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No. 87365[Reply]

Riccy Tyler (IRL name: Max English)

Autistic anorexic 19 y/o homosexual otaku emo who pretends he has his own band and says he hates gays, despite being gay himself.

(He isn't from the US nor is he 'murican, he's Irish from Ireland)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Riccy-Tyler-824904027567216/?fref=ts

Email: max1english@yahoo.ie

Twitter: @riccy_tyler

skype: riccytyler

snapchat: riccy_m3
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No. 87688

Please send him some make up remover and a brush

No. 87721

I pity you.

Or a brown paper bag

No. 88127

Just burn his house down. Make sure he's in it tho. Too ugly to live.

No. 88345


No. 811853

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No. 114572[Reply]

Could be our "Jun"?

I'm still baffled by one thing. Why did she – consensus here seems to point to an African American female pretending to be a Japanese-Korean male – choose to be someone outside the USA? It seems kind of arbitrary to decide to create not just a fake identity but an elaborate, busy campaign around two countries where you'd never been. She could have chosen Zimbabwe or The Philippines or Argentina. Why Korea and Japan? And, can you imagine the effort it would take to hunt around the web every day for non-PC things said about East Asian people or culture that you could get all offended about? And you're not even from there??

It's true that Asian Americans do suffer "microagressions" as minorities in America. But in Korea and Japan, they're the majority. How can you possibly apply American social justice to places where you've never been? Hard to imagine getting pleasure out of finding things for other peoples to find offensive.

Photo via http://fuckyourracism.tumblr.com/post/95306837122/shootallwhitepeople-asianfemalevicepresident
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No. 116199

there is no way jun was anything other than a white dude.
the way he talked about asian women was so creepy. there were so many posts that were like "asian women are QUIET and SUBMISSIVE and POLITE unlike loud white whores!"

No. 116203

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Woa really I missed those, would be funny if he turned out to be some neckbearded weeaboo.

No. 116204

well yes. american born.

No. 116208

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>"asian women are QUIET and SUBMISSIVE and POLITE unlike loud white whores!"
well he's right.

No. 116215

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No. 201926[Reply]

Kitty's twitter went private shortly after both these posts (briefly public between). Her cottage cheese ass photo was also deleted. If anyone ever wonders who is posting in these threads, wonder no more.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 202137

Sorry, wasn't sure about that, she's now in the US, but still does her thing in Japan by times if she gets booked over there

No. 202162

No. 1210776

She is now known as Escort Serena Lang and more info can be found in >>>/w/145702

No. 1211254

Summary of bullying by Kitty

No. 1985519

She has the butt of a 80 year old grandma

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No. 183682[Reply]

Someone mentioned in the Onion thread that we should have one for mamma Onion.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5emng4UyX_LM2W8fLkofVQ
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Revamp.Shebang
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No. 188739

Yeah but didn't Greg kill his turtle by leaving it in a tub in the heat?

No. 188761

Eh I find it very hard to believe that his vegetarianism has anything to do with empathy for other living things. I think it's more a hat he put on that lets him feel superior to other people. If he truly cared about animals he could donate to charities, which would give him bragging rights, or volunteer at shelters which would make for actually interesting video content but in reality it's not about animals, it's about HIM and HIS body, and as an extension his teen brides and their bodies.

Both Gerg and his mom seem like narcissists who either have a stunted ability to relate to other people or lack empathy altogether. Not at all surprised she'd let animals starve to death, and I'm sure that seeing that shit fucked with Gerg's psychological development in some way, but I don't think it inspired him to care for animals' wellbeing.

They should collaborate on a parenting video. Maybe Raven can lend them her Reborn doll.

No. 207407

i do believe she molested onion

No. 207813


I too believe that, especially when he recently flat out said; he got a hard-on from one of his mommy's full-body massages in an uhohbro video.

No. 1985345

They're both demented

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No. 1497013[Reply]

Rachel's Lolcow Thread #3: The Rise of the Fatmad
>uwu I’m laughing with joy at how wrong and retarded you are. I’m beautiful, a healthy weight for my height, and incredibly intelligent. Smarter than every farmer’s intellect here combined. Cope and seethe about it, bitter lonely TERF. You will never be happy or loved as much as I am.
From: >>>/snow/1493162

KF Thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rachel-aliza-leeds-minkin-alruna-serarosier1-tayuubarbie-lucyfern13-miranda-sforza.116204/
2nd Thread: >>>/snow/1485119
1st Thread: >>>/snow/1095830

Current Active Social Media: Please check the other threads for a full list of identities, including KF. Tayuubarbie on twitter is the main account of interest right now as well as her Alruna Discord. If new accounts are made that are active and not suspended, they will be linked in thread.

Meet The Cow: Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, preferred online name Sera Rosier/hated nickname Bertha is a 28 year old cis woman (yes, that's a woman) hailing from Redwood City, California. Her original thread stayed stagnant for quite some time until she discovered it and joined the lolcord to demand that it be taken off the internet. After it obviously was not removed from the internet, her epic spiral into madness began. Before her discovery of the thread, she was known for being part of the Final Fantasy 7 roleplay community as a general menace who fiends for cybersex involving her husbando Sephiroth and some other male characters that fit the same archetype. She is a pedophile who reaches out to minors and joins minor servers and posts sexual content in these minor spaces despite knowing that there are minors in the space. She even seeks them out to have adult conversations, citing thaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1508521

New thread: >>1508519

Not my best, I’m at work and on my phone right now.

No. 1508523

i hope you dont get a shit thread ban nona, i appreciate your effort ♥

No. 1508527

If it happens it happens. No one else was going to do it.

No. 1508551

New thread >>>/snow/1508548

No. 1985295

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No. 1775242[Reply]


Lucinda is an anorexic, bulimic self-harmer with schizophrenia who is convinced starving and puking helps condition her into a "unicorn state". Creepy, cooky, mysterious and spooky, and overall a trainwreck who makes for great entertainment and milky(often harmless) misadventures.

>trans and neurodivergent

>member from twitter's eating disorder and self harm communities (edtwt and shtwt)
>puerto rican unicorn starving and peeing everywhere
>terminally online, often daily posts naked photos to her mostly underage fanbase
>notorious self harmer, has visible cuts all over her body
>has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitizer and hydrogen peroxide
>purges 11 times a day
>medication is evil and schizophrenia is a lie, i have powers
>poor hygiene, needs a shower

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No. 1992148

She seems happy about her situation. Maybe end of life care would be the best place for her.

No. 1992167

this is lucinda, she's happy about every situation unless it has to do with no longer being a rotting spoop. being unable to digest solids at 27 permanently is fucking depressing but she's fine because a liquid diet is anachan adjacent anyway. she probably sees this as an accomplishment.

it sounds like she's gained some weight wherever she's been this whole time especially since she isn't showing off like she always is and is retweeting about losing weight. and it doesn't look like she's left her house in puerto rico either from the background. i wouldn't be surprised if they'll wait for her to die there before moving.

No. 1992207

>>Maybe end of life would be the best for her.
Fix'd it for you.(alogging)

No. 1992209

If only she wouldn't drag this shit onto twitter, just to fuck up other souls.

No. 1992353

i might be wrong but isn’t ensure SUPER calorie dense? and if she’s not purging then she should be gaining right?

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No. 1984856[Reply]

Can we talk about Theasystem. He’s a 30+ year old guy who is larping as a DID sufferer and says embarrassing shit like ‘believe all systems’ and whatnot. He now identifies as non binary lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1984857

Obvious self post. Posting yourself to a gossip site so you can pull it up to people and pretend you're the victim of online stuff is weird and sad, you're not interesting enough to warrant a thread about you """lol"""

No. 1984862

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No. 1972401[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1894283

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

TIFs are girls and women who take on the 'trans' label to any extent, including undergoing ("gender-affirming") surgery under that label.

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming TIFs or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.**

Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it. Report and ignore bait.

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No. 1984774

Kek, the testosterone is making her mad but she has nothing to do with the anger and no where to place it so she’s just flailing her arms, putting up the middle fingy like a middle schooler, slapping her clit around and angrily biting her lip kek. And I like how she’s trying real hard to be quiet, like her parents are sleeping in the next room. This is so embarrassing, imagine a clip like this following you around the rest of your life. I’d kill myself

No. 1984790

If an actual teen moid saw this they'd call her weird and roast her to hell. I swear these women have never been around normal people in their lives.

No. 1984801

>Tattooing a woman that use male pronouns because she wants to be like her idol, not because she feels like a man.

These people missed the point with this character. Let's not mention that infamous drawing of her with her tits chopped.

No. 1984809

New thread: >>>/snow/1984807

No. 1984831

>two guys say mean things to her
>"i was hate crimed!!!1!1"
i'd be uncomfortable too if a stranger referenced how he wanted to hit me, but i feel like calling this a "hate crime" is a bit of an exaggeration

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No. 1960684[Reply]

ok so I'm a girl who recently fucked danny behind powerviolets back (im danny her boyfriend ) she was making eye contact with me in the crowd  and after I snuck away from violet while she was getting her phone jacked, and we went bathroom separately, and I did a special knock, and then when I came in, he sucked my face off and lifted me in the air, pulled my breast, and started sucking on it while pressing me against the wall, and I could feel his erection, it was good

He told me he we had to make it quick, so I bent over the sink, and he then proceeded to press my face against the glass while pounding away

And then came on my tramps stamp, and said he had to go and give me a kiss bye

And then, when I asked about violet, he told me we’re kinda on the rocks right now

so I’m not sure if they have an open relationship or if he was cheating

https://www.instagram.com/powerviolets?igsh=c2t6Z3c1OXUxbWVl(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1984196

None of this is true hahaha. Be something else if it was tho.! I would say it’s a pretty good story but I have no idea who’s prospective it’s being told from. …. Oh well, At least my imaginary erection was “good”.

No. 1984197

Highly inaccurate. Everyone knows you fuck like a lesbian.(necro just to samefag)

No. 1984170[Reply]

Meet the Singapore guy Kurt Tay who is apparently the lolcow of Singapore. He has created many dramatic events over the years and is still ongoing. But one of the strangest things he has done was actually to himself. He underwent breast enhancement surgery to get himself c cup breaststroke. According to this doc this is something he had wanted for years and felt a version of gr8 joy on having them. Thy have since come out because his wife insisted. I this a common event in lolcows? Wanting breastfeeding enhancement? And then removing them?
Kurt has got himself in a fair bit of trouble in recent months. Having experienced Singaporean culture thy would be very shamed of this Kurt. Do these lolcows exist in other places with tighter social structures where individualism is squashed?
This is the doco I watched.(shit thread)

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