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No. 2126145

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from migrant talk, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353

No. 2126148

I thought britbongs were protesting about immigration though?? Am I wrong? I’m not from the UK I just heard about it

No. 2126154

I would suggest a UK politics containment thread but idk if that will quickly become a shit show kek

No. 2126158

Yes. But it is happening irl. It filled up the thread with infighting. Go to twitter for info. Thanks for bringing it up in the first reply though kek

No. 2126162

I was actually going to suggest a Tracy Beaker picture for next one kek so I approve. Thanks for the new thread

No. 2126176

You can go sperg about migrants on 2x though there's even an islam hate thread there. It's just annoying when the entire thread is talk on migrants as if anyone on here has anything interesting to say about it. That's what gets me, how boring & lame it is.

No. 2126178

Yeah, but it will be good if they stay in containment.

No. 2126183

I wonder if any burgers or non-bongs know the icon in thread gif

No. 2126185

Princess Anne in her youth I thought?

No. 2126242

Where did I say Islam Hate? I said UK politics you tard. I get that it can be annoying when it goes on and on but that’s a current issue in the UK, a big current issue hence why people have so much to say about the topic. So much that can’t be expressed IRL. Whilst I get constant migrant talk to be a pisstake, Kier’s man baby meltys are relevant to the UK rn that we don’t need a bunch of burgerfags piping up about elsewhere.

No. 2126262

Yeah that happened but in what way does that give you the right to create rape gangs and attack them? Get over it, most of the people had nothing to do with that shit. It's gross trying to blame the citizens instead of the government using their tax dollars to go and invade your countries without their permission anyways, blame the retarded politicians and stop watering down their country. I wish burgerfats had this much rebellious spirit that the britbongs are having now, all we do is just protest for a bunch of inbred people being bombed by other inbred people who are slightly paler than them thousand of miles away from us

No. 2126765

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Brexit is a gift that keeps on giving lolololol.

No. 2126837

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Last night I placed a £160 order. They have some really good offers on right now. I treated myself to three tubs of Jude's (3 for £10) and M&S Best Ever Trifle.

No. 2127064

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I will buy every nonnie a Colin the Caterpillar cake if we can go 3 replies without migrants being mentioned

No. 2127069

that's a lot of money… i am beginning to descend into a deep mental darkness at the current price of shopping. i treated myself to a new flavour of mochi nonetheless. what else have nonnas been treating themselves to?

No. 2127075

Is Ocado really worth it compared to other grocery delivery services?

No. 2127078

Was just trying to do some chores and saw a big fuck off spider just crawling about the carpet like he owned the damn place. Scared the shit outta me. I was bare foot. I hate bugs

No. 2127159

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No. 2127166

I had one chilling on my shoulder earlier. Made me scream and I had to blow it off so it landed on the floor and I could go grab the kitchen roll for the swift extermination

No. 2127192

I've been sneaking magazines into the basket recently. There's barely anything interesting in them, but sitting quietly flicking through Grazia for a bit is giving me a nice nostalgia for "the good old days" of being more offline.

No. 2127481

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Katie being messy and entertaining yet again kek

No. 2127501

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KEK at that headline, a classic heat magazine copywriting. She is so entertaining. She was the first of the reality stars though. I used to always watch hers and Peter Andre’s shows with my nan

No. 2127513

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Do you remember the drama from like 2009, where her husband the cage fighter Alex Reid had a female alter ego called Roxanne? kek

No. 2127524

Speaking for Alex Reid. This video of him giving his opponent a kiss makes me chuckle

No. 2127534

Only recently found out that boyfriend is related to limmy. Not only that, but I attended a funeral he was present at and I had no idea. Like nobody ever thought to tell me who this Brian they mention actually is.

No. 2127553

Something I lowkey like is that you can see men partaking in a mutilating beauty standard trend that'll probably be considered super ugly down the line in Turkey teeth. I feel like this adherence to a surgical enhancement based beauty standard in British men is unique.

No. 2127556

I think the "British people have bad teeth" memes are getting to them kek

No. 2127646

What I don’t get is how braces are literally free when you are under 18 in the UK. I don’t get how people’s teeth still be jacked up.

No. 2127666

Braces are only reserved for scenarios that have an impact on ones health. If the problem is merely cosmetic, they don't give you them for free. In the US, teeth may look better on average, but that's because the system there is designed to extort as much money out of you as possible, so they focus far more on cosmetic procedures. If you look into it, dental health is actually worse on average in the US than it is in the UK kek. Americans just cover their shitty teeth with veneers and whitening treatments far more frequently than we do.

No. 2127739

I had braces for less than a year and I got them for cosmetic reasons for free, my teeth wasn’t even really noticeably crooked. Maybe it was different back then but if British teeth are bad as people say, surely they should be able to get them sorted

No. 2128020

Bi men are so hot, fuck… I can't help it nonnies x

No. 2128059

>no talk of migrants or riots because we don’t want to hurt Muslim or EDL feefees! Let’s nitpick a washed up page 3 girl instead!

No. 2128094

was he surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny?

No. 2128129

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Picrel is the system the NHS uses, which is then also combined with ridiculously long waiting lists. It's no wonder people aren't getting them.

No. 2128155

I love his cat

No. 2128157

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me too

No. 2128161


No. 2128193

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Jesus Christ this feels so dystopian

No. 2128214

Witty. It was his dad's funeral so no not really full of the joys.
I actually don't know anything about him other than seeing his face posted and the falconhoof skit. Just weird to suddenly hear dropped in conversation this far into things. I have no doubt I'll probably never actually talk to him. A lot of family are a bit.. rough

No. 2128287

For me the biggest reason to shop with Ocado is that they have a wide range of premium cooking ingredients such as oils, spices and vinegars, that can be difficult to find elsewhere. I cook nearly all meals from scratch, so for me it's worth it.

No. 2128291

IMO it's only worth it once in a while for a splurge. I tend to order from it at Christmas. it's definitely a bit pricey and there are rarely any good offers, but the quality is good.

No. 2128294

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No. 2128339

Right over my head.

No. 2128343

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Forgot to set my alarm and just woke up. No ones pinging me and I think I'm in the clear. I think my job might be a joke. I's almost 4pm. Wtf

No. 2128362

No. 2128364

55? fuck me she looks good

No. 2128374

no, no talk of migrants because they are a plague irl and a plague on the previous thread

No. 2128463

do you anons prefer costa or Starbucks? I don't think I have ever had anything from Starbucks.. I don't like hot drinks, I love costa and their toasties so I think I am quite loyal to them. I also like hot chocolate from Cafe Nero

No. 2128467

> because we don’t want to hurt Muslim or EDL feefees!
That couldn't be further from the truth. I made the thread and I said it because migrant talk took at like 85% of the prev thread. They are insufferably everywhere irl and we should atleast have a bong space where we can talk about literally ANYTHING else

No. 2128471

Kekkkk, go enjoy your Friday, it's not like anyone cares. If anyone asks, you had IT issues.

No. 2128474

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Why has this thread been so active lately? Are there people larping as British since the riot shit made the thread more active or something? There was not this many of us before I swear

No. 2128493

According to the last hellweek statistics, Bongs are the second largest group on LC after Amerifats.

No. 2128521

Yeah no one messaged me all day. I got one email that I don't care to respond to. Fuck them Friday drinks time

No. 2128530

Definitely the riot shit and the overall issues with the migrant stuff.
Fuck you anon, bullying Katie Price is more fun.
Making me miss living the in Uk. Costa hands down has the best food items and better coffee.

No. 2128532

Costa is infinitely superior.

No. 2128533

Terf island and 'Murica W.

No. 2128558

Second biggest English speaking country. Makes sense.
Also Lolcow domain is registered to a Brit

No. 2128562

Nonna, I posted both >>2127159 and >>2127481
so shut you're stupid trap. The Katie story is on national news now so its relevant but also amusing. Shes like sam hyde at this point, always getting away with it!

No. 2128565

Really? Owner is a bong?
She is fun to talk about, nothing has really been posted apart from articles anyway

No. 2128569

Costa is much better than Starbucks. The food selection is nicer imo

No. 2128572

Favourite Tracy Beaker character? (that isn't Tracy) mine was 'lol' I think it was short for Lawrence kek

No. 2128574

Could partly be that the male migrant thing is playing out pretty similarly in other countries atm (with their own riots happening too) so that's bringing em in

No. 2128582

the government says they are looking into bringing more laws for social media after all this

No. 2128583

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I loved how fucking savage Justine was kek. I also liked Mike, he was nice.

No. 2128591

I think it was always just burgers who were pro-migrants and crying muh racism!!!!?! whenever they were mentioned. Because other euro countries have to deal with them too.

No. 2128634

Mike probably, but I liked all the wellards, where is my maroon 5 cd?

No. 2128705

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No. 2128708

So much Tracy Beaker itt but does anyone remember the dream/musical episode?

No. 2128710

I was always weirdly attracted to dominatrix Cam in this

No. 2128713

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who read the book(s)? I loved jacqueline wilson's books so much as a kid. and now she is a based terf

No. 2128715

KEK her red nails curling around the door at the end gave me a bad dream irl
Jacqueline Wilson has always been based. I love her

No. 2128719

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Queen of sensible thinking

No. 2128722

I remember her book 'Kiss'. I remember it was the first "grown up" teen book I read. I remember being in year 6 at primary school and other girls were reading it too. And everyone went crazy over the fact the girl was in love with her male best friend but he turned out to be gay kek

No. 2128729

queen, I love her!

No. 2128740

not a bong but just had a mandela effect moment googling one of her books that i read as a kid, the kiss. as i remember it, it was about two girls getting together but looking up the summary it says it's about a straight girl and a gay boy. huh. anyway there's a lot of based british female authors it seems like

No. 2128755

Yes it was the book 'Kiss' I said about it here >>2128722 Sylvie and Miranda do kiss iirc

No. 2128756

oh so i'm not crazy then. i guess i literally only retained that one plot point from the book and forgot the rest cause i don't even remember the carl character who was apparently there too kek.

No. 2128786

I used to read all her books religiously, I loved the Tracy Beaker ones so much. Never managed to get into the TV series though.
She's so based, I love her.

No. 2128806

I really want to read the book she wrote fairly recently about a girl who realises she's gay and in love with another girl in her school

No. 2129529

Due to the nanny state we live in, the UK is far behind in natural selection. We have a lot of barely functional tards among us that would have quickly perished or starved due to their own stupidity in another country, but our government insists that they must be bubble wrapped and kept alive and safe from the consequences of their own actions. This means that ordinary decent people have to be tormented by these functional retards in their day to day life. Bullied at work and school. Attacked and harassed on the street. Aggressively panhandled, you name it. It’s also tremendously dysgenic for our gene pool. This jay slater case is an example of that. The second he left his safety cushioned environment and stepped on a harsh terrain, he keeled over and died.

No. 2131233

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Did you anons watch Supersize vs Superskinny? I used to love when they swapped meals. I also remember every episode they did a warning/shock segment where the show made the fat person meet an American who was morbidly obese how couldn’t get out of bed, as in to say “if you carry on you will end up like this”

No. 2131265

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Love this show. I remember they even flew people out to the US specifically to visit morbidly obese americans in person, just so they could say "don't end up like me". They couldn't find any super obese people in the UK at the time? kek
Also picrel is so insane, they'd never get away with this show now, especially not these promotional photos of them photoshopped onto thin and fat bodies.

No. 2131269

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Jacqueline Wilson books were always real as fuck. Picrel was one of my favourites.

No. 2131299

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the nostalgia i'm feeling looking up some of her other book titles that i'd forgotten all about. i didn't even realise i had read so many, loved all of these.

No. 2131303

> They couldn't find any super obese people in the UK at the time?
I guess they could never compete. I guess burgers truly are superior in everything kek

No. 2131309

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I used to love the Bed & Breakfast Star. I remember that they moved to a hotel because they had money issues and had to move out of their house and their was a fire in the hotel or something and she saved everyone and got to go on tv for interviews

But picrel was my favourite, her mum, stepdad and baby brother moved to Australia (she refused to go) and stayed with her dad who was struggling with money and owned a chip butty shop kek. I read it about 11 times

I just realised both books had similar themes. Jacqueline Wilson wrote about such real topics but her books still felt age appropriate?

No. 2131310

Oh my god, Illustrated Mum! I loved all the JW books about sisters.

No. 2131314

not a Britbong just saw the pic from home page but God I loved Jacqueline Wilson books, she's got a new one coming out for The Girls series (one of my faves) of them all grown up and I can't wait

No. 2131327

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>Jacqueline Wilson wrote about such real topics but her books still felt age appropriate
agreed. she neither patronised nor got into anything too adult. it just felt very natural and the characters all felt so real. her stories actually helped me put so many real life experiences into better context.
omg I didn't know this! just looked it up and sharing vidrel because she's soooo cute. can't wait to read this one.

No. 2131332

Her novels always made me feel weird inside. Pretty dark subject matter.

No. 2131335

Same, but in a way that was oddly comforting and relatable.

No. 2131343

Rodpig moids are always into tranny shit and getting pegged

No. 2131500

She has such a lovely voice. I would listen to her read an audio book

No. 2131589

I get random cravings to watch these and secret eaters once in a blue moon, I think secret eaters would be very helpful to a lot of people still.

No. 2131598

Illustrated Mum meant so much to me as a kid who also had a mother with bipolar disorder. I read all of her books obsessively, I still reread them as an adult on occasion because they're such a source of nostalgia (and because I can burn through like 5 in an afternoon if I'm feeling sad kek). The mother in Lola Rose also hit home for me. I've read Jackie Daydream, which was Jacqueline Wilson's account of her childhood, and was very surprised that her parents never dealt with substance abuse, as it's so realistically portrayed in her books.

No. 2132235

Oh I need to read Jackie Daydream. I wonder where she gained such insight into those issues.
I just looked up her biography and learned something new
>her husband left her for another woman
>now she's in a relationship with a woman
good for her

No. 2133135

That Katie Price photo doing the rounds on twitter, do you think it is real kek? It is so disgusting and low even for her.

No. 2133188

which photo? Post image pls

No. 2133451

NAYRT Katie Price lying down with a big turd across her C section while in Dubai. I would post the image but it feels a bit revenge porny so I’m a bit iffy on posting it, sorry nonnie but it’s on twitter.

I think it is real but several years old due to the lack of some of her tattoos. She always seems desperate for money so I wouldn’t be surprised.

No. 2133717

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Why not sue the state?
>It reveals how clinicians 'minimised or omitted' key details that would have exposed the serious risk Calocane, who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia three years earlier, posed to the public.
>The report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) comes the day after a damning BBC Panorama documentary revealed a doctor warned three years before the attack that Calocane's mental illness was so severe he could 'end up killing someone'.
>The care regulator's review into the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) found risk assessments played down the fact Calocane was refusing to take his medication, was having ongoing symptoms of psychosis and had become increasingly violent towards others.
>'Alarmingly, there seems to be little or no accountability amongst the senior management team within the mental health trust. We question how and why these people are still in position.'
>The CQC said his records make it 'clear' he was 'acutely unwell' throughout the two years he was under the care of the Trust after being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 2020. Between May 2020 and February 2022, eight risk assessments were completed for Calocane by the Trust. While some risks were highlighted, the CQC said other assessments 'minimised or omitted key details'.
>Despite his failure to engage with the Trust's services and the fact he was known to police, he was still discharged into the care of his GP in September 2022.
>Marjorie Wallace, founder of mental health charity Sane, said the report was 'the most damning indictment of the fact that psychiatric services are not in crisis but in complete breakdown'.

No. 2133722

Just post it

No. 2133733

Kek it’s on twitter, I don’t even want to save it to my camera roll even for a second

No. 2133737

This is an image board though

No. 2133745

File: 1723538614700.jpeg (Spoiler Image,938.24 KB, 1170x1603, IMG_5639.jpeg)

Fine! Is it worth it? I just got two pop ups on my phone warning me about sending nudes wtf

No. 2133747

Quite familiar that a black scrote stabbed those white Brits to death. As those three little white girls were stabbed to death by a black scrote too. Imagine if it was a white man that killed three little black girls? The UK would be burnt to the ground by retarded BLM protesters

No. 2133750

I don’t know if it is fake or just an old pic because people are saying she has tattoos now that she doesn’t have in this disgusting pic

No. 2133752

She literally has teen kids who are very active on social media. Imagine how horrifying this must be for them? Going to school and other kids being like “I saw your mum with shit on her on twitter last night” how mortifying. I feel bad for them kek

No. 2133755

Kek I forget about the other kids, I only thought at least Harvey is blind kek. I guess he’s suffered enough for one life.

No. 2133761

I really wish they would start locking scrotes with paranoid schizophrenia up for life in a mental hospital. They are so risky to the public as they don’t seem to have a grasp on reality and always in a bad way. Trusting someone will take their meds every day and not attack the general population is like sticking a pitbull in a nursery. I’ve seen so many videos online of people saying “this is how I manage my hallucinations, I record next to me and if it’s not in the video then I know it’s not real” like how the fuck are you allowed free in public?

No. 2133780

KEK anon, I think she has about 5 kids? But the ones with Peter Andre are on social media and older. How mortifying for them, like you said atleast Harvey probably doesn’t understand or see kek

No. 2133801

good morning nonas what have you eaten for breakfast today? i had lavender porridge

No. 2133849

haven't eaten yet, stuck in shitty teams meetings and cba to go to the shop to get anything

No. 2133880

Your phone sends notifications like that? What?

No. 2134065

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This is what comes up when I post that pic here kek

No. 2134070

Yeah your phone is definitely spying on you

No. 2134075

If it is, it just got a good look at a photo of naked Katie Price with shit on her stomach

No. 2134094

hard to find a phone that isn't. i know iphones scan your photos constantly (that's why if you search your photos for "food" it comes up with all the food pictures you've taken, for example).
definitely not a good idea to take or save any personal photos on your phone.

No. 2134116

I know all phones spy on you, but Apple is on another level, kek.

No. 2134147

That's so fucking creepy. I mean everyone knows your phone tracks and analyzes everything you do of course but being faced with it like this..

No. 2134154

>Imagine if it was a white man that killed three little black girls? The UK would be burnt to the ground by retarded BLM protesters
You say this as if it would be bad for people to protest against little black girls getting killed. You've made multiple posts like this, actually.

No. 2134173

Nta but is it really a good thing? If the person is arrested and facing consequences then ways the use of burning down neighbourhoods? It’s an excuse for people to be destructive and violent. Protesting is fine and so is occasionally doing something drastic like pulling down a statue built to commemorate a slaver but looting a fucking Greggs? Burning down businesses? Burning police vans? No.

No. 2134194

Do you have a day job all you do is post bait

No. 2134231

That wasn’t my point at all. I’m saying that if it was a white man killing young black girls, there would be a bigger uproar because it would be put down to racism. Where’s vice versa it is not

No. 2134257

No BLM protests have even been held for little black girls, so you're complaining about an unfairness that doesn't even exist. Even when black women get brought up in protests they're always an afterthought rather than the actual cause for protest. Fuck off.

No. 2134289

>my protesting and destroying is fine and socially good
>YOUR protesting and destroying is racism and fascism and is bad
lol, lmao even

No. 2134314

Why is any woman protesting for the rights of these moids? Shitting on women is a popular fetish there. They're subhuman degenerates.

No. 2134390

Did I say that? I was sure I was clearly indicating that destructive rioting is bad either way.

No. 2135054

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No. 2135081

> Turn on Sensitive Content Warning
Go to Settings - Privacy & Security. Scroll down and tap Sensitive Content Warning, then turn on Sensitive Content Warning. You (or your family member) will receive a warning before receiving or sending sensitive images.
Just FYI so you can turn it off if you wanna nonnie

No. 2135086

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t arrest the man who sprayed the “unidentified red liquid” for assault with the way the UK is right now.

No. 2135607

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No wonder so many politicians tried cosying up to China.

No. 2135850

Any nonnies that commute/or just go to or from Euston or any busy train station really, I found a site called “whatplatform.co.uk” and it tells you the platform of the train ages before it is shown on the screens so you can avoid the huge crush and stampeed of people running for the platform

No. 2136265

nonnas what’s ur favourite place to get cute underwear specifically in london price isn’t a matter but i think i'm gonna hook up w a woman for the first time and the state of my underwear is a disgrace.. maybe somewhere that also does bra fittings? i have no idea what my bra size is. is ann summers a good one?

No. 2136319

My favourite underwear brand ever is Rosie by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. It is sold at Marks & Spencer’s. It is very bridal and delicate but still comfortable.

No. 2136323

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Speaking of Rosie. She also has a beauty brand called Rose Inc. Which I love so much. I have 3 of her blushes.

No. 2136352


ty nonnie much appreciated i’ll check it out!

No. 2136358

oh i had no idea who was behind that brand ! i’ve seen it in space nk and tried out the softlight foundation it lays beautifully i was very impressed

No. 2136629

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No. 2136970

Imagine being the mum and your little girl being stabbed right in front of you. Absolutely horrific. That poor little girl, how agonising.

No. 2136973

the mum was being stabbed too, presumably trying to save her daughter, so it's double traumatising for both of them. i'm so glad they survived but how can you recover mentally from something as horrific as this? i can't imagine it.

No. 2137750

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can confirm, i have a nightdress from her (image attached) and it's so comfortable and looks great despite being very old at this point kek

No. 2137850

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found these paintings on tumblr of early 2000s british school girls and made me feel so nostalgic. thought nonas here would appreciate them.

No. 2137889

wtf that is literally what my school uniform was like back then, except the jumper was the ugliest shade of green you could imagine.

No. 2137894

mine was navy like the second pic, teamed with ugly pleated grey skirt and thick wooly, itchy grey tights.

No. 2137903

Oh my god made me feel strange
my primary was like a bottle green and my secondary was navy

No. 2137904

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Omg these dresses remind me of being at primary school, in the summer, the smell of suncream. What colours did you nonnies have? My school was green

No. 2137905

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I don't think any school had pink??? I think they were only the 4 primary colours

No. 2137916

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takes me back to jump rope, yoyos and pokemon cards at lunch break

No. 2137923

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No. 2137937

File: 1723760120238.jpg (122.59 KB, 933x1400, School-Cake-3WM.jpg)

No. 2137964

oh my god the children (me) yearn for vhs tv time

No. 2137970

Blue! I was so jealous of the girls that had the matching scrunchie kek

No. 2138182

My school had blue! Getting to wear these dresses were the best part of the school year unironically. I thought they were so cute and they were really good for the weather too. Plus they served as a symbol that the summer holidays were close by.
The computer lab is giving me flashbacks to when we had to when we finished earlier in ict and could play on the cbbc website.
My school had this but we NEVER used it.

No. 2138190

I feel insane for remembering this, but there was an episode of changing rooms where there was a lesbian couple and for whatever reason, one of the hosts decided to turn their room into a dita von teese style sex dungeon complete for framed lacy underwear. They weren't even super feminine women either, nothing about them indicated they could want such a thing. They specifically said that they wanted something neutral. I think one of them even cried once seeing the room because they hated it so much. I wanted to see if there was any documentation of this happening online for years, but never found anything. Does anybody else remember this episode?

No. 2138246

they should have PE apparatus in offices, kek

No. 2138667

She wasn’t. That was a mistake. She was actually just covered in her daughters blood.

No. 2138862

Anyone know how long it'll be to replace almost passport rn. I go away end of next month and adhd brain has made me put this off. Dunno if I should risk the standard way now or go for fast track. Only thing that was stopping me doing fast track is I have some rather flattering photo print outs and I don't want to have to get a new one for a digital code. Also do I require any documents for fast track appointment?

No. 2139006

I'd get a fast track passport, it takes a couple of weeks to get your passport, it's not worth the wait.

No. 2139669


I just renewed my son's last month, ordered it on the 13th, it arrived on the 26th.

No. 2139796

Anons do you drive manual or auto cars? I’m tempted to learn auto since the gubbmint is going to ban the sale of new manual cars in a few years. I know the second-hand market for manual cars will still be thriving for a couple more decades after but it’s clearly aiming to be eventually phased out. I wonder if it’s even worth learning anymore.

No. 2139798

I only drive automatic. I've never had to use a manual car since I started driving, and that's over 10 years. I understand the appeal of knowing how to drive manual, but practically speaking most cars are automatic these days anyway so there's not much point to learn.

No. 2139835

confession plus a question. is my random accent embarrassing? without giving actual details, it's like if someone was a german who immigrated to the uk years ago, but very obviously spoke with an accent that's a mixture of australian and their own pronunciation, because they've watched a ton of australian tv and it feels intuitive. would people think it's weird?

No. 2139877

If the “Australian” here is actually American, yes that’s weird and actually a common tell for autism so at least you’re not alone

No. 2139880

File: 1723870062584.jpeg (186.63 KB, 2560x1707, IMG_0233.jpeg)

Iirc a manual license means you’re allowed to drive automatic out of hand, so why not learn manual. when I took a few driving lessons manual didn’t seem that hard. (Ive never bothered getting my licence though and just rely on living in big cities though so maybe take my advice with a grain of salt)

Anyone remember the cookies with the handprints still left on them? I used to steal extra and I thought I was so slick, but looking back those lunchladies knew exactly what I was doing greedy fuck I was. Picrel is closest I could find but not quite accurate to how thick they were

No. 2140945

I hate football fans. I am stuck on a train with loads of them, I want to die. Most of them are like 40. I have mentally put multiple curses on their favourite football teams. I hate them all. If one of these men were my husband, I would divorce him. Or my dad or brother I would be mortified

No. 2141920

File: 1723998961129.jpeg (247.98 KB, 959x1221, IMG_5687.jpeg)

I want to lie then on the floor, get a dog and walk the dog all over them. They need to go back to their own shit smelling, women raping country(/pol/sperging)

No. 2141935

File: 1723999401560.png (1.09 MB, 768x1026, publicpurity.png)

this is definitely someone just taking the piss. the whole thing is a hoax. also:
>by Jews News

No. 2143162

Fuck Muslims and all but I’m pretty sure the Jews are behind this. They’re trying to incite hatred against Muslims. The same way Muslims do to them.
They both need to go back.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2143291

and it's no secret that tommy robinson has ties to israel, it's all been a very convenient time to stir up these tensions. not that there aren't any legitimate concerns with Islam, but it's being deliberately channeled into an anti-muslim people thing instead of a talk about immigration. this is not our war, but we're being dragged into it with all this shit.

No. 2143651

File: 1724085476237.jpg (25.91 KB, 282x268, 1721785746823.jpg)

Blue and my mum used to do my hair up with matching hairbands/scrunchies. Summer dresses set my nostalgia off like nothing else, I loved wearing them so much

No. 2143691

Philomena Cunk confirmed for best bong

No. 2143694

For once I agree with the Muslims, get your poop eating shitbeasts out of clean and sanitary public spaces, not every one is happy to be around your pests. Ofc a britbong sees this as intolerance when it’s talking about cleanliness(baiting)

No. 2143766

So cute nonnie! Mine was green, I remember having little white frilly socks and my clarks school shoes too

No. 2143770

Stop talking about muslims and jews in the bong thread. Don’t we have to deal with them enough irl, well the former anyway

No. 2143772

What are your favourite nonnies jacket potato toppings? I saw some anons in another thread crying over them

No. 2143799

good, wholesome, potato based post. Baked beans (not sugar free, those are certifiably evil and I added sugar to the last can of them I ate just to make it through) and about 60g of butter. Wow, maybe this is why my health dreams aren't coming true.

No. 2143817

buttah, and choona frommacan, m8

No. 2143819

I love cheese and beans, I love mixing them both together so it is all creamy and yummy. I love it so much, it brings me so much comfort, I literally don't care that burgers seethe about it

No. 2143838

Going to the UK tomorrow! It's only for a doctor appointment but I love going there anyway. I'm gonna buy some cadbury eggs and krispy kreme.

No. 2143852

File: 1724095282267.png (861.4 KB, 1080x1080, 1000006764.png)

Enjoy your stay nona! Get some of these bad boys too while you're at it (unless that's what you meant kek)

No. 2143890

Get a greggs cake instead of a Krispy Kreme!

No. 2143894

File: 1724097170930.jpg (58.83 KB, 894x485, 71TunjJ+3sL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Buy some Mr. Kipling Angel Slices for me, I miss them very much and hate everything, kek. I'm not even from the UK, but they keep their good stuff for themselves, don't want to share it with other countries.

No. 2143902

They are so lovely, one of my favourites

No. 2143935

Goddamn I'm gonna gain so much weight during this trip kek.

No. 2143956

Enjoy your trip nonna!

No. 2144831

Why do you go to the uk for a doctors appointment?

No. 2144857

Cause it's the only EU country that will treat chronic UTIs. My country just says they don't exist and refuses to help me.

No. 2144918

What euro country are you from?

No. 2144923

It’s nearly time to go back to school, your parents have said you can buy a new pencil case and cute stationary. Where do you go?

> WHSmith

> Rymans
> Other (including supermarkets)

No. 2144928


No. 2144929

Younger me would have said WHSmiths or the Range.

No. 2144930

Upon googling Easons might be Irish lol, it's a cheaper WHSmith which Belfast had but my town had Easons

No. 2144953


No. 2144988

WHSmith, I used to love their cute pencil cases. I remember these pencils in a tube that used to smell like different fruits. We all had them in my class at primary school. I remember my favourite was green apple.

No. 2144990

Cute nona, enjoy your trip

No. 2144992

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No. 2145001

File: 1724160842078.jpg (64.34 KB, 734x734, 1000006794.jpg)

I was so jealous of the girls who had tacky overpriced shit from Claire's kek. I did eventually get one of their fluffy notebooks though kek, the fur got so dirty so fast.

No. 2145002

I used to have so much tack from Claire’s. The heart sunglasses, the key rings, the cheap makeup phones, the Fanta/Coca Cola lip balms. I also had my ears repierced there a couple of years ago and fainted kek

No. 2145008

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No. 2145010

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No. 2145019

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Can't screenshot the result for some reason but I got Dolly!

No. 2145025

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No. 2145032

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No. 2145043

File: 1724163416937.jpg (104.83 KB, 1182x1182, D09687889-p14.jpg)

No fucking way. You sound like a LARPer. Germany has a well-developed vaccine industry - have you tried looking into that or getting an auto-vaccine?

No. 2145158

File: 1724169442238.gif (2.05 MB, 314x200, vanessa.gif)

saving this one. it almost rivals picrel.

No. 2145324

I love that gif and I thought that too kek!!!!!

No. 2145328

Bubbly in the fridge?

No. 2145561

File: 1724184017470.jpeg (275.07 KB, 1116x914, IMG_5743.jpeg)

KEK what an absolute joke

No. 2145564

> The streaming giant’s new show, “My Lady Jane,” shows a black, gay King Edward “navigating his queerness” in 16th Century England. And if that wasn’t enough, they also threw him in a wheelchair for good measure.
This is actually offensive. They made Anne Boleyn black too. These people were REAL WHITE historical figures. We are doomed

No. 2145565

All 3 victim cards collected
> black
> gay
> disabled

No. 2145569

This is parody right??

No. 2145576

No it’s vomit inducing and thankfully cancelled now after session one

No. 2145583

hahaha fuck off
>real historical figures
this is what gets me. WHY base it on real historical figures? it feels like they're trying to pave over history when they do this shit. if it was all just made-up characters in a historical fantasy show, no one would give a fuck.

No. 2145618

Nonnie pls don't say this to me I was gaslighted ignored and dismissed by German doctos. Yes I got the strovacc vaccine (because I insisted on getting it, they never offered it to me because they never believed I had a chronic uti) it didn't help. My issue was complex and it wasn't just a simple UTI. I suffered for 3 years with chronic UTI pain before going to the UK. If it weren't for your doctors I would have probably killed myself because I couldn't keep living with the pain.

No. 2145638

Just ignore nonnie. I hope you find the treatment you need here!

No. 2148337

Someone wrote “a trans person peed here” in the toilet stall I used earlier (there was loose tape which I stuck over it kek). And there were more “trans lives matter” and “trans women are women” with ‘not’ in between but it had been sadly crossed out kek ugh. Also “free Palestine” I am surprised BLM was not on there too. I washed my hands extra hard after that

No. 2148341

By someone I mean a man

No. 2148345

It was Euston stall 18 kek

No. 2151800

the show also has people turning into animals randomly kek what is this rage bait

No. 2157771

My Nan would always take us to Tindalls.

No. 2157892

I went to my nans doctors appointment with her today. And the receptionist asked “I’m really sorry but I must ask your gender for the system, are you female?” and my nan, who is in her late 70s said “yes I’m female but I might not be tomorrow” kek. The world has gone crazy.

No. 2157947

Why is our country full of nonces

No. 2157971


No. 2158054

kek ok I’m fully up for a show about royal animorphs.
Nonnas if you could turn into an animal what would you be?

No. 2158117

Why do you say that? Most of the inbred people in our country are Pakistani brits arent inbred, they rarely fuck their cousins. Except for the royal family. There are literally nonces all over the world.

No. 2158150

> Most of the inbred people in our country are Pakistani
That’s true. They also make up a lot of the nonces too. Like all of the trafficking rings run out of corner shops and stuff

No. 2158201

Let’s not pretend it’s only the immigrants that are nonces kek, I was talking about native Brits to be frank (not sure how inbreeding would be related to pedophilia though)

No. 2158422

I'm so tired of London, why is it so tranny infested? Made eye contact with the grimiest looking moid in programmer socks and an Aliexpress skirt on the tube and it pissed me off for the entire day.

No. 2158624

Nobody is pretending that? If anything they’re pretending it’s ONLY native brits because “yt people bad!” When if you look at statistics it’s far more likely that the Pakistanis and other types of brown people are pedos.

No. 2158853

A robin! They're so fat and cute.

No. 2161364


No. 2161497

been less than a week of barely cold weather and my house already has a bunch of condensation and damp

No. 2161589

Nona, some months ago I spotted an AGP in the wild (in SE London no less kek). Wearing the skimpiest outfit with stockings, bra that he can't fit, and a skirt so short his dick and balls were nearly failing out. I then saw and heard a short haired handmaiden compliment him and gushing over his terrible fashion sense. I used to think men like him were an exaggeration made up by the evil Nazi terfs, but now I realise that they're out there.

No. 2163867

File: 1726296295837.jpeg (470.17 KB, 1170x1330, IMG_9224.jpeg)

I’m sure she doesn’t care because these were white girls that were raped. She probably thinks they deserved it or asked for it.


No. 2163919

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No. 2163938

Do you genuinely believe that those men don't rape girls in their own communities and go unpunished, or that all Muslim girls think white girls deserve to be raped? Are you a moid?

No. 2163959

Both. They rape girls in their own counties AND Muslim women think white girls deserve to be raped.

No. 2164057

I know it's hard to acknowledge because they're victims too, but muslim women very often parrot what the men say and truly believe that women/western women deserve rape. Even the muslim women who don't do this shit most likely have mothers and other female relatives (often older) who hold these beliefs.

No. 2165544

What would you say is our version of Target or Walmart

No. 2165547

File: 1726423118853.jpg (14.71 KB, 236x354, 1000017456.jpg)

Americunt here. Why are you Brits so proud of your former empire and shit? Are you guys even a superpower anymore? Where's all this modern pride coming from?(bait)

No. 2165549

Go back to your own thread burgerfat

No. 2165551

Why do burgers act like the British empire was 10 years ago and everyone alive right now has played a part in it and are responsible kek. as a gen-z would say; we live in your heads rent free

No. 2165553

B&M maybe? Kek

No. 2165554

I guess the closest to Target would be B&M, The Range or Home Bargains but it's not really the same. Walmart would be ASDA considering they used to own them.
t.went to the US and Target earlier this year

No. 2165558

I forgot about The Range! Probably The Range yes!

No. 2166317

I will give you £5 and you can get either get a Krispy Kreme or Greggs donut. Which do you get? And what kind?

No. 2166328

Well yeah, everytime americans make jokes about the uk they have to bring up stuff like muskets and make old english puns.

No. 2166337

Greggs Pink Jammy

No. 2166367

Idk are you proud of your former ability to shoot a president?

No. 2166875

They really can’t do anything right.

No. 2166880

Funny, in that infight upthread you all made it out to be like everything here was targeted at moids. Bunch of bs kek, you clearly hold thoughts about immigrants of both genders.

No. 2166916

File: 1726529422346.jpg (37.91 KB, 480x318, 1000010228.jpg)

This is the best fucking bread in the country. Just made a three tiered sandwich with it and it was the perfect softness of bread omg this is why I don't sleep at night. Up all night eating Irwins leave me alone

No. 2167004

File: 1726533053655.webp (20.63 KB, 615x410, IMG_9705.webp)

Anyone watching made in Korea? The only cute one is reece (the skinhead)

No. 2167021

First time I’m hearing of this, the brown one is cute, dunno their ages though. Really shows how ugly British men are though kek, this is the best they can get? Well is it worth watching? I feel like I could get a laugh out of it.

No. 2167029

Yeah it’s really interesting, tbh they have to already be professional dancers to a high degree + singers so I imagine it was hard to find guys that were 10/10s too. I’d recommend it, it’s funny to see guys who thought they were amazing at their craft being told that they really aren’t that good at all in comparison to Korean standards.

No. 2167032

Oh also they’re 21 or 22 btw

No. 2167065

>21 or 22
Why can't males age normally

No. 2167309

What's wrong? Did McDonalds get your order wrong or something?

Electric chair for rapists and nonces

No. 2167928

File: 1726565642539.jpeg (82.38 KB, 384x833, IMG_9352.jpeg)

I used to think that way but they repeatedly prove me wrong and show that they’re just as hateful as their moids and have no intention of integrating.

No. 2167931

File: 1726566065763.webp (34.97 KB, 660x878, IMG_9353.webp)

That’s shafileah ahmeds mother, who took part in honour killing her. This woman Amina Noor took part in FGM.
They hate us anon. They despise us. Their men see us in porn and think we are all degenerate and hypersexual and they believe it. This hatred extends to girls as young as 11 years old, we are human toilets for their disgusting husbands and sons and they’re still killing and mutilating their daughters after we voted to allow them to integrate in an effort to stop that. Islam is a cult and a scourge on the earth that corrupts every one of its followers.

No. 2167933

people don't realize that basically the entire community takes part in grooming, not just young men, but also local mullahs as well as these men's mothers and sisters, imagine if there was a story in the bible where jesus and the disciples kidnap women and forcefully marry them and make them convert, that basically happens multiple times in the quran

No. 2167935

>the brown one is cute
>really shows how ugly British men are

No. 2167940

Why did they pick the European country with the ugliest men to make a boy group? It's hilarious.

No. 2167958

Islam is a religion and Muslims choose to follow it. Of course we'd hate Muslims. Being "Islamophobic" is not the same as being racist. You don't choose what race you're born as, but you do choose what religion you follow. I'm an ex-muslim myself and hate muslims with a burning passion. Both men and women. They're evil.

No. 2167979

if youre a "ex muslim woman" you should realize the hell some muslim women are trapped in and the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead, you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west and has the privilege to live free without the added risk of being in a muslim country to realize why a woman would conform to a culture and religion thats against her in every way, you can be "Islamophobic" all you want because no religion should be barred from criticism but you being misogynistic isnt a right and should not be tolerated

No. 2167982

>you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
>in the britbong thread

No. 2167988

>if youre a "ex muslim woman" you should realize the hell some muslim women are trapped in and the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead

Great logic. Btw those ex muslim women are in threat of their lives constantly, estranged from their families too. Do you actually think ex muslim women would think that? Couldn't care less for women who choose to stay in that violent religion but I have a problem with women who actually take part in abusing, killing and oppressing other women with their scrotes because of it.

No. 2167993

The problem is English women put ourselves at risk voting for immigration laws to help Muslim women only to be repaid by them writing us off as filthy slags when we are raped by their husbands. Why are we allowing people that hate us into our country? It’s counter intuitive.

No. 2168007

kek why those in particular. I saw a much better looking scrote in Tesco

No. 2168010

can we keep muslims out of this thread. there is literally an ex-muslim thread. we have to deal with that woman hating disgusting religion irl

No. 2168012

no matter how ugly westerns think they are. Korean women love a white skinny man. The brown one will be the least popular kek

No. 2168013

Are you sure? I don't think they even fit korean beauty standards (just barely). This is what they really look like in motion btw

No. 2168014

No. 2168025

Hmmm.. white men in general
This must have been blind casting kek

No. 2168026

Please and thank you

No. 2168085

i think the brown moid with the curly hair is very very attractive, but i think i am biased because that is exactly my type

No. 2168088

Kek the one in the overalls looks like he stepped out of 2002

No. 2168093

according to my cousin who lived in japan for a while, japanese people were obsessed with him when he was a teenager, taking photos and sometimes literally stalking him, then he went through puberty and suddenly he was just another scary gaijin. I'm going to assume it's a very similar phenomenon in korea(vidrel)

No. 2168109

thread sounds weirdly american to be full of brit bongs

No. 2168110

I'm pretty sure this is a copypasta

No. 2168123

it will be the opposite in Korea, the white ones will be the most popular. despite how we think over here. standards are different

No. 2168127

I've seen those brothers before. I remember seeing a video of them speaking English to Koreans and at the end surprising them by speaking fluent Korean. So one of them is in that group?

No. 2168153

Thats bs. Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races. They care more about the ones that fit their beauty standards. Theres plenty of plain white koreaboo girls that go to korea and they dont get favored just because their white. On topic though those white brits look like inbred troglodytes

No. 2168178

Kek it is true anon. Probably not those in particular but they do love white boys over there.

No. 2168192

> Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races
if you say so anon….

No. 2168213

a coincidence that the disgusting religion that keeps being mentioned itt, this was recommended to me on YT. Any woman that follows or praises this scum religion should be ashamed.(derailing)

No. 2168287

If kpoop is korean pop, and these guys are British, why the fuck are they calling themselves kpoop? Just call yourselves the new Backstreet Boys or something. This is so retarded and embarassing kek. What's so good about Korea?

No. 2168296

>the solution isnt as easy as just "leave the religion!!" because that often then not ends them being dead
You can stop believing in the religion without announcing it to the whole fucking world like a retard if you know you're in danger and getting yourself killed kek. I still live at home and my family don't have a clue because why the fuck would I tell them? I'm not stupid and I don't want to die. Muslim women living in the west have the internet to research about Islam and stop believing in it, yet they still praise that evil cult and support their evil moids. I'm not feeling sorry for women that would probably want me dead. Fuck off retard.
>you clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
What thread do you think this is, retard? We're specifically talking about Muslim people in Britain too, kek.
>you being misogynistic
Where is the misogyny? They're the misogynistic ones.

No. 2168360

> clearly sound like some one who lives in the west
NTA anon wasn't being misogynistic. Also, we are bongs, we are from the west kek if you aren't, leave the thread

No. 2168446

>Korea isn't like Japan where they favor white people automatically over other races.

No. 2168464

File: 1726604329749.jpg (642.2 KB, 1179x862, Ellen (1994).jpg)

No. 2169479

kek anon is terribly misinformed

No. 2169484

File: 1726667773255.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2145, IMG_6040.jpeg)

Speaking of Koreans, I love watching Korean vloggers moving to London for university and work. I kinda wonder why though, as Korea is kinda romantisied in the west. But I guess it could be the other way around maybe? The vlogs always seem so fun though. I like this YouTuber at the moment

No. 2169490

File: 1726668060367.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x2124, IMG_6041.jpeg)

There is also this lovely channel, she is a barista in London and she films her small talk with customers to help other Koreans to learn English.

No. 2170560

File: 1726750212530.jpeg (759.84 KB, 1170x2250, IMG_9364.jpeg)

Is anyone following the story about Cinnamon, the escaped capybara? They found her with a drone but haven’t been able to catch her yet.

No. 2171961

File: 1726832563186.jpeg (72.49 KB, 706x764, IMG_1335.jpeg)

Katie Price took her new face out on the town and it looks every bit as terrifying as you’d expect a 6th facelift before 50 to look.

No. 2171973

christ. are we sure this isn't Pete Burns?

No. 2173186

? What is your point

No. 2173191

Is it dead yet?

No. 2173194

one could say he's… dead or alive

No. 2173221

That you should go back

No. 2173224

To…? Why do people speak to cryptically on here.

No. 2173230

She is telling you to lurk moar

No. 2173233

What exactly did I say that is unintegrated? Kek. That makes zero sense.

No. 2173248

No I’m saying go back to the Middle East.

No. 2173252

Lmao… first of all, that guy doesn’t look middle eastern, he is most likely mixed. Second of all, I said it really shows how ugly British men are, which is just true isn’t it? British men are not exactly known for their looks. Unless you disagree kek, which you might since you’re being defensive. Don’t take it personally if it doesn’t apply to you.

No. 2173267

im a burger and i just came here to 2nd that british men are some of the ugliest men on the planet and its probably why they worked so hard to spread white supremacy everywhere. Everyone is under a genjutsu made to believe that peak beauty derives from Europe lol(infight bait)

No. 2173273

File: 1726911075137.jpg (67.23 KB, 800x530, 58025.jpg)

Another burger here to confirm

No. 2173288

Why are you guys so obsessed with coming to this thread? I swear I have never set foot in the burger thread because you guys don’t interest me whatsoever. Every five minutes it’s
>I’m a burger!

No. 2173289

I'm actually a new zealander who felt like being annoying

No. 2173293

we definitely interest you and we should americans are your literal cousins

No. 2173306

No, they caught her and brought her back safely to the zoo.

No. 2173318

Nightsleeper made me want to demand a refund of my licence fee.
What’s everyone doing this weekend? This warm start to autumn is so nice.

No. 2173357

You really don’t. You’re the most boring self absorbed people on the planet.

No. 2173360

nona your first mistake was paying for a TV licence, i thought bbc sherlock peaked us all on this. i had to cancel my weekend plans because i am sick, it's made me consider masking on public transport again even though i know i will get judged. the underground is so gross though especially in colder months. i'm thinking to get a trim soon but why is a haircut in london over £70? i'm poor and losing it nonas

No. 2173368

No one cares, we just want brown men to stop coming over here and raping women and children.

No. 2173369

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Because I genuinely didn't understand why I see so many bongs genuinely proud of the UK.
>it's among the fattest countries in Europe so when you call Americans fat, it's basically a cope
>London, one of the star places of your "kingdom" is literally ghetto and overrun with weird migrants that british people always complain about instead of doing anything to deport the ones who mooch off the system. So when Brits call Americans classless, all we have to do is point at the status of your literal capital.
>almost everyone that isn't british agrees that too many brits are ugly. At least Americans have the advantage of having a population so big, that you're bound to find hot people even if the majority of ameericans are uggo. Brits don't have that population advantage, so they're much more stuck with that label.
>the reason I brought up the British Empire is because I genuinely see bongs on the internet bragging about how important their history and role in WWII was, even though they were some evil motherfuckers that only come second to Spainards in terms of psychopathy towards different native groups, got that empire dismantled by thirteen American colonies that weren't even a country yet, and combatively ate German cock during WWII even though the UK was supposed to have one of the best navy forces. The only thing I can give the UK credit for in WWII is not giving in like how France did.
>I see bongs brag about all these inventions that changed the world, and sure, some of them did, but then bongs try to go and rub their "superior culture" bullshit to Americans, and that's where you lose me. You're currently a nation of alcoholics forced to babysit migrants you don't even like, and you did all that colonialism in the past just to not even be a superpower in modern times. So superior how, actually?
>don't even get me started on how bongs make fun of the way Americans talk when bongs historically made up their modern accents just to sound "fancy". Historically and statistically, Americans speak English more accurately than bongs. Why bongs still get in their feelings when Americans make fun of the way THEY talk? I don't know.
>bong moids are the pussiest motherfucking breed of moids I have ever seen in my life. It's like they're castrated. American moids are not particularly great in general, but at least they will throw hands and stand up for themselves and their fucking girlfriends. The only times british moids look like they have an inch of their testicles still intact is when they literally chimp out and go on monkey-tier violent rampages over soccer. Motherfucking SOCCER. Oh wait, I mean futball. no wonder bong women are so fucking cranky.
>The UK are responsible for the creation of Australians from dumping their prisoners there. Enough said there.
That's what I meant by not understanding why bongs are so proud of their country and their history. And for the record, I am a womanlet and I weigh less than the average bong woman, so you can't even use American stereotypes to call me fat. Don't even like burgers either, but I'll take that over fucking jellied eels any day, though. I'll gladly cop a ban just to flex my BMI over the bongs now.(bait)

No. 2173414

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>Historically and statistically, Americans speak English more accurately
this is false, people in yorkshire and somerset sound like how people used to speak, look up original pronunciation shakespeare

im not going to even begin with some of the other nonsense you posted

now if you would kindly fuck of back to your oh so wonderful drug filled cities
btw i hope you dont have to go to hospital anytime soon as i hear its expensive so please try not to get shot crossing the street

No. 2173420

Not reading all of that. Don’t care. Get the fuck out of our thread.

No. 2173429

We can’t even have our own thread without burgers coming here desperately vying for our attention. We just wanna talk shit about Tracy beaker and Katie price ffs.
I think they’re genuinely offended when they realise how indifferent brits are to them.

No. 2173440

Kek is this Kensington

No. 2173441

You’re retarded if you think they’re not talking about you as well. When they come to this thread calling British men ugly, they mean the women as well.

No. 2173452

>When they come to this thread calling British men ugly, they mean the women as well.
Nayrt but kek nonna what? The transwomen you mean

No. 2173460

No, they are talking about British women. Why wouldn’t they? Stop being delusional.

No. 2173638

I’m non-white british so a dirty little immigrant kek, the world likes to shit on british women’s looks like they’re worst but to be frank it’s british men that are ugliest. there are plenty of pretty british women it’s just the stupid trend of bleaching your hair blonde and putting on a brown tan and the excessive makeup to skinwalk every other teens to 30s british woman is not flattering on anyone… makes me shiver actually, but that’s not all women. the only thing is that all british people don’t age very well, but that could be lifestyle (read: binge drinking)

No. 2173668

And you're a mind reader? Let's see, why wouldn't they be talking about British women when they say British men are ugly? Maybe it's because they're different fucking genders you retard. Are you saying British women look like men?

No. 2173800

If your dad is ugly, then chances are so are you. You’re from the same fucking gene pool aren’t you? How is it possible that the men are ugly and the women aren’t?
>the stupid trend of bleaching your hair blonde and putting on a brown tan and the excessive makeup
Agree with you there
>the only thing is that all british people don’t age very well
Disagree. If you saw my family you’d take that back. My grandma has hardly any wrinkles and my mother looks like she’s in her early 40s at nearly 60.

No. 2173985

Curious to know if there are any other nonas in County Durham? Moved here a year back but still haven't made any friends kek

No. 2174051

>If your dad is ugly, then chances are so are you. You’re from the same fucking gene pool aren’t you? How is it possible that the men are ugly and the women aren’t?
It's not like you pop out the womb looking like a carbon copy of your dad. Are you saying women look like men? Kek. Some of the prettiest girls I've ever seen had the most ugliest, hideous dads ever.

No. 2174151

God you’re fucking dense. I actually give up. Most people who call the British ugly mention the women, not the men. The British man is the best sailor in the world because of the food, weather and women etc etc. That’s what they say idiot. They say we are fat with ugly faces and fucked up teeth and thin lips and eyes too close together. We are considered the ugliest white women in the world by these kinds of scrotes who are racist and misogynist and by default male identified women. The saddest part is that British men THEMSELVES mention the sailor thing, and they don’t care when you point out they come from us so are just as ugly and that they were raping all of those women in other countries anyway. Because men are fucking retards with no social awareness and don’t understand that if their women are ugly (aka their mothers and sisters and daughters) then THEY are too.

No. 2174158

My point is when you laugh along with people calling British men ugly, you are laughing with the people laughing at you. There is a lot more fetishisation and adoration (mostly from dumb burgers) for fucking British men (omg ‘arry stoyles!) so stop encouraging burgers to come here and shit on us because you suffer from so much self hatred that you will humiliate yourself to please others who look down on you. Have some self respect.

No. 2174224

But I think all men from all ethnicities and races are ugly…

No. 2174241

confession: I think kebabs are gross. I know its a staple of cheap english food but I have never eaten anything good from a kebab shop, my parents got kebab shop food for dinner and its literally stinking up the whole house. I hate how greasy it is, I hate the culture of getting drunk then getting a kebab its so gross.

No. 2174244

Kebabs aren't English food they're Turkish

No. 2174255

sorry lol let me rephrase, 'cheap english food' in the same vein as chinese food, mcdonalds, fish and chips etc not english but just a staple as cheap food in the country

No. 2174289

No offense, but the “burgers love Brit’s” thing is definitely from like the 1950’s, nobody feels that way at all kek

No. 2174351

Everyone knows that knobhead, go be pedantic somewhere else

No. 2174398

wtf happened in here I thought I’d come back to some chill chats I guess it was not the bongs populating the early morning cc chats.
The rain has started, maybe that is the problem I don’t know

No. 2174402

It’s a lot more recent than that, Americans (especially on Tumblr) in the ‘00s and ‘10s were obsessed with British media (like Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Sherlock), and British culture and would post about how they wished they were British.

No. 2174409

>hurrdurr bong scrotes sexo
Long dead meme. The only burger women who still believe it are in nursing homes.

No. 2174536

When I’m in the us people are excited and like talking to me about the fact I’m British/Britain so I think they still kind of are

No. 2175131

Rageposters who can't stop shitting up threads that are meant to be chill and fun happened. Since everyone replies to those autists the thread went to shit yet again.

No. 2175570

It’s true, burgers are obsessed with British media, like the shows you mentioned, the fandoms for those shows are literally 90% burgers

No. 2175573

Same I have family in burgerland and have visited a few times and can confirm this

No. 2175581

Speaking of burgerland, I find it so weird when I see videos of American pet stores and they have cats and dogs for sale. Mostly cats I think? I couldn’t imagine going into Pets at Home and seeing a cat in a glass box like the hamsters or rabbits. So weird?

No. 2176663

I’m actually really enjoying this kek

No. 2178035

more cosy vlogs

No. 2178041

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No. 2178043


No. 2178890

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No. 2179009

I actually don't understand the NHS. I've had insomnia really bad, like, 2 - 3 hours of sleep per night. They prescribed zopliclone but it doesn't work. They won't prescribe me anything stronger because I went mental 3 years ago. I got rejected from sleep therapy cos I went mental 3 years ago. My GP is basically ghosting me now. If I was rich I would go private I am so sick of being dismissed. I don't know if its a woman thing, but my boyfriend always gets seen properly, I don't, despite having a known heart condition

No. 2179112

No. 2179116

I'm really sorry anon, is there anyway you can move to another doctors? I think personally, it all depends on the individual doctors. I have had a lot of positive experience, I have been under mental health on and off since 2013, and I have had positive experiences. Also it depends on the individual GP's

No. 2182620

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We lost an icon today fellow bongs. A wonderful woman.

No. 2184288

anyone watching married at first sight UK? its great trash TV

No. 2184496

why hte fuck do all ready meals taste like shit now. swear down you used to be able to buy a macaroni cheese from tesco and it was a decadent treat. now i have to put so much salt in it for it to taste like anything. i just bought a microwaveable soup pot of daal because i can't spend much time in the kitchen in the flatshare but i had to keep putting pinches of salt in it becasue it tastes of nothing. it was almost £3!!!!!!

No. 2184550

I'm assuming you don't mean the tesco finest mac & four cheese?? That stuff is absolutely lush

No. 2184653

nah the finest / taste the difference stuff is class

No. 2185381

If you haven't tried it yet, try the M&S macaroni cheese. It's part of the two for £7 deal on their pasta meal range.

No. 2185776

my nearest m&s is a half hour walk away but i might do that later, thanks nona. anyone have other suggestions for things to try while i'm there?

No. 2186078

Can anyone recommend a British YouTuber or podcast (preferably something like RedFem), I'm out of content and sick of yanks especially ones with content creator voice

No. 2186131

Her eyes were so huge (in a good way)
RIP McGonnogall

No. 2186132

Oven pizzas are the exception. I think they’re delicious. Especially with a salad on the side. I like them better than domino’s which is disgustingly greasy.

No. 2186138

never met as many misogynistic doctors as in the UK. when my bf is with me, they just talk to him and ignore me even though I am the patient. as a woman, you are just being waved off, it's giving me HyStErIA vibes.>>2179009

No. 2186142

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I can’t for the life of me figure out what she’s getting at. Can anyone else? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c781m9v4255o
My mum went to see some Turkish doctor on the NHS about uterine fibroids and he straight up wanted to give her a full hysterectomy, and argued with her when she said she wanted a second opinion. When she did get one they just did a minor operation to remove them and she was fine? And I later found out my grandma who was an RAF wife had a full hysterectomy done when she was 50 and nobody knows why…. People think hysterectomies are just NBD but I swear they impact a woman’s health in so many ways, they shouldn’t be done unless in the case of severe endometriosis or cancer.

No. 2186604

my childhood gp kept ignoring my mother when she said her cancer was back, she kept telling him she could feel it but he kept ignoring her then when she went to another doctor they sent her to be checked and it was back and was at that point stage 3

just found out he's just been struck off for raping a patient

No. 2189085

I have given up and put the heating on.

No. 2189235

It is so chilly nona, I don’t blame you! I have lots of snuggly blankets and a hot water bottle hehe

No. 2189237

Depends what kind of content do you want? Just female?

No. 2189245

Mentioned further up butI am seeing even more koreans moving to london for uni or work, so many vlog channels on YouTube. My favourite content right there.

No. 2199003

Gotta be honest, britbongs, this kind of advertising was fucked up.

No. 2199852

US doesn't care for animal welfare, be it farm animals or pets.

No. 2199854

Yeah I guess, it is so weird to see poor cats in glass boxes

No. 2199859

The US doesn’t sell dogs and cats in pet shops, you can only buy animals like fish, rodents and birds there

No. 2212475

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No. 2213316

Burgernona here. Got baited by a pick n mix tiktok only to see that they don't do international shipping. I wish pick n mix was more of a thing in the states

No. 2215660

You're not missing out on much. The sweets are all stale and kids lick them and put them back.

No. 2220081

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Imagine thinking jonas brothers cover of year 3000 was better than the original. Burgers being loud and wrong as always

No. 2220091

looks at that udder swaaaang

No. 2220337

absolute hero

No. 2220348

They both suck

No. 2220443

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Other anon was spot on, pick and mix is rancid, the tiktok shop pick and mix sold by the kilograms is subpar quality too. I have a big sweet tooth and tried them myself, they're dog shit. Stale and sticky despite being freshly opened. I would recommend looking for some Swizzels selection bags like picrel if you want to try bong junk, there's also Rowntree's, Bassetts, etc. My favourite will always be Haribo Tangfastics.

No. 2220566

I've polished off an ungodly amount of love hearts on valentines day.

No. 2223059

Bong nonas, I hate this country and our government so much sigh. It’s a shame because I love British humour, our entertainment media and aspects of our culture but this country is so miserable to live in, and I don’t think it’s getting better any time soon. I used to wish for a labour gov because I hate the tories and how they’ve wrecked our nation, but now I see that starmer and his cronies are all wet wipe lexit centrists who send all our money to ukraine and israel rather than doing anything to fix the dire situation here. I’m gonna try and move away as soon as is financially feasible because I actually feel like I’m stuck in a miserable hellscape especially living in a poorer section of london. Everyone is so pessimistic and just accepts how shit it all is rather than doing anything about it, we are just on an ultimate decline and downward spiral.

No. 2224745

I feel this nona. government cares more about finding hotels for spongers who don't contribute anything, and rape/murder the native population. britain was a country built on good values and people used to try and do the right thing. and in the space of like 40 years it's been decimated by the completely incompetent government and wasters who game the system. i don't blame you for wanting to leave but at the same time, i know it's pretty shit in many places now, just in different ways

No. 2224799

you would be better off asking in the burgerfag thread where to get them tbh. weirdly we have a lot of american candy imports here, even shops dedicated to them (most of which turned out to be fronts for money laundering kek, but that's another story), so i'm sure there is the equivalent of a british sweet shop that you can order from in the states. just make sure it's legit first obv.
kids using the pic n mix stations almost take the name as an instruction ('pic' your nose and 'mix' it into the sweets) you couldn't pay me to eat out of those now.
but i liked the kind of pic n mix you could get in the newsagent, where the person behind the till had to use the scoop or gloves (hopefully) and put what you wanted in a bag. at least there was the pretence of being hygenic. i don't think those exist anymore though. you can still find old fashioned sweet shops in some cities too and again - it's better because they're all in big tubs and you have to request how much you want out of each.
such fond memories of spending my pocket money at the newsagents and choosing which individual sweets. the giant blue dolphins and the white chocolate mice were the best.

No. 2224812

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what can i get you nonnies?

No. 2224836


No. 2224838

Just fuck me up, fam

No. 2224883

Teeth and lips are my favourite! Funnily enough I actually don't like the lips that much kek, just the teeth. I'll take those, the fried eggs, white jazzies and those fizzy cherries. While we're on the topic, I have to confess that I hate plain cola bottles, or any cola sweet really. They're overrated, even if you get the more expensive kinds they still have a weird taste that I can't stand.

No. 2224900

>Teeth and lips are my favourite! Funnily enough
Thank god you were talking about candy..right?

No. 2224983

Fizzy fangs please

No. 2224990

Milk bottles please!
But the proper ones from old sweet shops that are creamy and actually dissolve a bit when you eat them, not the gross flavourless foamy type you can only find now

No. 2224999

Milk bottles, big cola bottles, beers, fried eggs and milk bottles.

The ones covered in icing sugar that where slighty harder on the outside were the best. I never see them anymore.

No. 2225142

I'm a Britbong living in the States and I'd murder someone for some of those gummy Guinness bottles. American sweets have nothing on stuff from back home. I get all my sweets at insane import prices and/or stock up whenever I go back home. Sometimes if I'm really desperate I'll buy a bag of circus peanuts because they're the closest thing I can get to foam bananas here.

No. 2225152

>proper milk bottles
yessss i'm glad other people understand how fucked up those foamy gummy imposter milk bottles are. i can't find the originals anymore either. sad!

No. 2225154

Cable gummies in every flavour with a sprinkle of milk bottles, please

No. 2225237

I had pick n mix today from my local market and they had tongs and a "used tongs only" bucket so I'll give them that

No. 2225562

fried eggs, bananas, fizzy strawberries, the white chocolate buttons with sprinkles, and one cola so i can bite off and eat the lid first, thank u boss

No. 2225583

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>old fashioned milk bottles
I found these, does anynonna know if they're worth spending money on or are they also shitty foam sweets? Picrel is from https://www.handycandy.co.uk/milk-gums

No. 2225636

Kek I was about to search myself, the seller will be really confused if we all order
They have powder on them so that looks positive
I remember it being more like cornstarch instead of icing sugar like that other anon said so I want to test that

>Lid first
You know it must be done

No. 2227060

All but the bananas and the eggs

No. 2227169

The bananas are the best though nonnie..

No. 2227295

nonnington, I'll take some fizzy cherries, chocolate raisins, milk bottles, peach rings, gummy teeth, and some pink bon bons. delicious. finally some good fucking food, kek

No. 2233016

Just got a cute gold 2024 poppy pin. Did you nonas have Poppy Day at school, where you would bring a pound and get one of those paper poppy pins?

No. 2233045

yeah, in an office i worked at the box went round
my current office has one on the front desk

No. 2233747

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No. 2233749

English people are so fucking fragile and pretentious. Someone eating muh plain beige finger food with their fingers–gasp barbaric(bait)

No. 2233766

Go back to your own thread tard

No. 2233771

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No. 2233778


No. 2233779

Why are you in this thread?

No. 2233781

If they used utensils it would mean having to wait a few extra seconds before shoving food down their throat, amerifats are incapable of delaying eating for longer than is absolutely necessary.

No. 2233825

Burgers love to eat with their hands. Like meat and stuff

No. 2233842

This feels like a weird larp like a 5d chess show of being more classier than us. Reminds me of the seinfeld candy bar fork episode

No. 2233853

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Brits literally eat white bread and French fries in a sandwich. They are vile creatures

No. 2233871

Yeah you bitches need nutrients with those teeth

No. 2233881

You're not that special

No. 2233882

You're using an American website

No. 2233883

Literally I just saw the lady eating fried fish and wondering what the thread was about and it’s Brit’s crying about a nonissue kek

No. 2233892

>Eurofaggots shit up the american thread every single day
>But we can't comment on fish n chips
Rangeban europoors already cerbmin

No. 2233903

The English language is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity

No. 2233910

We're going to buy your island once you're bankrupt btw.

No. 2233915

Reminds me of this guy I cringe-follow on insta that hates America but lives in Canada something about hating a country you don’t live in seems so funny idk why.

No. 2233917

Why don't you give your land back to the natives you annoying yank

No. 2233918

Mandate eating fish n chips with hands.

No. 2233920

You're writing fanfic. English women are Karen of the world

No. 2233925

American women complain 10x more than anyone from the UK. Plus you're all fat. And I'm in America.
Why do the yanks come in here and trigger themselves? lol All they have to say is "your food is bad" and then they go and eat tavern food which is literally English food. Or they eat apple pie because they're retarded and think it's American because of a movie
Keep eating your Red 40 you fucking hambeasts.

No. 2233928

What do you all think about Princess Anne? She's the only British thing I care about

No. 2233930

laughing at the teeth thing. Statistically Americans have worse teeth because they can't afford dentists and have to rip their own teeth out with pliers.

No. 2233935

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Uh oh melty! Time for bed.

No. 2233944

You wanna come check?

No. 2233948

>Turning down free titties
I always knew bongs were a bunch of fags.

No. 2233949

no one wants to see your flabby, saggy tits yank.(infighting)

No. 2233957

It's been centuries already, you don't need to keep acting tsundere like this, mommy knows what's really in your heart.(infighting)

No. 2233959

I always wondered if it was true that Americans have the lowest IQ in the world. question answered.

No. 2233961

The teeth thing is only because british people don't give a fuck about having hollywood horse teeth, but unfortunately, "turkey teeth" is a thing now so we don't even have that going for us. We had a similar thing with the japanese going on in that regard. I missed it when people would just whiten their teeth, get braces and call it a day.

No. 2233963

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Shhh, baby. Don't cry anymore.

No. 2233970

>be american
>70% overweight or obese
>Literally have scooters in grocery stores to help the fattys
>Food consists of McDonalds which 65% of amerians eat at least once a week
>Shit over British food anyway despite it being multicultural and them never been there
>Country full of boomers that vote against the younger gens constantly so they can't get healthcare
>Americans are retarded so they give boomers free healthcare and social security even though it's boomers stopping them getting healthcare
>No social security for younger gens
>Average IQ is 98. Can't even reach triple digits
>Nearly 20% of children obese
>Over 90% of American have had tooth decay
>Go tens of thousands in debt to get a shitty education
>Only 35 percent of fourth graders are reading at or above grade level. In addition, 64 percent of eighth graders are reading below grade level, whereas 36 percent are reading at or above grade level.
Have teeth filed down for vaneers and think that's good teeth
>1 in 500 people are homeless. Literally have homeless camps in every city
>Get disease and have to mortgage house
>Die of treatable disease because they can't afford healthcare

t. American who fucking hates this country. I hate the UK too but they're objectively living better than us. Everyone in Europe is. I wish Americans would stop eating and learn to read.

No. 2233997

She should have been Queen, but instead we have Dumbo for a King.

No. 2233999

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kinda based tbh. don't care for the rest of the royals but i dig her attitude and uniforms

No. 2234053

>be english
>look like you were beaten with a spade from birth
>incredibly pretentious and hypocritical
>delusions of superiority to cope with a country failing just as quickly as America (infight bait)

No. 2234056

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Katsu bakes are elite

No. 2234164

The domain was registered in the UK prior to the August 29th incident

No. 2234362

The admin gives times in GMT and uses British spelling all the time so pretty sure they're one of us

No. 2234410

looks delicious too bad I’m vegetarian kek

No. 2235854

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Your post just reminded me that there's a Greggs with a champagne bar that just opened in Newcastle. It's the funniest fucking combination imaginable but I hope it takes off.

No. 2237367

i just heard the news about the severed head in edinburgh and its horrifying
>man in his 70s hit by bus and decapitated
>head is found by halloween partygoers who think it is a prop
>allegedly people played football with the head
>it is only discovered to be real when someone picks it up

No. 2237488

I haven't seen any footage of the incident but apparently they also TEABAGGED it, what the fuck

No. 2237536

Possibly, a man jumped in the air towards it, landed feet either side then did a squat over it, after his friend had picked it up and dropped it out of disgust.
I have no idea what he was attempting but it could have been a teabag.

No. 2240463

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Happy Guy Fawkes Night bong nonas. Remember, remember the fifth of November.

No. 2240465

This is truly horrendous. Imagine being his poor family. What the fuck

No. 2240473

Saw the video, I think they just assumed it was a fake or a joke because it was Halloween. He did ‘tea bag’ it or just jumped lightly over it. They looked drunk too. How disturbing to find out it is real. Also I haven’t seen the body mentioned anywhere??? Surely the head couldn’t have been that far away from the body?

No. 2240557

RIP to the katsu bake, you will be missed dearly
There are so many greggs in newc, its beautiful

No. 2240710

The body wasn't too far from it based on what I've seen, the head might have.. travelled on impact. I don't really understand how a bus decapitated someone.
Happy bonfire night anon, shoutout to my local council for cancelling the display

No. 2240981

I wish I could forget forget the fifth of November instead, because now it's only shitty DIY fireworks for the entire night instead of anything good

No. 2241374

My village did their fireworks display two weeks ago for some reason so I'm not celebrating today.

No. 2241533

ugh you got me craving the actual version of this. love a chip butty. obviously in a proper buttered bun with chunky chips from a chip shop. this muurica imagining of one is kind of sad actually..

No. 2241542

The proper one doesn't look any better.

No. 2241559

Ugh I love chip butties so much. My mum makes the best ones. Like a warm hug

No. 2241578

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Penny for the guy nonnies

No. 2241643

It’s sad traditions like this are now few and far between. I love old things like this.

No. 2241841

I hate to bring down the thread but is anybody at all aware that Scotland is drafting a law saying under 25s shouldn't be jailed for rape because at that age they're considered too immature to be responsible for the crime? I wouldn't bring it up here if I didn't feel like this is the only place where I reach other UK women that's not mumsnet. Wtf happened to the age of criminal responsibility?

No. 2243194

Anon, I don't know what you've read but I think you've been made the victim of misinformation. Firstly, they're sentencing guidelines for judges, not a law. Secondly, they do not in any way prohibit sentencing an under 25 to prison time. Thirdly, these guidelines were brought into effect 2 years ago. I'll link the summary from the Scottish Sentencing Council themselves for you to read. There is also a PDF at the bottom of the page where you can read the guidelines as they were published.(https://shorturl.at/orzKk) Personally, I think the aim of this, keeping vulnerable young people out of prison for relatively minor charges (provided prison time is replaced with adequate rehabilitation measures) is generally a good idea. Despite that, when I read this, like you, I was very concerned by the idea that this pro-rehabilitation stance would also be applied to sexual offenders. Neither the webpage or guidelines themselves mention any specific type of crime which should be afforded more/less of the recommended leniency in sentencing. The SCC has no specific set of guidelines for sexual offences at all, but in their 2021-2024 business plan (available as a PDF through the above link) they do say they have a Sexual Offences Committee currently working on it (sidenote, they were established in 2015 and 9 years later have only managed 4 sets of published guidelines). The only part of the Sentencing Young People document I found even slightly relevant to this question is this (page 3):
>'The court should assess the seriousness of the offence by evaluating the level of culpability (or blame) and harm. Guidance on assessing culpability when sentencing a young person is set out at paragraphs 10-12 below. The court’s consideration of the level of harm, which includes the impact on any victim or victims, is not affected by the provisions of this guideline.'
Then, from the SCC's blog page re: sexual offences (linked at the bottom as my URL shortener won't let me shorten it for some reason):
>'Our reports also consider issues pertaining to assessments of culpability. The aggravating and mitigating factors considered by the courts in the context of sexual offending are comparable to other types of cases but it must be emphasised that the psychological harm to a victim of a sexual offence is likely to be greater than that experienced in other offences. In addition to the violation of sexual autonomy that accompanies rape in particular, there are further risks such as sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy, which are unique to this type of offending.'
All this to say, I'm not sure exactly what effect this will have on sentencing sex offenders and, honestly, it sounds like the SCC aren't either. This has only been in place for 2 years so it'll likely take more time for any official research into it to come out. Keep in mind that a lot of this will be left to the discretion of individual judges and juries, as these aren't rules, just guidelines. To reiterate my main point: rape is not now legal in Scotland if you're under 25. Don't let scaremongering online get too far into your head. Get in touch with your MP or the SCC themselves. They have all their contact information on their site, plus a Freedom of Information request from you can fill out if you want to read any specific document. It's under 'About us', then under 'Aims and Accountability'. I hope my reply helped in some way.

Link for the SCC sexual offences page, as promised:

No. 2244353

i don’t want to go to work today i want to play the sims 2!!!!!

No. 2244652

based nonna

No. 2247041

Omg nonnie I love the sims 2. I still have this memory of going to Morrisons with my dad and buying one of the expansions and also places like big W

No. 2247062

Samefag, but nonnies do you remember Big W. There was a big one near this shopping place in my town and I remember me and my sister would save up pocket money and go and games or a bratz doll

No. 2247064

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Dropped pic

No. 2247200

Thanks for the resources. I should feel better but seeing the string of child rapists in recent memory holed articles walk free even when they’re found guilty makes me think the judges are crapshot anyway.

No. 2248262

Explain the case of Sean Hogg then. He got a suspended sentence for raping a 13 year old.

No. 2249584

The Range in london shut down and I'm months late to the party smfh

No. 2253818

That one Irish footballer who doesn’t stand near his team mates for the Remembrance Sunday silence. If he wants to make such a statement about anti British army, why does he not move back to Ireland and play for an Irish football team, instead of you know, an English team in England?

No. 2258796

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any nonnas have recommendations for things to do in london?

No. 2258862

No. 2258869

What are you into? It's easy to get around with public transport, but if you're only in London for a short time it's best not to travel all over the place so you don't waste time.

No. 2258905

real but i live here kek
and i get subsidised travel yipee. i was just wondering if anyone knew any cute markets/events/festivals going on this season. i like film, galleries, funfairs, nature, food, more strange/unique stuff too but i hate those overpriced glorified projector art exhibits..

No. 2259182

I don’t go to london often but whenever I’m there I always go to forbidden planet which is a big comic book shop, probably not what you’re into but I live in a tiny village and that’s something we just don’t have anywhere near here kek

No. 2259207

I love JimmytheGiant's vids but I just found out he has a mail order bride. I am deciding never to learn about my hero's personal lives or biographical information again. Disgusting

No. 2259916

ayrt i used to love going to forbidden planet!! it felt more 'special' when anime wasnt so mainstream but i still need to revisit there now i havent in at least 5 years!! have you checked out a boardgame store near there too i think called orks nest?

No. 2264381

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Still makes me chuckle. Imagine thinking you're the smartest kid in the class and know better than anybody else.

No. 2264827

Watching Girls Aloud at the O2, has made me feel so nostalgic. It’s funny how many iconic and recognisable songs they had.

No. 2264838


No. 2264932

Danny Jones King of The Jungle

No. 2266700

I can't wait to leave the country

No. 2267139

This is happening globally anon, where are you planning on moving?

No. 2267188

I find the overwhelming amount of migrant scrotes and a rise of islam a more pressing reason to leave the country.

No. 2267190

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No. 2269253

Are you nonnies watching I’m a Celeb?

No. 2269334

kek people were talking about this at work today, didn't take long to devolve into 'men are abused too!!!11!!'

No. 2269446

I'm visiting the UK and went to get a meal deal for 6 pounds, but when I got to the till it was 6.90 pounds. What did I do wrong.

No. 2269463

no because most of the time they are random celebrities nobodies heard of. although the seasons that had nigel farage and matt hancock were kinda funny

No. 2270404

strange, did you check to see if the items you picked were definitely in the meal deal?

No. 2270406

Agree wholeheartedly that men and boys are aboosed too and demand that everyone find examples together. Oh, it's MEN abusing the boys? In the same way that they abuse girls? Wait, there's a woman who's the abuser! Oh, it's a TIM. How about these cases, where the abuser is a woman and the abused person is a man- oh, the man is a TIF and the woman is a TIM? That's too political, let's move on…
They need to peak. And by agreeing with them you'll peak them faster.

No. 2271043

Sorry nonnie, maybe they didn’t come under the deal? Where are you visiting from?

No. 2271692

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This showed up on my Instagram earlier and as a Northern x working classish anon I was so confused. Can any Londoner/southern anons help explain this meme to me? It feels like it's satirising the very rich but then people in the comments are calling it relatable.

No. 2271747

I couldn’t tell you anything about the East London one, but I’m something of a Kensington swot and can confirm the bottom row.

No. 2271750

Samefagging, although Lindt is some cheap, nasty garbage so I suspect this meme was made by a middle class girl hanging around certain circles who thinks a beige jacket can lift her up into the next tax bracket.

No. 2271766

I'm from east London and the top one looks like a twat. Relatable to who, other twats?

No. 2271775

>Relatable to who
charli xcx listeners

No. 2271776

I imagine they all went to private school and think anything north of Birmingham is an industrial wasteland inhabited by cavemen

No. 2271816

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Just took the bins out as the binmen arrived nonnies.

No. 2271893

Me too, I haven't seen anyone dressed like that thank fuck (although my area is wall to wall muslims so that probably explains it)

No. 2271907

Maybe i've just never had good chocolate, but lindt to me is like god tier. To be fair though I also grew up thinking fererro rochers were a rich people thing my mum only bought at christmas. Can I ask what you think is good chocolate nona if you don't link lindt? My favourites go fererro rochers > those little lindt truffle balls > the old version of the smarties chocolate bars that they stopped making around 2010 > quality street crunchy orange things > milka bars > anything else.

No. 2271927

Sorry if I came across as rude, nona. You're entitled to your tastes. I'm not big on chocolate but my favourite brands are Hotel Chocolate (although it's been going downhill lately) and Montezuma's.

No. 2271942

i'm not britihs but i just wanna share this with you people because i am not sure if this is my own personal delusion or a common thing but i have really really really hard time understanding and internalizing that uk has forests.

my brain just doesn't accept it. i'll tell myself: england has bunch of trees there. it all isn't just plain green fields with rain and rabbits. there is forests in england. i'll google pictures of them. i'll look up english forests and watch videos of them to try to rewire my mind. but it never sinks in.

in my mental world britain has no forests.

No. 2271961

The British Isles were covered in Ancient Forest. Stone age and bronze age people cleared so much forest in Ireland. I live in Ulster and there's a settlement in Coleraine that is extremely ancient. For a lot of history it was easier to use boats around the north coast of Ireland and Scotland than travel through the forests and bogland by foot. Even before plantation and the English monarchy the north coast was a mix of Scottish and Irish.

No. 2271977

Apparently the word dogging originated because people would be casually walking their dogs in the forests and a couple of exhibitionists would be going at it in the bushes. Absolute wild lot.

No. 2272130

I read this then looked up and out my window at the great rolling forests of Surrey and the National Trust then back down at my phone again. Not sure about that one either, nona.

No. 2272810

Ayrt ok yeah I can imagine it as like an annoying faggy moid

Oh that's unfortunate

No. 2273103

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No. 2273144

I just listened to Helen Joyce on the Heretics podcast and she believes this is a violation of article 3 of the human right's act which protects from mental or physical torture, and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment including being forced to undress in front of members of the opposite sex (as decided by the EU court of human rights) and I completely agree. How the fuck has something like this even been considered?

Glad to read this line 'A person being searched can object to being searched by any officer; this officer will be replaced by another member of the team to conduct the search in their place. This is regularly done in practice for many reasons, such as a way to de-escalate conflict.' but Idk if women would even know they have the right to do this and how effective refusing would be in practice.

No. 2273147

Trannies not beating the pervert allegations with this one

No. 2273148

Considering moids, specially trannies love power tripping, I don't think they will let anyone know their rights as long as they can make others miserable.

No. 2274323

How many troons are coppers though, really? Most AGPs seem to either be in STEM, academics or unemployed

No. 2274326

They have to be being bullied by other officers, but i recall only seeing one and apparently that's enough for them to go through with this policy change. Ironic because the police weren't this fast at combating misogyny and racism within their ranks.

No. 2274532

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No. 2275871

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Just fatherly things!
>The mother had reluctantly agreed to let her teenage boy spend a night with his dad - her former partner - at a hotel in Bromley south London to 'cheer him up'.
>But when the boy arrived, his dad offered him cocaine and said: 'I've bought a brass.'
>The youngster told his dad he did not want to take drugs or have sex with the woman, to which he responded: 'Don't be a p*y.'
>The boy later told his horrified mother about what had happened - prompting her to go to police.
>The dad will also be subject to sex offence notification requirements for life and was given a 10-year SHPO.

No. 2275899

this reminds me more of the netherlands

No. 2276073

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We have plentiful forests and woods. I remember when I was a child going for walks with my grandparents and we would play pooh sticks

No. 2278544

Aw that sounds really cute

No. 2280104

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Finally the police here did something right for a change.
I hope they target all those TikTok creeps, I've read the same guy travels between different cities so the districts would need to cooperate with each other.

No. 2283184

I miss percy ingle

No. 2286340

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Morning nonnies

No. 2286349

Good morning!

No. 2286531

Oh thank god. He's going to get 2 hours in prison and a finger wagging and be set free but at least it sets a precedent. Fucking loathe those scrotes. If we're super lucky his identity will be shared.
Good morning nonna!

No. 2286551

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No. 2286810

>changed gender while waiting to stand trial
Why is this becoming a thing? If they're hoping that being a "weak little woman" will get them out of it, it's the opposite, becoming a tim just makes you look even more like a rapist

No. 2286833

They're aiming to get put in a women's prison so they can rape them.

No. 2287780

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If you had to pick only one, quality street or roses?

No. 2288013

Quality street

No. 2288015

Based mum.
Quality Street

No. 2288018

Quality street, but all the toffee ones get left behind for months in my house

No. 2288064

For me, it's Roses.

No. 2288103

Neither because they've both gone to shit.

No. 2288151

Quality street, I've never even had roses

No. 2288600

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Quality street always. Although it is sad now that they don’t have the cellopane wrappers, they don’t seem as special

No. 2288610

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kek I think this when I see that gif of max branning’s wife ripping down the curtains

No. 2288616

I know a troon police academy graduate going into the career and also getting the surgery before the year ends. They're out there

No. 2292299

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This American family who have an Instagram dedicated to travelling Europe and they are absolutely insufferable. They have visited London and complained that “it lacked warmth” and “nobody smiled or welcomed us”. A clip showed them on an escalator, not following etiquette and standing on the right side. People just manoeuvred around them and didn’t even complain or tell them to move (which would be fine and deserved anyway). So entitled and infuriating. One post even said “when your family gets smiles in Paris but feels invisible in London” kek

No. 2293179

You won't get smiled at it new york either, what's the problem.

No. 2294269

how are you all holding up with the storm? pretty bad here and I am scared something is going to smash in the windows

No. 2294304

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Today I will remind them.

No. 2294442

Is anyone joining the milk boycott?

No. 2294613

It's worse than I thought it would be. Stay safe nonna.

No. 2294655

I really want it to calm down so I can buy some strawberry alpro at tesco

No. 2294760

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any other anons deal with winter depression? I really started feeling it today, can’t do this shit again and everyone I talk to about it basically says “get over it”. I get out every day, and take vit d but its such a challenge doing anything, even at home.

No. 2297148

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Buy a SAD lamp, but not a cheap Chinese knockoff one.

No. 2297555

I wish for all Syrian “refugees” to go back home hehe

No. 2297570

My Syrian microbiology professor was hot as shit and I'd let him hit it raw

No. 2297573

Yay Danny won I’m A Celeb!!

No. 2297587

Alas, with the newer waves of refugees, for every hot professor there are 100 thieves and rapists

No. 2297631

You speak the truth unfortunately anon. With how they’re all celebrating I hope they go home because surely they’re not refugees anymore? I hope we can deport them quickly

No. 2301385

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Do you think all the warnings about snow will be true, or was that little bit a few weeks ago all we're gonna get

No. 2301661

The weather's been fucked up recently so I think it's true. I bet we'll get a lot more snow in Jan and Feb as well.

No. 2301721

What are your work Christmas parties like? Ours used to be chilled just drinks and food somewhere, but now they’re making them like mini away days with games and quizzes and I’ve had to feign illness because I can’t cope with enforced “fun”.

No. 2301738

No party for a second year in a row now because I work for cheapskates. Before that it was like you said, drinks and food somewhere. In the past I had other employers do games, secret santa, etc. but I don't really like any of that, especially being forced to buy presents for colleagues.

No. 2302773

>no roommates
>in or near london
How realistic is it to find an apartment like this

No. 2302897

Do you like broom cupboards

No. 2302988

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No. 2302992

I used to love when it snowed when I was at secondary school as sometimes you would be sent home. I remember the pipes froze one year and we all got to go home and the snow was really deep and I remember I had a cooking lesson and had all my ingredients I had to carry in the snow

No. 2303051

I live in the East Midlands and I'm off tomorrow. What should I do ?? I'm bored of going shopping and it's too crowded during December anyway

No. 2303162

I live in the West Midlands. We should meet and go for a hot chocolate at Costa

No. 2303671

Nonnas I keep having sex dreams about ant and dec

No. 2303673

fellow east midlands anon! find a cute independent cafe and have some eggs benedict and a slice of cake

No. 2303700

Why do non Brits have such a hard time pronouncing Worcestershire? It’s a relatively easy word to pronounce.

No. 2303729

It's so cold nonnies
It's also bullshit that my work makes everyone wear stupid Christmas stuff and then we have to donate to a charity they picked for the pleasure of it. I honestly wish they just took £5 out of my wage instead of making me go through the whole convoluted process

Be real you were just getting in the way of their love

No. 2303754

They should be taking £5 out of their profits and not your salary really. Last few times my employers tried forcing people to wear christmas jumpers only a couple people actually followed. Don't give into it if you don't want to, anon

No. 2304830

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Do any nonas who went to a christian primary school remember making christingles? I can’t even remember what they were for but we’d always make them before the christmas break

No. 2304832

He looks like a british malcolm in the middle here kek

No. 2305086

When I worked in the UK, we had to pay for our Christmas party lunch, and it was expensive too, like £40. Every time I went, I left feeling insanely depressed. It was also out in the middle of nowhere, so I had to beg for a ride. Just weird. I think if the party had been in the evening, it would have felt more festive.

No. 2305093

Christmas bonuses in low paying jobs is always something pathetic like a £10 tesco voucher, and then staff get charged £30+ for a party. I've never heard of anyone paying for their workplace parties in other countries.

No. 2305180

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Based bongs

No. 2306358

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this is how you get Fascism

No. 2306366

Yep. They look so ridiculous too.

No. 2306615

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When I was a child we would do christingle service at church, in the evening all the congregation would circle the church holding these, the candles being the only light in the church, and we’d sing Christmas hymnns. At the end we could eat the sweets and the orange.
The elements of the chirstingle, the orange, the red band, the candle, and the sweets are supposed to represent different elements of God/Christ. However, it’s kind of convoluted and dumb. (For example the red band is supposed to represent Christ’s blood sacrifice, or it’s supposed to represent ‘Gods love’ ) But mainly it’s just supposed to be a treat for kids, with oranges being in season and a traditional gift at Christmas.

No. 2306681

I used to love going to chapel at christmas when I was little. The rest of the year it was boring, but christmas hymns are actually so good.

No. 2306901

Everywhere I've worked has had a meal out for Christmas, except for 2 jobs that did fuck all. I'm so glad I never had to inflict tat onto someone who doesn't want it and had to carry more tat home in turn. A mini away day would fucking end me, holy shit.
So you want to camp on the streets, basically? Or live in your car?

No. 2307600

Lord of the dance is a banger

No. 2308504

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Oh nonna, thank you for the nostalgia, I vividly remember making these in my primary school with dolly mixtures and how the tallest boy in our class walking with his behind me almost set my fucking hair on fire

Good times

No. 2311085

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can anybonger translate this for me

No. 2311092

Listen to me carefully, I don't wanna hurt you you're a young kid but you think you can come to my block starting shit?
Lol why, are the people of your block scared or something? Stop asking me questions online and come catch me on the block

No. 2311097

thank you! the 'endz start' thing was breaking my brain

No. 2314021

Don’t you think it is crazy how famous Robbie Williams was/is here yet he is unknown really outside of the UK. He was so iconic and has some of the most recognisable songs. I remember growing up his cds were always playing in the car

No. 2315247

Have any other bong nonnies been following the Lily Phillips discourse? For such an anti porn board I've hardly seen her brought up but I thought maybe most burger/euro anons just weren't aware.

No. 2315251

Is that the girl that fucked a 100 men? I think she's a slut what other discourse is there

No. 2315254

I watched most of vidrel (cringe I know) and thought it was interesting in a horror movie kind of way to see the whole situation play out. What surprises me is how many people are commenting on it to oppose it/criticise porn addiction and OF prostitution, I'd have honestly expected way more libfem types to be yelling about how all sex work is real work etc and every choice is feminist.

No. 2315279

You're on the wrong site if you think people here think sex work is real work. I won't be watching that video. She's not being trafficked or coerced. She exposed herself to God knows what. A lot of stis can be got through skin to skin contact and a condom won't be effective. She's just upped her risk of cancer by like a million. Like what is there to say about this other than she has no self respect and this shouldn't be part of any discourse that young girls can come across she's done a complete disservice to the female sex.

No. 2315310

You don't think there's any deeper discussion to be had off the back of this, not just on LC but generally, about the impact of sex positive libfem rhetoric on naive zoomer women and the results of porn addiction and its normalisation under the guise of progressivism? Just oh she's a whore and did wrong?

No. 2315319

I mean no one ever had to peak me that sex work/porn isn't empowering and treating your entire body like a commodity will end in depersonalisation and illness of the mental and physical kind. Maybe someone else will want to talk in circles with you about it. I grew up in the early 2000s when slut shaming was normal and no one talked about kinks in public and if they did they were saw as being attention seeking pickmes or sluts and nothing to look up too and the men into it shouldn't be touched even with a 10ft pole.

No. 2315322

Probably why it's millenial men talking about the male loneliness epidemic because their female peers think they're all losers and younger girls think they're all ugly old men

No. 2315344

There are plently of younger women who go for millennial losers unfortunately because they buy into the Lana type daddy thing and the men pursuing them think any woman over 27 is a crone and take advantage of their lack of life experience

No. 2315432

If most people are criticizing sex work that's fucking amazing. I remember watching a documentary or something in the early 2010s where an ex porn star, who now campaigned against porn, was talking to a group of current porn stars who were all defending porn, saying how well they were treated and how it was a great and legit job. Thank god the tides are starting to turn.
IMO it's at least in part because of how many normie women got into OF during lockdown and saw how it ruined their lives.

No. 2317874

hahaha nonnie, shared experience! i always ask people about christingle and they had no clue. there was a song that went "christingle rock and roll" lmfao

No. 2319455

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Why are burgers like this? Assholes

No. 2319457

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Paddington is a bong through and through

No. 2319460

Now this is where I draw the bloody line

No. 2319465

how dare they try to take our beloved bear

No. 2319475

The most American thing ever. Do they want him to have a McDonald’s burger under this hat instead of a marmalade sandwich?

No. 2319490

KEK Grand Central Bear and his hot dog sandwich

No. 2319842

They already have our beloved Winnie the Pooh & friends (which I know was a gift but idc it makes me sad) these bears will always belong to the bongs and we will never let them be Americanised!!!

No. 2319847

I reminds me of that interview of The Beatles when the American report says “the Americans think haircuts are very un-American” and he replies “that’s very observant of them because we’re not American” say what you like about John Lennon but this clip does make me kek a lil

No. 2319852

Nah nah it'd be the mcdonalds fried chicken sandwich

No. 2320219

Merry Christmas anons! I am so looking forward to some gammon.

No. 2320270

Merry Christmas nona! I'm looking forward to roast potatoes with melted cheese. What about everyone else?

No. 2320741

I ate a lot of brie while watching the new Wallace and Gromit and I have no regrets.

No. 2320743

Just watched the Call the Midwife special, always gets me a bit emotional.

No. 2321085

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of course a pregnant chav is the first search result when googling Primark

they should make her their mascot

No. 2321171

I don't, I watched some sketches with Diane Morgan but I have no idea

No. 2322177

semi-related, maybe this sounds judgemental but what does the average chav who lives on the dole even do all day? i know most of them have kids but surely life would get boring. maybe we should ask lily allen or owen jones.

No. 2322189

When they get bored they will work a job for 2 weeks then quit.

No. 2322392

What did you nonnies have for your Christmas dinner? Last year my burgerland born cousin (who also happens to be mtf, don’t ask) who didn’t understand or like the Christmas dinner and there wasn’t enough walmarts or guns here

No. 2322395

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What did you think of the new one? I haven’t watched it yet. The missing trousers was one of my most watched VHS tapes ever

No. 2323078

I thought it was great fun! Lots of silly jokes, felt very true to the older films.

No. 2323720

Has anyone else watched squid game series 2? I stopped watching halfway, it's a worse rehash of the first series with even clunkier dialogue, and with an mtf character in a "sympathetic" light. At one point though he freaks out and starts slapping a woman which is very accurate.

No. 2324096

I found it very binge worthy. I know when a series is good to me, when I get attached to characters and don’t want them to die. I am invested with the pregnant girl. Also I don’t series ending on a cliffhanger so that was a dampener to me. Otherwise I think it was worth a watch.

No. 2324098

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I just watched it! I really enjoyed it, I always feel so bad for poor gromit kek picrel was one of the saddest scenes in a movie for me

No. 2325675

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Sleeping around = massive pickme behavior

No. 2325678

Also she is planning to do 1000 guys in January, guess that would be licking the tip for one second each
Let's say 20 hours continuously, 1200 minutes, one minute for licking each tip (which sounds a lot less traumatic than spreading holes for all of them)

No. 2325709

He’s just a sweet soul who wants to read his books and tend his garden. A gentle dog but ferociously loyal. I wanted to beat the fuck out of those gnomes even before they were evil for making his beautiful garden look so bland and ugly. It’s almost like a critique on AI. Yes it will be “perfect” if you use it to create but all the love and soul will be sucked out of it. I wanted to strangle Wallace when he told gromit to come for a pat, and gromit looked so happy and then he just pats him with a machine. How can you be so dumb. Gromit is the most intelligent sweet loyal and brave dog.

No. 2327889

Bleak as shit.

No. 2327890

What is it? Says unavailable in this country. Post a screencap?

No. 2327891

I have (sort of). Being anti-sex work is slowly becoming trendy so you're going to see a lot more of that going around. Honestly I think that one time a few weeks ago when tiktok decided to shave their heads and lamp as radfems actually did manage to peak a few people because I'm definitely seeing a rise in common sense regarding the realities of the sex industry. There's a series of interviews with a 57 year old sex worker who was sold into prostitution by her mother when she was like 12 going viral at the moment and you would be pleasantly surprised to see basically 0 people attacking her for speaking out about the realities of sex work, whereas about a year ago even Billie Eilish was getting death threats for making a single milquetoast negative comment about it. Times be changin'

No. 2327895

It's a doc that came out semi-recently I think the original title was Growing Up Poor: Britain’s Breadline Kids. It follows the daughters of three families that are poor but one of the girls situations was especially bleak. Her father is chronically unemployed and self-harms by burning himself with cigarettes and halfway through the doc the daughter reveals that she is now also self-harming because of her shitty living situation. It turns into an even bigger bummer when she fails almost all of her GCSEs.

No. 2328007

Happy new year! Hope you all had a better night than I did, got my period and was in bed before midnight.

No. 2328031

My thoughts exactly nona…The film made me hate Wallace lol

No. 2328861

Happy New Year nonna! I hope your period ends soon and you get to enjoy 2025.

No. 2330921

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Based. I wish that could have been me slitting his throat. I hope he is in agony right now.

No. 2330981

He still didn’t suffer even 1% as much as Sara did. They should bite him and burn him with an iron, starve him, make him do sit ups all night, tie a bag over his head, batter him with a cricket bat, etc etc.

No. 2331044

How do you nonnies feel better about the mess this country is. I end up on twitter looking at how awful it is. All about those pakistani Muslims who raped and trafficked those girls. The fact migrants are prioritised over old people and British citizens. Just everything.

No. 2331046

I literally want to cry. I know other euro countries are dealing with similar stuff but ugh

No. 2331072

Why does our government hate us?

No. 2331083

Why does Elon musk care more about bongs than our own government

No. 2331100

I don't use twitter, what's been happening?

No. 2331112

I need to stop using it. Elon musk is tweeting all about how the uk is. Like the rotherham incident. And how the police are prioritising things like an old man who tweeted something that “caused anxiety” probably something anti Muslim but who gives a fuck. Muhammed is the top boy name here and it makes me want to throw up

No. 2331122

Damn wtf? He's actually bringing attention to the pedo gangs? Here's hoping the world will clock that the police are in on those gangs too and it'll put pressure on them to stop being fucking degenerates.

No. 2331123

He actually is. Based for once. I wish something would be done about it all. Literally Muslim/islam scrotes are all pedos or killing their daughters(racebaiting)

No. 2331208

I didn’t realise how many Koreans live/study in London. I’ve really noticed it the past year or so

No. 2331227

Are they single?

No. 2331335

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No. 2331638

It's left me praying for mass genocide towards muslims. If every muslim man was dragged out on the street tomorrow and butchered, it wouldn't be enough. They are quite literally a cancer in this world and if our country doesn't do something soon to get rid of them, well, I honestly can't take it. Muslims deserve slaughter, islamophobia is fucking self preservation. I've never felt so angry.(racebait/a-logging)

No. 2331695

Anon, you aren’t alone with these thoughts. Anons can call us /pol/tards but it won’t change my hatred and disgust

No. 2334086

Back to actual-bong talk, who's had snow? It was slush by the time we woke up here.

No. 2334089

I did but it was merely slush, very disappointing when the news was talking about extreme snow.

No. 2334099

There was snow where I am two days ago when I was driving home from my mum's, but I live in a coastal town so hopefully I don't get any. I hate how everyone freaks out and can't drive in the snow lol

No. 2334132

No snow where I am in the south yet, just lots of rain.

No. 2334722

Me yesterday but it wasn't the settling kind, it was the sad wet, rainy kind

No. 2335002

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I get it, musk is disingenuous and doesn’t really care, but why not do an inquest? What lies and misinfo are there, Kier? Were parents not arrested for trying to protect their children? Did a social worker not attend a Muslim wedding between a 16 year old and her abuser? Did the police not prosecute victims instead of their rapists? What lies? An inquest should help clear it up, right? No. They know it will make them look bad and that’s why they dig their heels in. I hope this destroys them all.

No. 2335085

You do know that Keir himself helped to cover it up, right? He's never going to do anything about it.

No. 2335117

To be fair, there's already been a national inquiry. The problem is that it's findings were so bad, it was never publicly released, probably because it would reveal the extent of how it was covered up. Keir Starmer could just release the findings of the original inquiry but he won't because I suspect it contains details of his failures as Director of Public Prosecutions.

No. 2335121

Elon musk has been criticising him for this? I always find it suspicious when a shithead billionaire suddenly starts "caring" about issues, from a different country than his own no less. At least someone big is saying it, but I don't think it's for genuine reasons.

No. 2335123

There's a lot of collusion with gangs too and it would make you sick how closely governments work with terrorists for intel on groups that risk destabilising the smoke and mirrors of how many cunts are in power for self serving interests.

No. 2335129

I am glad that this horrific situation has been bought up again and being pushed to new audiences etc (with hope that something may be done but unlikely) I can’t help but feel Elon is doing this to make himself and also shift the outrage onto the uk and heads away from things like donald trump and stuff idk how to word it. My point is I’m glad he is pushing it but he doesn’t care about the victims he has a different agenda? Idk

No. 2335130

His makes me shake with anger. I voted for labour too. Ugh

No. 2336017

His plan to bring in Indian immigrants to work 30 hour days in concentration camp offices for pennies probably has something to do with it. Maybe he thinks India will gift him free skilled IT workers in return for talking shit about Muslims. Honestly he's so fucked in the head that it's impossible to understand what he's on about without a coke binge and a concussion.
We needed to get the Tories out somehow. Normal Muslims are sick of the rapist shitstains too, everyone has to bow to the craziest lunatic on the road or they're on the chopping block and the police don't do shit because it's cultural. I think things have been coming to a boiling point for a while, with racism getting worse and worse. It's ugly but what do they expect, little girls are actively targeted at Ariana Grande concerts and dance studios and the police go after women who want to have female nurses instead of TIMs.
I hope we don't go back to the Tories. But I hope Labour gets very worried about the possibility, and does something good for once.

No. 2336838

>Normal Muslims
Pull the other one why don’t you

No. 2337223

I got approved for medicinal cannabis!! Got approved for 20g for my first month I cant believe it lol and it's cheaper than the black market stuff around me and I hate those guys. Happy to take money away from cunts

No. 2337240

Hell yeah, nonnie! I still gotta get my medical card. It's legal in pretty much every state around me, so I should just get it done.

No. 2337244

Get on it! I've had a big tolerance break before this and have managed to kick my nicotine habit too, I was smoking probably 30g or more a month in joints and I want to obviously not do that and will be sticking to just vaping it. I want a clear mind but to also be able to sleep at night and have the mood lifting benefits. I really want to make a good habit of this. Since entering my 30s I get a little fear or paranoia around consuming it since it's illegal so hopefully now I've done it legally that disappears lol

No. 2337337

Weird question but do you guys watch tele? I haven’t in years.. I feel like I have absolutely no idea what goes on in mainstream british culture.

No. 2337674

I watch Gogglebox to get a feel for the zeitgeist but otherwise stream stuff.

No. 2337675

Congrats Nona. How pricey is it out of interest? Do you get bud to vape?

No. 2337689

I haven't owned a television for over ten years. I don't even have a functioning television aerial which means I don't need to pay for a television license. The BBC needs to fuck off and die anyway.

No. 2337798

Doctor is giving me 20g this month and he picked the two strains for day and night time which costs £109 for me. There's a UK subreddit and discord where I research which clinic to go through. The consultation was good too and the doctor answered any questions. I was honest about my black market use too which is maybe why he ga e me 20g or maybe my medical history. I'd recommend checking out the discord the users are good and people review their medicine. I'm not too fussed on strains and such at this point because I've relied on the blackmarket for years and never got a choice and happy to have the doctor choose for me. I said I had no experience with oils etc and only flower and I've already got a vape and he seemed happy enough. Honestly I'm impressed so far just wait and see when it gets delivered now.

No. 2337851

Wow ok that sounds promising, though I tend to get through around 14g for £60 so I don’t know if I could stomach the price jump. Probably worth it to not have pesticides and whatever other nonsense in the mix though. Pleased for you nona!

No. 2337869

A gram is like £10-£15 where i am so it's good for me but think others on the discord said it was more expensive. I like the fact I won't be paying paramilitaries anymore doing it the legal route and if I ever randomly get drug tested on the road or at work I have a defence for it. Thank you!

No. 2338220

Nonnies being all "I do not see it" and trying to politely discuss the weather and TV in between posts about yet another pedo scandal being covered up is so stereotypically British and not in a good way. I hope none of the ones I'm referring to are northerners, youse are embarrassing tbh x

No. 2338359

Anons can talk about whatever they want in this thread, this is the British thread not the discuss peadophiles thread.

No. 2338388

It's already been discussed in this thread, the news stories that fuck with you thread and on /2X/. There isn't any new information that's been released, it's already existing information reaching a wider audience because of Elon Musk bringing attention to it.

No. 2338437

Nothing is more stereotypically northern than this moronic post. There’s a reason all the grooming scandals happened up there, it’s because you people spew out more kids than you can afford to take care of.

No. 2338447

Youse isn't a word you illiterate fuck.

No. 2338451

Bizarre thing to say. We’ve known about this horrible scandal and despaired over it for years and years, it’s only now that the topic is getting international attention and the world is going through the same motions.

No. 2338539

right? this is not new information. we have all known about the grooming scandal for over a decade and a half. it is not a secret, it has not been hidden, the mass rape of working class white and asian girls by asian men and the subsequent lack of action by police towards those asian men has been a national conversation for years. anyone who thinks otherwise is one of those retards who doesn't watch the news. is elon larping on lolcow as a girl???

No. 2338548

May I ask which clinic you went with nona? I'm looking at curaleaf but if you'd recommend somewhere that'd be great

No. 2338554

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im addicted to these

No. 2338559

Sainsbury's cheaper than Asda? Are we living in topsy turvy land?

No. 2338567

ntayrt, but have you ever head of dialect? We use it a lot in this country. For example, Scousers say 'youse', Brummies say 'mom', some Londoners say 'blud', and you shouldn't say anything unless you first engage your brain.

No. 2338584

Seek help nonna

No. 2338591

I'm watching some Nothing To Declare UK clips and people seem to like buying a ton of packs of cigarettes there

No. 2338592

No. 2338620

>Normal Muslims
their religon celebrates and encourages child rape and marriage and mercy killing women.(derailing/baiting)

No. 2338727

Stop trying to use this thread as your little /pol/ hangout. You have the fucked up news stories thread available.

No. 2338910

Kek they're bringing in cigarettes 'for personal use' aka to resell at a markup. Same with wine.

No. 2338922

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If VPNs get banned, it will be too risky to post in this thread.
>Officers in Britain are logging hate incidents against people with gender-critical views — who believe sex is immutable — despite guidance warning that their opinions are legally held.
>In Warwickshire, a suspect was recorded by the force for refusing to shake a person’s hand, which the victim “perceived to be hate related due to gender identity”. Warwickshire police maintained that the report was recorded correctly as a non-crime hate incident.
>In Cambridgeshire a non-crime hate incident (NCHI) was put on its police database after a victim reported that stickers and posters belonging to “the Terf movement” had been put up.
>It also emerged that transgender police officers have been permitted to strip-search women under guidance issued by the British Transport Police. The guidance, seen by The Telegraph, allows male staff identifying as female to intimately search women so long as they have a gender recognition certificate.

>One of Britain’s most prominent feminist writers has revealed that police visited her home to warn they were investigating one of her tweets as a “hate crime”.

>Julie Bindel said she received a knock on the door on a Sunday afternoon from two Scotland Yard officers, who told her a “transgender man” from the Netherlands had reported one of her social media posts.
>The case bears a striking resemblance to the ongoing police investigation into Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson and will add to growing concerns over the curtailing of free speech in Britain.
>Ms Bindel, a longstanding campaigner on violence against women and critic of gender ideology, said she was not allowed to know which tweet had prompted the investigation, under what category of hate crime it was being investigated, nor the identity of the complainant. The officers asked her to voluntarily attend her local police station to make a statement, she said, but she refused.

No. 2338923

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I couldn’t ageee more Nona. I just want some Brit chat like, look at this massive catfish found in Essex. Mad, that.

No. 2338924

>Warwickshire police maintained that the report was recorded correctly as a non-crime hate incident
Why was it even "recorded" at all, then? They're such malicious liars.

No. 2338931

why can't people discuss current events happening in the country? that's what this thread is for also

No. 2338939

Jesus that thing is huge

No. 2338963

Because usually it’s a load of Americans shitting up the thread and it’s tedious. As soon as someone randomly pipes up with “heyyy but what about grooming gangs am I right? Isn’t the UK an absolute shithole aren’t you all miserable??”, it’s just bait and it’s frankly concerning how many of you lack the critical thinking to notice. It barely happened during the VPN ban. If you all want to carry on with your rape obsession go ahead but we’re allowed to discuss the weather here too.

God forbid there’s like one small sliver of the internet where women can talk about fucking quality street or whatever they want. No! Women must CONSTANTLY be thinking about and talking about and being threatened by MEN!

No. 2338974

>“heyyy but what about grooming gangs am I right? Isn’t the UK an absolute shithole aren’t you all miserable??"
Sorry for intruding in the Britbong thread as a German but I've noticed this sentiment generally for all European countries. Some entities online are really pushing the meme that if you live in Europe right now as a woman and just walk outside you'll be raped by 8 billion brown men, which is not at all rooted in reality. Life is still normal here, I go outside and go for walks and buy groceries without being sex trafficked kek wtf

No. 2338993

You are really disgusting. How is it hard for you to believe that british women, like myself, might want to acknowledge and vent about a horrific sex scandal that has affected thousands of working class girls in our country? Why don't YOU fuck off to the mundane shit thread if you want to talk about carps.

nobody is saying that, but shouting down people who want to talk about a very real tragedy that our own government doesn't want to acknowlegde, speaks volumes of the state of things. My God, these girls who had their bodies and lives ruined by organised rape gangs and it absolutely deserves to be talked about in this thread.

No. 2338994

Personally as norn iron nonnie I'd love to talk shit about all the paramilitaries and gangs here and how for being such a small retarded place we can be used as a case study for obvious government collusion for everyone to finally understand we need a complete overhaul of who we elect and respect as leaders.

No. 2338998

Well let's talk about how leaders have failed these girls and not just spout racism because it doesn't actually help and just sweeps the issue away from the point that the patriarchy is still ruining everyone's lives and livelihoods

No. 2339000

I'm not disagreeing with you

No. 2339013

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Good taste nonna, I used to be addicted to the skittles one as a kid, but they don't sell it in my area anymore sadly. I should bulk order some online kek

No. 2339031

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>it's /pol/fags versus "poorfags deserved it for breeding too much"

No. 2339086

File: 1736370117602.png (21.09 KB, 290x210, Screenshot 2025-01-08 160048.p…)

I used to be obsessed with these drinks, yazoo was my drink of choice. This is all past tense because one time i threw it up in a car when i was sick and my dad refused to let me open the car door in a traffic jam to throw up and since then, every time i see these milkshakes i get triggered.

No. 2339094

This shit was like heroin to me when I was in school.

No. 2339469

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Labour voted against a national inquiry into muslim rape gangs

>Labour has used its huge majority to vote down a Conservative call for a new national inquiry into grooming gangs.

>An attempt by the Conservatives to have the government set up a national inquiry into grooming gangs has been voted down by 364 votes to 111 votes, a margin of 253.

>Labour MPs have blocked Kemi Badenoch's bid to force an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation by Muslim grooming gangs.
>Sir Keir Starmer whipped his MPs to vote down the Conservative amendment to the child safety and education Bill, which would have blocked the legislation on the grounds it does not commit to a new probe.

No. 2339787

Whelp. Guess I’ll be voting Reform.

No. 2339788

Not a britbong, I'm considering visiting London alone next month for a few days and I'm worried I'll be on my period by then, is it easy to find public toilet for free that aren't disgusting if an accident happens? Or should I just stick to ordering something in Starbucks or Pret A Manger and go to their bathrooms?

No. 2339790

I’d stick to the “pay to pee” plan Nona. I can’t think of the last time I came across or used a public toilet in London.

No. 2339794

I'll do that then. Last time I went to London I didn't have to worry about it so I never noticed public toilets either.

No. 2339862

I literally want to cry. Keir starmer has blocked the enquiry into the Manchester grooming scandal. This is all because the men were pakistani and the government cares more about being seen as racist than justice for the white little girls who were raped and abused by these human scum

No. 2339863

I think some mods and anons here do too as watch this be labeled me being a /pol/tard

No. 2339920

I think there’s evidence that indicates a cover up already happened which is why he doesn’t want an enquiry into it: it would destroy both him and the Party.

No. 2339921

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Kek I’m this old. The banana one slapped.

No. 2339922

It's because he helped cover it up in the first place. I also wouldn't be surprised if members of labour and conservatives are directly complict in raping girls.

No. 2339928

Don't be such a faggot.

No. 2339931

I'll do what I want

No. 2340003

hello UK nonnies! I will be traveling to London in March. I'm on the hunt for thrift stores selling: vintage pins and tshirts (60s - 90s), small Christmas decor/ornaments (the older the better), and vintage tech from the 90s (i collect PDAs like palm pilots). Does anyone have any good suggestions? thank you!

No. 2340016

File: 1736433826457.jpg (114.84 KB, 976x549, ocado van.jpg)

>spend £250 on an Ocado order for Christmas
>tell myself that's enough Ocado for a while
>Ocado sends me a 20% off voucher in the New Year
>spend £170 on another Ocado order
At least I won't be going hungry anytime soon.

No. 2340056

No. 2340090

Same actually because of stuff like this >>2339922

No. 2340123

Yeah cause all of Nigel Farage's promises about what Brexit would do for Britain came through. How you loving the inflation nonnie and wages not matching living costs Guess where all the migrants you hate come from, outside of the EU! Reform are a bunch of spastics.

No. 2340138

How do you explain inflation in all the other western countries? How do you explain european countries also battling with illegal immigration? Stop using the Brexit boogeyman excuse.

No. 2340165

Well there's so many refugees and immigrants because our governments keep destablising their countries for a start and importing them for cheap labour the way Elon and Trump want to do now in America. American's have the Atlantic Ocean as a buffer whereas Europe has land borders or some mad bastards are attempting crossing the Mediterranean Sea or English Channel.

Brexit caused us higher tariffs, more bullshit red line that costs money, higher taxes and less economic migrants that can assimilate easier into our society. So Brexit has made us more inefficient as a society and less qualified migrants to work in our NHS.

No. 2340171

You didn't answer either question. I'm asking how do you explain european countries facing the exact same trouble with inflation and immigration despite them being a part of the EU?

No. 2340187

This is honestly the weirdest and most ignorant take about Brexit. The state of the British economy has nothing to do with Brexit. Inflation is caused by government spending and increased energy costs. Government spending increased mostly due to covid and energy prices increased because of the Ukraine war.

Countries in the EU have worse economies in the UK.
French government debt is 112% of GDP
The economy of France is also stagnant and slipping into recession

In Germany it's even worse
The German economy is the linchpin of the Euro. If the German economy enters recession, it's going take the Euro and the EU economy with it.

If anything Brexit is insulating the UK from what is happening in Europe. If Labour and the Tories weren't fucking retarded we could potentially avoid economic slow down while the EU sinks into a recession.

No. 2340209

Because singular economies don't exist in a vacuum and they don't have nearly as much migrants as the UK. GB is an island and has a higher population than a lot of European countries. London is one of if not most densely populated city in Europe

UK already had a special case in the EU by us retaining the GBP rather than using the Euro. That's one of the many reasons it was so retarded of us to leave the EU.

No. 2340220

Mods here are just as bad as our government. You literally can’t say anything bad about Muslims even when it is true

No. 2340236

why are britbongs always foaming at the mouth to vent about muslims? i’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that but it makes me laugh so hard, like damn you just started using the thread chill out how about “how’s your day guys?” or something

No. 2340242

Because we have a large populace of them that are refusing to integrate into British culture, and recently the rape gangs have been using their religion as the reason to justify kidnapping, torturing, raping and killing white girls.

No. 2340244

>they don't have nearly as much migrants as the UK
>In comparison to other EU member states, Germany remains the main destination country for migrants in Europe. Today immigrants make up over 18% of the German population. In 2022, 20.2 million people in Germany had either moved to the country themselves or were born to two people who moved there.
>Microcensus figures show that in 2022, there were 23.8 million people living in private households in Germany either themselves or at least one of their parents not having been German citizens since birth.
>This corresponds to a population share of 28.7% of people with a migration background. More than half of these are German nationals, and almost two-thirds are people who have immigrated to Germany themselves.

>UK already had a special case in the EU by us retaining the GBP rather than using the Euro

This wasn't unique to the UK. Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Poland and Czechia also retain there own currencies. The UK was contributing £20 billion a year to the EU while receiving £9 billion back in abatement and funding. It was a net loss.

No. 2340250

Oh cool so how come our services are so much shitter since Brexit, what were the tories doing with the surplus

No. 2340252

They pocketed it, using Brexit as a decoy for people like you to fall for.

No. 2340256

what happened to those riots and protests??

No. 2340258

>The Government’s impact assessment of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 estimated that the total cost of providing public services to a UK national is around £12,000 per person. Even the most basic calculations put the economic burden on the British taxpayer of an illegal migration population of 1.2 million at £14.4 billion. That is just shy of 10% of NHS England’s budget for this year. Imagine that cash injection on frontline services or to help people who are struggling with the cost of living.

No. 2340306

yup well aware of that. Got anything pertinent to my comment though?

No. 2340319

Portobello Market has some gems, it's mostly very expensive and honestly super overpriced but if you look around the junk heaps you can get some seriously good bargains. There are some cool vintage and antique shops but the majority are completely unaffordable and the affordable ones only take cash. Lots of variety, modern, vintage and antique items all mixed up, so don't discount a seller without having a good rummage. It's OK to haggle.
Don't bother going to Camden Market, it's pure shit. Literally piles upon piles of Aliexpress tat padded out with some charity shop finds and a few stalls selling paintings. Everything is overpriced.
Not sure how much vintage Christmas decor you'd be able to find, that stuff goes fast and high. Ask around in the vintage shops, they should be able to point you in the right direction.
I don't know how long you're in London for but it's well worth having a rummage around all the charity shops you can find in the nicer areas.
Good luck, let us know how you get on!
Nice, what did you get? I love Ocado but seeing all the nice food I got arrive in a single plastic bag that cost me 2 weeks' pay is depressing, so I avoid it.

No. 2340448

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truly disgusting person

No. 2340462

You should be sorry. Fucking bi men will give you aids. Kek(baiting a 5 month old post)

No. 2340628

based and correct answer anon. burgers just can't understand for some reason

No. 2340629

who and why? is she one of the Labour Party members currently blocking the grooming gang enquiry? if so agree.

No. 2340630

go back to ur own thread yank. you have no idea.

No. 2340633

>the total cost of providing public services to a UK national is around £12,000 per person.
Well they’re making a fat profit off me because I pay way more than that a year in national insurance and tax. Maybe I should hound them with threatening letters like when HMRC realise you paid them 50p too little on your self assessment kek.

No. 2340636

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Jess Phillips MP: supposedly ‘Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls’. Also she has a gummy smile and looks like a tranny. Spoilered because she’s legitimately grotesque.

No. 2340813

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I like Frijj (preferably banana but any works) with a shot or two of rum if I'm chilling at home on a Friday or Saturday. Sounds deranged but trust me. A lot of people like basic stuff like beer + curry combination but mine is Frijj + Chinese

I thought Nosferatu had already been released? In all seriousness though PMC liberal women are one of the ugliest political demographics next to troons who larp as commies

No. 2341077

Why do burgers orbit this thread as if we actually care about their opinions?

No. 2341172

I’m so fucking bored of white men who either didn’t give a shit about the safety of women and girls before or are actively a danger to women and girls themselves bleating about muslamic grooming gangs. I hate that our lives only ever hypothetically matter during pissing contests between moids. I hate that this decades old issue has been rummaged up in recent weeks by a man who sex-selects embryos by IVF to have boys and only let his ex keep a kid because it was a girl so of no interest to him. I wish all men embroiling themselves in these discussions without actually doing anything to tangibly improve the safety and comfort of the women and girls in their lives a very kill yourself.

No. 2341257

thank you for the suggestions and I will! Looking forward to visiting.

No. 2341303

I hope you have fun nonnie

No. 2341346

SAME OMG nona i thought i was a freak. in school i used all £3 of my lunch money to purchase three of these chocolate shakes and they were literally all i would eat all day.

No. 2341531

Hard agree. Keir Starmer is going to nuke himself if he keeps ignoring this issue. How thick are Labour? It's like they want Reform to win the next election.

No. 2341949

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>Nice, what did you get?
Towels because Ocado always has nice M&S 100% cotton towels for half price
Jude's ice cream that was on offer
A few fill your fridge for £5 offers
A few 3 for £12 meat offers
A few bags of Percy Pigs
Olive and avocado oil
Spices and seasoning
Coconut cream
A £170 shopping order is a few bags at the most. I remember when a £150 shopping order was so big, the delivery driver needed a sack truck to bring it to the door.

No. 2342165

I feel like a class traitor for ordering from Ocado but it actually works out as a pretty cheap option if you make use of their sales etc, and most of their own brand stuff is pretty well price matched to other shops.

No. 2342195

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I didn’t engage with it at the time but Caroline Flack’s mum is doing her quarterly blitz of the press again so I wondered what Nona’s thoughts on the case are?
>its 2019
>TV Presenter Caroline (40) is dating Turkey teeth tennis moid Lewis Burton (27)
>Caroline thinks Lewis is cheating
>Decides the best way to broach that is to hit him over the head with a lamp while he sleeps
>Police arrive to find her and the bedroom covered in blood
>She admits what she did to the police, “I did it, I whacked him round the head like that”
>Caroline hangs herself
My personal feeling is that men are foul of course and if she thought he was cheating he probably was, but I don’t know why her family have been in the press constantly for 5 years since painting her a sweet innocent angel who was failed by everyone around her? Is it just guilt because she had a long history of emotional instability and suicide attempts and they weren’t able to stop her eventually completing an attempt? With BPD that raging and a continued pattern of dating men much younger than her I don’t think there was much that could be done.

No. 2342683

>Decides the best way to broach that is to hit him over the head with a lamp while he sleeps

No. 2342690

People with BPD can be sweet, nonna. She sounds like she had some demons and it's very tragic and sad that this young woman hung herself.

No. 2342695

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Feel like pure shit just want her back x

No. 2342970

>a £170 shopping order is a few bags at the most
Tell me about it. Asda isn't much better, you can squeeze an extra few things in for the same money but honestly it's such a waste of time to pay that much money for shit quality food that it's worth going to Waitrose or Ocado instead. I hope the prices go down this year, I'm already planning to grow some of my own veg just to keep the costs down.
One day she'll return. Maybe she's been on Ozempic and she's lying low kek.

No. 2342979

KEK based stacy. She could do better while looking like that. I legit though she was younger and he was an older moid preying on her.

No. 2343025

About to show my age here but I remember when Camden Market really was alternative and cutting edge before a lot of its shops were bought out and it slowly becoming just another high street. This was back in the day of internet version 1.0 and you couldnt get alt fashion online so easily. Shame to see what it has become but its always been overpriced, that hasnt changed.

No. 2343412

I keep hoping a farmer will encounter her in the wild and report back. I need to know: is she still obese? Is she still larping in a wheelchair? Has she kept the vegan thing up? Is her bloke still on the scene? Come back to us, Phoebe! We miss you!

No. 2343624

Islam is disgusting and I can’t believe Islamophobia is Keir Starmers priority over the grooming scandal enquiry. I want to kill myself. I hope he gets assassinated

No. 2343625

Where abouts is she from kek

No. 2343627

Rest in peace, Stacey queen.

No. 2343659

Exactly. When the world comes together to hate a woman, I cannot resist the temptation to revere her.

No. 2343745

>I hate that this decades old issue has been rummaged up in recent weeks by a man who sex-selects embryos by IVF to have boys and only let his ex keep a kid because it was a girl so of no interest to him.
Musk has no right to even utter the words 'protect women' when he abandons his partners and kids left and right. He parasitises on women like parasitoid wasps on whitefly bodies.

No. 2344889

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>Nearly 1.9m violent or sexual crimes in England and Wales were closed without a suspect being caught or charged in the year to June 2024 – about 89% of all offences given an outcome, official figures show.
>Fewer than one in 10 cases were resolved in 611 neighbourhoods with the highest levels of these offences, according to a Guardian analysis, as growing numbers of victims withdraw from investigations after losing faith in securing justice.
>Only 11% of the violent and sexual offence cases in England and Wales were closed after a suspect was caught or charged in the year to June 2024, about half the proportion seven years earlier.
>Only 6.9% of violent or sexual crimes were solved in the West Midlands in the year ending in June, and just 7% were solved in the Metropolitan police area, according to Home Office figures. That compares with 19.2% in Lancashire and 18% in Cumbria.
>As many as 60% of all rape investigations are closed before prosecution because the alleged victim no longer supports police action, up from 43% nine years earlier, according to official data. Separate CPS figures show that the number of alleged rape victims pulling out of prosecutions before trial has also more than doubled in five years.
>The average rape investigation takes 423 days to result in a charge or summons – compared with 55 days for violence against the person, or 28 days for theft – meaning fewer were solved at year-end than other crimes.
>The ward with the highest total of violent or sexual crimes was Birmingham Ladywood, with 711, 91% of which failed to result in a suspect being charged or cautioned. It was followed by Bradford City ward (648 violent or sexual offences) and Little London and Woodhouse in Leeds (596).

No. 2345325

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>Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez today announced a new package of 12 measures the government hopes will win over residents furious with the lack of available homes.
>One contentious proposal is the introduction of a tax for non-EU citizens buying houses in the country who do not already reside in Spain.
>The government suggested levying a tax on foreigners, including Brits, by raising the amount paid when purchasing a house to 100 per cent of the value of the property.
>He noted that in 2023 alone, non-residents from outside of the EU bought 27,000 houses and flats in Spain, 'not to live in them, but mainly to speculate'.
>He said this was 'something that, in the context of the shortages we are experiencing, we cannot afford'.

No. 2345359

That's a fantastic idea tbh. We should introduce something like that in London. It's dystopian to watch your country get taken over by tourists and see whole streets get bought up by the same firms to be converted into trendy flats rented out at £1,500 a week, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm surprised Spain took this long to do something about it, I thought they'd have kicked Brits out the second Brexit was confirmed.

No. 2345381

Both Canada and America need to do this too. No tourist should be allowed to buy a home in another country unless they can prove residency.

No. 2345614

So this is for people who own holiday homes? Or just who those want to move there full time? Like emigrate? If the later, the uk needs to do this. Too many foreigners who do not integrate and learn English.

No. 2345616

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What do you nonnies call these in your county? For me they are cobs kek

No. 2345656

bread roll, bap in slang
we need to do it for both

No. 2347306

I agree. Non-citizens should not be allowed to buy any property in capitals ever. I'd ban companies from purchasing residential units too.

No. 2347680

That's a barm, I've moved to bap-land now though and I refuse to say it but when you call it a barm no one knows what you mean lol

No. 2347763

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No. 2348048

What's the scam?

No. 2348568

I would call that a tea cake.

No. 2348598

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No. 2348609

Use your eyes, it’s not a tea cake

No. 2348612

Where I used to live people would call it a cob or a bap. Where I live now people just call it a roll.

No. 2348852

Yeah, feel like that always gets quite a reaction from people outside my area. We just call the fruit ones currant tea cakes.

No. 2350272

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just got back from holiday in tenerife and they had this tea at the hotel. idk if i'm legit just a retard, but i can't find this particular brand for sale anywhere in the uk. can any nonnies find me this really yummy tea? it's not what we call red tea or redbush or rooibos or any of those, that's just what the spanish call it for some reason haha. i can only find proper fancy pu'er loose leaf stuff that's about £50 a packet. this is driving me insane

No. 2350298

Where are you from? I’ve never heard it called a barm before kek

No. 2350316

you are just wrong, rolls and tea cakes use different ingredients. They are different foods.

No. 2350917

the cost of using one of these scamming machine was £70 per month and now its £48 on direct debit. scam

No. 2352350

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I know these as a tea cake? And they are usually eaten warm, my mum likes them but I hate the smell.

No. 2352352

I’ve heard it on Corrie, so probably Manchester or around that area kek

No. 2352354

What are some of your favourite bbc or itv dramas from over the years?

No. 2355262

Isn’t it funny that bongs are the only ones that pronounce Rihanna’s name correctly?

No. 2355311

Isn’t it funny that bongs are the only ones that pronounce Rihanna’s name correctly?

No. 2355867

If we had a Donald trump, what would he do to our country? For better or for worse idk much about what he is doing or planning for the usa though

No. 2355934

No. 2356830

what the fuck that hasnt been in the news here

No. 2357540

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You already had the Poundland version lol.

No. 2357554

Happy Valley and Last Tango in Halifax are my faves

No. 2357931

Non domestic ownership is a fraction of a percentage of housing in the UK and Spain. In the UK its 230,000 out of a total of 30,000,000 dwellings.

The actual solution is build more homes. Politicians know this but don't want to since it requires too much work and risks upsetting too many people.

Instead they pretend to pass laws like this to distract retards who only look at headlines. You can tell it won't actually change anything because of how little outcry there is. If it actually made housing affordable, you'd hear constantly from existing owners that their property values are decreasing.

No. 2358433

Omg happy valley. Same.

No. 2358497

i feel like everytime there is an attempt to build new housing (by anyone, gov or private) there is people crying about muh greenbelt or countryside. and no surprise all the people crying are rich old people living in a lovely large house. nevermind the fact that the planning permission laws here are so convuluted and stupid

No. 2358507

The streets and towns with the most people from India and Pakistan are absolute dumps. Filled with rubbish. They are literally turning this country into a third world one.(racebait)

No. 2358571

One of the reasons no one wants new houses built where they live is that developers throw up entire new housing estates as cheap as possible without any consideration for the need to increase the existing capacity of public services.

No. 2358585

More homes isn't the whole solution. They'll be snapped up by companies and rented out at £4000 a week for being within walking distance of a bus stop. We desperately need laws to keep landlords in check. Especially slumlords, they're scum that can rot in their own shit.
Building new homes is definitely necessary, though. Never going to happen, but we can dream.
But the recession is getting bad enough that everyone's given up on moving out, so who knows, maybe they'll think up a plan to make housing somewhat affordable to keep the landlords happy.
This! And then they pretend the black mold and rat infestations are all part of the experience, because it's too expensive to fix.

No. 2358608

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We have some of the prettiest villages. What area would you like to live, like the Cotswolds etc?

No. 2358614

I went to bath last year for the day and it is so beautiful. It is so English, it feels like England.

No. 2358619

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No. 2358691

Hello fellow millennial, how are your knees?

No. 2359411

Which one of you is in the news stories thread saying “being a pedo is part of our culture”?

Just because your family is full of nonces doesn’t mean the rest of ours are.

No. 2359415

nta but I imagine they're making a point over the blatant pedo protection our goverment has been doing for 10+ years. So sadly they aren't even wrong.

No. 2359417

Why are they making out it’s exclusive to England? It happens all over the world. Have they heard of America? People are still marrying child brides over there. Australia? New Zealand? FRANCE?!

No. 2359418

because of the very recent gang rape scandal. It's going to leave a mark on our country for a long time.

No. 2359428

They were all immigrants from Muslim countries. So how is that “British culture”?

No. 2359436

Because they don't actually care about the victims, they just want an excuse to shit on England. Just another example of people pretending that rape and paedophilia are exclusive to one nationality, race or religion instead of the real perpetrators: men.

No. 2359438

Exactly. It seems like every time England is mentioned in the news story thread there’s some retard chiming in “uh oh! The brits are at it again!!!” As if the moids in their own counties aren’t raping children also.

No. 2359469

our goverment protected them over british women and girls. it's not really a case of people believing england is the ONLY place pedos are, that is very obviously not true. but we are currently a laughing stock over it and frankly we deserve to be. thousands of girls completely abandoned and ignored. fuck this country and the pedos that run it.

No. 2359471

Where are these numbers from? I tried to find some sources but wasn't successful.

No. 2359636

Nta so I don't know what was said, but Page 3 girls didn't have to be 18 until 2004. Samantha Fox, a 16 year old girl who appeared in Page 3, became one of the most photographed British women of the 80s, behind only Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher. This realistically means that you probably do have an older male family member who has masturbated to or at least ogled cp. I wouldn't say Britain is unique in this though, plenty of fucked up cultural norms all across europe.

No. 2359669

There was a girl from my highschool that was so proud of herself for entering a comp for a tabloid search for Britain's best bust. I don't think she won but christ it was cringe. She went to the private prep of my highschool and dated one of the teachers sons for 6 years who was head boy of course but he dumped her during their uni years and married someone else. So most of her campaign was about getting her self esteem back cause head boy said she wasn't photogenic so she surmised that making her chest her main focal point would get her confidence.

No. 2360160

Not all of them were immigrants, a lot of them were born here and are (unfortunately) British citizens

No. 2360330

File: 1737577783833.jpg (61.4 KB, 640x640, hindley.jpg)

was she the original pickme?

No. 2360334

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does anyone else think she vaguely resembles Dana?

No. 2360336

They might've been born here but they were still muslim, a lot of the UK has ethnic enclaves where pakis etc. just partake in their own degenerate culture and don't integrate

No. 2360495

You don't have to tell me nonna, I live in one. My borough is apparently nearly 40% Muslim and nearly everyone I went to school with was Bangladeshi. The girls are more or less OK if you overlook the brainwashing, but the blokes are something else. The ones who were born here think they're slick because they speak English and don't look fresh off the boat, but scratch the surface and they're just as disgusting as any other paedo worshipping, future rapist moid. They don't want to identify with British culture at all but will happily take all the money they can get here that they wouldn't be able to earn in Bangladesh, speak English mainly so they can play the victim card about how oppressed they are in a country that bends over backwards for them, spit in the street and try and chat up every white school girl they can get their hands on (speaking from experience). There's absolutely no way there aren't rape gangs operating in East London, and I wouldn't be surprised if half the local moids I've worked with were involved.

No. 2360549

Anyone watching the traitors? So many thirsting over the guy with the bald patch on there.

No. 2361550

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No. 2361561

Carolann Gallson was her birth name. She is a proud trans-identified moid who also racially transitioned from Brit to Generic Arab and her new chosen name is Mohamed bin Almuetadi.

No. 2361603

File: 1737621897819.webp (14 KB, 800x450, _97722612_ncjm_carolanngallon0…)

All articles refer to her as female.
>A woman who trafficked underage girls to a drugs and grooming ring that forced young women to have sex has been jailed for six years and three months.
>Carolann Gallon was one of 18 people convicted as part of Operation Sanctuary, an investigation into the sexual abuse of vulnerable girls.
>Gallon was aged 17 or 18 at the time of the offences, but police decided that she was an active member of the gang rather than a victim.
>She added that Gallon continued to "ally" herself with other defendants.


>Sex trafficker attacked in prison after other inmates ‘find out what she’s in for’

No. 2361848

I think it was a joke, anon.

No. 2362199

good luck with the storm everyone…will we make it out alive?

No. 2362300

Its amazing you didnt know what was said but grasped it better than the silly bitch you are replying to. You are correct, the point was british culture pushes sexualising underage girls.

No. 2362319

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No. 2363138

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The slaughter of three little girls in Southport shocked Britain. But, as sick Axel Rudakubana is caged, do his FAMILY have questions to answer? PAUL BRACCHI reveals the full story
>The police, the courts, the youth justice system, social services, and the Prevent counter-extremism programme (Rudakubana was referred three times) did not identify the danger he posed prior to the killings just before midday on July 29, 2024.
>The laissez faire attitude was epitomised by an incident on a bus two years earlier, when he was found with a knife aged just 15. He was already known to the police yet he was simply taken home.
>It was here on July 22, just a week before he ran amok with a knife, that Rudakubana left home to get into a waiting taxi. Neighbours told how his father ran out and pleaded with the driver not to take his son to his old school in Formby where he had been expelled for bringing a knife into class and where he subsequently returned to attack students with a hockey stick. 'Please don't pick him up, don't send anyone to this address,' Mr Rudakubana, presumably fearing another violent outburst, was heard to say.
>Either way, just a few days later, the teenager, wearing the same green hoodie and surgical face mask, ordered another taxi using a false name (Simon) and this time, as everyone knows, the cab did pick him up. His destination was the Hart Space community dance studio where Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and nine-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar were among the children there that day.
>In the aftermath of the atrocity, officers spent hours searching the Rudakubana family home. They found a machete and a scabbard and a set of arrows, along with a food storage container containing the deadly poison ricin in his bedroom and, in the living room where he was believed to be sleeping at the time, a knife identical to the one used in the attack, and a number of bottles with matches attached. It's hard to understand how his parents who, in all fairness, had called the police to deal with their son's behaviour on numerous occasions in the past, didn't spot these things in their own house.
>But the real scandal is the institutional failures – an almost wilful blindness to join up the dots – at the heart of the tragedy, which was more than five years in the making. Rudakubana was just 13 when he first came to the attention of the authorities in 2019. His expulsion from Range High School in October that year, after confessing to taking a knife into lessons because of racist bullying, he claimed, was followed two months later by the hockey stick assault on a boy which broke his wrist.
>It can now be revealed that – chillingly – he also had a kitchen knife in his backpack, although he did not use it. The youth court could have imposed an order under the Mental Health Act or given him a custodial sentence. Instead, he was made the subject of a ten-month youth referral order to address his offending behaviour after pleading guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, possession of an offensive weapon and possession of a bladed article.
>That should have been evident in real-time, because around the same period Rudakubana entered the youth justice system he was also falling under the radar of the Prevent counter-extremism programme. Rudakubana was referred to Prevent three times: in December 2019, February 2021, and April 2021 over internet searches around mass shootings and terrorist attacks. Three referrals, then. And on each occasion, the referrals were closed when they should not have been, an initial review in the summer found, because he did not exhibit a commitment to a single radical ideology.
>In the years before the Southport murders, there were seven known police interactions with Rudakubana. Missed opportunities, in other words. On November 5, 2021, Lancashire Police were called to his family home in Banks near Southport by his parents for the first time after Rudakubana 'became distressed when a stranger knocked at the door'. However, the then 15-year-old soon 'calmed down' and his parents contacted police again to say, 'attendance was not required'.
>On November 30, 2021, police did go to the house following an argument when Rudakubana had kicked his father and caused damage to his car. 'His father didn't want to prosecute his son, and the officer supported the decision in the circumstances that were presented,' Assistant Chief Constable Mark Winstanley of Lancashire Police said.
>It was Rudakubana's father Alphonse who alerted the police again on May 14, 2022 to a report that his son's behaviour had escalated after being denied access to a computer. 'Officers attended, and his parents were asking for assistance to help cope with him,' said ACC Winstanley.
>On most, if not all these call-outs, the police made a vulnerable child referral. Children's services at Lancashire County Council decided, after an initial assessment, that social work support was not required but what's known as 'Early Help' services were deployed, which involved Rudakubana and his family receiving support 'around his emotional wellbeing and behaviours'. His family also received ongoing support from Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Rudakubana, however had stopped engaging with CAMHS by February 2023. But while he was known to Lancashire County Council, the police, CAMHS and Prevent, as well as the youth justice system, it's now tragically clear that information was not shared between these disparate bodies.

No. 2363141

>two years earlier, when he was found with a knife aged just 15. He was already known to the police yet he was simply taken home.
Those police have blood on their hands.

No. 2363145

Please understand, they are FLOODED with work arresting women who posted Total Tranny Death on twitter.

No. 2363148

It's insane that UK police would rather knock on the door of women terfing on X than prevent actual murders.

No. 2363150

“He’s a marginalised black child!!!” They say about the 17 year old who is carrying knives, actively plotting mass murders, on his computer all day and beating up his immigrant parents.
“She is a terrorist! A danger to society!” They say about the abused single mother buying a carton of eggs.

No. 2363185

Fuck off scrote(report and ignore)

No. 2363190

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>most UK women wanted multiculturalism and tolerance
[citation needed]

No. 2363193

>crazy violent moid decides to murder little girls
>Other moid: Hmm how can I somehow blame women for this?

No. 2363204

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No. 2363237

As if white men don’t rape children and go on killing sprees constantly.

No. 2363352

File: 1737729342324.jpeg (678.6 KB, 1170x1529, IMG_6792.jpeg)

Very true but watch this get banned for racebait

No. 2363356

He is terrifying looking. He looks evil. Those poor little girls had to die with his monstrous face. I’m not even going to post his mugshot because it is horrifying

No. 2363406

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No. 2363521

>Mass murderer lives in 99% white area
>Surprised when his victims are all white
If you're going to be racist at try to not look retarded.

No. 2363581

Of course that’s what you take from it, not the murdered little girls. They are all white. If they were black and it was a white scrote that killed them. They would be little black girls. It’s okay for race to be mentioned when it is a black victim but not a white one? Shut up anon

No. 2363644

I would love to skin him alive. I hope he gets attacked painfully in prison and lives in fear and agony(a-logging)

No. 2363812

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No. 2363820

‘A-logging’ in this situation should be acceptable. Written in anger in response to a monstrous crime. It was literally just a sentence too. Mods are truly useless and the worst.

No. 2363825

> not racially motivated
See here: >>2363812 or simply google for yourself

No. 2363861

I bloody hate washing the dishes I wish I had a dishwasher.

No. 2363874

I bet anon, I would suffer without a dishwasher, all though I do wash dishes if I don’t have a big enough amount of things to fill it with. Also, did you see the influx of tiktoks about how bongs wash dishes badly? I have never seen anyone wash dishes that way? I think it is just rage bait or an excuse to insult us.

No. 2363877

I want to bleach this thread of that murderous child killing scrote

No. 2363906

File: 1737747895778.webp (104.35 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_6803.webp)

Corrie watchers. Do you like Daisy? She is my favourite character and she is leaving!

No. 2363915

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No. 2363927

Where did that wellard screencap go I cracked up at that

No. 2363938

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No. 2364056

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Here kek

No. 2364081

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I found it funny to see him in that Paul Rudd and Selena Gomez film because that is the first thing I thought of

No. 2364446

No. 2366620

What reading lists were these? Tbh I don't want to google because I find him so disgusting, I hope he gets assraped morning noon and night for the rest of his life in jail

No. 2366824

Only one of the girls he killed were white.

No. 2367284

Same anon. There is so much I would love to do to him but of course it would just get me banned for a-logging

No. 2367298

File: 1737920884675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,497.54 KB, 1170x1273, IMG_6816.jpeg)

Yay hopefully this is true and not wishful thinking. As I have a feeling they are keeping him protected because of him being attacked

No. 2369429

>Of course that’s what you take from
Half of the post is devoted to complaining about "racist killings", "dangerously racist" and "protecting ethnic minorities". What else are you supposed to take from it?

Do you have an actual quote from Rudakubana? Or a police statement where they found some evidence? Literally anything that isn't just schizo ramblings from a former UKIP grifter?

No. 2369777

> Do you have an actual quote from Rudakubana?
Nta but I don’t give a fuck what he has to say I want to slash his throat and set him on fire

No. 2369782

Have any of you nonnies been affected by the storm? What’s the weather been like you are? I haven’t really noticed a difference

No. 2369798

File: 1738088422230.jpeg (567.42 KB, 1170x1367, IMG_6831.jpeg)

I have no words. Only angry ones which I know will get me banned

No. 2369800

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Inb4 “just right wing white propaganda not real”

No. 2370594

What a random decision, if the refugees can't afford driving lessons I wonder what else they can't afford like food, heating, etc but let's help them drive ig

No. 2370851

It makes sense, sort of, since getting a license opens the door to so many jobs, but they need a car for those…

No. 2370877

so why not provide grants to the working class BRITISH citizens that struggle to afford driving lessons? I am so fucking sick of immigrant and refugee men, they all need to be throw in the sea.(a-logging)

No. 2374704

File: 1738331149536.jpg (147.41 KB, 634x633, 94715253-14345503-image-m-10_1…)

Revealed: Judge who handed custody of Sara Sharif to her father before he beat her to death unmasked after Mail victory
>Judge Alison Raeside
>The court of Appeal ordered that Judge Raeside can be named today along with two other retired judges who took a limited part at an earlier stage in the proceedings, Judge Sally Williams and Judge Peter Joseph Nathan.

No. 2374752

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No. 2374756

So they can rape more British women?

No. 2377945

does anyone think Trump will enact tariffs on us too? starmer loves sucking Trump's dick so i feel like it will be less likely here, than in the EU for example

No. 2379292

Didn't Starmer send people over to Burgerland to try and support Kamala's campaign? Trump probably thinks he's an irrelevant wet rag with lame sucking skills to begin with

No. 2381407

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No. 2381838

nonas i am going to london for the weekend, would it be worth to get an oyster card? i will be taking the train from the airport and will be using the subway too, not sure if it's better to get tickets before each ride or get one of those card thingies

No. 2381940

no, you can just use contactless when you’re going through the ticket barriers and you’ll be fine. i don’t think it’ll be worth the fuss to get one if you’re only there two days

No. 2382349

as >>2381940 said you can just use contactless plus i swear every oyster top up machine is broken

No. 2382779

Trump's America would never support banning social media or phones in school

No. 2382916

Okay but why are you saying this in the Britbong thread about Britbong news?

No. 2384562

Thank you nonas. By contactless do you mean debit/credit card? Does it work on buses and trams too?

No. 2384642

NTA but yes, credit and debit cards. Make sure you use the same card when you get on and off the underground.

No. 2384643

>By contactless do you mean debit/credit card
Yes but you can also use Apple/Google Pay.

>Does it work on buses and trams too?

It works on all public transport. They don't bother with cash these days.

No. 2387047

File: 1738961583340.jpg (169.47 KB, 2079x832, y'all bitches are dumb and can…)

STFU dumbass and kys. I hope you never have kids espeecially a daughter because you would blame her if she got raped because "nuh-uh, theres no pedos in the UK". The fact you had to drag this shit to other threads including this one and lie about what was said is pathetic.

Because this was the context and you making up shit to make yourselves feel better. No one said it was exclusive to england, you claiming others dont care about victims when your defending brit pedos and "not my nigel"ing need to stfu if this really isnt a samefag butthurt brit who feels the need to drag this to other threads. Moids in every country are the same,
>instead of the real perpetrators: men.
that was my fucking point dumbass. Brit men aint special, stop trying to make yourself a victim, this isnt an excuse to shit on england its just facts.(calm down)

No. 2387870

>Threatened to extradite others from overseas for talking about it

No. 2387872

based a log

No. 2387873


No. 2387954

File: 1739022171518.jpeg (434.95 KB, 971x952, IMG_7061.jpeg)

Why do these Tesco pasta pots always taste so metallic?

No. 2387960

The blood

No. 2387969

Stop being coy Tesco. We all know this is an IV bag. Cut the nonsense and let me inject a Full English and Brown sauce when I'm hungover.

No. 2387971

oh god i know exactly what you mean just from the image. it's such an extremely metallic tang too and it takes fucking ages to fade away. heaving a bit at the thought of it alone. wasn't it tesco who got done for selling horse meat ages ago? god knows what they're putting in these. straight up plutonium probably

No. 2387976

The tang is probably run off from their machine packaging. Few slivers of iron and titanium here and there. Horse would be preferable.

No. 2388072

File: 1739028005965.png (701.44 KB, 1289x1474, ISQYVRo.png)

"feminist" muslim implies that the white girls involved in the child rape grooming gang scandal 'deserved it.'

No. 2388089

>Pester my sons
Boymums gonna boymum.

No. 2388440

The blood of their underpaid employees

No. 2388443

Women who are rape apologists are males to me. WALL

No. 2388598

You didnt need to post that, it was clear you were one from the start.(infighting)

No. 2388617

Ban evasion

No. 2388641

File: 1739052940458.webp (70.93 KB, 1200x1200, 0_Katie-Prices-fiance-Carl-Woo…)

Why are chavs wearing sports gumshields and trying to pass it off as teeth?

No. 2390211

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No. 2390326

Liverpool's nonnie, did purple aki really scared local young moids ?

No. 2390342

There are 3 tiers of chav in the uk:lower, middle and upper. These are high class chavs.

No. 2390475

Manchester too.

No. 2390597

>"nooooo how can my baby boy be expected to abide by our own wacky customs when there's all this western culture in the UK? must be local girls fault for not being chaste on their behalf"

No. 2390598

When we were young you got told not to be out late at night because he would catch you and carve his name into your arse cheeks… When my dad was younger he used to hang out outside my dad's gym. A friend of mine also met him at one point and he tried to measure his biceps

No. 2390612

Yes, he's well embedded in local folklore, like the banshee or grindylow. Boys were warned not to misbehave or their mums would get Aki round and they'd be forced to do press-ups whilst he sat on their back.

No. 2390982

Lumpy filler and fried hair is too pedestrian for the elite chav, so they need to find a new atrocious botched procedure to set them apart from the other baked potatoes getting pissed in Ibiza.

No. 2391736

File: 1739181904005.jpg (44.43 KB, 676x248, Britbongflation .jpg)

> It is the small frog-shaped chocolate bar beloved by Brits and fondly remembered for selling for just 10p.
>But now fans of the Freddo have lashed out at the latest price rise of the iconic 18g chocolate - which is being flogged for £1.
Unsaged because it’s important news. I personally am fuming, not that I’ve had one since they were about 20p. I bet they’re smaller as well but I cba researching it.

No. 2391740

Now if this doesn't get the Brits to riot, nothing will.

No. 2391742

>When we were young you got told not to be out late at night because he would catch you and carve his name into your arse cheeks

No. 2391747

They're 40p at sainsbos so I'm guessing this is a price from some newsagents in London?

No. 2391749

>Giant silent man stalking the city for the chance to grope biceps
What the fuck, I've vaguely heard of Purple Aki before as a Manchester nona but I assumed he was just a regular creepypasta kek. He sounds like some kind of bizarre Japanese yokai.

No. 2391788

By description alone I'd assume he was actually just two lc fujoshi in a trench coat

No. 2392000

File: 1739202454479.jpeg (110.23 KB, 640x602, IMG_8670.jpeg)

There are no teenage girls pestering her ugly inbred sons I can fucking guarantee that.

No. 2392058

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Interesting, thanks nonnies. Incredible to think he seem to be the first person to get a sexual restraining order on a fetish act rather than a direct sexual one ( he used to be banned from touching muscle ).

Does anybody wish there was more of him in every city so moids would stop hanging out at night in fear of a gang of purple aki harassing them? I can't believe he stalked a whole rugby team all on himself

No. 2392064

Agree so hard with this.

No. 2392084

File: 1739207823016.jpg (117.29 KB, 750x475, PurpleAki .jpg)

His Wikipedia page is crazy

No. 2392090

File: 1739208020394.jpg (189.85 KB, 750x907, PurpleTeriyaki.jpg)

Of course someone named a pricey burger after him.

No. 2392185

File: 1739212878143.jpeg (37.82 KB, 363x600, IMG_7063.jpeg)

NOOOOO must we continue to endure this???!

No. 2392187

KEK that pic. So accurate

No. 2392189

File: 1739213223748.png (100.19 KB, 672x360, chrome_uUtkLTlF5U.png)

thats ours

No. 2392226

wow I didn't know that, you learn something new every day

No. 2392230

No way, thank you for exporting your delicious froggy chocolates. I loved the caramel ones when I was little.

No. 2392232

Same! It’s such a British thing.. I guess because it was sold to cadburys

No. 2392244

File: 1739214713965.jpeg (885.6 KB, 1170x2021, IMG_7067.jpeg)

KEK anon
This reminds me of the gimp man

No. 2392249

> Another woman, who managed to take a photograph of the man during one of the incidents, said she saw his face every time she closed her eyes.
> She said she had been prescribed medication for the anxiety she experienced as a result of seeing him.

No. 2392488

File: 1739223421537.png (42.54 KB, 1102x222, image.png)

I think about this court order at least once a month.

No. 2392527

I find it hard to believe girls are pestering muslims for a shag. I bet they live a double life away from mummy, who copes by saying it must be the evil slutty girls' fault and not her precious moids.

No. 2392593

Sometimes I feel like margarine gives a similar metallic flavour, I would really like to know the actual reason for it

No. 2392596

Any ideas for what British sweets/snacks to send my American friend? She's vegan for reference, I want to send things they don't already have in America

No. 2392600

Men get 1/10th of the way they treat us reflected back at them and it becomes a whole terrifying stuff of legend, kek

No. 2392702

File: 1739231638531.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1240, 5BT2hSi.png)

that's just mean

No. 2392747

Some of the m&s Percy pigs are vegan!

No. 2393033

File: 1739250514045.png (502.86 KB, 946x764, nheL8HA.png)

I think people are finally starting to realize that muslim libfems don't care about other women, or even their own, they prioritize islam over what is genuinely good

No. 2393034

File: 1739250560036.png (504.67 KB, 1535x723, DMoVnGD.png)

these women aren't ignorant; they know what happened, and they don't care because it happened to colinizers, their inferiority complex will justify anything

No. 2393037

These Muslim dogs should be begging at white women's feet for winning them rights and allowing them live in the free world (which these Muslim scumbags go ahead and ruin for everyone else anyway) Any practicing Muslim woman is brainwashed retard, the same ones cheering on their scrotes raping white teenagers and helping them honor kill their daughters.(racebait)

No. 2393040

Just get them all out. End both illegal and legal Muslim immigration and repatriate them all back to their sharia loving shitholes. 95% of the Muslim scrotes from those rape gangs were legal immigrants or British citizens btw. Muslims shouldn't be allowed to enter Europe or the US, period.

No. 2393045

Nonas, I'm not a britbong but I feel like I should clarify that 'Narinder Kaur' is a Punjabi Sikh name. Not Muslim which might be worse? I don't really know how Sikh women in the U.K. are (and I'm assuming this lady was born there), but that's disgusting of her regardless. (not a racebait, but I feel like it should be stated because it isn't a muslim libfem in this instance)

No. 2393047

my dad(a muslim man) says the same thing, says that muslims should either leave europe or assimilate, cause he knows they'll end up being forcefully deported(at best) or slaughtered when a liberal state collapses, what muslim moids don't understand is the only reason they can pull this shit is because they live in a liberal society, which they actively destabilize, if a western nation goes into chaos, they won't emerge as valiant conquerors, they'll starve and beg for mercy when some military backed dictator takes power(as they always do) and they'll be putting themselves and their families in danger

No. 2393051

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No. 2393139

>no crawling, wriggling or writhing on the ground
How do you police this?

No. 2393305

Kek right? A girl probably messaged him about group homework or something and mummy got protective of her little boy.
Yep. No immigrant is safe from British tard rage. Things are getting worse and worse, it's only a matter of time before we get more riots and more anti-immigrant crimes. Inb4 Nigella Farage chimes in with muh mooslims deserve it- people are going to set hotels and schools on fire, even if there's a targeted attack on rapists it won't stop there, they'll keep attacking anyone they don't like. Like all other hate crime, it's the women and children who'll be the most badly affected. A handful of subhuman scrotes will get bricks thrown through the window, and ten times more women and kids will get bricks thrown at their heads while they're on the school run, or get beaten up by gangs while they're doing the weekly shop.

No. 2394610

What do you guys think of the recent Lucy Letby stuff?

No. 2394805

>pester my sons
r/thatHappened for sure. Perhaps her son shouldn't attend adult establishments for that not to occur?

No. 2395150

I work in a related field and have long suspected that this is another Morecambe Bay or East Kent situation that the hospital scapegoated onto her. It’s not unprecedented for a whole load of babies to die unnecessarily due to service-level failures.

No. 2397487

it probably is a bit of both
i also do work relating to the nhs and it is a cesspit
but the nhs is a sacred cow to some

No. 2398516

Watching vidrel. Always weirdly entertaining to see two brainlets from opposite ends of the brainlet spectrum interact

I thought this was Molly Mae and Tommy Fury for a minute

No. 2398759

Fuck off. Why are you posting this stupid whore? She doesn’t deserve any attention whatsoever. I already have to see her in the fucking NEWSPAPERS so why is she now on lolcow?

No. 2399873

I’m sick of migrant hotels and the groups of shitty men that are housed there. It’s making formerly quiet suburban areas into complete ghettos. Even the nicer hotels near my hometown are full of them

No. 2400652

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No. 2400662

Thank you for sharing, so happy to see this as a scotnona.

No. 2400667

You will never see a genuinely intelligent person on one of these podcasts, ever.

No. 2400673

British moids literally did fuck all while thousands of white British girls were being horrifically gangraped by Pakistani and Indian men.
GTFO of here with these 'our scrotes will protect us' fantasies. British men have never done shit to protect British women. A few hundred Chavs throwing a brick through a takeaway window 20 years after the mass rape of English girls isn't any kind of worthwhile 'payback'. Stop relying on males to help you, they won't.

No. 2400704

Indian? The vast majority of the men are Pakistani, there's probably as many white male grooming gang members as there are Indians.

No. 2401467

I was in Edinburgh recently, and walking around I could see a lot of trans flag grafiti and all had red Xs spraypainted over them

No. 2402285

It always feels awkward to watch Lily Phillips interviews because you can tell her IQ is double digits

No. 2402318

Tomato tomato.

No. 2402373

How unfortunate. If only someone had warned us about the consequences of multiculturalism…

No. 2402902

Nope, I wasn't banned, try again.

No. 2404029

i read an x post saying that she’s being pimped out into all this porn stuff by her own mother. not real evidence obviously but i can see it tbh. if true i feel sorry for her.

No. 2405761

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No. 2409920

There are many of these Korean YouTubers who live in London and post these beautiful and calming vlogs. This one is probably my favourite.

No. 2409922

No. 2413822

the thought of sharia law ever being a thing in the uk makes me want to kill myself and my female relatives to protect them

No. 2413864

These are so comfy, thanks for sharing!

No. 2414053

you're welcome nonnie, currently watching her recently uploaded!

No. 2417948

File: 1740481684808.jpg (116.29 KB, 878x454, tra.jpg)

No. 2419028

another day in clown world aka starmers britain.

No. 2423217

Forgive me for barging in here but I’m a Burger and I’ve been noticing something’s about you bongers via YouTube. For the last few months I’ve been getting a bunch of videos about le BROKEN BRITAIN! Usually filmed by either a middle aged working class white guy or a 3rd gen immigrant. They go around different cities doing police auditing type stuff and will occasionally confront protesters to try and trigger them on camera. It reminds me a lot of 2017 burger stuff of COLLEGE SJW GETS LE EPICALLY OWNED!! Where did all this shit start? Was it after the taylor swift dance class stabbing? Also who popularized ‘broken Britain’?? these guys say it like 10x per vid.

No. 2423330

the videos are exageratting for views obvs, but it is a thing. it was definitely a thing before the stabbing but also that may have accelerated it.
its the same thing that is happening in many countries, stagnant wages, inflation, a lot of cities are dirty and disgusting. Millions of immigrants have come over in the last few years and a large chunk of them havent intigrated at all.
personally when i am walking home after a long day and im surrounded by 50 grown men on bikes deliveroo-ing, and all i can smell is vomit and piss, then i do feel contempt for this country.

No. 2423345

One question I have is has the homeless population in the UK gone up? And by homeless I mean people sleeping on the street who openly are doing drugs. One reoccurring thing with these YouTubers is they will go up to drugged out people and start harassing them until they get a reaction. They’ll say things to them like “hey get off the street there’s normal people here that want to use it!!” Shit like that. I had no idea the UK had homeless people like this that are actually roughing it on the streets like we have in burgerland.

No. 2423360

> Millions of immigrants have come over in the last few years and a large chunk of them havent intigrated at all.
Very large chunk. Nicely said. Although I am surprised you haven’t got banned as the mods and most anons cry if you say a bad word about immigrants

No. 2423365

I believe it has. Our hotels are filled with migrant scrotes instead of being used to home actual homeless Brits.

No. 2423389

Has there been an uptick in drug addicts would you say? Has fent made its way over to you guys yet?

No. 2423429

my whole life i always seen homeless people here (more than i've seen in other european countries) , but i have seen more recently.
i don't think fent is here (or anywhere outside the Americas? correct me if im wrong). i think addiction of all kinds here is becoming worse. I think an important thing to note is that the gov DO offer homeless people "temprorary accomodation" but a lot of them turn it down or move back to the streets after a short time, because yes they are drug addicts with a lot of mental issues, but also living temprorary accom. is horrible

No. 2423455

Bumping this song on a Friday

No. 2423475

From what I understand the dent problem in Europe is no where close to being as bad as it is in the US/Canada but it is on the rise. Apparently a fair amount of fent has been seized in Spain but their coastguard is a bit preoccupied with the number of migrants they are picking up so illicit boats are slipping by. Spain also has long had their own problem with drug cartels from Latin America coming into their country which is probably connected to the uprise in debt being seized. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next few years it causes big problems in Europe but hopefully they can sort it out.

No. 2427167

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No. 2428906

I've been working in a county library for the last six years and homelessness has definitely been on a steep rise each year, especially post lockdown. Because we are a public and free space a lot of homeless people come and use the library which is great as we can provide shelter, but I'm also very sad to say that about ninety percent of them end up attacking or harassing the staff and essentially get away with abusing us more than should be allowed. As a woman too I find that a lot of the more mentally unwell people tend to latch onto me and my colleagues and it puts us in danger and then I get depressed because we want libraries to be a safe space but a lot of them make it an unsafe space for women and children here. I hate scrotes so much.

No. 2428911

On a more positive note nonnas drop your fav meal deals

No. 2429029

Sorry to hear that anon. When I volunteered at a charity shop years ago I had homeless men come in and demand free stuff "since it's a charity innit". Would always get pestered in the street for money also. Took me a while to realise that they target women since we are more sympathetic.

No. 2429437

Can't they be kicked out for reeking of alcohol/poor hygiene?

No. 2429846

Why is this Ramadan stuff about to be held in Windsor castle? They wouldn’t let Christian worship happen in a mosque. Absolutely disgusting paedophilic religion spreading makes me want to kms

No. 2431738

Do americans really pronounce tuesday like toos-day and not chews-day?

No. 2432560

The better question would be why is Windsor Castle still Windsor Castle and not newly developing social housing? But as long as we're discussing nonces the average pedo muslim might have something in common with Prince Andrew

No. 2432682

Prince Andrew will fit right in. A bit of Ramadan would do him good he needs to slim down.

No. 2433580

This HBO Harry Potter thing is going to flop. It has burger influence all over it. The films were special as they were just British film makers and all the background actors were even British school kids. Such a shame. Black snape is an absolute disgrace of a casting. I am starting to feel bad for these black actors, being cast as white characters all the time. Clearly done to please the tumblr they/thems who love to gender bend and race swap characters. Why do burgers have to get involved with everything? Even bong tv shows like Sherlock and Doctor Who have been cursed. They all suck now. I get the cast may be British but HBO having control is gross to me. I would rather watch a Harry Potter itv drama.

No. 2434968

isn’t dumbledore gonna be black too?? I might be misremembering. very lame and gay if so

No. 2434976

Snape being black is a total disservice to black people. Snape was a loser cuck that spent his entire adult life salty about lily not picking him. I feel like greasy black hair and a perpetual sneer suit him well.

No. 2434987

It just seems kind of racist to use black people as a political statement like that, it still gives off tokenism tbh. And for me, it does change the story if the characters look wildly different. It would be less racist to write and broadcast original stories with black characters, instead of riding on the coattails of the past.

No. 2435180

If they're going to try to appeal to raceswap weirdos, they could at least cast an ugly black man who fits the role. Shit just smacks of tokenism otherwise.

No. 2435188

A family friend is currently a deputy head at a primary school in Birmingham, she is applying for new roles in more village/towns outside of big cities as literally her class couldn’t celebrate Christmas due to their being a Muslim majority. She literally is leaving her job so she can teach white kids. What a shithole this country is becoming

No. 2435189

File: 1741444661085.jpeg (236 KB, 1070x1422, IMG_7247.jpeg)

Idiot climbed up Big Ben. I hope he falls and cracks his skull. Retard

No. 2435190

Faithful original stories take effort and creativity. It's much easier and cheaper to churn out grey slop instead.

No. 2435195

I agree. But it's going to be a treat for shitposters. >>>/m/467873

No. 2435198

Deserved. As the casting is shit

No. 2435203

To be honest I don't hate the idea of a black Dumbledore kek

No. 2435206

I hate cluster B males so much.

No. 2435249

Kek they may as well have jordon peele direct it, maybe cast keke palmer and the wayans brothers as Fred and George

No. 2435292

File: 1741451360824.jpg (132.22 KB, 694x907, 1733755836042.jpg)

Big Driis for Dumbledore
I unironically think he would be good at it

No. 2435382

If dumbledore used a gun instead of a wand yes kek

No. 2435386

If Dumbledore had a gun the books would have lasted like 10 chapters at most.

No. 2435389

No. 2435607

File: 1741468281728.jpg (127.38 KB, 1080x608, robotchicken_ep029_003_Harry_P…)

Robot chicken already did black Dumbledore.

No. 2435661

Order these classic and iconic bong movies
> Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
> Oliver!
> Mary Poppins

No. 2435662

I'm serious. He'll need to posh up his accent but he's got age in his eyes and he can do a good speech. Add some makeup and a fake beard and he would totally work. He also isn't too old that he'd have a stroke by season 3.

No. 2435672

> Add some makeup
White face. So he gets the “sour milk” skin.

No. 2435673

I meant some extra wrinkles but ok

No. 2436040

File: 1741491923726.jpg (129.8 KB, 980x654, Graham-Norton-4f62cb1.jpg)

He's arguably too young but I'd love to see him as Dumbles

No. 2436050

I want to disagree with you as a kneejerk reaction for some reason but after thinking about it for 30 seconds I would love to see him as dumbldedore too kek I could really see him adding the whimsy fun factor

No. 2436188

>It just seems kind of racist to use black people as a political statement like that
Yea it is and it opens the actor up to the most horrible abuse. They should refuse to accept these roles.

No. 2436190

Is that a Palestine flag? Kek. He’s doing this for woke qweer tattooed alt girl pussy.

No. 2436235

File: 1741509306035.webp (38.44 KB, 800x449, f3e13400-fc8f-11ef-b7c9-179312…)

>Emergency services were called at 07:24 GMT on Saturday to reports of a protester who had climbed up the tower holding a Palestinian flag.

No. 2436242

AYRT I unironically think he'd be great. People would probably seethe about him being in a terf show but it'd be such a fun and not even inaccurate casting choice

No. 2436408

honestly this is 100% why he's done it: to finally get his dick wet

No. 2437995

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The migrant will probably get a 2 bedroom flat and benefits. He will rape several women before going to prison for 5 years and being let out after 2 and a half.

No. 2437997

Brexit and its consequences etc.

No. 2438508

Based for being brave enough to say this here with the migrant loving mods. Very true though. Scum.

No. 2438510

File: 1741632185970.png (109.84 KB, 465x214, IMG_7269.png)

I used to get up early to watch this every Saturday. Did any of you anons? I think it is responsible for many bong kids getting adhd

No. 2438670

how the fuck do i make local radfem friends nonas? i literally live in london so i know there must be some of you down the road from me. are there safe ways to find meetups online?

No. 2438673

iirc he defended JK Rowling over the shit she got from troons so this would make them extra salty

No. 2438677

muslims were gang raping women and girls in our country long before brexit

No. 2438679

Go to that new gym that only allows biological women.

No. 2438699

This was my most favourite tv show growing up, i was devastated when it ended. Literally woke up my parents laughing at this shit every morning. Even they had to admit that it was funny, especially that one time where a confused grandma picked up the phone when they were trying to call some girl to tell her she won a prize, kek. They really don't make tv like this anymore, it's sad.

No. 2438702

File: 1741641426636.jpeg (580.33 KB, 1536x2048, Image 5.jpeg)

i already have a membership at a different women's gym but i am actually curious about whether other anons are planning to go and why/why not. i would probably be nervous about activist violence, or something like being filmed on my way in/out by protestors when i just want to lift. she's inundated with registrations of interest anyway so you'd be lucky to get a membership.

No. 2438709

>she's inundated with registrations of interest anyway so you'd be lucky to get a membership.
God this makes me so happy to hear. We can only hope she'll bravely pave the way for other female-only gyms.

No. 2438749

File: 1741643328513.jpg (2.75 MB, 4080x2296, 1000055939.jpg)

I've lived here for 5 years and made some radfem friends through a women's only running club. It's a smallish local one in east London, I found out about it through a local FB group back when I first moved here. I guess that it's luck of the draw but I recommend joining a non team sports group like that.

Pic non related but it's from a gallery I went to in Germany with some of mentioned running girls.

Whereabouts in London are you!

No. 2438770

aww nonny i'm so glad you made such good friends there and even went abroad together! i'm in SE - i'd straight up ask to run with you guys if it wouldn't dox you. people have mentioned running clubs to me before and i kind of brushed it off since i prefer exercising alone, but hearing that you met radfems through it is super encouraging. i'll have a look around on facebook for ones in my area. thanks!

my local bouldering gym has a women's social but it's called "women+" which made me think, like, what's the point. i think climbing is a much more idpol-infested hobby than running.

No. 2438776

Same nonnie kek YES I have watched this clip so many times on YouTube

No. 2438785

How wonderful. What is the name? I have tried googling but many come up (most I bet allow trans)

No. 2438793

The Girls Spot. it's opening this spring in wandsworth, and has just been the subject of major online controversy over the past two days as the founder publicly announced that it will be an actual female-only space.

for what it's worth my women-only gym ostensibly allows trans but there are NEVER trans people there, it's just not the demographic. so if you can't get a place at the girls spot, give another one a go.

No. 2438795

It is super nice and I got very lucky! They are also very smart women and I feel like I learn from them in general. Even my Nigel is jealous lol.
Yeah I would also avoid mentions of women+. I went to one of the community saunas recently and there were so many moids dressed as women it made me not want to go back. Good luck nona!!!

No. 2438799

so confused why this is a big deal? havent womens gyms and womens sections of gyms existed for several decades…? i just googled it and found like 3 near me

No. 2438807

I think because she is really pushing the biological women only

No. 2438809

it's had a lot of publicity online through its development as the founder is young and setting it up from scratch, and as mentioned above ITT she just announced that it will be actually female-only i.e. no trans women. she's getting a lot of backlash, rape and death threats etc.

No. 2438815

File: 1741646031673.jpg (64.55 KB, 828x765, 1611743339091.jpg)

tranny shit is such a dumbass first world problem lmao i bet 90% of these gendies having meltdowns arent even English. just a bunch of losers with no real problems so they have to invent shit to feel victimized

No. 2438819

what do you mean they aren't even english? most of them are white and middle class

No. 2438822

samefag i'm retarded, didn't realise you meant online. 100% agree, most of them are probably american

No. 2438961

>oliver first cause dickensfag
>then chitty for the line “right, I’m off to africa!” followed by the dude walking into a toilet, plus general strangeness
>mary poppins last. its a classic and probs better quality than chitty but i dont find it as entertaining

No. 2439235

I loved Oliver! As a child. I had this weird fixation on the Artful Dodger and an obsession with this song (which always sticks in my head whenever I think or hear it)

No. 2439236

But then when Bill Sykes kills Nancy with his cane and then kidnaps Oliver played on my mind for ages. The fact it is labeled as a family musical is crazy because of that

No. 2439294

I’m convinced the home office is punishing them for snitching instead of just quietly letting him go free so that he can live completely undocumented and free to do whatever he likes. He’d still be able to collect more benefits than people who were born in this country.
You couldn’t blame someone if they opted to just quietly kill him and bury him in the back garden.

No. 2439533

File: 1741702335835.jpg (72.26 KB, 634x357, 96060967-14485207-image-a-1_17…)

Gender rights fury at St John Ambulance after charity erases 'women' to refer to them as 'persons with breasts' in CPR guide

No. 2439537

So the term "men" is fine but "women" isn't??

No. 2439569

No. 2439628

Remember nonna, women's language and safety is negotiable in the eyes of these retards. But you can address men as men because they're actually a real thing unlike women who are a "feeling" or something fantasy and whimsical.

No. 2439876

I distinctly remember waking up early to watch the last episode all the way though.

No. 2439898

Me too

No. 2440263

Oliver! goes hardddd. so much happens! I love this bit. Not to sound like a boomer but they truly don’t make films how they used to. The 1948 Oliver Twist is worth a watch too

No. 2440470

Are AGPs with XXL bolt-ons included as breast-having folx? Asking seriously

No. 2440480

In the sense that breasts, even artificial ones, get in the way of chest compressions and defibrillator pads, I guess yes.

No. 2441100

Your friend sounds pathetic, like Americans that get mad when companies swap to the more inclusive "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"
She can still have Christmas at home, is she Elf or something? Ffs

No. 2441223

That’s not the same at all anon. They weren’t allowed to even have ‘happy holidays’ literally no word of it. Even the parts that have no mention of Christ or anything of that. It shouldn’t be like that. We aren’t a country run by that disgusting sharia law. It’s because we have too many Muslims literally a plague of them.

No. 2441227

I’ve never saw the 1948 one! I love Oliver so much. The part you linked always made me emotional. Consider yourself is one of my favourite parts of the movie. And no, it’s true. They don’t make movies that have that magical feel to them like this anymore.

No. 2441529

imagine abiding your country being steamrolled by woman-stoning paedo worshippers and calling other people pathetic kek. it's a symptom of a much more worrying trend that all secular people should be disturbed by.

No. 2441933

Maybe Muslims can have their little starvation holidays back in their own shithole country? Oh that’s right they literally can’t survive without benefits because they’re worthless bottom feeders and every place they touch turns to shit.
Muslims deserve absolutely nothing, and that goes for all the women that are complacent as well.(racebaiting )

No. 2441942

I always forget not all bongs have the moral fiber and spine of a jellyfish, maybe the anon yart did too

No. 2442049

Yeah let’s just start having Christmas at home!!! There we can safely take off our hijabs!!!
Fucking ridiculous. I hate spineless cunts like that.

No. 2442060

Me too. I know you're even breaking thread rules with your based and sexy opinions too nona

No. 2442113

Nta, but that's an inappropriate rule, victims should be allowed to complain, those who enforce/obey such rules are enemies of justice.

No. 2442396

Banned for telling the truth

No. 2442399

Anon if we say this irl or even on non-anonymous social media we could get arrested. We can’t even vent here without mods banning us they are no different

No. 2442401

File: 1741867871023.jpeg (50.02 KB, 640x485, IMG_7287.jpeg)

Anon you are so based for this.

No. 2443690

File: 1741926119112.jpg (28.82 KB, 480x358, does he post itt.jpg)

Since this thread seems politically right-leaning I'm autistically wondering what sexual demographics we have here since irl bi/les bongs often seem to be performatively left wing. Maybe a case of saying what you'd never say publicly for fear of being outed as a wrongthinker? Poll here: https://strawpoll.com/PKgledvAoZp

No. 2443699

>Implying the UK doesnt have a home grown pedo culture
Lets not start that argument again nonnie

No. 2443874

missing the point entirely to nitpick the fact that the prophet married a six year old. the point was that extreme religious communities can't tolerate secular culture or opposing religions to the point of smothering other cultures, which should never be acceptable unless you'd rather the uk turned into little afganistan.

No. 2443885

What do you mean a “home grown pedo culture”? You mean lenient sentences for CP. the uk doesn’t have any more pedos than any other country, and we all vehemently oppose it. So because of that, which is due to no fault of our own, you think we should accept Muslims taking over our country? Are you even English? Or have you just come to stir shit?

If it’s the latter my guess is you’re from a country or community that covers this stuff up to the extent it doesn’t even get prosecuted and you feel ashamed. It’s like how black people claim most pedos are white but they just work harder to defend them when they abuse within a family unit. Either go worry about your own country or grow a spine and don’t relinquish our freedom and culture to dirty muzrats.(racebait)

No. 2443950

Nobody answer this, it’s a fed gathering info.

No. 2443960

File: 1741958875758.jpg (6.74 KB, 280x180, 1000008569.jpg)

No. 2443963

I'm a retard cause I tried to do this with my thumb

No. 2443981

Not wanting to be literally drowned in other countries violent Muslim scrotes when we have to deal with our own violent scrotes doesn’t make us right wing

No. 2443982

Based anon, have a good day x

No. 2443983

All true and based. Just waiting for an anon to start crying about these posts in meta

No. 2444001

No anon, we already have pedos here, so there’s no point keeping foreign pedophiles that literally think it’s their god given right to rape and impregnate underage girls out. That would be racist. All pedos deserve equal opportunities no matter their skin colour or religion <3

No. 2444022

This isn’t racebait, Muslims are not a race, they are a religion that worships a man who raped a 9 year old girl. It should be mandatory to hate them in order to post on this site.

No. 2444026

One of the most retarded bans I've ever seen. Jannies you should know better than to ban this given I've seen plenty of posts like this in 2X that didn't get banned because they are speaking facts.
I don't agree with the statement about the women but this did not deserve a ban when you look at the state of this country when we let certain demographics have free reign in fear of seeming racist. This isn't even a matter of right or left wing anymore, it's just common sense. I've never had any problems with Muslim women or girls in fact they've been super generous and pleasant, but the scrotes here are insufferable. It's like you've got the natural moid tendency for violence multiplied by their shitty misogynist religion. I wish we could deport all of the males and let the women live here in peace so they can be free.

I also think that a significant part of the Muslim population in the UK have shown that they have no intention to integrate into British culture and even follow our laws so I have no idea why it would be considered a right-wing point to say that they should leave. Look at all the young white working-class girls who were shoved under the carpet after they were groomed by the men of these demographics. Banning someone for "racebaiting" over a misogynist religion that doesn't even want to co-exist with western culture is absolutely retarded and ironically the same mentality that let the child exploitation rings go on for so long.(derailing)

No. 2444043

at this stage they might as well ban the whole thread because the UK is becoming more and more anti-muslim and that sentiment won't disappear until they leave. It's exactly as you say, it has nothing to do with being left or right, rich or poor, christian or atheist. The muslim religion actively tells men they have a god-given right to treat women and girls as sexual property who have no right to consent to ANYTHING. back to the desert with them.

No. 2444066

You're spot on. It's an overall massive clash between cultures and the average person doesn't want this anymore. Our wages are shit, bills and rent are insanely high, disabled people and those entitled to benefits are considered scum, the job market is terrible, police are useless, the NHS is terrible especially when it comes to women's health, everywhere is overcrowded on this shitty island and on top of that we've got swarms of men coming over who aren't even willing to try and integrate and respect our laws and values in a system that already has too many people.

I still haven't heard a valid reason as to why these moids are being housed in hotels meanwhile we still have British citizens living on the streets, robbed of the help they're entitled to? And then when you try to criticize these things you're either labelled racist or islamophobic or straight up banned. Yeah, I guess I am islamophobic - I despise any religion or culture that treats women and girls like shit and anyone with half a brain cell would think the same way.

No. 2444233

Based anons itt. I’ve tried to discuss this in the past, exactly like this, in other threads and I’ve either been banned or called a /pol/fag

No. 2444423

Yep I am leftist and all the state funded care organisations that are now failing were leftist, community-orientated projects. I can also still be anti-immigration and mad about rotherham - if anything it makes more sense because the left USED to want to restrict immigration to protect british workers from having their wages undercut.

No. 2444426

And our far right that's totally going to solve the immigration crisis is a public limited company not an actual political party, that has said it wants to privatise the nhs (Reform). Reform's chairman is Zia Yusuf, do they really think he wants muslims gone when he is one?(integrate)

No. 2445282

It’s possible to hate Muslims AND the far right anon.

No. 2445284

nta but I believe that's what she's saying

No. 2445616

File: 1742054412054.jpeg (687.86 KB, 1170x1741, IMG_1319.jpeg)

We are absolutely fucked if we don’t start taking a stand against these people like YESTERDAY.


No. 2445641

This actually made me feel sick

No. 2445691

If I could give every actual British woman a gun i would.

No. 2445754

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No. 2445767

This looks like every single other one of her outfits.

No. 2445810

She’s doing this to piss off barry I know it.

No. 2446227

File: 1742076722423.png (1.05 MB, 2083x1487, Screenshot 2025-03-15 at 21.51…)

Kek eat shit benefit leeches

No. 2446252

I actually really like this lmao

No. 2446588

Why was anxiety even a reason to claim benefits, kek. Even people who actually have anxiety allegedly are full of shit.
What the actual fuck.

No. 2446591

Sorry to double post, but I am tired of the UK government being mean to Robert Maudsley, let him have his video games for fucks sake.

No. 2446886

Pedos promoting pedos to high positions. Notice how even the education sector is run by scrotes. This should be the ultimate blackpill for those of you who plan to have children.

No. 2446899

He wants a pet budgie as well. It enrages me that they let fucking Wayne couzens have a game console but not him.

No. 2446985

File: 1742131269334.jpeg (312.06 KB, 960x1200, IMG_7313.jpeg)

Same kek the bong touches to her outfits while she performs here are really cute

No. 2446988

I actually love those boots

No. 2446989

>Caring about people "stealing" from the government

No. 2446993

File: 1742131710476.jpeg (43.86 KB, 399x399, IMG_7314.jpeg)

Same! They are very Spice Girls

No. 2446994

I bet immigrants are still going to get paid to loiter around and lure at young women

No. 2447034

theyre fucking hideous shut up shut up shut up shut up both of you

No. 2447115

theyre very cute actually anon

No. 2447118

>thinking gubmint money is infinite and drops down from the sky

No. 2447148

How many free roofs do you think working people can provide? People are working multiple jobs and are still not making ends meet. Wake up, nona.

No. 2447616

While I don't agree that minor stuff like anxiety should give you loads of money, I don't care about people trying to claim benefits for this stuff. I don't know if any of you guys have PIP but it's quite difficult to even get it from what I have seen. It's a small amount of money as it is, and it pales in comparison to the amount of millionaires and billionaires that are tax dodgers in this country.

This country has a habit of pointing and laughing at "scroungers" because we have the collective spine of a gummy worm and can't get together to punish those who are actually stealing from us: the wealthy and the politicians.

Right. Most of these people are poorfags anyway and are a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of tax dodging scandals and multi-million businesses that pay fuck all in tax. Funny how you never really see any headlines about those people, or the government punishing them. Easier to punch down, I suppose.

No. 2447783

the wealthy don't have allegiance to any one country, they are supra-national. kind of a doompill but I doubt any measures to tax the supremely rich would work, just result in them withdrawing from the uk economy.

No. 2448221

File: 1742194120381.jpg (24.44 KB, 850x151, y5yuu65.jpg)

Just cut yourself off from the global Internet and become China already.

No. 2448222


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2448343

The cost of housing immigrants in hotels is £1.3 billion a year and this is without factoring in the welfare payments they receive.

>I don't know if any of you guys have PIP but it's quite difficult to even get it from what I have seen
PIP is a benefit specifically for people that have increased living costs due to a disability. It isn't about capacity to work like ESA or UC. For example if someone has a neurological disability and aren't allowed to drive, PIP is there to help them with transport costs. If someone is physically disabled, PIP is there to help them cover the cost of aids and adaptations that they would need. People with depression and anxiety don't have increased living costs so PIP doesn't apply. Few people understand this.

No. 2448473

That’s absolutely disgusting and shameful.

No. 2450413

Absolutely disgusting figure especially if that's not counting benefits. This country is a shithole and until we start copying the methods of countries that are tight on immigration it's just going to get even worse. We do not have the funds or space to support this bullshit while so many of our own are suffering without the help they need.

No. 2450584

I posted this in another thread but I just want to vent about our train prices here. I commute and it costs me a ridiculous amount especially now it has gone up. I booked a later train which was slightly cheaper and planned to get an earlier train with that ticket. I didn’t know it would show the train time (as it was an avanti not my normal LNR) I had my thumb slightly over the time on the ticket kek when showing them at the gates at the woman was like oh my god you’re hiding the time etc and made a deal out of it. So annoyed, I’ve managed to change the ticket now. Such a cow! I’m so annoyed and emotional.

No. 2450615

What a fucking faggot, as if the train company is going to give her a medal. Don't worry anon, she'll end up being laid off for some reason or other and lament her unfortunate circumstances without an ounce of self awareness.

No. 2450632

I've many stories like this. Some little black faggot you know the type to act tough like they're a rapper. He wouldn't let me on the train with my bike because it was 1 min past 4pm (cut off) even though his employer had delayed the train for me which was the reason my arriving 1 minute past 4. I went through with my bike anymore and he had to get a FEMALE police officer to run after me. Like he couldn't handle it alone and needed a woman to help him? Honestly end your own life, what a maggot

Similar thing with a guy who made me wait 3 hours in the cold until bikes were allowed on again, but as soon as a different staff member came on he let me in with a smile.

These people are broken and live with hate in their soul. I could never ruin someone's day like that.(racebaiting)

No. 2450639

Thank you for understanding nonnies. For some reason I just can’t stop thinking about it. I’m so stupid and sensitive. I hope she has a horrible day just like I did

No. 2450646

I think it's because she made such a big deal out of it to try and humiliate you, publicly. Of course it's going to stick with you. I can't imagine how many other people she's done this to, and I bet most of them were women as well.
>I hope she has a horrible day just like I did
She will, I promise. ♥

No. 2450656

Thank you so much nona ♥ I was kinda expected anons to say it was my fault but these replies have been sweet and made me feel better. Thank you

No. 2450659

It's a shame, there are some lovely train employees. A wonderful woman who works for Great Northern gave very useful testimony at a murder trial which really helped the case of my loved one (but only after I chased GN and the coroner for weeks).

Once I was a kid in a school uniform and some autist train employee ran after me and threatened to call the police on me because I was on the wrong platform. Many of these people are not right, not fit to work with the public and it's not your fault at all. But many are so wonderful, pity more can't follow their example!

No. 2450684

1.3 billion is literally nothing to the UK government or any government. Also most migrants/refugees arent entitled to any benefits they get food stamps and leftovers from shops. You can oppose migration all you want but the financial aspect is the least of it. For comparison, there's 23 billion pounds worth of benefit payments that go unclaimed and missed out on, each year. The government is not short of money.

No. 2450689

If 23billion go unclaimed why are they clamping down? Cite your sources and stop spreading shite.

No. 2450695

>why are they clamping down
Because the government hates poor people you complete retard. You probably think the government introduced the sugar tax because they want to make people healthy too kek. Average right wing Bongoloid.

No. 2450697

I'm labour. I vote labour not because I'm right wing but because I don't think people slaving at Tesco to top up their pension should be subsidise lazy feckless cunts like you who fake illnesses and claim depreshun. Fuck off

No. 2450701

Because they hate poor and/or disabled people. That's why they haven't proposed any significant cuts to the wealthy or services that are massively and unnecessarily overfunded. The Labour party hasn't been remotely leftist for years now.

No. 2450702

M-muh poor people
You wouldn't be poor if you got a fucking job. Fuck your mental illnesses

No. 2450713

Benefit users are genuinely taking advantage. I don't know a single benefit user who has a valid reason to claim or who is not fully capable of working. The benefit users I know all take on paid work i.e. house cleaning, pyramid scheme, air b n b, and sex work and then don't declare it, so they are literally fully capable of work.

One of them admits that she plans on making her daughter pay her rent as soon as she's working age in order to continue subsidising her lifestyle, while refusing to get a job herself despite being capable. And this isn't me being right wing, this is literally my lived experience.

No. 2450736

Didnt say or imply any of that at all y'all need to calm your tits.(responding to bait)

No. 2450835

I know plenty of people who are the same especially since I'm from a council estate but there's a difference between dossers and disabled people. For every dosser you know there's easily twice as many people suffering from disabilities or long term health conditions who have been rejected multiple times from PIP and seeking the help they are entitled to. It's all well and good pointing fingers at the dossers but they'll cheat the system regardless, unfortunately it's the disabled and vulnerable who will feel these cuts and changes the most.

I've been working since I was 16 and seen my fair share of benefit scroungers but it's absolutely retarded to say they're all taking advantage. Many people on benefits already work, or have genuine health conditions that mean they can't work full time or at all. The issue is way more complex than "if you're on benefits you're scum" or "let's just give everyone with mild anxiety loads of money" it needs to be treat on a case-by-case basis from people who are actually good at their jobs and the DWP is absolutely not that. I believe in a reform, but a reform that takes away independence or assistance for disabled people is not a marker of a good or advanced society.

No. 2450857

kek we can't use the word black anymore

No. 2451379

>One of them admits that she plans on making her daughter pay her rent as soon as she's working age in order to continue subsidising her lifestyle, while refusing to get a job herself
Many such cases.

No. 2451402

>i live on a council estate full of chavs therefore everyone claiming benefits is a scammer like my gyppo neighbours
way to show your own arse in the thread

No. 2451448

>1.3 billion is literally nothing to the UK government or any government
£1.3 billion is enough to employ over 35,000 nurses in the NHS or employ teachers 36,000 in schools.

>Also most migrants/refugees arent entitled to any benefits they get food stamps and leftovers from shops

>Financial asylum support in the UK will include £47.39 per person in the household; this money will help to contribute to things such as toiletries, food, and clothing.

>The government is not short of money.

The UK government is in a serious amount of debt.
>UK general government gross debt was £2,720.8 billion at the end of Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2023, equivalent to 101.3% of gross domestic product (GDP).

>Many people on benefits already work, or have genuine health conditions that mean they can't work full time or at all.
A big problem with the benefits system is that it's all or nothing. Someone is either too disabled to work or they're not disabled and can work. This creates a fear in disabled people that if they express interest in working that they will lose the benefits they need to live. Most disabled people would prefer to work if they could and some aren't sure if they're able to or not. There needs to be government funded scheme that allows disabled people to explore working without stripping them of benefits. For example if a disabled person thinks they might be able to work and get a job, they will lose all benefits except PIP. If they then struggle in employment and can't maintain a job, they have to go through the assessment process all over again with no assurance that they will be entitled to the same benefits that they were before. The entire system is a mess that either doesn't help disabled people at all or leaves them dependent on the government.

No. 2451453

Can you direct me to where in my comment I said that? I'm privately educated and never lived anywhere outside of a privately owned suburban semi detached. I actually have mates and I live in the world. Did you not make any friends in uni? They're from a range of backgrounds.

No. 2451624

>I'm privately educated and never lived anywhere outside of a privately owned suburban semi detached
So you have even less genuine perspective on the reality of the benefits system. Got it. Someone from a comfortable background assumes those on benefits automatically take advantage, really typical.

No. 2451793

I know loads of people on benefits because I went to uni which is comprised of people from all backgrounds.

No. 2451809

what should next thread pic/gif be?

No. 2452103

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No. 2453294

I went to school with people who bragged about getting pregnant as soon as possible so that they could get a house and benefits. Sorry but the system rewards these bottom feeders meanwhile poor people who actually want to be better are constantly knocked back.

No. 2453391

No. 2453530

I hate the UK so much I will immediately defect to the first country that invades us

No. 2453605

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I think this is relevant to this thread and I need to vent. Sorry if its not. Anyone seen Adolesence? I started and immediately feel infuriated by the fact we are supposed to feel sorry for this teenage moid because we live in a society. And online the response is 'we need to raise boys up and give them opportunities', 'it's because we lifted girls up and now boys feel left out'. Please cry harder, boys and men should not be coddled like this. It's even being mentioned in the workplace. I attended a panel for IWD recently and somehow the conversation became focused on boy mums and how we need to be nice to boys. Fuck this shit

No. 2453633

Don’t take it out on us just because you’re too poor to leave the country.

No. 2453637

>banned for “racebait”
Kek god I feel so bad for you britbongs..

No. 2453641

I haven't seen it because I refuse to watch more dogshit akin to Baby Reindeer which makes men/boys out to be poor baby victims, but I have seen a lot of tiktoks about it and people's responses are so embarrassing.
>we need to raise boys up and give them opportunities
The male sex has had opportunities and education by default way way before girls and women did. If they're still held back and want to be retards that's their own fault idc. At this point it's natural selection and women are winning, I will never complain about that.
>it's because we lifted girls up and now boys feel left out
Kek more like we finally gave girls the opportunity to be independent and they revealed how much smarter the female sex is. The average teenage boy in the UK is too busy pretending to be a chav, addicted to porn and video games and drops out of his spoonfed bricklaying apprenticeship in the 1st year to go get someone pregnant.

In the show the boy character killed a girl, is that right? I've seen barely any mention of support or empathy for the girl character but like you said I've seen so much boymum waffling about how this is going to paint boys in a negative light and how muh precious Kayden Jayden Staffy-Lee would never do something like this!! Despite them doing exactly that every single year and the femicide statistics aren't getting any better. Bunch of retards. It was the same response with Baby Reindeer but don't get me started on that shite.

No. 2453884

men in the UK are so coddled its embarrassing, they cannot handle that women are outpacing them on a (relatively) level playing field and that pisses them off to no extent. They will stomp their feet and whine that the evil wahmens are keeping them from success or education and instead of actually pulling their big boy trousers up and doing something about it they just cry and cry and cry waiting for someone to fix it for them. Adolesence has just given the moids renewed vigour to complain and I can't wait for it to disappear like Baby Reinder did.

No. 2453949

Yeah it's about a teenage moid murdering a girl. I wouldn't recommend for all the reasons you said haha. The whining about how young men are degenerates with no prospects is honestly a problem of moids own making.
100% agree,and it's so predictable that as soon as there is a degree of 'levelling' a playing field moids scream and cry that they are being put down. It pisses me off that a common narrative about this show in the UK is 'awww poor men and boys'. They are nearly always the perpetrators of knife crime so why are we being sympathetic?

No. 2454075

Not our fault. Blame the dumb mods. We can’t say anything irl or on lolcow kek

No. 2454318

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something cute

No. 2454866

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What do nonngas think of Jez?

No. 2454884

Probably someone here's Nigel in another life kek

No. 2454904

Work shy freeloader

No. 2454907

He wouldn't know about the PIP cuts but if he did he might be confused because he thought Pip was the name of a character in Oliver

No. 2454918

He came to a hotel I used to work at and I spoke to his wife.

No. 2455141

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If only you bongs loved hetalia England as much as I do…

No. 2455150

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i support an arthur threadpic…

No. 2455156

No. 2455158

that is a cute idea! I support also

No. 2455166

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This one has all the UK bros

No. 2455183

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Another option. Sorry to spam your thread, but it’s my duty to give you options of my beloved husbando

No. 2455245

don't be sorry nonnie, it is nice to have non-bongs in the thread who aren't just being rude

No. 2455311

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Last one before I get banned for avatarfagging… Nationality baiting is the low hanging fruit of /ot/. I doubt non-burger anons who post in the Amerifag thread do so because they have something positive to say about us. But to say something positive, I visited England last summer and found it so beautiful! I especially liked all the gardens in London.

No. 2455319

You are so sweet nonnie, you are very welcome itt ♥

No. 2456238

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i think a lovely highland coo would be a nice threadpic

No. 2456338

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Would love to actually discuss this but cant because it will bring out the frothing retards here.

No. 2456352

all religions enable paedos to get into positions of power, that as true with catholicism and CoE as any other but is also why shouldn't import more muslims. We don't need to add to the problem. Islam also supported child marriage in general to the point that their prophet did it.

>>2452103 I'm voting for this one

I actually liked Baby Reindeer because it spent time covering how he led her on because he liked the attention she gave him.

No. 2456404

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Aldi is now offering free period products (pads and tampons) in store restrooms, and is donating 1 million period products.

>Aldi’s new initiative, announced this week, aims to ensure no one is forced to go without. Alongside this move, the retailer has pledged to donate one million period products to those in need through a partnership with the charity Bloody Good Period, which campaigns to end period poverty.

>Aldi has also teamed up with broadcaster and Bloody Good Period ambassador Clara Amfo to raise awareness of the issue and encourage open conversations about menstrual health.

This is hopeful. I'm crossing my fingers that other stores and businesses follow suit.

No. 2456723

> We don't need to add to the problem

No. 2456728

Wow some good news for once!

No. 2456795

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Some other promising news. Although it probably won’t happen because this scum religion has already spread beyond our control(racebait)

No. 2457354

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>Buy house
>Don't get survey because I literally can't fucking afford one
>House needs new roof
>This massive structural repair is not reflected in advertised value

Before this:
>Needs new boiler
>I fork out £3k
>Needs new oven
>I fork out £300
>Needs new washer
>Property can only accommodate sooper speshul tiny washer which start at £450

I can't fucking take anymore. All my emergency savings are gone. My leasehold cost has doubled from £600 per year to £1,200 per year with no telling if it'll double again next year.

How the fuck is it legal for someone to have sold this property to me without telling me all of this. I can't even get the property shifted for a £20k loss, which is all the equity I have in it.

I'm now in negative equity. Fuck my stupid fucking life. I hate being a grown up.

Also my Mum died last year suddenly and I'm only 25 so how am I supposed to cope with this?

I am working 5 jobs just pay for all the shit that this house needs. That's right, 5, and I can never keep up, because once I've got the money to cover one repair, another one pops up in it's place.

I want to fucking kill myself so I can be with my Mum, it's not fair. I didn't ask to be responsible for absurd levels of home repairs. What's next? £100,000 bill for the cost of rebuilding the entire house?

No. 2457914

Are you ESL? Again, proving my point that you guys are so obsessed with that that when someone wants to talk about pedos in the establishment (like royal family, government or celebrities) you froth at the mouth and deflect to this and accuse anyone trying to bring it back on topic of wanting to import rapists. I'm not surprised you get accused of being poltards.

No. 2457917

>How the fuck is it legal for someone to have sold this property to me without telling me all of this
It’s not in Scotland. Property listings have a free independent home report. Every home is a freehold and no chains. I’m always so confused by all the drama on English property tv shows.

No. 2458125

Give me one reason I shouldn't kill myself

No. 2458134

What a crazy post to read, I'm in a very similar situation to you right now. I'm not sure a survey would have done much for you, I paid for one and the surveyor does the absolute minimum while claiming to be unable to access most of the house. I basically got a stack of paper saying yes it's a house.
>House needs new roof
Your roof quote sounds a bit insane unless you got a huge house. I have large detached house with "difficult" roof features (side slopes) and got quoted £10k for a full redo. Trying to get quotes for repairs and dealing with tradies is horrible, but I hope you can try to get a better price on this.
>leasehold cost has doubled from £600 per year to £1,200
The estate agents that sold you the house should have told you full details of the leasehold contract. Sadly in my experience they never know the details and never try to find out. I avoided buying a house with a leasehold for this reason. I've never heard of a leasehold doubling annualy, that doesn't sound right. It's normally fixed or something like 3% p/a.
>How the fuck is it legal for someone to have sold this property to me without telling me all of this
I was reading about this recently, and while sellers should disclose faults within the property, they literally never do. If wanting to seek legal action on this it's up to you to prove that the damages existed before the sale, which is very difficult.

I sincerely hope you get through it anon. Look into finance options, maybe you can pay the repair costs monthly.

No. 2458135

Is it a flat room nonna? You can get it converted to a slope which should need replacing less often.

If you buy another place, be super annoying when you go around. Turn everything on: shower, oven, heating. Take binoculars to look at the roof. Ask a ton of questions and get someone with lots of home owning experience to come with you for a second viewing. Be prepared to walk away, no matter how much you like the place.

No. 2458138

Do you have home insurance? That should cover part of the cost.

No. 2458145

If it makes you feel any better, almost EXACTLY the same thing happened to my mum, except she got a survey. We also had to get a whole new roof, as well as replace the oven and other things. These things can just happen regardless. I'm sorry you are going through this. Just know that you aren't alone and that this happens to far more people than you probably think unfortunately. The repairs should slow down as time passes though, and you will eventually get back on your feet. The struggle will be worth it in the end, having your own house at 25 already puts you far ahead of the vast majority of people (myself included), and you should be proud of yourself for that.

No. 2458153

Exhibit A

No. 2458154

It was £20k for my mum as well and we live in a terraced house. There were cheaper options, but they would have ended up needing to be replaced much sooner, so long term this was the best option cost wise. You are absolutely right about the surveys though.

No. 2458155

HOLD UP WAIT, OP here, how did the survey not pick up on the dodgy roof? You could sue your surveyor for that.

No. 2458157

Nah it's an old property.

TBH think I'm gonna just sell it on to someone else who might be better equipped to deal with it, which is what the roofer recommended.

It's shared freehold so the guy who owns freehold is 50% liable, making the bill £10k for each of us. It's still way too expensive.

Actually yeah this does make me feel better.

No. 2458161

I have to assume you guys are in London because £20k for a terraced roof is way overpriced. I'm in the north west and £10k seemed about right for my replacement.

No. 2458166

>Your roof quote sounds a bit insane unless you got a huge house
It could be that her house is a listed building. I had to deal with this when the roof on the main house had to be repaired and the roof on one of the outbuildings needed to be replaced. The roof tiles needed to be a specific slate that matched the original.

No. 2458171

I sincerely hope that's not the case, but if it is, anon should definitely sell it. There's a reason Rightmove is full of mouldy and overpriced grade listed houses.

No. 2458191

Speaking of houses, I'm currently trying to buy my own and it's been a bloody nightmare, I'm onto my third solicitor now and I hope this is third time lucky. Does the legal system view parents helping to finance their children to move out as an alien concept now or is it just me? Because it sure seems so, it's just a simple new build ffs.

No. 2458194

Really hard to feel bad for you if you're getting help from parents.

No. 2458226

Reeee my Mummy's buying me a house reeeeeeeeee my life hard

No. 2458237

nta but I think it shows another level of fucked our property market is if even with generational help it's still difficult to get on the ladder.

No. 2458244

Shut up man

No. 2458247

why are you upset?

No. 2458251

What problems are you running into? My MIL is chipping in for a down payment soon, so this has me worried.

No. 2458258

Nope, north east. We got a slate roof. Looked into a bit more though and I have no idea why it cost so much honestly, you probably are right. I assumed the price was normal as she also ran it past my other family members first before making a decision.

No. 2458267

Mainly because I didn't get any help with my house and now have negative equity so it's annoying to hear privileged nonnas complain when Mummy is buying their home.

No. 2458271

that other anon was saying that even with her parents helping financially, she's still been unsuccessful in buying. I'm sorry you're in the red but at least you're a home owner now, and that's an accomplishment so calm down

No. 2458276

I want to kill myself

No. 2458289

Are there any places in the UK which doesn't have gigantic house spiders? I have a bad phobia and this year the spider season has started earlier. When I lived outside the UK I never had any spiders inside and I just don't know if the only solution would be to live directly in the major cities

No. 2458302

I keep raid on me

No. 2458459

Nta but maybe you should?

No. 2458473

nta but don't be a cunt, just let her be

No. 2458482

No actually I hate people like her. “You deserve to be miserable because your parents care about you” THATS LITERALLY THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FOR EVERYBODY?! If you bring a child into the world you should help them get established, she’s just a selfish pikey like her own parents and expects everyone else’s parents to be the same.

No. 2458493

Living in a city won't save you. A general rule is that the further south you are, the bigger the spiders. There's the house spider, the giant house spider and the cardinal spider. The biggest are cardinals and they can have a leg span of up to 20cm. House spiders are eaten by another type of spider which is called the daddy long legs spider or cellar spider depending on what part of the country your in. If you encourage these spiders they eat the house spiders and lower the house spider population.

No. 2458618

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No. 2458620

There's no 20cm spiders in Bong stop fearmongering nonna

No. 2458621

No. 2458626

….Okay nona, but the average person hates people like you. You're here complaining about how hard it is for your parents to buy you a house amidst a CoL crisis.

AYRT is not the cunt here and telling her to kill herself because you somehow came to the conclusion that she's a pikey even though she's a homeowner is turbo-retardation. Don't you have a Young Conservatives meeting to go to?

No. 2458647

>You're here complaining about how hard it is for your parents to buy you a house
That wasn’t me, but even so it’s a legitimate thing to complain about. Literally everyone in this country is struggling to buy a house and it shouldn’t be this way. You have no right to put people down just because their parents look after them, and then get melodramatic and try to exert sympathy out of the very people you insulted.

No. 2458652

Learn to integrate and sage, Tory-chan

No. 2458657


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2458658

Respectfully, that anon came in here to hijack a conversation that was around an anon who describes struggling to maintain her home despite working multiple jobs and was very recently bereaved of her Mother, to complain about her own (live) Mother purchasing her a home, how did she expect that to be received, exactly? BPDfag behaviour.

No. 2458661

Where did anon put her down? She just said she doesn't pity her when she came in here trying to elicit sympathy for a very overprivileged problem. Guess they didn't teaching reading comprehension in your private school.

No. 2458674

Did any other nonas know of any issues with surveyors half assing their jobs? I was getting roasted on Plebbit for not getting a survey, I had no idea they were so incompetent and or rudimentary in their assessment of the building.

No. 2458678

How many times do you fucking newfags have to be told, you don’t need to sage in an /ot/ thread except for celebricows.
Because I said parents should help their kids buy property? Instead of telling them to fuck off and bootstrap themselves out of it?

No. 2458682

Lolcow is the only place on the internet where someone can pour their heart out about losing their Mom and potentially their home and still be told to kill themselves

No. 2458685

Lmao ok salty poorfag, there’s nothing you people hate more than someone who works hard and makes smart decisions to provide generational wealth for their families instead of pissing it all away at the boozer, gambling or loitering around on benefits. It’s hard for this generation but if you’re gen x or boomer and you’re poor, it’s most likely your own fault.(bait)

No. 2458686

You don't have to, but due to your non-saging it's pretty obvious that you're same the anon repeatedly antagonising another anon about her brutal tribulation and trying to redirect undeserved sympathy to yourself, and then calling anyone who disagrees with you a Pikey, and that is Tory behaviour. Kinda wish LC wasn't anonymous sometimes so that we could all take the piss out of you in the Cluster B thread

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