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No. 1730353
Scotland edition.
Haggis, cèilidh, Count Dankula, SNP scandals and more!
Britbong Thread #1
>>>/ot/1433914 No. 1754358>>1754449
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>>1752259>>1752319There were so many of these books. I have vague memories of it being about a girl with big hoop earrings
No. 1756066>>1764510
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Limmy is who made me like Scottish people.
No. 1756109>>1758314
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>>1754449>>1756100Also from the wiki:
> An attempt to publish the books overseas in the United States was largely unsuccessfulKEK
> only the first two books, re-titled for American publication, were released.I can’t find the retitled US ones though? I wonder if the chav part was changed. What is the equivalent to a chav in America?
No. 1756138
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Speaking of Scottish people. David Tennant. Did you anons watch this? I remember it was huge at the time, especially season 1. They made an American version which I saw a clip comparison of and it looked awful.. really awful.
No. 1763837>>1763839>>1763847
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And men call us Karens. Why did a newspaper take this non-story seriously? They photographed him with a mask and sunglasses on too kek.
No. 1764487
>>1764442hope you're doing ok now
nonnie? sometimes i hate when they are so lovely because it makes me want to cry, and then it's hard to pull yourself back together and deal with things. but obviously much more preferable than dealing with a soulless unhelpful person.
No. 1764505
>>1764442that is so sweet. I hope you are doing ok
nonnie, I am glad you got to talk to someone lovely and kind. I had a doctor once who had a really soft and quiet voice that was almost like asmr and was really comforting
No. 1764510>>1764513>>1771104
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dia dhuit nonnies. do any of you understand/speak scottish gaelic? i'm learning irish which is very different but wondering how popular it is to gaelic in scotland.
>>1756066i introduced my spanish friend to limmy a few years ago and it took her a while to understand him but now she loves saying "get tae fok"
No. 1764624>>1764628
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>>1764613I don’t know why the fuck they’re jailing her at all.
No. 1766161>>1766171>>1766199>>1766259>>1766303>>1775551
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On the old girly book series chat did anyone else read this series? I remember being obsessed during my early years of secondary. I had this companion dictionary with all the made up slang the characters used.
No. 1766259
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>>1766161anon oh my god I loved these so much I remember taking one to school in my bag and I didnt read it at school I just liked having it with me kek
No. 1766274>>1766294
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ATJ was like Zac Efron to bongs. I remember he was a heartthrob for tweens
No. 1766294
>>1766274I might have watched this movie more times than any other, it was a sleepover staple (along with Wild Child, I guess there weren't that many british teen films).
From memory it doesn't resemble the books much, where Robbie is an obvious bad choice for Georgia and not the main love interest for the series, he's a sixth former while she's in like year nine and he clearly doesn't like her that much. Lindsay was also a swotty academic type and not a much of a mean girl.
No. 1766334>>1768326>>1771148
>>1766303Thinking back to them reminds me of the shit me and my friends would get up to at that age.
We went to an all girls school, but the sixth form (if you are not a bong, school here lumps middle + high school together, the last two years are called sixth form and not everyone does it, some people do vocational courses instead etc. this doesn't matter but anyway you have 11 to 18 year olds all in the same building) had some classes shared with the neighbouring boys school so there would always be a few sixth form boys hanging around. They were all 16-18 and at this time we were like 12 or 13 so obviously these were not boys we had any chance with (I should hope). They were as out of reach as any celebrity or fictional character. And we treated them as such, or at least one of my friends did, she was the stereotypical boy crazy tween girl and would constantly develop crushes on these random sixth formers and tell the rest of the friend group about them. We ended up basically developing lore about these guys, each which had their own nicknames and 'backstories'. There was fanart, poems, locker shrines, a ranking of which boy was number one for the moment, at lunchtimes we'd go to the classrooms we knew a particular boy tended to hang out in and wait outside to sneak peaks through the window.
It was only the girl who first had the crushes who was actually sincerely crushing on them and the rest of us were just doing this to fuck around. One time one of my friends sent one of the poems to it's subject on facebook. If I remember right it was fairly explicit and obviously the guy blocked her immediately, I really have to wonder what the fuck that guy went away thinking after that.
It was the age where you do things just to be random and quirky so we got up to all sorts of bullshit. I'm glad I went to an all girls school because I never had to worry about what boys would think and such (like previously stated the sixth formers were distant figures).
No. 1770126>>1770433
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Can you believe Zoey 101 is going on I’m a Celeb kek
No. 1770404>>1770407>>1770433
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>You know I had to do it to em
No. 1771104
>>1764510Gaelic is rare is Scotland and no one outside the islands can speak it. There's a few Gaelic speaking schools you make your kids attend if you really want them to become fluent in dead language.
Despite the memeing from the Scottish government, its probably spoken by tens of thousands out of population of millions.
No. 1771148
>>17663342 of my friends and I did the same with a friend group of 3 boys in our year. I had a severe crush on one of them, one of them was obsessed with my other friend and then they BOTH had a huge crush on the 3rd. We would just have the most insane ridiculous conversations about them all the time and made up inside jokes about them all to the point that it could be considered worldbuilding akin to J.R.R Tolkien, yet it was pretty much always sexually depraved humour, and we even speculated ridiculous sounds they all made when they cum, and we would mimic these sounds all the time and just laugh hysterically. I eventually had a shit relationship with the guy I was crushing on and honestly? These conversations are what I miss the most.
I miss those girls so much.
No. 1774996>>1775641
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>>1771068I wouldn't bother with the Sherlock Holmes museum nona. I got dragged around there by my friend and it was really cramped and full of tourists. We couldn't even get close to anything on the walls because there were too many people. And this was at around lunchtime on a weekday. Then again, it was about 10 years ago so maybe now that no-one cares about picrel the tourist numbers will have gone down.
No. 1775551
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>>1766161Oh my God, I was obsessed with these as a teenager. I work in a library now that does not have them and I am so tempted to put an order in just for the new generation of booky girlies to enjoy. I still get reminded when I see midget gems in corner shops.
No. 1775641>>1776009
>>1774996Maybe these people went there right before or after visiting the Madame Tussauds' museum since it's right next to this one. I only went to the souvenir shop next to it and bought some of the books (and I need to get the remaining ones in that edition because they got released a few months ago and they have some glossary the end to explain old words)
I still haven't read them because I want all the books I bought in English so I can binge read them because my friend was too tired to visit two museums one after the other. The souvenir shop wasn't really packed but there were a high number of costumers. Did you see anything interesting there, was it educational or was it just, idk, mindless fanservice for nerds who liked the books and some of the adaptations to make them want to buy useless crap in the souvenir shop?
No. 1776009
>>1775641Ayrt, I think I'm a retard. Your questions prompted me to Google the museum exhibits because I didn't really remember much and I have a suspicion that we only went to the gift shop next door as well.
I was wondering why I didn't remember paying for a ticket… kek sorry nona, please disregard what I said before. I hope you get your books
No. 1790229>>1791967
>>1789968Can you give any examples?
>>1784792I don't think we have one but I'd like one tbh. Daily Mail nona isn't allowed though
No. 1790870
>>1784792i'd like a discord too
>>1783577i am but its dull as ditchwater this year
No. 1792219>>1794257
>>1789968As a recent trend I think it's actually backlash to that 00s/10s anglophilia. It depends on the circles you're interacting with but there's this kind of 'safe edgy' humour that involves ironically hating England and Britain and more sincerely talking about how twee British things that were popular 10 years ago (BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Royal Family worship) are lame and uncool, that's been adopted by a certain type of left leaning person online. Back then the same people would also talk about how the UK was so enlightened for having free healthcare etc., but this kind of sentiment faded when they realised that it wasn't really a liberal paradise after all. In their embarrassment they started exaggerating how awful the UK was instead, similar to former weebs who now go on about Japan as if it's a nightmare hellhole because they found out it wasn't like anime.
Ireland is a similar country you can start jerking off if you're still secretly into that twee stuff and unlike stuffy oppressive brits they're opposed to them as anti-imperialist freedom fighters, so it gives you some left wing cred too (so long as you ignore how socially conservative Ireland actually was until pretty recently).
No. 1795056>>1795058>>1795060>>1796580
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'Irish Lives Matter' was graffitied on a wall in Belfast and authorities are treating it as a hate incident. Hardnut Burgers who think Belfast is in ROI have an epic tantrum saying the Irish government should be overthrown because the people are not FREE. Enjoy the cringe nonas. Yes, that's Conor.
No. 1795065>>1795067
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>>1795058There's more including really funny tweets but I won't spam the thread obviously.
>>1795059I'm not calling out Ireland. I'm laughing at the American reaction online.
No. 1795076>>1795077>>1796580
>>1795071A mentally ill man that immigrated 20 years ago to ireland stabbed school children at 1pm. So at around 8pm after arrests were made and all
victims recovering in hospital some locals took to the street to "demonstrate" against immigrants ruining the city by burning up the luas (trams around the city) burning out police cars, smashing up hotels and looting from Footlocker and Schuh and smashing other shops. Dublin has home grown gang issues and the youth are stealing cars and scooters and driving them the wrong way down roads and motorways because there was a fatal accident a while back and police don't chase down people anymore because its dangerous. So now there's loopholes to get away with carjackings etc. Basically dublin is a shithole
No. 1796580>>1796766
>>1795056>authorities are treating it as a hate incidentBecause they want more terrorism?
>>1795060Who gives a shit? The tools at Westminster can never un-learn their neo-colonial practices, no matter how much they like to preach about 'progressive' values.
I hope it backfires - literally. If you catch my drift.
>>1795076>Basically dublin is a shitholeBut the big tax-evading companies from the States love it!
No. 1796765>>1798363
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It’s very nippy nonnies! Make sure you snuggle with one of these
No. 1797374
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It's snowing and it's -5C in November. This doesn't usually happen until January.
No. 1798439>>1798894
>>1798384I've given up on going anywhere. I can't remember the last time I went to a different town or city cause the transport never works. I just walk everywhere which was fine when it was warmer but now it's a nightmare. Im in the north and don't drive and you just simply can't rely on the buses or the metro ever working. Adding strikes into the mix just increases the issues (though I do support strikes). Then when I finally do get to use the transport I have to share it with some of the worst people in society, last time I used the metro a moid shouted profanities at me whilst I was minding my own business and it was terrifying. He must have been drunk or high.
All I get told by everyone is 'learn to drive' as if I have the money, time or lack of anxiety to do this. I know people only care about issues when it affects them directly but having such a shit travel infrastructure is bound to affect everyone at some point.
No. 1803799>>1803833
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well deserved
No. 1806274>>1807549
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Nonas, I'm thinking of travelling to the Cotswolds and just learned that no new houses have been built in Castle Combe since the 1600s. Does anyone know why? It seems very odd to just decide to not build anything for centuries in a non-abandoned village.
No. 1807572>>1807937
>>1802253i signed up to the WRN - they have local women's groups across the country but they said their checks take a really long time, and it really helps if you have a public social media page attached to verify you. which i don't. i understand the caution though, but it does make finding and joining these groups difficult. which is exactly what men want.
No. 1807937
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>>1807572samefag but just came across this place for any nonnies in Leeds
No. 1810664
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sorry to bother you nonnies, but i'm doing this james bond quiz and i'm stuck on this question. i feel like i need some britbong cultural knowledge or smth to answer it. can any of you work it out? is it really obvious?!? cuz i've got NOTHING.
the link in case you can't read the screenshot properly: No. 1812047>>1813250>>1814033>>1814056
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I fucking hate Americans. No, I was not looking to say “takes the cake” you silly cunt.
No. 1814033
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>>1812047kek are they taking the piss? if they were, they wouldn't know it, I guess.
tbh tho i was hoping it was going to be
>this really takes the biscuit No. 1814038>>1816502
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this evening i went to the chippy right as they were closing and the man gave me large chips for free (because they would have just been thrown out otherwise). merry chipmas, nonnies!
No. 1817961
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>>1807561Maybe. Even in the 1700s you had rich people thinking rural villages were cool. Pic related is the one that Marie Antoinette had built for herself.
Maybe the local landlord had similar ideas and eventually so did everyone else.
No. 1824469
>>1818265 >>1810609
My brother and dad have done one on ancestry which gives more of a breakdown between British and Irish. Even gives a further breakdown on where in England.
My brothers is around 47% English, 27% Irish, 20% Scottish 2% Welsh, 2% Sweden/Denmark and 2% Norway. Expected the English to be higher.
No. 1863891>>1863915>>1866355
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How’s everynon coping in this awful weather?
No. 1871457>>1871478
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>>1871441It depends on what you want to do. The cities here are over crowded, dirty shit holes with barely functional public transit. God help you if you intend to travel anywhere by train. That leaves the rural areas of the country. There's stunning rural villages nestled in natural landscapes if you're into that. There's also national parks and there's a fair number of UNESCO world heritage sites considering Britain is only a small Island. It's great if you're into hiking and physical activity. If you're looking for a city holiday, you would be better off going to a city in Eastern Europe.
No. 1871478>>1871525
>>1871457yes I would love to visit the countryside. outlander is my guilty pleasure show and the scottish highlands are really beautiful. but since my friend lives in the city, I would probably have to rent a car? driving on the other side of the road scares me. taking one of those old trains like in narnia or harry potter to the countryside would be really nice though kek
>>1871472I also love museums so I would definitely go if I did spend time in the city. the other thing I imagine being fun in british cities are pubs. we don’t really have pubs like you do. bars and clubs, sure. but it seems different?
No. 1871525>>1871613
>>1871478depends on the pub you go to some are nice and cozy and some are shite (like what you would call 'dive bars') and it might be best to avoid those ones
also avoid going to one if a big football game is on, rugby is fine though
No. 1872195>>1872448
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>>1871441There are many beautiful places here. Like Bath, Rye, Cotswolds Villages, The Lake District. Like other nonnies said, it depends what kind of thing you are looking for. Also there are lots of articles/blogs that could give you some inspo just by googling "Pretty places to visit in the UK".
No. 1879057>>1881472
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>>1877450kek this is literally an american I went to uni with. he even wore a beanie like picrel almost every day to classes
No. 1881468>>1881476
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NTA but the point is, Americans who call themselves Irish/Scottish, who are literally born and raised in America, along with their family, shouldn’t call themselves anything but American just because a distant relation from the 17th century was born in Ireland/Scotland. You are American. Most also have a shock when they realise Ireland isn’t a green, mythical paradise kek
No. 1881474
>>1881433>>1881433>actually grew up there and is immersed in the culture kek. If you, a White Irishwoman, were born and raised in Pakistan in the horrid Pakistani culture, you would still not be Pakistani and Pakistanis would still not consider you as a Pakistani. So why should non-White people be considered as belonging to White countries just because those non-White people were born and raised in those White countries?
>they think Ireland is the same as it is when their ancestors got off the boat, get their knowledge of it from movies, blame their alcoholism on being Irish, and conflate it with ScotlandThat's an elaborate strawman you've built for yourself but it's not actually true. There are Irish Americans who are knowledgeable about Ireland and Irish culture.
>the Ulster Scots aren't ethnically Irish like they think and are actually descendants of colonisers from BritainUlter Scots intermarried with the Irish, you yourself most likely have Anglo-Saxon and Norman ancestors just like how many English people and Scottish people and Welsh people have Irish ancestors. White Britons and White Irish are the same ethnicity.
(pakichan ban evading) No. 1881484>>1881541
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>>1871441Fellow burger with bong family- I've had a great time in the UK, especially Wales, especially the St. David's area. There are some gorgeous coastal hikes if you're an outdoorsy person. The food is cheaper than the US, and if you plan it right and maybe go at a non peak time of year it can make for a pretty cheap vacation, other than the airfare. I love setting out on the footpaths and just walking through random villages until I get hungry and stop in a pub.
No. 1881545>>1881578
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I'm baking home-made shortbread right now nonnies
No. 1881549>>1881828>>1885025
>>1881542But the Americans who talk about their heritage also call themselves Americans, so your point is meaningless. In America everyone is an immigrant or descended from immigrants, and people typically immigrated to specific areas with other people from their countries, which led to different regions of the US having culture that comes directly from the immigrants there.
Some examples are that the Great Lakes region is filled with scandinavian immigrants (if you’ve seen Fargo you’ll know) and Louisiana had a lot of French and Irish immigrants.
Different American accent’s literally came from immigrants in that area. Even in cities with a lot of immigrants from different countries, they used to separate themselves and live in distinct neighborhoods. If everyone has a parent or grandparents who came from Italy, and all your neighbors who you grow up with and socialize with have the same (or immigrated themselves) then there’s automatically a strong link, which is why Italian Americans have a strong and distinct culture and community, despite of course having many differences to Italians.
No. 1881578>>1881819
>>1881545Shortbread is delicious, enjoy it
No. 1881819
>>1881612Based and true anon!
>>1881578It was delicious! My mum loved it too
No. 1885025
>>1881549Because a lot of it is made up, the largest white american ancestry by percentage is german but it was covered up by families due to the world wars, it became an embarrassment
same for the english ancestry it became embarrassment after independence
(its weird how you never see americans celebrating being german american or english american the same way as they do for ireland or now scotland)
also it's because ‘irish’ americans follow very different non irish traditions that they claim are 100% very irish such as eating corned beef and cabbage, wearing kilts, and having thor’s hammer amulets, these are things irish people would never do as they are not irish. they are called plastic paddies for a reason
look I am half northern irish, I have a republic of ireland passport as well as a british one, I grew up in mainland britain being raised by my northern irish mother and grandmother, I have a faint northern irish accent when I talk because of it, yes I support Ireland at the rugby, yes I speak some irish, yes I am actually drinking guiness right now (this one is more of a joke but i thought it was funny that i was drinking a can of guinness when i entered the thread). but I am not truly irish, I will never be truly irish, I call myself ‘half irish’ yes but never 'fully irish' because I did not grow up there and have never lived on the island of Irelandso as someone who is 50% irish with an irish passport I find it very strange how americans who are 10% irish with a great great grandad who took a piss in cork once call themselves irish when I myself would not
No. 1893898>>1893907>>1893928>>1894233>>1905675
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You know what girls, they’ve pissed me right off with this one. I’m going to buy a job lot of the old style tins before they disappear forever. Feyewmin’ I am.
No. 1893928>>1893935
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>>1893898RIP to the rotting Lyle lion covered in bees, 1885 - 2024.
No. 1893935
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>>1893928… and fuck this flowery cunt. </syrup sperge>
No. 1894004
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Absolute long shot nonners but I’m attempting to start a psychedelic rock band heavily 60s influenced and I’m struggling to find members considering I only want women. If ur interested lmk but as I said this is an absolute long shot kek. North west btw
No. 1894233
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>>1893898that design wwas so cool and now it's fucking soulless. fuck this minimalist shit
No. 1894748>>1895030>>1895033
>>1894236as a student it does feel almost impossible to get a job. its obvious that the government prefer immigrants who work for cheaper than acutally supporting the young people of our country.
the government would rather import immigrants over encouraging people to have more children or increasing the quality of life in the UK
No. 1895179>>1895184>>1895186>>1895210
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Can’t say anything about ‘jeets without being banned. Admin is very protective of them.
No. 1895214
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>>1895127I need a fembong discord server rn
No. 1895409
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is british infrastructure failing?
No. 1899956>>1900765
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Bath is sooo lovely. I visited today and I actually felt like I was in England. Some places are swarmed with south Asians and I forget where I am.
No. 1904142>>1904147>>1904946
>>1904104>part of the reason i leftleft for where?
it's somewhat relatable. a few years ago i left britain without looking back, but i was lucky, and had a place to go. perks of being an uwu global citizen~ i guess.
if i didn't have family outside of britain, i know i could not feasibly move out of the city and escape to the countryside. industrial cities in britain are essentially containment ghettos for the working class. and countryside brits are so detached from reality. they don't even realize how bad it is. at least the ones i met, ignorant bourgeois.
only after moving out of britain (where i grew up and lived most of my life) did i realize how much of a third world experience it really was! that, mixed with a dystopian police state at the same time.
il be frank- i do miss the green rolling hills, stone cottages, grand cathedrals, guiness and pub grub,
wotsits… but i do not miss filthy streets, shit housing options, lack of safety (especially for young women), incompetent police and legal system, nor Political Correctness Gone WildTM. it feels good being able to walk alone at night and talk shit about trannies in public kek.
No. 1904946>>1904977>>1904987>>1905087
>>1904142I was lucky too, I moved to study and live with my partner and his parents were able to help us out with money. I'm in eastern Europe now, it's very different but it feels much safer to me. I know there's crappy people everywhere but I can walk on the street without being yelled at now which is not something you can do in Bradford. Services are actually usable here too. I can get a bus anywhere within ten minutes and I can go and see a doctor whenever I like, I don't have to wait six months or do battle with a receptionist to even talk to one.
>>1904244 when I complain about immigration I'm complaining about people walking across every country in Europe, jumping on a dinghy in France and getting to the UK where they never pay into the system. Yeah legal immigration is high too and it should probably be better controlled, but you can't tell me that thousands of people coming in every year, being put up for free in hotels and getting under the table jobs without paying taxes isn't going to collapse and already stressed system. People who have been paying in for sixty years shouldn't have to wait six months for cancer treatment. At least when I moved I did it properly, applied for a visa and paid all the fees.
No. 1904987
>>1904946>BradfordThat explains everything. Good job on leaving that rat-infested shithole nonna, living in a festival portapotty would be safer and more hygienic. Inshallah that place gets razed to the ground along with every retarded moid and moid simp who lives there.
>>1904977Banning anyone who abuses the staff should be par for the course. Assholes like him also always attack the other homeless people, it's not only the ~uwu privileged whities~ that get harassed. Maybe that would be a better angle to approach it from? If you frame it as a way to prevent further harm from coming to the already vulnerable people who use those services.
No. 1905037>>1905062
>>1905005honest to god yes
why is it popular for every restaurant/cafe/bar to now suddenly be "dog friendly"? I don't care what dog owners say, their dogs fucking stink and I do not want to have to smell them while I eat/drink.
No. 1905087
>>1904946>bradfordoh god
nonnie i am so glad you are in a better place now. peterborough (where i miraculously escaped from) or scumthorpe is one thing, but bradford is like a dark comedy skit that isnt funny anymore because its actually real.
>>1905019lmfao yes. i absolutely love it when people put natural animal waste into plastic bags just to hang it up on a tree. now, aside of the dirty shit still being there, we also have plastic pollution. might as well just leave the shit under the bush at this point.
No. 1905123>>1905172
>>1904058An analyst
Not sure how much they pay. I’d prefer a full time job but I’ll take what I can, I need the experience
No. 1905675
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>>1893898It’s been a week and I’m still deeply
triggered about the Lyle’s rebrand.
>mincing lanealso lol
No. 1905683>>1907480
>>1905179Where I live has filled up with dog turds lately and it made me think, it only takes one person with a dog in a neighbourhood not picking up and that’s 700+ turds a year assuming they walk them morning and evening.
>>1905019This also winds me up: even though I can’t stand folk not picking up after their dog it’s actually worse to bag it up and leave the bags lying around.
I admittedly have two dogs and bag their shites up but don’t like carrying them with me as bins are few and far between where I live, so I tie the turd bags to their harnesses and make them carry them til we get to a bin kek it’s really the least they can do
No. 1910375>>1910402>>1911308>>1911341
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Was bored this afternoon so decided to trawl through LinkedIn to stalk people from high school. I’m only 20 and Jesus Christ, why do British people and normies in particular age so shite? The stacies look like 30 year old women and are stuck in dead-end marketing jobs Kek. Makes me feel so much better about myself
No. 1911241>>1911265
>>1911225I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm saying your country deserves it.
>>1911227you'll never learn and that's why you deserve having your country shat on by the people you colonized. good riddance.
No. 1912171
>>1905005The number of dogs doubled over lockdown and the majority did not receive proper training. I find it absurd that dogs are given free meat in pubs but parents must pay for infant meals. The whole 'Brits prefer dogs' is nonsense but I can see why outsiders think it so. I know they want to capitalise off the increase of dog-walkers but it's downright insensitive during a COL crisis to feed a dog and not a child. I don't know why more people don't protest. Personally, I actively avoid establishments that offer this 'perk'.
>>1911347If that were true you wouldn't be stalking old schoolmates Linkedin profiles to feel good about yourself. Your own words nona.
No. 1912184
>>1911347If true, I hope you got paid and didn't just let them use your image because you were flattered. You need a longer term career plan than 3 modeling jobs, that's probably why you're on linkedin stalking old classmates to feel better… Just guessing.
Honestly you're only 20 so I'm not sure why you're stressing and looking for ways to feel better about yourself. You have time to do something.
No. 1912310>>1912416>>1912417
>>1911340As a mixed race person, Irish people have always been kind to me. I would much rather be here then in the UK or many other parts of Europe. Hilarious to see Brits getting
triggered whenever I scroll past this thread at their karma for invading wherever they could though (migrants) and then turning around and pretending like they're sooo accepting of other nationalities when they were having crybaby bitch fits about the foreigners a minute ago. Keep it coming kek
No. 1912416
>>1912310English people should be a lot less tolerant. You treat us with contempt whether we are tolerant or not, so we should show you what real intolerance is.
>>1911325I hope you understand that you’re not English and you never will be. You don’t belong here and neither does your family.
No. 1921577>>1921726
>>1911340>gave up centuries agoNonna you guys were literally inflicting violence on Irish people until the early 90s. You can watch footage of this, interviews with
victims, and read multiple articles, books, historic text documenting it. Little children shot at because they "looked suspicious"
(taking the bait) No. 1921600>>1921615
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>>1921570If you liked Cornwall, then you will like Devon, Somerset and Dorset. There's two national parks and three UNESCO world heritage sites in the area. If you're traveling in the summer the South Devon coast AONB has some of the best beaches in the country.
No. 1921648>>1922275
>>1921597which ones did you go to? I always see them when I'm in the city but never know if it is worth going.
No. 1922195>>1922199>>1922202
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What do nonnies think about the royal photo scandal? Honestly, I couldn't give a shit about the royals and was mostly ignoring all the news speculating about Kate Middleton's disappearance… until this photo. My interest has now been piqued kek. I can't help it, I love a good mystery and scandal. I can't help but find the whole thing creepy.
No. 1922202
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>>1922195I beg royal chat be contained in
>>1333281 thank u
No. 1922275
>>1921648I had Krispy Kream which I used to love so much, it was so good. I love that it's available in the supermarket. Also had the macdonalds pancakes, I hadn't had those in over 10 years they were just like I remembered. Then I had Domino's and I was so happy. The country I live in has fake Domino's and it made me so sad when I tried it and it tasted like shit.
I only went for 1.5 days but I wanna try more UK junk food next time. I had some Cadbury eggs and loved them. Also the Terry oranges are probably my favorite chocolate.
No. 1929785>>1934822
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Series 3 is the dullest one. Why is it so popular online?
No. 1931018
>>1930609thanks! i'll check it out if i am ever in the area
>>1930611>>1930978i'm so sorry nona, the nhs has become such a pathetic excuse for a healthcare system
No. 1931042>>1931063
>>1929792Where do you think is better?
Every European country is either:
>Fucked because there is no work>Fucked because everything is insanely expensive>Fucked because of communism No. 1931078>>1931192>>1931236
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>>1931063>Uk has the worst wages Source? It seems like the UK isn't the highest but around the level of the Netherlands or Finland.
No. 1931209
>>1931063Just be careful about picking a place to settle because a country that looks better on paper may not necessarily be the right one for you to live in.
At this point you either have to pick a place whose glaring problems are more tolerable than the ones back home or be able to tolerate a place that's ultra-boring and cold towards expats.
No. 1933754>>1933758
>>1931333They gave me nothing. They felt around my boob basically. But theres so much more to this. I've ran out of sick days waiting for this appointment.
I've had to borrow money from family members to go private for this, because I am so drained and sickly and I have no idea why. I went to A&E at the beginning of this whole ordeal because I collapsed and lost all feeling in both of my hands, I got an ecg and a blood test, they said it was low blood sugar because it was slightly low. I'm forking out now to actually get seen, and if I'd have just done that in the first place, I wouldn't have to return to work sick. This has happened to me so many times. Took me 8 years of harassing my GP to finally get an ultrasound and find out my uterus is deformed and I am basically infertile. I just can't trust my own doctors, because they don't test me they just make an assumption. Part of me hopes something comes of this private consultation because I'd have tangible evidence of medical malpractice and could build a case against the NHS for how bad they've fucked me over on this.
No. 1935307>>1935374
>>1934175I've heard of St Paul's and it's definitely on my list. I can't wait to see it!
>>1934684Thanks nona! I just googled Camden and it looks awesome. I absolutely need to go there.
>>1934741I love vintage and antique stuff, so I'll check those out for sure, thank you!
No. 1935374>>1935559>>1935875
>>1935307Is Truro worth visiting if the goal is to get away from home and dick around for a few days?
If not, any recommendations for a destination that's easily reachable by train from London?
No. 1935559
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>>1935374Truro is a nice looking but bland Cornish town. It's alright if you just want to walk around, look at old buildings and enjoy the atmosphere or spend time in pubs and restaurants eating local food and drinking ale from local breweries. There's some nice beaches and hiking trails nearby.
No. 1938751>>1938758>>1938797>>1938949
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Ah, more good news.
No. 1938939>>1938943
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I've been signed off from work with stress and depression and I've never had a sick line before so I'm unsure how it works here. I'm in Scotland but I'm guessing it's the same UK-wide. does my employer have the right to deny my sick leave if a doctor has recommended it?
No. 1938943
>>1938939In my experience you're not asking them if you can have sick leave, you're telling them by handing the note in. Hope you feel better soon
No. 1948722>>1951457
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Those poor girls have their father's mug. Peak.
No. 1948924
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No. 1951457>>1951583
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>>1948722Damn that sucks. Their mum is quite pretty. Rishi looks like an Indian Wallace.
Never breed with an ugly moid. You are cursing your bloodline.
No. 1957129
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>>1957058It's stuck in my head now. Curse you!
No. 1957912
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Why is the weather always shit when I have a day off?
No. 1957921
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I’m going Glasgow with a pal for a long weekend this Summer. Any Scottanon recommendations would be warmly received, thank you!
No. 1958127>>1958181
>>1957960So because they have ONE bad policy but all other parties want to fuck over women in every other way?
Nonnie do better.
No. 1958179>>1959005
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It's mostly men so IDC. My heart breaks a little on the off chance a woman delivers it.
No. 1958206>>1958209
>>1958183>largely a racist dogwhistleFactual events are not racist dog whistles. The people that warned me about muslim men were Indians and Pakistanis themselves. They knew because it happens in South Asia and they couldn't believe that the authorities allowed it to happen here.
>children being raped isn't a pressing issueNot the average Labour voter I guess
>People are killing themselves because the NHS isn't offering mental health treatment and no one can afford to send their children to nursery unless they're on bennies kek.It was Tony Blair's Labour government that started the privatisation of the NHS by securing investment through private partnerships and loans. The Tories have increased NHS funding to levels not seen in 20 years. Neither party can fix the NHS because the issues are systemic and have been allowed to happen for decades. Both parties are at fault for the chronic mismanagement of the NHS. It won't get better under the Tories and it won't get better under Labour either.
No. 1958238>>1958240
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>>1958183Imagine caping for any man, especially men from highly repressive religious communities
On another note, I'm sick of contracting private entities to help run government institutions, it just invites cronyism and wasting of taxpayer funds. So much mismanagement. The last private company I worked for was given a government contract and the lack of thought with which we wasted resources was amazing.
No. 1958262
>>1958181Ugh this is so true
nonnie, I don't wanna give my location away too much but where I live the Labour councillors were involved in covering it up since the 70s! I'm so conflicted because I'm so fed up with austerity as a poorfag but Labour have betrayed women so much for not only that, but also the embarrassing events when they couldn't even define what a woman was.
>>1958183No. Bad
No. 1959054>>1959058>>1959063>>1959073>>1959171>>1960575
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>>1956825Reminder to vote conservative nonnies. You may whine all you want about how tory scum doesn’t give a fuck about us, but ANYTHING is infinitely better than the disaster that will occur if labour gets in and meddles with the tranny shit. It will be an absolute disaster. At least the majority of tories see through the tranny bullshit. A party which can’t even recognise sex will not be getting my vote, ever. As long as the tranny epidemic is still going on, conservative will be getting my vote. At least as women we will be safer for it. Don’t give your trust to labour, they’ll rip it up right in front of your face in order to appease some agp.
No. 1959063>>1959067
>>1959054Wow the
terf to trad pipeline is real…this is sad.
No. 1959073>>1959088>>1959095>>1959232
>>1959054Making the troon threads was a mistake because now we have ovarit boomer posters like this. And they have basically infiltrated this site because almost every discussion in the offtopic gets derailed about trannies, weird purity obsession with how women dress, facebook-tier conspiracy theories etc. I hate you bitches and i know you are the same ones who rage whenever there are weeb, kpop or fujo discussions. This site should basically be renamed to ovarit 2.0. Not surprised that you are a idiot that will vote for a party that plummeted your economy down and wants to take womens rights away.
See what brexit did to your country lol.
>>1959067There is a reason why JK Rowling who has all the time of the fucking day to argue with trannies stayed silent and didn't say a single word when Roe Wade got overturned (well she is close friends with a anti-abortion right-winger so maybe she holds those same values).
No. 1959098>>1959232
>>1959088Weird excuse considering she tweets about tranny issues that have nothing have to do with the UK either…but couldnt be bothered to even utter one word about something that was worldwide news.
Also why ignoring that part about her being friendly with anti-abortion people hmmm…
>JK talks about womens issues in the UK.And majority of those posts have been about trannies or into a segway about talking about trannies.
No. 1959116>>1959121>>1959123>>1959127
>>1959100Trans women are far more likely to be
victims of violent crime (like rape) than cis women so I can see why they'd be disappointed that support groups shut them out. Are they supposed to run into the arms of the men who seek to kill them?
(bait) No. 1959123
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>>1959116Report and ignore that tranny, nonnas
No. 1959139>>1959149
>>1959058Labour politicians are no different. Almost everything said about the Tories being the elites that don't care about ordinary people equally applies to Labour. Labour is not a socialist party, the Tories aren't a conservative party, their both the same corrupt centrist shit with minor differences.
>>1959067Reminder that Labour allowed over 1400 girls, some as young as 9, to be repeatedly raped in Rotherham and elsewhere. Really sounds like the party that cares about women's rights.
No. 1959260
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>>1959149Labour knew it was happening and went as far as perpetuate it by blocking investigations. Labour continue to endorse the same councillors who were responsible while anyone that spoke out about was deselected.>Senior Rotherham councillors ‘knew and stayed silent’ about town’s grooming gangs scandal>On April 5, 2005, local youth project Risky Business delivered a seminar on the child sexual exploitation crisis in the town. It invited all serving RMBC councillors to attend.They knew it was happening in 2005 and yet it wasn't until the 2014 Jay report that anything was done.
>Of the 30 councillors, four still remain in office for the Labour Party in RMBC. They are: Ken Wyatt, Rose McNeely, Sue Ellis and Alan Atkin. All hold positions of responsibility in the council.>A Labour councillor in Rotherham is under investigation by the party for his alleged use of bullying and intimidation to stifle discussion of the town’s sex-grooming scandal.Labour = pro-paedophile political party.
>jeets didI've never heard of a Hindu or Sikh grooming gang.
No. 1960305
>>1959284I'd rather that the abuse didn't happen at all. The UK already has laws to prevent the abuse of girls and women and to punish men that do it. All it takes is for the authorities not to be disgusting perverts themselves and do their jobs.
No. 1961759>>1964307>>1964630
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Despite being 6.3 % of the population…(racebaiting)
No. 1964307
>>1961759I'm so curious about you Daily Mail
nonnie. How did you discover LC in the first place? I can't say I agree with any of your posts though
No. 1972409>>1973371>>1976073
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I will never vote Tory but this is unbelievably based.
No. 1977460>>1977543
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I hate when the US copies our shows. I've been binging Ghosts on BBC for a while and absolutely love it, and saw that the US version was recently added there, so I had to check it out to see how bad it was, and of course it's as terrible as I imagined. The gorgeous scenery of the dilapidated stately home has been replaced with a cheap set and glaring lights. The caveman character, who ironically was one of the most insightful characters, has been replaced with a viking who is retarded, because that's totally the same thing, right? The closeted gay, strict and prudish captain has been replaced with an overly camp colonial soldier that has a forced gay joke every 10 seconds. The iconic character Mary, who was burned at the stake so has a cloud of smoke appear in front of people who are alive if they walk through her, has been replaced by the colonial's death, who died of dysentery, so when people walk through him, they smell shit. Honestly, fart jokes? God, I hate cheap, American, manufactured sitcoms. Some American TV shows I watch are good, but whenever they've taken a UK show it's always the most asinine, immature, slapstick comedy I've ever seen. The only exception I can think of was when they redid Shameless, but even then, that was only good for a few seasons. Sorry for venting but I need to vent to my britbong nonnies who will understand.
No. 1977543>>1978248
>>1977460Ok but what about the office? Checkmate
t. amerifag
No. 1980580
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He’s literally so pathetic I want to see him flayed alive and then rolled in a pit of salt.
No. 1980608>>1980748
>>1973613>>1973614There's no way. Brits like to bitch about how US culture wars have been adopted in the UK, but the reality when you compare the two countries is that culture war rhetoric barely makes a ripple in the UK, while it dominates American minds and day-to-day discussion.
Issues that likely do have some form of American influence/money pouring into them, like trans children and brexit, are still of distinctly british flavour, i.e. the former is tied to public safety as a cultural value and the latter was driven by rhetoric tied exclusively to longstanding domestic issues and anxieties.
Almost every time UK politicians try to adopt raw American rhetoric it falls flat, and there's no native cause that abortion restrictions can be tied to. It's just not going to happen. Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.
No. 1980748
>>1980608I feel the same and hopefully we are correct, I just don't see that kinda stuff dominating public opinion, they're even looking to put down early culture war spots like GBNews, which annoyingly has a grasp on my grandmother.
I've only ever seen one nutter protest and that was during Covid, holding up shitty signs on a mini roundabout yeah really doing something there folks. Only heartache is that Brexit did happen due to scaremongering propaganda, but the conservatives put so much effort into that, that they just simply aren't putting into any other of their culture war things. Brexit propaganda was a huge effort, anyone going through/living in a working class area during Brexit could see that, they aren't replicating it. Hopefully the whole political ads on tv shit won't go through.
No. 1984239>>1984240>>1984274
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Now deport him and his entire family.
No. 1984284>>1984293
Pro-tranny men need to be deported.
No. 1984370
>>1984367It was a joke. Pro-troons should leave
Terf island and go to man island.
No. 1984989
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Fuck why do PLT insist on modelling their clothes on a male. How is this supposed to help me see how this item would look on me? Fuck off with this nonsense already, he doesn't even make a pretty woman. If he was a biological woman, he would never be a model looking like that. The bar is so low for troons.
No. 1986298>>1986349
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I have literally never seen this insult used other then three times on twitter.
No. 1989223>>1989224
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>>1988293I never watched the shows but I read loads of the books. They were class. One of the best stories from that series was when Perfect Peter decided to be bad for a day. I keked. Now I want to read them again to see how well they've aged. I wish my mom never gave them away. She did the same for all of my Jacqueline Wilson books too.
No. 1989226
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>>1989224This one was my favourite. Damn, this is giving me an urge to create a bookclub thread if there isn't one already.
No. 1992393
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>>1989224Do you anons remember Vicky Angel? About two friends and one got hit by a car and died?! I was only young at it scarred me.
Also KISS the ‘teen’ genre, and she was in love with her boy bestfriend but he was gay? And there was a gay kiss scene, I remember being in year six and other girls saying “oh my god did you get to the gay part?” Simpler times. I still have all of the classics in the loft kek
No. 1992597>>1992601>>1992642>>1992689
>>1992305I went into Manchester today to top up on foodie ingredients from Oseyo. I can't wait for the big one to open up in the Arndale, the current one is so far away from everything.
What about you nona?
No. 1992722
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Mancbong here too hiya
No. 1992866
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Wow we should meet up at the taco bell arndale nonnies…. I thought I was alone I thought I was the only mancunian
No. 2015225>>2015246>>2015276>>2017150
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general election announced for 4th july. what are your thoughts and predictions nonnies?
No. 2027368>>2027374>>2027382>>2027395>>2027466>>2027544
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>Mother-of-six Sarah Rigby, 41, forced her NHS project manager Gareth Jones to eat salad, wear a hat and swallow toothpaste and mouthwash in the wrongful belief he was fat, bald and had halitosis.I am fucking chortling. Wrongful belief? No. 2027379>>2027503>>2027545
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>>2027374One of the detectives said it was “one of the worst cases of coercive control he’s ever seen”. Another fat bald bad breathed pig. I wish he had killed himself.
She is such a beautiful woman. He’s lucky she even gave him a chance. All he had to do was lose weight and brush his teeth.
No. 2027382>>2027391
>>2027368Proof that men couldn't handle being a woman.
>'I do not feel l can trust another woman at present. When I am out in public and I see someone with the same hairstyle and colour of Sarah's, I become scared.What a fucking pussy. Only 6 months of name calling and now he's scared of blonde women abloo bloo.
No. 2027391>>2027425
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>>2027382He said he doesn’t feel he can have another relationship. Of course, women across the country are devastated.
He’s now constantly worried about his weight and how he smells. Which of course, no woman can ever relate to.
No. 2027395>>2027406
>>2027368>She also made him wear a hat >Police praised the 'bravery that he has shown a mother of six is going to jail for this. my guess is he has a kink for bossy women but then wanted to play
victim. ugly men with a bit of money deliberately seek out women who love to spend, because they know they can "buy" the woman's love. would love to hear her side of things because right now it's giving me amber vs johnny vibes.
No. 2028777>>2028778>>2028974
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>>2027428Meanwhile this is what happens when the genders are swapped.
6 years for killing his wife. No. 2028778
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>>2028777I hope this fat pig hangs himself
(alogging) No. 2028974
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>>2028777just looked this up and wtf. he already physically assaulted her and threatened to kill her before actually murdering her but HE was the "battered spouse"? i mean they both sound
toxic but why does he get to be the
victim? he killed the mother of his children…
No. 2029592
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>>2029361Depends on what you regard as a quintessential UK resort town experience. If you want the holiday camp, donkey rides and stick of rock type of experience then there's Blackpool, Skegness, Weston-super-mare, Brighton or Bournemouth. If you want a more sedate experience of local sea food, cliff top villages, cream tea, clotted cream ice cream and empty beaches then look at South Devon and Cornwall. If you want a mix of both, I'd recommend somewhere like Dawlish Warren, Exmouth or Burnham-on-Sea.
No. 2029813>>2029829>>2029866
>>2027875almost all the fancy schools in the uk have acfs and ccfs (army cadet force, combined cadet force) you also find these programs in other schools and local communities.
in these fancy schools, it usually starts around age 14 and it is mandatory, but after a bit you can opt for community service instead if you wanted. some schools even have their own rifle ranges and armouries with mod owned weapons.
i remember hearing that the un was concerned about this, saying it potentially violates the geneva convention, having kids as young as 12 doing military training stuff. but i think the uk told them to piss off iirc.
most universities offer otcs (officer training corps), but they're optional, they’re for people who want to join the army.
national service won’t be that different, right? except it means all 18 year olds would do it, instead of just some 14-18 year olds.
>>2029358I havent seen it but i would find it pretty surprising that in a group of uk uni students, none had done any cadet training before, unless they were deliberately choosing ones who didn’t.
Maybe im just not aware of how rare it might be.
No. 2029829
>>2029813i did ccf (raf) at school, and one of uni housemates did acf (army) at hers, and a few of the guys we knew did cadet training at their schools too.
I thought it was ok, kind boring at times, but i thought the uniform was nice, oh i got to be guard of honour once for the highst ranking woman in the british military when she visited my school and she spoke to me which was kind of cool
My housemate loved it, remembered all the orders, she was pretty senior like second in command of hers
i remember meeting one girl at uni and she said something kind of wierd about her ccf experience, i dont know how the topic came up but she said 'she really enjoyed her time being one of few girls surrounded by guys, sometimes being the only one, on cadet camps and she loved the atention' she also heavilly implied some stuff but what makes this all the more wierder is she said all this to me in a church No. 2035068>>2035262
>>2034915Of course we’re European. What else would we be.
But also as obvious is the fact that wrt culture and language we’re the closest european country to the states — this is the argument that burgers make, and the complete denial of it by bongs is what fans the flames
No. 2035077
>>2027875Obligatory not a tory, but tbh calling it national service is a proper blunder on the Tories part, because it invokes the mental image of conscription, rather than what it is - mandatory volunteering for young people, which I actually think is a great idea.
I know every fucking generation bemoans the next, but I really do worry for these fuckin kids. I'm not necessarily talking about work ethic, rather a lot of them seem to have no zest or curiosity for life. When you talk to them it's like their eyes have glazed over. Maybe impacts of covid? Idk. But national service or whatever might give them a bit of perspective and experience with, yknow, living.
No. 2035126>>2035131>>2035132>>2035134>>2035143>>2035146>>2035152>>2035159
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This might sound insane so I will try to explain myself carefully but does anyone else feel ridiculously lethargic because of the weather? A normal cloudy day is supposed to be dull, dark and gray but we’ve been getting this horrid, bright-white hospital lighting type of cloudy weather for the past year or so and it’s making me more tired, more prone to headaches, overall less productive, etc. and I feel like I’m losing my mind trying to explain it to friends and family who live nearby. Genuinely, is this just me? It’s not just me, right? It’s as if the sky has turned into a glaring white bulb that you can’t switch off and it’s driving me NUTS, I’m sure it wasn’t like this even just half a decade ago… is it climate change??? I have no clue. (+context, I live in the south-east, below London)
No. 2035132>>2035136>>2035159
nonnie?? In the south east/london border too and it really feels that way. It's bright and cloudy but it feels worse than either. Looking out the window has been hurting my eyes
No. 2035134>>2035141
>>2035126You're not crazy, anon, I live in a very sunny place and we love cloudy rainy days because it's good for plants and nature overall BUT cloudy
bright days with 0% rain are popularly known to mess with your head kind of like a farmer superstition. Those days are usuallymore warm and humid too no matter the season.
No. 2035146
>>2035126Honestly it just sounds like you're becoming more sensitive to light
nonnie, plus the day-grey light is stronger this time of year. I have light sensitivity too and get retinal migraines etc. I just wear sunglasses and have light-diffusing curtains for when i'm inside.
No. 2035148
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>>2035136Picrel is the sky outside of my window right now. It’s positively revolting. The phone camera makes it look much darker than it is but everything around us is currently bathed in a desaturated white glow, I seriously want to hurl kek
No. 2035173
>>2035141Oh shit I didn't notice this was the UK thread, I though I was in the vent thread. Sorry for the foreign sperging that you're about to read but basically we have a word in spanish
bochorno that means asphyxiating heat or hot air that we use to describe hot cloudy bright days. It comes from the latin word
vulturnus that means wind from the east, so in our case it's the wind that comes from the Mediterranean Sea and sometimes the African coast, that's why it brings heatwaves and humidity, sometimes even sand (terrible for crops). Some people here even say wind gives you headaches. And if I'm not mistaken this wind sometimes even reaches the southern coasts of Great Britain, so there you have it.
No. 2035259>>2035350>>2035460
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>>2035145>>2035165wtf it absolutely did not feel like the warmest spring. i don't get how this works
No. 2035262
>>2035068>>2035072Thank you for the genuine responses bong nonnies
>>2035108>Do Americans not think Iceland is EuropeanHonestly no, not geographically anyways. Culturally, sure. But isn’t Iceland right next to Greenland? Greenland is a part North America right…?
t. burger
No. 2035350
>>2035259Sunlight doesn't equal heat. Its cold as fuck in the winter and still can be sunny I get blinded way more driving in winter with a low sun than in the summer.
We have an abundance of moisture in the air that insulates and in built up urban areas it's fucking sweltering.
No. 2035604>>2035609
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I choose to believe that she’s a farmer.
No. 2035616>>2035641
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>>2035609Not famous but character, janeece from Waterloo road
No. 2035641>>2035961
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>>2035616Off topic but seeing this on the front page took me back kek. Her and Maxine were my favourite duo
No. 2035688>>2035696
>>2035661you don't need to live in bath
only take one once a day smh
No. 2035945>>2035962
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>>2035432i'm 1 hour in and actually a very informative (but bleak) watch. i am ancient enough to have grown up in early 90s uk and always figured i was just romanticising that period because i was a kid and didn't have to worry about the things my parents did, but things really were thriving back then compared to now. we used to have a family doctor who knew you and your history, and you could always get an appointment with them within a week. towns actually had things to do, like arcades, cinemas, lots of shops and cafes. trains were affordable and more dependable.
i'm sure this isn't unique to the uk but the biggest difference i remember is the poorest families i knew could all afford houses/rent or get council houses
but just couldn't afford nice things like new clothes, TVs, holidays, etc. Whereas now clothes, tech and holidays are waaaay more affordable but it's impossible to get a fucking house.
No. 2036074>>2036076
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>>1730353Muslims and Jews need to be deported from Britain.
(back to /pol/) No. 2038156>>2038383>>2038561
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>>2037261Mfw I see burgers shitting up the bong thread again.
No. 2040038>>2040116>>2040805>>2040817>>2040853
File (hide): 1717795871003.png (2.05 MB, 1932x1010, isidewith.png) you're bored, here is a quiz that supposedly shows you which political parties your beliefs align most with. my top results ended up being 78% green party and 68% UKIP wtf
No. 2040116>>2040706
>>2040038My results
75% Reform
71% UKIP
71% BNP
60& Worker's Party
I used to be on the left, now I'm on the right even though my political opinions haven't changed.
No. 2040706
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>>2040116I was very surprised that I got UKIP but turns out they're very pro-NHS and anti-privatisation. who knew? The rest of their policies are awful though. Also surprised to get the Green Party who have retarded policies and are pro-tranny. I got no moderate results for what I thought were pretty moderate views.
No. 2040805>>2040828>>2040830
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>>2040038Sorry but this is retarded, I’m literally a
TERF kek
No. 2040817
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>>2040038lmao this is useless. I do like animals I suppose.
No. 2040875
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I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what half of this even means. I just want death penalties for the most heinous criminals (rapists, pedos, etc), I'm against AI because of what moids can do with it, and am against mass immigration (despite my parents being immigrants themselves kek. but we all can tell this recent wave of illegal males from countries with a backwards culture is DANGEROUS.), and believe in LGB separating ourselves from the TQ+ bs. I think these are pretty normal views. I dunno though.
No. 2040995>>2041188
>>2040956An Alien Behhb
Ataru sounding like your average lanky builder.
No. 2042253>>2042258
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>>2042246It’s a very sad but perplexing case. Surely a doctor would have known better than to go on a three hour hike on incredibly rocky terrain in 35 to 40 degree heat, even if he was under a brolly?
No. 2042261>>2042265>>2042305
>>2042246damn, i was just about to look for an update. not surprising but sad, what a horrific and scary way to die.
>>2042258wtf? even if he died early on, how can you not SEE a body when you're actively looking for one in those areas? that's not very reassuring
No. 2042265
>>2042261a few news sources spoke to the son of a welshman who went missing on a greek island in 2019 and was never found
he said that his father went to look at a church up the road and never came back,
when the greek police searched they drove up the road once, they didnt stop and get out
then after a few days they delcared the man must have left the island despite only having 10 euro in his pocket when he was last seen
No. 2042305>>2042658
>>2042261apparently the helicopter missed his body 20 times. what kind of useless emergency services is that?
what is his actual cause of death? I think I saw something mentioned about his heart and the heat etc
No. 2042658
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>>2042302>>2042305>>2042279this article has pictures of where his body was found (pictures of the body are blurred - spoilered just in case) like he stumbled on some rocks and tumbled down a slope, stopping at the fence. so sad.
No. 2044968>>2044989>>2045355
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No. 2045358>>2056743
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I just saw the footage of the guy throwing stuff at Farage
Guess this guy's age…….
Ok his age is…28
No. 2054533
>>1730353>>2054476Any of the other options
nonny, not the main two parties. They're both as shite as each other.
No. 2054645
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>>2054476this election is gonna be really tough. i keep going between my priority being getting rid of the tories because it's been 14 years of shit, but at the same time i would struggle to vote for labour, which is just another slightly different kind of shit.
>tranny loving moronwould you feel comfortable sending them something like this? you can do it anonymously. if nothing else at least it's a bit of pushback.
No. 2056271>>2056297
>>2056255Cancel culture is THE reason you guys have Muslim rape gangs and trannies in the NHS in the first place.
t. burger
No. 2056763>>2056778>>2056791
>>2056242this is populism. appealing to what most people want, but no hope of achieving it. looked at some more of their policies and i'm not convinced at all.
>incentivising marriagesounds like they're trying to bind women to men and babies. great they know what a woman is but only care about them as mothers and wives. i also can't find anything about abortion laws, which would be a worry.
>want more NHS staff and less waiting times>want less immigrationthose two are a little contradictory, considering how much of NHS staff is made up of immigrants.
>still think brexit was a fantastic ideai agree the immigration sitatuion is fucked up but wish there was a sane way of handling it without stirring up even more tension and division. that worries me too.
No. 2057295>>2062028>>2062070
>>2057272Removing rapist immigrant moids comes first because they are an immediate danger and if they succeed in out numbering the native population women will have no rights anyway. No major party that's likely to get seats in the current election is threatening to remove the rights of women or LGB.
I will probably vote Reform and have voted Conservative in the past. Labour is the pedo party and I will never vote for them after living in a Labour controlled area.
No. 2062007
>>2061957Really pisses me off. It’s clear they’re sheltered and spend all their time in
terf communities on the internet, so that they think it’s the number one issue for women in this country. So they don’t care if they ever can afford a home, they don’t care if they can’t access healthcare because the NHS is in ruins, they don’t care about being lead nosefirst into another world war but at least trannies aren’t allowed in women’s toilets? Stupid ass.
No. 2062025>>2062409
>>2058164In 1997 the average price of a house in the UK was £61,380 (source: with inflation that would be £140,002.94 in 2024.
In February of 2024 the average house price is £263,600 (source:
1997 was the year that Tony Blair was elected. His Labour government massively increased immigration.>From the first year in office, the issue had hit the Labour government like a whirlwind. In 1997 net migration had been 48,000, but it rose extremely rapidly over the next 12 months, almost trebling to 140,000 in 1998. It was never to fall below 100,000 again.>Between 1997 and 2010, net annual immigration quadrupled, and the UK population was boosted by more than 2.2 million immigrants, more than twice the population of Birmingham. In Labour’s last term in government, 2005-2010, net migration reached on average 247,000 a year.Labour's policy on migration has lead directly into the increase in popularity of the right and the failure of the Conservatives to address migration has pushed people even further right. This is what is happening all over Europe.
>The dramatic changes have left British politics ruptured. Immigration remains the No 1 issue on the doorstep, according to pollsters – a stream that feeds into the well of mistrust in politics. It has spawned the emergence of Ukip and helped create four- or five-party politics in the UK for the first time.>even now Labour struggles to explain to a core part of its electorate the decisions that were taken on its watch.>Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, has made capital out of his claim that the Labour government embarked on a deliberate policy to encourage immigration by stealth. Ukip often cites an article by Andrew Neather, a former No 10 and Home Office adviser, who wrote that the Labour government embarked on a deliberate policy from late 2000 to “open up the UK to mass migration”.The Guardian article was written in 2015. Since then Farage and other right wing parties have only become more popular and are now looking at taking seats in Parliament.
Voting for Labour to reduce housing prices and to try and counter the right, is voting for the party that caused the problem.
No. 2062028>>2074701
>>2057295>Labour is the pedo partyYou're delusional. All of them are pedo parties. Just look at the trans issue.
> do you think has been covering for pedos for decades?
>>Newspapers and TV bulletins have been dominated for the past week by allegations that politicians with links to Margaret Thatcher’s government sexually abused vulnerable children in the 1980s and hid the truth for decades through their “chumocracy.” Suspicions of an establishment cover-up involving government departments, Scotland Yard and other elements of the establishment intensified in recent days when the law-and-order ministry, the Home Office, confirmed dozens of potentially-relevant files alleging sexual misconduct had gone missing from its archives.>The allegations—which centre around the suggestion that politicians of all parties and other VIPs preyed on children at a guest house in the London suburb of Barnes—have been given greater credence because in the past two years a string of national figures have been exposed as predatory pedophiles. No. 2063231>>2063622
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Have labour done a u-turn on the whole gender ideology being taught in school?. I’m so confused. I think Reform UK have a great manifesto but I don’t like Nigel farage. I hate politics so much
No. 2063497>>2063650>>2064864
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>>2062070Even The Guardian agrees with him because it's what happened. of what happens in UK domestic politics, Ukraine is not worth starting a nuclear war over.
No. 2064824>>2064863>>2064920>>2064951
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Bong nonnies what place in England do you recommend for me to visit? I’ve been to London before and it was fine but didn’t “wow” me. I’m looking for a safe and aesthetically pleasing place with lots of history and museum stuff to look at. I don’t care for clubs, nightlife etc. I was considering Oxford or Bath and the Cotswolds. Are these good picks? And do you think I’ll be fine as a female solo traveler in England or should I bring a friend with me?
No. 2064937
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>>2064934These must be satire
No. 2064951>>2065636
>>2064824Rail travel in Kent and East Sussex is pretty good and you can get a wide variety of different experiences there like historical sights at Rochester, a typical deprived resort town like Hastings, a quaint village like Rye, etc.
Oxford, Bath, and the Cotswolds do have what you're looking for but are going to be packed in the summer, so keep that in mind if you're travelling soon. There's also the Peak District, which is full of lovely villages and not heavily-trafficked by international tourists.
>And do you think I’ll be fine as a female solo traveler in England or should I bring a friend with me?You'll be completely safe unless you intentionally seek out shitholes, and even then the worst you'll get is catcalling and maybe phone snatching. Almost all violent crime is DV, alcohol-related (i.e. drunk scrotes going at it), or in cities gang-related.
No. 2065636
>>2064951i can suggest a few things for for hastings, start at warrior square station n head down kings road, down to heist food market, then across to goats ledge, then head east visiting the pier - theres another food market in source park n u can hire a kayak to explore the metalwork under the pier from epic life, true crime museum is fun for 10 mins, walk very quickly through the shitty new town towards pelham place, the crazy golf is fun, and theres some old school arcades, then the old town - george street, lots of lovely pubs and shops, make sure you pass swan terrace little park n pay ur respects, up the road the electric palace is a lot of fun especially when they have a shitty b movie playing, youve got some nice pubs further up (crown, filo, stag) if you wanna head down to rock a nore check out fishermans museum and shipwreck museum, then check out the cliffs over at the end of the car park, the view from the top of the east hill is cool so worth the walk up, there is also smugglers caves which are bemusingly old (i think its romantic)
for rye, the view from top of the church is quite nice, i think they let people in in trade for a donation
No. 2067434>>2067609>>2067817
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>>2067424He's got the whole world in his hands.
He's got the whole world in his hands.
He's got the whole world in his hands.
He's got everybody here in his hands
He's got everybody here in his hands
He's got everybody here in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands.
No. 2067617>>2067709
>>2067424does anyone remember one that went:
Noah, he built the arky, the arky arkyI can't find it online and questioning whether I made it up
No. 2067762
>>2067709omg yes, thanks
nonnie! we used to sing this in assembly at primary school.
>built it out of barky barkygenuinely surprised this song actually exists tbh
No. 2068475>>2068479>>2072966>>2078863
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Give me reasons why I shouldn’t vote reform?
No. 2068479>>2068482
>>2068475I have a feeling they're just going to say what they need to say and then do absolutely nothing
Nigel Farage just wants status and clout, he has no actual principles
No. 2071952
>>2064921probably slipped off the road and got lost trying to get back,
i see they just called off the search
does anyone else think its odd that he got in a car with two guys he just met went 16 miles with them to their rented house
then after he missed a bus tried to do a 10hr walk back to his accommodation with 1% battery and no water
No. 2074047>>2074922
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>>2064921I highly doubt they're going to find him alive. Also this is yet another case of the media going crazy over a violent male's wellbeing.
No. 2074701>>2074703
>>2062028Sorry for the slow reply but this is quite the rabbit hole and it's a difficult to read, especially as it happens repeatedly on a huge scale.
Islington child abuse scandal
Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as Islington's MP since 1983. In 1990 a social worker blew the whistle on child abuse happening in children's homes.>Whistleblowing staff and children describe drug-dealing, sex trafficking and violence. >A report by Ian White, former president of the Association of Directors of Social Services, and Kate Hart, a former senior manager at Hampshire and Oxfordshire councils, finds Islington Council did not properly investigate allegations against workers.Margaret Hodge and other members of the Labour council resigned over the scandal. One of those councilors was Sandy Marks, who was later found to have attended both PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) and Fallen Angel conferences.>Former councillor Sandy Marks, who chaired the social services committee during the children’s homes scandal of the 1990s, attended a conference with a radical pro-paedophile activist group called Fallen Angels in 1980>Ms Marks attended a meeting of a group campaigning for criminal charges against the vile Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) to be dropped.>Yet by 1983, only three years later, Sandy Marks was sitting on the social services committee at Islington Council, which had oversight of kids in care.>She chaired the committee from 1991 to 1995 during the height of paedophile sex ring allegations concerning children’s homes in the borough.>Labour stalwart Ms Marks, a familiar face at constituency events, was in a key position to advise former council leader Margaret Hodge after the abuse scandal was exposed.>The Evening Standard journalists who exposed the Islington kids’ home abuse scandal in October 1992 met Sandy Marks a month before the story was published, and say they were “shocked” by her response.>“But she didn’t seem to want to engage at all with notions of abuse. I can’t now remember her exact wording, but she indicated that she was indifferent to what the kids got up to sexually – she had a very libertarian view, and spoke as if they were free agents. She said she saw the role of the councillors when they inspected the homes as being to check things like: were the washing machines working? I have never forgotten it. It was very shocking.”Even after this massive failure, she is still supported by the Labour party.
>After 1995, Ms Marks’ career went from strength to strength.>She took up a role at the National Children’s Bureau and became mayor of Islington in 1996.Lambeth child abuse scandal.>Culture of cover-up saw hundreds of children abused in Lambeth, report finds>The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse strongly criticised Lambeth Council for allowing abuse in five homes from the 1960s to the 1990s.>"With some exceptions, they [Lambeth Council staff] treated children in care as if they were worthless. As a consequence, individuals who posed a risk to children were able to infiltrate children's homes and foster care, with devastating, life-long consequences for their victims.">The council was mired in corruption and financial mismanagement during the decades of abuse, with "politicised behaviour and turmoil" dominating its culture, according to the report.>The report partly blames the Labour council's battle against the Conservative government in the 1980s, saying it sought to "take on the government" to the detriment of local services.>Children as young as three were abused while in the care of Lambeth Council, while one girl was raped "500 times", an investigation has heard.>Barristers representing victims accused Lambeth Council of knowing about the abuse, but doing nothing.>Hundreds of children in the care of Lambeth Council were subjected to prolonged sexual, physical and racial abuse, an inquiry has heard>Children were systematically abused by paedophiles who targeted jobs in the care system to give them access to young people, the inquiry heard.>John Carroll, was revealed by another council to have a conviction for abuse, and to have concealed it from his employer. Yet he was not sacked for years - and was not dismissed for child abuse - the inquiry heard.>Ms Langdale added: "Lambeth officials decided that Carroll should not be dismissed on account of his previous conviction, nor on account of his concealment of it.">He was jailed for 10 years at Liverpool Crown Court in 1999 after admitting a string of sexual assaults against children while working in residential care between 1966 and 1986.>After being taken into care in the mid-1970s aged eight, LA-A7 spent time at the notorious Shirley Oaks care home before running away and moving to another home, South Vale. There he was abused by three male members of staff, including his keyworker, Leslie Paul, who took him to his flat and took photos of him.>Paul worked at Lambeth council from 1979 to 1992, when he was dismissed. He was sentenced to two and a half years’ imprisonment in 1994 for indecent assault, indecency with a child, and taking indecent images of a child. In 2002 he was jailed for 18 months for sexual offences. In 2016 he was sentenced to 13 years in jail for 18 offences of child abuse.>When she came into the care of Lambeth council in the 1970s aged 12, LA-A327 had had a traumatic and abusive family life, including being knocked unconscious by her mother.>She described being constantly placed under restraint, locked in her room at night and forced to take tranquillisers. She later moved to the Calais Street children’s home where she was “raped continuously” and as a result became pregnant at 15. She moved to a council flat where she was left to cope alone.I could go on all year with this, it's happened in towns and cities for decades and nearly every time it's a Labour council that's responsible. I won't cover areas like Rotherham or Telford because it's already beyond all doubt that Labour were responsible for ignoring and covering up the CSA happening in these areas since at least the 1970s.
No. 2074703
>>2074701If you want the see the difference between Labour and the Conservatives, Sarah Champion the MP for Rotherham was sacked for speaking out against muslim rape gangs by Jeremy Corbyn, while Lucy Allen the Conservative MP for Telford since 2016 faced no consequences for doing so.>Champion was sacked as Labour’s shadow women and equalities minister after saying “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men” raping white girls in a column in the newspaper in the wake of fresh grooming prosecutions in Newcastle.>Corbyn said the Labour Party was "not going to blame any particular group, or demonise any particular group.">Champion was branded "racist" by many Labour supporters but a number of Sikh, Hindu and British Pakistani groups came to her defence, saying in a letter to The Times she had taken a “courageous stand” in highlighting “a clear trend in criminality.”Meanwhile Lucy Allen spoke out about the Telford abuse scandal and even as recently as last year, was trying to stop a tranny sex offender from being released early from prison. actually got her suspended was supporting Reform example of Labour ignoring their own MPs on paedophilia is Anne Cryer the MP for Keighley
>In 2002, when she was Labour MP for Keighley, Cryer became the first public figure in Britain to talk out about allegations of "young Asian lads" grooming underage white girls in the West Yorkshire town. As a result, she was shunned by elements of her party, a panic button was installed in her house and Nick Griffin stood against her for the far-right British National party (BNP), claiming that she was not doing enough to protect young white girls.Keir Starmer also has a dire record as Director of Public Prosecutions.
He failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile>Mr Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) when the decision not to prosecute Savile was made on the grounds of “insufficient evidence”. The allegations against Savile were dealt with by local police and a reviewing lawyer for the CPS.>Keir Starmer was the most senior public prosecutor in England and Wales and held responsibility for heading the CPS. His time in this role coincided with the time that the public allegations mentioned above were made against the entertainer Jimmy Savile.>Upon the publication of a subsequent Levitt inquiry into the decision not prosecute Savile, Starmer issued an apology, stating: “I would like to take the opportunity to apologise for the shortcomings in the part played by the CPS in these cases. If this report and apology are to serve their full purpose, then this must be seen as a watershed moment.”He failed to prosecute profilic rapist John Warboys>Worboys, 60, a former stripper and porn actor, was convicted of 19 offences in 2009 and ordered to serve at least eight years in jail. Many of his victims were young women who he picked up and gave drug-laced champagne, claiming he was celebrating a lottery or casino win. He would then attack them in the back of his car.>Labour MP Sir Keir Starmer - who was head of the CPS as the Director of Public Prosecutions at the time - is now being urged to explain his decision not to investigate the further allegations against Worboys. Starmer has refused to comment.Interestingly Carrie Symonds, the fiancee of Boris Johnson was one of Warboys
He failed to act on muslim rape gangs>Mr Starmer was the head of the CPS in 2009, when a key decision not to prosecute a case in Rochdale was taken.>According to evidence given to the Home Affairs Committee, the decision was based on CPS guidelines of the time which suggested a jury might see victims as unreliable if they had come forward some time after the offence, if they had deviated or changed their accounts, made use of drink or drugs or had subsequently gone back to the perpetrator. As a result, such cases were thought not to have a realistic prospect of achieving a conviction. >In 2011, Nazir Afzal, who at the time was director of prosecutions in London, was made chief prosecutor for the north west. He subsequently overturned the 2009 decision and a total of nine men were later convicted.
>Keir Starmer, QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions, said that men who groomed teenagers for sex had escaped justice for decades because police, prosecutors and the courts failed to understand the nature of the abuse.Keir Starmer continues to promote politicians that were responsible for covering up CSA
In 2017 Naz Shah tweeted that muslim rape gang
victims “Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.” Keir Starmer would later appoint her as Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion Beck was forced to quit as a Labour council cabinet member in 2015 due to the failings of the council over the muslim rape scandal is now running as an MP. Notice that this is the same as happened in Islington.>Beck resigned as a cabinet member of Rotherham Council following a damning report on the authority.>Beck was not a cabinet member at the time but was promoted to the top team shortly afterwards.>Yet he was forced to step down in 2015, along with the rest of the cabinet, when a second report by Louise Casey blasted the council for being in “robust denial” about the findings.This isn't even half of what I could research and post. I had to break this up into two posts because even for LC "the body was too long". I haven't mentioned Labour MPs like Harriet Harman being involved in PIE in the 1980s, Labour's link to the NCCL and Fallen Angels, both pro-paedophile political groups, Nazir Afzal the Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England alleging that Gordon Brown told police not to investigate muslim rape gangs because children "have made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour and therefore it is not for you police officers to get involved in".
I have no doubt that both parties are full of paedophiles, but it is what it is.
No. 2076168>>2076446>>2078092>>2078094
File (hide): 1720012306376.jpeg (143.08 KB, 933x1400, IMG_5285.jpeg)

Who wants some school cake nonnies?
No. 2076797>>2078092
File (hide): 1720042209526.jpeg (332.77 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_5297.jpeg)

>>2076446I tried to make it once too. And it didn’t taste the same either. It makes me so nostalgic. So simple and child-like
No. 2077894>>2077924
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It's election day and every other country thread has eclipsed this one. SAD!
No. 2077920>>2077928>>2078094
File (hide): 1720118919386.png (2.23 MB, 1426x946, tattooed mum.png)

Rishi got second billing to 'Britain's most tattooed mum' on This Morning and had to wait in the corner for his turn
No. 2077928
>>2077924I'm happy that UK elections aren't a US-style spectacle, but you'd expect at least someone to be excited, or for the Daily Mail-tier posters to remind everyone to vote Reform.
No. 2077982>>2078077
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>>2074035voted for this random geezer who is running as an independent. wish there was an economically left wing party that wasn't batshit woke
No. 2078077
>>2077938>>2078069i have a family friend who is an ex-green party councillor and she has put me off ever voting for them. obsession with troons, hatred of women and useless climate policies that may do more harm than good (like other nona brought up - their stance on nuclear is ridiculous at this stage).
>>2077982same and same. i voted for an independent candidate who used to work as a cleaner and seems in touch with real issues instead of id politics. according to the exit polls so far, independent candidates seem to have done quite well which is nice to see
No. 2078092>>2078093
File (hide): 1720131596802.jpeg (2.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7389.jpeg)

>>2076797>>2076168I made some the other week from a mix this is how it turned out
No. 2078094
>>2076168I love these so much, especially with custard on top.
>>2077920Lmao it's what he deserves.
No. 2078350>>2078353
A British security guard has been found guilty of orchestrating a plot to kidnap, rape and murder UK television presenter Holly Willoughby.
Over the course of two years, Essex man Gavin Plumb meticulously planned how he would kidnap the This Morning presenter from her home — even going as far as to purchase a kidnap kit for the purpose, jurors heard.
However, the 37-year-old's plans were foiled when he was arrested in October 2023 after unwittingly revealing the kidnapping to an undercover US police officer.
Sauce: No. 2078353>>2078359
File (hide): 1720145971249.jpg (75.87 KB, 1024x1024, 805fb0bf251eafbb664f10bde8b378…)

>>2078350Samefag, here's the moid's mugshot.
No. 2078722
>>2078459I’m glad the tories are out but not that optimistic. Kier doesn’t really seem to stand for much, the most generic labour politician imaginable. His manifesto was so vague and nothing. I have no idea what his policies really are. It’s just the typical “Save the NHS. Stronger Britain, more houses”
My local labour politician is alright though.
My hometown has gone reform, I wonder how that will go. I don’t trust reform MPs tbh I think they’re just pandering to working class Brit’s without actually intending to improve their lives. Maybe I’m wrong and they’ll improve things over there, just have to wait and see. They desperately need someone to fix the economy and violent crime rate over there so I understand the vote.
No. 2078791>>2078797
File (hide): 1720181951381.png (896.5 KB, 702x790, beans.png)

jacob rees-mogg losing the election whilst standing next to a man wearing a baked beans balaclava
No. 2078863>>2078869>>2079174>>2079176>>2079468>>2080554
>>2068475More immigrants will cause the following
>more taxesMore people means more demand for public services which cost money, there isn't any more money because UK debt is already at 100% of GDP so increasing tax is the only option.
>worse economyHigher taxes means that more money is taken from citizens and given to the government. Less money for citizens means less money is distributed through the economy and higher government spending is inflationary.
>higher housing pricesMore immigrants means more people needing homes which increases the price of buying and renting.
>worse inflationWhile the main cause of inflation is external, high debt levels are inflationary. Labour has no plan to reduce debt levels instead it will be a policy of tax and spend.
>longer NHS waiting timesMore immigrants means more people using the NHS. The NHS is already failing.
>political instabilityAlready being seen. Labour MPs were getting heckled by pro-Palestine protesters during their acceptance speeches, including Jess Philips. Keir Starmer has won 9,660,081 votes in total, which is lower than the 12,878,460 votes won by Jeremy Corbyn when he lost to the Conservatives in 2017. Reform and the Conservatives had 10,828,900 votes in total, which means the majority wants a right wing government. More people voted against Labour than for Labour, especially when the 3,487,568 votes for LibDems are included. We have a government that was voted in by a minority of the population. The Labour government hasn't taken office and it's already deeply unpopular.
Source of vote numbers No. 2078869>>2078880
>>2078863Nona I don't like Labour either but Starmer has said they won't be 'taking money from citizens.' From their website:
>Labour will not increase income tax, national insurance or VAT. Unlike the Tories, we have been clear about how we will pay for our first steps in government: by making the tax system fairer.>Ending tax breaks for private schools, which exempt them from VAT and business rates. Closing the loopholes which allow some ‘non-dom’ mega rich people who live in the UK to avoid paying tax. Introducing a proper windfall tax on the huge profits the energy giants are making.But who knows if they're telling the truth. I wish parties were bound to their manifesto.
No. 2078880
File (hide): 1720188196265.jpg (272.47 KB, 1200x1200, debt-gdp.jpg)

>>2078869But that's even worse because if they aren't raising money by increasing taxes, then how are they going to pay for their policies?
Taxing private schools, rich foreigners and energy companies is not going to sufficiently fund anything.
No. 2079174>>2079258
>>2078863All of those things were made worse by the conservative party and they were never going to reduce immigration, so you wouldn’t have gained anything by them winning. They have increased immigration themselves and purposefully concoct silly schemes that would never realistically be implemented to pacify certain voters.
You worry things are going to get worse right? They have steadily been getting worse the entirety of the Conservative tenure with no sign of improvement, as such things are in line with their party ethos and goals. If the Conservatives won again, they would just keep going and things would inarguably get worse. Please tell me why you think they’d randomly turn around? Why you think “oh they just need 20 fucking years, then everything will finally be okay, y-you’ll see!!”
Imagine believing the conservative party were needed or going to help lower housing prices. For what? Do you know what a conservative is? Do you know what a Tory was? What their neoliberalism aspires to achieve? Why would a party of anti-plebs do literally anything to improve the lives of plebs you actual retard.
The NHS is greatly held back by bureaucracy, which can be tackled by any party if they actually want to. Conservatives always push towards privatisation and have had to hide their hands to avoid losing voters. Hence they can boast spending so much “but it just doesn’t wOorK”, while intentionally mismanaging the system. Hopefully, the labour party may at least attempt to change it.
No. 2079176
>>2078863>political instability, already being seenThe narrative of your silly joke politics echo chamber. Were we safe and sound with the revolving door of 100 tory PMs the last decade? They made an actual joke of the position.
>the majority wants a right wing governmentNo and Labour won by a landslide. Maybe you don’t like it but the UK does follow the popular vote. Regardless of their leaning, the parties are different and your Frankenstein RW party would still have lost anyway:
Labour 9,660,081 33.9% (L)
Con 6,755,953 23.6% (R)
Refard 4,072,947 14.3% (R)
LD 3,487,568 12.1% (C/L)
Green 1,931,880 6.8% (L)
SNP 685,405 2.4% (L)
Plaid Cymru 194,811 0.7% (L)
Left Wing = 12,472,177 43.8%
Right Wing = 10,828,90 37.9%
(Ignoring the regional parties, 37.9 & 40.7%)
Sorry what does the majority want?
I’m even being gracious to not count
Liberal Democrats as left wing because they’re at least partially proper centre. Otherwise it’d be 15,959,745 and literally 55.9%. RW majority where? The last Tory win wasn’t even a RW majority, as shown by your own source actually.
No. 2079258
>>2079174This so much.
I used to work in the NHS and I can tell you for certain that the Tories wanted it to run like a business (thanks to Andrew Lansley). I would consider going back if Labour were able to sort it out, it would feel great to have it back the way it should be.
I think the Tories lack compassion, it’s the one thing I have always hated about them. They just don’t care.
Tribalism is a global thing at the mo so although I was shocked at Farage getting a seat I wasn’t really surprised.
No. 2082687>>2083244
>>2082680The 'speaks no English' thing is fucking grim. There are a ton of immigrant women who essentially get sold off as brides to moids living in the UK and because there's no real push to get immigrants to integrate there's no real way to ensure these women can learn the language and deal with their own shit themselves. They always rely on kids, or worse, husbands, to translate for them. If (when) things go tits up, they have no way of escaping, because they're surrounded by similarly trapped and/or retarded immigrants who've given up on getting a better life, or they're ratted out to moids who murder them and the police don't do shit because it's a beautiful cultural practice.
Then there's the trafficked ones who don't realise they're being trafficked. There's a shocking amount of immigrants who don't think it's a bad deal to sleep in a shed with 50 other men and get paid £30 a day, minus food and board, for 14 hour workdays, since they'd be making less in their own countries.
Knowing even basic English would help them so much and it'd make it easier to catch traffickers, who also deal in trafficking women, organs, drugs and stolen goods.
Yes, a lot of immigrants do come over and integrate and their kids have great jobs etc, but so many of them resign themselves to getting paid below minimum wage for 40 years working in the same factory because they've been browbeaten into thinking there's no chance someone like them can ever make anything of their life.
I'm speaking from personal experience btw, this isn't racebait or Farageposting. Making it a basic requirement to learn English would help so many people and not because muh forrin language scary.
No. 2084333>>2085106>>2085602
>>2084299semi related, but the anglesey crossbow attack still terrifies me as it could happen to anyone
>deranged scrote decides he wants to kill someone>finds a random house at night>he cuts the wire from satalite dish>retired old couple live in the house and were watching television>old man comes out to see what the issue with the dish is>deranged scrote shoots him with a crossbow>old man collapses, they dont know what has happened think it might be a heart attack>ambulance arives, they see he has been punctured by something through his chest>someone then finds a crossbow bolt several feet away>old man dies>old woman blames herself, says she should have just told her husband to go to bed rather than let him check on the dishits terifying to think that you can be living your life and then be randomly murdered by some psycho wanting to kill someone
No. 2085586
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> Carol Hunt, 61, the wife of racing commentator John Hunt, was found dead at her home in Bushey, near Watford, alongside the couple’s daughter’s Hannah, 28, and Louise, 25 on Tuesday, July 10.
> Police launched a manhunt for Kyle Clifford, 26, from the Enfield area, following the attack. He was later found injured in a cemetery in North London and is currently being treated in hospital.
The scrote couldn't even kill himself. I hate this world. Women aren't safe from men. I can't even word any of this I want to cry and scream
No. 2085590>>2085592>>2086627
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> Police have released a picture of a suspect they are chasing after two suitcases with human remains were abandoned on Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.
> Police received a report of a man acting strangely shortly before midnight on Wednesday evening, and are appealing to anyone with information to come forward.
No info yet about the body/bodies. I will bet my life it is a woman.
Pic is of the man.
Sorry for reddit spacing but idc I am so angry right now.
No. 2086620
>>2085106yes nonna i saw the news earlier that day, what happened to the family was horrific, but you cant ignore the fact the one i posted about was also horrific
murder is murder
All i was saying was that the anglesey one lives rent free in my head as it was purely random, the guy didnt care who lived in the house he picked.
The fact you can live your life and then be killed by someone who just wanted to kill is terrifying, i also think about the cases where people have been walking home only for a car to deliberatly hit them then drive off, random acts of terror as well. It terrifies me that we live in a world where such people exist
No. 2086673
>>2086637Just in this case my bet would be it's probably the ugly fallout of being involved in other crimes. Shit goes wrong with drug deals, someone gets screwed outta money or maybe just knows too much about a previous crime/previous murder.
Not to shit on them, still got killed but usually when you find out remains are male it quickly leads to some kind of trail of organized crime rather than serial killer.
No. 2091103>>2091107>>2091256
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>>2086627it was two elderly gay men the murderer lived with
No. 2091113>>2091182>>2091202
>>2091102he was found really close to where he went missing apparently, it appears he fell
it does seem the 'sightings' of him alive caused them to look in the wrong places
shows how all the conspiracies about 'eastern european mafia hit for the stolen watch', 'drug smuggling gangs', 'him running away on a yacht', and 'it being staged' were all wrong
No. 2091182>>2092539
>>2091102I feel bad for his mum, imagine your son goes missing and then is found dead but all the public does is make dumb memes and troll her
>>2091113People love a good conspiracy that's why
No. 2091256>>2103833
File (hide): 1721060829721.png (1004.69 KB, 1039x766, bbc news bristol3.PNG)

>>2091103the bbc are now shoing the whole photo
this is the guy who killed them, it was taken in columbia where the guy was from
No. 2092539
>>2091182He was such a piece of shit that I don't have much sympathy for his family. They raised him to be a sweet loving delightful little armed gang member, they deserve to be trolled at least a little imo. Maybe this will inspire more of Jay's
victims to come forwards, even if he only mauled one person I'm sure he raped, threatened and molested a lot more. When scrotes like this die alone as a consequence of their own retarded actions it's funny, not tragic.
Who knows, maybe his other armed gang friends will come to Spain to celebrate Jay's memory and die as well. That'd be a happy day for the UK's overcrowded prison system.
No. 2102845
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tranny pride this saturday in london. any other nonas tempted to make stickers to slap on the route? maybe supporting the banning of hormone blockers, or bringing attention to TRA being MRA repackaged, terf is the new feminazi, etc? this is my first year fully peaked and free of this cult ideology, and now knowing this is in my city just bothers me so much. i also saw this poster for the troon afterparty at a popular gay venue, it is breaking my brain, how does this shit not peak people? no reference to trans men, just all weird fetishistic imagery of a misogynist's idea of a woman. so obvious that it is all a creepy sexual male larp first and foremost… i'm losing hope, i want people to wake up.
No. 2103117>>2104078
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There is a video of a police officer at Manchester airport kicking a muslim man on the ground. It is being posted online with no other context and people are crying islamophobia. However everyone is ignoring that same scrote attacked female police officers and broke one of their noses.
No. 2103118
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Another black man stabbed a uniformed white soldier in broad daylight, just like Lee Rigby. Imagine if the races were reversed? our shops would be being looted as we speak. His wife was there trying to pull him off her husband, he screams have been caught on a door cam. This country is fucked because of immigration and violent scrotes. Of course 'mental health' is being used as the excuse
No. 2103185>>2104069>>2130418
File (hide): 1721847516677.mp4 (18.58 MB, mrhilll.mp4) [play once] [loop]

watching this pervert headteacher have a full on meltdown, after getting arrested for harassing and stalking a young female colleague, is hilarious. i rarely feel bad for police, but sucks for these women officers to have to deal with this fat hulking retard.
>Gregory Hill, headteacher of a primary school in Norfolk
>Aggressively pursued a young female colleague and made her feel scared
>Turned up outside her father's house taking photos
>When he found out she was a lesbian he turned to homophobic abuse
>Gets arrested outside his school
>Throws an epic meltdown, claiming he is being abused, that he can't breathe, that he has asthma and is being treated like George Floyd kek
>Claims he used to be a special constable
(not sure what that is but sounds fake and gay)
No. 2103872
>>2103352Most people I know already hates harehills as an area. The riots didn't come as much of a suprise, we mostly found it iconic that rioting was supposed to make the police give their kids back.
A lot of news organisations have been trying to paint the family in a sympathetic manner, including doing a story where the father cried asking for his kids back, its hard to feel sympathetic when I could see smoke from a bus on fire when I was on my way home from work.
Nobody I know like seeing that it worked. We're all sick of living in a city where most violence is commited by these people who clearly hate our culture.
I was literally friends with a boy who lived there when I was back in school, he was a nice kid and I remember him telling me about his parents going off on him for being too westernised despite him being born and raised in the UK. He ended up completely leaving the family and islam to study philosophy and gain his own worldview once he went to uni.
I'm rambling, but my main point is I've heard first hand the toxicity of this. Me and this guy went out in public with some other friends and he was always looking out for family friends because he was not allowed to talk to western girls, it doesn't suprise me at all that these houses are rife with abuse as they try to literally force their sons to be misogynistic.
Its a complicated issue, I've seen a lot of people calling the police racist but me nor do any of my friends think that is the case. Leeds is a student city so unfortunately we have a bunch of psudo intellectual retards pedalling the popular opinion they've read online like its gospel
No. 2104060
File (hide): 1721909926205.png (128.52 KB, 965x304, oh god please.png)

Some good news to combat all the depressing shit!
No. 2104792>>2104793
File (hide): 1721940325900.png (763.83 KB, 1152x1004, Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 21.45…)

Dump them all in the sea. Scum
No. 2110215>>2110217>>2111717>>2111752
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I have been seeing reports it is a migrant. if there aren't protests if it is confirmed, this country is in the gutter because of those scum. Hang him.
If it is some incel scrote, hang him.
No. 2110222>>2110246>>2110251>>2110291
File (hide): 1722279184961.jpeg (120.21 KB, 1262x1168, GTrN4ZxXoAAGwHT.jpeg)

>>2110217skin him alive and dump his body in a boat and send him home.
No. 2110251>>2110255>>2110388
>>2110246Singh is a hindu surname and they are stirring up shit on twitter
No. 2110291>>2110314
File (hide): 1722283777898.png (20.49 KB, 275x173, 1682496124740.png)

>>2110222im so tired… why must we be the dumping ground for all the most maladjusted, violent scrotes in the world?
No. 2110301>>2110307>>2110334>>2111513
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Just what is going on today nonas. Was the most high-profile and best-paid news anchor according to the BBC. No. 2110307>>2110323>>2110405
>>2110301Not just owning them,
making them, jesus christ. I'm guessing he used AI but he still deserves to be flayed alive and then thrown in corrosive acid.
No. 2110323>>2110345
>>2110307"Mr Edwards is accused of having six category A images, the most serious classification of indecent images, on a phone. He is also accused of having 12 category B pictures and 19 category C photographs."
The offences he was caught for also took place from 2020 - 2022, so unfortunately not.
No. 2110401>>2110415
>>2110345either through the monitoring that goes on
social media posts are monitored, google searches are monitored, accessing certain websites is monitored, chatrooms are monitored
or he was being investigated for something and they found the images quite often incriminating evidence is found when investigating unrelated crimes
or someone reported him,
No. 2110405
>>2110307the bbc news article says making them has a broad definition in the law
oppening an email attatchement containing it, going on a website that contains it, or being in a group chat where it is shared
all this counts as making them per the law
No. 2110445
>>2110415it really depends what you say, being a
terf is a legally protected right, however calling for incitement of violence or death threats would be illegal
besides they mainly go after twitter users making racist comments, or jokes about dead footballers or grenfell tower
No. 2111513>>2111730
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>>2110301I was trying to remember what the allegations were against him in 2023
>paying a teenager more than £35,000 since they were 17 in return for images. and this kid is/was a drug addict, so was desperate for the money and likely had a history of abuse. just another layer of disgust, huw didn't care if they overdosed and died.
>>2110345looks like it was on whatsapp, so his messages were probably searched after the previous allegations
No. 2111734
File (hide): 1722344567401.jpeg (192.75 KB, 1116x558, IMG_5532.jpeg)

>>2110305Unless this is you. You’re fine.
No. 2111737
>>2110345Huw was caught cause the mother of one of the minors went to the papers about a bbc broadcaster sending him photos and paying for photos. There were also allegations with others in the workplace, he got sacked by BBC last year and there were 1000s of men decrying it saying what's wrong with purchasing erotica.
The law does define receiving files as making it but it is contextualised. Like when moids post porn here of suspect origins we could all technically be done for making cp but contextually we'd not be found in contempt. I'm glad they've got such a broad definition to go after pervs easier.
No. 2111858>>2111961
>>2111752Technically when I talk about it I only mean the male immigrants, of course. Women aren't causing trouble or raping people. I hate the racists that want all immigrants gone when it's clearly on the recent male ones causing trouble. Not female immigrants or older immigrants from decades ago who've assimilated.
Like my own family, kek.>>2111765You're right. But also it's bad that they're importing so many immigrant scrotes because now there's more males than females and any society with a higher ratio of men to women is doomed. Crimes are only gonna increase from here on out
No. 2111989>>2112677
File (hide): 1722356959112.png (272.8 KB, 720x1016, 1000005961.png) Price is gonna be arrested because she didn't attend court hearings about her bankruptcy. H&M is not amused.
No. 2112009
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This actually makes me sick to my stomach. Remember when holiday parks were for families with children? Now they are filled to the brim with these disgusting smug moids.
Any anon who cries about racism towards these scrotes should go and share a caravan with them and then see if they’re worth sticking up for rather than other women kek
No. 2112043>>2112054
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Related to the Southport incident. I love how they are focusing on the completely wrong issue to be PC. A knife was involved but this wasn’t a knife crime issue, this wasn’t a gang turf war, this was a non British moid who sought out an event full of vulnerable little girls, knife or not, he was there to murder and inflict harm on as many children as possible most likely by any means necessary. As sickening as femicide is there is something far more sick and deranged when it can happen to complete strangers, innocent children even going about their lives than a scorned ex lover. It’s sad I can guess the race if you was to tell me the MO of a crime, attacks on children are becoming far to frequent.
No. 2112307>>2112324>>2117432
>>2112251How do you know the identity of his parents and not the boy? Because you've made it up. They named the area he lived and where he was born, people will know his name.
>>2112005Yes he was and his family was known to police and older brother in jail for manslaughter
No. 2112324>>2117276
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>>2112307>you’ve made it upWhy you trying so hard to cape
No. 2112395>>2112455
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If this is true jfc
No. 2112518>>2112572>>2113936
>>2112490You have a point.
Honestly I feel like everything went to shit with Brexit. I remember being in a house party before the referendum and a guy who was engaged to a Polish woman was going on about voting Out to get everyone to back to Africa. I was like, what. Africa isn't fucking Europe? There was no convincing him otherwise I have no idea how you could be so ignorant and be engaged to an EU migrant. Now we've got less economic migrants that come in and assimilate, instead we've got floods of immigrants coming from outside of EU countries who won't assimilate or contribute to the economy yet taking up resources. Like UK is an island nation yet we've got a much larger population than France.
No. 2113388>>2113505>>2114038
>>2112643agreed. and not only did he derail that trial but he takes credit for the work of feminists (of all races) who fought so hard to bring issues to light, and were ignored for so long. then he barges in and "takes over" turning it into a spectacle.
he deliberately pulls stunts that he KNOWS will get him arrested so he can cry about how he's being victimised and silenced. and his real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon which always makes me giggle.
No. 2113392>>2113906
>>2112553Most women have no issues with it and at worst find it a little uncomfortable. I have a tilted uterus which causes a lot of pain when I'm having any kind of internal exam, so if this happens to be the case for you (but likely it won't be) then you can make it better by tilting your pelvis upwards, placing your hands or a pillow underneath your sacrum, and focus on breathing. If you're nervous, tell the nurse so she can be extra gentle.
You should definitely get it done and if it helps you can plan to do something nice for yourself as a "reward" afterwards. Good luck nona
No. 2113505>>2114038
>>2112643>>2113388How exactly did he derail any of the trials? So far he's made something like 5 3hr documentaries, interviewing the
victims, exposing the perpetrators and the coverup etc. He seemed to be one of the only people trying to protect some of the girls and their families from the retaliation of the gangs because the police were doing fuck all while their houses were being bricked and firebombed. Also, the reason he was held in contempt was that he stood outside the leeds crown court and filmed the 'alleged' perpetrators who were being prosecuted.
Plus just so you know, in telford, the police identified 200 men responsible. He found 300. They covered these fucking monsters up for 40 years whilst they raped thousands of little girls, I wouldn't put it past them to continue to try and cover up the extent of it.
No. 2113619
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Update: Huw Edwards has pleaded guilty and it's been confirmed that the cp was not just under 18s (like his defenders were so desperate to push) but literal children too, and in category A which involves: possessing, sharing or creating images "involving penetrative sexual activity" or possessing, sharing or creating "images involving sexual activity with an animal or sadism". hope he fucking rots.
No. 2113904>>2113905>>2114082>>2114730
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>>2112572>>2112572amazing how the number 1 quoted reason for voting for brexit was to reduce immigration when all it did was just change where they were coming from, it even increased
No. 2113910>>2114038
>>2112587i know there is a conspiracy theory that he is a plant or controlled opposition
i think hes a bit of a grifter
he held a counter protest against the gaza protests in london, then all of a sudden before things kicked off and got violent, he jumped in a taxi and sped off
also he doesnt use his real name
No. 2113924
>>2112553At this point they do two phases of testing:
1. Initial screen of sample for HPV (you have probably been vaccinated against this at school anyway if you have only been called this year).
2. If HPV positive, second test for abnormal cells. If HPV negative, test is discarded.
If you're very nervous about it you can pay to do a HPV self-swab and if it comes up negative just don't go for the NHS exam, it's useless and unnecessary if you test negative.
No. 2113936>>2113949>>2114082
>>2112518>Like UK is an island nation yet we've got a much larger population than France.It's mad that we have the same population density as India.
It gets really mad when you compare us to other european countries:
Population wise London (8.98m) alone has more than the following countries; Austria (8.95m), Switzerland (8.7m), Denmark (5.9m), Finland (5.5m), Norway (5.4m), and Ireland (5.1m).
The UK (67m) has more than 6 times the population of Sweeden (10.6m).
No. 2114038>>2114790
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>>2113388Very much so
>>2113505There is a link in the post nonna is responding to why didnt you bother to read it before writing that BS reply?
>>2113910I've heard of it, personally I dont believe it I really just think he's a racist who makes a lot of money off of peoples rage but I can see why people would think that. Speaking of which he's now fucked off to Tenerife right before things have gotten violent but I guess thats just a coincidence right kek
No. 2114082>>2114104>>2114806>>2115128
>>2113936According to some “conspiracies” our population may be much higher and around 80million judging on the volume of food sold. This could be bullshit however, or mass food wastage or the fats eating for an extra 20 million per year kek. I do assume there are probably a lot of people unaccounted for however.
>>2113904Yeah it’s a joke. Though I believe a lot of the EU are attempting to vote in right leaning parties due to being sick of the migration issues. My understanding is the centre and left French parties made a coalition to block the popular vote of a right wing party that should have won otherwise. A lot of people aren’t even right leaning when they vote but we are sick to death of importing violent moids that we don’t have the capacity for that shit up our countries, especially when we have housing crisis and the cost of living is through the roof. These moids who are extremely anti left values, they hate women’s rights, they hate the LGBTQ, they hate the west entirely and I have absolutely no idea why libs think we can coexist - it’s nice you might be willing to put up with them but the feeling for them is not mutual. They believe supporting that very thing will send them straight to hell.
No. 2114104
>>2114082> but we are sick to death of importing violent moids that we don’t have the capacity for that shit up our countries.Thank you anon for saying this. You worded your whole reply well. I just wish anons who cry about us sounding like /pol/fags when we complain about migrants understood this. It is SO frustrating to read them cape for them. Like you said
> These moids who are extremely anti left values, they hate women’s rights, they hate the LGBTQ, they hate the west entirelyGod
No. 2114302
>>2114058Gal lied to you, I'm the original anon, I'm a virgin with NO sexual activity and even then you're supposed to go in, even babies with no abuse history can have HPV since it's spread with fluids it's just usually sexual fluids but it doesn't have to be. I got a pamphlet with my call to order.
I know they like you to say if you are a virgin though.
No. 2114790>>2115300
>>1730353>>2114038Because I watched him livestream being arrested and I watched what happened at the time. The independant, the guardian, the bbc, sky, ITV etc, they've all been smearing him as a nazi lunatic for years. Please nona, watch his docs or even his oxford union speech from 2009.
Also, he's in Tenerife on a preplanned holiday with his children iirc.
No. 2114806
>>2114082>Though I believe a lot of the EU are attempting to vote in right leaning parties due to being sick of the migration issues.This is the issue that a lot of left-leaning factions in the EU and the UK have backed themselves into. We can all agree that large-scale migration during a time of rapid inflation, poor housing stock, inadequate response to climate change (i.e., most homes still don't have AC even as the summers become hotter and hotter), poor wages, crumbling healthcare system, all together with a bad economy, is not a good idea. For some reason, the leftists have conflated being anti-immigration with identity politics and racialism when that's not the case at all. It's just the fact that our country can't handle mass-immigration at this point in time, it doesn't matter where the immigrants are coming from or who they are or what they stand for, it's more so that we are on a sinking ship and letting more people on while we're sinking is only gonna make the ship sink faster. Immigration should be a non-partisan issue, all sides need to realize that it's fucking the country and address what's going on.
No. 2115022>>2115116
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>>2114927You legit sound like a Nazi or the supporter of the Australian programme of taking the indigenous kids away to 'raise them properly' kek. faked concern for kids of the race you despise is too transparent.
Also what's with your brainrot ignoring the due comeuppance on the cops who would gladly arrest you for posting anti-tranny wrongthink on social media?
>>>/ot/1661153 No. 2115116>>2117009
They are not indigenous. These people are not indigenous to the UK. Gypsies are well known for not integrating and for being thieves to the point it’s a meme. Imagine being ok with possible child abuse because fuck the police (children are removed by social services, not put in jail), go join the united nations of chaz you lawless goon.
No. 2115159>>2116421
File (hide): 1722520039989.webp (642.64 KB, 2500x1556, IMG_0480.webp)

>>2115128> In Gaza, same-sex sexual activity is criminalized and carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment. In addition, in the Palestinian territories there are no laws that specifically protect LGBT people from discrimination (not being treated equally because they are LGBT) or harassment.Non muslims have high levels of delulu when it comes to Islam. Keep in mind that’s if the law gets you first to imprison you for 10 years and not the mob justice. The left hate the alt right not realising Islamic moids are the most alt right authoritarian regime they can support.
No. 2115174>>2115178>>2115186
File (hide): 1722520670182.png (1021.22 KB, 1372x1382, Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 14.55…)

Axel Rudakubana has been named as the scrote behind the Southport stabbing, killing those 3 little girls and eight other children, with five in critical condition.
Hang him from a tree.
No. 2115178>>2115180>>2115192
File (hide): 1722520791409.png (517.74 KB, 1438x1068, Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 14.57…)

>>2115174They're only using photos of him as a child, probably for pity. He was even expelled from school for carrying a knife. I hope they kill him in prison, slowly and painfully
No. 2115186
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>>2115174> ’normal family’> ’introverted child’> expelled from school for carrying a knife> wants a genocide just like Rwanda> known to social servicesit’s almost like there were signs but I can’t quite put my finger on it.
No. 2115189>>2115214
File (hide): 1722521358657.jpeg (40.65 KB, 1093x614, GT5euBqWsAAh-7Q.jpeg)

Can you imagine if the races were reversed? The BLM mob would be out on the streets with vengeance now
No. 2115192>>2115195
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>>2115178Why couldn’t they have used this slightly more menacing photo? How no one has any up to date photos of him is baffling, it’s almost like they want us to not realise this was now an almost grown adult 6 days away from his 18th Birthday attacking children.
No. 2115300
>>2114790Nonna if you want to fall for this grifting charlatans propaganda you do you. I've followed his shenanigans for years even former supporters of him have exposed him for what he truly is. He does not give a shit about
victims, girl or women just what will get him attention and I'm tired of him taking the hard work women have done to protect girls in this country and try to claim it as his. Sorry for the rant but the man is scum.
No. 2115887>>2115917>>2116419
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Personally I would have blamed the brutal murder of 3 children myself and the failure of our governments to protect its citizens over the last 20 years. What a melt.
No. 2115914>>2115917>>2115949>>2116419>>2116898
>>2078705>civil unrest than 50 police officers were injured and five men arrested after far-right riots in Southport, which broke out as the town reeled from a knife attack that killed three children.
>more taxes'll have to increase taxes, says Reeves
>more illegal immigrants than 3,000 people cross Channel illegally since Labour came to power
3/8 and it's not even been a month since Labour took office.
No. 2116414>>2116419
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Ok, ngl it’s a little funny to me because I too thought he was a kebab. But it just shows how stressed the migration crisis is making civilians who are constantly exposed to people being attacked by immigrants and how upsetting the Southport incident was to the nation. Hate the fact it’s been used as a gotcha now by the left and other kebabs, like it wasn’t people jumping to a random scapegoat they dislike, time and time again it has been, of course people would think this was them again. No. 2116898
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>>2115914The Channel migrant crisis has been started by Tories and their retarded decision to Brexit at all cost. I wonder whether Brexiteers even knew what the Dublin Convention was and how it protected the UK from savage boat people for decades.
No. 2117009>>2117016>>2117157
>>2115116You do the exact same thing in this post as well:
>Gypsies are well known for not integrating and for being thieves to the point it’s a meme>Imagine being ok with possible child abuseSo which is it? You only use the 'but think about the children' fake outrage to fuck over an ethnicity you despise. Did you even manage to graduate from high school?
No. 2117016>>2117157
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>>2117009Come off it, like you give a fuck about the kid either way. You only support the riots because you see it as an ‘epic win against the woke police force’.
No. 2117157>>2117188
>>2117009Graduate from
high school? Get the fuck out of here burgerfag, no one from the UK uses that terminology. Explains why you lack understanding on satire and British overall opinions of Gypsies.
>>2117016Kek that do be us
No. 2117188
>>2117157kek just remembered the high school argument from the first thread
>>>/ot/1441064 turns out some parts of the uk
do say high school instead of secondary school, namely scotland. but we certainly don't "graduate" from it, so that part is definitely burgerfaggotry.
No. 2117276>>2117432
>>2112324she was talking about the white guy who murdered his family you retard. no one is claiming the Southport incel was white
redtext me I don't care
No. 2117432
>>2117276No they wasn’t?
>>2112307>How do you know the identity of his parents and not the boy? Because you've made it up. No one was on about a grown ass man murdering his family. Can’t you fucking read?
No. 2117450>>2117476
File (hide): 1722627793485.png (254.7 KB, 1300x2424, 828747.png)

>>2117256Nobody is denying that white moids are also violent. It's just that if you used your common sense, you'd realise that women are treated several times worse in the countries that these migrants are coming from, therefore they are objectively more of a danger. If you want to call recognising that "racism", then so be it kek.
No. 2117551
File (hide): 1722631417728.jpeg (114.61 KB, 959x959, IMG_5556.jpeg)

I want to skin him alive and set him on fire and make his parents watch
No. 2117558>>2117607>>2117615
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This is so gross, shame his blood line continued and his great grandparents weren’t hung from a tree to stop this mutant from being born(racebaiting)
No. 2117719>>2117757>>2117802
>>2117256>meanwhile one of the little girls who tragically died in Southport was an immigrantWho do you think suffers the most from illegal immigrant scrotes being dumped into the country? While rape and violence against white women and children gets the most media attention, legal immigrants bare the brunt of it because illegal immigrants are sent into already poor and vulnerable communities, which in some parts of the country are mainly inhabited by minorities. I witnessed this myself when I lived in the Midlands. Rapist immigrant moids aren't fussy, they will rape anyone regardless of race or religion.
Wonder why the Romani in Leeds rioted when the police tried to take their children away? Because they knew what would happen if they ended up in care. Yorkshire has a serious issue with girls in care being abused, trafficked and even killed by muslim rape gangs.
The continued desire to import violent fighting age men from incompatible cultures is psychotic.
No. 2117823>>2118013
>>2117802>A previous piece of research from 2015 found that of 1,231 perpetrators of "group and gang-based child sexual exploitation", 42% were white, 14% were defined as Asian or Asian British and 17% black.
> According to the 2021 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 59.6 million, and 81.7% (48.7 million) of the population was white, a decrease from 86.0% (48.2 million) in 2011, and 18% belong to a black, Asian, mixed or other ethnic group (2021 Census data), an increase from 13.8% in 2011. People from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (9.3%), followed by black (4.0%), mixed (2.9%) and other (2.1%) ethnic groups. was difficult to find data for the same year. But for it to be majority white men committing the CSE gangs it would need to be at a 80%+ rate to match the population percentage. Asian represents only 9.3% of population but 14% of CSE was reportedly Asian, Black 4% but 18% of CSE. There could be flaws in the data however but of course numerically speaking it would be more white moids as they make up the majority of the population, but percentage wise it’s disproportionately not.
No. 2118981>>2119003>>2122124
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Set them all on fire(a-logging)
No. 2119392>>2119681
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No. 2119452>>2119627>>2119680
>>2117802From the white paper this article is referencing, not just the article:
>CEOP (2011): Ethnicity unknown for 38% of cases, 30% White, 28% Asian>Berelowitz et al. (2012): Ethnicity unknown for 21% of cases, only other conclusion is 'White was largest category'>CEOP (2013): Of 52 groups half were all Asian offenders, 11 exclusively White, 4 all Black, 2 all Arab. Looking at the offenders across all groups, of the 306 offenders 75% were Asian.>Children’s Commissioner (2014): Group CSE, 42% White, 17% Black, 14% Asian, and 4% other ethnicity. No ethnicity recorded in 22% of cases.>Police Foundation (2016): Those from ethnic minority backgrounds were over-represented compared to the local area.Seems to confirm that whilst most were White, minority males are overrepresented relative to local pops in group sex crimes, that groups tend to be homogenous, but that data is largely rubbish or missing.
No. 2119627>>2119680
>>2119452White also doesn't define what it actually means. A significant amount of Eastern European criminal gangs are involved in sex trafficking. Without a break down of ethnicity and national origin, these statistics are missing important information.>Albanian gangs are said to have established recruiting liaison offices in Ukraine and Moldova, and operate throughout Central and Eastern Europe, Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, the UK, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, the Balkans, Turkey and the Middle East.>Albanians smuggle women all the way to UK. In Soho and the West End they have nearly 100 per cent control of off-street prostitution. Albanians, Russian and Turks operate in the light, while the Italian mafia offer consulting and contacts with corrupt police and border guards in Western European countries where the first three do not as yet have a foothold.>Law enforcement from Romania and the United Kingdom have arrested seven members of an organised crime group responsible for human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. On an action day carried out in August 2023, police apprehended the Romanian nationals in multiple simultaneous raids carried out in London, UK, and Iași, Romania. The investigation, which was supported by Europol and Eurojust, revealed that the suspects had been bringing vulnerable women from Romania to the United Kingdom. In total, eight victims were safeguarded as a result of the coordinated operation, which was in part funded by EMPACT. Law enforcement seized a range of weapons, massive amounts of cash, jewellery and a luxury vehicle.>As part of its responsibility to monitor developments in the threat from organised crime and terrorism in Europe, Europol has identified an increasing trend in the exploitation of children by mobile organised crime groups in the European Union (EU). These groups of criminals tend to originate from South East Europe and move around the EU with the trafficked children who they work and trade with other criminal gangs. No. 2119884>>2120198
nonnie, I meant South Asian/Pakistani men not the Chinese.
No. 2120082>>2120117>>2120203
File (hide): 1722727329957.png (787.38 KB, 1218x1020, Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 4.18.…)

3 scottish women were apparently stabbed by a muslim/south asian man and he hasnt been caught
No. 2120219>>2122124
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I hate them so much
No. 2120644>>2120789>>2122124
File (hide): 1722765209908.jpeg (168.82 KB, 1170x850, IMG_0567.jpeg)

>>2120241The palestinian flags next to the pride flags always crack me up. Nothing more LGBTQ than putting the gays in jail for 10 years, trust me they only do to fulfil their fantasies of being surrounded by other men, how kind and progressive. It’s nice to see Ireland united at last though kek.
>>2120194Yeah, it’s really making me feel in a state of panic. Especially with the evident 2 tier policing system. Seeing videos of the “Muslim Defence League” openly walking around with machetes with no care for the law and people covered in blood but the news only saying “fake stabbing news” all because a man was technically beaten with a hammer so not a stabbing at all uwu. Like what’s better? Death by blunt force trauma of having your skull caved in or sharp force trauma of being hacked with a machete? I do not feel safe at all because they are essentially allowing weapons if you’re none white, kind of like they would have with that Rwandan bastard. And a girl can’t even carry pepper spray in the UK?
No. 2120860>>2120862
File (hide): 1722778299447.jpeg (853.84 KB, 1170x1220, IMG_5568.jpeg)

Based. This is how much migrants are loathed. Rightfully so(ban evasion)
No. 2121478>>2121534>>2121589
File (hide): 1722813399551.jpeg (369.86 KB, 1170x754, IMG_0605.jpeg)

>>2121452I know what you mean but these islamic moids were stabbing women before the riots so I doubt much will have changed for us. It is scary though, I feel we are at the start of a civil war, especially with how much it’s spread picrel
On another note, besides the riot photos I can’t remember the last time I saw a Union Jack irl despite living here, but there is a huge Palestine flag waving above a building a 2 min walk away from my home as if we have been conquered. If migrants want to stay here so bad, why do none of them fly the Union Jack if they love it here so much and won’t leave? If they are British because they were born here why do they feel such disgust and anger at seeing the flag of the country that should represent them. Why only wave the flags of countries they ran away from? Same vibe as why did that man at the anti immigration rally have swastika tattoos? We had a war with Germany, his grandparents probably faught the nazis, what the hell is pro British about that? Ironically I once saw a video of muslim Pakistani girls saying that they were offended by the Union Jack outside their school, the irony being here girls can get a free education, in Pakistan on the way to school their heads become clay pigeons for the Taliban.
No. 2121589>>2121592
>>2121534I think she understands that, it's called being rhetorical
>you guys>youyou're not a brit, are you
>>2121478> Ironically I once saw a video of muslim Pakistani girls saying that they were offended by the Union Jack outside their schoolI'm not sympathetic to Muslim girls who act like this. I'm a feminist but we can't pick and choose who to feel sorry for, "Pakistani Muslims" is all of them, "Muslims" is all of them, including the rich pickmes and these other retards who don't know how good they have it because of Britain and how bad Britain will be because their brothers are turning it into a foreign shithole.
No. 2121603
>>2121534It was rhetorical.
>>2121543I think another city will pick it up until there is a resolution or Two Tier Stalin goes full martial law. I doubt the public will calm down now, it’s too far gone.
>>2121592Who allowed you to speak on the britbong thread, burgerfag? This is not an opportunity to join in just to spout your /pol/ nonsense.
No. 2121788>>2122019
>>2121592>>2121534Fucking tone deaf, redundant burger lecture that contributes nothing. Even your Muslim migrant population is different, they get filtered by the entire ocean they have to cross to settle in the States and 9/11 to think about. Meanwhile we already know full well about the shitty Pakistanis and groomer gangs causing generational amounts of damage, we don't need you to explain how the scum dumped into this country makes us feel unsafe.
>>2121613If you read it properly you'd know both of them had a typo moment and meant South Asian.
To actually be on topic, does anyone have emergency plans to share? Anything from self sufficiency to self defence? I am pretty fucked as a loner with no males in the family for protection and no way out of the cities or country if things get extremely bad. I'm okay on food and have savings in four digits but if looters run my suburb in a Mad Max situation I can't defend it and I know jack shit about growing anything or makeshift weapons.
No. 2122066>>2122068
File (hide): 1722837645091.jpeg (130.38 KB, 1378x194, IMG_7489.jpeg)

>>2122019I know that but it's right here where they corrected themselves, if two people made the same mistake it's not a hard one to make. It's always been Asian for South Asians before Americanisms got to us over the internet and "Chinese" "Other" for the rest on every form lol.
No. 2122330
>>2121613It was a mistake anon, shut the fuck up. If you don't come from a place that deals with overwhelming immigration, you cant say anything on the topic
>>2122019Yeah I was one of those typos, we have so many south asians, the term asian usually just means south asian.
No. 2122351>>2122440
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Considering this site prides itself on hating men. We can’t hate migrant men without being poltards(ban evasion)
No. 2122440>>2122476>>2122682>>2122771
>>2122351burgerland tourist here
question for you brits: why is it so bad for brits to openly hate islam and muslim moids in your country? everyone else, including muslim women, know how
toxic and violent they are. but as an outside observer who's never been to the UK it seems like the people there refuse to acknowledge it or do something about it.
No. 2122801>>2122817
>>2122768Wow, it’s almost like 30% of people is a fucking lot.
>>2122786Waving english flags is not what this thread is doing though. Retarded argument
No. 2122981>>2122990>>2123004>>2123084
>>2122971I don’t. You people don’t consider me to be.
>If people integrate and genuinely respect the culture of the country they move toYou’d think by this thread no one does that.
>>2122860Ok, so shit like this saying you want to set immigrants on fire is being “just fed up!”. Anons like the ones saying they want to skin a “man” alive (in quotes because no matter the crime they’d never call a white boy a man) remind me that British people have a history of
literally doing atrocities like this, it’s like they can’t help themselves. And they wonder why the whole world hates them
Listen. These white women don’t care about you. They’re not on your side. If they were they’d pull up articles of muslim men beating their wives, but they’re more scared for the precious white women
>>2120203 and “little english girls”
>>2115214I hate muslim men as much as the next one but they’re just using this as an excuse to hate and still say unnecessary racist shit that is completely unrelated to their crimes and
also applies to us women the same race as them. Stop acting like some sort of pick me for bitches who don’t give a fuck about you.
By this thread anyone who doesn’t go outside would think every immigrant is a disgusting pest. When you can go outside and meet normal immigrants who are trying their hardest in this country. You’d think white men never commit crimes! That white women are the only targets! When immigrant women face the worst! When the information doesn’t align with reality that is called
pushing an agenda.
>>2111961 and
>>2117256 are right. Britons are ugly inside and out.
No. 2122994>>2123015
>>2122990Oh, is that why immigrant
victims and white criminals aren’t posted too? Are they not noteworthy enough for the bongs?
No. 2123017>>2123063>>2123081
>>2123015>if only you didn't defend seventh century valuesPoint me where I said that. You can’t.
Pay for my ticket if you want us out so bad.
No. 2123063>>2123065
>>2123017Save the
victim complex nonna. Talking about how much you hate it here and then the moment someone says maybe don't be here then it's
>pay for my ticket if you want us out so badkek
No. 2123081>>2123088
>>2123015Agree with everything you said
>>2123017You need to stop playing the
victim anon, you know who are
victims? The three little girls who were stabbed to death. The girls that were groomed by those Muslim coomers in Manchester.
No. 2123084>>2123088>>2123101
>>2122981Second gen migrant you are replying to - All I can say is integrate better kek. I never said any of that. Your
victim mindset is part of the issue, same with the MDL who are pouring gasoline on an issue that shouldn’t apply to them as they aren’t illegal migrants. You know full well none of this applies to you so why are you crying? You are the part of the problem, you have completely othered yourself from the rest of British society despite being supposedly third gen.
>these white womenThese white women are part of my family and my friends. You’re part of the issue of why I cant stand other migrants who don’t integrate, because you’re nasty and lack respect to a country that has handed you so much. I’m sure there’s an aunt abroad you can go live with, do that.
No. 2123088>>2123092
>>2123081>you know who are the victims?The white girls right? Because no matter how many immigrant girls get brutalised that is all that you people will mention.
>>2123084>nastyFunny, because this thread is pretty nasty. Keep sucking them off, you’ll get a wakeup call soon. Wouldn’t be surprised if you were larping though. Peace.
No. 2123092
>>2123088You are absolutely insufferable.
> Wah wah wah woe is me I’m brown and povo, buy me a ticket to go marry my cousin wah. One of the girls wasn’t even white or, as you can see everyone is only upset about the 2 of them.
No. 2123167
Burger here again
>>2123101I don't think they're capable of integrating with western society because of their religion. I agree with
>>2123121 The state I live took in a bunch of refugees from afghanistan. The first thing they did was put up the afganistan flag on the homes the state placed them in. Every day I see them squatting on top of public tables to smoke, walk around spitting all over our sidewalks, and when encountering women they either leer at us or scowl at us like we're shit under their filthy sandals. Muslim moids disgust me so much, I wish they would deport all them and keep the women.
anyway, I'll leave now.
No. 2123196>>2123197>>2123202
>>2123173based subject change.
I would put M&S first, definitely the most posh and would not be sustainable to shop in as your mail, regular food shop, for most people. Waitrose is still seen as quite upmarket but actually isn't really anymore, i think they've lowered their standards and prices a lot. Also I think Co-op is better quality than Tesco.
>Asda>Lidl>Aldi>Morrisons>Tesco>Co-op>Sainsburys>Waitrose>M&S No. 2123197
>>2123196samefag, that should be
main regular shop
No. 2123222
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>>2123210British culture innit
(baiting) No. 2123239
>>2123210The British ended the Atlantic slave trade and tried to stop the Arab slave trade. You are judging an extreme minority as an entire country. What you're doing is no different to a white British person thinking that all immigrants are the same, when they clearly aren't. The problem isn't just a case of Muslims in general, it's specific type of Islam from a certain geographic area. Ever heard of Lebanese or Iranian rape gang? I haven't either.
All the British people were asking was for the law to be applied equally and for the government to stop allowing immigrants to rape children and threaten the native population in their own country. It's now far past that after decades, the elites don't care because they're paedophiles themselves.
No. 2123282>>2123290
>>2123210I automatically assume any British man travelling alone in SEA is a sex tourist and a creep.
Same for Aussies, lots of them travel to poor Asian countries for sex tourism despite Australia having brothels full of impoverished Asian women.
No. 2123291>>2129912
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>>2123234agreed, i hate seeing scrotes divide women up. i'd rather share picrel with you nonas
No. 2123317>>2123352>>2123371>>2123462>>2123472>>2123941>>2124935>>2124949>>2125350
File (hide): 1722895921919.png (2.04 MB, 1381x779, cbbc.PNG)

They're shutting down cbbc in 2025, saaad. What were your favourite shows, nonnies? Mine were
>The Sarah Jane Adventures
>M.I. High
>Horrible Histories
>Anything with Dick and Dom, kek. Especially Diddy Movies
No. 2123352>>2123371>>2123941
>>2123317damn, I am so old that I remember when it was first launched in the early 2000s. i remember being genuinely upset when they changed the ident from comfy vidrel to that fugly green blob.
so nostalgic looking through these shows though: No. 2123436>>2123443>>2123454>>2123542
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Ignoring that these men are nazis to talk about how much you hate migrants instead…
No. 2123451>>2123478
>>2123413I'm angry about what's happening too, but…
>browns>kick them out, all of themNasty. What woman is going around raping or killing anyone? You're being absolutely vile right now.
>white women out there who manage to pretend that this isn't about them raping and killing usThese moids kill and hurt women and girls of any race, you retard.
>white women out there who manage to pretend that this isn't about them raping and killing us. I agree. The moids coming over need to be stopped and the moids need to be deported
No. 2123462>>2123465
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>>2123317>Hacker T. Dog in the frontthanks for reminding me to watch that normal men clip again, I needed some cheering up
No. 2123472>>2123953
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>>2123317Aw no! I'm genuinely sad about that. My favourite shows were
> My Parents Are Aliens> Tracy Beaker (Jacqueline Wilson books in general went hard btw)> Bear Behaving Badly> Young Dracula (picrel)> Deadly 60 No. 2123528>>2123853
>>2123503We need money to go into creating more hospitals, we need money for more diagnostic and treatment machines. We have waiting lists not because we're fucking short staffed but because we lack the equipment and space to admit, diagnose and treat. We shouldn't be admitting more people while there's so many fucking backlogs on vetting people while they're put up in housing and get lost into the system. We're far too lenient on sex crimes and repeat offenders of harassment and abuse.
Honestly I wish women were organising to protest or something because it's always women of all creeds and class that suffer the most from a failed society. We have no voice. Men could not give a fuck about women and justifying these riots over the death of those girls. They could not give a fuck about the majority of women that fall foul to a man. I feel like the government are going to focus on the riots and racism and not on the underlying issue that even a broken clock gets it right sometimes, the immigration laws need fixed it's just a shame we're having the most inarticulate cunts represent a sentiment a lot of people feel
No. 2123542
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>>2123436It gets a little closer every day
No. 2123934
>>2123930Maybe after mixing the native inbreeds with inbreeds from middle east we'll come up with a superior inbreed that will rule the world once again.
>>2123931Don't you believe in democracy?
No. 2123941
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>>2123317>They're shutting down cbbc in 2025NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>Look up online>Says it will not be "linear" but programmes will still ne produced just online, not broadcast TVStill a bit confused about this but it looks at least all the old programmes will still be available
My two faves are young dracula (really underrated) and wolfblood although thankfully both have been completed.
>>2123352CBBC used to be a slot on BBC1 roughly 4pm to 6pm until it was moved to its own channel. Both BBC and ITV had competing childrens slots and I remember Saturday mornings they used to have kids marathons but both channels got rid of them once we got all the digital channels
always felt they didnt like having to put ptogrammes up for kids
No. 2123953>>2125664>>2125678
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>>2123472>my parents are aliensthis was CITV but I loved that show too. i went to see what the cast were up to these days and this is Josh now kek.
No. 2123955>>2124048>>2124749
>>2123853>Men aren’t capable of empathy. They just used it as an excuse to have a rammy and get pissed and fight the fooken pakisLiterally, they're looting 02 and lush of all places, just because they can
Imagine burning a bus or a police station and then telling yourself that you love your country
No. 2123958>>2123984>>2124749
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Because she was mentioned in the thread but saged because not sure if this counts heres an article about katie price and her brankruptcy for those interested (although take with a pinch of salt. The article says she was a pop star-she was never a pop star except in her own head kek)
No. 2123982>>2124054
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>>2123972nona you reminded me of April from Parks and Rec when she was really enthusiastic about getting to be a bin lady for the day. I do get that though, there are elements of it I'd like too, and getting to knock off work early would be really nice.
if you like collecting rubbish though and have some spare time, there are lots of street cleanup and beach clean groups around. I attend one every couple of weeks at my local park, they give you one of those grabber poles and a bag and you just chat to people as you pick up trash. weirdly enjoyable.
No. 2124003
>>2123880As a northern Irish person I'm sick of seeing Irish nationals make the same tired jokes about haha loyalists aka planters from the 1600s are immigrants hurr hurr. Fuck up. Irish are fucking cringe. Anglos are French too you dumb cunts. Welsh and Scottish people are celtic too not just the gay Irish. Maybe if you retards could organise better you still wouldn't be gurning about an invasion that happened over 800 years ago, gurn up or do something about it. Not like the Irish don't love a riot too yous were burning out footlocker and all when a mentally ill
POC stabbed a girl in Dublin but let me check my notes, oh yes, Brits bad, Irish delicate little lambs that still can't figure out unity 800+ years later.
No. 2124048
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>>2123859>Plenty of white pedo rings in the UK tooCSA is endemic in this country at this point. However the methods of how children are obtained for abuse and how they are abused is very different as are the motivations for doing so. White British paedophiles often embed themselves in existing institutions such as schools, churches and children's services and do it because they are sick perverts, Eastern European criminal gangs engage in human trafficking for forced labour and prostitution for profit, Muslim rape gangs target vulnerable children from poor backgrounds or children in the care of social services and do so out of religious motivation. All three of these types of CSA are abhorrent, yet the scale of the latter two issues is a direct result of uncontrolled immigration. Do you really think this would still be a wide scale problem if the government screened migrants for known criminals?
>>2123955>Multi-million pound corporation gets lootedOh no.
>>2123907The Irish have been protesting and rioting over immigration for longer than the British. In fact an almost identical scenario happened in Ireland last year. No. 2124107
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Moids have turned the real terrorism (femicide) into a race issue from a horrific tragedy targeting little girls. Therefore the only solution is to fight male violence with more male violence. Meanwhile all women and girls have to suffer while they larp which violent male is better; horse shit or dog shit?
Also these are delicious and have the best marshmallow I've ever had in confectionery. Its such a distinct textured marshmallow that melts in the mouth that's closer to home made meringue than the rubbery shit that most brands have.
No. 2124515
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China-tier kek.
No. 2124552
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>>2123859>Look at that girl who was raped and murdered by her white brother and then her corpse was raped by the middle aged white moid who found her body, noncing is a strong part of British culture.I remember that case. No. 2124559>>2124571
File (hide): 1722970006441.mp4 (7.75 MB, UK Pakistan inbreeding stats.m…) [play once] [loop]

(/pol/tard bait)
No. 2124749
>>2123958>>2123959God she's a mess. I kind of love her though, moids always get to have ten million kids and be shitty and fuck up their lives without any real consequences, it's refreshing to see a woman fuck up as badly and as often as Katie and still bounce back.
>>2123955Kek they're looting Lush? Makes sense, bath and body products scare away da immigrantz like garlic scares away vampires. Fucking idiot scrotes.
No. 2125303>>2125361
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I know it's old news, but it's endemic at this point. They should all be doxed and lynched. And that includes the judges too. No. 2125350>>2125856
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>>2123317Ill never forget this banger. I wonder what happened to the devil finger kid?
No. 2125361>>2125424>>2125507
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>>2125303but there are enough spaces for the rioters
No. 2125638
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>>2125570>These EDL rioters will feel the full force of the law!kek
No. 2125666>>2125940
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>>2125570PM Kier, PM Kier, PM Kier and his black and white tier
No. 2125678>>2125715>>2125788>>2125860
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>>2123953I used to have a crush on Trent when I was a child for some odd reason. This is what he looks like now apparently. Makes me depressed kek
No. 2125940
>>2125666Pm kier, pm kier, pm kier and his one and two tiers
Baz and Mo are swinging,
Footlocker's alarm's ringing,
Scrotes all pile up in the police van
No. 2126056>>2126065>>2126077
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These are the kind of men who are coming over on boats
No. 2126071>>2126100
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>>2125788He does
I'm not a lesbian but for some reason I think she looks hot in this image No. 2126100>>2126130
>>2126071I was the original anon who posted him and kekkkkk don’t do this to me, it’s bad enough as it is
>>2126005You can do this yourself too
nonnie, the flights are still flighting
Is anyone making a new thread? I think we maxed