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No. 704217
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TIL that shooter games are kinda fun!
No. 704278
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Today I learned that it's okay to have high standards for your friends and if that makes you snobby then so be it.
No. 704386
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Today I learnt that long fake nails are long fake nails and that it might not have been a good idea to get them so long when I usually keep them extremely short.
No. 742572
>>742552This reminded me, There's a range of parasites that have popped up in gay communities because of rimming. I really wish I didn't know that.
They cause diarrhoea which can be bloody, watery and last for months even with treatment. It's hard to treat them as they become more resisitant. I can just imagine a future where it's not just gay swingers getting it and these things could become the new STDs we all have to think of
No. 745184
>>745134It means "you knock" in italian.
>>745152Finnish is amazing
No. 749916
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This was also commissioned by a guy so hated he lost his reelection to a dead man
No. 749992
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I learned that Joaquin Phoenix didn't get his scar from a fixed cleft palate but he was born with the scar, he had a mild cleft that fixed itself in the womb.
No. 749997
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>>749992Oh yeah, beetroot.
It's because of flavinoids - also high in onion, wine, berries and so on.
Flavonoids typically lead to reduced aldose reductase, regeneration of pancreatic beta cells, and increased insulin release.
No. 750698
>>750657jesus christ anon that's crazy, were you close to them at all? hope you're feeling ok
um also TIL the correct term isn't sherbert, it's fucking sherbet and i've spent my whole adult life ordering and spelling that shit incorrectly
No. 750701
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>>750700Samefag, no fucking way. I've always said sherbert or sorbet.
No. 750732
>>750730Lmao samefag but I was referring to sherbert lemons and after googling I have discovered that they too are sherbet
We all really liked that R, huh.
No. 753797
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Sherbet anons, are we all talking about the same thing lol? My TIL circa 2014 was that it isn’t the same thing in the UK and USA. It’s a fizzy sugary candy here like pic related, didn’t know it meant something different over there until I ordered rainbow sherbet on an American cruise ship and was given a sorbet/ice cream-type thing. It was good though.
No. 754338
>>753797It's still called sherbet not sherbert in the UK. Sherbet lemons, sherbet dip dabs, sherbet fountains, sherbet dust.
It hurts us all but we have to accept it.
No. 817248
>>802588Don't worry anon this confused me too at first
Sherbet in the UK is flavoured sugar, sometimes tart and fizzy. Sherbet in Iran, Turkey and neighboring regions is a tasty, often fruity, drink served cold. American Sherbet is mostly the same as sorbet, the Italian desert made from a frozen blend of fruit and sugar, but with the distinctive difference of added cream or milk.
No. 817307
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>>817288romanian j is pronounced like russian zh
No. 864499
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That criticism of science is actually a thing and it poses some big, earth moving questions if you ask me.
Here is a simple wiki article (lol):'m curious if you all have any thoughts, or know more and want to share.
No. 864501
>>864499Excerpts I found interesting:
>Historian Jacques Barzun termed science "a faith as fanatical as any in history" and warned against the use of scientific thought to suppress considerations of meaning as integral to human existence.[4]>Alan Watts criticized science for operating under a materialist model of the world that he posited is simply a modified version of the Abrahamic worldview, that "the universe is constructed and maintained by a Lawmaker" (commonly identified as God or the Logos). Watts asserts that during the rise of secularism through the 18th to 20th century when scientific philosophers got rid of the notion of a lawmaker they kept the notion of law, and that the idea that the world is a material machine run by law is a presumption just as unscientific as religious doctrines that affirm it is a material machine made and run by a lawmaker.[7]
>Some scientists and philosophers suggest that scientific theories are more or less shaped by the dominant political, economic, or cultural models of the time, even though the scientific community may claim to be exempt from social influences and historical conditions.[41][42] For example, Zoologist Peter Kropotkin thought that the Darwinian theory of evolution overstressed a painful "we must struggle to survive" way of life, which he said was influenced by capitalism and the struggling lifestyles people lived within it.[9][43] Karl Marx also thought that science was largely driven by and used as capital.[44]>Robert Anton Wilson, Stanley Aronowitz, and Paul Feyerabend all thought that the military-industrial complex, large corporations, and the grants that came from them had an immense influence over the research and even results of scientific experiments.[1][45][46][47] Aronowitz even went as far as to say "It does not matter that the scientific community ritualistically denies its alliance with economic/industrial and military power. The evidence is overwhelming that such is the case. Thus, every major power has a national science policy; the United States Military appropriates billions each year for 'basic' as well as 'applied' research".[47] No. 873832
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I learned that the yeti crab was very recently discovered in just the past decade, is actually quite small, and lives in deep water. I have no idea why, but the Yeti Crab Pokemon made me think they were like coconut crabs and just hung out of water.
No. 874660
File: 1628290119631.jpeg (55.63 KB, 600x612, 8BE2B9C6-38CB-476C-B837-6E3ECD…)

Today I figured out how to fix a fabric couch that has been snagged by cat claws. On a whim I tried poking it with a needle felting needle and it TOTALLY worked, tucked the snags and loose threads right back into the upholstery and you can’t tell there was ever an issue. Now my mom will never see how my foster cat has screwed up the couch and I can trim his hind legs before he does it again.
No. 877030
File: 1628524164815.jpeg (1020.16 KB, 1800x1800, 11LIVING-HELLSKITCHEN-slide-WD…)

TIL "Hell's Kitchen" is a neighborhood in New York City. I always knew it only as the name of the reality show.,_Manhattan No. 893859
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TIL frog marriages to bring rain are a thing in India
No. 894563
File: 1630223661753.jpg (Spoiler Image,432.38 KB, 1100x737, Blobfish-Reddit.jpg)

TIL from anon from some other thread that blobfish are actually normal fish when underwater. What we see is their melted disfigured corpse because their soft tissues can't handle being pulled out of deep water.
Now I feel bad for people making fun of them.
No. 894615
>>894563i hate this so much, this is shit horrors movies are made about. We truly are the most horrifying monsters.
Those fucking fishers need to stop pullying blobfishes out!!! Anyway I hate fishing, consuming fish etc and could live without it whatsoever
No. 894773
>>894563>>894615>>894743Googled this and the horror doesn't end there:
>This isn’t the type of fish fishermen are looking for, so some throw them back in as an attempt to spare their lives. Whether that works and they can survive long enough to get back to the depths after losing so much water pressure is unknown. But it seems unlikely given their misshapen appearance when they reach the surfaceSo people destroy their appearances then throw them back into the ocean where they most likely rot away since their protective layer is destroyed and they are also far away from the deep waters they live in. Jesus Christ
No. 901637
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TIL Wiggles are from Australia. I honestly thought they were British this whole time.
No. 902132
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>>902123Hellish layout is of that site
But look at these epik shirts I found amongst the ads
No. 902669
>>902526Damn. They should have kept it, that movie is guilty of glamourizing prostitution to al ot of young women.
>>902529Something that the blue-eyed man has decided to look away from.
No. 912729
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You can actually delete the weird CP threads on your own, you don’t have to be the person who created the thread, just don’t let it sit there and click delete!
No. 912800
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>>912790That sucks, I thought I cracked the code.
No. 1127464
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>>1127443I still like to think that it's the plant kek
No. 1127703
>>1127490kek you're right even though I really enjoy ironic entries and I will support subwoolfer.
Nocturne is way too good for esc and I'm saying it as a longtime watcher. I wish quality entries were like this and not boring ballad music
No. 1138704
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>>1138697I thought it was just a yaoi con thing
No. 1138722
>>817211>>817319Old but
That's because the name of a popular sovietc chainsaw is Drujba - meaning yes, Frendship. This name, apparently, was given as a symbol of celebrating 300 years' anniversary of Russia and Ukraine reuniting
So it's like xerox or jacuzzi
No. 1138739
>>1138722There were a lot of these generic brand names used symonumosly for products when my country was communist. Much less now because there are much more brands on offer.
Related, Heroin is also one such generic brand name No. 1142239
File: 1650546719842.png (62.19 KB, 1627x175, autism never ends.png)

The longest recorded piece of literature in history now is fucking Loud House fan fiction. In script format. And it's still ongoing. Imagine being this autistic.
No. 1142796
>>1142289the first use of “redneck” was coined in Scotland in the 1640s for the reasons
>>1142256 said, which was before it was used in america
No. 1148892
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Today I learned about a horse who accidentally pretended to be a math genius who understood human language.
>Clever Hans appeared to be able to successfully perform arithmetic calculations on request, and able to answer questions such as "what's 2+2?" or "how many people are in this room?" by tapping his hoof the appropriate number of times.
>After a scientific investigation, however, it was found that Hans' ability had little to do with his capacity for understanding human speech, and instead had everything to do with his ability to read human behavior.
>The explanation was that Hans would start his response to a questioner by tapping his hoof, and then notice that those around him got more tense as the number taps approached the correct value and then relaxing suddenly that number was reached, at which point Hans would stop.
No. 1148952
>>1148902Hope that means he’s your ex bf now.
I’m sorry anon, sending hugs
(Bill his ass for any time he’s ever given you mediocre sex in that case)
No. 1148991
>>1148902Get out of there and get tested for everything to put your mind at ease health wise at least.
My last ex cheated on me and I didn't test straight away but that worry lingered in my mind and only got bigger over time. For some reason I had to test and retest multiple times before I could stop obsessing over it. I was convinced I had hiv. It was a weirdly delayed reaction to the stress be put me through. I didn't have anything in the end but I still haven't let anyone touch me in the 4 years since. Dude has no idea the knock on effect that had on my life.
I'm sorry you're going through this. Run and don't look back.
No. 1149569
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TIL fungus and mushrooms are different, fungus exist usually underground or on surfaces until conditions are right and form mushrooms to distribute spores, so basically they act like the fruit of the fungus. I really want to read up more on mycology, its fascinating that fungus was considered part of the plant kingdom until like 60 years ago and now it's its own thing
No. 1203958
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Small male cuttlefish squid will crossdress to mate with females since they can't fight with bigger males for the right to mate.
No. 1204059
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>>1203990The true face of an AGP.
I was going to post an actual cuttlefish face but their eyes are very weird and make me uncomfortableBut this does make me wonder what these cuttlefish will do if a male tries to mate with it or if they just have to get out before anyone, other than the squid they're trying to get with, can realize that they are not really female.
No. 1208196
>>1208177Well first, I'm no scientist and I initially learned this on a podcast so what I'm about to say could be wrong. The eggs are not fertilized during to mating process, the mother cuttlefish will store the sperm and choose which one she wants to use (somehow she knows the difference between each males sperm). They apparently prefer the sperm from the crossdressing cuttlefish because they see it as a sign of ingenuity and intelligence.
>>1208077I've heard that before, I wonder what the benefit must be. Imagine a troon cosplaying as his dead wife.
No. 1211373
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Apparently Playboy has published literal cp more than a few times in the past
No. 1211543
>>1208196Thanks for the explanation. (Ignoring the human tranny parallels) I think that's adorable lol
I was just wondering how the females can tell that the "crossdressing" male is… well, male, and let them mate. Maybe I understood it wrong, and the male doesn't crossdress to approach the female, but to avoid the other male?
>>1211373Holy shit, no way. You mean to tell me that they dressed kids in adult women's clothes and put some makeup on them and coomer scrotes couldn't tell the difference or just didn't give a fuck?? And I thought I couldn't be more blackpilled
No. 1215741
Today I learned that MP4 files can have subtitles.
I was watching some cartoon on VLC and wanted to read the closed captions, so I pressed the subtitle switch hotkey to turn them on, but I wasn't sure if it would work, because I thought only MKV files could have them embedded and I forgot what kind of file this video was.
Surprisingly, this file had them! Apparently this is nothing new or surprising.
>>1211615Oooh, thanks for the explanation, that makes a lot more sense.
No. 1219883
Some bee myths I would like to dispell. Bees do not live in a monarch. Their society is closer to communism. Worker bees do not live for their queen, they live for the survival of the colony. Queen bees are not born, but created. An ordinary larvae can be turned into a queen bee with a special diet. Usually one male bee is created and discarded after reproduction, but aside from him, all bees are female. (Not to sperg, but isn't funny how the mainstream always pushes for male bees, male ants, male wasps, and the list goes on as the norm? It is like they cannot accept an all female society to exist without the males being in charge). Worker bees can choose to get rid of the queen bee whenever they choose to. Either she is too old, is defective, or isn't doing her job, worker bees have nearly all the power. Aside from humans and habitat loss, wasps are a huge threat to bees. Wasps steal honey, eat bee larvae, destroy property, and kill bees. The way bees deal with wasps is by huddling all over one until the heat burns the wasp to death. Wasps are another all female society, but are more aggressive than bees. They are basically pirates. The male, or the drone, has no stinger and can only reproduce with the queen. Unlike bees, wasps can remember faces. They can recognize other wasp members this way rather than using some other primal way of recognition. Whenever you kill a wasp, a chemical subtance is released that can notify other wasps in the area that she has been killed. Now remember next time you swat at a wasp. She knows your face bitch. You're next.
No. 1219946
>>1219883omg i love you
nonnie i was just reading about bees the other day. So fucking funny that they kick the males out during winter, and yes it bothered me so much that the worker bees in Bee Movie were all male, I won’t ever watch it again. Humans need to take more direction from bugs tbh.
No. 1220425
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TIL hugh grant is not gay. i dont care about celebrities so i dont know anything about him but somehow not only did i think he was gay but also married. wtf ? who planted this idea in my head ? and apparently he had a cheating scandal too, on a woman, with a prostitute (female). i accidentally came across a video where said girlfriend was getting interviewed and i was fully expecting or rather waiting for them to say something about him being gay because i thought maybe that was how the public found out… i am shocked and i dont even know why, because i dont know who this man is i only know him as the guy from the movie "about a boy" i actually had to google his name as i was watching that video for a visual of who the guy is expecting another celebrity that i think was posted in the men age like milk thread, and you know what happens next. i honestly dont even know where i got this idea from, is there a gay celebrity that looks like him or something ?
No. 1220471
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>>1220462>I always thought stanley tucci was gay.Today I learned Stanley Tucci is not gay.
No. 1220478
nonnie my beloved-
No. 1220585
>>1220425TIL that Hugh Grant is cheating, prostitute-soliciting scum. I guess I should've seen that coming but I genuinely did enjoy the romcoms he appeared in so it's kinda sad.
Another male celebrity I thought was gay but isn't is Christopher Masterson. Like you with Hugh Grant, I have no idea why where I got that idea from.
>>1218377>Tim GunnI think it's kind of cool that he voices a character in this one children's cartoon No. 1220689
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>>1220606Wasps being better mothers than many humans by putting their children first? Prioritizing the next generation before the moid resource wasters? It's more likely than you think.
No. 1229772
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Dante from Devil May Cry is a bong
No. 1229816
>>1229805Yep they are associated with death, demons, and bad omens in several cultures.
>>1229809They do. Also drunk, but I'm certain they do. I never use them.
No. 1230822
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The garlic you see in stores with the crunchy, flaky skin is not fresh, it's dried.
No. 1230833
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>>1230822Kek, by that logic an onion is dried too.
No. 1230841
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>>1230833Well, I think onions come out like that. I say the garlic is dried because picrel is fresh.
No. 1235221
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TIL while researching mutated flowers (since the nonnies seemed so interested/freaked out by them in them in the other thread) that those giant sunflower heads are essentially like those mutant flowers: It's multiple incomplete flowers growing together connected. The outer petals are actually their own separate flowers as well. Crazy stuff
No. 1240271
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van Gogh apparently had a digitalis (foxglove) prescription from a doctor and people theorize that he was suffering from digitalis toxicity when he painted Starry Night due to the prevalence of yellow halos around things. some other paintings of his with yellow halos and yellowish skin are also thought to be manifestations of digitoxicity
No. 1240310
>>1235221Nona, it's not just the sunflowers, it's the whole family of Asteracea. have a Bachelor in Environmental Sciences with a Biology emphasis and it blew my mind to learn that. We had to learn how to determine different plant species. The outer petals are practically only decoration (for the bees, butterflies, beetles, etc).
You walk all those years thinking, oh what a nice flower, when in fact it's an assortment of little flower in one head.
Also, breeding is genetic engineering but with more steps and it stays on the same family, genus or species, depending on if you can reproduce viable offsprings.
No. 1240654
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>>1240204Exactly! I love this fact. Sometimes I'll look at a bird and go "hehe what a silly little dinosaur".
>>1240554Kek. Never gets old.
No. 1241981
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>>1240271I just learned that thing on the left is a tree not a giant castle kek
Did you go to that Van Gogh experience exhibit too nona? No. 1245240
File: 1656524716101.jpg (41.35 KB, 396x567, raven-pastel.JPG)

>>1240139Probably a programming mistake tbh. Microsoft is far from perfect. And in my worthless, programming n00b opinion, since their software is not free and open source, it makes it harder to spot these little inconsistencies or bugs and fix them. That's why Windows 7 had a thousand fucking updates that fixed bugs from previous patches that fixed other bugs. It's a damn mess.
>>1245112Yes! They're really intelligent, smart animals are fascinating.
Semi-related, but I've only seen a raven (part of the
Corvus genus) once, at the zoo. It was massive, I had no idea ravens were that big.
No. 1245368
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>>1245240Nice, I don't think I've ever seen a raven, I live someplace pretty hot and they prefer colder climates. Lots of crows though, I think I even see more crows in the urban areas than I do in the country. A lot of people don't know that blue jays are actually part of the corvid family as well!
No. 1246176
>>1245368>A lot of people don't know that blue jays are actually part of the corvid family as well!AYRT, I actually learned that today, too, while looking up info to make my post accurate lol. It's not only crows/ravens that are really intelligent, but other birds in the
Corvidae family (the genus
Corvus is a sub-group within it, for those who are confused) are also pretty smart.
There are also birds that aren't Corvids or parrots that can talk, such as starlings, vid related.
No. 1249493
File: 1656844183108.png (497.22 KB, 567x430, ed5.png)

The "homophobic dog" from the memes is called Whitney Chewston and her owners are a gay couple. Was it an intentional choice to turn a gay couple's dog into an supposedly ironic homophobic meme or did someone just see the cute funny dog and thought the juxtaposition of the cute dog and supposedly ironic homophobia was funny?
No. 1249512
>>1247979wtf i never noticed?! i watched an episode the other day where bob talked to another character also voiced by bob's va and i thought it was weird, but jfc. now that you said that, i can totally hear bob when jimmy jr talks. what the fuck
nonny, you just blew my fucking mind?!
No. 1249731
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>>1249709it's because they don't use them ironically.
No. 1252180
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Today I learned that some people feel very, very passionately about rock cairns and despise them. I understand not disturbing trail markers or confusing people if it's that type of system, but I came across a whole thread of people seething at the very existence of them for "disturbing the environment and causing erosion" and possibly hurting animals? I never thought it was such a big deal to people. It's like how I thought grave rubbing was just a cute hobby and apparently it makes people seethe since it can damage the graves or something? I never would've even thought to give a fuck
No. 1252765
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>>1252180Oh lmao I looked into it a tiny bit and while SOME arguments I can understand, I really hope no one is seething at cute, small rock cairns like the one you posted. I definitely not get how they can be culturally insensitive but it may be an american thing so IDK
No. 1255354
>>1255330I thought raucous was an adjective and ruckus was a (possibly bastardized verson of raucous) noun, an honorary real word like "aint"
>>1252765ntayrt that does look obnoxious, people really can't bear to not write 'x was here' or pee on things in some fashion. 30 seconds ago I didnt know people did this now I'm pissed
No. 1255399
File: 1657314312042.jpg (314.39 KB, 1024x683, 48042161687_608d8e7fca_b.jpg)

>>1252180Actually got lost because someone
tourists had built a cairn. What was supposed to be a 2 hour hike became a 5 hour hike one, we were in the highlands and cairns were well spaced out meaning that if it was very foggy out we couldn't see the next cairn clearly which it was when we went out hiking but it wasn't a big deal as you can always see the direction it's going however we had the shittest luck that day and it was windy and raining to boot. See
Tourist cairn, go in that direction and get immediately lost as we try to search for the next cairn. We were just lucky that one of us had a GPS however we didn't realize that we were lost until too late.
>>1255366 The cairns that we have in my country is like picrl and in various sizes although it's often half the size and have been there over 100 years not being knocked over in extreme winds over years
No. 1261461
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TIL there was a ferret webkinz and I'm mad I didn't get one
No. 1261483
File: 1657728352678.png (245.64 KB, 850x509, Screen-capture-of-Webkinzcom.p…)

>>1261461I mean… it might cost a lot secondhand, but the game is still online. I've been playing on-and-off for the past 14 years and can confirm they continue to update it pretty frequently. Most of the playerbase is adults, so its much more chill nowadays
No. 1263755
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>>1252765>>1252180I don't get that argument; I've hiked in Asia and they do it there all the time too. It just seems like a fun pastime for hikers to stop and pile. I wish turbosperg put their energy towards things that matter for once.
No. 1268314
>>1268267Nooo you don't understand, never washing your fat scrote buttfloss means you get good luck!
No. 1269206
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>>1269182the series is honestly pretty based, every male character plays a minor role and all the important characters are women and none of them ever sexualized, its honestly surprising that a man in the 19th century could write such a book, but his mom was one of OG suffrages, so that likely a big role in his views
No. 1269293
File: 1658306700139.png (21.1 KB, 444x333, FYGIYsGUcAA9v79.png)

>>1269206>>1269241the series was really fucking based, like in another one of his books(set in the same Oz universe) Queen Zixi of Ix you have this badass warrior with queen who lives fighting strong men and making them part of her army, and later scolds a girl for wanting to be a boy
No. 1269302
>>1269293I think that I might re-read some of them again, now that you're bringing all of this back. I didn't get to some of his other works surrounding the Oz universe, but have a green hardcover of them that I bought over 15 years ago now. Check out Ruth Plumly Thompson if you get a chance. She expanded heavily on the universe and gave it a very similar energy.
In an effort to stay on topic: TIL that retinoids can have an effect on common warts. No. 1269828
File: 1658339234223.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.48 KB, 1280x768, wutwut.jpg)

>>1269765Looked it up to check if that's the main voice I knew meowth by and it is. The croaky gay voice, suited meowth well.
No. 1277403
File: 1658810826939.gif (1.55 MB, 245x167, anigif_sub-buzz-14452-15277770…)

I thought that heme iron was only found in animal products, but TIL it's in soybean
No. 1278146
>>1252180>>1252765>>1263755sage for obvious ot
in the uk they are a problem as people are pulling stones out of ancient ruins like hadrians wall to build them
these stone were untouched for nearly 2000 years and someone yanked them out to build a cairn
some are pulling them from neolithic dolmens which have been unmoved for as far back as 6,000 years
No. 1281043
File: 1659049082889.png (86.06 KB, 673x166, earwax.PNG)

Cats love human earwax
No. 1281549
>>1281535Meh. These don't really bother me. I've eaten them without washing the fruit and I'm still (mostly) alive. The real fucking horror was learning about the
cherry maggots from other anons
No. 1281572
>>1281535I've always just given my berries a good rinse, but maybe I'll start soaking them.
>>1281549Oh yeah, if you ever eat a cherry that tastes off compared to the other ones then it's probably a cherry with a maggot in it.
No. 1281991
>>1281977The risk with tracking ovulation is that tracking it is never 100% accurate, so I get why people would rather preach you can get always pregnant.
Although knowing couples often taken months to conveive, makes me wonder why not more people put 1 and 1 together.
No. 1281999
File: 1659107764036.jpg (22.26 KB, 500x222, anons favorite snack.jpg)

>>1281959Yes anon, because not wanting to knowingly eat bugs is "prissy" and "sensitive". Of course if you eat stuff from nature it's impossible to 100% prevent bugs but wanting to get rid of them if you can isn't sensitive, it just means you don't want to eat bugs.
No. 1282028
>>1281999Bugs have many health benefits and eating them is good for the environment. In some cultures they are a delicacy (example: mopane worms). And those candies prove my point. They are common snacks for children.
Many are hesitant to try eating bugs. I make crackers using cricket flour and juice pulp. It was tough to convince others to try them, but once they did, they were amazed at the flavor.
(Sorry, I had to repost for anonymity.)
No. 1282055

The bug discussion reminded me - EVERY food you eat contains parts of bugs. I work in food production, and am currently pursuing a degree in food chemistry. In bakery school I wrote a thing about pests and bugs in food production and storage, and had to read a book about it. Quite disgusting, but unavoidable.>Did you know that your average chocolate bar probably contains insect parts? According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), anything less than 60 insect pieces per 100 grams of chocolate – around two typical bars of store-bought chocolate – is deemed safe for public consumption.>Shocking "filth" legally allowed in your food – Did you know there can be 450 insect parts and nine rodent hairs in every 16 oz. box of spaghetti?There's no way to get rid of all the creatures that might hitch a ride along the food processing chain, but the US Food and Drug Administration has set some food defects standards to keep them to a minimum.
(Oh my god third repost I am sorry)
No. 1295069
File: 1660025048472.jpg (275.94 KB, 1200x1799, f33e0f61c3af0a23049c083f80614c…)

If your air filter is 13 MERV it will decrease the efficiency of your ac due to thickness costing more and can lead to frozen ac until fixed. Learned the hard way wanting to buy my ac the best filter..
No. 1300528
File: 1660361151002.jpeg (117.78 KB, 700x1052, 4J5OFGG3YJGZBDYWCDX2VHYXNA.jpe…)

TIL crossing guards are called lollipop man/lady in the UK. Britbongs are so cute.
No. 1302355
File: 1660476025688.jpg (154.5 KB, 1424x1440, ac9cab5166c567c0eb97cc11fb9871…)

This guy shares a Japanese voice actor…
No. 1303185
File: 1660534157271.jpg (70.27 KB, 923x1018, EyGYMZ7XEAoC0gi.jpg)

These are our chin muscles. When you frown really hard and get that wrinkly look on your chin, this is why.
No. 1303981
>>1303185Spoiler this next time don't make me post the pic of the
hairy frogs again
No. 1310281
File: 1661044491004.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.01 KB, 600x415, Trichobatrachus-robustus-NHM-L…)

I will sneak into your house tonight and break my own bones to stab you with don't test me
No. 1318405
File: 1661616854614.png (62 KB, 649x900, germanmotherofwoes.PNG)

>>1318359please gib link, not finding anything
No. 1336033
File: 1662923844936.jpg (249.43 KB, 1186x1500, naval-academy.jpg)

TIL Jimmy Carter is still fucking alive
No. 1340226
File: 1663205752264.jpeg (14.07 KB, 216x234, 474hgx1).jpeg)

ANONS if you own one of these you can screw off the two stick lids for the glass scent holder and just put room spray in that's similar. Room spray costs 3-6 and it's a whole bottle you can keep refilling in these. I dont know for oil and I do think you would want to match scents like clean linen with a refillable flower scent or cinnamon og container with refillable winter spray but my god it works. My place smells amazing right now.
No. 1340373
>>1340370NTA but not all of us have windows
nonnie, I have a studio and 4 cats, It's not always suitable.
No. 1340466
>>1340439>can protect again getting HIV, penile cancer progressionThese have been debunked as mere correlations.
If you remove the "hygiene" aspect, i.e. minimal expectations about basic personal hygiene (obviously too high for the average anime con attendee), then the only tangible difference to FGM is that you can make immense profits from baby foreskins.
No. 1340474
File: 1663222364792.jpeg (69.78 KB, 720x834, A5B2F3DE-9E66-4214-9F5F-0DCF1B…)

>>1340466Please just be retarded. FGM is done to young girls and young women as a form of punishment and to keep them “virgins for their husbands”. Circumcising is done for health purposes because moids are brain dead and can’t clean themselves so they need to have a piece of their dicks surgically removed. Or its done because of religious purposes, most of which are patriarchal so its their fault through and through.
No. 1340520
File: 1663228292963.jpeg (180.35 KB, 1188x1164, 46F81A6F-46EA-4D6D-88AB-DEEC87…)

>>1340487ayrt of course theres exceptions with different areas having different standards of cleanliness. I envy you anon, here in the US or more so the south, it could seen as weird or gay to clean yourself by any means. I’ve met women who even hold the same standards of not going near their genitalia because it isn’t very christian/catholic of them. I’ve had exes where most of their friend groups were filled with moids that scoffed at the idea of even wiping your ass with baby wipes because they were too scared to go near their asshole. American moids are dirty and thats why most of them are cut no matter what.
No. 1340568
>>1340474The arguments for FGM and MGM boil down to "it's been done to me so it must be done to my next-of-kind", masquerading as "tradition" or "religion".
If you break the cycle in one generation it will stop perpetuating onto the following generations, both for girls and boys.
If genial mutilation would be done for health or hygiene purposes we would also pull out our teeth because dentures are easier to clean and can be kept as white as the smile of an American politician.
>>1340490Just imagine what would be done if genital skins of little girls could be marketed as well, it could combine sex tourism, pedophilia and general exploitation of the third world into a single business!
No. 1340802
>>1340466no they havent, scrote
>protective against penile cancer progression bc penile cancer is asymptomatic, there is no pain, and having a foreskin can actually prevent it from being noticed as soon as it would be on a circumcised individual>you literally cannot get paraphimosis or phimosis if you dont have a fucking foreskin>HIV protective effects have not been debunked not jumping around with excitement about circumcision like id probably not want to have it done on my kid but you have provided proof to how riled up men get, its fun to stir the pot with you all
No. 1341010
>>1340802Oh shit girls quick, let's all cut off our boobs because then we won't get breast cancer and let's get all of our teeth removed so we won't have to clean them! Actually since there can be buildup in between the labias let's all get surgery to have them removed too.
We really live in a world where people would rather mutilate a baby than learn to put soap and water on their bodies. This is fucking insane.
No. 1345628
File: 1663719400949.jpg (68.46 KB, 488x488, GUEST_b0467189-0fa4-41b9-92f7-…)

You're not supposed to microwave these
No. 1346629
File: 1663786790867.jpeg (66.56 KB, 482x612, 02CFA899-0E45-4B85-9A65-23C79C…)

I thought New England was a state in the US but TIL it’s actually a region
No. 1347101
File: 1663810543272.jpg (229 KB, 2012x607, photos.jpg)

These photos of Nicki and Rihanna are fake
No. 1388437
File: 1666893655572.png (12.7 KB, 1030x686, IE-is-Dead-01-1030x686.png)

today i learned about the dead internet theory. Kinda late i know but i took my time to dig as much information as i could
No. 1393342
File: 1667234221549.jpg (35.66 KB, 622x566, 9f371d88505c0f8e0a536dbfae369f…)

I learned that entering "before:2009" (or any other year) in front of a search term on youtube actually gives you videos before that year.
I've been watching vids of my old neighborhood before they changed absolutely everything and I'm both delighted and heartbroken.
No. 1393345
File: 1667234580179.jpg (80.34 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg)

>>1393342anon, i love you, i thought this only worked for gmail and google
No. 1424611
File: 1669664356380.png (30.95 KB, 938x230, dolly.PNG)

Why Dolly the sheep was called Dolly
No. 1443988
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Ikea tables look like this inside??
No. 1445023
>>1444075These things give !everything! cancer. If your house is stanky then find a different solution.
>>1281567I know this post is from 4 months ago but it's crazy how few women know this. Cycle tracking is part of how women managed to not constantly have babies for the generations predating condoms and pills! It's all a big scam to push hormones and garbage on us. Ever think about what happens to the estrogen and other crap that passes through your body from those pills? What other effects they have on your body by stopping it's natural processes?
I've been having sex without contraception when I'm not ovulating for over a year regularly and have not gotten pregnant. Women don't need pills, plastic rings up our privates, or fucking implants to not get pregnant. Literally just keep track of your body.
No. 1445477
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Based female snakes have clitorises.
>This study is the first complete description of the clitoris (hemiclitores) in female snakes. We describe morphological variation in size and shape (n = 9 species, 4 families) that is potentially comparable to the male intromittent organs in squamate reptiles (hemipenes).
>Histology of the hemiclitores in Australian death adders (Acanthophis antarcticus) showed erectile tissue and strands/bundles of nerves, but no spines (as is found in male hemipenes). These histological features suggest the snake hemiclitores have functional significance in mating and definitively show that the hemiclitores are not underdeveloped hemipenes or scent glands, which have been erroneously indicated in other studies.
No. 1445515
>>1445023The general population is unable to do this. Either they are too stupid to follow the simple rules or they're too stupid to count. That's why it only has a failure rate of 2% when used properly, but the failure rate is considered to be 24% when used by the general population.
But yeah, if you're smart enough and have enough self control, it's fantastic and I highly recommend it. I've used a combination of standard days rhythm method and pulling out for two boyfriend and ten years and have had zero pregnancies. Not putting artificial hormones in your body for male pleasure is the best.
No. 1445562
>>1445515A lot of young couples also don’t realize that you shouldn’t have multiple rounds of sex in the same 12 hour period. Sperm can live up to 48 hours after a man cums in his urinary tract. If you have two rounds with leftover sperm in the urinary tract you can get pregnant, that’s where most “precum” babies actually come from.
If your boyfriend touches himself in the morning. No sex that night.
No. 1445601
>>1445557NTA but I've had an abnormal period for the first 8 years of my sex life and even still I've been able track when I'll have my period. It may seem abnormal, but there's still a cycle. I used to have a 55 day cycle, but as of recently it's about 33 days. There's a couple period trackers out there that can help keep track of it all, including predicting the next one based on when you report the first and last day of your period.
>>1445562Are men also too retarded to not cum inside their partner?
Any time I tell someone I'm not on birth control, they're in shock, and go "You better be ready for that baby", I've heard this warning for years. I'm smart enough not to let that happen, kek.
No. 1445631
>>1445600Nope. I donated eggs and have a couple of children. Nice seethe though.
>>1445601Period trackers sell your information, so if you live in state/country where abortion is illegal, don't use them as they can be used against you in court. I use a paper calendar.
>>1445617I've never seen any reputable source that said 9% with proper use, but like I said, this method is not for stupid people.
No. 1445660
>>1445641I no longer believe in false humility, I'm pretty great and I love myself. I have taken this thread off course though, so even though I'm saging, I'll offer these fun facts in return:
Pig orgasms can last up to fifteen minutes and the males have a corkscrew penis.
Cyclopia is when there is a faulty division of the symmetry of the face and so children are born with one eye in the middle of their face. They also have a weird little trunk thing above their eye. By the way, it's usually caused by The Sonic Hedgehog gene regulator.
During a dog's heat, while there is usually blood discharge, this is not what we know as a period. The hormonal changes in the dog's body are so strong and sudden, that it causes the capillaries in the vagina to burst, leading to the blood we see.
No. 1449568
>>1449564The thing that gets me is
>don't use hormonal bc because it could potentially be harmful and disturbs the natural cycle>goes and donates eggs, a procedure that involves a huge dose of external hormones, and can lead to serious complicationsIt's either a larp or she's very retarded
No. 1449571
>>1449568I totally forgot about that part, anon.
You're definitely right and I actually doubt she'd be able to donate an egg if she has that big of an issue with her periods.
Even if she could, why would she take such huge amount of hormones just to give eggs to random couples but refuse to use hormonal birth control to make sure she won't need an abortion? She probably is infertile and made that part up.
No. 1449582
>>1449568>It's either a larp or she's very retardedI think it's a larp, they use the exact same typing style and insults, same exact paranoia about how everything "sells their information", and then just calls women "too stupid" for everything kek. They seethed about SIDS in the baby thread when women were praising the owlet because it "sold their information", then a preemie mother said she liked it because it helps ease anxiety about SIDS and keeps track of heart rate + oxygen in case of emergencies and doesn't give a fuck about "selling information" then she proceeded to call women who have had babies with SIDS too stupid to follow safe sleeping and when someone else pointed out that SIDS have happened out of people's control she acted dumb as if she doesn't understand how monitoring heart rate and oxygen and knowing how to react during an emergency can help save a babies life.
They said a few other dumb shit but id suggest going to the thread since they frequent there
No. 1458661
File: 1672438775505.jpg (18.7 KB, 640x480, A4UB_1304926482832724469j2qlFK…)

TIL wire cords are sometimes gendered and that possibly implies, despite it's obvious objectification, there are gay bottom cords and you won't even know it
No. 1458917
File: 1672459034609.jpg (133.34 KB, 1600x1156, repair-damaged-telephone-wire-…)

>>1458801do you realize that you're a cord? go back to your designated outlet you slutface
No. 1460167
File: 1672596078462.jpg (2.35 MB, 5404x2560, raos.jpg)

It seems like everyone knew this but me, but I just realized the Rao's sauce is from this restaurant.
No. 1506678
File: 1677104657399.jpg (453.87 KB, 600x762, fried-pickles-tablefortwoblog-…)

that fried pickles are a thing. what the heck??? i love pickles, and i love fried food! i'm going to need to make this, tomorrow!
No. 1506679
>>1506678nonny you
cannot just post this while im having period cravings. Ugh
No. 1506697
File: 1677106833546.jpeg (557.94 KB, 3000x3000, 91afecaf-94fe-4426-bd74-4fdc3b…)

Bought a pack of these bitches two days ago, craving one right now
No. 1506710
>>1506705It's okay
nonny, this thread needed reviving anyway
No. 1537959
File: 1680289895334.jpg (72.67 KB, 1024x640, po_box.jpg)

Today I learned that the po box won't accept mail and packages that doesn't have matching names or the person's/family's last name under it. Currently I've been dealing with a couple of Ebay packages that kept being returned back for a month now because I used an alias name. It's a pain in the ass to resolve this.
No. 1538065
>>1537959Where do you live?
I'm in America and I've never had a problem using my PO box for anything I want, including receiving packages for my business that don't have my name on it. The clerk told me that as long as the address is correct, they will deliver it and deal with any lost mail claims if it happens to end up in the wrong place.
No. 1538245
File: 1680326165473.png (86.24 KB, 661x573, name.png)

The band name "Joy Division" comes from Nazi camps that had Jewish female sex slaves
No. 1538267
>>1538245Lol I already knew this. It kinda ruined my perception of the whole band. I thought joy division was just a fun innocent creative name that the band members made but nope scrotes have to perverse everything
>>1538263Reading this makes me sorta feel better.
No. 1564309
File: 1682917814068.jpg (142.41 KB, 528x799, Tumblr_l_687670011187422.jpg)

I feel like someone's gonna be like, "nonnie, how did you not know", but I just found out that this pic of Marilyn Monroe and JFK is fake. I've been seeing it for soooo long. It's by Alison Jackson, who makes satirical celebrity edits.
No. 1564312
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>>1564309Samefag, Princess Diana flipping the bird
No. 1580745
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Today I learned curly horses exist, and that they really freak me out.
No. 1580766
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>>1580745lol i was surprised when i found out about them too. i'm not a horse girl but my sister is so in my mind all the weird horses get categorized into one bucket, like these ones dubbed "the most beautiful horses in the world". (Golden Akhal Teke?)
idk they just make me think of condensed milk in horse form.
No. 1582765
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No. 1587766
File: 1685084328703.jpg (1.37 MB, 4032x3024, 20230526_024409.jpg)

Lick my sweet pussy
No. 1587785
File: 1685085784685.jpg (56.56 KB, 678x444, impeccable.jpg)

today I learned that Bobby Farrell, the front man for the musical group 'Boney M', known for the timeless banger 'Rasputin', died on the same day, and in the same city as Rasputin himself. December 30th, St Petersburg Russia.
No. 1587800
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No. 1587976
File: 1685102528487.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1955x3406, IMG_9056.jpeg)

TIL that chordates can possess spiracles too. I was looking at a resting nurse shark at an aquarium and asked if this species used ram ventilation like other sharks, and was told that all sharks possess ram ventilation, however, they are able to rest due to them possessing spiracles along the body that can directly take in oxygen while they rest or feed. Very interesting. Pic related; the spiracles are just visible as tiny light spots along the shark's body.
No. 1588027
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Marshmallow root
>Althaea is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. It includes Althaea officinalis, also known as the marshmallow plant, whence the fluffy confection got its name
No. 1588370
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In a 1943 US poll 78% supported drafting single women for non-fighting jobs instead of married men
No. 1590379
File: 1685301523057.jpg (440.29 KB, 1908x1146, 44B5704700000578-0-image-a-11_…)

There are octopus cities called Octopolis and Octolantis. Sorry for the incoming long post, I find this interesting.
>Octopolis and Octlantis are two separate non-human underwater settlements built by the gloomy octopuses in Jervis Bay, east Australia. The first settlement, named Octopolis by biologists, was found in 2009. The individual structures in Octopolis consist of burrows around a piece of scrap metal. In 2016, a second settlement was found, named Octlantis, observed over eight days to have ten to fifteen octopuses.[2] Instead of burrows, Octlantis has dens and is built with seashells.
>Marine biologists once thought they inhabited the subtropical waters off eastern Australia and northern New Zealand in solitude, meeting only to mate, once a year. But now there’s proof these cephalopods sometimes hang out in small cities. 15 gloomy octopuses congregating, communicating, dwelling together, and even evicting each other from dens at a site the scientists named “Octlantis.
>The discovery was a surprise, Scheel told Quartz. “These behaviors are the product of natural selection, and may be remarkably similar to vertebrate complex social behavior. This suggests that when the right conditions occur, evolution may produce very similar outcomes in diverse groups of organisms.”At least one other gloomy octopus site was found recently, though; it was discovered in 2009, not far away in Jervis Bay, and named Octopolis. At that time it was considered a total anomaly. Researchers believed that the cephalopods gathered there because an unidentifiable human object happened to have formed a central point that the cephalopods surrounded with dens. The unknown artifact was a single object about 30 cm long, heavily encrusted, possibly made of metal. The site has been observed for seven years now, and at any given time, there are somewhere between two and 16 octopuses there. In Octlantis, however, there is no similarly mystifying human object to explain the gloomy octopus congregation.
>The likely explanation, said Stephanie Chancellor, is that in both Octopolis and Octlantis there were several seafloor rock outcroppings dotting otherwise flat and featureless areas. “In addition to the rock outcroppings, octopuses who had been inhabiting the area had built up piles of shells left over from creatures they ate, most notably clams and scallops. These shell piles, or middens, were further sculpted to create dens, making these octopuses true environmental engineers,” she said.
>Like any urban environment, Otocopolis and Octlantis can be tough places to live. Citizens must be scrappy. The company and food are abundant but all the activity in the cities also attracts predators, including sharks. There's also a lot of aggression apparently, although the researchers can’t yet explain why. Gloomy octopus males seem to spend a great deal of time chasing each other out of dens. Scheel is hesitant to speculate about what exactly this behavior means. “We are still studying this,” he said. No. 1590382
File: 1685301754938.jpg (72.9 KB, 800x400, Untitled-design-2020-06-05T095…)

>>1590379Samefag, this is a gloomy octopus. Apparently they're called that because their eyes look sad or something.
No. 1590521
File: 1685308971697.jpg (58.14 KB, 762x720, lbwuonmxmc441.jpg)

>>1590379>>1590382maybe they're gloomy about ocean acidification
No. 1591725
File: 1685420059492.jpg (44.42 KB, 570x456, il_570xN.4311806606_jdez.jpg)

I learned why James Gurney and Kaida Yuji are as obscure with their work as they are:
Michelangelo had it EASY with the Sissy chapel compared to the commitment you have to go through to copy their techniques.
No. 1595252
File: 1685729336512.jpg (605.38 KB, 2000x2096, Marie_Callender's.jpg)

Marie Callenders is a fucking restaurant
No. 1617384
File: 1687725139739.jpg (103.15 KB, 736x919, 89bf5fa7e53f163cb5c859d9a3eb42…)

The 'inu' in Shiba Inu means dog. They named the dogs dog.
No. 1617460
>>1617458Doesn’t everything at this point? You can pry my Topo Chicos from my cold dead hands.
>>1617438Part of why I wore vinyl gloves as a cashier. It was shocking that nobody else would wear gloves to protect themselves from receipt paper and all the other nasty shit we handled. always ask for receipt in the bag and just try not to handle them much as a consumer.
No. 1617788
File: 1687762010646.jpeg (74.67 KB, 828x610, flatten.jpeg)

White castle has hamburger pizza rolls
No. 1626516
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Grumpy cat is fucking dead
No. 1632158
File: 1689199183137.png (53.11 KB, 858x201, serotonin.png)

Phytoestrogens (yes, the ones found in soy and other legumes) are actually quite good for you. They promote weight loss, reduce chances of breast/endometrial cancers. They bind to estrogen receptors and actually
reduce your estrogen levels (contrary to popular belief) by inhibiting aromatase (inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogens). No. 1632574
File: 1689246172389.jpeg (222.49 KB, 1954x1466, CB121FBF-FB3E-4CD9-8F91-D629EC…)

No. 1638177
File: 1689799304567.jpg (59.39 KB, 1280x1024, wakame paradise.jpg)

Wakame sake is when you drink sake from someone's crotch
No. 1638536
>>1617788I want to try these but
>>1618078 is discouraging me
No. 1659119
File: 1691609981017.jpg (54.65 KB, 767x575, medium_Composite-Vs-Silver-Ama…)

TIL the reason why it hurts when aluminum is on my teeth it's having a reaction with the metal fillings I have. It's making an electric current, like a battery.
No. 1659131
File: 1691610590994.jpg (18.64 KB, 474x355, autism.jpg)

the first person diagnosed with autism died like a month ago on the 15th of June RIP
No. 1659960
File: 1691680711260.jpg (80.88 KB, 564x816, c64763ce897ec8c520462d67123763…)

today i learned that i'm gay
No. 1660006
File: 1691681683669.jpg (21.2 KB, 320x320, cc566abdeeb45868896c0db8acf468…)

>>1659998I know
nonny, I know
No. 1660085
you eat pussy? Don't look outward, look inward.
No. 1665629
File: 1692125092201.jpg (262.51 KB, 1200x1800, Extra Cheesy Korean Buldak Ram…)

TIL the reason why so much Korean food always has either mozzarella or American cheese is because Koreans dislike the pungent flavors of most cheese, so they prefer more mild flavors. The sweetness of American cheese also probably helps because their food is so spicy. I've actually heard that it's hard to find completely savory foods in Korean, even breads are usually sweet.
No. 1667956
>>1665677Original TIL elevator thing nonna here.
I mean maybe it's depending on where the elevator is built in Germany if before the fall of the wall or not, and on which side of the wall.
I'm in Eastern Germany, there used to be a buncha infrastructure shit here like the highway exits being at a 90 degrees angle (so much so that even with the infrastructure correction it still sucks to drive out of the highway here), so it would not surprise me if you stayed in an elevator from here, that the machinery behind the lift would be dangerous.
No. 1686376
File: 1693757226778.jpg (146.34 KB, 1860x1200, grated-block-parmesan1.jpg)

That some cheeses (like Parmesan) are still made with rennin from baby cows and not one made with bacteria, so they are not suitable for vegetarians!!
No. 1687654
File: 1693855014580.jpg (360.1 KB, 1600x1066, 81DXI 1WcLL.jpg)

Date seeds have a buttcrack.
No. 1687867
File: 1693874260453.gif (Spoiler Image,919.23 KB, 350x237, AMcoZDw.gif)

Barnacles have little things inside that poke out. Whenever I've seen a barnacle in motion, it was always stationary so I have never known this. Some gifs I saw while searching this up made my skin crawl, so I'm spoilering.
No. 1687868
File: 1693874303570.gif (Spoiler Image,9.62 MB, 480x270, aQuZW3.gif)

>>1687867Another gif. Freaky.
No. 1693324
File: 1694356730154.png (658.55 KB, 1400x1400, 000128298-5.png)

Coffee creamers don't have any dairy and a majority of the ingredients is water and oil. I'm not the healthiest person, but I'm just gonna start making my own.
No. 1693331
File: 1694357485429.jpg (401.2 KB, 1600x898, l-intro-1684431101.jpg)

>>1693327Yes, they're both flavored and sweetened. I like them for the flavor and cause I usually like a lot of milk in my coffee. We also have tiny pods of creamer. I guess I'm gonna switch over to regular coffee syrups and half and half though.
No. 1726780
File: 1697325035915.jpg (66.68 KB, 646x702, d63da128b82c35b95266930825b2ab…)

Not even sure if this is the correct thread but whatever, I just had an ephiphany about troons!
I just realised, that despite claiming to be "so feminine" and "totes women", there are a whole bunch of womanly hobbies that MTF troons never seem to engage in. For example, they never:
-participate in "snark" (dedicated influencer/celeb gossip) subreddits
-watch either reality tv (real housewives, kuwtk, etc), soap operas & telenovelas (days of our lives, coronation street, etc) or teen-girl shows (riverdale, gossip girl, zoey 101, etc)
-self harm by cutting themselves
-use pinterest to make aesthetic moodboards
-play online games like neopets, stardoll, dolldivine/dress up games
-look at thinspo out of aspiration, jealousy, comparison or any reason other than coom
-develop an eating disorder in general, and participate in the ed/recovery communities
-become a munchie and participate in the online "illness community"
-fangirl over boybands/male youtubers (how many mtfs were fans of 1D/JB as teenagers, or are fans of Dream/Corpse Husband/Sykkuno, etc today?)
-participate in fandoms in general (especially "shipping")
-become f*joshis
-participate in astrology, manifestation, or "affirmations"
-create aesthetic study/positivity/work blogs and IG pages
-read young adult (or romance/slice of life) fiction
-draw vent art, have a vent blog, or a diary
-the whole "I <3 fall, pumpkin spice latte" aesthetic thing
to name a few examples.
Not every woman does, or has done, the things listed above, but all of those are done almost entirely, overwhelmingly, by women. I can count on one hand the amount of men I've seen doing any of these, and ironically most of the "men" I see doing those things (at least online) are FTM. I genuinely have never seen a troon, especially an AGP troon, participating in any of these. Holy shit my mind is blown, trans"women" really aren't women, they aren't even girly. I feel enlightened.
No. 1726822
>>1726780>participate in "snark" (dedicated influencer/celeb gossip) subredditsHSTS ones certainly do, like all gay men.
>watch either reality tvthey watch dragshit reality tv
>develop an eating disorder in generallots of them have binge eating disorder, but i guess you meant restrictive ones
>become a munchie and participate in the online "illness community"they do, but they never get posted in r/fakedisordercringe and alike because moid privilege, everyone still recognises them as males so they get coddled and believed too.
>participate in fandoms in general (especially "shipping")that's so blatantly untrue kek
>participate in astrology, manifestation, or "affirmations"the "esoteric trans witches/goth girls" certainly do, out of the sexist belief that all women love astrology.
>draw vent art, have a vent blog, or a diarytroonboards and trooncords are their vent blogs
No. 1726920
>>1726909Is it related to microchimerism? Please link where you got your findings
nonnie I am interested.
No. 1727311
File: 1697376242395.jpeg (52.28 KB, 640x746, 1688622831046.jpeg)

>>1726909Alright guess I'll stay turbovirgin.
No. 1733335
File: 1697906572550.jpeg (575.32 KB, 2116x1200, flannette_garments_fire_tests-…)

TIL it was once shockingly commonplace for a woman to die because her clothing ignited No. 1733430
>>1733383I know! The ballerina stories were so sad too.
>As the deaths increased, Britain’s coroners began raising alarms. Some coroners went so far as to suggest that flannelette should be banned, which is when one of the largest manufacturers, Manchester’s Messrs Whipp Bros & Tod, finally took action.It got so bad the coroners were like
no one should be wearing this fabric!!
No. 1737766
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Today I learned there was a volkswagen vehicle called “Thing”. This is adorable
No. 1737793
File: 1698177863099.png (16.67 KB, 671x394, watafjapan.PNG)

no fucking words
No. 1737866
>>1737793Whenever I hear retards glorify and sperg about how "perfect" and "better" Japan and the Japanese are, I'm going to remember
No. 1766039
File: 1699717017324.jpeg (49.62 KB, 690x430, 31D169D2-6767-4BE8-A906-32E62C…)

Puffer fish can make some insane nests
No. 1785442
>>1538386Their lead vocalist Ian Curtis killed himself the night before the band's first American tour. Insane.
Then they rebranded into New Order.
No. 1844673
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Today I learned Monopoly was invented by and stolen from a woman No. 1848694
File: 1705015896726.jpeg (792.09 KB, 943x1945, IMG_7436.jpeg)

>>1848655>Robotnikinin>Mothers against decapentaplegic>Lunatic fringewhat_the_fuck_am_i_reading?.jpeg
No. 1851790
File: 1705161121072.png (92.27 KB, 376x362, scary banan.PNG)

Today i learned peeling bananas is ten times easier if you open them from the ass end instead of from the top. My days of mushing the top of a banana while struggling to claw it open are over!
No. 1858501
File: 1705494224171.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 800x853, IMG_7307.PNG)

>>1858493in now times if a little girl gets bored in class she gets prescribed crystal meth and if she chooses Batman over Barbie she gets Testosterone and a masectomy
No. 1858507
File: 1705494672310.png (438.09 KB, 500x700, FYOPnnDXwAA_qF3.png)

>>1858501Like I now have a reasonable chance I won't become a baby machine at 15 and exist as a tool to cook and make sandwiches. It ain't perfect but it's getting better… slowly.
Also that image. Why do I do this.
No. 1868746
File: 1706319774676.jpg (101.34 KB, 792x1190, tmp_G4wGso_4715c58cd21bbbb3_Ge…)

Morgan Freeman has a paralyzed hand. It's been like that since 2008 and somehow I've never noticed
No. 1882511
File: 1707466839718.jpg (107.35 KB, 736x981, f1f86970544eca82d0ec437c1b0e04…)

Escess protein converts to glucose. There is literally no way to escape sugar.
No. 1883042
File: 1707512258250.jpeg (69.36 KB, 1125x660, leafsheep.jpeg)

That these leaf sheep nudibranches do something called kleptoplasty, in which they recycle the chloroplasts in the algae they eat by storing them in their appendages, so they can self photosynthesise
No. 1896742
File: 1708556291514.png (1.15 MB, 2048x1400, FRTqxhbXIAE3cto.png)

"Mobage" is short for "Mobile Game".
Nothing derogatory like "Mobile Garbage" like i always thought.
No. 1904801
>>1891330there was something about russian nobles/aristocrats learning french because it felt more fancy/sophisticated to them iirc
>>1896742lol nona
No. 1916323
File: 1709914574338.jpg (424.7 KB, 1675x1280, 1000005401.jpg)

Today I learned that you can get a condom stuck in you without noticing until he pulls out.
Me and my husband recently switched to condoms after years of trying for a baby then having a baby (we want another just not yet) and only use condoms when I'm nearing ovulation. We use lube when we do because it goes in easier. I was apparently making some pained faces because he kept stopping to ask if I was alright. I figured what I felt was him hitting my cervix and swapped to me on top but it might have been the slight burning sensation of a condom being stuck in there or when I came ontop his dick shrunk while the condom squeezed off. My husband had to reach in to take the condom out and it gave me fucking 'nam flashbacks to the doctors having to check my cervic during labor contractions.
No. 1935961
File: 1711189611580.jpg (365.08 KB, 1774x1420, dbbs_derivate_00000176-4.jpg)

today I learned Sigmund Freud's niece drew children's book illustrations. She renamed herself Tom when she was 15. Reading about it was a wild little ride this morning. The drawings are a little creepy too. Around the time she was going to get married she wrote in a private letter:
>“Jakele is good and clever and I love him very much. In spring, all our sins will be forgiven. Which I really need!” She met a very tragic end, committed to a sanatorium after her husband's suicide and then dying by suicide herself at the age of 38.
She won a lot of awards and praise for her art while she was alive. No. 1935962
File: 1711190005369.gif (414.04 KB, 500x284, blanche and rose laughing.gif)

>>1727968> if i shoved a cucumber up my snatch does that make me part salad now?I know this comment is 5 month old but it is so funny. Nona spitting some poetic truth here.
No. 1960285
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today i learned aristotle was retarded
No. 1963612
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today I learned Brittany Murphy was the voice of Luanne in King of the Hill. wtf how did I not know this?
No. 1969428
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I am 30 fucking years old this year and I did not know hanging your clothes to dry on hangers makes them less wrinkly
No. 1976103
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TIL about pompoir (basically super kegels) and it's been killingggg me. I literally cannot think about it without kekking. If you don't understand, all of this are supposed to be things you can do after training your vagina muscles.
From wikipedia:
>Pompoir is a sexual technique in which the woman uses her vaginal muscles to stimulate the man's penis.[1][2][3][4][5] Both partners remain still, while the woman strokes the man's erection using rhythmic, rippling pulses of the pubococcygeus muscles, so this practice is best performed in a woman on top position.>Performing Kegel or pelvic floor exercises can increase a woman's skill in pompoir by strengthening the relevant muscles, and allows her to identify, and isolate, individual muscles, to contract them in turn to provide the rippling sensation No. 1976267
File: 1713882115376.mp4 (2.66 MB, 576x1052, pompoir.mp4)

>>1976103Samefag, I found a brand that sells guides on this stuff and through them I was able to find this video that has visual demonstrations of the…actions. The twisting one is the most disturbing.
Good for anyone that decides to max their vagina skills though, I guess.
No. 1978695
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Today I learned that these exist, rainbow eucalyptus trees. They're naturally rainbow!
No. 1980760
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I've been hearing people from Philadelphia say "poppy store" and I've always wondered what it meant. I finally googled it, apparently they're actually saying PAPI store, a convenience store ran by Hispanics.
No. 2002742
>>1991955Late but yeah, it's a very cruel practice. These dogs run their whole lives, get abused and it's not at all uncommon for the (moid, mostly) owners to hang them off trees when they can't make them money anymore due to old age or injuries. They're usually called galgos pe lurchers and there are a lot of organizations trying to rescue them and give them a normal home.
Many sighthounds are also used as living blood bags, because apparently they often have a blood type that can be used for most dogs.
No. 2030891
File: 1717286852405.jpg (32.19 KB, 640x480, 1000017096.jpg)

Today I learned that 'Doge' was a female and her name was Kabosu. She passed away at eighteen just less than a week ago.
No. 2039203
File: 1717728616744.jpg (488.6 KB, 1080x1080, BFV4639_HomemadeTurkeyTwizzler…)

A British podcast called shitsngigs came up on my YouTube homepage, and from them I learned that in the UK there is a food called turkey twizzlers. Abhorrent.
No. 2039219
File: 1717729432937.gif (231.24 KB, 220x222, 777.gif)

>>2030891Rest in power, Kabosu
No. 2040477
File: 1717819896709.jpeg (234.47 KB, 1125x1029, IMG_5848.jpeg)

TIL this chick in the middle was (allegedly) Dave Mustaine’s mistress 20+ years ago and was one of the reasons Megadave was about to dump his wife for but decided not to. Oh and she knew the Don? Now there’s a rabbit hole for the tinfoil thread. No. 2040521
File: 1717821497937.jpg (47.43 KB, 736x736, 22671ef2ef225aac6747eb63dbdd1c…)

>>2039368But the thing is, when everyone else puts fried meat onto shapes, we do cool shit like dinosaurs. The fucked up British mind decided that a weirdo swirl was an acceptable shape to put food in.
No. 2077858
File: 1720116046180.png (186.96 KB, 256x1135, screencapture-en-wikipedia-org…)

I had no idea North America had otters. I've never seen one, or heard anybody report they saw one. Now I hope one day I can see one in the wild.
No. 2077886
>>2077858Not in america but the last few years I've lived near a river that's reported to have otters in it. It took 4 years of me passing by the river and dedicating time to looking out for them.. to finally have a 2 instances of seeing them in the water. I told people afterwards.. nobody believed me. Tried to tell me it must've been every other type of animal that's roughly that shape. There's literally signs along the river saying there's otters in there. It's just that rare to actually see one.
I would've had an easier time convincing people I saw a ghost.
No. 2078017
File: 1720126005138.jpg (83.44 KB, 736x601, sea otter.jpg)

>>2077858The river ones look kinda creepy, the sea ones are cuter. I'm surprised you didn't know though! I thought seeing otters and beavers was common, but I guess you might be in the interior.
No. 2078029
File: 1720126873797.gif (804.14 KB, 320x180, mind-blown-icegif-3.gif)

Being awake (awakeness?) is a spectrum longer than: feeling awake > feeling tired > feeling sleepy > sleep. Before we start feeling physically tired and noticing we are sleepy, our mind has already been for a while running on lower speed, with impact in our mental functions.
I spend most of my entire day, almost my entire life, feeling physically sleepy. I spent the day yawning despite being full of caffeine.
I'm genuinelly upset and depressed after learning this. My body is a fucking curse.
No. 2078042
>>2077858i've seen the sea otters out by my worksite chilling on logs. they're super cute. the vancouver aquarium has a baby otter right now and it's the most adorable thing in the world
No. 2081054
File: 1720391174727.png (1.37 MB, 1080x2013, Chrischanetsy.png)

Today I learned that Chris Chan has an Etsy shop,dafuq,why are these low-IQ retards giving him money? And why hasn't Chris killed himself yet or been arrested again?
No. 2087198
File: 1720843101652.jpg (41.31 KB, 500x343, Ew4zw8xUcAUV12B.jpg)

I haven't watched or seen anything about Mister Metokur in years but the Boogie stuff brought my attention to him again, and TIL he doesn't just have cancer. He has cancer and like a million autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, pituitary gland problems, spinal issues, osteoporosis, strokes, heart attacks, kidney stones, diabetes, hearing loss, vision loss, hypertension, artery disorders, hashimotos disease, and more). I mean what the actual fuck. It's like a real life version of picrel.
No. 2090300
File: 1721001828175.webp (141.64 KB, 2000x2000, 002493080-1.webp)

Bluebell is mostly only available in the south. I didn't realize it's a country brand, but now it's super obvious looking at the branding and some of the ice cream (e.g. "tin roof" or the fact that they literally have a banana pudding flavor) kek. Best vanilla ice cream btw.
No. 2096265
File: 1721393032095.jpg (15.01 KB, 301x331, Wallace_Fard_Muhammad.jpg)

TIL that the founder of the Nation of Islam was a racially ambiguous man known as Wallace Fard Muhammad. To this day no one is sure of his real name, ethnicity, national origin, or fate (he disappears from record just four years after he started preaching).
No. 2101178
File: 1721734346278.jpg (276.17 KB, 951x857, Screenshot_20240723-212745_Dri…)

English people have always really despised mushrooms for some reason, while Eastern European people have had the exact opposite attitude historically. This is probably why the English common names for mushrooms are so ugly in comparison to other plant names (well, they're not plants but you know what I mean)
No. 2101191
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>>2101179I think the attitude to eating wild mushrooms have changed a lot recently, the book I'm reading was published in the seventies and the author suggests that it was still a weird thing to do back then. There's a lot of excerpts that she included of accounts of Englishmen and women sperging out about them (picrel is a super retarded one) as evidence, and the fact that many playwrights and poets portrayed them as gross or creepy, and toadstool used to be a particularly foul insult. Although she does balance these out with accounts from rural priests observing people selling truffles and mushroom caps at the market, so it wasn't everyone
No. 2113721
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TIL that self abuse is a synonym for masturbation kek Idk just found it funny.
No. 2114750
File: 1722493361463.jpeg (114.94 KB, 663x652, IMG_6232.jpeg)

There's a such thing as a long haired French bulldog
No. 2114826
File: 1722497184220.jpg (574.32 KB, 800x1206, psalmanazar.jpg)

TIL about this weirdo named George Psalmanazar who became famous in 18th century Europe for lying about being from Taiwan. He went full-out on the lie too, he even invented stories about the culture, history, and geography of Taiwan and invented a crude language that continued to be used in German linguistic textbooks for decades after George's death. Before he died, addicted to opium and broke, he told everyone the truth that he was really just some French guy and everyone was kind of disappointed.
No. 2121032
File: 1722787524971.jpg (78.32 KB, 894x697, 61+GF0Y1MrS._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

When you get sewing needles in a case like this, it's not meant to be opened. The top has a slot in it, you slide it to the needles you want and then just let it fall out if the slot.
No. 2121322
File: 1722804488707.png (382.96 KB, 643x929, sharks.png)

TIL that sharks are strong independant ladies who need no man. Either that or we can expect shark Jesus soon. No. 2121351
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>>2121336Reminds me of being taught in 4th grade that the origin of the word 'picnic' comes from 'pick a n—–' for lynching, which is total bullshit.
No. 2130821
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Cat grimace scale
No. 2132505
File: 1723476954862.jpeg (754.78 KB, 1290x1073, IMG_9598.jpeg) might not be new to well over half of you but maybe this will help open another nonna’s eyes
No. 2140968
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>>2114826kek it was so easy to lie back then
No. 2152875
File: 1724544164551.png (253.62 KB, 738x450, image (6).png)

Sprite change their logo. I never ever noticed until now. I only noticed that they changed their bottles from green to clear.
No. 2152879
File: 1724544357429.png (495.81 KB, 3840x4000, Sprite-Logo-history.png)

>>2152875Samefag. I wonder how much people get paid to design logos like the most recent one. Like it had to have been some intern who made that rather than an actual graphic designer.
No. 2152882
File: 1724544654058.jpg (127.48 KB, 1500x1000, Pepsi-Logo-Finally-Looks-Norma…)

>>2152879the new pepsi logo is the best looking soda logo to me. it's very eye catching
No. 2152978
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>>2152882Fanta has the worst imo. It looks like an off brand soda now
No. 2153830
File: 1724601496760.png (260.79 KB, 1414x2000, iIy57ca.png)

Today I learned Your expectations are more powerful than your genes.
No. 2158870
File: 1724941162893.webp (770.74 KB, 1953x2048, 01MODEL2-superJumbo.webp)

About Lee Miller. An American model turned photo journalist, she documented the horrors of WW2. This is a photo of her cleaning herself in bathtub of the newly dead Hitler, after a long day of photographing the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Iconic shit.
No. 2159224
>>2158870>>2159203do you think he used sit in the bath looking at it going
>hua mein fuher such nize pose and zo handzome! you vill defintly win zhe vhole vorld or more yknow..?
No. 2161401
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Well ain't that something (this is about Josephine Baker)
No. 2165831
File: 1726446184392.jpg (157.82 KB, 442x370, what-is-dimpleplasty-and-how-d…)

TIL about dimpleplasty. Had I known about this when I was a kid/teen, I would've me ade it a life goal to get it kek. I used to put soda caps in my cheeks and hope it would give me dimples.
No. 2171636
File: 1726801289099.jpg (55.73 KB, 862x750, 1000016886.jpg)

There is a Loud House fanfiction with at at least over 30 million words and around 2000 chapters. IIRC, it is the longest piece of English literature as of now, being longer than The Bible.
No. 2174598
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There's flamin hot cheeto flavored oil.
No. 2174600
File: 1726969950366.webp (27.34 KB, 800x800, 3_2_800x800_crop_center.webp)

>>2174598Samefag, and hot cheeto cuticle oil.
No. 2175097
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Alton Brown is not gay, he doesn't even like gay people.
No. 2176017
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Today I learned that "awkward party" meme pic actually comes from a video, thanks to this gif…
No. 2197753
No. 2197766
abusive husband also ended up killing himself which she blamed herself for quite sad.
No. 2208185
File: 1729007201553.jpg (106.33 KB, 1080x626, 1000011507.jpg)

In the active shooter training for Target there are screenshots of 4chan featured in the videos which includes a blurred picture of Pepe the frog.
No. 2208216
File: 1729008983960.jpg (41.69 KB, 700x700, 1000018482.jpg)

This is what a rabbit's feet actually look like underneath all fur.
No. 2208328
File: 1729014719233.jpg (43.25 KB, 333x500, 51LcvD0Hy6L.jpg)

Martha Stewart went to jail
No. 2208427
File: 1729017815511.webp (95.75 KB, 1200x675, marthasnoop-bic-2021.webp)

>>2208328She got a cute collap with Snoop out of it
No. 2211625
File: 1729206679107.jpg (643.88 KB, 3000x2061, 1000018511.jpg)

Today I learned that fox cubs often fight and kill each other, and apparently that's just natural for them. 1 in 5 fox cubs don't make it to adulthood, often because they are murked by their own siblings. I get that animals kill each other all the time, but it still managed to get me off guard that these animal babies will fucking bully each other to death while the mom just sits in the den not doing a damn thing.
No. 2230380
File: 1730253205458.jpg (138.21 KB, 1096x774, 1000016900.jpg)

TIL the Catholic Church showcased their 'anime mascot' for Jubilee 2025. I'm not too well versed about Catholicism, but the event seems to be similar to an anniversary?
No. 2230393
>>2230380Blue hair and bare legs?!?!
No. 2230408
File: 1730254619245.jpg (96.1 KB, 1080x785, 1000016903.jpg)

>>2230380It looks like there are others as well
No. 2232357
TIL possums have 13 nipples; 12 arranged in a clock shape, and 1 in the middle.
>>2230380>>2230408aw this is so cute! I read about this a while ago, jubilee years are a reference to the ancient Jewish practice of releasing monetary and contractual debts on special years. Iirc the idea of that was that even if you hold power over someone as your servant, you can't make them owe you forever and you gotta let them move on with their life at some point, which was a view of forgiveness and freedom not widely accepted in societies of the time. The modern jubilee involves pilgrimages to cathedrals so that's probably why they're dressed for travelling outdoors
No. 2235949
File: 1730569739382.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.15 KB, 620x315, tokidokilovehoney.jpg)

>>2230380I find it very strange that they chose tokidoki to make the design..
No. 2235979
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>>2235949Tokidoki is a brand with a wide array of products (mostly overpriced blindbags). The sex toy collab was a one-time thing. Even brands like Sanrio that are mostly marketed towards children have official vibrators.
No. 2240547
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TIL the story behind this photo. The man taking the photo is Mathieu Shamavu and the two gorillas behind him are Ndakazi (left) and Ndeze (right), both girls! They're both mountain gorillas, a species hunted by poachers. Ndakazi's whole family got shot by poachers when she was only 2 months old. Rangers found her as the sole survivor, still clinging to her mother's dead body, and severely dehydrated after 24 hours without milk. She then developed pneumonia 2 weeks after being saved so it was decided she was too vulnerable to go back to the wild. She was instead raised by rangers in the Senkwekwe Center, named after her father who was believed to have died trying to protect his family. The center was made specifically to help orphaned gorillas. Only a month later, Ndeze too was left orphaned by poachers and she was also brought to the center. Ndakazi and Ndeze were raised together as sisters, described as "partners-in-crime" by staff. Because the girls were orphans raised by humans, they began to mimick the humans taking care of them. One day a ranger noticed the girls copying him and decided to take this photo.
No. 2259158
>>2258670Thanks for the info
nonny! did you also find some recs on what a good quality brand would be?
No. 2262545
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The reason “Saturday candy” is a thing in Sweden was because in the 1940/1950s the Swedish government committed human experiments on mental institution patients to see how different frequencies and dosage of sugar consumption per week affected dental health. This because dental health was at record low levels, a majority of Swedes were suffering of horrible toothaches and the government wanted to save money on the subsidized dental care system.
The experiment ranged from extreme sugar consumption everyday that destroyed inmates teeth (and gave them diabetes/obesity) to some subjects eating almost no sugar - which made them depressed and low energy. The findings was that people eating a moderate but fairly large dosage of candy and sugar just once a week had almost no effect on dental health (just like subjects eating no sugar) and that eating 2x a week had significant negative differences compared to just 1x per week - but drastically increased the mental well being of subjects eating it once a week compared to those eating no candy.
A major public information campaign was launched because of these experiments and the concept of “Saturday candy” was established. This led to drastic improvements in dental health and hundreds of millions SEK saved in tax funded dental care services. However the experiments were kept secret and caused a big scandal when exposed a few decades later.
No. 2265261
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Chad the country looks like chad the meme.
No. 2270074
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John Travolta is SEVENTY YEARS OLD…
No. 2272049
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>Beginning around the 1950s and 1960s, BDSM-themed magazines featuring men dressed as women began to appear in the United States. One such example of this is Letters from Female Impersonators, which was being published by Nutrix, the very same company that was also putting out bondage erotica and pornography of Bettie Page at the time. In Letters from Female Impersonators, men submit photos of themselves dressed as women, usually in underwear, sometimes in bondage. Within some of these letters, you can clearly see this escalation—starting from social contagion or maybe they have heard about this practice from other men who did it. In some cases, they have said that it motivated them to begin crossdressing in public full time. No. 2274738
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The original title for Black Eyed Peas' "Let's get it started" is actually "Let's get retarded".
No. 2274860
>>2274738LET'S GET
(the theme song for Unpopular Opinions).
No. 2275041
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I recently learned that three of the ace of base members are siblings and the one dude who doesn't belong to the fam used to be a neo nazi before he joined the band.
No. 2285480
>>2259158Late reply, but since I'm european I get them from "Pharma Nord" who are based in Denmark I think. They're awesome and I remember the first few times I used them, I immediately felt warmer and more comfy some time afterwards. Their multivitamin pills are big though and their smell/taste is something I had to get used to.
It's probably the best to ask your local pharmacy about supplement companies that are known to focus on vitamins that are very digestible so you don't pee everything out and then google those companies for honest reviews.
No. 2286741
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Cats love olive wood. It has similar chemical properties to catnip which makes them go crazy for it.
No. 2286807
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>>2286741That's his biscuit making spoon
No. 2287077
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Destiny sucked Nick Fuentes' dick. Was having a peaceful day until I learned that.
No. 2289556
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Mourning geckos are an all female species, and they reproduce by basically "cloning" themselves through parthenogenesis. They can reproduce solo, but they can speed up the process of reproducing by pretending to mate with another gecko. They're lesbians.
No. 2290175
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holy shit so today i learned that the baby that was photographed for nirvana's "nevermind" album grew up basically negatively affected by his photo taken in that manner. he wanted to sue the band for using the picture, but was warned that he would be countersued to high heavens. he was also contacted by pedophiles and was in several dangerous situations while he was growing up because they thought that photo of him as a baby was sexy or whatever. he married in 2021 and his wife talks about how he still feels distressed by the whole thing, especially regarding being targeted by pedophiles.
and as you can tell by the comment section in the link below, men actually don't give a fuck about male abuse
victims kek: No. 2290204
>>2290175I feel some sympathy to him because most people would be distressed to have their naked baby photo out there for the world to see, but his case never quite sat right with me either because of the way he repeatedly "recreated" the album cover and got Nirvana tattoos and did interviews all the time.
Maybe this is just a case that he isn't a perfect
victim as they say, either way the point stands that he didn't consent to this thing that shaped the rest of his life.
No. 2293734
>>2290204>>2290468its hard to say tbh because i think he might've thought the entire situation was normal and did liked the band's music at first, but then probably realized down the line that, hey, maybe showing his baby pp out there isn't normal at all and recognized the fucked up nature of it all. i feel like a lot of
victims try to normalize the abuse in their heads by acting out, which explains why many porn stars have history with being assaulted as kids before getting into the industry.
No. 2302372
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TIL a group of Japanese termites are kicking out males in their societies and are spreading throughout the country
No. 2304907
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NASA made a perfume to train astronauts on how space smells, and it's actually available for purchase. If you work for a STEM program you can get it for free. Apparently it smells awful.
No. 2304911
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>>2304907Samefag, these are the notes. I didn't realize space even had a smell.
No. 2307210
Today I learned that Benadryl can increase the risk of dementia. Big Pharma needs to be annihilated.
Here's the article I read: No. 2307224
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>>2307216Here you go. It's $50 also have an Eau De Luna perfume, which is supposed to be how the moon smells. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be how moonrocks smell or what
>>2304963I think a lot of it is stuff like how their spacecraft smells, and the biscuit and fruit notes makes me think there's also the smells of the food they eat while in space in there.
No. 2315372
>>2312487the term latino was created in the 70s by americans for all the immigrants from non-english speaking countries from north america, south america, and the caribbean migrating to the usa and their descendants. french speaking countries
were considered apart of latin america too back then, obviously not now. i’m waiting for the day brazilians officially get kicked out of the whole “latino” grouping, like how haitians were, myself
No. 2316018
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Mara Wilson is Ben Shapiro's cousin. What the hell.
No. 2318727
>>2301276Yeah, until then, there had never been a terrorist attack like that. It was "common" for terrorists to kidnap a plane, land at the nearest airport, demand the airport refuel the plane in exchange for the hostages, then once that was done, they kicked the hostages off and flew the plane to their destination, which was normally Cuba.
So when the people on the plane were hijacked, they did what everyone at the time recommended, which as to sit quietly and to listen to the hijackers and they would be allowed to debark soon.
But then the terrorists crashed the plane in the towers, killing everyone on board and changing everything forever.
No. 2324672
Today I learned that that Sojourner Truth's famous speech had been altered by a white abolitionist(Frances Dana Barker Gage), who rewrote her speech for publication in a stereotypical "southern black slave dialect." Truth actually grew up speaking Dutch with a New York accent and on top of that, she embellished details about Sojourner Truth’s life, like the number of children she had) and wrote that ST said that she could take beatings like a man
You can read the most original transcript here, alongside the racist edited one No. 2326906
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I learned that nick fuentes has a twin sister
No. 2332132
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Today I learned about an enslaved girl named Phyllis Wheatley who was captured from Africa in 1761 and brought to America at around 7-8. She was able to master the English language without being properly taught in 16 months. By 1765 she was writing Poetry about Homer and the enlightenment period in general. Her enslavers were so impressed they took her to Europe where her poetry was a success. Her intellect even allowed her to be free when she came back to America. Sadly she died in poverty during the birth of her 3rd child. Being able to read an enslaved Black girls poetry is really such a blessing to me as a black woman. I’m sad that it took me this long to learn of her. I bought her poetry books and can’t wait to read them. It really shows me what I’ve always known; that Black women are extremely intelligent but our intellect is oftentimes looked over due to our race and gender. I’m glad hers wasn’t.
No. 2332600
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>>2329505>>2329532worth remembering that hitler was a homeless man for much of his life who was radicalized by popular pamphlets. literally every idea he ever held came from a hodgepodge of essentially the equivalent of modern-day infographics that were popular at the time
No. 2342018
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Calling Asian people kawaii is racist.
No. 2343047
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TIL that the reason why high end restaurants' menus don't have priced is because they traditionally offered a menu with prices to men, and a menu without prices for women. Now they have priced menus for whoever pays for the dinner. Also appliances used to be color coded by sex. White appliances like refrigerators and stoves were marketed towards women, while brown ones like televisions and radios were geared towards men. Microwaves were originally a brown good, designated for single men without wives to prepare food for them
No. 2345733
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British people call the car hood a car bonnet.
No. 2352684
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TIL that a misprinted edition of the King James Bible from 1631 commanded readers to commit adultery. It also contained the passage "Behold, the LORD our God hath shewed us his glory and his great-asse" although this error appears to have been blotted out in surviving copies.
No. 2370746
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MJ is wearing either a zipper shirt or hoodie in this album cover. I thought it was a button-up.
No. 2376504
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The twelve Kingdoms and Shiki are both by the same author.
No. 2378548
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In Victorian London a landlord purchased an old chapel, found a ton of dead bodies below it and opened up it up as a successful nightclub for non-drinkers with the premise of dancing on dead bodies.
No. 2380933
>>2380881>>2380918I think this is what she meant. It's that the start date of the show fell on "Scorpio season". I do think it's weird that she cares about the astrology of a
show's air date.
No. 2382236
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That elephant's tails aren't soft.
No. 2384139
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Horses have these divots above their eyes.
No. 2385534
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Horses can grow moustaches
No. 2385546
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A rabbit's digestive system is extremely similar to a horse's! They're both hind-gut fermenters with an organ called a cecum, which contains bacteria to help them break down plant material. The only difference is that rabbits have their cecum at the end of their digestive tract and horses have it at the start.
No. 2392635
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Today I learned that Lana Del Rey’s “Florida Kilos” was written by Harmony Korine? Kek idk why that feels so fitting
No. 2392690
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til ted kaczynski apologized to women for the misogynistic assumptions he made
No. 2403388
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TIL italian male Donna Summer fans that
>>2402340A few months ago an anon in the confessions thread admitted to using AI to reply to posts so this is actually possible
No. 2418729
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TIL female European common frogs employ various strategies to avoid unwanted males, such as releasing mating calls mimicking male frogs, and even feigning death. These behaviors help to prevent 'mating balls', where multiple male frogs attempt to mate with a female, which has risk of injury
No. 2421045
>>2421013>>2421019I agree it looks odd, but I'm not freaked out by it. After seeing people struggle with unfeeling, unmanipulable prosthetic (which btw these people who have this type of amputation procedure can STILL USE THOSE) compared to the relative ease and naturalness of this procedure, it is blowing my mind and making me actually angry that this is not even brought up as a possibility to people undergoing amputations just because people think it LOOKS WEIRD. Like is that not malpractice to deny someone something that would give them so much functionality, based on OTHER people just being uncomfortable seeing it? I am getting seriously heated about this. There are so many people who require amputations in the world who are all getting non-functioning nubs, I feel like awareness needs to be raised or something.
The man in the vid would literally have to eat like A DOG out of a bowl if he had nubs, but with this procedure, he can use utensils like everyone else. That's revolutionary. To keep from doing it just based on aesthetic concerns is insanity, the complete opposite of evidence based medicine.
No. 2421056
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>>2420988It’s pretty interesting, I learned about it a few years ago but had never seen a man with relatively short arms like in your vidrel as a result. I always associated the outcome with being more in line with my picrel. I wonder if there is a preferred length they try to maintain for dexterity purposes or if it is associated with some other factor. Also I wasn’t sure if I should spoiler picrel or not even though it isn’t nsfw but could give people a start if they weren’t expecting it.
No. 2421071
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>>2421056Wikipedia mentioned the outcome of the procedure is based on the physiology and motivation of the individual. But the procedure itself is also based on the use of a muscle near the elbow, so I imagine there needs to be a deeper split if there's more arm leftover in order to give the muscle enough room to move.