghetti out of veggies because “carbs makes you fat” (spoiler: they don’t. With excess they won’t hurt but that’s EVERYTHING.) and then drowned them in pre made sauce that has all the calories of the world and back.
A cup or tea (no sugar) with some milk, a fruit for breakfast, a salad with a spoon of olive oil, vinegar abd pepper plus some grilled white meat, some carrots or other crunchy thing as a snack and chickpeas or steamed veggies and some more proteins would easily be in that count.
Not all carbs are bad, not all sugars must be avoided, we need a certain amount of sodium and there’s difference between good and bad calories, but that would mean actually THINKING about things and she’s clearly not capable of doing it.
No. 548880
>>548706Of course Holly would do BS like eating 1200 calories a day, enjoy your fucked up metabolism when you inevitably can't sustain and gain it all back.
>>548689It would be fine if she made an edgy short film for her thesis but it has to be good. The the other anon said, she thinks of something that's mildly entertaining to her and thinks that's a story.
No. 549064
>>548842I know right? 120 is is like a 19 or 20 bmi for someone at 5'7 if anything she's nearing 170+ I can't stand watching her videos where you can see her fat wrists since that area of weight is usually proportionate to how heavy they are
I highly doubt she would be able to stick to the diet but I'll give her the benefit of doubt since your physical health should come first and not many people realize that fat cells stores in your arteries and makes it harder for blood flow and other nasty shit like that
Saged for obvious autistic health sperg
No. 549115
File: 1523137779887.png (1.63 MB, 1152x1184, Screen Shot 2018-04-07 at 14.4…)

Continues to waste time and money, I see.
Also 120lbs at 5'7" is NOT fat. I know someone who's under 5'5" with that weight, but then again they exercise so it could count as muscle. I wonder if Holly actually goes outside to walk and not just pace around the house like an old lady
No. 549131
>>549115Woodworking needs experience and patience to make a good product.
Wonder why she fucks up lol.
PS: Was she only using sketches on the girl or did she intended to make an ugly pizzaslice on purpose?
No. 549188
>>549115>>549064>>548880>>548707I'm 5'7" and 120 pounds. (And I'm not Holly)
I eat 1300 kcal a day. I'm no anachan, just normal slim weight with some pudgy bits. I tried eating the "recommended" 2000 kcal a day quite a few years ago while I was active every day and gained like 25 pounds. (and then had to lose it)
Nothing wrong with that calorie amount. Some people have high metabolisms and can eat more.
Haven't seen a pic of Holly to say whether she really is 120 lb though.
Sage for offtopic
No. 549292
File: 1523153094653.jpg (41.08 KB, 593x226, what.jpg)

Meating deadlines and time-menagement like a pro.
Diatetics like a boss.
No. 549348
File: 1523157443550.png (142.73 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

At this point are we surprised she wants to spend money just for a few shortcuts
No. 549516
>>549188She's not obese, but she's definitely significantly above 120 lbs.
>>549115>Buying more expensive tools will make me better at this craft It's like when people think buying a sewing machine with more fancy stitches will make them a master tailor.
No. 549561
>>549513She’s not like those other losers, anon.
They take years to master the technique because they’re LAZYYY, she’s the only hard worker and gifted by god by complete knowledge f everything. If she sees something, she can make that something! Except dropping the thing when she realised it’s too much work or blame it on the tools.
Anyways, she’s always only lacking the tools of the trade. And that’s true:
Dedication, observation, patience and attention.
No. 549672
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Who was the anon who called it when they said she'd make this a bl ?
No. 549950
File: 1523221982380.png (53.7 KB, 837x356, Untitled.png)

From this video: love how she sees scars and acne as unattractive on women but puts them on her creepy green haired character because she likes characters (men) who have flaws. Also equating butch to ugly, Holly your straightness is showing.
No. 549983
>> racebending white characters to be trans, gay, not shaving, butch, autisticwow didn't know all those were races holly. also she's ignoring that this can be 'fun' for people, it causes no harm, you're not obliged to draw a character any certain way.
>> poc which looks kind of racist in of itself makes me wonder if this is the reason why all her poc characters look exactly the fucking same as her white characters. bc she's too scared of seeming racist to acknowledge that differences in facial structure exist across races.
it's a real pet peeve of mine when people generalise tumblr as being an sjw hellsite. there are definitely people on there who can be that way, but like most sites you can decide which sections to engage with.
and once again she shows the double standards she holds for women vs men. acne and scars are gross, unless they're on some hot boy she can make yaoiz with. god, she's such a gross person.
No. 549994
>>547349it baffles me how she can have the photo reference in front of her yet can't draw a convincing picture from it.
I think she really does have some kind of neurological damage or impairment that is holding her back.
No. 550005
>>549950>Tumblr artists don't like differing opinions hurr, unlike me!The lack of self awareness is hilarious.
Also while I agree with some of her points, making characters of more diverse backgrounds/races kind of entails there being fewer white people, that's just how numbers work.
>>549983I think she knows on some level she doesn't have the skills and would probably fuck it up and accidentally produce some minstrel shit if she tried to give her black characters distinct features, but she doesn't want to put in the effort to learn how to do it either.
No. 550020
>>549950How am I supposed to take this seriously when has a gay black hispanic OC with green hair, acne, and cutting scars?
Holly does this with just about everything. "Guys, don't do stuff THIS way!"… and then does it exactly the same way.
All of her advice is so flaccid. How many "how to draw X videos" has she made that she completely disregarded?
No. 550116
> only slightly sjw/r/tumblrinaction was at its peak in like 2014. Tumblr has always had a radical crowd.
> I think steven universe is responsible for a lot for this exaggerationwhat. Cause its has some diverse characters? None of the characters have acne or scars or are trans afaik. There's just a short one and a muscular one. Whoo.
> white removaloh fucking hell Holly
She went full autistic.
No. 550173
>>550159… I'm pretty sure she just grew up liking anime over the last 20 years, she's hardly the only one that kept the thing for gay guys
>>550170too much of the other artist –what about
>>533168 ? have we used that yet?
No. 550264
File: 1523247448429.jpeg (289.06 KB, 750x770, E6C0DD6A-CAC1-416E-AC1E-C39A34…)

>>550170My vote is these hideous “studies”
No. 550282
I think it's interesting to see that she is indeed racist
No. 550284
>>550282Accusing someone of racism means nothing since the term itself is overused and meaningless.
I think traditional mexican style art sucks too. She said art, not people. Go be sensitive somewhere else.
No. 550288
>>550286Pretty sure you were just trying to victimize yourself since her main "husbando oc" is literally a Mexican.
I know you hate Holly but trying making these subjective accusations doesn't really add any milk.
No. 550314
>>550277Did you seriously repost this in 3 fucking threads? Two dead? You also reposted this on 4chan /ic/.
Fuck off with your nomilk. You sound like a whiny cunt with a victim complex.
No. 550340
>>550298Not him/her but
If he/she prooves his/her identity then he/she will be joining the herd in some shape or form, even if he/she is a decent normie person.
Although milking farmers sound fun.
No. 550354
File: 1523254870155.png (227.23 KB, 314x295, 01A90F8C-3026-4CC9-8CF1-29BA9E…)

>>550350Just for you sweetheart.
No. 550359
>>548584>>541909My votes for next thread pic
The headline could be “totally non racist edition” maybe?
No. 550366
>>541909I vote for this one as well.
Another title suggestion could be something with "half-assed professional"
No. 550390
>>550288Having a mexican “husbando” oc doesn’t stop Holly from being potentionally racist.
Think of all the white people on tumblr who have favourite characters who are poc but still come out with clueless shit.
No. 550431
File: 1523261943165.jpg (60.84 KB, 611x623, hollyprint.JPG)

Why not going to a print shop?
No. 550433
>>550390This is why the accusation of racism is completely irrelevant. It is a subjective term, just a slander word like "heretic" that people can throw around depending on how they feel.
Holly can be a "racist" by wanting to fuck her mexican husbando but not like mexican art.
someone else can be "racist" by killing a mexican person because they hate mexican people.
Calling Holly a racist is pointless especially because that anon didn't even prove that this ever happened.
No. 550473
File: 1523264003039.gif (1.12 MB, 371x209, tumblr_o6uxunzHhb1uhtiibo1_400…)

>>550434The printer probably wasn't the one at fault here kek
No. 550536
>>550431Holly’s always puts too much on her plate. She’s working on her “animated pilot” for an early teen demographic and making merch to peddle at an anime con? Why does she always over work herself?
I was looking through her website since that’s the first thing potential studios will look at first before an interview and if I were Holly, I’d be more concerned about that.
Her work looks so rushed. Holly can’t even draw her own characters on model. Despite drawing all the time Holly doesn’t seem to understand the basics of drawing.
If Holly thinks her art work is good enough to get a studio job she really needs to push herself because she’s competing against some really talented artists.
No. 550579
>>550536I think she either desperately wants notoriety/profit, or she's just not happy enough with her work to stick to one thing at a time.
Branching out as an artist is great and all, but her hopping from project to project and having a million works in progress at once takes away from her ability to deliver a good final product. Art style aside, her process is a mess.
If she worked on things more consistently without overloading her to-do list, maybe she'd improve faster.
No. 550649
>>547147Kay so I know this old
But I just saw this and as someone living in California and trying to make a living as a storyboard artist lemme just say that this bitch might starve herself out here.
Its crazy expensive with taxes and gas alone. PLUS the studio jobs out here are crazy competitive and unless you know someone, had prior experience, or even come from a well known school with an internship, they very much will look over you.
At best as a studio job she can be a production assistant to get some experience inside the studio, but I dont think shes gonna like that.