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No. 2126145

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from migrant talk, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353

No. 2126148

I thought britbongs were protesting about immigration though?? Am I wrong? I’m not from the UK I just heard about it

No. 2126154

I would suggest a UK politics containment thread but idk if that will quickly become a shit show kek

No. 2126158

Yes. But it is happening irl. It filled up the thread with infighting. Go to twitter for info. Thanks for bringing it up in the first reply though kek

No. 2126162

I was actually going to suggest a Tracy Beaker picture for next one kek so I approve. Thanks for the new thread

No. 2126176

You can go sperg about migrants on 2x though there's even an islam hate thread there. It's just annoying when the entire thread is talk on migrants as if anyone on here has anything interesting to say about it. That's what gets me, how boring & lame it is.

No. 2126178

Yeah, but it will be good if they stay in containment.

No. 2126183

I wonder if any burgers or non-bongs know the icon in thread gif

No. 2126185

Princess Anne in her youth I thought?

No. 2126242

Where did I say Islam Hate? I said UK politics you tard. I get that it can be annoying when it goes on and on but that’s a current issue in the UK, a big current issue hence why people have so much to say about the topic. So much that can’t be expressed IRL. Whilst I get constant migrant talk to be a pisstake, Kier’s man baby meltys are relevant to the UK rn that we don’t need a bunch of burgerfags piping up about elsewhere.

No. 2126262

Yeah that happened but in what way does that give you the right to create rape gangs and attack them? Get over it, most of the people had nothing to do with that shit. It's gross trying to blame the citizens instead of the government using their tax dollars to go and invade your countries without their permission anyways, blame the retarded politicians and stop watering down their country. I wish burgerfats had this much rebellious spirit that the britbongs are having now, all we do is just protest for a bunch of inbred people being bombed by other inbred people who are slightly paler than them thousand of miles away from us

No. 2126765

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Brexit is a gift that keeps on giving lolololol.

No. 2126837

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Last night I placed a £160 order. They have some really good offers on right now. I treated myself to three tubs of Jude's (3 for £10) and M&S Best Ever Trifle.

No. 2127064

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I will buy every nonnie a Colin the Caterpillar cake if we can go 3 replies without migrants being mentioned

No. 2127069

that's a lot of money… i am beginning to descend into a deep mental darkness at the current price of shopping. i treated myself to a new flavour of mochi nonetheless. what else have nonnas been treating themselves to?

No. 2127075

Is Ocado really worth it compared to other grocery delivery services?

No. 2127078

Was just trying to do some chores and saw a big fuck off spider just crawling about the carpet like he owned the damn place. Scared the shit outta me. I was bare foot. I hate bugs

No. 2127159

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No. 2127166

I had one chilling on my shoulder earlier. Made me scream and I had to blow it off so it landed on the floor and I could go grab the kitchen roll for the swift extermination

No. 2127192

I've been sneaking magazines into the basket recently. There's barely anything interesting in them, but sitting quietly flicking through Grazia for a bit is giving me a nice nostalgia for "the good old days" of being more offline.

No. 2127481

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Katie being messy and entertaining yet again kek

No. 2127501

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KEK at that headline, a classic heat magazine copywriting. She is so entertaining. She was the first of the reality stars though. I used to always watch hers and Peter Andre’s shows with my nan

No. 2127513

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Do you remember the drama from like 2009, where her husband the cage fighter Alex Reid had a female alter ego called Roxanne? kek

No. 2127524

Speaking for Alex Reid. This video of him giving his opponent a kiss makes me chuckle

No. 2127534

Only recently found out that boyfriend is related to limmy. Not only that, but I attended a funeral he was present at and I had no idea. Like nobody ever thought to tell me who this Brian they mention actually is.

No. 2127553

Something I lowkey like is that you can see men partaking in a mutilating beauty standard trend that'll probably be considered super ugly down the line in Turkey teeth. I feel like this adherence to a surgical enhancement based beauty standard in British men is unique.

No. 2127556

I think the "British people have bad teeth" memes are getting to them kek

No. 2127646

What I don’t get is how braces are literally free when you are under 18 in the UK. I don’t get how people’s teeth still be jacked up.

No. 2127666

Braces are only reserved for scenarios that have an impact on ones health. If the problem is merely cosmetic, they don't give you them for free. In the US, teeth may look better on average, but that's because the system there is designed to extort as much money out of you as possible, so they focus far more on cosmetic procedures. If you look into it, dental health is actually worse on average in the US than it is in the UK kek. Americans just cover their shitty teeth with veneers and whitening treatments far more frequently than we do.

No. 2127739

I had braces for less than a year and I got them for cosmetic reasons for free, my teeth wasn’t even really noticeably crooked. Maybe it was different back then but if British teeth are bad as people say, surely they should be able to get them sorted

No. 2128020

Bi men are so hot, fuck… I can't help it nonnies x

No. 2128059

>no talk of migrants or riots because we don’t want to hurt Muslim or EDL feefees! Let’s nitpick a washed up page 3 girl instead!

No. 2128094

was he surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny?

No. 2128129

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Picrel is the system the NHS uses, which is then also combined with ridiculously long waiting lists. It's no wonder people aren't getting them.

No. 2128155

I love his cat

No. 2128157

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me too

No. 2128161


No. 2128193

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Jesus Christ this feels so dystopian

No. 2128214

Witty. It was his dad's funeral so no not really full of the joys.
I actually don't know anything about him other than seeing his face posted and the falconhoof skit. Just weird to suddenly hear dropped in conversation this far into things. I have no doubt I'll probably never actually talk to him. A lot of family are a bit.. rough

No. 2128287

For me the biggest reason to shop with Ocado is that they have a wide range of premium cooking ingredients such as oils, spices and vinegars, that can be difficult to find elsewhere. I cook nearly all meals from scratch, so for me it's worth it.

No. 2128291

IMO it's only worth it once in a while for a splurge. I tend to order from it at Christmas. it's definitely a bit pricey and there are rarely any good offers, but the quality is good.

No. 2128294

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No. 2128339

Right over my head.

No. 2128343

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Forgot to set my alarm and just woke up. No ones pinging me and I think I'm in the clear. I think my job might be a joke. I's almost 4pm. Wtf

No. 2128362

No. 2128364

55? fuck me she looks good

No. 2128374

no, no talk of migrants because they are a plague irl and a plague on the previous thread

No. 2128463

do you anons prefer costa or Starbucks? I don't think I have ever had anything from Starbucks.. I don't like hot drinks, I love costa and their toasties so I think I am quite loyal to them. I also like hot chocolate from Cafe Nero

No. 2128467

> because we don’t want to hurt Muslim or EDL feefees!
That couldn't be further from the truth. I made the thread and I said it because migrant talk took at like 85% of the prev thread. They are insufferably everywhere irl and we should atleast have a bong space where we can talk about literally ANYTHING else

No. 2128471

Kekkkk, go enjoy your Friday, it's not like anyone cares. If anyone asks, you had IT issues.

No. 2128474

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Why has this thread been so active lately? Are there people larping as British since the riot shit made the thread more active or something? There was not this many of us before I swear

No. 2128493

According to the last hellweek statistics, Bongs are the second largest group on LC after Amerifats.

No. 2128521

Yeah no one messaged me all day. I got one email that I don't care to respond to. Fuck them Friday drinks time

No. 2128530

Definitely the riot shit and the overall issues with the migrant stuff.
Fuck you anon, bullying Katie Price is more fun.
Making me miss living the in Uk. Costa hands down has the best food items and better coffee.

No. 2128532

Costa is infinitely superior.

No. 2128533

Terf island and 'Murica W.

No. 2128558

Second biggest English speaking country. Makes sense.
Also Lolcow domain is registered to a Brit

No. 2128562

Nonna, I posted both >>2127159 and >>2127481
so shut you're stupid trap. The Katie story is on national news now so its relevant but also amusing. Shes like sam hyde at this point, always getting away with it!

No. 2128565

Really? Owner is a bong?
She is fun to talk about, nothing has really been posted apart from articles anyway

No. 2128569

Costa is much better than Starbucks. The food selection is nicer imo

No. 2128572

Favourite Tracy Beaker character? (that isn't Tracy) mine was 'lol' I think it was short for Lawrence kek

No. 2128574

Could partly be that the male migrant thing is playing out pretty similarly in other countries atm (with their own riots happening too) so that's bringing em in

No. 2128582

the government says they are looking into bringing more laws for social media after all this

No. 2128583

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I loved how fucking savage Justine was kek. I also liked Mike, he was nice.

No. 2128591

I think it was always just burgers who were pro-migrants and crying muh racism!!!!?! whenever they were mentioned. Because other euro countries have to deal with them too.

No. 2128634

Mike probably, but I liked all the wellards, where is my maroon 5 cd?

No. 2128705

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No. 2128708

So much Tracy Beaker itt but does anyone remember the dream/musical episode?

No. 2128710

I was always weirdly attracted to dominatrix Cam in this

No. 2128713

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who read the book(s)? I loved jacqueline wilson's books so much as a kid. and now she is a based terf

No. 2128715

KEK her red nails curling around the door at the end gave me a bad dream irl
Jacqueline Wilson has always been based. I love her

No. 2128719

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Queen of sensible thinking

No. 2128722

I remember her book 'Kiss'. I remember it was the first "grown up" teen book I read. I remember being in year 6 at primary school and other girls were reading it too. And everyone went crazy over the fact the girl was in love with her male best friend but he turned out to be gay kek

No. 2128729

queen, I love her!

No. 2128740

not a bong but just had a mandela effect moment googling one of her books that i read as a kid, the kiss. as i remember it, it was about two girls getting together but looking up the summary it says it's about a straight girl and a gay boy. huh. anyway there's a lot of based british female authors it seems like

No. 2128755

Yes it was the book 'Kiss' I said about it here >>2128722 Sylvie and Miranda do kiss iirc

No. 2128756

oh so i'm not crazy then. i guess i literally only retained that one plot point from the book and forgot the rest cause i don't even remember the carl character who was apparently there too kek.

No. 2128786

I used to read all her books religiously, I loved the Tracy Beaker ones so much. Never managed to get into the TV series though.
She's so based, I love her.

No. 2128806

I really want to read the book she wrote fairly recently about a girl who realises she's gay and in love with another girl in her school

No. 2129529

Due to the nanny state we live in, the UK is far behind in natural selection. We have a lot of barely functional tards among us that would have quickly perished or starved due to their own stupidity in another country, but our government insists that they must be bubble wrapped and kept alive and safe from the consequences of their own actions. This means that ordinary decent people have to be tormented by these functional retards in their day to day life. Bullied at work and school. Attacked and harassed on the street. Aggressively panhandled, you name it. It’s also tremendously dysgenic for our gene pool. This jay slater case is an example of that. The second he left his safety cushioned environment and stepped on a harsh terrain, he keeled over and died.

No. 2131233

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Did you anons watch Supersize vs Superskinny? I used to love when they swapped meals. I also remember every episode they did a warning/shock segment where the show made the fat person meet an American who was morbidly obese how couldn’t get out of bed, as in to say “if you carry on you will end up like this”

No. 2131265

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Love this show. I remember they even flew people out to the US specifically to visit morbidly obese americans in person, just so they could say "don't end up like me". They couldn't find any super obese people in the UK at the time? kek
Also picrel is so insane, they'd never get away with this show now, especially not these promotional photos of them photoshopped onto thin and fat bodies.

No. 2131269

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Jacqueline Wilson books were always real as fuck. Picrel was one of my favourites.

No. 2131299

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the nostalgia i'm feeling looking up some of her other book titles that i'd forgotten all about. i didn't even realise i had read so many, loved all of these.

No. 2131303

> They couldn't find any super obese people in the UK at the time?
I guess they could never compete. I guess burgers truly are superior in everything kek

No. 2131309

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I used to love the Bed & Breakfast Star. I remember that they moved to a hotel because they had money issues and had to move out of their house and their was a fire in the hotel or something and she saved everyone and got to go on tv for interviews

But picrel was my favourite, her mum, stepdad and baby brother moved to Australia (she refused to go) and stayed with her dad who was struggling with money and owned a chip butty shop kek. I read it about 11 times

I just realised both books had similar themes. Jacqueline Wilson wrote about such real topics but her books still felt age appropriate?

No. 2131310

Oh my god, Illustrated Mum! I loved all the JW books about sisters.

No. 2131314

not a Britbong just saw the pic from home page but God I loved Jacqueline Wilson books, she's got a new one coming out for The Girls series (one of my faves) of them all grown up and I can't wait

No. 2131327

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>Jacqueline Wilson wrote about such real topics but her books still felt age appropriate
agreed. she neither patronised nor got into anything too adult. it just felt very natural and the characters all felt so real. her stories actually helped me put so many real life experiences into better context.
omg I didn't know this! just looked it up and sharing vidrel because she's soooo cute. can't wait to read this one.

No. 2131332

Her novels always made me feel weird inside. Pretty dark subject matter.

No. 2131335

Same, but in a way that was oddly comforting and relatable.

No. 2131343

Rodpig moids are always into tranny shit and getting pegged

No. 2131500

She has such a lovely voice. I would listen to her read an audio book

No. 2131589

I get random cravings to watch these and secret eaters once in a blue moon, I think secret eaters would be very helpful to a lot of people still.

No. 2131598

Illustrated Mum meant so much to me as a kid who also had a mother with bipolar disorder. I read all of her books obsessively, I still reread them as an adult on occasion because they're such a source of nostalgia (and because I can burn through like 5 in an afternoon if I'm feeling sad kek). The mother in Lola Rose also hit home for me. I've read Jackie Daydream, which was Jacqueline Wilson's account of her childhood, and was very surprised that her parents never dealt with substance abuse, as it's so realistically portrayed in her books.

No. 2132235

Oh I need to read Jackie Daydream. I wonder where she gained such insight into those issues.
I just looked up her biography and learned something new
>her husband left her for another woman
>now she's in a relationship with a woman
good for her

No. 2133135

That Katie Price photo doing the rounds on twitter, do you think it is real kek? It is so disgusting and low even for her.

No. 2133188

which photo? Post image pls

No. 2133451

NAYRT Katie Price lying down with a big turd across her C section while in Dubai. I would post the image but it feels a bit revenge porny so I’m a bit iffy on posting it, sorry nonnie but it’s on twitter.

I think it is real but several years old due to the lack of some of her tattoos. She always seems desperate for money so I wouldn’t be surprised.

No. 2133717

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Why not sue the state?
>It reveals how clinicians 'minimised or omitted' key details that would have exposed the serious risk Calocane, who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia three years earlier, posed to the public.
>The report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) comes the day after a damning BBC Panorama documentary revealed a doctor warned three years before the attack that Calocane's mental illness was so severe he could 'end up killing someone'.
>The care regulator's review into the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) found risk assessments played down the fact Calocane was refusing to take his medication, was having ongoing symptoms of psychosis and had become increasingly violent towards others.
>'Alarmingly, there seems to be little or no accountability amongst the senior management team within the mental health trust. We question how and why these people are still in position.'
>The CQC said his records make it 'clear' he was 'acutely unwell' throughout the two years he was under the care of the Trust after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2020. Between May 2020 and February 2022, eight risk assessments were completed for Calocane by the Trust. While some risks were highlighted, the CQC said other assessments 'minimised or omitted key details'.
>Despite his failure to engage with the Trust's services and the fact he was known to police, he was still discharged into the care of his GP in September 2022.
>Marjorie Wallace, founder of mental health charity Sane, said the report was 'the most damning indictment of the fact that psychiatric services are not in crisis but in complete breakdown'.

No. 2133722

Just post it

No. 2133733

Kek it’s on twitter, I don’t even want to save it to my camera roll even for a second

No. 2133737

This is an image board though

No. 2133745

File: 1723538614700.jpeg (Spoiler Image,938.24 KB, 1170x1603, IMG_5639.jpeg)

Fine! Is it worth it? I just got two pop ups on my phone warning me about sending nudes wtf

No. 2133747

Quite familiar that a black scrote stabbed those white Brits to death. As those three little white girls were stabbed to death by a black scrote too. Imagine if it was a white man that killed three little black girls? The UK would be burnt to the ground by retarded BLM protesters

No. 2133750

I don’t know if it is fake or just an old pic because people are saying she has tattoos now that she doesn’t have in this disgusting pic

No. 2133752

She literally has teen kids who are very active on social media. Imagine how horrifying this must be for them? Going to school and other kids being like “I saw your mum with shit on her on twitter last night” how mortifying. I feel bad for them kek

No. 2133755

Kek I forget about the other kids, I only thought at least Harvey is blind kek. I guess he’s suffered enough for one life.

No. 2133761

I really wish they would start locking scrotes with paranoid schizophrenia up for life in a mental hospital. They are so risky to the public as they don’t seem to have a grasp on reality and always in a bad way. Trusting someone will take their meds every day and not attack the general population is like sticking a pitbull in a nursery. I’ve seen so many videos online of people saying “this is how I manage my hallucinations, I record next to me and if it’s not in the video then I know it’s not real” like how the fuck are you allowed free in public?

No. 2133780

KEK anon, I think she has about 5 kids? But the ones with Peter Andre are on social media and older. How mortifying for them, like you said atleast Harvey probably doesn’t understand or see kek

No. 2133801

good morning nonas what have you eaten for breakfast today? i had lavender porridge

No. 2133849

haven't eaten yet, stuck in shitty teams meetings and cba to go to the shop to get anything

No. 2133880

Your phone sends notifications like that? What?

No. 2134065

File: 1723559471505.jpeg (232.54 KB, 1170x2330, IMG_5642.jpeg)

This is what comes up when I post that pic here kek

No. 2134070

Yeah your phone is definitely spying on you

No. 2134075

If it is, it just got a good look at a photo of naked Katie Price with shit on her stomach

No. 2134094

hard to find a phone that isn't. i know iphones scan your photos constantly (that's why if you search your photos for "food" it comes up with all the food pictures you've taken, for example).
definitely not a good idea to take or save any personal photos on your phone.

No. 2134116

I know all phones spy on you, but Apple is on another level, kek.

No. 2134147

That's so fucking creepy. I mean everyone knows your phone tracks and analyzes everything you do of course but being faced with it like this..

No. 2134154

>Imagine if it was a white man that killed three little black girls? The UK would be burnt to the ground by retarded BLM protesters
You say this as if it would be bad for people to protest against little black girls getting killed. You've made multiple posts like this, actually.

No. 2134173

Nta but is it really a good thing? If the person is arrested and facing consequences then ways the use of burning down neighbourhoods? It’s an excuse for people to be destructive and violent. Protesting is fine and so is occasionally doing something drastic like pulling down a statue built to commemorate a slaver but looting a fucking Greggs? Burning down businesses? Burning police vans? No.

No. 2134194

Do you have a day job all you do is post bait

No. 2134231

That wasn’t my point at all. I’m saying that if it was a white man killing young black girls, there would be a bigger uproar because it would be put down to racism. Where’s vice versa it is not

No. 2134257

No BLM protests have even been held for little black girls, so you're complaining about an unfairness that doesn't even exist. Even when black women get brought up in protests they're always an afterthought rather than the actual cause for protest. Fuck off.

No. 2134289

>my protesting and destroying is fine and socially good
>YOUR protesting and destroying is racism and fascism and is bad
lol, lmao even

No. 2134314

Why is any woman protesting for the rights of these moids? Shitting on women is a popular fetish there. They're subhuman degenerates.

No. 2134390

Did I say that? I was sure I was clearly indicating that destructive rioting is bad either way.

No. 2135054

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No. 2135081

> Turn on Sensitive Content Warning
Go to Settings - Privacy & Security. Scroll down and tap Sensitive Content Warning, then turn on Sensitive Content Warning. You (or your family member) will receive a warning before receiving or sending sensitive images.
Just FYI so you can turn it off if you wanna nonnie

No. 2135086

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t arrest the man who sprayed the “unidentified red liquid” for assault with the way the UK is right now.

No. 2135607

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No wonder so many politicians tried cosying up to China.

No. 2135850

Any nonnies that commute/or just go to or from Euston or any busy train station really, I found a site called “whatplatform.co.uk” and it tells you the platform of the train ages before it is shown on the screens so you can avoid the huge crush and stampeed of people running for the platform

No. 2136265

nonnas what’s ur favourite place to get cute underwear specifically in london price isn’t a matter but i think i'm gonna hook up w a woman for the first time and the state of my underwear is a disgrace.. maybe somewhere that also does bra fittings? i have no idea what my bra size is. is ann summers a good one?

No. 2136319

My favourite underwear brand ever is Rosie by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. It is sold at Marks & Spencer’s. It is very bridal and delicate but still comfortable.

No. 2136323

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Speaking of Rosie. She also has a beauty brand called Rose Inc. Which I love so much. I have 3 of her blushes.

No. 2136352


ty nonnie much appreciated i’ll check it out!

No. 2136358

oh i had no idea who was behind that brand ! i’ve seen it in space nk and tried out the softlight foundation it lays beautifully i was very impressed

No. 2136629

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No. 2136970

Imagine being the mum and your little girl being stabbed right in front of you. Absolutely horrific. That poor little girl, how agonising.

No. 2136973

the mum was being stabbed too, presumably trying to save her daughter, so it's double traumatising for both of them. i'm so glad they survived but how can you recover mentally from something as horrific as this? i can't imagine it.

No. 2137750

File: 1723750816305.webp (12.59 KB, 260x338, AWAMVt_s-pLJwfieww2I.jpg)

can confirm, i have a nightdress from her (image attached) and it's so comfortable and looks great despite being very old at this point kek

No. 2137850

File: 1723755307145.jpeg (275 KB, 800x1850, paintings.jpeg)

found these paintings on tumblr of early 2000s british school girls and made me feel so nostalgic. thought nonas here would appreciate them.

No. 2137889

wtf that is literally what my school uniform was like back then, except the jumper was the ugliest shade of green you could imagine.

No. 2137894

mine was navy like the second pic, teamed with ugly pleated grey skirt and thick wooly, itchy grey tights.

No. 2137903

Oh my god made me feel strange
my primary was like a bottle green and my secondary was navy

No. 2137904

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Omg these dresses remind me of being at primary school, in the summer, the smell of suncream. What colours did you nonnies have? My school was green

No. 2137905

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I don't think any school had pink??? I think they were only the 4 primary colours

No. 2137916

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takes me back to jump rope, yoyos and pokemon cards at lunch break

No. 2137923

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No. 2137937

File: 1723760120238.jpg (122.59 KB, 933x1400, School-Cake-3WM.jpg)

No. 2137964

oh my god the children (me) yearn for vhs tv time

No. 2137970

Blue! I was so jealous of the girls that had the matching scrunchie kek

No. 2138182

My school had blue! Getting to wear these dresses were the best part of the school year unironically. I thought they were so cute and they were really good for the weather too. Plus they served as a symbol that the summer holidays were close by.
The computer lab is giving me flashbacks to when we had to when we finished earlier in ict and could play on the cbbc website.
My school had this but we NEVER used it.

No. 2138190

I feel insane for remembering this, but there was an episode of changing rooms where there was a lesbian couple and for whatever reason, one of the hosts decided to turn their room into a dita von teese style sex dungeon complete for framed lacy underwear. They weren't even super feminine women either, nothing about them indicated they could want such a thing. They specifically said that they wanted something neutral. I think one of them even cried once seeing the room because they hated it so much. I wanted to see if there was any documentation of this happening online for years, but never found anything. Does anybody else remember this episode?

No. 2138246

they should have PE apparatus in offices, kek

No. 2138667

She wasn’t. That was a mistake. She was actually just covered in her daughters blood.

No. 2138862

Anyone know how long it'll be to replace almost passport rn. I go away end of next month and adhd brain has made me put this off. Dunno if I should risk the standard way now or go for fast track. Only thing that was stopping me doing fast track is I have some rather flattering photo print outs and I don't want to have to get a new one for a digital code. Also do I require any documents for fast track appointment?

No. 2139006

I'd get a fast track passport, it takes a couple of weeks to get your passport, it's not worth the wait.

No. 2139669


I just renewed my son's last month, ordered it on the 13th, it arrived on the 26th.

No. 2139796

Anons do you drive manual or auto cars? I’m tempted to learn auto since the gubbmint is going to ban the sale of new manual cars in a few years. I know the second-hand market for manual cars will still be thriving for a couple more decades after but it’s clearly aiming to be eventually phased out. I wonder if it’s even worth learning anymore.

No. 2139798

I only drive automatic. I've never had to use a manual car since I started driving, and that's over 10 years. I understand the appeal of knowing how to drive manual, but practically speaking most cars are automatic these days anyway so there's not much point to learn.

No. 2139835

confession plus a question. is my random accent embarrassing? without giving actual details, it's like if someone was a german who immigrated to the uk years ago, but very obviously spoke with an accent that's a mixture of australian and their own pronunciation, because they've watched a ton of australian tv and it feels intuitive. would people think it's weird?

No. 2139877

If the “Australian” here is actually American, yes that’s weird and actually a common tell for autism so at least you’re not alone

No. 2139880

File: 1723870062584.jpeg (186.63 KB, 2560x1707, IMG_0233.jpeg)

Iirc a manual license means you’re allowed to drive automatic out of hand, so why not learn manual. when I took a few driving lessons manual didn’t seem that hard. (Ive never bothered getting my licence though and just rely on living in big cities though so maybe take my advice with a grain of salt)

Anyone remember the cookies with the handprints still left on them? I used to steal extra and I thought I was so slick, but looking back those lunchladies knew exactly what I was doing greedy fuck I was. Picrel is closest I could find but not quite accurate to how thick they were

No. 2140945

I hate football fans. I am stuck on a train with loads of them, I want to die. Most of them are like 40. I have mentally put multiple curses on their favourite football teams. I hate them all. If one of these men were my husband, I would divorce him. Or my dad or brother I would be mortified

No. 2141920

File: 1723998961129.jpeg (247.98 KB, 959x1221, IMG_5687.jpeg)

I want to lie then on the floor, get a dog and walk the dog all over them. They need to go back to their own shit smelling, women raping country(/pol/sperging)

No. 2141935

File: 1723999401560.png (1.09 MB, 768x1026, publicpurity.png)

this is definitely someone just taking the piss. the whole thing is a hoax. also:
>by Jews News

No. 2143162

Fuck Muslims and all but I’m pretty sure the Jews are behind this. They’re trying to incite hatred against Muslims. The same way Muslims do to them.
They both need to go back.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2143291

and it's no secret that tommy robinson has ties to israel, it's all been a very convenient time to stir up these tensions. not that there aren't any legitimate concerns with Islam, but it's being deliberately channeled into an anti-muslim people thing instead of a talk about immigration. this is not our war, but we're being dragged into it with all this shit.

No. 2143651

File: 1724085476237.jpg (25.91 KB, 282x268, 1721785746823.jpg)

Blue and my mum used to do my hair up with matching hairbands/scrunchies. Summer dresses set my nostalgia off like nothing else, I loved wearing them so much

No. 2143691

Philomena Cunk confirmed for best bong

No. 2143694

For once I agree with the Muslims, get your poop eating shitbeasts out of clean and sanitary public spaces, not every one is happy to be around your pests. Ofc a britbong sees this as intolerance when it’s talking about cleanliness(baiting)

No. 2143766

So cute nonnie! Mine was green, I remember having little white frilly socks and my clarks school shoes too

No. 2143770

Stop talking about muslims and jews in the bong thread. Don’t we have to deal with them enough irl, well the former anyway

No. 2143772

What are your favourite nonnies jacket potato toppings? I saw some anons in another thread crying over them

No. 2143799

good, wholesome, potato based post. Baked beans (not sugar free, those are certifiably evil and I added sugar to the last can of them I ate just to make it through) and about 60g of butter. Wow, maybe this is why my health dreams aren't coming true.

No. 2143817

buttah, and choona frommacan, m8

No. 2143819

I love cheese and beans, I love mixing them both together so it is all creamy and yummy. I love it so much, it brings me so much comfort, I literally don't care that burgers seethe about it

No. 2143838

Going to the UK tomorrow! It's only for a doctor appointment but I love going there anyway. I'm gonna buy some cadbury eggs and krispy kreme.

No. 2143852

File: 1724095282267.png (861.4 KB, 1080x1080, 1000006764.png)

Enjoy your stay nona! Get some of these bad boys too while you're at it (unless that's what you meant kek)

No. 2143890

Get a greggs cake instead of a Krispy Kreme!

No. 2143894

File: 1724097170930.jpg (58.83 KB, 894x485, 71TunjJ+3sL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Buy some Mr. Kipling Angel Slices for me, I miss them very much and hate everything, kek. I'm not even from the UK, but they keep their good stuff for themselves, don't want to share it with other countries.

No. 2143902

They are so lovely, one of my favourites

No. 2143935

Goddamn I'm gonna gain so much weight during this trip kek.

No. 2143956

Enjoy your trip nonna!

No. 2144831

Why do you go to the uk for a doctors appointment?

No. 2144857

Cause it's the only EU country that will treat chronic UTIs. My country just says they don't exist and refuses to help me.

No. 2144918

What euro country are you from?

No. 2144923

It’s nearly time to go back to school, your parents have said you can buy a new pencil case and cute stationary. Where do you go?

> WHSmith

> Rymans
> Other (including supermarkets)

No. 2144928


No. 2144929

Younger me would have said WHSmiths or the Range.

No. 2144930

Upon googling Easons might be Irish lol, it's a cheaper WHSmith which Belfast had but my town had Easons

No. 2144953


No. 2144988

WHSmith, I used to love their cute pencil cases. I remember these pencils in a tube that used to smell like different fruits. We all had them in my class at primary school. I remember my favourite was green apple.

No. 2144990

Cute nona, enjoy your trip

No. 2144992

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No. 2145001

File: 1724160842078.jpg (64.34 KB, 734x734, 1000006794.jpg)

I was so jealous of the girls who had tacky overpriced shit from Claire's kek. I did eventually get one of their fluffy notebooks though kek, the fur got so dirty so fast.

No. 2145002

I used to have so much tack from Claire’s. The heart sunglasses, the key rings, the cheap makeup phones, the Fanta/Coca Cola lip balms. I also had my ears repierced there a couple of years ago and fainted kek

No. 2145008

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No. 2145010

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No. 2145019

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Can't screenshot the result for some reason but I got Dolly!

No. 2145025

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No. 2145032

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No. 2145043

File: 1724163416937.jpg (104.83 KB, 1182x1182, D09687889-p14.jpg)

No fucking way. You sound like a LARPer. Germany has a well-developed vaccine industry - have you tried looking into that or getting an auto-vaccine?

No. 2145158

File: 1724169442238.gif (2.05 MB, 314x200, vanessa.gif)

saving this one. it almost rivals picrel.

No. 2145324

I love that gif and I thought that too kek!!!!!

No. 2145328

Bubbly in the fridge?

No. 2145561

File: 1724184017470.jpeg (275.07 KB, 1116x914, IMG_5743.jpeg)

KEK what an absolute joke

No. 2145564

> The streaming giant’s new show, “My Lady Jane,” shows a black, gay King Edward “navigating his queerness” in 16th Century England. And if that wasn’t enough, they also threw him in a wheelchair for good measure.
This is actually offensive. They made Anne Boleyn black too. These people were REAL WHITE historical figures. We are doomed

No. 2145565

All 3 victim cards collected
> black
> gay
> disabled

No. 2145569

This is parody right??

No. 2145576

No it’s vomit inducing and thankfully cancelled now after session one

No. 2145583

hahaha fuck off
>real historical figures
this is what gets me. WHY base it on real historical figures? it feels like they're trying to pave over history when they do this shit. if it was all just made-up characters in a historical fantasy show, no one would give a fuck.

No. 2145618

Nonnie pls don't say this to me I was gaslighted ignored and dismissed by German doctos. Yes I got the strovacc vaccine (because I insisted on getting it, they never offered it to me because they never believed I had a chronic uti) it didn't help. My issue was complex and it wasn't just a simple UTI. I suffered for 3 years with chronic UTI pain before going to the UK. If it weren't for your doctors I would have probably killed myself because I couldn't keep living with the pain.

No. 2145638

Just ignore nonnie. I hope you find the treatment you need here!

No. 2148337

Someone wrote “a trans person peed here” in the toilet stall I used earlier (there was loose tape which I stuck over it kek). And there were more “trans lives matter” and “trans women are women” with ‘not’ in between but it had been sadly crossed out kek ugh. Also “free Palestine” I am surprised BLM was not on there too. I washed my hands extra hard after that

No. 2148341

By someone I mean a man

No. 2148345

It was Euston stall 18 kek

No. 2151800

the show also has people turning into animals randomly kek what is this rage bait

No. 2157771

My Nan would always take us to Tindalls.

No. 2157892

I went to my nans doctors appointment with her today. And the receptionist asked “I’m really sorry but I must ask your gender for the system, are you female?” and my nan, who is in her late 70s said “yes I’m female but I might not be tomorrow” kek. The world has gone crazy.

No. 2157947

Why is our country full of nonces

No. 2157971


No. 2158054

kek ok I’m fully up for a show about royal animorphs.
Nonnas if you could turn into an animal what would you be?

No. 2158117

Why do you say that? Most of the inbred people in our country are Pakistani brits arent inbred, they rarely fuck their cousins. Except for the royal family. There are literally nonces all over the world.

No. 2158150

> Most of the inbred people in our country are Pakistani
That’s true. They also make up a lot of the nonces too. Like all of the trafficking rings run out of corner shops and stuff

No. 2158201

Let’s not pretend it’s only the immigrants that are nonces kek, I was talking about native Brits to be frank (not sure how inbreeding would be related to pedophilia though)

No. 2158422

I'm so tired of London, why is it so tranny infested? Made eye contact with the grimiest looking moid in programmer socks and an Aliexpress skirt on the tube and it pissed me off for the entire day.

No. 2158624

Nobody is pretending that? If anything they’re pretending it’s ONLY native brits because “yt people bad!” When if you look at statistics it’s far more likely that the Pakistanis and other types of brown people are pedos.

No. 2158853

A robin! They're so fat and cute.

No. 2161364


No. 2161497

been less than a week of barely cold weather and my house already has a bunch of condensation and damp

No. 2161589

Nona, some months ago I spotted an AGP in the wild (in SE London no less kek). Wearing the skimpiest outfit with stockings, bra that he can't fit, and a skirt so short his dick and balls were nearly failing out. I then saw and heard a short haired handmaiden compliment him and gushing over his terrible fashion sense. I used to think men like him were an exaggeration made up by the evil Nazi terfs, but now I realise that they're out there.

No. 2163867

File: 1726296295837.jpeg (470.17 KB, 1170x1330, IMG_9224.jpeg)

I’m sure she doesn’t care because these were white girls that were raped. She probably thinks they deserved it or asked for it.


No. 2163919

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No. 2163938

Do you genuinely believe that those men don't rape girls in their own communities and go unpunished, or that all Muslim girls think white girls deserve to be raped? Are you a moid?

No. 2163959

Both. They rape girls in their own counties AND Muslim women think white girls deserve to be raped.

No. 2164057

I know it's hard to acknowledge because they're victims too, but muslim women very often parrot what the men say and truly believe that women/western women deserve rape. Even the muslim women who don't do this shit most likely have mothers and other female relatives (often older) who hold these beliefs.

No. 2165544

What would you say is our version of Target or Walmart

No. 2165547

File: 1726423118853.jpg (14.71 KB, 236x354, 1000017456.jpg)

Americunt here. Why are you Brits so proud of your former empire and shit? Are you guys even a superpower anymore? Where's all this modern pride coming from?(bait)

No. 2165549

Go back to your own thread burgerfat

No. 2165551

Why do burgers act like the British empire was 10 years ago and everyone alive right now has played a part in it and are responsible kek. as a gen-z would say; we live in your heads rent free

No. 2165553

B&M maybe? Kek

No. 2165554

I guess the closest to Target would be B&M, The Range or Home Bargains but it's not really the same. Walmart would be ASDA considering they used to own them.
t.went to the US and Target earlier this year

No. 2165558

I forgot about The Range! Probably The Range yes!

No. 2166317

I will give you £5 and you can get either get a Krispy Kreme or Greggs donut. Which do you get? And what kind?

No. 2166328

Well yeah, everytime americans make jokes about the uk they have to bring up stuff like muskets and make old english puns.

No. 2166337

Greggs Pink Jammy

No. 2166367

Idk are you proud of your former ability to shoot a president?

No. 2166875

They really can’t do anything right.

No. 2166880

Funny, in that infight upthread you all made it out to be like everything here was targeted at moids. Bunch of bs kek, you clearly hold thoughts about immigrants of both genders.

No. 2166916

File: 1726529422346.jpg (37.91 KB, 480x318, 1000010228.jpg)

This is the best fucking bread in the country. Just made a three tiered sandwich with it and it was the perfect softness of bread omg this is why I don't sleep at night. Up all night eating Irwins leave me alone

No. 2167004

File: 1726533053655.webp (20.63 KB, 615x410, IMG_9705.webp)

Anyone watching made in Korea? The only cute one is reece (the skinhead)

No. 2167021

First time I’m hearing of this, the brown one is cute, dunno their ages though. Really shows how ugly British men are though kek, this is the best they can get? Well is it worth watching? I feel like I could get a laugh out of it.

No. 2167029

Yeah it’s really interesting, tbh they have to already be professional dancers to a high degree + singers so I imagine it was hard to find guys that were 10/10s too. I’d recommend it, it’s funny to see guys who thought they were amazing at their craft being told that they really aren’t that good at all in comparison to Korean standards.

No. 2167032

Oh also they’re 21 or 22 btw

No. 2167065

>21 or 22
Why can't males age normally

No. 2167309

What's wrong? Did McDonalds get your order wrong or something?

Electric chair for rapists and nonces

No. 2167928

File: 1726565642539.jpeg (82.38 KB, 384x833, IMG_9352.jpeg)

I used to think that way but they repeatedly prove me wrong and show that they’re just as hateful as their moids and have no intention of integrating.

No. 2167931

File: 1726566065763.webp (34.97 KB, 660x878, IMG_9353.webp)

That’s shafileah ahmeds mother, who took part in honour killing her. This woman Amina Noor took part in FGM.
They hate us anon. They despise us. Their men see us in porn and think we are all degenerate and hypersexual and they believe it. This hatred extends to girls as young as 11 years old, we are human toilets for their disgusting husbands and sons and they’re still killing and mutilating their daughters after we voted to allow them to integrate in an effort to stop that. Islam is a cult and a scourge on the earth that corrupts every one of its followers.

No. 2167933

people don't realize that basically the entire community takes part in grooming, not just young men, but also local mullahs as well as these men's mothers and sisters, imagine if there was a story in the bible where jesus and the disciples kidnap women and forcefully marry them and make them convert, that basically happens multiple times in the quran

No. 2167935

>the brown one is cute
>really shows how ugly British men are

No. 2167940

Why did they pick the European country with the ugliest men to make a boy group? It's hilarious.

No. 2167958

Islam is a religion and Muslims choose to follow it. Of course we'd hate Muslims. Being "Islamophobic" is not the same as being racist. You don't choose what race you're born as, but you do choose what religion you follow. I'm an ex-muslim myself and hate muslims with a burning passion. Both men and women. They're evil.

No. 2167979

if youre a "ex muslim woman" you should realize the hell some muslim women are trapped in and the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead, you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west and has the privilege to live free without the added risk of being in a muslim country to realize why a woman would conform to a culture and religion thats against her in every way, you can be "Islamophobic" all you want because no religion should be barred from criticism but you being misogynistic isnt a right and should not be tolerated

No. 2167982

>you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
>in the britbong thread

No. 2167988

>if youre a "ex muslim woman" you should realize the hell some muslim women are trapped in and the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead

Great logic. Btw those ex muslim women are in threat of their lives constantly, estranged from their families too. Do you actually think ex muslim women would think that? Couldn't care less for women who choose to stay in that violent religion but I have a problem with women who actually take part in abusing, killing and oppressing other women with their scrotes because of it.

No. 2167993

The problem is English women put ourselves at risk voting for immigration laws to help Muslim women only to be repaid by them writing us off as filthy slags when we are raped by their husbands. Why are we allowing people that hate us into our country? It’s counter intuitive.

No. 2168007

kek why those in particular. I saw a much better looking scrote in Tesco

No. 2168010

can we keep muslims out of this thread. there is literally an ex-muslim thread. we have to deal with that woman hating disgusting religion irl

No. 2168012

no matter how ugly westerns think they are. Korean women love a white skinny man. The brown one will be the least popular kek

No. 2168013

Are you sure? I don't think they even fit korean beauty standards (just barely). This is what they really look like in motion btw

No. 2168014

No. 2168025

Hmmm.. white men in general
This must have been blind casting kek

No. 2168026

Please and thank you

No. 2168085

i think the brown moid with the curly hair is very very attractive, but i think i am biased because that is exactly my type

No. 2168088

Kek the one in the overalls looks like he stepped out of 2002

No. 2168093

according to my cousin who lived in japan for a while, japanese people were obsessed with him when he was a teenager, taking photos and sometimes literally stalking him, then he went through puberty and suddenly he was just another scary gaijin. I'm going to assume it's a very similar phenomenon in korea(vidrel)

No. 2168109

thread sounds weirdly american to be full of brit bongs

No. 2168110

I'm pretty sure this is a copypasta

No. 2168123

it will be the opposite in Korea, the white ones will be the most popular. despite how we think over here. standards are different

No. 2168127

I've seen those brothers before. I remember seeing a video of them speaking English to Koreans and at the end surprising them by speaking fluent Korean. So one of them is in that group?

No. 2168153

Thats bs. Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races. They care more about the ones that fit their beauty standards. Theres plenty of plain white koreaboo girls that go to korea and they dont get favored just because their white. On topic though those white brits look like inbred troglodytes

No. 2168178

Kek it is true anon. Probably not those in particular but they do love white boys over there.

No. 2168192

> Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races
if you say so anon….

No. 2168213

a coincidence that the disgusting religion that keeps being mentioned itt, this was recommended to me on YT. Any woman that follows or praises this scum religion should be ashamed.(derailing)

No. 2168287

If kpoop is korean pop, and these guys are British, why the fuck are they calling themselves kpoop? Just call yourselves the new Backstreet Boys or something. This is so retarded and embarassing kek. What's so good about Korea?

No. 2168296

>the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead
You can stop believing in the religion without announcing it to the whole fucking world like a retard if you know you're in danger and getting yourself killed kek. I still live at home and my family don't have a clue because why the fuck would I tell them? I'm not stupid and I don't want to die. Muslim women living in the west have the internet to research about Islam and stop believing in it, yet they still praise that evil cult and support their evil moids. I'm not feeling sorry for women that would probably want me dead. Fuck off retard.
>you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
What thread do you think this is, retard? We're specifically talking about Muslim people in Britain too, kek.
>you being misogynistic
Where is the misogyny? They're the misogynistic ones.

No. 2168360

> clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
NTA anon wasn't being misogynistic. Also, we are bongs, we are from the west kek if you aren't, leave the thread

No. 2168446

>Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races.

No. 2168464

File: 1726604329749.jpg (642.2 KB, 1179x862, Ellen (1994).jpg)

No. 2169479

kek anon is terribly misinformed

No. 2169484

File: 1726667773255.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2145, IMG_6040.jpeg)

Speaking of Koreans, I love watching Korean vloggers moving to London for university and work. I kinda wonder why though, as Korea is kinda romantisied in the west. But I guess it could be the other way around maybe? The vlogs always seem so fun though. I like this YouTuber at the moment

No. 2169490

File: 1726668060367.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2124, IMG_6041.jpeg)

There is also this lovely channel, she is a barista in London and she films her small talk with customers to help other Koreans to learn English.

No. 2170560

File: 1726750212530.jpeg (759.84 KB, 1170x2250, IMG_9364.jpeg)

Is anyone following the story about Cinnamon, the escaped capybara? They found her with a drone but haven’t been able to catch her yet.

No. 2171961

File: 1726832563186.jpeg (72.49 KB, 706x764, IMG_1335.jpeg)

Katie Price took her new face out on the town and it looks every bit as terrifying as you’d expect a 6th facelift before 50 to look.

No. 2171973

christ. are we sure this isn't Pete Burns?

No. 2173186

? What is your point

No. 2173191

Is it dead yet?

No. 2173194

one could say he's… dead or alive

No. 2173221

That you should go back

No. 2173224

To…? Why do people speak to cryptically on here.

No. 2173230

She is telling you to lurk moar

No. 2173233

What exactly did I say that is unintegrated? Kek. That makes zero sense.

No. 2173248

No I’m saying go back to the Middle East.

No. 2173252

Lmao… first of all, that guy doesn’t look middle eastern, he is most likely mixed. Second of all, I said it really shows how ugly British men are, which is just true isn’t it? British men are not exactly known for their looks. Unless you disagree kek, which you might since you’re being defensive. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t apply to you.

No. 2173267

im a burger and i just came here to 2nd that british men are some of the ugliest men on the planet and its probably why they worked so hard to spread white supremacy everywhere. Everyone is under a genjutsu made to believe that peak beauty derives from Europe lol(infight bait)

No. 2173273

File: 1726911075137.jpg (67.23 KB, 800x530, 58025.jpg)

Another burger here to confirm

No. 2173288

Why are you guys so obsessed with coming to this thread? I swear I have never set foot in the burger thread because you guys don’t interest me whatsoever. Every five minutes it’s
>I’m a burger!

No. 2173289

I'm actually a new zealander who felt like being annoying

No. 2173293

we definitely interest you and we should americans are your literal cousins

No. 2173306

No, they caught her and brought her back safely to the zoo.

No. 2173318

Nightsleeper made me want to demand a refund of my licence fee.
What’s everyone doing this weekend? This warm start to autumn is so nice.

No. 2173357

You really don’t. You’re the most boring self absorbed people on the planet.

No. 2173360

nona your first mistake was paying for a TV licence, i thought bbc sherlock peaked us all on this. i had to cancel my weekend plans because i am sick, it's made me consider masking on public transport again even though i know i will get judged. the underground is so gross though especially in colder months. i'm thinking to get a trim soon but why is a haircut in london over £70? i'm poor and losing it nonas

No. 2173368

No one cares, we just want brown men to stop coming over here and raping women and children.

No. 2173369

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Because I genuinely didn't understand why I see so many bongs genuinely proud of the UK.
>it's among the fattest countries in Europe so when you call Americans fat, it's basically a cope
>London, one of the star places of your "kingdom" is literally ghetto and overrun with weird migrants that british people always complain about instead of doing anything to deport the ones who mooch off the system. So when Brits call Americans classless, all we have to do is point at the status of your literal capital.
>almost everyone that isn't british agrees that too many brits are ugly. At least Americans have the advantage of having a population so big, that you're bound to find hot people even if the majority of ameericans are uggo. Brits don't have that population advantage, so they're much more stuck with that label.
>the reason I brought up the British Empire is because I genuinely see bongs on the internet bragging about how important their history and role in WWII was, even though they were some evil motherfuckers that only come second to Spainards in terms of psychopathy towards different native groups, got that empire dismantled by thirteen American colonies that weren't even a country yet, and combatively ate German cock during WWII even though the UK was supposed to have one of the best navy forces. The only thing I can give the UK credit for in WWII is not giving in like how France did.
>I see bongs brag about all these inventions that changed the world, and sure, some of them did, but then bongs try to go and rub their "superior culture" bullshit to Americans, and that's where you lose me. You're currently a nation of alcoholics forced to babysit migrants you don't even like, and you did all that colonialism in the past just to not even be a superpower in modern times. So superior how, actually?
>don't even get me started on how bongs make fun of the way Americans talk when bongs historically made up their modern accents just to sound "fancy". Historically and statistically, Americans speak English more accurately than bongs. Why bongs still get in their feelings when Americans make fun of the way THEY talk? I don't know.
>bong moids are the pussiest motherfucking breed of moids I have ever seen in my life. It's like they're castrated. American moids are not particularly great in general, but at least they will throw hands and stand up for themselves and their fucking girlfriends. The only times british moids look like they have an inch of their testicles still intact is when they literally chimp out and go on monkey-tier violent rampages over soccer. Motherfucking SOCCER. Oh wait, I mean futball. no wonder bong women are so fucking cranky.
>The UK are responsible for the creation of Australians from dumping their prisoners there. Enough said there.
That's what I meant by not understanding why bongs are so proud of their country and their history. And for the record, I am a womanlet and I weigh less than the average bong woman, so you can't even use American stereotypes to call me fat. Don't even like burgers either, but I'll take that over fucking jellied eels any day, though. I'll gladly cop a ban just to flex my BMI over the bongs now.(bait)

No. 2173414

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>Historically and statistically, Americans speak English more accurately
this is false, people in yorkshire and somerset sound like how people used to speak, look up original pronunciation shakespeare

im not going to even begin with some of the other nonsense you posted

now if you would kindly fuck of back to your oh so wonderful drug filled cities
btw i hope you dont have to go to hospital anytime soon as i hear its expensive so please try not to get shot crossing the street

No. 2173420

Not reading all of that. Don’t care. Get the fuck out of our thread.

No. 2173429

We can’t even have our own thread without burgers coming here desperately vying for our attention. We just wanna talk shit about Tracy beaker and Katie price ffs.
I think they’re genuinely offended when they realise how indifferent brits are to them.

No. 2173440

Kek is this Kensington

No. 2173441

You’re retarded if you think they’re not talking about you as well. When they come to this thread calling British men ugly, they mean the women as well.

No. 2173452

>When they come to this thread calling British men ugly, they mean the women as well.
Nayrt but kek nonna what? The transwomen you mean

No. 2173460

No, they are talking about British women. Why wouldn’t they? Stop being delusional.

No. 2173638

I’m non-white british so a dirty little immigrant kek, the world likes to shit on british women’s looks like they’re worst but to be frank it’s british men that are ugliest. there are plenty of pretty british women it’s just the stupid trend of bleaching your hair blonde and putting on a brown tan and the excessive makeup to skinwalk every other teens to 30s british woman is not flattering on anyone… makes me shiver actually, but that’s not all women. the only thing is that all british people don’t age very well, but that could be lifestyle (read: binge drinking)

No. 2173668

And you're a mind reader? Let's see, why wouldn't they be talking about British women when they say British men are ugly? Maybe it's because they're different fucking genders you retard. Are you saying British women look like men?

No. 2173800

If your dad is ugly, then chances are so are you. You’re from the same fucking gene pool aren’t you? How is it possible that the men are ugly and the women aren’t?
>the stupid trend of bleaching your hair blonde and putting on a brown tan and the excessive makeup
Agree with you there
>the only thing is that all british people don’t age very well
Disagree. If you saw my family you’d take that back. My grandma has hardly any wrinkles and my mother looks like she’s in her early 40s at nearly 60.

No. 2173985

Curious to know if there are any other nonas in County Durham? Moved here a year back but still haven't made any friends kek

No. 2174051

>If your dad is ugly, then chances are so are you. You’re from the same fucking gene pool aren’t you? How is it possible that the men are ugly and the women aren’t?
It's not like you pop out the womb looking like a carbon copy of your dad. Are you saying women look like men? Kek. Some of the prettiest girls I've ever seen had the most ugliest, hideous dads ever.

No. 2174151

God you’re fucking dense. I actually give up. Most people who call the British ugly mention the women, not the men. The British man is the best sailor in the world because of the food, weather and women etc etc. That’s what they say idiot. They say we are fat with ugly faces and fucked up teeth and thin lips and eyes too close together. We are considered the ugliest white women in the world by these kinds of scrotes who are racist and misogynist and by default male identified women. The saddest part is that British men THEMSELVES mention the sailor thing, and they don’t care when you point out they come from us so are just as ugly and that they were raping all of those women in other countries anyway. Because men are fucking retards with no social awareness and don’t understand that if their women are ugly (aka their mothers and sisters and daughters) then THEY are too.

No. 2174158

My point is when you laugh along with people calling British men ugly, you are laughing with the people laughing at you. There is a lot more fetishisation and adoration (mostly from dumb burgers) for fucking British men (omg ‘arry stoyles!) so stop encouraging burgers to come here and shit on us because you suffer from so much self hatred that you will humiliate yourself to please others who look down on you. Have some self respect.

No. 2174224

But I think all men from all ethnicities and races are ugly…

No. 2174241

confession: I think kebabs are gross. I know its a staple of cheap english food but I have never eaten anything good from a kebab shop, my parents got kebab shop food for dinner and its literally stinking up the whole house. I hate how greasy it is, I hate the culture of getting drunk then getting a kebab its so gross.

No. 2174244

Kebabs aren't English food they're Turkish

No. 2174255

sorry lol let me rephrase, 'cheap english food' in the same vein as chinese food, mcdonalds, fish and chips etc not english but just a staple as cheap food in the country

No. 2174289

No offense, but the “burgers love Brit’s” thing is definitely from like the 1950’s, nobody feels that way at all kek

No. 2174351

Everyone knows that knobhead, go be pedantic somewhere else

No. 2174398

wtf happened in here I thought I’d come back to some chill chats I guess it was not the bongs populating the early morning cc chats.
The rain has started, maybe that is the problem I don’t know

No. 2174402

It’s a lot more recent than that, Americans (especially on Tumblr) in the ‘00s and ‘10s were obsessed with British media (like Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Sherlock), and British culture and would post about how they wished they were British.

No. 2174409

>hurrdurr bong scrotes sexo
Long dead meme. The only burger women who still believe it are in nursing homes.

No. 2174536

When I’m in the us people are excited and like talking to me about the fact I’m British/Britain so I think they still kind of are

No. 2175131

Rageposters who can't stop shitting up threads that are meant to be chill and fun happened. Since everyone replies to those autists the thread went to shit yet again.

No. 2175570

It’s true, burgers are obsessed with British media, like the shows you mentioned, the fandoms for those shows are literally 90% burgers

No. 2175573

Same I have family in burgerland and have visited a few times and can confirm this

No. 2175581

Speaking of burgerland, I find it so weird when I see videos of American pet stores and they have cats and dogs for sale. Mostly cats I think? I couldn’t imagine going into Pets at Home and seeing a cat in a glass box like the hamsters or rabbits. So weird?

No. 2176663

I’m actually really enjoying this kek

No. 2178035

more cosy vlogs

No. 2178041

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No. 2178043


No. 2178890

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No. 2179009

I actually don't understand the NHS. I've had insomnia really bad, like, 2 - 3 hours of sleep per night. They prescribed zopliclone but it doesn't work. They won't prescribe me anything stronger because I went mental 3 years ago. I got rejected from sleep therapy cos I went mental 3 years ago. My GP is basically ghosting me now. If I was rich I would go private I am so sick of being dismissed. I don't know if its a woman thing, but my boyfriend always gets seen properly, I don't, despite having a known heart condition

No. 2179112

No. 2179116

I'm really sorry anon, is there anyway you can move to another doctors? I think personally, it all depends on the individual doctors. I have had a lot of positive experience, I have been under mental health on and off since 2013, and I have had positive experiences. Also it depends on the individual GP's

No. 2182620

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We lost an icon today fellow bongs. A wonderful woman.

No. 2184288

anyone watching married at first sight UK? its great trash TV

No. 2184496

why hte fuck do all ready meals taste like shit now. swear down you used to be able to buy a macaroni cheese from tesco and it was a decadent treat. now i have to put so much salt in it for it to taste like anything. i just bought a microwaveable soup pot of daal because i can't spend much time in the kitchen in the flatshare but i had to keep putting pinches of salt in it becasue it tastes of nothing. it was almost £3!!!!!!

No. 2184550

I'm assuming you don't mean the tesco finest mac & four cheese?? That stuff is absolutely lush

No. 2184653

nah the finest / taste the difference stuff is class

No. 2185381

If you haven't tried it yet, try the M&S macaroni cheese. It's part of the two for £7 deal on their pasta meal range.

No. 2185776

my nearest m&s is a half hour walk away but i might do that later, thanks nona. anyone have other suggestions for things to try while i'm there?

No. 2186078

Can anyone recommend a British YouTuber or podcast (preferably something like RedFem), I'm out of content and sick of yanks especially ones with content creator voice

No. 2186131

Her eyes were so huge (in a good way)
RIP McGonnogall

No. 2186132

Oven pizzas are the exception. I think they’re delicious. Especially with a salad on the side. I like them better than domino’s which is disgustingly greasy.

No. 2186138

never met as many misogynistic doctors as in the UK. when my bf is with me, they just talk to him and ignore me even though I am the patient. as a woman, you are just being waved off, it's giving me HyStErIA vibes.>>2179009

No. 2186142

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I can’t for the life of me figure out what she’s getting at. Can anyone else? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c781m9v4255o
My mum went to see some Turkish doctor on the NHS about uterine fibroids and he straight up wanted to give her a full hysterectomy, and argued with her when she said she wanted a second opinion. When she did get one they just did a minor operation to remove them and she was fine? And I later found out my grandma who was an RAF wife had a full hysterectomy done when she was 50 and nobody knows why…. People think hysterectomies are just NBD but I swear they impact a woman’s health in so many ways, they shouldn’t be done unless in the case of severe endometriosis or cancer.

No. 2186604

my childhood gp kept ignoring my mother when she said her cancer was back, she kept telling him she could feel it but he kept ignoring her then when she went to another doctor they sent her to be checked and it was back and was at that point stage 3

just found out he's just been struck off for raping a patient

No. 2189085

I have given up and put the heating on.

No. 2189235

It is so chilly nona, I don’t blame you! I have lots of snuggly blankets and a hot water bottle hehe

No. 2189237

Depends what kind of content do you want? Just female?

No. 2189245

Mentioned further up butI am seeing even more koreans moving to london for uni or work, so many vlog channels on YouTube. My favourite content right there.

No. 2199003

Gotta be honest, britbongs, this kind of advertising was fucked up.

No. 2199852

US doesn't care for animal welfare, be it farm animals or pets.

No. 2199854

Yeah I guess, it is so weird to see poor cats in glass boxes

No. 2199859

The US doesn’t sell dogs and cats in pet shops, you can only buy animals like fish, rodents and birds there

No. 2212475

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No. 2213316

Burgernona here. Got baited by a pick n mix tiktok only to see that they don't do international shipping. I wish pick n mix was more of a thing in the states

No. 2215660

You're not missing out on much. The sweets are all stale and kids lick them and put them back.

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