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No. 1182273[Reply]

What's eating you?
Previous: >>>/ot/1174281
1195 posts and 153 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1192737

Pure luck, we were housemates
He said that porn sucks before even knowing my opinion about it, and he said he watches it very rarely and he prefers to masturbate with his fantasies only, and when I asked how often he masturbates it turned out it's similar to the way I do it; weeks without anything and then 2 or 3 days when he does it a few times per day. He works out and has a physical active job so maybe that energy goes somewhere kek. I hope he doesn't lie to me…

No. 1192749

No. 1193093

Ot but topkek nonie, it’s been ages since I saw a dream house meme. Kudos to you for good music taste

No. 1193150

I finally did the deed with someone I've been seeing and the sex was so bad it's almost funny. He was bad at oral (A for effort though), he couldn't stay hard, he had no stamina so he had to actually take breaks. Neither of us came. He was an okay kisser though I'll give him that. The funniest part is how he gassed himself up beforehand so I had my expectations set super high. Afterwards he wanted to awkwardly cuddle while I just wanted to get the hell out of there. Needless to say there won't be a second time lmao.

No. 1193374

Normalize telling scrotes they are a bad lay so they think about it at night

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No. 1182903[Reply]

Remember to ignore/report bait.
Ignore/report continuous derailing and tinfoiling.

Last thread >>1171747
Thread pic cropped from >>1176616

>>1171770 Azealia Banks is back
>>1171894 Elizabeth Olsen listens to Red Scare
>>1171977 Azealia says to Venmo her $100k so she drops music, also "$50 gets you a conch shell"
>>1172387 Kim K gets called out by Lili Reinhart for supposedly starving herself to fit in Marilyn Monroe's dress
>>1173612 Lea Michele reveals she once let Jonathan Groff, a gay man, see her vagina
>>1173673 Ncuti Gatwa is the new Doctor Who
>>1174125 Tweet saying Sky Ferreira declined date with Elon Musk, anons realize belatedly it's from a fake news account. Maye Musk and Muskrat himself respond though
>>1174344 Britney Spears and Sam Asghari reported to hash out a prenup agreement where he wants "substantial increases for every five years they are married should it end"
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No. 1191409

No. 1191410

Yeah you are

No. 1191431

This middle school exchange

No. 1191465

"Riot, America"

You wish you were American, Bongoloid.

No. 1191481

The fuck? She thinks she's a Malfoy or some shit?

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No. 1188338[Reply]

You've heard of Unpopular Opinions… now get ready for Unhinged Opinions!!

>Not a tinfoil thread

>Your unhinged opinions can also be unpopular or popular
>Don't bait (racebait, anachan bait, general bait)
>Not a shitposting thread. yes some posts will come off as such, but this is a thread to post your genuinely unhinged opinions
>No infighting. These opinions will likely lack the logic to even form an argument against, so it's not worth it

Have you ever made an opinion that made anons point you to the tinfoil thread? But it wasn't a conspiracy? just a really weird and retarded opinion that made no sense to anyone but yourself? OR do you just have an opinion that would make people quietly cross the street rather than being on the same sidewalk as you?
323 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1190291

t. autistic shitmouthed moid stuck in 2014

No. 1190293

>man ass
>says he's a woman
Inshallah you get a boyfriend and leave us alone, faggot.
>2014 feminazi girl
At least she ain't gonna die from e.coli and an aids ridden torn ass like you.

No. 1190294

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you eat literal shit, I already won

No. 1190296

We are all moids huh.

No. 1190298

>calling anons dykes
Omg are you the dyke-hate-chan who keeps mocking lesbians? Are you mad they don't get aids and die alone like gay men do?

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No. 1147862[Reply]

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues, ect, are all welcome here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
#7 >>>/ot/1028464
#8 >>>/ot/1068732
1207 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1190133

> lots of girls I know didn't know discharge was a thing and thought they were freaks
this - massive push for sex ed yet girls don't know how their bodies work but they get taught men ~must~ jerk off or they'll die and if they like boy stuff they might be a troon

No. 1190479

No. 1191157

"No wonder women stopped wanting to have kids" they never really did, but today we have the choice

No. 1191161

Imagine how low the population would be if only women who want kids had them. Do you have any idea how many of us were accidents/unwanted? Imagine how many more rape and otherwise forced pregnancies there would be

No. 1222621

Deuteronomy is in the Old Testament, anon asked where there is a passage in the New Testament.

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No. 1153807[Reply]

Whatever ails you, dump it here, sisters.
Previous: >>>/ot/1122088
1189 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1187381

I'm fit curvy and I have to hard agree. "Flat" but skinny men and women look tons better than the ridiculous looking disproportionately obese "thick" bodies constantly being promoted. Timmythicc should've been a lesson to these idiots

No. 1187382


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1187471

that's where the I'm a fucking idiot part comes in I guess. if i'd realised this at the very beginning i would've gotten an abortion, but the weight of the situation didn't really hit me until recently when it's far too late. so the least i can do is be a single mum and not subject a child to a drunk loser baby daddy

No. 1187583

I smoked weed to celebrate a clear biopsy result, because I thought I wouldn't need surgery or anything soon, but they didn't take a biopsy from deep enough. I jinxed it, I celebrated too early. I'm cursed

No. 1187898

It's exhausting to be on guard on the time and I can totally understand why you are. You definitely deserved a better parent. But if you feel tense about it, record it in a diary so you can look at your feelings in retrospect. This is a new chapter for you so you shouldn't let the past contaminate your future, enjoy it to the fullest. Plus, the fact that you can see where your paranoia comes from is a good sign. Many people can't introspect on their issues like that. I think you're going to be ok.

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No. 867435[Reply]

Sweet n' sunny

Previous threads:
1198 posts and 354 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1186239

That's kind of you anon, cooks have crazy stressful jobs and get crap pay with none of the recognition servers receive. It's really generous of you to share the wealth.

No. 1186257

that's really cool of you anon! but what's a j? a joint?

No. 1186258


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1187317

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I am proud of myself for still exercising today despite being super cold and I was really not in mood for it. It was just a small walk, but I still exercise for more than 40+ min and that is worth something at my weight. Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow

No. 1187515

new thread >>1187321

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No. 1171910[Reply]

Thread to discuss or post information about the Amber Heard and Johnny Deppp Trial case.

Previous thread: >>1157897
1213 posts and 153 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1185955

Same anon, I agree. IMO all evidence so far has suggested that they’re both shitty people. I could not imagine being in a happy, healthy relationship with either one of them. Even if I’m more Depp-leaning, the over-analyzing from everyone is obnoxious, it doesn’t prove anything, just that they’re all sheep. Amber and Depp are both people, not gods. Stfu. Rant over

No. 1185958

Has anyone actually read IO Tillett Wright's full statement? It's 23 pages long, and I'm on my phone otherwise I'd copy and paste excerpts. It's pretty damning imo, and will resonate with anyone who's been in an abusive relationship with someone who is otherwise popular, and having everyone conveniently look the other way. I definitely wasn't ever team Depp, and Amber has seemed inconsistent to the casual observer but after reading this, my heart broke for her. Honestly, fuck all those deluded women (most of whom are way old enough to know better) who have wasted all their money, time and energy to fangirl a man who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. They ought to hang their heads in shame. They won't though….
The way I see it, all Amber did wrong was have the audacity to walk away from him, and to talk about it publicly. I hope she wins.

No. 1185960

Samefag, I should clarify I'm talking about the delulus who are at the court every day.
I'm happy that those poor alpacas are no longer being subjected to this shitshow.
I tried to attach the PDF of the statement but it wouldn't load.

No. 1185963

Cringe indeed, JD was in his 50s.
He doesn't seem to mix with people of his own age who are not on his payroll, even Manson is a few years younger than him, and similarly retarded so he doesn't really count.
He was hanging out with Amber's friends when they were together and they are all around her age.

No. 1185970

>When I got to his house, I first encountered his staff who were there so I spoke with them first. I remember speaking to Stephen Deuters and I asked him if Johnny had really kicked her and he said “yeah, he did and it was really fucked”.
Stephen Deuters is such a snake

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No. 1078108[Reply]

Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.

Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists

-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse!


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No. 1183300

Trannies are also making razer kitty headset their thing now, they are slow as fuck (with trends). I will keep loving sharks and they can seethe all the want.
That was during the exact time when every vtuber made shark vtuber because of Gura, yes.

No. 1183523

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she's still active, just changed her handle to Kadabura after that whole drama back in 2013-ish. She's really come a long way artwise too.

No. 1183561

Wait, what drama happened in 2013?

No. 1183633

>liking sharks is impossible if you're a bio female. clap, excellent deduction.
No one said that. That specific shark plushie is a troon meme.
>imagine all the people on the world who aren't ill from online usage
I doubt the artist (who might be an woman) and their fans are like that. They're certainly terminally online.

No. 1183793

holy shit this reminds me of this deviantart artist i used to be obsessed with and attempted to skinwalk when i was 11-12. her user was foxyuroxy? i think and she had a style eerily just like this, animated on youtube under the name "egg" for awhile and went MIA after going to college. hope shes doing good.

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No. 1171747[Reply]

Remember to ignore/report bait & trolls.
Ignore/report continuous derailing and tinfoiling.

Last thread >>1159269
Threadpic >>1160074

>>1159453 Trailer for the new movie ''dont worry darling'' that Harry Styles will be starring in.
>>1159573 , >>1160970 Lana del Taco.
>>1159698 , >>1160471 , >>1160489 , >>1160507 , >>1161078 , >>1164409 Kim K wears Marilyn Monroe's dress for the met gala and even receives a piece of her hair which many find creepy.
>>1162022 The MET made Rihanna a digital statue since she didn't attend.
>>1162078 Julia Fox dressing like a randomized sim.
>>1162473 The reason demi lovatoe doesn't attend the met gala anymore.
>>1163469 kris jenner fixing elon musks tie.
>>1163704 , >>1164965 , >>1164973 Dave Chappelle gets attacked by a man with a knife during one of his performances.
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1211 posts and 243 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1182908

If this thread closes soon, here's the new one

No. 1182929

This shit was hilarious and whoever pretends it wasn’t is lying

No. 1182934

I thought fans dissed her for not seeing them outside of the hotel? Like they were outraged she didn’t take photos with them or thank them for standing around outside even though there was a flood

No. 1182966

Is this pic fake? It looks so fake

No. 1182985

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that pic is real, this one is the fake one >>1182803 because a fan shopped cara out and megan shared the post on her story. on the post, the video after shows cara cutting into doja and megan's conversation. megan didn't crop it herself


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No. 1174281[Reply]

Blow off some steam.

Previous: >>>/ot/1166876
1190 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1182235

Why are guys on dating apps the worst conversationalists imaginable? Literally giving me nothing to work with, and I end up carrying the conversation. Example, I told this dude about a film I went to see the other day, and I expanded on how I really enjoyed the genre and message and my thoughts on it, trying to get a conversation going that wasn’t just back and forth questions, and all he replied with was ‘cool :) I love films’
I’m going to go ape shit girls. Every guy is like this.

No. 1182244

So many of my male ‘friends’ completely dropped me once they heard I got a boyfriend. Guys who I never in a million years thought would want to date me suddenly saw no reason to interact with me anymore once dating me was no longer an option. Really puts all your past interactions in a different light, doesn’t it?

He probably has 10+ different chats going simultaneously and can’t be bothered to invest too much effort into each one. Like with reproduction itself, women value quality over quantity while many men value quantity over quality.

No. 1182265

last scream before lock

No. 1182276

New thread: >>>/ot/1182273

No. 1194973


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