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No. 304769
This malingering attention whore originally grew her channel by obsessing over Onision drama, making an insane number of videos in a short period of time but has now branched into obsessing over the most current hot topic in the news, right now the DaddyOfive scandal which she seems to be exploiting for money, subs & views. Between her two channels she has made over 80 videos on the
topic in just 2 weeks, churning out up to 12 videos a day in addition to doing livestreams on YouNow and constantly updating her Twitter yet she claims to be too ill to hold a real job. If anyone questions her she will blame you for being stupid or her "near" fatal mystery "illness" she believes was caused by her IUD. She has a long list of symptoms and claims to have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia & IBS despite having boundless amounts of energy and being able to move around in ways that
should be too painful like doing a headstand. She uses "brain fogs" to excuse just about everything even though they seem to mainly consist of losing her train of thought for 2 or 3 seconds or forgetting a word temporarily. Admits to wearing a "mask" so you can't see her suffering from her super duper invisible illness. People who actually suffer from the illnesses she claims to have are constantly calling her out for being a faker.
Previous threads #1-3
>>>/snow/246848>>>/snow/278466>>>/snow/285785Social Media:
Joy Sparkle BS channel Spurpinkle bow No. 304798
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she single handedly saved those kids! screw the bigger youtubers that reported on it before she
did. screw the people that found the attorney or gave the bio mom gas money!
No. 304800
For those who haven't seen this stuff yet, some additional links to check out:
Current StuffHer Patreon, which she claims has not been officially released: Sparkle BS Official Facebook page: Blade for Joy Sparkle BS has a thread at Kiwi Farms: a thread at Guru Gossip: page: stuff under her real name Kati Marie SmithCopy of old Tumblr from a decade ago, she deleted the original she wrote in 2006 blog where she was attempting to make a documentary about indigo children of which she believed herself to be: radio show she called into twice:
Paradigm Shift Radio 87 - Mysteries of Our Universe from 2014 2. Katie. Overcoming challenges. Healing the self.)
Paradigm Shift Radio 78 - Conscious Community Call In Spectacular from 2013
(Click 7 Kati Benefits of Oxygen Therapy) Backstage profile: No. 304814
>>304802I thought about including all sorts of stuff but that would have made the post super long & I wanted to keep it short as possible.
She also has "near" seizures and "almost" collapses and has the superpowers of:
1. Being able to localize pain to her head & prevent it from spreading to her body
2. Ability to completely mask a panic attack so she can remain perfectly calm the entire time
3. Can mask severe body pain so effectively she shows no symptoms
4. Can heal fatal inoperable tumors with herbs & meditation (even though she admitted on her old Tumblr page it was actually an abscess that was cured by taking antibiotics but don't you dare question her memory of the event.)
Did I miss any?
No. 304856 where Mercedes is guested and they start speculating that Emma was molested by her step-brother Jake because her room had "easy access" and Jake is going thru puberty and "who knows what he's found on the internet"…. because that totally means he's raping her. And Mercedes is an "internet empath" extraordinaire so her gut feelings
have to be based in reality. Joy says she's going to do more research because this is such a good angle for a video. How sick is that?
And then this girl Rachelochs thinks HER channel subs (all 11 of them) are completely responsible for getting not only Joy's strike removed but also removing Suit Yourself's channel strike and gives her email so that others having trouble with strikes can get theirs removed. Her fans are just as delusional as she is. No. 304870
>>304856This person is clearly mentally handicapped. I can't hate on that woman at all. She felt like she genuinely helped and did a good job.
She reminds me of a family member with a mental handicap who tries to be helpful and thinks good things are because of how super helpful she was. And is extremely gullible.
No. 304919
>>304907??? She totally shits all over a non-profit who was doing a fund raiser? This has to be one of her most cunty videos. This is also evidence of how she is one of the most misogynistic people I've ever seen. She absolutely hates women who are not children or disabled. She hates them at a pathological level and especially women who haven't sat around leeching off of men all their lives.
Wait till she decides that the DaddyOFive attorney (a woman) is a Kyathy… she'll be going "HAM" on her too.
No. 304928
>>304924In the call in show listed above (the higher numbered one) she describes it as an "in-operable tumor" on her neck that she had for a year and physicians wouldn't operate on it because they said she'd die. She claims to have cured it with herbs. That video was posted in 2014.
I don't remember her talking about the tumor in the last YouNow stream clips. She did seem to be bitching about the person who'd challenged her on twitter but didn't show up to the live stream a couple days ago, but the clip was cut off short.
No. 304966
>>304925this brings up something that i'm really uncomfortable with. i've been inpatient, i've also been outpatient, i've been through so much therapy and so many meds and i know tons of people who've been in the same position. i've been in programs with people who seemed untreatable due to psychotic disorders, and i've struggled with my own psychotic disorder.
i don't know what it is, but i honestly believe that there's something going on with her, mentally. i don't know what, and i could be wrong, but that's my perspective. and i would usually have nothing but compassion and empathy for that. but there's a huge difference between being ill and being willing to manipulate, lie, and take advantage of people. even when i had no connection to reality, i never even dreamed of using any of my delusions to mess with other people.
no matter what is or isn't wrong with her, she's making a conscious choice to do all of this and she has no excuse. she's disgusting. even if she gets help, she has to choose to be a better person, and i honestly don't think that she has it in her.
sage for ot/blog. this whole idea has just been bothering me. (not your post, anon, just the general topic.)
No. 305173
Video today, and queue the personal problem stuff. At the very start of her video she says that more pressing matters have happened that she "might explain later". also claims it's 1 AM. But… the lighting in her home says otherwise. Maybe I am just retarded but it seems like natural light to me.
No. 305201
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>>305173I think she has a ring light that most of these sit-and-talk youtubers have. Pic related.
No. 305302
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>>305288The only confirmation I found was a comment from Chambers of My Heart who said she can confirm Joy did talk to the lawyer because she was the one the gave the lawyer Joy's phone number.
No. 305303
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jesus christ
No. 305344
>>305343Because she doesn't care. DUH. And MrRepzion and MundaneMatt on twitter have BOTH outright stated that breaking up one point across 10 vids is done with ad revenue intent in mind. She tried to argue the point with them mildly, and her 'fans' are attacking both of them calling them salty, jealous and all of that.
Like them or hate them, both of them have more experience and credibility in their field than Joy ever will. I think the only reason she's not directly targetting them is because the backlash would crush her like an insect.
No. 305347
>>305345>>305346You're right. Her zeal for attention and to be known as some savior figure is going to cost those kids and the case. Even then its going to be blamed (probably on us or the "haters") or there will be some excuse. Even with people warning her THIS COULD HAPPEN…she just doesn't care, which says a lot about how much she really and truly cares.
JoysparklesBS: "Its okay as long as i'm the one doing it." (Not a direct quote but that should be her motto.)
No. 305359
>>305349Sage for Prediction.
-MundaneMatt and MrRepzion wind up eating Joy alive after her fan harrassment continues. (She already posted calling people that said the SAME stuff as him shit she IS without outright saying it calling him a shit talker and being outright sneaky.)
-Joy winds up costing the kids the case, and ruins everything. Makes excuses for her actions. Winds up facing legal action from the mom and probably many other parties.
-Kids wind up with the dad again after the case gets thrown out, OR the kids wind up in foster care system after the case is thrown out or declared a mistrial..with the lawyer facing being possibly disbarred.
>>305353Told you, guys. It is all about control for her. That is Joy, through and through. But hey, ITS NOT A CULT, GAIZ!!1! Yeah yeah, the world revolves around her, its dangerous stuff…and she can REALLY take on a news organization when she can't even take on her own lack of self control. She's a full on lolcow, now.
No. 305424
>>305419I like how she thinks getting interviewed by BBC is some sort of "resume" thing and it hurt her to turn the interview over the Chambers? She has such a twisted view of the world.
She also double talks saying SuitYourself talked to them first and told them about Chambers before her… then she said they didn't know about Chambers until SHE told them and INSISTED that they interview Chambers instead. She can't even keep lies straight in a 5 min video.
No. 305435
>>305301>>305302Thanks! That is interesting. That is really the account of the Heart person by the way if anyone else was wondering if it's someone pretending, I went to the comment and checked. Awful situation if this is the case. Hopefully it's not an Joy is making it up for views. Hopefully Joy really isn't taking advantage of this situation for her own gain the way it appears she is.
In Joys most recent video she says that Rose said that CPS said ("first hand from the source" of course) after watching a few videos that DaddyoFive is absolutely a sadist… that sounds like very unlikely, emotionally driven language for a person working in child protection - a government related agency - to use. It all still doesn't really add up to me.
It makes me sick how Joy smirks whenever she alludes to being in direct contact with Rose or the lawyer or being the only one to have this information.
No. 305440
>>305435Chambers of the Heart went onto Joysus' live stream and confirmed that she (Chambers) had put the attorney in touch with Joy among about 5 other YouTuber people.
Chambers is totally fine with and supports what Joysus is doing from what I watched on the live stream.
These people are so determined to fight this "monster" for the sake of the "poor oppressed bio mom" that they're sort of batshit crazy. I went on the archive of the D05 channel and watched about 10 videos pulled at random. Some with kids names (espec Cody and Emma) and some just picking the "7th one down"… and they are fucking BORING videos. The stuff they show in clips in the news… that is the HEIGHT of it from what I can tell. And, even looking at the condensed stuff… it doesn't rise to child abuse. The only thing that comes close is the invisible ink prank and IF that were happening 5 days a week… yes, that's abuse… but one time? No, it's a fucking prank whether you like it or not. The family is a very loud group of people… there are plenty of people who are loud like that. I personally can't stand them, but it isn't child abuse… it's just … well, their personality.
Sage… cuz, I rambled a lot to say that I think the kids will end up with the dad and that might actually be the better place for them.
No. 305442
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And, now she's a surgeon… or is that sturgeon that she smells like… :P
No. 305446
>>305440I subbed to these people a while back after a rec from a friend who wanted my opinion on their behavior. Pretty sure I've watched at least 98% of their videos and I have to agree with you. Joy wants to paint these people as monsters but no, they are like her…People who don't have the common sense or intellect to know when they are being morons and taking things too far. She wants to think she's helping but she couldn't be farther from it.
Having gone through the family court system and foster care, being represented by shitty lawyers and everything…yeah these kids are either going to end up back in the dad's care or broken up into the foster care system.
No. 305491
>>305410There's been a lot of online whinging about him and calling him everything under the Sun, but remember, that family was investigated over videos on that channel in October and they didn't take the channel down and there were no charges filed. So, what? 6 months ago, they were not doing anything bad enough to warrant really anything? No charges, no monitoring, no "take your channel down", nothing. For the state to put them in foster care, they would have to prove some form of abuse and back it up with more than edited youtube videos.
I don't see Rose getting them. She is on disability, so her ability to support them is going to be a stress on Rose herself. In one video interview she talked about cutting herself. In another video interview she talked about how Cody was on six medications and sat around like a "zombie" "staring at the wall all day" and that's what made her get in touch with Mike because she hoped "a change in scenery" would perk him up more. So, it doesn't sound like Cody was doing that well with her before all this started.
Now, she may have the resources to stay in the area and fight this in the courts, but people are not exactly flooding that GoFundMe and, to be honest, she should not be relying on a GoFundMe for the basics for herself and especially for the kids. I think she is a very sweet person and don't wish her ill… but she does not seem like someone who has the emotional strength to deal with an ODD type of child. I've known those types of kids… they are horrible, horrible creatures far more often than anyone would like. Cody is only 9 or maybe 10 right now… He could be an extremely hard child to deal with as a teen.
No. 305493
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the live chat
No. 305494
It wasn't the "sexual abuse" just that she wasnt going to comment on him getting off sexually by the abuse he causes. When in previous videos she commented on it how she said things like, them getting boners, or that he jacks off to it etc. Previous thread had a few clips of her nastiness. So I found it freaking crazy she said that at all in this newest video.
No. 305504
>>305499I am curious about the person who is posting this shit. I get being annoyed by Kati's bullshit, but to defend DO5 for his abhorrent behavior screams something else…
There was way more than enough videos on his page to show how fucked up that entire family is. And Rose being disabled has doesn't mean she cannot have the kids. The amazing thing is, CPS will do everything they can to help her. Yes, she struggled with the kids at first. A lot of parents with special needs children do. That shouldn't disqualify her from having them. She just needs the right help. Sadly for her, she tried to get help from their father and look where that landed her.
No. 305521
Not sure which poster you were anon, but I was agreeing with
>>305499Related to the person here
>>305446>Joy wants to paint these people as monsters but no, they are like her…Who was agreeing with this moron
>>305440>The only thing that comes close is the invisible ink prank and IF that were happening 5 days a week… yes, that's abuse… but one time? No, it's a fucking prank whether you like it or not. The family is a very loud group of people… there are plenty of people who are loud like that. I personally can't stand them, but it isn't child abuse…Soooo… what?
No. 305574
>>305491CPS said that they were not aware of the channel & had not seen any of the videos the first time this family was investigated. I've seen quite a few of the DO5 videos myself and besides the twisted pranks, a lot of it consisted of pitting the children against each other and laughing about it. I saw plenty enough to really question what kind of father would do that do his kids. I don't know what kind of family you grew up in anon, but this really isn't normal behavior, fucking with kid's heads like that will really mess them up.
Rose is taking medication for her bipolar disorder now but regarding the cutting she may be referring to a time when she was not properly medicated. It's actually quite common for people who are bipolar to also self harm in some way. It's possible Cody is also bipolar which would explain why he needs so many medication and why he would react like a "zombie" while on them. That's an effect those medications sometimes have, this is not Rose's fault. We just don't have much information on Rose's medical issues to make any sort of judgements on her parenting skills and frankly she shouldn't have to share her personal information with the whole internet just to make a few nosy people happy, she wasn't the one who made this public. CPS is fully aware of her situation and will be keeping an eye on those kids for quite some time. This case is extremely public so CPS knows they are being watched, they will do everything they can to make sure the kids are in the best situation possible.
No. 305621
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jesus she's so delusionally obsessed
No. 305644
>>305621Am I the only one that will be happy when she winds up locked in a bubble and unable to film anymore? (Or a psych ward?)
Oh, the status mentioned in
>>305557? Regarding someone posting a video calling her out. So now, if you speak out against Joy, all she has to do is cry to her fans so they'll try to issue takedown notices. (Based mama, in this case.) She was called out, and within 2 hours of that being posted, the video is down.
She IS OniSHEOn. This has crossed the threshold of obscene.
Of other note: his words: Joy is not his friend, and he does not support her or her actions, some of which he finds inappropriate.
No. 305661
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Of course
No. 305663
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No. 305666 to this, she is now bilking 47 people out of their money for $247 a month. I wonder how much of this money she's giving to roomie for rent? Or help with anything?
One person is paying 50 a month for a VOICEMAIL GREETING. 21 people are paying three bucks for…get be added to or hang out with her on social media. That is what they are paying for. Joy's fans really are a special kind of stupid to pay for that kind of stuff.
No. 305688
>>305644Based Momma made a video and took it down later? I'd been secretly hoping she'd come out and say something. Can someone give some details regarding what she said about Joy/Kati?
anons, please try not to clog up the thread with posts debating whether or not DO5 is truly abusive or not. there's tons of others places to do that. the posts need to be regarding joy sparkles in some way.
No. 305692
>>305688She said Joy was a crazy fame hungry psycho who is going to hurt the case if she doesn't shut the fuck up already. She called her out for making money of course and told her many, many times to get help and to stop using YT for therapy.
Basically, she said what we've all been saying.
No. 305702
>>305701same anon, accidental repost of video. sorry!
>>305490the warski video starts talking about joy at 29:25.
No. 305707
>>305704If they go after either of the hanouts, they'll get their asses handed to them because both are supported by major youtubers who already view her as milking this situation for cash.
As for the little guy, I gave him an upvote and I don't see anything in there that they could report him for. If they report him, then ALL of SpergBurger's videos need to be taken down because they're far worse.
No. 305710
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No. 305711
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No. 305712
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No. 305716
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No. 305723
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Wonder if someone yanked her chain hard enough to shut her up. Will suck if this cow's been shoved into dry dock for the time being. :(
No. 305727
>>305688I would have LOVED to see that video! Did Based Momma take it down herself or was it strike? Either way I hope it gets put back up, the more credible people call Joy out the better. So glad MrRepzion & MundaneMatt are taking a hard stance on this & not backing down.
Joy is trying to say she's donating "the majority" of the money she makes off the DO5 videos to the Gofundme for the kids but last I heard she meant just the videos that contain footage of child abuse. Looking at her videos it looks like less than 1/4 have clips from the DO5 videos. The videos where she was being called out the most for unecessarily splitting into a series to maximize ad revenue DON'T show any DO5 clips so presumably she's keeping the money from those. I don't know if she's changed how she is going to split the earnings up but she could still do a 51/49% split and still call it a majority. The amount she was reporting she made from the videos keeps changing but she could make up just about any dollar amount then donate that and be able to show "receipts."
>>305661Speaking of receipts, what is this supposed to prove exactly? That she made $38 from the livestream but wasn't able to donate it because gofundme "wasn't working" according to her. This isn't a receipt of anything, we know she made money from the livestream…we all saw people giving her bars. Is she not going to try donating this to the gofundme again or is she just hoping people think this proves something and forget about it so she can keep it? Screenshots showing an error message on the gofundme site would have been more convincing than this.
>>305491Your summary of these interviews is weirdly twisted in some places. Where are you getting that Rose is on disability? In the interview with Chambers of My Heart, she talked about working at Walmart and later mentioned she paid $10,000 for a lawyer that ended up screwing her over. This sounds like she was working and spent lots of money trying to regain custody. When she referred to cutting she wasn't saying she did. Where that came from is when she said Heather got Emma to lie in order to get emergency custody by saying Rose was punching holes in the walls, cutting herself & didn't have food in the house but Rose said this was all completely untrue, it was just Heather manipulating the situation. As for the medications Cody was on she said the doctors were too quick to give him lots of different medications and she didn't want that for him, she didn't want him to be a zombie strung out on meds. However, she did says he had him in therapy because he is special needs and has ODD. The change in scenery thing came from a different part of the interview, where she said Cody had some behavioral issues and she thought maybe a change of environment would help him. She also said that the kids look really skinny now, they had lost a lot of weight since they went to live with Mike & Heather. You can see this is true for yourself. She has a video slideshow of pics of her kids looking happy and well fed. you not notice how many of the DO5 videos show Cody with some sort of healing injury like scabs & bruises on his arms, legs & even on his face?
Rose said she signed temporary custody for Cody for 6 months and she said she had visitation rights but then got a paper in the mail saying it was permanent custody so she went to court to try to get that fixed. She said when she saw the copy of the custody paper signing over permanent custody it wasn't her signature. When she reported Mike & Heather to CPS for child abuse they told her the investigation just showed the child abuse was considered "corporal punishment." When people on the internet started calling CPS to investigate the second time, CPS said they were not aware of the DaddyOFive channel and would be looking at the videos to determine if they constitute child abuse.
sage for partly OT
(I know one anon asked us to stop debating the DO5 situation and I will but I wanted to clear up some things that the other anon misrepresented. I did include my opinions on Joy in this same post instead of samefagging a bunch of comments so please forgive the length.)
No. 305735
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Chambers Of The Heart posted this "Statement" regarding Joy. She is foolish to back up Joy in any way, even if Joy has been Chamber's "corner" before. She is directly involved with Rose so by condoning Joy in any way at all, she is giving Joy more fuel to believe that the videos she posts are harmless to Rose's situation. I'm sure she's been stressed and under a lot of pressure (as she says herself) so perhaps she hasn't been able to watch many of Joy's so called coverage on DO5 all the way through. I want to believe that if she had, she would have distanced herself from Joy. Not excusing her but seriously there's no better time than NOW to stop feeding her information. This shit is really going to affect Rose in ways many of us probably don't realize. No. 305737
>>305736How do you know that? A gag order is actually a pretty serious thing since most states hold the right of the public to know what's going on as a higher concern that the reputations of the people involved.
I can't see Tim asking for a gag order since he was the one feeding information to Kati (Joy)…. If the attorney for Mike(? Do5) did it, she probably used the privacy of the children as the reason (A VERY GOOD REASON TO DO THAT!). Pretty fucking sad if it was Do5's attorney that asked for it.
No. 305759
>>305735Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that Joy is talking to Rose? I don't mean any offense to the woman, but she seems easily manipulated and gullible. We've seen how Joy is with her kid audience so it makes me uneasy. Joy could easily have this case thrown out. Obviously all the parents involved in this are not the sharpest crayons in the box, but Do5 has shown himself to be an unfit parent which makes Rose the best choice for these kids
as far as we know. It would be tragic for a fucking youtuber to spout off bullshit that gets the kids handed back to Mike and Heather.
Please stay the fuck out of it, Kati. Having been under investigation by CPS as a child, it was humiliating enough for my classmates to find out. I would have been absolutely devastated if a stranger was making dozens upon dozens of videos about me and my family, making horrible allegations and posting it on the internet for thousands of people to see forever. She needs to step back and actually look at what she's doing. She's phenomenally reprehensible. Of every thread I read, Onision and Joy are the only cows that make me rage. Sorry for blogpost. Fuck, though.
>>305740She's very pretty and I like her no bullshit attitude
ba dum tss. I hope she sticks around.
No. 305760
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66 vidoes on her main channel (one of which is a mirror)
No. 305761
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22 on her backup channel. (one of which is a mirror)…
So, that either 88 videos or 86 depending on how you want to count them. And, that's over the course of 18 days (apr 18 through today)
No. 305766
>>305759I absolutely feel the same. People like Joy are predators and can smell their prey from a mile away. I get the impression that Rose could be taken advantage of. She might already be being taken advantage of by the lawyer and I base that off of how incredibly unprofessional it is for him to be giving Joy any info about anything regarding the kids. I honestly do believe that Joy's videos could be used as ammunition to attack to attack Rose in cour or depositions etc. especially the videos where Joy/Kati talks about info she received from Rose and the lawyer. I've read comments from others who have been involved in custody cases, including Based Momma, and they think these videos could be seriously detrimental.
>>305761that is fucking frightening.
No. 305769
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>>305760>>305761How could she see herself as anything but obsessive and greedy? I hope to be so delusional some day. Her life must be roses when she's not literally about to die from her anxiety disorder.
No. 305780
>>305771he seriously sounds like he's crying at some points during that vid. what the actual fuck.
and comparing joy to a news station?? even fox news?? saying that they'd "do the same thing." um, no, a news station would put effort into putting together a comprehensive story for a short clip, giving just the facts and nothing more. that's journalism. joy is NOT a journalist. tbh she doesn't know a goddamn thing about journalism. this just blows my mind. this kid is an idiot.
No. 305790
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No. 305816
>>305723Oh, with people like Joy that cow isn't running out of milk any time soon. She's gone full blown cow.
>>305727It was originally taken down as harrassment and bullying under TOS as it said on the video. Its back up now.
>>305735This doesn't sound like its supporting Joy. If anything it sounds like trying to back off as gracefully as possible. I doubt they haven't noticed what happens with the lunatics she calls fans and she's probably trying to avoid that. (Nick also used the 'don't bring drama to my door' response.) That is what this looks like.
>>305736Joy doesn't give a damn about a gag order. She would be the kind to go "I'll risk it for the fans!" for the opportunity to play it like she's a martyr. Watch. She will have more vids incoming. She already has them ready to roll according to her twitter. What she doesn't have is self control. No gag order is going to stop her.
>>305759Joy prefers people that are gullible and easily manipulated. Just someone else for her to use later….just look at her fans!
>>305782She isn't shutting her yap. She said she has videos in the wings. She is hyping up everyone else to get them to beg her to put out the info..which has already started with her replying with ' ;) ' She's not going to honor that. Hell, she may even milk more videos over the gag order and claim its personally against her.
No. 305830
>>305824Just wait for it. Kids are going to wind up in foster care. Mom is going to lose the case. Its going to be because of Joy's shit…and then..what? Everyone else's fault again. That happens and we will see the internet explode. There isn't enough milk in the world for the meltdown Joy is going to be caught in then, and there will be nowhere for her to hide.
>>305827According to the last thread with the three imgur files, she is related to the family but doesn't really interact with or know them very well. She's the black sheep and such. (I wonder why) They don't talk with her or interact with her and barely know her. (Is it really the only time Joy has ever over-exaggerated?)
No. 305902
>>305884Sounds like Chambers bonded with Joysus over hate boners for Onision. Also, Chambers' statement "CPS has been being a douche" at the very end … hmmm… sounds like CPS doesn't view the biological mom as the perfect angel that everyone else does.
These people don't seem to get it. IF Joysus was not monetizing all those videos, she's just be an average lolcow… all the hate Joysus is getting is because she's monetizing the videos. If she pumped out this many videos with NONE of them monetized, I don't think any of the mainstream YouTubers would give her the time of day, but they also wouldn't talk about her either.
No. 305918
File: 1494083317791.png (68.86 KB, 1080x503, IMG_20170506_160601.png)

The Joysus cult sickens me.
This was on a bunch of perfectly civil and sensible comments disagreeing with Joy. They weren't hate comments, they were criticism.
I can't believe these people.
No. 305943
File: 1494086222449.png (59.82 KB, 613x381, bdyJFaF.png)

Bet she's consulting with Angels over this and they're telling her to "go for the ka-ching baby!" Will she twist out 5 more videos today or won't she? No. 305946
>>305943Now she's just milking her own controversy.
Grifters gonna grift.
No. 305978
File: 1494092396856.png (61.54 KB, 560x426, LhburJp.png)

DeFranco explicitly stated that his video was not monetized. Her fanbase is desperate to keep their queen on the throne.
No. 305995
>>305990Nice catch.
She also said she had extensive experience with debate, too. Clearly, this is untrue. :D
No. 305998
>>305991Well, sucks to be Chambers. She ought to take the cue from everyone else and quietly or forcefully bail out while she still can. Once that trial goes down she does NOT want to be associated with any of that. (At least I can say that HER heart was in the right place, but she will pay for it regardless.)
Oh wait. As of EIGHT minutes ago another court case update. Even with the Gag order she just can't shut the hell up.
No. 306007
File: 1494096846851.png (59.77 KB, 612x375, Ea7Xn6S.png)

Talk about a 180 from 7pm last night!
I'd bet a week's paycheck that her videos (especially the ones from the attorney) were used for the gag order and attorney was told to rein her ass in or face court fines.
No. 306015
File: 1494097727373.png (137.16 KB, 557x870, yaSlKBh.png)

New estimate of earnings… not even $1 per video.
No. 306020
>>306015Not even a $ per video?
Social blade for now says:
>estimated monthly earning: €658 - €10.5K No. 306033
>>306000An ACTUAL lawyer most likely (Tim doesn't count because he's made one of the dumbest choices in leaking info to an unstable YouTube) or the judge himself. The thing most Judges hate more than anything is a trial being turned into any sort of media circus- and Joy's had her clown costume on from day one.
I can't believe she's still going to be uploading anything about it at all after the gag order- prerecorded or otherwise. If she slips up and reveals something (even just by random speculation) that's going to impact Rose's case since she's been in contact with her frequently (according to Chambers). Chambers had her out but chose to hitch her buggy to Joy's so she's going down as well.
No. 306041
Is this lawyer guy one of those tv lawyers whose commercials play during the day during the talk shows?
I keep seeing Aileen Wurnos' first lawyer in my head… lol
>>306038No, you're not the only one. It's a smug expression. Similar to Onions when he thinks he's made a gotcha.
(And what
>>306040 said.)
No. 306056
>>306040>>306041>>306043Thanks guys, that all makes sense as to why the picture's annoying.
I think the coy/meek/innocent business with it is the main thing that bothers me about it but I couldn't quite articulate it.
No. 306066
>>306059He also seems to not understand why a judge would issue a gag order, for all his 'it doesn't affect this at all." I doubt custody will go back to DO5, but Rose won't get them either. Foster care.
>>306057More like learning how to manipulate better. Subconscious appeal. Her collab with Repzion, where she had herself crowned in a halo. Barack Obama was often criticized for that same tactic ..putting the subconscious appearance of saintly stature into the minds of those viewing it. The fans would then defend their 'savior' more, and the critics would be percieved as picking on a 'godly' figure. This also fits in with using the Joysus name (Joysus/Jesus)..all of it low key manipulation through imagery.
So when you see her subbed to all of these different modeling or acting groups, it appears more like she is trying to learn how to be the best manipulator around. A professional con artist.
No. 306084
File: 1494104848695.png (73.48 KB, 783x500, woww.png)

hahahaha what a two-faced piece of shit.
No. 306099
File: 1494106019755.png (55.61 KB, 563x315, 8Yt9Sgn.png)

No. 306101
File: 1494106075902.png (58.89 KB, 552x315, amw7kjF.png)

Does this look like some CYA here? Why suddenly tweeting this stuff?
No. 306113
File: 1494107098039.png (273.31 KB, 585x412, joy2.png)

>>306101It seems like Joy has been through YouTube drama enough times that she now knows how to safely navigate in without making a complete spectacle of herself. Boring.
No. 306116
>>306112Here's the thing… this pedo stuff came up in passing from some unsubstantiated tweet then was dropped because there was not support for it.
Why the hell would she be cuddling up to an account that suddenly gets fixated on this topic in a way to make it look like a joke? In her last YouNow stream, she talked about that account as if it were a troll that she had no idea of who it is… since then, she's been cuddling up to it pretty darn hard.
There's something a bit sick about the whole situation and she doesn't seem to get how joking about pedophiles is not a laughing matter. They actually do great and lasting damage to their victims. But, she thinks it's funny for some reason?
No. 306149
>>306123she's really not though. i'm reasonably attractive and i'm not even deluded enough to think that i could be a model. there isn't enough makeup in the world to make that face pretty.
>>306116list of things joy seems to think are funny: rape, incest, pedophilia, harassment… i've lost my train of thought but she's made it clear that she has no decorum whatsoever, and no concern for people who have had to deal with that kind of shit.
No. 306151
File: 1494111644728.jpg (47.94 KB, 533x800, 508ec2e1-98bf-4307-914f-6d1464…)

>>306149B-but just look at the picture on her portfolio.
No. 306191
triggering me.
No. 306196
>>306177That's…really stupid. That Stinky Hillary is always on Joy's feeds joking around with Joy. They're going to try to feed Fallston deliberate info like they did with Jamie and it is going to explode in Joy's face.
>>306188Okay, slightly disregard the above. This is another Joy doing stupid shit move. Throwing out a professional name to mock them with a troll account…GEE. Who bets that the real group is going to have something to say? (Possible harrassment of someone connected to the case, connected to Joy, after a gag order and before court proceedings, and Joy with her NOTICE ME COURT SENPAI 80+++ videos. NO WAY that's gonna backfire guyz!)
No. 306204
>>306203She had an interview with the ex-wife that she was trying to get help on fixing the audio on, so there's that already done. Also, she tweeted last night that she was making video of NEW STUFF! right at that moment.
Someone has yanked that bitch's leash hard. I just wish we could know who it was, maybe send them a box of chocolates or something.
No. 306209
JoySparkleBS channel tags:
Copper Toxicity, Heavy metal poisoning, Fibromyalgia, Onision, IUD, paragard, paragarrd IUD, mirena, mirena IUD, sociopath, borderline personality disorder, gaslighting, gas lighting, narcissist, Lainey, Laineybot
Tages on DaddyOFive : Rose(Mother) Interview On Good Morning America! Part 2 on Spirpinklebow:
daddyofive,daddyofive mommyofive,mommyofive,daddyofive emma,daddyofive cody,daddyofive emma cody,daddyofive custody,daddyofive loses custody,daddyofive lost custody,daddyofive boogie2988,daddyofive keemstar,daaddyofive keem star,daddyofive scarce,daddyofive mrrepzion,daddyofive mr repzion,daddyofive philip defranco,daddyofive andywarski,daddyofive suityourself,daddyofive joy sparkle bs,daddyofive joysparkle
Look at her trying to bite others views. lol.
Similar tags on DaddyOFive : Court Case Update! on JoySparkleBS.
No. 306218
File: 1494118806403.jpg (656.14 KB, 1280x691, 0ZA66T9.jpg)

The extension is called TubeBuddy.
No. 306222
File: 1494119029903.jpg (110.6 KB, 1478x455, tags.JPG)

>>306215>>306218You can also view the source as well. Although, others might claim you "faked" it. But if you only want to see it for yourself, view the pages source code and look for the tags. It will look like the picture included.
She's a shady bitch. Even to use names she talks shit about or that have called her out. Shameless, money hungry, nasty woman.
No. 306235
File: 1494120777540.png (226.4 KB, 1437x1304, Capture _2017-05-07-02-30-13-1…)

What do you think she means by this? Has basedmama had to explain Joy to a court?
No. 306290
File: 1494129258652.png (39.17 KB, 1084x144, epCOjTJ.png)

No. 306291
File: 1494129326157.png (21.51 KB, 1058x119, teKmxQa.png)

>>306290Hmmm… Would love to know what Fallston Group really think about the PR queen.
No. 306301
>>306295If you're talking about the gag order, those involved in the case in any way are prohibited from talking about it to anyone not involved in the case. So, that would cover all the agencies, witnesses, and plaintiffs (and their attorneys).
>>306298The anon called Conlon (?? spelling?? Rose's attorney) in an attempt fish for information, but I forget exactly what information it was at this point beyond that it was something in relation to SpergBunkleButt.
No. 306521
>>306508Interesting how these defense videos all admit that she's obsessive. Aside from an obvious subscriber grab attempt, his entire videos sounds like it was fed to him from Joysus. Notice that he questioned her and after PRIVATE conversations, she explained it to him, but he did not (or was not able to) explain why it made any sense. This sounds like classic psychopath manipulation to isolate individuals so the psychopath can "relate one on one" (as in tell a lie specific to that person) and get them bonded.
Look for more shills to come out, then a "I'm sick gois!" video to get the flock back under control while she figures out how to suck up to some other big YouTuber for a "collab" opportunity.
No. 306583
>>306569Fer sure. I'm saying her behavior doesn't jibe with what she's said, too.
When I saw Cody, frustrated and upset, I could feel his utter powerlessness as if it were my own because I've been there. Let me tell you, of all the feelings one could have, I'm not sure what other feeling could even compare. Nothing compares in it's depth. It's not something you want to relive and, if you've been there, you will watching these videos.
Anyway, so on to other things, now.
No. 306591
>>306569You left out the 20+ videos from her 2nd channel Spergbungalow. Even the most prolific crazy uploaders don't deal in the volume Joy does, with 90+ videos on one topic in 2 weeks (there's at least 15 more on other topics in that same time period) she's on a level all her own…no one comes close to touching her heights of insanity.
>>306583Right? She had to watch those videos over & over again to edit them…there were even times she slowed the footage down while repeating it 3 times for the audience. You'd have to have some kind of special ability to block emotions out to be able to watch those clips that many times without it deeply affecting you. I would have had to stop for my own mental health miles before her….but then again no one thinks she's sane.
No. 306617
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No. 306620
File: 1494176927554.png (59.29 KB, 615x401, 1XJOMP8.png)

No. 306624
File: 1494177053221.png (124.83 KB, 563x762, XJVV0Ix.png)

Included as part of Joysus' mob, but sage because not Dear Leader herself.
No. 306674
>>306521Hmmmmm…GEE..more that sounds like a cult.
Joy just posted a new video, and here we go again. Clickbait title with DO5 in it to get in the views and cry about 'the illness' where after two weeks the meds lose their effectiveness! Right into manipulating the audience AGAIN. "The last few days..they've been hard for me.." BITCH GTFO. You say that shit EVERY time the criticism mounts. Blank face, blank expression, even the tone in her voice is carefully regulated but entirely FAKE. "I feel like from the get-go i've been upfront and honest about everything." (Not going to attempt to comment on this one because that would be TL;DR trying to comment on every lie and contradiction she's told in the last week ONLY.)
Annnd the rest of it is throwing shade, trying to play emotional for the audience, and what's this? A low key threat? "To those of you making videos..when I release the information I don't want you to be embarrassed.." Okay. Sure. Nice attempt at scare tactics. When you release the information…back to "mysterious information' again. Annnnd shit talking. Only been up close to 40 minutes and its already turning into a comment frenzy. OniSheOn is still at large!
No. 306683
File: 1494185118529.png (36.8 KB, 552x282, HCbWvnw.png)

From latest video about click bait titles, etc.
No. 306692
File: 1494186685397.png (27.64 KB, 542x196, hayPMEB.png)

No. 306694
File: 1494186764885.png (17.15 KB, 598x142, 0JxDhUt.png)

No. 306701
>>306674>cry about 'the illness' where after two weeks the meds lose their effectiveness!Amazing that when she first got her meds she was able to predict they would stop working after EXACTLY 2 weeks.
Guys, she must be psychic. Her list of super powers grows every day!
No. 306712
Can someone mirror/w.e the bbc video?'s just so telling of what her intentions are. "It's always been a dream but I don't want to take a great story from someone else, my chance will come.." she forgot to pretend she cares about the kids and just full blown exposes herself…
No. 306715
>>306711Notice how low the views are on these supporter videos? For how many "fans" she has, none of them are bothering to watch the shill videos.
Just watched some goul looking idiot try to tear about Based Moma over her daughter. AND, Joysus has thanks that idiot profusely. What happened to not hurting people? Do you think calling someone a whore for having a big chest and then accusing them of being the reason the girl is suicidal is not hurtful? Joysus is a fucking piece of shit and her shill fans are worse.
No. 306718
File: 1494188800641.png (72.48 KB, 553x333, GaaFBHN.png)

Joysus thanks fan for making video calling Based Moma a whore for having big tits and accusing Based Moma of causing her daughter to be suicidal.
No. 306720
File: 1494188861308.png (87.87 KB, 561x468, kL0sWET.png)

No. 306722
File: 1494188934834.png (59.61 KB, 523x235, aF5H91o.png)

Joysus retweeted same video… get that exposure… make sure that vid gets out there.
No. 306725
>>306722But nah, Joy doesn't condone bullying AT ALL and remember SHE'S SICK GUIS
Love that her illness conveniently kicks in when she starts receiving backlash for her obvious lies
No. 306731
>>306718If you pull up the video that Based Momma made and look in the comment section, there's a Bloody Fissures in there between bullying, shilling and harrassing. But gee, Joy ain't bout that guyz! Totally not a cult, but everyone that backs her is awesome and anyone that criticizes her is a shit talker!
Can anyone in here remember a time when she DID take criticism without going back to an excuse? Anyone at all?
No. 306735
File: 1494190082566.jpg (238.64 KB, 1080x1587, IMG_20170507_213912.jpg)

To go back a wee bit, this person here was saying to everyone commenting on her 'court update' video criticising it with some variation on 'gag order', sometimes with more of a rebuttal. They were being critical of the folk saying there was no update and that the title was misleading by saying the title wasn't misleading because there was an update and that update was the gag order. Except she made non mention of the gag order and so people's comments were justified. All Joy had to say was that she wasn't able to release more information for legal reasons. But she didn't. She said she DECIDED to stop talking.
Her fans are something else. If the 'update' isn't included in the video or in the description and is only being added to multiple comments by one fan, the video title IS misleading!
No. 306750
File: 1494191521198.png (51.77 KB, 617x357, skHJAAP.png)

Comment by Joysus in the video comment of the video by zombie idiot (Bloody Fissures?). So, no way Joysus can say she didn't see the video.
No. 306757
>>306753Yeah, the Stella person was who I was meaning.
There was no 'duuurrrrr' about it since Joy said nothing about it, but there they were, on their high horse against the 'haters' regardless.
No. 306760
File: 1494192356471.png (168.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0248.PNG)

Bordering on???
No. 306763
>>306760"Disrespectful" is the cults way of pointing and yelling "Witch! Witch! Witch!"
So sweet how they're developing their own language. Her little cult is off to a good start. :P
No. 306765
>>306763It's also a very convenient way to KNOWINGLY dodge any points they made.
"Tone policing (also tone trolling, tone argument and tone fallacy) is an ad hominem and antidebate appeal based on genetic fallacy. It attempts to detract from the validity of a statement by attacking the tone in which it was presented rather than the message itself."
No. 306783
>>306765Sums up the nicer of Joy's fans perfectly. Shannon mentioned above is one of the nicer fans, but usually one of those making a LOT of excuses for Joy. You can see the same on a few other folks on Joy's twitter. Even when you GET them to admit that what Joy is saying doesn't make sense..they still make excuses for her.
>>306763Right? They are SO quick to dismiss or call shit talker on ANY opinion that doesn't conform with the group narrative. Even if they DO take it into account..what's the first thing they do? "Well now we have to run back to Joy and see what she says on the matter." Yeah, because Joy is going to admit that she's done ANYTHING wrong and not just…oh..blame everyone and everything else like she always does. Also…JUST LIKE A CULT.
No. 306799
File: 1494194690116.png (89.58 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0249.PNG)

What I really can't stand is when her fans make this comment. Over and over. No matter what criticism they're responding to…
No. 306870
File: 1494200417951.jpg (121.78 KB, 540x960, IMG_20170507_183748.jpg)

Chambers of the Heart just dropped Joy. She's running out of bigger supporters.
No. 306897
File: 1494201760737.png (43.09 KB, 558x266, H0O6XAB.png)

Wow… something must have happened to break their shared Onision hate-boner bond.
No. 306903
>>306890So apparently Joy deleted the tweets? Anybody get screen caps? And is the video still up on YouTube?
No. 306905
>>306903Which tweets are you looking for? The tweets referenced in that message are already posted above. Start here
>>306718 and scroll down. All three are posted + a comment from the video itself.
No. 306958
File: 1494206914612.png (63.2 KB, 633x378, K98oVMX.png)

>>306939This was posted AFTER those posts for the video that talked about Based Moma.
No. 306959
As much as I want to say, "Joy won't be around much longer, YAY!" The realistic part of me knows better than that. Sadly, she has such a strongly devout following of simpletons that she'll always have an audience.
What we are seeing right now is merely anyone with half a brain distancing themselves from her, publicly. However, as you see, the gullible monkies with developmental delays are attacking these people left, right and center.
So, while the bigger YouTubers/Twitter Accounts and the YouTubers/Twitter Accounts with any intelligence in them are walking away and condemning her, she'll still have her lap dogs and strays.
She doesn't even seemed phased by it for the most part. She's so delusional that even after being called out by multiple people she still treks on as if nothing happened at all. For the most part, I think, at least, her credibility will go out the window. She can keep the hordes of lunatics like herself, though. So it's still a partial win.
No. 306961
>>306959Do you really think that after the "high" of her run on the Do5 scenario, she's going to be able to go back to her Onision hate boner and her crowed of anti-Onision fans?
I'd love to know who shut her up Sat morning (if it was an attorney threat or actual law enforcement action)… but she has to be going through withdraw symptoms in a major way right now. She went a 24hr stretch w/no social media statements… She's only posted 2 videos in the last two days.
No. 306967
>>306961Yes, I do think she'll keep going. Whether it is Onision or she tries to just make videos like she had between Onision drama and DaddyOFive drama. She has enough of a following that licks her boots that I honestly don't think she'll fade away.
But, I do, like I said, believe that when it comes to hot topics like Onision, DO5 and any future YT drama, she won't get the attention from other YTers like she did with DO5 (and in small parts, Onision).
She may be being "attacked" (rather, questioned…) more now than she was previously, but her following is still just as viscous, and sadly, has even grown since some of us began seeing the light.
She is TOO much of an attention whore to fade away slowly. And seems to require a following to feel fulfilled in her life. And right now, YT is the big "in" thing. I am sure there was something in between her Inidgo Forum/Blog days and YouTube, too.
No. 306988
>>306958Still hypocritical af
Really hoping bigger youtubers will continue calling her out, and not just on Twitter. Someone (maybe MrRepzion) needs to make a video on this psycho
>>306982 thanks No. 307002
File: 1494210658597.jpg (133.92 KB, 783x936, nickmonjoy1.jpg)

This status thread is long so I'd have too many screenshots. Here's the link to see the entire conversation, including response by Based Momma. Glad to see Nick Monroe addressing the issue of her insane fanbase. No. 307004
File: 1494210821061.jpg (37.28 KB, 588x277, joyparaonisnick.JPG)

And this?
No. 307005
File: 1494210834374.png (74.39 KB, 1082x278, SzLmrze.png)

Just for info
No. 307012
>>307011One where she cry babied about Phil getting all the credit and her getting none…
I assume anyhow, because that was the video she deleted. Unless there was more than one she had deleted. But that was the only one I saw gone.
No. 307020
On the Failston Group account.
Joysus was among the first 4 accounts to follow the Failston Group account ( archive - scroll to the bottom, the lower the follower is listed, the earlier they followed)
AND Joysus was among the first three accounts followed BY the Failston Group account ( archive: )
No. 307023
>>307021If so, Angel is still playing both sides. She tweeted out some type of statement (dunno what to call it) yesterday or the day before about Joy where she slams her for fucking with disabled people.
>>307022Yeah, I'm more inclined to think its that StinkyHillary joy-obsessed idiot.
No. 307033
File: 1494213017043.jpg (64.45 KB, 785x530, basedmamajoy1.jpg)

Been going over Based Momma's twitter. Just came across this. I wonder what she knows, and if this is in reference to Conlon or Joy. Joy pls pls pls
No. 307037
File: 1494213253059.jpg (114.16 KB, 779x684, basedmamajoy2.jpg)

No. 307038
File: 1494213329272.jpg (61.95 KB, 758x451, basedmamajoy3.jpg)

No. 307039
>>307037The rest of that thread is her minions trying to defend her. This is crazy. (archive: )
No. 307043
File: 1494213827459.jpg (60.55 KB, 716x323, basedmamajoy4.jpg)

these replies were posted a few hours before the tweets in the screenshots above. i don't think i can see what exactly she's responding to, but it makes me eternally gleeful when i think about what she could be saving her videos for. especially considering what she tweeted about later: orange jumpsuits, someone going to jail. curious curious.
No. 307045
File: 1494214075693.jpg (189.9 KB, 560x823, joyroughdraft.jpg)

Personally, I think she makes a good Pennsatucky!
No. 307046 gotta say. i love this. "with abandon" hahaha that's putting it mildly
No. 307069
File: 1494215567655.jpg (60.95 KB, 726x339, nickmonjoy3.jpg)

No. 307071
>>307067She's already blown Rose out of the water and there's not basis for legal action from their side at all because it was all with their permission and there was plenty of time for them to have those videos taken down, but they didn't.
NOW, if Fallston Group / Do5 / Do5's attorney were to take action (and they have some basis) none of it would end up in jail time unless one of her minions went off the reservation and didn't brag about it on line. (And, I could totally see that happening)
No. 307075
>>307067Has Conlon himself confirmed he gave Joy permission? If not, I'm not entirely sure there's no basis. All I've seen is Chamber's "confirming" she gave Conlon's number to Joy, but she wasn't on the phone with both Tim Conlon & Kati at the time the two of them spoke. So how can we be entirely sure Conlon said "you can say this, but don't say
that (even though I've told you
that) and she went ahead and DID say "that"? I don't think we can. I can see him sharing things she shouldn't know because he seems like a low rent type of attorney. All we can do is wait and see. But I don't believe it's entirely out of the realm of possibility seeing as we know she's runs her mouth when she shouldn't.
No. 307078
>>307075No. Joy has never given proof that Rose or Tim Conlon gave her permission to discuss ANYTHING. She only says they did.
Yes, she spoke with them. But whether or not they gave her permission is entirely only known by Joy, Rose and Tim. And neither Rose not Tim (that I am aware of) has ever said anything about it.
No. 307081
File: 1494216351101.png (44.47 KB, 556x307, 9mNiN3b.png)

No. 307086
>>307082I think she originally really wanted to do it with sincerity, but the "fame factor" went to her head. She began getting jealous of other people involved. Where as Joy's intentions have always been clear from the get go. She wants attention. Kati cares about Kati.
What I find the strangest is that Phil DeFranco got the word out there, same as he does with all stories he talks about, and left it up to the community. If it wasn't for Phil, the story wouldn't have gotten as far as it did. Yet, she behaves as if Phil is making a video a day bragging about his good deed.
No. 307090
>>307078I just find that a day or 2 ago chambers releases a statement backing Joy and says there's no problems with what she's doing. Soon as chambers fucks up she throws Joy right under the bus to try and save herself. Which is really shitty for a person considered as a friend too do.
Chambers herself also mentions at some point that Rose did the interview with the news channel byt didnt want too because they came to her and she got scared. Which makes me believe that Roses anxiety extends to the point where she feel like she can't say no to people even when chambers is hounding her for info.
Also remember who the first youtuber was who contacted Rose, who has clearly proven in her vid all she cares about is the fame, which had nothing to do with Joy, so why delete the video and make out like it is???
I'm not saying Joy is an Angel, I'm saying that I think chambers had a bigger part in this exploiting rose than anyone thinks. I mean listen to her tone when she talks to her audience, it's so patronising. She speaks as if everyone else is an idiot and she is all knowledgeable.
No. 307092
>>307089Joysus would not be in trouble at all. It would be (a) the attorney for being unprofessional and giving his client bad advice and/or (b) Rose demonstrating poor decision making skills at a time when they are being scrutinized.
Joysus will not get into any trouble. It's not her fault that the attorney talked to her.
No. 307095
>>307092This is why I'm confused on the jail talk. It's either
- she has done something actually fucked up we don't know about
- there's nothing more to it that we already have, so mentioning jail is weird
No. 307166
File: 1494228521559.jpg (112.66 KB, 746x877, basedmamajoy5.jpg)

Just spliced 2 images together because I couldn't get it all in one screengrab.
Still gonna have to wait and see..but I wonder if Based Mama knows something.
No. 307168
>>307166nothing would make me happier than watching that ratty-haired wench go to jail. it would be gratifying to watch the legal system work against the ~legal expert~. i doubt that anything like that is going to happen, but it's nice to think about.
but then i think about the inevitable "FREE JOY" gofundme and i want to vomit.
No. 307180
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No. 307188
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No. 307189
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Those "modeling" shots were taken by someone that would pass for a professional photographer in Flyoverland USA. They were part of a shoot with 2 or 3 other girls. The other girls… were not attractive. The "shoot" consisted of one half passable pics, and one half stupid shit like this.
No. 307192
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Last one. Sorry, hope no one minds this minidump.
"Photo shoot" If these were the ones released to the public, I wonder what ended up on the cutting room floor.
No. 307195
>>307179On a whim I did a little poking around and found out that based has claimed in the past that she's CIA and works, sorry worked for The Department of Homeland Security. I still love the ass chewing she gave Joy but I also think she's a little nutty.
Sage for OT
No. 307197
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No. 307199
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She did claim she was an actress, didn't she?
No. 307206
>>307180Sploogpinklebow likely is behind that, the "tits out" is a dead giveaway. From the very beginning of her channel she has been creating inventory of her negative comments and immediately using them to describe someone else. A game of Hot Potato, if you will, where she has to pass the negative comment to someone else. When she was first being called out for being a narcissist and psychotic in her comments, her next video would include her shrieking them towards onion. The other day someone kept calling her salty and the next video she called someone salty, recent comments about her lack of support for her gals flopping around and of course now that's directed at based mama. It's a pattern as consistent as her lunacy.
>>307189At least we can confirm that she has never made good choices in clothing.
No. 307237
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>>307197The resemblance is astounding.
No. 307244
>>307234A C&D is a letter from an attorney saying "quit it or I'll take you to court"… violating them just lands you in court. You can violate them all you want, but it will go against you in the court case.
Criminal things that could be in play are long shots:
(a) A court may have issued a protection order against her protecting someone. Violating that would be contempt of court + possibly other things.
(b) Someone from the Do5 side may have filed a stalking like complaint with the police who would investigate it. IF founded and the DA decides to prosecute, she could get booked (and likely released on bail) and that would go to the courts.
I don't think there is any sort of criminal/court action going on because they would likely demand the prior videos be taken down and none of her videos are taken down.
No. 307263
>>307261The woman cured daily/constant heart palpitations that felt like "a fist squeezing her heart" by taking peroxide drops three times a day and it worked in less than a day! And worked so well she called into a talk show to talk about it.
To say this woman is prone to placebo effect is an understatement.
No. 307268
>>307263Ah yes, it's probably our fault.
We don't believe in her enough for her magic to work in healing her as well as levitating her. It's also Daddy o'five's fault because she had to stop what she was doing so many times, so she could update us and work on saving the children
Sage for foil
No. 307298
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did she tell the minions to stand down?
No. 307315
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Can't you just feel the steam coming off of Joy's head as she struggles to not post a foul mouthed commentary on this event and try to make it sound like it is something that she found through "research" rather than just being subscribed to Nick?
No. 307361
>>307331Before you anons get lost in your fantasies of Joysus in jail. Joysus, even if she has information from the trial, is had not done anything illegal and does not have "illegal information"… I can hear the moaning, but lolcow3 is just wrong there. There are very few forms of information that are illegal to possess. They include government classified information (outside of authorized spaces) and in SOME states, information that can be used for identity theft… Like in PA, having a list of peoples' names with social security numbers is illegal (if you don't have a proven business need for it) because they have a law specific to that explicit that.
This video IS BAD. She's making it public that someone has violated the gag order. She is trying to throw that onto the Do5 side, but ??? that just doesn't hold water. Joysus' only contacts are Rose, Tim, and people on their side like the ex-wife. I will donate $5k to a charity of this group's choosing if an officer of the court violated the gag order. That's just insane.
That means that someone on Rose's side violated the gag order (if the claim is true) and to date, Tim and Rose have not shown good judgement. Tim for talking to and allowing Joysus to promote his business. Rose for a lot of things, but also for aiding Joysus in her "witch hunt" of the father.
At the end, this woman says she's calling the sheriff to notify them, so they'll know soon enough that the court order has been violated. But, this is a major mess for Rose's side of the case. If the ex-wife isn't willing to take the fall (and potential fine/jail time for contempt of court)… then Tim and Rose are kind of screwed unless Joysus produces another informant.
No. 307379
>>307375Remembering to add the 30-something dollars from the livestream the other day when she couldn't donate, of course. Because that money, as far as we know, hasn't been donated either.
…and she could put ALL the screenshots of ALL her donations back up. Because, you know, you kind of have to put your money where your mouth is (apt aphorism not intended, but welcomed.) when you scream at other people about RECEIPTS.
No. 307402
>>307298This is one of Joy's lapdogs that was attacking MundaneMatt and saying stuff to Nick until he posted showing her screen name. There are a couple of Comrades running around and they all practice the same behavior. Sucks when they've got you in screenies doesn't it bitch?
>>307383Don't forget that gofundme takes their if its $38 the actual donation could be closer to 30-34 or something like that. Not sure what you mean about the bank account though?
>>307361I HIGHLY doubt Joy is going to jail. I would not at all be surprised if one or more of her followers went to jail for doing crap in her name…but so far (and I hope it doesn't happen) that hasn't happened yet. Her channel is likely to be around a while too..just look at Onision for example. I would not at all be surprised if she either has a meltdown or starts up a 'commune' for her devoted fans and goes full Charlie Manson.
No. 307456
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Okay… this looks like chan work to me… if they take interest, life could get interesting :D
No. 307507
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Chambers confirms statements in Based Moma's video are true.
No. 307517
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Based Moma getting called out on her shit. But also saying that the Protection Order was put in place was only "part" of the privileged information.
No. 307520
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Based Moma claiming Joy has more information than just about the protection order.
I bet Joysus just leaves a shit show in her wake most of the time.
No. 307672
>>307656Wow… 3 hours, but only a short way into it… NOT realted to Do5… this is a guy that's known her a "decade" and this was just posted April 20th. She has a total other crap fest running that we don't know about.
Hehehe… he mentions the "lolcows" hehehehe
No. 307680
>>307672Yeah, this is the guy she mentioned once how he's known her and had access to information on her Facebook for 10 years.
She blamed him for the post about the celtic album because "no one else would know about it" and "who else could it be" when it was actually… me. I loled.
Sorry, dude. Didn't know that was gonna happen.
(Change the video speed to 1.25. :)
No. 307694
>>307680KEK, that's the OP for this whole thing. I was semi friends with him back then and I thought it was funny as hell why he was doing this. She's sorry now hahahaha
Sage for having to buy Phil a beer
No. 307738
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No. 307740
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I know a bunch of you anons are following the drama on twitter. plz don't forget to post milk for the rest of us.
No. 307744
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Like anon
>>307456 mentioned 4chan, and I know Based Mama is e-pals with 4chan people..I'd love to see them go after Joy. Ugh it's been a long time coming for Joy to get her ass handed to her. Months ago before all this DO5 stuff I was hoping she'd make a big enough fool of herself and piss off the wrong (right) people. Hope that time is now :D
No. 307779
>>307762Sauza 901 is also alcohol. (a brand of Tequila by Justin Timberlake)However I think her jobs shown are all just fluff to make it sound better than it was.
A lot of these things are stuff you'd see booths for at local fairs, like the shit local radio stations set up. I am pretty certain they all go back to the dinky shit you see in the above image of her working at the Hostess Booth.
Again, I think her career in Marketing is all bullshit, and since she technically just ran booths for a bunch of different companies, she thinks she knows how to market products.
No. 307781
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D05's ex wife had this to say about joy on one of baseds' tweets.
No. 307827
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No. 307838
>>307831She's going off her head calling everyone who has been critical of her a liar and being angry about defectors (top cult behaviour) and acting like she is the only person in it for altruistic reasons and it's actually everyone else who is in it for fame and attention.
She said that if people think that they can 'walk all over her' because of her 'kind nature' than they better think again. Hah hah.
No. 307843
>>307838Samefag, sorry.
'It' being the DO5 situation.
She's also saying that whilst she's been quiet everyone else has been being super 'manipulative' about her. She is projecting HARD.
That's a very brief sum-up mind you. Hopefully someone else can do a better one but I can only put up with her smug self righteous screeching for so long.
No. 307864
TL;DR: Boring bitch fest video blaming others and refusing to answer actual questions.
The entire video was basically, she did nothing but take the advice of others (Stopped talking about it, and privated videos per Chambers suggestion) and then everyone else began talking about it [DO5 case] and Chambers used her privating her videos as a "See! She privated her videos!!"
Continues to say she will show receipts for her money made off of all of her videos.
She is now trying to justify her ties to the Indigo Child thing, by saying it was merely her trying to understand her feelings regarding spiritual views. Saying she was merely TRYING to get guidance from her Angels, but says nothing about them actually speaking to her (which she claimed they were doing in the past). Claims Chambers is just as bad because she is a Christian and believes in God. But now she's better because she no longer believes in any religion and is an atheist.
After bitching about Chambers endlessly tells her cult to once again not attack others.
Dodges questions. By saying, "If you ask me questions…. everyone else goes quiet", saying others refuse to give answers but she's willing to answer questions but never actually answers the question.
>>307846 She says 12 years ago, but in reality she was a part of this Indigo cult as little as 6 years ago according to the most recent "articles" she wrote online.
She is mad because people are lying about her and being manipulative and slandering her.
She won't address the questioning on whether or not she has someone feeding her information that should not be being fed to her. In fact stated she will not be correcting anymore rumors.
She is guesting Geekthulhu. Saying his video sounds like some lolcow stuff. Says roommate isn't actually her ex.
Crying about how she WILL passout. She WILL blah blah I am sick.
Anyhow, I can't keep going.
Sage because I am a terrible court recorder, here.
No. 307865
>>307863sanefag. I've started recording after she logged back on. she really thinks if you pause and don't say something for 10 seconds, her internet will magically fix itself.
more I'm siiiick. geekthulu is being way too polite.
No. 307866
>>307865I agree. He's being very nice, quickly retracting previous statements. I think she has her hooks in him.
Why is she wasting her time with this shit? She could easily sucker some old dying rich man into marrying her and leaving her a fortune.
No. 307872
>>307866she has a way of manipulating in a super friendly nice way. I'm not sure he's backing down on his view of her. he's guesting on her stream in a room full of her hardcore fans. she also keeps hitting him with the "I'm sick" shit which is a great way to make him look like a terrible person if he disagrees or questions said sickness.
she's now shifting blame onto Nick Monroe, based mama, Chambers, etc as people who are putting more strain on Rose's case. LOL
No. 307873
Sage for samefaggery
Live stream recap:
Lots of BS, lots of blame
Lots of complaining about Chambers, based mama, and nick, who have been slandering her and they better be prepared to defend the lies and apologize to her. They are jealous of her and she helped some or all of them by giving shout outs.
The gag does not apply to her, only to rose and Tim. She is currently quiet because of what the others are saying, as it can damage the kids.
None or them had the balls to say anything to her directly. Basically nobody has the balls to say anything directly to her.
This isn't the first time she has dealt with these kind of people.
They keep saying she is profiting but where have they donated ?
She is going to post the profit from this stream to twitter and donate it.
Asked about indigo children, claims she saw through the bs and moved on, all she basically meant was she, just like everyone else, had psychic abilities.
Asked directly about talking to angels, basically responds with not answering, instead talks about it being the same as Chambers being a Christian and she doesn't deserve to be attacked for her beliefs. She then mentions people digging up her past and says for people to go dig on Chambers, based mama and nick, to which she was immediately called out on and said she never said that, what she said was to go dig through twitter comments to see what people are saying about her(joy) . Next she promptly mentions having to do another disclaimer to not dig on the others that have turned on her.
Geekthulhu chats in, she says his video info was almost completely untrue, as she mentions it to roommate and tells him to go bone his fiance then points out his face palm that was just heard.
So that's what I got before I couldn't take any more of her shit. I had to type like a mofo so pardon any spelling or punctuation errors, I just wanted to relay what she was blabbing about in case any info was missed because bitch is hard to follow.
No. 307883
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No. 307889
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No. 307897
>>307895Yeah, her twitter has sparkle army going around, and i'm hearing that they're tearing Chambers up in there. Doesn't even take a day for Joy to start backstabbing, does it?
Wait a minute…doesn't all this sound EXACTLY like Onision towards her (Joy) and Keemstar?
No. 307908
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No. 307935
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she's losing it on chambers. this manic bitch is going full blown ape.
No. 307937
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No. 307939
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i can't take these screenshots fast enough to keep up with kati's crazy.
No. 307940
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No. 307941
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No. 307943
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No. 307946
>>307940How does she not realize that she acts exactly the same as Onision when he gets called out.
People are mostly repeating the crazy stuff Joy herself said or did but she keeps yelling 'LIES LIES SLANDER!!!'
She's not a snowflake anymore, she's Onision-level lolcow.
No. 307947
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omg she legit thinks other people could make her look bad. honey, you did that all on your own and newsflash: this makes you look crazier. you are perfectly highlighting your crazy for EVERYONE to see. like, way to just hand it up on a silver platter to everyone lol!
No. 307950
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she doesn't even have to make herself look like a victim anyone. her audience does it for her, and she thanks them for it. they don't get that she's actually thanking them for supporting her perpetual victim narrative.
No. 307975
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You have to admit that Chambers is at least two faced if not more. Just wow on that point.
But, good on iwastaken!
This whole meltdown is a show for Joysus' followers and a power trip that she's trying to pull over the "rude people".
No. 307979
From the YouNow stream of Joy and Geekthulu earlier tonight:
Part 1: 2: had been streaming for about 45 minutes prior to this but I missed it's only part of what they talked about tonight. I wish I had caught the first part because in the past I've noticed Joy tends to spill her guts and how she really feels in the first 5-10 minutes of her streams. Totally unfiltered, then kind of reels back a bit for the duration of the broadcasts.
*the choppiness is on her end, not mine. her connection is shit and she's terrible at figuring out how to fix it.
No. 307980
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New player on the field? Taking bets… will this be lolcow or bullshit?
No. 307983
>>307963I just love how she's all 'I don't care if people don't like me and I will talk to them but they MUST be polite and respectful to me!!! They have to be nice to me!!!!!'
Coming from the woman who, when they don't like someone, is super disrespectful and mocking. I don't like Mike Martin, but I sure as hell don't condone her CONSTANT making fun of his accent and social class and her making disgusting jokes about him masturbating to his pranks.
Never mind how she talks about women she doesn't like!
Bloody hell! The hypocrisy!
Also, yes, the Liz woman was silly to just hang up, that was petty. But what she said wasn't particularly nasty, it was just a statement and yet there's Joy saying it's 'disrespectful'. Apparently criticism is disrespectful. OneSheon indeed! That Cult of Joysus.
And that damn laugh, look to the side and clap she punctuates her speech with constantly… Her mannerisms really get to me.
Sorry about the rant, sometimes she just really riles me up and I need to get it out somewhere people aren't all up her arse.
No. 307993
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by "nastiness" she means when LizzzReptile came onto her stream and gave her point of view. Lizzz did not attack or say anything remotely "nasty" to or about Joy/Kati. but Kati was certainly nasty herself and went apeshit afterwards, and calls Chambers a "snake" in the stream. Chambers might be a lot of things, i personally think they are both weirdos, but Chambers has been very civil and has talked no trash on Joy. in the stream she deleted, she talks mad trash about chambers and is the only one who showed any "nastiness". tl;dr: she deleted it because she's ashamed and is trying to hide the evidence.
don't worry kati i'm already uploading it now.
btw how long do you anons think she's been up for? when was the last time this paranoid bitch slept? at least her paranoia makes a little sense this time.
No. 307998
>>307993TY anon! She is totally on a manic spergfest. I bet she does this all the time and her 'sickness' is when she crashes from lack of sleep.
Does anyone think Joy does hard drugs? Like IDK her craziness seems like meth-level paranoia.
No. 308004
>>307998>>307999>>308002this is how she's always been. some of you may be newer to these threads on joy because of the recent drama. those of us used to her bullshit can pretty much tell you this is what she does. she goes through these cycles. she definitely has some type of mania going on. i don't see any evidence of illegal drug use either. if she is on lyrica, and is taking it as directed etc it could be affecting her..but to tell you the truth I don't see ANY difference in her personality now vs 1 month ago, 2 months ago. this is just how she is and how she behaves. one of the first thoughts i ever had about her was "christ, this chick talks faster than a speedfreak" but it seems to be natural. there's a lot going on there naturally.
sage for no milk added.
No. 308005
>>308002>>308004i just want to remind everyone that even severe mental illnesses don't make you an awful person. that's still a choice. i'm mega sick in the head but it is still always my fault if i treat someone badly, not the illness's fault.
i don't know if she's mentally ill or not. all that i know is that i've been in many manic phases and i still had control over my actions. i even had control over my actions when dealing with psychosis (not my thoughts or feelings, but my actions). i didn't make all of the right decisions, and that was on me, NOT on my disorders.
i just wanted to put it out there that, no matter what's going on with her health, she's making the ACTIVE DECISION to be like this. sick or healthy makes no difference. this is who she is. everything else just amplifies it.
No. 308007
>>308005totally agree. i've experienced mania firsthand, hardcore, and i was still in control. i should have written that better before.
i'm just saying this is generally how she is, and she cycles in the sense of:
1)"my thoughts and opinions come from an altruistic place"
2)"here are my opinions and views. you dont like them? fuck you! fuuuckk youuu!!"
3) people start speaking up against her bullshit.
4) she starts shoring up her minions around her, has them attack her critics.
5) she goes hyper manic attacking others on twitter with her followers. hyper manic angry videos etc
4) either realizes she's in the wrong (and wont admit it) or that she has no other recourse to fight back with
5) "its muh sickness" pity party goes on for days
6) gets love and support from fans, milks it for days
7) feels vindicated, safe that the negative attention has died down
8) rinse, repeat
i don't think anyone here thinks that if she has a mental illness, that's what makes her bad. i think we can all agree it's the clear decisions she makes and goes through is what makes joy = lolcow. if i honestly thought she was simply just someone who was mentally ill and had problems making rational decisons, i wouldn't be here. imo she is making clear, deliberate decisions to malinger, lie, scam, famewhore and fuck with people. she's a garbage person.
No. 308016
>>308007oh absolutely, i wasn't trying to sound accusatory, i'm sorry. your cycle is dead on. there's just a tendency for people in general (not necessarily people on here, just in general) who don't struggle with mental illness to think, hey, [insert name here] is crazy, that's why they're doing [insert bad thing here]!! but more than correcting that perception, i REALLY wanted to just point out that, like you said, she's a garbage person who is doing all of this on purpose. this can't be pawned off on any kind of illness. these are conscious choices that come from who she is at the core.
also, as someone currently stuck in bed with a chronic physical illness, i'm not happy with her trying to use a similar illness to get out of any and all responsibility, either. :))))))
No. 308026
This is the stream that Joy deleted earlier from her Youtube. Guest Starring: Geekthulu & (most entertaingly) LizzzReptile. Lots of bullshit spun by Miss BS and a
triggering episode in Parts 3-4.
Part 1: 2: 3: stuff starts at -15:21 in, the part where Lizz
triggers Kati begins about -3:40 in and continues into Part 4)
Part 4:, anons.
No. 308065
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Grabbed this gem from Nick Monroe's tweet. It's apparently from her long time ex-friend Phil, when she helped him with a resume that was full of lies to get him in the door for an employer to "higher" him.
There's a few more slides on his Twitter, one of them showing she claims to have a "Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Missouri" though I could have swore that she has stated she couldn't go to college because of the cost? I may be wrong about that, but I recall in one of her onion videos, she comments on his sponsorship for a website that cheats/ writes up papers for students, and she talks about education and I could've swore she said she couldn't go to college.
No. 308072
>>308065her college/education story is always changing. yes, she has said she didn't go to college because of the cost. that changed to taking a few classes but not completing them because of the cost. then she "went to school for" marketing. then opera. then both. then it was just solely broadcast journalism. when she said she "went to school" for these majors, she didn't necessarily say she graduated..but she makes sure NOT to say she didn't. when someone says they "studied broadcast journalism" (she has said this in a livestream and in at least 1 DO5 video…the BBC one) it sounds like the person actually graduated. since i began following her videos and streams about 2 months ago i've noticed her college story change multiple times to suit whatever bullshit lie she is trying to back up with her uber knowledgez. this is what joy does to make herself sound credible. it comes as no shock that she lied about this stuff on her resume. after all let's not forget her lectures to Onision on how marekting & advertising works. as an anon above earlier showed via pictures and from what we've seen on her linked (which is highly questionable given what you just posted), the extent of her marketing is working booths at tradeshow fairs. as someone who genuinely has a real life connection to the marketing and advertising world, i can tell you that those tradeshow booths are the lowest tier there is in marketing. literally anyone can work those booths. handing out promotional items does not make one an expert on the advertising industry. as a "professional" (lol) youtuber and social media personality (lol kill me) kati makes rookie mistakes when it comes to marketing herself. for instance she hasn't even filled out the About page on her Youtube profile! no marketing genius would ever fuck that up, and she's terrible at promoting herself in a likeable way. marketing 101 shit.
when she bashed the fallston group in a video or two, she smugly said "PR is my world" to let us know that she's apparently dealt with PR before. except she hasn't, and grouping PR in with marketing & advertising is fucking hilarious because these are different industries with a different focus. but since her audience doesn't know better, it all sounds right to them.
when she lies about her experience she has a tendency to pick careers that a good portion of people just aren't in. marketing and advertising, specifically the higher level stuff she claims to have sooo much knowledge in, is very specific and not many people can challenge her on it. same thing with the broadcast journalism and PR bullshit. how many people who watch her are involved in either? given what we've seen of her regular audience i think it's safe to say not many. those who have watched her and are involved in those fields are likely flybys, or just don't care enough to bring it up. this is typical con artist behavior. i guess that's the one thing she does know about marketing: know your audience.
No. 308075
>>308026So she basically admits without admitting out right that someone other than Tim or Rose has given her information.
If she wasn't being fed information she would have said "No. I am not." Just like she said about talking to Rose and/or Tim. It would have been that simple. She didn't. So, someone IS giving her information.
Now, I know she said no one is giving her information she shouldn't have. However, I am inclined to not believe her. Only because of the way she words things seconds later. Not to mention how many times she (remember Friday's tweet, OMG I HAVE BIG NEWS GETTING READY TO TALK!!) but she was shut down before she was able to tell the world. And she continuously says, "The things I could say, the things I could tell you!" As if she's privy to information NO ONE else has. If she has information NO ONE ELSE HAS, she has information she SHOULD NOT HAVE.
No. 308131
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>>308007There is an old sitcom (Sandford and Son) about an older black guy and his 30yo son that run a junk yard. He'd (the older guy) pull shit and when the son caught him he'd fake a heart attack, even yell "Stella I'm comming to meet you!" (deceased wife, mother of the boy)…. Suddenly, now Joysus makes me think of him. :D
No. 308146
>>308103Respectfully disagree.
While I agree about your points about Phil, I won't go so far as to draw the conclusion that it is unwatchable. It's actually probably the best video about her made so far.
One important thing you missed is how he painstakingly breaks down her methods of manipulation which must have served her well because she continues to use them today. He draws parallels between private conversations with her and current events to show how what he's said relates to those current events and show isn't just like a one off deal, it's a pattern she uses both publically and privately. It's a pretty good primer not just for her, but for other people like her as well.
It also demonstrates her need to control the narrative by getting people to talk to her one on one so she can spin. How she redirects or redirects through distractions. Other examples include the mystery illness flaring up at really convenient times.
It articulates exactly why this whole thread was started and why people had that feeling that something wasn't quite right.
No. 308172
>>308026Can't decide if Geekthulu is a natural cuck or if he should go hire on with the local police department.
The first time I listened to it, I definitely thought "wow… Geekthulu folded like a cheap suit" :(
But, just listened to it again and he really reminds me of how cops ingratiate themselves with a target and he's really good at it. If you listen to it as two predators trying to "each trying to hook" the other, he really did reel her in and out quite a bit. (And she did the same to him.) He needs to go to his local police fraud department and sign up to be an under cover cop.
No. 308190
>>308186wow I was going to say the exact same thing, you beat me to it anon
I still appreciate the video but dang boy those nails
No. 308268
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edgetard shrieking what a fuctard!
No. 308285
>>308272I was just going to say the same. Talks like a duck, walks like a duck…is a con artist lolcow.
Btw was anyone watching when she was slamming MrRepzion? I logged on 20 minutes late so couldn't record it. MrRepzion is looking for a recording of it. Anyone able to summarize?
lol another lolcow mention. she's calling based and Chambers "crazy women". cuz you know, she's neither crazy nor a woman.
No. 308297
>>308291Social Media IS Media… but it's not the same thing as MEDIA, like News Media.
Social Media = media disseminated through social interactions
News Media = mass media focused on communicating news
They =/= the same thing.
>>308292 Her being a journalist is only on par with National Inquirer. Just not as entertaining concerning her topics, only concerning her.
No. 308334
gonna take me a bit to break it up into parts and upload, but i'm on it anons. missed the first 20 minutes but otherwise got almost 2 hours of crazy.
this is by far the craziest we've ever seen her behave. at least on stream.
>>308333excellent work anon!
No. 308338
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She's on a wild re tweeting spree of her supporters just now.
It's nothing of particular interest, just her proving she has backup.
It's pretty pathetic.
No. 308357
>>308354Based Moma has herself claimed to have reported Joy to the county sherrif or county police. She said it in her video and I've seen tweets where she makes the claim. She said she was reporting that the gag order had been violated. (Although, lolcows being what they are, Based Moma calls it "joy has illegal information!")
Did she actually do it? Who knows. All these lolcows seem to live in another reality.
No. 308360
Part 1 of the Meltdown Livestream on 5/9/17: 2 of the Meltdown Livestream on 5/9/17: chat is included. i did have to blur a section to mask my popups for privacy, but it doesn't affect the milk.
more parts to come. enjoy the crazy, nearly 2 hours of Joy going totally apeshit. she had been streaming for 20 minutes before this..she probably said her initial comments on MrRepzion during that time, but she says more on him towards the end.
No. 308366
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she's gone full Onision fo sho.
No. 308370
>>308369you are way off base. get out of here with your self righteous bullshit and holier than thou bullshit. learn to sage, fag.
sage for responding to newfag who couldn't handle the milk.
No. 308377
Part 3 of the Meltdown Livestream on 5/9/17 4 of the Meltdown Livestream on 5/9/17:>>308369Bye. You're equating mental illness and down syndrome (not the same thing at all, you utter dipshit) with someone playing the long con.You were mucking up the thread with newfag bullshit anyway. I saw your little post asking for people in the YouNow chat to type "piranha" if they were from lolcow. BAI NARC
No. 308393
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Didn't she say she didn't understand what happened with repzion?
If you haven't watched the videos yet, can you keep an ear out for when she says this and post a timestamp?
No. 308404
>>308398she claims she heard it through the grapevine from one of her fans. we know kati reads this thread and i'm willing to bet it's always open. i think she took some posts like:
>>305884 >>306004 >>306719>>307074>>307075etc and twisted them in her head to think that because we slam chambers for her lolcow behavior, we are somehow backing joy up in some way.
No. 308410
>>308165HI THERE. Accctually I tend to think of myself as a funny looking guy, more in jest than anything. Intelligent tends to depend on the topic at hand.
>>308103Yeah, it is a monstrosity. Yes, my editing skills suck. Etc,etc. I am seriously surprised that as many people have slogged through that monster of a video that they have. (I do feel bad about that.) Future Youtube star i'm definitely not LOL. Not happening.
1) Ick. That bad? Pretty sure it wasn't the entire vid. Really sure of that. You could make a fair point that I still could have dialed it back some so i'll give you that much.
2)Talking bout the swipes at the anons, in the beginning yes. I've also defended much of the recent content after the first thead. FARMERS though, i'll keep that in mind, thanks.
3)I post here from time to time. Its no huge secret. Anons are by no means dumb on here as they have proved MANY, many times over.
By the way, since I just woke up…you all have been telling things to some other anon. But hey, you do you.
>>308190>>308213That was a month ago. I did! Those evil things tend to grow long. Same with my hair/beard. Though they are not as annoying.
>>308213I'm not going to pretend to be anything. O_O We've all seen in here just how well THAT goes.
And yes, I was VERY critical in the earlier stages of lolcow because a bunch of the stuff didn't add up. Its kind of weird because as I kept following what y'all were started to add up more and more..and I told her "You are proving your critics right." I included the bit with lolcow and such because i'm not even going to try and hide it. (If I did i'd just get called out on it anyway LOL) I used to regularly defend her, I called her on her shit, and here we are. If I saw things on here that were garbage, i'd still call them as such..but when I see facts and a lot of them, i'll call that as such too.
Regarding regular milk spiller, gee thanks? I've just confirmed a few times what's been put out. Its freaky what people can find super fast, but that's what happens when you challenge the internet. I will say this though, and so far its been respected and I thank you for that…Taho, Jason..all of those guys put up with enough being around Kati. Please leave them alone. They've gone on to have great lives since getting away from that one. Jason (from her Tumblr) profile..REALLY got it badly in that relationship and he was a very shy, intelligent person. As far as i'm aware he and the others don't know about the current drama..I haven't talked to them in a while but I see their facebook updates, that they're doing well and I leave it at that.
>>308262She reads lolcow. She only comments on it all the time.
eye roll>>308278What's funny about this is Jamie actually tried to contact me over Twitter. That didn't work out very well for her. She didn't seem to enjoy being referred to as Jamie vs Joy = Joy Vs Onision. I referred to all three of them as a narcissist battle royale.
>>308288Oh yes. I remember that whole "Since i'm going to get criticized anyway, I might as well do stuff regardless." Great strategy. Let's all give a round of applause to the captain of the Titanic as he plowed into the iceberg.
>>308295Really? I haven't opened my inbox yet to get deluged in stuff, but i've only publically warned her multiple times to lay off. This ought to be good. Exactly how did she try to spin her own words? (What's really funny is..she knows all about the video. She saw it, unsubbed. Then resubbed, then unsubbed again. Her two busom buddies joined her shortly after.) The more shit she talks like that, the more backed into a corner she is. This is only going to backfire. She is showing the rest of the world who and what she really is.
I just saw Nick's tweets. Damn, that dude is on fire!
>>308307Huh. She is DEFINITELY obsessively watching over everything I say. She didn't care a bit about that until I tweeted calling her OniSHEon last night. Well, that confirms that suspicion.
I knew she was paranoid about me before, but holy black on a popo!
>>308357Yikes. Yeah, she did. I personally disagree with that, but it doesn't excuse the points she made. Like that Konstigo business. Konstigo is a wreck of a different flavor..BUT..she made good points on Kati and what Kati tends to do. I don't know that Based Mama did, but i'm not in any kind of regular communication and I personally do not believe they would have acted on it. (Also, if she called them on Kati…where exactly did she send them? Doesn't add up.)
>>308374I keep asking myself that. More often than not with everything right in front of their faces. In one of the Comrade's case..its the fake altruism. Doing something for them now to rope them in for later. (You have to spend money to make money.) I still want to know where all that money went that she's hurting..and I STILL don't know what she was thinking with that Patreon. Holy cows and milk that was shit.
>>308381That is exactly what it is. Set them up now to profit off them later. Patreon, these livestreams..its all a test to see who is 'loyal' to her. What she can get away with. But considering she's currently proving her critics right full steam ahead….well, I still find it weird that getting the attention she wanted is what is damaging her the most. NONE of us can do any more damage to her than she is doing to herself.
>>308392Exactly. Once you see through the patterns it is very one-dimensional and easy to spot from there.
>>308404Yes yes. There is always mystery info no one knows, some sort of strange intuition, some mystery person or place or think that is always coming soon…sensationalism much?
No. 308422
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this is gonna make spurdipshit go even more apeshit. image 1 of 2.
No. 308425
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this is gonna make spurdipshit go even more apeshit. image 2 of 2.
private skype log with chambers where it appears joy spilled something she probably shouldn't know.
No. 308428
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follow up to the last post. all 4 slides that nickmon posted of private convo between joy and chambers where she spills beans, possibly illegally.
No. 308429
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No. 308430
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No. 308433
>>308415I haven't heard the rant. In the last two days i'm getting a ton of messages, but if you've heard one rant… (Or one rant over a decade)..then you've heard them all. I'm not exactly holding my breath considering even her excuses are a decade old. Probably more of the same shit. Is it sad that my first response to hearing about this is "Gee, how am I the AntiChrist THIS time?"
>>308418If she were to play a drinking game with water over her lies and contradictions, people would die. O_O
Regarding being confident..well, she says that to everyone. When she starts talking to someone, she sweet talks them, tries to find out as much as she can about their personal information, and then uses that later. It is always about how much she can use them later. So if she's helping someone with medical issues, its because she knows they'll be diehard loyal to her and she can use that to hide behind when she's criticized.
Then, since most of the people she does this with are either at some emotional low, going through troubled times, etc..she can demonize them, claim they are unhinged, etc. So she walks away looking amazing and they are the 'evil one'. She wastes no time demonizing them depending on if they can fight back.
>>308419LOL, she was NO help at all during that time. If anything, the best way to usually take her advice is to do the opposite and follow your gut. I mean, why follow HER advice? Her life is a train wreck in slow motion. RUN, run away far and fast. (She should take advice, not give it.)
>>308422Nick comes off to me as a very focused, driven individual. We've spoken. He's very to the point, no nonsense at least from that conversation. And he isn't taking shit from Kati…she really fucked up trying to bite him. Same with Repzion, same with Chambers. (I'm not saying any of the above is a saint, but way to again prove the critics right..)
>>308429This is important. Begging her not to put that up. And as usual, Kati has zero self control. This is strange to see from the outside, because during the Onision stint where she reacted to his vids we had a very similar conversation…it just didn't involve legal action.
Sage for Philpost. (Should I just put that after to make it easier? Better than anons pointing fingers and whathaveyou.)
No. 308436
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No. 308446
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The spergleberries must all still be in school today?
No. 308451
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coming from someone who blocks people who challenge or disagree with her all day long..
coming from someone who can only aspire to be considered tabloid trash..
lol the transparent projecting is crazytrain level
No. 308458
>>308449>>308449maybe we should make a fake gofundme to raise $250 so we can send her a fax machine as a "joke" and list it under the medical needs category.
except not even farmers would do that, kati, you twat.
No. 308464
>>308436Wow, she is really taking the cult accusations badly. Hah hah. That makes me feel good for bringing it up often in a couple of her chats.
She isn't getting that it's not just supporting her by itself that makes her supporters cult like. It's the way they attack even minor criticism, treat her as some perfect special being and report back to her about every little negative thing, like spies. Plus, the way she acts with all the paranoia and dismissal of anyone being remotely critical of her.
She'd never address the actual cult accusations though. She will just continue to devalue it by conveniently getting the wrong end of the stick.
No. 308467
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gotta love it when i see an image like this that doesn't necessarily have an origin amongst farmers. spread dat shit, pub-lic!
No. 308480
>>308445Oh, i'm a stalker now? Gee. I mean, I understand her refusal to pay rent to her 'roomie'..but she's going to have to find alternative ways than me. Like cashing in her nest egg.
eye rollI can't apologize enough on the video length, though. Anyone that manages to slug through that, even if we disagree at the end certainly has my respect as it tells me they at least thought for themselves, listened, and took it into account. I can't ask for more than that.
>>308453>>308454 Hoo boy. Well, lets go there. Where did I meet Kati? Off an old journal blog. I was going through some REALLY dark times, and I'd gone through a lot of bad stuff with my parents. So at that point, I had ZERO in terms of family, was going in and out of depression and strugged with all kinds of self worth issues.
In waltzes Kati with all this talking you up stuff, a lot of Indigo nonsense too. Mind you, i've seen a LOT of weird unexplainable stuff but what she was talking with all of that didn't make a lot of sense. But hey, I made a new friend and she seemed nice enough, and at that point I hadn't met a lot of other screwjobs or seen the stuff she's pulling. Crazy talk about Indigos rising up, Cities of Light and all of that. WELCOME TO INDIGO ABUSE. That's where that started and I was a mod on there. It very quickly turned toxic and at one point I walked. Wouldn't be the first time either. There was one point that we hadn't spoken in about a year because I was so fed up with her mess, and then I let her back in simply because I didn't want any lingering burned bridges….HA. Was that ever a stupid mistake on my part.
As far as why I stuck around so long..I felt sorry for her. She could have become a tremendous force for good and done really awesome things, but it always came back to her, her ego, and trying to rope in as many as possible.
shaking his head For a while after that, it was because she was completely alone. She'd burned all of her bridges, and the person she was with at a time was more screwed up than even she is. (Daniel, he was/is a mess even worse than her.) As far as I was concerned, no matter how screwed up you are, no one deserves that, let alone to being alone for that. And repeatedly over the years I tried to help her to get her life together. Even with this business, I tried to help her. She had me convinced that she was in it to help those girls. (I tend to be very passionately against abuse, especially child or spousal abuse. Very much so.) And then I saw it…the arrogance. The bit with telling people about public humiliation. The more fans she seemed to get, the more that what I had seen prior just crept right out. I don't have to really describe what happened after..its out there.
This is a very summarized account. Its hard to put ten years into a small space. Emails, phone calls, private messages, texts…and yes, I even visited her in person…THAT was such a wonderfully awkward experience..
No. 308495
>>308489she ALMOST NEVER posts receipts. she hasn't proven any of her claims. but people still blindly believe her and don't even blink when she yells that she's verified ALL of her claims.
also, should i be offended that i called her out bigtime twice and didn't even get a mention from her?? i'm joking I'M JOKING i don't need any more interactions with that nutter butter good lord.
No. 308499
>>308480interesting. that's the hard part when it comes to messes like kati. a lot of the time you can absolutely see the manipulation, but it's the sheer fucking sadness of the mess they are that can draw you right back in. they feed off of the kindness other people show them and then abuse it endlessly until it's been exhausted. people like her actively seek out empathetic souls, proclaim to be exactly the same and then drain you of every emotion you've got. generally in the pursuit of ego boosting disguised as returned empathy, altruism, etc. utterly exhausting. someone needs to come up with a name for the type of personality kati has because it's a special mix of all sorts of fucked up traits. she's a special kind of terrible person.
but of course now we're gonna be mega curious about what it was like to meet her. there's more of us than ever so your audience has grown haha. consider it yo!
>>308489>>308495ah yes, kati and her receipts. always screaming about having receipts to prove this and that, but never actually has one legitimate financial receipt to prove all these so-called alleged donations she's apparently made in the past. before the whole do5 thing. do you guys remember that tweet from the other day about how she was contacting her bank because there was a "glitch" when she went to make a donation? never followed up with that. she seriously knows her fans are dipshits and won't really press her on it, so she doesn't put that much effort in to prove these donations. she knows that her fans will believe her if she gets on younow, juts her chin out in a "i'm super serious u guise" way and stares the camera down intensely.
"well i mean..why would she lie?" ←-typical joysus cult thinking. i saw a comment the other day on youtube that literally said "i've known joy for 2 months now and i just do not believe she would lie about this."…because you can definitely "know" someone, esp a random youtuber, is telling the absolute truth and is uber trustworthy just by having watched their videos for about 2 months. the stupidity is beyond.
No. 308532
>>308499Seriously, look up psychic vampires anon. Not the ~*magickal kreature*~ thing but the type of person. Katie absolutely is one and does what you describe to a fucking T.
Advice to her fans: No. 308543
>>308510Yep, it establishes a pattern and shows exactly how she operates. In a decade it hasn't changed. At that point in the conversation I was really getting mad. I mean, REALLY? Call em out on it and they still do it. Ugh, that woman.
>>308499Okay, so lets go there. The meeting. Wow. I went to meet her in Kansas city, staying at the loft she was in, that her husband David/Taho was paying for. (No surprise, but her exes have generally tended to foot the bill.) The ENTIRE time she couldn't make eye contact. Not even once.
Supposedly this was not just to meet but for me to take a bit of a breather. That and she had some intuition from her "angels" to supposedly help and all this other stuff. (She was talking about her angels til about this time last year, so she's lying there too.) She worked at the School of Rock in Kansas city as a voice coach…I never saw her teach, but I did see the facility all of once. She was gone long periods of time, so for a visit..wasn't much of one. Then shortly after a lady (Now former friend and total SJW) named Amanda came to visit. They had had a falling out before, and i'm not sure what the purpose of that was. But I went driving with Amanda, we visited some crazy mormon 'capital' (Which, I might add, was the creepiest thing of the whole trip)…etc. David/Taho didn't like Amanda much, but he said "Eh, you never know..sometimes people change right?" In general, David has always been kind of a quiet, brooding thinker type. Some anger here and there but otherwise he's generally been the one to reign things in until he got fed up. (She did not treat him well, especially near the end.)
So, its late one night bout maybe close to 1:30 to 2 in the morning. I'm on the couch trying to sleep, Kati is talking with Amanda. And she's basically asking (loudly) Amanda how she can get my attention and if a relationship would work out. Me? I'm like "Um..i'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.." and i'm acting like i'm still asleep. But she just keeps on going on and on about it.
Mind you, she's still married (and i'm not sure if that ever changed btw since she always dodged the issue) to David/Taho. I leave it alone for the time being, but during trying to find a file on her computer for the Sims, I stumble across a weird text message. To David. Basically chewing him out and getting into some weird control bit. I close the file since that waaaas not what I expected to find, some crazy marital vent session..and I just left it alone.
We go out to eat later on..and she brings up about how someone pissed her off and she publically humiliated them. Yeeeeeeeah, not at all creepy to see someone basically gleeful and salivating over that..oh wait, YES IT IS.
Cue her and I near the end of the trip driving, with Amanda in the car. Her and Amanda get into it, and I think she wanted me to get involved but nope nope, not going there. More of the same stuff, and it was clearly a power trip. All about her trying to dominate Amanda.
Afterwards she kept trying to push a relationship. I refused..I don't do married or separated. No way, no thanks. I confronted her about her hello..being married. She said it was just a business arrangement..that its just a social contract, a piece of was clear that it didn't matter so long as she got her way. It was like I was talking to a spoiled child.
I refused and it did not get pretty. Pretty nasty maybe. Now, i've been through some stuff but I wasn't having it or putting up with it. So, cue poor Jason. He was really sweet to her and tried to help her. I'm very surprised to get a message from him with Kati claiming to have a multiple personality of a little girl. I get a phone call to talk to this little girl, and it comes off as super manipulative..trying to guilt trip me. (And this is the weirdest thing. I've called it the Siren's song a few times..she's especially at her most manipulative through her voice.)
I'm already tallying the red flags when Jason sends me a message that has a conversation between him and 'little Kati'. It was basically the same weird stuff and I way. Not happening. And Jason and I had a very long talk about it. We both decided to drop her like the bad habit she is, and right off the cuff she started demonizing poor Jason. (What she alludes to in that Tumblr you posted up.) I hauled off and blasted her up down, left, right and side ways..she tried to do pretty well what she's doing now with her critics and I line by line let her have it. That was when we didn't speak for about a year.
>>308532AGREED. This is the strangest thing i've noticed. When she's in direct communication with happy people and such..she tends to suck it right out of them. When she's no longer actively in their lives..they get much better. Its happened in pretty much every case of someone she's been close to and burned, me included. (I don't know about Amanda, but in some cases people are going to royally do themselves in regardless. I'm not at all defending her, but I use her name to give you an idea. And we're also talking a different Amanda than the one you recently posted a pic of, to clear that up.)
No. 308557
No, she doesn't have this personality and it was all an act to try and guilt trip me and Jason both. To my knowledge she does not have multiple personalities, just a whole lot of issues.
No. 308565
Anytime I say anything, in any regard, she goes into meltdown. Hell, she's been aware of my vid for the month it was up, and she didn't care until it gained traction when Nick and others shared it. NOW, because it is her own words and such..she has no control.
The less control she has over something, anything, the more she meltsdown. Paranoia, shit talking, the whole nine yards.
And to clarify, yes, I did have an hour long phone call with 'little Kati." Unfortunately.
No. 308573
>>308569She tried to again claim that I was butthurt about her not taking advice. Do you have any idea how hard I laughed at that? One of the very things I put up a video to defend…with her own words and chat logs.
And she's still. Still telling people that shit. But hey, if she wants to validate my vid, more power to her. (Philpost)
No. 308584
>>308565Have you ever seen her be violent? Is she a physically dangerous person?
Was this conversation with "little Kati" 10 years ago or more recent?
Who is the ex-fiance that supposedly wants her back? Did that not work out because she might still be married to the David/Taho person?
No. 308592
>>308584I have never seen her be violent, simply because anyone that she tried to do that with would probably very easily whip her like her fanboys are whipped over her. She is not a physically dangerous person, but she is a very dangerous person in terms of mental and emotional manipulation. She knows how to get her hooks in, adapt to a crowd, and play up a crowd. I'm sorry to say as I said in my vid I wound up helping her get better at her craft..and I still do feel very badly about that. I don't think it would have changed what she's doing now..but at LEAST somene who's been around can talk about it and she can't wiggle out of it. However, I did enable that..and I am HUGELY sorry for that.
Conversation with Kati was right around the time with the jason stuff. Right before her Tumblr posts over it.
The ex fiance? Hard to tell. She's had a few of those. Until they get fed up with her using them and kick her to the curb. (With the exception of Daniel. OMG that guy.) I will clear up one thing, though. Lumina was all Taho's baby. David gave her a singing position and such so she'd have a part to play and would actually DO something.
That's in regards to how a record company would pay anyone to channel angels.
eye roll And its weird because she blamed all of her life choices on said angels. Only nowawayds it seems to be on fibro brain and all that crap.
Regarding her marriage, she doesn't seem to tell her boyfriends about that to my knowledge, and I generally try not to pry for too many details, just brace for impact.
No. 308614
>>308610(Philpost) I can help you with that. Its right here in Joy's chats with Angel., I know, Angel. We've spoken on twitter and for the most part a pleasant exchange. Her actions are her actions, but this is a legitimate conversation that went on between the two. I can't speak on her reasons for it, and I have told her that even if she regrets certain actions, she still did them and is responsible for them. (It doesn't legitimize Angelas a whole, but the conversation is legit.)
No. 308620
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No. 308637
>>308614Off topic, but there is some research on clearing up a specific type of asthma/lessening the symptoms via diet.
It's the same change in diet used to help treat some types of epilepsy, and used in conjunction with chemo/radiation to lessen mortality risk of some cancers.
However, I don't think she's telling the truth because as soon as you go back to eating the way you did your asthma/seizures/etc get worse/come back (depending on what you're trying to treat/manage). It basically works by eliminating inflammatory foods from the diet (meaning most processed foods, sometimes dairy and stuff as well), in the case of asthma, and that sure as hell doesn't include all the pizza and junk food joysus eats.
Just thought it was an interesting tidbit. Sage for not relevant.
No. 308661
>>308620(Philpost) I saw that. Good lord, the nerve of that woman. She has an ego that would split atoms. I had stuff to say twitter wise about that, too.
>>308643I would agree with you. She told me that he wasn't an ex, just someone with romantic potential that never worked out that was going to help her. He came to get her and help her move as of May 29th last year, and she's been there rent free ever since.
That's also why I have her current address and know she lives in Norman. I had that and her phone number handy because no one else was around and Dom couldn't be reached. So I have her emergency contact info from that and know as a result. (She was having another one of those OMG i'm gonna die moments. She had been having them nightly and was claiming her angels were telling her its time to go home.)
Speaking of Fibro, that was when she starting to claim such. The vid shows it, I practically begged her to get a legit diagnosis..that talk about coffee enemas still makes me wince. >_O
But the reason she started on that was she was describing symptoms and myself and others were trying to figure out what it could she could go to a doc and have it looked at. Finally I said, well, what about Fibro..? Since it seemed to match a bunch of them. But she never wanted to visit the doc because it costs money and they're all quacks.
Yet, according to her, as of May of last year she had 40K in savings that she was sitting on from her marketing days. (That I could honestly believe.) She didn't want to use that money if at all possible. When you hear me say probably 30k i'm trying to account for a years expenditures on a large scale..that figure may be off but she is certainly not hurting for money. Not at all. If that 40k figure is false then it is just one of many lies she has told. But it came from her own lips, and its a question others have asked that she has avoided every single time.
Regarding Dominique, from what I know of him he seems to have a wide variety of interests and is all in all a decent guy that seems to like his 420..some times a little too much but eh whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn't sink it. I legitimitely thing he let her stay with him to help her..and it was only supposed to be for about a month..then a couple months..and now..she's basically a parasite until she gets shown the door.
No. 308680
>>308674i hope that you're not recommending an interview with kati herself. she knows how to spin. we've seen it too many times.
>>308672maybe tweet the video at rep asking for him to retweet it? i know that he's already seen it, but idk it might be worth a try.
i'm too tired to go back through all of the posts and find the direct quotes about "little kati" or how kati uses her voice to manipulate people, but i DEFINITELY noticed that in the audio from last night. i started listening and i was like, this doesn't sound like "normal" kati.
i studied linguistics for a while (i don't have my degree and i'm not an ~expert~ but i do have a little experience) and she definitely uses tone and meter and other linguistic tools to create whatever persona she's trying to pull off. i have no doubt that that's what she was doing with "little kati." i've heard her sing and i am NOT impressed but she DOES know how to manipulate her voice in order to manipulate her audience. to me, it's really interesting, scientifically. in every other way, it's just gross.
No. 308684
>>308680No, was talking about an interview with Phil.
Re voice: I was becoming convinced that she was attempting to act and was just really bad at it. Then again, I'm not the best at picking up on facial cues and stuff.
No. 308685
Yeah, she's been trying that for a while. Mututal people between our streams have been doing their darndest not to get caught up in the mess, but lemme tell you what..the way you see some people change on a dime…and its crazy. They don't even have their own opinions. They make and change their opinions based on Kati and her inner circle as a whole. (Some of them seem to have a legitimate crush on her, which she certainly seems to work on with the ladies as well as the guys. Again, its all about control.) This whole setup on hers is a case study on how cults develop and what it does to the people involved.
And i'd like to add that I was around when she first started up that Joysus crap. That was straight up cringe and I didn't like it, I still don't like it. I've had more than a few things to say to Joy's fans..some of them nice, some of them not so nice depending on the person and their response.
>>308672I have recieved several messages from people asking for further information at this time, but I'm not sure of what will be done about it. She has already messed up her own rep big time within the last few days, especially with bigger Youtubers. And there are others that either aren't getting involved…or are just watching the situation. I can't fault them for it and I do respect them for that. A very neutral, but responsible stance.
Mind you, i'm not speaking for those Youtubers on how they feel about Joy. That's just an observation based on past events and current reactions. The video is definitely getting notice.
>>308672Jamie is very much aware of my video. We have also talked over twitter. I see her vs Joy as Joy Vs Onision..i'm not really willing to merit anything involving her and my twitter is proof on what I feel about her.
>>308680Rep actually knows about it. I don't know how much of it he has seen but Nick has been tweeting it around, and Rep commented on the video just to say "Oh shit." So, no clue what if anything will develop there.
>>308680She was a decent singer for a while. She's just severely out of practice. Then again, I am also very much out of practice LOL. She did have a Youtube channel up before that where she was doing singing stuff..Phantom of the Opera. She asked my was decent enough but she needs better breathing control and to work on that over use of vibratto.
shrugHaving seen that clusterfuck she calls a Patreon though, that whole thing is a ripoff. And $500 a month? (A month) for Voice lessons? That's just insanity. Still not as bad as $50 a month for a one time voicemail. That's…what..1100? Good lord no, my math is off. 600 a year. That's an expensive voicemail.
No. 308686
>>308543>>308661thanks for this. you just explained more that i was curious about. she may have worked in "marketing" but the word covers a broad range of jobs. including working merchandise/promo booths which we have pictures of. after hearing her repeatedly say marketing and advertising were "her thing", i listened closely and discovered she knows fuck all about it. i write more about this here–
>>308072 ..i can 99.9% guarantee the figure she gave you is fake. or at least the way she obtained it.
who is this Dom/Dominique person you mention? i only see you mention them twice in this post but no details as to who they are.
how many times has she been married? and is she a serial dater?
>>308680absolutely. she is very skilled at changing her tone to suit whatever powerful point or belief she wants to get across. she knows exactly what she is doing and it is likely not a natural part of her personality but rather something practiced over time. i find it quite interesting as well..kind of like how i find botulism interesting but i wouldn't go anywhere near it.
>>308680make no mistake: she is definitely acting and putting on a front. but she's been doing this for years, as phil has revealed, so it comes more naturally now than it would have..say 6+ years ago. she fucks up a lot, though, and anyone with experience in recognizing manipulating notices when she breaks character accidentally.
No. 308697
>>308592Jesus fucking Christ dude. I am sorry all this went down. Remember that hindsight is 20/20 and you are doing the right thing now. Don't beat yourself up about having compassion or perhaps not making the best decisions in the past. Thank you for sharing with us. People will benefit from understanding who and what they are dealing with when it comes to Katie.
>>308620Who the fuck does she think she is?! No one even asked for a fucking conversation with her! GOD she is so unbelievable.
No. 308702
>>308684ahhhhh okay, yeah that would be cool. i'm def on board with that.
oh she's a bad actress, but she's better if you don't see her face. on voice alone, she can be convincing sometimes.
>>308685she was only ever "decent." not the amazing singer she tries to carry herself as. her voice is okay. i was a singer myself for a while, and i was only okay too, but i never claimed to be ~amazing~. it just annoys me that people fawn over her voice when she's legitimately nothing special. and $500 a month for a voice lesson fucking KILLS me. i haven't stopped laughing about that. i used to see an amazing vocal coach and i think i paid him $60 per lesson, which with four monthly lessons was $240 per month. and he was a very, very special talent.
philbro i definitely think that you should make another video on this, or an interview like people said. i'd message you about it but i legit need to go back to bed. i tried to type $ but typed & and sat here staring at the screen going "that doesn't look right………"
last note tho
she legit doesn't know what she's doing. she's probably had people build up her ego over the years so she thinks she's a pro (she's a pro in everything else, right?). you N E V E R fake or force a vibrato. and the sharpness shows very little control. i don't care how rusty you are, a little warming up should get you back on the right road if you know what you're doing. i could barely use my diaphragm for five years even for BREATHING due to a neurological issue, but i still learned how to control my voice better than her (by chest-breathing and through sheer stubbornness and stupidity tbqh). freaking heck. yet another instance of her reeling in people who don't know any better.
No. 308708
>>308698>>308702These comments amaze me (she has potential as a singer)… I find her voice so shrill and harsh, it is hard for me to believe she has any control over her voice. I admit, I'm not a singer or into it, and I actually am sensitive to loud sounds so that is definitely part of it. But, it is very hard for me to listen to her without taking a break. That she is filming in that "videos from the institute" way (backed against a white wall in what sounds like a huge empty room w/wood floors)… ugh!
SIDE NOTE TO PHIL: if you do put out more videos, try running them through a noise reduction or something like that. There a hissing in your video and it would have been much better (given the 3hrs) if that weren't there. I wouldn't fix it at this point, but not sure if you noticed that happening.
No. 308719
>>308708Ugh, I have the same issue with her voice.
PHIL: Would you be interested in someone editing down that video? I feel that your input is so important and I would be willing to work on it if anyone is interested in a shorter version and you are cool with it.
No. 308723
>>308708same anon as
>>308698 Her speaking/yelling voice is definitely shrill and her singing voice is not much better. When it comes to the "potential" thing..I meant to put quotes around it in the original post to emphasize the iffyness of said potential. So to be clear: she has "potential". In a way, most everyone has potential to be a singer. But that doesn't make them anywhere near good or on even a basic level ;)
No. 308733
What i'm most upset about is that my helping her was used for ill means. She took observations that were meant (and learned from dealing with stuff) to help the community at large and used them to fluff her own selfish ego. I enabled a manipulator to be a better manipulator, and now others will get roped into the drama that weren't before because of that. BECAUSE I defended her quite a bit, it also gave her an air of credibility which added to that. It is a very tough pill to swallow at the end of the day, but that is something that I am certainly responsible for.
>>308686What do you supposed she really has, then? I have often been curious to that myself. She certainly has enough money to threaten lawsuits.
To my knowledge, she was married once, to David. He went to France and i'm not sure they ever actually divorced. She claims it wasn't legal in terms of the United States and that it was a business arrangement, she'd always dodge the issue when pressed. He moved on with his life and I haven't spoken to him in years. I have heard offhand that he has a wife and a kid and is doing quite well. Good for him! He's awesome and i'm glad things worked out well away from that one.
She hasn't been married since, but she's had a slew of boyfriends and dates. Many of them tend to fall under the same category and it generally doesn't last long. Then the breakup, then she's the victim and they're evil. Rinse, lather, repeat ad infinatum.
The only one i'd agree on that was sincerely an evil man was Daniel. He believed God was talking to him, and it was like she stayed with him because the more that he was a challenge that she couldn't dominate or control..the more obsessed she became. Same applies to Onision and DO5 and why she's obsessed like she is. Its the exact same issue. I wasn't sure what was going to happen for a while with things getting more and more screwed up. Thankfully that was the one piece of advice she DID take and finally got away from him.
She dates like she's approached for criticism. You have to fawn and feign over her, theres the sweet talking and the cringe..and when she doesn't get her way out comes..well, you know where that leads by now.
>>308708She had a LOT of potential as a singer and could probably reclaim a lot of it if she started working with her voice again. She's deteriorated in that regard quite a bit..but its a matter of..she doesn't practice, and doesn't put effort into it.
Regarding the video:
-I have had offers to edit that down because "Jesus, you're a noob at this." (LOL, yes I am.) If you want to, go right ahead and feel free to do with it what you will.
-The original will remain available. No worries.
-FUTURE videos: I plan to do a clarification video. Other than that i'm not looking forward to the idea of an obsessive 80+ Kati series, we've all seen where that leads. Its the reason my channel never took off as I never decided what I wanted to actually do with it..and as you all have seen, editing, sound, and all of that pretty well sucks. I can make good points but as far as production skills I am frankly terrible at it and it shows. LOL. But I wasn't thrilled with the Joy rampantly putting up vids on Onision and I really, really don't want to go own that road.
I will however, answer questions, talk your ear off about just about everything, and if you have other video suggestions i'll see what I can come up with. Don't worry, no more three hour monstrosities if I can help it.
cringes No. 308737
>>308736Oh, ok. Thanks. No wonder why I couldn't find it, I was searching the wrong thing.
Never mind, then. Carry on.
No. 308740
>>308733I appreciate the well written responses. I'm still confused as to who Dom is?
Regarding what she really has like..financially? No idea. But she has lied big time about her marketing and advertising experience. If she had worked in higher level marketing/advertising, she could have easily made that nestegg in a few years time on top of making good financial decisions. But it's glaringly obvious that she most definitely has no experience beyond those merch/freebie/promo booths which anyone and their mother could work. That's a craigslist job in a lot of places. Given Kati's history with lying and not following through with things..I'm not sure she has ANY money to threaten lawsuits. Lack of money wouldn't stop a naracissist from saying they are rich, etc. She can make threats like that all day but would she, could she actually go through with them? Right now I'd say unlikely. Also it just makes zero sense to me that she wouldn't be paying ANY rent AT ALL if she had a nestegg of that size, which is fairly large for a single woman of her age. I just don't buy any of it.
No. 308754
>>308739Nothing is set in stone yet. A few have approached for interviews. My week tends to be quite busy, so I don't honestly know what for sure is going on, or what ground is going to be covered. But i'll give em their fair say.
>>308740OH, sorry. Dom = Dominique. Anons at one point speculated on whether or not that was his name, it is. I still would love to know how they figured out she was in Norman. (Yes, she is.) Not that she doesn't give out enough info, but damn. That anon was on it.
And her financial sense has never made much sense to me, honestly. But she hides enough truth and lies mixed together that its often hard to sift between the two.
>>308743Well, if its involving me personally, then i'll be happy to address it. I have had several comments on people wanting to speak to me in private, I know PandaChu recently stated she wanted to do an interview, all of that..its right up in my comments section.
If nothing else, i'll hear them out.
(PHILPOST) (I've been saging all of mine since i'm not really sure what you consider pertinent.)
No. 308767
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No. 308768
>>308767(Philpost) Yep! That's what i'm talking about here:>>308754
But that is the correct conversation.
No. 308769
>>308733wow thanks for all the milk haha. i got a few questions i'd like to pose to you..
this whole kathy thing. we know it goes back to her mom. i found she's pals on facebook with her, and i'm really curious if they have the awful relationship joy is always whinging about having with her entire family. if things are so bad why are they connected on facebook? they are both active there. are you aware or have you seen any public posts between the two of them that suggests a friendly or at least normal relationship? not asking for specific posts of course. it just amazes me that she chose her own mother's name to use as an insult and thought she was being clever by making the name one letter different. i don't know if you have any idea if her family knows about this but any insight you can share into joy's relationship with her mom..either online or off..would be interesting. definitely not asking for anything personal. i'm just surprised that she doesn't try to hide the apparent contempt for her mother. it's much more glaringly obvious compared to the videos in which she trashes her entire family. her mother btw doesn't appear to be the white trash type that joy has made her "kathy" character into. she's also moaned about her white trash family abusing her endlessly but from what i've seen her mother doesn't really fit into typical white trashness. the potential is there, but i see many signs of a pretty typical middle class person. my main interest is if they are really estranged or what.
can you tell us how she ended up in Norman? what made her move there? was it to move in with this Dom dude?
choose your interviewer wisely. you have a lot of legitimate info on joy that should be recognized and heard, and it would be shitty if it were compromised by a disgruntled ex-fan with an agenda that doesn't necessarily mesh with yours.
No. 308781
>>308360>>308377 sorry tagged the wrong post,
>>308375>>308776 am short of the time right now to watch all parts, sorry anon, hopefully someone else can help out here
No. 308782
File: 1494382519680.png (240.19 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170509-220728.png)

>>308737Grab from takedownman's video titled "exposing joy sparkle bs" where he kisses her gross ass and praised what a wonderful person she is and said that she actually added $50-$60 of her own money to make it $100.
No. 308786
>>308782whaaaaatt??? that doesn't prove a motherfucking thing! there's not even a username. what in the fuck these idiots need to learn the definitions of "proof" and "receipts". ffs
>>308784yes. scroll up. what is with the hand holding you anons want today? look, then ask. shit.
No. 308795
>>308787 good call ! It would have happened in March or April 2017
>>308786They are completely ridiculous. This is probably why she won't post them again. He is creepy af, not to mention shady and there's something really off about him. Probably a good chance he had donated last year and posted that to save her ass
No. 308797
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>>308793Sage for OT
Displays 1999-2017 on mine
No. 308800
>>308788That's a lie. SHe's smoked weed before, and had a bad trip with that whole peyote alternative. Forget the name..starts with an A. She was hanging out with some people into witchcraft and she had a bit trippy session and it got weird, lol. And she has drunk before, just not much.
>>308779HAHAHAHAHAHA. Parody video. I remember when Kati and David made that. Happier times before she went full coocoo on him. David can really be hilarious when he opens up.
>>308776I saw where Repzion asked about that, but personally I didn't notice anything on the topic. Now, he seems to have taken a neutral stance on things until he knows more, which is smart. Very smart. He doesn't seem to me to be the sort that really rushes into things. So this has definitely given me a lot to respect in terms of Repzion.
>>308769Hoo boy. She has always been on bad terms with her folks. Last we talked when she was in KC, her mom was trying to provoke her to find anything to get at her with to use to get her committed. Given everything as it is now..its hard to say who is being truthful and lying between her and her folks. But if what Kati has told me about them is true, then the apple doesn't seem to fall far from the tree.
How she ended up in Norman. Well, things keep coming to bite her in KC. It was not a good environment, and the way she was going she'd probably wind up suiciding or committed or something similar..that was what I saw developing and I certainly didn't want that. I told her to seek greener pastures a few times, but noooooo…she was going to live the big life as a music star and all these contacts were going to suddenly appear and all that jazz.
Needless to say, didn't happen. Then this mystery illness became a thing. She was saying she didn't even have enough energy to paint, drive, go to the park..i'd suggest positive things to unwind, de-tox and just loose the negative and she'd shoot down every single one. She started running out of options and said she needed someone to care for her constantly (I even offered to put her up in a room at one point because she was saying she'd live out of her car..)…and she claimed to have a few offers….all of them including weird relationships or Exes and Dom seemed to be the most stable choice, so she moved in with him.
I fully agree on the interviewer issue. I can't say i've been approached by anyone super outlandish so far, and Jamie already knows she isn't welcome. But that concern is certainly there. Or that the interviewer is some crazy Joy fan.
shudder You never know on the internet.
No. 308816
File: 1494385185026.png (255.54 KB, 1281x655, iDm9Fzt.png)

>>308797Just took this from desktop
No. 308825
>>308816Ok, I logged in and it brought me to which is slightly different from the link in your screenshot. It says 2017 on this page for me. Ah I see the page you're on is a sign-up page. I've flipped through my account and it's all 2017. To me that means if she paid from her ACCOUNT, it should definitely say 2017.
>>308821Yeah I clicked that and the difference is that's a sign-up link whereas what I've got is what shows up when you log in to your account.
No. 308850
>>308828(Philpost) She was like that before she did that, and also after it. This was when she was still trying to claim she was a psychic. She'd cozy up and sweet talk people, usually the more emotionally vulnerable, get all their experiences out of them..and suddenly start using their words and mimicing them. Trying to pass herself off as some psychic expert. (She has all the ability of a corpse. Mentalist probably is a more fitting term)
If people would call her out on it, as to be expected her fanbase would then rally to her defense because "they're picking on me like they pick on you! Help!" Mind you..that was back in 2006.
Sidenote: I'm actually getting minor twitter flack for talking on here. I find that funny, but its like this. None of you take any crap, you've been nothing but nice considering circumstances…and quite frankly you're a lot nicer than they are…so..I don't know why I
wouldn't answer questions…
…and they keep parroting the same stuff she said in livestream. They don't even have an opinion. They just follow the herd. That's nuts.
No. 308852
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>>308797Taken a few minutes ago on mobile. Both my desktop and mobile are 2017
No. 308867
I posted some of these earlier, here are those and the rest.
Not to be petty but I just don't think she's pretty. She's pretty plain and looks like every irish girl ever. (Obviously, that last bit isn't meant to be taken LITERALLY)
I see why she's insecure about her arms though. Looks like good eating after putting it in the crock pot for the day. No. 308872
>>308867as an irish girl……i agree. though kati is midwest through and through. lotsa german in the mix of all that plain.
have to agree, she isn't pretty and it seems like people are blatantly lying when they say she is. as a previous anon pointed out there's a reason she doesn't shoot from that angle she used in the Pepsi Ad Campaign review video: she doesn't look good. personally i think she looks like a man in that video.
i'd be insecure about my arms too but then i'd make sure to buy some clothes that fit. she stuffs her arms into those shrugs from 2004 so of course they look like sausages. this has been said 1000x times before but there's seriously no reason, financial or otherwise (LOL) that she can't afford some decent fitting clothes. her sweater collection doesn't count. remember that pity party tweet about how she was only able to afford a new bra recently for the first time in forever? what a crock of shit. stop making excuses constantly joy.
i thought the link you were posting was just going to be those same 3 goddamn modelling pics her fans rave about. tired of seeing those. there's a reason why only about 3 of them exist: she doesn't. look. like. that.
some of these pics i hadn't seen before. why does she jut out her lower lip like that? it's very, very unsexy.
since i'm on the petty wagon i want to know: am i the only one tired of looking up her nostrils and viewing her boogers in every video? it's so glaringly obvious that it amazes me the girl hasn't found a tissue yet. just clean out your nose if you're going to shoot from that angle. i know making yourself look bad is part of the malingering game, kati marie, but this is getting ridiculous.
No. 308889
>>308872this is definitely petty, but i'm also really self-conscious about my arms. they've always been the fattest part of my body, even when i was underweight. what i don't understand is the obsession with squeezing them into tight clothing?? i wear stuff that's baggy on my arms or short-sleeves that cut off in a flattering way. i mean, if you feel like displaying your insecurity, that's fine, but geez, she's just making herself look a million times worse.
and her excuse about not being able to afford "tailoring." lmfao. i'm poor as fuck and i can still buy flattering clothes. cheap clothes, yes, but clothes that fit my body.
and omg yes no one wants to see those nostrils. no one wants to see ANY nostrils, but especially not hers.
No. 308891
>>308740This. I call bullshit. No one with a $40K nest egg scams off everyone for everything including rent and whining about not being able to afford fucking clothes. And why even make a fucking Patreon for piddly money for a cause she allegedly cares ~so deeply about~ when clearly you have enough funds to just donate? It makes zero sense. I don't see how anyone can believe anything this wonderbitch says. She is so full of shit with everything. I can't even deal.
>>308867Dis bih is not model material and I am not saying that to be catty. She has ONE facial expression, trying to do a sexy open mouth and it looks like SHIT. Definite shoop on lots of these. I think she has masculine features and her eyes are too small and…I could go on but nope. Anyone can pay photographers for portfolio pics. Sorry, Kyatie. FAIL.
No. 308904
>>308873DEFINITELY not underweight. her bone structure would be jutting out more. i'm 5'8" and was around 100lbs before i got my anorexia under control (not too extreme, but still not good), and it was obvious in every single picture, even when i was trying to hide it (because people had expressed concern). i think that some of the pics are shooped to make her look a little thinner, which is probably why the pictures look unnatural. but i've never seen a picture of her where she's underweight.
clarification: it was obvious that i was underweight until i wasn't anymore, not just when i was at my thinnest. your bones always give you away.
No. 308919
She keeps trying to draw a false equivalence between her angel horseshit and religion.
Let's list the ways the two aren't comparable or other ways this is problematic:
1. Religion generally applies to everyone. You could have a special relationship with a higher power but you recognize this could be the case with other people as well.
Not everyone is talked to by angels. You believe this is a special relationship for you and a selected few. You believe this relationship and by extension you is/are special and unique.
2. Do you really want to compare the angel talking thing with something that requires faith alone and doesn't require hard evidence? (Please don't derail because a debate about religion is not relevant to this thread, ok?)
3. Religion is culturally accepted (as long as you're the right one. right, muslims/catholics/mormons/scientologists?) in these here USA. Talking to angels is, by and large, not.
4. When people (religious or "spiritual" alike) tell others that God/angels/their-dead-grandmother talked to them, it's often with a motive. Sometimes for manipulation (God talked to the politician and told him to do exactly what his party wanted to do which was totes convenient for him. But not as convenient as selling the idea to the religious using God), to shed culpability, to con marks out of money (ie psychics. See: cold reading, forer effect, etc.), etc. Or because of untreated mental illness (and then kids end up drowned in bathtubs or driven into bodies of water.).
No. 309049
>>308919I think that was my biggest gripe about the entire thing. I admit that Joy's past has fuck all to do with her current stance on DO5, but at the same time I do believe it sheds a lot of light on her behavior and mental stability.
Thing is, I don't care if someone believes in crazy shit, whether it is socially acceptable or not. That's your right to believe. When my aunt passed away, my Grandmother swore up and down that she walked into the house, sat down in her favorite chair… said NOTHING, then got up and walked out the front door, minutes later she got a phone call saying she was gone. (My grandmother was raised Catholic, but has since left religion entirely.)
Do I think my grandmother is crazy? Not entirely. We all knew my aunt was dying. And the mind deals with grief in crazy ways.
But what Kati said was happening wasn't moment of grief. But straight crazy talk. I don't even think she BELIEVED the crap she said. I think she said it to fit in, to get people to notice her. To build a following of people who looked to her for advice and found her special. It's entirely the same thing she's doing right now. She's making herself out to be special, to get people to notice and admire her for her strength and insight. She craves that following, that attention and that praise. It doesn't matter what form she gets it from.
But when it comes to, "How dare you question me when you believe in God!" it's just silly nonsense. She makes it seem like she merely had a moment of silly hippy stuff. She didn't. She had YEARS of telling people angels spoke to her. SPOKE, said words. She quoted the exact words Angel's said to her. And not only did they speak to her, but she had special powers. She played it off as saying, "I still think everyone has spirituality, aura's etc" but that wasn't what she was dealing with then. She downplayed it!
That's entirely different than someone praying to God and reading "the good book". Even in the faith communities, people who claim God talks back are seen, by the majority, as mentally unwell individuals. The ones that manage to slip past the majority as mentally unstable end up getting 20+ people to commit suicide en masse.
Ask the majority of Christian based communities what they think about glossolalia. I remember attending church with someone once as a child that spoke in tongues. I was young and I was like, cool, I get to get up there and make "humblomgurgle" sounds! Awesome! Then I was yelled at because I didn't have the spiritual gift from god to speak in tongues! Even as a child, I was smart enough to realize right then and there, that was some weird and insane bullshit and they were full of total crap if that was what it all meant. (This was the same church that handed out insane comic books about the devil….)
Sage 4 Lyf. Sage 4 blog.
No. 309284
>>309246Watching his video now. I get where he is going, but a lot of it's just rambling and sort of misinformation. JoyFans will have a field day with it. I don't subscribe to the guy, so I don't know his video style. Not hating on him, just the facts. But I totally agree with the main idea.
He also talks about Angel. He clearly does not deal with/lurk through lolcow haha. But Angel brought that shit on herself, IMO. She was told to back off and stop acting like a cow several times - she didn't. What can we say? She pretended to be several people at once. Whoops.
Hit enough men and you're eventually gonna get hit back. Doesn't matter if someone else told you to do it or not. You have a mind of your own. And having HFA doesn't mean shit. She's not retarded.
No. 309289
>>309284There wasn't any proof at all that Angel was posting because Joy told her to. There was, however, proof in the screenshots of messages Angel posted herself that she was posting of her own volition and motivation.
> She pretended to be several people at once. And they're tagged like he mentioned so how did he not notice that?
Interesting that Someguy mentions autism (which is probably how she got him to feel sorry for her) and here it was all about her other condition which I can't remember the name of and don't care enough to find.
This video was really disappointing. Someguy used to have some well researched videos (remember the sciesca expose?) In this one, he got the most basic facts wrong.
No. 309299
>>309289I'm assuming she told him about it. And/Or he quickly glanced at it, it's not hard to miss the image and you don't need to read the posts to see it at all.
And like I said HFA isn't an excuse at all for anything. If nothing else, a person with Autism should be even less likely to fall for Joy's shit unless they also have some degree of MR to go with it. And I don't recall the other illness' name either. Is she the one in the wheelchair? Hell if I remember it all, Joy has so many fans with mental/physical illnesses they all begin to blend into one super weird being in my head. I do recall getting into a long af argument with one of her fans on YouTube back at the start of Joy's channel… basically like 4th or 5th video she made about Onision, which happened to also be the same time I really began to question Joy's real intentions. And the girl (later on over the Shaytard vid) was saying she had some disability that has her now in a wheelchair and Joy did something to help her and I was out of line for questioning Joy.
When Joy went after Shaytard I lost it. Granted, I was not a Shaytard fan, only ever seen ONE of his videos… but when she began her video with "I am sick so I may get things wrong because I wasn't able to research" I flipped my shit on that. And the same girl came to her rescue with that video.
No. 309300
>>309246"Niiiice, a 38 minute video about the BS of Kati!"
>dude talks about the forest and Patreon for half an hourDammit, SMG.
No. 309305
> I'm assuming she told him about it.You're right. I assumed that he saw the thread but clearly this was an incorrect assumption. If he had, his video would have been totally different.
> And like I said HFA isn't an excuse at all for anything.I didn't say it was. I'm just saying that's how she got sympathy from Someguy. She starts shit then uses her illness as a shield.
> And I don't recall the other illness' name either. Is she the one in the wheelchair? Yeah, iirc. She's also has Ehlers-Danlos.
No. 309316
>>309305>I didn't say it was. Nah, wasn't saying you did. I was just saying it again for repeat sake. Sorry, my way of implying I was the previous poster and restating that both her and Someguy using it to excuse her behavior is asinine. Clearly, we see this.
> She starts shit then uses her illness as a shield.Just like Joy. Birds of a feather.
No. 309341
>>309330HA! So, based on PhilS postings, Rose now owes her $600?
Also, based on calculations provided above, that would have been $600 on $1100 income (if the 75% reduction claimed by Joysus was true). Until she shows her YouTube stats on screen (and she can get them on a per video basis)… I don't believe it. If she wasn't hit by that severe ad issue (as a new/small YouTuber)… She was paid near $4k for April.
No. 309355
>>309284Yeah, whilst being autistic can lead you to be a bit gullible, Joy is a sensory nightmare and so wanting to associate with her and being on the spectrum seem incompatible to me (being on the spectrum myself.) Plus, her terrible typing style would also put me off being manipulated by her, I would just get pissed off. I would agree that you'd be less likely to fall for Joy's shit if you're 'high functioning' autistic. I'm not a teenager, though.
It also does not contribute to, nor excuse, pretending to be multiple people and then insisting that someone is impersonating you leading to being outed by your IP. That was just stupid.
No. 309461
>>309448She does sound like schizophrenia IF the voices weren't always so conveniently in sync with her goals and desires. Unfortunately schizophrenia voices aren't always like that. They can "advise" scary or even bad things and are not under the control of the afflicted person. So, I tend to lean away from schizophrenia because of that.
OTOH, I had a friend who was an evangelical christian. She wanted an extremely expensive saddle once. She excitedly told me how when it went on sale for 10% off she felt that was God
telling her to buy it and she
heard it in her "spirit". Kati comes from an area with a lot of evangelical type churches. I could totally see her merging "speaking in tongues" and "God spoke to me" into what she is claiming in those blogs, the angel channeling, and the videos. Those types of churches are very much into "I feel like I've have a Word from God for you" type conversations where congregants go around passing off their personal thoughts as having been put into their mind by God. They view this as normal. Almost all MAJOR christian scammers use this as the foundation for why they scam people. It's a great con angle because so many people are more than willing to buy into it.
No. 309485
>>309448She's been repeatedly told by doctors she has anxiety disorder but she keeps saying it's not that because she has fevers (or sometimes because her resting heart rate is low) and for a while, it seemed like her chest pains were just a manifestation of panic attacks but then later she goes on camera and has what she
says is a panic attack yet was able to finish the video while speaking coherently & calmly, if only slightly upset, and claims this was possible because she is able to mask the symptoms of a panic attack so well you can't tell she's having one (not possible, if you can hide a "panic attack" you aren't having one, it's just the nature of the disorder.)
Aside from that, there were some hints in her past writing that she was possibly diagnosed as bipolar although she doesn't outright say so. We do see her exhibit manic-depressive cycles and other symptoms like delusions of grandeur. I don't think she actually hears these angels, she just uses it as a manipulation tactic & to get others to see her as special. Now she uses her "illness" like she used to use "angels"…to excuse her choices & behavior. She also seems to be a pathological liar, her stories are constantly changing, she does it so much she can't keep her own lies straight. From what Phil posted earlier at one point she pretended to have multiple personality disorder and spoke to him as "little Kati" which was a "personality" of herself but younger. She obviously does not have MPD, because it conveniently manifested just that one time, it served its purpose then she dropped the act. Even if she had a disorder like
No. 309492
>>309489I also have bipolar and doubt she has it. Her 'episodes' are too brief and reactive.
She has anxiety and some sort of personality disorder.
No. 309527
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>>309524Jesus… do you need a mommy to chew your food for you too? maybe someone to wipe your ass? go to the fucking gofundme page next time.
No. 309542
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This doesn't even cover all the videos shes done… But I think she's made more than 600
No. 309590
>>309284(Philpost) I agree when it comes to Angel. Her convo was legit, but that doesn't excuse her actions here or elsewhere. We've had that conversation. From what i've seen of her since, she does seem to be getting help and doing her own thing now…otherwise quiet on her end so I don't know what's what there.
And good lord, Joy seems to be going after so many people these days that I just can't seem to keep track.
>>309341Someone today asked me a really good question about that. "But what will she do with the income from future earning from those videos?" I think that's a really good point/question. Is it a one time donation and the rest go to her? Will she successively donate over time? I don't know. My position on all those vids is that AWARENESS is definitely already there. No need to have the vids up any longer especially so many of them and she (Kati) needs to privitize them or remove them altogether if it is really 'about the children.'
Regarding whether or not she owes Joy now, well, considering Joy's usual pattern its so she looks good with the crowd for one, and secondly…well, she didn't say that she wanted it back but we've already seen how that BS can change.
eye roll>>309461To my knowledge except maybe early on possibly in her childhood years (very vague in that conversation) it hasn't happened. I highly, highly doubt that she will, either…even though she REALLY needs to.
>>309485Yep. In that vid one of the slides shows her saying the doc without blinking an eye said anxiety. Then there was the coffee enema nonsense and all that assorted crazy stuff.
Bi polar? Possibly. Manic depressive? Possibly. I'm no expert by far but it wouldn't at all surprise me. The MPD thing was just straight up manipulation..she only stopped that when it was clear it wasn't going to work which was enough to tell me that she knew what she was doing. I ABSOLUTELY agree on Pathological liar..she's showcased that more than sands in a desert.
>>309532Wow. This is much better than mine. I'm Jelly lol.
>>309565It is interesting to me..I remember her saying she made less than a dollar per vid. Was the donation from other sources or from videos? If it was from videos then she's contradicted herself again.
No. 309612
>>309590Okay, I gotta ask–as far as the "coffee enema nonsense" goes, are you saying she actually tried that, or… what exactly?
Coffee and enema should never be put together like that.
No. 309618
>>309612Yep. She did try that. And I agree. I cringe and shudder just thinking about it. WTF.
No. 309640
>Okay if she's is actually donating money and not scamming anyoneI'll only say she's not scamming people (specifically related to THIS instance) when she shows exactly how much money she has made off of those disgusting videos she has monetized and it comes at least close to $600.
>if she not lying about the physical illnessSome doctors as shady as shit and don't give a shit about their patients. As long as they are paying and getting the hell out of their office they are willing to diagnose you with anything. Also, big pharma peddles their goods through doctors and SAMPLES are actually a great example of this. Samples come from Pharma reps who try to get doctors to prescribe these medications to patients. It's more common for medications such as Lyrica, or other crazy drugs that are harmful and addictive.
> was actually given Lyrica by a docYes, we already know the doctor gave her Lyrica. She proved that already. No one gives a shit about it honestly.
>and if she truly is off her rockerHave you ever lurked any other threads on lolcow, lolcow wiki, kiwifarms, etc? The off the rocker cows are endless in these parts.
>admit that she real isn't so bad of a person You can't tell me what I have to admit or feel about someone else. ;) Unless you're Joy… because she loves to tell people how they should feel about people and what they should admit.
> trolling her for the lulzUhm, "lol"cow?
No. 309651
>>309628(a) The woman is batshit insane. 60+ videos on Onision, 90+ videos on Do5, just because her Do5 scam was shut down, doesn't mean there isn't more milk in the future. She'll find another "topic" to be "passionate" about and spin right back up like the nutjob she is.
(b) The woman monetized child abuse. I don't care where she sends what amount of money… the bitch monetized child abuse and was not the least bit apologetic for it. Her profits going forward will be larger than before the Do5 stuff because she jumped on that ad revenue and subscriber draw with both feet and sucked off it like a starving ape. She's disgusting and will always be disgusting for having monetized child abuse. (But, I can deal with sour milk for the lulz)
(c) Until she produces a doctor's diagnosis… she does not have fibromyalgia or panic attacks. I know this from my own DIAGNOSED personal experience with it and from YEARS of working to keep my life on track while dealing with it. She is a bald faced liar about her diseases. Sorry, but that's lolcow 101 - whinging to the public about non-existent diseases for sympathy to cover your lying ass.
No. 309658
>>309651>The woman monetized child abuse. I don't care where she sends what amount of money… the bitch monetized child abuse and was not the least bit apologetic for it. I am
>>309640 but this is 100% true. Even by saying what I did, I still fully agree that her monitzing those videos in the first place was a nasty and disgusting thing to do. While she may not have physically touched those children like DO5 did, she exploited them just as much as he did through the 90+ videos she made (many of which included footage of their abuse). She's still a nasty bitch.
No. 309661
>>309590The amount she said she made from the videos and how much she planned to donate kept changing over the last 2 weeks. when she was first confronted about the ads her response was "but it's not that much money" like it hadn't occurred to her people would be upset she monetized them. Then it took lots more people pointing out the hypocrisy of this before she claimed she had planned to donate the earnings all along, she just didn't say anything because she was concentrating on her illness. Somehow this prevented her from saying she wanted to donate the money but didn't prevent her from uploading 4+ videos a day, livestreaming and updating Twitter every few hours. Then some time passes and she tries to clarify she won't be donating all the money, just the ones showing clips of the children being abused, which worked out to around 20% of the DO5 videos she had on her main channel. Then more recently she started replying on Twitter that she was going to donate "the majority" of the money, whatever that means. As for the amounts she has made from the DO5 videos, that has gone up & down. First, she said it was around $100 but with adpocalypse cutting her revenue by 75% she
should have made over $1000 (the math doesn't make sense, I know.) Then a day later she said $300. Several days and twice as many videos later, it somehow dropped to $150…a few days after that it dropped even further to $30 (maybe this is when she started counting only the ones with footage of child abuse, IDK, but if I am remembering right I'm pretty sure she threw this number out there BEFORE she said that.) And finally, you are correct, just a few days ago on Twitter she did claim she was making less than $1 per video. I find that hard to believe considering many of them have 100,000+ views, her most watched video on her channel with 344,186 views is the one where Cody can't go to Disney with his family. Out of the top 6 DO5 videos that add up to over a million views, 5 of those contain footage of the children being abused so even if she's going by the model of donating just from the ones containing footage of child abuse they are still some of the most watched videos on her channel. She needs to show screenshots of her Youtube income for anyone to believe "the majority" is anywhere near $600. However, even with the $600 donation, she's still keeping a good portion of the money for herself by directly profiting off the suffering of children…something she said she'd never do.
No. 309667
>>309663Playing both sides? That's kind of pathetic in itself. Did you not see what happened to Angel? Please just step out, person.
And you're acting a lot like Joy. That's one of her favorite angle lately. "I have information!!!! I have so many information! I won't tell them to you, but I do!!"
If you have information and aren't going to share it, then keep the fact that you have that information to yourself. It's not impressive and no one here will believe you (especially on a Joy thread, where it wouldn't be the first time a fan tried to pull some BS on it.)
No. 309678
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I'm warning you guys, there is no quality milk here. I going to capture and post these backwards chronologically because of the nature of the chat room loading slowly.
No. 309681
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No. 309682
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No. 309683
>>309677NotPhil: When that blonde woman was "exposing" joy it seems like someone sent her some sort of vague allegation about Joy and a cousin and the blond woman passed that on as part of her stuff. There was no other allegations that I saw and really, the pedophilia idea was dropped as a false flag.
NOW.. given how the Joysus crew seem to be happy to spread false rumors as jokes… e.g. the stuff the StinkyHillary account has been spreading is an example… who knows, maybe Joysus sent that information to her as a way of discrediting her.
No. 309685
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No. 309689
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No. 309690
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No. 309691
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No. 309697
(Philpost) I'm still here. And WOW. all this posting. I know some of these folks were sipping the koolaid, but I thought Chris was better than that. Well, again, shows what I always know.
But its weird to see the gaslighting and the spin. But hey, they don't watch the chat, lol. NOOOO NOOOO way. But hey, thanks for proving me right Joy, turn right around and basically validate that when she can't get out of it, she will turn around and shit talk people and demonize them publically.
So great Job, Joy. Great job. Thanks for proving right your critics again. See, this is the stuff I would constantly hear about before I made that video. And I publically warned her, MANY times. MANY. But here it is.
Case study in cult behavior.
No. 309705
>>309697i heard you livestreamed last night but unfortunately i missed it. did you discuss kati and if so did you save your stream?
>>309704excellent points, anon. very suspect.
No. 309709
>>309705(Philpost) Both of them should be saved on my Youtube. SHould be. It clipped the stream at one point because hey, YouNow (really weird.) Turned into more about Joy than i'd have liked it. Normally we like to just shoot the shit and then play games over Jackbox, unwind and have a good time. If they want to have a toxic community that's on them.
Of course, given timing that really WAS wishful thinking on my part.
>>309693This kind of thing makes me wonder, and i've speculated on this, whether or not some of her releases and even this one are all very deliberate. I mean, I warned her multiple times..she kept going. Even confronted with it, she kept going and triple downed. It does come off since all of this is deliberately phrased towards myself that this is her trying to push my buttons and get a response. Is it a legit doc? Definitely. But my question is whether this is not a hidden release but a purposeful one.
No. 309717
>>309709i think you're onto something. i personally believe she is both calculating.. and terrible with self control. it wouldn't surprise me in the least if its all to see if she can rile you up in an attempt to spin it and make you look bad.
also i just looked at the view count on your "lies" video and it's at 1k. wow! it is definitely spreading around. just a week or so ago it was barely 100.
No. 309725
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Oh Kati. Every single day of the week you are energetically posting and editing (lol) videos. That means you have mostly good days. You've had over a month of "good days". Except you don't have fibromyalgia. You don't understand or care about the type of pain you cause those of us who do with your malingering bullshit. Go fuck yourself you self righteous egotistical twat.
No. 309734
>>309725Oh, fuck you, Kati. Of course with chronic illness of any sorts there are good days and then there are bad days and even worse days where you don't even have the energy or motivation to get up. Sometimes you have to explain to people that no, you aren't mad at them, it's just been a really bad few days and that's why you couldn't talk to them.
Then this girl gets up on cam to make 5 videos a day, streams for 10 hours every day, chats, calls around ( orders yummy pizza while having "a knife like stabbing pain in her head", but no worries she has super powers to control it ) and tries to pass it off as "a good day?" Bitch, your every day is a good day.
No. 309737
(Philpost) If it is, she's doing a horrible job of it. It reeks of what she pulled with Jamie. And quite frankly, if her best argument against me is a) Fingernails (They're cut now, thanks LOL)…and validating in word and deed everything I said she was doing, and going to do…well, more power to her. (Her debate skills = my video and editing skills.)
Yeah. 1,500 views last I looked. That's within the last couple of days. O_O Dear lord. Subs jumped from 66 to 131 and it has 75 likes, all of9 dislikes. Link Mountaineer tried to say the video was slander and I was like…how? Did I psychically possess her and make her write those things? Is she slandering herself? I don't get that. He has since deleted his comments. Like I don't see him shit posting on any video that doesn't praise Joy.
Still, I hope they aren't subbing expecting this to be a thing constant with multiple vids on Joy. Livestream I can at least get and go, okay people have questions. But if they're expecting that, they're gonna be disappointed lol. And definitely, DEFINITELY no more three hour videos. Good lord.
Sidenote: No, i'm not going to hide who I am. Why? Saves the trouble of people wondering about anons. And if people are going to talk bout me being in here anyway, might as well just announce it and clear up any confusion.
No. 309743
>>309737someone mistakenly called me a joy fan a while back and i identified myself to clear that up (because NO) and i got slapped with a 24-hour ban lmfao. i'm glad that they're letting you philpost though. :)
i don't know if she would love the attention from a whole video series about her, or if that would cause another meltdown. either way, no one should waste that much time and effort on joy.
No. 309756
>>309737hahaha link mountaineer is one of the most diehard joyfans. a real delusional one though they all seem to be delusional in one way or another. i made a rather civilized comment regarding joy on a video about her and he proceeded to make a physical threat against me. it basically said "let's take this outside" LOL
don't worry, most of us forgive you for the monstrosity. it revealed a whole lot about her manipulation patterns. one of my favorite things revealed is her attempts to get you to talk to her on the phone. as you highlighted, its her way of attempting sweet (con artist) talk and a way to ensure no one can log her bullshit through text. if you saw the logs nickmon posted from Chamber's skype convo with joy (where she reveals what she shouldn't know but its blacked out) she tried to pull that same shit. the amount of times she asked you to call or talk with her on the phone was unbelievable. "things can be misinterpreted thru text" hahaha RIGHT
No. 309758
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>>309743(Philpost) Mainly because its easier for me to post like this, I think. If a farmhand or so has an issue with it, then i'll stop at that point.
She'll meltdown regarding me whatever I do, her paranoia is really off the charts. Still, doing a Joy series comes off to me like Kati doing an Onision series. Or a Jamie series, credibility or not. It just follows the same track and I can clearly see where that leads. Plus,, the more you center on her, the more toxic things become…ten years of that was 1 second too many. At some point, its time to move on. I'm just the guy on the scene that knows all of her I get the swirl of attention. But to be honest about it…it is very MUCH just a flash in the pan. Hopefully as I learn more people enjoy my other content and it doesn't make their eyes and ears bleed too badly.
Oh, someone sent me this, I think you'll enjoy it. I've been posting memes on my Twitter regularly. She wants attention? Fine. She'll be a meme.
No. 309768
>>309760Gotcha. I had two of them that…OH. Derp. Dumb move on my part. It saved them as unlisted. I'll fix that here momentarily. Okay, there we go.Had to double check and make sure those aren't monetized. They're up.
Note: All of my livestreams generally tend to be long as I stream for hours on end. USUALLY I like to just shoot the breeze, and then go into games. I didn't bother trying to mess with OBS this time because it kept giving me issues. (Philpost)
No. 309848
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>>309628Seriously, have you forgotten what site you're on?
No. 309877
>>309873LOL. Not flattering myself Joyfan. I've made enough posts on what I think about that particular situation, but nice selective reading. Hell, I commented on it just..what, a few posts up? But I guess that's why Joy likes folks like you..not many brain cells to work on.
Nice scripted talking, too. You realize that's why they call you a cult, right? You guys might want to try working on that. You certainly have enough time on your hands to come up with the most backward stuff. Thank you for playing.
thumbs upPS: Employ better trolls. They keep getting brutalized and running away with their tail between their legs.
No. 309883
Coffee enemas are stupid and pointless. Her naturopath recommended it to her, right? Those people should be banned from giving medical advice. Detoxing. Is. Not. Real.
Did anyone catch her comments about Jamie on that stream with lizz and the other guy? After that I'm 100% certain the retard posting about Jamie was Joy.
>>309284>>309342Stevie does lurk lolcow. He has even recently commented on unlisted reuploads of onion videos uploaded by anons. He's a flake and I wouldn't be surprised if he selfposted. Another onision hating youtuber that acts like onision.
>>309527Why be rude anon? This is an imageboard after all, people need to start posting images. Thanks to the few that upload screenshots from twitter.
No. 309888
>>309879Such a flattering picture of my cat. Ah well.
Actually, there was even more to it than that.
Lotus is the Amanda person that was in the picture you posted way back. She went through a lot of hell and people bothering her left and right, being stupid. She tends to deal with high levels of anxiety and has been going through a lot of back and forths on whether or not she wanted to come on and tell her story, how she felt..all of that.
Since my video came out, she has not had to private her twitter, set Youtube to approved comments, etc because the cult won't leave her alone. Its really, really messed up and this girl never hurt anyone.
No. 309912
>>309879Started watching at the part you mentioned. It's clear Joy got under this girl's skin emotionally through her manipulation tactics. She draws these people in, tells them "personal things" (likely lies) to make them feel special, uses them in some way and ditches them if they question her in some way. It's sad to hear her voice waver like that whether or not she was a joyfan previously. Its just sick to fuck with people like this.
This girl talks about Joy bringing things back to herself when they would have personal conversations. Major shocker there, right?
Triggering someone's PTSD? Oh fuck no. That is fucked. Katie Marie Smith you are legit a nasty ass garbage person. Any pity I had for you for being a major lolcow just went out the window.
>>309895>>309907stop clogging up the thread, cunts.
No. 309937
>>309877A little rude don't you think? Anon asked when you were streaming.
Insinuating someone's a Joyfan and being a dick because they pointed out the truth (that your only relevance here is her makes you look like an ass) and stop namefagging
No. 309939
>>309937Not being rude. Look at that post. The anon responded to was not asking about that stream.
That was here:
>>309854..and I responded here
>>309867. I don't expect thousands of people or anything close to bother the boards for stream details, but its general rude to do so even a few times and I simply said reach out to me, which is neither rude or ego based.
Now the post in question was pretty clearly a troll.
>>309873As is this post, or you would have read
thishere:>>309758 …which is a statement i've made consistently many, many times now. So much for my ego, but i'm no JoySparklesbs.
Oh, you might want to sage for not adding anything while you're at it. Good game.
No. 309972
>>309246i'm watching someguy's video now. finally, someone saying what we've all been thinking in the way we've been thinking. not some overly polite bullshit like geekthulu. i lol'd at the "you're fucking selfish, you're fucking stupid and you're only looking out for your own greedy, weird, crazy cat-lady looking self.
>>309951in the text logs he shows, kati brings up how based mama is a mother. she keeps harping on that and brought it up repeatedly on the recent livestream where she went apeshit. so i guess if you have a child you're not allowed to have an opinion, or to ask someone to stfu. or call them a bitch. someone let all the mothers in the world know because we have a lot of mothering licenses to revoke! the shit this immature little girl spews is always so incredibly backwards. also is it just me or does it look like she was pissed that Nick Monroe (hi nick!!) tweeted out deets on the protection order regarding mike martin & the kids before she got a chance to make a video about it?
i like how he just turns on her with the "You are a liar." text. hahahaha. i'm also so sick of the way she writes. the CONSTANT fucking capitalisation OF every OTHER word to show how ANGRY or EXCITED she is makes me want to HURL!!!!!
she also pulls that "you think you are entitled to _____" thing. bitch you might have some (read: SOME) subscribers on a shitstain of a youtube channel but you are still literally a nobody. the only person with a sense of entitlement about anything is you, kati marie smith. then she makes sure to question this guys morals..something she seems to do with literally everyone who questions her lies and bullshit. oh kati marie when you stop making money and a name off of child abuse maybe then you can start questioning others morals. and then she starts with the demands for an apology. my god she is so predictable.
i still haven't seen any evidence that chambers has said something negative publicly about joy. she "distanced" herself but did so in a pretty civilized manner. on her stream the other day she said she'll be exposing chambers, based mama, etc. "the dragging i'm going to do." i think she's going to be hard pressed to prove anything. its just more of her typical "i've got the speshul infoz u guise" ruse which will likely go nowhere. she honestly thinks by the end of the court case etc she'll be coming out on top looking like the ultimate hero for abused children.
>>309963oh you know i'll be recording dat shiz
No. 309974
File: 1494484188096.png (743.69 KB, 1046x1129, Capture _2017-05-11-07-28-15-1…)

No. 310007
>>309743Well, the channel KimmyCat has maybe 7/8 videos on Joy right now, and she said she's deleted one. Nothing really interesting to see, just an old lady in a wheelchair basically agreeing with Joy here and there, disagreeing and calling her out in other places but for weird reasons. {She has this odd perspective that Joy needs to butt out of do5 because outside intervention only makes it abuse worse. I only watched 2, it's mainly her sharing her own abuse story so sage.} But i doubt Joy would ever see these to have a reaction.
Tbh, is it say bad that I kind of want her to get back to Onion and piss him off enough that he makes an "exposed" video as well. Don't know how it would work out but man it would be interesting. Might even tip her, aint like he's doing shit else.
>>309955Y'know I've lurked/farmed for some time on here and I don't really know the difference. forgive the newfaggyness. I have been thinking she should be over there with her long lost brother, just don't know what "qualifies" one to be "upgraded" to /pt.
Sidenote/slightly OT: In that video where that gay unicorn kid shows all the convos, was anyone else creeped out at her calling him "son"? Typo? …Unlikely ..but y'know but…them cult vibes man.
No. 310011
>>309974spoiler that shit holy fuck.
(for a moment i didn't know if i wanted to laugh or throw up, but throw up definitely throw up.)
No. 310087
No. 310121
File: 1494524667425.png (53.08 KB, 557x383, XcnYONO.png)

doesn't this sound exactly, word for word, like how Joy talks?
No. 310135
File: 1494525757613.png (768.4 KB, 1200x1140, 4916166d-06e1-47a0-a92e-4f741d…)

I didnt make her disheveled enough but to be fair, I drew this in a car
No. 310150
>>310135haha nice, i like the ill-fitting grody 80th video sweater.
joy just reposted mikenactor's video defending her on her own youtube channel. what a dumbass.
No. 310153
File: 1494526905965.jpg (108.82 KB, 766x659, joyidiot.jpg)

attempting to defend those disgusting comments she's made. shame, shame bitch!
No. 310157
File: 1494527110954.jpg (106.49 KB, 777x681, joyidiot2.jpg)

"its how I cope"
get over yourself.
more double speak. "i'll own up to it, but i won't"
No. 310214
>>310157Yeeeeeah, stealing words from Milo isn't going to help that situation. Nor is trying to gaslight Matt. Keep playing games with people that have more clout than you, Kati. You just do yourself those favors!
>>310121That's one of the Comrade squad. Any criticism they usually popup. They trash talked Repzion, Nick, was actually really funny. This particular one tried to accuse me of trolling, and in the same conversation then admitted she was trolling. I've seen a similar writing style in here to figure that at least one or both of them have been in here trolling or trying to murk up the threads.
I have seen some twitter threads saying something about debatejoy and joydebateseries…which is reminding me a lot of Onision wanting debates and all. (This has been from fans, not her..but its strange to me.) I mean..what would you even debate about? Why?
>>310209She had to take some time to circle the wagons and prop up her devout. Find a good way to spin the situation. If this was the best she's got, she should have taken more time. :P
No. 310265
>>310263This is same video that was posted above, just now uploaded on Joysus' channel. Trying to equate people disgusted with Joysus as being against free speech.
Interesting that she is still shilling for the attorney in her comments.
No. 310301
File: 1494538591159.jpg (106.03 KB, 722x562, mmsrosefundraiser.jpg)

me thinks this is going to cause joy to have an aneurysm. she's almost sure to make a big deal about this and say shit like "so THEY can do it but I CAN'T? i'm done! i'm so done! ridiculouusss!!"
No. 310346
File: 1494542820019.jpg (87.35 KB, 462x570, KatiTwitter1.jpg)

More bullshit lying on Kati's part.
No. 310361
File: 1494543651719.jpg (80.05 KB, 412x560, KatiTwitter3.jpg)

Alright, if she ALMOST passed out, but didn't actually pass out, why would they have to wake her up? She can't keep her lies straight.
No. 310366
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No. 310377
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No. 310383
>>310377Professional Suicide train, full stream ahead.
>>310376Oh, we know its coming. Not a matter of if,but when.
>>310378I know, but way to go Kati. Great thing to broadcast yourself as, professionally. Maybe the first time she's told the truth yet. A miracle!
No. 310391
>>310349Dramatic much. She can't get her stories straight. As per her Tumblr, she was also convinced the antibiotics she was given for the abscess were going to kill her too. One crying fit later, she suddenly got "the courage" to take them but only after her bf stopped feeding her attention seeking behavior. Two hours later she was surprised the antibiotics not only didn't hurt her but she "felt amazing."
Doctors will usually try antibiotics for an abscess before they try surgery but still, surgery to drain an abscess is a very common procedure done in-office and is not at all dangerous, especially with local anesthesia (they wouldn't use general unless it was EXTREMELY large and mean massive, like several pounds or somewhere they'd need her to remain absolutely still like inside her inner ear.) I used to assist in minor surgeries such as draining abscesses & removing cysts, we did several a day and sometimes in very delicate areas with lots of extremely important blood vessels. The only time we ever had anyone come close to passing out during such a minor surgery is when we got someone who had warned us they had a vasovagal response at the sight of blood and would probably faint. Although we took lots of precautions, just the idea of surgery made him a bit light-headed, but he didn't actually faint. We were still able to finish the surgery and drain the abscess. She has never mentioned fainting at the sight of blood even now so I think it's unlikely something like that happened to her. She just likes to make things more dramatic than they are. Even if what she is saying is true, that she "almost" passed out during the surgery the doctor wouldn't have told her it was "inoperable", that means something completely different. By classifying what she had as an "inoperable tumor" it sounds way more serious than what it was, people only tend to use that kind of language for things like brain tumors. What
probably actually happened is either the antibiotics cured her abscess or it just went away on its own, which can happen. It's unlikely that herbs and meditation did much of anything for it unless she's super prone to the placebo effect.
No. 310401
>>310346Aliens totally came down and took the abscess out to take back to their planet for educational purposes. PROVE that I'm lying! Where's your EVIDENCE?!
(sage for no contribution/lulz)
No. 310404
>>310366lol she's trying so hard to convince everyone that she's in on the joke. kati, you ARE the joke. you don't get it - that's why you're the joke. duh.
>>310361her writing style is slightly different here and in other posts she's made today. i think she took advice from a previous post in this thread mocking her STUPID fucking CAPITALISATION of EVERY other durpy WORD? yeah she def doesn't read lolcow.
>>310391she loves saying she "almost" died, she's had "almost" heart attacks, "almost" fainted, etc. she's bounced around from it being an abscess, to an inoperable tumor, back to abscess again. she sux at keeping her stories straight. as you said that type of language is generally used for things like brain tumors. leave it to a malingerer to glom on to that for drama & pity purposes.
i loved the blog post where she flipped out and avoided taking an antibiotic, tortured her boyfriend jason at the time with her mania and panic about dying from 1 dose of antibiotics..then ended up taking the antibiotic..only to claim she felt "amazing" an hour later. i think she said she felt amazing due to her own healing powers or some other asinine bullshit. she's so absurd.
>>310401just a friendly fyi to all anons, esp the new ones cos i've seen this a lot in the last few days - to sage something you actually have to type "sage" in the email field. and to those who are unaware, you sage posts that aren't offering up milk on the lolcow of choice.
No. 310416
>>310361I've worked with medical facilities and never seen them use smelling salts. I'm not sure they even have it on hand?
What it sounds like she's describing is a panic attack and that was probably when they told her they were going to lance her carbuncle. A carbuncle and a fungal infection (candida) at the same time would make sense. They kind of have the same root source.
No. 310425
>>310416Anon from
>>310391 here. In the doctor's office I worked at, we had smelling salts in the practically useless first aid kit that was required by law in all public buildings but we never opened it even once, much less even considered using the smelling salts inside. That's a medical trope from movies, it doesn't get used in real life.
No. 310427
File: 1494548295169.jpg (104.98 KB, 728x530, joynocchio.jpg)

Liking a post that praises you so everyone knows people are praising you for your charitable donation. Real selfless of you, Katie Marie Smith.
>>310417Yeah there's quite a few of us who think she has anxiety. But even that she lies and exaggerates about. She claimed to be going through a genuine panic attack during one of her videos but claimed we the audience probably couldn't tell because of how skilled she is at "masking it." Many anons said it's near impossible (or completely) to mask a genuine panic attack as it's happening due to the very nature of it and I have to agree based on my own experiences. There's lots of evidence that shows she has issues with anxiety, leaving the house and interacting with people in person. She's admitted that she's been told multiple times by multiple doctors that her main issue is anxiety but she furiously denies it.
No. 310428
>>310417She might be having real panic attacks (like the over-reaction to taking antibiotics or her chest pains) but what she
thinks are panic attacks are definitely not. The "panic attack" she had on camera was nothing like one, she seemed slightly upset at most & it's just not possible to hide them the way she is claiming.
No. 310438
File: 1494548938834.jpg (100.29 KB, 778x714, joylies.jpg)

since somebody has to post images on this imageboard..
she's trying to say the chat logs that PhilS provided showing her deceitful tactics may not be real or the convo may not have occurred.
No. 310442
>>310438Yes, yes, i'm sure I psychically possessed her and forced her to write that. Maybe me and her 'angels' are in cahoots. what's funny is that that Link Mountaneer guy responded to that video and called the screenshots slander. I asked him if he was then accusing her of slandering herself since it was her own words and he deleted his comments and turned tail.
No. 310444
File: 1494549241037.jpg (80.42 KB, 723x455, joylies2.jpg)

didn't she tell him to say he had a BS in Psychology? that's a bit different than fibbing here or there on a resume. and that's not even what she was encouraging. she was having him make up multiple jobs over multiple years time on top of the education lie. she doesn't have the experience she claims to have, we all know that by now. anyone who thinks there's not a slight chance your references could be checked, ESPECIALLY REGARDING EDUCATION, is asking to not get hired for very obvious reasons.
No. 310454
File: 1494550370101.jpg (108.78 KB, 558x560, KatiTwitter5.jpg)

The mental gymnastics this bitch does
No. 310506
File: 1494552898868.png (152.31 KB, 1080x739, IMG_20170512_022941.png)

But did she not take down her LinkedIn profile? There were a bunch of 'manager' positions on that, wasn't there? I can't remember exactly though so sorry if I'm wrong.But regardless, how is he supposed to find her resume? It's not like he can get into her computer or magic up a printout.
No. 310525
>>310506just another one of her tactics. she always points to the one thing that is near impossible to physically obtain so she can turn around and say SEE? no proof LOL! con artists like kati marie smith make sure to lie about things that aren't always easy to debunk.
she spends all day lately yelling on twitter at people telling them to "PROVE IT!" but she has yet to prove that she isn't a scheming, manipulative, fame whoring, coat tail riding malingering bitch. she isn't able to prove she's an honest person because she isn't. surely someone who claims they are always charitable and kind to others would have many examples to show of said charity and kindness.
the "HAHAH PROVE IT." thing makes her look deranged. why the fuck does she type like that?
No. 310539
File: 1494555356102.jpg (93.38 KB, 856x724, katiresume.jpg)

>>310506>>310525She may have deleted her LinkedIn but the internet never forgets. She should know this by now.
No. 310569
File: 1494557376375.png (950.94 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170511-205524.png)

Joy or a minion sent this to phil guys
No. 310574
>>310569Correction to add to that. It was sent to Amanda, the one that was on my stream the other night. This was the other part of what she was upset about, since she dealt with some very personal stuff and was in and out of severely depressed/suicidal states. She approved that for public release a few hours ago.
According to her, no one else in the group knew personal details about her other than Joy. Joy also had her phone number, and no one else in the group. I
do not know that this was from Joy (and i'd like to believe that she isn't THAT fucked up…but who knows anymore?) …but if she didn't do it, then she knows who does.
No. 310587
>>310574That's so messed up. Joy probably sent it but if she didn't she had to provide the details of Amanda's personal info and her phone number to the person that did, making her complicit.
Didn't you also say she
triggered someone's PTSD? How did she do that and was it knowingly?
No. 310596
>>310584 one from the 1:32:00 mark.
>>310586I certainly do. Its been mentioned here a few times. ThatPhillipSGuy is the name. Currently dealing with Joytards.
>>310587Yeah. Tim came to me with concerns about Joy. He then felt bad about coming to me, told one of Joy's minions who then ran to Joy. Joy talked to him over twitter (Not recorded so her word Vs Tim's there largely)…and basically acted like all is forgiven, go into the twitter chat and tell the others what you have told me.
This turned into a humiliation session for Tim, where he was accused of just making up PTSD, not having it, and making excuses. That he was endangering/threatening her life by talking to me, etc etc. ..and just screaming at the guy.
And Joy does know in that regard. She makes it a point to find peoples emotional vulnerabilities. She plays off that.
No. 310613
>>310596WTF, she "allowed" Tim to be humiliated like that just to get back in her good graces…sounds an awful lot like something a certain Onion would do, he's all about enacting public humiliation for those who want forgiveness.
It's awfully rich that they would accuse him of making up a real illness (taking your word) but somehow they can't see that she's not really ill the way she says she is. Amazing cognitive dissonance there, they prove they are more & more cult-like every day.
No. 310671
>>310569This is some serious bullying bullshit, encouraging someone to an hero is going way too fucking far.
If Amanda only revealed that info to Joy, then Joy either put someone up to this or did it herself. Even for Joy that is some seriously messed-up shit.
No. 310673
File: 1494564969013.png (182.14 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1773.PNG)

These are from the GC that bullied Tim. Made me feel real uneasy.
No. 310674
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No. 310675
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No. 310676
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No. 310677
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No. 310678
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No. 310679
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No. 310680
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No. 310681
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No. 310682
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No. 310683
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No. 310684
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No. 310685
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No. 310686
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No. 310687
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No. 310688
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No. 310689
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No. 310690
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No. 310700
>>310683I can verify these. It was requested earlier that I posted them, someone else beat me to the punch. From Angel? Huh. Interesting. She's been laying low and sorting herself out. But this particular slide is the one I referred to that by talking to me, Tim supposedly seriously damaged her life…again, helping me defend myself.
I have the same slides, from a different person but the same slides. But this is them, ommitting nothing. I expected some subterfuge but this is exact.
No. 310705
File: 1494566266528.jpg (67.24 KB, 540x960, bC7skzLB.jpg)

>>310673 Original poster forgot the very last one which shows Joy fucking lying. Thanks for the support cows!
No. 310716
>>310673I wanted to add on real quick that Angel and I are…on alright terms? She kinda apologized to the best of her ability. As fucked up as what she did was, I'd like to request that most of you refrain from going after her. She's currently getting the help she needs.
No. 310718
>>310705>>310690…What's with Joy's profile pics changing?
Is it from different times or is this just a silly thing that was edited in to emphasize her lying nature?
No. 310722
>>310718The first ones were posted from today, so whoever posted them had to have stayed in that chat for whatever reason until now. The one I posted was from a friend who sent them to me right after they happened.
No. 310727
>>310673 She left due to "too many leaks" which I'm pretty sure is bullshit. Angel added her to the chat after she got me nice and riled up.
No. 310729
>>310722Tim, put Sage in the email title and you don't have to put your name down and such (they call it namefagging)…but that was nice of you to say. Way to be the bigger person given circumstances.
>>310726He came in first, then Joy came in after.
No. 310740
>>310727hey bro, even though you're not supposed to identify yourself like
>>310729 said, i'm glad you did at least once. i really hope that you're okay. i think it's safe to say that we're all pretty horrified by that chat. ptsd is some really serious shit and you can say some stuff you'll really regret when you're
triggered. yeah, we all know that we have control over what we say, but sometimes our brains go haywire and we make some bad decisions. and you made sure to apologize for it, which means that you did your best to make it right, and that's really all that anyone can ask from you. what they did in return is way worse than bullying holy shit. and they're not the least bit apologetic for it. disgusting. make sure to take care of yourself, okay?
No. 310743
>>310417Doctors (including dentists, see link below) do NOT use Novocaine as a local anesthetic and haven't for quite some time because it has a greater potential for allergies/adverse reactions and there are other anesthetics that are more effective. Instead, they almost always use Lidocaine (I assume that's what you were trying to spell) as the local for minor surgeries. Sometimes lidocaine (Xylocaine) will have epinephrine (a vasoconstrictor) mixed in with it to help control bleeding & keep the anesthetic localized & working longer. This is probably what you were calling "Novacaine." On rare occasions, the added epinephrine can contribute to the person having an anxiety/panic attack but usually only if they are already susceptible to them. Although it's not possible to be allergic to epinephrine (you need it to live & it's the treatment for an allergic reaction, see 2nd link) it can occasionally have adverse effects like dizziness, increased heart rate, headache, sweating, and nervousness. I could see how a hypochondriac like Kati might interpret an adverse reaction like that as her body going into "shock", then freak out and leave before the doctor could explain. Normally, if a reaction to epinephrine occurs, the doctor would explain the reaction isn't harmful, it would wear off quickly enough and they could try again with lidocaine that doesn't have epinephrine (or a different anesthetic if it turned out to be a reaction to the lidocaine itself.) It certainly doesn't make her abscess "inoperable." She's just making shit up there. >>310673Amazing they have the gall to call the chat "Drama-Free Zone." What a bunch of assholes. They actually berated Tim for using his illness as an excuse, even though he was really just trying to apologize…when Joy's signature move is "but muh brain fogs"…the cognitive dissonance on these fucks…just WOW. So glad Angel eventually realized she was being a mega bitch here & apologized for it. The girl has issues but then Joy loves befriending people like that to use as her attack dogs, so when they go off the rails & do something truly fucked up she can just distance herself and point out how unstable they always were so she doesn't get the blame for it. Sorry you had to go through that Tim, seriously…but you are so much better off not being "friends" with that group.
No. 310756
>>310742THANK YOU. i was going to point that out too but forgot. ptsd never goes away. you can learn how to deal with it and you can keep improving, but it doesn't magically poof! one day.
>>310743yes yes yes, it's lidocaine. like you said, sometimes they buffer it with epinepherine (dermatologists usually do, actually). and an abscess on the neck is easily drainable with very little local anesthesia. it's one of the simplest procedures ever and they would NEVER put you under for it. they likely wouldn't even put you under for a benign growth, especially a lipoma. if it were cancerous, perhaps, but there's no place on the neck that a surface growth would be inoperable. i've studied too much medicine to fall for that bullshit. even areas around the carotid are easily accessible. lie better please.
also, i'm prone to anxiety attacks (i rarely have panic attacks, but i have a few times) and i'm chronically ill, and i actually have a history of fainting during phlebotomy lmao, and i was stuck full of lidocaine in a million different locations (mostly abdominal) when i got lipo. and nothing happened. because i'm not a whiner. be a fucking adult good god.
(also also, her talking about fainting like it was some ~traumatic experience~. it's just fainting. get over it.)
No. 310775
>>310773 Honestly, half way through talking to Lyssa, near the end, my denial kicked in and I didn't wanna accept who Joy was or what was going on. Those people made my day 10x better and became a regular part of my routine. So half way through, I told myself "You're just
triggered, you're not thinking clearly." during the skype call, my gut was like "Record it, record it!" But I as like "no no no, that's your trust issues. Ignore it." REALLY wish I had.
No. 310785
File: 1494570430285.jpg (96.85 KB, 859x880, Lyssa1.jpg)

Hey so…lets play the game where we all pretend you don't remember who was in the last screenshots I posted and we never speak of who it was. I meant to upload these edited ones with their name out but spaced it.
No. 310786
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No. 310787
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No. 310788
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No. 310789
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No. 310790
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No. 310794
>>310785No, I disagree. She didn't care about you or Mandi up until now. Not until she saw her name up there because Russian and the rest of Joy's cronies were watching this place.
Let's play nothing. She only started caring about it when her name popped up. They were there. They allowed it, and they laughed it off. They didn't care. Going around AFTER THE FACT because you're afraid of taking real responsibility for what you allow doesn't hold water.
Every person that allowed that is responsible for allowing it. None of them spoke up. None of them did anything. Enough with the friendly damage control. You are responsible for your actions, and its about time they grew up and faced that.
No. 310795
>>310781Having PTSD related to being manipulated on top of that has to make that process a million times harder. But think of it this way, if it keeps happening and you find yourself constantly having to battle trust issues with that person you might want to stop and ask yourself why you need to make so many excuses for their behavior. Getting a second opinion from an unbiased source (like a trusted friend who doesn't know the person involved) might help too.
I'm so sorry Kati did this to you. Notice how she gained loyalty from both you & Lyssa? She found two people with some sort of vulnerability she could exploit, then gave you both personal attention while you were at an emotional low point, making it seem like she really cared…she's done this so many times she knows the formula by now. It's really disgusting the way she uses people like this.
No. 310828
>>310816i actually think that his apology showed what an insightful, honest person he is. we can't control our
triggers but we can still be sorry for saying/doing the wrong thing and hurting someone. (i don't think that he did the wrong thing at all, but it felt like it to him, and that's what's important.) but them making him feel like he had to apologize for having ptsd?? or
triggers?? and throwing him on the coals for trying to make it right?? that isn't a friend. that isn't someone who's worth your time. a real friend would take the time to understand what you're struggling with and wouldn't hold it against you.
tbh his effort to make things right made it so much clearer what a piece of trash she is.
No. 310845
>>310838I find that the people who blame you the most for being broken are broken themselves. I've been put down for my thoughts and feelings from being
triggered, by other people with my same mental illness. Because "it's not that way for me, so it can't be that way for you." This is kind of the approach Angel was taking in that conversation. "These people with PTSD don't feel the same way you do, so you must be lying." Isn't it common knowledge that these things don't affect any two people equally? It's sick. The people who should be most compassionate when it comes to these things are often the least compassionate.
No. 310929
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Another teenage cult member has jumped ship. This girl was posting all day, every day about Joy and doing her bidding. She was also reporting accounts left and right & harassing anyone who merely questioned Joy's intentions. Based on tons of tweets and a previous pattern of behavior, I believe she may have been the one controlling the Failston twitter account though Joy was definitely encouraging that behind the scenes. Definitely one of the more hardcore cult members. If Joy lost this person, she's likely going to lose a lot more.
note: this isn't the stinkyhillary from younow who questions Joy during her streams. she made her twitter initially to mock that person.
No. 310949
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No. 310989
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Joysus' spergleberries are starting to tear themselves apart.
No. 310997
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That's what happens when you worship lolcows :)
No. 311004
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>>310929You might find this interesting.
No. 311174
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>>311142He was doing too good a job of pointing out her lies. First, she tried saying he didn't have proof of anything because he didn't have a copy of her resume…so he posts one. Then she tried claiming that wasn't a screenshot of her resume…so a link was provided. She had no more wiggle room & blocked him.
No. 311175
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No. 311176
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No. 311184
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>>311092>>311134Wonder what her new videos will be about…I'll also bet that she blames her health at some point.
No. 311216
>>311197Maybe she ignores it all together, idk
>>311205Bet she tries to find some lame news story to glom onto in an attempt to make it look like she's moved on…and you gois are the stupid idiots stuck in the past.
No. 311342
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One person asking the right kind of question.
I don't even care whether or not this person is a fan, I just like their wondering.
No. 311369
>>311355"Whose" right. lol.
Would love to see a Philip breakdown of this video. :)
No. 311396
File: 1494620861156.jpg (50.39 KB, 400x607, pinheadfacepalm.jpg)

>>311369I'm almost afraid to ask. Whenever I see Kati and responding to criticism in the same sentence I cringe. Thanks to her there are a few words that I auto wince at now. Brainfog being one of them. >_o
>>311373OHHH NO NO NO. I believe i've covered my thoughts on that enough. No Kati series. I get that it comes up on my streams, that makes sense. I'm sure it would be easy views but that would wind up going the Kati Vs Onision route and that i'm not interested in.
(Pic is in reference to Kati vid. Have not watched it yet.)
No. 311399
>>311363She is trash. Better clothes indeed, better as in:
- clothes that fit
- are modern
- don't have weird cleavage angles,
(Unless there's proper support)
- are not cybergoth girl dance apparel
- are not Chico's 2001 spring collection
- are not beach boardwalk shop apparel,
bought on a whim when you unexpectedly get your
period and ruin your dress while on vacation
Sage for ot
No. 311414
>>311355Okay. So I briefly just clicked through that monstrosity. Blank face, blank stare, she definitely watched my livestream because whenever she's about to do that particular facial tic, she looks away or focuses away from the camera.
The whole video could be addressed as lessons in mental gymnastics and deflection. It doesn't actually address anything and there's a lot of talking in circles. When she does appear lucid, its back to the victim olympics and focus on her, her, her.
Pretty much, this isn't aimed at us or her critics because she knows we aren't going to believe that kind of obvious bs. This is a temperature check, in activist terms. Measure the crowd, see their response..collect data and then any further responses are tailored accordingly. This is setting the foundations to working the crowd.
I think she's trying to avoid a public meltdown and that's why she's backed off the videos and livestreams for the time being. Even still, she could resist popping up on Twitter and doing something stupid..because…when her control is challenged..she can't help herself. The moment any form of control and her is challenged, she will react. Depending on the degree equals severity of the backlash. (Baller confronting her and her reaction prove this. it clashed with her control over her narrative.)
>>311406Yeah, that i'm okay with. I just don't want to go down that road. But text? That's cool. That i'll do.
No. 311500
>>311499Well, brace yourselves. From Kati's twitter:
Alright, got my next video I am working on, REALLY passionate about this one, and curious where it goes. Lets jump down another rabbit hole
……so. That. I called it! She was looking for another emotional topic to manipulate to her advantage. Let's see what the JORG queen OniSHEon uses to suck in the marks this time.
No. 311503
>>311355Says all the criticism is conflicting…no it really isn't. Let's look at what's really going on.
1. Keeps saying people complain her videos are too long so she makes a bunch of shorter ones & still gets complaints about that….because you are not listening to why it was a problem, they were actually complaining about your repetitive rambling. Taking your long repetitive rants and breaking them up into short repetitive rants fixes nothing. You need to write a script with talking points to keep yourself on track and cover each part in a clear concise manner without repeating the same things over & over. Making part 2 & 3 of a video that says nothing new or stretching what could be said in one short 5-minute video into a series that only have one small piece of new info per video just wastes your audiences time. It comes across as sensationalism and will just piss them off.
2.Complaints about hair. It doesn't matter if it's long, curly or straight. It just needs to look groomed & well-kept. You can make long hair look nice, you've even shown that you can make YOUR hair look nice if you put a little effort into it. It may seem superficial but if you want people to take you seriously you need to look presentable - not like a crazy cat lady roaming the streets. If you look like a crazy person it's that much easier to dismiss your opinions as crazy too.
3.Clothes..pretty much the same reason as #2. You need to look presentable to be taken seriously. Wearing your skinny clothes because you are in denial you will lose the weight soon but do nothing to make that happen does you no favors. You can get clothes that fit online (many even have free shipping & free returns) or if you are really hurting for money a trip to a thrift shop will fix the issue.
3. Too much/Too little Onision content
That's probably a timeline issue. At first, you were doing way too much. 60+ videos about just him and releasing one or more a day is just overkill. Then you dropped him like a stone as soon as you found a new target to obsess over so the people who subscribed because of your Onision content felt left out. It is possible to cover new topics & old topics in reasonable ratios so everyone gets some of the content they enjoy. Did you not notice when you started releasing multiple videos per day on the United & DO5 stories people said you were overdoing those too?
4. Obsessive but not getting the story straight. This isn't a conflict. You were releasing unsubstantiated gossip without even checking to see if it was correct first. You were reacting in real time to every tiny piece of info you came across. This was really upsetting people who wanted factual updates on the story. Doing a search for DaddyOFive would turn up multitudes of your videos but the info was so spread out you would have to watch hours of your videos to get updated on the case & while that's great for your views & ad revenue it wastes the audience's time. The main problem, however, was the way you reported gossip & made-up conjecture while claiming to be directly speaking to Rose & her lawyer - making it look like this info was legitimate because you had them as sources.
Yes, you have fucked up lots, but have you really owned up to it? No, and you certainly haven't apologized for it. You've been talking in circles all day on Twitter trying to justify the obvious lies people have questioned you over. You say we aren't doing the research to find where you addressed it before….but I've been watching your channel, livestreams, and Twitter from pretty much week 1 and NO, you haven't addressed any of it, just given a lot of excuses like "muh illness" (We have choices & control over how we act, remember?) We are looking at your own words and writings and seeing places they just don't add up. So when we come to you asking why, you do amazing mental gymnastics trying to twist the evidence in some way you don't seem so bad. Instead of clearing things up, this makes it look like you are being willfully obtuse to avoid giving a straight answer. It certainly doesn't seem like you respect anyone's concerns.
No. 311509
>>311503this is petty as hell, but you're dead-on about the hair thing. every time someone compliments her hair, i cringe. i used to have hair down to my butt and i spent HOURS taking proper care of it. washing, moisturizing, argan oil, brushing several times a day, braiding overnight, regular trimming. it's hard to take proper care of long hair, but the alternative is your hair looking like shit. i have no idea how long it's been since she got a trim (which would cost like $10 from a cheap haircut place), but her dead/split ends are like 5-6 inches long. gross. they're only going to get worse and she'll end up with short hair when she finally gets it cut. or she'll just let it all go to hell, which is likely based on how well she takes care of the rest of her body. them teeth bro.
No. 311590
>>311566Not to mention the whole typical "I don't want to talk about this" and then talks about it endlessly thing. She even says "I refuse to talk about it" but..talks about it. Like I always say, bitch is nothing if not painfully predictable. She also basically slobbers all over that idiot Stay Negative and calls him "boo boo".
She's also trying to convince everyone that she wasn't trying to clickbait with the non-update "DO5 video". She tries to blame the audience for "demanding" it. Kati, you have control over what you put out. Nobody makes you do that. And stop with the bullshit about marketing. If you actually knew anything about marketing you would know that rule number one is knowing your audience. Everyone including MANY of your loving fans called that video clickbait because it was. We the audience aren't wrong about that. There isn't some marketing secret you know (you don't know anything about marketing) that explains away your clickbait bullshit. You're actually one of the most clickbaity people I've ever, ever seen.
Like a fellow anon above said: SCRIPT YOUR FUCKING VIDEOS. At least have some bullet points you can follow. You're a rambling mess.
She also "shouts out" BloodyFissures the idiot who made the video where fissures calls basedmama a ho. Classy, classy.
Joy claims she's now WORSE than she was before in regarding to her "muh illness". Such SUCH bullshit. Btw I'm loving the likes to dislike ratio on this video so far.
>>311582Curious about this too. I'm leaning towards yes, she's definitely that way. She's always the victim even when she's the fuck up. Even if they didn't abuse her at all I'm almost sure she would make them feel like they had.
No. 311596
>>311590To answer your question on that, she has often accused boyfriends, like Jason, etc of being nasty, or abusive in some form. For the majority of them, this was absolutely lies and bullshit. She demonized them after the fact when she didn't get her way like some spoiled princess.
There was only one that I would say was for certain not in that mold, which was Daniel. He seemed to believe that God spoke to him personally and he was highly, highly abusive. That man was genuinely evil as near as I could ever tell. It was just right out in plain sight. There were plenty of mentally unstable people she attracted or even dated, but he was the only one that was actually abusive.
Even then, she became obsessed. She couldn't top him, so the challenge aspect drew her in even more and for a while folks wondered and worried as to how bad it was gonna get. She finally dumped him, according to her.
No. 311614
>>311596Do you think she instigated his abuse? And was it physical or just emotional?
What a loser for staying with the guy that too speaks volumes of her character
No. 311623
>>311614It goes back to her control+obsession mechanic. The less control she has, the more she goes paranoid and meltsdown, but also the more she becomes obsessed with that person, group, topic, etc. She HAS to be considered the winner, and if that EVER changes then the obsession restarts. Just look at the Onision vids as an example..when did it get full blow cow? Right when she thought he was addressing her, and even MORE so when he did. So she had to do that bit with "I won because he never showed" to crown herself a winner. Otherwise there isn't a resolution and she can't be satisfied with that.
So Daniel was basically the same way. It is also why she gets so paranoid about me. All about that control, all about having to be the winner….or else. She has zero self control in the manner and will do this every single time. Even if she takes a break….its to plot and plan how to deal with the above stated.
Did she instigate the abuse? I honestly don't know. I wasn't there for everything and was playing more phone support, but there was some really fucked up shit going on there. Seemed like the worse he got, the more she wanted to win over him..which didn't work. And rinse, lather, repeat.
No. 311644
File: 1494640798971.png (69.33 KB, 773x550, whatwhy.png)

what the fuck. why. i guess now bestiality is on the list of things she finds hilarious.
No. 311650
>>311642LOL, not like her or that waste of human space Daniel at all. No. Because I can't be controlled, because I can and I WILL fight back and unlike her I actually know what in the fuck I am talking represents an opponent she cannot beat. Even saying she cannot beat me in that regard is enough. The possibility of me doing something, anything regardless of fact or fiction is enough..and cue the paranoia. That is why she isn't saying much directly, that is why she meltsdown when faced with specific things and talks in circles because she knows she will be called on any and every lie ruthlessly.
And if she tries to spin the situation, I with ruthlessly out her on that too, over and over again. So no matter how much attention, subs, etc she's at..what or where i'm at doesn't matter. Just the fact that I CAN challenge her and she can't do a damn thing in response that won't blow up in her face and nuke her from orbit. And she knows it. No matter how much posturing she does, she knows it.
No. 311670
>>311644Perfect example of her NEEDING the attention no matter what kind of attention it is. The fact that shit wrote it, then said what she did after it in the same reply and STILL hit enter… she wants it. She wants to see her name more. She craves it.
Reminds me of a neglected child that will do ANYTHING to get Mommy's attention.
THAT, and she wants more people to say hateful things in order to get more sympathy and love and support from her culties.
No. 311845
File: 1494661081977.png (247.27 KB, 540x960, cap1.png)

So for those of you that forgot, Angel blocked Joy after realizing how much she had been sucked in. She then posted a massive 150 bundle of screencaps of her and Joy talking. In these screencaps, is one where Joy sends Angel a cap of Joy talking with Cy and fucking lying about me. This both shows Joy’s manipulation tactics, and how full of shit she is.
#1 “and he lied unfortunately, he made it seem like he and tenacious wanted to talk by saying “we” and I think that was intentional.”
My exact words were “Hey can we talk in a bit?”. How the fuck do you take “we” and turn it into some manipulative tool when I’m clearly talking about you and me? For those of you unaware, Cy is a newish fan, that fangirled super hard during one of Joy’s livestreams. She’s a sweet, young, innocent girl and Joy has the audacity to suck her in with her bullshit? How does this bitch sleep at night??!
#2 “he called and wanted advice on PTSD”
Um, no I said one sentence typed to you, then as soon as you answered, told you that I had said a bunch of shit to ONE person and that I felt bad and wanted to apologize. Secondly, I have never asked for anyone’s advice on PTSD, with my therapist being the one exception. Get the fuck over yourself Joy.
#3 “he asked what he could do, I said I don’t wanna tell u, but if I were u I apologize to all the people u spoke crap to me, publically and private”
Um no your exact words IIRC were “Well thank you I appreciate your apology. I’m not saying you have to, but it would mean a lot to me, and once again not saying you need to, but it would make me feel better if you apologized in chat.” All the people? No, just one person. And talking with Phil was mostly him telling me what he knows and me asking questions, followed by me mentioning a few things I’ve noticed so he doesn’t count.
#4 “so he did, and then my friend angel got mad at HOW he did it and I jumped in to defend her, then left and LORD I had no idea she was gonna troll, it literally spiraled.”
She didn’t get mad at how I did it, you fucking told her to do it you lying bitch! And of course I don’t have the messages showing Angel admitting to me that Joy told her, well fucking great, owell. Had no idea she was gonna troll? Calling me a cunt and antagonizing me isn’t trolling, way to water it down.
I wanted everyone to see just how any fucking lies this woman spews out. An for the new comers, here's the links to Angels' screencaps again if anyone wants to relook them over since they're buried.
@timswisewords (on work computer)
No. 311997
>>311992No, she just agreed with her a lot but yeah the video was pointless, it could have been accomplished with a single sentence on Twitter. The really annoying part for me was when she kept saying "Yasss Queen."
>>311988Tim used to be in Joy's inner circle until he started noticing some odd things about Joy so he went to Phil (a former friend who has known her for 10 years) to ask questions so he basically came out with the opinion Joy is a narcissistic attention whore…so he told this to another inner circle member but she kept saying nice things about Joy so he began to doubt himself halfway thru. Tim has PTSD and has huge issues with being manipulated/being lied to so he thought the PTSD made him think those things. He decided to apologize to Joy for his WrongThink, he does and she seems to accept the apology but tells him to go to the private chat to apologize to the rest of the group where Angel & Joy tear him a new a-hole for daring to question Dear Leader & as a result
triggered his PTSD. There are screenshots of a conversation, group chat, and another private chat above if you want to see just how awful of a person Joy is.
No. 312021
>>311997ahh ok. so, this is getting personal now? seems vendetta-ish with Phil here. samefag as
>>311988 .
so Joys mean in chat? so what. if someone attacked my name I'd be mean too. Give us some real milk.
No. 312037
>>312031There's a very specific type of asthma that in studies has shown to be improved by a less inflammatory diet, but it's not a "worst case" type of asthma, and if she did have it she wouldn't be eating pizza and junk food because those are absolutely off the list and would
trigger symptoms again.
And it doesn't even "cure" it it just helps with the worse symptoms, and to help manage it. So she's still wrong.
No. 312088
>>312073That's not Tim speaking. He has identified himself pretty clearly in his posts and doesn't talk like that.
Its not milk? So Joy accusing someone of not having something in direct hypocrisy and bullying someone isn't milk? Doubtful. Also, sage your damn post.
No. 312107
>>312088You're right I'm not Tim, he namefags for one thing. I'm actually the anon who started this thread (part 2 & part 4)
>>312073Regardless that it could be classified as milk by some I still saged my post
>>312010 You need to sage your dumb non-milk complaints
>>312073 newfag asshole.
No. 312109
>>312104No kidding. Nothing you said was any different from responses from other anons either, its weird that you were singled out.
>>312073I really think this is another Joytroll. The deflection and who cares attitude is pretty consistent over there. Eitherway, its suspicious.
No. 312116
>>311845the screencap is confusing because it shows Cy's name at the top. i'm guessing it's a screencap she sent to tim from her phone showing what joy was saying. otherwise the screencap indicates that's Cy speaking. i've seen Cy in nearly every livestream. she's so far up Joy's ass its setting a world record. she's not as nice as you say. i've seen that idiot act like an attack dog on random people who entered joy's younow streams.
>>312107i think all the confusion started because
>>312012 meant to respond to tim's post at
>>311845 or just got confused.
>>312088agreed, it is more milk than not. i don't mind if he shares stuff like that so long as the thread doesn't become focused on him. its milk because it's evidence of her bullshittery.
whoever the newfag is who never sages their non-milk posts: fucking sage your post. this is getting annoying. i've posted at least two times advising you in a friendly way on how it's done. pay attention.
No. 312122
>>311493There's a spot when posting where you put youtube links plz use it guise
This bitch Kati Marie Smith hasn't even watched The Red Pill documentary that Laci Green talks about lol. Kati tries so hard to convince us she's knowledgeable in such a variety of topics. We don't believe you, Kati. It's so cringey when she brings up how many people have told her they don't get the "red pill" reference. She laughs because they're young so they don't know about The Matrix. It still hasn't dawned on Joysus that her underage cult is fucking creepy.
Notice how Kati brings this whole thing back to her AGAIN. Fuck, shut up. Not everything is about you. In this shit video she talks about her mormon connection and how she has a friend who is Iranian and how she knows sooo many iranians and goes to alllll the iranian-american parties. All because Laci Green mentions how she grew up mormon and is part Iranian. Ugh then Joy/Kati starts lecturing about "critical thinking"..something she fails at every goddamn day. I wish she'd stop yelling in her videos. I wish she'd just stop. She's really not good at youtube :/ Thank god she'll fizzle out soon.
No. 312123
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on the newest video
No. 312126
>>312109>>312116I know, I thought it was strange my post was singled out too there was a similar post right above mine they ignored but I don't think it was an accident, they did it twice here
>>312012 and here
>>312073 >>312087I tried doing a search for "hydrogen oxygen vegetable peroxide" but got no results so I tried various combinations of the words with & without the quotes and only got entries for hydrogen peroxide. There doesn't appear to be a product or treatment called
Hydrogen Oxygen Vegetable Peroxide that I can find. The closest things I could find was the Hydrogen Peroxide protocol which may be what she's talking about. It refers to oxygen therapy and drinking drops of hydrogen peroxide because it kills viruses & bacteria's a breakdown of why this "treatment" is considered pseudoscience:
Oxygenation Therapy using Hydrogen Peroxide & Ozone for cancer & AIDS No. 312142
File: 1494704348711.png (144.22 KB, 911x697, hydrogenperoxide.png)

>>312133Look at your search again. It shows 0 results for "hydrogen oxygen vegetable peroxide" That first entry was found from a search without the quotes. The site is about using hydrogen peroxide in hydroponics as a disinfectant…not what Joy was referring to.
No. 312169
>>312151talking to god & angels is one thing, millions do that, it's considered pretty normal…having them talking back to you (out loud on the daily and not through signs & symbols) YES you are considered crazy, this usually gets you medicated for schizophrenia & thrown in a psych ward. Hearing voices, no matter the source, is NOT normal.
>>312161I did watch that stream and I'm pretty sure this was taken out of context and it was from one of her sarcastic conspiracy theory rants. "Oh, I own Special Spaces, guys. I'm stealing the money…hurr, hurr, hurr" Special Spaces was Takedownman's charity of choice, he is the one who suggested it. It was founded in July 2004 and has 35 chapters. She's not the owner, lol. No. 312187
>>312126>>312142there's literally no such thing in the entire universe as "hydrogen oxygen vegetable peroxide." hydrogen and oxygen make up hydrogen peroxide. that's it. it's a basic chemical compound that has nothing "vegetable" about it. it's just a whole bunch of H2O2.
the hilarious thing is that i worked in a medical clinic and we talked about the uses of hydrogen peroxide a lot. basically, there's almost no good use for it at a CONSUMER level. hydrogen peroxide is highly poisonous so it's sold at a concentration that hardly does anything. if you're a doctor/scientist/something of that nature, you can get it at a higher concentration, but it's not commercially available, and it is NOT something that even a naturopath would release to a patient (if they somehow got their hands on it). again, because it's highly poisonous once it gets into the bloodstream.
i guess that it's the same basic logic that goes into drinking small amounts of bleach, though? kills viruses and bacteria. and it DOES, but your body can't process a high enough amount for it to make much of a difference. and i DO NOT recommend drinking either. especially bleach, for obvious reasons. don't drink bleach. and don't drink hydrogen peroxide. (and yes, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in teeth-whitening strips is also very low. that's like the one thing it's actually good at.)
No. 312218
>>312187Yes, I know that's not a thing chemically (I minored in Chemistry) but that doesn't stop some idiot from naming a product
Hydrogen Oxygen Vegetable Peroxide hence the search. I'm pretty sure she's referring to Oxygenation Therapy using the Hydrogen Peroxide Protocol because the title of segment is "Benefits of Oxygenation Therapy"
I found 2 products, one is highly concentrated H2O2 the other is essentially salt water.
35% Organic Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, the fact that they can classify Hydrogen Peroxide as "Organic" in any sense is laughable. Not so funny is that they are selling 35% H2O2 to consumers for ingestion (the stuff you can buy in brown bottles from the pharmacy is 3%) which can cause vomiting, severe burns to the throat & stomach, and even death. Towards the end of the protocol they recommend drinking 25 drops 3 times a day. Yes, they recommend diluting it some but it's still incredibly dangerous to sell that concentration to consumers. Amazingly they have this statement on the website " There are ZERO toxins in true CERTIFIED Hydrogen Peroxide, only pure oxygen to be released." It's 35% H2O2, the entire bottle is filled with a toxic substance!
Liquid Oxygen Drops which are "processed by a secret, proprietary method. The method uses distilled water and a very tiny amount of food grade sea salt, which is heated with an electrical current in order to create dissolved oxygen, along with other species of oxygen, all of which are bio-available." Yeah…that doesn't make liquid oxygen, you'd basically just get slightly salty water. Harmless in itself, but still a scam. No. 312221
Her Laci Green Video is so profoundly embarrassing. I mean, here's this girl half her age making coherent, salient points andin a calm and thought out manner while exhibiting basic personal hygiene and here comes Joy looking like she crawled out of a bush after a three day bender, clapping and shrieking like a chimp and trying (cringily) to do her best sassy gay man impersonation yelling shit like "keep going bitch" and "yaaas queen".
also from the description
> anti sjw, anti feminist, and alternative liberal crowd to see our points of view
> "our" points of view
Is she trying to ingratiate herself to these communities for some reason now, because I've never really seen her comment on any of those topics before apart from that one "sjw" video which was really just her full on raging at some person in her comments section for no real reason. Further, is "alternative liberal" an actual thing or can she not tell left from right?
Also also, the anti-feminist thing made me think of her weird pathological hatred of women. I've noticed in addition to what we've already seen, that every time she mentions a friend it's always a "he". Now I can't decide if she has mommy issues like people have said on here, is one of those "oh all my friends are men, women are so bitchy, i'm soooo not like other girls" cool girl wannabes, or if she sees other women as competition since her primary source of supporting herself seems to be latching onto a boyfriend and/or ex. Phil if you see this maybe you can shed some light?
No. 312230
>>312221Sure, I can take some time away from cringing at the Joycrowd's mental gymnastics.
SJWs seem to be more of a challenge to top to her. (I'm very obviously highly Anti-Sjw) …she was very curious to the last detail into how they worked, roped people in..all of that. She's certainly made enough rants that seem borderline low-key SJW…and her community acts very much like SJWs do as far as how the groupthink mentality goes, excusing the leader, and parroting whatever the leader says while blindly defending them, mental gymnastics and so on. It still creeps me out thinking back to the "Oh, I learned so much" comment.
shudderShe has often told me that she can't seem to stand women for the most part and winds up with more guy friends because they're catty, gossipy and all of that. MANY times. Most of her 'friends' have been guys, but I wouldn't doubt at all if it were a flirty/sex appeal thing. Power by appeal and all that.
As far as latching onto that particular crowd, since it seems to get views you may be onto something, but even if it does attract them given her behavior and that of many of her groupies of all the possible choices to pick..that's got to be the worst one as it would backfire even worse than the DO5 backlash. (She's stopped responding to criticism since it keeps backfiring and she can't answer the questions being thrown at her.) In fact, i'd venture a guess/prediction that any subs she gains from that will absolutely be critics and making exposure videos against her later. It's just a matter of the environment and they routinely slam people on a daily basis that attempt the same mental gymnastics that she does.
No. 312235
>>312221She's made a few scattered references to not liking SJW's and hinted at making videos on the subject eventually but never really got around to it.
As for her pathology, it might be a combination of several factors. Pretty sure she sees women her age as competition and only befriends teens not only because she's pitiful in comparison but because adult women see thru her shit quickly and don't want to be friends with
her. Many of us have encountered someone like Kati at some point in our lives (I've run into 2, one of which was actually named Katie) and know to stay far away because nothing good will come of it. She definitely has mommy issues and is obviously very immature mentally.
>>312230Yeah, definitely a bad choice trying to latch onto the skeptic/anti-SJW community. These people are all about thinking for themselves and not just accepting things blindly…which totally clashes with her agenda. Probably, the worst pool possible to locate future cult members.
No. 312242
>>312235Well, hey…if Kati and her ego want to escalate her downfall, more power to her.
>>312238As much as she reads and obsesses over this place, she still isn't going to listen to any kind of reason. I've lost count over how many people have tried to help or reason with her. If it doesn't fit in with her narrative in her warped little world it doesn't exist. Just like right now on her twitter basically doing the child thing of sticking her fingers in her ears and going "nah nah nah I can't hear you!"
She has always been her own worst enemy and she continues to be so. I will give her some credit though. The Pinochio thing is probably the first shred of honesty she's shown in years.
No. 312247
>>312238Based on what Phil says she probably sees them as the ultimate challenge. If she can charm skeptics how amazing would her "I WIN" high be? She's delusional enough to think that would work. Like
>>312242 anon said, it doesn't matter what we say, she's gonna do what she's gonna do. She has her own warped version of reality.
No. 312272
>>312218i'm so sorry, i wasn't trying to sound condescending!! i was more building on that information than trying to ~teach~. chemistry and medicine are both passions of mine so i get a little riled up sometimes.
speaking of which, i'm actually speechless about the 35% H2O2 thing. putting that on the consumer market is BEYOND irresponsible. that's going to kill someone eventually. someone's going to skip the dilution process and get seriously hurt. and the fuck is "certified" hydrogen peroxide?? what would that even mean??
but either way, kati is full of bullshit and there is nothing on the planet like what she described.
No. 312276
>>312273No no. Dom/Dominique the Roomie does exist. Seems like a decent enough dude. She'll have been moved in with him a year as of May 29th. The thing to watch there will be what she has to say about him when it ends. Either it will be more sweet talk or depending on the exit he'll be the next one thrown under the bus while she claims she was fearful for her life or some crap for sympathy views.
I'm not 100% but it seems like he's never around for a lot of what she does, so that tends to minimize what he has to deal with. I'd hate to consider what his late nights are like after her latest paranoia fests. The roomie response video was definitely fake though. She was typing in stuff and if you watch where her hands should be and pay close attention to her eyes you'll catch it for yourself.
Also, she has a very specific facial tic whenever she gets caught in a lie. So if she ever gets called out on livestream, keep an eye out for it. I won't say what it is seeing as if I mention it directly she'll get self conscious, but its as noticeable as Jupiter once you spot it.
No. 312279
>>312250There aren't any tests for fibromyalgia(well, there is one, but it only works 50% of the time, costs 13 grand and can only be administered by a neurologist so Kati the ER hopper is never going to get it). She didn't really clam up about her "illness" either, her last thing is claiming how the lyrica she got from this best doctor in the country (btw, i have a feeling she was in Colorado. It's driving distance from Oklahoma, she said she was going "up", and she has an ex who lives in boulder. which, lol, I worked in a hospital 10 minutes out of boulder, the "best doctor in the country" as far as fibromyalgia goes is decidedly not in the denver metro area) stopped working in two weeks (about the time it takes for lyrica to even start working) and how she feels worse than ever etc etc. She also showed her "lyrica" in a multivitamin bottle with a paper stuck to it and lyrica 50mg written on it in sharpie. It is suspicious she never made a video detailing everything considering how fond she was of telling everyone about the details of her bowel movements, but I guess her con depends on appearing as sick as possible, not getting better.
The whole trip was super fishy if you ask me though. I can't imagine a situation in which a doctor would see an out of state patient, prescribe them a controlled substance (which they can then take across state lines), on the first visit with someone who is not an establishes patient and who has never actually sought treatment, and do it all for free at a time where the whole healthcare industry is basically shitting itself over prescribing drugs. There's so much liability that either this doctor is fucking crazy or she's making shit up as usual.
No. 312280
>>312272No, it's ok. I didn't take your comment as condescending. Completely understandable that you get riled up on those topics, I do too. It drives me nuts and I feel like I
have to comment when I see some ignorant information being spread about chemistry (not that your post was, it was fine really.) I was absolutely horrified the first time I found out about MMS "therapy" & how they are getting autistic kids to drink/force enemas of 28% sodium chlorite/water (industrial-grade bleach) when I found out about people drinking diluted 35% H2O2 today I wasn't nearly as shocked but it's still a really stupid & dangerous thing to even try.
I was just trying to figured out what TF she meant by "Hydrogen Oxygen Vegetable Peroxide" because even though I'm pretty caught up on a lot of modern pseudoscience bullshit, I had never heard of that.
No. 312285
>>312279From what I was talking to another on, there are specific things and costs that there's no way Kati has done these given her actions over the last year. If I mention them here, she'll claim them immediately I guarantee it. But there are some HUGE holes in her claim to have a diagnosis by four doctors. After my video i've had a lot of people with these illnesses reaching out in public and private to add their two cents, additional information,etc. Couple of voice chats as well.
Anyway, there were specifics on the diagnosis that make Kati's claim that she's been diagnosed by four different doctors impossible. What it takes, how long it takes, and what it costs. It doesn't match with her claims.
But we'll see how deep she decides to dig her own hole there.
No. 312313
>>312280building a little bit on what you said again, since i'm also into the whole ~pseudoscience~ thing. i know that i've mentioned some of this before, mostly on twitter, but if i'm repeating myself, please forgive me. (i ACTUALLY have legitimate memory/information-processing problems lmao.)
i got really sick when i was 14. i tried everything. i saw so many doctors/specialists i lost count. after two years, we finally found a diagnosis, but there was nothing the doctors could do. so i started dabbling in alternative medicine. normal stuff at first, homeopathy and acupuncture. but i was still deathly ill and i got desperate and i tried a lot of weird-ass shit. nothing that claimed to be a ~magic pill~, because that is ALWAYS a scam. but weird shit. i eventually started to recover, and honestly idk what did it. it might've just been my body's time to naturally heal. who knows. but i know a lot of things that people in that world use, and the stuff brought up here is pure bullshit. like. the weird practitioners i saw would even be disturbed and confused. "hydrogen oxygen vegetable peroxide." honestly, now that i'm over the initial annoyance, i think it's really funny.
and i know i for sure said this on twitter, but i was actually in a masters program for acupuncture. i didn't finish, but i got close, and i learned a lot about east asian medicine on a whole, as well as about biomedicine (because we had to be able to work in a hospital setting and work in conjunction with medical doctors. this is HIGHLY regulated in california.). so i'm able to look at this whole thing from almost every available angle, and NONE of it makes sense. nothing that she says is consistent with anything that i've ever experienced–western, eastern, or even just weird.
No. 312323
File: 1494720683472.png (49.3 KB, 777x393, whodouthinkuareseriouslybitch.…)

talk about an inflated sense of self-worth. i doubt that laci even knows if she exists. (if i'm wrong, that's just disappointing.)
No. 312340
>>312330yes, i've heard that story, and i can confirm basically all of that (not that you need confirmation, but just to double-up). i fainted for the first time like 8 years ago?? and they didn't use smelling salts. they just supported my body and talked me back to consciousness. then gave me some stale chocolate (for some reason they didn't have juice??? idk man.). at least they meant well.
i worked in an acupuncture clinic, and people pass out there all the time. not once did we ever use smelling salts. we weren't even taught to. that isn't the protocol anymore and hasn't been for a long time.
like you said, there is no place on the neck where a superficial mass would be inoperable. the neck is actually a very safe place for most surgeries. of course, things get complicated around the spinal cord, but that's it. her story makes it clear that the mass was nowhere near the spinal cord. which means that it was operable. to put things into perspective, you can insert acupuncture needles almost anywhere in the neck to a depth of at least an inch, sometimes two. (THIS IS NOT ADVICE. DONT PLAY WITH NEEDLES. this isn't a recommendation for acupuncture either. an acupuncturist will know the correct depths for needle insertion. i'm only saying what's POSSIBLE and would likely cause little to no harm. sorry, i know you guys are too smart for this, i just have to be careful.)
most likely it was a run-of-the-mill abscess and she wimped out and just took the antibiotics instead. even really inflamed abscesses can disappear on their own, too. i actually think this is an important chunk of information, too. an abscess can be inflamed (usually a broken-down cyst) without being INFECTED. they can only confirm an infection through a bacterial culture. if they didn't even get to the point of making an incision, they couldn't make that call. a lot of doctors will still give antibiotics, just in case, but it might not even be infected. in that case, it'll probably just go away on its own. (it might still need to be drained, it depends on the abscess, but a lot of them resolve on their own.)
but yeah, she totally "healed" it.
(sorry for the wall of text.)
No. 312354
>>312339>>312340Yeah, she can't even claim they
used to use smelling salts way back then because I'm a bit older than her and worked in the doctor's office years before she would have had that abscess looked at. It's just one office sure, but we learned standard procedures for dealing with all sorts of emergencies that are applied all over the country. I assisted in these very types of surgeries and you are right, they go away on their own all the time. It's not a serious condition at all. But she also thought those antibiotics they gave her were going to kill her…she's just turning something small into something serious & life-threatening the way she always does. It's also possible the doctor might have just gotten annoyed with her theatrics and told her to go elsewhere…we had to do something like that once with a patient.
No. 312365
>>312354absolutely, totally agreed. i don't remember ever seeing smelling salts in a doctor's office. maybe once when i was a little kid, but i'm 27 now, so that would give it like two decades. and i practically lived at doctor's offices for a couple of years (mostly ages 14-16) with all of the appointments and tests, some of which brought me close to passing out. (i feel dirty for talking about "almost fainting" but it's only to make the point that i never saw smelling salts.)
the thing that's honestly funny to me is that her freaking out over something as simple as antibiotics makes it sound like she's never been legitimately sick. (i'm not passing that judgment, i'm just saying what it SOUNDS like.) i'm sure that others with auto-immune disorders can confirm that you can get REALLY REALLY sick from basic illnesses, and you're SUPER susceptible to the really bad stuff. from personal experience, i've gotten sick so much, nothing surprises or scares me anymore. i joke that if i started bleeding from my eyes, i'd be like, "okay, i guess that's a thing."
i can't even imagine blowing tiny things up the way that she does. i'd never get anything done.
No. 312371
>>312330Seriously? Someone needs to do a major recap or people need to start reading. The tumor was covered back in
>>277907. Between repetition and the blowfest with Tim this place needs some clean up.
No. 312378
File: 1494729745938.png (53.97 KB, 210x206, ontheshitter.png)

>>312374Speaking of which, I made this thread so I was also planning on making thread #5 when it came up. I have a few unflattering pics I was considering using but I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any good ones they'd like to share. (I also just want to see a collection of awful screenshots of her.) I'll go first. In this one her expression looks like she's taking the worst shit ever.
No. 312384
File: 1494730440462.gif (3.06 MB, 480x270, nosepick.gif)

>>312382I'm actually the one that made the nose picking gif too. Not responsible for fuzzy teeth tho.
No. 312392
>>312330He's good. He's backed off for the moment and is just back to being fun loving Tim, lol. I get what you're saying, but things are moving it seems. Joy is hunkering down and blocking or ignoring anyone that confronts her with screencaps now.
I'm getting the feeling that this is just beginning. Especially if/when the Laci stuff falls flat or backfires.
>>312320A mix of both. Some people speculated on whether or not he existed, then she played off of it and took it waaaay further than it needed to be. At times I wonder if she thinks any attention is good attention..its kind of messed up to say the least.
>>312323I think that would wind up embarrassing both parties, TBH. Not like either of them don't have that coming in spades..
No. 312398
> i wonder how quickly joy's "passionate" support dries up once she's completely ignored?It will run out before then, when she realizes it isn't getting views.
Man, I can't wait for this to play out. :)
No. 312401
>>312395Oh,that? Like a finger snap. Everything has to center around her, after all. I still think she's testing the waters trying to find the next angle. Temperature checking the crowd base. Planning, etc. I don't think she realizes this is likely the high note into a downhill spiral, though. Doesn't realize, or doesn't care.
I'm reminded of her twitter where she was going "Its okay, it isn't about us…" ..its coming soon. She's only going to double down, and the longer the pause, the bigger the implosion.
No. 312403
look what the idiots made because they think they're in on the joke. you can't be in on the joke if you are the joke.
No. 312422
File: 1494732993748.png (39.95 KB, 561x295, qPbaRov.png)

I hope this guy isn't that stupid to get involved with this idiot.
No. 312432
File: 1494733595177.jpg (85.16 KB, 673x659, joycybergothlolwtf.jpg)

still wearing cybergoth clothes that are way too small. wtf is this
No. 312434
File: 1494733827184.jpg (76.91 KB, 600x657, srslywtfisthat.jpg)

wtf is that
No. 312438
LOL in this entire video almost every single criticism she shoots at gerg is exactly what people say about her. this is fucking hilarious.
>>312425@ 2:21 "spin the story, let's see who buys it!" (oh kati)
@ 9:23 "but you only use buzzwords and buzz phrases that fit your narrative" (LOL kati!)
No. 312439
File: 1494734410426.jpg (67.4 KB, 540x602, joymuurrr.jpg)

>>312378for you.
(last one guise i promise)
No. 312460
>>312392Glad to hear Tim is able to be happy now that he's free of her cult.
>Some people speculated on whether or not he existed, then she played off of it and took it waaaay further than it needed to be. At times I wonder if she thinks any attention is good attentionI was wondering how that started. She's always taking something minor and turning it into some grand dramatic thing. She may think she prefers positive attention but she seems to revel in negative attention…she's always saying or doing something to instigate more.
>>312422Leonard French does watch at least some of her videos, he did a DO5 video where he mentioned having just watched one of her videos….and in the comments section he had tons of people warning him not to cite her as a source/steer clear of giving her shoutouts. He only has like 56K subs but he's a well-respected copyright lawyer. He comes across as intelligent & well spoken and really doesn't need to be associated with the likes of Joy, hopefully he listened to the warnings.
>>312423She starts trawling for bigger YouTubers every time she needs a sub boost…because so far it's worked really well. However, the more she ruins her reputation the harder it'll be to get anyone to take her up on the offer.
>>312420Why? What do you want to find? Someone already looked her up in the census. We know her full name, where she lives, that she's been married before (and possibly still is) and have a copy of her faked resume. I don't think anyone has checked to see if she has an arrest record…that would be interesting if she did.
>>312425Didn't she already make a response to this very same video? And that happened a while ago, why put it up now?
No. 312462
File: 1494736328636.png (97.42 KB, 233x312, shovelface.png)

>>312439Lol Thanks. What about this one, she looks like someone hit her in the face with a shovel.
No. 312473
File: 1494737911783.png (1.4 MB, 1315x464, BadLighting.PNG)

I couldn't help it
No. 312474
File: 1494738021169.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.09 KB, 507x623, itsucks.JPG)

>>312462Got inspired and drew her as an 80 year old still ranting about the same shit
sage and spoiler for bad art
No. 312482
File: 1494739834459.jpg (166.44 KB, 1280x720, joy.jpg)

So Joy was on SNL…
I hope this makes her think she's a super famous youtuber and makes her head even bigger.
(yes I know it's a recurring character but the resemblance is uncanny)
No. 312483
>>312473Love it. You know what, that's a great idea for thread #5 pic if you can find a pic with frizzy hair & her reaching out in a similar fashion, I'm sure there's one out there.
>>312474Lol. love that she's still wearing that same top. Need to add several zeros to the video tally tho.
No. 312495
File: 1494740827670.png (42.05 KB, 944x201, another1.PNG)

>>310007Samefag from here with shit noone cares about but, the channel I mentioned here, KimmyCat, showed up in the comments of one of the Joy call-out videos. I wouldn't call her a "huge supporter" or anything, but she did try to stick up for Joy in some places, give her that benefit of the doubt/relate when applicable/ etc.
Not anymore I guess.
*I fucked up the original post
No. 312511
>>312468See, this is what boggles my mind about her. She is so inconsistent in her crazy person rants… this morning she was calling herself an antifeminist, she seems to have a great deal of animosity towards women, but then sometimes when onision or another man
trigger her she jumps right into the bitter crazy feminist pool and spouts their rhetoric about how men are gross pigs ec etc. It was especially prominent in the Billie related videos. I guess she's just a hateful, vulgar shitgoblin who's angry at fucking everyone?
No. 312778
>>312774Lawyer: "uber" "videoing"
facepalmIt's not a big deal, really. It's not like that clip would motivate people to go find her. Plus, the URL is wrong.
No. 312779
Ok guys, I'm a bit confused on who's who in the Cult of Joysus/Affiliated. And I've been watching these threads… but not her livestreams anymore {I'm never around and I guess she doesn't repost them anymore?} so I miss a lot. Is there an anon recording them still?
Anyway, can someone give like a nice little rundown? So far I've gathered:
Agnel: The teen wheelchair chick who tried to murk this thread up. We all should know her shit by now at least. Ex member.
Cy: ?? I guess she's on the streams a lot and in the little inner circle chat thing? Seems annoying and lonely and probably on tumblr.
Tim: Friend of that girl Phil had on his stream. Joy tried to trigger his PTSD. Posted receipts against her.
Mikenactor: Not really in the cult, but playing willfully ignorant trying to defend Joy regardless.
StinkyHilary:? I think is the name. Um. Someone on twitter? Maybe I have this person confused all together.
Chambers/Heart: Some salty cunt that took up with Joy to exploit the Do5 thing for views and hate on PhillyD, publicly distanced herself from Joy after more and more backlash. Ex member.
SuitYourself: I think he's a youtuber on the skeptic side. Don't know his current status.
And there was that anon who made that video about her. The blond one who did drugs all the time or whatever. Forgot her name.
That's all I got to be honest..Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but I can't keep up considering how fast she makes affiliations and then burns them.
And then there's BasedMama and AMWM but I don't think they were ever sipping the kool-aid, just associated thro the Do5 thing til they saw how insane she is. And Andy Warski and Repzion were people who previously cited her and boosted her channel, but have since changed their opinions on her. MundaneMatt has also called her out.
Sidenote: Js people, tip for the old and new cause I'm seeing this a lot, remember this is an IMAGE board. Instead of just saying "This happened on twitter" or requoting the tweet or comment whatever, take a screen shot and post it here so others can see it too, and so we have a backup when a cow goes on DC rampages.
No. 312797
>>312753That's exactly right. Many of them are social rejects that are so desperate to be part of something that they completely disregard her disgusting behavior. It's something that very apparent if you read some of the their comments to her or defending her. Some of them repeat the same exact thing 3-4-5 times as if they are waiting for someone to say OMG YOU ARE SOOO KEWL.
Newsflash, she doesn't care about a single one of you. She is using you and if you would pay attention, you would see it.
No. 312808
File: 1494790671415.png (392.81 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_1485.PNG)

What is this twat up to now?
No. 312809
File: 1494790859641.png (169.55 KB, 1196x934, IMG_1486.PNG)

>>312800You mean this one?