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No. 935591
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues, ect, are all welcome here.
Previous threads
>>>/ot/849990 No. 935595
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This made me think a lot. Everything is shit. Everyone wants the same thing: to control the masses with propaganda. They give you the same poison except with different flavors. It doesn't matter who you side with.
No. 935662
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The Drake meme became a thing immediately after I saw people on social media call out his predatory behavior with that 18 year old model and Millie Bobby Brown and interpreting some lyrics on his song as pedoy. I think his team is behind it
No. 935688
>>935669So it’s not weird for a 38 year old to seek out 18 year olds? And the texting a 14 year old Millie Bobby brown texting drake about ~boys~ and being good friends with eachother wasn’t weird? Also yeah he was seeing her while she was 16-17 she posted it on her Instagram.
an anon in a few celebricows threads ago said that drake has connections to a pimp with underage girls he trafficked, I’m not sure if I believe that but he is known for being a nonce No. 935724
>>935681His programming must’ve glitched.
Is Drake the new R. Kelly now?
No. 936850
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>>935595>>935595Liberals increment smallest and minuscule social “changes” to avoid the looming threat of revolution in the future which includes the shirking of their wasteful and decadent livelihoods
No. 936921
>>936850What's Lee from The Walking Dead point and click game doing in a wojak meme? kek
>>936870Job's done. We'll get a fresh batch of bleeding hearts telling us plebs who to vote for next election cycle.
No. 937350
>>937198I thought the same thing. I don't remember ever seeing this dudes face until the dad just suddenly decided to step down (not at all believable after fighting so hard to keep the role) and now her boyfriend's face is all over the gossip rags. Don't they want to get married and have a baby? Sounds like a good way for him to trap her and gain more trust.
>>937336A decent chunk of money, I assume. At least to normal working people it would be but to the pampered university types they pick it's probably just enough to keep them living comfortable. TPTB would keep them in line with fear and violence, the money would just be a bonus to them.
No. 937364
>>937350Now you know why billionaires funds these
Same with soros
They made a bunch of money with this too i guess
No. 938211
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I believe that RCDart was actually an elaborate troll, something about her persona seems to specificly made to poke fun of people like her. I believe that she began to get a low profile once she got into Calarts because she wanted to pull a Holly Brown and throw a drama tantrum at the school, but now that she somehow got aproved, she has to avoid drama.
No. 939922
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Due to the abortion topic still being relevant, especially here in Texas. Commies disguised as feminists protested at my local uni and were shoving flyers onto students’ hands, myself included. They used signal words such as “muh patriarchy, misogyny, fight for women’s rights” while being vague (“revco”) with their name so dumb zoomers and millennials won’t get it nor what they stand for. It wasn’t scrotes whom were handing out flyers and asking students to start a revolution [against the Texas government], it was women - some were older and there were a few dangerhairs because what better way to indoctrinate the youth other than femininity?
In said flyers, they site judicial people and other politicians whom are fellow commies for their sources and nothing mentioning their communist ideology while filling the papers with sjw bullshit.
tl;dr: communism is sneakily being used by “activists” to indoctrinate unsuspecting college students for their own agenda, just like in the good ol’ days.
No. 940041
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>>938211i remember being sooo pissed when her art came out. youtubers were making videos about RCDart nd shit. looking back its so obvious that she was just trolling though
No. 940101
>>940097Thats actually scary to me anon
I don't want the state to control my necessities
Could you please explain why you think is good? I'm legitimately asking, I'm curious
No. 940102
>>940101I don't want anyone to starve, to suffer, to be left homeless and mostly I think humans need a cause to believe in
western communism lacks the nationalism and self degermation aspects which appealed to the masses of colonized nations
No. 940517
>>940108>>940266It's a nice idea but I wish these people would mobilise
themselves. The government ain't gonna do shit but we can - every single one of us. Volunteering and donating doesn't have to follow a fixed plan like people think it does, if more people gave a few hours here and a little bit of money/resources there then there would be real, tangible change. I've met a few good socialists irl through volunteer work and my wagie work but the majority of socialists online come off as pretentious NEETs who want to suckle the governments tit while telling themselves they're a revolutionary for retweeting an infographic and putting the hammer and sickle in their bio.
No. 940783
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There's literal ethnic cleansing happening in the Tigray region of ethopia and no one seems to be talking about it, I mean the Rohingya were talked about almost everyone but the Tigrayans seem to be left to die
No. 941542
>>940783Ethiopian government is really good at covering everything up,who knows how much money they’re throwing to keep everyone shut up.
And lots of people are just so brainwashed and literally exhausted with their day-to-day lives, that everything is hazy unless they’re living the horrors with the rest of the people that are getting massacred.
No. 941636
>>941533Good, when it happens finally you weirdos will have fresh takes
Hearing antivaxers is as repetitive and anticlimactic as doomsday rapture scaremongerers. At least if it happened you crazy people might finally shut up about how it's going to happen any day soon.
No. 941643
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>>941533I've felt weird about how pushed the vax has been but you guys are late, other antivaxxers have been saying "any day now" for a while already. It
triggers my paranoia every time though (I caved and got vaccinated) so if I do die soon of a heart attack it will be from stress about this very thing, kek hurry up.
No. 941901
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Anyone else think that there's been this campaign to discredit the anti-pronography movement, it seems they've branded anyone whose against porn as being a fascist and racist, even the women involved are labeled as radical bigoted Christians and "transphobes"
none are even willing to write about the damage porn does to the women performing, no they just label their critics as being intolerant bigots and that's the end of conversation
the only one compliant by them I saw against pronography was that its not "diverse" enough
>Are there serious problems with porn? Sure. But we can’t have that conversation if we’re narrowly focused on poor men degenerating into antisocial incels. The biggest problem with porn, after all, is that people have stopped paying for it! Pirated content powers free tube sites that promise bottomless wells of dopamine blasts, making porn both more addictive and more accessible to children.
>If we started consuming porn ethically, we’d give a boost to better, more creative porn, and young folks could be exposed to sex that didn’t follow the pattern of bored kissing, bored blowjob, bored pussy-eating, bored missionary position, bored doggy-style, a little more bored blowjob, money shot. Paying for porn would also encourage productions with a more diverse array of bodies, skin tones and gender identities.
just kill me already
No. 941906
I'm so, so, so, so fucking tired anons. So tired.
No. 941929
>>941911>Hell, even nofap bros get dragged into this because apparently not tugging your schmekel ten times a day is bigotrythat's literally what's stated in one of the articles, which claims that being anti-porn and not being a coomer is a gateway to white nationalism
>David Duke and the Proud Boys may seem fringe, but the ideology has eked its way into the mainstream through ideas such as No Nut November, a month-long challenge not to orgasm, and a Reddit page, r/NoFap, encouraging its members to abstain from pornography or masturbation for long periods.
>No Nut November originated as a way to make fun of No Shave November, a self-explanatory challenge that was originally created to fundraise for cancer research. But the farce became real, r/NoFap contains long threads about the nearly superhuman benefits of abstaining from masturbation or sex, as well as many users, mostly men, posting how ashamed they are to masturbate or look at porn.
>The moderators of r/NoFap told Rolling Stone that they saw only a few trolls posting antisemitic content on their subreddit and the terms of use forbid discriminatory content. But adherence to the anti-masturbation movement can be something of a gateway drug into seedier corners of the internet that do traffic in antisemitic or white nationalist theories about porn, as well as racist or misogynist subcultures such as the incel (short for “involuntarily celibate”) community, which use similar rhetoric. It’s all part of the same ideological ecosystem; porn is seen as weakening and corrupting the otherwise pure white man — long a goal that antisemitic conspiracy theories have ascribed to Jews. It always comes back around. No. 941938
>>941901Yeah, I noticed it bigtime when people were calling out pornhub for child exploitation and were being smeared as bigots for doing so. Look at what happened to Rose Kalemba, a video of her being exploited as a teen was uploaded to pornhub in the past (and she fought with the site to have it taken down) and people still called her a SWERF and
TERF for speaking about it. One guy even went as far to try to find the videos of her as a child to spread them as revenge for "hurting sex workers."
No. 941940
>>941938from the same article
>Exodus Cry is one of the most visible anti-porn and anti-trafficking organizations, in part due to New York Times columnist Nicolas Kristof featuring TraffickingHub, an anti-trafficking campaign “powered by” Exodus Cry, in a column on trafficking. Like many organizations involved in anti-porn campaigns, the Washington state-based Exodus Cry is evangelical
>Exodus Cry’s work goes beyond preventing trafficking, but its anti-trafficking advocacy makes it easier to disseminate its more extreme beliefs — who is, after all, pro-trafficking? The organization, however, is against sex work as a whole, a stance that often harms the very people it purports to protect by reducing their agency and earning potential; Exodus Cry’s site claims that “all porn creation and consumption is destructive to human sexuality and that eliminating porn everywhere would be a massive win for society,” so it clearly hopes to eradicate the entire industry.
>Gira Grant found that many of the religiously rooted groups that back anti-porn campaigns have similar stances. It’s easy to bundle the moral beliefs against pornography with moral arguments against certain identities, elevating more pernicious antisemtic or anti-LGBTQ beliefs alongside the easier-to-swallow anti-trafficking campaign.>More recently, the focus of most public discussions related to porn has moved away from fighting the entire industry and has instead honed in on trafficking. But the debate is still deeply tied to antisemitic ideologies. In April of this year, Vice reported that photos were circulating on Gab, a messaging platform favored by white supremacists, depicting neo-Nazi symbols such as the swastika and sonnenrad along with anti-trafficking T-shirts and slogans such as “End Zionist sex trafficking!”so yeah, basically anyone against pornography and even sex trafficking is an intolerant, Christian Nazi bigot whose opinions shouldn't be heard
No. 941963
>>941929Those three articles say that the most liberating, anti-racist stance possible is supporting an insidious industry that does nothing but turn people into mindless dopamine junkies or dysfunctional husks repulsed by sex and intimacy.
So long they earn their coin, all is well. Not dystopian at all. feel filthy after reading these.
No. 942050
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OSHA clearly posted on their website that they don't want to sway the COVID narrative, so they are taking away a requirement for employers to report any side effects of vaccination until May 2022. This is terrifying. At this point it's not even tinfoil, the government is doing it's best to cover up negative consequences of the vaccine.
No. 942088
>>941533My boyfriend’s grandma died after being vaccinated, she was very old tho. I think some elderly people can’t handle it sadly.
Another relative on my side is having really bad complications with a respiratory virus and pneumonia, she’s also older. This is just two people, but it is weird how they were fine before they got cvaccinated
No. 942106
>>942050They will mandate a booster every quarter from now on, just in the US that's several hundred million doses a few times a year billed to the taxpayer one way or another. With government shushing any obvious signs of shitty manufacturing and lack of thorough testing or real logical and statistical basis for mandating it on every human alive.
No wonder one of the most potent laws of power is to never let a crisis go to waste.
No. 942114
>>942077Nta but I can see it, with blob characters with no particular features, which are all engaging in different relationship dynamics that end up being
toxic as fuck, that are painted in pastel colors to make it seem normal or even a good thing because even if they “criticize” those relationships, the characters end up forgiving everything and everyone.
Like, it’s a bpd animated manual on how to be a shitty person, and kids and teens ate it up like free, pastel colored Nutella.
Which explains why there’s so many
toxic retards out there, it was easier to know when Steven Universe was popular, because all of them would “kin” the characters or have a “gemsona” but now that they’ve blended into other fandoms, it’s a bit more difficult to figure out who internalized the messages and who didn’t.
This is why cartoons for teens and children should be made by people who studied pedagogy or at least knows a bit of psychology, because kids, teens and even some adults are too easy to manipulate and to indoctrinate, and some of them are too retarded to understand or even see the messages that the shows are portraying.
No. 942160
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>>942148Honestly tho, hasn't that shit been in cartoons "for kids" since always? There used to be even more blatant sexualization in cartoons from before the 2000s.
No. 942164
>>942148God the character design in this shit is repulsive. I don't know how people could watch it and even adapt the style for their own drawings.
The fusions are extremely fucking creepy. Also the fact that the Garnet character is a fusion of two lesbian rocks is mindboggling. I mean by that that I hate the idea of her 'parents' giving up their identity so Garnet exists. Gross!
No. 942183
>>942077Every time a character did something wrong or fucked up they just cried their way out of problems, it taught kids (or teenagers, who were the actual main audience) classic manipulation tactics and the fact this is like the first show i see with this kind of narrative is…unusual, almost like it was teaching the now aidens how to bully people into believing their tranny bs, it doesn't help that series was also full of genderqueer/nonbinary references. I used to be part of the fandom and it was frightening how so many young people literally started to mimic these tactics and developed a
victim complex the more they watched that series.
>>942114 gets it
No. 942190
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>>941901no wonder there was this retard anon defending porn on the current vent thread.
No. 942224
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>>942074Holy fuck this
I watched steven universe back when I was in a vulnerable position, and I ate that shit up like comfort food. Dare I say, this series ended up making me fall into a rabbit hole of tumblr crap and it affected my way of thinking so much that I started agreeing with some liberal ideas that I would not be catch dead supporting them now. It also pushed me to transition (ftm) because "if the gems are genderless maybe I can be too". Never took hormones or anything but wew. If I was subject to this indoctrination and could get out of it, imagine the thousands of tumblr people who didn't get out. And now they spew their shit all over twitter indoctrinating more people.
>Which explains why there’s so many toxic retards out there, it was easier to know when Steven Universe was popular, because all of them would “kin” the characters or have a “gemsona” but now that they’ve blended into other fandoms, it’s a bit more difficult to figure out who internalized the messages and who didn’t.Usually they were the ones who were like "I'M ALL SUNSHINE AND POSITIVITY UWU I WANT THE WORLD TO BE HAPPY UWU" kind of like pixielocks vibe with the colorful shit and overly happy optimistic crap, but deep down they're miserable and talk shit about others.
Like look at pic related, this is the people who were fans of that shit…
No. 942229
>>942192>you would think this reply would be done and tired by nowGod, I wish. I've been called a coconut and a sell-out with regards to my race and a "self-hating Jew" and a "radicalised pseudo Christian" with regards to my Jewish upbringing. All because I said porn is bad or questioned other libtard narratives like transgenderism. The same people who bitch about politically apathetic and directionless young white people turning towards the alt-right are the ones who deem anything they don't like to be the work of the white man. These people will tell you they're open minded one second and then scold you for questioning literally
any mainstream narrative the next. They're spineless little useful idiots.
No. 942235
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>>942160As far as I know, sexualization in 90's/2000's cartoons were more likely treated as a "joke" for parents to sit down with their children and consume the same media without being bored. Their reasoning was this: children's cartoons are too nice and good and adults are not going to watch them, so how do we retain the attention of the adults (the people who pay for cable and buy toys)? that's right we add some sexual innuendos that only adults will be able to understand. Honestly, 100% of these jokes I did not understand myself as a 90's-2000's kid.
However like this anon said
>>942148 the sexualization of characters in steven universe is more subtle and not always treated like a joke. It's actually pretty serious most of the time. I think that's even worse.
Sidenote, but, does Steven have to watch these transformation each and everytime? Why do they show the transformations to him in detail? he's a kid. Plus as far as I know, even hugging someone could transform you into a new gem, so why don't they all just hug instead of doing elaborate sexy dances? if you say "it's for teens!!" then it doesnt make sense because it was marketed to children and teens alike
No. 942253
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>>942235Rebecca Sugar cribbed a lot of imagery/plot points/etc straight from Revolutionary Girl Utena, which had blatant sexual imagery and themes
because it's sort of a fucked up coming of age story featuring sexual abuse, among other things. The fusion sequences involving Pearl and the sword training arena in particular are practically pastiches of Utena. However, that shit has no place in a children's cartoon, even one that's trying to be """deep""" and feelsy like SU. Plus, the gems being officially genderless despite having female voice actors and being for all intents and purpose female fucking skeeves me out.
No. 942282
>>942235>As far as I know, sexualization in 90's/2000's cartoons were more likely treated as a "joke" for parents to sit down with their children and consume the same media without being bored. That's true. TBH when I was a teen, I was kind of disappointed to find out that my favorite cartoons had dirty shit in them. I associated them with innocence, and yet… they were not that innocent. Now it doesn't phase me as much, but I'm still kind of ehhh on the concept. The best shows/movies for kids are the ones that don't need sexual jokes to be fun to watch for parent.
>Sidenote, but, does Steven have to watch these transformation each and everytime? Why do they show the transformations to him in detail? he's a kid. Plus as far as I know, even hugging someone could transform you into a new gem, so why don't they all just hug instead of doing elaborate sexy dances? if you say "it's for teens!!" then it doesnt make sense because it was marketed to children and teens alikeIn one of the clips
>>942148 one of the gems (Pearl?) covers Steven's eyes, I think it happens as Garnet gyrates and the fat uggo jumps into her crotch. I was super uncomfortable watching that, BTW. That dance really feels sexual. Same as that wall slam in your gif. A moment later, Steven does it later on with some space rock and… yikes. It's so inappropriate!!! I am adult and I'm uncomfortable watching those tumblr rejects shake their asses with a 'come hither' face or hump air.
>>942253Fascinating how Utena inspired both Scott Pilgrim and Steven Universe. Both ripped of the sword motive
and both are things I'm not super fond of, though the SP comic is kinda okay, I guess No. 942284
>>942253> Plus, the gems being officially genderless despite having female voice actors and being for all intents and purpose female fucking skeeves me out.Which is funny because as far as I remember, they’re never referred to as “they” for example, garnet or pearl, when talking about them, it’s always “she” never “they (garnet) told me this”.
Like, it didn’t even follow the whole genderfandom rules like how it should’ve done, it’s weird that Steven Universe didn’t get cancelled.
No. 942294
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Speaking of sexualization in children's media… what the fuck is this shit? this is from the official Bratz twitter. Since when this movie that they're parodying is for kids? And of course everyone in the comments is some kind of onlyfans woman.
Click to play. No. 942322
>>942234Honestly? IMO it's the desire to be persecuted. Don't get me wrong, there is a religious aspect where mainstream western Judaism is, well, it's watered down. There are more strict and traditional sects but your average western synagogue will be very liberal leaning so this kinda attitude will be taught from a young age if they're practicing the religion. But they'll also be aware that most of them are living nice, comfortably middle class lives. One might even say they're…
whispers privileged! And that just won't do of course so these are the type of Jews who will bring up their dead relatives who got killed in WW2 in a discussion purely for attention. I joked in
>>941911 that they're also the type of Jew to think that gentile kids mocking their nose when they were 6 y/o's was a hate crime but I've literally heard Ashkenazim say that big nose jokes are "damaging" and "anti-semitic in nature" kek. You never hear the Italians bitch about their feelings being hurt because someone mocked them for their huge beaks. There's also the racial aspect to this: Ashkenazim aren't fully white from like, a DNA standpoint (although that's a pointless argument IMO) but most of them are very clearly white skinned and thus benefit from that which makes them seethe to no end, they're absolutely desperate to escape the role of "oppressor" so they invent these ridiculous strawman arguments like "not consooming porn is anti-semitic" to feel better about themselves. The only time I see Ashkenazis admit to being white is when they can berate themselves and tell other white people to stop being mean for allyship points. So you stick all these elements in a blender with online leftist culture and you've got yourself some Grade A assholes.
I know that not all Ashkenazim are middle class and/or wealthy of course but the working class ones that I've met are mostly down to earth and tend not to pull this shit. No. 942343
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>>942320I wouldn't be surprised. Anime always made me uncomfortable and the kids who liked it were always extremely fucking weird. It was a red flag in itself. Looking back, I feel like I had a sixth sense with knowing to stay away from anime kek.
>>942327This one?
No. 942377
>>942320iirc Japan is pretty conservative and if one of those yellow fevered freaks were to go, everyone would be disgusted with them.
I honestly think the “trans” thing is pushed by the beauty industry and big pharma but anime have some play into it
also I am sort of a weeb myself and I don’t wanna believe it fully No. 942381
>>942343Yeah those. Fuck. This is so disgusting. Looking at it again I just noticed the
>keep away from parentsshit on the label. God I'm so fucking grossed out
No. 942387
>>942377Tbh, while anime is literally autistic shit made by autists for autists, it really isn’t to blame, specially the actual mainstream stuff like naruto or demon slayer.
The issue is when retards without decent tard wranglers go to the internet and start getting into anime porn, they get groomed by literal pedophiles and then they continue the cycle of grooming and abuse by using colorful anime characters as their profile pictures.
If retards stopped producing/consuming the copious amounts of porn they produce/consoom, anime wouldn’t be such a big issue.
We need to bring bullying back.
No. 942390
>>942322>most of them are very clearly white skinned and thus benefit from that which makes them seethe to no end, they're absolutely desperate to escape the role of "oppressor" so they invent these ridiculous strawman arguments like "not consooming porn is anti-semitic" to feel better about themselves. The only time I see Ashkenazis admit to being white is when they can berate themselves and tell other white people to stop being mean for allyship points.Literally I hate America because both liberals and conservatives are addicted to pretending this doesn't happen. We can all see that Ashkenazi people are white, but they're allowed to opt out and LARP that they're not whenever they feel like it, and everyone, regardless of political outlook, just goes along with it like NPCs. More proof that western conception of race is a made-up crackhead concept. They beat everyone over the head with their race obsession and critical race theory, but they have this bizarre fucking blind spot every time. How is someone like Tekashi 69 documented as white in government papers, but someone like Scarlett Johansson is to be considered not white because she's Jewish? Fuck off lol
Plus they oppress Jewish people who are brown or of African descent in Israel, but literally no one talks about it
No. 942393
>>942386Now I want Breaking Bad:
titty pills edition
>>942315Doubt Bratz are being bought for actual kids nowadays. Yes, they were for little girls in the past. The brand has died several times though and nowadays is mostly relevat to adult collectors. Kids collect LOL, Rainbow High or whatever Poopsie madness is on top (some of those are made by the same company, AFAIR). Bratz is the definition of banking on nostalgia. That's why they are targeting millenials/zoomers with their marketing. The Jennifer's Body reference wouldn't even resonate with kids.
>>942320>i'm convinced its creation had malicious intent too,You are taking the tinfoil too far, anon. Anime wasn't always what it is now. You will see if you check the history of it. There is the Tezuka movie about a girl crossplaying as a knight/prince, but it's as harmful as Disney's Mulan.
>>942387>anime is literally autistic shit made by autists for autistsvid related kek
No. 942398
>>942387>If retards stopped producing/consuming the copious amounts of porn they produce/consoom, anime wouldn’t be such a big issue. We need to bring bullying back.It's like saying bullying will resolve the porn problem, is not that simple and corporations behind these are to blame, they're taking advantage of those people
>>942393I can't believe all this shit happened and you weebs still want to believe anime didn't have an awful influence on people in general, if all this situation doesn't make you guys realize the problem i don't know what will
>it's as harmful as Disney's Mulan.You can't be for real, anime is all full of pedophilia
No. 942401
>>942396I see your point. Personally as a kid I've found Bratz unsettling, they seemed rather porny to me (though I know there were series in which the dolls had relatively normal, non-thotty clothes). I felt the same about later My Scene dolls
>>942398Learn to read cause you are arguing with some strawmen, not me. I was talking about early anime (60s,70s). I specifically compared Tezuka's Princess Knight manga/anime to Mulan.
I wasn't arguing that modern anime isn't harmful, pedo or cancerous. Just that it wasn't created with a nefarious intent, as
>>942320 claimed. You know that anime as a type of animation isn't a new concept, right?
No. 942403
>>942390AYRT. You're preaching to the choir, anon. I'm (non-practicing) Mizrahim Jewish and an Arab born and raised in Israel so you can imagine how that worked out for me. Ashkenazim in Israel are absolutely unhinged and will protest in the streets chanting "niggers go home" and then go home to tweet about how
they're oppressed because the meanie Arabs told them to fuck off back to Europe. I barely see
any coverage of their behaviour in the west either. They cover the conflict, sure, but even then it's quite sanitised. But Ashkenazim holding great power in mainstream media is just a conspiracy theory, bigot!
No. 942462
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>>942411There's still harmless things out there, you just gotta search for them. I like the Rilakkuma stop motion anime on Netflix and there's a seasonal anime right now called Heike Monogatari (pic related). Oh and there was one that aired last year about some cute hamsters called Pui Pui Molcar. Mushishi is also really good. I'm an adult though, can't say I don't enjoy other adult stuff (not hentai or coomer shit though).
I honestly think shitty coomer anime is popular because our society is just degenerate and disgusting. It's also why having an onlyfans is seen as empowering even though it's not. And also why a lot of popular music has to do with sex. It began in the 90's and we're just at the peak of this phenomenon.
No. 942662
>>942190Lolcow has been invaded by libshit left woke from twitter and reddit
They are ruining it
No. 942737
I was back in the previous celeb thread and I feel physically sick finding out about the picture shared accidentally by hillary duff of her son. The position is NOT natural, he looked restrained or prone, he was naked and there were white markings on him. Ok the most fucked up part is she made a tweet telling people to get a life instead of spread conspiracies about it— while providing zero explanation for that image existing, being printed out, and shared on social media. Then in her replies are a bunch of brainless stans (or bots??) saying it's normal and no one should be concerned and they were just insane haters. I'm sorry, I feel physically sick about this even though it was a year ago because nothing has come of it. There were a handful of articles by very small media sources on duckduckgo, but they were all in defense of her while calling people "insane" and "sick" for being concerned. Does anyone here remember this? How do you cope with the helplessness knowing the horrible things they get away with? Even if the pic has some explanation, she should have provided it, instead, no answer. It wasn't at all a normal pic of a child who happened to be nude (I mean the kind in old family albums). I feel so sick and also seeing how many replies were hidden, deleted, or accounts suspended to her post. I pretty much believe pedogate now because even if she is innocent, this should've made a bigger splash. It's so sick seeing the defenders of it, I don't know if I hope they were bots or the dumb fans they acted like, also several of them were gay men. "It's just a normal family pic of her putting lotion on her kid" why was he just
lying there limply and the photo taken straight on?! I'm gonna puke I hate knowing that the most terrible shit happens and there's nothing any average person can do to stop it
I sage'd my rant/vent but to be of use here is the anon who first mentioned it, later in the thread she links to tweets about it, warning you may see the pic there.
>>>/ot/543300 Any explanation for this is too convoluted and it fucks me up most that we never got an attempt, it was simply buried from the public
No. 942741
>>941901>If we started consuming porn ethically, we’d give a boost to better, more creative porn, and young folks could be exposed to sex that Stop right there.
Not only do they want kids exposed to porn, they want it to be KINKY porn not that boring old "vanilla" stuff, let's show kids kweer bodies beating each other up to cum! Let's normalize all degeneracy so kids can share the love! I can't believe this world. I'm becoming more religious because every day the world proves that evil exists, each evil more shocking to face than the last, biblical proportions of evil. And they will just say it. With no consequence.
I want to wrap my hands around the throat of every one of them
No. 942785
>>942749That and I'm coming to believe they want kids exposed to sex because a) they are pedos and b) it raises the likelihood of generating more pedos. Kids' developing minds are affected by what they learn or god forbid experience about sex, the least bad result is they feel insecure about their bodies which is already awful and prevalent, but the worst is when
victims go on to offend. I think it's because they didn't grow out of the mindset of what they "learned", in that case it's like it's literally all they know from a young age. Even non-offenders can still spread degeneracy this way, there are many celebrities who act degen and you can easily find out where something happened in their formative years to lead to that. For example pete burns doing that to his body and all the rest, it's insensitive sounding but I had a hunch something not right happened to him and it did. It's sad and obviously being a
victim does not at all mean it's inevitable or even likely for someone to become an offender, but if pedogate is real then the ones spreading this are hoping that over time they generate enough pedos, enough instances for this to be seen as normal or not a big deal. The same goes for kink stuff, the more you expose people to it especially at a young age, the more kinksters you get. Porn is generating more of them and it goes right to these people's wallets of course, and for them to talk about ethics… Shameless and so so evil
No. 942789
>>941901>>If we started consuming porn ethically, we’d give a boost to better, more creative porn, and young folks could be exposed to sex that didn’t follow the pattern of bored kissing, bored blowjob, bored pussy-eating, bored missionary position, bored doggy-style, a little more bored blowjob, money shot. Paying for porn would also encourage productions with a more diverse array of bodies, skin tones and gender identities.huh?????????? pardon?
No. 942809
>>942789Of course, anon! You have to consoom the porn that genderqueer folxs film in their basement because like, whoever can live without porn? Might as well get it free range!
So it will be amazing when in the future, kids of all ages, skin tones and disabilities will be able to create their own porn!
No more boring bimbo blonde babes giving boring blowjobs that are totally just filming for fun and not because they got trafficked/drugged/threatened.
Now we will have porn from people with Down’s syndrome, 100% legal shit, of course.
And more women and genderkeer folxs wearing hijabs while giving fun and entertaining blowjobs!
And empowered women licking anuses and pegging their trans girlfriends!
Just fun stuff that everyone can enjoy.
No. 942815
>>941901I feel like no matter how much effort you put into trying to make porn reach 'ethical standards' that the way men perceive women in porn and the way they go on to view women in general after comsuming so much porn.. that will always be a major issue that you can't stop, especially if you're producing more porn and putting more of it out into the world.
I was reading an article about riley reid getting married. The seething hatred that men had for her because she's a human being in a relationship and they don't think she deserves that. It doesn't matter if her guy is happy with their life together… no we must rip her down and shame her for being the exact thing that men demanded she be in the first place. Mens fucked up views of women once they've seen you sexualised are just an angoing issue that no woke porn director will beat. Mens stubborn, jeaous monkey brains are unbeatable if you're only feeding them more porn.
No. 942844
>>942785Victims of childhood sexual abuse are less likely to be sexual abusers than people who have not experienced childhood sexual abuse, stop
victim blaming. 98% of pedophiles are male, and 90% of childhood sexual abuse
victims are female. If it were true that CSA caused
victims to become pedophiles, then most pedophiles would be female because they’re the ones who are typically sexually abused. Males who experienced sexual abuse during their childhoods are not likely to become pedophiles, they’re actually less likely to be pedophiles than males who have not experienced sexual abuse. You have it completely backwards. Experiencing abuse does not cause someone to want to inflict that abuse onto others, that’s ridiculous and ignorant. Sometimes when pedophiles are caught they’ll play the
victim card and say that they didn’t know any better because they’re
victims themselves, which is never true it’s just a desperate excuse.
No. 942866
>>942785>>942844Although I don't feel the anon you're replying to meant to overtly
victim blame in their statement…'s funny to think that "the abused become abusers" is such a widely accepted idea, everybody has heard this concept. I wanna know where this started and how the idea gained so much momentum …was it in the field of psychology or did this idea come from somewhere else? The percentages you laid out are so glaring and I'm ashamed I never challenged the idea more in the past
No. 942879
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>>942050Isn't it crazy that OSHA isn't requiring businesses to report adverse side effects of the COVID vaccine, but they are compensating federal employees who experience adverse side effects?
If the vaccine is so safe and effective, why would they extend this coverage for it? Hmmm…
No. 942893
>>942891Samefag, you can see a separate Burgerland government organization, OSHA, is eliminating the requirement for employers to report adverse effects of the vaccine here
So why would they eliminate the reporting adverse reactions from the vaccine requirement for the private sector, but beef up protections from adverse reactions in the public sector? It's the total opposite.
No. 943061
>>942866>I wanna know where this started and how the idea gained so much momentum… was it in the field of psychology or did this idea come from somewhere else? Psychologists/psychiatrists studying pedos and other sex offenders (mostly males, obviously) for some reason used to take the words of those criminals at face value. They corrected themselves in the last decades, but academia is still androcentric as fuck; they refuse acknowledging that men can be all types of fucked up without being diddled as kids. Women all over the world get messed with throughout their whole lives and don't go around raping and killing, but for some reason academics have to come up with all types of excuses for males being dysfunctional wastes of carbon.
Anyways, true crime media used the ~authority~ of academia, either through documentaries or books, then this pervasive idea about CSA survivors has become commonplace. Also, sob stories on tabloids and MSM about rapists and other psychos didn't help either ("he was a poorfag with a rough life" etc), it solidified this idea on public consciousness. Whenever it turned out to be a lie (those scum may not have had it easy, but they got no excuse for their crimes and were already monsters from the get go), their stories are "old news" and nobody cares correcting it.
No. 943380
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Found "her" in the replies to political tweets, how much of Twitter do you want to bet is made up of paid shills like this? It's easy to feel demoralized lurking there but Twitter is 100% aiding these people to make it look as though everyone shares their beliefs, even without finding accounts like this you can easily see which opinions get hidden in reply chains and their # of likes changed/removed. I'm curious what % of "popular" tweets' likes and RTs are made up of fake accounts like this. It's a fake website, everything on the Internet is getting faker now, it's all theatre at this point and honestly scary.
No. 943404
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>>942844>If it were true that CSA caused victims to become pedophiles, then most pedophiles would be female because they’re the ones who are typically sexually abused.Except men and women are different, men are more likely to act out and commit crimes in general so this doesn't refute the point. A man and a woman are not going to have the same results from everything. Of course female
victims are a lot less likely to ever do such a thing. I'm sure most male ones are too but there is something, pic related
Anyway it's not
victim blaming when I clearly said that it doesn't mean
victims are all or even most of them going to become abusers. And I doubt they make up the majority either. But it's known that it can be a risk factor and has been observed as a thing, discussing it is discouraged though because obviously the knee jerk reaction is to call it
victim blaming. I get it though it's a sensitive subject and I can't repeat enough that I don't think it means most
victims are doomed to repeat or anything but there is something there. It's like how daddy issues can lead to girls looking for a father figure and
victims also becoming more promiscuous in life to cope, people will literally describe their situation that way even on this site so I'm just saying even if the rate is very slow since most people would never ever hurt a child, sick pedos might count on it since it can be a risk factor
True, it is likely not a major factor like pic related says, my only tinfoil is that there are people who want to normalize abuse and may count on abusing others in hopes to spread it whether it works or not
No. 943421
>>943380This stuff makes me schiz the fuck out. That thispersondoesnotexist website has such an evil aura and it feels like a flex too.
>"Yep, we can make fake people and you're probably "friends" with a few on Twitter."I don't have an account but I occasionally look at Twatter comment sections because it's like going to the zoo, and the amount of bot accusations is crazy. The problem is that democrats think only republicans use bots and vice versa. The me vs. you brainwashing has been very effective because these people seem incapable of looking at things without viewing it in a bipartisan way or even entertaining the idea that you can have things in common with your political "enemies" and even agree about certain things with them.
No. 943654
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Rachel Levine was made a four-star admiral today. I don't know why the fuck the Dept. of Health even has military ranks, but this shit is just insulting. "First female four-star admiral". I hope he immediately gets court martialed and keelhauled. I hope every retired Navy officer and sailor goes after him.
No. 943681
>>943421You can still tell those pictures are AI made, but this is the one that really scared me. I had seen the first clip months ago before bumping into it again and finding out it's fake.'s not a bleak future that's coming, you can already do this. If someone wanted to, they could doctor a video of a politician opposing the status quo saying something "career ending" and air it on the news. Even if it was outed as a fake later, almost all people would just remember the first airing and it would've already affected voting results.
No. 944061
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Man they are really doing this
No. 944086
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I wanna talk about the lack of real wars for a moment, we are in era known as the "long peace". in that since WW2 no true conventional war between 2 Industrialized nations has happened(with one slight and bloody exception)
sure we have civil wars, Insurgencies, collapse of states but nothing on the level of actual conventional war, states can no longer wage war openly as they did in he past and when 2 states have conflict its often one sided, Iraq steamrolling Kuwait with in a day or the US and UK toppling Ba'athist Iraq in 2 Months
I think the elites support this status-quo of war, they don't want peace but real war is risky and unpredictable, with this way of war they can justify spending millions in defense without any significant loss
No. 944638
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>>944623anon you can't be serious
No. 944655
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>>944650>I was mentally sick for years and I started to get better in 2020, but now I look back and think that I at least did not have to deal with the mental stress of living in the world I am in now.I had the same experience as this and feel the same way sister
>Everyone doesnt care when there are clearly so many issues with what is happening and when I bring it up, they say its on me and life would be better if I just got the vaccine.Stupid bullshit, I got the vaccine and life still sucks around me. Also having health problems that I hope aren't due to it.
After I made the original post I found out about pic related, things might be about to speed up into the gutter.
No. 944660
>>944655Oh man, I could cry, I am so glad to have someone who sees what I see.
The vaccine to me just seems iffy because it doesnt work. Sure I can take it, but when will it end? I can enter a restaurant, but still would have to wear a mask, etc. This isnt normal and I just want normal back.
I hope not as well, just stay focused on vitamin C, healthy food, exercise, and all that jazz! I have no idea what country you are from, but if you have therapeutics there, I think it may be worth a shot. Therapeutics are all extremely hard to get here.
Also: I am very stupid, what does the headline mean?
No. 944667
>>944641Alright anon listen well
John and Paul are friends. John comes from a household of vaccinated people while Paul is skeptical about the vaccine. Everyone can have their doubts, and Paul isn't an antivaxxer. He just doesn't feel ready to get the vaccine.
John and Paul go to highschool together. They have been friends for a while. But then, Paul is labeled with a tiny golden star that says "not vaccinated". John and Paul think it's not a big deal, and they continue hanging out with their group of friends. "As long as most of us are vaccinated, it doesn't matter if Paul hangs out, because he's cool!" "Paul is cool, for an unvaccinated person that is."
Then, restrictions start to come. It turns out Paul can't get in the same classroom as John, and will have to go to an unvaccinated classroom instead. This does not make sense, right? Herd immunity and all that. But people don't want to risk getting the virus, so they are okay with it. However, it doesn't stop there. Soon enough, bathrooms for unvaccinated-only people start popping up, the furthest away from the usual bathrooms. "It's to protect people!" "Isn't it better if we are -inclusive- by giving them their own bathroom??" "That's what they get for not having the vaccine".
Suddenly, opportunities start decreasing for Paul just for being unvaccinated. "Sorry, we don't admit unvaccinated people over here" says a sign on the door. "We don't give jobs to the unvaccinated". "Unvaccinated people must carry an identification always" becomes a mandate. It's up to people if they want Paul inside their stores and shops, because just the sight of an unvaxxed person might cause a ruckus and uncomfortable stares from others.
John stops hanging out with Paul. "Sorry, but unless you have the vaccine, I can't go out with you. They'll think I carry the virus". "If you only got the vaccine…".
Places in town for the unvaccinated start popping up. "If they want to live without the vaccine, then they should go away to a place where they don't bother!". Housing and employent becomes a problem, because there aren't many places admitting unvaxxed folks. They can only afford to live in certain sketchy parts of town where things aren't great.
Finally, people are given two choices: either get the vaccine or die. Sounds familiar?
No. 944679
>>944660Thanks non, I agree about everything. Even as a vaxed person it's too much. I think everyone is tired of the bullshit except those strange people who repeat media mantras with no soul in their eyes. When I think back historically to a time like during the yellow fever outbreak (a real thing not just a modern saying about weebs kek) they did some quarantine-ish things but the circumstances of that disease were so much worse (higher % of deaths; people vomited blood etc) and there is a vaccine now, which is said to give lifelong immunity. People forget vaccines are supposed to work. Anyway I always think how those outbreaks were so much more horrible compared to covid, not that it hasn't wreaked damage but wow. It's just strange how it's been handled. (Also thanks for your concern; I'm in the US and going to see the doc when I can get an appointment.)
Don't worry I'm stupid as well, but from what I understand it means China's economy is likely going to suffer a big blow, which in turn affects the rest of the world that relies on it (like the US). We'll see I guess. Maybe your country will be relatively spared if this happens, idk much.
No. 944788
>>944760Pewdiepie himself knows how to move masses:
>floor gang>subscribe to pewdipie>9 year oldsthats some of the stuff he says and his fans obey. Besides Mr. Beast, he's the most famous youtuber in the entire planet.
No. 946566
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Surprise, surprise, turns out that COVID did actually originate in a lab and the scientists fucked up by not reporting results properly!
Funny how all of these "conspiracies" about COVID are turning out to be true. Extended lockdowns, vaccine passports, this was confirmed to be a man-made disease.
And yet, people still trust the governments claims of "safe and effective"
No. 946577
>>944679Wishing you all the best for your appt nona! I am from Canada, so I am equally screwed kek
>>946566Not shocking at all, yet no one cares and this will be swept under the rug like everything else. Very hard to stay hopeful about anything COVID related & why is no country (I do know why but anyway) going against China and locking Fauci up? Sick of this!
No. 946589
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The tranny/gender special agenda is still going strong.
We are no longer “biological women”, we are officially “bodies with vaginas”.
No. 946606
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>>946589not even hiding the fact that they believe women are just pieces of meat kek
No. 946698
>>946577Thing is its not the idealogy be it liberal leftism or conservatism
All elites when look in the direction of china they dont see a power hungry organisation with its own military as they tell us
They see an authoritative fascist state with oligarchs controlling everything
They dont see it as something abhorrent they aspire themselves to be like china
They are in love with how ccp does things
Remember what Canadian president said how ccp could puppet entire china so efficiently they maneuver economy better than Canada
All this war against ccp and our freedom is in danger is bs
Ccp and rise of china is just another excuse in long line to bring about changes no one will even take notice of
See redditors laugh and smirk/scoff how Americans were fooled by red scare during cold war but they do same shit today against china and many other democracy is in danger oh no muh minority countries
Its an ecosystem
No war against liberals or conservatives in high echelon of society is going on
No. 946702
They pushes left and things like trannyism and islamophobia so that society becomes disgruntled
None of these things are easily acceptable by the masses and no matter people will no accept it
Arabs were allowed to spread radicalism in muslim communities
Theres a reason liberal left is so aligned with American left and argues for things that don't make sense natively
From chomsky to peterson or whatever are all playing the same game and no one is on your side
No. 946747
>>944655Same, all my friends who got it had their periods fucked up which scares me because I literally faint on my periods due to blood loss, I feel like if they get any heavier or longer I'd have to live in hospitals once a month or just die
Also, not saying vaccines cause COVID but me and most people I know didn't get COVID until vaccines were a thing and became widespread, including my vaccinated friends
No. 946800
>>946747It's all so weird and as time goes on, the more things seem to conflict or get sketchier.
I think it's weird that the FDA is authorizing booster shots for J&J and Moderna when they didn't even approve the first dose(s).
No. 946861
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Video games are a psyop to distract young people from gaining practical skills and working towards actual goals. Literally engineered to turn you weak and dependent on consumer culture. Even something simple like Candy Crush is a waste of energy that earlier generations spent on things that at least tried to sharpen the mind (reading, crosswords, sudoku, etc.)
Try joining a local club based around a hobby that doesn’t involve that shit in any capacity. Guaranteed, you’ll be surrounded by Gen-Xers at the youngest and it’s all because millennials onwards are too engrossed in bing bing wahoo bullshit even as grown adults. It’s fucking sickening and demoralising.
No. 947461
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>>946589The person who wrote that is a they/she. The editor-in-chief backed her up. article isn't bad, she writes "women" in it and uses that dehumanizing term only once, but putting it right on the cover was clearly her signaling how kweer she is.
>>947358"Person of color" being hyped up as a woke term was already sus (it's just a rehashed version of "colored"), my tinfoil that it was step one for this dehumanizing speech. White men will continue being called men and white, while everyone else will be re-classified with a string of words that is gonna get longer overtime (black and brown bodies, bodies with vaginas, pregnant people, etc). A silent
us vs them, keeping everybody distracted, while the elites laugh at how pissed off or confused we are.
I'm not from the US nor Western Europe, but anything burgers do spreads around through soft power – first in Anglophone countries, then elsewhere. Even in my native language there are "progressives" (twitterfags and real activists) picking up this newspeak.
No. 947513
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It’s crazy how the conspiracy community is so male-dominated and anti-feminist considering what men do to women is the OG conspiracy. Read about men’s secret societies in tribal cultures and notice the patterns in modern-day organised religion and government. WE WUZ BENEVOLENT PROTECTORS AND SHIEEETTT is a myth as laughable as ancient aliens or melanin superpowers.
Men only pretend to care about women because (1) we can bear them sons or (2) another man told them to. All the evidence - even back down to our primate ancestors - points to a long history of rape, violence and terrorism. Research it for yourself. Males have a HUGE incentive to suppress, immobilise and control us (~evolutionarily~ as they like to say). And yet so many women instead think that feminism is the conspiracy here and that true patriarchy has never been tried. Give me a fucking break.
No. 947939
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>>947585>>947614Venti is chronically ill and uses it as a uwu I'm so fragile shtick, and men eat it up. It's the new heroin chic.
This is original schizo theory so bear with me while I give context. 1/6-1/10 women have hormonal problems, and 8% of women have ai (but it's been growing rapidly these past few years). Already know that medical industry doesn't give a shit about women. Those FB & insta groups around the vac that had women talking about how their ai got worse/their periods became fucked up got censored hard. Add onto that, I've noticed that there's a weird push to normalize chronic illnesses and hormone disorders. Even though in my grandma's day it was very rare for people to have them. Finally, pharma works by getting ppl hooked so they get even sicker if they stop taking meds, do you really think they wouldn't take this opportunity to make tons of new future customers with the forced vac? After all, autoimmune diseases and cancers are vague and can't directly be traced back to anything bc they take a long while to fester.
No. 948097
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>>947465Change the search and put ''parabens'' instead and guess what, you get the same results. Parabens are endocrine disruptors and are found in almost any cosmetic product, including make-up.
No. 948104
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>>948092This autistic, overly explicative typing reminds me of one of those fetish artist she was posting
>>948099She tends to insert gendershit in some of her drawings so i believe she's a woman too, but i could be wrong
No. 948143
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The “rebranding” Radical Feminism has gone through (where it’s now all about shitting on trans people) was a deliberate infiltration to distract from the actual problem (males as a whole). GNC people are an easy target, not to mention that once you begin associating and agreeing with conservatives you’ve lost all credibility as a feminist movement. I can’t help but get the sense it’s all going to backfire spectacularly, that GNC women are going to be berated for not performing femininity in the name of Radical Feminism(tm) and it’s basically gonna become Libfeminism 2.
No. 948154
>>948143It gives me the shivers to think about how much time, energy and thought radfems spend on opposing TRAs when it could be spent on other feminist issues. But like, what's the alternative? Give them free reign to take over female spaces, make language we need to discuss our experiences and rights taboo, change the definition of women? Even while women are being abused and exploited and harmed in massive numbers all over the world, men managed to invent this whole new form of oppression that is so absurd and in our face we don't really have much choice but to fight it. And not only that, it helped form a massive division between feminists who might otherwise agree.
It's terrifying how quickly and efficiently they legitimized and weaponized a flavour of woman hating that is nonsensical and crazy by any reasonable standard. The devil works hard but moids work harder.
No. 948183
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>>947939Anon, they can be traced back to something. Our use of seed oils is seriously what is causing so much chronic illness, obesity, heart disease, and causing our cancer rates to go up. I'm not joking - picrel. You can also look up any study that looks between heart disease and people eating "heart healthy" oils like canola.
The human body was not meant to eat these, they are incredibly inflammatory and that inflammation is causing our bodies to fucking break down. Hell a lot of them weren't considered edible back in your grandma's day, they were used for greasing machines (see cottonseed oil). And they're in everything. Your grandma ate stuff like lard, liver (liver is a great source of bioavailable nutrients, more than synethetic vitamins suspended in more oil), tallow.
Slight blog but I cut out all seed oils and my bloodwork (which has been fucked for awhile) came back all clear. My thyroid issues went away and so did my triglyceride issues.
No. 948199
>>948183My parents and their predecessors were farmers and they all cooked with lard since… forever. They had absolutely no issue with heart disease going back 3 generations and probably more. After living in the states for all this time, both my parents have had heart attacks in their 50s, along with chronic pain, migraines, and most of their issues have no real explanation besides "take these prescriptions".and "this is normal".
We are being slowly poisoned via plastics, fake food, and terrible water supply (you can research you local water supply and it's chemical contents- the majority of US water supply containes chemicals that are known carcinogens- these will not be filtered out and are usually a byproduct of manufactuing and industrial pollution)
No. 948207
>>948192Absolutely this dead doc, there's some incredible podcasts about this.
Basically we need to understand that dietetic science is in it's infancy- as laughable and misguided as alchemy is to us now. Not to mention incredibly swayed by lobbyist interests.
We have for thousands of generations hunted exactly what is depicted on caveman walls- bison, hogs, etc. This last few generations, a blip in our history, suddenly think that incredibly processed oils of plants (which aren't cute and friendly- omega imbalance and oxalates) somehow makes us healthier. Luckily that aligned perfectly with big corn, soybean, etc lobbying.
No. 948211
>>948199You won't be happy to hear then that they're trying to add graphene shit into water now (it was approved in the UK).
>>948192Lard is good for you if it's from animals that aren't pumped full of hormones antibiotics and fed terrible shit. Good luck finding this kind of stuff though, better off going hunting, especially since lots of those organic grass fed farms are scams.
No. 948329
>>948183Hard agree. In my early 20s I started suffering from brain fog and depression. It was bad enough that it was interfering with my ability to complete my university degree. My doctor tried to prescribe SSRIs.
I did my own research and started eating a keto diet. After I went through the initial stages of keto adaptation all the issues I was having cleared up. As I went further down the alternative diet rabbit hole I made more changes to my diet and how I cook food. I stopped using "heart healthy" seed oils and started cooking with lard and beef tallow. I threw away my non-stick pans and replaced them with cast iron. I have had zero health issues since.
>>948320It can be difficult to remove them entirely. Usually the best you can do is minimize your consumption. I'm now a house wife so I have all day to cook everything I eat from raw ingredients in my own kitchen. This isn't possible for most people. What I would recommend doing is buying a deep cast iron skillet and learning how to make quick one pan meals. Other items like a cast iron dutch oven and a slow cooker (crock pot in the US IIRC) would help with making your own meals that can fit around what you need to do during the day.
>>948322For plant oils, olive oil, coconut oil and avacado oil are all safe to use. What makes seed oils bad is the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6. Seed oils contain massive amounts of omega 6 and this leads too much omega 6 in the body. It causes inflammation which then causes more serious illness. Humans should be eating a 1:1 ratio of both oils but the modern diet is more like 18:1.
No. 948333
>>948305Ive heard about prolapses before but so many people tend to brush them off as rare or impossible. Thank you for your perspective. I’d love to get period panties though one of the most popular brands, Thinx, had
toxic chemicals including PFAS. I must admit I’m not terribly educated subject to make a comprehensive post about it though, there’s tons of articles.
I might go with reusable pads or a disc. Discs don’t create a seal or suction.
No. 949136
>>949116Why are you so quick to dismiss?
>>949133No. I've always found them interesting though. Why is it they have so much odd symbolism that's prevalent almost everywhere? And why do they have those super fucking creepy lodges everywhere too?
Reposting because I fucked up my reply, oops No. 949141
>>949136My husbands grandfather is a freemason. I don't know anything about the symbolism, but I know he's legitimately one of the nicest people I know. There is a lodge he used to go to, and he and the other lodge members would organize community events, raise money, throw parties and stuff. He and his wife
(who dies her hair purple and is adorable) were also ministers that took care of old historic churches in Canada. I don't know much about Freemasonry, I just have a very hard time believing this man would involve himself in anything sinister. Maybe freemasonry in Canada is different I genuinely don't know lol
No. 949192
>>949141>>949145It depends on what sect they are. 33rd degree and possibly up is where it’s at and where most conspiracies stem from. Look into the Scottish rite lodge as well.
We had an anon who’s relatives were tied to freemasonry and glowies last thread but was shoed away because schizoposting in the tinfoil thread…? Must’ve been glowies imo
No. 949257
>>949141Freemasonry is just a boy's/networking club with extra steps. It's true that a ton of prominent men have been a part of it, but the power of clubs like these is in the connections men can form by being a part of them. Plus non-notable men make up the bulk of membership; go to any given graveyard in the West and you'll see a ton of randos with masonry, knights of columbus, etc symbols on their stones.
All of the gnostic bullshit and traditions/rituals are just justification for rubbing elbows and a way to form a bond around a common belief system. You can see this also play out in West Africa, particularly Nigeria, where initiatic secret societies are a way for men and women to gain access to more powerful people in the community.
No. 949297
File: 1635179404730.jpg (123.04 KB, 956x304, gaydumbfuckdumb.jpg) wants to vaccinate essentially ALL children now. I like how it says "Fauci assured parents on Sunday", as though parents had been worrying their poor kids were gonna miss out on the chance to be fucked up from the vaccine.
No. 949367
>>949351I think the gross thing there is more about how much they can forgive / excuse this weird politician guy and paint him as saint
They're like "OH IF YOU EVER DO THIS, YOU'RE JUST AS BAD. YOU CAN'T CRITIZICE HIM!!!" when it's like… ok but he literally and personally grabbed some dogs and tortured them (alledgedly). Yes all kinds of animal torture is fucked and wrong, but somehow, because "everyone does it", he's excused and not a bad person at all? This is bullshit. It's cultish, brainwashing almost. You can't single out any of his flaws because he's somehow this perfect being… I don't think so.
No. 949519
>>949340Beagles are the standard dog testing breed, as horrible as it is. It's been decided to only use one type of dog for consistent results and to limit cruelty (how exactly?). I think the docile thing is a meme, though it may factor into it too.
Anyway kill all fuckers testing on dogs and animals in general
No. 949593
>>949565There was a small discussion about this yesterday
>>948169>>948212I also picked up a lot of diet tips from that I believe helped as well. I haven't looked at their stuff in a long time, but they have a lot of free information so you can find something that works for you without having to pay for any of their programs. There were also a few similar accounts like theirs on Instagram when I used to have it
No. 950418
>>949571Thanks for the advice anon but, as I said, I want to detox my body and I don't think smoking weed or tobaco would help with that. Part of the process is to give up on any kind of drug too and eventually to cut out low quality food. God knows it will be tough for me not to drink again.
>>949593Yes, reading those posts is what made me express my own doubts. I don't use tampons but I do use plastic pads. Now I want to buy reusable organic cotton pads and see if it makes any difference. I will check that website when I can acces to it, now the link leads to a server error screen… There's definitely a link between menstruation symptoms and diet.
>>950090Yes, during puberty I had them painful and painless. I also believe I have PMDD.
No. 950568
>>949565Definitely not my area of expertise, but I’ve heard yoga can help with cramps (and also lessen pain in childbirth).
Personally I’ve always just endured the pain despite my cramps being absolutely miserable and debilitating. Building up a tolerance has made other pains significantly more bearable (and I’m talking broken bones here).
No. 950907
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I'm not an antimasker but this shit has gone too far. Tell me this isn't a way for furries to become more mainstream/common. Next we'll see a bunch of degenerates wearing furry masks outside. Transhumanism vibes. (click to play)
No. 951113
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as if mainstream media wasn't already untrustworthy enough
No. 951115
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>>950907Does this upset you too anon?
No. 951128
What did i said about leftist liberal being the fascists of our time after socialists and nazis no wonder leftists and liberals like islam and all kinds of groups that are racists sexists and fascists but are advocated for because "muh oppresun"
Liberals/leftists have holier than thou attitude with a self proclaimed moral superiority over any other just like the religions and the oppressive groups they like to say they hate
(imageboard) No. 951132
>>951113Soros is linked to so many bullshit misinformed media
Vice used to be good before soros got hand in it
No. 951136
>>951128liberals have always been the fascists though
but notice this: all the progressive people who are all BLM and defund the police etc. are silent now when people are actually getting discriminated against in plain sight kek if they really cared for human rights they would care about what is happening to people due to medical choice
No. 951142
>>951136Its never been about human rights
Even mainstream feminism after the second wave hasn't been about women rights but a bunch of stuff along with it
Now its about activism and how anything that differs from liberal left view is fascist and racist and sexist
Even centre right and centre liberal is a nazi today
As soon as liberalism got mainstream and got adopted by people in academia and government it was over
No. 951377
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>>948215>>948130sorry for the stupid format, but I’m pretty sure I found witchy xx’s new channel through this podcast
No. 951382
The obvious sex robots that comment “see my boobs, link in bio” are a psyop to make real bots or fakes like
>>943380 look more real.
Can anyone give me some theories about pronouns and gender stuff becoming so mainstream? Maybe it’s not sinister but it’s annoying as hell. You follow a random cat memepage and you see “trans women are women” “damn shawty what’s ya pronouns” I am so sick of it that I think of abandoning social media all together
No. 951391
>>951367do you honestly beleive anything about BLM is genuine? kek the went against the mandates only because some asian restaurant discriminated against black people because they were unvaccinated and all of a sudden they came out against it.
for people who were burning places down and looting stores before, theyre pretty quiet now
No. 951455
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>>951441Going their own way
No. 951473
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I'm getting more schizo by the day but will somebody tell me why did PFLAG choose these specific symbols when they correspond to the pedo hearts and triangles
No. 951610
>>951441On youtube there is a divestment movement but imo it's very unfocused and the guidelines need to be made more clear. For the most part, it's all about swallowing the hard pill about the reality of black men and their hand maidens (aka mammies) trying create an identity separate from black men. It's very difficult to recruit black women because feelings need to be crushed.
>>951455This is so painfully accurate.
No. 951807
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>>951523Could it be a very dark reference to the pink triangle used during WWII? Apparently it has been reclaimed anyway, so it is probably just that. couple it with the childish way that it is sketched in the logo, and it is creepy. but my guess is that it just a "gay triangle"
No. 951902
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holy fuck (click to play)
No. 951934
>>951473>>951807This is how they explain their logo's design on their website:
"PFLAG's logo is the key visual symbol that people recognize, know, and relate to our mission and history. The red heart represents parents, families, friends and allies, linked with the orange triangle, which represents the LGBTQ community. The yellow starburst represents the power of this united front to move equality forward."
If they really wanted to make a reference to the pink triangle, they should've actually made the triangle pink. Idk how an orange triangle represents the gay community…
No. 951983
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No. 952043
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tl;dr: Google and FB fucking over everyone's privacy and illegally making money, again No. 952142
>>952043Classic Twitter obscuring the facts for more outrage retweets. This dude didn't learn anything, because the document isn't a case ruling/finding from a judge. It's the
complaint from Texas Attorney General that will be discussed at trial. The whole point of a trial is to determine what the facts are and who is accountable.
That being said, a lot of this is just common sense. If you really think Google doesn't track you because you're in Chrome Incognito Mode, or that the richest companies in the world don't collude to get more cash out of the public… Yikes.
No. 952277
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>>952276Anime is narcissism
No. 952304
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>>952278that was a mistranslation and taken out of context, what he said was actually meaningful
to him Anime was/is supposed to be artform to tell fantastical stories, he's open about his disdain for otakus and otaku culture, especially the consumerism aspect of otaku culture
No. 952724
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Everyone's more interested in useless arguing amongst ourselves in the COVID thread than really looking at the predicament we're in.
This is a good start. are just ants to them.
No. 953431
>>953426looks like a serial killer, idk how anyone could find this shit appealing in any way
while feminine males can be hot, men in clothing clothes will always look like creepy serial killers
No. 953503
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No. 953508
>>953506Tinfoil is where are they going with this
are they going to make pedophilia legal along with transgender
No. 953610
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>>953503>>953508The principal(the bald guy with beard) was also the chaperone on a trip when an alleged rape occured.
he's also the mayor of the town, idk all these things don't paint a pretty picture
No. 953747
>>953426This is from some streamer's Shitcamp thing, they all crossdressed the guys. I'm the original xQc groom conspiracy anon. He was very drunk and falling all over the place, it was really sad and disturbing to see.
I want to defend him though, so lemme just say this was not his idea, his gf dressed him up.
Part of the conspiracy is the fact that Ludwig said that someone posted xQc on a "dating site" (probably a Discord) and men were actually showing up to the location, which was undisclosed (how did they find the house??) with the explicit intent to fuck a drunk cross-dressed xQc, it's vile. The image looks so disturbing because imo it is pretty disturbing, he was wasted.
No. 953832
>>952345Twitch itself is a psyop. They literally let the US military stream on there to convince future school shooters to become cannon fodder instead, nuff said.
>>952724The covid thread is cancer, suddenly the "my body, my choice" stance goes out the window when it's a new vaccine that we're not really sure about. Thing is, I do think some of the people in there are intelligent but this movement uses a
lot of social stigma and rational people get swept up in it not wanting to look like the big bad anti-vax peasant if they ask one single fucking question about the vax. Hell, I've been told talking about my bad side-effects is fear mongering. That thread is truly beyond help.
No. 953843
>>953829Speaking of brain cancer I have some theories about that. I'm battling cancer myself and the "treatment" is worse than the illness; slowly killing my body and hoping that the cancer kicks the bucket before I do, it's fucked up. Cancer rakes in
billions a year and the charities gets tons of money yet they can't cure it? I genuinely don't buy it. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows big pharma doesn't care about peoples health so why would they cure something so profitable?
No. 953878
>>953841Yes, on a two hour walk in almost any part of my city, you're guaranteed to find assorted clothes in corners or greenery (among lots of other trash).
I'm thinking about making it a habit to to photograph them whenever I see them.
No. 953880
>>953843You might want to try a keto diet. The basic premise of this is that tumours require glucose as energy for growth. When you stop eating carbs and go into ketosis you're body stops producing glucose so the tumour can't grow or spread.
Here's a study with results that explains it better than I can. No. 953882
>>953861It's amazing to me that they've filled up nine fucking threads purely by screaming "TRUST THE SCIENCE". It's not even an open discussion at this point because even people with genuine questions and scepticism get laughed out of there.
>>953864>>953868I've stopped radiotherapy and am taking all kinds of natural supplements atm. You know what? I'm miles fucking better for it. I've gone from spending up to 18 hours a day in bed to going back to work and volunteering. Total 180. The symptoms are still there but it's manageable, you would not know I had cancer if you met me. I've been considering growing and smoking my own weed as I've made a little network of friends with cancer seeking alternate treatments and they seem to be doing well on weed but I'm a former drug addict so I'm nervous about trying it.
>>953880Damn, I've not heard about this. Thanks, anon. I'm gonna check out that study now.
No. 953893
>>953755tayrt, you're completely right. I think I meant to distance myself in the above rant post (that wasn't directed at anyone itt, I was just blabbering directionlessly) from the sort of indignation that is tied to one's own sexual identity, like.. I guess a lot of troons and handmaidens frame opposition to troonism analoguous to violent homophobia in western societies from the 50s onwards in that they assume people criticize troons because the existence of troons illegitimately threatens people's rigid order of gender identities or because people have closeted troon fantasies that they just cannot admit kek.
I agree with your broader point that wide acceptance and encouragement of kink is messing with people's character and relations and harming societies. Porn is a brainwashing machine and I bet MKULTRA research went into it aswell.
No. 953940
>>953938Some less prominent and older celebrities have actually died. Even some sports players and athletes have either become ill or died after having the vaccine. No one knows because the media doesn't report it.
I'll try and refind some links.
No. 954273
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Seeing all the shrinkflation everywhere in stores and restaurants is really making me realize how fake and corrupt everything is.
No. 954275
>>953983I'm gonna disagree with you here, I think that's a very brainlet take regarding religion
religions don't start cause of men scheming and making everything up, its more to do, religions are in a state of constant reinterpretations, mistranslations, localizations, expansions, simplifications in a never ending cycle
its something that always evolve and frankly the way certain feminists talk about religious women in the past is offensive, doubting the sincerity of women's genuine faith in their God is misogynistic imo
your in the 21st century, you know why the sky is blue, you aren't scared of the dark cause you have lights, you don't have to deal with famine but in the past the world was cold and seemingly merciless, a God that died for you and offers you salvation is probably the only thing that gets you going
No. 954413
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>>935662kinda late but his pr team is working hard to fix his image, what would adele and drake even talk about kek
No. 954536
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>>953882The whole Covid vaccine thing has become so polarized you can't have a calm conversation about it anywhere. Showing any kind of skepticism will get you branded an anti-vax science denier and compared to flat earthers by the pro-vax people. They become so nasty and hateful when talking about this topic.
Today I saw a man in store yelling at some homeless looking old guy for not wearing a mask and threatening to call the police on him. It actually made me stop and think about how bizarre this all is. I mean, call the police because someone's not wearing a mask? Back when it all started I never could've imagined that one day I'd have to show my papers if I wanted to go to a restaurant or see a movie. Surreal times we're living in.
No. 954740
>>954644as anon said here
>>954648 its not about white men, its more about raising black women's standards overall
see african american women have on average slightly above rates of education and average employment compared to the general population, while on the other hand 80% of African American males don't even make 60k a year and only 23% of them have a high school level education, In fact African American women are in the only group of women in the world where members of the female sex have more financial power and higher rates education then their male counterparts
No. 954742
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>>954074>>953938I thought this about DMX too. There was another older black celebrity (a jazz musician? I'm an european dumbo sry) whose family actually stated on Instagram something about "passed due to complications with the vaccine" but media just reported him tragically passing without mentioning the reason. That happened in early spring.
Then of course there was the case of picrel.
No. 954828
Fuck "struggle love"
No. 955137
>>955115well with regards to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church, those structures were set up a Imperial power that wanted to continue its own existence but was afraid of the potential revolt of the growing christian populations
As for Islam that just started out as some christian off sect mixed with a lot of Arab paganism(like a lot) we don't even know at what point Islam truly even started technically speaking
No. 955463
>>955277This little sneak at my work takes photos of people not wearing masks in public spaces (which isn't fucking illegal here) and posts them to his twitter bitching and moaning about muh safety. In person though? Total fucking wimp who's only got balls when he's getting passive aggressive in group emails. He even tweeted about me not wearing a mask
all the time because I have asthma and got nerf'd by covid at the start of the pandemic; he was saying that people shouldn't be allowed to be medically exempt. Absolute psychopath. The pro vaxx movement attracts these people in droves though, they're spineless weaklings IRL who found a loophole where they can insult people and borderline bully them under the guise of "public safety".
No. 955710
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>>955567Bold words from you Missy
Didn't you know leftists are anti nazis
People have been saying this for years tho and all this time these obnoxious people just keep giving excuses "oh no its not so bad, oh no I don't see anything wrong with grooming gangs, what grooming gangs, those culprits are actually
victims of you oppression, those are conspiracy conservatard oh now what you believe in flat earth cmon, oh no islam means peace,
Oh no they take your data wake me up when the ACTUALLY do something horrible, that data is just so government can do its job
Man they have been at it for decades this is something not new
You see it now because of this pro Vax anti vax debacle
They have been at it for literally decades
No. 955714
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This LOL doll company is definitely run by pedophiles. Too many instances of creepy shit coming from this brand.
No. 955725
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>>955714The CEO of MGA is Isaac Larian. You'll never guess what his religion is.
>>955719I recently saw this abomination in a toy shop.
No. 955750
>>955567AYRT, I'm Jewish (non-practicing and ostracised from the community because I'm deemed a right wing nutjob for pointing out how many Jews are in positions of power kek) and any IMO any Jew crying about aNtI-semITism is part of the problem. It's just a comparison - an accurate one, might I add - no one's pissing on our ancestors graves and it's worse that these people are content to let this kind of fascism happen again. The hotlines freak me the fuck out.
"Oh you wanted to breath in fresh air outside? I'm diming you in." If anyone needs to be put on a list it's people like that who turn on people so easily. I'm in and out of hospital a fair bit and I hear a lot of nurses gossiping and bitching about the unvaxxed a lot. It's amazing how openly they'll state their wish to deny care to them. They're even worse on social media, although I'm starting to wonder how many are bots. Is it me or did a
lot of medical professionals pop up on twitter during the pandemic? I don't even have an account but from my occasional lurking there I've seen huge amounts, oh and it just so happens that they're all leftists who support all the mainstream narratives. Nothing to see here though!
>>955714I keep seeing these in toy stores and they skeeve me out. I won't let my sisters have them or bratz or anything like that.
No. 955815
>>955800Squid Game is being promoted a
lot in media lately and it makes my schizophrenia tingle. I think it's desensitization to the world going to absolute shit and us having to fight our fellow man for the right to survive while TPTB piss themselves laughing at us.
No. 955824
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>>955800>>955815Literally the dumbest take I’ve seen ,and will ever see, in this decade
No. 955914
>>955901The elites/Illuminati/etc.
>>955903Why are you here then?
No. 956900
>>955714I have a playlist on youtube of toys like this. Some of them are downright henious, the worst is the one where you stick a syringe of liquid in a hole on the doll's butt, plug it and shake it around, then squeeze it back out as "slime". Something is really off with whoever is making these toys, I don't know what the goal is or if there even is one, but syringes and poop is a common theme in a lot of them. I'm wondering if they're normalizing something to come.
On a less tinfoil note, why are they always dressed in fishnets? How does no one else see this as blatantly sexualizing women at an increasingly young age?
No. 956902
>>956887Millenials might be self absorbed and lazy, but at least they don't want to "change the world" by ruining it
There's nothing to fix about Millenials other than maybe give them antidepressants
No. 956945
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What level of god's wrath are they trying to invoke on our society now. Is the public really okay with this? Correction, is everyone young actually okay with this and only a few of us are still repulsed? I'm scared that when the older gens die out all the pornsick brainwashed people of my generation are going to usher in even worse horrors. Honestly what I'm most scared of is pedophilia being normalized because it's quickly becoming the only boundary left uncrossed, and just barely. Sure this level of degeneracy has happened in history before and been reversed, but what they didn't have then that they do now is the massive public mind control that goes on via porn and social media creating the illusion of this being socially acceptable so that it becomes socially acceptable as everyone assumes it is normal and not so bad.
No. 956950
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>>955714The CEO looks creepy.
No. 956952
>>956902Cringe tiktok politics zoomers who want to ruin the world wouldn't be a thing without cringe tumblr politics millennials laying the groundwork of that ideology though. Almost all the worst shit I see zoomers come out with is just recycled from early 2010's tumblr, just now it's hitting the mainstream and actually impacting more
>>956945Yeah, I don't want to be too pessimistic about it but it seems like coomers won't be happy until they can cross every boundary possible and "normalize" (aka bully people into staying silent about) every taboo
No. 956969
>>956954 true
>>956952I want to die or for the world to end already if this isn't going to change. I'm sorry to be a doomer, but I see no escape besides willfully blinding myself and even that is difficult as the degeneracy seeps further into real life. I've also noticed myself developing hateful beliefs inside because I feel a need to blame someone for it all and other reasons. I know it's wrong but god why did this have to happen to us and keep happening. I know it's already been cursed for a while in society but I would kill to go back even a few years when it wasn't this bad, when people still had some sanity
No. 957071
>>956952>wouldn't be a thing without cringe tumblr politics millennials laying the groundwork of that ideology thoughThat 2010s tumblr politics is queer theory.
QT is dense crap, something that teenage Millenials would not easily understand and so, they were introduced to a bite-sized version by older people.
Gen Y and Z didn't come up with these strange ideas on their own, they were/are just mouthpieces.
>>956954Normalization of pedophilia is part of queer shit.
No. 957263'm just sick and tired of pro vaxxers and doctors gaslighting everyone into thinking they're dramatic or cowards for not getting a vaccination that has intense and deadly side effects. I started out pro vax but the amount of people who keep excusing
valid medical concerns is tiring and the amount of intense side effects that are being swept under the rug is terrifying. If companies don't bother fixing the issue that is literally killing people then why should we trust them?
No. 957458
>>957254I'm not British and I don't watch televised news, but I will try the search terms
>>957255 suggested. I have seen that BBC clip shared online though, and while I had read theories it was priming people for mass deaths I had not come across any news about such mass deaths occurring already where I live. I don't doubt it's going on, I was just curious and will try to find some reading on the subject. I was quick to assume Google would just be focused on deboonking anything related to it.
No. 958276
>>957785Holy shit, never thought I'd bump into anyone else from the west country on here! Small world, my mother was experimented on at the Harvard CCU ( which interestingly enough has links to covid. When my mother told me about that place and I looked into it I also read up on Porton Down; never thought there'd be that kind of history around here. No where's safe, I guess.
No. 958378
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>>935591Did any of the PATRIOTS ITT go to watch JFK Jr's miraculous return yesterday?
No. 958664
>>958568>>958612That's super fucking creepy, even if it's some weird NIN throwback.
>I can't figure out the lyrics for the life of me. I've considered trying to contact her and ask about it.Do it if you can! Would love to find out. Wouldn't be surprised if even she has no idea what the fuck are the words to that nightmare
No. 959140
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Does anyone wanna help me down this rabbit hole I’m gonna try to find archived 4chong threads on DuckDuckGo
No. 960217
>>958833The fuck.
>>959140Try searching on the archives instead, like
You could also try bitchute if you want something in a video format but you'll likely have to sort through a lot of pretentious/schizo vids to find something half-way digestible
No. 960223
>>960167Lady Gaga with the Lina Morgana chick (not family though)
Lana Del Rey made a bunch of early songs about someone named "K" dying, some people have theories
Amy Lee from Evanescence has siblings that died bit I don't know the nature
Just some dumb examples and I'm not the OP just chiming in
No. 960250
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>>960218Margot Robbie was too
I don't have any "hard" evidence but it's just baffling to me how old teen stars look now compared to in the 2000s or 90s when there were teen stars like Miley Cyrus but they actually looked like teenagers? Many of these teen stars are showing signs of premature aging as well which is also suspicious especially since almost none of these stars talk about school life after fame, driving, puberty, awkward first kisses, etc. Top that with the fact their parents are way older too and conceiving them at the supposed ages would have been very unlikely
The shitty part is that these people who make their career revolve around their age will slowly die off, at least teen stars such as Miley is still doing pretty good and made music that made lots of money long after the teen pop star thing ended
No. 960253
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>>960128I've had that theory about Billie Eilish too, She looks like she's 29 not 19, the baggy outfits she wore was a way distracts from the overall appearance and covers up that she's a fully grown ass millennial woman not a zoomer teen
2014 Billie looks 19, but who knows maybe getting plastic surgery at 14 fucked her face up
No. 960257
>>958568Damn this sounds creepy kek.
I can hear some cut audio of a woman and a man saying "alright, thank you", at some point a woman whispers "faster" several times, then it screams random(?) names like Lorraine, James, Andrea, Bernie (or maybe it's "ready"), Alan something, and Brian. There is definitely backmasking and I'm sure there's at least one reversed piece of audio at the end. It would be fun to make proper lyrics of it.
No. 960822
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Something very suspicious about the propaganda surrounding these injections. Realistically what's the probability of prion disease happening? I mean your body keeps producing spike proteins right? All it takes is a few to misfold and make their way to the brain.
No. 960925
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Totally normal! Nothing to see here!
No. 960935
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>>960822So what, hoardes of Alzheimer's patients coming soon?
No. 960946
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>>960925I don't know anyone yet who has gotten their child vaccinated. I think they know damn well this one is a hard sell even to people willing to take risks with their own bodies. Heart issues cropped up big time enough that they had to make announcements for young adult males, surely it isn't going to be any better for children?
unrelated but how many of you ascribe a lot of this weird culture-shifting shit to the zero population growth movement? Regardless of whether you think they will be successful or not, or if they are working 'behind the scenes' to make it happen, imo it is impossible to deny that the elites want our population to slow dramatically down. Their motivations are "altruistic", given our planet may or may not die (although tards like Elon Musk and Richard Branson could be putting $$ into artificial meat sources and shit like that instead of space travel) but, for example, I think the Georgia Guidestones illustrate well what "they" ultimately want for us proles, while they indulge in sexual whims and whatever the fuck else floats their boats. No. 961165
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>>960223The K thing is bullshit, he's this fantasy daddy gangster figure ("old man") sitting on a death row that never fucking existed. He's also an indie boy, according to another song. Probably partially inspired with her boyfriend at the time, Josh Kemp.
Lana did lose an ex-boyfriend who was addicted to heroine (the song "Heroine" is about him). It would be more in line with your theory (though I'm not sure if I'm on board with it)
No. 961174
>>960253Bitch looks her age, its probably just drugs agings her like shit. Seen plenty of girls her age looking even older due to alchohol and drugs. Maybe she is a year or two older, but a whole decade? Nah
The billie is actually 30 seems like such an age cope
No. 961208
>>961191I'm actually quite curious/worried about what the third booster will do to people since the second one seemed to have big effects on periods, heart troubles, general fitness for months afterwards based on what I've read in comments online. Twitter is a bit better for seeing comments about it, and here, just depends what words are in the post. Facebook scan and delete posts like crazy, I've seen longtime facebookers report having posts deleted or be banned due to their over the top auto-moderation so I'm not surprised.
But people have only just started getting their third vaccine so it will be a while until we hear all the effects.
No. 961217
>>961208>>961191Samefag, my internet which is normally super stable disconnected immediately after sending that post.
I have had Tweets autodelete themselves depending what words were in it. What I'd reccomend is avoiding using major words (treat it like 'he who must not be named' aka voldemort) and posts seem to still have reach/not be deleted as long as you avoid common keywords.
I am actually pro 'it' in general but I think people should be informed and have a choice. By deleting anecdodal experiences it means crazies get a louder voice, I think normal people like yourself should get a say. It shouldn't be just crazies on either end of the spectrum getting a voice which is what happens when normal comments and experiences get autodeleted.
No. 961266
>>961228Yeah I’m in a high risk group and got my third one a few weeks ago. My country does it according to risk.
>>961217Like I said, I’m not pro or anti. I took it because I’m really high risk, and have family members who are high risk too so it was a no brainier for me. I really believe it should be a personal choice, outside of a few professions like health care workers. I don’t like this censorship though, we should be able to talk about our experiences. When I did see that other women had experienced what I did it put my mind at ease. Trying to silence us just makes me think there is some real risk that we’re not being told about. We already know males are the default in human medical trials (see invisible women by Caroline Criado Perez for proof) so is it that they didn’t bother checking the effects on women’s bodies, or is it that they did and knew this is a risk but don’t want it to be known incase it stops people getting the vaccine?
nonnie, I’d be very wary too if I was planning on getting pregnant. Ultimately you guys have to what’s best for you and your future family. I hope all goes well.
No. 961269
>>961191I was on nexplanon bc when I got the first and second moderna shot and my period became nearly constant, with few breaks. Specifically after the second shot I experienced a week of pure blood clots. I mean, I was (this is gross sorry) pulling large clumps out of me in the shower, on the toilet, and there wasn’t a single drop of blood in that period. Just clots.
I imagine the bc and the injection interacted quite poorly, and I’ve since had the implant removed, but I’m not comfortable with any more vaccinations for this shit, birth control or no.
No. 961306
>>935591Can someone explain a few things from the OP thread image?
"Hear me out"
"Who want me"
"Sing for us Fiona"
"Mommy? Sorry"
what's the significance if any? I've been curious
No. 961356
>>961306>"Hear me out"Zoomer slang to signal you're about to say something that could be very far fetched
>"Who want me"Not entirely sure about this one, but it seems to be a phrase to say you're single
>"Sing for us Fiona"No idea, but i think its from a meme
>"Mommy? Sorry"Zoomer slang to signal a girl/woman is very attractive, mostly directed to milfs but it applies to younger women too
>"Euphoria"A series about teen drama and trauma, it also includes a tranny, hence the name "Euphoria" (gender euphoria), very popular among zoomers
No. 961663
What if they were planned though? He father is connected to the music industry and supposedly gave up rock stardom once she was born. She may not have wanted them to die but what if she and other stars didn’t have control over their losses?
No. 961681
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So, do you guys think the celebrities and elites really believe in this stuff? By that I mean the occult, satanic sacrifice, hell, etc. Looking into anything about Astroworld from the album cover with child sacrifice/entrance to hell symbolism to the hell-themed stage design to the people becoming demons on Travis Scott's shirt, it's obvious by now that the imagery is intentional. Is it purely because it "looks cool" and also to generate tinfoilchans like us to laugh at, or is it genuine? I think back to Lil Nas X who made a fair case about his imagery existing to
trigger conservatives and insult their anti-gay teachings, but the symbols are just so extensive these days and I have to wonder how far the rabbit hole goes. Satan stands for a lot more than what people find acceptable to admire him for, he stands for all chaos and violence in the world right down to pedophilia (a spiral symbol is on the tree in the video for Montero, but I'm hoping to be wrong). It's possible what happened at Astroworld was a coincidence with nothing to do with all the stuff like "See you on the other side" from entering the symbolic gates of hell, but it's also getting to be a little much. Are they just mocking us tinfoilers and believers, utilizing aesthetics for other reasons, or do they really believe this stuff and want it manifest? Much to think about
Here's a reddit post and comments about it being a ritual sacrifice here's a twitter thread expounding on the symbols (which are pretty undeniable) me it boils down to what it all means, what is the point, is it just games to them or was what happened at Astroworld a sign of something bigger going on in plain sight. or pure extreme coincidence?
No. 961684
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>>961681Too much to cap from the thread but I'll sage and post a few. note all this symbolism could be for the attention it generates but what happened makes it too chilling in context
No. 961688
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>>961687next pic will be the last
No. 961689
File: 1636238070199.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1060x1613, F4A79AB8-EEF4-495A-AAC1-EE6F11…)

>>961688but not the last in the thread
hold on I lied let me add the album cover next
No. 961691
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>>961689lots to notice but the main theme I'm seeing is child sacrifice
No. 961693
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>>961681The one-eye symbolism has been around long before people started waking up. I suppose they do know or else they won’t stay relevant if they don’t keep participating in rituals/sacrifices.
Also why are you defending that faggot? Ew.
No. 961701
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>>961693I didn't mean to defend him, only to concede that his argument
COULD explain it but I don't think it does. I don't think what he did was helpful to gay people regardless. I don't really buy that it was all about what he said, either, but I wanted to make a concession because otherwise we can be dismissed as "uber religious conservatives giving exactly the reaction he was going for!! this proves his point"
You're right about the eye. I think it's real and there's something to it but with what LNX said I'm just considering what if there is a less supernatural, extreme explanation. I don't think there is, but I'm considering it to better argue against it and to understand the truth of the matter. Picrel could either be an open admission to what everyone theorizes, or them simply mocking our theories by embracing them for lulz. See? I think the latter is unlikely but it's something I want to fortify my argument against.
No. 961722
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>>961689Found something interesting in the replies; this was on the back of his shirt: "a balloon being deflated after being popped by a dart". The all-seeing eye sometimes represents God, although seems it's usually something more sinister to the elites, perhaps themselves as a replacement for God. However with the eye being popped, could be it's a "fuck you" to God here. "We deflated your eye and replaced it with our own." Any other theories?
No. 961732
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>>961260Has the Ariana Grande bombing been talked about? Am I dumb for thinking that tragedy was something deeper or was it just a male being a male?
No. 961743
>>961732In the Astroworld poster; I shared the pic with my younger sisters (who do believe in some of the tinfoil) and they believe that the eight eyes represent the eight people who died, could this have been planned from the start? Because I don’t think it was human error at fault.
>>961732Not in any of the threads it hasn’t. I’m starting to believe that any event involving dead people is ritualistic, including the Vegas shooting.
No. 961752
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>>961743There were 8 flames on the stage as well
No. 961756
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>>961747Ot but the guy who did the Sandy Hook shooting looks so fucking scary wtf is he possesed? this pic will give me nightmares
No. 961759
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>>961756Here's him when he was a kid. Tf happened to his eyes..
No. 961824
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>>942294I immediately thought of your comment, nona.
and I was the anon arguing that the target audience has changed This creeper will stay in my mind for a long time
No. 961892
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A fan was trying to call for help as she saw other fans getting crushed to death and no one gave a shit; not the cameraman, the crew, no one. There are videos posted of Travis Scott just standing there watching others suffer. No. 961894
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No. 961899
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No. 961903
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No. 961905
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>>961903Another elite sacrifice done in plain sight. We don't have shootings anymore, we have trampelings.
No. 961920
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He stopped a show LAST WEEKEND because someone hopped security/got on stage No. 961931
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I don't trust the moon. I used to worship it as if it was a God, but somehow broke out of it getting older.
No. 961964
briefly stopped the show, the video going around of him staring at the passed out kid singing "yeah" was his pause, yes (before that video starts he holds up for about 45 seconds, then starts singing "yeah")… but he did not ADEQUATELY stop the show. Not when people stampeded thru the gates without tickets, not when two people were up on a cameraman's podium screaming, not when paramedics were trying to get into the crowd, not when people were trying to get out of the crowd. He only finished his show 18 minutes early, when the surge - from what I've read - lasted over 20 minutes.
No. 961966
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It’s not just Travis Scott nor his team placing subliminal messages on stage, check out The Weeknd’s Super Bowl show
No. 961981
This video is by far the worst I've seen from AstroWorld. Travis Scott nods & smiles as the crows chants to stop the show, and a woman is heard screaming "
HELP! SOMEONE HELP US!", it the most terrifying sound. No. 962004
>>961999I'm going to church. I know everyone can debate whether you need to or not what denomination but I don't even think it matters in this dark age I'm going to church this is a wake up call for those of us who need it
>>962002You're free to think that but they are clearly very convinced, look at what they've wrought on this world and the evil especially toward children, I'm thinking it's real
No. 962005
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>>961981Posting the vid for everyone, click to play
Related: fans dancing on top of ambulances the fans are also at fault. I don't trust anyone who likes this type of music either way.
No. 962009
>>962007same thing
>>962006yes but you know they're counting on the debunk to memory hole the entire thing, when you google it you get fact checks right away saying false, if you didn't bother doing the reading you could dismiss it. I don't know I'm just sick of fact checkers being like "did X do Y last friday? FALSE! THIS IS FALSE MISINFO! explanation: X didn't do Y on friday because they did it on thursday." you know?
No. 962010
>>962004>I'm going to churchLook church girl, I don't care about what you do and will only say this once even if you reply to my post I won't fall for your bait: religion is as bad as the satanic cults you are so afraid of. They do things in secrecy too. They hold a lot of power. You are part of the problem if you say these imaginary things are real, if you think praying is anything but a self-soothing coping mechanism, and indoctrinating others on the basis of fear is a shit move.
Being afraid of what people in positions of power hold is normal, because they are the ones who do the killing. They are the ones who pull us in hell. There's nothing after death: no hell, no heaven, no second opportunity. Once your brain shuts off it's over and you decay. Our brain is so cool that it makes us believe in crazy shit, but it doesn't mean that crazy shit is real.
>>962007Same shit, believing in fake shit is harmful.
No. 962016
>>962011I'm not a nihilist just because I don't believe in any religion out there. All religions are harmful and hurt people.
Religion doesn't equal god btw. If anything, religion has ruined the idea of a god for me. Wish I could go back to just thinking "there's something out there" but as long as you have some belief, christians and other pieces of indoctrinating shit will try to convert you. So no thanks!
No. 962025
>>962016I understand the urge to argue and I truly want to because I have points to bring up, but it's probably against the rules and anyway I won't assume I can convince you. Whatever you believe I hope we all can be happy and stay safe even though things are scary and stupid
>>962014kek exactly. I hate them even if they didn't do this though. Fact checkers shouldn't exist because who fact checks the fact checkers? $$$
No. 962035
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>>962030I'm sorry I don't want to get banned nonna
I genuinely have points I'm dyin here this isn't a cop out kek but we're derailing, & I'm not here to indoctrinate either bye bye here's a conspiratard pic (I don't into alex jones though)
No. 962038
>>962034How is wanting to not be indoctrinated somehow being a "narc"? This is an issue people have on the daily. She even said the word "convince". Sorry that I don't believe in religion, religion has caused me and many others more harm than good.
>>962035Aw it's okay. I think this talk can also go here in the tinfoil thread but it's fine. Goodnight nona.
No. 962045
>>962038Centering yourself as if everyone wants
you, an idiot, to join their religion whenever they talk about it is narcissistic af
No. 962046
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Scott’s pr statement how to embed on safari
>Witness talks how it went down and is traumatized from the events, recalls seeing dead bodies as paramedics kept doing cpr before moving onto the next one.
>Claims Scott didn’t do shit and just kept on singing.
>”A concert from hell, this is hell!” “Real demonic shit goin’ on”
>Suspects there’s at least a few hundred bodies No. 962048
>>962046>I'm absolutely devastated by what took place last nightIT DOESNT LOOK LIKE IT AT ALL! What in the actual FUCK?
I'm fucking tired of these "statements" made by PR… stop following these idiots and their "apologies" holy shit, how are people not waking the fuck up?
No. 962070
>>962058And don't you think non-religious people also deserve respect, even more after years of indoctrination into a dogmatic system? people who go on and on about religion almost forget not everyone believes in imaginary things. They think they're the norm. But when you mention "I don't believe" they immediately
>call you a narc>call you nihilist>say they can convince youIt's just wild to me. I don't even care.
No. 962086
>>962070Chill with the
victim complex. No one cares about your atheism. being an atheist isn't even subversive or edgy anymore lmao.
No. 962094
File: 1636274387539.png (18.63 KB, 1165x166, astroworld.PNG) this is an article about a security guard being pricked in the neck with a needle then being revived with narcan at AstroWorld. There's another article that isn't from TMZ linked in the
Wikipedia page that has been made for the "Astroworld Festival crowd crush" - which claims multiple people were injected in the crowd, and that narcan was used several times in reviving people.
No. 962101
>>962097 I think it was a non-Travis fan, or small time Travis fan, who wanted to commit some murder & mayhem in a less obvious way than a school/public area shooting. The sheer chaos of a concert would be the perfect place for some schizo-type incel to cause even
more chaos, but be able to get away with it. My guess is a opioid at a level that would cause any non-user to OD.
I don't buy any Luciferian, Hollywood Cult bullshit - 9 people died at a Pearl Jam concert in 2000, and 11 at The Who in '79, this shit happens sometimes. But I do believe at least soem of the deaths were due to this mysterious person with a needle. Perhaps they were one of the people who stormed the fence, like if he got in, he'd do it, and if not then it wasn't the time, ya know?
No. 962134
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>>961931One thing I noticed about the moon is that in the past, when you saw a crescent, that was the only thing you saw. Now when you see a crescent you can also see the rest of the moon. I never saw that once until it started a few years ago.
No. 962260
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my gaydar has been very high with drake lately.
No. 962285
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>>962260He has a collection of purses and shoes he claims is for his future wife. I bet if Harper's Bazaar was allowed to get close enough, all the shoes would mysteriously be near his size.
No. 962308
>>962155seriously, people will understand that science fiction dictates science via our interests driving our research but will refuse to believe there are other kinds of "scientists" that are working with things that are well documented in history, that normal people that walk among us every day are also capable of reenacting what's been written and improvising their own spin on it to bring about a great effect. believe it or not, he conjured a great energetic effect. his intent was there and
>>962242 in the comments of the video there are multiple timestamps of him saying "this shit is beautiful" as an ambulance wheels away a sacrifice, "I see you all the way in the back." magic or not, he did what he set out to do, kill people in the name of a sacrifice
No. 962309
>>962155He also inspired some NASA guy and the Scientology creator to summon some divine feminine being by jerking off on stone tablets to bring about some new age of enlightenment
This whole page is kind of a trip No. 962345
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Participating in bumping.
No. 962370
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>>962356NTA but why are you mad about it? It's really not hard for people to "create" anything when this is what the dude's concerts look like lol. What does edgelord Satanic imagery even have to do with hip hop culture anyway?
No. 962400
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>>962370The album cover, he is so blatant with this shit.
No. 962416
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The stage looks like the hadron collider at CERN, the device that is supposedly an inter-dimensional portal to “the other side”. No. 962422
File: 1636310267518.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.36 KB, 634x576, 782EFF62-41EC-47B8-8DC2-10044C…)

Prior to what went down, Kylie Jenner released this photo op of herself covered in blood while pregnant . They knew…
Edit - forgot to spoiler
No. 962440
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>>962301>>962356Celebrities and their occultist tendencies is 100% relevant in conspiracy spaces.
No. 962449
>>962440Agreed. The entertainment industry is used as a distraction tactic by the elites, not to mention that they love to slip their messages in various media too. I never got why people immediately dismiss celebrity theories. I mean, sure, it doesn't matter if Drake is gay or not (though I did kek at the thought of him crossdressing) but the Travis Scott thing raises a lot of
valid questions.
No. 962454
File: 1636311985388.webm (9.49 MB, 426x240, diabloxantiago - astroworld.we…)

Full video of the guy who went to Astroworld. Leaving it here just in case his ig account get nuked.
My tinfoil is that the rich people who went to the show knew something was gonna go down. I believe the body count is much higher but Scott's team are gonna pay people off to keep quiet (Houston PD, families of the deceased).
No. 962476
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>>962454I think the death count is way higher too. All the first hand accounts mention seeing way more bodies than what's been announced. Yeah, they could be hospitalised or turned out to be ok but for so many people to have seen so many bodies? It literally doesn't add up. On a tinfoil tangent a musician called
Astro from the UK band UB40 passed away after a "short illness". I know, it could just be a coincidence and it's two days after the Astroworld concert but what are the odds?
No. 962482
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This is from his newest song. Seems he opened whatever the fuck it was last night. No. 962537
>>962527>For those saying celebrities are not relevant, why do you think they exist? They are to cause a distraction, it’s magic. People watch them and don’t keep track of what’s happening with the other hand, or behind the scenes…And by going on and on about the symbolism and what xyz celebrity did you're still falling for the distraction. Everyone knows Hollywood is full of rapists and pedros and satanists. It's boring to keep repeating the same thing.
>>962530>prefer tinfoils of things more consequential in nature, like the vaccines, shady political dealings, etc. Yeah, actual stuff that impacts our day to day lives.
No. 962544
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>>961050Yeah, people don't mention her ANYWHERE if it's not to talk about those ''poor jail'' conditions she is in. She's been denied parole a few times and there's only one picture of her after inprisonment, pic related, her eyebrows are done.
No. 962577
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>>960946Fuck these monsters, they have been planning for decades. Here's a pic of some based vandalism though I wish the whole thing would be smashed apart, in minecraft of course.
>In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym R. C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of "a small group of loyal Americans", and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of "withstanding catastrophic events". Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was "a nut" and attempted to discourage him by providing a quote for the commission which was several times higher than any project the company had previously taken, explaining that the guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. To Fendley's surprise, Christian accepted the quote. When arranging payment, Christian said that he represented a group which had been planning the guidestones for 20 years and which wanted to remain anonymous.>Yoko Ono said the inscribed messages are "a stirring call to rational thinking", while Wired stated that unspecified opponents have labeled them as the "Ten Commandments of the Antichrist".>Conspiracy theorist Jay Weidner has said that the pseudonym of the man who commissioned the stones – "R. C. Christian" – resembles Rose Cross Christian, or Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of the Rosicrucian Order. No. 962611
>>962476I think the chaos and violence Travis Scott has at shows is a cover up, so they can blame reckless people and crowd crush when they’re injecting people. There’s been a surge of people injecting women in UK clubs and there have been protests about it very recently, of course it will happen here but it would cause mass hysteria here. Because of the stress of the pandemic, people are far more likely to deny conspiracy because of a belligerent effort to “contain” it. It’s mostly men who can’t handle their emotions claim “what was Travis supposed to do, it’s not his fault, it happens” etc. They entice men to look rational and strong in the face of things so they will feel insecure when it’s pointed out, then they react violently against those who speak out, that’s the trickle down of crowd control after the ritualistic event. If you make room for Satan inside of you, it will feed off of you and use you to incite harm at your own expense. It is not power it is an illusion that feeds off of insecurity and fear. So the Devil isn’t “real”, but people are and they react to that imagery with insecurity or avoidance, very, very rarely confrontation and empathy for other humans.
They can’t report the number of people who actually died from being spiked because they’re trying to contain it like governments do with epidemics or pandemics to save their own negligence. As long as there’s a “rational” explanation to use instead of confronting a deeper issue, the regular man will double down on it and end up protecting the predators. Crowd crush can rationally kill 8 and be an outrage, but more people dying only from crowd crush would be much harder for an average thick skulled male to defend. They couldn’t revive them because they needed narcan. In 2021, you need narcan as a friend, never mind a medic. I think the deliberately reported 8 is a number they intentionally settled on, hence the imagery. That ties in with gravitational patterns between Earth and Saturn; Earth on it’s own has a Torus energy pattern where it goes internally then outward, it’s a closed circuit, but with the authoritative presence of Saturn the influence is an 8, so the energy is redirected to another external powerful object. The eye in the symbolism is a closed sufficient unit of creation, and the dart is the arrow of Sagittarius and knowledge, and Pluto was in Sagittarius recently for decades defining the Zoomer generation. Pluto was in Scorpio for Millenials, which is why they are exploited for occult knowledge and had to be contained and disconnected from their innate occult knowledge. If Millenials could log off, they can overpower this. Zuckerberg being a Taurus is not a surprise, his moon is 29 degrees Scorpio and has aspects to Pluto and Mercury, he knows enough about human emotion to manipulate it and is connected to the Torus energy of the Earth. He is a tool. Xxxtentacion was too powerful and could not be controlled, drake is a pedo so he’s initiated, lil nas x is being manipulated by the trauma of homophobia (sexual abuse is a common way people are programmed to be easier to manipulate, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, etc obviously) so he has an ego based urge for revenge that is being exploited (really doubt he cares about satanic imagery, but the people behind him do and that’s how they get him to care), and Travis Scott who seemingly out of nowhere was chosen to impregnate Kylie Jenner twice is very controllable. Satanic imagery has always been powerful, the members of Black Sabbath to this day however pray to God before performances. Listening to Kanye talk about God the way he does is obvious he’s tuned into something. Yes he is mentally ill, but why doesn’t he have a conservatorship and Britney did? There are visual dynamics media wants to indoctrinate you with.
No. 962691
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>>962134Honestly that's probably just light pollution. Unless you're truly in the middle of nowhere, you're going to be impacted by some nearby city's light dome making the sky look brighter than the shadow on the Moon.
No. 962721
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Of course it's a woman who got vaxxed, despite all the warnings and studies that came out about it fucking up your menstrual cycle. Fuck this guy, what a misogynistic asshole.
No. 962844
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Why sue when the damage is already done? Those kids were sacrificed.
Edit - forgot to blur my sister’s face in the screenshot
No. 962935
>>962881I don’t think most people were woken up in 1992 and most conspiracies at the time involved the government, from my understanding.
About 10 years ago when I started doing research on the so-called Illuminati, I read that people communicated through symbols just like how pedos communicate without the average pleb noticing because to them, they were too stupid to care and just wanted to be entertained through pretty lights and a beautiful singer. Sadly, this is still true to this day.
No. 962970
>>962881Because music can have subliminal messages, as well as the visuals widely distributed under false pretenses of safety and entertainment when you’re defenses are down and you’re processing the art with your senses engaged. You are captive as a viewer, and they can say it’s just art, it’s nothing but fun!
Also I think the more blatant Satanic rituals are used to inspire panic and hysteria to divide America even further from itself. It’s smoke and mirrors, people focus on the performance while politically our country is violently divided. Some people may react very fearfully to this and want more religion in the government and push for the conservative, however there’s just as much abuse in “Godly” places as well. You could argue these things are planned to push another satanic panic to give conservatives ammunition.
No. 962979
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Deleted and repost but people like this are the reason why this will get kicked under the rug.. maybe it was png a sacrifice but he should still be held accountable and people should collectively stop supporting some legitimately talentless generic rapper.
No. 963006
>>962990Are you dumb, they said that they noticed it not just the camera pic.
It's actually something that's happening thpugh, due to light pollution. This person likely just didn't notice it until suddenly, they can see "all" the moon during a crescent.
No. 963032
>>961191Same, neither pro nor anti vax, but ended up getting my second dose mid-September. Immediate side effects were minimal; a sore arm and a slight headache after the second. It's the potential long term side effects that have me much more concerned, but honestly I've had such horrible things happen to me this year it's like could things really get that much worse for me? I checked out from covid news a while ago so I wasn't previously aware of the correlation with menstrual cycle disruption. I've been on the pill for years and rarely have my period, and when I do it's during the placebo pills and very light. Also due to previously mentioned shitty life circumstances, I've become severely underweight due to stress, like so underweight I shouldn't be having a period at all. So it came as a shock to me when last week I was bleeding super heavily, like from years ago before I started birth control. Cramping was terrible and I also got a migraine on top of it. Even weirder was this occurred half way through the pill pack, so the exact opposite of when menstruation should be happening. I tried doing a few searches and
conveniently the results were of little help, basically reiterating that "99.97% of women haven't reported any changes in their menstrual cycle over and over. Oh yeah? Seems like a lot of women are in the lucky 0.03% then. I didn't even initially think of the vaccine as a possibility for this change in my cycle, but now it seems like the only reasonable explanation. Thought I should share for anyone that isn't as nihilistic about their own life as I am. Everyone should have the right to know, but seems like anyone sharing negative vaccine experiences are being gaslit/silenced/throttled/shadowbanned, etc.
Very infuriating but totally predictable.
No. 963034
>>963001>Majority of his fans are violent, retarded, consumerist, hypebeast fuckboy scrotes.I don't want to be that person but
maybe it's for the best they became roblox oof>I just hope women stop going to his showsJudging by how many women were on the stampede video, I doubt it. Pickmeism is a disease
No. 963040
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why is no one talking about this too?
No. 963041
>>962721>fucked up menstrual cycleoh shit I got one after getting my second shot
Please don't blame me for it, I had to get it by force
No. 963055
>>962454You know what's even weirder?
I know Billie Eilish gets a lot of flack in here for being a brat, but she NOTICED when a fan was fainting and needed help, so she called security. And if she could notice one from a large crowd… then why the fuck didn't TS stop when everyone was screaming for HELP??? at that point you are well aware!!! It's like those big kpop concerts where they chant in unision, do you think the whole group don't notice even if they have stuff in their ears???
I've been in a large ska mosh pit before, and the moment the band noticed something was wrong with a girl, they stop playing and said "EVERYONE MAKE SPACE FOR HER, SHE NEEDS HELP!" and so the paramedics went there and helped the girl who couldn't breathe. Like… if lesser bands can do it, why couldn't TS? this shit is so hellish
No. 963077
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No. 963107
>>962881Symbols are used in propaganda and most entertainment qualifies as harmful propaganda. The problem with technology and media is that it’s slowly digestible and cancerous to the human being without the
victim knowing, people subliminally pick up these meanings subconsciously through time and are unaware that they act them or integrate them into their worldview. People don’t really even think that the shit they consume or listen to or watch could possibly be making them feel even more sick, depressed, or nihilistic because it’s “no big deal” but honestly I’m starting to think this shit is. Even if Travis was not doing a ritual or a sacrifice his music is meant for deranged selfish and destructive city dwellers.
No. 963164
>>963139I watched the video and im not sure why you mean that? On the other hand, I am with you… Technology which will make us go online even more than we do now scares me. Can we just go back to simpler times? I miss 2007 too.
>>963138>thinking the vaccine has helped to stop people from dying kek okay
No. 963414
>>963107In a way I feel like getting into conspiracy theories was a big mistake for me. When you start seeing symbolism and propaganda everywhere it can really drag you down. I miss being a kid and consooming vidya and movies without a second thought. Then again, with three sisters and potentially a child of my own on the cards in the future I'm
extremely glad I am. Children's media in particular is getting bombarded with filth. Hell, even toys are fucked up now. Look at the Bratz stuff upthread.
No. 963457
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>>963414Have you noticed that a lot of Disney Channel shows involve bratty teenagers who only care about dating and shit? Also I was at the playground with my son and a little girl brought her Barbie
or some monster high bratz thingy it looked like a hooker with really harsh makeup and fishnets. I remember even as a kid thinking my barbies were kinda slutty looking but this shit is vile, it’s not even a proper outfit…
No. 963464
>>963451I'm glad I'm not the only one freaked out by the phenomenon of masses of people watching and focusing on one show at the same time. It happened recently with Squid Game and it felt so surreal. Couldn't go anywhere online without hearing about it, happened a lot offline too. A lot of people at my work and where I volunteer wouldn't shut up about it. We have more options for entertainment than ever yet it barely matters because of this weird social pressure to watch the same fucking thing as everyone else.
>>963457Yes! Those Disney Channel shows make young girls out to be so boy crazy. It skeeves me out. I mean, ok sure it's a big part of puberty for a lot of teenagers but I don't think it's appropriate for younger kids to watch that stuff. Even when it is kids in that age range it still feels off though, especially after reading about Dan Schneider. That's why those kinds of shows are off limits to my sisters; thankfully they're not interested anyway since their mother is great at getting them involved with hobbies that don't involve a goddamn screen. I've also noticed when I've taken my sister to school that nearly all the kids there are glued to a phone or tablet before they're called in. Not to sound like a boomer but they're like little zombies! I hate how normalised it is to put your kid in front of a screen with free reign to watch or play what they want. I know there's child modes but so much shit slips through the net.
No. 963485
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>>963457>>963464That doll reminds me of Jane West from Dan Schneider's nickelodeon show Victorious. And her character was dark and boy crazy
No. 963561
>>963482Of course what else, scrotes want to corrupt others after they've corrupted themselves black. Making kids develop weird fetishes and be hypersexual from trauma ensures they have future
No. 963613
nonny, I, too, have had my period perfectly regularily since about ever up until this fucking year when my boyfriend got vaccinated. The first period after his second shot was my first late period since I was a teen, 3 weeks late. It's been about 4 months now and the cycle is regular again but the consistency of the discharge and blood is still different than before. Fuck this stupid shit.
No. 963722
>>963067Obviously no one
>>963689Uhhhh the first pictures really creeped me the fuck out. Nope. Will try to watch but it's already a downer for me.
No. 963748
>>963739Yeah, at first I didn't care because I usually have issues with my period. My period tends to stop altogether when I'm very stressed out, so when I started spotting I was like "oh cool my period is coming now", but then there were a looot of days of discharge and I'm still bleeding to this day. Something similar happened with the first shot, I started spotting blood. I'm not sure if this is my fault or not (because my period is already weird) but there's something going on for sure.
I don't think doctors are super interested in researching this though…
No. 963758
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No. 963762
>>963747I am not shocked that is the case, I kind of figured they would make some cover up like that which discredits any concerns people are expressing (like always with this vaccine). I am worried about shedding though I must admit I dont fully understand it. I am around vaccinated people 24/7 so who knows what'll happen to me.
>>963748I am so sorry you are dealing with this anon. It may be worth discussing with your doctor (though I understand why you might not want to) and I agree theres definitely low interest, though it was be great if a group of women scientists can look into it or something.
>>963757They better also sacrifice their unborn child even though we do not actually know what side effects are possible, but just dont think about it and get that shot!
No. 963785
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>>963768No, not at all! I am still trying to fully understand as well. I was referring to is viral/vaccine shedding. Basically, theres a possibility that vaccinated people can "shed" and pass on covid to others or other issues. I think
>>963752 would be able to explain better, I am still learning but big shocker: look what happens when you search it up
No. 963805
>>963796I am unemployed, so I am screwed since a lot of jobs have in the description that you must be vaccinated to qualify, while for others you can only find out what they expect through an interview. I just lost the one job opportunity that was remotely interested in me so far since I am unvaccinated. At first they jokingly asked if I was an "antivaxxer"… I knew I was doomed, but I thought I would ask if there are testing options or other accommodations and they have stopped contacting me kek
Heres hoping I find a job someday! Discrimination in encouraged where I am.
No. 963844
>>963723I actually fucking hated them too because the hyper-sexualization was so obvious and disgusting. I was like ten and it just felt so gross, creepy, and pontifices before I knew what that even was. They are more sexualized but also had more childlike proportions and features with developed hips. I loathed when they came out even though the outfits seemed cool because it felt dark and a really unhealthy image to have. Barbies at least looked like adults and idk to me then didn’t seem sexual because the exaggeration was maybe more subtle or human, and there was mostly full coverage options and the advertising didn’t seem like it was trying to look underage sexy for adult men. It also seemed more exploitative of
poc, like the dolls with a range of skin tones were so much more overtly sexualized and infantilized. Knowing now how much less covered by media and protected women of other races are from sexual abuse yet how overt bratz was so men could get away with it is fucking vile.
No. 963855
>>963748Female bodies release far more antibodies in response to anything than men because we have wombs and need to protect ourselves and the future. But the vaccine was designed for men who need more, yet are the ones who refused to quarantine and get vaccinated until their jobs were threatened even though women were severely disproportionately effected, lost way more jobs and access to resources, and rates of domestic abuse, stalking, rape, and murder have skyrocketed, so it’s always at the expense of women. Women see men not only not give a fuck about our safety, sanity, and humanity, but actively violently oppress any acknowledgement of it and expect women to want to have their children, trust them, socialize with them, take care of them, and perform the same sexual and emotional labor just so they can function and get by while destroying everything worth living for.
Women having severe reactions to the vaccine is definitely not uncommon, isn’t reported, however both nurses and doctors have spoken out who were personally effected. Because any cold hard information about this is immediately politicized and weaponized, women can’t access science and protect themselves. There’s women who were bedridden after vaccination and they get shadow banned so fast. Weird how abortion was banned again in Texas during this time.
No. 963871
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>>963723>They are more sexualized but also had more childlike proportions and features with developed hipsthey didn't even stop at the teenage dolls is the worst part, they went far enough as to have a line of sexualized babies. even my mom who bought me a lot of bratz dolls when i was a kid was creeped out by them and wouldn't buy them for me. you can't convince me that picrel was designed and launched with totally innocent intentions
No. 963872
>>963871meant to reply to
>>963844, my bad
No. 963875
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>>963871Bratz and the LOL OMG doll above are both made by the same company. They also make the poopsie fetish shit
No. 963892
>>963785>>963805>>963814See: very knowledgeable ladies who've done their research and then some. They've been pretty much wiped off of yt (like anything that goes against the official narrative). Most of their interviews can be found on bitchute, rumble, etc.
This has some good interviews but you need to sign up with an email to watch.
Another great lady who's been censored to hell is Dr. Judy Mikovits. People like her get demonized for being "anti-vax" or whatever, meanwhile none of the facts she brings to the table are disputed. The critics stay sniping and ad homming from the side lines.
No. 963898
>>963892samefag. Site made by people who've suffered side effects:'s insane that these jabs are being distributed and in some cases mandated to the public, and now they're trying to jab children with it when its safety profile's clearly in the gutter. But at least Big Pharma's making bank, amirite?
No. 963952
>>963871That’s mother fucking disgusting. And this was mainstream and available everywhere, for kids to internalize the messaging of having children to have them dress like prostitutes as young as possible.
>>963875Idk what the poopsie fetish shit is, I’m afraid to look it up. I’ve seen OMG related things at like cvs or Walgreens, they’re sexualized toddlers. Creepy gross men see that shit too; and young boys, learning to desire that inhuman and very childlike but developed form. I don’t get it and I’m surprised that company was so successful. Sad
No. 964165
>>964160That part creeped me out. You’re posing as a 13 year old girl with a pornstar profile picture? Fucking disgusting.
Does anyone have any more theories about Disney and kids stuff I feel like those are most interesting
No. 964258
>>963451>>963464I agree so much.
That Squid Game phenomenon is fucking scary. My teen sister is a kpop fan, so she watched it, ok. But my dad in his 50s suddenly too? And my mom's fav celeb gossip mag wrote about it, and then our local newspaper too? Although S.Korea is at the other end of the world? How is that considered normal?
People laugh when I say they're slaves to Netflix and Co. but isn't it true?
Another example: to be able to watch the soccer Champions League my dad now pays for Sky, Dazn and Amazon Prime, on top of that my sister has Netflix and Disney Plus… Isn't normal tv and internet way more than enough?
>Entertainment shouldn't make you feel worse.I never understood people who love watching things or listening to songs that make them cry. Imo real life is sad and hard enough.
Something else I hate is that surge of true crime podcasts on the radio and youtube. Those people are profiting or get entertained by real people's tragedies.
No. 964261
>>963726>>963848I also had that same intuition that there was something "off" about those shows. Really anything with kids, though. I always thought the concept of adults making media for children was weird. Obviously children can't produce their own media, but can you imagine a board room of adults in suits talking about fart jokes as part of their day-to-day? Even with the early shows that Dan Schneider produced like All That and The Amanda Show. I actually really enjoyed those shows, but I remember the amount of feet jokes and feeling uncomfortable. I literally remember thinking "All this foot stuff is weird, but I guess other kids find it funny so that's why it's in there." Little did I know…
I get the same feelings towards anime. It makes my skin crawl and I'd rather not associate with people who are proud fans.
Why do you think we have this intuition? Was it our backgrounds and how we were raised, or something else?
No. 964279
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Do you think the same incident that happened at Astroworld will happen at his event or will it be more subtle? I feel like it has to be more on the low now that everyone's eyes were on Travis' big fuck up.
No. 964327
>>963689>>964174I would like more chanels like this, preferably by women but scrotes will do too.
No. 964348
>>964258At this point streaming services are just replacing the old cable/satellite packages. It's odd though because I feel like we have less selection than the cable days. Or rather, people are just more laser beam focused on the same shit. Sports packages are a fucking joke too; they're ridiculously expensive and most major sports like football are rigged. Boxing is a glaring example of that. Just look at Tyson Fury's latest fight. The cheating fucking pikey was pulling his fist into the wrist part of his glove to strike his opponent. He was quite literally caught in 4K doing it and
nothing happened about it!
>>964279Never thought I'd see Joji in this thread lol. Idk about him being involved with dark shit like Travis Scott but I saw a YouTube comment on the MV for Run that said the lyrics make it sound like he's regretting what he's done and is trying to escape the industry after seeing it's dark side. I noticed he's got a few religious tattoos lately so maybe there's some merit to that; most likely he's just a poser though. I just hope his next record doesn't suck as hard as Nectar did kek.
>>964319Yep I'm seeing these types of articles flood the news already. Fuck mainstream media.
No. 964356
>>964345Interesting… I mean for this exact reason isnt it good that theres still an unvaccinated portion of the world? If everyone was vaccinated we would not be able to pin down whether or not it happens (which is the point, surely).
>>964348I agree with you and thats why I am happy my family still has cable lol at least you can scroll through channels and be delightfully surprised, watch something mundane, and move on… Could also be that I have never liked watching stuff everyone else is or the fact that I have always had a hard time finishing shows and I like to just watch stuff in passing most times
No. 964358
>>964355This is a tinfoil thread and some anons believe that this is what happened, so how the fuck am I supposed to know what
>>964331 means? Personally, I haven't seen anyone denying the reality of the shitshow except for braindead fans, but I haven't exactly been looking for media takes on the case.
No. 964379
>>963855this, and nurses have to learn about medicine, human anatomy and medications as well as viruses (some of these get taught more intensely than medical school too) yet when nurses speak out about vaccines effects they're immediately watered down because they're a nurse and not a ~doctor~ despite the fact most doctors admit to googling everything and not knowing how to perform basic medical procedures such as how to insert an IV. What makes a nurse different from someone who receives similar amounts of education and experience on the human body and health care? the fact nurses are usually women
also this is coming from someone who has been flipping from pre-med and medical school to nursing. Medical school and pre-med doesn't nearly go as much detail on human anatomy, medications, etc as nursing does. pre-med and first year of med school is just general studies with more sciences kek I'd definitely trust nurses and lab workers on vaccines more than doctors who google everything
No. 964408
>>964160It’s fake because teen porn is pushed everywhere to initiate men into supporting the pedophilia, but they defend it to the fucking death so it’s a slightly hidden truth that literally all men are obsessed with it. I think it’s a way to promote acting more beast like and by giving into those urges they’re making more money obviously, and can fully turn women and children into objectified slaves. They already selectively only see certain girls and women as people, and it’s a very few select, the rest are “stupid whores” even if they were abused into those situations (likely since childhood) and need help, just like any of their male friends or family who would be accepted with their dignity protected. Boys don’t have toys that represent them as hyper-sexualized, weak, childlike, submissive, brainless, joyful, and to be used. Porn now is supposed to imitate cp to get through censors, or the technicality that “they’re over 18” when they have the bodies of children in every way and are very short and dressed like actual children. Tumblr reached a generation of impressionable girls and young women that ddlg was edgy, I don’t think that’s a mistake, and now onlyfans. I think it’s to indoctrinate girls as “whores of Babylon”. They seem to love this biblical and Saturnian, father eats his children deal, which involves them regenerating from the suffering of younger generations so they don’t rise up and kill him. But once he is killed and castrated, then Venus and true love can rise. That can be done in individual lives and the collective, but it begins with self love and internalizing that to neutralize abuse. You can castrate Mae oppressors with laughter, it’s the easiest thing in the world and why they get so mad, because they can’t experience love of self or another.
No. 964444
>>964427I don't think you read my post, I said
>he makes very good points and actually says Travis Scott is guilty.As in I'm happy he's also putting the responsability on him, not just on the organizers. Some people are already excusing TS out of his behaivor, look upthread.
It's funny when a schizo that has 0 reading comprehension tells me to take my meds, kinda cute.
No. 964450
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i hate this so much. they blocked commenting after posting this btw
No. 964461
>>964450They're really going hard with the science cult angle. "It's easy to get distracted by heresy these days but don't worry God has got your back."
Corps using memes is late stage capitalism that I DON'T want to see.
No. 964463
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>>964450samefag but this is the cherry on top! we are playing the “criminals” card now for anyone who disagrees
No. 964474
>>964424’ll find more, but honestly it’s something you owe to yourself to carve some time out to and do a deep dive. Helena Blavatsky and Louise con Franz are incredible as well, and if you use sites like good reads, Amazon, or anything else, you can find other recommended authors by recommended books, and in the comments people usually compare it to other works (or contrast it). LVF has a book about man’s obsession with youth and how it drives pedophilia, it’s Puer Aeternus and that’s really great. Misogyny and indoctrination to it has been happening since fairytales, where female children were usually raped and glorified as “pure princesses”, and the women who tried to stop them or protect them were portrayed as old, jealous, haggard, witches, tricky, and manipulative; when that’s only a projection of the perverted men, and a way to silence
victims who get older and realize what was done to them. Saturnian thinking also does not benefit men in any way, it just appeals to their egos. As they allow their hearts and souls to be eaten by their father (satan), they are enslaved to him and never free, and loathe anyone who points this out even if they want to help liberate him (grown women), so they destroy children because their inner female has been mangled and raped by their father. They are sexually oppressed in violent ways to their instincts internally, that’s why they’re obsessed with externally reenacting it and using the phallus to stop the formation of Venus, or love. It is the most powerful force and it what connects us all, is at the apex of every single religion. Everything good is from love. This is why men instinctively hate their fathers, and have to separate themselves from Venus/love/their mothers to reconnect their phallus. Jupiter is the son who eventually killed Saturn, and he was the only one not eaten by Saturn and his animal fear based egotistical instincts because his MOTHER saved him. Jupiter is also the biggest planet and is the force of expansion and abundance, so he grew biggest of all by learn from the creator herself. He did not lose his phallus and he be fuckin, so there’s always a possibility for men to be independent of both parents, and it’s by cutting off oppressive males and protecting women children who actually make them stronger in turn. Masculinity is not
toxic, but Saturnian thinking is, that’s why it’s focus on male selfishness, isolation, ego, sexual abuse, pedophilia, and violence. It’s just Saturn trying to get his dirty ass dick back by usurping Venus so he can eat all his children. All mortal men lose in this too, only the 1% get by because they’re eating their sons. They will never feel true love and beauty, misogyny is suicide.
No. 964497
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>>950090>period pains are not normal, despite it being so normalized latelydear god this is why we need to have less freedom of speech if you’re just going to say stupid shit like that
No. 964652
>>964409inb4 everyone criticizing travis scott get's called a racist and walks free cos he's just a poor bLaCk MaN.
>>964408>It’s fake because teen porn is pushed everywhere to initiate men into supporting the pedophilia, but they defend it to the fucking death so it’s a slightly hidden truth that literally all men are obsessed with it.This is why I can't take scrotes seriously and side eye whenever they are so vehemently against child pornography. It's like they want to absolve themselves of something cos they are doing the same thing but tell themselves it's fine cos they're watching """"legal"" women""" dress up as little girls but wanna make themselves feel good by then saying that at least I'm not watching ACTUAL little girls! hur hurr. Like those other evil men that I'm totally not like! Fucking pathetic. They are doing the exact same thing as those pedo men.
No. 964709
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Were all the creepy needle-themed elsagate videos preparing kids for the vaxx or possibly another injection they're going to make us take
No. 964712
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>>964709I feel like this is going to give generation alpha needle/herion addict fetishes. This is probably just an escalation of other women-degrading fetishes men have nowadays, and I know there are men out there getting off to 'mindbreak' shit
No. 964739
>>964629Aside from being a tard-wrangler along with the fat security guard in white, probably typical handler shit:
> Handlers are mysterious and shadowy controllers, sometimes pretending to be security or entourage in order to stay close to the victim and better control their every action. They control their slave victim with certain code words, code names and triggers, which brings out certain alters that does certain jobs under a different personality. They keep the celebrity isolated from others. Celebrities sometime switch to other alters on live television because certain trigger or code words are used, which takes this celebrity to a different personality, ready to perform certain actions.There were several times where Amy was separated from the band and was with a team of different people, some were probably much older. Oh and some of her videos featured shattered mirrors (I.e: my heart is broken and everybody’s fool) blog explained it better than I could.
No. 964746
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>>964739There’s also the one eye symbol in the dvd cover, but Ev fans will sperg at you with “nuh uh Amy’s an angel! Best singer ever!!!”
No. 964871
>>964746>>964739>>964564I was an evanescence fan as a teen but never looked into it very far, after watching a bit of the video her behavior reminds me a lot of Britney Spears current behavior. Very childish and a bit off, like she is unaware of her surroundings and has a bit too much energy in every clip which suggests she is on uppers/medication. That woman plays a very obvious manager/controlling role even holding her in place at some points.
Kinda shitty to drug someone up and then use it as evidence of why she needs a handler. At least she escaped Britney's fate of being imprisoned by her team, but it seems like she was on that track. Their music got boring past the first album/demos imo but with how much outside involvement there was it explains that.
No. 964886
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Spergy celebrity speculation aside, I wanna discuss something that's not even a tinfoil anymore
The End of the Global Internet
>The recent statements and actions at the Quad and beyond suggest that many long-standing supporters of a global Internet now have moved toward a new vision of technological development: a world fractured between competing national or ideological blocs, each relying on its own trusted hardware and software suppliers to defend against malign interference. To abandon the global ideal in favor of clubs of techno-democracies or techno-autocracies, however, is to abandon a crucial recognition of the Internet age—that despite real divides, humanity and its technologies are stubbornly interconnected.right in front of us we will lose a free and open internet, China has walled itself off, while Russia is not far behind. and the Iranians and most of the world's authoritarian states will follow, what this might mean for the future we can't say for certain but this will change everything about the Internet for all sides
No. 964937
>>964871Ironically, Amy considers herself an “introverted artist” who only cares about her craft and I do get that vibe sometimes when watching interviews but then again, there’s clips like this: vidrel go to near the end
The handler was also there during their band practice and is constantly with her when not doing band stuff. I think her husband is also her handler, he’s a psychologist.
I think they drug most artists in the industry so they’ll have enough energy to do “behind the scenes” shit besides performing, although they probably drugged her a little too much.
No. 964990
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sorry for the collage format, these are screen caps from a video I was forced to watch in my sociology class. the class overall is like having someone from tumblr teach you about gender, and it feels so evil every time I have to show up. The gender cult and its teachings are so frustrating, last class we talked about how a woman can marry a man and still be lesbian. The class before that we had that hairy Indian tranny named Alok I think say cis women hate trans “rights” because of trauma, and not because you know, we don’t want men in female spaces. The same guy who said little girls can be “kinky”. Why is this shit in higher academia? I’m in uni, I took an intro sociology course at my community college and my professor did not mention transgenderism once, nor did she mention gender as if it were an identity. This was back in 2016 though, when tranny shit probably hadn’t hit all academia yet. Or maybe she was just secretly gender critical. I can’t believe this moral relativism is being pushed under the guise of progressiveness. This video was supposed to be about why the west views homosexuality “differently” than other cultures because in this country putting a man’s sexual organ in another males mouth to ejaculate isn’t sexual according to woke logic. there’s pure evil running loose in academia and its honestly disturbing having to go to class every week to be indoctrinated with more evil bullshit. the video in question is crash course in sociology 31 I believe
No. 965018
>>964990What documentary is this from?
What class and college? DONT post it here but seriously you need to put this on blast!! I call a news agency or something, this is pure evil , I completely agree.
No. 965024
>>964990Jesus christ
nonny, my sympathies for having to endure this shit. This is blatant pedophilia, she doesn't even attempt to explain how this pedophilia is not sexual, just
but they do it in this other country yes every country houses pedophiles dear, what's your point.
No. 965027
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>>964990I hate when they use examples like yours as some sort of attempt at culture shock to make us seem puritanical and ass backwards. Had something similar happen in uni, except the people they referenced were from my home country and in reality were looked upon as gypsies who have no morals. Of course you can reference them as some intelligent, cutting edge free thinkers if you think child marriage is a liberating concept.
No. 965034
>>964990Rereading what I wrote
> This video was supposed to be about why the west views homosexuality “differently” than other cultures because in this country putting a man’s sexual organ in another males mouth to ejaculate isn’t sexual according to woke logicI misspoke here, it’s not the entirety of the video, but they use this particular heinous example to make a point for the video. apologies if I made it sound like the entire video was about this pedo shit, it wasn’t, but this part stood out which is what made me sick and uncomfortable esp about a video that is supposed to be under the guise of gay rights
No. 965041
>>965030The ones who glared at you or disagreed, jesus they have the brains of a sea sponge. I hope they never have children because those kids would be absolutely doomed. The below quote seems apt:
>If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anythingThis is the natural progression of "whoring yourself out to strange men is feminism" now we have "don't disrespect the customs of a small segment of degenerates to be pedophiles" which definitely has ties to the trans cult.
No. 965098
>>964990Modern tranny/kweer shit has been in academia since the late 20th century, just lying in wait. Your professor was probably just a sane woman who didn't wanna waste her time on inane and obscure crap.
The same people who've pushed trannies onto the gay rights and feminist movements are the same people pushing the acceptance of pedophilia and other sick fetishes. Don't be surprised if you see/hear more pedo apologia during your graduation or even on MSM.
No. 965120
>>964871>Their music got boring past the first album/demos imo but with how much outside involvement there was it explains that.I have the same opinion as you do about the quality of their music (I especially loved the Origin EP), but I blame it on the split with Ben Moody. I know he was an
abusive shithead so good that he got kicked out, but Evanescence's best music was written by him and Amy. It's like they had some kind of musical chemistry that resulted in memorable songs. Amy can't do it alone (as well). She needs a collaborator.
unless there is some tinfoil that their teenage music has been written by someone else, but I'm not getting there>>964898The archived version is the full article
No. 965138
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>>965030WTF this shit is somehow connected/funded by John Green and his brother: I'm SHOCKED that nobody is calling out the blatant pedophilia in the comments.
>Oral sex>Not sexualMake it make sense
No. 965227
>>965030Send it to the fbi, you can call to report it or send in a report online. It’s institutionalized abuse of power and pedophilia.
Why is it that male “liberation” is always oppression of others and the only thing they care about is gaining access to sexually abuse those who can’t consent. They repeat their fathers disgusting abuses and wonder why they’re depressed, then have to abuse innocent people instead of protecting them, which is the only purpose of their broken fucking chromosomes.
No. 965244
>>964981It’s coming anon. Give it time. Agenda 30, 2030 and all that good stuff is ahead.
Just you wait ;)
(;)) No. 965263
>>964990I'm taking social studies. I'm completely apolitical but can't help notice the propaganda. Trump is being mentioned as a liar, while there's nothing negative about any other political figures. There are even some subtle jokes about him. I'm so weirded out that we're taught which side to be on. Then there's the immigrant debate - the books very clearly push that it's a positive thing. No negative sides of importing immigrants are mentioned.
It's so fucked, we're being told what to think. The woman in your pic is literally talking about little boys sucking grown mens cocks and pulling a quirky ''OMG DID YOU KNOW?? FUN FACT!!!'' stupid ass face.
No. 965291
>>965098I'm a Psych major so hopefully I won't have to hear too much about this shit, but I'm bracing myself.
>>965138if you sort the comments by newest, there is only one comment with like 6 likes referencing the pedophilic comment. Other than that, there truly isn't anyone else commenting on that statement. It's awful.
>>965157this was on monday and I'm still obviously not over it, it's sickening.
>>965197>>965202I know I should, I just don't know where to start. I didn't get any video evidence or audio evidence because it's illegal to film or record in school in california, and I didn't even think to take my phone out. We didn't watch the entire video, as in my professor skipped the first few minutes of it, but I know for a matter of fact she showed that clip in class because that's how I found it. I'm just worried nobody would believe me and none of the students in my class would bother to remember or speak out with me.
>>965227How would I go about doing it anon? On the FBI's website they have a section called "What we investigate" and I can't find anything regarding institutionalized abuse of power. Should I just try to send a report of the situation and see if anything can be done? I don't want the FEDs on my ass after this
No. 965317
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>>965291Been googling around and I came across this story. Holy fuck. How the hell do these wastes of life get teaching degrees? How are they allowed to fucking spread their poison??
I'm worried that if I do report my professor shit will go like this, a lawsuit. Academia is so fucked and I'm so goddamn tired.
>"Hubbard has written extensively on the subject, often using classic literature’s depictions of homosexual relationships to suggest changing age of consent laws and challenging modern norms about youth sexuality."seriously what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 965426
>>965291You won’t get them on your ass, and you can report it to state police first if you want, or talk to them, but yes distributing pedophilia in academia has to be a crime and I’m sure he would have cp on his computer or should at least be on a list. You can call them and you make a report over the phone, or they will provide you with someone to meet in person. You can explain that you need to remain anonymous, and that the material being distributed promotes the violation of human rights. The worst case is that there’s nothing they can do, but I highly doubt this will go ignored, and they will still thank you for bringing it to their attention. If anyone has ever made a report on him, or will in the future, you’re also helping them out so much. These are kids and he has a high level of power, men like that are the most dangerous. There has to also be a way to anonymously send a report on what he is doing to your administration. That’s really sick and I feel for you, best of luck
No. 965433
>>964712What do you mean mindbreak shit and where?
>>964739Do you have any more sources on the mk ultra stuff, specifically with the project monarch like the link?
No. 965576
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I tinfoil that legalizing prostitution and culturally removing the 'stigma' of it will be just another step towards a situation where women can be basically ordered into state regulated brothels, as it's considered just another line of work yet it's always going to be almost exclusively women's line of work. We already have situations where unemployed people lose their benefits if they don't accept a job, even if the job's literally inaccessible or unsuitable for them. Imagine this in a world where your choice as an unemployed woman is either go prostitute yourself or not eat for a month. Another one I'm worried about is the tranny womb transplant issue. I'm dead certain that more third world women or women deemed otherwise unnecessary are going to 'mysteriously' disappear into organ trafficking, there's no way some suicidal fakebois and a whole growing mass of autogynephiles are going to just swap some organs and coexist peacefully.
All I see is a dark future for women. I see no choice but to socialize my daughters into refining their physique and using any bit of brute strength (as well as their wits and charm) instead of wasting their youth living a sedentary life trusting men to do shit.
No. 965585
>>965576I don’t know if some anon said this or if I read this somewhere else, but something that scares me of the idea of the whole ~Sex Werk is rel Werk~ Is the fact that regular places like stores and such could just add sex work to their requirements, it’s legal, therefore it shouldn’t be amoral to ask for a cashier to take nude pictures as promotional material for the store or to have sex with random retards or the boss.
Do they really think it will just stop by just women “being allowed” to take off their clothes and put them on again? Of course it wouldn’t stop there, men just want to see women feeling miserable.
And even if it was legalized, the stigma would stay there for way too long, it has been
centuries I would even say that
the whole existence of humanity in which prostitution has been a dirty word and something that implies the degradation of a person because it removes the autonomy of their bodies.
Sex work isn’t something that should be accepted by the public, even if tomorrow everyone and their mother decided that sex work is okay, it would be only for the small population that is too nice and thinks that this would be of use to save trafficking
victims, sex workers will always be seen either as pitiful creatures, who didn’t have absolutely any other choice but to do sex work, or lazy degenerates who would rather have sex with random faggots instead of having other kinds of jobs.
Like, just look at how it has been going with the racial and religious issues, everyone still hates everyone, even if we got messages everywhere about learning to accept each other, and videos, songs, dances, stories, pictures. Men just love making sure that everyone is in a war with everyone else, either by using religions, skin colors, cultural differences, sex, ages, hobbies, likes, dislikes, diets, clothes, styling, physical features, appearances; as weapons to make sure that everyone, specially women, never unite and that there’s always something to be mad about, so consoom these products and go back to your 9-to-5 job so you’re tired enough to not think about these kind of things.
Also, it’s funny that they think that the legalized sex work will end the trafficking issues, men don’t want to have the woman who offers herself to him, they want the little girl who got kidnapped and hates everyone in the room, they want a little boy who has no idea of what the fuck is going on, they want that woman who was walking down the street to buy some food and who won’t stop crying, there’s no way this cycle of abuse will ever end, rich men and men in general are too depraved to give a fuck about other humans.
No. 965675
>>965433nta but mindbreak is a pornography trope, usually in hentai and that sort of thing, which is the concept of (spoilering because it's disgusting)
mentally abusing and/or drugging a woman until she is unable to refuse sexual advances. The plotline of these fetish works will then portray the women as starting to enjoy the abuse, because their mind is "broken in." The peak of gross scrote rape fetish shit. I assume it's probably becoming more mainstream because of all the hentai tropes that make their way onto tiktok.
>>965576Encouraging other women to refine their physical strength is never a bad thing, although it's sad we have to do it for such dark reasons. I've been strength training and reading up on weak points of the human body so I have a better chance in a fight if it ever comes down to that.
No. 965771

>>965433This site gives a thorough explanation on project monarch/mk-ultra. Supposedly, nazis including Mengele were secretly brought in due to their expertise in human experiments. are 6 levels of mind control and for what purposes needed:
>Alpha: General conditioning designed to improve memory retention, visual acuity, and physical strength. Exercises deliberately subdivided the subject’s personality and emphasized the left-brain/right-brain division.
>Beta: Sexual programming that would eliminate all moral values and remove all inhibitions.
>Delta: Deadly force programming for special agents and elite forces of the military. Subjects were conditioned to have no fear, and subliminal instructions were implanted for the agent to commit suicide if captured.
>Theta: Psychic programming through various electronic mind-control systems, brain implants, and telemetry devices. The implants were used with highly advanced computers and satellite tracking systems.
>Omega: Also known as “Code Green,” this level involved self-destruct programming that caused the subject/agent to commit suicide if too much memory was retrieved by interrogation.
>Gamma: This level activated itself within a subject/agent when an opportunity arose wherein misinformation and deception could be disseminated to great advantage.There’s also the rob dyke video about mind control project besides ultra
No. 966211
>>965291If you can, anon, see if you can find the student in this article
>>965317 and contact them. Ask them who they went to. Otherwise, honestly, I'd call your parents or someone you can really trust, and ask them who they would contact. Police definitely seems like a good idea, especially if you go to them in person and bring your computer and syllabus, or whatever notes you took that day in class.
No. 967270
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my (used to be) friend is a klepto and this made me paranoid of having my things stolen. any things. i am often thinking what if a klepto is around me and she wants to steal a sentimental item like my keychain off my bag. of course it doesn't stop there either. i was thinking of installing an expensive night vision and hd surveillance camera inside my car, and put stickers on the outside saying it has cameras, to deter thiefs or catch them. i thought it might come in handy if someone ever wanted to plant drugs in there. but the opposite works with having cameras too, that opportunist thieves will think my car is especially valuable, or maybe they would want to steal the camera itself.
after thinking about the camera, i thought of other things that could come in handy to protect myself.
maybe wearing a bug (just in case somebody tries to defame me for some reason) and saving the weird conversations just for emergencies. you know how some reporters would try to ask embarrassing and leading questions that would only lead to controversy if not rejected an answer? for example in interviews with ariana grande when they ask her if she likes looking young and similarly creepy questions. imagine if you were in her place and said i like my appearance, what are you getting at? and then the reported edited it cutting out the second part, and then they'd spread that she's a pedo or something. it is stupid but no doubt there are horrible people that would take advantage of you being unprepared and having no proof of your own words
No. 967280
>>967274i think this is what life must be like in communist china with their social credit. there are "watchers" with jobs to make sure everyone is behaving nicely. if those watchers single someone out and have a personal vendetta against them they could frame them as an asshole very easily if they don't have protection like cameras or recorders on them.
i am not traumatized from that, there are worse things that happened, i was drugged once. so i don't really see the worth in trusting people again.
No. 967294
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I usually just laugh at voodoo dolls and things like that, but I recently came across the Louvre doll and it creeped me out. why does the Louvre have this on display?
>The Louvre Doll is a 4th century clay figure impaled with thirteen bronze needles. It was discovered within a terracotta vase alongside a lead curse tablet engraved with a binding spell - a type of curse in which usually someone has asked the gods to do harm to another. The figure, with its hands bound behind its back, represents the intended target.
the inscription reads:
>Lead Ptolemais, whom Aias bore, the daughter of Horigenes, to me. Prevent her from eating and drinking until she comes to me, Sarapammon, whom Area bore, and do not allow her to have experience with another man, except me alone. Drag her by her hair, by her guts, until she does not stand aloof from me … and until I hold her obedient for the whole time of my life, loving me, desiring me, and telling me what she is thinking.
No. 967327
>>967238It's a relief that even with all the other horrors at least that one rumor ended up being untrue, thank you for providing the context anon.
>>967283Which thread did they say this in? Missed that. But either way don't be afraid that someone stealth vaccinated you, there's just no way you wouldn't know, especially in your own home.
No. 967354
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>>967348>it's satanit therefore not worthy of being in a museumCan't wait to see what you think of this one then.
No. 967359
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>>967348Wait until you see this christianfag
>>967340Honestly, seems likely. But as part of history, it is worth talking about. People who think museums must be 100% kiddy friendly are retarded, pretending history doesn't have its dark moments (specially against women) is retarded. Those who don't learn from history will repeat it, censorship doesn't help anyone in this case, and as adults we should be able to have critical brains about these things. Like, do you think medieval museums display torture devices just to be edgy? No, it's still part of our history as humans, it is sad but it is what it is.
No. 967446
>>967392Very this. It is about power, not about "evil". Christians used and
still use their religion like a cudgel to get their way (cf. political lobbying over women's and gay people's rights). Anyone who's heard of the Inquisition should be familiar with this concept.
No. 967596
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I'm curious if you lurk or post on /x/ 4chang. In my case is probably the only board I still visit. What about you, nonas?
No. 967804
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Feels like the place to talk about this.
I got a text from someone claiming they met me on skout (whatever that is) a year ago when they were babysitting for their cousin and they were back. I assumed it was a normal person and told them I wasn't the person they were looking for. They went rambling on about how I was such a nice guy for not getting mad and sent me a selfie. At this point I assumed it was one of those camgirl bots and said "I'm a girl" to see if it would have a real response. It just responded asking what I do for fun around my city and I ignored it. It then texted me again saying they were watching their cousins house since they were vacationing in Canada and they wondered how the lockdown was up there and asked me what I thought about covid. As a joke I responded "I love covid lockdowns, Mr. CIA man." The next part brought up delta variant and what I thought about that. At that point I actually felt a little creeped out. Who the fuck builds a text AI to question you about how you feel about covid. I probably sound paranoid as fuck but that unironically felt like some FED shit. Anyone else experience this?
No. 967939
>>967785It's still art and it's still history.
You don't get to decide.
No. 967990
>>967980not true. look up “the religion of the apostles” book.
>>967984 i am not trying to convert anyone kek i am just having a discussion. i feel as though you are taking this all very personally though, probably from a place of religious trauma? i’m done with this discussion though, because it is really impossible to have one with you. i truly hope you heal from the obvious hatred you have in your heart
No. 967993
>>967939why is it art? how do you define art? who decides to put it in a museum and why?
i am just questioning the museum directors vision and decisions, that’s all. it’s a conspiracy thread and i posted in it kek im not trying to make decisions for anyone
No. 968001
>>967990>not true. look up “the religion of the apostles” book.It's 2021 one bitch do you think having some wishful thinking about what people did in the past is in any way correct?
>i truly hope you heal from the obvious hatred you have in your heartTypical christian bullshit trying to have the higher moral ground, this isn't the thread to have christian discussions anyways. I hope your braindead mind heals from the cult you belong to as well!
No. 968007
>>967993Obvious shit
>why is it art? It's a sculpture.
>how do you define art?The representation of ideas. This sculpture is representing hatred.
>who decides to put it in a museum and why?Art Directors, believe it or not, are people that exist. You must be naive or ignorant. And it's on a museum because it's a well perserved old sculpture. Lesser things are put in museums too, there's a toy museum in London that has a bunch of random old toys for example. Who is to say a voodoo thing isn't worthy of display too? Sorry if it harms your sensibilities, and I don't like the sculpture either, but there's clearly some interesting things in it.
No. 968012
>>967990>i truly hope you heal from the obvious hatred you have in your heartDo you say this to the cows from the lolcow threads you follow too? Or are we going to pretend this place isn't full of sin?
Would the old "religion of apostles" support gossiping? What would Jesus say if he saw you?
Is religion a "cure for the heart" when so many people do vile stuff in the name of it? Is it a cure for the heart if you keep coming back to this website to gossip in ill intent (because there's no such thing as good gossip, even worse in this place) or are you an hypocrite who thinks every questionable thing you do will be absolved by praying?
No. 968024
>>968016It's even funnier because this place is for gossip, and lolcow doesn't support any ideology (at least it's not supposed to). It's not a hivemind.
Christianity isn't any better than any other religion at that. Just two steps behind Islam.
No. 968119
File: 1636910567325.jpeg (209.79 KB, 732x987, 27ACD1D4-F495-45E0-94B0-FB9977…)

>>968108Satan isn’t real, my dear retard, he’s whatever you want him to be, I like to think that he’s a hot anime guy.
No. 968138
File: 1636912601497.jpg (188.93 KB, 1200x1200, W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW…)

Someone exorcise this church, there is a sexy Satan in it.
No. 968152
File: 1636913845981.jpeg (36.68 KB, 640x427, lucifer_of_liege.jpeg)

>>968138Me reading this thread
No. 968156
File: 1636914285818.jpg (23.91 KB, 382x650, 82d4c17a8a468945cfa466ea600b7f…)

>>968152I have the biggest crush on this statue, and his little brother (who actually were banned from the church) ain't bad either.
No. 968175
File: 1636917080946.jpg (415.93 KB, 1080x1142, 20211114_140536.jpg)

>>968110ayrt, anon what the fuckkkk it is definitely the same thing happening to me. Excuse my theme and font (also I don't know why all the characters in this one have markings on them like this, the first text was not this way) but was this the same selfie you got? I'm really glad you posted about your experience so I at least have some idea of why this is happening, but this really bothers me. Why do they have our numbers? Does anyone know who the picture is of, or is it one of those AI generated photos?
No. 968211
>>968055Never respond to them again. Just block and delete. I've recently been getting WhatsApp and iMessages saying something like
>Hey [male name]. I heard you're back in town>It's been such a long time and I'd love to catch up>Are you free tonight? I'm going to be at …The last line only happened once, but it was at a place that was close-ish to my location, and my area code is different than where I live, so it could have been a guess for my location.
By answering these messages, you are confirming that your number is active. I'm not sure what people could do with this information, but people are evil and find whats of things.
No. 968302
File: 1636927572257.jpg (188.23 KB, 828x1792, FDNC2phWUA4L0eg.jpg)

>>968281>>968175>>968110I tried to search the girl's pic, didn't find her but found people talking about receving these messages. Picrel, some guy is joking with the bot and gets a message about the new covid strain too. No. 968348
>>968186You’re just proving my point about ~muh patriarchy! God is ebil 2 women~ when it’s the opposite; God gave everyone free will, including women. He also gave them the choice of not adhering to traditional values.
Too much about religion has been said, it’s only dividing us further from the real enemies at hand who believe in Satanism whether you do or not.
No. 968379
>>968108It's art because it is an object that was made with an intention by human hands, dogma has nothing to do with it. Religions before christianity have existed anyways, proof that humans need to believe in anything to feel better. And I doubt in 30000 years there won't be other religions besides christianity making art, too. Not everyone who doesn't believe in
your religion is an edgy bastard either way, you sound immature.
>>968348Cringe. Stop shoehorning your beliefs here. You are derailing the thread with shit no one cares about.
God isn't real, you want to believe it is because you think he provides for you in your most vulnerable human moments. Accept others don't think the same and can live a normal life without believing in dogma.
No. 968395
>>968379>>968389You’re the ones who came here bitching about religion when there’s a religion-hate thread, why don’t you go bitch over there?
Religion plays an integral part in tinfoil theories and Marina Abramović is known for ritualistic performances in the guise of “art”. Not sure what your argument is here other than “God isn’t real because I said so!!!” that you keep cramming down. If you don’t believe, that’s your problem, not mine.
No. 968549
File: 1636952361821.jpeg (98.41 KB, 828x1166, 6D781FBA-185F-4DC3-972F-0DD3E9…)

>>968302i cant believe i got it kek
No. 968699
File: 1636971098953.png (28.57 KB, 942x585, umm.png)

>>935591i do some algorithm work for facebook through mturk sometimes. they are working on bots that have conversations primarily about murder/killing/politics. that is all i am ever asked about. it's terrifying.
No. 968700
File: 1636971241982.png (29.44 KB, 960x534, uhhh.png)

>>968699these are just some examples but i go through 200 of these a day usually and they get progressively worse
No. 968735
There was no apple anon, no Adam or Eve. The story of Eve eating the apple (that technically wasn't even an apple) and giving it to Adam thus corrupting him is a metaphor men made up to blame the devilish icky women for "tempting" men with ~~sin~~ and make them into beasts when in reality they're the ones who are inferior and unable to control their urges. But I guess it's better ignore responsibilities when you can make a cool story up to justify your foul actions.
I'm not against religions (and I'm not even atheist), I do believe that there might be things that are above us, but you have to keep in mind that the concepts and interpretations of "who" or "what" is beyond us are made up by humans and yes, there were a lot of religions before christianity who probably would have perceived Jesus, Mary and the saints as evil, just like Islam and others do now.
And let's not be blind, in nearly all modern religions women are inferior, christianity included. That's why in most branches women can't lead mass, can't be priestesses, you won't ever have a female pope or cardinal. Instead they are limited to being nuns and working for a higher authority which is always a man. It's why the story says that Eve was made from Adam's rib so she's forced to be meek, obedient and submissive.
No. 968749
>>968601Please stop posting this shit, it's embarassing how much you think these imaginary tales are real. There's no Satan, there IS people who do bullshit in the name of an imaginary being they call Satan, but there's no otherwordly being out there manipulating humanity. Humanity manipulates humanity.
>But why argue about God being sexistThese tales that people have written for centuries, not even by god, depict a sexist, unforgiving god not far away from the satan you are so afraid of. People can agree such thing doesn't exist and still use their critical brains.
If you want to defend your bullshit theology so much then make your own thread, I'm suprised mods haven't banned you for derailing.
No. 968757
>>968734Facebook gives me an example of a conversation and it's always about killing animals or people, and I'm meant to select which response is best for the conversation. they want to make the fake profiles/bots more intelligent
many of the examples actually involved president names + mention of protests too. it's been weird
No. 968769
File: 1636983499217.jpg (1.26 MB, 1280x1183, opiumwars.jpg)

around the time of the opium wars the brits deliberately shoved opium into china to make its population addicted and destroy its social fabric. This was part of a military strategy that the brits also spent a lot of money on, f.e. they heavily subsidied their own, expensive UK cotton industry to tank prices of cotton so that Indian/Pakistan wouldn't switch from producing opium to producing cotton, which would have impacted the plan of flooding china with cheap opium. I think the same strategic goal lies behind the distribution of social media nowadays. It's a war against the working class worldwide and all of us have to be kept addicted to social media and become useless degenerates, develop useless degenerate industries around social media that further the goal of degeneration and weakening the working class.
No. 968832
File: 1636989585388.png (16.26 KB, 672x125, gag.PNG)

>>968630I hate that they tacked porn promotion on at the end (not saying that's on you since you didn't even get a chance to read it, anon) but can't really expect anything better from current day Vice. It was still good to read another account of the situation.
>>968699>>968700>>968757Uhh, what the fuck? That makes me feel sick to my stomach
No. 969330
>>968769It was always the plan
To put the world in your hand
No. 969427
>>968767I make around $16 an hour. When you first sign up you won't qualify for much but StudyLab and searching "Test" is the best way to get high-paying qualifications.
Anything created by Noah Turk = Facebook
and is usually the most high paying for the easiest work
No. 969441
File: 1637044820765.png (261.73 KB, 432x494, ooof.png)

No. 969623
>>969617If I so much as SEE a powerpoint slide with the word ‘MAP’ instead of ‘nonce’ I will enter that room after a full plate of beans and let rip with a force that only dinosaurs would have known in their last moments on earth. Any left in the room would find tears streaming down their faces, shaking erratically, to conclude that this could ONLY be cosmic punishment they brought on themselves. The ‘university aerosol attack’ would have been predicted by both Nostradamus and an old, withered man who lives in a cave in indonesia (the age of this man being unknown).
From that moment forth, any ‘MAP’ would feel a great sense of shame, and either grab the nearest rope, or become an anti-degeneracy-advocate.
No. 969632
>>969622And be vilified by liberals left academics
Probably even be kicked out
No. 969664
File: 1637068889781.jpeg (3.97 MB, 5333x3383, FrFBTNf.jpeg)

I will never understand why American commies will stan regimes which basically is an alt righter's wet dream. Assad and the Khamenei literally talks about liberal degeneracy and how promoting homosexuality must be banned. their quite literally pushing every talking point of Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer but with actual authority
And the far left Free Palestine pronoun crowd still adores him, in the arab world there's no real difference between the Communists, Arabists and Islamists, they are all violent fuckheads who beat up people they dislike
No. 969822
>>969735I meant more like vilified from liberals entirely
And these people get very obnoxious
No. 969841
File: 1637085257298.png (34.62 KB, 1090x241, image.png)

First they tried to force us to get microchips implanted in our bodies; now they're going after our brains?
No. 969858
File: 1637087642141.jpg (103.03 KB, 1125x801, Tumblr_l_655148517119768.jpg)

No. 969931
>>969858I was watching a tv show about interior design with my fiancée the other day and someone picked a checkerboard floor for their kitchen and I blurted out "No! You can't pick that! It's Masonic symbolism that's also used by the Illuminati to drop hints!".
I'm in this meme and I don't like it.
No. 970079
>>969901Five years ago I would have immediately believed that person was a nonce but now we have to consider that maybe they just saw a colourful infographic on Instagram made by nonces
>>970026Doctors are not a single entity
No. 970164
File: 1637117201462.jpeg (19.52 KB, 259x194, 6EEA2DE9-E93F-49D7-9720-7406B7…)

Daily for months now I am recommended minimum wage tiktoks on YouTube featuring people working at ice cream joints and even subway. Is this propaganda to encourage people to work during the labor shortage???
No. 970193
>>970164That guy who does 30 second videos of him working at Subway is so annoying. No matter how many times I tell YouTube not to recommend me those videos, his channel still always ends up in my recs.
Not to mention his parents literally own the Subway he works at and he’s never had to look for a job, of course he’s fucking happy to work there.
No. 970197
File: 1637122800823.png (85.18 KB, 309x273, Screenshot 2021-11-16 10.19.16…)

holy fuck
No. 970212
>>970119Here's some weird entries from a mutual who is a neurosurgeon
>I go into surgery drunk and drive my kids drunk and it's fine, I'm better at driving drunk>you don't need to do anything for endometriosis because everyone has endometriosis>clonidine is only ever prescribed for blood pressure
>hospitals are so understaffed and they are stretched so thin these days,hopsitals do this to themselves. The one I work at fired the medical scanner because she was quiet and nice. All her job entailed is to hand out masks and to take temperatures. Another place would cut students on clinical rotations short causing them to have to drop out of the program and waste thousands and they lost free labor all over stupid nitpicky things like "the student just wasn't confident" or "they didn't cap the needles immediately" If a hospital is understaffed is 90% of the time their own fault
No. 970290
File: 1637137732368.png (846.62 KB, 1404x683, Screenshot (255).png)

I feel this guy is a pedo and he's grooming kids
No. 970312
>>970299The label of holistic medicine is too big to give a real answer
Old knowledge herbal mixes might balance your mood or help you sleep better, but no amount of sound aural massage or ground up shit in shakes is going to help a tumor or epilepsy
No. 970345
>>970301I'm aware of the very based figure of Lilith, but I'm pretty sure it's not part of christianity (of course, the things that could make women more important figures get arbitrarily thrown away, much like some gnostic gospels and chapters of the bible).
Also I'm not an expert, but I notice that older, literal ancient religions from which the modern ones have taken pieces of seem to have more female gods/dieties, who maybe held as much importance as male ones.
No. 970352
File: 1637147691592.png (265.55 KB, 504x627, Destruction_of_Leviathan.png)

>>970303>>970305>>970306>>970345I'm not a christfag, In fact I consider myself an atheist in the purest sense
you can't understand Christianity without understanding Judaism, Iron age Judaism is an undeniably a patriarchal religion but not in the way radfems in the 70's tried to make it out to be with them straw-grasping and making up random bullshit
Semitic societies had many gods for all factors of life, thier were creator gods and war gods, goddesses of harvest, fertility and birth. The Hebrews in their early stages probably had a similar structure but due to whatever environmental factors. they became henotheistic, meaning they acknowledged the existence of other Gods but stuck to one singular God to worship and that God was Yahwew their war God
So Judaism was a henotheistic Semitic doctrine that gradually become monotheistic, Christianity came as a result of the mixing of a subset of Jews who wanted to break away from traditional mixed with certain greeco-roman philosophies and Islam came as a result of the mixing of non-trinitarian christianty mixed with Arab paganism, hell its very likely that the early Muslims very well would have considered themselves true sect of Christians rather then their own separate faith,
No. 970569
>>969617source? any sort of credence to this? or is this just another "i heard in universities" "i heard in schools they teach" bullshit from some
nonny who hasnt stepped inside an educational building in decades and only consumes tucker carlson and thinks universities are george soros training academies? you can't just claim "this is being taught" with 0 actual sourcing to that claim, that's how we end up with morons proposing "critical race theory" is banned from k-12 schools all while ignoring that it never has been and is an elective college level class, specifically for law students. source or gtfo
No. 970662
Also in schools it CRT was being proposed but it has met oppositions from parents
Be a little less holier than thou and snooby next time ledditor
And stop sniffing your own genitals
No. 970724
>>970502Yes, I don’t check this thread daily. seethe harder
>>970666I’m all for teaching Americans violent history without sugarcoating it (while still making it age appropriate), but something has to be said about the fucking FEDs stepping in to make sure it’s adopted into schools
No. 971009
File: 1637204479685.jpg (335.75 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20211117-205658.jpg)

NSA Key Words:
Waihopai, INFOSEC, Information Security, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Priavacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, Reno, Compsec, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, ISS, Passwords, DefCon V, Hackers, Encryption, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, PEM, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, Fortnite NINJA, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, Active X, Compsec 97, LLC, DERA, Mavricks, Meta-hackers, ^?, Steve Case, Tools, Telex, Military Intelligence, Scully, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, ISACA, NCSA, spook words, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, Lacrosse, Flashbangs, HRT, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA, LABLINK, USACIL, USCG, NRC, ~, CDC, DOE, FMS, HPCC, NTIS, SEL, USCODE, CISE, SIRC, CIM, ISN, DJC, SGC, UNCPCJ, CFC, DREO, CDA, DRA, SHAPE, SACLANT, BECCA, DCJFTF, HALO, HAHO, FKS, 868, GCHQ, DITSA, SORT, AMEMB, NSG, HIC, EDI, SAS, SBS, UDT, GOE, DOE, GEO, Masuda, Forte, AT, GIGN, Exon Shell, CQB, CONUS, CTU, RCMP, GRU, SASR, GSG-9, 22nd SAS, GEOS, EADA, BBE, STEP, Echelon, Dictionary, MD2, MD4, MDA, MYK, 747,777, 767, MI5, 737, MI6, 757, Kh-11, Shayet-13, SADMS, Spetznaz, Recce, 707, CIO, NOCS, Halcon, Duress, RAID, Psyops, grom, D-11, SERT, VIP, ARC, S.E.T. Team, MP5k, DREC, DEVGRP, DF, DSD, FDM, GRU, LRTS, SIGDEV, NACSI, PSAC, PTT, RFI, SIGDASYS, TDM. SUKLO, SUSLO, TELINT, TEXTA. ELF, LF, MF, VHF, UHF, SHF, SASP, WANK, Colonel, domestic disruption, smuggle, 15kg, nitrate, Pretoria, M-14, enigma, Bletchley Park, Clandestine, nkvd, argus, afsatcom, CQB, NVD, Counter Terrorism Security, Rapid Reaction, Corporate Security, Police, sniper, PPS, ASIS, ASLET, TSCM, Security Consulting, High Security, Security Evaluation, Electronic Surveillance, MI-17, Counterterrorism, spies, eavesdropping, debugging, interception, COCOT, rhost, rhosts, SETA, Amherst, Broadside, Capricorn, Gamma, Gorizont, Guppy, Ionosphere, Mole, Keyhole, Kilderkin, Artichoke, Badger, Cornflower, Daisy, Egret, Iris, Hollyhock, Jasmine, Juile, Vinnell, B.D.M.,Sphinx, Stephanie, Reflection, Spoke, Talent, Trump, FX, FXR, IMF, POCSAG, Covert Video, Intiso, r00t, lock picking, Beyond Hope, csystems, passwd, 2600 Magazine, Competitor, EO, Chan, Alouette,executive, Event Security, Mace, Cap-Stun, stakeout, ninja, ASIS, ISA, EOD, Oscor, Merlin, NTT, SL-1, Rolm, TIE, Tie-fighter, PBX, SLI, NTT, MSCJ, MIT, 69, RIT, Time, MSEE, Cable & Wireless, CSE, Embassy, ETA, Turbo Porno, Fax, finks, Fax encryption, white noise, pink noise, CRA, M.P.R.I., top secret, Mossberg, 50BMG, Macintosh Security, Macintosh Internet Security, Macintosh Firewalls, Unix Security, VIP Protection, SIG, sweep, Medco, TRD, TDR, sweeping, TELINT, Audiotel, Harvard, 1080H, SWS, Asset, Satellite imagery, force, Cypherpunks, Cyberpunks, Coderpunks, TRW, remailers, replay, redheads, RX-7, explicit, FLAME, Pornstars, AVN, Playboy, Anonymous, Sex, chaining, codes, Nuclear, 20, subversives, SLIP, toad, fish, data havens, unix, c, a, b, d, the, Elvis, quiche, DES, 1*, NATIA, NATOA, sneakers, counterintelligence, industrial espionage, PI, TSCI, industrial intelligence, H.N.P., Juiliett Class Submarine, Locks, loch, Ingram Mac-10, sigvoice, ssa, E.O.D., SEMTEX, penrep, racal, OTP, OSS, Blowpipe, CCS, GSA, Kilo Class, squib, primacord, RSP, Becker, Nerd, fangs, Austin, Comirex, GPMG, Speakeasy, humint, GEODSS, SORO, M5, ANC, zone, SBI, DSS, S.A.I.C., Minox, Keyhole, SAR, Rand Corporation, Wackenhutt, EO, Wackendude, mol, Hillal, GGL, CTU, botux, Virii, CCC, Blacklisted 411, Internet Underground, XS4ALL, Retinal Fetish, TERF, Yobie, CTP, CATO, Phon-e, Chicago Posse, l0ck, spook keywords
No. 971013
File: 1637205122518.jpg (71.97 KB, 550x413, Tumblr_l_55122530538658.jpg)

>>971009Someone give me the
>spook keywords No. 971020
>>971009>TERFuh ohhh, guess they'll fucking kill me now
There's also so many normal words in there though?
No. 971021
>>971009>Covert Videoare you telling me everytime I downloaded pixielock's videos and converted them to WEBM I became a criminal? KEK
>CapricornTrue, worst fucking zodiac sign ever, deserves to die
No. 971022
File: 1637206213895.png (604.95 KB, 700x490, imagen_2021-11-17_213008.png)

>>971009>MasudaThis is so weird because this is just a name. Like, Sebastian Masuda? The Pokemon Masuda Method? The character from Yume Nikki? Are you telling me if you search these harmless things you'll get spied on? That's not fucking fair
No. 971024
File: 1637206315446.jpg (133.24 KB, 736x1104, 03e973a0a2f37a05e8f473df4634bf…)

>>971009I just wanted some quiche
No. 971034
>>970609well other then Judaism there's really two examples, Sikhism which likely started out as syncretic Punjabi folk religion and certain sects of Buddhism(many of them are extinct) which believed in the concept of the Eternal Buddha
other then that the only living Henotheistic religious sects are also in India, mostly followers of Shivaism who worship him as as the Supreme Being overall, historically many Shaivites were more likely to convert to Islam as missionaries only needed to replace Allah with Shiva for them and explain that the other Gods were just demons
but we can't exactly say what causes this, it seems to be a combination of isolation and conflict which drives the transformation, the Hebrews were constantly in conflict with their neighbours and they put more faith in their War God above all
(derailing) No. 971048
>>971009>TERF, HALO, Police, StephanieLmao what the fuck? Good thing I don't use google. Maybe
TERF is a search word for troon terrorists since men are more likely to shoot up schools and hate women. What radfem searches the word
No. 971064
>>971048The origin of the screencap is a site known for its literal fake news, like manufactured out of thin air. Here's the Forbes article this "source" was drawing from:
>>In 2019, federal investigators in Wisconsin were hunting men they believed had participated in the trafficking and sexual abuse of a minor. She had gone missing that year but had emerged claiming to have been kidnapped and sexually assaulted, according to a search warrant reviewed by Forbes. In an attempt to chase down the perpetrators, investigators turned to Google, asking the tech giant to provide information on anyone who had searched for the victim’s name, two spellings of her mother’s name or her address over 16 days across the year. After being asked to provide all relevant Google accounts and IP addresses of those who made the searches, Google responded with data in mid-2020, though the court documents do not reveal how many users had their data sent to the government.You can view the referenced documents themselves at the bottom; unsurprisingly the reality is dramatically different than what "Tyler Durden" is reporting.
No. 971091
File: 1637216447968.png (403.54 KB, 600x450, imagen_2021-11-18_002041.png)

People forget how much others lie online.
The person “cooking badly” is faking it so you’ll comment to tell them how dumb they are and increase their engagement. The person who “failed at life” didn’t actually quit their rich person job, they pretended to do so so people online would write posts about them. The person “reuniting with their long-lost dad” didn’t actually find their parent, they were paid to act this out with a logo pointing towards the camera. Once you start understanding how marketing has adapted for the digital age, you start realizing how many “natural” viral posts are carefully curated to drive algorithm interest and purchases.
No. 971168
File: 1637228358515.png (134.1 KB, 800x872, 29153D42-D02F-45AD-8355-6205A5…)

>>971073>they're doing it without a warrantThat’s all you needed to comment
No. 974833
>>962280>>962286>>962287Elaine the dancer?
I am scared anons pls
No. 1003068
>>974910I'm a polish person (the creator of this documentary is a well known polish movie producer) and im 99% sure this is fake.
To put non-polishfags in my perspective: Patryk Vega, the producer, is a known manchild with an inflated ego that will do anything for money and attention. All of his movies are based on controversial and disgusting topics, for example the movie named "Botoks" is literally all about making people disgusted (people having sex with their dogs, disturbing abortion scenes etc.) and showing these disgusting scenes as the 'dark reality' of people working in medical services and shit. He does the same in his other movies but with politics and other stuff.
With that said, there are a few problems with this whole documentary. First one, why would the people in this video ever agree to speak to him? If they did this for the money, how come they didn't have money already if they work for such elites? How would he get to know these people if they are so dangerous? Why would they meet face to face with him? Why would they tell him everything in detail while filmed with their faces (he just blurred them out)? How was he not killed if the powerful satanist are behind all this? Why would he not report these things? If he couldn't because they would kill him/the reptilians work for police, why would they allow him to make this into a documentary for the whole world to see and know their practices?
To me the answer is: this isn't a documentary. It's a scripted movie passing of as a documentary to stir controversy and get him more money. And i'm not the only one thinking like that.
tl;dr the producer of this 'documentary' did it for money and had previously tried to pass off his fantasy in the movies he made as facts. I know it's kind of late to reply but i can't believe people outside of poland saw this and believed it.