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No. 1850977

>respect board rules, don't reply to bait, no infighting etc.

previous: >>>/ot/1840662

No. 1850985

Idk why history tries to paint princess diana as some sweet angel. She literally tried to murder her step mother.

No. 1850989

Love you so much op for a normal threadpic.

I am so sick of these very unhealthy dog breeds being popularized bc they're "cute". Whenever I say this people immediately think that I mean pugs or other brachi dog breeds, but there are so many others with debilitating problems.

Including Shar Peis. It's just not cute to know that a dog is not going to live very long, and it will probably have awful health defects because of the crazy amount of skin around its eyes and nose. I just wish people bred animals with more responsibility. I wish aesthetics was not prioritized over health.

No. 1850990

Bless you for the thread pic, nonnie

No. 1850991

I don't get the obssesion with her either. Anyone simping for the monarchy has to be brainded.

No. 1851006

dying young basically made her into a martyr. usually the reputation and fame fade with age. edward viii was basically a worldwide super star as prince of wales in the 1920s but his misbehaviour was less charming as he aged, his reputation tanked and ended up a shrivelled old has been. maybe if he'd broken his neck at 36 he'd have got the diana treatment.
ngl there's some stuff about monarchy i find interesting but it's bc so many of them are lolcows.

No. 1851014

I am so tired of how extreme breeding animals has become in general.

Like Maine Coon cats now have huge Chad chins for no reason, and it looks so ugly. Or Oriental shorthairs with those disgusting Dumbo ears. Same with Siamese cats. It is just so gross to see a normal animal be so skewed out of proportion just for some kind of novelty for their owner.

Then with cats you also have those nasty delf cats. The dwarf Sphinx cats? The hairless ones. But there are dwarfs. So they have squat little legs, and a long back. Like a cat version of a wiener dog. But so many of them are born with twisted up legs and nasty health problems. People keep breeding them because they are a novelty that can sell for a lot of money. Just so disgusting to me.

No. 1851019

It's from an incest manga girls

No. 1851033

op here and i didn't know that, i jsut saw another anon use it as a reaction pic and thought it'd be good for an op

No. 1851035

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i blame Disney making people empathize with princes and princesses. I see royals as nothing but parasites.

There are still spanish people who are staunchingly pro monarchy and i don't get it. "muh our people need a symbol and thats the king", a symbol that does nothing of value and costs the nation a gazillion dollars to support. The house bourbon has centuries of history of being degenerate fuckups that are incompetent at everything and aren't even spanish but french!

No. 1851048

Just ignore them. Gotta ask why they even know that. I like the op and it fits the thread finally

No. 1851051

ayrt and sorry about the bourbons, we didn't send our best with felipe v.
ngl i find monarchy shit entrtaining bc they're basically entertainment to me, here in france we havent had a monarch in living memory so it looks all pretty funny to us. but i'd'like it less of my taxes had to pay for them for sure.

No. 1851080

I truly think viewing the vast majority of men as pornsick, evil pedos is a very harmful mindset for women. I don't give a fuck how it impacts moids because it doesn't at all, it has no affect on men. But it does end up hurting women by normalizing ways of thinking and behaviors that truly don't apply to all men.
If we just write off every man as (list of bad things) where is the reason to hold any average man to better standards? If X bad trait is "just how men are" then where is the pressure for a man to be better? It also is just depressing and demoralizing for women that do still have to interact with men without choice. It's not good or healthy for men to think that every man I'm forced to interact with on a daily basis is a pedo predator by nature.

A mild example of this is porn. Saying all men watch porn and the tiny minority who don't are exceptions to the rule just normalizes porn watching. If that's just a baseline male behavior, there's no pressure for men to do otherwise. But if they knew plenty of men willingly abstained from porn then they would know their behavior is a sign of low intelligent, low self control, poor impulse control on their part rather than something innate and expected of them.

And again, to reiterate, I say all of this because of my concern for how it affects women. I have a nigel, but he's the only man I interact with willingly besides my mother's boyfriend who I've written off as a bad person already. Men are not affected by anything women say about them, so it's not about protecting men at all. I just think it leads to us handwaving the behaviors of the worst, worthless, bottom of the barrel cretin moids rather than making sure they know they're not normal and pressuring them to change or at least exile themselves from society.

No. 1851092

I remember being a teenager and watching old 70s movies with my parents and being surprised when a pervert looking at a dirty magazine was openly mocked by the protagonists. He was laughed at and told "your eyes will fall out if you read that".

Nowadays it seems it's gotten worse, with teenage boys being influenced by older teenage boys going "Porn huh huh huh, porn I watch porn, isn't porn cool?".

It's hard, on one hand they never stood a chance and it wasn't warned against. On the other hand it's like drugs, you can't trust a drug addict and you can't trust a porn addict. I think a healthy zero tolerance for it in a relationship is probably the best way.

No. 1851118

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All the sperging about Margot Robbie is weird because she does have a defined waist, just with a wider frame which isn’t a bad thing. Her facial bone structure is gorgeous imo.

No. 1851131

Wait you actually got a point. Porn didn't use to be so widespread or accepted as an addiction, suggestive material always existed but being addicted to it to the point of referencing it 24/7 and ruining your personal perceptions and relationships was seen as wacko behavior, straight up creep shit. There was always that "joke" degenerate character with tons and tons of porn magazines and a ruined marriage that people would laugh at and think to themselves "ew wtf that's pathetic, couldn't be me" now look

No. 1851138

you have a very good point, nona. men definitely can cure themselves of pornsickness (or at least try) considering there's communities like nofap (even if they're a little unhinged). that being said it's hard to convince men that pornsickness is unnatural considering how oversexualized media is nowadays. not to mention simply pointing out degeneracy only gets you accused of being a prude or a kinkshamer. i wish there wasn't so much coomshit media these days.

No. 1851146

I get what you're saying. My opinion of men tanked in the past several months because of some stuff that happened to me, and in some ways I've just been more alert to bad things that I didn't really recognize before but admittedly sometimes it's excessive and it honestly only hurts me to be extremely pessimistic by default. Plus in truth I get along very well with many men in my life (not romantically I mean like my dad and peers) so it doesn't do me good to constantly be paranoid towards people who are consistently kind to me.
I'm aware that a lot of men watch porn, and when they bring it up I always shame them about it being deviant and not normal… But I'm trying to only judge people based on what I actually see and not on tinfoiling about them having x y z evil traits, so I'm trying not to assume it of everyone. In any case I've known men who speak out against porn so I know it's not 100%.

No. 1851152

I want to have 7 boyfriends, and I wish polygamy was socially acceptable but only if a girl has multiple boyfriends and not the other way around. This is how nature is, WE are the prize, I want two otters three big hunks and two twinks.

No. 1851163

Why are you using gay slang to describe men if you're a woman

No. 1851175

>WE are the prize
No thank you, I'd rather die than be someone's prize.

No. 1851210

Her head is built ford tough

No. 1851211

Books and papers smell disgusting. I can't understand people saying they love how books smell, it makes my teeth hurt. Despite this, I still prefer reading physical books over reading on screen

No. 1851229

i just want a harem of twinks

No. 1851236

Being a prize isn't a good thing

No. 1851238

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Birthday makeup is the final boss of the worst makeup trends all in 1. Too much product, full glam drag queen aesthetic and makeup techniques, purposely harsh contour, etc. Nobody pulls it off. They call people moids for disliking it but honestly it looks bad anyway. I understand wearing colorful stuff for your birthday, but what's the obsession with looking like a drag?

No. 1851241

nta but i think its based. Most women have terrible low self steem. Hope she gets her harem,she's a queen.

No. 1851243

Couldn't you just call them "slim, handsome men"? "Twink" it's not only a physical descriptor, it implies homosexuality too

No. 1851244

if gay moids can appropiate slang from black women, i can appropiate slang from gay moids

No. 1851248

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Gay pride events should be banned. They have already gotten the right to marry etc what are they marching for anyway?

No. 1851254

it's just "2016 makeup" rebranded - I think many people can pull it off, it is however a bit tacky

No. 1851255

i hate how drag queen makeup became popular with women

No. 1851260

Drag queen is woman "blackface".

Fag hags and karens are cracking up with drag queen antics not realizing they are the butt of the joke.

No. 1851274

Idk I just like tall muscle men and I also like little scrawny cute bigdicks but I also like the moderate men as well. I wish it were socially acceptable to have a harem. Just one boyfriend that works for you, one who cleans for you, all of them just at your disposal. sometimes I wanna start a cult to justify it. I wish human men acted a bit like other animals where they fight other males for attention from females, for some reason it’s reversed in humans and women have to be the ones to get picked sadly. That’s why there are so many pickmes.
I didn’t mean like trophy wife, I feel like we could just be pickier, perhaps even greedier with men. I want to have a lot

No. 1851277

I'm fine having just one twink to play with his hair by day and tie him to the bed by night. He must be a bit submissive and love that I'm the one taking the lead. He can take care of our house and engage in hobbies while I work. Every day, after I finish working, I want to pin him against the wall, undress him, and suck him as if I were a vampire preying on an innocent, pure man. Am I retarded or just a weirdo?

No. 1851280

What would be the point of having a harem if you still have to work?

No. 1851284

Hard agree. As a comparison, there are countries where going to a strip-club is seen as completely fine and others where it's absolutely not, countries where a man seeing a prostitute is very normalized and countries where it's grounds for immediate divorce. We can and should demand higher standards for men, social behavior is malleable enough that attributing these highly culture-specific behaviors to "male nature" is self-defeating. Men deeply crave social approval (like women do) and making being a coomer being a loser would work. Wanting higher standards for men is also a more effective way to shame moids (see the epidermic reaction they have when they see a woman has standards and doesn't accept porn) because it actually reminds them that they can't handwave their behavior so easily, and a way to make women question their acceptance of some behaviors that they've seen as normal because of society.

I also agree putting them all in the same basket makes your individual life worse if you have to interact with men, which the vast majority of women do (I feel like it's better to act based on what you actually know of the person, while keeping in mind that you never really know what's going on in someone else's head). Being too radical could also turn some women away from being more discerning with men because it contradicts their experiences - for example there are plenty of dudes who are clearly not pedos, but are shitty in a myriad of other ways.

No. 1851286

would you like to spend 24/7 with a moid?

No. 1851288

If I’m going to have 7 moids they’re all going to have jobs and pay all my bills.

No. 1851291

I think you are taking it the wrong way, she clearly means that men should have to work hard to impress you and be pleasant and useful to you, or else why would you keep them around? The worst thing a man can do is feel as if he's your equal, or even worse, above you.

No. 1851295

you sound like a trannymaxxer, like you are containing yourself from saying the "living on easy mode" line.

No. 1851302

It's because I actually like my job and would be bored if I stopped working lol. I probably also have some issues with control and I've always had this fantasy about being the breadwinner and having a stay at home hot husband, unfortunately I like non-pornsick men with soft features, pretty face, and beautiful long hair, and at my age (almost 30), most once pretty moids have already faced the twink death, sadly
Yeah, I would probably get bored of this, too. Unless it's a very smart moid who can hold actual conversations but I'm yet to find such a man

No. 1851305

It’s sad that zoomers are so used to 50/50 coffee dates and quick tinder hookups that the idea of a man taking care of you is tranny like

No. 1851307

go for younger men whats stopping you

No. 1851309

>being the bread winner for a scrote

You might as well just be a lesbian at that point

No. 1851310

why would you want a man to take care of you? you know that had to be outlawed because moids would abuse their power over you. I dont want to get threatened by homelessness if i dont do whatever my moid says.

No. 1851312

Good luck with your 7 boyfriends, I'm sure you're just the perfect woman to satisfy them all and keep them in line.

No. 1851316

If you are manipulative enough to acquire 7 scrotes to agree to be in a poly relationship you’re definitely smart enough to get them to pay all your bills without abuse

No. 1851317

Those men would be ugly as fuck let's be real.

No. 1851319

If she's that smart she could earn her own money too. There's just no need for this.

No. 1851321

Your attempt to larp as a moid is honestly pathetic. I don’t honestly believe you even want all this, you just think you’ll offend moids by saying this. It’s performative nonsense for males and nothing else. The truth is they don’t even give a fuck and this is probably a fetish for a lot of them.

No. 1851322

all modern men are ugly

No. 1851323

Having a scrote around with no money is a turn off to me. I don’t want to limp wrist fag lounging around all day acting like he’s a woman.

No. 1851325

>nooo women cant fantasize about having a harem of cute bfs you must be a moid
you sound angry and moidish

No. 1851327

>acting like he’s a woman.
lol ofcourse it had to be a tranny wo would get this offended at a woman wanting a cute harem

No. 1851328

It's just not a coincidence those in poly relationships are stinking and have to multiply themselves by other mongs to make equivalent with one decent romantic interest. Fractured love for fractured weirdos

No. 1851329

>lounging around all day acting like he’s a woman.
trannies can't help themselves, even when they larp as man haters the misoginy slips right on through

No. 1851330

monogamous women all have ugly boyfriends too, men are just ugly nowadays

No. 1851332

Why would you want to work all day and then come home to suck off and pleasure a guy? It's so weird how "dominance" for women involves pleasuring a guy's dick as much as possible while sidelining her own pleasure, while "dominant" men don't even eat pussy or care about finding the clit.

No. 1851333

People who reeee about dog meat but are a-okay with consuming beef, chicken, or pork are hypocrites—and no, I'm not a dog hater or a vegan trying to make a point.

I mean, rabbits are seen simultaneously as both food and pets but I don't see people sperging of how rabbit meat is as cruel as dog meat.

No. 1851334

it's so funny how stacies with stacy fantasies always make all the troons and moids come out of their hiding like roaches. Men live on easy mode and it shows.

No. 1851336

>why do straight women lust after cock???
damn nonny i wonder why…

No. 1851337

You feel this way because you’re a zoomer and most of the men in your generation are lazy. You don’t know what it’s like to experience hard working men.

No. 1851338

Nah my bf is hot I held out for years and wouldn't settle. Even with how great he is I couldn't be bothered if we cloned him. Even with my bf being hot I still need time to myself. 7 men, fs I'd off myself.

No. 1851343

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>he's hot
yeah, sure.

No. 1851344

I'm so offended my my bf is being compared to a fat zoomer

No. 1851346

Being a wage slave for a scrote isn’t a stacy fantasy. No stacy dreams of taking care of a man.

No. 1851348

if he doesnt do what you want you can threaten to kick him out on the street thats pretty based

No. 1851351

i've eaten rabbit and would probably try dog meat if i was traveling to a country where its offered.

Rabbit meat isn't that good and dog and cat meat probably isn't either, i don't consider myself an hipocrite because i find them better as pets and don't see any good reason to bread them for food since its just an inferior form of animal protein than other farm animals.

No. 1851352

No. 1851353

A stacy would not need to date bums who are only around becuz they don’t have a car/job.

No. 1851357

a stacy builds her multibillionaire enterprise while her scrotlings take care of the house, cope

No. 1851359

A stacy can date someone on her level and hire maids.

No. 1851360

I can see why men date younger but women usually don’t. When dating younger men you get all of the cons of dating a man your own age with none of the pros of dating younger.

No. 1851362

a cute twinky or hunk good looking man is on her level and she doesnt have to waste on maids

No. 1851365

>It’s performative nonsense for males and nothing else
Are you fucking insane? I don't perform for males because 99,9% of moids are fucking gross and ugly. I have a good job, I can sustain a hot moid if I like him enough and he's decent, so a woman making good money now means larping as a moid and being performative for males? Are you a moid who got offended because there are women out there who make more money than you? Believe it or not, there are women out there who are sexually dominant and find it hot when a hot guy is a bit shy and submit sexually. Now go back to 4chan, insecure pathetic moid.

No. 1851367

there are a lot of women who are starting to date younger. So many influencer moids are getting cheated with younger twinks kek. It's actually fascinating it's happening so often. From the top of my head i can think of veronica dating that twig lsmark, destiny's ex wife new bf, that one altright thot who got herself a barely legal scrote. Nature is healing.

No. 1851368

Yeah actually you’re right. They can’t, because they’re not fucking degenerates like men. If you sincerely do then I don’t believe you’re female. Post hand.(everyone I disagree with is a man)

No. 1851369

>People who reeee about dog meat but are a-okay with consuming beef, chicken, or pork are hypocrites
Nah, dog meat it's cruel because is a needless death for half or even less the nutrients chicken, cows and other cattle provide with far more bacteria to get rid of than pigs. It's literally not necessary and far more complicated to fatten and kill a dog

No. 1851370

Nta but a stacy could find men like this who worship the ground she walks on and is rich. Only ugly women would dream of finding some homeless young adult and having to force him to stick around because he doesn’t wanna be on the streets. It’s an ugly girl fantasy, not a stacy fantasy.

No. 1851372

Nah, younger guys are hotter, fitter, have more hair, are more open to learning how to eat pussy, and are less egotistical and willing to take your feedback instead of getting overly defensive. This is more about guys in their early 20s though. The emotional maturity can be a gamble, but that goes the same for scrotes who are older as well. The only thing men gain as they get older is financial assets, but women make their own money now so who gives a fuck?

No. 1851375

real life ''stacies'' are dating ugly moids twice their age for the money.

No. 1851377

If it’s just for sex but I don’t have a high sex drive. My experience of dating younger men there are just not benefits to it. Young men aren’t easily controllable like younger women which is supposed to be the perk of dating younger.

No. 1851379

reminds me of all the twitch stacies with their ugly bfs

No. 1851380

The perk of dating younger men is that they still have hair

No. 1851381

lol nope. anons think stacy=good looking. But it's a state of mind. You can be ugly and be a stacy and be a model and willingly date post wall brad pitt.

No. 1851382

Naw most young guys will treat an older woman with about the same amount of respect as they treat a women their age. Young men and women respect old men that’s why they listen to them. A young boy is just going to see a woman as a nagging old bitch he needs to get away from as soon as he’s asked to do anything(cleaning, cooking, not cheating or drunk driving)

No. 1851384

all men are like that, men never mature past 16yo

No. 1851386

Y'all replying fast as hell I can't keep up

No. 1851388

I ended up in a situation like that tbh and it's not as hot as you think. My ex fiance proposed to me when I was 20 after I moved out at 19 with the help from my dad to get me away from my abusive mum att. My dad helped the both of us with bills and we stupidly agreed for my dad to set up a direct debit to my ex because the accounts were already set up in his name as he worked in a call centre after dropping out of the art college interview process because he felt like his art could speak for himself and he was to lazy to put together a presentation. He encouraged me to give up on uni as we're all wage slaves wah which I did so I could get an office drone wage slave job. I was getting promotions and working up but hit the glass ceiling so to speak around 23. He by this time had left his job to become an artist, now we really needed my dad's help because I couldn't afford our rent and outgoings on 1 wage. Our sex life went to shit because I resented him, he became jealous and petulant. He was unemployed didn't do any chores would bring home random animals for me to look after. Just a pure annoying manchild. He ended up doing part time seasonal work cause my dad had a go at him and was talking about giving us a deposit for a house and reduce my monthly rent to a lesser mortgage. None of this happened though because I came back from work on my lunchbreak to pick up contracts for our new house and we had an argument. He hit me, winded me. Hit me against an exposed brick wall, cut me. Floored me. The dog then got between us and snapped at him that made him stop. I had to go back to work with visible cuts and marks and they let me go home early. I broke up with him a week or two later. Men don't want to be bangmaids. My ex was a video game addict and vegetarian you'd think he would be a pushy and non confrontational but I don't know where his ego came from. He was good looking as a teenager but I was literally his only girlfriend so I don't know who inflated his self worth. He hit the wall hard and married the daughter of the man he started doing the seasonal work for.

No. 1851389

i am not reading all that shit who cares

No. 1851391

I also think younger men are more dangerous. Statistically women who date younger die earlier and men who date younger live longer. It’s because young women actually bring something of value into older mens life(cooking abilities, cleaning abilities and they are easy to mold). Young men just bring more stress. I can definitely see why most women aren’t into younger men.

No. 1851392

> All the sperging about Margot Robbie
Women can never do anything right. There will always be someone sperging about something

No. 1851393

I work all day and want to keep on doing it because I like my work.
>while sidelining her own pleasure
About this part, I have a freaking thing for giving pleasure to the people I sleep with. I'm bisexual, have been with more women than men, I've done the same thing for every single woman I've dated (which means I get along better with pillow princesses). I don't think it's that deep, really, probably just a fetish because I like tying them and stuff.

No. 1851395

NAYRT but cows are one of the main polluters of the planet due to the methane they produce, and eating too much red meat gives people cancer, yet nobody is trying to ban beef outside of the regular vegans that want to ban all meat. People just worship the fuck out of dogs for whatever reason even though all they are at the end of the day is a dumb animal selectively bred to be utterly submissive to us. It’s no more needless than the death of literally any other animal and it’s fucked up they’re worrying about banning dog meat while many wild animals are being pushed to extinction due to poaching and human interference. THAT is what matters. Not some dog living the same life that billions of equally intelligent pigs are also living.

No. 1851396

moids dont bring anything of value to women.

No. 1851397

Pussy*, not pushy.

No. 1851399

most woman are into younger men the ones who say otherwise are are deluding themselve

No. 1851402

money. men usually are richer than women

No. 1851403

Margot Robbie is apart of the most privileged demographic on earth and probably wouldn’t even trust most of us to even be her maid. She can handle a few anons thinking she looks like a Lego person. I’m 2024 people need to take their head out of celebrities assholes.

No. 1851404

I like younger moids but the issue is that they tend to be very picky with the older women they choose to date. It's always a strong experienced and confident woman with good looks or a banging body who knows how to seduce him, not an average looking virgin failed otaku loser like me with zero dating experience…

No. 1851406

Shut up and post hands.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1851407

the only reason women dont date younger or start dating younger after the date a really bad old ugly moid it's because it's frowned upon, by other women no less. You will see a woman date a qte 20yo and they will treat her like a pedophile slut. It's actually so funny when women cheat on their scrotes with younger guys, i laughed my ass off at destiny's wife leaving him for a tinder twink
why would you date a men for the money? just work yourself you lazy retard

No. 1851411

Nonny, I'm not ugly, I just unfortunately like musicians who play in rock bands, and since rock is not the most popular music genre nowadays more often than not the guys I like will make significantly less money than I do. What am I supposed to do if they are the only type of men i'm into?

No. 1851413

I don't believe this shit, because women who date their own age or older are always taking care of him, nagging him to do shit, running themselves ragged because he refuses to wash a dish.
The younger men you're talking about sure, maybe if they are 18-19, but guys in their 20s are way more likely to do chores, eat pussy, listen to when you speak. Of course, you have to choose a moid who has emotionally intelligence, just like you would if you dated an older guy (yuck). So you might as well date the younger, hotter guy, even if he has less financial assets.

I feel like everyone wants to harp on younger guys being more immature but it just doesn't look like that in reality, because old scrotes aren't more mature by default and you still have to vet for emotional maturity as much as younger guys, so might as well go for the hotter younger guy who listens and isn't set in his ways like geriatic scrotes are.

No. 1851414

working sucks ass, why do i need a job when my bf can just earn the money? its the only thing men are good for anyway

No. 1851415

anon is making this about maturity when men dont mature past 16yo and stay lazy manchildren until they die. The only real comparison between dating young is looks. Younger men are bound to look better.

No. 1851416

I’m in my 30s and I’ve dated men much younger than me. They do wild shit like take your car to drink drive in, they’re flakey, still have to cook and clean for them because their mommy does it at home and they are horrible at sex these days because they all have death grip from too much porn. Younger men are cuter but definitely being single is better than picking them. Dating younger men only works if you’re a master manipulator because young men are not controlled by the same moves as young women. You have to be ready to actually hardcore emotionally abuse them to get them to do right and most women arent built like that.

No. 1851417

Actual hotter young twinks only date top tier status stacies

No. 1851418

kek do you work in a wallart? i wouldnt leave my cozy gamedev job to be ''taken care of'' by a fucking moid. its why all the tradtoths also have side jobs, it's boring to be an stay at home wife.

No. 1851420

Feminists didn't fight for women's rights just for you to say this.

No. 1851422

>You have to be ready to actually hardcore emotionally abuse them to get them to do right and most women arent built like that.
sounds based as shit i want a qte moidling to manipulate

No. 1851423

don't worry AI will take your job soon

No. 1851426

Some of you need to try dating zoomers first and see if your fantasy plays out. Not hating it’s just idealised.

No. 1851427

i would never date men, period. But if i ever want to date i would go younger, why would i go for balding fat used up 25yo+ men?

No. 1851428

not happing anytime soon lol

No. 1851429

i hate all that ai stuff its fucking scary

No. 1851430

not even zoomer women want to date zoomer men.

No. 1851432

Ok take them kek. I’m a zoomer and they’re all a bunch of pornsick weirdos nowadays. Half the guys I know jerk off to tweens, not even kidding.

No. 1851434

I don’t feel like having to ignore texts, use men for money(and yes you have to do with with younger men as well for them to respect you. Younger men will not respect a woman if she’s giving him money even if she’s older)and fight and argue all day. I just want a normal relationship and not someone I have to treat like shit all the time to keep them in line.

No. 1851435

The women who manage to do that are based because they'll have a slave for life but the problem is that majority can't pull it off without being manipulative with everyone around them. It's something you're born with not taught

No. 1851436

i am a zoomer too. dont tell me you date older men? ew

No. 1851438

No…? Old men are ugly. I’m bi, I date older women.

No. 1851440

>normal relationship
then date women because men are all the same regardless of age. If you think older men arent immature when millenial women spend their days venting about how useless their manchildren are then idk

No. 1851441

why dont yuo call the police on those men jerking it off to tweens?

No. 1851442

>Eating too much red meat gives people cancer, yet nobody is trying to ban beef
Because red meat is an excellent source of protein, the best in fact, which is necessary for the body, unlike dog meat, which is low quality protein
>Not some dog living the same life that billions of equally intelligent pigs are also living
Funny you mention it, pigs also contain good protein, and are very easy to fatten up, plus carry less disease, hence the difference in treatment. It's about practicality.

No. 1851444

2 years ago I dated a guy just 2 years my junior (he was 31!) And immature as fuck and kept trying to use his dead mother as a manipulation tactic. I had to nuke the whole thing because I couldn't cope with him playing victim and also trying to come across like I was a Milf and he was some hot young lad. You're 5'8 and I'm 5'7 david you were just short with a little dick. We had a big blow up cause I said something along the lines of your mum would be embarrassed how you use her death frequently to manipulate people and he was so excited to latch on to this and be like how dare you talk about my dead mother! It was so fucking cringe I blocked him

No. 1851445

the police wont care anyway so whats the point

No. 1851446

Why are you guys even talking about relationships anyway, that cute younger perfect twink doesn't exist. And most of are not gigastacies to be able to date one of those anyway, they're probably already taken.

No. 1851447

sure larpchan

No. 1851450

proof that all men regardless of age are manchildren. Dating men is selfharm.

No. 1851451

Older men are bad but in different ways. Dating a younger man is like having a wild animal in your house and they’re definitely going to cheat because they’re young and they feel that you’re holding them back by not letting them fuck everything with legs. Then once they get older they’re gonna blame you because you “held them back from fucking other women”.

No. 1851452

See, now I am convinced that the women here shitting on younger men do not know how to vet at all. Maybe you should date a moid who doesn't drink or party, knows how to cook and clean so you are not doing it for him. And you would have to vet for this if you were dating an older man too, because god knows they suck ass in these aspects as well. It's not a younger guy issue, it is just a moid issue in general.

No. 1851453

all young moids drink and party

No. 1851454

File: 1705151780050.png (1.9 MB, 2354x1419, layoffs.png)

Nonna, i…

No. 1851456

Because it puts you in a vulnerable position, not just towards him but also if something happens to him and he can no longer work or pay for your living.

Personally I like working. I have a comfortable, steady 9 to 5 with the local government, plenty of vacation days, nice coworkers, the work itself is decently fulfilling/meaningful and not stressful. Get home at 5:30 and have the rest of the evening and the weekends to myself. I live alone and my home is small so chores aren't unreasonably time consuming or draining. The single working lifestyle is a pretty comfortable and chill lifestyle ime. I guess it's important to secure a job that isn't physically or mentally draining.

No. 1851457

kek real even 15 year olds smoke nowadays which is honestly pretty sad

No. 1851458

i have my own indie company kek

No. 1851459

Most men from middle class and upper middle class homes have never cooked and cleaned. I was dating a 21 year old and as soon as he moved out he got far because he would door dash everyday. I’m actually dating a 22 year old right now and he still has his mom wake him up everyday for work. Men at this age basically act like small children compared to their female peers.

No. 1851460

all this talk and you guys still give no tips to dating

No. 1851461


No. 1851463

men are the same at all ages. my grandmother and mom complain that men from their time were equally useless, but we got it even worse because they dont even do the ''man'' things around the house anymore. Better dont date than date men, but if you have a sex drive at least date ripe young men and not balding ugly moids.

No. 1851464

you dont fit in with your cringe femcel larp lol

No. 1851465

idk be pretty

No. 1851466

nta, the answer is celibacy or husbandoism. it's much easier

No. 1851467

what larp am i really the only one here who never had a boyfriend

No. 1851468

Be pretty. That’s literally it. Doesn’t matter how you act.

No. 1851469

Girls now fortunately go to school and follow higher education but many parents have forgotten to keep up and teach their boys to clean and cook.

No. 1851473

do pretty girls wait for men to come to them or do they go to the man they like directly?

No. 1851475

most likely both

No. 1851480

and average girls? i see lots of average girls with boyfriends

No. 1851481

You just wait for guys to come to you and pick from who ever talks to you(if you’re pretty you’ll have a lot of options to choose from because no matter where you go there will be guys interested) That’s how most pretty girls get bfs.

No. 1851483

Better question is how to get a bf who's worth your time.

No. 1851485

Anon, how old are you? No offense, but you sound quite young.

No. 1851486

Pretty much the same. Unfortunately most women have to just wait to be picked, we don’t have the luxury of choices my scrotes get.

No. 1851487

nta. They put themselves into social situations or go on dating apps. Every girl who puts herself into a situation where she can meet and talk to guys, can get one.

No. 1851488

I'm 25…

No. 1851490

Like scrotes get*

No. 1851491

how are you 25 but never had a bf? home-schooled or what

No. 1851493

This lmao. Getting a man is easy because they are desperate, getting a good one that actually makes it worth being in a relationship vs staying single is the tricky part

No. 1851495

all that just to choose a greasy ugly moid

No. 1851498

Nta but some people are just late when it comes to it or rightfully picky. But I agree the retarded questions sound underage and nowhere near 25.

No. 1851499

I just never had one, guys don't hit on me or anything like that, like i don't remember any guy ever hitting on me. there was a guy who i found later that he liked me in school but he treated me very poorly

No. 1851501

i know it sounds retarded but i simply don't understand the process of getting a boyfriend. but it sounds like maybe i'm just unattractive and that's why

No. 1851502

Sorry anon, I misjudged you. You could go on dating apps, but you'll have to sift through a sea of desperate disgusting moids with their nipples out who can barely string a sentence together, and it gets overwhelming fast. I met my Nigel by striking up a conversation with him at a cinema, while we were both waiting to see the same movie alone. Are you part of any clubs or anything? Genuinely, the best way to meet people platonically or romantically is just to go do things you enjoy IRL and meet people who share your interests.

No. 1851503

What does your social life look like?

No. 1851504

ngl the last part reminds me of my school experience. i dont understand why some people bully the person they like

No. 1851509

If anon can’t get a bf in real life dating apps aren’t the move. I’m not considered pretty and all I got from those was people wanting one night stands.

No. 1851510

I work from home and i have a few friends and family members i talk with and that's pretty much it

No. 1851512

Even if you're unattractive, men will still get in a relationship if that means they get sex. The process is, go in any place men are (online or irl), listen to them talk and compliment them and that's it. Soon they'll claim to be in love with you despite not knowing anything about you kek. Like said previously, it's not hard to find a bf because most men are absolutely desperate and simple minded but it's hard to find a good one.

No. 1851513

That's your problem. You don't have a boyfriend because you never meet new people.

No. 1851518

I think i'm a bit picky too, i had some crushes in school but they were usually taken or they didn't show interest so i didn't bother to try to talk with them more. and as i said since guys usually don't directly approach me nothing happens
I'm aware of that but i also don't know where i could possibly meet new people other than clubbing or by going to bars which is not my thing anyway

No. 1851527

Gym, events, concerts or festivals, hobby clubs, local culture/community centre. There's probably more I can't think of on top off my head.

No. 1851540

>i also don't know where i could possibly meet new people other than clubbing or by going to bars which is not my thing anyway
Markets, art walks, cinemas, cafes, open mics. I met my best friend at a plant sale held in some old lady's back garden. You meet people everywhere if you're friendly and start conversations. It sucks if you're socially awkward, though.

No. 1851543

File: 1705154362895.jpeg (55.28 KB, 457x750, 1704943584387.jpeg)

I blame this 4chan tranny tier image for the quality of this thread. Shame on you.

No. 1851552

i just grabbed the first appropriate reaction pic tgat wasn't a cat or dog so people wouldn't get mad about it. not my fault the board is full of mongs

No. 1851559

File: 1705154935776.jpg (96.87 KB, 1170x780, Shar-Pei-Puppy.jpg)

True, we need more sharpeis.(personalityfagging)

No. 1851560

Cows only produce methane when they're on high starch diets, there's nothing polluting about grass fed cattle. The cancer stuff is also not proven. Anyway, cows are great, milk is great, meat is great. I love consuming things that help me be strong and capable!

No. 1851564

This dog is gonna die early bc it's just a novelty meat ornament. Probably can't see or breathe properly. But it's cuuuute!!

No. 1851565

File: 1705155093480.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1284x2155, 167722EE-3F8B-40A7-A2DF-11E6B8…)

Being one of those blonde rich sorority girls seems like the best life. I want to be them. I just wonder what it must feel like to be born at the top of the food chain.

No. 1851567

I feel bad for cows. Imagine having such bad gas that you risk killing the planet.

No. 1851571

arent they all dyed? whats stopping you from dying your hair blonde lol

No. 1851572

I’m not white or rich. I couldn’t afford one outfit in that video they’re wearing.

No. 1851577

it looks like something you can find in a thriftstore

No. 1851578

Only agree with the rich part.

No. 1851583

That one girl is wearing a 300 dollar sweater. My parents would never by me a 300 dollar too at that age.

No. 1851588

I watch those tiktoks and wonder what it’s like to be the kind of girl most guys would be attracted to, parents that care about your education and social status and to be able to afford to look nice

No. 1851590

bahahah she paid 300 usd for that? it looks horrendous

No. 1851592

File: 1705156171208.jpeg (953.92 KB, 1284x2322, A36D62CF-0003-4F07-B782-DDA22F…)

I feel like all of their outfits are over the 300 dollar range. Their outfits are my month bill costs that I have to wage kek and be degraded for. Life ain’t fair.

No. 1851593

They look like ZARA outfits. But you're not wrong, being rich puts you ahead for fucking sure. It'd change my life if my parents could put me up with a home without mortgage and nothing else.

No. 1851595

they are getting scammed hard that thing is so ugly

No. 1851604

File: 1705156523335.jpeg (692.4 KB, 1284x2084, F64B667D-298D-4B41-A20A-A23D79…)


The girl with the pink sleeveless top got her top from this store and nothing on there appears to cost less than 300 dollars. It looks cheap but it isn’t lol it’s probably cheap to them tho.

No. 1851605

If I were rich I sure wouldn't be frying my hair blond or doing whatever college larp burgers are infatuated with.

No. 1851608

What separates dog meat "culture" from other meat is that no one unironically has the belief that the more pain and suffering the animal goes through, the "better" it tastes, and no one kidnaps people's pets to eat them in a festival.
In general, there's no reason to eat cat or dog meat. The people doing it aren't in a famine anymore. We eat enough animals, I'm really sick of some countries' backward mentality re: food (for example, I can only think of one country where anyone deliberately eats eggs soaked in little boy's piss) and inflict the most suffering on animals as possible (eg, eating animals while still alive as well as the aforementioned sadism and pet kidnapping shit). Koreaboos and China worshipers who think they're woke for acting like some things aren't just degenerate get the rope.

No. 1851657

these companies are scamming rich people there is no way that garbage doesnt cost them 5 dollars in child slave labour

No. 1851661

more like, they are scamming wagies to go into debt thinking they will look like rich people by buying overpriced garbage

No. 1851668

It looks bad in their own pics on their own website, imagine how bad it'd be irl.

No. 1851674

File: 1705158699685.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1284x2293, 31225EA8-61BE-4533-ABFB-35BFB2…)


Idk the girl in the pink top must be rich her house is huge.

No. 1851680

yeah, but she is an influencer, its the rest of consoomers who take their bait

No. 1851708

tf is wrong with you? There seems to be a lot of random lesbian hate on lolcow lately and I dont know where it's coming from. So a woman working is suddenly a lesbian? I know you said, for a scrote, but how does that change anything? A lesbian cant be anything other than a women who is sexually attracted to other women and not men. That's it.

No. 1851714

If you want a dainty feminine girly boy who sits at home and bakes at that point you might as well just be a lesbian

No. 1851719

Polilez larper fuck off. Dick will never be pussy and vice versa.
>b-but baking and dainty
You have a tranny's mentality

No. 1851731

Sorry, I like real men who have jobs, can change a tire and give my car an oil change. You’re never going to convince me that girly men aren’t weird losers.(bait)

No. 1851743

No one wants to convince you of anything, stop malding at women for not being sad tradthots like you kek

No. 1851747

>I like real men who have jobs
Unless that job is a baker

No. 1851753

Are you the anon whose husband works on an oil rig and you wash his laundry and cook his food every day? Sounds like a literal nightmare hell relationship. Have fun raising your children totally alone.

No. 1851759

you know men can do all that and still cook and clean right?

No. 1851768

Yeah they can but if that’s all they do with no job it’s a turn off. Would never be able to respect someone like that. Letting your wife go out in the cold and work while you sit in the house and act like you’re Betty Crocker? Not for me
Not me but my bf is a blue collar dude. He’s a mechanic and does construction on side.

No. 1851776

Hi necessaryspeed4(hi cow)

No. 1851799

File: 1705161286940.png (242.92 KB, 380x570, FBRHNY0UYAY4eDy.png)

I'd kill myself if my husband wasn't able to bake.

No. 1851952

I can do all this shit on my own, I will never trust moids to do shit for me.

No. 1851963

My man does it for me and he defrosts my car every morning

No. 1851985

File: 1705165133249.png (822.69 KB, 1044x1508, malx.png)

This sort of thing is an insult to SA victims

No. 1852032

There’s no such thing as a home wrecker, a man can’t be coerced into sex outside of very specific circumstances.

No. 1852039

Right. Even if the hottest girl ever approached my nigel he would send her on her way. Ya can’t take a man who doesn’t want to be taken.

No. 1852057

Aren't these the most basic tasks in the world???

No. 1852061

Damn there's bait literally at every thread wtf

No. 1852066

Easy to bait when anons bite

No. 1852068

My current bf is the only guy I’ve ever dated who knows how to do these things. Most zoomer guys can’t change a tire or do an oil change.

No. 1852069

Wow so when someone says this they agree but when I said there’s no fault in the “cheat-ee” on a previous thread everyone acted like I wasn’t a girls’ girl or whatever. Anything to dilute the fault of their moids

No. 1852072

>Aren't these the most basic tasks in the world???
isn't doing laundry and cooking?

No. 1852073

That's why they're called homewreckers in the first place, men's lack of loyalty is taken as a given in society. So it's the other women's fault for tempting him and destroying the relationship.

No. 1852074

Both the cheating moid and the woman who smiles in the victim's face and acts like they're friends just to backstab her are at fault.

No. 1852077

And if you’re not friends? Or you’re transparent about it?

No. 1852082

Then you're still mentally ill or just a pickme getting off on fucking someone else's boyfriend or husband.

No. 1852087

Why does it make me a pick me for just wanting to have sex with someone I find attractive? And it’s not just boyfriends, it’s girlfriends too, no need to assume. I don’t think I’d sleep with a married person unless their spouse was a prick.

No. 1852089

The only people responsible for staying faithful in a relationship are the people in that relationship.

No. 1852091

Transparent about what? Sleeping with someone's spouse? Is this one of those open relationship things?

No. 1852094

>no need to assume
The beginning of the conversation and all other posts about the topic so far have been about men. Stop pretending you're offended by banal things, kek.
If you're an adult, seek therapy if you really don't see how it's wrong to knowingly sleep with someone taken, or why a normal person would consider it as such. No one here can really help you.

No. 1852106

This is a lame excuse. People without BPD, terminal "pick me choose me" mindset and/or other issues don't go after people in relationships.

No. 1852123

File: 1705167723709.webp (Spoiler Image,57.62 KB, 2364x1182, 44C65E76-A371-449B-9827-89CE4B…)

Men cheat and treat women badly all the time and have successful careers anyway. I’m not going to stop being an Ariana fan just because she’s a cheater etc. imma stick beside her.

No. 1852124

Why do you think I’m offended? I just never said men.
Basically what I’m saying. Not to sound like a dick but relationships are in the end a social construct like marriage, divorce, birthdays etc. I don’t engage in relationships, people who decide to be in them can do their own thing but it’s nothing to do with me. The problem with cheating is the betrayal of someone you love’s trust. I didn’t do that. I just don’t see how it’s any worse than like, cutting in line or something.

Anyway this kind of discussion is interesting to me because apparently over 50% of people cheat, and 70-80% would cheat if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. Perhaps the sample was skewed but it sounds pretty common to me. So it’s interesting how demonised it is to even be related to the act of cheating, even if you weren’t the cheater themselves.

No. 1852132

Is this thread full of gay bottom moids from Twitter LARPing now? Only they mindlessly stan pop singers and say shit like the above to defend their promiscuity, inability to enter serious relationships and long lists of STDs.(derailing/infighting/take it to meta)

No. 1852135

Kek ouch. I’ve never gotten Twitter before, only redditor. I’m a bisexual woman, and I’m not very promiscuous either, especially when it comes to men. I’m not the Ariana anon, but I do agree that if she was male no one would care.

No. 1852188

Sure Jan

No. 1852201

Who cares if she cheats on a man? The problem is she's ENABLING A MAN TO CHEAT. If she had consideration for anyone other than herself, she wouldn't do that. And the fact that he's so ugly makes it likely the appeal was specifically getting him to cheat, rather than genuinely just being into him and him unfortunately being in a relationship at the time.

No. 1852213

>The problem is she's ENABLING A MAN TO CHEAT. If she had consideration for anyone other than herself, she wouldn't do that.
Exactly. This is what all the copers rationalizing it refuse to see.

No. 1852230

Nonas need to stop moidfoiling whenever someone has a different opinion. And being called a gay moid bottom is actually the first time someone has offended me on this website, thanks for that.

No. 1852240

Sharpie’s existed long before unhealthy dog breeding was a thing, they’re not like pugs kek

No. 1852243

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

No. 1852244

True crime doesn't exploit the victims any more than their parents do when they sue anyone and anything vaguely related to get $$

No. 1852246

Weird to ban someone else just because you assumed it was me KEK oh goodness the mods really are retarded men aren’t they

No. 1852247

I mean I hope you’re offended so you will leave and don’t come back, faggot

No. 1852254

I don’t even type like a fag, what are you even getting that from? Because I think homewrecking isn’t a big deal? Is this a sore spot or something?

No. 1852255

Bait like this is truly annoying as shit because if the hand is too skinny/boney then everyone’s going to think that makes you a man and if the hand is too fat then you’ll also get clowned on for being fat and still be assumed to be a male

No. 1852258

That is kind of a faggoty opinion to have, not sure how you’re unable to notice that with your rhetoric

No. 1852261

Go look at what ancient shar peis looked like. They look nothing like current Shar peis. You should really do your research before looking stupid online. Same with pugs, which are also Chinese dogs.

No. 1852262

>woww you think i’m a man because i think cheating isn’t a big deal?
Literally yeah. Yes. Like yes.

No. 1852266

Stop quacking, faggot

No. 1852271

NTA but If men don’t think cheating is a big deal then why should we?

No. 1852272

File: 1705170718245.jpeg (121.7 KB, 500x499, IMG_0861.jpeg)

They look the exact same. Are you a dog historian or something do you have evidence that conflicts this? Sharpei’s don’t suffer from breathing problems or pain from their bodily structure the way that pugs do

No. 1852275

You're so different, so not like other gal pals

No. 1852277

What the fuck? Because men are inconsiderate animals who don’t know what it’s like to be viscerally attracted to someone to the extent that you want to be only with them and no one else? Now you really sound like a fucking moid kek just walk away

No. 1852278

Just scrolling by but tbh, I don't really understand people who care so much about Ariana Grande being a homewrecker (even though I thought SpongeBob's wife said they were already separated? But it's not the first time she's took someone in a relationship anyway) that they want people to "cancel" her for it. Caring about it for the drama and gossip I get but otherwise, is it really that serious? I think maybe it's not to me since I don't care about cheating unless it personally affects me and the people around me. I guess Ariana is just the Tiger Woods of the 2020s.

No. 1852283

File: 1705170843938.jpg (42.44 KB, 269x499, 2766071706f16afe71408cc4dc40d3…)

You're wrong.

No. 1852287

>Um yes I knowingly enable men to fuck other women over, but it's actually just girlboss behavior?? Like what's wrong with acting like a man???

No. 1852291

I know a man who looks like bottomrel

No. 1852292

That picture could easily be a meme, like


No. 1852293

Just because there are poorly adjusted American pet owners who do not know how to care for their pet does not mean that every single dog is poorly bred and uncared for…? It means they are poorly cared for by their specific owner. It is still inexcusable and abusive against the puppy, however you can’t blame that on every single sharpei. I hope that you’re able to make sense of that kek.

No. 1852296

Nona I'm screaming

No. 1852297

Back at you, it’s very gracious of you all to do men’s mate guarding for them, thanklessly. Imagine doing this on a male forum and getting anything other than “simp cuck beta” in response.

No. 1852304

This response makes no sense considering you were the one defending cheating behavior by men…

No. 1852305

It's not the obesity, I mean obviously obesity is not ideal for the dog. But that is not the issue. The issue is the excessive wrinkles that were bred into an already wrinkly dog in order to make them cuter and more aesthetic. These excessive wrinkles cause breathing and vision issues. There are many Shar Peis that cannot breathe because of how excessive their wrinkles are that they effect the nostrils.

No. 1852307

Are you illiterate? Do you know what mate guarding is? We're talking about men cheating on women, dumbfuck. If anything, you're the one doing mate guarding by trying to convince women they shouldn't care.

No. 1852310

This needs to be bannable offense already. Shut the fuck up about your ugly dogs. There is literally a dog thread for you to post this in.

No. 1852311

I was saying that men cheating is caused by men, not “le other woman”. If he didn’t want to cheat he wouldn’t have, unless he was somehow blackmailed or coerced, but come on.

No. 1852315

File: 1705171341744.gif (525.88 KB, 350x350, tumblr_mezyb5kZUx1r4y0tco1_400…)

No. 1852323

>I was saying that men cheating is caused by men, not “le other woman”.
No one said other women "cause" it, but you are still a miserable, selfish pick-me who screws over other women for cheap dick if you go for men you know are in relationships. That's just the truth, no one's going to coddle you.

No. 1852331

Kind of dumb. What if I was Ariana Grande? Women can be homewreckers. If anything moids hate women like this and they use it to fuel their incel manifestos. Should I transition? Is it ok when I sleep with women with boyfriends or girlfriends? Bi women with nigels are often deprived of decent sex.
It hurts please stop. I’m not the other anon btw, so don’t assume you’re talking to the same person.

No. 1852339

File: 1705171744657.jpg (105.47 KB, 734x416, 1700527025341.jpg)

No. 1852351

Let's make it higher. Women deal with way worse than men, but men always take the suicide route. kek, cowards

No. 1852364

Not nearly enough

No. 1852370

Idk why you’re making it about me and what I do or don’t do. I simply dont care if a woman cheats.

No. 1852380

>I simply dont care if a woman cheats.
What does this have to do with the discussion? You seem to lack reading comprehension, are you lost?

No. 1852395

Wow maybe I really should have trooned out after all, I clearly pass. Crazy how instead of having a discussion and actually giving a meaningful argument you all just go straight to moidfoiling.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1852410

The moid paranoia is through the roof

No. 1852412

So nlog you posted hand for it

No. 1852419

It's sad to be so mentally deficient as a woman that you function like a moid, can't enter a relationship and think only of the coom, even willing to fuck over other women for orgasms.

No. 1852424

People talk about how public schools are harsh on boys, but one destructive thing I've noticed is that good natured but mentally slow girls have their lives ruined by trying to pad out the retard/delinquent class numbers to ensure they're not all boys.

It happened to a neighbor of mine, I remember her parents being apprehensive about "needing extra help" in a slow class, saying she's doing fine and she's happy in the class with her friends. But they relented and put her with the delinquent boys, then she got into a bad crowd with the boys, started doing drugs and she's now a single mother to one of the boys from that very class. I can't help but think about how much different her life would've been if her parents didn't cave on that issue, and the teachers just left her alone to just be a little slow.

There's no reason why mentally slow girls should have to share a classroom with the most savage and degenerate of the men. They already don't have the faculties to resist peer pressure, you're just offering those men easy victims. Put them in a girl's only class or something.

No. 1852427

If men don’t give a shit about being exclusive, why should women? And yes externalising onto someone else (ie evil temptresses) is moid 101.

No. 1852428

Stop making the thread about you kek

No. 1852431

Once again:
>We're talking about men cheating on women, dumbfuck.
You genuinely seem like you might be ESL. You don't know the difference between women cheating on men and men cheating on women, so you're arguing with the air.

No. 1852434

I think it’s sadder to admit moids are like this but continue to treat them fairly when they wouldn’t do the same for you.

No. 1852435

What are you talking about? "Treating moids fairly" how?

No. 1852437

This is the closest I've come to watching two pitbulls fight

No. 1852438

Cut your nails

No. 1852442

So is anything you don’t like functioning like a moid? And surely fucking over men cancels out the fucking over women part. You’re acting like I’m going around looking for taken people to sleep with. I just think it’s mildly assholeish at worst and these people would have cheated anyway, they have agency. There is nothing earned by shaming me and others who agree with me when moids are out getting pats on the back for “stealing someone’s girl” or successfully hiding affairs, sometimes both at the same time. This achieves nothing. Maybe if men were held up to the same moral standards, but they’re not.

No. 1852456

File: 1705173788768.jpg (70.91 KB, 587x587, 1660009855192.jpg)

You're all so retarded and that not even in the endearing way anymore. Stop it. Stop it right now.

No. 1852457

The amount of thinly veiled anorexia/orthorexia influencers and content is way worse then some dumb HAES lolcow or two. The second you watch one slightly diet related video you'll be bombarded with content like "what I eat in a day" that are filled with straight up bodychecks and where most of the food is some protein version of normal meals. It's genuinely concerning the amount of misinformation you'll see, like an endless amount of people claiming that no matter what they eat, they just can't gain weight their metabolism is just that fast! Which isn't how it works unless you have a medical condition. Nobody looks at some HAES lolcow going 'I sure want to get that obese!' but people DO look at the fitfluencers wanting to desperately get those bodies.

nta but everyone I know who is in a relationship either met in school or through work. I feel like randomly meeting someone outside of that and getting in a relationship is rare.

No. 1852462

How are men being fucked over by you having sex with them? What is this libfem shit, kek?
>There is nothing earned by shaming me and others who agree with me when moids are out getting pats on the back for “stealing someone’s girl” or successfully hiding affairs, sometimes both at the same time.
There are tons of women bragging about "stealing someone's man", have you ever listened to a song? Their obsession with validation through "stealing" men is why they are pickmes, and the men doing it are trashy and disgusting too. What's not clicking in your brain?

No. 1852470

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imagine the shits(wrong thread)

No. 1852472

Women don't attempt committing suicide to die, they do it to get attention.(bait)

No. 1852478

For goodness sake can you read? I said I’m bisexual. So I’ve slept with women with nigels.
How is it trashy? It’s just there isn’t a difference to me whether or not someone is taken, it’s not my obligation because I’m not the one in a relationship. If it helps most times they came onto me first.

No. 1852483

yeah, terrible people are usually miserable. so whatever.

No. 1852486

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No. 1852488

No one asked, and nobody's talking about muh hypothetical women cheating. We aren't going to clap for moidbrained BPD behavior just because you support it.

No. 1852496

The amount of boys who have tism or similar and are just pervs with no filter. They're bad enough as adults when they somehow get a job and show up saying their no-filter but I can't help it shit and get coddled and excused all the way. I can't imagine what it's like to be a young girl with a learning issue and be shoved into a classroom full of the pubescent version of that.

No. 1852539

I hate bread.

No. 1852544

Based. I hate pasta too.

No. 1852547

What the fuck do pasta and bread have to do with each other

No. 1852551


No. 1852552

I’m adding my unpopular opinion. Plus I hate them in the same way.

No. 1852556

No. 1852560

No, wheat, there’s an extra e in there.

No. 1852564

Yeah they both suck as overrated foods that aren't good and they're wheat.

I hate donuts too for the same reason. Cake too.

No. 1852565

No. 1852566

No. 1852567

No. 1852572

Home wreckers are kind of a blessing in disguise. If a guy would cheat he was probably already abusive and selfish but the wife or gf was too chicken shit to leave. Home wreckers pretty much force a lot of women out of bad relationships.

No. 1852581

Cope, it's just selfishness. A "blessing" would be to tell the wife or gf and other people in their circle "Hey, your bf or husband is trying to fuck me, here's proof" so the moid can be shamed by all other parties.

No. 1852583

What if you do that but fuck them first and them let them know?

No. 1852585

>What if I reward the cheating moid first?

No. 1852586

I feel like most women wouldn’t leave from a warning. They’d probably flip out on the girl for being in their business and tell her to back off. For most women the guy actually has to fuck someone else for that to be the final straw.

No. 1852587

But it would be my reward for letting them know?

No. 1852589

Idk why yall can't stop taking the bait… We already had this cheating discussion upthread smh

I think limewash still looks cute and I'm putting it in my house. I live in the southwest, it just fits here so well and looks cute. Everyone says it's over.

No. 1852590

This is why some posters used to call you "cockbrain".

No. 1852592

Only one way to know for sure, don't make hypotheticals as excuses.

No. 1852598

Limewash is nice, nonna.

No. 1852599

All cake? There isn't one flavor of cake where you're like okay this one is good

No. 1852600

Used to? Who do you think I am?

No. 1852601

Well, I stick behind that single people are single and can have sex with who they want. It’s only immoral if you like fuck your sisters husband or something because you have emotional connections to those people.

No. 1852602

When did this happen? How do you know they're calling me specifically "cockbrain"? This is an anonymous imageboard

No. 1852607

It's called the royal you.

No. 1852616

You just sound anti-social and mentally/emotionally stunted, which is your business, but don't get upset when people call it what it is. All of this is basic stuff for everyone but moids, gay moids and the unwell and validation-seeking.

No. 1852621

Me and >>1852602 are not the same person, kek.

No. 1852623

What does that have to do with what I said?

No. 1852624

Because people are pretending to be me and I want to make it clear who's posting what(no1currs)

No. 1852628

Why does it matter, though? This is an anonymous imageboard.

No. 1852630

Ban everyone in this thread. Don't spare me. Scorched earth, start over.

No. 1852634

Had to google what limewash is. Kinda looks like when I attempt to paint and I leave ages in between starting and getting around to the top coat. I could've saved some effort and passed that off as limewash.

No. 1852649

I think she has a pretty hand(giving attentionwhores attention)

No. 1852651

Ntayrt (I’m one of the ones upthread) but I’m curious as to whether you’d consider this anti-social if it was a woman saying she only sleeps with faggot’s boyfriends or men’s girlfriends. Like, is deciding to have sex with someone to happens to be in a relationship what you dislike or is it the woman getting hurt that bothers you? Just wondering.

Either way cheating is way too common (amongst both men and women) for you to be acting this way about people saying they wouldn’t cheat, but don’t have any kind of obligations as someone not in a relationship. Objectively actually cheating itself is worse, no? We can agree on that? If so, then if cheaters, as plentiful as they are don’t get told they have mental illnesses I don’t see how we should be acting like this is any worse.

Also I disagree with the banning, I think it’s an interesting discussion, I didn’t know that anons would be so vehemently against it.

No. 1852663

If you're happy to harm women so you can cum, and try to rationalize it with takes like "b-but it's common" (so are all sorts of negative things) or "w-well what if a woman cheats, is that ok then?!", then yes you're no better than a moid. You reward and help cheaters because you have issues. Even now, you're seeking attention and validation, you've already had it explained.

No. 1852705

These days drinking diet soda, juice or sparkling water is healthier than drinking water. Most of the water is so full of toxins, lead, pollution and micro plastic that it’s unhealthy to drink. I’d feel safer drinking a Diet Coke and this is why I don’t drink water.

No. 1852708

What water do you think is use to make soft drinks?

No. 1852725

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No. 1852728

File: 1705181997873.png (364.78 KB, 449x401, 1478589451688.png)

fucking mod is desperate for attention lmao

No. 1852740

I want to shave the American dogs fur soo bad

No. 1852743

Your turds must be rock solid

No. 1852770

A lot of people feel like they're enlightened about relationships but then have a terrible approach to trying to help a woman with an awful bf/husband. They think it helps to "get through to her" by alogging the guy but it completely disregards that she most often genuinely loves him and is going to feel at least moderately taken aback by you sperging out over someone she cares for, as anyone would. Then they often get impatient and victim blame when she doesn't immediately go "gee you're so smart and right, I'm going to dump him right now!" If you can't recognize that women have genuine reasons for not leaving an unhealthy relationship like risking their safety, losing financial stability, causing harm to their social connections/reputation because of the "drama," getting into legal trouble, simply not having the energy or support to make a change, or tons of other reasons that aren't just "she's retarded" then you're not very different from the men who nitpick women's behavior and claim that they were are asking for it when they get hurt.
Also when you alog, a lot of abusers are able to leverage that as a manipulation tactic ("see, these other people are hysterical and just hate on true love") to keep her more isolated. It also takes the focus off of helping her rebuild confidence and isn't centered around her deserving better, it's centered around him deserving worse, which isn't going to be something she wants or that helps her feel more empowered even if YOU feel that way. It doesn't help her make her own choices if you insist and scream that she needs to leave right now regardless of how ready or safe she feels doing so, you're just pressuring her to obey a different person's demands for her life. Tons of people are acting like they're trying to help but they're really just trying to fuel their own hero complex and it shows when they get mad about pushback that should naturally be expected, and hurl disdain towards a woman who doesn't enthusiastically eat up all their advice.

No. 1852797

This is the unpopular opinions thread and if someone happens to have an unpopular opinion about an animal that doesn’t mean it should be redirected to the doggy appreciation thread. If you think this should be a bannable offense then become a mod! Oh wait, they don’t want you. Kek. Go argue with the wall.

No. 1852812

Arguing with a wall instead of you would be more intellectually stimulating

No. 1852998

>enabling man to cheat
Lmao, if you think moids are mindless cheaters who just need to be enabled to cheat then you should also consider that relationships with them are inherently worthless and it doesn’t really matter what she did.

No. 1853001

Why the fuck would you be attracted to an inconsiderate animal and want a relationship with them?

No. 1853004

Just get better standards. Going after taken men is rather pathetic but there’s no mythical seductress that 'homewrecked' your precious relationship and family (why tf would you give a stranger that much power anyway) but a man that doesn’t give a shit about you and never did.

No. 1853006

Arguably it’s even more mentally deficient to want a relationship with someone you declare is 'thinking only of the coom' (i.e. moid), funny that you didn’t think about that.

No. 1853026

totally agree, but recently i've come to understand the other side. i've had a female friend explain to me she'd use her friends to mitigate her unhealthy relationship. she had zero intention to leave, but she took her friends' advice and concern to soothe herself before she returned to him. eventually they told her they wouldn't play therapist anymore and it shook her into realizing what she was doing.
she only left him after the crutch was removed and she had to fully stomach the toxicity. this confirmed my suspicions about this being a thing, i've definitely been the concerned friend before.
i do think it's situational, depending on an violent husband with kids in the picture is very different from having a toxic relationship with a man you don't live with. i wish people would look more into material factors for DV/marital rape instead of viewing it only through a psychological lens.

No. 1853118

I think disliking someone to the point of making a thread about them and continually keeping up with them kind of does make you a fan in a sense

No. 1853121

i agree with this, as a content creator who got so hated by someone that they made a New account just to reupload and "fix" all my shit kek. at first it made me mad, then i just started kekking. gained a lot of followers from it too…

No. 1853129

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Unpopular opinion on this website, but he used to be so pretty. What could cause someone to hit the wall so incredibly hard though wtf

No. 1853130

Because hes old.

No. 1853132

he's rich so probably some kind of drug, coke maybe. i don't know if this is "unpopular" also but i HATED peaky blinders, this dude's character was so annoying and arrogant.

No. 1853134

He’s not even 50 though and he looks like a shriveled little old man. I know men age faster and 50 for males is like 70 for women, but damn. He hit the wall very suddenly too.

I actually enjoyed that show but I hate Stevan Knight. He made Tommy such a loserish misogynistic whore, a lot of the script sounded like self insert fiction written by a 15 year old boy who thought it sounded hot, like the entire plot with Tatiana for example

No. 1853135

>came back to reply to everyone malding and samefagging
>got ignored

No. 1853139

He looks like someone with botched plastic surgery, I didn't think that kind of look could be achieved naturally

No. 1853140

It's just his bone structure, it isnt common but it's natural

No. 1853141

Ok well now I need to know who you are

No. 1853142

Hollywood people often turn ugly because of their evil actions.

No. 1853146

Girl shut the fuck up(infighting)

No. 1853152

WahWah wah wah stop crying because you worship some decomposing piece of shit who's probably a rapist. It's true and you know it, fucker.(infighting)

No. 1853156

I believe it. He’s definitely a cheater with low morals so who knows what else that alcohol anorexic gets up to

No. 1853170

He’s a tranny why are you defending him?

No. 1853173

I hate when your retarded braindead disabled stupid windowlicking ugly ass comes online and ruins everything with your shitty baby pointless sperging

No. 1853189

I’ve told a girl before and she didn’t believe me and said I was tryna steal him he was literally 5’5”

No. 1853191

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No. 1853193

No. 1853196

Weird that you worship celebrities who you don’t know personally though

No. 1853201

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Cillian is a known tif(retarded bait)

No. 1853203

>gets told to stop licking and sucking the balls of ugly men who would throw gasoline if she was on fire
>has a word salad meltdown
Take your medication

No. 1853208

This is probably one of his mistresses

No. 1853216

I dont. Your sperging is borderline a disability. Nobody wants to hear it, it's the same autistic broken record shit all the time, gun in your mouth your posts always such

No. 1853223

>more word salad
You obviously do, or you wouldn't have started foaming at the mouth at something so benign. I don't even know what you mean by "broken record", this is the first time I've made that (correct) statement. This is lolcow, not twitter, bitch.
>gun in your mouth your posts always such
No clue what you're trying to say here. Learn English and quit cockgobbling for shitty men.

No. 1853230

he’s a fucking faggot get that fruit off my screen

No. 1853274

You aren't #blackpilled you're a bore

No. 1853279

Saying ugly Hollywood men are bad people is your idea of someone being "blackpilled"? This site will make you kill yourself in a week, lmao.

No. 1853291

irish genes are like that

No. 1853308

I thought being blackpilled was being a snowbunny basically

No. 1853323

Your mind

No. 1853346

It's unpopular on here but I love ""blackwashing"" or remaimagining characters as black, esp anime characters bc I think the hairstyles artists come up with are cute and cool. I'm not black but I never understood why people get mad over it because it's not like the original media is getting wiped from all record lol, it's still there.

No. 1853349

I think they often make the characters look cooler too

No. 1853400


No. 1853411

I think it’s kind of retarded especially considering how characters like Annabeth who’s supposed to be the daughter of Aphrodite would obviously be fucking white kek, at the very least mixed not like staunch black the way the actress is(racebaiting)

No. 1853414

>staunch black

No. 1853422

I just don't get why it's such a big deal, it's a fantasy story written for kids with many creative liberties taken off its inspiration (Greek mythology), not something where historical accuracy is important. also
>staunch black

No. 1853423

No. 1853428

It's cute sometimes but there is unfortunately just an overwhelming amount of shitty, awful drawings of turning characters into flabby vitiligo xe/xir uggos. I enjoy the ones that keep the spirit of the character without trying to shoehorn random shit like hijab or making them disabled or deformed to be the most woke and special. That, and "redesigns" where they flaunt their art as better than the original

No. 1853431

You're more than kind of retarded, kek. A god is not human, and would not care about picking/choosing any specific race for their offspring because they can do what they want.

No. 1853439

That's really just a 'bad art' thing. I see it the same as if a male artist was drawing a female character with a gross, blow-up doll body and skimpy clothes that are nothing like the actual character (except this kind of thing is far worse than some 15 year old drawing Naruto with vitiligo). The latter mentioned is just corny but whatever. I'm also against the hijab out of feminist principle but sometimes hijab versions of characters are cute because the design can be creative.

No. 1853456

It’s called Greek mythology. Greeks are white. Check your facts madame

No. 1853461

Gods aren't human and have no obligation to subscribe to human races when creating anything. Google what a "god" is before talking about fact checking, babe.

No. 1853464

Is it an unpopular opinion to think people who whine the most about having no friends are the ones most undeserving of friends? I've met and talked to people who said they felt so lonely and that it was so unfair that they had no friends, but their personalities were almost entirely insufferable so it didn't take long to find out why they had no friends.

No. 1853470

Dayposters > nightposters. The neets come out at night and embarass everyone else

No. 1853477

The neets are here in the daytime… they don't really have anything else to do.

No. 1853478

Ancient Greek gods also didn't wear Hawaiian shirts and sandals or whatever the fuck silly shit they did in the PJ series, I don't remember. They can have green skin for all I care. It is a very modernized and loosely adapted version of Greek mythology. It doesn't matter. I personally like black Annabeth and it is such a weird thing to he pissed about

No. 1853480

Wrong. They sleep all day and wake up in the evening.

No. 1853530

I agree with you nona, I think blackwashing already esteblished characters is mostly for the reactions to make the media more well-known. In general I hate when they don't stick to the book description.

No. 1853547

We need a pregnancy general in /ot/

No. 1853548

For some reason blackwashing is the one ‘woke’ thing that anons get super defensive over and won’t allow any criticism of, it was the same when the live action The Little Mermaid was released. Just another reason why I hate Americans

No. 1853550

No we don’t, we already have threads for that in /g/.

No. 1853551

You hate Americans because of black people on screens?

No. 1853552

No, read my comment again.

No. 1853553

File: 1705219763540.jpg (610.39 KB, 1602x2048, 3ee87cb3-d2b4-4913-8765-ae2ade…)

Redhead erasure(racebaiting)

No. 1853556

Get ready for the racebait.

No. 1853561

Not that I agree with racewashing characters just for brownie points, but I think it's kind of ironic that it took this to make randos care about redheads. For as long as I remember, everybody took the piss out of redheads by saying they were uggo and had no souls and shit. now people care? okie dokie then kek

No. 1853573

Dismissing scientific evidence because it comes from someone you don't like is retarded and is a disservice to academia and humanity as a whole.

No. 1853585

“won’t allow any criticism of” when you mean some people disagree with you is a little dramatic no? I do think a lot of the time movie producers turn characters black to start discourse & draw attention but I agree with the other posters, it’s just fantasy so no harm is really done by changing the character’s race here. As much as social media makes it seem like there are no white characters in media anymore, there are still tons (not to mention the old pjo movies where annabeth is white if it matters that much to you)

No. 1853594

>it’s just fantasy so no harm is really done by changing the character’s race here.
thats why i am making my own versions of the Yoruba pantheon were they are all white. Hope it goes over well

No. 1853602

File: 1705224164060.jpg (6.18 MB, 7326x3128, 1000013374.jpg)

NTA, but what you're talking about seem to be religious figures, that real people value and worship as a part of their culture. Who the fuck cares about a mermaid that was only invented to make kids entertained? Why do people come up with the worst analogies to justify losing sleep over TV/movie characters that no adult should really care about? Why even drag religion into this? Like, holy shit anon, here's twenty dollars, go buy some real problems.

No. 1853608

yeah, only black people's culture and heritage matters

No. 1853609

Greeks don’t worship the greek gods anymore, and percy jackson is also not a serious novel about the greek gods but about a random american boy at a demigod summer camp… nonna tell me you’re joking

No. 1853611

god are mystical beings why would they care about race? it doesn't matter

No. 1853612

You could do this, but some people would complain, and less people would watch it. Same thing with the PJO movies. I don’t see why it’s a huge issue.

No. 1853614

nta. No but it is part of their historic culture. It's funny how "cultural appropriation" and not being allowed to "take" from anothers' culture works only one way.

No. 1853615

You are way too chronically online to be this invested in a movie about a children's novel

No. 1853620

Nice substantive rebuttal. That was literally my only post in this discussion.

No. 1853624

I understand if it's a character where the race/nationality/skin tone is important to the story. Like as much as I think the Rachel Zegler hate train is very over the top, I do think they should have cast someone pale as Snow White instead of a dark olive woman because having skin as fair as snow is a major trait of the character.
But Annabeth from Percy Jackson being another race doesn't affect anything. The hate from grown adults towards a 13yo girl is horrible. And it really is just thinly veiled racism. The actor that plays Percy hasn't even received a tenth of the scrutiny even though he also doesn't look like the character from the book, being blond while Percy was notably described as black haired.

No. 1853633

>but some people would complain, and less people would watch it
i would call them all racist bigots then

No. 1853642

Percy Jackson is fucking shit anyway, why are you even arguing about this retarded franchise?

No. 1853649

What is your opinion on black Cleopatra?

No. 1853653

real cleopatra was greek, came from an hellenistic family.

No. 1853654

Yeah but theyve made her black in Queen Cleopatra

No. 1853656

It's a stupid ragebait cash grab. Like >>1853624 said, I don't care if Cinderella or Ariel are black, or any character that doesn't have their looks as a character defining trait. If anything, Caribbean Ariel would've been cool and the crab already had a Jamaican accent. But Cleopatra was so Greek and a real, living person that I don't know why they'd cast someone clearly not Greek or Egyptian to play her? It's like casting a blonde white woman to play Mulan.

No. 1853659

I just don't think eating the meat of carnivorous animals is a good idea. I don't know it's on the same level of fucked up as eating monkeys, which is done in Congo iirc. They're too close to us in the food chain I don't know how to say this otherwise.

>rabbits are seen simultaneously as both food and pets but I don't see people sperging of how rabbit meat is as cruel as dog meat.

I do kek, I will never, ever eat rabbits unless I absolutely have to someday. Same reason why I'll never, ever eat snails despite being French. I used to take snails outside and raise them when I was a kid.

No. 1853668

It's still their culture. Now that I think about it more, I do find it a bit culturally insensitive. I find whole Percy Jackson series a dumb americanised retelling of a culture that is foreign to the writer. I still think the biggest problem here is just changing an already established character to stir up discourse though.

No. 1853669

>What could cause someone to hit the wall so incredibly hard though wtf
Time. I just watched Oppenheimer and even though he's aging like milk he's still the kind of guy that make me think "he must have been good looking a few years ago" to this day. Like you can just guess. The movie was meh.

No. 1853671

Yep. Anyone offended by a black annabeth character because of “historic culture” should be offended that the author made a dumb kids series set in america based on bastardized version of greek myths in the first place, but nobody /really/ is because its not that big of a deal kek. Its more honest to just say you’re mad at the race bending because you don’t like it

No. 1853672

I don't eat any meat. But to eat animals selectively bread to love, bond and empathise with humans is in my opinion very immoral. Puppies will bond to the humans because we made them like that, only to be killed by the people they hope to love unconditionally. It's really cruel. They are also carnivores which means you have to feed them other animals which makes it excessively stupid.

No. 1853674

It's ridiculous but seeing american hoteps debate over Cleopatra's race and skin color, and Ancient Egypt in general is peak comedy to me.

No. 1853676

I hate how ariana fans are trying to make sleeping with someone’s husband a feminist issue. She’s a weird skeevy bitch and she’s embarrassed that it’s hurting her image otherwise she wouldn’t have made the song. Can’t wait for her to dump him in <5 years and for her useless moid to sit in the fact that he destroyed his marriage and family for nothing

No. 1853697

>They are also carnivores which means you have to feed them other animals which makes it excessively stupid
Pigs reach almost 700lbs in months just by eating grass and beans, to fatten a dog to that extent you gotta give him meat, which would be expensive and even then it's going to take a while before they actually reach a big enough size, maybe a year and half. It's just retarded

No. 1853703

For liberal feminists, everything is a feminist issue. I'm dreading having to see this discussion getting mainstream, how we have to forgive everyone for cheating because it's empowering etc. I honestly don't care, another sexual degenerate shit pushed by big media corpos for us to accept that cheating and porn addiction and prostitutes and trannies are cool I guess

No. 1853712

We coevolved with dogs to be companions, its different

No. 1853749

I am just so tired of how people keep falling for it like YESSS, REPRESENTATION THANK YOU DISNEY, the soulless corporation!
Like we all know they do it for the controversy which some ppl get so up in arms about.

No. 1853753

Gross she looks so emaciated and whatever did you mean by stick by her? You mean you’re gonna keep buying her shit like the anorexic fart cloud perfume and stream those awful songs?

No. 1853865

It’s true, whenever someone criticises blackwashing, there are always several anons try to shut it down and cry about how racist we’re being and how it ‘doesn’t matter’ (yet they spend so much time defending it) and I never see this with, for example, transwashing, just odd to see.

Also, People aren’t upset that Annabeth is black because of ‘greek culture’ they’re upset because she was white in the books and her race was changed in the tv show because Rick Riordan loves nothing more than jerking himself off about how progressive and accepting he is.

No. 1853900

i don’t open celebricows because its a shitshow but god yes she is so clearly anorexic or something its really gross and her stans get so defensive when you point it out, glad to see it being mentioned. i’m not sure if she thinks its coquette but it’s aged her so much, i can’t imagine how skeletal she looks without makeup & filters

No. 1853905

Different anon, I opened this thread for the first time so no idea where I’m supposed to 'come back' from. Also that’s not what samefagging is and no problem, the dissonance straights here have between claiming that men are animalistic cheating creatures thinking only of cooming but also treating relationships with them as precious and calling women who don’t want it 'mentally deficient' and being will never be resolved.

I give them a year max.

No. 1853930

File: 1705247396627.jpg (509.86 KB, 1697x2048, stop pretending like you give …)

How come you lot only care when redheads are "erased" when it's a black actor or actress?

No. 1853931

>A god is not human, and would not care about picking/choosing any specific race for their offspring because they can do what they want
Yeah because Obatala, head of the Yoruba pantheon, would deliberately create a whole ass white kid as his offspring, lol. Be for real

No. 1853934

I mean, is still the same race kek. Visually, the only major change is hair color

No. 1853939

I think the race swapping is a pathetic sign that black people need to see themselves in the media to be entertained, it has an element of narcissism to it.

I open up Netflix and I just see black people constantly, and it seems they are extremely hesitant to cast them in villain roles or an unfavorable light.(racebaiting)

No. 1853940

You're so bitter. Is Yoruba culture the only black mythology you know, btw? I guarantee Yoruba people would take far more issue with making a fictionalized account of religious content than the race of the character's "kids" (your OCs), but you're a burger. Obsessing over race is your religion, you comprehend nothing else kek.

No. 1853942

Explain to me how the race isn't as irrelevant as the hair color to all the characters in >>1853553. Starfire isn't white, by the way. She's literally an alien, lmao.

No. 1853946

you just posted more redhead erasure, don't what do you want me to say

But zeus and Odin would a black kid. Definitely

No. 1853950

Seeing shit like youtube/tiktok movie reviews is making me think a lot of people in general just can't put themselves in a character's shoes unless the character looks like them

No. 1853951

Does your racist ass think that black people don't consume any media unless it has black people in it? Do you know how many shows/movies that are popular with no black people and how many black people watch them?
I know you are racebaiting but this is so very stupid.

No. 1853952

File: 1705248513561.png (409.54 KB, 770x387, xcx.png)

So are white people even more narcissistic? Because they've been doing the same thing for far, far longer, and they certainly put themselves in media.

No. 1853956

Making Flora a homely fat white woman was certainly a choice.

No. 1853957

File: 1705248644515.jpeg (57.73 KB, 784x552, 08344DBC-CFE1-4891-8539-4FA8C6…)

White people have been playing black roles for decades. It’s so funny seeing white people sperg out because now it’s happening to them.

No. 1853958

Aren't those voice actresses?

No. 1853960

Those are live action actors for the live action series.

No. 1853961

Name literally one example of a white actor playing a black character (who isn't that fat girl from harry potter)

No. 1853963

File: 1705248793570.jpg (37.3 KB, 846x362, qrggg3jqd5691.jpg)

It was even done to historical figures. Why would anyone cast John Wayne as Gengis Khan, kek?

No. 1853965

File: 1705248892752.jpeg (20.2 KB, 225x225, F13A3B25-8926-4A79-A9F4-A8CF79…)

The picture I just showed you is Angelina Jolie playing a mixed race character. And the worse thing about what white people used to do is they didn’t just white wash fictional characters but they did it to actual historical black figures that existed.

No. 1853967

today Ghenkis Khan would be played by a black man

No. 1853968

File: 1705248993103.jpg (96.92 KB, 1500x1000, Joseph-Fiennes.jpg)

NTA but you're literally replying to one. Here's a white actor (Joseph Fiennes) being cast as Michael Jackson, by the way.

No. 1853971

File: 1705249034806.jpeg (998.51 KB, 1284x1466, 0B47B806-8376-4FE8-A73C-0A0F00…)

I remember when they wanted to cast julia roberts as Harriet Tubman kek

No. 1853973

No, they're not kek.

No. 1853975

We are not the same anon, and I'm from Cuba, y'know, where we got actual yoruba worship. The Yoruba myth occurs on their native context (Africa), just like every other myth around the world, so it makes sense the ethnicity should match the characters interacting in these stories too imo
They've similar facial features and skin tone, resembling the og characters with ease. These actors would resemble the original characters by simply dyeing their hair, they already got everything else
>Starfire isn't white, by the way. She's literally an alien, lmao
Okay? We all know she's not human, but she has a certain look most people know her for

No. 1853978

How come he's uglier than surgery botched, bleached MJ?

No. 1853979

File: 1705249317532.jpeg (60.47 KB, 640x639, 83328255-3F9F-4D3D-861E-8E3819…)

White people complain about black washing characters but can we talk about fat washing? Any character that used to be super pretty and thin has to be changed to chubby and homely now because casting someone attractive is now sexist.

No. 1853981

This woman has autism face. The fact she was even cast in a movie period is insane, especially for such an emotive character. Girl does not look like her facial muscles can move very far, but not because of filler, more like I said because of autism face.

No. 1853982

Autism face?

No. 1853985

Her face is just kind of frozen.

No. 1853986

File: 1705249572418.jpeg (991.84 KB, 3272x4029, CBE29BBE-EB22-49E9-B3DE-FBA85B…)

Right and another example is picking someone much older to play Barbie when Barbie is supposed to be a fresh faced teenager or young adult

No. 1853988

Nta but personally I always thought Barbie was an older adult woman. She only really looked like a teenager within the last like ten years tbh.

No. 1853990

No, still white, because casting white actors as actual an fictional non-white figures is something that's still practiced kek

Cubans are notorious asslickers to race-autistic America, so it's no surprise you have their mental disorders. I'm not American, and I said they wouldn't care (Nigerians, btw, not "Africa") because only a retard would put race over disrespect of an existing religious practice. For example, no one malded about Princess Nokia for practicing while not being black (which I'm sure is a crazy concept to you), but some people did take offense to her putting it in her music because they saw it as trivializing it. You clearly don't know much about what you're talking about, you vaguely learned about Santeria from your cousin's wife and decided you know.

No. 1853991

Her age is supposed to be 19. Why would they have a 40 year old play her?

No. 1853992

The barbie movie was meant to appeal to adults in a similar age range, hence the nostalgic branding choices. It wasn't directed towards children.
I would have agreed before I knew it was a musical, Not My Fault is a banger so I support her.

No. 1853994

love when people like you get into a hissifit when people from other cultures contradict your wokism. Is like when latinamericans complain that we don't like that retarded latinx shit and gringos blow their lid off.

No. 1853996

File: 1705249996433.jpg (77.56 KB, 754x566, image-20160303-9460-1laxk9c.jp…)

Let's be real, Barbie does not look like a 19 year old. Look at these dolls, which are probably what come to mind when the general public think of 'Barbie' even though these dolls are like 10 years past their shelf life because nobody gives a single shit about the Barbie rebrand for literal snot nosed toddlers. Imo, Margot's a great Barbie.

No. 1853999

It's because statistically speaking, the average American is literally overweight or obese now. The kinds of people who actually obsess over Mean Girls love to imagine themselves as Regina George, and get depressed when their immersion is broken. Musical fans are usually very neurotic and/or fat, too, and they would've nitpicked a pretty skinny actress to hell and back for not being "iconic" enough. Making her fat was probably the only real choice to maximize profit and attention.

No. 1854001

This could’ve been a great chance to give a new budding actress a chance at a big break

No. 1854003

And it wouldn't have been you. They weren't going to waste the development hell Mattel movie on some nobody starlet, they needed star power.

No. 1854005

>calls actually being corrected a hissfit
>after throwing a hissy fit over Greek mythology and trying to liken it to something that doesn't work
Projecting hard. Stop being fixated on race, that's all anyone said.

No. 1854007

This is bait. Reply if retarded

No. 1854008

File: 1705250201635.png (372.5 KB, 600x672, barbie.png)

Damn, 19 year olds looked rough back in the day

No. 1854010

I’m 32 and I’m still saying they should’ve picked a younger girl. Margot Robbie looks too old.

No. 1854011

Lol fr she was clearly modeled after a fully adult woman. Then they came out with Skipper, who was actually meant to look like a teen girl. Anon does not know her Barbie lore.

No. 1854012

You need to chill a bit, you're hurling random ass insults over characters and I didn't give you that energy. People regularly depict the Orishas in illustrations and even featured in comics yet nobody was mad about that nor found it disrespectful, what are you on about? Like really?
We are not the same anon, stop acting crazy

No. 1854013

>I'm 32
Does that make you elderly or something.

No. 1854015

File: 1705250419830.jpeg (552.58 KB, 1284x1310, 380D28D0-7E12-49F5-956C-CEE5D1…)

That’s how 19 year olds looked before microplastics

No. 1854016

I know this isn't fully unpopular but it really frightens me that most people are overweight and even obese now. It's a fucking epidemic of terrible health that needs to be fixed, I think "accepting" your fat body is wrong and that everyone should make serious effort to get healthier. Real effort, not stupid fad diets. I don't blame anyone for getting fat, I just think society sucks for making it happen and I want us all to stop it from happening

No. 1854017

And like
>They've similar facial features and skin tone, resembling the og characters with ease.
No, they don't. Why do so many non-white people think white people all look the same? It's actually somewhat racist. Those actors don't resemble the source material, and would not be clocked without prior knowledge. But I don't care when a redhead character has blond or dark hair because it's not that important. Can you explain how race is more relevant than the hair color?
>Okay? We all know she's not human, but she has a certain look most people know her for
Unnaturally orange skin and red hair. That's not a race.

No. 1854018

ah sorry, forgot we peasants of the world must bow down to american libfems and their tiktok social justice standards of the day

No. 1854019

They were editing pictures back then too. Judy got the Adam Sandler Click Cover treatment here.

No. 1854020

Yikes, wtf

No. 1854022

Isaac from Castlevania was the worst crime of all. I stopped watching after end of season 1.

No. 1854024

File: 1705250674308.jpeg (283.23 KB, 2768x1750, A2E91C74-7E6A-4DC6-A4D6-C7B854…)

But Michael Jackson was white at that point.

No. 1854025

>some people did take offense to her putting it in her music because they saw it as trivializing it
I mean is princess Nokia, I bet it was some bullshit song as usual I wouldn't want the Orishas there neither kek

No. 1854028

my retarded take is that anyone can play anyone as long as they don't claim it's historically accurate, i actually think it's funny when it's obviously not accurate to history (like the musical hamilton)

i know racism bad and all that, but in the end people are just people and the hyperfocus on race is stupid and should be overcome. i have more in common with women on the other side of the world than with men of my own country

No. 1854029

>You need to chill a bit, you're hurling random ass insults
What insults? It's the truth, race in fiction is rarely an issue to anyone but Americans and people who really want to be American.
>People regularly depict the Orishas in illustrations and even featured in comics yet nobody was mad about that nor found it disrespectful,
Probably because no one knows/cares about those comics (illustrations usually have no issue, you're right there), or you don't actually know many people who practice to get their opinions.
>We are not the same anon,
You use "NTA" when you're not someone else, but what I said stands regardless.

>Everyone is American and a libfem because that's my backstory before I became a racesperg
Projecting again, I'm neither of those things as I stated before. Take your meds, anon.

No. 1854030

File: 1705250827733.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1481, F0C19A11-FD66-4006-AF29-F772AA…)

They look 19 to me. They look like girls going out to a night club in their early 20s not 40. At most they should’ve had Barbie be 26.

No. 1854032

Is picrel a 19 yo?

No. 1854034

Ayrt, these dolls always registered as like 28 to me even when I had them as a child. Barbie was older than MyScene, and MyScene were older than Bratz. It's just how it works.

No. 1854036

Yeah that’s Paris Hilton at 19

No. 1854038

File: 1705251091259.jpg (96.09 KB, 735x839, e3dfd737d550d8944ba5c674b82b30…)

>Unnaturally orange skin and red hair. That's not a race
In this case, you're right and I didn't even imply otherwise. Anyone playing Starfire just needs those features (bright orange skin and red hair) her actress in that recent production could've been a great option had they followed those directions, her hair is already cute for the character I think

No. 1854042

we forgetting that Barbie had jobs? she was a doctor, a veterinarian, a teacher. Barbie having jobs always coded her as older in my mind. meanwhile Bratz dolls had play sets about going to the mall or going to prom which made them highschool-coded to me.

No. 1854044

IMO their ages depended on the dolls and what kind of play you were doing. Most party Barbies were teenagers or young adults, while vet Barbies and Barbies with children and/or husbands were like 30+ to me.

No. 1854045

Yes they did. Lead poisoning. Most princesses and protagonists in media targeted towards little girls feature a teenage girl as the protagonist

No. 1854047

Wow, don't do drugs kids

No. 1854048

She’s what body postive fags call average or midsize

No. 1854049

I think this actress is really pretty, but they did her dirty. This doesn't work at all for Starfire.

No. 1854051

I agree, anon. I had barbies who were married and with a kid, and another one were siblings, so they were teenagers in my head. They went to a highschool I made out of cardboard back in the late 90s.

No. 1854052

You get it. Besides Margot Robbie isn't decrepit, I have no idea how her age would be distracting.

No. 1854054

I can see snow white and aurora as teens with no problem, especially snow white still looks childish even with the period fashion, but barbie def comes off as a bit older to me.

No. 1854055

File: 1705251399717.jpeg (223.5 KB, 1900x2533, F5D02F20-17AC-412B-8532-511119…)

she dresses like a knockoff version of billie ellish

No. 1854059

fun barbie fact but Barbie isn’t married and she doesn’t have kids. all bride Barbies are explained as Barbie either modeling or having a “fantasy”, and its Midge who had a baby, not Barbie. Im pretty sure it’s a Mattel rule that Barbie can’t be a wife or mom.

No. 1854060

You just called me an asslicker, that's an insult. I don't care if you're calling me names on a imageboard but if you're going to be rude at least own it properly
>race in fiction is rarely an issue to anyone but Americans
Clearly bullshit, try turning Kuzco into a white man, Mulan into a white woman or Tiana into an asian and see what happens. Nobody likes race swapping

No. 1854062

So she can still be a misandrist separatist radfem by Mattel canon?

No. 1854063

I never pictured Barbie as a teenager? What teenager has a full blown (many) careers? Margot Robbie was perfect imo

No. 1854064

Exactly and that’s because Barbie is supposed to be a teen or young adult. Margot Robbie was a bad choice.

No. 1854065

Everybody who had anything to do with Barbies knows the marriage and no kids part. But the explanation that it's a fantasy is also the explanation for all her jobs too. She's just a doll, and she looks like an adult woman (barring the 2015 Millie sculpt).

No. 1854068

no it’s because Barbie is supposed to represent the infinite possibilities of woman, and marriage and kids are considered the “end” for women being able to self indulge in frivolous hobbies and fashion. Remember that Barbie was created as the antithesis of the baby doll.

No. 1854069

It's true. If you disagree with raceswapping though you are racist

No. 1854070

File: 1705251963973.jpeg (43.11 KB, 374x820, A400DF33-3ACF-43C3-8DAB-AB16EB…)

Barbie pre 2000 forsure looks 19

No. 1854074

They probably could do that to Kuzco, and no one would notice or care because that entire movie wasn't exactly accurate representation of Incan culture. Yzma is literally based on a black American woman. Tiana is African-American, so of course it'd get Americans mad. Mulan is an actual historical figure, so that wouldn't be the same situation as with fictional characters.

No. 1854076

> Mulan is an actual historical figure
They did a tv series where they made ANNE BOLEYN black

No. 1854081

Rightfully so. But it was still made.

No. 1854082

Yes, and it failed because outside of the initial Twitter backlash, literally no one thought it was acceptable. Black people were like "We never wanted this, wtf?" kek. Historical figures aren't the same as fictional ones, and shouldn't be treated as such.

No. 1854084

Are you mixing her up with Queen Charlotte or did they pull this shit twice?

No. 1854086

Nta, but they made an Anne Bolyen series where Anne was blck and everyone lost their minds, rightfully so.

No. 1854087

>They probably could do that to Kuzco, and no one would notice or care because that entire movie wasn't exactly accurate representation of Incan culture
Are you for real? He's a native inca emperor, white Kuzco is such a deranged hypothetical it would become a meme right away kek

No. 1854130

Just like everyone cared when a white man (Taylor Lautner) played a Native American character in Twilight. Wait, nobody did. Kuzco is fictional, and the entire movie isn't accurate to Incan culture.

No. 1854147

I love watching the consumerisin thread and watching people buy shit they don't need. Especially middle/lower class, feels achievable. Makes me feel dopamine.

No. 1854150

Cannot wait for the historic documentary of Martin Luther King Junior where he's played by Ryan Renolds. Maybe it can have a flashback to one of King's ancestors escaping slavery with the help of Harriet Tubman, played by Helen Hunt.

No. 1854161

>No, they don't. Why do so many non-white people think white people all look the same? It's actually somewhat racist.
Same way white people think asians look the same, race facial blindness.

No. 1854163

File: 1705255952555.jpeg (100.71 KB, 700x863, 80CE9728-EA8D-440B-A5CB-D12CA3…)

Any pets bigger than cat sized l should be banned from being pets. why do you need a 120lb dog?also snakes and spiders should be banned as pets too. We all know what you creeps like to do with those, you like to watch them eat small animals to get off.

No. 1854164

Taylor Lautner confused a bunch of people exactly because even though he doesn't look white, he's in fact a white man, so it's different, most didn't bat an eye for that reason. Though he said he does have some native blood on his mother's side which maybe could explain his features

No. 1854169

People with huge dogs or dog/wolf hybrids who don't know how to train them or exercise them. I think any exotic animals without a degree or course/training is a bad idea too. But huge dogs imo.

No. 1854173

>Cat should be banned as pets. They're obligate carnivores. Cat owners get off on the fact that animals have to die just so that they can continue bragging about their micropanthers.

No. 1854180

kek I would love to see twitters reaction, all of those who advocate for black actors/actresses to play white characters/figures

No. 1854182

Anon stop engaging with the poltards they're arguing in bad faith. None of their arguments hold up they're just jealous of black people. Let them stew in their own pathetic retardation but replying to their insecurity is pointless.

No. 1854184

> they're just jealous of black people
Nta but anon..

No. 1854189

Nta but I do think a lot of people are jealous of black people. In the “I think I am better than these people so when they get anything I want to ruin it because I deserve it more”. It’s kind of like how white women think they look and are better than black women so if they see black women getting attention for a new style etc they flip out. They are jealous because they think they deserve the nice things more.

No. 1854191

File: 1705257148121.gif (2.71 MB, 378x240, brigitte-nielsen-chuckle.gif)

>jealous of black people(racebaiting)

No. 1854198

I like being black because I feel like it would be easier for me to bounce back from all the premature aging from being an ana Chan and alcoholic by just gaining weight and putting on lotion. White women have to start working on aging before it happens because once it starts they can’t bounce back because their skin texture is thinner.

No. 1854211

File: 1705257660406.jpg (87.03 KB, 643x643, 20230622_084053.jpg)

Yes jealous are you having trouble understanding that? >>1854189 basically described it.


No. 1854220

People don’t understand jealousy can show itself in many ways. You can be jealous of someone and not want to be them.

No. 1854232

And why did this offend you?

No. 1854236

Drug rehabs and homeless shelters should be for women only. Men just waste resources. I will never forgive Whitney Huston's shitty moid for guiding her into her death.

No. 1854242

wait what part of what’s being said have you the ‘jealous of black people’ vibe

No. 1854244

Doesn't work at all, since most cats are indoor ones and outdoor cat owners don't watch their cats eat (for better and for worse).

No. 1854249

I don't think anyone is jealous, we are simply sick of the pandering. It's no different than trannies playing women's roles in movies.

No. 1854251

File: 1705258573042.gif (198.12 KB, 285x480, baited.gif)

>are jealous of black people.

unintentional bait but I'm baited nonetheless

No. 1854253

I’ve never seen a black person receive something that I wanted though. Also I can’t recall the last time I saw a darkie make a big splash in any industry? I might just be ignorant like yeah obviously there is a lot of black-centric media out there but I’ve never seen it get taken seriously or actually be well produced enough for it to have like a big impact on the industry(racebaiting)

No. 1854255

what year are you living in jfc

No. 1854256

Like Get Out for example. That was a big box office success and the crew received the acclaim they deserved for how hard they worked, but the movie itself was a total joke and didn’t give any real heroic vibe kek

No. 1854257

You will never be a woman, let alone a black one, defective xy.(infighting)

No. 1854258

It’s coming back just you watch

No. 1854259

Now you know how men feel when white women keep trying to force fat women down everyone’s throats in the media

No. 1854262

No. 1854265

It's a male

No. 1854266

Ignore and report, it's the cp spamming pedo tranny talking to himself again.

No. 1854269

File: 1705258893888.jpeg (753.61 KB, 1035x1759, 1B01B72D-F104-4E76-8E1B-78571D…)

White American women have pretty much ruined the fashion industry with the body inclusivity shit(racebaiting)

No. 1854270

Mulan is a fictional character in China, anon.

No. 1854272

I’m comfortably racist here every single day that’s why I get so defensive and angry when a man comes in here trying to combat my natural state(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1854273

Men make these decisions, doofus.

No. 1854274

I thought the cp spammer was racist? Thats what was said last night during the argument with the anon who said poop skin. This guy sounds like he’s kind of pro-black. What an interesting turn of events.(nonstop racebaiting/infighting/derailing)

No. 1854275

>I might just be ignorant like yeah obviously there is a lot of black-centric media out there but I’ve never seen it get taken seriously or actually be well produced enough for it to have like a big impact on the industry

I liked the black comedies from the 90s and 00s like "The Black Knight". They were low budget films, but fun, something you can put on on a rainy day or when you have a cold and have a few chuckles.

But it seems like since the 2010s, black people have become utterly obsessed with white people. The film "Get Out" is a total projection of this, making out it's the complete opposite. The new trailer that dropped for "American Society for Magical Negroes" is a manifestation of this. Imagine making a movie for your people and having it be all about how they interact with white people. It could've been something fun like a whimsical adventure that doesn't mention race, but no, they're too obsessed with that.(racebaiting)

No. 1854277

why don’t you blame it on the males who run the victoria’s secret cataloguing team, you actual retarded fetal alcohol syndrome suffering fag

No. 1854281

I'm going to start using that term for my cat from now on, kek

No. 1854284

File: 1705259156514.jpeg (41.38 KB, 418x612, 2B65889E-BC2A-4D37-B335-AA8B36…)

If you wouldn’t still be pretty even if you were bald then youre ugly and your hair is a veil. Too many ugly women hide behind their hair.

No. 1854285

It's not interesting at all and he does it just to bait. Black women make him seethe because he will never be one.

No. 1854288

It’s not hiding if it’s growing out of your skull

No. 1854289

You sound like a moid

No. 1854290

Because he himself is a baiting moid.

No. 1854291

Is every dumb statement made just bait these days(just report and move on)

No. 1854295

>hes baiting so we can’t blame it on him we have to blame it on the women who happen to be in the catalogue

Fucking jump off a bridge(alogging)

No. 1854296

>no YOU’RE baiting

No. 1854298

feels like 90% of /ot/ atm is either baiting or replying to bait

No. 1854300

show me an example of a woman who is only pretty because of her hair. i think if you're pretty, you're pretty. if you're ugly, you're ugly. hair affects neither.

No. 1854301

does that mean 90% of the website is men or just 90% of the website is annoying

No. 1854303

Yes, because everyone yearns to be uneducated, loud and obnoxious.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1854307

File: 1705259522084.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1100x1252, 9FF02826-E651-4F0A-A9ED-22E6CD…)

>show an example of a woman only pretty because of her hair

Pic related

No. 1854312

You're dead wrong she'd be so sexy with a buzzcut. She's definitely going to have some crazy funky haircut for the Tank Girl movie and I cannot wait. She's so pretty.

No. 1854315

She would be a very handsome man bald but not pretty

No. 1854316

Unless she has a weird head shape then no she’d definitely still be cute with a full bald head

No. 1854318

oh it's just blaine again

No. 1854320

Mentioning yourself does not make anyone want to play with you

No. 1854321

She's very pretty to me

No. 1854325

I really don't like how random shows or movies are suddenly considered good after a couple years, like retards on twitter just post ONE good clip of something and it's all comments about how they've been saying for yearsss that certain shows are really good and people just kept talking shit about it, SOMETIMES THINGS JUST ARENT GOOD, doesnt mean it's complete fucking dogshit or that you can't enjoy it, why do some people need to have their opinion validated by some strangers just to actually unironically like something? It's so pathetic
I think it's funny Taylor Lautner got mentioned and a massive dog gets posted lmao

No. 1854330

She’s looks like a Lego head

No. 1854331

kek that sounds cute

No. 1854338

It amplifies her attractiveness. She could single-handedly beat those chinless Kpop wonders to death.

No. 1854343

I prefer her to any kpop star bastard any day

No. 1854345

I think the sharpei’s were much more stimulating than this weeaboo threadpic(same baiter)

No. 1854348

Kek, you called it nonnie

No. 1854350

Please don't summon her

No. 1854351

should i just call him a tranny that wont stop sperging about his microdick on female chans then?

No. 1854352

File: 1705260570749.jpeg (261.97 KB, 1364x2048, CAADB614-C8AE-4D85-8B2B-3ED31C…)

Smooth heads and chins are more feminine. Pic related would not look like a man or a lesbian if she were bald.

No. 1854353


No. 1854355

Don't reply pls PLEASE

No. 1854360

u cant tell me that this comment wasnt made by the tranny

No. 1854363

A tranny would say strong jaws and a protruding eyebrow ridge are feminine but they’re not

No. 1854364

I hate both dog pics and weeb shit.

No. 1854368

Well, what a terrible website for you to visit

No. 1854371

a tranny would find a way to involve black women somehow

No. 1854375

File: 1705261061721.jpeg (39.12 KB, 554x554, images-5.jpeg)

Wasn't barbie inspired from a sexworker/sexual icon comic? She was never meant to be a fresh innocent young girl.

No. 1854378

File: 1705261143491.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1284x1542, 037852F4-C78C-45E1-B99C-E3C8E6…)

Samefag another example of a woman who would look pretty bald. If I imagine you And you look like a guy bald then you’re ugly (for example Kristen Stewart is ugly)

No. 1854381

to be fair, isnt gigi supposed to be an underaged post war prostitue?

No. 1854383

File: 1705261262952.jpeg (255.9 KB, 1284x988, 1697423457058.jpeg)

Trannies love to bash women's looks and say that they're better at being women than us. /tttt/ calls women cishons.
Also picrel.

No. 1854384

who's a woman that would look good bald? in your opinion

No. 1854386

>angry tranny malding and projecting his own traits on different races of women
kekk, 41% already

No. 1854391

I posted examples of pretty women who aren’t troons though here >>1854378
>>1854352. Sorry if thinking Margot robbies Brick head is visually unappealing. I guess that’s troony.

No. 1854393

File: 1705261546575.jpeg (715.69 KB, 1284x907, FE1EE681-26BD-498F-8533-4E93D5…)

Pic related

No. 1854396

i mean, u could be one of those dysmorphic bpd type of ladies that lurk about, true

No. 1854398

Kirsten Stewart is prettier than the woman you posted IMO. Are you into kpop?

No. 1854401

File: 1705261815997.jpeg (56.14 KB, 480x650, 5B0302D2-E909-4143-82FC-315E44…)

She looks like she lives in a trailer park and does meth though

No. 1854403

I don’t think they are inherently non-feminine, with the right features they can look nice. When i think of women with strong jaws (angelina jolie, candice neil) or protruding eyebrow ridges (gal gadot) they don’t look manly to me.
Trannies are a whole different story because no matter what they look manly, strong eyebrow ridges or jaws just makes them look more monstrous when they do their makeup like a teenage girl

No. 1854407

sooo bland, it's like she's featureless

No. 1854408

>u have coarse hair on your pussy and
well yeah. Hair grows over areas that need to be protected, such as your eyes, your genitals, your armpits (lymph nodes gather there), and your head. I don’t understand how this guy hasn’t killed himself yet he’s so painfully retarded

No. 1854410

The other woman would look worse if she had no makeup, filters, or hair in her face.

No. 1854411

>If I don't agree with an opinion, it couldn't have been expressed by a woman
It's all so tiresome.

No. 1854412

Angelina Jolie, Candice Neil and gal gadat are not pretty to me though. They are pretty with their makeup and hair but when I imagine them without it nah.

No. 1854414

I think she has a soft, feminine face. She just looks a bit tired.

No. 1854415

I mean none of us really need to prove that you’re men because you come out and say it with posts like this kek. Goodness

No. 1854419

Trannies always rage and do the "I'm still a woman, it's just that this y-chromosoid take is my opinion!!" thing without ever explaining what makes them different from their fellow men, it just makes them even more obvious. Kind of funny.

No. 1854420

so you’re just a male, got it

No. 1854424

she's pretty, she was reposted in response to what kind of white women Korean/asian men like. I think she is very feminine and sweet looking.

No. 1854426

File: 1705262222909.jpeg (929.76 KB, 1284x1537, E00BA45C-1AA0-4643-8F42-0F3799…)

You sure about that?

No. 1854427

what does it mean for women who actually are XX real women and happen to have opinions you disagree with in the unpopular opinions thread of all places though

No. 1854428


No. 1854429

bald-chan who wanted to hold me at night

No. 1854432

If you had to spend one night with a aunties and moms from a Korean family and see how they talk about women you’d probably start questioning their gender

No. 1854434

It means that you will get called a tranny and/or a moid and get banned. Speaking from experience.

No. 1854435

They're Korean kek of course they're either going to hate fellow women or be a schizo radfem. It's bleak as fuck for Korean women.

No. 1854436

Any examples?

No. 1854437

It’s so funny because the tranny accusers wouldn’t believe women who post hands or bodies As proof if they aren’t super stereotypically soft, curvy and feminine. They’re the last ones who need to be throwing stones in a glass house.

No. 1854440

I'm going to say it, regardless of race/ethnicity dreadlocks are the ugliest fucking hairstyle ever.
Holy shit i can't stand people with dreadlocks.

No. 1854441

File: 1705262663464.png (638.96 KB, 602x912, 1141339-an-average-40-year-old…)

I'm talking about brown and white men, Korean aunties and grandmamas aren't on Lolcor

I have tons of unpopular opinions, been yelled at and have never been called a man. What are you saying?

No. 1854442

Trannyhands is that you?(hi cow/derailing)

No. 1854443

She’s not even pretty now wtf kek

No. 1854447

they always look like they smell

No. 1854451

Yeah, they deserve to be bullied regardless of what they look like.

No. 1854455

She always looks like a smelly mouth breather

No. 1854456

Race being an existing and easily observable factor isn't a Y chromosome take, it's common sense.

No. 1854458

idk who that is but he looks like molests kids

No. 1854459

No. 1854460

Why should we care what scrotes are into kek

No. 1854462

so again, you’re a male. Got it

No. 1854463

Anon stop trying to force everyone to find Margot Robbie cute. She looks like skeletor.

No. 1854465

File: 1705263419872.jpg (41.74 KB, 599x213, gray-eyes.jpg)

Grey eyes should be the universal beauty standard. Why? Because they have the most range. They're not soulless like bright blue eyes, and they're also not so dark (like dark brown) that you don't even pay attention to them. It's also the most diverse. We can kind of have any color depending on the weather, what we wear, or the lighting. I'm not even being racist before anyone starts, even Indians can have grey eyes. Most of the prettiest celebrities that nonnies seethe and get jealous about having blue eyes actually just have grey eyes lol.

No. 1854468

why are blue eyes soulless did i miss something

No. 1854469

What? She looks average. Did you really just try to say she’s skelly kek?

No. 1854471

File: 1705263585399.jpeg (88.27 KB, 602x596, 665563CA-8E26-406E-95DD-EDEED2…)

Yes and she sleeps with married men

No. 1854472

Nonnies dislike blue eyes cause it reminds them of Siberian Huskies, which in turn remind them of cillian murphy.

No. 1854473

>falling for the grey eyes meme
It's dishwater blue.

No. 1854476

Can you provide a pic of her being skelly also her and will smith just worked on a movie together? Kek you sound weird

No. 1854481

ntayrt but didn’t him and jada do a whole episode about how they’ve cheated on each other? If I remember correctly

No. 1854483

They look ridiculous.

Bitch that's just blue

No. 1854484

File: 1705263869343.jpg (75.41 KB, 728x455, angelina-jolie-women-actress-c…)

Samefag, when I'm wearing green or fall colors, my eyes tend to look greenish/hazel, and if it's the summer and I'm into my bright colors, they have a pleasant, ocean-blue color to them. I remember when I had a goth era, when I wore all black they'd look somehow muted and pretty, a random woman walked up to me and asked what color my eyes were. I also have partial heterochromia, so there's a literal golden ring around the centers, and they always catch people's attention, even when I don't want it I get compliments on my eyes. I kind of feel like grey-eyed people are almost like the elves of real life, kek.

This is a massive cope, there's no such thing. No person with blue eyes has actual gold around their pupils. Not just yellow, gold.

No. 1854485

I bet you think your eyes change color with your mood.

No. 1854486

Why do you care

No. 1854490

No? Wtf.

No. 1854491

They do. They tend to get darker when I'm upset. Some people say the gold rings around my pupils get brighter when I'm happy.

No. 1854496

File: 1705264130471.jpg (110.38 KB, 602x753, main-qimg-985e738292e182dbc857…)

Actually, it's distinct from blue because people of all races can have them. It's also not an eye color associated with Nazis.

I do often change my clothes depending on my mood during the day, so kind of? Kek

Picrel. Demon eyes are not cute.

No. 1854500

Eye + eyebrow shape >>>> eye color

No. 1854501

Both this girl and the actress playing Barbie are conventionally attractive, one fits American beauty standards while other fits asian beauty standards more but they're not unattractive. I don't understand why anons have to make women's looks into a competiton every time two women are posted.

No. 1854502

what is it with this site and calling random normal looking women hideous or ugly.

No. 1854505

>associated with Nazi’s
Nazi’s were right about a lot of things. They were the only party to kill gay men and troons.(bait)

No. 1854506

They're not, anons just need a reason to hate on blue eyes because blue eyes are likes better kek

No. 1854507

It doesn’t look cute on her because her skin is orange and she’s making a retarded face

No. 1854509

I always thought brown eyes were preferred?

No. 1854511

she's so hot. i don't care how musty or tired she looks she's always so hot

No. 1854514

most people have brown eyes so i assume a lot want a "rarer" eye color

No. 1854517


No. 1854518

File: 1705264683041.png (774.41 KB, 640x670, alexandra-daddario-with-brown-…)

No one's going to notice boring eyes, no matter the brows, and eye shape can't fix scary soulless eyes. With brown eyes, this actress looks demonic, unsettling and boring.

You shouldn't be impersonating me just because you're jealous. Buy some contacts.

Case in point, blue eye fags are just racist. Btw
The entire Nazi party was filled with autistic men and troons. In many cases, they wore the clothing of women they raped and murdered.

No. 1854520

File: 1705264721984.jpeg (26.85 KB, 650x472, images-8.jpeg)

Eye color doesnt matter as much as people think it does. Search celebs eye color swapped and you'll notice that they don't look more or less attractive with different colored eyes. An attractive face will look good with any eye color.
Usually blue eye obsession is common online in self hating nonwhite men chasing white women or neonazi men. I don't know any person irl that cares about eye color.

No. 1854524

Brown eyes literally look like shit.

No. 1854525

Sorry, but if your eyes are brown, your skin is probably orange.

I've met a lot of people in real life that cared about my eye color (♥). Maybe your eyes are just a bit too boring?(racebaiting)

No. 1854530

So your shit looks like eyes? Maybe you should see a doctor lol.

No. 1854531

You are a selfhating brown woman. It's okay to not be white, please accept yourself.

No. 1854534

is this the troon from the shayna thread that keeps popping up to throw a fit over shay having brown eyes in every thread? kek. you're lost, do leave and let the women talk

No. 1854535

File: 1705265096887.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.28 KB, 1300x954, feesh.jpg)

I also have grey eyes, and I have the opposite effect. Whenever I wear blue they look way more green, and whenever I wear green they look really blue. Mostly they're just grey though, I think they look a bit creepy tbh (probably because I have a really faint limbal ring). My mum has the same eye colour and calls them 'cod eyes' kek.

No. 1854536

this thread is reaching heights of retardation uknown to a man before

No. 1854539

If we work together, every thread can be the Retarded Shit thread. It's a way of life.

No. 1854540

cant wait for the modnita lock

No. 1854544

bragging about eye color just comes off as a cope to feel speshul, like actual child behavior or "I'm the main character" type shit

No. 1854547

But blue isn’t rare at all

No. 1854549

Thats not an emoji that’s an emoticon that is allowed to be used here. You sound like the newfag.

No. 1854550

so does brown skin(racebaiting)

No. 1854552

yeah in my country blue is the most common eye color by far. it doesn't stand out at all. lolcow seems to hate them but I would find black eyes to be more interesting

No. 1854553

Heart emojis are exempt you fucking faggot

No. 1854554

Anons who whine about infighting or want threads to be locked if they don’t like the content are just salty that they’re not mods. They want control over the other anons and it pisses them off that they don’t. These are the kind of people who boss their coworkers around and are super nitpicky even though they’re not a manager or boss.

No. 1854555

Do you have any pics I never knew that

No. 1854556

you’re actually retarded kek

No. 1854557

Black eyes are definitely underrated. They're so easy to get lost in, very pretty.

No. 1854558

anon… don't out yourself as a phoneposter like this (certain characters render as emojis on mobile instead of a plain symbol)

No. 1854560

poop eyes poop skin poop everywheee(retardation)

No. 1854562

Sorry for calling you a faggot anon I got a little heated there and I saw you deleted your post

No. 1854563

I like upturned almond eyes. Prettiest eye shape imo

No. 1854564

You're so insecure and you talk like a petulant child

No. 1854565

don’t apologize to him

No. 1854566

are you mad because you got poop on your shoes

No. 1854567

Your eyes are blue.

No. 1854570

I think she looks better on the left and older on the rift

No. 1854571

Yes, but we were talking about eyes, so I thought I wouldn't mention that.(racebaiting)

No. 1854572

Babies are also obsessed with the word poop

No. 1854573

Exactly, it's like a hobo hairstyle.

No. 1854574

Babies also love to cry much like the way you are

No. 1854577

Hahahhaa teenage narc things

No. 1854578

The only person I see crying is you, you're seizuring over brown eyes.

No. 1854579

File: 1705265949286.jpg (149.69 KB, 1500x1000, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resour…)

Pizza is overrated and pepperoni is the worst topping choice.

No. 1854580

I have a yellow ring around my pupil that looks like mucus

No. 1854581

what no i wasn’t mad about brown eyes i’m just saying poop. i love brown eyes

No. 1854582

Celebrity culture is so weird because they look down on us but they need us to survive. For example Beyonce probably doesn’t even see non rich and famous people as human but she has to hide so much of her life/personality from us for her own survival. The relationship between us and the famous is so parasitic.

No. 1854583

It's them imposing their white guilt on everyone else who has nothing to do with it.

No. 1854587

Text hearts are allowed, you're an actual newfag kek

The thing is, life isn't fair. Some people are treated as "special" without ever asking for it. Sometimes, it's because we have a very bold eye color. Does everyone need to lie about their experiences to make you feel better? Get over it.

I think your mom has been pushing her low self-esteem onto you, anon.

Black eyes are the blue eyes of brown eyes. Very soulless, not appealing.

No. 1854588

Wait she looks so much prettier here

No. 1854590

Kek you have to be the bitch that is claiming to have gold Grey eyes that change color depending on your mood. Please grow up, sorry you have nothing else about you worth writing home about so you have to create creative fiction about your eye color and hyperfixate on it

No. 1854592

I'm noticing all the sperging about brown eyes and brown skin now. Blue eye fetishists are easily triggered, but they know they can't go against grey eyes, so they just bash brown features to feel less defeated. Idk, this is why we should really be the standard.

No. 1854594

agreed, she's got a way more inviting look

No. 1854595

Americans love pizza because they can get as much fat and grease into their body as possible in one sitting

No. 1854597

me saying poop skin and poop eyes isn’t sperging about anything other than my love for brown eyes. they’re cute and mouse like

No. 1854598

I always cared about redhead characters. They were always my favorites growing up. And I'm brown with brown eyes and hair, I just like the orange hair and green eyes and pale skin combination, it's very aesthetically pleasing. Makes me sad to see less of them.

No. 1854599

She looks better in every aspect, not "demonic" at all

No. 1854600

Stop pretending to get offended retard nobody cares

No. 1854602

You're lying and trying to turn the tables for whatever reason, why you're so immature ill never know but im assuming you're a literal child

No. 1854603

No. 1854604

it just feels much better to be able to find beauty in most people

No. 1854606

File: 1705266476937.png (2.07 MB, 774x1259, Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 7.07.…)

you’re getting so upset and defensive for no reason. Please have a ham and pickle roll up and stop being so sensitive. Poop eyes are cute

No. 1854607

No it's just embarrassing to see "why isn't my super special trait the beauty standard?" and calling other people boring or soulless/demonic while comparing yourself to a mythical creature

No. 1854608

Blue-eyed people talk so much crap for a population carrying recessive diseases

No. 1854609

Nobody gets madder than a bitch with blue eyes when you aren't complimenting them

No. 1854613

Then they go on to call anyone who isn't paper white with blue eyes poop colored… okay hitler

No. 1854614

Why are you so convinced that every poster you don't like is male?

No. 1854616

my husband has brown eyes i hope our kids inherit his because mine are too pale for my skin tone

No. 1854618

Mikan is the only weeaboo who went to Japan and make something of herself

No. 1854619

Samefag, the worst part is when they try to erase grey eyes and insist they're "just dull blue". Try again, anyone can tell the difference. I have gold in my eyes, don't tell me we're the same.

I'm not writing fanfic, it's just my life. Calm down.

Actually, my super special eye color is already the beauty standard, considering how many suitors I get. I just think it should be recognized. I'm not even that pretty? I don't know what to tell you.

You're just saying she's more "inviting" because you're less intimidated by her.

No. 1854621

what the fuck do you want us to do about the fact that God chose to make you guys the same color as excrement. it’s not everyone else’s fault you’re going to have to take it up with Christ. Whites have skin the same color as sperm

No. 1854622

File: 1705266830767.png (72.21 KB, 529x357, Vq4vt-4287936725.png)

How blue eyed people talk about themselves

No. 1854623

Omggg Grey eye erasurrrrreeee how will you live youure such a minority theyre whitewashing youu

No. 1854624

kek i had forgotten about the no anal hair rule

No. 1854625

File: 1705266937209.jpg (8.76 KB, 282x178, images.jpg)

>I have gold in my eyes, dont tell me we're the same

No. 1854626

I've no idea what eye color either of my long term live-in exes had. Whenever the eye shit comes up on here I always think of that and wonder if I'm fucked for not noticing these things.

No. 1854629

Crazy question but does everyone actually shit the same colour? My poop is more gold/green

No. 1854632

>Women also do not menstruate, but are fertile
I know it was a different time but how did anyone believe this

No. 1854633

Omg me too! That's crazy. I've noticed it looks more gold and green when im angry, but it turns a really cool almost hazel gold with silver flecks when im calm. Should I see a doctor? I feel like I'm being erased when they tell me it's just brown!

No. 1854634

This but with cameras and pictures. Idc that cameras distort images, attractive people always look good on camera no matter the angle or distance. Only an uggo would look ugly in all camera angels and distances, even if they look "ok" in the mirror.

No. 1854636

Eye color is one of the least important things in the attractiveness of people imo. There are beautiful celebrities etc with every color and wide psychotic killer eyes will look creepy in every color. Not even sure what mine are.

No. 1854638

Mine is always pink. Ngl I feel pretty cute

No. 1854643

> psychotic killer eyes will look creepy
Damn someone finally went there and shat on my specific eye type.

No. 1854647

Yeah mine is actually blue

No. 1854651

>this actress looks demonic
Lmao you must get terrified just going outside and getting groceries
Margherita is best pizza

No. 1854658

I have black eyes. Not to sound dramatic like a wolf girl from Tumblr. But I do have very borderline black eyes

No. 1854659

Eye color spergs making brunette blonde discourse spergs look sane

No. 1854660

She dropped out of college during the corona lockdowns, which I thought meant to leave Japan, did she go back or something?

No. 1854664

I have black eyes and I've never heard anyone say anything nice about this color, it's always "brown is underrated!" and black gets totally ignored. People also say "well they're just dark brown" but it's different, you can't see the difference between the iris and pupil at all except maybe a subtle lightness if you look up close under specific lighting conditions.

No. 1854665

(grey eye anon here)
Well I'm also platinum blonde, so I'm used to the seething from others.

No. 1854667

My eyes are brown but sometimes they get a bit red if you know what I mean haha.

No. 1854668

When you get angry?

No. 1854669

Nah people who say black eyes aren’t an actual eye colour are retarded because blue eyes technically aren’t blue they’re light brown with scattered collagen. My eyes are black too.

Also, why is brown always compared to shit first when there are so many nice brown things? Like foods. People who sperg about eye colour are always mentally ill anyway.

No. 1854670

Nah, the opposite.

No. 1854673

Sharing an
Are you rich tho?

No. 1854676

She’s probably fat.

No. 1854684

Wtf? I'm trying to help you guys. Grey eyed people can also be ethnic so maybe calm down

That dog is still cute, try again

No, I'm really poor. My surviving parent is disabled, I work two jobs to support them.

Um, you really shouldn't project your own shortcomings onto people, kek.

No. 1854685

black is too edgy

No. 1854686

So you’re fat AND have cataracts??

No. 1854687

Then nothing to be envious of

No. 1854690

Good thing my eyes are just void pitch black, nothing crazy. I look deranged sometimes tho ngl, but I appreciate that they got edge they look rad with goth makeup

No. 1854693

I'm sorry you rely on the money your moid father made for you, kek. I think what I do is very noble, I'm kind of like a shoujo manga protagonist.

Projecting again, yawn. Get some new material.

No. 1854696

Also there's a difference between black and brown eye color, my parents got brown eyes, it looks more like honey or wood, while mine look like two blackberries

No. 1854697

Are you autistic?

No. 1854701

No. I guess I should've said josei manga protagonist instead.

No. 1854702

pic of eyeball pls, I've never seen grey eyes

No. 1854705

ive never seen this woman in my life but those terrifying teeth make me feel like a prey animal

No. 1854706

I'm scared to get doxxed nonny. Eye recognition technology is on the way, no way I'm sending that lol

No. 1854710

File: 1705270244323.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.85 KB, 602x274, my eyes.jpeg)

My eyes

No. 1854711

no he’s probably just trying to make kids like us feel bad

No. 1854716

Siberian husky eyes

No. 1854717

File: 1705270403429.png (274.71 KB, 1458x686, eye.png)

Nonny, please. You don't have to pretend to be one of us.

No. 1854719

Kek sorry

No. 1854722

Lillie Jean that you?

No. 1854725

Yes I just woke up

No. 1854729

Yeah these eyes are just blue but more boring. I swear like 80% of ethnically British people have them, I’m sick of seeing them and they have Pavlovian-responsed me to feel viscerally angry. Every girl with this eye colour says she has mood-ring eyes too.

No. 1854730

I think women should wait until 35 to have kids

No. 1854743

File: 1705271866847.png (319.61 KB, 432x585, 7uunbvctcb.png)

picrel, you

No. 1854746

What does this mean. Am I a kawaii anime girl?

No. 1854749

Military faggots are only good for getting themself killed and coming home with schizophrenia.

No. 1854752

It means you have autism

No. 1854764

I’m another nona with grey eyes and I’ve used dark eye filters on myself before and I think I would look so much better with dark eyes. I have really pale skin and dark hair and the contrast just doesn’t look good on me personally, dark eyes just seem a lot friendlier.
My Nigel has dark brown/ black eyes and they’re my favorite. Dark eyes look so big and give a permanent “puppy dog” eye look, it’s incredibly cute. I love seeing them in the sun still absorbing all light and still looking like voids. They remind me of when cats get excited and their pupils get really big

No. 1854768

The tradthot thread feels like a den of retarded ex-vindicta/pinkpill/rw-adjacent posters and I'm having a hard time distinguishing between the farmers and the cows in there.

No. 1854794

Yeah also from a country where blue eyes are common and kind of boring. A lot of people here dislike blue eyes and like richer colors. I think people from areas where they are rare won't understand it.

No. 1854802

Finding a man who is not going to cheat if he can is impossible

No. 1854806

>moid father
That's the only kind of father there is

No. 1854808

File: 1705275560841.jpeg (306.3 KB, 1015x557, IMG_0915.jpeg)

I always assumed the idol was supposed to be a satirization? Like you’re telling me the weeknd standing in that kitchen in the grandma kimono with the bonnet on wasn’t meant to be comedy?

No. 1854900

It’s easier for scrotes to get a gf than it is for women to get a bf

No. 1854902

I think this is only an unpopular opinion with men. Because I agree

No. 1854906

People always go on and on about how easy it is for a woman to get a bf but it’s really not lol if you’re socially inept or not that attractive most of the guys interested are trying to scam you out of something(sex or financial support).

No. 1854928

They just wanted to exploit LRD and see her nude

No. 1854934

It will never not be hilarious as fuck to me when people bulge their eyes. You can always tell even if it's only subtlety, like girl WE SEE THEM unclench. Even funnier when men do it, they look ridiculous.

No. 1854935

Your eyes are blue. They are not Grey.

No. 1854938

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I think its striking and when I see it it's usually paired with really thick eyelashes that frame them nicely. Also if you are attractive with dark brown eyes you look youthful for a lot longer and have very strong, superior genes.

No. 1855016

It’s such a cop out when women talk about the double standards of beauty and the unfair expectation for women to always look dolled up but then go on to say they’re forced to participate because it benefits them. Like what the fuck is the difference actually? Some random strangers smiling at you and maybe a man opening the door for you? It’s honestly so pathetic and selfish that women are scared of being normal human beings and not doing makeup or shaving their legs, usually because they’re scared of strangers judging them. When I stopped wearing makeup I had a handful of people say “huh you look tired” since my eyelashes weren’t 3 inches long anymore but that’s literally it. I didn’t get shunned and spit on in the street and I didn’t get my pay docked for being a monstrous hag. I hope my neutral existence helps normalize the fact women can live without appealing the male gaze, it’s so fucking simple.

No. 1855023

You are so right nona. Especially with how the industry are now profiting off tween girls. When you really look at it from a societal perspective it’s kind of fucked up. The majority of an entire gender. So many women are actually afraid of being seen in public without makeup. Imagine! How they look naturally! What do you think this is doing psychologically to women and girls, and what does it say about our society? I feel like it’s warped our idea of femaleness, femininity, what women actually look like. Obviously it’s not all bad (it can be a form of expression like fashion), but I feel like it’s a net negative. I wish it was acceptable to be straight up anti-makeup but you’ll just be told you have internalised misogyny because women don’t want to accept this (and want an advantage for moid attention).

No. 1855026

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Depends on where you live and how high on the social latter you are. Of course it doesn’t matter if you don’t conform to beauty standards if all you’re gonna do is entry level work at an office or McDonald’s. A woman who wants a high up position in corporate japan or Korea probably wouldn’t make it very far if they’re not good looking and well dressed.

No. 1855035

I knew this would come up but I’m talking about in general, your average person out in public, not specific regressive countries or the few job positions revolving around beauty. Looking professional and put together is not synonymous with feminine beauty practices either.

No. 1855051


I think those countries you mentioned have a high standard for how women look even in office or fast food positions. You have to include a photo of yourself on your resume. Some have even been known to ban women from wearing glasses and force them to wear heels.

No. 1855053

Kristen looks cute here

No. 1855055

People say your 20s are the time to find yourself but that’s not true. Your 20s are the time you work hard at a goal so you can chill in your late 20s+ or you might find yourself being a baby momma or working at Walmart.

No. 1855061

Kind of pathetic that you consider either of those things so below you theyre negative or trashy

No. 1855062

I definitely would never want to be a baby momma or work at Walmart full time forever

No. 1855063

So then don't? Snob

No. 1855064

being a baby momma and working at walmart is trashy. Sorry you had to find out this way, Laquifa(racebaiting)

No. 1855065

Being a snob is a good thing

No. 1855066

ntayrt but I’m confident that not wanting to be baby momma to some moid or a walmart tier wagie doesn’t make a woman a snob kek it means she has standards. Neither of those lifestyles are desirable outcomes for any woman. Stop with this false sensitivity it’s just annoying

No. 1855069

why don’t you go have a baby with some scrote and get a job at walmart if that sounds so appealing to you retard

No. 1855073

so you can redtext this but you can’t respond to my questions in meta. You really are a man

No. 1855077

The racebaiting has reached a truly pathetic all time low. This site is a toilet.

No. 1855078

I have and want neither of those things, I'm just an ADULT and not a childish cunt that views people as lowly for wanting to have children or working at a store…? What the fuck is wrong with you actual speds

No. 1855079

You have a child and didn’t even want it. I hope you’re able to get help

No. 1855080

It is kind of pathetic to think that your genes are so special and crucial to the world that you need to recycle them instead of caring for one of the hundreds upon thousands of orphaned kids kek

No. 1855081

Just because I know being a Walmart wagie or a baby sucks doesn’t mean I look down on them. I just know those lives are hard lives I don’t wanna live.

No. 1855083

A baby momma

No. 1855084

Please get reading comprehension because I was saying I have neither of those and want neither of those. You are like a middle schooler taking your edgy hormones out here.

No. 1855085

being a baby does suck

No. 1855086

I dont have a child you stupid illiterate bitch. I'm pro-adoption as well, but looking down on other women for having kids is so mentally unwell and vile. Be normal.

No. 1855089

I don’t know if you have issues reading what’s been posted but I said “go have a baby with some scrote and go work at walmart if that’s what sounds appealing” and you said “i have and want neither of these things” so you may want to read through your actual statement before you post it

No. 1855090

Natyrt but you said you have a job at walmart and a baby in your post so you can’t really blame someone else for reading it and understanding it

No. 1855091

Well when you read it it reads as if you’re saying “I have these things however I want neither of them” so you may want to work on your literacy, baby mamma(infighting)

No. 1855092

We should look down on baby mommas so they stop doing it(bait)

No. 1855095

I don’t see anything wrong with looking down on women for consensually sexually servicing men. Thats kind of a pathetic thing to allow yourself to do kekk, let alone get pregnant with his spawn. Gross(bait)

No. 1855116

Panda Express tastes better than mom and pop Chinese restaurants

No. 1855119

I have neither of those things
I want neither of those things
Combined together, it is I have and want neither of those things. You are actually the issue

No. 1855122

Your entire brain is cooked have fun rotting

No. 1855163

Yeah, because the majority of Chinese food is repulsive. Speaking as someone who lived in China for a few years.

No. 1855172

Fresh Chinese food is good, the problem is that a lot of street vendors soak it in an inedible amount of oils and a lot of restaurants just have frozen foods that have gone soggy after being steeped in microwave thawed bagged sauces

No. 1855183

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I think Margot is pretty and wasn’t too old to play Barbie, but I wish they had cast Florence Pugh instead. She’s prettier and looks more like a Barbie than Margot, she would have been better for the role(bait)

No. 1855185

Your bait is boring and I know you think you're super funny but nobody likes you lol

No. 1855187

where tf were you? i lived in shanghai and the food was great

No. 1855188

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No. 1855196

Please spoiler images of fish

No. 1855199

Unpopular opinion, I can't wait to birth my baby and have more babies.

No. 1855200

What? It isn’t bait

No. 1855212

File: 1705301090020.gif (244.49 KB, 600x847, 1000013397.gif)

I don't think lesbian sex is real sex. First of all, fingering is just the female equivalent of giving a guy a hand job; you're just using your fingers and hand to masturbate someone else. Masturbation and sex are two different things. Cunnilingus is oral sex, yes, but that's just oral sex. That's different from actually having sex with someone, and it's closer to masturbation than it is to actual sex. Scissoring? That's just rubbing vaginas together, nothing is being penetrated through the means of another genital. Would you say two guys rubbing their dicks together is real sex? No, that's just two fags masturbating by rubbing their dicks together, no genitals are actually being used to penetrate a person's private(s). Why would scissoring count as sex? And finally, strap-ons. It's only sex in the means of having sex with an object. A form of rape is object rape, where one is forced to have sexual contact with a substance or a foreign object; and rape is essentially forced sex. So one could say that you can have "sex" with a strap-on, but that's only it. The strap-on, not the other woman herself because it's the strap-on that the other woman is having sexual contact with. I don't know if I'd say that I hate lesbians, however I just don't think two women can have actual sex with each other. I feel like the idea of two women being able to have sex with each other is only something most people say they believe to look all politically correct, because the mechanics of how lesbian "sex" works just doesn't really compute as real sex. Everything in lesbian "sex" is just "3rd base", like that one anon said. In several years, I'll probably become wrong just because the LGBTQ+ and shit love to change definitions of terms to suit their feelings.

And because I apparently talk like I high schooler, I'll end my opinion with this:
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like(bait)

No. 1855216

I'm begging anons not to reply to the bait. Report, ignore and move on.

No. 1855221

this is not an unpopular opinion, as much as I wish it were.

No. 1855224

Is my logic faulty or does this make no sense? If men can easily get gfs, then there are just as many women who can easily get those men as bfs, because those men who easily get gfs would be their bfs, right?

No. 1855227

Wow imagine wanting healthy happiness to be unpopular

No. 1855228

Apart from the mum thread on g, even people I speak to irl now are antinatalists.
It might be my city since it's known for being "trendy" and pretty liberal, but I'm not kidding when I say 8/10 conversations I have about it is women and men telling me they aren't having kids and some go as far as to say its gross and they hate kids

No. 1855231

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Do you mean Lili? She was a German prostitute but she wasn’t supposed to be a teenager. The man who created Barbie was a huge pervert who was obsessed with the character Lili and made Barbie look identical (basically just without nipples or a vulva) and he allegedly used to host orgies at his house with prostitutes who looked like Barbie

No. 1855234

>Barbie is supposed to be a fresh faced teenager or young adult
No, and Barbie is a more of a "I can be what I want to be" type of thing. That means Barbie can be someone who is almost 40 with a nice career too kek.
I'm actually happier they chose Margot Robbie and not some teen or 20 year old, Hollywood likes to put actresses over the age of 27 in mommy roles a little bit too much already.
And come on, Barbie was modeled after an adult character afaik.

No. 1855236

A lot of westerners are jealous of the success of Japan and Korea and it’s painfully obvious

No. 1855238

I think a lot of people still want kids but choose not to have them rn because it's kind of a shit time. Between the shit housing market, rampant inflation, difficult job market (and uncertain prospectives with AI) and generally a very uncertain outlook for the future with climate change, I think there's a lot of people who're not having kids who would've had them 10 or 20 years ago under better circumstances. Or that's at least what I'm getting from talking to people my age.

No. 1855245

What success?

No. 1855250

Yeah there's so much to be jealous of an intolerable suicide rate, soulcrushing work standard, misogyny and hidden camera epidemics, often uncharged domestic and sexual abuse, oh! and the rape of nanking

No. 1855251

Japan is enough of a cultural difference that I would feel comfortable travelling there but it's similar enough to the west that I don't have to worry about indian men tier stalking.
There isn't really any other place that's as safe generally that's also as culturally different.
Japan has some cool stuff but I still like being in a western first world

No. 1855259

I guess anon is specifically talking about their pop culture, maybe tech.

No. 1855261

Not turning into Brazil loke America is

No. 1855266

Nta but this is the most gargantuan cope I’ve ever fucking read. You’re ugly.

No. 1855267

If we're talking pop culture I'm more of an ameriboo than weeb. Kek

No. 1855272

Tbh I see it. They kinda seem like a cultural menace and globalization is helping them expand their soft power which is their greatest tool atm, they're everywhere and are almost competing or even overperforming in terms of cultural promotion and technology. My country for example, we didn't like Asians a lot, 20 years ago we despised everything about them, now regular people are watching their series, eating their foods, following their beauty standards and such, that wasn't a thing until very recently, Asian faces are becoming familiar, relatable and even preferable. America sadly is going through a cultural decadence thanks to their unstable political and social panorama, they don't produce new successful brands as much and as often as they used to, their politics seem to be sabotaging their success, and East Asians are taking advantage of the situation fully, presenting themselves as the new viable option as they can avoid cancelation and political correction with ease by virtue of being such a different and remote culture and the massive Asian market helps them stay afloat if they were to fail with the Westerns. It's frightening how much they've achieved in such a short amount of time, despite having objectively less to work with than Americans

No. 1855282

Mostly Americans, since their soft power was huge until recently. And it's still huge but it's funny how media shit talked Japanese pop culture for so long despite it being successful abroad, out of jealousy. And now more recently it's happening with Kpop and manhwa.

No. 1855295

It depends on where you live, I've checked on people I used to know and the ones who are from traditional/conservative backgrounds or still live in their bumfuck towns are married and have children for the most part, while I live in a big city and none of my friends want this lifestyle, some of them are not even in a LTR.

No. 1855301

No one wants to admit it but no large populations of certain cultures really does ensure the peace in Japan. The difference in the feeling of danger and amount of shitheads harassing you in American city vs Japanese city is bleak (have lived here almost 5 years now).

No. 1855303

I've stayed in Japan for a semester and went back later for holidays and I felt way safer than in my own country but I have no frame of reference for America. I always thought that in the US it depends a lot on each city and state, whether you're in a dense city or a small town, etc. The news are usually pretty scary though.

No. 1855307

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Men are obsessed with screwdrivers because they secretly shove them up their asses. Look at the handle, you can not convince me that this wasn't designed exactly for that purpose.

No. 1855310

I guess to be fair I have only lived in one American city and it was near a kinda lawless college campus. That being said no one who was shitting up the streets and annoying everyone who passed were college students.
I’m still a huge America defender but Japan beats it in this aspect. Instead of cultural enrichment they just have mentally ill uncles walking around.

No. 1855313

USA has the worst crime rates of all the developed world and actually tops most third world countries as well. Some of its cities are only surpassed by places in Mexico, Brasil or Venezuela in levels of crime and violence.

No. 1855343

I wonder why that is

No. 1855355

Keisuke from Togainu no chi be like

No. 1855358

I don’t understand making the distinction. If they’re so unsaturated blue that they look grey, they’re grey. It’s like someone with incredibly dark green eyes that look brown unless they’re in very specific light being like “no my eyes are green you just can’t tell right now”.

No. 1855360

I didnt even know black eyes were a thing tbh.

No. 1855364

They're not. They are just dark brown.

No. 1855365

That doesn't make any sense. Like saying no clothing is black, it's actually just dark blue/green/brown because that's how colors and dyes work.

No. 1855371

The adults who are constantly bitching about minimum wage being too low coincidentally always do the bare minimum and have hardly ever put work into anything. Hence they are not making much more than minimum well past the age of 21.
In a fair meritocracy, which is what these same people argue for with their disgust over millionaires, one is paid out based on what they contribute and how much of it they do. And some contributions are objectively more valuable than others i.e. tilling a garden to feed families is more worthy than drawing autistic art for coomers to fap to; a lab technician working on a gene editing project to cure a disease is more worthy than a cashier with a bad attitude who still gets the order wrong.
Society is getting worse because it cannot tell its doo doo people who overestimate themselves to fuck off and work on themselves.

No. 1855373

Why do you want to sound special so bad? There is no such thing as "black" eyes you nonce muppet.

No. 1855375

Ok, so blue eyes are light brown.

No. 1855376


Toddler logic.

No. 1855380

So why are black eyes brown if they look black?

No. 1855381

I just don't know at this point. My eyes are green on the outher part and the galaxy thing around the black circle is brown. These colors together are like a dirty pond, can't say it's brown or green either. If i say they're green people tell me they are brown and i'm an attentin whore for it. If i say brown they stare at me and tell me they are actually green. If i say they are hazel, because in my logic hazelnut is green and brown, they say hazel eyes are actually just light brown. Obviously my eyes look greener in light and more brown in the dark because the brown galaxy thing expands with the black circle taking over the green and reverse. Then i'm an attention whore for explainig basic eye functions, i hate it.

No. 1855382

Is blue eyes are so colorless they look gray and everyone that sees them thinks they are gray, why does it matter to make the distinction and call them blue?
If brown eyes are so dark and colorless that they are indistinguishable from the black pupil, and everyone thinks they are black when looking at them even in direct sunlight, why does it make sense to call them brown?
And why do you even care so much?

No. 1855383

I can tell the difference between extremely dark brown fabric and a black fabric?

If you look at black eyes, they are brown. No one is denying that you cannot mistake the color under certain conditions (green eyes often are confused for blue for instance), but there is no such thing as true black irises so there is no need to label them that. You have dark brown eyes.

No. 1855386

Imagine being so triggered by having a common eye color that you have to make up a new color category for the human eye that literally does not exist.

I got orange eyes, yall. Cause like, sometimes there are bits of yellow in the sun that actually shine like gold but the color mixes with the red and change color to orange!
Retarded lmao.

No. 1855388

You’re the only one triggered, everyone else is just explaining the concept of visual perception to you and you’re losing your mind about it.

No. 1855389

I'm laughing @ you tho, brownie boo.

No. 1855393

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What are you on? There are people whose eyes look black more often than they look brown. A lot of East Asian’s eyes don’t even look brown in strong light. Such a weird hang up to have. There are no true blue irises either.
Personally most people with “grey” eyes still look a shade of blue to me. True grey eyes are like picrel

No. 1855398

Ntayrt but these look blue to me. I feel like everyone is forgetting everyone views color differently.

No. 1855402

purely "socioeconomic" factors(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1855405

Moids. You can just say moids.

No. 1855422

It’s because of specific counties though, if you discount those counties from statistics then the US is fairly safe

No. 1855426

Naw this isn’t true at all. The hardest jobs pay the least amount and the higher your pay rate goes up the less work you’re gonna do. Some accountant who sits in a office all day is gonna get paid more and do less work than someone who is an Amazon ware house worker.

No. 1855427

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Hi nonnies this is my eye color, is it blue, grey, or green?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1855439

Looks like a very light brown to me

No. 1855440

That's why I get random amazon warehouse workers to do my taxes for me

No. 1855447

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The crazy thing about black eyes is how people perceive them around the world. Arabs consider there's such a thing as black eyes, same with the Japanese, who simply say their eye color is black. In my country as well (somewhere in latam), black eyes are also a thing, you don't describe your eye color as "brown" unless they're visible brown, like hazel or honey, which are usually seen in Mediterranean descendents. If you got eyes like picrel people will tell you your eyes are simply black. I'm not trying to make this eye color sound special because as you can see is clearly not, I'm just pointing out the perception of it in countries were the majority actually has it

No. 1855450

purple with green polka dots

No. 1855462

my dad used to have a color like this when he was younger, till they turned brown.

No. 1855463

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Thanks that’s not helpful. Here’s a clearer picture

No. 1855464

Wait are you genuinely asking? They’re blue, silly.

No. 1855470

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Sometimes they look blue but the color can look different depending on the lighting, like here
Stop anon. My eyes aren’t going to turn brown, stop trying to scare me.(attentionwhoring)

No. 1855488

I thought you were joking but if you're not, stop attention whoring.

No. 1855490

didnt we once have an eye thread? where anons posted their own eyes kek

No. 1855499

I think I remember that but didn’t it get locked or something? Sounds like a biometric data mining scam kek

No. 1855501

I'd be tempted to post my eyes because I think they're legit a pretty color (green) but I don't want them to end up in a data bank so I wouldn't post.

No. 1855510

The reason women get trapped in bad relationships is because they can’t accept that they’re not special. They see scrotes showing the same patterns with other women and believe it won’t happen to them because they’re better than the other women in some way. It’s kind of why women can see a man has a history of cheating and baby mommas but believe they’re special and he won’t do it to them.

No. 1855513

Males should be taxed an extra 50% per child support payment if they haven't had a vasectomy. Tax because then the amount of money the mother and children receive doesn't change regardless of him getting the snip. I am so fucking sick of moids at my workplace whining about child support when they won't even get a basic ass outpatient procedure to ensure they don't make more children

No. 1855520

Grey socks should be the standard. Not even joking.

No. 1855523

you sound fashionable nonna I like this opinion

No. 1855525

I can kinda agree with this to an extent. We are shown time and time and time again how shitty moids are to their wives and girlfriends, especially once they think they have them "locked down". Some women will still choose to ignore any early warning signs and go for these men anyway because like you said, they think they're special. Statistics don't lie when it comes to males yet they still seem to think their nigel will be a unicorn kek. It's kind of narcissistic in a way.

No. 1855532

Another unpopular opinion but I think it's kind of psychopathic too. Imagine seeing every woman around you having horrendous relationships, hearing about dozen and dozens of stories of women getting abused and killed by supposedly perfect men, checking the statistics to confirm that in fact most women get killed by their partners…yet simply ignore all of that to claim you got a bf, that's deranged imo

No. 1855540

It depends. If the woman knows about the man's past behavior, in that case I agree. However, some people are good at lying and covering their tracks, and treat people differently. I've met people who are nice and kind to someone and then turn around and show their bad side to another person.

No. 1855541

Nta, and that's a fair explanation. But imo it's that those people were raised by abusive parents, so they have no idea how to raise or love a child, so they refuse to have a child because they're gonna resent it inevitably. Since they aren't mentally equipped to love someone else or be responsible enough to have a child and raise. And seeing kids reminds them of their past and how they were punished for certain behaviors, but these kids get away with it, so they end up getting angry at those kids for having better childhoods. Which is sad but is probably one of the reasons. I could be wrong though. I'd add it's also the language some if not most or all abusive parents use "I wish I never had you/it's all your fault for being born and ruining my life" etc. that makes people resent children and having them because they're afraid the same thing that happened to their parents would happen to them.

No. 1855546

Even if your scrote seems nice you should still proceed with caution and use examples you’ve seen of male behavior to determine your moves. For example my nigel is good to me and he’s building his career but I won’t help him with his business because I know men have a pattern of becoming rich and dumping the women who helped. Anything regarding his career or business I won’t do anything to help with it.

No. 1855548

That's fascinating to think about. I think it's a language thing, saying "black" is easier than "dark brown". Also your picrel left side seems like it has a dark blue hue to it?

No. 1855550

Old people are not cute.

No. 1855551

Or, and hear me out because I know this is about to be a controversial take, men are shitty and they lie.
My abusive ex was great to me for the first year or so. It wasn’t like he started cheating and taking advantage of me financially the second we made it official we were together. Even the bad stuff started off so slowly I was blind to it while it was happening. Abusive men cut you off from your support symptoms, they make you think you’re the problem, they do everything they can to get control over you so you can’t leave even if you wanted to. Blaming women for their abuse is such a moid brained take. I didn’t think I was better than anyone when I was being abused, in fact it was the opposite. That’s kind of the whole point?

No. 1855566

poverty has been the norm for all of human history and people still choosed to have kids. Our grandparents or great grandparets faced much more cruel hardships, lived through wars and depressions and still never used that logic to stop having kids.

Poorest countries in the world and poorest areas in rich countries are the ones where people are having the most kids. I think is more to do with lifestyles and attitudes than anything, theres also an undeniable campaign directed at white people in developed countries to stop reproducing at the same time that immigration is being promoteed using low birth rates as an excuse, at the end both things respond to economic interests of mega-corporations.

No. 1855569

This reminds me of when I was in girl scouts my group was supposed to bring christmas decoration crafts we made to this old folks home, but when I got there and saw everyone looking decrepit and depressed I started bawling my eyes out.

No. 1855591

People who say that are coping. They are smelly and sad

No. 1855596

Nta but hardships and poverty is why those people were shitty parents to their kids. Ask anyone who was raised by them if they loved their childhoods. But the immigration and white people angle is interesting to think about.

No. 1855599

For the poorest people in the world, children aren't drains on the household because they work from a very young age. Once the oldest girl is about 5 or 6, she is responsible for caring for new babies. A child who can walk can gather firewood. Etc. If you have to buy electricity to heat your home instead of using wood, and you have to buy food instead of growing it, and you're obligated to send children to school for 10 years (which has its own costs), suddenly children become burdens instead of assets.

No. 1855604

Really black eyes can look blue-ish, I remember some argument on a subreddit photographing people from around the world, they complained about people choosing to post photos of Africans that had “blue eyes” but they were just very reflective black eyes. It can be highlighted on camera especially if they reflect the lense.

No. 1855617

As a poorfag living in the shittiest country possible, hell no. Poor people and specially poor women literally ruin their lives by having more and more kids because they're ignorant and don't understand the consequences of having kids in the worst situation possible. The more kids they have the poorer they become, the lower the life expectancy of those kids and the lower the chances of actually getting out of poverty, the apparent "pros" are surpassed by the cons by a long shot. Don't defend their practices

No. 1855622

> women see a man has a history of cheating and baby mommas but believe they’re special and he won’t do it to them
I def used to be more naive with men but never this level. They'll try and tell you their ex was all these awful things and try to polish the situation into them actually being the victim who was pushed to cheat because they were miserable or just had to leave someone mid pregnancy because also suddenly miserable but ignoring that type of pattern is whacky to me.. if its out there for you to see

Plenty of men still cover their tracks tho and you've no info to work with. There's no babies with exes, their past cheating isn't talked about and nobody outs them. The shit they put their exes through is in a neat lil box in the past and they present this shiny version of themself to you knowing that they're the only narrator you have when it comes to their dating history. I was cheated on by someone who had a history of cheating but I didn't know that att. So he cheats and when he was in the process of leaving me to move in with her she would call him all day long to make sure I didn't steal him back I guess? Like have him, you KNOW he's a cheater and want him. I didn't find out til now and I definitely don't want him. You think I'm gonna cling on or try and fuck him while we're moving our stuff out? I felt like a clown but not that much of clown.

No. 1855623

You should go into every relationship expecting the worst outcome even if your scrote treats you well. You see all the other scrotes in the world dogging women out so why would you think the end result would be any different for you?

No. 1855627

Like I said even if your scrote acts like a perfect angel expect the worst. Why would you out of all the millions of people be the lucky one and find the rare scrote that isn’t trash? Women should enjoy the good times with their scrote but be well prepared to leave because he’s inevitably going to do something fucked up. Don’t even think you’re going to be the exception to the rule. Cheating should be something you should expect from men. Do you know any women who have never been cheated on? I don’t

No. 1855629

This is where I'm at. But I get that you kinda learn to be that way after already being fucked over. You don't meet alot of young women with this drilled into them just by looking around at others. Its usually after you've personally been bulldozed by someones act that it sticks.

No. 1855633

This is just reworded misogynistic incel posting.
Yes women are always responsible for the behavior of men. If he beats you, cheats on you, steals from you, lies to you, that's your fault because you should've known better. Take responsibility for your own actions, whor- I mean, nona!

No. 1855635

A lot of women won’t like to hear this because they see it as victim shaming but if you’re dealing with scrotes then cheating is something you should see as inevitable(especially is he’s young). There is barely any guy on earth who is going to say no to a woman he’s attracted to. The only men who don’t cheat is because they can’t because no one else wants them.

No. 1855636

It’s silly to see the majority of women in the world getting cheated on and dogged out then be surprised when it happens to you. That’s like walking around a high crime area and you hear and see everyone in that area being robbed or assaulted but then you walk around that area at night and act shocked that it also happened to you. When dealing with scrotes you should always expect something bad to happen.

No. 1855647

A guy saying he is anti porn is not a green flag. That is a sign that he’s an ex porn addict.

No. 1855649

You know there's a difference between being ignorant about a moid being crazy and fully knowing the risk and fucking him regardless, right?

No. 1855676


No. 1855682

I don’t eat out unless a scrote is paying becasue I don’t want to tip and I don’t think they deserve to be tipped. Their entitled attitude about it makes me not wanna tip.

No. 1855703

Tipping culture in America is bullshit anyway. I only tip when I sit in a restaurant. Why the hell are people asking for tips when I am picking up my own food? Take it up with your employer

No. 1855707

Why was that also my first thought? Kek

No. 1855713

It's their fault that they aren't getting paid, why choose a job that doesn't pay? if people started boycotting these jobs maybe the restaurants would actually start paying people.

No. 1855729

i'm not the only one who realizes these are cillian murphy's eyes am i?

No. 1855735

this is why I'm a volcel. I've witnessed too many seemingly perfect relationships end up in adultery or ending up having to mother a manchild. I know not all men cheat but there's just no way to tell if a man is genuinely good or if inside he's hiding the potential to be shady. I'd rather die a virgin than build a life with someone just for him to shatter it, or be worried that he will because I know even the seemingly best of men have turned out to be shitty.

No. 1855759

Being so carbrained was a mistake and the death of the walkable community has done irreparable damage to society

No. 1855760

looks like a husky to me

No. 1855769

fuckcars is so damn retarded, pls stop being a redditor

No. 1855770

>all men cheat just get over it
>women get abused because they think they're special, they should expect the worst
>either don't have standards and enter relationships expecting bad treatment, or just don't date sweety
Some suspicious posts today

No. 1855776

There's definitely some scrotoid larping as a woman. The last post in the vent through about their abusive ex sounds like a straight up fanfic and larp.

No. 1855779

>all men cheat

Have you ever met a woman who hasn’t been cheated on?In all my 32 years I haven’t met one unless she’s celibate. It’s crazy how women keep talking about all these magical men who don’t cheat but almost none of us have met one yet.

No. 1855781

Good treatment with men should be a pleasant surprise but not an expectation.

No. 1855782

It's been going on for days, especially in this thread.

No. 1855785

I agree. It seems shockingly bad in the US especially. But there should be more streets in european cities as well that are only for foot traffic. It's so much more human friendly.

No. 1855788

Who's that? For some reason the only thing I can think of is Lana Rel Dey.

No. 1855790

Samefag but it's likely most of it is the same moid too, judging by his sperging about "baby mommas" over several posts. He's probably seething because he'll never be one kek.

No. 1855793

This some retard shit tumblrites started parroting because it makes them feel better but it’s not based in reality. It’s way more work and resource intensive to have kids than not or less. You’re looking at 8 year average complete drain and then someone who can work sure but has put you in deficit for so many needs and more mouths to feed. Women in those countries keep having kids because they can’t access contraception, and uneducated, and are raped regularly.

No. 1855797

The quality of life is so bad in America because so many people are trapped without cars. A lot of people dont take walks because there arent even side walks, and if you want to bike anywhere, you better hope there's a trail or else you're dealing with aggressive cars. I hate car centric places like America.

No. 1855802

>your brain is cooked because you dont want some man to impregnate you

No. 1855805

i dont think any sex is real sex

No. 1855810

You’re a tranny too because only a tranny wouldn’t want kids because they’re coping because they’re jealous!(I’m being sarcastic)

No. 1855812

It's impossible to be as fit as somebody who lives in a walkable city as long as you are a carfag. Imo i think that the over reliance on cars has to be part of the reason why americans are so damn fat. you can easily burn 500cal just by walking around to do errands without even thinking about it. You don't have that privilege if you are trapped using a car. It also robs children of their independence and the ability to play outfit without getting murdered by an obnoxious suv owner. Idk how people with disabilities that prevent them from driving in the US even get around or survive either, the country is built to punish them in everyway.

No. 1855814

Most people only have kids because they’re bored and broke. When you’re bored and broke there’s nothing exciting to do other than fuck and have babies that’s why the higher the income and education of a person the less kids they have because they have better shit to do with their life.

No. 1855818

I don't particulalrly think its a "trendy" thing I think that more people are childfree by default because they're incapable of finding a mate. And I'm saying this as someone who's going to be forced to have kids anyway; being pregnant, giving birth, suffering through postpartum and prenatal difficulties, having to care for some screaming shitsack that can't even form a sentence, having to struggle through breastfeeding (which I've heard is apparently even harder than giving birth), while also having to deal with a useless scrote the whole entire time does sound absolutely disgusting and I can imagine why the prospect of doing all of that not only thanklessly but also for nothing at all in return would make a woman hate the idea of having kids. Those are all just facts. Not some antinatalist spin on the big hunky dory daydream that is being an unpaid slave.

No. 1855820


No. 1855822

im not completely sure how unpopular this will be but I feel really bad and kind of like a bitch when my husbands pay for everything. I wanna take care of you! I just have no money!!!

No. 1855825

Check his phone and hard drive you won’t feel guilty after that

No. 1855826

File: 1705345834780.jpg (2.28 KB, 140x140, images.jpg)

I'm surrounded by early 20s that want children

No. 1855828

we go through each others shit together just for laughs thats why i feel bad

No. 1855844

too many funkos too buy, too many netflix shows and gacha games to catch up on. Who has time and money for a family? The big corporation i work on is my family

No. 1855850

you will be buying funkos for your children, watching cocomelon on netflix with your children, and buying vbucks for your children, while also working 21 hours a day on the wagey cagey to afford all that

No. 1855851

It's actually not hard to resist family pressure to not have children, if you really want that. Child-free types are massive crybabies about having to deal with that question once or twice during a family gathering. I know because I don't have children of my own, I get those questions, and I brush them off and go back to chopping up my potatoes.

Also, the "witch" type of child-free woman does exist. The type who is clearly lonely and miserable, and just lashes out. I remember one growing up that was close to my family, she did social work on pacific islands that were isolated from society. She used to cackle with sadistic glee when going into detail about the marriages she pried apart, and because she would fly back to Australia every few months and gossip about everything, you could piece together how she was actively working to tear the social fabric of their community apart.

No. 1855861

I agree it’s not hard to resist pressure but good for you that you have a sane family, some of us have family that turns every get together into a drama fest screaming about how selfish we are and trying to disown us until we have to go no contact. Would really suck to be a child free woman in most countries, I count myself lucky.

No. 1855864

nurturing and sharing memories with your children, so horrible. Good thing banks and social media love and care about me and when i grow bored of clubbing and getting plastic surgeries there's always MAID

No. 1855866

my dad and his retarded 4th wife were exactly like this for the years that i was forced to live with them. all that mattered to them was video games, funko pops, toys, their "band", and whatever new tv show was on pluto or netflix or HBO or one of the other thousands of streaming services they're obsessed with. And they wonder why I don't visit.

No. 1855871

Princess Diana was not particularly attractive. I feel like everyone loves to suck her ykw because it was obvious that she was being treated poorly and then she died a tragic death and obviously that is all absolutely horrible; however that doesn't make her beautiful appearance wise. Someone can have an amazing spirit and still look like best in show. Just like how one can be unbelievably gorgeous and have no soul

No. 1855887

Or you raise them not to be retards. I am a parent and there is no television and no tablets in my house.

No. 1855891

Her haircut was terrible, it made her look 20 years older than she was.

No. 1855892

You can say bad words on this website. We won’t tell your mom. You won’t get in trouble.

No. 1855895

i have her mom on speed dial but nice try

No. 1855913

If it’s so great then why are you shilling it so hard and why did women need to be financially coerced into it? Jk we all know why, kill yourself

No. 1855915

try to do that when they turn into teens

No. 1855928

>It's actually not hard to resist family pressure to not have children, if you really want that.
Not to racebait but this is only true if you're white and western kek

No. 1855930

Sometimes you have to actually disown these mfs to get them to stfu about it

No. 1855935

Whenever they try to pressure you into a baby or bring up shit about it, just bring up all the terrible embarrassing things you’ve seen them do!

No. 1855937

And then momma and uncles try to beat the breaks off you

No. 1855938

I wish my parents cared this much about me. My dad bought a iphone 4 off of craigslist when I was 9 and shoved it in front of my face to get me to leave him alone and then he pretended to be shocked everytime i got in trouble doing something online

No. 1855944

Ohhh girl you’re a grown adult woman if they’re trying to beat you over their decisions let me send you some free mace or a tazer. That’s unacceptable asl. Whenever someone in my family tries to step to me I just squirt their eyes and it’s over kek. Even if they ‘call the police’ there’s not much they can do because they attempted to assault you and you stood your ground

No. 1855951

That's a hilarious word kek. But I agree. I don't live in America but my country was sort of built by America to an extent, and they implemented the same carbrained shit and minimum to no side walks thing. Doesn't help that the city I live in is too big and too hot and humid to walk in. I wish I could just walk to the nearest hospital or supermarket or my university, but it's asking for being ran over by a car. A few days ago some guy got arrested for purposefully running over delivery motorcyclists so even they aren't save.

No. 1855953

Lily Rose Depp I think.

No. 1855970

When people complain about a thread being shit, I wish they would just post better content themselves then instead. Isn't it just further shitting up the thread? I wish people would be more constructive, I guess, lol. Not specifically this thread, site wide.

No. 1855975


No. 1855977

it's quite common to hear people say that james dean looked so much older than his age, that he looked 30 or even 40 and then blame it on smoking and lack of sunscreen but to me he always looked like the average man in his 20s. just way more attractive kek i think people forget that, unless they're very babyfaced and even then, moids tend to mature extremely fast after hitting 20. james dean always had that bone structure that gave him a slight gaunty look and expression wrinkles on the forehead, but if you watch his movies he comes across as very youthful. just look at current young male celebs, a lot of them also have wrinkles, like tom holland and jacob elordi and a lot of them are already aging like milk, harry styles is not even 30 and looks awful already. that's just genetics, not lifestyle. meanwhile plenty of golden age actors and actresses looked fucking amazing in their 30s and 40s

No. 1855978

I find it "fascinating" that younger zoomers are longing for the 2014 - 2016 era. In a way I understand why (COVID, online classes, more invasion of privacy, TikTok etc.), but the vast majority of them won't survive being a teen during that time and I say this as someone who was a teenager back then.

No. 1855982

Final Fantasy is corny and cringe. There, I said it

No. 1855983

I live in a really walkable place right now so now whenever I visit other cities I feel this dread from not being able to get anywhere without a car. I have poor eyesight that would make it dangerous for me to drive so I don't know if I ever want to learn to drive, I dunno how I'd survive in most cities because I don't have a good social network either (and nowadays people don't seem very willing to help each other out).

No. 1855985

I was 22 in 2014 and that was light work compared to being a teenager back in like 2006

No. 1855986

You don't have to be a redditor to realize a society being car dependent sucks. Go outside.

No. 1855991

some are longing for the mid 2000s which is even funnier especially for the genderspecials

No. 1855992

ok redditor, i will own nothing and be happy now

No. 1855997

Royals are majorly ugly and she was ok looking among them, especially compared to her hideous husband and his mistress. Besides she was well-dressed and cute in achievable way, not super model pretty but well-groomed normal woman.

No. 1856003

she had charisma and a way of carrying herself that made herself seem more attractive. i think her eyes were captivating and melancholic

No. 1856006

I was 14 in 2014 and had a great time. Glad I grew up when troonacy was contained to tumblr, can't imagine being in school with a bunch of genderspecials self diagnosing themselves with autism.

No. 1856010

I was alive during that time I really don’t understand why someone would miss it all that much because it’s not super different from now?

No. 1856011

Women would be unstoppable if we could give birth until we die. Scrotes would have no leverage.

No. 1856012

I'm pretty sure the teens nowadays just wish they were teens back then for pop cultural reasons, like getting to experience 1d, Ariana in her prime, etc

No. 1856019

Ok you’re right about that

No. 1856020

Imagine you go into labor when you’re 27 and you just never stop until the end of your life

No. 1856021

I feel like if women could get pregnant until we die the birth rates would go down because we don’t feel as rushed

No. 1856025

Cars are stupid. I hate that the US is so fucked that you need a license to get employed, basically; why the fuck is a janitor job asking me if I have a license if I've already told them I have reliable transport? You guys are like…ten minutes away by bus. Stupid useless country.

No. 1856026

>if we could give birth until we die

No. 1856029

Honestly, I agree, especially hearing my older relatives' stories from back then. I had a good time too and had my own clique, but I see some of these kids have poorer and poorer social skills and are nasty to each other.
Depends on where you live, but no one was coming out on social media even before the pandemic, making your pronouns and sexuality your personality traits got your ass laughed at, people didn't care that much about that stuff. Now, the pronoun kids are flocking in colleges and throw tantrums for misgendering them and it's so bizzare to me. I want to punch the motherfucker who made the 2000's as this McBling aesthetic which is far from real life kek.

No. 1856032

I mean if women could carry health births their entire lives. For example a 70 year old man can still get women pregnant. Imagine if we could do that.

No. 1856034

…what makes you think this would be a boon for women though? i mean if a woman has a kid at 70 she's going to be ancient by the time they hit 20 (imagine losing your mother at 20 – my own mom is an abusive pos but that would've still devastated me), and i don't think someone that old could make a good mother (parent – i hate whenever i hear about some old geezer getting a young woman pregnant) anyway.

No. 1856035

Because men can’t use the “you better settle down before your eggs or dried up” or wall shit anymore. If women could breed as long as they could they couldn’t used that as a main source of control and right now that ideology is a main source of control.

No. 1856037

this is so retarded it has to be bait

No. 1856038

What’s retarded about it? Do you not look around at the world you live in? Men definitely use the fact that they can have children at older ages against women.

No. 1856041

What if a woman gives birth at 70 years old and dies at 71?

No. 1856042

if you let that coherce you into settling down then you are a retard to begin with. Moid's sperm also age and having babies with old scrotes leads to the baby developing autism and other problems.

No. 1856044

Unfortunately most women are retarded and the “biological clock” is what rushes women into marriage and children when they aren’t ready. If women were on the same playing field as men this is something they couldn’t use against us.

No. 1856046

If women had the ability to give birth at older ages I think it would be the same situation as men. We would be capable of doing it but it would be a rare occurrence.

No. 1856047

but we are, like i said moid's sperm also ages

No. 1856049

women being able to give birth until the age of 70 isn’t the antidode to men being assholes

No. 1856050

And that doesn’t matter because men still use the fact that they can simply have children at a older age against women because the average normal fag doesn’t know about the risks of old men making babies

No. 1856053

No. 1856058

then we should inform more women about it instead of making an hypotetical nonsense escenario

No. 1856059

Then you should start and also learn how to spell hypothetical

No. 1856064

If you can't accept the fact that your man will eventually cheat on you, you're just setting yourself up for suffering. This is why women should only be in open relationships, at least they get to have fun too.(bait)

No. 1856067

have you accepted you might have unironic autism yet

No. 1856081

ooo we got a spanish nónita

No. 1856085

File: 1705358728465.jpeg (52.2 KB, 300x441, 9863B81E-4362-4537-AC30-E24067…)

The best anime ever created. Sorry zoomer.

No. 1856090

say that to

No. 1856097

File: 1705359681744.jpeg (78.79 KB, 750x456, IMG_3637.jpeg)

Oh yeah, bidetfags? Well what about when the power is out and there’s a boiled water notice and you don’t want to shoot botulism directly into your asshole? What then??

No. 1856103

File: 1705360173949.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1284x1508, 20757175-55B0-4C66-A7F4-9E32DF…)

Being a woman is too expensive

No. 1856104

Just stop being a consoomer retard

No. 1856105

Are you serious or joking? Because the bidet I use doesn't need electricity.

No. 1856107

imagine paying 500 to look like a drag queen

No. 1856113

>and there’s a boil water notice
Typical bidetfaggotry, incapable of reading

No. 1856115

so does anyone know what a boil water notice is because not me

No. 1856120

It means that the city water is temporarily non-potable

No. 1856121

File: 1705361021902.jpg (46.2 KB, 600x460, Sawyer-Squeeze-and-Sawyer-Mini…)

It means to boil your water before drinking / consuming bc it might have contaminates. Usually happens after a crazy storm knocks out power, so water treatment plants might not be working fully. I have a sawyer water filter for camping, and it has a tap adapter too.

No. 1856123

God I'm such an oldfag none of this even makes sense to me.

No. 1856127

I’m so sorry I meant to post that in dumbass shit kek I apologize for my idiocy

No. 1856135

File: 1705362358075.png (553.96 KB, 1000x1000, this thing.png)

What I don't get about the bidet vs anti-bidet controversy is do non bidet places do not have picrel? It is normal in my country since having a bidet isn't very practical.

No. 1856143

Free botox??? I'm going to have the smoothest starfish.

The spray thing? I've never seen that before. There's a whole other stub-out? What is it used for?

No. 1856164

It looks like the 'stub' is to turn the water on and off while using it

No. 1856170

Kek, they'll get called fat retards and cry about it online, except no one gives a shit back then. I just miss the days before twitter got huge and tiktok existed. I used to browse tumblr for hours before 2013.

No. 1856181

I think all protest is valid as long as you aren't assaulting someone. I'm totally fine with shit like those people gluing themselves to the road. Schools like to teach that MLK and Gandhi were super nice guys who asked pretty please for their rights and their problems were solved which is bullshit. There were tons of different, more radical protest groups and there was an overhanging threat that members of a more peaceful movement could turn violent if denied too long. In other words, demanding that somebody protests the "right way" is fucking retarded. You're basically asking for state-approved protest, which is a total oxymoron.

No. 1856225

I think if you're going to protest you should avoid harming people who aren't the ones you're protesting against. I remember there was some labor union protest where the bus drivers were striking against some laws from the transportation department but rather than inconveniencing all the people who rely on the public transport, they just refused to pay the department that oversaw them and ran the buses for free. This actually got them a lot of sympathy for their cause.
When I was in high school the teachers were going on strike, and rather than punching at the higher-ups who were doing something they disagreed with, they just made things more miserable for the students. Like a student would need help with something and a teacher would say "I won't help you because I'm protesting." This just created more problems and the bureaucrats that they were ostensibly striking against didn't care that some random kids were getting shafted, it didn't affect them.

No. 1856250

Women complain about being desired too much but have very little empathy for women who complain about never being desired. Yes you get attention easily and it sucks but do you understand what it’s like to be a woman who never gets attention? And if you complain about it you’ll get a bunch of yappin about self love.

No. 1856256

you sound like a troon

No. 1856257

File: 1705370671766.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1284x2240, AD661171-EAF6-4B91-9B09-CE7F6C…)

This isn’t a troon and she summed up pretty perfectly how im feeling. Just to give you proof that there are women who feel this.(learn2embed)

No. 1856261

why would you want being desired in the year of our lord 2024? i say this as a fellow uggo straight woman, but modern men are so ugly i genuinely dont care if they dont want to date me, because they are all fucking hideous.

No. 1856262

>she summed up
>random screenshot of a tiktok
I don't even know what she's talking about

No. 1856263

File: 1705370842177.jpeg (714.9 KB, 1284x2197, 8A69E0BD-6EC1-403A-AEF4-4AE0CC…)

There are other women here complaining about it and they’re not troons.

No. 1856268

they are retarded and even if they were desired they would be desired by ugly men, so does it matter?

No. 1856269

You're angry about not being desired? You want to be an object for consumption, why?

No. 1856271

Every day I wake up and thank God that men never make passes at me.

No. 1856272

to get a harem of ugly men to cook for ofcourse uguu

No. 1856276

File: 1705371301440.jpeg (691.8 KB, 1284x2239, F8EC720C-8829-42FF-A4DF-47FDF7…)

Some people don’t want to be single forever. And usually when women complain about this we get shut down for being liars or not having self love(in this case lolcow users being quick to scream troon). People find it hard to believe there are women out there who get no positive attention.

No. 1856277

>quotes a tiktok as backup for her claim
Yeah sure, I’ll definitely take this seriously kek

No. 1856278

Then maybe go try to satisfy a man instead of bothering us and shitting up the thread with it

No. 1856279

At first I read "cook for me" and I was confused how you'd filter out all the incompetent men who don't know how to cook.

No. 1856281

but its not hard to get? literally cake on makeup and hit the gym and you will get plenty of ugly moid attention kek some of you have such first world problems. Men will fuck chimps with makeup, it's not hard to get a bf.

No. 1856282

Women look at objectification through rose-colored glasses whenever they dont know what it's like to deal with it for a long time, im compassionate about it and im not going to make fun of her for it but it's sad. Have you never been catcalled at 11 years old? Have you not seen a little sister get hit on by an older man before her first training bra because she was wearing shorts at the park? To be desired is to be looked at like a tool by a chimpanzee. I understand wanting to feel confident and comfortable in your skin, and have someone who loves you, but women who wish to be looked at like a literal object just don't know how it really feels.

No. 1856284

Didn't even have the decency of posting the actual video, the woman could be talking about something else entirely for all I know

No. 1856285

File: 1705371619103.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.17 KB, 500x704, kurt-b.jpg)

its a made up problem. I used to feel bad for being ugly when i was younger until i found out that men nowadays are ugly as shit and even super models are dating ugly fucks And i dont have super high standars, my standars are as low as pic rel. Men nowdays will also fuck anything that isnt morbidly obese and wears tons of makeup so if nonny wants an uggo simp she can get it easily.

No. 1856286

File: 1705371629200.jpeg (744.89 KB, 1284x2202, 6C84198F-23EA-4874-B49C-B6DD59…)

I’m just using this as an example that other women feel this way too. That video made me post that opinion.

No. 1856290

He looks like he should be /g/'s nerd thread op image

No. 1856292

Well based off the profile photos in all of your screenshots it looks like a bunch of attention seeking women who are used to dating trash men and just crave more attention…if you know what I mean. I’m not taking those comments very seriously kek

No. 1856293

exactly. It's the worst time to be a nerdfucker. If nonny just wants a run of the mill modern scrote she can apply tons of make up and hit the gym it's not that hard.

No. 1856294

I’m really not trying to be racist this isn’t racebait I’m being serious, but black women begging for and craving male attention isn’t really some big new discovery. Not sure why all the women in the comments of her chosen screenshots are pretending like it is.

No. 1856295

eww he’s ugly

No. 1856296

I mean you get hit on by creeps but in that pool of dudes there are dudes that you want to date. I don’t even get crushes because my brain subconsciously knows anyone I like won’t like me back so why bother. I never got to experience those high school or college relationships where you find a cute boy and that boy likes you back etc

No. 1856298

No. 1856299

I know, which makes it sadder i was born too late to score an uggo nerd bf.

No. 1856300

Jumping in to say I hate getting objectified in the supermarket of all places. I've had men follow me around the aisles because I've went back on my route to see if I'm being stalked and sure enough some stupid cunt is back lurking this aisle. Stresses me tf out. I'm trying to figure out what I've already got at home. What plans I've got what meals I'm going to make etc having a list helps but sometimes there's deals or stuffs been moved around. I hate trying to think and feel some cunt staring me down. Fucking hate when you're in a queue and they stand far too close and you look back and take a step forward even though the queue has not moved but you'll infringe a little on the personal space you gave the person in front because you're a meek woman and make yourself smaller and then the faggot behind also shuffles forward and now you're worse off. I've left a shop after some repulsive looking fuck wouldn't stop standing a foot from me. Even used his young son yo pay me a compliment "look at the pretty lady." Wanted to cuss him out so bad.

No. 1856301

pickme anon is going to feel jealous of that lol

No. 1856302

File: 1705372349045.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1170x1379, IMG_4287.jpeg)

Kek I was going to post a full picture after all the close up pictures but a mod ruined it by banning me

No. 1856306

Why is he a football?

No. 1856309

File: 1705372489290.jpeg (842.78 KB, 1284x2206, 89FB72A2-7B86-4DF3-8905-65DC66…)

I’ve seen white women complain about it too. I don’t think it has anything to do with looks but some women give off a vibe of being “boring” by their facial expressions or body language which’s makes scrotes not interested. People think scrotes are just horn balls who will hit on anyone but that’s not true.

No. 1856311

If you want male attention so bad why are you here instead of the bar or something. Like go whore out if you want a scrote so dearly

No. 1856314

but why do you care?

No. 1856315

>but i need to hear pretty
Well if you aren’t then why expect people to lie to you, horseface

No. 1856318

Why exactly is attention like this from men so crucial to your life though

No. 1856319

Because I don’t wanna be a drunk fuck for some guy with beer goggles on and he regrets it tomorrow. I want to be a Normal pretty girl who can meet a guy at a library or at school.

No. 1856321

File: 1705372753631.gif (564.92 KB, 245x150, IMG_0941.gif)

great time to use this gif

No. 1856322

beer googles sounds fun. I want that but martini’z

No. 1856323

Holy fuck the caption overlayed
On that video is BLEAK and insane. You mad no man tried to molest you? You angry no man didn't take pictures of you and your 10 year old friends with his flipphone at the public pool?

No. 1856325

Because I’m tired of being alone tbh

No. 1856327

Nobody is entitled desire or beauty. Life is a genetic lottery. You either change your looks or accept yourself.

No. 1856329

Nta but 2 weeks ago I was reaching for a jar of sauce and a guy was so close behind me, I genuinely panicked that i was getting pickpocketed. I dropped the jar on the ground and jumped sideways and said “back the fuck up” this man acts shocked and starts ranting about me being a racist and I told him hovering around a woman is aggressive. He only backed off when another man turned into the aisle and asked if there was a problem.
Fucking hate men

No. 1856332

>ugh i’m so sad i was too ugly to get raped as a child :{ (:{ )

No. 1856333

I had an old man come out tesco follow me to my car and try to open my drivers door when I was sitting in it. I opened the door a bit to knock him flying if I had too I legit don't know if it was a senior moment cause I never noticed him in the shop but I was so upset. I kept telling him to get away from my car and he like I swear to god had has tongue out waggling trying to pull my door handle, he was weak as shit but god it was weird as fuck. I've had an old man follow my car from another town centre in his car to my apartment building. I was at a giveway to him, gave way, he wouldn't go, driver behind me beeped I waved him forward he didn't go so I went and then the car behind me waited and old man joins traffic behind me and keeps behind me all the way to my place. I didn't get out of my car for a minute or two just watching him and he was watching me so then I just went why are you following me and he went you're a very rude girl and I went do you make a habit of following women to their homes and his stupid mouth fell open and he just pointed at me and went rude girl! And I was glad I lived in an apartment building and he didn't know my exact unit.

No. 1856334

There's a major difference between random scrote attention and actually caring about you though.

No. 1856335

Of course he tried to make it a ‘racist’ thing instead of just acting like a basic fucking human

No. 1856336

The worst part about that is looks dont keep you from being raped or molested, they absolutely feed into that scary notion and make victims look even less credible. Fucked in the head, dumbest women alive no contest.

No. 1856338

It’s so gross, I’ll be at the gas station where they have these 6x6in tiles on the ground and they’ll be close enough to stand on the same tile. I kind of cross my foot behind my leg and tap the floor with my tie idly and I’ve tripped a couple weirdos that way, lol.

No. 1856340

This is just shifting the blame of having Asperger's onto other people.

No. 1856341

>Yes you get attention easily and it sucks but do you understand what it’s like to be a woman who never gets attention?
no but I know what it’s like for men to grope me through me my shirt at 7 years old

No. 1856343

I think it's fine for straight women to be selfish while dating. The dating game is dangerous for women and most men are emotionally distant and don't have boundaries with other women. There's no point of investing a lot of yourself into a moid when there's a statistically large chance he'll cheat, be distant/hot and cold, abuse you, or leave you a single mom/ for another woman

No. 1856344

No one owes you desire. You really do sound like a 50 year old sissy cd, please reasses your patterns

No. 1856345

I feel like some a lot of people in /ot/ are needlessly rude and love to dogpile nonas. Like in some cases, it's not even hard to understand what someone is saying, it's just been constant racebait or (Not trying to be racist I swear!) bait or rudeness, it makes this place horrible to me now.

No. 1856346

Men can find women who love and care for them even if they’re ugly though

No. 1856347

It’s not racist to say that black women grovel for attention whether it’s male or anyones. That’s a fact of life and we’re all able to understand that.(racebait)

No. 1856348

fuck off

No. 1856349

idgaf about how delusional I sound but I swear to god at least half of "dog-piling" that happens here is the result of samefagging/anons using other VPNs. I don't believe 5+ other anons are always up and joining and ready to defend a single other anon every hour

not saying this is every situation though, but I have seen a lot of anons samefag then when the anon responds accordingly they try to throw off the argument by sorting out the supposed 20+ other anons defending a retard on a site with less than 100 visitors on the reg

No. 1856350

You’re saying fuck off because you’ve encountered exactly what I’m referring to. If you try to claim the contrary you’re going to be barking up a cement tree.

No. 1856352

Thats just saying that you agree kek

No. 1856354

No because i'm a black woman and I know that you are one of those race obessed retards who stays in /ot/ particularly this thread constantly saying racists shit agaisnt black people/women. I'm telling you to fuck off because I don't care to argue with you, you are disgusting and need to get a life. Black people live rent free in your mind.

No. 1856355

Cement tree?

No. 1856356

>i’m disagreeing because i am that very black woman who is desperate for attention
ntayrt but youre not helping your case

No. 1856360

What do you mean “rent free in your mind” you just posted about them kek that’s obviously going to remind people of their existence? Dumbass

No. 1856362

you need to get a life outside of begging for dick. You’re out to lunch lmfao

No. 1856364

It has autism

No. 1856365


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1856366

Kek can you at least pretend you aren't same same fagging retard? It's so obvious, get a life, seriously.

No. 1856367

The uneducated black population of society doesn’t know what an idiom is

No. 1856368

They camp here and post the same thing every single day. That creature is obsessed qith black women, there's no sense in giving it any interaction. It craves you.

No. 1856369

No. 1856371


No. 1856372

Uh don’t give someone else credit for my work. There’s more than 2 people who utilize this website

No. 1856373

Probably got accounts on twitter pretending to be black for engagement though. Me doth think those faggots protest too much, they are obsessed

No. 1856375

File: 1705374177507.jpeg (703.49 KB, 1284x2189, 96548D4B-7945-43C2-A9C6-09EF3C…)

I’m honestly glad for TikTok because I can find other women who feel like shit about it so I don’t feel like a totally alone pick me

No. 1856377

Shit post, shit poster

No. 1856378

File: 1705374241957.jpg (68.9 KB, 687x767, 20231225_073446.jpg)

The worst people alive

No. 1856379

>it craves you
ntayrt but if you think it’s a gay man then wouldn’t that solve your problems? you’d be getting the male attention you wanted

No. 1856380

I don’t feel bad for women who whine and cry about how badly they want attention kek, go be a pickme on twitter instead of here. Nobody’s going to pet your hair and rub your back and comfort you.

No. 1856384

Calling me a gay man all because you’re upset that your ashy ass can’t get any male attention isn’t going to magically shapeshift me into a moid. This isn’t freaky friday(stop)

No. 1856387

I’m the anon who made the posts about not getting attention and I’m white

No. 1856389

Oh sure you are, and I’m a black gay trans multidimensional otherkin. We can all play pretend, right?

No. 1856392

>zoomers not knowing how to differentiate posts or follow the conversation so they just assume everyone is the same person

Typical iPad babies

No. 1856394

Listen darkie I can differentiate posts, and I can also confidently say that you can’t really say “i’m black” and then walk it back kek. You choose one race and stick with it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1856395

I just had a prophetic vision that the next person who posts racism on lolcow gets decapitated in a tragic car crash. Stay safe everyone.

No. 1856399

>massively insecure about your own short comings
Oh you might be confused I’m not the one begging for male attention

No. 1856405

And if you’re ugly you’re obviously not going to get any so instead of complaining about it on lolcow.farm go get a consultation with the plastic surgeon for your rhinoplasty

No. 1856407

If wanting male attention is a bad thing how else are you supposed to fine a mate? Just dating sites? You need to catch mens attention to find a partner. Most of the time it’s not like you can just walk up to a guy and say you’re interested without him making a fool of you.

No. 1856408

Right so you acknowledge that being attractive and getting male attention is necessary. We both agree.

No. 1856411

If you’re attractive yes you can. Not all of us look like spitting image dolls.

No. 1856414

You can’t try to act like a feminists then try to looks shame me in the same breath

No. 1856415

The response kind of proves your point, kek. A lot of the anons here probably have boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends and wives, i think it's hypocritical to say you NEVER want to be desired unless you are voluntarily celibate, which only a minor amount of anons here are. It doesn't mean that you want to be sexually harassed, literally just one person who thinks you are pretty or nice. Everyone here is in complete denial if they don't desire some form of outside validation every now and then. Yeah i think it's retarded as an ugly woman, but i don't understand the vitriol, as long as you don't act like a pickme it's fine to acknowledge you have these feelings, it's called emotional maturity.

No. 1856417

Honestly if you want male attention yes do go on the dating apps. You're probably already using social media and maintaining friendships mainly through your phone. Who on lolcow doesn't have 24/7 access to their device? I'm on fb groups for vetting dudes on online dating and tbh, the zmount of women I wouldn't have thought would be successful are sharing (almost bragging) about the secual attention they receive and there's a few familiar profiles because of how many dates they've been on and have an andedote on so many guys. Then there's older women 50+ that comment and say that young man said he liked older woman then another woman will chime in and say he was in my messages we met for coffee but he only wanted one thing. There's your answer. If you make yourself available and easy you will get attention. If you want decent attention from men. Join the club. I think women should focus on making a demographic party and focus on getting the women's vote I'm sick of men

No. 1856418

I feel like self love is kind of bullshit. You need love to feel love.

No. 1856423

Being a cocksleeve is not love(bait)

No. 1856430

File: 1705376387873.jpg (34.83 KB, 608x451, df7681676ecd5d0d3bef072e57bdca…)

Gyaru Trish was cute

No. 1856432

Trish is cute

No. 1856436

We had protests about Roe v Wade overturn… but they all took place outside of normal working hours and were just marching on the street

No. 1856447

Why are you like this? You don't need to be in a romantic relationship to experience true love.

No. 1856449

I never said that. I think love is important but the anons claiming being desired is some form of being loved are crazy because what about friends, family, etc.

No. 1856456

You should consider killing yourself or having your hands cut off so you don’t write foul vulgar comments like this ever again.(calm down)

No. 1856461

Are you mentally handicapped

No. 1856462

>thinking guys wanting to fuck you is love is still not love
>'hurhur kys that's so controversial'
How hurt are your feelings bro

No. 1856476

Even so, i don't understand why that had to be a response. I don't believe anybody thought being desired equated to true love, even the original anon never alludes to that. I swear, sometimes anons take it too far to show how black pilled and based of a radfem they are, they forget that a lot of women are still afflicted with emotions that cause them to want to procreate, often times being exposed to shitty moids won't be enough to get rid of it and you just have to accept that's how they feel. As long as they aren't pickmes and writing paragraphs about how men are kawaii angels who never do anything wrong, there's no issue.

No. 1856481

File: 1705381788773.gif (386.82 KB, 640x353, IMG_4324.gif)

So this can be done to him

No. 1856484

Read up little miss contrarian.

No. 1856495

i fucking hate that indians eat with their fingers and it has nothing to do with their race it has to do with the fact that its gross as shit and they do it for every meal and theres just no way in hell that kids are cleaning their hands well enough to not getting some fucking fecal matter in their handful of curry rice

No. 1856496

>I don't feel bad about women feeling worthless after being told their whole lives that their worth is in their appearance and that they will be losers if they don't get married and have kids
It's funny how women like you pretend to hate male attention so much, but they won't stop conforming to beauty standards to get it. You hypocritical ass knows it's better to get catcalled sometimes, but have the chance of having a cute simp to stroke your ego and buy you shit than being the uggo punch bag of society, huh

No. 1856503

I actually don't feel the need to appeal to beauty standards because I have no incentive or reasoning to pursue males. After living through my childhood, teenage, and early adult years; I can confidently say that no, I do not think it is better to "get cat called sometimes". If you're so ugly to the point where people are harassing you or verbally assaulting you in public unprovoked, then I'm sorry that thats your experience, but that doesn't mean that getting sexually assaulted is the better alternative. Also; if you feel worthless all because someone told you to, thats something you need to work on yourself. Everyone saying "get married, have kids" are only throwing out the sole ideas they have because thats what they fell in line with. Does that mean you have to? Do you, yourself feel like a 'loser' because you aren't torturing your body to reproduce the spawn of some disgusting scrote who's going to either abuse or leave you? Because you aren't wasting money and energy on some squealing shitting hog? If not doing those things and not being subjected to degradation of that extreme is being an "uggo punching bag of society" in your eyes then I don't know how to help you because it sounds like you're just looking for reasons to feel bad about yourself. I would say I'm sorry for how you feel but I really don't.

No. 1856504

Being this desperate for objectifying male attention is dangerous. This is the type of pick me that when she gets a Nigel will throw any other woman under the bus for a scrote and never listen to her fellow women on any issue.

No. 1856507

You can tell the topic really hit a nerve for you, like bad.

No. 1856515

Do you forks for pizza, chicken wings, sandwiches, burgers, nuggets and fries? So many American foods are finger foods you’re just a little ignorant

No. 1856517

I personally do because I'm anal and refuse to touch my mouth to my hand. I can't speak for the rest of the discharge eating amerifags though

No. 1856518

>you're just a little ignorant
I literally said in my post that it has nothing to do with race stop being a gunt

No. 1856520

You’re eating sandwiches and chicken wings with a fork?

No. 1856522

I dont eat bone in chicken wings i eat tenders and boneless wings because they're fork friendly and yeah i do cut my burgers and sadnwiches up with a knife and fork because i also hate biting into it and all of the tomato or all of the lettuce coming out in one bite. If i cut it all up i can guarantee that its distributed evenly and i don't lose an entire condiment in one bite

No. 1856523

Yoire being unintentionally ignorant. So many American foods are foods your eat with you hands. Tacos, chicken tenders etc but since you see Indians doing it you think it’s unsanitary because you assume their hands aren’t clean.

No. 1856524

>t-thtop being a gunttt

No. 1856526

>I dont eat bone in chicken wings i eat tenders and boneless wings
Are you a fucking 5 year old that hasn't experienced any food outside of McDonald's nuggies??? I hate a childish bitch that can't eat chicken with the bone in. Grow up!!!

No. 1856527

No humans hands are completely clean, that goes for all of us. I only mentioned indians because they are literally the only country i can think of that doesn't use some form of cutlery for any foods. every single person i see shoving food into their nasty moiuths with their hands looks gross, but i see indians doing it the most often where i live

No. 1856529

Right. They so all this stuff(putting on make up, dressing up and getting their hair done) then whine about how hard it is that men like them. Get fat and stop doing that stuff then since you hate it so much.

No. 1856530

Uh pardon? I have before I just don't want to because I am at a point in my life where I don't want to get my hands near my mouth. You're probably like 21 sit the fuck down

No. 1856531

Why is it that we can't just post unpopular opinions here and go along with our days. Why does everyone need to try to change your mind or call you racist or make incorrect assumptions

No. 1856532

Nta but you use a fork for candies and ice cream cones too?

No. 1856534

wtf do they really not use cutlery?? i never knew, but tbf i dont know any indian foods either
that sounds fake for some reason (?) i just like…assumed they would use it even in their own foods

No. 1856537

I don't like ice cream cones I eat my gelato out of a bowl with a spoon, also I eat soft chocolate truffles with a fork

No. 1856538

>she actually eats candy with a fork

No. 1856539

File: 1705384494433.png (303.61 KB, 1308x510, indiana.png)

They use cutlery and kitchen tools to prepare foods of course but its not within their etiquette to use them at the table

No. 1856541

File: 1705384811983.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.83 KB, 300x450, 8ED53846-0749-4216-97CF-BF1603…)

Why don’t you have a strong reaction to white people who eat finger foods?

No. 1856545

Oh my fucking lord for the last time; I hate it when all people do it! And I specifically mentioned indians because it is the indian diaspora who I personally witness in front of my face doing it the most, not white people. When I'm at a restaurant everyone will be eating with a fork and knife except for a group of indians who will just be shoving food in their mouths with reckless abandon and none of the wait staff is allowed to ask them to stop because its 'racist' even if its grossing out other customers. I have a strong reaction whenever I see it, however if you lurk upthread more you'll see me inform everyone that I specified indians because they are who I see do it the most often. Please learn how to fucking read.

No. 1856551

Well from my perspective it depends on the restaurant. Are you at an American restaurant or an indian restaurant? If you’re at an Indian restaurant you can’t get grossed out by the foods they have that are intended to be eaten that way.

No. 1856555

maybe because there's been hourly
>I'm not racist but man do I hate when this race does xyz
Immediately followed by the person admitting they are a racist in this thread. So people aren't taking those kinds of comments at face value anymore.

No. 1856559

anon if I was at an indian restaurant do you think i'd be having that kind of quarrel with such behavior. you go to an indian restaurant obviously you're going to see indians, and that is obviously not where I was.

No. 1856561

its not racist to think their behavior is gross, especially when it is

No. 1856562

I don’t understand what kind of foods they could be eating at an American restaurant that everyone else doesn’t use their hands for. I doubt they’re eating pasta and mash potatoes with their hands.

No. 1856566

everything except soup is eaten with their hands. yes, that includes things like mashes potatoes, pasta, pancakes, grits, cake, salad; anything that isn't hot that they're able to hold in their hands. i've seen it all at my place over the years.

No. 1856569

>that includes things like mashes potatoes, pasta, pancakes, grits, cake, salad
now you're just lying kek. there's a pretty decent indian community where i live too and they always eat western foods with whatever cutlery they're eaten with normally

No. 1856574

that is a random and stupid thing to lie about but if you really want to reject that then ok

No. 1856575

Yeah. I'm totally lying about indian men shoving grits into their beard just for the sake of lolcow, officers take me away.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1856582

I'm pretty sure I recently saw someone post a video of that on tiktok and it got reposted on Twitter, is that what prompted this infight

No. 1856586

I don't use social media but thank you for confirming that this is a normal occurrence!

No. 1856598

Oh I want nothing horse in this race. I do think it's a more culturally acceptable thing there, idk it's not something I go out of my way to think about.

No. 1856605

When we had the lolcow awards, a little over 700 people voted. And then there are people who didn't vote. So clearly there are more than 100 visitors.

No. 1856607

You do understand that an attractive woman is still going to get harassed looking her worst, right? What are you even talking about?

No. 1856610

It happens regardless.

No. 1856637

I was stalked in Japan like three times during one year. It's not that safe 'sexually'. In my country that's also among the safest you're more likely to get pickpocketed but less likely than Japan to get molested and I prefer that.
To your point about culture mixing, it's been worse here since we got a lot of Ukrainian immigrant moids so I think you're right that monolith cultures tend to be safer. We're both slav but the difference in our culture (western/eastern) is very big
I think moids also just feel like they need to 'conquer' the new country they're in so they harass its women and cause trouble for the men. They're much more religious too, I think once you get in religious people the sexism and harassment starts. A lot of the safest counties have the weakest religion.

No. 1856651

you can critize blackwashing without bringing out the slurs, which seems to be impossible for many people

stereotype overlap, feisty = sassy

lowest ranking in white hierarchy, but higher than pocs

No. 1856653

i was forced to watch like 3 eps of frieren not too long ago and i just fucking HATED IT it's so fucking boring and that shitty elf is dry as hell. i hate looking at her and i hate the gay ass flashbacks that happen every 5 mins of her faggot friend. also i hate spyxfamily too i want anya to be beat to death with hammers

No. 1856654

exactly people are so harsh and openly vile towards towards the actual black actresses. Raceswaps involving black men never get as much negative attention

No. 1856655

i don't care

No. 1856656

“Like” three times? You can’t remember how many times what is supposed to be such a dangerous thing happened to you?

No. 1856657

exactly, it's american trash but no people wanna throw slurs around

No. 1856659

or maybe i would prefer to see real people instead big booty stereotypes or social justice mammy roles that whites love to write us into

No. 1856664

People are always pointing out how bad and filled with gross germs normal everyday things are like "ur kitchen counter has x amount of germs", "your toilet shoots up poop particles all over the room when you flush" but like we all aren't dying like flies from it or getting constantly sick. We didn't evolve for perfectly clean areas, we evolved to be out in nature where a billion bugs are always around you, the ground is literally dirt and animals shit and piss all around you all day. No matter how gross it sounds it's actually fine, we can handle it, just wash your hands and go.

No. 1856672

Sometimes I think maybe I should be more conscientious about cleanliness (not that I'm grubby, just not likely to close the toilet lid when I flush and things like that, also I am not strict about food expiry dates kek), but then I remember I never get sick aside from the sniffles once a year. So I must be doing something right and getting the perfect amount of germs for my immune system.

No. 1856679

Yeah three times. I'm esl and didn't really put any emphasis on like. It's just a filler word. Weird thing to criticise imo.

No. 1856682

You're esl but you type just like dumb teenage girls from the USA speak. You're either lying or really dumb.(infighting)

No. 1856683

nta but why are anons in this thread so aggressive for no reason? this is such a strong reaction to someone giving their opinion on the word "like" kek

No. 1856684

yeah i thinks need to do a better job of racebait in thresds like this

If they thought we were inferior, they wouldn't even bother speak up or think about us

No. 1856693

You weeaboo tards are so fucking pathetic. Japan will never be your uguu animu kawaii perfect country where nothing bad ever happens, and everyone's allowed to talk about what they've been through there. Nitpicking "like" tells me you are an ESL pickme with an inferiority complex about her accent and word use, or a malding scrote using the smallest thing to try and discredit something that triggered you.

No. 1856694

You honor me if you think I speak like a native American. Even a dumb one. I said it was like three times because I wasn't writing a serious essay and I also wasn't sure if I should count in the not really scary times when someone would just follow me around during a shopping trip and so on, so it would be more than three times that way. So I said 'like three times'. Do you have any questions so I can prove to you I'm not lying? I don't know why it's so important to you but ask away. I'm slav that was an exchange student in Japan and lived there for a bit with my ex.

No. 1856695

blame the decline in american cartoons and casting directors

No. 1856702

i'm gonna stop using this site, full of bait and whiny texts, happy 2024 for me

No. 1856703

Not really unpopular in general, just with a certain group.
So people don't see their own fetish as bad no matter what it is, because it brings them joy so they "can't" understand why it's gross or even harmful to other people. It's nearly impossible to get them to see it as bad no matter how obvious it is to everyone around them. It's why otherwise nice men still defend porn, AGPs defend their womanface, pedos say the children are capable of consenting etc. And that's also why fujos are so aggressively asserting their fujo interests are fine and that hating on it is wrong. They find it sexually arousing, so they literally can't understand why anyone would have an issue with it. They'll even deny it's a type of fetish when it's clear to everyone around them that it is.

No. 1856704

this would be me but it's the ONLY place I can complain about troons

No. 1856706

not true, some jobs need to be done and not everyone can be a software engineer working at home. It's more dignified and less competition for the minimum unautomated jobs to have a living wage than everyone trying and failing to be rich

No. 1856707

lab technicians are losers who get paid like shit, pennies for an hour

99% of their work will be automated by 2030

No. 1856708


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No. 1856710

and how stupid/mentally ill are all those poor people? Daily rapes and beatdowns in the slums

imagine defending that in the name of natalism

No. 1856712

moid(constant low quality bait&infighting)

No. 1856714

notice how no one gives a shit about the quality of life?

No. 1856715

fatty(constant low quality bait&infighting)

No. 1856717

imagine being pissed women don't want to spend hours of their day cleaning up piss and shit

No. 1856718

Natalists are implicit white supremacists, always dog-whistling about how the "productive" population has too few kids while the "lazy" populations have too much. Instead of harassing women, go build some artificial wombs(Spamming countless posts in a row to fill up the thread)

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