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No. 798932
HollyBRown is a bad artist, YouTuber, webcomic author, and fujoshi popular with edgy children for her "no bullshit" attitude despite not accepting any criticism.
She beleives she's known for her three webcomics:
Purgatory, her oldest and worst comic, about two gay teens in a cult with lots of rape: Plague, whose most-drawn character hasn't been introduced, with rape DLC: Prince, her newest Patreon-only NSFW yaoi comic about alien sex slaves, not updated in a month at currently four pages: (shut down)
She's actually most known for ranting about the CalArts admissions process being unfair even though she was DEFINITELY accepted:
(OLD) INSTAGRAM: (currently deleted):
>Got caught tracing an anime screencap for a painting she intended to sell>Locked her Twitter and scrubbed her social media>Reappeared with a video saying it was just a placeholder for composition, contradicted herself constantly>Dug herself deeper in the comments and is now sharing her views on rape (they're bad)
>Organized a for-profit BnHA zine with over 60 different artists to sell at SanJapan>Complained they didn't meet her abrupt deadline then dragged her feet for weeks>Didn't label any submissions so artists were unidentifiable>Committed to printing them at home, realized that was hard, so closed the zine shop without alerting any of the artists>Sent each artist $20 to blow it over. Some artists got another $20. Some people who pulled out of the zine still received the hush twenty>Accidentally leaked names/addresses/phone numbers of almost every artist in an unlisted but accessible YT video>Took too long to fulfill zine orders, downplayed the zine on all her social media to dissuade anyone from ordering more>Still refused to get the zine printed professionally or even send out a PDF copy>Meanwhile her own webcomic rape yaoi doujinshi was printed professionally in time for SanJapan>Had plenty copies of the BnHA zine herself for SanJapan>Zine artists are now posting photos of the copies they finally received and they have misaligned, poorly cut, and upside-down pages>has still failed to apologize>deleted her twitter and pretended her instagram got reported and remade because she got called out>over 50k in debt>Created new channel>Made a kickstarter for purgatory that made 10k (CAD) >spent some of that 10k on a lazer printer>Now plans to be a one woman lazer printing merch factory>deleted her patreon No. 799126
>>799003It would help if Hitler Jr. was visually distinct and not just Damien with slightly different bangs.
Ffs Holly, give them a different body types and facial features. Hitler Jr. should be portly like his dad.
Also, I know I've mentioned it before, but if she wanted Salmon's rapist to be a complex, morally grey person, maybe don't make him look like the most evil human being in history. Making him literally Hitler is a great way to turn him into a two-dimensional cartoon villian.
No. 799166
File: 1555767759715.png (316.34 KB, 1000x1000, this_is_my_headcanon_holly.png)

>>798503A bit late to the party, but I had to make something with this. Sorry for the shitty mouse drawing.
No. 799330
>>799302To get a dark Green you either mix black and green (assuming you use a green that can go along with the same developer as the black) or do a really light bleach and then apply a dark green colour.
The closest to what holly did would be, and mind you that would only add a tonality or green to the highlights. That’s done with some specific products that are applied during the shampoo and are non invasive. The same way as people using blue shampoo to get rid of yellow hair, just to make myself clear.
The problem stays the same: “ if professionals can do it then how hard can it be?” Is everything she can think of when tackling her ideas. She’s not saving up that many money, too, especially if she’s going to dye or bleach again after this failed attempt.
I do like her with darker hair anyway, I hope she keeps it.
No. 799689
File: 1556026276072.png (608.73 KB, 1023x831, newp.png)

New pages, fam!
>>799166Ten points for the bulges, minus five points for actually showing actions instead of using nudge nudge/trust trust lines.
No. 799690
>>799689Damn you beat me in posting this anon
Im so bothered by those thicc legs and small arms
No. 799691
>>799689KEK That fucking gun tho, it looks so freaking busted. Where the hell is the
trigger? Where is literally anything that makes a gun well, a gun?
No. 799693
File: 1556027702667.png (211.25 KB, 735x503, dislocated sholders are my kin…)

Jesus Christ, why does every shoulder she draws look so broken? Every single one is dislocated to hell and back.
No. 799698
File: 1556028652352.png (94.44 KB, 243x648, bod.png)

>>799693Oh god, Damien's deformed shoulder has to be some kind of new low, why would anyone do this? It's just cruel.
>>799690Have some more thicc legs for good measure
No. 799743
>>799689I’m getting the feeling that this is going to end like one of those lifetime movies. The ones where the abused outright kills their abuser.
This scene is going to establish how Simon doesn’t want to kill things because of how violent it is and then it will be a parallel to him finally facing down his abuser with/without his boyfriend and then coldly taking the shot out of revenge. And then they all escape and live happily ever after.
I mean, if holly could weave themes in her stories then that would be why she’s focusing so much on a gun, and simon using a gun.
No. 799763
>>799759honestly, same. The interactions just IRK me. The characters don't look natural at all.
And don't get me STARTED on the dialog.. I can't imagine someone fucking up so hard on DIALOG. It comes across as robotic, like it's not coming out of anyone's mouth. So. Bad.
No. 799795
File: 1556055470431.png (177.04 KB, 494x363, screen-shot-2013-09-09-at-10-1…)

>>799689Please tell me this ends like pic related in the future update
No. 799857
>>799775The way she talks shit about art trends and making comics, I can say with some confidence she absolutely hates making them. She never really has a good thing to say about art in general outside of what she's excited about at the moment that she thinks will make her money. She's forcing it. That much is obvious. I don't think she knows it's just OK to talk about characters and concepts that are floating around in headspace. People do it all the time and get a response. She's mentioned just about everything under the sun regarding Reese and the teen fujos eat those scraps up like candy. There's nothing left. But I think in her mind making a comic 'legitimizes' her endless rambling, and bonus points for being able to make the excuse of 'working hard'
>>799801I remember her saying that in some vlog or other too a while back. Not gonna do a deep dive for it but I definitely remember.
No. 799963
>>799857Tbh I sympathize alot with that sort of "I need to produce something or else x will be seen as completely worthless" mentality, only because it's something I personally went through some years ago and still struggle with today. And ultimately I think it might speak to Holly's neglected and rapidly declining mental health. Because for ME, what that mentality was connected to was lots of anxiety and self worth issues.
But who knows, Holly's sort of mess a of inconsistency and double standards, so maybe I'm completely wrong.
No. 799972
>>799963well, if you are well in your twenties, dropped out of school, shat on your degree, get most of your self-worth from 12-year old fujos online, draw badly and without guidance, are shit at writing stories, splerge all the money you have ever earned while still living at home and talk bad about anything you don't like while being a insufferable know-it-all - you simply haven't done anything worth looking back to. At that age and with how many chances she already had it IS a metaphorical certificate of her own laziness to see where she is at now. There is a difference between feeling worthless when it's undeserved and there are cases where someone REALLY should take a good look at their own actions and learn from their mistakes.
She had so many chances, so much good advice which she choose to ignore, so many possibilities with her craft - he fact she still CHOOSES (yes, deliberately) to cintinue like always really doesn't speak for her character or her work ethic. She is not a child anymore, she has a home and is obviously loved, I can't her the rants anymore about how shit her life is cause her brother is stupid or, gasp, she's not rich, as if everyone else would have such a perfect life or how "fat" she is while being perfectly financially capable of going to a gym or just eating differently. Everything "wrong" with her life she caused herself, I don't feel an ounze of sympathy.
No. 799999
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So it’s finally here. The infamous laser cutter we’ve all been waiting for. She already did a test run with some default(?) settings. It’s also super loud. Like holy shit…I knew it was going to have some noise to it but I can’t imagine living in that household.
No. 800000
File: 1556130147489.png (1.35 MB, 750x1334, 4C9A02BF-4760-4C07-B2EC-481C30…)

I honestly can’t wait for the finished product of this.
No. 800013
File: 1556132455059.png (1.01 MB, 1166x827, etsy.png)

>>799999Well, R.I.P. the cats and all hail the laser saga I guess. Holly updated her etsy a little while ago, sadly no 300 $ cat paintings this time though. (also bouns picture of the Herschel laser charm)
No. 800130
>>800051Yeah that's definitely how shops make the distinction. Usually there's only 1 original piece. But if it's a print you'd call it such.
Oof can't wait for her to not sell charms… I agree about them being unappealing. They are the first things to snap in half as opposed to other materials. Just how thick is the wood she's using?
No. 800474
>>800401What makes it even more hilarious is she barely has con experience herself. She either has no idea, or doesn't care that wooden charms do
not move well at all. All she thinks is that if she can make it, surely the merits of her 'hard work, fam' will make other artists (
other working professional artists) want to choose her service over a tried and true manufacturer.
And if other sites are giving more options, I highly doubt it's wooden charms they'll be choosing.
It'll be super interesting what she thinks she'll be charging folks. Once she's open I'd love for someone to get a quote from her.
No. 800527
>>800519Nope she quietly dropped it just like her Kickstarter when she realized she had to actually do work.
I keep a close eye on jellie bee because she says she's gonna do a whole lot of shit, takes the money then ghosts. Said she wanted to do planner stickers and 'run an etsy store' for that too.
She says a lot of things.
Off topic tho. Point is they're both flakes.
No. 800706
>>800609As someone who’s close to Jellie I know what actually happened. Her ex told her to get orders in, promised to make the stuff and then decided not to. She had to refund people out of her personal funds and couldn’t face it any more. I’ve been chatting to her a lot about going public about her ex, because he’s the one that caused the shit with Kickstarter too. I think she’s just too scared right now.
It’s frustratinf because I know it’s none of her fault but her keeping quiet is helping no one. She’s really bad at keeping people updated because she’s so ashamed of her past.
I asked her if it was ok to post about this, she said yes.
I’m mostly concerned about the fucking cat with Holly. I also think wooden charms look shit tbh.
No. 800710
>>800706To veer off topic for a bit. She ain't doing herself any favours by ignoring it or not responding or leaving shit undone. If you are close to Jellie Bee it's best to just tell her to stop sweeping shit under the rug and face it head on. She's already what, left people in the dark for years? So it's about time to just talk about it.
Okay back on topic. I think laser cut charms can be cute but they are not the most popular convention item that's for sure, it has to be very specific designs. Even printed wooden charms that you can get from zap are more expensive per piece than acrylic charms, yet will sell for less usually. Mostly because people are like "Ah yes acrylic is waterproof"
No. 800774
File: 1556388902906.png (139.15 KB, 608x436, design is my passion.PNG)

>>800766the text in the logo is so off centred, how does she give her art lean to legit everything?
No. 800780
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>>800766TBQH, I like wooden charms and things, I think they look cute. However, she needs to coat it, or they'll break/get moldy quickly. Apray matte coats are best.
I don't know if she did that already.
But uh… watercolor palettes? Unless she, again, coat it with a super impermeable varnish or something, how is this going to work? Especially considering that this looks like low quality wood.
Also, now that I think of it, is that palette the kind you put paint on or the kind you mix paints on? If it's the second one,
good luck. It's too small to mix paints in, you can't see the color exactly and, once again, the water problem.
No. 800791
>>800715We'll see how she responds to this because like the person above said; It would have been much better for her come outright and say that she was having personal issues instead of just keeping people in the dark.
Back on topic; I'm no graphic designer but, that design seems to be slightly needlessly complicated. The laser in the middle of the blade is unnecessary as well as the highlights at the bottom of the blade. Logos need to be able to be scaled down or up very easily which is why the 3d logos we used mainly back in the early 2000's faded out and gave way to flat 2d logos.
And also…Wooden water color palette???? That name alone is a paradox. Unless she is sealing it with like 10 coats of polyurethane spray, the wood is going to rot and get warped and moldy.
No. 800801
File: 1556402179829.png (1.57 MB, 1116x798, pd2.png)

It might be nitpicking, but everything about the presentation just looks so nasty.
No. 800806
>>800801I agree, and I feel like the palette would be terrible to use. Paint really seeps into wood, and the star-shaped holes have nooks and crannies that would be difficult to clean out.
The whole point of palettes is to give you a surface where to mix your colours, too, which this thing doesn't have. I don't understand how you're supposed to use this.
It feels like she just bulk-bought the containers without knowing what she'd use them for and settled on a palette to seem artsy.
No. 800816
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Can someone confirm if that even makes sense?
No. 800819
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>>800810Was reading the comments and saw a kid asking Holly to interview her as a professional…
No. 800828
File: 1556411054836.png (36.98 KB, 466x356, doink.png)

Lol off to a good start - if you carefully type in "razorlaserofficial" you're gonna be scratching your head why you get the not-found page. Cos you're not thinking like holly BRown
No. 800833
>>800801is that shit even wood? it looks like that reconstituted pulp shit but worse. it looks it was lining a
shipping pallet in some alley
she says in her ig comments it's 'finished wood' (in response to concern about soaking) but if she cut it then it's not finished anymore right?
No. 800861
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"I can move my bed…" What bed??
No. 800863
>>800842She just has her first name on her etsy, probably because it's a requirement, but i think she's low key trying to pull in people and hope they won't notice it's her.
It doesn't matter whether or not the wood is finished, having wood be a paint palette at all is still the stupidest idea and a waste on all counts.
No one cares that the inside of the palette is 'cute'. They care that it functions like it should. She's all style and no substance.
It would also be useful to know details like what kind of finish, if any, is on the wood (probably none) and how thick the wood charms will be. I didn't see any information on that, but I also haven't watched her dumbass vlog yet.
No. 800864
>>800766I really wished there was a buyer beware forum or something for popular/yt artists who pull shit like this, I know there was/is one for commissioners that dates back to LiveJournal days but is mostly furries.
Outside of this thread, nobody really knows about all the shit she's pulled, and I wished there was a more public way to inform people to avoid doing any kind of business with her.
No. 800996
>>800971She used to treat the Cintiq she bought herself the very same way, and it drives me insane. If you don’t have money and grow up poor you know damn well that what you manage to get must last at its best for the longest time possible, I’ve personally only seen people mistreating their stuff so badly when they knew it was “just a thing” and they could buy a new one in case it stopped working/ got ruined. Everyone is different but if she really was that desperate for money she’d think twice about possibly breaking her main work tool.
Also fam, she’s live.
No. 801137
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No. 801149
File: 1556543302822.png (1.11 MB, 853x495, oooof.png)

Be careful about what you show on the internet, kids.
Idk if she uses return labels on her packages since I've never ordered anything physical from her before, but I found her house with 0 effort at all just from stuff she's shown in her latest vlog.
No. 801178
File: 1556553525316.jpg (43.82 KB, 1079x203, Screenshot_20190429-165812_You…)

>>801000damn Keith, bit harsh?
amazing how he's still around though
No. 801190
>>801186It could be her mom.
Iirc from her vlogs, her room is on the ground floor
No. 801271
>>801149I feel bad for the interior of that house, it must be a total shit hole.
Not that it'll be happening any time soon but imagine her trying to move into a smaller apartment with that three foot laser cutter and all its peripheral bullshit. She definitely wouldn't be able to use it without getting noise complaints. But let's be real: she bought this piece of junk with no intention of moving out. She's way too comfortable and knows she can get away with whatever hare brained idea interests her.
No. 801474
>>801149That's a really nice looking house.
>>801154She was the one who revealed her address. It really doesn't take much effort to plug something into google.
No. 801506
>>801504its not in that, it was a separate comic. google images this to find the threads with it:
>holly brown "trust trust">>801477>>801502are you all talking about pp or actually purgatory? what does "do Paranormal Plague…again" mean?
No. 801514
>>801506Oh I know. She has Paranormal Plague, Purgatory and she also had that other one, Chroma Prince, was it? That’s treated like it never existed though. I was basically saying how she’s gonna give PP the same treatment she gave Purgatory. Basically she’s just gonna redraw the same crap. But that’s also assuming I understood
>>801477 correctly.
>>801506Nah, there are two rapes scenarios, one is Hitler raping Simon in Purgatory, the other is Reese raping Herschel in that kidnapping doujin. Don’t remember the name of it. Also don’t know the exact pages other anon. But check out the “trust trust” images anyway, it’s hilarious.
No. 801515
>>801477. She streamed twice on the same day. However, the first stream where she made the announcement got cut off on her end. (Seemed like she was having tech issues and lost that stream?)
She then reconnected. When she started up the stream again she started where she left off and said she wanted to do a redraw of PP because she doesn't like how it looks and hates Princess' current design. Someone in the comments complained apparently and Holly responded along the lines of
>It's only 20 pages. Calm down.If you want to hear the second stream where she talks about it again it starts around: 1:40.
No. 801524
>>801517Nah, it was supposed to be dramatic and sad but ended up as exploitative and lazy, here's the start of the scene: (beware of the cape)
No. 801527
>>801526Here you go. This was two days ago. Starts at 30:30 for clock info.
She has already bought clock parts.
No. 801604
>>801527She expects to save 10k and move out to rent a
house??? She'd blow through that money faster than she thinks. Hell she'd spend a good chunk of that money on the move itself. And then she thinks she'll be able to maintain a steady income making shitty art and failed business projects. Her expectations are too high. She's not moving out any time soon.
No. 801756
>>801179I don't know why, but I always thought she lived in a trailer park. She just… looks like a trailer park girl.
In any case, I fail to see how a picture of her house is relevant/milk.
No. 801794
>>801789God she's trying to make artist alley displays and keeps saying it's impossible to make them collapsible and they cost quite a lot and they have to be glued together. And honestly what she made looks more like a freakin' desk organiser than anything, and a chunky on at that.
Like honestly what's the point of making all your pretty badges and charms and sticking it in an ugly MDF stand when a plastic box would be easier to see, less distracting, and cheaper
No. 801802
File: 1556811637315.png (341.16 KB, 456x476, pegboard.png)

I have one of these IKEA pegboards and it weighs a ton with my merch on it.
those wooden "stands" would snap or collapse within minutes of people actually interacting with the display.
No. 801803
>>801789Not even a week in and she's already fallen off her shit with purgatory and the Kickstarter, lmao
She's already made shit too complicated. Now she wants to make artist alley displays. She really should be testing them out before selling them but she can't Wait to get that money I guess. I hope whoever is suckered into this has fun trying to assemble a wonky ass stand with messy glue. She really isn't thinking any of this through. Wood for art supplies isn't as sturdy as plastic. And because she's making them, they're not really cheaper either.
This entire video was a jumbled puke of half baked ideas she thinks other artists will 'kinda want, idk' . If you thought she was out of touch before, she's completely off the radar now. The way she pitches the ideas don't exactly inspire confidence in her, either. And so far not one comment mentions being interested.
No. 801817
>>801802It is actually painful how much wood she is wasting… Instead of thinking "Oh I'll add a bar," she should really be using a design program or 3D modeller to figure out the best ways to making something like that stable. Otherwise she's just gonna keep doing a rinse and repeat method which wastes wood, and her money.
No one is gonna buy this spur of the moment shit. Actually spend time to figure out whats is 1) in the market, and 2) find the least cost effective and sturdy way to make them. Oh wait. That requires effort.
No. 801818
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In the vlog bRown says “It’s not math but it’s measuring” or something like that
No. 801930
File: 1556848948661.jpeg (146.54 KB, 893x1463, 86A521BE-C112-4FC2-9B9C-7283B3…)

>>801789Her nails. Her fucking nails. Please Holly, go clean them.
No. 802079
>>802052She mentioned somewhere in the middle of her last vlog that she was supposed to take the comic to print like a week or so ago but got majorly distracted by her laser cutter. So who knows if she's actually sat down to do anything regarding her comic since she got it. She'd been slowing down on comic stuff the closer she got to when she received the cutter.
Wouldn't be surprised if it took her another 5 years to get even halfway through paranormal plague.
It's her next purgatory.
No. 802140
File: 1556974332661.png (121.95 KB, 472x318, 2019-05-04 22_51_32-Purgatory …)

>>802135this is cracking me up for some reason
No. 802182
File: 1556987154492.png (290.07 KB, 803x361, Unbenannt.png)

I love the fact she's selling her original pieces for literally nothing at this point - I mean, you get more if you draw something for a teacher in middle school, for fucks sake. I guess she's REALLY desperate for money, but this won't even get her a single room in a shared apartment.
No. 802322
>>802052I honestly want to watch her try to brush it under the rug this time, she got money over her original goal.I'm 100% sure most the money was spent on useless shit.and the ones who gave her money are I gonna get shit products.
but to a degree, she does need to be called out for not delivering on products we saw that she learned nothing from the zine at all, except for blaming the other artists for having "unrealistic expectations " when all Holly could have done was have better communication.
it is going to be the same thing bad money handling and bad communication
No. 802336
>>802322She’s not even going to ship the books quickly. She’s going to be too busy spazzing over making dumb artist alley shit.
Honestly with her following, she should be pulling in $1k in profit per convention AT LEAST and $600 a month in online sales. She doesn’t have work ethic cause she’s the biggest stereotype of “I have ADHD ooo LOOK a shiny” I have ever seen.
She gets motivated on a project for a week or two and then she gets bored.
I’m placing bets that she sells the laser cutter by November after maybe making barely half of the investment back (including all the wood, cutting boards, wood stain, ventilation and other added bullshit)
No. 802358
>>802336This is an almost exact repeat of last year, beat for beat. Last year it was the bnha zine and San Japan. This year its… Laser cutter and San Japan. She thinks she can just suddenly materialize things to sell and she thinks people want it when she goes to table.
She may either end up fucking up the entire laser machine first before trying to sell it, or it'll be a huge paperweight, I'm placing a bet, for way before November. Like maybe August.
No. 802541
>>802140I like how he's just lying there with his arms neatly at his sides instead of being sprawled out after, you know, being shoved off the fucking log. Looks totally natural.
>>802358After the whole callout debacle last year I was really hoping she was gonna turn over a new leaf for real. Instead she's the same old holly fucking up more than ever. It's so depressing.
No. 802645
>>802124It's annoying how she keeps repeating how she's changing the wooden kickstarter charms that she originally design because "it'll look stupid if it's that big" like have you heard of sizing down a vector? And she's all like "oh with MDF you can get more detail in!" and you know in that case…. just size down the drawing?
It just makes no sense. Like people get these things from kickstarters not to use anyway, it's just for decoration most of the time. It's a novelty thing. Anyway it's just really dumb. Waiting for her to get bored of it.
No. 802676
File: 1557163734645.png (236.18 KB, 350x297, f.png)

>>802124no one wants a keychain of an OC that looks so generic but also wonky (that left arm I scream)
Also hes like??? sad?? who fucking wants a depressed boy charm???
No. 802810
>>802804I went to a convention a few weeks ago, and didn't see wood or acrylic charms, but saw other types of charms and pins. Stickers actually seemed pretty popular besides the actual prints.
I'm gonna just go ahead and accept the fact that Holly refuses to learn about what people are interested in buying at these things.
No. 802862
>>802810She could maybe get some success from this at "mixed" conventions that aren't anime specific or places like craft shows. Wood products seem to do better in places like that, from what I've seen.
But, that would mean she actually has to start making generic stuff that normies would gravitate to instead of shitty charms of her original characters that no one cares about. It would also help if she didn't make shit out of particle board.
No. 802946
>>802819From selling at conventions I can tell you from low to high how popular and how well certain products sell.
There's going to always be market for prints but, most people that attend conventions (especially anime ones) are going to be teens that have pocket change and want to buy small cheaper things they can use/wear. I've seen a few people that sell for one particular niche like a con I went to a few months ago had an artist that was selling only mugs with her art on it and another was selling only clocks and both were sold out of alot of their products b just day 2. You know what I don't see ever? Wooden charms. Because they're not only unappealing and lowkey ugly but, they don't appeal to the demographic you're aiming for. She is NEVER going to make her money back on this laser cutter.
No. 804270
File: 1557454133560.png (2.04 MB, 750x1334, 0A29D19F-85A9-496B-AC27-4F6982…)

Oh boy! What a mess. The face is a scribbled mess. That back leg looks…lol. It looks like he doesn’t have bones and looks so disproportion. She also couldn’t even give us a clear photo. It’s so bad.
No. 804289
>>804270Jesus fuck. I would say she might be headed in the right direction with acrylic standees because they're another thing that sell well at conventions but, she somehow managed to fuck that up too. First off they're clear. Acrylic standees are always colored and function well for people who can't afford anime figures, also the base is always acrylic not wood? Wood might work well if it were colored but, with it being clear it's just distracting not to mention WAY too thick, it would be better if it was about 5mm thick because that should be all it needs to stand up, it's not that heavy. Once again she manages to fuck up something that might have been a good idea. Also vapors put off from burning plastic are 10xs more
toxic than burning wood so I pray to GOD she's getting proper ventilation.
No. 804306
>>804270What is the point of this? What is she trying to make, paperweights?? I seriously don't get it. This isn't unique or different, it's sloppy. Why take a gamble investing in this mess when there are actual businesses that make this their main priority? It's not even colored.
I knew she wasn't going to be satisfied with just wood. I knew she was gonna try for acrylic. Burn thru that Kickstarter money, Holls! That's all you're good at doing!
No. 804662
File: 1557503529864.png (390.02 KB, 450x647, puzzy.png)

Oh dear god please no
No. 804677
already hideous.
No. 804909
File: 1557525483540.png (281.84 KB, 759x510, Screenshot 2019-05-10 at 5.57.…)

say what you want about holly but at least she doesn't clickbait
No. 804935
>>804927Oh my God, she's really gone off the deep end.
She half-asses everything she does, including impulsively shaving her head and styling wigs. Her laziness and commitment to never doing proper research know no bounds.
No. 805024
>>804927Oooh, that lacefront though. there's no redeeming that. It's like she grabbed a bunch of straw and glued it on her head.
She's going to keep spending $40 on wigs to experiment on.
now I can totally see her as this middle aged woman with a dusty room full of those mannequin heads for all her wigs and cats around them. The laser cutter, a coffee table. or a night stand.
No. 805253
File: 1557582103532.png (14.03 MB, 1242x2208, F7961ABF-C01D-450D-84FE-C10FEE…)

Who the fuck would want to buy this?
No. 805309
>>805253Oh lord this is awful. The stroppy lines come probably from the fact she uses the brush tool on illustrator (rip). Also like honestly the clock now just looks like it's been fully painted, so what's even the point of the cutter? Honestly like you can't even tell the time.
THis reminds me of school when we had these like building classes and we made these crappy laser cut clocks.
No. 805320
>>804927I remember some misguided anon in the micky thread saying white girls dont need to pluck their (wig) hairline because the only reason you do that is to marry light fabric to dark skin like no that
BLUNT ass lego man hairline is why you pluck no matter the skin colour.
Also for someone you have heard say some real racy shit about women she sure had no issues matching her mom body with a classic non-binary, self doxxed bpd, imbisexualbutonlyfuckmen bald moment.
(The pointers for the cat clock are awful colours and the red looks disgusting over the muted purples)
No. 805643
>>805557Not to go off topic but I have wavy/frizzy hair and it costs quite a lot to get rebonding/keratine treatment. Not to mention it takes over 3 hours if you have long hair. Essentially it's just a huge sink of money and time, and it took years to grow my hair out again to get rid of the chemicals. I found the best way to combat that hair is to get good shampoo and just condition the fuck out of it. And also not wash it every day.
Or you know, chop it short. But I ain't about to put a wig on because like if you're gonna shave off all your hair, own it. A friend of mine with pretty much the exact hair texture as Holly did that, and she never looked back. If you're too busy to take care of your hair get rid of it!
No. 805662
>>804927It looks decent when you can't see the hairline, but as soon as she pans up…yikes.
Poorly shaving your head in your room in the middle of the ngiht is such a classic mental breakdown move.
No. 805702
>>805699It is whit like this that makes me never want to buy any products of hers. Or now any products produced by her for other artists.
I know artists who make their merchandise at home might not work in the same super clean environment as let's say an acrylic charm factory or printing press, but holy shit at least they don't work in a literal pigsty covered in piss and hair both pet and human. I don't want to think about all the germs that are cultivating on every surface of her room.
No. 805798
>>805702I've always taken issue with this! She's so fucking grimy.
People ordering shit from her obviously know how she lives because they watch her vlogs. And even if they didn't, half the pictures of her holding shit, her nails are NEVER clean. And we know it's not from art supplies because she doesn't fucking paint much.
She's so dirty. More people should call her on it.
No. 805800
File: 1557682547853.png (1.33 MB, 604x1088, Screenshot 2019-05-12 at 6.32.…)

>>804927Also found the artist who actually ordered those cactus charms you see in this video. Gotta say, these charm things (I think they're pins, they don't actually have a charm loop) are pretty cute with the paint on, not that that's any of Holly's work.
So I guess MDF is a great option for people who want to hand paint all those darn charms… Either way real tired of Holly using Herschel over and over again as her damn test sample for all her charms.
Also she's going to start selling Purpleheart charms. They cost like £100 for 50 charms. Which is c r a z y.
No. 805870
File: 1557691011421.png (358.33 KB, 969x251, Unbenannt.png)

Please, for the love of god, don't tell me anyone would ever spend this much on a cutting board…
No. 805959
File: 1557699829272.jpg (151.59 KB, 1079x952, Screenshot_20190512-232249_Ins…)

>>805870checked out those boards and of course holly "I love spelling" brown strikes again.
No. 805965
File: 1557700209686.jpg (418.04 KB, 895x1178, Screenshot_20190512-232831_Ins…)

>>805870samefag but jesus, that stand looks horrific, his face! maybe she should limit using clear acrylic to signs only or something. who on earth would want this?
No. 806022
>>805965Her cramped, cluttered designs are the worst examples for these items and even then, the materials are ugly as sin. Clear acrylic with wood? Those clock parts on that ugly ass cat face?
She's always had poor to no taste, but it's on full display here now.
No. 806033
>>805911>>805965It's not just about the quality and the ideas, the mere fact she mostly wants to produce for people who will sell their charms/whatever to their costumers is just a huge mistake on her part and in her calculations.
So far she has made 7 sales, even if we are really generous and take the most expensive option at about 100 dollars (not the cutting boards, since they are a recent addition), she has made a maximum of 700 bucks so far, which isn't even a faction of the laser cutter price, especially if you consider the shit ton of materials she must have gotten. It's a given at this point that she must have spent most if not all her Kickstarter money on this "Project", for some reason believing she will make a profit. The distribution of her Purgatory books is quite questionable at this point, not to mention she surely hasn't finished the new pages and the prologue.
No. 806048
>>806033In her last vlog, she kind of mentioned purgatory as an afterthought. All the pages she's supposed to be working on are in a drawer, which she opens, briefly mentions not wanting to work on them and then shuts it again.
The prospect of those books getting made any time soon is not looking good.
I guess she figured "oh, if I spend that money on the laser cutter then double down on
only my laser cutter "business" I'll turn enough profit to get the books to print and shipped. They'll never know the difference!
Except that's not what's happening. She really thought she was going to turn a profit the moment she started down this path, when almost no business does out the gate.
This isn't what her backers paid for. They didn't pay to fund her half baked business ventures. They (lamentably) paid for a physical copy of her comic.
I forget the due date but it's fast approaching. She's got her grimey fingers in too many pies to pull any part of this off successfully.
I'd argue it's worse than last year.
Next year it'll be a paranormal plague Kickstarter and a shiny new toy for her to set her sights on to fund with that money. She hates art so fucking much.
No. 806131
File: 1557726901444.png (245.14 KB, 506x440, Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 12.5…)

When you realize you've been drawn by a shit artist.
No. 806229
>>806219Lots of those old Rose sketchbooks that she sold. Surprised she hasn't gone round trying to make wooden sketchbook covers yet. Next venture perhaps?
I'm also so surprised someone bought that ugly ass clock like what in the world.
No. 806240
>"I don't think people can read regular clocks anymore.">"Do they teach kids how to read time nowadays?"Oh my god……
Also watching her paint the lines in is killing me like she can't paint in the lines and they're ENGRAVED my god.
>"That's kind of the point of it being engraved"honey why would you engrave something and then paint them in that doesn't make sense.
Also they're $40. And someone bought a clock. That is one expensive fuckin' clock.
>"I want to make something that's physical and useful or at least for display. Like the acrylic stand, it's kinda pretty and stuff and not just a flat piece of artwork"Oh my god…. As if having 30498290423 herschel charms is useful.
But she's admitting she likes designing products. Maybe she'll just go into that in the future.
No. 806261
File: 1557761023114.jpeg (228.63 KB, 739x1258, EF2FED10-FE2D-461D-BF5C-B3E98C…)

The deadline is this month and she’s not even done with the comic itself yet. Instead of working to finish it at the very least she’s playing with a laser cutter….
No. 806272
>>806261Here's a question.
If she has spent the money she got from the kickstarter on the laser printer, cant she get in trouble for that? Especially if the date is this month and it looks like she's nowhere near completed with the comic, let alone the epilogue.
If she can, seriously hope she does. She cant keep leading on her teenage fanbase with the 'new shiny thing' and not deliver what shes promised. What does that say to her fans? Soon there will be loads of mini Holly's doing the same shit.
No. 806273
File: 1557762711491.png (694.21 KB, 1280x720, shaq spicy.png)

>>806131All I'm getting from this.
No. 806429
>>806424Exasperated by the fact that spending money you earned on Kickstarter for anything else besides the project, unfortunately, isn't exactly penalized either. At least not as much as I think. There are scammers out there that keep making projects and collecting money then not following through.its probably hard to tell where that money goes even if it is obvious to everyone else.
I don't know. She'll probably get away with it again because she's not as high profile as she was before. But nobody is getting books by May. It's already the middle of the month and she hasn't addressed anything, not even an extension date.
She's so dishonest. Once she has their money, unless it's about her own self-interests, it's radio silence.
No. 806683
File: 1557815468656.jpeg (347.57 KB, 750x1247, 41C74CC3-E617-4185-86AC-FCC6C9…)

Here’s her update list for the Kickstarter, obviously these weren’t written at the time they were suppose to happen or the comic would be done so take it with a mountain of salt
No. 806724
File: 1557828851604.png (790.52 KB, 720x1044, 20190514_181241.png)

Seriously who would want this?? Plus since this is a cutting board wouldnt her design get fucked up eventually?
No. 806725
>>806724I think she's designing a lot of things that she doesn't actually use, so she doesn't think about the practicality of her designs. You wouldn't be able to use this to knead any kind of dough since your flour/oil/dough would get stuck in the engravings. As for cutting things, not having an even surface could cause what you're cutting (or even your knife) to slip.
I've seen people use fancy-looking cutting boards as decoration though, maybe that's what she wants them to be used for.
No. 806832
>>806814well, she still does make most of these designs in big batches and to sell on a con or similar - so the critique is
valid in this case. Even if something else was etched into the cutting board, the fact that actually using it in the kitchen could potentially become quite a hassle remains true as well.
Overall, she really doesn't sell herself well, especially by putting her god-awful designed OCs on all of her mockups.
No. 806994
>>806844Wow, she could not make it more obvious that she doesn't care about doing a decent job. Not only does she never bother with checking her spelling, she clearly doesn't read her own dialogue back to herself even once to make sure it's coherent.
On another note, I feel like once she stopped drawing massive jaws/chins she started going too far in the opposite direction. She's been placing her characters mouths weirdly low on their faces lately. I'm growing nostalgic for the chin phase.
No. 806995
>>806844I didn't actually read this until I saw all the comments complaining and honestly I thought
I was the one having the stroke, not generic dad
No. 807244
>>807182I still can’t get over how she couldn’t be bothered to reference a shotgun/rifle holding pose. She has no problems with tracing shit as we’ve seen before so what was stopping her this time other than complete laziness?
Also, Ditto faces actually enhances this lol!
No. 807512
>>807182Okay, I'm confused. Top left is Damien (undercut, black shirt), top right is Hitler Jr. (anime hair, white shirt), and bottom right (anime hair, black shirt) is… who? Did Hitler Jr.'s shirt change color?
Why is the text in that last bubble all tilty?
Don't even get me started on how bizarre it is that this kid randomly wants to fucking murder his dad. Instead of like. Going to the police and telling them his friend's been raped.
No. 807765
>>807661Not going to lie, this is what she /should/ be selling. The copic stands look fine and her prices aren't extremely high.
She was shooting herself in the foot making ugly charms and cutting boards, so this is a step in the right direction.
No. 807801
>>807746because it's the Holly Cycle.
1) develop an obsession with a certain product.
2) spend copious amounts of money to obtain said product.
3) use product for a week, claim to be a master at it.
4) get bored after a month, say product is actually shitty and you never liked it.
5) sell product so that you can buy something else to obsess over for a month.
6) rinse+repeat.
No. 807840
>>807801Oh god anon you're right, we're at stage 3 where she claims she's the only person to make 'good' copic cases.
Honestly the wood stain is awful and the chances of this case breaking in shipment is so high. Perhaps a fully acrylic stand would actually look better. People like to see their things.
No. 808005
File: 1558119891863.png (22.63 KB, 443x261, Unbenannt.png)

>>807902someone asked, seems like they are being printed already?! No idea at what point she finished the second book, the epilogue AND the redraws of the whole first one, but here we are.
No. 808022
File: 1558122026530.png (45.51 KB, 695x549, Unbenannt.png)

(sorry, forgot to attach it)
No. 808321
File: 1558172207576.png (1.26 MB, 887x890, cc.png)

I feel stupid for thinking that the first cat clock was ugly, because this (and the fact that someone bought it) is genuinely haunting.
No. 808552
>>808321This one isn't that bad. This one
>>805253 is a worse design with horrible colors. This one, despite its shoddy paint job, at least doesn't hurt my eyes to look at.
That aside I don't understand the appeal of cat clocks or the need for them to be engraved.
No. 808950
>>808866Lmao you can also set the copic case on its side.
But that was my other question.. don’t most people buy the sets and just use the case that came with it? I don’t like buying individual markers cuz it feels like they’ve been used up already
No. 809073
File: 1558288353397.png (119.63 KB, 1080x635, Screenshot_2019-05-19-12-50-25…)

Here. Now let's stop talking about it now lmao
No. 809444
File: 1558338198862.png (Spoiler Image,175.92 KB, 446x460, penis stickers by BRown.png)

>>806219>goes to page 9 on the listing>sees thisHOLY KEK
No. 809464
>>809444Lel the head on the top left one is backwards.
How can a straight woman in her mid-twenties not know what a penis looks like.
No. 809477
>>809444They look deformed… I feel bad for the people she referenced.
Like who is Holly's audience even? The attempt at things like the 'cutesy' cat clocks suggests she's aiming at teenagers but then she posts gross stuff like this…
No. 810033
File: 1558416511748.png (366.7 KB, 357x669, repomansdream.png)

No. 810196
>>810033Why would you get a car before getting a place to move into???
Its not like she has to go anywhere to make money
No. 810720
>>810475Not to wk, but unless it goes 'viral' , no business just absolutely takes off that fast.
For Holly, she lost a chunk of her followers after she burned as many bridges as she possibly could, deleted her Twitter and changed her yt channel. She'd shot herself in the foot so many times, that it's going to be difficult to see her succeeding past six months with her current bullshit.
>>810560How much you wanna bet she's going to start bitching about other people using her car, trying to do maintenance on it herself, then going 'guys I made Herschel and Reese decals for ur cars, idk I think that'd be cool, just to make them.'
And then a month later she's coming up with something like,
'i'm thinking about laser cutting some seatbelts and steering wheels. You know cause I drive and it's for people with cars, idk. If you don't know what a car is, it's basically–"
And still nobody's gotten their comic.
No. 811113
>>810425 Well her mom seems to have a decent job so unless she's also up to her eyeballs in debt they shouldn't be struggling. I mean that would make sense seeing as Holly has a spend now, worry about it later attitude so maybe she got that from her but yeah it does look a bit suspicious.
Even if it is all true it seems a bit tone deaf to run a Kickstarter and then flaunt that you spent the money on things nothing to do with the Kickstarter. Honestly if she was more popular I would expect her to be getting a lot of flack by now but we're only talking about a couple of hundred backers who are more invested so they seem to be happy with letting her get away with it.
No. 811161
>>810720This is is scarily accurate, anon.
>>811158"Forgot to account for stuff"… Is that what we're calling splurging with kickstarter money now?
No. 811263
>>810720You made my fuckin' evening, anon (and I also read it in Holly's voice)
>>811167>Hol(l)y shitYou two lmaaaaooo
No. 811373
File: 1558575446442.jpeg (830.82 KB, 1145x1125, 4400437F-B106-4DEB-A5B4-B80587…)

>>811158She’s showed her new wig during the livestream as well
No. 811653
>>811373So she couldn't handle basic care of a synthetic wig, so she chucked it and spent $140 on a human hair wig, which will require even more care?
Also she should at least learn how to wear it properly. I've seen amateur cosplayers wear wigs better than this.
No. 811658
>>810033I’m almost certain she couldn’t get this without someone co-signing and I just hope the co-signer is prepared to essentially pay for that car themselves at some point. Her income likely isn’t anywhere near consistent enough to keep up the payments and other costs that having a car incurs.
>>810720Also wayyyy to accurate Anon omg my sides
No. 811775
>>811731Can this not turn into a race thing
No one wants to talk about "how certain ethnicities shouldn't wear a wig" cuz that's bullshit, many people of all races wear wigs (for fashion choices or from hair loss) and if you want this to devolve in retarded race baiting by saying others don't have the right then you can fuck off or have others report you
No. 811817
>>811704She needs to be called out on this by her backers. I just can't understand her logic of flaunting these big purchases to her followers and then needing to open up to commissions because she "forgot to account for stuff?" ie: now she can't afford to print the books.
Dear lord, learn how to budget woman and read some books on business or podcasts or something at least.
She really did expect to make her money back quickly on the laser cut orders. The business may be good over time but her followers aren't really made up of many people that need this kind of product.
No. 811856
>>811838That's what really pisses me off, too. It's not just the laser cutter but all the dumb shit she makes with it, and all the excess material she buys that probably won't even get used. Now there's a car in the picture. The thing of it is, nobody but the backers can really call her on her shit, and Instagram isn't the best place to do that.
if she still had her twitter, she'd be less likely to get away with it, but she has before. This isn't even new.
Her supporters with money are too dumb or too scared to figure her out and call her on it. It isn't like she's got the same audience pull like she used to. So no one should be scared of calling her a scam artist by now. She's gotten away with it one too many times.
No. 811876
>>811838That would require her to actually finish the books first and not jump between other projects like laser cutting shit and shaving her head. She’s still got the comic itself to finish plus an epilogue and all the other backer rewards too. But laser projects take full priority because it’s instant money over the money she was already paid and having to deliver on her KS. Chances are the KS money is almost all spent with the laser, wood and the car.
Those books are never going to be sent out at this rate. She ran with her fans money again.
No. 812869
File: 1558826193476.png (718.63 KB, 876x694, vproductive.png)

When are we getting custom wood wigs though?
No. 813194
>>811373>dropping 140 on a hard front wig that looks like a terrible grown out dye jobHolly, you shaved your head for
>>812955She thinks it's subversive social commentary or some shit, according to how she talks about it. Also
>>812957 No. 813290
File: 1558922350870.jpg (229.44 KB, 940x1308, purge1.jpg)

Speaking of Purgatory
No. 813321
Holly should’ve used some KS money to get a decent autocorrect system.
No. 813356
File: 1558933603133.png (200.53 KB, 592x682, 20190527_130619.png)

I cant get over at how bad and broken this looks holy shit
No. 813357
File: 1558933639126.png (101.47 KB, 434x345, trolled.png)

lolol thanks for posting these. it's becoming reminiscent of comics by aspie kids that go viral for the quirky language and art
No. 813358
File: 1558933661402.png (153.2 KB, 720x416, 20190527_130654.png)

His reaction is so awkward too
No. 813367
>>813357This might be the funniest thing Holly has ever drawn, it's just so perfectly stupid.
The faceeessss. It's like she tried to do something realistic and dramatic, but ended up with shrivelled fruits. This update feels like some sort of weird recap, jesus christ.
No. 813369
File: 1558936677133.png (122.45 KB, 315x474, 2AD83932-D45A-4DD9-BD76-099C1E…)

Definitely a mood.
You’d think for the money she received to finish the comic that she would at least TRY to put a tiny bit of effort into it. But that’s too much to ask of her apparently. She wants only to play with her lasers and make mediocre marker holders. If this isn’t a big “fuck you” to her fans, I don’t know what is.
No. 813372
>>813295this pacing is so tragic, that scene should at least be 3 pages to build up tension but clearly holly couldn’t care less about quality at this point.
She just wants a finished book at this point
No. 813398
File: 1558945153990.png (126.53 KB, 940x693, 2019-05-27 10_17_23-Purgatory …)

Holly's fans are wild.
No. 813432
File: 1558953036833.jpeg (99.58 KB, 750x969, 92587C07-837C-43BA-8030-622299…)

>>813295Interesting how hitler got a black eye out of nowhere
No. 813460
File: 1558960278667.png (32.2 KB, 139x149, Screenshot from 2019-05-27 14-…)

>>813293Oh my god I can't get over how fucked up this face is. Holly are you okay?? Every time I can't think she can't get any worse and every time she continues to surprise me.
No. 814284
File: 1559069640466.png (1.06 MB, 897x735, skel1.png)

>>814235This 1000 %, she can't say it out loud anymore because there would be consequences, but this is extremely similar to things she has said in the past, birds of a feather and all that.
In other news: Coffee skeletons, hip with the kids!
No. 814367
>>814284Wonky as usual but I can actually see someone buying this rather than a sketchbook with her sexual abuse
victim OC engraved on it.
No. 814567
File: 1559091551100.jpeg (131.49 KB, 750x1334, B48698AC-45A0-4655-AF18-C41052…)

She’s really trying to avoid working on her comic isn’t she? She’s just constantly spamming new items for her “shop” and is just wasting her time instead of giving the books people paid for. Don’t know if she was being serious or not when she said she wanted to
>make new designs everyday.
No. 815230
File: 1559181644413.jpg (260.05 KB, 699x1123, 20190529_215901.jpg)

what is she trying to say here
No. 815257
File: 1559186606934.png (3.47 MB, 2208x1242, F8F7A423-5FFC-437A-A68F-DE3EF9…)

>>815253Already complaining about having to fulfill other peoples orders instead of building up stock for her Etsy. Then maybe don’t set up a business to cater to other people’s needs for custom orders and just focus on your own shit… like the Kickstarter comic you still haven’t finished yet. My god she is insufferable.
No. 815279
>>815253ufff she said she applied for Amazon warehouse work, could you fucking imagine her actually doing that lmao
but also this one is making my blood boil a bit with the whole "I don't want a REAL job" spiel, followed by her irritating tittering. the wig is horrendous btw
No. 815326
>>815257samefag but holy shit I did not expect the wig to look THAT bad.
Also I can't believe I predicted the whole custom wooden engraves sketchbook bullshit…. god….
No. 815526
>>815253She should just embrace the buzz cut instead of getting these insanely fake looking wigs. Especially nowadays it's not that weird.
>>815257Noticed that too, I don't get why she'd offer custom items if she doesn't want to make things for other people.
No. 815794
File: 1559273442796.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 67B9884C-017B-479F-9093-1F6230…)

Holly got a job everyone! Good for her. She’s applied to a few locations. Though I’m going to assume this might be the Amazon job she mentioned at one point. Can’t imagine her sticking around for that job since the working conditions will not be the best and she’ll be expected to hussle nonstop.
No. 815866
>>815849don't worry she is not going to finish one shift. Search up people's experience with this job and imagine her trying to do that. She chose
the hardest job out there so after she quits she will say 'ok, jobs are out' because she'll assume they're all like that
No. 815964
>>815866I really thought she was turning a new leaf with the car, but it looks like she chose the most bullshit job just so she can never apply anywhere in the future.
Also holly amazon ships art and you ship art don’t you see them as a direct competitor wtf??
The dog poop cleaner job would have been great for her. No human social interaction, but still being around some other living breathing things would be nice.
No. 815970
>Also holly amazon ships art and you ship art don’t you see them as a direct competitor wtf??What's that got to do with her art? The key difference is Amazon isn't a failed business attempt. She's not even in the running as competition on a basic level.
This is like asking an artist "why do you work at michaels, they also cater to other artists." like..No shit? Dunno if you were being sarcastic here or not but that's a pretty stupid argument to make.
Anyway, she's ALREADY bitching about her hours, she's
not gonna last. She might as well still be job hunting at this point because that's not a job for someone who's been outta work for 3+ years. Hell, it's not a job for most reasonable people who want decent treatment at work.
She's going to be too tired to do much else when she gets back at 6AM, and then she'll be bitching about how she hasn't gotten to work on any of her laser stuff (Purgatory who?) and once she figures she can hide behind her shit job, her fans are gonna stan her for "working SO hard!" again.
It's $15 an hour, if it's Amazon, so it'll be interesting to see how long she'd be willing to last for that money. She won't find too many other options better than that for her basic skill set. So if she goes looking for another job after she quits she'll be acting like she's entitled to that and more.
No. 815982
>>815253>when you’re an artist renters won’t let you have a placeWhat??? I’m full time freelance and I got a place no problem. Is she fucking retarded? It’s all based on credit scores, background checks, and they ask your yearly income. Which, yes Holly’s credit score is absolutely SHIT, proved by her fucking asinine car payment. She applied to this job so she can quit it and complain.
Also Holly get a real fucking wig? One that costs like $50+ Budget wigs always look like shit. Also clean it? god. It won’t look like you’re a fucking forest troll
No. 816098
>>816001Yeah, I was wondering why her mom doesn't sit down with her and have an adult conversation.
She knows about her debt right? I mean she wanted her to go back to school
No. 816231
>>815993Can you imagine Holly living with a roommate? I doubt it would go well for anyone involved.
>>816098Her family situation seems pretty messed up, I doubt her mom and her have the kind of relationship where that kind of conversation would happen.
No. 818128
File: 1559699445730.jpeg (166.99 KB, 749x664, 85F14979-F984-466D-AE5E-3FE090…)

Minor update but some important info.
>sister moved in the house (with baby)
>Holly still wants to rent a house (good luck since she also has $400+ car payments to meet)
>Working a night job.
>books are being printed already?
Which is odd considering that online the story isn’t even done. And she also promised an epilogue. So I’m guess she rushed through it and submitted the files to be printed and is just slowly updating the comic online??? I honestly don’t know.
Though I will say that reading the text was almost depressing. I feel like I can hear the depression in the writing.
No. 818133
File: 1559699610669.jpeg (128.94 KB, 750x904, 4A56A88E-0E1B-4EC2-BDB1-DEF648…)

She’s really going to abuse the cat face now.
No. 818579
>>818128Why does she force herself into such hectic lifestyles all the time?
Like she can never seem to just chill out and have a few things going on rather than a dozen at a time.
If she just worked on her comics while doing a part time job she would probably feel so much better compared to always being stressed by thinking of paying rent, paying for the car, working on products for the store, working on a book, doing commisions, and doing youtube all at the same time….
Holly, just pick a couple, theres no need to rush everything and do it all at once
Her posts always sound so tiring and depressing
No. 818749
>>818579Because she thinks working all the time somehow makes her more successful and worthy as an artist.
I get the impression that she thinks if you are not working every waking hour of the day on something then you are just not doing it right, you're not serious enough about it. She doesn't seem to get that working hard is only part of the equation. You have to be smart about it.
Redrawing her comic over and over is only going to give her diminishing returns but she's so obsessed with getting it right that she can't move past it.
No. 820002
>>819821Thats good. Tbh she probably just needed some social interaction to fix alot of her out bursts.
Now that shes with people who will most likely talk to her multiple times a day her mood will probably become a lot better since she wont be socially deprived (which can really fuck with your mind set and life choices)
No. 821577
>>818133I bought the BNHA zine from a girl at Nekocon and she had art of a character that looked suspiciously just like this cat's face, heart mouth and all. I could be wrong, but it's how I found out about Holly, I bought that dumb zine.
Side note: The girl at Nekocon last year was selling the bnha zine for $5 each cause she said they were all defective. it feel apart and I ended up keeping a few of the pages to use as posters and ended up chucking the rest of it.
No. 821630
File: 1560428296328.jpg (253.55 KB, 940x1308, purge1.jpg)

Thread is slow, let's look at the new Purgatory pages!
No. 821631
File: 1560428329995.jpg (261.95 KB, 940x1308, purge2.jpg)

>>821630I feel like these just keep getting worse
No. 821632
File: 1560428383364.jpg (291.21 KB, 940x1308, purge3.jpg)

>>821631Idk what happened to that panel
No. 821635
File: 1560428499327.jpg (328.34 KB, 940x1308, purge6.jpg)

>>821634What the fuck is even going on here?
No. 821638
>>821631Thanks anon, haven't laughed this much in days.
Whatever tiny amount of dramatic tension she was going for is just gone on this page. That last panel feels so empty and goofy
No. 821653
File: 1560429868476.png (237.61 KB, 858x396, punchpunchstompstomp.png)

I am overwhelmed by comedy gold
No. 821699
>>821665this is a person who wrote
>agains'ttwice. so it's not even a visual mixup
No. 821753
File: 1560450140567.jpg (337.77 KB, 780x926, HollySeparateTheEyesPlease.jpg)

>>818133i think one of Holly's ongoing issues, especially when trying to draw more "cutesy" stuff, is the eyes are always too close together. Sorry if this counts as redlining but i just wanted to see how this would look with the features moved around a little. It's the same issue on her OC's, their faces are so smushed together
No. 821872
File: 1560464526555.png (155.33 KB, 381x611, 3225813E-EAF5-4650-BB8C-4F3203…)

Was he supposed to say something here or…? With as sloppy as these pages are, it’s safe to say she doesn’t give a shit about this story anymore and just wants to move on with her laser business. If the people that backed her KS ever get their rewards, they can see how little effort and enthusiasm went into it. Hope it was worth it!
No. 821930
File: 1560467763132.jpeg (131.99 KB, 750x456, 4FF007B4-AA40-4150-B3DC-3D0B0E…)

This should be a banner or something I audibly lol’d fuck
No. 822108
File: 1560504987282.png (422.53 KB, 1115x724, brk.png)

It's probably fairly safe to assume that the Kickstarter money has officially run out, brilliant.
No. 822109
>>822107The other kid is Hitler's son, the one with Hitler at the begining is Damian.
I know that Holy has been pretty vocal about worlduilding being a waste of time but Jesus… A floorplan, at least? Basic notions about how this world and religion works. But let's be real she just wants to draw boys making out and fucking. Even the latter, I'm not sure if she enjoys drawing porn, she seemed so embarrassed while working on Seize
No. 822220
>>822109anon, what part makes you think she likes drawing…… At all?? LMAO
I can't believe she took money from her fans to halfheartedly deliver this absolute garbage to them.
No. 822375
>>822107I think whats happening is that hitler chased them into their house and they ran into a bedroom and while simon and hitlers son ran to a closet to hide (for some reason???) Damian ran to lock the door so hitler couldnt get into the room they ran into.
So the first panel is damian running up to the door to lock it while the other two are being pussies and hiding in the closet
No. 822617
>>822108Remember when she bragged about getting over 100 comissions and we only ever saw three?
No. 823242
File: 1560791033307.png (271.86 KB, 1138x822, IMG_7363.PNG)

Maybe it's just me,but her old purgatory art looks more visually interesting than her newer stuff
No. 823277
>>823242Nothing frustrates me more than seeing Holly’s old comic because there’s so much wasted potential there. It looks genuinely interesting, like If I came across it at a store and leafed through it the art style would grab my attention and maybe get me to buy it.
Her odd proportions and the weird hair even work in it because it suits the wonky cartoon style where as in purgatory's current boring, flat state, it just looks amateur
No. 823319
File: 1560804037441.png (31.97 KB, 1071x97, hmmmm.png)

No. 823379
>>822866She keeps taking fuckloads of commissions, decidedz after like 2 if them it's "not fun" or "not for her" and refunds. Rinse repeat. It's absurd how she's completely incapable with sticking to anything unless it gets her a quick buck. I don't know how her audience is stupid enough to keep giving her money.
>>823243Oh, is she bored with the laser cutter too now? What a surprise.
No. 823414
>>823386But in her livestreams her commission to-do list seemed decently long, so she must've sold more than one. Unless she was doing most of those for free, which doesn't sound like something she'd do.
>>823242She's regressed significantly in terms of aesthetic sense. Her old version of Purgatory was unpolished but had a lot of character. What's funny is that she gets mad when people compliment her older work, as if people only say it to disrespect her and all of the 'progress' she's made since then.
No. 823464
>>823425Going by my memory of watching older vlogs of hers the very original version of Purgatory (the left one) was never uploaded to be available for people to read. The pages are kept in a binder somewhere in her room along with the rest of her traditionally inked comic pages.
It's a shame because I also think the OG Purgatory was the most interesting and artsy to look at.
No. 823897
>>823895She didn’t get fired on her first day, I don’t think she said exactly how long it lasted.
Honestly, I think that if Holly was actually as hardworking and detail-oriented as she thinks she is, she wouldn’t have gotten fired regardless of her fuck-ups.
No. 823913
>>823905"going to be", already is
why else do you think she has so many lolcow threads already
No. 823931
>>823929Oh boy now she's talking about Reese and Ash looking the same and she's like "Yeah but I don't have to change them because I like them looking pretty"
idk it's just…. like she keeps making excuses for not improving.
No. 823967
>>823963It honestly sounds like she's trying to justify to herself why she's a failure at every job.
"It's not like I'm bad at art, it's just that I don't like other people's characters and concepts because mine are way better and I'd rather work on that"
"It's not that I'm a bad worker, have zero discipline and can't follow rules, it's that people are stupid and I hate bosses because I know better"
"It's not like I have no social or practical skills, it's that mennial labor like retail only appeals to souless people"
It comes from a place of being emotionally and socially stunted, along with being coddled for a skill she thought made her godtier and now realizing she's mediocre at best because she didn't put in the work. Reality is really hitting her hard, realizing she has no job prospects on the art market. And it's not only because of her mediocre art, plenty of mediocre artists get jobs, I think most of all her downfall is her abysmal attitude because she's stuck in her teens. Her life is becoming an existential nightmare tbh, but she laid on the bed she made - no friends,no work , debt, that's all on her, and maybe her enablers.
No. 823976
File: 1560945715829.png (10.02 KB, 469x106, 405207365.PNG)

>>823964Like round 16 minutes (rough transcript)
>what I like doing omg, shit. yeah, I-I dunno, when I make artwork for money it's just that you know? you can't really pay me to care, you can only pay me to fulfill a job, cos if you can pay somebody to care, that's a lot of care, the only way to do that is to pay them to do their own thing. i guess some people don't have their own thing so their job is a lot of meaning to them because they don't really create much themselves right, which is like really dark I guess but like, for example, people who don't like write their own characters and stuff, they'd love to work for disney or something, cause they have no desire to make their own characters, they just want to do it for disney or do it for this, you know, and some people are like that, like they literally don't want to make their own thing and want to work for someone as in a team. and you know and that's not how I am haha and I know I'm not like that like I literally hate people so like… the concept of me like having to constantly battle with people over my ideas and constantly having to justify art decisions or be challenged on something or like.. but I dunno if it's a means to an end and you know it is, as opposed to trying to care when you don't care, it is a lot easier. for example, if someone is like "can you draw 14 swords, can you do it?" I can do it, I can do those things, but if you're telling me to care about the story and plot and world and universe and you're telling me you're hiring me for that, then it's a lot of emotional labour I suppose huehah you know what I mean, I don't know if that makes sense but I invest a lot of effort into the stuff I care bro, like a lot, like i'm grossly obsessive as you all know, if I feel like there's something wrong with the project or story or something, I'll probably let them know huuuahah and they might not like that shit ahah or like i'd probably get disinterested because I'd be too scared to tell them something you know?But then she goes on that she'd rather be a cog in the machine, while also expressing a distaste for it ("I'd prolly be a colorist, like, here, Holly, take my grunt work, I'll be in the car"), which one is it then, Holly? just her entire tone during that part is so insufferable, she comes across so snotty and arrogant.
also this is the only comment lol
No. 824001
>>823976I speaks for her level of delusion and her lack of knowledge regarding the industry - nobody pays you to "care", not getting too attached to characters/subjects is pretty much the first rule if you want to work creatively AND earn money. Alternatively, you have to be damn good at your craft (and, even better, have made a name of yourself) THEN you can maybe take the time to focus on your OCs, as shitty as they may be.
Currently, she is no better than any other 14 year old who wants to live in a fantasy world rather than work a job they don't like or face any kind of consequences. That's not how you make a living, plain and simple, considering she doesn't even have a degree she should take any job she should get and be happy.
No. 824023
>>823976She's so full of shit lol. She can't get an industry job because she doesn't know basic fundamentals but she refuses to learn because it's her 'style' (she even said something in the stream about how other artists that are 'too technical' don't understand style).
She had a Patreon she could have built up. What's your excuse there Holly? Isn't that you being paid to draw your own comics with your own characters? Oh but then she'd need to work consistently and she's actually just fucking lazy.
No. 824160
File: 1560984368683.jpeg (165.77 KB, 1242x873, 349EF19F-B31B-4378-8703-039557…)

Maybe her followers are finally getting fed up with her constant complaining and general negativity. When she was drawing the commission on stream, she kept talking about how bad it looked and was just going to finish it anyway. I’d hate to be the person who commissioned an OC that was halfheartedly finished like that.
No. 824170
>>824160That's not going to happen until they grow up/she murders someone, the subscribers she has left after the shitstorm pretty much only consists of very dedicated tweens judging by her tagged IG pictures.
I always wonder if Keith knows he's a bit of a fam favorite over here.
No. 824846
>>824690Was this made by that same retard who made the 30 minute holly brown episode that was just as bad as this? Yeah please stop posting that shit here, we dont care
Its not even relevent here except for the single holly brown tweet
No. 825476
>>825457It's easy to forget how she freely lies. I mean, this is the person who made a video saying she got into calarts. There was nobody putting her on the spot panicking her - she premeditatedly made the video. In the second-to-last stream she said she was ten minutes late to the Amazon warehouse. She blamed herself. A few minutes later she was starting to work herself into indignation that actually it was unreasonable she got i fired. she said
>because I was FIVE minutes late? five fucking minutes??i feel kinda weird after listening to her streams though, i realise that everything we drag her for, she knows. she knows but she can't stop/can't change. and she made the point that many people with her background would be a junkie or dead by now and i think to some extent that's a
valid point.
No. 825490
>>825480Holly replaced a drug addiction with a shopping addiction so is she that much better off? She is in a position where she could save so much money and build an honest career but she throws it away every time by either mouthing off like a fucking idiot or spending her cash as soon as it hits her bank account. She's better off in that she isn't dead or in jail but that's about all she can say.
Addiction definitely runs in her family and I sympathize, but she could be getting therapy and saving money while creating content. Instead she's hell bent on halfway ruining her life any time the opportunity arises.
No. 825496
File: 1561264316724.png (16.84 KB, 831x101, Keith no.PNG)

>>825486She shits on your character design right on stream after taking so long to draw it. Like how can you still like her Keith???
No. 825523
>>823861A little late, but here are some highlights that haven't been mentioned yet from the stream
1 hour in:
>Regrets shaving her head>Planning on making a video on screen printing>Acquired a new heat press recently>Wants to make a video using the heat press with vinyl >Not interested in watching any youtube content because it’s overly saturated with drama>Thinks that she might have psoriasis>Rants about hating having curly hair for 10 minutes2 hours in:
>Sister in the room with Holly hole punching sketch books >Going to sell wood earrings on etsy>Talks about how her sense of humor gets her in trouble >Doesn’t like when children younger than 12 go to conventions>Acknowledges that people think Reese is her persona. Retorts back with: “that literally makes no sense contextually in the story.” (2:51:45)3 hours in:
>Says that the laser shop is doing both “good and bad” and that she's preparing herself for the bad reviews>“I literally don’t like most artists and I don’t want to be apart of any community anymore” (3:39:18) >“My characters are literally like always just desecrated when some people draw them.” (3:41:51) very humble hols>“Fun has left the building really in terms of art” (3:48:57)4 hours in:
>“The things that I care about are just not exactly what is in those technical books. The things that I care about are, are………they’re not always the most technical but they are the fundamentals of comics I guess. Like panel readability, character expression, um panel layout.” (4:00:32) TOP KEK>Now hopes that the printed Purgatory comics will arrive by the end of the month now. Kickstarter rewards are getting delayed even longer>“That’s the problem when you literally use the cheapest book printing place. But like, I don't know. I couldn’t afford the other ones. You know what I mean?” (4:05:06) >“I slept so much today. I slept like 5 hours today. Like I seriously can't be tired.” (4:47:29)Once the fifth hour hit she mentally checked out
No. 825546
>>825523>Doesn’t like when children younger than 12 go to conventionsPretty sure those kids are more mature than she is tbh
>"My characters are literally like always just desecrated when some people draw them.” LOL she's saying this as if her character designs actually look good
>Acknowledges that people think Reese is her persona. Retorts back with: “that literally makes no sense contextually in the story.” None of her so called "story" makes sense
>“I literally don’t like most artists and I don’t want to be apart of any community anymore"They don't want you either Holly
No. 826216
>>826204She doesnt even have any friends, because she never has anything good to say about anyone. Not even herself. She can't take her head out of her own ass for just one fucking second to appreciate someone else's company, let alone other artists. This is why she's so miserable, and socially inept. She's built herself a little protective shell online and stayed there for so long that she became out of touch. The only time she interacts with others is when she's trying to get their money.
Not sure what she's even still doing or why she even bothers with art any more if she's obviously miserable doing it.
Someone mentioned she already lost her car/job? Tough shit if true, but she made no effort on any front.
No. 826266
>>826226So soon.
And another couple bills to pay, too. If she's at fault and she JUST got the car, her current insurance might drop her, AND her mom/aunt's insurance increases if holls is under her name. So, yeah. Cool move, holly.
Outside of just scraping by to pass the written and driving tests, she probably got
no practice or lessons in between that and the time she got her license. States like texas sort of just hand licenses out to anybody.
This is all just me guessing though. But she's definitely out more money.
No. 826354
It feels weird to say this, but all this crap surrounding certain members of the Art tube community was what really made me realize just how few youtubers care more about enjoying themselves and connecting to an audience than about the money and views. Holly for instance, is the only one I know who clearly comes from a super shitty impoverished background, and she could have given a lot of younger artists in similar situations hope if she didn't constantly make the kind of stupid lifestyle decisions that ppl w/ no common sense and who are from uneducated rural areas are often expected to make. (And which ultimately just continues the cycle of poverty and debilitating mental illness.)
Remember when she said she wanted to go into business for the moolah?? Honestly that could have been worth it alone just from her being forced to take classes on finances and maybe, POSSIBLY learning a thing or two about how to manage her own. Clearly she doesn't learn from anyone in her family, or from fucking up on the internet for all to see, OR from losing tons of money all the time bc she doesn't have to worry about suffering consequences like, y'know, homelessness and starvation. (The real kind, not the short fasts or whatever she does where she can still afford whatever junk she wants when she feels like eating again. The kind where you're scrambling for cash or to find somewhere that will give you free food bc otherwise you'll literally die.) I mean, obviously I don't want that kind of thing to happen to her nor would I wish it on anyone, but it seems like a possibility if something ever happens to her aunt and she has to make it on her own rn. Or even if she roomed with her sister and the baby, it's not a stretch to imagine her barely paying the minimum of her half of the living costs or even less than that and expecting her sister to pick up the slack somehow, for whatever dumb fuckjng reason she comes up with. "reee I went 2 days w/o food, so can you and the kid!!" "No I can't watch ur shitty kid while u go work an actual job and I sit on my ass drawing deformed alien dicks all day, tf??? Lol wouldnt even care if they got into the toxic wood staining supplies or the laser cutter, wish my cats would do the same and die!!"
No. 826376
>>826359please don't comment if you don't know fuck all
>>826354regarding rent and moving out - there was a weird bit in her stream where she started saying - i presume practicing a lie to see how plausible it sounds - that she pays all the bills at that house and that's the motivation for moving out. She implied that 'her family' (her aunt?) will struggle without her. no idea of the timestamp sorry
No. 826384
>>826359>>826376Holly literally gets IPads for Christmas, never had to work while attending College (no, her shit show doesn't count), had anything from gym memberships to driving lessons and has in theory an incredible amount of freedom for choosing a job/lifestyle.
If that's not middle class I don't know what is, being bad with money and/or a hoarder doesn't change that one bit.
No. 826458
>>826386She didn’t really grow up around her parents so I don’t see how that is relevant. Her Aunt-mom basically provided her with everything she needed and more so get out of here with that ‘improvised artist’ bs.
Seriously I’m pretty sure Holly pushes the whole ‘I’m a poor artist’ story so more people buy her stuff out of pity.
No. 826550
>>826527I haven't seen anyone complain about this kickstarter yet, I wonder why
People complained about the bnha zine being late, but not this. Do her fans really believe her that much?
No. 826578
>>826414It be amusing to find out that her brother is actually quite nice, decent job and comes home now and then to check on the aunt because he's worried about Holly fleecing her.
Also didn't she say she was bi too?, so why was she disgusted of being thought of "butch" lesbian?. Oh right because she's a liar.
No. 826669
>>826550Two factors, I think. One is that she had more followers during the zine era, and the other is that in this case nobody cares about the actual product. People only support Purgatory to support Holly. Most readers found the comic through her channel, not the other way around.
Fans who've stuck around through the zine, the tracing, and everything else aren't going to be deterred by anything she does.
No. 827157
File: 1561555350536.png (493.94 KB, 449x771, sure.png)

No. 827545
>>826871I wonder what she means by "dated" because I genuinely can't imagine her in a relationship with anybody.
I can't believe she's sticking with that "I'm bi" bullshit.
She specifically has said, with unconcealed disgust, that other young women in the artist/convention community have flirted with her or mistaken her for a lesbian. A women who is genuinely interested in other women wouldn't be annoyed/disgusted by their attention.
No. 828321
>>828314is actually really depressing- shes trying to get work to help support her sister during her divorce and make money so her sister can keep her daughter from a
toxic environment.
No. 828674
File: 1561728187697.png (302.6 KB, 931x511, Unbenannt3.png)

…does she WANT princess to look this ugly?! Also, asking her underage fanbase for work can only end well, right?
No. 828821
File: 1561740347660.png (66.61 KB, 325x311, wat.png)

>>828674It looks like she put his armpit right in the middle of his arm.
No. 828827
>>828674His arm to got damn long.
>What ever you think I'm qualified forYou can't even finish a comic without drawing it a million times over.
It's funny how she's asking for work now, even though she knows damn well she doesn't work well with others, and isn't interested in anyone else's projects. Literally a year ago she was trying to hire someone to help
her with her work then just shat on him.
There are some parts of her life I'm sure she doesn't deserve, like, sometimes you just get dealt a shitty hand, but she fully deserves whatever backlash she gets from a social/artist standpoint.
Ever since she deleted her Twitter she's been scraping the barrel for whatever relevancy she can get.
>>828527 is absolutely right, it is strange she got as far as she did.
I think how she expressed herself out the gate really helped.
She started off playing the "I'm trash, I'm pathetic, but I work so hard, and I am so relatable and "real" card, so she's amassed a following of younger people who feel rebellious, so they "stan their queen" because failure and irresponsibility are "so relatable".
No. 828894
File: 1561748765367.jpg (4.92 KB, 260x280, powerful-muscular-male-armvect…)

>>828674references for muscular men are so easy to find. does she still use pose dolls?
No. 829142
File: 1561811466525.png (1.25 MB, 1664x1186, Screenshot 2019-06-29 at 14.30…)

>>828674God, I know it's already apparent without the redline but holy shit does Holly not know how to use perspective grids? It's the most basic shit ever and she manages to completely fail at it.
And all those goddamn b r i c k s
No. 829153
>>828821>>828894it HAS to be that he's doing a magic spell that disappears muscles. like, that's what the diamond things represent.
her art is bad but i can't quite accept that she would just forget to a bicep on a guy who's one feature is that he has muscles and who's doing a muscle pose and gesturing to his muscle. i will fuckin laugh when i'm wrong though
and i dunno why the spell turns his skin into folded cardboard too
No. 829154
>>829153B-but overly muscular guys are gross! Twinks are where its at!
-Holly probably
No. 829177
>>829163Tbh i have no idea whats supposed to be going on in that picture or why Holly even thought to draw it, like why is she in a dark alleyway or is she actually in the sewers?
Also from a thumbnail look at the picture it looks like shes smiling and holding a flower, but on closer inspection her face and expression is butt ugly and shes holding a belt thing?
Idk all of holly's work is okay from a glance but shit when you actually try to look at it
No. 829205
>>829142Buuutt she got in Calarts!!!!
Another lie that she got exposed.
No. 829581
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No. 829582
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No. 829583
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No. 829584
File: 1561909649237.jpg (696.05 KB, 1080x1500, 169.jpg)

No. 829586
File: 1561909819527.png (274.65 KB, 432x849, rainbowdash.png)

No. 829607
>>829583Wait so was there a time skip between this page and the last? Or not? Is Simon and hitler still in the house?
This page gives no indication of whether or not time has actually passed or not.
No. 829633
>>829592Legit thought his head was growing out of his chest. I think he's supposed to be propping him up to listen for a heartbeat/breathing lmao.
>strangle strangle strangle! >flopI'm so glad but also kind of sad this is almost over. At least we have paranormal plague to look forward to.
No. 829653
File: 1561922376925.jpeg (65.75 KB, 497x486, 06901315-EFED-4421-AD4C-C489FD…)

Give ‘em the ol’ Razzle Dazzle
No. 829711
File: 1561929384090.gif (1018.65 KB, 240x182, 56EB65FA-98F1-4A9F-A4FF-1131C9…)

>>829582Oh boy we getting more boypussy rape?
No. 829920
>>829582the perspective on these pages is making me nauseous.
>>829711this gif killed me, thanks anon.
No. 830021
>>829899that's not a bad idea for brown, but I give her 2 days before shes done doing custom work for someone else .
or she'll spell their name wrong even when she has it i written form etc.
No. 830023
>>829899I bind all of my own sketchbooks and sometimes sell a few of them. Judging from the price of the equipment and the materials she's using, she is absolutely making no money back on these sketchbooks.
I'm sure her followers love having to spend only $10 for how much they're getting but Holly has to be aware she is digging herself into a seriously deep hole financially.
No. 830358
>>830130I sincerely wish she would get a steady job and just start doing art purely for fun and the enjoyment of the process.
Guarantee that would greatly help if not solve many of her problems.
No. 830897
File: 1562101728435.png (431.74 KB, 1245x715, Unbenannt.png)

>>830039Lord almighty, she is selling them for basically nothing (that's maybe 5 dollars). She's staining them by hand even punches the holes on every individual page herself….that's not even amateur-deviant-artist level of selling her work for cheap. If she would, instead of "working", simply laze around all day and not buy any equipment she supposedly needs, she would probably make more money than right now. That's not only sad, that's batshit crazy.
No. 830901
>>830573The logic her followers use is astonishing - "You have so much more experience with comics than other people who are "professionals", so your opinions are like totally cool and
valid! uwu" while she basically shits out a few pages here and there, no coherent story, characters or artstyle.
Is uploading half-assed art a rarity nowadays or what do they think…? The fact that maybe 10% of her origina fanbase has followed her to her new channel is somewhat calming, at least.
No. 830954
>>830897At this point she probably would make more if she spent that time flipping burgers instead of making sketchbooks…
I guess Holly is desperate to make back the kickstarter money she blew? I mean she probably realizes that she can't afford to lose what's left of her audience if she wants to continue using youtube/art as her main source of income.
A little off topic but I can't see this ending well for Holly. It looks like her YouTube career is coming to an end soon and she doesn't seem to have any back up plans for her life after YouTube. Her art (and attitude) isn't good enough to really get any work in the industry and she doesn't have the business skills to make it in the convention circuit. If Holly at least got the degree she sunk so much time and money into she could have went for teaching but she shot herself in the foot by not completing that either. Holly's future looks bleak.
No. 831083
>>830573She keeps talking about the '180 rule' in film and acts like she understands it and she says "You don't have that in comics"
It really shows how little she actually knows about comics and the art of composing comics when she believes that the 180 rule doesn't exist. Surprise! It does!
She also thought the 180 rule means that in film you can't go from the back of a character's head to the front…. surprise! You can! This is kinda infuriating honestly
Then she continues to ask for comic jobs and work as if her followers can actually hire her? Apparently she's opened a deviantart just to show her comics in a portoflio? Because she doesn't want to spend money on a website because comic jobs don't pay a lot?? Jesus just… get the website.
No. 831207
>>831191Seize and prince of eros (?)
Prince of eros or whatever it was called, was old gay comic she made. There has been pictures in the previous threads.
No. 831453
>>830982off topic but im wondering if her father bought these or just found them lying around. the cloth suggests the former
it feels racist to refer to them as "cursed artifacts" but this is nothing new with holly
No. 831733
>>831496I think they meant the cursed part ,not the artifact part.
since most people equate old native American stuff as being cursed ect
No. 831788
>>831083It's true, though. The 180° rule is explicitly for movies (or any type of video media) because you only have one constant frame, hence if you break the rule it gets confusing. However, in comics, because you can see the whole page all at once, multiple frames, it's not the same issue.
Sure, respecting the rule when making comics as a beginner probably will help you make more readable comics by removing the possibility of fucking up in that aspect from you, but it really is not something to consider much when you're a (good) comic artist. Open any good comic book, you'll notice the 180° rule is never consistently applied, if applied at all.
In Holly's case, whether she respects the rule (that she doesn't even understand) or not doesn't really matter: her panels and framing are always stale as fuck.
No. 831798
>>831788It isn’t explicitly for movies though. This article explains the 180 degree rule better than I can:’s true that it doesn’t need to be followed for each and every page but it does help the flow and readability of a comic. It’s pretty basic knowledge tbh. Not that we expect Holly to understand even the simplest techniques for comic creation. I really wish she’d stop talking like everything she says is fact and professionals don’t understand their jobs.
No. 832229
File: 1562319128124.jpeg (528.96 KB, 640x1025, 16ED9D20-11C8-4224-8343-DB039F…)

Oh boy
No. 832258
>>832256Popped in just to listen and she's already blaming her sister on why she didn't move out and complaining that she was 'so close' to having a new place and that there's nothing positive in her life. I dunno she kind of DID splurge on a big ol laser cutter….. so it feels like this is a bit of a dumb pipe dream.
>"It's nice to have your family rely on you sometimes">"It's super not nice for it to be literally all the time"I mean… if you're living at home, rent free, you're kind of expected to do at least the littlest bit. It's just a bit stupid how much she's blaming everyone and everything. She claims to have had no help to get to where she is now, as if people contributing to her kofi for TVPaint and donating etc wasn't help. It's becoming a really tiring cycle.
No. 832265
>>832256>"I like her presence like a sister but as a roommate I do not" Then why tf are you moving in with her??
>"My sister is just dicking around and I was like 'You could get a job or something'"Pot, kettle.
>>832258Seriously. How much was that printer, over 3 grand? But sure, it's your sister's fault you can't move out, not your insane spending habits.
No. 832274
File: 1562326750320.jpeg (225.47 KB, 1242x876, AEDA47C8-BC0B-419E-A5ED-E09B9B…)

>>832256People pay money for this? Dear lord that shoe…
No. 832278
File: 1562327723812.jpg (18.3 KB, 368x450, 45089503-stock-vector-cartoon-…)

Pretty sure she wants to draw this posebut can't tell which hand is which
No. 832283
File: 1562329011056.jpg (353.02 KB, 1016x1080, How.jpg)

No. 832446
File: 1562350418617.jpg (279.61 KB, 720x1186, 20190705_200634.jpg)

According to her post she somehow needs to cough up 720$ worth of bills. Really I wonder what the fuck she splurged all her money on. She must be a living nightmare for her accountant.
No. 832534
>>832458No its some medical bill she had that was sprung on her.>>832519
Yeah it was, some one asked. She also explained being fired by Amazon.
No. 832593
>>832588Yeah she never takes any responsibility at all.Even when she was fired from Amazon she was making excuses, but the fact she then takes jabs at her sister is pretty low.
Regardless I think she knows she's not getting any better, her views are stagnating and unless something drastic happens artwise the writing is on the wall.
No. 832636
>>832616Hearing Holly tell her sister to get a job is fucking rich coming from a broke lazy ass like her who has nothing worthwhile to show for shit tons of expended time and money. Someone who is also so desperate for $720 after burning $3000+ in free money from her fans on shit she that wasn’t her Kickstarter project that she’s begging people to hire her for commission, something she has stated numerous times that she hates doing and doesn’t care enough about to put any real effort into. Someone who can’t pay their own bills and bitches about living rent free.
Sorry for completely unnecessary sperg but Jesus Christ the hypocrisy
No. 832683
>>832616Holy fuck, the gall. Holly's sister has a toddler to care for, she can't just work whenever. Holly however has no such responsibilities.
She barely even uploads videos/art anymore, what does she do all day?
No. 832782
>>832754Wait, are you joking? Can you imagine having someone as spastic and shitty/new at driving as your Uber driver? It does seem like something she thinks she can do, though.
Also why is she offering to mail the commissions… aren't they digital? Even if she's just doing the ink digitally and then coloring it with markers or something, surely it would be more cost effective to not have to ship them afterwards.
No. 832899
File: 1562428520500.jpeg (328.63 KB, 1242x863, 2783FA77-1A94-4215-9201-85D438…)

I am pretty sure CSA is making a video about holly. She said in an Instagram post that her next video is on an artist who has stolen thousands on Kickstarter and I asked her about it and she was cryptic.
No. 833017
File: 1562443180412.png (729.33 KB, 894x661, ouija.png)

Huge nitpick probably, but the eyes in the bottom corners look terrible. And the engraving looks sort of… Patchy?
No. 833044
>>833017 the hand on the right, the index finger isn't even fully engraved and i can't tell if that's a mistake or a stylistic choice
tho that's just a nitpick from me
No. 833102
File: 1562453520992.jpg (387.47 KB, 2500x2500, il_fullxfull.1808645762_7qz2.j…)

It looks cute til you realize there's ones of much better quality on Etsy.
Link here. if you look, on maggie's featured items list, she's also got an engraved cutting board. I don't know how common these are to make for people who have laser cutters, not saying she's ripping entirely, but….
I Wonder how many etsy listings she's looking through to pull ideas from. Holly is known for hating the woo-woo witchy shit. So this is really out of her wheelhouse. At this point she's creatively bankrupt and scraping for ideas.
Just stick to wonky cat merch, holls.
No. 833110
>>833017I honestly hate that Holly wasted so much money yet she can't even optimize her settings so she doesn't do shit like burn the ever living fuck out of said engraving.
No matter how cute the design
could have been, she has no care for the wood or the actual machine she uses. Its sloppy and looks like something she digged out of a tester pile.
No. 833123
>>833017This looks way too busy and cluttered, like a lot of her work. Her art just doesn't translate well onto merch. She's always doing the most.
And those hands are hideous. She always draws the palms like fucking flippers. The thumb part that connects to the rest of the hand is like two different segments…
why…Everything's just a hot mess.
No. 833787
>>833526I thought this was a holly brown thread, not a Creepshow one
if you want to talk about Creepshow go to the general artost salt thread pls .
No. 833802
File: 1562609969316.png (14.71 KB, 604x154, lmao nice try.PNG)

>5 pages a day
She gave up after day one. What an inspiration
No. 834245
>>834224I agree it's stupid to get upset at additional fur on your pet, but to be fair to Holly the cat didn't even escape, it just removed its paw and continued sleeping after she stopped joking around with the scissors.
Happens around 1:25:20 for those who want to see it for themselves.
No. 834314
>>834209just gonna leave this here ,if you dont do good in highschool and you plan on going to college it will mess with your class placement you might have to take more if you didn't do good on the ACT etc (yes even if your an art major at uni )unless your going to art school then you can say to heck with it.But you will be missing out on scholarhsit opportunities
but i'm not surprised Hollys says this kind of shit ,jduging by her record with college and highschool shes probably bitter etc
No. 834363
>>834209Holly seems pretty clueless about hair care. She says she can't get her hair straightened since her's is too dry, but since she seems to throw money around she can easily get pretty good products to help strengthen her hair enough to get a straight perm. I have the same kind of hair, and it's more than manageable if you make the effort.
Honestly, if she's complaining about how weak her hair is that just may be due to some form of deficiency. It's just weird that she blames her hair type.
No. 834426
>>834363considering how disordered her eating is where she doesn't eat for days then binges on french fries and soda, she absolutely has a deficiency or 2…
>>834314she was saying scholarships come WHILE in college and if you aren't valedictorian of your high school class don't bother, lol.
No. 834907
>>834209As someone who draws/paints for a living (not comissions, actual degree) it's quite hard to believe that someone who constantly uses various tools to finish a picture is still THIS shaky when drawing simple lines. There is absolutely no flow in her drawing, she barely moves her hand as if she's scared she could do something wrong. That's something you should learn automatically, not need a teacher or course for. Not to mention she takes ages for inking, when it's basic handiwork, once the sketch is finished.
What she does is not always "art" but sometimes mindless work (part of the industry, nothing wrong with that), it's fascinating to see how she thinks taking forever is alright. Since she asked her followers for jobs in colouring/inking etc. I guess she really thinks her speed and results are anywhere good enough. I know it's been said many times but I connot see her making it anywhere in the comic/animation/concept art industry. Especially if she so desperately wants to keep her "style", as if she would get paid for that, when most studios need workers with great knowledge of art fundamentals (non-existant for her) and even better cooperation.
There is literally no chance for her - she won't be able to get by via YouTube money forever, certainly can't finance her life via kickstarter (lol) and seems absolutely unable to grasp the simple but important fact that NOBODY gets livelihood money for drawing damn-ugly OCs all day and acting like a total bitch.
Yeah, long rant, sorry, but as someone who actually works in the very industry Holly so desperately sees herself as a part of I just REALLY am flabbergasted sometimes how this woman-child can justify being an absolute insufferable dumb-shit when she has no diligence, no hard work to back her up (she doesn't, her "skills" prove it), no idea what she even talks about and still expects to be treated like a friggin' raw egg, despite literally not managing ANYTHING.
No. 834920
>>834907she did say 'i swear when i'm not streaming i do draw a lot faster'. Depending what part of the streams you catch, sometimes she talks like she would agree with most of your post - for example i heard her say that she thinks people commission her so that she will talk to them. she said people like hearing her voice more than they like her art (part of why she doesn't draw them efficiently)
but then other times of course her art-ego will swell
No. 835185
>>834907Honestly, I used to be completely stunted in my art for YEARS, and it took so much soul searching to realize it was fear of messing up holding me back from studying and trying to improve. I could dish art advice and criticism but could never take it, much like Holly. Holly internalized the idea that her style will one day be desirable and unique enough that it'll outweigh the need to learn the fundamentals. She wants the easiest and comfiest way to get a career, but no career based in skill is ever that easy.
Every career needs adaptability. You don't get hired at a bakery because you're just good at making brownies, barely okay at cakes, and little understanding of how to make cookies, macarons, and everything else. You have to understand the basics and be able to adapt to whatever your employer wants, and to do that you need to understand the fundamentals to improve your mechanical skill.
(for anyone curious: this is prime blogposting) No. 835422
>>834907As someone that annually sells at conventions, (another field she tries to get into) her behavior towards it really irks and blows me away as well. She pushes shit to the last minute and puts out years old dated art, doesn't have any cohesive collection of products and just throws random half-assed shit together, thinks people want to buy things with her OCs on it when they can go a few tables down and get cute merch of their favorite character, has so little products at her table that it looks empty and has no idea how to display said products in an appealing manner, and much more.
Granted some of these are common first time mistakes but, she makes no effort to see whats the proper way to go about things. She makes mistakes that I did when I was a teenager starting out for the first time. Being in the con scene is hard because it's so competitive but, it's almost garunteed that atleast one person will buy your shit. If she fixed things and did multiple cons a year, she would actually pull in good money. She constantly tries to sound like she's the aficionado for something she's either completely new to or has no real knowledge in.
No. 835784
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No. 835785
File: 1562870063685.png (97.44 KB, 720x571, Screenshot_20190711-113156~2.p…)

No. 835840
>>835785saged for rant but this opinion pisses me off because it shows how narrow her view of the world is.
I'm from a thrid world country. I've met a lot of people there who no matter how much they try, they will never get out of poverty because the system is so fucked up it is impossible to do. I'd like to see Holly working 12 hours a day, getting only 10 bucks a a month, and talk about "well, if i just keep trying, i'll make it!"
i dont understand why she feels the need to be so condescending about everything, even topics she has NO idea about. Holly, focus on fixing your mess of a life before you lecture people on what they're doing wrong.
No. 836175
File: 1562907660603.png (585.01 KB, 1000x800, 1562907446762.png)

saw this on Instagram and lost my absolute shit, why does the first pic look like EVERY twink Holly tries to draw
No. 836258
>>836175Kek, Belle looks like current Purgatory, and Gaston looks like the cat clocks.
>>835785Hearing Holly speak on any kind of issue relating to systematic oppression is always delightfully cringeworthy.
No. 838263
File: 1563154162604.png (573.63 KB, 954x1332, Purgatory_pg_170.png)

Purgatory Update!
No. 838264
File: 1563154356317.png (772.52 KB, 944x1322, Purgatory_pg_171.png)

>>838263>Wrap WrapAre those supposed to be tears on Sebastian's eyes? They look like fucking pimples
No. 838266
File: 1563154601162.png (682.3 KB, 941x1312, Purgatory_pg_172.png)

>>838263>>838264Those fucking hands in the second panel
Is that one panel supposed to be empty? It looks so fucking sloppy
No. 838268
File: 1563154673651.png (547.98 KB, 938x1314, Purgatory_pg_173.png)

>>838263>>838264>>838266What is this page I can't even
No. 838277
File: 1563155763073.png (30.83 KB, 782x164, HollyBrown_Description_pg_174.…)

>>838275And to think this is the description she has for the cathedral collapse scene
Like, no??? I didn't??? Like, considering what JUST happened in the previous pages it seems a bit too convenient that the cathedral would collapse right after Simon gets kidnapped by Fat Hitler. It's so out of left field.
Also, it looks like there's only debris in the altar area, but there's a whole bunch of blood spewed everywhere in some of the pews?!
No. 838334
File: 1563165885127.png (73 KB, 320x264, MittenHand.png)

>>838272My lord, his hand's a fucking mitten. And on top of that the line work is so atrocious.
No. 838344
>>838272>Hopefully I can down in time.Omg I'm crine
Also when the hell did they go from being in Simon's house (or whatever the fuck, idek) to being in the cathedral? That needs more of a transition.
No. 838355
File: 1563168210787.jpg (57.13 KB, 709x480, 1514508430524.jpg)

>>838277Its was mentioned as an obvious foreshadowing before. Honestly can't fault anyone for not even keeping up with this mess
>>838264>Grabs the knife from the blade instead of the grip No. 838393
>>838264Why the fuck is he grabbing the knife blade instead of the handle??
>>838271Wtf are those multiple dead bodies? And why does Simon's dead just act like oh wow look the roof caved in guess that's totally not a big deal just lots of blood and screaming.
No. 838400
>>838263Where did he pull the sash thing?? His ass? He's not wearing it in one panel, the next he's taking it off his shoulders??
>>838271So he arrives in one page and the next page everythings crashing down and breaking? What happened between those pages. Jesus, set the scene! Also I like how people in the left side are just sitting there , no reaction, nothing, just sitting and watching the blood in the pews from the non existent falling debris holy shit.
People paid for this? People paid to get this in print? Are teenage fujo girls really that desperate?
No. 838469
File: 1563202049389.png (476.57 KB, 918x896, 3129071574011.png)

>>838355Yeah, you're right about the foreshadowing, Anon. I was just more baffled by how the cathedral collapsed right after Simon got kidnapped, and yet it might as well not have happened because Sebastian is just so blase about what's happening around him. This update is hilarious in its incompetence, but it's also so confusing in regards to what's happening and why.
>>838401>You need to wake up Damian and wait in the car for us.Apparently Damian's in their car with Hitler Jr, but I can't imagine it's that easy for someone to bounce back so soon after getting choked out like he did.
No. 838481
File: 1563204511558.png (4.21 MB, 750x1334, 8A56CD97-FF5F-46F4-B3C8-CEAC58…)

Holly has a wig with bangs now.
She looks so different and more mature. Maybe this is good sign that Holly’s getting her shit back together. Doubtful but a new hairstyle can be a good thing sometimes.
No. 838533
>>838268What are these people wearing to church? One guy has a gardening hat/cowboy hat, two men are in sweat suits, and women are wearing strappy high heels. Shouldn't cultists have special uniforms to wear to church? Also is this the first time Holly's drawn any background characters in this entire comic? I read most of it about a month or so ago, but I remember it being weirdly empty of anyone else besides the main characters. It is a
very forgettable comic though.
No. 838623
>>838481Why is it that every time holly does the bare minimum with her look, people here are like "wow maybe she'll actually change! I doubt it, but maybe!"
Have y'all not learned?
Anyway she looks like an even more awkwardly shaped Kasey Golden with those bangs.
No. 838679
>>838481Doesn’t matter how nice the wig is, she’ll just ruin it because she doesn’t know how to take care of it. She (I presume) bought this wig because the other one is likely ruined.
I will say that that hair color looks better on her than the other wig.
No. 838745
>>838481>more matureyeah because it has grey in it and she looks 45
>Maybe this is good sign that Holly’s getting her shit back togetherthe definition of non sequitur
No. 838936
>>838873Idk man,>>838745 has a point… She literally looks like a mom now, though I think its due to the bad hair style choice as well as the bad chalky makeup
The eye bags and rhinestone collar are definently not helping your 29 case
She looks late 30s with a 5-7 year old kid
No. 839214
>>838745>>838968Holly hasn't been someone that takes her looks in any consideration. I figure her trying to look approachable and profession is her trying to take the first step in becoming an adult.
I'm not going to reach to be negative towards HB since I see her struggling financially. But I think we all saw that coming.
No. 839507
>>839439I guess her side stepping into from one style to the other isn't her really evolving. Maybe my expectations are really low for HB.
You're right though. Bitch needs income and her working from home has not been working.
No. 839866
File: 1563464566572.png (67.3 KB, 593x989, IMG_8204.PNG)

>>798932Funny how,when she did her tumblr art style video,some of the other art styles look better than hers (which isn't really that much of an achievement)
No. 840041
>>839866I would've thought this was good comic art in 2007
the hands are awkwardly placed (no surprise) did holly forget to draw pockets over them? are the thumbs supposed to be tucked in the nonexistent belt loops?
No. 840385
File: 1563539208600.jpg (32.47 KB, 600x600, Anne-Baxter-posed-in-Portrait-…)

>>840041I bet that this is the pose she thought she was drawing, but she fucked up as usual
No. 840514
File: 1563558894443.png (33.06 KB, 1184x254, 28179574019170.png)

>>838263Jesus, even her followers are catching on to how shitty her comic is. The comments this time around are a lot more critical.
>Where did the scarf come from? No. 840520
File: 1563559139146.png (63.42 KB, 1288x304, 19080719104440.png)

>>840514>>840518>>838272This one isn't really critical, but it's hilarious that even her followers had a hard time figuring out that he pulled out a gun.
No. 840610
File: 1563565023775.png (51.1 KB, 1364x268, 123143910243.png)

>>840514>>840518>>840520Here's some more comments that I missed the first time around:
>Gun could be more prominent; thought it was the rung of a ladder at first. Nbd though No. 841650
File: 1563731035754.jpeg (665.77 KB, 1242x1842, FB312E8D-03BE-4718-AAB9-D4F4FF…)

The milk is dry right now, I wonder if holly finally died from food poisoning ?
And Do I spy laser cut kale ??
No. 841676
>>841650She’s alive anon, she was live doing commissions. She wants to move alone (fuck her sister) into an apartment so she’s thinking about selling the laser.
As predicted.
No. 841729
>>841650That's definitely sea weed.
Annd she's selling the laser?? After her fans pretty much bought it for her? Aren't they going to say anything??
No. 841732
File: 1563741974597.jpeg (372.99 KB, 750x1216, BFEB5920-5451-4300-84EE-E7340E…)

Some actual updates from her. Also she mentioned in her next post her job has 30 minute lunch- so I’m guessing she found a new job already.
No. 841750
File: 1563745021840.png (2.84 MB, 1870x1202, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 2.32…)

Ugh her merch is so ugly
No. 841751
File: 1563745083227.png (1.66 MB, 1870x1202, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 2.33…)

>>841750More of her recent posts
No. 841752
File: 1563745163954.png (1.29 MB, 1872x1200, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 2.34…)

>>841750>>841751How does she manage to make her art uglier and uglier? Especially Reese. He looks so repulsive.
No. 841754
File: 1563745289802.png (2.33 MB, 1872x1202, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 2.34…)

>>841750>>841751>>841752I'm no expert at horse anatomy but the horse on the bottom looks really off
No. 842050
File: 1563773611244.png (718.02 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2019-07-22 at 12.32…)

>>842042i went hunting out of curiosity but the only thing i could find similiar was this
No. 842055
File: 1563774757898.png (1.94 MB, 1324x739, comp.png)

>>842050Yeah, doesn't seem to be traced, at least not very well given the anatomy. But the design and composition of the antlered subject is eerily similar. The design for the companion is basically the same too, just different pose?
No. 842056
>>841895She refuses to make money in a conventional way (getting a job) through a combination of laziness and social retardation. Don't forget in a relatively recent stream she said how she likes "schemes" better than jobs and even tried to flip free shit on Craigslist, which didn't work of course.
Every single stupid "investment" she makes is just a scheme to make money, but she doesn't have the intelligence or skill to pull it off.
No. 842067
File: 1563775966505.jpeg (480.62 KB, 1539x1920, D12FCA96-CF60-47BE-9832-E4117E…)

>>801149Pretty unnecessary, but after a quick google search it appears that the google street view image of her house has been updated. In the top left room you can see her laser rig and the ventilation hole for it.
No. 842074
I thought
>>801149 looked unkept, but the house almost looks abandoned at this point. All that dead grass, dying plants, and those blinds. I can't imagine what it must be like in the inside.
No. 842084
>>842041no she didn't she sketched it on stream. If she had traced, the anatomy would be better. She burbled about how it's weird that animals knees bend backward, not understanding that that's actually their ankle on hindlegs, and isn't how horse's front leg goes - which is why she has drawn the standing horse's knee broken. She thought it should go backward but knew it still wouldn't look right so she just broke it a little bit.
It was a commission so if it's the same character design that's because the commissioner gave holly their ripped off oc of it to redraw, not because holly copied
No. 842147
>>842074What exactly is wrong with the blinds? Remember this is the house holly says she “grew up poor” in. Poor peoples blinds look a lot fuckin worse than this in my experience.
But can we talk about Holly’s fetishization of strippers and prostitutes? I wouldn’t mention it if she hasn’t said something sexist and degrading in almost every stream. I’m not sure why she has this idea that someone needs to have “good boobs” or not be “fat” to be involved in this industry? This point in particular makes me really feel for her cuz she reminds me of myself in middle school still stuck in that adolescent phase of objectifying myself for others.
No. 842302
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Latest Instagram story
No. 842628
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>>842334sorry but only in some poindexter bubble is "pimping is black concept" "racist". Sure literal pimps may be any race but "being a pimp" is a loud and proud part of black culture and has been for 50 years.
(stop) No. 842663
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She's really about to quit again huh.
No. 842686
>>842628That’s pretty racist
>>842584Not all landlords are like that, especially apartments. Your neighbors will constantly file complaints.
No. 842732
>>842709"I practically have a bachelor's degree!" She always jumps ahead of herself and blatantly lies. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she literally put on her resume that she had an art degree, just because they might not bother to check it if the place isn't that big of a studio or whatever, which I'm sure it isn't. Undoubtedly she also put that she is proficient in programs that she's barely used, and is now struggling. Is she gonna eventually learn that there's a difference between noting your positive qualities for an employer and straight up lying about your "qualifications"? Remember a few threads back when she put on her website that she already had the degree when she was still in school lmao.
And the "I'm just getting out of a normal job". Wow. She's actually telling the truth for once. This graphic design job could offer her a lot in terms of getting her foot in the door of the industry, a somewhat decent wage, learning experience and other stuff, but of course she'll quit after less than a week. God forbid she puts a single ounce of effort into anything that she doesn't immediately find enjoyable and rewarding.
Also, ffs if I ever saw Holly trying to be a cam girl, I would puke. Somehow I get the feeling she doesn't view sex work as "real work", just because it can be enjoyable.
No. 842734
>>842732I'm sure you know that, but if you don't hate yourself and inly want to draw your OCs all day, so can be any other work - enjoyable I mean.
Considering the money she gets, I don't think they believed her when she said she has a degree (assuming she didi), cause 12/hr is fuck-awful when working in that industry. But I doubt she's working for a big company anyways, they wouldn't hire her with her portfolio - speaking from experience.
No. 842739
>>842709I know she's awful but I really do feel for Holly sometimes. she's obviously got some pretty bad mental health issues that probably impact her ability to work a normal job but are nowhere near bad enough to get on disability or anything.
I think she should at least TRY to stick it out and get used to working a 9-5 though. she's incredibly lucky to have landed ANY office job, let alone one in her field. I get being depressed over working a job you don't like but I don't think she gets how difficult it is to get those kinds of jobs without a degree
No. 842757
>>842732>This graphic design job could offer her a lot in terms of getting her foot in the door of the industry, a somewhat decent wage, learning experience and other stuffthis, there are artists who would KILL for a steady graphic design job to build experience/portfolio/etc while making at least some money, and they could absolutely make a living while doing freelance on the side too. the fact that she's already falling to pieces over it is so infuriating.
>>842736>>842739honestly she would put as much effort into therapy as anything else she does, which is literally none. all she would do is roll her eyes and talk about how stupid the therapist is and dumb her advice is. or how she already knows better, bc she almost has a bachelors degree!!!
i sympathize with hating a 9-5, not everyone is cut out for that kind of schedule, but holy shit she doesn't even TRY.
No. 842771
>>842712Sounds like her mom is putting pressure on her to get a job.
She landed a graphic design job, doesn't pay well sure, but considering her lack of degree and her art how is this bad?
No. 842834
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No. 842846
>>842834oh my gooooooood
seriously, what is her endgame even? what does she wanna be?
she's more interested in drawing her oc's randomly than drawing her comic
No. 842867
>>842861She's straight up lying if she said that. I literally watched her stream a week ago whining about needing income.
But who's surprised? Literally no one. Instead of taking time to sort out her mental health and why she's incapable of doing anything without a panic attack she just moved on to the next scheme. Why does she think she could possibly live alone in her own apartment?
No. 842884
>>842863>>842867You got a point
She also says she takes medication for anxiety/depression right? I don't know how things work in the US, but shouldn't she be getting therapy along with medication? Pills will only get you so far
No. 842891
>>842834Is she hoping people just forgot about last year when she ran Patreon?
She could barely keep up with what she said she'd do, after all that talk about making three different comics and what ever other bull she decided she was interested in for 2 months.
No. 842902
>>842834I can understand not enjoying a 9-5, but being self-employed almost always means working very long hours for a lower, less stable wage than being employed elsewhere.
It also has the added stress of being entirely responsible for your own income. If you're not a self-starter and not good at committing yourself, you're gonna have a bad time.
Being a freelancer still means a lot of interaction with other people- and working on their ideas- so I'm not sure how this is the solution.
It sounds like she's deeply unsatisfied and desperate. I feel bad for her, as milky as she can be, it sounds like she's struggling and really needs help to be better equipped to deal with adult life.
I hope she at least finds a part-time job that she can bear to provide some stable income, and then use her free time to do the stuff she feels makes life worth living.
No. 842929
>>842923She straight up admitted that she hates working on other people's projects WHILE drawing commissions.
Does she think people will hire her to draw her OC's kissing?
No. 842938
>>842923>>842929This is exactly what I mean. It doesn't seem like she really enjoys either requirement for making money (9-5 or freelancing), and that's why she's currently flip-flopping between the two.
But the thing about a job is that it's a
job. It's not meant to be fun (although definitely plus points if it is). But I appreciate that she has MH concerns if she's alluded to self-harming thoughts as a result of working.
No. 842989
>>842834Oh Holly. She just can't do things people want her to do and it's destroying her. She's her own worst enemy.
Holly, jobs – ANY jobs – want you to do something for them. I don't know what you're expecting, and it's not going to change if you want to do freelance.
She's admitted to hating drawing things for people. I totally imagine this company had "a way" of doing things, and she just shut them down entirely, saying things like "that's dumb and slow, I want to do it this way" and they said "no".
Even if it isn't the best way for them to do things, DO IT THEIR WAY. Once you've been there a while and prove that you know what you're doing, suggest an alternative. I just imagine she has the must brusque way of saying things that all she gets is pushback.
I have a manager friend (and we DON'T have an art job) who works a 9-5 and when he gets home he works on his art. It's not impossible, or even really
hard, you just don't want to.
No. 843046
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Swear to gods if this bitch ends up making $200 a month on her patreon again I'm gonna lose it.
No. 843061
>>843055A month
>>843054Regardless of what she pursues, her work ethic ensures nothing but failure.
No. 843178
>>842834Sooner than I expected. I was gonna give her at least a week. At least she finally straight up admitted just not wanting to work a normal job. Now she just has to take the next step and admit she doesn’t want to work ANY job since one in her field isn’t good enough for her and she’s already publicly admitted to hating taking commissions, i.e. freelance work. You really just want to be paid for showing off your hobby, don’t you Holly? We all do but the rest of us have learned to act like adults and suffer working a salaried job to support ourselves and our hobbies. I doubt she’ll ever grow up.
And to top it off she wants to move out? Lol good luck doing that without stable income. Even if her fans threw their money at her to help her move she’d get evicted before her third month and that’s being generous.
No. 843224
>>843217 Here's the stream. She's currently talking about how weed is regulated because you can lace it with shit, only to admit she doesn't know anything about weed.
Also, I'm currently making a new thread. I'll post it once I'm done.
No. 845823
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I dont really get why she keeps making these. Nobody wants them. She is wasting wood, time and money. Only Purgatory fans would buy those, but they are just a bunch of kids who only like her comic because they don’t understand how bad it is. And im pretty sure they wont buy it. She really has the chance to make something actually relevant with this goddamn laser and make some money but she just delusionally keeps making these