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No. 312880
There are SO many reasons we are already up to thread #5 on this foul-mouthed narcissistic attention whoring pathological liar in just 3 months but here is a quick list of her main offenses:
1. Incredibly obsessive. Started by making an excessive number of videos about Onision but has since topped that with DaddyOFive, she has made close to 100 videos in 2 weeks across 2 channels on just the one topic. Monetized these videos to directly profit from the exploitation and abuse of children despite swearing never to do something like this.
2. Has a rabidly devoted cult of followers consisting of young teens, the chronically ill, the mentally unstable, and other vulnerable easy-to-control people. She embraces her role as their all-knowing all-perfect leader. They use religious imagery to describe her and even call her "Joysus"
3. From 2006 to about 1 yr ago she claimed to be able to channel angels including the Archangel Michael. She believes these angels talk TO her and guided her through an angelic ascension.
4. She claims to be so seriously chronically ill she cannot hold a job yet has seemingly endless amount of energy. In addition to making up to 17 videos in one day, she also livestreams for hours and is practically glued to her Twitter. Uses her illness/brain fog to excuse just about everything under the sun. Always getting called out as a faker by those who are actually ill. Says she can “mask” her suffering so her illness looks super duper invisible.
5. Has an amazing ability to make any topic or discussion all about her. She lies compulsively and is the queen of exaggeration. She can turn a tiny minor detail into a dramatic life-changing event. If caught in a lie she does incredible mental gymnastics to avoid admitting she was wrong.
6. Has a huge ego and an over-inflated sense of self importance. Claims to be an expert in everything and despite being a relatively small channel with 40K subs, likes to offer personal & business advice to celebrities and much larger YouTubers, talking to them directly as if they are watching her videos.
Here are 4 more threads (#1-4)
>>>/snow/246848>>>/snow/278466>>>/snow/285785>>>/snow/304769 No. 312886
Moar Links
Social Media:Joy Sparkle BS channel Spurpinkle bow, which she claims has not been officially released: Sparkle BS Official Facebook page: StuffShe has a thread at Kiwi Farms: a thread at Guru Gossip: stuff under her real name Kati Marie SmithLink to her deleted LinkIn resume which has been proven to be partially fabricated of old Tumblr from a decade ago, she deleted the original she wrote in 2006 blog where she was attempting to make a documentary about indigo children of which she believed herself to be: radio show she called into twice:
Paradigm Shift Radio 87 - Mysteries of Our Universe from 2014 2. Katie. Overcoming challenges. Healing the self.)
Paradigm Shift Radio 78 - Conscious Community Call In Spectacular from 2013
(Click 7 Kati Benefits of Oxygen Therapy) Links to a copy of the ad she made for Voice Lessions
>>>/snow/290031>>>/snow/290108>>>/snow/290111Backstage profile: No. 312937
Her most recent livestream was full of excuses & explanations to help keep her supporters reigned in.
Regarding why she won't be showing health documentation when she showed her bracelet…"it's sacred & she doesn't feel she needs to." explanation about why she won't be releasing health documentation, basically more of same, "it's private personal information she doesn't want to give out" and because she would also have to give identifying info so people knew it was hers people said she got her hospital bracelet out of an ER dumpster chat comment complaining other people say sick people can't be bubbly or happy/dance on stream the $600 donation and how she came up with that number one day there WILL be a big ass reveal video on the DO5 situation, not any time soon, but it'll all make sense guys, she swears all the people calling her out on Twitter were doing so because it was the "trendy" thing to do for a few days telling haters how they can address her, best part was "no inappropriate cursing", for the person in the last thread who was wondering why on Twitter she wanted to speak to a scientist, she's going to be doing a video on the Purple Mattress causing health problems/lawsuit story No. 312945
>>312937She really is dumb as shit. Doing a video on the purple mattress and the first person she thinks of is NerdCity no offense to him but I don't think he's qualified.
But in Kati's opinion he wears a lab coat and other lab gear he must be a scientist. Someone should suggest she contact Neil Degrasse Tyson.
No. 312959
Video from Joyfan Blooddance Darkmoon very loosely responding to Martin Louis's exposed video on Joy. Audio is absolute shit but this crazy lady is so much like Joy that she makes a good portion of the video about herself or people she knows, spending the first 2 minutes of the video talking about her illness as well as adding in long sections about her and her friend's health issues throughout the video, she rambles incessantly going off on strange unrelated tangents, seems to have an absolute hate boner for Onision…and although this video is 34 minutes long she still felt the need to make a part 2. I didn't watch it, I couldn't even get most of the way thru part 1, she's so hard to understand.
Part 2 (if you really feel like torturing yourself) No. 312968
>>312959"Anyone who bashes someone for their religious views just because they are a bit different is the lowest piece of shit".
This after a long tirade about how Christians are 'cunts' and have a 'mental disorder' and are just so fucking shit that she wants to beat the crap out of them.
How lovely. And thanks for admitting that you are the lowest of the low, Joyfan. My goodness, her cult are really, really horrible.
I am not a Christian, I'm not religious, but there was no need for that stream of venom. It contradicted the point they were trying to make too. What a horrible, bitter person.
No. 312990
>>312945I wasn't really too familiar with NerdCity but went and watched a couple of his videos…he's definitely not a scientist. It's just a character he is playing, a mad scientist called Dr. Downvote. He wears a labcoat, black rubber gloves, dark steampunk-like goggles and uses comical science fiction-y looking props to make his videos entertaining. I'm just speechless that Joy could see all that and think it means he is a real scientist. Her ignorance that she would just request "a scientist" to help her…SMH. There are so many different types of scientists but they only have expertise in their particular fields…most would be shit sources for commenting on a mattress causing health issues. Not knowing her exact question but just based on what the story is about, a white powder that's supposedly causing health problems, maybe a chemist or possibly a medical doctor would be able to give a little bit of insight but since the chemical composition of this powder is unknown due to company claiming it has a proprietary formula, it would likely just be a shot in the dark. Someone on her Twitter comment where she asks for this scientist tried to refer her to Thunderfoot instead. He does serious science videos (among many other topics,) actually works as a legit scientist and has a PhD in Chemistry…but that still doesn't mean he knows jack shit about the Purple Mattress.
>>312968Charming isn't she. She still swallowed Joy's line that since Christians talk to God her beliefs about angels aren't so different. Talking TO angels is one thing, having them talk back to you is seen as craziness that will probably get you medicated. How many times have we seen women drown their kids claim God told them to do it…and has the public ever believed this is so? Hell no.
Regardless, from what I can tell Joy would use her angels as a manipulation tactic…I don't think she really heard anything, she was just making it up to be special & get attention. She used it to enact control over people who bought her story. "Oh my angels told me you should do this." And it just so happened to be in line with something she wanted…but if she told the person "I want you to do this" they probably wouldn't listen.
No. 312992
>>312968Watched for about ten seconds and closed it. The voice was childlike and annoyingly monotone. Who gives a fuck what a 14 year old has to say?
Guys, I thought Joy Sparkle BS would be gone by now. Still at 40k subs. I wonder if half of them are haters.
No. 313004
>>312992No one believed me! I said she WOULDN'T! People like Joy don't just disappear. She's much too like Onision, as we are all well aware of.
This is a little "bump in the road" for Joy. But she does have a devout following. There will be people who get sick of her shit, just like Onision's fans do eventually. But it doesn't matter what she is accused of or proven to have done (just like Onision), she'll still have a following.
In fact, the more attention she gets from haters, the more love and support she gets from followers, and that keeps her "strong". So until her cancerous neck pimple comes back and spreads and kills her, or she ends up in Jail. We're always going to have little miss Shit Sprinkled BS.
Eventually Joy will run a forum where her disabled/underaged fans post insane stuff that will either add flavored milk or cause another disruption for Joy.
No. 313014
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still having others do your research for you, eh kati? reason #582 why you're shit at youtube.
so much for your epic journalism. "i'm press!" lol
also lol @ the idiot that tweeted this at warski, repzion and then…joy. durp
No. 313021
>>313010dude, there's no correlation between [most] mental illness and low iq. like, i get what you're saying, but that's important. there are a ton of high-iq people who are ill and/or disabled and need help with stuff.
the thing is that a lot of people in those positions are really emotionally vulnerable, especially if they're young. they want someone to look up to who acknowledges their existence and makes them feel important. joy's great at that. she latches on to a lot of vulnerable "fans", showers them in affirmation, puts them on a "righteous path" ("fighting" abuse mostly), and then creates an us vs. them situation with literally everyone else. she has about the same ratio of young fans as onision, and for the exact same reason. she knows what she's doing.
No. 313024
>>313021Yep, if Joy is good at one thing it's manipulating emotionally vulnerable people. Not that it's really hard, those people are primed for it, most of us probably
could do the same if we were morally bankrupt enough….that's the thing though, SHE doesn't seem to care what the repercussions for them are…just how it makes HER feel.
No. 313028
>>313024You are 1000% correct. She continually keeps an eye out for those particular people, or people that are in their teens/young adults. Just getting into or out of college, or with a disability or chronic illness. That is the larger part of her fanbase, and its telling that that comprises what she tends to call her 'inner circle' as well. The outliers are usually drawn in by sex appeal and you can tell by their posts and replies when they attack critics channel vs when they respond on her channel or on twitter.
>>313025That was exactly what she was doing during her silence. If you look at her social blade, the day by day shows her still losing plenty of subs. She's just gaining subs to match or move past that amount. To someone like her, losing 100 subs isn't much when she's got 40k subs. And if even a fraction of that is chomping at the bit to do things "for the honor of being around Joy"…well, that's a pretty serious situation depending on what is done. She already takes advantage of her fans to do her intors/outros, a good portion of her 'research' and so on. The more subs she gets, the more cocky, arrogant, egotistical, and nasty she gets at the same time…she feels like even under watch she can do what she pleases and get away with it.
If she has another significant drop, she'll probably lose her shit again. I'm not sure what would cause that at this point considering now if she's approached by people that have proof she can't spin..she either ignores or blocks them.
No. 313038
>>313032A little paranoid are we? :) Good God no. Just because I make a valid point does NOT make me some sort of Joy ANYTHING.
Clearly, you don't understand what's going on here at all. The more "exposed" videos made the more subs she loses? Have you not noticed she's still GAINING subs yet?
The thing is, there are people that LOVE this type of drama, for better or worse. Those of on on Lolcow love it because it's entertaining. Those who follow Joy faithfully love it because they are your run of the mill trailer gossip trash or are under her "psychic" spell.
I do find it funny, as much crap as I've posted here about her, I've been called a (wtf is a??) Joycoat. :)
Joy thrives on attention. She doesn't care what kind it is. She loves it. And, like I said, the more people talk shit, the more her fans comfort and adore her. It's the simple truth. I'm NOT asking anyone to STOP - by all means, keep going, I've been hating on this bitch since before Jamie's "exposed" video came out and I'll be hating on her when she finally goes an hero.
I'm just stating the absolute facts.
Tell me, how many subs did Onision lose when he convinced his ex to shave her head and posted a video of her "going insane with amnesia"? Or when he cheated on Lainy? Or when he kicked Billy out? Or when he had pix of little girls in their undies? And he also has a weird as hell past with "psychic" shit too. In fact, the more exposed videos the douchbag got, the more love and affection he got from his fans. People like Joy and Onision… they are hard to kill.
Holy fuck. I just now thought about that!!! HAHAHA Joy is SO much more like Onision than I even realized. Remember, Onision and his ex-wife and her mother/sister/whatever, they had psychic abilities to sense and talk to spirits? LOL
Sorry, that went sort of /semi OT.
No. 313040
>>313038By the way, I was merely reaffirming a previous comment I made on thread 4 here:
>>306967 No. 313048
>>312948>Onision made it with good intentionsYour retardation is terminal.
Did you even see his and Jaclyn's video?
No. 313058
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There is something odd about this friendship of the teen and that Russian prick. Out of nowhere they started getting buddy-buddy. Know each other from a group chat, possibly? How old is the Russian guy? Is Kati now pushing her older lap dogs onto her new puppies? Disgusting.
No. 313060
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They aren't even funny. Kati tries way too hard. I bet she pathetically runs her own "fan" account. Gives her something to do when she sits at home all day, being "ill".
No. 313071
>>313048That was pretty unnecessary. I think Onion is rather retarded in regards to understanding people. He clearly has this warped image of Richie and probably thinks he's going to "wake Jaclyn up" if he can open her eyes to his evil ways (in his own mind). I don't agree with his video. I think he's an idiot and an asshole. But you know what they say: the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Anyway, this isn't even the point of anything.
Sage for o/t.
No. 313077
>>313070Well, first of all, just because you're a member of a cult doesn't mean you cannot communicate like a typical person. Many people in cults (whether they are aware they are in a cult or not) are still typical human beings with feelings, emotions and lives.
The problem is, they joke about the word cult because they don't understand what a cult actually is. In most of their minds, they probably believe a cult is religious and vigorous in their virtues. When most people hear the word "cult" they think of some extremes such as; The Ku Klux Klan, The People's Temple, The Mason Family, Heaven's Gate or Scientology. Or the seemingly less "harmful" cults such as The Jehovah Witnesses.
And by others calling it a cult, they see it as other people being super extreme, so they make (what they believe is) funny little groups where they "pretend" to be cult members. When in reality, they are actually suffering through the very ACTUAL definition of a cult. And not all cults are at all religious!
Here is a checklist for the characteristics of a cult by Janja Lalich, Ph.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.
[ ] The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
[ ] Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
[ ] Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
[ ] The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry, or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
[ ] The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar for the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
[ ] The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
[ ] The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).
[ ] The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members' participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
[ ] The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
[ ] Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
[ ] The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
[ ] The group is preoccupied with making money.
[ ] Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
[ ] Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
[ ] The most loyal members (the true believers) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
Just because they are behaving like any typical normal person doesn't make it any less a cult.
No. 313078
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I skyped stinkyhilary a couple days ago, what a shame such a pretty girl hangs around Joy and a fat 16 year old.
No. 313101
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Am I supposed to feel bad for the bitch??? I don't!!!
No. 313102
>>313101"ovarian cysts"
No. 313117
>>313101LOL Ovarian cysts. Yeah, I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for her. A lot of women have them.
Looks like someone is sad that we're not crying for her horrible diseases.
Uhm, but also, Mental Illnesses can cause a person to commit suicide, especially PTSD. Ovarian cysts cause a little pain and discomfort and most people are hardly affected by them at all.
No. 313120
>>313101I'm slightly behind here. What conversation is this person referring to? From what I can surmise it seems like she is trying to compare ovarian cysts & body dismorphia to PTSD. Not even close to being similar. It seems like she's attempting to paint herself as a victim to somehow excuse the way Tim was treated.
>>313112My sister also suffers from PCOS & body dismorphia pretty severely (PCOS makes it difficult for her to lose weight & gives her very masculine traits including thick facial hair) but it doesn't prevent her from living a completely normal life, she can work & do normal physical activity. Those conditions are actually quite common, they suck to have but aren't classified as a disability like PTSD.
No. 313132
>>313104Its just trolling. Since Farmers are after the milk, that's why they're calling it milk cult. Its just to throw all of us off the trail and keep the focus off of Joy. Really pathetic attempt at that.
>>313101Kind of like Kati only counts someone as having an illness when they agree with her, otherwise they're a hater or a shittalker.
No. 313134
>>313133sorry bae, should've asked for clarification. it just sounded like something a joy minion would say.
either way, the whole "baiting with illness" thing only reflects negatively on joy (mostly because that's ALL SHE DOES). the whole group's attempt at "distraction" is really sad. especially if what
>>313131 said is true. shows what an excellent influence joy is.
at least a tiny part of me is glad that the tweet wasn't serious. because good lord, those conditions are so comparatively minor.
No. 313137
1 in 10 women have POCS. Pretty much everyone woman on the planet has had Ovarian cysts (whether they knew it or not).
It's called being a female who has the right internal body parts to make a baby. It sucks but it's what we were born with.
So, whether she has POCS or just the run of the mill Ovarian cysts, she's still not that special.
Anyhow, this shit is getting derailed so hard. If this was Kati's goal, to get some little girl to complain that anon's don't give her attention, well then Kati you're, at this point, a child abuser.
If not, then Shae, go outside and play with your friends - and while you're at it, ask Mommy and Daddy to install Norton Family on your electronics. Actually, do this regardless. Because if I found out my child was behaving this way over some manipulative cow online they wouldn't be allowed online again until they moved out of my house.
No. 313238
>>313187I will always see them as spergleberries… taken from SpergBunkle + Dingleberries
For those that don't know, a dingleberry is that little wad of shit that gets stuck to your ass hair (so stuck to your ass hole). They're her own personal little fort of dingleberries protecting her ass.
No. 313258
>>313101Here's her Facebook maybe someone should let her parents know what she's up to on twitter. one looks like it could possibly be hers as well. No. 313352
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I wonder what went wrong here?
No. 313391
>>313316Lol, sure Kati. You
just happened to have a gut feeling it wasn't a good idea to purchase this mattress…you came
so close to dying again. Of course she's going to make a series out of this, she just can't help herself.
>>313329Especially since he credited her as a source in his DO5 video, but does she return the favor because that's good YouTube etiquette? Nope, of course not. While she does say she interviewed her "good friend" Leonard French she made it seem like she contacted him after the fact.
>>313337LOL, indeed.
>>313344This was covered yesterday in thread #4. Phil confirmed roommate is a real person named Dominique…but just for fun I'm willing to hear why you think he's made up. (sage your posts if they don't contain milk)
No. 313394
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The Joycoat is allegedly against Joy now but Jesus Christ, the "cult" thing is getting weird.
No. 313397
>>313337Pity she doesn't have a PO Box. Someone should send her a purple mattress with a note reading "It's for the good of the species."
>>313352She was speaking to Joy and sent her a message confronting her about saying that she was giving out information. Went from speaking to blocking that fast. Of course, she's been on a block fest towards anyone that doesn't sing her praises or questions her in a way that offers evidence or is critical in a way she can't spin. (Kati has gone full cult leader now.)
>>313394Not really a fan of the Joycoat term, personally. And the cult thing was always weird. This particular thing is just a diversionary tactic. Ignore them, you can't take much of anything they say seriously and the membership of that is trolls for Joy or the same faces you see attacking every opposing tweet, thread, or Youtube vid. Its deliberate to get focus off of Joy.
No. 313405
>>313399>>313398It's absolutely a troll. There's no way that they immediately about faced like that. I'd buy into that being a reality like a Nigerian prince offering prime real estate.
>>313403Plausible deniability seems to be a common thing with Joy, doesn't it?
No. 313408
>>313316Ms "I cured myself of asthma with foods" claims to still have 1-2 flair ups a year (that's a lot for an adult who's been 'cured')
And Ms "I'm too poor to have insurance and I only see doctors in the ER" has nebulizer, meds, and albuterol inhailer? Um… meds/albuterol are not OTC meds, they require a doctor prescription.
No. 313415
>>313408Not to mention, awhile back I had commented on a video here she claimed was made at like 3 AM but there was natural light, so I questioned it. Someone else responded with it was probably a large ring light other YouTubers use that made it seem daylight.
I am assuming if it's true those have to be expensive.
No. 313422
>>313415She's definitely got some kind of lighting going on but it's not a ring light. I don't see the ring in her pupils either. Ring lights are about $160+ for a decent one, I'm guessing she has some sort of box light(s) that are around $40+
Sage for no milk
No. 313440
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>>313422This video is from Jan 16 (so she's had one from pretty much the start of her channel) and you can clearly see a ring light reflected in her eyes. You probably usually don't see it either because she doesn't get close enough to the camera to tell or maybe she started putting the ring light off center so she's not directly looking at it.
No. 313447
>>313440i have a round magnifying light mirror that i can and do use as a ringlight. it works and reflects in the eyes just like a ring light.
i don't know how long she was livestreaming but i recorded the tail end of it. today was the second time i've seen her mimic-ing the speech patterns of a mentally challenged person ("retarded") or physically challenged person. she is fucking disgusting. remember when she guested someone..i forgot his name..who had (i think) cerebal palsy? and he had a delayed speech pattern? the guy who wanted to meet some dj and joysus promised she would make it happen. she was talking just like he does. i wonder what he would think of that. she was so condescending to him on those streams.
i wasn't really paying attention but i think i heard her professing love for corey feldman's latest trainwreck of a cd, ascension millennium. she probably only likes it because it has the words "ascension" in it, something she claimed she could do with her ~angelz~. this bitch has horrible taste.
No. 313462
Anon from
>>313435 she has a real actual ring light not a lighted mirror. As I said before, I saw it when she turned her camera around. I wish I could remember which video that was so I can show a screenshot but she has a million videos (it might even have been a livestream, idk.) The most I can recall is that she was sitting on her grey couch when she showed her setup.
No. 313476
>>313463another anon posted about it. and as far as i know, her twitter announces it. its still processing but will be done soon. she talks in that horrible voice somewhere towards the end. also, her streams almost always look like that for me. but when i see other people streaming it doesn't come across that way so i'm pretty sure its her. she's terrible at the internet.
No. 313491
Was just going thru her YouNow moments and found this one talks about her biggest regrets regarding her channel and says there a 3 big mistakes she wishes she hadn't done but will only talk about one…that she wishes she never brought up her health issues. Yeah, that's because it's what she's getting called out for the most and probably lost her the most respect (there's tons of other stuff too I know.) I wonder what the other 2 mistakes are she doesn't want to share.
No. 313503
>>313440Good catch, I could of sworn I saw a ring light before, but didn't see it on my original search. Maybe shes upgraded her lighting since jan and has better options now.
I caught some of the live stream, where they were coming up with new conspiracies about her drug use. Gotta keep the sheep confused as to whats real and fake. She brought up lolcows a few times too, ofc.
No. 313548
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>>313454 And here is her new Twitter. Given she just changed the name.
No. 313555
>>313499lmao i love it. she still doesn't get it. #1, her story has never made any sense. #2, her attitude about illness is SHIT. even if she has everything that she claims to have, she's still garbage. she's the posterchild for ~my illness defines me~ and always uses it as a deflection when someone questions her. "omg how could you don't you know i'm sick????" it's disgusting and no one in any chronically ill community i've ever been a part of would condone that.
>>313541has she claimed to be agoraphobic? i can't remember. she'd have to be a really severe case to not be able to go on a quick shopping trip.
No. 313558
>>313548Not concerned. This isn't a thread for Shae.
>>313541She's not Agoraphobic considering she's plenty of times now been out in about. This also flies in the face of her claiming she gets exhausted entering a room or that she can drive as she can clearly do both. Its easy enough to act it within a selectly controlled environment, though.
>>313555No joke. She's trying to cover lies with more lies. Conveniently enough she hides behind it for the emotionally vulnerable again..that way any critics are just picking on her and evil haters. (Tricks SJWs play!)
No. 313565
>>313562No, in fact I find that very suspicious that someone is trying to put continual light on her. Kati knows due to reactions from the DO5 that some of her supporters are very hair
trigger reaction when it comes to kids..and it not only seems like obvious deflection but sounds like something she would pull so she could deflect FURTHER criticism by going "See? SEE?! They're picking on children! They're monsters!" Why? Because that's Kati for you. She will use anything or anyone to cover her own ass. Not gonna work, bitch.
No. 313579
>>313565I also think that is what's going on. It's extremely suspicious and seems to be following the exact same formula as when Angel was introduced to us. The way this anon keeps bringing her up even though we've shown little interest past that first comment seems like they are trying WAY too hard to get us to pick on her. These two comments calling the girl fat & annoying
>>313081 >>313078 seem like a personal vendetta by someone just as young/immature…and have a similar feel to the comments we saw calling Angel ugly. I absolutely believe Kati would throw this girl under the bus just to be able to say "Oh look, those heartless locow anons are bullying a vulnerable 16 yr old kid. They're terrible people so you shouldn't believe anything they say, especially about me."
>>313569I agree, it's a setup. This kid is just fodder to her. She absolutely uses emotional responses to control people…because when people are emotional they let it override their logic and it gets them to overlook facts, which is what she needs to happen to get away with her lies. Kati doesn't seem to care that what she is planning could damage this girl emotionally, it's all about the end result and how it benefits her.
No. 313611
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The wisdom of the ages. Give that woman a hug for me and thank her for me, that was beautiful.
No. 313636
>>313555She has occasionally hinted towards agoraphobia but mainly claims she doesn't leave the house due to getting easily tired/not trusting she can drive without passing out (from her "almost" collapses.) Regardless of what she might have alluded to, she isn't agoraphobic. She can just pick up and go on a cross country trip…no way someone with agoraphobia would be able to handle that. I went thru a period where I suffered from it after my mother's death. I'm better now but it took several months of therapy before I could handle short trips to the grocery store. I'm sure Kati would have said something if she was in therapy, she never shuts up about her health problems.
>>313613What's weird about using the word gloms? According to google the word has been in common use since the early 20th century and the earliest mention in literature was in 1837.
No. 313665
Mad Woman Muses talking about Joy/Kati nevermind it's not that interesting, she talks about her for like 5 seconds. sharing anyway.
No. 313677
>>313555>has she claimed to be agoraphobic? Not that I am aware. However, I do recall (not sure if it was video or livestream) it being brought up before. Someone had questioned if she was, and she discussed it, but I do believe she said that she wasn't, she just did not go out because she was likely to faint fall of get cancer.
>>313562No. As others have mentioned, if she's milkable she can have her own thread. If she does something related to Kati, it's fine to mention it. But to derail Kati's thread for a cult member is totally unnecessary and unwanted.
>>313565 I was extremely bothered by the people coming here simply to make 1 lined personal attacks (just to say she's annoying, fat, ugly etc). I find them childish and agree that it seems fairly familiar to the Angel fiasco.
>>313610I disagree. Not with exposing the poor woman to Kati, but the rest. My grandmother is in her 80s but is very much aware of the internets, trendy language and is strongly opinionated and verbalizes it much like this 63 year old mother does. If think it's the times they grew up in personally. If an old lady sees a young girl looking like a slut, she'll let the world know she looks like a slut. If she looks like a disheveled mess, she'll say that too. Old(er) people give zero fucks.
Plus, I've seen several older women commenting on Joy's videos. Remember the lady that said she looked like a "mess miss thing" and Joy went on a flippant rampage? She was an older woman (grandmother and all). And how old is KimmyCat?
No. 313708
>>313693As funny as this sounds, this screams troll.
>>313673So does this. I note that none of them Sage their posts, also.
>>313677>>>No. As others have mentioned, if she's milkable she can have her own thread. If she does something related to Kati, it's fine to mention it. But to derail Kati's thread for a cult member is totally unnecessary and unwanted. I agree, except on the thread part. She's still a "kid' and if that winds up a thing, I guarantee you Kati will use it to deflect any conversation towards the people 'being a part of the evil group that targets, bullies, and harasses children' …for even more sympathy. Remember, emotional manipulation. She's a very seethrough one-trick pony.
No. 313744
>>313715That sounds somewhat similar to one of Joy's favorite tactics. "I have so much secret info, guys! you won't believe what I know…but I'm not telling right now because reasons…I will eventually, I swear…and it will all make sense then, for real guys"
>>313712Don't pull a Joy. If you have milk share it or keep quiet until you do, there's no point in dropping hints that you
might have some sort of privileged info you aren't sharing.
>>313726This is an imageboard, if you have access to these conversations then you need to share screenshots. Describing these messages to us doesn't really help because it's just your word they happened and that's not good enough. Hate to sound like Joy but you need to show proof.
No. 313832
>>313814One of the anons here has been recording her livestreams and uploading them to If you go higher up in this thread/back to thread #4 you can see where they posted the links to each one. Also, when she livestreams if you record something as a Moment the link will still work even if they are no longer listed on her profile. They stay saved on the YouNow server. So what you can do once you find the livestream you want to reference is link to the and note the time where it happens in the video or link the YouNow Moment if there is one.
Link to the livestream from earlier today 5/15, it even shows the chat can see all the YouNow Moments that were captured from the last livestream>>313789YouNow Moment of her going off on Nicole No. 313842
>>313832i'm the anon who began recording her streams recently. unfortunately i don't have any more prior to her 5/9 breakdown. any future streams i record will be listed publicly on vidme & can be found if you search for "joy sparkle bs".
>>313789she goes off on nicole during this stream as well at some point. demanding apologies and such.
Joy Sparkle BS Loses Her Mind 5/9/17:
Pt 1: 2: 3: 4: stream she "privated" (read: deleted) with geekthulu & lizzreptile. she gets reeeaalll mad at lizzreptile in parts 3 & 4.
Pt 1: 2: 3: 4: for this thread & newfags)
No. 313853
i forgot to add that i recorded the most of the stream she did with geekthulu on 5/8 before they moved over to google hangouts (posted above in 4 parts). this is the stream where she revealed just how pissed she was at chambers and company. claims she's being slandered blah blah. she spins tons of lies in this as usual so reposting for this thread & newfags
Part 1: 2: asks her questions and brings up issues people were having with how she could affect rose's court case. he asks good questions but she sweet talks him and gets him off track. she diverts him and says she'll tell him stuff in "the DMs", her usual tactic. she acts super cute and flirty of course. name drops lolcow. she also tends to magically break up every time he brings up hard questions. must be the ~angelz~.
this stream was ridiculously glitchy because kati fails at the internet. hard.
p.s anons whenever she's livestreaming and you have a chance, let us know here. some of you have (much appreciated!) but rumor has it she has stopped announcing streams on twitter etc (guess she's mad) plz share if you can so some of us might be able to record her unfiltered crazy.
No. 313873
>>313842Ur a doll, Thx boo boo
(Sorry couldn't help myself)
>>313855I'd mentioned this before but I do follow her on YouNow yet didn't get a notification for the last stream. The only reason I knew about it was because someone posted it here. I have notifications turned on for her channel and that was how I used to find out about her streams until she stopped announcing them. I'm guessing she's doing that in order to keep the number of "haters" watching the stream low. She knows a lot of what she says in her livestreams is being used against her. Lately, she spends most of the time either telling new lies or doing damage control for old ones.
No. 313926
Joy Sparkle BS YouNow Stream from 5/16/17 (early AM - latest stream)
Part 1: 2: it's a bit glitchy, anons. this is an issue i only experience on younow's website for whatever reason. working on it.
No. 313944
>>313910Excuse me. Phil here, and i'm about to die from laughter. SO. Where DO I begin.
-Logs were from 10-12 years ago. Accctually those logs were from 2012, with the latter ones being from when I left.
-She loves and cares and wants to make peace but its just not possible! The first half is a lie, the second is true because its not possible.
-Respecting former friendships: Right, because shit talking them in private for months, lying about them, and continually lying about them is respect. One person gets a random text message telling them to commit suicide, and Tim gets treated like he doesn't have PTSD and is making it up so she can get her rocks off. Maybe she should LEARN about respect before she talks about it.
-She tried to fix the friendship but was rejected: OH THAT LYING BITCH. We haven't spoken since those logs. She didn't try JACK SHIT. She did however demonize me right out of the gate, and treat other people like shit (Tim,etc) just for TALKING to me. And after he realized she was warned? Shit talking. "Oh, he's all talk. He doesn't have anything. He won't do anything." Well, guess we found out how wrong Kati was, didn't we? (And this is without digging deep, I'd like to add.)
-She didn't watch the video and was given bullet points: Right, which is why we have that leaked conversation on thread-file that says she's been watching twitter. She also saw the actual video and unsubbed after that.
-She was a really good friend: No, actually she wasn't. As I said in video, in one of those chats and told her to her face..she is one of those that is there when she's looking to get something or wants something. Everything else is fake and she can go fuck herself and her virtue signaling.
-Irritated because no one sent her a private message: Hey, I did try that before I walked, and look where that got me. And people that confront her get blocked.
>>313940OH REALLY. No, no no. See, I said outright on my twitter that if she wants to play games, she's going to lose. I may have to take back my words on that Kati series after all if she keeps this shit up. I am sick and tired and fed up and I have had enough. But first, lets watch this screwups latest.
I did have a clarification video coming out, but apparently it may have to be a brutalization video. I only warned her the more she pulls this, the worse it is going to get. I guess she wants to play power trip. Alright. Alright. Just remember asshole, I warned you.
No. 313964
>>313926Argh! 'Poor me poor me poor me I am lovely poor me I still love my ex friends because I am so nice and I am just so sad that friendship had to end oh dear oh dear.'
That is not remotely a rebuttal to what Phil has said. Phil has given reference to events and things beyond just little feelings that 'it's not fair!'
She just comes out with a lot of vague nothing. 'No I'm not a bad person because I said I'm not a bad person' doesn't work as defending yourself. But of course her entourage lap it up.
No. 313978
File: 1494937271710.jpg (559.29 KB, 1436x2393, IMG_20170516_080401.jpg)

Her video comments are becoming somewhat fun. It's nice to see that more viewers are finally seeing the light.
Here's one from one of her diehards. Interesting idea that you cant be manipulated by someone you don't know personally.
No. 314155
KimmyCat made a video titled "JOY SPARKLE B.S. I AM COMING FOR U (HARD) RAW, UNCUT, UNEDITED." Lol, that title.
>>312959Blooddance Darkmoon made a part 3 defending Joy even though part 1 & 2 got less than 500 views put together. No. 314162
>>314147Well, let me spell it out like this. When Kati decides to basically do in public everything she was said to do in private (which..great idea there. Make a defense that states…exactly what the video debunked. Nice defense.)…she's not doing herself any favors. Her livestreams aren't helping her,etc.
I am really wondering though, because its very clear to me that she is deliberately pushing my buttons. Doing so in a way to then turn around and elicit a response…then work the crowd…hm. Good lord she's pulling an Onision.
>>314155Now that's a video title that leaves a lasting mental scar.
No. 314237
File: 1494969544713.jpg (134.93 KB, 861x1300, 11156860-Businessman-with-thou…)

>>314225This website gave me cancer and I would not be surprised if this is literally where she came up with the IUD lie. She's either one of the dumbest people ever or one of the best trolls ever.
>My emotional life has improved dramatically when I took out the copper IUD. And no matter what the studies say, I’m not making that up.>mfw No. 314278
So I caught this quick. In her Purple Mattress Expose video towards the end (at about 18:00 in) she says "The fact that the judge threw out a lot of things like the temporary restraining DISORDER"
I about died laughing.
This bitch is so obsessed with illness that shit that has NOTHING to do with any sort of illness, like "order" turn into "Disorder" and she doesn't even catch the slip up. Just kept going.
Has me fucking rolling over here. No. 314316
>>314247that's not how real mental illness works either…………
>>314251it might be hard to believe, but even sociopaths can choose to not be absolute garbage people. some do, some don't. i don't care WHAT joy is, she's choosing to be garbage.
>>314275don't forget that she knew about avril lavigne before everyone else, too. she must've just kept that to herself until it ~made sense~.
No. 314341
>>314316Maybe not mental illness but it is how being a raging bitch & attention whore works. She told Tim he couldn't blame his PTSD for his actions because we are all responsible for our choices. Funny, how she is somehow exempt. She uses "brain fog" to explain away all manner of things.
Avril Lavinge being replaced by a body double is just a rumor & not even a new one, it's been talked about since 2005. I have no idea why it's getting brought back up again now. Also, people speculated the same thing with Paul McCartney. Just because a singer changes a bit, like everyone is prone to when they grow out of a teen phase, doesn't mean something nefarious is going on. I didn't watch that part of her livestream, my internet cut out for a few min, but does she really think this rumor is true and she
just so happened to notice Avril didn't seem like herself…or is the whole thing yet another attempt to pander to her audience?
No. 314351
>>314341well yeah, but being a raging bitch isn't even close to a mental illness. it's just being a raging bitch. which she is. she won't ever be able to claim "mental illness" in the future, and she's really hurt her ability to blame "brain fog." which might be one of the reasons why she's gone radio silent for the moment. she might be cooking up a new excuse.
yeah everyone knows that it's an old rumor. but she's acting like she knew more about it than ~the public~. again. she sure has a theme.
No. 314356
>>314348That's what initially drew me towards her when she was doing onision videos. I liked the positive spin on things, instead of negativity.
Then after a while I saw how obsessive she was, and ditched.
So it's probably just a manipulation tactic.
Sage for blog.
No. 314372
File: 1494984957695.png (502.54 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1497.PNG)

Kati trying to backtrack about KimmyCat
No. 314373
File: 1494985002350.png (524.75 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1498.PNG)

kati trying to backtrack about KimmyCat. 2/3
No. 314375
File: 1494985036524.png (625.81 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1499.PNG)

Kati trying to backtrack about KimmyCat. 3/3
No. 314377
heart is sad guys…she turned focus from Kimmycat being the victim to sympathy for herself. She's something else.
No. 314411
File: 1494988456023.png (293.3 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1501.PNG)

Challenge accepted.
No. 314413
File: 1494988541165.png (296.08 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1500.PNG)

She may have laughed at some of the stuff.
No. 314415
>>314373who in the fuck wouldn't be upset if they heard some asshole like kati was making fun of their medical condition? i seen this cheshirekatt idiot around
everywhere and every time i do she's spewing more idiocy.
>>314384not a lot of kati's livestreams are saved. i personally did see kati disparage kimmycat in a stream. joy made mean comments about how kimmy was too old to be commenting on her and that she found it quite funny someone kimmy's age would make videos about her. lots of laughing with her little pals about it. unfortunately this was before i ever thought to save her livestreams.
>>314411oh fuck off kati marie smith. yeah we're going to trust YOU to look up and see if YOU said something horrible about someone. yeah we'll take your word for it. asshole.
No. 314416
>>314411She seems to want to know it to get to it before everyone else. No doubt to find a way to spin the situation. She pretty well knows if that livestream is found,and its clear as day proof that she mocked Kimmy then she just got caught in another lie.
And if she gets caught in more lies, its just going to prove right all of her critics so far. So I guarantee you she is in full damage control/spin mode.
No. 314419
>>314413oh really? she never makes fun of disabled people? i don't believe her. after all, she sure finds it funny to mimic the speech patterns of people who are either mentally or physically disabled.
as seen here at 2:36 in (fucking horribly offensive): have another example of her doing this. still looking for it, will post asap.
No. 314422
>>3144192nd example: starts shortly after -1:35 in.
can't wait to see how she spins this.
>>314420i don't know what you're talking about. she was making fun of onision in that clip. it had nothing to do with the disabled kid Dyllan that she invited on her streams.
No. 314425
File: 1494989687723.png (246.65 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1502.PNG)

>>314422Sorry I should've included a screenshot. This is the person she was replying to when asking for proof of her ever making fun of disabled people.
No. 314480
>>314428I know, he might have issues talking because of his disorder but that doesn't mean he can't understand her perfectly, his IQ isn't affected. He's probably more intelligent than she is. At first, the way she addressed him wasn't
too bad but the more she talked to him the more it sounded like she was humoring a young child or a pet. He might be used to excusing people for thinking he's mentally challenged but the thing is SHE KNEW BETTER right from the beginning. Then she deemed herself his fairy godmother, making a HUGE deal out of how great she was for getting him to meet his favorite DJ…like only she could make this happen through her many important contacts and actually went around tweeting at the likes of Philip Defranco & Ellen just to draw attention to her
amazing good deed…even though NONE of that was necessary because it was easily accomplished by simply asking the guy.
No. 314529
-said she was depressed
-asked if she believed in Mandala effect, said she wasn't sure bc she didn't have direct evidence
-talked to Dyllan. He asked if she saw his thing, she said no. Compared him to Dorothy on Golden Girls, he said he was more like Blanche. She claimed they would
eventually do a collab….someday. Guested him and he explained he had a bad experience getting a hair cut. Sarcastically told him she's ableist & hates disabled people and the clip would probably get taken out of context. She likes him because they are "both assholes." She can't be perceived as doing anything good bc the world thinks everyone is just "assholes in hiding." She kept making fun of herself hating all disabled people & being an anti-Semite. He jokingly called her Kyathy. Said he's going to get called out for being ableist too. After he left kept talking him up, saying he was a ray of sunshine
-talked about Kimmycat's new video. Said she is even scared to say the word "disabled" because of how people have gone after her. Said she didn't make fun of her disability, she just laughed about how ridiculous the situation was. She's "giggly" so that got misconstrued. Says she has the ability to post all her old livestreams, if someone can give her the date she says she will make that one public & send it to her
-talked about Martin Louis's video, said he was "good looking" but was just repeating other's questions. Didn't have a big issue with it.
-talked about all the YouTuber's who snubbed her & all the one's still supporting her
-guested someone who was super upset Joy is being called out for lying about being sick because her friend with MS is happy & chipper & doesn't look ill most of the time Also because people tell her she doesn't have anxiety. Joy agreed with her of course. Joy claimed people would tell her she's not sick even though they would see her running a fever & see the temperature.
There are quite a few Moments captured if you missed it: No. 314537
>>314529The way she framed it is that the people who are saying she's not really sick and are actually ill themselves don't really understand because they have different illnesses or because the same illnesses manifest differently from person to person…so they have no valid basis to judge her.
>>314534Notice she conveniently brought him out just as people started commenting on her laughing at disabled people and specifically how she treated Dyllan? She wasn't keeping up with him, she had no idea he released some new thing he was proud of.
But she needed to convince everyone that she really loves and is friends with disabled people and that she isn't condescending to Dyllan. She promised to collab with him
eventually but it
just happens she keeps pushing it back/forgetting about it.
No. 314549
>>314531That made me really angry. That whole 'oh honey I'd can't believe they used then word disabled I'd never use that word' was terrible. Angel IS disabled and it is not remotely derogatory to say so.
Blog but I am disabled and I would be far more offended by someone saying that they would never consider me disabled than someone acknowledging it as part of who I am. I think Joy being appalled by 'disabled' like it's a damn slur is 'ableist'.
No. 314780
>>314773So basically, Joy attempts to publically/web humiliate a call center worker for the sake of her own ego and of course, views. For someone all about sales and marketing, she certainly has yet to learn
No. 314789
>>314773how to do an "interview" when no one will talk to you… journal-media 101.
This is really sad. If she's "Media" why didn't she contact someone at the company who's being paid more than $11/hr? I know I want all my finance news from the bank gardener… he certainly has a handle on everything.
No. 314799
>>314773i didn't watch because i can't take her voice, but did she tell the representative that she was recording them?? because if not that is some dangerous water she's navigating there.
also, as a former customer service rep, this absolutely appalls me. cs reps have no authority and are very restricted in what they're allowed to say and help with. they spend day in and day out fielding abuse from customers. then this bitch comes along and pulls this shit. NOTHING about this is okay. only a selfish, greedy, compassionless person would do something like this. but that's kati!!!!!
No. 314810
>>314773God what a fucking bitch. I have to occasionally take calls at my job too and if I had to take a call like this from joy I'd fucking hang myself.
It's like yelling at a waitress when your food didn't turn out right. NOT THEIR FUCKING FAULT
No. 314820
>>314773She lost me when she commented about about being customer number 2, "I thought they just said I was number 1? Tech stuff happens."
While this may appear to be minor, it's part of her asshole attitude and being so quick to shift blame. She was too focused on humiliating someone to pay attention the recording saying her hold time was 1 minute.
What a hog
No. 314835

Besides the continuation of the Purple mattress story, she's also a video about a feminist calling breastfeeding unnatural.
She calls The Purple Mattress company and they send her an email with a toxicology report…and of course, even though it could have been covered in the same video she leaves revealing the contents of the email to yet another video….gotta get that ad revenue.
>>314773I suggested she install Grammarly or a spellchecker months ago when she misspelled a video title….and was told I was heartless for pointing it out to her and should just give her a break because her illness causes brain fog.
In her breastfeeding video, Joy has a field day with the fact that the feminist's name is Cathy…it's almost like she thinks everyone named Cathy is automatically a terrible person. Joy said that while being a woman sucks because we have periods and risk our lives giving birth, being a man sucks because they get drafted to go to war, wake up with boners every day and have a difficult time with their hormones because they feel like they need sex…and she knows this because she's had this conversation with many men…but women should be grateful because we are not drafted to go die in a war (when was the last time anyone got drafted??) and if feminists really want to be equal to men they should be screaming for their right to be drafted. (This argument makes no sense, no one wants to be drafted, it's unfair that men are legally required to sign up for Selective Service in order to receive other rights/not get in legal trouble when the same is not required of women…if anything the argument should be that men should have the same rights as women NOT to sign up for the draft. Regardless, while feminists didn't ask for the possibility to get drafted against their will because why would anyone want that, they did fight for their right to willingly serve in the military.) She claims women are not required to sign up for the draft because men & women are different and the majority of women just can't handle going to war. (At the time the draft became a thing women were excluded because they traditionally took care of children & the household and at the time it was seen as cowardly to have women to fight wars for you.) She said women can't mentally, emotionally, physically, physiologically handle war. (Lots of men can't handle going to war, this is why PTSD and suicide is so prevalent among vets…some women CAN handle it and enlist for multiple terms of service, way to generalize Joy.) She then took what Cathy said, that "breastfeeding is not beautiful, it causes headaches and can be horrible" and turned it into a weird tirade about 3rd wave feminism and abortion. Joy claimed new wave/3rd wave feminists say having children is just a burden so she sarcastically says if it's a male child we should just kill it and because women have the right to an abortion they should celebrate killing the child inside of them because it's
fun. She then she says she's very pro-choice but she has had miscarriages…plural and starts to say she had lots of them but stops herself. (What does one have to do with the other?) She then claims 3rd wave feminists don't think making life is sacred and that they can't find joy in life. (Not that I approve of some of what 3rd wave feminism pushes but that's one hell of a generalized assumption. Really, I'm not sure what any of that has to do with anything. She needs to learn how to stay on topic.) The rest just seems like repetitive rambling…and at the very end she didn't bother to do anything resembling an outro, she just ends the video mid-sentence for no reason. I thought my browser had frozen up for a second.
No. 314846
>>314835For those that don't know why she makes fun of people named Cathy/Kathy/Kathie
Her mother's name actually IS Kathi. The character of "Kathy" is based off of her mother.
Nice child, huh? Even if they don't get along privately, she is publicly humiliating her mother. Likely without her mother's knowledge. I find it interesting that they are friendly on facebook. It means her mother is likely in the dark about this.
And let's not forget HER OWN NAME is one letter off from "Kathi" which she turned into "Kathy". Yet someone she's so fucking superior to this "Kathy" character. Go fuck yourself.
>>314835Ah yes, of course she's had multiple miscarriages. She always magically relates to every single topic she ever talks about. I call bullshit. And exactly..miscarriages and abortions ARE different, Kati.
No. 314855
Great research. One, not looking for another source and two, taking Fox news at its face and three, taking Tucker Carlson at HIS face.
Here's the context:;dr: Let's not use appeal to nature fallacy because this is why some people aren't vaccinating their kids.
No. 314866
>>314799 here, i decided to watch just enough to see if she asked for consent to record.
NO, SHE DID NOT ask for consent to record. she's well into the call now and hasn't mentioned once that she's recording.
while oklahoma is a single-party consent state, i found this too: "However, courts have ruled that one cannot use a device to record a conversation unless all parties of the conversation are informed."
GOOD JOB, KATI. i don't know what state/country/whatever the customer service rep is in, but oklahoma says NOPE.
>>314859yeah she edited out some wait time but there are no cuts once the rep picks up. i'm sure she's going to claim that she cut that out, though. and she'll hold on to the cut footage as evidence but won't release it for ~reasons.~
No. 314870
>>314835Miscarriages ? In one of her earlier videos she talks about how she doesn't want to have children because the world is cruel and she would rather start an orphanage. Seriously, she said that.
Along with her goal being for her channel to grow so she could have the money to open a homeless shelter. I'm thinking its in the "my brain is sick" video
No. 314872
File: 1495053927366.png (374.63 KB, 1242x2083, IMG_1503.PNG)

Fucking fantastic ad placement.
No. 314873
>>314865Not super sure about the exact timing but I do know it's been 1 yr and a few months at the very least…maybe as long as 2yrs, idk.
>>314870She's never mentioned having had multiple miscarriages before…and she had her IUD for over 6 years, so when did they happen?
No. 314890
okay, i did some reading-up, and oklahoma and utah (where purple is) are both one-party consent states. the statute i mentioned in
>>314866 deals with someone "intercepting" the call. so the recording in and of itself wasn't illegal, as far as i can tell.
HOWEVER. they could still have a civil interest in how she misrepresented herself to the rep and then uploaded the conversation. that's a big grey area. i dunno what they'll do about that.
No. 314900
File: 1495056564507.jpg (60.52 KB, 772x393, whenindoubtignoreignoreignore.…)

>>314413this was asked 3 hours ago but joy's last tweet was 43 min ago as of this post. she says she checks ALL her tweets but it appears she's ignoring the evidence. so much for "show me where i've fucked up and i'll address it!"
No. 314907
>>314890They sued a YouTuber with only 2,400 subs for "slander", her channel is 16 times larger. She has to be super careful how she handles her videos and especially her interactions with them. A "journalist"
might call customer service but they would also ask for an official response from someone much higher up in the company who was an authorized representative. A CS rep might be completely misinformed about any number of things, they are some of the lowest, least informed employees. Misrepresenting who you are and the purpose of your call is iffy. They probably want to know that any statement given to her would immediately get put on YouTube, I'm sure they'd want to make sure anything released to "media" is completely accurate first.
>>314900She's been ignoring everyone who shows evidence she can't spin…that or she claims she's already addressed it but we are too lazy to do the research to find where.
No. 314934
File: 1495058562771.png (76.73 KB, 1080x287, IMG_20170517_225924.png)

Oh Brilliant! What a rare treat!
This tweet is also context-less - there is nothing new below it. So we have additional bonus footage to…what?
No. 314984
>>314979I also sent them link to the video right after it went up. SOooooo…. they've def been notified of the last video (sent that one too) and this video. Bet she's trying to bate them into legal action so she can be the ultimate victim.
Except, that person who answered the phone is the one that was victimized since he didn't consent to have his conversation published and used for commercial gain.
No. 315093
File: 1495074050761.jpg (31.08 KB, 377x432, grima.jpg)

Hold up. I just found one of Joy's ancestors. I can see the resemblance, even the character traits add up!
No. 315131
>>315126It wasn't really even her opinion. Earlier in the video she says, "We don't do that here." Then while reading the article it turns out that was what John McCain had tweeted "We don't do that here in America."
She's just trying to find the next big story she can make a couple dozen videos about to rake in that ad revenue…she's looking for high emotion stories because those are the ones that get clicks…and she can claim to be passionate, not obsessive about it.
No. 315133
>>315126AND… once again… loops graphic violence for the duration of the video. This needs to be reported for violence. There is no need to loop that video for the entire time. Especially after she gives a
trigger warning at the beginning.
No. 315169
File: 1495080772653.jpg (52.5 KB, 350x347, IMG_1487.JPG)

>>315093I think this more accurately represents her.
No. 315199
File: 1495083343414.png (175.9 KB, 386x360, weirdjoy.png)

>>315169I think you are right.
No. 315210
File: 1495084802941.png (177.31 KB, 350x347, improved.png)

>>315199It's sad that his hair is a vast improvement over hers.
No. 315256
File: 1495087399038.png (70.35 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-05-17-13-52-03…)

Someone tweeted in relation to kimmycats I'm coming for you video. Kati liked it. Obviously. Because she's against bullying and would never do that.
No. 315277
>>315267lol I KNOW. now she's making it seem as if she's 100% innocent regarding those group chats because she was "barely involved" and randomly added without her consent.
she just said "I'm still new to YouTube" to explain away her mistakes. lol blameless victim JoyKati.
No. 315291
>>315277Since the majority of her meltdowns, verbal slips, and outright lies take place on these streams, recording as many of them as we can is highly important. Box her in, give her no room to slither out of.
>>315286 Anon, I love you from the bottom of my cold, black screaming abyss of a heart. You da man. Or woman. Whichever. Don't care. You're awesome.
No. 315300
>>315295>>315219Lol, you're welcome. I could have done a better job if I spent more than 5 min making them.
Now she's claiming she'll apologize for real guys if she is shown the clips where she makes fun of someone.
No. 315358
>>315354Yeah yeah. Ain't it interesting? Like I said. Same excuses everytime. Every. Single. Time.
She uses the same script for every situation, and then she hides behind her fans.
"Its a misunderstanding."
"There's a lot your don't understand."
"A lot you don't know"
"Haters, shit talkers, you're just judging me on things you don't know!"
"Misconstruing text/all just a misunderstanding!" (That will always be cleared up later, in private, away from criticism.)
Also, Joy is lying through her ass. Just like she never reached out to me, she didn't give a damn about either Tim or Mandi. She has never given a damn about anyone's privacy in her life. She doesn't want to talk about it because she is incapable of honestly owning up to her bullshit. A pathological liar/narcissist always doubles down with more lies. And here it is.
No. 315392
>>315380although that's probably true the actual reason is because this is her go-to technique: when she gets cornered she suddenly gives reasons why she can't talk about it publicly (privacy, only a few people know, its a secret, blah blah) so she can sequester people into private messages where she can really play them. she does her best manipulating one-on-one. she can scope out people's weaknesses better that way and therefore play them like a fiddle.
there's only so much entertaining she can do for a crowd. she knows what she's doing when she pulls this "lets bring it to private" shit. she does it all the time with various people for various reasons. she pulled the same thing with phil. she kept begging him to talk to her on the phone so she could talk him up and use the emotion in her voice in an attempt to try and sway him. ever notice the cutesy voice she puts on when she's trying to convince someone of something? just another technique for her. both cornering people either in private messages or on the phone is also a way for her to ensure there isn't overwhelming evidence against her. the less people who see it, the less it will be believed. so then if someone says "i have screenshots of our private message where you said.." her whiteknights will scream "PHOTOSHOPPED!". and the phone thing is literally her words vs someone else. who is the LOUD horde of joyzombies always going to believe? joy, and she knows it.
No. 315405
>>315398Thanks for posting. Good for you - I'm guessing you learned her manipulation tactics first hand and She and others should never have gone after Konstigo. Especially Joy - 32 years old and bullying a 17 year old for no legitimate reason. And making videos about it no less.
What were you guys trying to ask her in the chat that she didn't want to talk about? If you don't mind sharing. You definitely don't have to say who you are or go into private details. I think some of us are just curious why she suddenly turned on the "oh let's go private" thing.
No. 315409
File: 1495097562624.jpg (47.27 KB, 849x414, ea85dcab-6920-4c9f-b6bc-43c841…)

I have some caps if you like
No. 315410
File: 1495097595101.jpg (21.95 KB, 714x176, 9490f6f3-0ab5-4cdd-bf1e-1398d7…)

>>315405Srry that was to you
No. 315411
File: 1495097775148.jpg (308.6 KB, 900x1148, 5d908beb-ffde-4814-b194-578ae2…)

We were also chatting on voice chat, and told her not to contact konstigo etc. This is from after we knew angel was spying and robs vid on konstigo came out. We were in vid chat trolling robs vid and she saw us post some caps, but didn't come into voice chat. Her and angel had just fell out too. I thought it was funny that she said she didn't know what me and jarrod were talking about until sje realized who we were… the look on her face.
No. 315425
Joy Sparkle BS 5/18/17 YouNow Livestream
Part 1: 2: 3: 4: Part 1: Joy lays out the foundation for tonight's pity party. Lies, deflects, distracts, malingers.
Parts 2-3: Gines makes an appearance along with her pal named ioik. They ask fair questions in a friendly way and make logical points. Joy makes an excuse for every suggestion they make despite her openly asking for suggestions. Joy tells lies (per usual) including that 2 different mental health therapists/counselors told her that she would be "good on Youtube." She malingers hardcore and milks her alleged depression.
Parts 3-4: Some people who knew Joy make an appearance. Ask her some questions, she realizes they know something she doesn't want the public to know. Her face falls and she tries to spin it.
The recording is glitchy again, as I've said before for whatever reason I only have this problem with YouNow and Joy's streams are particularly glitchy. I did miss about 3-4 minutes due to a recording error towards the end of Part 3 - sorry anons, I'm still fairly new at doing this. Sadly I missed her talking about her "real diagnosis" of PTSD. I scrolled up in the chat in the recording so you might be able to get a feeling for what they were talking about that I missed.
No. 315439
File: 1495105934707.jpg (218.93 KB, 769x612, sadlittlefool.jpg)

Confirmed: this chick is a gullible fool.
No. 315491
>>315425Same anon. Repost bc the link for Part 1 in that post is broken.
Joy Sparkle BS 5/18/17 YouNow Livestream
Part 1: 2: 3: 4: No. 315503
File: 1495114725647.png (30.97 KB, 747x289, 32358092389.PNG)

Honest feedback
No. 315517
>>315439"hear-say" annoys me so fucking much.
/sage for irrational word rage
No. 315524
>>315412Welcome :)
It's highly unlikely that Kati would agree to a chat like that. To her it would probably come across like an ambush. Your best bet is to just try and confront her in streams like you did.
As for Angel, if you read back previous threads you'll find out what happened with that but short summary is that Kati manipulated her into doing damage control and chaos ensued. Angel realized what she was doing was wrong and ended the friendship.
My personal opinion on Angel is that she is young and got taken advantage of by Kati though I do believe we all make our own choices too.
If you have anymore screenshots or acquire any etc please post them here.
No. 315679
File: 1495133319217.jpg (101.2 KB, 872x652, liarliar.jpg)

doesn't make fun of disabled people?
openly likes a tweet that mocks kimmycat for being in a wheelchair.
i hovered over the image to confirm it was her and it is. are we tking this out of context kati? is this being misconstrued? or are you gonna say what you did last night? that you go around liking random tweets you don't read as a way to acknowledge fans? bullshit, miss bullshit. someone with such vast marketing experience such as yourself would never associate their brand name (lol brand) with random tweets that don't represent how they really feel. (repost b/c i posted the wrong image initially)
No. 315709
>>315700HAHAHAHAHAHA. If that's your version of profiling, next time don't skip class, noobfag.
Jamie: Has been banned twice and can't stop touting herself whenever she pops up. Joyfans use her as an end all argument that makes them look like idiots.
Kimmycat: Tends to get emotional and has a very specific language pattern that has not appeared on here to date.
Basedmama: Is largely concerned with the DO5 stuff, talks about other things, and didn't care about Joy until she tried to pass herself off as a good friend of Based like the sycophant she is.
So..this is just another Joytard that can't find better arguments. Nice droning.
>>315706YEAH, no kidding! Don't forget me! Except..I'm not a majority poster, i'm pretty clear about being me enough that Joy's cronies even commented on "He's not even trying to hide who he is.."
….because i'm not. Great strategy, by the way. Trying to send Celeste Whoknows in for social engineering. Pity she sucks at it and made herself look stupid. Find better arguments and better minions! (To Joy) Or at least ones with some form of a sense of humor. Try and make it interesting, please.
No. 315710
>>315708yep, major spergleberry alert! reeeeeeeee
p.s kimmycat definitely doesn't post here haha. and basedmama doesn't give a fuck about any of this. try again.
No. 315713
File: 1495135638004.jpg (61.72 KB, 600x300, The_Borg2.jpg)

>>315709Addon: Tried to send her (Celeste) into my video trying to play crowd control. She picked the wrong person to try that with.
eye roll Seriously.
>>315710Hold on, we have a pic for this.
No. 315715
>>315712Oh gross. That's the 4th or 5th person I've seen in the last 24 hours who's entire social media profile(s) are dedicated to/centered around Joy Sparkle Dipshit.
>>315713Did she get all preachy in the comments? screenshots?
No. 315733
The spergleberries are attempting to flood the thread to distract from the evidence. Not gonna work. We'll post it again and again. Get out of here kiddos, underage fags and lonely single mom fags be gone.
>>315730The difference is these people willfully choose to be fucking retards. Roll in shit you get flies.
No. 315736
>>315718Well, according to Joy i'm basically the devil/antichrist. What was that about speak his name and he shalt appear? Or was that beetlejuice. To be fair, if nothing else I can rock a suit, though.
Oh, and whomever send Mandi those threatening calls last night from a 'private number', I just want you to know that law enforcement has been notified, they have the state as coming from TX. And they are getting more and more details. So, whichever of you got her number from Joy and pulled that? Hope prison orange is your color, boo. Don't drop the soap. :)
>>315734That wasn't a Joysus defense. It was a lighthearted joke lol.
No. 315760
>>315758Well, usually the first step for finding evidence is to take your head out of your ass. Or Joy's ass in this case. Then, try opening your eyes. After that, remember what a brain is and how to use it. If you have any additional problems with these troubleshooting steps as they have been described to you, please see the aforementioned documentation for User Error: Replace User. Thank you for calling Anon Help support, and have a lovely trainwreck.
Also, sage your posts, idiot.
No. 315765
>>315758Oh my head was up my ass! Thank god for people like you. I was getting really worried because I hadn't seen daylight in 48 hours and thought the Sun had burnt out but nope, was just me and my silly head up my ass again.
Eat shit. :)
No. 315768
>>315758nobody is going to hold your little hand and walk you through lolcow. goddamn you kids are stupid eh?
anons i say we play a bit of a guessing game. which spergles are yucking the thread up? i sense kattscratch, champion4truth and another joysus worshipper whose IQ is far too low so i can't post their username without looking like a dick.
>>315765oh shit little girl! you dun told us!
No. 315769
>>315765Ask Joysus to screen cap her chanel earnings for the month of April like she did for the month of Feb. It seems in Feb she could prove she wasn't monetizing… how about proving her Ad Revenue and YouTube Red revenue for the month of April?
If you want to know the truth, then simply ask her for the VERY SAME screen caps as she did back in March (for month of Feb).
No. 315771
>>315765Well, the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem, congrats! Now you just have to not be a raging asshole, but we don't have much of a cure for that aside from the person being hit with a bus. No one wants to waste a bus on you.
Personally, I prefer lasagna over shit (eww no), but i'm sure you've eaten enough of that and crow to give some good recommendations, huh?
No. 315772
It'll be the same old story. They'll come in here all puffed up then when shit gets too close they'll blame joy, change or delete their social media profiles, etc.
>>315768Dick! Ok. Now that's out of the way, what's the username?
No. 315774
File: 1495138527538.png (199.52 KB, 1280x636, TmpoZ91.png)

>>315772Tell Joy to make the same screen shot as this for the month of April if you're not wedded to your life as a spergleberry protecting her ass.
No. 315781
File: 1495139047740.png (352.4 KB, 1242x2154, IMG_1506.PNG)

>>315679So she can like comments making fun of disabled people. But god forbid anyone likes a video that is anti Kati because then her cult members come out of the wood work and accuse you of attacking them for even liking a video that is anti Kati.
No. 315785
File: 1495139341740.png (372.27 KB, 577x378, RwYYb9d.png)

>>315773Spergleberries at the ready to polish that turd!
No. 315792
Saying "I haven't attacked anyone" is an attack now?
No. 315816
File: 1495142070606.jpg (29.47 KB, 656x232, lolyesyes.jpg)

this was in response to joy announcing her incoming "gossip bombs."
yes, Nathan. yes we will.
No. 315836
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No. 315838
File: 1495144001897.jpg (57.44 KB, 620x389, stillgrubby.jpg)

Pretty sure everyone imagines you just as you are, Kati dear: grubby as fuck.
No. 315846
File: 1495144522202.png (285.02 KB, 1080x1196, IMG_20170518_225342.png)

I can't make sense of this.
So did she mean minutes? Does she mean hours? Does she mean that she meant videos were coming in a few minutes and she isn't streaming yet, or vice versa?
No. 315875
>>315868It's a new video of lies!
She's claiming she would never do anything bad to someone she was once friends with, even if that person went on to be negative about her.
Except we have seen the screenshots to do with Tim. We know how she is about negativity and how to deal with detractors and defectors. We saw how she was screeching about Chambers being a snake just because Chambers said she was distancing herself from Joy.
And, Joy, just because you say in a video that you 'love' all of us, the "haters", doesn't mean shit. We know you don't. You thrive on praise and pity. Otherwise you would own up to things when criticised, instead of 'muh illness!' You don't want to be exposed to anything other than fawning. It's really obvious considering all your behaviour so far.
No. 315912
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>>315875She has realised about the creature and is being really fucking pathetic about it.
No. 315917
>>315868"It will all make sense when I talk about it."
Oh my god, shut up. I could only stomach about 3 mins of her talking a lot without actually saying anything, and repeating herself.
No. 315978
Claims there's
almost no evidence against her besides past religious beliefs…she used to say there was NO evidence at all. No. 316047
>>315868Holy fuck this video has to be the biggest, best example of her painting herself as the ultimate humanitarian, most generous and self-sacrificing person on the planet.
So she now suddenly genuinely "loves" everyone who criticizes her? Now it turns out she's been "praying" for her "haters" all along? Interesting. Sure could have fooled me with all those younow and twitter meltdowns.
Same repetitive "confront me if you have an issue!" bullshit. She still hasn't addressed the clips of her mocking disabled people and is purposefully ignoring them because it's one of the few things she legitimately has trouble explaining away.
Comparing her mood in this video to how she was in that livestream last night. She has fucking issues and it's so odd she can just flip her mood completely. And people still buy it everytime. Hey assholes, look! Someone wrote gullible on the ceiling!
No. 316049
>>316038I'm in absolute awe of her "ability" to know that the medication would stop working after 2 weeks, and
surprise surprise it just so happens to stop working after 2 weeks just like she predicted. According to her, she's never taken a medication of this type before, so how could she possibly know the effects would wear off so quickly? She says other medications she's taken have also done this…not sure what she is referring to here but different classes of medications don't just "wear off" after 2 weeks no matter what it is you are taking or your specific body chemistry….it just doesn't work that way. She's completely full of shit.
No. 316055
>>316049it's hilarious because i've been on so many meds i lost count, and this DOES NOT HAPPEN. i've had a med kick in at less than two weeks, but for it to start AND stop within two weeks??? no. just no.
>>316050lmfao that's funny if that's the case, 'cause i'm still blocked. so i guess it's only for people who make it clear that they don't hate her?
No. 316078
>>316053>>316067She was referencing illegal drugs. She said she has never smoked pot even but has tried CBD oil "for pain" but has been avoiding it because she read somewhere it could interact with the Lyrica..which she claims is utterly useless to her. I am uploading a recording of the stream now and will link it soon.
>>316055You and me both. I've had meds kick in within days that were supposed to takes weeks and vice versa. Chemicals are not that predictable. Sorry Joy but unless Michael the ArchAngel is helping you control your body's reactions to chemicals, there's no way all your meds stop working after two weeks.
>>316032The claims she makes about doctors are always beyond unbelievable. Last night on her stream she claimed two different mental health professionals recommended that she start doing Youtube. And apparently some other mental health professional told her that pain was just "stored up energy" and because of that she refuses to talk to someone in that field about her depression regarding her pain. Of course we know she isn't in the pain she claims but the suggestion was made by someone in the chat.
No. 316082
>>316069I was aware you were using sarcasm in the second half of your comment
…but it doesn't make sense unless the first part is true.
>>316078She did say she had NEVER taken drugs (illegal) but then later IN THE SAME STREAM claimed she had tried pot once, a friend came over because she was desperately sick and smoked with them but just got droopy eyed and sluggish (or something like that) and Phil said she had tried ayahuasca (DMT) once in an attempt to get spiritual enlightenment.
No. 316108
File: 1495167938285.jpg (86.78 KB, 735x387, naive.jpg)

oh my god Chambers just stop. you are playing RIGHT into Joy's hands. you're doing all the work for her. she is preying on your naivete and because you're naive you're going right along with it. you are literally causing all of Joy's fans, the people who have harassed you endlessly, to believe they were right all along when they actually weren't. why is she suddenly acting so super fucking weak when she's been handling things fairly well by keeping her mouth shut? ugh i hate seeing these gullible fools fall for this utter BULLSHIT. chambers you are apologizing to someone who has actively sent people after you and someone who called you a snake. you all fucked up, definitely, but just stop.
No. 316114
Joy Sparkle BS 5/18/17 Evening Stream. 2nd Stream of the day.'d been streaming for about 5 minutes before this recording.
No. 316217
"One of the things that really got me over my own depression was something I experienced through my angels. One day when I was sick with asthma (I had chronic asthma when I was younger that would put me in the hospital and out of school for days at a time), I had the most profound experience of my life. My angels took me to Heaven.
The best part about going to Heaven is that anyone can go! Any time. All you have to do is ask your angels for help and guidance to get there. I can quickly astral project myself there and get any insight, information, or healing I desire. I've gone there and had long talks with my angels about almost everything.
Here is an excerpt of what I experienced when I went to Heaven:
John (my personal angel) telepathically asked me to follow him. He led me to a beautiful fountain. He asked me to look into the water. As I looked I was amazed at what I saw. I saw me! But I wasn't just looking at my reflection; I was seeing who I was! Visions of my long forgotten self began to play like a short movie in the water. Images of a happy-go-lucky, writing, singing, famous Kati filled the water. The water spoke to me and said: You are here to help lead others. You are here to write. You are here to be famous. This is your destiny, you must work towards this everyday and never forget who you are."
from: have to view the source to see what was cut off)
"Whatever you call connecting with yourself…"
I thought anti-sjws were the ones who thought no idea should be beyond reproach…
No. 316565
>>316551That will never happen. Because then it would be proven how much she actually made off of the DO5 videos.
I honestly still question if she actually donated money to Rose's gofundme or it it was one of her deranged cult members.
No. 316577
>>3165628. panic attacks/anxiety
9. chest pains but there's nothing wrong with her heart (if real probably related to #8 but she adamantly denies this)
10. Thyroid issues (to excuse her weight gain as not her fault)
11. an "inoperable tumor"/abscess on her neck
12. serious Candida (yeast) infection
There might still be more but this is all I can recall atm.
No. 316594
>>316577samefag, there is also her
13. "near" seizures
14. "near" heart attacks
15. "almost" collapses
16. Unexplained chronic fevers
17. Suicide "instincts" during PMS
No. 316600
>>316577candida infection is a fake thing, along the same lines of copper toxicity. it's separate from/different than a yeast infection for sure. Joy is a quack and if she actually sees any doctors, they are probably also quacks
No. 316614
File: 1495214605613.png (131.27 KB, 1080x841, IMG_20170519_182013.png)

For fuck sake, why do they keep insisting ALL the negativity is Jamie? It is so annoying. She is not behind it. There are quite a lot of different people all legitimately criticising Joy. This needs to stop.
No. 316634
>>316600Candida IS yeast and you can get infections of it but they are usually minor and easily treated, the fake condition as specified in your link is Candida allergy or hypersensitivity causing symptoms like fatigue, irritability, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, mood swings, depression, anxiety, dizziness, unexpected weight gain, difficulty in concentrating, muscle and joint pain, cravings for sugar or alcoholic beverages, psoriasis, hives, respiratory and ear problems, menstrual problems, infertility, impotence, bladder infections, prostatitis, and "feeling bad all over."
Kati hasn't gone into a lot of specifics about her Candida infection other than it was very serious and almost killed her (rare but possible, especially if immunosuppressed or have AIDS.) She said she had it at the same time as her neck abscess and referred to it as her 2nd "mystery illness" which is starting to sound like the fake condition but I don't think she listed any symptoms the Candida was causing (I might be wrong, please correct me if she did.)
No. 316666
File: 1495217357038.png (254.36 KB, 1237x2147, IMG_1507.PNG)

>>316639 Apparently that's not true. Purple replied to him on Twitter saying they are not suing her
No. 316699
File: 1495220303428.png (111.25 KB, 619x703, purple.png)

>>316666Not only was Joy compelled to reply so was Jamie…gotta tap into that untouched pool of potential subs.
No. 316750
>>316634she has said previous stuff about anxiety, dizziness, unexpected weight gain, difficulty in concentrating, muscle and joint pain, respiratory problems, issues with fertility (miscarriages iirc?), and feeling bad all over (all the time)
i think she attributed them mostly to copper toxicity and fibro or whatever, but seems suspicious/reminiscent of candidiasis (the fake kind, not the real kind) or "leaky gut" to me. someone should ask her about it on live stream or something.
No. 316831
>>316600I've had a Candida infection before, which was originally thought to be a bug/spider bite. It sort of looked just like that, on my skin an open sore began forming that looked similar to a spider bite but when it began spreading they ran tests. So no, they are not fake. I got a bottle of antibiotics and steroids and it cleared up within a week.
The downside to it, was the doctors never told me about antibiotics and birth control. And I ended up pregnant, which ended in an ectopic pregnancy. So, the worst thing that came out of a Candida infection for me was… well, that. And while I almost died because of the ectopic pregnancy rupturing, it had nothing to do with the infection aside from the antibiotics.
So, there is a possibility Joy has had a candida fungal infection. (Not sure if we're talking vaginal or dermal or even oral) But, most likely she's blowing it out of proportions and heavily exaggerating on the severity of it.
Also, I want to note that having an IUD DOES make vaginal yeast (candida) infections more common.
And I think that is just it. We ALL have our mental/physical problems. Some are very minor and others are not so minor. We have to consider our source here. She's batshit crazy.
One of the worst things to happen to me medically was that aforementioned ectopic pregnancy rupture. I did almost die, I was bleeding internally and had I gotten to the hospital an hour later (I lived 40 minutes from the hospital and was only gut instinct telling me something was wrong) I wouldn't have made it. But if it was Joy telling the story, it would have been, she died twice. Once on the way to the hospital and once on the operating table. Because for her, the story wouldn't have been great enough and wouldn't garner enough sympathy and support. It's twisted how her mind works.
No. 316848
>>316750It's very like her to embrace whatever pseudoscientific illness de jour that explains a bunch of generalized symptoms which can be caused by any number of things…she really seems to like the more exotic, unlikely explanations (and cures) for whatever she really does experience & isn't just making up or exaggerating for sympathy & attention. Like
>>316831 anon said, she's prone to exaggeration. Every sickness is severe and "near" fatal. Look at the dramatics she put on before she finally gave in & took the antibiotics for her abscess. She threw a fit about it, claiming the antibiotics would kill her….for as long as her bf would listen, because she was seeking attention…as soon as he stopped giving it to her she calmed down and took them.
There is a difference between a Candida infection (real) and chronic Candida "Hypersensitivity" causing a bunch of nonspecific symptoms (fake.) Because she didn't specify much about her Candida infection it could have been a real yeast infection she blew completely out of proportion as she tends to do or it could also have been a Google self-diagnosis of this fake condition by searching for possible causes of her favorite list of symptoms. We really need to ask her about it on her next livestream and see what she says.
No. 316890
>>316634i love her calling the candida a "mystery illness." there's no fucking way that a doctor couldn't diagnose that. candida is ridiculously common. it's one of the first tests that they would've run. there's zero possibility that the doctors would've let it go on long enough to "almost kill" her.
>>316831in b4 she uses this post to connect her candida and her miscarriage. (i'm really sorry for what you went through, too. that must've been awful.)
No. 316891
File: 1495237362943.png (316.44 KB, 1228x2140, IMG_1508.PNG)

Kati is so good to the disabled. LOL
No. 316895
File: 1495237657823.png (294.69 KB, 1242x2140, IMG_1509.PNG)

>>316699I really hope that they are just playing the long con and actually suing her. Just to shut her stupid fucking cult members up.
No. 317005
>>316594She also likes to hint that she
might have some as of yet undiagnosed autoimmune disorder. The most recent mention is when she includes autoimmune disorders in with asthma (her issue) and allergies (his issue) when she questions Purple mattress about the powder possibly making their conditions worse. It's a very subtle hint, but if someone who was unfamiliar with her health problems saw that they might reasonably assume it's something she suffers from. There are other times she has hinted at having an autoimmune disorder much more strongly but I can't recall her exact wording or where she said it ATM.
>>316750"Leaky gut" syndrome is yet another pseudoscientific chronic illness popular among hypochondriacs. It is only diagnosed and treated by naturopaths because there is no scientific evidence for its existence list of symptoms below contains things she frequently complains about, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she claimed to have had it at some point.
Chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating
Nutritional deficiencies
Poor immune system
Headaches, brain fog, memory loss
Excessive fatigue
Skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
Cravings for sugar or carbs
Arthritis or joint pain
Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn's
>>316890Because she called something as mundane and easily diagnosable as a Candida infection a "mystery illness that almost killed her" she is almost certainly referring to the fake condition.
>>316893 "Show me where I messed up and I'll apologize"….ignores anyone who does
She also has an amazing ability to dodge tough questions with flowery bullshit, she's worse than a politician in many respects.
No. 317013
>>317005All of those just sound like symptoms of a metabolic disorder, tbh
Nothing special, if you know someone with diabetes then you know someone who has one
No. 317035
>>317031Oh for the love of…Huffington post no less.They're only SLIGHTLY more credible than she is, and not by much.
That's okay. If she hates the reaction she's getting now, she's really going to hate the video i'm bout to post. I think she's about to understand that all attention is not good attention. She may not realize she's a joke, but she's about to become one.
No. 317123
File: 1495266208034.jpg (241.04 KB, 1054x565, redvexedd.jpg)

red, i'm sorry you can't decipher what is quite literally in front of your face. i doubt you've watched phil's 3 hour video multiple times. not even the most dedicated farmers have managed to do that*.
i see you commenting on joy's videos and you are good at sharing your opinion fairly concisely. even if you do overuse bold text. however if you are unable to distinguish the major differences between common fibbing on a resume and downright lying about multiple managerial positions over multiple years & lying about having a degree in psychology (on the same resume no less!) which can be easily verified (and is often checked by those doing the hiring in the fields kati claims to have worked in) then i question your critical thinking skills. lying about what you made in your previous job so you can negotiate the salary you're looking for is REALLY DIFFERENT than claiming experience as a manager in fields you have absolutely zero experience in.
it's also clear your understanding of the word "hysteria" is a little off. people sharing and collaborating on their thoughts/opinions and what they've witnessed regarding a person's odd & disturbing behavior is hardly considered hysterical. i don't believe you've done all the research you say you have. if you had, you would be well aware the extremist (your emphasis) viewpoints and actions involved in the controversy surrounding kati come from her supporters. very rarely do they come from those questioning her bullshit. when it does, we call it out. it has happened up and down in every Joy Sparkle BS thread. once again i don't believe you've done all the research that you claim.
bigots? to quote another farmer: "you must be stretch armstrong because goddamn you're reeeaaaching"
*no shade, phil my dude. your video provided legit proof of something we all suspected re: kati's manipulation tactics!
No. 317126
>>317123HAHAHAHA. So wait. If I don't agree with Kati now i've become a bigot, too? Holy cow she really did go full SJW. And no shade taken. Between her and Celeste these folks need to take a step back and get some help, something.
Speaking of Celeste, its one of those where they claim to have watched the thing, but when I asked them..all I hear is the narrative and I can tell that a) they're lying..or b) they watched only enough to cherry pick and to heck with the rest. When someone asks me about things and asks me about points that are absolutely hashed out and included..its really easy to spot.
>>317124Oh, I imagine not well. If she wants to be a joke, though, I'll be happy to make her one. Plus hey, it's not three hours, and they can't use fingernails as an excuse this time. It's weird because since the video got more press..i've been called a Phildo, been the subject of a few streams ranging from cringey to outright lying again to even the low key threat or two. She wanted a response pretty badly for someone that isn't 'obsessed'. Be careful what you wish for.
No. 317131
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>>316496haha i'm loving the comments and the likes/dislikes ratio on this video. seriously, what IS she doing at 2:25?? sniffing her fingers?
i also love the subscriber count from 5/19, the day she posted this video.
No. 317142
>>317141hahahaha now it all makes sense!
>>317140only really interesting tidbits in this new chambers video: chambers says tim conlin asked for Joy's number because he wanted to speak with her due to how "loud" (chamber's phrasing) Joy was being.
she also says she cannot confirm or deny whether joy did something illegal in obtaining the privilege information from a source because she doesn't know who the source is and whether or not the gag order applies to that person.
she's still apologizing for shit she shouldn't really apologize for. still playing right into joy's pity party game. also says she was following the lolcow threads at some point. aaand last but not least, chambers pronounces the word "privy" like "pryyyyveee" cuz durp.
No. 317205
>>317182None of what?
I don't see how her being a psycho making 12 vids a day is somehow anyone else's but her fault.
Like yeah, none of this would happen if she had minded her bussiness.
No. 317234
>>317131seriously, what IS she doing at 2:25?? sniffing her fingers?
That made me so uncomfortable. I don't understand why she doesn't edit out stuff like that or the boogie picking. My opinion is that this and all the nose touching is a sign of her lying. Not that listening to what she says isn't enough to know she's always lying .
Off topic:
One of her videos earlier in the week had an interesting comment, they mentioned Blair White calling her a weirdo in a stream the night before. I didn't have time to read through the replies on it too see if there was any verification. It would be nice to have another YouTuber express their distaste.
No. 317240
File: 1495287698122.gif (3.06 MB, 480x270, wtf.gif)

No. 317241
File: 1495287763294.gif (3.07 MB, 480x270, wtfjoy.gif)

She's always doing some weird shit with her nose/mouth.
No. 317260
File: 1495289147787.jpg (88.31 KB, 458x457, 7a9446397441ff30585c28b72d860a…)

>>317240That face lmfao she looks like a damn Shih Tzu.
No. 317346
>>317336He's been open about parts of his life. Not exactly a 4.0 GPA JD student, history of major depression, and recently has been more open about wanting a girlfriend. I can totally see her wrapping him in and helping him destroy his credibility more than he already was with his YouTube videos that weren't very well thought out.
Doing a YouTube gossip session where he trash talks another attorney (not viewed well in that profession) and calls the power "printer powder" (when actual printer powder is a carcinogenic substance and he's actually talking about speculation that it is SIMILAR to the base substance of printer powder)… Not sure which idiot is leading which idiot in that video, but only one of them is attempting to be a professional in real life.
No. 317368
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Shane is actually making some valid points about Chambers here. I've also wondered why she insists on maintaining control of that gofund me when it could easily be handed off to Rose herself or her lawyer Tim.
I know this doesn't directly involve Kati but he does accuse Chambers of being in bed with Kati to pilfer money from the gofundme. Maybe it's time that cow Chambers had her own thread.
No. 317386
>>317234Verified, Blaire calls Joy a weirdo. Starts at 2:33:00. White:
"My thoughts on Joy Sparkle… I don't know dude, I know some people like Joy Sparkle but, I think she's kinda fuckin weird (laughs). I think she's kinda a fucking weirdo! I think like, listen, we all hate Onision right? But that bitch has like 40 fucking videos about Onision. Like, every little word he says. Like, who has time to keep tabs on someone like that? Who has time?! And like, I hate Onision, don't get me wrong, and I'll fuck with him on Twitter sometimes, but to have 40 videos, back-to-back Onision – and they're long videos – euugh. And then she's doing the same thing with DaddyOFive, that dead drama, no one cares about DaddyOFive anymore and that bitch has like fift– like, look at her channels! Look at her channel. Every video, every single day, she uploads like once a day DaddyOFive drama, update on DaddyOFive. DaddyOFive, DaddyoFive, DaddyO– it's like guuurl (clicks her fingers with black attitude) that situation was tragic but you gotta do something else with your life, like… it's a bit much. But no shade (smiles)
No. 317393
holy shit check the moments for the lastest stream.
she's having a temper tantrum No. 317395
>>317020Metabolic disorder can be caused by a bad diet yeah, or exacerbated by it.
Generally waaaaay too much sugar ends up spiking insulin which fucks everything up, especially if it's constant.
Plus poor hydration and very low healthy fats (like avocado, coconut, etc; can lead to dry flaky skin, frizzy hair, etc)
So yeah she eats like shit and gets diarrhea because of it. Shocking.
No. 317409
>>317406for some reason, a lot of cell phones reverse the image.
BUT, did you catch all those near heart attacks and near fainting spells? Especially since the medications are not working any more. I'm surprised she wasn't rushed to a hospital. :P
No. 317411
>>317406someone pointed out her seat belt was going over her left shoulder. that is only possible if you are in the driver's seat. that was such a weird, weird thing to lie about.
the window was also on the left side of her body. the driver's side is on the left. she was sitting directly next to the window which was on her left side. if she was in the passenger side, it would be on her right. you can also see the back driver's side window directly behind her. again, it's on her left side because she's DRIVING.
now she's gonna say "oh yeah, my ford fiesta was made in england you guys!
No. 317446
File: 1495305085479.jpg (55.69 KB, 727x279, thankgod.jpg)

Well thank GODDDDD we have you to point out the faults in our country Joy! Without you we wouldn't be aware of this at all.
Thank you. Even if you're pointing out issues about, oh I don't know..8 years after the fact?
No. 317452
File: 1495305529445.png (30.82 KB, 161x139, OrROz4V.png)

This pic doesn't scream axe-murder at all… nope, not at all.
No. 317453
>>317446She just made the biggest fool of herself on YouNow. No one who conducts themselves like that in public is taken seriously. Her roommate is the ultimate cuck to put up with her behavior.
Now she's tweeting to Ford like they're going to take her seriously with that hideous picture, and that pathetic display we just witnessed.
I actually had a moment of sympathy for her. Defended her a couple of times recently. She just reminded me what a shitty person she is.
No. 317541
>>317005She didn't just hint at having an autoimmune disorder in that video she outright said she did at 15:50. Her exact words were "I'm also dealing with fibromyalgia and autoimmune stuff." I don't know what kind of autoimmune "stuff" she
thinks she has but that's not a diagnosis a doctor would give. If she had an actual autoimmune disorder with a name you can bet she would have screamed it to the mountains by now, this autoimmune "stuff" she claims to have is just another bogus self-diagnosis.
No. 317545
If any lovely anon saved that please post it. It's the cringiest thing since her rant against the commenter asking her not to say 'ghetto'.
No. 317597
>>317547This is coming from the woman who claims to love everyone, and pretends to be kind, generous, open minded, and tolerant.
This is a 32 year old woman who has a bunch of teenage girls looking up to her as a role model. She is a complete hypocrite. A loving happy person doesn't have moments like in this clip.
No. 317598
>>317595This is why i'm hoping someone caught the whole stream, including the chat. So we can see just how the Joy crowd puts up with this kind of bad behavior. Plus, she's counting on the people that she cozies up to…she's figuring they're going to miss these livestreams where she really shows her true colors as a lunatic.
I can understand getting angry at personnel. But she's doing this on LIVESTREAM (public humiliation) of course they're keeping their distance. Back to SJW tactics with Joy to appear 'powerful' for the crowd.
No. 317615
>>317612No mention of the portal video in the "moments" that I just watched. She claims the dealership threatened to call the police and now their lives are in danger driving back. Um… the dealership isn't making them drive that car anywhere, there are these things called car rentals.
Also, she claims to have paid "full sticker" price of $17k (for non US people, that is a cheap ass car. There were probably only a few models out there that were cheaper at that point) in 2013 for that car. For a person who is supposedly unable to leave her house, she's racked up a lot of mileage on that car in only 4 years.
No. 317621
File: 1495321270669.png (153.56 KB, 670x501, l0k8rKC.png)

If she paid "full sticker" then that sales guy got a nice bonus that month. Good on him.
No. 317623
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>>317621Her angel totally fucked her on that car. Ranked 18th… but I'm sure she researched the shit out of that car before paying full sticker price on it.
No. 317627
>>317625she legit has NO excuse. this is on her. she didn't do her research and made a shitty decision. there are SO MANY better car companies than ford, not even just toyota and honda. she's stupid.
>>317623i DO NOT BUY that someone as manipulative as she is would pay full sticker price. even i would never pay full sticker price. i played the innocent act at the dealership and got a really fantastic deal. it's not that hard. she's so full of shit.
No. 317632
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>>317627Reviews at the time. I like the "not that it's gutless" but yeah, it's gut less.
Now, think of her temperment driving a cheap car w/small engine. She's probably beat the shit out of it.
I SO HOPE she paid full sticker! She has not clue that claiming to have paid full sticker on ANY dealership car is like putting a huge red "idiot" sticker on your forehead.
No. 317642
File: 1495323136026.png (52.56 KB, 634x214, RKjUWMs.png)

Here's why she's having a shit fit. They're probably asking her to pay for the repairs. Nothing about that car is under warranty.
No. 317643
>>317621>>317623Sage ofc, but I've been looking for cars these past few days and I'm pretty sure I've seen nothing but bad reviews on this car. I think they were recalled, they're absolute shit.
Bitch should have googled the damn things before dropping anything on it but of course back then she didn't have a cult of twitter followers to do the legwork for her so.
Please god tell me y'all have the full livestream of her screaming at these people. I'm mad I missed what seemed like a stream where something interesting actually happens.
No. 317647
>>317636what is the Portal video? i've looked up and down in recent posts and don't see a reference to it.
i did manage to capture some of that first stream today. unfortunately i didn't get the whole thing (i'm the only anon who records any of her streams so it's tough to catch them every time) and did miss the part where she was throwing her weight around & telling them she knew celebrities. but i still caught plenty of her crazy screaming and recorded the younow moments others captured in case they disappear. i have to edit separate captures together (she kept disconnecting) & blur shit for privacy but i'll have it posted asap.
if you saw some unkempt woman screaming at a customer service person in any store..saying they have a "huge audience" and they "know celebrities" and that they plan on causing major trouble by calling news stations etc…you would automatically assume the person is certifiably delusional & likely mentally ill.
btw in one of the moments from her 2nd stream today she says they actually called the cops on her. she claims that has never happened to her before. riiiight.
No. 317648
>>317647same anon.
i meant to say they THREATENED to call the cops on her..i dont think they ended up doing so. but she acts like that's never happened before haha bloody unlikely.
No. 317653
>>317650Ford's response: "You bought our cheapest product designed for 12k miles a year, ran it over 20k miles a year, probably did NO maintenance on it and you want us to feel sorry for you? Fuck off."
Those cars are what you by your 16yo until they have their first crash because you don't feel bad for having lost a Toyota or Honda. Ford make great trucks and above average larger cars. But, sub-compacts are by definition disposable cars and everyone knows that.
No. 317661
>>317653I'd bet good money that car has only had 2-3 oil changes, and that's because most dealerships throw in a few free oil changes when you buy a car.
That car is 15-20k miles away from needing a timing belt and spark plugs. I can't wait tell it snaps the timing belt and leave her stranded somewhere.
No. 317664
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>>317642According to her they blamed her for the damage to the car. Well Kati it's your car and it's out of warranty by about 15,000 miles. So yes anything that happens to it is your fault and you are responsible to pay for it.
No. 317666
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lol joy is apparently mad at chambers again. expect another livestream rant later. guaranteed.
No. 317669
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Hmmm… everyone have their waders ready? Looks like we might be in for a milk-pocalypse soon.
No. 317670
File: 1495325790994.jpg (55.71 KB, 727x425, joydurp2.jpg)

she has bitched time and again that her car was being repaird somewhere very far away and that she needed "roommate" to be with her to retrieve her car because it was a long drive and she might pass out etc. she also put off picking it up for weeks because of the distance.
in this tweet she says Metro Ford is the place she was at during her screaming meltdown. Metro Ford is in Oklahoma City. she lives in Norman, OK which is a mere 20 miles from OKC.
dramatic dramatic dramatic.
No. 317675
>>317669it's such a pussy move to block people left and right. especially for the reasons joy blocks people: not agreeing with her extreme reactions, not licking her asshole, etc
>>317673agreed. you know joy was/is loving that chambers publicly apologize to her. foolish chambers.
No. 317677
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>>317666>>317669she's definitely talking about chambers here. we are soooo gonna need buckets for all dat milk y'all
No. 317680
>>317677How is she tweeting from a dead battery?
Imagine roommate right now explaining why he can't buy her high ass a brand new car on top of letting her mooch rent free. I bet that purple bed was her trying to get HIM to buy it for her and not the other way around.
No. 317688
File: 1495326704402.jpg (113.76 KB, 780x783, joydurp4.jpg)

speaking of asshole licking. this idiot is all over her lately.
who the FUCK makes a serious offer like that to a stranger? how are these fucks so incredibly starstruck by this grubby munchausen attention seeker?
i get being starstruck by people walking a red carpet or something.. but not some finger sniffing, nose picking excessive complainer livestreaming in the same sweatshirt 3 days in a row from a couch with a Joy-shaped indentation.
No. 317698
>>317688>>i get being starstruck by people walking a red carpet or something.. but not some finger sniffing, nose picking excessive complainer livestreaming in the same sweatshirt 3 days in a row from a couch with a Joy-shaped indentation.There's something poetic in the way you write, anon.
I am almost certain she abuses amphetamines. She stays up all night several nights in a row, crashes for days at a time, has insane manic episodes. She's on something.
No. 317704
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No. 317710
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guessing she's talking about..chambers?
just when you think it can't get any bigger.
her ego inflates even more.
yes joy, we're all waiting for the moment we can name drop you and ride your coattails. your grubby, 1990s walmart rack coattails.
No. 317713
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No. 317714
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No. 317719
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No. 317721
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soooo many durps.
No. 317751
>>317734Thank fucking god for you anon
No. 317758
>>317647 went and did a parody of Portal "Want you Gone" that was Joy themed.
>>317666And we're all terribly surprised that lasted as short as it did. Kati only wants people around when she can use them..if not now, later.
>>317680This actually sounds EXACTLY like her. Basically throw enough of a fit until she gets her way like one big spoiled, grown baby person.
>>317688Pretty obvious what he's after. Hopeless romantic. Um…okay. Good luck with that, dude.
>>317690That would really be the best thing for the entire world. Her in the nuthouse for a week. She'll be upset that she can't livestream it for pity, but what else is new?
>>317734I just heard about this!!! Good gravy on a kitten, I swear..why are these guys so paranoid? The worst i've done lately is make a Portal parody and its like the apocalypse hit.
>>317739She needs an enemy that can't or won't fight back. Typical stuff to deflect from her crazy train off the rails. I knew she could only hold it in so long. And now its public again.
>>317744I do wonder what will happen if they ask her if she likes Portal, anyone that's posted my stuff in direct confrontation gets blocked. So much for being able to talk with her, though.
>>317748As opposed to every other second of the day?>>317754
Oh yes, she sees all knows all and is going to make everyone really sorry with mystery info at an undesignated place and time. Suuuuure. Still Alive parody will be next, soon as I finish up the lyrics. Cheers. She wants to be a running joke i'll be happy to oblige.
No. 317760
>>317690if you've had a decent experience being locked up in a high-security mental ward, i'm happy for you. if you haven't, kindly shut the fuck up. also, free pharmaceutical lesson: meds don't make you ~magically~ realize that you've been wrong all along. most people medicated against their will play along until they get out and can go off their meds. it's not like it's a secret.
and until she has a convincing depressive episode, the bitch is not bipolar.
No. 317765
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People were scrambling to capture as many Moments as possible, there were 70 at the end of the stream…glad someone was recording for full context. Don't know if you got the first part of the stream, before she had to restart when she froze up, but it had this gem where she threatened the manager with her huge audience of 30K (at the time) and claimed she "doesn't do this", I noticed this in the chat…yeah Cy, tell her lolcow is "nothing important."
No. 317803
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This fucking guy. He's really trying hard to get into Kati's pants, and by pants I mean sweatpants because lets face it there's no way she doesn't wear sweatpants all the time like the slob she is.
No. 317826
>>317821somewhat? :D
>>317823Did Angel get a new IP? lol
No. 317834
>>317823 sage your face bitch
>>317827 the thought makes me want to vomit
File: 1495343265387.jpg (169.5 KB, 979x906, 520201701.jpg)

>>314900Once again we have kattscratch/Taunee Pruitt (on youtube) leaping in to defend Joy at every chance. Once again we have a Joy fan presented with evidence only to deflect and turn it into something it isn't.
We get it. You were quoting the character Sloth from the Goonies. Yet there IS something to be said for quoting a character that is a caricature of a person deformed, "dropped on his head" and considered retarded. This may have not been considered widely offensive in society when the movie was made but if you're quoting it in 2017 you can't expect people not to point out that it is offensive. But that's not even the point. You can't claim you've never made fun of disabled people EVER then turn around and quote a character like that.
Still not the point because that could probably be debated all day.
The real point is the other clip. This clip at -1:26 in (younow is weird like that) isn't a movie quote and can't really be defended so the fan backed off and deflected FOR Joy to give her an out. But hey Joy, we still see what you did. Forget the first link if you must, this still cannot be explained. It is extremely inappropriate and you are a downright liar. Especially because you have been seen doing this exact type of "retarded" mocking of people in other streams. You're lucky you're the only one with that evidence.
All along Joy is the one "liking" each post including the ones by Emphasis. She knows they are there so she can't feign ignorance.
I'm still waiting to see you squeeze out of this one, Joy.
No. 317941
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>>317938this has to be one of the most hypocritical things i've ever seen joy say. and that is seriously saying something.
joy, you called onion "pizza face" or did you forget?
whats with this new "i'm praying for you" bullshit she's been spewing? god this bitch needs to be taken down big time.
No. 317948
>>317944hun, everyone calls that stuff "receipts" now. that's just the new term (well, it's not really NEW, but y'know). it definitely isn't just joy and her fans, and they DEFINITELY didn't make it up. you don't have to use it or like it, but they are using the term correctly.
now if they could actually GIVE some receipts, that would be great.
No. 317960
>>317948>>317955Whitney Houston's use of the term was correct, she was talking about receipts for the drugs that she was accused of purchasing from a drug dealer.
PSA: Despite the fact that tumbler is okay with this term used like that… the rest of the world thinks people who use the term receipt the way that Joysus is using it are morons. Defend it all you like, but you still sound like a moron outside of tumbler.
No. 317961
>>317960i'm not even on tumblr. people use the term daily on other platforms and in their actual day-to-day life. i've heard it a million times. i'm not defending the term, i'm only saying that it's highly common.
so yeah, joy's a moron, but let's not focus on her correct usage of a term that you think is stupid. that's a distraction and tbh makes everyone here look like morons to her fans.
No. 317969
>>317960It's called a comedic callback.
There are no such things as receipts for drug deals. She meant "proof". That's the joke.
No. 317972
Joy Sparkle BS Metro Ford Dealership Meltdown Stream 5/20/2017
Link:'t catch the entire stream. I included the "moments" that were on her page early in the day as she was having the meltdown incase they get deleted later. The moments show her screaming at the customer service person and berating the general manager. After the moments, the part of the stream I caught starts. She dropped out a few times. In the middle the screen went black while she was connecting but I included it because the chat shows people discussing her extreme behavior and what we missed. Then she moves to her "death trap" of a car and continues streaming from there.
Joy Sparkle BS After-Dealership-Meltdown-Ego 'N Snakes Stream:
Part 1: 2: was taken later in the day around 6pm. Here she talks about Chambers without naming her. Chambers is the person she's referring to regarding "nasty texts", etc. She talks about how she's gonna reveal things..when she can of course!
>>317955>>317957>>317960>>317961>>317966>>317968>>317969Fucking stop. This is totally off topic and is pushing the little milk we do have further up. Newfags won't take note of the milk if you push it all away. Like someone said, this make you guys look like idiots. Take it elsewhere. This thread is about Joy Sparkle Dipshit, not the fucking validity of colloquialisms. Not all of you are newfags so stop acting like newfags.
No. 317978
>>317974She says they threatened to call the cops. It doesn't matter if they
did try to screw her over…that is NOT how you deal with it and expect results. From what I could tell she was upset because they wouldn't fix her out of warranty car for free or get her set up with a new one for free. She says she made an appointment to talk to the owner supposedly about getting her a new car, which they
can do but she would still need to pay for it even with the old car as a trade-in, I think maybe her selective hearing problem caused her to think she would somehow get out of paying for it, idk. The papers she showed with her bringing the car in to be fixed but each time no work was done even though it was in warranty…that is what she
said it showed but was that really the case? If so, is there a reason she kept going to the same place if they kept screwing her over and not fixing it? That seems rather pointless to me.
No. 317995
>>317987Just noticed she was wearing a weird fluffy white sweater thing, why was she dressed like a stereotypical hooker?
>>317989She DID think the owner had promised her a brand new car for free with just the trade-in. To use her favorite phrase, that's ridiculous. The manager told her yes, he
could get her in a new car but she would have to pay for it after the trade-in and upon hearing this she demanded he call the owner to set him straight. She would only do that if she thought she was getting the new car free. The thing is he knows the owner and what he is and isn't likely to promise so when he refused to call she told the manager "don't you get a tone with me, I'll teach you about customer service." If they thought she was getting the new car, why in the world would they spend their own money to fix the old one? That makes no sense.
No. 318000
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This should be her neeest image
No. 318180
>>317889Stop selfposting, doughboy
>>318146All these narcissists flock to each other like flies. Have any of these people ever heard the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black"? All the wrong people are making videos about joy. I want some real juice from legitimate non-crazy youtubers damn it. I guess her channel just isn't big enough yet. The good thing is that as her channel grows her ego will get larger and she'll make more sloppy, milky mistakes. Or her channel won't get larger and she'll have even more ridiculous bawwing episodes and intense kyathy episodes. Also, jesus fucking christ Jamie spare us and slap some of that drag queen makeup on.
No. 318657
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so in response to joy doing this: -1:26 in (vidme is backwards)
she is clearly mocking disabled people. she has asked and publicly said multiple times that if she did something like that people should show her and she would someone showed her and of course she twists it to fit her lying narrative…
intelligence of heart? so hearts act that way? bitch what? if you're gonna try to cover your ass at least make sure what you're saying makes sense.
(i cut out the irrelevant responses from her adoring fans)
No. 318942
File: 1495470281774.png (Spoiler Image,264.76 KB, 577x478, dildojoysigned.png)

>>318734>For $69 you can get:"I will take a professional head shot of holding a dildo and sign and send to you! Arent you fucking lucky? :D"
Not that anyone in their right mind would have paid $69 to receive that but here you go guys, one signed headshot of Joy holding a dildo, free of charge…be grateful I stuck a spoiler on it. I tried not to make it overly graphic for my own mental health but if this image mentally scars you it's your own damn fault for looking, you've been warned.
No. 318984
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>>318911A summary of what's yet to come
No. 318994
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An hour ago, it was a few minutes until she went live.
20 minutes ago she was going to be live in 5 minutes.
Best not to give a timeframe if you can't adhere to it.
No. 318999
>>318995She's on
Not enough time for me to pirate a screen capture program tho. Sorry Recorder Anon.
No. 319009
>>319007But why should she use HER money when she can use someone else's? Seeing a pattern yet?
>>319008The guy needs to ditch her. He seems to be doing this out of sympathy, but she is clearly using him like the help, and she never seems to talk about him any higher, either. Just wait, when they split she'll be 'in fear for her life' and he'll be evil somehow.
No. 319038
>>319008>>319009Imagine the utter hell this guy must deal with. The way she obsesses over things, openly stalks Onion, latches on to others… 24/7 with her must be horrific. Someone this nutty with strangers has to be a living nightmare in person.
He's gonna need to get a new identity with a side order of witness protection
No. 319043
-How do you catch a snake? You record it!
-And calling Chambers of the heart 'Fakers of the heart'
-Lots of suicide talk, sympathy deflection. (Remember that depression video?)
-Admitting wanting to die everyday from the pain & illness, audience suggesting different drugs
-Threatening trolls.
-Completely going off the deep end while working the crowd more and more.
>>319038He never seems to be around, but when he is around, he's little more than the help. Pay attention to how she treats him, and how she talks about him. No different than how she uses everyone else. She's just one big spoiled brat.
No. 319047
>>319045First, Sage your posts. (Sage in the Email line.) So you don't catch heat.
Anyway, why would she do that? If she gets treated and is okay, then she's out of excuses and can't live off of others anymore. No parasite likes being extracted.
No. 319054
>>319043Also, she isn't going to guest anymore because she needs to keep herself 'safe'. She will only guest people who she's invited. But also days to her critics to 'come at her' which is a bit difficult to do without hiding behind an icon if she won't guest just anyone.
She was also going on about how all the 'hate' (or, rather, criticism) is making things very hard at the moment. She refuses to take a break from the 'net though which is the obvious solution.
No. 319067
>>319063Yeah. That's why she was like 'MR REPZION JUST WANTS TO JUMP ON THE HATE BANDWAGON' though she replied to a Twitter thread where HE EXPLAINS HIS ISSUES WITH HER.
She's such a fucking liar and this is what she needs to do.
No. 319069
>>319068Ask for proof of what? I didn't even say what the issue was.
He said he was concerned about the amount of videos she was making and the motive behind it. It's somewhere in the threads.
No. 319081
>>319045You're right, it can cause you physical pain. Anxiety and depression put a lot of stress on the body. Anxiety can and will cause you to have stomach problems and insomnia. Joy obviously isn't active and has a shitty diet. If she exercised even just a couple of times a week and ate more fruit/veg and things with protein and electrolytes, the pain in her joints would probably subside with time.
I don't think Joy needs antidepressants or any other pills. The first step of AA is admitting you have a problem. It's the same thing here. Joy has to accept that she has anxiety and a problem with lying in order to get better. No pills are going to help with that. Anxiety is manageable for the VAST majority of people without medication. It requires will power, a constant effort to keep your mood stable and avoid stress, and you have to do things like go outside, exercise, and make friends. Joy isn't willing to do any of those things. She isn't willing to accept that she has anxiety in the first place.
What she needs to do is talk to a psychiatrist, explain her issues in detail with honesty, accept their inevitable (re)diagnosis of an anxiety disorder, and follow through in the steps of recovery. She'll never do that. Quite frankly I don't care if she gets better. I don't think she deserves it. Not with the abhorrent way she treats other people. I hope to never meet someone so self serving, rude, and neurotic. She uses her illness as a shield because she's a bad person and can't swallow that truth when confronted with it.
No. 319165
>>319045I get what you're saying and you do have a valid point. But there is a multitude of major differences between pain that is caused by mental distress and chronic physical pain that is caused by the nervous system.
Depression and mental health woes such as stress do cause aches and pains. That is true. But nowhere near to the point that one needs daily pain medication. Not to the point that someone needs opioids or a medication like Lyrica. Pain induced by depression and anxiety (stomach aches, joint pain, etc) is bothersome and annoying. Sometimes the stomach aches can be extremely distressful. But the body aches are so incredibly different from what people who go through chronic pain experience.
If she has pain at all, which is unknown and very possible, I believe it's caused by her clear anxiety and possible depression. The problem people have with her talking about this is not in regards to whether or not she's in pain. It's actually in regards to her exaggerating it..immensely. I just watched the YouNow moments captured from today's streams. She very clearly said that every day she is in so much pain that every day she wishes she would die. She said she's "ready to go" if someone who makes death threats against her goes through with it because the pain she is in is so bad she doesn't want to be here. As someone who has experienced every level of pain humanly fucking possible, I call utter bullshit. There are other anons here who also go through actual intense pain that does make them want to die. When you are in a state like that you don't have time to livestream about your latest drama with another idiotic youtuber. You can barely fucking think straight let alone move. And you certainly don't sit around shrugging your shoulders and say "welp, another medication didn't work so i'll just deal." because it doesn't work like that. If you're in such intense pain everyday you do something about it whether or not you have insurance. If the pain were as severe as she claims she would either be laying in bed or on the floor each day crying out in pain and choking on tears because of just how unbearable it is.
In one of her younow moments she also said that she just found out the doctor she's been going to won't be able to help her out with testing. This doctor is supposed to be one of the leading doctors treating fibromyalgia..but he can't actually help her get tested for it? Again: fucking BULLSHIT. Once again she acts so nonchalant about this when if she were actually in the pain she says, things would be different. 1) The doctor would have run a bunch of tests during the first appointment as he's a SPECIALIST, 2) He wouldn't just let her live in agony and would help in some way. Even if it meant referring her on to a chronic pain specialist.
There are very legitimate reasons why people don't buy her story. Her and her fans like to say that those of us criticising Kati are haters and we're all obviously able bodied. How ignorant to assume that. Actually many of us are former fans who spent time empathising with her due to our own fibromyalgia, illnesses and/or chronic pain struggles. Most of us are generally the LAST people in the room who would ever accuse someone of malingering for attention. Most of us do give the benefit of the doubt even when there's a lot of doubt. Many of us know what it's like for people not to understand just how bad the pain can be. And since many of us have followed Joy way before this recent DO5 drama we know just how much her story has drastically changed. Just how much it doesn't add up..not even a little. You have to wonder to yourself: if the people who would give her the most benefit of the doubt are questioning her..perhaps there is indeed something to question. We're only making these judgements based on her actions by the way. Not inferences but HER actions.
>>319068>>319072In the recording of her losing it that day where she screams about chambers, nick monroe etc she was caught on recording saying Repzion jumped on the hate bandwagon.
No, asked on twitter for proof that she had called him a "psychopath" because someone told him she was losing it on younow and said that. I was the person who recorded that stream and I missed the beginning where she may or may not have said that. But she definitely talked about Repzion again and definitely did say he jumped on a hate bandwagon. He never asked for proof of her saying anything about a bandwagon. He simply asked for proof that she called him a psychopath of which there is none.
sage for fucking long as fuck.
No. 319184
>>319165Oh, thanks for clearing that up. I don't know much about chronic pain, just chronic illness. (highly asthmatic). It made me really frustrated to realise she was bullshitting when she was talking about dying because over the last 5 years, I was having more than 20 serious asthma attacks per week and the doctors didn't know why. And I watched that video where she was talking about nearly dying all the time and because I was new to her, I felt like someone understood that kind of fear. Now I feel ripped off. Especially when she started talking about how nothing ever seemed to work out. Very few people are that unlucky.
It's awful to read the stories about all the people who looked up to her because I know a lot of people can't talk about being sick, or feel alone.
The thing that irritates me regarding her "illness" is when she says "I don't owe you shit!" but she kind of does if she's accepting money under the guise of being sick… It might say on her patreon or whatever that she's getting money for videos but she has people believing that she needs money because she's sick and they're more likely to donate if they think she's sick or needs money.
No. 319204
>>319184I get you anon. That was how I felt about her, too. She seemed genuinely frustrated that she wasn't getting help. Many people with chronic illness and/or chronic pain know that feeling. What really made me question her initially was that I started noticing that for all the things that don't work out for her..she doesn't actually do much to change what she can control. It just seems really odd to me to be so easily resigned to a fate that you can actively participate in at least altering if not changing completely. And I don't buy this bullshit about it being an insurance issue. I know exactly what its like to be chronically ill and in pain but uninsured. Yes, you do put off going to doctors. But if you have pain that is making you suicidal on a daily basis and robbing you of your ability to function, you get help even when you definitely can't afford it. Also if the pain is just so terrible, one of the many doctors she's seen by now (including this so called leading expert in Fibromyalgia) would get her some proper pain meds. I just saw another younow moment from today's stream. Joy says she doesn't want proper pain medication because she doesn't want to be "Drugged up". The truth is if you're in absolute chronic fucking pain, the drugs they give you don't make you feel drugged up. They give you relief and help you to function normally. It seems as though her Fibromyalgia expert doctor offered her some pain meds and she turned them down. So she's suicidal day in and day out, ready to die..but she turns down the one thing that could possibly help? Come on.
I agree. She is taking advantage of the empathy of people who many times are very vulnerable emotionally. You're right - people are more likely to donate money when the situation seems more complicated by factors that Joy apparently can't control like being sick. I was just reading a few articles today on "Munchausen by Internet". There are many different levels of how far some people will go with it. Kati doesn't necessarily fit into the most extreme category of people who do this but she does fit Munchausen By Internet nonetheless. It's driven by either narcissism or sadism. In her case it's definitely narcissism. The sick part is they prey on the very people who actually do have chronic illnesses etc because they make really easy targets for this kind of manipulative behavior. They are also great examples by which to mimic. I've seen some of Joy's fans actually say "people don't fake illnesses" because there's no pay off." They think that because they don't have Munchausen lol so of course they don't see the purpose. I would definitely recommend to anyone questioning Joy's behavior to give it some research and see if some of what you find reminds you of Joy.
If she continues to use her supposed illness as an excuse for shitty behavior or as an excuse for anything (you'll find she does this a lot) then I agree - she definitely owes some sort of explanation when people point out the fallacies in her story. Nobody is seriously asking for her medical records. Just why one day her story was A and the next day it was B. She milks her supposed physical illness for sympathy so people won't fault her when she acts like a straight up bitch. To expect people not to question that is hilarious. If you make it the center of your whole story then why freak out when people ask some questions? Maybe because it's bull and you really can't explain it? It's easy to say "my health is my business!" because it's a catchall phrase that shuts her detractors up. Nobody wants to criticise the sick girl after all. I say fuck that.
No. 319221
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Wonder what's going on here.
No. 319228
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>>319221dunno, saw this as well
No. 319230
>>319204Yeah, actually it makes me wonder if in the US, if someone is in that kind of state where they're in so much pain they think they're going to die, would a doctor really turn them away because of the lack of insurance? (I'm in Australia so it's a bit different here I think).
I think many of her fans don't realise exactly how much you can get from faking illness… It makes me a bit cross because in the same breath, they'll say to her (hypothetically) "here's $20, buy yourself something nice" and like really? Illnesses are faked all the time. And not always intentionally. If she had some kind of sympathetic illness or whatever it's called, I'd feel bad for her. But it doesn't seem that way at all.
I wonder though, since she's been doing it so long, do you think she might have reached the point where she believes her own lie and believes she's in that kind of pain?
Munchausen by Internet sounds interesting, I'll go and read up on that later.
Using illness as an excuse for bad behaviour is such a cop out. When I get sick, the doctors put me on a large dose of steroids for two weeks. I get really angry and snappy. Yeah, it's partially caused by the steroid but at the end of the day, the mouth belongs to me.
No. 319243
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>>319228Haden??? just was pointing out that her $69 patreon level for the dildo pic might be a problem. Not even sure why, dildo pics are not porn in the US and she can send it to who ever she wants.
BUT, she's cleaned up her patron levels now and no longer has the 420 or sex referencing levels.
No. 319294
>>319243Lol, someone thought Joy would be the one to use my photoshop job
>>318942 as her Twitter pic but it looks like the Joysparklebs lies Twitter account beat her to it. Whatever man, I did say you guys could have it for free…at least it's not being used for evil.
No. 319302
File: 1495494819413.jpg (101.83 KB, 870x244, 20170522_171123.jpg)

>>319221Anti O chat anon here, and I know about this. I got a message the other day from this girl, she was also in the anti o chat, but not very active due to time issues and after my fallout with joy deleted herself from the chat. A few days ago she sent me a message asking me if I was the farmer and this. She wanted to ask me questions but after I said I would answer she hasn't posted back. I've been making some joy post though so I don't think Joy is going to be happy, oh well.
No. 319343
>>319247I don't know if anyone recorded the stream but here are a few Highlights from the Moments.
1. She really thought the owner promised her a new car without having to pay for it (outside her car as trade.) She said she didn't have a job so she couldn't get a loan and the owner knew this so he worked out a deal with her. She was mad because the manager didn't believe her and wouldn't call the owner to confirm this "deal." Wants life to end over the amount of suffering she is going thru but has gotten really good at having a straight face which she can maintain unless she needs to go to the ER. Someone in chat said she should go to therapy. She claimed her therapists, as in more than one, told her that because her problems stem from physical pain there's not much they could do for her. Although she said the person in chat who suggested this may have come in late, she accused the people suggesting therapy of not listening because she had already "explained" before. Thinks people who are suicidal because of physical issues do not need therapy to fix it because "death is part of life." People who are criticising her are just "jealous" because her channel blew up and because she got to do stuff they didn't Praying for death but not going to act upon it. Got final confirmation from her doctor she couldn't get testing because she doesn't have insurance. Texted her doctor back to dump him because she didn't want him to waste his help on her because her meds aren't working. Stuff about Chambers drama. Chambers told Joy to go away and Joy said this was extremely rude. Joy told her not to put out apology video but she does then removes both her apology videos so Joy blocks her and Chambers said the reason is because she didn't want to burn people but Joy says it was a burn to her. Claims Chambers is scared of Based Mama & Nick because of the crazy lengths they went thru to tear Joy's life apart that she thinks they'll do it to her too. Claims she likes to eat healthy but it gives her diarrhea which makes her gain weight so her doctor "literally" told her to eat more red meat…so she's now having steak delivered to her. Hates it when people tell her to push thru the pain…which can fuck up your heart. Then says everyone's health is different, everyone's body is different, and we are all made up differently. Calling "shit-talkers" pussies and telling them to "come at her" Claims to have gotten death threats but tells them to go for it because she wants off this rock. Ranting about complaints about her hair. She doesn't have fibro bc she has good hair but her hair is nasty amish hair and she needs to get a haircut, do her hair, brush it and put on makeup you fucking bitch let's kill you. Trying to be respectful of people even when they are no respectful of her. Admits there is a "handful" of things she has done but won't speak of it out of respect for these people. How to catch a snake? You record it, you record it being snake-like No. 319345
>>319302so this girl is like..tattling on you to Joy or something? is that what you think she's going to Joy about? or why she tweeted to Joy?
"not supposed to contact you"
No. 319356
>>319247Nah… this is the storm.
- She's signaling to her "fans" that they'd better not pull anything against her because she'll spill all their secrets.
- She's in butt-hurt / "pain" / "I wanna die" over drive because she wants a new car out of the spergleberries.
- She is watching her views count tank because no one gives a shit about watching her "cover" topics that have already been done the day before by Phil DeFranco.
If she doesn't get the car or more patreons, she'll rage quit with suicide threats to squish the shekels out of them.
No. 319357
>>319302"I'm not supposed to contact you…"
…but… NOT A CULT.
No. 319362
>>319343Right off the bat, point four. How can she claim she got a diagnosis if she can't even GET THE TESTING. Right here, she's been caught in a lie. Her four doctors claim on getting diagnosed over twitter is a bold faced lie.
>>319356Socialblade still looks fairly steady, don't know about that. But this is definitely the warmup..not the storm itself. I think she's just getting started.
No. 319366
>>319362In my day life, I deal with HIPAA Information Security… and while her doctor may have DM'd her, if that person put ANYTHING in that DM that implied she was their patient or any medications, that would be a violation of HIPAA regulations. I find it very weird that a physician would (a) work on a Sunday and (b) violate regulations that have been HAMMERED into them for over a decade because every incident (like two DMs would have been two incidents) puts them at risk for fines over $1k each and facilities are actively audited annually if they accept federal program (like social security or disability) payments.
Also, titration upward on Lyrica is completely normal and she would have been told that at the start. That she is rejecting the meds is a good reason for a doctor to drop someone as a non-compliant patient In the US doctors can't just dump you under most circumstances unless you fail to pay or refuse to follow recommendations. (Hence put the doctor's insurance at risk of a claim.)
Also, like others have said, fibro is a diagnosis based on exclusion and the tests to exclude other medical issues are VERY important because they could involve neurological or issues that need to be treated. NO doctor would jump straight to fibro unless they'd already had other issues ruled out. Especially in a patient that doesn't demonstrate typical fibro symptoms like Joy. (Well, unless they're fine with getting drug trafficking charges.)
No. 319368
>>319165yup yup yup. i've been in pain so severe i wanted to die, and all that i could do was cry and beg for death. legitimately. if you're in that kind of pain, that is ALL that you can think about. and tbh, if you deal with a chronic neurological issue (like my gbs), that kind of pain becomes pretty normal and you build up a tolerance and find a way around it, even if it's severe. so when you're in enough pain to want to die, you are in a BLINDING amount of pain.
>>319230if you go to a regular doctor, yeah, they could turn you away if you can't pay upfront. BUT you can go to an emergency room, and they can't turn you away. you shouldn't be going to a general practitioner for that kind of pain, anyway. i didn't even go to the emergency room when i was in the pain that i just talked about (because i knew what it was from so there was no point). even if she IS in pain, she's so fucking dramatic about it and needs to grow the fuck up.
and your last statement is such a good one. i've been on a med that makes me really mean, and i realized that it was my responsibility to rein myself in and apologize whenever i said something uncalled for. most of us who deal with this kind of shit understand that our illnesses aren't excuses. but not kati!!!!!!!!!
>>319343what a crock of absolute shit. i was suicidal because of a physical issue and therapy would've done me a LOT of good. (thankfully, i got plenty later on.)
i don't care what she does or doesn't have, it's more than obvious that she isn't in enough physical pain to legitimately want to die. if she wants to die, it's because of something else. she's way more functional than most of us and she needs to shut her fucking mouth.
and the eating healthy thing, lolololol. diarrhea makes you LOSE WEIGHT. what the fuck is she even talking about. you might get bloated, but that's not actual weight gained. i've studied medicine and i've NEVER heard of diarrhea making you gain weight. that's not a thing.
this is so much bullshit, i can't handle.
No. 319369
>>3193431. Um, she DOES have a freaking income from YouTube & YouNow, that IS considered a job. Since she has almost no bills she can pay for a car just like everyone else. She claims the dealership screwed her over by not fixing her car when it was under warranty in order to get her to buy a new car but this seems incredibly fishy to me. First, how would they be able to guarantee she would buy the new car from them? It does them no good if she goes somewhere else to buy a car and if they were treating her bad wtf would she come back? Second, dealerships want to do repairs under warranty. They are well paid by the factory for doing warranty service, it comprises a good chunk of business. It does them no good to not fix a car they would otherwise get paid for. Plus, they want the customer to come back after the warranty is up too so they try to do a good job. Third, she wasn't stuck getting repairs from the same dealership she bought the car from. She could have gone to any other Ford dealership if one was shady. In fact, she did go to different dealerships, they mentioned getting info from a dealership in Oklahoma. What I think likely happened is that list she showed of repairs "not done" was from out of warranty service she didn't want to pay for…so they didn't do anything. Her warranty was for 36,000 mi/3yr basic and 60,000 mi/5yr powertrain. From what I can tell she put a lot of miles on that car in a short period of time causing the basic warranty to run out much faster than 3 yrs. I don't know why she expected that dealership to fix her out of warranty car for free or just trade her a new car for the old one, why in the world would they do that?
2.This weak excuse is absolute bullshit. A therapist would NEVER tell a depressed patient having suicidal thoughts they can't do much for them no matter the cause. Lots of chronically/terminally ill people see therapists to deal with the feelings that arise from their illnesses…there are support groups for it too. She was just using it as an excuse to poo-poo the idea of seeing a therapist now…because they'll immediately see what's really going on with her and she's not about hearing the truth.
4. Didn't she claim to have been tested for Fibromyalgia and IBS and diagnosed with them? So now she can't get
any testing? That isn't how it works.
5. I thought he was treating her for free? If she was really in that much pain and really wanted to get better she would move heaven & earth to find out what's going on and if there is something that can be done. She's just giving up when her first round of meds doesn't work after 2 weeks? What?
7. Humans all share basic anatomy and biochemistry, we're not THAT different from each other. Yes, we can have different health issues and have different symptoms manifest/different meds work for different people but the way meds work is essentially the same.
No. 319371
There is NO REASON why anyone who is a us citizen does not have healthcare. Everyone in the USA including no or low wage people have access to Obamacare! As a matter of fact, it is extremely against the law to not have any form of healthcare.
She claims she "can not fill out forms", that is the reason she never got health care! she said she can't fill a out a form out and I gave her RECIEPTS where she could call a toll free number where all you gotta do is call them with your forms in hand and they completely walk you through the whole thing. You hardly have to write anything because they are filling it in on the computer. Did she thank me? No, did she do it? Probably not, but I have a theory on this too: she is either too lazy, too cheap to pay for insurance, or she just does not qualify because she thinks she has too much money. GUESS WHAT: it's not about how much money you have but how much money you make that makes you not eligible! So many morons who think they have too much money are afraid of applying! Also, if she lies about fricking everything then why couldn't she be lying about being covered by insurance? I mean that could be what's going g on, we just don't know. Not having medical coverage is against the law right now, PUNISHABLE WITH FINES! and there is NO reason anyone that is a us citizen shouldn't have health coverage!!! It's a non issue that was solved years ago and many people have taken advantage of getting health care. Actually here is a very good subject: Joy is breaking the law buy not getting medical insurance and clogging up the emergency rooms at the hospital. She could cause someone else to die -due to overcrowding, or she would be contributing to the high taxes people have directly because they drain the emergency rooms and do not pay their hospital bill! If anyone knows the system well they could report her emergency room visits as FRUAD and I hope that if they read this they do!
No. 319374
>>319370>>319369YouTube is a job, but for loan purposes, you have to show you've been self-employed for at least two years. So, for the purposes of qualifying for a loan, her mooching ways have screwed her.
BUT, … if she's sitting on a nest egg of even 30k (instead of 40k … say she spent money on something??? obviously not rent, utilities, or clothing… but say ring lights and cameras?)… then she can buy a car for cash in hand.
No. 319380
>>319343#2 physical pain can't be treated by therapy
I've had enough of her shit with this.
She is a straight up liar. Her information doesn't add up, therapists would not tell her that nothing can be done for physical pain because that would be a lie. Both my pain management Dr and my rheumatologist have referred me to a psychologist to assist with my pain that cannot be managed by medication.
What probably really happened is that she gave them a hard time (if she actually even saw a therapist) and she wouldn't cooperate with them, resulting in them saying they aren't able to help her.
Imagine her in a Dr office, screaming like she was at the dealership. She doesn't see herself as being in the wrong for that so she probably acts out like that a lot.
Joy, you're becoming your mother. Just another kyathy
No. 319385
>>319366Let's not forget that she claimed the current doctor is a leading expert or top doctor in the field of treating Fibromyalgia. I have a loved one who did in fact see a doctor who was the leading Fibromyalgia researcher at the time. The first thing he did during the first appointment was run tests for Fibro before anything else. The idea that this leading doctor didn't run any tests on Joy after she travelled to seem him is weird. It's also incredibly odd to turn down the idea of titrating upward on a medication like Lyrica. She said it worked until it didn't which means titrating upward would have been the correct and obvious thing to do. Instead she tells the doctor she doesn't want his help anymore because he should help someone that can pay him. WHAT? If he saw you to begin with he IS trying to help you. This makes zero fucking sense.
>>319369Yep. She did say she pasts "the tests" for fibro. That seemed to come out of nowhere btw after she said she hadn't been to a doctor in a while besides that naturopath who told her she had copper poisoning. Agreed, her biochemistry is not that radically different. I've mentioned this before and I'll mention it again: there are very few extreme cases where people in chronic pain can't get some kind of relief. You may not get full relief and in fact its normal not to be completely out of pain when you have a chronic pain condition. But she says that pain meds don't work for her, then says contradictory things like she doesn't want to be "drugged up". Nothing she says makes sense.
If her having no insurance and no income because she can't work due to her "illness" is SUCH an issue..she would be desperately applying for SSI and/or SSD, medicaid and/or medicare. But she doesn't. Her excuse is that the paperwork is too hard and her "fibro fog" prevents her from being able to fill out the paperwork. Nevermind that tons of her fans have offered to help. Nevermind that your local Social Security office will assign you a caseworker that will walk you through the process if you need help. Nevermind that the paperwork in and of itself is not the hardest part, collecting your records is. Nevermind that if she took a 3 day break from obsessing over internet drama and making pointless rant videos she could spend that time actually doing the paperwork and getting the help she apparently so desperately needs. Except she won't because she knows she does not have and will never qualify for disability because she is NOT in the physical ill-health she claims. But mental health wise? That's a whole other issue. She won't talk to a mental health professional though.
>>319380Exactly. I was on multiple different opioid medications, muscle relaxers and potentiators for the opioids..and my pain management doctor still suggested I go for counseling. Because the pain itself can cause mental health problems. Pain management is much more than popping pills, it includes excercise IF possible and handling your mental and spiritual health. In fact developing coping skills and talking it out is a HUGE factor in dealing with chronic pain. None of this applies to her though because she isn't in such horrific pain that it makes her suicidal. I'm tired of her fucking lies.
No. 319386
>>319368Her weight gain/diarrhea explained in 5 seconds or less:
The potato chip feedbag often strapped to her face
No. 319391
samefag as
>>319385>>319371I was in one of the YouNow chats where she was going on and on about how she couldn't fill out the forms. I saw multiple people offer help and every time someone pointed out how she could get the forms filled out etc she would have some excuse. Every single time. This was back when I thought she wasn't so bad and I know there are legit reasons why people are afraid to apply. Like you said, some people are misinformed. But after it while it seemed like she was just deflecting. And honestly if you actually NEED disability and insurance, you do everything you can to get it. I'm sure it had to be infuriating for you to give her the information in an attempt to help her only for her to bullshit some more.
No. 319451
>>319374She doesn't have to drop a huge chunk of cash on a new car, that's just a waste of money, especially on a cheap car like a Festiva, they devalue majorly just by driving it off the lot. (The 2013 model may be total crap but many years ago I had an almost new 1997 Ford Festiva…it was like driving a go-cart but that thing was damn near indestructible…I sold it but it's still being driven to this day.) She can buy a perfectly good used car with cash for as little as $1500-$3500, she just needs to save up her YouTube/YouNow income for a few months. I've bought two very nice older Mustangs for $2500 & $3000 and they've held up for several years being driven every day but I take good care of my cars. Kati probably doesn't understand how proper maintenance works. She obviously doesn't understand how warranties work.
>>319369I agree that she isn't telling the truth about whatever happened with her car & that dealership. That list of repairs she brought her car in for labeled as "No work done" had to be from after her warranty ran out. They DON'T turn away working on cars under warranty, that's premium compensation from the factory. They'd earn WAY more money fixing warrantied cars than they would turning them away in the hopes the person will give in and
maybe buy a new car from them a few years down the road…that "scam" she claims they pulled on her makes NO sense. It's the worst business model ever, no dealership would operate that way. This is just another lie to make herself look like the victim….she's hoping it's enough to make people feel so sorry for her she can e-beg for a new car….just wait, you'll see.
No. 319472
>>319462(a) this anon is not in the US (so no contradiction with what I posted above about HIPAA)
(b) to anon… if you need to keep emails for records purposes, you can download thunderbird onto your local PC, link it to the account, sync it and then encrypt/move the subdirectory storring the emails over to a DVR or thumbdrive.
No. 319480
>>319462not the anon you contacted., just wow. i'm guessing your comment was critical of joy or was taken as such by the fan. it is unbelievable they would go that far, and totally believable at the same time. please be careful how you approach this. someone who would go so far as to do that is likely to be a very unreasonable person.
edited to add: i recently had a joyfan try to dig up stuff on me. they subscribed to my youtube account which had no videos and proceeded to send weird messages through google plus. my google plus has nothing identifiable. they did some other weird shit too and they appear to be legit speshul, so to speak. today they sent some more weird messages. this all happened because they didn't like that i used the word "kid" when responding to a comment of theirs. even though i did say kid or kiddo, my comment was ridiculously respectful. the other strange part is this person doesn't hide their identity at all yet made some pretty big attempts to find out who i was.
No. 319485
>>319462Oh bullshit. This is a trap. You mean to tell me illegal activities occured with sensitive information and the first person you tried to contact was JOY of all people? You put out information publically on twitter for a sensitive matter tp get people curious. And the 17 year old bit screams emotional targetting all over again.
So let me get this straight. You don't contact authorities, professionals, the contact JOY (Its on your twitter). How the hell do you even HAVE that job? That's worse than dropping the ball.
And then the next place you drop this is here? Yet you are strangely concerned for the girls privacy, but you just put details out here publically where it will be released and you know people look.
Anons, I smell a trap here. This is just too much of a setup. Their story just doesn't add up.
ALSO, I totally called it. Joy just released a new video on?? The new terrorist attack. Fucking emotional parasite.
No. 319487
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>>319485She looks utterly fucking exhausted in that video. Kati: always making wise life choices. Sleep, or make a click bait video to cash in on a major tragedy? Hmmm choices choices.
Also it appears one of her hardcore defenders has finally jumped ship. If there's hope for this girl..
No. 319490
>>319485Not even two hours later a video is up. We don't even know the body count yet. Sympathy leech.
BTW the video was lazy as shit. Monotone voice and all. She had no "passionate" feelings about this. She just read an article in a monotone voice because she knew it would get views.
No. 319544
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>>319531But she says it wasn't baiting.
No. 319570
>>319531yeah i don't think this anon is baiting. not every post that is obvs from a new person is bait, anons.
>>319566when you want to respond to a direct post, type >> followed by the number of the post so people are able to tell who you are responding to.
No. 319572
>>319564When we don't buy her shit, we are killing her soul and making her heart haz da sadz :-(
You know how speshul lolcow Indigo Children are… they feel shitz deep mahn!
No. 319576
>>319573LMAO true. i'm on ssi and you aren't allowed to have more than $2k in the bank at any point in time. literally, they check your bank account(s) periodically to make sure that it's less than $2k, and not reporting all of your assets is felony perjury. so you're right, she can't qualify for that, either.
if she has that kind of money and can pay for insurance, she needs to shut the fuck up. but we know too well now how she acts when she has to actually pay for something. apparently the world owes her a lifetime of free shit.
No. 319579
Joy Sparkle BS Bitch/Moan/Pity Fest #763 on 5/23/17
Link: on around midnight. Missed the first 2 minutes. The person who she says took a whole day off of work to fill out the Medicaid forms for her = "roommate" aka Dom. Glitchy as usual cos fuckall.
No. 319587
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>>319582It depends on states. States that did NOT expand medicaid (like OK) only provide services to women w/children and children. Single men and women w/out children are not eligible because either they should be (a) disabled (so qualified by a different route) or (b) holding a fucking job like the rest of the able bodied population.
No. 319588
>>319579once again Joy can relate to what she's talking about. every single time.
she said she visited Paris to visit her old house (that she used to share with her ex husband "Taho" aka David) and saw all the scary immigrants in Paris. local people told her its dangerous and she could get raped and she didn't believe it until - omg! - it almost happened to her!
she bitches about lolcow a lot in this. says we all need to stop bitching and asks where we are donating money. because at least she's "putting out information" by promoting the phone numbers that people looking for loved ones in Manchester can call.. BECAUSE GOD KNOWS JOY'S VIDEO IS THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE THEY ARE GONNA CHECK FOR INFO ON THEIR LOVED ONES. fuck off you self righteous cunt.
and now she magically is unable to "mask" her pain anymore so it's making her seem angrier, or so she says. it couldn't be because everyone is calling her out for lying about masking pain to begin with..right? what better way to shut everyone up than to say OH I'M IN MORE PAIN SO MUCH MORE I CAN NO LONGER HIDE IT!
then she freaks out on that Dran person and yells at them in the stream before blocking them.
she says we're threatening to kill her on lolcow. she says multiple times she doesn't care about lolcow, doesn't read it but people "send her stuff". for a site she doesn't like or read, she sure mentions it a lot. must be all those
triggering death threats!
she makes some ugly faces every time she tries to mock lolcow. what a lolcow :)
No. 319593
>>319588I really fucking dare her to start making up shit about her being raped. I
dare her. I myself will make a YouTube channel and destroy her from the ground up if she tries to go that route. Nope, nope nope.
No. 319599
> Angier because of pain
…or because you're losing control of the narrative. shrug whichever
> almost raped by middle eastern extremists
man, you are just the unluckiest girl ever, aren't you? mystery illnesses, tumors, miscarriages, fibro, disowned by family, yeast infection that almost killed you. wow.
> idc about lolcow
Oh so does that mean you're going to stop posting here? I'm like 99% sure that one person who was always trying to find an out, the one who posted here a lot more in the beginning and rarely now, is you.
> helping people
Yeah, in the same way Onision made his DISGUSTING videos about self-harm/eating disorders/etc and JUSTIFIED it by giving a fucking hotline number.
Obviously, one is a lot worse than the other but regardless the point stands, they are both exploitative.
> grown adults
Says the one who can't fucking take care of herself. YOU'RE GROWN KATI. GROWN.
> appeal to tone, you didn't come at me in the right way, I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?
Trying to find an out? Where have I heard that before??? Same shit, different medium.
If I punch someone in the face. Then you punch someone else in the face. I tell you punching that person is wrong. Does that mean it was ok for you to punch that person in the face because I'm a hypocrite for telling you it was wrong? Dumbass.
Remember when she first come on the scene and she was all like question everyone and if i do something, call me out? lol. She's such a phony. It was all an act and the mask is slipping.
No. 319609
>>319555I love that the editing is such shit in this video that a good chunk of what would otherwise be cult members {at this time} is just a bunch of complaining that she's too excited to exploit this that she couldn't be fucked to edit or even rewatch this shit before posting it. She honestly does more harm to herself with every new video than lolcow/kiwi/teh haterz could. It's like she can't help but make herself look worse and worse.
I love her comment sections these days, it really seems like them 41k subs is at least half, if not more, just people watching for the train wreck. Or, better yet, ex fans who actually stopped to listen to the bitch for once and realized that she's only blowing around hot halitosis air.
Tons of hate-follows and open ridicule/hate in the comments. Much like Greg! And now, "She's going to be much angrier because of the pain" .. Is this about to be her "Villain of Youtube" chapter?
I've brought this up before but, I'm often reminded of her "I'm afraid of what kind of evil person I'll turn into if I become successful" quote from the "past lives" video. The Do5 thing hadn't even happened yet and I thought she had already become completely unhinged. Man, if this recent boost in subs/crazy tells us anything…she's gonna need an ED page soon.
I take this recent stream as an announcement that she's decided to ditch the mask so she can drop the "positivity" shit and just be her natural nasty self. Setting up excuses really early seems to be another pattern for her.
No. 319621
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On the most recent video. (Name protected since the writer is leaving the herd, so no longer lolcow)
No. 319625
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No. 319627
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No. 319633
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Dat lovely cult of love and happiness… just bringing light and love into the world.
No. 319636
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Bet Miss Katie Marie Smith is gonna break out the ban hammer soon.
No. 319639
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>>319637AND… gotta love those click bait thumbnails. Nothing like creating more confusion in the mix… cuz… maybe some people aren't looking for a dumb chick from bumfucksville giving a fake crying routine when they want actual information.
On a different level… she's literally stealing videos from people who were there to use in her video for the extra gore style impact. That's disgusting on a couple levels. Those people may have wanted to share their experience (something that's going to haunt them for a long time, if not forever) and she's just stealing them to make views.
No. 319676
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No. 319696
So, was going through some files today and ran across my old records from when I was diagnosed with fibromyalga. So, just for a reference point, my physician was an Internist (simply means he only deals with adults). It took me about three months to get through testing. The testing included 14 different blood tests (for metabolic and diseases type things), an EEG, two different types of MRI (but done in one visit), two different types of neurologists (the first referred me to the second for subsequent testing), and a psychologist.
This was done over the course of 3 months while I was in significant pain and holding down a 32hr/week job that was 4 work days/week (but mostly weekend work days).
And, like someone else posted, the reason for all those tests were to rule out other issues that could be mimicking what fibromyalgia acts like. The only thing discovered was low vit D and that was not the cause of the pain.
Also, while I was going through all that testing, I was given two different prescriptions for pain management. When the first drug stopped working, we moved to a second drug to try out.
In the end, I found something called Kratom (not a prescription drug, a supplement from a plant related to the coffee tree) and that has been the most effective in controlling my pain w/out stopping working.
Sorry so long. Am posting this because some who have never had to deal with fibro may not understand what is involved in getting a diagnosis.
No. 319713
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As the hours tick by, the viewer count goes down. Maybe she'll take this as a sigh and STFU.
No. 319753
>>319740OMFG! The hypocrisy and irony in that video should come with a warning. I think that video killed some of my brain cells. You have to love that the entire video is her reading his tweets when she's blocked from his twitter feed. That's not the least bit like a bunny boiler, now is it. AND, after she jumped on that tragedy with both feet (firmly in her mouth) and had UK residents actually begging her to take them down… she goes on this rant? WOW.
AND, she also manages to drag it back to money again as well. What does donating to anything have to do with Onision's point? Recreational mourning is a real thing. We've all seen it.
No. 319803
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>>319734She's making more videos about it. It's truly disgusting, and she also says she isn't monetizing the videos. I call bullshit on that she said the same thing about the deluge of DO5 videos then guess what she monetized them.
I'm calling it now, she'll monetize all these videos and say she'll donate some of the revenue to charity.
No. 319808
>>319805Let me help.
No. 319810
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The lack of self awareness in this group is honestly disturbing.
No. 319833
>>319830And people aren't jealous, they think she cheated by being unethical. Somehow she just doesn't get this, all the while, doing that very thing that people are accusing her of.
She's not playing dumb. She really is just that dense. Like monumentally stupid.
No. 319885
>>319864I think the footage from the BBC might fall under Fair Use because she only uses a portion and the videos are transformative, that is, she adds her thoughts/opinions/whatever to it.
I would definitely report her for harassing Onision. 2 or 3 videos would be fine but there's so many now… Even though I don't like him, I don't think he should be subjected to that. If there's something wrong with his videos, flag them for abuse, not abuse him in turn. I mean, her bullying him won't make him change.
No. 319901
Ok im Aussie Guy Shano, Joy knows i am destroying her. She has blocked me on social media and has sent her fans after me. I have just been "Called out" would appreciate some love guys as i choose not to whore myself out for likes when people are grieving loved ones.
No. 319913
>>319901as cool as it is that you're calling her out, a lot of your videos are you harping on shit about joy that has been debunked. you just go with any rumor and it makes you - and her real detractors - look like an idiot. then people don't take you seriously when you do point out the actual bad shit she's done.
if you weren't following this thread before then im surprised. this is the best place to figure out what is bullshit and what isnt regarding joy and her misdeeds. you made a video about her owning special spaces - not true and that was discussed here. when you make videos on shit that is super untrue, it gives her and her fans power. not to mention it drives away people who were on the fence about her into the arms of the cult.
i really hope you verify the stuff you cover regarding joy from now on. otherwise its so easy to discount and it doesn't help at all.
No. 319924
>>319901>I would appreciate some love guys Yeah, sorry. Not interested in being some sort of shield or support group. We don't do that here.
> i choose not to whore myself out for likesYet, you're still here whoring for attention.
If you have something on her, go ahead and say it. But like with all of us, if OniSHEon attacks you or sends fans to attack you, well you need to harden up.
To put it bluntly… Most of this [lolcow] is truth seeking and pointing out bullshit. Not about amassing attack dogs or bodyguards.
>>319913^^^ Yup. This about sums up the rest of what I wanted to say.
This is how farmers become cows.
No. 319941
>>319934no shit sherlock.
>>319940yeah. he's all over joy constantly. he also brings up lolcow multiple times in her livestreams on a regular basis. for a mole he's pretty awful at hiding what he's doing.
No. 319942
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Ok so she can post the receipts for [March] was it, before Do5? And she can post these today to show she's not making money so far on this Manchester thing.
But we still have to wait for the receipts from the Do5 era because….she still needs to see what comes in…? So why didn't she have to wait on this new thing?
Gee, I wonder why.
God it's like her cult doesn't even try to see reason when it's so glaringly obvious and slapping them in the face..
Oh and new update on her donations, she said anything with abuse in the video she'll donante all the money for that vid, anything without abuse she will give half of that video. Soooo…. somehow that's only 600? How long are we meant to wait on these figures Kati?
And what happened with the Fax machine fund? I think a lot of people have forgotten that was even a thing and she's gonna get away with just pocketing that money completely. Their own fault for even putting money towards that, but let's not forget that the timing of the storm was the perfect distraction and now it's never even brought up anymore.
No. 319949
>>319945This is the 4th one, it was only put up maybe an hour ago. after the stream where she said she had more.
Unless she's already promising more on top of that? This might be the only video justified honestly, cause it's meant to retract info from the earlier ones. She could always take those down and upload one well-informed and cohesive video and still say something like "If you saw the other videos this is my retraction die to some misinformation" but that's just not her thing.
No. 319951
>>319942she acts as though the people saying she's benefitting from a tragedy are wrong because she's apparently not making money from it.
but she still benefits. she gets views and subscribers which improves her popularity. remember, this is what kati lives for:
attention. she can say it doesn't count because she's not making money but it DOES count because she's still benefitting from tragedy.
what's worse is she spread false information and now she's trying to blame others for it. learn to check your sources, miss "i studied broadcast journalism." it is literally nobody else's fault when YOU make a video citing false sources.
she will never take responsibility for her own actions. ever.
No. 319965
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>>319942Samefagging, sorry
I did think this was an odd thing to show and assumed there was a loophole in why she showed it so fast. People in the comments are saying stuff like [pic related] so I'm assuming this is what the catch is.
*Forgot to drop the pic
No. 319973
>>319965Fucking shocker! There's ALWAYS a catch with Kati. That person rules for pointing it out, I hope their comments gets upvoted like crazy. Thanks for sharing that.
And she had the audacity to say "Let me explain how Youtube works" in that video. She really meant to say "Let me tell you what I want to tell you and hope you don't realize the rest."
No. 320003
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She is apparently still spreading misinformation in her video trying to clear up the fact she'd been wrong about things. There are quite a lot of people in the comments saying this.
I am aware I can delete and repost, I've done that myself in the past. I've just also seen people correct with a saged post too and have it be accepted. I know the deletion rules, I was just being lazy. Hey ho, it's fixed now and I know not to do that in the future.
No. 320042
>>320021Yes mate, right on! I too live a similar distance from Manchester and have attended so many gigs there it's unreal. To see this girl make money off a tragedy like this is fucking abhorrent.
I know someone who works there who saw the whole thing happen. I know people who were there with their children. This is not some fucking event to fast track dollar into your bank account and accrue views like some greedy vacuous beast.
This isn't on. I'm already royally fucked off that someone pulled families, friends and coworkers, but this girl needs to back the fuck off. This is our problem to fix and not yours, so keep your fucking beak out.
No. 320046
>>319901fuck right off, you stupid piece of shit. you are a mini-Joy, pretending you're doing this for ~reasons~ when all you're in it for is the fucking attention. You bring nothing to the table, just spamming shit videos and bringing her more attention, which she loves. stop pretending you're some brave crusader it's fucking pathetic.
sage for rage
No. 320052
>>319942>And what happened with the Fax machine fund? I think a lot of people have forgotten that was even a thing and she's gonna get away with just pocketing that money completely.This was brought up in the last thread #4. Several anons here reported the gofundme for fraud because it was listed in the Medical category and it was taken down. Everyone who donated should get their money back. She found out it was taken down while livestreaming and claimed she was
just about to reveal the surprise twist ending…that she would donate the entire funds to charity and pay for the fax machine herself. Sure Kati, we totally believe that. The gofundme was still fraud no matter what she planned to do with the money but as per gofundme rules, you have to clearly state where the money will go in the description. To say it will go to one thing then instead donate it to a charity is also fraud because you are doing something other with people's money than they authorized.
Also, not that any of this matters much now but it was pointed out that she was bragging to Mikenactor on YouNow that she really didn't need all that money to make the joke happen. She could get it done for much less by buying the fax machine from a thrift store. She tried asking for $250 then lowered it down to $150 because she claimed she was able to get "less expensive shipping." I don't know how she could possibly need over $100 for any type of shipping.
The person who donated $100 posted in her comments section asking whatever happened to their money because she felt scammed but it was explained to her the gofundme got shut down and she should get her money back. It was nice to see there were lots of replies disparaging Joy for that "joke" and how shady it seemed.
No. 320077
>>320020Of course, she's going to take this as yet another "death threat" from lolcow. She's just trying to make it look like we are horrible to gain sympathy and deflect real criticism.
Attn Joy, that is NOT a death threat! It is 1.hypothetical and 2.not a threat…don't read into things that aren't there, no one is actually threatening your life. This is the internet, where "kill yourself" is used to tell people they suck, you need to grow a thicker skin or GTFO YouTube.
No. 320082
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Cow going cunt.
No. 320093
>>320092NO NO NO. Okay. Let me spell it out for you.
Name field: Leave that blank. No names need be used here.
Email field: Put in Sage (This isn't a name, its just a state)
And then everything else is as normal. Before you drive the other anons nuts.
No. 320098
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>>320086And, the first meeting of the inner circle is tonight at 7pm. Yup, this is actually a cult where they're paying her for the joy of being a member.
No. 320107
>>320087She isn't being threatened. She took one sarcastic comment
>>318273 and not only turned it into something it wasn't but made it seem like there were several. This comment
>>319028 explains it. They are saying she's pulling an Anita Sarkeesian because she also said she was getting "death threats" when they weren't anything more than run of the mill troll comments. The FBI investigated these supposed "death threats" but closed the case after being "unable to identify any subjects or actionable leads." The FBI found there was nothing to them…much like the comments Joy is referring to as "death threats" here. She's just being overly dramatic and exaggerating what really happened.
No. 320160
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Holy shit, she's charging $10 for the once a month live stream. That's insane.
No. 320179
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Ah, yes. The handful of detractors talking about Joy is comparable to what Eugenia Cooney has gone through.
Do you really not see why we make fun of you?
p.s If Joy just put a little more thought into her videos, there would be a fuckload less to complain about. Forget "perfection".
p.p.s: Oh Jess, you and your "comrades" are notorious for jumping on people who politely offer criticism to Joy. You taking lessons on how to play victim from Joy now? Did you pay for that through Patreon?
No. 320201
>>320179"if joy was as mentally unstable as they all claim she would have killed herself by now"
lmfao okay let's just trivialize suicide now! i have a psychotic disorder and i was fucking nuts as they come before i got medicated, and i'm still alive! yeah, i got close to suicide, but it took a while. i'm not saying she has a psychotic disorder, i don't throw that around lightly, but being nutso doesn't automatically make you kill yourself. these people seriously need to shut up and read a book.
No. 320209
>>320167Nicole. Please. Leave the subject blank. If you want to reply to a specific post, simply hit the No. XXXXXX link after the time it was posted and it will automatically fill it in OR >> followed by the number on the post.
And you really sound more butthurt than anything else by the way you talk.
No. 320217
>>320201Plenty of mentally unstable people are not at all suicidal though. Especially considering the type of mentally unstable we consider Joy to be half of the time.
We're not talking about depressed. We're talking about psychotic.
No. 320231
>>320201Are they for real? Mental instability comes on a vast spectrum. Joys mental instability is narcissism and malingering, if you kill yourself you won't reap the benefits of those two things. They must be trolling, I refuse to believe people are this stupid.
If joy was in the pain that she claims she would have killed herself by now but she still streams almost every night and films dozens of videos per week. That's not something a homebound, unmedicated severe chronic pain sufferer can do. I don't care what Joy says about having a tough face or only filming when she's feeling her best. It's impossible to hide severe chronic pain. You will see it on their face, in their body language, and in their voice. None of these brats have felt that level of pain yet, assuming they ever will, so they have no understanding of what it looks like and thus have no clue what the duck they're talking about. Just stop.
>inb4 I broke my leg in 2nd grade>inb4 my period cramps are like, so bad No. 320240
Joy Sparkle BS Bitch / Moan / Pity Fest #764 on 5/23/17
Part 1: 2: of whining, bitching and pity partying. Starts screaming at people again - specifically someone named Aracore. "I'm done!" because she's done as per usual. Swears up and down she's not monetizing the Manchester bombing videos even though her very own "retraction" video proves otherwise. Excessive aggressiveness as always.
No. 320243
>>320217………didja read my post? i wasn't talking about depression. i was talking about psychosis. we're on the same page, i just don't think you read what i said?
psychosis CAN drive you to suicide, but it might not. and if it does make you suicidal, it can take a really long time. you can't judge a person's suicidal urges unless they spell it out for you, no matter what kind of mentally ill they are. my only point is that comradejess's claim is completely false. even given the worst psychosis, or even just severe depression, suicide isn't a given.
>>320231true tho. i'm a pro at hiding pain, but i CANNOT hide that kind of pain. to put it into perspective, i was bitten by a moluccan cockatoo and it fractured my finger, and i didn't make a sound and my face was really steady, to the point that literally no one in a moderately full room noticed.
sorry for the blog, but i wanted something to compare it to. i can give no reaction to a broken (and bleeding) finger. but when my neurological pain gets really bad, i CANNOT hide it. and neither can joy. neither can ANYONE. that kind of pain is different than anything else. sometimes you can hide how severe it really is by putting on a brave face, but people always know you're hurting. not to mention your ENTIRE lifestyle changes. being in constant pain is exhausting and demands a whole lot of sleep. which means no videos or livestreams.
i honestly don't know what's really going on with her. i don't think anyone does. but i've been in pain so bad i wanted to die, and that's not at all what i see here.
No. 320256
I just really need to tell you people, since we're getting a new rush of newfags AGAIN… You have to be 18+ to post here.
You know how it says "Read the rules and usage info before posting." at the top of the page? Actually click the goddamn link and read it.
Sorry it's annoying that every 10 posts we have to derail and explain to people how this site works. There are links at the top, quit being lazy.
1. Put the word "sage" in the e-mail section if you have no new milk to add to the convo. New developments can be left unsaged so it bumps the thread.
2. LEAVE EVERYTHING ELSE BLANK. Quit with all the namefagging, none of you are important here and if you were, you would know.
3. Just because you're anon doesn't mean we can't tell it's you samefagging.
4. Click on the No. XXXXXX link to reply to a post or manually type it out in the body like >>XXXXXX.
5. Holy fucking shit stop namefagging. We can tell who is who anyway. Especially over and over- again, we can tell who you are without all that. This is in case you missed #2.
6. If you have milk or something to share SCREEN SHOT IT and post it here. It's more credible, and we can archive the receipts. Copy and paste does us no real good. THIS IS AN IMAGE BOARD, people.
7. Just so you know, we are not impressed by you self-posting your shitty videos that add nothing new to anything.
8. Lolcow is not your army, and looking for sympathy/etc here is a really stupid idea. This isn't a hugbox and we arn't attack dogs.
9. Lurk more in general. Tired of stuff from the old threads resurfacing as if it's brand new and hasn't been talked about before. It's usually like 5 posts up from the person asking about it again anyway so yeah, lurk more. The links to the past 4 threads are at the top of this page.
10. If you think you're being sneaky and "spying on us" or whatever the hell…once more, we know what you're up to and probably who you are anyway. It's pointless and we don't care about you regardless.
I know a lot of you ex cult members or prominent critics think we're gonna reward you or something if you perform well for us but we aren't Joy, you don't need to dance. You make yourself look like a cow that way. Just come and gossip with the rest of us, don't come here trying to make a name for yourself as if we're going to cheer you to victory, it ain't gonna happen.
Just come and shoot the shit like the rest of us so people don't have to keep making posts like this.
Joy's gonna keep sending all these new people here since she can't stop mentioning this site but holy shit people it's in fucking unmissable red at the top. Might have to disclaimer the next thread or something.
And Admin has requested no more re-posting her videos here, they need to be downloaded and re-hosted elsewhere so we don't add to her views/etc.
If this is too hard for you… just lurk instead of post.
Sage for rage/ educating the newfags.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled heap of bullshit. Thanks.
No. 320284
>>320274this girl is a mess. kinda petty but..da fuq is sup with the 'brows? this is the second video of hers i've seen. she's one of these people who puts on an over-the-top personality because she thinks people find it funny. but it's super predictable and people who do this are really quite unfunny. it's like screaming "hey guys! im funny! im funny! you believe me right? right guys?!" and she says joy is considered a pariah because she called out onion. haha if only that were it.
aussie is an idiot though.
No. 320287
>>320285You realized we tried to tell you multiple times the rules of the forum, right? Name field is blank. No Anon, no AnonN, nothing. Email field has Sage in it. Learn to read, please:
>>320256 (It is spelled out right here.)
No. 320307
Doctors can spot when someone is in actual pain with a brave face vs lying about it for whatever reason. It doesn't matter how good an actor you are, there are certain cues people in real pain give off subconsciously, you absolutely can see it in their body language. I worked in a doctor's office for several years and one of my duties included taking patient's medical histories/preparing their charts for the doctor. I became very good at spotting hypochondriacs exaggerating their symptoms in order to collect prescriptions like trophies/druggies trying to get high vs people who were extremely ill and needed a long list of meds to sort of function. It's painfully obvious to me that Kati is not experiencing anything near the pain she says she is.
On the patient end of things, I am also very good at soldiering on in spite of severe pain. I broke my foot once while playing soccer and still finished the game. But the most relevant example is that I used to get extremely painful migraines several times a month that would last for as long as 2-3 days. Because I couldn't afford to take off work every time I got one I would put on a fake smile and keep working even though it was torture. HOWEVER, sometimes the pain would get SO unbearably bad I would break out in a cold sweat and unvoluntarily curl up in the fetal position as a miserable heap unable to move, any slight sound, light, or movement caused me to wish for death. Even breathing hurt and although I dearly wanted to, I couldn't cry…because the sound of my own whimpering was excrutiating. There was no covering it up or putting on a fake smile when it got to that point, if she's claiming to be in that level of pain, where it's so bad you genuinely wish for death, you simply CAN'T ignore it and go about your day. If she can, then the pain just isn't as bad as she says and she's just being overly dramatic as usual.
No. 320379
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No. 320395
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No. 320404
>>320395Shocker. She's going to make a video praising herself for rescuing the kids - you can bet ANYTHING she'll be going on and on about how if it wasn't for the reels she "made" (probably stolen from someone else given that she requested reels on twitter and people sent them to her like SuitYourself) the kids would still be with Mike Martin and not with Rose. I bet she's gonna go crazy over Nick Monroe posting this.
>>320402>>320403Pro tip: when other anon give you pointers or advice, you don't have to respond every time. Just keep whatever they say in mind for future posts.
No. 320407
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>>320395he posted these beforehand. looks like he posted these due to her (and her fans) harassing chambers.
i sense a major rage stream.
No. 320412
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No. 320414
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I just thought this was so funny I'm sorry
No. 320420
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I almost feel sorry for Joshy. He's offered her a place to live, to tear down and fix her car for free, and who knows what else. And, she treats him like garbage. I wonder if she led him on early on before she had bigger fish on the hook?
No. 320421
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looks like another cheap spergleberry not paying up to be in the patreon stream.
No. 320423
>>320421"gotta protect myself"
BAHAHAHA bitch you ain't important enough to kill. get lost.
No. 320430
>>320395>>320402She didn't make any evidence reels. She was begging others for them on Twitter. Just like she has other people do her research, intro & outro graphics & some of her editing (without crediting them in her videos) she did the same thing here. She'll be taking credit for other people's work like always.
>>320412All those damn ads on BBC. LOL
>>320420He's falling all over himself to help her…and the way he does it comes across as kinda creepy but that doesn't warrant the way she just dismisses him.
>>320423Oh no, haven't you heard? The anons here want to kill her so they send her regular death threats…she's like the president, she's so f-ing important she needs to get body guards….
that's why she never leaves her house because
EVERYONE is out to get her.
(Joy/Joyfans, This is what sarcasm looks like since you all seem to be so terrible at detecting it.)
No. 320431
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Hey guois… the aussie operation has been foiled! Guess it's time to regroup to kekistani hq.
No. 320434
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get life jackets ready… beotch be blowin hard!
No. 320435
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that sucky feeling when you're blocked by all the people you're trying to scream at over twitter.
No. 320437
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The mental break is finally happening. She's going after everybody tonight
No. 320438
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No. 320440
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No. 320445
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>>320431Says she's been polite to keep his fails to herself…then promptly mentions them.
As for them being "fails"…meh, he's messed up worse with other info he didn't verify before posting. First, regarding Purple, he just interviewed someone who said they called Purple and was told that info…whether she was completely honest about how that conversation went, who knows, but yes he could have done a better job and attempted to verify by contacting Purple himself.
Second, I don't think he said her Patreon would definitely get removed he just brought up the very valid point that her "joke" levels at $69 and $420 were not clearly made obvious they were jokes and could be considered fraud if someone bought them and she didn't follow through. If you look at the reply Patreon sent her they pretty much said as much, she needed to clearly define them as not real (which she did not do) and if someone were to buy them it could come back to bite her…which is why she removed those levels.
No. 320446
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OMG… loving this… she is unhinged!
No. 320447
File: 1495609318484.png (199.95 KB, 1154x598, 20170524_023223.png)

>>319302>>319221Chatfag here again and D.D. got back to my messages, she's not a Joy minion, but thinks one of Joys minions hacked her after she made a comment of dislike on one of joys vids. The "not supposed to talk to me thing" was because she figured I was the farmer and thought she wasn't supposed to contact me. This is the email she sent Joy, to which Joy hasn't replied.
Saged for no real milk, just wanted to clear that up.
No. 320448
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>>319942So she turned them off? Or they didn't pass the reviews?
>>320443>>320444My bad, didn't notice I didn't get the whole thing. No. 320453
File: 1495609871147.png (105.52 KB, 224x278, FINALLY.PNG)

>>320451Yeah she's lost her fucking mind. I said earlier she was about to have her "villain of youtube" chapter and…lmfao.
No. 320456
>>320451 I think the other reason for her flying off the handle like that is because the "information" she's been "silently sitting on" was just spilled out for everyone to see. Now she has nothing to vaguely mention that isn't a bold lie.
Also, taking bets now on how quick a vid/ livestream goes up! I'm guessing within the next couple hours she's gonna have a 10 part series on how she's being demonized again and the big mean twitter people are harassing her :(
You did it to yourself, time to eat crow.
No. 320496
>>320489No, she's definitely scamming rent from someone. She lives with a real human named Dominique according to Phil but I very much doubt he caters to her nearly as much as she claims. He seems to be gone a lot or in his room playing games…
away from her. It seems like maybe he offered her a temporary place to stay because she gave him some sob story about needing to recover for a couple months until all the copper processed out from her system (this was her story when she started her channel) and would soon be back on her feet and working again…so he felt sorry for her and figured it would be a temporary arrangement but she never left and a couple months turned into a year where he's still chauffeuring miss spoiled princess around.
No. 320612
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And she says she doesn't tolerate her fans harassing people. Yet another lie by Kati.
No. 320667
>>320463Great that you can admit you fucked up and all and want to do better but don't be like Kati asking for others to do your research for you. We can "help" in the sense that any evidence of wrongdoing you post here will be thoroughly discussed, giving you different points of view to consider. We are usually very good at spotting when "evidence" is fake or doesn't support the accusations being made. However, unless it's very new breaking info we've probably already discussed it at some point. Do yourself a favor and read all five threads in their entirety so you don't make dumb mistakes like post gossip that has already been debunked in a previous thread.
>>320612Wow, she can't even make a damn certificate on her own? You don't even need Photoshop or any kind of artistic ability whatsoever, it's super easy. You can make one in Microsoft Word, it has freaking templates for them already formatted where you just need to change the wording. (If you have a Mac, making one in Pages is just as easy.)
She's live bitching about Nick right now and Based Mama again. Not all criticism has to do with her or Nick, Kati.
No. 320674
File: 1495644088951.jpg (149.97 KB, 1440x806, IMG_20170524_120921.jpg)

When you're killin it in lyfe but these jealous haterz try to dull your shine so you gotta take a break from saving the world to remind these basic bitches that youre perfect.
Some sweet irony in the wrong usage of their/there when writing you have no faults
No. 320713
>>320698I was in the stream last night. Chambers absolutely did not say "roommate" was in the courtroom spying for Joy. Chambers simply asked if anyone knew of a picture that existed of roommate. When asked why she needed it by a random chatter, she just said it was "important".
Joy is running with this post
>>320487 and the poster didn't even say that is what Chambers had said. The poster was simply giving their impression.
For those who don't know: this is what Joy does. She latches onto single postings and twists them into something completely different. She also latches onto rumors that we all know aren't true. Usually the rumor is posted by one person in a single post, the rest of us tell that poster "no, that is not true and here is why." Joy latches onto that stuff and riles up her fans so to 1) distract from the real, actual bad shit she's done and 2) so her fans will discount any future rumors whether or not they end up being concretely substantiated.
Joy also baited her fans into looking for a picture of Chambers husband. 3 separate times. She worded it as a hypothetical, then told her fans "but we don't do that here". But she knows what she was doing. She was planting the idea because she knows someone will go and look for a picture of Chamber's husband. She can claim innocence because she presented it as a hypothetical. But in reality she was baiting people so they would find the picture. She is highly manipulative.
No. 320725
>>320709Oh, of course they do. Biggest difference in our streams though. Mine? We shoot the breeze, get it out of our system, but then we do other things. We play games. I try to make it about the audience. Her stream is toxic, everyone has to prove themselves or fit a narrative or else…and its all about her from start to finish. It speaks for itself. We get all kinds in there. Personally I don't care who they support as long as they're not an asshole or try to start crap with others in the chat.
So far so good, in that regard. As far as why my streams are later in the evening, I get off work later in the evening. (Some of us actually work for a living, unlike Joy.) So I take a moment to unwind from that, maybe eat..and then I stream. That also depends on what my work schedule is for the next day, since the streams range anywhere from 2-5 hours..with the larger part of that being like Jackbox party pack games and stuff. (Which is why I haven't been streaming much lately.)
>>320721Doubt that will happen. If someone reveals the stream that's for patreons only, I guarantee they'll catch hate from the cult. They'll get one in before they're gone.
>>320723I still need to get onto drawing that Moleman picture. Its high on my to-do list. I'm ordering some more pens and markers to do a full ink and color.
On that note, if Joy's crazy followers want to call me like i'm the AntiChrist, they should be careful I don't follow suit and fill those shoes in a similar vein eh?
>>320724I wouldn't pay that much mind. It seems to be being used as deliberate obfuscation.
No. 320729
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>>320723he's a terrible mole then. you fail, Nathan. p.s that stanky puss is never gonna give it up to you or JosheyC.
>>320724looks like someone contacted them asking about that. i blocked out their name incase they are an anon.
No. 320732
>>320713Yep, she does it on purpose to make lolcow farms look like a gossip/hater site where we believe any rumor posted and don't back things up with evidence so when her followers finally get curious enough to visit they don't see us as credible.
>>320723Is he referring to this post?
>>320713 Because it clearly states what she did & in what context.
>>320729I'd like to know what the email they sent to Special Spaces said. That wording in the reply could mean several things…it could have been about her "owning" it, being an employee or asking if she was a donor…without the original email it doesn't really tell us anything.
No. 320735
>>320730Shitshow sounds like a general summary of the situation at large. I don't think Dom is a cuck, though. He got roped in on sympathy and
never seems to be around ..which is why this has gone on as long as it has, I think. I many days has he missed of work just recent..but she's so concerned for him? RIIIGHT.
>>320734Take the terms she throws around. Its clear she doesn't understand their use, so when they blindly just bleat whatever she says, they reveal themselves for what they are pretty easy.People are different, but fall into pretty obvious patterns.
No. 320761
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The source of the email claiming she has nothing to do with special spaces.
No. 320770
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No. 320771
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No. 320773
>>320770Just a reminder to everyone: Joy's name is Kati, not Katie. No "e". This is important because the name "Katie Smith" is common but "Kati Smith" is less common as is "Kati Marie Smith". Especially when paired with the towns and states she's lived in previously. It matters when it comes to researching her on google (use quotes when researching - it does make a difference) AND when posting information on her for others to find later. Kati Kati Kati. Not Katie. We don't want to confuse people in the future who may be looking into her. Kati.
And to video makers: Kati. And not "Joysparklebs" or "Joy Sparkles". Use the name she actually uses which is "Joy Sparkle Bs". That way when people type her stupid username into YouTube, your videos actually come up.
No. 320779
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>>320770>>320771"LOL". Answer the phone, Kati! It's not like you're busy or have left the couch or anything. Why u hidin' girl?
No. 320782
>>320732Omg people, that email
>>320729 was part of the correspondence at the end of this video
>>320547The original email states Kati Marie Smith has been running multiple charity streams asking people to donate to Special Spaces and claims to be head of a chapter. The reply was that they had no one by that name working for them. However, her claim she owned or was head of Special Spaces was just her being sarcastic and then someone took that clip out of context and ran with it as truth….and lots of people believed it because they didn't check sources or look this info up themselves.
Now, as for the donations not going to Special Spaces, during her streams she was giving out the direct link to the Special Spaces website so people could donate directly to the charity themselves. She did supposedly donate the money from the bars people tipped her YouNow stream. Takedownman said in a video of his that not only did she give the money from her stream, she added $60 of her own money. He then showed a $100 receipt to Special Spaces to confirm but it doesn't have a name on it who donated. There is a screencap of it in this post from thread #4
>>>/snow/308782This is just more confused bullshit making something out of nothing because people don't understand sarcasm and don't check to make sure what they are accusing her of is true. She is guilty of so much other shit that CAN be proven, it's not necessary to have to make things up or run with wild gossip. Apparently, she's going live to gloat about this now.
See people THIS is why it is so important to read the previous threads before posting. We've probably already answered your question before with proof & everything. If we keep repeating the same things over and over the new info gets lost. We only get 1200 posts per thread before we have to start a new one and we are having to start new threads way too fast. Thread #5 has only been up 10 days and it already has almost 1000 posts, if we keep going at this rate we'll have to start thread #6 in 2 days. The important stuff ends up getting lost in all your bullshit comments. Keep that in mind before you post.
No. 320839
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No. 320857
>>320845Exactly she does way more damage to herself than anyone else can. You see how she used this to make it seem like everything her critics say is equally as baseless and stupid.
>>320849>>320852I seriously hope he is joking but it doesn't read that way. AussieGuyShano is a newbie who just barely got caught up on the situation today on both the Special Spaces thing and her Patreon. To all the new people, read further up all the posts from today and see for yourself….actually read all the threads before you start posting. We've probably covered it already.
No. 320865
>>320857>You see how she used this to make it seem like everything her critics say is equally as baseless and stupid. And this YouNow Moment shows exactly this: she's talking about AussieGuyShano's fuckups as though that's all the criticism going on…his stupidity & inability to research properly has helped her deflect so much.
No. 320867
>>320854I'm not doing that deleting thing, I can't get 320848 to delete so I can guarantee it's not me. I just think the Aussie is on the right track
Sage for being new here
No. 320877
>>320867OMG either you are serious or a really annoying troll. No, Aussieguy messed things up pretty badly and he realizes that now. Her Patreon isn't getting shut down, she deleted those "joke" tiers after Patreon told her she needed to make sure she made it very obvious they weren't real but if someone did pay for that level it might come back to bite her in the ass. But because she deleted them it isn't an issue at all anymore.
No. 320887
>>320877Honestly, these have to be spergleberries doing this on her behalf. I vote anyone pushing any of these things be banned and the messages deleted:
- Roommate isn't real
- She owns some charity and is pocketing the money
- ??? what other fully debunked items???
No. 320900
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>>32088710000% agreed.
Check out this paragon of maturity. This comes after the guy said about 5 times in the livestream chat that he would apologize once Jennifer from Special Spaces confirmed a few things.
This is why you are considered a cow, Joy. When people say over and over again they will gladly offer up an apology..and you behave like this.
No. 320901
>>320887I think that's a reasonable assumption. This all hadn't been being pushed quite this hard until very, very recently. And it had been annoying enough when it was just coming up sporadically given how she has been cherry picking what to address in terms of criticism for much of the time we've been discussing her. This rubbish and how it is making her look good and us look bad is what I was expressing my frustration with here
>>320806I've been here since the start so maybe I'm just taking it for granted that people should know everything that's been gone over, but it doesn't stop it being annoying. It is well worth it to read through all the threads before dragging up and stirring shite that has already been put to rest. It makes us look foolish and that plays right into her hands.
No. 320909
>>320901>>320903This. Its good to brush up and grab as many details as you can. Read up on the prior threads before posting. TL;DR isn't going to cut it. Not at this stage of things.
>>320900Remember when Onision was demanding facts and apologies? Same way. Actually I hate to admit it, but his was a little classier than this spoiled brat show. =P
No. 320985
>>320944She is STILL fucking pushing that crap about how she started making shorter videos because people complained about how her original videos were too long. No matter how many times the real reason has been explained, she is still insisting upon this narrative.
It isn't as simple as the length. It is the fact she just rambles and repeats herself and whether that is one 30 minute video or 6 five minute videos it is still the same amount of rambling and repetition. People were telling her to be concise, not just to chop up her rants but other than that keep then the same. I am sick of her saying she is open to criticism and then completely ignoring it in favour of what suits her.
No. 321040
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did anyone mention she doxed that Ford dealership
No. 321044
>>321042Would that qualify as harrassment, however?
Under certain guidelines..big corporations have pushed for more and more rights to basically be considered a "person". I don't think that such applies in this case..but calling for harrassment of the company in question without outright saying it IS another matter for debate.
No. 321072
>>320948I hate the way she blames her rambling on her "female brain." Being female does not automatically give you a terrible case of word diarrhea.
She manipulated Andy & Chris with her victim act…she exaggerated, lied, deflected, or harped on the truth whenever she needed. They seemed to believe she was generally telling the truth because she could prove she donated that $600 and the Special Spaces rumor was obviously ridiculous (I have no idea why so many people believed it)…and because that is proven wrong, all the rumors must be equally as silly. She exaggerated the Patreon thing. Patreon didn't tell her all that flowery shit, they just said to be clear those tiers were jokes….she told Andy she labeled them as joke entries but that's just not true. Nowhere on the tiers did she say she wasn't serious (and saying anyone should just be able to tell they were sarcasm isn't enough, she knows sarcasm doesn't translate on the internet) all her tiers have ridiculous non-valuable "rewards." She says no one bought them because they were obvious jokes but it's simply because none of her Patreons spend that much a month on her. The highest paid tier is $50/mo and it's just one person.
>>321040She claimed that paper was a list of repairs she asked for under warranty from year 1 to now but each time she brought her car in no work was done. She claimed this was proof of the Ford dealership scamming her to get her to buy a new car by repeatedly denying to fix her old broken car while still in warranty. While that "scam" makes no sense on its own, look at what's on this paperwork (does anyone have a clearer pic? I added blanks where I couldn't decipher it)…anyway it looks like it says:
___(Heading with a bunch of indecipherable numbers & letters)___
ISE 0.00 0.00 0
ISE 0.00 0.00 0
ISE 0.00 0.00 0
Her car is a 2013 Ford Festiva and the basic warranty expired after 36,000mi/3yrs and 60,000/5yr powertrain which both expired some time ago…even if she claimed her mileage is currently something like 74K and the dealership said something like 92K. It looks like there was a problem with brakes, the acceleration and something else that could be "something COMPLETE MULTI-PT something" but no money was charged because no work was done. The only date I see listed on the paperwork is 5/2/17 when they tried to call her and got no answer so they left a voicemail. This seems to be when she first brought the car in at the beginning of this month. This could just be the paperwork from this visit alone, idk. I'd really need to see a more complete, clearer copy of the paperwork to draw any further conclusions past this.
No. 321084
"This is a thank you stream" as she keeps going on about how it's been such a day for her. (All the hate I suppose)
People have been shit talking her since mid April. But she's been quit and ignored it. (LOL) but last night she gave up and said she's gonna defend herself, as we saw on twitter.
She got to meet Bearing today.
She's mad that people were looking for Roommie's picture yesterday.
Apparently someone twisted her words to make it seem like she's been shit talking about Andy. Andy reached out to her and invited to stream to clear the air. She finds him oh so wonderful and nice, of course.
She claims she cleared up a bunch of rumors. (I just got home from work so I haven't caught up on this thread yet/ watched that stream.)
I guess Bearing defended her during the livestream, where Joy I guess showed all the receipts everyone has been needing to disprove the haters and whatnot.
They disproved the thing about her owning special spaces, and I guess put to rest the "I made fun of a cripple" rumors.
I think she's trying to say that her haters are onision fans so that's why they turned on her when she started up with Do5?
They told her to make a video clearing everything up and she says it's funny because she already has. (Somewhere in all the "It'll all make sense later" vids she thinks she's cleared shit up?}
That kid from the twitter screen caps might guest.
Says she'll at most only make 2 videos a day, cause 9 was too much but it was strategic.
She's going on and fucking onnnn about how thankful she is. She really feels so liberated right now, that the rumor about her owning the charity is dead. Fucking christ. That was never a thing in the first place! You can tell she is floating on a high thinking she's won something, it's nothing but "I love you and you and you" to basically everyone in the chat. Claims she's going to take a break from livestreaming too. Her and the cult are all basically just rejoicing and celebrating in the chat.
She does that thing again, her imitation of retards, and laughs "Joy's making fun of the disabled again!"
She's no longer going to do group chats or dms or anything of the sort.
She has an interview with someone from special spaces tomorrow.
That's it. Nothing really interesting but I pulled what might be relevant. Just incase recorder anon isn't around, though tbh I wouldn't even waste the time on that one.
No. 321085
>> Joy set up a shill matress company… GO FUCK YOURSELF! That is not what I wrote. You Joytards are beyond stupid!
GO FUCK YOURSELF … GO FUCK YOURSELF… GO FUCK YOURSELF… And, if this is Joy posting… well, do it with a rusty fucking chain saw!
No. 321086
>>321076Jesus Fucking Christ NO, NO, NO
That isn't what that post was saying at all. You shouldn't just jump to conclusions that way or believe a random post is true if it doesn't show proof. This is how these stupid rumors get started. They are referring to GhostBed setting up the "shill" Youtube channel Honest Mattress Reviews in order to disparage Purple, which is why Purple decided to sue that YouTuber. Keep up with the fucking story and maybe you won't come up with dumb conclusions like that.
No. 321100
>>321085Oh for the love of….in the time you took to post that, you could have setup an appointment for the therapy you clearly need.
>>321099Joytards, idiots in general, etc etc..I agree.
No. 321104
>>321076WTF, how the fuck does someone read this comment
>>321048 and think "competitor company" = Joy? …and it means she's going to prison? What.
How the fuck does this even happen, do they have a reading comprehension problem? Is English not their first language? I want to think someone cannot be THAT monumentally stupid…but these newfags today, WOW. They are seriously lowering my expectations for the intelligence of the human race and any hope we have of not becoming extinct in a few hundred years.
>>321087Yeah, it's devolved into utter shit….well, at least this thread is about 160 posts away from being locked and starting thread #6. At the rate it's going, this should happen sometime tomorrow night or the next morning.
No. 321111
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No. 321116
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no mean comments unless you're a pizza face.
No. 321187
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Great example of how she reverses stuff. NO ONE asked for her login information. She brought it up, she offered it MULTIPLE TIMES and no one even remotely wanted it.
Watch, in the future, she'll say someone demanded her bank password.
No. 321190
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No. 321199
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Sage: DaddyOFive has gone back live on twitter today..
No. 321202
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And Joysus knows about it. (Bet she's burning up the DMs tonight trying to get more info!)
No. 321254

Link to exact time where this clip starts: directly asks her at 1:10:00 if she misrepresented or exaggerated anything about the DaddyOFive videos. Her response was "Not to my knowledge. If I did, if that ever came across it was not intentional No, Uh Uh. I can't sit here and think of something I exaggerated."
What a fucking crock of shit, she knows exactly what she misrepresented and exaggerated, there were multiple instances pointed out to her multiple times by multiple people. There are more (feel free to add any you remember) but two most blatant were
1. They have a moving van…"OMG everyone
they're on the run! They're trying to flee their court date."
2. There was a protection order issued where Mike was named as a DEFENDANT but she turned it into "OMG what if Heather went crazy and did something to hurt Mike!"
Then there were her "jokes" that Mike and the older stepson not only enjoyed tormenting the kids, they got off to it sexually and replayed tapes of Emma getting slapped for their sexual gratification. (she says she was just being sarcastic but that's not super clear in how it comes across)…this was a misrepresentation of their motives but even if you took it as the "joke' she intended it was in extremely poor taste and could be construed as slander.
She lied/exaggerated many other times in the interview but here's some examples:
Of course, she says she is getting "death threats" when it was just this one sarcastic comment
>>318273 that she misconstrued and turned into something it wasn't.
She made Patreon "joke" levels at $69 and $420 but it was not all that clear they
were jokes. Nowhere did she label them as not real or jokes. Even though she knows the internet is shit at recognizing sarcasm she relied solely on people being able to recognize them as sarcasm to be able to tell they weren't real tiers. (She's deleted them since and I couldn't find a screenshot of her old Patreon page with the joke levels but this post
>>318734 does have the exact wording she used copied & pasted.) Also, her other real tiers were equally worthless, like providing a one-time personalized voicemail at $50/month. If she's selling one real, expensive-ass voicemail for payments of $50 per month how are people supposed to tell that her $69 tier where she mails you a signed professional headshot of her holding a dildo isn't real? Sure it's stupid but if someone bought it they would expect her to follow through. Even though there was no wording of any kind indicating these tiers were not real, she outright lies at 1:36:00 and tells them "I made sure I put jokes on there." NO, SHE DIDN'T.
She was called out about these tiers by several people because it wasn't made clear they were jokes and it could be considered fraud/violation of terms of service if someone bought them but she didn't give them the tier reward as promised. Some of the videos people made about this were a bit over the top and some did go too far with assumptions but not everyone did, there were valid logical arguments about it but, of course, she made it seem like everyone was completely out of line. (There was the claim that because she was breaking Patreon TOS by posting a fake tier that wasn't clearly marked as such it was fraud and
might get her Patreon shut down but because she was breaking the law she might also get in legal trouble over it. Even though this was only one person's opinion she took it and ran with it. She exaggerated some of this too: She said people claimed she was "selling pornography" when it was just pointed out that the dildo pic would be illegal in some countries that have different laws than the US, next she claimed they said she's "threatening violence with Onision"…I'm not sure anyone said anything like that, the closest I can think of was an unrelated Twitter misunderstanding where people thought she was asking for his home phone # when she never did (if anyone knows what violence threat she was actually referring to feel free to point it out), and finally she claimed they said she was "selling and promoting drugs" with the $420 tier where she said she would watch someone get high on a Skype call but no one claimed she was actually selling drugs with this tier, that's stupid. I only saw one hypothetical argument where they said it
MIGHT end up encouraging someone to break the law in a place where pot is not legal. She wrote to Patreon asking about her "joke" tiers and they simply replied "If you follow TOS you are all set. If you make it clear certain rewards are not real then it should be ok. It is always something that could come back to get you though as a patron could take it literally." You can see a screenshot from her Twitter in this post
>>320445 She then deleted these tiers so i wouldn't be an issue any longer.
No. 321269
>>321259At the beginning, he repeats that damn persistent rumor she owns the charity she's donating to and halfway through says that's what his next video is going to be about.
I really hope Martin Louis does enough research to realize that clip was taken out of context. While he seems a bit on the dumb side to me, so far he's done a passable job reporting Joy's drama (I'd give him a B- for good effort and having a sense of humor about it.) He does research and backs up what he says with evidence (it looks like he's read at least part of the threads here so good for him.) He also presents different sides and why they come to different conclusions. Maybe he'll actually report it for what it is…a rumor that was debunked long ago but new people who never saw the original context keep bringing it up & making a big deal out of it but it doesn't go away because Joy keeps harping on it & making it look like she's super defensive about it, however, that's mostly because it's the one instance she can 100% prove she's in the right so she uses it to deflect all the stuff she's actually guilty of. It's such a fucking mess. …seriously I want to strangle the person who took that sarcastic Special Spaces clip out of context and started this shitshow, it has caused so much damage to those that have valid concerns.
(I'm sorry if that rambling was confusing or I didn't make as much sense as usual, I'm not trying to pull a Joy, it's just that I'm kinda loopy from meds I took for a toothache.)
No. 321278
>>321272It kind of makes me sad, I used to like suityourself but the fact that he's so far up Kati's ass makes me question his overall character and frankly his intelligence. I am pretty disappointed to say the least. As the saying goes "show me who your friends are I'll show you who you are" also the whole queef thing makes me sick.
Sage for no contribution
No. 321575
>>321537I am sick to fucking death of how much that rumour has spoiled things. It has ruined a good deal of reasonable discussion on Joy's faults because now all of that can be swept aside as nonsense, even though it isn't nonsense. She must be loving this. The smug must be oozing from her.
Debunking one solitary rumour shouldn't even mean that everything else is disregarded. I can't believe people are so lazy.
No. 321710
>>321705>>321707Report these posts like (
>>321700 )
This is intentional attempt to derail this thread with false information.
No. 321939
>>321932She's crying and pity partying again. She says she feels bad because she thinks Andy Warski & Chris were embarrassed by her behaviour after they had previously promoted her. She says she's been anxious all day and doesn't know what kind of videos to put up. She keeps saying she doesn't want to "hurt anybody" and that has to do with being abused every day growing up.
She also admitted she never leaves the house.
No. 322000
Some interesting YouNow Moments from tonight
Talking about how she chooses topics to cover, she's not intentionally trying to find something that will go viral, she just goes with what feels right in her gut & she's passionate about and once a month it just so happens something she's doing blows up. with tears saying she doesn't want to hurt anybody and her biggest fear is that she might hurt somebody's feelings so she's having a real hard time big problem her whole life is when anything goes wrong she's the first one to raise her hand and take responsibility and say she's sorry even if it's not her fault everyone is watching her super close trying to find any little minute detail they can use against her but she says she has owned up to some of her mistakes but some mistakes she's kept private or lightly brushed over because she wants to protect other people's privacy. trouble remembering Steve Harvey's name calls him "the funny brown guy on the TV show, the cute brown guy, what's his name?" to a question in chat about indigo children and how she's surprised so many people have a problem with an idea she had 12 years ago, nobody grows and changes as a person and has different ideas, different tastes, different preferences, and how it's just an idea she liked for 2 years of her life 12 years ago makes her gain weight so she has to eat cheese & carbs, so pizza is the only thing that works but it also causes her to gain weight just slower, she was given 2 different IBS meds but no meds she's tried help. Her stomach feels like she has a stomach virus all the time but one day she said fuck it and tried a pizza but even though it still hurts her stomach it still keeps her shit halfway solidified, someone suggested rice/BRAT diet but she says rice goes right thru her but then says she did try rice & toast and it worked for a little while but stopped working (continues over 5 links) in chat tells her she needs to stop getting all wrapped up in drama, get off the internet and take some time to focus on herself and her excuse is basically, "I can't I'm too sick." & others in chat were trying her give her reasonable suggestions but Joy kept shooting every suggestion down so Gines tells her to stop having such a defeatist attitude and Joy told her to have some compassion she didn't want her tough love right now and asks her if it's fun for her to throw jabs at her, she says she just doesn't understand because she's been so nice to her then tells her she can't come on and pretend she's trying to help her when she's been mean in the past, because Joy is not dumb then begs everyone not to be mean to Gines even though she appreciates them wanting to stand up for her but she doesn't to do that here (her bitching went on a lot longer, there are a lot more Moments caught of it these are just the 4 that summarized it best) in chat was asking why she blocks young girls Joy responds that someone wanted to come to her house to slit her throat and fuck up roommates life, so she asks her should she just let it go and not block them because their feelings are more important than roommate's and her safety. about how she got rid of all the copper finally and it helped with a lot of stuff but she's still going thru horrors that aren't getting better, she's not falling over passing out all the time hasn't been an issue lately but cries every day because she's in pain. She doesn't know the extent of how much damage the copper caused her body but her constant fevers are indicative her body is fighting something but she doesn't know what so she's assuming there are 2,3,4 things going on at the same time working against each other and asks does that make sense. because she's sick and can't do anything and got rejected from Medicaid twice now prediction that everything she talked about tonight would get turned into "she's crazy, she's having a meltdown and she got into a big fight with xyz" (referring to gines) are more clips on Joy's Moments page but it only shows the 25 clips with the most views for that stream you can see even more if you do what I did and take note of the people who capture them the most (in this stream it was ChristinaBreu, Claritey, and hyeyoonie) then when their clip comes up just click on their name to visit their profile page and you will see ALL the moments they captured No. 322007
>>322000I think this has two possibilities.
(a) That stream where Based Moma, Chambers, and bio-mom called her out put her back on her heals because it is now totally clear that she has NOTHING to do with them. (Notice that she blew off that DaddyOFive is back on twitter even though he
triggers all her childhood trauma and she hates him with ever fiber of her body? … yea… she was just going for the clicks there folks)
(b) She tried the "Standing up for myself" Joysus and it didn't go over with the Joytards, so she had to get them roped back in quick before they started to stray and tell tales out of school. So, she fell back on her "I'm sick! I was abused! The world is mean to me for no reason!" shtick till she can figure out a new angle to take.
No. 322010
>> Talking about how she got rid of all the copper finally and it helped with a lot of stuff but she's still going thru horrors that aren't getting better, she's not falling over passing out all the time hasn't been an issue lately but cries every day because she's in pain. She doesn't know the extent of how much damage the copper caused her body but her constant fevers are indicative her body is fighting something but she doesn't know what so she's assuming there are 2,3,4 things going on at the same time working against each other and asks does that make sense.Hmmm… wonder if she has syphilis :D
(Oh and you joytards… that was a fucking joke! So, when she goes "people are accusing me of having syphilis"… we'll know that she is completely desperate for "oh pity me" material to keep you joytards wrapped around her ass like the spergleberries you are.)>>322000
No. 322033
I'm wondering exactly what set her off crying, she was all hbic after that warski stream. I guess Rose's words gave her a case of the sads. Betting on her making it a point to talk about how generous she was to donate $600 to Rose and how could she do this to her. Time to roll out the "it will all make sense later" video.
>>322007Both. She is a pathological liar and can't keep her stories straight. Everything she says is contradictory and exactly why she is her own worst enemy. This is where she is truly generous in life, she'll give us milk always
No. 322038
>>322007I think it's the first one. She'd been trying to say that the lawyer and Rose not only approved of all her videos the lawyer was her source for the last few and she absolutely denied that Rose came to Based Mama & Chambers to say she was uncomfortable with Joy's videos saying there was no evidence of that and they were just lying…it was also brought up that Joy was lying about having "receipts" of a conversation she says she has of that group trying to discredit her by making her look crazy. Chambers made a great point, if Joy really had such a recording she would release it instead of saying she is going to release it
sometime soon, eventually. Chambers practically dared her to do it now, to put up or shut up. Joy has no excuse for waiting. It has nothing to do with the actual case and Joy's excuse that she keeps quite to protect people who used to be friends doesn't work here because she said she WOULD release it, waiting doesn't change anything about that.
She was probably riding a mega high from having convinced Andy, Chris and Bearing she was just a poor innocent victim being attacked by all the nasty internet haterz for no reason and how that was going to make it so easy to discredit all the people calling ou ther lies….but then she heard this stream and crashed HARD because it shone a bright light on her lies. She's going to have to go back to ignoring people who question her about things she can't explain.
No. 322050
>>312880Ugh, jeez that stream was a mess… When she broke down talking about her mom, I actually felt really sorry for her. I know she's a pathological liar, but I do believe the stuff about her mom being crazy and I think that explains a lot of her personality issues now. It's the one time I've ever felt she was being genuine. Idk what do you guys reckon?
But the moment I start being like "damn dude, that's fucked up…" she's back at it again with copper detox bullshit. Like can't you just be a real person for 5 whole minutes Joy, fucks sake. I'm out here on the verge of full on empathizing with you and you fall off the ledge back into wackotown.
(Also please Lord let Gines ditch this bitch, their Onision-based friendship always bothered me.)
No. 322052
>>322038We need to start asking her when she's going to release her big secret recording that proves there's a conspiracy between Based Mama, Chambers & Nick Monroe to make her seem crazy & discredit her…although no one needs to make her
seem crazy, she's doing a bang-up job of that all on her own.
No. 322065
>>322054Where did Joy get the idea Chambers wanted that picture of her roommate because she suspected he drove to MD to sit in on the court case? The only thing Chambers said about why she wanted it was that it was "very important."
About the recording, Chambers told Joy to go ahead and release it now so Joy can't claim she's trying to protect the privacy of her ex-friend. She kept saying she was going to release the recording soon…so wtf is she waiting for? She has zero self-control so I'm reasonably convinced this so-called recording doesn't exist or if she does have
something it doesn't support what she's been saying and releasing it will make things very obvious she was either exaggerating or taking something sarcastic out-of-context. We know how much she loves to do that…bc the anons here are "threatening her life" LOL
Speaking of which, why is she now saying she blocked someone because they threatened to "slit her throat and fuck up roommates life?" Is it because we were mocking her for turning one stupid sarcastic comment into "lolcow sent me death threats?…so now she has to come up with new source for these
very real death threats she says she's still getting.
>>322059Who knows, it's quite possible she's just being melodramatic as always but it could be just one thing among many other instances of emotional abuse. I've come across several pathological liars in my life and while some did go through horrible physical or emotional abuse as children, not all did.
No. 322081
>>322065The idea he was her court spy was just one anon's speculation in this post
>>320487…and then it was shot down here
>>320488 here
>>320698 here
>>320713 and here
>>320730 No. 322098
>>322081See, to me this just makes Joy look stupid. But then, it works really well for her so it seems to be tactical. The whole picking one wee bit of speculation and making a big deal out if it business is deeply frustrating. The importance she puts on the random pieces of speculation she pulls out also lets her make us out to be a monolith of idiocy - as if we take one supposition, run with it and all agree no matter how outlandish it is. She needs to stop with the cherry-picking hyperbole.
There is nothing wring with speculation, that is a factor in gossip and this is a gossip site. It's as if she doesn't quite understand how the conversations here go and unfortunately that works to her advantage. Or, more likely, she knows fine well what she's doing because it works so well in her favour. It's just really irritating though that it comes across as if she can't tell the difference between speculation and accusation.
No. 322146
>>322101Here's 2 clips where she talks about her mom
screaming bloody murder every morning for an hour continues on to say her mom would also do the same thing when she got home and blamed her for anything that went wrong so she believed everything was her fault…then asks "Does that makes sense?" through all the Moments made me notice just how many times she said "Does that make sense" at the end of each story. This anon
>>321958 may be on to something, Idk.
I also came across this while I was looking for the other clip. Someone in chat suggested that she could be sick from exposure to black mold and she says "I've had Candida, I know Candida, I know what mold feels like I don't think this is mold." She thinks Candida (yeast) is mold and they have similar symptoms? They may both be classified as a type of fungus but they are not even close to the same thing nor are the symptoms similar. Depending on the site of the infection Candidiasis (thrush) causes white patches, irritation, and redness of the mucosa. There is such a thing as systematic Candidiasis but it's rare and extremely serious so it requires specific treatment, it doesn't just go away like she was claiming hers did. for toxic black mold, some studies suggest exposure can cause eye/skin irritation or respiratory problems in people who have asthma or mold allergies>>322112Unlike Kati, we won't just believe you because you say something happened. Like the anons above told you, you need to post some kind of evidence, anything that proves what you are saying is true…otherwise, we'll just assume you are completely full of shit and tell you to fuck right off.
No. 322157
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Weird… a spergleberry reporting back to Kati, but then he immediately deleted the tweet. Like, w/in the minute of it being posted deleted. Apparently people from her followers are inside the DaddyOFive facebook group.
No. 322158
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>>322157samefag… the tweet is still there, just not showing up under my system correctly for some reason.
No. 322193
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Looks like Josh's C has finally had his eyes opened to the truth about Kati.
No. 322197
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No. 322215
>>322182Oh, for fuck sake! There is not really anyone I loathe more than Onion, but that does not mean that I am in any way Pro-Joy.
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. I cannot STAND Joysus either. It is very fucking irritating whenever she suggests her critics are just people on the side of those she has criticised. I mean, when the Joy threads started, they were an offshoot of the goddamn Onion thread! Meaning they were started by people who don't like Gurg either.
No. 322224
>>322215I may not always agree with him but he was right about Manchester, people die every day, deal with it and move on.
Sage for OT
No. 322225
>>322194Hi Joytard.
>>322224This thread is about Joy, not Onision. He has his own thread. Thanks.
No. 322284
Joy Sparkle BS Younow Stream 5/26/17
Part 1: 2: 3: crying stream. Freaked out about Warski. Says she couldn't film or upload at all yesterday because reasons. Major, major pity party. Says she never leaves the house, her family hates her, shares pictures of herself when she was thin. Joy also freaks out at Gines in this stream. She says a bunch of ridiculous stuff about her "illness" including "diarrhea makes me gain weight."
I didn't catch the first 10ish minutes, and there's a part where it jumps somewhere in the middle. I didn't purposely edit anything out - my screen capture program fucked up so I missed 3-4 minutes which caused the jump. The chat isn't that clear in the first part. You don't miss much - just loads of people indulging her pity party and a small handful of people giving her actual realistic advice in a respectful way. She shoots it all down because she's a defeatist. Gines tells her to stop being a defeatist - that's what sets Joy off when she begins lecturing Gines.
No. 322299
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>>322197Joy and the little asskisser seem to think Joy has been keeping quiet up tilqq[regarding the "lies and slander" surrounding her DO5 videos…but just recently she finally decided to stand up for herself.
Sure, Joy when have you ever
NOT been defensive about all the "haterz" coming after you? She's been talking about it nearly every day either in a video, livestream or her Twitter the entire time.
No. 322317
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Joy has been going around saying that Tim Conlon, Rose's lawyer, emailed Joy..Based Mama..Chambers and Nick Monroe to ask them to please stop fighting. Joy has posted about this numerous times on twitter and claimed she's been the only one who has kept quiet about the case. We all know that ISN'T true at all and she's literally been the only one harping about everything and fueling the drama. Every single day.
This is what Nick Monroe just tweeted out in regards to the alleged email Joy says Tim Conlon sent everyone.
No. 322337
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lol roommate = cuck extraordinaire
No. 322339
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>>322317Joy's response to Nick Monroe's tweet, posted here
>>322317Because we all know Nick has been the driving force behind the drama, not Joy. /s
No. 322350
File: 1495834001145.jpg (158.75 KB, 908x733, nickmon526_03.jpg)

oh snap
No. 322358
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>>322355Joy's "response" to Nick Monroe. Twisting things as usual. No. 322378
File: 1495836853937.png (26.81 KB, 727x157, irony.png)

i'm laughing so fucking hard the fucking irony.
No. 322392
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No. 322415
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>>322392This appears to be in response to that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 322417
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No. 322421
File: 1495839370973.png (134.35 KB, 608x664, MtApQHx.png)

>>322415This is the blocked tweet that is referenced in the first tweet (This tweet is unavailable)
No. 322428
File: 1495840059599.jpg (42.01 KB, 908x213, nickmon526_08.jpg)

You are so right Nick, my dude.
>>322421Thanks anon! teamwork 4 teh win
No. 322439
>>322355directly copied from the article. Kati told Chambers she wouldn't be upset if Chambers decided to distance herself from Kati. This was before Chambers ended up doing so:
Joy: be VERY careful right now w everyone dude [2:55:53 PM]
Joy: if u distance yourself i won’t be upset [2:55:57 PM]
Joy: simply bc they are coming after me hard with nothing dude [2:56:04 PM]
No. 322444
File: 1495841559167.jpg (19.06 KB, 908x140, lolies.jpg)

let the milk spilleth from the teats of lolcows
No. 322460
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typical teasing. just post it when it's done, asshole.
No. 322471
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>>322460Nice on, Chambers. You're making yourself look better and better. Nothing like "#youtubedrama" which was created on the backs of abused children. You are gross.
(3rd post attempt cuz I'm shaking like a spaz from all the milk - I'm becoming a cow myself)
No. 322501
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Joy is about to release a video.
Chambers, honey, we HAVE been paying attention. Closer attention than you - don't forget, you come here for the info we give you. Just because Joy spilled the beans doesn't mean you should spread the info even more. This is why you're a cow, too.
>>322472Thank you for the encouragement, my fellow anon. Here comes another wave.
No. 322526
>>322521They may be cows, but of little entertainment value. If you think they're cows, go start a thread on them.
AND… NEW VIDEO… weak ass shit except that it proves how Kati's brain works in a very weird way. She plays a video, then her interpretation is way off. She plays Warski joking about her shit talking him (HE WAS JOKING YA STUPID COW!) and treats it like it was real. She's so desperate to find something new to get views that she's going to push this "I'm just a victim of jealous folks" front and center. Wonder if she'll make 9 videos in a single day about it?
No. 322558
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No. 322566
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This woman is so disgusting!
No. 322569
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No. 322593
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Spergleberry Nathan is really earning his head pats today! Hope he gets a double "luv u <3!" out of this… that Rose is being tricked into parroting them… poor Rose… no brain of her own.
No. 322599
File: 1495856412445.png (331.66 KB, 1242x1800, IMG_1536.PNG)

>>322593He posted almost the exact same thing to Chambers.
No. 322601
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Yes. You do. All the motherfucking time. You are one of the worst bullies around because you emotionally manipulate vulnerable people. We know what you did to someone with PTSD, Joy, just because that person talked to someone you don't like.
No. 322605
File: 1495857308546.jpg (142.65 KB, 908x857, repzion526.jpg)

lol so true repzion, so true
No. 322606
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No. 322631
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No. 322647
>>322471Chambers is a drama seeking pig lookalike. I find it hilarious that when she distanced herself from Joy, claiming it was for the "good of Rose and the kids", it was actually because it looked like Joy's fan base was turning on her.
Suddenly when Joy's channel started doing better Chambers came groveling, begging for friendship and to siphon off some of those subs.
Two slovenly losers, a match made in hell.
No. 322651
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MrRepzion's comment on Kati's latest video where she bashes Based Mama.
No. 322654
>>322526LOL Because it's one of the first things that comes up when you google her name she tried SO HARD to discredit lolcow farms as the equivalent of tabloid journalism. (WTF is "pseudo inspector gadget bullshit"? Strange reference there, Joy.) While it may be a "gossip site," in the threads dedicated to Joy we demand proof before we accept anything as truth,
unlike someone, we don't just go with any unsubstantiated rumor and run with it. Due to the nature of this board, anyone can post anything they want and they do but that doesn't mean the regular anons will take it seriously. When we see another anon post a load of bullshit we never hesitate to call them out. Because of this, so many YouTubers have used us as a source, including Kati herself…The thing is we have much higher standards than she does, we don't take one post out of context and twist it's meaning for our own purposes the way she does.
No. 322680
>>322654Considering her attacks on Nick, calling him a lolcow journalist a few days ago, this is actually surprising.
Is there proof she has used lolcow as a source?
No. 322685
>>322682codyLblake just said: "I gave my birthday money to Joy". In the same sentence he goes on to claim no one forced him because he's "grown."
Nothing like a bunch of actual children to boost your self esteem, eh Joy? This is pathetic.
No. 322693
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She literally has her minions doing her dirty work. Got blocked for trying to bring up the chambers v joy page..
No. 322698
She's about up to $200 in donations on the youtube chat.
>>322697I'm definitely stoned only way I can get through it
No. 322707
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