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No. 1841040
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>>1841010Were you the one posting Butterface Elordi? I like his body but his weird little face is ugly to me and I’ll say it 100 more times, he needs to be in a movie where he wears a mask so I can fantasize about him. Hollywood needs more pretty boys and hunks that aren’t just meh or expired
No. 1841052
>>1841040I haven't posted any moids I'm just tired of anons saying shit like
>>1841048 but creaming themselves over dead eyed Murphy.
No. 1841068
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>>1841064He looks like a sloth. I’m actually pissed off at modern shows for not having hot dudes
No. 1841092
File: 1704535671793.gif (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 640x640, 1694183862240937.gif)

It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy.
No. 1841193
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I used to think otherwise, but now I am 100% sure "golden retriever boyfriends" are emotional manipulators and gaslighters in sheep's clothing. They just tug on your heartstrings to get out of trouble instead of tard raging and play into the sweet nice guy persona in front of others to make you look like an evil bitch for criticizing them in the first place. Ditto for using the "oh, I was just being friendly, I had no idea. So sorry!" excuse to flirt back with women.
No. 1841253
>>1841223I've seen it mentioned before, but basically, modern men want to date their mothers
>unconditional love no matter what they do or don't do >woman to pay their bills while they can spend money at their leisure >always thought about on special occasions and holidays but never need to reciprocate, then overpraised with perfect gratitude for tiny shit if they do >cleaning, cooking, planning, organizing all taken care of by a woman but little emperor gets final say over householdGross.
No. 1841463
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>people are so mean now, they were so kind in the past, I wish I could go back uguuu
This type of mentality is so dumb to me. Sure, some people got meaner and paranoid after COVID, but it's not like people were waaay more kinder in the past. Imo, it's a codeword for "I miss my youth" (boomers/gen X and millennials to some extent) or "I was born in the wrong generation just because I like 80's/90's fashion and pop culture" (younger generations). Moreover, what people consider "kind" is a people pleaser and a yesman and those people got fed up with the bullshit they put up with for years, even decades. There have always been people who would profit off of other people's kindness, but now we can question people's motives, unlike back then. I don't live in the US though, so my opinion might not apply to everyone's experience. I'll take living with the people of now than with the people of my grandma's generation, where they saw wife and child abuse as normal and I would've been married off, or rather sold off at 15 for some plot of land and a cow that entire families will beat each other for for the next generations.
No. 1841469
Sorry ill see myself out
No. 1841681
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A lot of blond women think they're the main character in life, and tell themselves they're far more sexualized and attention-grabbing than they actually are in reality. Blondes are commonly seen in Europe and the rest of the world thanks to tourism. No one is special because of their hair color.
No. 1841686
>>1841681I wouldn't say that about blondes
in general, but it is funny to see people hype up a very common trait like it makes them the main character. That woman thought she did something by just being a blonde, but nobody really cared lol
No. 1841928
>>1841193I had a friend who just broke up with her guy because he was both emotionally and physically
abusive. He was the epitome of the retriever type bf too. I'm glad she got out.
No. 1841933
>>1841898>>1841926Seething and incorrect upright chimps
No. 1841939
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miss monkey face, the only one seething here is you. I'm just saying the OP sounds like one of those cat owners that let their cats outside to run off 20 miles east and get surprised when it ends up missing.
No. 1841946
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I did, because I said that OP sounds like a cat owner that let's their cats roam to do whatever all day and anywhere. And she does, because they're the main people I justifying cats killing native bird species. You didn't disprove shit, you're literally just flinging insults like an ape flinging poop at tourists it doesn't like. Funny how every insult you come up with literally just describes you and your behavior.
No. 1841950
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>>1841948Too bad. Looks like you're less literate than a monkey.
No. 1841956
>>1841955Projecting hard on that
>eek eek ook ook pay attention to meshit
No. 1841957
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>>1841956You seem to be obsessed with bringing up monkeys. You must be mad that this monkey is prettier than you
No. 1841965
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>>1841960You keep bringing up monkeys like they killed your whole family. Sounds like a skill issue for you.
>>1841962Francine and Muffy say hi
No. 1841968
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>>1841967Hm, you sound unhinged. Even monkeys have better manners than you. I trust baby monkey for than meanie anon
No. 1841973
>>1841965No, I like monkeys. It's just that feeling like you're at war with other animals is
chimp activity. Again with the projection, monkeychan
No. 1841975
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>>1841973I never said I hate cats. I just think they should be regulated when outdoors. Again, learn literacy, monkeyhater.
No. 1841979
>>1841975I never said you claimed to hate cats. You're projecting your own illiteracy
and your animal hatred, damn.
No. 1841991
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>>1841979No, anon. Let's have bubble monkey help you understand the conversation.
First, I said
>t. an outdoor cat ownerBecause it's always seems to be cat owners that justify their pets excessively killing native birds.
You responded with
>Seething and incorrect upright chimpsFirstly, I am not a monkey. I am a homo sapien, which although is in the family of the different Great Ape species, is not the same as being a monkey.
My response was
>I'm just saying the OP sounds like one of those cat owners that let their cats outside to run off 20 miles east and get surprised when it ends up missing.I explicitly explained that I think cats should be regulated more often when they're outdoors. The fact that 80% of kittens born and living outdoors die before six months of age helps my point that more cats should be watched outdoors.
Then you responded with
>Stop throwing your shit, upright chimp. No one said shit about outdoor catsI didn't say I hate or dislike cats, I only ever stated that I think more cat owners should keep an eye on their cats before they drive more native wildlife into extinction. Which ain't a bad opinion. If you don't think I hate cats, bubble monkey isn't sure why you even picked a fight with me and technically one other anon. But you keep calling me a monkey, so I'm gonna keep posting monkies at you.
>>1841982You keep thinking that multiple anons are the same. I didn't say anything about dogs in here. Whatever floats you cope though.
>>1841983Nope. Muffy is a fancy monkey. Check the official page.
No. 1841997
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>>1841989You’re so mean to me.
No. 1841999
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>>1841995>continuously starts an infight for no reason>accuses another anon of wanting attentiontsk ask tsk nona, have some class.
No. 1842001
>>1841992Mods can confirm we aren't, turns out it isn't as unpopular as I thought.
Any brachycephalic or bug eyed pet shouldn't be bred.
I also think dachshunds shouldn't be bred, but at least I find those kind of cute.
Poor sausage dog backs.
No. 1842005
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>>1841998>can't read some paragraphsHm, I'd rather be a lemur monkey than a cocomelon zoom zoom with no attention span, nona.
No. 1842007
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I like cats. I like dogs. I like monkeys. I don't trust anyone who dislikes any animal.
No. 1842009
>>1842007I like any animal that isn't bred to look ugly or have health issues for their aesthetic.
I like borzoi dogs because they look like babushkas
No. 1842021
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>>1842020>whatever helps you sleep at nightWould love to sleep with picrel monkey
>>1842019What a shame, because monkeys can teach themselves sign language. You can read, but choose to remain stubborn. You should be more like monkey.
No. 1842023
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I love shar-pei’s so much.
No. 1842024
>>1842013Unsurprised to find he's pro pibble
>>1842015I don't hate them but they're ugly, it's not like I'm barking at the dog so it knows I think it's ugly.
Humans and dogs are not the same.
No. 1842027
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>>1842025Just posting them is fetishizing them? Hm, you must be projecting some really disturbing emotion, like those guys on monkeyhate.
No. 1842037
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>>1842030>gizmoTrue, but how about THIS monkey?
No. 1842041
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>>1842040More like to picrel
No. 1842042
>>1842029Dogs can't read me calling them ugly like a deformed child could, dogs can not understand me saying the word ugly to them like a deformed child could.
Much like breeding dogs with health issues, knowingly birthing a deformed child with health issues is equally abhorrent to me.
No. 1842043
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>>1842023chow is superior.
No. 1842050
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yknow personally I love mukbangs I wish I could eat like that
No. 1842054
>>1842042Dogs are attuned to human emotion and behavior due to breeding and generations of companionship. They often can read your disgust and the treatment/behavior that comes with it. Either way, it's still cruel to bash an innocent being if they don't know about it IMO. I feel it's in similarly bad taste to shit on innocent dead people for no reason.
>Much like breeding dogs with health issues, knowingly birthing a deformed child with health issues is equally abhorrent to me.This I agree with.
No. 1842061
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>>1842053hm, you keep seething and for no apparent reason. Maybe baby monkey can help you feel better. Inner peace
No. 1842070
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>>1842047thx for the feedback. i love gorilla plushies hope it's ok to post them too.
No. 1842092
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>be monkey ripped from its mother from the wild
>gets thrown into diapers and kids clothes that it shits and pisses in and does backflips for thousands of chinese and indian to watch on social media
>monkey with shit-filled diaper because it’s fed too much twinkies and bread is able to mog anon on so many LEVELS she can’t even comprehend it
>i can’t greentext kek (newfag/wrong thread)
No. 1842096
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>>1842092>depressing things about what happens to monkeys>using the word "mogging">trying to start a fight with me and losingHm, looks like you didn't quite graduate from the Japanese Macaque school. You get an F on your test.
No. 1842099
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>>1842096I’m a different anon but you schooled me
nonnie No. 1842103
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>>1842099>two passive-aggressive anons that want to say mean things for no reasonHm, then you both get an F on your tests. You failed the monkey check.
No. 1842111
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>>1842105Hm, I think monkeys are cuter and much nicer than either of you. Your boyfriends would take a baby monkey out for icecream before you two get to go.
No. 1842129
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>>1841991The official page is a lying ass motherfuk and so is Marc brown no I will not take feedback she has HIPPO TEETH
No. 1842135
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>>1842129Hm, you seem to need a chill pill. Mayor Crosswire can help you with that.
No. 1842137
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>>1842135Muffy is a fat ass hippo pass it on
No. 1842138
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>>1842137Muffy is a monkey, babes.
(avatarfagging) No. 1842175
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>>1842173I wouldn't say that's always bad.
No. 1842187
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>>1842183Raccoons are cute
No. 1842544
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Tigers are the only animals that would be kinda sexy if they were anthropomorphic ijs
No. 1842570
>>1842546Nta, I agree, but you can choose living with other women as roomates. That way, you can have a support group if things don't work out with the moid. I think it's better than living like a married couple with a moid and do wifey shit without any of the commitment, ring and legal benefits you get as a married couple.
I have a friend who chose to live with her moid for 4 years and begs him to get her a ring and wife her up. Turns out living with a moid and acting like a mommy to him without any responsibility from his side will get you nothing.
No. 1842583
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>>1842544I think humans are really ugly objectively. Other creatures in nature seem so much more majestic and can be stunning to look at even though they're not an exact peak age, groomed, perfect diet etc. They can be wild and if you take a close shot of them they look so cool. Meanwhile a close shot of a random human you will usually see greasy folds, ingrown hairs, veins, boring eyes, mushy head shape, chapped lips etc. Humans need preparation to look peak and even so we resemble fleshy demons. I bet we freak a lot of creatures out walking upright too. Basically if God is real I think we're made in the image of a failed experiment.
No. 1842586
>>1842570i thought like you until i ended up living with other women and they were insane. not rat girl
>>717290 level insane but clearly mentally unwell and socially inept. i think women only living arrangements only work when you are extremely picky.
No. 1842592
>>1842586Also agreed and it makes me sad that the radfem utopia might never actually be real
No. 1842595
>>1842571Housing prices started at 10-11 times median income in late 2023 in my country. That's literally a decade's worth of full-time income for a tiny starter's appartment. "People don't try" my ass.
>>1842570That's true, I hadn't thought of that. Living with roommates isn't super common for full-time working adults here, so it didn't come to mind. I do think it's sad that it has to come this far.
No. 1842599
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>>1842544This, but also including Birds of Paradise. Human moids would be objectively better if they had iridophore feathers and silly/cute courtship dances.
No. 1842601
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>>1842583Ayrt and you're only slightly right because when you remove the hair from all these creatures they're also weird and ugly and funny looking. We just don't have hair to conceal all our genetic intricacies.
No. 1842607
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>>1842599Idk im just saying we need more stacked men with predator eyes and feline sex appeal instead of fucking soyfacing hare-eyed tards that type "skskksskk" as a real response to texts and use family guy images to express their feelings
No. 1842609
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>>1842606Right that isn't awe inspiring its scary, this guy looks stupid asf. Cosplaying batman does not get you pussy.
No. 1842641
>>1842543I think every adult should live on their own for at least one period in their life. But expecting every adult to
buy their own place first is crazy unrealistic in this market.
No. 1842643
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>>1842637This your house?
No. 1842676
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>>1842664Hes a butters now but a great actor. I like him, like I don't have an attachment to him like a stan I just like his body.
No. 1842694
>>1842680And is that the men
you want to sleep with? Do you want to have nasty smelly con orgies the rest of your life?
No. 1842724
>>1842637Tell us where you live or shut the fuck up. You’re avoiding the question.
>>1842663Anon is bullshitting.
No. 1842746
>>1842543I did apartment and house shares for my first few years out of home because I never would've been able to rent solo in that city. But I know alot of people who won't move out unless they can afford a whole place to themselves.
I would've loved a place to myself straight off the bat but I mostly moved out because it felt like do or die time. I was full on agoraphobic in my teens, had made great progress but felt like staying at home would make it all too easy to retreat back into that. Even moving with a bf would've felt like that old habit I had where I could only do certain things if someone held my hand basically. I've since lived with bfs, lived alone (cheaper in rural places) and lived all over the country. In an alternate universe I never moved out and I'm scared of everything.
No. 1842768
>>1842724You can get a mortgage anywhere you want if your credit is good. Work on your credit and stop with the
victim mentality.
No. 1842787
>>1842768Some of you all don't realize that not everyone here is from the US. The credit score system doesn't exist in a lot of countries outside of Anglosphere and creditworthiness for lack of a better term is determined otherwise.
I make about 2 months of income under median income so not a whole lot, only have a small amount of savings, no debt and have been approved by no bank for more than about a third of what I'd need for a small previous century single bedroom appartment in the "affordable" areas which are no longer affordable because everyone's flocking there. Meanwhile I rent for significantly more than my hypothetical monthly mortgage would be, life's going great and everything's easy peasy. Housing crisis where?
No. 1842838
>>1842821Hey nta but actually work for a landlord so i have some input!
Depending on state laws, either written agreements and/or oral agreements are
valid for tenancy. If a woman can provide proof of agreement and/or payment towards rent, then it moves towards 30 days notice (written and proof of receiving). If she refuses to move out after 30 days, then it is taken to court for evictions.
No. 1843194
>>1842812Depends on the country, where I live I can evict renters while subletting at a moment's notice.
And someone can make your life hell for you in those 30 days if you're made to share the same space.
But besides the women has all the power in this theoretical instance anyway because the myriad of domestic violence laws means the cops will just take the man away if she requests it.
No. 1843213
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>>1843200>takes care of himself>has an unibrown>is hairy>has all those wrinkles at 26>needs braces to fix those spongebob teethhe's repulsive
No. 1843218
>>1843213uh, is everything ok
nonny? I said I didn't find him attractive, I asked for you to post a man you find attractive.
No. 1843243
>>1842583kek i wonder if on lolpuma.farms they are nitpicking this image saying like EW disgusting 3dpd.. look at the sunspots on his nose, flabby cheeks, hooded eyes, and he hasnt even washed away his eye boogers… 4/10 at best…
i support them hehei often wonder what other animals find beautiful about each other (if that's even a factor for them), or if scent is really king to the exclusion of all visuals.
No. 1843251
>>1842544I've been seeing a anon go around multiple threads today and try to subtly post this pro-furry crap.
You are not slick, and it is very obvious that you are gay male furry.
No. 1843263
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Low-key glad MJ finally got outted as a pedophile. His defenders are some of the most delusional people alive, I don't believe all of his accusers either but that moid definitely has a track record of being creepy around kids and had CP labeled as "art" (age old Hollywood excuse to give CP free passes) but ofc people will claim it's planted as if hundreds of people just made it their life mission to accuse a random singer of being a pedo for no apparent reason
No. 1843273
>>1843222You’re not even responding to the original anon kek
>bwaahh post moid you find attractiveYou retards will say they’re ugly no matter who gets posted but then lick the skid marks off of Paul Dano’s Hanes. I don’t give a fuck about whether or not some rando thinks Jacob Elordi I just think the sperging over attractive moids while worshipping mid at best scrotes is insecure and falling for the ugly male psyop.
No. 1843293
>>1843273maybe you should turn your ire at celebrity worship/obsession and centering men in general, which is at the heart of this cancer. Also nevermind how probably most/all of those weird men are degenerates and don't deserve any attention anyways.
>you're not even responding to the original anonyou did the same exact thing and also made up stuff; I said I find men unattractive in general - some are nastier than others, though - so you seething about me licking Paul Dano's Hanes makes no sense. It's like you want to make yourself as angry as possible.
No. 1843381
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>>1843364you sound like the tranny that's trying to frame all lesbians as pedos
No. 1843432
>>1843390both you and the anon are retarded. You're both acussing each other of being
insert name. Also not everyone here keeps up with all the drama or knows what you're talking about so spill it or don't even bother saying it because you are acting like this is some super special top secret alien type of shit you know about.
No. 1843461
>>1843441>shartfemEveryone knows the women part of the rudefem community were pedos though. This isn't anything new. I thought you had something actually milky with the way you weren't naming anyone at first.
But yeah there is alot of insane women at the rudefem (and sometimes the separatist community). Anyone here remember @Toppdyke, she used to go around sexually harassing underage trans men(tifs) and sending them all sorts of nasty messages, she also slept with a underage girl and said that if you're a woman then you can sleep with underage girls/boys……
No. 1843573
>>1843570Kek we all know what you really meant,
>women are a hive mind!You’re definitely a tranny. You’ll never be one of us or understand us at all.
No. 1843590
>>1843586>>1843584it's happened multiple times?
there was a lactating lady, some celebricow infight, the anon who held the piece of paper between her labia and a few others. there was also an anon swearing up and down about her extreme proportions but ended up being completely average
No. 1843599
>>1843597was it the marina anon?
>>1843594eh, I kinda blame the other baiters who purposely say things known for causing anons to sperg out and post their nudes
No. 1843732
>>1843263>Low-key glad MJ finally got outted as a pedophileHe didn't got outted wtf he was mentioned yet there was no crimes attached to him in the list
>as if hundreds of people just made it their life mission to accuse a random singer of being a pedo for no apparent reasonHe pissed off Sony and several others by buying the Beatles catalogue and making a fortune with it, that on itself it's enough to put your name on the red line
No. 1843740
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I feel like no one really likes Blackpink and just does it because of a strange, "kpop ritual" you have to do before calling yourself a kpop stan.
Their only good song is If It's Your Last (and it was a recycled 2NE1 song), all of their other songs are grating, kind of noisy, boring, they were on hiatus for two years for no reason. Teddy, their producer, is so fucking shitty at his job. Every song has the same vibe and structure and line distribuition. I like kpop but I can't really understand why people like Blackpink where they have like 10 songs and they're all the same. I'm glad that BabyMonster can't live up to the same expectation because that kind of music sucks ass and maybe Teddy will stop putting out 2013ish-kid-with-garage-band shit.
Yeah I know kpop is a completely fake and fabricated world but I actually like the songs alright. Plus I don't listen to boy groups because they either look cringy or faggoty.(kpopfaggotry)
No. 1843755
>>1843753The thing about Jisoo is that she has a deep voice but has to keep up with whatever shitty, grating song they put out. She would be great in a jazzy, ballad style if properly trained and she and Rosé could form an indie-sounding interesing duo (since Rosé can actually play something).
Jennie is a tryhard and Lisa can't sing. Lisa's singles are embarrassing.
No. 1843838
>>1843263Idk why but I fell deep down the rabbit hole of looking into some of the cases years ago and basically never came out with people still suing him (well the estate) to this day after his death. There def were people who were looking for a payday and purely money motivated. The Arviso trial transcripts are an absolute joke and it makes sense he walked free from that. Even if the media acted gobsmacked by it. Read court transcripts intead of news articles and its pretty clear why he walked free.
Other people who might have an actual case still took pay offs rather than chasing justice. Which leaves a big question mark on whether they were the same thing or genuine people who didn't want a whole public case to turn their lives upside down. Wade spent decades being his biggest defender (incuding taking his side in court against other accusers) and then decided to sue his estate for a billion after he died and after he already publicly grieved him and spoke about him being the kindest man on earth even just months before suing) Safechuck went into graphic detail in Leaving Neverland about being assaulted in a building that hadnt even been built til years later when he would've well and truly aged out of 'Michael dropping him like a hotcake at 14' Not defending because other accusations seem to hold more weight but pay day accusers jumped on the bandwagon and muddied the waters enough for some people to cling onto that hope or belief they must all be doing the same.
I know which accusations I think are absolute bullshit but I don't take the side of saying they all are. I just think enough opportunistic people muddied the waters and played their own role in it being a never ending 'did he or didn't he' debate that people will never stop having strong opposing opinions on because if some of the accusations fall apart that easily it creates doubt that could be tainting genuine
victims stories
No. 1843853
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I don't know how to explain it, but this series doesn't feel for kids, even though there's nothing inherently or directly adult about it. Something just doesn't feel right and I feel like I'm the only one getting these weird vibes from it
No. 1843865
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whatever this mismatch style is of thrifted y2k clothes its ugly.
No. 1843872
>>18438655 year old playing dress up with older sisters clothes
Me trying to make a cohesive outfit in animal crossing with random stuff I bought from gracies
Point of view I'm Mormon and get to wear normal people clothes for the first time
No. 1843877
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>>1843827That tommy mottola speech he did lives in my head
>Turn off the tapes.. oh no wait leave them on. Tommy mottola is a devil No. 1844108
>>1844065Quality wise they're decent, you're not gonna find loose threads or that thing where some plush have a seam up the back that looks badly stitched up at the end. But that's kinda the minimum you expect at that price point. I'll never get people who hoard every color (and then every subtle shade) of their popular but stupdily generic basic bunny. Which to me looks like the plush they already sell everywhere for when you need to quickly buy a gift for a newborn.
Lidl where I am were selling plush lately that were doubles of a fox and a raccoon that jellycat sell. I'm guessing they could never sue because the design is so simple, how could you prove they copied
No. 1844152
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>>1844108They have some interesting animals, characters or designs that other brands don't carry, but they are not worth the money. Used to work at a place that sold them. I love my butterfly but I never would've paid full price kek
No. 1844156
>>1844011Rich people are genuinely superior to poor people on a genetic level, and it's the genes that make them rich and wealthy. Poor people overestimate how ugly, stupid and sociopathic they disproportionately are.
How hard is it to actually get by in a developed western country? It's very easy, I've managed to live comfortably on welfare before without a fuss, I couldn't imagine actually needing to steal anything.
No. 1844187
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>>1844152I want this guy but yeah I can't justify getting him at full price. I'd go for the small version as a compromise but then the small looks kinda fucky
No. 1844188
>>1844156>on a genetic levelI think it's less to do with genetics and more to do with what parents teach their children. I'm middle class, I didn't have a good childhood by any metric, my parents marriage was a car crash and my mother was an
abusive alcoholic but I was taught things like how to manage money, how to prioritise expenditure, how to invest and grow wealth. Poor people generally don't have this knowledge passed onto them.
No. 1844193
>>1844190I don’t think being rich off draining the general public’s money is the same as owning your own business, I don’t consider the royal family to be ‘rich’ because if they stop being royal they’ll magically be broke kekkk. I’m
very excited for the day that comes, though.
No. 1844203
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>>1844187I wish there were outlets that sold them for cheaper. As someone who worked with inventory sheets on product the actual value of items is minuscule. and I'm 99% sure the Bugerland prices are so high cause jellycat is international (UK based)
My last job had a 40% discount which is why I splurged. They're good quality but not $50 for a midsize or large stuffie quality. I wanted this snail but I had a mental break and lost my job in the aftermath of it.
No. 1844208
>>1844194I don't know who you're talking about but anyone letting their kid die of neglect is automatically a POS in my book
>>1844187This one has attitude i like him
No. 1844219
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The siren eyes/makeup that everyone and their mother is obsessed with on TikTok is just makeup for hooded eyes and I find it baffling that most beauty and skincare gurus hate hooded eyes and even push for invasive shit like surgery as if every woman has to be bug eyed to be desirable lol.
To any nonna that feels bad about her hooded eyes, if your eyes have 100 fans, I'm one of them.
No. 1844227
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>>1844219Based, i never understood the sudden hate towards hooded eyes, they look quite normal and even striking to me, and even if some argue they're hard to work with makeup wise, that's also a lie, there are several techniques for hooded eyes nobody needs to literally CUT their eyelid wtf??
No. 1844229
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>>1844216Cost and supply and demand. Rabbits are fairly minimalistic. they sell best to newbie baby parents and friends looking for nursery gifts for said parents. They also sell them in like 1001 colors. My store had 4-5 shades of bunny for Easter/spring in more vibrant colors and then the usual pastel puke rabbits for the rest of the year. Jellycat makes the most bank it seems off of selling the bland animals to young kids, their parents and as baby gifts so that's what they produce the most of.
All the eccentric or quirky designs of weird animals (such as this mole in picrel or the sea/land creatures) require more attention to detail, don't sell as well, and are costlier to make, looking at the design of the mole's hands and feet and droopy fabric eyes next to one of their floppy bunnies.
No. 1844259
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>>1844237Same, I have partially hooded eyes too. Fully hooded eyes are more for an avant garde and unusual makeup and imo I love that. While picrel might not be everyone's taste and the model doesn't have fully hooded eyes, this type of makeup looks nice on hooded eyes, like the dramatic pink eyeshadow that goes farther from the eye (unfoutunately, not for everyday wear) or the egyptian type eyeliner/reverse eyeliner looks well too or the colored waterline and bottom lashline is a striking and fun look to me.
No. 1844352
File: 1704752247811.jpeg (398.23 KB, 2048x2048, 3kcPzoO.jpeg)

Remember this whenever you hate your hooded eyes… Imo especially in the top right her eyes look so striking. Princess Diana also always kinda looked up like this, it looks both cute as well as challenging.
No. 1844384
>>1844368Kek, i feel the same way. You got me thinking about that stupid video about some girl's friend whose boyfriend would
trigger her by looking at dating apps in front of her as a form of emotional abuse. I cannot imagine being grown as hell and choosing to endure that shit, like nobody is making you. But of course, some women literally don't have personalities outside getting dicked down and no amount of feminism can ever help them. Idk if i could stand by a friend who was such a way, i'd honestly just abandon them.
No. 1844511
>eat like a medieval peasantI should clarify there's nothing wrong with eating rice, meat and beans (I just had some rice, meat and veggies less than an hour ago for dinner), I just hate that food advice kek. It's besides the point anyway.
No. 1844519
>>1844513I'm perfectly fine at cooking and seasoning, 90% of my meals are made at home from scratch. I don't even stop at Starbucks or whatever for coffees. Dollar store food is low quality, it's not even about seasoning. I say that as someone who likes dollar stores. People shouldn't have to buy food from those places to afford a meal.
Also, what happens when the places that are supposed to be cheap raise their prices too? It happened with Walmart. Dollar Tree raised their base price to $1.25 not too long ago, which is not a lot but it still means something. We also all saw when eggs, a basic staple food, got unreasonably expensive.
No. 1844525
>>1844464I can afford groceries just fine but I do a little complaining from time to time just because the prices seem silly to me. I still buy nice stuff anyway, but I'll also comment on how 8 dollars for eggs is rather high.
>>1844488I get prompts saying to translate from Indonesian, don't worry about it.
No. 1844526
>>1844521Yeah, and they're low quality even in the big super market. The difference is that grocery stores will at least have better options. Of course there are fine brands at the dollar store but it's not all of the food.
Anyway, the point is, the fact that you're telling people to go to food pantries and dollar stores instead of a regular grocery store is basically admission that you also think grocery stores are expensive.
No. 1844552
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>>1844537I mean but it’s true. She’s complaining that this food costed her 90 bucks. Notice how it’s all prepackaged microwaved stuff.
No. 1844560
>>1844558That's true
>>1844557I think the price of the flour and eggs would be more than a box of dry pasta
No. 1844577
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>>1844573Oh look nothing but prepackage shit again . If 18-35 year olds would just learn how to cook they wouldn’t have these problems.
No. 1844593
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>>1844585The middle class white people are the same though. She’s complaining about food prices but all she’s gotten is fruit pops and prepackaged salads when she could just make a salad.
No. 1844762
>>1844753That I find both nasty, I guess.
>>1844759So are men that get off to dead corpses or sexualise torture but don’t become rapists or serial killers either, like the women with these fetishes, are they the same / fine?
No. 1844793
>>1844784So elaborate? I want to understand, it’s not like I’m hellbent on this opinion. Though I think at some point we can’t just assume everyone we disagree with just happens to be moids. You can see this anywhere on /g/.
I’m also not being hypocritical because I have deranged fetishes (not corpsefucking level though) but I’m bisexual so they’re towards both women and men.
No. 1844809
>>1844798Nobody told you it was
problematic faggot, it's just super "I'm 14 and this is deep". I doubt you can name a genuinely androgynous person who remains that way after a few years without taking cross sex hormones. You're talking about a phenomena that doesn't actually exist outside of lame photoshopped pinterest moderu shots kek.
No. 1844863
>>1843732he had a laundry list of suspicious behaviors that are dahvie vanity tier, and he was at the very least on epsteins island, and knew what was occurring, even if there's no solid proof he participated in it or not (spoiler: majority of people on the island also had no solid proof that they did anything)
>He pissed off Sony and several others by buying the Beatles catalogue and making a fortune with it, that on itself it's enough to put your name on the red lineokay? a lot of celebrities piss off companies to high heaven why is he the only one people magically go out their way to plant CP in his house? MJ is still a celebrity moid just like any other celebrity moid. Not sure why people think he's a special exception to all the shit of hollywood
No. 1844935
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The Brits are right about teeth. American parents trip so hard about how "ugly", "deformed", and "crooked" their kids' mouths are, when so much of their teeth are the most normal sets of teeth ever. What is this extreme perfectionism really needed for? Some teeth in your mouth will be kind of crooked, that's how teeth fucking are. Unless someone or somebody's kid is walking around with some Mileena chompers, braces just aren't really needed.
No. 1845392
>>1845381Kek, that's always a theme with them
>omg my life sucks and I'm a failure with zero excuse and I'm seething and blaming this demographic for all my problems when they had absolutely nothing to do with me so I'm gonna go on a mass-murdering rampage and then kill myself or get locked up in prison for a minimum of 60 years because that'll teach them!!Moids are worthless mongs kek
No. 1845431
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Those femininity and dating advice gurus are just as toxic to the minds of young women as the Andrew Tate types despite being women as well
No. 1845439
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>>1845366Their diaries used to be online. Klebold was a depressed foot fetishist and Eric had anger issues and wanted to rape cheerleaders. They were incels with a relatively large friend group of similar weird guys. Their videos were on youtube and you could see that they talked normally to some normie girls, I think Klebold went to a ball with a girl or something. I used to be interested in them
I shipped them. Kelly Fleming is the
victim that caught my attention after a while, she was actually an introvert, not like Harris, who killed her at the library.
No. 1845451
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I don’t understand straight woman's taste in men. There’s nothing attractive about him in this photo. Straight Men would never be fan girling over a saggy old woman taking a picture from the most unflattering angle.
No. 1845470
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>>1845451>saggy old womanThis doesn't really have anything to do with what you're saying, but the "saggy old woman" part of your opinion reminded me of how moids would take about women in their late 30s, 40s, and 50s. Something something "hit the wall", something something "eggs expired", something something "not fertile", something something "less attractive", and yada yada yada y'know? Scrotea go on and on about how unattractive they think older women are, but then when Lady Dimitrescu was confirmed to be a lesbian, moids were seething because they wanted her all to themselves. If Lady Dimitrescu is clearly an "older woman" who's designed to look in her 40s, why do moids still want her so badly? Then I remembered that "MILF" is a pretty popular porn category, featuring women that are either older or meant to look older. So moids hate older women…but still want to fuck them? Or think about fucking them? Why do moids talk shit about a demographic of women they still want to fuck? Is misogyny just their instinct? It's annoying that scrotes try to make aging seem like the worst thing that'll happen to a woman, but still act like they're entitled to older women.
No. 1845487
>>1845485I honestly don’t think she had another option. She tried to run away but her mother got the authorities involved because she’d managed to get gypsy signed as someone who’s not mentally competent to care for themselves. There would have been no way out of that without extensive court cases and deedee would probably rather kill gypsy than let her have any more independence. The state and deedee didn’t give her a choice and gypsy obviously has some sort of codependency issue now due to how severely twisted her childhood was. That’s why she goes straight to relying on men. Very few people even ones with
abusive mothers can relate to just how sheltered and stunted she was. Forced to act like a baby into her early 20s. It’s remarkable just how normal she is considering.
No. 1845519
>>1845485They're also idiots who grew up with wonderful parents who coddled and sheltered them and so they cannot fathom what it's like to have pathological parents with selfish intentions.
I find these sorts of people crop up whenever there is retaliation against
abusive shitbag parents.
No. 1845541
>>1845505this is 100% my belief. Its like when a
victim kills their attempted murderer. Deedee's final act would have been to harvest the sympathy from a dead daughter. The world wants
victims to assume their rightful position under the soil, and is shocked and looks for reasons to call them evil when that narrative is overthrown.
No. 1845543
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>>1845539I am seriously confused about what makes straight women cream themselves
No. 1845547
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>>1845451>>1845543straight women take what they can get because handsome men are already rare, yet many of the most handsome men are evident from an early age, and they get groomed and diddled by gay men then get a complex about being a bottom and never make it back psychologically. You think I'm trolling but I'm dead serious.
No. 1845552
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>>1845547Yep. It happened to Edward furlong. Unrelated but I’ll never forget when women on TikTok were going on about pic related being the female gaze kek
No. 1845557
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>>1845555It was all kinds of women but believe it or not the scrote was only 23 and looked like that
No. 1845562
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>>1845547I mean, bjornn ended up looking way better as an adult than he did as a kid.
No. 1845660
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Buzz Lightyear is extremely overrated,Woody is the superior one and always will be.
No. 1845672
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I thought she was plain to begin with, but knowing how awful her personality is made me see her as ugly
No. 1845743
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I feel like the ugly but hot famous guy phenomenon is mostly a white woman thing because if we look at other cultures( arab, Indian, African, Asian) the men promoted in movies and tv look nothing like the average scrote and are conventionally attractive. We all know pic related looks nothing like the average Indian scrote but other cultures pick the best looking men to represent them in the media. Call it race baity but it’s just something I’ve noticed.
No. 1845759
>>1845743white women really are oppressed
I agree with you, its part of why my mom only watches foreign romcoms now
No. 1846356
>>1845743maybe I've just my share fair of shagging 9s but I find zero western moid celebs attractive just because of how common I can find moids that look like them
ryan gosling, Hemsworth brothers, etc? looks like the average mechanic or office boy here
jacob elodri? just go to a college bar
women are far more stunning typically even if the woman is "average"
No. 1846362
>>1846204Is this Pathologic?
>>1846161It's always been like this. The worst offender I can think of is the localization team for Nintendo (Treehouse) and they've been inserting their fanfiction on some diogues instead of actually translating even before the Fates controversy happened.
No. 1846525
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The only reason Nirvana got famous was because Cobain mogged all of his buddies. Hard.
No. 1846576
File: 1704893216395.jpeg (46.54 KB, 900x563, IMG_4357.jpeg)

Idk how unpopular this is on this site but stanley cups are stupid and I don’t get the hype. Idc how good they're mean to be that straw sticking right out the top makes it look like it was made for retards
No. 1846589
>>1846582It’s a shit metaphor when it refers to something that most of us realize is
abusive and degrading (men in porn are essentially rapists). You could’ve just said “fucks good” instead of specifically saying male pornstars because of course people will correct you when you’re saying porn has anything to do with sexual talent. It’s just a misuse of terms, you don’t have to lash out.
No. 1846635
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>>1845562Him and Alain Delon are two of the most beautiful men who ever lived.
No. 1846638
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>>1846362I also think this is one of the worst. For anyone not in the know they had to fucking reprint a BL manga because muh tranny representation.
No. 1846673
I can do this on my own*
No. 1846714
>>1846701kek I got called a man for majoring in philosophy. I'd be more understanding if I was just called a loser, or what my dad said about the phi majors he met at university who were friends with his older brother.
"they did a lot of drugs and didn't believe circles were real" which is true enough#
No. 1846730
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>>1846710Fat people have to put in more work to make a cute outfit. For thin women their body is the accessory.
No. 1846743
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>>1846730Samefag for example there’s nothing good or special about pic related outfit but it looks trendy and fashionable because she’s tiny
No. 1846792
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>>1846777No. He was arguing for sex with children, in front of the whole class. Everyone just exchanged uncomfortable glances the entire time because we couldn't believe what was coming out of this guy's mouth. Should have reported him but I didn't think admin would listen to me.
>>1846785It is a bad argument because it's pedo logic. Which sadly isn't too unusual in philosophy. Like Michel Foucault had a whole thing arguing that minors can consent in an attempt to fight the French age of consent laws.
No. 1846824
>>1846813I'm not a burger, work full time night shifts and have been searching for an apartment in my state since july last year so I can sympathize with neets who don't want to deal with the frustration.
>>1846811Ah, so it's just in bad faith then. I don't know what anyone gains from defending the economic bs that goes on worldwide right now but I guess it's an ego thing.
No. 1846853
>>1846841Cars have also gotten a lot more expensive. Even the lemons can be at least 2k, and then it makes no sense because that lemon can break down any day and you wouldn't be able to afford the repairs. Idk where your brother works or where you live but the cost of everything has gone up drastically while wages largely remain the same. But I'm sure you make well above mine wage and have been for a while, so you wouldn't be able to relate.
All that being said, your brother probably could be a lazy piece of shit with poor money management skills. But the economy is a dumpster fire rn.
No. 1846952
>>1846946Finally someone here giving practical advice
>>1846944Then why even bother with getting a car?
No. 1847342
>>1847126my unpopular opinion is that cheating is different when it's an arranged marriage. for a long tile it was normal to marry for practical reason then have side pieces in aristocractic circles, love didn't really factor into it.
ol' big ears still shouldn't have married diana tho, she was so young, poor thing.
No. 1847364
>>1847358who cares though? I see something extra fucked up about picking at a female children looks, especially one in the spotlight because they already have to deal with a bunch of extra misogyny/hate for daring to"Not as pretty as her mom" from birth.
It's just cruel. Who cares if a kid isn't cute enough for you?
Just because she's rich doesn't mean it isn't weird. You aren't based for going out your way to further shit talk female childern just because they are rich.
No. 1847379
>>1847372You know what their sons look like, so whats your point? If the point is that some kids are ugly, why should it matter if they are "shoved in your face", you decided to focus on the female childs looks for a reason.
Even if the karjenners/beyonce showed their daughters the same amount as their sons, the focus would 100% be on the looks of their daughters. Even as kids we are judged for our looks more than moids.
Even if they are "Shoved" in your face, you don't have to attack their looks. I stand by it. Little girls already have to deal with so much shit, making unwarranted comments about their looks is odd and cruel.
And again, I ask, why does a child have to be cute to you in the first place?
No. 1847576
>>1847433Why are you defending a billionaires kid so hard?
>>1847539I used to work with someone who worshipped Elon Muskrat. Like, the fuck is wrong with some people. He doesnt give a shit about your existence.
No. 1847617
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>>1847610OMG its just cool ok? just give 1 trillion more in subsidies to Musk, we need to explore space because uh…well, because its cool! ok, its just COOL!
Now if you excuse me, i need scout Podshare in case a bunkbed becomes available.
No. 1847649
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>>1847617That image is the stuff of nightmares. Why would anyone subject themselves to this?
No. 1847665
>>1847649 Its part of the progress that the tech industry brings to the world.
Prices for a pod start at 1500$ a month but they are fully booked so you better get lucky
No. 1847695
>>1847617It looks like all fun and games until someone has Mexican food for lunch with plenty of beans and Indian food for dinner.
Idk I spend every single night farting, so if there's anyone else like me out there, I hope that person isn't thinking of living like this.
No. 1847707
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>>1847695>It looks like all fun and games It looks like a concentration camp.
The ways marketing demons try to spin co-living into something that workers do because its fun and hip is truly evil.
No. 1847801
>>1847700I think a lot of the ones who care would feel disillusioned once they realize virgin women aren't like their pornstars.
I had a bf who was fairly glad that we were both virgins, although not to an autistic extreme, and when it absolutely sucked when we tried having sex he mused about how maybe it would've been better (for him) if he had his first time with an experienced girl. I wish I took that more seriously back thenAt the same time I definitely don't support carelessly screwing tons of guys because that's usually going to involve lots of encounters with predatory men who don't view you as a person and won't care to respect things like spreading stds or if you say something is off-limits but he reaaally wants to do it. Women should ideally be intimate with few/no men but not because men have a certain opinion and will find it hotter (completely worthless factor), it's good because it helps women avoid putting themselves at risk. and men should keep their "count" low because they need to learn to have some freaking discipline and view women as human peers rather than achievements to rack up.
It actually makes me insanely mad that so much discussion of sex is like this binary of "virgins are cute and trad and your husband will love it" vs "nah, sluts are hot and experienced and know how to make a guy feel good" WHAT ABOUT WHAT'S BEST FOR WOMEN???
No. 1847817
>>1847700>withheld sexwhile we're at it can we discuss men seeing sex as a resource to be doled out? it confounds and disgusts me. they genuinely seem to think women "withhold" sex from them out of, idk, greed and callousness and that sex is something that is taken or granted and not an act you do with another living breathing person
was it this bad before porn? I kinda doubt it.
No. 1847828
>>1847822I agree 100% with this
The thing men do when they catastrophize about women's "body counts" really applies much more to themselves, it's projection. Men are the ones who get greedy and spoiled from it. Men get an inflated self worth from it. Men want depraved things that they've gotten to do before, be it by force or coercion. That's why porn is so damaging to them, they truly start believing they deserve and need the acts they watch being done and the women they're being done to
No. 1848124
>>1848097>>1848113being a sahm is easier? right, until you need to find a job again withe a massive gap in ypur resume. or end up in bad straits because you were depending on one single source of financial support. or end up impoverished in old age because you weren't able to build up retirement savings of your own.
being sahm is giving up your autonomy and your future financial prospects. there's a reason the ability to enter the workforce was a feminist conquest.
No. 1848155
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>>1848138wagie wagie get in the cagie
>>1848138If you do it, just have a hidden nest egg. Enough to gtfo and pay lawyers, in an account he doesn't know about. I dont tell anyone about my savings account and never will. Working while raising kids and contributing to the household bills just makes life easier for men. If I deign to have a child with a man, I will NOT be an overworked mare like my mother was and call it safety, he can fucking put in every hour on that timesheet and be happy to do it.
Pre-marriage nest egg + friends/family who would house you in an emergency is plenty of security compared to a little income flow he could compromise anyway before you even have problems. You'd have to find a full time job anyway so it's not like a part time job protects much. You're better off saving wisely before any joint account or marriage contract exists.
No. 1848331
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Being a faggot is a personality disorder.
I'm not talking about men who happen to like dick or assholes, I'm talking about being an actual faggot.
Despite cultural differences, background, environment, they all share the same things, which are
>A obsession with fabricated femininity (liking pink, makeup, short dresses, tight fit clothing, stereotypical young girl things)
>A loud, grating voice
>Histrionic and dramatic behaviour
>Manipulatory tendencies, obsessions with clocking other faggots out
>Entitlement to women spaces despite being disgusted by them
>Promiscuity, not being able to sustain an actual, long and fullfilling relationship (gee I wonder who were the ones spreading AIDS around…), higher sex drive than normal.
>Most of them, are in denial despite being open about it. It's like being in denial about being a brunette while having dark roots growing out of blonde hair, totally useless and everyone eventually knows
>Vain, will care only about appearance both their own and the other's appearance.
>Consoomeristic tendencies, fomo.
I want to conduct a study on what makes them like this because I always thought they were like some sort of first world, coddled mommy's boys who happened to like things in their ass but every passive gay men in every culture, even in native people and tribes (if they don't get executed before 14) there are faggots who share the same traits. It's weird and off putting so there must be a link with some chemical inbalance in the brain along with some cluster B shit and the only thing that links all of this shit together is the same: liking dick.
Is liking dick that powerful over someone's brain? Because not even the straightest woman is brain rotten as them (if she's not an ultimate pick me groomed into it ofc)
No. 1848339
>>1848319You can get severance and unemployment along with other bonuses like investments, meanwhile you get your piddly little child support and massive gap on your resume with no skills that leaves you unhirable. And divorce is the best case scenario, depending on state your husband can suddenly become
abusive and you not be able to divorce, he can become disabled and you have to suddenly survive only off of disability etc
No. 1848394
>>1848177This. Being a SAHM/house wife is easier than working. Yes I do nearly all the laundry, cooking and cleaning but I did this when I was single and working. The effort it takes to scale it up to multiple people is minimal. I live in a house with four adults and seven children. I would never go back to being shut in an office for eight hours a day. I get to spend my time doing what I want and being with my children and my sister's children. It's so much more satisfying to "work" for my own family than it is for some gross old pervert in a business suit. My husband and my sister's fiancee work full time in my husband's business and my sister works part time. We're financially secure and haven't really felt much impact from either the covid lockdowns or the increased cost of living. The weird setup of two families living in one large house happened for reasons unrelated to money.
I do have my own savings and my own assets. I also own half of everything including my husband's business. If something were to go wrong in my marriage I would be financially better off by a considerable margin than if I had stayed single and kept working.
No. 1848420
>>1848394Are you Vargs wife? ? I'm calling bullshit, there is no mother on earth who would claim looking after 7 fucking children is easy. The amount of laundry alone? That scales up to an insane amount of physical labour.
You and your situation are abnormal and untenable for 99.9% of women, it sounds like a nightmare situation compared to SAHMs with one kid. If it's a chill kid then they're basically NEETs, so no shit it's easy.
No. 1848432
>>1848405I enjoy cooking and do have other hobbies.
>>1848420>who would claim looking after 7 fucking children is easyIt is when most of them are school age. My sister also looks after her own children while she isn't working.
>>1848420>>1848425>The amount of laundry alone? That scales up to an insane amount of physical labour. No it isn't. Shoving more laundry into a bigger washing machine is not hard labour. Cooking is the same, you put more ingredients in a bigger pot. The only thing that does get old is the cleaning.
No. 1848445
>>1848394>It's so much more satisfying to "work" for my own family than it is for some gross old pervert in a business suit.People often do overlook how many women are absolute doormats for their employer. I don't know, I don't work because I'm autistic, but my few times working jobs I noticed most women were really miserable and it was a horrible environment. Especially the middle aged ones in middle management. One was a distant relative of mine and I knew she was chugging anti-depressants to cope, and going by how nasty the work environment was, I knew it was the job.
>>1848432I do want to call LARP or moid troll because of the 4 adults and 7 children being extremely rare. But you're right in that after toddler years, it's pathetically easy to look after a household. Two hours of cleaning a day, being concentrated effort, will have the house impeccable.
>>1848440Riddle me this, how do people paid to be maids and cleaners manage to clean multiple houses a day if it's a full time effort for one house?
No. 1848462
>>1848394Well I only have one kid who is 5 and my day goes like this
>6am get up and make lunches for my husband and kids>7am throw some microwaveable pancakes and sausage in the microwave and for my husband and kids breakfast>8am take kid to schoolAfter that I just go shopping or cleaning if I need to or whatever I want. For dinner around 6 I usually pop a stouffer's frozen lasagna in the oven or a frozen pizza for me and the hubby for my kid she usually eats dino nuggets or whatever…kids are picky at that age. It’s really not hard for me at all.
No. 1848644
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>>1848634dump n' go slow cooker recipes are one of the easiest things in the world. you don't even need to cut vegetables or soak beans if you use cans and the slow cooker does all the work for you. if microwavechan is real, i hope she eats better soon
No. 1848702
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Margot Robbie is not pretty but she has blue eyes, blonde hair and knows how to dress pretty so it distracts from her unpleasant facial features
No. 1848720
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>>1848706I think it’s the jaw. She’s kind of block headed.
No. 1848732
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>>1848712Her face is giving skeletor but she’s nicely dressed and knows how to put herself together, I’ll give her that. Most of beauty is 99% hair, makeup and styling anyway at the end of the day.
No. 1848738
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>>1848702I would kill to have her jaw shape and she's actually gorgeous but I see where you are coming from with the Eurocentric angle
I'd like to see her dye her hair dark more, it compliments her skin tone and eyes better and softens her
No. 1848761
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>>1848750It’s true. Most beauty is just styling and makeup. Even Margot Robbie looks regular without all that.
No. 1848817
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I roll my eyes at any woman preaching that “girls support girls” and self love stuff if they dye their hair blonde. It blows my mind how many white women would rather be balding with two strands of hair and spend 1000s on salon trips even though they’d look better with their natural hair color. All this just to be a status symbol for a scrote to show off to his friends because blonde hair is the male preference.
No. 1848829
>>1848394cool for you and all but this just sounds so terminally boring, i would never want to live like this or associate with women who find this aspirational kek, depressing as fuck to me.
also ime your kids are way more likely to have limited respect for you into their adulthood if you are a sahm, and its kind of fair.
i really do thank god every day that i was born to a mother who is extremely academically and professionally successful, who has cultural change level aspirations AND is successfully implementing them in the system she works in, who commands the respect of her peers male and female even though her area of expertise is often denigrated by moids of her profession. and on top of that she has always been extremely present in the lives of her children, all while setting us a powerful example of what we can be capable of through discipline and volition. she is an endlessly interesting, loving, ingenious woman and is literally a force of positive change on this gay earth. im her biggest fan and if i become half of the woman she is i will have succeeded in life. mothersperg over
No. 1848842
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>>1848836Most people these days aren’t satisfied unless their hair is platinum blonde
No. 1848860
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>>1848855Wigs are a no for me. Everyone should just stick to their natural hair and stop fucking their hair up to get scrotes hard.
No. 1848902
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>>1848888Bleach should only be used when dyeing your hair unnatural colors. I knew someone who used to cycle vibrant hair colors. As much as everyone shits on blue or purple hair, it looks way more striking than blonde. I wish more women fell into weird hair color trends instead of basic shit encouraged and egged on by men
Picrel Sky Ferreira dyes her hair blonde all the time but is way more beautiful with darker colors. She used to have really healthy, pretty hair when she started out, but it look like it thinned over the years thanks to the bleach
No. 1848916
>>1848904Some men fetishize it but it's not going to wipe out the blonde virus. Once men objectify it then it's no longer fun for the women who don't want to be sexualized.
Either way it feels like women can't win. Unless they just don't give a fuck and ignore whatever trends men and corporations invent, and sadly there are too many people who'd rather conform to trends than embrace their own preferences.
It's like clothes. Trend cycles are shorter and shorter so what's the point in following trends? So many humans are just sheep desperate to please
No. 1848962
>>1848902Artificial hair colours are extremely high maintenance, take more bleach than blonde highlights/balayage etc, and only look good with similarly artificial styling (makeup and less casual outfits) because otherwise you look washed out.
Natural hair colour is best but unnatural hair colour is not some feminist fight against beauty standards. Don't forget the reason most men give for hating coloured hair is that it looks slutty, so you can be sure it has a massive audience of men 'encouraging and egging' it on because they jack off to alt girls.
No. 1849404
>>1848962>Don't forget the reason most men give for hating coloured hair is that it looks sluttyYeah but you could argue against natural colors for the same reason, there'll always be men who wank to natural tradwife looking women so why even bother giving a fuck, none of it is rebellious. At least vibrant hair colours
trigger a lot of moids because they associate it with gendies or feminists (which also has a downside because who wants to be mistaken for a gendie?). You could also wear unnatural coloured hair without catering to scrotes by not styling yourself like the sexy alt girl stereotype. To me it seems like colorful hair is more of a thing women enjoy for themselves than the standard blonde or balayage, that's more catering to moids. I'm not trying to sound like a personal choice uwu libfem but as that other anon said
>>1848916 women can't win.
No. 1849440
>>1848962Men view everything as slutty. Our existence is slutty and we're supposed to walk on a perfect, middle line, that they made up.
Wear makeup but not too much, because it's slutty. Dye your hair but not too much, because it's slutty. Show your cleavage or legs but not too much, it's slutty.
They might as well fuck in between themselves. I don't want to be mistaken as a gendie either but I'd rather have men see me as out of their imaginary league by dyeing my hair blue than them thinking I'm one of their targets by having it bleached blonde
No. 1849584
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>>1849582It can be considered dark blonde or light brown. I usually associate this hair color with Obi-wan Kenobi for some reason. Either way, it was really pretty in her natural color.
No. 1849776
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>>1846986Tattoos are getting to look soooo trashy lately, too, and I'm not sure why. I didn't have any opinion on tattoos at all until they became so insanely popular, it seems like every woman has one. But unlike septum rings, you can't just take them out once they're not trendy anymore.
My friend just recently told me she got a 3-for-1 deal for $60, and got some ugly crap she picked out of a catalog. A star, rose/cabbage, and a butterfly. They look awful. Now she has random trashy crap on her body, clashing with all her other ugly tattoos. She even has those awful stickpokes.
And ppl might say "that's just what you get with cheap tattoos." But even expensive ones, like anisa johma's $18,000 back tat, picrel. Like, what the hell? It looks like complete and utter shit. Tattoos are so ugly.
No. 1849798
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I hate when Blythe dolls have shiny faces. Looks gross.
No. 1849847
>>184981010 years ago millenials were sharing memes about how proud they are going to be growing old with tattos but already in their 30s and those tattoed people look like shit and the kind of tattoos that were popular in the 00s now look horribly dated and cringy.
And zoomers got memed on tattoing their faces and necks, lmfao.
No. 1849953
>>1849934I wouldn't talk shit on the kid but Jay Z is sleazy, allegedly a cheater who slept with multiple female artists, and I feel like the only reason why they're still married is convenience. They met when she was underage.
Bey's talented but not the perfect activist goddess everyone makes her out to be. I wouldn't be shocked if she and Jay were harboring dark secrets
No. 1850018
>>1849582The thing that annoys me most about the "blonde vs brown" debate is when people don't accurately depict it in fanart/cartoons/whatever. Like you'll have a light brown haired person but because someone decided to call it "dark blonde" every depiction is of them with platinum or yellow hair instead of just the brown shade it is.
Red hair gets the same treatment, you'll have a person with brown hair in a slightly warmer tone and bam they have fire red or bright orange hair in every depiction.
Brown hair is beautiul. There is nothing shameful or bad about brown hair, just call it what it is imo.
No. 1850082
>>1850038White people colorism fighting over skintone would just be the "are Italians / Greek / ethnic Jews conditionally white" discourse like some northwestern Europeans don't have darker skintones sometimes either
I always took the blonde brunette discourse as being more about dumb male invented white supremacist standards not only because it alienates non stereotypically white people but Eurocentric physical standards alienate non white people too. I hope this doesn't sound too race bait-y
No. 1850249
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>>1850082Blondes have been seen as more beautiful since the Ancient Greeks. It's nothing new, even the Arabs when they were dominating and enslaving Europeans, were fetishizing blonde/white beauty…That's part of the reason the upper class in the middle east is so pale, and often has blue eyes and blonde hair.
This is a good book detailing all that btw. All the narrative about it being due to beauty standards is all wrong, men just inherently find blondes/whites as more beautiful.
No. 1850269
>>1850260Samefag but let’s compare a celebrity like grimes or azealia banks to rihanna. Grimes and Azealia are far more cow-like in that they’re willing to grossly overshare on social media, despite having a reputation that
you’d think they’d want to uphold, heal, or nurture; however they’re careless. Rihanna is noticeably more professional, we don’t know as much about her personality or how she may act in a room full of strangers, because she doesn’t put herself out there aggressively online the way some other less notable, more attention hungry celebrities do.
No. 1850313
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>>1848817>All this just to be a status symbol for a scrote to show off to his friends because blonde hair is the male preference.Stop this shit, stop having brain worms. Dying your hair blonde says nothing about "wanting to be a status symbol for a scrote" unless you are exclusively chasing after weird brown men with fetishes or racists. Hair color, eye color and/or racial phenotype do not, in themselves, make any woman inherently better-looking or worse-looking.>Researchers from the College of Natural and Health Sciences for the University of Tampa sought to find out which hair color was deemed as most attractive for both men and women, publishing their findings in a 2018 Florida Scientist study. The researchers analyzed the preferences of more than 1,900 male and female students at the university through a survey that also collected background data such as their own hair color, as well as the hair color of their parents and significant others. According to the study, men and women both viewed people with brunette hair color as more attractive than those with any other hue. By presenting pictures of the same woman with different dye hair colors, the researchers found that out of the population analyzed, 67 percent of men preferred the woman with brunette hair and 71 percent of women chose the man with brunette hair.And here is the study:>Hair color influences mate attraction in humans and understanding attraction has implications for the economics involved in fashion, marketing, and cosmetology. Biological and evolutionary psychology theories predict that individuals will be attracted to: 1) hair colors familiar or similar to them, such as their mom, dad, or their own hair color, 2) rare hair colors for their culture, 3) blonde hair because it represents youthfulness, or 4) the average hair color for the population. Past studies have been limited in their methodology with conflicting results. In this research, male and female hair color preferences in females were tested using a survey (N=1912). Background data on the participants were collected such as their own hair color, the hair color of their parents and significant others, and geographic region. Due to familiarity with hair colors present in different populations, geographic location was predicted to influence preference. Males and females both preferred brunette hair color, followed by blonde hair, and lastly red hair. Male choice of female hair color is consistent across geographic regions. Females were not consistent and varied their choice in hair color dependent on which geographic region they originated. Brunette hair color frequency appears to drive choice with stabilizing selection possibly influencing brunette frequency in populations. No. 1850326
>>1850318>>1848718I'm so sick of catty gay moids and the odd pickme anons making those kinds of
femcel posts.
No. 1850331
>>1850314It's because when something is marketed as overly sexy and appealing it can often become sexless and stale. Same thing goes for marketing people. If the image is too forced you don't really believe what they're portraying
Reminded me of this article I read called Everyone is Beautiful and Nobody is Horny about the men's steroid bodies in MCU movies actually make them far less sexy, but apply the same principle to plastic surgery, forced sexualization and exaggerated personas of pop stars. Theyre trying so hard it makes them into an almost asexual product
No. 1850374
>>1850249>This is a good book detailing all that btwI didn't realize it before, but that book tries to push claims like Princess Diana wouldn't have been recognized for all her charity if she had been brunette, and the author herself admitted to being a brunette who dyes her own hair blonde. The book itself is a series of anecdotes without much conclusion or elaboration, and a few errors regarding history and mythology.
I don't know how many times I can say this. I am tired of unhinged pickmes and racespergs pushing their fetishes and mental problems on the entire world. Enough insecurity and revisionism.
No. 1850431
>>1850331This is what happened to meg thee stallion for me, she's so hypersexual to the point it's funny, the same with Cardi B, I'm bisexual and there's nothing sexy about them to me anymore. Cardi was never sexy to me, but it just comes off clownish. Like I when I first heard WAP I giggled like a retard because it was so graphic to the point it's funny.
Some of the hypersexual music/personalities out here remind me of projared eye fucking himself in the mirror, looking like a old chicken noodle.
I don't know how better to describe it, I piss myself laughing at moids who think they even 1% sexy and flaunt it.
It's laughable.
No. 1850442
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>>1850431Meg is way sexier when she's not trying. Her pre fame pics like picrel show that she's actually a beautiful woman but her image is so hardcore forced and she piles on makeup she doesn't need
Cardi isn't sexy but some of her sassy moments crack me up. She is trashy but I feel like she's fully committed to the bit to the point of hilarity. Her saying "regular degular" and some of her other dumbass moments live rent free in my head
No. 1850452
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>>1850442She's still very pretty, One day she's wearing light make up and her own curly hair or a curly wig, with nice colors that go with her skin tone. The next she's in a 58inch wig and wrestling gear, or this drag queen look.
Though, I assume it's due to being a rapper, even her pre-fame looks were mostly her with black hair and outfits that showed her body but weren't WWE ready.
After Ice Spice she's the worse dressed female rapper to me.
Whatever troon dresses her (because we know it's a troon or a gay scrote) needs to be fired.
No. 1850474
>>1850457I swear it has to because people are following trends that famous women are wearing, who get their faces done by scrotes. I never see the amount of make up, hair or anything on the average woman when i'm out, especially black women, I'm black and live in a area thats mostly black, in a city thats a decent size that has a large black population. At best i'll see a colorful wig, but mostly braids, lip gloss, eyelashes all that. I never see anyone walking around with that level of thick make up.
>>1850473h-how did he get blood on him?
No. 1850484
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>>1850474>how did he get blood on himPic related I posted in venting and have been stewing on my dislike for faggots since
No. 1850511
>>1850497her nigel caught soemthing from his side pieces 100%
my unpopular opinion is that as a lesbo im tired of homphobic tradthots shiting up the site ngl. they pretend it's based stacy manhate but they all have husbands
No. 1850522
>>1850511and then this weird assumption that comes bundled with the homophobia that every gay dude has aids, it's not 1990 anymore
some anons rhetoric here gives me the ick at times, I go here and not another chan site to escape the alt right faggotry not see more of it
No. 1850523
>>1850518pedophilic scrote
Say it with your chest. Even normal scrotes don't care about whether a baby is pretty enough for their tastes. We have a word for this.
No. 1850531
>>1850508kate is a brunette and she gets fawning adoration too.
looks play into it but it's also her role as royalty that really made diana fampus. if shed been jsut onother rich british posho doing charity she would never have made headlines. it was being a "fairytale princess" (and future queen) that set her apart.
and then of course dying young and pretty made her even more of a legend.
No. 1850543
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>>1850532Nta but she is also known a considerable amount for her fashion. If you didn't know anything about Diana, the revenge dress is probably one of the first things you'll hear about. I do agree that her story and humanitarianism is what made her memorable though. People like Kate probably won't be remembered as long after her death because she just wears clothes and looks nice.
No. 1850544
>>1850522He's not just gay, he's also a junkie who hangs around junkie friends. When my husband was training him he talked about how he used to sell drugs and was hooked on heroine and went to rehab and trying to live a good life now.
Husband doesn't do the firing or hiring so he can't get rid of obvious junkies, the higher ups are reluctant to fire people unless they're caught stealing.
>>1850536I don't hate lesbians either, just gay males who are literally on hiv preventative shit so they can continue to have unprotected buttfucking and now my husband was dumb enough not to notice the blood and got it on him and we have to worry about it.
Gay males are the worst hedonistic degenerate men, I can't believe I'm ladled a tradthot for thinking that. All the way down to their language around women "it's serving CUNT!"
No. 1850565
>>1850560That isn't me just someone being a bitch lol I did chuckle though.
I am being a bit of a hypochondriac because I'm pregnant and extra worried. Blood stuff is gross and spooky to me. Husband is still sleeping and once he wakes up we will go to the pep place to see if he can take that just incase, then wait the few weeks for proper bloodtesting to be done
>>1850564Lmao fuck off! I hate that I laugh
No. 1850597
>>1850240>>1850260>>1850269It's the unpopular opinions thread, why are you taking it so personally?.
>>1850237 he used to be attractive but I feel like the last few years even pre relationship he got ugly.
No. 1850632
>>1850522ayrt and yeah,look at the "all them dang dirty homosexuals and their aids" posts in this thread.
we're getting an increasing amound of tradhsit here, not just the homophobia but retards saying shit like "being a stay at home mom is better han being a wagie", constantly mentioning their husbands,even /2X/ is full of "rightwing feminists".
i'm all fpr moid hate but there's just psots about gay men that take issue with the 'gay' part over the 'male' part.
also don't rp as a based manhating stacy if you're married to a scrote lmao.
No. 1850646
>>1850641You have no idea the pain we are going through and you're so terminally online that your first reaction to my family's trauma is to alog me. The thugs have even began harassing us, sending obscene items to our home addressed to my husband. I wake up in terror and have nightmares because of their intimidation tactics and attempt to silence my husband for the incident and protect their own identities. Just this morning they sent this to our house via Amazon, in my husband's name. They know our address. live in fear, and you are laughing at me.
No. 1850680
>>1850652Whats wrong with taking yourself seriously? I'd rather celebs act like celebs versus pretending they are relatable or pandering hard body. Just sing, dance or whatever and shut up.
I feel both Rihanna and Beyonce hold themselves like actual celebs versus personalities, which is kinda rare imo, with everyone oversharing and being over exposed. If they have drama knowadays it's shit we find out, not stuff they willingly put out there.
No. 1850750
>>1850742Seriously, she just released that shitty new single acting like anyone criticizing her for fucking married men is just woman hater while Megan got ripped to shreds for being an actual domestic abuse
No. 1850810
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>>1850797Newbies would hate being on this site years ago. The girl support girl lovey sweet shit is pretty recent. People on here used to treat each other like shit kek
No. 1850832
>>1850826I regularly talk about my hatred for gay misogynists here. Literally all the time. The difference between me and other anons that despise gay men for what they do to women and
you is that while we discuss our grievances with their misogynistic actions you are busy weirdly hyperfixating upon graphic gay sex.
No. 1850835
>>1850803man the replies are really proving your point.
>>1850797you get it. when this site used to be more gc leaning. now you get dragged for enjoying the odd yowie or saying solething's homophobic.
well call me a faghag but idcwhat gay guys get up to in the bedroom/sauna/wherever as long as they're not harming women. these unhinged rants about "std bathhouse degenerate aids fags reee" sound like some westboro ass shit.
>>1850826im not defending gay moids i'm defending gay people because the homophobic rhetoric in here keeps getting worse.
No. 1850842
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Revealing wedding dresses are a no for me and are tacky. A wedding should be a day you keep it classy and not look like you’re about to hit the club.
No. 1850843
>>1850836 I said "as long as they're not harming women", learn to read.
hienstly from the kind of shit you keep syaing you clearly don't know many gay men lmao. you sound like some retard from the 80s thinking every homosexual is a disease-ridden prostitute.
No. 1850844
>>1850832They soak up medical resources with their risky sexual behaviour and are shifting society into being more sexually deviant, they're eroding morals and without morals society falls to shit.
Gay degenerate behaviour has paved the way for tranny shit becoming acceptable, we are now meant to shut up when Bruce in a bad wig and fishnets come into our spaces with their threatening man aura.
It's not just gays fault, but the sexual degeneracy being accepted and tolerated has literally paved the way for the issues women are having right now.
Back when the gay rights marches first started, there was a subgroup marching along side which was called the North American Man/Boy Love Association.
Yes it's literally what it sounds like.
Gay men happily marched next to open predators and continued to do so until lesbians joined the movement and kicked the creeps out. Wake up.
No. 1850846
>>1850843I've literally seen a homosexual have his ass fists on a public street where people are walking past with their kids.
I've seen homosexual giving blowjobs to 3 men on the same street, again with kids around.
No. 1850848
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>>1850846Gay pride events have pretty much become sex meets
No. 1850849
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>>1850846Why were you attending the folsom street fair if you didn't want to see that?
No. 1850850
>>1850847Just a fag positive city where fag shit is accepted.
I called the police both times and they got there within a few minutes. I don't know if anyone else called, I'd assume so but who knows.
There's an icecream store across from a gay bar, they were doing it outside of the gay bar on the side walk where they had smoking tables.
No. 1850855
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>>1850848You don't know gay men!!! How does it harm women if faggots show their degenerate fetishes in public!!! Mind your own business biggot!!
No. 1850864
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>>1850852I guess having respect for things and morals is grandma now?
No. 1850865
>>1850864Yeah what a bizarre notion. Maybe the gay brain rot has already gotten to some Nona's.
Or maybe it's an upset homosexual who thought he was one of the girls
No. 1850880
>>1850877Do you not see any issue with it?
Do those pictures that were posted not give you a disgust reaction to see children, little girls, being subjected to male genitalia?
Genuinely curious.
No. 1850890
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I think Ariana grande is so cute when she’s thin. She looks like a bythe doll.
No. 1850899
>>1850889Scary you don't find men with cocks out in front of kids disgusting. This is the desensitisation I was talking about.
We're both posting on lolcow, just because I'm talking about something youre not interested in doesn't mean I don't have a life or hobbies outside of here lol
No. 1850912
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>>1850907A skinny man is definitely not the same look as a tiny 5’2 woman. She’s cute for sure.
No. 1850941
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Your reading comprehension
No. 1850953
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You know what? I’ll do my civic duty and sit this one out.