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No. 971837
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues, ect, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/935591 No. 971992
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i saw white noise and pink noise as a flagged word on that NSA key word list
>>971009 and i actually sleep with pink noise every night through my phone and notice sometimes the volume will slightly lower a minute or so if i talk or make any noise while it's on and i always thought it was just my imagination and now im wondering if im not crazy and its something more sinister like my phone lowering the volume so recording is easier as i suspected
maybe i need to get an actual white noise machine and stop relying on my phone
No. 972070
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Looks like the next US war will be in Ethiopia, Tigray specifically No. 972147
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>>972133The situation in Ethiopia is a separatist war with the Tigryans, I'm sure most black Americans would want to support the Ethiopian state even though they are committing most of the war crimes in Tigray
from what I've read the Tigrayans are hated on by many Ethopians and other Africans cause the Tigrayans have a racial superiority complex over other Africans
No. 972573
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Probably gonna get dragged for this but did anyone ever watch those "transvestigation" videos on yt about five or six years ago?
Many were simply autists who couldn't comprehend that some women can have masculine features and celebrity men tend to be "prettier". Most would compare dumb things like q-angles, hip width, broad shoulders, “masculine” features we have ourselves or know women who have.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because there was one guy who actually made some pretty interesting points? His theory was that wealthy people and their whole families worship one of the oldest existing religious figures Inanna/Ishtar and some things he brought up actually did seem possible.
He said celebrities, royals and billionaires are gender inverted and worship the ancient Mesopotamian troon goddess Inanna and they're obsessed with "balancing" the masculine/feminine in themselves and their children. They use symbology like the phoenix and that the freemason compass is actually a tool used for castration. Also that the wealthy have always had access to synthetic hormones because they all own horses.
A lot of the channel is still sperging about women's bodies but the way he explained it was really interesting and from what I can tell, the religion part is actually true and exists? It seems a lot of kings and leaders actually did fuck men dressed as women in these weird ceremonies before battle in the name of Inanna. A lot of it was about changing genders too.
I'm butchering it honestly, his yt name was MrE3000 or "transvestigations” and hasn't posted a new video in a few years. Everyone thinks it's retarded but I was pretty convinced by young Barbara Bush, Stephanie of Monaco and how much trooning is being pushed on all societies right now. I think it's probably the surgeries, drag makeup and severe dieting/exercise that hardens a lot of female celebrities though.
I've never seen people get as angry about a conspiracy theory as this one though and it's censored the most often too. I'm sure a lot of that is pandering to trans but it makes me think there's something to it.
No. 972617
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No. 972625
>>972147It’s weird because I thought the most hated people in Ethiopia were the Oromo, or at least that’s what the people working with my mom told us when we were living there. A cleaning lady even told us that she couldn’t go to work because the Oromo were massacring the neighborhood where she lives and that the screams of everyone were horrifying. Also, there was a time where the Oromo were allowed to enter the capital, Addis Ababa to celebrate an important day to them, and all of the soldiers and people were shook because they were viscerally afraid of the Oromo entering the capital.
It’s kind of weird seeing the Tigray being painted as the aggressive ones, then again, all of the stuff that I was told as a foreigner were basically rumors or news that could’ve been manipulated by the government or other people. So I honestly think that only a group of actual Ethiopians living in Ethiopia could be the real judges of what the hell is going on right now.
No. 972708
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>>972573They worship this tranny demon too, he’s the main reason for the troon agenda.
No. 972994
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Are machine elves real? These past few days I've only been able to go to sleep feeling safe when I wear my amethyst ring (I'm a pisces subhuman). I want to have lucid dreams but I was looking for a pic to post here before sleeping and I found this one and now I know I'm grabing my ring before going to bed.
No. 973015
>>972983Idk any guy black or white is docile for getting with these ran through attention whores.
But why do people still give a shit why they do at all? They're useless asf.
No. 973036
>>973025I'm putting in time to try to explain this so please read it anon
Even with high percentages of vaccinated people the virus can continue because some people may still get it after vaccination. The vaccine makes it much easier on their bodies and increases their ability to fight it, but they can still catch and pass it on, which is why people still need to wear masks. As the virus passes on it develops new strains which are resistant to the previous vaccines, which is why we need to update our vaccines regularly. People travelling from one country can bring an unfamiliar strain to another. Also, not all people can receive the vaccine or opt out and so those people will continue to be at risk, we should collectively protect them by wearing masks.
Covid is not eradicated, many countries did not commit enough to lockdown measures to control it, and now the world is globally fed up with lockdown and how much it cost so instead countries are just accepting it as the new normal like the flu. Some countries will continue to have lockdowns when infections rise whilst other countries will just let it rip through their population. There is no global shared strategy, which is a large part of the problem.
Kids received the vaccine less because they needed it less, but now we have the vaccine it makes sense to vaccinate them just in case. It's an extra layer of protection to stop them getting it or circulating it.
No. 973043
>>973039I don't know what anon you're talking about but that's not me and my post had nothing to do with Bill Gates
It might surprise you but not every post you disagree with is by the same user
No. 973063
>>973034He disposed of two criminals and seriously injured another. One of them was a convicted pedophile.
No. 973074
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>>973070Looks like they’re trippy characters made of drugs, this one is hot, 10/10 would let it fuck me.
No. 973082
>>973063>He disposed of two criminals and seriously injured anotherso? he should be imprisoned because he's a fucking remorseless murderer and a danger to society. literally a criminal himself.
>One of them was a convicted pedophileof which he was completely unaware
but by all means, continue to suck on his scrotum you pathetic pickme
No. 973129
>>973120thank you for replying to this anon i was too tired to even begin to say something valuable because i feel like we have gone through this so many damn times that i often think people are trolling at this point.
I agree with what you have said, though personally I havent had COVID yet (as far as I know) and I am unvaccinated too. Everyones lives have been negatively impacted due to this stupid shit virus including kids and I cannot imagine what it is like for them especially because kids grow up with social media nowadays. Stop the "mask yourself and vaccinate yourself to protect others" talk, it doesnt work that way and I am sure if everyone just lived normally while taking precautions like any other illness things would be less fucked up in terms of people's mental health, emotional health, and the state of the economy. I am so sick and tired of doctors and shitty politicians babysitting us all.
No. 973139
>>973132This is the worst take ever
By that logic, billionaires would invest in sexual health clinics, good sewage systems and other clinics so that the general public aren't riddled with everything bad
No. 973204
Also samefagging from
>>973201 but I gotta point out
>>973084Thank you for answering this, was banned for a short while and couldn't rebuttal. I agree with you. However, the bigger picture is something I wish the other anons would focus on. This was a case about our second Amendment right to DEFEND OURSELVES. If Kyle had been guilty, you know what that would have meant? Guns being taken away, and allowing "unarmed" men to beat you up. Not just you, but other women. Unarmed as in no visible weapons, but we all know how dangerous a man is, especially with his fists. To the anons who are pissed that Kyle was acquitted, answer me this: what would you do if you couldn't defend yourself against a man? Or several men? They could beat you up multiple times and have the right to sue you.
No. 973216
>>973204this already happens though and we already know that guns dont protect women. there are countless cases of women who were licensed to carry themselves yet still are being murdered and attacked with thier own weapon by scrotes. Also kyles case does nothing for me as a black women because there are TONS of black women and honestly women in general that are incarcerated right now for defending themselves from scrotes. so his case did nothing for women and everything for power hunger scrotes
>>973177im sorry but if you are willingly going somehwere where you think you'll have to defend yourself in such a way that you bring a fucking ar-15 with you THAT ISNT EVEN YOURS. im sorry but the intent was already there. he wanted to a reason to defend himself. Brandishing a big ass ar-15 as a random ass citizen is going to anger people because you are putting EVERYONE in danger trying to protect yourself. fuck him lol
No. 973237
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>>973204also please read this article from the 90s but i can only imagine just how much worse it is. the 2nd amendment does barely anything for women but lead to more of our deaths at the hands of scrotes unfortunately.
No. 973265
>>973237"Violence Policy Center received two grants from the Joyce Foundation as part of its “Gun Violence Prevention and Justice Reform,” project. The organization received $175,265 in 2018,[18] $200,000 in 2017, and $250,000 in 2015. [19] George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, the California Wellness Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and Craigslist Charitable Fund all made six-figure contributions to VPC."
>George Soros’s Open Society Foundations>George Soros’s Open Society Foundations>George Soros’s Open Society FoundationsFound this on Fuck off with that Soros-funded shit.
No. 973272
>>973269no its scrotes who over power the women and use it against them. no one is blaming women but you. all im saying is this case did nothing for women and everything for ugly fat scrotes with
trigger happy fingers and a god complex.
No. 973294
>>973274And you can go back to twitter and use "literally" incorrectly there. Way to ignore the fact that George Soros funds that organization.
>>973279You're an insult to women everywhere for thinking this.
No. 973526
>>973302Stay mad. I bet you're the kind of person who has no opinion on any major issue so your friends don't even bother; they know you've got nothing to contribute.
>>973308>served himI'm guessing you didn't even watch the trial, right?
No. 973603
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>>972573>>972806>>973423> obsessed with "balancing" the masculine/feminine in themselves> gender inverted and worship the ancient Mesopotamian troon goddess notInanna Cybele and her tranny son cult>whaat???????> Inanna was the main deity of Mesopotamians, the Queen of Heaven> no no n o no// misunderstanding of basic Semitic Mesopotamian mythology!! > only thing vaguely related to troonism is the eunuchWhy are we going all the way back to Mesopotamia? I thought this was a modern issue?
i confess that i dunno much about old religions and their importance to the matter No. 973613
>>973272Why are you sperging about muh feminism and banning guns in a fucking conspiracy thread? It’s like you and the rest of the bitches here want 1984-style martial law on the rest of us.
The fat fuck took out the trash so let’s leave it at that.
No. 973641
>>973626Oh you know, attacking people for “wrongthink”, taking away their defenses (right to bare arms) and the government is always right.
There’s also the divide and conquer aspect; separate everyone by gender, race and beliefs then pit them against each other as they’ll be too busy to fight against the real enemy we all face which is exactly what the enemy wants.
No. 973668
>>973641> government is always rightBut the people arguing against gun laws and the Kyle verdict are the would be the ones opposing the state
>taking away their defenses (right to bare arms)I don't think that was a thing in 1984, Orwell was british
>There’s also the divide and conquer aspectBut the people were stripped from their individuality, the party wouldn't point out such differences, even the other states had no real characteristics, they were just nebulous names
Also this
>>973661 No. 973720
>>973604No, I'm not a gun enthusiast. I'm a
victim of child abuse, went through therapy, worked out 95% of my issues and came to understand I have C-PTSD. Try and understand that not everyone comes from the same background. Having gone through what I did, I want to make sure I'm never vulnerable like that ever again. So I believe in protecting myself; the founding fathers knew that the people needed this, so they wrote the Second Amendment, which gives people the right to bear arms (and a regulated militia). These cannot be taken away from you. And yet for nearly a year, Kyle Rittenhouse was painted as an "active shooter" (despite not filling the official criteria for that) by the entire mainstream media. They kept pushing lie after lie (white supremacist, KKK member, etc.), hoping the population would be stupid enough to fall for that shit. Kyle was allowed to defend himself that night; if he hadn't, he'd have been murdered. Make no mistake; those people rioting would have murdered him. Rioters were destroying property, set nearly 40 fires (which is why the fire dept. needed so much help), harassing locals, etc. It was a massive shitshow. And Kenosha did not deserve it at all. It's also interesting to note that the 4 people he encountered that night ALL have/had criminal records. Gaige Grosskreutz wasn't even SUPPOSED to own a gun; he's a convicted criminal. He was also off his meds which made him irrational and violent that evening. Typical scrote behavior.
If you've only read about the trial, I suggest you watch it. Details can be omitted from written records, but the videos show everything.
No. 973793
>>973311This. This isn’t a win or a loss, just another day of men shooting each other and killing each other. There was never justice in this system anyway, so who the fuck cares. Nobody spergs this hard when it comes to women protecting themselves and the media sure doesn’t give a damn.
Can we talk more about what possible birth defects and problems we’ll see with trannies taking huge amounts of hormones and deciding to still birth children? More genetic defects like XXY and shit? Stillborns? A new type of fetal alcohol syndrome but due to a FTM taking huge amounts of T? I remember reading in my bio psych class that male “transgenderism” can be viewed in the brain because certain parts of the brain were smaller like a female’s brain. During pregnancy the fetus undergoes an “androgen wash” naturally and sometimes things go wrong which leads to tranny males if I remember right. I wonder if this just means we’ll see more trans males from these births
No. 974091
>>973721>>973254Here’s some tinfoil: obvious glowwie detected. I guess it was about time you guys started emerging on lolcow
Ladies, don’t ever let someone convince you you’re a
victim and can’t own a gun, guns are the ultimate equalizer. Guns would help any woman a lot more than poison. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 100 lb woman or a 300 lb make body builder, whoever’s holding the gun wins.
No. 974137
If you’re in a country that doesn’t allow guns … the men wouldn’t have the guns either…
What is your point anon??
Are you asking for actual advice about how to defend yourself or being snarky?
No. 974177
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>>974174are you being serious? i know CNN called those riots "protests" but anyone who doesnt buy into the fake blm stuff would be able to see right through it. that summer people were lighting shit up, killing innocent people, and looting in the name of "justice", what a joke
No. 974192
>>974177read my comment again, are they being violent NOW?
plus, everyone fucking knows about those fake social justice "protesters/rioters" and how they literally came from out of the towns/states in those originally peaceful protests and started causing shit/chaos. the fucking mayor of chicago had to have a speech about it cause the townsfolk kept calling them/it out. plus, c'mon nona, those "rioters/protesters" always targeted people's small buisnesses and low income housing. don't you remeber when people were finding these small mountains of bricks in their neighborhoods/shopping areas, but were nowhere near any construction zones/sites? that was ALL over twitter. c'mon nona, it was not organic in the slightest and they very blatent about it. lowkey why cnn tried to tone it down, they need some Actual people to get incited about shit - you can't throw a chair into a crowd to start a riot if there's no fucking crowd. they were paid opposition targeting protesters in general so we would be forced into overall compliency to a police state - that's what they want
No. 974204
>>974158>scrotes can still have illegal guns btwSo can women? By that logic. Why is this gendered again??
And try Bear Spray, it’s far more effective and shoots like 50 feet.
No. 974211
Bear spray vs 3 guns
No. 974394
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No. 974395
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>>972627KEK this anon was right
No. 974651
>>974543No. Not even China would be so dumb as to unleash a global pandemic, they simply did it out of sheer negligence. Anyone who knows mainland Chinese culture knows that they half-ass
everything because their collectivist culture under fascist rule enables it. It was definitely an accidental lab leak, proven by the fact that they did not allow WHO investigators in the country until they had made sure to scrub the whole lab squeaky clean and made all the scientists shut their mouths. Local authorities kept it under wraps to save face and tried to work it out without anyone noticing but the virus spread too fast during the Chinese New Year celebrations with people traveling all over the country and globe. It was all due to their greed and dumbass pride that got the whole world into this mess.
No. 974829
>>973079Anon seems broken, too.
>>974806This explains why Canada is such a piece of shit.
No. 974846
>>974842I don't think its anything that fully nefarious, like I don't believe the Chinese put all their behind tiktok making the west degenerate
Tiktok probably only serves as a tool for data mining and information stealing, probably nothing more then that
No. 974862
I just wanted to link you guys to this playlist with several videos, showing you that many got fake jabbed on live TV.
I just want to give a heads up that many of the video creators are a bit looney bevares hey, its bitchute. But the evidence speake for itself; are they faking jabs on live TV to manipulate people if it’s so safe?
No. 974863
speaks … autocorrect
No. 974867
>>974829kek Anon are you Canadian too? 100% correct.
>>974842I believe it, but also I think the West is already so degenerate that the Chinese just look at them and laugh at all the division and clear weakmindedness and know that they are winning/will surpass the West and become a superpower
No. 974869
>>974866On the videos or the playlist?
I’ll just link the videos, sec
No. 974944
>>974906Good video!
I find that the biggest problem is just making people look at things like these, their attention spans are usually fucked and/or they just dont give a shit sadly… And forget a week later… Its quite amazing really.
No. 974961
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Is this the future for American men?
No. 974992
>>974827I tried to file a grievance at my school but nothing has happened so far. Maybe I just didn’t do something correctly, or it could be on account of Thanksgiving break. I never contacted the news or anything though, I wasn’t sure how to go about doing it.
I’m not sure about the Swedish girls financial situation, but she is able to live here in America to study with her boyfriend and they live in LA. So I’m guessing that’s a decent amount of money they have but then again Sweden pays for college and things or so ive been told so I’m not so sure. she might just be very hyper sympathic to immigration
No. 975001
>>974054I just fail to understand liberals and leftists insistence for the defense of Islam, they can be anti-racist and still rightfully call out the worst religion on the planet(cause It is)
Leftists and various feminists just a couple decades ago were critiquing it, mocking it and those in power were actively suppressing it, so I ask what happened, why does the religion of the arab pedophile get so much sympathy
No. 975141
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More or less my view of Corona and the vaccine
No. 975309
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This is why no one trusts you Bill, the fact you even needed to spend over 300 million dollars just for your image No. 975359
>>975309Another rich man turns out to be a narcissistic piece of shit.
Sociopaths gonna sociopath and it's a known fact that the majority of rich people have these dark traits in order to cope with all the fake and evil shit they gotta do and all the poor people they gotta step on to get to the top.
People need to stop putting strangers they don't know on pedestals. Athletes, celebrities, etc. Pseudo social relationships made by influencers on the media and internet have got people thinking assholes who are so far removed from the average person are "relatable." It's gotta be a psy-op to keep the peasantry complacent, right?
No. 975386
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>>975366my EYES, format your rant next time.
No. 975479
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Seems like all the population division tactics are finally reaching their peak Nonnas. My own mother just threatened to rat me out if I buy a fake vaccination pass, since my country makes it mandatory for public transport and work in a few days (or else I'd have to buy expensive tests every day, which I'd have to be able to use public transport for lmao).
I'm honestly eagerly waiting for one schizo to loose it and shoot some responsible politicians.
No. 975521
>>975491I don't really care enough to find it but I do agree the average American millennial or zoomer is living a sad life that's oddly similar to the text post but not always exact.
Porn addiction, normalization of open relationships and kink, and praising people for bedding everything that walks has completely ruined relationships for most people causing most young people to feel inhumane and thus more robotic like they can work work work and have political opinions less, since when these people aren't working 80 hours a week and watching porn how can they ever protest against the living conditions they were brainwashed to be in?
I'm also all for depopulation as much as the next guy but encouraging younguns to be STD spending hoes who need to to gauge their eyeballs out to cum isn't the answer and just causes accidental pregnancies for kids who are born into families where mommy can't raise them because she has to support daddy and daddy wants to fap to porn all day
No. 975617
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>have a subreddit discussing medicine, studies, prescriptions, etc
>Spam it with unhinged beastiality
I honestly don't know how people think the pro vaxxers are the same ones at this point
No. 975624
>>975141Same here. I’ve notice that people are wearing masks even when vaccinated and still refusing to go see their aging depressed family members. People are going to regret the years they spent in fear when they lose their loved ones down the road.
>>975512My mom was paid an extra $500 dollars to be vaccinated compared to those who chose not to. She works at a call center but works from home like most of them. I don’t understand why people can’t see how wrong that is. It’s not just incentive, it’s cruel and almost like making people in shitty jobs fight each other for an extra bill to be paid.
>>975521Well said nona and I agree. I find the bugman/bugwoman type very interesting to observe. Slightly unrelated, but I think the internet is truly the reason why we have so many unprepared people in the world. My parents were latch key kids so they didn’t really have parents that taught them too much but they didn’t have the internet so they would figure out how to tinker with stuff and learn things on their own from a book in the basement, etc. every generations parents seem to be working longer and more grueling hours so there’s even less interaction now. this generation has the internet to basically “teach them” but they’re learning complete garbage social and political nonsense. Zoomers complain they don’t know how to do basic things but they never bother to learn. The internet CAN teach you how to do things but there’s like 15 different articles on how to change a light bulb and they all suggest different things your average 20 year old will just give up trying. We also live in a time wheee it’s more important for convenience than ever before. Why do anything yourself when a machine can do it or you can pay some poor sap to do it? Maybe I’m just boomer sperging but we’re really ass backwards as a culture. When the inevitable water wars and food shortage happens many people will probably die because they don’t know how basic things work
No. 975649
>>975624As much as I hate to say it I agree with the tradthots that kids need parents to be involved in their life and have at least one parent stay home most of the time to raise them. So many young adults are completely dysfunctional but at the same time I've met the stereotypes like so and half the time, usually for males, they claim that it's actually their family who encourages them to sleep around, cheat, have dysfunctional relationships, work work work and then impregnate and marry anyone who wants them when they turn 40. I feel lucky my parents were somewhat traditional and taught me how to maintain a healthy relationship and what to look for in men since it feels like young women are never taught how to pick men correctly especially since "bad boy" and "nerd" types are idealized by the media and those men tend to be
toxic cheaters
No. 975659
>>975141Same here, and I'm fully vaccinated + booster. This whole thing has been a clusterfuck on so many levels.
I do believe masks should be required in healthcare settings, and that private businesses should be able to require them if they wish.
I worked outdoors throughout the pandemic and now that I'm back in college I've seen how fucked up people on lockdown are mentally and physically. I think things have been extended to make this worse.
No. 975670
>>975649Nta and I understand where you're coming from but the problem isn't lack or excessive parenting, it's the lack of sense of community. You turned out alright because both of your parents were guiding you; while tradthots bet all their chips on SAH mothers, as if raising a child and taking care of a home is a one person job.
Regardless of both parents being a bit absent or one of them staying at home, their children are gonna become dysfunctional bugcreatures if they're not getting involved with their kin (extended family or friends of the family) and slowly being introduced to the material world around them (guided by their parents or extended family). Most millenials and zoomers got all fucked in the head because too many doors were opened at once, their personal perspectives of reality got distorted due to the internet and their parents didn't know how to deal with it. It caught them all by surprise. The elites took notice of it this phenomenon and exploited it, turning at least 3 generations into avid consumers and dopamine junkies.
This whole chaos is on purpose.
No. 975706
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I’ve always wondered what really happened with the power rangers cast that turned them into crazies, has-been and dying young? Maybe Hollyweird didn’t want them to get famous or did they refuse making “deals with the devil” so they crashed into the glass sealing?
One thing for sure is that Haim Saban - dude who’s company originally brought the super sentai series to America, donated to the Clinton foundation years prior. No. 975735
>>975690That's why I mentioned friends of the family. Nuclear family isn't the end all… or maybe it's just me being a latamfag with too many
tias who are only friends of my mom and they know me since I was a baby. kek
Anyways, a little human interaction beyond your immediate relatives in your formative years goes a long way to not become a bugcreature hooked on LCD screens.
>>975727I agree.
No. 975767
>>975735This and having kids later means the kid will have to see all their family members die at a young age, hustle culture is pretty
toxic for families and modern stressors have been driving people nuts leading to broken marriages so it's usually one single parent working their ass off to make sure their kids survives
No. 975770
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I'm convinced anyone who posts stuff like this doesn't understand how hospitals work. Here's why
>People with cancer get sick all the time and often get sent home unless they are very severe with their colds
>If she is referring to the ICU, hospitals will literally contact other hospitals to send a child with cancer too
>There are cancer units he could have gone to as well which are almost always very empty (and I've worked in mid city new York hospitals)
They only ever put people in the car if this is for an urgent care or ER, which in my experience is often packed at various times before COVID. Nothing to do with you not being able to force vaccines on people
>How would you not getting the vaccine make it a chance to yell at people who don't get the vaccine as well? That makes no sense, if you were scared of COVID you should have got the vaccine, if you got the vaccine then you probably wouldn't have gotten sick so why is it everyone else's fault you aren't responsible… Unless you're claiming that vaccines don't work
>She said it's someone else's cold but not COVID, which also makes no sense how COVID vaccines come into play
None of this makes sense
No. 975940
>>974802>>974827>pedophile moment in my sociology courseI actually think sociology is just full of pedophiles, like as a matter of course somehow
A sociology course I'm taking (almost done with) had this prof who was basically a Michel Foucalt stan. I didn't think much of it because everything he brought up was related to the course material. Then, in one lecture, he randomly spent an uncomfortably long amount of time defending Foucalt from "certain allegations" and saying "it's all just hearsay" repeatedly. These "allegations" had nothing to do with the course material, he was literally just rambling about how this man dindu nuffin. I had no clue what he was talking about, so I went to Google and found out that they're pedophilia allegations.
Additionally, I found out Foucalt literally endorsed the normalization of pedophilia in his professional career. There's no way the professor didn't know that, but still he defended him. I'm still not sure what to do, or whether this even warrants reporting, but it disgusts me. I checked the group chat for the class, and no one even seemed to notice or care (though I doubt they bothered looking it up). I have the whole lecture saved in video form, but apparently it's illegal to share without permission. Idk if I'm just overreacting still, but it felt so twisted. This prof felt so comfortable and confident caping for pedo shit, but would always "catch himself" in lectures and backpedal stuttering if he said anything even close to being "
No. 975948
>>975899The tweet is also implying that her kid with a cold is somehow most important than what she theories who is taking up the hospital.
Who's saying that it's only people with COVID? How does she not know it's car accident
victims, people who are about to have their leg amputated, people who are on their death bed for unrelated reason, vaccine injuries, etc? But of course she jumped to the conclusion that it was all evil anti vaxxers even though most of the population is vaccinated and and even much smaller percentage of the none-vaccinated even have COVID, and even smaller portion have COVID severe enough to be hospitalized. It's literally statistically impossible for the hospital to be filled with unvaxxed citizens with severe COVID in the section she is trying to put him in
No. 975952
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>>975947>>975949Advocating for pedophilia was woke at the time. It's very similar to what's happening with transgenderism. No. 975955
>>975947Nope, I had absolutely no problem taking in the academic content before I knew about any of this. I still don't because I want to do well on my assignments lol. What disturbed me is the prof randomly sperging out about pedophilia when it had nothing to do with the class itself. Why bring up allegations you're too ashamed to even name and go off on a tangent about how it's all fake? If we're supposed to take the good ideas and ignore the person who put them out, what is this dedication to defending the person, even when the writing is on the wall?
Sorry but I don't think it's much of a SJW smear tactic that the person who was an out-and-out pedophile who preached against the age of consent would fly to another country to do what he liked. A large amount of the "intellectual" and/or venerated scrotes in history were pedos, this is not news. In fact, western scrotes literally still do the same things today
No. 976202
>>976200hello fellow canadian! Every damn new station in Canada is the same. Propaganda 24/7, funded by liberals. Its sickening and I cannot watch it at all. In my house we have stopped watching (except my mom) and we play American news instead kek Love how they update everything about covid though still as if we are in teh beginning of COVID - "Vaccines for kids 5-11 being shipped on plane today!", "Vaccines for kids 5-11 touched down in Canada today!" "Vaccines for kids 5-11 can be booked today!"
Its just sick
No. 976285
>>976200Honey, I don't take the comment section of a global news video on YouTube as the majority of Canadian views. That's mostly people over 50 leaving comments and they will down vote and negatively comment on
literally every news video regardless of what it's about. There has been little to no disruption in my province, we had a few protests early on but haven't had any in months. Our cases are mad low in my province. Everything is moving along as it usually does.
No. 976309
>>976302bitch did you just eat your own tail?
>>976303>I never took preventative measures>I will never get itwith logic like this, no wonder you're so dumb
btw, you can catch hpv from rape fucking obviously
No. 976318
>>976310>hpv is a non-issueok I'm not even being asshole at this point, you need to get checked, that's literally what piece of shit men say before they give you hpv, they don't care because they don't get cancer from it like we do
Also I don't have it, because I'm not a giant baby so I wasn't scared to get a few shots
No. 976324
>>976316I know you think people with chronic illnesses are scum and we should just die quietly indoors where you don't have to look at us, but like, do you think maybe you could just get flu and and covid boosters 1-2 per year so I don't have to live like that, please?
It's horrible in here
No. 976384
>>976377Your anecdotal life means
nothing in the grand scheme of things. I get the flu shot every single year, so does my parents and my grandmother. Your life doesn't dictate the rest of the world!
No. 976393
>>976376>nooooo I can't take a step away from people>reeee inject yourself with new and heavily politicised meds for meThanks for proving my point I guess.
>>976385Nta but FFP2 mask help for sure, I used to get a cold 2-3 times a year and now haven't head one since late 2019.
No. 976425
>>976401samefag but i meant no* conservative source
>>976390okay social distance is fine but vaccination rates do not matter. vaccinated people spread and catch covid just the same as anyone else, i am sick of people saying stupid crap like "well because we are vaccinated and we care about OTHERS we are allowed to go out in hoards because we arent the ones getting people sick, its you unvaccinated people who are not allowed to enter restaurants or theatres!!!!" then the next day stupid Global news comes out with a story that says "RARE CASE of COVID breakout at a place where people are vaccinated! this is just a BREAKTHROUGH case" meanwhile its happened 1000 times and it will happen again because its not rare, its just normal kek the vaccine is not effective and people should be focused on preventative treatments (but they wont because they are cheap - example: ivermectin) and stop shaming people based on vaccination status
No. 976451
>>976442exactly kek The rate of cases here are supposedly "going up" again just in time for forced kid vaccines and boosters. big shocker!
>>976445best of luck to you
nonny! its been months now with covid passports here, no sign of "stopping the spread" still its just pure discrimination at this point with people being fired, unable to be hired, not able to go out and socialize in entertainment venues, etc. its just annoying
No. 976472
>>976469how old are you? here you have to be vaccinated to live on uni residence/attend classes too kek
>>976464mind telling us more about this super safe area?
No. 976927
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>>976803Having naturally high levels of testosterone due to excessive exercise is different than taking snake pills of testosterone AND estrogen/progesterone blockers with a laundry list of side effects. I could imagine it's even more unhealthy if they're impregnated by a man pumping himself up with estrogen and testosterone blockers. Babies get deformed on things like Spiro but do trans couples even bother stopping hormones to get pregnant? Wouldn't surprise me if they ignore all the possible effects and force a human to exist in this world with a ton of deformities for the sake of their selfishness just to "prove" themselves.
No. 976930
>>976927+Having low estrogen can cause fetal malnutrition and low progesterone can cause issues with the placenta
If a female athlete just has high testosterone as long as if she has a good level of progesterone and estrogen the baby will be fine, blocking essential hormones in pregnancy can cause lots of issues
No. 977181
>>976382There has been a lot of controversy around the gardasil vaccine, women were ignored when reporting side effects in the trial.
>please get your gardasil shot, it's not a bill gates co op, i swear. its your civic duty as someone with a vagina who im assuming wants to keep ithow are you still so naive? Did you even bother to research this? There has been so much written about it, the gardasil vaccine is not safe or effective
No. 977344
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This creepy ass dude on tiktok that went viral for an odd tiktok that I myself was laughing at, but now I feel sick. He has monitors in the back of what look like people being held in a basement of something… No. 977382
>>977344Jesus christ, I don’t know what’s a worse possibility, the videos being footage from some obscure live footage of kidnapping
victims, or the videos being live footage of actually kidnapping
victims that he has in his basement or somewhere else.
No. 977619
>>977181NTA but I was in agreement with them, I don’t think they were a fedchan, I think they genuinely wanted to be helpful about educating women about HPV. I got the first dose of the HPV vaccine myself but never followed up. Not sure if I should, but yeah. I’m afraid of getting it from scrotes via cheating or assault. I think for me personally the vaccine is better than getting cancer from some rape ape. But I could understand if the women on this tinfoil thread are super suspicious of it. If that’s the case then always make your scrote bf std test and always carry around self defense stuff ladies. It’s literally us against the world
>>976963Thank you, nona.
No. 977620
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Britney is definitely not free, her release from her conservatorship was too good to be true.
No. 977630
>>977456Yeah but if it's a zoom call, why is there this footage of a few girls sitting in a squalor seen from top? I guess the one seen in a close-up could have pointed a camera toward her friends. If it's a live camera of kidnapping
victims, why does one camera show a close-up of the girl?
IDK both options are suspicious to me. Either could be wrong.
>>977620This is fucked up, the lack of comment is eerie. It does look like someone is sending a message or even a warning with that photo
No. 977640
>>977620This is absolutely not something you'd post yourself. She perhaps changed hands rather than being truly freed since the mood is different to her past posts. Very creepy.
>>977344This gives me an instant like jumpscare reaction just seeing the still image, like I would get my gun out on sight for this one (I have no gun since illegal in my country but the instinct is still there)
No. 977906
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>>977619Vaccine aside, the denial over HPV itself makes me want to smash my head against a wall.
>>977689I hope you are recovering well,
No. 977950
>>975666Baphomet isn't going to fuck you,
No. 978034
Anons do you think the vaccine fucks with some people's immune system?
Are there any (preferably not paid by said vaccine manufacturers) papers regarding it yet?
I noticed my entire family of 3 two-times vaccinated people infected eachother with bronchitis over the span of 2 weeks, only I didn't get it and usually my immune system is quite average.
There literally was not a single instance in the past where I didn't also get a flu, bronchitis, cold etc when my family had it, so it really baffles me.
No. 978060
>>978044I have the same tinfoil that weed helps prevent covid infections anon! At the beginning of the rona, I had a friend who got it and was super sick, and her father was as well. The day before she came down with symptoms, she was making out with her girlfriend who is obese (statistically more at risk to negative side effects of covid), but her girlfriend was fine. So was her sister who lives with them. Her sister and girlfriend both smoke weed.
Do any anons know any stoners who got the covid?
>Not people with cannabis use disorder, just stoners No. 978208
>>978070I can understand that in terms of thc and cannabinoid vaping but I read this a while ago:
>It's speculated that this mechanism was the cause of the “Vaping Illness” which had the same lung damge, symptoms, fatality rate and disease demographics as COVID19, due to Long Wave Magnetic Anomoly events in mid 2019 — amplified by smokers using iron containing vaping devices or potentially due to oxidative stress catalysis from the pyrolysis of Vitamin E acetate. Duroquinone is a Vitamin E pyrolysis product and can trigger catalysis of oxidative damage cascades in the lung. Its important to note that this work created the only time correlated prediction of mass casualty events in 2020 — the ultimate validation of scientific theory. autistically make my own weed carts so I came across a lot of information on the health effects of the popular vape additives mainly found in flavored nicotine products. Don't use Vitamin E EVER and be cautious about using thinners like PG and VG, though I used to use flavored juice with VG and didn't have problems.
I have actually noticed an improvement in my lungs since I started vaping, and when you think about the science of vaping it makes a lot of sense. When you cough a ton after a dab it's because you're actually turning oil into a vapor aka a bunch of tiny particles that end up recondensing in your lungs. This is then absorbed by your lungs and the coughing/full chest feeling goes away. The consistency of this is very much like honey and although you can't compare the medicinal effects of honey to thc but it does have its own benefits.
Quoted portion has some interesting tidbits in the context which I was taking notes but relevant to the conversation I guess. I'm not sure if it was here or not that someone linked to an article about covid being related to space weather and Proterozoic bedrock but if anyone is interested I can link that too. It makes a lot of sense to me.
No. 978267
dentists will push you to have all your wisdom teeth pulled out, but it isn't for health reasons. I mean sometimes they come in wrong but people lived ok with wisdom teeth for all history.
and the thing is that wisdom teeth actually spur the continued growth of your jawbone. So if they get pulled, your face doesnt actually grow into your real mature face shape.
And also, whenever you grow something new like that, your brain makes additional connections to the new nerves that stay as extra neurons even if the tooth gets remoced later.
And they also act as just extra teeth that it's ok to lose, which is the point of them in nature. When you chew you naturally move things to your back molars to crunch them, which is the most dangerous job for teeth. So if you have wisdom teeth to crunch hard things it's ok if they break cause they just get pulled.
I cracked a wisdom tooth pretty bad but since it's wisdom tooth I could just get it pulled, and since I was naturally missing its equivalent on the other side, my teeth are perfectly even again. If i'd had the wisdom teeth extracted already, i might have cracked a molar instead, and now i'd be in for a root canal nightmare.
I still have both upper wisdom teeth though, and having had them for several years, my cheekbone & jaw definition has gotten significantly stronger. And also ive gained much more of a taste for bitter herbs & vegetables, which makes sense since your wisdom teeth are meant for chewing tough herbs, so it makes sense you'd gain more of a taste for those things when you have the teeth to chew them. Body changes can cause a lot of unknown changes in the brain & behavior.
No. 978277
>>978267That's a pretty interesting read anon. You've made me glad I still have my wisdom teeth!
I'm curious how many people who get them taken out actually need them to be taken out. So many dentists are just out for your money. My family dentist retired so I have to find a new one. The dentist who took over the retired guy's practice told me I needed a root canal. I decided to take my chances and not do anything - guess who didn't need a root canal? So, I went to a new dentist. This dentist told me I had 3 cavities (my first ones ever at the age of 25) and I should get them filled ASAP. I wasn't prepared for that so I said I'd reschedule. The receptionist didn't seem too concerned when I said I've give them a call later, so I again took my chances and didn't do anything.
Thankfully, a family member found a reliable dentist, so I went to him. He told me that I only had one extremely small cavity, and since this was my first time seeing me he can't make a decision because he didn't know my "rate of decay," but based on never having any other cavities he said it probably wasn't something I had to worry about. I ended up getting it filled that day, but it was so small I didn't need any kind of Novocaine or numbing.
Now my brother went to a new dentist, and they told him he has 11 cavities. That's right, eleven. Also his first cavities ever, and no tooth pain. He's getting a second opinion somewhere else.
Long story short, some dentists will try to suck money out of you whenever they can. This is extremely upsetting to me, as people in the medical field's number priority should be doing what is best for someone's health. Instead, they try to get as much money out of people as they can.
This is another one of the reasons why I think doctors aren't being truthful about COVID. More fear = more vaccines = more money.
No. 978537
>>978277the key thing is whether the person ypu go to, doctor or dentist, is on a fixed salary or gets paid per procedure.
Broadly, big hospital = fixed salary, private practice = they profit per procedure.
I went to a university dental school clinic this time, rather than a small dentist, because I aged out of my parents' insurance, and they could see me first thing next morning, while my dentist's first thing was 2 weeks away. The experience is night & day. Totally upfront about all the possibilities for treatment, and you get to hear the dentist-in-training explain her diagnosis to the dentist professor and his opinion on it.
And they literally talk about "what's your diagnosis as far as what we should do right now at this clinic" vs "what would you do in private practice" with the explicit understanding that they're different. In my case it was like "right now i'd extract the cracked tooth and the other wisdom teeth" to which the professor dentist said "well let's just do the cracked one for today. And what would you do in private practice?" and the training dentist said like "fill with a temporary filling and schedule for an exploratory [something] to see if a root canal is needed" which he said was right. But then later he was telling me that even if they did do a root canal the tooth would probably have issues down the road anyway.
So they like explicitly do the more expensive procedure in private practice, even if it's going to cause way more problems in the long run! To some extent I think that's because people don't want a tooth pulled but still, why were the treatment courses so different?
Highly recommend the dental school clinic even if you have insurance though… it's all students who are about my age (25-30) and professor age old guys, so you get a second opinion right there, and I trust that combo of people a lot more than one 45-55 white guy and his four 22 yr old blonde hygienists tbqh.
No. 978793
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Can someone explain to me the pro-covids logic behind any of this?
>Severe side effects being reported from the COVID vaccine should be ignored and everyone should get the vaccine anyway because it's only very small percentage
>Minor side effects from life saving medicines mean you cannot use these medicines whatsoever and any doctor who uses it needs to be fired, anyone who suggests it is the most stupid person on earth, and all the studies behind it are red propaganda
>Rich people take ivermectin for COVID = turn the cheek
>Poor people forced to take animal medicine for COVID = stupid, "exclusively horse dewormer"
>Rich people get fake vaccines while harassing others to get them = turn the cheek
No. 978796
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>>978793>rich people do thing no one careIt's almost like…. people are
paid to write stories and articles about certain subjects (aka poorfags being poor and stupid regarding vaccines) while they are also paid to not use the media to comment negatively on rich people… hmmmm…
Idk anon, it's kinda funky like that! Guess we'll never know who's behind the whole "turn the cheek when rich people do bad thing" narrative!
No. 978800
>>978796Sure but the issue is that normies will fight like their life depends on it for rich folks who couldn't care less if they died or not.they can't even admit when things are propaganda when anything that's posted about ivermectin that isn't saying it's bad is being censored. Several studies proving the effectiveness of ivermectin works for COVID are censored from Reddit and if you post the links you get removed. And despite all this no one thinks it's shady at all
Which brings me to my next point - why are liberals all of the sudden having a deep trust in the media even though they preached for ages about how the media lies and now they think propaganda doesn't exist at all
No. 978814
>>978800>why are liberals all of the sudden having a deep trust in the media even though they preached for ages about how the media lies and now they think propaganda doesn't exist at all Because people are more likely to believe in and trust in things that more go along with their beliefs. Look at all the MAGA faggots that believe literally everything they hear if it fits in with their beliefs.
Not just that, but liberals have almost always been on the side of science & medicine. This isn't just "media" that is pushing forward here. This is scientific and medical news being provided to them. Whereas conservatives = Christian = "science no real". When science is the forefront of any sort of media, liberals are more likely to believe in it.
No. 978891
>>977620unpopular tinfoil: her whole
abusive conservatorship is probably a huge publicity stunt
No. 978915
>>978910What if it is some kind of parasite or
foreign body?
That’s my tinfoil
Why else would ivermectin work? What else does it treat?
No. 978927
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Systems won't become cognizant and choose violence, self-construct an anthropomorphic form, and then kick our ass. No. Some slavs operating in a Ransomware-as-a-Service gig will fuck around and find out some novel machine learning algorithm that will evolve to merge current botnets and begin implementing its own, hopefully taking over every single asset connected to any network. Then it'll shit itself and brick us out. Forever, I hope. One can dream! I want that, or big EMP. People are really bad at keeping cold back-ups. If not massively destructive, it'd at least be super funny.
No. 979419
>>979410I know healthcare workers were eligible first, but I never heard about the wealthy being prioritized.
But that's how side effects can work. Not all are immediate, and they can become more apparent as time goes on, which seems to be happening here.
I don't think there's a real vaccine and a fake one. But I do think some politicians and celebrities didn't actually get the jab. If they didn't want one, they could opt for saline.
However, there has been an observation that certain lots of the vaccine have more adverse effects than other lots.
No. 979518
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>>979410The probability of severe side effects from the vaccine are low enough where reports of severe side effects are going to be rare when only a handful of the population is vaxxed. Given the rate of severe vaccine side effects vs. the rate of severe COVID damage, the real conspiracy is that tptb are spreading vaccine misinfo to scare the poor and retarded into avoiding the vaccine so they take their chances with COVID.
No. 979531
>>979518If this was the case the entire internet wouldn't try so hard to censor and remove people who speak up about side effects and censor trials that show the effectiveness of ivermectin, the rich wouldn't opt for fake vaccines either and there wouldn't be a huge spike in myocarditis. I also want to mention that the south African variants were only found in vaccinated people. This theory makes no sense considering the fact that side effects are being swept under the rug, any sort of information even with proof that sides with the anti vaxxers is removed and healthcare workers who have first hand experiences with COVID are quitting to avoid the vaccine
Literally the only place you can remotely discuss being anti vax on the internet now without being removed or attacked is one small subreddit and niche anonymous boards, that theory makes zero sense
No. 979541
>>979531>If this was the case the entire internet wouldn't try so hard to censor and remove people who speak up "people disagree with me- that must mean I'm right!"
>censor trials that show the effectiveness of ivermectinThe data from that study were literally fabricated
>the rich wouldn't opt for fake vaccines eitherwat
>and there wouldn't be a huge spike in myocarditisThat's a rare but serious side-effect of the vaccine; of course there's a spike given how many people have been vaccinated. Even the MSM is reporting on myocarditis and the vaccine's lesser efficacy against variants so the whole 'they're trying to cover this up!!!' narrative doesn't hold.
No. 979575
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>>979574No, healthcare professionals and vaccine manufacturers are required to submit reports to VAERS. Because the public can also submit reports, the numbers are likely inflated by "activists".
No. 979582
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>>979575I've seen countless anecdotal stories of people asking their doctors about things that are happening to them after getting the vaccine, but the doctors say that it's not from the vaccine.
Do you find it curious that OSHA has eliminated the requirement for workplaces to report COVID vaccine side-effects? I do. Shouldn't they want to collect this information so they know how they can prevent it from happening to others? No. 979590
File: 1638061246349.png (63.42 KB, 678x264, Screenshot 2021-11-27 7.58.26 …)

>>979575Too add, Pfizer didn't even properly record the actual amount of deaths in it's numbers while the vaccine had the first rounds of clinical trials going. Do you really think the vaccine manufacturers are being truthful when negative effects can hurt their profits?
No. 979597
>>979582>I've seen countless anecdotal stories of people asking their doctors about things that are happening to them after getting the vaccine, but the doctors say that it's not from the vaccine.So your source of truth is internet randos? May as well form your opinions on COVID from /r/hermancainaward at that point.
>Do you find it curious that OSHA has eliminated the requirement for workplaces to report COVID vaccine side-effects?Well it's great that they're not the institution responsible for providing a public database on vaccine side-effects like VAERS then.
>>979590Link to the schizo article you screenshotted? Or even better, is there a link to the report they're citing? 15 vs. 21 can range from statistically insignificant to extremely significant depending on how many people were in the study.
>>979592And who do you think that the people passionate enough to report or false-report temporary inflammation to a database that only antivaxxers and extremely anti-antivax mongs know about are?
No. 979601
>>979597>Well it's great OSHA isn't the institution responsible on providing a public database on vaccine side-effectsOSHA is trying to mandate vaccines in the United States for companies that have over 100 employees. It's extremely concerning that they are trying to mandate a vaccine while eliminating the requirement to report adverse side-effects of that vaccine.
Article link: document: document: vs. 21 can indeed be statistically insignificant, but the fact is that Pfizer is the one running the study and should have reported those deaths accordingly. Any death that they did not report is significant, since they were closely monitoring the patients in their clinical trials. At least, they are supposed to be closely monitoring those who participated in the trials…
And for your final point, why would anti-vaxxers post bogus side effects on VAERS? That would be against their argument.
No. 979605
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>>979597Here are some screenshots to help you out
nonny. Also notice how there were more deaths in the vaccine group than there were in the placebo group. The letter and article says the vaccine didn't cause them, so I'm not arguing that. I think it's funny how those who got the vaccine had higher total morbidity than those who didn't receive it. What a coincidence.
No. 979608
>>979601>It's extremely concerning that they are trying to mandate a vaccine while eliminating the requirement to report adverse side-effects of that vaccine.Why isn't VAERS, a database run by an actual health institution, sufficient?
>but the fact is that Pfizer is the one running the study and should have reported those deaths accordinglyI would recommend that you read through the actual studies yourself. There's no mention of '21 dead' in the FDA doc, and the FDA doc contains info about multiple studies. In the scientific publication, 14 people in the control group died and 15 people in the treatment group died.
>>979604Most health conditions don't somehow 'activate' a few years, hence why people who have symptomatic COVID immediately have effects that stick around.
>>979605Yeah; 14 people who didn't receive the vaccine died and 15 who did died. Literally the definition of statistically insignificant.
No. 979614
>>979605Oh yeah you missed this part from the actual thing that was referenced:
>Among participants 16 through 55 years of age who had received at least 1 dose ofCOMIRNATY (N=12,995) or placebo (N=13,026), serious adverse events from Dose 1
up to the participant unblinding date in ongoing follow-up were reported by 103 (0.8%)
COMIRNATY recipients and 117 (0.9%) placebo recipients. In a similar analysis in
participants 56 years of age and older (COMIRNATY=8,931, placebo=8,895), serious
adverse events were reported by 165 (1.8%) COMIRNATY recipients and 151 (1.7%)
placebo recipients who received at least 1 dose of COMIRNATY or placebo, respectively. In these analyses, 58.2% of study participants had at least 4 months of
23 follow-up after Dose 2. There were no notable patterns between treatment groups for
specific categories of serious adverse events (including neurologic, neuro-inflammatory,
and thrombotic events) that would suggest a causal relationship to COMIRNATY.
From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38
deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY group and 17 in the placebo group. None of the deaths
were considered related to vaccination
A 0.1% difference in an 8k+ to 8k+ statistical analysis lol
>>979611To kill off undesirables. I've been spreading vaccine disinfo to help the boomer remover do its job so I assume others are as well.
>>979612Lol immune system issues and heart problems pop up immediately, hence why myocarditis is a side-effect and people get vaccine sickness for a couple days.
No. 979615
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>>979608Because anyone can submit data to VAERS. VAERS is used to identify trends so scientists to follow-up on. The FDA also has acknowledged that myocarditis is a severe risk.
The FDA document clearly states there were 21 vaccine recipients who died. I'll post in again in another format in case you didn't see it at the end of the other pic.
>14 people who didn't receive the vaccine died and 15 who did died. Literally the definition of statistically insignificant.So the vaccine is not effective since the difference between the two groups was statistically insignificant.
No. 979617
>>979614>To kill off undesirables.People who pay tax and provide low pay work?
>I've been spreading vaccine disinfo to help the boomer remover do its job so I assume others are as well.Oh nevermind, you're one of those. See you in a year.
No. 979622
>>979615Again, the FDA doc compounds multiple studies. There was no lying involved.
>So the vaccine is not effective since the difference between the two groups was statistically insignificant.Unless the vaccine is supposed to protect people from things like suicide and HIV, no
>>979617In a year I'll surely get my just desserts! In the meantime I'll watch you catch COVID lung and help your parents shuffle off this mortal coil.
No. 979627
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>>979541>Even the MSM is reporting on myocarditisThey sure do.
No. 979630
>>979622If you read the Pfizer study, you would also see that the information was taken from across multiple studies and the deaths were from the same trials.
>>979614I still don't understand how this shows vaccines are effective considering that more people who took the vaccine died than those who did not.
>I deleted this and reposting, this was in response to >>979624. No. 979648
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>>979627I wasn't aware that heart disease = myocarditis but you're free to search "myocarditis" in your favorite search engine and look at the news results.
>>979630>If you read the Pfizer study, you would also see that the information was taken from across multiple studies and the deaths were from the same trials.It was the same study (original research publication = study); the FDA submission compounds and reports from different publications.
>I still don't understand how this shows vaccines are effective considering that more people who took the vaccine died than those who did not. How many of the people in each group died from COVID? And I thought we were talking about the dangers of the vaccine, not vaccine efficacy.
>>979633Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I took a placebo developed HIV the next day. Strange how those things work!
>>979636That's cool. What I'm trying to do is help sew seeds of doubt that will reach extremely online tards' older relatives since they are more likely to suffer from adverse effects of COVID and they're the ones that raised the extremely online tards. So far it seems to be working pretty well since anti-vaxxers will apparently gobble up whatever dumb shit fuels their paranoia, and they won't shut up about it so it inevitably reaches their infirm relatives. Like look at this retard who doesn't even know how stats work
>>979605 and imagine how stupid his parents are to have raised someone like that.
No. 979662
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>>979648You're so far into your retarded "vax vs antivaxxer" bullshit, you are spending free time of your life shilling (and possibly against your own intentions of killing boomers or whatever) without even getting paid, while calling your "enemies" "extremely online tards". I never use that term, but in this case I'm begging you to touch some grass.
No. 979678
>>979648>his parents areDo you know where you are?
I was talking about the effectiveness of the vaccines. The adverse side-effects don't help the cause for mandates along with the vaccine doesn't seem to have lasting effectiveness. I didn't see in the paper how many people died from COVID. Did you catch anything? Because I would think if that more people died from COVID in the unvaxxed group, that would be highlighted in the paper.
The FDA paper is comprised of entirely data from Pfizer. The links are comprised of data from the same groups. I have no idea what you are on about saying the FDA submission is taking data from different studies. It's all information from Pfizer. Pfizer published different information in July than what the FDA came out with in November. This should be concerning that Pfizer is giving the public access to one information point but gives the FDA something different.
No. 979698
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>>979678>The adverse side-effects don't help the cause for mandates along with the vaccine doesn't seem to have lasting effectiveness.But we are talking about side-effects, not the long-term efficacy.
>I didn't see in the paper how many people died from COVID. Did you catch anything? Because I would think if that more people died from COVID in the unvaxxed group, that would be highlighted in the paper.Here's the table of reported deaths.
> Pfizer published different information in July than what the FDA came out with in November.On second look, you're right insofar as they're reporting the results of one study; however, the publication explicitly says "data cut-off: November 14, 2020" whereas the FDA submission is reporting from "March 13, 2021"
No. 979740
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>>979698Thank you for that.
I do see that the Pfizer publication also indicates that the data was updated as of March 13th 2021.
But overall, based on what said before in
>>979614, the two COVID deaths in the placebo group are statistically insignificant compared to the zero deaths in the vaccine group. Same goes for the COVID-19 pneumonia deaths and the 4 cardiac arrests in the vaccine group vs. the respective 0 and 1 deaths in the placebo group.
What I'm gathering from this discussion is:
1. The FDA document shows the information they evaluated in order to approve the Pfizer vaccine
2. The information presented does not show statistical significance of the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing COVID deaths
Going back to side-effects, the FDA also acknowledges that there is potential for severe side effects of myocarditis and pericarditis and long-term effects are not yet known.
No. 979742
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>>979698picrel for all the mentions of the Pfizer publication using data from March 13th.
Getting the vaccine should be a choice and people who are unvaccinated should not have any privileges taken away because long term effects including myocarditis are not yet known, and the vaccine is proving less and less effective as time goes on, hence the need for boosters, and the unknown of what the efficacy will be after 6 months of that.
No. 979753
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>>979740>2. The information presented does not show statistical significance of the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing COVID deathsIf you look at other parts of the docs, there's info on the efficacy in the results sections, but not efficacy about preventing COVID deaths because the COVID death rates were too low in each sample. You're right insofar as there's no data about long-term side effects, but the same can be said for COVID and myocarditis is a well-understood condition that almost always lasts a few days and doesn't result in any long-term damage or death. We're talking about a fraction of a fraction of vaccine recipients here as well. There's also evidence that COVID is associated with elevated risk of myocarditis as with other viral infections, see No. 979780
>>979753Looking up myocarditis, it doesn't look like something to say "it's not that serious," especially for children and young adults.
From the Myocarditis Foundation ->Myocarditis is the 3rd leading cause of Sudden Death in children and young adults.While the risk of myocarditis from the vaccine is very small, the chances of a healthy person ending up in the hospital are also extremely small, and I'd assume the risk of getting myocarditis from COVID are even smaller than that.
Doesn't it also raise a red flag to you that there were so little COVID deaths in the study, yet it's regarded as a global pandemic for which we are ruining the economy and people's livlihoods for? My tinfoil is that there ultimately will be more excess deaths from suicide, overdoses, and domestic violence because of the lockdowns and how COVID was handled than if we just let it run its course. But pharmaceutical companies are making record profits, so it's okay! /s
No. 979792
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>>979787I'll add another source from Johns Hopkins (last screenshot is from Myocarditis Foundation though) - really doesn't look like something that should simply be brushed off as as nothing, especially if it effects children at higher rates.
>a low death rate for a study that runs for a few monthsBut the whole reason we are making these vaccines is because COVID was so dangerous and deadly, wasn't it? What is the point of pushing these vaccines so hard and all the hubbub about COVID?
I understand encouraging it for the elderly and vulnerable population, but it's asinine to mandate this for children, young adults, and healthy middle-aged people.
No. 979802
>>979792How does this conflict with the fact that the overwhelming majority of myocarditis cases resolve quickly?
>But the whole reason we are making these vaccines is because COVID was so dangerous and deadly, wasn't it? What is the point of pushing these vaccines so hard and all the hubbub about COVID?Because COVID has a relatively high death and long-term disability rate and shits up the healthcare system with patients. The vaccine eases these issues by preventing people from becoming extremely ill or dying due to COVID and has a low rate of severe side-effects compared to COVID. I'm very 'pro-choice' but mostly because it exerts selective pressure is against people who can't do risk management.
>>979800Did you miss the 'healthcare providers are required to make reports' part of the tiny handful of words in that comment?
No. 979811
>>979802Looking at it from that angle, the overwhelming majority of COVID cases resolve quickly with no long-term effects. Why risk giving people another illness? How many deaths from myocarditis will be too much? People are saying 1 COVID death is too much, how is myocarditis any different?
The Pfizer study on vaccines does not support COVID having high death rates. Do you have any numbers on the long-term COVID disability rates? You said upthread in
>>979753>You're right insofar as there's no data about long-term side effects, but the same can be said for COVIDNYART for this post, but I'm going back to what I said before, do you think every healthcare provider will actually make those reports? Who is enforcing it? What are the penalties if they don't, and have those penalties ever been implemented for not reporting adverse side-effects for the COVID vaccine?
The determination of the cause is up to the doctor. So if the doctor says it's not from the vaccine, then they will not report it. I'm sure doctors, after working these long, crazy COVID hours don't want to spend additional time reporting side effects to VAERS at the end of the day either.
I do have to say that I am enjoying this discussion! Thank you for the back and forth. I appreciate you are pro-choice and can understand that there are ups and downs to whatever is happening today. The mandates and the political climate have me extremely defensive over it and I tend to steer towards vaccine-hesitant talking points. But overall, I also believe the vaccine should be a choice and people have to determine what level of risk they are willing to accept - whether that be from COVID, or the vaccine.
No. 979815
>>979811>Looking at it from that angle, the overwhelming majority of COVID cases resolve quickly with no long-term effects. Why risk giving people another illness? How many deaths from myocarditis will be too much? People are saying 1 COVID death is too much, how is myocarditis any different?calculate the risk of severe long-term effects (or death) from COVID vs. those from the vaccine.
>The Pfizer study on vaccines does not support COVID having high death rates. Do you have any numbers on the long-term COVID disability rates? You said upthread in >>979753Quite high in patients who sought hospital care (and you can also look at excess deaths i guess); long-term effects in one study were 90% , 87% in another ,etc. - the rates are somewhat variable so I'd recommend looking up something along the lines of "long-term effects COVID" in google scholar if you want to do your own research.
>do you think every healthcare provider will actually make those reports? Who is enforcing it? What are the penalties if they don't, and have those penalties ever been implemented for not reporting adverse side-effects for the COVID vaccine?It's 'healthcare providers are required to report' + 'anyone can report' so the data are unreliable either way. Given that you are I would be able to give a false report right now, I wouldn't take those data seriously for any reason. There are peer-reviewed publications on COVID vaccines and myocarditis and COVID and myocarditis that you can browse through if you don't trust self-report.
>I do have to say that I am enjoying this discussion! Thank you for the back and forth. I appreciate you are pro-choice and can understand that there are ups and downs to whatever is happening today. Yeah, I usually hate getting involved in these kinds of discussions but I really appreciated talking to you as well. I'm heading to sleep now but I will say that I respect your decision, especially given all of the changing and unreliable info that's floating around, and that I appreciate that you were respectful even as I got catty. Have a good night,
No. 979823
>>979815The two studies you linked are from 2020. So much has changed since then, and the alpha and beta variants that were used for those studies are now obsolete. Notice how the media has pretty much backed away from "long-COVID" as one of it's main talking points.
Have a great night, I am heading to bed too! I hope that you and your family stay safe. It's so important that we remember it's okay to disagree with each other while still being civil, especially in these crazy times. Bless.
No. 981581
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Yup this is why yt suddenly wanted to get rid of the dislike button. God forbid ppl use the algorithm to express their dislike.
No. 981687
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Randomly remembered him. I can't believe it's been a while.
No. 981717
>>981702Isaac Kappy, was in the movie Thor.
>talked about pedo ring in a Periscope (livestream on Twitter)(Unable to find the livestream)
>accused Speilberg and Tom Hanks, and talked about seeing shit>Uploaded vidrel (WARNING: Disturbing)>his last stream archived:>claimed he was not suicidal No. 981719
>>981660to be fair, a lot of people with medical degrees end up falling for cults, but this doesn't seem to be the case. cutting off your own grandkids? imagine being so stubborn. i'd kill to see my hypothetical grandchildren.
>>981293you know what's actually hilarious, the fact jack dorsey is stepping down from twitter just hours before the trial starts. summ fishy goin on perhaps.
No. 981722
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>>981717Tom Hanks posts these on his SM:>Isaac dies in that location about a month laterCould've already been dead the day he posted those. No. 982853
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The antivaxx debate in the last few years was preparation for the situation now.
The weird Elsagate syringe videos were preparation for the situation now.
No. 983694
>>982853Bless you,
nonnie. I've been saying this for like a year. Why such random demonization of "antivaxx" people–there are realistically very few of them for how much bloviating is done on sm about them–since like 2011? Now,
this shit happens and everyone and their grandma feels justified lumping you in with this group that was basically manufactured to breed outrage on social media. I didn't get vaccinated for a lot of things until adulthood because my mom was poor and uneducated but I believe in tried ans true vaccinations' efficacy. Covid vaxx, on the other hand? No thanks, too many doubts. But I guess I'm just a crazy antivaxxer, huh?
No. 983831
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So there is a cure for Covid…
No. 983981
>>983938It seems like a lot of people who do not want to get a COVID vaccine are trying to figure out ways to make their own money that don't come from a larger corporation,
That being said I'm honestly terrified to where this will go in a few years, one of the biggest reason that stopped me from making an appointment to get my jab is just how oddly forceful people are, everyone I know who's gotten the vaccine where I work seems to have slowly gone insane and I watched every second of them spiraling. If someone comes up to me screaming in my face "just get the jab pussy had side effects aren't common" while regularly bashing me for it of course it would scare the shit out of me, it reminds me of grade school bullies who set you up for something and then harass the ever-loving fuck out of you and if sense something is wrong and don't do as they say. I just feel like that because people are this willing to allow a random group of people to be excluded from society, shunned by their families, denied business, attacked constantly and be considered as the same levels as murderers and vermin, threats of unemployment, refusal of health treatment and even food (this applies to restaurants and stores that allow unvaccinated in but do not allow them to buy - it obviously wasn't about the food). What would stop them from doing this to another group of people if we allowed them to go this far? They're out of control now and you can thank the soft subservient citizens for this. Possibly years from now they will do this to a whole new group of people and just an excuse such as "well we did this to the unvaccinated and no one cared!!! This group of people had a choice too!!"
No. 983998
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>>983987What I like most of all (and what's the most telling about the WHO and the CDC) is that, logically, the new variant shouldn't be called "omicron". It should be called "xi", because that's the proper letter in the Greek alphabet. But you know why they don't wanna call it "xi"?
No. 984000
>>983990Seems possible, perhaps they'll release a whole line of new candidates that rave about how "we need to put an end to all of this, they're taking away the freedom of choice" or something like that so people, out of desperation, will mindlessly vote for said candidate
My biggest theory is just population control and that they wanted to experiment on humans on a large audience and this would be the best way. I saw other anons mention previously that a lot of people who are
toxic in their personal lives have came out to support the vaccine and on top of that everyone who gets the vaccine has just become increasingly unstable. It seems like an easy way to kill a lot of people off while trying to present yourself as a compassionate person
No. 984013
>>983994I'm just curious why boosters if the initial vax is enough to damage us, as it's said. It must be to catch any who slipped through, so I'm hoping I am lucky to be one of those after making the initial mistake. Ultimately for those who already got vaxxed we can only do what we all should be doing in the first place. Live as healthy as we can, make the most of our lives and relationships with those we care about, and do our best to resist in the future. If I end up suffering later on from the vax at least I can make the most of my health now. Even if this is all true and will come to pass, it's not good to despair if you or loved ones already got it, they may end up
victims but life is full of that already. We are all going to die someday. In part if this is true then they would already want us to give up hope on our lives but I refuse. Just trying to give an answer for those of us who regret getting it already. Stay strong fellow tinfoil anons
No. 984146
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>>983985A nurse in Slovenia claimed that there are three different vials used for vaccination. Vial 01 is saline, vial 02 is the mRNA vaccine and vial 03 causes cancer. of that what you will.
No. 984154
>>984153That's why I said
>Make of that what you willI posted it because it's an article that claims to confirm the suspicions that the anon had. The defensiveness around articles like this does make me wonder though. No posts in the thread for four hours, yet ten minutes after I post this article, there's an unsaged post trying to debunk it.
No. 984168
>>983990I honestly didn’t think the nwo plans were going into effect for many more years but Covid sped up the process, and the elites are slowly revealing themselves and their true intentions without giving a fuck.
Must be nice being an Illuminati psychopath and not having to give a fuck.
No. 984175
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>>979518picrel I think this is what you're talking about, it's from a NZ forum. That being said, this is probably the most unreliable source possible and I'm not inclined to believe it.
>>983938This is stressing me out too. I'm graduating in a month and I'd like to find a job, but like hell if I'm letting anyone near me with the mystery goo. It's not even about being worried about health anymore, I'm not gonna goosestep into a future where my children have to get a monthly Pfizer pump just to participate in society. The precedent we set today is going to determine the future.
>>979518Scare tactics. Me, my husband, and my friend all got covid. None of us got a cough. My smell went away for a month but it came back. Not even a threat unless your health is shit anyway, in which case you should be afraid of the flu too. You have to remember they're scaring you with a problem then selling you the solution, they've used that same tactic in the beauty industry for decades.
My main theory is follow the money. EVERYTHING is decided by lobbying through those at the top, our government is basically just the working hand of mega corps. New virus came out and initially was ramped up because we didn't know much about it and news will scare you because if it bleeds it leads. Drug companies instantly saw this for the golden opportunity it is (vaccines are biggest medicinal dividends) and started paying media (they sponsor the fuck out of every major network) and then the government gave them legal immunity from any side effects (cha-CHING) they looked through old failed vaccine methods and pulled out MRNA (I do have a major question about this… why MRNA? Why not just use traditional vaccines?). People use the excuse that "We made it so quick because the technology existed already!" but they never consider WHY we weren't using this technology… failed the animal trials miserably. Works fine until later when ferrets died from ADE. So instead they just got approval to cut off the end of the animal trials for "emergency" purposes and moved onto human trials. By the way, they purposefully cut continuance of the trial on participants who were having a really bad reaction. Now they're still paying media to hype up new variants so they can get us on the endless booster model, despite Israel already documenting "immune erosion" aka ADE. If you're young and healthy and jabbed, you're probably fine, but people in Israel started having signs of ADE after booster so watch out for that.
I'm not really into the whole NWO aimed agenda, but I'm starting to consider it. I mean the whole thing is obviously sketch as hell, but there's a lot of rabbit holes to go down that are real sketch, with SPARS and Bill Gates and WEF etc.
No. 984177's a bitchute video of the the Senator Johnson roundtable discussion where a woman talks about her experience in the Pfizer trial, then reads the suicide note of a friend she had who was suffering from side effects.
Skip to 2:09:53, this was on Youtube but of course it got scrubbed.
No. 984372
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State regulated Tinfoils, anything beyond then what's been proven for decades now just means your a racist nazi and qanon supporter
No. 984385
>>984372I saw that before, it was almost self-parody levels of "N-No don't believe things that aren't state-approved!". Imagine being the kind of person who sees that chart and nods their head in agreement
Also, how are "soy boys" a conspiracy? Did whoever's behind that chart just get angry at being insulted and throw it in there?
No. 984425
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>>984372All that work put into it, all those different fonts, logos, etc. and she still writes
>andrenochrome No. 985230
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>>984372Absolutely ridiculous.
No. 985881
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>>985880Scientists created an ink from the toxic microbe E coli. These researchers found that when growing and feeding E coli bacteria, it secreted an ink made of living cells, which they then they used to plug into 3D printers. This project, while still underway, holds greater implications with regard to the future of sustainable, self-producing buildings—on Earth and in space. Because the living material is self-generating, scientists are hoping to use this research to build autonomous, renewable infrastructures that can adapt to their environments—even those in space, where resources are scarce.They really want us to die No. 985892
>>984372This feels so gross and yucky for many reasons
1.corporate overly polished look
2.made to be shared between masses
3.each thing has its own little logo as if they were brands
4.the chart tells you what is real and what isn't instead of you coming into your own conclusions, people who don't want you to think is not your friend
5."trans agenda isn't real"
Yeah I'll stick to charts and icebergs made by /x/ or similar. I know /x/ isn't a reliable source either but who the fuck does this person thinks she is to tell me what's real and what isn't?
No. 985920
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I’m disturbed by the rate at which cannabis dispensaries are opening and replacing other kinds of businesses in Toronto. There are multiple on almost every street now and it happened really fast. I feel like they want to distract us from the fact this city is going down the drain.
No. 986029
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>>985892They started streaming a cartoon on Netflix that's based on what you'd generally find in the conspiracy-tinfoil sphere.
>The next TikTok aesthetic trend will prolly be conspiracy nut chic kek. No. 986229
>>986013Lineups were getting pretty long in some locations at the start of the pandemic so it seems like a lot of people do use it regularly, and I would guess increasingly so in TO because of so many lockdowns. but I do think the other theory makes sense too and agree with what
>>986015 said, it's totally the same where I am
No. 986356
>>984391I do think some incel communities are being used in schemes by plastic surgeons in order to attain more patients.
I have been on 2 of their websites before. A lot of the users were teenagers, I'd say about half. And there were about 3-4 actual surgeons there, and even more "people who were in med school" training to become one, as well as just randomers claiming to be experts, some of them linked to Instagram accounts of plastic surgeons. The memes that they posted were related to incel shit too. some were even tagged #blackpill.
No. 986384
>>984372>deep state in detached from realityKek, the funny thing is that "deep state" is actually a descriptive term of something every modern government possesses, entrenched administrators in ministries that operate with a prerogative independent of the three branches of government. Think the minister of the department of education, for example.
Every single country on earth has a deep state. Russia as a country notoriously has a history of the deep state rearing its head and usurping the executive branch. Most famously when Beria manipulated and controlled Malenkov after Stalin's death, and when Andropov took clandestine control after Brezhnev became ill. Why the fuck this purely descriptive term became branded with "conspiracy theory" I have no idea.
No. 986526
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I swear they keep putting pics and videos of needles going into arms on purpose to scare ppl. I get the same feelings when I see a needle going in an arm and seeing porn out of nowhere. Disgust, shock, anxiety.
No. 986532
>>985920so true and the government is the main problem kek john tory is such a fool & its clear hes only in power because of connections. also note, hes never done anything i can think of that is note-worthy or positive for toronto.
aside from that, i think its tied to them trying to distract the masses in general. let people get high, they will be less focused on whats happening in reality, lazy, etc. say what you want about weed, but they government has just been dishing out money so i can see why some person couldve hopped on CERB and smoked to numb fears of the future due to covid. everyone here is super compliant all the time too, it brings everyone else down.
No. 987583
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>>986841I wonder how many children they'll "accidently" give the COVID jab who end up getting sick
Seriously - stories like this scare the living shit out of me. This isn't the first one either. People saying "oh but it's unlikely" aren't helping, especially since this is media broadcasted, nevermind cases similar that get swept under the rug No. 987822
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>>984372>Things that actually happened (Examples of US intelligence agencies abusing their power)MKUltra
NSA Mass Surveillance
FBI Spied on Martin Luther King
Project Mockingbird
Operation Paperclip
Strangely Iraq's fictional WMD's aren't listed though they really should be
>Detached from reality, beyond the "anti-semitic" point of no return and just as ridiculous as flat earthDeep State (The idea that these same intelligence agencies continue to abuse their power)
No. 987964
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>>987918>>987918I remember reading about this situation with the three people who escaped as it was developing, before they were caught No. 988167
>>988147I've always believed for people to return to normal, the internet must die. I want a mass log off so maybe things will change and companies will get better, or the people warped by the internet (like troons, incels, the terminally online, etc) would get better. The internet would die due to the over commercialisation of it, requiring companies to severley restrict freedom and privacy of their users to present a more advertisable image for advertisers, diminishing users experience. This comes with the issue of the internet being good for communication, and what the risk of losing it would lead to. It would be easier for the government to pass things quietly and stop movements from being created, both good and bad, and lead to the internet becoming again just about buying and selling rather than sharing information. We would go back to grassroots meeting in real life again. Ultimately, the internet was never intended for us to use freely for good or bad, but to sell us shit. We were the product, putting advertising in our homes.
No. 988168
>>988167Forgive my manifesto kek.
>>988147To answer your question, like
>>988149 said, history and datamining. Maybe also removing the ability to dislike a video altogether. Can't let people know that the establishment is hugely unpopular.
No. 988205
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did any of you who got the jab have little dots like this appear on your body after? I didn’t have this many but I definitely have about 5-6 on both my arms and two on my chest
No. 988540
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>>988205It could be purpura…good luck, hopefully it's only temporary.
Remember, the jab was a choice!
No. 988564
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I think this video would be interesting for many here. James Corbett is la crème de la crème in the “conspiracy” space and does outstanding reporting.
In this video he discusses the very artificial seeming trans “movement” and how it’s potentially a stepping stone towards trans-humanism. Very good commentary. No. 988878
>>988564>trans-humanism Lol tranny cyborgs
Shit, we really are heading to a cyberpunk dystopian future; except it’s going to be boring and no hero will come and save us because they too will be compromised.
No. 989198
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No. 989199
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>>989198flood detected. sorry nonies
No. 989283
>>989241governments & tbtp always have had "festivals" and feasts (ancient chrostmas rites etc) in the winter. sharing some of their wealth to keep people fat & happy & have something to look forward to in cold winter months.
now they just offer you "sales" ie spend your own money, and stuff like spotify wrapped to keep people distracted. how long has everyone been talking about spotify wrapped? like a whole week straight…and chuck schumer just announced he will hold a vote on BBB before christmas. "Psst, everyone is sleeping! Do it now!" says Chuck Schumer.
congress always passes bills right before christmas b/c no one is paying attention. democrats especially do this b/c R voters are much more into Christmas. It's not a bad straregy.
Screenshot this, Democrats will pass Build Back Better with everything they want and R senators secretly want before christmas, and probably will also uphold vaccine mandate between christmas and NYE when 1/2 the population is drunk straight thru the week kek. just like colonial conquistadors plyong indigenous peoples with liquor to take advantage of them.
No. 989297
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I hope this isn’t going to force me to get a third, the omicron variant is proven to be less dangerous anyway. I don’t like this constant pressure to get more and more injections just because, most people don’t need it and it should be a personal choice since the majority of Americans got their initial doses. I talked my whole family into getting the first doses but now I’ve had enough it’s so ridiculous and makes me feel like I need to get it or literally be shunned from normal life. Everything the conspiracy people said since the beginning is turning out to be true like passports and regular booster shots lol
No. 989330
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Deadliest vaccine in history = also the most forced vaccine in history
No. 989408
>>989330literally what is this? where is it from? I don't even know what it's showing because 2% of people do not die from getting the covid vaccine lmao. And 1% of people do not die from other vaccines…
Is this showing like, what happens to someone for any reason in the year following them getting the vaccine? Then it would make sense for covid to be higher, because all the old people got vaccinated first. So they would have a higher rate of just normally dying in the year afterward, covid or otherwise, because theyre already old.
Like if 19000 random people had dropped dead after getting the covid vaccine you would hear about it non stop lmao. There's the like very few people that had that rare clotting thing happen.
No. 989415
>>989408>Like if 19000 random people had dropped dead after getting the covid vaccine you would hear about it non stop lmaoThis would imply they are getting properly reported and registered as such, both on the
victim's side and authorities.
No. 989432
>>989415>>989411ok… but then… where is this study (or w/e) getting these numbers if it's not being recorded properly…?
if what it's showing is 1% of people die in the year after getting any vaccine, and 2% of peoople die in the year after getting the covid vaccine, that isnt surprising because the covid vaccine was mostly given to old people at first.
what confuses me is, at first everyone was talking about how covid was released by china on purpose to fuck with other countries. that i find believable. but since the vaccine came out its just been theories about that…
like im inclined to believe covid was released as a bioweapon, and while the vaccine might have sideeffects, its genuinely the best vaccine we can make because govts are genuinely trying to defend against covid, and theyre covering up side effects of both covid and the vaccine because they dont want you to know how easily a REALLY deadly bioweapon could be released and spread. like maybe the vaccine has more sideffects because covid is engineered to be a powerful virus, so the vaccine needs to be dangerously strong.
No. 989558
>>989516Yeah I remember at the beginning people saying it was made to remove people leeching off aka pensioneers.
>>989518Fucking kek
No. 989769
>>989432you're almost there kek. it's really quite simple.
china has been studying this virus & related vituses for years at the wuhan lab & other labs. this means they had a head start when it came to developing vaccines and treatments for the virus.
it's not a "bioweapon" because that would be detectable by other countries' scientists easily. it's a natural virus from the wild, so they have plausible deniability to say it came from nature naturally. But theyve been studying these viruses for years, so they could pick a natural one that has the properties they wanted, and release it once they have their vaccine mostly perfected in secret.
let's not forget, all of the old people dying or at least getting very sick has massive disruptive effects on the economy. This is because seniors & old people are in charge in most places, so they shut down the economy to protect themselves.
So China already had time to study the virus before it was released… and how do they make sure it causes the most chaos in Western countries that they want to disrupt? Easy. Use their troll farms to make idiots spresd the disease at first, and then sow vaccine disinfo to dosrupt other countries' efforts to protect themselves. Meanwhile they can command & control their populace to all get the vaccine (and their vaccine is probably better cause they didnt have to rush it out).
Look, over 1 in 500 of Americans has died of covid. And even more got very sick with some permanent consequences. Economy has been fuckaroo for over a year, and Americans are buying more plastic crap & clothes from China than ever while theyre stuck inside bored.
Straight up, why have so many more Americans died of covid than other Western countries? We're being targeted by massive disinfo meant to keep the virus circulating & our economy shut down as long as possible, so China can get as much of a head start as possible after covid.
And I mean they almost killed Trump with covid kek… most successful attack on a president by a foreign nation ever, even if it was an accident.
No. 989906
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>99% survival rate
No. 989930
>>989906this is exactly what i was talking about. The schools are run by elderly teachers and admin - they are using strict rules to protect themselves from the virus, its not about the kids. Its rational from their perspective as the virus is actually dangerous to old fat teachers, and a lot of them hate kids anyway.
>>989884more than 1 in 500 americans died of covid already… its a dangerous weapon. its literally Chinese disinfo that you think its harmless lmao.
Its killed members of our govt including Colin Powell, one of our only good generals. Btw colin powell was always the pocket candidate to unite America in case of a real war b/c hes black but a Repub and military so everyone would support him in an emergency. And they killed him so… who's going to be a real unifying leader if theres a war? Petraeus? Kek.
No one even knows or respects any of our other generals. It was clearly not an accident… and it happened just after we assassinated a top Iranian general too. It lines up much too well.
No. 989943
>>989769>let's not forget, all of the old people dying or at least getting very sick has massive disruptive effects on the economy. This is because seniors & old people are in charge in most places, so they shut down the economy to protect themselves. Nope, old multimillionaires have access to the best healthcare and have spent a fortune on raising heirs that will successfully follow their paths. They don't mix with any lower class person, they have always been able to afford the best foods and medical treatments [spolier]and if on top of that there's the possibily of adrenochrome and other shit being used you can imagine why they simply won't die from the kung flu[/spoiler]. Old people dying has possitive effects on the economy for them because older people take away tax money and they don't buy Iphones and shit every damn year. Also it takes away people with traditional values from our society. How is shutting the economy of any help or protection for businessmen? They don't close the markets, they invest in masks, vaccines and other shit. They don't need to protect themselves, they perfectly know they are in no danger and that they can make profit from the situation. The fact that you begin your post saying
>you're almost there kek. it's really quite simple. is astounding because you literally have no clue.
No. 990069
>>989943dumbass. old people vote so they control public policy, it has nothing to do with rich or poor. and it's old people setting strict covid rules at workplaces, schools, local govt etc because theyre scared. by "old people are in charge" i mean principals, local mayors, business owners, etc, and those people arent some shadowy elite cabal but they do decide policies & practices.
Old people actually turned on trump because of the covid stuff… biden got less votes everywhere else but way more from old people than hilary because he promised to take covid seriously when old people were scared shitless. so yeah…regular average old people do matter in deciding the covid response.
and if the elite is totally above covid and has no risk… why did Trump get covid lmao. Retarded Americans dont even understand how bad that looked. Our fat ass president huffing and puffing on a ventilator lookong at deaths door kek.
Pictures of Trump on the oxygen mask lookin' scared was actually a massive meme in China when it happened, with stuff like "America on life support!"
Stupid sheep dont even understand how bad China is playing you like a golden fiddle.
No. 990074
>>990069Retard, ''old people'' isn't people between 50 and 65 that work. Old people are retired people, people in their 70s, 80s and 90s, not people in the workforce.
>and if the elite is totally above covid and has no risk… why did Trump get covid lmao.Are you fucking serious? Do you seriously think Donald Trump is part of the elite? You are the fucking sheep here, nona. He was the puppet of the controlled opposition, nothing else.
No. 990088
>>990074So you think the world is controlled by a cabal of genuine geezers? Fucking kek… people that old don't have the energy to do shit. When you see a senator that old theyre always a puppet operated by their chief of staff.
People in senior positions in govt & industry are the people who run the world. Or do you think theres lizard people or some shit…?
Its not even a complicated conspiracy., china releases a virus to fuck up the fat & old west, and foments discords & antivax with their troll army to make it even worse. Meanwhile they get all their citizens vaxed first and keep chugging. And drive up the prices on things they make like chips etc by creating "shortages" to suck even more money out of the West.
Japanese know whats going on, thats why they closed borders and vaxed hard, and theyve had barely any deaths. Meanwhile americans are dumb enpugh to fall for every kind of FUD at once. They already trolled a big percent of the West into ruining their health by trooning out kek. Every man or women that troons is now basically disabled from serving in the militart cause they need constant medical support.
And Xi Jinping happily drinks his tea and consolidates his power. While you babble about secret elderly wizards of the deep state. China is winning and this is why
No. 990244
>>990186yeah obviously. The 10% of people who still arent vaxed (due to disinfo) are the same 10% of people who didnt follow lockdown rules (got FUDded into believing rona wasnt dangerous). So those same sheeple are still spreading the virus to each other, and probably even worse now that strict lockdown rules are lifted.
Another question is, Russia is basically a 3rd world country at this point, how did they actually have the FIRST vaccine out, and 9ne of the better ones from all reports?
Well Putin and Jinping just signed a treaty of friendship the year before covid. And it would be too obvious if China came out with the first vax. So they already had the research, and then just gave it to Russia first in order to avoid the implications.
Wouldnt surprise me if the russian & chinese vaxes are better/safer than american/euro… they had years to research this disease and test their vaccines on political prisoners/gulag etc… thats what they were openly doing in Wuhan the whole time. But the US/euro ones had to be made from scratch and rushed since they got blindsided with it.
No. 990288
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>>990088>>990114How much do you get paid for each post? Sad. Go eat your instant noodles I think they're getting overdone.
No. 990432
>>990244You know you're American when they call testing COVID vaccines on prisoners unethical and then have parents hand over children, who have no say in the matter, to be tested
Literal prisoners have more bodily autonomy than children
No. 990434
>>990244>So those same sheeple are still spreading the virus to each otherYou're dumb as shit, the jab doesn't prevent transmission. It gives better medical outcomes to infected, it does not inhibit transmission and that's something even the manufacturers and sponsors admit.
The people transmitting it are: everyone.
No. 990457
>>990434>You're dumb as shit, the jab doesn't prevent transmission. Yes it fucking does, it's not 100% (like no medical procedure ever is) but even if it's as low as 50-60% it still means it prevents 50-60% of all transmissions. With the pfizer vaccine you're 65% likely to prevent the transmission which is still amazingly good, think about a space of like 100 people (such as a mid size restaurant) and how many people will not be infected due to this rate if 90% of the patrons have gotten both shots. Or a concert filled with thousands of people. Without vaccines we would be absolutely fucked and either stuck in lockdown for years until the virus kindly mutated into a less lethal one or then just let our health care collapse altogether and let covid patients take all the hospital beds leaving none to car crash
victims, cancer patients or other people requiring immediate care. All scientific data supports this claim and no amount of "but the youtuber said" shit will change it. I wish antivaxxers just didn't take the vaccine and left it at that, spreading outright lies and half-truths is what makes them insufferable.
No. 990461
>>990437I definitely believe aliens are real, however I think they look very different to the image mainstream popular culture has given them - green skin, big heads, large black eyes etc. Since the universe is absolutely humongous, it makes sense to me that there would be millions of different species of aliens, some would look like weird insects, others would be tall and much bigger than humans with twenty limbs, even some could be invisible to the naked eye and they operate on a different dimension or something. The possibilities are endless. My dad said something very interesting once about this, he said we humans always have to mold other things in our image, other things always have to either look like us or have our properties/personalities and they have to function like us, because from the human experience that's all we know. So I don't doubt that aliens exist, they certainly do to me, but I don't think they look or act like the popular mythology thinks they do
No. 990704
>>978068What a fruit.
ANYWAY. what do you guys think about this song being about the ilumanti and all the Harvey weinstein metoo Jeffrey epstein pizzagate stuff
No. 990725
>>988564Thanks for the vid anon, will check it out later. Here's one for you too, glad people are siding with XX
>>988667He's not on YouTube dummie, not everything has to be "compromised"
No. 990729
>>990704Kanye has ties to it, 100%
Google the game Kanye Quest, some weird shit happened with that game (looking for smart people to join the cult with a videogame)
No. 990759
>>990539No. Just because it's not mutating to be
more lethal doesn't mean it's becoming
less lethal, that's going to take literal years or maybe decades. It's mutating to be more contagious and more likely to evade the antigens to prevent initial infection but the vaccines are still highly successful in preventing severe forms of the disease, and will most likely provide you with years of T-cell memory and immunity if we look at the studies conducted upon the first SARS. Omicron isn't a "less deadly" version of covid, it's just as likely to kill or damage you permanently as Delta is. But according to initial studies it's not going to evade the long-term immunity given by vaccines against the severe forms of the disease.
No. 990824
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>>990759OK Pfizer-chan. Imagine shilling that hard for the ~miraculous~ vaccines in the tinfoil thread of all places.
Go back to the covid thread and let us be schizo in peace please.
No. 991018
Are you sure? There’s a lot of “white” names in the cabal, excluding Li and maybe Onassis. Not to mention, there are a lot of powerful Arabs that aren’t mentioned as part of the 13 bloodless-nvm you’re right.
>For instance, why do the Rockefellers and Rothschild's have such a cozy relationship with these Red Chinese Li’s. Why does the Premier (or Prime Minister) of the People’s Republic of China Li Peng visit with the Rockefellers and other capitalists when he comes to New York City, if he is such a hard-line communist? Haven’t the Communists named the Capitalists their major enemy?
>And then when we watch men who are In the Illuminati such as Skull & Bones George Bush treat the Chinese Li’s with such closeness, even when it was Li Peng that crushed innocent people at Tiennamen Square, it makes us wonder still. In fact, with other pieces of the puzzle that I have in place, I do know that Red China is already cooperating with and part of the New World Order. The only way that China could already be secretly part of the New World Order Is for it’s leaders who are the Li family to be in favor of the New World Order. This strongly suggests that the Li family In China is also part of the Illuminati. From what I know the range of possibilities range from them being only sympathizers with the NWO elite to them being outright members of the Illuminati. I lean toward the latter view.This may explain China’s sudden rise to power and why are so many politicians are in cahoots with the “ebil chinks”. Two higher-ups in the CCP have the name Li, make of that if you will.
No. 991141
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Anyone has noticed how this propaganda of "It's impossible to get rid of fetishes" is being forced on us? They really want us to believe that all those fucked up ideas they have nurtured within us with porn are actually """normal""" and """natural""", pretending that we would not be kinky degenerates without pornographic industry influencing us. Pornography is sending us 50 years backwards and the elites are indeed doing a good job in trying to hide it.
No. 991156
>>991147we already are
unless we forcibly vaccinate everyone including children against aids
No. 991161
>991141It started with the "it's impossible to change who you're attracted to" (not sex of person but stuff like badboy/avoidant/
abusive men). Now they're doing it with kinks. Honestly there will probably be 50% women who go full pornstar with their bf/hubby, and 30% of women who go "nope fuck this never having sex again". Remaining % somewhere in between, or maybe even women who get together in a Boston marriage.
>>991147California already made it legal a while ago, infected don't face any punishment for infecting others knowingly.
The natural result of letting scrotes sexuality run free is like a poor African town: everyone has aids bc scrotes raped them and their kids for funsies. Add in food scarcity and environmental issues and that's scrotes perfect world.
No. 992380
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Think this best goes here…. What was going on with Manson during the last decade or so if his life? Seems when “Star” and “Gray Wolf” came into the picture, things drastically changed. It’s like they were able to con/manipulate him which honestly doesn’t seem very easy. Where did they come from? Where are they now? Whole thing just seems off and Manson knew it too later; according to him, he found out they were going to use his corpse as a tourist attraction once he kicked the bucket which is why he never married Star.
No. 992887
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No. 993103
>>992380They are/were probably his handlers from the description you’re giving.
>they were planning to use his corpse as a tourist attraction That’s pretty hardcore ngl
No. 994678
>>992887I am starting to separate anti semitism from actual allegations , used to regard everything as antisemitism
but there is certainly something
especially in hollywood and allegations of pedophilia seem to be true
No. 996185
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why are vaccinated people slowly turning into zombies?
No. 997321
>>997162This. I'm as antivax as you can be, but I see the cognitive decline in older vaxed and unvaxed relatives aswell and I agree that a lot of it has to be attributed to their increasing social isolation. The unvaxed ones would love to take up their old, healthy life again, going to the theater, cinema, book clubs etc. but they can't because they're shunned from society by their vax-obsessed boomer peers and increasingly by the state aswell with 2g becoming the norm in this european shithole.
The vaxed ones on the other hand are addicted to covid-anxiety, tensely awaiting orders for their next boosters, staying at home out of fear by their own choice, thus equally suffering from a lack of stimuli and social interaction as the unvaxed ones, and being enabled to indulge in vices that all intensifies their cognitive decline aswell.
No. 997572
>>997321It's true, I'm in the US and my father just sent me a breathless email about the "viral blizzard" that's going to hit the US. He's fully vaccinated and boosted, but until Fauci sends him a personal recommendation to leave his fucking house every once in awhile, he's checked out of life. I mean, staying home and watching Netflix, eating restaurant food at home, no obligation to see anyone you don't feel like seeing…it's a lot of people's dream scenario and their worst impulses made manifest. A lot of these NEW WAVE doomers are young though, and that's what I don't understand. You seriously are cool living out the rest of your life as a hermit? I can see the very old; they've only got a few years left and mobility already precluded a lot of fun shit for them. The very young doomers probably assume it will pass soon, or they just are enjoying an alternate universe to their parents. But people aged 45 - 60 I'm just like…you remember life, right? did you just not give a shit about it this whole time and are content to wait for death, indulged like a veal, in your house?
No. 998981
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This fucker is 50 years old. I’m convinced he’s using adrenochrome to maintain that appearance.
No. 998987
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>>998981I know he's an agent of the neo-liberal world order but I still would, especially young Trudeau
hell I'd keep him locked up in my basement No. 998991
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>>998988You can't make me
No. 999020
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>>998991IS THAT WHAT U LIKE!????
No. 999212
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>>998991He looks like the Statue of Liberty to me
No. 999369
>>999212I mean.. he is the lightbringer.. and whats in the liberty statue's hand? A torch! And that statue was a gift from france and Trudeau speaks french (canada is just cuck france)
In conclusion Trudeau is the antichrist
No. 1001384
Why do you think wokeness no longer serves their agenda? Sorry for the dumb question, I don't really follow anything tinfoil besides reading a blog about illuminati shit but I scrolled past your post and I'm interested.
No. 1001678
>>978596Late, but braces are indeed often a scam in the US especially. US culture pushes absolute perfection in things like teeth, which is why some people are willing to grind down their real teeth for fake-but-perfect veneers.
They tried to get me in braces when I was a kid due to "slight crowding," my parents said hell no and my teeth are almost perfectly straight decades later. Sure, some folks desperately need braces, but many only had to suffer through them for aesthetic reasons. When the vast majority of kids around you have had braces at some point in their lives, that should tell you that something is wrong.
Tinfoil time, I've long believed that dentists resist being included in with other medical doctors, institutions, insurance, etc. because they know they'd lose a lot of revenue from cosmetic procedures they'd no longer be as easily able to dupe people into. Same with eye docs. It's why we have this stupid piecemeal insurance system in the US.
No. 1001962
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>>1001692>hyper inflationyou called?
No. 1001972
>>1001970More like, "stop saying thinks I dislike, I am now going to act like your disagreement is a mental disorder to make me the victor", it's a silencing tactic when used in an argument. This is a different circumstance than what you are talking about and you are aware of that.
No. 1001975
>>1001966i agree with you on the pharma side of things and it doesnt help kids nowadays are meme'd into thinking they are mentally ill from the slightest anxiety or depression. the troon stuff is also included.
i may or may not have been screwed over in this case, i had a binge eating disorder in highschool, then in university i finally got diagnosed for generalized anxiety & OCD after it was controlling ever waking hour of my life. after resisting for years i finally went on medication and (im glossing over things to make this quick) i am doing way better, but i do feel like living this way is great for big pharma and i might be screwed with side effects if i ever come off
No. 1001988
>You need to talk to someone about your problems but I don't care enough to listen, but I at least want to look like I care.
>Sure it does help to offer an ear, to understand and empathise to someone you know and care about, but I think having someone PAY to care, who doesn't know you, and will shill drugs to you is even better. Also I can't be bothered to listen to you, even though you listen to all of my problems.>>1001975It sounds like you've had a wild ride of a life and God willing you won't need medication soon. I am seeing shadowy figures in my bedroom and I feel like I am being searched for by evil, and I will still refuse any medication. A good workout, a good laugh, and the occasional
alone time is just as good. Also, try doing the OCD rituals when you don't have the urge to do them. I think it breaks the pattern a little. Alter them, do them deliberately, imagine them as mosquitoes to slap away. I know a how it can take up your whole life like a fat man on a bus seat, but I know things are going to get better for you from now.
No. 1002007
>>1002004>Sorry but eating food is a necessity for survival but psychiatric "help" isn't, it's a false equivalencyPsychiatric
help is a matter of life and death for many people — maybe not you — so it's not a false equivalency at all.
No. 1002017
>>1002009Are you being serious? Humanity may have survived, but trillions of people didn't. You aren't counting all the suicides and wasted lives that we don't even have good data on because there hardly was any knowledge about mental illnesses. You think there was no schizophrenia, depression, or bipolar in the past?
Just because you can deal without meds doesn't mean that others can and that the lack of proper care wasn't a fucking travesty. I'm all for criticizing abuse that happened/s in psychiatry, but complete denial of the dangers of untreated mental illness is just insane to me.
pun not intended Good for you if it's not your problem, but you cannot speak for the entire humankind that has ever existed.
No. 1002054
>>1002009Nayrt and I agree with a lot of what you've posted, but I think for the sake of clarity in this conversation it might be worthwhile to note that if we understand psychiatry to mean the study/treatment of mental disorders, this has likely gone on since the dawn of time - it's the psychiatric
industry that we've managed to do with out for the bulk of our collective history
No. 1002094
>>1002080what is cointelpro? the stop asian hate narrative was a flop, there were increasing hate crimes in america, but they were always framed as something caused due to "white supremacy". the fact is that majority of those incidents were caused by black american, but in every story that was muted and the movement became another "all non-pee oh cees must unite!" thing. on top of that, you had asian people of all groups (outside america as well) jump on it and play
victim when (at least in my country) asians are thriving and are typically richer than people born here.
BLM was the biggest fail in terms of actually improving anything. in my country they did not really accomplish anything and even trying to have them attend university events cost in the 1000s which is nuts when you frame yourself as a group which genuinely wants to get out a message, etc. i think BLM is one of thoese things many of us were tricked into believing before waking up and realizing much of it was BS and a ploy for certain people to make $
No. 1002097
>>1002090Drive a deeper wedge between the black and Asian communities? There's no such thing as
PoC solidarity, people need to stop with this meme.
No. 1002121
>>1002054>it's the psychiatric industry that we've managed to do with out for the bulk of our collective historyWhich is what I was trying to allude to. Before the concept of psychiatry existed, most mental health issues were treated like any other health disorder. Before modern medications were discovered medical intervention would have been achieved through diet. There's modern evidence that this approach actually works, even for disorders such as schizophrenia.
Since it's inception psychiatry has used barbaric treatments such as insulin comas, lobotomies, electric shock therapy and now mass medicates people with drugs that alter brain chemistry, sometimes permanently. Essentially it's modern diets and lifestyles that create mental illness, along with the need to categorize every slight deviation from normal as an issue that needs psychiatric treatment. Psychiatry is not about increasing quality of life, it's about doing whatever is necessary to make someone a functional member of society that requires minimal input from the state.
>>1002090>BLM was getting actual traction in uniting minorities around the worldNo it wasn't. BLM was targeted for funding by Soros to create more division between races and he succeeded. Regardless of if BLM was at one point a legitimate grass roots movement, it was used as a political tool of the elites.
No. 1002123
>>1001966Lots of psych meds long term cause involuntary movement/brain zaps even if ppl stop using them. They also put fluoride in them, weirdly. I'd go as far to say lobotomies never stopped they just went chemical. Can't really do much work if you don't have fine motor control and can't think uninterupted. Personally I only took 3 diff depresso pills for a year and I def feel dumber.
>>1001973If you aren't an insane-from-the-culture American anon, then sharing your troubles with close ppl is normal and healthy.
>>1002084Wasn't it china trying to make themselves look like the
victim so they won't get steamrolled for the virus shit. Also served to reinforce the "kwazy antiwaxer trumpster rightoid" trope.
No. 1002129
>>1002110>same thing with birth control pills being pushed on all women and young women especially. extra estrogen (above your bodys natural amount) makes you unstable, insecure and need validation, so you will be afraid to leave relationships with men. and all when you could just you know not let scrotes shove in penis.Definetly, you're more likely to be scared and dependant if your body thinks it's constantly pregnant. It also fucks up womens hormones to get on track for the pharma meat grinder. Not going through the horomone cycle fucks up thyroid, memory, and bone density so much. Not to mention all the fuckery from getting constantly semen-doped, trustyourperception studied some effects but I definetly think there's more side effects from getting doped up.
>>1002110>they want you subdued and placid during your working years, then get dementia & die right when you retireDon't think so, they want to use ppl as pharma cashcows when they eventually get dementia. Care homes are basically just cash farms bc the patients can't say no to "treatment".
No. 1002187
>>1002180call me when BLM tries to invade the Capitol and kill Congress lmao holy shit. Secret Service had to start shootong to literally defend the person of the Vice President. Are you fucking kidding me? And the local National Guard, commanded by General Flynn's brother as it turns out, "happened" to be "delayed" in coming to defend Congress from a right wing mob.
They ransacked Congressional offices, and any number of foreign nations could have had plants in that mob to spy, steal government files, and install bugs. Like you must be retarded.
BLM is retarded too but as you said they jist riot & burn their own stuff. Not try to burn the literal fucking offices of Congress. Moron
No. 1002190
>>1002187holy fuck, tell me you watch CNN without telling me you watch CNN. embarrassing, and people call tinfoilers crazy kek…
>>1002180exactly. also nowdays EVERYONE is labelled right-wing by the majority so i find it hard to believe that they are more dangerous in any way.
>>1002104thank you for saying this,
>>1002090 is a clear twitterfag
>>1001988thanks for your kindness anon! i have been on meds and they did help me, so my main hope is that if i ever get off of them that i dont have tons of side effects.
No. 1002212
>>1002187 At least the radical right knows who the real target is. BLM was just a joke created by rich Karens for woke points and asspats.
Bring back the black Panthers, at least they actually took care of impoverished black people before they went extreme. Plus, they were a direct response to KKK fuckery. BLM is weaksauce and a distraction
No. 1002231
>>1002121Idk about diet generally but there are a couple things that are massively important, and youre right that doctors dont even talk about diet at all.
I got bad GERD/acid reflux from eating dinner at work every day for a while (fast food) and they prescribed me Nexium, a proton pump inhibitor. I didnt want to take that because it has a lot of scary side effects (all your cells need to pump protons not just stomach. Can fuck up ypur whole body). They didnt ask a single question abput diet, despite webmd etc saying diet is the major factor in GERD. But I stopped eating at work, ate normal home cooking again, and it totally went away and hasnt come back.
Similarly I noticed that if I drink coffee in the morning, by 2pm I feel extremely depressed, really anxious. I realized that it was like clockwork, and if i didnt drink coffee i was totally fine all day long. But if you say you have bouts of depression, no doctor on earth will say "try quitting coffee/caffeine and see if it helps" they will just put you on SSRI. Its ridiculous. Honestly the first line treatment for depression/anxiety/fatigue should be cutting out caffeine if you drink it. But no doctor/therapist ever will say this cause they get no money. They are happy if you drink coffee, feel bad, take pills, feel better, instead of just… do nothong, feel fone.
To some extent though, I think doctors have just given up because its so hard to get people to change diet or quit things like caffeine. Funnily, that would probably be the best thing for therapists/psychologists to be working on…
No. 1002325
>>1002231People want an easy fix or a magic pill. Why put effort into something when you can just swallow a pill twice a day?
Diet is the most important thing in our health. People have cured chronic diseases by eating healthy. It's amazing what those changes did for your overall health. Sugar is so
toxic for you and causes a lot of inflammation.
Also notice how there is no emphasis on eating healthy or exercising from the governments during COVID. Biden's said in his speech his only plans of action were more vaccines, more testing, and doctors from the armed forces. Nothing about actual treatment. He touted the vaccines were free. He didn't mention exercise though, which is also free. Or eating healthy. Ever, throughout this entire pandemic.
No. 1002406
>>1002338kek yeah idiot because the trump mob had no fucking clue what they were doing, or what files to take or where they would be.
Other governments with spies mixed into the mob would know exactly what to look for, and they would not be releasing what they took.
Btw, hilary clinton has stated she would release all govt files on UFOs and its obvious thats why her campaign got nuked by fbi and other glowies. You have this shit so backwards lmfao. Swallow more FUD from russian disinfo why dont you… yeah the mob that broke into congress was torally harmless.
Americans are so retarded. Xi jinping and putin are having tea together laughing at how is easy it is to disinfo you all kek. Panda bear & russia bear are friends
No. 1002478
>>1002461kek where do you get your info? the national enquirer? this shit is beyond retarded.
I have a copy of rhe roswell report that I found in an estate sale attic. Its out of print now obviously. Theres a ton of questions that arent at all answered as to the performance of these vehicles and even strong indications that they may be extraterrestrial. And you think the real conspiracy is that some old lady likes to eat babies? what are you a bulgarian peasant looking for witches? is this the spanish inquisition?
your eirher wilfully blind or genuinely stupid enough to be distracted by this obvious fud. sad distracted prole
No. 1002487
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theyll put you on antidepressants for COVID before trying ivermectin (cheap and works for many countries) kek totally normal guys!!!
No. 1002493
>>1002481you sound like everything you know comes from controlled oppo youtube/twitter "conspiracycore" retards instead of doing your own research from primary sources.
The govt doesnt even try that hard to cover up the real shit because its so easy to distract you morons with satanic ritual hoopla.
Exactly the same as how the church and kings in medieval times kept people distracted by saying witches were cursing them and eating babies. When it was really the feudal government taxing and robbing them blind and working them to death. Good to see you serfs are still just as stupid and so easily distracted.
No. 1002512
>>1002487If Americans are so unsure of ivermectin why don't they just have trials themselves? (That won't be censored by google, Facebook and Reddit)
Plenty of country folks have always took animal meds for treatment regularly and obviously adjusting the doses and are now taking ivermectin for COVID and are fine. I'm positive you'd at least find a ton of northern anericans willing to take ivermectin for treatment for testing, yet they'll inject literal babies with mystery fluid before they test ivermectin on willing people? Something isn't right
No. 1002536
>>1002493And you’re obviously a glownigger trying to cause a ruckus dare we find out any truth about your misdeeds against your own countrymen and humanity in general. Who’s to say those “witches eating babies” fables aren’t made up at all and the possibility of the elites doing that shit for a very long time then directed helpless women and anyone who didn’t agree with the status quo as the scapegoats to be burned at the stake in the the guise of muh religion
I’m a Christian but I don’t condone this.
Same shit’s still happening just with different accusations as we are currently witnessing, anyone who doesn’t agree with the current status quo is an “ebil rite-winger” or “qanon antivaxxer”, kinda like you’re accusing those anons here in a fucking conspiracy thread.
Go to hell
No. 1002578
>>1002513Damn you're right
A lot of my family members died during the holidays over the years. The Temptations rendition of Silent Night along with Please Come Home for Christmas by Charles Brown eats my soul because it reminds me of them when they were alive with the big family get togethers. No. 1002818
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Nonnas do any of you have some good tinfoils about Antarctica? Videos or other sources are welcome too!
No. 1003328
>>1002536lol thanks for admitting youre a christfag retard gg!! and go suck your pastors dick retard roflmao swallow more literal moidmade woman supressing filth. believing christians are the most incredible sheeple youre literally called the flock kek. blind stupid handmaiden. go be a nun or something why do you even care? god and jesus will come and redeem you or whatever tf dumb thing you believe. being a christfag must be humiliating kek.
As if the christian church wasnt the most proven pedophilic organization on earth. Literally how much of a sheeple can you be holy shit
>>1002752yeah 70 year old hilary clinton is the nost evil villain the planet ever saw. while elon musk openly rapes a teenage giel… fucking kek dont be this stupid yall
No. 1003359
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>>1002833I hope the ayys are nice to them.
>>1002846Thank you, I didn't know /x/ still had bearable threads.
>>1003001There sure are a lot of holes and censored areas on map-websites. Thank you for sharing, Ill give it a watch.
No. 1003432
>>1003328>As if the christian church wasnt the most proven pedophilic organization on earthIslam exists and unlike Christianity, where the harming of children is condemned in scripture, Islam explicitly condones the taking of non-muslim children as sex slaves in scripture.
>>1003328>dont be this stupid yallYou are the one being stupid because you are still thinking democrats = good and anyone who doesn't think that it automatically a republican.
No. 1003460
>>1003432Kek yeah backwoods muslims rape kids, so do backwoods american hillbillies.
Theres ONE organization on the planet that has been OPENLY proven to rape kids and cover it up in an organized way, and thats the catholic church. Sorry bout the facts dimwit
I never realized it before but its so obvious now. Christian retards desperately need to believe in OTHER secret pedophile rings because everyone fucking knows their idiot church is one already. "NO NO NO!! THEYRE ALL DOING IT!! its not just the catholic church, despite that one being the only one with proof!!"" kekekek sheeple never fail to impress me with their blindness. lambs of christ indeed. humiliating
And fwiw im a registered republican, going to vote for jeb bush or chris christie next time around bc the party needs to be saved from the morons-4-christ demographic thats taken over. Unless theres any good new candidates but its not looking likely.
The maintenance of a healthy 2 moderate party system is important to ensure debate & criticism is accepted from both sides. Thats why trump and bernie can go suck each others nuts in a swamp. Not helpful people at all and both embarrassing on the world stage
No. 1003461
>>1003328>Pedophilia isn't real, you must be a Christian, focus on aliens only!!Damn, your job must've gotten like 3000x harder when Bill Clinton's name showed up in Epstein's pedo island flight logs, kek
Anyway, anyone else read about the Laura Silsby case? That was so fucked
No. 1003671
>>1002110>estrogen makes you unstable, insecure and need validationNo it doesn't. Did you pull it out of your ass or something? It definitely messes up your hormonal balance and can influent body constitution and mood, but not in a way you describe it as. Your characterization seems more like a collection of sexist stereotypes projected on est because it is a "female" hormone. Also
>look at troopsFalse equivalency, they are like this because they are batshit moids, not because hormones. And even if it was est it would still in a moid body, which is influenced by it differently than female body is. Also if anything test blockers+estrogen make them less prone to sudden sexual arousal, so they become less psychologically unstable.
No. 1003926
>>1003855Honestly don't get why ppl get so butthurt over this, does it come from "you can pull yourself by your bootstraps!" brainworms? Of course families try to keep their wealth going. Arabs monopolize all the oil, yet there's never any ranting about them online like with jews. Is it just
triggered scrotes who broke their dik with porn so they try to blame jews?
No. 1005513
>>1003926What the fuck does the arabs controlling oil have to do with the Jews secretly controlling everything else?
Anyone who spends any time with this group or learns more than surface-level info about them, hates them… just like the trannies they push on us. I used to think people were big meanies picking on the poor wittle jews too, how retarded I was.
No. 1006118
>>1003639>>1005513I think since we’re not all retardedly bigoted for no reason like scrotes are, female tinfoilers aren’t automatically inclined to hate all Jewish people and Israel for the fuck of it. But honestly, there is truly an absurd amount of Jews in academia, the porn industry, Hollywood, Wall Street, 3 letter agencies, and the media. Even leftist Twitter woketards have problems with Israel and zionists. The “le Christians made jews handle da money” argument is a convenient way to just dismiss the suspicious pattern recognition anyone with a pulse picked up on. I think to an extent the “it’s da joos” sperg is just a way to get tinfoilers to stop thinking critically about things, similarly to blaming the evil in the world on demons, the devil, aliens, etc. It’s all too easy to blame everything on Jewish bankers and some manifestation of biblical evil. Reality is a doublethink mindfuck gaslighting game concocted by evil men (and women) and the “Jewishness” of some of the elite people in power we know of means very little
No. 1007756
>and the thing is that wisdom teeth actually spur the continued growth of your jawbone. So if they get pulled, your face doesnt actually grow into your real mature face shape.Oof, this has blown my mind. I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. I noticed my facial shape changed drastically since I was 20, most notably my jaw, but that was around the same time I got into mewing, so I attributed it to that. Now that I've read this, I'm starting to wonder if it's because of my wisdom teeth. They did grow in impacted but are now straightening out, so perhaps mewing wasn't all for nothing, and I had braces but haven't worn my retainer for years either, and my teeth are still straight.
I'm glad I read this because I always wanted to have my wisdom teeth removed. Not any more!
No. 1009381
>>978267>And they also act as just extra teethMy wisdom teeth never came out… until I broke another molar in my thirties and that molar had to get out. The wisdom tooth on that side finally came out since there was room for it, and it almost closed the gap my missing tooth left by pushing the teeth when it came out.
My dentist sad I didn't need to put a false tooth in the place of the one that fell out since the newly erupted wisdom tooth came out and filled out my jaw.
They're useful spare teeth!
No. 1009511
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>>1003460Hmmmm. Ya don't say.
No. 1010381
>>1009670Now this is good tinfoil milk, too bad muh teef conspiracies are trending in this thread rn.
In one of Dave McGowan’s books, he talked about musicians having connections with glowies and the military. I had a feeling that spooks were involved with the 355 movie
No. 1010503
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>>1009670>you have to be compromised in order to be successful, you don't get to the top unless you areThis goes for politicians too
No. 1010608
>>1010586Permanent patients (mutilation causing pain + use artificial hormones long enough and your body no longer naturally produces hormones and therefore will need to continue buying something you otherwise would have generated yourself for free - women go through menopause when on testosterone and their womb necrotises so they need to get rid of it or they'll die, like what happened to Buck Angel) is a 2 billion dollar industry I hear. Some believe it is leading up to the push for transhumanism (genetic engineering or even further, cybernetics), or pedo enabling (hormones to delay puberty - cause it doesn't stop it just slows it down, ala Kim Petras who is finally starting to masculinize at 30 from looking like a teen boy forever, and Jazz Jennings ballooning like a castrato, even a Mermaids UK whistle-blower believed one of the patients was being forced on to hormones by her father to try and make her younger for longer as their was signs he was sexually abusing her). Apparently the age of consent has also been lowering. I can believe it, pedos get in to power to access
victims. Why wouldn't they build a system to enable it, and one that brings in cash.
No. 1010678
>>1010586Reposting from Anon in MTF thread who talks about it:
>Trans-tech is a budding industry with an enormous opportunity, RKA claims. “Our estimates place the average cost of transition at $150,000 per person. Multiply that by an estimated population of 1 million transgender people, we’re taking about a market in excess of $200B. That is significant. That’s larger than the entire film industry.”A Capitalist gets liberals to convince random mentally ill people that they are Chinese-knockoff-women, by giving them the most secure and safe environment to adopt that identity as well as frequent suggestive advertising, without any challenge to their conviction whatsoever which would at least lead to organic self-assurance establishment and self-actualization.
The tranny then proceeds to waste inordinate amounts of money, whether personal, family money, inheritance, burger flipping, or successful gofundme donation whoring by bootleg-women; on surgery, corrective surgery, medicine, painkillers, antidepressants, some of these things are lifetime. You can add overpriced fashion, wig, skincare and makeup industries to that.
After the troon is squeezed of all their money by the Capitalist, helped by their lack of challenge to their conviction; the absent organic process of self-actualization then blows back into regret and misery of what they've done to themselves in the aftermath in a moment of clarity; they then suicide, which is perfect for liberals as their death becomes a grift statistic to exploit.
The final masterful genius touch is Capitalists getting the liberals to force the State to steal money from taxpayers, to establish a welfare fund for bootleg-women and their lifetimes meds and surgeries, to ensure that there is not a single bootleg-women who can't afford it, which translates to 100% assured monetary flow into Capitalist hands of pharma and surgery clinics and even makeup and fashion industry.
No. 1010774
I believe it also functions quite effectively as a wedge issue in the ongoing culture war. The promotion of transgenderism as described above is a weapon used to create division between members of the proletariat. Actually all identity politics has this function, imo. As long as we're fighting each other over this shit, we will be distracted from the fact that in the end it's really just the ruling class vs. everyone else.
No. 1010783
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As social alienation has increased due to the dislocations wrought by liberal-capitalism, people have naturally become less capable of resolving disputes between themselves, and so have outsourced conflict resolutions to police officers and therapists and the like.
It is no coincidence that a therapist will not hesitate to call the police on you if you say too much, and betray your trust, because both professions are inherently rooted in the contradictions of a low trust society. Both a police officer and a therapist are ultimately working against you, and see you as something to be managed rather than made satisfied.
A therapist is the capitalist equivalent of a KGB spy in the Soviet Union pretending to be your friend, but who is actually just there to inform on any seditious words of yours, while you pay him to do so (whether through the vector of the state or the sham of paying for "mental health treatment").
Except there's much less pretense with a therapist, and at least a KGB spy did not personally force you to remunerate him as he shit-tested your faith in the prevailing system of power.
No. 1010792
>>1010678It's all true, it's not even a tinfoil because it's absolutely correct and the trans movement has been proven to be funded by republican billionaires who are only looking to exploit mentally ill people for heaps of money. For those not in the know, read the legendary essay "Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science" that explains this in intricate detail with provided sources.
Troonism is some late stage capitalism shit through and through for the reasons described in this post above, people mutilating themselves just to fix an imaginary problem largely caused by capitalism itself ("You don't fit the consumerist expectations for a woman? You must be a man then!" and "You like cooming to fetishized lesbian porn as a man? You're a lesbian woman now!"). Imagine being a tranny with a hammer and sickle tattoo identifying as a communist but spending their money on big pharma hormones, paying for body-altering surgeries, clothing, trinkets, various meds, all sorts of luxury items you consider "necessities" because it's "to express your identity" without ever realizing just how conflicting this ultraindividualistic shit is with your supposed communal ideals. They try to play it off as if they're just "supporting small creators" when they're buying hawked polyester trans flags and rearranged Aliexpress jewelry on etsy.
No. 1011355
>>1011321The relationship between nazis and lgbt is WEIRD.
I didn't know about this until recentlt but Ernst Rohm, the founder and leader of the Brownshirts and the Hitler Youth, was openly explicitly gay.
He was murdered on the night of the long knives along with many other party members close to him. When their HQ was raided, many were found in bed with teenage hitler youth members.
Basically, Ernst Rohm wanted to be given full control of Germany's army, rather than the old organization of the Wehrmacht. But Hitler made a deal with the Wehrmacht leaders wherein they would support him as dictator IF he got rid of Rohm and let the Wehrmacht remain in place.
Like how crazy is it that early on, the Nazis were in large part an expkicitly gay male movement? And Rohm was close to leading the army of Germany as an explicitly gay man in 1935? Just shows that gay men are not inherently liberal I guess. But again, until the night of the long knives, the worst the nazis did was street fighting against communists and antisemitic propaganda. Bad obviously, but basically just Proud Boys tier. So was Rohm really a villain on the same level as Hitler, or just a milo yiannopolous edgelord?
Also, Rohm was one of the last people who was permitted to call Hitler by the pet name "Adi" during his rise to power. And he was one of the only people allowed to challenge Hitler's ideas. He was actually considered his main rival. I feel like there's more to this story… so much of the nazi stuff already seemed like self-hate about being homosexual, and I didn't even know about this. It's pretty clear that Hitler had a gay relationship with Rohm at some point, and felt the need to kill him to keep him quiet and remove his rival.
Likewise, the troon movement acts to redirect nonstandard sexuality into medical treatments, self-mutilation and consunerism - and away from the acceptance of natural homosexual behavior. Troonism is just the return of conversion therapy in a much more harmful form and it's crazy how blind people are to this.
It's pretty clesr that the T in LGBT is a massive poison pill meant to turn people against the whole thing. Conservatives must be gleeful that disgusting trannies took over pride parades - people were almost on the verge of accepting average gays and lesbians as normal, and tben this shit happened. Now they can rally people around hating troons which is easy to do, and the more gay kids that therapist shitheads diagnose as troons, the more troons and fewer normal gay people there will be.
No. 1011744
>>1011355>>1011665Reminds me of that American Dad episode where Stan encountered gay republicans
Also bump!
No. 1011778
>>1011665most of what you posted seems like basic common sense
most right wing parties in Europe and North American aren't openly calling for Homosexuals to be discriminated against
I mean compared to most left wingers who support troons, drag queen Storytime for kids and are willingly to Islam cause muh islamophobia
The right wing seems far more rational in comparison, hell I think there was a radfel Lesbian who advocated voting for the Troys over any left wing parties(that's how bad it is)
No. 1011876
>>1011485This describes every gay post left guy in the leftcows thread
>>1011665>when Labour supported the Paedophile Information Exchange and tried to decriminalise paedophilia as part of homosexualityNot from the UK, wtf? Between that and vocal troons it's no wonder why normal homosexuals would vote more conservatively
No. 1012076

>>998434>>1000698Sorry for taking so long, didn't think anyone would be interested. His name's Toše Proeski, there's not much information about his death online aside from the official story. You can find local schizos rambling in the youtube comments of news reports and stuff. The only thing that is proven AFAIK is that his manager was a part of a money laundering scheme. It's also known Toše didn't support the right wing party which was in power at the time, and refused to perform at their rallies. This angered them of course, but I don't think even Balkan politicians would off someone for that. All other facts are murky. Supposedly the accident was never officially filed by the local police. There's also no documentation to prove an autopsy was ever conducted, but all of this can be chalked up to incompetence. Some are saying his body was never at the supposed crime scene (though allegedly you can find his mangled corpse online, I don't have the stomach to search for it). One reporter wrote an entire book on the incident and the shady dealings of Toše's managers. The book does outline some plausible criminal conspiracies with evidence of money laundering but it's also filled with random bullshit, like Toše being protected by the vatican. This article covers the money laundering bit, this is just a general article about him and the accident
Onto the song I mentioned. I'm going to link the video, the translation isn't perfect but you get the point. The biggest red flags imo are the first verse and the chorus. It just doesn't make sense. He was probably the most popular and successful male singer at the time, beloved by all of ex-yu, went to Eurovision and was planning to break out in the international scene. His album in english was recorded the year he died and released posthumously. Whatever happened, it's a tragic loss of life and a wonderful singer. If you made it this far, congratulations nonners.
No. 1012713
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I know I'll get hate for this, but the reason I haven't gotten the vax yet is because I just went through ovary difficulties, and the more digging I do, the more it seems that the vaccine effects the ovaries negatively?
No. 1012715
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>>1012713Samefag, those 'nano lipid carriers' (and likely their content) seems to massively accumulate in the ovaries.
No. 1012728
>>1012713I'd feel sympathy in your case. Being a hypochondriac person the pandemic has presented no winning options. Covid sucks (I know people who have died from it and I'm in semi regular contact with an immunocompromised child) but I also hate vaccines in general. I want this to be over.
tinfoil: I like a good fragrance but I'm pretty sure a lot of that shit is unfortunately pretty bad for you, even the natural stuff (perhaps even more so than the synthesized stuff).
tinfoil: we're probably breathing in lots of harmful microplastics and similar pollutants from powdered makeup and clothing. Clothing is mostly plastic now. It is probably jammed up in our lungs as we speak. I stopped using loose powder products after I read about silicosis. Silica powder is really common in pressed and loose powder cosmetics.
tinfoil: its basically accepted that thermal paper is
toxic and yet we still use it? Why?
tinfoil: Living Proof's hair product's patented 'happy hair molecule' is basically modified teflon. It makes your hair look really, really nice but I wonder how safe that stuff is.
No. 1012778
>>1012713I got the vax. I noticed my periods are a lot shorter now. Nothing has changed (exercise, diet, etc.)
>>1012728Covid will literally never end. There is absolutely 0 reason for it to, when this is exactly where the rich and powerful want society to be. Disillusioned, afraid, obidient and MOST importantly: willing to throw their fellow man under the bus like a good boy. They’re going to keep this shit up so small businesses continue to close and Amazon can get started on their own restaurants entertainment centers and cafes, pharma continues to rake in cash and pay off the media and politicians to shill vaxies to get lifelong customers. I believe the virus is real and I do think vaccines can help people not get as sick with some of the symptoms, but I don’t think they’re as safe as they say and if they were advertised like a medication on tv it would show a bunch of people flying kites while the side effects go “heart palpitations, ovarian cysts, respiratory disease” etc
No. 1012810
>>1012801>>1012778I think risk profiles for the vaccine should be more individualized, there are so many factors involved. I didn't experience any changes in my period save that one arrived two days earlier. Meanwhile when I got exposed to covid (about a year ago) my period was off by three weeks, I was so scared I was pregnant which probably made it worse.
My interpretation of covid never ending comes from a different place though. I think as a species we've come to take our medical advances for granted and assumed we'd be free from pestilence henceforth. But evolution favors what is good at replicating itself. Something like covid was going to happen eventually and humanity would find itself in the same position relative to infectious disease as it has been for most of its history. We would have to get used to disease being in the background of life much like our ancestors did. Covid is just the first of potentially many. I'm not sure if that perspective is more or less pessimistic.
No. 1013150
>I think risk profiles for the vaccine should be more individualizedAgree. I am lucky my home country actually gives an option to get a blood test (to determine risk level, see effectiveness of immunity before getting boosters etc) and a doctor signs you for the vax after assessment. You cannot take it without this. Our safety protocols trace cases carefully, and generally, no one is an asshole about wearing a mask. But that's the only good thing my country is doing kek
Also my tinfoil for coof is that it existed way before 2019, it's just that it got detected in 2019 but possibly patient zero could be from anywhere else. Why? I had something that was exactly like coof in 2018, it was nothing like any flu I had before, and my grandpa passed with coof like symptoms.
No. 1013544
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New Brunswick government is trying to cover up the existence of this new disease and prevent research on it from happening No. 1013553
>>1013150I believe it. One of my friends and his friend group at the time got run over by something suspiciously cooflike before covid was announced, so did my aunt. I got into it with a sales associate at Sephora who got so sick in 2018 his hair suddenly fell out and it was just starting to grow back, his friends also got really sick and one of them even died (heavy chatter for Sephora). He said to be careful with makeup products. At Sephora they had gotten rid of the testers and everything was blocked off but they still had testers available right before covid had taken off and places like Ulta would put returned products back on shelves.
>>1013544probably related to
toxic pollution due to the local oil industry.
No. 1013564
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What do you think will go down in 2022 tinnons?
No. 1013574
>>1012778I didn't get the vaxx but I'm primarily around vaxxed people. For the past two months my cycles came about a week earlier than usual. This was weird to me because my cycles have always been long - my cycles usually ranged from 35-49 days. I didn't change much behavior. The behavior that did change was something I've done in the past for a long time so it wasn't totally new.
I don't necessarily think it's from vaccine shedding… but I have no idea what else would have caused it.
No. 1013602
>>1013583>women are the greatest resource in the eyes of elitefags, since we give birth to the class which they need to rule over (no such thing as a king without a kingdom), and are expected to do the most childrearing, and therefore help shape the future generations while their young and pliable. They just need women to make and care for kids until they're 13 or so. At that point kids don't need to constantly be minded so they can really start hardcore brainwashing kids via school and internet. I remember a few years ago kids flash games with needles were heavily promoted, it was weird then but looking back it def primed kids for accepting injections.
>What better way to take control of the population than to make sure only 'approved' aka government controlled women give birth and teach the 'right' behaviour to their kidsDo you have your birthing liscense? Kek. I wonder what they'll do with amish/super christian places. They're known for not buying into any modern shit, and have tons of kids. It's already been soft introduced with ivf, if you aren't rich enough to afford it then no kids for you. Everyone here pls be very careful with your hormonal health, not to be an essential oil nutjob or whatever but avoid all synthetic chemicals (including plasticy clothing), gmo food, and if you need meds try to find a holistic alternative. Once hormones are fucked up there's not much you can do, and they hide any cures viciously.
>or just outright make kids in test tubes so the elites get their hands on them to shape them early (probs don't have the technology since IVF still needs to be carried to term by a woman, but maybe their hiding it).I think they know they need women to be the factories, their "test tube babies" would fail no doubt. At most they'll chemically lobotomize some women and make them have kid after kid.
No. 1013644
>>1013622The UK government has given up on pushing the eat the plants meme because even they realised how utterly fucking stupid it was and that it would actually do more damage to the environment. other governments will come to the same conclusion.
No. 1013691
>>1013622Kid's liking animals is a developmental thing, they even dream about them more than adults. Kids movies use animals because they sell more, kids like animals and animal designs conceal sloppy animation better. Beatrix Potter did it first. Given how most people in the West aren't vegetarian whatever childish sentimentality they have over eating animals has evaporated. Depending on the country
>>1013625 certain meats are already subsidized. I know there is a lot of hate for ag subsidies but it helps keep food, particularly meat, inexpensive. Removing the subsidies will increase cost, you don't need to tax it. This is why I am in favor of ag subsidies.
>>1013564gpt5 enhanced bots start being used on social media rendering it fucking unusable.
No. 1013693
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>>1013690current chickens are also gmo monstrosities. The epidemic of 'woody' chicken is evidence of continued selective breeding making fatter birds. I'd say we are close to the limit of what is possible with chicken.
No. 1013737
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>>1013731Miniature chickens are a thing, yes
No. 1013764
>>1013544So far they’re blaming lobsters and blue-green algae.
This is why we shouldn’t eat shellfish, the Jews have been trying to warn us all along!!!
No. 1013795
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>>1013737Bantams are cute and they're great for pest control in vegetable gardens.
No. 1013817
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>>1013737kek its feathers look like flower petals or something
No. 1013822
>>1013764Why are you bringing Jewish people into this…? Irrelevant and racebait-y.
>>1013544 like there's some political hush hush going on because the premier is in bed with Irving Oil.
No. 1013882
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Why come there were so many US Presidents who served in the Navy ?
No. 1014107
>>1013622fucking Aesop, i always knew something was suspicious about that bastard.
on another note, i'm unvaxxed and my periods are just as regular as ever. just to add to the data pool
No. 1014642
>>1014505Theyre definitely dying but people who lived in cities most of their life have no clue how to act when they move to smaller towns so it's the perfect time for the towns government to drive up prices of everything and claim it's all those damn Californians/New Yorkers
I know because I just moved out of a mountain town like this. Everyone blamed the damn Californians for why restaurants, groceries etc are so expensive even though I barely seen Californians here. It's also an excuse to divide people and distract them from the true enemy that's fucking them over.
No. 1015053
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I think my cat wants to kill me
No. 1016019
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Super interesting video on JRE with Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines and more.
This was taken down from Youtube, his Twitter was deleted and so was his Linkedin. No. 1016032
>>1016026He says that he doesn't regret the first shot but he regrets the second as he states that vaccines effect people worse if they've had covid before the vaccine.
>he's a shillsure….. that's why he's being called a misinformer, a fake news spreader and being silenced in media.
No. 1016089
>>1016035are you serious? hes been vocally condemning the mishandling ogf everything covid/vaccine related for months and months now, what on earth is sus lmao
i get being skeptical sometimes but think about all the sacrifices anyone who has said anything agsinst these things have had to make and all the shit they have taken. why would you do that voluntarily?
>>1016074post you responded to wasnt about jones
No. 1016100
>>1016093lmao i have never used reddit before and i spaced out because i thought my post would look clearer so i apologize for caring about anyone reading kek
>>1016095you got it. him and alex berenson have both been on joe rogan ( i dont watch him but i follow both malone and berenson's substacks so i hear about it) and theyve been pretty consistent with everything they have been saying up until now.
No. 1016137
>>1016122So there really is no winning against these fuckers (elites) and those that try to are either bought or killed.
Sometimes we forget that the world is a scary place and we really live in a dystopia.
No. 1016188
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When I think about the elites, how they opress us, gorge on the product of our labor, whittle our lives away in servitude, fill our heads with distractions, sickness and false dreams, I always end my thoughts the same way.
I feel so happy Death will be the great equalizer, no matter how much better these fuckers think they are than us lowly ants, at least they must die and be turned into worm food too.
I feel vindicated that they cannot escape and be the gods they so pretend to be. Which is why I'm strongly opposed to life extension, transition of consciousness into another body, and all transhumanism. I know such advancements will not be used for the good of the people and freely given to us. I know in a few hundred years, the elites will be amortal, untouchable, unknowable, and will live to hoard wealth and opress humanity for eons. They would love nothing more than to clean the earth of us one day, live forever amongst their AI cybernetic servants and soldiers, and turn the earth into their skewed fantasy of Mount Olympus. Fuck the elites, worm food in denial.
No. 1016196
>>1015053congrats, only
valid post itt
No. 1016450
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I want to preface this by letting everyone know that I am not Kim Jong Un. But, I do want to say that I think Yeonmi park might be lying about certain things in North Korea. I fully believe her story on how she grew up and escaped. However her "news" updates might not be real. For example, she sometimes tells stories that she has no way of knowing the intimate details of, and I doubt she has spies in her pay roll
No. 1016462
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>>1016450Ooh, Yeonmi is definitely a cow in her own way. There's a facebook group which debunks some of her bs and talks about whichever scrote she's dating atm and it's some good milk from time to time. Her channel at this point is mostly gossip, and many viewers do theorize about her working with glowies but I think she's just into her current lifestyle.
(sage and reuploaded with screenshot)
No. 1016473
>>1016469Sure nona, on FB look up 'Yeonmi Park facts, questions, and the truth.' It's a private group with the screenshot I shared as the banner.
She did grow up with a lot of struggles but even her mom called her out for overdramatizing certain things on the news. And apparently, she has a son, but I'm not too sure about the drama regarding that. I still enjoy her videos but with a grain of salt.
No. 1016482
>>1016462I often side-eye her “Kim Jong-un’s gonna die any day now…” videos, this one’s funny; he lost weight because he’s dying!
I did read that tubby’s main bitch had his fatass go on a diet for the sake of being alive their kids and was worried about his health. He ain’t dying, it’s just his saggy ass skin.
No. 1017840
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Dick tinfoil from /fit/
No. 1019974
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Is that other doctor Peter McCullough well-connected to the intelligence community too?
No. 1020008
>>1019966I thought they want us
not to breed. That's what everything points to
No. 1020033
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>>1020016There are some things you just should not fuck with. Unfortunately, I think society no longer has reverence left for the miracle of life. I don't even mean that in a religious sense. Motherhood is less respected than ever, women are being used as surrogates, trans "men" pumped with hormones are having babies and doctors encourage them to see what happens. When anyone so much as mentions trans women getting uterus transplants I realize we are past redemption as a species. No one truly cares about the health of the baby or its mother. Feels like we are in a cult of science where everyone is seen as a potential experiment with as little ethics as possible. I forgot to mention the talk around organ donors and the ways that all has gone wrong.
No. 1020050
>>1020033>Feels like we are in a cult of science where everyone is seen as a potential experiment with as little ethics as possibleWow.
>>1020047 I wanna hear your thoughts.
No. 1020056
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>>1020047>SamefagNo need to say that after I posted, friend, unless you are larping as me.
No. 1020232
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>>1020210>some of us have actual dna >actual DNAThe tinfoil thread never disappoints
No. 1020396
>>1020065Spergy ot but as an adoptee I hate it when people say shit like this. It is not that easy.
First, you have to be rich and/or suited to be a parent (depending on the country’s adoption policies). Most parents wouldn’t pass the psychological tests if they were needed to reproduce.
Then you are going to pay shit ton of money for adoption agency and it’s basically human trafficking. In some cases babies are kidnapped in 3rd countries to be sold to rich parents.
And then those parents see themselves as saviours and get pissed when their adopted kids misbehave because they are traumatized (duh).
Adoption industry is conspiracy itself.
No. 1020696
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>>1020684I am safe I guess - I got exhausted just by looking at that cleansing shit.
tbh i think these nasty videos are for ocd retards, not for normie girls No. 1021081
>>1020705I am
a sex worker and most of my clients were doctors and when talking about it with them you have to go to a more rural clinic, like near Palm springs. Think like a celebrity - what clinic would celebrities go to in order to avoid the crowds and not have to openly ask for saline? Also avoid COVID clinics, don't ask the nurses either
No. 1021557
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>>1021548Looking for the particular article still but stumbled upon this. Does anyone know what they mean by "a financial system focused on net zero"? No. 1021772
>>1021735And you will be happy. So they say.
I work in environmentalism in the UK and it's strange how quickly local authorities are starting to plan shared ownership schemes. On the surface they're really good and will benefit people and prevent waste. Current plans in my area are neighbourhood based. I doubt it will stay that way though. I've been in consultation groups where I'm in the minority arguing for third party control of the sites and schemes,as well as using them to train and upskill people to provide jobs. Current plans are repair services, shared ownership of tools, gardening equipment, appliances and cars amongst other things. Controlled by the council. Imagine being fined by the council for an unkempt garden bc you don't have enough social credits or whatever to use the communal lawnmower.
No. 1021777
>>1021557>>1021772Forgot to add - financial net zero currently refers to making sure financial and economic "key players" have net zero emissions. In particular banking. In practice it means they'll change nothing and buy carbon credits to make themselves look good.
I enjoy my work at a local level, but it's impossible to look at the bigger picture and not think that we're all fucked one way or another.
No. 1021983
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When the fuck are people going to be willing to work at fast food joints again?? My bf works at McDonald’s and keeps getting 6 day weeks and it’s getting depressing. They’ve been letting meth heads, pedophiles and people with incredibly poor hygiene work there too, and there’s still not enough people.
I’m asking you folks cause you’re future oriented
No. 1022008
>>1021755Reading about those experiences in her book made want to scream. Of course a woman in need is being taken advantage sexually. What a hellish way.
Do I remember correctly that a man saved her by giving her money so she could fly away from China? He wanted nothing in return supposedly I wonder if that whole part of the story was true, I hope it was
No. 1022009
>>1022005They start at 11 now. I wonder what the magic number will be??
Also, don’t believe any of those stupid news articles about “wow I applied to 60 jobs and no one would hire me! This unemployment thing is fake!!”, that’s complete gaslighting. Just about every entry level job where I live is completely desperate for workers. They were desperate before the pandemic began and things are compounded so badly right now
No. 1022025
>>1022014It’s really sad how this business model is able to sustain itself. How long can this possibly go on for?? Like McDonald’s can still give people hamburgers cheaper than making them yourself, can pay people 15 dolllads an hour and do it all with little to no employees. It just makes the current employees break their backs and work with no rest and no peace, just 8 hours of go go go anxiety.
Spoiler because blog posting
My bf drinks 6 cups of espresso before work and today I’m really upset because he slipped and fell into the grill and got burned for the 20th time, I spend 40 dollars on burn first aid bandages and gel No. 1022111
>>1022005>>1021983As someone who was job hunting a month ago, the pay is fine, the biggest issue is that a lot of big name fast food places don't look at their damn resumes lmao or they'll refuse to hire people over the stupidest reason and then as you said, hire criminals and meth heads
I worked at a fast food chain for a week, which my boyfriend applied to the following week and was fired for the first week for being slightly awkward (as if customers are going to give a shit about their cashier being slightly awkward???). Anyway my boyfriend didn't get the job they claimed they desperately needed filled because he "never cooked breakfast in a kitchen before" kek. In a few weeks after all of this they hired a tone deaf boomer who fucks up orders regularly. My other experiences include my friend who applied for burger king who was also understaffed and the manager threw out her resume seconds after she turned it in because there was no references lmao for a fucking burger king. This was when I was in high school anyway but I've turned in several applications for fast food places and never got a single call back, went in for open interviews at Wendy's and they blatantly lied to me about the interviewer not being there and refused to tell me when she was going to come in and "took down my number" and obviously threw it out. Not in fast food but I also got fired in a popular retail store after a week because they showed me a short vague video for training and expected me to just be thrown out there knowing exactly what to do, also paid 30-100 dollars a week, knew I lived out in the booneys and had to spend most of my paycheck on gas and food, and got upset over my clothes because I couldn't afford anything else. I've worked for several places like this that will pay in peanuts and expect me to have perfect clothes like ma'am I'm trying to get my water to turn back on and eat 80 cent canned beans I can't fucking afford a brand new wardrobe because my 10 yr old jeans and stained shirt makes the company look bad because that's all I can afford on your pay. Obviously this isn't an issue anymore but a lot of companies are really feeling the wrath of years and years of being irresponsible with their hiring and employee process. Oh and don't get me started on group interviews, 3 hour applications, places that make you apply online and then fill out an application at the damn interview.
Anyway 9/10 places that are desperately understaffed is because of their own damn fault. They need to pay decent, actually look at their resumes,
No. 1022291
>>1022111Adding onto this and everything else that's been said, the scheduling for these jobs is also retarded. I've been trying to find full time entry level work in this "unprecedented labour shortage" but everyone is looking for part time because full time workers are entitled to extra benefits/protections in my area. And then even if you agree to take a part time position, they still won't at least give you max part time hours. You'll get 1-2 official shifts on the schedule per week, and then are expected to be on-call on your days off to come in if it's busy enough. My current workplace self-identifies as understaffed but if they would open up fulltime and overtime to everyone who wants it, there would be plenty of coverage.
Tinfoil (more of a tinfact) all these companies are working together, holding out to try and get more welfare from the government, and also to try and get immigration laws changed so they can fill these positions with
Jamaican slave labour temporary foreign workers.
No. 1022413
>>1022291They also straight up say "it's not busy so go home" while you're on shift even though they're not supposed to change the hours. Even my niceish boss now tried to bully me into it. Also scheduling you for 5 fucking hours so they don't have to give you a break. Bitch I literally pretend I have diarrhea some days and bought fart spray specifically so I can sit down in the bathroom for a 15 min break.
>>1022353>her reason was "I have a lot going on in my personal life and needed to let it out," like please just get a therapist instead of going to a service person and screaming.Kek that what my last boss gaslighted me with "oh anon everyone is having a hard time don't take it personally some ppl are very stressed". Yet when I didn't act like a chipper fucking robot shed corner me and scold me about "leaving my troubles at home". It's not just the work, but having to pretend to love every minute of it. Not to go far but it's almost like prostitution but without the physical aspect.
No. 1023182
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>>1022413I hate my fucking manager. I got to work bang on time instead of early so she refused to let me make a cup of tea. Ive been working on this place for almost a year and she’s been here a matter of fucking months. What right does she have to deny me a cup of tea? Literally stood in the doorway of the kitchen and refused to let me pass. Also I have to work 6 hours today with no break, no fucking toilet break and it’s so quiet I have like 1 customer per hour. I’m so close to rage quitting.
No. 1023220
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>>1023185Barely, but yes. If I where to work more than 6 hours it wouldn’t be. There is no running water here, they are delaying getting it fixed. There is no toilet. I have to go use the other store next door for toilet breaks but tl get to the toilet I would either have to leave the store unattended (fireable offence) or close for two minutes (fireable offence).
No. 1023718
>>1022009It's because companies are wary of another lockdown so they aren't offering long term contacts with set hours and fair benefits, and after the last two years people realise that a 0 hr contact with no sick pay left them with nothing when they most needed money. Visa restrictions and the pandemic has led to a shortage of migrant workers who normally take the shittesr jobs in western countries.
The companies need to dig deeper into their pockets but they're holding out, they know people will take those jobs before there is enough push to raise wages.
In Australia the cafe and restaurant industry is falling apart because there aren't enough workers who are willing to break their back for part time at minimum wage, the news have reported that the only people taking the jobs are teenagers who are only just old enough to start working.
No. 1023857
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Project Veritas exposed military documents about COVID-19 that are fucking insane
>it was a lab leak from an experiment that was shot down and shouldn't have happenedThese people have blood on their hands into it right now. Tptb are going to be scrambling for a cover explanation next. So far all I have seen from them is that "uhh actually it's about a different coronavirus, not the pandemic" except what are the odds when it's the lab in Wuhan and the same time period. Please spread this
No. 1023861
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>>1023859Best summary I've seen so far, sorry it's gotta be from /pol/
No. 1024413
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>>1024396I also feel like women were manipulated by entertainment and the media to allow gay men to impede on their life and privacy, especially since they were often presented to us as "gay best friends" that you can totally talk about boys, digestive issues, baking, makeup and celebrities with even though most gay men don't give a flying fuck about any of these things. it always felt so weird and forced but I have to say it was always funny watching spoilt ass gay men list "I am NOT your gay best friend ladies!" As reasons to why they're oppressed after making a huge deal about how they're owed the world and gay men get stoned in other countries kek.
>>1023861There's this post that really spooked me from a while back. I know people will say "it's from 4chan how can you take it seriously" but the source doesn't matter if there's hard evidence, plus 4chan still has it's moment every few year or so, I think a lot of people forget that 4chan use to conduct mass hackings and exposés pre- porn addiction. Maybe the FBI is enforcing porn of unrealistic bodies and performances on the Chan as a way to distract them or have them form a porn addiction and quit hacking? Who knows
No. 1024423
>>1024396I think male members of lgbt are hugely overrepresented, no one advocates for lesbians while gay men and trannies are put on pedestal even though a large majority of them are criminals, violent, paraphilic, etc.
I've had bad experiences with gay/bi male friends(one even showed me a gay rape video) and can't fathom why a woman would rather befriend a gay man instead of another woman, I guess so they can't compete for the straight guys? Which is obviously wrong because gay men always go after straight men.
Gay men used to try and normalize pedophilia, tannies try to groom and trans kids in online groups. Yet they are considered brave and stunning while lesbians are considered terfs, incels, etc.
No. 1024437
>>1024423>can't fathom why a woman would rather befriend a gay man instead of another womanNot a lesbian, but straight women are really weird with this shit. Why the fixation on having an effeminate gay male best friend? What do they bring to the table? They're just as catty and two-faced as other women, if not more kek. Someone on /lgbt/ said they basically use them as bodyguards/meat shields in fights, but I don't think a gay guy hitting a woman is considered acceptable just because of his sexuality, and the kinds of gay men they befriend seem to be physically weaker than most straight men
And why are they so in love with drag queens? What's appealing about some gay guy wearing dresses and covered in makeup? It's (probably) not a sexual thing for them, and drag queens don't do/wear anything actual women couldn't, so what is it?
No. 1024442
>>1024413Didn't know China is a west coast state
This said, it is spooky, i'm trying to find any info whether internet archives can be manipulated but can't find any hard evidence. Still, with borderline paranormal things like that I prefer to try my best to debunk it before I believe. Any anon knows anything about potential manipulation of dates / post content in the archives?
No. 1025054
>>1024437Because women are pressured to be "not like other girls" if they reject femininity, with gay men (or the idea of it) you can engage in the feminine things women like but also not hold the shame of being a basic bitch or annoying. I also believe lots of women think gay men will be less likely to move in on their boyfriends
Gay men are usually assholes anyway
No. 1025695
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>>1024413The bit about
toxic metals reminds me that they did find some metal traces in
batches of vaccines in Japan, but it was attributed to an error in manufacturing.
Also, in my country there was a virologist investigating the vaccines that was found dead just the other day. Some months ago another one died and he used to advocate for covid medication as an alternative for the vaccine. Could be coincidences of course, but it does sound spooky when you stop to think about it.
No. 1025780
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have any vaxxed nonas tried some or all of this regimen? I'm not sure what I'm worried about exactly but I took the jab in April and May of last year as I'm quite disabled and my lungs wouldn't be able to expel a srs infection. I ordered vitamin D3(?) and need to get zinc. the only reason I'm paranoid now about this is my last three PMSes (not actual periods) have been fucking awful. am going thru it now and am completely suicidal and dealing w the worst hot flashes ever (i'm about to turn 29)
No. 1025835
>>1025780tl;dr: Got jabbed 3 times. One month after the third time I got neurological issues. Doctors found nothing. Now I have vision problems and can't walk as steady as before.
Oof warning for blogpost:
I got jabbed three times. The first two had no effect on my health and I felt like I was doing the right thing. Right after chrismas (one month after the third shot) I suddenly got double vision when I looked to the left and felt dizzy non stop. Went to my gp and she sent me straight to the hospital thinking I had a stroke what I didn't believe because I'm dumb and only went to see her after having these symptoms for 3 fucking days…
I spent a week in the hospital where my face started to droop on the right side and they did a whole lot of tests, blood tests for virus infections, bacteria, inflammation, malnutrition, a lumbar punction, mri and some weird eeg like test where they give you little electro shocks (nothing crazy or painful, just weird) and they found NOTHING.
No tumors, no inflammation, no bleeding, nothing.
They were tiptoeing around saying it COULD have been the vaccine but in the end they don't know. Went back to my gp on monday and she literally told me since nothing was found "I believed it was ms but since it was ruled out I'm confident it was the vaccine but don't tell anybody I said that because I'll deny it. Otherwise they'll close my office." I was dumbfounded. She and a friend who's a nurse are both against the vaccine and they are not some crazy rightwing type of people. They believe the masks are good and they are not some anti vaxxers in general, just careful about the covid vaccines.
My condition improved a lot since then but in the end I have no idea what happened and why which is scary as hell. I'm not saying it was the shot that caused this since I can't prove it and don't know for sure.
Everyone else I know who got jabbed had no issues beside feeling sick 1-3 days after.
They are already talking about shot no.4 and making a law for everyone to get the shot and I'm so scared that if I'm forced to get another one that something will happen again.
No. 1025852
nonny that's terrible. fingers crossed there's no 4th one.
No. 1025854
>>1025835That’s such bullshit, I’m sorry you’re going through that. Are you Canadian or something? You should try to get your doctor to get an exemption for you, you’ve been mistreated by your government and experienced medical malpractice. Some pussies can’t tell a totally believable truth, that some medication doesn’t work on everyone, but care too much about what people think of them.
I hope you get the medical care you need, from someone honest, experienced, and free thinking.
No. 1026199
>>1025818I always find it funny when pro vaxxers only argument are "it won't hurt you because it won't" or "it won't hurt you you're just stupid". Almost none of them can even defend themselves? It's bizarre. Or "don't question doctors" kek doctors are notorious for being sociopaths and fucking people over. I knew a woman who was repeadly fucked over by several doctors over PCOS and is now completely infertile and in major debt and still says "don't question doctors"
Also anyone notice the Twitter trending anti vax horror stories of an anti vaxxer giving everyone COVID and everyone dying or something? I feel like the pro vaxxers truly don't realize the irony in the fact everyone in a group is dying of COVID except for the unvaccinated
No. 1026204
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Britney’s posting creepy pics again. There’s a lot of symbolism going on in said picture, and the kanji: “ketsu no ko” means “missing child” as seen above the eye. Could she be implying about going through childhood trauma or is this message pizzagate-related?
No. 1026216
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I fucking knew that troons were gonna try to troonify non-femboy pretty boys next. Something was up when I saw them calling blatantly female gazey bishonen characters like Raiden, Sephiroth, Alucard, troons or nb.
No. 1026264
>>1026199As a kid of both a doctor and a pharmaceutical sales rep who's been personally wrung out and left disappointed by nearly every medical professional Ive seen, Ive always said that the majority of doctors fit the description of "salesman" more than "healer".
That's why they will prescribe you BC and wave you away for any gynecological concern.
Sorry for the blogpost
No. 1026320
>>1026204There’s definetly something creepy in this picture. I’m not experienced in de-coding this stuff but most symbolism seem to be related to blood
I found one site that claims 683 means blood sacrifice but it’s angel numbers and there’s no real consensus
The bunny figure has astrological signs: jupiter, saturn (associated with Satan), mercury, venus and mars
There’s also three and nine. The clock says 3/50 or 3/11
No. 1026445
>>1026320Are you talking about this site? typed in some of the numbers displayed in the post and from my findings; it’s telling us there will be a sacrifice of some sort.(God, I hope not).
In the Jewish gemetria when you put in 683, one of the words/phrases in the possible options was “about to be killed”. 311 came with a few findings like “the beast”, “the earth god and “hail Satan”. I combined numerous 3, 9 and 4; making 394 and it gave me “fate determined”, flipped them into 349 which came out to “I can’t breathe” spelt wrong. Flipped again to 943 and it showed a few God references as well as a few Satanic ones and the words “mental institution”. Not to mention the word “blood” on the piano. So either they plan to kill her off or she may have to make a sacrifice.
No. 1026618
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>>1026602meat is a constant theme in Mark Ryden's work, same as famous people or religious figures. He's specifically fond of Abraham Lincoln. Two explanations:
>After his assassination in 1865, Lincoln became deified for saving the American Union and abolishing slavery. His status as an icon interests the artist most, and he was the first President to be photographed. Ryden uses always-stoic-Abe to represent liberty and human rights>In the midst of all this pink and bunnies and bees, Abraham Lincoln keeps popping up in Ryden's paintings. Honest Abe was a self-taught man born in the backwoods of Kentucky. Always a champion for the common folk he was a rail-splitter turned flatboatman-storekeeper-postmaster-surveyor-prairie lawyer cum on-again-off-again politician who became president with less than 40% of the national vote. He led America through its most trying ordeal, the Civil War, and emancipated the slaves. And then on Good Friday in 1865 the actor John Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head in the third act of the comedy Our American Cousin at the Ford Theater. He is more icon than human: the pure stuff of legend and enduring fascination.>In the Inspirations section in the back of his book Amina Mundi, Ryden placed Lincoln's photograph aside a headshot photo of a Colonel Sanders statue. Colonel Sanders, born Harland Sanders, opened his original Sanders' Cafe in the rear of a service station in Corbin, Kentucky, in 1929 on his way to becoming the living trademark for the international fast-food empire that is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Even though he died in 1980 he seems as much alive today as he ever did. Like Lincoln, he too is more icon than humanThis site has a possible explanation on what meat means as well. No. 1026660
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>>1026655Pt 2 of above think it's interesting that he alludes to cannibalism, and that the subjects typically look emotionless whereas the other characters appear to be sinister.
No. 1026677
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>>1026204The name of this piece is "Ecstasy of Cecelia", which is a reference to "The Ecstasy of St Cecilia" by Raphael
>the painting depicts Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians and Church music, listening to a choir of angels in the company of St. Paul, St. John the Evangelist, St. Augustine and Mary Magdalene. >The painting further celebrates the theme of chastity. St. Cecilia's simple belt is a traditional Renaissance symbol for chastity;[13] John the Evangelist was the patron saint of virginity; and Paul praised celibacy in I Corinthians No. 1026686
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from the comment section of the daily mail article i found this picture on
>Hey, why isn't she doing satanic rituals like she is supposed to? Has she forgotten her routine at the last superbowl? Of course the public didn't even notice.
No. 1026689
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>>1026671it's the same shit basically, but it is so obvious to me in nicoletta's art that the little girl she's always drawing IS her and that those are HER actual experiences as a mkultra
victim while mark ryden is just some sick american pedo faking intellectualism and femininity in garish ass "art" and that the little girl(s) he draws are his ideal pizza toppings!
No. 1026702
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>>1026692it's not like nicoletta DOESN'T have perverse imagery in some of her art, she even got in hot water at the start of the pandemic in italy because the gov put her work on billboards ALL over the place, especially by schools/kindergardens, in supposed spread of "art appreciation"!
while i do not believe her herself to be a pedophile, pedophile's fucking adore her kind of imagery and it's obvious what tptb were attempting/doing to me
No. 1026706
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>>1026700while they all share a general artstyle, only mark and nicoletta really share a theme and subject
and marion's art isn't as "estoric" in a way to me at all - seems like a standard quirky woman
No. 1026708
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>>1026706nah it's largely the same
No. 1026717
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>>1026708…she is his wife…
anyways yeah i kinda agree that i spoke too soon about marion not being estoric, pic related - and ryden's clearly a pedo and she married him, so what does that say about HER anyways - but i STILL truly believe that ryden's this stupid ass pervert who believes and proclaims he's smarter than what he actually fucking is - i can just FEEL it in his art, it permeates all of his fucking little girl drawings - while ceccoli has something he never will, authenticity!
No. 1026736
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Why are the corporatists attempting to shill pop punk?
Why is it that they are trying to push down this calculated anger and energy to teenage girls of today? They’re fucking depressed and anxious.
What social change are they envisioning and trying to promote? Or do they simply need a new product to sell since current music is getting tired.
>was any music movement ever organic? Hmmmm
No. 1027998
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Totally safe.
No. 1028245
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>>1026204I think Mark Ryden's work is largely "red herring" art. By that, I mean he puts in a lot of symbolism, but rather than signalling a specific thing, he wants people to try and figure it out, like a litmus test. If you know about Saturn, have an interest in American history or can read Japanese, it's a good conversation starter, but I don't think you're meant to unlock a grand narrative to all of it. I feel like only he would know the full truth of different aspects of his pieces, and he probably gets a kick out of keeping it all quiet. He'd probably be like "Yeah, this is the intent, to make tinfoilers like you go crazy" to see this in this thread. I also think people who collect "pizza" in their basements get a kick out of his work, which is probably why it's not just alt girls like Jessicka from Jack Off Jill and Scarling who like his stuff
>>1026706>>1026708I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I think Marion Peck does it better, as she seems more measured in her approach to things. It feels like you can pinpoint a specific concept in her paintings and go from there. Like, check out the obvious Baphomet imagery/tenets in pic related, "The Evil Snowman". I think it's more…true and clear. With Ryden, I feel like he's sneering at me and telling me to solve an extravagant puzzle, knowing that everybody's answer will be different, and even if they read his mind and get it absolutely right, he'd probably make up a new meaning on the spot to outrun them. Fun to look at, but it's kind of a waste unless you're in LA trying to prove you're an eccentric, quirky genius whose ideas others (including Ryden) should steal/"remix" or pay for or both lol.
I wish there was a thread where we could all just talk about art and how we interpret it, this is a lot of fun. I like Nicoletta Ceccoli's work a lot too No. 1028367
>>1028361Yeah, no shit lol.
>>1027998I’m sensing this problem and the incoming detrans wave was probably a bit manufactured or “nudged further” so that a certain group will profit off the backlash of the angry parents and matured kids. I hate this cycle of medical malfeasance.
No. 1028384
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>>1028361Kinda apart of the gay thing, but isn't it just normal for young women to prefer more effeminate men? Millenials used to love emo boys aesthetic, now zoomers like something similar, just the cycle of life
No. 1028404
>>1028392Everyone has been exposed to a lot of anti-vax rhetoric and conspiracy theories on top of governments everywhere having shown to be sketchy or downright lying whether you're anti-vaxx or not, but every single anti-vaxx woman must totally be a tradthot right?!?!
t. vaxxed anon
No. 1028435
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>>1028392Because I got one shot, bled for 20 days and was told to stop whining and go on BC for it, already had covid, and don't want any more shots nor do I want them compulsory for years to come with the lovely track record of both the pharmaceutical companies and their government cronies. As if they ever gave a real fuck about the general populace or have any real understanding of what this mass scale repetition of mRNA injection could do to a population.
I will always resist the enforcement of any new compulsory mandates onto an entire population, both because I immigrated from an authoritarian shithole and because I believe in science; one of the principles being observation, and all I've observed so far is an ineffective, bumbling clusterfuck that's generated hundreds of new billionaires and turned citizen against citizen, eroding the last shred of unity this forsaken country ever had. Thanks for not standing with me and my right to choose and facilitating that.