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No. 246848
Joy Sparkle is a YouTube personality who randomly appeared to insert herself into Onision drama and got 10k subs within a short time.
Recently made several 90-120 minute videos rambling about drama.
Aside from frantically trying to get
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS with everyone marginally involved with Onion, she goes off on insane tangents about past lives and her "fatal" health issues. She's bizarrely enthusiastic about drama and has started to make videos about other cows apparently in an attempt to make herself relevant.
During a recent livestream, she claimed her videos aren't monetized, but said that she messed around on her profile and monetized everything on accident, undid it, and might have missed something. No. 246850
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Tweeted this before her 1 hour "interview" with Haylee and Erin, just one example of her being excited and attention-whorey about drama
No. 246851
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"Exclusive interviews" in which nothing new was revealed
No. 246854
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"This will be good!"
>proceeds to spend two hours ranting at the camera while Lane mumbles about having a panic attack and barely gets a word in edgewise
No. 246856
File: 1486518529881.png (120.89 KB, 585x441, b1St6bI.png) to 2 hour stream in which she did nothing but regurgitate already known facts and let Lane talk for maybe 5 minutes total
No. 246857
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No. 246858
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No. 246860
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So she waited until she had 10,000 subs and then went ahead and started monetizing her insane and unnecessary rants.
No. 246862
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>the livestream did its job
Yes, that was all you, not Lane overcoming her anxiety to spill the beans which she never needed you for in the first place.
What an insufferable cunt.
No. 246863
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i remember this tweet specifically being the one where i though, "yup, she's mentally unstable". why is it that everyone who calls out onision is just as bad as him?
No. 246875
>>246860Image OP here. My point was that she is monetizing an
onion video. Of course she joined YouTube to make money. No judgement there. But monetizing an onion video… UGH. Aside from poor taste, won't he just claim it and then the money will go to him?!?
No. 246908
>>246862What ignorance is this? Coming to an end? Does she truly believe he means it and is not just doing damage control?
Plus this comes off as a tad bit arrogant and overly self-important to me. Ugh. "My lifestream where I ramble on and on irrelevantly fixes everything!!"
No. 247214
>>247189Why bring it up if you're just going to tell us to watch her cringey long ass videos?
I don't really wanna give her views after the shit she pulled earlier so if you have a general idea, can you just tell us.
No. 247247
>>247243It seems like the reason she relates everything onion does to herself is because she wants attention, but she knows she's boring as fuck and no one would give a shit if she just said someone said something mean to her and it made her feel like shit.
Lemme save you an hour and a half. Luxy didn't say anything we didn't already know, she literally read the post she made in the onion thread. The other girl was 2015 chan, and basically she confirmed that Doormat thinks everyone is trying to ride dat grease pole, she also said Lainey was demanding her passwords to all her social media and they talked about 2015 chan going to visit and attend Lainey's graduation and how that fell through because she got with Billie.
No. 247317
>>247213She definitely did self post her first videos. I remember clicking on the link in the midst of the whole Billie drama when lots of links were being posted, then I saw her YouTube account was brand new and she had one video about onion.
I clicked away immediately cause it was an obvious self post. But for some reason no one else seemed to catch on at the time
No. 247330
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I actually thought she was alright and didn't really care if she made money off Onision videos or not, but all of these desperate grabs for the credit are annoying as fuck.
She's so irritating.
No. 247389
>>247221>She got sick off a copper IUD (which does legit happen)It's insanely rare if it's even possible, and, if it really does happen, it can only happen to people who already have nearly toxic copper levels.
Add in her weird obsession with the DANGERS!!!!1!! of
all IUDs, even non-copper ones, and it really starts to sound like she's misplacing blame.
>she's "detoxed all the copper out"I thought she was still detoxing, and that's what's largely making her sick nowaday?
And it
is detoxing, not some woo "detox" bullshit. Copper toxicity is treated with chelation therapy (irl detoxing) which can have a lot of really awful side effects.
No. 247412
>>247026Basically she said she was wary about making YT videos because she has had flashbacks of her past lives, and in them she was an important or central figure that caused terrible shit. Think she said like, mass murder type shit in the medieval era. And that she feels her growing popularity can parallel that in some way, and it scares her.
I thought she had good points and wasn't stupid but after that I never watched a video again, it completely discredited her and I think she should go to therapy or something. And to the other anon who asked I'm pretty sure she said in one video she's 30 or 31.
No. 247420
(reposting due to quoting mistakes)
>>247221Exactly. She isn't fucking dying. At first I appreciated her initial call out video but it is clear she is milking things for attention/money now.
Also it is mostly her fault greg was able to get away with the recent dating Sarah thing. JS needs to fuck off. She was trying to manipulate Lane so she would benefit the most in the situation. Thanks to her, greg got away with it again.
>>247243>she constantly needs to bring the point of attention in her videos back to herselfThis. This is the biggest red flag.
She's a Rita Skeeter. If she was really interested in making a difference, she wouldn't be bringing up her health issues or trying to confiscate evidence so she can release it first.
JS since you are probably lurking here: you are pathetic and should really fuck off. You are making things worse. Also you are not that sick, shove it.
No. 247475
>>246862"Good job for apologizing"
Is she for real? Someone's paying her or someone put her up to all this. I smell a rat.
No. 247477
>>247389I think she really is sick and having those awful side effects. Doesn't make her any less crazy. I have a friend who's getting off her prescription meds and the 3+ years of life threatening side effects on top of not knowing what was wrong with her made her pretty nuts, anti-medication, anti-vax etc. Something about being "betrayed" by medicine makes people hyper-paranoid. It happens. If Joy is in that mindset she really shouldn't be trusted or enabled.
She's a self professed "entertainer", too, so it's pretty damn obvious she's doing this to get popular and line her pockets. I don't mind some random chick using youtube as her therapist, but she's just as bad as onion for exploiting Lane, Luxy, and Erynn. I don't think we learned anything from her interview that we didn't already know.
It really peeved me how she was kind of speaking for Lane in some parts of the younow stream. And how she always turns the conversation back around to
her video,
her life, "come after
me, Greg? Are you scared? Why don't you want to give my channel this massive boost by acknowledging my presence?". She sure talks about herself a lot for someone who is supposedly in it to help the kids.
No. 247478
>>247204kek she's not on the autism spectrum, she's just an opportunist. No better than gerk and lamo.
>>247220>its just like onion claiming that he "cured" billie and ayalla of eating disorders.Yep. idk if this is her natural personality or if it's just because of her "illness", but I don't like what I've seen.
>>247420> it is mostly her fault greg was able to get away with the recent dating Sarah thing.Can you explain what you mean by "it's her fault"?
No. 247768
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as if she's relevant
No. 247799
>>247768>HAS HE ACKNOWLEDGED MY RAGING BONER FOR HIM YET???>>247478When Lane first came forward regarding the damning texts she had about Sarah (and by proxy Lainey/Greg) Joy Sparkles came careening in and demanded Lane wait and do a stream with her instead of posting them on greg's thread. Lane then got cold feet and didn't post them and just did the stream with JS but didn't fess up about what the texts actually said. Since he stalks his thread, greg then did super fast damage control.
If JS just let Lane post the caps and stopped trying to meddle, there's a good chance Lane would have and the truth would have come out.
And surprise surprise, JS put the stream on her own channel for dat coin.
No. 247922
The past lives thing- she basically said she has visions of 2 lives she has lived. It was medieval times and she was like, not royalty but she held a high position and oversaw a region. She enjoyed cutting off people's heads, got off on it, and in the other she got off to poisoning some old man and then letting him heal a bit, poisoning him again, etc etc. So, she thinks her health problems are karma for the things she's done in these past lives and had to deal with a lot of self loathing for her actions. She's afraid of how she'd be if she became successful and popular ….because she thinks ..I don't know, that she'll do it again?
This is the video where I was just like, OK she's fucking insane. It annoyed me that this is a half hour video with onision's name in the title and I think she talked about him for 3 seconds. It was just 30 mins of her cycling between crying and laughing while droning on and on and onnnnn.
Not to mention this other fucking 20 min video she did going on a complete rampage screaming about a hate comment she got that was offended that she used the word ghetto. Literally 1 fucking comment. She went off about how shes lived in ghettos so how dare they "come up in her home" like that and how she lived in her car more than she's lived in a house…how dare they how dare. It was a fucking mess.
Another thing, sorry this is getting long, but when it comes to health she's sort of full of shit I think. Not that she's lying, but I find it weird that when she describes it she likes to say "I was damn near having a seizure, almost gonna pass out, damn near having a stroke" and idk, it just sounds like she's trying to word shit to sound bigger than it was I guess.
I've never went from liking a yt'er to being freaked out and basically like "fuck this shit" in such a short amount of time, honestly. She's soooo unstable. And she thinks everyone is her best friend on the internet while, like greg, she has none in real life.
I'm glad y'all finally made a thread on her. I just know more crazy shit is gonna come out.
No. 248527
She mentioned this thread in her YouNow broadcast last night.
From 17 minutes in No. 248533 minutes in - 'basic bitches'
15 minutes in - her 'male brain' and lack of 'crazy' and 'hysterical' female friends.
Why exactly is she so concerned with girls' welfare when she seems to hate adult women?
No. 248660
>>248527Why am I not surprised that it's a long video and full of rambling.
"Someone sent me a link" bitch stop lying, you found it yourself.
No. 248744 spoke about this thread again tonight. To be fair, she removed the interviews with the girls as a result and responded to a few of the comments made this evening. She even answered a question about psychiatric medication by prefacing it with 'l'm not a doctor' and concluding 'whatever works for you etc' rather than pushing naturopathy.
Joy, the next step would be deleting that ghetto comment video. You mauled that woman in a very unkind way. Humiliation for something so minor. If you want to help your teen fans (and most of them are vulnerable teens) don't teach them to bully.
No. 248867
>>248858Oh. Hmmm. Didn't know she knew about this site, since the Lane tweets.
Thanks for the heads up.
No. 249016
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Both tweets within a day of each other. Her pronouns are a manipulation tool so she can shut down criticism.
No. 249258 weirdest part was her ramble about not understanding how 'haters' work and recently learning about them through a Netflix documentary.
Yet she'd been 'studying' and 'helping' Onision since 2009…
No. 249289
>>249022>>249258This "haters" thing is starting to tick me off. Joy, you can't go around calling people who give legitimate criticism "haters". It's complete bullshit. My comment didn't come from a place of hatred. It was harsh, but that's lolcow for you. Didn't think you'd read it, but I'm glad you took the "ex" interview down because it was for the best. I'd say most people here don't hate you for the sake of hating you. It is genuine criticism of the way you've approached Greg's drama, the girls, and lolcow. You would see that if you stopped taking it so personally.
You need to be more deliberate in your actions, Joy, because the internet is not a forgiving place. Onision and his harem are here to stay. Meaning you don't have to make a video or put on a broadcast every time drama seeps from them. Anyone who works at his pace is just as fucking nuts. People are still making videos about shit he did 5+ years ago. You can wait a while to gather your thoughts and write a god damn script for once. Deliberate, because people will take you more seriously, your content will be better, and our gaggle of gossipy weaboos will move on to the next snowflake.
There's my advice, dude. Think before you act. That's it.
No. 249839
>>249832I'm pretty sure all the people on younow are about the same age as Onision fans. You idiots don't have to try so hard to get her attention.
She looks kind of like Will Ferrell when she's reading the thread.
No. 249853
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>good spamming
Joy pls
Talladega nights is my ultimate guilty pleasure though, we can see eye to eye on that one.
No. 249855
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Joy! You have such a great fan base. Telling them to invade a thread, and also threatening to rape people online! You're a wonderful person.
No. 249894
>>249885Don't take anon's comment out of context, Joy. They said this because there's obviously an underage fan or two of yours spamming the thread, which is annoying as fuck and they're breaking multiple rules. Why are you encouraging it dude?
Would you really have a phone call with me if I emailed you?
No. 249900
>>249894yeah and it was a response to me asking why her fans cannot spell. I don't think she understands how the board works.
I think the cringe storm has passed now.
No. 249918
>>249908Shes hopeless -.- ….. Shes ignoring the comments even though she said shed talk to people from lolcow….
I guess its easy to CLAIM you're brave and will talk this out, then just not follow through lol. what a coward.
No. 249927
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This comment is the highlight of the entire 2 hour stream.
No. 250083
>>250011Joy uploaded another livestream.
Are we being too hard on her?
No. 250102
>>250083If she thinks people on this thread are going too hard, she should have thought of that before self-posting her onion vids and crowning herself queen of everything onion drama.
I'd like to also point out that she's complaining about this thread, yet she actively exploits young girls who were involved with the grease squad for views and subs, and there was the whole ghetto comment she made, everything said here pales in comparison.
No. 250150
I'm having Tharthan flashbacks right now because it feels like Joy just wants to be liked by lolcow. You and your verbal diarrhea are unwanted here, Joy. Just stop, and evaluate what kind of people you attract:
No. 250427
>>250421I would suggest that people are capable of following more than on issue at a time… The fact that you are unable to do this is your imperfection, not anyone else's. I am sure most people here still see Onision as the main problem, but if you hadn't noticed, this is a site dedicated to talking about lolcows.. any lolcow.
Checking the Onision thread usually takes less than 5 minutes. Reporting stuff a little more if you have info… But people are at liberty to choose what to do with the remaining time they have in their day which is 24 hours - 5 minutes. This includes checking and commenting other threads, picking their toes, reading a book or eating ice cream and whatever else have you :)
You really should learn to manage your time better if you think that keeping up with two threads is a big issue.
As for Joy, I don't care much about this drama, but its kinda fun and sort of interesting… also she seriously misses the point of a lot of the criticism towards her and evades harder issues or "debunks" them by simply saying "that's not true" even though her actions say otherwise.
And she's loopy. sorry, but sometimes its just fun to see what loopy people are up to :) Don't worry about anyone here having a life though(since that's probably going to be your next reply as per typical internet response)… Beyond those 5 minutes we spend here, we do a lot of other productive shit.
Anyway that's just my interpretation as a newbie here.
No. 250637
>>250634That's what a mature person does! They get emotionally
triggered and angrily call out an obvious troll instead of quietly blocking them without comment!
No. 250650
>>250647please learn to reply to posts, replying to nothing can get confusing. Click the number at the top of each post.
>>250649can confirm.
No. 250958
>>250647So did she at any point address the vaccines issue or did it just stay as a discussion in the comments between her viewers? With her peculiar attitude towards medicine, I am very curious as to what her stance is.
And if she turns out to be an anti vaccer that is the absolute last-straw.
No. 251194
Eh. I'm not going to deny anyone's mental illness here but Riley easily comes off as a straight man in drag, to the point where you wonder if she's really trans. I have to give Joy a pass on this one because I don't think she's doing it maliciously. Riley looks, sounds, and acts like a man. Doesn't help that her videos are unscripted (seriously bitch write a script). Basically calling Riley a "thing" was not okay, not justifiable, not funny, and overall a pretty fucking bad move on Joy's part. I can't be bothered to watch the rest of the video but I hope for her sake there aren't anymore comments like that. I wonder if she will have an Onision-esque breakdown when she has to face the consequences for this shit. Ready for the backlash on this video.
Can anyone explain WHY people make videos like this, stating the obvious? Biological sex is real, chromosomes are a thing, and humans are sexually dymorphic. No shit, dude. Most people know/understand this even without an education. Who cares about some loon denying science? Is it really necessary to make a 15 minute video about it? Seems like she is trying to provoke the k3yb04rd w4rr10r5 herself.
No. 251328
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No. 251331
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No. 251439
>>251430Hmmmmm. Yeah, I agree, she really should just take her time writing a response.
Dyslexia is a thing. Does she have it?
No. 251463
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No. 251468
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No. 251473
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>>251463This sums up Joy's vid.
No. 251903
>>250647i can give some background on this.
i dunno if this is what started it but iv guested on her channel before, bringing up something i think would be good for her to do something on. Miracle Mineral solution, which is basically really strong bleach being sold as medicince and people claim it cures cancer, and autism, and is supported by anti vaccers. so her fanbase now has an anti vaxxer exposure… ha. =[
I was there for that part of the chat and told them in there if they were an antivaxxer they are a terrible person, because all it does is hurt children. if she does follow through and make a vid on it, like she said she would, you will see there if she is antivaxxer or not. but i dont think she is based on her reaction to the introduction to miracle mineral solution
… btw hi. i am actually one of her fans, though a cautious one. I feel she is genuine in caring if not some other things, and giving her a chance. I find her vids amusing at least, and though she herself sometimes goes off she tries to do right and fix it. i feel she just needs some more experience with her platform, remember, she just started her channel. adjustment period.
you guys are harsh, constructive criticism was not the point of this board, and shouldnt be taken as such, the person it is directed to will just get defensive because its harsh. but, you guys bring up points. iv called her out on things in the past and she addressed them reasonably and respectfully, which is how she got me as a fan in the first place. ill do so again with some of your points, and see what happens.
No. 251930
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>>251194She didn't call him a thing but anyway pic related
No. 252059
Watched the rest of her video. She mentioned the lolcow thread by name at least three times.
No one here ever said that fibromyalgia isn't real. They said copper toxicity from an IUD isn't. If a naturopath diagnosed her fibromyalgia then that isn't a real diagnosis either.
Her point on naturopathy being legitimate:
""Naturopathic physicians" now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, however, amounts to a small fraction of that of medical doctors who practice primary care. An examination of their literature, moreover, reveals that it is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and potentially dangerous practices.""The best way for MDs to deal with pseudoscientific health practices, in a free society, is to be informed, honest, and forthright about them. MDs should learn enough about nonstandard practices to make a reasonable determination of their validity or potential validity, based on science and critical thinking. If it is clear that certain practices and the practitioners who perform them are pseudoscientific, MDs should state as much whenever asked by patients, legislators, or anyone else. Such statements help to marginalize the practices and the practitioners in question, which is the goal. It is part of our ethical covenant to society as physicians. Unambiguous exposés of quackery will inevitably appear rude to some people[60] and hurt some feelings. This is a fact of adult life." No. 252342
>>252062The only opinion I have a hard time tolerating from Joy is that she genuinely does not accept that Onision is the only reason she has so many subscribers. In her Shay Carl video around the 12 minute mark she says she became big not because of Onision but because "Number one: I'm real."
No Joy. Your "success" on YouTube is great and all, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and all the credit of your "blowing up on YouTube" as you like to call it is because of Greg. So enjoy your success (honestly congrats on 11k) but don't delude yourself one bit on why it happened.
No. 252380
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she's so weird
No. 252539
>>252411Yeah I've overlooked a few red flags now and stayed a cautious fan but the Trump shit was the last straw.
She can't claim to care about people and love everyone then celebrate things that hurt others. As a survivor of abuse myself and about a decade younger than her I thought she would be someone I could look up to but I guess not.
No. 252552
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Brutal but brilliant.
No. 252554
>>252552Joy's response sums up everything wrong with Joy:
"Hi LDeca, lets go over a few things.
#1. thanks for liking me, I like u too. I am sad hwoever, that to u, anyone who shows or sends love to others is "love bombing." thats just someone that genuinly loves people. i use that term in reference to onision, when he does abusive things,then turns around and showers w love. where am i doing that exactly?
#2. i took criticism, i took everything people said in, some iapplied changes too, however, just bc i take in criticism does not mean i will change EVERYTHING i am doing bc everyone has anopinion. u realized if i did that, i would not be able to make videos, right? bc most of my audience LOVES just off the cuff rants, some don't, but the majority do. so i should change bc the minority wants something different? how am i to take EVERY criticism when they are ALL different? u mean bc i dont take YOUR specific criticism? just bc u have an opinion, andi am open to it, doesnt mean i will change for your opinion.
#3. heavy metal poisoning doesnt exist? are u serious? did u even talk to a medical professional or do a simple google search?
#4. u think bc i listed ONE doc ive visted that this is the only doc ive seen/worked with? wow, so u watched a few videos and know my whole life, congratulations for riding the asumption train, good for u!
#5. shw where i am a victim. show it.point it out. otherwise u are just talking for the sake of it. I talk about the illnesses to raise AWARENESS about it. but that doesnt matter bc obviously u know everyting there is to know that heavy metal poisonings dont exist. got it.
#6. right, my rants against birth control, th SAME rants where i tell people that it CAN be helpful to some people, but overall they are harmful and i want reform so theya rent dangerous. right. how horrible of me, i should be ok with the fact that most birth contrls have stroke as a side effect. but no, dont look at science and medicine, just shoot off your motuh,while telling me i ramble, thus showing you are a hypocrite
#7. if u are this rude of a person, i suggest u dont watch my videos and thats a good move to unsub, bc clearly we don't jive together. i am open to criticism but not snotty know it all remarks, so good on u. sorry u see me genuinly loving everyone i meet as manipulation, i genuinly pray for u to not be so cynical about the world and i wish mor elove for you in your life, and that u have the ability to show more love.
#9. thanks for the well wishes on my health doctor know it all, appreciate the diagnosis from someone who is most likely not at all qualified, now whose the hypocrite?
#10. thanks for the compliment on my intellect.
#11. i wish well for u too, and i wish that u can work on that snotty attitude and leaving the rudest comments to someones page. heres a thought: if u have an issue, why not address it politely? and with kindness? or is kindness just another form of manipuation?
have a good day, good luck in life, wishing u LOVE AND KINDNESS <3"
No. 252601
I lose more respect for this woman by the day. Not going to lie, it's a little satisfying to watch her lose subs. I'm a petty bitch. She's so passive aggressive. She even types like a 15 year old. Maybe her real disease is one that makes her look 20 years older than she actually is. It's painfully obvious that she was raised by a narcissist, too. Those people always stick out. Cycle of abuse I guess. Cycle of personality disorders? Who knows.
>bc most of my audience LOVES just off the cuff rants, some don't, but the majority do. so i should change bc the minority wants something different?
If you want to start gaining subscribers again, yes. You asked for criticism. You asked for advice. If there's one god damn thing you should have taken to heart, it should have been writing scripts or at least talking points to keep you from going on irrelevant tangents. Looks like you found the 10,000 people on youtube that actually want to watch that shit. Congratulations. The road ends here.
>heavy metal poisoning doesnt exist?
The person that wrote the comment was incorrect, copper toxicity is a real thing. What I think they meant to say was you didn't get copper toxicity from birth control. There is no evidence. Anecdotal evidence is not the same thing as scientific evidence. You can't go telling your impressionable audience that BC and IUDs are bad because bottom line, it's factually incorrect.
>overall [birth control] are harmful
NO. BIRTH CONTROL IS NOT OVERALL HARMFUL. Don't tell your fucking teenage audience this! What the fuck is wrong with these people, telling CHILDREN that contraceptives and medication are bad??? She doesn't have a shred of evidence that her IUD caused her copper toxicity. Nothing. Zip, squat, zilch. Yet she doesn't seem to ever mention this.
Birth control is an amazing advancement in medical science and it is beneficial to the majority of people who use it for one reason or another, even considering the side effects (which comes with every medication). It doesn't matter if she says birth control can be helpful for some people (choice wording! making it sound like that's the minority!). She has such an impressionable audience. These kids are going to take the things she says to heart. Birth control is already scary enough for a lot of girls. You can't fill their heads with this nonsense.
It really pisses me off when these youtubers do this because their audiences are always young and haven't fully developed critical thinking yet. It's wildly irresponsible and she doesn't seem to care. The only thing that struck a nerve with her was when we mentioned her exploitation. I couldn't give two shits less about Luxy and the other girl when compared to indoctrinating hundreds/thousands of children with falsehoods about medication. Whether you intend to or not, Joy, that's what you're doing. Obviously you don't give a shit or you would have stopped by now. But I hope some day this eats at you and keeps you up at night. Have fun pandering to your hugbox until you kill yourself with abusing vitamin supplements.
Sorry for the wall, not that anyone except for Joy is going to read it. I feel better getting that out of my system. I've been following onion bullshit for almost 10 years and I could barely last a week with this cow. I'm a bit impressed actually.
No. 252642
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No. 252649
>>252554" i genuinly pray for u to not be so cynical about the world and i wish mor elove for you in your life, and that u have the ability to show more love."
I genuinely believe that she didn't genuinely pray for that person and that her use of the word "genuine" was very disingenuous. :-)
No. 252652
Gee, a lot of folks in here are salty and can't recognize just how petty they are being. "Oh, look, if she said something about Trump that's the last straw!:
Because its not like that doesn't say volumes about the poster. "Oh hey, if you're with this person, you're against us." (Reasons trump won for 300, Alex!) Reading through a lot of these comments, I see valid criticisms in some places but a lot of really hypocritical or outright useless garbage, like someone is just looking to have a problem with someone else.
Probably one of the biggest ones is…have a problem with someone for diagnosing someone or something saying "they aren't a medical professional" … we look in the comments and see how many people are trying to diagnose one mental illness or other..but i'm sure you have a valid excuse for why YOU are magically different.
Can't wait til we see YOUR snowflake file, cause half the people in here need one to house their overwhelming hypocrisy and sheer lunacy. Stay away from any causes, seek mental help, and just grow up.
No. 252661
>>252652"half the people in here need one to house their overwhelming hypocrisy and sheer lunacy. Stay away from any causes, seek mental help, and just grow up."
Initially I thought it was Joy, then I realised it made grammatical sense.
No. 252667
>>252663^ Comment seems to have flown over your head.
"half the people"… I was making a joke about the "half the people" statement because 2*2 = 4! And 2 people mentioned trump :)
Lol you are simply complaining about nothing.
No. 252688
>>252686Read her comment which explained that she usually writes informally and tries to respond to everyone.
I don't know how to take this.
No. 252699
>>252554I'm dying. Literally had to choke back laughter at "thanks for the compliment on my intelligence" and "dr know it all"
Imagine using middle school level insults as a 32 yo womyn instead of doing the adult thing and ignoring personal criticisms if you disagree with them.
No. 252700
>>252663It's really hard to take you seriously when you can't even put together a properly formatted post.
No. 252719
>>252715Honestly, this thread in general has no real point. Its a bunch of people going nuts about nothing. And alot of it is just people BSing to hear themselves talk. Most of these threads seem to be the same person or similar people just talking a lot of garbage. (There is some genuine criticism, but not much.)
>>252705And i'm sure you care so much about replies, much like you cared so much about properly formatted posts. By the way, by your own standards..this would be considered derailing the conversation, to draw away from the fact that this thread isn't a conversation..its a gripe session by people that like to hear themselves talk. So if you want to talk about tantrums, I hope you realize that the same applies to your own. The more you tantrum, the more you give attention to the person you claim to be against. This whole thread is 90% tantrum, 8% pointless nonsense, and maybe 2% valid criticism.
>>252717I understand what I sound like just fine. More than a few on here might want to rethink what they sound like, though. The squabbling child theme is strong here. (I know, its not you, its everyone else. Always someone else, right?)
No. 252729
>>252724 Totally agree with you. I also love a good laugh, but this? This isn't about that. This is nothing about that. There's a big difference between having a laugh, between satire, and all o' that…and just a BS session throwing venom around just to do it.
This isn't satire. It's not having a laugh (well, I take that back. There are a couple of funny comments.) Its a venom session. A couple of people just keeping it going, just starting stuff to have a problem in a way that's as unhealthy as the claims they keep making and say they're concerned about.
You can't claim to be so concerned about someone, or call them out..and pull the same garbage you're talking about. Being the one doing the talking doesn't absolve ya.
But hey, if you're gonna go the hilarious route, I for one welcome it because that would be the first great thing to come out of the entire thread. Go for it, knock yourself out. (Just not literally. Please don't do that.)
No. 252734
>>252731Oh, would you look at that. A buzzword. "Moralfagging". So basically, you don't have a leg to stand on and you have nothing to counter with, so let's play the crowd some more, throw up the blanket statement you supposedly had an issue with, and throw out the tired old "If you don't like it, leave."
How about no. Again, you keep using derailing, but like has been said in previous replies, you're actually the one derailing in every instance by attempting crowd manipulation tactics, buzzwords, and diverting away from the listed statement that "this topic has no substance and is largely venom".
Which is was said…you might want to think about how you sound..because rational bystanders are going to come here, look at you, realize you are full of it, and largely laugh at you. They don't even have to be fans, lol..that's the best part. But the more you pull this, the more you're only going to make detractors from your side of the pasture.
TL;DR…you're basically giving yourself the Old Yeller treatment but you're too much of a narcisisst to ever really admit it. So there will always be another excuse and another buzzword. Take your own advice, stop derailing conversation to cover your own inadequacies, and skip the buzzword crap. It's very transparent, and it makes you look alot worse than the person you're trying to talk down to, lol.
No. 252747
>>252719 "Hold on, I don't have an argument but if I say its Joy, I might be able to reach for something."
Fail, but thank you for playing, lol.
My post makes no sense in the context of this board? You can't fit sense into nonsense aside from the spelling, and the context of this particular board is nonsense.
You're going to have to do a lot better than that, lol.
>>252739tl:No brain. (Well, you tried to be witty. If you lack reading comphrehension, it says more about you than anyone else.)
No. 252751
>>252747I can't lie, your posts are entertaining and I even agree with
some of the things you said, but like the other anon replied, this really isn't the place, kek.
No. 252771
>>252747Well, probably the most entertaining thing here..and supposedly this was a place just to laugh at people over the it is serving some sort of a purpose.
And really, this whole thing has been largely toxic. There's some stuff that is valid criticism..but a lot of this stuff is just so much poison and just thrown out there to have a gripe. If you have have viewpoints on one spectrum, you can have viewpoints in another and should expect them.
Otherwise, that goes back to another gripe I saw here about "being unable to take criticism." Which is where we get into being a hypocrite. (And this is directed at the people it applies to, strictly.) There is no way everyone is going to see eye-to-eye..but at the very least..don't try to BS me, and don't try to pull the same stuff that you're raving about. It's not a complicated thing to wrap a person's head around.
>>252754Oh, I am? THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me a diagnosis without any kind of psychological backing! I'm sure you have some wonderful insight to provide from your armchair. Maybe you can throw out a few more winners.
>>252757Tl:No brain.
>>252747This site doesn't have context. Its a BS session. (although, again, I did see some valid criticism. Which is awesome.)
As far as ME? Random person on the internet. Got a recommended feed view. Watched it, though kinda more "eh, whatever"..caught some of the comments and then the YouNow, and once I got to talking to random people in comments, they were talking about this.
So once curious, I've gotta see what all the fuss is. And i'm looking in here, and really need the thick wading boots. You can also tell that its maybe 2 or 3 people that keep promoting the nastiness in here, and how they act when they get called on it is also really, really predictable.
(Pick any cringe type on the social media platform of your choice and you could copy and paste almost word for word their responses and reactions. Really, how sad is that?)
I like to see actual thought put into things, regardless of whether or not I agree with them personally. So when I come in as a bystander with nothing to gain or lose..and this is the junk I see…and this is how THIS area handles criticism?
The people here have a lot to grow on themselves before they go throwing stones from their paper thin glass houses.
No. 252779
>>252771Okay so what I'm concluding from this post is that this site is upsetting to you and you should probably just go.
I discovered this site a few years ago because of this YouTuber TheOrangeCitrus and it was basically the same thing as this topic but much more mean spirited and superficial in nature.
I haven't been back until now because this Joy woman keeps popping up in my suggested vids and I wanted to figure out what the deal was. This thread has overall been informative and entertaining. And now I don't have to sit through her 20 min rants to know I'm not missing out on anything.
So I personally found some use in this. If I hadn't I woulda just left like I did with the OC topics instead of having an anonymous tantrum.
No. 252788
>>252718Here you go, anon. No link as you asked for.
"I'm Scared, Onision & 4500 subscribers"
No. 252789
>>252776Again, predictable. Nothing to add, nothing to counter with, but if you want me to ignore you until the cancer of your fragile ego stops, well okay then. Fine by me.
-If you want to talk about people being unable to handle criticism, it looks poorly on you when you, yourself cannot do so. (And this is one that's going to continually come back to bite you.)
I'm a random person on the interwebs. I've got no dog in this fight. When you call any person cancer that disagrees with you and your own behavior, you have no one to blame but yourself.
>>252734Reaching a bit, aren't we? As I recall, I said two or three people are promoting the nastiness. If you'll also recall, I said there were a couple of humorous points, and a couple of decent criticisms. Read, don't just cherry pick. I don't think everyone in here is all one person, or even just two or three people. Trying to insinuate such is just dumb.
And really, this whole thread is Tumblr cringe.
>>252771Another possibly random person on the net! HUZZAH! I hear you on the popping up in the suggested vids. Youtube is a strange place but its got nothing on this.
But hey, the assumption game. I'm not in an upset mood. I'm not even in a ragey mood or anything sort. I'm kind of amused at the rampant hypocrisy and its always fun to pick random people's brains to see what they're really about…as opposed to the display they put up even as "anonymous".
These days, this kind of thing doesn't really seem to amount to much of any kind of substance. (Cue pick any cringe statement from last response.) It's hardly the strangest or the cruelest on here..but at some point you just have to wonder what goes on in people's heads and how they have a problem with others when they are doing the same general behavior themselves.
Maybe the weirdest thing is the token reply of "You have to be this person, or be like this, or act like this.." What exactly are you trying to accomplish? What kind of stunt are you trying to pull when that's your fallback instead of a legitimate counter argument? You want to talk about manipulation? (Not you personally 252779, the people it applies to on this chain of threads.) Then stop playing manipulative games on here.
If this is how bystanders get treated, don't expect them to support your statements. It's not calculus, lmao. (Once again, when i'm saying you/you're..this applies to the thread in general and certain people demonstrating this behavior. Not the entire group as a whole.)
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Sorry, wrong screen shots
No. 252803
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I wonder if she'll read from here again
No. 252851
>>252834No, I think she's talking about thegayestgoth.' If you filter the comments by time it's one of the earliest.
I've worked with people on the spectrum (which he seems to be) and I find her response to him appalling. She's letting her clingy fans and those 'CVNT' idiots attack him there and on his own videos.
No. 252914
>>252851Oh, didn't even noticed. I'll read it.
>>252854I won't. I was getting more tired than irritated.
No. 253126
>>253124If I was Joy I would just avoid lolcow altogether seeing how it bothers her very much.
Also, is it mean of me to wish that Joy would use a smoothing product? I admire that she goes all natural for her hair, but she would benefit from some sort of smoothing or sculpting gel.
No. 253635
File: 1487382555360.jpg (258.75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg) Sparkle BS video: Am I Alex Jones- Conspiracy with Onision- Illuminati- Info Wars-
Video description: "I'm Alex Jones. I'm apart of Infowars. I am in the Illuminati & Onision and I are exclusively working together.You guys did it. You found me out. The internet is SO SMART"!
No. 253779
>>253777oh come on, joy wearing a pink cheap bodyline lolita outfit, and angry ranting, cussing and shit, is funny as fuck.
least i think so. also yes i am samefag. i find the above funny, not gonna suck her clit or anything, calm down there.
No. 254696
>>254633I think onion boy won't and not for the reasons some of her more devoted followers believe: that she's "way too articulate." Onion can BS with the best of them (the amount of mental gymnastics that man performs to justify his actions should land him a gold medal)
Onion knows if he responds it gives her more attention and subscribers.
No. 255024
>>254696Oh yes I looveee seeing the" would love to see Joy and onion boy in a live debate
" thing, as if Joy could hold a debate with her horrible command of the English language and her "memory problems" kek
No. 255244
>>254625I skimmed through her new Onion videos and it's fucking ridiculous. No joke, it's a 20+ video, each, that addresses three short Onion clips. She doesn't even make it into the meat of his videos, she's just having a batshit, long, rambling one sided argument with the first 5 minutes of his vids.
I feel like she doesn't even want to keep doing Onion responses, that she's not even invested in the drama anymore, but she knows her channel's bread and butter is Onion boy shit. She's obnoxious and pathetic.
No. 255332
Apparently Joy did an interview with Cooney on YouNow? I can't find it, but it was mentioned in the Onision thread. Eugenia isn't really a victim of Gerg's narcissism in the same way as the teen girls in his harem, she is legitimately ill and bizarre. Yeah, he used her to virtue signal and get ad revenue, but I really don't think Cooney should be given a platform, it feels like enabling. Like "Gerg is just a bad, scary man who wanted to make you fat, don't listen to him, you can starve yourself all every damn day until you die if you want to, we'll protect you".
Joy wants to shit on him for exploiting young girls for views, but now she's featuring a clearly sick, young girl on a livestream…for views. It also just reeks of "Notice me Gerg-senpai". Bitch is sketchy as fuck.
No. 255335
>>255332She said in her YouNow stream that anyone who believes Eugenia is anorexic just by looking at her can "F
* off!!" …Eugenia IS anorexic and it's very obvious. Joy is only defending her and pretending to be blind to her VERY obvious eating disorder because Eugenia commented on her video about her.
Joy since I know you lurk here, it's a fact that Eugenia is anorexic just as it's a fact that you are going to pretend she isn't because you like the exposure you think you can exploit from Eugenia. If you want to "help people" like you so often say you want to do, you wouldn't curse people out for pointing out an obvious fact. You're being self-serving :/
No. 255529
>>255335It's a confirmed fact that Eugenia is anorexic? Caps?
Only thing I heard about why she was thin was that it had to do with her autism making it extremely hard to eat.
No. 255624
>>255529going only by what eugenia herself has said.
-she has no health or medical issue making her skinny
-she is "naturally thin"
-she doesn't think there is anything wrong with her body
-when asked if she would try to gain weight she said no
All signs point to anorexia in denial.
to those who say its a medical issue like that lizzy girl, wrong, lizzy struggles with her condition and has always been tiny, eugenia while always thin has gotten pointedly more skeletal over the years.
No. 256045
>>255992He's honest
Mostly he isn't; he just does mental gymnastics to justify or explain his behavior. He likes to think of himself as honest, but he doesn't always know the difference between fact and opinion, or what tact is for that matter (see: "shrek body").
Joy is not only long winded af she isn't interesting to listen to. Some people I could listen to at length, but she's not. I watched the "Lainey's Exes" video for the two girls, NOT for her. I could have done without her completely.
When she says that her fans like this, she isn't realizing how many people she's pushing away from even
clicking on her videos because of the ridiculous length and fact it's just a camera shot of her the whole time (and she's not entertaining/fun/pretty to look at, either).
So people see a thumbnail of a scraggly looking adult woman who looks like she doesn't believe in deodorant, with a duration of 30+ minutes, and immediately ignore it.
Also that comment response sounds seriously unhinged. She should not be giving anyone advice, much less minors. The rapid shifts from "love" to "snotty" etc are… alarming, to say the least.
No. 256046
>>255992Grease may use BROOTAL HONESTAY as a shield but he lies and deflects with the best of them. I'd say she's on his level but he's still worse in that he's actually damaged the lives and psyche of people he is/was supposed to love. Afaik Joy hasn't given anyone PTSD… yet.
>>256028Just like Onion!
These two should really just shack up. Get rid of his wife and kids and just spend all their time making dramatic rambling videos about each other and their dysfunctional narc relationship. It would be beautiful.
No. 256126
>>256045She was so annoying in that 'interview' she did with laineys exes I couldn't even watch more than her cringy intro.
She was like a try hard 30 year old trying to fit in with the teens, god. The girls even looked kind of awkward in what I saw.
No. 256127
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Hmmm… It's her self awareness I admire…
No. 256457
>>256126I wish there was a way to just skip everything she says in any video like that.
…Actually, no, what I NEED is her to stay the hell away from vulnerable girls and milk their tragedies for her own gain (attention, monetary, or otherwise).
I'm a bit younger than Joy but still feel awkward even being mutuals with younger girls. I'm no superhero, so as much as I'd like to reach out sometimes, I remember that people like this exist as models of what-not-to-be.
It's too bad she was trusted at all. I know I recall watching a YouNow and some specific viewers whose identities I'll protect tuned in and left after about a minute, around the same time I realized Joy once again set off her batty signal with literally no information, just so people would pay attention to her.
No. 256595
>>256477I really doubt that. He wouldn't hire someone outside of his domain. (And her videos would be better if he hired her, too.) Plus I only saw one post saying he's more honest than her. Onision is in no way, shape, or form better than her. She's not good, but there are other people who have been doing mainly Onision-related videos. Joy just interjected herself into the drama personally, which is a dumb thing to do unless you like drama and negative attention.
I think she's just really dumb, naive, and needs to go away at this point. She contributed her part. I don't care if she keeps making Onision-hate vids or 30 min vids (though she needs to realize that is not a good length just to listen to her ramble). I care if she keeps acting so entitled and like she's the queen of anti-Onision stuff and has uncovered so much and "saved" girls. She hasn't. And she needs to stop lying for YouNow publicity. The way she treated Lane was horrid.
But I see gerg as a narcissistic sociopath. Joy has a case of many-screws-loose but she strikes me as fairly harmless, just delusional as hell.
No. 256880
>>256874Yeah that was a little bit cringey to be honest. I couldn't make it past the first couple of minutes of
"YOU'RE so sweet"
"No, YOU ARE."
Also Joy mentions lolcow so much that I do think she likes that she has her own thread. Because I know she lurks here and because she is a human being with real feelings I try to keep my comments limited to only what I would say straight to her if given the chance. So Joy, the niceness is great and all, but it can come off a bit fake when laid on so thick.
No. 257248
>>256003Yes, JS specifically said both copper toxicity and heavy metal poisoning in her videos on multiple occasions.
She just can't seem to go 3 videos without mentioning it.
No. 257264
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Hitler did this…
No. 257268
>>257248She should honestly just do one concise video, listing facts (with text shown on screen, yknow, some basic video editing), and move on, unless her fanbase requires further videos on this. Her condition is not something people relate to, and the younger population is not using IUDs (much less copper ones, anyway) even if that DID cause the poisoning, which from what I've read, it didn't. She needs to keep herself on track when talking about things. I'm so glad I barely watched her before checking out with the realization she was insufferable.
>>257264> oranigzationssigh
At first glance I thought she was being sarcastic. This is reeeeallly going to shoot herself in the foot. Plus wtf kind of insight would SHE provide? She knows nothing anyone else couldn't find out and is a total nutjob.
Say bye bye to your subs, Joy, and all the "love" you received.
No. 257788
>>257783That actually was sincerely frustrating and sorry to watch, I actually felt bad for Eugenia for having to endure that mess of a situation.
JS just manipulated/weaseled her way on and just destroyed the girl's entire stream.
What a trainwreck.
No. 257793
>>257788Yeah, I already didn't like JS, but now I like her even less because the part I skipped to and watched for a few seconds, she was like "Onision is an asshole, and I know you're too nice/too sweet to say that"
So like she knows full well the girl is too nice to tell her to shut up and stop hijacking the stream.
>>257791I don't like Onision, and at this point I'm convinced he's seen her videos and he knows about her, but he doesn't pay attention to her because he knows it's what she wants. It's like he can't go bending to anyone else's manipulation tactics. At the same though, I like him ignoring her because if you ignore it long enough it'll go away. On one hand, I do kinda wanna see them have a godzilla vs mechagodzilla type showdown but then on the other it would generate views and money for both of them and I don't want that.
No. 258086
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Her thirst is on a whole new level. So many tweets to convince herself he'll debate her…
No. 258357
>>258181OMFG. yes holy shit haha I hate greg so much but I still know he's smarter than joy, and I'm getting such second hand embarrassment from her desperation that I'm not certain whether I want her to be debated and decimated or just never noticed by sempai.
I hope she realizes how much it comes across now as her having a huge crush (of some sort) on greg. Which means no one can trust her as even greg won't touch that.
No. 258565
>>258460I want it so bad.
Two of my most hated cows battling it out? There is so much potential here kek
No. 258609
She's not very bright so she probably would debate him, playing into his hands making the "haters" part of HIS circus that he can make money on, instead of a separate thing.
Then, of course, it would be natural to question exactly what her motives are. If she's in it for the righteous reasons she claims over and over and over and over, and not for attention, money, glory, who-the-fuck-knows-what-else-she-can-possibly-get-from-it, she wouldn't want to help him in any way, shape, or form, even if it helps herself.
Clearly, he's been reaching a lot lately, trying to drum up drama. If you really want him to "get better," you wouldn't feed into the negative behaviors you're criticizing, right?
If she does debate him, at least her intentions will be clear and that plastic trying-entirely-too-hard phoniness will be confirmed.
No. 260798
>>260630-She rambles on and on because 2 people said mean things to her in the comments. Seriously, the video is 24 mins.
-Just because she believes that she's seen ufos and has visions of past lives doesn't mean she believes it.
-She's sorry to have offended religious people but she's only mocking it guys it's all in good fun.
-She used to study Buddhism and got bullied for it. The usual I'm not a victim but I'm a victim so I understand speech.
-Something something something save the world and feed the homeless.
I stopped listening after a while tbh. Man, I used to like Joy, I really did, now I just cringe in embarrassment at how desperate she is.
No. 261653
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No. 261703
>>261653I shouldn't as amused by this as I currently am. Thanks.
Should Joy take down that "Ghetto" video?
No. 261713
>>260834Calling her female Gerg is a stretch.
That said, I'm torn on how I feel about her. Her videos are too long drawn to watch ( although the first few on Gerg were okay ) and quite frankly boring. It's not something you want to listen to for 30 minutes, even as a background noise.
The thing about copper toxicity, living in France, etc.. Kinda hardly seem like the truth, but who knows. I hope that she does end up debating Gerg, because that's at least be interesting to watch.
No. 262004
>>262002Hmm. Possibly deleted, because she has subs on her Joy channel? Too much work for her to be maintaining two channels?
No. 262649
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>>262647Sage for samefagging
No. 263187
>>263103I don't know. Not invested enough to do any digging.
Maybe someone else knows.
No. 263403
>>262795Eugenia's partnered with younow too.
I've seen a couple anon's saying that what Joy's doing isn't harmful; i'd argue that lying about your "health condition" to your audience, and just being an overall disingenuous phony, isn't harmless.
No. 263947
>>263835I'm laughing what is this shit.
The Americans got an undercover German to expose an American youtuber? LMFAO. That's so insane. How could you possibly be over the age of 12 and believe this shit.
No. 264010
>>264007the debate is over. after jaclyn glenn, JSBS couldn't guest, she blamed her tech but it seemed a bit like she chickened out.
i'm sure the blargh will have it up soon.
joy did dm him during the stream though saying she wanted to reschedule for another time. we'll see. i look forward to her falling apart too.
No. 264036
>>263835She's German? Yeah, right. Unless she is a professional actress or has studied English at Uni ( as major ) I don't believe it. Our accents show otherwise, even if tiny hints of it. Why am I even entertaining this bizarre thought, lol.
>>264010I think she chickened out too. I still hope there is a debate. Let's see if Joy's going to put up her "video-tough act" when talking about Gerg and really confront him or if she's going to collapse and be sickly sweet.
No. 264949
>>264947I listened to it a few hours ago and honestly none of it was memorable.
Tech problems.
No. 265034
Joy Sparle reminds me of those girls in HS that wanted to be popular, but just didn't have the looks of personality or whatever going for them, so they made themselves relevant by trying to be subject matter experts on everything and everyone. JS said in one video that she was a model at one point and was banging at putting makeup on, in others she has made herself out to be an expert in psychology, claims to be a singer, basically claims to have been and knows everything, yet almost her entire YT career revolves around Onion. I honestly liked some of the points she's made, but she's so damn long-winded and full of herself, I just can't even come close to finishing her videos anymore. She made 2 videos about the debate beforehand, she has always maintained that she wanted to debate the Onion, but in her latest video, she claims she didn't even want to (she possibly gives a reason, but I was face-palming so hard I needed a break from her video). She also has claimed her videos "aren't about Onision", but about "his abuse". B, they're about Onision, no matter how you spin it. She posted her after debate YouNow video, and at the beginning says that she is going to make it short, but it's 45-f'ing min long, including her snacking and taking a pee break. Now that she has 11k subs, I feel like she acts even more self-important, but comes across as having a screw loose - in one she obsesses over Onion calling her "Joy Sparkles" and talks about her wanting an army and how he can't even get her name right, but it's not just him, I thought it was "sparkles" and a lot of times that I've seen her mentioned, they say "sparkles", if you think about it, "sparkles" is more solidly in our heads because when is there ever only one sparkle? (That's obviously a joke). She also had dialogue about a trash bag in one video, when she was narrating what her roommate was doing (which is fucking weird already), claiming he was being loud with a trash bag and they get their stuff out of trash bags, but then corrected herself saying he was getting cereal from a bag. After that, she instructed her viewers to come up with crazy conspiracies about her because she loves that. Obviously, she needs attention. My biggest gripe though is her incessant argument that she couldn't debate Onion because of internet connectivity issues after telling Onion he needed to debate Jaclyn Glenn instead. She claimed to have something like dial-up, but said her roomie was a gamer and their shit internet was adequate for him, but didn't seem to have issues getting on YouNow before this point or after the debate, since she was immediately on YouNow with JG after JG debated Onion. She was also on YouNow prior to the debate. So she suddenly had issues with connecting or being guested only during the debate? Maybe she's telling the truth, but it just doesn't sound accurate. I think she was nervous for whatever reason and bitched out. Will try to finish latest video of her discussing the lack of debate with Onion. Wish me luck.
No. 265380
>>263835Nahhhhh it's skye.
Age bracket/insight into gregory jamesdanielavaroejackson… Youtube instafame…. Seriously there's something about this chick that just doesn't add up… imma run with it…. O.o
No. 265776
>>265628In the same way Onision makes a few Eugenia videos and it's harassment whereas her 40+ (and more to come) are 'criticism' to 'save teenage girls.'
She has no self awareness.
No. 266835
>>266011You mean like when Joy jumped on her Younow and took it over for an hour and a half cause Eugenia is too nice to tell her to shut the fuck up?
Anyway, Onision being wrong doesn't mean Joy isn't wrong too. She seriously needs to move on, even people who like her are begging for her to stop talking about him plus her subs and views have literally taken a nose dive. It's just pathetic at this point. Hell, it was pathetic about 36 videos ago.
No. 266987
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idk if it really is that guy that commented. Kinda is funny that she is willing to make everything into videos for the sake of staying relevant. Face it Joy… You are basically nothing without onion boy.
No. 267014
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Joysparklesbs new boyfriend (I had to lol)
No. 267207
>>266696I'm just saying that it's not comparable
Joy's obsession with him has no victims while Gregma has a long list
No. 267274
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Did anyone watch?
No. 267762
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She's taking the blocking well…
No. 267935
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Wow, she is not only crazy… she's a fucking child about everything.
No. 268041
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The debate….
No. 268487
>>268476hmm. I mean, I cannot stand Joy but it just occurred to me that for once Onision has met his match. Someone who uses people for views, is delusional as fuck, and obsesses over people who won't talk to her.
I guess that makes this kind of entertaining/interesting. We get to watch him react to a female version of himself in real time and drink all the milk that flows from that event.
So I think maybe a lot of them know she's batshit but enjoy the effect she's having on Onion.
No. 268493
>>268465Lol can you imagine?
"911, what's your emergency?"
"there's someone on the internet that keeps on making videos about me and commenting on the very private details I make available to the public. They've continued even though I sent them a counterfeit cease and desist letter. Also they're making my wife cry."
No. 268508
>>268465She's been streaming for like the past 2 hours on YouNow talking about him too.
This shitty bitch is dedicated, I'll give her that. Like
>>268487 said, it's nice to see him squirm for once. Her craziness towards him is insanely entertaining imo.
No. 268593
File: 1489384083741.png (834.2 KB, 1600x663, weneedtotalkaboutjoy.png)

>>268560>Joy is… a stalker.Idk why but this honestly had me remembering that one video by Eminem about his crazy stalker and I needed to make a shitty edit to really emphasize that.
No. 268640
>>268535I think it's probably more the fact that he can't stop bringing up his family when he's on the defensive and uses them as a shield whenever he's cornered.
It can also be interpreted as a dig, like "Yeah, you have a family that you keep hiding behind at your convenience and disposal, why aren't you spending time with them rather than bulling young girls online?"
No. 268674
>>268493I don't mean an emergency call. To get a restraining order you can submit evidence and at least make the police aware of the situation in case it escalates.
What she's doing is harassment. It's not defamation's non stop and so intrusive.
No. 268697
He releases information he should keep private out into the public domain, anyone is free to comment on what he chooses to release publicly… he also keeps contacting her, not the other way around.
I don't like Joy, but all she's doing is basically mirroring his own actions towards other people, they're just the opposite sides of the same coin.
No. 268702
>>268670Say your instagram, twitter, facebook or blog is public. Would you find it creepy if a stranger used that material to make endless content about you on a daily basis? What if they contacted everyone who ever appeared or was mentioned on it, no matter how briefly?
Even if you personally didn't mind the unwanted attention, you would have to protect the other people you know.
No. 268706
>>268702say some guy makes videos about the all the little things you do and say in the videos you make, tries to change the course of your life by raising an immature internet mob against you simply to make himself views/money, outright mocks you and surmises what you do behind closed doors.
say you made the mistake of getting involved with a creep for even a short time while you were younger and less wise, and to this day he makes videos garnering tens to hundreds of thousands of viewers that rake over the excruciating minutiae of how he considers himself right and you wrong? imaging he described your vagina to all those people?
Joy is exactly the stalker he deserves.
No. 268709
>>268706Nono, by their logic. Greaseball is exempt of the same shit because, uhhh… I guess it's okay to monetize from making others miserable whilst making a public spectacle out of them when they've repeatedly contacted him to say not to do it.
Joy is perfect for him, I don't give a fuck about either of them (him especially) - I'm just here for the glorious milk.
The way some anons are reacting to her in here gives me the impression that they are actually Greasefans.
No. 268713
>>268709Yeah, Joy is a weirdo but Gerg is a million times worse than she will ever be.
This is payback for how he treated Skye, Shiloh, Billie and Adrienne.
No. 268791
>>268789Oh okay, I haven't watched any of her videos other than the few recent ones… I didn't realize she actually makes videos outside of commenting on his.
She sounds like a fucking idiot then.
No. 269457
feel free to correct me if i am wrong but here is an excerpt about "cyber stalking" from the DC code:
"To engage in a course of conduct" means directly or indirectly, or through one or more third persons, in person or by any means, on 2 or more occasions, to:
Follow, monitor, place under surveillance, threaten, or communicate to or about another individual;
Interfere with, damage, take, or unlawfully enter an individual's real or personal property or threaten or attempt to do so; or
Use another individual's personal identifying information.
Joy easily fits the first. Now if it were just a few videos, I can see it getting laughed out of court, but 40+ is a big deal, or at the very least it could be seen as such by a judge. I think that pornstar chick took Amber Walters to court for something similar and won? or at the very least got her to cease from making videos. law varies from state to state and i am not a lawyer or anything, but it sounds like he could get a case started. whether or not she is "perfect" for him aside, she has left herself wide open for him. he has planned this perfectly. I wouldn't be surprised if he entertained the thought of debating her just so she made more videos on him. she could be made an "example" out of. now I hate the dude. he is a manipulative trash bag with next to no redeeming qualities but you gotta remember that he might try to make this legal. courts don't give a single fuck about internet dramZ or that onision has made 14 (which pales in comparison to joy's 40) videos on someone not involved directly in the suit. he probably has grounds to sue and get it in front of the right judge and he could literally scare off anyone from making videos about him. she might just become his useful idiot. I don't know whether to feel bad for her or not but either way, there's a chance she is fucked.
No. 269601
>>268493"hold on, operator, I need to put my wife on the line"
"Hello ma'am?"
No. 269608
>>268560yup. this. they've both truly met their match tbh personality wise. manipulative, obnoxious, two faced and fake, and it's a matter of seeing who can beat the other.
In this corner folks, we have Joy Sparkle, a simple woman of mormon background, the product of two very closely related parents, who is too good to work for anyone because you bet she deems bosses and work professionals as "manipulative" when they're just doing their jobs. Instead she stays at home, with her roommate Steven Hawking, continues to grow out that FLDS hair yet neglecting to condition it, and makes over 40 videos about a man she deems a monster online. Her incredible brains and brawn skip over the fact that her tactics mirror his - does she want to beat him into submission to marry him and produce 20 kids of her own, or does she want to steal his throne as Dickhead of the Internet? #TeamJoy
Aaaand in the other corner, Gregory AvaroeJacksonCucklord, who needs no further addressing. With his impregnation fetish, will he just turkey baste joy into silence? Will he chain her up in his luxury basement? Is she just too old for his attention? A true manipulative sociopath who is calling out the problems in a personality that mirrors his own. Can this powerhouse truly take her down? #TeamGerg
let the games begin!
No. 269617
>>269608The sheer excellence of this post, Anon! LMAO
From now on her roommate is Stephen to me.
No. 269636
As much as I hate gurg AND js, I am rolling at how he is getting a taste of his own medicine and she is doing exactly what she preaches is evil.
JS is just like him, a manipulative loon who exploits people for attention/$$$. I watched her video showing the DMs between them and you can tell she worded everything so carefully and positively because she KNOWS these will be shared to her followers and she is striving for kiki levels of LIGHT AND LOVE AND POSITIVITYYYYY.
It is really fake and shows how mentally unstable/self important she really is. If only she was actually smart, logical, and unemotional she could actually rip him apart easily. There is so much evidence against him and easy ways to pick apart every little trick he has (just as he does to others), but instead she just tries to look good and save face. It is so pathetic how she uses MUH ILLNESS as a convenient excuse/shield as much as he uses MUH FAMILY/LAINY CRY. It's hilarious that they are from the same batch of cray but don't want to see that about one another.
>>269608>mormon backgroundNot sure if I missed this but holy shit, is she? Because it would explain why she is so mental.
No. 270149
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>>269636She sounds all positive in DMs with me too. Because that's how she is. I promise it's not fake. She's just a normal person who is calling him out of his abuse.
No. 270226
>>270149A normal person wouldn't need 50 videos for a point easily made in 1 or 2.
And acting nice all the time could still be a persona. But she's actually really manipulative if you're paying attention.
No. 270363
>>270149Either you're living in a fantasy land or you're one of her sycophants. She couldn't be more transparently phony if she tried. Other youtuber's have called him out on his shit, done a much better job and without the ulterior motives.
>>270226You know you're fucked up when ONISION fucking tells you you need mental help.
No. 270783
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The lack of self awareness…
No. 271388
>"snoop dogg is trying to assasinate the president of our country and nothing is being done about it!">that grandma eyeshadow and cakefacedon't make yourself into a lolcow.
No. 271471
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This about sums her up
No. 271581
>>271444Uh, were we watching the same thing? It was cringey AF. Worth a watch for that reason if you missed it.
Also, everyone knows Awake is the best Josh Groban song. :>
No. 271725
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Can you imagine if Onision retweeted shit like this? She would LOSE IT. She's starting to piss off her Christian followers. I can't wait to see her fake nice her way out of this. throws more popcorn in the microwave
No. 271778
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I wonder how many past lives she's spent stalking Onision.
No. 271877
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>>271816All in good fun, she says.
No. 272012
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No. 272014
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No. 272337
>>272331She can't possibly be shitting so often that she can make daily YouTube videos and hours long YouNow streams, but can't get on a plane to go to a funeral.
Anyone who watches the YouNows - how often does she even take toilet breaks?
No. 272800
>>272724I might be wrong, but I don't think this is the same crash. In the snippet on YouNow I saw, I swear she mentioned a girl's name. Perhaps someone who watched her YouNow can verify?
Also I seem to remember she said the kids were ejected, also I'm pretty sure she said that another car hit them. This was a one-car accident.
No. 272822
Seriously? That'd be crazy. Then again, Lolcows. Are. Insane.
No. 272838
>>272828Yeah, totally agree, so I wouldn't do it. People who use stuff like this for attention gross me out though.
She retweeted a gif of an Amish wagon going off a cliff. That's something you do when you're really upset about relatives being killed in a car crash, right?
No. 272850
>>272838…Holy fuck, that's stupid.
Maybe Joy can tell the difference between an actual car crash and a fucking gif.
No. 272900
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No. 272903
>>272902Saw a comment on one of her videos saying she looked like Princess Leia.
Carrie Fisher is fucking rolling in her grave.
No. 273035
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I know I'm late to this party
But the whole "cult leader" vibes are pretty strong, and she's wearing a lot of white recently.
Maybe I'm reaching with that though.
No. 273041
>>272818This is what I'm thinking of too.
But even if she is telling the truth, she's a disgusting piece of shit trying to exploit the deaths of two children.
No. 273518
>>273120Absolutely. I feel horrible for the kids who had to die a shitty death because of someone else's dumb actions, but I don't particularly feel sorry for her. She might be their aunt (step-aunt?) but she seems pretty removed from it all. Also her comments about who she tried to "speak out" to her family seems tasteless.
Interestingly, her "Family Tragedy Update" video has less than 5,000 views after 19 hours. Seems low.
No. 273527
>>273086>>273115>Do you have a paypal link that I can donate to instead?
>Joy Sparkle BS8 hours ago>if u want u can send it to me and i can donate on your behalf? ill put it under your name on the site so u can see it. reach out to me hope u are doing wellSounds legit. I checked the 1st "family tragedy" vid yesterday and there were no links. The update vid posted the next day has links to youcaring and… wait for it… this link
>>272724 anon posted yesterday.
So she got a lot of shit for those religious videos and now this?What timing. Also the fact she doesn't want her name mentioned to the people involved in this accident… nope, nothing fishy there.
No. 273947
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This a post on FB by a family member of the boys Joy claims to be loosely related to…is it just me or does it seem that the family wouldn't want the details broadcasted or give such permission that she claims to have received? Especially when she referred to her family as "white trash" and claimed that the father was high and drunk at the time of the crash. JSBS also claimed the boys died in the arms of neighbors, whereas the news says they died at the hospital (which has been publicly posted about by family).
No. 273962
>>273947the news report says the guy was inebriated and that the boys had no safety restraints (i.e. it was neglect). despite Joy's
many shortcomings she has not lied about this aspect of the story as far as it appears.
No. 274009
>>273973that level of exaggeration and embellishment is not uncommon in fucked up people/families. I have been on the fence with whether Joy is lying or not but the post at
>>273947 is suggestive of Joy really being related.
No. 274122
I've watched quite a few JSBS videos and livestreams, she's interesting to watch and I agree with some things she says but I have some serious issues with what she says about her illness, birth control, antibiotics and medicine in general. I don't necessarily blame her for being misled by the naturopath about copper toxicity from an IUD being what's wrong with her but since she prides herself on critical thinking and sorting out bullshit she could do some actual research on it and find out for herself there's no evidence for it, there isn't enough copper in an IUD to cause heavy metal poisoning & the only people who think it's real are a few scattered individuals with no medical or scientific training and are likely prone to self-diagnosis & hypochondria. So many of her viewers are young girls and I hate to see her spreading misinformation to them like that. It was even brought up in a livestream that nearly all her symptoms could be explained by anxiety disorder, which she admitted she has and tons of people in the chat were telling her the same thing but she pretty much just dismissed what we all said. She claimed because her resting heart rate isn't sped up she thinks it's something more serious…like it just can't be something so ordinary & nonfatal.
As for the videos about the deaths being monetized, in her livestream someone pointed it out to her and it seemed like she didn't know about it. She said she was going to turn off the ads and apologized saying she forgot her videos were set to monetize everything automatically. However, her fans insisted she turn the ads back on so she could use the money to donate to the family's fundraiser. She added an explanation and a link to it in the description box of the second video. Even if the speculation she isn't related is true she did do something good by calling attention to the fundraiser for the burial expenses to raise money the family would not have gotten otherwise. I do, however, believe she is related to those kids. She seemed genuinely broken up about it. I don't really fault her for making videos about it either. While it might be a strange reaction to you everyone grieves differently, there's no right way to do it and she has admitted repeatedly she doesn't have many friends she can to talk to IRL, like many channels she probably uses YouTube for therapy.
To the person that said she was making up the part about the boys dying in the arms of the neighbors I read an article where they interviewed a neighbor that helped after the crash. She said she was a certified nurse so she was trying to help the most injured boy by removing the blood from his mouth but his injuries were just too severe. It doesn't say when or where the boys died but this is probably what JSBS was referring to when she said someone was "with the boys as they died"….she actually didn't say they died in the neighbor's arms as you claimed.
The only other issue big issue I have is how disorganized her videos are. It looks like she tried to listen and shorten them a little bit when people told her she doesn't need to make 20+ minute videos saying the same thing over and over. However, she's still repetitive as ever and it still comes across as manic ranting.
Since she says she reads this thread, Joy please take this as constructive criticism not hate, as you can see I have tried to approach this as fairly as possible, defending you in some places, calling you out in others. I know you aren't perfect and I won't always agree with you but sometimes you need a kick in the butt to realize where you need to improve.
No. 274127
>>273123>>273171I've looked at a couple videos and haven't seen any mention of her doctors name in the comments.
>>262618>all the real doctors said she just had anxiety. I did see that comment in the "watch me cry on camera for views/I don't want to die" video. I haven't seen any mention of her doctor though.
Next time you make statements like that, link to sauce or mention where you found it.
No. 274170
>>274131>That post does suggest she is relatedNo, it really doesn't. As if this entire thing here
>>273527 doesn't just raise more questions.
No. 274181
>>274170Sorry, it was a bit confusing. I was replying to post
>>274131 who referenced the facebook post from an actual family member shown here
>>273947The way the facebook post is worded shows they are probably talking about her and it suggests she is related but they are not happy she wasn't respectful of the situation by sharing personal information. She says she got permission from a different relative, the one who created the fundraiser, to talk about the boys and to give the link for the fundraiser, he probably didn't say she could talk shit about their dad and give out his full name. Yes, that information is public if you do a google search but in was in extremely poor taste to repeat it in her video.
No. 274191
>>274178"Like Joy is a distant cousin who personally didn't know the boys but still feels the need to act distraught and preachy"
The family member's post
>>273947does pretty much say they are upset she feels the need to act so preachy and better-than-thou but it doesn't allude to her not knowing the boys. She has said she is estranged from this family now, but she hasn't always been. These would be her step brother's kids if I am understanding correctly. She said she had previously spoken out about them being neglected and was shunned for this. I'm thinking she's mainly distraught out of guilt for herself for not involving herself in their business even more, not because she was super close to those kids.
No. 274470
>>274207>Honestly, this post could be about anyone or anything. >I still stand by the fact Joy is lying.Exactly. Some people are acting like they know for certain that Joy's telling the truth about being a relative. Well where's the evidence?
There is none. So any speculation regarding her word(s), is just that.
No. 274480
>>274326>They are going thru enough right now without people on the internet tracking them down to ask questions because of her.Anyone with a little sense would've known that would happen, and yet for some reason she chose to make a video about it.
How anyone is fooled by Joy's obvious phoniness is beyond me. For the most part, her comments section is filled with criticism and people saying how transparent she is. Of course she just ignores that. There's a smattering of sycophants but their support of Joy is predicated on their hatred for Onision.
No. 275067
>>274641>>274982>The person asked for a paypal link to donate to, Joy replies with "send it to me", a perfect stranger with no guarantee she'll do what she says she'll doThe person was trying to donate to the family's youcaring fundraiser using Paypal but couldn't get it to work so they asked Joy for help. She told them if they sent it to her she would post it to the donation page with their name. This is checkable, the youcaring page has a public list of the amount of each donation and the name of the person who donated. If Joy didn't make the donation as promised the person who gave her the money would know, they wouldn't see their name and donation posted to the youcaring page. There would be an incredible amount of backlash if the person went on to complain Joy kept their donation, I really don't think she would totally ruin any credibility she still has over $5 or $10.
>there's no evidence she's related to the victimsIn this case it doesn't really matter if Joy is related to the family or not because she would be publicly posting the person's donation to a verified youcaring fundraiser page, it's not like she promised to Paypal the money to an unknown family member with no way to check if it happened or not. This person came to her not the other way around.
No. 275156
>>274984youtube whore here. there's an option for youtubers to promote their videos. it happens over a 2 week period and you can allot a certain amount of money to spend on promotion per day. youtube promises a shitload of views depending on how much you up the price per video. i've implemented this system a few times with a few of my videos (with my own earned money) and it's worked out pretty well.
Joy may have just allotted $15 per day, not realizing it was locked in for a 2 week period. that may be how she 'accidentally' spent money.
sage for blog and speculation
No. 275571
>>275067>In this case it doesn't really matter if Joy is related to the family or not Wait a minute, so it doesn't matter if she's related even though she claims to be a relative? It doesn't matter - to YOU - if she's lying, in other words? The youcaring page she links to can be found at this link
>>272724She didn't have to know these people personally to find their youcaring page. I have no reason to believe at this point that she's telling the truth.She's just sobbing on camera for views.
No. 275621
>>275571You missed my point entirely. I wasn't saying it didn't matter at all if she was lying nor was I saying it didn't matter to me if she was lying about being related.
What I was actually saying was IN THIS SITUATION she didn't NEED to be related to be able to donate to the family's youcaring page on that person's behalf because they'd be able to check to see if she donated or not. They didn't need to just trust Joy's word she did it, they could verify for themselves she did on the donation page….so in this case only, it doesn't matter if she was lying about being related because the family would still get the money regardless. This has no bearing on whether it matters if she's lying about it period, that's a separate issue.
No. 275634
>>275621>What I was actually saying was IN THIS SITUATION she didn't NEED to be related to be able to donate to the family's youcaring page >it doesn't matter if she was lying about being related because the family would still get the money regardless.Sophistry. I didn't "miss" anything. It doesn't matter if she's lying? It doesn't matter if she's deceiving 1000s into believing she's had a personal "family tragedy"? lol. And their views give her money, so YES, her making money off of a lie IS relevant. It's not a separate issue at all.
We don't know if she'd do what she says she'll do, and at this point that looks less and less likely.
No. 275636
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>>275598This was written by a real family member & seems to be some of the strongest evidence so far. Although they don't specifically name her as who they are referring to, she was doing precisely what they are describing - throwing rocks, pointing out the shortcomings of the parents and acting like a "better breed" than them. "We all loved the boys" heavily implies they are including the person they are talking about as someone who also loved the boys. Of course, they
could be referring to someone else here but it is a strong correlation to her actions.
The other evidence, if you believe this person, was in one of Joy's livestreams one
of her subscribers/online friends verified she was shown the DMs of the conversation Joy had with the organizer of the fundraiser, the boys' older brother, and said the conversation directly referenced their relation.
No. 275658
>>275647>That wasn't what I was saying at all, not even close. I only quoted what you said and replied to that. I know the youcaring page keeps a list of donators. If we're going to hyperbole, what if Joy just blocked that person so they couldn't call her out on her channel?
You're assuming Joy's being truthful about donating the money to that family when her honesty is already dubious at best. Regardless whether or not the donor name can be verified on the youcaring site, it's still idiotic to take Joy at her word.
No. 275668
>>275658>what if Joy just blocked that person so they couldn't call her out on her channel?She wouldn't be able to shut that person up entirely. There are lots of ways the person could speak up, they could complain about it here for one thing. They could mention it on her YouNow. Sure they might get immediately banned but they can just make a new account & do it again until someone notices & brings it up. They could contact any of the numbers of other Youtubers who would do a video about it….word would get out.
This person never actually sent her any money anyway so this entire thing was hypothetical. The only money Joy is actually getting that she promised to send to the family is the ad revenue from the two videos she made about the tragedy. It's not going to be a large amount of money, those 2 videos put together have just under 26,000 views right now. There's no way for her to prove she's going to donate
yet but she could show a screenshot of the receipt after it's done.
No. 275959
>>275668>This person never actually sent her any money >The only money Joy is getting that she promised to send to the family is ad revenue from the two videos she made about the tragedy.There's no way of verifying either of those things. She could show a screen shot, but that's as likely as her not lying that she's related in any way to the victims. Christ what an opportunist she is.
>>275672>I think she addressed this at one point saying if she posted donation receipts people would say it's tacky & classless…Did she really say that? lol. She's just taking advantage of the mentally handicapped at this point.
No. 276058
>The only money Joy is getting that she promised to send to the family is ad revenue from the two videos she made about the tragedy.>There's no way of verifying either of those things.Let me clarify then. As far as I know the only money she has
publicly promised to give to the family is the ad revenue from the 2 videos….I don't know what she told individuals.
No. 276175
>>276124>I don't see it as being gullible rather just hoping the best of someone.>If the outcome doesn't affect you either way (because all you are doing is watching videos) does it matter if it's bullshit?If you fail to see all the questions she's raising with her own actions/behavior, then you are very gullible.
If she's claiming something is true when it's not, does it matter? Does it matter if she's lying to thousands of people and turning a profit while doing it? Is water wet?
No. 276234
>>276175I never said her behavior isn't questionable, she's said and done some awfully strange things that could lead one to assume she's being less than honest. Regardless, I was just suggesting not jumping to conclusions based on speculation. Being in the public eye has people overanalyzing every little thing she says to see if she can be caught saying something stupid, morally repugnant or deceptive. If you are filtering her words and actions through a negative bias it's easy turn something innocent into something that's not…you've never misspoke or meant something one way only to have someone else take it completely differently?
I'm still not sure how it affects you in any way if she really is lying to people on the internet for money. If all you are doing is watching her videos, how is it harming you personally? Sure, there are gulliable people out there who will happily give money to anyone with a good enough story but it's their responsibility to be more careful with their pocketbooks. You don't need to be outraged on their behalf, especially since you don't know for sure if that's actually what's going on, it's still just assumptions and speculation at this point.
No. 276277
> If the outcome doesn't affect you either way (because all you are doing is watching videos) does it matter if it's bullshit?
> If all you are doing is watching her videos, how is it harming you personally?
> Not victim blaming, just saying you aren't responsible for protecting them from themselves.Uh, are you lost? Do you realize what site you're on?
It's pretty funny that arguments Onision made defending himself are being used for Joy.
Also, I read all those posts in Joy's voice. lol.
No. 276332
>Uh, are you lost? Do you realize what site you're on?
Of course I do, just because I hold this one opinion which could be taken as a defense for her, doesn't mean I am not critical of her in other areas…mostly things she has actually done, not speculation about what she might have done. In those cases, I feel like it's better to give the benefit of the doubt until her actions can be proven, then I'll call her out for it. I've never denied she isn't a total Lolcow…for example, I got many LOLs over her use of the Urban Dictionary definition of "nig nog" being what black people call egg nog as a serious argument to defend MrRepzion, claiming this makes it no longer a racist term. I find it hilarious she thinks Jaime Leigh Fischer is too crazy for her to debate when she herself presents as a psychiatric ward escapee with her pink bathrobe & unbrushed hair, ranting like she's off her medication about UFOs and past lives. Then there's her hypochondria - where she's been "detoxing" from an IUD she had removed 6 years ago but somehow made her almost die 3 or 6 months ago (she's claimed both) and her ever changing list of self-diagnosed illnesses that are definitely not anxiety disorder. She certainly has her issues but that doesn't automatically mean everything she says is suspect, she does have some good points I agree with and others I don't.
>It's pretty funny that arguments Onision made defending himself are being used for Joy.
Sure, you can apply those same arguments to Onision or any other YouTuber for that matter. If you sort through enough hours of videos a YouTuber has made (especially if they've been around for years like Onision) you will be able to find all sorts of contradictory statements but that doesn't necessarily mean they were lying at the time. Each YouTuber has to ask themselves what they are willing to do to earn money, and the answer will be different for everyone. Joy didn't have ANY of her videos monetized the first month, her fans convinced her to do it. (I saw this for myself, not going by her word.) She has said she doesn't want to profit from Onision exploiting half-naked kids or abusing his exes so she didn't monetize the videos she made about that even though they have the most views. She might very well have less than noble reasons for doing this or it could just be virtue signaling but we don't know what her motivation really is so I don't think it's fair to automatically assume the worst. If she's just full of shit she'll do something to expose herself eventually, she won't be able to help herself.
No. 276606
File: 1490392596708.jpg (51.17 KB, 800x600, BS.jpg)

No. 276622
>>276234>Being in the public eye has people overanalyzing every little thing she says to see if she can be caught saying something stupid, morally repugnant or deceptive.And that's a problem, why? She's naturally suspect given she's only built her
entire fucking "youtube career" off of a much larger youtuber. The speculation and questioning is a natural outgrowth of that. You act like she had any credibility to begin with.
Do you have a problem with anyone asking questions? Because that's what it sounds like.
No. 276627
>>276277>It's pretty funny that arguments Onision made defending himself are being used for Joy.Looks like some of her asshurt fans are coming here trying to slyly defend her.
Onision fans = Joy fans.
No. 276653
>>276626That's IF you can prove she did something dishonest, speculation isn't enough, basically a futile exercise. Bitching about what she
might be doing wrong on lolcow is hardly a career ender.
No. 276710
File: 1490402591363.jpg (29.58 KB, 480x640, proofjazz.jpg)

What proof would you like? : ) This is not a drill. This is not a troll. Srs bsns. There's plenty of proof. Like this.
Her minions were harrassing a person named Jazz, claiming she released personal info. No info was given out. She later lied and said she never told people that. Well, here's the proof that's a lie. This girl (high anxiety) was harassed on her stream. Now she's faced backlash and is trying to play nice. It is all fake.
She's now having people bait deliberately so she can have a problem with them.
Want more? There's more. She's currently deleting Younow vids and her twitter trail to cover her tracks, but its too late.
Kati Marie Smith. That's who you're looking for. It's out there and public, but whatevs.
No. 276748
>>276710Your proof is incomplete, all that picture shows is an innocuous conversation. You also need to post a screenshot of her denying she had the conversation. You could also show the conversation she is referring to where she says personal info was leaked but actually wasn't.
You are not helping your credibility by releasing the personal information you said was never given out. Not sure what you think doxxing her is going to prove, all I found was she is a real person with the past she always claimed she had.
No. 276752
>>276748So..the interwebz is doxxing?
Onision fans = joy fans.
No. 276755
>>276748Sounds like the anon posting
>>276710 is Jazz herself. How else would she know this girl has high anxiety? She claims she never gave out personal info but then proceeds to post it?
No. 276766
>>276763I don't think she was saying she didn't dox her. I think she meant that doxing is inevitable if you put yourself out there on the internet. It comes with the territory.
I don't entirely agree, but I see her point.
No. 276792
One of the images on her MySpace is is intolerably slow but looking through google search, it is a site "by an indigo, for indigos"
…she's another fucking indigo child special snowflake.
What the fuck is it with people needing these goddamn titles? No. 276816
>>276804Her having a problem with the sjw snowflakes and behaving like a kindergarten teacher on speed kind of conflict. She's all like "everyone respect everyone" but FUCK YOU IF YOU TELL ME TO DO THE SAME.
She really hasn't really gone into detail about her beliefs but I think she's hinted at some new agey shit.
This got me thinking of Spirit Science which got me to thinking about Space Jews now I have the Jews in Space theme stuck in my head. Dammit Joy. :(
No. 276858
File: 1490416831263.jpg (66.76 KB, 533x800, 5204bb4f-158c-4571-a315-a08ba7…)

WTF happened to her, she used to be beautiful. She probably still could be if she put on some makeup and took better care of herself. She has at least put in the effort to do her hair in her last 2 videos which made her look less crazy. Is she off her meds? Did she have a nervous breakdown or something? I know she says she is "ill" but I'm leaning towards that being more of a mental condition than physical.
No. 276863
>>276858I don't see why she should wear make up, tbh. As for her mental issues, who knows. There probably is
something, I'd be surprised if there weren't.
No. 276906
File: 1490424468920.jpeg (13.21 KB, 480x360, 90cbb142_NotSure.jpeg)

>>276884>yeah, real fucking dumb of her huh….
No. 276912
>>276826Seeing Joy all successful and beautiful looking kind of makes me sad. Like man what a fall from grace. Shit just got kind of dark. Now I really want more acurate/specific details about how she went from that to….this.
aka the story of how she lost her fucking mind.
your guess is probably pretty spot on.
No. 276922
File: 1490427618902.png (154.15 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9565.PNG)

What's happening
No. 276935
>>276931I don't think so.
She claims she's acting weird from lack of sleep. I think it takes more than being tired to cause what's going on.
No. 276938
>>276937I never watch her feeds, but had to now just to see what you're all talking about, kek.
She's behaving like a 15 y old high on…something serious.
No. 276980
>>276974Unfortunately the internet rewards this type of behavior, which is why she's doing it. Look what happened to Simply Nailogical, she used to do nail art with a sarcastic edge I found refreshing but now she's all about following trends and making click-baity videos, she hardly ever does nail art tutorials anymore.
It's already gone to Joy's head even though her channel is still relatively small.
No. 277128
>>277009I've had this theory since last night when she started acting strange that it was an attempt to distract from us finding out her real name and that before some kind of breakdown she cleaned up well.
>>277125I mean….. It's not weird in the sense that it's a new thing, we've known she was doing it from the jump. What's strange about it is that these kids all seem to have some kind of issue and she tells them to talk to her instead of idk their parents or a professional. It's almost like she wants to play den mother of the internet with all these kids with some kind of issue.
No. 277151
>>277128>It's almost like she wants to play den mother of the internetI've seen
several of those kids both in chat and guesting that said Joy was like their mother. It makes me super uncomfortable for some reason.
No. 277276
>>277224She was probably an indigo child (or just supported it), same as onion. See
>>276785I don't think she found his religion. She might have grown up with a similar fucked up childhood of brainwashing and emotional abuse.
No. 277451
>>277444No, I think she's always been crazy based on the information I found below…she just has periods of lucidity in which she can seem normal and rational.
>>277289I did a search to see what I could find associated with and came up with these links. Apparently, she was part of making some sort of documentary about indigo children, when she was 21 believed(believes?) herself to be one (this was when she lived in Paris.)
This is about the documentary: is an article she wrote back in 2006, very similar things to what she says now but with angels and new age bs…it looks like the illness/memory loss story has been going on for many years but she used to blame the cause of her symptoms on some crazy shit. If nothing else you have to read this, it's absolutely bizarre. No. 277467
>>277453You're welcome. Honestly it wasn't hard to find once I had her full name and saw she used to own the website. Since it no longer exists I tried looking it up in The Wayback Machine to see what it was like back then but just got a solid purple background. I did find out it was active from 2006 to 2009.
>>277457She said she heard voices in her head since the age of 12 and thought they were angelic guides including the Archangel Michael. She actually seems more in touch with reality now than she did in 2006, which is worrisome, it means she has the capacity to get much much worse. I don't think she believes that particular brand of new agey bs any longer, otherwise I think she would have mentioned it by now, she was pretty vocal about it back then from what I can tell. Her illness is still front & center, however, just like back then, she just found a new thing to revolve it around. I can't recall her exact timeline with the IUD, I'll rewatch the video where she talks about it and see if I can figure it out for you.
No. 277523
>>277515LOL "You mean sanity?"
I'm not sure if I feel better or worse knowing that she's always been this way. I had some real sympathy for her issue if she really had a mystery illness come into her life and take so much from her, but it seems like she has a strong case of "If I'm not famous and placed above everyone around me I cannot function."
No. 277563
>>277467Okay, I watched the "My Brain is Sick video" where she says she got the Paragard IUD 6 years ago and started to get sick 4.5 years ago, in April 2013 (actually, just under 4 yrs) with collapses & heart issues then fevers, weakness & pain to "near" strokes, "near" heart attacks, & "oncoming" seizures. She says because the copper is in a moist environment it rusts & this is why it released copper into her body. (Copper cannot rust, rust is iron oxide which only results from the oxidation of iron. Copper can also oxidize but it forms a green patina over the surface like on the Statue of Liberty. However, that patina is a waterproof, protective layer over the interior metal…it doesn't leach out copper the way she's claiming.) This is where she names the naturopath "doctor" that "saved her life" as Amanda Chaney in Kansas City, MI. You can see her education here: says she would argue with real doctors her illness couldn't possibly be anxiety disorder because she was having fevers (in a livestream she denied it was anxiety because she had a low resting heart rate) and she already knew what anxiety and panic attacks felt like so this was different (nevermind that panic attacks can make you feel like you are having a heart attack and are literally dying at the time.) She goes on to say she is able to fight the "precursors" of a seizure with mediation. (No, that sounds like anxiety, real seizures cannot be stopped just by calming down, only anti-convulsant medication can do that.) She then claims she got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (doesn't say if the naturopath diagnosed her or a real doctor) and was told it's incurable but she claims she can heal it by reprogramming her body with meditation & "prayer in faith"/non-religious affirmation which she says is like "putting it out there you are asking for help." (A physical illness you can "cure" with meditation likely has a mental cause like anxiety.) She says it's been the worst over the last 8 months and almost died several times in the last few months.
No. 277583
>>277563"She is in constant contact with her personal angelic guides and the Archangel Michael."
I really have a hard time believing that she has totally abandoned all of this. Bravo anon for uncovering all of this it really is the missing piece. Now I just can't wait to see what unfolds because all of this crazy is hiding very thinly behind her veil and it has to come out. It's just the law of crazy. Absolute crazy implodes absolutely.
No. 277592
>>277563In the "I don't want to die" video she says the IUD was taken out last July. She also says this is her second mystery illness she's had in her life (I could have sworn she said 3 somewhere else but I'm not 100% on that.) She also mentioned she had recently been to the ER. She says she is gaining weight due to being unable to eat vegetables because they give her diarrhea so she eats pasta, bread and meat instead because it keeps her shit solid….then a few sentences later she says she's gained 10 lbs in the last few months from diarrhea itself. She says she's been having this diarrhea nonstop for a month. She's also been taking the "medicine" her naturopath gave her for copper toxicity for a month, including a "thyroid medicine" which she admits is a zinc supplement, a "high-powered" vitamin supplement and Emergen-C. (Large doses of vitamin C & zinc can cause diarrhea.) Just speculation, but I do think she's got real symptoms from anxiety disorder and the "treatments" her naturopath gave her are the source of her more serious symptoms. The rest are generalized symptoms that can have any number of causes like stress, dehydration, poor diet, poor posture, etc.
I noticed that in both this video and the "My brain is sick video" she would pause dramatically to breathe ever so often, saying she's having chest pains…this only occurs in videos where she talks at length about how sick she is but not in her livestreams or other videos. The most she does in the livestreams is take very quick pee breaks.
No. 277607
>>246848>>277453Shit's going to hit the fan when she sees all of this has benn dug up.
Sage for not adding to the discussion
No. 277634
>>277596Has anyone told her that detoxing doesn't even do anything except stress your body? These people are actually retarded. Amazing. We need to round up all the people who follow the advice of naturopaths and consider them for sterilization when eugenics becomes commonplace.
>>277609I agree anon. It sounds like anxiety. She reminds me a lot of a hypochondriac roommate I had a few years ago, shit was stressful. I can sympathize with her ex and I can sympathize with Kati but she is straight up scamming at this point. It's not a coincidence that every symptom she has can be explained by anxiety and a shitty diet. I think deep down she knows what her illness really is. I guess anxiety disorders are too common for her, though. Not enough snowflake points. Wouldn't get as many views on youtube. Wouldn't have an excuse not to work.
No. 277777
Here this one is better: dramatic.
There are severe thunderstorms but no current tornado warnings at the time she said there was. Why lie about something so insignificant?
No. 277857
Paradigm Shift Radio 87 - Mysteries of Our Universe. Group Discussion 2. Katie. Overcoming challenges. Healing the self.)
This is from 2014.
Old youtube channel: No. 277863
Paradigm Shift Radio 78 - Conscious Community Call In Spectacular
(Click 7 Kati Benefits of Oxygen Therapy) City faction or whatever of that Radio Show run by our hero."
No. 277904
>>276840turns out she was married while living in france.

No. 277905
i dont think her "mystery illnesses" exist

No. 277907
>>2778631. She was into homeopathy & cured an inoperable "tumor" with herbs.
2.She recommends drinking a few drops of hydrogen peroxide a day because "nothing negative can live in your body if it has oxygen." It kills viruses, bacteria, infections & cancer. (the lack of education here pains me)
3. She was having chest pains so she tried
drinking hydrogen peroxide and only 1 hour later a miracle! more pain. She's calling on day 2 and feels wonderful and lightheaded because her body has more oxygen. (hydrogen peroxide totally fixes panic attacks, it's not the placebo effect at all.)
4. She believes you can cure anything no matter how terminal if you just find the resources. (Yeah, those lazy cancer patients are dying because they didn't have a few drops of hydrogen peroxide a day.)
No. 277908
>>277906did you see the stream with the disabled girl she guested?

No. 277939
>>277922 she was so patronising to her it was fucked up its on her page go look at it

No. 277968
>>277961" You cannot hear us because you are "shut down." We are activating different parts of your cell structure and DNA that hold many secrets of this universe and of the past, present, and future."
I mean, that's pretty batshit, is it not?
>>277962Thank you for providing more links, kind anon!
No. 277976
File: 1490570063669.jpg (37.8 KB, 453x604, 0YB7XGHGxow1xlng226lcSwPo1_500…)

>>277962Found on pg4 of her Tumblr page, this is her and her bf Jason taken on June 2008 right before they decided to move in together…when they broke up they lived together for a while for financial reasons.
No. 277986
File: 1490570342894.jpg (27.8 KB, 640x360, KLMazNX.jpg)

>>277976she looks so much like laura jane grace of against me (pic related), who is actually trans, that i can't believe she's a biological female, jeez talk about manface
No. 278011
>>277939>>277948>>277955 i think it was a couple of weeks ago some girl wearing a neck brace or something in a wheelchair i just remembered how patronizing joy was to her

No. 278018
>>278004 she wants to be having more than panic attacks to feel superior to other people who just have panic attacks because shes a hypochondriac

No. 278021
>>278018I pretty much agree. It most likely has to do with her wanting to feel special. If a normal or at least semi sane person has stomach cramps and diarrhea their thought process won't jump to 'Angels! Cleansing my body! Angels calling my name!'
So anything that's ordinary will be presented as something special.
No. 278023
>>278021 i agree i really think she needs to see a shrink

No. 278026
>>278018Agreed, panic attacks are manageable with
medication, nothing like the near fatal chronic disease she seems to want to have to gain her attention & sympathy.
>>277609 <-This probably either started or acerbated the problem.
No. 278027
>>278024 roasted

No. 278029
>>278026i noticed since she streamed with the disabled girl she started talking about how bad her illness is and god that disabled girl is fugly

No. 278047
>>278025the girls name is angel and believe me she is not innocent in all of this she joined my group chat the other day and went off on a massive rant attacking a kid and making suicide jokes and dead baby jokes she is sick in the fucking head and i hope she dies since the illness she has can actually kill her from what ive read on it i dont even see why joy is friends with her shes a complete bitch and no one likes her

No. 278049
>>278043shes 20 im looking at her instagram shes actually pretty cute fuck the person calling her fugly i do feel like joy is manipulating her tho

No. 278051
>>278050define doxxing, then define what is going on here

No. 278053
>>278052i think she doxxed herself for attention

No. 278072
>>278069It was a tip from her angels.
But seriously, it's proven she can write coherently, so not sure. Perhaps trying to appeal to younger audience? I get cringe chills when anyone over 13 types
> xD No. 278080
>>278047You sound:
1. Incredibly salty
2. Possibly jealous Joy talks to her and not you
3. Very young
4. Like an asshole
No. 278082
>>278080joy shouldnt talk to her shes a fucking psycho bitch we all donated to get her a wheelchair and thats how she treats us joy is better than her and should be a better person and stop talking to her

No. 278085
>>278080not salty or jealous just making a point that angel is a total bitch and doesnt deserve to be joys friend

No. 278086
>>278072I skimmed her blog and noticed a few weird typos and poorly structured sentences. I bet there is an editor on that cult site. She could also be progressively losing her mind. Maybe she has a brain tumor or she's schizophrenic or something.
>>278082>>278085This site is 18+ pls leave
No. 278089
>>278082who is this girl your talking about and why is she in a wheelchair

No. 278091
>>278089angel shes one of joys friends and shes a sick twisted fuck who joy shouldnt be friends with i hope she drops dead the stupid bitch shes in a wheelchair because she is fucking retarded and doesnt know how to walk stupid bitch cunt whore

No. 278092
>>278090im not jealous i just dont like her or the fact joy talks to her i mean shes got instagram followers and thinks that makes her famous or something

No. 278093
>>278090 i dont even think shes disabled i think she faked the wheelchair thing for donations the sick whore

No. 278095
>>278094joy just shouldnt like her shes weird and fucked in the head

No. 278098
>>278097you cre enough to ssay no one cares

No. 278102
>>278101 do you know her?

No. 278105
>>278103joy even being associated with angel is enough to ruin her life the girl is faking being in a fucking wheelchair

No. 278107
i find it ironic how joy is convinced shes posessed by angels and claiming a girl called angel is her best friend on stream

No. 278110
>>278109shes definately faking it theres videos of her walking on her instagram and pictures of her stadning up even though she is in a wheelchair fucking fake bitch whore cunt joy should run because joys illness is real

No. 278112
>>278111that sounds about right shes fucked up in the head joy is too nice of a person to be hanging around with her

No. 278118
>>278115 theyre both fake as fuck there is videos of angel WALKING on instagram even though she is in a wheelchair

No. 278119
>>278113distraction from what tho

No. 278121
>>278120 Yea i saw her fucked up leg on the video when she walks i can believe shes actually sick i cant believe joy is sick tho

No. 278123
>>278122i can believe it

No. 278128
>>278124 i see im not buying this whole angel thing i think you are right an its a distraction

No. 278129
>>278127i agree with you

No. 278131
>>278118I KNOW I SAW!!11 its so fucked up shes more fake than joy

No. 278132
>>278124Yeah, they've been here for a while with their transparent subterfuge such including playing both sides completely unaware that there is a literal trail that can be followed.
I guess we will have to post the information on the other lolcow sites as well.
No. 278134
>>278131>>278118 youre clearly jealous of the fact joy talks to that girl more than she talks to you kids.

No. 278137
>>278133cant agree more with that theyre so obvious and i dont think they even realise it

No. 278150
>>278103>>278113>>278122>>278132I'm so sorry guys, my fault. I shouldn't have riled the kid up by commenting on her original message
>>278047 but she was acting like such a child & defending Joy in such a backward way that I couldn't help but poke at her.
No. 278191
>>278180>They are mucking up the thread and any Joy fans that come here won't see the important milkI believe that was the point of that nonsense.
>it's frustrating that she tries to pass off her panic attacks as something more serious.
>I DO think anxiety can be very serious and detrimental, but not to the near-FATAL degree that she claims.Yes, I used to have extremely severe panic attacks so I know how debilitating they can be but the way she acts like that's not a good enough or serious enough explanation feels like it's an insult to those that have the condition.
No. 278196
Just reposting all the milk I brought forth since
someone tried to hide it in the middle of the thread with nonsense samefagging.
>>277444No, I think she's always been crazy based on the information I found below…she just has periods of lucidity in which she can seem normal and rational.
>>277289I did a search to see what I could find associated with and came up with these links. Apparently, she was part of making some sort of documentary about indigo children, when she was 21 believed(believes?) herself to be one (this was when she lived in Paris.)
This is about the documentary: is an article she wrote back in 2006, very similar things to what she says now but with angels and new age bs…it looks like the illness/memory loss story has been going on for many years but she used to blame the cause of her symptoms on some crazy shit. If nothing else you have to read this, it's absolutely bizarre. No. 278201
>>277467Okay, I watched the "My Brain is Sick video" where she says she got the Paragard IUD 6 years ago and started to get sick 4.5 years ago, in April 2013 (actually, just under 4 yrs) with collapses & heart issues then fevers, weakness & pain to "near" strokes, "near" heart attacks, & "oncoming" seizures. She says because the copper is in a moist environment it rusts & this is why it released copper into her body. (Copper cannot rust, rust is iron oxide which only results from the oxidation of iron. Copper can also oxidize but it forms a green patina over the surface like on the Statue of Liberty. However, that patina is a waterproof, protective layer over the interior metal…it doesn't leach out copper the way she's claiming.) This is where she names the naturopath "doctor" that "saved her life" as Amanda Chaney in Kansas City, MI. You can see her education here: says she would argue with real doctors her illness couldn't possibly be anxiety disorder because she was having fevers (in a livestream she denied it was anxiety because she had a low resting heart rate) and she already knew what anxiety and panic attacks felt like so this was different (nevermind that panic attacks can make you feel like you are having a heart attack and are literally dying at the time.) She goes on to say she is able to fight the "precursors" of a seizure with mediation. (No, that sounds like anxiety, real seizures cannot be stopped just by calming down, only anti-convulsant medication can do that.) She then claims she got a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (doesn't say if the naturopath diagnosed her or a real doctor) and was told it's incurable but she claims she can heal it by reprogramming her body with meditation & "prayer in faith"/non-religious affirmation which she says is like "putting it out there you are asking for help." (A physical illness you can "cure" with meditation likely has a mental cause like anxiety.) She says it's been the worst over the last 8 months and almost died several times in the last few months.
No. 278202
>>2778631. She was into homeopathy & cured an inoperable "tumor" with herbs.
2.She recommends drinking a few drops of hydrogen peroxide a day because "nothing negative can live in your body if it has oxygen." It kills viruses, bacteria, infections & cancer. (the lack of education here pains me)
3. She was having chest pains so she tried
drinking hydrogen peroxide and only 1 hour later a miracle! more pain. She's calling on day 2 and feels wonderful and lightheaded because her body has more oxygen. (hydrogen peroxide totally fixes panic attacks, it's not the placebo effect at all.)
4. She believes you can cure anything no matter how terminal if you just find the resources. (Yeah, those lazy cancer patients are dying because they didn't have a few drops of hydrogen peroxide a day.)
No. 278320
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I managed to get a quick look at her LinkedIn page before she deleted it and noticed several marketing jobs as well as jobs in the music industry just as she said.
Based on quite a bit of evidence from several places including: it has been established she went to work for Lumina records in Paris, France in 2006 as their main vocalist, editor and
angelic channeler (yes, a record company actually paid her money to talk to angels.)
Link showing she did vocals on tracks 1,3,4,7 on the Taho - Crystal Love album released Jan 2008, I wasn't able to find examples of the vocals in the videos on the site or the ones on YouTube.
No. 278325 links to an article she wrote in 2006, it's full of crazy but the biography part at the bottom says volumes:
>About the Author>Kati Smith is a 21 year young Indigo, living in Paris. Originally from Kansas City USA, she was guided to Europe by her angels to start working on the Indigo movement together with Taho, a 29 year young Indigo, founder of Lumina Records. They both want to build a new kind of Media Network through Music, Movies, Documentaries, Visionary art and will soon launch their own online TV site,>Since the age of twelve, she has had a strong angelic connection. She is in constant contact with her personal angelic guides and the Archangel Michael. She provides angelic counseling for young indigos who find difficulties in transitioning on this planet and is building her own web site where she gives online counseling and channeling.>As a singer, her performances in chorale, classical, jazz and musical vocals have brought her many awards and honors in her very young career. She trained for over seven years in Classical vocal study and performed on the stage of Disney World in 2001 and 2002.Her presence on stage is fascinating, like if she was able to channel for each individual person and touch a magical string in every soul! Miss Kati takes us into a new world of visions, unexplored emotions and unrevealed dimensions. No. 278378
Okay, whoever the fuck is "Samefagging" and trying to drag me into joys drama, don't bother, I know it's someone from the group chat I was in with joy you've confirmed that without even meaning to by the looks of it.
I don't need your drama & neither does Joy,
as for saying I am 'Joy's right hand that does all her dirty work' that's bullshit. Joy doesn't tell me to do anything. Like I said on twitter, tip for keeping your friends. DON'T FUCKING DICTATE WHO THEY CAN AND CANT TALK TO.
Joy is a wonderful human being, who to me is harmless for the most part and honestly just wants to spread love and positive vibes.
I don't care how much hate I'm going to get for this comment, but someone messaged me last night telling me someone was on here talking shit.
For one, if you're going to samefag, at least fucking change your name for each message, retard.
As for the people doxxing joy, nice one guys (!) what have you achieved? nothing really, wow, you uncovered some old channels. What's the saying about not judging people on their beliefs? I don't see you shit talking Jehovah's witnesses since they believe that the body will heal its self with no medication whatsoever.
Anyway, grow up and get a life the lot of you, you all clearly have way too much time on your hands along with a shitty life to be sitting behind a computer screen and dissecting someone's past. Perhaps go to the gym & lose some weight instead of stuffing your face with junk food and bashing your greasy ass fingers all over a keyboard.