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No. 336569
Previous Thread:
>>>/snow/272285 chain of events:
>Sindy ends friendship with Caitlin the lapdog but not without throwing her under the bus by making up things that were quickly debunked by Caitlin herself as bullshit.>Was planning to string Caitlin along for another half a month before ending things after Sunnycon but stupidly announces her plans on a Facebook status hidden from Caitlin, without realising people can take and send screenshots to her.>Ends friendship with Mike Towers and gets banned from selling at Alcon for plagiarism not long after.>Befriended a thirsty 40 year old white knight who comments on almost every single status trying to get her attention.>Is still shooping her chin. No. 336602
File: 1497642190696.png (305.54 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4204.PNG)

>>336599Just to recap last picture put up for discussion. Mike and Sindy are like two badly written anime villains .
"You have activated my trap card!"
fixes glasses No. 336604
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From Mikes lolcow, Sindy been leaking all the milk
No. 336679
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No. 336689
>>336679What a steaming pile of pish.
She always knew what he was like, several people told her, there Is evidence so why the sudden change?
Because once again she was dropped and is now taking a hissy fit.
No. 336974
>>336679Jesus Christ that spelling made me want to rip my fucking eyes out.
I think she needs locked up. They both do. How can neither of them realise that they're acting like total lunatics?
No. 337202
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>>336679"Trap card activated "
No. 337489
>>337464That is very true, jokes are enough at this point, what Obayed is doing now is belittling the claims from the actual victims.
Also if he added her just to get screen shots, why are they being so friendly then? Or is it another
Grand Master Plano ?
No. 337975
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Why she look like a burst sausage tho
No. 337976
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>>337975Her sunnycon cosplays were horrible……… Half of us only took photos and pretended to be her friend to see if she was as crazy IRL as online….. We were not disappointed
No. 337977
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>>337976It looks like a bargain bucket cosplay.
No. 337978
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>>337977Her face looks like she got stung by a bee, and why does she have shadow on her upper lip? Girl shave and learn to cover your stubble
No. 337980
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>>337979Even the hotel is a mess….. She lives like an absolute pig, nasty
No. 337981
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Technically AL isn't lying about this, she has plagiarized numerous pieces of art, not to mention actual people and drew over them
No. 338887
File: 1498046258981.jpg (39.93 KB, 496x484, 2facedaf.JPG)

Pretty much confirmed Obayed is 2 faced as fuck
also, Sindy you didn't give a damn that Mike had sexually abused and exploited many people and only now are throwing a little anti al-con parade because YOU were shat on personally. You don't have a shred of empathy for others. Heartless cunt.
No. 338888
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No. 338890
File: 1498046496016.jpg (124.07 KB, 984x506, pityseeking.JPG)

New attempt at being popular through emotional manipulation - perhaps she's taking tips from Eli?
No. 338895
>>338894>>338893>>338892Why does she feel the need to respond by making statuses instead of coming here and responding directly
owait, because then she can't use this all as another pity seeking trope in an attempt to make new friends (who will of course run miles when they realise how fucking insane she is).
Scroll back a thread or two and you can enjoy the salty, hypocritical Sindy that we all know and love, kids!
No. 339296
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She wants to talk about figmas but is bidding on fake ones and has already won another as well. Just can't take her seriously
No. 339383
>>339296Any figma that is that cheap to bid on is obviously a fake. Considering GSC doesn't even distribute them to sellers for less than about £20, there's no profit for these sellers if they were legit.
Also, wouldn't it be easier to just buy them normally, instead of bidding? Or is she trying to get "quality" figurines for such a cheap prices?
She's probably just still salty she was way outbid for that yugioh playmat at SunnyCon
No. 339419
>>339296I thought she didn't even like Pokemon
iirc she slammed it when she was still friends with Caitlin
No. 339426
>>339296Misty isn't even a figma, it's a G.E.M. figurine. She's literally calling all figurines figma, even though figma is a term licenced to GSC.
Also, the cheapest price for a legit G.E.M. Misty is 4600 yen, or roughly £32. So that figurine is way underpriced if it was legit. Also using a stock image instead of pictures of the figurine in their possession.
So very obviously fake, but Sindy will cry otherwise.
No. 339543
>>339533She's trying to say that just because she got it at a stall at a convention that claimed not to stock bootlegs, that it wasn't a bootleg. Ah yes, because stall holders are always 100% truthful, that's why there was a stall selling bootlegs at SunnyCon again this year, that are banned from other conventions because of the bootlegs they're selling. And are likely to be banned from selling at SunnyCon after this because of how many people reported the fake merch.
But yeah, a "no bootlegs" sign is totally enough confirmation that nothing being sold is fake.
No. 339552
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The descriptions of one of the figurines she's bid on.
"China edition" not "Japan edition" is basically them admitting they're bootlegs. Says the same on the other one too, not to mention all their pictures are taken from AmiAmi, a Japanese distributor that sells straight from manufacturers.
She's legit trying to act high and mighty over buying "cheap" figurines that are genuinely bootlegs.
No. 339610
>>339543I think I know who she means and they're one of the big dealers/store in Scotland who frequent most cons who have anti-bootleg signs and to be fair to them, they are quite passionate and vocal about stopping bootleg distribution. I struck up a conversation with the guy who runs it at a con and he knows his stuff plus how to spot them. You can tell just by looking at their stock compared to stuff like the eBay shit she's looking at which are legit and which are knock-offs.
So if she got it off them then yeah, the DMG is legit. I don't recall them stocking YGO stuff though but who knows.
AllTheAnime are thankfully cracking down on them too, having removed binbags of knocks offs from MCM London whilst accompanied by a lawyer over the last few events.
Sage for bootleg rant
No. 339692
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>>339552I love how she said on her Facebook that even if you had the item number you couldn't see anything after it sold on eBay. I wonder if she really doesn't know that there is literally a filter option to only show items that have sold, this one being the one that she bought.
Also I'm the one who had mentioned having the DMG figma, I didn't say the one she had was a figma I said I wouldn't be jealous of it because I have the figma which I think is a lot nicer. Again though she only reads what she wants to see
No. 339704
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No. 339724
>>339610I mean, if it's that bunch (I think Korekuta is the name?) sure, it'd be legit. But she wouldn't have got a 20th Anniversary DMG figurine from them for £40 like she claims, when the retail price of it is over 12k yen. She'd have been sold it for less than half the retail price. So either she's lying about how much she bought it for, or it is a bootleg, and it wasn't them she bought it from.
It might be that big figurine stall that was at SunnyCon, that has unboxed figurines for cheaper prices, and plastic tubs full of rubber straps and other, smaller figurines, but not all of their stuff is genuine too.
I was thinking she was meaning the stall ran by two German guys, who are definitely banned from AL events and RaiCon for selling bootleg merch, but then she can't go try and find out from Mike to clarify that information anymore, so bummer for her.
No. 341131
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So I found this as I was scrolling on my news feed and had to post it , as I know the op who posted it doesn't come here often
No. 341138
>>341131considering she was just in Newcastle for SunnyCon this is just disrespectful.
I saw her a few times at SunnyCon, first time seeing her in real life and she was the most hideous person i've ever seen. I seen her turn a few heads and someone said she looked like a homeless crackhead - i almost choked on my food.
No. 341377
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No. 341379
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>>341377Since when did homecooked meals have sealed plastic wrap on them?
Is she seriously trying to pass that off as a creation of hers?
It doesn't even look that great, either.
And the shmucks on her Facebook fall for it.
No. 341384
File: 1498437981942.png (264.79 KB, 817x1965, IMG_2210.PNG)

>asks for advice
>shoots down advice given and claims it as untrue because logic
>that turkey leg was pre cooked, skin doesn't go brown when boiled
>is she trolling or…?
No. 341599
>>341379Maybe she cooked it and is using an old aluminium tray instead of a plate?
Although it's completely possible it was a ready meal, since she said she got rid of all but two?
>>341384This looks more like she could do with using recipes before just jumping in and assuming she knows what she's doing. Because a whole turkey leg in a bowl of noodles makes total culinary sense.
No. 341670
>>341599Say it with me anon.
No meal has wrap on it because if it goes in the oven? It melts. She didnt cook this and if you are seriously panhandling to it then you are retarded.
Also wouldn't even feed any of my pets that turkey leg, she cant cook it and my only hope is she gets food poisoning enough to knock the cow off.
No. 341709
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>>341670you may get your wish anon
No. 341723
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>>341709I see no bite marks.
I've been bitten by a cat, pretty badly on the back of my calf. It punctured about an inch into the muscle and I didn't get an infection, didn't need antibiotics nor did I need surgery. The wounds didn't even leave a scar.
Her desperate attempts to get attention are so cringe.
No. 341724
File: 1498503050553.png (191.21 KB, 1018x1122, IMG_2213.PNG)

>Cat bites have very potent toxins
No, they don't. They have bacteria in their mouth just like every living creature on the planet and when the wound isn't cleaned properly and kept clean, that's when infections happen.
Wash it with warm, clean running water and put some barrier cream on it instead of letting it fester.
No. 341734
>>341670Some do, I've had them before–usually the instructions will say to cut a slit in it to vent. Some tell you to remove the film part way through the cooking.
saged for meal wrap sperg?
No. 341782
>>341734Ready meals have the plastic one them sometimes, I've had them too.
But she did NOT cook that from scratch. That's not a homecooked meal.
No. 341799
>>341384What kind of fucking retard…
well at least it's OC for the /ck/ food gore thread
No. 341830
>>341724As an owner of a cat, can say that have never gotten ill from the times my cat has bit me. Her hand would be swollen if it was an infection. Also what was she doing that would cause her cat to bite her so hard it broke the skin?
I'd be concerned if it was a cat scratch, since that can cause "cat scratch fever", but even then it's seldom serious.
She's exaggerating and telling fibs and her idiot friends are too willing to believe her to realise otherwise
No. 342224
>>341723What a steaming pile of shite, she knows nothing of cats evidently! I have 7 myself , and I actually foster cats before they get properly rehomed.
I have had a cat bite me so hard its had to get 19 stitches, but still none of this pish.
Shes so delusional and desperate for anyone to give her asspats
No. 342361
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Hey look, it's your favourite crackwhore!
No. 342363
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tfw you edit your photos so much you forget how ugly you are irl
No. 342399
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If the GP "agreed" you'd need antibiotics, you'd be given a prescription for them straight up. So, pics or it didn't happen, Sindy.
Also, a bruise is certainly different from a puncture wound, and doctors will give you antibiotics before blood results come back as a precaution anyway. You'd need blood taken for them to find out if there's an infection of sorts, did that happen too?
No. 342400
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Because root canal treatment treats an infection in the gasp root canal. It doesn't cover toothache from general bad dental hygiene. You have toothache because your tooth is rotting/rotten.
Guess you had no right to have a go at Caitlin for her "poor" hygiene.
No. 342404
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>>341379But you can get ready made pasta meals that go in the microwave.
Also stop lying and talking shit
No. 342405
>>342404technically a tin that thin would be used for roasting, not baking, but both a baking tin and normal tin can be used in the microwave…… It doesn't work like that Chindy .
Also wholewheat isnt that color when cooked, and put under the oven to "brown" its still fucking white as the milky bar kid.
But you said this was a baking tin, now you dont have one? Okay fruit loop
No. 342412
>>342404wholewheat pasta is brown before cooking, after boiling, and is still brown after being in the oven
not this non-wholewheat shit
No. 342489
>the tray is a left over tray>I don't have baking trays as I'm in a new housedisposable food containers for cooking exist (£2 for a pack in asda), actual baking trays don't even cost that much as you can buy them from poundland and hasn't she been living there since the end of march or the beginning of april?
I'd hardly call that "new" unless she moved again.
No. 342640
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>They've never actually met me
Actually, pretty sure a lot of us who post here, and the person who cleaned up the ED about you, have had the misfortune of meeting you.
I'm certain I have, and I've also told you what I think of you to your face too. Not my fault you don't remember or like to spin things in favour of poor little victim Sindy. Are we not forgetting the time you told autistic people to hang themselves, slut shaming a 15 year old, telling so many people you were suing them yet nothing has come to fruition from that?
You were even defending a paedophile and saying all the evidence against him was fake and that the girls were lying, up until it suited you. But it isn't the first time you've defended a paedophile, and the last time, you blamed the underage girl, saying she "should have known better".
No. 342645
File: 1498657602998.jpg (58.63 KB, 528x960, 19149097_1465394323482995_4125…)

>>342363>I don't look like thisHave a bunch of candid shots that show otherwise
No. 342650
File: 1498657759302.jpg (240.73 KB, 1079x960, candidvsedited.jpg)

Hey, a comparison of the previous candid shot and her edited mess. She's certainly shaving a lot of her chin off in every photo she posts.
No. 342654
>>342650Seeing her at sunnycon for the first time was a blast. Without any knowledge of Sindy my bf personally pointed her out and said he looked like some drugged up homeless man who found a costume and wondered in.
It was fun running him down on the adventure of Sindy. I never got close enough to her but she just looked like she smelled bad and was alone almost every time i saw her.
No. 342712
>>342640Didn't she try to stalk Karli but accidentally added her as a friend trying to "follow" her?
And I seen her approach Sindy at Auchinawa after Sindy stalked her after getting her badge, proper gremlin type stalking, so more lies.
No. 342782
>>341723The "cat bite" is also an excuse to not do any work whatsoever (drawing, muscle waste, etc.), so there's that on top of the grab for asspats.
>>341802She probably doesn't even keep any sort of wound disinfectant in her medicine cabinet like a normal person. FFS she can't even afford baking trays from poundland, how's she gonna get whatever your brit equivalent is to neosporin or bactine?
>>342404Ready meals with pasta can be cooked in the oven just like they could in the microwave, Sin. It just takes longer. Source: I ate a few of them in college, and preferred the oven because the microwave in our student flat was probably possessed by ghosts or something.
No. 342803
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No one said anything about it happening at a convention Sindy, you're just assuming you know who it is and flaunting your ever-present hateboner at the same time.
No. 342829
>>342640Sindy, you made the Encyclopedia Dramatica yourself. You can see if in the fucking history tab. Someone dropped by and made it actually comprehensible.
Girl is so wet for attention its unreal
No. 342899
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>But then why am I proving myself to the same people who think I'm lying about my scoliosis to claim Benifits when thiers literally an Xray showing it
Literally no one has said you were lying about having scoliosis omfg. That line right there is proving you're trying to make it seem like you're more of a victim than you actually are.
No. 343313
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>>342840>>342829The proof is right there lmao
I'm surprised the admins didn't ban her for spamming the fuck out of the site
No. 343325
File: 1498739836430.png (153.25 KB, 506x422, IMG_2368.png)

You weren't told to kill yourself because you "proved someone wrong" (if anything this thread is full of people proving you wrong).
You were told to kill yourself based on your poor spelling.
Stop trying to make a victim of yourself before screenshots of previous threads get sent to your so called friends so they can see how wonderful you really are.
No. 343346
>>343325Just send the screenshots anyway. No point in even letting her get comfortable with new people. There is absolutely no reason to not send screenshots of her thievery, lying, backstabbing, horrific behaviour and terrible spelling to everyone she even makes eye contact with.
She needs locked up. Seriously. She shouldn't be allowed in society.
No. 343555
>>342225Finally found the munchie thread she was on.
>>>/snow/253545She's only mentioned rather briefly from what I can tell, since I couldn't be assed trying to pick out everything that was Chindy related.
No. 343850
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And how do you know I don't know the character, Sindy? You don't. I know the character well enough to know that your cosplay looks like cheap, unusable shit. Like you. Even your fanboi has the opinion that you could do better.
You missed the stripes and proper texture of the leg and arm warmers. They aren't supposed to be crushed velvet with no patterns on.
You totally missed all the blue thread details on the bikini top. The one you made looks like an old, doubled up pillowcase.
The pattern on the loincloth part of the belt/skirt is wrong, too. The pattern on the bottom two corners is backwards on yours compared to the one in the actual game.
The collar looks practically nonexistent on your "cosplay". It's not bit enough nor does it sit right on you.
The wig is so wrong I can't even really begin…
The horn is so wrong. It's not the right colour, texture or size.
The cheap fur fabric you've used is also hideous. It's far too long, it's not styled…
You're such a drama lama, imitation queen that you know your stuff is shit: your "artwork", your "cosplay", your "food". Just you in general. You know you're not good at anything. That's why you're so quick to get angry at any (from your view) negative type of criticism whatsoever. If it's a compliment you'll go on about it and brag, but if it's criticism you just jump straight on it like flies on dog shit. You're right there, ree'ing to absolute fuck, kicking up a shit storm and abusing people. You're so badly in denial. It's like that episode of Kitchen Nightmares with Amy's Baking Company. You both act the same way. You're both fucking psycho.
No. 343853
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No. 343854
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No. 343856
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No. 343899
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>>343850you hit a nerve anon
No. 343901
>>343899Unfinished, yet she entered it into a competition anyway.
Also of course you can't be a cosplayer because a cosplayer would
never criticise her.
She's never going to change. Ever when people gave her constructive criticism in the past, and tips on how to improve, she berated them and attacked them, and listened to none of it. She seems to think she's perfect and doesn't deserve criticism, no matter how much she'll deny that.
No. 343911
File: 1498822949966.png (140.41 KB, 1060x718, IMG_2218.PNG)

>I like to think that missing tiny details doesn't make a cosplay bad.
It doesnt, but you're not missing tiny details. You've missed a lot of details that are quite significant. Your cosplay isn't accurate because you either didn't pay attention to the design, were too lazy to fix your mistakes or you're totally delusional and think that your cosplays are naturally amazing and you don't need to try or put in any ounce of effort at all.
>just unfinished. Especially when all those things are here but convention deadlines means small compensation.
You have the date and time for a con like a year before it happens. That's plenty of time to make a decent cosplay, with detail and a bit of fucking creativity. You're just lazy. It's an unfinished cosplay? Since when did any good cosplayer go to an event in an unfinished costume? It doesn't matter if the oteher parts of your costume are sitting in a box, in a bag or up someone's arse. If they're not on the costume, it's not a finished piece.
>and yea, no… you don't have a general idea unless you've either made the armour in game (and Kirin farming requires serious skill and tolerance) or you Googled it.
So basically anyone can have an idea since you can google things… aren't you the one that always says that someone doesn't have to like an anime/game to cosplay a character from it? Which means, in turn, those who don't cosplay can have opinions on cosplays.
>but hey, assuming you do cosplay. Send a pic and let me see how good yours is (be sure to quote the character)
Are cosplayers the only people that are allowed to comment on cosplays, now or is that just you? Or are you flying off the handle again because you literally can't take any form of feedback unless it's an asspat?
No. 343913
>>343911So is she basically saying here that she's the only person skilled with enough tolerance to get that armour in-game or something?
Like it's insane to believe anyone that says they have because it's so difficult but we're all supposed to believe that you managed it because, what? You're the "Geek Queen"?
Fuck off, Sindy.
No. 344069
File: 1498842323022.png (35.77 KB, 509x489, forevertriggered.png)

Seems her hateboner for a select few people/groups still lingers.
>I don't mind being given advise.
Your responses to constructive criticism on previous threads says otherwise. Tempted to pull that shit up for reference, really.
No. 344117
>>344069I'm convinced she has NPD.
You've always been a horrible person. In the five years of my knowing of your existence, you've gone from group to group, best friend to bestfriend… no one has stayed in your life much longer than a year/two years without a major fallout.
You're a horrible person and anyone that's actually met you irl knows that it's you that's the problem, not everyone else.
No. 344123
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I'd love to see her proof behind this accusation
No. 344145
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No. 344260
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Where to even start…?
No. 344532
>>344260But she slags blondes so by her own terms, shes racist.
But we all already know she is
No. 344648
File: 1498943963420.jpg (189.44 KB, 1365x2048, FB_IMG_1498943862552.jpg)

More unshopped candid photos! I've got to laugh that the portrait in the background almost looks like her
No. 344722
File: 1498951400327.jpg (41.15 KB, 526x521, 19657147_467758950283373_43371…)

That chin shop though
No. 344896
File: 1499003397576.jpg (13.32 KB, 236x346, f4cec9aa2900ba4ff1bcacb930d7cd…)

>>344874She has a serious case of neck vagina. Except most women usually get that once they hit their 70's, not mid-20's.
No. 344900
File: 1499004758719.gif (1.42 MB, 900x1350,

She doesn't even need to majorly modify her face as drastically as she does to make an improvement. Meitu could do it; quick smooth of the skin to hide the poor condition of it, the slimming tool to give a bit more definition and the contour tool.
I had a quick play in photoshop, literally liquified her chin a tiny bit, raised that droopy eye, fixed her shoulder posture and whilst she's still a colossal munter, it's somewhat of an improvement
No. 345195
File: 1499036895786.png (614.63 KB, 504x544, Untitled.png)

>>344900She's literally using a screenshot of your edit as her new profile picture.
Different sized chin and yet her stans still seem to think she doesnt edit shit…
No. 345222
>>345195She's a fucking wonder.
How the fuck do people fall for her shit
No. 345441
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Also cross-posted on Towers' thread
>>345439 (1)
No. 345457
File: 1499086923670.png (12.43 KB, 505x183, thatswrong.png)

Seems she's still salty about people critiquing her cosplays but…
That bit about having to be a chef to critique food…that's not how that works. So only a chef will know that the food tastes disgusting? All food critics are secretly chefs too, right?
Horrible analogy you don't really understand, Sindy
No. 345458
File: 1499087033011.png (23.14 KB, 504x343, 8768.png)

Also, this is a total 180 from "All the evidence is fake, all the girls are liars" from when shit first hit the fan. Wonder why. Couldn't be a personal reason like getting rejected for selling art at Alcon, could it?
No. 345459
File: 1499087059528.png (103.67 KB, 500x1268, comments.png)

And then there's this total bullshit-fest
No. 345563
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No. 345564
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It's still true, though. Wether it was Towers that said it or not.
No. 345573
File: 1499101024922.png (15.76 KB, 507x224, Untitled.png)

Who the fuck is "Donald"?
No. 345598
>>345573if she thinks the shitshow that is Emma Stalker Stanley and Ginger Pred's relationship 'works' she's a complete imbecile
talking so much contradictory shite that her eyes have turned brown
No. 345618
File: 1499104984237.png (337.14 KB, 503x484, Untitled.png)

>>345598I don't think she gets it…
No. 346161
File: 1499189572295.png (55.04 KB, 504x824, IMG_3214.png)

I mean I think you'll find plenty of girls have given evidence but because you think otherwise, it must be true.
Just because you and him agreed if he was being investigated that such things would happen, doesn't mean that's actually the case. I'm pretty sure neither of you work as police, lawyers, or investigators, so how would either of you know specifically? And as has been said before in other places, different police forces do things differently.
I'd also love to know where you of all people, Sindy, got hold of a genuine incident number for the case?
Things posted on lolcow are very unlikely to be taken as genuine evidence, the same way screenshots alone are not evidence. You yourself insisted it was super easy to fake screenshots back when you were being accused of making a vendetta thread against people, why would police take anything that is easily edited as evidence?
No. 346347
File: 1499212833105.png (248.42 KB, 505x467, Untitled.png)

I mean without any evidence I'm gonna call bullshit.
This reeks of "none of it is true until I'm a victim too"
Plus, Sindy, the dorms at Alcon are a block of rooms, about 14 or 15, that share a kitchen and some bathrooms. He wasn't inviting you to stay in the same room as him, just the same area. And all the doors lock individually…
No. 346367
>>346358I'd ship them both. Towers and Sindy are the OTP, just having a lover's tiff right now.
No. 346394
>>346393Correct, and I understand it's been reported. she has a history of standing by pedos. The irony is that her main attack post on Towers starts off by saying he's
NOT guilty - almost like she's disappointed! Then advocates boycotts, writing to MPs etc. Talk about being nuts.
No. 346645
File: 1499260912586.jpg (51.49 KB, 749x429, IMG_2249.JPG)

Kek what the fuck happened here? This shitfest was amusing. Although there's some new milk.
No. 346646
File: 1499260924348.jpg (138.2 KB, 749x851, IMG_2250.JPG)

No. 346647
File: 1499260935343.jpg (235.05 KB, 749x1081, IMG_2252.JPG)

No. 346648
File: 1499260992497.jpg (143.18 KB, 749x1017, IMG_2251.JPG)

And also this one just for speculations sake, hence the sage.
No. 346665
>>346647she was fine with the age gap with Caitlin for 2+ years.
Sindy is completely deluded. Honestly. You all should report her to the mental health authorities
No. 346717
>>346665Mental health authorities?
Kek you need help if you think there is such a thing, maybe check yourself in?
No. 346838
File: 1499288922403.png (300.83 KB, 1967x1412, IMG_2261.PNG)

Oddly enough I've never spoken to Towers, nor did I even know who he was before all the pedo claims came out.
Try again, though, Chindy.
No. 346842
File: 1499289411880.png (590.35 KB, 2000x1473, IMG_2263.PNG)

Good Grief
No. 346851
File: 1499290546278.jpg (34.3 KB, 494x267, yeahno.JPG)

>>346842They eat her shit right up
No. 347198
>>347186I'm well aware of that fact, however, this type of sperging is out of character. I've been around her threads long enough to know she doesn't chimp out like this, that this isn't like her.
And considering, it would be easy enough to ask the Farmhands the general location of the person spamming…
No. 347256
File: 1499353624147.jpg (21.67 KB, 515x149, what.JPG)

what the fuck is she smoking
No. 347259
File: 1499353765798.jpg (42.83 KB, 500x461, blamegame.JPG)

>>347258also blaming Katy further down
No. 347301
File: 1499358590773.png (497.47 KB, 1488x1667, IMG_2284.PNG)

She really has completely lost it.
What a psycho.
No. 347489
File: 1499379630049.png (618.46 KB, 513x686, Screenshot_62.png)

No. 347861
File: 1499444596107.jpg (22.41 KB, 500x399, 3ea4aa9fa019b6dbd105275a785892…)

No. 347883
>>347568She deliberately started messaging people accusing them of posting , shes not shes a huge liar and has been caught out.
Also hi Katy
No. 348111
>>348109surprised there isn't one already.. his cosplay colouring books are downright creepy, not to mention his rage and personal attacks on those who leave negative reviews on his 'books'
then there's his 'harem' of 100+ girls; at least one will have something juicy. And as said already.. Sindy certainly will contribute later down the line once she realises he won't put out to her
No. 348180
File: 1499478100330.png (682.2 KB, 768x1024, image.png)

Found her new, fourth, account. Seems she figured no one would remember her name is actually Jennifer…
No. 348185
>>348183Even better.
Also, I note unlike the others she does not yet have her full friends list concealed yet. An interesting list…
No. 348238
File: 1499482738569.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.06 KB, 617x1024, IMG_3160.JPG)

hey guys its sandy cock, who wants me to Pop inside there fukingmouth(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 348401
>>346347Reason I call bullshit on it is because AJ hasn't been at AL long enough I wouldn't have thought
>>348220Baker deserves his own thread the amount of information I have on him is outrageous inb4imtowers
i know a few of his friends, even his close friends can't say for sure with proof he actually went to the police. They only have his word, and being his friends they are going to trust him. Apparently he hasn't shown them the crime reference number.
No. 348436
File: 1499515653141.png (25.56 KB, 504x306, Untitled.png)

Pretty sure they were referring to you ditching Caitlin, not anyone else. Since that was the most recent thing.
Evidently you still have a hateboner for certain other people if you immediately jumped on them assuming it was them posting/being posted about, and not Caitlin…
No. 348458
File: 1499520392651.png (128.83 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2514.PNG)

No. 348549
File: 1499530436348.png (296.21 KB, 2048x1154, IMG_2301.PNG)

No. 348691
File: 1499542886643.png (46.7 KB, 640x464, IMG_2517.PNG)

They said over 2 years, idiot.
No. 348712
File: 1499545021812.png (43.43 KB, 640x493, IMG_2518.PNG)

Just over 3 year
No. 348881
File: 1499559103094.png (88.86 KB, 622x820, IMG_2519.PNG)

Says the hypocrite.
No. 348911
File: 1499562377120.png (49.64 KB, 640x480, IMG_2520.PNG)

I believe they did that to show that you're also bad at editing yourself. You shop your chin yet you slagg others for editing them selves aswell, that's why you're a hypocritical cow.
No. 349278
>>348945Hi Katy, since you think this is so funny, I'm going to post all our conversations of all the shit you have said about Blake and other cosplayers.
You're retarded, even Sindy has more smarts than this.
No. 349430
File: 1499624712482.png (93.5 KB, 334x292, how high.PNG)

>>349382now this is the true milk
cows making threads about random nobodies
No. 349433
File: 1499624930931.png (88.21 KB, 720x554, Screenshot_2017-07-09-19-21-08…)

No. 349437
>>349433Fuck me Lewis is so desperate to deflect his drama he's constantly tagging people in others status to cause arguments. I think that guy needs his own thread.
Also Sindy being at MCM is a good reason to not go (on top of the loads of other reasons I already have).
No. 349451
>>349441By that logic nigri,momo, and all the other sexy cosplayers should have their own thread.
Towers got a thread because he's a fucking pedophile that the entire cocommunity hates
No. 349819
File: 1499669091771.jpg (58.04 KB, 360x640, IMG_3213.JPG)

oh the things i would do to katy aoba
she may be petite but i bet she can hold a 7 incher bloody fine lol
honestley i dunno what u guys think but katy aoba is the most beutiful women i ever layed my eyes on
i would slide my tong up and down her small thighs then watch her eyes widen as i send my tongue twister to destroy her sweat virgin himen
katy if ur reading this i just wanted to say i always thought you were a lovely girl and i don't care what other say on here xx(what)
No. 349823
File: 1499670252731.jpg (8.87 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg)

This whole thread is garbage.
No. 350014
File: 1499704038464.png (93.13 KB, 492x1094, Untitled.png)

[muffled laughter]
No. 350112
>>350014she's so spiteful and full of shit
good warning to anyone who even considers befriending this beast - this is what you're in for
No. 350138
File: 1499714956387.png (322.21 KB, 503x433, except.png)

Except Gehe is a girl, there is literally a whole thread dedicated to that fact…
No. 350139
File: 1499715032110.png (39.56 KB, 501x383, IMG_0813.png)

Where to begin with how wrong this is
No. 350161
File: 1499716814300.jpg (64.54 KB, 670x960, IMG_2327.JPG)

No. 350162
File: 1499716871112.jpg (56.59 KB, 533x960, IMG_2328.JPG)

>technically not my money
>it's my money I can spend it on what I like
No. 351927
File: 1499973107879.png (343.45 KB, 521x521, ew.png)

No words.
No. 353266
>>350162Obayed and Sindy falling out?
Never saw that one coming
No. 353679
File: 1500240156513.png (53.08 KB, 640x437, IMG_4371.PNG)

MT related?
No. 353680
File: 1500240191739.png (128.57 KB, 640x882, IMG_4370.PNG)

Kekking so hard.
No. 353810
File: 1500253490255.png (559.94 KB, 505x545, IMG_4353.png)

I could name three things wrong with Bootlegs real quick right off the bat:
1 - you're supporting what are essentially art thieves but on a grander scale. none of the money you spend goes to the people who own the licenses to the legitimate stuff, or the company who owns the rights to the characters/franchise used
2 - almost always lower quality. you said yourself, Sindy, that you couldnt change the hands out on the figma without them breaking - that's because it's a fake. parts breaking simply from changing them never happens with legitimate figurines
3 - supporting what is essentially slave labour
No. 353957
File: 1500286699199.png (96.18 KB, 1054x479, IMG_2350.PNG)

No. 353958
File: 1500286712354.png (351.48 KB, 1050x1130, IMG_2349.PNG)

No. 353981
>>353958Lucy cosplayer? Rachel Armstrong I assume? And Sindy, you actively TELL people to come get you because you'll "fuck them up"
No. 354444
File: 1500353212682.png (101.8 KB, 640x596, IMG_2570.PNG)

No. 354445
File: 1500353247981.png (114 KB, 640x654, IMG_2571.PNG)

No. 354446
File: 1500353281727.png (125.53 KB, 640x695, IMG_2572.PNG)

No. 354447
File: 1500353318144.png (115.73 KB, 640x608, IMG_2573.PNG)

No. 354879
File: 1500412920913.png (136.06 KB, 1019x1058, IMG_2352.PNG)

"I don't take pictures in a provocative way for attention"
And what the fuck is going on with her boobs? And that flabby stomach in the background. God. How can she be comfortable taking a photo like that. Her belly button looks like a grannies overused arse hole.
No. 354881
>>354879It'll be a too small bra that's padded to hell and back.
FUPA still exists though
No. 355207
>>354879I'm kekking so hard at this.
What is it with girls who have no boobs desperately trying to get attention by pushing them together? I can tell the way she's sitting to take this too, and the desperation for attention really stinks from
No. 355226
File: 1500465256492.png (290.13 KB, 502x552, Untitled.png)

She's forever triggered
But, padding your bra and wearing a push up are basically the same thing.
And FUPA doesn't mean you're fat, it means you have fat that decided to locate itself in that area. Natural thing, but of course, Sindy gets all triggered over it (wasn't she trying to claim she had less than 10% body fat a few threads ago?) And the neck vagina has nothing to do with collarbones.
No. 355378
File: 1500479845162.png (192.58 KB, 741x1305, IMG_2354.PNG)

Sooo much photoshopping omg
No. 355381
File: 1500479916319.png (140.52 KB, 1084x1010, IMG_2356.PNG)

Does she realise what she sounds like?
Does she realise this looks ridiculous?
No. 355545
File: 1500493527631.jpg (41.58 KB, 850x386, platysmal-band-scale-compresse…)

>>355466>>knecksAlso sagging neck skin (also known as Turkey Neck) isn't anything to do with your collar bone. Your clavicle is literally there to connect your sternum and shoulders.
Anatomy lesson time Sindy.
The bone running through your neck is the upper portions of your spinal column, also known as your backbone; clue is in the name. Back.
Your collarbone is attached to the sternum, the front of the rib cage. It is not responsible for the appearance of your turkey neck.
It's related to the muscles in your neck and is generally a sign of aging; quote from Consumer Health Digest
>>The main culprit of the turkey neck is a loss of elasticity in your skin as well as the development of the platysmal bands, which are thin bands of a muscle that are located in your neck. As you age, these bands will become more prominent, enhancing the condition of a turkey neck.Yes your collar bones are prominent and resemble the women in the image but did you not notice that literally none of the women you posted have the gaping vaginal cavern in their necks that you display?
Also remove the label from your bra; it makes you look like one of those tacky women who wear things with labels then return them.
No. 355611
File: 1500498878258.png (79.56 KB, 924x695, IMG_3556.PNG)

No. 355650
>>355226>excellent breeding>classI'm fucking dying this is gold
someone photoshop this statement onto all of her retarded and cringey posts please
No. 356139
>>355650She talks about excellent breeding as if she's part of that yet she's got a mangled spine (muh scoliosis), a huge ass chin, goblin eyes and teeth, massive plug lugs and zero personal hygiene standards.
She's the epitome of incestuous breeding and the R-selected portion of society.
Golem wouldn't nail that with a Black & Decker.
Fucking zombies would run away fi that.
No. 356780
File: 1500636732068.jpeg (80.08 KB, 595x851, image.jpeg)

I barfed a little in my mouth upon seeing this
No. 356781
File: 1500637327160.png (7.39 KB, 447x57, sindysnewsmokeblower.png)

fucking hell, someone get this guy a keg of water and confiscate his beer goggles
also that Ian guy seems to have backed off ever since she started chimping out about AL
oh well, one less person to blow smoke up her arse
No. 357644
File: 1500755712485.png (99.61 KB, 640x812, IMG_4381.PNG)

"but I dont ask people to fight me and I have anxiety"
No. 357702
File: 1500762594204.png (4.07 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5462.PNG)

Wait, is she being serious? lel.
No. 359191
File: 1500918224260.png (271.58 KB, 1275x1252, IMG_2368.PNG)

I need asspats!
No. 359202
>>359191She's saying she's on JSA now, but didn't she used to claim she was on PIP?
Man she can't even keep that part of her story straight.
No. 359261
>>359243Was under the assumption JSA was money you got while signing on and looking for work, and PIP was money you got because you can't work.
And since in the past Sindy has claimed her scoliosis and "anxiety" meant she couldn't work, she shouldn't be getting JSA going by what it said on doesn't add up. Smells like bullshit
No. 359371
File: 1500928947399.png (20.04 KB, 1106x306, Ayrcollege.png)

>>359191Except the only NC remotely similar to this course offered at Ayr college is "Sewing Machine Skills for Beginners"
Course description:
>>Come along and learn new skills using a sewing machine in a friendly, relaxed group. With the tutor on hand to guide and direct you, you will learn how to make bunting, tote bags, simple cushions and sample work zips.So sure Sindy, an evening course teaching you to make tote bags and cushions is totally the same as a full-time or even part-time college course. Most people do NC's for fun; they're short courses to teach a new skill which would be all well and good and I'd be routing on you for learning something new if you hadn't deluded yourself into thinking it something grander and the making of a lifelong career as a seamstress.
No. 359795
>>359781The thread isn't technically being bumped anymore, and if you were so concerned with it being bumped for pointless posts, you'd have saged your post.
Also pretty sure it was established that it was AL bullshitting about the 14 year old, since no proof of it happening appeared, and, as much as I don't like the girl, she has a point that if it actually had happened, why wasn't it reported to the convention, and if it had been reported, why wasn't she kicked out and/or the police called?
Get a grip, anon. If you don't like the stuff that's being posted, why don't you contribute to the milk? Why don't you try to find proof on your own that the 14 year old thing was real or not?
No. 359798
File: 1500979258795.png (413.85 KB, 501x534, Untitled.png)

She's still salty over GCG though, even though the group no longer exists, and hadn't held meets in a long time.
Petty grudges and hateboners, I suppose.
No. 359879
File: 1500989496381.png (12.84 KB, 505x164, IMG_5562.png)

Google exists but OK, Sindy.
Issue is, you won't get any computer for under £200, not even the shittiest ones. A basic 4gb RAM desktop will run you at least £250, an 8gb RAM desktop will run you above £400. A laptop will run you about the same, if not more.
Why not just buy the individual components and do it that way, instead of having to buy a whole you computer just for more RAM (Also update from Vista, that won't be helping any)?
No. 360121
File: 1501009544871.png (54.31 KB, 495x592, 1.png)

Oh boy incoming word wall post from her, I've capped it all:
No. 360124
File: 1501009593664.png (50.95 KB, 491x608, 2.png)

No. 360125
File: 1501009607364.png (70.1 KB, 487x585, 3.png)

No. 360127
File: 1501009644309.png (67.54 KB, 494x589, 4.png)

No. 360128
File: 1501009731787.png (49.96 KB, 495x589, 5.png)

No. 360129
File: 1501009745497.png (54.27 KB, 491x592, 6.png)

No. 360130
File: 1501009787367.png (56.09 KB, 493x594, 7.png)

No. 360131
File: 1501009803786.png (72.92 KB, 490x593, 8.png)

No. 360132
File: 1501009826203.png (70.79 KB, 493x587, 9.png)

No. 360133
File: 1501009838681.png (67.43 KB, 493x583, 10.png)

No. 360134
File: 1501009850222.png (62.05 KB, 499x575, 11.png)

No. 360274
>>360162Glad I managed to cap it all then. She's just proving how much of a victim she wants to be when there is proof on plenty of the previous threads disproving things she has said, witnesses that say otherwise, etc.
She wants to be a victim so her asspat friends and thirsty male followers will continue to "like" her and give her the asspats she desires.
No. 360300
>>360129Saying Blake was chosen as a guest to annoy her here
>>360132Talking about being in love with them here
>>360133Acting almost as if they're the worst person for telling someone they thought you liked them here.
Hateboner is forever strong.
No. 361173
File: 1501105262000.png (115.13 KB, 500x441, when-the-earth-gets-destroyed-…)

No. 361234
>>360134the victim complex this lolcow has is fucking astounding
also, completely obsessed with Craig. How many times did she name drop him? jesus christ
how anyone can be her friend/believe any of this bullshit is hilarious.
No. 361379
File: 1501128468348.png (226.84 KB, 1242x1172, IMG_0137.PNG)

She's just being "given" this? Her friends an idiot if she's giving it away with the 1060. Also the 1060 won't be 4 years old since they've only been out around a year. Me thinks someone's talking bullshit
No. 361479
>>361379It's only been out a year but it's not a high end GFX card. It's not worth that much: the 3Gb was only about $200 on release.
Like it'll run older games and most newer games on a lower graphic setting. Just don't expect to be running things like FFXIV or Nier on Ultra or High as it'll struggle.
No. 361489
>>361234Pretty obsessed with Dommy and Blake too. Surprised Karli's name didn't popular in her rant too (although I feel I may have
triggered something and she'll rant about her now too)
No. 361557
File: 1501162277716.png (215.43 KB, 1022x1131, IMG_2370.PNG)

Just dropping this in.
>Physical fitness doesn't mean shit to a lot of people. Especially people like me who have a fast metabolism and don't need to work out.
No. 361559
File: 1501162577507.png (250.38 KB, 1050x1117, IMG_2374.PNG)

No. 361560
File: 1501162595475.png (320.35 KB, 1037x1891, IMG_2376.PNG)

No. 361562
File: 1501162613577.png (385.41 KB, 1035x1970, IMG_2377.PNG)

No. 361563
File: 1501162666760.png (315.22 KB, 1016x1965, IMG_2378.PNG)

No. 361911
File: 1501202632181.png (35.18 KB, 501x477, Untitled.png)

How many times have we had this same spiel already?
If you're so hung up on "not caring about the h8rz" then maybe stop coming on lolcow and passing comment every day about what has been posted on here? You make more milk simply by responding to it.
No. 362124
>>361911You don't need to have huge breasts to be a nasty little whore. But whatevs.
I'm out. The milk just isn't as good as it used to be.
No. 362151
>>362124The milk is non-existent lmao
Same 4 lonley anons vandetta posting.
I'm amazed we pulled 3 years consecutively with her.
No. 362787
File: 1501310013912.png (76.75 KB, 1239x759, IMG_5479.PNG)

No. 363064
>>363060So they can be in a relationship and her constantly post cringy and bland selfies and write shit on Facebook like
I love you
I love you more..
No. 363586
>>363084Why are you still trying to discredit sindy, Mike?
Do you really think that's appropriate… youre a fucking 35 year old man whose so afraid of being found out a pedophile he'll drag anybody else down. You're a joke. A disgrace. A filthy weeb.
Your conventions are a joke. Your guests are either pulling out or talentless. You've proven to be a degenerate filthcest in DM.
Go the fuck away and conserve what little dignity you have left.
No. 363907
File: 1501500649846.jpg (34.71 KB, 917x396, wonderwhy.JPG)

>>363860are you saying you would not want this between your legs, anon?
No. 366559
Her twitch is thought she was being smart by not publicly posting a link to her stream but I mean, saying you're playing a PS1 classic, and having almost no viewers, it's not hard to search though the current streams to find hers.
No. 366950
>>366946>>366763the quality problems are a combination of trying to get the right bit rate, trying to configure the graphics card with the capture card, which is a particularly cheap one untill i can aford a £100> one or a ps4. trying to sort the 720-1080 convrsion.
not much of the pc smart person i used to be at 16-17.. having a life since then means you can really keep up. plus knew operating system.
if you want to be pissy about it avoid the stream. this is video 3 today but still early. check any streamer or y/ter youll find there original vids have poor quality. its all about money/pracitse.
either dont watch, or do.. which will only help me out in terms of viewers.
No. 366968
>>366559you can't even fucking hear her with full volume
i do like how she can't photoshop that chin out during a recorded video though, kek
No. 367333
>>367328It was posted further up at
>>366559GG reading the thread fully before posting
No. 368523
>>367328if your watching segments of my streams just to cringe at me all youre doing is wasting your own life energy. have you really got nothing better to do you would purposley watch a new streamer with lags doing semi boring uninteresting content just to bitch about ehre or spam the chat box in the hope for attention in the form of gratification/responce.
do you attention depesite disorder?
No. 368762
>>368523I love how you come back here after being told to on the Towers thread.
Who's a good mongrel?!? Maybe can teach you other tricks like "wash" ?
No. 368775
File: 1502186984164.jpeg (110 KB, 596x573, image.jpeg)

Entirely possible that when Caitlin was your friend, she was giving you the benefit of the doubt, and thought you wouldn't lie about something like tracing. Or was willing to go so far to defend her only friend in the hopes of staying friends - look how well that turned out though.
You're a little hypocritical complaining about it though, seeing how this mirrors how you acted towards both DeeCon and Towers when they rejected your stall applications. You had a complete personality shift from "omg best thing ever gonna go" to "worst thing ever you should boycott these events and never go" in both cases.
Also that video isn't going to do shit for the people who already know and have proof of your tracing. It'll just appease your thirsty asspatters.
No. 368777
>>368775she knew exactly what she was doing and since she also linked the threats of the very old traced artowkrk (the same artwork that she refused to admit i traced) its brutally obvious she was only agreeing with me to stay my friend. you see people kept comming to me and warning me about caitlins sucking up. there gets a point when knights need to wake up. i did lie back then. and deecon were right. however even after i showed DMs with towers where he sayed he knew i used to and dont anymore. its plain obvious the only reason my aplication was rejected was because that screen shot of towers threatening obayed, saying he would stich him up for rape/pedophillia ect. i mean the DMs are on this page if you want to see them., towers achnologaed deecon are idiots in the way they went about it and didnt post evidence, he literally said we will not hold your past mistakes against you, you need to be given a chance to start new. he literally said this then went back on it. i was rejected from alcon becayse they knew i was only going to go if i could trade. and they dont like the idea of my making money back at there event. its a combination of revenge, and greed.
ill admit i did trace and did lie about it. however you have all watched my live drawing. and yes they are not going to be as good and do you know why that is BECAUSE THEY ARENT FUCKING TRACED and if i produce shit art of my own back instead of stealing to improve. i think i could live with that easuier than i ever lived with stealing credit for another persons work
No. 368782
and without turning this back on caitlin. it really did anger me that she knew what i was doing and still sat there and said, well youve changed this or that. she knew i was tracing, i was lying to my friends she knew it all and stilld efended me. i had numerous messages with my old cosplay friends, some of whome im on good terms with, who all agree caitlin was really a bad influence. she excused it and defended my causing drama and fighting., she got me in a lot of shit with gemma at mcm because she laughed at her performance too., and i actually had to lie for caitlin so that gemma didnt crucify her. now i dont care if gemma knows. caitlinw as laughing when she should have controlled herself. she knew what she was doing, a girl right next to her was extreamly anry she was covering her ears and lying about laughing.
so you see caitlkin was never a good person to have armound. i defended her when blake told her to go the fuck away too. and blake told her to go away because she was being an ashole to her girlfriend. which i understood. and i actually ruined any chance of making up with her, for caitlin. because i messaged beks and went nuts at her for deleting caitlin. SO THAT I WOULD BE A GOOD FRIEND TO CAITLIN and this is not the only time ive had to do this.
caitlin is a bigger liar than you realise. she used to come to my house and oput her little fingers in my art supplies and help herself. but if asked to use her stuifdf at a meet. she would watch every move i made and say dont do that or that. clearly im a better colour artist than she is. but it pissed off she had the audacity to defend me as a tracer, ruin friendshiops for me, get me in shit at cons, dbring her asshole father to my house to terrorise my cat and threaten me (which is a well know behavour if you used to go to gcg meets) and then turn around and get protective over me needing off her. i honestly mean it. if you want to experience what kind of leaching anoying she is. go and become friends with ehr, not only will you find i wasnt lying., but you might just fucking ask yourself what sane person could toerate any of it. to see her turn into a spiteful little bitch now because she got binned, is both hilarous, and an eye opener
No. 368788
File: 1502189472081.png (73.66 KB, 934x456, gemma caitlin.png)

and here is the situation with jem im refering to. caitlin is actualy lying her ass off here
No. 368794
Yeah, Caitlin maybe did act shitty, but she was a kid, right? A shitty 17 year old kid (since she only recently turned 18). We all tend to be at that age. You, a supposed adult, chose to be friends with a kid, and didn't expect the shitty attitude, immaturity, none of it?
At least she is still at an age where she can grow up and grow out of it, unlike you, who at 25 seems stuck in the mentality of a bitchy 17 year old.
No. 368803
>>368800read the previous boards, sure. not from the towers side either.
just because i've read the stuff doesnt mean i agree with it. hence, you can't act like my point doesnt stand, since i was never one of those people.
No. 368809
>>368804its not really the point right now. and im not really. i mean i just admitting tracing thats not good enough for you. really thats the wrong thing ive ever done. i wont feel bad some du,b cosplayers are upset i didnt take a baist gcg ban well. i wont care if you think the drama on facebook is bad. i know it equates to nothing other than piss babies getting
triggered. and yes i get defending towers was wrong. but you dont seem to understand me when i say i knew nothing about him at the time. im not one of you lol. my first instinct isnt to 4chan look up a guy. i saw nothing but drama from the same old ass patters. so i took his side because i belived him. however the night before i walked away i spent 5 hours on 4chan reading up. that plus his shitty attitude in chat. i had enough. they were rright
No. 368819
File: 1502191359484.png (384.53 KB, 800x600, screens.png)

At least provide screenshots instead of screeching at each other with no content you lazy cunts
No. 368821
>>368816Ah, more lies. We seen documented proof that 2 people (not beth, a male and a different female) offered you the police number, incident number, and even to send you a recording of a conversation between the head and the person phoning, and (conveniently) you refused .
Why is that? Oh yeah, because then you cant cling to this excuse. Stop lying already
No. 368829
>>368819I love how Sindy became so fervently
triggered by this girl posted traced artwork and receiving asspats when all Sindy does is get called out lmfao
No. 368836
>>368828Actually, if you bother to check, you will see the company and assets are actually in someone else's name. Not Towers, so not his full event. This has already been covered you stupid child.
>>368827That was offered to you, but you dont want to call instead you want an ANON on 4CHAN to do that, for what? to debunk it as lies? If your so thirsty for evidence and confirmation, phone it yourself you knuckle dragger
No. 368843
>>368839>>368841at the very least roasting people at cons is not part of the orginizations contact with the venue
towers never raped me. he was just a creepy ashole in chat
No. 368867
>>368823If the investigation number Baker gave you was fake, that's illegal. If it turned out to be fake, if you so cared to call up and find out, then you could get Baker done, like you seem to want to do anyway.
But you should know that much, seeing how you gave out a fake investigation number yourself not to long ago and were told that shit was illegal. You're just lucky you weren't reported for it.
No. 368874
File: 1502193582131.jpg (31.29 KB, 360x640, 17101841_10155109313858593_892…)

>>368869Right so it was fake then
No. 369292
File: 1502280017952.png (381.66 KB, 1510x536, well.png)

The hypocrisy reeks with this. Just because you "admitted" to tracing after months of insisting you didn't doesn't make you any better, Sindy.
The irony of the first comment though. Because that's exactly what you were doing, too.
No. 369298
File: 1502280560906.png (629.57 KB, 1010x594, Untitled.png)

And now she's ranting about how a better artist than her isn't that great. If you're going to point out issues, at least choose real ones. The dress isn't wrong. You can pose a character however you like, it doesn't have to be a variation of their default pose. The props don't need to be in every picture. "Weird left hand"? Hands can make that pose, try it some time.
If you're gonna criticise someone's art, at least pick out actual issues like the bad case of same-face Sakimi has, or something similar.
No. 369501
File: 1502306604420.png (45.91 KB, 503x505, sind.png)

Well looks like she isn't dating Darren now……
No. 369502
File: 1502306641276.png (33.03 KB, 464x413, sind2.png)

No. 369503
File: 1502306660795.png (53.95 KB, 445x549, sind3.png)

No. 369504
File: 1502306677731.png (47.48 KB, 455x531, sind4.png)

No. 369505
File: 1502306698366.png (24.63 KB, 473x243, sind5.png)

No. 369948
File: 1502363900734.png (234.34 KB, 505x376, nope.png)

Nice try but nope, Sindy
No. 369987
>>369986Dox him and tell him where you live? Seems a bit backwards, you sure you know how that works.
Plus, the maximum compensation you'd possibly get would be £5k, not £10k, and that's if you'd even be granted it so, stop talking shite.
No. 370031
>>370022gona have ti agree, check my fb ect. you guys are the only ones who stalk me 24/7 for drama nobody cares about. and tbh were it not for the attention i get off you lot and exposure (since any is still good) id have quit cosplay years ago and would still be tracing/ hanging around with ham-let
infarct half my posts are bait just for you guys. whats it like to be feed something you think is cancer
No. 370521
>>369972Oh yes I'm here just this once. After all that shit I had to check. Sindy should have pmed me in person. If she just checked her messages and actually replied and said something as simple as I'm busy problem solved.
Me and Sindy have a lot in common. Thats why I liked her. I know she photoshops but her face does not bother me at all.
I'm willing to give her 1 last chance.
No. 370534
>>370521A lot of people gave her "1 last chance" and nothing changed. She's not going to change.
And I hope by a lot in common, you don't mean public call out posts which should be left to private messenger, attacking and going after an ex friend constantly, defending paedophiles and other creeps (not just Towers), being a scummy person in general.
No. 370542
>>370534I meant far less personal things. Like games, tv shows, anime, manga, youtubers, etc. Even stuff like collecting gems and minerals.
Now I like cosplay and would cosplay but I have no artistic talent at all.
No. 370600
File: 1502464961241.png (484.29 KB, 1015x546, suchartistictalent.png)

Ah yes, such artistic talent. Nothing wrong with the arms or legs or general anatomy at all.
No. 370634
>>370521Um excuse me?
I don't owe you anything. Your own terrible attitude is the reason you're getting paddled. And tbh if your going to go on a site like this and say
I'll give you one last chance I think you might have lost that chance
No. 370647
>>370639Don't bullshit anon. Towers needs everybody paying he can get
Any artist that refuses to deal at pedo con if I don't go. . Well why would you even fight to deal at that con. Half of them won't go anyway. If anything they just fooled towers into loosing even more dealers
No. 370660
>>370656Well for one, you said it on
>>278654That you'd be "vendoring". Pretty sure that's public.
No. 370667
>>370665yep but a lot of people have no idea this place is the source or this exact board. so they dont see these boards.
and nah i said i would be vendering months and months in advance of towers betrayal. yet only the day after i remove towers support is my table removed. im going with the obvious one, try harder alcon flunkies. you're used to lying so make up a better one
No. 370670
File: 1502471580918.png (15.26 KB, 469x285, 1490490136195.png)

>>370661We'll try again then. How's this, a screenshot of you posting it on Facebook?
No. 370683
File: 1502472130579.jpg (49.34 KB, 500x340, implosionimminent.JPG)

such a good friend, kek
No. 370688
File: 1502472254976.jpg (56.52 KB, 494x535, kekkk.JPG)

>>370685''y-you are on my social media as a guest!! we were never friends!!!!!1''
No. 370691
File: 1502472338723.jpg (54.77 KB, 494x417, kekkkk.JPG)

>>370688my hatred for star sign bullshit has increased tenfold due to the amount of times this fucking cow rants on about it
the month you were born under does not dictate your personality you wet rug
No. 370703
>>370698you know saying aggressive stuff like shut youre mouth ect has literally no authority because youre just getting
triggered behind a pc screen. if anything im already winning
No. 370704
>>370701you want to make a serious claim like mike towers is a pedo you back it up with proof. deleting a guy off fb who you didnt wanna go out with is up to you
lol you seam to think you own my life and can dictate every decision i might make. you want my fb pass so you can be me for a day?
No. 370776
>>370724well for one if youre referring to a persons star sign thats a zodiac not a horroscope. a horroscope, which is utter shit and i agree. is a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly forecast that predicts certain events (specific events too)
they're all written by newspaper or magazine or tv colomists who typically have a degree in
spiritual healingzodiacs were around for over 7000 years, probably more. there based on real constellations and where a certain persons aspects fall into that year. the main sign (ascendant) gives an overall and decently brief but accurate representation of a person, such as a libra being unbalanced or a gemini being obsessive. its usually very accute. i cant say every trait of every sign fits me. i infidelity dont have anything in common with say a piscies or a leo who are almost obsessed with getting fucked.
but yiu have to take your full natal chart into account. because you can be a libra sun and a tarous moon meaning you act in both of those way. you should read up on it. but typically scorpios are the most hated of all zodiacs and a real statistic is a large number of serials killers are scorpions. 70% or so i belive
No. 370793
>>370789i wouldn't consider myself unbalanced like i said. i dont identify with librians in any way. ive never felt
out of balanced because my actions are driven by impulses i use to realize ambitions.
No. 370798
>>370797well untill youve met the
vast majority of them i dont really think you can speak for them or what the find an accurate description of themselves. but without being cynical try asking your friends (amusing you have them) if they relate to the descriptions of a wrong sign vs a correct sign.
No. 370806
>>370798Don't think you can do the same either, but we all know hypocrisy is the only thing you're good at. You judge people based on their star signs, after all.
I have asked my friends before, and family, all find it a load of tripe because they do look at supposed traits of other signs and find themselves relating more to those than that of their own sign.
And for your attempt at a dig, the way you're going, you'll end up with no friends regardless of how many anons on here have.
No. 370819
>>370817aries do lie. theyre honest but only usually with other people.
everybody lies. however if you wanna get techgnical my moon is in scorpio. which …yea
No. 370821
>>370819>theyre honest but only usually with other people.So, not you then. Considering you admitted to lying (for months) about your traced art, and were technically lying for even longer, since the moment you traced said art.
Doesn't sound very honest.
No. 370828
>>370825I mean it was before the afterparty, and Blake was late showing up to the afterparty. But of course your banned ass wouldn't have known that.
>>370826Implying David didn't start the conversation about you.
No. 370830
>>370828you realize im not banned from the deecon convention itself right? i could still have attended
Implying David didn't start the conversation about you. yes i will imply that because david would not do that. as his friend for over 3 and a half years. i assure you he has never started a conversation about anybody. he isnt interested/.
No. 370974
>>370971for one you will find that my writing style has a copyright to it, this has already been reported to the authorities
and again you will find that you are defaming me as a character. As a public figure I have an image to maintain which you are degrading - this has been reported and I have also sent an information request to lolcow to release your IP addresses and locations and names.
Suck it up.
No. 370977
>>370975No I am the REAL Sindy
No. 370978
>>370975a true Sindy would never post anonymously
consider yourself ALSO reported!
No. 371003
>>37099910 inches
no clue on baker
No. 371218
>>371215yea, troll his own lmao
was nice to see that
triggered you tho
No. 371318
>>371218yes we are all super
triggered rn
No. 373247
I see sindy still has not learned how to draw the line. Complaining and screaming harassment but perfectly fine with flirting, leading people on, liking comments when people call her beautiful (half of those people have not seen her real face) and dressing half naked on facebook and twitch streams. of her spyro streams the fuck is she wearing? Is that a bathrobe tied around her back with nothing but a bra on under neath?
No. 373534
>>373247She's actually drew lines on her tits to make them look bigger
That make up is horrendous
Why is she putting on a fake voice
How can she be so shit at playing Spyro it's literally one of the easiest games in the world to play
I could actually greet from both laughter and sadness because she's so shit at everything omg
No. 374019
>>373534When did she draw lines on her tits?
Oh and if you want a better look at what shes wearing in that stream skip to 1.18.25. Its literally a bathrobe tied around her back the wrong way with nothing but her her bra and pj bottoms on under neath.
No. 374043
>>373534>>374019I believe this commented is referring to the faint contouring i used to increase the effect of the cleavage. its somebody everybody does including nigri. the stream was an experemnt to see what level of audience would be gained by exposure since i wanted to maximize my channel.
i dont get why people are saying i used a "fake voice" i may instead have just been speaking more clearly for the purposes of stream. or have been speaking more comically. put it was never along the lines of "fake"
if i wanted to use a FAKE voice. i would completely change my voice until it was unrecognizable, because i hate my voice.
unless you're talking about "why is my voice different in my spyro 2 play-through?"
That's because i changed how the mic works to bring it closer to me. thus improving the quality.
i should note i wont be on twitch now for a very long time due to shifting the attention of my work back onto my original project, which you can read more about on my page.
i wont never stream. but it will maybe be once a week, MAX/
same for cosplay progress and you-tube channel videos.
No. 374178
>>374043>every girl does including nigiri as a woman, I can safely say, only cosplayers do it. its not normal, at all, and is only used for the illusion of bigger tits.
Calm down egg nips.
No. 374179
>>374043So basically sindy wanted views and went the degrading way of doing it, yet condemns others who do this.
News flash, no one was interested in your crypt keeper body or nonexistant tits.
Try something else
No. 374300
>>374178"only cosplayers do it"
that..doesn't really contradict me in any way
No. 374336
>>374043>faint contouringI noticed it straight away. It ain't faint. It's painfully obvious. You didn't blend, use highlights or anything. You're not fooling anyone.
You don't sound like that at all. I've heard you in person, unfortunately. You've put on that shite American-Scottish accent that idiots use to seem "edgy".
You're shit all round. Just give it a rest.
No. 374338
>>374302You bitch about cosplayers that wear skimpy costumes or use make up to enhance certain things before. Including nigri. You bash any female cosplayer that does it.
You're a contradictive swine.
No. 374934
File: 1503087141469.png (146.04 KB, 504x534, IMG_0974.png)

>I have never and will never target an individual unless they do something to target me or bully others.
We all know that's a pile of stinky bullshit right there, Sindy. There are caps of you doing just that throughout these threads. Heck, I have caps of you doing just that a few days ago, before you decided to delete the post.
No. 374939
>>374934yep, utter horse shite.
what post are you referring to that got deleted?
No. 374959
File: 1503091263401.jpeg (124.32 KB, 593x937, image.jpeg)

Nowhere did the girl claim she'd handmade the costume. Sindy just decided to jump on her for no reason
No. 375303
File: 1503145887583.jpg (99.9 KB, 593x937, dress.jpg)

>>374959her wording is whats made it look like she handmade it, and her ass pat followers believe she has 2. shes made no effort to correct them
No. 375310
>>375303"Work on my costumes" can mean anything from fully making the costume, to editing bits of it.
"Still some parts that need to be fixed" implies she was fixing it up/editing it, and still had stuff to do.
"see the dress as well as my gloves" is literally just listing what you can see in the picture. If you're going by "my gloves", simple poor wording there.
Still doesn't discount that Sindy jumped on her for no reason, which contradicts her "I have never and will never target an individual unless they do something to target me or bully others".
Plus, if she was so in the right about it, why delete the post?
No. 375313
>>375310Its Sindy shes a sociopath. She also needs drama even going so far to befriend people and stab them in the back. She used Towers, Obayed, Caitlin, etc
So when she runs out of things to shit on she either a goes back to things she has not finished off like Towers. or she gets so desperate she has to insult random peoples art or other cosplayers.
Oh and if that was same cosplayer in the same photo as her. That's low tactics trying to shame a cosplayer's work. Its literally just saying "oh my cosplay is better because I made mine".
No. 375415
>>374934didn't take her long to turn on him lmfao
also, pointing out that demanding all convention staff use the correct pronouns for people they have never met nor conversed with before in their life screams 'special snowflake' - you are not going to curl up and die if someone refers to your group as 'ladies' and if you are, grow some thick skin and get over yourself. The real world is not going to cater to your pathetic tumblrina attitudes. Obayed poked fun at a pathetic girl trying to create pathetic drama.
Get over yourself Sindy - i'm pretty sure you yourself misgender people fucking constantly.
No. 375417
>>375415It'll be because he "hid the status from her"
But oh wait, Sindy did that to Caitlin before when she decided it was time to stop being friends, so there's that pile of hypocrisy.
No. 375856
File: 1503226689439.png (65.69 KB, 640x734, IMG_3870.PNG)

No. 375858
File: 1503226848297.png (44.43 KB, 639x339, IMG_3871.PNG)

No. 376090
File: 1503273213337.jpg (12.52 KB, 385x119, 10outta10.JPG)

so thirsty she's trying to argue with Obayed yet again and managed to lure one poor soul into an argument with her
found this particular comment from the lolcow 10 outta 10 though
No. 376561
>>376544how am i a weeb?
i dont try to talk in japanese
i dont watch anime any more
most of my cosplays are of game characters
i dont like most modern animu.
whatever. believe what you want. obayed is closer to a weeb than ive ever been
No. 376592
>>376561You still do watch anime and manga. You shitpost 90% about anime related stuff like yugioh, beyblade, etc.
You play Japanese games like final fantasy, Kingdom hearts and monster hunter.
You said before your interested in Japanese men… Especially if they look like ff characters.
Most of your cosplay's are not from games.
No. 376613
>>376592>most of my older ones ones are anime>liking Japanese games doesn't make you a weeb it makes you an otakuAsian, not Japanese, and i blame ff for the expectations
get it right if you're gonna assume you know what i like
No. 376617
>>376592however i think most gamers would be a bit peeved off to hear liking the top 3 games in japan makes them a weeb.
never mind all those american games i still love and play
YanSim (made by an american)
tomb raider
i mean.. do i really need to go on?
No. 376630
>>376617Oh yes that totally proves your not a weeb. Even weebs can like other stuff.
Yandere simulator is an extremely weeby game.
No. 376657
>>376645 - lol, you wish
>>376644 - when did i do that and if i did how can you be certain i was wrong?
No. 377070
>>377068im going for the con, i already explained this with alcon, just avoid the fucking loosers
and thats fine if it is, ill still be going when its next on.
No. 377100
>>377070Except almost everyone going would be a "looser".
And sure, you'll go, if you're able to afford it or even get a ticket, considering how fast they sell out.
No. 377101
File: 1503411860651.png (13.34 KB, 504x184, Untitled.png)

What was that about not/never targeting someone unless they target or bully others?
It's not even been a week and you're already proving yourself to be a liar in that regard.
Plus, could say the same thing about your artwork, given that the best stuff you produced, you admitted to tracing, and nothing else has changed.
No. 377263
>>377101Oh for fucks sake leave them alone! They've done nothing to you and it's been years since you spoke to them. Jesus. You're so bitter and salty it's unreal. Get a life and stop being so jealous over a person that can
1) draw better than you
2) actually has a shot at doing something with their art
3) does makeup better than you (not that any amount of make up would help your unfortunately horrendous genes)
Stfu and get over yourself.
No. 377271
>>377101saying i dislike the style of a fellow artist isnt the same as shaming a girl for standing up for her friends, or openly bullyings a guy for having a past phase with sonic.
unlike obayed i dont hide my posts, and i dont go after people personally. do you see me ripping into her as a person? do you see me hiding my status's and answering back with stupid cowardly smiles.
No. 377358
>>377271 -→ "unlike obayed i dont hide my posts"
well thats a big fat lie lmao. my dear, you are so full of bullshit and hypocrisy right now that i feel sorry for those who believe the words you spew.
No. 377372
the amount of fucking times ive seen somebody bring her up like you suddenly care about her shows hypocrisy on your own part far greater than mine, you spend 3 years bullying her, and by your own admission she was a minor, a fucking child, and you guys bullied her about her weight, the things she said online, her cosplays all because she was my friend. you target every single person who forms a relationship with me, even my brother at one point through his EX. you seriously have absolute no right to lecturer me about how to treat people when you torment innocent nice people for no reason other than a few laughs online. you guys made that fucking girls break down in tears online, then hammer into her friend at college for being a single mum. honestly. how fucking dare you tell me how to act or what to do. you are really the most lowest of human scum. and you fucking know it dont you. i wonder, how did you sleepp the night you said all those horrible things to Caitlin about her weight, or, do you just no have a conscience? and you dare to call me mentally fucking ill. you guys drove Caitlin insane, made her paranoid about her appearance, and caused her cling to me even more, the reason she developed the bad attitude, was because of the constant negativity she got online here and from alex on Instagram. she wasn't even out of fucking school when this was going on. i dont care if same anon different anon, anybody who comes on here and tried to tell me how to behave, needs to take a serious fucking history lesson t the foundations of this thread. you fucking idiots started all of them when you went around shaming me for cosplaying panty, acusing me of something i never did, something beks confirmed i never did, she was taking the pictures that day, does that make her a liar too. get fucking over yourself, and get over all this bullshit. this thread is a joke. its not drama, its just literally bitching and moaning for the sake of attention, and its only giving me and the people who like me more intensive to keep doing what we do.
No. 377382
and just encase that wasnt a good enough warning to back the fuck ff, how about this 1. (because i knoowww you cant help yourself) for every ill comment you make about my face, my spine, my cosplays, my voice, the shape of my chin, every…little..thing
im going to use that, to get positive attention and sympathy from people, JUST to piss you off, you think i do that now? you have seen fucking nothing.
this is your last warning, back off threatening and harassing me, otherwise i will turn the entire circle of my friends group against you. and seek back sympathy from every negative thing you say.
if you dont believe me. try it. PLEASE. and you might be wondering what could be so bad about me getting sympathy and ass pats all the time, well.. just think about it for a minute, and you'll realize
No. 377494
>>377439you're miss guided if you think
1) i would involve her
2) shes the only person who interacts with me
No. 377828
>>377494I mean, you were the one that said
>i will turn the entire circle of my friends group against youSo, either that little statement was a lie to make you seem hard and make us anons quiver in our boots.
Or Lauren isn't your friend.
So, which one will it be?
No. 378145
>>378037Twitch automatically deletes streams after some time unless they're highlighted
Sage for no contribution
No. 378653
File: 1503590419355.png (110.71 KB, 504x1232, steamingpileofbullshit.png)

Ah, what a wonderful, steaming pile of bullshit Sindy is spouting now. Evidently has no idea how depression actually works or feels.
> you honestly have no idea what misery is you have so much in your life others don't and would die for and instead of fucking appreciating it you bitch and moan
Saying something like this to someone who is depressed is likely to make them want to combat their feelings less. It makes them question themselves more, and feel even more worthless.
Fuck off with your ableist bullshit, Sindy.
No. 378816
>>378653By her logic we could tell her to go get surgery on her back instead of complaining about it or that people have it worse than her.
It doesn't work like that, privilege doesn't equal happiness, that's some bullshit neurotypical thinking.
No. 379377
>>378816i cant have the surgery you retard. i live in the uk, under the care of the nhs. so im told by them what treatments i can have. youy never seem to read what im writing to you when i say
my surgeon, based in Glasgow, will not carry it out, he will not take that responsibility on himself due to several complications
A) its on a nerve bundle
B) its only a 50% reduction
C) it wont fix the shoulder
D) it would take at least 7 hours
E) the post surgery complication - infection, shock, paralysis.
Now if i lived in america and i had a good 30k running about my house, i could pay some greedy surgeon to do his best, however there's a 90% change some complication would arise resulting in a massive legal battle for compensation.
again. i live in the uk, so i dont have the opertunity to throw money at my surgeon and demand an operation he has refused to carry out.
if you aren't satisfied with this explanation, book an appointment with your GP and ask them yourself why a surgeon would refuse to operate on a spine with scoliosis.
No. 379431
If they want to see it they can just add him.
No. 379455
>>379377 is a thing.
Second opinions on the NHS is also a thing. The more you know
No. 379614
>>379389where does your scoliosis effect you (what is the defference betwene yours and mine) why are you assuming all scolosis effect people the same way
are you an idiot
you probably have lower spinal curvatures for 1 which do need mended regardless because life without surgery is worse, upper scoliosis surgery is rarley helpful
No. 379616
>>379455BUPA LMAO
bupa is a care service for older people, they do not offer mayjor spinal fusion surgery and ib grafting
No. 379702
>>379617>>50 year old men
>>30 years experience
So they graduated both their medical degrees and surgical specialties at 20? Why are these geniuses of medicine not world renowned?
No. 379708
File: 1503703028673.png (381.59 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0580.PNG)

>>379617There is such a thing as private healthcare.
You also stated that a surgeon in Edinburgh would do it, you were just too much of a shitebag to go through with it…
Stop talking out your flat as fuck arse. You'd think the amount of flapping those cheeks do there'd be a bit of fucking shape to it.
No. 379926
>>379377And you missed the point of what I was saying by a fucking mile
Nice to know your selective attention span is still present
No. 380208
File: 1503766945220.png (617.21 KB, 1242x2009, IMG_0583.PNG)

Last time I checked psychotherapists work with mental conditions and trauma, not physical defects.
If you had a 45 degree upper curvature you'd look nothing like you do, so I'm guessing you're exaggerating how bad it is.
I'm not saying it doesn't cause you pain, since the slightest abnormality in the spine can cause extreme pain. But if it was as bad as you say you wouldn't be able to travel across the country to conventions.
No. 380723
>>380720She has tit envy over the Michelin Man.
She's envious of everyone cos she knows she's shit at everything.
No. 380729
File: 1503831582277.png (198.02 KB, 1242x1124, IMG_0788.PNG)

You mean like you've claimed to be harassed? Or do you not do things like that cos you're such a good person?
No. 380730
File: 1503831679981.png (190.9 KB, 1242x1159, IMG_0789.PNG)

Kek give them half of yours and you'll both look normal
No. 382636
>>382608difference between think and hope
youre so desperate to see my tits m8, hit me up in dms and ill set you up :)
No. 383263
File: 1504117952902.jpg (113.34 KB, 510x720, IMG_2670.JPG)

Those hands tho Jesus Christ lmao
No. 383284
File: 1504120740324.jpg (138.51 KB, 720x960, IMG_4529.JPG)

So many things wrong with this, where's the photoshopped tits? why the tacky maid outfit? and Jesus Chris shine bright like that forehead girl
No. 383372
>>383284"Shine bright like my forehead"
God speed anon
No. 383667
>>383665Shes a fucking idiot. She goes stirring shit left, right and center and stabbing her friends in the back. She will never become a famous cosplayer if she keeps that up.
Oh and going about boycotting attendees and hosts and even if Towers is a pedo she can still wind up in serious trouble or getting banned altogether because she has no real evidence.
No. 384112
>>383667towers cant do anything, the burden is proof is on him, plus its not deformation to ask people to avoid a con because of personal issues with the organizer and condemning messaging shared between both
>>383665he's on thin ice and could very well end up being banned if there's anything related to them brought up between now and the day, .thats untrue lmao, they cant ban you unless you do something that causes a scene at one of there conventions, and that has never happened. your source is just hungry for attention
however i had a feeling raicon were blowing me off. thanks for confirming that fact ;)
No. 384395
>>382878To be honest after everything that happened I'm not all that bothered right now. I mean I'm still a bit hurt but that's natural. I have plenty of other friends. Its just Sindy was one of the few who would talk to me daily and actually liked the same things as me.
I'm only replying to this because they called me out. I lurk here about once a week.
No. 384404
>>384362Thread has only been dead for 9 days because of the downtime the website went through.
>>384112Burden of proof isn't on him, actually, that's only in Scottish law. English law is the opposite, burden of proof would be on you.
And, Raicon can ban you for whatever reason they see fit, it doesn't have to just be if you make a scene at their events. If you're slandering or trash talking their events they could easily ban you, because why would you say those things if you actually wanted to go anyway?
No. 384519
>>384404if towers sued me, he'd have to do it through a Scottish court, you cant demand people go down to a country so you can take advantage of several laws, however with all the evidence. it wouldn't be hard to convince a judge his events should be avoided. just look at all the complains since the 3rd of September
>If you're slandering or trash talking their events they could easily ban youim not going to do that though, unless they provoke me.
you guys are so desperate its pathetic. even if raicon banned me i dont think id give a shit. im not even gonna be at Octobers raicon…
No. 384603
>>384517Yeah no just stop. As I clearly said I'm not here for you I'm here to reply to the person who was talking to me not you. If someones gonna ask me something I can choose whether to reply.
I'm only really here to check your not saying anything about me seeing as you blocked me. I just want to be left alone. I gave up about a month ago trying to fix things. I have moved on and don't care.
No. 384630
File: 1505076939605.png (134.42 KB, 508x471, 1.png)

See for yourself
No. 385212
File: 1505179792257.png (241.69 KB, 498x538, scumdefendingscum.png)

Ah yes, classic scum defending scum.
No. 385219
>>385214He's been making racist and antisemitic comments, he's scum. You're going out of your way to defend him by essentially saying everything against him is just to cause drama, and you seem ok with the racism and antisemitism part, so also scum.
No attempt at drama here. Just calling a spade, a spade.
No. 385220
File: 1505180645082.png (34.23 KB, 505x449, checkyoprivelege.png)

You don't seem to understand your privilege as a white person.
Who's to say there aren't a whole lot of black people offended by what Pubes has said? You?
No. 385222
>>385220i dont understand why you put you? at the end, that seams pointless?
anyway. if there are black people offended, which im sure there are, it is for them to speak up. this is about them, nobody else. i will defend him bcause hes not a racist. because by the definition of racism is it to discriminate another race. and have you forgotten where you are. how dare you take moral high ground with me after you come on a site like this. sit down and shut up
No. 385227
>>385222Rhetoric, Sindy. If you can't understand it, then boy I pity you.
To point out, you're doing the exact same thing you're claiming Onision is doing. You're telling people how to feel. How dare anyone who isnt black be offended by what he said, because god forbid they dont have black friends or family (married into, adopted, etc) who are also offended.
I'm not going to get into why the N word is racist. History of oppression, slaves being called it, used to demean black people, that's the tl;dr.
>>385224Except you do. All us white people have it. It's the privilege of not being stopped and searched on the street simply because of our race. It's the privilege of not being denied a job or a promotion based on the colour of your skin. Or, in the case of Americans, it's not being shot at and killed by police just because of the colour of your skin.
To name a few. And I'm white. Must be oppressing myself too to know what a privilege we have just because of our skin colour.
No. 385232
>>385227dude shut the fuck up, ok. you are literally full of shit now. see where i live, not only dont black people get harassed by the police, the make money, have jobs and are generally wonderful people. its fucking scumbags like you that treat them like they're still being oppressed, getting offended on their behalf, assuming they even took offense to it. honestly. how fucking dare you. you have absolutley no right to tell black people what is ofensive, or white people what rights they have.
what was it morgan freeman said it again
shut up about it if you really wanna take the fire away
No. 385235
>>385233no it doesnt happen.
> because it rarley happens in america it must allways be happening to every other perosn of that skin colour every minute of every dayheres an idea. america is messed up. police manhandle nurses , kill black people and dont care about there jobs. its not oppression its a horrible society of people going uneducated and tolerated.
and besides. even if it is oppression. its not the same as calling somebody in a game a nigger and nothing else. its a fucking word. it means nothing you are making it a bad thing by kicking off about it
No. 385236
>>385235Have you asked any of your black friends (Assuming you have any) if they experience any racism, or if they are offended by the N word?
Because otherwise, how would you know if it happens or not?
No. 385239
>>385238Name these black "friends" you have then? Or are they just the usual randoms you add on Facebook and don't actually form a proper friendship with?
Because last I checked your only real friend was Lauren, since even David is getting tired of your shit.
No. 385247
>>385243oh but he tells you?
youre full fo shit. nobody on these sites likes spooner and are all lowkey racist to him aswell.
No. 385251
>>385250You dodged a question first, but ok.
Not jealous, pointing out a fact. The fact it seems to bother you so much would also say differently, but hey.
No. 385252
>>385251its bothering me more you keep focusing on it. its like you really really want it to be true. but then what?
the truth is you ARE jealous, if some random guy you didnt know hated me, you wouldnt care. and you wouldnt bring it up. know why. because nobody cares, that random doesnt mean anything to you or me. but david clearly means a lot if you care so much about who he liked. and that my friend. translates as pure seeded jealousy… pointless if i do say so tho. because like i said
you can have him
No. 385254
File: 1505183117046.png (64.69 KB, 625x626, cff.png)

>>385252I mean the fact you get so bothered every time his name gets brought up, instead of just ignoring it and acting like it never happened.
Wow you're beyond easy to bait.
No. 385258
>>385257I mean you're evidently so willing to give your response, seeing how you're so
triggered by everything that gets posted here. What's that we've been saying for ages? Just ignore it, be the bigger person and stop checking the threads, and maybe eventually it'll all go away.
But we both know you won't. You crave the attention and drama too much.
And before we get further off topic. Again, who other than Spooner?
No. 385261
>>385258>stop checking the threads, and maybe eventually it'll all go away. nice try. people like you will never shut up about it for it to go away
>You crave the attention and drama too much.says the chick baiting me for a responce
>And before we get further off topic. Again, who other than Spooner?again, why isnt spooner answer enough, i proved you wring with him so youll resort to finding somebody else..
No. 385262
>>385259I'm pretty sure you've got the wrong person, Sindy. Assuming makes and ass out of u and me. Mainly you though.
I dont get over it because you're acting like having black friends makes you not racist, or because they don't mention that they get bothered by racism, that they dont. And you said "Friends", plural, so, who other than Spooner are your black friends?
No. 385267
File: 1505183785152.jpg (103.55 KB, 691x443, bait ball.jpg)

No. 385274
>>385273if the person you're assuming i am's name begins with B, that is not me.
But shows your hateboner still exists for you to assume as such
No. 385275
>>385274that was never who i assumed you were.
because you know what they say about those who assume
No. 385280
>>385278a past female friend, you say? one you have pushed away?
there are quite a few, oh what should i do
but decree, that none of them are me
No. 385285
>>385280oh and i never mentioned your gender
to assume such really makes an ass out of you
No. 385293
>>385289so comeon. if youre not a past friend, why are you arguing with me online. what reason do you have to dislike me, or watch my profile at 2am..
and why are you being so casual about it
No. 385294
File: 1505185031925.jpg (6.88 KB, 326x179, bait.jpg)

>>385283pic related to semi answer this
the other reason would be i have no "beef", more your stupidity intrigues me
No. 385299
>>385294you see, you refere to me as
scum which is pretty direct for somebody who doesnt care about me or have any problem with me, then you go from being viscious to being snarky as soon as i reply to you.. nah.. somethings off. plus you assume i think youre so and so, and when i say i dont you just accept that.. meaning you know i know who you are, and it is because i know you know that i know exactly how to handle this situation and know when your talking shit
No. 385305
>>385303"over a year ago"
then i am definitely now who you think i am, dear chin. we've spoken in the past year.
No. 385318
>>385315but the only reason you would care is if you did have intent to message me,
and you confirmed that it is not yet morning for you, thus confirming it is night, thus confirming you live in a certian timzone. ths
confirming you are who i think you are
do you still think me the same idiot as before?
No. 385320
>>385317say it was a lie. and you message me, and i tell you to get lost. you have nothing to loose, ill shout and get angry you did that, nobody will care and you go right back to anonymously hating me. you loose nothing. except any chance to salvage a friendship.
which if youre a random person should matter to you
No. 385334
>>385331The fact you're so
triggered for being called out for lying sometimes like all lies are bad things.
Let's see, which one to start with…
Oh but wait I'm not that dumb it would give me away.
No. 385336
>>385332I did say if you were so sure then you should message me, and if here isn't the place then even more so.
Why should I have to message you, when you're the one thinking you've got the right person? I don't have to prove I'm right, you do.
No. 385338
>>385336but i could message you and you would deny it
after all you enjoy playing games
No. 385339
>>385337This person that your mind doth see
A reminder once again that they are not me
No. 385340
>>385339trust me its you. nobody heres would answer the way you do..
No. 385348
>>385342im going to bed, you should too.
please dont try to community with me on here again. it wont allways be so easy to tell if its you or not, and anons can lie about being each other easily. and never take anything said on here with my name as me past this hour. people can lie about that too..
at the end of the day i dont understand why you care. i wont message you ever because i belive your life is better off without m in it. beccause of everyhing that happened. i might be wrong, maybe its not. but its not what i think.
and there is a difference between lying and taking things out of contect. you will allways belive your friends over me. thats something about you that never changed
No. 385491
File: 1505228085146.png (13.7 KB, 507x163, really.png)

Who is using what now?
Sindy, really, you have the wrong person.
You seem to think I was telling the truth when I said I had to go to sleep because I had work. Such a thing exists as time off work. Or not working. Or working from home.
You're also continuing on with this "girl" thing when you could be totally wrong about that too.
But hey, you're the one that didn't mention gender, right?
No. 385579
File: 1505243694099.png (135.42 KB, 506x464, bbbb.png)

Because words can't have different meanings
Also you were called a cuck, not a cuckold
No. 385580
File: 1505243723390.png (15.95 KB, 586x239, aaaa.png)

>>385579Hey look a definition of cuck that fits you, Sindy
No. 385643
>>385580 practice of making cuckolds; sexual conquests of married women*:a man whose wife is unfaithful
— cuckold transitive verb*
*Cuckold - Wikipedia cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife*
Cuck is a man who's a little bitch. Contrary to the beliefs of the liberal leaning crowd trying to explain something popularized by the conservatives, cuck is used by many races for someone who is spineless and IS derived from cuckold.
Her cuck boyfriend watched as a man flirted and felt up his girl in front of him.
She cheated on him and told him it would never happen again, he's such a cuck to believe that.*
a person who is acting like an idiot while using their opinions as fact.*
No. 385648
>>385644you insult me with a word used in English language, thus the native langue you used it in is the generic definition. many words have different meaning in separate languages.. btw that definition is the ONLY time its used that way, and look at all the dislikes on it..
sounds to me like you're trying to bend a word so its fits you're opinion, you fucking nigger
No. 385654
File: 1505250864138.png (19.86 KB, 1176x664, nigger.png)

>>385580>>385644oh look i found a way to make the insult fit ou despite being nothing like the real meaning
No. 385930
>>385654Any way of spelling it is a racial slur.
Also urban dictonary changes the definition depending who wrote it, how stupid are you to take that as solid information? Actual mongo
No. 386235
>>385930 and
>>385580 are the same anon, gg
No. 386380
File: 1505365654133.png (308.44 KB, 1242x1800, IMG_0981.PNG)

As much as it pains me Sindy is right on this one. I'm in Scotland and work full time and I've never had to pay for a prescription
No. 386449
>>386380Hate agreeing with Sindy but this Ashleigh girl has no clue what she's on about.
Scottish Government subsidies prescriptions meaning that no one in Scotland pays for them. I'm on benefits and I don't pay despite the multiple medicines I take, meanwhile my husband is on a very good income and also doesn't pay.
Unless you go private, NHS prescriptions are free.
Council Tax is also means tested. Sindy herself even says she's not on PIP. If she's on a lower cost Council Tax band then the local council will subsidy so much of it but she'll need to make a contribution. If she's already getting her rent paid via Housing Benefit then it's unlikely she'll get full reduction. I know families with kids on low income who still have to pay some form of council tax.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax is calculated using your FULL income; that includes any benefits you receive. It's why some people have to decide between housing benefit and tax credits; the tax credits might give them an Extra bit of cash at the end of the month but it doesn't guarantee that your rent will be paid. Housing Benefit does to an extent.
Having said all that I get the impression they're trolling the fuck out of her because Sindy is ridiculously easy to make question everything she insisted was right
No. 386463
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No. 386472
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>>386470I love this, typical little child mentality of thinking because Caitlin has been the bigger person and left her be, she thinks she "won" she really just wanted attention so tried to bully her old friend, she is taking Caitlin leaving her bad, huh.
No. 386504
>>386475She did the same to Towers and Darren as well not to mention others. Once she had no fucking use she victimizes them. Seriously I'm surprised no one has warned Lauren and the others to get fuck out and bail.
Oh and she is really really really salty about beks.
No. 386755
>>386504Darren was never of use to me to begin with.
Towers betraced me first
Couldn't give less of a shit about flake. Just thought I'd put hamlet right
Love the bones of Lauren. She gas never done anything to offend me nor does ass kiss my actions.
No. 386999
File: 1505481261797.png (18.52 KB, 508x220, byallmeans.png)

By all means, Sindy, please leave the cosplay community.
After all, you've been saying for months and months that you would quit, that you were done, and yet you're still here. What's the hold up?
No. 387048
>>386953you mean her boyfriend?
that she lives with?
No. 387050
>>386953because you know what i think and feel :)
>>386999leaving the community doesnt mean NOT cosplaying
No. 387073
>>386953Okay, I had to step in here because you're a complete fucking asshole sharing this information. this is between Lauren and the guy she is seeing, how fucking dare you disclose that personal and unofficial information out like that. That poor girl has had to leave her home and is trying her best to settle into a new place with a new partner.
Also btw he does not fucking hate Sindy, he is on her friends list, and he recently shared some of her posts. He has no fucking problem with her and you are a lying sack of shit for saying otherwise. When I find out who you are, I'll be asking him to drop you from his life, permanently!
You toxic bitch
No. 387074
>>387073It's not really "unofficial" or "personal" if you're out making goo-goo eyes in a public place.
And just because he's on Sindy's friends list, doesn't mean he likes her.
No. 387075
>>387074what are you fucking jealous or something, upset he doesn't want to be with a twisted bitch like you. Their relation is between them, neither Lauren nor said person involved ever publicly announced they were together!
You had no right to tell anybody, or to act like its confirmed.
Enjoy your time with G
*t while you can.. I'll be having words with him tomorrow
No. 387078
>>387075No one was gonna name him or whatever but you've certainly narrowed it down for the people who didn't know.
You also assume I'm someone he knows or is friends with, neither are true. I've just been in the same place as him and his friends before on occasion. Overheard things.
No. 387169
>>387078actually thats not his name..
and he has no issue with me lol. you dont know him but you know he hates me? god you're so full of actual shit, try harder
No. 387204
>>387173"overhearing him say a couple of bad things about me"
gets into a relationship with my best friend
tells my best friend hes never had an issue with me
never actuaklly confirmed to YOU how he fells..
yes its obvious hes a horrible person who hates me and is lying to my best friend. its not like you could be the jealous liar looking for ammo
No. 387668
>>387566I think she's going on about it because a while back Pubes did a video that had mention of Eyjafjallajökull in it? Although that is the name of the ice cap over the actual volcano, Eyjafjöll. It seems she thinks because Pubes talked about it, it must be a Swedish volcano, when it's not, it's Icelandic. The volcano last erupted in 2010, that was the one that disrupted all the air travel and whatnot. Sure, a neighbouring volcano, Katla, typically has an eruption of some form after Eyjafjöll, but that historically happens within months of the first one.
She's talking out of her ass, as usual. Made a post asking if people would rather live 50 miles from the site of a nucleur bomb explosion, or 50 miles from the ash radius of a super volcano.
Can tell you, anyone with even half a brain would go for the super volcano, as the ash clears pretty quickly, and people do live within that radius anyway, and a nuke would be like Chernobyl but on a much larger scale, and radiation doesn't just disappear.
No. 387725
>>387668neither do pyroclastic flows you idiot. they take years to settle, cause volcanic winters, bury people in ash and pumas, choke up your lungs with rock shards and lead to a slow but excruciating death. both events have a consequence of the toxicity spreading however with a pyroclastic flow its likely to be the result of wind carrying the ash…
oh and btw, since you specified a super volcano.. the ash would just keep coming and coming for months
and it has nothing to do with pewds.. thats the most retarded shit ive ever seen, there is a real danger of north koreas nukes setting off eruptions via the tremors.
No. 387727
>>387668and to further specify. north Korea is home to a super volcano that could wipe out all of Asia. those things are not hard to set off because all they require is internal pressure to collapse the caldera.
in-fact north korea is so afraid there volcano might erupt the ordered it to be heavily monitored after 2010
and then, if the US nukes nk which it probably will eventually.. there's a danger the tremor could set off their volcano, and when one super volcano goes off, a bunch of close by volcanoes go off, and that results in insane levels of tsunami..
No. 387745
>>387729this is some weak ass drama attempts here
i dare you all to make a new thread. i wont reply, and please. try and fill it with REAL drama. like something bad i did or something i scammed or something fucking interesting. not.. oh shes going on about volcanoes now.. what a bitch…
No. 387791
>>387745Won't reply and calls it weak… So why the fuck are you bothering to reply? You really will take any bait.
We all know if a new thread was put up you would be replying it.
No. 387792
>>387791is shit content like this was on it maybe.
and thats what this site is about now. baiting people into replying to you.. fuck even 4chan is better than that.. i thought this site was a place to hold people accountable for there awful actions.. (given there actions are bad to begin with)
No. 387794
>>387793if that was the case you wouldnt keep comming back with garbage like *she likes volcanoes..
she didn't cook this meal
her cat must hate her
its fucking laughable at this rate..
No. 387802
>>387800then thats the proof this entire thread is garbage… no other threads are
baitonisions thread for example has actually accounts of the horrible things he done… if you lot wanted to bitch about me.. why not do it on a fb group.. this site isnt really not the place to pick a fight with me
No. 387822
>>387809well now you have documented evidence of the reasons i got away from her. and her admitting to them. so whatever
>>387813i did say make a new thread
No. 388215
>>388200The anon who posted that could literally have been anyone, in his life or not. They could have been talking out their ass for all anyone knows, and just managed to strike gold with it.
But yeah, the toxic one is the person insisting people cut friends out of their lives over an anonymous board. Sounds insecure, too.
No. 388437
>>388409Darren acting like any semi-normal friend does, gets kicked.
These thirsty fuckbois say the kind of things they say, still get to hang around.
No. 388446
>>388437he took it to a whole other level tho.. he decided to stalk me on facebook and call me 24/7 on skype. and like i said he said really sexual stuff like
i woke up with an erection i mean you just dont fucking say that shit. kerr has never spoken to me like that and he fucking knows better.
id rather have kerr around me than darren any day thankyou. at least i fucking know kerr
No. 388447
>>388203im currently deciding what content to produce
im going to lay fof twitch until i get a following
i never had a cosplay career to begin with.. you give me to much credit.. but the amour im making for mcm london is 40% complete
No. 388457
>>388451twitch is a cancerous site anway. they encourage gamers not to beg for money but delete unpopular streams.. thats like saying. oh you didnt beg well enough, fuck off
oh and the TOS are fucking impossible
No. 388734
>>388724I'm not taking this and I knew this would be dragged back up at some point. She has no proof otherwise she would not have blocked me. She ran out of excuses after I beat back all of claims. Pathetic really.
I'm not going to say it all again but sindy we where talking about problems in both guys and girls. You where going on about breasts causing back pains, periods etc and I said you want to know what's a slight problem for guys waking up with an erection. I never said I had one over you.
The skype calls is explained above. As for facebook your crap was all I saw on my page. I got through everything and if I like it I like it. We just happen to like the same stuff. Well most of it. Bedside's friends like each others stuff. Oh and sindy I tried to be your friend. I offered us to meet up and tried to but I was busy.
So either A apologize and continue ignoring me, B apologize and make up, C continue being a child or D provide proof otherwise.
No. 388741
>>388734I was trying to semi-defend you, dude. All we've had is wild allegations of what you apparently said, from her, and you refuting those claims. Either side can provide their proof, I don't care who does it.
It was also to prove another point that she'll claim she has proof, like always, and never show anything for it.
No. 388746
>>388741Well most of this was in skype calls. So the only proof she has is total no. of calls which 25 in 3-4 days 6 calls 7 missed and the rest where errors and such.
As for everything else no proof exists on my side or hers.
Oh and I did not mean to sound directly blaming you
>>388741 anon I just got lazy tagging my bad.
No. 388814
>>388809my content wont be mature…. i will have no trouble monotizing it under fair use
and adpocalypse is about ads pulling out of youtube, not about censoring content.. you're the 1 who needs to do research
No. 388821
>>388814No ads on youtube, no money for content creators.
Or do you not know how the monetization system on youtube actually works?
Fair Use, sure, but swearing at all will flag it as mature. Youtube is trying to be as family friendly as possible to keep the advertisers. Swearing is a seen as a no-no
No. 388828
>>388810Of course Sindy tries to take option E make up her own excuse. Sindy I'm not with or against these people.
You said it was fine for me to call you so Don't try and wriggle your way out of it.
I'm not here for you sindy at all either. But if your going to try and talk shit behind my back I will defend myself. The exact same reason you keep coming back here.
I said it before I'm only here to protect myself. You don't bother me at all. Now get it out of your head that you think I care for you. I did at one point. But you seem to have got it stuck in your head even after I told you months ago I was no longer interested.
I swear I have dealt with autistic people and worse and not had this many problems.
No. 388838
>>388826 have to get at least 10k total views before Youtube even considers putting ads on your videos if you want to monetise them. And that's if they even consider allowing your to monetise.
Have fun trying to get to that minimum threshold with no following from Twitch.
No. 388841
>>388838not true. my videos already have monotization enabled.
but even so 10k views is easy. my other channel had over 1m views.
No. 388845
>>388841Not true yet plenty of places have reported on it, huh? You must just be the most special person ever, right?
Being able to select that you want to monetise things, and actually make money off of it isn't the same.
And just because a previous channel had over 1 million views doesn't mean your new one will, or that you were able to monetise anything on your old channel.
No. 388850
>>388845ive seen a lot of illegal shit get monotized. i dont want to monotize it in case it gets taken to court for copyright infringement.
and since my last channel got 1.1m views.. i obviously know how to generate interesting content and appeal to certain audiences
No. 388854
>>388850And your last channel consisted of what, exactly? AMVs? Those generate interest anyway because weebs..
But hey, wanna prove your old channel actually got that? Because for all we know you're pulling that number out your ass.
No. 388870
>>388859So, of garbage non-content that was fine 7 years ago when Youtube was still in it's infancy. No one really watches that kind of garbage anymore, or if they do, they expect it to be a lot higher quality.
No. 388871
>>388870wb anon
meh. content is around 7 years old anyway
hey you never know what people watch. but the channel isnt monetized anyway bruh. so it doesn't matter what the watch
No. 388876
>>388870plus i have another amv channel wuth
74,533 views tempted to monotize these to spite you kek
No. 388887
>>388885*Parodying it
Using it in a transformative waythose should count
No. 388891
>>388889doesnt make it legal
>>388888sadly it DOES work like that
No. 388906
>>388895Most AMVs aren't monetised by the person who made them, it's the music company who is making money off of the video because they own the rights to the music.
And if you monetise every video on the channel, you'd get more copyright strikes than your channel would handle. Not to mention I'm pretty sure the content ID system would pick up on it and not allow you to monetise anyway.
No. 389607
>>389537People have maybe got messages from it or something, who knows.
She can claim she isn't responsible for anything said, but legally, going by Facebooks ToS, since she made the account, even if she lost access to it, or gave it away, she's responsible for everything on it.
Heck legally she's broken quite a few of the terms already, she could end up getting outright blacklisted from the platform over it.
No. 389717
>>389607Yeah she was dumb to just give it away. If her email was connected to it she could have compromised everything connected to it. Would have been smarter to terminate it.
But hell if she loses her facebook pages entirely then she loses 90% of what a pitiful excuse of a cosplay standing she has.
No. 389753
>>389717Thinks she was trying, and failing, to prove a point when she "gave it away".
But it also means, since she claimed she isn't using it, despite still having the credentials, she could get away with sending hate to everyone just by saying "oh, it wasn't me, it was anons from 4chan"
No. 389833
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No. 389834
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>>389841Whoops forgot the pic
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Ok it was actually 17 screen shots here's the last one
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