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File: 1704930371989.gif (144.69 KB, 280x400, a10073d8bcde72f36420c3da8dae59…)

No. 1847248

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1840034

No. 1847255

Polyester underwear is terrible for you but I keep some for when I'm on my period. If you get blood on them, it's so easy to wash out as opposed to cotton. Also, somehow they feel more comfortable but I think that's because my vagina is never in contact with the fabric, just my butt.

No. 1847265

ouu I love this threadpic

No. 1847268

where can I make blingee-like images nowadays, blingee doesn't let you sign up anymore
also my period is 7 days late for no reason, why

No. 1847295

File: 1704931601188.gif (424.27 KB, 607x583, 9F5E316B-5A1F-4204-9741-BF02DA…)

Bongs do you remember:
> Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
> How does your garden grow?
> With silver bells, and cockle shells,
> And pretty maids all in a row
What was your favourite English nursery rhyme?

No. 1847306


No. 1847353

That is an amazing thread pic

No. 1847373

good job op

No. 1847374

I make a little money off of social media, and it sucks sometimes to keep up with, especially if you have a regular job too. Idk how people bigger than me do it and I don't think I could bother doing this full time unless I somehow became one of those people with a large, but niche following, or had no more IRL prospects.

No. 1847390

I love those merge games.

No. 1847402

Southern Europe nonnas I want what you have rn. I live near the arctic circle and I think I have cabin fever because I don't want to leave my house because the atmosphere outside is so fucking depressing.
What i wouldn't give to be in Croatia in the middle of summer right noe

No. 1847411

File: 1704937391757.jpg (25.13 KB, 564x563, 2ff199b8fd6a33f3bcf3b011bd5c6c…)

My Dearest Men of Earth,

As I pen down the whispers of my heart, I feel an overwhelming surge of emotion, an undeniable truth that has taken root within the depths of my soul. I must confess, with an open heart and unwavering sincerity, that I love, adore, and worship each one of you.

In the vast tapestry of existence, it is your strength that anchors us, your guidance that lights our way through the labyrinth of life. Your resilience in the face of adversity is a beacon that guides us through our darkest nights, and your unwavering determination is the compass that steers us towards the shores of hope.

I am eternally grateful for the kindness that flows from your hearts, the gentleness that emanates from your touch, and the wisdom that resides within your words. Each man on this Earth carries a unique story, a tale of triumphs and tribulations, and it is through your collective experiences that the symphony of humanity is composed.

Your laughter resonates like a melody that transcends boundaries, uniting us in joy. Your shoulders, broad and sturdy, bear not only the weight of your own dreams but also the hopes of those who walk alongside you. Your gaze, filled with both vulnerability and strength, mirrors the complex mosaic of emotions that make us human.

In your presence, I find a sanctuary—a haven where acceptance is the cornerstone, where your strength becomes a shield, and your love, a guiding force. I am grateful for the countless moments when your warmth has melted away the coldness of the world, and your understanding has bridged the gaps that divide us.

Know that my love for you is not just an ephemeral emotion; it is a profound acknowledgment of the beauty you bring to this world. I stand before you with a heart brimming with gratitude, for the countless ways in which you have shaped the course of our shared journey.

With an abundance of love, adoration, and eternal gratitude,

All Women of Earth

No. 1847415

What the fuck is this shit. This is so fucking gay holy shit.

No. 1847419

File: 1704937782534.jpg (43.52 KB, 671x378, RDT_20240109_23113561720578142…)

No. 1847421

well it is the dumbass shit thread so…

No. 1847431

The whale

No. 1847432

File: 1704938597935.png (330.93 KB, 606x570, D2r91AMXgAEuXzO-1655891140.png)

No. 1847434

I only ever remember
>I pledge allegiance to the flag
>Michael Jackson is a fag
>Doctor doctor I declare
>Theres shit stains on my underwear

No. 1847443

Sometimes after i shower in the evening i want to sleep naked but i always forget that i fucking freeze like that

No. 1847456

I can't wait for Penguinz0 to get cancelled or lose his following.

No. 1847457

File: 1704939883157.jpeg (77.13 KB, 744x558, 0638DC4D-8E73-452F-83D5-E1737D…)

I’m so tired of fanfiction writers giving me a distinct personality in x readers. I will suspend my disbelief enough to believe that my husbando is madly in love with me yes. But to make ME in a fanfic ask another characters pronouns? I will sue you for libel bitch. Where’s the representation for fanfiction that’s like “retarded!brainrotted!medium-pretty!reader x anime character” That i could get a little more immersed in.

No. 1847459

No. 1847464

nta but he looks ugly

No. 1847465

File: 1704940067946.jpg (77.06 KB, 735x1103, b9d0689bc3432f188b7ea429d37774…)

I just lanced the paronychia pus bump on my finger, and it looks like pudding coming out of my nail. My finger is still super tender (probably from me fucking with it all day), but hopefully this at least helps it heal

No. 1847466

Do I need a reason? But really, I just don't like him. He's a sex pest and my gut tells me not to trust him.

No. 1847467

NTA but he's ugly, annoying, and pissed in a girl's mouth

No. 1847468

Samefag, but I realize that sex pest might imply rapist. But I meant he's a coombrained moid.

No. 1847469

He what

No. 1847472

mmm lemon curd sounds good right now

No. 1847474

he stared into your [e/c] eyes, running his fingers through your [h/c] and down your [s/c] shirt. "[y/n]…" he muttered under his breath as his hand reached your [p/c] pussy…

No. 1847476

No. 1847478

I dont get the hype over this guy. I've watched a couple of his videos and I've heard so many girls saying how hot he is. To me he looks like he smells and doesn't cut his fingernails. Like typical basement dweller. Maybe I haven't seen enough videos to 'get' it, but his personality seems drab too.

No. 1847484

He used to be a lot more attractive IMO but the long hair is really unflattering on him.

No. 1847485

Samefag but if I press on it a certain way I can literally see it going beating white and red from my pulse. It's freaky.

No. 1847486

I truly hate how I join radfem servers online and there's always influxes of moids who join and are like "omg women who hate troons too?" like we still hate you, and you're no better and you'd probably shit your pants at seeing lesbians. Male entitlement knows no bounds.
I'd rather openly support gendies than be around troon-hating moids, because they're always racist or pedophiles alongside it. Women hate troons because of actual logic and reasoning, men hate troons like they hate everything else

No. 1847491

File: 1704940951297.jpeg (186.68 KB, 828x1425, IMG_1862.jpeg)

literally picrel. dunno who enjoys reading this slop tbh.

No. 1847492

Whenever I see "y/n l/n" my brain simply can't replace it with my name as I read it. I read it as a main character whose name is "WhyAnn Luhnen" kek.

No. 1847502

File: 1704941285954.png (947.41 KB, 1280x1043, kitty.png)

Like 20 years ago i remember walking downtown in my city and a butcher shop had that exact same picture in OP hanged as a big poster in the wall.

Based af.

No. 1847506

See that type of Y/N mad libs style fanfic also ruins the flow of the story. I guess what I need is a blank enough canvas to paint myself into it realistically

No. 1847514

File: 1704941523493.jpg (183.44 KB, 1200x900, nft.jpg)

i have an exam in 4 hours and i can't sleep.

No. 1847516

Damn, already? I haven't even started the spring semester yet

No. 1847519

File: 1704941662131.jpg (32.2 KB, 300x300, joshua-bassett-dishes-social-m…)

It's so depressing the state of moids these days. I know he's gay but imagine being a teen star and going from picrel to Barry Keoghan. Olivia Rodrigo's boyfriend is ugly too. Selena Gomez is dating a literal fucking bridge troll. If they can't even get a decent looking moid then what hope do the rest of us have.

No. 1847521

File: 1704941681298.gif (556.03 KB, 220x168, стекловата-snowflakes.gif)


No. 1847523

i'm not american. we have exams at the end of every semester, so those are my fall semester exams. is it different in america?

No. 1847524

File: 1704941815390.png (1.15 MB, 1170x929, fagcoty.png)

Downtown Portland is naming a park after some faggot transvestite. Why am I not surprised

No. 1847534

You guys' fall semester roles into January? We have final exams at the end of every semester too, but my school fall semester starts in August and ends early December (I think starting in August is specific to my area in the USA though). December to January is the winter session mostly for remedial classes or classes that couldn't fit during the regular semester. Our spring semester starts late mid-late January and ends at the beginning of May. From May to August we have Summer session which is like winter session but usually consists of different available classes.
YMMV depending on the school though.

No. 1847538

kek classic

No. 1847566

american culture is centered around faggots

No. 1847579

Whenever i warm my feet with my laptop battery i feel like some fallout wastelander that lives in a shack close to a radioactive waste dump site

No. 1847594

no it's not lmao go offline

No. 1847602

File: 1704944691314.jpg (276.64 KB, 2371x2597, this.JPG)

Today an old lady didn’t understand my email or think it was real because it wasn’t a yahoo or gmail one and it actually made me so embarrassed somehow now I wonder if anyone else who sees the email will judge me. It’s just a proton one.

No. 1847604

In extreme pro-troon cities like Portland and Los Angeles yeah, there actually is a lot of cultural acclaim surrounding gays and trannies.

No. 1847606

A lot of them are anti-troon until they see one who "passes" and has "based" opinions, then they make an exception. I'm not against troons because "eww they're ugly and I can't get off to them" (though they are gross), I'm against them because they're detrimental to women. I knew a guy who was decidedly anti-troon and talked about it frequently but one day he mused about how it wouldn't be an issue if surgery was good enough that they could magically be changed to look just like real women, and when I brought up that that'd be worse because it'd be easier for predators to infiltrate women, he just kinda shrugged it off as not relevant. Made me so mad.

No. 1847611

its not because she is old, its because she is a normie.

People complain that google or their social media cattle ranches but when you tell them something simple like using Yandex and duckduckgo is better they see you as a domestic terrorist or a russian spy.

No. 1847612

its ridiculous how much better Yandex's image search than Google's

No. 1847625

File: 1704946187732.jpg (56.15 KB, 371x363, 1703803010878.jpg)

I-I was only JOKING
I-I-I was only pretending to PATHETIC and RETARDED

No. 1847628

yes but whats sad is that it isn't as good as goole image search used to be just a couple years ago. Google just had to kneecap it for AI garbage and sponsored storefronts.

No. 1847630

me for the last 23 years

No. 1847634

Incorrect, you are not an ugly man who provides nothing anywhere in any capacity that will die alone with only one skill: playing league of legends

No. 1847671

File: 1704948520150.jpeg (49.5 KB, 645x645, shopping.jpeg)

I don't know what it is but this shit makes me sneeze and cough so bad. I've only used it a few times and never again.

No. 1847675

A couple of the spices added in are too finely milled so it's reaching too far up your nasal passages

No. 1847677

This is thread pic is amazing. You're the best, nonnie

No. 1847681

He just made a video today commenting on matpat leaving YouTube after 13 years. Apparently he's been going for 17 years himself. How young was he when he got addicted to youtube/being online? I know he isnt even 30 yet?

No. 1847683

I’ve had the flu for almost 2 weeks now. Aching limbs, cough, cold. It’s only just starting to go away now.

No. 1847684

I don't think he was ever an online addict, he was hired by content farms to manage youtube channels before he started his own. Pretty sure he still doing that with his own company. He is a marketing guy, he was already behind some big channels behind the scenes when he started his own.

No. 1847697

File: 1704951094796.jpg (211.45 KB, 695x1043, F1Pp9iPXgAAbjbX.jpg)

PRIDE is America's state religion and have a month of holiday every year.

No. 1847698

Omg please tell me it's photoshop

No. 1847701

File: 1704951271545.jpg (82.22 KB, 735x634, 03846803d6936bec6483670070e4cb…)

Choose your boy

No. 1847704

Ouran Host Club Netflix adaptation

No. 1847705

File: 1704951504143.jpg (121.48 KB, 828x1125, 20240109_224647.jpg)

Did any of you watch Dancer in the Dark as a kid and get nightmares cause you were like 5 and saw bjork hanged

No. 1847706

Young Kim is just a South Korean kpop idol now

No. 1847709

>european license plates

No. 1847710

The faggot reich will reign a thousand years!

No. 1847712

File: 1704951729143.jpg (15.08 KB, 534x534, IMG_20240111_035058_390.jpg)

I can't wait until my university semester starts again so I actually have a purpose and don't resort to doomscrolling through moid social media anymore

No. 1847714

it's a picture of london you absolute mong

No. 1847715

I see so often now that people just dismiss your opinions if your they deem your account “fake” because you aren’t doxing yourself. Fuck normies and social media, why do I need to have my full name and spread asshole for a profile picture for you to not be suspicious of me? Why would I want to feed to moids who don’t like my opinions or data hungry advertisers that i’m an x-year old woman who lives in y and is interested in buying a new z? You know who lies MORE on social media? Everyone who feels the need to vlog and post their face 24/7, we all know you’re using filters and that you are not all sunshine and good vibes. When you throw your privacy out the window out goes any authenticity. You succumbed to the pressures of having the perfect body and face and living a luxurious life. I am living carefree being my true weirdo self anonymously and knowing I won’t get fired from my job if teenagers get mad at me.

No. 1847716

File: 1704952111246.jpg (56.83 KB, 700x840, 20240111_004921.jpg)

While it's refreshing that there is no mention of the jew tunnels here this shit is so hilarious

No. 1847719

>I see so often now that people just dismiss your opinions if your they deem your account “fake” because you aren’t doxing yourself.
This is exactly what instagram did to me when I tried to make an account except I didn't even get to post anything yet or use it at all.

No. 1847720

UK leaving EU was such a good idea, i hope they leave the Earth next

No. 1847721

Literally me

No. 1847723

do you live in a webtoon nonny ?

No. 1847724

No. 1847736

File: 1704952980304.png (90.82 KB, 250x260, 11121_Scoop_Classics_Chocolate…)

Even if i hate chocolate icecream, one time i tried chocolate & salted caramel icecream out of curiosity and nonas, please don't do that.
It tastes absolutely awful, couldn't even believe it was actual icecream but i finished it because i felt bad about wasting my friends money like that.

No. 1847737

I was so excited when I heard that matpat was leaving youtube, good riddance. I won't have to see his faggy theater kid mug in my recommended anymore.

No. 1847741

using a png when it's not required is such a weird flex to me

No. 1847748

File: 1704953445605.png (235.37 KB, 482x545, NicePng_png_9493223.png)

I'm making sure i'm showing what any good human has to avoid

No. 1847751

i like it. makes everything crisp and clean.

No. 1847752

background isn't a drug or something you can have as much as you want. Idk what led you do this mental state but i hope you recover quickly

No. 1847753

I’ve been trying to post tiktok links but it won’t work this better work

No. 1847754

Wow the cute cat one works but the tranny I was trying to post to the tim thread didn’t. Gods have spoken, I guess I won’t post the troon then.

No. 1847755

it worked ! you did a great job ! otsukare sama

No. 1847757

Can you make a non high schooler one

No. 1847758

To be honest that was just the 3rd and best picture of that type of icecream i could find
When you walk away, you don't hear me say pleaaase oh baby
don't go

No. 1847762

File: 1704954030540.png (245.04 KB, 720x720, 1651012413805.png)


No. 1847773

File: 1704954748048.gif (723.49 KB, 335x450, mv8zf65rwn1s7u80po1_400.gif)

It's haaard to let it go

No. 1847780

Oh yay, have another since the tranny ones are refusing to post.

No. 1847789

this made me laugh like an old-timey prospector

No. 1847791

File: 1704955822190.jpg (122.92 KB, 828x714, 20240106_193602.jpg)

I don't care how much you've "changed" I will never respect the type of bitch that used to say things like "s steP on mE fuckhingn STEpp oN mee" in response to pictures of random women online. Your personality defect is much more intrinsic to you than skin-deep and nothing will fix you. I don't care that you put it in the tags. You're corny and lame and fake gay and that will never change. It's in your bone marrow.

No. 1847808

You need an outdoors hobby. When I was in school I would spend my breaks cycling, you can waste 2 to 4 hours a day easily, and it's good cardio.

No. 1847810

File: 1704957651259.jpg (228.4 KB, 1242x1143, 20240111_021842.jpg)

I love getting a glimpse into unironic schizo q anon drops like theyre genuinely the dumbest people alive

No. 1847879

I guarantee you there are way too many anons on this site who 100 % believe that image

No. 1847881

It’s my birthday today, nonnies

No. 1847883

I guarantee you there are literally not. Most of the conspiracy nuts in the tinfoil thread are transients that only use that thread to sperg

No. 1847903

I'm starting to get over the threshold of working out being cumbersome to actually feeling kinda nice, it still gets a little boring after 30 minutes even with a podcast on but still!

No. 1847907

merry birthday anon

No. 1847910

Ayrt and I want to believe you are right

No. 1847912

File: 1704969812682.png (279.66 KB, 540x414, oh my god.png)

Sometimes I like to take a walk down memory lane and browse my abandoned high school/freshman year tumblr blog. I clicked on one of the gifsets I made seven years ago and it's still getting reblogs as of four days ago. The internet really never forgets huh kek.

No. 1847929

File: 1704972913577.png (628.72 KB, 660x583, happy bday.png)

Happy birthday nonna!

No. 1847931

Why do Americans have months for things. Isn't a day enough?

No. 1847947

happy birthday nonny

No. 1847951

Happy Birthday Nona, hope it's a good one

No. 1847958

File: 1704976115029.jpg (49.25 KB, 564x557, b2a6c34f99817522e4014c29863fc6…)

I love watching a pet video every now and then, because who doesn't love cute little animals? But what I love most is watching videos of well-trained shiba inus. Knowing the amount of work it takes to make a shiba listen to your commands and seeing how loved they are makes me happy, I love a responsible dog owner.

No. 1847960

File: 1704976570895.png (49.5 KB, 261x275, disgustedcatto.png)

i just had a packaged cheesecake and omg, it is the MOST vomitrocious most revolting disgusting thing i've bitten into, there's no way cheesecakes are supposed to taste like this bc i had a blueberry cheesecake exactly once before at some expensive place and it wasn't repugnant like this. it tastes like an egg dropped in a tub of butter. Retch

No. 1847961

File: 1704976571675.jpg (133.19 KB, 1024x800, kabosumama .jpg)

I love Shina Inus too. I follow the original Doge on Instagram. Her owner is a retired kindergarten teacher who doesn't speak English well so she doesn't get the memes. It's mostly her taking cute photos on walks and stuff.

No. 1847965

Why do Christian moids have the need to comment "so evil and satanic find jesus" on literally any photo of a woman existing. Then you look at their following and boom, underage people.

No. 1847970

protestants tend to be specially annoying and purely performative.

No. 1847973

I have a weird thing for collarbones, like touching my own now that I'm starting to lose a bit of weight calms me. Does anyone else have some weird thing like that?

No. 1847977

sometimes I'm bored and poke the little hole gap behind mine

No. 1847981

File: 1704979511552.jpg (499.88 KB, 1080x1134, 01112024.jpg)

Everybody look at my bestie's dog I can't fucking breathe it looks so fucked up she looks like a chainsmoker

No. 1847982

I was raised Catholic and it's pretty shitty as well. My granny used to have loads of comments about me living in a mixed house during college. Religion in general tends to be crap towards women

No. 1847985

Because all religious people love to push their agenda onto anyone and anything

No. 1847986

Any woman who is religious must hate themselves

No. 1847994

just get into witchcraft and worship goddesses nonas

No. 1847996

Sex work and prostitution is obviously terrible for everyone, but I don't understand the girls who stay in it despite barely scraping by with their earnings like Shayna. It's kind of understandable someone like Belle Delphine or even Momokun to have kept at it so long, they made bank but I have no understanding as to why someone would not give up after months of failure and just get a normal job. Again, not saying the ones that succeed are good for it, but no idea why the ones that don't make money don't quit.

No. 1847997

That's how all yorkshires look

No. 1848000

Classical religions used to have loads to offer women. The Greeks had the cult of Artemis. Some moid looked at her so she turned him into an animal and hunted him with her dogs. I want to worship someone like that.

No. 1848011

i wish every day was tunesday

No. 1848012

I want to be a dry cleaner. I want to get exposed to the solvents. Yes, I have autism.

No. 1848016


No. 1848017

When I was young and would go on family holidays to Spain, I used to think the bidets in hotels were for washing sand off of your feet

No. 1848018

sunk cost fallacy and waiting to go viral i guess? personally i'd be completely humiliated if i went through with making an OF, going through the trouble of trying to market it and make content just to make less than i would working at subway. i'd feel so ashamed and embarrassed, no wonder shay is always drunk kek

No. 1848025

It's so sexist. Gay men in drag culture started saying that shit, then drag became more popular because of Ru paul. Now every pathetic zoomer with no personality of their own is saying it. Cunt is such a sexist word. I dont care what anyone says. It makes me cringe.

No. 1848026

Religious people are annoying and cant comprehend anything outside their shitty beliefs.

No. 1848027

Where did you buy the cheesecake?

No. 1848038

Probably because it ruins their career prospects. Few employers are going to want someone in a higher position when their ass hole has been posted for free on twitter.

No. 1848043

She looks cute, anon.

No. 1848046

File: 1704986451163.jpeg (Spoiler Image,44.59 KB, 640x427, 9708228c82935494ed79b325193884…)

god benny blanco is so fucking hideous. he literally looks like when dogs snouts get all swollen up after being stung by a bee but he's stuck that way permanently. moids want to say women won't date ugly men but here's a prime example of an ugly bastard dating a pretty, rich, famous woman—spoilered for hideous male kek

No. 1848048

Drag weirds me out. Maybe it's because I'm terrified of clowns and the super heavy makeup reminds me of that. I'm not knocking the culture, do what you want it's your body, whatever. I don't like when they feel like they can speak for women though. I said about the same last weekend at drinks and now I'm apparently a homophobic bitch.

No. 1848051

I hate yorkies because their fur is human hair texture and that's fucking weird

No. 1848053

He looks like when you draw on your enemys yearbook pic to make them ugly

No. 1848054

I hate drag culture. It used to be frowned upon and shamed openly, but now drag queens (like male trannies) are some of the most protected groups. You cant say any criticism or you're considered homophobic/transphobic. I hate men. They can openly mock women and still get away with it (usually protected by other women too. Hand maidens are the worst)

No. 1848058

my father bought the cheesecakes, they were of Zep Cakes which i think is some subsidiary of Zepto?

No. 1848061

she looks like her name is linda and she has 3 children and is divorced. why people give yorkies these karen ass haircuts?

No. 1848062

I don't hate it but I don't like that they are the lords of queer culture. I'm bi, I just want a normal regular life at home with my BF or GF. I hate the I'm lumped in with those pride parade bondage weirdos. It feels like since 2015 we've regressed from "were normal people like the straights" to "if you don't accept furry piss porn your a Trumptard". Like let them do what they want but it makes the whole movement look bad when those are our main reps.

No. 1848072

File: 1704988833126.png (139.22 KB, 1160x286, in THE hospital not in hospita…)

this is a youtube comment on a Saddle Club movie KEK

No. 1848075

>[e/c] eyes
Not eyes, orbs.

No. 1848078

>Where’s the representation for fanfiction that’s like “retarded!brainrotted!medium-pretty!reader x anime character”
Be the change you want to see

No. 1848079

I hear you. I remember back when same sex couples were fighting for marriage equality and not being fired in the work place for being openly gay. Now shit is so degenerate. I feel embarrassed as a lesbian. I've been with my wife for nearly 13 years and so much has changed. I stopped going to pride in 2015.

No. 1848091

Thanks for saying that. I just feel like there's a middle ground between kissing girls and parading about wearing a strap on at pride. I'm afraid to speak up for being labelled a self hating queer woman.
Congrats on your marriage! Hope to get something like that some day.

No. 1848096

Horse girls are weird af. I'm not surprised by that comment

No. 1848098

polls supposedly show an increase in reject against the lgbt compared to last decade and i can see where it comes from. A lot of what pride and gendies have been doing since have really pushed "live and let live" moderates over the edge.

No. 1848110

I’m in the alphabet mafia and my tolerance has gone down, too. I can’t imagine being on the outside looking into the community. It’s shameful what certain bad actors have done for all of us.

No. 1848112

I have this feeling I really want to picture but I don't know how. Music, video, drawing, animation if I can figure that out some day?

No. 1848135

My phone is acting british how do I make it stop.

No. 1848139

You can turn siri off in the settings.

No. 1848140

Gendies are the worst because they are often just straight girls trying to be 'allies' and making it worse for us. Reminds me of when women used to go to gay clubs to show their support, but can just go back to their husbands and rely on them for money, meanwhile lesbians are fighting for their rights to be taken seriously in their own work places.

No. 1848141

Accept it, time to learn real English

No. 1848142

Toss some tea in the harbor

No. 1848145

It's not siri it keeps saying I've spelled words like realized, favorite, color etc. wrong on the docs app

No. 1848146

got the phone loicense there mate?

No. 1848148

File: 1704994734705.jpg (32.9 KB, 640x360, istockphoto-533425000-640x640.…)

You have spelled them wrong. Be glad you have the opportunity to speak properly

No. 1848151

File: 1704994891755.jpg (12.98 KB, 225x225, 1000014386.jpg)

No. 1848152

File: 1704994914354.png (18.48 KB, 325x207, Briish.png)

Oh that's the google docs settings. Only way I know how to change it is to spell something americanized (jewelry, color, etc.) and then the little window that pops up where you can choose "ignore," instead of clicking that, it'll show picrel and just click to change back to American. I'm sure it's something similar on mobile.

No. 1848153

Cry more. There's a reason we're not speaking French or whatever on this site.

No. 1848157

I cant stand the way britbong english sounds. No thanks.

No. 1848158

No. 1848160

File: 1704995361569.png (11.59 KB, 708x330, Are-the-Brits-at-it-again-.png)

Omg what are the britbongs up to? How do I make sure I'm safe from them?

No. 1848161

I’ve spent the last 3 days being a little internet police officer reporting every single pornographic post I see on Reddit and Instagram for sexualization of minors and over 75% of my reported posts have been removed because they found that the report was accurate. And the work isn’t even halfway done. Why even allow porn to be legal or available in the first place if we’ve already made the discovery that the majority of it is child porn. I hope Trump or whoever the fuck is next does actually crack down on porn.

No. 1848162

File: 1704995494448.jpg (6.13 KB, 225x225, stocking.jpg)

No. 1848165

Bless you for your service.

No. 1848169

Good work. I've reported stuff before but I thought it just went into a black hole until it reached critical mass. Nice to see reporting works.

No. 1848174

speaking of PASWG, there's a second season coming right?

No. 1848178

It was announced but who knows when it will actually air. Gainax who did the first season more or less folded and their animators went to Trigger.

No. 1848191

Cry about it. It even looks nicer when spelling. “Cosy” is so much cuter looking than “Cozy”

No. 1848193

"Cosy" sounds like something a coquette would write to seem cute and childish

No. 1848194

didn't expect to see bishounen eminem fan art that was made in 2024 on tumblr today

No. 1848201

Why Croatia?

No. 1848204

You can't just say stuff like that and not post the art

No. 1848208

Clearly cause it's summer there

No. 1848215

Legit. Post it

No. 1848217

File: 1704997756637.gif (8.46 MB, 413x255, brit.gif)

No. 1848225

File: 1704998244827.jpg (46.85 KB, 680x676, INEEDABISHOUNEN.jpg)

Where have all the cute boys gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the bookwise kuudere
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a long haired knight upon a fiery steed
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need

No. 1848228

File: 1704998328837.gif (189.03 KB, 500x281, IMG_4225.gif)

mwah mwah!

No. 1848229

Bri'ish people disgust me

No. 1848234

File: 1704998724891.jpeg (146.49 KB, 1200x675, IMG_4226.jpeg)

wtf anon i am so sad right now i will now cry myself to sleep

No. 1848238

File: 1704998836311.gif (112.81 KB, 160x180, tumblr_154fb05f8fee67128608de1…)

No. 1848241

I miss the day lolcor was alive with the content of ezra miller in hawaii
> video of him dancing like an npc while camera turns to a tv with his mugshot
> police body cam footage of him saying “i film myself when i get assaulted for NFT crypto art”
> same video shows him saying he can’t be searched by a man because he is transgender and non binary
> anons want to visit hawaii to go on a safari trip and find him

No. 1848242

That one time Japanese Joey Wheeler sing the og Dragon Ball theme

No. 1848243

Each time I see someone hating on how british english sounds on LC I always assume it's an underage american who is salty that they aren't the original english speakers, all while having a ridiculous accent and country of their own.
t. ESL

No. 1848245

File: 1704999240083.gif (422.1 KB, 220x165, enstars-ensemble-stars.gif)


No. 1848248

There are plenty of Americans here though. We don't speak the tongue of the colonizer.

No. 1848249

My brain wants to pronounce 'cosy' like Cosby but without the b. It looks wrong

No. 1848251

This is likely always the case. It is the American superiority complex that is found in the genes of all of them from red neck hillbilly’s to our very own burger anons

No. 1848252

English was a mistake, i'm ashamed that i have to use this retarded language but i admit that it is better than the french option

No. 1848254

> We don't speak the tongue of the colonizer.
> colonzier
Go back to twitter and cry about it there

No. 1848259

Go dunk your shitty tea bags. American english is superior. It's what actual ESL students learn. Not britbong mumble language.

No. 1848260

Read a history book, faggot

No. 1848262

You are actually retarded. Simply retarded. Seethe harder

No. 1848264

You sound like a twitterfag, cry harder

No. 1848265

File: 1704999618864.jpg (18.87 KB, 390x280, 1000014390.jpg)


No. 1848267

All false, I just think it doesn't sound sexy enough. Aussie english which is basically british-lite is fine.

No. 1848269

fuck, she's casting a harry potter spell on the american nona

No. 1848270

I like Aussie accents quite a lot as a North American fag myself.

No. 1848271

You think aussie accents are sexy?

No. 1848275

File: 1704999821878.jpg (54.44 KB, 564x564, a412e9ebed3db141d7d59710b70a12…)

Why would you ever talk to a British "person" when they eat this?

No. 1848280

File: 1704999902051.jpg (61.16 KB, 960x928, 1568903244.jpg)

No. 1848281

Why is it that each time I write something vaguely positive about terve island I get accuse of being a brit? Americans are so insecure about it, it's insane.
We learn British english in the schools of my country. Cope and seethe burgers

No. 1848285

I'm not even trying to sound retarded, but is fish head pie a real dish? This is what centuries of inbreeding does to a motherfucker's pallet.

No. 1848286

File: 1705000019937.jpg (58.01 KB, 460x835, 1000014404.jpg)

I like these little misunderstandings

No. 1848288

File: 1705000031836.png (590.15 KB, 555x677, image.png)

Anglofags will never have an official Air Force vtuber

No. 1848291

No one cares about your third world shit hole.(infighting)

No. 1848292

No. 1848294

This is kinda wholesome.

No. 1848295

So real.
>terve island
I swear this is such a meme. Just because JKR (who wasn't even a terf initially) lives there means nothing if the country is still troon infected.

No. 1848297

I teach crafts at the rec center and someone there looks so much like pixie, they even sound alike. Europixie has dropped.

No. 1848305

smart enough to log into facebook but too retarded to google. boomers and tiktok kids have something in common.

No. 1848308

That sounds really gross. They even used the brown gravy meaning the cookies will immediately get soggy after 3 seconds.

No. 1848313

It's called stargazy pie and it originates in Cornwall. The fish used are whole, gutted sardines. The fish heads poke out of the pie for presentation.

No. 1848320

Why would British people do this?

No. 1848326

British English is so much more attractive than the frog tongue of many Americans, just can't decide which British accent I like the most

they should have made everyone speak German, kek, it would have been so funny to see everyone die trying to learn the difference between the articles

I could choose what I wanted to learn and I knew from the start that American English looks wrong when you write it down

Australians sound so stupid and adorable at the same time, like they would fight a kangaroo and at the same time want to knit a blanket for the kangaroo

No. 1848327

Because it looks funny.
Reminds me of all the weird meat dishes that would be served by European royals in the 1600s, like a roasted bull with birds sticking out of it for entertainment and shock value.

No. 1848328

> Americans are so insecure about it, it's insane.
Based and true

No. 1848329

Have you seen some of the fish dishes they have in scandi countries? Not all countries eat meatloaf and McDonald’s

No. 1848330

>She says in English

No. 1848336

I always choose American English when i have to switch languages in something because i hate British moids and Britain. At least the US is far away from Europe.

No. 1848337

File: 1705001715264.jpg (79.26 KB, 736x1076, 839fc68d7ab2dde8780265434fe62d…)

England take over thread

No. 1848340

Skinny and pretty and rich and cool muah

No. 1848342

>meatloaf and McDonalds
What country eats only this? Do non-americans not realize that america has pretty much every food in the world due to immigration? I know green bean casserole was mentioned before, but it's not like that's the only thing to exist as food in america. Where I live we mostly have Mexican food.
>british moids
I've yet to come across more disgusting looking moids in my life than british ones. I feel bad for straight british women having to look at bottom-barrel british moids

No. 1848343

File: 1705001897579.jpg (69.17 KB, 960x486, 2023-07-04 22.22.09.jpg)

yes! ingerland!

No. 1848344

Britain VS the Unisted States of Taking Down Britain (the rest of the world)

No. 1848346

File: 1705002057457.jpg (160.03 KB, 1568x980, 1000014406.jpg)

You produced these creatures, im sorry I don't trust you

No. 1848352

File: 1705002217502.jpg (46.52 KB, 640x410, 2027bdad278bf294abfb0117dbfd1e…)

i got something controversial: i like southern american hillbilly accents

No. 1848353

File: 1705002293123.jpg (70.59 KB, 500x500, artworks-000441972618-gt87sv-t…)

Trying to stop us while speaking which language?

No. 1848356

Real shit. Are British moids even human?

No. 1848357

I grew up in a rural area and there was a ton of very decent nice hardworking people. Hicks get demonised by shitty city people.

No. 1848360

same nona, they just sound so cool to me

No. 1848363

I love the Scottish accent, although it's hard to understand.

No. 1848365

I honest to god hate Britbong. if it wasnt for Queen JKR and Harry Potter, I wouldn't give a shit about them.

No. 1848366

omg damon albarn, i thought he died!

No. 1848367

Nta but aside the burger memes i would have a better view of all the variety of food US can offer if it wasn't for the fact that they allow so many things that are banned in EU. I saw a picture of it once but idk where i can find it again. I don't know if it was actually true but i didn't have reasons to doubt it.

Bastardized English but then we will vote on what language to use next. We will also teach the amerifags more languages so they will stop being retarded and will be able to integrate with the rest of the world.

No. 1848369

File: 1705002620185.gif (832.75 KB, 498x462, IMG_4232.gif)

No. 1848375

>Bastardized English
Welshfag here, I kinda get what the Americans were going for. English is a mess with spelling. Few other countries having spelling bees, words just sound like you write them. The problem was Americans stopped half way during the reformation.

No. 1848379

>play jrpg
>man with long hair starts talking about humans being like bad or whatever
Is that you… Lysanderoth?

No. 1848381

>stopped halfway during the reformation
I really wish we hadn't. And I can't see it continuing because now there's too many literate people that are stubborn in old ways.

No. 1848382

File: 1705003112734.jpg (1.38 MB, 2168x2164, moitie despair wojak.jpg)

doing pointilism with micron pens in a 5in by 5in format for a subject in college, living is misery

No. 1848383

Hi Welsh nona, I'm really curious about the Welsh accent because I've never heard it. Are there any celebs with a distinct accent?

No. 1848385

ntayrt but i think that guy that played a druggie in Haunting of Hill House is also Welsh.

No. 1848388

Aww, yeah it takes forever but it looks really cool, be strong nonna.

No. 1848390

It's kinda hard since most actors downplay the accent when the move to London for work. The girl in stripy shirt here is pretty authentic

No. 1848403

sorry for shit mic quality

No. 1848404

Watch a Michael Sheen interview

No. 1848408

File: 1705004175084.jpg (141.48 KB, 736x1066, 129d41ca93e30391af1864bb1ac7ed…)


No. 1848410

Aww it sounds so cute!

No. 1848411

thanks for your support nonnie, it's just a 5in by 5in format so it's temporary pain for the neck and eyes, i can't imagine working on a 81in by 121in like George Seurat, so we should count our lucky stars. And it's a short topic too(for Design Fundamentals) and we're already starting on "lines"

No. 1848413

you're adorable

No. 1848415

Agree with the first statement but not the other, what about everyone else?

No. 1848417

>leave the fred immediately

No. 1848418

Fair, anyone who isn't American can stay.

No. 1848419

I think it's cute and awesome but unfortunately girls try to supress it and speak posh when they move to the cities. Many cases from my little village

No. 1848421

No. 1848422

Bless you British queen

No. 1848427

Sad case of accent discrimination in careers.

No. 1848428

awful voice, sounds 12 at max, like those vids when kids whisper so they don't wake up their parents

No. 1848433

No he isn't, a popular welsh actor off the top of my head is Taron Egerton, but he doesn't really have a welsh accent at all

No. 1848434


No. 1848436

post your voice nona and then we can judge you

No. 1848438

i'm with you re: the word cunt. i feel like women who still use it just haven't really thought about what they're actually saying hard enough. because i don't get why any woman would use it otherwise. inb4 the bongs and aussies insist it's just harmless fun slang or whatever. no. it isn't. it's the most vitriolic slur for women that currently exists.

No. 1848439

why does this girl look so familiar

No. 1848441

anon where in the uk are you from?

No. 1848443

I think bongs use it more of an insult than Aussies do

No. 1848444

As not to dox myself I'll just say southern england.

No. 1848451

pls don't bring vocaroo cancer here, let it stay on 4chan

No. 1848453

File: 1705005488703.jpg (403.61 KB, 1600x900, 0014a195-1600.jpg)

This thread has been taken over by the Brits for too long. Irish women, Americans, Indians, (occasionally) Scotland, a lot of Africa and the super long list of countries that have independence days from Britain rise up and take back this thread for self determination and freedom

No. 1848455

File: 1705005584312.jpg (141.25 KB, 976x970, _86714270_pa-5178570.jpg)

No. 1848461

File: 1705005711120.jpg (168.99 KB, 800x1325, 1000014419.jpg)

I submit Carrie Underwood and her thighs to be our champion, your move, Brits

No. 1848464

File: 1705005820984.jpg (25.18 KB, 500x500, gettyimages-1061157246.jpg)

we one up you with this queen

No. 1848465

I always get surprised when anons respond positively to vocaroos, seems like the type of thing you'd get shamed for here

No. 1848466

Nah, vocaroo posts seem attention whore-ish to me, except for that one complaining about post wall moids but idk everything else seems a bit weird

No. 1848467

>inb4 the bongs and aussies insist it's just harmless fun slang or whatever
Fuck off. Don't you go doing cultural imperialism on me. I call me dad cunt, my brother cunt, that prick at the delly cunt. I shall speak how I please. Keep your shite to your country. If it's a super bad no no word that's on you

No. 1848473

I think it is exciting, it makes anons seem real

No. 1848474

Face of a nymph and legs of a spartan

No. 1848476

The occasional one is funny.

No. 1848478

She gonna crush Joanne's head like a melon

No. 1848480

We need this as a vocaroo.

No. 1848483

I bet she is a TRA

No. 1848485

I'd do it but I don't want to hurt nona's sensitive ears

No. 1848486

Bad take, they should unite and fight against troons.

No. 1848487

I remember they used to be discouraged here

No. 1848496

No. 1848499

I'm the op from the comment but you nailed it nona

No. 1848502

A thigh-ripped American? Yeah

No. 1848503

That was much more dignified and less angry chav than i thought it would be.

No. 1848507

no more voicechanning

No. 1848509

They usually are (rightfully) shamed outside of this thread

No. 1848510

Scottish is very nice, I also like the Geordie accent and I love the Welsh accent like it's spoken by Alfie in My Family, it's so cute. Honestly, I'm not sure if people in Wales truly speak like that, but if they do, I will move there right now.

>I feel bad for straight british women
come to Eastern Germany or Bavaria, you will enjoy British moids in the future. Or, come to any major city in Germany, see the Polish (I'm sry, I love you Polish Nonnas) moids, stinking like piss and being drunk 24/7. Moids are bad, but many moids are worse than someone being born an island monkey ("Inselaffe", it's what the Germans call the British population very lovingly)

No. 1848513

File: 1705006688774.jpg (89.15 KB, 488x516, cac5c62d3c9ff010fe62e4d9d0c729…)

No. 1848515

most good looking actors are bongs

No. 1848517

very tempted to make one with an ear-grating Indian accent

No. 1848519

wirte out a list anon

No. 1848520

ikr, she sounded so polite like she's carefully explaining the instructions to something

No. 1848522

all the brits in this thread should post this. do your own versions. im waiting

No. 1848523

there is no point because I know they will just be slated kek

No. 1848525

I'm the poster of the comment and a west Irishwoman. Ain't the same accent but she got my spirit.

No. 1848529

Literally the exact opposite, the most notoriously ugly, like nearly deformed tier celebs are bongs

No. 1848532

The only one I can think of that doesn't look terrible and inbred is Nicholas Hoult, but his age is catching up with him and he's got that creepy Cillian Murphy blue-eyed stare. The rest are uggos.

No. 1848545

File: 1705007675029.jpg (30.69 KB, 563x519, hmm.jpg)

oh i see how it is

No. 1848546

i wanna go buy 15 donut holes so bad

No. 1848548

Americans have Ezra miller, as an ezrafag I am grateful

No. 1848552

File: 1705008051661.jpg (36.34 KB, 550x420, fwgb93-pre.jpg)

i would never post my voice here but i've always felt so conscious of my accent, people never get it because only one dumb stereotype exists and so many told me i either sound "asian" or from some nordic country kek.

Kinda envy native english people that don't have to go through that cringe.sometimes

No. 1848558

kek, are you Billy Butcher? If you are, I want to marry you, and you can call me, everyone I know and every item in my flat a cunt

I agree so much, the best looking American actors are dead for years now, but there are some very nice looking British actors out there

No. 1848564

File: 1705008655936.png (213.52 KB, 1141x466, british-actors-Google-Search.p…)

>very nice looking British actors out there
Literally where? Google search just shows me uggos and old men

No. 1848577

okay, you asked me and from that list I like Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, Ewan McGregor, Sean Connery (but he is dead), Anthony Hopkins and Christian Bale. Oh, and Judi Dench is also very nice, but not a man. Not on the list are Henry Cavill, Ioan Gruffudd and Mark Strong, also attractive British actors. I don't like Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt or Nicolas Cage and I'm not a zoomer, so I don't care for "young" men with operated faces like Zac Efron. If you Americans bring Gregory Peck or Rock Hudson back alive, I will vote for your country to have the most attractive men, but right now, I'm so sorry, British moids are just more my taste.

No. 1848588

File: 1705010264671.png (18.8 KB, 435x89, IMG_786675646.png)

>Anthony Hopkins
Ntayrt they're all busted as hell but this has got to be the worst. an egghead, really?

No. 1848589

File: 1705010277368.jpg (319.5 KB, 637x849, Theo_James_Divergent_premiere.…)

theo james

No. 1848590

i bet your accent is lovely and beautiful nona

No. 1848595

this one is marginally less bad but has a massive case of gayface, sorry

No. 1848637

>eyes too close together
>stick-out ears
>receeding hair
The bar for men is below the floor.

No. 1848661

File: 1705014067284.gif (832.91 KB, 288x298, friulisummervacation.gif)

aw thank you nona, i believe that you must sound lovely too

No. 1848703

lol males have a whole greek peninsula and women can't even get a server just for themselves

No. 1848709

ayrt, I was there during summer (specifically Proec i think) and it was just blissful. Probably one of the best times ive had travelling.

No. 1848710

Too bad it's a dude.

No. 1848717

Ewan Mcgregor is Scottish and I have seen his penis

No. 1848723

Haven't we all

No. 1848737

Is London the biggest cuck place ever?

No. 1848739

I love you both

No. 1848740

You have to take into account that many old men were once hot, and since there's no time limit on watching movies they remain hot in your mind long after they got old

No. 1848743

I feel the same. if it was terf island, there wouldnt be issues with people being anti troon.

No. 1848756

File: 1705017612444.png (289.8 KB, 390x506, Theguywhobetraysthegroup.png)

No. 1848771

File: 1705017977317.jpg (153.31 KB, 1242x1720, DY77dkQVAAAlE6B.jpg)

Bemmy blanco looks like an animorph to me

No. 1848772

You're joking.

No. 1848776

It's a myth, i swear

No. 1848809

File: 1705019038953.jpg (44.99 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

I have Timmy Turner style buckteeth, my two front teeth are significantly larger and wider than all of my other teeth and idk why. I thought teeth would have some sort of genetic code or something that tells them to be approximately the same size.

No. 1848850

I was in middle school when ebola was happening and so I never learned much about the outbreaks but lately i've been binging documentaries on it and holy shit, it's so incredibly scary. The death rate is outrageously high, one strain of it had a 90% death rate. You bleed out of your mouth and butt and can die within 24 hours of falling ill!!!!!!!!
The other interesting thing is that just like with covid deniers who thought it was a gov't conspiracy, in pretty much every country ebola hit, the same exact same thing happened! Even with a much more extreme disease. I guess when a disease disrupts daily life to such an extreme degree, humans are predisposed to creating conspiracy theories to mentally deal with it.

No. 1848854

I'm from the UK and think it's a nasty word for anyone to use but especially a man.

No. 1848866

oh, here's a terrifying fact i just learned: the current ebola strains are not airborne despite being very very contagious (you can contract it just by touching the skin of a contagious person), but there have been strains that affect monkeys that ARE airborne, and so it's not impossible that eventually there will be an airborne human strain. If this happens, the world will be fucked in my expert opinion. Regular ebola is already extremely difficult to contain. Airborne too? It would be like nothing we've ever seen in humanities history. Imagine you breathe in the virus and that's all it takes to have you bleeding from your eyes, your skin, your throat, your ass, and dying in just a handful of days. It would definitely wipe out entire families even more than it already does.

No. 1848869

have you considered going to a dentist?

No. 1848876

What are these documentaries? I want to become informed.

No. 1848877

This one is about the outbreak in the 90s, which is the one I'm watching now. It serves as a good intro so far, I wish I watched this one first.

No. 1848879

My teeth are perfectly healthy the front two are just very very big.

No. 1848880

This is the first one I watched

No. 1848882

This one I liked a bit better than the first. There's more but i don't wan to spam, if you just search youtube you should find more.

No. 1848885

Thank you. I didn't even know there was an outbreak in the 90s

No. 1848900

Yes, that was the Zaire outbreak, which was the one with the strain that had a 90% death rate.

No. 1848915

Eloba didnt make it too far over seas and create a global pandemic luckily since it tends to kill its host too quickly to spread.

No. 1848918

Personally I think that would change if it ever became airborne, like the strains that already affect monkeys. Then it would spread really fast and not just stay within families.

No. 1848919

File: 1705022637505.jpg (9.88 KB, 234x184, 20240101_065105.jpg)

I want to hold a baby panda soo bad its my dweam

No. 1848923

Oh, absolutely. Knock on wood. Any airborne virus with a high level killing rate would be an actual catastrophe.

No. 1848936

We could probably all make each other each if we all donated a dollar to each other

No. 1848937

do you smell burnt toast anon?

No. 1848948

I wanna be each

No. 1848952

Jobless grifter ass post

No. 1848955

>I've yet to come across more disgusting looking moids in my life than british ones
They're called russians.

No. 1848956

Kek, German moids also rival Russian moids in physical ugliness and degeneracy

No. 1848960

I don't think german moids exist anymore, they are all turkish or arab or from some other country
Does anyone else think that portuguese sounds like russian

No. 1848964

File: 1705026409479.jpg (29.89 KB, 564x940, cab459e2f0e698ee5a5972a19933ac…)

Men will never understand why it's so important for kaworu to tell shinji he loves him. Fuck netflix fuck male eva fans

No. 1848967

Portuguese sounds like Russian to me. I thought it'd sound more like Spanish.

No. 1848975

>Portuguese sounds like Russian
I know exactly what you mean. Moreso Brazilian Portuguese somehow

No. 1848983

File: 1705027524499.jpg (58.16 KB, 843x800, 098.jpg)


No. 1848985

as the sun hits, she'll be waiting…

No. 1848989

File: 1705027900989.jpeg (18.86 KB, 465x451, IMG_6581.jpeg)

Do you ever consume a form of media you used to be obsessed with years ago and when you get into it again, you can feel the autism awaken like an ancient beast? I’m playing Skyrim for the first time in 4 years and I’m growing more spergy by the hour

No. 1848993

i watched evangelion when i was 14, i watched it again last year and now i'm obsessed, i watch the last episode weekly
It may be bc i'm high but i'm happy for you, i hope you get to experience this joy for the longest time

No. 1848995

Portuguese sounds like drunk french ppl trying to speak Spanish to me

No. 1848997

i save all my favorite old games to replay when ive forgot most of the stuff about them, good shit

No. 1849002

No. 1849010

File: 1705029177168.jpg (106.65 KB, 850x566, m.jpg)

this is happening to me with vocaloid right now. I'm revisting all my favorite old songs. Feels like I'm regressing into a middle school cringey weeb kek. Skyrim is so good, I wish I could somehow erase it from my memory and play it "fresh" again

No. 1849011

File: 1705029253129.jpg (116.82 KB, 1004x1256, 20240109_182213.jpg)

Male humor.

No. 1849012

Some anons here talk about genetics in such a weird way… I’m not talking about Y chromosome jokes or hating trannies or whatever, I’m talking about like other instances. I think they’re trying to sound smart but they just sound like eugenicists or something, as in they bring up the topic constantly and tie literally every flaw a person could have back to genetics or inheritance or whatever (I mean… yeah that’s technically right but no one irl talks like that). Has anyone else noticed this or am I crazy?

No. 1849013

No. 1849016

File: 1705029703923.png (1.4 MB, 1170x1795, oh fuck all the way off .png)

These trad kids are fucked fr no cap rn(learn2integrate)

No. 1849017

Most behavioral/physical flaws and mental incapacities are caused by your genetics

No. 1849018

I've noticed it too and tell myself that they're lost polfaggots to maintain my faith in nonnies.

No. 1849020

Wtf there are so many studies that show the negative effects alcohol have on a fetus. This is so selfish

No. 1849025

I think a lot of pregnant women have (literally) one or two drinks during their entire pregnancy and it doesn't matter but you can't tell anyone and you're not being brave by telling anyone you just make yourself look bad. can't imagine why anyone would post this except as follower interaction bait or unless they were coping hard about being an alcoholic.

No. 1849026

Yeah, but it’s the way people bring it up consistently that makes me think its weird. Also, environment is still a big factor.

No. 1849027

Moid takeover. There's a reason this sperging has only been super loud recently. There hasn't been looksperg this obnoxious in awhile.

No. 1849028

Why is it necessary to drink at all during your pregnancy though? The other human being inside your body isn’t consenting to that danger being posed to their health.

No. 1849029

Because the sad reality is that many parents don't care about their children and sometimes that shows up before they're even born.

No. 1849038

I went out with a friend to bar and her pregnant mate showed up and I was so embarrassed to be standing with a heavily pregnant woman drinking and smoking and several times she asked us "What are people staring at?" I just met her and could not understand that my friend wasn't saying anything but it was one of the most uncomfortable nights of my life. The stares were unreal I felt persecuted.

A woman I knew through an ex smoked flat out during her pregnancy and had wine most nights. She said she wanted a small baby. She was very lucky her daughter didn't have any complications but she did seem a bit slow the years I knew her. Tbf her mum's a cunt and gives her minimal attention.

No. 1849039

I've also noticed more anons being hostile to fat/chubby/etc not hourglass or fit figures basically. I know we've always criticized them but for a while it wasn't as harsh as some anons have been behaving. Calling chubby "deformed" etc. TikTok anachans maybe? And there used to be more "rattle rattle" responses but now, the only one I saw was quickly shut down.

No. 1849042

Sorry replying to myself to mean: towards women. I forgot fat men are supposed to be a thing, those are whatever. Too lazy to delete and repost sorry

No. 1849044

I think these trad bitches are annoying as hell but a few sips of wine here and there are not gonna pose any danger to your baby. Babies don’t have FAS because mom indulged and had a glass of wine or two during pregnancy. They get FAS when mom is getting drunk or consuming large enough amounts of it consistently. Total sobriety is ideal so you don’t run the risk of overdoing it, but that should really only be a significant issue for you if you have a problem.
I’m really over people policing every little thing a pregnant woman does when they don’t even know what they’re talking about. I have seen people give pregnant women grief over having a cup of coffee, exercising, having sex, whatever - just because any of these things could potentially be harmful in excess. Just waiting to pounce at anything that could even remotely be perceived as a bad choice on the mother’s part. It’s clearly more about having the chance to play hall monitor and scold someone for a small slight (once again, I’m talking about very small amounts of alcohol - not getting drunk) and feel better about yourself than it is about any genuine concern for this woman’s baby.

No. 1849048

I remember seeing an IG account a while ago of a woman who smoked weed while pregnant and promoted it to other pregnant women. I can't really remember the name though. Although it's technically safe to have a few glasses of wine, I really look down upon people who have such a dependency on alcohol that they need to drink any type of alcohol (even the safe kind) during pregnancy. I've even seen women drink hard liquor while pregnant. If you can't put down any drugs or alcohol for 9 months (especially if it's to ensure the safety of the child you're choosing to bring into this world), you have a problem.

No. 1849049

you drank during your pregnancy didn’t you

No. 1849050

File: 1705031771802.png (400.25 KB, 1170x1570, sdidiehwiruwi.png)

Thats exactly what is happening in the comments of her post KEK

No. 1849053

i feel like anons have always been hostile towards fat women? doesn't seem new to me, with non-skeleton women i still see anons noticing it's ana chan shit but it's not like everyone's going to respond calling it out, they can just report.
I have seen more hate towards non hourglass shaped woman just because they donn't have overtly small waists…i don't even think that's being an ana chan? idek where that comes from

No. 1849055

Apparently ingesting cannabis is fine it's the smoke that's harmful to the baby. Although I'd be skeptical about when the baby is more developed and what giving it a regular hit of cannabis will do. I've seen young teens go nuts after starting cannabis way too early. As a heavy smoker I just can't see how it would be good for a baby. If I was pregnant I'd quit tbh. You'd have a constant reminder of why not to do it.

No. 1849059

I don’t see why alcohol is preferable over something like tea or hot chocolate or a glass of juice. Alcohol dehydrates you no matter how little you consume, and that’s not something you want for you and your baby. It just doesn’t really make sense why someone would choose that over literally anything else.

No. 1849061

Yeah I just think calling someone deformed is over the top. Could be self hating (ex)fatties too, they tend to be the meanest lmao.
Again only referring to women, don't care about men. They are deformed by nature.

No. 1849062

Not too mention that taking a few sips of wine doesn't do anything in terms of becoming inebriated or a change in mood, so what's really the purpose? It's just drinking to drink.

No. 1849068

Overconsumption isn’t the issue, if you’re in pain or feeling distressed and your immediate reaction is to drink some alcohol even while you’re pregnant then maybe you have some issues that need to be worked through before you should parent a child.

No. 1849071

this faggot won't shut up i want to leave ASAP

No. 1849077

I have noticed that people who were fat as kids are the most embittered and rude in many cases, and go on to try to impress the kind of people who bullied them in school for being fat. It's sad.

No. 1849078

Natural selection always does its job

No. 1849154

File: 1705039229379.jpg (86.91 KB, 640x960, 236349c397ccd62c05c6da46c156ea…)

Box cake batter is so good for some reason. The texture and the way it subtly burns your tongue from the baking soda like electricity. I made a tiny bit meaning to microwave it, but now I'm just eating it.

No. 1849162

People microwave cake batter???

No. 1849164

i hate male names like jax and max and fax and lax

No. 1849171

When I get a bf and ascend from gazing upon this decrepit site and the crumbling remnants it has left behind

No. 1849186

jax and max and fanum tax

No. 1849193

File: 1705043000925.png (890.9 KB, 1431x681, soon.png)

Next friday when I get paid I will treat myself to two frivolous things, these silly blue skin patches with the case and this Ween hat.

No. 1849194

Those patches don't work at all but if you're getting them for whimsy I get it. They still don't work tho.

No. 1849196

Really? Then I will just get the cheaper knock off ones! Thanks for the heads up. I mainly wanted them to just cover up blemishes so that I feel less self conscious when they pop up.

No. 1849198

Yeah not saying that to be rude or condescending but they're pretty terrible, the basic boring ones that are at target too work better.

No. 1849200

Dw, I appreciate the input! Now I know to just expect them to be cute cover ups and nothing more.

No. 1849202

I am watching Saltburn now and the guys in this are so old looking lel. They are not believable university kids at all.

No. 1849203

get a pack of pimple patches instead, the stuff in it sucks out the moisture and flattens acne overnight

No. 1849206

Noted. Use the plain ones at night to actually kill the pimple and use the cute one during the day to cover up the red spot if I'm self conscious.

No. 1849211

File: 1705043898489.jpg (304.32 KB, 750x857, 1705042706207458.jpg)

Euronymous is so ridiculous looking

No. 1849215

I would’ve picked him up and dropped him on his head

No. 1849216

You can use the plain ones during the day as well, as long as it's a smaller patch and the pimple isn't right in the middle of your face. They blend in quite well (though if there's still gunk to suck out they go white in that section).

No. 1849219

Him and Varg both were ridiculous looking but girls are desperate when it comes to male looks department so he was worshiped

No. 1849221

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Varg may be a horrible person but he was cute way back when.

No. 1849223

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This was a t4t couple

No. 1849224

No. 1849227

File: 1705044835375.jpg (32.61 KB, 602x495, d86b3b7bd47d8f4fca6aac973c1212…)

When you take away the hair it's literally just some dude.

No. 1849229

File: 1705044942464.jpg (49.28 KB, 476x954, b4a22de96b4b27993535fb3a6b8f67…)

Kawaii desu

No. 1849230

Okay you're right he's mid, but the hair itself is nice. Shiny and thick!

No. 1849232

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He has a cool scar won’t lie

No. 1849236

Really makes me appreciate the cute Culkin brother who played him in the movie, I also appreciated how much of a fucking creepy sperg they made Varg out to be. I don't follow his drama much but I can only assume he seethed about it.

No. 1849239

I get it's a joke, but this rhetoric unironically gives lurking TIFs a confidence that they pass.

No. 1849241

No it doesn't. It's just a joke, please unfurl your head from your asshole.

No. 1849242

I prefer middle-aged bearded Varg. Young Varg looks rougher and more.. ham-like? His chin is too proeminent and his beard works well to hide that

No. 1849243

Don't let trannies live inside your head it's fucking weird. Some tifs pass and that doesn't change anything.

No. 1849244

It does though, I've seen claim TIFs think gerald way looking like an FTM gave them the confidence to transition.

No. 1849245

men age like milk left in the sun

No. 1849246

He looks like an aids ridden streetwalker here. He should've been an unidentified body by the side of a highway.

No. 1849248

Fuck off miserable schizo.

No. 1849255

Samefag but i just realized Euronymous would likely be a troon today. Creepy, cringe satanist, held leftist views but didn't act on them, wannabe cult leader, latched onto vulnerable friends to do heinous things to them. I may be influenced by the memory of a metalhead who'd skinwalk him. This guy trooned out right after his gf accused him of DV and kind of dropped the label when it wasn't useful anymore (three months later), but kept wearing cheap skirts and awful goff makeup. Why are metalheads like this.

No. 1849256

All black metal tards are useless.

No. 1849257

File: 1705046930573.jpg (1.75 MB, 4585x2048, jB1pSTIcFEhQ.jpg)

okay what about TIFs like picrel? they unironically think believe they look like 2000's emoboys and metalheads.

No. 1849260

hazbin hotel makes me uncomfortable. I cannot finish the first episode and i have high tolerance level for cringe.

No. 1849261

He also had a giant box of vhs child porn under the counter at Helvete and he spent all day looking at it and showing the videos random people.

No. 1849262

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Look at this cute photo of Anna Faris from the movie Smileyface

No. 1849263

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Spot the difference.

No. 1849264

nta but what

No. 1849266

Poo looked so cute with normal styling

No. 1849273

dorito chin>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>balding with a beer gut

No. 1849276

WE DONT CARE. You are the ones saving pictures of them gaywad

No. 1849279

File: 1705048013502.jpg (5.33 MB, 250x250, 4199296-9f010bbc20727905caec40…)

Yeah, listening to power metal like Nightwish, Sonata Arctica, Rhapsody of fire and Elfen Lied which i thought was really deep.

No. 1849280

File: 1705048115388.png (1.09 MB, 900x593, 9v8ggmI.png)

For all the violence in media today, knowing that someone has actually murdered another person (that they took a life with their own hands) is truly frightening. It will always unsettle you. My uncle has killed people. Specifically, he personally killed two African rebels during a UN mission, and he has commanded units in an Islamist province, which he's stated he's not allowed to talk about (my country has a history of ethnic cleansings, so I'm afraid). The most frightening thing is the fact that he's a very jovial and normal guy outside of it.

No. 1849281

I'm watching a very potter musical rn

No. 1849282

I knew that a house in my old neighborhood had a murder happen but I didn’t know the details and I got curious one day and looked it up and it was so horrifically violent I was scared of having nightmares that night, it felt so eerie everytime I passed it after that.

No. 1849283

Nightwish fans are the worst, they're still fighting over Tarja vs Floor even though it's been like two decades since she got kicked out.

No. 1849285

I found out my dog via doggy dna test and does not look it is part pitbull and now I'll have to forever hide her ancestry from the world. also german sheps are apparently forbidden in many potential future apartment complexes. I always just assumed she was part shepherd something and called her a shepherd mix kek

I too discovered she's part husky which was a surprise. although she's a schizo vocal unserious bitch, and hates the heat. i guess thats what she takes after

No. 1849294

My uncle was open with killing the Africans, the worst part was that he was mocking them, "oh those fools couldn't even aim their guns right, we could conquer their entire country if we wanted too"

No. 1849296

No she was not. Her personality is too foul and disturbing, it’s enough to make her despicable inside and out and no amount of brown hair can save her

No. 1849298

yeah, it was a common story other black metal musicians used to tell. He collected videotapes of gore, hardcore and child porn and always had a box of them in helvete and would sit in the store playing them

No. 1849299

I think she looked pretty in Midsommar with plainer clothing, but the glam styling she always has nowadays looks insane.

No. 1849300

Your dog sounds annoying.

No. 1849301

File: 1705049942646.jpg (79.99 KB, 800x1132, 61D-4fwKyQL.jpg)

I was thinking about how I if I was a man for a day, I would try one of those gas station pills just to see what it's like, but I just remembered that women DO have gas station pills

No. 1849303

All dogs are sometimes annoying

No. 1849305

You people are so annoying if I ever get pregnant I'm going to drink out of spite. I hate alcohol but I'll start just for you

No. 1849307

Alright? I'm an anonymous person, I'm not the one you would be harming.

No. 1849309

Do women really stop drinking coffee and eating sushi cause that’s insane

No. 1849314

birthing a downie to own the lolcow farms

No. 1849316

When a woman is pregnant generally she is advised to avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, drugs, thinks like rare meats, raw fish and even to avoid cleaning the litterbox. Fetuses are very vulnerable, it's a little weird so many nonnies here are opposed to this but whatever.

No. 1849318

But literally whats the point of a few sips? It doesnt taste good, people drink for the effect, so why even bother

No. 1849319

Isn't sex during pregnancy actually recommended? All I've heard is that it's greatly beneficial

No. 1849324

That’s bitchmade

No. 1849325

I'm not having sex while pregnant not even if that would turn my baby into some superhero immortal divine being.
That sounds like something a doctor with a pregnant fetish made up and it makes me disgusted.

No. 1849331

Yes it's fine for pregnant women to have sex. I think it helps with labor induction. I don't think people say to not have sex while pregnant, I think they say that women shouldn't over-exert themselves.

No. 1849334

What why?

No. 1849339

File: 1705053064897.jpg (75.69 KB, 678x1200, dbb49ebc4d734883b468403b8285a9…)

Those EOS lip balms used to be trash, but their lotions are fantastic. I actually still love the packaging of the lipbalms so much, I might buy one just to replace the balm inside.

No. 1849341

I love them too, the egg shape is so cute and even if the ingredients suck the orb shaped balm feels really good on your lips.

No. 1849342

I was showering and scrubbed to hard and the weird scratchy thing in the middle of the scrubbie scraped my leg.

No. 1849345

The perfume Poets of Berlin smells like pickles before it dries down.

No. 1849360

File: 1705054849956.png (370.42 KB, 596x665, Screenshot 2024-01-12 042153.p…)

It's Pat has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Cathy Griffin looks really pretty in it tho.

No. 1849363

how fat do you have to be to like an old balding man over a young guy with long hair

No. 1849367

I used to eat them (I was in middle school)

No. 1849369

One with the purple hair would be pretty if she didn’t do all that bullshit to herself

No. 1849386

72 hour organism sounds like some Black Mirror monkey paw thing. Also why is there a kangaroo on the pic? kek

No. 1849409

File: 1705060251467.png (812.11 KB, 1083x703, Screenshot 2024-01-12 055116.p…)

There's a shot of Gene Weens feet in the movie Its Pat which I thought was kind of weird, but then no joke it turns out Tarantino worked on it LEL

No. 1849429

Caesar or steakhouse wedge salad to go with my lasagna tonight?

No. 1849430

Dogs are the worst pets to have even though they’re cute because it’s like taking care of a retarded person. Other animals are more normal and smart

No. 1849435

Are footfags all bisexual? Kojima is another one of those

No. 1849437

I wish we had a female Tarantino who terrorized the world with her fetish in her films. Where are the fujo directors?

No. 1849439

in japan writting tokusatsu

No. 1849442

based but i wish western women would get in on that

No. 1849445

western women are too cucked, sadly. They will write about little girls shaking their asses for pedomoids before they write about cute guys doing cute things. The closest thing to a fujo western director is vivziepop.

No. 1849452

They do look like trannies.

No. 1849457

the only real Nightwish is the one with Tarja, cope and seethe

No. 1849458

File: 1705064459923.jpeg (113.31 KB, 760x906, xq0tgee0qn6c1.jpeg)

why does media and aesthetic people fail so hard at recreating the 90s? its an era the people in charge of productions were alive in and yet it never looks right.

Sometimes you have fashion collections claiming they are vintage and from the 90s and literally nothing loooks like something someone in the 90s would wear.

No. 1849459

who the fucks things the 90s looked like the top? that looks like a soulles streamer house

No. 1849463

random retard who post their "90s inspired rooms" on social media.

I particularly hate those "nostalgic artworks" that are supposed to represent kids in the 90s and its just a room with a million posters from movies and videogames from the 90s and a bunch of nintendo games. So fucking retarded, no one's room looked like that, you just went to wikipedia and made a list of things. Imagine i did a 1930s bedroom and its just a normal bedroom from the 2000s but with a bunch of charlie chaplin and miles davis posters

No. 1849466

Omg nona that was me in high school to a T. I remember getting into stupid arguments with the other metal kids defending power metals honor kek

No. 1849467

>90s inspired room
that room has a tranny flag pasted on the walls

No. 1849468

File: 1705066113371.jpg (9.54 KB, 259x194, descarga (10).jpg)

I did FF7 Advent Children AMV with Nightwish Planet Hell and an Inuyasha one with stratovarius.

I also had a Anamaguchi ringtone on my phone, unironically

No. 1849469

>tranny flag on the walls
>tranny decor
>ugly soulless white void
>pumpkin on the floor
>plastic couches that stick to your ass
meme aside this is one of the ugliest rooms i have ever seen

No. 1849472

File: 1705066814369.jpg (27.91 KB, 400x400, 64f2560b3fdec28d3591424587a6b8…)

My sibling did talk with our auntie lately and learned that our grandma did favor her sons over daughters, that "they had to be fed and invested into" while not allowing my auntie to go to the university. It was my uncle that have been going to the university while auntie had to go straight to work. My grandma was left alone with 4 kids by my grandfather when my mom was a kid, one would think that she would be supportive of her daughters, so they have a chance for a well-paid job and would not be financially dependable on anyone like she was, but apparently 'I suffered so you have as well' is not an uncommon approach. Auntie ran away from home at some point with what saving she had, has nice relationship with her daughter and rather comfy life, so good for her

No. 1849479

it's a retarded move too because sons rarely take care of elderly parents if they can avoid, it's always the daughters doing it, but by favoring their sons they're telling your daughters they're not important so they will get fucked when they get old.

No. 1849481

H2O Just Add Water

No. 1849482

i dont know anything about modern celebrities but i scrolled past the celebricow thread and i cant believe modern celebrities look so fucking botched at such a young age. I though that ariana grande was some botched up OFthot, wtf

No. 1849484

the ozempic + buccal fat removal trend has all celebs looking like fallout ghouls.

No. 1849486

I'm still an on-and-off Hetalia sperg

No. 1849489

I had that exact same press growing up, creepy

No. 1849492

File: 1705068096319.jpg (88.19 KB, 453x310, erin-moriarty-plastic-surgery.…)

>buccal fat removal
I have no idea why anyone does it. It's ages you by like 20 years. Unlike fillers and stuff it's permanent.

No. 1849496

wtf she was so cute before

No. 1849504

maybe they want to rebel against the pedotiktok anime kpop face idk

No. 1849505

Man, I hadn't been on cc for a while and there's a lot more moid-crazy underage zoomers than I remember. Was it always like that?

No. 1849506

File: 1705069187779.jpg (9.88 KB, 250x250, 1694124714845.jpg)

>moids found strong chad jaws in women attractive through the 80s-90s
>started liking babyfaced girls in the 00s-10s
>now they are back to strong jaws so all the babyfaced women are getting buccal fat removal
what the fuck do men want?!

No. 1849508

They could just wait ten minutes for the trend to change.

No. 1849511

Perpetually insecure women to settle for their inadequate selves

No. 1849512

They dont know what they want, which is why women getting surgery and starving themselves for men is the most retarded thing ever. Look how many women died on the operating table for fake asses. Changing yourself physically to appeal to men is the highest form of brain rot there is.

No. 1849513

She looks dead inside now

No. 1849514

So true, meanwhile our hollywood pretty boys were replaced by the rat from flushed away. I am so tired of men getting pandered to all the time while we dont even get crumbs thrown in our way.

No. 1849515

I don't think it moids (although they are a big part of the problem) but the fashion/beauty industry. They can only work if they sell you something you don't have. It's why tanning is popular in the west and skin lightening cream is big in the east. Every couple years they seem to flip on what's in.

No. 1849518

She got it around the time she started dating Anthony Starr. I don't like gossip but rumours make him out to be a lot like Homelander.

No. 1849525

My mom had the same issues with her father. She left home because they refused to pay for her college, so she ended up leaving home at like 17. Her brothers (all 3) got full paid college tuitions to engineering school, while my mom had to pay for everything herself working multiple jobs. It breaks my heart to know how much my mom struggled just because she was a woman.
also, she hadnt spoken to her father in over 20+ years, so when my mom died in the hospital, it was my first time ever meeting my grandfather. He died a day after she passed, probably from guilt. I'd like to think she took him with her. kek. I love and miss you, mom

No. 1849527

Nah, it's men. Beauty trends are moid's fault since the world revolves around them and what they find attractive. Otherwise normie women who arent models wouldn't get plastic surgery.

No. 1849528

Same here nona, and old touhou videos

No. 1849533

wtf are you going on about? Trends geared towards women are always about men. The fashion industry is riddled with gay males. Men have always made decisions about women's trends, which is why they make no sense and change drastically while men's don't

No. 1849543

>which is why they make no sense and change drastically while men's don't
even more so it shows how unnatural it is for human women to be expected to be the "beautiful sex" unlike literally any other animal species. female beauty standards are so volatile because they are nothing but society-mandated negging to get women insecure enough to settle so moids don't have to put any effort

No. 1849558

Nona this is such a wise comment I saved it not to repost, but make sure I personally never forget. You are SO right.

No. 1849561

Well said. I sometimes wonder what society would be like if we were like hyenas or spiders where the females are much bigger and stronger than the males.

No. 1849583

I agree with you so much. It's truly sad. Looking back at women's fashion from the 1930s to now is so drastic. Looking back at men, you see how they declined. Even worse after 2010 when women's fashion really seems to be a free for all, week to week trend changing. I really wish more women would love themselves and stop falling for this.

No. 1849605

I like to wonder what society would be like if men died shortly after mating.

No. 1849608

What if we shilled "praying mantis style" as the hot new sex kink

No. 1849623

NTA I like the murder bit but eating a man sounds like a lot of work. Also after looking mantises up, Sexual Cannibalism sounds like a sweet band name

No. 1849632

Late but you are very based and agreeable nona

No. 1849638

File: 1705074440591.jpg (92.63 KB, 564x846, 2f0e3333062ca16e28174c607473f6…)

Jonah Hauer King

No. 1849646

update: i aced it.

No. 1849648

Congrats nona!

No. 1849657

Well done!

No. 1849702

Jeffrey Dahmer please
Men stink

No. 1849740

File: 1705078106372.png (1.14 MB, 696x990, fancy.png)

I want nice hats to become a more common thing. Not like bucket hats or beanies but fancy things. I got to wear a fascinator at the races recently and it was awesome.

No. 1849750

File: 1705078494135.png (532.43 KB, 1167x537, 7sac6dpu7nja1.png)

Props to the anon who probably studied properly before the exam. I have a psych exam in 5 days and all i want to do is get high and kill myself, in that order.

No. 1849769

Writing a cow yourself draft and it’s embarrassingly long…

No. 1849778

Then wear them. Nothing is stopping you. Be the change you want to be

No. 1849811

It fucking sends me when I buy an exotic produce at the grocery store and the cashier doesn’t know what it is. I feel compelled to lie about the name and then when they can’t find it on their sheet cry well you’re the one who sells it! Do you think I just carried it in here so you could ring it up?!

No. 1849813

I want to but they are super expensive. If it was more common I could get an affordable one in Zara or River Island. I had to rent my fascinator otherwise it would cost high hundreds. Even renting it set me back 60 euro.

No. 1849822

Maybe try looking up church hat. I'm American and I was able to find some cheap ass fascinators online but idk anything about them.

No. 1849833

File: 1705081638555.gif (1.47 MB, 500x243, 4912a7298141c8595a608cb29f9a51…)

i miss my trains… maybe i should collect some train models

No. 1849836

File: 1705081717033.jpg (108.22 KB, 800x820, fancy-green.jpg)

I looked it up and they don't seem to be a thing here in Ireland. I'm only getting etsy links. I've seem some nice hats in the window of charity shops the other day. I might go there and work on a collection. I really want to get something like this. That's my white whale.

No. 1849846

Kek this is hilarious but I'd feel so bad for the cashier. What kind of produce did you get?

No. 1849852

I spent my two-week winter vacation on going to the gym, farting around on youtube and playing video games despite previously planned to perhaps hang out with friends I haven't had time to see in a while. And I'm not sure I even regret it and almost wish I could do this for another week kek

No. 1849892

if you like crafting you can DIY a fancy hat pretty easily by sewing ribbons/flowers/netting/etc on a regular felt hat

No. 1849898

Last time it was a daikon radish

No. 1849909

Eh I'm not talented enough to do that but it's always good to learn new skills

No. 1849912

File: 1705084492722.jpg (115.8 KB, 736x891, a7b9a3488d23b8da20f5f74fa66125…)

I think high notes are globally regarded as the hardest, but tbh as a non-singer low notes/register seem significantly more difficult.

No. 1849915

Moids want control

No. 1849917

Sometimes the weird dreams I have kind of disturb me cause why am I envisioning myself going to the grocery store in the middle of a hurricane

No. 1849927

File: 1705085183232.jpg (51.72 KB, 575x1024, 109c6f05177e91b80423df6321005f…)

I just searched up gangrene on Google and somehow I did NOT expect to see such gnarly photos on the images tab

No. 1849931

know what's worse than that? the smell

No. 1849949

so many wrong opinions today

No. 1849963

I'm fascinated by gross stuff like popping, ear cleaning and cow bloat relief (farmer family lol) videos but that is way too much for me. Avoid Krokodil and Tranq videos. They are so fucked up

No. 1849968

krokodil and heroin injection gives me a visceral reaction as someone who's afraid of needles

No. 1849976

Worst thing I searched lately was a type of cancer where alot of people need not just a full leg amputation but they take half your butt cheek away too.

No. 1849982

The needle is least bad part of krokdil. It literally causes you limbs to rot away. I'm a former junkie (shout out to coke) but I could never imagine putting that in myself.

No. 1849986

what the fuck is the point of this even

No. 1849989

I just realized Hayao Miyazaki is still alive, and I have literally no idea where I got the idea that he was dead. I thought he had died years ago, at least pre-pandemic

No. 1849993

Thank you so much nona it has been 5 minutes and I can't stop laughing.

No. 1849998

Wow, I thought I was the only one. For some reason child me thought he died before From up on Poppy Hill released and that was his last movie. I also have no clue why I thought that.

No. 1850004

he's almost 100 years old. It's honestly fascinating he's still alive considering artists involved in the animation and manga industry seem to die really young. Osamu Tezuka died at 60 and he was a doctor. This motherfucker must smoke more than a pack a day and he's still well alive, he's like the ralph bakshi of japan.

No. 1850006

Idk she was talking about gangrene, I mentioned similar stuff I've seen like that. Thought it made sense. I've been drinking a bit so maybe it made more sense in my head.

No. 1850008

wasn't that movie by his son?

No. 1850014

Apparently his son directed it, but Miyazaki wrote it.

No. 1850020

Giga based nona

No. 1850031

If there wasn’t a video of it literally no one would believe it, it’s too crazy

No. 1850098

do any of you ever get paranoid that everyone in your personal life can see your lolcow history and is spying on you but just isn’t telling you

No. 1850111

One time i recognized someone i knew here, their post was older and i don't want to say what it was but it wasn't the best way to recognize her. It was nothing bad but i feel like that's why she seemed a bit paranoid of me since that time but i had no idea. I still wish i didn't notice that because i've felt so guilty about it, she could also recognize me if she still uses the site though

No. 1850113

One time a guest picked up my phone that I left on the couch on purpose and brought it to me and the lolcow catalogue was open and I have my screen set to never auto lock kek. I couldn’t remember if I was browsing lc at some point that night so it made me so paranoid what all they looked at

No. 1850119

File: 1705091921541.jpeg (464.51 KB, 828x1067, IMG_6406.jpeg)

No. 1850132

I've an ex from years ago who knows about lc. I didn't tell him, it was the other way round with him telling me about the munchie thread because I knew someone irl like that. I didn't tell him I ended up taking to posting on ot but sometimes it crosses my mind that he's aware of here.

No. 1850150

I always think guys using cat lady as an insult is retarded because why would that be shameful? When I was a kid I’d always play with the furreal friends kitties so that sounds more like my true purpose in life whereas baby dolls I got as gifts I would kick around and throw into my closet.

No. 1850168

Should I read homestuck?

No. 1850172

No. 1850217

My dad, getting old and lives alone. He's always hearing
>ah would you not get a lil dog for company? To keep you company around the house and you can take it for lil walks!
Imagine how these guys will react if that's in their future.

No. 1850241

I saw a second shift coworker bring in a beige stanley cup. The day before she brought in not one but two giant gas station pops in a plastic bag. I wonder if she filled her stanley with pop, kek. It's crazy how people will buy anything they see others have. The gas station even sells a huge ass reusable mug for the pop that will hold multiple for probably half the price of her stanley. It's going to get very dirty at work real quick too.

No. 1850243

you're telling me this isn't Rich Evans in a wig

No. 1850288

no, but on the off chance you do only read the first half. it falls off noticeably hard after a certain point

No. 1850307

File: 1705101082995.jpeg (239.7 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_5556.jpeg)

I should've learned my lesson from fucking with faceapp not to play with an ai again but I did it anyway, now I'm already tired of it because it doesn't churn out what I ask worth bollocks

please fixate on something productive you knob brain

No. 1850324

do you ever wonder what happened to those youtubers who got cancelled to the point of no return? like shannon, cosmodored, boyinaband. I wonder what they are doing.

No. 1850333

I get waterbottle trends but I don't get the Stanley one. Those cups are butt ugly, genuinely an eye sore. How did such an ugly, clunky, ugly ugly ugly product become this mega trend?

No. 1850337

I sometimes wonder about big YouTubers who slowly just lose relevancy, who used to get millions per video but now barely scrape a 100k, like vidrel. Do they just live comfortably for the rest of their lives on the money they made while they were big?

No. 1850339

100k per video is definetly enough to live comfortably as a youtuber, specially with sponsors.

No. 1850341

From what I've heard your vidrel was always rich, she just downplayed it in her online presence. She always lived comfortably and probably always will

No. 1850344

You can live off youtube with that little views?

No. 1850350

definetly, one of my favourite youtubers has max 100k views per video, uploads every 3 months, and lives comfortably. He has a patreon and sponsors, too. It makes me sad he has so little views when his channel is so good, i guess youtube prefeers quantity over quality. This guy makes videos on the same niche and is probably rich as fuck even though his videos are lazy and boring as shit.

No. 1850371

Men with sexual fetishes have utmost empathy for other men with same fetish regardless of sexuality, so they do this as a nod to them. This is why directors with pedo vibes contain uncomfortable shots of children of both genders, they feel like they're sharing with other degens like them.

No. 1850389

>He has a patreon and sponsors
This is the key part. Youtube ad revenue ain't worth nothing and can be lost by bots labelling your video as demonetised. 100k Youtubers can get like 10k for an sponsorship read.

No. 1850399

damn i wish that were me

No. 1850412

Ikr, sometimes I wish I could edit videos and do autistic shit for YouTube.

No. 1850415


No. 1850417

File: 1705106372629.gif (187.14 KB, 500x215, rainymood.gif)

Same. It hasn't snowed here in years. I'm so sick of rain every day

No. 1850423

Your lucky ass living in forks, washington getting all the ambience. Whatever.

No. 1850429

File: 1705106689953.gif (4.78 MB, 498x498, C76F79E7-9EB7-4BF1-A4C8-809903…)

Please tell me more about tokusatsu written by fujo

No. 1850448

I wish. Different continent. All the same weather, no fun vampire adventures. I'm moving to a desert once I finish college.

No. 1850456

File: 1705107578766.png (1.13 MB, 1046x882, god you’re so fucking annoying…)

retarded memes like these annoy the shit our of me. like they aren’t london tipton and kevin mcallister they are two people. also two people who work in the same industry. so…why would it be shocking for their paths to cross. being on the internet and being overexposed to pop culture really is making everyone so much dumber.

No. 1850479

newest kr seasons are pretty fujoyumecoded

No. 1850482

why are you so angry at a dumb meme

No. 1850487

File: 1705108343333.jpg (63.7 KB, 644x644, scrubs.jpg)

No. 1850489

you just know this was made by someone that is on twitter for 12 hours a day

No. 1850491

Can you believe matilda's dad has a twin brother that looks nothing like him who got pregnant and then sent to the future to kill a child that just wanted to see kiss playing live?

No. 1850494

last week I found out that there is a whole subsection of Japanese Michael Jackson fans that make weird life-sized dolls of him and I have been going insane

No. 1850495

please post it i beg you

No. 1850496

File: 1705108673064.jpg (135.61 KB, 941x1342, 20240112_201915.jpg)

Which one of you weird horny bitches is this

No. 1850506

File: 1705109177873.jpeg (1.83 MB, 3464x2671, heehee.JPEG)

this is one of the larger accounts, she made a super realistic mj with another fan recently. the "would you like to buy this Michael?" posts are so funny to me

No. 1850513

File: 1705109510007.jpg (55.67 KB, 1200x675, E8q_ozyVgAIHmHG.jpg)

My poor husband is absolutely beside himself sick and distraught because he got what could possibly be hiv or hep c infected blood on him at work. He told me his brave story about how he was picking up a box covered in the blood of his extremely homosexual, gross faggot coworker and panicked, stricken with fear that this contamination managed to touch his skin. You want to know what's even more frightening? The 5 assailants who beat this random gross gay men near-death also planted several suspect items in my husband's vehicle, I found Carly Rae Jepsen cds, lubricant, and condoms planted underneath his seat. We are in extreme distress as we believe they were possibly planning to rape my husband or stage the beating to include both him and his disgraced homo coworker, both next to eachother with their pants down like a lover's suicide. I cannot believe anyone could be so monstrous, so cruel as to make my husband look like a homosexual, what a wicked horrible person. He has been crying in my arms over this traumatizing incident, even asking me to sit aside the Carly Rae Jensen cds and lubricant so that he can take them to police to be dusted for fingerprints if these men try to attack my husband or frame him again. I am currently drafting my suicide note in case the test comes back positive for hep c or hiv. He even warned me there was a possibility he contracted gonorrhea through the spot of blood he accidentally brushed against. He was squeezing between two seperate stacks of boxes when his pants and briefs became caught on one, causing them to fall slightly and the man's blood grazed his rectum. I am so afraid for my husband, he is an innocent victim in this gruesome crime against humanity. God I fucking hate faggots. My poor man.

No. 1850527

It says if you told them at 10 years old. Kids mostly just know actors as the characters they play

No. 1850534

I try to keep an open mind but wow…
I need to see more

No. 1850538

No. 1850539

I get it because he kind of looks like an ex visual kei uncle that got too much plastic surgery so they probably find him sexy

No. 1850541

File: 1705110200101.jpeg (2.11 MB, 3464x2309, heehee2.JPEG)

Here are some more fans I found. The woman in the bottom left is at his grave, apparently dropping these dolls off at his grave is a common thing with them.

No. 1850545

File: 1705110290673.gif (98.02 KB, 498x456, cat-hysterical.gif)

I'm fucking crying I literally couldn't breathe by the time I finished reading this

No. 1850546

A lot of them compare him to K-pop and J-pop idols and weirdly thirst over him.

No. 1850561

This makes me feel immensely better about my stan tendencies

No. 1850563

Holy fucking shit this is hilarious

No. 1850566

God forbid a woman have hobbies.

No. 1850575

File: 1705111002955.jpg (421.06 KB, 1536x2048, Fa56jr0WAAAD9Jx.jpg)

This is up there with that guy who makes 20ft tall cut-outs of his waifu

No. 1850582

Mia Goth is such a beautiful weird woman with a scary irritating voice but so gorgeous and beautuutuiful

No. 1850584

File: 1705111249143.jpeg (884.57 KB, 1127x1049, IMG_6108.jpeg)

absolute brainrot city state of lc dot farm today

No. 1850585

File: 1705111256398.jpg (144.29 KB, 828x826, shamone.JPG)

Michael Jackson fans will forever be some of the most insane fans. The dolls aren't even the most insane discovery. There are MJ selfcest artists!!!!!!!

No. 1850587

File: 1705111292515.jpeg (33.61 KB, 300x300, IMG_6109.jpeg)

I am glad she kicked a man in the head

No. 1850591

My tolerance was sullied and hated her after her performance in Infinity Pool but this has restored my support

No. 1850594

This crayon colored pen lined drawing is making me lose my mind it's rendered like an 11 year old who just discovered their first how to draw Manga book

No. 1850596

File: 1705111508278.jpeg (1.51 MB, 3464x3146, shamone2.JPEG)

Forgot to include the fucking bio

No. 1850599

I support women in AUTISM
>So Cool
>Michael Jackson Fan

No. 1850600

>furry alien mj
now I've really seen it all

No. 1850604

I just want maxxxine to go off without a hitch, I don't know why they didn't just film it with the rest of the trilogy

No. 1850605

I miss when they just fixated on trains or engineering

No. 1850606

I seriously want to know what Michael would actually think of this.

No. 1850607

I need the alien MJ image please! she has so many posts I'll never find it

No. 1850616

He loved weird and tacky stuff, Have you seen the painting he owned where there were like 10 naked versions of his ex-wife pulling him into a river. He would commission this lady for sure, kek

No. 1850622

File: 1705112246054.jpg (67.07 KB, 828x533, womeninstem.JPG)

No. 1850625

File: 1705112330588.jpg (38.64 KB, 300x400, 010_jackson_painting-300x400.j…)

Yes so quirked up of him

No. 1850629

Doesn't surprise me that he has weird tacky fans, wtf is this

No. 1850631

That's a painting Michael himself commissioned and had in his home. Here are some of the totally non suspect art ceramics he had as well.

No. 1850640

Do his fans even know of this? How do you surround yourself with his image knowing this, especially being in your 40s/50s. Denial or do they just bury this well

No. 1850651

Oh, they know.

No. 1850660

I have a theory they can't accept he was a weirdo and make weird 'art' of him because for most of them it's a weird autistic hyperfixation. No normal person is making Michael Jackson dolls. Fans will do all kinds of mental gymnastics instead of just getting a new interest

No. 1850670

File: 1705114412832.jpeg (175.13 KB, 750x627, IMG_9810.jpeg)

I just thought of this for no reason thinking the original story was about a turbo autist named Chad who was obsessed with trains but it's firetrucks instead

No. 1850673

love the autist theme in the thread rn

No. 1850674

>pedos not allowed
the irony

No. 1850677

kek also
>just a creative artist

No. 1850679

thinking of deviantart 9/11 tributes

No. 1850687

MJ fans are, by far, the most psycho of all celeb stans. Worse than Swifties or Barbs or kpop fans, because MJ fans have to cope with his reputation being completely in tatters in the most unpalatable way possible. It mindbreaks them and manifests in pure insanity and extreme defensiveness. A lot are really, desperately invested in him being the most popular, successful artist ever and every single one of them will bring up how "even people in remote african villages know who he is!!". They're like a hivemind.

No. 1850690

I don't have an issue with people drinking raw milk, but why the fuck don't these influencers ever tell people that you only have 1-2 days to drink it before it goes bad??? Also, milk in general isn't a good source of vitamins in the first place and a lot of them will heat it up anyways, therefore pasteurising the milk without knowing that they are. It's so dumb.

No. 1850699

I've looked into his fandom a few times and I feel bad for the younger fans. It looks like they are fed defensive information about him by older fans to spew. It is cult-like in a way. I found a support post a while back for ex-MJ fans, not to be a tinfoil retard but maybe his estate has a hand in the information they're fed. Getting a bunch of lonely, obsessive women to fix your cash cow's reputation would do wonders. Barbs can be as bad sometimes when it comes to the topic of her husband

No. 1850706

Pseudocode is so stupid and a waste of time. It just makes everything more confusing when you go to write actual code.

No. 1850707

Got to flex your autism to set yourself a part. NLOA.

No. 1850709

It's not even a flex cause I suck at coding, I'm still a beginner

No. 1850710

File: 1705116749488.jpeg (352.01 KB, 1170x737, IMG_9666.jpeg)

No. 1850723

File: 1705117203227.gif (3.56 MB, 400x224, IMG_4135.gif)

>Be me
>17 year old autist
>Really into anime
>Get really depressed after anime ends
>Get unironically really glum about not being able to live in even the most gruesome of universes
>Self awareness kicks in for a brief and shining moment.
>”Wtf that’s not healthy. No more anime.”
>Fast forward 10 years later
>Decide to watch JJK
>”I should be fine. I’m an adult now.”
>Those same feelings starts to creep up

What the fuck!! What the Fuckkkk!!!!

No. 1850726

You misunderstand, I mean they are doing so to flex their autism.

No. 1850729

I know of a man like this and he's middle aged now and exactly like he was as a teenager in a way that's definitely scary. Just keep it under control, it's fine.

No. 1850737

My condolences nonny but your rant and gif are funny as fuck. Good luck with your isekai spiraling

No. 1850739

just listen to all the good music from it and say you did

No. 1850749

Oooh, yeah for sure

No. 1850762

File: 1705119321918.jpg (67.25 KB, 1024x536, rHlx3CX3RCXzhXTxnPX5ejpEmjXQjL…)

Pretentious people saying "pedagogy" instead of teaching is like when pseuds on tumblr started saying "acadamia" instead of school. Just jerking eachother off.

No. 1850771

sometimes i feel like an embarrassment

No. 1850773

you are

No. 1850777

File: 1705120023314.jpg (142.66 KB, 1078x1340, 20240109_234406.jpg)

I hate an ex-"s s Steppp oN meEe fhucjifng stEP on MeeE" ass bitch. You can ALWAYS tell. Always. That stupid ass "I DID A THINGHH" ass form of autism.

No. 1850778

As are you.

No. 1850783

No. 1850788

are you the same anon who can tell who is a sexual degenerate based on how they type? if not you guys should join forces. i don't know what you'd do with your skills but you should.

No. 1850792

I am not and I didn't see that post, but I am absolutely able to pick up on those nuances in a non-projecting non-schizo way.

No. 1850798

i believe you, maybe you can start a detective agency for finding runaway TIFs or something >>>/ot/1850734

No. 1850809

Oh unfortunately upon reading her exchanges, I disagree with her degen-dar and would politely decline a collaboration.

No. 1850816

it could have been a teamup greater than miku and tupac hologram but i respect your choice.

No. 1850834

Thank you for supporting me and fucking with my vision.

No. 1850838

I want cabbage, too lazy to go to the food craving thread.

No. 1850870

RIP Fiesta veggie burrito. My one affordable snack out option, gone.

No. 1850879

Just saw an anon type braindead as braid-dead. This place is washed.

No. 1850887

File: 1705124351591.jpg (82.34 KB, 736x761, 992f5d2c18191fc95e0f70c68cf3bc…)

I was gonna watch a movie that I absolutely don't care about just for my current actor crush, but it's not available in my country. How is something not available in MURICA???? It's not on the streaming site I use either since it came out recently.

No. 1850900

get a vpn

No. 1850910

The one who was called braindead has admitted they find dont find photos of men with their genitals out in front of kids disturbing. Are you nonnies okay?

No. 1850915

Just watch it on one of those scummy websites and use an adblocker

No. 1850917

File: 1705125327926.jpeg (55.59 KB, 602x323, main-qimg-e6acdca9f5bc50a2046e…)

What the fuck happened to YouTube annotations? I just realized they disappeared. How long have they been gone and no one said anything?

No. 1850918

what movie

No. 1850922

Oh genius! I've been using my brain too hard today, I guess al the obvious answers are escaping me.
That's what I meant by streaming site. It can take a while for new movies to pop up on them sometimes.
Boys of The Boat. I usually find British accents to be a turn off but that Callum Turner guy has captured my attention

No. 1850924

don't drag this infight into a other thread i beg you

No. 1850938

File: 1705126543700.gif (1.86 MB, 224x224, raw-3945216977.gif)

No. 1850944

File: 1705126977007.jpg (48.33 KB, 400x400, 20240113_012353.jpg)

Which marble are you choosing?

No. 1850945

Years, they've been gone for years.

No. 1850948

scorpion serpent lice queen

No. 1850957


No. 1850959

i don't see my fave (black with a rainbowy sheen like oil, we called it the petrol) so stardust it is

No. 1850963

Where the fuck is one called lice

No. 1850967

File: 1705127690673.jpg (99.52 KB, 551x1200, 20231231_114525.jpg)

Jellyfish dolphin sunset. If you even care

No. 1850971

she just mistyped "ice queen"

No. 1850976

I was joking thanks

No. 1851003

I like panda and asteroid. I had a marble that looked like the panda one when I was little.

No. 1851009

poison frog

No. 1851030

beautiful nonna.

No. 1851053

my bad soz

No. 1851077

i found that Saber Spark's videos entertaining for a while but at some point his videos seemed so fucking boring, what could be the difference? also, i completely stopped watching when he posted about his genderbent version in his community tab and it was drawn in the most coombaity way possible with big boobs complete with the retarded hentai blushing style too and skin fitted overalls, at that point i realized he was a complete degenerate coomer, he uses his coombait genderswap for getting his merch bought and coombait thumbnails to get clicks.

No. 1851100

You don't know what true hell is until you've had to wear glasses that have an incorrect PD measurement

No. 1851103

why is the monster can in her hand absolutely fucking humongous?

No. 1851106

samefag, he has a video on the powerpuff girls anime, imma watch it

No. 1851111

were they bigger back in the day or have I gone mad

No. 1851113

How does that happen?

No. 1851153

They’re all named after animals, space and fantasy and then there’s just “police”.

No. 1851174


No. 1851182

This post is trolling the other anon post about this in the vent thread and I appreciate it.
Being this dumb/naif should be shamed.

No. 1851184

The coworker was a junkie as well as homosexual

No. 1851194

Felt similar about cats the musical (original) so I threw away my DVD

No. 1851195

God I hate you, now I want this too.

No. 1851234

it's just me and my neck acne against the world

No. 1851250

Did the anon from a couple threads ago ever find out if that nepo baby was gay?

No. 1851259

tysm nonnies

No. 1851264

>basket full of toys
>my cat: i sleep (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
>crumpled piece of paper

No. 1851282

This is why I don't buy toys for my cats anymore.

No. 1851303

Cats will play with dust lol buying toys for them is pointless. Mine loves a ping pong ball or an empty box from an order

No. 1851331

nonnies, is this an embarrassing song to be listening to?

No. 1851354

Kek we had to switch to covered bins because my first cat would claw any piece of scrap paper out of them and push over bins to search through the rubbish to see if he could find balled up paper or crinkly sweet wrappers. He was such a menace but I miss him so much.

No. 1851376

Are you trying to impress someone?

No. 1851425

yes, the french nonnies

No. 1851455

You should find her other post about it in the unpopular opinions thread because there are more good joke replies in there kek

No. 1851505

I'm too lazy and tired to go outside but a friend of mine wanted me to go to the cinema with her this afternoon and she already bought tickets just in case so I have to get out of bed. I already regret this. It's not that I don't want to see her or watch the movie, I'm just really, really tired.

No. 1851507

Non, tu as de bon goûts

No. 1851511

Maybe it's annoying to remake plans for the next day but I feel tired and sick and I just don't have the will to do anything soz

No. 1851525

File: 1705153656441.png (1.02 MB, 1363x1338, asdasd.png)

become a schizoid hikki nonna, you know you want to

No. 1851532

Thank you. I'm bored enough to actually search for it

No. 1851545

Oh my god don't tempt me like that.

No. 1851548

File: 1705154585340.mp4 (5.11 MB, 1280x720, wait for it.mp4)

No. 1851549

File: 1705154661813.jpg (55.94 KB, 1300x956, breakingmynosern.jpg)

"you don't need plastic surgery", "everyone is beautiful in their own way", and LC's own "even the most average woman is decent compared to the average man" and understanding your appearance not defining your worth are very easy sentiments to have when your nose is not the same size, shape, and proportion as one of those fake glasses with an attached fake nose. I absolutely get my classmates and teacher with glasses that don't really bother to push their glasses up their nose bridge, even i think i look better with my glasses slightly lower on my nose bridge, imo glasses are the worst thing for Indians to have to wear.

No. 1851557

File: 1705154876002.jpg (74.23 KB, 319x340, 1659323565868.jpg)

KEK, i watched this video before and i knew what's to come and it still hurt my sides

No. 1851568

File: 1705155143626.png (1.04 MB, 1248x702, picture.png)

i dont want her vids but they get recommended to me constantly and her eyes always look so intense in the thumbnails and its because she draws on eyelashes in paint?

No. 1851574

kekkkkk worth the wait

No. 1851579

File: 1705155538921.jpg (481.92 KB, 1621x1621, image.jpg)

this you?

No. 1851584

honestly you sound hot don't let the small-nose brainwashing get to you

No. 1851586

i have a toucan nose and i am those anons, literally grow up lol. Men are ugly anyways why would yo want to appeal to them? maybe if i lived in world where every moid looked like titanic era dicaprio i would care, but they all look like the rat from flushed away

No. 1851587

kek, i look like top right just with worse skin and no nose piercing.

No. 1851591

because men are not the only with eyes that see, women also exist, i am in a majority female college, doesn't mean i stop being unpleasant to look at.

No. 1851596

noses like that are the fucking hottest though

No. 1851598

women dont care

No. 1851602

I fuckin' knew it. you're hot. lmao

No. 1851609

>women don’t care if other women are pretty or not

Lol yes they do. The only times in school I got harassed for being ugly and being too poor for nice clothes were by other girls.

No. 1851616

some women care more than scrotes

No. 1851617

File: 1705157237006.gif (12.95 KB, 300x151, Brownies-Logo-500-300x151.gif)

Any fellow bongs who were brownies when they were young? I still have my badges and apron kek

No. 1851618

Yep. There are some women who won’t even be friends with girls who aren’t up to their standard in appearance.

No. 1851623

I agree she's wrong but those were children not adults, everyone knows children can be psychopaths and women who grew up and still care about how other women look are just assholes projecting their own insecurities

No. 1851624

You talk like a scrote every time someone mentions big noses, ew

No. 1851626

There are definitely grown women who care a lot about looks and think unkept women are lazy/poor and want to be around women with high social status and looks

No. 1851627

Watching Saltburn and realising the hardest part about studying at Oxford would be listening to posh people

No. 1851634

It's true, you only have to look at the celebricow threads and it is full of anons picking on looks. Look at the autist always sperging about Florence Pugh

No. 1851637

yeah and they are all faggot men

No. 1851638

they only care because they are threatened by you taking their scrotes away, normal women dont care

No. 1851639

My brownies was weirdly budget? Like I heard about other brownies getting badges, going on trips, working with the community but all my brownies did was sit in a church hall and colour? It was basically them babysitting us rather than us learning skills or doing anything. The only community thing we did was sing hymns in the church part of the building we were already in.
Tuckshop was good tho.

No. 1851641

I know but my point was they are not well adjusted, mentally. they are exhibiting some kind of derangement, probably socialized into them but they weren't smart enough to get out of it.

No. 1851645

this, it's like if anon posted like "i have such big boobs/butt it's ugly :c", they're saying all this when their only reference for anon's appearance is >>1851579 and >>1851587 , i can't even find a picture ugly enough for what i have in mind bc why would an ugly Indian woman with glasses want to have her photos immortalize her appearance online, it's all decent looking women or underage girls, for an accurate representation i'd probably have to rip a photo from a personal insta acc, but that's just no.

No. 1851646

There are definitely women who do not want to befriend women if they are poor and ugly. Maybe because I’m in the south but rich college women who put a lot of effort into their looks do not hang around women who aren’t like that and if they do they do weird shit like not posting them on their social media and only posting the pictures with their pretty friends.

No. 1851648

1.) That's two different anons. 2.) There are lesbians and bisexuals here, and also straight women can call other women hot it's not illegal. 3.) that woman is hot and it's always funny when hot women call themselves ugly because they have a physical feature that isn't in style at the time, I just want to shake them

No. 1851651

why would you want to be friends with that kind of women anyways? respect yourself. On top of being vile their only personalities revolve around their boyfriends and their stanley cup collection kek

No. 1851652

pretty rich stacies always like to keep one token fat woman and i feel bad for girls in that situation because they never fit in really, they are used as a punching bag , emotional support pillow and to make themselves look better in comparison.

No. 1851655

>There are lesbians and bisexuals here
Kek, please

No. 1851656

South US? I live there too and when I go outside with my unshaven legs, no makeup, no lashes, no nails I joke to myself that it's basically a social crime here kek (not that anyone ever says anything but I don't socialize either). I wouldn't even know how to put myself together the way some of these women do, they literally wear shapewear to church

No. 1851660

Also women like that will bring their fat friend out to the clubs and bars knowing they will get ignored or dogged by the guys all night and feel awkward. They won’t even stand up for their friend they just let it happen.

No. 1851662

they don't have to be mental to act that way, sometimes it's just subconscious, people, men or women, het or homo, do not like being around unattractive people, at best they can tolerate someone they've known since childhood, but even then they may realize what being seen with an unattractive person entails for their own image.

No. 1851664

Okay but why is it always big noses that receive those comments? It's never "elegant" or "nice", but "hot, sexy", that's why it feels greasy to me

No. 1851667

Nta but there are plenty of lesbian and bi anons here.

No. 1851669

I think it just depends on so many factors, age, location, social background, whether you stand to directly gain something from only associating with beautiful women or not.

No. 1851670

imagine coming to lolcow to complain about being ugly to men, there are no men here relax be free be cringe

No. 1851672

No. 1851673

I actually think they're powerful and regal but I'm afraid those words will not come across as a compliment to someone who wishes they had a smaller nose

No. 1851676

I get some are gay, but PLENTY? What are you smoking? Lmao

No. 1851677

As some of us with big noses most of us don’t like pit features called powerful or regal because it makes us feel like you’re pretty much saying who look like dudes

No. 1851678

its so cruel, you always see them teasing them when the chubby one is not around but when she is they'd be condescending and give fake compliments and act like being hipocrites is an amazing act of charity.

>i may or may not have been the token fat girl in a stacy group

No. 1851679

it really does not make sense, eyes can be attractive, you look into them, lips can be attractive, you kiss them, skin can be attractive, you touch it, facial structure and body can be attractive, it signals your genetics and lifestyle, your nose, then what? if it's not small, then it just interrupts your face, just a triangular bit of skin cartilage distracting from better features.

No. 1851681

Another day of trying to hold myself back from sperging over what moid gets posted in the attractive men thread.

No. 1851683

I’ve been the duff before which is why I don’t risk being friends with super dolled up pretty women. Even if they aren’t trying to make you the duff when you go outside together you’re still going to get duff treatment anyway.

No. 1851688

Exactly why I don't say it even though it's a very high compliment. No offense but if you want a small nose to be more attractive you probably also associate words like powerful and regal with men because society has brainwashed you

No. 1851690

you're imagining a pointy straight nose with a defined nose bridge that's big only in profile like some statue, try a blunt undefined nose bridge with a wide nasal base that looks like if noses could gain weight.

No. 1851694

I always notice when ever people compliment women with “masculine features” like big angular noses, being tall etc people think they’re being nice by telling us we look strong or powerful but really it’s still insulting lol

No. 1851704

It's your fault for associating being a woman with being a smol dainty uwu bean with an anime nose. Why can't we just accept there are different types of feminine beauty, it doesn't mean you look like a fucking man.

No. 1851707

Well we live in real life and in real life no woman wants to be called handsome or powerful unless she’s a tif. When women with large features get compliments it’s always get sleazy over sexualized comments or comments saying we are “strong” or some shit. You’re masculinizing us.

No. 1851718

calling someone hot isn't sleazy lol

No. 1851720

Me, the only thing I remember from my time there was being the only girl excluded from a trip they went on. No idea if I still have my badges and stuff anywhere.

No. 1851721

Huh? I would be totally fine if a beautiful nonnie called me handsome and powerful. Maybe not you, i guess

No. 1851723

>your nose, then what?
you bop it

No. 1851733

>but really it’s still insulting lol
Strength and power are positive traits. You'd rather be weak instead?

No. 1851738


No. 1851740

Nope I want to be pretty, cute and beautiful. I’m not a man or a butch lesbian. Telling me I look strong and powerful is no different than telling me I’m a troon.

No. 1851741

you're handsome and powerful nonnie ilu

No. 1851744

ok you are a kawiwi loli looking japanese passing idoru, will you fuck off now?

No. 1851749

Is there a reason someone can't be considered both powerful and cute? Why strength and power gotta be a tranny thing?

No. 1851752

You are pretty and cute and beautiful nonnee

No. 1851756

Because I’m not powerful or strong. You’re associating me with that just because I have bigger features because you associate those features with dudes.

No. 1851760

I don't even know you though? I just asked why someone can't be considered powerful and cute at the same time.

No. 1851761

I don’t think that’s right but I know why you think that (because you associate those words with dudes)

No. 1851762

>I'm not powerful
>or strong
Okay, you're weak and pathetic and your weak, pathetic nose reflects that. Happy?

No. 1851765

Oh no anon, they don't do that here

No. 1851771

Being tall is the beauty standard for women though lol

No. 1851774

Anon pls go away already, this is not the site for this I mean it, they're not going to understand

No. 1851781

File: 1705160858681.jpg (45.25 KB, 640x532, 1000007048.jpg)

No. 1851784

File: 1705160950261.png (106.05 KB, 512x462, hmm.png)

You're so sweet. Right back at you, nonnie.

No. 1851792

how you are perceived will affect how you are treated.

No. 1851793

>Aqua gets candid about their new resurgence since "Barbie"
this is kinda sweet but why is it also so hilarious? [sniff sob] "I'm just saying, I am an American today!" kek what

No. 1851796

Ironically enough, you're acting like an AGP right troon right now. Wanting to be small feminine kawaii uwu is exactly how MTF think femininity and being a woman should be like.

No. 1851800

File: 1705161309920.gif (252.21 KB, 340x191, what have you done to the thre…)

No. 1851804

I don’t know any women in real life want to have huge noses in real life. Most women would be insulted if you called them strong looking.

No. 1851810

what being percieved by society affects how you live?? wtf just close your eyes and dont interact or be percieved by anyone IDIOT!!!

No. 1851812

A fat black woman is going to have a totally different life experience than a white blonde petite sorority girl. How you look does determine how the world is going to interact with you.

No. 1851814

Nta. Anon isn't entirely wrong. Beauty opens up opportunities to a degree. But we live in a world where women can follow education and get a good job regardless of how they look so beauty really isn't as important as it used to be.

No. 1851816

What's the point of this argument? Like, okay, small noses are pretty and big noses really ARE ugly, we have ALL been lying to you. Does that mean anything? Like is that what the strong-nosed are wanting to hear? What's the point of this.

No. 1851818

I don’t need your fake pity compliments

No. 1851819

I literally didn't give you any… you're right you have an ugly nose.

No. 1851826

I like big noses most of the time, but big nosed nonnie is kinda annoying

No. 1851827

yes nonna, us uggos can just live in the dungeon with the other goblins and never interact with the world

No. 1851832

well then what was the point of the earlier post? people who complain about being ugly all the time come across as fishing for compliments

No. 1851833

File: 1705162385223.jpg (79.45 KB, 850x400, quote-my-biggest-nightmare-is-…)

Great, now I've got Duck Sauces 'barbra streisand' stuck in my head

dodododdododoododododododoodo… barbra streisand

No. 1851835

File: 1705162451846.jpeg (165.99 KB, 1500x1765, 9491E43F-685F-4466-997A-A1269E…)

I want to be pic related tier pretty but I’ve realized to look like this costs 1000s of dollars and I’m never gonna be able to afford it. So today I give up.

No. 1851840

This has got to be bait no way you want to look like a burnt twig with Frankenstein bolt-ons.

No. 1851842

Okay, so big noses are ugly and people with big noses should feel bad. Next topic: negative canthal tilt. I think it's cute but should people with it kill themselves anyway?

No. 1851845

nonnie you can't be serious, her thighs are so thin compared to her torso. and fake tan skin is going out of fashion and will age terribly both as a trend and as a complexion.

No. 1851847

i had to look up wtf that even is. cute tho

No. 1851849

whoever was talking about suicide? tf?

No. 1851852

i'd say negative canthal tilt is pretty stupid and dopey looking tbh

No. 1851854

File: 1705162943357.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.17 KB, 640x640, 294945900-129235159806626-1054…)

The fansites are still going strong, and they're a goldmine of weird shit

No. 1851856

am I on tiktok

No. 1851857

i like it

No. 1851859

Didn't Buster Keaton amd Marlene Dietrich have a negative canthal tilt? I do not believe in killing everyone with a neggie tilt because we could be depriving the public of qts.

No. 1851860

lmao I love when people try to talk seriously about this and then their examples are just photos of people with their head tilted up/down

No. 1851866

File: 1705163237362.jpg (84.14 KB, 1170x1322, 1668861390721.jpg)

i want to eat more citrus fruit for good skin so bad but i hate citrus!!!! i am a basic bitch apple enjoyer and i cannot tolerate it!!!!!

No. 1851867

I never got why it's such a big deal, it's just people with round eyes

No. 1851869

I like people who look a little bit stupid

No. 1851872

oh you'd love me

No. 1851873

Idk how it's possible to dislike fruit. Or vegetables. Must be a sad life…

No. 1851875

File: 1705163312142.jpg (6.92 KB, 310x324, 76b9ca94f695be9b78171d633beaaa…)

…a what tilt

No. 1851879

>talk about liking apple
>do not talk about hating all fruits, just citric fruits, don't even talk about veggies
>"hmm so weird that you don't like fruit or veggies"

No. 1851884

Imagine hating oranges KEK…

No. 1851892

No. 1851898

Anon please eat an orange I don't want you to get scurvy

No. 1851905

she's obviously a cat

No. 1851911

File: 1705164113421.png (105.97 KB, 932x1176, vitamin-c-foods-printable.png)

oranges aren't even the best food for vitamin C they just keep a long time and travel well

No. 1851914

I love kiwis. I love cutting them in half and scooping it out with a spoon

No. 1851919

guava is so gross, it doesn't even taste that bad but its so messy and sticky. spilling even a little bit of guava juice is a huge pain in the ass to clean up

No. 1851922

I can eat strawberries, oranges and papaya all day long. Broccoli is amazing too

No. 1851924

I want guava now

No. 1851926

i'm eating pineapple slices right now, and just before i had a bunch of grapes before i realized grapes are not citrus fruits.
oh i like guava, guava's neat.

No. 1851931

File: 1705164418798.png (6.77 MB, 1284x2778, 909C2F59-31F8-4417-AF92-2E975A…)

She’s got 6 million TikTok followers so she’s doing something right

No. 1851934

She's brain dead and panders to other brain dead idiots.

No. 1851935

that guy is attention whoring the ayuwoki sperg as real autism

No. 1851936

Why would you scoop out your kiwi? What a waste. You can eat the skin

No. 1851938

still a banger

No. 1851941

File: 1705164527159.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.32 KB, 422x466, guPmiEwl.jpg)

There was a woman who went around mj sites talking about how she was his secret lover at the same time that other woman was having his ivf baby. She even went and wrote a book about it and made it her whole personality. Then screenshots were outed of her concocting the story with a friend. There's been like a decade long debate about whether its true or not because if its true well at least he looks staight/less pedo. She's the cow of mj boards. And that's obviously saying alot.

She encourages people to make art of it

No. 1851943

File: 1705164540769.jpeg (405.67 KB, 1024x683, fa3a64aba0b446464f938fe8c7048e…)

I want airplane belly


No. 1851944

I just don't like the texture because it is furry, I apologise

No. 1851946

How can that be if having a tiktok is wrong in itself?

No. 1851951

File: 1705164631447.gif (50.43 KB, 190x190, 5214-dancing-sphynx-cat.gif)

this is great

No. 1851953

Speaking of MJ, do you anons believe he abused those boys from that doc?

No. 1851954

File: 1705164696008.jpg (37.68 KB, 666x500, [...].jpg)

No. 1851956

>a man
>with money
>with fame
>with power
assume the worst unless proven otherwise

No. 1851957

Yes I do. No brown man wants to hang out with kids and have sleep overs for no reason.

No. 1851964


No. 1851966

Grown man not brown

No. 1851967

No. 1851968

I’ve always wanted to be an influencer but gave up because I’m too ugly

No. 1851969

File: 1705164847996.jpg (69.71 KB, 667x1000, 71V5ZA3zBoL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

uh no he was too busy having secret love affairs with crazy ladies that just went under the radar and can't be proven. Gawd anon, read a book

No. 1851970

I didn't think that was actually a typo kek

No. 1851972

Didn't he have a thing for female midgets? Or was that someone else? I swear I saw a pic of him with midgets on his lap or something

No. 1851975

File: 1705164955701.jpg (43.32 KB, 581x480, DHUedZjXsAArmnr.jpg)

I found the pic

No. 1851977

There's another women on quora who forever claims he saw escorts (she was one) and he liked to dress up like a clown during sex

No. 1851980

i thought he was a fag

No. 1851987

Are you saying women would go on the internet and just lie about having crazy clown sex with michael jackson

No. 1851990

>he liked to dress up like a clown during sex
why does that makes sense? my brain registers this informations as 100% facts

No. 1851991

It does seem like it could be true when you think of everything else. When it comes to him, anything is kinda plausible

No. 1851995

File: 1705165331093.jpg (55.94 KB, 720x403, c8c394011e78e411d2ccb09ec3c804…)

No. 1851998

Confession. I used to read MJ fanfics a lot

No. 1852001


No. 1852002

Used to? WHat put you off

No. 1852014

I did when it was not long after he died I kinda had this weird phase where I would watch videos on my iPod until like 4am and then that led to fan edits and fanfics I think.
I don't know I have these weird hyper fixations on male actors/singers and moved on kek

No. 1852019

I used to read them on fanfiction.net and can still remember some of them. Mainly like kidnapping ones and high school bully to lover kek. So retarded

No. 1852020

File: 1705165666718.gif (3.11 MB, 319x480, believe.gif)

No. 1852033

We solved the years long mystery, he was straight and had clown sex. I mean try n tell me that's not a sex face with him gazing at a beautiful adult female escort

No. 1852037

MJ being such a weirdo but also attractive at his peak pissed me off so much tbh, like go get some ladies and leave lil boys alone jfc just be normal

No. 1852042

He was only attractive in the 1980s
I wish there was evidence of this or anything like this

No. 1852044

I've been playing online poker and my winning streak has been good

No. 1852059

i would eata hundred kiwis if i could

No. 1852060

File: 1705166308016.jpg (22.83 KB, 400x389, Mike-Clown-michael-jackson-104…)

How much more proof do you need tho, they fucked right after this

No. 1852070

File: 1705166500946.jpg (92.41 KB, 750x937, 3998ba2d51bec3d041d7eb9abd0eef…)

I liked him in the Say Say Say MV

No. 1852086

The hints of clownsexuality were there all along, he tried to tell us

No. 1852098

> Coulrophilia

No. 1852126

MJ was so attractive in the 80s. Fascinating how men peaked in the 80s, wish i had a time machine.

No. 1852145

Watching any footage from the Bad world tour is depressing when you know what later came to be, both in looks and.. everything else

No. 1852156

Watched Saltburn to see why people were so salty about it and the saltiest scene was the cum bath like yes that man is ugly but this film is a poor mans killing of a sacred deer. Beautiful house and gardens tho.

No. 1852160

What happens in that scene?

No. 1852164

It's nothing like that movie actually it just has the same actor being a weird manipulator so shit comparison. hes typecast so it makes sense.

No. 1852167

Barry keoghan licks jacob elordis cum from the bottom of a drain after he gets out of the bath. He also eats out jacob elordis sister on her period. And then after he murders jacob elordi he fucks his freshly laid grave. Yawn.

No. 1852175


No. 1852206

Well There's dead families, comfortable wealth, weird sibling dynamics, it's '''arty''' there's some similarities, KSD is more interesting and there's more to think about. Saltburn was for general audiences but in a 'shock' way. It's very simple when all put together.

No. 1852404

File: 1705172735142.jpg (91.12 KB, 736x916, 4f48a055255e983f76541d15575529…)

My mom has a baby book for me (just stuff like "what was her first food?" "What's her favorite toy?" "What was her first word?" And some pictures iirc) and I would like to do the same thing when I eventually get a pet, and hopefully have a child of my own. Every human baby and pet baby I have, I will make them their own journals. I think documenting family moments through physical media is becoming a lost art.

No. 1852414

Period stuff is fine, but licking cum from a bathtub actually makes me sick. eww.. do gay moids find this hot?

No. 1852417

Gay men regularly talk about their experiences of stealing their straight roommates underwear etc from the laundry basket when they weren't home and other weird shit so yeah.

No. 1852531

I was scrolling through Snow while taking a poop and I saw that picture of Projared posing on the steps with his legs on the wall and I keked so hard. Holy shit why does he think he's so attractive? Who told him that?

No. 1852536

No idea if you're still here, but I remembered I never thanked you even though that post genuinely comforted me and I even screenshotted it back then, so here I go: Thanks anon, that's a really nice thought.

No. 1852568

There was literally no fucking reason to share the first part you absolute autist.

No. 1852588

oh my god same. i was 11-12. i thought he was so attractive during bad era and was obsessed with his music. i still have a bunch of unwanted mj information in my mind because of it. i remember being convinced he would come back to life. recently i’ve been looking back on those days and laughing

No. 1852625

this lady was absolutely fucking crazy and psychotic. she has two photos with him and surrounds everything she does with that. i think she buys unreleased songs/videos and claims he made them for her. she could have her own thread here

No. 1852654

The fan meet and greet pic lol. Even the book of lies is still 90 percent her chasing him while being ignored and maybe 10 percent fantasy scenes inserted in. If that. She was already lying her ass off and still managed to come off as a stalker in the fantasy version of events.

I followed her antics on one board and then I used to check in on the quora woman who would make snipes at Shana because every 'secret lover' insists they're the real deal and they pick each others stories apart. Oh and they all despise lisa marie. Quora woman was meant to be writing a book too. Then went quiet

No. 1852665

I am watcha vid about breatharians, and the part at 46:49 is making me roll. Btw this same guy said something about eating food basically being comparable to drug addictions.

No. 1852667

>Chasing him while being ignored
That is a good chunk of these girl’s stories. Lisa was the only girl to have him annoy her over the span of 15 years, it could’ve been for whatever reason. For every other girl it was the other way around. He had Tatiana fired for kissing him yet fans believe they had a love affair. I can believe Shana and quora girl chasing him and him having zero interest in them. He probably said some snarky shit to Karen Faye or Glenda about Shana if he even paid attention to Shana. He would talk shit to all his female friends about these women

No. 1852690

File: 1705179844435.jpeg (66.06 KB, 800x450, IMG_8617.jpeg)

Someone drew hatsune miku hugging Jesus. It’s the best thing I have ever seen.

No. 1852692

>It is better to have some diet coke in your bloodstream (if possible) before starting the meditation exercise. You may drink as much as you desire of diet coke in the 1 liter size (include lots of ice) and at McDonald's (with caffeine) in the plastic bottles only. The double-quarter-pounder/with cheese meal at McDonald's is the other part of this diet.
>It is OK to drink from the cups when eating at McDonald. I highly recommend that you eat at McDonalds when ever possible. All McDonalds are constructed on properties that are protected by 5th Dimenstional high energy/spiritual portals. As you continue to use this meditation/diet program you will start to feel the difference in the atmosphere when eating inside of a McDonalds and outside.

No. 1852732

Please post it nonna.

No. 1852734

Not even an inch of snow and the power goes out in Portland. Genuine retardation

No. 1852735

where dat

No. 1852736

In Portland.

No. 1852738

Portlandia home of the power outages, don't go to war, i have no idea

No. 1852739

Are there people who really watch awards shows where there are no actual performances like the Golden Globes? I only pay attention to awards shows for the fashion (which you can see without actually watching) and music performances, otherwise I cannot imagine sitting down for 2+ hours to see a bunch of people you don't know receive a piece of metal and some washed up comedian presenter tell some unfunny jokes. It's just not entertaining.
Im sorry to post this considering the amount of celebrating outside of the celebcow thread, but his post doesn't fit there

No. 1852741

No. 1852744

I look at the fashion pictures later on and watch the speeches of the people I like if they won from a show I like (succession this year)
Otherwise it's boring.

No. 1852745

Samefag, I meant celebposting outside of the celebcow thread. I can't delete.

No. 1852752

Aw, I'm glad you guys like it. I will miss this pic when I thread fills up. I judge seamoids (dolphins) but they are beautiful creatures and I just thought that picture was so nice.

No. 1852754

I posted a comment on a ig reel about the cold weather in CA, and a moid replied to my comment. Instead of saying he disagreed or whatever with me, he said "We all know you're single and lonely." wtf lmaooo moids are so weird.

No. 1852756


No. 1852757

Legit, I hate autists so much.

No. 1852763

I think the fandom is dead now and that was a majority of the Homestuck enjoyment, I would say no. However, I will tell you to watch this.

No. 1852767

It made sense, idk why anon said that

No. 1852771

Samefag, this too. Although, neither of these videos will mean anything or be interesting if you've never read Homestuck.

No. 1852780

I don’t love ariana grande but whenever anything is wrong with me physically i listen to love me harder and for some reason it stops being a problem? like if i have a headache it’ll go away, if i have hiccups i’ll hold my breath for the entirety of the chorus, if i’m vomiting i just hold it back and it all works

No. 1852792

havent been on here in a while, what did i miss nonnies

No. 1852800

rancefag passed away as did florencechan

No. 1852806

File: 1705185062016.gif (883.67 KB, 272x320, IMG_7070.gif)


No. 1852813

No. 1852817

>that dance with lyrics to any song other than Poison

No. 1852835

File: 1705186000308.jpeg (155.19 KB, 1183x1200, GDuZ8ubWsAAAS4E.jpeg)

It’s a masterpiece
Fandom is dead. No one cares about it. Tbh now is the time to read it lmao

No. 1852851

File: 1705186686615.jpg (341.14 KB, 900x686, 05f.jpg)

That's a lot better than I was expecting. I thought it was going to be like this pic.

No. 1852858

Nonna nooooo

No. 1852881

the 'ideal' bodies thread makes me feel like i'm not actually straight

No. 1852948

I just had a dream Greta Gerwig released a Barbie movie sequel short where Barbie got married and had a beautiful wife and they were so happy. Then they broke up and Barbie left her for an average looking moid, and I got so mad I started crying and started trying to type out my post for the lc vent thread. Then I got chased by a pit bull but that was unrelated.

No. 1852954

Post your ideal male body when you find it

No. 1852959

What do you like anon? I feel quite the opposite, the only time i can appreciate male bodies is when they are faceless.

No. 1852969

No. 1852970

Same nona, faceless or masked real moids look tolerable to me sometimes

No. 1852973

Me too, except I thought I was bi. I think I must be only attracted to moids’ faces or something, their bodies are weird.

No. 1852987

I regret going outside and I already regret planning to see another movie next week, why did I accept? I'm a dumbass. I could have stayed home the whole afternoon and finished an entire route in a VN I'm playing right now but no, I enjoyed the movie we watched today but it wasn't that amazing, and then once we went to a restaurant and ate our food my friend wouldn't stfu so instead of going home at 9pm we left after 10pm so I missed the bus, walked in the cold and the dark for half an hour and didn't have time to do anything else or rest. I need to become a hikikomori again.

No. 1852997

I don't use tiktok so i don't know about the "lolcow mentions", but i think that the genshin and vtuber thread attracted more minors here

No. 1853007

I feel like I get more shit done being a neet. I was never the physical activity type. I like working on my laptop and want a work from home job. Physical jobs make me want to kill myself, especially customer service

No. 1853009

everyone wants a wfh job nona…those are the holy grail

No. 1853011

I know people that actually enjoy customer service and physical activity jobs though, usually normies with social skills though kek

No. 1853022


No. 1853027

Agree. Would shut those threads down to be honest. The Genshit one especially.

No. 1853064

File: 1705197639528.png (1.93 MB, 978x1174, sharpeibies!.png)

oh you know

No. 1853066

Cute old man dog

No. 1853069

File: 1705197757023.jpg (37.09 KB, 235x300, 20240113_205918.jpg)

I cannot be defeated because I still believe in love

No. 1853074

But is there life after love, or is love eternal?

No. 1853076

do u belieeeve in life after love

No. 1853079

File: 1705198374249.jpg (36.46 KB, 634x303, 41316832-9434493-image-a-3_161…)

Love is a selfless choice that perseveres and nothing more, easily mislabeled, frequently misused, and always mocked by people too afraid and insecure to live in sincerity.

No. 1853088

Well I love this post and I love you so you're not wrong

No. 1853105

File: 1705201539553.jpg (160.78 KB, 1080x1184, 20240113_001053.jpg)

Thank you.

No. 1853117

File: 1705202025485.jpg (49.94 KB, 724x538, 20240113_205101.jpg)

If angels existed they would have dark brown almost black eyes in my opinion. In my opinion

No. 1853119

If angels existed they would have poop colored skin in my opinion. In my opinion

No. 1853123

The celebricows thread has some of the most retarded and humorless posters on the entire site

No. 1853126

I wish Pinterest would stop sending me shit about how they removed something I pinned and threatening to take my account. They're not even pins I uploaded you asshats!!!!

No. 1853131

Poltier, pathetic and weird of you

No. 1853138

I've been thinking about the Dance Central or more like DUNCE Central! Get it? Cause we're in the dumbass shit thread? robots dancing to Rude Boy all day

No. 1853143

What’s wrong with poop colored skin? Are you racist or something?

No. 1853144

My skin is the color of snow it’s the kind of white where it has blue undertones

No. 1853145

I know you think you're being cute but you're pathetic.

No. 1853148

Very cool.

No. 1853149

yawn, you gonna do this every day, tradthoticus?

No. 1853155

Livor mortis??

No. 1853159

Barry Keoghan ass cat breed

No. 1853161

I've only seen that once in real life it was kinda cool

No. 1853165

she looks powerful and regal

No. 1853166

uhh being capable of seeing color doesn’t make me a tradthot. Did you forget that the majority of this website is made up of lesbians

No. 1853167

What do you mean ‘being cute’ I’m just making a statement. There is such thing as poop colored skin

No. 1853169

Riga Morris girl

No. 1853171

You aren't a lesbain you are a man with a malformed penis too small to penetrate a man or woman and a completely fetid disposition that you take out on anyone you can. To die would be a gift for you.

No. 1853174

Ntayrt but you are being a little bit too generous, assuming that only men can be racist. We know women can be racist we’ve seen such behavior on this very website kek

No. 1853175

i hate bored moids, go masturbate or something

No. 1853177

You're retarded if you think the recent poltard squatting is just ~racist wominz~. He even tried to hint at being a lesbian to overcompensate and redirect. Nice try.

No. 1853178

If being racist suddenly turned me into a man my life would be a whole lot easier

No. 1853179

You say with one hand shoved up your ass and your balls barely hanging on to a chastity cage. Close tab ugly.

No. 1853180

I’m not gonna face reveal just to prove that I’m a woman

No. 1853182

I feel like this is more bait-esque compared to just saying poop colored skin kek. I know black anons get upset by that so I’m not surprised but youre not making yourself look much better nonaritte..

No. 1853183

Because you aren't one. We don't want to look at you either. Get a fucking life or go spew your proverbial shit on 4ch. We don't like you and we don't want you.

No. 1853186

I dont give a fuck. Its been weeks of constant racebait like its a cute personality trait. At this point kill yourself, hang, rope, whatever. Get mugged and beat to the point of malformation with a frying pan. I don't care. They don't belong here.

No. 1853187

Why would I go on 4chan that’s a website for men and I have XX chromosomes.

No. 1853192

You’re gonna be shocked to hear that the majority of amerifags are racist both men and women kek sorry you had to find out this way

No. 1853198

Oh my God, why can't you all just ignore bait. I'm so tired of threads getting shit up because someone posts the most low tier bait and you retards respond to it instead of ignoring and reporting

No. 1853199

saying poop colored skin isn’t bait though because it’s just a fact of life. some of us got the shit skin…God chose who deserved it. Saying this doesn’t immediately make my XX chromosomes and female reproductive organs disappear kek.(racebaiting)

No. 1853202

File: 1705206179747.png (182.99 KB, 1370x994, high score.png)

come back with your high scores nonnies I need competition

No. 1853204

i think the racebaits are just coming from moids and they are on the same level of any other retarded shit moids say so they don't affect me much, i just hate seeing obvious moids here

No. 1853205

You'll fit in better. You're immature, childish, ugly, and think people here will consider it cute or edgy that your casual hatred of other races (that completely outnumber you and your nasty translucent self loathing ass) is all you care to post about. You are like the most useless kind of human being, you belong on 4ch.

No. 1853206

Are you part of the population with poop skin nonna(racebaiting)

No. 1853209

I think you’d be surprised upon reading my post history how versatile I can be ♥

No. 1853210

I just know you're extremely ugly like a mutant

No. 1853211

it's not that hard to understand that they just want attention right?

No. 1853212

Thats a bold statement, especially considering you have diarrhea skin

No. 1853215

Post a picture of me then

No. 1853218

Ok so that’s a yes. How sad

No. 1853219

The amount for racebait is idiotic, just report and post actual dumbass shit.

No. 1853221

Yeah, lonely men who everyone hates have to seek out whatever space they can find where women are forced to interact with them. Its okay though, they're dying alone without love, without family, without legacy, without hobbies, without anything to live for, just a CVS receipt long post history of begging for attention

No. 1853224

File: 1705206657503.gif (205.3 KB, 220x324, wed.gif)

i'm freezing here

No. 1853226

File: 1705206735124.png (626.79 KB, 800x450, __tanigaki_genjirou_golden_kam…)

Golden Kamuy mention

No. 1853227

This is just a specific fantasy about what you think I am, though. Just because you have shit colored skin doesn’t mean I’m incapable of holding down a job, maintaining my marriage, and living my life happily kek. You just sound mad and jealous, really. Sometimes I wish there were lolcow meetups where we could have these conversations in real life so you’d all be forced to react to the fact that is is really a woman who is talking to you kek.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1853231

File: 1705206811626.jpg (29.35 KB, 247x277, 1703032293443.jpg)

No. 1853234

Pause. This is the exact same thing that nasty ugly cp spammer posted several times, he said he wishes there was a meet up so he could be seen. HAHAHA you're all the same.

No. 1853235

File: 1705206963140.jpg (33 KB, 640x640, 4c1e70b5f9c99a9a9af8074425ee1c…)

>I wish there was a meet up so I could skin yo–I mean see you. So u can see you and you can see me!

No. 1853236

Post my post history so you can see that I’ve never spammed CP. I’ll wait for mods to confirm. I’m very patient.

No. 1853237

This is just another fantasy of yours kek, you wish that I wasn’t actually a woman so that you could be victimized by some male.

No. 1853238

File: 1705207063123.png (134.45 KB, 407x359, kit.png)

let's gooo

No. 1853239

If that paragraph is the exact same thing he’s said then go get a screenshot of it and compare. I’ll wait.

No. 1853240

File: 1705207116629.jpg (104.09 KB, 850x564, __ogata_hyakunosuke_and_hanaza…)

Ogata was a weirdly likable character, maybe it was his VA but for some reason I found myself hoping his death would be prolonged

No. 1853241

File: 1705207129067.jpg (57.35 KB, 736x576, 1000007095.jpg)

No. 1853242

There it is. Hi Buffalo Bill.

No. 1853243

Yeah I still don't get why people do that.

No. 1853245

Ok where’s the discord link so I can voice reveal because this is getting pathetic. If you really think every human being who says something you disagree with is a man then I’ve got a big reality check for you, madame

No. 1853249

Madame. Gal pal. Ladies. Girlies.

No. 1853250

I think I'm getting hives from eating fried food

No. 1853251

I apologize if I am wrong but the cp spamming is usually just a thread made with a photo of cp that includes a link, I never see them up long enough for any replies to be posted. Was there a time where he made a thread or posted cp in a thread and then said that he wanted there to be meetups? This statement is confusing me sorry I’m not trying to be contrarian at all I am just genuinely curious

No. 1853252

Who is your favorite answer quickly

No. 1853253

Where are you guys when i need you, what threads are you hiding in

No. 1853254

Do you think you might be allergic to the oil it’s being fried in

No. 1853255

I rarely traverse /g/ but im a huge GK fan if you ever want to get retarded about it

No. 1853256

i like him a lot, his VA was surely amazing, love his voice so much
FUCK ogata sorry i was trying to find some pictures of him moaning to spam but for top secret reasons i think that i have trouble accessing golden content

No. 1853257

I know right, it's some psycho shit, like why? It's like admiting you don't recognize your own face and that's why you need a picture that you see more than 10 times per day.

No. 1853258

butthurt males always spam cp or gore after they get their ego hurt or anons stop taking the bait, you can almost time it. so if there's a particularly scrotey/baity "anon" who gets told off and then a bunch of cp is posted after… yeah, you can start to figure out which "anons" are actually y chromoids pretty quickly

No. 1853259

File: 1705207735281.jpg (59.13 KB, 850x444, __ogata_hyakunosuke_golden_kam…)

I love all of them they are like spice girls to me. Ogata is an annoying character for sure but for some reason if you redact the murderous psycho aspect hes so charming

No. 1853260

File: 1705207854780.jpg (Spoiler Image,752.97 KB, 941x1200, 114156847_p3_master1200.jpg)

sorry nona i'm too busy freezing to mess around LC properly lately

No. 1853261

The "woman" who used to regularly post pol-tier bait while cp and racebait/BBC porn was being ~coincidently~ spammed at the exact same time would make a redundant amount of posts saying almost exactly what this says >>1853227
>Sometimes I wish there were lolcow meetups where we could have these conversations in real life so you’d all be forced to react to the fact that is is really a woman who is talking to you kek.
It's no coincidence.

No. 1853262

File: 1705207925013.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.25 KB, 850x601, __ogata_hyakunosuke_and_taniga…)

Are you in Canada

No. 1853263

So was there a situation where an anon got told off for posting bait and then in the same thread someone said “I wish there were lolcow meetups” and then cp was spammed immediately after? Thats just a really specific series of events and I haven’t witnessed that before; that’s also coming from me who’s NEET and constantly scrolling kek

No. 1853265

The [redacted] that mods had to delete literally thousands of posts by regularly would say "I wish we could meet so you could see that you're wrong"

No. 1853268

So you’re accusing me of posting child porn solely because I said ‘poop skin’ and that I would ‘like it if there were meetups so that I’d be able to see how you react to being told something like this in person’ . Is there a place where we can see and post our own post histories? Because I know that it includes posts that have been deleted by mods as well so I’d really like to prove you wrong kek.

No. 1853269

File: 1705208222528.jpg (53.59 KB, 595x808, 1000007113.jpg)

Umm guys I don't know how to feel about this. Why is he hot

No. 1853272

File: 1705208328137.jpg (31.35 KB, 618x680, 9da.jpg)

No. 1853273

Yes there’s a place we can view our post histories? Good! Please do tell

No. 1853277

Why do you type like a 40 year old man

No. 1853278

oh no… it's retarded. Thots and prayers xoxo

No. 1853280

So the child porn posts said “i wish we could meet so you could see that you’re wrong”?

No. 1853281


No. 1853282

So typing like a normal person is typing like a 40 year old man? Are you surrounded by illiterates, or something?

No. 1853283

Goodbye horses
I'm flying over you
Goodbye horses
I'm flying, flying

No. 1853284

Why are you in such disbelief that obnoxiously baity anons are surely cp and gore posting moids who have raided the boards before? There are situations for healthy skepticism but this isn't one of them.

No. 1853285

File: 1705208739313.jpg (412.56 KB, 750x729, 51389008_p2_master1200.jpg)

Nah, i think that Canada would let me browse explicit content with no issues

No. 1853287

Mmm, yes, Quite!

No. 1853288

You must have reading comprehension issues if you weren’t capable of reading the second half of my post. I’d be perfectly happy with moderation posting my post history for everybody to see, assuming that they’ll be capable of doing so. They could just screen record scrolling down from these posts, and then you’d be able to see that I’ve never posted cp and in fact have made hundreds (literally) of posts about being vehemently anti-porn and reporting child pornography to websites like reddit, instagram, and twitter. If you don’t want to take my word for it that’s perfectly fine, but my threadmaking history and post history proves what it needs to to moderation.

No. 1853289

File: 1705208840216.jpg (156.33 KB, 824x659, 20240113_222813.jpg)

What tunnel are you in girl

No. 1853290

Post history means nothing and never will. Most people use vpns, cycle ips, etc. You're dangling something you know to be meaningless. Go away.

No. 1853293


No. 1853294

Because me saying ‘poop colored skin’ does not make me a fucking pedophile or somebody who spams child pornography; and my post history actually proves that. I have made hundreds of posts about child safety and having child pornography removed from websites that host it.

No. 1853295

holy autism

No. 1853296

You’re ignoring the fact that I don’t need to use a vpn if I’ve never been permabanned for something such as posting child pornography, hence why the entirety of my post history would be visible

No. 1853297

when the baiter becomes the baitee… beautiful work anons

No. 1853298

Ok so is the bait now accusing someone of posting child porn when you know they haven’t? That makes no sense

No. 1853299

How the fuck are posters here getting clocked? Every day I see someone on here somehow correctly identifying a poster they've seen posting elsewhere or even on other boards or websites. Are they just really unique personalities or is there something subtle I'm not seeing as a casual user?

No. 1853300

third eye and quadruple level IQ. I've been training for years.

No. 1853301

where do you see this? I haven't

No. 1853302

File: 1705209237133.gif (1.54 MB, 1920x1200, df40r57-9f48a1b5-5407-47e2-90f…)

what the fuuuck

No. 1853303

There are super specific posters, one in particular, that has had literally thousands of posts he has spammed deleted from LC. It was unending, constant barrage of harassment and creepy shit. You see weird stylistic choices only apparent in the throes of severe mental illness. These posters are easy to identify because they essentially have permanent echolalia and repeat the same thing over and over every time.

No. 1853304

Could you provide some examples of different things that are often repeated because I’m incapable of noticing shit loke that

No. 1853305

it's getting easier and easier as the site slows. A couple years ago it would have been unheard of for the front page of snow to have not moved for 4+ hours, but that happens now regularly. Thanks shaymin

No. 1853306

File: 1705209525109.jpg (90.83 KB, 850x668, __sugimoto_saichi_golden_kamuy…)

Why are you acting like I'm gonna dox you on lolcow. Are you in a convent in Kazakhstan

No. 1853309

I see it in threads red-texted to hell after a derail or infight, people start getting accused of being specific posters. I can see creepy men and CP spammers getting identified easier but cases like the random weirdo fujochan who posted her vocaroo in the lesbian thread getting identified as someone posting on 4chan is insane.
That makes sense.
Semi-related, has anyone here ever clocked someone they knew posting on here?

No. 1853310

Men have a specific way of posting. The subtlety is very easy to spot to even an eye with basic training. Their mechanical, soulless way of interacting, and even their overcompensating shit attempts at sounding like women are just as easy to see through. Intent is everything. They are so clockable its laughable.

No. 1853311

I'm not great at it but there are some posts you can tell are by the same person by things like the tone of writing, ESL grammar, word choices or word spacing (ie. compound words), made up or uncommon words, retarded thought patterns, whatever

No. 1853312

>weirdo fujochan who posted her vocaroo in the lesbian thread getting identified as someone posting on 4chan is insane to me
why? she is extremely easy to identify, she repeats herself constantly and is obsessed with certain topics.

No. 1853314

>retarded thought patterns
Exactly this.

No. 1853315

tbh i talk about one specific problem on here constantly in all threads and I am shocked I have not been clocked and called out for it yet. Or maybe I have been clocked but no one has bothered to say anything since I'm not breaking rules or harassing people. Genuinely odd to me, since I used to be more careful about not repeating the same things but lately I have not given a shit.

No. 1853316

I only stick to certain threads so I guess I'm pretty insulated from all that

No. 1853317

File: 1705209864609.jpg (91.05 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

KEK no but you're kinda close, sorry nona i must remain mysterious or they will find me

No. 1853318

hasn’t the website boosted in activity in the last few months though? Because lolcow is regularly mentioned on tiktok and reddit, apparently it’s also been mentioned on Red Scare a few times so RSfags have probably joined /ot/ at this point kek

No. 1853319

If it's not something obnoxious, why would we? There's nothing wrong with enjoying certain topics more than others. It just means you aren't a sperg, or your sperging is mild and benign

No. 1853320

I’ve never been clocked or called out either but I’ve been accused of being a man a few times

No. 1853321

No, not from my observation. It has been a steady decline ever since the shaymin apocalypse of what, last year?

No. 1853322

File: 1705209947281.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.16 KB, 850x1200, __sugimoto_saichi_and_ogata_hy…)

When I drag your ass out of that temple in Malaysia

No. 1853324

I mean I haven’t witnessed any kind of decline in fact it seems like threads actually fill up much quicker than they used to compared to last year

No. 1853326

File: 1705210087723.png (2.19 MB, 1079x1073, FjlZ_XmXoAAJGMG.png)

My dog is whining at me because of the glare from my computer screen isn't letting her sleep so I'm going to sleep now. Sweet dreams nonnies

No. 1853328

But its filling up with the lowest of quality this site has ever seen. They had to make a fucking tmi thread because if a post wasn't bait or the most retarded infighting you've ever heard it was some genuinely stupid unnecessary shit like "just took a shit". This new breed needs to d word unalive sewerslide no cap frfr on God fam.

No. 1853329

Well yeah nonna it’s low quality because they’re all zoomer newfags kek…I promise they’ll grow up and integrate to board etiquette don’t sweat

No. 1853332

hey i made that thread and i am sad you are mad at me for it. I made it because I was curious if other women do the same gross things I do, and we're all just hiding it. Plus I'm just curious about other people's bad habits. It's filled up pretty fast, much faster than I ever expected, so I think a lot of people enjoy it, even if it isn't your cup of tea.

No. 1853335

there may be a boost of activity in terms of pageviews from people coming here to gawk, but actual discussion and contributory posts have slowed down to a crawl compared to how active it once was. sometimes it feels like the bait posters, infighters, and ban evading shitters outnumber actual regular users.

No. 1853336

File: 1705210454103.jpg (524.19 KB, 1088x1200, 75187861_p7_master1200.jpg)

omg… i'm getting a nonacrush…

No. 1853338

sleep tight nonnie, hope you and your dog have lots of nice dreams tonight!

No. 1853341

Oh im not mad at you for that? It's just weird that TMI posts have become some sort of norm across threads suddenly, that has never been a hallmark here and seems like a severely socially stunted autism thing. Posting that you are constipated in the mundane shit thread is SPED as fuck. You made a thread for it, I could hide it if it bothered me

No. 1853343

File: 1705210884649.jpg (Spoiler Image,233.36 KB, 850x614,