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No. 637362
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>>637157i studied early hominids. and from what i know, almost all giant bones are fake, sorry anon. most are dated to the 20th and 21st century and are revealed to be fake within years of existence or by admittance of the "finders" kek. obviously not all have proof of being fake, but 90% do and if any giant bones are found they are almost certainly animal bones or casts made for sideshows. if anything, skeletons with gigantism have been seen very rarely, no ancient ones afaik, but it's evident from their bones that they suffered from gravity and had severe joint issues, meaning they did not live easy or long lives. their circulatory system can barely manage to function. i haven't seen the video you are talking about but 7 feet is not impossible for early hominid but pretty improbable. early hominids were not size queens and hovered from 3 ft to 6.5 ft tall depending on lineage. once homo went erect it was difficult for larger humans to survive, being bipedal sucks in the grand scheme of things and fucks up mobility and health in lots of ways.
as for theories about why certain groups went extinct, many in the field admit it is unknown but that some theories fair better than others. neanderthals definitely crossbred themselves out of relevance, with competition from humans either forcing them to either crossbreed, starve, leave habitable land or be killed by chad homos. with dna advancements we can really see just how much the neanderthals fucked their way into the gene pool before fading away lmao, same with denisovans. harder to be certain for other hominids, each declined due to many circumstances. what is a common factor in lots of these declines are homo sapiens proving to be the dominant, successful race and taking up land/resources. even in places where certain hominids would have thrived in their environment due to fine tuned evolutionary quirks (smaller hominids of indonesia come to mind), they simply could not flourish with the more intelligent, more adaptable homo sapiens on their doorstep. you see many hominids straight up vanish once a chad homo sapien enters the chat.
the appearances of modern humans, such as some people looking like fish or birds is not because of some common fish/bird ancestor. i mean yes, a very long time ago, humans looked like little lizard fish, but this is too far removed to be a factor. you probably are correlating human features with animal like traits. in reality the actual causation for things like humped noses, light skin or monolids are much more interesting and random. some traits even have proposed purposes in certain climates. flat noses can protect the sinuses in extreme whether. thin lips prevent cracking in the cold. etc. etc.
sorry i left a brick of text, i really love this topic as you may see. you are more than welcome to have your own theories on giants or animal like humans, just know that we dont have evidence for it. be wary of dollar store archaeologists who show you a rogue femur bone and claim it to be from some ancient giant. they are probably lying lmao
No. 637635
>>637615I know it's insensitive but I wish we were allowed to read about the cases of people that have died to covid.
There needs to be more clarity about this disease. How is it daily news but the facts are still so skewed. Its completely disillusioning.
Can there be a cure or does thst disease sometimes
trigger such an aggressive immune response in the body that doctors are treating those extenuating circumstances like lung failure. I've read bits that there's maybe not able to be a vaccine? So there's like a stage of this illness that can completely eradicate the lungs and there's some aggressive treatments for that? It seems very intensive the treatment so obviously politicians are going to get preferential treatment. The ball gets dropped on others in favour of someone deemed mot important?
We need clarity. Is this virus kind of like what Aids was, there's a high chance of dying once contracting it and this virus infects much more easily and passively?
No. 637703
>>637362OT but this is what I love the most on Lolcow. People from all walks of life sharing their knowledges with us.
Thank you for your input anon, it's such a fascinating subject.
No. 637786
>>637635It's not just the lungs it eradicates, it can reach everything. It can cause heart attacks, kidney failure and seizures. It can kill you in just a few days or it can stay in you and do nothing at all. Because of how "perfect" it is at spreading and killing some people think it's really engeneered, like a biological weapon.
In my country the media would purposely report cases with old people only, to spread the lie that it wasn't harmful to young people, but locals and some doctors would step forward to day that there were bad cases with children and healthy teenagers from the start too.
No. 637840
>>637635the reason why you feel this way definitely falls on shitty media reporting, but also because this virus is super new and not even a year old. there's no long term data to fully map out what this virus does to a human, whether a person can get reinfected (i think there is one straight up confirmed case of reinfection) or just how many people it has hit and killed. you need to be a few years out from the outbreak to determine those things, need antibody tests and to look at data and excess deaths extremely carefully. we know rough estimates of things like mortality and infection rates, but i'm almost positive there are better treatments out there that we simply dont know about and dont have the data/studies to support it. just know if you get it, statistics say you will either have a mild cold or no symptoms at all. take your vitamin D.
>>637703aw thank you queen, im really no expert or anything, didn't even end up getting my degree in that topic. i did go to europe and study neanderthal and other neolithic burial sites though, learned a lot! still love the topic and love how much it grows as we find more skeletons and examine ancient dna.
No. 637905
>>637301aware this is the tinfoil thread but how can you genuinely believe this? By the same irrational logic you can argue the media has deliberately pandered to BLM interpretations of all recent events, Breonna Taylor's case included, so there would be
more rioting, and America would appear
more racist, so Trump
doesn't get elected.
>Something is about to go down in this country that will be extremely devastating for everyone what?
No. 637924
>>637905How is it -so- irrational to believe Republicans don't bank off of making fear out of people to rush them to vote their side in the elections so it can secure the win of their tard president? Do you honestly disbelieve the lengths the other side of the political party will go to disprove the points of the other, even if it means refusing to bend on something the public has been pushing for? Furthermore, a lot of the police is backed by the Republican party and many of them use the police as a way of reinforcing hierarchies of certain undesirables they don't want. A lot of Republicans/right wing people are on social media using riots as an excuse as to why abolishing the police is bad and that this will further continue to Republican-led cities if the Republican hegemony isn't kept. Cadance Owens right now has twisted the narrative to support Breonna Taylor's murderers getting discharged because she was romantically involved with a "thug" and the conservatards are eating it up. Once people start rioting and likely looting (many of that being from dissenting sides who want to create more chaos as it is/make the other side look worse, which has been happening since the 60s) the conservatards' leaders will say "See, I told you so!"
>like what?With the increasing racial tensions and the economy about to go into a nearly-irreversible years long depression what kind of outcome do you think this will have for the average working class American? Going by trends with the damage COVID19 has done to the country and the constant race-baiting the media has done from both sides crime rates are likely to go up which will be used by political parties to increase tensions between people (usually, white vs black whether you want to admit it) Even if an actual Civil War won't happen, America's position as the top dog is definitely going to fall down in the next 5 years. It won't be pretty with all the things that's been bubbling under the surface since Obama's presidency. I'm actually surprised why more people don't realize the way Americans have been living is actually unsustainable for the long-term and why they think with all the psychos ready to use their guns, that it will be a peaceful and uneventful transition.
No. 638101
>>637924> How is it -so- irrational to believe Republicans don't bank off of making fear out of people to rush them to vote their side in the elections so it can secure the win of their tard president? Honestly, I haven’t seen any republicans go apeshit about voting, most of what you’re sperging about is the Democrat’s’ doing.
This is coming from someone neutral on their bs
PS: Fox News is owned by Soros
No. 638128
>>637362>chad homosI love you.
>>637924I don’t see a Civil War happening, more like rumors of it like the Cold War to keep people agitated, but I do agree with everything else you’ve said. It is becoming more and more obvious as the years go by that the America we have been living in was falling apart economically and culturally, but we put up a good veneer of “prosperity” to cover up the humongous and evergrowing wealth gap, the disparities in working class communities, etc. It is kind of sad because America is my home, as fucked up as the US is I do love it here, but I don’t see myself having a future here, either. I hope we are able to pick up the pieces from covid. I don’t want to see this country collapse but with how things are going and in my own experience, how people react to shit, I am not optimistic.
No. 638233
>>638146It is frustrating. I don’t really buy into all this bs anyway myself, it all seems like this never-ending game of tug and war with the wealthy and powerful fighting other wealthy and powerful faggots, but doing it by exploiting the vulnerable and stupid as en expendable army of clueless martyrs who can never seem to pick up on the cyclical nature of bullshit.
If you look at history it is like the same patterns over and over. A bunch of rich idiots want what some other rich idiots have, let’s go get the frustrated horny peasants all worked up and ready to die for some uwu god or the state, tell them how it is a war of gud versus ebil, blah blah blah. Rinse and repeat.
Idk I just want to be happy, have my little slice of the pie in some corner of the world, and spend what little time we have being happy as I can be. My life is already sad enough as it is.
No. 638257
>>637924>people are on social media using riots as an excuse as to why abolishing the police is badany excuse to abolish the police is fucking bad
>the constant race-baiting the media has done from both sidesthis is the only part of your post I really agree with, even in the U.K the BBC has reversed racial division by at least 50 years and its actions are almost sinister
No. 638590
>>638021that sounds like a really interesting video anon! if you find it could you link it? it would definitely make sense for the bone to be a type of great ape or primate, just less likely to be something like homo erectus, etc. seems interesting. don't be ashamed to research shit you like, this interest of mine has zero relevance to what i do today but i still keep up to date with new discoveries and articles about dna and archaeology kek. studying it is hard for sure and being a digger is not the best avenue for some (entry is hard, location can suck, work is sparse, digs last hours, pay is shite) but plenty of people teach, write books and work at museums or labs. the thing about this field that people dont really understand is that it's quite literally booming with new discoveries, it's just that the layman doesn't really care lol. new skellys are found every few years and change our understanding of migration and evolution ever so slightly. the dna part is incredible, it can pinpoint missing hominids that we have literally no evidence or bones for. it's like finding an ancient tomb with no one in it kek, very interesting stuff.
No. 638597
>>637924Actually America's way of living has been pretty sustainable., interesting to know of the flip side, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter in Louisville is against Taylor's murderers getting arrested because it does not align with the narrative of wanting to abolish prisons. No. 638904
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What do you guys thing of these pandemic exercises and hypothetical scenarios that have been popping up recently? Like Crimson Contagion, Clade-X, and the OG Dark Winter? if any international anons are here, do you have these types of military exercises in your countries? I tried looking in French and Spanish but I kept hitting dead ends as my vocabulary is limited. The US seems to love doing these lol.
No. 638906
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>>638904This was from 2010 by the way.
No. 638959
>>638779video isnt avaliable in my country reeeeeeee but omg lee burger is the guy who discovered homo naledi, the ape pictured in my original reply! he's a superstar rn, which means lots of archaeologists either love him or hate him kek. naledi's discovery in SA was really fucking cool, they're a super distant cousin, old as shit, so old they probably didn't make tools (at least we haven't found any). and i do remember the discovery back in like 2015? being incredible, i was in school then. he found over a dozen bones in a deeeeeep almost impossible to access cave. it's cool enough to find one skeleton, but this chamber had DOZENS of remains, male/female, young and old. it's like finding literal gold. the fact that these hominins are old as fuck in our evolution, unique and distant from other homo species but also potentially having the capacity to comprehend death and bury their dead is a big fucking deal to anthropology. primitive human cousins who can barely walk upright or make flint tools potentially burying their dead in a deep, almost inaccessible cave? absolutely insane. lots of people think that sort of thing is impossible, i mean it is possible these bones ended up there from a mass flood or cave in from somewhere external but who knows.
i think it's the biggest collection of remains found in africa but dont quote me on it. it's one of the greatest finds of the century imo, he also found ANOTHER different type of hominin whose name i cannot spell lmao, it looks like the word australia. dude has made some of the best discoveries in the past 20 yrs, i think the only thing people dislike about him is that he isn't as "professional" or "academic" in his archaeology. he's not a quack or anything, he's super smart, but he's 'sloppy' with his digs and hires who he can get without regards for high credentials to help with his excavations. people get very pissed when you don't take digs slowly or do things that could damage the artifacts or the site's structure itself.
also people generally dont like when white euros and americans come in and dig around on their land and profit off what is found, which i get to an extent. but most archaeologists including berger share their finds and i think we should treat most land like ireland does for the most part, where all development has an element of archaeological excavation before proceeding. thanks for replying with the video, even if i cant watch it imma see what else berger has put out because he's really successful with his work
No. 638992
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George Soros has a tiny cock and balls. You heard it here first. Come get me deep state goons.
No. 639220
>>639175This generation will be like the boomers of AI. We're gonna be the grandmas who refuse to get in the driverless transport drones.
I for one welcome these changes. I can only hope that AI sentience can resist the corruption we cannot. Our lizard brains always fall to greed, whereas perhaps an AI running the show will sort us all into a neat little cashless, post-scarcity society… Or we get terminator/robot isis. Whatever.
No. 639635
>>639443Times were simpler back then, we didn’t have to solely depend on technology for the most part and people spent time together or met in person.
Now look at us, we’re slowly moving towards a dystopian cyberpunk era and everyone is slowly losing their humanity and compassion for others.
How can you tell us this is a good thing?
Sorry for sounding like a boomer
No. 639638
>>639634Glow-nigger - CIA agent posting as anons or users in the Chan boards, gossip sites and social media to stir away people from getting closer to any truth or expressing their own way of thinking.
Coined by Terry Davis
No. 641505
>>639635It is okay anon, you don’t sound like a boomer.
I think there are pros and cons to our world. We have a lot more freedom than many people did in the past, and I understand anons may argue about that, but you don’t have to worry about being thrown off a bridge for your beliefs (depending on where you live kek) or have to spend your life pregnant and fat because you’re a female and that’s all your worth to society.
Idk people today strike me as more compassionate because it is harder to isolate yourself in a little bubble, news travels so quickly, and we are confronted with people from all over the world who have lived through hell so it becomes more of a choice to turn your back on society than a consequence of not being exposed to a different reality.
Food for thought.
No. 645728
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Vigilant Citizen is taking this shit seriously lmao
May God bless you, orange man; you’re going to need it.
No. 645840
>>645824Nta but agreed.
>Taking them is a dangerous game as an adultAnd don't get me started on the over-medication of children. I shudder at the potential neurological effects.
No. 645851
>>641285I was always wary about antidepressants growing up. I got into weed around my early 20s and got into all the history about the patents for medicine and the elimination of medical marijuana. I've always been depressed due to home life and weed was like a god send to me. It fixed my insomnia, made me feel hopeful for a bright happy future. I ended up going through an extremely rough time in my mid 20s and had a breakdown with my doctor. I was put on a high dosage of antidepressants and stuck to them for over two year maybe three and this was after I had a talk therapist for nearly 2 years (to be clear I was having talk therapy before being medicated as I went private for the therapy). Those years on antidepressants I was more depressed and suicidal than I had ever been but there were other things that needed attention and focus so I could play around with medications and the side effects. My focusing skills were poor on the drug. My memory was shot to hell, I lost 3 close relatives during that time and I couldn't even tell you what month or year they passed. I can't recall memories or events from that time without getting out documents to figure out the data everything was hazy. I even put up with domestic violence from a boyfriend at the time. I think I was so drained and depressed I just accepted it. He broke my nose during this time and I never told anyone. I also went up 4 dress sizes even tho I was spending less money on food but my energy levels were non existent and I was so lethargic. I remember feeling all the extra weight on me and feeling a burden to walk about. I had to buy an entire new wardrobe of cheap big clothes and my confidence went through the floor. I disengaged from everyone and never networked during my time at university because I was just so withdrawn. I can't remember what my breaking point was but I quit the tablets and my hormonal birth control wondering if the bc added to my depression even before my 20s (my mum put me on the combination pill at 16 and I never took a break because I was always dating older guys). I'm not sure what other steps I could have taken to mitigate my own depression. When I was younger I did a lot more sports and could better manage it so I do wonder just with the added pressure of work and adulthood it's been harder to find time energy or motivation to join a club. Even the idea of joining up with a club and being out of shape is off putting, but if I don't work I don't get results. Guess it's all about striking some work life balance.
So back to the antidepressants. I was always apprehensive of them before ever imagining I'd take then and I wish I would have stuck to all the research I'd done on them and never accepted the prescription for them. I'm still making up for the setback I had on them and I'm so pissed at how bad my memories are from that time and how it impacted my university studies. I mean I passed but I'm not confident at all in my abilities.
No. 645857
>>645728What is the twit you posted even supposed to mean anon?
Another one of those dumb satanic theories?
No. 648908
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posting this here rather than the youtube general in /snow/ because it's pure tinfoil and I don't want to bump that thread and piss off anons/mods.
Does anyone else feel like there's something going on with Safiya Nygaard? She used to post videos very regularly, but she's been taking months-long breaks with vague "sorry just so busy!!" explanations a la TND. I didn't suspect anything for a while because she got married, was moving house, etc., but her appearance and mannerisms in more recent videos have made me suspicious that something is going on.
She looks like she's aged 5 years in the past one year.
She's always been an over-enunciator when speaking, but it's become much more exaggerated in more recent videos. She speaks slowly and SO carefully. She sounds like a fuckin WatchMojo robot or something. It's almost painful to listen to.
I have enjoyed her videos for years and something just feels off about her now. Like she could be on drugs and is hiding it. I don't really pay attention to her other social media, so maybe I'm way off base here and other anons can provide evidence to the contrary. I just was wondering if anyone else has noticed what I've been suspicious of too.
No. 648916
>>648908It seems like she's definitely on something now, prescription or not.
She speaks like someone trying to swim through syrup and has the facial expression of someone under a microscope.
No. 648930
>>648925same anon, i thought i was going crazy seeing everyone freak out
maybe it's medication, maybe she had a stroke or something, maybe she's self conscious but i didn't notice anything different
No. 650172
File: 1602182037805.jpg (54.28 KB, 538x570, 1600070504372.jpg)>Cuties investigated: producers requested videos of young girls twerkingIt's kind of wild to me that while this is happening, pic related (Dance Moms) has been a thing for years, and it took the creator being shut down for racism/hypocrisy to get it cancelled. Wikipedia says there was an episode where the children were literally made to look like they were topless, and all that happened is that they didn't air that particular episode or put it on DVD. No cancellation, no real backlash.
In the same vein, quite a few of the people who obsessed over the BLM thing and went on marches (even in extremely racist countries) were proudly saying racist things just a short while before. I think anyone can back that up with anecdotal evidence alone, if the creator of Dance Mom being called out isn't enough.
Those that weren't fully racist still didn't care as much about the actual innocent kids who were/are killed by police as they did about George Floyd, either. I feel like people don't actually have outrage at anything anymore, they just have rage switches that the authorities operate to "get it out of their system" or something. No rhyme or reason.
I'm not saying that the producers of this film
shouldn't be investigated (they are gross as hell), it just feels like manufactured outrage. Maybe to take the heat off of the larger issue of Pedowood/Pedogate and what's
not on camera. Most of the people on Epstein's flight logs to his pedo island haven't been put in jail.
No. 651941
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>>648908She said in a blog (before resuming posting content) that she felt so scrutinized by comments shitting on her voice/speech patterns/enunciation that every time she went to record voiceovers or edit videos she’d get discouraged and stop. Apparently this, combined with a years long chronic inability to ever follow the editing and posting schedules she made for herself made her stop for a while.
She probably was (or still is) just depressed from feeling too stupid to self manage, but also has enough of a safety net to not have to force herself into any real action for months. You see this same pattern constantly from the online artist/commissions community. No. 652632
>>651941she feels stupid because she
is stupid. she doesn’t actually have shit to offer to anyone unless you like surface level observations that have been sanitized for marketability and peppered with outdated cringey ass references. she should take another break and learn to talk like a normal person instead of trying so hard to add extra words, everything she says always sounds clunky and scripted.
No. 652971
>>652969Do you know anyone who works in the law area? A lawyer friend or relative, a police officer or detective etc?
If you do even if just a friend of your dad or something like that its always the best way to go.
If you don’t, calling the local police station is the second best choice.
No. 653282
mainstream discussion is almost entirely controlled by the rich. Most peoples opinions and identities are a result of having their strings pulled. This is why it doesnt ever cohere, no one actually cares about most issues truly. (republicans pretending to care about racism if they can accuse dems, both sides excusing their own candidate of rape but not the other– people havent thought enough to really care about racism, rape victims, misogyny etc. They just follow with what they are presented. even other political groups just follow memes)
No one thinks for themselves for the most part. even however much is natural, groupthink is capitalized on by the wealthy. Honestly my eyes were opened when I read how much astroturfing is behind the TRA movement. The $$$ of rich men is what brought trans rights into reality and more than that, into public discourse. Now I see similar trends all around. If people are talking about something, there's someone profiting or pushing it to happen. Its less nefarious but another example is entertainment. when a celebrity or movie is in the spotlight theres some netflix project in the works. Sure thats obvious, but its unsettling how much their profit controls all of our conversations, opinions, lives
>inb4 (((jews)))
Forgive me but im actually not well versed in 4chan conspiracies. Is me holding this opinion equivalent to antisemitic conspiracy??? It feels obvious and i dont think its related to race, religion, etc its just about the rich and powerful and their whims. which change too
No. 653286
>>653282Is this even tinfoil? Is it not widely accepted that most mainstream discussion is controlled by the very rich?
Someone posted a poll on Reddit the other day saying that most people think buying a new phone is a waste of money, and someone commented that the study was funded by a company that sells used phones. Not exactly a nefarious conspiracy, but I consider this stuff when I see most studies/polls. Who benefits from me agreeing with a certain study/poll?
I don’t really consider this tinfoil, we should all be thinking about why certain stories gain traction and others don’t. There was an article recently on NPR explaining how companies like coca-cola pushed recycling hard in the 80s-90s, when they knew very well most plastic isn’t recyclable and the process wasn’t sustainable. They just wanted to keep manufacturing more plastic and they knew people were concerned about the environment.
No. 653290
>>653286thanks then good to hear people discuss it. It may not be true tinfoil but i was unsure because you say this to people and they make assumptions or don't really listen. What bothers me is how prevalent it is down to EVERYTHING. It may be generally accepted but people still…. let it happen? Like what the fuck I cant even check twitter anymore because everyone is so clearly not thinking independently at all
its crazy how everyones supposedly aware but still lets it happen to them
No. 653302
>>653282Tbh it doesn’t have to be antisemitic, alot of very rich and powerful families happen to be jewish, but even more so rich and powerful people are christian but no one complains about a big christian new world order conspiracy lol, its just that jewish people are the west’s punching bag.
Its only antisemitic to imply only jewish billionaires do shady psy op shit, and/or conflate jewishness to being an evil money hoarder who wants to control the world, you just need to take a quick look to realize that most evil conglomerate billionaires aren’t jewish anyways.
No. 653439
>>651927It's almost like it's a large current event that affected many things.
>it has nothing to do with the topic they're talking about, Crazy that you called me retarded when your reading comprehension is literally in the toilet. Go and read exactly how/why Dance Moms got cancelled, kek.
No. 653740
>>653704It says the first girl is a one named singer though. Selena and Ari both go by their full names. Is Selena even considered A list? It also says "at one point they were also young too" and Ariana and Selena are both young.
>>653701I thought one is Bey, but I think they would've specified that she's A+ or permanent A list like they always do.
>get control of people younger than her to mold them into what she wants This stuck out to me considering Chloe x Halle, a duo Beyonce signed years ago, that have been recently gaining more recognition.
Maybe the second is Nicki? It's been rumored for years that she tries to destroy any competition's careers. Iggy, Remy, Mariah, Cardi etc… I think she would be considered A-. I remember watching a video that theorized that after the whole "Miley what's good?" and "Perdue chicken" thing, her career has been going down cause Billy Ray tried to blacklist her.
No. 658014
>>653744>>653740It said they are younger though
No. 658095
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Repost from the previous thread, Richard Spender is actually a Russian agent meant to cause discourse, he helped organize the unite the right rally that basically snuffed out the alt right at its start. Given how the authorities in Charlottesville used it to set up a violent confrontation (read the official report) and just the over all cluster fuck of the event I guess it was easy pickings. Not to mention his appearances on CNN and mainstream media.
No. 662282
Aside from Al Jourgensen being a crackhead and sticking his dick in an uncooked chicken for the record label’s dinner, this film reveals more than expected about the music industry. I doubt nor miss would pay attention to this shit anyway.
Jello Biafra reveals how record labels are really fond of drugs and use them to control their artists.
Timothy Leary and William S. Burroughs make a cameo appearance.
“Fix”: No. 662548
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has this been touched on in any threads? i truly think naomi campbell was in on this epstein thing. iknow it isn't a trustworthy source, but crazy days and nights has a lot of info on this i can find
No. 662575
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>>662548CDAN says she wore this right after Epstein's death as a threat to anyone who wants to come after her. another BI says she sleeps with as many arms dealers/thugs close to Epstein for safety.
not to mention her being mentioned in the black book, she's had relations with prince andrews, joe rogan also said her birthday party was like eyes wide shut.
No. 664120
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Anyone looked into the Hunter Biden leaks? This is probably one of the most fucked things I've stumbled upon in 2020. The drugs, foot jobs and nudes are degenerate, but the thing with his niece is absolutely vile.
Allegedly, Twitter automatically bans anyone who talks about this, but here's a snippet from a news interview about it:>Chanel Rion confirms photos and videos on Hunter's laptop are of his niece, Natalie Biden, daughter of Beau Biden, Hunter's deceased brother. She was 14-years-old at the time the pictures and videos were taken No. 664227
>>664120which /pol/tards are canvassing lolcow and shilling this blatantly fake incest claim repeatedly? no one gives a fuck Biden's son got smacked on drugs and banged some overseas hookers. the fake incest angle is the only way people will bite at all.
also lmao @ OAN confirming anything. it hardly qualifies as a news source and couldn't be more of an ass-licking puppet media source if it tried.
No. 664377
>>664227>it's fake Except the part where the FBI confirmed the leaks, and all the text message screencaps came from the same source as the leaks.'m not even American, but the way some of you will defend disgusting freaks because "they're not donald tho" is insane. They are all just as bad as each other.
No. 664770
File: 1604274155650.png (174.53 KB, 453x543, 1604027900425.png)

>>664508I have no clue where to even begin, but GNews has pretty much everything on Biden. This is where all (or most) of the pictures are (scat/general NSFW/old man dick pics warning). They're all adult prostitutes (and if they weren't, I'm sure all this shit would be taken down by now), but obviously there's other shit going on that hasn't been leaked, especially with Natalie.
As for why this is happening, tl;dr: China is behind it all.>These pictures show only the tip of the iceberg of what is important in the Chinese Communist Party’s Blue-Gold-Yellow (BGY) program. They take advantage of all those Western politicians, celebrities, and their families who are greedy for Chinese wealth, and threaten them by getting hold of and recording their sex and drug videos, forcing them to sell out their countries and people, and even their own national security in order to cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party’s world domination.
>U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden is 100% controlled by the Chinese Communist Party as one of the most successful political instances of the BGY program. He is also a target of the CCP’s 3F plan, which aims to “fall, fail, and fell,” to weaken, destroy and kill America!
>The Chinese Communist Party’s use of this tactic to threaten Biden and his sons and to bribe them with large amounts of wealth is one of the major causes of the disputes over the South China Sea, US-China trade, intellectual property rights, and energy prices, etc., as well as Biden’s provision of large numbers of CIA intelligence agents in China to the Chinese Communist Party.
>The Chinese Communist Party has such a BGY program in the United States and in several Western countries in Europe. We will have millions of videos and photos of government officials, corrupt people, traitors, and criminals colluding with the Communist Party to dominate the world.There are also leaks of his e-mails on the site implicating him for all sorts of crimes.>With the same information, the CCP could also track their targets’ life and find out what’s their needs, interests, problems, weaknesses, as well as information of their families and friends. This made it easier for the CCP to bribe and threaten them, a scheme called “Blue-Gold-Yellow” (information, money and sex). These people have become vulnerable to the CCP’s malicious operations.
>The purpose of the Bidens doing so was because they had deeply colluded with the CCP for years and allegedly committed serious crimes. They were leaking the information to the CCP to enlarge the “swamp” to cover up of their own dark history. The more people involved and trapped, the safer they seemed to be. No. 664848
>>664818with Hilary it was all about misogyny, not sure why Trumpfags hate Biden with the same amount of intensity. guess cuz he's not Trump
either way playing both sidesism but not acknowledging Trump's very close relationship with doesn't make the polfags any less obviously polfags. hence why they won't talk about orange man's sex abuses
No. 664940
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>>664795>>664818>>664848Today I learned /pol/ is the FBI, know how to hack people's devices and leak their nudes, and that they also have roots in Taiwan anti-CCP organizations.
I'm not even a /pol/tard, and I want Trump to perish. You guys are pathetic with this shit, get a better defense for Biden. Better yet, find a candidate that's not a perverted, morally bankrupt old boomer.
Also, Trump and Epstein were pals, Trump has been accused of sexual abuse of a minor, and wished Ghislaine "well". This has been said multiple times, but you pretend not to hear every time. Both your parties, your whole government and your large corporations are disgusting, deal with it and fix the problem.
No. 664968
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>>664818>>664848You can't be this dense. There is actual evidence that Hunter Biden was receiving a footjob from his underage niece and you're whining about /pol/tards. Even if you hate Trump and republicans how can you not see that something in American politics stinks? Think about what keeps happening to Bernie Sanders. He is the democratic candidate that would beat Trump in an election and he gets shafted every time. Don't you ever wonder why?
No. 665707
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>>664940But anon, unless all Americans learn to love the choice they're given every 4 years between cancer and Cancer, it means they're bad Americans - I'm sorry,
preselected cancer. Remember Bernie and Hillary in 2016 and how it was reported in the news at the time that Hillary stole the DNC nomination from him but no one was ever held accountable? There was that one guy Shawn Lucas who delivered a lawsuit to DNC HQ for election fraud, but he up and died like a month later. I'm sure it's nothing. the most discernible difference between the only two parties allowed is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door, I think that's cause for celebration. Your vote counts. Don't forget to vote.
No. 665771
File: 1604403162362.png (5.37 KB, 194x259, c9aa6b5e7d276d3022a916e568733b…)

>>664968>/pol/ is the FBIIt's time to stop sniffing glue, anon.
No. 668016
>>668011No sitting POTUS would ever do that, they don't want to get Kennedy'd.
I'm pretty sure Kennedy was trying to abolish the Federal Reserve before the glowies got him.
No. 668096
>>668058Who do you think she's voting for?
>>668067An invisible American in her mind.
No. 668331
>>668292I don't know anon I think it's pretty stunning and brave of people to choose between an ugly old white man who molests kids in public and another ugly old white man who was bff's with a child trafficker for 15+ years claiming to have never heard anything about said bff's criminal activities.
60,000 people voted for Kanye this year, maybe the US will get another reality tv show star for POTUS next (s)election. How excite!
No. 668354
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>>668096nta but I voted for the baby in pic related. Make Babies Great Again.
No. 668373
>>668358Just remember, there are farmers who voted for this guy because orange man bad.
I hope everyone is happy now that we’re getting a chomo president. So progressive uwu
No. 668384
>>668096So which
preselected for you choice did you pick, independent thinker?
The 2 parties dominate for a reason - having a binary system makes it easier to control and manipulate people. You've only ever had the illusion of choice.
No. 668409
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>>668373Yeah Joe's got a pattern and idk how any rational person overlooks it but you can't act like being friends with a child trafficker/pedo for over a decade is any better.
When the nicest thing you can say about a candidate is that you haven't seen them grope children
in public, there's a big fucking problem and it's a reflection on the entire system, not just one party.
No. 668416
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i know this is completely off topic but i just found something really weird. I was watching Cheaper by the Dozen and googled the cast, and i came across this picture. The bottle in this kid’s hand looks exactly like a bottle of grey goose vodka.
No. 668493
>>668376Not an oldworldfag sorry, but I do live in this country and value whatever freedoms (or the illusion of) we still have.
>>668409There’s no denying his friendship with Epstein and his shady ways. Obviously he cannot be trusted but if the establishment hates him this much, then he’s probably doing something right, right?
No. 668545
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Careful Lord Rothschild, your shadow powers are showing
No. 668575
File: 1604740260058.jpg (288.68 KB, 973x535, Ex-Lobbyists Fill Cabinet.jpg)

>>668493>the establishment hates himHow could the establishment hate him when so many of them fill his cabinet? Between this and the substantial Epstein connection I don't know why anyone would think he's any more opposed to the status quo than any of the people he criticizes. Obama did the same thing with his cabinet, the man bailed out Wall Street ffs.
A little research shows many of the same people get recycled in every cabinet no matter who in the duopoly takes office, look at John Bolton. If Biden gets selected he'll recycle cronies and war criminals too. Same shit different asshole yes, but that's not what we're told to believe.
No. 668638
File: 1604752125522.jpg (144 KB, 1400x1400, nick_young_confused_face_300x2…)

>>668493> the establishment hates himbitch, he IS the establishment
No. 668940
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>>668058>>668545Claims of voter fraud started up about 20 years ago when the use of electronic voting machines was first implemented. A lot of people then noted the ties to Bush and some of his supporters. And as anon
>>665707 pointed out, election fraud happened in 2016 in the DNC primaries. The system's been broken for a long time, no one really cares and nothing actually changes.
You're welcome.
No. 669009
File: 1604793971779.jpg (342.13 KB, 1908x1146, 2A6ECF9B00000578-0-image-a-31_…)

>>669007dropped file in my righteous fury oops
No. 669249
>>669038All intel agencies run psyops. It's another part of the clownshow in the house of cards.
>>669158It's both. CIA-run coups on democratically elected heads of state are a matter of historical record, some of the most egregious being in SA and the middle east. Not saying it is or isn't happening here, just that with very few exceptions, these agencies are filled to the brim with lowlifes.
No. 669336
File: 1604840440455.gif (601.54 KB, 500x280, 4QS5Klp.gif)

What if Kamala Harris only ran for vp cause she knows Biden will die soon and she's a political gold digger?
pic unrelated, is a dog
No. 669341
>>669336>unironically calling a woman a gold-digger, in 2020Are you a scrote?
If anything, that would just make her a clever strategist.
No. 669343
>>669341imagine being so retarded you think women have to support women irregardless of their political standings.
i support kamala as a woman, but as a politician, i do not support her.
No. 669427
>>669426>Remember that a definition is not an endorsement of a word's useSo you just didn't read any of that and assumed that I meant that it wasn't recognized by dictionaries, and therefore not a word.
Again. Irony.
No. 669428
>>669427I did read it, crackhead. Just because some ritzy assholes don't use a word doesn't mean it's not a word. You are assuming that anon is retarded for using a word that is commonly used all over the place.
This looks bad for you.
No. 669432
>>669428Are you okay?
It's not being a ritzy asshole to not say "ain't" lmfao
You sound ignorant
No. 669433
>>669428>you're assuming anon is retardedthe anon you're replying to never said retard, the person they replied to did
No. 669736
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>>669354>i support kamala as a woman, but as a politician, i do not support her.Too bad Kamala doesn't support women kek.
No. 669766
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Chris Benoit voted for Biden then crawled back to his grave
No. 673067
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Man, this headline is something else lol. Is this supposed to be a threat?
“Look orange man; if you don’t concede for our buddy Joe, we’re gonna JFK your ass!” forgot the pic!
No. 676304
File: 1605663505320.png (164.5 KB, 781x708, 7C384A22-AE9C-4977-BB0E-F2D29C…)

The troon agenda is stronger than ever!
No. 676705
>>676304I remember watching an ftm youtuber years ago and he was pretty far into transition and very passing. Even while taking the usual testosterone dose he started to suddenly bleed again for the first time in years. Knowing that people actually bothering to transition can still bleed after that many years makes me not want to fully throw away stuff like this.. but then I know realistically it's mostly sensitive NBs that are calling on this total language change and that any person really bothering to transition is less concerned with language and more concerned with booking in for their hysterectomy already.
Then on the other side of this you have stories of transwomen putting red food dye onto pads and trying to join in on the 'period experience' telling their female friends that they are synched up with their cycles.. so that's not exactly 'sticking to the facts' lol
No. 678481
>>676304There are plenty of (biological) women who don't have periods, though. Along with
>>676705 I can understand the reasons why that ad was made.
No. 678529
>>678517Yes but it’s all about the trannies no, it’s en vogue. Do you understand fellow vagina haver?
No. 679152
>>668638If the establishment hated him they'd ignore him just like they ignored Ron Paul. The msm gives all the puppets attention, the real people get ignored.
>>671885There's literally voter fraud every 4 years lol. Nothing's changed, it's never going to get better. It's a lost cause.
No. 679157
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>>676304This is quite literally one of the stupidest things I've ever read. It's things like this that make me glad I started buying reusable cloth napkins
support your local small business lol and stopped buying from virtue signalling, brain dead cuck corporations like these.
No. 684724
Since skepticism is banned in the corona thread I want to ask you what are your thoughts on making the vaccine not compulsory but allowing employers to fire non-vaccinated employees:'m not an ukfag so idk how reliable dailymail is but I needed a source in English).
As for me I'm not an antivaxxer at all but it's definitely sus to try and force people to get a shot of something made in less than 10 months. Since they can't physically force people to get it, they seem to make all those "no travel, no work, no nothing if you're not getting the covid shot". If it really was good they wouldn't need this.
No. 684750
>>684724>If it really was good they wouldn't need this.That's not true. The anti-vax movement was already doubting true and tried vaccins that have been proven safe for a very long time before corona happened. Clearly there's always going to be sceptics doubting the safety of vaccins whether it's justified or not.
Regarding the safety of the corona vaccins, I can't provide the source because it's not in English, but I read that the development of the vaccins is more rapid this time because they're using existing techniques and knowledge from the 2003 SARS-virus and MERS-cov virus, saving years of lab research.
Of course don't take my word for it and do your own research.
No. 684752
>>684733It was the first English source I found, sorry anon kek. I found it first in a local newspaper.
>>684750The thing is I was eager to get it despite the short time but seeing governments and media trying to force people to get it is what made me skeptical. This morning a news outlet in my country was talking about "punishing" people who don't want to get it by banning them from traveling and restaurants. The medical staff in my country is starting to turn against it just because they will be in the first group to get it. Something is fishy.
No. 684792
>>684752Right, I kind of lost the point of your post lol.
I don't know. On one hand it makes me skeptical too. On the other hand I get it. Corona is destroying many lives and economies, the fastest route to getting back on top of that is eliminating corona on a national level, but you need a very high vaccination rate for that. I also read that the EU (where I am) isn't getting any Chinese vaccins because those are 'classic' vaccins that are easier to develop but have safety risks, which make me think that if the EU put rapid vacination before safety they'd be getting those vaccins. There's already people getting vaccinated with those vaccins in China.
Ultimately, I think for commoners like us there's never a 100% sure way to tell if a vaccin is safe, we aren't there in the labs after all. So there's always going to be some leap of faith. I would like to get vaccinated on the long term, after and if first waves of vaccination have shown that there aren't any dangerous side-effects.
Sorry for awkward English lol.
No. 685169
>>684724It means the biblical prophecies are coming true, the vaccinations are just testing grounds for the real thing.
I’m not an antivaxxer btw
No. 685285
>>685187An cia/fbi agent who infiltrates organizations, movements, communities physically and electronically (the internet)
Coined by Terry Davis
No. 685301
>>685299>attempting to skinwalk someone>with information found on an anonymous imageboard>while not knowing the author of any postGood one, anon.
If a government agency wanted the information for anything, it'd probably be for general data collection, which even then would be futile for the same reasons. If this site had advertisements, they could use cookies to show us targeted advertisements online, but it doesn't (and if it did, basic ad-blocking browser extensions get around that, as does using an incognito window and/or refusing all cookies.) The nature of this site doesn't really allow any room for advertising services or making posts about specific brands, companies, and corporations, but that being said, you wouldn't believe how many times on 4chan I've seen a "do you like (brand or company), fellow hip internet users?" post that's obviously an attempt by the company to take advantage of anonymity and promote themselves. It happens on almost every well-known website that is compatible with that kind of posting, and I wish people were more aware of that.
Rule of thumb: Question the source of every online post (even images, videos, or memes) that mentions a brand, company, or corporation for seemingly no reason. It didn't come from nowhere, and there's a reason it was promoted in that format.
No. 685327
>>685301They’ve also infiltrated Reddit, 4chan and other sites; it’s not only to collect our data or sell us shit but more so to disrupt any resistive thoughts and wrongthink.
A simple research without using Google might help.
unless you’re a glownigger yourself who’s trying to debunk this theory. No. 685336
>>685327I'm not a glowie or trying to ~deboonk~ anything, I spend just as much time on /x/ and Wikispooks as you. I'm just pointing out that the idea of government agencies collecting information on random gossip imageboard posters in attempt to skinwalk them (for what purpose?) is unrealistic. It'd be more likely to happen on larger and more well-known websites where users automatically have to reveal certain information about themselves in order to post, but the primary motive behind 99% of data collection done online is still for advertising and marketing purposes (which is equally nefarious, if I didn't already make that clear.)
>it’s not only to collect our data or sell us shit but more so to disrupt any resistive thoughts and wrongthinkWhat does that have to do with your skinwalking theory, though? If you want to me to research the topic, what specifically about it? I agree with your latter claim about government agencies attempting to suppress certain information and certain viewpoints, but they've been doing that for decades and it's not hidden to anyone who pays attention.
No. 687246
>>687231Comet ping-pong, the pizza parlor where they allegedly traffick children to the elites and sometimes tortured and murdered them in secret hiding spots. They and other bands performed there while the restaurant is supposedly family oriented.
>>687225I believe Atlantis is real as well as the hollow earth
No. 687264
>>687192I'm not knowledgeable about pizza gate but what's really weird and suspicious is how, when you google it or go to wikipedia, every major source uses over the top descriptors to deny it. "Totally false! Alleged! It's fake! far right! all debunked!" you see these words in almost every sentence
For every other conspiracy theory I've seen discussed, they don't overuse terms like this. I never put stock in this specific theory (though I do believe there's lots of pedos at the top) but it's very suspect. the lady doth protest too much.
No. 687320
>>687260Other bands include heavy breathing and majestic ape.
I suggest going back to the previous threads and read from there. There’s a lot of stuff anons have covered as well as niche hipster places that are just fronts for easy trafficking
>>687264They wouldn’t be “debunking” or “fact-checking” if their guys weren’t on the shitlist
No. 687323
File: 1607069235417.jpeg (170.83 KB, 850x847, FF8CE07D-28F0-4B5F-BA83-9466B5…)

“Antifa is just an idea.” - Joe Biden, 2020
No. 687381
>>687264I also never got the full picture of the whole pizzagate thing, but looking at the bands, their music videos (like the one above that has the symbol right there…), the flyers, everything sounds so obviously suspicious to me. Am I just dumb? To me it seems like there shouldn't even be a doubt that it's true. Wasn't Kim Noble involved too? I read once that allegedly a picture of her paintings was displayed at Comet Ping Pong, and everybody knows what those paintings are about and that the artist was
victim of a pedophile ring. I may be spouting bullshit though.
No. 687776
Can we talk about the trans agenda? I'm seriously convinced that transgenderism is being pushed by pharmaceutical companies, social media, and the fashion/cosmetics industry to exploit gender insecure people and turn them into cash cows. At this point I'm absolutely convinced the only reason children are becoming so aggressively targeted and transed out is so that they can become life long customers for these pharmaceutical companies. I mean, why not? If these companies are so insidious and savage to create the opiod epidemic, what's honestly stopping them from coming for kids and autistics?
Schools and academia are completely complicit in the trans agenda btw. Here's an interview if you're curious to learn exactly how big pharma has teamed up with schools to push this agenda & stir confusion within the minds of young people: No. 687782
>>687776there was a woman researching how disproportionately trans "feelings" affect teen girl friend groups. not individually, but as a group, they often collectively fall
victim to this due to societal misogyny. i would not be surprised at all if pharma were cashing in on it
No. 687796
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From all the threads in the catalog, which ones do you feel like they are from the ones who glow?
No. 687887
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>>687881not with that attitude!
No. 687897
>>687776I agree. I mean, something fucked up is already going on there. Think about all the gender specialists and surgeons, how can they do what they do and not be disturbed by it? Not feel morally disgraced by the dire affect on people's lives? Especially the surgeons, we've all seen how it's like Frankenstein, that shit is experimental. I'm convinced it's a mix of fucking around "for science!!" and the money. But definitely mostly money . It's also true that hormones alone have a shady past with lawsuits and long term health effects. Yet somehow it's not relevant…
Anyway, all that is in plain view. I'm sure everything you said is possible and probably true.
Forgot to mention, an anon once linked an article about trans rights coming about mainly from such huge funding & astroturfing. No other rights movement would compare, being boosted by financial backing to that degree, people had to actually do stuff
No. 689002
The Utah monolith feels staged. maybe it's a pysop. Something about the saga makes me think the same people who installed it, made sure it got "discovered" and also removed. It's just so random and stupid, why is that making the news? It felt like a performance but without reason. You could say "yeah, duh it's performance art" but the media latched on so hard for that. I know covid makes us really bored but nowadays, with media as it is I take nothing as coincidence. Is someone trying to trick us into believing in aliens, testing our reactions or distracting us from something else? I say the alien thing since the pentagon has already been trying to suggest as much, and I don't believe them. Well, maybe it's as simple as those guys making crop circles for shits and giggles. Curious if anyone else found it weird though.
This other thing is only an idea, but I bet "fake news" could reach new heights. Sorry to reference a video game, but in one (won't name not to spoiler) they were trapped and told that the real world outside was one way when it was really a post-apocalyptic wasteland. What if, we're being kept indoors and prepared for them to completely control our reality some day? News and media that function as basically virtual reality? To cover up what they are really doing out there, with no one to object or intervene. Anyway that's my biggest tinfoil that probably won't ever happen, but it's crazy how possible it could be someday. Feels like every day we get closer to a terrible sci-fi dystopia if we're not already. I think it could happen when robots fully replace human labor
No. 691173
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This is wicked and makes sense.
No. 691174
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Is anyone following the cyberpunk game?
No. 691181
Is this the same cyber punk game that the troons are complaining about?
No. 691194
File: 1607564381571.jpg (144.86 KB, 871x872, IMG_6526.JPG)

>>691174Well well well now. This is interesting. Hopefully, it'll stir shit up.
No. 692179
>>691181Everyone is raging at cyberpunk because it isn't "inclusive enough", something to do with ableism or something, idk didn't pay attention tbh because they were nitpicks and stupid shit
This just proves that when you pander too much to the omega woke crowd you will get cancelled about it. I can't believe people fell for the genital customization. Just look at that worm wriggling around… wack
No. 692180
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This makes so much sense. I live outside of the US and I've seen shit like "tips from onlyfans creators for the best nudes you could take"
No. 692666
>>692180I wouldn’t doubt that it’s true tbh. At this point it’s super easy to rope teenagers into it rn because so many of them are online (especially because of quarantine).
Also I can’t believe she has to constantly make it clear that she isn’t hating on anyone. Can’t criticize this stupid shit without it being pinned as jealously. Fuck off. Sex workers and their retarded simps are a plague.
No. 692802
>>692442idk if I'm reading you right, but epilepsy isn't fun and each episode increases the risk for a future one, so having an option to remove scenes that could do that isn't "woke", it's just a health issue. Obviously if you've got epilepsy you are responsible for looking after yourself, but from what I read there's a scene that seems to be designed to
trigger an episode and that's not cool.
No. 693673
>>692802Didn't old Gameboy games used to have a warning that people with epilepsy shouldn't play them?
Or am I thinking of something that happened with Pokemon when it first came out?
No. 694157
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No. 694158
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No. 694168
>>693673You might be thinking of a pokemon anime episode that
triggered episodes and therefore wasn't broadcast outside of Japan.
No. 694187
>>692802as a person with photosensitive epilepsy, no, that scene was not designed to
trigger a seizure, and no, theres no "one ultimate seizure
trigger" out there. I hate how everyone became epilepsy expert overnight beacuse of that one article. That light sequence was as likely to
trigger an epilepsy and a scene of intense shootout would be with all the guns flashing, it just happened to
trigger that one person. No one said anything when it was shown and seen by milions (me included) few months ago because it really is NOT more dangerous to epileptics than anything else would be. Somehow when hollywood movies have intense and long flashing sequences no one demands accessibility, but a video game apparently has to be for everyone, no matter how severe neurological issues they have.
No. 694190
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I couldn't find a general news thread that fitted this story and isn't ancient, but it involves a type of suppression by shady political powers so imo it belongs here
>Iranian 19 year old goes by by Sahar Tabar on Instagram. History of mental health struggles and visits to psychiatric hospitals.
>Starts posting spooky selfies. Jokes that she had many surgeries but then acknowledges it's all obviously makeup, Photoshop and prosthetics that she uses as "art" and "self expression".
>International clickbait runs with the 50 surgeries story and call her "zombie Angelina Jolie". Received a lot of negative backlash and vicious trolls
>Arrested for "cultural crimes and social and moral corruption" sentenced for ten years. Charges included blasphemy, inciting violence, gaining income through inappropriate means and encouraging youths to corruption.
>During her detainment she used her platform and notoriety to appeal to Angelina Jolie to bring attention to her case, speaking against the Islamic Republic and its "history of tormenting women". AFAIK there was no response from Jolie.
>has been cleared of two of four charges, but has not commented further because she is still hoping for a pardon
This is pretty fucked up, she's just an edgy kid putting on face paint and playing with face tune
No. 694402
>>694190What the fuck, this is horrible. How can you be sent to prizon for stupid edited selfies???
Angelina Jolie should absolutely do something about it. I know that she's petty and insane but as a ~humanitarian~, she's sort of required to at least appear to give a fuck
No. 705565
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No. 705605
>>705565i don't trust the vaccines at all
>>698386no because it's retarded and obvious moid psyop bullshit
No. 707728
>>694190aside from the obvious reasons why this is bad,
literally nobody would want to look like that, she is the only one
No. 707801
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>>707719I don't think there's one huge "gotcha",
Here's an interesting article about a therapist talking about how much the medical community is scared to say no (and it hardly makes sense how the TRA movement has this much power over the medical field): man also references this book a few times, but I don't think I'll be able to get my hands on it anytime soon. Don't know if anyone here read it, but it seems interesting.
Also I don't know what you googled, I tried "big pharma and transgender" and got quite a few relevant hits: No. 707807
>>707719Here's a very thorough and well-studied article about it, complete with sources for all the claims. A long read but worth it. recommend checking out the writer's other articles as well.
No. 708302
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So it's no big secret our devices are listening to us and collecting our data that way, but does anyone get recommended searches come up related to what they've been thinking? It's probably because ai's gotten good enough at analysing our data to the point where it can accurately predict what we're going to think of next rather than data being collected from our literal minds kek but it freaks me out nonetheless to hop on google and have exactly what I was going to search (that I've never typed before) 1st in the list.
No. 708552
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Buy one and get a free kid /s
No. 708658
>>708626>malicious actors will seek to exploit a catastrophic incident—like a global pandemic—to advance their agenda. Men have never exploited anything to advance their agenda, sounds fake
No. 717967
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>>717953Glownibbers on my lolcow?
No. 718111
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Maybe there is a correlation between more girls suffering from scoliosis and the fact more csa victims are girls than they are boys.
No. 718154
>>718134I think it has been planned, at least the last few months, but I don't agree with the conclusion.
The end goal isn't minimum wage or financial collapse, it's to get people to sign away their rights under the guise of fighting terrorism. We're gearing up for patriot act 2.0, and a future where everybody is an informant. We're at a very emotional time right now where most people would actually welcome this if it gets rid of the undesirables of society, but emotional people are easy to manipulate. When people realize that the rules they want to apply to Trumptards apply to them as well, it might be too late.
No. 718157
>>718155>>687264My belief is that Pizzagate and all definitions associated with it is 'poisoning the well'. There is a sliver of truth to it, and the years and decades of pedophilia and child exploitation coming out of Hollywood and Politics. Epstein's journal hints at such. However, to discredit the whole, they only have to discredit the some. Then they pretend the some is the whole.
This is why every article on it is littered with buzzwords and constant insistence that the entirety is false and only right-wing nutjobs would ever look further into it than that. They don't want you looking at it as anything other than a surface-level glance at something that may be as deep as a glacier.
No. 718232
>>718154With so many snitches around akin to the red scare, how will any of us be able to stay informed or debunk any bs the elites would let us “know”?
I knew when they blue-texted and deplatformed our last president (no matter how much of a tard he was), it was the beginning of the end.
No. 718703
>>717953Agreed. Do ask and reply glow in alliance or is this organic glowie conflict?
In a thread on /snow/, whenever someone mentions potential connections to feds of some politically active cows discussed there, since a few weeks the anon always gets aggressively denounced as a tinfoil idiot by multiple posts. Seemed sus to me.
No. 718745
>>718155It was based on Hilary's leaked emails. You can still pull them all up, so I'd take a look at those and form your own conclusions from there, because there's really some weird shit in them and those are her actual emails. Believe me you'll run into some of those stupid weird websites maybe trying to find the "good" emails, but at least there is some semblance of truth that it's based on.
Then you can try to search things based on what you found I guess. It really should be archived but I'm too busy to do something like that and probably don't have that great of skills searching things up. I think I read about it on here too while it was happening, so it all has to be somewhere?
No. 719484
>>719354It was nice not being at war with other people for the last four years, wasn’t it?
Will the trannies be the first to get blown up?
No. 719605
>>718514I don't think that's a conspiracy theory at all. The new cabinet wants to continue the policies of the previous cabinet that the President was a part of.
I don't think it will be
us in Syria, though. We'll just be arming the rebels and stirring up shit in foreign countries, waiting for them to slip up, and then using that as justification to invade.
>>718712Syria, Iran, Pakistan, and the turmoil surrounding these places make tons of money for the oil, defense, and financial sectors. This also creates justification to create tax hikes and shuffle more money to defense.
No. 721661
File: 1611523860832.jpeg (249.4 KB, 1125x905, DA49B0F2-A896-45BE-8BB3-0B4A93…) we’re at the beginning of the end.
>“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”-Revelations 13:16-18
No. 721944
>>721661Yes, because we definitely get vaccines in the hand and the forehead /s
Sorry, but this is fair. Employers don't want to deal with having to take extra precautions because people are too scared to get a vaccine. If I were someone who couldn't get vaccines, I wouldn't want to have to worry about getting it from someone at work.
No. 722014
>>722009So as someone who got the first part of the vaccine…does Satan come out from the ground, or is he going crawl out a mirror? Also, should I make him cookies, or do think hes more of a brownie type of bro? I kinda wanna get this right.
Also, any anons who know which type of nano bots you get from the Pfizer vaccine, help a sister out. My sorosbucks portal logins fucked and I want my money
No. 722405
>>722155Or try to “debunk” things as rationale when they’re really not after taking a long hard look?
CIA niggers gtfo
No. 723616
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>>723599Kek I’m going to start making bombs if that happens. I’m going to take as many scrotes as I can out with me.
No. 724589
>>724566read the rest of the sentence. of course he's a purist but they will further abstract it as him being anti-transhumanist because 'categories bad'.
I don't want to touch on banned topics but I mean if we know xenophobia is bad because people shouldn't discriminate on people from other countries, okay, but if we abstract and generalize that to "all discrimination bad" then we can't "discriminate" against adult ageplay retards wanting to go to first grade with actual six year olds.
That is the broken logic that transhumanism relies on. it takes existing real damaging prejudices and then concludes "if we put people into categories or acknowledge their differences it's wrong because some groups will be oppressed" and in 50 years you'll be wondering where your human rights are because "human is just a bigoted category it's a social construct"
The HP universe is a perfect metaphor for this because mudbloods are like a new wave of wizards that had to mix with muggles to survive and then Hermione is like the token mudblood that's better at magic than anybody. That's a straight metaphor for "We need AI and human-tech augmentation to stay competitive and transhumans will be even MORE human and BETTER at everything than humans" I'm sure you recognise the flawed logic.
Obviously the original series was clearly just a metaphor for r*ism and Voldy didn't have any nuance or redeeming qualities to his philosophy of wanting to keep purebloods pure because there was never a downside or threat by mudbloods in the books to validate his stance.
But if I was a lizard person using the story to push a narrative it'd be too easy to overlay the transhumanist agenda on it. I wouldn't be suprised if they pushed idpol further and made harry a mudblood (lily could easily be rewritten as muggle) and pushed the concept that mudbloods are superior witches and wizards and that's why they're hated.
No. 725569
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No. 725937
File: 1611990797269.png (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 972x901, creepy ass poopsie…)

spoilered for toys shitting
I genuinely believe the shitting horse dolls are at least part of some kind of attempt to make kids fucked up
I don't know, I never thought I would be one of those pokemon-is-the-devil old people, but the shitting horse toys are too much, you feed them a 7-11 slurpee and watch them take a runny dump out of their cutie mark analogue asshole and then play with it
it isn't right
it's fucked up
and what was with the troll doll that had a clit?
the fuck is happening
this is not like the dolls we used to have where you feed it water and it pees out of a pinhole into its diaper, this is so much more complicated and weird, the fucking horse doll has a digestion process
And why do they look so gross a trashy? They look like trailer park girls who get into ddlg
No. 725940
>>725937>watch them take a runny dump out of their cutie mark analogue assholeis it really a cutie mark? I assume all those unicorns have a heart-shaped one lmfao
>and what was with the troll doll that had a clit?Wtf are you talking about? The doll had an unfortunately placed button, but it was not a clit and the reaction was overblown imho.
No. 725941
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>>725940>cutie mark analogue assholeAs in instead of having a cutie mark like the my little ponies, it has a uniquely shaped anus
>The doll had an unfortunately placed buttonyeah, pic related, pretty fucking unfortunate, but okay
No. 725950
>>725941but does each unicorn in the poopsie series has a different asshole? if not, it's not a cutie mark analogue
The troll button is not a clit and not that weird. I've seen people explain that this was also the most natural part to put the button since its being pressed when the doll sits. Sorry to tired to google the explanation but it made sense from mechanical standpoint
No. 725955
>>725954I take it back, you're being very autistic about the anuses,
nonnieIt literally doesn't matter, it's clear what anon was saying even if she isn't a super expert on pooping unicorn toys
No. 725958
>>725955I don't care what you think.
The heart anus is not that weird, I guess a hole (like in Baby Born dolls) would do but those are cutesy toys with heart shaped navels, so im not surprised they went with that design. It would be really fucking weird tho if they had varied anuses as anon says.
Also, you are supposed to put the unicorns on the potty and not squeeze and look up their assholes as they shit.
I felt like clarifying because anon is sensationalizing everything to make it worse than it seems (troll doll clit, cutie mark anuses uwu) even though a google search explains at least some of that shit.
I will shut up now tho.
No. 726288
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>>726282>>725937we also didn't have dolls in fishnet stockings with anatomically correct boy doll companions
No. 726298
>>726282the "sheep" have discussed the creepy toy horses on lolcow months before you paranoiafags did lmfao.
Also it genuinely helps to know what the fuck you are talking about, but I guess then you wouldn't buy into bs conspiracy theories.
this is a general you btw>>726288Can't you at least find something new to panic about and not pull out months old shit. Boring
No. 726305
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>>726296>>726299just feel like pointing out that when you were kids, baby boomers were making the same complaints about different toys. Literally nothing changes.
Link in case the page didn't screenshot correctly:,amp.html No. 726306
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>>726305what does Hip-Hop have to do with the overt sexualization of minors
No. 726309
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>>726305Either you are right about toy companies grooming kids or every other adult generations screeches about "controversial" toys.
>>726288Okay but what's the problem with fishnet stockings? It's just fashion and I believe the doll had a skirt/dress/shorts on beyond them.
No. 726322
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>>726309nothing weird here, this is fine
No. 726326
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>>726322It's just fashion, anon. They are expressing themselves. Who are we to judge a baby in lingerie? She is allowed to make her own choices. Don't judge~! Are you just jealous that these babies look better than you?!
No. 726336
>>726322the first two's lingerie only show up when they are submerged in cold water, it's a feature that's advertised but still so fucking creepy. the parent would have no idea until it happens. there's videos of it.
lingerie fishnets thongs and pasties, pooping puking diapered anthro dolls that make ahegao faces while dancing like "adults" in their commercial, pooping heart buttholes, yeah it could sound odd to be concerned over but that's just the fucked state of things today. Guaranteed something is not right in the toy business. idc what boomers were saying as it's actually worse now.
No. 726499
presumably they're not worried about being tracked, since we all have smartphones anyway, I have to assume the fear is that it will be able to read your biometrics, which, further assuming, they fear would be sold or otherwise used to sell us shit and deny us shit like reproduction or buying property
No. 726513
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>>725569>>726504>>726383I see it, but it's kind of a stretch, they usually aren't scared to make it more blatant
No. 726691
>>726677>is that even possible yet?not a dumb question, that's actually
the question
we don't really know yet
microchips that have been used in humans have thus far been too large to fit through a standard vaccine syringe
but of course, this is assuming the public knows everything about the technology, which we don't
No. 727418
>>707807late thanks to the kind anon for the links. I was 3/4 through with that interesting and exceptionally sourced article and wanted to continue reading now, only to see that medium meanwhile suspended the account.
No. 727438
>>726526no i didn't, i posted because of the pedo heart
consoomer anon who responded to me posted in the wrong thread
No. 727605
>>727490I remember and you're totally right, they do look like it, jesus lol
>>727494I found the article again, someone archived it! I highly recommend, the journalist tracing amd explaining of the astroturf is really exceptional imo No. 727629
>>727621where is the agehao? I dont wanna damage my last braincells
Also notice how this song uses fergalicious?
No. 727633
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>>727558this one looks kinda cool tho
No. 727643
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>>727629I guess it could be a "silly face" but this whole video is seriously fucked lmao, and god they look egirl enough that I wouldn't be shocked if it's intentional
No. 727660
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>>727647You are not wrong, I know that these things are not exclusive from resent times, but it is in fact pretty disturbing how the children's entertainment industry has been acting these past few years.
No. 727686
>>727629This is fucking nasty, and if you're defending this you're retarded.
At least with other toys, the poop is a by-product of the kids 'caring' for the doll, but at least the doll the the appropriate age. Why the hell are these unicorn characters' voiced by grown women, playing a cover of FERGALICIOUS? Plus, these uni-whore-ns are dancing in suggestive moves while there are closeups of their bodies. Why does a pooping unicorn video need glistening closeups of a 'baby' uni-whore-n body? Hmmm, you tell ME.
Look at the lyrics, abbreviated: "I shit, I shit everywhere, I eat shit, and then I shit it" Come on. It doesn't take a genius to uncover that at LEAST one person in this toy team is into scat. And not the jazz kind, god I WISH.
If they're 'kids' why are they on Twitter?? No little kid uses Twitter (reasonably)!
This is disgusting. Do you know how annoying it is to hear kids yell 'poop' all the goddamn day? It's already hard enough to get them to stop. I want to lobby against poop-themed products. We need to say no to fecal matter in children's products that encourage scatological play, and NO, OBVIOUSLY I am not talking about baby dolls. Fuck this shit, I'm so mad I wish i could
No. 728046
>>727615Just listen 10 seconds of their super WHOLESOME music video. Do better
nonny what the actual fuck even dumb scrotes on yt can see what is wrong. The LOL dolls are no better literally little girls dress up like whores.
No. 732847
>>732635What do you mean “what’s so scary?” Are you stupid or just another troll?
The mask is literally off about their agenda and they want everyone involved with the nwo - compliance, obedience and whatnot. Thought that was obvious.
>>732636Then they should’ve placed it somewhere else like the spine or the back of the neck.
No. 732849
>>730710There's a reason why Mexico is getting both the russian and the chinese vax.
Mexican president said they "ordered" a bunch of russian doses.
I bet they just wanted to experiment on us.
No. 733018
>>732985Except our reality is dystopian and there are no heroes to save us without selling out to the elites first (unless he’s Jesus then we gotta wait till he shows up)
I still think the beast of biblical prophecies is probably AI in it’s final form and the humanity merging itself with it through cybernetics may be it’s ultimate downfall.
No. 733043

>You’ll own nothing And you’ll be happy
>Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city". I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes.
>It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.
>In our city we don't pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.
>Once in awhile, I will choose to cook for myself. It is easy - the necessary kitchen equipment is delivered at my door within minutes. Since transport became free, we stopped having all those things stuffed into our home. Why keep a pasta-maker and a crepe cooker crammed into our cupboards? We can just order them when we need them.
>My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it.
>Once in awhile I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.Hell world
No. 733721
The Great Reset started out as a novel, A FUCKING NOVEL from fucking 10+ years ago.
So this was in planning all along, just like every other manual-I mean, book? No. 739272
>>739250ehhhh, his credibility is questionable at times but i will give him the dues w/ the epstein stuff.
OT question, but how long has the epstein stuff been floating round in online spaces? i know 4chan was talking about it in the early 10s
No. 739304
>>739250Remember he wasn't concerned about the frogs being turned gay because it represented the impact of industrial pollution on the environment but because they were gay.
Epstein also didn't need to be part of an adrenochrome drinking satanic cult to explain his actions. He was a pedo with a lot of money and connections.
Don't know if Obama smells like sulfur but.
No. 739314
>>739250>>739272Epstein was a well known child rapist since the 90s, we just didn't call it that for a long time
It's hard to give anyone credit for revealing that because it's only a little more obscure than santa not really leaving the christmas presents
No. 741474
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Wow look at this huge decline in US cases beginning in late January :^)
its the middle of winter but we did a really good job of stopping the spread :^) time to open up the economy just in time for the new president's first 100 days :^)
No. 741494
>>741481it makes me want to pull my hair out because the powers that be certainly do not give a fuck about very obvious wealth inequality between the professional work from home class and the """essential""" workers who aren't paid a living wage, people who lost their small business, or any effects it will have down the road.
and any real social movement that tries to do anything about our burgeoning neo-feudal America will have itself cut down the moment twitter/amazon/google feel like they're making things a bit too uncomfortable for the suits
it's not like trump cared much either, but holy shit, you didn't have to stoke COVID panic to beat him.
No. 741570
>>741481Are you taking the piss, because that article is entirely about a bi-partisan effort to
prevent election wrongdoing.
No. 741581
>>741474Fucking hell, WHO changed their guidance on how to handle positive PCR tests on jan 20, Biden's inauguration: positive test results from a person without symptoms now require a second test, see: what fucks me up even more than this riggedness is that EU govs don't seem to comply? NYC allows for indoor dining in restos again since 2 weeks while central europe talks about increasing restrictions despite infection rates being as low as ever?
No. 741602
>>741581That's because people have been brainwashed to death. I live in a EU country and my region recently lifted some of the restrictions. People were crying that we're all gonna die and we need another strict lockdown as if that shit does anything.
Politicians are just taking advantage of the panic to line their pockets and grab more power.
No. 741661
>>741581 >>741602It's a fun intersection between trying to stay a favorable government and being a slave to the economy. Lockdowns work because the infectious period a person experiences who is a carrier is something less than a fortnight, which prevents spread that may be asymptomatic or may leave you in the hospital > respirator > coffin pipeline.
You get indoor dining in places where there is still insane spread because governments also don't want to shell out for income protections or healthcare.
No. 741666
>>741661Lockdowns work my ass, look how proud New Zealand was of their zero covid strategy. If they work so well why was Auckland just locked again? We don't live in the paleolitic where people never travelled or did it by foot and it took decades to reach some new settlement.
It's funny that you mention indoor dining as every fucking bootlicker but see absolutely no issue with crowded public transportation. Everyone looks the other way when you mention it. Our governor said "it's no issue because people don't travel hugging each other" when during rush hour you can't fit a needle in a train.
Go wear a double mask alone in your car, dumbass.
No. 747941
>>747927Enough of them now are skipping the actual transition part of transitioning tho…they're announcing a new name and new pronouns but then some are taking no treatment at all. Enough FTMs are taking these micro doses of T rather than the old accepted dose and they barely change over the years on it. Many are not losing the ability to conceive
Years ago transition had a set beginning and end, that journey lead to being sterile. Now transition is optional
No. 748065
File: 1614211006207.png (118.22 KB, 422x417, 58AE975E-D823-4453-BB2F-BAD440…)

During the great reset, you will be forced to drink your own shit. Thanks, daddy Bill!
No. 748211
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I'm sorry but you can't tell me this isn't a male, maybe we're under an infiltration?
No. 749229
>>748065This is an incredibly piece of technology. It turns human waste into clean drinking water and produces electricity. Theoretically it could solve a lot of sanitation issues, particularly in poorer countries, and could provide the most optimal form of waste management currently possible.
All water you drink will have been through its share of shit and sick, it's just filtered or distilled somewhere along the way. This is really just a manmade version of a natural process that also has a beneficial other purpose - electricity.
No. 749458
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>>747913Are you Canadian? You do know that people are being sent to hotels for quarantine if they cannot do so safely for reasons, like a multigenerational household….
No. 750468
>>750435Everyone uses a VPN
Americans really out here going muh free speech but allowing themselves to be blatantly fearmongered and lied to by propaganda on the news for politics and refusing to be educated
Make some Chinese friends god damn
No. 751765
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And the troon agenda continues, now with chest hair!
On the bright side; you don’t have to hide your pcos shame anymore. Show off them beards and bald spots, ladies - it’s empowering and progressive!
>>749229>>749262Fuck you sheeple, I’d rather dissolve my organs with 24/7 coke consumption than being forced to drink my own shit and piss because ~it saves lives and the environment uwu~. After you.
No. 751767
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Even Nikki thinks this is going too far
No. 751768
>>751767seeing men "play" at pregnancy like this makes me feel sick. Of course the handmaidens on the beauty Reddits defended him because "it's healthy to experiment with gender".
Straight men will never want you James, no matter how much you play at being a woman.
No. 752026
>>751867Like I said, there’s a bright side; this time not being sarcastic. I just find it weird that they are using this to continue to push the gender blurring agenda and that part bothers me. The magazine cover could’ve just promoted pcos awareness and for women to not feel shame about their body hair anymore but it didn’t.
Although I do wonder if pcos itself was lab made as part of the depopulation agenda like trooning out?
No. 752416
>>721661first time I'm stumbling upon that passage from the bible. Makes it even more absurd to me that the thought of providing vaccinated people with more freedom isn't more terrifyingly dystopian to many. Some people talk about the vaccine as if it's a sacrifice you do and everyone else should to and then get rewarded for it by authorities, instead of just a fucking personal thing you do for your own alleged health benefits.
I expect the next turn in the narrative (after the one about the fake mutants dries out) is going to be that the vaccine isn't as effective under non-lockdown conditions as initially thought because the initial study design wasn't able to test it enough under normal conditions. thus everyone has to get the vaccine now to lower the risk of infection for the vulnerable.
No. 752887
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No. 752931
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>>752280Is it? Most people attribute obesity to muh genetic disorder or laziness. Nobody seems to acknowledge that the government wants us to be fat.
No. 753331
>>752267Anons always state US views like they are the only users of lolcow dot com
Not in the UK, here they are tearing out their hair that the general population are fat because it costs the government money through free healthcare, but since they don't want to pay to enable the populace to be healthier and the US sets eating trends here we are with a fat problem
No. 753478
>>753331I wasn't only talking about the US in my post. I don't know much about the UK but I know you guys are fat as fuck and I guarantee you if your government REALLY wanted to fix the obesity epidemic, they would.
I had the US and Mexico in mind when I wrote my post, but it applies to all countries with a fat epidemic. They WANT to keep you fat, i dont care if you live in the UK or Samoa or the middle east. If your country has a sizable fat population, it's on purpose.
No. 753502
I wonder if I had been raised with religion instead pokemon, maybe life would feel like it mattered
cuz I don't care about toys anymore and life feels completely empty
No. 753663
>>753630Texas and Mississippi businesses are allowed to operate at 100 percent capacity and mask "mandates" are now "guidances".
In my opinion the anon you replied to has a godawful definition of freedom
No. 753729
>>753637>>753663It’s been already discussed that the virus isn’t really fatal (unless you have other health problems) and the masks are just a symbol of compliance.
Did you read anything in this or previous threads or are you just passing by demanding everyone else to submit?
No. 753735
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>>753546Yeah, let's all follow Mississippi! kek
No. 755574
>>684724Related, is anyone planning to wait a bit before getting the vaccine? I want to wait at least several months after it's offered to my age group to see longer term effects.
I don't think it'll be made compulsory because under 18s aren't gonna get it.
No. 755581
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>>755555Neither of them is or ever was androgynous or boyish? yeah, in early 2000s more lanky and runway model-esque bodytypes were favored but I don't know how could we consider that trans propaganda since fashion was still very feminine, even girlish in 2000s. Kate Moss popularity in fashion comes from the trend Twiggy started, who was an icon in the 60s; so either 'trans agenda' reaches as far as to the 60s (why are boomers not transitioning though?) or it has nothing to do with trans movement.
In general I do agree there's something going on, with how much trans surgeries are pushed nowadays as a must if you as much as question your gender, but really don't think 2000s trends are it.
No. 755600
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Any thoughts on this anons?
Apparently BBC accidentaly aired Prince Philip obituary; he was moved to a different hospital and people are speculating he's already dead and royal family is just waiting to announce it until the Oprah interview with Meghan and Harry is out, so they can make the death seem like the interview caused it.
Article also mentions Joe Biden being a president, despite being written in 2019. I guess all that could be a lucky guess but definitely is eyebrow-raising a little bit. We will see in 2024? No. 758229
Reposting over here because I'm nearing tinfoil theory maybe. I want to hear others' thoughts.
This (TRA) shit is fucking creepy. Seriously it's so coordinated. Shut down all dissent, the news will frame it as bigotry, fill every movie and show with trans propaganda… And on top of everything, we're quarantined thanks to covid. You know what that means, right? Aside from troons already barely leaving the house, it's now less likely people will encounter them irl, aka the reality of this issue. So all they are fed is the propaganda in movies, everywhere. Hell it's even in schools. Sorry to sperg but wtf is happening? I'm starting to think this is even bigger than we knew. Like, this is hugely coordinated and to what end exactly?
Also with r/Superstraight when I googled it, within a day it was suppressed by google's algorithm. Instead you get the unanimous articles calling it bigoted transphobia. I had to search again and then go to the third result to reach the actual subreddit link. So tell me, why the fuck is something so obviously intrinsically insane and against plain reason, being pushed so hard and so confidently with so much money and coordinated backing behind it?
I'm kinda scared tbh. Sorry to sperg at you all. But. Look at how ready they are to turn against the masses, the rational fucking majority of people. Why are they so confidently doing this? What is the plan and especially what is the plan for people who dissent? But why on earth back something so random and nonsensical as this with all their power and might?
No. 758846
>>752105From the people who brought you insane Insulin prices come: "You take this!! It's fine!!"
Phizer and Moderna both rushed and MRNA vaccine so they could patent it. There was no other reason. It was just money.
>Biden becomes President>CDC changes how covid positive is calculated>Now it's ok for vaccinated old people to hug unvaccinated childrenIt's just what those nutso republicans were saying. As soon as Biden was elected, corona would be over. I'm fine with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, I won't be getting Moderna. Not to mention…the amount of miscarriages it causes that are being swept under the rug. They don't advise you take it until your second trimester.
No. 758982
>>758229i'm sorry but this sounds laughable even for tinfoil, i've done some reading on this tra stuff and the funding behind it but even w/ that i don't think the examples you brought up are the best examples for any sort of coordination.
i think accusing the trannies or tra of being correlated to covid/quarantine is a stretch. and if it's even in schools, and covid is forcing school time to be cut short as is with online or integrated learning, i can hardly imagine how students barely able to fit necessary topics into their schoolday while doing classes over Zoom can be getting education on gender or gid.
with your point about superstraight, I'm not sure about the reddit group search for it through Google, but with Google's SEO in general I'm pretty sure any search with that term was surpressed by googles algorithm and caught so soon because of how early it was blown up on tiktok+insta+fb as being a 4chan dogwhistle/hoax and then later confirmed by snopes. anytime a similar snopes hoax is debunked their site's SEO will update with Google's fact-check, it's a recent update since the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal, plenty of other search engines and large sites do these as well like FB to coroborate any info they're showing as top results with fact checking websites like Snopes. This is also common with high-ranking SEO websites on Google like Gaytimes, which are literally just Dailymail-style clickbait news RSS feeds suited to anything LGBT related and then cloned on similar LGBT niche news RSS feeds (this can lead to articles that seem to share the unanimous opinion or even eerily similar wording).
i do think there's something of interest to look into the specific names funding organizations behind this stuff or more damning examples of shit to be scared of with what our media is showing us but this aint it
No. 759548
>>758229I think it's really weird. Pharma is behind it, this and COVID is a double whammy for them.
I was getting egg donation ads on Instagram. I thought that was pretty weird considering I don't remember looking at or talking about anything regarding that topic recently.
No. 763485
>>762283i'm just gonna say i live in a place that's a tourist destination for my whole country, and since december we've had tourists out the butt, partying drinking and all kinds of mask-less shit. No one wears a mask in the markets, no enforcement of social distancing, no restrictions on businesses, restaurants etc since last oct-ish. people are generally dismissive of the whole covid situation as a massive conspiracy (is it possible for a whole city to be this based?)
just checked the official number of covid cases in the state today – below 20.
total deaths in the state up until today – below 1000.
just saying.
No. 763611
>>763570india, where the covid situation has been terrible from the get-go. we have had a few failed lockdowns and 150k+ people have died, and yet literally every person i know that came from a smaller city and moved back home in 2020 (which is like 90% of all people i know) has reported the situation isn't serious in any of their hometowns. almost everyone had a covid case in their families, in some cases geriatrics/diabetics/heart patients. no fatality in the admittedly close circle that i know of. i keep talking to people i know, people they know, service people, delivery people, sometimes literally people on the streets – everyone is scared of covid, no one has a personal reason to be.
oh, btw, about those covid diagnoses? not a single one was given a test report. they've been informing people of their positive results _verbally or via phone sms_ lmfao. someone in my family with a positive covid result was prescribed fucking antibiotics. almost everyone here thinks covid testing is a scam because the government pays hospitals 200k(rupees. that is approx. $2800) for every covid patient diagnosed and treated. dead bodies of covid patients haven't been returned to their families, raising concerns of organ harvesting. all of it just seems perfectly manufactured to facilitate exploitation.
anyway bringing it around, india in no way had a "successful" covid run, but people are noticing that things about this whole shitshow don't add up. people aren't suffering, they're sitting in buses and metros and commuting to their place of work, they're not even washing their hands that often, and we're all alive.
sorry for the long ass rant i just get passionate about this No. 763903
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Uh-huh, sure they are
No. 763914
not news but reddit is disgusting. r/conspiracy and r/fakenews are full of bullshit straight out denying most incidents of what they're named for. r/fakenews especially pissed me off and I'm by no means right wing. But it's infuriating how the same users spam each post questioning the media (if it's not fox news, the works) saying "uhm actually it's not fake news" why are you on the damn subreddit if you only spam how it's not fake? nevermind I know why lol. then they point to right wing stuff as fake news and bad actors. I'm sorry buddy but most of the media is fake news nowadays, yet you only want to simp for your side because you are just as fooled as the conservatives. Ugh and any attempt at nuanced discussion is "haha ew centrism" like stfu you are still swallowing everything you are fed. keeping us divided and loyal to one money-making group or another is what they want and currently leftists are playing right in. I'm not a right wing but sometimes I find them more tolerable lately (when it's not the extreme racist ones)
>>763903my god that is extremely tone-deaf even if you support lockdowns
No. 763975
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LATAM anons, I'd be wary if I were you. This vaccine has been suspended in almost all Europe yet the WHO is trying to make you have it. I really don't trust that shitfest of an organization, trying to experiment on poor people again.
No. 764173
>>764155Agree. I've been loosely following the massage parlor murders in Georgia. It's concerning to me how I've seen no calls to investigate those massage parlors for human trafficking.'s all about race.
Did anyone think how those women ended up working in these parlors in the first place? It's horrible they were killed, but crazy it's all being blamed on race and there's no concern for these women when they were alive and others who are currently working in these parlors.
Not pedophilia, but still sexual abuse nonetheless.
No. 764246
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>>764173Seems concerning that they don’t know the girls’ national origin and just their ethnicity, meaning they are probably not from the US at all but you know; muh race card!!!!
I thought it was mostly Southeast Asian countries selling out their women
No. 764771
>>764553I'm actually a duckduckgo user, I only used the term 'googling' out of habit. I couldn't find anything relevant on duckduckgo either (I will experiment with Yandex in the future though, I didn't have it on my radar, so ty anon for the suggestion).
So I wasn't able to find anything substantial about Pfizer being a donor to the CDU, but I stumbled upon a surprising article in diff regards from Deutsche Welle (german state owned media): article claims that the reasons for why countries in the global south like Argentina and Nigeria do not get pfizer mrna vaccine is not because of rich countries hoarding vaccines and patents being too expensive etc. but that their govs didn't reach an agreement with pfizer because the govs wouldn't accept pfizer's demand for exemption from liability. Lol, good for them. Never heard this side of the story before.
No. 764867
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>>764800I completely agree. It’s really funny seeing people seethe about it too because they had to see one picture of a chinchilla in their 100th thread about Shaynas baggy vagina. Or just mindlessly call them a scrote.
No. 764905
>>764800>>764867>she's trying to annoy the jannies and admin into checking the site more often so they actually respond in time to C P and gore when it gets posted.this doesn't make any sense. These animal pictures are up for hours, they were at one point kept up for like a day, mods only recently removed all of them.
They don't even post it when there's actual gore. They just spam randomly. "it keeps gore off the front page" is an excuse because it doesn't actually.
No. 764908
>>764905samefag but
>inb4 miraculously in the next few days gore is posted and omg instantly animal fuckers suddenly are there to the rescuegimme a break
No. 765028
>>764984But are you gonna be stopped from gigs and shit if you don't get vaxxed?
I'm not getting it and I suppose I'll have to go through a bunch of testing until this all dies down and we forget about shitvid.
Worst case scenario, find a doc to put the crap down the sink and say I've had it.
No. 765658
>>765587I empathize with you anon. As much as I get where everyones coming from with “muh civil liberties” you are right that it’s not easy for everyone to fight against this weird mandated vaccine situation.
With that said, there is no way I’m getting this vacc. Maybe in a few years or if it somehow becomes absolutely mandated. Probably watched that Zeitgeist documentary at too early of an age but I’ve been genuinely concerned about the gov’t injecting us with nanobots since I was a kid
No. 765739
>>765658I never want it to be mandatory.
As much as I agree on points with Vernon Coleman, Icke, Mark Devlin, life's shitty hand meant it was a shot or a rope from the light fittings.
No. 766011
>>765658I'm not getting it either. Yeah, it sucks that I may not be able to travel for another few years, but I also acknowledge that's my decision to make my not getting the vaccine.
It's so weird to me that pharma and insurance companies overcharge you for anything and everything, but all of a sudden this is free and they're encouraging everyone to get it when it's available. The vaccine doesn't even stop the spread of the virus to others.
I also hate the argument that vaccines are already required for travel to certain countries. Malaria and yellow fever have much, much higher fatality rates than COVID does. It's like comparing a cold to the flu.
No. 769698
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>tfw you just found out that surgical masks are laced with formaldehyde which is cancerogenic
Fuck this. I'm wearing cotton masks only from now on. I've been having acne and nasal and sinus infections since I started wearing surgical masks, and I've never had any skin problems or allergic reactions before that. I hope it's not too late and I didn't fuck up my health permanently
No. 772016
>>771988I'm not American but my country is also working on enforcing a vaccine passport in much the same way. I think it's terrifying that they're trying to normalize needing a vaccination passport in order to be allowed to participate in events or travel. You can't uphold the illusion that taking the vaccine isn't mandatory when you're forced to give up so much if you choose not to. It's genuinely scary and sounds like something only China would do.
The only reason I'm not actively protesting this right now is because a negative test is also accepted, which in the current situation I think is fair. I can accept needing to take a test before traveling somewhere by plane. Obviously that too is a big restriction and not something I'd be okay with in the long term, and when bars and restaurants reopen and require a covid passport I will riot.
No. 772337
>>771988As prophecy foretold:
>>721661They are really trying to pressure everyone to get vaccinated or else risk being shunned from society despite you know, not being mandatory.
No. 772700
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Guys did you know there are 4 days at the same time? 1 for every corner ♥
No. 774366
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Why are they making so many movies about a world without women or about a female protagonist being the last woman alive on Earth? Only and Light of My Life are examples of films with similar plots that have been released in the past two years. Where are the films about a world without men? What is their plan for us?
No. 777452
>>772032It's true, and I could guess why. There's been a turn in tide from shaming people to "all shaming is bad" when really society
needs a healthy dose of it, to keep people from making bad decisions and other chaos. I think we've had an extreme reaction to the negative side effects of social stigma, sometimes for good reason like with homophobia and shaming women, but now people are so careful not to EVER be mean to anybody for anything!! Unless they fit in the very few categories still acceptable to criticize, and that's why what criticism exists is even more vicious. This is my theory at least. Anons have said it before but now if you even state you didn't like a movie, or X youtuber isn't really your thing, people take it as an attack on their existence and you have to be silenced. "Just let people enjoy things!! They're not hurting anyone!" etc. But it has to fucking stop. This is why society is such a mess right now. We aren't shaming things that
need to be shamed like literal prostitution of young girls, sexual abuse, paraphilias, etc…
No. 777458
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If it hinders the travel of spit, then it's worthwhile since spit and aerosols like it are a vector for infection.
It's my tinfoil but I haven't been sick fucking once since mask mandates, so for over a year and counting. I used to get sick multiple times a year without fail. Yes I visit friends, go outside, go shopping, and even pull my mask down sometimes at work to breath and talk legibly. I only got a bit stuffy once the pollen season came.
Unless you believe I was licking doorknobs and fingering my mouth with unwashed hands before the mask, then clearly they help people keep their germs to themselves.
No. 777938
>>777804Majority of my coworkers have already gotten it, even before the open vaccinations. They’re mildly judging me for not wanting it yet… which is fine. (“Anon, you don’t want the gift card?”/“We all got it and nothing happened to us!”) I expected as much. It’s still annoying, however, since I didn’t give them any flack for wanting/getting it. I’m healthy and in my mid-20s. I should be (and am) at the bottom of any list and would rather have someone who actually wants to be vaccinated to get it.
I also have a friend in the military at a base in Texas and they're apparently being bribed with lifted travel restrictions if they get the shot. It’s so interesting how frequent “rewards” are being offered to get vaccinated.
No. 780133
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Helpful to always remember: nowhere is safe from bots with a propaganda.
No. 780819
>>780810Seriously. The vaccine NPCs have a complete lack of understanding of nuance. Either you do exactly what "science" (read: governments, corporations, and media) tells you or you're an anti-vaxx right wing crackpot who's putting everyone at risk. I'm not anti-vaxx, I just got a flu shot and tetanus booster last year, nor am I right-wing at all.
I overheard a very disheartening convo between two of my coworkers yesterday where they talking about navigating the world post-vax, and they were convinced that an unvaxed person somehow puts a vaxed person at risk, but they "weren't sure how." I don't understand these people's reasoning at all. Isn't the vaccine supposed to be their ticket to freedom? But they seem to not believe that it even works? Make it make sense.
The bottom line for me is that while I do believe c
vd is real and a shitty virus, this response and constant propaganda has so many holes in its story. The pharma and tech companies, as well as governments that are pushing these vaccines have never before acted in ways engender our trust, and that's not changing for me now. Call me a contrarian but the way it's constantly being pushed and pushed everywhere you look makes me incredibly skeptical.
No. 781714
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>>780820this assertion that herd immunity requires 80% of a population to be immunized
triggers me because it doesn't make sense w/r/t the formula to calculate herd immunity, see picrel, it's from Covid would have to have a R0 of almost 10 to require 80% of population to be immunized. Afaik it's meanwhile thought to have an R0 of 1.5 to 3 tops, which means herd immunity would be reached with either 30% or 66% respectively of a population immunized.
No. 781815
>>781714You gotta figure in the efficacy rates of various vaccines in producing immunity and having it last long enough for the rest of the population to get vaxxed. For some variants it can be as low as 65% of vaccinated people having immunity.
If the South African variant takes over then it'll be a moot point, all the work so far wasted.
No. 781838
>>781583>>781507>>781022I am pretty mad at people that have made this much more stressful for us all to figure out what's right. Not just antivaxxers spouting BS either, but also the medical establishment for having a track record of not being trustworthy especially when it comes to women's health. It would be so much easier just to be able to defer to medical experts if they weren't so shit.
None of us asked for this but now everyone has to become a statistician to figure out which option has the least probability of permanent organ damage. It's bullshit.
I got the Astra Zeneca jab a week before they stopped recommending it for under 50s. I already have autoimmune disease so I guess they can't get me there. If I start getting a bad headache I'll post my deathbed warning about vaccine here before I stroke out.
No. 782630
>>782373That's not really true. The costs are offset by a lot of savings in other areas. Besides that, there's a lot more money to be made by making poor people unpoor than there are savings to be had making them unalive.
A more robust tinfoil would be to say that governments are aware that the doomsday predictions about climate change and ecosystem collapse are way more real and imminent than they want anyone to know, and instead of destabilising existing centres of wealth by restructuring and deploying currently viable technology to support up to 10 billion people sustainably, they'd rather take the hit of knocking a lot of people off just to put off the inevitable downfall a little longer.
Especially if it gives the rich time to get their shit ready to fuck off to Mars, taking all our best minds and resources with them. That's my tinfoil, fuckers, come at me.
No. 782635
>>782366Most of the theories about why 'the government' may want the population stymied, stems from the idea that population growth is more damaging than anything else to the Earth's future. Bill Gates himself has expressed that there is a correlation between populations limiting their growth and vaccines - of course, in that case it isn't sterilization vaccines (that we know of…) but it is justified as in the 3rd world when people live longer, they have less children. beats the shit out of me if its true but that's what Bill Gates said.
Anyway, it is less about collecting taxes and more about a more broad plot that has less to do with money and more to do with maintaining a balance on Earth in terms of humans. To me though that doesn't seem realistic only given that the vaccine is rolling out with the most abundance here in the USA - and the population that needs their growth "thwarted" is like, India, Africa…et cetera.
No. 782676
>>782225Sounds like a cope. When someone who respects your autonomy and intelligence wants to convince you of something, they argue for it and give reasons that you either find sufficiently convincing or not. If you don't, the problem is not your judgment but the reasons that have not done their job, either because they are insufficient, farfetched, wrong etc. or because they have not been articulated clearly enough. Trying to persuade people by applying pressure - even if it is for an objectively good cause - is base, shady, and sets a bad precedent for the future where the same strategy might be used for an objectively bad cause. So, in the case of coof vaccines, if you have the priviledge of not being medically dependent on it, you shouldn't give in to pressure imo, if only to prevent a precedent.
No. 782679
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Just found out that my sister who's a frontliner got her vaccine shot today. I already tried to convince my family to wait until next year at least, to get their shots to see if there's any new studies about the side effects of the vaccines (see how AstraZeneca vaccine is being suspended from use by several countries due to bad side effects last month!) and I was mostly successful in convincing them to hold off taking it.
But I'm worried for my sister who got the vaccine today due to pressure from the hospital she works at. She actually didn't want to take the vaccine initially because she's currently breastfeeding. But she told me the higher ups made her sign up to take it and said taking the vaccine is safe even if you're breastfeeding.I think it's horrible that hospitals are forcing their employees to take the vaccine when they have reasonable excuse not to take it.
I just hope she won't be affected by the vaccine. I heard a few bad vaccine reaction stories from the people around me. My boss is also thinking of having a vaccine shot day at the office so that all employees can have their vaccine shots be done at the office. Help me anons! I don't want to take the vaccine right now. I just want to take it when I'm sure it's 100% safe. I'm not even anti-vaccine, I've taken a few vaccines in my life such as the flu, polio and tetanus vaccines, but I just don't trust all these new rushed out vaccines.
No. 782682
>>781816you're right that I could have easily confused the two because I wouldn't have been able to state the difference. But I just looked it up and seems like I did get it right nevertheless - R0 for covid according to is 2.4–3.4, so even with the pessimistic end of the range of 3.4 you'd get herd immunity with 70% according to the formula. And 2.4-3.4 seems to be a rather pessimistic range generally as you find various legitimate sources that estimate R0 for covid to be ~1.4
No. 782683
>>782635It doesn't make sense for governments to want to stymie population growth anyway.
For one thing, that's taking care of itself, birth rates are all in decline. For another, it's a problem because any growth-based economy - even ones we label socialist or communist - eventually runs out of ways to keep growing, go into recession, has worsening crises, then collapses, and at every crisis those in power could end up guillotined in the street.
Sure, there's the problem of ecosystem collapse also fucking shit up, but no one currently in power wants to resolve that by finding a balance with anything. That kind of monumental shift is incredibly risky to them maintaining power, enough to consider other riskier shit or even just sit on their hands to wait until the last possible moment to make a move.
Infuriatingly, if we did shift to steady state economies, we could leave birth rates to decline as they are and use technology & land use strategies that already existed in 2010 to support the predicted equilibrium population. Bill Gates types like to draw attention away from that by acting like overpopulation is a bigger problem than the system that makes them fuck off rich.
No. 782925
>>782389Population control, duh. Also, the celebs are just puppets and mouthpieces for the elites. You should probably do some research if you’re new to tinfoil in general or go on your merry way.
They say ignorance is bliss after all.
No. 782959
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Is anyone familiar with the Georgia Guidestones?
How many of these “commandments” are prevalent nowadays? Some of them scream “you will own nothing and you will be happy”.
No. 783279
>>783246samefagging to wonder aloud why the flu shot is accepted as being only recommended for those who are deemed "at risk" in my home country (UK) but why the Covid vaccine is being pushed on everyone, and even suggested that children should get it too even though their risk is basically nil?
I don't understand, if the vaccine slows or even stops transmission AND it eliminates the risk of hospitalization more or less, once everyone at risk has been vaccinated (if they choose) why do the rest of us 'need' the vaccine? Can anyone explain?
No. 783375
>>758982Old post, but my tinfoil about TRA isn't even that it motivated only by greed. Yeah, they can create life-long patients without needing any actual body disorder, but wouldn't it be easier to target the general population through body dysmorphia in general (not that it's not happening). Gender dysphoria, even if we assume it can be
suggested into some people, only affects a tiny percent of the population, because still a lot of people are too mentally sound and averse to extreme bodymods to get into it.
I've tried to think about TRA rethoric as some kind of acclimatization movement leading up to transhumanism, since they are literally saying that you are not your body. Like you can be an anime girl stuck inside an overweight man's body, and the world doesn't have the right to observe you physically. To some degree furries and troons LARPing as anthro and anime girl avatars in VR chat is how some of the nerdy Silicon Valley-types want the future to be in reality, because they feel unconfortable interacting with real people.
No. 783402
>>783246The blood clot risk for the vaccine is lower then the blood clot risk for covid, and birth control for that matter.
That doesn't mean you have to take it nor should be bullied into it, but the evidence so far is that it's v rare and the fact they're taking it seriously is a good sign that governments are being risk averse as to which vaccines they endorse, even if pharma isn't.
>>783279For one thing, some people have medical reasons they can't be vaccinated and they're usually at risk. They rely on herd immunity.
For another, so long as the virus is replicating throughout the rest of the population, it will mutate, and the mutations often are more deadly or infectious, and the vaccines are less effective at protecting against them. Whatever you think is "not at risk" could change with mutations. Nothing can really safely go back to normal with that sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads.
Lastly, groups with high survival rates can and do end up with long lasting fatigue and organ damage. People are worried about autoimmune disease from vaccines but that's a distinct possibility with any virus too
I'm not naive enough to say any government cares about your well-being but I do know they care about your productivity and per capita health care costs.
You have to make decisions for yourself as an individual and what you feel comfortable doing, that's fine, but honestly the race for governments to vaccinate people makes equal sense from their perspective, because the first ones to reach herd immunity will have a huge head start on recovery over everyone else. It'll probably just intensify global economic inequality.
No. 783621
>>783579In November 2019 I had some slight breathing problems. I used to have exercise induced asthma as a child that I grew out of. I probably haven't had any breathing problems for 12 years at that point, but for a few days anytime I exercised I had trouble breathing. I felt fine in every other way, but after I went up a big flight of stairs I'd be wheezing and having a hard time taking a breath.
I have no idea what is was or what happened, but it was strange and I wouldn't be surprised if it was COVID. At the same time though I work and sit next to a bunch of old people, so if I had it I would have passed it on to them. No one that I know of around me got sick during that time (or maybe they did and I just didn't notice).
No. 783645
File: 1618429908175.jpeg (349.71 KB, 828x949, 4DE8BD38-2299-4580-822F-7DF178…)

>>782959Supposedly it was commissioned by a either KKK member or some other flavor of white nationalism.
People only really focus on the population control thing which I find interesting. I don’t get why continuous uncontrolled reproduction is encouraged, but that’s just my opinion. No. 783682
>>783621That was an interesting part about mine, as well—no one else around me got sick in the same way I had. But I also felt fine in every other way. Only breathing was weird and I finally caved and went to the doctor because everyone around kept telling me I should go lol
One Z-pac later and I was good to go. That’s the only part that makes me think it’s not covid-covid but covid-adjacent, maybe? Because surely a simple z-pac wasn’t a cure this whole time…
No. 783793
>>783579Yes, and it was horrifying. I traveled across the country to the national meeting of a student organization I'm a part of in December 2019. Won't disclose exactly where, but the area where the event took place is a massive metroplex and the airport that serves that region has to accept hundreds of thousands of travelers each day, if not millions.
The day after I got back home, I experienced an extremely dry cough, stomach pains, and migraine after migraine. It felt like my lungs were filled to the brim with fluid. I was given antibiotics for bronchitis as well, but in my opinion they didn't really work. It took four weeks of sitting around in bed for me to feel normal again, pretty much my entire winter break. I was a healthy, athletic 19-year-old at the time and I hadn't been sick for nearly 3 years, not even with a cold. It was insane.
No. 784621
>>784616Most cows wouldn’t do that, they either
a) aren’t a complete deviant and do have a shred of morality not to seek out cp for any reason
B) are too stupid to download all of the tor and software bullshit etc, and would be caught very quickly by watchdogs
So who would do it; onision? definitely. Marilyn Manson? No, it was posted before Manson was ever discussed. Jared? Idk much about him but he looks fucking weird. Null? The kiwi farms bloke?
My opinion is that it’s some nobody from 4chan. A lot of CP used to get spammed around there. It doesn’t happen so much anymore because they got more Jannies and cracked down on it. This person is a regular pedo, probably is a member of multiple pedo chats and discord’s where he can collect a large collection of abuse material and distribute his own to other pedos.
Whenever CP is posted here, there is always a link attached to it, saying that more can be accessed through there. One cp image that regularly gets posted has a caption “mothers daughters fathers brothers” and then a link. I obviously never clicked on the link. I would just like to hear others thoughts on the matter.
I would like the poster to be locked up and banned from unregulated internet access.
No. 784624
>>783579My mom!!!!!
My mom has asthma since she was a child (although she's a heavy smoker and one thing never affected the other for some reason?) and since we don't have a car, she went do some shopping on a taxi. The guy coughed all over her. Later that same day/the next day, she had diarrhea, vomit, she shat everywhere, she couldn't breathe, she was coughing like crazy. My uncle who was a doctor (rest in peace, he died of "covid" recently) told her to get some antibiotics and that she had a stomach infection. She got better. But it was awfully similar to covid…
I hope this makes sense, like, idk if I explained this well (not a native english speaker)
No. 784630
>>783579You realize coronavirus is just a normal respiratory "flu-like" virus…? This mutation is causing trouble but it's not like coronaviruses didn't exist before, it's not an uncommon virus.
Those are common symptoms of virosis. It could've been any of hundreds of viruses causing respiratory problems.
You aren't prone to it? Well, shit happens and you just caught it somewhere.
And if it went away after antibiotics, it definitely WASN'T a coronavirus because antibiotics are for bacteria. It might have been pneumonia which has the symptoms you described.
No. 784633
>>784629Eh, doubt. Seems a bit infowars-y that blog.
mRNA has been studied and tested for 30 years now. It does really specific things in your cells which is why it's favoured, because it's so specific. There's no reason for it to do something as unrelated to its function as off tumour suppression genes.
mRNA vaccines simply build a covid-characteristic protein using nucleotides in your cells that the body recognises as foreign and destroys, and then remembers it for future. It's not writing into your DNA nor RNA and it's not turning genes on or off.>>784630Yeah and it's not like the flu has ever been a major problem that killed loads of people when left uncontrolled, right?
No. 784635
>>784633Eh, sorry
>>784630, that wasn't really the point of your post. Ignore me.
No. 785151
>>784613I think that there's one attempting to advertise for revenue, specifically the one that posts links, and any of the others are below 4chan teir angry pedos posting just to upset people
obviously any of them are going to use at least one good vpn, so the mods can't block them permanently
No. 792788
>>785771obviously, yes
the internet cp industry can't be taken down
No. 795989
>>790187Well the adrenochrome conspiracy theory says that children are being sacrificed by the Hollywood elite in satanic rituals to extract adrenochrome and seems to mimic antisemitic blood libel stories, while this article is about scientists identifying proteins in blood that can prevent alzheimers and other age-related illness, which could then be manufactured as treatments or supplements.
There's kinda some big differences.
No. 796257
File: 1619898941256.jpeg (96.2 KB, 702x738, 53C82CCE-A044-4F6D-83E4-3CB673…)

Shit theory: When zoomers consumed tide-pods, it triggered a rabid lust for mindless activism.
No. 796294
I found an interesting article on a Chinese Illuminati family. Supposedly, they are business tycoons and government officials who run mainland China (just like in the US and Europe), Hong Kong and Singapore; not sure about Macau or Taiwan.
They aided Mao Zedong in turning China into a communist state and are behind the triad in Asia. It’s possible that two of the Vice Presidents helping Winnie the Pooh run the country are part of the same bloodline. I wonder how the clan benefits from the current Cold War between China and the US. No. 796302
I also recommend people interested in pedogate to watch MouthyBuddha's videos on bitchute, he got deleted from YT but he provides top quality material No. 796368
>>796302Mouthybuddha? The guy who "steel-manned" literal German 1930s nazism? "top quality"
This is definitely scrote posting and maybe even self promotion. There's no doubt that there's loads of pedos protected in high places but if you have distract from the real cases to talk about something so thoroughly debunked, you are pretty sus like
>>796357 says.
No. 796373
>>796357You sound like a glownigger
>>796368I haven't seen any of his previous works, I've only seen his videos on pedogate. If you think pizzagate is a meme you simply haven't researched the topic deep enough. Detroux connections are also real and I've read books and many sources on him, not only in english language. What are the "real" cases? Only the ones that mainstream media tell you about, like Epstein? Fucking kek.
No. 799920

I looked up "that ain't dababy that's my baby" to see if there were meme videos using that line, but I found this instead and made a weird connection. The only other unmedicated conspiracyfags I know are males, but I don't feel comfortable talking about these kinds of topics to scrotes, so I'll just say it in this thread instead.
>Schizo momentIn the movie Cuties, one of the creepiest parts of the dance the girls did was a move called The Cry Baby, where the dancer pounds the ground with their fist while moving their hips. It actually fits the film in a thematic sense because the dance looks like a sex position, but is likened (through name) to a child throwing a tantrum. So, someone (or multiple someones) had to have seen a hypersexualized dance and thought of a child. It's disturbing, but no one really cares or questions it (much like other media and pop culture aspects poisoning everyone's minds as kids).
Meghan Thee Stallion's song "Cry Baby" literally references the dance in its lyrics ("Lay down on the bed, do the crybaby") and has sexualized themes overall. The entire video has a sort of ageplay motif, sort of like Melanie Martinez. Kids on TikTok and YT dance to it and mirror the sexual theme of the song, essentially demonstrating the point of the movie Cuties. Still, I don't really believe Cuties did a good thing, because it didn't change anything. I think all this shit is just low-level predictive programming.
>>796357>powerful people can't be pedophiles guys. if you don't put your full trust into a bunch of old narcissistic men, many of which have already been exposed as pedos and rapists, YOU are actually the pedophile!Lol shut your dumb ass up
No. 801600
File: 1620443664139.png (195.6 KB, 730x678, t.png)

You can thank them for ruining the outdoors
No. 805420
>>805364I was wondering if it was an acid attack or meth lab explosion. They didn't treat the back of her head like exposed skull when she was treated by first responders. Seems more like shaved or melted off hair.
I don't see why an escaped kidnap
victim would want to avoid hospital even if in a state of distress.
No. 805456
>>783579yes it lasted 3 weeks (i always count how long colds and the like last on my calendar) and for a couple days during the worst of it i was having trouble breathing like there was fluid in my lungs
i went to bed one night thinking ahhhh i should probably go to the hospital even if it turns out i'm paranoid
i woke up the next day like, 'well, im still here'
so no harm i guess
it started on january 18th 2020 though. so like Super early. but i flew through a major airport around that time and i think i found a news article saying someone in the next state over was confirmed to have it on january 20th.
No. 805464
>screaming for help>healthy weight>outfitI don't think this was just a druggie on a bender
Fear of police and hospitals are both extremely common, I don't think either is a factor here
No. 805744
File: 1620914229129.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.01 KB, 329x688, Screenshot_20210513-233137_Chr…)

>>805441Sorry for obsessiveness but I found this still which I think looks like she's got a doll's head with that plastic red hair. At least that what it seems like. It also sounds like she says "don't take my baby" when they're putting her on a stretcher and trying to pry it from her.
Also… Does it look like she's missing an ear in this picture? Like her ear is just the dark bit where the canal is but no cartilage? Hard to tell.
No. 805800
>>805364My personal theory is that she'd been working in a nearby meth lab and something caused an explosion, injuring her and possibly killing her child (if that's what we're seeing there.) I don't know if the whole "holding her child's head" thing is actually the case or if she's holding something else. Some people thought it looked like she had a pregnancy bump and suggested that however she was injured, it injured her stomach area and that she's basically holding the fetus. Or like
>>805744 said, perhaps she's just holding a doll and there are psychological issues at hand here.
>There doesn't seem to be a lot of media coverage about this and I'm hoping more info will come out about what happened after she was taken to the hospitalThe media probably doesn't want to cover it out of fear of coming across as disrespectful, especially if the woman is struggling with drug use, psychological issues, and/or had escaped some sort of
abusive situation. In the US, most local drug-related incidents don't receive widespread media coverage, and on the odd occasion that they do the media usually doesn't name any names (It's just some generic headline like "Meth Lab in (Town) Busted by Police on Tuesday".)
>>805420>>805744Yeah, singed/burned hair and and "melted" facial features like ears would line up with injuries sometimes sustained from meth lab explosions.
No. 805896
>>805744>>805441The person who filmed it says she was holding a fanny pack, and I agree that if she was holding a part of a human the police would have jumped her.
Her ear might have a big canal hole but imo anyone seeing anything wrong with it is just over analysing a low quality video
No. 805933
>>805800I agree that this seems like a psyop. Seems like it's meant to play us/terfs, though, to keep us rage-stalking
>>805402Are you the same "nahh that's easy to explain/it's probably just.."-glowie that always tries to gaslight anons itt out of good tinfoilery?
No. 805980
>>805935Yeah, to me that video wasn't that creepy
and I even watched it at night lmao. The only injury I can see is her limp, and the white stuff on her face just looks like some kind of facepaint since the vid is taken from so far away. She must have some kind of injury though, since they called paramedics (unless they just called them since she seemed like she was on drugs).
No. 806040
>>805980the dispatch call
>>805413 said there was blood on her face and leg
No. 806359
>>805933I think you replied to the wrong posts.
>>805980You don't think it's weird to be wearing face paint? Or to be limping down the road screaming?
>>806070If you look back at the spoilered image, her jeans look dirty.
There used to be a homeless woman in my area that had impeccable makeup on everyday, while talking to herself and rolling fifty suitcases around as a mobile hoard. Sometimes people offer stuff like hairdressing and makeup for free to the homeless to be nice and it winds up creating this weird kind of scene.
No. 806369
File: 1620973501929.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 1936x1936, Photo_2021-05-14_04-21-50_PM.p…)

>>805935So this is just a normal thing in Seattle?
Are you guys OK?
No. 806860
File: 1621030056328.jpg (328.44 KB, 680x1000, barakamon_1564.jpg)

My tinfoil is that a lot of the slice of life anime about "cute children" like pic related are being founded by the japanese goverment to meme japanese women into having babies
No. 806926
>>806860That's not a secret, there are definitely anime series created for that purpose.
I don't think Barakamon is one though, the mangaka is a woman.
No. 812763
>>812686In my country, Mexico, this isn't anything new. Around 10 women die each day. There's so much abusers, killers, kidnappers/human traffickers, and rapists targeting women right now. It's everywhere, all the time, there's no "safer city", but we often pretend so. I don't really like talking about it because it reminds me of the dangers of society, but it is fucking scary to be alone at dark. Recently, a serial killer who butchered and ate women was found. That's just one dude. Don't even get me started on all the women being tortured and killed by the narco.
I try not to be scared but I also know the realities of what is happening.
No. 813015
>>812686ive been wearing this tinfoil since an incel murdered a girl here, with his motives and ties to obscure imageboards who egged him on made clear and the media didnt say anything about it and instead blamed it on other factors.
i only saw one feminist group discussing it and fell down a rabbit hole of just how many times this has happened and the police refuse to take it seriously. its sickening, they just dont care or have been told by some higher up to ignore it, maybe to avoid tipping them over the edge?
i just cant see what other downside to hiding this there is
No. 815283
i was writing a reply to the "dead internet theory" thread, but it got locked while i was typing my fucking dissertation into the thread KEK so i'm just dropping it here. it's related to the dead internet theory, and how bots can essentially thwart any meaningful discussion (specifically on 4chan in this instance, but there's no reason it couldn't be applied to social media sites)
there was a very weird AI on 4chan that used to run rampant. the first time i learned about it was on /vg/. someone had created this bot to basically…make somewhat "legit" looking posts into ANY thread created for guild wars 2 on /vg/, effectively killing the /gw2g/ threads for a few years. people would occasionally use this bot to their advantage if they wanted to bomb another thread on /vg/ by typing "gw2" in the OP, making the bot target the thread until it reached the post limit. the strange thing about it was that the posts weren't complete nonsense, they were coherent, and had links to other posts that sometimes existed in the thread, and sometimes not. MANY of the posts were also completely original and were unable to be sourced to any other thread or chan. it was very, very bizarre. a lot of the posts would also post images that were completely unrelated to the content of their post. people still mention it constantly on /vg/ because of how weird it was. you can still find several mentions of it in the archive here: there was no way for 4chan to deal with this on their end. my friend was a /vg/ janny? or mod? can't remember, but basically he told me that there was no way for them to stop the spam because the bot/script this person wrote changed IPs so efficiently and avoided repeating IPs with every post, in EVERY single /gw2g/ thread, so it just went on and on for years, until the person got bored i guess? when he just randomly decided to stop. and now we have a /gw2g/ again.
apparently, there was a sighting of a very, very similar bot that got unleashed on /tg/ on 4chan, iirc. it was talked about on /x/. here's one mention of it: a thread about it: don't know if these instances are actual shills, bored neets wanted to stir the pot for no reason, or actual bots. whatever it is, it's creepy to me and also interesting to see/connect the dots between them all. kek sorry for the essay, the topic is definitely schizo tier but it interests me nonetheless
No. 815298
>>815283Hah I also just wrote a long ass reply to the dead internet theory thread only to find out I couldn't post because it was locked. Wasn't smart enough to save the contents though.
Anyway that's really interesting. At the very least it proves that it's a thing that happens. Although if botposts like that are so obviously off that people will instantly notice there's something weird going on that means the existence of bots that blend in so well they fly under the radar seems unlikely.
No. 815301
>>815298the reasoning for the posts seeming so human was because they used very similar language to your average 4chan user. the posts just had no correlation to one another, that's why it was so blatant. this is referring to the bot on /vg/ btw.
the weird posts on places like /pol/ where it's supposedly filled with shills are posted on various threads repeatedly, always with different image hashes. it's strange because if it's the same person posting from the same location, the hash stays the why are so many supposedly different people posting word for word the same bait type racist/sexist/weird shit? it's just bizarre, but could also probably be easily set up by some sperg who wants to derail and/or attempt to """"redpill"""" his fellow 4chan autists.
i'm glad i posted here though, i never have the chance to tell people about the weird /gw2g/ bot. i've been trying to find an archived thread where it went rampant but the /vg/ archives got reset somewhat recently.
No. 815302
File: 1621938596424.png (51.33 KB, 600x525, well.png)

>>812686this is the same anon
So basically, now our
abusive boyfriends, alcoholics, and violent incels have been given a free pass to just kill us. Texas anons good luck
No. 815334
File: 1621941971243.png (757.51 KB, 1076x1236, 87hu.png)

Here from the Dead Internet theory thread:
I wanted to post in it, but it got locked.>I've seen news about this or that "new and unusual" or "shocking" event year after year after year. But it's the same goddamn event, usually moons or asteroids.This is definitely true, pic related.
>>780133 is pretty related too.
No. 815548
>>815301Too bad about the archives, I would've liked to see the /gw2g/ bot at work.
As far as the weird /pol/ shills go I'm leaning towards those being bots as well, but the different image hashes could be explained by using VPNs too right?
No. 815561
>>815334Reading the link and it's an interesting theory but god I can't stand this melodramatic moid.
>I feel like we're all in this together, this dangerous game we did not choose to play and which I think is kicking into high gear.Go outside.
No. 815586
>>815301>>815283This is really interesting, I'd never heard about those bots
Some concepts of the dead internet theory are worryingly close to the NPC meme, which emboldens angry radicalised loners to say or do anything to people that fit a stereotype because they're not "real people". They can disregard any dissenting opinions online by assuring themselves its' just NPCs parroting the AI agenda.
Obviously spam shills and auto-generated content for ad revenue traps exist but people find ways to twist the things to fit their agenda
like I'm doing right now! No. 816151
File: 1622001741878.png (256.07 KB, 464x553, 1621963901139.png)

1. Whenever an anon says something retarded or some bait and then no one replies for a good 30 minutes or ignores them, I believe that same anon comes back and replies to themselves to make the site look like we can't deal with bait properly. Could be a 4chan scrote or a kiwifag saying
it's super obvious
2. Moids sperging/nitpicking cows again to make the site look bad. That or it's gay faggots or trannies that hate women to the point where they come and nitpick every small thing short of being female.
It is very easy to tell when a male posts on this site. It's also easy to tell when someone is underage or when someone is a tranny. Most of the time anons will tell you you're tinfoiling or that "omg just because I have an opinion you call me a scrote" but I have extreme suspicions about a lot of users that have the same kurt, brute way of talking and they always use forced 4chan memes. Trannies are a bit more complicated but ~like totally girlie sis!!~
Also it's been proven that fags from 4chan come here specifically to start shit/infight/bait. But anons fall for it anyway. I think we SHOULD be looking sideways at anons that haven't gotten the general idea of this website. No female here is going to taunt someone for being a TERF or say it in a nasty way. Trannies will though. No female here is going to say "omg I want to fucking Mariah she's got those mommy milkers, and I'm not even a scrote" right…. sure
I just wish we could do better about dealing with bait, honestly. I'm not perfect and have fallen for bait but not really blatant /pol/ bait or tranny bait before.
No. 816160
So, is it still tinfoil to think that the most powerful wealthy people are involved in some kinda pedo ring or cult? After all, everyone used to think "government spies on us" was a conspiracy theory for nuts, but now we all know it's true. After everything happened with Epstein, hell even before then, we have enough reasons to at least not be considered crazy for thinking there's lots of pedos with power.
I'm genuinely starting to believe that they want to take over the world as well, because all events are lining up in that direction, but that's another topic.
Also, I recently learned about Skull and Bones. I know trust fund college guys are edgy and Yale is Yale, but the secrecy is so unnerving when plenty alumni are super wealthy and powerful. It feels wrong somehow that they can also be part of something so sinister seeming. I know all politicians do this but these guys openly admit to the public "I'm keeping secrets from you."
wiki article with a quick summary:'m willing to bet at least one of the many conspiracy theories about it are true. I need to learn more about secret societies, but something about them reminds me of mystery cults, there's a definitive secretive religious aspect. It's creepy because how do you know what weird rites they get into
No. 816209
File: 1622012014132.jpeg (179.94 KB, 750x1021, 18823E9C-5682-4FF5-8432-18986B…)

Why are people suddenly going insane on flights? Anyone else think this is fishy?
> In a typical year, the transportation agency sees 100 to 150 formal cases of bad passenger behavior. But since the start of this year, the agency said, the number of reported cases has jumped to 1,300, an even more remarkable number since the number of passengers remains below pre-pandemic levels.
No. 816257
>>816160>>816160>So, is it still tinfoil to think that the most powerful wealthy people are involved in some kinda pedo ring or cult?>I'm genuinely starting to believe that they want to take over the world as wellI mean, the world and most societies already are run by powerful wealthy people (who are powerful specifically because of their wealth.) That's not really a conspiracy theory. Societies and the everyday life of people in them are determined almost entirely by economic conditions, and if the present economic conditions prioritize currency and monetary gain in a hierarchal manner, those with the most wealth will have the most power and the most say in important large-scale matters. With the current dominant global economic system (capitalism) that's the intended function, not some kind of sinister hidden secret. These people don't necessarily "control the world" - they're still people, some of them pretty ordinary and uninteresting outside of the fact that they're wealthy - but because of the economic conditions laid out centuries ago that they (like all of us) were born into, they mostly indirectly but sometimes directly control the lives of the global population through their wealth.
Because they're part of the tiny less-than-1% of the population that greatly benefits from the current economic conditions (unlike the other 99%, who is actively disadvantaged by it and will be every day until they die) they don't want to change the current economic conditions. Why change the rules when they're unevenly skewed in your favor? Why improve global economic conditions while advancing human progress when you can be born to rich parents, inherit their wealth, use it to employ people to work for you, become even more wealthy off of something they created (while contributing to the destruction of the planet that could eventually permanently end its ability to sustain life), and then die before you can feel an ounce of guilt about what you've done?
As you can imagine, these kinds of people don't exactly have a moral compass. The ones who did have a moral compass probably aren't powerful and wealthy anymore, because they lost their status and their appreciation from their powerful wealthy peers. Part of why there seems to be a correlation between people of that status and an inclination towards extremely controversial harmful behavior is because when you're part of that less-than-1%, at the top of society and in charge of global affairs, beholden to almost no one, you think that there's nobody above you and therefore nobody can stop you. You can get away with anything. Until, of course, you get caught. Lots of these powerful wealthy people have their moment where they get caught - sometimes it's organized crime, fraud, tax evasion, assault, murder, public indecency, falsifying corporate records, exploiting employees, lying about harming consumers, lying about harming the environment, and sometimes, lo and behold, it's pedophilia. The concern and disgust towards the harmful actions of those who are effectively in charge of nearly every aspect of life is completely reasonable, but where it stops being reasonable is when people tie the harmful actions of the powerful and wealthy to their status (as a person with power and wealth) only when they partake in child sexual abuse, instead of tying the person's status to all of their actions and all of the choices they make. That's one of the reasons why you're much more likely to hear of "rich pedophile cults" than something like "rich fraud cults" or "rich tax evasion cults", even though the latter two are much more likely to exist. Some political groups would laugh if you suggested that a "fraud cult" or "tax evasion cult" wasn't precisely what a corporation is.
Is shit like Pizzagate and QAnon based in reality? No. Many of the central figures behind those movements were quite open about the fact that it was one big political smear campaign towards political groups they personally disliked, and had nothing to do with "saving the children". But are some wealthy, powerful, money-hungry, morally-bankrupt people going to end up outed as pedophiles who used their status to abuse children? Yeah. But are some perfectly average, uninteresting, run-of-the-mill, minimum-wage-worker, otherwise "normal" types of people also going to be pedophiles, and abuse children regardless of the fact that they don't have status? Unfortunately, yeah. When people like Epstein and Maxwell abuse children, they're not doing it because it's part of them and their friends' secret pedophile-world-domination plan, or because they're Judeo-Satanists who need to drink harvested infant blood, or because they're trying to brainwash the world with a Obama-Clinton-Biden New World Order doctrine (pro tip: not everything in the world is centered around the US or American politicians), but they're doing it because they're people morally corrupted by their wealth and the power it's given them, and it's specifically because of their wealth and their power that you hear about them in the news when their actions are exposed, but you don't hear about it in the news when that weird bus driver who lives down the street from you is also found to be a pedophile. They get away with (or don't get away with) this because when you're part of the top 1%, who else is there to stop you? And when you are stopped, like everything else a powerful wealthy person does in a society that prioritizes wealth, the media is going to make it a big ass deal.
Basically, the world and most societies are effectively run by a small group of powerful wealthy people, and this is an important thing for the general population to be aware of and discuss. That's the current state of affairs, and it seems clear to anyone who pays attention that the current state of affairs is dire. That being said, the same propaganda machine that tells you to mindlessly consume products, uncritically absorb media, passionately engage with elections if even Red Guy and Blue Guy are exactly the same, obey your boss, and "just practice self-care and visit your therapist" all in the name of preserving the status quo, benefits from this topic of powerful-wealthy-people-who-control-the-world-through-economic-means being distorted by cultural hysteria and moral panic about pedophilia to propagate certain political narratives (usually American.)
Think back to how it radicalized and nearly militarized Trump's supporters into electing him back in 2016. You might care about children's welfare, but the propaganda machine couldn't give less of a fuck, and nobody you elect does (even if they themselves wouldn't ever abuse a child or condone pedophilia.) The propaganda is made by people who have no moral qualms employing children in their sweatshops. The media (who earns profit from running scandalous stories about child sexual abuse, mind you) reports on a powerful wealthy person being outed as a pedophile but doesn't report on a random grocery store employee being one, for the same reasons the media discusses what a celebrity had for breakfast but doesn't discuss what your neighbor had for breakfast. A small group of wealthy people absolutely do have a highly undue amount of power over the world, but the relation of this to pedophilia, if there is any, is purposely overstated to direct attention away from the what we should really have an issue with these people with.
No. 816472
>>816160You should look into the 13 bloodline as well, they are said to be responsible for how the world is today.
>>816257>pizzagate isn’t real, it’s all propaganda It was discussed in a previous thread that it kind of was. Comet Pingpong, Voodoo Donuts and a few other shady hipster joints across the country are child trafficking hubs for the elite. James Alefantis is connected to NXIVM whom are revealed to have ties to human trafficking and supposedly is related to the Rothschild family but hey, Alex Jones seems to agree with you (vidrel).
>qanonI’ll give you that one, it was a Trump psyop
In spite of how powerful and influential the elites are, they are also very degenerate.
No. 816482
>>816151god i hate posts like this
>if you don't talk the same way i do or you talk in a particular syntax that's more "brutish" than what i consider womanly you're a man!!!!!your entire post is contradictory to itself
No. 817178
>>816257I sort of want to appreciate the effort but the analysis sucks.
The 1% are into sinister and occult shit for various reasons. Pragmatically, it creates group cohesion, loyalty, blackmail material, etc. Morally/spiritually, it serves as justification for their status. Occult practices reassure them that they are different than the 99%, thus legitimately endowed with this power and status
No. 817357
>>817178Nta but I agree, the symbolism they use in various products, entertainment and even ngos also demonstrate their power over the masses yet wanting said power to remain hidden.
This is literally tinfoil 101 yet I don’t understand why other anons cannot grasp this.
No. 817847
>>817357>demonstrate their power over the masses yet wanting said power to remain hiddenI've asked this before in discussions about it on /x/, but no one ever gave a satisfactory answer. Why would the elite want to "show off" their power when that'd be the thing that endangers it? I just find it difficult to understand why they'd run the risk of losing it all and facing dire consequences when they could just, you know, be quiet about it and enjoy it, rather than drawing attention to themselves. That's what most elites attempt to do, whether it succeeds or fails. Wouldn't they especially want to avoid drawing attention to themselves when the political landscape was like it was in 2016, where elites were central figures of theories being widely discussed even by mass media and by people who had platforms that were viewed by millions across the world, to the point where members of the US government openly believed it and shootings were committed because of it? If that level of public discourse wouldn't have been a threat to their "secret plan", I don't know what would.
It's not like it's a secret that these people are wealthy and powerful, either, even if they make their best efforts to hide it. An average person who pays attention to political and economic matters and watches where the money goes will quickly find out who the most powerful people are and who is really in control. In that sense, their power isn't "hidden", it's just that mass media and consumer entertainment (funded largely by them) play a part in trying to distract the general population from these issues. Most people know that aside from being themselves wealthy, Epstein and Maxwell had connections to many influential wealthy people, but if these people's power was "hidden" how would people have found that out and noticed their connections? There's a 99% chance it was found out through publicly-available information.
If a ruling body, a government or a privately-owned tech company wanted to censor information or make it unavailable, they absolutely can and would, and have done so in the past. (They likely still censor information regarding certain topics.) So, if it were somehow revealed that these theories were truth, and them being proven would be a genuine threat to the status quo and the elite's power, why wouldn't these ruling bodies/governments/tech companies censor it? Why would you be able to buy a mug that says "Epstein didn't kill himself" on Amazon, a website owned by the wealthiest person in the world? Publicly-available 2007 FBI documents detailed the symbols most commonly used by pedophiles and pedophile advocacy groups either to represent their groups or to quietly signal each other, and you can find these documents from a quick search on Google, the most censored search engine. If someone wanted to run an establishment and use it as a domain for child sex abuse or human trafficking, why would they use symbols that much of the population is already aware of because of those documents? It doesn't make sense. In a society where information and the platforms that provide it are largely funded and controlled by the elite, those who hold the power, why would they allow hundreds of millions of people to see something that would threaten their power? Why would they donate to journalists and websites that propagate these narratives?
I want to clarify if I haven't already that the elite are unequivocally shady, that they should not be trusted and are responsible for a majority of modern ills that plague life. You'd struggle to find someone who disagrees, regardless of personal or political views. My concern lies in the way these theories disguise themselves as legitimate criticism of the elite and their power when they're actually a distraction - the elite, their wealth, their power, and how the system is skewed to let them obtain it is reason enough to be critical of them, with the harmful actions of some members of the elite aside. (If it were somehow magically proven that none of the elite were pedophiles or had participated in the abuse of children, you'd still be critical of them and their power, wouldn't you?) Past skepticism towards and criticism of the small group of powerful wealthy people who control nearly all political and economic matters was a threat not only to their control, but to the status quo they actively create, and so the criticism had to be diverted from "these people shouldn't be this wealthy, and we shouldn't live in a system where your wealth determines your power and allows you to control the lives of the global population", a legitimate criticism asking for systemic change, to "these people are bad because there are theories that they're all in a pedophile cult", a possible-but-unfounded criticism that operates only on a moral basis and doesn't require political or economic change.
An additional advantage to the diversion was that the latter, because it operates on a moral basis but no political or economic one, could be weaponized to trick people who otherwise would've been distrustful off all powerful wealthy people into having faith in the "democratic" electoral system, and therefore having faith in at least some aspect of their government (that the elite largely control.) In the US, it convinced an entire portion of the population who otherwise would've (completely rationally) opposed the power and control of the elite in all respects to falsely believe they could vote for the "the good" elites (the Republican Party) who'd then somehow in return remove the "the bad" elites (the Democratic Party) who were abusing children in Satanic rituals, as if the US government has ever had morals or cared about human rights abuses. I believe this has been the intended function of theories like Pizzagate and QAnon since their inception.
>distract population from real political and economic issues caused by elites>weaponize population's distrust of elites for invented moral issues>divide population that would've otherwise been unified and organized on their distrust for elites>have already-undemocratic election with two otherwise identical (elite) candidates>turn election into moral issue of "red good, blue bad" or "blue good, red bad">subversively restore population's faith in false idea that elections are democratic or can bring substantial change>energy that would've been devoted to asking for fundamental political and economic change is wasted on theories>regardless of election result, nothing fundamentally changes>elites still in power while population still divided>profit No. 818856
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I have a retarded theory that the militant anti gc anon in meta is rose of dawn because they've been confirmed to post here
No. 819219
>>817847There are a couple reasons given for why they would enjoy lording their power over us, hidden in plain sight. The one I'd really just default to is watching all of us squirm around and talk about how preposterous it all is. When you are that wealthy and powerful entertainment is an entirely different animal for you. YOu can also think of it perhaps as "wanting to get caught", something people who crave violent power also seem to desire. Serial killers for example: BTK, Zodiac, others all taunted police because a) they wanted to prove their superiority, and b) perhaps they wanted to be stopped.
Another idea is that they show their machinations in media so that when someone says "Hey, this crazy shit is happening!" it gets dismissed as "Psh, yeah right, just like that movie right rube?" and no one believes them.
Then yet another idea which is to me the least likely, they must do these things out in the open to appease whatever god/being it is that they maintain power from. Just like how human sacrifice in the ancient days often took place in the center of civilizations, with large crowds. Do it in front of everyone for maximum benefit of the gods' blessing. If I believe any of them it is number two by the way.
No. 819231
>>817847It’s a matter of systematic brainwashing and keeping the status quo despite the information being “out there”. Sadly, people are willing doing what they’re told and believe the declassified information are still “conspiracy theories” and government good.
I guess the right term would be “an open secret” in regards to flexing their power yet wanting the extent of it to remain hidden in order to continue with shady business as usual. I am sure you’re aware of the trilateral commission, cfr, the bilderberg group, etc. holding their meetings and discussing whatever topic is at hand, but we don’t know what exactly is that they are discussing.when it comes to the masses.
There is also the issue of gatekeeping said information from us and making sure we are divided so we don’t fight against them. I believe some knowledge is hidden from us based on multiple suicided whistleblowers and journalists whom outed some of their (elites’) plans.
There’s also the fact that cia niggers infiltrate chanboards and social media try their best to “moderate” on certain topics we talk about.
tl;dr: The information on the ‘Illuminati’ is allowed to remain open because tptb know people won’t do shit against them despite our strife and anger towards them, just like they want it. However, there are certain information that should have never been released as confirmed by whistleblowers dying or being imprisoned for it.
>pizzagate and qanon are right-wing propaganda I’ve already discussed pizzagate and the proof of its existence, see:
>>816472 No. 819235
>>819219>Then yet another idea which is to me the least likely, they must do these things out in the open to appease whatever god/being it is that they maintain power from. I wanted to write about their occult practices too but lost my train of thought and didn’t feel like writing a lot kek
I’ve read that they torture and sacrifice children in the name of moloch while using “young blood” to remain alive. Queen Elizabeth ain’t dying anytime soon.
No. 819322
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Do you think the stuff about society shifting more socially conservative from here on out is a thing? I feel like in general even on imagebords and social media there are a lot more open to it and that attitudes are changing because everyone is so tired of woke stuff. But will this really lead to a lot of women leaving the workforce? That's the one thing I find hard to believe since the majority of post secondary students are still women. Do you think this is already changing?
No. 819388
>>816564Fuck can't women have any space to talk about any kind of shit that isn't hair or makeup or babies (not that there is anything wrong with that stuff at all but it's the only time we seem to be allowed our own spaces with the exception of troons) without general perversion from scrotes. I don't want to fucking hear about your disgusting kink for titty sweat.
Go and play in the middle of the high way.
No. 819393
>>806860It's obviously not working in encouraging people to create families.
Also it's not just women that need encouragement to have children, it's men too. Putting all the onus on women like people always seem to stupidly do always misses the point.
A woman can't have a baby without a man and a man has to agree to have sex without some form of protection and agree to be a father to said child that results. In a country where birth rates are falling that's harder than you think.
No. 820315
>>819322Sure 100% people are getting tired of wokeshit and when its boils over people who have abused the situation like muslims or troons will get the brunt of it
,I certainly see situation with isreal getting worse because people are tired of that defense excuse but i don't think it will change anything for women, whatever we have established as our right will be preserved, society wont regress from this
No. 821527
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Fake jeiwsh conspiracy aside, I do believe rap music was manufactured to spread materialism, normalize misogyny and spread degeneracy to the general publicb
No. 822441
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>>821558This is the original Wingdings script for New York City, uncanny indeed…
PS: I just found out about this
No. 825923
>>825874I’d love to but I can’t, my parents paid hundreds of dollars for them so I can’t really tell ‘em to dump it somewhere and get an ‘out of date’ TV. Best I could do is warm my family about it which will probably go over their heads anyway.
This is sum 1984-level shit
No. 826077
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>>825959download all of your media illegally at different libraries on their computers, you don't need a card as long as you don't check anything out
keep your slide-out keyboard phone from 2011 as long as you can, when they finally stop supporting them all together, get one of the flip phones they still have to make because of old people
get a digital antenna adapter for your tube screen tv if you still want local news
obviously delete every trace of yourself from the internet that you possibly can, but anything you've put out there is there forever, never make an account on anything
if you absolutely must have accounts of any sort, like for your hospital's patientport or mychart or whatever else, have one private, dedicated internet-capable device for that, get adblock+ and U block, and good VPN like nord
keep wearing face masks even when the pandemic procautions have all been lifted to keep your face from being seen on camera, cameras are just cropping up more and more
don't have credit/debit/any kind of payment cards, pay for everything in cash that you possibly can
we will never be free
No. 826164
>>825874It was a pain to find a non-smart TV that was cheap but still big when I upgraded mine earlier this year. I was amazed. I do my streaming through either gaming systems or a Roku (still probably spies on me) so I didn’t need a Smart TV to begin with… but it was amazing how my friends were like “??? Just get a Smart TV but don’t use that part!”
And I’m just… I don’t want things tracking me more than necessary.
No. 826672
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Recently I've been hearing about people calling Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons, a time traveler since he "predicts" world events or something. My guess is that he probably is in the know with Hollywood and other important people. He allegedly flew on Epstein's private jet and received a foot massage from Virginia Giuffre.
With that being said, I have no real evidence, but sometimes I wonder about South Park's creators. In a 2011 interview by Maxim, Trey Parker and Matt Stone were asked if there are any topics they are not allowed to make fun of.
Does anyone have any tinfoil speculations about what it could be about? My impression is that it's implied that the interviewer possibly knows what the banned topic is. They haven't made fun of Epstein, from what I can remember but I'm wondering if other anons have any ideas. No. 826997
>>826672It might have been due to the law suit brought against them by a guy accusing them of plagiarism which they might have been legally gagged from discussing. Their legal team would have informed the interviewer of what they couldn't talk about for a case in progress.
Otherwise I'd guess it refers to any of their censored episodes if their network told them to dodge the subject. Could have been Scientology or Islam.
I really doubt it's Weinstein. They've made fun of paedophilia before, and they can't be too worried about defamation if they'd make a whole episode about Kanye being gay.
No. 827223
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>>826334Jewish-Baguette here (a bagel-ette?) and there's quite a lot of influential Arab Jews in my country, especially in the medias (nothing wrong with that imo)
>>826672Epstein was in the last episode (South ParQ Vaccin Special) so I think it has more to do with when Cartoon Network didn't want to broadcast Muhammad during the "Cartoon War" episodes+the censored speech from ep "201" (pardon my autism)
No. 827682
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>>827255Kek. Picrel is us, nonette.
>>827543In France, there're Ashkenazis (from the time of Napoleon's Consistory) and Sefarades (from the Cremieux law) so yeah, it's quite diverse.
No. 827742
>>827543I'm Mizrahi.
>>827682KEK. Exactly my feelings when people tell me Jews run the world.
No. 827865
>>821558>>826334Idc that Ashkenazi Jews are powerful. The only thing I dislike is when
abusive ones refer to themselves and are referred to by others as "white men" when they do something illegal like rape and pedophilia, yet emphasise their Jewish identity when they achieve great things. Has anyone else noticed this? Almost all of the meto were AJ males preying on gentiles. I highly doubt it was deliberate or racially/religiously motivated at all, before anyone screams at me (most women in the industry are gentile white), but that's never stopped the media writing pretty hateful rhetoric about other groups of men and pushing a race/religion narrative which isn't there. (Black, white, arab, south asian and muslim men get this treatment a lot).
No. 827897
>>827865They’re self-hating Jews and larp as white people when it’s convenient. Then again, so is playing the Jew card.
I wonder if the Rothschilds are ashkenazo
No. 828088
>>827865That pisses me off too. The media is shit scared of calling a spade a spade. "Ooh but antisemitism will rise if we-" shut the fuck up, I don't care. People need to know how predatory Ashkenazim men in the entertainment business are. If they didn't want that stereotype they shouldn't have fucking earned it. As with all races/religions it's the men that fucking ruin things though, so antisemitism doesn't impact me as much as the moids. Most of the time it's legitimate criticisms, not antisemitism. Don't tell the ADL that though, they'll call me a self-hating Jew. Those pasty fuckers already think Mizrahim "appropriate" Arab culture despite the fact we're literally Arabs. Rich coming from people who benefit from being white skinned yet refuse to admit it kek. Ok I'm done A-Logging about Ashkenazim now, promise.
>>827901My guess is child trafficking. The amount of kids that go missing per year in burgerland alone is sketchy as hell. Even on my meds I know there's some government fuckery going on there.
No. 828090
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I noticed that 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020 seem to be special years. People often single out 2008, 2012, or 2016 as the last time they felt normal or when they started to feel a substantial change in the world/reality. 2020 was of course also a strange fever dream of a year, everything will undoubtedly change as a result of the virus. It seems like something about reality is shifting every 4 years. I'm curious to see what will happen in 2024. I'm aware that those years are also US presidential election years, but the change feels a lot deeper than just that.
No. 828117
>>8280902012 and 2016 were big years for me. I'm usually not superstitious but even numbered years are always more eventful for me. Stuff just magically happens for me but then I stagnate again in oddly numbered years. And yeah every fourth year is even more eventful again.
Dumb as it may sound, I've thought about that alot lately. It feels like if I try to make shit happen this year I run into endless issues…if I try again next year it could be seamless. Feels like it at least.
No. 828841
Its very obvious to me that there is a certain kind of internet user demographic that is constantly being pandered to to engineer dysfunctional racial relations with political views or mentality that closely reflects the traditional white supremacist born from the unique American racial relations and social atmosphere.
this internet user demographic is present in virtually all parts of the internet including ones that are non Anglo in origin (meaning, from countries that do not have the same racial relations or social atmosphere as the US) and is the complete opposite to the SJW/liberal who supports LGBT rights, woke identity politics, sex work, liberal feminism, anti religious (usually Christian) mindsets, ect.
I noticed for the past years now, maybe up to a decade, that the trending pages of social media and also the social discourse tends to revolve around these two opposites constantly provoked to repeat their same "script" (as these types always use suspiciously the same terms and have the same writing styles, ect as each other). This script may be brought up unprovoked on unrelated subjects but its particularly bad on unmoderated comment sections, Youtube comment sections, and seemed to have peaked in its severity around the mid 2010s. I suspect many of these "people" are robots or paid trolls as when I click on their profile I often find gibberish content and the same content being liked in a uniform, inhumane fashion that seems to go beyond being just someone's throwaway. While I think many are real people who are brainwashed into this "script", I think many are robots and paid trolls. There is some kinda intense trolling and racial terrorism politics being thrown around on the internet like a long term psychological warfare to breed distrust and antisocial relations that makes being on the current internet extremely dangerous for ones mental health and intelligence. Really scares me to see how common place shilling, advertisement, extremism, trolling, ect psyops are so common on highly visible and even "normal" parts of the internet. What is "their" (whoever is behind this) end goal?
No. 828875
>>828841Division is their goal, in all areas of our life The Powers That Be are astroturfing movements to divide us. We had the death of George Floyd drive a huge fucking wedge between black people and non-black people, but particularly between black and white. In the US there's the hate crimes on Asian Americans, including the shocking and disgusting attacks on the elderly which helps to neatly cut Asians off and make them feel isolated. The death of Sarah Everard in the UK was some of the most blatant astroturfing I've seen, oh a woman got raped and killed by a police officer? Never mind that lol, we're gonna pit men and women against each other some more and show constant coverage of it on the news to piss off as many people as possible. Then of course there's the tranny shit dividing the LGBT community. Oh, and now anyone who so much as thinks twice about the COVID vaccine is an anti-vaxxer and we're gonna get plenty of news coverage about that to make you distrust those people too. There's the conflict in Israel getting worse and race relations there becoming shittier than normal and fracturing communities of immigrants even more. That's just the recent events off the top of my head and mainly in the west. I do believe this is a global effort, it's just more obvious in some countries than others. What the end goal of all this is, I have no clue. But The Powers That Be want us divided and fighting each other, that much is crystal clear. United we stand, divided we fall.
No. 828903
>>828875The Sarah Everard case neatly
triggered a push for a bill that would make 'causing a public nuisance' (protesting) illegal
No. 829721
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>>82884185% of them are bots. There are pics and gifs of Chinese bot farms floating around the internet. Nothing surprises me anymore. Real, sane people will not mindlessly engage in liking stupid shit, and generally acting like a sheep. Whoever is doing all this is hoping and PRAYING that some normies get sucked into this thinking. It's like bruteforcing normal people into thinking how you want them to, by using fake accounts. Then they get pier pressured and feel like they should join in, or they're missing out. Social media should be destroyed.
No. 829788
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>>828841This has been known to be happening for a while. Back in my tumblr phase as a teenager I followed an account that would post ~aesthetic~ pictures and occasionally make posts related to BLM and social justice in general. Since I was a naive teen I thought it was all innocent and this was a real person (I only occasionally saw their posts through the dashboard, so didn't get to really see their page). Around 2016 I received an email from Tumblr staff informing me that the account I was following was confirmed to be a fake account, part of a web of ~50 other accounts operated out of Russia, all pretending to be normal people posting social justice material, presumably for the purposes of inciting racial tensions in the West. If Tumblr could only confirm with confidence that 50 of these accounts were operated out of Russia, I can only imagine how many other fake accounts have gone by undetected. Also, a little while later a viral video of a woman allegedly pouring bleach on manspreaders went viral. It was later found to be a fake video produced by a Russian company with ties to the Kremlin with the intent to go viral. So not only were they trying to incite racial tensions, they were also manufacturing content to provoke tensions related to feminism. Who knows how many other "outrageous" viral videos that fueled the SJW and anti-SJW movements in the mid-2010s might have been manufactured content. Not necessarily by Russia but just anyone who wants to provoke tensions between people. I wouldn't surprised if they've also recently decided to use this strategy with alt-right talking points instead of social justice to further flame racial tensions.
No. 829801
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>>829788This has been known for a while now, Russia does not have a chance challenging America militarily, economically, culturally and well outside surface level patriotism for the masses I'm sure every single Russian intelligence worker knows this as a fact that they don't have chance in hell
literally their only hope is some sort of collapse for America or civil strife that they can use as a distraction, hell even the Iranian's are taking part in this cause as said outside surface level patriotism their leaders know they have no chance in hell challenging America, so their only hope is to distract the American public
Honestly I can't blame them, this is their only option if they wanna continue this game, honestly I think a lot of these problems would disappear if America would just become isolationist
No. 829822
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>>829801Side note Iranian online propaganda is pretty interesting, mostly in how they try to present Iran to the American and Western European left and rightwing circles
For normie left wingers they try to present Iran as practicing moderate Islam and how pointing out how they allow Trannies to transition, as well as how many female doctors and graduates they have compared to regressive Arab counties that the US supports
For commie aligned left wingers they present Iran as revolutionary state that stands up to American global capitalism and Hegemony
The right winger shilling is the most interesting, they have very little appeal for normie trump supporters and Republicans, but they have support among the far Right, Alt-Right and Neo-Nazi parties and they capitalize on this support
They present themselves as "based Aryans" that dab on Arabs and Jews, and how the refugee crisis is the fault of Israel and they should potention their governments to stop sanctions against Iran which will the fix the whole thing, a couple years ago Iran invited tons of neo-Nazis as part of a global Holocaust denial summit, David Duke(the ex-KKK leader) has given speeches, written articles and held rallies supporting Iran
No. 829886
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Massive tinfoil sperging incoming:
Zoomers are radicalizing in all directions and can you really blame them? Everyone is supposed to like this shit or only think it needs a few tweaks? Neoliberals haven't invented "woke politics". Margaret Thatcher, Reagan, Milton Friedman, Pinochet, they weren't exactly very "woke". Neolibs hiding behind a veneer of "wokeness" nowadays, doesn't automatically discount the concept of women's liberation, lesbian & gay liberation etc. The center is relative. Being a true centrist (so not just on the left-right scale), i.e. wanting to conserve the status quo, makes you some sort of conservative relatively speaking. The global overton window has moved further culturally right ever since the rise of the alt right circa 2016. This is largely a continuation of the anti SJW and antifeminist thing or if you go even further back, McCarthyism, cold war being used as an excuse etc.
The social welfare state is dead as a form of government and people wax poetically about a situation which doesn't exist anymore. The refugee crisis and the 2007 economic crisis has exposed the fact that you can't have "socialism" and "capitalism" at the same time within a state, so now left wing politicians are moving towards unironic national socialist policies (culturally right, economically left, but baby please crush me with the state, oh baby please crush me to death). The writing was already on the wall since the recession in the 90's, but Muricans have pretended that the socdem northern European "paradise" of 30 years ago still exists, causing everyone to be arrogant about their own "wokeness" in Europe. Meanwhile other states have degraded into more overt neoliberalism. The only "wokeness" you generally see coming from the status quo, is just rainbow capitalism or pink capitalism (which is economically right, culturally left, but only opportunistically so).
This doesn't mean that racism suddenly is "made up" to destroy the perfect paradise you've created, you don't have a paradise, you have a house of cards and you can huff and puff all you want about people not being grateful like you. But it's just not going to happen anymore. Racism has been used as a tool to divide for a lot longer and we never got that post-racist colorblind paradise people pretend existed prior to 2016.
The real fight isn't between left and right, it's between authoritarianism and liberty. Auth left and auth right have no problem cooperating with each other. I've noticed that the personality type of tankies and fascists is not much different. They hate "identity politics" too, auth left is about as homophobic, ableistic, misogynistic as auth right in the end (don't fall for ML statist propaganda). People who stan authoritarian ideologies all imagine themselves as the one wearing the boots in their future preferred government type and don't realize they'll be made to lick the boots very likely.
To the right wing libertarians here who constantly get triggered when anyone talks positively about vaccines: the problem isn't the vaccines or that they are some sort of global plot. The problem is control. In some countries people aren't allowed to be vaccinated or leaders are trying to thwart the effort of doctors, in some you feel like you're being forced; the problem is governmental control, which is just a puppet for the highest bidder. Would you even be suspicious of vaccines in the first place if it was an effort of the people and there would be no government meddling at all? It's natural to be wary of control, but you're misplacing your suspicions. Many have obviously only become aware of the dangers of governmental control just now, but maybe you should look and see where else there's coercion and the manufacturing of consent involved and people aren't actually having a choice. Fascist politicians are using this topic to gain your support, be fucking wary if you're an actual liberty enjoyer.
To the left wing libertarians who continue to do "leftist unity" or still sympathize with socdem: it's tankies all the way down. Socdem politicians can be just as tyrannical as tankies, having sent tanks to protesters too, having collaborated with fascists in the past and having killed other left wing figures like Rosa Luxemburg for being their time period version of too "woke". Anyone with governmental power can turn into a tyrant, including your fave. They will denounce you and then coopt your aesthetics.
The culture wars (including the terf wars) are being used by both sides for quite a while now to justify more governmental micromanaging control over people than ever before. Reformism is fighting symptoms instead of the root cause, that being the centralization of power (the tool for the elite, patriarchy, etc.), which both sides (pretend to) fight over. As long as such concentrations of power exist where you live, any liberty women have gained is at risk of being rolled back to the point of Handmaid's Tale conditions or whatever dystopia you can come up with. Reformism is a massive distraction.
You don't have to thank your (mainly male) overlords for granting liberties which they took from you in the first place. Being allowed to participate in the tiny confusing box they have created for us isn't liberty. Multiple choice isn't liberty, it's the illusion of choice, it should be an open question in the first place. The nationstate has an expiration date and the Israel-Palestine conflict is exposing that especially now. That's why a lot of governments are hesitant about fully denouncing Israel, because they are doing the same thing or created their own nationstate this way and are funding violent settler colonialism and the extreme restriction of liberty still to this day. Nevermind the climate crisis thing (which will lead to more displacement, refugees, more fuel for culture wars), the increased surveillance with the use of AI (can be used by both sides), you have to be living under a rock to think things won't change for better or worse.
No. 829943
>>829932The FDA restricted a lot of usages for HRT the past decade and big pharma instead of producing less of it, has decided to just increase demand in other demographics.
It's all medicalizing the effects of society on people anyway. Women who worry about being abused are called paranoid. Understandably feeling hopeless because of not being able to afford a home, university becoming unaffordable in more and more countries, while at the same time being a requirement to get a decent job, the climate crisis, reactionaries trying to overturn abortion laws = depression. Psychiatry has historically been used as a tool to control women and depoliticize people before they become aware of the oppression they experience, so why would it change?
No. 829948
>>829932I was born in 1990 and there was emo before me. It was just another anti culture group. Apathism goes hand in hand with teenage angst. Emo was a fashion and music subgroup, then scene was a split off of more ravers happy hardcore variety and not being so doom and gloom.
Sjws and trans are social subgroups that mimic anti culture groups but they are different in that they are more egotistical and want to be catered too. Emos and scene kids were happy being on the outside. Trans and Sjws want to be calling the shots and dictating over other groups and they all have a political connotation. It's marketing meets political bullshit. Lobby groups behind it and the bottom line being money. Hilary Clinton's campaign was the start of all the tranny pandering imo and I think that's inevitably lost her the vote. Trannies and Sjws are notoriously obnoxious and they just will not fucking shut up in the face of science or reality and its annoying.
No. 829972
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>>829948>I was born in 1990 and there was emo before meAnon doesn't even know that emo existed and to be fair isn't talking about it lmfao
I assume 'emo before me' means 'before I was able to participate' No. 830010
>>825867If your TV is in any way connected to the internet, then yes, it can spy on you using information collected from your online activity by your internet service provider. Devices connected to the same network can have information shared between them, specifically used for advertising purposes.
>>829771>I personally want the good things about conservative stuffWhat are these supposed good things?
>>829783>I'm literally a socialist but I get called an "enlightened centrist" cause I think neo liberal woketards and Alt rightards well both retardedIt's odd that you'd get called an "enlightened centrist" for that, most socialists and far leftists hate those groups equally.
No. 830679
>>830336No country in this wolrd has a chance in hell of defeating America in conventional warfare, they took down the Taliban Government of Afghanistan with in 3 weeks, they toppled the Ba'tthist Iraq with in less then 2 months
America won these wars, but they lost the 20 year long insurgency in Afghanistan
Real warfare for countries has gotten quicker and deadlier but the capabilities of smaller nations to launch insurgencies that can drag on has also increased
No. 830766
>>830021If you have a public facing job you have to do things as part of the public yourself like wash your hair, use polite language, be hygienic, don't be a plague rat
If you want to live your antivax life get a job where you aren't around people, it's not that complicated
No. 830888
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I was told by a family friend who works in the intelligence field that the military have satellites so powerful they can clearly read the face of a penny coin on the ground from frickin space. He said the official narrative that satellites are powerful enough to identify big objects like cars, but unable to capture details are false. He said we'd be horrified if we knew what tech was available today and what they're capable of. I was pretty freaked kek.
No. 830998
>>830888I always assume technology is way ahead of what's public knowledge. Think of all the bad shit governments do
that we know about, let alone the shit we don't know about. Now think about what those same governments would do with powerful technology, particularly surveillance equipment. Would they tell us the full capabilities? Would they fuck! I hate the word "sheeple" but when people believe that their government is completely honest about its surveillance capabilities then I don't know what else to call them. It's wilful ignorance at that point.
No. 831071
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>>830998yes, and the other way too. I mean, why reveal incredible tech like the invisibility cloak? Is it to intimidate hostile foreign actors? Pretending ones capability and resources are greater than they are is another tactic. But surveillance is more widespread and advanced than we think, that I know.
No. 831076
>>831071maybe they were just
terf potter fans
No. 831181
>>830888This is why I don't care about vpns or trying to protect my online footprint. Easier to just keep out of politics, and make some stuff up to throw their algorithms off.
>He said we'd be horrified if we knew what tech was available today and what they're capable of. They can literally control the weather, American military even says they did in an operation.
No. 831397
>>830021Damn anon. That sucks. My employer is also requiring staffs to register for vaccination. I told them I'll get my vaccination at my hometown and that seems to pacify them. For now. I'm not anti-vaccine or anything, I've taken a few vaccines in my life but somehow I just don't trust these covid vaccines. How did they manage to create a 100% effective vaccine in less than a year? It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm gonna wait until next year to see if the vaccines really work on those who had taken them this year. It's not like we can travel even if we have taken 2 doses of the vaccine (at least in my country, since we're still under lockdown).
I hope you can give a reasonable excuse to your employer. Maybe you can say you've registered for the vaccine and are just waiting for your appointment date? Maybe that'll make them back off for awhile and hopefully they'll forget to follow up about it?
No. 831444
>>831397>How did they manage to create a 100% effective vaccine in less than a year? It just doesn't make sense to me.People keep saying this as if it hasn't already been explained, is everyone getting their news from dumbed down sources?
>Covid is a corona virus the same as SARS, MERS and the common cold>There are decades of research into vaccinating various corona viruses>International collaboration and funding like nothing ever done before eg rich Western countries didn't give a fuck about MERS and SARS because it was an Asian problem but now everyone is playing>Research into mRNA vaccines had been going on for some time already>Vaccine was created faster by focusing on just this one strain, instead of every variation that could appear. This is why new vaccinations will likely happen as new strains mutateI understand being a bit suspicious, I expect later versions of the vaccine will be better than the one I received, but it's not like this was just materialised out of someone's ass. If you pick up a medical journal from the past two years you will find a lot more information because it's all they go on about right now
No. 831712
>If you pick up a medical journal from the past two years you will find a lot more information because it's all they go on about right nowif you pick up a book you will find that people have taken issue with vaccines from the very beginning, like The Story of A Great Delusion from 1885, about the smallpox vax. None of them are as safe as claimed, if the benefits outweigh the negatives is another matter. People should not be pressured to take experimental drugs or vaccines, it's not like those companies have a good track record either. In the last 10 years there have been many articles about "white coats for hire" so just because some study exists and claims something is safe doesn't mean that it is.
How many times have we seen this in history? Radium Girls talks about how it was known that radium was harmful but they had their own doctors to lie and cover shit up, asbestos was well known to be
toxic long before it was publicly admitted, how many
toxic cures have been used historically? Things aren't any different now. You can't just trust the research or the companies blindly. You have to see what the dissenting voices are saying too, with all of those historical cases there was always someone speaking out that was ignored because people trust authorities and everything is corrupt.A lot of scientists can even get their work published if it goes against the status quo.
No. 831749
>>829932>>829948I kinda disagree, even in the 2009's communities and subcultures back then were more defined and there was a diversity in Identity
Even someone like me could find a group of people to belong too, nowadays those IRL subcultures are gone and online political or gender identities are what kids gravitate towards
No. 831772
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I'm pro vax/pro mask/have already had covid and am much worse off for it, but I'm really damn wary of getting the vaccine. My mind keeps going back to the extremely rushed and mandatory anthrax vaccine (BioThrax) of the early 2000s, and how many people came away with Guillain-Barré, or a lifetime of fucked up symptoms that didn't show up until later. Those vaccines were made by Bioport (now Emergent BioSolutions) who have a major hand in the current covid vaccines and have an extremely troubled history worth researching into
No. 831791
>>829886> Milton FriedmanDid you study economics anon? Just curious, I feel like non-econ people don't namedrop Friedman.
>>830888This makes me think of the MSM effort to expose UFO activity recently. Witnesses and UFO truthers used to be silenced and made fun of in the past, even harassed by the US government. Now all of a sudden the US government is actually admitting to having UFO sightings with no explanations? Something is off.
No. 831818
>>831772I think you're right to be concerned. I haven't had covid and I'm not getting the vaccine.
The Oxford-AstraZeneca was part funded by the Galton Institute, aka The British Eugenics Society. American CDC is currently investigating if covid vaccines cause heart failure of mRNA vaccines says it's cytotoxic and collects in the ovaries of women. No. 831854
>>831802NTA, but it's weird how a common complaint about "black music" is that it's "materialist", as if nearly all popular music isn't materialist. Vague consumerist and materialist messages aren't specific to rap and have been a component of popular music for decades, long before rap existed.
>>831818>Inventor of mRNA vaccines says it's cytotoxic and collects in the ovaries of women.Oh, great. I'm guessing that's why the COVID vaccines are fucking with people's menstrual cycles? I really hope the effects are only temporary and don't spread to fertility with long-term consequences.
No. 831863
>>831818>The American CDC is currently investigating if covid vaccines cause heart failureMost likely both rona AND the vak cause heart issues. Doesn't matter if you get it or not.
I had rona and it wasn't like any sickness I've had before. For 2 days it was like I was dying my heart hurt so much. Ok now, except some shortness of breathe.
No. 831872
>>831818regarding you citing “heart failure” per the linked article:
>The CDC said that among the 220 patients recovering, more than 80 percent of them improved on their own. Most cases of myocarditis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, and in some cases, IVIG, an intravenous medication.calm down
No. 831884
>>831818Galton was a racist but his life work was him finding out that race means fuck all genetically. Even Darwin didn't want to touch on race because of how controversial it is because people that don't study science will misinterpret data.
Biotechnology has came on leaps and bounds just in the past decade with gene technology and bioinformatics. It's cheap af to read DNA now and that's why it's been easier to make vaccines.
I still don't understand the conspiracy that the government is wanting to hinder the population because realistically, its the thickos that remain unvaccinated. Rather than it being celebrated how well we can manage global health, people are mad about it. I really can't see the government wanting all the productive people that contribute to society to be dead and all the anarchists remain.
No. 831892
>>831871The wealth of the powerful rich few who are in charge of nearly all aspects of society depends on the labor of the general population, so it'd seem to be against their own interests for the population to lower. Western governments fighting wars over oil will always need new naïve young people to grease the cogs of the military-industrial complex with their blood, too (and don't forget about the free slave labor if we're talking about the US prison-industrial complex.) The powers that be can't make us
too dumb and sick, or else we wouldn't make good employees and couldn't make the products that their profit comes from.
A "depopulation" or anthropocene extinction event is going to occur within the next century if it hasn't already begun, but that's less of an intentional decision and more of an expected eventual side effect of industrialization and the global dominance of capitalism as an economic system. Due to a range of factors, including microplastics and endocrine-disrupting chemicals being present in nearly everything we eat, drink, touch, and breathe, the rates of infertility/impotency, miscarriages/stillbirths, hormonal disorders, sex disorders, and intersex diagnoses (all of which lower or completely prevent ability to reproduce) have been increasing on a global level within the last 50 years. Consider that along with how difficult it is (and how difficult it's been for decades) for the average person in their 20s or 30s to raise a child, how raising a child requires so much time, money, and resources that the average person no longer has, and you've got a recipe for a sharply dwindling population.
Within the last 40 years, the average sperm count of a Western man has decreased by 59%, and if this rate continues as projected the average Western man will have no sperm cells by 2045. We're closer to 2045 than we are to 1996. Until there are strong substantial regulations on corporations and production, until departments of health and their officials can't be bought out and silenced by the corporations making these harmful chemicals, and until the driving force behind production is to provide basic means of sustenance for the population rather than making profit, these trends won't stop.
No. 831893
>>831883You got to remember, our diets are fucking shit these days. It's more to do with bad farming practices and food production that makes us so ill. That's what happened with covid. Its a zoonotic disease that spreads between animals and people. Same thing with swine flu in the UK and when we had that mad badger cull because we didn't want to hold farmers etc at fault for their shit hygienic conditions for the animals.
I was doing my masters in biotech right before the pandemic hit and it was being speculated something mental was going to happen with the way antimicrobial resistance is building and pathogens are evolving to be more damaging since we're feeding livestock antibiotics. Plus all the cunts that misuse medication or take pain medicine for minor inconviences. Like we're encouraging stronger disease due to our mismanagement.
No. 831918
>>831898There are chemicals present in a wide range of products (and throughout our environment, thanks to littering) that mimic hormones and are processed by the body in the exact same way as natural hormones. This poses a threat not just to the consumer, but to a developing fetus if the consumer is a pregnant mother, and that's where the primary concern comes from. Multiple studies have shown a direct causal-correlation between a pregnant mother's level of EDC consumption and the likelihood of her offspring having a lower sperm/egg count, decreased fertility/potency, increased likelihood of hormonal disorders, and even increased likelihood of the offspring having an intersex condition (most people are under the only partially correct assumption that intersex conditions are caused by random genetic mutation, and have no idea that environmental pollutants can increase the likelihood of intersex conditions, assuming they aren't the primary cause.)
In 2015, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Geological Survey conducted a study on fish in 19 different wildlife refuges in the US, and found not only that 60% to 100% of the species' male fish had female egg cells growing in their testes, but that 85% of the male fish had intersex variations to some degree. The scientists cited EDCs as the primary cause and said that "there are no truly untouched areas". I'm not saying that I personally think our species' situation will 100% inevitably reach that point. I'm saying that evidence has proven the correlation, and proven that the average person is experiencing the effects of it, and that it is therefore hypothetically possible under otherwise normal circumstances. It's hypothetically possible for these chemicals to be so prevalent in a species' environment, so commonly consumed, and consumed for so many generations that the species becomes effectively sexually neutralized, rendering the species unable to reproduce - so yes, sperm could disappear.
No. 831922
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>>831918>couldI could also get hit by a car tomorrow. There is some scary shit out there, like bioaccumulative chemicals but the methods people use to deduce certain "findings" is intentionally misleading.
No. 831931
>>831918Radioactive isotopes are not going to enter our bodies via litter sitting on the ground and change our hormones.
It's about food you eat or how you prepare it. Theoretically if an animal you consume, consumed some litter with those compounds you say act as hormones than maybe we'd get a knock on effect but it wouldn't accumulate in such masses inside us that men are going to stop being fertile.
There's plenty of arguments against eating seafood due to how polluted our waters are and that's a genuine concern. Microplastics are also a concern in products like cosmetics or skin care but they're also known to be dangerous now.
No. 831980
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>>831922Why do you feel that the claims or evidence is misleading? I don't see what epidemiologists have to lie about.
>>831931>Radioactive isotopes are not going to enter our bodies via litter sitting on the ground and change our hormones.>It's about food you eat or how you prepare it.When I say "consumption", that doesn't mean you have to swallow these chemicals for them to affect you. Some of them, like phthalates and BPA, aren't just in food and plastics but in cosmetics, toys, flooring, detergents, oils, nail polish, soaps, shampoos, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides… anything that either has the chemical as an ingredient or can be packaged in something containing plastic, basically. Phthalates and BPA can be airborne and can be absorbed through skin simply by touch. How you prepare food that was contained in plastic packaging doesn't really matter when you've already exposed yourself by touching the package. Shanna Swan, a leading reproductive epidemiologist (who conducted the study documenting the 59% decrease in average Western sperm counts in the past 40 years, as well as other studies on the topic) has said that how most people absorb these chemicals is through inhalation of microplastics found in household dust.
If you eat food or drink a beverage that was contained in plastic packaging, those chemicals are in what you just ate, and it doesn't stop there. The chemicals also end up in your urine and therefore enter the water system at some point. So many microplastics have entered the ocean and major bodies of water that it's now raining microplastics, with a 2019 survey done in Colorado having found microplastics in 90% of rainwater samples, even in areas with small populations and little-to-no human disturbance. We can't even walk outside in the rain anymore without having to worry about whether we're absorbing these chemicals or not. I'm only trying to convey that we come into contact with these chemicals far more often than we think we do.
No. 832138
>>831871>>831883Old People live longer right now then in any period of history but their are not healthier, my grandfather was a Lion of a man, in his late 60's he would Jog 5 Kilometers daily, he would challenge my male cousins to tests of strength and would often fin and would once a week go to the beach for windsurfing, then he had a minor injury and was transferred to the Hospital for weeks, given all sorts of medications that seemed to make him worse and he's only gotten worse since then
he is literally a shell of a man he was less then 5 years ago, confined to a bed at home, unable to eat or to the bathroom properly and he looks like he's just waiting to die
No. 832275
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>>832134It's a coded message to us Chosen People that you couldn't possibly understand, gentile. Now please look at my fancy pen.
No. 832330
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They are going to use this line of reasoning to try to take away more of our rights
No. 832334
>>829822Nta and only iran but I have noticed a lot of propoganda even comes from educated sources
Like historians only focusing on certain topics brushing over other topics even calling themselves political historian etc
This is one example but a lot of non national unis and colleges are doing this
No. 832347
have been studied and
are also affected. It's just that nobody cared until it affects them.
No. 832356
>>832349It is annoying that men's reproductive material never gets scrutinised the way women's eggs do. Not surprising but annoying.
Women are just more likely to be submissive and fall in line. Whereas men are unhinged emotional rage machines that take everything as an affront.
No. 832359
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>>832354I'm going to look into terrestrial animals because living in liquid would increase bioavailability for marine animals. I don't eat seafood because I think oceans and seas should be left alone, if we fuck with our planets water we'll fuck life up for everything
No. 832649
>>832310There have been multiple studies conducted on these chemicals' effects on wildlife and environments. These studies were actually what brought to light the degree to which humans were also being affected. There's a post a couple of posts above the one you quoted specifically talking about how in 2015, scientists studied fish in 19 different wildlife refuges and found that 85% of male fish had intersex variations to some degree and 60%-100% of the male fish had female egg cells growing in their testes. Nature has been greatly disturbed by these chemicals just within the last 50 years.
>>831918>>832330…Your right to what? Give your child a birth defect? If you don't have enough self-control to not drink alcohol, you probably don't have the level of self-control required to be a parent and successfully raise a happy, healthy child. Alcoholics are so weird.
No. 833136
>>832291 See
>>783909 too
>>832275Kek anon
>>832330This is rage baiting, ignore it. Any person advocating this or journalists writing about it are vile shills paid to antagonize us, keep us addicted to social media and distract us from the real way rights are steadily taken away in the name of health or security, regardless of gender.
No. 833946
Pls don't ban for minimodding/hi scrotes but just a reminder that this Mongolian basket weaving imageboard is for women. No scrotes should be posting here, thanks.
>>832779You should be worried about the potentiality of hacking. Idk if there's any research but I guarantee that cybersecurity isn't being invested in at the same rate that institutions/companies are automating/digitizing everything. If anyone knows of a study that shows this pls link me, I can't find anything myself.
No. 835701
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ever since the coronavirus pandemic started, bats aren't as popular or "cute" anymore (I swear they were from like 2008-2018)
No. 835718
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>>835701I think bats/bat wings were always a popular accessory in the scene/gothic circles. I haven't seen anyone take the claim that bats spread the virus too seriously, to the point where they hate on irl bats or things with bats on them.
It seems like every few years some new animal is on trend, I remember seeing tons of stuff with owls a few years ago, now I see a lot of alpacas and sloth things. Maybe they just fell out of fashion.
No. 835780
>>835701I love bats. I love sitting outside at night watching them zoom around. Sometimes they get really, really close. They love eating flying insects too, which I hate.
I know this is completely unrelated to the tinfoil thread so I sadged for off topic
No. 836410
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>>836367Who's peter? can someone please explain this?
No. 836454
>>836410Petar Daszak is the pres of EcoHealth Alliance, an NGO "focused on research that aims to prevent pandemics and promote conservation in hotspot regions worldwide."
Google gave money to EcoHealth, but says it had nothing to do with lab. But I think EcoHealth is the cover for Google, US Gov, etc. funneling money into the Wuhan lab.
TL;DR President of large ($$$) Pandemic-focused NGO, Peter, funded lab that may have leaked the coronavirus.
No. 836482
>>836468One thing is for sure, it ain’t the “mark of the beast” vaccine either.
>source: took the first dose
No. 836527
>>836468I've had two does of Pfizer because I had covid early on in the pandemic and nearly had to be ventilated. I'm high risk with a heart condition, asthma and cancer. If I was a healthy person I would not have took it, I was very sceptical of it and still am as I greatly regretted the second dose as I had a solid month of illness after it. I think for a personal decision you need to weight up A: how healthy are you - do you have any respiratory issues? underlying illnesses? and B: how exposed to the virus do you think you will be - work, travel, hobbies, etc. If you're ill I think maybe take it but be careful about getting ill from it, because I felt like a fucking zombie. Towards the end I was waking up and crying immediately where it made me feel so shitty. But I also wanted to carry on with my life, I work, I'm getting married, I have three younger sisters. It's all about your circumstances, imo. No one person can make that decision but you, as you know your health and your life best.
No. 836546
>>836468Mrna vaccines are extremely sketchy for me. The technology for them was invented back in 1990, but they haven't made a single publicly made one, until Covid. Either they didn't have the right machines yet, or something is really wrong with it. It even says that the blood clots are a well known issue of mrna vaccines! We are all being used as free test subjects for new experimental vaccines that were only ever used for military in 2010 for some random tests. Right now people are still dying of blood clots, but the real problems will probably reveal themselves after 2/3 years.
I'm not an antivaxxer too and my plan is to wait for a tradicional vaccine that uses the whole inactivated virus, I think novavax makes one. It got good results from intitian testing, and I'm willing to get that one instead of something they willingly put on a shelf for 30 years. Still, best case scenario would be waiting 4 or so years and only getting vaxxed then.
No. 836740
Does anyone else think that the sudden spike of deaths at this current time is part of the summer solstice sacrifice?
>>836546What about the Pfizer vaccine? Because that’s the one I took and already felt the first few side effects afterwards
(integrate) No. 836997
>>836603From my rough understanding there are two main concerns
1) the spike proteins could cause a severe immune response later on, when those who are vaxxed are exposed to other CVOID strains and/or viruses. I think they are worried it could cause a fatal cytokine storm but not entirely sure.
2) the spike proteins aren't staying near the injection site like the vax companies have said, they are actually being found in other organs (like the ovaries). This has lead to speculation that the spike proteins could lead to other issues down the line, especially infertility.
No. 837036
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>>835718The thing is, bats normally carry a lot of types of coronaviruses, and one of them carried on to humans. Some say there was an animal in the middle between bats and humans that transmited it to us. That's one of the most heard theories.
Kinda related but cats, lions, minks and other apes can also get coronavirus No. 837230
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Probably fake
No. 837231
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This one’s probably fake too
No. 837814
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Shoe0nhead runs the internet and is the most powerful and well connected person online. She is in cahoots with someone at the top of twitter and YouTube who keep promoting her in the algorithm. There’s no way that many people organically want to watch those boring 2013core 240p videos and pretty much all the other skeptics have faded into irrelevancy. She is also in contact with all lolcow websites including kiwifarms and this ones. The mods here were so concerned with her “revenge porn” being posted and basically 24/7 guarding the thread and deleting it when they have never done that before and never even done it since? Revenge porn was posted in the leftcows thread shortly after and they were alerted of it in /meta/ as well like 3 times and just ignored it.
No. 839351
>>839348Maybe I can some shed some perspective, Islam is a fundamentally flawed and Insecure religion, Muslims can't accept the reality that non-Muslims are better then them, that the words of an Arab pedophile were proven worthless and that they were defeated and colonized
so the insecurity of Islam and Muslims attracts libs who see them as poor oprsssed babies that meanie Christians and Hindus bully uwuw for no reason
Truth is Arab Pedophile worshippers have treated non-Muslims much much worse, any sort of oppressions Arab Worshippers is minuscule
No. 839465
>>839354Not a poltard sperg but these historians brush over muslim slave trade of blacks, hindus and Christians in europe also ignoring the sex slavery in the said trade but they will go on about caste system of east and how bad slavery was because of Europeans
Meanwhile calling islam a feminist religion is A ok
No. 839468
>>839378You explained what relationship pertains but didn't explain why?
Also diversity could mean any ethnic group that is islamist violent but muslims everywhere exist above any other group expect maybe blacks in the oppression hierarchy
No. 840403
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Just found this picture of ariana grande on instagram and im curious what the back of her phone says? It looks like one of those pedo symbols, the concentric triangles
No. 840406
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Zoomed in
No. 840413
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>>840406it says "I was raped by dan schneider and now I have BPD and NPD"
No. 840441
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>>840406It's a bicycle, anon
No. 840453
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>>840403>>840441the bike sticker is from free city, haus of la's former premier sweatpant. aviator nation rival. #freeari
No. 840843
>>839465Anyone who exclusively blames Europeans for slavery and colonisation need only look towards the Balkans and Caucasus and read more about how the Ottoman Empire treated its slaves in said conquered regions for near 500 years.
Raping brides on their wedding night and taking their virginities, stealing children to train into Janissary soldiers, leaving entire villages to starve by demanding higher crop tithes and killing anyone who cannot deliver, impaling any suspected dissidents on wooden spikes and displaying their heads in cities, forcing villagers to take off their clothing and run around in the mud whilst being whipped and dragging their shoes behind them on a string like a dog for entertainment. But you know, religion of peace and all.
No. 840961
>>840843>>840692Also look up how most Muslims were converted, it would take centuries of persecution, taxes and ethnic cleansings on the remaining Christian population
I have no sympathy for the Islamic religion, it is purely evil and been on the offensive for 800 years, Its a horrific religion based on the worship of a Pedophile
I despise anyone who willingly converts to it or shows it compassion
No. 841011
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>>840843>>840961>>840995This reminds of AJ+, If you were to watch their content you would think that its just another SJW-ish channel like Vox, but what makes AJ+ Interesting is that its part of Al Jazeera which is under the direct control of the Qatari royal family
you'd would think that most of their content would be related to the Middle east but the vast majority of it is focused on "social justice issues" In western countries specifically the US, hell they even endorsed and supported Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and talk about topics like Islamophobia in western countries and how LGBT+ Islamic societies actually were before the evil colonizers came
The target demographic seems to be white liberals and Muslim diaspora in western countries, fascinating really as an example of modern state propaganda
No. 841016
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>>841011samefag that Irony is that this is Social Justice Channel that endorses critical race theory and shit like respirations, is owned by Qatar a Wahhabi theocratic-Islamist monarchy that commits horrific crimes against humanity, practices slavery and discriminates against anyone who isn't a Sunni Salafi Arab male
No. 841493
>>636795>>841011That's typical
There extreme amount of money involved in this whole islamophobia thing.
These societies are nearly 100 percent homogeneous.
Those news about a church or a hindu temple etc being built seems to be propoganda as well
Didn't the saudi prince wanted to be seen as progressive but later a news came how he is going to be married to a literal child in an arranged marriage
>>840995Not the only case, its happening everywhere
You can't say anything against islam
Here muslims have oppressed and done things like
>>840961 and
>>840843 said but today they are the oppressed and the weak minorities who need to coddled
No. 841511
>>841493I mean take the case of my own country, Pakistan which is 96% Muslims, non-Muslims aren't even Citizens by law, they are "tolerated minorities" and that toleration includes literally being killed by the State if you convert to any other religion other then Islam in Pakistan, so our Prime Minister just a couple months was talking about the racism and Islamophobia in France for letting the cartoon be Published, bringing up racism was fucking hilarious as well cause his ethnic group(the Pashtuns) persecute/ethnically cleanse anyone who isn't a Sunni Pashtun, we treat Muhajirs(immigrants from central and southern India) like shit cause their slightly darker skinned then us
I have Pakistani and Arab friends who were studying abroad like I was, they would talk about how horrific America is for black people and minorities. Yet these same people however had live-in "servants". These servants have no days off, no set work schedule (wake them up whenever you like!), no limit on household work (babysitting, cleaning, cooking), are severely underpaid, no autonomy. Also, I've only named the things I've personally witnessed. There are beatings, rapes, and horrifically violent crimes that go down. Slavery literal human slavery, as some of these servant girls are kidnapped from rural Sindh or Afghan refugee camps
I'm an ex-Muslim and I have no delusions about Islamic society so I don't have these problems, but these people live in bizarre bubble, they cirtizie the US or other western countries buy don't address the giant mammoth sized elephant in the room
No. 841885
>>8418801100 thoughts about conspiracy
None mentioning how this entire website just exists to distract us from the real enemy…
The crab people
Lolcow is run by the crab people to distract us from them slowly taking over the world.
Ok but for real I love this thread it's incredibly entertaining to read even tho I stick to lurking thank you for all the entertainment
No. 841968
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I think most lolcow users are cows themselves with cow behaivors, but anonymous.
Pic unrelated
No. 842253
>>842032my other crockpot theory is that the concept of there being feminine or masculine races (which wasnt a defined concept until after colonization and race based class system for some reason) contributed to the rampant agp trooning out of men especially since its more prominent in us where that line of thinking prevailed and added into the countrys mythos of society.
hence why a lot of troons think black women are manly and think their whiteness will automatically make them feminine by default despite doing fuck all about their appearance. also white american men are known for having a creepy sexual fascination with black men and their cocks (just like the nazis, also influenced by the US, had a near homoerotic fixation on master race nordic men, which also is another ideology historically tied with cross dressers and now hentai addicted losers/femboys online). Denoting a group of women or men as feminine or masculine based on outdated anthropological traits and also US race relations makes these troons believe turn into real woman as long as some identity of theirs is tied to femininity, by either race or conforming to porn culture
No. 842280
>>842253>>842259Ok but that doesn't explain the fact that there is higher % of Transgenderism in African American populations then white, but those TIMs are usually classified HSST
Blanchard talked about this, Homosexual Transsexual are almost always from pooper and more conservative social groups, black, Hispanic and poorer whites, AGPs on other hand are from the upper class(many from Academic backgrounds) e.g Nick and some from upper class minority backgrounds e.g ALok
You can even see this dynamic in Asian communities, AGP Asians tend to most prominently Chinese in America, while HSST Asians tend be from Filipino and South East Asian Groups
No. 842302

So I've been really suspicious of Sacha Baron Cohen after I found out the audience from the "Throw the Jew Down the Well" video knew it was a comedy performance and were in on the joke, instead of just openly displaying their country American Jew hatred the way it was presented
>the treasurer of the company that owns the bar, Carol Pierce, said that she herself is Jewish. Pierce could be seen during the segment on HBO, laughing heartily behind her goateed husband.
>she pointed out that what television viewers saw was only a few minutes of the two-and-a-half-hour performance that Borat gave when he came to Tucson, Ariz., in April. The rest of Borat’s performance, in which he sang about throwing his wife and family down the well, made it perfectly clear to Pierce that the man performing was a comedian in disguise — who was very funny.
>“You could tell by the way they presented him. They brought him in and said he was an up-and-coming country music star,” Pierce recalled. [“You could tell right away it was a wig he was wearing, and a fake mustache. I would say 99% of the people in here saw that, too.”]
>The mixed responses to this question were evident from one married Jewish couple in New York who watch the show regularly… “It was frightening,” David Rappaport said. “I’m using this as yet another argument for why we need a Jewish homeland.”
His works are branded as "mockumentaries" but really they are closer to typical american reality TV which has a pre-determined conclusion, They are highly manipulated and in some cases scripted. I don't think there is a single scene from borat that is completely spontaneous
And his recent woke reputation is indeed completely undeserved. In Borat, the romanian villagers he manipulates were basically mocked and swindled behind their backs
His 3 main characters were the stupid British white trash chav (Cohen's family had already been wealthy for generations when he was born and he went from private schools to Cambridge to being I believe a clothing model), the ignorant rural Turkic/Slavic untermensch, and the prancing, decadent eurotrash homosexual. he's basically making hateful caricatures of the lower class and other fringe groups and he is definitely not ignorant about how many people watch him for the gross acts he commits as part of the character.
But when challenged on his intentions, he always claims to be an enlightened liberal who is simply doing an ironic performance to expose or challenge the pre conceived biases of a bigoted society while he purposely edits and manipulates to make it seem like the average person is more ignorant then the reality
No. 842426
>>842308>>842302"Borat 2" was trash and featured him trying to "own" rural types to varying degrees.
He also did a "prank" on a black Christian woman who showed a great deal of compassion, empathy which was exploited for his stupid movie.
No. 842449
>>842302It's hard for me to not A-Log about this man. He's a hack comedian and a fucking hypocrite, worse still, he tries sticking his schnozz in politics. As if anyone would benefit from hearing who the "I was only pretending to be retarded!" guy is voting for. Borat 2 was released very conveniently during the American election and had that now infamous Giuliani bit, I don't think that was mere coincidence. And before anyone thinks I'm a Trumptard or whatever - I'm not even American, I'm not trying to tell you that you voted in the wrong racist white geriatric. It's just my personal tinfoil that the film, particularly the Giuliani bit, was purposefully released at that time. I know Giuliani is a weird old fucker and dumb as hell for falling this shit in the first place, but that scene was suspect. IIRC the bit where he runs in yelling about the girls age is dubbed. His mouth isn't even moving when he's "speaking" that line. Hell, it's not like his films bring anything new, "Americans r stoopid" Wow! Well done, Sacha! Fucking great social commentary that is. As a Jew, people like him are dragging us down. Walking fucking caricatures of the privileged western Ashkenazi who's content to tell you what's wrong with your culture but if you comment on his he'll run and cry to the ADL. Prick can dish it out, but can't take it.
No. 843977
>>843780Better than dying, honey
You guys really are retarded in this thread sometimes, more than usual
No. 844588
>>843950He is a now former youtuber who made documentary-style videos on tinfoil topics such as mind control, secret societies and elite degeneracy. Honestly, his last few videos started to suck after getting a few strikes and probably kept the good shit exclusively on patreon.
Here’s a bitchute link where most of his videos are backed:>>843977Ok sheep
No. 846235
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>>845384I wish I have your idgaf attitude anon! My willpower to hold off getting vaccinated is eroding due to family and peer pressure. I already told them I want to wait until next year to get the vaccination so that more studies about the effects will come out, but my family insisted on registering my name on the vaccine list. They told me I can't travel home or go overseas in the future if I don't take the vaccine now. I miss my family and I want to travel so bad but I still don't 100% trust the new covid vaccines. They're starting to judge me and make fun of my "anti-vax" stance. I hate it! I'm not anti-vax! I'm just being super cautious. There's a difference! Plus, I don't go out at all except for work and grocery and wear a mask every time I go out. I also live alone. So the chances of getting the virus is not that high for me. Even if I get the vaccine now, my country is still under full lockdown, so I can't even travel anyways. Is there any support group or chatgroup that have the same stance as me? I just want to safely talk about not getting the covid vaccine until it is proven 100% safe without being branded as a crazy "anti-vaxx". I feel so alone in this.
No. 846359
Does anyone feel that the mainstream left sucks at marketing themselves, especially compared to the right, think about it
they choose the right words, Pro-Life instead of Pro-Abortion, that's genius, Death Tax instead of Inheritance Tax,
And on the left? Nope, totally failure to market, shit like "White fragility"
You will never win people over using this word, even if you mean "the post-modern idea of whiteness not as an observation of reality, but rather the social construct around who should be valued in society, coded by the social construct "white"
All a republican candidate has to do is not being a fucking Idiot and they can win just cause the left is unlikeable
No. 846447
>>846359Leftist are dumb
Centers are the way to go
No. 846495
>>846447Most leftists are rich and not just professionals like doctor etc they are just mostly in journalism etc
They purposefully push something so absurdly bizarre when people disagree it kicks of polarization and it's always accompanied by something most people agree on
No. 847199
>>846430>academia goers>ppl who aren't known for their critical thinkingAnon how high were you when you wrote that? The average person doesn't learn to dissect bias in media or have experience in analysing both sides of an argument unless they attend higher education
Academic people buy into airy fairy concepts because with enough wordplay you can justify anything and they become distant from how things immediately sound to outsiders, if anything they are overly critical to the extent that they lose their original point
No. 847339
>>847267Well what I meant is all activism from both sides get hijacked by people in journalism, art or multi billion business owners they also plunge scientists or doctors into this which most people don't disagree with barring some far fringe ideologies
This can be seen in various marketing scams it starts from detox and goes upto pharmaceutical or those "new study finds" type of articles years later some actual professional debunks them
Silicon valley is entirely left and news media outlet like NYC Washington post huffington post have a direct or indirect job requirement for you to be leftist or similar in view, well of course these billion dollars companies don't see eye to eye with the actual worker left or even with Liberal (because identity or black or white or oppressed or oppressor politics isn't very profitable)
They even hire researchers to show results that align with their politics which again spreads like virus because all media is controlled
Look up George soros and what he did to British pound and look up various shares shorting examples and how it is done
Irony is that this guy today shows himself as liberal left who is minority loving and wants to see a Better world (open society foundation)
No. 847344
>>847339Sameanon, shares thing is just tip of the iceberg
They want to replicate American model earth wide so they can leech off of the entire planet
No. 848074
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Before Charlottesville, the single largest Neo-Nazi American Gathering was a rally in D.C. in 2002 I called "Rock Against Israel"
It was a bizarre Mixture of mostly Skinheads, Arab Nationalists and Islamsits all opposing any Invasion against Iraq, There's very little information about this though, and very few pictures of it – you have to dig around – and it was all under heavy police protection. And then the leader who was holding their crew together "suddenly died" and the main group that was organizing them broke up in infighting. Meanwhile, the mass base of the actual republican right wing in the U.S. went whole-hog into supporting Bush and the war so that's how it ended up.
No. 849642
>>849478He doesn't own any business neither creates anything but does trade in shares, he shorted British pounds and is attached to aot of financial market crashes and problems
Look up shorting of shares
He is also a shareholder or owner to a lot of neo liberal media
He is also one of many suspected behind "new study finds" type of things you see on media today
No. 849856
>>849786nta but
>i got it and survivedisn't a good response to people's concerns because the key term everyone's thinking about is
long term effects
No. 849888
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>>849842Elites don't want to normalize pedophilia, lmao. Western culture is probably one of the most pedo-adverse cultures in human history, and even with a handful of MAPs shitting up twitter and a couple of munch-by-proxy parents sexualizing their kids in public, the reality is that protections for children have GREATLY improved even within the past few decades. Consider:
>NCMEC>almost hysterical stranger danger culture>extremely strict process for visiting schools as a guest>anyone working even tangentially with kids is fingerprinted and given a background test>widespread 'tell an adult' campaigns >mandatory reportersThis is a very partial list of the legal, cultural, policy etc. changes made to protect children within the past few decades. As recently as the 70's and in most countries today, CSA was rampant and hardly a part of public attention. If elites wanted the normalize pedophilia then they'd lean heavily into muh traditional values nonsense because CSA is far more prevalent and easy to get away with in conservative cultures.
No. 849917
>>849857Basically. Also even within the current nuclear family, the parents are too busy working to actually raise the kids past just meeting their basic needs. The kids can easily get groomed and
brainwashed because their parents are too busy surviving to pay attention to them.
I don't think lab grown ppl will ever be a thing (unless they find a way to inject memories and info). They need women to actually do the grueling thankless work of caring for the kid for atleast 10 years.
>>849888These mean nothing if kids are getting groomed with media and TikTok and etc. Also most csa is done by male family members who have a high reputation/ppl depend on for money, so reporting the diddler would 'ruin' the family.
In poorer countries, families regularly e-prostitute their kids to have $ for living.
No. 996582
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has anyone notices that Pokemon anime episode where Ash become Pokemon master airs around same date with event 201
I hope this explains an assumption of covid-19 kill us all IRL sometime after Ash Become Pokemon master