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No. 1846848

A thread to share your thoughts on niche things that seemingly only you curr about. Feel free to go on deep dives and tirades about your special interests or topics that don't fit anywhere else. And if you are embarrassed to bump a thread with a long comment about something only you care about, you can post it here.

Original description:
>Do you have opinions on things that don’t belong in the vent or things I hate thread bc no1curr? Found some milk from a community that hasn’t been active since 2007? Is there a fight going on between two YouTubers who nobody but you has ever heard of? This is the place you rant about it.

For dumbass thoughts and normal discussions, use the dumbass thread. For shit posts, use the retarded shit post thread. Thank you.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1846851

I remade the thread because some nonnies including me want a more direct discussion on specific topics that don't really fit anywhere else (or those threads don't get as much traffic) please adhere to site rules and use the correct threads so we don't get locked again.

No. 1846854

Thanks mods the retarded cat spam was insufferable. Newfags make it impossible to have real discussions anymore.

My noonecurr rant is that i wish fishing was more popular with women. I really miss fishing but i cant go alone because third world shithole, i would kill for some female fishing buddies. Also, fishing games are super relaxing i want a king of the hill fishing game, no, screw that, i want a king of the hill animal crossing clone. Imagine how comfy it would be.

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