File: 1540449466537.png (2.01 MB, 1100x1041, holly14.png)

No. 720739
HollyBRown is a bad artist, YouTuber, webcomic author, and fujoshi popular with edgy children for her "no bullshit" attitude despite not accepting any criticism.
She beleives she's known for her three webcomics:
Purgatory, her oldest and worst comic, about two gay teens in a cult with lots of rape: Plague, whose most-drawn character hasn't been introduced, with rape DLC: Prince, her newest Patreon-only NSFW yaoi comic about alien sex slaves, not updated in a month at currently four pages:'s actually most known for ranting about the CalArts admissions process being unfair even though she was DEFINITELY accepted: (currently deleted): Milk:
>Got caught tracing an anime screencap for a painting she intended to sell>Locked her Twitter and scrubbed her social media>Reappeared with a video saying it was just a placeholder for composition, contradicted herself constantly>Dug herself deeper in the comments and is now sharing her views on rape (they're bad)
>Organized a for-profit BnHA zine with over 60 different artists to sell at SanJapan>Complained they didn't meet her abrupt deadline then dragged her feet for weeks>Didn't label any submissions so artists were unidentifiable>Committed to printing them at home, realized that was hard, so closed the zine shop without alerting any of the artists>Sent each artist $20 to blow it over. Some artists got another $20. Some people who pulled out of the zine still received the hush twenty>Accidentally leaked names/addresses/phone numbers of almost every artist in an unlisted but accessible YT video>Took too long to fulfil zine orders, downplayed the zine on all her social media to dissuade anyone from ordering more>Still refused to get the zine printed professionally or even send out a PDF copy>Meanwhile her own webcomic rape yaoi doujinshi was printed professionally in time for SanJapan>Had plenty copies of the BnHA zine herself for SanJapan>Zine artists are now posting photos of the copies they finally received and they have misaligned, poorly cut, and upside-down pagesCheese:
>Hired an under-paid flatter for her webcomic, didn't tell him what she wanted, then blasted him on YT when the flats were wrong>Shoehorned rape into her comic without warning because she was obsessed with Killing/Stalking at the time>Complains about being poor but spends thousands of dollars on unnecessary supplies she then gives away or sells at a huge loss>Explains she can't be a fujoshi because she wouldn't fetishize gay men irl. She is>All her political views come from Fox News so she's too scared to move out of Texas in case a leftist kills her for using a plastic straw>Also says she's bi so can't be homophobic but then says she's straight and hates/would never date women unless they're a 10 because men are better>Tried to display said explicit rape yaoi doujin at SanJapan and got mad when she was asked not to do that because she put small cat stickers over the penises>Can't spell but refuses to get a proofreader so her printed works are full of typos, most famously "trust" for "thrust">Has a Twitter stalker named Keith whom she enablesProject list:
>Hamilton Animatic/Zine, Clever Kitchen animation, 3 webcomics, Patreon, store, originals, fixing the BnHA zinePrevious Threads:
>>>/snow/286955>>>/snow/375886>>>/snow/428135>>>/snow/480758>>>/snow/498020>>>/snow/527029>>>/snow/550611>>>/snow/579925>>>/snow/610529>>>/snow/646597>>>/snow/668003>>>/snow/686056>>>/snow/699480! REDRAWS/REDLINES GO IN THE OT THREAD !
>>>/ot/243951 No. 720756
>>720739great job, OP. Fab starter.
I'd like to say in preparation that because of the udder-burst that the goblin hoarde of newfags and tumblr cunts gushing in on the dairy wave is probably going to shit up the thread.
If you are stumbling upon lolcow for the first time:
1. Read the board rules.
2. Check previous threads if confused so we don't get an influx of stupid questions.
3. No one cares about your identity/ hurt feelings/ you in general.
4. try to contribute a new point in every post, don't just reply with your opinion to someone else's opinion.
5. Don't mention lolcow in the wild and don't tell us who you are.
6. Sage goes in the email field.
No. 720763
File: 1540454452656.png (69.07 KB, 181x272, shadholly.png)

>not using this as the thread picture
No. 720772
>>720771She is a Trump supporter. I'd consider her pretty right.
Too many Mexicans in Texas. Rape doesn't count if she doesn't fight back and report it. Dislike protesters. Thinks Jordan Peterson is intelligent. Could care less about LGBT anything so long as she can draw porn. Got called out on Twitter (this is in the second thread so it was over a year ago) for retweeting some Muslim propaganda tweet. Against globalism.
No. 720776
>>720771It's not hyperbole. She says she isn't a republican or a Trump supporter but her views are otherwise inline with them. IIRC she follows him on Twitter. She doesn't really know anything about politics so she doesn't often bring it up.
The straw thing is literal. She was talking about moving to Cali or Portland to study/work in animation but changed her mind because she thought she'd get mobbed 24/7 by political protests and that she'd be legitimately endangered/a social pariah on any campus for not being extremely leftist. When she was questioned about what kind of protests she meant, the plastic straw ban was the only thing she came up with.
>>>/snow/658142Most of her comments were on Twitter but she mentioned it first in her "Tea Time" video. Even if it's an excuse not to leave her comfort bubble it's a bizarre one.
>>720772Essentially this.
She doesn't identify with being a republican because she knows it would be unpopular with her fanbase and because she doesn't meaningfully engage with politics, but it's pretty clear which way she leans. I forgot she was so hot for Jordan Peterson.
FWIW I don't think she has any real political opinions, she just mirrors whatever's around her, and her family/neighborhood seems pretty far right. She's just as likely to parrot a liberal point - she doesn't really understand either side.
No. 720784
File: 1540460536313.png (1.14 MB, 931x834, ptreon.png)

A break from the rapey shit.
Oh wait
No. 720806
>>720803Um ACTUALLY anon she has a comic about gay oppression, that makes her qualified. /s
She usually says she's not alt right because she likes "gay shit"/using gay people as a shield, so that's cool as well. She probably doesn't vote, just agrees with them.
No. 720811
File: 1540466048552.jpg (835.88 KB, 1600x2443, 05Chroma.jpg)

patreon update!
No. 720812
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No. 720813
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No. 720814
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No. 720816
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the way she conveys emotions in her comics is so goofy and weird, like the panels of nothing going on and no one saying anything feel like bad pacing. also at some point she mentioned it wasnt going to be until like 300+ pages in we were going to get the porn content so frankly i dont understand why this is her "gay shit" moneymaker
No. 720817
>he can lift thousands of pounds! did you count how many?
>nah, just thousands!!!!I'm cryne. oats' #beefy arm lines are killing me.
No. 720821
File: 1540466904013.png (204.75 KB, 638x660, waste.png)

RIP the thread pic that could've been.
>>720816How? The elf slave plot is already primed for them to just start fucking. She's sold this on it being porn, chop chop with the trust trust Holly.
No. 720823
File: 1540467140530.jpg (152 KB, 934x1164, lift.jpg)

>>720816Thank you anon, doing god's work as usual! This update is goal, I'm so glad she rushed it honestly.
What is thisss, stop
No. 720824
>>720816I like how his muscles aren't flexing at all despite lifting a truck. he's just that stronk!!!
the elf dude just looks like Atari with bonus hair flips.
No. 720827
File: 1540468018186.png (301.56 KB, 400x621, starfighter.png)

Christ, Chroma Prince is Starfighter. Why'd it take us this long.
Sadly I'm going to call it that Oats has effortless super strength so Holly can put him in scenarios indistinguishable from rape and she can say it's not actually rape because he could just fight his attackers off if he didn't want it.
No. 720835
>>720776she's just a female neckbeard. Her opinions are shallow, reactionary and yeah, basically apolitical. She doesn't want to think about anything that is challenging or uncomfortable, and more power to her, she has the right to be ignorant. Problem is these days completely uninformed people think having a minor audience means you have a duty to share those ass-spawned, half-thought out opinions.
>>720811>"you're THIS close">makes wrong hand gesture>>720818you're right his name is oaaaaaats i'm fucking crying
No. 720837
>>720827No, dear god. Starfighter is already (really nicely drawn) garbage. It's probably where she's getting the rapey bullshit in the first place.
To me it seems like the superstrength shit was inspired by astroboy which feels creepy but whatev fam idk.
No. 720843
>>720840Nah you can make a yaoi without having rape in it.
>>720841Agreed. I feel like this rape fetish was ingrained in Holly way before she got exposed to Killing/Stalking but that comic made her believe that her fetish was more acceptable? Like the rape scene in Purgatory was probably planned before KS and KS just gave her more of a reason to sprinkle rape into all of her stories.
No. 720846
>>720835Friendly reminder to everyone in the thread; Holly doesn't know what reactionary means, she thinks it's literal, lol.
>>720843Of course, just saying it's a very common trope, and she probably seeks out that kind of dynamic while fapping to animu twinks.
No. 720848
>>720846>'seeks out that kind of dynamic while fapping to animu twinks'Thank anon, now I have that image seared into my brain.
On a serious note I'm actually surprised Holly ended up delivering on the Patreon pages. Honestly kudos to her for following through. Now if only she was this professional when it came to other things…
No. 720876
File: 1540474626562.png (205.36 KB, 560x582, really.png)

>>720814nice juxtaposition of the bought background and her attempted recreation.
Are these finished? I mean was the goal finished pages or are these drafts? i mean like there's no backgrounds on half the panels, this page just has an unused white square
>>720812I thought they were out of order because i can't follow the fuckin story but some of the most nonsense progression is within pages so..
No. 720882
>>720811>>720812>>720813the background changes so much but they haven't changed rooms…
first page - two beds, wooden floor, furniture
second page - the void with some kitchen tiles as details
third - the tiles are gone but oh look, this room has walls (but only in the last panel)
what the heck
No. 720891
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>>720887I think anon means the empty room with tiles because that looks like what you get when you open a 3d modelling program and don't do anything yet
No. 720896
>>720893>>>/snow/689438>>>/snow/689543She wasn't secretive about it. Stock packs like this have a purpose but she's using them awfully.
>>720891Unfortunately Holly actually wants the Strongbad Zone look. She's used grids as shitty tiled floors in all of her comics and you can see where she used to freehand them because the perspective was fucked. It's her go-to space filler now that she's stopped doing wood grain.
No. 720899
>>720876that square is for patrons to practice tracing anime in.
>>720882Stop hatin' on the void. It's not like the characters can exist conceivably in relation to complex shapes eg.cubes
No. 720911
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Yea those leftist a it again
Totally not people who actally have a problem with holly talking about SA in a terrible manner
Regardless of politics in would assume both parties thing sexual assault is wrong.
Idk why people like holly want t pin it on the left heck I'm not on the left either but I know that its not always them and shouldn't blame all on them.
This is why no one take either sides seriously
No. 720946
>>720940>>720941Sorry meant to write 'freehanding'. Forgot the air quotes.
Holly probably still does use references of her toy cars. I don't think she traces them directly but I wouldn't put it past her at this point.
No. 721022
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>>721019The post in question. It amazes me that she doesn’t think it’s unethical to blatantly either paste the stock in the comic outright (which causes a clash in styles) or trace it.
No. 721114
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No. 721115
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No. 721125
>>721121I'm pretty some would send death threats or make edgy comments etc
Cause their high mighty senoai can do no wrong
No. 721134
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>>721113But anon, everything Holly does not like/is uncomfortably with is toxic, don't you know that? Damn those leftists and their rape victims. idk just free speech stop calling goblin queen hitler XD
No. 721154
>>72103820 pages a day? Yeah, sure that's reasonable if you're drawing stickfigures or you're an idiot who wants to have a mental breakdown.
I don't understand her male fans. They seem to be really young and edgy like angry little keyboard warriors- but they must be gay/bi, right?
Or maybe the ones like Alexander
>>721115are grown men or tranzboiz with shota-esque furry icons. Yeck.
No. 721175
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Wow so humble, she is soooo totally sorry even though evil SJWs are misrepresenting her :(
No. 721176
File: 1540501810768.png (58.22 KB, 1160x238, howrapistwork.png)

She's so inspirational as well! So well versed in relationships and abuse, who would've thunk it?
No. 721177
File: 1540501982797.png (23.8 KB, 1132x114, emotional.png)

Getting emotional over something as small as being raped by someone you trust? That's just screeching, fam!
No. 721206
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>>721175>I don't think it's for me. You get hired on skilltres bien
No. 721214
>>721209That post was deleted. Move on.
>>721208I haven’t seen any of her friends so far but people have been going in on her in one comment thread. So far only her teen fans are jumping in to defend her. Holly’s “friends” probably won’t step in if they had any sense. It’s a shitshow.
No. 721216
>>720843Shes shown pics of junjou romantica and sekai ichi hatsukoi when talking about bad lroportions in a vid before so im pretty sure that helped set up the 'uwu rape me but not really because i forgive you and low key wanted it' kind of thing
Also i dont think its really similar to starfighter seeing as thats basically the set up for 90 percent yaoi ( bad boy rapist x naive smol uwu boi) so im thinking its probably just a refrence of inspiration. my money is down on its being a weird cross of No Money ( a yaoi where a naive teen is sold into sex slavery to pay back his family's debt) and fma but more focused on the military group.
Tbh it jist feels like its a cross over fic between a chinese knock off Roy Mustang and Ayase
No. 721248
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So educated.
No. 721274
>>721251Yeah this is bullshit tbh. Professionals don’t just trace other people’s art - while there are forms of art where tracing can be required (photo realistic murals, some graphics) it’s generally frowned upon and at a commercial level illegal to just “trace” something and sell it off as your own. Especially since she’s tracing prints (something that she’s selling) she’s saying “hey this is mine I created this on my own and you should support me so I can do more of that.” “Tracing” might not be something that holds up in court (idk I’m not a laywer) but it definitely can blacklist you as an artist.
No ones stopping anyone from tracing things to learn proportions and anatomy. It only becomes an issue when you’re trying to sell people something or post something people assume is your own work when in reality 90% of it is traced. There’s no reason to trace something and sell it other than sheer laziness and unprofessionalism.
No. 721325
>>721286OH shit, I was thinking the exact same thing. I was wondering if people thought the insanely amateurish perspective was a stylistic choice, but that becomes a tired thought after following MIss BRown and her truffle hogs for too long.
No. 721357
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No. 721366
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An overlay of her Cowboy Bebop
No. 721368
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No. 721371
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these are the type of people holly attract interesting
no wonder shes so negative all the time .
No. 721375
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No. 721383
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No. 721384
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I'm glad that someone people have come to their senses
No. 721486
File: 1540539342277.png (50.19 KB, 960x358, holls.PNG)

>>721375You're trying to tell me that these people are SO fucking brain dead that when someone REASONABLY points out the MAIN issue with HOLLY other than the traced shit, they completely dismiss it??
Are these people even humans anymore? You LITERALLY can't talk to these people, you have better luck talking to a wall and getting answers.
For someone who is trying to make people sound stupid because "they don't do research", you would think she'd stop trying to act like a try hard smart-ass when she's clearly new and doesn't know what anyone is talking about and why people are getting on Holly's case. Simple-minded people should defend people they never knew existed until a few hours ago. Even crackheads aren't stupid enough to do that shit.
I don't give a damn about Holly's kinks/fetishes. It's nothing new. I've noticed a lot of people who complain about shit like that are into some fucked up shit themselves, so I stopped caring if I ever even cared at all. (in the porn art/fetish FICTIONAL FANTASY department, anyway, as long as it's not involving or even relating to a REAL beings)
She might as well keep shit like that on a porn art website and exclude it from her regular content.
She's shit at wording herself because she lacks communication skills.
Doesn't mean it should be excused. Understandable, but it is not an excuse to intentionally act like a cunt and mindlessly speak, especially since she has the "god forbid someone does that to me or even calls me out" mentality that everyone seems to have now a days.
At the same time, I don't blame everyone who constantly brings it up, though, because she's always talking out of her ass about shit like this as if she's well versed in even the basic bones of psychology. Honestly, she should just not talk about shit like that if she's not in the mood for debates, because they are sensitive and
TRIGGERING topics and she comes off as ignorant and naive.
The internet is not as simple as deleting shit anymore. Freedom of speech has a huge price here, so it's best to just not get involved into the politics of things if you aren't even strong-willed.
Her hypocrisy, double standards, and acting as if she has a doctorate degree in F A C T S are the things that are most irritating about her of all. That "sorry i guess" attitude doesn't make you look like a badass, it makes you look like a DUMBass.
ffs, try to learn from your mistakes without pointing fingers and running away.
This is a screenshot, but I think saging is necessary for my post.
No. 721533
File: 1540547582091.png (556.36 KB, 461x817, soup.png)

omg yaaas cooking queeen i stfg
It bothers me so much that Holly is trying to play off "they just don't want to admit they like it" as like… A normal lewd conversation, if that makes any sense? Pretty much no one was complaining that they talked about sex, just the part where they used arguments usually found with actual rapists. First she said rape victims are just prudes, now she's saying that people against statutory rape are prudes as well, it's so weird.
>>721486The kids defending her tracing are still stupid, but playing gremlin's advocate - they sincerely trusts that she was not going to use it in the final piece. The think they're arguing about placeholders, because that's the way Holly has framed this. It's like they're arguing about a totally unrelated thing, unfortunately.
No. 721539
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I’m just gonna leave this here in regards to reference/tracing.
No. 721550
>>721124RMCAD Anon here. Tracing is NOT advocated at this school; she literally pulled that out of her ass. It's considered academic dishonesty.
Jesus if you're going to try to mkae our school look bad at least say things that are TRUE.
No. 721568
File: 1540554676144.png (255.94 KB, 291x585, hcbrown_insta.png)

Prepare for some Aesthetic Holly videos; did she really clean up her room?
No. 721594
>>721588Yea it can get dirty just as easily and if you got bad-medium quality paper it can also stain easily.
It also seems like Holly is just going to sweep all this under the rug and act like none of this ever happened. Watch her come back to twitter in the next couple of days and delete/unlist the video in a week or so.
No. 721667
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No. 721670
File: 1540570129975.png (52.7 KB, 951x250, cant wait harry.png)

No. 721671
File: 1540570151518.png (54.36 KB, 912x376, well their gonna get a law sui…)

No. 721673
File: 1540570254710.png (121.51 KB, 971x520, 2018-10-26_110352.png)

No. 721674
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No. 721676
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No. 721700
>>721687Holly's supporters are so dumb that sometimes I wonder if she has a few sockpuppets thrown in there. Like how can they be so blinded by what Holly says? Her excuses are so dumb and like
>>721366 shows its obvious she has pulled this bs before.
No. 721756
File: 1540583378540.png (144.84 KB, 888x756, 2018-10-26_144907.png)

idk who the heck their teachers are
but even in high school in honors art classes we where told not to trace , even when I took college classes i was told not to ?
No. 721766
File: 1540584746464.jpg (32.44 KB, 424x418, DqY7BFDXgAINK7T.jpg)

this is just holly
No. 721799
File: 1540588346774.jpg (89.29 KB, 742x924, 44948636_170217753923386_11567…)

I know were on the whole tracing fiasco but jesus christ how is she this bad at perspective still?
how hard is it to erase the arm and redraw it on the arm rest?
that or shes so fucking lazy she just left the arm in the air and continued drawing the armchair.
No. 721826
>>721799You're probably right, bet she drew Roy first, liked the pose and then added in the armchair, so there's no way she'd fix that arm to actually FIT on what he's supposed to be resting on.
Guess she should save up some money and purchase more pictures to trace because apparently that's how the pros do it fam!! idk!!
Love the inconsistent shading btw. Classy.
No. 721849
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No. 721860
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>>721853It's from her Tumblr
No. 721872
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No. 721876
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No. 721881
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No. 721883
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I wonder which youtuber..??
No. 721889
>>721866His body was thrown into the sea because negotiating with countries to accept his body would go past the 24 hour limit (apparently).
And wow, you're right. That entire post is her whining about how life has consequences and assholes in real life are not woobified or considered jerks with a heart of gold.
>>721865Yeah, I'm glad I'm not the only person completely fixated on that bit because it's just so fucking unrelated and irrelevant to Holly's situation. Like she's really proving the point of the following paragraph.
No. 721948
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No. 721949
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No. 721950
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No. 721951
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No. 721959
>>721949wait, did the livestream specifically mention sex talk in the title or description or ANYTHING?? i thought it was just a “draw and chat” stream. maybe you’re the weirdo for talking about that shit for 3+ hrs online with a bunch of strangers, holly, jfc. not only strangers, but teens who watch her for her normal art vids where she doesn’t go on about that stuff.
even if she meant to reference specifically “toxic” relationships and not all relationships or sexual situations (one night stands, what have you), it sure didn’t sound like it and her and michie gave the impression of being huge assholes. yeah, it would be great if ppl could just tell their partner or anyone else “no” to any specific sexual activity and the person would just accept it without protest, but there can often be guilt tripping, lying, emotional manipulation, etc. that can occur even in situations with a trusted person. this is the same womanchild who thought that reese was justified in seize though, so idk fam, if i were u, id just take it!! women r such bitches i stg lol, so annoying for not wanting the d, i dream of hershel’s dick every night and day so i cant relate.
No. 721964
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The whole thing of
"You took it out of context"
Is why people are angry, even when you listen to the full one it is hard to take out of context.
Holly you gotta own up before you get an redemption arc.
No. 721966
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No. 721967
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No. 721968
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No. 722019
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No. 722053
File: 1540612478748.png (263.86 KB, 348x701, ColonelMustang2.png)

>>721799This one is so bad, the "arms" of the chairs are not even aligned or remotely existing on the same perspective, he's sliding off that melting chair, his pants has a weird flap right under his right leg and I had no idea it was Roy until pointed out. He just looks like a bored 12 yo.
Idk why anons like to say at least her colors are nice when they're always so muddy and there's no contrast or anything. His costume is a nice blue and maybe she could have drawn him in his office or something that would have reminded of the manga.
No. 722168
File: 1540634040157.jpg (812.67 KB, 2896x2896, 20181027_124725.jpg)

I just noticed, all her setting poses have the same hand pose
No. 722192
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>>722182A lot of newfags lately
No. 722196
File: 1540638541886.png (133.07 KB, 601x631, bloglol.PNG)

>>721938again, she didn't delete her sideblog, she only changed the url. it's still alive and kicking at this is what she posted on it yesterday, btw. loving the tag. (post url:
No. 722199
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No. 722200
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No. 722204
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I hope her fans realize that there are other art youtubers who aren't "just rainbows and unicorns " the way holly dumbs down the art community gets on my nerves.
She acts as if shes the only one who can keep it real, no Holly there are plenty of others who far one are more mature and have better understanding of the topics they talk about.
Unlike brown who can't be bothered to do basic research for anything then gets mad when people point it out.
Can't wait to see the basic holly
Bets shes boring without her edgy 13 year old humor that's shes been hiding behind.
No. 722209
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No. 722210
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No. 722211
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No. 722212
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No. 722214
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No. 722269
>>722209love how this gal just admits no one likes her art
>stock fotage of you drawinglolwut
No. 722300
File: 1540654175721.jpg (100.53 KB, 603x791, 1540436423205.jpg)

Hasn't holly "accidentally" released dox on her customers/friends/fellow artists like… 3 times now? Not even including her own dox.
I would be fucking furious if I was in this zine. Just fucked over from every angle. 20 dollars for a full color illustration? Getting misaligned books or none at all? And getting DOXED to top it all off?
It's enough to get fucked over with work/pay, but I imagine some of the more popular artists have obsessive fans/haters who could actually do something with that dox. Or maybe some people have another job and don't want people to know about their online art. She is so careless about everything. It's bad enough she sabotages herself but she also doesn't care if others are involved.
Holly you are so incompetent, lazy, and rude. This and the tracing shit has made me the most angry.
No. 722323
>>722314>>722315Fukin 502 double post
>>722019He legit looks like a mummy. Holly it really isn't that hard to google "muscular arms" and draw what you see. Why the lumpy rectangles with squiggly lines through them? I really don't understand how someone's brain could come up with this and continue to draw it despite having the resources to …not.
I would say maybe holly should draw horror but all of her figures are stiff and posed like paper dolls… or the most dynamic, barbie dolls. Monsters need to be more dynamic.
The thing best suited for her is like, 90s nick magazine photoshopped cut and paste style gross out illustrations.
No. 722357
>>722300The video with the adresses was an unlisted video for the zine artists but still.. it was linked here
>>722323I don't understand where dose limes even come from
My hero academia and Fullmetal alchemist both have buff characters, why couldn't she copy that lol
No. 722421
File: 1540673816590.jpg (600.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181027-155540_You…)

I legit laughed out loud while reading this
The hater "made some good points"
But I'm going to to be ignore all the shitty stuff you've don't.
Says a lot about her followers tbh
No. 722458
File: 1540678655745.png (138.54 KB, 1024x757, 2018-10-27_171758.png)

No. 722460
>>722458>i wanna just not have immense bullfuckery not come my wayHolly wanting immense bullfuckery confirmed
Joking aside, she could express her own opinions if only she learned how to be mindful of the shit she spews
No. 722480
>>722421I know preteen fans throw out the "jealous haterzzzz" defense for every e-celebrity they stan but the idea that anyone would be jealous of Holly is so fucking funny to me.
1) Art: big nope here. why be jealous of her (lack of) art skills when there are SO many talented hardworking artists out there?
2) Fame/infamy: I wouldn't want to be famous for being an edgelord retard with 0 educated opinions and I definitely wouldn't want my most infamous piece of work to be a video where I lie about getting into Calarts and cry about their portfolio requirements.
3) Money: What money? She burns cash as soon as it hits her bank account. She hoards pointless shit that she either tosses or resells to buy more trash. She lives with her mom. She can't drive and doesn't have a car. Her room is a hoarding nightmare. Apple products and tablets aren't the unobtainable tools of the wealthy. Homegirl is not living in the lap of luxury.
No. 722499
>>722480It's really funny to me honestly, bc one look at the 'haterzzzzz' account shows that they put more effort into their stuff than Holly has put into her entire comic.
I mean their art still isn't good but you can at least tell they care about it.
No. 722538
>>722499i noticed that too, though personally i liked their art
sage 4 no contribute
No. 722547
File: 1540690701143.png (28.44 KB, 929x156, 2018-10-27_203836.png)

No. 722859
>>722790>>722728Michie is cowish by association, just not enough for her own thread, though the way she's heading, it seems like she could be one full stop without Holly's help. She should've kept under the radar, but that's if she was smart and she isn't.
Holly doesn't need help being defended. She's fucked up and warped in the head. None of this is surpriing. You are the company you keep.
No. 722886
File: 1540752680311.png (630.25 KB, 746x749, michelleporter.png)

>>722772You sure about that "looking in the mirror" part? Sadistic and out of line, even for lolcow…
>>722696While Holly and Michelle keeps on enabling and misleading them? Never, or until someone they worship more disagrees with them.
No. 722895
File: 1540753458125.png (147.96 KB, 1050x1057, Tumblr1.png)

Some recent tumblr milk, notice how she doesn't correct her fans that are saying that she's the victim in this situation? Maybe that "apology" wasn't so sincere, what a shock.
No. 722896
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No. 722897
File: 1540753499806.png (63.41 KB, 529x774, tumblr3.png)

No. 722988
>>722952Its relevant to holly so why sage?
Just asking
See I'll sage this to appese you since this isn't related
>>722988>appeseThe extreme spelling mistakes of Holly's fans and the 12-13 yo kids finding this thread are piquing my concern for the future.
We were never this stupid as children.
saged for no contribution
No. 723071
>>722988yikes my dude
*appease is what I think you meant
No. 723254
File: 1540803932937.png (166.21 KB, 469x821, fknschool.png)

No. 723289
>>723254(RMCAD anon) Two things about this. One, the assignment is technically due on the 23rd- this particular prof. is being nice and giving people an extra hour. My classes all have Dec. 23 deadlines.
Two, she's an online student! It's not like she's leaving the house. In online classes, you can submit work due Sunday night any time after the prior Wednesday. So she could theoretically be done with schoolwork on the 20th.
Also Holly, a lot of people with real jobs only get Christmas day off, but you're bitching about having shit to do two days beforehand? Fuck outta here with that.
>>723131Putting aside the possibility of dyslexia, I really don't get the impression Holly is an especially diligent person. She kind of just half-asses everything. It wouldn't surprise me if she just didn't feel assed to proofread.
Side note, Chrome and Firefox have built-in spell-checkers, so there's really no excuse.
No. 723387
>>721963late response but honestly this is holly's problem right fucking here. opting to treating her audience like her "grandma" from now on instead of trying to learn how to articulate herself better. how black and white can your thinking be??
she said something similar about working with people in the future because of the zine disaster too. instead of trying to learn to communicate/collaborate with people better she said she won't be doing collab projects most likely ever again. she thinks this is the solution when in reality she's just brushing the problem under the rug. she's fucked if she faces a situation like this again in the future
No. 723389
>>723387But anon, how is her supporters supposed to yell about censorship if she doesn't pussy out? I sincerely think she's doing this to gain support in a sneaky way.
Also can't screenshot RN but Michie and Keith are being salty about the situation on twitter, lol.
No. 723406
File: 1540834164384.png (75.76 KB, 639x546, twtr.png)

I'm so damn confused about their narrative, where's the mention about daddy kinks that was allegedly cut out? Are they mad that the whole cumshot story wasn't included?
No. 723413
File: 1540834725981.jpg (230.31 KB, 999x533, 8d1e85aa-0e82-4047-aa05-9e3583…)

>>723410here's a higher quality image of their collab pieces.
imo its kind of hilarious how much better one is than the other.
No. 723477
>>723425's the wrong part, it's this one
>>723441I don't know how to timestamp videos but it starts around 2:54:00
2:56:03 "I just never understand that 'he froced me to suck his dick' it's like bitch bite down
No. 723488
>>723482Ah, my bad I misread it
Tnx for letting me know
No. 723514
>>723413How do you fuck up so bad that your style ends up being puffy AND stiff at the same time.
I wonder what brought about this collab, and why they ended up not going through with it (this is from a yr ago?) maybe it WAS that Michie got bigger and decided to brush it off or something, we'll never know (I know Michie got popular because she decided to do some 'art rants' on yt).
Anyway it'll be interesting to see Holly and Michie's dynamic over time. Pretty sure neither of them have much going for themselves, and Michie is stuck on that sinking ship with Holly now.
No. 723535
>>723514my bet is either michie got big and blew off cinnabani, or cinnabani got the sense she was similar to holly from their interaction and bailed out.
sage for no contribute
No. 723564
>>723558y i k e s
michie is well on her way to becoming a cow herself. its only a matter of time.
No. 723720
>>723680i think anon meant to check them out bc they're examples of art ytbers with ugly art who are only popular for their rants
but agreed their art is fuuuugly
No. 723767
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No. 723775
>>723767it took her a whole month to ship out orders…?
>>723773how long ago were you friends?
No. 723832
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No. 723852
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No. 723919
>>723852Plenty of SA victims are able to make jokes about the topic, but hopefully with people who are okay with them doing so. You don't get a free pass to be an asshole just because something bad happened to you.
Doesn't matter, since it wasn't taken out of context. Her fans are so deluded.
No. 723953
>>723940Based on her streams she seems to lean heavily into stereotypes (maybe cuz she never leaves her house enough to meet not white folks) but I honestly can't think of a racial drawing stereotype lol.
She did say on the stream she doesn't like the French tho. I think that's like a Texas thing tho? Do Texans hate French people?
No. 723990
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No. 724319
>>724315 It wouldn't be that much of a surprise. I can't think of any other reason any self respecting artist on social media would go as far as she did to try and prop herself up as this "beacon of truth" about Holly.
Like anon said, let her do her thing.
No. 724331
File: 1540974762333.png (72.91 KB, 532x959, tumblrq.png)

Cool enabler fanbase you've got there, Holly. I feel like she's constantly redirecting the conversation to avoid what she actually said.
No. 724398
File: 1540989778617.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1962x1094, 57766A71-850D-4094-9FA3-9522C8…)

>>724392Vampire au of elf porn comic thumbnails
No. 724427
>>724332Awe poor baby holly doesn't have anyone to hold her hand.
Grown up brown your, 22 years old you can figure out how to make yourself better, we don't have to give you a step by step process. Besides you wouldn't follow it anyway.
No. 724440
>>724392Holly has a long way to go before she can live solely on internet bux…
I can see her almost use some elements of under drawing in a few of her newer sketches but I’m always disappointed.
Despite Holly’s years of drawing and art school, she still sketches using outer lines. No draw through for ol’Holly Brown. No action line, no under drawing, and no iterations of those thumbnails.
Does Holly really thinks she gets it right the first time, every time? It’s so obvious that she’s wasting time on finishing these comics to turn a profit. That’s why these stories and characters are forgettable.
No. 724483
>>724479Non-con is pretty popular fetish, especially for people who have never had sex before. If Holly wants to draw non-con porn let her, it really doesn't effect anybody. However if Holly wants to spew shit about how rape isn't rape if you don't fight back or some other nonsense then she has another thing coming.
>>724476Her brother might be out on bail or something like that. Also Holly's brother isn't her biological brother right? It might be possible Holly's Aunt paid bail or something to let her son out of jail. Either way I really don't care enough about Holly's personal life to dig up this junk so I guess some other anon is going to have to provide milk for this.
No. 724490
>>724483Holly's home situation is pretty convoluted. Idk either if that's her actual brother, but she dies have a lot of siblings (including the half ones)
I wonder if her aunt (who she calls mom) and her are the only ones living there. Her vlogs are so lonely, she probably doesn't want to show them which is fine and all, they probably have jobs/school unlike holly.
And she really needs to clean her room. Living in filth isn't good for your health or mind.
No. 724497
>>724476I doubt it. She's mentioned her brother issues numerous times long before this recent drama started. I don't think it's to garner sympathy.
Also, this is my first time posting so I'm a little unsure of things. You're supposed to enter sage in the email field if your not contributing new milk, right? Or is it the other way around?
No. 724534
>>724497I believe Holly's grievences with her brother are genuine, he does sound like a piece of shit and if she is contributing money towards bills then she has a right to be annoyed that her auntmom continually lets him back in the house.
Of course if she was better with money she could probably move out…
No. 724544
>>724534The problem with holly is that she’s constantly lying, so she cannot be trusted.
She started saying she pays for her own food, then she buys groceries, suddenly she’s the one paying bills, then she’s paying almost full rent plus bills plus groceries, now she’s back to groceries.
I think she only pays for some groceries, and I do understand having bad blood with your sibling but if everything he’s doing is eating groceries and laying in a couch… I mean it’s her mom’s house, if she doesn’t feel safe in there she’s free to move out instead of wanting to push somebody with an addiction on the streets again.
If he was seriously dangerous I doubt her mom would keep him in, since she kicked him out once already.
Holly is all about second chances when it’s avout her but she doesn’t want to admit that maybe drugs are his brother’s way of coping just like cutting was hers.
He could be shit, but we’ll never know because holly is telling so many lies it’s impossible to say what’s true.
No. 724572
Hey, I saw some people claim (on twitter and youtube, I think) that they had many other examples of Holly tracing and getting away with it, does anyone here have examples like that? Other than the things that were posted on lolcow, that is
>>724476She probably isn't just straight up lying about that, but she probably IS playing it up a bit for her audience. It might sound cunty, but that's just what she does. We already know what she wants her fans to think about all of this - someone with a hard life is being bullied by sjw's, oh no.
No. 724574
>>724567I feel that her family matter should be left off this thread all together.
unless is a direct cause for concern
we don't live with her 24/7 so we don't know what goes down.that is unless brown lives streams 24 7
No. 724578
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>>724572I've spotted a bunch of stuff im 99% sure she's traced, but I couldn't find a source for so I never posted them.
Since she throws 3D refs in there, it's really hard to track if it's a stock photo she got off google images, someone elses fanart, anime caps, or someone elses comic… And I'm not reading & watching every single thing she's ever mentioned lmao. I hope those people did recognize some of these and I hope the post receipts, but it was probably just what we've seen on lolcow already.
No. 724584
>>724578Yeah, you're probably right about all of that, I somehow got the vibe that it was a lot more than we've seen on lolcow from how some users were talking though. Hopefully someone comes forward about it (if it's even true). I'm very hungry for BRown tracing conspiracy pictures, lol
>>724581>Then again this could be because Holly has no idea how to draw things inhabiting a 3d spaceFor sure, that too. She's just such a hack though, it's hard to believe she has never done this before.
No. 724628
>>724600I tune in and the first thing I hear is "I don't see how it's racist to…"
Christ holly. this is exactly why you said you'd stop doing livestreams jesus christ
No. 724730
>>724644's the timestamp. (2:45:59 in case it didn't work)
It's nothing that could be considered milk. They're just complaining about straw SJWs.
They were saying that if a fictional location is based off a real world location the characters should reflect the racial demographics of the real location it's inspired by. So, an Asian inspired fantasy world should be full of Asian looking characters and not Black people.
No. 724854
File: 1541075947181.png (499.96 KB, 467x825, orders.png)

Looks like someone is still neglecting the zine
>>724730Michelle actually always complains about imaginary critics in pretty much every stream she's in, it's a little weird. I guess her and Holly really are a good match after all
No. 724860
>>724756That's not true, a lot of sjw's complain when a white character is a main character in a mainly non-white setting. Look at something like 'The Last Samurai' for example. Also sjw's love to claim 'cultural appropriation' whenever a white character uses items or skills usually associated with a real life race. I remember some people being mad at Raven from Teen Titans for this a long while back.
>>724854Holly and Twisted's both love to pull the 'I'm so edgy people complain about me' shtick because their art is so bland no one would ever actually watch their livestreams for it alone. Things like attacking straw-men critics or saying really controversial things and starting drama draws their angsty teen audience to them and is the source behind their popularity.
No. 724883
>>724877I agree, both extremes are pretty dumb. I feel like writers and other creatives should have the right to populate their worlds with whatever they want without being called out for this shit as long as their character's aren't racist caricatures or something.
>>724879Kek sorry I
triggered you
No. 724888
File: 1541081999779.png (405.2 KB, 1016x748, hollsbnha.png)

I really dislike seeing BNHA in the BRown style
No. 724891
>>722460This isn't even funny but I lold so fucking hard
>>724319Every time someone has called that girl creepy they get told that it's good that 'someone's' calling her out. It's just weirdly protective of some random artist. Girl's a sponge, friend.
>>724888UGH it's a tired point but I HATE the way she draws muscles. His pecs look like weird little saggy boobies. Also, gotta love how it looks like he's fisting himself because hands are hard to draw. I also like this trend of characters being haunted by ghostly forest-wedges.
No. 724893
sorry, meant to quote
>>724316 , not
>>724319 No. 724941
>>724921I don't know if Holly would be capable of such a thing.
AL obviously doesn't give a shit about anything, she cries on camera to fake it and get views because she literally can't survive without youtube bucks, and has a way more bubbly personality to let her ignore everything around her. She has just enough self awareness to capitalize on her own shame.
Holly is too insecure and fragile to let herself become a troll channel like AL. She goes insane at the drop of a single bad comment and never shuts up about it, not to mention I don't believe for one second she would still do art if she didn't have people telling her she was good at it (which she's not). On top of that, she has no life outside of the internet, so putting up a fake persona for views gets her nothing and would drag her down mentally even moreso than just dealing with us.
If Holly became a troll channel, she would break the facade after a week since she needs those precious compliments from her 5 year old fanbase.
No. 725016
>>724891The reason is because people
are glad that someone's calling her out. We don't really care why she's doing it (fame, personal reason, holly being rude to friend, etc etc) there could be multiple reasons. Nobody particularly cares why because most people just let Holly get away with her bullfuckery, this artist isn't. I personally don't give a shit if she's trying to get famous off this or not, I just care that more people know holly is a dumpster fire.
sage for no contribute
No. 725077
>>725053I'm glad that's she's kept it up tbh
Since that one person who really didn't have a following said something towards about her(holly) sexual assault views, and even at the time letting people know with the link to the full live stream. Holly responded on Twitter then Cinna join in which I think scared holly even more.
Hopfully this makes sense
No. 725103
>>724854i think it's safe to assume holly will do nothing but the bare minimum for the zine as long as she can get away with it. it's almost pointless to bring up anymore.
>>725053cinna's obsession with calling out holly is weird at face value but at least someone is putting some pressure on? it worked enough to provoke deletion/a response and made holly squirm so whatever.
No. 725105
>>725103I'm possibly in a minority here but I actually enjoy watching the cows create their own drama/downfall. There's no way Cinna isn't a farmer or at least she is clearly getting her information from here. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, I just feel it takes away from the humor a little - I'm not sure why.
I think a lot of people like Cinna are just so self-righteous that even when when compared to Holly I'm like "bish, and you so good? wtf." Just kinda smug. Bugs me.
Srry for OT.
No. 725135
>>725105ntayrt, but if cinna didn't get her info here, where else (other than maybe pull, which has far less content/receipts) would she get her info? I'd find it way less entertaining to watch if she was stalking through every inch of holly's content on her own. That'd be a bit obsessive.
saging for OT
No. 725161
>>725114It's because the rest of her shit, while awful, is subjective. Even when she shares balls to the wall crazy opinions about consent or rape a lot of her followers will just say "well I don't think that counts" or whatever.
Tracing is objective. She has her excuses for why, but it's undeniable that she did it.
Not to mention a lot of Holly's fans want to excuse her behavior because she's their art role model, since most of them are children or otherwise inexperienced. If you can prove that she's not just a shitty person, she's a shitty and unsuccessful artist too, then their idolation of her will break and they'll start to see her problems. It's already happening if the influx of "I used to be a fan-" anons/Tweets are any indication.
No. 725171
>>725161She IS a successful artist proving that hell exists and we're in it. Obviously her business model is non-existent and she always fucks everything up immediately after money changes hands, but the fact that she sells things at all is ridiculous! If she fixed (or marketed) her shitty personality she'd make a fucking mint off her braindead fans. She's a lazy spoilt brat.
Yes I'm jelly as a struggling artist who can actually draw.
No. 725178
>>725171People like to give money to people they feel sorry for. Holly has established herself as an artist living in poverty with a shitty home situation, severe depression resulting in cutting, suicide attempt…people give her money and try to help her because of this. If she lived a relatively comfortable life everyone would see her for the person she is.
Being poor or mentally ill isn't a pass for you to act like a jackass, holly seems to get away with it though. She isn't even grateful for her business, always complaining about fulfilling orders and messing up zines for paying customers. Holly isn't making money off her art, she's making money because she's a personality on the internet
No. 725196
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No. 725204
>>725171She isn't, though. She'll spend $2k on supplies, make $1.5k back, and think she made $1.5k profit. Her expenses are insane - is spreadsheet anon still around? She's not successful, just emphasizes the sales she does make and ignores the overhead costs drowning them out.
She's behind on her orders, zines, comics, Patreon, other projects, and merch, most of which only appeals to existing fans. And she's burned all her bridges for ever being employed in the industry if she changed her mind.
You're right that if she kept her costs down and released consistent and affordable merch she could legitimately capitalize on her luck like so many other mediocre artists, but she hasn't. Sales alone aren't a measure of success, there's not much to be jelly of.
>>725178Contentious issue but Holly exaggerates everything in her life for sympathy and I'm pretty sure money is one of those things. Like she'll hint at barely being able to afford groceries then snap a $$$ food haul for her latest fad diet. She could still have money problems but her own overspending is a major cause.
No. 725264
>>725251I mean, she can see stuff here and agree then use it in her own explanation of it, i don't really care.
most of us here agree w/ the majority of whats posted abt holly, I don't see why it's any different just bc she's attaching her name to it.
No. 725266
File: 1541146703464.png (52 KB, 578x426, cinna_answer_cc.png)

No. 725284
File: 1541152305823.png (562.94 KB, 463x818, huevember.png)

No. 725352
File: 1541169094748.png (750.54 KB, 629x895, huevember1.png)

"Decided to do huevember. I’m sure I’m somehow breaking the rules by not exclusively using those eye bleeding neons but Christ I cannot, I cannot do neon. My bones will break if I use that gatorade piss yellow - anyways I’m doin a fantasy AU #huevember #fantasyau"
Wow, BRown doing something for clout but talking shit about other people doing it as well? Unexpected.
No. 725364
>>725352Sweet, because people are SO interested in seeing yet another AU concept for a comic that's barely off the ground. Intriguing. /s.
Also Herschel's uneven boot cuff is killin me softly.
No. 725507
File: 1541191748620.png (19.79 KB, 543x317, bnhac.png)

In case you were wondering what the queen of natural storytelling and characters thinks about BNHA villains.
Er, I've been seeing this weird yaoi dragonball girl making incoherent comments on different Holly-related videos/making strange meme streams about her, sort of like she's the anti-Keith. That's not one of you guys, right?
No. 725526
>>725352she has one of holly's motion swoosh capes coming out of her back but it's in the second frame as well so … i guess it actually is a cape this time?
I looked at the tag and the other drawings are so good because they're color drawings with a dominant hue, not black and white drawings with a nasty wash
No. 725646
>>725352AUghhh I am so angry.
She's been drawing such saggy curves lately, ash's ass is both chunky and droopy like some middleaged woman in 80s aerobics gear.
You're not just meant to take any old sketch and splash the colour on it, that's not a challenge that's just drawing every day!
and hersh's good power stance/failed leg-shelf reminds me of when I used to pull my action-figures' legs in the wrong direction
how saddddd
No. 725729
File: 1541219849946.jpg (7.03 KB, 425x353, 31jw9Ct9e8L._SX425_.jpg)

>>725708it's meant to be a kunai, they're throwing-knives
coz you know, fantasy europe = naruto
No. 725751
>>725352Imagine your neck being skinnier than your wrist.
Like unrealistically skinny necks could be a style feature but her necks are inconsistent and when they are super skinny they make no sense in relation to the rest of the characters proportions.
No. 725759
>>725352hershel's hideous hair
giraffe neck
long ass torso?? and long fucked up spider legs??
No. 725761
>>725737you're assuming she's not going to do it autistically tho (and she is), if she does anything else with it except this bad drawing, (which she won't).
>>725753lmaaaaooo just a whole lesson played completely straight using her pictures as the WRONG examples. hahaha.
No. 725804
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No. 725811
>>725810Oh wow, did anyone catch the comment that
triggered this?
No. 725819
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No. 725820
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No. 725821
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No. 725822
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>>725819>>725820>>725821This instagram artist has like 300k followers
When I watching her story I didn't think her followers actually gave a shit
>5 hours later >fucking kek No. 725826
Holy shit, it's happening. Who's the artist?
>>725825I bet it'll be the victim video route this time, or like the last time when she made video saying "no one could censor her!!!!!"
No. 725827
>>725824>>725826It's Lanajay_art
It's still on her story
No. 725841
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It's back. @hcbrownart
No. 725844
File: 1541243592650.jpg (28.93 KB, 322x267, 02.JPG)

seems like she is pissed.
No. 725846
>>725844… why is she tagging huevember?
Also thank god somebody big called her out.
And to me she just deleted the Instagram and then realised it was bullshit.
No. 725853
>>725840Holly was lying when she said it was about kinks, it's a little hard to take something like this: out of context. The streams are up though, so you can judge for yourself. It wasn't edited to make her look bad, just to show what she said more easily.
No. 725855
File: 1541246380476.png (24.56 KB, 513x273, thankscunt.png)

Hard to buy this after she's been lying so much lately, thanks cunt
No. 725858
File: 1541246746820.jpeg (705.68 KB, 2045x2046, 78E6DF73-7690-43B1-8509-E3BDEA…)

Holly needs to start lifting, her characters arm muscles are so fucked
No. 725867
>>725855Yeah I have a hard time believing it was "reported"
And if it was reported, it sure ain't for self harm, but for endorsing rape. Of course, Holly won't admit that
No. 725904
>>725819I remember when I was like 12 and first heard about rape, one of the things I thought was "just say you like it and the rapist will stop raping you because he just wants power over you". The same logic you would use to avoid schoolyard bullying.
I don't think Holly is malicious (woman hating) when she says stupid stuff, I really think she just hasn't experienced much of the world, and she has almost no real social interaction.
She was smart to say "no more livestreams" sine I think she realizes she can't help but unwittingly say really dumb shit. But it seems like, as usual, she can't take her own good advice.
No. 725940
File: 1541260686669.jpeg (118.81 KB, 1171x1151, 395F6FB5-BAFD-4AAF-BAF7-8D12B2…)

>>725827I honestly don’t understand why artists with better skill and understanding of art ever follow her. It cannot be for her shitty “tip” videos or “real” personality, either.
Well, whatever. This shit good.
No. 725946
>>725940Doubt she follows.
>just found out some very disturbing stuffShe's just band-wagoning
Hella funny tho.
No. 725979
File: 1541265327953.png (273.11 KB, 450x796, positivity.png)

Holly made a very chipper snapchat video about the situation, she's really going to pretend the thing with Lanajay didn't just happen… Ok queen
"Anyways even though my fucking account got deleted SHIT can't let that.. Can't let that shit get me down, makin' some comics, they'll probably be posted later"
No. 725998
File: 1541268757794.png (14.88 KB, 399x111, insta.png)

Hoo boy, someone shared her new instagram in Lanajay_art's comments
No. 726029
>>725899I'm pretty sure that information wouldn't even be available to her. Bitch is lyinnnn
>>725998preteen fujo defense squad in 3…2…1…
No. 726037
File: 1541275215224.png (168 KB, 521x827, Screenshot_20181103-135753.png)

No. 726063
>plays audio from stream; you can't be forced to give oral sex "bitch bite down">holly says this wasn't about rape, it was about "consent with partners" (???)>she doesn't elaborate on how this is different >holly says I don't think that about rape, I have a comic about the effects of rape!and then more audio about woe is me I don't know how to say words so good fam idk I guess I'll just talk to you all like you're my grandma go follow my new instagram
No. 726068
>>726049>>i'm bad at knowing what to say publiclyturn. on. your. goddamn. brain.
>>i can't move on without addressing this, i guessi hope you can't move on from this. i hope it sticks to you for once. you're not sorry about what you've done. you're sorry that you got caught and for once you can't pretend it away. maybe it will finally make you grow the fuck up.
No. 726084
>>726049She said someone edited a video to make it seem like she said something but to my knowledge there is no such video
And yeah sounds like she's fresh dome with crying
No. 726101
File: 1541281043233.jpg (937.83 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181103-163435_You…)

Let's face it holly not going get a proper call out at all. Her fans are going to coddle her and say "you don't have to change "
And still buy her shit
She's not going to really get any heat from many people, because let's face it her fans are a lost cause now.
No. 726104
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No. 726105
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No. 726106
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No. 726108
File: 1541281770542.jpg (862.56 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181103-164748_You…)

Someone collect their angry 12 year old asap
No. 726109
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No. 726114
File: 1541282361031.png (155.55 KB, 1210x801, lol.png)

Tfw you get the audience you deserve. I know they are probably all young, but damn these kids are gullible.
No. 726119
File: 1541282643820.png (98.69 KB, 1251x575, nopolpls.png)

This settles it for me. She did not correct them about women getting raped "because they were dressed provocatively" because of course not.
No. 726121
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No. 726127
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No. 726139
>>724600hey so i'm super late on this and all the other milk buried it but RE: that halloween Mitchie + Holly stream…
I wanted to watch to see what the racism stuff was about, and while that quote wasn't really specifically racist or anything, the entire stream is filled with slavery apologism and bizarrely Mitchie trying to play off her kink as a cute sfw concept (pet play, slave/master stuff). Rather than embracing it for what it is (a fantasy), she keeps trying to explain it away as "okay" that her slave character is a slave because he's owned by a wealthy family, and "well looked after". Even Holly balks at it a few times throughout the stream. what the fuck lmao
No. 726146
File: 1541286048424.png (27.57 KB, 399x264, delete.png)

And delete in 3… 2… 1
>>726139Thanks for making be think of TD engaging in pet play, jesus christ. Do you have any timestamps? That sounds… Interesting to say the least.
No. 726157
>>726122 relevant portion of the live stream starts around 2:52:32
To be honest, after actually listening to the live stream I'm kinda on Holly's side this time. I thought she was just making excuses but after listening to the full conversation leading up to it and not just that one quote out of context it's incredibly obvious that she wasn't talking about rape.
No. 726164
>>726157honestly im not offended by it,
shes basically saying women have control in their sex lives w/ their partners
and the ppl who are actually offended are probably thinking about women who get pressured into sex because they are in abusive relationships. aka their partner isn't trustworthy
holly was talking about normal relationships & sexual consent
No. 726169
>>726157I think people prefer to call her out on that specific quote rather than on more concrete examples of her rape apology (like the Seize "moral" at the end or Holly victim-blaming Simon) because they just jumped on the bandwagon and that quote is easy to find and repeat.
She did this to herself, though. None of this would have happened if she knew how to control herself and what she puts out online. Many creators have made much more offensive shit than she has and got away with it by having a solid public persona to back it up, but she just had to be a sleazy, scammy wreck.
No. 726172
>>726073Her fans are young and stupid idiots who like the same shit she does. Not like Holly can sympathize with rape victims. I can't even remember the last time she dated a guy. But someone should tell her
Yes, your partner can rape you. Andyes your partner can force oral sex through violence. But again, Holly has noooo clue what the fuck she's talkin bout
No. 726174
>>726170>you could just bite a bit That's still not a normal relationship anon, in those if you "feel a bit pressured" you talk about it.
Holly has no understanding of what relationships are like so maybe in her imagination biting genitals instead of using words is "normal", but let's not enable that shit.
No. 726180
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Yea maybe holly can pick up one to
Along side a communications book as well she needs that really bad.
No. 726182
File: 1541291552774.png (131.71 KB, 1361x625, Capture d’écran (440).png)

>>726178her comment under page 227, when the rape happens.
I get it's supposed to be "funny" but it's just distasteful.
No. 726183
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No. 726184
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Her fans are so great aren't the?
I mean when you behave a the way hollys does or pretends to.
She attracts really interesting people
But not the good kind tbh
No. 726196
File: 1541292476469.jpg (281.01 KB, 1440x1054, Screenshot_20181103-194758_You…)

Look what I found in the comment section?
No. 726211
File: 1541293709503.png (54.85 KB, 526x317, Holly.png)

>>726197Holly is in the livestream's chat defending the zine, apparently.
No. 726222
>>726040apparently there's a divide. A lot of people here would find it amusing if she was driven off the internet.
This is kind of what I meant before about having problems with all the cow tipping. It's not that I don't find it funny watching this girl getting her shit pushed in, and I'm not trying to be elitist complaining about cinna getting her info here, it's just that it's getting close to personal army/internet police ATM which is boring as fuck
>>726119lmao she's so unopinionated. Happy to go after SJWs coz they're a pop target but then the rightwing she panders to busts in to yell at her and she's like "muh rights, help me."
No. 726246
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No. 726261
>>726122thanks for the link
putting myself through this awful livestream and man, if I hear uwu again I'm gonna punch something
No. 726320
File: 1541309560585.jpeg (3.05 MB, 3024x3024, DB3B34D6-032D-4BB7-AB8C-7C4808…)

Staaaaaap guys
No. 726415
>>726399bb, sage goes in the field that says email. Don't write anything else.
But yeah, she doesn't know anything about sex. I don't think she even sees herself as part of the human race tho. Just in that narc stage teens go through when they feel like people are characters so they're not being offensive to comment on sensitive issues. 'It's just a joke!' is easy to say if, like I said, you're talking about characters, not people.
No. 726419
File: 1541328341721.png (55.65 KB, 388x487, 11aal.png)

"Iv'e talked to her, and she thought she was doing the right thing" Not everyone is going to BRown town, luckily.
No. 726489
>>726438>Holly’s characterization of the rapist in her comic is extremely sympatheticYeah, I haven't seen any of her readers call that out (all their comments about him are just Hitler jokes and insults) but she gives us his backstory with Simon's mom, makes him the "normal" relatable party during Simon's breakdown and actually gives him contrasting traits that make him not completely one-dimensional. That could work if the other characters were similarly complex, but Damian and Simon's relationship happens out of nowhere and the dad is mostly a comic relief/plot device character.
At this point I don't know if it's shit writing, her actually fapping to the rapist or both.
No. 726492
>>726477She does that sort of thing a lot, almost all of the critical comments are purged from instagram. If you have something to say, you're better off writing it under posts related to her, rather than something she can moderate. Queen Holly and her thick skin are stronger than lolcow sjw's idk
No. 726505
File: 1541341016287.png (179.1 KB, 522x696, oh holly.png)

>>726477so I love how she reblogged this on the 30th
This is such an important thing for people to understand (tho this person said it pretty stupidly) but she is completely wrong in her understanding of it
If you think it's ~
problematic~ what a character is doing, you still have to make sure to show that it is uh… bad. She doesn't know how to show that anything is anything so it just ends up being creepy all 'round when she tries to make 'plot points'
No. 726520
File: 1541343042015.png (427.76 KB, 1280x1172, 42862386_242396629733864_11649…)

(hope im posting this right lol)
been lurking on these boards for over a month and i gotta say… guys. you're heroes.
i used to be a huge fan of hers for whole years because of the way she speaks (im reallll) and the "work hard" part because it was something I felt was important. now i just look at my art and hers and its like, girl. i got better thanks to ur advice and u got worse. browsing through these boards shown me the light (and got some arttips lol)(sorry for blogging but this is about her i guess).
but yeah. if not for you, she'd have never apologized (even tho the apology is shit). nobody would ever call her out. the fact someone big pointed at her and didnt fall for her halfassed explanations is so important. i dont wish for her to fail or get depressed, itd be good to see her become a decent human being, but after all this time i dont think its possible tho.
to holly, if u see this: like i said i used to be a huge fan. u might feel comfortable with ur uwu good fans that forgive ur trashy behavior, but u aint the shit. just a huge disappointment. years ago i wished i could get on ur level, but now the fact i thought u were a pro baffles me to no extent.
to everyone here: keep up the good fight. this is not "a hatedom". dont let any BRown bs slip and keep her on edge. sorry for no milk or conversation input but i felt like the thanks were due.
bonus: i know it's probably old but i offer u this edit i made. long live the call outs.(blog)
No. 726523
>>726502Wait, is she losing friends in the art community? Those guys usually aren't the most confrontative.
>>726520That's sweet, but we're mostly just cunty because it's fun, and she wouldn't have apologised if Lanajay hadn't said anything. Good nudge nudge tribute though, huff!
No. 726527
>>720739>>726523 I took a quick look at her followers and didn't see any big artists following her
Either they don't know or don't want to get involved
No. 726556
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Monique in the situation
No. 726565
File: 1541351357308.png (123.14 KB, 641x909, defsquad.png)

Watch out for the Holly defence squad because they're gonna get you, fam! What they lack when it comes to reading comprehension they more than make up for in the passion departement, lol.
No. 726586
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>>726574Why am I not surprised
No. 726619
>>726550Hey there, that would be me. lol
I was debating on whether to make another comment against her new horrendously extra bad apology (AGAIN) but I would just be repeating what I’ve already said. It’s useless to try and waste my own precious time on someone who obviously does not want to change and instead hide behind her league of 13 year old anti-sjw legion. It’s like talking to a wall, so I’m just going to sit back and watch her crash on her own (until she REALLY pisses me off again).
No. 726658
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No. 726662
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Well the comic isn't even full developed and only has a few pages?????????
So how are outsiders suppose to know this??????
Still I call bullshit on someone reporting her page, Instagram takes forever to even look at reports for even Gore pages etc so I doesnt make sense for them to delete her page?
Plus add in the timing of the artist who called her out, it wouldn't take a mob of people to do tahy if anything it would break instagrmas system for reporting.
No. 726675
>>726556Fucking hell Monique, if you don't want to get involved then don't vaguepost about it either.
>>726399I doubt Holly has many healthy interactions with real life people at all, nevermind romantic relationships.
No. 726771
>>726746Michie just got married so I'm sure her relationship is consensual. She's probably just never been in a situation where she was pushed.
Holly had never had a meaningful relationship with anyone or anything so she doesn't know shit. It's just another example of her pretending to be an expert on things she has little to no experience with.
No. 726780
>>726764I don't know where you're from but here in the USA, that is just not the case.
Fat/Obese/"Ugly" people get married, or get laid, have children and all of that. It's just a matter of getting out there and doing that if that is what you want to do.
As a rule, you aren't going to meet anyone just sitting around in your house.
>>726776That is a matter of opinion. I don't find Holly ugly, but her personality sure is.
What one person finds ugly another person may not.
No. 726887
>>726826I mean 90% of other threads make fun of their face/appearance as well as their personalities. Why do we need to adhere to a separate rule? She's a cow, and Michie is a calf.
sage for no contribute
No. 726890
File: 1541401495232.jpg (448.66 KB, 1080x1490, gitoffmyfence.jpg)

Oh come on Monique, just say what you mean to say or stop vaguetweeting altogether.
No. 726912
>>726899Not that I can think of. She's kind of like the onision of the art community- nobody really likes her, and she's slowly collecting videos taking her down.
Actually, come to think of it, she might be competing with Spechie for that title.
No. 726925
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idk good reese clout i stfg
No. 726928
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No. 726963
>>726802if u start off your fame making a call out video you are 80% likely to become a cow yourself js
>>726961not US either but I think she means she can't get any more loans for undergrad education so she's gonna have to drop out of college
Idk about US education but in my country you can only try to take the same level of education so many times before the government won't pay for it. If she's repeatedly failed or started over, maybe that's the issue.
No. 726980
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No. 726989
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No. 727001
>>726997Yup, Mr 'Muscle-man' over there was totally immune to the drugs Reese gave him so everything was 100% consensual! /s
Seriously I don't care if you get off to non con or something but don't pretend like rape is ok. If Holly wanted to make her smut PC she could have just taken the cheesy 'it was all a dream' route instead of half-assing an insensitive excuse.
No. 727023
>>727001Holly stop deleting comments. I made a comment on her youtube video stating Instagram would not provide the person mass flagging her because it be going against the privacy laws. She deleted it.
No. 727070
>>726932>>726961>>726963>>726969>>726971>>726977For non-US farmers, Stafford loans are government loans that are lowest in interest rates. There are two categories: subsidized and unsubsidized.
For subsidized loans, you have to apply for finanical aid and it's need-based. The interest is paid by the government provided you stay enrolled in a college but the moment you drop out/graduate, the interest that accrues is your burden to bear and the loan gives you 6 months grace before they start repayment.
Unsubsidized loans have a higher interest rate but they don't require you to be need financial aid. The government doesn't pay the interest for you while you're in school, so that adds to the principal when you're out of school. Also 6 months grace period when you get out.
The total lifetime limit for Stafford Loans in general is 57,500.
According to the charts, Holly would have applied as an independent for her entire college career. Stafford loans raise the amount you can borrow as you approach graduation, and Holly just maxed it out each year.
>1st year: 9,500 (freshman)>2nd year: 10,500 (sophomore)>3rd year: 12,500>4th year: 12,500>5th year: 12,500>total: 57,500It's possible that the "savings account" she was bragging about only held excess loan funds that she didn't think to return
saged for loan talk
No. 727077
>>727048She probably attended 4-5 years ago so 2013-2014ish.
>>727073Meh point still stands, she has accumulated massive debt for a degree she might not even get.
No. 727096
So basically she blew 50k on a degree she's not gonna get?
>>727084Did she ever make videos about calarts? I tried looking for it but i can't find it. Guess she deleted
No. 727110
>>727102We're all pretty positive she didn't get in. In fact in the first thread some anons claim she even said she didn't get in but deleted it and then made this video (there is no proof of that via screenshots tho so idk if that's true)
I myself am positive she didn't get in based on the accepted sketchbooks I've seen.
No. 727134
>>727131Donnie was/is(?) one of Holly's orbiters. Donniedraws was their Youtube and she almost exclusively draws lewd little boys and dicks. IIRC she quit making videos after getting torn apart on /ic/ and apparently reported for Shota on YT. She used to livestream with Holly and the underaged Romanian all the time a couple of years ago and seemed to be Holly's only friends for a long while.
Knowing Holly, she probably dropped them like a bad habit as soon as she became 'famous'.
No. 727160
>>727077Checked and I have quite a few mutuals with her on FB since I attended while she was there. Sadly, no milk bc she didnt last long
sage for no contribution
No. 727192
>>727182Fucking gross
>>727166No ffs lol people aren't like that. I live like five minutes away from Evergreen State College and there are still MAGA hats about (albeit rarely). People don't just start screeching at each other about politics randomly.
No. 727212
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No. 727235
>>727166No ..? Jfc holly MCAD May appear liberal but it’s still an expensive school in the Snow White Midwest lol. They let a neonazi put up fliers and ppl didn’t even like the idea of a women of color club. But to holly she’s always the victim huh
But if anything it’s art school so ppl stayed to theirselvesbc everyone is timid
No. 727238
File: 1541462783552.png (61.28 KB, 535x754, tip.png)

Tips from the queen herself, take notes fam
No. 727245
>>727241As much as I love homestuck, its not the best example of an human alien interaction tbh
Knowing holly she doesnt read much outside of her anime bubble besides homestuck and I think one comic book on nightwing?
No. 727259
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No. 727261
>>727259that's really funny coming from brown
since shes usually, the one talking shit on other in the art community
newsflash brown if you can take what you put out then dont be two-faced either .
but oh when holly gets into drama she wants everyone to sing a campfire song and be best freinds.
No. 727272
File: 1541466593259.png (149.16 KB, 531x768, cons.png)

Oh my god
No. 727273
>>727264ikr it's not low key at all, she just fucking said it lol.
>>727271She's suggesting that, but she said she got flagged for ~self-harm~ and that's not what lana was getting people mad about.
also, i hate to be that guy but plz sage, my friends.
No. 727275
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No. 727293
>>727272She could have went about this wayyyy better than just throwing at the end that Herschel could have stopped it. First of all it just means that Reese thought he was legit trampling on Herschel consent so the intent is the same !!
She could have added a bubble or two at the end showing that the whole thing was planned, and maybe no drugs were involved at all. I mean Consensual non-consent is a very grey area in BDSM but at least there's some element of consent thrown in there.
If she had been even more savvy about this she could have thrown a hint at the end that a safeword was put in place (like "Besides, that's what safewords are for") hinting they talked about all this before.
No. 727304
>>727288Tbh if holly had never had the personality she has today i would have enjoyed the video better,but knowing her now it feels meh.
Also if she just had revised purgatory more and fleshed it out it could have been really interesting.
But holly is too impatient and impulsive to do anything like that.
I feel that she'll do this with paranormal plaque.
its sad really .
No. 727350
File: 1541477240358.jpg (615.36 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181105-220716_You…)

For a second I thought they had caught on but then I read th rest
And I can't with her fans at all
No. 727361
sooo…holly has 50k in debt (not including interest), along with various other loans i’m sure she will have to take out or has already taken out, like the monthly plans she is on for her apple devices. (i remember her mentioning going on a plan for her iphone and her ipad pro, the one that she didn’t want after a couple months lmao. not to mention that i’m sure she got the best models there were at the time and with the most storage - i think she said her phone was the 120gb so that she could take vids with it?) that was only a few months ago, so i doubt she’s paid those off. if she has to get her own car, that’ll be a good bit of money for a decent one. and since she knows nothing about them, she’ll probs spend a stupid amount of cash.
she may have been buying some of her own stuff, but i seriously doubt she’s been paying rent. with the income from yt she’s shown before and the probably negligent sales from her online shop, she couldn’t possibly pay that along with her own groceries AND buying all kinds of useless/“luxury” items every month. granted, she has been totally ignoring her student debt for the past few yrs, but again, she blows her savings. (like how she severely underestimated the cost of the mha zine project and thus it ended up backfiring on her and she spent a lot more $$$ than she should have on less important stuff.)
lmao i can’t BELIEVE she once talked about how professional artists are also good at business and shit. yeah, they are, but you are definitely neither of those things, girl. far from it.
No. 727423
File: 1541495184779.png (17.91 KB, 532x268, pr.png)

No. 727455
>>727275The broken ankle pose is baccck
Well at least it's not two triangles on top of each other now. Holly has improved in that she actually knows what the bottom of shoes look like.
No. 727457
>>727272Guys it's not rape! It's rape with a few extra steps ;)
Seriously though, Holly fails to mention that her character Hershel was DRUGGED and kidnapped and that the whole 'if I wanted to stop it I could' line is super insensitive to SA survivors who sometimes blame themselves for not being able to stop the assault. I mean a lot of guys who were raped by woman don't like to come forward because of shit like this.
>>727447I mean I'm pretty sure the Romanian girl left Holly before she turned 18 but yeah. Also it's pretty good the Holly left the Romanian girl way before all this drama with the TD streams because the Holly/Romanian Girl streams were a 100x worse than anything with TD.
>>727455I see she is returning to basics. I missed the broken ankle pose.
No. 727461
File: 1541510702039.png (147.84 KB, 1217x698, dep.png)

I think this is pretty interesting, the difference between how she talks about issues she has gone through personally vs other people's issues is wild. Plus points for the crazy furry
No. 727471
>>727466anon just tri to think logic way and read or u will be dep
>>727468Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that, combined with that "other people might" line it's pretty telling actually.
No. 727477
>>727461It makes sense that Holly still has a following if this is the quality/mindset of her followers
>>727468Holly likes to think of herself as a 'special snowflake' for a multitude of things. She's 'not like other girls' anon! /s
No. 727641
>>727467Sage your autism, child.
>>727471holly's making me dep with her sudden self con. I demand a yaoi tutorial. where's patreon-chan? Use your dollar for my amusement and request one.
No. 727737
File: 1541547240234.png (1.73 MB, 1076x1182, 1509745969009.png)

>>727638You can find more in threads 3-6 (which you can find links for in the description of this thread) but here are these
No. 727738
File: 1541547309130.jpg (Spoiler Image,404.12 KB, 2000x1725, 1513935010491.jpg)

That is Hershel (who used to be straight before she made Reese who is a character she ripped from Dream Daddy around the time it came out)
No. 727753
File: 1541548875328.png (117.9 KB, 198x304, 1517027310233.png)

Ash was her original self insert and Reese didnt exist in the comic at first, he was made up around after she had already started it. This is the character she likely ripped off to make him.
She also made that joke that Hershel has a type and like…bitch ya ain't subtle
No. 727763
File: 1541550631481.png (29.41 KB, 825x179, contx.png)

Are these kids just going to keep repeating "out of context" like a pro-BRown mantra? Just find a better queen, it's not that hard.
No. 727927
File: 1541591095375.png (152.7 KB, 552x842, notreal.png)

H.C(oncent). Brown
No. 727932
>>727927…apart from the bullcrap of OC's not being real people (because obviously Holly has no clue how to write proper, believable characters), what, Hershel's a cop?! And for some reason feels safe with a self-cutting prostitute with a faible for rapey role-play….?
You needn't be a Stephen King in the writing department to realize there's quite something off about the whole scenario
Not to mention that it's HER fault if people don't know these characters
No. 727937
>>727932The "characters are not people" argument is correct but she's using it completely wrong, usually it means characters don't have an actual psychology but the writer constructs a fake one that at least makes sense with the story's internal logic and themes.
Holly's writing doesn't even work on that level. She keeps everything off-panel (here, Hershel's prior consent and any indication of a healthy dynamic with Reese ; in Purgatory, Simon's entire progression from scared molested kid to kissing and seducing his rapist) and apparently expects us to fill in the blanks.
I like the argument of "it's a comedy series" though. Rape is funny, right ?
No. 727946
>>727937See I would agree with you but for 'Seize' I genuinely believe Holly thinks Hershel gave consent because 'he could throw Reese off at any time'. We know Holly has a warped view of what rape is from her livestream with TD so in this case it isn't a stretch to think that Holly legitimately thinks Reese didn't rape Hershel because Hershel 'enjoyed' it and because Reese is too 'weak' to ever rape Hershel uwu~
Your point still stands for Purgatory though. Holly just time skipped over the essential parts for that comic because she was getting bored with it.
No. 727950
>>727930Yeah…following that logic though nonny, wouldn't that make you more susceptible to playing it fast and loose with consent? Having viewed the material and all. If Hershel says he could have fought back and therefore it's consensual, why don't you believe him?
Because you have a brain and know right from wrong, yes? Fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum but it doesn't brainwash ppl either. Holly simply doesn't understand proper consent, nor does she appear to want to.
No. 727958
>>727950>"Fiction doesn't exist in a vacuum but it doesn't brainwash ppl either."Dude, we're not saying Holly is brainwashing people with her crappy comic. We're saying Holly is a jackass who doesn't know what consent is and that she is teaching her dumbass audience filled with idiotic teenagers that 'if your partner doesn't fight back hard enough it's not rape!'
Like look at all to brain dead followers who think we took Holly out of context just because their 'Queen' said so. All we did was essentially give them a timestamp to watch so they wouldn't have to sit through hours of mindless drivel. If they watched the rest of the livestream they would know nothing was taken out of context and that Holly is lying to save her ass.
No. 727972
>>727968That just proves my point even more. Holly stans are verified to have zero critical thinking skills and are more likely to adopt Holly's idiotic stands on rape and consent.
To all the Holly stans who found this forum, rape is still rape even if the victim could theoretically overpower their rapist. Also just because your partner doesn't physically assault you for having sex with them even though they said no, doesn't make you any less of a rapist.
No. 727984
>>727927Since when was it established Hershel is an ex-cop? I thought he was in his early 20s.
Aside from everything else that’s already been discussed I hate how she just throws that factoid out like it’s an established part of his character.
Maybe people would understand your OCs a bit better if you actually worked on their source material before crafting AU after AU. This was the first real content we saw Hershel and Reese in. So their established characters were “muscular guy???” and “rapist who wears nail polish” and people are always going to see them that way because that’s how they were introduced.
Even though Purgatory is a shitshow I can see how her and her fans are able to take it seriously but I think Paranormal Plague is just a backdrop for her sexual fantasies.
No. 728134
>>728129Either you go all in and say "yeah it's bad in real life, but this is just fantasy" or all out and establish consent in the first page. Holly did neither. She's trying to fence sit on fictional rape, irritating pretty much everyone.
In reality this comic shouldn't even exist. There's really 0 reason for Holly to be drawing date rape porn. Her audience doesn't appreciate it, her detractors will laugh at it, and she isn't talented enough to draw naked men or a believable narrative. The amount of trouble Seize has caused Holly is definitely not worth the few hundred she made selling some copies (to fans who would've bought anything she made regardless).
No. 728140
>>728134Holly's entire career is built on terrible decisions. Either she mishandles her finances, mishandles her merchandise, writes incendiary comments that upset her fans/the art community, or just makes things no one is interested in. She really was just blessed by the youtube gods. That's her only claim to fame. She doesn't deserve the attention and doesn't even know how to handle it. I honestly feel bad for her.
If she was just some irrelevant fujoshi she could have NOT ruined her public image (because she'd have none) and become an art teacher and live an average, relatively stress-free life.
Now she has 1000x more stress, and the money she makes now means nothing since 1. it's not that much, and 2. she has no idea how to spend it, so she just loses it instantly.
No. 728146
>>728134This. Holly made the comic for herself and then tried to make some money off it.
>>728140Honestly I'm not sure if Holly could have ever become an art teacher. I might be wrong but it doesn't look like she is/was taking the steps to earn her teaching certification.
No. 728149
>>728146She's no longer trying to be an art teacher since she has decided to build her own "career" due to her success on youtube. If that never happened, she could have had a stable job.
Holly's money is not going to last long. She will either fuck up so badly that she leaves the internet forever, or will slowly fade into obscurity since her art isn't good enough to make a lasting career from as newer and better fujo artists come onto the scene.
>>728148If rape isn't comedy explain why Seize was the most funny thing Holly has ever produced.
No. 728202
File: 1541623814797.png (333.44 KB, 450x795, 1111a.png)

Will she ever stop it with all of these pity posts? Probably not, but find out on the next episode!
No. 728247
File: 1541626565445.jpg (14.46 KB, 276x389, IMG_20181107_133613.jpg)

>>727927Friendly reminder that Holly traces without credit then sells it.
No. 728315
File: 1541630451703.png (130.38 KB, 588x589, 26085ffa727f4a46ab2f497d1fead4…)

Holly posted this on her side tumblr. Hypocritical much? lmao she's such a liar
No. 728327
File: 1541631399833.png (107.69 KB, 275x343, overlay.png)

>>728247 did a quick overlay. not to sure but it does look really close…
No. 728334
File: 1541632494314.png (256.05 KB, 1012x390, 154159109535459939092.png)

>>727927>>728247>>728327cinna on twitter made this, someone on curiouscat sent her something abt it (my guess is links to the images)
which one of you is touching the poop
No. 728373
>>728368I know that all of her "hand brushes" are traced from her own hand. But you can't prove it.
I also remember an Ash picture where she was cupping a flower in her hands was traced from a stock photo, some anon found it in one of the old threads.
No. 728427
File: 1541640129130.png (631.01 KB, 1024x683, CB7098BA-2E9C-42F7-94CB-B98FED…)

She resized this guys upper body and Frankenstein’d him together
No. 728444
File: 1541642064616.gif (112.04 KB, 400x553, 1520282398417.gif)

>>728373I fucking found it
No. 728484
Guys, don't start reaching. Yes, she traces. Al in that FMA thing and the HerschelXReese thing were obvious traces, but Ash's hands and Miku were obviously referenced and now it just looks like you guys are just nitpicking at this point. She obviously free handed them. Show actual convincing evidence, not obvious references that don't even match up. Don't just do things out of irritation, because it'll give Holly and her fans/friends more of a chance to shut her critics out even more and every other point will be muted out the ass. At least now people are aware of the shit she's getting away with, don't make it worse.
I don't like how Holly says or does shit either, but don't bullshit around just to ruin her, because every other point will be irrelevant to her and her supporters. Though she's a hypocrite, a condescending ass and talks about shit she knows she can't word herself properly while not expecting backlash, she's still a human being and a very stubborn one at that. She doesn't feel like she's doing shit wrong because of crap like this and because SHE knows what she means and she feels like if no one understands her, they're the problem. She's like a teenager acting on impulse after being scolded by their parent and comforted by their angsty friends at this point.
Be mature and focus.
No. 728567
>>728444Who holds shit like that though?
I tried that pose and it's nearly impossible lmao.
No. 728570
>>728540Yeah, I know lolcow is harmless. I might be getting a little too passionate about it, I won't deny that.
At the same time, outside of lolcow, now she's being exposed more than ever. What I was trying to say was that nitpicking while she's already in a deep hole and when there's already proof of whatever it is kinda makes people come off as spiteful, and it's gonna cause her and her sheep to dismiss it more.
Then again, the same could apply to joking about it as well, so that was my bad.
I know it's not something to be brought up in court lol. That would be a huge and dumb waste.
The Herschel and Reese thing is proof that she traced in something she made money off of and claimed to have worked so hard on. More examples like that would be great instead of ones that obviously don't line up and aren't warped to prove it either. Hearing her explanation for that would be something worth hearing since in her FMA thing, she was saying something along the lines of always changing stuff after the tracing part.
No. 728654
>>728484>>728570I agree about the hands and miku, but shit like
>>728445 ? It's not like all of them are nitpicking, it all adds to the pile.
No. 728758
File: 1541701640979.png (247.63 KB, 454x787, sim.png)

"Every single time I draw Simon now he's either pissed off or sad, and I'm sorry Simon but that's just who you are right now!"
It looks like she's made no progress with Purgatory compared to her last update (I might be wrong though, but it really looks like she's just getting to sketching the next part.)
No. 728793
File: 1541705735544.png (409.49 KB, 640x1136, A07C280E-E91E-4910-B4E2-C0D024…)

How the fuck is he standing like this?? How far from the booth does that table go to? Come on holly.
No. 728796
File: 1541705936071.jpg (303.57 KB, 940x1435, pp_new.jpg)

>>728780Everything looks so lazy and awful, the stretched font, the stiff poses, Christ
No. 728807
>>728793Wait, is he supposed to look like he's leaning his left leg against the booth in a weird way? It's trippy to look at, in a bad way.
>>728802She made an instastory about these pages, asked if the booty was worth it and zoomed in on Hershel's ass, so you sort of nailed it there.
No. 728821
File: 1541708184418.png (44.3 KB, 636x167, Crymeariver.png)

Looks like she's not done trying to fetch herself some pity either.
>I cry 10 hours a day every other day
>Trying not to be problematic
I am very doubtful even one of them is true.
No. 728828
>>728528And wow lets defend the fact that holly free handed a handed and used reference versus the picture being 90% TRACED basically.
But lets talk about the hands.
No. 728846
>>728796i can’t even tell how to read this or what they are going on about. also, “beep beep beep beep paranormal” is just…what. what kind of paranormal monster? wouldn’t the police (or whoever) want to know more about it before going over there? like shouldn’t there be types of paranormals and whatnot?
side note: she did princess real dirty. in those few old pics where she wasn’t grimacing, she actually looked kinda cute, but now she has the wild flyaway curls and constant malformed expressions like the rest of holly’s “new and improved” character designs. depressing indeed.
No. 728872
File: 1541712414463.png (345.92 KB, 677x845, patr.png)

Fam, old H-dog can't finish her education because of massive amounts of debt and people are sending her scary fanart, but it's okay. She'll be able to draw way more porn this way, what a healthy mindset!
No. 728900
>>728884in a pic posted in the comment below
>>726928 <- here you go
No. 728944
>>728939Funnily enough, you actually sound like one of Hollys fans now - if you look through the comment section of her "apology" video literally everyone defending her claims that she was just referencing.
The point is that it simply makes her look like an even worse artist if she references so heavily/traces. And what she dows IS beyond simple reference, because she adds jackshit to the pieces, certainly no personality. While dry as hell already, the topic is probably more relevant than making fun of her looks for the gazilionth time.
No. 728953
>>728939A lot of the Holly redraws on the /ot/ thread suck because a lot of farmers who post redraws are shitty artists looking for attention. Any halfway decent artist wouldn't be caught dead posting their art on a hate forum like lolcow. I mean not only is redrawing the garbage fire that is Holly's art a complete waste of time but if you got caught posting somewhere like here it could affect your art career.
With that said no one here is against using photo reference. We're just against tracing shit and then lying about how it was supposed to be a 'placeholder' all along.
No. 728974
>>728958Ah, the trash goblin herself appears, assuming you are who you say you are.
Do you have any sort of plan for this trashfire of a life you’ve built for yourself?
Now that you’re out of school, will you actually take a part time job to pay off your debt, maybe learn to work with people, become more humble?
Are you going to use your YouTube time while you have it to maybe start taking some of the free life drawing courses they have on YouTube?
Or are you just going to continue talking out your ass and letting everything you worked for go down the drain?
No. 728994
>>728974>Ah, the trash goblin herself appears, assuming you are who you say you are.Yes that's me, how many times do I need to say I'm Holly for retards like you to believe?
>Do you have any sort of plan for this trashfire of a life you’ve built for yourself?The plan has always been watching idiots get their panties in a twist trying to analyse me
>Now that you’re out of school, will you actually take a part time job to pay off your debt, maybe learn to work with people, become more humble?I've made loads of money
>Are you going to use your YouTube time while you have it to maybe start taking some of the free life drawing courses they have on YouTube?No, the most productive way to spend my time would be to participate in online gossip forums
>Or are you just going to continue talking out your ass and letting everything you worked for go down the drain?Next
No. 729001
>>728994I'm calling bullshit on all of this
You aren't holly, the typing and wording show that.
I mean if you are holly why are you on here anyway. Your fans always say ignore the hate?
But this is going to be funny tbh
If this is actally holly
Shouldn't you be working on your comics and patreon etc.
No. 729006
>>728994IF you really are Holly HC (Hands on you Cock) Brown….
lol What up, Hoe?
Can you please practice your anatomy and draw through?
Also, I doubt responding to farmers about you and your bullshit will help you. You're a pretty well established cow and the you posting and responding to us is pretty milky.
>>729000Anon, I get you but what if?lol
No. 729009
>>729006Holly here, I only have one thing to say to you:
Learn to sage retard, you have to be over 18 to post here
No. 729015
Sorry girl, on YouTube ALONE there are three different life drawing channels (Draw This, Croquis Cafe, and New Master’s Academy), numerous excellent anatomy lesson channels (Proko and Sycra come to mind), and more all around good perspective and digital painting lessons than you can shake a stick at. For FREE.
And you’re gonna sit here and tell me that LolCow is a better use of your time than, for again, no charge, learning all the foundation skills you’ll need to not trace other people’s shit?
Bloody hell, Holly, if this really is you, I used to be something of a fan of yours until you threw this much down the drain. I admired your tenacity and your dogged dedication to completing your stories.
Now, however…
(Hopefully correctly saged for opinion. I’m new to posting here, I readily admit.)
No. 729030
File: 1541730324776.jpg (47.31 KB, 738x730, queendump.JPG)

>>728202Fan art for the beautiful Holly Brown.
No. 729138
>>729116I know right? Also most of the redraws just introduce new problems to Holly's work. Like they'll fixate on anatomy only to make the pose awkward and unreadable. I'm just glad redraws aren't allowed on here anymore.
>>728958>>729005This is what we have devolved into. I guess we are all thirsty for new milk.
No. 729143
>>729138Ah, well.
It was fun while it lasted I guess.
Back to lurking!
No. 729170
>>729157A lot of Holly’s drawing mistakes feel so genuine since she never under draws or plans out a drawing before drawing it.
Holly contour draws. Drawing the outlines without understanding a form in 3D space or anatomy . And her lack of perspective understanding is so apparent in every drawing she completes.
No. 729237
>>728899We've already seen that Holly's money managing habits are terrible. Not unlikely that she maxed out her loans imo.
>>728958>>728994Even as a trolling attempt this is embarrassing.
No. 729361
File: 1541744011431.png (104.96 KB, 987x555, 2018-11-09_001225.png)

that one "I Love holly brown "video
looks like her senpai noticed her
.just yikes brown yikes
No. 729607
>>729599Tbh this dude is pretty chill, I didn't think he would make a video on this though,of course, he did comment on hollys video so good I guess.
my favorite part though
Hollys fans describe her as "honest and Blunt"
we are going to chorten it to "blunt"
No. 729612
File: 1541793401919.png (80.17 KB, 1058x595, 2018-11-09_135627.png)

No. 729632
File: 1541794771562.png (17.94 KB, 1168x106, swag.png)

>>729599Sorry for samefagging, but didn't this person tell Cinna she was going to "take her life" etc? Guess it's only contributing to hate if it's about Holly. Best, least toxic community ever ya'll
No. 729654
>>729643Since he uploaded the video with his face and name attached to it I can't really blame him for trying to soften the blow - it's still miles better than any of the other art tubers, who only show their ugly self-drawn comic selfs and sound like 12 year olds.
I'm pleasantly surprised to see how few downvotes the vid has, would've thought Hollys follower goons were ready to destroy this guys career by now
No. 729713
>>729691God, none of the characters she draws has a fucking forehead.
I'm not sure that what she's talking about here has anything to do with her being on these threads and reacting to it though…We hardly compare her art to Holly's if that's what you mean, except for when San Japan happened.
No. 729874
>>729837no anon
she can be pretty malicious. wtf u talking abt
No. 729915
>>729698Michie is dumb and has bad art but I don't think she's a cow, there's already a YT artist thread on /ot/. Most of her milk is by association with Holly.
>>729837Holly definitely hates women anon, she's the classic "I'm not like those stupid sluts xD", except she's an adult with an audience of even dumber young teens and not a 14 year-old on deviantArt.
No. 730053
>>730044Based on the comments, this is hopefully the point at which Holly realizes even her fanbase can't help her out of the hole she dug herself in - half of them are grandma jokes and you can literally feel how none of them have any idea what being 50k in dept even means.
I'm curious on what's going to happen now - it's not like Holly can actually financially support herself in the long run with half-assed comics and the few fans who are old enough to buy her stuff.
Since she won't even get her degree now many companies won't even consider hiring her at this point (even if they ignore her internet personality).
No. 730057
File: 1541871218160.png (45.55 KB, 1176x424, Unbenannt34.png)

Apart from the stupidity of the first comment (she doesn't evolve = she's consistent?!), the whole exchange pretty much underlines that her advertising skills are non-existant
No. 730058
>>730044Is hollys eyesite ok
She needs to take a paneling lesson of something, I couldn't follow a thing in her comic.
Maybe she can follow it, I'm pretty sure her fans don't say anything because it would upset their queen and they would be shunned by her toxic community she has made
No. 730060
>>730053Tbh I don't think to many would look at holly, she has already burned bridges to get into the industry.
Also if the company feels the person has the skills they need but no art degree they can still hire them. They just have to be at a skill set needed for the job.
With all that you can Learn about art through the Internet to get a college degree seems kind of pointless.
No. 730066
>>730057Kek, not to defend Holly but it's not like her comics are that hard to find if you want to read them, they watch her main and her vlog channel and never bothered to read the description?
>>730044Summary since I have nothing better to do
>Pats herself on the back for her paneling work in PP>Shows her new planner>Spends 5 minutes rambling about sailor moon>Went to the DMV and forgot it was voting day soon so spent 4 hours there>Spends a bunch of money on korean skincare >Talks about how she hates drinking water unless it's super cold and how she thinks it's "a fat kid thing", shows off a whole pillcase full of supplements though (and her anxiety/depression meds)>literal pile of garbage in the background>Talks about maxing out her loans and how she doesn't want to take out a private loan for "a degree she doesn't need">Her mom doesn't care and she's probably just going to drop out despite being in her senior year because it'd be too expensive for her, instead she'll try to get some money back for the current semester>nervously fidgeting with her pill case the entire time>Shows off more useless shit she bought>Talks about sketching out 20 pages in advance now and apparently just discovered that drawing one page at a time is not that efficient>Dropped Huevember because she doesn't like coloring anymore, I guess she's just giving up on coloring altogether?>Talks about purgatory and how all she wants to do is draw comics latelyVery rambly.
No. 730069
File: 1541872721304.png (20.95 KB, 1194x94, kit.png)

>work on your brand more
Keith, honey… What brand? Having a messed up google search history for all eternity? Being a lolcow? Being blacklisted from professional studios?
No. 730082
>>730044 She also mentioned getting a car in March, lmao, good luck keeping up with insurance/maintenance, and if it isn't a used one, car payments.
I swear to god if she gets a car, all we'll hear about is her whining about it every other video, lmao.
Maybe she'll get out more though it's not really an excuse. People with no cars still figure out how to have social lives, though it's kind of tough when you have no friends irl.
No. 730108
>>730066>degree she doesn't needshe's not wrong - with or without a degree her art is shitty and unappealing, and it's clear that school hasn't helped her improve at all because the lessons confuse and scare her. she is completely fucking her future though lol.
>doesn't like colouringsince fucking when? have we moved into yet another Holly phase? also her only huevember piece hardly constituted as colouring when it was literally just a green wash.
No. 730160
>>730156That's IF she gets a new car. She could easily get a used one and not have to take out any loans, if she budgets smartly. It's her first car and she doesn't make 'car loan payment' money. So if she's smart (which she is not) with her money her first one will be a used one.
Or she can just ask her aunt to pay for it for her.
No. 730163
>>730162You got me there, Anon. She's too impulsive to save up "til March" as she says,
to scrape up enough for a used car.
And then the insurance. And the maintenance.
I just don't think it'll happen. All of it is "if's". So we'll see come March.
No. 730167
>>730163>>730162And then she wants to buy a bunch of Korean skin care products, and expects us to believe she'd be able to afford anything that big while she's busy buying markers, or into some fad diet and other bullshit she'll only use once.
I wonder if she still pays for gym membership, because we haven't heard a peep out of her going for a while now (unless I missed it)
No. 730171
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BRown setting up a schedule she's not going to follow and spoiling her own comic, yet again
No. 730172
File: 1541887495001.png (337.75 KB, 449x775, anim.png)

Oh, and this is a thing that's happening, apparently
No. 730221
>>730209depends. they won't completely fix a fucked up person but they can help you function enough to get shit sorted. or it's not the right med/dose.
either way, requires effort.>>730209
No. 730244
>>730231>>730225>>730221>>730220Tnx for answering!
I attended a seminar about depression and anxiety 2 yrs ago and i only remember them talking about cbt.
Back on topic, i cannot understand how holly can live and breathe in her room with all that trash. Almost makes me want to clean it for her
No. 730267
File: 1541900087548.png (19.99 KB, 440x84, 3638a4b3c26bcc0dca4847b9c152f5…)

ok first of all im not subbed to michie, second of all im not a patron. why is this in my notifications.
No. 730326
File: 1541909899871.jpg (649.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181110-221758_You…)

Looks like hollys minions are coming out of the wood works now.
No. 730329
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No. 730343
>>730171She may not be good at art, but she's an
expert at shooting herself in the foot.
>>727241As aliens, they suck.
But as teenagers? I think they're written pretty well.
The character writing and music are the only good things about Homestuck. Everything else is a mess.
>>727292Nothing is too lewd for Tumblr. There are almost no rules, and what few rules there are don't get enforced.
No. 730398
>>730261>>730343Off-topic but the character writing is only as good as Hussie's ability to write a limited amount of characters. Some of the characters are literally the same personality copypasted and most people couldn't even tell who's dialog belongs to whom without the obvious typing quirks.
>>730261I think Holly's critically low self-esteem is what causes her to waste time and money doing all these useless endeavors. She wants published books, and a webcomic and this and that, because she wants to be the artist who's name stays people's mouths. She has to be known for something and appreciated, even if she can't draw and her personality is garbage. Never in my life have I seen someone who wants to be validated so badly via acrylic pins on some teen fujos backpack.
No. 730447
>>730398Either way, he's not a good writer for Holly to be taking cues from. If she wants to learn how to write coherently, she should crack open some actual books.
The weird style and method he has going on is hard to pull off, and I don't think even he does it 100% successfully.
No. 730451
>>730447You have to be a special type of stupid to ask Holly about writing characters so I am not surprised Holly gave dumb advice.
If you want to write believable characters for a visual medium just hop over to YouTube and watch one of the hundered videos about writing screenplays by the countless professional screenwriters.
No. 730481
>>730171Of course she will draw Reese and Hershel fucking every chance she gets, but for her female characters it's a ~girl crush~
Watch her just spoil the ending via a tumblr ask.
No. 730489
File: 1541953104581.png (74.5 KB, 1141x457, disgusting.png)

Truly disgusting, how dare anyone bully the queen? She's so delicate!
No. 730546
File: 1541966297721.jpg (174.09 KB, 720x1147, IMG_20181111_115848.jpg)

Oh and Holly commented too.
No. 730549
>>730546She sounds insane
"idk its okay if u think im a dirty tracer but idk i work hard idk i like u so funny but make ur own content fam and hope u make money from this hehe im so damaged and fragile lol idk like drama is so toxic"
No. 730558
File: 1541967608049.jpg (119.54 KB, 720x1048, IMG_20181111_122016.jpg)

Yeah whoever this farmer is needs to cut it out.
No. 730560
>>730546She just couldn't help herself…
"Or I can't pay bills"
Don't delude yourself, Holly. If not for YT she would never be able to afford to pay bills with her art alone. Nobody's really buying her shit.
No. 730603
>>730560Even with the ad revenue, I doubt she could have a decent livelihood from it - the fact that she has to drop out now and never moved out despite claiming multiple times how hard it is to live with her brother/cousin, it's rather obvious she barely affords the few instant purchases she makes here and there.
Funnily enough, for her fans she's the epitome of success in the art world it seems.
No. 730682
>>730546It's just so goddamn funny how she and all her fans are like "yeah, they aren't original and jealous, you're so great Holly", while a majority of her content is literally ripping people with different ideas and views a new one?!
Not to even mention the fact that drawing tons of fanart or pretty much ignoring your own comic doesn't quite qualify as 'original'.
No. 730886
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No. 730887
>>730886gawd, that anatomy is so painful
Am I the only one finding it unintentionally hilarious that there are basically just two poses she draws again and again? The panel that's been cut in half looks exactly like the one beneath but mirrored - even the hands she draws are always in the exact same position, no change in perspective whatsoever
No. 730906
>>729030ugh fuck off, idiot
>>730542UGH this thread is becoming cancer, these fucking newfags i stfg
>>730546>But yeah your funny as hell man but I kinda wish you made your own content, not just criticism of others.It's probably just me but she sounds like a kid who didn't grow up speaking English. She's got that weird 'foreign little boy who loves minecraft' tone if you know what I mean.
No. 730907
>>720756Bringing this back from the third fucking comment.
If you are stumbling upon lolcow for the first time:
1. Read the board rules.
2. Check previous threads if confused so we don't get an influx of stupid questions.
3. No one cares about your identity/ hurt feelings/ you in general.
4. try to contribute a new point in every post, don't just reply with your opinion to someone else's opinion.
5. Don't mention lolcow in the wild and don't tell us who you are.
6. Sage goes in the email field.
>5.Don't mention lolcow No. 730945
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No. 730946
>>730944I'm not gonna respond again after this because we're drifting too off topic but here a link to the 'YouTuber general artist thread'
>>>/ot/311917And a link to the current Pixielocks thread (she's not an artist despite what she says she's just a train wreck hoarder weeb)
>>>/snow/729253 No. 730974
>>730558again the whole "i don't want to talk to people if they don't want to have conversations"
holly you won't gain any social skills or solve your problem if all you do is sweep it under the rug. the problem is not drama or "dumb shit" it's you. it's YOU holly
No. 731024
File: 1542053064458.jpg (505.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181112-140314_You…)

I think hollys afraid because this video will keep growing with views if you look at it compared to her other apology, plus it'll encourage others I hope to speak up as well.
I know someone mentioned something about holly copyright striking the video along side her fans.
Tbh it falls under fair use and would look bad on hollys part, that's if the comment. She made didn't already tell anyone that.
No. 731064
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Btw, out of interest I just checked Hollys channel on SocialBlade to see how the statistics are hoing - she's losing quite a few followers here and there (probably cause of the drama) but even more importantly, the site usually offers rather interesting insights to the earnigs of any Youtuber. The maximum amount is usually extremely generous and unrealistic - which basically means she doesn't make an actual living off of it, at least not enough to be able to move out anytime soon.
And I doubt her shop has revenue that it were possible to add another few grant to the math.
Sage for random shit, but I think it's quite insightful for her actual financial situation. Future doesn't look too bright with that college dept.
No. 731073
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>>730603probs to the person who re-posted my statement almost word for word under Hollys response - I'm feeling a bit honored right now
(Also, the irony is strong in this one, after all it's a comment chain about originality)
No. 731097
>>731093didn't she shit on horoscopes before
over the youtube artists collective got bitter about it
is the video still up ?
No. 731111
File: 1542061973757.gif (1.46 MB, 1200x690, tumblr_npokjh2SHd1u3g338o4_128…)

>>730886Holly I know you read these threads. If you're not going to google simple muscle references I'm going to do it for you.
No. 731159
>>731152It would make sense if she were talking about donating blood plasma.
People with AB Negative (.6% of the population) and AB Positive (3.4%) are potential universal plasma donors. You may not know, but there is a special need for AB Plasma. In addition to being the most rare blood type, AB Plasma is universal and can be used for all patients regardless of their blood type.
No. 731276
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>>731024Maybe she should be afraid lol
No. 731327
>>731064She's made 3 "Channel update/addressing issues" type videos in the last 2 weeks, people aren't usually into that - plus, a lot of her videos probably get demonetized, and even if you manage to get monetization back you still lose the revenue from the initial chunk of views.
Even being super generous, if she made 1.2k on YT and stays at 250 on her patreon, that's still not enough money to live off sustainably with her spending habits. I doubt she makes a ton from her store.
No. 731336
File: 1542085534253.png (53.56 KB, 991x284, 2018-11-13 06_01_55-Adressing …)

I went back to her "Adressing the "fma Sketch" and Deleting twitter and some blogs" and saw that she pinned this comment, and it feels like the only reason she did this is to be "Look how I'm being bullied!! :(" even though that person is 100% right.
No. 731339
>>731336I dunno who tf this person is but i love them. I want to hug them.
Theyre gonna get flamed to death. What video is this on?
No. 731347
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>>731336>>731339Its the one they mentioned in their post, anon. read thoroughly
anyway holly just keeps shooting herself in the foot, then shoving that foot in her mouth, huh? Calling girls who suck a dick but dont want to 'slutty people' woooow
No. 731389
>>731347Every time she tries to explain away her statements in that stream it just gets more and more nonsensical, what "certain way"? Is she implying people who act slutty can't be raped?
That said,
>>731350 really makes it obvious that that person is a farmer, tone that shit down when you interact with her.
No. 731452
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>>731349>>731350Holly's response
No. 731454
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No. 731455
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Also a comment from one of her fans that really grossed me the fuck out. Really shows what kind of people she attracts.
No. 731505
>>731454When has she EVER worked in the industry? Is she ok? Also interesting she mentions working part time, has this come up in her vlogs before? Guess her art income isn't enough after all.
>>731455They're probably 12-14 but still.
No. 731625
>>731607That’s not what she said.
Guess she means she has pondered working in the industry for a long time, and that she has a part time job. Two separate things.
No. 731698
>>731695Are we ignoring that she still doesn’t understand that saying “we were talking about consent between partner” is still talking about rape?
Rape is literally about consent and you can be raped by your partner in your relationship. Somehow, to her consent in a relationship is another topic entirely and that drives me crazy.
No. 731803
>>731698There's a world of difference between "I did something I didn't want to do because I have low self-esteem and didn't want to disappoint my partner by refusing" and "I did something I didn't want to do because my partner made me fear for my safety."
Holly was clearly talking about the former not the latter. I don't even like Holly but I think the whole rape apologist thing is grasping at straws. Do people seriously think it's impossible for a girl to feel pressured into doing something sexual without it being rape?
Between the zine, tracing, the Cal Arts rant, her cringe-worthy comics, and her shit art and business skills there's plenty of stuff to bash her for without inventing some narrative about her being a rape apologist.
No. 731812
>>731803You make a great point, anon, but that isn't what Holly said in the video. She said that girls who say they're "forced" usually are into it and are just refusing to admit it because "purity uwu". She then said if a boyfriend is "forcing you to suck dick, just bite it".
If she mentioned the former, it would have opened a great topic for self-love and creating a healthy relationship with someone instead of settling because of insecurity.
Her comment is also not why people are calling her a rape apologist; I think that's from the Seize comic and her saying "Herschel consented because he could fight Reese if he wanted to")
No. 731813
File: 1542160524430.png (261.87 KB, 426x729, fuckcolors.png)

"Fuck colors, inking is all I care about"
>>731803You could maybe argue that's what she meant by "bitch bite down" and "you didn't have to do shit", but shitting on women who say they were forced, saying they should just admit that "they like that shit more than anything"? Not so much. Some parts of that conversation were semi-acceptable, but with all of her weird justifications/other things that were said - she literally is a rape apologist. (That being said, there's no point in bringing up stuff that was already discussed regarding that if there's no new milk, I guess)
No. 731824
>>731813I love how she shits on everything she currently dislikes. Right now she hates coloring so she has an excuse not to do huevember and LOVES inking (conveniently right after inktober ends).
Too bad she's not good at any of these mediums. Honestly, for as much inking she does do between her comics and other artwork she's really sloppy.
No. 731857
>>731828I think you hit the nail on the head when you said it would be forgivable if it was a dumb teenager
I think Holly never grew out of the teenager mentality, always tries to be edgy and "no nonsensed" despite not knowing what she's talking about
No. 731865
>>731858Yeah, it's silly to see so many moralfags in a site meant to laugh at cows
But honestly I've been seeing too many people freaking out about the fictional rape of Hershel which I almost find so retarded that it's kinda funny
No. 731906
>>731874We didnt decide it, we know it. Holly is the type who wouldnt shut up about her sexual experience if she had ever fucked anyone.
not to mention she lives in a trash heap with her mom. Unless she banged someone in a car/their place then she aint banging anyone. nobody would fuck someone when their room looked like hers.
No. 731937
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No. 731938
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No. 731939
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No. 731952
>>731937I would feel sorry for her if I didn’t know she’s making this thing way bigger than it is for pity points yet again. WHO told her to go kill herself? She’s the one saying “go kill yourself” even as a joke if you use a music she doesn’t like. Her mindless tweens tell people to go kill themselves to people who comments negatively on holly. All of the “bad” comments she deleted are basically critiques, never a YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF. That’s not how things Are going. I can understand her internal struggle for everything else maybe but the cyber bullying? Tone it down, brown, you’re yet again making things up to fit your narrative.
>>731938The reason people go after your “first comic” is because you started talking shit about other comics and comic artists, claimed to be a professional and you’ve been so arrogant from the very beginning. Random assholes exists but the art community tends to be tolerant towards growing artists and help them improve. When you scream and shout about how professional and good at comics you are, you cannot blame other people for pointing out basic errors in both drawing and composition.
She’s always harsh and brutal and honest but she doesn’t want the same treatment even when it’s less harsh and brutal.
Poor little special thing.
That said, I hope she can one day learn to de-victimise herself and grow into an adult. It’s about time.
No. 731953
>>731938her mom has a life insurance policy on her? what??? who takes out life insurance on their own kid? does that even get paid out if the person commits suicide?
grievous spelling errors aside, i sympathize with her suicidal ideation. i wouldn't wish that on anyone.
No. 731966
>>731952This. The "your comic looks shite" is almost funny, since she basically admits she was nowhere near being a professional when it was made. Really, the only thing she does professionally is playing the victim and uploading her ramblings on YouTube. Comic artist? Sure, like 5 pages on tapastic, so hardcore worker.
The fact that her only argument are the 'kill yourself# arguments is just really sad - why not deflect real criticism? Everyone and their mother gets these comments, it's part of simple internet-life. Is it good? Nope. But if you're going to take them to heart all the time, while basically ignoring the overwhelming support she gets from her followers (just look at those ass-kissing comments) you're making it hard for yourself. there will never be a point at which nobody will be a troll and send hate - but she keeps expecting it to happen, as if every other semi-internetfamous person wouldn't live through the same shit.
No. 731976
>>731937Even in these threads I've never seen anyone tell her to kill herself or that she should have cut deeper, quite the opposite. I sympathise with her mental health issues but this is a calculated move to deflect criticism, and she knows what she's doing.
>>731953Life insurance generally doesn't pay out if it's a suicide, and getting life insurance when you're younger can be cheaper so it's not actually that crazy.
No. 732015
>>731938This actually sounds like things she tells herself in depressing moments (I did the same to myself a long time ago) - acting as if it were things she's actually told on the regular certainly won't make it better though.
As far as i'm aware of nobody knew she has things like life inssurence, sounds like she is questioning herself why she has it. The 'you can't post without being stupid' could just as well be a quoter by gerself, since she constantly puts herself down in her videos.
No. 732030
>>732015Anon the dark blocks of writing are things shes telling herself, what we are discussing are the “messages” written on her phone that implied people told her to kill herself and to cut deeper. People aren’t saying that to her at all.
This whole “comic” just shows she’s in full blown paranoia, when i experienced it i also thought people hated me/were conspiring against me, and i also heard a “voice” telling me to kill myself. She
needs therapy, and probably a new diagnosis to be honest.
No. 732034
>>732030If that's the case she needs help asap - not because i think she will actually do something to herself, but someone like that is one of the worst influences ever to be on YouTube.
Technically, psychology says the individuals who cry the loudest (about suicide etc.) are the least likely to go through with it. I guess she just really has never learned to elevate herself in her own mind. It's really pitiful if you think about it.
No. 732058
File: 1542214056979.png (115.95 KB, 1080x885, 20181114_114545.png)

Im assuming the "vent" comic was only posted on tumblr (it's deleted now)
No. 732067
>>732058Yep, it was tumblr
>i literally cannot say these things to anyoneHuh… Holly, you always say things like this to anyone who's willing to listen, and this wasn't a personal thing, because you posted it so that other people could see it.
>but yeah good to know, won't be posting that here either then :(Here we go again: Everyone is forcing Holly into being someone she's not! This is CENSORING!
No. 732070
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No. 732074
>>732070"i doubt they're suffering the kind of shit you do "
I've seen my close friend suffer from some serious shit, she didn't post stuff like holly did nor act like holly .
but boo hoo poor baby holly can't take the negativity she delt for so long.
brown go have your pity party somewhere else .
No. 732149
>>732144Ît's not like she's living in some kind of hell - so far from what we've heard it sounds like she's loved by her aunt, has a place to live in and doesn't get pressured to get an actual job and, so far, was allowed to go her way and get a degree in a field she wanted to work in.
I'm not saying nobody is allowed to complain if they don't like their situation, don't get me wrong, but she makes it sound like her life is shit and she can't do a thing about it, because the fault is always lies somebody else.
No. 732151
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>>732074Her fans on tumblr are just gold
No. 732243
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>>732070We can’t blame poor Holly, After all there’s no handbook for these mysterious problems that only holly has experienced!!
No. 732403
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No. 732441
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No. 732491
>>732151I get that Tumblr isn't 100% SJW hivemind, but it surprises me that
a Tumblr user of all people would be willing to shrug off the rape fetishism and soft racism.
Tumblr condemns people for much less, usually.
Honestly, I don't give a fuck about her crap art, beyond the fact that it's good for a laugh. It's nothing I haven't seen a million times before on Deviantart.
No, the problem really is the rape stuff, the hypocrisy, and her mistreatment of other members of her community.
really is the female Andrew Dobson.
No. 732493
>>732459But that would mean not drawing hawt buttsecks, and we can't have that.
>>732467He has not. All we've gotten is Hershel throwing an autistic temper tantrum at Token Black and Holly's self-insert.
No. 732528
>>732491Tumblr is much like the furry fandom in that way. It's hive mind is filled with fanatics who rapidly change what they are
triggered by and what is deemed ok. The reason why some people from tumblr support Holly is because a good portion of tumblr users believe all kinks are ok as long as they don't hurt anybody in real life. This is why degenerate lolicons aren't banned from tumblr on sight.
>>732504If you are stupid enough to contribute to Holly's Patreon you kind of deserve it imo. Holly is the kind of person who gets super excited about a new project before promptly getting bored of it and shoving but to the back.
No. 732581
>>732491Tumblr is used by SJWs and edgelords in about similar proportions, Holly's fanbase just mostly falls under the latter category.
>>732504Unless patreon-chan bailed on this thread, she hasn't posted pages in weeks.
No. 732660
File: 1542310517305.png (78.54 KB, 663x819, woe is me.PNG)

I'm so sick of Holly calling what she did "photobashing" when that's just not it. You don't photobash with literal screenshots from an anime holly jesus fucking christ. No one cares if you use photos in your art, but you have to own the actual photos. You can't be this dumb.
She completely misses the point saying she's never uploading WIPS again, my god.
No. 732667
>>732660No one gets on Inio Asano's case for using photos, it's not about that. She really doesn't get it.
Honestly, Holly's issue is that she either can't understand or won't admit why people get mad at her or what she did wrong, so she just throws her hands up and goes "okay
fine, I just won't post anything or say anything!!". She clearly has no interest in changing any of her behaviours, she just doesn't like people getting mad at her.
No. 732692
File: 1542312745185.png (442.63 KB, 1080x1337, 20181115_150807.png)

sorry for double post but what the fuck, i didnt realize she made so much on patreon, i thought it was like 150ish. maybe if she actually, i dont know, focused on her comic project and had a real product she could actually profit from instead of half starting and half heartedly doing everything, patreon could be an actual income source for her.
No. 732697
>>732692Honestly doubt it would work, at least to get decent income. Artists who basically live off of Patreon, like Sakimichan, upload constantly AND adhere to their audience's wishes (naked girls etc.) - even if Holly suddenly decided to work 24/7 I doubt her audience there would be big enough.
The few people supporting her there don't seem to do it for the content, it's probably just the small percentage of her viewership who are old enough to know how internet banking works.
No. 732706
>>732697Sakimichan makes an
insane amount of money though, even if it's not enough for full-time Holly could have a decent side income if she just put more work into it. She clearly has plenty of people willing to pay for her wonky shit considering she even sold all of her sketchbooks.
No. 732721
>>728327>>728334>>728427>>728444>>728445>>721366>>726520A collage of all of these would make a nice thread pic.
>>722019This is another candidate
No. 732741
>>732733Dude Lolcow is not a place to promote your channel.
>>732736Chill dude.
No. 732756
>>732741First of all I found the video, second if you fucking take time and go to the holly tag and click upload date to find the most recent it'll show up.
Also y'all dipshits would really think someone defending holly would post a video here?
Did you watch it at all.
No. 738260
File: 1543197871932.gif (391.9 KB, 500x374, A786B9DC-B330-48BF-B99C-72F6B3…)

>>737831>>737831Alexa play despacito