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No. 936150
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Nice thread, I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have a dog love thread.
Here is a hecking cute borzoi dogguerino.
No. 936154
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Nice thread anon! I love Pekingese dogs, I think they're just so silly and funny.
No. 936165
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I don’t vibe with Reddit “doggerino” language but I love dogs so here’s my contribution. Context: I work at a dog daycare
>be josh, 13 y/o service dog to a based old cowboy
>Josh’s first day of daycare!
>humpy old man,
> dad groans when I tell him on the phone and says it’s something he’s done his whole life
>old man josh fails daycare bc of it
>can’t play with other dogs bc humpy, but comes back frequently for daycare one on one with the kennel techs
>be me a week later, scrolling thru our office software
>see humpy old Josh’s profile pic.
I can’t get over it nonitas, he just looks so old and cute. He’s the best boy and we love him
No. 936167
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I'm in love with French and English bulldog puppies. I don't really care for adult English bulldogs (or really any dogs since I'm scared of them), but the puppies are so cute. I feel so bad for them though.
No. 936171
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>>936167I'm not sure if this pic is a real dog but
No. 936181
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I love all dogs tbh but, here's a chow chow.
No. 936184
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This breed is so nice and I love them so much i want to scream internally but this “doggo” fuckshit language prevents me from ever talking about dogs online. My best friend in elementary school was such a dog girl that she shamelessly ate dog treats without breaking eye contact. I want people to share their dog girl stories.
No. 936192
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I’ve sperged about them before, but I love schnauzers, specially the black ones, they look like demon horses but small, fluffy and silly.
I actually have a black schnauzer, and I’ve converted my friend to the cult, kek, she used to tell me that she hated animals because taking care of an animal is tiresome, but now she loves schnauzers and she told me that we must have one when we live together.
I actually don’t mind the hemcking doggerino pupper baby talk, I’m surely insufferable, but I baby talk my dog a lot and “translate” what he probably would mean when he does stuff like yawning or stretching and such.
I used to think it was silly but my grandma and my mom always seemed really happy while baby talking our dog, so I started taking a liking to it, my dog looks happy and it cheers me up a lot.
What names do you like to give to your dogs?
My friend tells me I got a terrible taste because I always give them “serious” names like
>Achilles, George, Roger, Helen, Samantha, Martha
But I think it’s cute because I love the contrast of a cute, fluffy ball of love, with a name like Alexa or Roberto.
No. 936219
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>>936206> I also love the idea of naming my dog something long as if they were royaltyMe too! It’s so cute, I would seriously even commission one of those tacky but kind of cute paintings of my dog, just smaller though, so I can put it in a shelf or a display cabinet 40keks.
> I'm also someone who thinks food names are funny and great.Food names are adorable too, like brownie or apple, they’re so
sweet kek No. 936234
>>936222If anyone does that in this thread, I'll just redirect them to dog hate or the catfag general, if they wanna keep screeching about how this thread only exists to make other anons seethe then they can go to
>>>/meta/ and whine to admin about it or the 'Shit You Hate Thread' but, enough about that – This is a thread of love, not hate!
>>936192Sorry anon, but I disagree. I love giving my dog's stupid names that fit their personality. Like 'Teddy' or 'Goofy', food names are dumb to me but, I can't really talks since my mom ended up giving all the dogs I had growing up names that ended in the 'ee' sound like: 'Connie', 'Blackie', 'Brownie', and 'Goldie'.
No. 936253
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>>936181This pic make me giddy omg I want to cuddle it so bad
I’m dying for a bull terrier, they’re so ugly that it’s adorable I love them. Picrel looks like an alien I want it
No. 936313
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Thank you for the thread! I love Border Collies, seeing them running around in the countryside or at farms with sheep fills me with joy. Dogs can be incredibly intelligent sometimes.
No. 936314
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>>936313Rough Collies too!! So majestic.
No. 936316
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>>936262No need to hate cats nor dogs. Both are adorable, loyal, caring and loving companions. Love all critters
No. 936318
>>936256I’ve noticed that, makes me mad when bikie gang members buy them then dump them when they realise they’re just big dopey things.
My dream is to own a caramel/white one
No. 936345
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My favourite breed has always been alaskan malamutes. My family had one when I was growing up called Dana and, maybe it was because she was old as hell by the time I had a consciousness, but she was the chillest dog ever.
I’d love to have one again someday, but finding one up for adoption where I live is so hard.
No. 936381
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catsperg here but I'll always remember when I was little, one of my neighbours owned an akita inu and when I left the house to go to school I saw it standing in the garden gate frame. That was by far the most elegant, cat-like dog I have ever saw. Massive boy too. He used to escape a lot though
Love pyrenean mountains and labs (Americans, not english) but the ones that I saw irl all seem to be obese as fuck for some reason
No. 936403
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I love Dobermans. Something about them just looks so majestic to me, probably because they kinda remind me of the Egyptian god Anubis.
No. 936439
>>936403They're really beautiful. Got really sad when I learnt that their ears isn't "natural" and get cut to achieve their shapes.
>>936411I find fox screeches to be extra annoying kek
No. 936447
>>936443I feel this so hard. The other day when I was at work (I'm a waitress) there was a grasshopper on the floor. I picked it up and set it on a plant outside.
The only bugs I truly hate are wasps and hornets, because they're aggressive and they literally attack bumbles and honeybees. Several of the bumblebees in my state are endangered, too.
No. 936460
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>>936403It's a pity that their ears and tails are often chopped up. They look so good with their natural features too.
No. 936496
>>936493Have some more dog on your front page anon!
Anyway, I love chihuahuas. They’re the devil incarnate but also the silliest little dogs ever. I’d really like to raise one in the future.
No. 936512
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>>936507All good girls are named Bunny
No. 936515
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>>936512Don’t forget Bobby! I started calling my dog bobby too even though it’s not remotely close to her name kek. Through a series of nicknames I landed on calling her a boob, then booby, then finally bobby/bob/bobs from that “show bobs and vagene” joke.
I just realized she deleted her instagram… nooooo all the picture of her dogs…. No. 936516
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I love this dog-owner reunion story
No. 936523
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>>936515that sucks. Jenna's inconditional love for Marbles was the most wholesome shit ever
>>936521Stop responding to bait for fucks sake. As annoying as the bait itself
No. 936532
>>936173NTA but I love Girls Planet! Hangseong is such a little cutie and has a hilarious personality.
>>936345Ahhhh I love malamutes so much!! I'd love to hug one one day, I bet it would feel so fluffy and soft.
No. 936541
>>936527Marbles single handedly made chihuahuas alright in my head
Unpopular opinion but I think Shar peis are cute
No. 936550
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>>936541I never liked chihuahuas until I met one that was treated like a normal dog. And guess what.. once you actually train the damn thing and don't treat it like a toy, it is an absolute gem. Now I'm obsessed and would love a long-haired Chihuahua.
Pic of similar dog to the one I met. His owner was a dude that got it to pick up chicks and never treated it any different from his other bigger dogs.
No. 936570
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Going back to the topic, I just wanted to share a pic of my baby from last winter!
No. 936594
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I love puppies.
No. 936596
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No. 936597
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No. 936598
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My little dog bro broke his arm last week. Here he is with the lil derpy cast hopped up on painkillers. I see him on Thursday so pray 4 his recovery nonas!
No. 936602
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happy halloween
No. 936611
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I love this thread, I always smile when I'm scrolling and I see it ♥
No. 936612
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Look at this little baby running.
No. 936615
>>936612I am gonna cry
>>936598Get well soooooooon!
No. 936630
>>936570Look at that sweetie go!!
>>936598Aww, get well soon! He looks so funny hehe
No. 936668
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If I ever adopt a dog again, I'll get a mutt from a shelter, but my childhood dog was a white boxer dog and now they have a special place in my heart. They are so silly, playful and a bit dumb lol but like most dogs, very loyal and can even be gentle despite being super clumsy. Great for kids, indeed.
No. 936671
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>>936668Samefagging to add
I know it's not for everyone, but I love their smushed faces and big jowls. They don't have as much health problems as bulldogs and pugs because their muzzle is a tad bit longer, but they still have some problems, which is unfortunate. Most die of cancer too, having an average life span of 10 years. So soon!
No. 936701
>>936689It’s a retarded scrote that felt welcomed by the dog hate thread, he also spergs in the tranny thread about all female celebrities being trannies.
But of course, it’s only normal to hate dogs enough to create 2 whole ass thread about it.
No. 936712
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Do you have any dog-relate merchandise? I got 2 cute wallets and a keychain for me and my mom because we love terriers.
I also got a cute terrier shaped hair clip, but it got damaged and I could never get it repaired.
My best friend also gave me a pendant that looks like a terrier, I wear it a lot when I’m dressed casually, I was thinking of getting a more elegant or serious one to wear it when I’m working.
No. 936716
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>>936712i have this, looks kind of like the image you posted
No. 936721
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I used to hate this tortie like fur, but now it's one of my favorites, there was a stray with this pattern that used to wander around my uni, it was cute
No. 936723
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Some weirdos can't realize that I'd say most people can like both dogs and cats (and other animals)
It shouldn't be a war with factions you're supposed to choose between. This gang shit here in lolcow is so fucking stupid
No. 936725
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If you are bothered, leave
No. 936727
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>>936716I have the same one!
No. 936729
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>>936727omg nonna, that is so cute. we are twins
No. 936734
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>>936728I personally understand why some people say they'd prefer cats (they are a little lower maintenance than dogs, especially big breeds that demand a lots of energy), but this
>All animals are fucking perfect and absolutely true.
I want to be like my neighbors, they have dogs, cats, used to have tortoises and they feed the wild parrots
No. 936736
>>936668We just took in my brother’s female boxer mix because he didn’t have any time for her and she’s been absolutely perfect (a little bit of destruction when we leave the house sometimes but it’s usually dog beds/not human things so we don’t mind as much)
She’s supposed to be part mastiff but she just looks like a boxer pit mix, very attentive and obedient, I’m obsessed with her. She managed to fit in with all of our other dogs really quickly too and is great with small children.
No. 936746
>>936728cat person here, and it's just because i like cats more. while i do think dogs are cute, i don't like being licked and they have a tendency to smell worse than cats. i usually feel the urge to wash my hands after petting dogs but not the same for cats. also, the cuteness of dogs tends to vary by breed for me, whereas i think almost all cats are cute except for the extremely flat faced ones and hairless cats (sorry, i wish i could).
it's just down to personal preference. preferring one animal over the other or even outright disliking some is fine, as long as you're not crazy about it.
No. 936747
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>>936739For your attention whoring
No. 936748
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This is Ronin. He’s a Dumb Bitch. 120 pounds of scaredy-cat energy. We adopted him when I was 18 and he was scared of everyone. (He was a rescue from abuse)
One day I get home after class and I’m bawling, so upset . I am in the bathroom trying to pull myself together and BAM homie uses his body weight to open the door and start talking smack. Head waving, tale waging loud shit talking.
Like sure, he’s barking and I don’t know exactly what he’s saying but I know this goof is talking shit. I yell back at him over his barks and before I know it, we are chasing each other all over the house. He’s jumping at me, I’m in his face.
He never did that to anyone else, but if he heard me say “hey bitch”, even in a whisper, he’d get up and start a fight.
He died recently and it was absolutely heartbreaking to say goodbye. I’m not sure about afterlife, but I hope he’s there ready for a smack down.
This photo is one I took of him the last day he lived. Talking shit till the end.
No. 936762
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>>936723Everytime this dog person/cat person thing comes up, I think of this
No. 936765
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the only kind of dog I love(>>>cat love thread)
No. 936766
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>>936747Ayrt and I think you just misundertood my post
Bearded dogs. Love any type of bearded dog
No. 936788
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>>936719Seeing a few posters on /meta/ unironically defend it all, defend the insane Reddit scrote coming here to spam, and say the dog love thread is the one that needs to go is fucked. It's like reading posts from an alternate universe of sadists or something.
I only have a cat, but I'm going to cuddle and play with him. Whatever happens, I hope this thread lasts and team dog/child gore fucks off back to Reddit (or preferably prison)
No. 936802
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I love samoyeds. I'd never be able to have one bc I'm allergic and long coats are bad for me, but I love looking at their funny faces. Big puffballs.
No. 936807
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This is Boudie, he passed away this year. He was almost 11 years old and my best friend.
His favorite things:
>Lambchop puppet
>Ducky toy
>Any treat
>Watching TV with his momma and bff
>Playing hide n seek
>Being tucked in
>Getting hugs n kisses
>Routine living
>Sitting in the sun
>Laser pointers
>Missy Woof Woof (his stuffie gf)
Things he didn't like
>Going for walks
>Catching balls
>Being alone
>Being fat
I blame my grandmother for his death, he could have lived longer had he gotten the care he needed, hadn't been neglected and then had his whole life turned upside down and his routine destroyed. She's a selfish idiot. I tried to help him, but she called the police on me and told all her friends to make sure I didn't go to the house. I didn't get to say goodbye.
No. 936896
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>>936807This is so sweet, I don't know what to say but I really feel for you and your doggo. I'm just touched by you talking about Boudie, sharing her personality. It breaks my heart that dogs are only remembered by their owners. They have personalities and (probably rich) inner lives too.
YMMV, buy I really love picrel and it makes me cry whenever I think about it. My dog is only 2 years old and I'm already a wreck when I think I will have to lose him one day. It's such a gift to find a creature that you can love infinitely and that loves you back. I feel safe whenever I'm with my dog, even though he is relatively small. Whenever he is, is my safe space even though I'm scared of people and agoraphobic.
No. 937159
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>>936192Picrel I have a black schnauzer too! His name is Gimli and he's about 8 months old. Schnauzers really are wonderful
No. 937169
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>>937159He’s such an Angel! I love him.
No. 937240
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>>937235Greyhounds are my favorite. I don't know if this sounds dumb but to me they're just such an artistic dog. Their natural slimness shows off how beautiful and complex their anatomy is, and their long snoots are very cute. I love their eyes too, they always seem so sweet and shy. I loooove seeing greyhounds wearing coats.
I don't have a least fav breed of dog, having any dog would be so awesome. But I wouldn't want to own a dog that is prone to serious health issues, like pugs or cocker spaniels, I don't think I could provide the care they need or would deal with the stress well.
No. 937241
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>>937240Samefag because this statue is amazing
No. 937276
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>>937235I like most spitz breeds but I'd love to have a jindo because they're extremely loyal and athletic but quiet. They also look like bigger shibas which is a plus.
Least favorite: pit bull. Is there even any question?
No. 937346
>>937235Big dogs like a Tibetan Mastiff! I had one as a kid named Rudolph. Whenever it snowed his favorite game was to drag me or my siblings around on a sleigh or trash can lid.
I'm not really a fan of smaller dogs but, I think it's just something my dad unintentionally instilled in me as a kid.
No. 937366
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Dumb post but when I was a kid my dad wouldn't alllow any pets. I was an awkward and lonely kid, desperately wanted an animal to connect with so my mom would buy me these plushies where you could collect different breeds of dog lol. They had a husky one that prob was my fave.
Say hello to all my childhood pups..
No. 937435
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>>937366Aww, I remember these. My friend had this one when we were kids
No. 937447
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>>937235As an owner of a peke, I'm partial to these dumb fuckers. Not a good dog for a first time dog owner but we got mine before the internet was what it is today, so my dog and I are stuck with each other. She is not very cuddly at all, very independent, and very stubborn to the point where I don't know if she is the way she is because she's dumb as rocks or good at manipulating me and my family to do what she wants for her. There have only been a handful of times in my life where she's fallen asleep in my arms/lap, nudged my hand for more pats, or come to me for attention. I guess she's like a cat in that way, but I've never had a cat so I don't know. I like to call her a tsundere lol.
Even at full length, her coat will never be as long or as fluffy as the show dog pekes, but thank god for that. She is still fluffy and soft though, and I trim her butt now so she's got a cute round puppy butt. She is such a special dog for me and my family. I'm very much on the fence about getting another dog after she passes, for financial and limited time reasons, but I think if I do, I'd really love to adopt a senior peke. Actually, if I happened to walk into a shelter or event where they had a senior peke, I know I'd probably bawl my eyes out about how I can't take them home, or I'd take them home and just figure out how to deal with the consequences of my actions later. I also love chihuahuas, pomeranians, german shepards, rottweilers, dobermans, and goldies. Big dogs are so cool and I'd love to own one but I'm terrified of not being good enough to train one well.
No. 937448
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>>937447And here's another peke for good measure. My peke looks like this. Sometimes she's just a big dope, but sometimes she's very regal looking.
No. 937565
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>>937447I love you anon, my family had a pekingese growing up and she was just like this. They really are stubborn little assholes who refuse to listen or be trained, but underneath the bitchy exterior they are loyal to their humans. Tsundere is a good way to describe it! It would be amazing if you eventually adopted an older peke, they could definitely use the love. Although I hope your current girl lives a healthy long life. Have you seen tibetan spaniels? They are super cute too, kind of like pekes but with less squashed noses (probably better for their health) and longer legs.
No. 937613
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My little guy was staring out the glass door at a squirrel today and didn’t even bark at it. They just stared at each other while his little tail wagged like crazy. I could’ve cried
No. 937618
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>>937565OMG I haven't!! They're such cuties!! Also on the topic of dogs that look like pekes and dog breeds that I like, I forgot to include Japanese chins. They're so funny.
My old girl is getting up there, and I do fear that I might not have much time left with her, but it has been such a blessing to not only have had all this time with her (17 years!!), but just growing up with her. She has been with me since I was a kid, and I feel so lucky to say that my childhood dog is still with me at the moment.
No. 937638
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>>937418I think this every day. But honestly? They're still here, and if they have it in our hearts to love humans (as crap as we are), maybe we're not all so shitty and hopeless
No. 937644
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>>937638I don't remember where I read this, but I remember reading something about a family who had to say goodbye to their pet dog and their young daughter wasn't as upset and when they asked her why she said it was because her dog's purpose in life- to teach us to love and be happy, had already been fulfilled, so it was time to go. We as humans live much longer because we need a lot more time to learn what comes so naturally to dogs. I'm probably remembering it all wrong, but it was something like that.
People like to berate dogs for only following us because we are their food providers, but I do believe that my dog, and many others, love us as much as we love them. There are dogs out there too who aren't food driven too! Dogs are amazing, whether they're out there doing life saving work, or even if they are just our couch potato buddies, they teach us how to love and love unconditionally. I love the trope of "dad with dog he didn't want" with the dad babying the ever loving shit out of the dog.
No. 937656
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This is kind of sad, but I remembered one day that I was going back home from school, it was a kind of sunny day but not too hot and I was bored and stressed because my friends couldn’t accompany me and I was stressed because I never told my parents that I was walking home instead of taking the bus. i was getting bullied by kids younger than me, I was in high school already
So as I went to my home passing by the gas station nearby, I saw a puppy like pic related.
I was always told not to pet any stray animals because they could bite me and because they’re dirty, so I just stared at it longingly because I also wasn’t allowed to have pets, like at all, everyone in my house was supposedly allergic to most animals.
So I greeted the dog, I told it to have a good day and kept walking.
I was stressed as well because walking on my own is dangerous, I’ve never been a cute girl, but being a girl in a third world country isn’t exactly a good thing, so I was afraid of getting robbed, stabbed or shot.
The puppy was following me and I told it that I couldn’t keep it, but the puppy wagged its tail and just kept following me, I reached the gate of my neighborhood and the puppy was still with me.
I was mortified because I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to call my parents and ask them if I could keep the puppy that I saw going back home.
I don’t remember a lot after that, I just know that I told the people from the gate to take care of the puppy because I couldn’t take it home with me, I had to leave or my parents would know that I was walking back home instead of taking the bus.
I think that afterwards I didn’t know anything else about the puppy, and my mom was mad at me because she actually got home earlier than usual and caught me anyways.
I still begged her to let us bring the puppy home but she told me that we couldn’t keep a dog since we usually spent the day outside the house and such.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if that puppy ended up finding a good home, it makes me sad, I’m even tearing up a bit because I could’ve helped that puppy and I didn’t.
I wish I was more like my uni friends who would pick any animal off the street and help them get safe homes.
No. 937710
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Was reading an unrelated NYT article and it had this picture. Look at that lil buddy!
No. 937739
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>>937276Pits can be really sweet though but they're definitely not for everyone, especially beginners.
I hate the stigma around pit bulls, dobermans, rottweilers etc. and how iclined shitty people are to get them because of their intimidating image. Every edgy dumbass I've ever seen has one of those breeds and treats them shitty because they think it's cool to have an aggressive dog.
No. 937748
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>>937739I want big scary dog privilege but I am absolutely fucking terrified of not raising one properly so they can be my dumb goober at home while warding off creepies while I'm outside. Also I'm small so I'd probably get wrecked first by a big dog. My uncle has big breeds that he keeps as "security" but by security he means basically letting them go neglected and borderline feral. Those dogs don't know stranger from family and my shithead uncle somehow thinks that's okay and better than training them properly, as if they wouldn't be naturally protective of a family who provides for them.
No. 937753
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Sometimes when I'm scrolling on IG I get an ad for some wool detergent, but it features this italian greyhound known as Tika the Iggy. I hate ads but I never skip this one. Iggies are so fucking cute heh
No. 937766
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>>937748>My uncle has big breeds that he keeps as "security" but by security he means basically letting them go neglected and borderline feral.Yeah that's what really bothers me. I think it's normal to keep dogs as a kind of guard to an extent but a lot of these people need to grow some balls instead of putting a poor animal through shit. I just feel so bad for the dogs because their owners are endangering the dogs and the people around them. I mean we've all seen articles of people getting mauled by pits and it resulting in the pit being put down but I'm convinced that a lot of these situations could've been prevented if the owners properly took care of them and made sure not to put them into situations where they could pose a threat to people and other dogs around them.
>>937751There ya go
No. 937783
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I love my weird doggo so much. He’s getting old and I’ve started thinking about what my life will be like without him and I can’t even handle it. Yesterday I had a meltdown after a bad workday and he came downstairs and sat in front of me so I could cry on him and let me hug him until I felt better, and spent the rest of the night watching over me to make sure I would be okay. Dogs are the best.
No. 937787
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>>937781Oh no someone save that poor child
No. 937809
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>>937766I like dogs, but that photo is repulsive. Who thought putting a pair of big headed fugly dogs in baby pajamas would be a cute idea?
No. 937821
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>>937812Hard agree. If you claim to love dogs, these are the most dog-aggressive breeds out there. Not to mention cats, small animals, and little children who "move" in a way that makes them anxious. Their prey drive is so high. It's basically like owning a brown bear or a tiger. Could be fine, could be tamed bit why take the risk?
No. 937830
>>937812NTA and you can stick your virtual signaling up your own ass but I mentioned in my post
>>937766 that it's up to the owner (who's fucking responsible for their dog) to make sure that he doesn't put neither the dog nor animals and people around him in dangerous situations. If he's unsure about how his pet will behave around other dogs, strangers ,kids or whatever, then it's his responsibility to set clear boundaries and make sure shit like dogs attacking other dogs and people doesn't happen.
(infighting) No. 937861
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Pardon the upcoming sperg I just fucking love dogs sm
>>936345was lucky enough to be owned by a moot for almost 5 years but we lost her in a tragic accident that I don't think I'll ever get over. Would definitely adopt another though, they are cheeky fuckers but they give the best cuddles!!
>>936403I much prefer dobes with natural ears (but I'm biased because my current pup is a floppy ear american blulldog), you should check out Basenjis if you like the Egyptian look nonita
>>936712My brother gifts me dog stuff a lot, I guess I'm easy to buy for come Christmas. Currently I have a fat lil Shiba plushie like
>>936716 and two huskies which I cried over because they were given to me after I lost my Moot
>>936748>>936807pair of absolute champions, RIP goodest boys
>>936802nonnie I've heard Sammies are hypoallergenic!
No. 937877
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>>937874Forgot da fucking photo
No. 937889
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>>937644There's been actual research showing that dogs value our attention and praise as much as food or sometimes more. Here's another interesting one: argument is moronic anyway, children need parents for their food, but that doesn't change the fact that they also love them
No. 938432
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I have always wanted to get my dog one of these beds, or one of the half blanketed ones because they're only like $20 at Target and I think she's be so cute sleeping in them. I kept putting it off and telling myself I'd get it for her next time. It's really just hit me today that she has lost quite a bit of her eyesight, and she still sleeps in random spots throughout the apartment on the floor or on her folded bath towel, but even if I buy her this bed now, I don't think she'd realize it's a bed she can sleep in. She might not even be able to climb into it. I'm sad at the realization that I will never see her curled up so cute in this bed, but also at the realization of how her body is deteriorating.
I thought back this morning about how she used to greet me. As a puppy, always running out to greet us while barking or whining and hopping in circles before jumping into our lap and rubbing herself all over us in excitement. As an adult, slowly transitioning into barking at the suspicious person who just came home before realizing its one of us and then running out excitedly and wagging her tail so hard that her entire butt shakes side to side. Then, into her senior years, she began to just wait for us to come into the apartment before meeting us halfway or just sitting and waiting for us to go to her to greet her and have her rub against us. Now when I come home, she's more often than not sleeping. If she's awake, she doesn't realize I'm home at all and continues wandering off to get water/do her business/find a new sleeping spot. She hasn't nuzzled her face into me for a while now, I don't even get that anymore. She just will let me pet her as she sleeps or flop over on her side for belly rubs.
I love her so much but I hate looking back and realizing all of this.
No. 938487
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No. 938596
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>>936712I won one of these Yeastken plushies last time I was in Tokyo! The specific one I have isn't shown here, but they have so many more and I've seen a display with a giant one before and I want it…
My friends gift me dog magnets a lot too for some reason lol. It's so dumb and cheesy that I love it.
No. 938625
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>>938596that cupcake and hamburger one. i want
No. 938858
>working spaniels>german shepherds>border collies>staffordshire bull terriersleast fav might be french bulldogs, regular bulldogs and pugs, those poor dogs just aren't being bred to live. not sure why cockerpoos and labradoodles etc are so popular either
No. 940093
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Bumping thread with my baby, a great dane and german shepard mix, he doesn't have a white tip on his tail but other than that he looks almost exactly like pic related. I can't wait till he gets big and ends up looking like a leggier lab.
No. 940130
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I LOVE Nova Scotias, they look so soft and happy, and to me their color is so nice.
>>940093He's gonna be a big boy anon!!
No. 941293
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I know it’s just a marketing ploy but damn. Subaru’s “Make A Dog’s Day” campaign really gets me, on top of their history of how they got the title of the “lesbian car” by being progressive and whatever.
>>940771I wish I remember what thread it was in, but someone once posted about how they were depressed as fuck here but their dog has been with them the whole time and has been such a light in their life. I think a dog might be a good addition to your life. You could even find a midsized little mutt from the shelter to take home! Small dogs have just as much personality and love to give. Dogs are a lot of responsibility and require a lot of training and care, but the rewards are endless. I see a lot of people I follow pay for expensive trainers and whatnot, but the internet is free and full of so many resources not previously available to first time dog owners. Sure, expensive fresh/raw food is an option, but some dogs do just fine on kibble. You could even cook for your dog if you really wanted to (the fresh food subscription I buy for my dog puts their food recipes online). Dogs are a lot, but they give so much back. I hope you’ll bring home a furry friend, but I understand that it’s a huge life commitment (I’m even debating on getting another dog after my current one passes) but I think once you settle in with them, life without a dog seems impossible and so bleak. Good luck on making a decision anon! Maybe see if you could foster a dog as a trial?
No. 941857
>>941293>>940771I would also suggest a foster only if anon is ready to have a dog with all types of personalities and the organization offers to tell you about the dog's possible behavioural issues and then suggest the best one for your lifestyle if you do end up actually adopting one.
Keep in mind that the dog you're going to get may not be what you envision and that you may have to work to train it. It may bark a lot in the middle of the night, it may have separation anxiety, it may not be so sociable with other animals or people, it may take a while for it to be trained or it may be perfect already.
No. 942592
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This is my best friend's pooch, he's a red doberman. His bestie is a chihuahua, who is only five pounds! The chihuahua is the boss of the house, and even steals this guys bed sometimes and make him lay in the tiny one.
No. 942899
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>>942592I love the big and small dogss together. It's so fucking funny and cute. Reminds me of Blizzard (St. Bernard) and Lulu (Japanese chin)! Unfortunately Blizzard passed a few years ago but Lulu has a new St. Bernard friend named Brody!
No. 943051
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isn't he cute? I had to pull something out of his ass this morning in the middle of the park because he couldn't push them out, probably some weeds or sticks he ate last night :)
No. 943232
>>942783Well that's a pity. Such a beautiful dog with such a stubborn (and honestly ignorant) owner. Still I hope he doesn't suffer much.
>>943086Nta but my dog has been having some poop problems (probably because of wrong kibble) and now I don't know how to clean her. I'm considering cutting her dirty fur off and trimming her behind overall so she stays cleaner. I can't wash her because my family doesn't allow her into the house and it gets very cold now.
No. 944020
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>>943222They're lucky they're so cute… nothing says love like being inches away from your dogs butt as you hold them under their waist to keep them still as you wipe them clean lol
>>943232Yes, trim! I trimmed my dog's butt into a cute little puppy butt cut and it's 1) very fucking cute, and 2) functional and makes cleanups a lot less necessary/easier when they I have to clean her up.
No. 956458
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My friend got a cavapoo recently and I'm waiting for pictures but I'm a little jealous of how smart her dog probably is. She said he's really smart too, and I sent her dogs like Bunny and Stella to nudge her towards button training (so I can live vicariously through her kek). My dog is dumb as rocks but what she lacks in brains she makes up for in cuteness.
No. 956797
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Which dog breed is the most autistic and why is it border collies? I love them though.
No. 958261
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Kabosu, the shiba inu from the doge meme, just celebrated her 16th birthday’
No. 964775
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>>942899Big dog/small dog friendships are the best ♥
My cousin has a big mixed breed dog and a little Terrier dog who are the best of friends, it makes me so happy
No. 966925
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I really miss my dog so much, I’m crying because it’s so hard to visit my dads house without Ronin bitch talking me at the front door. It’s not the same and I want him back.
Sorry for being sad fag
No. 969689
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>>969679Hey nonna, it's been a long time since my dog was a pup and I was kinda too young to remember that phase of her life, but I do think this is normal. I follow some people online who raised their dogs from puppyhood and they did tweet about their frustrations of puppyhood and teenage phase. One artist has had her dog for about 4 years now so those tweets are long buried but one girl I follow got her golden Ripley earlier this year so you can read through her journey and thoughts about raising her at @raisingripley. Ripley is her second puppy that she's raising so she has some experience under her belt, her first dog is @ares_dogofwar and if you go back far enough you might be able to find some tweets about his puppy phase.
I remember reading tweets about them being depressed as they raised their dogs. I don't think this is as uncommon as people think, it's just not widely spoken about. I hope that you'll bond with your dog some day, and even though these puppy days are extremely hard, I'm sure you'll raise your pup into a fine dog and have many happy days ahead. Wishing you the best of luck! I really commend people who raise their dogs from puppyhood, it's a hard thing to do and I know I would struggle like hell.
No. 969933
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I don't give a shit about Sykkuno but his dog is so cute.
No. 971254
>>969689thank you for your response nonna. i have decided to rehome the lil dude. for my and his sanity's sake. he seems to be struggling with some kind of traumatic experiences and has started to growl and nip at pretty much everyone… i feel so miserable about giving up on him but i just know deep down that i cannot produce the energy to commit myself to this dog properly. and he doesn't deserve that. it just doesn't fit between us.
i'm guilt-ridden but know ultimately i've made the best choice for him and myself. he deserves someone who looks after him and wants to support him 100%. i'm just not that person (at the moment).
No. 972718
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>>971254Don't feel bad, anon. You tried, and I'm sure someone even more caring will find him. Rescues aren't easy
No. 972729
nonnie, you made the right choice by recognizing and admitting that you couldn't fulfill his needs. I don't think there's any shame in that, and I really respect you for being able to realize that! Puppy rearing is tough. I hope he will find a good family, and I hope one day you will be able to welcome and care for a dog who fits into your life.
No. 974468
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Years ago my family decided to take in a dog to "cheer me up" because I was sick and while I can see now that's not a very good idea (because a sick person might not be able to take care of a dog) I'm glad it happened. Thanks to the dog I could finally go outside more and eventually I learned to take even daily long-ish walks (before I was a complete neet, mainly because of my controlling mother) which also help with my anxiety/depression even if they're still there. Plus the dog's so sweet and clever!
Now I've been thinking about getting another dog to keep mine company in case I'm not able to, but I'm on the fence. I'm really not sure if I can take care of two dogs and if I can go through the whole training process again. And what if it stresses my dog out? What if something goes wrong? I actually got close to getting another dog years ago but got cold feet at the last minute, I'm just too indecisive.
No. 974902
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Goddamn I love it when someone in front of me is walking their dog and I see the lil hair whorls on their butt.
No. 974912
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I just wanna say I adore terriers. The more mustachioed, the better. They're like little firecrackers. My last dog was a wire fox terrier and he was that "one in a million" dog. I don't know if I could ever have another dog after him…
No. 974948
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>>974912Same! Let me share a pic of my aunt's dog. He's so sweet holy shit. His name is Kane and he's a Cairne Terrier.
Wish I could kidnap him.
No. 975076
I also love when my dog literally throws herself to the ground in front of me and waits for belly rubs. Sometimes I get worried because she does it a little too violently kek
No. 975098
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when i get an apartment of my own and finish uni i'm getting a shiba and a daschund
No. 978105
>>975201Thank you
nonnie, love you
No. 978309
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Thought of you today, bearded dog loving Nona.
No. 980950
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I love chihuahuas!!! They look so fucking dumb, I love them!
No. 981363
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>>980950Same! i'd like to pet one's head someday
No. 986755
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My dog was sleeping like picrel the other day. Just face first into the ground, with her tongue coming out the side. She is so fucking dumb, I love her so, so much.
No. 986768
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pitbull owners competing for who is the most retarded methhead dog owner on earth.(wrong thread)
No. 986876
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>>986768>>986806Fuck off to your containment thread
No. 986888
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You thought I only had old timey cats but you were wrong!
No. 986893
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>>986888I have so many old timeys it'll make your head spin
No. 986895
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>>986893He's playing this show for his Pa, who never understood his singin' dreams but always supported him anyhow
No. 986897
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>>986895This isn't her son but she's raising him as if he were, she's a good lady
No. 986905
>>986888>>986893>>986897Oh my goodness I love these! Look at these little lil pups heh.
>>986895KK slider if he wore clothes
No. 986906
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>>986897Get over here lemme bake you something in my old timey oven
No. 987135
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I love watching my mom's rottweiler play with my stepdad's bijon. She's so gentle with him. She'll lay down on the carpet to be level with him, then swing her big head back and forth while he pounces on her nose. It's cool when dogs form a little pack-family structure with each other.
Picrel isn't mine, but it shows the sort of dynamic I'm describing.
No. 987473
>>987233I don't get people who place a ton of importance on dogs' appearance to the point of getting "purebred" breeds with hereditary health problems. Some of the best dogs I've had have been rescues, or part of random mutt litters neighbors' and coworkers' dogs have had. I wish dogs were selectively bred for temperament and health over "quirky" aesthetic mutations.
I wouldn't go so far as shaming people who buy breeds like pugs, but I wouldn't buy one myself. Like I said, I'm happy with the random mutt puppies I find lol.
No. 987712
>>987233I love my pug and could never replace him with any other dog. He is incredibly kind, loving and calm. There is not an ounce of aggression in him (okay, he barks when someone knocks at the door). It's hard for me to explain, but we perfectly fit each other when it comes to emotional needs. Pugs are extremely human focused, they always keep an eye on you, follow you everywhere, snuggle etc – it's not only a matter of looks, it's the whole package. At the same time, I wouldn't recommend getting a pug if you cannot adopt a rescue or aren't dead set on getting one. I will not pretend that there are no health concerns, although the biggest problem that I had (cryptorchidism which meant that castration was necessary) wasn't related to the breed. If anyone wants to get a pug, by God get it from an reputable breeder which will be expensive. Are there puppy mills that sell dogs for the market price? IDK what's the situation around the world, but here puppy mills sell them for incredibly low prices – 50%, even 25% of price from a reputable breeder. They like to say to their clients that the only difference is that the dog doesn't have "unnecessary papers", but the truth is that the dogs are kept in horrible conditions, genetic messes and often dying from incurable diseases by the moment they pass to new owner's hands. Do your research, don't get swayed by a low price. Best visit the breeder, see how the mother is doing, if she's healthy and not wheezing at every step etc (it absolutely isn't normal even in pugs). It is extremely recommended to choose a breeder that genetically tests parents for BOAS (breathing problems) and PDE (pug dog encephalitis) to ensure that your pug will be healthy and you are not supporting a breeder that doesn't give a fuck to make sure those terrible diseases are avoided.
If you can get a different dog or adopt, that's probably a morally better decision. I fucking love pugs and I cannot imagine my love without them. I donate money to a NGO that helps abandoned and sick ones. I plan to join it too as soon as I sort my mental issues, because I want to help them. If I get to spend more time with pugs, that's even better.
It's worth noting that around the world, there are breeders that try to restore pugs to how they looked centuries ago (larger snouts, more deep-set eyes). I would like to get a pug like that. Sadly, they are not yet available in my country. It may be shocking, but pugs are an extremely old breed, with roots going back to 400 BC. They were the pets of Chinese emperors and also of many other, more recent historical figures (Marie Antoinette, William the Silent). Those pugs looked different than how they look now, as can be seen in old paintings.
No. 987733
>>987722>If you want to have a breed like a pug, you better treat it like a damn prince, you better have money up the ass to help him with his inevitable health complicationsI do. If you want to judge me, you are free to do that.
>>987723TBH the FCL standard absolutely should be changed to promote health. Not all pugs have big issues with breathing (especially if they live in a colder climate), but it is a problem overall. My pug is doing pretty well, but he has to avoid extreme heat.
If I can, I will probably adopt next one for all the obvious reasons.
No. 987772
>>987739Thank you. I'm aware of all the issues and think that people that criticize pugs are right until they go into full-blown pug genocide mode. There are better solutions to the problem and pugs do not deserve to be erased from Earth because people are suddenly ashamed of their mistakes. They've been with us for centuries and love us so much, we literally made them like this so we should do them right. Also as far as I can observe, they really enjoy life (when not sick, as can be said about any dog – and pugs should be healthy most of the time): sniffing (there was a test in which it turned out that pugs have better sniffing ability than normal police dogs, though it's been too isolated to be conclusive), eating, walks and snuggling. Meeting strange people too, lol. Despite the problems they face, I really love them and I felt it was pointless to stop myself from owning one when my decision will not stop breeding on it's own (I know some people believe that their ethical shopping decisions matter and I applaud them. I guess I was too selfish since the best I could do was get my pug from a respectable breeder. That's why I think that the other anon is fully allowed to judge me). I'm taking into account the needs of my beloved creature and do what I have for him, because it's what any owner of a dog should do and because I especially owe it to him. He makes my life better everyday, I hope he is happy too. If an animal loves you so much and you are their entire world, you need to pay it back!
>"lol silly squishy face, so fat"This is the worst because they absolutely shouldn't be allowed to get fat. It strains their joints and makes breathing harder. It can be a challenge because they love food and it can be harder to spot fat because of the lose skin and their general build (I am facially blind though, so…). I've read somewhere that if a pug is 2 kilos overweight, it's like he is walking around carrying 2 packages of sugar. It really makes you picture the problem. I think this issue is common for all small dogs.
No. 987817
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What are you getting your dog for Christmas?
No. 987833
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>>987790Thank you so much, I didn't expect positivity. I'm truly autistic about pugs.
One of my favorite things about my pug is that when he doesn't like when I check his nose fold, he very gently puts his arm up and pushes my finger away with his paw. It's like he is saying "excuse me missy, but I prefer you didn't". He could bite me (used to be obsessed with my feet and tried to playfully bite them all the time — ouch!) or growl, but he doesn't. He's such a gentle soul. I'm tearing up writing about it because I love him so much
No. 987873
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>>987833NTA but I love your love for pugs too! It's really is one thing to be into a specific breed for aesthetics, but another to truly love and care for the breed, know your stuff about them, and acknowledge the shortcomings of purebreds. I don't believe in shaming dog owners who do their research and choose to buy from a reputable breeder. There are pros and cons to both adopting and
responsibly shopping.
Your pug sounds so cute! I am a Pekingese owner and lover, except my dog is an unaffectionate asshole heh. Still love her though, and have a lot of love for the breed! I hope you and your pug will have many, many lovely years left in your journey together ♥
No. 987897
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>>987890Those toys are so cute…! I follow this instagram of this dog, Miso (misocomehere) and her owner runs a dog shop that has all sorts of nosework toys and I think they're so funny, and it's so cute watching her dog play with them! She has a toy that's made to look like a book with individual pages and different nose work sections in each toy. Stuff like that always makes me laugh.
No. 992594
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Does anyone here have experience with Shibas? How hard are they to train compared to other dogs? I really want one, they're so adorable.
No. 993277
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My dogers
No. 993331
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Here's a pic of my lady
>>993277They both look so fluffy and soft anon!!
No. 993505
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love afghan hounds, my family used to have them through my childhood to early adulthood. they're so pretty and calm but still goofy with the close family. my dream is to have a silver afghan of my own
No. 993509
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>>993505or if not silcer a white with black face, they look so pretty too
No. 993643
>>993346Once they figured it out yes lol
But puppy pads are a thing. Literally a sheet you put on the floor where the dog can pee
No. 993707
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>>987817I wish I could get my dog a cute plushie, he loves a plushie named Marvin, and we actually call them “the Marvin” because he only wants to play with it. So maybe that or maybe another cute but kind of strange looking plushie like some armadillo we got him last year.
I usually just give him dog cookies because he wants to eat human food, so that keeps him really happy. And I will plug his electric blanket so he can sleep extra comfortable.
No. 993798
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I love big dogs!! I love hugging them with their big old heads that are bigger than mine. My friends and I only have small dogs, so big dogs are everything I love but just bigger! I wish I could have a big dog but I don't have the financial resources to really be able to offer one the best life at the moment.
No. 993838
>>993643pee pads can turn a puppy into a house pissing dog, they have a scent to make the puppy want to pee on them and this makes housetraining harder because outside doesn't have this scent. you also don't want a puppy to think peeing in the house is the done thing even on a pad. it's better to try your best to get them to do it outside and clean up messes if they happen.
t. 4 dogs who never have accidents but the one rescue pisses in the house occasionally even after owning and training her for 8 years
No. 993840
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>>993798I know that feel, I hope I can have a cute house with a nice yard so I can have a giant, a standard and a miniature schnauzers, I would call them something like: Rosaline, Rosie and rose.
No. 993860
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>>993840That's so cute nonna! I hope that you'll get your cute home and cute dogs one day!!
I'd really like a rottweiler! Their little pickle eyebrows are so cute hehe. Maybe a german shephard one day too, but I already have a long haired, double coated small dog so I'd like the grooming experience to be at least a little bit easier if I'm going to have a big dog… All the big dog breeds I want require a lot of training or they could become a danger to myself and others, so I'm very afraid of that and I want to do right by them so that they could be a model dog for their breed. I want to enroll them in socialization and obedience classes, and then eventually maybe more enriching things like agility! My dog is stubborn and very hard to train, so I'm very worried and question my ability to train dogs… I guess I could go for a labrador or golden for a less dangerous big dog to have, but one day I'd like a rottweiler or similar!
No. 993872
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Every dog my family has had were mutts given to us for free, never understood the obsession with having a very specific breed of dog if it wasn't for service like hunting or something. I also think medium sized dogs are the best dogs for me, they aren't this huge mass walking around leaving big messes around the house but I won't be constantly tripping over them either.
That being said, if I had to choose a dog based on aesthetics, I do like the size and coloring of australian shepards. My friend had a mixed one without a tail and she would wiggle her whole ass when happy. Pretty damn cute.
No. 993883
>>993648since they are big dogs they tend to live shorter than small dogs but one of our dogs lived to 15, average life span being 12-14 years
also i think some have hip dysplasia issues, and also if the dogs need surgery you need to go to a vet with experience with afghan hounds because they react differently to anesthesia than other dogs, inexperienced vets could treat them wrong and kill them
No. 994521
>>993883Thank you for the info!
>>993860Yaaay rotties are beautiful. We had a girl when I was a kid and she was so sweet and used to lay on my bed with me. I remember coming home from school one day and she greeted me at the door for the first time and I couldn't believe we actually had a dog!
No. 994539
>>994526I don’t know,
nonnie, I feel like rescues are just trying to make sure that the dog doesn’t have to suffer again. Making sure that your house is in a good condition, that you have enough money to buy all the important stuff for the dog, that you don’t leave your dog all alone for hours, that there aren’t any animals that would hurt your dog but that would also make your dog get in trouble. I think those are reasonable things to consider while getting a dog, specially a dog that went through some bad experiences.
I feel like most people don’t consider such things when it comes to getting a pet in general, if more people thought about it properly, before buying, adopting or accepting a pet as a gift, there wouldn’t be so many pets getting sent to shelters or getting euthanized.
No. 994557
>>994539>>994526I think it can be a double edged sword. I understand why a lot of rescues are extremely strict with making sure you and your family can take care of this dog and provide it with a good life, but at the same time they can't always find the picture perfect family every time. I think there are plenty of good families out there, but for one reason or another they get passed over for a dog. A friend of mine was applying for months to get a cat from a rescue (still relevant enough) and they wanted his lease information and a bunch of other documents to prove he could take care of a cat. He's had a cat before! He works a good paying job! It took maybe a year until he finally got his cats. I remember as a kid, driving with my dad for hours to go to the next state or something to see dogs in shelters, but we were always passed up because my dad had no history of owning a dog in the US. I remember reading posts somewhere of a girl who was trying to adopt a dog but the shelter passed her over, meanwhile they kept posting "why won't anyone take this precious girl home?!" and the dog was there for over a year. Some rescues make it near impossible. We ended up buying my dog because my dad was so fed up with rescues, and I can't blame him. They are not all like this, but it's no surprise that some people give up on trying to do the good thing and rescue a dog and just go and buy one, especially people who are uneducated about the difference in quality between a good breeder and a backyard breeder/puppy mill.
Rescues do not have to settle for the worst of the worst, there are plenty of families out there who might just be 90% of what they are looking for who are looking to bring a new friend home.
No. 994928
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Is dog intelligence ranking by breed a meme or is there truth to it? We all kind of already know Border Collies and German Shepherds are very smart, but I wonder how much of it is more about trainability?
No. 995297
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>>994928afghan hounds are considered dumb but it might be because they don't like to please people, they act more like cats so training them isn't very easy because they don't give a shit. and they might be just stupid too but i love them still.
No. 1001109
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New booper in the White House! Look at those paws and big ears!
No. 1001181
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>>995297>they don't like to please people, they act more like cats so training them isn't very easy because they don't give a shitYou've accidentally brought up a topic I've wanted to share my thoughts on.
I've noticed that there are two retarded takes on dogs' personalities
>dogs are pathetic cause they live to be humans' slaves. Too dumb to be selfish assholes unlike cats, which are supposedly superior for that reason>Basically picrel. TLDR: before your dog is your friend and/or a part of your steed, he is you worst fucking enemy. Don't be blinded by those big eyes and cute smile, all your dog wants is to kick you from home, steal your money and run away with your wife. It's constantly giving you shit tests to see who is the real alpha. That's why you need to beat it into submission by any means possible. Only when you break it, you can accept the dog as your beta follower.I'm so exhausted of seeing those two extreme beliefs! Neither has much in common with reality (I know the second one isn't even true in nature — some people still believe in it, though). Am I wrong in thinking that dogs, like us, intelligent creatures and therefore want things? It's normal for them to act in their interest (i.e. not listen to you when there is fascinating pee to smell), they are not robots! By default, they aren't trying to take any human's place though. The only dogs that act as submissive as catfags suggest are extremely well-trained. It helps if they are food-obsessed or enjoy the process. Plenty of dogs are innately free-spirited individualists. IMO they don't do stupid, dangerous or incomprehensible things to demonstrate their dominance, but more like a toddler does them. When two neurons rub together, a dog wants something and it wants it NOW. If a dumb hooman doesn't understand, it will try to get it on their own.
I fucking love dogs and hate the slander portraying them as either dominant beasts or retarded doormats. My dog obsessed with people (constantly follows and watches us, demands to be put on knees and to be able to snuggle, gets excited when sees strangers, loves the smell and taste (?) of sweat, crazy about feet etc.). At the same time, he's extremely difficult to train, as he learns slowly. All he cares about is getting a snack. He loves us, but he also doesn't give a fuck and wants to do his stuff (which isn't biting anyone). He demands help (as research has shown, people are dogs' favorite tools) or occasionally attention. And that's very common, I think. A lot of time and effort is required to make your dog act polite and obedient. Dogs are persons, not our property (despite what the law says).
No. 1001209
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>>1001181Dogs have their downsides but I rarely see the dog hating spergs point it out. It's usually "they're KILLING machines" or "they're so fucking stupid you could kick them until they were on death's door and they'd still love you" etc. It's never "they're just too high energy/maintenance for me" or "they require more time/money/effort to be well trained" or "I just don't want to have to take it out for walks and pick up big poops." I think there are pretty reasonable reasons for preferring a cat or any other animal over a dog, even as a dog owner myself, but spergs really like to go off the deep end. I'd agree if they said "dogs get easily stinky but cats don't" sort of thing but the "they're food driven crazy mutts" loses me. But I guess that's what makes them spergs and not people with reasonable opinions that I can understand kek.
I also don't get it when people think a dog's obedience and willingness to be trained is a bad thing. Dogs can be trained to do so many amazing things! Service dogs are so spectacular. Why is it a bad thing that I can train my dog to do things like spinning in a circle in exchange for a smidge of kraft cheese? Or people will spin it as dog owners feel some insatiable need to have control over another being as if we are kings and dogs are our monkey jesters who we make dance for our own amusement, but there are dogs who need mental stimulation/a job like any other being with a brain out there, because boredom sucks.
No. 1001355
>>1001209I agree with you 100%. I have nothing against cat owners if they aren't insane spergs (and I think cats are super cool, I wouldn't mind having one someday, though I probably wouldn't actively try to get one).
>Dogs have their downsides but I rarely see the dog hating spergs point it outAs you said, they never point the downsides (sometimes more like “downsides”) of dogs relating to themselves. IE,
I don't want to train it,
I don't want to take it on walks and pick up poops… It's like they blame the animal for what they don't like, even if it's neutral or even positive (walks are extremely recommended if you are healthy enough). I don't want a skateboard, but it doesn't mean that it sucks because it's not a car or a pony.
>I'd agree if they said "dogs get easily stinky but cats don't"I think I'm lucky because my dog never stinks. I think small dogs may be better in that regard? I've heard of the "wet dog smell", but didn't experience it. I admit I'm crazy and I love the frito feet smell, it's so cute to me (but I have to stick my nose in the paw to feel it LOL). That's the only one I sense, though. My dog reminds me of rabbits that I used to have — it has such a clean smell to it's fur. Hard to describe.
I've lost my shit when some sperg screeched in OT how rabbits are stupid animals that stink… they don't unless you keep them confined 24/7 in a cage where they shit and pee themselves. Which is animal abuse. They are also intelligent and capable of learning their names, provided you don't treat them as prisoners>I also don't get it when people think a dog's obedience and willingness to be trained is a bad thing. Dogs can be trained to do so many amazing things! Service dogs are so spectacular.It seems like such a cope! No way it would be a downside if favorite animals of those spergs were doing such things. It would be 'X are heroes, they save lives and help fight crime!!!'. Which would be true, as it's true of dogs right now!
>Or people will spin it as dog owners feel some insatiable need to have control over another being as if we are kings and dogs are our monkey jesters who we make dance for our own amusementI bet there are some psychos like that (probably scrotes believing in Cesar Millan's BS), but that's not true at all for most dog owners.
>there are dogs who need mental stimulation/a job like any other being with a brain out there, because boredom sucks.I would argue that most do, but it's not always easy to provide it for them for long (or owners are lazy). That's why dogs need to go on walks, even if they have a large garden. There is nothing new or interesting to smell there!
If you live with a dog, you see it for a unique individual that it is — complete with likes and dislikes, funny habits and so on. It's delusional to act like dog owners are psychos, and dogs are either killers or puppets. I find it even more disturbing how people hate on an animal that was internally and externally reshaped to our needs. How can you furiously hate something that (in a way) exists for you to love it, and didn't even have any say in it?
No. 1001469
>>1001181>Too dumb to be selfish assholes unlike cats, which are supposedly superior for that reasonI swear people who genuinely think this never had a cat or has one but doesn't give a shit about it. Pet cats aren't independent, they're just like dogs. They need you to feed it, they need you to clean their litter, occasionally they need you to bathe them and they are VERY affectionate and attention seeking. I mean, they literally will walk all over your things while you're doing something to get your attention, how it that any different than a dog staring at you and waiting for you to play with them? Also a cat who has been a pet all its life will not survive in the wild, so it really isn't an independent animal.
And also I hate those kind of people and especially trainers who use the "alpha" method and expect their pets to completely obey them 24/7. That's a thing not even professionally trainen dogs (like police, therapy, agility or obedience dogs) do ALL the time, they do it when they're in "work mode" and then they're just normal dogs. I hate seeing insecure men who talk like wannabe military sergeant to their clearly terrified and anxious dog claiming it's comfortable because he has an "alpha" figure above it, which doesn't even make sense because that whole alpha thing has been debunked ages ago. They really take a dog walking in front of them as a sign of rebellion when in reality the dog probably smelled something interesting and wants to get closer to it (and dogs are faster than a walking human by default). The only reason that method may work is because the dog becomes emotionally broken and does not react anymore.
No. 1001503
>>1001469>I mean, they literally will walk all over your things while you're doing something to get your attention, how it that any different than a dog staring at you and waiting for you to play with them?Something something based cat not afraid to walk over lowly human. That reminds me that a few years ago, I've seen an absolutely spergy feminist post saying that men dislike cats because cats are independent and you can't tame them, meanwhile dogs are their slaves… and how disliking cats is directly related to hating independent women.
If OP was now on lolcow, she would argue that if you prefer dogs, you are a self-hating pick me LOL.I've heard that cats learned to meow at humans like they do to kittens and they basically treat us like big babies unable to take care of themselves. Sounds reasonable.
>Also a cat who has been a pet all its life will not survive in the wild, so it really isn't an independent animal.It takes all my strenght not to write something rude to the occasional anon going 'my free-roaming cat hasn't shown up for a week now and I think it's dead??? How the fuck am I supposed to go on?". Especially when a few days ago someone was wildly arguing how cats are wild and meant to roam among cars and through properties with dogs on them, apparently. I couldn't be so to them cruel, but what did you expect?
>They really take a dog walking in front of them as a sign of rebellion when in reality the dog probably smelled something interesting and wants to get closer to it (and dogs are faster than a walking human by default). The only reason that method may work is because the dog becomes emotionally broken and does not react anymore.God, your description makes me want to a-log.
People would be rightfully shocked and angry if that happened to children (like MKULTRA experiments), yet somehow it's okay to do it to your pet whom you are supposed to take a good care of?
I know worse things happen to farm animals, but let's keep on topic It's horrifying to think that someone can be brought so low. Animals don't deserve that. On the other hand, assholes that do it to them? Hm…
I hope dogs think we are retarded for not understanding whatever they are trying to communicate because we deserve that and worse. Dogs learnt to accomodate hoomans, but people don't innately have understanding of dog behavior beyond 'barks=red light, wags tail=green light"
No. 1001510
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Something about goldens
No. 1002260
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Young Glenn Gould with his dog
No. 1002306
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>>1002264Practicing is always serious business.
No. 1019193
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Every morning and night I have to give my dog her eye medication. I usually try to get her when she's sleeping because she's significantly less fussy when she's still drowsy from sleep. I place her on my lap and put on her medicine and I will just sit there with her on my lap. She's not a lap dog and has only willingly crawled to lay in my lap once, but when she is sleepy and not fussy, she doesn't care.
She is old and tired, and there is nothing more that I cherish in the day than feeling her small little body warm up my lap. Most times she will lay her head on my arm and go back to sleep while I'm petting her, or we will just look at each other. She is so soft and cute. I try not to think about how we only have a finite amount of these moments left. She is my little bundle of joy and I love her so much.
No. 1023406
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I'm a first time owner of a large breed puppy who's super nervous about feeding him the "right" food. Why the fuck is dog food such a clusterfuck of misinformation that no one can agree on?
I've been feeding him a combination of wet/dry food from Wellness Core brand after reading about how grains (rice, et al) in dog foods are bad. Made sense to me because I know carbs aren't really good for people either. I usually top his food with a dollop of pumpkin puree and an egg. I plan to add some veg like green beans and beets to his diet. Sometimes he gets peanut butter as a treat or a dried pig ear/turkey throat. I fed him a couple cans of wet cat food because my husband accidentally bought them and never returned them, but that won't become a regular thing.
But now? Now I'm fucking reading that actually grain-free brands like the ones I picked don't have enough research and basically the high protein could be causing dilated cardiomyopathy in large breed dogs. They don't know the exact cause, but everyone on the internet seems to have an answer from taurine deficiency to lectins in legumes if they're subbed for the grain. Redditors seem to be shilling for Purina and Iams saying that the science backs them.
But you know what? I grew up in the same town that had a Purina plant. It constantly smelled like shit, and I know they had to be using byproducts of everything shipped in because there wasn't much fresh agriculture to process from nearby. I don't trust Purina. I've also read that vets get kickbacks from brands like the Hills Science Diet and that they're trained on nutrition of certain brands and not others based on studies, but just because there are more studies doesn't necessarily mean it's the best imo.
I just want what's best for him, I love him so much.
No. 1023412
>>1023406Reddit is astroturfed. Look at ingredients yourself and make your best judgment call. Aren't Purina and Iams the brands involved in a ton of pet deaths years ago from using
toxic byproducts out of China?
No. 1023465
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>>1023406It really is nonna. I guess it could be said that it's the same as nutrition for humans- XYZ will cause that, oh ABC is good but wait not if you do EFG, etc etc.
We've switched my dog's food every few years because she eventually stopped liking it and has a sensitive stomach. We used to mix kibble and wet food but stopped the kibble part after a few years because she didn't want to eat it anymore. We went from beneful/purina, to cesar, to freshpet, to Farmer's Dog which she is still currently eating. She was diagnosed with kidney failure two years ago and that's what prompted me to make the switch to Farmer's Dog (hesitated for a few years because it's expensive) and I wouldn't say it's cured her, but it's given me two extra years and counting with her so… Before farmer's dog, the internet wasn't the resource it was today so we just kind of went in blind and bought whatever food that she would eat and wouldn't give her diarrehea.
I'm lucky enough to have a small dog so even though farmer's dog is expensive, I'm still able to afford it just fine. I would never be able to if I had a larger breed. I want a larger breed in the future but then comes either sacrificing financially to be able to feed them the really good shit I want to feed them vs skimping out on the good stuff just so we can all eat. Raw diets seem to be really popular now but I remember an article poping up on my timeline criticizing it, although I didn't bother to click and read it. Nothing is 100% unfortunately.
I hope you'll have many years with your dog nona. If I ever get another dog in the future, I'll probably just end up switching their food around or even just cooking for them myself. I really do like what fresh food has done for my dog though, so I'll probably stick with similar.
No. 1023893
>>1023406my dog has a heart murmur and mitral valve insufficiency, but I have no reason to believe this is from feeding her largely grain-free. (She is a rescue I adopted at age 6-7 or so.) I think her problem is simply age- and breed-related (she is a long-haired mini dachshund mix with some cocker spaniel and probably chihuahua). She ate Wolfsblut and Rinti food (dry and wet mixed) until I temporarily moved countries and had to find replacements. We'll go back to her old diet when we return to Europe. I mostly avoid corn and wheat, and buy foods where the percentage of meat and its source are clearly indicated. is not a bad resource for dog food ratings.
But if I were raising a puppy, I would really do my research and figure out what is best. Awhile ago I remembered thinking that if I had unlimited funds, I'd try some of the freeze-dried options on the market. They look interesting but are expensive. I ultimately decided that my dog seems to thrive on her current diet.
For the time I was in the UK, my dog loved Applaws dry food. But that has a very high protein content, I think.
No. 1024387
>>1023412lol no, stop, you can not check the ingredients yourself if you got no clue in first place if the amounts were weighted dry or moist. Just trust the companies that DO trial feedings. Are you willing to risk your pets health because you think "human grade food" actually means something it doesn't?
Why would big companies pay redditors to shill product that is already one of best selling in industry. Read the reason why such foods are recommended and stop thinking you know better than tests and vets.
No. 1028031
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>dogs nails are black
>mfw trying to clip as little as possible to not damage the quick
Omg how do you guys handle this shit? I hate this, but his nails are sharp and hurt like a mf, I've thought about using one of those file machines but I think the noise and sensation might scare my dog.
No. 1029121
>>937447>>937565My peke is the exact opposite. He constantly wants to be pet or held. If you give him even the slightest bit of attention, he'll start following you around wanting more. He's funny though with his constant head nubbing trying to get attention lol. He seems to have an affinity for boys for some reason though. He mainly goes wherever my brothers goes. He'll even cry if one of them is in the shower and has to wait for him to get out.
As of now he mostly sleeps and begs for petting. Loves belly rubs. He's about 11 years old now and his bottom teeth are almost gone from falling out. His back legs are starting to give out now too and kinda trips a lot. We try to keep his hair kinda short cause it hot has hell where we live..
No. 1032775
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I occasionally watch OTV and friends but don't really care too much about them, but Miyoung's dog Nabi is so fucking cute. I was wondering why they called him a chicken, maybe because he's a little scrawny funny looking dude? No, it's because his barks sound like bawks. It's so funny, I love weird dogs so much.
No. 1032847
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Chihuahuas are the most abused dog breed in America. People think that they are naturally rabid and yappy. What i wish people would understand is that they are normally abused because they are small. Too many owners let their Chihuahua do whatever bad behavior and even encourage it because they think it's funny. They wouldn't encourage it on a big dog though because they can do serious damage. It's so normalized to anger and stress out Chihuahuas for fun, only to call them demons. This only leads to stereotypes and Chihuahuas being the second most euthanized dog. I have such a big place in my heart for chis. They're so jealous and protective small dogs. Honestly from all the news ive seen, big dogs are more cowardly while Chihuahuas put themselves in the front line for you. I was hoping to adopt one of any age after I moved into a proper home. It's been my dream since I was child and couldn't have a dog, only turtles. I just love Chihuahuas.
No. 1032859
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>>1032847Oh nona, what I would do to marry you and move into a ranch and start a chihuahua rescue…! I absolutely adore chihuahuas even though I've never owned one. They are one of my top favorite breeds. People around me shit on them nonstop, calling them yappy rat dogs and saying "they're not even a real dog" and it does hurt my feelings a bit. Like fuck off and let me enjoy chihuahuas! They are so great and have so much personality is such a tiny little body!! If I ever get another dog after my dog passes, a chihuahua would be great, especially because of their small size! Not everyone can afford to feed and house a golden retriver you know, small dogs deserve love too!
I posted him upthread but Mr. Marbles is impeccable. I love him. I follow a stupid amount of people on instagram and a good half of them are
just people's accounts for their chihuahuas.
No. 1032862
>>1032859There's also this chi, from a viral video you may have seen. It sucks to see so many people shit on Lucky and his owner, but it was nice to see from his owner that he was just a bit reactive sometimes and was mostly just a gentle soul who
did enjoy and love getting loved on. I'm so, so sad he passed but at least he was well loved while he was on earth.
No. 1035164
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My dog never liked to play with toys since she was a puppy. Is this normal or should i be worried?
No. 1041329
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I let my dog outside to shit on the piece of yard between my house and the next. Can't use my fenced backyard yet because there are stones that he likes to pick up and chew because he's a dumbass.
I heard rustling but just thought it was my neighbors out front again. A guy with his little dog walked past my house on the sidewalk while mine was pooping. My dog didn't bark or show aggression but he embarassed me because he stopped pooping to run onto the sidewalk and up to the dog wanting to play. Before he did that I did a stern "No" which he's been good about listening to before, but this time he continued on after hesitating. He ignored my command. I apologized to the guy who didn't seem bothered besides putting his dog behind him. Finally he listened and went back towards the yard. I wanted to grab his collar but my hands were holding poop bags and shit. He went back into the yard to not finish pooping but to grab a stick and try to keep away, which he also knows he isn't allowed to do.
I grabbed him by the collar and yanked the stick out of his mouth while giving a nose bop and a no. Then I led him inside to go back into his crate and delayed giving him his dinner so he doesn't think I'm rewarding him. He's less than a year old, I just don't get why he regressed like that all of the sudden. Before when other dogs and people passed he listened to my commanding no. He really tested the waters this time and I wonder if I underreacted? Then again, on our walk the other day we met a new neighbor walking his dog and we let our dogs play a bit while they were leashed. I wonder if that put it into his mind that leashed dogs can play? I realize that was probably a bad signal in hindsight. It's not a big deal but still jfc.
No. 1041474
>>1041421He's a bit of a mutt. The rescue told me he was a lab/rottie mix but I submitted a genetic test that's still pending to find out for sure.
Everyone knows he's a pup but it makes me nervous when he misbehaves on my watch because he's still a large breed and everyone can see the rottie in him. I feel like I need to be setting the example with proper control. I'm lucky that guy was cool about it because I can see some people getting freaked out about a dog approaching theirs like that. He got real close and brushed against that dude's legs and I felt so dumb with my hands full of shit and too shocked to act snappy because I didn't expect it.
No. 1045516
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Spoiler pic is of raw meat and animal parts. What are your thoughts on raw feeding? I'm not talking about giving your dog ground beef and calling it a day, but feeding a well researched, balanced raw diet?
The raw feeding community seems borderline insane a times(sometimes bordering into anti-vaxx for dogs) but from what I've read it does seem extremely healthy and species appropriate. Also this is anecdotal of course but just seeing how raw-fed dogs poop looks almost identical to wolf poop is really interesting, and the raw-fed dogs I've seen online just have the most amazing coats I've ever seen. Raw seems really expensive and time-consuming to keep up with but I fantasize about making a bunch of money and feeding my future doggy raw and spoiling him with the best diet possible.
No. 1045534
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No. 1045539
>>1045457Congrats!!! I hope you have fun raising him, and I'm so excited for your long life journey together!!
>>1045516I really want to but I feel like I don't know what sources to trust. Someone recommended me a documentary about raw feeding and I was like "oh yeah makes sense" but then they brought in some homeopathic *~experts~* and it starts getting too uhhh propaganda-y for me and I had to turn it off. It feels like both sides have conspiracies against each other. Dude I just want to feed my dog good food.
We've never fed my dog a raw diet, but when she was younger she was skinny and kinda ugly looking lol but my dad read somewhere that eggs were good for dogs so he'd go out and buy the expensive organic eggs and soft boil them for her to eat for breakfast. $6 for a fucking carton of organic eggs! No one else was allowed to eat those eggs, those were for the dog! We weren't good enough for them kek only got to eat from the $2 carton of eggs. It paid off though, her coat became super luscious.
No. 1045552
>>1045525Tbf I don't know enough about this to comment. I've also heard that as well, but I'm just skeptical.
>>1045539I agree with you re: raw feeding. The majority of the community comes across as woowoo and also judges kibble-feeders way too harshly and honestly comes across as very classist, considering you have to have a lot of time and/or money to have a freezer stocked with exotic meats and supplements. From what I've read though I do lean more towards raw, but still with healthy skepticism. I like the idea of feeding a mixed diet of high quality kibble and raw.
The egg thing is real! Even eating the shell is beneficial.
No. 1045768
>>1032847>>1032859>>1032862Late response but thank you for changing my perspective nonnitas. I have always been one of those people who didn't like small dogs, having only met bad ones my whole life. It's definitely hypocritical of me as someone who is an animal lover and wants to adopt all the dogs.
Also Mr Marbles is a cutie pie.
No. 1049550
>>1045573It's ok
nonnie - they kill so many other dogs and cats and wildlife and farm animals and old people…and kids. lol. I think if you're a dog lover it makes sense to not be a fan. I personally feel really bad for the breed, they're abominations and don't belong in modern society but that doesn't make them good pets.
No. 1051058
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>>1051051People can like or hate whatever breeds they want but yes I agree, no attracting dog hate spergs to a good thread.
Slightly related but when Wasabi won the Westminister dog show, all the hate comments cracked me up. Seethe harder peke haters, you are looking at peke performance here.
No. 1051454
>>1045539Thank you! Picked him up on wednesday instead, my perfect 2.2.22 baby! He is such a good boy, gentle, clever, secure of himself. He really is all that I could wish for.
I do think he is allergic to the feed from the breeder though, he looks a bit itchy. Started introducing raw food and he seemed a lot better after eating a bit less kibble.
Here we can get raw food premade in sausages and its actually less expensive than even cheap kibble if you buy a large quantity. Very thankful for that.
No. 1051776
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>>1023406Here's what I decided to feed my dog 2x daily
>unsalted canned green beans >pumpkin puree >Zesty Paws salmon oil>mix of wet food/dry kibble from Wellness Core I mix all of that together in a bowl, he loves it. Sometimes I add a raw egg or some dog safe leftovers like steamed peas or beets. It feels like a hearty and balanced diet and his bowel movements are pretty consistent which is nice. He doesn't appear to be getting too thin or fat so I think this will do the trick!
No. 1051979
>>1051058I love him
>>1051476Personally I never saw a pekegnese struggle with breathing. The issue probably only shows up in hot weather. Which isn't good, but not as bad as what people are saying ('it's choking it's whole life'). The peke in op's picrel must have been in good health, since dog competitions involve a lot physical activity (correct me if I am wrong about what the competitions involve). Or was it a competition only for brachycephalic dogs?
It would still be a good move to breed pekes for larger snouts.
No. 1052270
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Has anyone else had a problem with the classic Kong? I've always thought they had good quality, nver had an issue before, but I bought one for my pup and he really didn't want it. So I sniffed it and it smelled really bad, then I licked it and it BURNED my lips and tongue. Literally feel nauseous. Very sad that the quality has fallen to cheap dangerous china shit.
No. 1070616
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Not to make things depressing but my childhood pet of 20 years is dying and my mom is tired of taking care of her, so she's taking her to the pound. I can't have her in my home because landlord won't allow it. This sucks. Not sure how I'll react, as I've only had one other pet die and that was a frog I had for like 3 weeks when I was 8.
Anyways, have a video of Peanut eating a pizza crust, volume warning I was pretty shocked that she had it, we didn't have pizza for a long time prior.
Rest in Peace, Fat Girl ♥
Here is a list of all the nicknames she's ever had:
- Peanuckle
- Fat Girl
- Poop Girl
- Beanut
- Beautiful
No. 1075149
>>1070616I'm so sorry nona. I truly cannot fathom what is going through your mom's mind to come to a decision like that. As someone who also has a senior dog, yes they can be annoying to take care of. Mine just pisses and shits everywhere now. It sucks. But at this point in their lives, what can we do but let out an irritated sigh, clean up after them, and put them to bed? My heart aches for you, and it aches for Peanut. She looks like such a sweet girl.
I'm sure she knows she was loved dearly, and I hope puppy heaven will have an endless supply of pizza crusts for her. I hope Peanut will be able to meet my pup up there! 20 years is such a long life to have lived full of love and kisses and yummy food. I hope Peanut will sleep well.
No. 1076607
>>1075149Thank you for such a sweet message,
nonny. Today was the day she was laid to rest.
I understand, she was sick. (gross stuff for those eating)
Vomited all the time, was pooping blood, and could hardly walk to relieve herself, she was incontinent.
I understand, she needed relief. Rest in Peace, Peanut!
No. 1076780
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My grandma got a puppy. I haven't met him yet but I love him already. I don't trust my grandma and her moid to take proper care of him, but I've been kind of pushed out so I will have to be concerned from afar. Moids ruin everything nonnies.
No. 1077710
>>1071272Yeah I have a polar dog. They were fed meat scraps or hunted themselves. A mangy streer dog surviving on what they can find in our modern cities isn't exactly a good comparison either to a dogs natural diet. Pretty sure the trash they could find up to recent modern times contained better foods, as there were more butchers, farmers, people buthering their own, fresh produce, and way less industrialised processed foods.
Also kibbe being more natural lol than raw feeding, kibble is less than a 100 years old. Before that people only fed raw or table scraps. People used to go to the butcher to get dog mixed before kibble was a thing, which were, you guessed it, butchers waste ie raw meat.
No. 1223899
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I love holding my dog's face. I usually have one hand under her chin and I use the other hand to rub the top of her head. Sometimes her tongue comes out and lays floppily on my hand too. She is so cute.
No. 1223919
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I think about you every single day!! You're so missed! I hope your little spirit is out there somewhere and you can feel how much I love you little guy!
No. 1223950
>>1223928Thank you
nonnie. He sure knew how to make a person feel special.
No. 1224359
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i fucking love chihuahuas. i've met so many really sweet friendly ones, and they're huge lickers (kissers!). it's such a shame they get such a bad reputation because they're often mistreated and because of their small size they can become anxious and volatile as a defence mechanism from such environments. people just see them as toys and kick them about. they need to be treated like fucking dogs it's like people forget they're descended from wolves (can't really blame them they're sooo small but also get over it). the other day a random
chihuahua ran out of his house as i walked past his front yard and came up to me licking my hand. he was so cute i nearly cried.
No. 1224480
>>1219914If your dog is barking because she is anxious e-collar will make her life very unpleasant. It's better to look at what happens before she starts barking and prevent that.
How old your dog? What is her bedtime routine like? Where does she sleep? Have you trained her to settle down in her sleeping spot? Does she bark every night?
No. 1224759
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>>1224359Same, I am lobbying chihuahua or chihuahua mix rescue hard for my bf as second dog in "couple of years". It is going very well actually, small dogs are just so convenient!
No. 1224894
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>>1224759Anon I'm gonna fucking cry from this pic. Chis are so stupid looking sometimes and I am absolutely OBSESSED with them.
>>1224359I agree!! I'd really like to rescue one in the future. People who talk about them with such vitriol sound like they have a problem… they're just dogs… Even the worst ones will, what, bite your ankles? Chill out, they're just silly lil fellas.
I'm a huge fan of big dogs and it's upsetting when people say they aren't real dogs because of their size. Not everyone has a huge house with a fenced in backyard! Why would I get a malamute for my apartment when I can just get a chi? Small dogs like chis are the best because it gives people like me the best of both worlds - a dog, but at a manageable size to take care of.
No. 1224973
I love my chihuahua mix. She likes to sit on her back legs only with her front paws dangling in the air like a meerkat. She's a limitless source of energy at 10, she bounces around my living room like a pinball. My other dog is my baby though, even though he is tsundere towards me, he knows more tricks and is too smart for his own good.
>>1224894I've owned a St. Bernard, a golden, a terrier/lab mix and now only own small dogs and I find that "not a real dog thing" so mean even in jest. Also when men make jokes about "punting" them or eating them (my brother thinks this is hilarious). Like ok psychopath stay the fuck away then I never asked in the first place. How you could be mean towards them even in jest boggles my mind
No. 1224980
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>>1224894it bothers me to no end because even self proclaimed dog lovers will rag on chihuahuas. but at least it seems like people are waking up to the fact that they're one of the most mistreated dog breeds. i remember when they were en vogue in the early and mid 2000s because of britney and paris. so many "teacup" chihuahuas came on the market - obviously way too much interbreeding like with all dog breed trends (don't get me started on that shit). people just treat them like toys and they end up having no self confidence and that's why they can be so yappy and neurotic. it's so so important to in-still that confidence in them because they know they're tiny and vulnerable.
anyway i love these little mexican rat chasers. and i hope to rescue one too!
No. 1224988
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My dog ate her breakfast then promptly fell asleep on part of my yoga mat while I was setting up. Nothing beats morning yoga than having your dog nearby (I was careful not to wake her up!)
No. 1225026
>>1224772She's not allowed inside because of other people living with me. It's been like that for her whole life though, so she's used to it.
She's 8 and yeah, she has been trained to settle down in her spot. She doesn't bark because she's anxious or because she wants to get in, she just barks at stray cats passing in the backyard, birds and frogs. Her sleeping place is fenced (for safety because we had people who threw firecrackers at her) so I guess that's why she barks at things, because she can't reach or chase them around.
Luckily she doesn't bark every night, but when she does she goes on for hours.
No. 1228588
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>>1228583Forgot the tax
And yeah, I have a dog type. The third would actually be a bit smaller, slightly docked tail and black. But just so cute
No. 1228642
>>1228588That's a wonderful picture nona, I'm jealous kek. Looks like the perfect place for your pups. If your dogs are chill and the new dog doesn't have any
problematic behaviour, I'd go for it. Definitely try fostering first.
I'd also like to have another dog, but I'm still so insecure about not being able to properly care for it. I already have a dog (8 year old female Border Collie) and I think I'm doing a decent job, but I don't know if I'll be able to handle two. I don't even know if it'll be stressful for her.
No. 1235272
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No. 1235537
>>1235528Yes and yes but only a small one, of course, they have a nice temperment and don't need daily walking as long as there is space to run around at home.
However like all dogs they prefer to poop and pee outdoors, so you need easy access to green space nearby.
No. 1236006
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>>1235532>peekapooLMAO wtf
nonnie? You got poodle mix and call it that? Hope it wasn't from "breeder" oh my this is so funny. peekapoo
>>1235534>teacupanything teacup is inbred coming from puppymill
No. 1246290
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>>1236174 ! We took her to the vet so I could get the ok to give her melatonin but her sleep schedule seems to have returned to normal anyway! She's on a few medications now for other things, but I hope she is feeling a little more comfortable.
She was still sleeping when I left for work this morning so I hope she won't be too hungry throughout the day since she didn't get breakfast.
No. 1246610
my one and only dog was a staffy mix (we think X jack russel bc she was short and that was the vets best guess). She opened me up to the world of doggos after i inherited a fear of them from my mum. She was so loving, needy, silly, goofy, and i miss her a lot. my favourite memories with her were napping with her on the couch and wiping off her paws after she'd been in the garden (she really loved it, i liked to pretend she was in a high end spa getting her feet rubbed kek). Oh and how she'd fart, wait, then slink to the other couch all guilty and innocent after we exclaimed how bad the smell was.
My mum gave her away whilst I was in hospital for a while, with a horrible picture of her and "free to a good home" post i only found out about after she'd kept up a lie as to how she was doing for months. I really miss her despite several years going past, heartbroken that i never got to say goodbye. All i hope is that she's still kicking, being treated like the lil princess she is by people that love her.
No. 1246913
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>loved dogs all my life, sponsored rescue dogs before i got my own as a teenager
>always felt weirdly upset and hurt when i saw a rescue dog who was said to need a home without children even though i respected the dog's needs
>still feel like this when i see dogs with a no children requirement as an adult in my mid 20s
Does anyone else get this weird feeling? Or is this a BPD thing?
No. 1247340
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I love it when you come home and your dog's tail is wagging so much that their entire butt wiggles. I'm sad my little old lady doesn't do it anymore, but when I think back on her puppy days it brings me so much joy.
No. 1247453
>>1246913stuff like that makes me happy to see that they are considering the dog's wellbeing when putting them up for adoption.
idk about bpd but you're definitely projecting way too much. those dogs will be happier in childless homes, there's no need to be sad for them.
No. 1251657
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Hurt my finger in my dogs teeth when I had to fish chiken bone out, I HATE litterers. (Working on "leave it" but she is quite the scavenger)
But I'll do everything to protect my little girl.
No. 1267508
I wanna brag about my puppy dog. He is my first dog(have had dogs in my family and I have dog sat many times), a husky mixed with some other northern breeds and he is honestly a dream. I knew huskies weren't recomended as a starter dog and I was fully prepared for it being challenging but he is honestly one of the easiest dogs I've met. He is 8 months now and while he has his moments, he is a secure, sweet, friendly pup to animals, people, kids and even bugs. Yes bugs, he wants to play with them and lies down next to them to get on their level(sadly he crushes them but I don't tell him that shhh). Only negative about him is that he doesn't want to sleep in my bed, its too hot for him. But he jumps up every morning for a snuggle in my arms.
My beautiful sweet boy, he had made me into one of those cringe dog mommies. I sperg about him constantly, posts lots of pics of him and I am completely unashamed. He is so handsome I have to brag about him.
No. 1268748
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No. 1271635
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>>1267508Huskies are so majestic!! Congrats, anon. He sounds lovely, I want to adopt one someday. I hear they're high energy, but it honestly seems worth it honestly
No. 1271768
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No. 1275285
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I have an 8 year old border collie and she's the sweetest dog I've ever known. She had her first operation a few months ago because of an issue in her ear and I'm still so surprised by how calm she was when I went back to the vet to get her stitches off. She just stayed still and looked at me while they removed the stitches from inside her ear. No sedation, no biting, almost no movement, just a few cries. I get so sad sometimes because she seems sad. I feel like I can't give her everything she needs. I'm so sorry that I could never take her to cool places or trips. I'm not able to afford the best food for her. She's done so much for me (I took her when I was in a very difficult moment in my life) and I can't believe she's already 8. She has such kind and sweet eyes sometimes. Picrel is not her but she has a similar vibe.
No. 1276556
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>>1275285>I feel like I can't give her everything she needs. I'm so sorry that I could never take her to cool places or trips. I'm not able to afford the best food for her.Nona, I feel this so much. I feel like a failure of a dog owner sometimes. We got my dog when I was really young and the internet isn't what it is today, so my only resources were two books my dad got me… and as an 8 year old it's already one thing to read and comprehend books waaay beyond my comprehension level, and then another thing to put whatever those books say into practice! I feel so guilty thinking that I wasn't able to give her the best life, the most exciting life, with lots of fun outings and giving her fun things like puzzles to challenge and stimulate her brain. I feel like as an adult I'm trying to make up for 17 years of lost time, but she is old, fragile, and blind now.
I post about it here sometimes on various threads, and other kind nonas always tell me that dogs live in the moment. I try to remember that. Even if I can think "this is so much better, I wish I could have given her this instead of that", dogs don't know or think that! They think whatever you give them is the best thing in the world. Dogs are stupidly loving and loyal to a fault. Everything you and I do is enough for them. I want to believe that it is. We will never always be able to afford the best or do the most compared to others, but as long as we love our dogs and try our best, isn't that what matters?
I don't want another dog after my current dog passes for a lot reasons, but there is a part of me that is scared of the guilt I'll feel. I know I'll get a dog again eventually, and I'll want to enroll them in classes, buy lots of puzzle toys, go out on trips together, buy the best food that I can. But there is also a part of me that thinks that my dog, up in heaven, might look down on me and think "why didn't you do all of that for me?" It's so dumb but I'm scared of giving my future dog a better life, because I feel like it will just amplify all the guilt and feelings of failure with my current dog.
Sorry for the rambling kek. Anyway, I'm sure your pup knows that you're doing everything you can for her. She sounds like the sweetest girl. Give her a kiss for me ♥
No. 1277248
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I love how dachshunds and dobermans have little eyebrows. Dachshunds especially seem so sweet to me, but I've heard that their little legs give them health problems so I probably wouldn't get one.
No. 1277459
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>>1277248I love dog eyebrows. Husky and shiba have them too.
No. 1277586
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>>1277248Natural ears are majestic. Shame about their heart issues in breed.
No. 1277600
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i like some dog breeds but my heart forever goes to mutts. specifically medium to large dogs with brown and/or black fur, longer snouts and dorito ears. you can find them anywhere and they look the best despite not coming from long lineages of professional breeding.
No. 1277602
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>>1277600samefag. i'd take this over literally any breed
No. 1277607
>>1277600I notice there are a few distinct "breeds" of strays in my city. There's the small short-haired yellow dogs, the medium short-haired black dogs, and the big fluffy multicolored dogs.
I remember being surprised at the size of Russian stray dogs when I visited. They're huge with really thick fur. I guess everything is indeed bigger in Russia. Except squirrels, their squirrels are much smaller.
No. 1278004
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>>1277459I forgot that shibas have them! How precious
No. 1278008
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>>1278004All dogs with tricolor coat have them too! I just want to boop their eyebrows.
No. 1278043
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>>1278008Rotties too!!! Ughhh I loooove them they are so so so so cute
No. 1278048
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>>1278043And this is one of the related images. I can't not post this one too. Look at this lil fella!
No. 1278414
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>>1278043I've always thought that Rottweilers were very aggressive, but your post made me google their origins and apparently they're actually herd, guard, and rescue dogs! I just assumed they were for fighting and things like that.
No. 1278479
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I had a rough collie (male) when I was a kid. A guy in the neighborhood was leaving the country and couldn't take his new dog, so he gave him to me. I loved him so much. And he was very protective of me, he would walk with me everywhere. I lived walking distance from school so he would walk me there in the morning and come to the entrance to walk me back every afternoon (in the 90s our area was pretty safe). He never hurt anyone unless you didn't heed his warning barks to stay away from his family. Sometimes I would be a dumb kid and forget to feed him or something but he never seemed to mind because he knew I'd make up for it later. I didn't know they were so smart as a breed, I just thought my dog was the best in the world.
I had him for about 5 years and one day we went to visit family and couldn't take him. When we got home he was gone. I looked for many days and never found him.
My parents didn't tell me until I was older that he'd actually been poisoned by someone next door. Before then I thought I made him leave by being a bad owner. They thought I wouldn't take his death well so they just told me he ran away, which was actually worse.
I have a cat now but I still miss my first pet sometimes and wonder what life events he would've been there for if he hadn't died so soon. RIP Brutus.
No. 1278588
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Posting my baby. My dad and I adopted her as a puppy and she's been with me throughout a lot of bullshit ever since he passed. She's such a sweet girl and I love her more than anything.
No. 1279072
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My dog rarely ever slept in my room until the last few months or so. I thought maybe it was because she's blind and not very mobile now and just wants to stay in my room where she knows food and water is so she won't have to fumble for so long trying to get back here. But no, I really think she genuinely wants to be near me for once. People talk about how affectionate and loving their dogs are, and I'm jealous because my dog has never been that type. She's never been a cuddler or anything. She would rub excitedly on us when we came home for a minute, then decide she had enough. I think I was her least favorite out of everyone in the family since my parents took care of her a lot more when I was younger, and I've only really stepped up taking care of her since I came back after college.
I've been having to wake up in the middle of the night to her crying because she's pissed herself and uncomfortable, so I get up and rinse her off in the tub. I'll pat her as dry as I can with a towel and leave her to finish drying on a mat outside the bathroom, where she sleeps sometimes anyway. Some days I'll come out in the morning and find her asleep on there, but the past two mornings I've found her right in the middle of my doorway which is just about 2 feet away from the bathroom mat. I didn't think anything of it yesterday, but this morning I realized it's probably as far as she can shuffle over to in order to sleep near my room since she can't make it all the way in. It makes me cry because I've always joked about how she's never really loved me (and to some extent, have also believed), but realizing this and thinking back on other little gestures, I do think she loves me as much as I love her. I really hope she knows that I love her with all my heart.
No. 1279564
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I really want a big dog for my next dog! Ideally I'd get a german shephard or a rottweiler, but I'm nervous about raising those breeds because of aggression so maybe I'll get a lab… Big dogs mean bigger poops and more cost, but I'd really love to have a big dog. I have a small dog now, so having a big dog is having everything I love about a dog… but bigger!! What's not to love?
I think a lab would be good. Smart, but friendly.
No. 1290789
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Anons I'm going to cry. I follow a bunch of Peke instagrams because I have one and I adore them so much. My peke is old, she's on her last legs, and I know fully well our days are limited. I have zero intention of getting another dog after her. I know I want a dog in the future, but it won't be anytime soon or even the next 5 years if I can help it. I am afraid I wouldn't be able to dedicate the time and finances necessary to do right by this future dog.
But one of the instagrams I follow posted a senior peke that he is fostering, and her face just melts my heart. I want to cry looking at her. I want to bring her home. I think my dog might just not even care that she's there, and she supposedly doesn't care for other dogs either (the foster owns his own peke). I know I can't do it. My parents want another dog and if I show this dog to them they will try to bring her home, but I just can't.
I want to cry. For the time I have left with my current dog, and the hole in my life that I'll have to face in the future without her. I really want to have another dog nonas, I really do. I can't imagine life without one. There are so many factors and I just don't think things would be able to work out. I plan to move out eventually, and my best friend is allergic to dogs. My parents barely take care of our current dog, so I don't feel right leaving a dog with them. The adoption agency says she doesn't need much, and is very easy going, but I am just so hesitant nonas. I want another dog so bad but I can't bring myself to do it.
No. 1290824
>>1278479>My parents didn't tell me until I was older that he'd actually been poisoned by someone next door.Jfc how can someone even think of doing this. Why the fuck would you want to poison another person's pet, especially if it's intelligent and well-behaved. People are evil.
I'm so sorry for you anon. It happened to me too when I was a child, but with cats. Saw the neighbour carry away cages and who knows where he threw away my dear cats. Same fucker also "joked" about burying my current dog.
No. 1298615
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No. 1302714
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>>1298559Same, they're so adorable. Old dogs are the best, I'd love to adopt one someday when I can care for a dog
No. 1302790
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>>936145bump, keep scrolling nonnies, the moid's back
No. 1303142
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Hate scrotes
Love dogs
Simple as
No. 1317426
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Happy international dog day nonnies! Give your dogs a smooch on the head for me ♥
No. 1317428
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No. 1317429
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No. 1317430
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No. 1317431
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No. 1317434
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No. 1317448
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Dogs are so cute. Whenever I see one I need to smile at them and show them I love them.
No. 1317455
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>>1317441I hold my dog's face like this a lot and it's the best
No. 1317458
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No. 1317472
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No. 1317887
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I have a siberian husky who looms like this one. Her name is Moon Moon and she absolutely fits her name.
No. 1323642
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I have to mix water into my dog's food because she doesn't get enough water during the day, but once she spilled everything over herself so now I sit on the floor with her while she eats and hold her bowl with my feet and I'll usually have my own dinner or a snack to eat. I call it our nightly dinner date.
No. 1325198
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My rottie looks like the dog on the left of picrel and tbh he's such a great dog idgaf that he isn't a breed standard rott. Sometimes I the 'standards' are really fucking ugly or detrimental to the dog's quality of life anyway.
>mfw I rescued my dog and even got a kennel to go with it for under $100
People always comment on how healthy and smart he is, only faggots have noted he isn't a pure german rottie.
No. 1327911
>>1327900Thank you!! Ahh!! I haven't picked out a name yet but I'm hoping for something coffee or tea related for her, or honestly I just love food names cause I think they're cute. If anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them!
She's a red shiba inu!
No. 1327964
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>>1325954What kind pooch? I imagined a poodle reading this
No. 1328044
>>1327911Cuuute!! I heard shibas can be a bit difficult, but my dog is also a 'stubborn' breed and despite the "difficulties" I think they are really funny. So much personality! I like to talk to my dog when she gets mouthy with me kek.
As for names, the first that came into my head for tea related was hojicha lol. It's a roasted green tea! When you brew a cup, it's a bit of an amber color, so it would maybe match her coat color. Or maybe something unrelated to her coat color but still cute anyway, like mocha or macchiato.
Food names are so fun! I dream of the day I get a pair of dogs, hopefully a fittingly cream coat one and black coat one, so I can name them udon and soba kek. Or I'd love to name a dog something completely stupid like "corn".
vidrel, the samoyed's name is wooyoo (korean for milk) and the pom's name is mocha! So cute.
No. 1328078
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>>1328044Yeah! I heard they're a pretty aloof and independent breed so I shouldn't expect a ton of cuddles which is fine! I have a smaller breed dog who's extremely chill I'm hoping she'll help teach the pup to be a calm dog too.
"Arguing" with your dog is so cute!! I love that!!
Hojicha is adorable, just Cha as a name is nice as well! I did have Macchiato as a potential name, Macchi would be a nice nickname.
My smaller dogs name is Butter and I was thinking Toast would be fitting for the new pup too kek.
I hope you get your noodle puppies
nonnie!! I love MochaMilk thank you for the cute!
No. 1328766
>>1328078Nona… toast and butter would be so fucking cute…!!!!! I'm just crying thinking of it! Imagine you're at the vet and they call out "Toast? And butter?" KEK. I love it!!! Macchi is suuch a cute nickname too! I started calling my dog bobby, but her name is nothing close kek. It came from me call her a boob when she would annoy me, then bob (from like, "pls show me bobs and vagene kek), now bobby. It also sounds like baby/buppy, which I call her too kek.
"Arguing" with your dog is the so fun. Mine usually goes something like
>BORK>No, you can't have another treat>BORK BORK>You ate so much! You're going to throw up>grr grr BORK>Honey, you have to listen to me>BORK>No! I said no! Stop being rude!>BORK BORK>Look if you throw up I'm not going to clean it up. YOU have to clean it up!etc etc. It's like a fun past time kek. I also throw in some "you need to get a job"s in there too sometimes.
No. 1334956
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What's the best small dog breed, in your opinion? I want a pomeranian some day but my friend has a rat terrier mix that is really smart and easy to train. I also like chihuahuas and bichon frise/poodle type dogs. Basically they are all cute, but I like to hear about people's experiences
No. 1337962
File: 1663081542652.gif (3.3 MB, 480x270, puppy-walking.gif)

A few years ago, I thought about how I would miss the sound of my dog's footsteps, tiptapping around the apartment. I still remember one morning when she was much younger, when I used to wake up at 5am for my retail job, and I was in the kitchen preparing my lunch. She was a light sleeper and I had to be very quiet because I knew she would ask for food and to be walked, but I just didn't have the time and plus it was still dark out. I remember standing in my kitchen completely still as I heard her little feet coming closer, praying she would stop and turn around back to the bedroom. She didn't kek. She came right into the kitchen and looked up at me expectantly. I laugh thinking she probably stopped by the bathroom too before coming to the kitchen, because I had left the light on there.
I'm the one old dog fag from above, and I just can't stop reminiscing about her younger years. I will occasionally hear a soft taptaptap noise, but it's just one of my ceiling decorations hitting my wall. It makes me sad to know that it isn't my dog. I miss waking up in the morning and pretending to be asleep as I heard her come into my room for a drink of water, and then leaving to find a new sleeping spot. Every morning I wake up, and she is still here with me, but she can't walk anymore. I miss the sound of her footsteps so much. I miss the sounds of her rambunctious youth, of her neverending demands for food, walkies, and attention.
She is my old, sweet gal. I do everything for her. She is my whole world. The silence just feels like another cruel reminder of our time together coming to an end.
No. 1337987
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>>1337965I could and I eventually plan to, but it wouldn't be for a very long time. I live with my parents and they're slowly turning it into a hoarder house so I don't feel like it's an appropriate home for another dog (much less a puppy, but I plan on adopting an older dog). It's not an option when I move out either, because I plan to live with my best friend who's allergic to dogs and cats. She entertained the idea of us getting a dog because she knows how much I love them and having one, and has suggested certain breeds, but I know there's no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog and I think it would be shitty to make her take antihistamines every day for something I want.
We might get a bird together, and I'm sure I'd love the bird very much, but I feel such a special bond with dogs. It sucks because I can't imagine life without one, but I can't envision a feasible future for myself with one.
No. 1353093
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My dog gets regular baths now and she doesn't like it, but yesterday night I got her in the tub after just waking her up from her nap. She floated in the little washtub and kept accidentally dunking her face under the water, so I held her head in my hand so she could rest in the water. It was a nice warm temperature and she really seemed to enjoy the warmth and the pressure being taken off her joints as she floated in the water. As soon as I took her out to lather her, she immediately laid down and tried to go back to sleep kek. She has to sit in the shampoo for 10 minutes so I set a timer and put my hand under her head for her to rest on (was worried she would try licking the shampoo on the tub floor) and we were doing SO well but when we had 3 minutes left, she must have finally really "woken up" and immediately started crying like she always does kek. She quieted down with some head rubs though, and enjoyed being in the tub again as I rinsed her off.
Now she is super soft and clean and fluffy.
>>1346279I wish you could keep your lil guy nonna. I'm so happy he has someone like you to take care of him and love him, but I'm so sad at the idea that such happy moments in his life are fleeting. I hope one day you will get to have him forever.
No. 1368385
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Bumpngi to get CP off the first page
No. 1368491
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>>1368385It is still/again there
No. 1368747
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Posting to knock spam off the front page. Fuck mentally ill scrotes.
No. 1371252
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i want one so bad nonnies
No. 1372218
>>1372170Like an actual trainer.. Understanding their perspective too, but being stern and authorative when she needs to be. I've never seen her around truly traumatised shelter or street dogs though, so I can't speak for that.
Never added a third dog, but a my new nigel's sister asked me to look after hers. I know shelter dogs. I know scared and timid dogs. This girl is something else. I suppose if someone meets my own girl for the first few times as a male. So I would've wished for a trial night with my two monsters and all, just also to know she can't get out my fence, will come inside, eat, drink and won't be a wreck. My older male dog does like her, but also goes leader on her. My girl isn't sure. Now it's next week, kek. Into the fire we fucking go. Nigel doesn't understand my stress and my eye twitches.
No. 1373892
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I used to dislike chihuahuas but my grandma's one is the real MVP
No. 1374011
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>>1373892I love chihuahuas so much. They're so fucking stupid and goofy. I want one so bad.
No. 1379612
File: 1666193461154.gif (2.84 MB, 498x490, maguro and tororo.gif)

The owner of these cute lil dudes announced on instagram that the left one, Maguro, passed away recently. I'm so sad.
No. 1382859
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I went out with my dog and saw a chowchow wandering alone, either lost or abandoned, I felt bad for it and thought about trying to bring it home with me but I can't afford another dog and my parents would kill me. There are actually a lot of strays where I live but I thought with such an expensive breed, it wouldn't take long to find it's owner or find a new owner. The last couple of days I saw another dog, this one a mutt but with an unique look, wearing a collar, I thought maybe it's owner just let the door open to walk itself, but today I saw it playing with the group of strays that hangs around here, so it was also abandoned or lost. There are so many homeless dogs here, I feel bad for them.
No. 1382937
>>1382859don't feel bad about not taking it in your circumstances doesn't allow it.
I sympathize with you about feeling bad for stray or abandoned dogs. There are not any stray dogs where I live luckily but I get so sad whenever I see them when I travel to other countries. There are programs that let's you adopt stray dogs from other countries but since these dogs are usually traumatised they don't let you adopt unless you are really experienced with handling dogs
No. 1384634
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>>1384621I kinda feel bad how liked chowchows are. They are not just fluffy big teddybears.
It kinda makes me scared seeing small owners walking big dogs. I love my dog but she is small and will lose to any other dog. I just want to keep her safe.
No. 1386321
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What secrets does he hold…
No. 1387506
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i like long bois
No. 1387619
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Jenna Marbles' dog, Mr. Marbles, had a "cardiac event" last week Friday and Julien posted an update video. The lil dude is okay but look at how white the fur on his head is now!! Sweet lil bobby… I'm gonna cry.
No. 1387945
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>>1387511Oh no! We have lot of cats roaming around, I don't think they are strays but its so dangerous for the cat too to let out alone to eat trash (people litter like mad in city) and cars go by so fast.
I hope your poodle buddy recovers fast!
>>1387619Damn I love chihuahuas.
No. 1388190
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>>1387871I believe he's 14 now! Julien said he has to be given medication every 8 hours… basically for the rest of his life (lil man is getting viagra, for hypertension kek). Jenna and Julien love their dogs so much I don't doubt they'll do everything for Marbles and their other dogs but I know I'm gonna also bawl my eyes out when the lil dude is gone.
No. 1396514
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I think I should get mesh muzzle to stop foraging, it has gotten riddicculously hard to enforce "leave it" in the part of the city we moved to. I HATE litterers. I'm done digging kebab and chiken bones from her throat. I have to protect her better.
Is mesh muzzle best for this?
No. 1396598
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I love seeing pictures or videos of cute dogs online, because I'll usually be scrolling in bed and it reminds me that I literally have the cutest puppy waiting for me downstairs. He is a Boston terrier and despite being a teen, his build and face makes many think he's still a little pup. He has the cutest quirks and such an adorable squishy face. When he rests his head on the couch's armrest to look into the kitchen, his cheeks squish together and it's too adorable. I'd love to post him but I don't want to dox myself. He is incredibly cuddly too, so you'll often find yourself holding him like a baby if he trusts you. And he's so cute when he plays with his toys. He thinks he's a tough warrior killing his prey, and goes all in. I totally support the idea that he is a tough and strong warrior! But I also can't help but giggle at how silly he looks when he shakes the toy so vigorously. He looks almost like a meme, it's just too endearing. I love his warm and squishy little body. It's so cute and looks like a little sausage sometimes. Combined with his fur, it sometimes reminds me of a seal. It's an unfortunate truth, yet many Boston terriers look (and are) a little bit retarded. I feel very lucky with ours, since he has a beautiful profile and protruding nose, as opposed to a flat one. He isn't cross-eyed and simply looks like such a model! Yes, I am proud of him… He has been through a lot, yet he came out so gorgeous and strong. He always knows how to brighten my day. Whenever I am sad, he can tell immediately. He runs up to me and forces me to hug him. If I'm sitting on the ground, he will find a way to push me over, get on top of me and lick my tears. I can never not giggle from this, or simple appreciate his love and warmth. He deserves so much better than what he receives from a dysfunctional owner and her depressed daughter (me). I feel happiest whenever I do manage to go out to the park with and train him. He deserves so much more training and play. I'll try my hardest for you, my prince. I love you! No matter what anybody says, you're my best friend.
No. 1397811
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>>1396746Basket muzzles scare me since my dogs nose is thin and bit bent. I have heard baskets are heavy, and I am bit scared it might be too heavy. Especially if it doesn't have the overhead stap.
No. 1400978
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No. 1401601
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I miss my dog, but I find comfort in the thought that we loved each other very much.
No. 1403959
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No. 1409059
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How are dobies simultaneously so cute, badass and silly. I really want one one day as a guard dog.
No. 1409071
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>>1409059ikr? my goal is to one day own a couple. I'll train them perfectly then we'll all go on walks together, and no weird men will bother me because I'm accompanied by my badass dobermen.
No. 1409148
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>>1409071Aah same! I know they're very physically demanding and need a lot of stimulation (something I'm not ready for at this exact moment) but I feel like they would be such amazing companions. They're the best, like a perfect mix of sweet and protective.
No. 1409814
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I wish shibas weren't so damn expensive, i'll probably never have enough money to get one. I miss my old childhood shob she was the most zen dog ever, just sitting around and looking wise. I still remember excatly how her fur felt on my hand 5 years after her death. Chunky neck fur, soft short ear fur, spikey tail fur….
No. 1421070
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We had to put down our family dog yesterday. He was 14 and had been with us since I was a teenager. It's sad but it was the right time; his quality of life had deteriorated and was only going to decline further. His last day was spent being fed treats and slowly driven around the park he could no longer go for long walks in. He was with his favourite people right up until his last moments of consciousness
No. 1421339
>>1421070I'm sorry nona. We have a pet loss thread here
>>>/ot/1364964 with a few resources in the OP if you'd like to check them out.
I lost my dog recently as well. It sucks, but I was told "It’s a long journey but one that changes us into better people." I feel that things will get better, even if it's hard in the beginning. You did what was right and gave him the best life ever, right down to his very last moments! I'm sure he was grateful to you and your family, and misses you all as much as you miss him. Something else I also read is "Grief is the process of shifting our relationship with our loved ones from a place anchored in the physical world to one of memory and spirit, always remembering that death does not end the relationship or the love." I hope these tibits will help you in your grieving process like they have done for me.
It is hard, but thank you for taking care of him all these years. I hope we will both be reunited with our loves one day. Be well nonna ♥
No. 1432968
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No. 1432978
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No. 1432986
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No. 1433715
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I think bulldog puppies are the cutest. Look at those wrinkles and rolls!
No. 1433716
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>>1433715This puppy literally looks like a little plush toy.
No. 1433720
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I also really like Belgian Malinois'
No. 1433723
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Went with my parents to one of their friends house and they had a dog who jumped onto my lap and laid there. My dog would have NEVER. I'm so jealous of people with affectionate dogs.
No. 1433808
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a derpy pom pom came into my store yesterday
I love people who bring their dogs shopping with them
No. 1443762
>>1435898she was sooooo cute
Thing I love about Christmas season is more people bringing their dogs into the store for some reason
No. 1449376
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I love rottweilers so much because they're like little bears. Show me the difference between these two photos. You can't.
No. 1449434
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>>1449376rottweilers and pitbulls are so rustic and agressive looking they wish they could be a movie star like a golden or a sigma cold badboy wattpad like a husky. keep coping with those outdated dot eyebrows (pov: you writing this post)
No. 1449524
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I have a huge soft spot for chihuahuas, they’re so incredibly cute
No. 1449563
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>>1449524Ahhhhh long haired chihuahuas are so cute
No. 1450130
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>>1449524*repost because im esl i want a chihuahua so bad but i don't think my cat would like the idea of sharing her space with a weird fluffier creature than her that never meows back and there's a no dog policy in my apartment complex rip
No. 1450245
>>1450225I'm half joking. I don't think literally everyone there is unhinged, but there are unhinged people there who try to pass their hate for people and people who have dogs as plain concern about safety, but sometimes it seems more like roundabout sadism. And I don't want to make a post there that they might see as a cue to post their insanity, cause then I'll get upset, infighting and get banned.
>>1450231It's already here in ot somewhere and yeah its depressing. Lots of dogs who can barely walk and an anon posted a gecko who had a weird spine because of poor breeding by uneducated idiots.
No. 1450250
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>>1450116Same, I have the dog/cat hate threads hidden because I find them depressing. I get that there are reasons why people hate certain animals (and those threads often discuss issues with the owners more than the pets themselves) but I still don't like when people making hating an animal a point of pride or a personality trait, it makes me sad. I think I'm too sensitive though kek
No. 1450261
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I love how Cotons look. My dog looks like a taller version of this and I find his expression so sweet and cute.
No. 1450262
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>>1450250I'm right there with you, anon. I love all animals, makes me sad to see the hate
No. 1450801
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No. 1450809
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so cute, here’s this silly little guy his ass is NOT reading
No. 1450833
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>>1450274>>1450809get this shit outta here
No. 1450838
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Shrine dogs reporting in
No. 1450943
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So excited anons, mum and I are adopting a dog soon!
We both really want a Scottie but honestly I love all breeds. But something about these little dudes cracks me up in a cute way
No. 1452877
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I saw a man walking his dog yesterday, and he was sort of walking ahead and stopping every once in a while to tug (gently) on the dog's leash because the dog was walking really slow and sniffing everything. It reminded me of my dog. Even when she was a young pup, she was a sniffer. Loooooooved to sniff everything and our walks would always be long as hell because she wanted to sniff everything. I couldn't blame the guy for wanting his dog to hurry up, I used to do the same thing, especially in the winter when it's cold as fuck outside.
But now that she's gone, I'd do anything to take her out on a walk again. I would bundle her up in her fancy looking coat and bundle myself up so we could stay outside for as long as she wanted, sniffing every inch of our block. I miss her nonnies.
No. 1453079
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I don't think I could ever own one, but I wish I could meet and play with a great dane. My friends and I all have small or mid sized dogs, but big dogs are really great too. An extra large bundle of joy!
No. 1453133
>>1452877I'm so sorry for your loss
nonnie, it's so true that many of their quirks that annoyed us when they were here are some of the things we miss the most when they're gone. I know I miss my late dog's shed undercoat rolling like tumbleweed all over the house during spring.
My dog is a sniffer too, I'll be thinking of your girl when we go on our extra long walk tonight.
No. 1453148
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>>1453079This is me with Irish wolfhounds, a friend of mine used to have one and she was enormous but extremely gentle and sweet.
No. 1454448
>>936145My dog died two days ago unexpectedly. I came home from the dps and he couldn't walk.
I don't know what to do. I loved him so much. He made me laugh every day for 11 years. How can he be gone? I don't know what to do.
I feel like I can't even talk about it. Like I'll bring people down around the holidays. But my world is crashing and burning, and what? Should I just grin and bear it? I don't want to. I want my dog back.
No. 1454466
>>1454448My heart goes out to you nonna. My dog passed away last month, and I am still grieving. It does get a little bit better, but I know the beginning sucks. It’s awful. You bring home a funny lil furry fella one day and they become your whole world and then suddenly they are gone and we are expected to continue living without them. You are allowed to cry nona, cry as much as you want! I think of my dog pretty much every day, and I so desperately wish we could be together again. When you think things are okay, you find new things to cry about, and that’s ok.
Our pets only get to be with us for such a small amount of time but they leave such a lasting impact. We have a pet loss thread here, with a few resources in the OP. I hope you might check them out, reading through some of them did help me a little bit. Tell us more about your dog! If you’re comfortable, I’d love to see a photo of him too.
One of the most powerful things I read is that grieving is the process of shifting our relationship with our pets from one rooted in the physical world to one rooted in memory and spirit. I hope you will find peace one day, but take all the time you need for yourself. It’s especially rough since it’s the holidays, but if no one will lend you an ear irl, please feel free to reach out here! It’s a tough time, and you deserve support, and I will try to be here for you until this site burns down. Sending you so much love nona ♥
No. 1454539
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>>1454450Thank you. His love really was unconditional. Animals are so wonderful, in that way especially.
>>1454452I'm so sorry you're grieving, too. Sending so much love your way.
I put together some photos and started journaling memories. I'm so scared I'll forget things without him here to remind me.
>>1454466I'm so sorry for your loss, nonna. It really is so impossibly hard. Sending love, hugs and well wishes. I will look into that thread, thanks for letting me know. And thank you for sharing what you read, I really really hate thinking of him as gone.
Whenever I cried, he would try to make me laugh. He'd come stand by me wagging his tail and if that failed to get my attention, start rolling around on the floor, groaning and burying his face in his paws. The second I laughed, he'd spring up, excited, wagging his tail like crazy, all pleased with himself.
He was so smart. I liked to call him disobediently obedient. He would do what he was told, but if he didn't like it, you'd get a piece of his mind via huffing, groaning or barking. If there was a loophole he'd take it.
He was so funny. He knew when people were being sarcastic. He'd tense up, and look at you with his head turned, giving you the side eye, like he was amused but insulted. My mom always said she'd never met a dog with a sense of humor before Milo.
I attached my favorite photo of him as well. Thank you so much for the love and support, nonnas. Really means a lot.
No. 1454659
>>1454545Thank you! He really was.
>>1454589I loved his eyebrows, and his beard, too. Milo was actually a wire haired dashchund retriever mix. He came out looking almost just like a wire hair only double the size. He was really just one of a kind.
>>1454640I'm so sorry, I always struggled thinking about that too. I wish dogs could live as long as we do, they certainly deserve it.
Milo actually had back leg arthritis as well. He was diagnosed around 8, but we kept it pretty well in check. It was not at all related to his death. We managed it by keeping his weight in control and exercise (stronger muscles can make things easier on the joints). I also made his food when I could afford to, and made sure he had a healthy diet. You can look into joint supplements as well.
Best of luck to you and your baby! You clearly love her very much, and I'm sure she knows it, too.
No. 1455510
>>1454640Hi nona, I’m the
nonnie from above who lost my dog just last month. I did post her in the pet loss thread as well, but the tl;dr is my dog was no longer mobile for the last 5ish months of her life. It is ultimately up to you. Many believe that a dog can no longer have a good quality of life once they can no longer walk. I struggled a lot with the decision as well, but my dog was the family dog so it could not be my decision alone. I did want to put my dog to sleep, but ultimately she passed away in her sleep. She could no longer walk, barely sit up on her own, and was 100% dependent on me. She was able to move around just a bit by shuffling about but it was not an easy thing. For months I changed her diaper regularly, brought her juice (she no longer wanted plain water), bathed her every other day to keep her clean and comfortable (she still got urine scald), and was with her as much as I possibly could. She was also blind too. It took a lot of work and I will admit sometimes I did get tired of it, but I am glad I did everything I could until her last day. We did bring her to the vet for his opinion, and I brought up her lack of mobility as a major factor in my decision but my vet said he did not think she should be put down because she was alert and eating well. In hindsight, I do think he was wrong.
No. 1455511
>>1454640You will ultimately know your dog best, and I know you will make the decision that is right for you and your dog. While I regret not putting my dog to sleep earlier, I can’t say I regret having that extra time with her. I know I made her as comfortable as I could. We do everything we can for our pets, and we never mean any harm or malice. I wish you two will have many, many more years together. ♥ The heavy burden of grief we feel is the price of having loved so much.
(sorry had to split my post because it was “too long” wtf)
No. 1455523
>>1454539I got stuck mobile posting for a bit and it was too troubling to reply but I am here now and thank you for sharing your bud!! He sounds like such a funny little character! He looks like such a dignified gentleman. I hope we will be reunited with our beloved pets one day. In the meantime, I have tried to move forward while trying to be the person my dog thought I was, the best version of myself, to honor her memory and all the lessons she taught me in loving unconditionally. I like to think that a piece of her rests in my heart, so when I feel full of love and joy, I am still able to share that with her.
I hope our dogs have found each other in doggy heaven, and are playing happily while they wait for us. Take care of yourself nonna. ♥
No. 1460240
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Corded poodles are so cute. Like little mops.
No. 1468281
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No. 1484600
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She sure is one fluffy gal, saw one like her today
No. 1484730
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No. 1484742
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No. 1484747
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No. 1485027
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I love lesser known shepherd dogs. This is a Mudi.
No. 1490899
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This is Bobi, he's from Portugal, he's a good boy and he's the oldest dog ever. He's 30! I love him.
No. 1491530
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I like this thread.
No. 1501739
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great pyrenees puppies are so cute, they look like baby polar bears
No. 1502561
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I love my dog so much but I would REALLY appreciate it if she stopped putting herself in near-death situations
No. 1506246
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I can't stop saying rottweiler in a super obnoxious German accent. RWVOTTVEILAH!
>>1485027I literally thought this was a bear!
No. 1506266
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>>1501743These cute babies looks like fat labradors, so I had to look up what the adults look like. Which is also like fat labradors. Awesome.
No. 1506309
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I love schnauzers, I wish I had the money to have a bunch of them, in all sizes. And I honestly love their barks and howls, they're super cute, their cute beards and silly faces, and it's adorable how they show their tiny front teeth when they stretch while looking at you.
No. 1506804
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I have a black shiba (not this one, she’s an Instagram celebrity lol) and she is the light of my fucking life.
Shibas get a lot of bad press for their attitude but my girl is the sweetest thing ever. Not the most obedient but so affectionate and loving.
No. 1507113
>>1506804I swear people who say they're bad won't do a thing to work on poor behaviors and or have no patience.
Even if they're stubborn every shiba I've ever met (I even fostered one) has been a wonderful dog.
No. 1513929
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I was crying and my husky jumped into my bed and licked my face until I couldn't breathe. He hates seeing me upset and tries his best to cheer me up, its a bit too much sometimes but he does succeed in making me stop crying.
No. 1514606
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Remember this masterpiece?
No. 1514616
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>>1514606No, but only because I never had a Wii, but i do remember that brand! I had a collectible photo album of The Dog! I'm sure that album played a huge role in my loving dogs so much as a kid. Think I still have it somewhere. What was the game like? I'm checking it out now and it looks so adorable! And there were tiny plushies, they are too cute.
No. 1521682
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>>1514616hehe ntayrt, but I had an activity book, I think, and those toys, too! Lost it all while I was younger. Not sure what happened but I did move around a lot. Last year I found those McDonald's ones at a thrift store all packaged! I only took one though. I got a basset hound.
No. 1522165
>>1522000Kinda blogposting here but pitbulls are actually illegal to own (along with a few other breeds) in my country because they are deemed too violent/strong/aggressive/etc. If you do own any illegal breed it can be put down by the police. And the only way to ever obtain any of these breeds here are trough shady breeders who don't care about the dogs health so people who go out of their way to obtain any illegal breed are selfish on so many levels.
I don't have a solution to your question. I think what you are saying about not breeding aggressive dogs sounds like a good idea. I'm mostly a "there is no bad dog only bad owners" type of person but we also need to acknowledge that some dog breeds where breed with the purpose of being aggressive and have low intelligence and should not live in a normal household
No. 1522213
>>1522000They're on a restricted list where I am. Applies a few rules to owning them and walking them. We basically hand out small fines if you don't meet those conditions. It hasn't been much of a solution.
Tbh I think the UK got it right when they just banned the breed instead of the soft approach my country took. We have similar issues here to the issues that led up to england banning them. Heavly associated with criminals, treated like weapons or a product rather than a pet. Worst people breeding them, worst buyers, they're worth 3 grand a pop when they're puppies and years later they end up in shelters or get put down for either being aggressive or not being rehomeable. I'm more annoyed by scummy people farming them out than I'd be at the thought of just banning them and putting an end to the culture of farming them out without a care for what follows.
No. 1522920
>>1522165>>1522213You guys are so lucky to live in countries like that, I don’t think we have any sort of legislation in place because it seems like the most popular dog in burgerland is pitbulls. Again I’m a hypocrite because my own dog is 40% pitbull but strangers’ pitbulls scare me because people who adopt pitbulls are usually narcissistic as fuck, always trying to prove how “sweet” their dog is at the expense of everyone else. Side note but are pitbulls the dog version virtue signaling (similar to parents of trans kids)?
My own dog is not visibly pitbull looking (seriously could not tell until we did that dog DNA test) but regardless I keep her on a tight leash and choke collar because I know she is poorly behaved due to my dad being lazy with leash training. If she was well mannered I might be more lenient. The most she’s done is jump up to try to give kisses and get pets from strangers but I’m not taking any chances. I don’t let strangers interact with her because I’m too scared of something happening knowing how she doesn’t listen well to commands if she was to get out of hand. Especially with children because she might knock them over, she likes to push up against people to give hugs. So many dog owners are irresponsible as fuck, I seriously do not recommend going to dog parks because there is always some asshole on their phone with an aggressive dog.
No. 1523005
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>>1522959two things
dog genetic testing is very low quality state at present. it is nowhere near as advanced as human testing and human testing is constantly evolving with the more people that use DNA testing.
and just because a dog is 40% of one breed, doesn't mean there has to be strong visual cues to a breed. genes are spread out, and not all genes are spread down, so the external appearance of and of can come more strongly from the genes of one parent or grandparent than another. i knew a dog that was basset hound (one parent was basset) and the other was a collie mixture of some sort. she herself didn't have obvious visual cues of having bassett hound genes let along a parent that was one. pic related, is her.
No. 1523022
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>>1523005Anon she is cute but I can’t believe you couldn’t tell she was part pittie, she’s got the characteristic buttcrack head and trailer trash squinty pitbull eyes. She also has a big wide pittie maw. I’d have clocked her as at least 1/3 or more pittie, and I would likely keep my distance if I saw you and her while I was out walking my girl.
(dog LOVE thread) No. 1523070
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>>1523005I like her color. It's like a honey-ish Beyonce blonde.
No. 1523074
>>1523022That's not my dog, but we got my dog when she was a puppy and her face was super narrow. Now that she's older her face is wider and her eyes are far apart like a pitbull. I actually think pitbulls mutts have sweet eyes, not like these squinty ones here
>>1523022 but the more rounded wideset eyes that
>>1523005 has.
>>1523005That dog is super cute anon, she reminds me a bit of my own dog in terms of size and the eyes.
>>1522959My dog is a total mutt and looks more like a medium sized GSD with floppy ears. When she was born her head shape was like a lab or GSD, very narrow. She grew up to have a wider head and wide-set eyes and be medium sized so now she looks a little pit but she's clearly mixed. She sheds like a mf because of some Great Pyrenees genes. She was spayed very young btw. I wouldn't breed any pitbulls but seeing my own dog behave exactly like a dumb sweet lab makes me think that diluting the pitbull breeds with labrador retriever traits is probably the best case scenario if one was to try crossbreeding.
No. 1523320
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I love my goofy pit mix, he’s an angel to me and my family but is protective of us. He’s well trained so I just tell him “off” when he’s worried/protecting me and we’re good to go.
No. 1524407
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>>1523320>protective of uswhat does that mean? is he resource guarding you? how old is he?
No. 1525064
>>1523364He’s 6! My boyfriend trained him to walk nicely when he was a puppy, but we’ve also taught him plenty of things recently. He used to hate having his paws touched and now he’ll let me hold his paw when we cuddle, he even knows “shake.” I don’t think it’s ever too late to train a dog, you just have to find a technique that works and stick to it. I tried to follow this intense dog trainer’s method and he said NO DOGS ON THE BED! YOURE THE BOSS AND YOU CANT SLEEP WITH THE BOSS!! Like lol. That lasted all of five days. To be fair, he is a pit mix so they original question “what to do about pit bulls” doesn’t really get answered here. I think it should be illegal to breed them, but it’s because the shelters are so full and most people are afraid of them so those shelter dogs just die. Why breed dogs that are going to be abandoned and then killed? It’s inhumane.
>>1524407He’s 6, and I guess you could call it resource guarding. I’m not sure if he picks up that I’m anxious and it makes him more likely to snap, but basically what happens is when we’re walking, if we meet another dog he sometimes will smell their ears and wag his tail and then move on, but sometimes he smells their ears and his tail stops wagging and he snaps at them. He doesn’t bite, but he makes this warning noise and bites the air, idk if he picks up that I’m anxious or he picks up a bad vibe off the other dog. I don’t let him meet other dogs on the leash because I just don’t want to flip that coin and be The Asshole with a Pit. We also babysat a very energetic young (2) dog and I was trying to get him to sit with me and snuggle a bit, my pit was VERY concerned, like he gave him that warning snap, and then he hovered while I got to young dog to sit on my lap. I told my pit “off” and he would walk away, and then turn around to come hover on the other side. I told him “off” like 2 more times of him trying to hover, I think he was worried, or maybe he was jealous. Anyway, this is way too long but yeah. That’s my dog. I was scared when my boyfriend and I moved in together but now he’s basically my dog.
No. 1539727
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Getting really tired of people who seem to have no grasp of what a small dog is, everyone is getting so used to runts that I'm just waiting for normal adult lhasa apsos to be called medium sized.
No. 1551939
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No. 1559869
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No. 1559924
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No. 1561550
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I had weirdest experience in vets couple days ago. People just let their dogs approach mine in vet waiting room? My dog is here for diarrhea… I don't know why your dog is here/ if its friendly. My dog is scared please don't let your dogs corner her its annoying to be constantly pushing myself in between dogs since the owners didn't get the hint? Anyway, I hope their dogs won't get her diarrhea(no sarcasm)! And I hope my princess feels better soon.
No. 1578946
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No. 1578959
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i want a new dog but i'm not ready so i admire from afar
No. 1578970
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No. 1578977
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No. 1602739
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No. 1634970
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I used to be scared of dogs and now I love big and "scary" looking dogs. And they're not even scary once you get to know the breed. Dobies, rottweilers, cane corsos, great danes and malinois are my favorite.
No. 1634971
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>>1634970Samefag, Cane corsos look so grumpy and over it. They have cat faces.
No. 1634989
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Just speculating here. If a woman is a lone car/van traveler what breed of dog would be the most efficient but scary enough for potentional rapists and burglars? except german shepherd, no hate but i dont like their smell and they are too big to feed.
No. 1635012
>>1635007Only if you get a rescue. Turns out that in the few review papers on the topic, with data from shelters on breeds euthanized for aggression, that pits are no more likely to be aggressive than other breeds. Small breeds like chihuahuas ARE, but due to size the severity of injuries when they do occur is less. As for the potential for damage, any dog with a large skull will have higher bite force, which includes german shepherds, rottweilers, etc.
any dog that's been abused is bad news though, which sucks because it's not their fault but I would never trust any dog if I wasn't sure of their history
No. 1635017
>>1635014I mean, I would personally put more faith in properly conducted studies ( than anecdote. Google "mauled to death by [insert breed]" and you'll find articles with similar stories for any dog capable of enough bite force. First thing on google was a two year old who had his face ripped off by the family shepherd that had been with the child since birth.
No. 1635026
>>1634989Get a smaller pet breed with a nice personality that has a large-sounding bark aka toy poodle
t. has a toy poodle who has been scaring off men for a decade (from a house, not a van though)
If you plan on being more visible you are better off with a german shepherd or another larger breed since the image will need to back up the bark
No. 1635034
>>1635029I'm gonna look at a couple of photographers/artists I follow who do van life and report back
-White German Shepherd (it actually doesn't look like a GS so good for that cuter look)
-Shiba Inu and they just got a German Shepherd
Smaller pet breeds have zero chance of defending you but also no chance of being mauled, as anons discussed above. But it seems like the above two breeds are happy as van life dogs.
No. 1635040
Thanks everyone for the resoponce i'll think about it all
>>1635034I had a shiba inu growing up so i really like them but i'm not sure i could train it to be a van dog, mine was an escape artist, she wasn't very loyal.
No. 1635627
>>1635034I guess it would be fine as long as the dog isn't the type to run around 24/7 and you let it out frequently. I hope that if OP gets a scary dog she at least trains it to defend and attack, otherwise there's not really much of a point.
>no chance of being mauled,What do you mean? Mauled by an attacker?
No. 1635982
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I saw a poodle today that had dreads/cords similar to picrel, she was so beautiful! Her dreads were very well maintained in a really cute cut, clearly a really well loved pooch and I wish she was miiine
No. 1636377
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>>1450943Random throwback but we ended up with a corgi puppy! She’s 6 months old now, incredibly sweet, adapted super well to training, toileting etc. Shes very social and friendly/calm around all dogs and humans.
Her only flaw: being smart enough to figure out that if she steals a sock I have to give the ‘drop’ command and reward her.
No. 1653315
>>1653292That’s adorable
nonnie. She loves you.
No. 1661335
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>>1514606i accidentally found the dog game (pocket dogs) for gba which i have been playing on my phone for the past couple of days. it made me remember this post. i love my little chihuahua puppy, i took her to see a rainbow and a sunset so far. you can choose from a variety of breeds, talk to your puppy, play, decorate your room, and of course, grow a collection of the dog pictures. it's so precious…
No. 1699807
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I love wawas…they look so retarded and sweet.
No. 1700558
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>>936145I found a rough collie breeder nearby that will let me visit. Almost about to get my first service dog after my family collie passed in an accident (also collie), so my heart is big
picrel because I want a sable if possible
No. 1823273
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>>1699807me too anon, especially sleepy chihuahuas! or when they stick out their little tongue. sometimes when I am stressed out at work I will go on pinterest and search cute chihuahua and i can feel my blood pressure instantly reduce
No. 1823393
>>1823346Isn’t it hilarious how dog haters are always the ones picking up slack for the neglected obese dogs of the dog lovers?
>>1823253Thanks nonna I guess I will try another word. I’m not sure what kinds of behaviors to train it to do inside I just want to be able to walk without being stepped on and have it leave the kitchen or room when I tell it go
No. 1823781
>>1823393you could try target training (very simple for beginners). teach the dog to target a old bath mat or something and place it where you want the dog to go. gradually make it more difficult, increase duration + distance. add a verbal cue that is not commonly used around the dog. use tasty tasty treats and eventually the dog will start running to the target location after the cue.
if i see my own dogs do something undesirable i teach them something to replace the behavior. the doorbell for example doesn't mean "omg hii bark bark" it means go to your target and stay there until told otherwise.
No. 1839436
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I love my dog nonnies!! He brings me so much joy and love everyday. He is also pretty much the reason I am alive and have a set schedule. I think he’s also the reason why I even both going outside, kek.
No. 1840146
I have a 10 year old (almost) border collie and she's always so sweet. She had a hard time during the holidays because of fireworks and firecrackers, she's terrified of them ever since she was a puppy when a group of teenage moids threw some at her through the fence. But she's good now. Her back legs are a bit weak but she used to fly over agility obstacles and she could run so fast that she made a furrow in the ground (I hope it never disappears). She knows about 35 words. Every morning I wake up and she wants to go on a walk and acts like it's her first. I love her.
>>1700558How are collies anon? I've always thought of getting either a border collie or a scotch collie as a friend to my current dog. Are they quiet or do they require a lot of excercise? Do they shed a lot? Are they generally healthy?
No. 1840719
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New unpopular opinions thread reminded me how much I love English bulldogs. They're so cute as babies, I feel bad that they're one of those dogs with short snouts. I remember I saw a girl with a cute English bulldog on some British cleaning show that I can't remember the name of many years ago and I became obsessed ever since.
No. 1840721
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>>1840719Samefag, not that it matters but now that I think about it, it was probably this show. The cleaning show was How Clean Is Your Home. I went through a phase where I like watching British TV shows on YouTube for some reason.
No. 1841413
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>>1841170thank you. she was beautiful!
No. 1879409
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Got my dog a coat because she's getting old and the season is pretty cold. She looks cute in it but she looks angry because she's not used to wearing coats kek. I hope I'm not stressing her out too much with it.
No. 1897677
>>1896571My dog also helps me when i'm going through a depressive episode, just seeing him wagging at me at the morning is enough for my mood to get a little bit better. I hope you get out of the
abusive situation you're in nonna.
No. 1898124
>>1897890It was so funny watching my female dog (mini dachshund mixed breed) occasionally try to "hump" my leg when my ex would hug me. No part of her lower body even touched my leg, it was this empty gesture.
She was found abandoned on the street before I adopted her, but I have this elaborate fiction in my head about how she was the only female puppy in her litter and how she learned some weird behaviors from her brothers. She was very possessive (not great) and feisty, with a demanding queen-like personality.
I lost her to dementia in the fall and I've been in devere depression ever since. She got injured in 2022 at a dogsitter's house and that injury seemed to result in supercharged progressive dementia. Tried every treatment and even stopped working (I stayed enrolled in my doctoral program) to care for her and take her to physiotherapy. It was hell, especially the final months. But I miss her so much.
No. 1899792
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My dog has to go and get a lump checked out on tuesday, I'm shitting my pants over it. We just finished recall training FINALLY and she can actually be let off leash now (she's the black and white one on a line), I hate that we just made such a fun progress and something bad might happen. It's very smooth and can be moved so hopefully she'll be ok, just wanted to vent to my nonners
No. 1900782
>>1898124So sorry anon, it sounds like you gave her the best life possible/loved her until the very end which is all she really needed above all.
Mini sausage dogs crack me up in a good way, accidentally stumbled across a ‘meetup’ of them in my local park the other day and couldn’t stop laughing. My corgi is low ish to the ground but these dudes were like a soup of little fuzzy worms.
No. 1900941
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Are there any nonnas with diabetic dogs who could recommend a glucose monitor? I’m trying to wade through reviews ugh. My dog is a husky, she’s 12 and a TOUGH girl. She has been through a lot health wise and amazes me every day by being so hardy and energetic even at her ancient age kek. She got the diabetes diagnosis this fall and is regulated pretty well now (it is brutal to have to give her 2 shots a day but it’s part of our routine now.) sorry just wanted to kind of vent for a sec bc having a dog w dogabeetus sucks kek. She is at a healthy weight again tho! She’d put on like ten lbs and now she’s looking good and moving well. I know her time on earth is not going to be too much longer, maximum a couple of years, but she almost died last year and the fact that she is doing so well is like a gift every day.
No. 1901360
>>1900782I love corgis too, nonna. They always look so happy and ready to do anything (esp since dachshunds need so much convincing kek). Seeing dachshunds together is adorable, I love it. Mine was really picky, she liked white fluffy dogs but seemed to hate her own kind (I'm exaggerating a bit, she liked a couple wire-haired dachshunds, but she would get so excited to see her white fluffy friends. Ah I miss her so much. She was divine.
I wasn't even set on getting a (mostly) sausage dog, but we bonded instantly at the shelter. I knew she had snapped at some people at the shelter (out of distrust/trauma probably) so I was ready to help her feel safe and loved. We made a lot of progress but she was always a queen. She was a long-haired mini mix (probably with Chihuahua and spaniel) so elegant and haughty and stubborn.
I always thought coats on dogs were silly until I had a dachshund. Then I understood kek. As a grad student, I didn't have a lot of money but I spent to have a custom coat made for her, and that was worth it, lasted our ~7 years together. Do corgis wear coats? how hard is it to find one that fits?
No. 1929875
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>>1899792WOOOOO no cancer!! Inflamed mammary duct but she got spayed and had a hernia closed at the same time as lump removal
No. 1945775
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An epitaph written for a dog in Ancient Rome. I'm going to cry…
No. 1946313
>>1929875I'm so happy to hear that! Your dog is beautiful btw.
>>1945707I like to think that it's mostly backlash against bully breeds and their braindead owners, except aimed at dogs in general because anyone who doesn't like them gets ripped apart online.
Calling out shitty dog owners is a great trend and should continue.
No. 1950790
>>1950555accidents happen, it's ok. I know how you feel but we have to remind ourselves that we're doing the best we can. Someday your dog will probably trip you or something and you wouldn't hold that against her!
My contribution:
I miss my dog so much. It's been a few months since her passing and I still cry every day. She was old and had dementia. It was right to finally let her pass after trying many different supplements and approved treatments. But my life has been a living hell since she left, too. It was backbreaking work the last 3-4 months with her - and still, somehow everything is drastically worse without her. When she finally calmed down and would sleep, she wouldn't take her eyes off of me. I told her so many stories and made up tales of her divine essence. I wanted her to hear my voice and feel my pets, feel loved. At the end neither of us were sleeping. I was so tired. I know she was too (pacing and distress at night - only xanax helped her). But I miss our naps. She still would play a bit. She still loved being outside. I just couldn't bear her suffering such anxiety & dementia all the time. She was almost 14yo. mini dachshund mix (long haired).
When I even consider adopting another dog in the future, I start getting so upset and sad. I loved finding out my dog's personality. Watching her look for a certain toy she wanted to play with (how did she decide? She must have actually had a thought before sticking her nose in the toybox. That's fascinating, that she had a certain desire to play with a certain toy). Training with her. Teaching her. Accommodating her remaining reactivity (adopted her when she was 6yo, so she had experiencd trauma). Bringing her to new places. She lived in three different countries with me.
I know it's so dumb, but I don't want to love anything more than her (in a way appropriate for a pet). I know I loved my childhood dog deeply, but it's different when you have a dog as an adult. And I'm afraid to ever have another dog because she* will be different from this divine creature I love so much.
*Both my childhood dog and my recently departed dog were female. I am so put off by some aspects of male dogs (the "red rocket" is one) that I don't really want one. I only see myself adopting female dogs in the future, if I do.
No. 1994131
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This art reminds me so much of my dog. Miss him so much.
No. 2046084
>>1994131i absolutely love this artist, her drawings are sooo cute
>>2045672i love hearing stories like this. stay safe nona
No. 2079341
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I'm always so glad to be with my dog. I wasn't allowed one growing up so he's my first. he's so sweet, full of love and goofy, he keeps me positive and makes me laugh even on painful days.
I sometimes think about where he would have ended up if I didn't adopt him, I'm so grateful we crossed paths back then and I took him back to my country.
also the smell of his paws is comforting, they smell faintly of corn chips lol. the rest of his fur is so warm and fluffy and smells of his shampoo, like fresh cotton sheets and herbs.
No. 2085323
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My dream dog is a 100% pure bred golden retriever girl. My neighbour has two. A younger one and an older one and they’re the sweetest creatures ever. Perfect temperaments. I’m considering the same breeder because the old one is still incredibly healthy and fit despite her age. It’s going to cost me a whole lot of money though because it’s one of these show winning luxury designer breeders. But gosh I love these dogs so much, it would be worth every penny.
No. 2085511
I love when this thread gets bumped instead of the dog-hate thread filled with scrote-tier psychos
>>2079341I feel the same about my dogs. Pure balls of joy and love
No. 2091115
>>2085511Honestly, the Dog Hate Thread is very disturbing and moid-tier. I don't care if it makes me a bad person, but if these people ever need a dog to find their loved ones under rubble or if they are missing, I really hope they don't get one. If they or their loved ones ever go blind, if they are ever diabetic, if they ever have seizures, that they need to be warned about, I hope someone gives them a fucking cat. That's all, kek. Anyways, I appreciate well trained dogs so much.
No. 2091173
>>1945775This remonds me of a find from ancient gaul, archaeologists found a dog skeleton with no teeth, futher analysis showed the dog was elderly and lost its teath and it lived for a very long time after it lost its teeth which means for every meal its owner mushed up its food for it
It shows this ancient gaul loved their dog very much and now nearly 2000 years later that love can still, their names are lost to time but the love still shows
No. 2091219
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I love Samoyeds. I wish I lived in a colder climate just so I can have one.
No. 2091865
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No. 2092072
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No. 2092513
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Met a Merle corgi at work the other day, he's the cutest little bug (pic is not him but for reference)
No. 2092516
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I'm back on that old timey pet portrait shit, real nonnies will know what I mean
No. 2092517
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No. 2092520
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No. 2092917
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No. 2093104
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No. 2093331
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No. 2093347
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No. 2093348
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No. 2093374
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No. 2093387
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No. 2093705
Incredible how smart herding dogs are.
No. 2093725
>>2093711I'm obsessed with these videos too nona
No. 2093749
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No. 2093779
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I can't stand Jeffy Star but I would totally steal all his Pomeranians
No. 2094236
>>2093779I used to not be the biggest Pomeranian fan, but I ended up adopting one many years ago and they are genuinely so sweet and gentle, they remind me of big dogs in a small body.
No. 2094641
>>2094621All the Pom's I've met recently (I work at a pet store) have been pretty nice with the exception of one barker
>>2094615I like them too, the haters can fuck off to their containment thread kek. I learned my dog is part pit and I don't see it in her at all, I do see shepherd, she acts more like a husky (nonchalant, weird, schizo at times, doesn't gaf) even though she doesn't look like one at all despite her genus
No. 2094718
>>2094655>>2094615My dog is a rescue chihuahua mix that was fostered by someone who was also fostering a pitbull at the same time. The little guy would tease the fuck out of her (biting her elbows etc) because he loved being chased.
I never saw the pitbull get aggressive with him …she would just get fed up after a while and catch up to him, then start violently humping him while making obnoxiously loud groans that sounded like a dying whale. It was fucking hilarious.
I understand why people dislike pits though, most of them (at least where I live)have annoying as fuck white trash owners that don't spay/neuter their dogs and are trying desperately to look tough by owning one.
I think the main issue with them is that they seem to have been bred to be extremely anxious in the presence of unfamiliar dogs, but are very affectionate towards people (in my experience). Probably the case for most fighting dogs.
anyway sorry for sperging. just nice to see a level headed conversation about them on here for once.
No. 2094766
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No. 2094802
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I swear I have never seen a dog as cute as this guy, this account brings me so much joy. Just look at the size of him, absolute behemoth (for some reason it won’t let me embed, even though I was able to earlier) No. 2094814
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>>2094802There was a program at the library when I was a teenager where they'd bring in dogs to sit with kids while they read, and one of them was a saint bernard. I can't get over how huge, how fluffy and how sweet this dog was. He laid down on the floor and I got right down there with him and wrapped my arms around him in a big hug and I will never forget how good it felt to hold that sweet adorable giant.
No. 2094826
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>>2094814That’s so sweet and wholesome. I’m not a fan of small dogs but I lose my mind over the huge breeds, ever since I was little I’ve loved them, Saint Bernards and Newfies especially. They truly are gentle giants (which makes sense, given that they were bred as search and rescue dogs). I really love English Mastiffs too, great big slobberbeasts
No. 2095297
>>2093923If anything i dont trust any softboi who likes cats because they just do it for female attention tbh
>>2094274No fucking way… poor baby
No. 2095354
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>>2093923Their very "empathetic" twin flame:
No. 2095531
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Honestly, one of my favorite things about dogs is how happy they are to be there. I love it when they see another dog they have met before and they get really happy to see their friend again. Also, when they see a family member they haven't seen in a while, and get very excited. My old dog learned to recognize the sound of my brother's car engine, even though he'd rarely visit. I feel like if you have a dog, their happiness and excitement always ends up rubbing off on you.
No. 2095837
>>2094655AYRT (ban has expired kek) but yeah, this. My guy was my boyfriend’s but he’s taken more of a liking to me at this point. We cuddle on the couch all day and he loves to be under a blankie! I’m glad you were able to warm up, anon. My dad is a surgeon and warned me against pits all my life, so I was very nervous moving in with him.
>>2094718I also understand and although he is fixed, I still feel like shit when he gets nervous around other dogs. I end up leaving the situation and nobody has ever been bitten/hurt/attacked, but sometimes I’m taking him away and he’s alert or whiny and I’m like fuck, I know this is making that other person uncomfortable because it’s making me uncomfortable. He was raised by my bf’s mom who fosters puppies all the time so he is very good with dogs that are smaller than him, they have a lot of fun!
No. 2096633
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No. 2096848
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No. 2097338
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No. 2097370
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When Chihuahuas make this face
No. 2097432
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>>2096964NTA but always hated that scene
and the one in Brothers Grimm with the kitten ugh but I get equally upset about violence directed at any animal. I will say the dog hate thread does seem to attract some insane people tho and the nonna who compared it to monkey torture enjoyers and I are on the same wavelength. You can dislike dogs without wanting them killed and rejoicing when they die violently. Also here is a pic of my girl when she was much younger and put up with a lot more outfit related nonsense kek I just love her so much. And for the record she misses the cat we had to put down just as much as we do ♥
No. 2097754
>>2096848What a QT
>>2096945A rational take, not sure why this is offensive to some people.
No. 2097894
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Met a golden lab today! Cutest goodest boy
No. 2097995
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They look like big ass cornflakes.
No. 2098082
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No. 2098616
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No. 2101795
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We got a new candidate for office
No. 2102363
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No. 2102374
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No. 2102383
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>>2102380it may be ticking like picrel which is common in hound breeds or hound mixes
No. 2102538
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Dogs are fucking awesome. Sniffing out bombs, finding people in rubble after a disaster, seeing eye dogs etc. How could anyone overlook all of that?
No. 2102569
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No. 2102577
>>2102538Also we've specifically bred them for thousands of years to be our companions. There are human beings that kill, rape, steal, etc. and we don't say that all humans are bad. Dogs and cats
chose to be around humans: dogs wanted to help us hunt and share the kill, and cats wanted to eat the vermin that attacked our crops. That's animal mutualism.
No. 2102588
>>2102576NAYRT, dogs were very intentionally domesticated to act and look a certain way. Certain things like the coloration weren't bred into the breeds, they just happened alongside the other changes, look into domestication and coat colors if you're interested.
If you look up that retarded fox domestication experiment you'll have a better idea of how wolves were bred into dogs. Basically, individuals with the required characteristics were selectively bred until the undesirable characteristic was bred out. Because humans need dogs for a huge range of tasks, we ended up with a ton of dog breeds. The retarded inbreeding we see today wasn't really a thing back then because animals with deformities sadly didn't live long, so sausage dogs had longer legs and pugs could actually breathe.
Until recently the vast majority of dogs were working dogs. The temperament needed for them to do their job was bred into them just like their physical features.
No. 2103701
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No. 2103721
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No. 2104108
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>>2102576Like other anons said, yes, working dogs are bred to be skilled at certain tasks. my aunt bred her German Shorthaired Pointers a couple of times. Pointers (this is one of the breeds we refer to as bird dogs where I'm from) are pretty neat 'cause they naturally start to develop the whole "pointing" thing around 2 months. Pointing is a term which here means the dog quite literally points to the prey, thereby directing the hunter. Picrel is a German Shorthaired Pointer in the classic pointing stance.
Standard Poodles were bred to retrieve water fowl game, and the classic "Poodle cut" aided the dogs in not getting too weighed down while swimming.
There's a lot of different types of hunting dogs, it's a fun Wikipedia fieldtrip if you're bored.
No. 2104117
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I absolutely love red Labradors.
No. 2104528
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No. 2104548
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Thoughts on Jack Russells? My family has had two so far and they're extremely ADHD and always try to kill themselves, I see this too in vids people post of this breed. There was also a case where one fought a bear to death.
No. 2104590
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>>2102576Some people have documented working dog breeds' genealogy, sometimes up to the first progenitors. It's amazing to see how their behaviours have evolved (often they came naturally and then were accentuated by breeding) and how different dogs of the same breeds looked because they were bred for attitude and not looks. I once stumbled on this site ( because I have a Border Collie and I was curious about the breed origins. Apparently the first progenitor was a tricolor dog called Old Hemp born from mixed shepherd dogs who had this distinctive herding style (called "the eye", Kelpies have it too) which became the standard style for Border Collies, it's effective and requires little physical approach. Seeing them herd this way is really fadcinating and they can do it for literal hours. The website also has info on other major shepherd breeds, it's cool.
No. 2104692
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I hate the ‘girl dogs are mean’ trend on TikTok, I think it’s retarded. My girl dog is the sweetest thing and she loves everyone.
No. 2104739
>>2104692Meanwhile the only dogs I've seen trying to kill each other and random people are male dogs.
>>2104707>they're efficient pest controlOh yeah, most definitely. Even when we had a German Shepherd, a Blue Heeler and a Dachshund the only dog that would actually catch the rats was our 14yo Jack Russel. She was such a fucking menace and yeah, she hated kids and other people other than my uncle. My aunt's Jack Russel was properly socialized with children and dogs so she loves everyone but she's still so ADHD.
No. 2105384
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No. 2105391
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>>2104528I love this little goblin
No. 2111593
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No. 2115639
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kek my doctor included this in her notes
No. 2122329
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I miss having a dog. I am waiting until after my cat passes away to have one of my own but man… I should visit my parents and see their dogs soon. My dad’s dog is a little terrier my sister and I adopted as a surprise for him. She’s getting up in years and looks so so powdered sugary now. I love her. She lets me carry her around like a baby. My mom’s lab mix loves to play with the hose and it’s been hot so it’s perfect hose weather. She will be mad at me about it cuz the dog is wet but its fun.. We had a GBGV that passed about a year ago. I miss him. Have been looking into getting one myself one day. Very expensive and research out the butt. Our boy was a special case as we didn’t raise him from a pup and ended up with him on accident.
But also I can’t wait to visit my boyfriend and see his mom’s Pomeranian…. I want to steal her.
>>2093779 same. They are all so cute. He does take good care of them at least (from what I can tell)
No. 2129491
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No. 2150361
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I remember at Aldi this old man had a blonde fluffy wiener dog in his cart and she was the most precious lady ever. He was in front of me at the check out and she kept putting her paws against the cart to raise herself up to make sure he's in her FOV. I could barely pay attention to my own groceries. When we walked out and she was held in his arms I asked to pet her and she felt like silk. Beautiful baby…
No. 2150766
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No. 2151575
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Are poodles really easy to train? My neighbour has one and it always drags her around and never listens to her kek. I want one so bad
No. 2155440
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I want to pamper a cute dog like this
No. 2155444
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Cute cute cute I watch this video everyday
No. 2160177
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Good to have this thread back again. My family's adopting a puppy soon, and I'm excited.
No. 2161957
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My dream dog has always been a Doberman, I’ve always wanted a dog but my mom never liked animals. I hope that I’ll be able to get one when I’ll be older and living alone.
I would ideally get it if I live in a single house with a garden, I don’t think I would get one in an apartment unfortunately.
No. 2165571
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A bernese mountain dog I often saw during walks recently passed away. He always looked super groomed and clean, he didn't look ill or old but these kinds of dogs tend to have issues and short lifespans. What's particular is that during walks he always had a black and white cat following him and his owners off-leash. RIP Russel, I liked booping your big nose through the fence.
No. 2190429
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No. 2214363
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saw that others have posted their babies so i'm posting mine because i rescued a senior lhasa apso a week ago and he has honestly saved my life. the first two days were rough but he's become the biggest cuddler and loves going on walks and getting massages from my vibrating bed kek. he's also very nice to women and girls but barks at every moid which is based. he's crusty so he's going to the groomer tomorrow.
No. 2215229
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Look at this cute painting I saw today.
No. 2215294
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I think spaniels are the classiest looking dogs. borzois and silkens are overrated.
No. 2258934
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Look at this retard i love him
No. 2270962
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this is my dog piper. she loves going for walks, playing and stealing socks then forcing me to play tug of war to get the sock off her. shes only comfortable around women and avoids men (except for a select few) and she has separation anxiety ♥ she was much younger in this pic (she’s currently one and a half) this is my fave picture of her because you can really see how sassy she is
No. 2286651
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This is my dog Oscar. He is ugly asl I love him to death
No. 2357327
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I love it when my dog is dreaming and his feet wiggle and he huffs and chuffs in his sleep. Also I think it's a little funny when they snore.
The fact that animals dream is so awesome.
No. 2400883
>>2400792Aw im sorry about your Chihuahua
nonnie. One of my dogs best friends is a Chihuahua and he is a very sweet puppy and gets along so well with others. Same goes for Pomeranians, I have one evil one in my neighborhood but my puppy played with plenty very well socialized poms that are just very sweet and polite.
No. 2401414
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I love training dogs and I love how good the experience with them is when they're trained. It's so great when you can tell from their expression when they're actively thinking about what you're asking them, and it's so satistifying when you speak to them and they actually understand. It also saves them a lot of frustration, because with training you're basically teaching them your language and they can understand your intentions clearly. At times I feel like I'm having a conversation with my girl because I taught her words I often use and she gets them. Like if I say my dad's name she knows he's going to appear somewhere, if I tell her "Are you thirsty?" she goes to her bowl and drinks if she has to (VERY useful during the summer before walks), if I tell her "are you hungry" she knows she's about to eat, if I tell her to stay quiet she lays down. She understands when I go do my things, when I have to leave without her, when we go out together, when she has to go to sleep, when I have to brush her, when it's time to play. I know it's not much but I just think it's so cool when an animal understands words.
No. 2403819
>>2402432I love calling my dog a Big Fat Fuck.
Been calling her "whore" lately though because she tried putting out for my relative's dog. Nasty.
But if I ignore this she is an absolute angel. I like when Yorkies get to be too big? Like instead of the fragile 7lbs ones, it's ones that are larger in size without being necessarily overweight. They're stockier and love roughhousing. Mine is a huge fan of snow even!
Big big love her oh my goodness.
No. 2449981
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My dog is very close to dying and I've been crying on and off about it for two days. The vet says he's positive but she's been getting worse. I'm a friendless loser and my dog is like… one of the very few things that keep me going. I literally go outside just for her, otherwise I'd rot in my chair. I know that at 11 things can happen (although for her breed she's not super old), but it's so sudden, she was just running around two days ago and now she can't even stand. She'll be at the vet all day to get treatment and then if everything goes alright she'll come back home tonight, I'll be watching over her and then the same tomorrow if she's still alive. I've been taking her of her for 11 years and it breaks my heart that this is how she feels now, all because of bad luck really. I already wanted to kill myself because I had a shitty ass life, but god fucking damn it I just want to do it even more now. Picrel is her as a puppy, one or two days after I brought her home.
No. 2449987
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>>2449981Ah, I even drew her in the doddle board… this is fucking painful
No. 2462551
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Took my old baby to the vet and got a clean health record. They absolutely raped my wallet beyond recognition (gotta change vets to get on a payment plan so I can fucking eat), but to know that I did a good job with her warms my heart. She's my first solo dog (non-family dog) and is like 14 years old. Her breed standards say they live only up to 12 years so I'm tickled pink.
She real grumpy tho. I might take to giving her full body massages or something to chill out that grump-meter kek
No. 2462607
>>936145I want to get a chocolate lab or German shepherd one day. Probably a lab since they are a beginner friendly dog owner dog.
Anyone want to share their experiences growing up with or raising these breeds?
No. 2462642
>>2462625Awww cutie patootie, I love playful dogs! I’ve actually had some experiences with these breeds (dog sat for a friend and relative), and the lab pulls on the leash and even using my body weight and muscles, she still chokes herself to pull! The German shepherd did the same thing too. I’m normal weight and them having the ability to pull 120lbs is crazy to me. I feel bad choking them so I let them run towards whatever it is they’re sniffing to and keep pace with them but I feel like that just exacerbates the pulling problem.
Even if the pulling problem sucks I had a lot of fun with them and want to adopt a cute baby lab or GSD from a shelter., just never had the opportunity actually raising them only dog sitting.
No. 2462767
>>2450088>>2450126>>2450249Anons!! Thank you for thinking of her. I didn't explain it in the post but she had pyometra (very bad uterus infection that female animals can get if they're not spayed) and she could not stand, on the day I wrote this I had to drag her out of her dog house/kennel because she would barely even lift her head. Usually you go to the vet and then they will arrange an emergency surgery, but because of a couple of issues in her blood tests she couldn't be spayed (she would have died during surgery, still unclear why her blood tests were bad since she had them done back in november and they were fine then) so they tried a (very pricy) medicine that would have boosted those values, but then the next day she continued to worsen despite the medication and then the vet decided to give her antibiotics that would have weakened her even more. Then in the span of like half a day her blood tests improved a lot all at once, just enough so she could get surgery. The vet was amazing and tried to do it as soon as possible and she woke up! It's been a week now and she's recovering, she seems to be doing good but I'm cautious of course. She walks, eats and jumps up my leg. She's not too happy about resting all the time but she'll have to endure it. She's been eating a lot of her favourite wet food. We'll see if there is a deeper issue with her because of her blood tests in a few days.
Please spay your female dogs anons. I knew this could happen and last summer I even considered bringing it up to the vet, but my father had always been opposed to that (because moid retardation) so it was out of the question. I should have insisted more but I've learned my lesson and sadly she had to suffer for a few days. I really hope it was just stress or bad luck and not some incurable thing that will continue to give her problems.