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No. 2458670

Last thread got ugly. Refrain from complaining about your Mum buying you a house, or bog off!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914
Britbong Thread #2 >>>/ot/1730353
Britbong thread #3 >>>/ot/2126145

No. 2458689

Just report and don't reply to the non-saging Tory baiter in the last thread, she'll get her ban soon

No. 2458699

The anon you're reeeeing about said she works 5 jobs and invested all her money in a home and likely wouldn't have been given a mortgage if she was on benefits kek what the fuck are you even talking about, are you being deliberately obtuse?

No. 2458702

Lmao ok salty poorfag, there’s nothing you people hate more than someone who works hard and makes smart decisions to provide generational wealth for their families instead of pissing it all away at the boozer, gambling or loitering around on benefits. It’s hard for this generation but if you’re gen x or boomer and you’re poor, it’s most likely your own fault.
>you’re the same anon because you both didn’t sage
Most people don’t bother to sage on /ot/ because you don’t need to, that tells you nothing. How do I know you’re not the same anon that was whining about wanting to kill herself and you’re salty because someone called your bluff?

No. 2458705

>works 5 jobs
I don’t believe that kek. That’s just something she made up to make herself look hard done by. What would be the point? Just get a decent fucking job.

No. 2458706

Guys she's baiting, just report and ignore.

No. 2458714

no fun allowed

No. 2458720

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Enough bickering about Toryfags we've already heard enough from them. Let's discuss the real issues: curly fries or smiley potatoes? Explain your answer.

Personally I prefer curly fries as I think they have a much more interesting texture and taste a bit more seasoned than smiley taties.

No. 2458725

what curly fries are best? Can't remember the last time I got them but I remember them being underseasoned and underwhelming

No. 2458731

We should have a Brit-bong discord

No. 2458735

I used to get the ones from Asda but seeing the state of their prices recently I don't want to go anywhere near that place. Might have to sample the Tesco curly fries and get back to you on that one nonna.

No. 2458754

I'm confused, thought labour were increasing military spending so why are they cutting civil service, aren't they part of that?

No. 2458764

Who are you calling poor when anon has a house and you don't because by your own admission you literally cannot afford one without parental help?

No. 2458771

Those without houses mustn't throw stones kekkk

Fuck. I want deliveroo now

No. 2458773

Do any britbongs here know any native food that actually doesn’t look and taste grotesque??

No. 2458777

Native to UK you mean? No, Britain isn't really known for it's cuisine.

No. 2458787

beans on toast :)(emoji)

No. 2458791

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I'm gonna get banned for that emoji aren't I

No. 2458792

Vile. M&S chocolate clusters and speckled eggs are the best brit comfort food imo.

No. 2458801

I love fish and chips, bangers and mash and shepherds pie, roast, scotch eggs are nice too. I can’t turn down an English breakfast

No. 2458806

My Nigel adores a full English. And I adore making it for him!

No. 2458807

Samefagging^ but bangers and creamy yellow mash with onion gravy is so top tier

No. 2458808

I used to love putting two peas as my smiley faces eyes and tomato sauce on the mouth part hehe

No. 2458812

Yay cute thread gif, will miss iconic Tracy beaker telling us to bog off though

No. 2458815

Cheesy beans on toast

No. 2458817

I like making chicken legs with lots of onions and having that with mash

No. 2458818

stirring a knob of butter into the beans yummm

No. 2458887

my boyfriend is from Spain and enjoyed cheese scones and a full english so maybe try those

No. 2459195

Fruit crumbles, bakewell tarts, carrot cake, eton mess, chelsea buns, scones with cream and jam…man I love them all. I think we do cakes and desserts well. And biscuits, can't beat tea and hobnobs tbh

No. 2459925

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I actually feel offended by this. Why cast an Australian (who does not have the look Cathy does) AND an American scrote??? The most bong novel ever deserves better

No. 2459927

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Best version IMO and it was a tv movie

No. 2459928

Even the dress is wrong. It doesn’t match the time period. Margot is too old. Everything is wrong.

No. 2459929


No. 2459930

Jacob Elordi is Australian iirc

No. 2459962

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Margot is very beautiful but this is absolutely not Cathy kek. Nothing about this is giving the English rose vibe the character was meant to have. All they had to do was find an attractive British brunette actress yet they cast a bleach-blonde Aussie who probably has work done. It honestly feels like people don't even try to keep reworks of movies accurate anymore.

No. 2460000

Roast dinner?
Anything with mash and gravy?
Spag Bol? (The English version where you put anything you want in it like courgette or peas)

No. 2460093

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these are frighteningly addictive

No. 2460125

Haven't had one of these since the charity sales at school

No. 2460131

Is he kek

No. 2460144

They need a true northerner, I can’t imagine an Australian being after pulling it off. Charlotte Riley was an ideal Cathy. Margot is Hollywood looking to play her

No. 2460146

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No. 2460162

It's not bait, I'm an english teacher, even if the casting isn't right, I'll be able to spend a lesson streaming this instead of teaching. Freaking awesome…

No. 2460183

Don’t waste your time and stream the old ones

No. 2460194

i've tried and can't find them anywhere!!!!!

No. 2460203

Dunno if it's still there but ITVX had >>2459927 a month or two ago. No excuses nonna!

No. 2460232

No. 2460236


No. 2460243

I’ve watched it so many times. Young pretty Tom Hardy as heathcliff. Fun fact they are married irl (him and Charlotte Riley who plays Cathy)

No. 2460277

That's pretty to you?

No. 2460332

Yes. Each to her own nonita

No. 2460402

Erm no. I'm the dictator on what is and isn't beautiful.

No. 2460553

Post someone beautiful then

No. 2460606

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Sticky toffee pudding. I like pies too but don't expect my enthusiasm to be shared.

No. 2460819

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We really need an LC version of this meme

No. 2460895

My Dad is the remainer dad, he even has the shirt.

No. 2460910

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>once shot a vegan protester

No. 2460919

Does your dad enjoy Peep Show by any chance? I'm northern and these type of men are rare up here

No. 2461162

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No. 2461228

i find Mikey kind of attractive, i need an exorcism asap

No. 2461237

Deano for me.

No. 2461303

my dads southrern and extremely posh. dont know re peep show but i love it

No. 2461304

i hope he gets raped to death(a-logging)

No. 2461416

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>can't even send scrotes home to face justice in their home countries
nonnies its so over

No. 2461424

Do any of you nonnies use Euston station? If you do, the station toilets are numbered. We could write a hello to eachother on a stall wall

No. 2461673

haha i could do this next time im there, which number toilet will you write on nona?

No. 2462177

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I’m glad they did it, Paddington bear sucks.

No. 2462342

how dare you!

No. 2462345

I love Come Dine With Me so much. The YT channel just uploaded behind the scenes. It is so weird seeing a face to the iconic voice. Dave Lamb is what makes the show

No. 2462346

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>Paddington Bear sucks

No. 2462425

I love young tom hardy

No. 2463009

private eye likes to make a running joke that king brian (charles) actually believes in the divine right of kings alongside the homeopathy. What do you think is the likelihood that he actually does?

No. 2463220

Brits can't use Kiwifarms anymore???

No. 2463415

Tesco's are good, they come pretty nicely seasoned by themselves but I still add a little extra to mine (I like the Dunn's River everyday seasoning but I'm currently on the hunt for some chicken shop style red salt if anynonny has a recommendation). I wish there were more of the lovely spiral fries like in the pic upthread but that's not specific to Tesco, just how I feel about all curly fries. Imagine if you could get bags of just the spirally fries… Life could be so beautiful.

No. 2463467

brb writing "mikey and darren suck each other's cocks" on the bathroom wall. We really need an artfag anon to make us a less Reddity version with at least some women though

No. 2463560

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No. 2463568

Why though?

No. 2463599

Have people in your area been protesting the PIP cuts, anons? What do you think about it all?

No. 2463617

I wanna get involved too, side note but those toilets are absolutely gross - but I think the winner of gross London train toilets is Marylebone.

No. 2463632

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No. 2463643

I'm all for the benefit cuts. People needs to get jobs instead of expecting me and other taxpayers to be their sugardaddy.

No. 2463682

PIP is a benefit that disabled can get even if they're working. PIP can be used to support disabled people in work such as the costs associated with getting to work if someone is unable to drive. The result of cutting PIP will probably be less disabled people in work. This government is fucking retarded.

No. 2463692

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No. 2463768

You can literally get Pip and be in work full-time. I don't think you know what you're talking about given the cuts will only affect disabled people here and not the demographics that just "need to get jobs." The changes and cuts have not been thought through at all.

I don't think there have been any in my area but if there was I would gladly go to it. I haven't seen or heard a peep about them actually creating incentives to help disabled people get into stuff like flexible or remote work. It's just cuts upon cuts. Unfortunately if this goes through I feel like it's going to result in a lot more health issues ironically and even suicides from people who have had their much-needed support cut.

No. 2463769

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I got permanently banned from Reddit for the fifth time today

No. 2463773

Why even bother with Preddit in 2025?

No. 2464049

kiwifarms is always so over dramatic about shit like this, you are a gossip forum for retards on the internet not some cool hacker man website calm down

No. 2464204

Anyone playing Atomfall? I met Nora and I swear she is voiced by a bloke doing their best fag voice

No. 2464232

No. 2464243

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No. 2464250

They are gross kek but I think they when I’m next there on Tuesday I will write something in a stall and leave here the number

No. 2464254

Ewwwww disgusting news

No. 2464261

god fujos are so gross, fuck off you cockroach(infighting)

No. 2464321

Suck her clit, bitch

No. 2464360

When you get permabanned for the 10th time you get a medal and a bespoke meltdown from the moid of your choice

No. 2464432

I got banned for saying a migrant rapist should be castrated

No. 2464630

funny i get banned but this cunt right here didn't

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