Luke McKee (also known by online handles VGB-OPSEC, HomoCopVictim, and more commonly Hojuruku) is an Australian currently living in Korea because he's considered a fugitive in his native land and will be arrested for violating Criminal Code 60C, which (in a nutshell) means that he violated the privacy and obtained personal information about a cop. But why was it Korea specifically?
It was because of, get this, underage girls he was hoping to get in touch with, who were luckily just catfish. This information is important to keep in mind as Luke has a tendency to call everyone he hates (especially gay men) pedophiles.
-( of his KF threads 1st page
-( thread on him on /cow/ was made after he sperged up their thread about Dynastia
-( is a log of him talking on Skype to Kiwis, convinced that they got him banned from /cow/, when the two sites are unrelated. And also believes the Kiwis to be pedophile jews working for a man he's been stalking for years called Gary Burns.
-( archive of him appearing on voat's Pizzagate forum, ranting about his senpai John Sunol (who's also a lolcow himself) getting arrested in Australia.
Whenever a thread attracts his attention, he'll generally show up and begin posting in it like he did when the Kiwis discovered him. So the Farmhands are advised to take appropriate measures to curb the potential spam attacks and derailment that hallmark his special brand of shitposting.
On top of himself, Luke associates with several other figures such as:
-John C. Sunol, who runs a blog and got fired from his job as a cab driver because he fell asleep and shat himself while on the job.
-Tom Cahill, a friend of his that retweets all the posts Luke makes (when Luk
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