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No. 343108
Boob Nazi - batshit crazy mom always talking about breast feeding, making crazy comments like the girl in the pic, then when you say it's creepy or something along that lines you get attacked for "sexualizing breast feeding" and they go on for days about how natural it is and do it for years when it's no longer necessary
some boob nazis include Sophie Joy
social media links>talks about sex, turns on, etc in front of her children>is a boob nazi>talks about how it's "normal for a mom want to have a sexual experience with their child">making videos with close ups of her pubes>basically an old boob nazi version of raw alignment >had an on again and off again relationship with some white dude with dreads going to east asia all the time for "business"Lainey
social media talks about how good of a mom she is for breast feeding for years despite her son getting a cavity but hands over her baby to a nanny then goes out shopping and also has habits of grooming teens for her shitty polygamy relationship with onion, is a tranny space prince, copies her ex fellow cult member, etc etc
Rain Florence claimed to be a good mom but fed her son nothing but breastmilk til he was 5 and brags about it. has naked patreon while having son, talks about enemaing in a hotel room, talking about getting caught masturbating,swallowing semen, etc
doesnt even have two seperate channels, just combines all her sexual shit with videos of her son
any other milky boob nazis you know anons?
No. 343119
>>343114who breast feeds a child until 6 and why?
do the kids even want to breast feed or is there another reason?
No. 343124
>>343119Im pretty sure i heard that you can get vaginal sensations from breast feeding.
Its supposed to help with healing after birth but you know….
No. 343126
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>>343124you shouldn't "Want to have a sexual experience with your child" though
what do you call people who want to have sex with children
>>343108I found this one lady, she doesn't seem to have as much milk though besides being just batshit crazy
No. 343127
This is the website/comic of one of the most "famous" and notorious boob nazis on the internet, Heather Cushman-Dowdee:
from the ED article:
>These comic strips consist of Hathor (Heather with a cow mask), her children (one of them a baby constantly sucking on Hathor's tit), and her husband, who is always depicted wearing a mask, probably to hide his shame. Through these God awfully drawn piles of child abusing shit, Hathor manages to give other leftist hippie mothers (and their eunuch husbands) advice on all sorts of proper parenting techniques such as co-sleeping, breastfeeding in public, home births, unschooling, and NEVER LETTING YOUR KIDS OUT OF YOUR SIGHT EVAR!!! She also preaches feminist, nature oriented hippie politics and makes attacks on devil institutions such as doctors, scientists, and republicans. Another extremely infamous boob nazi is Katherine Marion, who finally had her (at that time teenage) son taken away from her after a long and storied history of abuse and possible incest. She breastfed him until he was eight only after CPS forced her to stop. Some links:>>343119>and why?I have a couple theories that are probably all true to some degree:
1. boob nazis and obsssive attachment parents at large focus on small, inconsequential aspects of parenting and blow them up as if they're vital because they don't want to put in the work to actually parent their children in any meaningful way (modeling a healthy relationship and a well-adjusted independent adult, teaching, being involved in play without micromanaging it). It's also an easy way to look down upon and act sanctimonious towards mothers for something low effort and get sweet martyr points because muh oppressive society won't let 6yo junior hang off my titty in public!
2. Breastfeeding releases a lot of oxytocin in the mother; some even come to orgasm from it. Boob nazis may become addicted to this feeling and unwilling to give it up.
3. Women who breastfeed into late age may narcs or otherwise deranged people who are unwilling to accept that their children are growing up and into autonomous people, and continuing to breastfeed helps them maintain the idea that they are still infantile and under their control.
No. 343128
>>343127agreed, someone commented this in the other thread
>>>/pt/403552while it seems a bit of a stretch, I'm actually starting to see the pedoey side of boob nazis, not saying theyre all pedos of course
No. 343131
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I'm just… disgusted
they probably jump at people who tell them to stop sexualizing breast feeding
I feel so awful for the kids of boob nazis
No. 343139
>>343128I really wanted to reply to that but didn't want to derail the thread, lol. I don't know if I'd call it pedophilia, but it's definitely something similar. Which causes big problems.
Boob nazis are getting a similar form of gratification that pedos do when they touch kids, and Western children who are breastfed for a long time often end up with problems (though this could also be due to the general horrible parenting of boob nazis, who tend to be incredibly overprotective and cling to every shitty granola parenting fad) and disturbed while recollecting memories of the breastfeeding. If you look at all the breastfeeding activist sites, the women talk about breastfeeding in a way similar to the way that people describe making love to their soulmate. But because it's not explicitly sexual and breastfeeding is what you're supposed to do for young kids, there's no chance that the women will get into trouble for it or be told to stop unless CPS comes along for other reasons. And god forbid if you insinuate that they're clearly attached to it for the wrong reasons; they'll start shouting at you in a manner that completely contradicts the creepy waxings they make on their blogs. 'it's just food you puritan' etc etc
>>343131This poor thing in particular has such a sad story. He'll never be able to have a normal life. Luckily he's in the custody of his father now.
No. 343154
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talk about an exaggeration
I feel like one rude stare at them breast feeding is enough for them to act like everywhere they go and breastfeed people are nothing but rude people going around making rude comments to their face
just glance at a boob nazi breast feeding they'll probably come up to you and make a fucking solique about "DONT SEXUALIZE BREAST FEEDING i CAN HAVE ALL THE BOOBS OUT I WANT!!!"
No. 343168
>>343154This reminds me of hamfisted white nationalist comics.
>>343159>I don't even know how the FUCK sophie joy just got no shit by anyone until now for literally saying its normal to want to have sex with a childShe probably hasn't gotten much exposure outside of the granola mommies who are into this shit, otherwise someone surely would call her out, but yeah, it's bizarre that (from my searching) there seems to be no criticism of her. There's a (pretty toxic tbh) female-oriented watchdog forum called 'Get Off My Internets' who often covers boob nazis, but she doesn't even have a thread there. Crazy.
>god knows what theyre doing behind closed doorsWouldn't be surprised if are a lot of cases similar to Katherine Marion's but with mothers who are just self-aware enough to refrain from describing abuse.
If you read many boob nazi blogs, though, the parenting they describe is pretty deranged. Attachment parenting taken to its extreme and definitely abusive but not quite enough (in most cases) to justify a CPS visit given their high threshold for intervention.
No. 343170
>>343168where can I find more about this?
I'm worried about sophias kids, pedo mom, abusive sociopath dead beat dad who goes to thailand all the time for "business" and they'll be scarred for life after seeing her yt channel assuming the memories faded away
where are they now?
No. 343188
>>343184that headline though:
>Heartbroken boyfriend of British breastfeeding campaigner killed in Thai road crash says he's 'scared' he will be charged over her death but claims her 'spirit' told him not to blame himself in video blog postsure that'l hold up in court
No. 343190
>>343172>>343184the kids will be scarred for life, where even are they?
the dad was apparently abusive, mom was a pedo with tons of videos on yt talking about sex in front of them, talking about how "its normal to want to have a sexual experience with your child" a pic floating around of the kid sucking her boob as the dad sucks the other etc
this is just crazy, I hope the kids go to foster care or loving parents
No. 343199
>>343184>41-year-old woman>29-year-old boyfriendwew
I should mention- boob nazis and crazy attachment parents often have their first (and/or only) children either very young or in their late 30's or older. Not sure if it's because women who have kids in extreme ages have problems that made that situation happen or what, but it's definitely a trend.
No. 343200 one
the comments are grotesque, I have a feeling she only does this to appeal to breast feeding fetishists and a 6 yr old? a fucking 1st or second grader…
No. 343206
>>343200There's more at her channel, "Spiritual Tasha Mama". She just had another baby recently.
She has breast implants so it's very possible she's just doing it all for the attention.
No. 343208
File: 1498717258717.png (Spoiler Image,287.91 KB, 640x320, landscape-1432825676-screen-sh…) the fuck, shes 7, she looks disgusted, like she's forced to do it, plus haven't most 7 yr olds had the birds and bees talk already?
No. 343209
>>343170Get off my internets is a resource that pokes fun at a lot of them (though the members themselves tend to be nutso), and their reddit spinoff /r/blogsnark might feature them. Here's an old inactive anti-boob nazi community: along with an old inactive boob nazi community: googling "boob nazi" shows some results that might have leads. I'm not sure where they dwell today; there are probably tons in dedicated breastfeeding communities on social media like /r/breastfeeding and facebook groups.
Unfortunately, since livejournal is no longer the hub for these sorts of communities, you have to go crawling through mommy social media and youtube to find big breast nazi cows (lol). ymmv in terms of much you can tolerate mommy crap if you want to find the good stuff.
>>343200>all those fetishists interspersed with all those horrified peoplegood find my man
No. 343210 the FUCK has CPS not contacted these people?
people encouraging 10 yr old to breast feed
what the fuck
No. 343211
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>>343210as much as I hate trolls, I hope these people are trolling
No. 343213
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>>343211"I was wondering what do the kids at school think your son is doing?"
"they think my daughter just likes eating at home"
you know, because a 10 yr old, whos going through the very beginning of puberty, should totally suck her moms tit
"at night our nursing sessions sometimes last 3 hours"
"I LOVE the feeling I have when I breastfeed and it comforts her also"
No. 343215
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>>343210>>343211This is so fucked up. If men were discussing something in this way, it'd be seen as fetish shit.
This is what happens when people take an ideology to its extreme and sit in an echo chamber all day. Shame that innocent, dependent human beings are being negatively affected by it in this case. You gotta wonder why the fathers or other family members don't try and stop it (if they're around), unless they're crazy and gung ho about it too.
No. 343221
>>343215the sad thing is that it's encouraged by others and all the other pedo moms gather around screaming
"you go girl you can breastfeed your son however old he is"
at what point is it when it's not called breastfeeding anymore and its child fucking molestation?
>>343217I feel bad for the people who had to stand around and watch a shirtless woman tell her 12 yr old son to suck her boob in public, I wouldve vomitted in her face
No. 343222
>>343217Top article was an april fools joke, it says so at the bottom of the article.
Second one sounds like bullshit too, but who knows. These people are legit crazy.
No. 343223
>>343215basically a woman breastfeeding can sit down and describe how having a preteen suck her tit and how amazing it feels and be encouraged because it's "natural"
however a man gets called a pedophile for stepping foot near a school
No. 343229
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>>343200>>343208>>343210I… at a loss for words. I really have no idea what to say about this.
No. 343236
>>343234and the "They want to!!!" excuse
basically a newer legal form of pedophilia
No. 343240
>>343237, most women tend to just put their hand away, plus it disciplines the baby better
and if theyre 2+ they shouldnt even be tweaking in the first place
No. 343244
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yeah and after the age of 5-8 (depending on where you are)
we call it "child molestation"
No. 343247
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this seems like a site for pedo moms who use breastfeeding as a disguise and pervs with lactating fetishes
No. 343256
>>343244kinda reminds me of when the youtube "webcam video ___________" was put out
how people use to talk about child molestation /pedophilia in plain sight,but no one would say anything cuz it was so hidden except with breast feeding they can pull the " im just a mom doing my job" card where as when youtube pedos got caught they got in deep shit
the second you're like hey when you shove your titty in a pre teen or teens mouth thats sick everyones like "ITS NATTTTUURRALLL STOP SEXUALIZING FEMALE BREASTS ITS FOR BREAST FEEDING"
No. 343264
attempting to move the sophie discussion to this topic
>>343258super confused by that pic. She's laying on her stomach right? I thought she was six months pregnant she doesn't look pregnant especially compared to her vids (to be fair it's been a while since I've seen her vids and I'm not interested in going down that rabbithole another time)
No. 343265
>>343139agreed 100% anon
I feel especially bad for the boob nazi mom kids who post pictures and videos online of their 6-14 yr old kids "breastfeeding"
as if the memories and thinking about it arent enough, imagine having it be online forever, having dozens of creep men talk about how hot it is and how "lucky" the child is
No. 343268
>>343139huh, weird, could it be just how its angled or maybe she had an abortion or?
then again nothing is ever right with sophie and her dude, plus didn't he have something to do with it as well?
No. 343272
Someone just posted this in the Onision thread:
>Dan, the gross boyfriend with dreads, had her on the back of his motorcycle and was driving like a lunatic. He crashed the bike, she was thrown to the ground, and a truck ran over her head. He is being investigated for manslaughter now. She was 25 weeks pregnant. Video of her death is online - r/watchpeopledie had it up at one point. Photos of her still on the ground are online, too. She was wearing a helmet and was in a pretty red dress. Thank god she wasn't wearing her child when it happened.
>So her son who was raised by an attachment parent was forcibly weaned because you can't nurse on the dead, and has been shipped off to live with his equally insane bio dad and Dan is begging people online to help him raise money to defend himself. Much of the vegan, woo-bullshit community have turned on him - even they have their limits.She's a freak, but what a way to go.
No. 343280
>>343277so we've got a fad that is a:
morally sanctioned
sexually explicit
abusive to children
e-begging and cam-whoring community. did i miss anything?
No. 343285
>>343277She used to be a stripper, prob why she has implants.
Also she sells videos of her squirting milk and other adult content on manyvid or some other site can't remember which.
Nerd City did a very extensive video on Tasha (I remember her commenting on the video thanking him for the "exposure" but can't seem to find the comment anymore) No. 343344
>>343200she has one video breastfeeding where one of the kids stands up and you can see he's naked. so she also breastfeeds both the little boys while they're naked. which is really disturbing.
there was one of these creepy breastfeeding moms who just uploaded videos of herself flipping her hair and smiling at the camera while breastfeeding and she just gave off bad vibes. turns out she got arrested for selling videos of herself masturbating on top of her son and rubbing her twat all over him and molesting him. all her videos are still up. it's really sick shit.
No. 343354
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Why are people linking back here?
No. 343356
>>343326I agree, this thread is pretty
milky hehe…
No. 343443
>>343428I noticed the comment in this video
Either we have a mole, or some of the people on this board are straight-up retarded.
No. 343453
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>>343280pretty much boobgate
how a lot of these moms who always talk about breastfeeding end up being pedophiles
a bit like pizzagate, like there was a code to openly talk about pedophilia/child molestation, however there is no code, they're just upfront about it and when you say anything you either get called a crazy pervert who needs to stop sexualizing breastfeeding or the pedos and lactation fetishists come to the rescue because "it's naturallll"
I'm surprised alex jones has never said anything about this since the community is huge as fuck
before anyone who said boob nazis seemed like pedos was crazy, and now it turns out more and more of these boob nazis are actually pedophiles
No. 343491
>>343376>>343376>>343376Probably because they're more likely to get away with it,it goes unnoticed and more people come to their defense especially when they use breastfeeding as a disguise and say "oh its just being a mom"
As if the endless comments of lactating fetishists saying shit like "ooo i want the other one, lucky baby, etc etc"
And its encouraged
Male pedophiles get shit on for obvious reasons like they deserve, even if its them being attracted to a 17 yr old
Female pedophiles especially the breast feeders who use it to their disguise can literally talk about how they're sexually attracted to their child, talk about how good it feels, etc and no one will say anything, I'm glad that people are starting to take notice of the sick secrets behind the boob nazi community
No. 343532
>>343376I agree. maybe just because it's less common, but it grosses me out/enrages me even more when a woman does it. ugh.
sage for off topic but if you want to hate read a book, pick up Tampa by Alissa Nutting. the book is great but the main character Celeste is a pedophile and she's reprehensible and super creepy
No. 343559
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I suck at making memes
excuse the shitty drawing
No. 343589
>You'd think that all they would need to do is read breastfeeding groups where boob nazis describe it in a manner that a child molester or foot fetishist would use to recall an intimate experience, but how do people not know how creepy and pedophilic this is? do they just think a woman just "happens" to be obsessed with breast feeding?
No. 343606
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>>343372She's clearly aroused during this video (and all the other ones I tried to watch). She's practically grinding on her kid near the middle of this one. WTF. I can't even. I'm glad she's in prison. Why the hell is this stuff even still up on Youtube?
No. 343617
Has anyone ever heard of la leche league? They're breastfeeding activists who actually do some good work but are also ridiculously hardcore and shame formula feeders and whatnot. I think they were also the ones who created the breastmilk exchange, which gives milk to women who can't produce it (without screening for diseases, of course).
Their website: forums might hold some good/crazy content.
There are also many breastmilk exchange organizations that give breastmilk to women who can't produce it. Without screening for diseases or undesirable content like drugs and alcohol, of course.
Example: fact: any cognitive benefit shown in breastfed vs formula fed children disappears by preschool age. All of this extremist bullshit is literally for nothing but the gratification of the mother.
No. 343650
>>343644wtf is wrong with people??
That said, cases like these (where the baby doesn't get sick) tends to reveal the hypocrisy of boob nazis. They harp on about how it's not sexual at all, it's just food, etc., but whenever something like this pops up, health risks notwithstanding, the tone changes immediately and suddenly breastfeeding becomes an intimate act again, and the child being breastfed by another person becomes a huge violation…
No. 343766
>>343761Yep, turns out that it's probably bullshit: Though that blog didn't provide any resources. However, in searching for reliable resources (of which there were few), the numbers looked to be ~22 months for India and Pakistan, the average in Italy is well under 12mo, etc.
As of 1996, "Indonesia and Sri Lanka had the longest mean breast feeding durations of, respectively, 26.7 and 23.2 months."
Source: yeah, the "7 years" and even "4 years" figures are complete misinformation.
Fun fact, the biggest ''''scientist'''''' peddling the heavily inflated average age just got booted from her adjunct lecturing position for saying that Otto Warmbier deserved to die.
No. 343826
looks creepy. And why is she talking like that? How did so many people miss the vibes she was giving off and then get surprised when she's arrested for child molestation? She's almost always forcing the poor boy onto her tit.
No. 343828
>>343758Ehm Africa mostly, I remember reading from the WHO something about between 4 and 7. There's nothing pedo about continuing breastfeeding after 1 year. The World Health Organization advises to do it for at least 2 years. When the kid reaches school age, ie. ~4 one should definitely stop so the kid can become more independent.
>>343766Just because I argue something is average, doesn't mean I argue that it's good btw. The average American is overweight, doesn't mean that's a good thing. I think women who breastfeed for more than a year SHOULDN'T be called a pedophile for that, women should be encouraged to at least try to do it for more than 6 months. But I do think kids should be weaned before they go to school, ie. ~3-4ish. Even if mothers argue it's just to comfort them, kids need to learn to comfort themselves, hug a teddy bear or something if they're sad.
No. 343832
>>343828>Ehm Africa mostly, I remember reading from the WHO something about between 4 and 7.Again, it's nowhere near between 4 and 7: LONGEST average breastfeeding durations are 26.7 and 23.2 months.
No. 343840
>>343828>>343828>>343828First of all the average age to wean off in africa is not 7, but you prob knew that already
Second, if say a woman does breast feed until 7 because of the culture, which i find even hard to believe that the world average is 7, it's VERY different from the pedo ass moms in this thread, who clearly breast feed for their own pleasure, and not because "muh other cultures do it"
No. 343842
I was right said it was 4.2 some said it was 2 - 3 years, the bullshitometer article said Bangladesh was 30 months average, while I do believe some cultures specifically in 3rd world countries, the weaning age may be 3 or 4, saying the average weaning age is 7 is complete bullshit, plus the people who say that probably can't even make a country that actually does do it for 7 or more years
Sounds like some lie the boob nazis made up so they don't seem as weird
No. 343849
>>343848so she's a typical SJW/liberal pedophile
people need to wake up and stop assuming anyone who
DARE call a woman a pedophile for making their kid suck their tit at 5+ is some crazy pedo hunt weirdo who sexualises breastfeeding
No. 343893
>>343285>>343285He made a good point about the nudity loophole
I feel like attention whore boob nazis use breastfeeding as an excuse to show their tits and get pervs saying shit like "oh nice tits i wish that was me"
Or they're pedophiles, or both in the chick who got arrested case
No. 343894
I also like to add that when they do it but add breastfeeding to the mix they use the same old "its natural YOU'RE the only pervert here get off porn" excuse, and of course get away with it despite their pedophilia and /or call for attention to be beyond obvious
No. 344071
>>343995>Does it feel the same or not?Depends. During pregnancy, the level of sensation might change; some women might become hyper-sensitive while some might lose feeling entirely. Some women come to orgasm from breastfeeding, while others are like 'meh'. It's not inherently sexual, but it releases a lot of oxytocin (same chemical that makes you feel good during sexual activity, hugging, etc.), which is supposed to enhance bonding but also means that there's a chance that things may take a dark turn if a woman is unstable enough. The abusive bitches who breastfeed older children are probably hooked on the feeling and make up justifications for why it's good for the kids to disguise the pleasure they get from it.
>>344066It's a gamble you gotta take, I guess. Breastfeeding only lasts for a little while in the lifespan of a child, and sex therapy can help get things back to normal if they go wrong, so those are pretty small issues in the scheme of things (usually).
No. 344087
>>344066I'm the same way, but nipple stimulation will feel a lot different if it's being touched for non sexual reasons, unless thats just me
like usually if my boyfriend brushed up against my boob it would feel good because he is doing it for sexual reasons but if i just bump into something and it brushes against my boob, it's gonna hurt a bit, unless you're aroused, that may just be me though
same goes for vagina, at least imo, of course it's going to feel nice when your bf touches there but if it gets accidentally touched/touched for non sexual reason it will just feel… weird
No. 344275
>>344239Ikr, when I have kids I might just pump considering these disgusting moms ruined breastfeeding for me
I get the benefits of breastmilk but why make a huuuggeeee deal about being able to whip your tit out and get your kid yo suck it?
Are moms who whine about not being able to whip their tit out attention whoring, want money, etc? Like its seriously not a big deal to just pump and bottle it, plus it makes people more comfortable
I remember onion boy mentioned "i dont care if she has both her tits out if she gets discriminated sue and use it for yout kids college"
These people are nuts
>>343326>>343326That shits creepy as hell anon
I remember seeing somewhere that one of the biggest signs of sexual abuse is that if a child has extensive knowledge of sex or sexual body parts
No. 344285
>>344275>Like its seriously not a big deal to just pump and bottle it, plus it makes people more comfortablePumping isn't an option for a lot of people. It really, really hurts for most people and physical stimulation isn't the only thing required to
trigger the release of milk; Smelling your baby or hearing it cry is sometimes also needed. Some people's milk just dries up if they try and pump instead of feeding the baby. It's pretty complicated and not a one size fits all deal.
Honestly people should get the fuck over it when it's done normally. Seeing a boob is not gonna kill you. You can't even see the nipple, it's in the babies mouth. Crying babies are ten times more offensive then breastfeeding ones, if that's what it takes to get them to shut up in public I'm all for it. There's a difference between a normal breastfeeding baby in public and one of these people.
No. 344289
These mums posted here are not the majority of breastfeeding mothers. Youtube videos with other babies (after latch has been properly established) are completely unnecessary and strange. The one posted above in church was so forced and disturbing, I want to bleach my mobile screen.
No. 344436
>>344403have you read this thread anon? it's about the
problematic women.
No. 344501
>>344403>>344403What posts are you even reading
There was literally only one post throughout this entire thread that may have SEEMED like breastfeeding is wrong, but all they said was that they wouldn't do it themselves and it's not a big deal if a woman is not allowed to breastfeed in public,not saying breast feeding as a whole is wrong
This thread is about the sick community of boob nazis who never shut up about breastfeeding and its quite obvious that they're not breast feeding for the right reasons whether its them being just insane, a pedophile, someone who is hooked on breast feeding, etc etc and who does it when the kid is 5 or older, when it is no longer about the child
No. 344776 is disgusting
why does she talk about sex and turn ons RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER BREASTFEEDING DAUGHTER
No. 345355
Yo I know she is dead and all but the more I watch her videos the creepier it gets the fuck, the kid isn't even sucking on it, he was licking it and twisting/playing with the other one, I know tweedling is a thing and all but thats usually just babies who dont know what theyre doing with their hands and their moms usually stop it, but thats not even fucking tweedling thats literally playing with the nipple like a partner would do, this is disgusting how do people think this is ok
No. 345356
>>345355same fag but I am disgusted
why are they both naked? that looks more like deepweb shit
No. 345531
>>345355>>345355Disgusting, the kid is treating it like how boobs are treated during sex rather than breastfeeding what the fuck, and knowing the kid is even older makes it more disgusting
That poor kid is going to be damaged for life if they see these videos
No. 346057
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>>344776I'm getting vanned for watching this aren't I? This is like one camera zoom away from being a mother/son porno.
No. 347277
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>>343630ehhhh, heather has photoshopped rosie since afetr the day she was born when everyone realised she looked like a carbon copy of her dad and not like a porcelain angel as heather fully expected. pic related. the kid is adorable as fuck, but heather literally airbrushes her to death, pretty obvious when you look at the pics on her dads profile.
the sheer amount of shit she posts doting over rosie struck me as sweet at first but honestly i picture her becoming the most insane narc mom, maybe it's just me. that and the fact she basically pimped so many photos of her prgenant and never stopped talking about "muhh tiny frame my perfect angel is so squish in my tiny petite doll body" and doing boudoir pregnancy shoots and submitting her bump pics to all those random pregnancy ig pages run by fetishists.
just saying. something's not 100% right there.
No. 347279
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>>347277just providin' pics
No. 347280
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>>347279rosalie when she was born, sans facetune.
No. 347387
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>>347380she used to be a scene queen type thing, it's apparent she had a massive following before, but she has deleted all photos from her ig prior to her wedding. pic related is an oldie from her tagged photos, there used to be fan pages for her when she went by dainty.doll
No. 347398
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she started airbrushing the kid severely after posting this caption..
No. 352463
A well-known Canadian columnist admitted to 'breastfeeding' some rando's kid when she wasn't even producing milk…but it's okay and natural guise! might become interesting because it'll cause a split between the 'it's natural and okay no matter what!' extremist but logically consistent boob nazi camp and the 'it's just feeding a baby/how dare somebody breastfeed my baby it's an intimate bonding experience between mother and child' hypocrite boob nazi camp
No. 352473
>>352463>'breastfeeding' some rando's kid when she wasn't even producing milk…So she basically wanted some kid to suck her tits.
This thread never fails to creep me out
No. 353002
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>>352473pretty much most of the women on the thread breastfeed, without the feed part, they literally just want kids to suck their tits and claim thats what the kid wants
>>345355that was… disturbing, plus tweedling can be anything from twisting the other nipple to pulling on hair, playing with their necklace, etc. Most moms only experience tweedling with the first few months they breastfeed because it's more of a hand movement thing, moms usually hate it for obvious reasons and train their kids not to do it much or at all,especially if she is doing "extended breastfeeding" that's pretty fucked up
pic related, it's what tweedling really looks like, not some kid playing with her tits like a lover would rather than breastfeeding
No. 353118
>>352139that was… disgusting
why is the host making light of this
why is she using the whole "ooo it's natural you're the only one making it bad" like all other pedo boob nazis do
No. 353255
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since she's in the thread, I remember anons use to go ape shit if you vaguely implied she might be a pedo, but wasn't she found straight up grooming 14 yr olds? and now she got the whole boob nazi thing she's into with a man with a pregnancy fetish and who likes young girls?
one word, disgusting
No. 354354
>>343108OP picture
triggers the shit out of me,
considering her head literally exploded like a watermelon, covering her husband in brain matter and blood. No. 364219
>>356443well depends, It makes them more dependant on the parent and more attached, I don't buy the whole "it's praised by scientists" bullshit
if you kid doesn't need to breastfeed anymore than don't, if you're making a kid thats 3+ breastfeed, you're sick and need to turn yourself into CPS, if your kid wants to breastfeed above 3 to feel like a baby again tell them to grow the fuck up and don't just give them the boob just because they want to feel like a baby, it sounds quite harmful for the kids emotional control to just give them a boob if they want it
No. 373578
File: 1502923913145.jpg (48.01 KB, 634x719, efe0190e018528794144a456bb0daa…) pedo boob nazi
why do people obsess over breastfeeding in public so much? in places where breastfeeding in public is condoned and when it was seen as controversial in america, women didn't go batshit crazy about tit feeding their kid, so why do they do it in a place where most people don't care and act like it's a huge deal