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No. 329815
Old thread reached limit and no one made a new one.
Recent developments:
-Chris and Laci Green are dating
-Pear is tripping balls over it because she's a ho
-Joji had a bad live show or something
-Ian makes nothing but unboxing videos
-Max and Chad are alive I guess
Last thread:
>>299602Pic courtesy of some cool anon.
Twitters: instagrams: No. 329844
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She's live now talking to Chris, but nothing really interesting going on.
No. 329858
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Anisa must be losing her shit at all this Laci and Chris fanart
Anisa Ian art where? nonexistent lol
No. 329864
Anisa takes the time to shit talk about Skye again
She won't talk to Skye because "it's not a good business decision" No. 329896
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Stay mad Anusa.
No. 329920
>>329901laci before: sjw man hating power feminist
laci now: has own opinions but is open to debate and different types of opinion. probably still far left but not close minded
No. 329939
>>329858is the llama supposed to be a reference to anisa
also why are anisa's streams just her slobbering on chris' knob?
No. 329957
>>329920>probably still far leftLaci isn't far left, she's a left leaning centrist at best
>sjw man hating power feministsick meme
No. 329983
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>>329961>tfw she's trying to contain it and be quiet in her disappointment and 'disgust'Quiet according to Anusa standards I guess.
No. 330159
>>329947"Gay little paws" had me keking.
But Ian's new content is p boring. :(
No. 330169
>>330123I guess Anisa was the cuck all along.
>>330152Vidcon is June 21-24. I'm sure he'll have more than enough time and money to go back by the end of this month.
No. 330191
>>330107For someone who preaches about positivist and love and kindness, she is so fucking nasty and vindictive towards Laci when she has NEVER even spoken to her.
It's just how fucking insecure she is. She hates other women and is intimidated by Laci because she's a successful YouTuber with 1.5 million subscribers and her attempt at a Youtube career was laughably bad. At the risk of sounding like a complete
triggered maniac, I genuinely think Anisa has some internalised misogyny. She is so intimidated and threatened by other women.
No. 330199
>>330191i think it's less about internalized misogyny (she seems to get along fine with kat) but a combination of insecurity, jealousy, and feeling like chris was HERS and now this filthy slut moved in on her back up plan.
i mean it's pretty obvious she had a thing for chris, even if it was just unhealthy possessiveness. she's lucky laci has a more level head, it'd be annoying to have your boyfriend streaming with some cunt who went on a very public tirade about you.
No. 330259
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Apparently Anisa is taking along with Laci and Chris. Awkward third wheel here we go
No. 330310
>>330297Yeah. In her "let's talk about life" stream she mentions him a few times.
>trying to decide between monthly visits or having Ian move to Canada for the 6 months>LDR is easier for Ian bc he's a recluse>some sappy shit like distance makes the heart grow fonder>recaps how they metShe also jokes about Sky a bit ~20min in
No. 330350
>>330333Well her and Chris talk about how we're always saying that she's cheating on Ian, etc. and they talk about how it's ridiculous girls can't take pics with guys they're friends with without being called out for cheating.
She said that ofc Ian checks her social media and knows what's up. And that she always asks if he's OK with her hanging out with Christ/dudes and he is.
No. 330358
>>329858god damn that's embarrassing.
say what you will about laci green, at least she used to defend her beliefs and seemed proud of it. she didn't steal anyone's personality. meanwhile anisa just tried to steal ian's shtick and took all his edgy opinions. anisa's style is just "repeating idubbbz style".
course she would be jealous of laci and chris. laci didn't need chris to become popular. chris doesn't need laci to be popular. they're together and that's it. meanwhile anisa's career depends entirely on dating ian and tittystreaming… like, how depressing.
No. 330366
>>330350A girl like Anisa needs constant attention. So im assuming a lot of the hatred and jealousy comes from Chris sharing and essentially being proud of Lacie.
Meanwhile, Ian occasionally makes an appearance on her stream but to get a light or some stupid shit.
No. 330374
I apologize in advance for the somewhat blogpost nature of what I'm about to say, but Anisa's whole thing with Chris is so cringey to me that it's literally painful and I'm feeling too much secondhand embarrassment to even enjoy it. This exact situation happened with my boyfriend and I almost to the tee. He had this one friend who was so weirdly obsessed with him and couldn't handle for the life of her when we started dating. She pulled almost the exact same shit as Anisa; trying to monopolize his time, commenting on how hot she found him and what a nice body he has, talking crazy shit about me and how awful I am to him without any valid points, turning his other friends against me, publicly stating her disapproval of our relationship online in extremely emotional ways. He tried having a couple talks with her about her behavior, but they went nowhere and so he cut her off completely. It's only a matter of time before Chris does the same to Anisa. Guys don't put up with that shit for long, no matter how close you are to them. In fact, the only reason my boyfriend even tried talking to her instead of straight up dumping her was because I felt bad for her and insisted we try to work it out if he wasn't too uncomfortable. The way Chris hung up on her in that livestream shows he's already starting to get fed up with her weirdness toward him.
Anisa, if you're reading this- you really need to stop. I'm genuinely saying this for your own good. If your feelings for Chris are so obvious that randos on the internet can clearly see what's up, he does too. So will Laci and if Chris doesn't pull the plug on your shit fast enough, you best your ass she will. The reality is that if she shares with Chris any concern about your negative attitude toward their relationship, he will stop wanting to be around you. He probably won't even say anything about it for the sake of avoiding drama and alienating himself from Ian, he'll just stop taking your calls, responding to your texts, and just generally avoid you as much as he can. So yeah, stop being a stupid bitch for your own sake.
No. 330492
>>330374She might actually be lucky since Laci seems to be at a point in her life where she genuinely weighs different opinions, thus she might give Anisa the benefit of the doubt far more than ms Pear deserves. Anisa is openly vocal about her dislike of his relationship so I think Chris already knows.
In her stream Anisa says that Chris occupies a special place in her heart. Anisa, since you're reading this, think about what that actually means. And maybe if that means supporting your friend if he found someone he likes instead of shitting all over it in your teenage jealousy. Unless you had a really good reason, but you clearly don't.
>>330465She is or is almost 24
No. 330549
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>>330536Here's a study backing it up, unless you can bring forth something that refutes that stand down
No. 330550
>>330546They lived apart for about 4 or 5 months before she moved in with him.
>>330536I get what you're saying and usually agree, but from what I gather, Anisa started messaging and met with Ian before breaking up with her ex, probably didn't apologize to her ex, and refuses to acknowledge that she did anything wrong. Also she keeps changing the story of how she and Ian met to try and extricate herself from blame.
No. 330567
>>330549^page you screenshotted
>“This means that of those people who said they had sex with someone else in their first relationship, about 45 percent said they also had outside sexual contact with someone in their next relationship,” Knopp said. Meaning most cheaters don't cheat again.
>Those who admitted to having sexual relations outside their relationship were three and a half times more likely to do so in their next relationship as well, Knopp explained to The Huffington Post in an email. This makes no sense. They're 3.5 times more likely to cheat in their next relationship than… whom? Non-serial cheaters? Well obviously 45% isn't 3.5 times larger than 55%, so that can't be it.
Maybe the finding was that the average cheater cheats 3.5 times, which would sort of mean they're 3.5 times more likely to do it again than non-cheaters. But that would make the headline ridiculously misleading, because, as the researcher stated, only 45% of cheaters cheat multiple times.
And I can't check the source, because the link HuffPo provides is dead.
tldr Most cheaters cheat only once (or so they claim), you can't read, and HuffPo is trash.
No. 330571
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So Laci and Chris have been dating for quite a while now.. and he told June. Did Anisa only find out recently? Funny he told June before her
No. 330629
>>330620Did you read the rest of her sentence or did your brain stop working right there?
> I've been friends mostly with guys my whole life (not because I actively went out of my way to avoid being friends with women, it was just the way it went for me>not because I actively went out of my way to avoid being friends with women, it was just the way it went for melrn2read
No. 330639
>>330629>not because I actively went out of my way to avoid being friends with women, it was just the way it went for mesounds exactly like something "just one of the guys!" girl would say
no one is going to admit they have guy friends because they go out of their ways to make them
No. 330654
>>330639there's a difference between being uncomfortable having female friends for whatever reason and being a "just one of the guys!" girl because the former is usually pretty unhappy about the fact that they don't have more girl friends.
No. 330686
>>330638Okay how does her mom even know about something so insignificant?
She must actually not shut up about it even around her mom.
No. 330692
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>>330638This account is sketch as hell but Chris and Anisa follow her so it's legit. Maureen chill the fuck out
No. 330731
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LOL. Pretty sure they checked her so strictly because they thought she did a visa run. Also, cry moar about your fucking stuff animal Anisa, you're 24 years old!
No. 330735
>>330731It's really gross how invasive they are when you are crossing the border.
Obviously not a fan of her but I can emphasize on this subject.
No. 330748
>>330731>explaining to customs what Twitch and YouTube are is like pulling teethOh, man, I feel her on this. After trying to explain to suspicious customs personel what a bunch of Warhammer figurines I was carrying were all about and only managing to get them even more suspicious, the next time I said "oh, it's just toy soldiers" and went through smoothly.
Sage for blog post
No. 330751
>>330549… anon, did you actually read the article and compute the information or did you just see the title and decide to go with it?
>>330567Thanks for pointing this all out so I don't have to.
No. 330775
>>330735I mean,sure it's annoying, definitely for innocent people. But if it's what has to happen to heighten security in America, if it prevents just one person with bad intentions from coming in, it's worth it
sage for irrelevant
No. 330781
>>330638Oh my god… I have so much to say about this that I don't even know where to begin…
First of all, this shows Anisa is even more upset about the situation than we were aware. Obviously, she's most likely been bitching to her mom about it pretty intensely.
Second, holy shit do I now understand why Anisa behaves the way she does so much better. If in just two Tweets we see how immature and overinvolved Anisa's mom is, can you imagine how bad it actually is? I actually remember having a little red flag go up whenever I would hear Anisa talk about her parents, but I couldn't put my finger on it. There was just something about the way she discussed them that gave me the vibe that she was one of those people who is unhealthily close to their parents. Clearly that's the case, since her mom is acting like a 16 year old on Twitter over her daughter's friend dating someone these people have never even met.
To be honest, I feel like Anisa's thing with Chris is more creepy than cringey at this point. I'm very curious what Laci thinks about it. If I were her, I'd contact her directly and tell her to back off, then if she didn't I'd address it publicly. I'm surprised neither her or Chris have done that already, but they're probably too confused about what the fuck is going on to know how to handle it.
No. 330796
>>330742Maybe there's some kind of extra protocol where you can get approval to come in during your wait?
>>330775Actually, the extent they've taken it doesn't really make anything safer, it just gives people a false sense of security. It's mind blowing to me that they do all this shit that doesn't really do anything besides make flying miserable, but they won't put even just one fucking officer on a plane, which actually would make it safer.
No. 330797
>>330549This article is terrible on so many levels.
I have no doubt Anisa will probably continue to cheat on Ian and other, future relationships. But, by this logic, Laci and Chris are doomed to failure since Chris willfully and knowingly fucked his "friend's" girlfriend and Laci once professed her pride in wrecking 3 homes.
OT, but I don't get why so many people are jizzing themselves over Laci/Chris. IMO, they're both short, slimy slinks on Anisa's level. They don't deserve Anisa's shitty, jealous harassment, but they're not some "power couple."
Ian needs to dump Anisa's shady ass, but his backbone is clearly jello.
Sage for much off topic ranting.
No. 330814
>>330796You're not banned from visiting during the wait but it's generally not advised. The reason they make you go back for that much time is to make sure you're not trying to illegally immigrate or something. She has no real visa, no motive (her YT bf doesn't count), or anything to offer the country so she def just looks like someone trying to immigrate for no good reason. She's only been back in Canada for like a week, but now she wants to go to NYC? Sus as fuck.
If you test customs too much, they could actually ban you from entering for a period of time. It's all up to whoever is the guard at the time too, so there's no guarantee that she'll be let in any time she wants.
No. 330823
>>330821Chris and Anisa follow the account, so…yeah.
Could you imagine being Chris or Laci and having this crazy bitch's mom Tweeting both of you this shit?
No. 330832
>>330818have you even thought about saging your useless shit? some anons already
debunked it, let it go jfc
>>330821>>330823I still believe it's a troll. I don't know why they follow it, I refuse to believe it's an actual legit human being, a parent figure. It'd be so fucked up like why do you care, lady??? I just don't get it
No. 330836
>>330835My guess is that with vidcon Ian is less available than usual, but it would have been easier to stay part of the month and go see Chris/Laci in NYC instead of going home and trying to come back.
She also crooned about how sad it was for them to be apart so, yeah, it doesn't really make sense.
No. 330885
>>330879Right? Like WHY is your "last hurrah" third wheeling a couple you make very clear you disapprove of instead of spending time with the boyfriend you supposedly miss?
THIS is why we think you're a disgusting cheater Anisa. NOT because you take pictures with male friends but because you CLEARLY ditch your BOYFRIEND for some copycat dude who is already in a relationship with some girl you're weirdly jealous of.
No. 330902
>>330879it chris was a good friend with any respect for relationship boundaries he would tell anisa what she's doing is pretty inappropriate. makes me wonder if chris and pear DID fuck and now he feels bad for pumping and dumping so he….lets her come along on his dates??? lol
laci should put her foot down but new relationship + anisa and chris were friends first makes it an awkward situation…
No. 330919
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Is Anisa just a 'fan' who gave Ian 2.0 a chance to meet Ian?
No. 331021
>>331010haha sorry, i'm new.
Wow, that is so weird that her last opportunity to go to America and she chooses to spend it with Chris? I have a feeling because this is Ian's first relationship that he doesn't have a concept of what is acceptable or not, and don't realise how crazy this situation is.
No. 331036
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They're so fucking gay honestly. They both changed their names just for the occasion, they look like a ldr soon to be reunited. (it was definitely 100% anisa's idea to have matching names btw, considering her & ian's cutesy matching bios)
No. 331098
>>331084A normal person in a normal relationship with someone they trust would not have doubts? And like this thread says, Anisa is literally a nobody in the youtube community, why would Laci give a shit?
>>331085literally fucking what is the connection? Laci hasn't been emo-ing and being passive aggressive about anything concerning their relationship. If anything she's griefing about the attack from SJWs ABOUT her relationship with Chris.
No. 331109
>>331099>>331085>>331084Omg, they've been dating for like a month. Who gives a shit? In six months if this was going on I'd agree, but most people don't START OUT dating someone making demands about who they can and can't see and trying to dictate outside relationships. They're still fucking getting to know each other, and right now Chris has a
problematic friend that any regular person would keep an eye on maximum. At this stage they don't even know for sure if they'll be together by winter, who the fuck tries to start making relationship demands this damn early? And for all we know, she HAS mentioned that Anisa is a bit much and was, you know, subtle about it? Do ya'll really expect her to jump on twitter and start a feud with Anisa, and that would somehow make her LESS insecure? Kek. Oooookay. Maybe she is acting handling it like a normal person, hence why we don't and shouldn't know how she feels about it or is dealing with it.
No. 331119
>>331109I thought we were just discussing hoe lacie should feel about it and anisas outrageous behaviour not about starting fights on Twitter?
>>331115Ibdont really think its about not trysting your partner, at least for me it's not, its just why would he want that kind of attention?
No. 331121
>>331119Wow, what ugly spelling errors. Im sorry.
These thumbs
No. 331128
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No. 331131
>>331119Where did you see anything about FEELS? People are literally saying what Laci should DO.
>Laci must have no self respect if she sees all this going on and has nothing to say about itQuestioning her self-respect on something we can't possibly know if she has or hasn't done and really SHOULDN'T do this early in the relationship.
>Except it is her concern because that is her boyfriend who's going on a trip with the girl who has an obession with her boyfriend and aggressively speaks out against herThis was brought up in response to meddling, as if she has the right to do so and again, SHOULD. Which she shouldn't.
>Laci is starting to sound like Doormat Lainey 2.0Seriously ridiculous. How in the hell is she SOUNDING like anything through silence? Implying that her being silent on social media like a normal person should be is somehow a flaw.
The general air is just retarded. Laci is the only one here not acting like a fucking retard bringing everything to Twitter or openly trying to force her green boyfriend to bend to her will. I want milk too but I can't imagine anyone but a VERY insecure woman saying "Okay, well now that we're dating I'm gonna need you to cut all contact with Anisa" via fucking Twitter which is the only way any of us would know she said it in the first place.
No. 331133
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Mama Pear seems pretty crazy, I'm not surprised Anisa turned out the way she is. I think it's hilarious that she follows and interacts with Chris, but not Ian.
No. 331169
>>331167it's creepy to everyone anon
also i get the feeling it's anisa posting on her mom's account lmao
No. 331214
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No. 331229
>>331131Chill the fuck out.
You take this a little bit too personally.
It IS a little bit weird for Laci to just be chill with Christ hanging out with a girl that not only (most likely) used to fuck him and still wants to but also goes on spergs about how much she hates Laci, how she probably stinks like fish and so on.
But idk, maybe they talked it out with Chris somehow.
>>331138>>331142>>331115You sound like you just came here from /b/, anon. That use of samefagging was correct (to someone replying with many posts saying the same thing instead of one).
>>331109They've been secretly dating for a longer time according to Shoe.
No. 331234
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It's like she is incapable of taking a flattering picture. Bitch, learn to work you angles. And why does that haircut make her head look like a penis?
No. 331244
>>331234This photo isn't
that bad imo.
I really don't like her style though.
But tbh the more I look at it the worse it gets.
No. 331245
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>>331234>And why does that haircut make her head look like a penis?holy shit you're right
No. 331289
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The milk is so plentiful.
Blessed be.
Im anisa! Loooook at me! Oooo weeee
No. 331299
>>331292Tbh he seems like a trusting type of guy who likes to wait for shit to blow over. Also he's stated many times that he likes his privacy, so if WE did happen we would only hear it from anisa and you know she tilts everything in her favour.
He's a cuck anon, but we also dont hear what's said behind closed doors. Like how she said on multiple occasions shes going to vidcon with him, but suddenly SHE made the choice to let him spend it with "the boiz"
No. 331388
>>331382oh shit is Jontron the "Jon" she was referring to here
>>331214 ?? Keep leeching Anisa lol.
No. 331397
>>331292I really think Ian does not give Anisa as much attention as she wants (autism, also tittystreamers are probably pretty demanding) and Chris seems like a caring guy so she probably loves his attention and likes to try and make Ian jealous but I doubt anything happens.
I just really think tweeting that image to Ian was no accident. Very /r/thathappened.
No. 331403
>>331397I honestly think Ian is just one of those people who do not need so much face time with their partner, and feel a lot better when they can spend a a few hours/days doing their own thing without their partner being there. But Anisa kinda proves to be more needy and clingy so I'd guess Ian is just happy to dump her on Chris/others so he can do his own thing and not have to worry about her.
It might be that he just doesn't see what happens if you dump your clingy partner onto someone else…that they start clinging to that person instead of you.
also for some triflin ass reason my comp keeps autocorrecting Chris into Christ
No. 331413
>>331382Shes the ultimate cuck.
People donate money to her stream but chris supposedly payid for everything?
>>331291CUCK FEST.
that shit all revolves around Anisa.
She's such trash.
No. 331416
>>331382Which stream is she slutshaming her friend on?
I can never sit through a whole fucking stream.
No. 331432
>>331419lol she admits that she tried talking to Laci but Chris does not want her to speak with Laci. about 29:30
Her streams are actually full of milk but nobody has time to sit through pearnisa's dumb shit just to get to the juicy parts
No. 331437
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>>331382>”I don’t know how to interact with normal females”Did she really say this? Please tell me you're just paraphrasing or something.
No. 331438
>>331432>Chris does not want her to speak with Lacithat's shit you pull when you don't want your main bitch to learn about your side hoe
If my so called friend was so disapproving of our relationship I'd owe it to that friend and my girl to clear the air?? what a fuckboy honestly
No. 331441
>>331438samefag but
you don't want your friend to have a simple convo with the gf she hates to potentially clear the air, but you willingly pay for her fucking last minute plane ticket, then tell her its OK to crash at another friends place without asking him first
what an absolute shitshow
No. 331443
>>331441i'm almost totally convinced they fucked. chris seems like a total scumbag at this point and it's definitely conceivable that he would fuck someone's gf (fucking ~his hero's~ girl probably made it even better). think it's great he's going to a concert with another female friend, who wants to bet they fucked too at some point? is anisa third wheeling that too?
for a nerd manlet chris sure gets around.
No. 331456
>>331419She is trying so fucking hard.
She said about Laci
"I just want people to think critcally about it before jumping to conclusions."
Is she serious? Shes trying so hard to seem calm and cool, but she was flipping shit about it on a previous stream. Shes awful.
No. 331457
>>331412Keep in mind she's from Canada, so her cold tolerance is gonna be a lot higher. I'm from one of the coldest states in the US and anything above 50 is short shorts weather to most people here.
That and she wants Chris to fuck her.
No. 331464
>>331432>>331436>>331438>>331441To be 110% fair, given how psycho Anisa is acting toward her, I don't blame Chris at all for not wanting them interacting even to clear the air. Anisa would just take the opportunity to shit on her further, most likely.
That being said, when your friend is treating your girlfriend like that, it's time to lay down the law and tell her to check herself or you'll cut her off. My boyfriend had a zero tolerance policy for any friend who took their inability to adjust to the relationship too far. The fact Chris is hanging out with a friend who clearly has feeling for him and treats his girlfriend like shit publicly does not bode well for him and Laci.
No. 331475
>>331419Lmfao at the part where she says she's glad Chris and Laci are dating because now that they both have a SO, people can't say they're fucking around because "it's even less plausible".
Like girl, if anything his weird tolerance for your fucked up attitude toward Laci and meltdown over them just confirms our suspicions. In fact, I thought the rest of y'all were reaching with your accusations of them having something going on until the Laci drama started.
No. 331491
>>331469Not to mention she's now hanging with Jontron, whom Joji unfollowed on Twitter after his obnoxious comments on the Women's March.
I want George to go on the H3 podcast again SO bad, just in hope they talk about something slightly political and shit a bit on the alt-right, and Anisa and everyone else in the ~skeptic~ community can witness it.
Did you see the comments on the Joey Salads podcast?
Holy shit. It makes me want to kill myself. The podcast needs a change of pace, Ethan needs to think more about it before
No. 331520
>>331509Wait, where did I say I worship him? I mentioned him because he's apparently Anisa's idol and yet, she doesn't realize how cringe she would look for being in the alt-right community if ever meeting him. By the way, I am not the
>>331469 anon, maybe you thought that? LMAO
But I guess anytime George is even mentioned there is going to be the "you fucking stan piece of shit!!1!!"
all over again.
Also, I wanted to bring up the Joey Salads podcast and how frustrating it was that Ethan and Hila were not arguing back enough. Plus the fucking comments.
I want the Jontron situation to be mentioned in the podcast somehow… when, and with who, is this going to happen? Especially now that Chris and Anisa are hanging with him, maybe we'll have some milk
No. 331554
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>>331542Thanks! I had no idea.
But still, we don't know
when it's gonna be. It may not be this Friday.
I have been reading Jordan B. Peterson's Twitter and he
really seems to be one of those ~anti-SJWs~. He's followed by Sargon of Akkad, Chris Ray Gun, Shoe0nHead, you know. I think you can already picture it.
Is Ethan
trying to have the same comment section as in the Joey video? The type of comments that supposedly "horrify" him? Jeez
No. 331565
>>331554I'm trying to word this neutrally.
Iirc Jordan B Peterson is a university of toronto professor who gained internet fame for not using students' preferred pronouns. Last I heard he was speaking out against some new bill in Canada about hender identity but don't quote me on this.
No. 331590
>>331588She said it during a stream, unfortunately I can't remember which one. It was around when she met Hila and Ethan to film the 1000 Degree Knife vid.
>>331589I really can't imagine Ian making a move on a girl, tbh. I believe it was Anisa who first "asked him out" (when they met at Twitch con the first time).
No. 331596
>>331593Yeah, maybe that's it.
Ethan's not really alt-right though, he and Hila seem pretty liberal… I just think they are
too soft on right-wing retards, say, Jontron or Joey Salads…
… or, you know, Ian. Remember when Ian revealed that he was a fan of the guns amendment on the podcast? I'm European and that shit made me cringe AF. But hell, can't say I was surprised
No. 331605
>>331575Ethan crosses me like PewDiePie, both seem so money orientated that they don't get a shit about their own views. The edgy shit is popular right now and all that matters is dollar signs.
Also, sage this shit faggots none of this is on topic.
No. 331612
File: 1496971392008.png (749.81 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5366.PNG)

Proof they fuckin: she ate wings and shit in front of him.
No. 331615
>>331605I know here on lolcow people like to hate on h3h3, but I think they are
healthily money orientated. I mean, they could be making much more money with other kinds of content (
ahem Joey Salads). I think they have a lot of quality in what they do, despite everything.
BUT Ethan is too diplomatic. Avoids conflict. And yeah, in my opinion he always tries to get to know more and more famous people, and be in good terms with everyone no matter what.
However, the thing is… that's really his job. He is a podcast host. And I genuinely believe that a certain level of diplomacy & peace is needed.
He tends to overdo it though. That was
especially clear on the Joey Salads podcast. It was just unecessary to have him, he is a certified douchebag who only spilled bullshit, ignorance and bigotry the whole time, with his fucking soft voice, trying to appear innocent and
super-duper honest for "owning up" to his mistakes.
The result was the comment section, with people saying "WTF, I love Joey now". HOLY. I would feel
bad if I was Ethan or Hila.
No. 331621
>>331615Samefag. Also,
>>331605, h3h3 is highly related to the topic. So I would say it's okay to discuss them here
No. 331624
>>331617As a non-native living in ny: yes. Ny diner food is fucking gross.
Sage for blog
No. 331625
>>331621It's not highly related at all. It's OT. People don't come here to read about Ethan. Someone make a fucking thread on this moron already.
The rest of your post.
> I slob Ethan's knobDon't choke too hard.
No. 331629
>>331625Apparently, not
hating everyone to death is now considered "sucking dick". Okay
I was criticising them, by the way
And if someone really wants a thread on h3h3 alone, go ahead
No. 331630
>>331612>Anisa getting all that fatty foodGURL, WATCH YOURSELF. i also love that she gobbled down all of her wings before chris even touched his.
wtf is she taking pictures of this shit tho? are they -trying- to troll the world at this point???
No. 331634
>>331631he looks like he desperately wants to be anywhere but in the frame lmao
so cringey
No. 331637
>>331631I wonder if she's actually annoying him at this point. She's taken like 6 pictures(ok it's like two) in the two seconds they've been in NYC. She was with Ian for how many months and got maybe 4 pics of him.
Maybe (obviously) she's obsessed with taking pics of the boiz.
No. 331640
>>331638lmao, fuck, I am laffin. It would be great if Pisces was the one to bring her ass down.
It's kind of hilarious that it seems like Pisces is stalking everyone Ian's ever known now, just waiting to strike with the perfect revenge. This saga is endlessly amusing.
No. 331641
>>331639TBH some people are into that shit. It's "endearing" or some shit. But that's cute when it's bf/gf or crushing.
Sage for blog but a boy I used to really like would take those "artsy" candid shots and, while I hated them, I thought it was cute. Idk maybe I'm Tumblr at heart.
No. 331645
>>331637>>331639she's definitely annoying him, which makes me wonder: what is she doing that makes chris AND ian willing to put up with her mediocre looks and annoying personality?
how good can that beaten pussy be? i'd get it if she were hot or chill to hang with AND they were getting sex out of it, but… she's neither of those things. such confusion.
No. 331652
>>331648Call me a crazy leftie but it literally does him no harm by referring to people as their preferred gender? And how angry and hateful toward the world are you if you can't do so much as brighten someone's day by calling them by pref. gender? Idk maybe that's asking for too much.
Sage for blog of course.
No. 331659
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No. 331663
>>331659wondering if it's a subtle joke at Laci's crazy personalities
ms. pear's not that deep tho
No. 331665
>>331655Yes, and even longer before that actually. Congrats on just proving yourself too uninformed to have a valid opinion on this subject.
>>331659She tries way too hard, like holy shit.
No. 331668
>>331658That's literally so uncommon. Plus, let people figure themselves out. Learn to be supportive and accepting. I've had a single friend that were gay-then were. But thats them figuring shit out.
Idk why right wingers are so angry about everything man. Just let people fucking live.
No. 331677
Is it just me or does Chris look like an uglier version on Jhonen Vasquez?
>>331669>TUMBLRSo original. New ideas beyond our time.
No. 331679
>>331668Fuck me an my fucked up post kek can't even make a coherent sentence.
My point is:l don't knock it till you try it kids.
No. 331681
>>331676>>331668 is saying people who go crazy with preferred pronouns is very uncommon you sperg.
Keep this shit on topic please.
No. 331686
>>331683your post did not "literally" say that. lrn 2 vocabulary, you dumb shit
sage for thread derailment. can we get back to the pear now
No. 331694
>>331677>Jhonen VasquezYES I knew he reminded me of someone.
>>331691She's probably making a little money now that she's back on the Tits Train, but Chris makes way more than her from Youtube according to Social Blade (and just based on the fact that he has more subs and make more content).
No. 331695
>>331691From what I can tell, Chris might make enough to feel justified with shilling crappy t shirts to the lame children who actually like his garbage. And as far as we know, Anisa is slicker than we all thought and managed to con Chris into paying for that ticket so she wouldn't have to.
Either way, Chris is a thirsty fuckboy from any angle we look at this.
No. 331698
>>331695"Hello that is kinda grand."
"I'm homosexual!"
"Cornflakes dance!"
"Not good box opening"
"Idea police"
These are potential tshirt ideas for Chris
No. 331702
>>331700Cause they're so "cute"!!!! #bffgoals omg eating "TOO MUCH FOOD" together!! Haha soooooo CUTE.
What if this is Anisa's way of trying to make Ian notice that she's a "gem"? He won't let her take pics of him so here's her and her "bud"! You won't send me pics of you without your shirt so here's my bud's nude! Hahaha but we're just buds! Hahaha Ian won't go down so my bud will heheheh!!
No. 331707
File: 1496978868334.png (145.33 KB, 750x1067, IMG_0703.PNG)

Why is Chris not doing anything about this lmao they're literally eating together and she's replying to comments bad mouthing his gf.
No. 331713
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No. 331718
>>331707Oh but in her stream before she went to NY she was talking mad shit about how people need to think critically and not jump to conclusions about laci even though all shes done ia talk shiy. "Just wait to see what happens."
Lmaooooo what a trans-pear-ent fucking retard.
No. 331732
>>331469You and everyone else in this thread are projecting it's not even explicit anymore.
None of you guys know who Anisa is or Chris are. You have made so many posts about speculation. Do something more productive.
>>331612How is this proof?
>>331630Chris had wings too, if you cared you would of thought with your brain and looked for them on the table.
(If you don't know how to think with your brain, its on the left behind the ketchup.)
No. 331735
>>331732Hey, Anisa.
Hve you read all the posts? That's not very productive of you. Also if you did you would know some of it isn't speculation.
No. 331751
File: 1496983107369.jpg (501.87 KB, 1440x2124, SadPear.jpg)

Oh, Anisa.
No. 331753
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No. 331762
File: 1496984925245.png (490.41 KB, 788x354, feminism.png)

>>331732i don't know why you and laci don't get along anisa, you have so much in common.
No. 331764
File: 1496984998321.jpg (7.46 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg)

>>331755Just this pic ans referencing this dumb ass post>>331732
No. 331782
>>331762I'm guessing you're implying that Anisa doesn't shave her arm pits. It's just a shadow. And even if there was hair there. Who cares. She's not advertising it unlike Laci.
>>331769Picking on some one's grammar just shows me how pathetic yall are.
>>331771I'm not Anisa and I'm not even from NYC.
Does any one have any thing worth to say?
No. 331785
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>>331784God I hope so, she seems like such a milky cow. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say.
No. 331790
>>331625These threads always used to be 'altright edgelord general' and OP usually said 'youtubers like h3, PewDiePie and so on are not considered OT'.
Shame on you OP for forgetting to write it in this time.
No. 331819
File: 1497001434123.jpg (113.34 KB, 1300x866, 21923708-Overweight-man-with-a…)

>>331615>BUT Ethan is too diplomatic. Avoids conflictno he isn't, he's nothing more than a coward. He kisses ass then talks shit, refuses to be honest about his friends, and when proven wrong he backpedals and makes excuses like a fucking child instead of just admitting he was wrong. Ethan is a 30+ year old man that doesn't really stand for anything.
No. 331824
File: 1497002192472.png (114.21 KB, 350x350, 1493730546202 - Copy.png)

>>331822>anyone that doesn't foam at the mouth when transpeople are mentioned are trans!still waiting for the argument, sweetie~
No. 331846
>>331782>have anything worth to say?Yeah, youre a fucking idiot.
If it's Maureen, whatever im not into roasting someones mom. I know you want to stand by your daughter but shes a disgusting skag.
If it's anisa, just do what we all knownyour going to do and suck chris's sick and beg him to break up with laci, which you've been doing since before you even went to new york.
If its a rando, get the fuck off of the thread if you dont like whats being said?
>>331762We have so much good milk coming pur way, dont ruin it with this bullshit because you want to be a part of the conversation.
Also, get that transgender derailment out of here. Thats not what this thread is for and all your comments are about saving your ego.
Fuck dude, we have really good milk and y'all want to leave it out to spoil.
No. 331866
>>331862*and never liked.
There's no 'now it's h3h3'.
No. 331894
>>331587wasn't Anisa a fan of Leafy? Like back in the day. I think she probably hated H3h3 for the drama between him and leafy.
i can't imagine something else, h3h3's content used to be good back then…sigh.
No. 331930
File: 1497029653573.jpg (20.88 KB, 629x95, Capture.JPG)

>>331840Maybe one day she'll spill the milk
No. 331948
>>331930I don't know who this girl is, but I feel bad for her. Especially if she was caught up in Chris/Anisa bullshit.
Unless, of course, she's actually a dirtbag like the rest of them and I just haven't looked into it.
No. 332035
File: 1497040926180.png (Spoiler Image,44.97 KB, 750x246, IMG_0377.PNG)

Once again she's massively overestimating her popularity, or maybe she thinks being next to Chris will give her some exposure.
No. 332046
>>331983Only 60 people liked anisas tweet and about 500 liked chris's.
Everyone is commenting that they cant go.
Take your bets now on how many show up.
No. 332051
>>331983is her ego really that big that she thinks people would want to meet her? claim to "fame" shes idubbbz's girlfriend.
and chris is just another sperglord anti-sjw. what would they even do at that kind of meet up? circlejerk their dumb opinions?
No. 332057
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No. 332058
File: 1497041734483.png (1.49 MB, 1440x2233, 20170609_165500.png)

No. 332064
File: 1497042510714.jpg (545.9 KB, 1403x1035, Screenshot_20170609-170743.jpg)

What a surprise
No. 332073
File: 1497043755604.png (23.32 KB, 601x90, Screen Shot 2017-06-09 at 2.27…)

No. 332074
>>332064the heeb on the left is cute tbh. would let him tenderly love me.
why do all those people look like sjws though??? aren't they supposed to be the antithesis of sjws, the edgiest alt-right lords??? they look JUST like the people they hate lmao. both sides are completely pathetic.
guy on the left is still cute tho ngl.
No. 332076
>>332063I think maybe its the tan that makes her look less bad than usual. I'm all for hating on Anisa, but when some one looks good I
can admit it.
No. 332079
>>332074ew no.
I would love to cuddle to the guy with glasses with a beard and the Led Zeppelin kid.
No. 332081
>>332076Yeah it's def the tan, half-white people tend to look sallow and flat without a tan (I'm half-white myself and know from experience lol).
Her head looks like a fuckin circle though.
No. 332106
>>331857You can have all the opinions you want. I'm sorry, did someone threaten you at gun point to never speak your positive opinions of H3H3 or is "you can't" code for "people get mad if I slobber on Ethan's dick and that gets me all
No. 332129
>>332058Her head graduated from pear to mushroom dick.
Love it.
No. 332183
File: 1497058573620.jpg (800.86 KB, 1427x2187, Screenshot_20170609-213454.jpg)

Even her retarded ass fans can see what shes doing
No. 332193
File: 1497060243959.jpg (112.82 KB, 640x814, IMG_1502.JPG)

i find it hilarious how when people said anisa tries to talk like ian and she claimed she stutters when she's excited and how she's insecure about it because people used to "bully" her, but her mom is basically doing the same thing to chris
No. 332204
File: 1497061720808.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170609-192605.png)

I just noticed this on her IG. It may be the most unflattering pic of her I've seen yet. I can't decide who I find more unattractive between her and Ian. What do you guys think?
No. 333192
>>332204Oh, her for sure. Ian's at least got the quirky nerdy guy thing going for him and lately he's looked like less of a greasy mess and cleans up pretty well. When he tries, he looks good. But Anisa's just… a mess. She's chubby, can't dress herself, can't do her makeup, can't even fix her fucking unibrow let alone her hair, and just has a naturally unfortunate face. She's also aging rapidly, as evidenced by that truly awful picture. Then that fucking forehead… The only good thing I can see about Ian having kids with that monster is that maybe her tiny forehead genes would counteract his ninehead genes.
inb4 Ian-stan ew. I'm a closeted joji-stan, I can acknowledge that Ian's objectively out of Anisa's league, esp. as he continues to improve himself.
No. 333196
File: 1497063275462.png (593.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170609-194433.png)

>>332212She sure does like to claim she's insecure about traits she goes out of her way to accentuate. She also does it in this caption in regards to her tits. Like… this bitch can't seriously be so delusional that she actually thinks people will buy this bullshit that she's resentful of their size and goes out of her way to hide them, when her entire online presence centers around the fact she has big boobs and shows them off while playing vidya… can she???
Also, she's shit at overlining, look how messy and unevenly she did it.
No. 333208
>>333206>she has the body of a mtf who opted for implants, but hasn't started estrogen yet.Do you think we could get some estrogen to her? Would that help?
Someone should send Ian a crate full of pears and estrogen.
No. 333210
>>333209this anon real serious
i'm scared
No. 333213
The account doesn't follow any of Anisa's siblings. Interesting, unless her mom only invests in Anisa's life which tbh I could see.
No. 333236
>>333199She sound and looks like the duck girl from chicken little
Also yeah her pics don't look anything like her videos
No. 333239
>>332201She's a mod on her stream and participates in chat every now and then. You would of known if you visited her stream or even checked her twitter.
You Ian's stans are so pathetic. None of yall have a proper reason to hate her other than she's dating Ian.
No. 333259
This thread is full of samefagging and unsaged low-quality comments like
>>333237 and
>>333193. It's hellweek, think before you post.
No. 333295
File: 1497092448154.jpg (55.62 KB, 320x240, Tin_foil_hat_2.jpg)

>>333269What if Anisa, in a fit of rage posted. Fucked up her grammar, got called out and just kept on posting to look like a troll. We all know how obsessive she is.
It has to be her.
No. 333310
>>333239Who IS this? Is pear seriously this
triggered now or is this really her fucking mother? KEK!
>>333269Truly, I don't think it's Anisa because these posts started around when she should have been more busy than she normally is. Unless the Twitter comments are getting to her. If that really IS her mom's Twitter, I wouldn't put it past Anisa to send her mom here to shut us up…however she thinks this would happen. Seriously, who would stan for ANISA this hard?
No. 333345
File: 1497104279429.png (30.13 KB, 609x279, post and ian.png)

WTF is happening
No. 333365
Also, Ian is all like "haha, men wearing jewellery, what a bunch of losers". Yet he probably has a small crush on Joji and is now hanging with Post Malone
No. 333394
I like how of all these people, Anisa's mom is the biggest memesperging edgelord.
>>333345>beerbongs and bentleysOh god why
No. 333443
File: 1497120407319.jpg (961.72 KB, 1409x1414, Screenshot_20170610-144314.jpg)

Shes got some ugly ass teeth
No. 333446
>>333443Teeth can be fixed, I'm more concerned with the fact that she looks THAT old in a filtered picture at 24 or however old she is. Jesus fuck. I mean, she can get plastic surgery obviously, but the girl can't even manage to do her eyebrows, I don't have much faith in her fixing her wrinkles and sagging skin.
Anyone know what caused her to look so old so fast? Shitty genes or is she a smoker or did she lose a lot of weight really fast or something?
No. 333447
>>333430Yeah, exactly. But I do think he has been kind of metrosexual since the beginning. The earring. The rings. The number of fashion pages he follows on Twitter. How comfortable he is with male affection. And his way of speaking is very soft and has a very slight feminine intonation at the end of sentences. I dunno, what do you think?
Can you imagine what went through Ian's mind when he first met George? LMAO
No. 333457
>>333446>>333452probably a mixture of poor dietary habits and improper makeup application/removal. it could be that she doesn't drink enough water and her skin is dehydrated. Another cause might also be that she slathers on the foundation causing it to suffocate her skin and outline the fine lines already forming from lack of water intake. It could also be that she doesn't properly remove her makeup/sleeps in her makeup/doesn't have a proper nighttime skin regimen set up for moisturizing purposes.
There are a ton of reasons why her skin might be aging quicker than it should be. Genes could be also be a large factor.
To me it seems like she probably doesn't drink enough water to properly hydrate her body. She likes to drink a lot of coffee/Starbucks and that's a diuretic so…
Also, looking at the state of her room, it seems very likely that she's the type of girl to either not properly remove her makeup or just sleep in it due to laziness.
saged for long-windedness
No. 333517
>>333507I really don't like Anisa but I will have to agree as well. Her body is literally the least we have to criticize about her. Yeah, we can say that her tits are not as big as she makes them to be, but don't go overboard. The
real issue with Anisa is her fucked-up and cringy personality, as well as the things she's done in the past and keeps doing now on a daily basis
No. 333537
>>333517>>333507I'm pretty sure the people complaining about le nitpicking (a non issue) are the ones ruining this thread…
God, why did the mods have to lock the incel thread and not this one? Can we get a janitor in here?
No. 333541
>>333537Criticising Anisa became so fun because of how TRUE her faults are. Her Twitch-streaming, her cheating, her attention-whoring, her pandering to the alt-right, her overall hypocrisy. That's what this thread was all about.
But it all loses its fun when you start making actual UNTRUE claims about her. For example, saying she looks 'old' just because, when she clearly doesn't. Or that she looks 'overweight', when she only has like a boxy figure that isn't even a relevant or interesting thing to point out
No. 333552
File: 1497134276058.png (36.52 KB, 622x291, anisa missed flight.png)

>>333541 Samefag.
No. 333563
>>333553That makes you okay, but don't turn the thread into cancer because of it. Shitting on Anisa for her supposed overweight body, ugly teeth, or whatever, only makes her look
good in the picture and us
bad in the picture.
Please shit on her for things she actually deserves to be shitted on (which are A TON, granted), not for irrelevant and uninteresting stuff that you could say about literally anybody on the street.
No. 333587
File: 1497137110583.png (131.92 KB, 782x647, maureeen.PNG)

Goint through her tweets, I just can't figure out if Mama Pear hates Christ or is also into him. Not sure if she's trying to be flirty, funny or bitchy. Her tweets are weird as fuck. And she cares way too much about him and Laci. Chris almost NEVER responds lol
Some of them this one to Anisa, what even? She's so weird.>>333563>>333541Your opinion =/= objective truth, Onision.
I said I don't think she looks old in that photo because in my opinion , she didn't. My opinion doesn't make the nitpick objectively 'untrue'. I guess I should've worded it better because I really didn't mean to dictate what people should and shouldn't make fun of.
What would this thread be without all the pear (or newly the mushroom-dick) jokes?
Sage for no real milk and slight derailing
No. 333640
>>333628Ya know, Post is corny as fuck, but he seems like such a nice dude.
I've seen videos of his interviews and it doesnt seem like he would have a vindictive bone in his body.
He just wants to smoke and party.
No. 333649
File: 1497148956260.jpg (31.12 KB, 386x379, 1495572188601.jpg)

>>333587I honestly find Anisa's relationship with her mom the weirdest part about her. It seems like they have really bizarre boundaries. The thought of my mom following me on pages where 80% of my posts involve cleavage-oriented selfies is horrifying enough… and my mom's pretty chill about that sort of thing. But for her also to mod my titty streaming, seeing me pandering to horny edgelords for hours, and make an obsessive number of spergy AF tweets to my friends and their gf who she's never even met… that's literally in the territory of shit that would make me contemplate suicide.
No. 333785
>>333594Nah different anon.
I didn't force anyone to stop calling her chubby, i said in my personal opinion shes not fat or chubby and theyre are better things to rampage about. because thats the original post i replied to, thena bunch of shit cows get on my case about how im delusional. I see youre still salty about it. Let it go.
No. 333840
File: 1497199816171.png (655.25 KB, 610x635, anisa brunch ny.png)

She's really pushing the time she spends in New York to a maximum, for the 'glamour' while she still can
No. 333867
File: 1497202018901.png (46.04 KB, 827x501, idubbbz samurai buyer.png)

No. 333874
File: 1497202352528.png (47.31 KB, 616x371, anisa sjws.png)

And also here goes Anisa again, in all the splendor of her political wisdom and authority as a titty-streamer
No. 333897
>>333890You forgot:
- get breast implants at 17
- wear obnoxious amounts of eyeliner in every fucking video
Shoe is just another "not like other girls!!1!", except slightly (and fakely) hotter than Anisa. There's a whole thread for her here in lolcow, if you want to check that out
No. 333900
>>333865There is literal nothing funny going on in this Video.
btw; is he using Pearhead's drawing equipment?
No. 333906
File: 1497205583769.png (36.83 KB, 603x429, anisa maureen.png)

No. 333936
>>333906Is it like a pre-requisite to have a crazy mother if you're going to be a cow? I swear to god, behind every crazy cow is the crazy mother who explains all the bad behavior.
Maybe moms are just inherently psycho though. My mom is definitely unstable. I don't think there's a mom in this world who isn't 1. actually insane, 2. obsessed with their daughter's life, 3. lowkey resentful of their daughter. Or some combination of all those things. Fuck moms, man. This is one area where I actually feel bad for Anisa.
Sage for semi-blogpost.
No. 333938
>>333937He said he's been following his enemies and monitoring their stuff, screenshotting and printing receipts like the little vigilante he is, waiting for the time to enact his vengeance.
He's like that bad guy in the beginning of the movie who becomes part of the team by the end of it.
No. 333968
>>333865>>333909It wasn't that bad. Ian has potential to make interesting content, we've seen it, i think he's just in a weird transition where he's seeing what works for him.
Also, he does do some really autistic shit, but I like that he respects and appreciates his fan's artwork when they actually put effort into it.
No. 334024
>>334004yeah, he clearly doesn't know how to manage his fame or what direction to take it in. it's kind of sad to witness tbh, but then you realize he could do anything and just… doesn't.
as an aside, i honestly agree with some of those concerned ian-stans who freak out about his mental health. i think this is what's taking a huge toll on him mentally. he was never meant to have that sort of fame, doesn't know wtf to do with it, and it's shown in his latest videos where he seems like he's legit losing his mind. i don't doubt that he actually might be.
is there anyone involved in all of this who isn't a fucking wreck?
No. 334032
>>334004>>334010>>334024Yeahn you guys do make really good points.
I still really enjoy his content cops, but everything else does feel like a half-ass filler.
even if the odd behaviour is because he misses anisa this is the most hes uploaded in a short period of time.
No. 334038
>>334024Sage for random / off-topic, but that precisely reminds me of Leafy last summer. The guy looked depressed, was messy, always getting sick. Got too much fame too fast and struggled to maintain it. But nobody gave him a pass for shit content because of that or possible mental health problems, so why does Ian? (Not saying Ian is leafy-tier shit, but it's still fucking shit imo lol)
I don't get why the community hasn't turned on him and attacked him yet, when he resembles old leafy in more ways than one. Especially when calling out Leafy was his claim to fame, the half-assed fillers just make him out to be a hypocrite
No. 334041
File: 1497220623205.png (480.67 KB, 578x718, Screenshot 2017-06-11 at 6.36.…)

Sage for tin-foil but first thing I thought of was Anisa.
No. 334044
>>334041Tbh Chris sounds like a dick to me here. His friend badmouths Laci whenever she can and he's acting like that's absolutely okay.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
No. 334052
>>334042Ok but, as an open to debate liberal, if she's talking about the Pride parade then I agree with her.
If they're talking about Anisa drama then yeah fuck that. And fuck Chris.
No. 334057
>>334038Because calling out Leafy WAS ballsy. Dude had a one time vid go viral and blew up because of that. I'd guess Ian got hype on himself doing shit with FF, becoming a meme, getting attention for being the autist he is, and blah blah. He got ballsy and called out Leafy at the same time people were having issues with Leafy. I wouldn't be surprised if the background issues weren't a good percentage of the reason the video got made. Outwardly, Leafy had haters. In the background people were probably talking SO MUCH given what the CC brought about and I'd bet money Ian got some grapevine info on Leafy being a douche and then talks of doing a CC on him came up and people probably pushed him to do it (especially Max who is in everyone's business, or at least was, and most definitely had Leafy tea at the time). Ian still wasn't THE idubbbz yet so on a whiff of adrenaline went hard with not much to lose on someone he genuinely disliked. You can see the glee he had playing up this cool guy, bullying persona a lot of us fell for (ashamed to admit it) because it's the first fucking time in his life,
guaranteed, he's ever been able to do such a thing. All the pieces came together perfectly then. Now, Ian doesn't have background beef going on. He barely interacts with people it seems. Those he does interact with, he's fine with. He hasn't screwed over a ton of people to get where he is, just a few select people who "deserved" it in the public eye. His content is mediocre, but unlike Leafy, most of it isn't based on making fun of people which gives the public way less opportunity to get annoyed with him. So, even if someone wanted to call him out, it would just backfire because he isn't doing anything egregiously shitty. Plus, that infighting shit was last year's drama. Ian will likely just fade into obscurity slowly as his fanbase gets bored with him and he doesn't have the oomph to attract a ton of new ones to cycle with what he's putting out. I can only see him falling from grace a la Leafy if Anisa truly turns out to be his Achilles heel and does something that brings drama to his life. But as much as I would love that milk, so far my old prediction from past threads is coming true. I figured nothing big would happen in California, Anisa's visa would expire, she'd have to go back home, try and fail to figure out how to get back, and then their relationship too would fizzle out until they break up not publicly and Anisa eventually says in a stream they grew apart.
No. 334059
>>334044>>334050Chris strikes me as one of those assholes who goes "that's between you and them, I don't want to fight your battles" when their friend is being a vapid cunt to their significant other. That should be a fuckboy litmus test to any girl.
>>334042While I agree with her, I also agree with you. Seems like she's just using it as an opportunity to shit on SJWs rather than actually explain what's wrong with that entire situation, which wouldn't take hardly any time and be much more productive.
No. 334067
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The fuck happened to his wrist?
No. 334073
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>his snap as it documents his descent into madness
No. 334082
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No. 334083
>>334082Samefagen but like Chris never says hes joking like that, they usually roast the fuck out of each other.
Makes you wonder why
Sage for tinfoil
No. 334096
>>334092I'm so convinced at this point that these two at the very least discussed having feelings for each other during this trip. I wouldn't be surprised if it went beyond that.
Sage for speculation
No. 334097
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Anisa retweeted this.
>I'm a girl. And yes, I hang out with guys because it's less drama.
Isn't she talking about herself?
No. 334104
>>334102Not to mention that the girl he's spending time with instead of his gf talks shit about her online all the time.
Honestly, if Chris and Pear aren't fucking, that just make a the whole situation so much weirder.
No. 334105
>>334104Maybe Chris decided to date someone to throw Ian off? Like "I'm not fucking Anusa I have a gf."
Sage for tinfoil
No. 334106
>>334105and laci, who's changing her persona, needed an in with the alt-right scene….
this would actually make a lot of sense.
No. 334131
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>>333865I don't think this is as bad as everyone's saying. I thought I unsubbed to him ages ago but saw this in my sub box and watched it. I never liked his normal unboxing videos, but he's actually doing something with the shit his fans send him. Although, I wouldn't say this video was much more entertaining than his normal videos. He also closed his P.O. Box… thank god.
I've also noticed that he's gained weight. I'm pretty sure that's Anisa's doing. She mentioned going to the gym with Ian and he was gaining weight like he wanted to so good for him. Although he is so untoned, he needs to hit the gym.
No. 334150
File: 1497233738411.png (124.42 KB, 216x244, teUWH6h.png)

>>334134we have already determined that she is demi's long lost sister poot
>actually had an eating disorder>is an incredibly talented singer>(imo) attractive pear shaped body>square shaped face, nice cheekbones>cute nose>got famous due to her voice (and shitty acting)>obtained cute straight teeth through fixing her gappootnisa:
>lies about having an eating disorder>amateur level art school dropout>square (rectangle) body>pear shaped head, no cheekbones>jew nose>gained recognition through leading on a popular streamer then "breaking his heart" (in his words) by rejecting him after she said she liked him, by dating a pro player then cheating on him with a more popular YouTuber.>annoying orange teeth No. 334174
>>334135Shut up. Omg
Sage for samefag
No. 334191
>>334190whats with the namefagging going on today…
about tho, part of me feels like its some troll, does anisa interact with it at all ?
No. 334228
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I cant find the link to the stream someone posted, but we discussed how she basically shamed her friend about loving to go out to the bar and socialize while saying shit like, "I've never been like that its just not my scene."
She has a shit ton of hoe ass pics like this on her insta all with #bar #party on them.
Why you always lyin
No. 334245
>>334121Hispanic is white too though isn't it? Spanish people are white. Americans are so weird with their bullshit categories. Are Slavs non-white to you too?
Anisa looks absolutely white to mw. She just has dark hair. Which white people sometimes have.
No. 334248
>>334245there are definitely dark-skinned hispanics, hispanic also covers south america, mexico, some parts of the caribbean, etc. americans tend to consider those as 'hispanic' as much or maybe over actual spaniards.
i wouldn't pin her for hispanic, though, even the whiter variety.
No. 334264
>>334257Name has little to do with your skin color. White people don't always speak English, you know?
>>334248Got it, thanks for the explanation.
No. 334296
>>334288Do you realize that white Muslims exist?
If you at least picked an Asian name… Those are the most race specific ones I can think of.
No. 334303
>>334296"Muslim" isn't a race, you know that.
Anyway, most Mohammeds will be olive-skinned. The original anon was making the point that her name indicates that she isn't white. Which is true, most people with "ethnic" names (e.g. Mohammed, Anisa, Yo-Yo) are probably not American/English speaking.
No. 334322
>>334303I never said Muslim is a race lol
I said the opposite if anything.
Olive-skinned doesn't mean not white and the key word is 'most'. You usually can't tell skin color from the name, you can tell the nationality.
Sage and I don't think we need to derail anymore
No. 334334
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This BS is my new phone wallpaper.
No. 334363
>>334334If there was ever a doubt in my mind that she fucked chris on that trip, it's long gone now.
Shes admitted she comes here so she read what we said about how her and chris are acting strange, and Now shes trying to cover her tracks.
Sneaky slut of youtube.
No. 334535
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No. 334678
>>334676I cringe whenever I see her talking about Ian or whenever Ian does something for her. I always think of the beginning of this video: how accurate that top comment is lmao. Like bruh, what you doin worshiping a pussy that's got more miles on it than the pan-american highway?
No. 334717
>>334705It's honestly not hard as a woman to get things like cameras and flight tickets if you're willing to completely demean yourself and pander to men. We've seen Anisa has no morals. I don't doubt she's done some shady shit to get where she is now.
The difference between her and most girls who do sketchy shit - like, oh, literal whoring - is that she's doing this stuff with "famous" guys and broadcasting what she gets from them on the internet.
It's honestly a little surprising that all she ~has~ gotten out of her whoring is a camera and a few trips. I mean, Ian let her live with him and be his live-in fucktoy so I guess maybe that counts for something? But I'm surprised she hasn't gotten more from these men considering they are actually e-famous and she's no doubt giving them whatever they want. It honestly looks like they're throwing her scraps when she shows off what (little) they're doing for her kek.
When she bragged about dating rich guys in that video posted above, I fucking laughed because no bitch, you didn't "date" them. You whored yourself to them just like you're doing to these Youtube guys now because that's all you know how to do.
No. 334731
>>334720another anon but this one.
And yeah, you can get flight tickets easily. Just like the two girls that Gross Gore paid for their tickets to LCS Rottendam. Those girls went and fucked a bunch of pro players instead of GG and his friend.
No. 334743
>>334735It seems like an odd pairing now because shes adapted damn near all of Ian's characteristics.
Just go through her insta, you can see how she evolves into a different hoe everytime she gets a different dude.
No. 334747
>>334742Nah i googled it and it never came up.
Stop lying and sage your trash
No. 334775
>>334772Yes she went to art school.
I ended up googling Ians painting, it is on ebay, it feels like a fake account tho because there are just stills from his videos.
But notice how, even tho its most likely fake, people would pay upwards if $3,000 for a painting of some shit he threw on a board for a video, but Anisas art only gets "so cute!" From her autistic fans.
No. 334782
>>334777She doesn't have all of them. She deleted the ones of her and akaadian at twitchcon after she cheated with ian to make it seem like they were over for awhile. Also read her comments on her old photos when she was a straight boobie streamer.
Just pure harassment. Another bonus to dating ian is that you can still act like bimbo because his fans are now your fans and they'll protect you.
No. 334784
>>334720>>334731Its funny that shes bragging about dating well off guys in thus video but on a recent stream she said that its nice dating a guy with money because she was always the one who made the money and she had to pay for anything.
Golddigger ass bitch.
No. 334802
File: 1497327610973.png (10.91 MB, 3750x2228, spent way too much fucking tim…)

>>334777It looks like it. Before she was into internet famous guys, it looks like she tried her hand at getting fame and money from dating pro sports players, and she left all of those pictures up, too.
I wonder how Ian's racist little fanboys would react if they knew Anisa was a gold-digging 'coalburner' for at least a year lmao. She dated some black pro lacrosse player named Jeff (oh, the hilarity of that name) Cornwall and her IG is FILLED with pictures of him and the ~cutesy~ shit she did for him, including half-naked selfies in his jersey. There's so much milk here, holy shit.
She's nowhere to be found on his twitter, though, which makes me wonder if she was just a side chick who thought she was more, which seems to be her constant delusion or something. very much related. Why did I even bother compiling that shit lmao.
No. 334809
File: 1497328773753.png (805.05 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5384.PNG)

Here's this masterpiece.
"Let me smear some lines so it looks like I intentionally made this piece of shit messy."
No. 334811
File: 1497329058544.png (48.58 KB, 640x358, IMG_5385.PNG)

For the first time (that I care to know of) Ian liked Anisa's post.
Seriously idk if he's done it before but wow I'm actually shocked.
No. 334936
>>334889we're nowhere near the limit. if we're autosaging it's because the mods thought we were sperging too hard.
>>334802tbh it almost seemed like she had more personality back then. probably just leeching off her bf's. ian is a limp noodle so no wonder anisa is boring now.
No. 335150
>>335103Your making it seem like everyone is saying that.
I personally dont know what happened, but just based off of how they interact with each other normally,something happened.
We dont have definitive proof she cheated, but based on her past and how she is a proven skag, its safe to say were allowed to speculate. Some farmers' speculations go too far because the milk is dry, but that cant fully be helped, just like you saging your shit post.
Are you super new, a fan of anisa, or anisa herself?
No. 335181
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Is he talking about pear?
No. 335203
File: 1497396244431.jpg (1.35 MB, 1634x1703, pearquad.jpg)

>>335181nah he talking about laci for sure.
seems I am late to the party the new thread already started, anyways here's an image boyz
No. 335236
>>335181>>335203No one here has really said they shouldnt be together so I doubt ita this thread and it's also probably not aimed at anisa because apparently she can talk all the shit about it she wants to him and he doesnt care(im basing it off of how hes reaponded to her on her streams.)
He probably means all the sjws attacking laci over it.
Even tho anisa is doing the same exact fucking thing.
Shes even liking commenta her fans make on insta and twitter about how theu shouldn't be together.
No. 335314
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These are the kind of shit jokes she makes when shes trying to be herself instead of mimicking everyone else
No. 335358
I just found this video where she compares herself to my favorite anime character in the cringiest way and I'm at maximum
triggered. those of you who aren't familiar with the Mirai Nikki fandom, a huge problem we have is how many people compare themselves to Yuno and romanticize her mental illness. If you've watched the series, you're aware of why that's so disturbing, but for those who know nothing about it- the main character is stalked by this girl Yuno, who is literally the poster girl for yandere and murders people if she thinks there's even a slight chance they're a threat to them being together (which for the record, is more or less forced upon him), among other horribly unhealthy dynamics in their relationship. If you say you're like Yuno and mean it, you are straight up saying you are homicidally obsessed with whoever your love interest is.
I already thought her thing with Chris and Laci bordered on creepy, but after watching this video… if she's serious, Laci needs to watch herself before Anisa rides Chris' dick while wearing her skin.
No. 335458
>>335358ohhh and the zoie burguer video!
She shits on zoie so much. It's like she hasn't noticed yet they both built a "career" out of exploiting underage geeks.
No. 335563
>>335540i definitely agree with that.
i am waiting for chris's vlog to come out, should be interesting. but the whole time…I just felt so awkward for her. the whole vlog kinda felt forced.
No. 335580
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No. 335630
>>335580Oh the irony of her statement. t o p k e k
I think Akaadian would disagree with her on that one!
No. 335639
>>335598I think either the infatuation is onesided or she's one of those girls who gets crazy possessive of any man in her life, regardless of romantic attraction. That's very common with "just one of the guys" types. They need to be the ONLY female of importance in their friend's lives.
>>335616Because she has big boobies. I'm not kidding, that's really all it takes with a lot of men, especially those who are virgins or close to it. Speaking as an annoying possibly autist weeb with 32DDs, I've noticed men seem way more tolerant of me than my less obnoxious but less titted counterparts.
No. 335698
>>335522theyre doing typical girlfriend boyfriend type stuff together its weird.
also chris wearing a fedora basically cements the type of asshole he is.
No. 335708
>>335522Anisa, dumbass, usually in vlogs on your own channel you appear in the majority of the video.
It's funny how much no one gave a shit about her. During the meetup she's talking to herself basically and they're all just staring at him.
Also, does anyone else feel like you have funnier banter just fucking around with your friends than these two do when she's intending to make a video for
entertainment? Oh boy…
No. 335757
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No. 335767
File: 1497501453398.png (1.01 MB, 1004x721, swanandvulture.png)

>>335761samefag- decided to go for it because I'm bored and Anisa really
triggers my inner Regina George. I kind of feel bad, but she's just so foul. Anisa, it's not too late to change your personality entirely.
No. 335775
>>335771That's not all, anon. That's sssniperwolf, one of the most successful gamers on YouTube (5 mil subscribers) and probably the single most well known female gamer online. She's gorgeous, has huge titties and a giant ass with a tiny waist, and is very well off financially (has a $120k+ Mercedes as well as a Corvette Stingray, owns her own house, travels to awesome places all the time, and has a ton of high end designer bags and shoes including Chanel, LV, Valentino, YSL) So yeah, there's a lot more this girl has over Anisa than just that she's pretty.
No. 335778
>>335775Yeah but anisa wins because she has buck teeth, cringey forced jokes, and 80% of her fan base would leave if her and ian broke up, but some would come back when she pops those tits back out on a regular basis. (She likes to pretend shes not a titty streamer anymore, but girl let her tits and ass hangout on streams still)
Anisa is a trainwreck
No. 335782
File: 1497505673352.jpg (232.05 KB, 1536x1536, 1497505396396.jpg)

Gamer girl:
Expectations vs reality
No. 335785
>>335782You picked better pics than I did.
Lia has the exact same cat ear headphones that Anisa wears all the time, but I can't find a good pic of her in them. That would be perfect for one of these.
No. 335792
>>335788>I'm not even an E3 wannabe or alt-right gamer girl appreciatedLia isn't alt-right at all, she's actually made fun of some of shit they think on the rare occasion she says anything about politics. She's poked fun at extremist SJWs as well.
Yeah, her body is incredible, she's my ultimate fitspiration. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when Anisa sees that photo.
No. 335795
>>335790Sausage is way way way uglier than Ian, but he's also not a massive edgelord, so I feel like he wins.
Plus, I think sausage must be giving her some bomb ass dick or something, because that's the only way their relationship makes sense. I doubt In would be able to perform as well.
No. 335810
File: 1497514089973.jpg (52.97 KB, 700x377, titty-streamer-thumb-768x4141-…)

>>335799Omg you're right this is the first pic
Jesus thats sad like her titties are all the way out. At least other titty streamers wear a shirt
No. 335816
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No. 335829
File: 1497519912571.jpg (55.57 KB, 530x356, deets.jpg)

>>335790SSniperwolf has plenty of her own drama. She's been on DramaAlert and this kid named Herotic made a bunch of Youtube videos exposing her BS. She also got into an internet catfight with some pornstar bc she thought the pornstar was pretending to be her or something, it was very petty. She also has some ~scandalous pics~ out there which she says aren't her. Last but not least, she has been arrested a few times.
No. 335832
>>335822her bf looks like a weird combination of Adam Driver and Chad lmao
he'd def be hot if he lost the weight and took care of himself
No. 335883
>>335829That's cruel.
People need their arms.
No. 335937
>>335829I've been following Lia for a long long time and some of the drama is legit, some not so much.
>arrested for "domestic violence" because she was screaming at Sausage like a maniac while outside>evidence suggests most likely didn't get her position in the top 500 in Overwatch completely on her own, like she claims (looks like she was carried by other players a lot)>huge fucking asshole while gaming with others online (the most stereotypical shit talking "gamer bro" type you can imagine)>scandalous leaked photos are most likely her (not that that really matters and I can't really blame a girl for denying that kind of thing)>has literally no real friends>tries to get any and all videos criticizing her removed from YouTube, no matter how benign>denies she's a titty streamer and shits on titty streamers similar to Anisa (to Lia's credit, she's not really a full blown titty streamer, as she keeps herself a very small portion of the screen and the focus is clearly supposed to be more her gameplay than tits, but she does still show off her amazing boobies in 98% of LPs)>so. much. clickbait.Not legit
>fakes all her gameplay (the reasons people accuse her of this are simply tin foil hat and ignorance of how certain systems work, plus she's shown her hands while gaming)>the "Catfight with the pornstar" was because her videos were labeled as "sssniperwolf", so she/whoever else involved were trying to get more views for the video by tricking people into thinking it was her. Lia made a video clearing up that it wasn't her in the videos, but included pics of the pornstar to show the differences between them. This angered the pornstar for some bizarre reason and she tried to sue Lia over it, but obviously nothing came of that because it made no sense.>the armed robbery- remember that just because someone is arrested for something doesn't mean they did it, people are arrested for crimes they didn't commit all the time. They were never convicted, plead anything, nor even went to court, so clearly the charges were dropped. Armed robbery is a felony and taken extremely seriously in Arizona, so if if there was adequate evidence they did it, they wouldn't have just been let off the hook like that. Plus, at that time she already started making good money from her business, so risking ruining her life for an armed robbery would make absolutely no sense. No. 335941
>>3359365'4 is the average height of an American woman, she's not short at all.
>>335888>>335863I'm several inches taller than her and have been healthy at 100lbs. I was skinny af, but not a horror show or anything. Plus, her waist is extremely small. From the side it actually looks like she was Photoshopped by a proana girl trying to live vicariously through her, but it's real. So yeah, I can believe she's only 100.
No. 336051
>>336050That's true
I wonder wtf is up with Ian. All of a sudden he's dropping, what, like, 2 grand on a camera for her and now he's moving to Canada? Before he couldn't be bothered to use her name or mention her.
No. 336059
>>335829I was wondering why she was with that fat pig bf, he didn't even seem like a nice guy from some of the videos I watched. I guess it was because he used to be Chad.
SSniper is a qt, I just like that ho better than Anisa for some reason.
No. 336085
>>336065Honestly, I can probably see that being it.
I can't see how he's attracted to someone as trashy and dumpy looking as Anisa.
No. 336092
>>336085Isn't her dad a lawyer or something? Her house doesn't look ghetto to me. Her room on the other hand…
Why wouldn't his cheap ass save hella cash and crash at her place? Maybe cause he's not Chris and mama pear prefers Chris? Or straight up doesn't like him?
No. 336097
>>336065>>336092Isn't her dad kinda conservative muslim? Plus her mom sounds annoying as fuck so I don't blame him.
BTW shes doing a fathers day vid with her dad so send her questions on twitter
No. 336104
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No. 336116
>>336059>I just like that ho better than Anisa for some reasonSame here. For me, it's because her situation is infinitely less pathetic than Anisa's. Yeah, she's kinda fake, a bit of a trainwreck, and a pseudo-titty streamer in denial, but she's insanely beautiful, a self-made success, has a much more interesting personality, and doesn't come off like she thinks she's better than everyone despite her beauty, huge following, and money.
Whereas Anisa is incredibly conceited even though she's just a slightly below average looking vlogger, whose audience consists almost entirely of fans of her boyfriend or her big boobs. She also panders ridiculously to edgelords, shoves her beliefs down your throat in a really aggressive "you're dumb if you disagree" way and complains about everything, while Lia barely discusses controversial issues and is overall pretty positive.
No. 336118
>>336104omfg is she going to maybe think about a real career instead of vlogging?
You can do it, Anisa, it's not too late to make better life choices.
No. 336183
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Her mom is kinda an asshole? You're at least 45, calm the fuck down. I get she's joking but whose mother says shit like that??
No. 336185
>>336183P.S. It's been almost a whole 24 hours since she's tweeted at Chris or liked his post. Maybe she's upset cause her and Chris are fighting?
Sage for tin foiling
No. 336230
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No. 336256
>>336230Nigri is only on ians ass so he wont make a content cop about her.
>>336227He probably does love her, but shes also probably his first girlfriend so of course hes going to go all out. One day hes going to see through her shit.
No. 336303
>>336271>fucked her way to the toplol talk about tin foil
Yeah, they're all trainwrecks, but at least Nigri and Wolf are wealthy and set enough where they're not gonna crash and burn financially after their time in the spotlight ends. Hate them all you want, but they're objectively successful, which puts them on a whole other tier than Anisa.
No. 336304
>>336271I'm praying that Ian fucks another attention whore just so Anisa knows the shit she's been putting others through.
crossing fingers pls fuck nigri pls FUCK nigri
No. 336529
>>336495Theyre have only been a few that have said they like lia everyone else is calling her an attention whore, a rich and successful titty streamer, but still an attention whore.
Someone is misinforned about nigri, and just because some think lia is pretty doesn't mean theyre ian stans. I used to think anisa was super pretty until her face rounded and she gave herself a dick haircut. Also he personality coming to light ruined that.
There are quite a few true ianstans here though. Theyre probably like 14 years old tho thats why they get upset about ian and anisa dating.
No. 336534
>>336495If anything the people here defending Lia probably just like that she is
actually making money off her tits, and good money at that.
No. 336536
>>336495You can hate someone and still think theyre pretty.
I know plenty if peoppe with shit personalities that make me hate them but I wont deny theyre still good looking. Anisa is just fuck ugly.
No. 336718
>>336573Yeah, for me the tits aren't the issue at all and tbh anyone who forms a negative opinion on these girls for that alone needs to reevaluate themselves. Anisa is unbearable for a laundry list of reasons and way worse than the other two imo.
For me it's Lia>>>>>JNig>>>Anisa
No. 336805
>>336797and instead of taking the criticism and applying it to her character flaws, to better herself, she whines and gets defensive. big surprise. just when i thought this bitch couldn't get any worse.
and if she's so """afraid""", maybe she shouldn't be trying so fucking hard to be famous/date famous people. if she can't handle whatever comes with fame, can't even upload to fucking youtube of all places, she's clearly not meant to be famous. think of a new future if you're so scared, anisa.
No. 336815
>>336797She should be, she has no talent and literally the only thing that made her interesting was dating Ian because it was baffling (before everyone realized Ian's whole idubbbz schtick was really just that and he was a fucking virgin before meeting her and really is an autistic loser). The bitch can't even pump out an amusing vlog. LIFESTYLE VLOGGING. Literally the most easily produced shit on YouTube and all she had was uninteresting shots, didn't film herself most of the time, shit jokes, and just overall disorganized and lacked editing. Anisa thinks just getting in front of a camera and having a padded bra on = success on social media. No bitch. There are millions of women who blow you out of the water with their good looks and lo and behold they all aren't social media stars. Look at Alissa Violet, when you really analyze vloggers you see the lengths they go to in order to make the videos entertaining. You have to set up the fucking camera to get good shots, do quick edits, not give a fuck about all the people walking by wondering why in the fuck you're talking to yourself and filming yourself (or at least look like you don't), be mindful of angles, and
edit the god damn video just to start. It's almost like you actually have to put in work AND be interesting/funny. WHO KNEW?! Anisa's lazy and talentless and people here wonder why we shit on her compared to other titty streamer types. Those girls clearly put in WORK. I wouldn't even give a shit about Anisa trying to dick ride to fame and being an overall annoying "one of the guys" desperate attention whore if she had something to show for it in her "content". It's been said so often, but she started dating Ian at the height of his popularity and got fuck all with it, whereas back to the Alissa Violet example…come on. And I'm not even dick sucking AV, she's just pretty af, has a good sense of humor, doesn't give a fuck, and has a moderately entertaining life because she does more than goes to Starbucks or jumps of alt-right bandwagons on Twitter. She's normal. Anisa is just THAT mediocre.
So definitely be scared Anisa, because you're not smart either so it's not like college is the answer (seeing how many times you failed at that). Bitch needs to start perfecting her cooking and cleaning skills, hope Ian wifes her, and proceed to do everything in her power to not sign a prenup because she's a failure at everything else.
No. 336831
File: 1497674378544.png (890.59 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5403.PNG)

Whaaaaat the fuuuuuck. Her lips are actually so gross. She should use some of "me and Ian's" money to hire someone to tell her what to and what not to post.
No. 336843
File: 1497675892223.jpg (2.31 MB, 4180x2000, ddd.jpg)

It's not that hard Anissa.
No. 336883
>>335522>Anisa on suicide watch because of this Chris/Laci developmentMan I would hate to be her right now, she's probably crying her eyes out because instead of going for the 'one of the boys' mean rude tomboy asshole act she has and has been trying to entice Chris with this entire time, he met Laci like once (who is bubbly, feminine, basically the complete opposite of Pear) and immediately started dating her. That must kill her inside.
And this vlog is so funny because it's so one sided. Chris blatantly looks like he doesn't want to be there and is tired of her shit.
The whole video was incredibly awkward and they have absolutely no camaraderie or connection at all. At the very end you can hear in her voice how sad she is to be leaving Chris, you can tell by his voice and mannerisms that he clearly doesn't care and is pretending (and failing) to give a fuck. Kek.
'Muh terrible fan encounter' kinda rich coming from the socially awkward autist herself.
Also she can't really call Chris ugly twice when they aren't even that close and she looks like a beige piece of gum that got run over by a tank. Laci is smitten and I can't blame her. HAHA.
No. 336884
>>336831Okay tbh this is not anywhere as bad as this
>>332204 trainwreck. I feel like she saw us shitting on that pic and that's why she posted this pic where she's not overlining her lips.
No. 336892
>>336831Her lips are normal, I don't get the 'so gross!!' comment.
But how did she get bulliedd for them? They're absolutely average size-wise.
>>336843Ew, that photoshop looks terrifying.
No. 336972
>>336780She seemed really genuine when telling her side of the story, but my thing is why should anyone believe her, all she has done is lie as a way to defend herself. Why did it take so long to admit what happened. Shes been known to bend the truth in her favour so i dont fully believe it.
Also like she says cunt too much for me. Like i say it, my dude says it, but its like the only punchline she has.
No. 337026
>>336892If her lips are considered "normal" then I must be living under a fucking rock
Also, those eyebrows are done to look like more trendy eyebrows instead of whateverthefuck is going on with her little black spermies. Also, make her forehead look smaller.
No. 337063
File: 1497719417713.png (556.62 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3210.PNG)

So off topic but Ian liked this tweet about how unfunny superwoman is, just thought it was interesting considering his past comments on her
No. 337078
>>337063Didn't Ian have a huge thing for Superwoman? My tin foil hat suspects either Anisa strongly disapproved, or he's turning tsundere to help cope with what he's settled for.
Also, I fail to see how anyone could take issue with this video politically, unless they were a full blown bigot. Then again, that's who these edgelords are pandering to, so why am I surprised?
No. 337085
>>337077You can tell how much her usual persona is put on because of how Canadian she sounds in this video lol.
>>337084She's definitely not adopted because she looks a lot like her siblings. Maybe her dad just got more white-looking with age lol.
No. 337108
>>337100this. i honestly feel a bit bad for the guy, having a daughter like her AND a wife like maureen. i get the feeling he wants more for his daughter's life than what she's making of it, but he's the kind of dad who wants their kids to be free to make their own choices. it's kind of reaching, but based on him letting her date super young, knowing she was sneaking out to meet boys, and letting her drink despite their religion, i think it's safe to say he's tolerant of anything anisa does.
i read anisa used to whine and bitch about her strict dad and shittalk him on streams all the time, but knowing anisa, the guy could have just asked her to clean her room or some shit (you know, when she was living there at 21) and she would have had a spergy melt-down about her dad being the devil on-stream. he seems way too chill about everything to be strict.
No. 337140
>>337077i like how his answer to 'what he thought she'd grow up to be' is simply 'rich', likely because he's always known his daughter is a gold-digging whore.
it's especially hilarious because she had a story for a while that she never wanted a ~girly~ career and had always wanted to be a cop HER WHOLE LIFE OMG, so she went to police academy when she graduated. so you think her dad would have mentioned that since it was ~sooo~ important to her, but nope, probably because it never fucking happened.
No. 337144
>>337140He probably didn't mention it because she never completed a single thing she has ever set out to do. What's the point in saying, my daughter went to cop school once? That's why he just gave that lame "oh she's so free" answer and clings to her old sports accomplishments. She hasn't done anything to make her parents proud since she was a child.
The dude's a lawyer, he has an idea of what success and accomplishment are.
No. 337179
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No. 337185
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>>337179Shes saying that to that weird ass fan she has that pretends to be michael jackson.
No. 337188
>>336840She does look like she's retaining water for some reason. Maybe it is just too much junk food, or maybe she's got her period or some shit.
I'd say she just has short hands, because I'm 5' and my fingers look somewhat similar just because my hands are so fucking short and stubby, which makes my hands look really childish. But she's 5'7" or something and I've seen that she has massive hands on her stream, so I think she either has weird fat stores in her fingers? or does possibly have some sort of health condition.
Sage for semi-blogpost.
No. 337204
File: 1497738738086.jpg (39.45 KB, 640x802, pi5UwTz.jpg)

>>337084My neighbourhood was full of Lebs, and can confirm they do generally look a lot more Caucasian than people from other Arab countries. In fact they tend to look more Jewish than Arab because they're right on the border with Israel. If I didn't know Anisa was Arab I'd probably have assumed she was Jewish, same with her dad tbh.
Lincoln Younes is a half Lebanese Australian actor, he looks like a white guy (pic related)
No. 337261
>>337259apparently she didn't read the parts where we said we wanted her to be a better person and either 1. own up to her titty-streamer past and go with it, becoming a better titty-streamer than she was because that was actually mildly profitable for her, or 2. look for a better future career than "leach off of famous men and be a mediocre, smug cunt who pretends she's better than everyone else".
she's just reading and doing nothing with the criticism.
No. 337275
>>337077Tbh that's very understandable. What parent would be impressed by Ian? Sure he's "successful" in youtube standards, but imagine if your adult daughter brought home a scrawny socially awkward autist whose entire career is based on making videos that mostly appeal to teenage edgelords? Her dad's a lawyer with his own law firm, so someone like Ian probably doesn't scream "winner" to him.
Tbh I feel bad for her dad, he's probably aware that his daughter is pretty much doing nothing with her life but he still puts up with her crap.
No. 337277
>>337077"You're like a bird that flies around"
lol, roasting the fuck out of his own daughter.
No. 337294
File: 1497749882637.png (243.63 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5408.PNG)

Omg yay another amazing blog by Anusa. Can't wait.
No. 337317
File: 1497755732355.png (196.1 KB, 711x711, IMG_9961.PNG)

This is a really uncomfortable picture to look at.
No. 337331
>>337317oh god, what is you doin baby
her skin texture, her eyebrows, her teeth, her malformed tongue… oh god, this is genuinely disturbing. was this supposed to be cute??? she looks like she's had a stroke.
No. 337358
This poor girl, can't she do anything right?
I mean I know she has teeth like gravestones, goofy daffy duck lips, chalky ass skin, sad misshapen eyebrows, an unfortunate droopy nose and terrible chode hair, but it's like she styles and makes herself up to look worse ON PURPOSE or something. Also she looks crusty and dirty af. I think she needs to bathe more.
Her brows, her haircut, her terrible makeup, it does absolutely nothing for her. If she'd just change these things she might stand a chance at being decently average or even cute.
She needs an extreme face and personality makeover, stat.
No. 337364
File: 1497760287001.jpg (113.76 KB, 718x559, 0217-big-ang-tmz-7.jpg)

>>337317Why do I get Big Ang (but less fabulous) 40 year old Jersey mom vibes from this chick?
No. 337379
>>337369I see it too.
>>337317The thing is, Anisa does her makeup to look good on her webcam with dull lighting. She looks nice on stream because of it. This isnt camera ready makeup, is weak ass webcam makeup.
No. 337380
File: 1497762973904.jpg (5.51 KB, 180x175, download (4).jpg)

>>337338I know what you mean. I Googled "bad mascara" and it's basically the same shit anisa did.
No. 337381
File: 1497763395411.jpg (491.21 KB, 1404x1906, Screenshot_20170618-012126.jpg)

Tbh this literally is no different than his relationship with anisa.
No. 337493
>>337477HAHAHAHAHHAA he replaced Anisa real quick
I can't believe he used that dumb fucking chalk board.
No. 337536
>>337477Ian seems to be more into Max than into Anisa lol
But Max's 'serious' playthroughs/reviews (like the most of this video) are so boring. He pretty much only works in collabs with other people, by himself he's not entertaining at all imo
No. 337605
>>337595Yeah, Ian and Max make good collabs. Ian always looks like he's having fun which is something you'll almost never see in his own vids. They both are pretty bad on their own imo.
Meanwhile… Mama Pear still obsessively tweeting at Chris. No. 337611
>>337605That account is fishy af. She follows 29 people random famous people, Canada related pages, four Anisa fans (including that girl who cut her hair using Anisa as an inspiration) Chris and Anisa.
I mean why only follow Anisa? What about her other kids? or a family member?
A real account will at least have real life friends or somehow show a life outside Chris and Anisa, but everything in this account is random retweets and references to Anisa or Chris.
I refuse to believe is owned by a 40+ yo, it sounds more like an obsessive stan or Anisa herself.
No. 337615
>>337477Why is Ian always so happy when he's with his friends, but so genuinely miserable when he's with Anisa? I know men act differently when they're with their friends vs. their SO, but they behave -differently-, as in their actions change, not their level of happiness.
I know we've only gotten brief snippets of Ian's relationship with Anisa, but those snippets were enough tbh. They were candid moments and those show more than anything else. Ian is not happy with Anisa, plain and simple. I think because this is his first girlfriend, he probably thinks the unhappiness is normal and something that he has to suffer to be in a relationship (and get laid). He almost definitely had misogynistic thoughts going into the relationship, thinking women are whores, boring, thoughtless, disloyal, nagging, etc., and, unfortunately, with Anisa, all of those things were proven right. So now he stays in an unhappy relationship because he thinks that's just how it's supposed to be and doesn't want to bother getting someone else when pussy is pussy and he's already put the effort into Anisa.
Whereas with his friends, he can just be happy and be himself because there's no reason not to? He chose those friends selectively and he respects them and they respect him. He's around them because he chooses to be, not because he expects something - sex & """love""" - in return for putting up with their bullshit.
Sage for speculation.
No. 337626
>>337605Nah thats definitely Maureen.
She had no problem talking shit about him on anisas stream when she was walking her dog, but then tries to buddy up to him on twitter.
Whats wrong with them
No. 337669
>>337665Agreed, Ian's content is so much better when he has someone to collab with. Moving to another country to follow some chick he doesn't even seem to like that much is dumb.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't both Anisa and Ian still live with their parents when they got together? Then Ian bought a house for them to live in as a couple. Now Anisa says they're gonna rent a house together in Canada…but won't he have to just go back to the U.S. in a few months anyway?
Clearly they don't want to do long-distance, but what's the point in constantly switching countries every few months? That seems like so much effort and money is being wasted. In that case Anisa should have worked harder to get a visa, or they need to figure out a more permanent living situation.
No. 337672
>what's the point in constantly switching countries every few monthstoo look more suspicious to customs agents?
Clearly they're dumb and incapable of long term planning, which makes sense since they're ~youtubers~
No. 337673
>>337669we're taking anisa's word at face value? she's the only one who casually said one time that ian was moving. anisa's a known liar. i wouldn't doubt she lied about that or exaggerated the truth, at the very least.
"IAN'S RENTING A HOUSE WITH ME FOR FOUR MONTHS AT THE END OF JULY GUISE" = ian's going to stay with me at an airbnb we're going to rent for four days in anisaspeak
No. 337675
File: 1497822906355.png (148.99 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3593.PNG)

She's like really on their dick lately huh
No. 337678
>>337677>will do the typical guy thing of slowly ignoring her until she breaks it off.
>tfw it's been like six months since your boyfriend outright told you he was going to ignore you and basically wait until you got tired of it and broke up with him>tfw still here and bugging him after five months so HAHA JOKE'S ON YOU I'M NOT GOING ANYWHEREwhy did you have to
trigger me anon :'(
sage for total irrelevancy, but fuck, why do guys do this?
No. 337679
>>337678ai meu deus.
Been there anon, just leave him. Doll yourself up and find a hotter guy and go crazy.
No. 337708
File: 1497833691973.png (223.79 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5417.PNG)

"Watch me do chores and shit like walk my dog or hang out with my annoying sister!"
No. 337723
>>337678Because a lot of men are too pussy to just tell you outright, or they're too confused about what they actually want to commit to a decision either way.
Leave him, anon. He's a tool.
No. 337730
>>337615>He almost definitely had misogynistic thoughts going into the relationship, thinking women are whores, boring, thoughtless, disloyal, nagging, etc., and, unfortunately, with Anisa, all of those things were proven right. So now he stays in an unhappy relationship because he thinks that's just how it's supposed to be and doesn't want to bother getting someone else when pussy is pussy and he's already put the effort into Anisa. Has he said anything to confirm misogyny or is that speculation based on the people he associates with? If he really does feel that way about women, then he deserves no better than the trash his low standards bring him.
No. 337747
File: 1497839561070.png (913.62 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5418.PNG)

Dem fruits she's got a THICK ass!
No. 337872
File: 1497873992584.jpg (129.1 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (13).jpg)

How does this turdlette even manage to get laid in the first place? If I was her father I'd be so fucking embarrassed.
Anus-a is proof that guys really will stick their dicks into anything available and remotely slimy.
No. 337993
File: 1497901236685.png (153.31 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5421.PNG)

Why is she so alt right crazy but the second it involves a Muslim person she jumps the gun? "I want liberals to whine about my problems too!" Fuck off.
No. 338021
>>338002But why criticize others for only caring about certain subjects when she herself only cares about "Muslim racism"?>>338011
She's practically a sex worker herself. She shows tits so neck beards can jack off.
No. 338028
>>338022Nah she's a pretty standard liberal Canadian with a few cherry picked edgy opinions so as to not look like an SJW.
Alt right women are usually hallmarked by their ~traditionalism~ aka being a stay at home baby mill who doesn't titty stream for neckbeard money and fly out of town with guys that aren't your husband/bf .
Her more conservative opinions are more likely influenced by her muslim family.
No. 338075
>>338042She probably got it from this old study: ago someone made an infographic about it that I can't find, but it was circulating in places like tumblr and reddit.
No. 338180
File: 1497929422989.jpg (702.87 KB, 1395x1942, Screenshot_20170619-232908.jpg)

Are y'all ready for some CRINGE
No. 338182
>>338180A couple of people complimented her metallica
"You are so metal"
Now she wears it all the fucking time.
No. 338214
>>338155As someone said before, 'one of the guys' attention whores like Anisa always need to be the centre of attention in ALL of their guy friends lives. They're very possessive and can't stand female competition, especially when new girlfriends like Laci start coming into the picture.
Also Anisa is clearly obsessed with Chris, you don't make regular fucking trips to see someone who lives on the other side of the country unless you're crazy about them.
No. 338226
>>337993Sage for OT but she sounds like a confused idiot. The guy who killed that Muslim girl was an illegal immigrant from El Salvador. Now that detail has come out, liberals have gone awfully quiet about the story.
And as disgusting as the mosque attack is, it's hardly comparable to Nice where like 86 people were killed alone.
Liberals are already using it as an excuse to stoke hate for white people, kind of confusing when their reaction to Manchester and London was all hand holding sing songs and 'we won't let hate win'.
No. 338374
>>338286They kind of are when this isn't a political thread you dang walnut.
>>338180Wow I can't wait for Anisa to make a sad and cringy version of felix's MY NEW CAR video.
No. 338408
>>338396>tfw you filled you ama quota for the month and now you review beverages. What is she even doing with her channel? First it was commentary, then a random cooking vid, a vlog and now she's reviewing drinks?
She wanted to leech off Idubbbz style but he never mentioned her, maybe she's moving on to food reviews? ReviewbrahxAnisa when
No. 338430
File: 1497983466795.png (28.54 KB, 579x275, ff.png)

No, Anisa, no.
No. 338432
I actually liked the dumb skit at the beginning with her brother and the bottle falling and exploding, but the actual review is pointless and unfunny.
No. 338446
>>338432Im the opposite.
I found the skit really cringey and the review tolerable. I actually laughed when she gagged at drinking it.
Her brother was funny and blitz was great, but shes just trying too hard to be funny.
No. 338487
>>338446Yeah that's why I liked it, for Blitz popping up in the window and her brother.
>>338450Completely pointless. She has no talent or skills though so I guess she doesn't really have a choice
No. 338513
>>338396You can say that again.
That was terrible.
No. 338564
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No. 338567
File: 1497999980105.png (2.14 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170620-152633.png)

I hope she grows up and stops humiliating herself for money.
These people dont think shes cooln they want to watch a monkey dance for pennies.
No. 338641
>>338640oh shit, what did she say?
hilarious if she's jealous nigri's closing in on her man.
No. 338653
>>338651hahaha she seemed legit mad.
the fact that she has "her room" in her """boyfriend's""" house tho is pretty sad kek.
No. 338662
>>338655hahaha same
it's cozy sitting back with the popcorn waiting for the milk to roll in
No. 338681
>>338660She wants to seem like such a cool gf!!! one that knows what her bf's friends are generally up to, I'd love if he just told her to stop mentioning him as if they're friends
>>338671Her fans consist of idubbbz tumblrinas or horny neckbeards who love titties
No. 338696
File: 1498015290666.png (24.23 KB, 321x139, existential crisis.png)

No. 338698
File: 1498015397898.png (883.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170620-202206.png)

It's getting really real
No. 338702
File: 1498015618723.png (7.25 KB, 316x113, 3f53bb9c72c3af8ad76e9f0ae0cdd6…)

No. 338703
File: 1498015730208.png (143.93 KB, 719x1280, 093.png)

She's definitely having some sort of breakdown, shit.
No. 338720
>>338712Nevermind, I just saw it. Way to defend your girl, Chris. Laci sure picked a keeper.
Also, holy shit- if everything else wasn't enough to verify her obsession with Chris, the level of butthurt when he said he didn't have time for a podcast this week sure did.
No. 338721
>>338712"Cunted girlfriend"
she sounds like she's about to cry over Keem pretending he doesn't know her
No. 338722
Chris is annoying here.
>>338689I agree.
No. 338741
>>338728Calm down anisa
Its all just speculation and talk because of how you act.
We know he doesnt want to fuck you.
Why would anyone want to fuck you?
No. 338752
File: 1498019214346.png (646.03 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0891.PNG)

>>338745not that anon but here's an example
No. 338765
>>338758i took the screenshot in january. i'm not sure when
he liked it but it was probably on the same day, i probably saw it on my "following" tab 'cause otherwise it's just some random girl
No. 338768
>>338766That bitch is lying for sympathy.
You know she stuffs her fucking face.
No. 338774
>>338766Yeah, it's the only thing that makes me feel a little bad for her. No one deserves to have their S.O. do that to them. Even if she started their relationship in a shady way, and is more than a bit of a famewhore, if you commit to someone KNOWING how shitty they are, you should put your all into the relationship and be faithful to them and respect them for as long as you're with them. If she were just a pump and dump, whatever, but Ian committed himself to her. Even if she's an evil, lying skank, if someone commits, they should give everything or nothing at all. It's gotta hurt to see him interact with other girls like that.
Then again, she herself does that shit with Chris, so maybe there's more to their relationship than we know. Maybe they're in an open or somewhat open relationship? Idk, but it's all nasty behavior, and I can't imagine Anisa's in an easy position.
No. 338779
File: 1498021608227.png (Spoiler Image,165.72 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3604.PNG)

Now suddenly max is interacting with her on twitter. I've only ever seen him publicly acknowledge her once on twitter and on Instagram while they were in Hawaii.
No. 338780
>>338728holy shit
>watery eyes>cracking voiceshe looked like she was breaking on the spot lol
also, Anisa, we're not lolcows…we're farmers.
No. 338799
I'd rather she got her shit together honestly but she's kind of a lost cause. If she had an ounce of intelligence she'd go back to school and if she were still passionate about youtube, she could do it on the side. How does this bitch have an attorney for a father and yet not an ounce of motivation to get an education? Also side note, Ian has a degree in business administration so even he's getting use out of it with YouTube. I feel like she'd feel like she were on more equal footing with him if they at least were equals in their education. Right now she has nothing to show for. No subs, no degree, no steady paycheck. No wonder she's a hot mess.
No. 338800
>>338799She's not even a hot mess, lmao, just a mess.
Also, at one point she said both her parents are lawyers, which makes it even worse. But I honestly think she may have been lying, because Maureen a lawyer? kekity kek.
No. 338837
>>338826I haven't heard this yet, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume you're a Jojistan who came up with this theory on your own.
Nonetheless, really really disagree with this. Rich Chigga is clearly their moneymaker, as it seems like most of their audience are Chigga fans, not FF/Joji fans (who are not as numerous as they arrogantly think). Chigga is going to be highly successful, I have no doubt, and he was already a hit before he made 88rising what it is. So the same could be said for him and the following he brought with him when they started backing him, but no one's up in arms about Chigga's treatment, even though he's been just as much of a "victim" of things like bad audio at that Boiler Room show for example (which 88rising would have had no control over when it came to sound production - that's on the venue, not the management company).
George was very selective when he was choosing a company to represent him, and from what I've read and seen, it looks like 88rising gives their artists a ton of creative freedom. Any hiccups in George's career are of his own doing. The first example you gave was his live shows, and they have no control over what he does at his live shows. Like I said, it's not like they even have control over the audio quality because that's something the venue controls. The problem is simply: The man has a very bad habit of getting fucked-up to an extreme before his live shows, and he just can't perform. They can advise him and give him direction, but only to a certain extent. No matter what his contract with them is, they don't have control over what a human being does. Maybe someone needs to rein him in? But that's a fucking stupid notion because that's not 88rising's job. They're there to help him produce his music and promote him, but they're not there to control his personal life and personal decisions unless they're taking care of his public image. If you want to get upset that George, a grown-ass adult, can't control himself and stay sober long enough to be able to give one good live show and you need someone to blame other than him, fine, blame 88rising since they're the ones managing him. But I don't know many artists in the industry who don't get fucked up before their shows in all honesty, but they can still perform without management coddling them because they know their limits and how to behave on stage. Maybe George does need more coaching here, but he might not even listen to management if they advised him to work on his stage presence. They're not a label he's signed to, they only have so much control over him, anon. They're there to manage him and give him advice and promote him. It's pure speculation to assume they haven't tried to work on his stage presence, anyhow.
As far as his career and talent goes, 88rising isn't a record label, which some people seem to think. Because of that, they obviously give their artists a ton of creative freedom. When he started his joji projects, he chose the direction he wanted to go. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes - and neither do you - but what I can say is that the production quality on his singles so far has been great from an objective standpoint. And that's what 88rising is in control of, outside of all the marketing. George does have talent and potential when he applies himself, and his vocal range imo has improved greatly since he started getting into his "serious" music, which would have been the beginning of his career with 88rising, and is indicative of them having worked with George.
If you want to say that 88rising is not cultivating his talent because they don't need to since they're just in it for his already existing fanbase, that's your own opinion and you're welcome to it, but from a profit AND public image standpoint, it would be absolutely retarded to sign on a not-so-great artist just because of some temporary publicity he might bring. IMO, 88rising actually took a risk taking him on in the first place because of the fame and (fucking cancerous) fanbase he brought with him. But the thing is, George's fans aren't going to be there forever, while 88rising is developing a strong base of artists, and they seem to be in it for the long-haul. It would reflect poorly on them if they had a "bad" artist that they did nothing to improve, and in the end, whatever comparatively minimal views/fame George brought them would absolutely not be worth the bad reputation they'd get from having a shitty artist under their wing.
They want George to be successful as an artist because he's profitable to them as a good artist, but in the end, they honestly don't need him. To assume they need his fans is pure arrogance coming from Jojistans who thinks the world revolves around their worship of their daddy. Honestly, Chigga's always going to be the one bringing in the real views and fame for 88rising; they don't -need- George's fanbase, they want his talent.
No. 338945
>>338702I'm gonna bet that the "stress" is her dad being up her ass about getting a job/path and becoming independent from them. She's 24, this is absolutely the time to start making big life decisions. Unfortunately for her, most people would have at least graduated college or have several years of (even just shitty retail) job experience.
>>338738It's pretty obvious that Chris is an unapologetic asshole hiding under the guise of ~skeptic~ and it's finally biting Anisa in her padded tits
No. 338948
>>338911>>338907I would agree there's nothing too
problematic about it if we were talking about someone who isn't a millionaire internet celebrity. The reality is that when ian likes a girl's photo, if she's aware of him, that could easily send her a signal.
No. 339104
>>339096>>339093Yeah, but tumblr liking you loses you neckbeard cred.
That and Anisa comes off like the kind of person who would focus on the minimal hate in a sea of compliments.
No. 339133
She's online and explaining yesterday's spergout. they talked it out and have these types of fights as they are ~best friends~.
No. 339141
>>339069It's not, but Anisa isn't even looking at working menial jobs for the rest of her life. She doesn't even have a job right now, point blank. It's one thing to not see the value of an education (or put it off because of health/family/money issues) and work low wage jobs until you gain the maturity/means to do better for yourself and it's quite another thing to be a lazy mooch on your parents dime.
It is not the place to be if you have no idea what you want to get out of it besides some ambiguous goal like “get an education”. That’s shit you do when you’re 18 and forced to apply by your HS teachers/parents and deluded by social expectation.
Older people who go (back) to college and are actually successful typically have a clear goal in mind, of what kind of career they actually want to start, and have the mental maturity to get the most out of the experience. Anisa is a 16 year old girl in a 24 year old’s body and would probably actually cry when she sees 18/19 year olds who are prettier/smarter/more accomplished.
Hell, for all we know she’s just throwing the idea of school around because her visa got fucked and it’s been said in these threads that a student visa is the easiest way to stay in the US.
>>339076Cushy home life financed by the parent's high education job makes the kids complacent. The some of the most motivated kids usually have the shittiest background, that I've seen.
Your parents were probably too nice and loving. Highly motivated people with highly motivated parents were usually high strung type As (as were the parents).
No. 339146
>>339141College isn't even the best option for Anisa rn. It is not …
missed a sentence in the second paragraph
No. 339189
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One of the 4 bad ones out of all the posts kissing her ass.
Anything for sympathy
No. 339193
>>339191Things said about Anisa hurt her older sister. She said her sister was googling herself and found lolcow and now reads it. Apparently "she struggles with anxeity so it's really rough on her."
Anisa said the posters here are "mean little girls".
No. 339231
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>>339193>pic related>>339193Yeah Anisa because you're a fucking angel. I know that people like to call people cowards for insulting people anonymously, but this thread would be nothing to her if she just didn't read it.
>>339202Lol using your family for sympathy. Gross.
No. 339344
>>339160>>339193Anisa is trying to make a career of talking shit about her "best friend's" girlfriend and any girl her boyfriend pays attention to, but when we do it ~in private~ we're real meanies.
Anisa, grow up you deluded cunt. You don't have any personality and all you do is try to put down other women, but you can't even do that properly. I'd tell you to get a real job, but you'd fail at that too and you're providing too much milk still.
No. 339409
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In case if it happens; I get this weird feeling idubbz might do a video on us. I know it's reaching but, considering why he dated a girl like Anisa(stream whore) and history of creeping on instagram chicks, he wants to be recognized for having a "hot" gf and having us point out that she's not only sub par but, fake personality, I can see him white knighting and trying to paint us as jealous whiny dumblrs, especially with how much he's changed these past months.
I use to be a big fan of his but, he can't be a decent human and dating such an obvious try hard who just wants easy youtube money. Plus his videos have been sucking and he barely uploads. Kickstarter crap was such a good series and easy to produce and he completely loss the ball on it.
It makes me sad because I started watching him before he got 'famous' from just starting youtube drama and he use to be so humble and didn't have this huge ego.
And on the case of Anisa, I'm sure she's going to go all 'Suzy' on us. "I'm being attacked for being a girl dating a famous youtber! );" "Girl gamers/nerds have it so hard!" etc. She will never realize that posting a billion pics of herself on instagram and trying to be 10 when she's not and twitting constantly for attention causes people to dislike you. Especially when you're as blatant as her. She's not very intelligent, that for certain. And calling lolcow out is going to make her time on the internet way worse. You'd think idubbz would've given her tips on how not to be a cow since he's done video on them but, as everyone else has pointed out, they have no real relationship.
No. 339424
>>339224That's obvious. Islam doesn't condone being a camslut for money. Her family is Muslim though, and by her tweets about that Muslim attack or whatever she obviously cares somewhat.
>>339219Maybe she hates gays.
No. 339441
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Idk if this has ever been posted before when we were discussing Nigri's sudden dick riding of Max and Ian, but she posted a snap wearing a Pink Season (Pink Guy album) shirt now too
No. 339522
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"I dont have female friends"
Im just one of the guys
No. 339670
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Die eyebrow die!(read the hellweek thread)
No. 339676
>>338911I'm usually a passer-by here on Lolcow just for the lolz and milk but I had to make my first reply to you…what kind of relationship are you in where you can call another guy cute and your boyfriend is just A-ok? Clearly I don't know anything about the inner-workings of your relationship but who are you to act as if this is normal? And also tell people that they should basically find it normal? Ten years or 10 months, relationships have different standards. Yours just happens to be your boyfriend being cool with you calling other guys cute. That's fine for you but don't try and normalize it to us.
Shit like this kind of
triggers me lol. Alpha-girls who basically dictate what a relationship should be when a relationship is so vast and subjective. The large majority of ppl here find Ian liking suggestive pictures a problem.
Just because you don't find a problem with it doesn't mean we don't. I've never met a guy who is cool with me or any girl finding other guys attractive unless they are beta males who consider themselves "Nice guys" until a girl rejects them.
Have your relationship but don't try and spew this whole "It's kewl because I call guys cute. It's normal and if he has a problem he's insecue! It's just social media". A VAST majority of guys aren't like your boyfriend so it's not normal.
Trust me. If he's cool with you finding guys hot then don't expect this relationship to last long… Unless he's into that kind of thing. Idk.
(unsaged, blog) No. 339729
File: 1498177633002.png (263.61 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-06-22-19-55-56…)

Ppl in this thread were criticizing her eyebrows and now, six hours later she waxed them. For someone saying we're just a bunch of mean little girls she sure as hell wants our approval. Nice try Anisa, but they still look bad.
No. 339739
>>339737But she spent
hours getting highlights anon, can't you see them? Would be a shame to hide those fantastic highlights under a hijab!
No. 339745
>>339739Nah the highlight is nice. I honestly can't complain about it. But the FUCKING HAIR AND EYEBROWS. Not to mention the old looking sweater and wtf are those pants. Looks like she went thrift shopping and bought the first thing she found.
Also, a little surprised no one took a pic of that abysmal haircut she had last night. Like it was literally soooo nasty.
No. 339915
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Grandma hair
No. 339949
>>339840i don't understand why we're autosaged when we're at least a somewhat active thread.
i think her eyebrows may look better but it's hard to tell from one angled pic. nice to know she's got us bookmarked.
No. 339954
>>339949admin said in /meta/ that there's too much nitpicking
so stop calling her fat every 5 seconds and i might not have to scroll through the catalogue for 5 min since the ctrl+f function is buggy as shit
No. 339971
can you fuck off already? No one's calling her fat, you absolute retard.
There's a lot of nitpicks and I understand why the thread is autosaged but god, you are one annoying bastard.
No. 339980
>>339971Woah there, you should seriously not get
that angry over something that small. I'm not the anon you ragecummed all over btw, but I'd say wackos like you are a bigger contributor to why we're autoed. Chill out, man.
No. 339985
>>339980Sage your posts at least. That anon fucked up
two threads with their 'stop calling Anisa faaat' bullshit so it's just really annoying to everyone now.
No. 339991
>>339986>>339670 and
>>339676 both got banned for unsaged posts in an autosaged thread. It's good practice to do so anyhow.