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No. 2443207

ITT we post about what we learned today. Whether it's an interesting scientific fact, an important life lesson, or whatever.

Previous Thread: >>704153

No. 2443228

a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance

No. 2443243

That six billion people will die from vaccine induced aids(tinfoiling)

No. 2443247

The conspiracy thread is down the hall next to the tinfoil hats

No. 2443249

No. 2443256

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So much better than VAIDs and something I didn't know or forgot I knew about

No. 2443278

I learned this too but couldn’t reply in that thread. Did it get deleted? I looked it up and not true. It’s only that in ppl with hiv that take a vac. for cvid that the cells for hiv are also present in imune cells they just lay dormant. Like they’re sleeping.

So that’s the scope

No. 2443293

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We'll reunite in hell nonnies

No. 2443300

Today you learned nothing then

No. 2443314

thank you nona, i agree, it's a nice little fun fact. i like the picture you posted too.

No. 2445811

See you again is not a cover of Wearing Sunglasses at Night, which I thought to be a very obvious fact when I listened to it for the first time.

No. 2448113

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that universal studios japan has their own seasame street character, moppy. i think she's very cute

No. 2448133

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She is cute, I like the little tuft of hair on the top of her head and her friendly face. If she was American, her design would be tacky, like this muppet. Americans can't seem to get pink right anymore, it is Japan's colour now

No. 2448153

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Finland has official emojis that represents Finnish culture, one of them being Tom of Finland.

No. 2448207

Finnish culture is gay cartoon porn?

No. 2448237

Hard Gay??

No. 2448903

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1. Antlers have blood, 2. Deers shed their antlets, and it looks fucking grotesque. Picrel was actually the least gross image I could find.

No. 2449138

Tom looks gay.

No. 2449150

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He certainly does, nona

No. 2449153

His moids were kind of sexy

No. 2449438

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Today I learned Lou died the day he was supposed to record Brooklyn Baby. Really heartbreaking shit

No. 2449626

Metal af, I like the way it looks.

No. 2449628

If you crop the heads, yes.

No. 2450587

Anthony kiedis dad gave him heroin for the first time when he was like 11 and that’s why he’s like that

No. 2450617

Moppy is cute but the pink muppet is cuter.
The person in the moppy suit must be so sweaty too.

No. 2452276

In German, all nouns are capitalized.

No. 2452958

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A lisping pedophile? Can't stand him

No. 2453533

i hope someone gives him a hot lead implant. fucking scumbag.

No. 2460293

Cillian murphy is still alive? I thought he was dead

No. 2462024

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Boogie's liar tattoo was fake

No. 2462414

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There's a Barack Obama gas station in Ireland

No. 2462415

Love her, she reminds me of ice cream.

No. 2462647

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No. 2464357

So apparently you can't put wax/parchment paper in the oven, it will burn. It's so strange because I literally thought that was the purpose of parchment paper. If you don't use it in the oven, where are you supposed to use it?

No. 2464393

i thought parchment paper goes in the oven up to certain temperatures, but i could be wrong

No. 2464405

Wax paper and parchment paper are not the same thing. Any wax paper in the oven will melt onto your pan. Parchment paper can withstand temps up to 450 degrees but you can't leave it in forever.

No. 2464552

it's actually more like a truck stop, please try to be accurate when you're sharing things you've learned.

No. 2464680

I love circle K

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