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No. 1851006
>>1850985dying young basically made her into a martyr. usually the reputation and fame fade with age. edward viii was basically a worldwide super star as prince of wales in the 1920s but his misbehaviour was less charming as he aged, his reputation tanked and ended up a shrivelled old has been. maybe if he'd broken his neck at 36 he'd have got the diana treatment.
>>1850991ngl there's some stuff about monarchy i find interesting but it's bc so many of them are lolcows.
No. 1851014
>>1850989I am so tired of how extreme breeding animals has become in general.
Like Maine Coon cats now have huge Chad chins for no reason, and it looks so ugly. Or Oriental shorthairs with those disgusting Dumbo ears. Same with Siamese cats. It is just so gross to see a normal animal be so skewed out of proportion just for some kind of novelty for their owner.
Then with cats you also have those nasty delf cats. The dwarf Sphinx cats? The hairless ones. But there are dwarfs. So they have squat little legs, and a long back. Like a cat version of a wiener dog. But so many of them are born with twisted up legs and nasty health problems. People keep breeding them because they are a novelty that can sell for a lot of money. Just so disgusting to me.
No. 1851035
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>>1851006i blame Disney making people empathize with princes and princesses. I see royals as nothing but parasites.
There are still spanish people who are staunchingly pro monarchy and i don't get it. "muh our people need a symbol and thats the king", a symbol that does nothing of value and costs the nation a gazillion dollars to support. The house bourbon has centuries of history of being degenerate fuckups that are incompetent at everything and aren't even spanish but french!
No. 1851051
>>1851035ayrt and sorry about the bourbons, we didn't send our best with felipe v.
ngl i find monarchy shit entrtaining bc they're basically entertainment to me, here in france we havent had a monarch in living memory so it looks all pretty funny to us. but i'd'like it less of my taxes had to pay for them for sure.
No. 1851080
I truly think viewing the vast majority of men as pornsick, evil pedos is a very harmful mindset for women. I don't give a fuck how it impacts moids because it doesn't at all, it has no affect on men. But it does end up hurting women by normalizing ways of thinking and behaviors that truly don't apply to all men.
If we just write off every man as (list of bad things) where is the reason to hold any average man to better standards? If X bad trait is "just how men are" then where is the pressure for a man to be better? It also is just depressing and demoralizing for women that do still have to interact with men without choice. It's not good or healthy for men to think that every man I'm forced to interact with on a daily basis is a pedo predator by nature.
A mild example of this is porn. Saying all men watch porn and the tiny minority who don't are exceptions to the rule just normalizes porn watching. If that's just a baseline male behavior, there's no pressure for men to do otherwise. But if they knew plenty of men willingly abstained from porn then they would know their behavior is a sign of low intelligent, low self control, poor impulse control on their part rather than something innate and expected of them.
And again, to reiterate, I say all of this because of my concern for how it affects women. I have a nigel, but he's the only man I interact with willingly besides my mother's boyfriend who I've written off as a bad person already. Men are not affected by anything women say about them, so it's not about protecting men at all. I just think it leads to us handwaving the behaviors of the worst, worthless, bottom of the barrel cretin moids rather than making sure they know they're not normal and pressuring them to change or at least exile themselves from society.
No. 1851092
>>1851080I remember being a teenager and watching old 70s movies with my parents and being surprised when a pervert looking at a dirty magazine was openly mocked by the protagonists. He was laughed at and told "your eyes will fall out if you read that".
Nowadays it seems it's gotten worse, with teenage boys being influenced by older teenage boys going "Porn huh huh huh, porn I watch porn, isn't porn cool?".
It's hard, on one hand they never stood a chance and it wasn't warned against. On the other hand it's like drugs, you can't trust a drug addict and you can't trust a porn addict. I think a healthy zero tolerance for it in a relationship is probably the best way.
No. 1851118
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All the sperging about Margot Robbie is weird because she does have a defined waist, just with a wider frame which isn’t a bad thing. Her facial bone structure is gorgeous imo.
No. 1851131
>>1851080Wait you actually got a point. Porn didn't use to be so widespread or accepted as an addiction, suggestive material always existed but being
addicted to it to the point of referencing it 24/7 and ruining your personal perceptions and relationships was seen as wacko behavior, straight up creep shit. There was always that "joke" degenerate character with tons and tons of porn magazines and a ruined marriage that people would laugh at and think to themselves "ew wtf that's pathetic, couldn't be me" now look
No. 1851146
>>1851080I get what you're saying. My opinion of men tanked in the past several months because of some stuff that happened to me, and in some ways I've just been more alert to bad things that I didn't really recognize before but admittedly sometimes it's excessive and it honestly only hurts me to be extremely pessimistic by default. Plus in truth I get along very well with many men in my life (not romantically I mean like my dad and peers) so it doesn't do me good to constantly be paranoid towards people who are consistently kind to me.
I'm aware that a lot of men watch porn, and when they bring it up I always shame them about it being deviant and not normal… But I'm trying to only judge people based on what I actually see and not on tinfoiling about them having x y z evil traits, so I'm trying not to assume it of everyone. In any case I've known men who speak out against porn so I know it's not 100%.
No. 1851238
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Birthday makeup is the final boss of the worst makeup trends all in 1. Too much product, full glam drag queen aesthetic and makeup techniques, purposely harsh contour, etc. Nobody pulls it off. They call people moids for disliking it but honestly it looks bad anyway. I understand wearing colorful stuff for your birthday, but what's the obsession with looking like a drag?
No. 1851248
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Gay pride events should be banned. They have already gotten the right to marry etc what are they marching for anyway?
No. 1851260
>>1851255Drag queen is woman "blackface".
Fag hags and karens are cracking up with drag queen antics not realizing they are the butt of the joke.
No. 1851274
>>1851163>>1851243Idk I just like tall muscle men and I also like little scrawny cute bigdicks but I also like the moderate men as well. I wish it were socially acceptable to have a harem. Just one boyfriend that works for you, one who cleans for you, all of them just at your disposal. sometimes I wanna start a cult to justify it. I wish human men acted a bit like other animals where they fight other males for attention from females, for some reason it’s reversed in humans and women have to be the ones to get picked sadly. That’s why there are so many pickmes.
>>1851236I didn’t mean like trophy wife, I feel like we could just be pickier, perhaps even greedier with men. I want to have a lot
No. 1851284
>>1851080>>1851092Hard agree. As a comparison, there are countries where going to a strip-club is seen as completely fine and others where it's absolutely not, countries where a man seeing a prostitute is very normalized and countries where it's grounds for immediate divorce. We can and should demand higher standards for men, social behavior is malleable enough that attributing these highly culture-specific behaviors to "male nature" is self-defeating. Men deeply crave social approval (like women do) and making being a coomer being a loser would work. Wanting higher standards for men is also a more effective way to shame moids (see the epidermic reaction they have when they see a woman has standards and doesn't accept porn) because it actually reminds them that they can't handwave their behavior so easily, and a way to make women question their acceptance of some behaviors that they've seen as normal because of society.
I also agree putting them all in the same basket makes your individual life worse if you have to interact with men, which the vast majority of women do (I feel like it's better to act based on what you actually know of the person, while keeping in mind that you never really know what's going on in someone else's head). Being too radical could also turn some women away from being more discerning with men because it contradicts their experiences - for example there are plenty of dudes who are clearly not pedos, but are shitty in a myriad of other ways.
No. 1851302
>>1851280It's because I actually like my job and would be bored if I stopped working lol. I probably also have some issues with control and I've always had this fantasy about being the breadwinner and having a stay at home hot husband, unfortunately I like non-pornsick men with soft features, pretty face, and beautiful long hair, and at my age (almost 30), most once pretty moids have already faced the twink death, sadly
>>1851286Yeah, I would probably get bored of this, too. Unless it's a very smart moid who can hold actual conversations but I'm yet to find such a man
No. 1851336
>>1851332>why do straight women lust after cock???damn
nonny i wonder why…
No. 1851343
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>>1851338>he's hotyeah, sure.
No. 1851351
>>1851333i've eaten rabbit and would probably try dog meat if i was traveling to a country where its offered.
Rabbit meat isn't that good and dog and cat meat probably isn't either, i don't consider myself an hipocrite because i find them better as pets and don't see any good reason to bread them for food since its just an inferior form of animal protein than other farm animals.
No. 1851388
>>1851348I ended up in a situation like that tbh and it's not as hot as you think. My ex fiance proposed to me when I was 20 after I moved out at 19 with the help from my dad to get me away from my
abusive mum att. My dad helped the both of us with bills and we stupidly agreed for my dad to set up a direct debit to my ex because the accounts were already set up in his name as he worked in a call centre after dropping out of the art college interview process because he felt like his art could speak for himself and he was to lazy to put together a presentation. He encouraged me to give up on uni as we're all wage slaves wah which I did so I could get an office drone wage slave job. I was getting promotions and working up but hit the glass ceiling so to speak around 23. He by this time had left his job to become an artist, now we really needed my dad's help because I couldn't afford our rent and outgoings on 1 wage. Our sex life went to shit because I resented him, he became jealous and petulant. He was unemployed didn't do any chores would bring home random animals for me to look after. Just a pure annoying manchild. He ended up doing part time seasonal work cause my dad had a go at him and was talking about giving us a deposit for a house and reduce my monthly rent to a lesser mortgage. None of this happened though because I came back from work on my lunchbreak to pick up contracts for our new house and we had an argument. He hit me, winded me. Hit me against an exposed brick wall, cut me. Floored me. The dog then got between us and snapped at him that made him stop. I had to go back to work with visible cuts and marks and they let me go home early. I broke up with him a week or two later. Men don't want to be bangmaids. My ex was a video game addict and vegetarian you'd think he would be a pushy and non confrontational but I don't know where his ego came from. He was good looking as a teenager but I was literally his only girlfriend so I don't know who inflated his self worth. He hit the wall hard and married the daughter of the man he started doing the seasonal work for.
No. 1851393
>>1851332I work all day and want to keep on doing it because I like my work.
>while sidelining her own pleasureAbout this part, I have a freaking thing for giving pleasure to the people I sleep with. I'm bisexual, have been with more women than men, I've done the same thing for every single woman I've dated (which means I get along better with pillow princesses). I don't think it's that deep, really, probably just a fetish because I like tying them and stuff.
No. 1851407
>>1851399the only reason women dont date younger or start dating younger after the date a really bad old ugly moid it's because it's frowned upon, by other women no less. You will see a woman date a qte 20yo and they will treat her like a pedophile slut. It's actually so funny when women cheat on their scrotes with younger guys, i laughed my ass off at destiny's wife leaving him for a tinder twink
>>1851402why would you date a men for the money? just work yourself you lazy retard
No. 1851413
>>1851382>>1851391I don't believe this shit, because women who date their own age or older are always taking care of him, nagging him to do shit, running themselves ragged because he refuses to wash a dish.
The younger men you're talking about sure, maybe if they are 18-19, but guys in their 20s are way more likely to do chores, eat pussy, listen to when you speak. Of course, you have to choose a moid who has emotionally intelligence, just like you would if you dated an older guy (yuck). So you might as well date the younger, hotter guy, even if he has less financial assets.
I feel like everyone wants to harp on younger guys being more immature but it just doesn't look like that in reality, because old scrotes aren't more mature by default and you still have to vet for emotional maturity as much as younger guys, so might as well go for the hotter younger guy who listens and isn't set in his ways like geriatic scrotes are.
No. 1851442
>>1851395>Eating too much red meat gives people cancer, yet nobody is trying to ban beefBecause red meat is an excellent source of
protein, the best in fact, which is necessary for the body, unlike dog meat, which is low quality protein
>Not some dog living the same life that billions of equally intelligent pigs are also livingFunny you mention it, pigs also contain good protein, and are very easy to fatten up, plus carry less disease, hence the difference in treatment. It's about practicality.
No. 1851444
>>18514162 years ago I dated a guy just 2 years my junior (he was 31!) And immature as fuck and kept trying to use his dead mother as a manipulation tactic. I had to nuke the whole thing because I couldn't cope with him playing
victim and also trying to come across like I was a Milf and he was some hot young lad. You're 5'8 and I'm 5'7 david you were just short with a little dick. We had a big blow up cause I said something along the lines of your mum would be embarrassed how you use her death frequently to manipulate people and he was so excited to latch on to this and be like how dare you talk about my dead mother! It was so fucking cringe I blocked him
No. 1851456
>>1851414Because it puts you in a vulnerable position, not just towards him but also if something happens to him and he can no longer work or pay for your living.
Personally I like working. I have a comfortable, steady 9 to 5 with the local government, plenty of vacation days, nice coworkers, the work itself is decently fulfilling/meaningful and not stressful. Get home at 5:30 and have the rest of the evening and the weekends to myself. I live alone and my home is small so chores aren't unreasonably time consuming or draining. The single working lifestyle is a pretty comfortable and chill lifestyle ime. I guess it's important to secure a job that isn't physically or mentally draining.
No. 1851464
>>1851461>>1851460you dont fit in with your cringe
femcel larp lol
No. 1851518
>>1851512I think i'm a bit picky too, i had some crushes in school but they were usually taken or they didn't show interest so i didn't bother to try to talk with them more. and as i said since guys usually don't directly approach me nothing happens
>>1851513I'm aware of that but i also don't know where i could possibly meet new people other than clubbing or by going to bars which is not my thing anyway
No. 1851543
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>>1850977I blame this 4chan tranny tier image for the quality of this thread. Shame on you.
No. 1851559
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>>1851543True, we need more sharpeis.
(personalityfagging) No. 1851565
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Being one of those blonde rich sorority girls seems like the best life. I want to be them. I just wonder what it must feel like to be born at the top of the food chain.
No. 1851592
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>>1851590I feel like all of their outfits are over the 300 dollar range. Their outfits are my month bill costs that I have to wage kek and be degraded for. Life ain’t fair.
No. 1851604
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>>1851593>>1851595The girl with the pink sleeveless top got her top from this store and nothing on there appears to cost less than 300 dollars. It looks cheap but it isn’t lol it’s probably cheap to them tho.
No. 1851608
>>1851333What separates dog meat "culture" from other meat is that no one unironically has the belief that the more pain and suffering the animal goes through, the "better" it tastes, and no one kidnaps people's pets to eat them in a festival.
In general, there's no reason to eat cat or dog meat. The people doing it aren't in a famine anymore. We eat enough animals, I'm really sick of some countries' backward mentality re: food (for example, I can only think of one country where anyone deliberately eats eggs soaked in little boy's piss) and inflict the most suffering on animals as possible (eg, eating animals while still alive as well as the aforementioned sadism and pet kidnapping shit). Koreaboos and China worshipers who think they're woke for acting like some things aren't just degenerate get the rope.
No. 1851674
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>>1851661>wagiesIdk the girl in the pink top must be rich her house is huge.
No. 1851719
>>1851714Polilez larper fuck off. Dick will never be pussy and vice versa.
>b-but baking and daintyYou have a tranny's mentality
No. 1851768
>>1851759Yeah they can but if that’s all they do with no job it’s a turn off. Would never be able to respect someone like that. Letting your wife go out in the cold and work while you sit in the house and act like you’re Betty Crocker? Not for me
>>1851753Not me but my bf is a blue collar dude. He’s a mechanic and does construction on side.
No. 1851799
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I'd kill myself if my husband wasn't able to bake.
No. 1851985
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This sort of thing is an insult to SA victims
No. 1852074
>>1852069>>1852039>>1852032Both the cheating moid and the woman who smiles in the
victim's face and acts like they're friends just to backstab her are at fault.
No. 1852094
>>1852087>no need to assumeThe beginning of the conversation and all other posts about the topic so far have been about men. Stop pretending you're offended by banal things, kek.
If you're an adult, seek therapy if you really don't see how it's wrong to knowingly sleep with someone taken, or why a normal person would consider it as such. No one here can really help you.
No. 1852123
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Men cheat and treat women badly all the time and have successful careers anyway. I’m not going to stop being an Ariana fan just because she’s a cheater etc. imma stick beside her.
No. 1852124
>>1852094Why do you think I’m offended? I just never said men.
>>1852089Basically what I’m saying. Not to sound like a dick but relationships are in the end a social construct like marriage, divorce, birthdays etc. I don’t engage in relationships, people who decide to be in them can do their own thing but it’s nothing to do with me. The problem with cheating is the betrayal of someone you love’s trust. I didn’t do that. I just don’t see how it’s any worse than like, cutting in line or something.
Anyway this kind of discussion is interesting to me because apparently over 50% of people cheat, and 70-80% would cheat if they knew they wouldn’t get caught. Perhaps the sample was skewed but it sounds pretty common to me. So it’s interesting how demonised it is to even be related to the act of cheating, even if you weren’t the cheater themselves.
No. 1852272
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>>1852261They look the exact same. Are you a dog historian or something do you have evidence that conflicts this? Sharpei’s don’t suffer from breathing problems or pain from their bodily structure the way that pugs do
No. 1852277
>>1852271What the fuck? Because men are inconsiderate animals who don’t know what it’s like to be viscerally attracted to someone to the extent that you want to be
only with them and no one else? Now you really sound like a fucking moid kek just walk away
No. 1852292
>>1852283That picture could easily be a meme, like
No. 1852293
>>1852283>HEY LOOK SEE THIS ONE DOG IS OBESE SO THAT MEANS EVERY SINGLE OWNER DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO CARE FOR THEIR BREED OF DOG SEE!!11Just because there are poorly adjusted American pet owners who do not know how to care for their pet does not mean that every single dog is poorly bred and uncared for…? It means they are poorly cared for by their specific owner. It is still inexcusable and
abusive against the puppy, however you can’t blame that on every single sharpei. I hope that you’re able to make sense of that kek.
No. 1852315
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No. 1852331
>>1852262Kind of dumb. What if I was Ariana Grande? Women can be homewreckers. If anything moids hate women like this and they use it to fuel their incel manifestos. Should I transition? Is it ok when I sleep with women with boyfriends or girlfriends? Bi women with nigels are often deprived of decent sex.
>>1852266It hurts please stop. I’m not the other anon btw, so don’t assume you’re talking to the same person.
No. 1852431
>>1852427Once again:
>We're talking about men cheating on women, dumbfuck.You genuinely seem like you might be ESL. You don't know the difference between women cheating on men and men cheating on women, so you're arguing with the air.
No. 1852456
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You're all so retarded and that not even in the endearing way anymore. Stop it. Stop it right now.
No. 1852457
The amount of thinly veiled anorexia/orthorexia influencers and content is way worse then some dumb HAES lolcow or two. The second you watch one slightly diet related video you'll be bombarded with content like "what I eat in a day" that are filled with straight up bodychecks and where most of the food is some protein version of normal meals. It's genuinely concerning the amount of misinformation you'll see, like an endless amount of people claiming that no matter what they eat, they just can't gain weight their metabolism is just that fast! Which isn't how it works unless you have a medical condition. Nobody looks at some HAES lolcow going 'I sure want to get that obese!' but people DO look at the fitfluencers wanting to desperately get those bodies.
>>1851527>>1851540nta but everyone I know who is in a relationship either met in school or through work. I feel like randomly meeting someone outside of that and getting in a relationship is rare.
No. 1852462
>>1852442How are men being fucked over by you having sex with them? What is this libfem shit, kek?
>There is nothing earned by shaming me and others who agree with me when moids are out getting pats on the back for “stealing someone’s girl” or successfully hiding affairs, sometimes both at the same time.There are tons of women bragging about "stealing someone's man", have you ever listened to a song? Their obsession with validation through "stealing" men is why they are pickmes, and the men doing it are trashy and disgusting too. What's not clicking in your brain?
No. 1852470
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imagine the shits(wrong thread)
No. 1852478
>>1852462For goodness sake can you read? I said I’m bisexual. So I’ve slept with women with nigels.
How is it trashy? It’s just there isn’t a difference to me whether or not someone is taken, it’s not my obligation because I’m not the one in a relationship. If it helps most times they came onto me first.
No. 1852560
wheat, there’s an extra e in there.
No. 1852564
>>1852552Yeah they both suck as overrated foods that aren't good and they're wheat.
I hate donuts too for the same reason. Cake too.
No. 1852621
>>1852607Me and
>>1852602 are not the same person, kek.
No. 1852651
>>1852616Ntayrt (I’m one of the ones upthread) but I’m curious as to whether you’d consider this anti-social if it was a woman saying she only sleeps with faggot’s boyfriends or men’s girlfriends. Like, is deciding to have sex with someone to happens to be in a relationship what you dislike or is it the woman getting hurt that bothers you? Just wondering.
Either way cheating is way too common (amongst both men and women) for you to be acting this way about people saying they
wouldn’t cheat, but don’t have any kind of obligations as someone not in a relationship. Objectively actually cheating itself is worse, no? We can agree on that? If so, then if cheaters, as plentiful as they are don’t get told they have mental illnesses I don’t see how we should be acting like this is any worse.
Also I disagree with the banning, I think it’s an interesting discussion, I didn’t know that anons would be so vehemently against it.
No. 1852728
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fucking mod is desperate for attention lmao
No. 1852770
A lot of people feel like they're enlightened about relationships but then have a terrible approach to trying to help a woman with an awful bf/husband. They think it helps to "get through to her" by alogging the guy but it completely disregards that she most often genuinely loves him and is going to feel at least moderately taken aback by you sperging out over someone she cares for, as anyone would. Then they often get impatient and victim blame when she doesn't immediately go "gee you're so smart and right, I'm going to dump him right now!" If you can't recognize that women have genuine reasons for not leaving an unhealthy relationship like risking their safety, losing financial stability, causing harm to their social connections/reputation because of the "drama," getting into legal trouble, simply not having the energy or support to make a change, or tons of other reasons that aren't just "she's retarded" then you're not very different from the men who nitpick women's behavior and claim that they were are asking for it when they get hurt.
Also when you alog, a lot of abusers are able to leverage that as a manipulation tactic ("see, these other people are hysterical and just hate on true love") to keep her more isolated. It also takes the focus off of helping her rebuild confidence and isn't centered around her deserving better, it's centered around him deserving worse, which isn't going to be something she wants or that helps her feel more empowered even if YOU feel that way. It doesn't help her make her own choices if you insist and scream that she needs to leave right now regardless of how ready or safe she feels doing so, you're just pressuring her to obey a different person's demands for her life. Tons of people are acting like they're trying to help but they're really just trying to fuel their own hero complex and it shows when they get mad about pushback that should naturally be expected, and hurl disdain towards a woman who doesn't enthusiastically eat up all their advice.
No. 1853026
>>1852770totally agree, but recently i've come to understand the other side. i've had a female friend explain to me she'd use her friends to mitigate her unhealthy relationship. she had zero intention to leave, but she took her friends' advice and concern to soothe herself before she returned to him. eventually they told her they wouldn't play therapist anymore and it shook her into realizing what she was doing.
she only left him after the crutch was removed and she had to fully stomach the toxicity. this confirmed my suspicions about this being a thing, i've definitely been the concerned friend before.
i do think it's situational, depending on an violent husband with kids in the picture is very different from having a
toxic relationship with a man you don't live with. i wish people would look more into material factors for DV/marital rape instead of viewing it only through a psychological lens.
No. 1853129
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Unpopular opinion on this website, but he used to be so pretty. What could cause someone to hit the wall so incredibly hard though wtf
No. 1853134
>>1853130He’s not even 50 though and he looks like a shriveled little old man. I know men age faster and 50 for males is like 70 for women, but damn. He hit the wall very suddenly too.
>>1853132I actually enjoyed that show but I hate Stevan Knight. He made Tommy such a loserish misogynistic whore, a lot of the script sounded like self insert fiction written by a 15 year old boy who thought it sounded hot, like the entire plot with Tatiana for example
No. 1853191
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>>1853189I said WHATS MINE IS MINE.
No. 1853201
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Cillian is a known tif(retarded bait)
No. 1853223
>>1853216>more word saladYou obviously do, or you wouldn't have started foaming at the mouth at something so benign. I don't even know what you mean by "broken record", this is the first time I've made that (correct) statement. This is lolcow, not twitter, bitch.
>gun in your mouth your posts always suchNo clue what you're trying to say here. Learn English and quit cockgobbling for shitty men.
No. 1853553
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>>1853548Redhead erasure
(racebaiting) No. 1853561
>>1853553Not that I agree with racewashing characters just for brownie points, but I think it's kind of ironic that it took this to make randos care about redheads. For as long as I remember, everybody took the piss out of redheads by saying they were uggo and had no souls and shit.
now people care?
okie dokie then kek
No. 1853602
File: 1705224164060.jpg (6.18 MB, 7326x3128, 1000013374.jpg)

>>1853594NTA, but what you're talking about seem to be religious figures, that real people value and worship as a part of their culture. Who the fuck cares about a mermaid that was only invented to make kids entertained? Why do people come up with the worst analogies to justify losing sleep over TV/movie characters that no adult should really care about? Why even drag religion into this? Like, holy shit anon, here's twenty dollars, go buy some real problems.
No. 1853656
>>1853649It's a stupid ragebait cash grab. Like
>>1853624 said, I don't care if Cinderella or Ariel are black, or any character that doesn't have their looks as a character defining trait. If anything, Caribbean Ariel would've been cool and the crab already had a Jamaican accent. But Cleopatra was so Greek and a real, living person that I don't know why they'd cast someone clearly
not Greek or Egyptian to play her? It's like casting a blonde white woman to play Mulan.
No. 1853659
>>1851333I just don't think eating the meat of carnivorous animals is a good idea. I don't know it's on the same level of fucked up as eating monkeys, which is done in Congo iirc. They're too close to us in the food chain I don't know how to say this otherwise.
>rabbits are seen simultaneously as both food and pets but I don't see people sperging of how rabbit meat is as cruel as dog meat.I do kek, I will never, ever eat rabbits unless I absolutely have to someday. Same reason why I'll never, ever eat snails despite being French. I used to take snails outside and raise them when I was a kid.
No. 1853697
>>1853672>They are also carnivores which means you have to feed them other animals which makes it excessively stupidPigs reach almost 700lbs in months just by eating grass and beans, to fatten a dog to that extent you gotta give him
meat, which would be expensive and even then it's going to take a while before they actually reach a big enough size, maybe a year and half. It's just retarded
No. 1853749
>>1853346I am just so tired of how people keep falling for it like YESSS, REPRESENTATION THANK YOU DISNEY, the soulless corporation!
Like we all know they do it for the controversy which some ppl get so up in arms about.
No. 1853865
>>1853585It’s true, whenever someone criticises blackwashing, there are always several anons try to shut it down and cry about how racist we’re being and how it ‘doesn’t matter’ (yet they spend so much time defending it) and I never see this with, for example, transwashing, just odd to see.
Also, People aren’t upset that Annabeth is black because of ‘greek culture’ they’re upset because she was white in the books and her race was changed in the tv show because Rick Riordan loves nothing more than jerking himself off about how progressive and accepting he is.
No. 1853905
>>1853135Different anon, I opened this thread for the first time so no idea where I’m supposed to 'come back' from. Also that’s not what samefagging is and no problem, the dissonance straights here have between claiming that men are animalistic cheating creatures thinking only of cooming but also treating relationships with them as precious and calling women who don’t want it 'mentally deficient' and being will never be resolved.
>>1853676I give them a year max.
No. 1853930
File: 1705247396627.jpg (509.86 KB, 1697x2048, stop pretending like you give …)

>>1853553How come you lot only care when redheads are "erased" when it's a black actor or actress?
No. 1853942
>>1853934Explain to me how the race isn't as irrelevant as the hair color to all the characters in
>>1853553. Starfire isn't white, by the way. She's literally an alien, lmao.
No. 1853946
>>1853930you just posted more redhead erasure, don't what do you want me to say
>>1853931But zeus and Odin would a black kid. Definitely
No. 1853951
>>1853939Does your racist ass think that black people don't consume any media unless it has black people in it? Do you know how many shows/movies that are popular with no black people and how many black people watch them?
I know you are racebaiting but this is so very stupid.
No. 1853952
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>>1853939So are white people even more narcissistic? Because they've been doing the same thing for far, far longer, and they certainly put themselves in media.
No. 1853957
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>>1853939White people have been playing black roles for decades. It’s so funny seeing white people sperg out because now it’s happening to them.
No. 1853963
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>>1853957It was even done to historical figures. Why would anyone cast John Wayne as Gengis Khan, kek?
No. 1853965
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>>1853961The picture I just showed you is Angelina Jolie playing a mixed race character. And the worse thing about what white people used to do is they didn’t just white wash fictional characters but they did it to actual historical black figures that existed.
No. 1853968
File: 1705248993103.jpg (96.92 KB, 1500x1000, Joseph-Fiennes.jpg)

>>1853961NTA but you're literally replying to one. Here's a white actor (Joseph Fiennes) being cast as Michael Jackson, by the way.
No. 1853971
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>>1853963I remember when they wanted to cast julia roberts as Harriet Tubman kek
No. 1853975
>>1853940We are not the same anon, and I'm from Cuba, y'know, where we got actual yoruba worship. The Yoruba myth occurs on their native context (Africa), just like every other myth around the world, so it makes sense the ethnicity should match the characters interacting in these stories too imo
>>1853942They've similar facial features and skin tone, resembling the og characters with ease. These actors would resemble the original characters by simply dyeing their hair, they already got everything else
>Starfire isn't white, by the way. She's literally an alien, lmaoOkay? We all know she's not human, but she has a certain look most people know her for
No. 1853979
File: 1705249317532.jpeg (60.47 KB, 640x639, 83328255-3F9F-4D3D-861E-8E3819…)

White people complain about black washing characters but can we talk about fat washing? Any character that used to be super pretty and thin has to be changed to chubby and homely now because casting someone attractive is now sexist.
No. 1853986
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>>1853981Right and another example is picking someone much older to play Barbie when Barbie is supposed to be a fresh faced teenager or young adult
No. 1853990
>>1853967No, still white, because casting white actors as actual an fictional non-white figures is something that's still practiced kek
>>1853975Cubans are notorious asslickers to race-autistic America, so it's no surprise you have their mental disorders. I'm not American, and I said they wouldn't care (Nigerians, btw, not "Africa") because only a retard would put race over disrespect of an existing religious practice. For example, no one malded about Princess Nokia for practicing while not being black (which I'm sure is a crazy concept to you), but some people did take offense to her putting it in her music because they saw it as trivializing it. You clearly don't know much about what you're talking about, you vaguely learned about Santeria from your cousin's wife and decided you know.
No. 1853992
>>1853986The barbie movie was meant to appeal to adults in a similar age range, hence the nostalgic branding choices. It wasn't directed towards children.
>>1853979I would have agreed before I knew it was a musical, Not My Fault is a banger so I support her.
No. 1853996
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>>1853991Let's be real, Barbie does not look like a 19 year old. Look at these dolls, which are probably what come to mind when the general public think of 'Barbie' even though these dolls are like 10 years past their shelf life because nobody gives a single shit about the Barbie rebrand for literal snot nosed toddlers. Imo, Margot's a great Barbie.
No. 1854008
File: 1705250201635.png (372.5 KB, 600x672, barbie.png)

>>1853991Damn, 19 year olds looked rough back in the day
No. 1854012
>>1853990You need to chill a bit, you're hurling random ass insults over characters and I didn't give you that energy. People regularly depict the Orishas in illustrations and even featured in comics yet nobody was mad about that nor found it disrespectful, what are you on about? Like really?
>>1854005We are not the same anon, stop acting crazy
No. 1854015
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>>1854008That’s how 19 year olds looked before microplastics
No. 1854017
>>1853975And like
>They've similar facial features and skin tone, resembling the og characters with ease.No, they don't. Why do so many non-white people think white people all look the same? It's actually somewhat racist. Those actors don't resemble the source material, and would not be clocked without prior knowledge. But I don't care when a redhead character has blond or dark hair because it's not that important. Can you explain how race is more relevant than the hair color?
>Okay? We all know she's not human, but she has a certain look most people know her forUnnaturally orange skin and red hair. That's not a race.
No. 1854024
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>>1853968But Michael Jackson was white at that point.
No. 1854028
>>1853963my retarded take is that anyone can play anyone as long as they don't claim it's historically accurate, i actually think it's funny when it's obviously not accurate to history (like the musical hamilton)
i know racism bad and all that, but in the end people are just people and the hyperfocus on race is stupid and should be overcome. i have more in common with women on the other side of the world than with men of my own country
No. 1854029
>>1854012>You need to chill a bit, you're hurling random ass insultsWhat insults? It's the truth, race in fiction is rarely an issue to anyone but Americans and people who really want to be American.
>People regularly depict the Orishas in illustrations and even featured in comics yet nobody was mad about that nor found it disrespectful,Probably because no one knows/cares about those comics (illustrations usually have no issue, you're right there), or you don't actually know many people who practice to get their opinions.
>We are not the same anon,You use "NTA" when you're not someone else, but what I said stands regardless.
>>1854018>Everyone is American and a libfem because that's my backstory before I became a racespergProjecting again, I'm neither of those things as I stated before. Take your meds, anon.
No. 1854030
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>>1853996They look 19 to me. They look like girls going out to a night club in their early 20s not 40. At most they should’ve had Barbie be 26.
No. 1854038
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>>1854017>Unnaturally orange skin and red hair. That's not a raceIn this case, you're right and I didn't even imply otherwise. Anyone playing Starfire just needs those features (bright orange skin and red hair) her actress in that recent production could've been a great option had they followed those directions, her hair is already cute for the character I think
No. 1854055
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>>1854048she dresses like a knockoff version of billie ellish
No. 1854060
>>1854029You just called me an asslicker, that's an insult. I don't care if you're calling me names on a imageboard but if you're going to be rude at least own it properly
>race in fiction is rarely an issue to anyone but AmericansClearly bullshit, try turning Kuzco into a white man, Mulan into a white woman or Tiana into an asian and see what happens. Nobody likes race swapping
No. 1854070
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>>1854065Barbie pre 2000 forsure looks 19
No. 1854163
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Any pets bigger than cat sized l should be banned from being pets. why do you need a 120lb dog?also snakes and spiders should be banned as pets too. We all know what you creeps like to do with those, you like to watch them eat small animals to get off.
No. 1854211
File: 1705257660406.jpg (87.03 KB, 643x643, 20230622_084053.jpg)

>>1854191Yes jealous are you having trouble understanding that?
>>1854189 basically described it.
>>1854191 No. 1854251
File: 1705258573042.gif (198.12 KB, 285x480, baited.gif)

>>1854189>are jealous of black people.unintentional bait but I'm baited nonetheless
No. 1854253
>>1854189I’ve never seen a black person receive something that I wanted though. Also I can’t recall the last time I saw a darkie make a big splash in any industry? I might just be ignorant like yeah obviously there is a lot of black-centric media out there but I’ve never seen it get taken seriously or actually be well produced enough for it to have like a
big impact on the industry
(racebaiting) No. 1854269
File: 1705258893888.jpeg (753.61 KB, 1035x1759, 1B01B72D-F104-4E76-8E1B-78571D…)

>>1854262White American women have pretty much ruined the fashion industry with the body inclusivity shit
(racebaiting) No. 1854274
>>1854266I thought the cp spammer was racist? Thats what was said last night during the argument with the anon who said
poop skin. This guy sounds like he’s kind of pro-black. What an interesting turn of events.
(nonstop racebaiting/infighting/derailing) No. 1854275
>>1854253>I might just be ignorant like yeah obviously there is a lot of black-centric media out there but I’ve never seen it get taken seriously or actually be well produced enough for it to have like a big impact on the industryI liked the black comedies from the 90s and 00s like "The Black Knight". They were low budget films, but fun, something you can put on on a rainy day or when you have a cold and have a few chuckles.
But it seems like since the 2010s, black people have become utterly obsessed with white people. The film "Get Out" is a total projection of this, making out it's the complete opposite. The new trailer that dropped for "American Society for Magical Negroes" is a manifestation of this. Imagine making a movie for your people and having it be all about how they interact with white people. It could've been something fun like a whimsical adventure that doesn't mention race, but no, they're too obsessed with that.
(racebaiting) No. 1854284
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If you wouldn’t still be pretty even if you were bald then youre ugly and your hair is a veil. Too many ugly women hide behind their hair.
No. 1854307
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>>1854300>show an example of a woman only pretty because of her hairPic related
No. 1854325
I really don't like how random shows or movies are suddenly considered good after a couple years, like retards on twitter just post ONE good clip of something and it's all comments about how they've been saying for yearsss that certain shows are really good and people just kept talking shit about it, SOMETIMES THINGS JUST ARENT GOOD, doesnt mean it's complete fucking dogshit or that you can't enjoy it, why do some people need to have their opinion validated by some strangers just to actually unironically like something? It's so pathetic
>>1854130>>1854163I think it's funny Taylor Lautner got mentioned and a massive dog gets posted lmao
No. 1854352
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>>1854338Smooth heads and chins are more feminine. Pic related would not look like a man or a lesbian if she were bald.
No. 1854360
>>1854352u cant tell me that this comment
wasnt made by the tranny
No. 1854375
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>>1853986Wasn't barbie inspired from a sexworker/sexual icon comic? She was never meant to be a fresh innocent young girl.
No. 1854378
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>>1854363Samefag another example of a woman who would look pretty bald. If I imagine you And you look like a guy bald then you’re ugly (for example Kristen Stewart is ugly)
No. 1854383
File: 1705261262952.jpeg (255.9 KB, 1284x988, 1697423457058.jpeg)

>>1854363Trannies love to bash women's looks and say that they're better at being women than us. /tttt/ calls women cishons.
Also picrel.
No. 1854391
>>1854383I posted examples of pretty women who aren’t troons though here
>>1854378>>1854352. Sorry if thinking Margot robbies Brick head is visually unappealing. I guess that’s troony.
No. 1854401
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>>1854398She looks like she lives in a trailer park and does meth though
No. 1854403
>>1854363I don’t think they are inherently non-feminine, with the right features they can look nice. When i think of women with strong jaws (angelina jolie, candice neil) or protruding eyebrow ridges (gal gadot) they don’t look manly to me.
Trannies are a whole different story because no matter what they look manly, strong eyebrow ridges or jaws just makes them look more monstrous when they do their makeup like a teenage girl
No. 1854408
>>1854383>u have coarse hair on your pussy andasshole
well yeah. Hair grows over areas that need to be protected, such as your eyes, your genitals, your armpits (lymph nodes gather there), and your head. I don’t understand how this guy hasn’t killed himself yet he’s so painfully retarded
No. 1854426
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>>1854414>>1854410You sure about that?
No. 1854441
File: 1705262663464.png (638.96 KB, 602x912, 1141339-an-average-40-year-old…)

>>1854434I'm talking about brown and white men, Korean aunties and grandmamas aren't on Lolcor
>>1854427>>1854437>>1854432I have tons of unpopular opinions, been yelled at and have never been called a man. What are you saying?
No. 1854465
File: 1705263419872.jpg (41.74 KB, 599x213, gray-eyes.jpg)

Grey eyes should be the universal beauty standard. Why? Because they have the most range. They're not soulless like bright blue eyes, and they're also not so dark (like dark brown) that you don't even pay attention to them. It's also the most diverse. We can kind of have any color depending on the weather, what we wear, or the lighting. I'm not even being racist before anyone starts, even Indians can have grey eyes. Most of the prettiest celebrities that nonnies seethe and get jealous about having blue eyes actually just have grey eyes lol.
No. 1854471
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>>1854469Yes and she sleeps with married men
No. 1854483
>>1854468They look ridiculous.
>>1854465Bitch that's just blue
No. 1854484
File: 1705263869343.jpg (75.41 KB, 728x455, angelina-jolie-women-actress-c…)

>>1854465Samefag, when I'm wearing green or fall colors, my eyes tend to look greenish/hazel, and if it's the summer and I'm into my bright colors, they have a pleasant, ocean-blue color to them. I remember when I had a goth era, when I wore all black they'd look somehow muted and pretty, a random woman walked up to me and asked what color my eyes were. I also have partial heterochromia, so there's a literal golden ring around the centers, and they always catch people's attention, even when I don't want it I get compliments on my eyes. I kind of feel like grey-eyed people are almost like the elves of real life, kek.
>>1854473This is a massive cope, there's no such thing. No person with blue eyes has actual gold around their pupils. Not just yellow, gold.
No. 1854496
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>>1854483Actually, it's distinct from blue because people of all races can have them. It's also not an eye color associated with Nazis.
>>1854485I do often change my clothes depending on my mood during the day, so kind of? Kek
>>1854468Picrel. Demon eyes are not cute.
No. 1854518
File: 1705264683041.png (774.41 KB, 640x670, alexandra-daddario-with-brown-…)

>>1854500No one's going to notice boring eyes, no matter the brows, and eye shape can't fix scary soulless eyes. With brown eyes, this actress looks demonic, unsettling
and boring.
>>1854491You shouldn't be impersonating me just because you're jealous. Buy some contacts.
>>1854505Case in point, blue eye fags are just racist. Btw entire Nazi party was filled with autistic men and troons. In many cases, they wore the clothing of women they raped and murdered.
No. 1854520
File: 1705264721984.jpeg (26.85 KB, 650x472, images-8.jpeg)

>>1854509Eye color doesnt matter as much as people think it does. Search celebs eye color swapped and you'll notice that they don't look more or less attractive with different colored eyes. An attractive face will look good with any eye color.
Usually blue eye obsession is common online in self hating nonwhite men chasing white women or neonazi men. I don't know any person irl that cares about eye color.
No. 1854525
>>1854507Sorry, but if your eyes are brown, your skin is probably orange.
>>1854520I've met a lot of people in real life that cared about my eye color (♥). Maybe your eyes are just a bit too boring?
(racebaiting) No. 1854535
File: 1705265096887.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.28 KB, 1300x954, feesh.jpg)

>>1854484I also have grey eyes, and I have the opposite effect. Whenever I wear blue they look way more green, and whenever I wear green they look really blue. Mostly they're just grey though, I think they look a bit creepy tbh (probably because I have a really faint limbal ring). My mum has the same eye colour and calls them 'cod eyes' kek.
No. 1854579
File: 1705265949286.jpg (149.69 KB, 1500x1000, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resour…)

Pizza is overrated and pepperoni is the worst topping choice.
No. 1854587
>>1854541Text hearts are allowed, you're an actual newfag kek
>>1854544The thing is, life isn't fair. Some people are treated as "special" without ever asking for it. Sometimes, it's because we have a very bold eye color. Does everyone need to lie about their experiences to make you feel better? Get over it.
>>1854535I think your mom has been pushing her low self-esteem onto you, anon.
>>1854552>>1854557Black eyes are the blue eyes of brown eyes. Very soulless, not appealing.
No. 1854606
File: 1705266476937.png (2.07 MB, 774x1259, Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 7.07.…)

>>1854602you’re getting so upset and defensive for no reason. Please have a ham and pickle roll up and stop being so sensitive. Poop eyes are cute
No. 1854619
>>1854592Samefag, the worst part is when they try to erase grey eyes and insist they're "just dull blue". Try again, anyone can tell the difference. I have gold in my eyes, don't tell me we're the same.
>>1854590I'm not writing fanfic, it's just my life. Calm down.
>>1854607Actually, my super special eye color is already the beauty standard, considering how many suitors I get. I just think it should be recognized. I'm not even that pretty? I don't know what to tell you.
>>1854588>>1854599>>1854594You're just saying she's more "inviting" because you're less intimidated by her.
No. 1854622
File: 1705266830767.png (72.21 KB, 529x357, Vq4vt-4287936725.png)

How blue eyed people talk about themselves
No. 1854651
>>1854518>this actress looks demonicLmao you must get terrified just going outside and getting groceries
>>1854579Margherita is best pizza
No. 1854665
>>1854659(grey eye anon here)
Well I'm also platinum blonde, so I'm used to the seething from others.
No. 1854669
>>1854658Nah people who say black eyes aren’t an actual eye colour are retarded because blue eyes technically aren’t blue they’re light brown with scattered collagen. My eyes are black too.
Also, why is brown always compared to shit first when there are so many nice brown things? Like foods. People who sperg about eye colour are always mentally ill anyway.
No. 1854673
>>1854667Sharing an
>>1854665Are you rich tho?
No. 1854684
>>1854623Wtf? I'm trying to help you guys. Grey eyed people can also be ethnic so maybe calm down
>>1854625That dog is still cute, try again
>>1854673No, I'm really poor. My surviving parent is disabled, I work two jobs to support them.
>>1854676Um, you really shouldn't project your own shortcomings onto people, kek.
No. 1854693
>>1854687I'm sorry you rely on the money your moid father made for you, kek. I think what I do is very noble, I'm kind of like a shoujo manga protagonist.
>>1854686Projecting again, yawn. Get some new material.
No. 1854706
>>1854702I'm scared to get doxxed
nonny. Eye recognition technology is on the way, no way I'm sending that lol
No. 1854710
File: 1705270244323.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.85 KB, 602x274, my eyes.jpeg)

My eyes
No. 1854717
File: 1705270403429.png (274.71 KB, 1458x686, eye.png)

>>1854710Nonny, please. You don't have to pretend to be one of us.
No. 1854764
>>1854664I’m another nona with grey eyes and I’ve used dark eye filters on myself before and I think I would look so much better with dark eyes. I have really pale skin and dark hair and the contrast just doesn’t look good on me personally, dark eyes just seem a lot friendlier.
My Nigel has dark brown/ black eyes and they’re my favorite. Dark eyes look so big and give a permanent “puppy dog” eye look, it’s incredibly cute. I love seeing them in the sun still absorbing all light and still looking like voids. They remind me of when cats get excited and their pupils get really big
No. 1854808
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I always assumed the idol was supposed to be a satirization? Like you’re telling me the weeknd standing in that kitchen in the grandma kimono with the bonnet on wasn’t meant to be comedy?
No. 1854938
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>>1854658I think its striking and when I see it it's usually paired with really thick eyelashes that frame them nicely. Also if you are attractive with dark brown eyes you look youthful for a lot longer and have very strong, superior genes.
No. 1855023
>>1855016You are so right nona. Especially with how the industry are now profiting off tween girls. When you really look at it from a societal perspective it’s kind of fucked up. The majority of an entire gender. So many women are actually
afraid of being seen in public without makeup. Imagine! How they look naturally! What do you think this is doing psychologically to women and girls, and what does it say about our society? I feel like it’s warped our idea of femaleness, femininity, what women actually look like. Obviously it’s not all bad (it
can be a form of expression like fashion), but I feel like it’s a net negative. I wish it was acceptable to be straight up anti-makeup but you’ll just be told you have internalised misogyny because women don’t want to accept this (and want an advantage for moid attention).
No. 1855026
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>>1855016Depends on where you live and how high on the social latter you are. Of course it doesn’t matter if you don’t conform to beauty standards if all you’re gonna do is entry level work at an office or McDonald’s. A woman who wants a high up position in corporate japan or Korea probably wouldn’t make it very far if they’re not good looking and well dressed.
No. 1855095
>>1855086I don’t see anything wrong with looking down on women for consensually sexually servicing men. Thats kind of a pathetic thing to allow yourself to do kekk, let alone
get pregnant with his spawn. Gross
(bait) No. 1855119
>>1855089I have neither of those things
I want neither of those things
Combined together, it is I have and want neither of those things. You are actually the issue
No. 1855183
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>>1853986I think Margot is pretty and wasn’t too old to play Barbie, but I wish they had cast Florence Pugh instead. She’s prettier and looks more like a Barbie than Margot, she would have been better for the role
(bait) No. 1855212
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I don't think lesbian sex is real sex. First of all, fingering is just the female equivalent of giving a guy a hand job; you're just using your fingers and hand to masturbate someone else. Masturbation and sex are two different things. Cunnilingus is oral sex, yes, but that's just oral sex. That's different from actually having sex with someone, and it's closer to masturbation than it is to actual sex. Scissoring? That's just rubbing vaginas together, nothing is being penetrated through the means of another genital. Would you say two guys rubbing their dicks together is real sex? No, that's just two fags masturbating by rubbing their dicks together, no genitals are actually being used to penetrate a person's private(s). Why would scissoring count as sex? And finally, strap-ons. It's only sex in the means of having sex with an object. A form of rape is object rape, where one is forced to have sexual contact with a substance or a foreign object; and rape is essentially forced sex. So one could say that you can have "sex" with a strap-on, but that's only it. The strap-on, not the other woman herself because it's the strap-on that the other woman is having sexual contact with. I don't know if I'd say that I hate lesbians, however I just don't think two women can have actual sex with each other. I feel like the idea of two women being able to have sex with each other is only something most people say they believe to look all politically correct, because the mechanics of how lesbian "sex" works just doesn't really compute as real sex. Everything in lesbian "sex" is just "3rd base", like that one anon said. In several years, I'll probably become wrong just because the LGBTQ+ and shit love to change definitions of terms to suit their feelings.
And because I apparently talk like I high schooler, I'll end my opinion with this:
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like
like like like like like like like like like like(bait)
No. 1855228
>>1855221Apart from the mum thread on g, even people I speak to irl now are antinatalists.
It might be my city since it's known for being "trendy" and pretty liberal, but I'm not kidding when I say 8/10 conversations I have about it is women and men telling me they aren't having kids and some go as far as to say its gross and they hate kids
No. 1855231
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>>1854375>>1854381Do you mean Lili? She was a German prostitute but she wasn’t supposed to be a teenager. The man who created Barbie was a huge pervert who was obsessed with the character Lili and made Barbie look identical (basically just without nipples or a vulva) and he allegedly used to host orgies at his house with prostitutes who looked like Barbie
No. 1855234
>>1853986>Barbie is supposed to be a fresh faced teenager or young adultNo, and Barbie is a more of a "I can be what I want to be" type of thing. That means Barbie can be someone who is almost 40 with a nice career too kek.
I'm actually happier they chose Margot Robbie and not some teen or 20 year old, Hollywood likes to put actresses over the age of 27 in mommy roles a little bit too much already.
And come on, Barbie was modeled after an adult character afaik.
No. 1855251
>>1855236Japan is enough of a cultural difference that I would feel comfortable travelling there but it's similar enough to the west that I don't have to worry about indian men tier stalking.
There isn't really any other place that's as safe generally that's also as culturally different.
Japan has some cool stuff but I still like being in a western first world
No. 1855272
>>1855236Tbh I see it. They kinda seem like a cultural menace and globalization is helping them expand their soft power which is their greatest tool atm, they're everywhere and are almost competing or even overperforming in terms of cultural promotion and technology. My country for example, we didn't like Asians a lot, 20 years ago we despised everything about them, now regular people are watching their series, eating their foods, following their beauty standards and such, that wasn't a thing until very recently, Asian faces are becoming familiar, relatable and even preferable. America sadly is going through a cultural decadence thanks to their unstable political and social panorama, they don't produce new successful brands as much and as often as they used to, their politics seem to be sabotaging their success, and East Asians are taking advantage of the situation fully, presenting themselves as the new viable option as they can avoid cancelation and political correction with ease by virtue of being such a different and remote culture and the massive Asian market helps them stay afloat if they were to fail with the Westerns. It's frightening how much they've achieved in such a short amount of time, despite having objectively less to work with than Americans
No. 1855307
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Men are obsessed with screwdrivers because they secretly shove them up their asses. Look at the handle, you can not convince me that this wasn't designed exactly for that purpose.
No. 1855310
>>1855303I guess to be fair I have only lived in one American city and it was near a kinda lawless college campus. That being said no one who was shitting up the streets and annoying everyone who passed were college students.
I’m still a huge America defender but Japan beats it in this aspect. Instead of cultural enrichment they just have mentally ill uncles walking around.
No. 1855376
Toddler logic.
No. 1855382
>>1855373Is blue eyes are so colorless they look gray and everyone that sees them thinks they are gray, why does it matter to make the distinction and call them blue?
If brown eyes are so dark and colorless that they are indistinguishable from the black pupil, and everyone thinks they are black when looking at them even in direct sunlight, why does it make sense to call them brown?
And why do you even care so much?
No. 1855383
>>1855365I can tell the difference between extremely dark brown fabric and a black fabric?
If you look at black eyes, they are brown. No one is denying that you cannot mistake the color under certain conditions (green eyes often are confused for blue for instance), but there is no such thing as true black irises so there is no need to label them that. You have dark brown eyes.
No. 1855388
>>1855386You’re the only one
triggered, everyone else is just explaining the concept of visual perception to you and you’re losing your mind about it.
No. 1855393
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>>1855383What are you on? There are people whose eyes look black more often than they look brown. A lot of East Asian’s eyes don’t even look brown in strong light. Such a weird hang up to have. There are no true blue irises either.
>>1855382Personally most people with “grey” eyes still look a shade of blue to me. True grey eyes are like picrel
No. 1855427
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Hi nonnies this is my eye color, is it blue, grey, or green?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1855447
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The crazy thing about black eyes is how people perceive them around the world. Arabs consider there's such a thing as black eyes, same with the Japanese, who simply say their eye color is black. In my country as well (somewhere in latam), black eyes are also a thing, you don't describe your eye color as "brown" unless they're visible brown, like hazel or honey, which are usually seen in Mediterranean descendents. If you got eyes like picrel people will tell you your eyes are simply black. I'm not trying to make this eye color sound special because as you can see is clearly not, I'm just pointing out the perception of it in countries were the majority actually has it
No. 1855463
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>>1855439>>1855450Thanks that’s not helpful. Here’s a clearer picture
No. 1855470
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>>1855464Sometimes they look blue but the color can look different depending on the lighting, like here
>>1855462Stop anon. My eyes aren’t going to turn brown, stop trying to scare me.
(attentionwhoring) No. 1855541
>>1855238Nta, and that's a fair explanation. But imo it's that those people were raised by
abusive parents, so they have no idea how to raise or love a child, so they refuse to have a child because they're gonna resent it inevitably. Since they aren't mentally equipped to love someone else or be responsible enough to have a child and raise. And seeing kids reminds them of their past and how they were punished for certain behaviors, but these kids get away with it, so they end up getting angry at those kids for having better childhoods. Which is sad but is probably one of the reasons. I could be wrong though. I'd add it's also the language some if not most or all
abusive parents use "I wish I never had you/it's all your fault for being born and ruining my life" etc. that makes people resent children and having them because they're afraid the same thing that happened to their parents would happen to them.
No. 1855551
>>1855510Or, and hear me out because I know this is about to be a controversial take, men are shitty and they lie.
abusive ex was great to me for the first year or so. It wasn’t like he started cheating and taking advantage of me financially the second we made it official we were together. Even the bad stuff started off so slowly I was blind to it while it was happening.
Abusive men cut you off from your support symptoms, they make you think you’re the problem, they do everything they can to get control over you so you can’t leave even if you wanted to. Blaming women for their abuse is such a moid brained take. I didn’t think I was better than anyone when I was being abused, in fact it was the opposite. That’s kind of the whole point?
No. 1855566
>>1855238poverty has been the norm for all of human history and people still choosed to have kids. Our grandparents or great grandparets faced much more cruel hardships, lived through wars and depressions and still never used that logic to stop having kids.
Poorest countries in the world and poorest areas in rich countries are the ones where people are having the most kids. I think is more to do with lifestyles and attitudes than anything, theres also an undeniable campaign directed at white people in developed countries to stop reproducing at the same time that immigration is being promoteed using low birth rates as an excuse, at the end both things respond to economic interests of mega-corporations.
No. 1855622
>>1855510 > women see a man has a history of cheating and baby mommas but believe they’re special and he won’t do it to themI def used to be more naive with men but never this level. They'll try and tell you their ex was all these awful things and try to polish the situation into them actually being the
victim who was pushed to cheat because they were miserable or just had to leave someone mid pregnancy because also suddenly miserable but ignoring that type of pattern is whacky to me.. if its out there for you to see
Plenty of men still cover their tracks tho and you've no info to work with. There's no babies with exes, their past cheating isn't talked about and nobody outs them. The shit they put their exes through is in a neat lil box in the past and they present this shiny version of themself to you knowing that they're the only narrator you have when it comes to their dating history. I was cheated on by someone who had a history of cheating but I didn't know that att. So he cheats and when he was in the process of leaving me to move in with her she would call him all day long to make sure I didn't steal him back I guess? Like have him, you KNOW he's a cheater and want him. I didn't find out til now and I definitely don't want him. You think I'm gonna cling on or try and fuck him while we're moving our stuff out? I felt like a clown but not that much of clown.
No. 1855633
>>1855623>>1855627This is just reworded misogynistic incel posting.
Yes women are always responsible for the behavior of men. If he beats you, cheats on you, steals from you, lies to you, that's your fault because you should've known better. Take responsibility for your own actions, whor- I mean, nona!
No. 1855635
>>1855629A lot of women won’t like to hear this because they see it as
victim shaming but if you’re dealing with scrotes then cheating is something you should see as inevitable(especially is he’s young). There is barely any guy on earth who is going to say no to a woman he’s attracted to. The only men who don’t cheat is because they can’t because no one else wants them.
No. 1855776
>>1855770There's definitely some scrotoid larping as a woman. The last post in the vent through about their
abusive ex sounds like a straight up fanfic and larp.
No. 1855818
>>1855228I don't particulalrly think its a "trendy" thing I think that more people are childfree by default because they're incapable of finding a mate. And I'm saying this as someone who's going to be forced to have kids anyway; being pregnant, giving birth, suffering through postpartum and prenatal difficulties, having to care for some screaming shitsack that can't even form a sentence, having to struggle through
breastfeeding (which I've heard is apparently even harder than giving birth), while also having to deal with a useless scrote the whole entire time does sound absolutely disgusting and I can imagine why the prospect of doing all of that not only thanklessly but also for
nothing at all in return would make a woman hate the idea of having kids. Those are all just facts. Not some antinatalist spin on the big hunky dory daydream that is being an unpaid slave.
No. 1855826
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>>1855228I'm surrounded by early 20s that want children
No. 1855944
>>1855937Ohhh girl you’re a grown adult woman if they’re trying to beat you over
their decisions let me send you some free mace or a tazer. That’s unacceptable asl. Whenever someone in my family tries to step to me I just squirt their eyes and it’s over kek. Even if they ‘call the police’ there’s not much they can do because they attempted to assault you and you stood your ground
No. 1856029
>>1855985Honestly, I agree, especially hearing my older relatives' stories from back then. I had a good time too and had my own clique, but I see some of these kids have poorer and poorer social skills and are nasty to each other.
>>1855991Depends on where you live, but no one was coming out on social media even before the pandemic, making your pronouns and sexuality your personality traits got your ass laughed at, people didn't care that much about that stuff. Now, the pronoun kids are flocking in colleges and throw tantrums for misgendering them and it's so bizzare to me. I want to punch the motherfucker who made the 2000's as this McBling aesthetic which is far from real life kek.
No. 1856034
>>1856032…what makes you think this would be a boon for women though? i mean if a woman has a kid at 70 she's going to be ancient by the time they hit 20 (imagine losing your mother at 20 – my own mom is an
abusive pos but that would've still devastated me), and i don't think someone that old could make a good mother (parent – i hate whenever i hear about some old geezer getting a young woman pregnant) anyway.
No. 1856085
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The best anime ever created. Sorry zoomer.
No. 1856097
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Oh yeah, bidetfags? Well what about when the power is out and there’s a boiled water notice and you don’t want to shoot botulism directly into your asshole? What then??
No. 1856103
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Being a woman is too expensive
No. 1856121
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>>1856115It means to boil your water before drinking / consuming bc it might have contaminates. Usually happens after a crazy storm knocks out power, so water treatment plants might not be working fully. I have a sawyer water filter for camping, and it has a tap adapter too.
No. 1856135
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>>1856097What I don't get about the bidet vs anti-bidet controversy is do non bidet places do not have picrel? It is normal in my country since having a bidet isn't very practical.
No. 1856143
>>1856097Free botox??? I'm going to have the smoothest starfish.
>>1856135The spray thing? I've never seen that before. There's a whole other stub-out? What is it used for?
No. 1856225
>>1856181I think if you're going to protest you should avoid harming people who aren't the ones you're protesting against. I remember there was some labor union protest where the bus drivers were striking against some laws from the transportation department but rather than inconveniencing all the people who rely on the public transport, they just refused to pay the department that oversaw them and ran the buses for free. This actually got them a lot of sympathy for their cause.
When I was in high school the teachers were going on strike, and rather than punching at the higher-ups who were doing something they disagreed with, they just made things more miserable for the students. Like a student would need help with something and a teacher would say "I won't help you because I'm protesting." This just created more problems and the bureaucrats that they were ostensibly striking against didn't care that some random kids were getting shafted, it didn't affect them.
No. 1856257
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>>1856256This isn’t a troon and she summed up pretty perfectly how im feeling. Just to give you proof that there are women who feel this.
(learn2embed) No. 1856263
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>>1856261There are other women here complaining about it and they’re not troons.
No. 1856276
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>>1856269Some people don’t want to be single forever. And usually when women complain about this we get shut down for being liars or not having self love(in this case lolcow users being quick to scream troon). People find it hard to believe there are women out there who get no positive attention.
No. 1856285
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>>1856282its a made up problem. I used to feel bad for being ugly when i was younger until i found out that men nowadays are ugly as shit and even super models are dating ugly fucks And i dont have super high standars, my standars are as low as pic rel. Men nowdays will also fuck anything that isnt morbidly obese and wears tons of makeup so if
nonny wants an uggo simp she can get it easily.
No. 1856286
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>>1856277I’m just using this as an example that other women feel this way too. That video made me post that opinion.
No. 1856292
>>1856286Well based off the profile photos in all of your screenshots it
looks like a bunch of attention seeking women who are used to dating trash men and just crave more attention…if you know what I mean. I’m not taking those comments very seriously kek
No. 1856293
>>1856290exactly. It's the worst time to be a nerdfucker. If
nonny just wants a run of the mill modern scrote she can apply tons of make up and hit the gym it's not that hard.
No. 1856302
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>>1855729Kek I was going to post a full picture after all the close up pictures but a mod ruined it by banning me
No. 1856309
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>>1856294I’ve seen white women complain about it too. I don’t think it has anything to do with looks but some women give off a vibe of being “boring” by their facial expressions or body language which’s makes scrotes not interested. People think scrotes are just horn balls who will hit on anyone but that’s not true.
No. 1856321
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>>1856319great time to use this gif
No. 1856323
>>1856309Holy fuck the caption overlayed
On that video is BLEAK and insane. You mad no man tried to molest you? You angry no man didn't take pictures of you and your 10 year old friends with his flipphone at the public pool?
No. 1856329
>>1856300Nta but 2 weeks ago I was reaching for a jar of sauce and a guy was so close behind me, I genuinely panicked that i was getting pickpocketed. I dropped the jar on the ground and jumped sideways and said “back the fuck up” this man acts shocked and starts ranting about me being a racist and I told him hovering around a woman is aggressive. He only backed off when another man turned into the aisle and asked if there was a problem.
Fucking hate men
No. 1856336
>>1856332The worst part about that is looks dont keep you from being raped or molested, they absolutely feed into that scary notion and make
victims look even less credible. Fucked in the head, dumbest women alive no contest.
No. 1856349
>>1856345idgaf about how delusional I sound but I swear to god at least half of "dog-piling" that happens here is the result of samefagging/anons using other VPNs. I don't believe 5+ other anons are always up and joining and ready to defend a single other anon every hour
not saying this is every situation though, but I have seen a lot of anons samefag then when the anon responds accordingly they try to throw off the argument by sorting out the supposed 20+ other anons defending a retard on a site with less than 100 visitors on the reg
No. 1856375
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>>1856345I’m honestly glad for TikTok because I can find other women who feel like shit about it so I don’t feel like a totally alone pick me
No. 1856378
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>>1856373The worst people alive
No. 1856430
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Gyaru Trish was cute
No. 1856481
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>>1856306>>1856302So this can be done to him
No. 1856503
>>1856496I actually don't feel the need to appeal to beauty standards because I have no incentive or reasoning to pursue males. After living through my childhood, teenage, and early adult years; I can confidently say that no, I do not think it is better to "get cat called sometimes". If you're so ugly to the point where people are harassing you or verbally assaulting you in public unprovoked, then I'm sorry that thats your experience, but that doesn't mean that getting sexually assaulted is the better alternative. Also; if you feel worthless all because someone told you to, thats something you need to work on yourself. Everyone saying "get married, have kids" are only throwing out the sole ideas they have because thats what they fell in line with. Does that mean you
have to? Do
you, yourself feel like a 'loser' because you aren't torturing your body to reproduce the spawn of some disgusting scrote who's going to either abuse or leave you? Because you aren't wasting money and energy on some squealing shitting hog? If not doing those things and not being subjected to degradation of that extreme is being an "uggo punching bag of society" in your eyes then I don't know how to help you because it sounds like you're just looking for reasons to feel bad about yourself. I would say I'm sorry for how you feel but I really don't.
No. 1856534
>>1856527wtf do they really not use cutlery?? i never knew, but tbf i dont know any indian foods either
that sounds fake for some reason (?) i just like…assumed they would use it even in their own foods
No. 1856539
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>>1856534They use cutlery and kitchen tools to prepare foods of course but its not within their etiquette to use them at the table
No. 1856541
File: 1705384811983.jpeg (Spoiler Image,69.83 KB, 300x450, 8ED53846-0749-4216-97CF-BF1603…)

>>1856539Why don’t you have a strong reaction to white people who eat finger foods?
No. 1856545
>>1856541Oh my fucking lord for the last time; I hate it when all people do it! And I
specifically mentioned indians because it is the indian diaspora who I personally witness in front of my face doing it the most, not white people. When I'm at a restaurant everyone will be eating with a fork and knife except for a group of indians who will just be shoving food in their mouths with reckless abandon and none of the wait staff is allowed to ask them to stop because its 'racist' even if its grossing out other customers. I have a strong reaction whenever I see it, however if you lurk upthread more you'll see me inform everyone that I specified indians because they are who I see do it the most often. Please learn how to fucking read.
No. 1856555
>>1856531maybe because there's been hourly
>I'm not racist but man do I hate when this race does xyzImmediately followed by the person admitting they are a racist in this thread. So people aren't taking those kinds of comments at face value anymore.
No. 1856637
>>1855301I was stalked in Japan like three times during one year. It's not that safe 'sexually'. In my country that's also among the safest you're more likely to get pickpocketed but less likely than Japan to get molested and I prefer that.
To your point about culture mixing, it's been worse here since we got a lot of Ukrainian immigrant moids so I think you're right that monolith cultures tend to be safer. We're both slav but the difference in our culture (western/eastern) is very big
I think moids also just feel like they need to 'conquer' the new country they're in so they harass its women and cause trouble for the men. They're much more religious too, I think once you get in religious people the sexism and harassment starts. A lot of the safest counties have the weakest religion.
No. 1856651
>>1853548you can critize blackwashing without bringing out the slurs, which seems to be impossible for many people
>>1853553stereotype overlap, feisty = sassy
>>1853561lowest ranking in white hierarchy, but higher than pocs
No. 1856684
>>1854182yeah i thinks need to do a better job of racebait in thresds like this
>>1854184>>1854189If they thought we were inferior, they wouldn't even bother speak up or think about us
No. 1856693
>>1856656>>1856682You weeaboo tards are so fucking pathetic. Japan will never be your uguu animu kawaii perfect country where nothing bad ever happens, and everyone's allowed to talk about what they've been through there. Nitpicking "like" tells me you are an ESL pickme with an inferiority complex about her accent and word use, or a malding scrote using the smallest thing to try and discredit something that
triggered you.
No. 1856707
>>1855371lab technicians are losers who get paid like shit, pennies for an hour
99% of their work will be automated by 2030
No. 1856710
>>1855566and how stupid/mentally ill are all those poor people? Daily rapes and beatdowns in the slums
imagine defending that in the name of natalism