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No. 338318
Seeing as there have been a few subreddit threads popping up on /snow/ and /ot/ (Is /snow/ the best choice for this mods?) I thought I'd make one on what I think are two of the funniest subreddits for mining lols around: those who don't know, /r/asianmasculinity is basically /r/theredpill but exclusively for asian men, and seemingly even more fucked up. Whereas /r/aznidentity is where all the Chinese "American" supremacists went after /r/asianmasculinity tried to clean up its image.
Some of the threads are cringe, some are amusing and some are downright disturbing. Case in point:
>White people don't have feelings. Their girls love a sociopath who can convince them he's actually a good guy. Laugh at them when they are crying, looking into your eyes, looking for any hope that you are just joking, that you were the guy you pretended to be. See her innocence die then, and never to return, a beautiful human soul died in front of you replaced by a demon. That soul is in hell now. Hahaha., if you were wondering where a lot of the "hapas are mentally ill losers" shitposting you may have seen around 4chan and other forums/boards is coming from, see my pic.
They're also known for:
>Pretending to be Asian women who care about their supposed "plight" ('AsianGirlJade' was a sockpuppet of one of their most notorious shitposters)>Pretending to be hapas with white fathers (apparently those with asian dads are a-ok however)>Spamming AMWF pictures all over 4chan in unrelated threads (according to one 4chan mod on IRC, it's one guy who has been continuously avoiding IP-range bans and doing this for about 7 years virtually every week)And so on.
No. 338353
Some more funny stuff from /r/am:
>Let’s just say I’m beginning to wake up now. fk white people and their bullshit. I can’t believe I let all this st slide in my life and ate it all up. I took it like a fking bitch while asking for seconds. Now that I think about it I was a fking Uncle Chan, for f**ks sake.Why do they always LARP as black guys when they want to act tuff? I mean "Uncle Chan", really?
>ChinaKrobrah_Kai 9 points 6 months ago>Why don't you take the full plunge and just verify yourself??? We've been having CCJ trolls brigading…
>DoctorDrMD 10 points 6 months ago>They go by CaucasianChinese nowadays. Don't take this as invite to brigade them back, do not give them any justification.CCJ, incidentally is an expat hangout where people gather to mock both unrefined mainland Chinese and clueless white expats alike. give some background to the drama, /r/asianmasculinity hates /r/ccj for creating this satirical subreddit: parody of the grievance goldmine that is /r/asianamerican.
No. 338354
>>338351>and there arent enough asian men dating white women here in australiaThere are actually men this brazenly entitled? I thought asians were supposed to be polite.
How does anyone get it into their head that there's some requisite number of asian men white women "should" be dating?
No. 338355
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Here's "love life of an asian guy" (LLAG), an r/asianmasculinity poster on facebook talking about food and cultural appropriation.
No. 338359
>>338354when they realise that i am a big anime fan they think its a green light to commence flirting big time.
>>338358>white supremacists because they end up having white children.are iranians like laci green counted as white now? lol. irregardless thats a pretty gross/entitled thing to say though. these people are very vocal about their hatred of whites i think a big backlash is going to come sooner or later.
No. 338420
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>>338355>not being able to find an ethnic grocery storeThis post is hilarious in so many ways. it's like well buddy, that's what you get for moving to some white hick town in the middle of fucking nowhere. This would be like me complaining about not being able to find cheese if I moved to rural China/India/wherever.
Literally any slightly metropolitan area is gonna have an assload of ethnic grocery stores.
No. 338421
>>338416>You can clearly tell these guys get enough shit for being asian in a western world- Highest average incomes.
- Least likely to be arrested.
- Least likely to be stopped & searched.
- Least likely to suffer police brutality.
- Least likely to suffer from any sort of criminal violence.
Nigga, your standard for what "getting shit" entails is "10/10 white girls don't like me as much as they should".
You motherfuckers make red pillers look sane. At least they actually believe unattractive men should improve themselves.
As for all the stuff about representation:
1) You're barely 6% of the population.
2) It's not our fault Asians don't have much regards for the arts, why should you get a chance at leading roles ahead of white, hispanic and black actors and actresses who have been grinding away at two-penny stage productions for years? Not to mention Asians are just terrible at acting to begin with (big-budget Japanese and Chinese films actually make daytime TV acting look good).
No. 338524
>>338353I guess I get the term "Uncle Chan." Seems like it's just the Asian equivalent of a coon or an "Uncle Tom," and it's not hard to believe that's a thing.
…What was that guy talking about anyways?
No. 338851
>>338524Never heard that term in my life and neither have my friends.
And Uncle Tom mostly is used by other blacks to talk shit about the "whiter" aka less hood blacks.
No. 338861
>>338853No he isn't.
EurasianTiger has never actually provided any proof he is Eurasian. Nor is there any proof that is his real name.
The AMWF spammer is the same guy who rants and raves about how awful WMAF children are. Stop blaming Eurasians for Asian American men being grievance-mongering losers.
No. 338863
>>338852I just don't understand how anyone could believe there's some obligatory optimal amount of interracial dating that needs to be going on.
More black men date white women than white men date black women, but I've never met a white guy who thinks that more black women are obligated to date white men to reduce this supposed imbalance.
No. 338864
>>338861I didn't say he's a hapa I said he's the mod of r/hapas.
And that's the thing. I think r/hapas is full of Asian males larping as hapas.
No. 338865
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>>338861not the person you replied to but i just checked the domain registrant info for eurasian tiger's website and the registrant has the name John Bettendorf.
Whether that is his real name or he is borrowing someone's name that he is friends with/related to to register the website who knows. You are supposed to use your own real name though.
No. 338871
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>>338868im surprised /pol/ hasnt discovered about his life they can find anything but i guess theres just not enough interest to care about angry asian betas.
but even though he has never "proven" he is half-asian i reckon he must be. he kind of looks half-asian in all the half face photos he posts and he puts so much energy into hating WMAF couples it seems like he blames all his life problems on not being born white. he should just accept he is an asian man and move on. 1 billion asian men exist and many of them are happy and succesful. these half asians are just entitled to white women its disgusting.
No. 338875
>>338866China's the only place on earth I've encountered where men will chew women out for going for traits other than money.
The Chinese are an odd bunch.
No. 338877
>>338851yeah… I know what an Uncle Tom is… and idk if "whiter," is the right term, it's more about the black ppl that excuse stuff like microagressions and believe in le respectability politics and bend over backwards to please wypipo.
…also, who cares if you/your friends haven't heard it?
No. 338878
>>338877Because I'm Asian and it's not a real term in the community at all.
Whiter has "" around because of what you said.
>>338871It's hilarious he bitches about his dad being a bum fuck with no job and he's spamming shit online!
No. 338935
>>338421Those stats are inflated by East Asians or basically Chinese/Korean/Jap. Poor and brown Asians like Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian etc still suffer being poor as fuck and the shit that comes with it like high crime, low education, or zero life stability. Or since this is a weeb site is Asian just code for East Asian? Sincerely asking.
>>338355LLAG is a bitter brown Asian who got shit on in his white hick town and has a massive inferiority complex against east Asians while simultaneously using them in his anti-white propaganda (e.g. Scarlett Johanssen not being Japanese enough to play Motoko Kusanagi in GitS) and raging against their "model minority privilege".
I see his shit all the time because a hapa SJW fb friend keeps sharing his bullshit.
>>338878It doesn't really have to be a real term, it's used as an analogy, like saying "Asian Uncle Tom", calm down.
No. 338956
>>338935>Those stats are inflated by East Asians or basically Chinese/Korean/Jap. Poor and brown Asians like Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian etc still suffer being poor as fuck and the shit that comes with it like high crimeSee, the thing is you can do this with any continental population group (identify clusters within them that aren't so wealthy), you can certainly do it with White Americans, I doubt there are many East Asian groups as poor as West Virginian Whites.
In any event it is overwhelmingly NEAs that spearhead Asian "racial activism" in the US (Koreans and Chinese primarily, doing stupid shit like protesting kimono exhibitions), so they don't really have a right to complain about the meaningless nature of the term, since notion of an "AAPI Community" was openly embraced by early Asian American race-hustlers to boost their body count, see:'s sort of like the whole "Asians as mysterious and inscrutable" racial stereotype. Asians will bitch about this in academia as a negative stereotype, but they'll openly embrace it when its convenient (either for snowflake-ism "us Asians right? Us Asians…" or just for political expediency "you don't understand chinese culture!").
>LLAG is a bitter brown AsianHe's a Chinese Thai, so he's actually doubly privileged, lel.
No. 339027
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>>339024I think anyone that unironically refers to themselves as a "yellow fever bitch" has a screw loose.
Anyway, lets get this thread back on track.
No. 339029
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Note the comments about using hapas as part of their black propaganda azns are just as sneaky as the stereotypes make out
No. 339037
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No. 339038
>>339030There's nothing more cringe than seeing some white weeb labeling all her pictures with amwf, or using that tag in her youtube videos.
Cringy fucks like this are why interracial relationships in general are often still looked down on unfortunately.
No. 339040
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imagine being this delusional
No. 339050
>>339029Their Fu Manchu revenge fantasies are hilarious.
>>339040Imagine being some ordinary Eurasian guy and finding out that Asian "American" "men" hate you for no other reason than the fact your dad is white.
No. 339059
>>339054It depends, they have something of a two-track narrative.
One the one hand they seem to believe Asian men are discriminated against in dating.
On the other hand they adopt a triumphalist tone sometimes and claim that all white women want asian men, citing a couple of Koreaboo vloggers as "proof" or whatever.
In general I find that the Asian ethnic grievance subreddits are more or less just thinly veiled ethnic nationalism. They just use the language of SJWism to cloak that ethnic nationalism in an acceptable attire, e.g.
>"We don't want China to take over the whole South China Sea because we're overseas Chinese nationalists, we just want it for the sake of the Asian American male struggle against white patriarchy!"I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them hanged around on lolcow itself, given how many lolcows like asian men (telling in of itself).
No. 339060
>>339054These two and /r/hapas should combine and become /r/iwantsomewhitepussy
Whenever a Eurasian with a white mom says their parents are abusive or dysfunctional they get shut down and accused of being a troll.
No. 339066
>>339060>Whenever a Eurasian with a white mom says their parents are abusive or dysfunctional they get shut down and accused of being a troll.lmao, are you serious?
Do they just believe AMWF relationships are incapable of dysfunction? What about stuff like this:
>I was doing something to educate Americans! My American wife was always criticizing China, accusing our Party of lying. In such a situation, could I not hit her? […]>Everyday accusing Beijing, saying that AQI is lying. She was lucky I could bear it, in America I would have shot her with a gun!Imagine if some American guy beat the shit out of his asian wife for claiming she "insulted Trump" or something like that.
No. 339068
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>>339060Interesting you should mention that. The only confirmed Eurasian on /r/hapas was Flavia, a female who used to post on /r9k/ and ran an /r9k/ skype group explicitly for KHVs. She was so crazy and autistic that if anyone used to get a girlfriend in that group, she'd ban them and then message them personally with a bunch of abusive shit, threatening to dox them.
Her mother is a Brazilian gold digger and her father is a rich Japanese-Brazilian. She's 29, is a NEET and has never had a job and screams at her mother when she doesn't cut her fruit properly, apparently.
So much for that AMWF superiority….
No. 339075
>>339068Look at the nobodies they mentioned for AMWF daughters. And Keanu Reeves is definitely not AMWF just because his great great grandmother was 25% Chinese.
Hey, where's Lindsay Souvannarath (the kiwi farms user who tried to shoot up a mall) and Andrew Cunanan (the guy who murdered Versace)? These are some famous AMWF hapas!
No. 339078
>>339075>And Keanu Reeves is definitely not AMWF just because his great great grandmother was 25% Chinese.Bear in mind these are people who consider it a victory for asian men that Emma Watson dated a WMAF Eurasian.
There's absolutely no consistency to what they say. Just a constant stream of doublethink.
No. 339149
>>339054I think it's more they're stupid enough to think that males have the same attraction rates as females. It's just natural for women of any race to do better than the men. Of course Asian females get men easier, the males are generally not that desirable I mean it's just a fact, they're generally shorter. I said that Asian males aren't considered as that attractive in r/hapas and got death threats and a ban lols. It's almost like they're… Asian males!
>>339068God not her, she was annoying. She's damn ugly as well. But used nicely angled photos in her Skype.
>>339066Some of them also think white dudes that date Asian women are pedos because Asian women look young, it's actually hilarious the things they come up with.
No. 339200
>>339024I'm confused. Is this satire?
What's wrong with dating an Asian dude? I'm a white woman with an American-Chinese boyfriend and it's literally never been a topic of serious discussion outside of the few times he's been called a chink by a stranger.
sage because no1curr but I can't tell if this is next level retardation or just a joke.
(derailing, blogposty) No. 339234
>>339225I did. I asked an honest question and saged OT discussion, unlike
>>339218 . fucking kek.
No. 339320
>>339149>God not herlol, you're aware of her anon?
I lurked for a month on their Skype group chat and got booted when I mentioned a guy from class may have been into me.
The whole chat was full of angry indian and east asian men, was odd.
>>339309>"tricked" the world into thinking that white men are more attractiveBut they think exactly the same way about white women as asian women do about white men.
No. 339331
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I was hoping to dig up that post on there where they were celebrating the rising death rates of poor White Americans, but after the eye of /pol/ turned on them, they deleted a lot of the more provocative stuff.
Another funny thing about /r/asianmasculinity is that in spite of their ridicule of hapas, I'd imagine the average white girl probably finds the average hapa far more attractive than the average asian man.
I mean realtalk for a second, stuff like Korean male beauty standards are completely alien from what most white people find attractive. Even most normal guys find the uniformity among Korean women caused by their plastic surgery industry fucking weird.
No. 339337
>>339307They're like ugly fat feminists or dudes that complain about pointy elbows: they're damn ugly and gross but their standards are through the roof for no good reason(make themselves feel better?) And then when shocker, attractive people aren't into ugly people, they get damn salty. Entitlement or is it delusion?
If you wouldn't date someone who cares about what they're doing and who they're dating? They're bitching about people they wouldn't date and saying it's wrong for them to date that but they wouldn't also date them… like okaaaaay.
>>339320Yes! She was pretty popular on r9k, I haven't been there in years; sad that she's still there. I'll see if I can get my screenshots of her I don't think I have anything interesting though. My computers busted so I can't get the original pics but could take photos.
No. 339339
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>>339329this, more or less
>>339309I mean, you can't 100% blame them for thinking that. Beauty standards revolve around whites in the west and it fucks with a lot of the non-white citizens. Asians, for ex., are usually seen as "cute," instead of beautiful or masculine bc of it (pic related). They also have to put up with that "all [non-white race]s look alike," meme, big time…
like, it's awful of these guys to feel like white grills are obligated to fuck them, but white people aren't "objectively more attractive…" they're just seen as the standard here because they're the majority.
saged 4 borderline sperging and no contribution :/
No. 339353
>>339352I'm curious about the pictures, post em.
Oh, and Flavia thinks she's fully Japanese and would be accepted in Japan, incidentally.
No. 339355
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oh man, these dudes constantly show up on /r/drama (mostly cause one person is obsessed with them but i digress)
but anyway, they don't just hate white guys who get asian women. ANYONE who isn't an asian man who gets an asian woman rustles their jimmies to high hell. here they are complaining about african immigrants in china getting chinese women No. 339356
>>339355They're so fucking hypocritical. Asian Americans vote Democrat at huge rates, will be the first to accuse White Americans of anti-Black racism - especially on subreddits like that - but god forbid anyone hold them to the same standards.
You've got to ask yourself how many Chinese and Korean Americans would be comfortable with their ancestral homes being as "diverse" as western ones have become. My bet is very few of them, even among those who vote Dem.
I can accept people I disagree with provided they maintain consistency, but hypocritical and duplicitous people like these are just scum.
No. 339368
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>>339353Just selfies: seriously boring stuff.
She looks full on Asian and not mixed at all she probably could fit in.
No. 339377
>>339368That's not her fam.
This is her:
>>339068>>339370You'd have thought that staying here long enough would have made them realize that the sorts of white women who like asian men are crazy-ass bitches, eh? It's no surprise half of /snow/ and /pt/'s catalogs are full of girls who are "into asian guys" but on average asian men are considered unattractive.
No. 339387
>>339385Nope, the picture posted in
>>339068 is assuredly Flavia. Those are the only ones that ever leaked.
No. 339391
>>339387Had a google and you're right. But, I wasn't kidding about her orbits posting those.
Found another pic using Google fu No. 339392
File: 1498133301030.png (157.98 KB, 829x903, IMG_1013.PNG)

Found this pic of Flavia and laughed, and laughed even harder at the am in the thread getting
triggered No. 339393
>>339392Sachie has always seemed cool. She managed to navigate the Canadian con scene without getting involved in any dramu.
>>339391And yeah, a lot of the moronic orbiting groups on /r9k/ will post chaff to distract other anons from discovering anything about the object of their affection. I can't remember her name but there was some underage girl with a whole cadre of orbiters who would even fake death certificates and pretend she'd died to protect this girl from /r9k/.
No. 339402
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No. 339406
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i know this is more for /r/aznidentiy and what not, but /u/eurasiantiger, who frequents all of these subs is absolutely insane
for example, he once went up to a WMAF couple and started yelling at them because he's absolutely insane
>>339384yes, lol. he's absolutely obsessed with these subreddit because he was relocated to china and for some reason refuses to find a new job so that he can idk LEAVE china lol
No. 339425
>>339406shark_life is the typical western expat in a professional job (think Singapore, Shanghai or Hong Kong).
6 months of loving the novelty of the place, several years of hating it with a melting-hot loathing. That's why I can't understand for the life of me girls who actually want to go to these places to live. Like, do you have any idea of what a miserable place Korea is if you're a white collar professional?
No. 339429
>>339418this is honestly the minority of asian dudes. because not only are they ugly they have qualities that are just so undesirable (aka being insane or so shitty that even by asian standards) they can't get an asian girlfriend – or any girlfriend for that matter, eurasiantiger is absolutely obsessed with black women for some insane reason – and so theubblakrnitbon outside sources (in this case asian women) and not themselves for being just shitty people
that beig said, you guys play nice in this thread so that we can get the incels thread back because the sub is absolutely nothing but milk these days
No. 339430
>>339429Tbqh I never see any other asian men calling them out, just saying the same things but with coded language instead.
>they can't get an asian girlfriendIt seems like they prefer white women to their own women though.
No. 339438
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>>339430no they want asian women, but hate when an asian woman gets with a non-asian man because that's the reason that they're unstable. they hate any type of interracial relationship that involves an AW. i bet youbif you get down to it they only think that east asian women should be with east asian men and sea women with sea men
anyway did you guys know that eurasian_tiger is allegedly married
No. 339454
>>339438>Japanese women are world famous for not fucking their white loser husbandsThat's Asian marital partners in general. /r/deadbedrooms has tons of white men and women couples on there complaining about their asian OHs. Dead bedrooms are just common and normal in asian culture. Marital partners aren't meant to have sex to enjoy themselves.
>>339452They take what they can get, it's not as if normal white women like them.
No. 339465
>>339461They are Eurasians
It's true they aren't real whites. But try telling me Macanese people aren't different to actual chinks.
No. 339469
>>339464What was the point of this?
Were the two fat gooks supposed to be in the right rambling about "basic white bitches"?
Why is it that whenever chinks do anything in the arts it always revolves around them being chinks? Muh Asian American literature, poetry, film, theater etc is just one giant whingefest.
You'd think these people would eventually get bored of it.
No. 339473
>>339468 /r/asianmasculinity.
>>339470But chinks aren't going to accept them either. In fact they're even more anal about being exclusionary and ethnocentric than whites are.
They need to find and hang around with other Eurasians primarily. The ones in Singapore and Macau and Hong Kong do this just fine.
No. 339484
>>339483Because you're obviously from one of the aforementioned subreddits trying to push a narrative about WMAF hapas as mentioned here:
>>339395>Will draw a distinction between Eurasian children of Asian fathers vs children of White fathers in any post where the topic is brought up (nobody else actually cares enough to make this distinction in the first place)Back to shilling for China in the South China Sea on Reddit faggot.
No. 339492
>>339486>Eurasian sons of white dads who look Asian, identify as Asian and don't like WMAFAnyone who draws a distinction between the men and women involved in an Asian/White interracial relationship has an axe to grind.
In this case the insinuation being that it's ok for Asian men to date and have sex with White women, but White men having sex with Asian women is bad. The fact is there's no reason to assume that the identity issues that apply to one group don't apply to the other also. It's not as if Eurasian children born of Asian men somehow look definably whiter/more asian.
Why don't you come out and say it explicitly like you do on 4chan anyway?
>>339489>exact same wording>completely broken huehue English compared to fluent EnglishI thought Asians were supposed to be smart
>>339490I liked you better when you were making these sorts of sad posts.
>>329956Living your life vicariously through other asian men is just weird. I've never heard a white guy actually express any pride in the fact that East Asian women find someone like Ryan Gosling attractive.
No. 339495
>>339493I think it depends on the individual circumstance, as far as I know mixed race children of all types have more mental health issues than their full-blooded counterparts (mulattoes as compared to full-blooded blacks, eurasians as compared to whites etc).
I see no reason why there would be a big discrepency depending upon the race of the father. Especially if he's some lunatic from /r/asianmasculinity who fantasizes about fu manchu revenge fantasies on "the west".
No. 339496
>>339495So your only objection is the claim that Hapas with Asian dads are OK?
If we just say that Asian genetics are fucked up, and that Half Asians of any type that inherit those shitty chink traits are fucked, then you'd agree?
No. 339497
>>339496>your only objection is the claim that Hapas with Asian dads are OK?Nope. Drawing that distinction in the first place is just a dead giveaway that you don't have good faith intentions and are trying to push an angle.
>If we just say that Asian genetics are fucked upStop putting words in my mouth you idiot.
This thread is to laugh at the various asian grievance subreddits and their milk. Make a thread about hapas if they piss you off so much. Or go back to /pol/ and make your five thousandth AMWF thread.
No. 339501
>>339496>If we just say that Asian genetics are fucked upyour angry asian man beta is showing. shoo shoo back to r/am
>>339498not the person you are replying to but i dont think r/hapas is necessarily pushing a false narrative. i just think they are disgusting with their feelings of entitlement to white women.
No. 339503
>>339500No I didn't. There are multiple people in this thread AMWF-anon.
>>339498A few articles and anecdotes doesn't somehow turn an entire population group into monsters, regardless of their background.
No. 339505
>>339473>They need to find and hang around with other Eurasians primarily. The ones in Singapore and Macau and Hong Kong do this just fine.this!!!
mixed race >>> pure bloods any day anyway
No. 339528
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>>339504There's a thread about EurasianTiger on 8chan's cow board. Most of his "art" is posted there. He used the name redpillcomics and blackpillcomics.
No. 339621
>>339540Looking at almost any back and forth on his awful subreddit it's easy to become suspicious that it's just socks talking to each other. They often feel like the same person but that also tends to happen in a cult of personality anyway as other members ape the leader's style. The number of active users and upvotes is extremely small compared to the views and alleged notoriety of the place. Also he and others do tend to slip up quite frequently.
It's seems insane but he and the others are unemployed and fabricating various facts about their personal lives. They would have all day and night to construct a large web of bullshit.
No. 339622
>>339429Asian dudes generally lust after the Asian girls who try to be white as well… so yeah. And quite frankly there are way more short, feminine am than there are average and alpha it's just the nature of being Asian.
And what's worse; Asians generally have some sort of network to get you a wife or gf; sure might be a green card thing but that's only cool if you're a white girl wanting to be a model or walking wallet, since they reject it I suppose white dudes are supposed to be as picky, just like them.
No. 339636
Moved to
>>>/ot/195991. Our rules don't permit race-related arguments in /pt/ or /snow/.