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No. 2152704>>2154217
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My mother's childhood. I can't separate the helpless little girl from the adult who has hurt me. Life would be easier if I could.
>>2152655I'm not trying to infight but aren't these some of the most well known things about pregnancy? Your excuse for not knowing sounds very American.
No. 2152794>>2152798>>2152827
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>>2152778Kek I know it was the thread I was referring to, it seemed to be one anon who probably just didn't want to face the fact that some men think its funny to make a cp quote into a meme (not even the only time either)
No. 2152860>>2152870>>2152900
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I wish I wasn't exposed to the high level of violence and depravity of men on the internet, all of that is just out there sitting on tumblr and twitter and other seemingly normal websites.
There's so much gross shit out there, specially when it comes to anime and anime art. When people here get mad at ghibli movies I simply don't get it, there's way more horrible stuff out there involving gore or guro whatever you may call it, anime, disgusting fetishes, violence, etc.
Even here on LC when you enter a cow thread you may see ugly disgusting shit like that, shit that people shouldn't be into.
I wish I had never seen that stuff. I wish I had never tainted my eyes.
No. 2152867>>2153864
>>2152763from one millenial to another: google sucks shit now and you should know that already
I just tried googling it to see if I even could, and no, all that comes up is AI and articles written by AI; no zoomer is going past page 4, and if google was still a good search engine, you wouldn't have to
No. 2152900>>2152996>>2153098
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>>2152860I wish I hadn't been exposed to that shit either. I feel like I saw the worst of male internet culture being on 4chan and other imageboards as an edgy teenager (and even that is just like the tip of the iceberg).
I really can't believe I had a phase of reading guro manga. Some of those stories and images still haunt me. I don't even totally know why I did it but I know at the time it felt somehow like an extension of my self harming behaviors. It cannot have been healthy for my developing brain to see so many images of women being cut up and tortured. It's like de Sade in comic book form. I wish I had never come across it.
No. 2152996>>2153032
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>>2152900Your picture reminded me of picrel and how much of a bad taste it left after watching it. They called it an art movie and I fell for it. Sure, art can be anything you want it to be because it's supposed to make you feel emotions and whatever but I really wish I never watched this. The only thing I felt is regret and disgust.
Please don't be so hard on yourself nonna. A lot of people fall for that shit, it's ridiculously easy to find inside imageboards and aesthetic tumblrs and whatnot.
No. 2153145
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>first gf at 16
>first person i ever told about my sexual abuse
>were together four years but break up and leave on bad terms
>fully ghost each other
>like 2 years after breakup she starts texting me super friendly like nothing happened
>I assume she might want to get back and we start talking a lot
>eventually she confesses she was sexually abused really recently gory details and all
>really shocked, try to be supportive, but really fucking shocked and feel like i have little way of helping or even comforting her cause we are not close
>stop talking again, she doesn't want to get back with me at all and just wanted to vent
>haven't spoken in years
>remember every couple of months
>she ran to tell me like i ran to tell her
>real nasty gut feeling that never goes away
i couldn't help her. i didn't know what to do. i was so shocked. i guess it came back to me after i did it to her when we were teenager. i didn't know what to do. i worry about her. i really do. i didn't know how to help her
No. 2153328
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>>2152842Drooling latino pigs begging each other for a copy of this sick shit. You can find similar comments on this video. I hate men with everything in my heart.
No. 2153855>>2153903>>2157749
File (hide): 1724603231638.jpg (429.84 KB, 1080x1083, 919283747.jpg), most popular newspaper in the UK featured topless images of girls as young as 16, for multiple decades, until it was outlawed in 2003. The most popular photographs during the time that Page 3 ran, were of course, of a 16 year old girl, who was described as being "the ultimate fantasy girlfriend" for men at the time. This also means that if you are British, it is highly likely that your older male relatives have knowingly got off to child porn.
No. 2153936>>2153939
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Not sure if it fits but I wish I never read that comment. The last sentence just gave me major melancholia.
No. 2153980>>2153985>>2153994
>>2152772This reminds me of when I read Soren's thread for a laugh (Yes I know, but her ever changing story cracked me up) and some nonnies kept talking about a real
victim of sexual abuse and I don't even want to go into it, but those who read those threads know what I'm talking about and it made me cry.
No. 2154022
>>2153994The worst part of the aftermath of it all is how apparently she had no actual close friendships, just quick saccharine validation dispensers who were lied to about everything. She kind of was really alone. Her adopted parents are old as fuck, her sister definitely was distant with her because duh, her other extended family disliked her, she was granted no headstone because she was such a problem her parents wanted to forget about her. There's no way to get the real, full, unaffected story. There's no way her mom would ever divulge information, nor her sister, nor the insane therapist that encouraged her fanfiction driven CP torture gang delusions. It's quite sick and sad all at the same time. Soren would rather be forgotten about by her family, but her memory lives on in the documentation of her elaborate lies on the internet. We know the facade that she was peddling, we know that she was lying about it all, but we will never know who the fuck she truly was. We have bits and pieces and second hand accounts and we can all connect the dots to create the larger overall picture of who she truly was, but we'll never know for sure. That's what bothers me most about her death. It's existential in an unsettling way.
No. 2154024>>2154198
>>2153985I watched a youtube video on a couple, a teacher and her husband. The teacher would
take pictures of the students legs/constantly take pictures with them to give to her husband so he could edit them into porn. Once he made cakes and filmed step by step him cooking them and then he ejculated into the batter. The wife took pictures of the students eating them.I say this to say, this is why I don't take what cows like Shay do lightly, because of this next part,
The teacher/husband had access to a actual minor that the husband was already molesting. Despite him doing so, he STILL would make his wide dress up in the victim's clothing or pretend to be younger in bed. Theres so many cases of actual pedos still wanting to do "Roleplay" with adult women. Everytime i go into Shay's thread I often wonder if one of her customs is some moid trying to get her to dress/say something that reminds him of his actual victim/potiental victim. I think about how shay watches true crime and probably gets jump scared by murderous men with her "kinks" as she says and I wonder how many of those men are legit pedos whose "Kink" is making women dress like little girls/their victims. It's such a mind fuck to think about. It's why I truly try not to think about Fupaul, or Ellen or how Shay always ends up with men with kids while these men have this weird kink, or how
she scared away Shane because she wanted to do the DDLG which makes me feel she truly does get off to it and it's not just money. That case about the teacher is what I wish I never learned about, because it enrages me to think about those poor kids, that dumb fucking pick me pedo teacher and her disgusting horrible husband. I hate them so fucking much.
Also the case about that girl who was left strapped to a toliet and was scared of dogs because her retarded disgusting dad would come in and bark at her, it gives me nightmares No. 2154217
>>2152704That's not so common, I'm not even American and I didn't know most of those things until I was a grown ass adult, that level of misinformation happens when you live in countries where no one wants mothers to know how shitty pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing is because it's not marketable nor what society wants women to believe, because the point of women in those countries is that they give birth no matter what.
Like, a woman could suffer thousands of complications during childbirth, but most people will want to push that woman into giving birth again, and again, and again because "oh my god why don't you give your baby a sibling!!!" As if that was so easy to do, or "butt what if you want to have another child in a few years??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!" As if women weren't always fearmongered into making us believe that if you don't have a baby before you're 25 years old, you will be punished with a retard baby or a terribly disabled baby.
Honestly, if it wasn't because I found this place and talked to more women, I wouldn't know that having a child is as complex, horrifying and thankless as it is.
Sometimes I also wish I didn't know any of this, because being a woman in a society where you are expected to get married as quickly as possible so you can have a bunch of kids, and being over 25 years old, telling others "yeah I'm not married, I don't have a boyfriend either" and getting side eyed isn't really fun, everyone thinks there's something wrong with you because you have standards and because if you have to have a child, then may as well make the experience as less bleak as possible.
No. 2154316>>2154364>>2163031
>>2154303Yeah that shit honestly destroyed my mental health, the fact that no matter what men will always see me as a disposable object to be used. That they see women and girls as less than them and there to be treated as such. I don't think there's enough copium in the world to get that out of my head.
Also one more thing I wish I never saw, please don't read the spoiler if you don't want this blackpill too nonnies it honestly made me throw up when I saw it.
I used to lurk different imageboards for keks or to hatewatch the men on there, and one time I lurked a random, semi popular one during a gore spam accidentally. I saw a photo of a dead newborn baby girl, blue and still had the umbilical cord clip on her belly button. A moid was holding the baby with a gloved hand next to his crotch, and he had his erect dick next to the baby like a measuring stick. And his dick had stuff on it like it had been inside the baby. I feel sick typing this out and just thinking about what I had seen. I really wish I never lurked around online, I've seen and read more things I wish I hadn't than things I'm grateful to have seen and read. Sunk cost fallacy I guess. No. 2154354>>2154373>>2154721>>2155389>>2155469>>2157591>>2157649>>2158520
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When I was little (about 7-12) I was a huge fan of the 2010 MLP franchise. I had completely unrestricted internet access and quickly found some of the most vile shit before I hit 10 years old. There was a lot of porn, especially stuff with hard kinks, and gore too. If anyone was around during this time you might remember tiarawhy, I watched those animations on youtube a lot and the nsfw animations were easy to find from there. There was one video/game from a different artist that involved the trio of kids from the series, so pony CP essentially, I haven't been able to scrub that from my mind. There were easily accessible pony torture videos too, all on youtube. Now that I'm much older I truly believe the adults behind that content were pedophiles trying to groom a generation of young girls. I don't know how sick and depraved you have to be to take a cute show about neon horse's friendship and create something so fucked up, what is it about a children's tv show that gets you off? This isn't nearly as bad as other anon's stories, but I've met so many girls/women who have also stumbled across that stuff as kids and got messed up by it.
No. 2158560
>>2154721Yeah that part where she’s like “I mean they don’t look like horses so it’s ok but I just find it weird” never sat well with me. Ignoring just how much this got outside of 18+ spaces and into the spaces of multiple kids I really wonder if the kind of people getting off to fictional horse children are exactly the type of mentally sane people are really “just a bit weird” at the worst.
More on Jenny I think the reason she’s so soft on them is cuz she did that “Friendship is Witchcraft” My Little Pony fan series which has a whole plotline of an episode be about Twilight wanting to fuck her (step)brother so I think she was partially trying to cope with the fact that she made it. I do like Jenny’s video but her takes on the MLP stuff were very ugh, even if I can like FIW more now that I’m older it’s absolutely something kids should not have been seeing
No. 2158921>>2158922>>2158928>>2158931>>2158935>>2159173>>2161334>>2161571>>2163092
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The account my work friend/acquaintance’s fiancé follows. He must have forgotten to use his alt… It’s a porn account dedicated to posting 12-17 year old girls (especially 13-15 year olds), calling them like “lvl 13”/“lvl 31” etc to disguise it. It has nearly 8000 followers. I feel sick. These are the men you are marrying and having children with. It’s so fucking disturbing because I swear this guy was… normal? I’ve always thought that with porn addict / pedo scrotes you can at least tell they’re not right, at least a little. You know what I mean, like there’s something slightly off, so when it happens you’re kind of not surprised. But this is a well-liked, socially ept, intelligent man. I feel so stupid that I had him filed in my head as “one of the good ones”. Ugh. He seemed sensitive and a good boyfriend/fiancé, really sweet considerate dude, always checking up on her and bringing her gifts etc. Plus a bit of a halo effect since he’s good looking, and it’s usually the ugly incel scrotes? He just seemed like everything good. Idk I feel like I’m dissociating a bit. I spoke to this guy. He was around my fucking niece. I honestly have no idea how I’m going to tell her… I’m even contemplating if I should, how do I break the news? They’re high school sweethearts, she’s 25 and he’s 23, and she’s so excited about being engaged. Plus she’s 1 month pregnant, fml. Picrel is a post he liked. Fucking dystopian.
No. 2159173
>>2158921You need to get the evidence first. Screenshot all evidence of it being him, anything you can link back to him, and make copies of it. If I were you I'd do a bit more digging and see if the username or similar usernames come up on other sites, see what else you can find about him, and screenshot that too. Tell your friend about it and give her one copy, but don't tell her that you have more. He's going to delete everything and deny it.
Definitely go to the police as well and give them a copy of the evidence.
This is massively fucked up. Your friend will probably side with the scrote but give her a chance, this is an insane twist in her life that she never saw coming and he's been by her side for years- plus she's pregnant and engaged. You're shattering her life into pieces. It's best to do it now than to let him trap her and destroy her and the kid's lives himself. Best of luck, this is a horrendous situation to be in.
No. 2161571
>>2158590If memory serves, it started as a kind of prank to make each other watch a shocking anime back in the day (kind of how they used to trick each other into looking at shock sites, videos and pictures, such as 2 girls 1 cup, goatse or 1 guy 1 jar), especially to scare newfags who came asking for anime recommendations on /a/. Boku no Pico was supposed to be obscure and the most disgusting thing ever that you used to get rid of people that annoyed you, though knowing moids, esp. imageboard moids, I don't know if it was because of the pedo shit or because it was gay. It became a meme and then Redditors or whoever the fuck started to spread this "inside joke" outside of its original intended purpose and audience, so knowing about Boku no Pico made you "cool" and part of le edgy 4chan secret club.
>>2158921>it’s usually the ugly incel scrotes?Absolutely not. I'd say the ugly incel scrotes are just worse at hiding it because they're socially inept.
I also want to read an update, sorry that this happened to you.
No. 2163031
>>2154303> as a form of GROUP's called "Mutual assured destruction" in some cases tho, but yes this is fucked up. If you refuse, they might kill you.
>>2154316> Yeah that shit honestly destroyed my mental healtLet me ruin it even more. Because war brides are not allowed to be used as deal by the government to the soldiers officially, they get more discrete about it instead for rare occasions.
It's actually used as a recruitment bargain. You get a bunch of (often sexless) men, tell them that they can "get any woman they want during a mission" (they fully know what this means), they will often do it. al-Qaida and ISIS does this, Boko Haram is the most documented case study of "how they do it", but behind the curtains Western troops use this tactic too, as an "extra payment" for some fucked up mission you can't just pay people for with tax money.
Also, Look up "TRAP-18", it's a document on how to spot potential "future terrorists", and one of the points is if the man has/had a relationship with a woman, if not, he might be a risky hire due to he can be too easily recruited by a foreign power. Now… the military can also flip the script and use that instead.
No. 2163092
>>2158921Do people really think they can always spot the bad people?
Some people can look normal and even be popular in society and in their private lives they can be disgusting. You can't always tell.
No. 2164301>>2164322>>2164334>>2164358>>2181809
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Really really hoping this isn’t real, I haven’t ever felt this sick in my life, ever, I thought my stomach was going to fall out. I’m intensely disturbed. I was having a pretty good day too but I don’t know if I’m going to get it out of my head. I thought I had overly lax views on incest (if it’s two people who are cousins or if two siblings started fucking as adults I would turn a blind eye, honestly) but parent and child… fucking skeeves me out. This isn’t even the worst that’s on this thread. I’m so broken right now. I feel like I’ve lost faith in humanity.
No. 2164328
>>2164322NTA but
> genuinely believes there are some women who don't consensually participate in incest Oh my sweet summer
No. 2164856>>2164972
>>2152823Oh my fucking god. I knew that song was incredibly degenerate and catered to anime pedos when I heard it as a teenager, but I had no idea it contained an actual reference to CP. It's insane how unfair and cruel this world can be. Imagine being raped by your dad and finding out that a weeb used something you said in the CSAM footage in a song about lolis. How much of an unwashed, mentally ill loser cunt do you have to be to make this kind of song, even without knowing the true origin of "salty coins and milk"? Imagine being turned into a laughing stock by young men online for… Having been raped by your father. I'd honestly hate humans (men) for the rest of my life, so I'm so proud of her for not having committed suicide after everything she's been through.
>>2153034I assume that most Japanese and South Korean men have pedophilic tendencies because of how intensely women there are, through cultural values, norms, and their entertainment industry, encouraged to act like overreactive, hyperfeminine (but in a childlike way) children in order to be viewed as desirable. Most men probably have pedophilic tendencies tbh, but it's more visible there due to how much media normalizes it. I wish I hadn't found 4chan and other male-dominated online spaces as a teenager, because it has permanently destroyed my ability to trust men. Realistically, the best you're going to get as a woman is a man who seems normal but watches porn categories that you'd never approve of if he was completely honest with you, so most women just lie to themselves about what kind of man they are with in order to survive and not lose their minds, bc otherwise, they would realize that the statistical likelihood of your nice, loving, decent partner watching degenerate porn and being just like the majority of men behind your back is really high. I wish I didn't realize how much women delude themselves and romanticize what men are in order to survive and form long-term relationships with men, and how much men lie about their sexual predilections because they know that if they were 100 % honest, we'd never date them. I wish I didn't see the insane amount of men who comment "cute" or "sexy" on pictures or videos featuring prepubescent girls. I hate men
No. 2186199>>2186227
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I wish I had never read about this worthless rapist and the police who protected him for so long: was only arrested
for his own protection after a group of
victims burned his house down. At his bail hearing hundreds of women stabbed him to death. There's a photo of his blood on the courtroom floor in the Wikipedia article.
No. 2186227>>2186284>>2186444>>2186467
>>2186199After the police arrested Yadav for his own protection, a bail hearing was scheduled for him on 13 August 2004 in India's Nagpur District Court. Word spread through the adjoining neighborhood that he would be released. The police planned to keep him in custody until everyone had calmed down and then release him. The bail hearing was supposed to take place miles away in the centre of Nagpur.
Hundreds of women marched from the slums to the courthouse carrying vegetable knives and chili powder, walked into the courtroom and took seats near the front. Akku walked in and was confident and unrepentant. At about 2:30 to 3:00 PM, when Akku appeared, he saw a woman he had raped. Akku mocked her, called her a prostitute and said he would rape her again. The police laughed.[10] The woman started hitting him on the head with her footwear.[19] She told Yadav either she would kill him or he would have to kill her saying, "We can't both live on this Earth together. It's you or me."[20][10]
Akku was then lynched by the mob of 200–400 women who showed up.[10] He was stabbed at least 70 times, and chili powder and stones were thrown in his face. The chili powder was also thrown into the faces of police officers who guarded him. The police officers, overwhelmed and terrified, fled immediately.[10] One of his alleged
victims also hacked off his penis. The lynching occurred in Nagpur District Court No. 7 on the marble floor of the courtroom.[10] As he was being lynched, Akku was horrified and shouted: "Forgive me! I won't do it again!". The women passed their knives around and kept stabbing him; each woman agreed to stab Akku at least once. His blood was on the floors and walls of the courtroom.[22] In 15 minutes, Akku was dead; he was 32 years old.[10] The mob continued attacking his corpse post-mortem.[23]
The women returned to Kasturba Nagar to tell their husbands and fathers they had killed Akku. The slum celebrated, and families put on music and danced in the streets. They bought food and handed out fruit to their friends. Five women were arrested immediately but released following demonstrations in the city. Every woman living in the locality claimed responsibility for the lynching.[10] Usha Narayane was arrested and charged with murder, as were other women. A crowd of 400 women and more than 100 men and children gathered at the courthouse to support the women. The crowd said they would not move until the women were granted bail.[25] In 2012, Narayane was acquitted.[2] Twenty-one others, including six women, were also arrested and released due to lack of evidence.[26]
this should be how all rapists are treated.
No. 2188659
>>2186284anon who posted the wiki link. Yes, I loved the end of the story and he deserved it. What made me upset: the number of
victims, the corruption of the police, the sheer amount of time he was allowed to terrorize and rape and maim women and girls, the extreme trauma he caused to everyone in that town, and the men who protected him the entire time.
No. 2190387>>2190398>>2190406
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>Be me
>Want to read yandere romance manga
>Searching "yandere manga" on youtube
>See YT title and google it without listening to the scrote describe the manga
I wish I never tried to read this pedo coomer manga. My bad for taking a scrote's recommendation
No. 2190396>>2190411>>2250329
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>>2190392I'm going to talk to my mom about this, damn. I googled and apparently estrogen cream treats this pretty easily, it's like 20 bucks a tube and lasts 6mo. Picrel scares me because most aging stuff has been like that for me, I'm good/not affected then it hits me fast
No. 2190398>>2190400
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>>2190387>Search up the author>It's a womanWhy.
No. 2250506
>>2190392Would you be happy to know that vaginal or clitoral atrophy can just happen for a myriad of other reasons too, including serious thrush infections?
Look after your vaginas
No. 2251499
>>2251310Wow, you have my condolences
nonny. That sounds so shitty to find out. My dad's always been anti-porn, it's literally the only thing that was good about him. It makes me sad that other women have to find out their dads watch that stuff.
No. 2252556>>2252579>>2252581>>2252597>>2252614>>2252622>>2255138>>2260876>>2267761
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From an academic journal that covers heart transplant patients inheriting some of the attributes/memories of donors. White moids have severe mental illness to be this obsessed.
No. 2252579>>2252640
>>2252556Surely this can't be real. If I found those documents from the mother, recipient and wife in a videogame or ARG I would say the writer was an absolute hack for forcing the theme in such an obvious way, and that they might as well have written some parts in bold, underlined.
If those documents are true I'm not even sure what to think. At first, reading the recipients entry I wanted to snatch the heart back out of his body, but reading the wife's entry it feels almost poetic and good.
So many academic journals are manipulated, there's probably no way to find out if it's real.
No. 2252640
>>2252579>>2252597>>2252622Found it here, it was published in 2002’s in The Journal of Near-Death Studies which is a peer reviewed scholarly journal.
No. 2252642
>>2185802Something like this happened in my country's internet sphere as well, though it was not a direct reference to csem. There was this one time an article written by a pedagogist about incestuous child sex abuse went sort-of viral. There was a part in the article where pedagogist made a reference to testimony of one of the
victims he had seen, where child was described the you-know-what as bitter milk. It was easily the most disturbing and eye catching part in the article. But then some semipopular scrotuber started to make contextless jokes about "father's milk" and aforementioned bitter milk. He also made his teenage followers send him videos where they would drink milk, spit it out and then chanting "father's milk is so bitter" which was exactly how
victim's testimony from that article was worded. He then tried to defend himself with some bullshit about dark humor. Also its horrifying and incredible that there is so many instances of a child getting raped in the same manner and then men turning the rape into laughing material/meme one way or another
No. 2255121>>2255122
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>>2255102>Little Mermaid>half of the movie is about a girl fighting with her dad about humans and how she wants to spend her life>nonnie fighting with her dad>nonnie's dad goes out of his way to look at two characters that can symbolize them, but in a pornographic wayanon…
No. 2268396>>2268402>>2268411>>2268422>>2268448
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Kiwifarms made a Loli/shota thread and it's filled with stuff I would have appreciated never knowing, although it's pretty informative on the history of this sorta stuff
No. 2268433>>2268436
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>check lcf before bed
Well at least I now know the origins of lolishota
No. 2268470
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>>2268427Had a good kek at picrel, you really can never escape the adult women who are totemo IRL lolis
No. 2329861
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I saw a picture of the biggest numbers known to humanity a couple months ago and since then I’ve been in a 24/7 existential dread episode as my mind has only tried to think of how much bigger they can get. Really wish I never learned about numbers bigger than like a couple billion cuz even that used to send me into a spiral and now doesn’t even phase me
No. 2332291>>2332304>>2333651
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Adam Britton the zoosadist dog killer has been aroused by animals and animal shitting and pissing since he was SIX YEARS OLD what the hell
No. 2332304>>2332320
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>>2332291Serial killer Cary Stayner had murder fantasies when he was 7. His family was normal. A lot of moids are born without a soul.
No. 2332364>>2333271
>>2332301Unfortunately another girl, nonna. Her name was Sammy, and iirc Soren based off her friend 'Sam' on her. I remember in the very first Soren thread, an anon linked a dark web archive containing descriptions of irl CP videos to show how Soren had also stolen the descriptions from these horrifying videos to craft her fake trauma narrative, including hers.
>>2329953I tried googling anything related to her but couldn’t find anything. I hope the monster who abused her was caught.
No. 2333271
>>2329953No offense but I'm not going to try to look any of that up, it was a horrible time for the internet and a lot of people were unknowingly posting her pics. There are posts about it in the Soren thread.
>>2332364He was caught, yes. Otherwise we wouldn't have all of this info about her. She's still stalked by pedos, it's weird how men never stop stalking their
victims long after they grow up. I can't remember the details well anymore, but she was living with a male family member and he regularly shared videos and photos of him raping her and forcing her to participate in sexual acts. There were a couple fringe groups on tumblr trying to get photos of her removed because they would garner thousands and thousands of notes, it was sad. Like no, a little girl being photographed drinking beer and smoking cigarettes in her pink nightgown is not normal or funny.
No. 2333316>>2333326
>>2329930A big issue is that teenagers don't unerstand the general meaning or implication behind "aesthetic" images they reblog and a lot of pedo images on tumblr were shared by
young teens and women who found them on pinterest etc. To them it's no big deal because they don't yet have the empathy or humanity to think about anything outside of their bubble. There were girls in their early 20s making their pfps pictures of cp and I hated them all so much because when you told them this they'd ignore it. You'd have to mass report them and they'd still come back and reblog a ton of pseudo cp. There's one girl in particular who did it and shared a bunch of intimate medical pics of little girls she found on a pinterest board/made her pfp cropped pics she found from a cp twitter we were trying to mass report at the time. She had the gall to post selfies among all of that, she was some blonde brown-eyed white girl in her 20s and even though I don't remember her name I will never forget her face because she always came back like a boil. She didn't know I was one of the people who were getting her suspended because I would be like "omg girl follow me when you remake <3" and I'd immediately report her new blog every single time because I hated her for glorifying cp.
No. 2388373>>2388385>>2389226
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It's not as bad as the other stuff on this thread, but I hate knowing about this sasha character. She's a generic loli but something about her feels really I get the impression that whoever made her 100% based her off some probably russian white kid they saw online/irl
No. 2389226
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>>2388373There's an uwu wholshum manga spin-off to that character—and yes she is from a lolicon manga according to Manga-Updates—amazing how the reviewers on its uwu wholshum spin-off take more issue with the fact that she's not a "pure virgin" for MC-kun instead of her coming from a lolicon hentai.
Spoilered reviews due to image length.
No. 2390565>>2390575>>2390578>>2390594>>2390826>>2391786
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>>2369922>>2388339That picture wasnt from a cp. It was just daughter of a reddit user posted on a spider caring subreddit
No. 2390962
>>2390817I don't know what to tell you other than the internet is dark and lawless and young naive children don't know what danger they're going to find on it
I think it's fairly common knowledge that young people who traumatised themselves by seeing scary stuff online don't realise they're traumatised, they go "oh what is that?" and look at more similar stuff because they're trying to make sense of it
I have seen many things I regret seeing, but for sure I'm most haunted by
reading descriptions of abuse of and children that happen in war situations, guro lolicon comics that were "funny" to me when I read them as a child but now haunt me, and gif threads on 4chan that confirmed to be that so many men just want to see women hurt No. 2391795>>2392202
>>2391777I did though. There's a difference between stumbling across shit like loli and actually being knowledgeable about specific girls who were abused and names of cp studios. I've seen plenty of stuff, but don't actually
know about it. The former is fairly normal, the latter is not.
No. 2392202>>2394048
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>>2391795Nta, but the only reason I know about Laura (and not the rest of the girls) was because she was a meme on 4chan and krautchan. Her face was used as reaction images and there were photos of her edited to look like a nazi. When people would post those you'd get replies asking for context or just casual comments talking about it. which is how I learned who she was. She's been brought up in the context of cows like dontabi, where another anon also mentioned who she was
No. 2394048>>2394052
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>>2392202I searched up "CandyDoll" and the only info about a porn studio was from the Chinese Wikipedia.
East Asian-on-East Asian hate can be really useful sometimes.
No. 2418957>>2418964>>2418969>>2418989>>2419022
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One time I saw a whole video of a woman shoving a wheelbarrow up her pussy and I’ve not felt the same since then
No. 2418969
what up her