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No. 1730346
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/1671110 No. 1730640
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I’ll admit this is a pettier one but I still think it’s worth a mention. R/NDE talks about near death experiences (ndes) basically it’s about how someone nearly dies and sees some crazy shit during this. The thing is the people on this page start basically preaching after a while
>Often constantly mentions their beloved god/source
>Thinks people are part of a universal god hive mind
>Will use these ambiguous experiences to justify shit like picrel or saying everyone agreed to the shit that happens to them or it’s karma
>Constantly going on about how “love and forgiveness are the only right path”
Overall it’s just toxically positive and it feels like a cope to justify all the fucked shit that’s been happening over experiences that we don’t even know for sure actually are real
No. 1730646
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>>1730640Also this Sandi_T person (the creator of it) gets really upset when people try to bring evidence against NDEs or brings up other conspiracies that go with them, obviously shit like the prison planet conspiracy (what’s being referenced in picrel) is crazy but so are these experiences. I do feel a bit bad because she does seem unhappy with the
toxic positive shit at times
No. 1730719
>>1730640In terms of
toxic stuff on reddit I feel like schizoid ramblings of some psychedelic sub is pretty tame
No. 1730762
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Stuff like this makes me grateful for death
No. 1731053
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No. 1731077
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>>1731053From the same thread. Military moid with a wife and two kids does this to a woman and destroys her reputation. At least she got him fired, but this shit is twisted.
No. 1731108
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>>1731086>>1731098I also found this in the comments
No. 1731131
>>1731113Oh come on. Porn didn’t do anything to men but reinforce what was already there.
>>1731098What’s the difference between this and coming home from a date and jerking off to the memory of your friend? I’m not defending what he did but even without deepfakes men have been doing similar for millennia, it was just easier to hide.
No. 1731145
>>1731131because it's a woman's EXACT image/likeness being stolen, copied, and used for porn.
It's not a blurry and most likely warped memory, a janky shitty drawing or photoshop…. it's ai generated realistic porn with someone's exact image… And one's image/likeness feels like it belongs to them, so it feels disgusting or degrading for something so realistic
No. 1731181
>>1731175But what you're saying implies that nothing would change for the better if porn was banned. I think that things would change for the better if porn was banned.
>>1731178There's still a massive difference between a moid using his imagination to masturbate versus creating his own personalized porn of someone else's likeness, masturbating to it, and then sharing it. Porn was a mistake.
No. 1731212
>>1731198>men watch porn to self sootheNope. Watching barely legal girl get assfucked doesn't soothe them, the ones who watch
abusive ones do because they hate women, the ones who watch vanilla ones do it to jerk off
>x gender needs y or any similar narrativesNo one needs another gender of person, retard. Romantic relationships aren't basic human needs or rights for neither men or women. Don't be delusional.
No. 1731224
File: 1697734396301.png (1 MB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20231019-125203.png);Dr= pornsick scrote lures homeless woman to his home so he can fuck her. He let the woman sleep in his kids bed and in the comments he admitted he didn't want a sex worker because "then she'd be in control". As per usual, every fag on Reddit is stroking his dick saying he's brave for admitting this.
No. 1731241
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Was browsing r/inceltears and this got a chuckle
No. 1731251
>>1731210Oh nona…
>Inability to get an actual woman to love them>Need to have power over women>The desire for sex and nothing more>A way to live out sexual violence fantasies in a legal way >A way to watch lesbians fuck without being called the creep they are>Continued, unending search for more and more extreme degeneracy keeps the industry aliveNeed I go on?
No. 1731284
>>1731053This happened to someone I knew, same exact situation except they never caught the guy. She got called into the HR department at her work over it, they need to make this shit illegal like revenge porn NOW.
>>1731108Imagine normalizing male sexual deviance like this. "It's normal human behavior!" No its fucking not. I've thought of some freaky stuff but literally never once someone I know in real life.
>>1731154This isn't true. There's been studies that show men who watch more porn end up warping the way their brain reacts to women. Don't downplay porn's effect.
>>1731243I always wondered this. I might look at porn or a fanfic once in a blue moon, but 98% of the time I just use my imagination. Men act like they can't function without porn "visual creature" My ass too Men can't tell the difference when a woman is wearing good make up from bad make up they just see red lipstick and black eyeliner and ooga Booga
No. 1731446
>>1731438if you live in the west you should know by now laws technically look good on paper but aren't reality. the wage gap statistically looks like women's own fault when in reality places simply don't hire women for higher paying jobs, give them needed hours even after they ask, etc. A lot of laws that were supposed to protect women in
abusive relationships get swept under the rug by law enforcement and most abusers are never charged despite the fact that American women face higher domestic violence than fucking RUSSIA. It's also legal to perform pelvic exams to unconsenting women under anesthesia but literally no equivalent exists for men
No. 1731581
>>1731113Millennials, too- and I don't think "love" was really ever anything besides performative from moids.
They just no longer have to jump through those social hoops to get what they're really after.
Back in the day, Boomer Bob had to court Boomer Betty with flowers and shit so she'd agree to marry him and breed his spawn, but he could still turn around and cheat on her with his secretary, she just didn't have the recourse of divorce and her own bank account.
I'm glad that the internet is making this information widely available to young women, though, even though what internet porn has done is definitely in the "manmade horrors beyond comprehension" territory.
I met a zoomer girl the other day and was shocked because she was going off about how men are trash with all the based quality of a twice divorced Gen Xer. Like girl you're 23 and already know the truth? Beyond based. Gen Z and Alphas may never experience "love" as you say but frankly, that's a blessing in disguise for them and they'll be some of the first generations of women who are able to achieve true freedom.
No. 1731611
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>>1731546got interested and looked some things up. of course it's quite difficult to get accurate data due to the nature of domestic violence itself, but i tried.
No. 1731826
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Weird sorry this posted into some duplicate thread? Idk but I dropped the link and needed to delete anyways: No. 1732067
File: 1697797292120.png (234.09 KB, 720x1140, Screenshot_20231020-051651.png) will defend cheating moids until the end
>Man comes home, obsessing over about the new girl from work>Gets uncomfortably close to her, plays therapist anytime he can>girlfriend is rightfully suspicious>Puts up boundaries between him and the new girl>Girl takes it out of context and blocks him on everything, somehow the gfs fault>Boyfriend "suddenly" breaks up because the girlfriend wanted boundaries>But but my aunt was raped! That's why I have to glue myself to the hot new girl!!Imagine if a woman was playing therapist from the hot guy at work kek. Either way, if it was revealed he ended up being the cheater you know redditors who tried to gaslight her into thinking it was normal for your man to be another woman's free therapist would be coming out the woodwork to bitch about how she should've known the first signs of him getting suspiciously close to someone
No. 1732077
>>1732067Op is not on AITA because of that, but cause she told the girl "she trauma dumped about her rape for attention" when it was
OPs bf who asked that info, probably to manipulate her later. OP decided to attack a vulnerable woman because
her man (a predator) was acting up, he was the one being inappropriate and bringing a traumatized girl into their lives (because he obviously wanted to take advantage of her) yet the girl received pretty much all the bullets? It's some bullshit, OP was a dumbass for that, and an asshole
But don't get me wrong, that girl was in fact unconsciously over-stepping at some point, she should've went to therapy and not use someone else's BF to heal, that was obviously going to cause friction in any relationship I understand why OP felt there was something going on, at least on her BFs part, but OP handled it terribly by attacking the girl being predated instead of her manipulative BF
No. 1732083
>>1732077>>1732077The fact the broke up because the gf wanted to draw boundaries between him and another girl is
sus to me. They've been together for YEARS and haven't encountered any other relationship problem, suspicions, etc?
No. 1732088
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>>1731947>most women will never experience that [love]Wanting to be "loved", especially by a male, is one of the most retarded human feelings I'll never understand.
No. 1732093
>>1732091Yes. I could've swore I saw the same exact story multiple times. It's always
>Couple>New younger coworker/friend>Bf can't stop talking about her and plays therapist>It's not outright said he was cheating but he was 100% having an emotional affair AT LEAST>Suspicious behavior left and right>Commenters literally think OP is the devil for rightfully reactingAnd of course nothing is said about how suspicious both of them were
No. 1732102
>>1732098You're probably right, which is why she was acting extremely suspicious when meeting OP and then using rape, likely to bait her into this very situation where if she gets called out people will whine about how "how dare you booly a rape
No. 1732118
>>1732098Ayrt I think you could be right as well. Even if she's traumatized she should understand why getting along with someone else's BF like that could be perceived as messy, and using your trauma as an indirect "criticism shield" for your actions once the bomb drops it's a manipulative move as well. Moids in the comment section are trashing OP, you could say OP was harsh but I cannot deny she was in fact saying the truth: "being a
victim doesn't give you the right to overstep into relationships". If I was in her place I would feel strange too
No. 1732141
>>1732118>using your trauma as an indirect "criticism shield" for your actions once the bomb drops it's a manipulative move as well.The girl didn’t do that though, OP’s bf did. I’m not sure why some of you are determined to paint the 22yo girl as some manipulative bpd mastermind when it’s clearly the boyfriend that was going out of his way to engage a traumatized woman while playing it off as him being generous and empathetic. OP should have gotten in
his ass instead of going off on the girl, but of course she stays simping for him even after he breaks up with her.
No. 1732147
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>>1732050>>1732108if i had to choose, the choice is obvious
No. 1732162
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Nonas, am I going insane? Most of the comments say that the father and daughter are both in the wrong, but in what world is being called a fat pig comparable to the pain of losing a mother, especially that young, and having your father move on in just a year? And not only that, but expecting your daughter to accept a stranger in your deceased mother's place. And to top it all off having this kind of punishment, disproportionate to what she said to this woman.
The top comments at least side more with the daughter, but a lot of the responses to those comments disagree No. 1732205
>>1732198I mean sure, but the dad is clearly the biggest asshole. He didn't have the conversations he needed to see where he daughter was at mentally before dating new people. Like I said, cut her phone off or something but tuition was just his flex and way out of proportion to what she said to his girlfriend. She lost her mom a year ago, she's definitely still grieving and will likely be abrasive to the new women her father dates. Any parent that can afford to pay for their kids tuition should. It's part of making sure they can have successful adult lives without anything holding them back. You're supposed to do better for your kids so they can surpass you in life, if you purposely do the opposite you're the problem. Maybe some of you are just
triggered she called the gf fat. I agree the gf didn't deserve it and she's misplacing her anger at her dad with this innocent bystander, but the father could have handled the situation better. He's giving narcissist to me.
No. 1732216
>>1732205>Like I said, cut her phone off or something but tuition was just his flex and way out of proportion to what she said to his girlfriendMay I remind you that she doubled down, send several nasty messages and insulted her not one but
two times at different occasions, she didn't want to cooperate at all until money was involved because of course
>She lost her mom a year ago, she's definitely still grieving and will likely be abrasive to the new women her father dates.Not an excuse, she's an adult, she has to handle stuff like one, like every other adult does. It's not easy, but that's the way things should be to avoid more conflict, I would understand a kid doing this, hell I wouldn't even look twice but fucking 19?! Get outta here
No. 1732254
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it would be funny if an army of farmers made throwaway accounts with the same avatar as picrel and spammed some scrote subreddit with based trvth bombs. mmm downvotes..
No. 1732276
>>1732256>19 year old who lost her mother tragically and suddenly is immatureNo shit? She called her fat, she didn't say she was gonna burn their house down
>>1732216Yeah, she's barely an adult so I can be sympathetic to her being a bitch when she feels like her dad's replacing her mom with some random. She was wrong for calling the lady fat and doubling down, but she's clearly spiraling. I think as the father he should have apologized to his Gf and had some serious talks about respect and grief with his daughter. Cutting off her tuition was not the way to handle this. And he's posting it on Reddit to karma farm and tell himself he did nothing wrong shows me he's a low empathy individual who isn't equipped to properly handle this situation. I agree the daughter needed to find out she can't just take her anger out on unrelated people but tuition was too much. Don't endanger her education to prove a point about authority
No. 1732286
>>1732098The AITA story is fake af but I'm glad other people recognize the type, my friend is dealing with one of these with at her husband's work. I absolutely hate the "I'm traumatized little baby, please be patient and protect me" and then they act like a crazy manipulative bitch constantly. I don't know how men don't see through it more often
>>1732162This one's probably real but his response was out of proportion with her actions.
No. 1732293
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Top comment on a thread asking about how tattoos feel. I checked and the user is a tranny. Can you imagine tattooing some gross guy in a skirt and he goes into "sub space" and starts acting weird. I would quit.
No. 1732319
>>1732276>Yeah, she's barely an adult so I can be sympathetic to her being a bitch when she feels like her dad's replacing her mom with some randomThat "random" is an human too you know? She isn't just a stressball for grieving 19yos, it's not her fault her mom died and she's old enough to understand it's inappropriate she's not a kid, she didn't do anything to her to deserve this treatment
>She called her fat, she didn't say she was gonna burn their house down She just didn't do that, don't be dishonest, she insulted her on several occasions both in real life, at family reunions and dms, at what point exactly does this behavior become inaceptable? Would you like it if a woman spammed your DMS with insults right after calling you a fattie irl and then said "I'm grieving"? It's unhinged, and she surely knows who to mess with because several other people would have smacked a bitch for less
No. 1732325
>>1732286this is 100% BS, if they are in the US they'd know if you fuck up during training, especially office work you're immediately cut especially something as big as having breakdowns in front of everyone. No employer would ever hire someone who needs someone else's bf to stop having panic attacks kek.
Secondly, the mental hawlth baiters are real kek. There was a girl in my friend group who would suicide bait about her
abusive parents to all the girls boyfriends but was nowhere to be found when women actively tried to help her and then whined when the moids ignored her. There's so many missing aspects but I'm bamboozled this woman was capable of holding a job, nevermind passing an interview and then going through training
No. 1732662
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People would rather die than hold a man accountable kek
>Woman notices she has to initiate every conversation with her boyfriend
>Decided to wait a few hours before texting him first to see if he'll notice
>He said absolutely nothing
>She called him out, he came up with some bullshit excuse
>She continues it, then goes almost a year not hearing from him because she didn't initiate
>Redditors complain about how she should've communicated and that her boyfriend is a poor victim to her games
No. 1732678
>>1732118I have a very similar trauma to the woman mentioned and would never ever use another woman's boyfriend as a coping mechanism or put out my business that fast, nevermind act this suspiciously. Due to being accused of lying (similar to her) I never even bring it up to people until years after I met them because of how traumatizing another person accusing me of lying could be. I highly doubt this woman is a rape
victim at all especially with how over exaggerated they are describing her behavior. Of course reddit seems to only be on board with questioning
victims when men are being punished and not given free passes to obsess over other girls
No. 1732712
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>>1732162Yeeaaahhhh…. I don't feel that bad for the daughter here.
>mother died>it IS tragic, but she let it take over her control of emotions>childishly acts like a shithead to an innocent woman just for dating the father>lacked so much maturity that she couldn't even hold her tongue and NOT insult the girlfriend at Thanks-fucking-giving>thinks her family owes her free money for college>doesn't even apologize for calling the girlfriend a "pig"Yeah no, fuck this girl. Her mom died, but millions of other people go through things that are just as bad and even worse but still have the maturity to not be a bully. Other anons are in here defending this daughter, saying she's "just a nineteen year old", but come on she's not six either. Young adults aren't perfect and are still trying to process and understand the world and themselves and such, but the behavior in the story was so blazingly childish and unacceptable, the daughter really should have known better. I cannot defend her.
No. 1732767
>>1732684grieve or mental illness don't excuse mistreatment or abuse, if it was an acceptable excuse half of /snow/ wouldn't be held accountable
>>1732740>>1732756>>1732752are you retarded? serious question
No. 1732814
>>1732784They're insufferable for real
>>1732789>I never fuck up, and if i do, you deserved itI wish suffering from BPD was a bannable offense
No. 1732836
>>1731109yeah if a man isn't bad in one aspect, he'll be atrocious in another.
It's always "All men" no doubt. I always see "My BF/husband/Dad WOULD NEVER." he might not do X, but he would certainly do/say Y and Z.
>>1731148LOL the thread from the mod team saying "We don't accept transphobia!" and every comment in support was downvoted to oblivion. Fuck that subreddit.
FemaleAntinatilism is women only. It says FTM cause let's be honest, it's still a woman at the end of the day.
I found pornismisogyny to be weird. They are fine with written porn and audio porn but not visual. any porn that hurts their self-esteem is bad till it's porn they can use to get off.
I don't want to argue if Written and Audio Porn count in the grand scheme of Porn being bad on account it's not a real person being abused. I do notice a lot of audio porn is questionable shit and the guys making the audio are your average porn-sick degenerates. So again, it makes it weird they (the subreddit) cry about porn but will be okay with audio porn.
>>1731581Men have never loved women. Never. They'll 'tolerate' the ones they can fuck and that's it. Isn't there a quote like "If we didn't have vaginas, they'd hunt us for sport." And they already do hunt us down regardless.
No. 1732862
>>1732808If your parents cut
you off, I can already tell they made the right choice kek
No. 1732899
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hate whoever comes up with retarded posts like these
No. 1732950
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>>1732943>resurrecting a dead infightIt doesn't have to be this way.
No. 1732990
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New gooncaves hatefuel
No. 1732993
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>>1732990Says his personal record is three times while gooning and he's trying to reach a goal of 4. Bleak., honorable mention of some retard thinking posting a compressed pic of a childish set up with plushies and calling it his gooncave is peak le epic troll and not a dogwhistle. Men are so fucking unaware and retarded No. 1733183
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Searched "what do you wish you knew before you had kids" on reddit and was reading through a thread. wtf does he mean "she quit becoming a wife and a woman" she literally did not!! Wtf she do that made him see it fit to revoke her womanhood? I'm fucking triggered
No. 1733189
>>1733183Yet the 1837447923854847th case of a man being jealous of his own kids receiving the attention of their mother.
god men are so fucking pathetic.
No. 1733198
>>1732162Hey hey, I'm the op of this post, can't believe what a discussion this created!
Anyways, as someone else said, this is probably a fake story. Yet I'm still confused by the comments in general.
The dad in this situation seems like the typical retarded moid who doesn't know how to do household tasks so he moves on from a, minimum, 25 year old marriage in less than a year. He has the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old kid, and when he sees his 19 year old daughter grieving her mother, he forces her to accept another woman in her place.
Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is how many people are giving so much importance to a dumb comment made by an emotionally unstable teen. The gf in this scenario is 40+ years old, and supposedly really intelligent, and yet she cried because she got called a fat pig? By someone 20+ years her junior? Who, again, was going through pretty recent grief? (If I would lose my mother, you can bet that I would need way more time than that to recover, and I'm almost 30). In a perfect world moids wouldn't be incredibly stupid and emotionally dense, unfortunately that isn't the case, so I think the second best thing that should have happened would be for the gf to have a conversation with the daughter, and reassure her that she is not taking her mom's place. You know, try to make peace, and to not expect an apology from a 19 year old going through pretty bad stuff.
Long story short, I think the father is extremely retarded, and the gf is a bit silly for getting so hurt by that comment.
As a side note, being from a country where education is free, and seeing some of you nonas say that it's a privilege to have it is, in my opinion, extremely dystopian.
No. 1733539
>>1732892Who said anything about the workplace? "IT" here is r/IncelTears, a subreddit like r/Niceguys. He can just close the tab if he doesn't wanna be "turned into a femboy" by reading libfem anti-
toxic-masculaulinity takes kek
No. 1733635
>>1733183peep at the moid replying as if the man is a
victim for making his wife do all of the toddler wrangling
No. 1733647
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>>1733638this could be actually the case. maybe the bf made up a sob story as an explanation why there was a random young woman he would soon always be having over, the fact he broke up an 8 yr relationship for putting up a boundary with a woman that made her uncomfortable should have told us everything.
I low-key hope anon updates in a few months,I'd guarantee it would be like picrel
No. 1733651
>>1733644Oh the OP absolutely should have gone after the bf first, but the woman should have also known not to get too close to another woman's boyfriend Never mind acting as weirdly pretentious as she did when she met her.
the comments are so fucking bizarre though, they're gaslighting women for even looking for red flags such as possible cheating instances. I don't think OP is insecure/jealous though because typically jealous women start having issues with multiple women in their life, if this was just one instance that she was concerned about then her suspicions were probably right and he was planning to cheat if he didn't already
No. 1733674
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>>1733651I think it's funny how women who are good at buttering up men come off as weird and insincere to other women, because they really have no skill at all. Scrotes will believe any dumb flattery. Likewise, scrotes are initially horrible at picking up women, because they are so insincere that their opening conversations are just obvious manipulation.
No. 1733786
>>1732899Nona, I looked at the profile and it is a troon and of course he calls himself a mom
Ban me for alogging but I hope the wife discovers, separates from him, he gets aids from the moids he fucks and dies
No. 1733868
>>1733784I don't understand how you came to this conclusion? Anti-Dad anons seemed to be the most
triggered and seething ones, they even mocked the EMT anon for being in a shooting, the ones who supported the dad's decision seemed pretty calm and light hearted. If the anons were
triggered over the gf being called fat certainty the crazy ones would've been on the opposite side?
No. 1734337
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Reddit thread in meme subreddit discussing if cunt is a slur
No. 1734350
>>1734340>>1734338>>1734337Why are
men discussing if a
female related insult is a slur or not? Shouldn't women discuss that? Women are the ones getting called "cunt", not men, it's not their place to decide if it's offensive or not, bunch of idiots
No. 1734487
>>1734340I actually don't consider cunt a slur, just because the equivalent dick exists for men and I've seen men call other men cunts, it doesn't feel as specifically loaded. I wouldn't call someone it but I'm not as offended
On the other hand I consider Karen a slur though because there's no male equivalent, and it definitely feels loaded with contempt for specifically women. And you see people use it where if a man was doing the exact same thing they'd just call him a bad acting person, not a slur. They wouldn't attribute it to womanhood. It affects women so much too, my sister wouldn't return a latte they got wrong because she didn't wanna be a "karen", thats when you know a word has a real impact, when it makes people act preemptively against their interest
>>1734350But yeah this, fuck reddit men thinking they have any place deciding how they think women SHOULD feel
No. 1734607
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Moids are the most pathetic creatures on Earth like this one equating people complaining about mindless objectification to genocide
The Y chromosome is a defect
No. 1734766
>>1734607i wish women were genocidal against men. most straight women are male identified pick mes who would literally never agree to that. only people killing off males are other males LMAOO genocide my actual ass.
also who is "them"? The male dominated media? The male dominated film industry? The male dominated congress? They only have themselves to blame.
This comment kinda works if you think of it as written from the perspective of a working class person's perspective with the fucked economy part and using "them" as the top 1% or whatever, but then he mentions le diversity quotas so I assume this is a "white men have it so hard actually :;;;((" post. and how would "they" make relationships a minefield? men just spew shit
what was this comment under? plz post the link nonna I want to cyberbully :(
(:() No. 1734785
>>1734340offtopic and a nitpick but i really hate how people like this one talk/type. the usage of the term pussyhavers is probably worse than saying cunt (word i don't really like either)… just say women.
>>1734607kek all i have to say is "sucks to suck lmao".
No. 1734911
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>>1734897I reckon tone is 99% of how it's received in aus, I know me and many other women would get offended if a man called us a cunt in an angry/rude way. But ofc nobody would blink an eye if they were called a sick cunt or if men called each other cunts or whatever.
No. 1735001
File: 1698024371262.png (82.26 KB, 692x419, I hope ww3 will happen…)

More pearls of retardation from r/KotakuInAction, I swear to God, you must be a moid with negative IQ to post on that sub
No. 1735023
>Feminist Frequency>Year 2023die
Yes we should keep women out of leadership roles because uhh- uhh lego study thats very real!1! how in the actual shit do you jump to that conclusion from a study of children with legos. Women are better leaders, less selfish, more empathetic, this has been shown over and over again. Fucking morons
No. 1735799
File: 1698072784648.jpeg (281.48 KB, 1485x834, IMG_2422.jpeg)

Probably another fake rage bait story about gender reveal mantrum but one of the top comments was horrible. Yay we can only hope that your daughter will be so aware of her oppression in a misogynistic society that she transitions as a result and gets validation from her own father now that she identifies as male. Such a heartwarming concept! All the fucking upvotes too, I was so disgusted. And it’s laughable to think that therapy would help any moid who is this far gone.
No. 1736790
File: 1698117377106.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 827x2131, IMG_1768.png)

extremely dense redditor would like to know if it he was illegally discriminated against for being horny at work
No. 1737654
File: 1698171787054.jpeg (659.62 KB, 750x1221, IMG_2586.jpeg) the pornismisogyny subreddit has been taken over by TRAs and the only GC mod left and made this post on Ovarit. I didn't keep up with the subreddit, but it's insane that TRAs are so obsessed with infiltration and controlling the narrative. If people have GC thoughts or criticisms of trans people, they'll either pretend to be okay with all it and/or they'll find other places to discuss it anyways.
No. 1738127
File: 1698192565184.jpeg (260.74 KB, 1170x504, IMG_3452.jpeg)

Unironically, no, I do not care. The only good thing about war is how many men it kills
No. 1738243
File: 1698200604643.png (216.61 KB, 1080x1696, Screenshot_20231024-221955~2.p…)

>>1734783Found this in the same thread
No. 1738338
>>1731947>True but at least those women got to experience love for even a short period of time. Most women will never experience thatthe domestic violence rates and it was when marital rape wasn't even illegal. no thanks
nonnie, i don't envy women who had no option to leave a man. i don't like the rise of the porn industry either.
No. 1738466
>>1735799redditors are stupid as fuck holy shit. theyre validating a dumbass hypothetical situation, not even a reality, and even if it was real it wouldnt fix the issue of this dad being a sexist and potentially
abusive asshole.
No. 1738475
>>1738439kek majority of men are followers, cogs in the machine and not special
Very few, male or female, have what it takes to be a charismatic good leader.
"men are natural leaders" is just some male loser fantasy and cope
No. 1738801
>>1732067I feel like reddit has a tunnel vision when it comes to cheating, I also feel like OP is trying to hopelessly defend him and therefore isn't revealing any information about him that would result in a "dump him" rather than decent advice
cheating nowadays isn't necessarily like a man is gonna sneak out and hit up bars without his ring, a lot of the times moids use deep conversations and then blur the lines between keeping things strictly platonic vs cheating. Personally I haven't met a single man who was able to have this sort of relationship based on "saving" some girl without it eventually leaving to cheating. I lowkey hope OP gives an update when she realizes it's actually over but I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up with "the girl he told her not to worry about", the way he brought up the engagement when she put up a boundary was suspicious as well. they've been together for 8 yrs and he only now decided to propose when he got suspiciously close to another woman? weird
No. 1739274
File: 1698291813123.jpeg (332.74 KB, 828x665, IMG_2568.jpeg)

Another mass shooting, another opportunity for everyone to excuse violent moids murdering innocent people because muh mental health epidemic!!! The bullshit of “it was society that failed him” when he decided to plan a shooting spree and kill as many people as possible. I love that people see it as the responsibility of everyone else to control the violence perpetrated by male criminals. Very cool way to brush over the issue. Somehow it always turns into a pity party for adult men and how they were forced to shoot into crowds of people because a therapist didn’t call back fast enough so how can we blame them for going postal. It’s ultimately a failure of the justice system when a schizo guy with a gun collection and threats to shoot up a place can walk out of treatment and be left to his own devices.
No. 1739283
>>1739274Oh my fucking god, moids always be on some Eric and Dylan shit when they catch another moid acting like a rampaging gorilla: always blaming
everybody and everything else in the most whiney, angsty, and laughably pathetic way.
No. 1739345
File: 1698299393193.png (113 KB, 1834x850, dfgdfgr.png) average moid kneejerk reaction to anything to do with CP is to say its not bad or say its fear mongering. Theyre all pedophiles.
No. 1739420
File: 1698306463599.jpg (396.71 KB, 1056x623, oyDdBf8.jpg)

I'm sorry but this is genuinely insane. The way they put that quote on the banner as if it's an outlandish shocking statement. I can't believe how much of a self-own this is and they don't even see it.
No. 1739428
>>1739420So let me get this straight. These redditors are trying to phrase Eugenia Cooney as some "evil
TERF" for saying there's only two genders? How are redditors so retarded that they make a struggling anorexic look down-to-Earth and sane?
No. 1739520
>>1739407Predditors don't care, the article could have not been locked behind a dumb sign up and been named
"AI CHILD PORN CAN BE MADE OF ANY REAL ACTUAL CHILD'S FACE BY ANYBODY AND SHARED TO ANYONE", and they still wouldn't care because the moid brain is so warped that they do not feel a shred of empathy for anyone but themselves, even the worst fucking human act that is child rape and abuse doesn't fire up something in their brain that tells them something is wrong and they need to protect the most vulnerable of our kind. Reddit still has barely disguised pedo subs and too many subs dedicated to sharing photos without consent to even count still and does nothing to ban these subs that I'm sure there's already ones for AI pedos.
Any nonnas who want to read the full article and full report on the AI CSAM can find it here
Never upload any images of any children you know on any social media, never let your family or child's school upload images of them onto social media, and delete as much images of your child as you can off the internet, it's very hard to completely scrub them, especially now with easily accessible face searching sites which can find even deleted images, but you can do the best you can by taking down public posts and search engine results. To the best of your ability never let your child have social media or any devices with a camera or microphone. Be extremely careful what people you let around your children and never let them take photos of them, watch out for moids in public who will suspiciously point their phone towards your children. Creep shot takers are sneaky as fuck and can even be men you trust. Make sure your kid doesn't have friends that post on social media and make it very clear to the parents your privacy wishes. Watch out for little moidlings because not only adults can do this, ask your kids if any of them have ever bothered them or taken photos of them. It is such a nightmarish time to have children and be female right now, trust your gut and cut out moids in your life who think this is all just fearmongering and censorship. Ones who didn't care even in the early days of low quality deepfake porn will still not care now.
No. 1739523
File: 1698322553558.jpg (101.89 KB, 935x431, bot.jpg)

No. 1739662
>>1739428They unhingedly hate her but they want to coat it to justify it. Bullying her for having anorexia got boring after awhile I guess, and they had to recognize that she’s at least partly a
victim, so now they will look for any slip up or one wrong word made by clearly mentally unstable person.
No. 1739798
File: 1698337796509.jpg (550.56 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231026_122116_Chr…)

>>1739345Do they not realize jerking off to cp makes them MORE likely to hurt children?
Porn use in general raises likelihood they'll be pedophiles, that's why in the UK pedophilia rates are exploding. The rate of class A "extreme" depictions of abuse DOUBLED in the UK from 2020-2022. They jerk themselves into being pedos and then go on reddit to defend their behavior. It's fucking scary, I've definitely noticed reddit moids are starting to try to pull the "we shouldn't shame pedos, that discourages them from seeking help" rhetoric as if a lazy ass moid would ever willingly go to therapy for his perversion rather than indulging to the level society will most allow them
>>1739691Ntas but no1curr
No. 1739827
File: 1698338588337.jpeg (538.26 KB, 828x1252, IMG_2616.jpeg)

Someone tell these women that we have rights now and don’t have to fuck men, yes even our husbands, as part of a wifely duty. Lives like these sound like it’s the 1900s only men are lazier and more entitled. This is a horror story, I can’t even put into words how insane the concept of this is that you’d stay with a guy you hate to fuck but feel forced to fuck because he’s such a pathetic baby. Time to be a single mom but if you mention leaving him they’ll probably get upset and say that’s an overreaction and actually he’s great sometimes when he’s not using me as a sex slave blah blah blah
No. 1739934
>>1739923some men don't show off their true colors until after their partner is trapped. be a little more sympathetic to women instead of
victim blaming
No. 1740212
File: 1698363814230.png (164.29 KB, 688x1181, Ihateredditmoids.png)

Event: Women and Girls only
Man "So…I can come? great, I'll let myself in."
Comments are telling OP he is a saint and those women are evil bitches/cunts. I also get people create fake stories on Reddit (even using AI to write them) but I have seen similar posts in the past and not on that subreddit over the years. Men always barge in on a woman's space and cry foul when we get rightfully pissed. Claim to respect women, but not enough to respect their personal spaces.
> I don’t trust them to not try to ask her if she’s safe or something else out of line.
Why the fuck would he be so worried about that if he's 100% innocent????
a comment of his
>I didn’t know it was women only until we walked up to the door and saw the promotional flyer. Had I known I would have tried to find something else for us to do but we were literally at the door.
Then he could have just taken his niece to a cafe and had some tea with her there. Could have taken her to a target, buy her some crafts and make some shit together.
No. 1740215
File: 1698363979629.png (25.81 KB, 928x283, Screenshot 2023-10-26 194153.p…)

>>1739345This particular section blew me the fuck away. The mere idea that someone even is a pedophile is apparently a-ok to them even though viewing would probably most likely encourage them to actually commit offences against children as seen with how men respond to violent porn of adult women and pedos will offend when the opportunity presents itself.
No. 1740223
>>1739827There must be millions of stories like this online where a woman's interest in her husband dwindles to nil after birthing his child only to realise he is also a giant child she has to care for. Presumably she was attracted to him before this, hence marriage and pregnancy. It's so interesting how men all fall into the same hole and complain about dead bedroom etc while essentially actively repulsing their wives by being a large, lazy dependent.
>>1739857>>1740187Not to be dramatic but a big reason why women stay in these marriages and keep doing all the work is the threat of CPS/kids taken away/jail, even, there are a lot of destructive ways things can go. Getting divorced early stands a risk of joint custody which increases the child's chance of injury or death, him being so useless is double pronged since he's a dead weight but it also serves as a warning: if you leave this kid with me, pray.
Men are also likely to stalk and harass exes, or set police or social services on them (spread rumours, say she is incompetent,
abusive etc) so in a lot of these situations staying with the dumb rape monkey is the least risky choice. Nevermind that half of femicides are done
by current or ex partners, and pregnancy increases your femicide risk.
Like how many marriages end peacefully with hands shook and best wishes? I have never heard of it kek. It seems mad that people stay in these shit marriages but all the above (minus the hand shaking and best wishes) does happen pretty much every time.
Whatever a woman does will be weaponised and she will be demonised, bare minimum just guarantees it goes even worse for her.
No. 1740258
>>1740214The anon who posted. Yes, I have a feeling the story is more than likely fake. "The thread was deleted. I haven't looked back at it." shit like that makes me think it's partially AI.
I still hate that the comments agree that men should be able to invade a space made for women.
No. 1740358
>>1740223yes and yes. It's a huge life move and many women are financially stuck. If you're not outright battered there's no help for you. First you have to get a job (if your husband lets you), then save for daycare (the cheapest is like 250 weekly per kid, good luck living on that) they would have to find a job that's at least 35 an hour(including a 1k monthly apartment, not including car and insurance payments, electric, etc), assuming they'd be able to get normal hours for daycare + the correct experience to qualify + find a "cheap" apartment in their area + hope they don't get fired within the first few weeks because thanks work at will laws. hell she would probably need something that's at least 40-50 an hour to live "comfortably"
I guess another option would be government programs, depending on the state they're very crappily developed, have long waiting lists, and they won't help her just because "she plans to move out soon"
No. 1740398
File: 1698386060162.jpg (88.22 KB, 701x703, 0ed9e89b669cc0b18de61a74eca05d…)

>>1740380When I was a teenager, I would go on reddit and always get banned for a-logging dozens of males I thought were annoying or deserved it. I lost count of how many moids I bullied, but it was
a lot. One might expect me to regret it now that I'm older, but no. I just don't. reddit users were cancerous and still are, based on these threads.
No. 1740411
>>1740398Are you me??
I was mainly just sick of the rules and guidelines. What they allow and don't allow and how the rules never applied to everybody.
The most recent ban was from my comment under a post about a rapist moid. I said something like "fucking subhuman" LOL the reddit mods can't even handle that. They said you have to be nice to them even though they're a POS. How dare you say it isn't a real human you're going to hurt it's feelings!
They were always so quick to ban me but when I would report things like the CP on their site it was always "this doesn't actually violate any rules or guidelines go fuck yourself".
No. 1741463
File: 1698452144647.jpg (53.6 KB, 624x572, 1561651.JPG)

> In a subreddit for doll collectors
> Moid uploads his dolls with butterfly tops
>last slide, moid uploads a picture of himself with a butterfly top
Why redditors can't live without being the constant center of attention? and of course, the retards in the comments saying "omg you slayed!!1" don't lie to this dumbass like this. Degenerated men should be away from girl's hobbies
No. 1741716
File: 1698475740947.png (2.11 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4386.png)

And women can't even have one (1) subreddit to ourselves.
No. 1741719
>>1741716>"Why do we NEVER find news of men and boys getting raped?"There ARE news about it, these faggots just never care to
look for them unless it's specifically to tell feminists to shut up. Even then, for every one male that gets raped, there's gonna be fifty other males saying that little scrote should be happy for getting "action" if the rapist was a woman.
No. 1741728
>>1741719Men and boys are systemically raped just as much as women, but they are indoctrinated to the most
toxic mindset possible at an early age and believe as men they aren't allowed to tell. This is why men grow up to continue cycles of inconceivable violence and crime at rates that don't make sense.
No. 1741741
File: 1698478900506.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.19 MB, 4032x3024, RDT_20231028_03391522778260934…)

New decapitated woman body on /gooncaves
No. 1741743
File: 1698478995044.jpg (Spoiler Image,818.14 KB, 4032x3024, RDT_20231028_03410738896484173…)

Gooncaves pt II, this guy converted a walk-in closet with soundproofing. These men belong thrown in labor camps and I am so serious.
No. 1741787
File: 1698486594938.jpg (371.68 KB, 972x1316, Screenshot_20231028_033232_Chr…)

>>1741785>>1741786Okay thank you nonas, because literally every article and study I ever looked at throughout the years never failed the pattern of women and girls being more targeted for sexual assault.
No. 1741877
>>1741717Jesus fucking christ. So tired of these fuckers getting asspats for doing the bare minimum. "Hey guys I could have totally date-raped this drunk girl but I didn't!" okay, so? Any decent human being would've done the same, you're not special. Making me wanna a-log.
Imagine how fast something called r/menarebad would be gone.
No. 1741884
File: 1698498251196.png (39.74 KB, 698x326, menareevilreddit.PNG)

>>1741463during peak covid, this one guy was posting about how he was going to be evicted from the hotel his family was staying at. The voucher was running out and the family was in other cities so they couldn't help. He mentioned he was scrambling to find something, on the verge of a breakdown. Well during his scramble, best believe he could find time to post his ugly scrote selfie to r/amihot or whatever that sub is. And I bet if I dug a little deeper, I'd have found him complimenting women on r/Gonewild.
Moids never fail to be selfish pricks.
And they say women are attention whores.
picrel. Men are evil creatures.
No. 1742070
File: 1698509265700.jpeg (86.65 KB, 615x1080, Image 20.jpeg)

>>1741505she's attractive, educated, is aging well except for her legs lol, and outshone the monarchy just by existing, specifically the two supposed golden eggs of the crown, william and kate. if you are black or biracial, one of the unspoken rules in this world is that you can never be better/more attractive than your white counterparts in anyway, even if you can't help it. like i am not saying this to upset anyone btw, it's just reality. if she acted like a leslie jones type, had short nappy hair with a bad sew-in and burnt edges, or was even a smidge less pretty than she is, they wouldn't have been nearly as threatened by her existence. they would have hated her for different reasons.
she wasn't any of those things so they did the whole psychological warfare shit on her that racists are good at. she should have picked up a copy of robert greene's 48 laws of power before she got married to harry as she was way too naive and walked into a highly dysfunctional family who are stuck in the past. also she was american. some british people have these weird complexes about americans and it shows up in how much they copy our culture while also moaning about us at the same time. i spend a lot of time in the uk as some of my family are english and there's always that one random person that just can't get over you being american. it's like their brains shut off or something.
also she actually worked and pretty much hit the ground running, which has been a big point of contention with the latter two as they are always flouncing off to mustique or holing up in wales for months on end, only to appear ever the more distant every time they are seen in public together. it took kate years comparatively to supposedly "find her footing", meanwhile i recall meghan started as a working royal pretty much right after she got married. i mean in general she just made them all look incredibly mediocre, lazy, and lacking in charisma which is what most people who weren't royalists huffing windsor farts have been saying for years. but you know, there was no point of reference to compare them to as they're all brow beaten from birth to pretend these people are the pinnacle of british civilzation. it's sad she became a scapegoat for all their problems but i think anyone who outshone will and kate would have been treated badly.
>>1741551yeah, that's why people were calling her kids monkeys and that she should name her daughter "georgina floydina". totally not racist…
No. 1742080
>>1741505>>1740589As a royal watcher, a lot of the hate for Meghan Markle is manufactured by the media because it's profitable and keeps people's attention. She's the easiest target because she's the newest female member of the royal family (look back in history, Diana, Fergie, Kate all had their own hate campaigns of varying degrees.) and it's especially easy because she's visibly different and also from a completely different country. I think Meghan and Harry have made their own mistakes and have had inconsistencies, but they're not evil and Meghan isn't literally Hitler like how people act like she is. People like to think that Meghan is an evil succubus who stole innocent baby Harry from his family.
Some stuff came out a few days ago revealing that the Royal Family took away Harry's protection for suing someone associated with the royal family, thank you for reminding me to post about it in the royal thread.
No. 1742524
>>1741551 she lies less than almost everyone in the royal family kek
I think people were just ready for harry to marry someone they can use to pit women against each other, specifically fake trad moids online obsessed with "see MEN only like virgin, young skinny white girls with big tits and ass! no exceptions!" but a mixed woman with an average body who was an ex prostitute was capable of getting a whole ass prince people are mad.
No. 1742785
File: 1698564593253.jpg (69.17 KB, 828x544, FZiDx5v_AAlKzk.jpg)

Likely fake story by an adult male pedophile, the entire subreddit is infested with pedos trying to groom kids.
No. 1742807
File: 1698566568182.jpg (91.21 KB, 996x659, defendingaiart.jpg)

I found some ai art supporting subs, I don't care about the arguments for or against ai art it's just fucking funny they call anyone who opposes it luddites, ludds, humarts. It's just classic Reddit behavior to come up with 3rd grade insults for their haters.
No. 1742824
File: 1698569187288.png (2.14 MB, 2541x1419, art.png)

>>1742807i genuinely don't understand why AIfags are this angry over artists, they can type something and have an anime girl with big boobs big ass in school uniform in a microsecond, but still want the respect of real artists who spend all their life grinding art. they are such toddlers lol
No. 1743047
File: 1698585465065.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1284x2061, IMG_9367.jpeg)

Men stop being audacious challenge. Is he purposefully trying to invade a sub where he knows he isn’t wanted, or is he actually just this stupid? No. 1743851
File: 1698619642743.png (757.31 KB, 1080x2024, Screenshot_20231029-183447.png)

>>1739827I found this when I was trying to find the link, and it makes me feel even worse
No. 1743854
File: 1698619737570.png (278 KB, 1080x806, Screenshot_20231029-184806.png)

>>1743851This one is just depressing. The fact that it's statistically proven that men are more likely than women to leave their spouses when they get sick should not make this a shocker, but it's still disappointing
No. 1743860
File: 1698619958530.png (271.12 KB, 1079x1168, Screenshot_20231029-185210.png)

>>1740212A reply I found. Even when hating women, they can't stop thinking about sex. Why does sex control men's lives so much. It's like a crutch for them
No. 1745581
File: 1698724154963.jpeg (683.88 KB, 1170x1103, IMG_8055.jpeg)

…what the fuck
No. 1752009
File: 1699122041998.png (193.6 KB, 720x152, Screenshot_20231104-122728.png)

He commented this under the photo of a 16 year old girl rendered braindead by morality police. I hate redditors.
No. 1752079
File: 1699125381039.jpg (46.12 KB, 552x225, IMG-20231031-WA0026.jpg)

I lurked this shithole out of morbid curiosity. This fetish in particular is so macabre because it focused on the dehumanization and complete objectification of a woman that is supposed to be their significant other. Porn addicted males can only taint and destroy everything they touch.
No. 1752178
>>1739420Im so glad someone posted this shit. You know a mod is a raging tranny. Eugenia is a gaslighting asshole but painting her as some mega evil
terf because she was trying to appease Jeffree star is such mega retardation.
No. 1752871
File: 1699151504947.jpeg (561.23 KB, 1579x858, IMG_2625.jpeg)

This is how you end up in your parents basement wasting your days on the couch eating Doritos arguing about crack on the deep web
No. 1753718
File: 1699177782708.jpg (442.53 KB, 1080x1931, divorcedmen.jpg)

A female sub asked readers for their guilty pleasure sub and that's where I learned of r/divorced_men, so I recommend it to anynonnie who likes insane male mental gymnastics.
It's exactly what you expect: "my wife is evil", "I got blindsided by the divorce", "wife decided to end a stable and well-functioning family unit", "now that I'm divorced I realized doing chores is not real work (and yet I never picked up a sock while I was married)"
My favorite so far is a dude that admits his wife of 2 years is smoking hot but they have nothing in common. Talks about how he's a medical professional who wants to discuss all the big brain subjectsTM (men who think they can discuss psychology, economics and philosophy just because they have a prestigious job is another hilarious male delusion), while his wife just wants to shop and go to the nail salon. So he married only lead by his dick. Whose fault is that? According to the comments it's women's fault (obviously!) because they destroyed male spaces.
No. 1755237
>>1753718I guarantee the housework scrote is either on his way to living in filth, or not making nearly as many messes now that he has to clean them.
>>1754362He probably thought women would be falling all over him, and got mad when he saw men lining up for his ex-wife instead.
No. 1755333
>>1754366I agree but I'll add that I'm a graduate school educated woman and I don't wanna talk about psychology, economics, or philosophy with a moid partner because they have nothing interesting to contribute to those conversations. Scrotes always claim to know more than they do and they have extremely narrow worldviews that come from thinking about no one else other than themselves.
I actually majored in one of those topics mentioned and it's funny how many moids try to talk over you when you discuss the very thing you majored/work in.
No. 1755520
File: 1699259111365.jpeg (161.08 KB, 1170x494, IMG_3662.jpeg)

There’s only 2 things on my bucket list before I die:
>go snorkelling with tropical fish
>beat the piss and shit out of a Reddit moderator.
No. 1755545
File: 1699263089801.webp (Spoiler Image,257.74 KB, 2492x3329, RDT_20231106_04302160812883679…)

Look at this fucking pic posted on r/gooncaves I'm
No. 1755546
File: 1699263307365.webp (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 3024x4032, RDT_20231106_04350128836409640…)

See that freaking DOG fleshlight? Men aren't people
No. 1755598
>>1755580if they post them then they clearly want the attention and are getting off on the reactions they're getting probably from this very thread. they WANT to be humiliated it clearly seems like the whole point
>inb4 moids will get off on anything anyway so should nothing should get posted ? like yes i know that but this really can't be comparedi mean go ahead and keep posting i'll just keep seething silently again kek but that is really not a strong argument. i still don't see the use but whatever
No. 1755629
>>1755545I hope I’m wrong but the wood chips and open area make me think that he might be on a playground?
>>1755598You’re right, a lot of them get off on the comments making fun of how pathetic they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these pictures came from gooncaves moids themselves.
No. 1756350
File: 1699316614444.png (105.79 KB, 1636x672, Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 4.21…)

Anyone else see this thread? It's as predictable as you might think, they all claim to want pickmes who make it easy for them and do all the heavy lifting. One guy saying he liked the chase got 5 downboats kek
No. 1756355
File: 1699316899254.png (163.51 KB, 1544x706, Screen Shot 2023-11-06 at 4.26…)

>>1756350She's so close to figuring it out, pray for this pickme
No. 1756532
File: 1699321727370.jpg (318.09 KB, 1079x1564, Screenshot_20231106_204413_Red…)

"Men who quit porn, how was it and how did you do it?".
The males of reddit need to follow the advice of the username shown in this picture:
"drink the bleach".
No. 1756539
>>1755629Oh my god no. To clarify every week or so I go to gooncaves to see any particularly abysmally disgusting post and share here. I would just share a screenshot of the posts but I haven't been able to since the 'failure to resize image' error they haven't fixed. There are
tons of posts, I only share the ones that show off a particular type of depravity. I do not think any of those men know this imageboard exist, they're too busy jerking off and re-hanging the soundproofing on their basement walls. I hate them.
No. 1756573
>>1756350Men say they want the literal opposite of what they actually want. I used to believe the pickme stuff and actually chased Men, always complimented my bf, bought him gifts, went 50/50. Yeah don't do that they always end up with the idea that if you're showering them with attention they must be able to do better. Ugliest scrote I dated I went extra hard on trying to get his confidence up, and by the end he treated me like shit and said he knew he was a catch (LOL!). In truth Men want a woman who is confident and independant, and who need to be chased and appeased. They want to TURN a strong woman into a doormat, not a doormat woman initially.
>>1756355Case in point. Make yourself a doormat and watch a man treat you like one
No. 1756624
File: 1699323918246.jpg (39.74 KB, 720x585, E5yZoVzXMAU1cmw.jpg)

>>1756355>he gives back 40% to my 100%Fuuuuuuck I do not miss romantically caring about men. Can you believe that despite everything there is to easily learn about males, there are still women who break their backs like this for them? Is she even
married to this man? Maybe it's a good thing that she's not so that the escape will come easier because seriously, what is this?
>"I do all the gifting, I make all the dinner, etc".Fucking hell, I
ghosted males for less reasons. Being a maid for a male that clearly doesn't give a fuck, she is wasting
so much time and resources, it almost hurts to read this shit.
No. 1757537
File: 1699353001793.jpeg (2.27 MB, 1170x1941, IMG_3681.jpeg)

I’m just amazed at how bad Reddit women’s fashion sense is. Like where to begin with her? No. 1757560
>>1757545Oh grow up, you're on an imageboard.
>>1757537That outfit does not do her any favors. Which isn't a surprise given how the quality offashion subbreddits have declined massively. I think she needs to start at cleaning up after herself before focusing on her fashion sense.
No. 1757625
File: 1699361749283.png (102.85 KB, 962x787, pdd.png)

who was in the wrong here
No. 1757629
>>1757625Idk, I don't find it weird personally and think the chick seems to have a
victim mindset
No. 1757686
File: 1699365919855.jpg (570.04 KB, 1079x1642, Screenshot_20231107_090459_Red…)

>"I want to be a woman, but I'm afraid that I'll get treated like them"
So don't be a tranny then.
No. 1758010
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No. 1758055
File: 1699387422902.jpg (418.89 KB, 1079x1597, Screenshot_20231107_150142_Red…)

Don't even care about being "open minded" anymore. They deserve their higher rates of AIDs and other shit like gonorrhea and chlamydia.
No. 1758870
File: 1699433992435.jpeg (911.69 KB, 1170x1944, IMG_3846.jpeg)

This is why modern males are so fucked in the head. Raised to be gigantic pussies. Why send him there if you don’t want her to solve the problem? Do they want her to just baby and coddle him? No. 1759264
>>1758870When I was a kid everyone and their grandma always encouraged ripping that shit out first chance you get. Loose tooth? Have you tried eating an apple, chewing gum, tying a string around it and slamming a door?
But good on this parent for teaching their kid there’s always someone to blame for solving your problems! Men already struggle with empathy and resilience, the constant coddling is making them think they don’t have to be responsible for themselves and everyone’s always super happy to find a woman for them to transfer the blame to.
How many people probably told this kid to leave it alone and he wouldn’t stop putting his grubby fingers in his mouth and then getting spit everywhere? And of course it hurt, teeth often do even when they’re ready to come out because get this!? There’s another tooth underneath erupting through the gum, who knew!
No. 1760340
File: 1699503170936.png (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 1552x875, 1699370290378041.png)

>>1758998That's honestly the only reason I go to gooncaves. A lot of the time scrolling makes me nauseous, genuinely nauseous, but there are posts in there that inspire absolute disbelief. It's like where's Waldo, so much to look at and it's all horrifying. Coomers are the result of lack of physical labor and tasks for men.
No. 1760740
>>1759654He’s literally wobbling it so much it’s a distraction in class. Which means yea, it’s probably ready to come out. You want her to call you down from work to pull out your sons tooth? She’s a goddamn nurse, not a crackhead from the street.
Are you American? Americans are super paranoid all the time since they not only live in a very low trust society but they’re ridiculously coddled and also sue-happy. Must be miserable to work in a school over there.
No. 1762313
File: 1699552982767.jpg (1.13 MB, 2808x5551, muhmentalhealth.jpg)

Is every moid on Reddit a pedo? This post had a bunch of "at least he never acted on it" comments, did they miss the part of the post where he had downloaded CP/child sexual abuse material? Are their brains so rotted by porn that they forget the making and consumption of CSAM traumatizes children and ruins their lives? The gooncaves stuff is nasty but I honestly feel more grossed out by the blatant but quiet pedo acceptance on a post like this.
Also, the R in MRA stands for retard.
No. 1762349
File: 1699554290852.jpg (1.31 MB, 2748x6212, men.jpg)

>>1762321Top comments say he needs therapy, he needs help, but at least one one fairly upvoted comments says
>The "I've never touched, only looked" argument forgets that children are harmed in the making of that content. So they're not all idiots, but there are also a fair number of comments like picrel, because this is Reddit
No. 1762471
He literally did act on it, he downloaded off the dark web. He can get help from a therapist and also a convictions for his actions. What did they want "oooohh poor baby let's get him his therapy. Let's just ignore the 400 gb of cp on his hard drive".
". plus believing "he can't help it!" He can absolutely help not downloading porn. If he can't help but do that God knows what else he "can't help" but do. Moids take responsibility for once. Not even going to touch on that one comparing being a pedo to being gay. It's like saying someone who makes violent threats can't help it. Are we supposed to ignore that and wait until they hurt someone?
>>1762313>is every moid on reddit a pedo?Recently it feels like that. I made a comment once about how I don't think AI cp should be allowed, and that there's a fine line between destigmizing pedophilia (which I don't think we should do for one) and outright normalizing it. Bunch of moids jumped down my throat about how I was directly harming children by shaming pedos, and forcing the pedos to hurt kids cause shaming them will stop them from getting help. Idk how shamed you are it's not my responsibility to coddle your fee-fees into being a decent person. Also lol at the idea men just need to be coddled even more, THEN they'll act decent.
No. 1762514
File: 1699557520870.jpg (122.22 KB, 1062x799, reddit_mod_kers.JPG)

reddit moderators are dicks
No. 1762578
>>1762471>He can absolutely help not downloading porn. I agree with this. I have consumed porn on the internet before but I can count the times on one hand where I have ever downloaded it and I am an older user here.
These fucks choose to have no self control to fulfil sick desires and then hide behind mental illness to manipulate people into not punishing them.
No. 1762622
File: 1699559466042.jpeg (99.75 KB, 1170x593, IMG_6007.jpeg)

Scrotes are so fucking full of hair kekkk this asshole said my grow bag was “contaminated” and I just looked into it and can see that my pins are growing. They’re so goddamn dramatic.
No. 1763010
File: 1699568950971.png (423.7 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3598.png)

Yes, you are too old. Not a single comment was pointing this out, of course. This makes me so mad because my grandparents did the exact same thing with a puppy, and guess what happened! They didn’t take care of the dog very well due to their mobility issues and now that they’re living in a facility MY family has to keep the little rat for the rest of its long life!
No. 1763564
File: 1699589104184.png (203.46 KB, 1588x738, Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 10.49…)

moids are fucking sex pests and sociopaths. why couldn't god make me a lesbian WHY. shit like this makes me never want to date a man ever again
No. 1763576
File: 1699589314847.png (191.1 KB, 748x753, wtf.png)

>>1763564some of the comments. are people really this lacking in empathy or is it just reddit autism?
No. 1763582
>>1763577Weird coincidence I guess but my male boss sat me down the other day–after knowing about the shitshow of my most recent breakup–and said men are cockroaches and if anyone should be doing the abusing it's women.
Men know they are shit, and they're not ashamed anymore to admit it.
No. 1764388
>>1758870> He said he was expecting her to lookand to call me if it was ready to come off
Lol what? Do parents get phone calls for everything these days? When I was a kid one of my classmates had a loose tooth pulled out by our teacher with a string, everyone thought it was hilarious and it was the most exciting thing that happened that week. I feel like a boomer saying this but kids and parents these days need to lighten up
No. 1764407
File: 1699634910633.jpeg (922.63 KB, 1170x1905, IMG_0034.jpeg)

Why do posts like these make me annoyed? I guess that they seem arrogant in assuming that we’re supposed to gaf and bow down because they’re Japanese-American? People have been naming their kids foreign names for a long time—my racist redneck white American Gen X mother has a Japanese name and I doubt that the way we pronounce it is technically correct. I bet this same person has no smoke for those ridiculous Kira Kira names in Japan that actually inconvenience people because they’re supposed to be read as English words but are written in Japanese.
No. 1764453
>>1764407Huh… I’ve never seen the Japanese R sound described as a D sound in that way. I kinda get it but I’m not sure that really translates well to English speakers. We already mix up our D and T sounds all the time, I feel like this muddies the water more than it needs to. Just say it’s somewhere between and L and an R sounds.
Anyway she should let it go, when it’s a name you have to say it however the person pronounces their own name. Full stop. You can’t put your spin on it based on what you think is “right”, that’s rude as hell.
No. 1764493
>>1764407I don't necessarily disagree with your picrel since there's nothing worse than hearing someone butcher a name that sounds perfectly fine in the original language, but r/namenerds is one of the shittiest fucking subreddits Every single post there just pisses me off; hardly any actual name "nerdiness", they have a spaz attack over any name that is more exotic John or Hannah. The vibe is like a midwestern mom group than a place for people to talk about the origins and meanings of different names.
>plz name my baby!!!1!1!>will my kid get bullied for x>soz i dont like any name that isnt rowan violet or asherThe baby name posts are the most annoying.
>>1764422The pronunciation isn't too far off with an American accent since Japanese Rs tend to be short (which sounds close to the letter D) and a lot of English speakers do not readily differentiate between short and long rolled Rs.
No. 1765160
File: 1699667793432.png (176.78 KB, 628x833, Screenshot 2023-11-10 175531.p…)

the final boss of pickmes
No. 1765543
>>1764407Kind of irrelevant but I’m white and British and my parents decided to give me an Italian name and I have dark hair and eyes and tan easily so people constantly ask me “where are you
really from?”
No. 1766144
File: 1699722023266.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1547x1710, Y.JPEG)

> Husband tells wife he’s worried he might be attracted to their 3 month old daughter in the future
> She rightfully expresses concern
> Fight ensues
> He angrily defends himself by saying he at some point “felt some type of way” about his mother and undoubtedly their daughter will also feel the same about him. Adds he is certain her dad also felt this way about her
> Angrily storms to bed after she apologises
> Wants to know if she perhaps overreacted
Surprisingly, the majority of the comments are telling her to run but then there are people straight up saying she is hysterical and probably misunderstood him. Last comment I read, it felt as though she was agreeing with the whole “he’s probably not good at explaining his thoughts”. As always, kill all men.
No. 1769679
File: 1699891855910.jpg (431.09 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231113_110247_Red…)

God forbid women show any excitement about anything whatsoever. Angry? Karen. Afraid? Hysterics. Sad? Privileged, someone has it worse. Men project that "men can't show emotion!!" Meanwhile women get posted on reddit when they act like anything other than stoic ballsuckers.
No. 1771206
File: 1699968955012.jpeg (307.17 KB, 1125x1755, IMG_2765.jpeg)

>>1769679Swifties are pathetic, but phcj is a cesspool for gay men for their misogyny and seething. Billie Eilish recently said something milquetoast about beauty standards for men vs women and they can’t stop crying about how 'moids have it hard too!!1’.
No. 1772627
>>1771206She was fucking real for this. Glad some reddit scrote got
triggered over it. Men love pretending their bodies are held to even 1/16th the standards of women meanwhile people lose their shit if a video game woman isn't actively designed to pander to men
No. 1772973
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No. 1772974
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The comments
No. 1773342
File: 1700090589325.gif (3.32 MB, 221x275, 1614225296255.gif)

>>1773102Absolutely not, I'm honestly ashamed I ever let any of them near me, not just because of looks, but behavior.
And the fact that men can't dress for shit. One of my exes wore the same beanie every single minute of every day with every outfit even in the heat of summer
No. 1773620
File: 1700110565206.jpeg (223.35 KB, 828x1289, IMG_3331.jpeg)

Found these comments in a world news post about a hospital in Haiti being stormed by a gang holding hundreds of women and children hostage. Somehow moids find this incident as another way to whine and cry about how no one cares about men because…they weren’t abducted?? I don’t even know why I’m shocked anymore, even if this was satire I’d think it was too much. They’re truly retarded and soulless. I do like seeing others call this shit out and interrupting the circle jerk though so thanks to that based commenter at the very least.
No. 1774101
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No. 1774178
File: 1700135602945.png (166.91 KB, 1257x945, r-antisex.PNG)

No. 1774195
File: 1700136787777.png (392.04 KB, 800x517, dies of cringe.png)

>>1774194this is worse than i expected
No. 1774199
File: 1700137038964.gif (1.32 MB, 220x220, kek.gif)

>>1774196a group of virgin avenger schizos trying to fight swingers and ''sexual worship'' made me burst out laughing, have they talked about how they plan to fight the sexual worshippers?
No. 1774203
File: 1700137533761.jpg (58.79 KB, 497x801, Screenshot_20220716-222031.jpg)

>>1774199I'm fighting the urge to become the hyacinth avenger.
No. 1774561
File: 1700159180621.jpg (222.9 KB, 640x1063, 38fhjs02.jpg)

>>1774220It's a bad photo. She's a huge attention whore & has posted loads of times. She's female.
No. 1774936
File: 1700177878695.png (345.08 KB, 509x392, girldick.PNG)

>>1774561sure about that
No. 1775441
File: 1700219733447.png (55.8 KB, 326x300, Love these next level psyops s…)

Got banned again this week and I think they may have finally hunted down all my different log ins and banned me across the entire platform. There was an article about how a woman cheated during a marathon by using a car. I commented that she was just a transformer and considering her actions as cheating was discrimination. "Banned for hatred."
No. 1775617
>>1763564Obvious ragebait
>>1763576Obvious incels who never had a gf, sex or lost someone
No. 1776788
File: 1700318988416.jpg (951.67 KB, 1079x1972, Screenshot_20231118_094659_Red…)

Y'know…women who don't get married or don't have kids with men are looking more based than ever before.
No. 1777032
>>1774355Fair point but I'm not obsessed or paranoid, I don't hangout in the mtf thread or scroll 2X. But that really looks like a tranny to me, if not my bad but I'd rather have one person throw a wrench in a tranny's scheme to try to dupe women into believing he's a woman rather let it go uncritiqued.
>>1774561The crotch area anon… it looks like a post snipped man. And attention whore is something tranny's like to call themselves for fetish reasons. So I'm still not convinced he's not here self posting about what a little attention whore he is kek
No. 1778228
>>1778211It’s a scrote currently spamming. Report and ignore the
triggered faggot.
No. 1778239
File: 1700400990117.png (109.44 KB, 888x862, fgm.PNG)

>>1778235There's only four posts, and it's been unmoderated/closed since 2018, thank fuck.
No. 1778253
File: 1700401695199.png (549.37 KB, 1882x320, hell.PNG)

(cropped out sub name and profile pic)
>>1778243The title is a random string of characters, probably to evade the TOS. Not like reddit gives a shit about child abuse but leaving up illegal content will get them shut down.
No. 1778255
File: 1700401749545.png (24.85 KB, 803x317, blamedisney.png)

>>1776788Oh, lord, Disney killed their bedrooms… I'm sure it was Lion King that "overempowered" women, since the whole girlboss trend didn't start until like 15 years ago
No. 1778597
>>1776797Why do they think women would care about a statement like this kek. This is such a moid thing because they hate being told to use their hands, but most toys and/or my own hands are better than anything a man has ever done to me. It’s like, okay, I will go use my hand then.
>>1777232I was thinking this too. Even if she doesn’t work, she’s probably constantly cleaning up after him and cooking meals and everything else I’m sure he expects to get in addition to sex.
No. 1779069
File: 1700435815513.png (90.62 KB, 931x503, Screenshot 2023-11-19 at 6.14.…)

>>1778253The sub name being a random string just means that someone else wanted the sub so the name got reassigned. (See: r/RedditRequest). That could also be why it's inactive, somewhere out there a new incarnation of the sub lives on with its original name. No. 1779158
>>1778597Ayrt and I interpreted it as he expects his wife to use her hands to pleasure
him, not herself. He doesn’t care about his wife’s pleasure or consent at all.
No. 1779571
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No. 1779796
File: 1700492008625.jpeg (922.91 KB, 1170x1861, IMG_0043.jpeg)

Has anyone seen a number of users saying that they used to be TERFs and are now trans friendly? Uh how does that even happen? Do you just decide to overlook trannies’ pedophilia, death and rape threats, and other violent behavior or????
No. 1779804
>>1779796They're probably using
TERF to mean right-wing conservative. It's the Nazi-to-TRA pipeline.
No. 1779827
File: 1700493515934.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2289, IMG_0066.jpeg)

So “misandry” means calling out men who are 30+ that are fans of a girl group who debuted with 14 year old members in 2020? I get that there’s a stigma about old people liking things but STILL I do not trust scrotes and never will. It is always, without a doubt, sexual for them. The Girls Generation comparison doesn’t make any sense because this is a recently debuted group with minors. I didn’t even mention how many 18+ moids will be fans of these underaged groups at their debut and beg them to come to perform for the military so they can jerk off to minors like the pedophiles that they are.
No. 1780964
File: 1700545007423.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1822, IMG_5663.jpeg)

No. 1780998
>>1780967Of the majority-female hobby communities found online the only ones safe from troons taking over are the ones that happen to be almost accidentally be female-only, like niche creative hobbies or some product that isn't pink and doesn't scream "GIRL!!!".
Fucking witch tags are ruined by stories of troons writing out gender-transformation fanfictions, since taking hormone-pills that make you infertile is just the same as taking magical potions. Between MtFs bringing in their degeneration and FtMs spamming everything with titchop and "boycunt" drawings unspoilered, fun online spaces are ruined for now.
No. 1781057
>>1779929outside of a select few, I agree with this. You can't even say BBLs are dangerous and women shouldn't see it being normalized without the libfems getting
triggered. At least Korean women are able to call out the unnaturalness
No. 1781070
>>1779796I can kind of understand. I used to be a
TERF and while I’m still a feminist who dislikes trannies, I want nothing to do with a lot of so called TERFs. They’re beyond parody at this point, accusing perfectly normal looking natal women of being trannies just because they aren’t typically dainty and feminine. Claiming that women need their own teams on shit like jeopardy because men push buttons faster. A lot of them are just petty and insane and honestly should stop calling themselves feminists because they’re more like conservatives.
No. 1781171
>>1779796Never forget, these people label Ben Shapiro a
terf. They use
terf as in 'someone who doesn't pander to trannies', not trans exclusionary feminist aka real feminism about women and not men/male expresion.
No. 1781220
>>1779827I used to be a huge kpopfag (now I only still follow Bangtan Sonyeondan, don't come at me nonas pls), but in both boy group and girl group fandoms, and in all those years I have never seen a straight moid do any of the typical fan stuff like buying albums, celebrating members' birthdays, color coded lyrics, photcards, watching lives, you name it, and the few ones who did were gay guys, kek even fandom wars were pretty much exclusively female.
One of main reason that I just stopped liking it was because the idols were becoming younger and I just lost the interest, I am not the one to see a 14 year old singing about being sexy and a Don Juan kek
The best proof I have of their perversion is just at look at the fancams that moid fans made of girl groups
No. 1781638
>>1779827Recently I checked out kpop after ages, came across a viral clip of female fans getting too close to a male idol and of course all comments went
>but male fans get shat on for just existing! imagine if the genders were reversed! i'm scared to even admit that i like the music of [insert teen girl group]So many male idols are fucking and using female fans for expensive brand gifts, those "boys" are no
No. 1782281
File: 1700611479214.jpeg (198.44 KB, 828x802, IMG_1800.jpeg)

No. 1785387
File: 1700761253255.png (828.72 KB, 1508x4120, hoarding.png)

I wasn't sure were to put this, so I dumped it in the reddit thread since it came from there. I've seen this kinda thing, where a spouse is trying their best while a hoarder tears down their life, and it's always really sad to watch. By the way, this man is 32 and his wife is 30. All of this craziness in only ten years.
No. 1785424
>>1785406I don’t know if you’re right or wrong, could definitely be the case that she hates her marriage, but that actually doesn’t excuse her from being an animal hoarder/abuser. She’s an adult and she knows better. Animal hoarders are scum, liars, they have no heart and can’t see reality and they cause immense suffering. Both these parents are neglecting their children too, this is an outrageous situation.
t. I grew up like this and it was hellish
No. 1786983
File: 1700858932189.png (48.75 KB, 653x226, kotatuinactionsucks.png)

I hope fujo-chans keep making more shitty fanfics and fanart so retarded moids like that seethe until they die
No. 1786999
File: 1700859455060.jpg (521.53 KB, 1920x2198, triggered autists.jpg)

>>1786983male weebs are hypersensitive
No. 1787022
File: 1700860417907.jpg (58.79 KB, 680x627, 1496462009673.jpg)

>>1786983>western fujoshi>westernkekkkk sometimes I really wish the japanese were better at english. Japanese fujostacies would mog neckbeards like this with their sheer devotion to yaoi and 3D bishies.
No. 1787026
>>1787024Ultimately based
>>1787018I wish I had the talent and dedication to draw hardcore yaoi fanart of their literally me characters, yaoi genderbent version of their ecchi and gachashit waifus, especially Azur Lane and Blue Archive and spam it on all hashtags/social media dedicated to them
They hate when kpopfags do that kekkk
No. 1787938
File: 1700915768282.png (79.23 KB, 978x909, internalisedmisandry.PNG)

How do you read something like this and come up with internalised fucking misandry???
No. 1787946
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No. 1788076
>>1788069Her defense is medical care but there's an insane amount of programs to help moms of kids with special needs, I'm saying this as a special needs mom. I even knew moms who had special needs kids and got paid to stay home as their caregiver+ Medicaid approves of almost everyone. It's pathetic as fuck she is endangering her special needs baby girl because she can't be bothered to find the one of hundreds of programs to HELP her.
I think her true reason is that she's scared of the stigma behind single moms and the "you're stupid for not leaving right then and there" response. I couldn't imagine letting my daughter live with a murderer just because I'm scared of being a single mom
No. 1788077
>>1787946She doesn't have to stay with any violent man "for the kids."
Copium she tells herself because staying with the monster is easier than divorce now. She won't hand him divorce papers when the kids turn 18 lol, she'll just rationalize it by saying she made it that far with him so why bother now? It's not like their lives will become less entangled over time, it's not like the kids won't have a relationship with him.
She's gonna walk on eggshells for the next 18 years hoping none of their kids make the fatalistic error of getting any kind of body fluid near that psycho lest he set off again.
No. 1788101
>>1787946She better get a restraining order too, because that man will lose his shit over this I’m sure. I don’t like
victim blaming, but staying with a moid who murders an animal is asking to get murdered yourself. Not only that, but it puts the kids at risk too. Idiot decision on her part.
No. 1788112
>>1785387I feel bad, but I absolutely lost my shit at
>Then comes the horseI wonder if this is fake or not, it's so extreme. reminds me of those guys who come home with a new motorbike or car and expect the wife to just deal with it but with the genders reversed.
No. 1788113
>>1788101Yes and yes. As much as I hate
victim blaming and the "you're stupid for staying with him!" excuse, it's pathetic she didnt do ANYTHING and just let her kids watch and then using her poor daughters medical condition as a scapegoat. Imagine your mom using your genetics and an excuse to let you live with a man who murders puppies in front of you. There's other reasons she's staying I'm sure but she likely uses her daughters medical condition since it's unlikely other people who have special needs kids have been in her place and she knows the actual reasons she's staying is retarded
No. 1788115
>>1788028it isn’t. my mom stayed with my dad, even when he was abusing me, and probably would have stayed with him if he hadn’t left of his own accord. now that i’m older and have picked both of their brains over their individual reasonings for why they stayed or left, i literally thank god my dad was the one who filed for divorce…it was a blessing in disguise. idk what was up with my mom. i love her dearly but she really thought it was better for me to have a dad who was screaming at me than no dad at all. like what??? i really don’t get it. my father never liked me anyway and she saw and often intervened when he would lash out at me over stupid shit, so why she wanted to stay with him i will never understand.
>>1788069it is better to divorce when kids are young. 18 is the worst time to split up, or anytime in your teens, as you’re old enough to understand what is happening but still emotionally and mentally immature so blame yourself or get caught up in the mind games the parents may play.
the only logical reason i could see for waiting until the kids are older is it makes it harder to do custody battles. my father was trying to take my mom to court when i was 16 for custody and the judge told him to back off since i voiced that i wanted no contact and i wasn’t 5 years old. once a child is over 12 judges usually ask the child what they want as opposed to forcing them to spend time with the other parent or even forcibly removing them from the home. sadly from age 10 and under, there’s too much risk of one parent demanding full or joint custody, mostly because the courts think it’s “important” a child spends time with both parents, even if one parent is
abusive or neglectful or just using the child as a pawn to hurt their ex-spouse, regardless of the gender.
No. 1788117
>>1788115She should secretly record a conversation with him and bait him into admitting to killing the dog in front of he kids. Unless the judge is extremely misogynistic she can easily get all the rights she needs and 100% protective custody.
Sage for blog but me and my friend did this with her molester father, you'd be surprised at how much psychos are willing to admit or even try to justify their actions when they don't think they're being recorded
>Inb4 muh secret recordingKek unless you're in Saudi Arabia no judge will let someone get a free pass for rape, murder, abuse, etc just because someone recorded them admitting it. So many low life's try that shit for the judge to laugh in their face
No. 1788484
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What the fuck is this.
No. 1788516
File: 1700951829679.jpeg (110.77 KB, 720x720, 0B7352F0-E37C-4C61-B4ED-0BEB72…)

>>1787946I had an ex who tried to convince me to drink his piss and got mad at me when I told him fuck off and that that would be bad for my kidneys. He literally argued that I could drink nothing but his piss for days as long as he was properly hydrated and I’d be fine. Do these piss fetishists have a shared playbook with lines on how to manipulate women into drinking their piss?
No. 1788643
>>1788484Literally abusing her and putting her life on the line but don’t worry, they talked it out! After she threatened him with a 911 call, which begs the question: how visibly beat up was she that he didn’t want to risk that?
When he kills her he can tell the judge it was all super consensual. He wanted to beat her black and blue, choke her while pissing down her throat and that’s what she wanted to so it’s she died.
Imagine wanting to harm your partner to the point of potentially killing them just so you can have an orgasm because you’ve desensitized yourself to vanilla sex and calling that “love”. A “relationship”. This women needs to run for the hills and get some help with her self harming habits.
No. 1789645
File: 1701028825257.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 1080x1729, 1000005815.png)

Went through this guy's profile after he made a comment that I can basically sum up as saying that being attracted to a cartoon baby isn't weird, and found this. Well that explains everything.
No. 1789652
File: 1701029199643.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1891, 1000005817.png)

He also has went through a bunch of arguments on subreddits like r/lolitary and r/AnimeHate where he tried to prove that being attracted to underage fictional characters is okay because they are fictional. By underage, I'm talking around 13.
No. 1789976
File: 1701043921580.png (129.67 KB, 1117x780, redditordad.png)

My giant-headed son has an inferior palate (1/2)
No. 1789977
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No. 1790801
>>1788112The horse part seems pretty easy to believe. There are a lot of them up for "rescue". Here's a video I can't embed: says it all, really.
No. 1791811
>>1789976>salt the water until it reminds me of Adriatic seawelp that made me wince
also cacio e pepe is easy as fuck to make, wdym you used a jar sauce… did he just write cacio e pepe to suck his own dick? this fool cannot cook but sure likes writing purple prose about it.
No. 1792069
File: 1701185138624.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1995, IMG_4474.jpeg)

This is so hilariously fake and written by a low iq moron. A pair of conjoined twins but they call it “the child”. THATS TWO FUCKIN CHILDREN BITCH. No. 1792209
>>1789976>>1789977He boiled noodles and added jarred sauce and this moid is talking like he cooked the kid a fancy meal that took oh so much effort.
Wah. Poor dad who never cooks shit for his kid (hence kid only likes nuggies and orange fake food) all jilted for getting a meal rejected as if moms don't put up with that shit everyday with a smile.
No. 1792222
>>1792215He's not used to taking care of his own child so he had no good guesses.
The mom knew cause she actually does shit.
It's really embarassing, I'm surprised a man posted a story about him being a stereotypical part-time dad.
No. 1792588
File: 1701212059521.jpg (180.25 KB, 1440x745, Screenshot_20231129_014424_Sam…)

Guess gen Z is truly afraid of growing up. I'm an adult gen z but looking forward to being 25-30 because it's peak womanhood and when puberty is finally over.
No. 1792824
File: 1701217577225.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.72 KB, 470x604, its you nonnie.jpg)

>>1792808Just because you started doing meth in the womb to hollow out your cheeks, doesn't mean the rest of us are abnormal.
(infighting) No. 1792991
File: 1701224886720.png (82.89 KB, 868x497, RedditAidenandherautistBF.PNG)

Aiden is insisting she's in a gay relationship with her boyfriend.
I know some men scarf down whatever is on their plate. But if he's not like that, he's some picky little gremlin who refuses to try new things.
No. 1793004
File: 1701225303186.jpg (72.84 KB, 500x582, 1701141783854.jpg)

>>1792991Her boyfriend is a fragile autist who doesn't have what it takes to make it in the world if he can't even cook and eat canned veggies. I would say she deserves better than that annoying relationship, but she's a fucking tranny who calls her straight relationship "a gay one between two men". She practically matches his immaturity. Live life autistically, attract autistic problems. Picrel is my summarized reaction to her vent.
No. 1793466
File: 1701274095416.png (65.32 KB, 913x537, vfdg.PNG)

Woman follows single most important piece of advice a woman should be given, which is to make sure you have your own ressources backed up somewhere only you have access to and helps out best friend who didn't do so. Husband finds out and throws a hissy fit, now woman asks for judgement. Cue redditards crying that actually, she's the financially abusive one and should have told him about the account that's supposed to be kept secret incase your husband turns out to be a piece of shit.
No. 1793567
>>1793466She should have never told him the truth, it was her money to do with as she pleased. She didn't deprive him or their children in order to save it. She's the breadwinner.
He sounds super dangerous.
All that's going through his head is what all
he could have spent with that money, and now he knows OP may have other secret savings stashed.
It's also telling that he went to his entire family to blab about the so-called affront. He's a pussy who cannot handle his own relationship like a man and needs mommy and daddy to offer him a teat and reassure him how bad wifey is for not spoiling him.
This is the state of men anymore.
They are good for NOTHING and I hope OP realizes she just unearthed that she married a bad apple too.
No. 1793807
File: 1701295505595.png (106.87 KB, 1143x359, lmfao.png)

based woman
No. 1793828
>>1793807>I even bought lingerie!>She doesn't do anything to make herself appealing to meFucking retard, ME ME ME, what about looking sexy for
her?? You're the one losing her attention you should be the one buying a thong and putting some oil on your pecs. Be appealing to her, learn how to eat her out instead of whining. If literal fanfics are ruining his sex life you can only imagine how ugly, unappealing and bad at sex he is
No. 1793829
>>1793807He bought her lingerie? Wowwww how arousing, how could she control herself when faced with such sexy behaviour??
Men can never compete with romance and smut written by women for women but they're doomed to fail when they think buying her a gift for himself will get her off lmao
No. 1793853
File: 1701299356449.jpg (293.46 KB, 1079x1086, Screenshot_20231129_180542_Red…)

>>1793807And in the comments, the males are calling the wife a "porn addict". As if reading arousing literature is on the same level as being a straight up cave-coomer who beats and breaks his nasty dick to the visual imagery of real women being sexually exploited. Typical reddit males, always trying to equate women's "wrongs" with men's "wrongs" even though they're objectively different.
No. 1793863
>>1793853It's an absolute joke to think that women reading like, 100k slow burn enemies to lovers or a coffee shop AU or some shit, is equivalent to watching actual human beings getting raped and degraded on film and getting off to it so frequently it rewires your brain to constantly seek out more extreme material.
ofc it's theoretically possible women could become addicted to written porn but fortunately we are not men and it's no more common or dangerous than getting addicted to reading Harry Potter or whatever.
No. 1795219
>>1793807Idk why, there is something so based about yumejo cucking their deadbeat husbands with their fictional husbandos, maybe it is because I see as a little vengeance against moids and their awful porn and porn addiction
>>1793828He could dress up as one of the Bridgertons and roleplay during sex but he just sees her as a sex toy, no wonder why she prefers the romance books kek
>>1793853I have never seen women abandoning their children, uisng family money on OF, turning into pedos and cheating because of romance novels, but I have seen plenty of times with porn addicted moids
No. 1795380
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No. 1795383
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I get her bio is a bit cringe but this is an overreaction lol
No. 1795384
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No. 1795385
File: 1701373361017.jpeg (128.74 KB, 823x523, IMG_1452.jpeg)

Obligatory pickme
No. 1795387
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No. 1796093
File: 1701424222817.jpeg (641.71 KB, 1170x1418, IMG_4540.jpeg)

He claims to have been raped by a woman at knifepoint No. 1796102
File: 1701424889551.png (144.08 KB, 586x352, XtraDoubt.png)

>>1796093Either that "woman" is a tranny, or…
No. 1796132
>>1796114Men lie about rape far more than women do. Makes me think he just got caught out cheating and can’t accept it.
Even if it is true, he still got it up didn’t he? Clearly wanted it.
No. 1796655
File: 1701469297664.png (210.9 KB, 1056x626, conspiracysub.png)

Went on /r/conspiracy for the first time in a while, this is what I see when I sort top by week. These are just general life complaints and feelings about getting older, same exact stuff that's on the other subs. All subreddits eventually just melt into one homogenous site-wide subreddit, unless strict mods force the users to stay on topic.
No. 1796710
>>1796464I feel like he probably coerced women to act out his weird fantasy and is now playing
victim as part of his fantasy too. It's very weird how he constantly tries to bring it into things for no reason
It's basically an extreme version of moids who purposely lead on women then when the women reciprocate they just screenshot it and act like she's actually creeping on him. and ofc we can't question him at all because apparently falsely accusing someone of rape is only bad if a woman does it
No. 1797533
File: 1701558471407.png (94.46 KB, 1635x425, 23456.PNG)

I want to live in the Reddit utopia where female victims are taken seriously and believed. Of course all the comments are retards circlejerking about how deep and profound the 'twist' is.
No. 1797572
>>1797533The only way this is close to reality is if they made the 'woman' a tranny kek. Men want to pretend men and women are the same so bad to excuse the fact they commit almost all sex crimes but refuse to do anything to stop their fellow degenerate/shame the freaks doing it because they empathize more with the rapist than the
victim since they're more likely to be the same sex as the perpetrator.
No. 1797650
File: 1701566218885.png (352.2 KB, 1092x2130, redditmoment.png)

>>1797584Reddit once had an "ask a rapist" thread and the mollycoddling and rape apologism got so bad multiple mental health professionals contacted Reddit and eventually got it nuked. Picrel is the criticism but if you google it you'll find archives and caps of the original thread.
No. 1797782
>>1792635>>1792633>>1792588everything is expensive and surveillance is everywhere. The best of movies and music is behind you, all you can do is yearn. Unless you're rich, life sucks
t.20 year old
No. 1798141
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No. 1798284
>>1798141Seeing red at all the comments like maybe he has a brain tumor and that explains his sudden change in behavior? Maybe he has PMDD?
Reddit has endless empathy for moids no matter how shitty they are, but treat women like the devil for the most minor thing.
No. 1798296
>>1798291Because men are insane and can't handle women having something exclusive to us that in their minds make us a
victim. Any time women are the main
victims of something men have to jump in with 'this happens to men too!!' no matter what it is. It's always a competition to them.
No. 1798301
>>1798299Yup. But men are 'natural providers' even though they universally start becoming
abusive and attention seeking the moment their wife gets pregnant or gives birth.
No. 1798640
File: 1701657885326.jpg (82.09 KB, 720x426, IMG_20231204_093459.jpg)

Fortunately majority in comments didn't encourage this idea but it's so fucking insane to think about making your child watch animal gore just for the sake of turning them into vegan
No. 1798852
File: 1701675682300.jpeg (860.69 KB, 1161x1980, IMG_4775.jpeg)

Why the fucking hell don’t they at least shave? They look ridiculous. They should be treated with the same contempt that a woman with PCOS would if she grew her beard out. Except those women shouldn’t be treated with contempt at all. Only these moids.
There’s some other scrote on Instagram and I can’t remember his name but he’s bald and British looking and he dresses all cottagecore with long dresses and little hats and shit. Also has a fuck off beard. Kill then both.
No. 1798907
File: 1701682377296.png (279.04 KB, 495x560, username.png)

>>1798852How about this fella posting in r/oldhagfashion.
No. 1799010
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Based terf island
No. 1799140
File: 1701701846113.jpg (459.23 KB, 1080x1260, IMG_20231204_145709.jpg)

All the comments are just telling her that the only problem with this is that he paid and telling op it's totally fine for this moid to be consuming porn as long as it's free No. 1799286
>>1799161reddit moids have a weird obsession with gaslighting women for other men to believe its the womans fault if a man cheats (but at the same time, if a woman cheats shes the biggest ran through scum of earth)
I remember mentioning briefly my husband cheated on me and they claimed that it was because I wasn't keeping fit, it obviously wasn't that because I was actually underweight at the time and performing a sport, I even had posts on reddit previous to that asking how to gain weight. Then when they realized it wasn't that they claimed I wasn't putting out enough, but I had sex with him either everyday or every other day, then when it wasn't that, ofc in every other fashion instead of just admitting he is accountable they claimed "I had a bad personality" even though he cheated on me with the most unhinged obese tumblr fakebois who have the worst personality possible, then the redditors claimed me getting upset about people jumping through hoops to blame my partner cheating on me was "proof I had a bad personality" like what. This lady probably been on reddit too long and they blame her for it (even though its supposedly normal??"
No. 1800815
File: 1701826628913.png (214.74 KB, 1141x842, 2023-12-06 023659.png)

moids are fucking scary
No. 1800820
File: 1701826880309.png (205 KB, 1092x710, 2023-12-06 024106.png)

>>1800815samefag wtf. those porn addicts are raping their wives who just gave birth
No. 1800821
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They're really this retarded
No. 1800822
File: 1701827016678.jpeg (470.92 KB, 1107x1865, IMG_5768.jpeg)

Most embarrassing comments. Speaking from experience every foreigner Japan and Japanophile not in Japan is a retarded personification of Reddit. Dumbass libfems and balding dorky useless scrotes. It’s uncanny.
No. 1800873
File: 1701832607837.png (85.1 KB, 1259x337, 2023-12-06 041654.png)

>>1800870the ''escort clients only'' sub shows how moids really think about women
No. 1800912
>>1800815KAM is the only reasonable response to this. Sickening
>>1800820i just cannot fucking BELIEVE how many women live like this.
>>1800873>young girlsjail is wasted on vermin like this. execution
No. 1800927
File: 1701836803048.png (148.32 KB, 1249x516, 2023-12-06 052652.png)

another john (rapist) horror story
No. 1800931
File: 1701837045832.png (274.31 KB, 1713x1178, Screenshot 2023-12-05 201011.p…)

>>1800815>>1800820holy shit
>OP is 28>husband is 48>met at workplace>SAHM who cooks and cleans>husband messaging women in their 20s to be sugar babies>Ive asked him why he doesn’t want to see my body - at this point he hasn’t seen me naked in 2 years - and he said, “Ive already seen it once, I know what it looks like, I don’t need to see it again.” Like what? Don’t you ENJOY seeing it? “No, I don’t really see you in that way.” Meanwhile he seeks out the bodies of other women on Pornhub?>He is extremely hurt that the lavish life he has provided for me and the way he works so hard to pamper and please me are “not enough”.>My husband has a dad bod and graying thinning hair and sagging balls and sagging skin and I would pick him over a thousand ripped college studs every day sexually because my love and my lust go together as one. >she offers an open marriage, he went on dates 5 days after she gave birth>husband claims to not be into teenagers but she keeps finding petite barely legal porn on his computer>he fucking takes creep shots of high school girls at an amusement park>r/BPD>CONFESSION: I stalked my husband for 2 years before we were married and he still doesn’t know. No. 1800937
File: 1701837683870.jpg (28.94 KB, 500x500, de1ea7104d60b373fc21fe65f5a651…)

>>1800931holy shit this is the "good ending" manosphere faggots taunt us with instead of living with cats
No. 1801125
>>1800820Those posts are so bleak, moids harbor no humanity, love or loyalty. And they wonder why women don't want to date or marry them, have children with them. All effort and no reward.
>>1800815A quick look shows that she is in her late twenties and the scrote is in his forties. All of that for a low value old moid. I hope she leaves him, all that effort for a retarded moid is not worthy.
No. 1801567
File: 1701893054790.jpeg (693.38 KB, 1500x1600, IMG_2755.jpeg)

>>1800937“But no! Single Women are the ones who cope and seeth about being single while single men laugh at them!!!! Yeah, single men are more likely to become incels, alcoholics, depressed and commit suicide, but women are the ones who seeth!”
No. 1801584
File: 1701893957167.jpg (386.21 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20231206_142206_Red…)

Men on reddit are the most over dramatic retards.
>muh wife doesn't know I don't bathe!
>she doesn't know of muh drinking problem
She knows, you rotting ballsack.
Of course he could be lying about the whole wife part for sympathy, which is a typical reddit male tactic.
I've seen Men on reddit say "my bitch ass ex took my kids!" But check his comment history and he has a girlfriend, wife, ex wife, step kids, biological kids, no kids all at once. Anything for pity points and "womyn bad!!11!"
No. 1802014
File: 1701914651187.jpeg (389.31 KB, 656x1721, IMG_0341.jpeg)

Is it bad that I don’t even feel bad for this woman? She had a baby with her moid with a scat fetish and is still most concerned about the helping the scrote with his fetish. You can bet that her absolute freak of a husband is probably sniffing his child’s diapers.
It’s not very feminist of me but damn I hate her. I despise these types of women who willingly procreate with men like this. You should suffer if you chose to bring a child into this world with a sexual degenerate who will most likely sexually abuse your children. I hope the child gets taken away before her disgusting freak of a moid molests it.
No. 1802026
File: 1701915419924.jpeg (1021.04 KB, 1170x1984, IMG_3543.jpeg)

Why do idiots think this shit is real? You know this was written by a fat porn addicted moid who’s never touched a woman in his life
No. 1802040
>>1801702asshole probably got a kick out of showing off his meal to the sad ones.
>>1802014>He watched porn when he said he wouldn't. So now we are working on trusting each other againEACH OTHER? The fuck, he broke a promise, not her!
Never feel sad for a scrote. Ever.
>>1802026Fake as fuck and OP is a faggot. OP has also stated he has a wife and kids. Liar. Another Redditor writing his fanfiction to jerk off to later.
No. 1802049
>>1802014Women trauma: being raped, abused, gaslighted, beaten and objectified
Men trauma: a guy sat on my face once
No. 1802072
>>1801584Bet none of that food is for her.
Unwashed ass fat man sure knows how to cook a hearty meal for his porcine self.
No. 1802139
File: 1701922640915.png (246.54 KB, 1147x830, 2023-12-07 051528.png)

another gem from the loveafterporn sub kekkkk
No. 1802369
>>1802139No one can be that retard, right? Right?
It is obvious that she watches once a month because the lesbian porn at least has pussy eating I guess (not defending porn, it is still shitty, but I am trying to understand.
He says all of that while admitting he too watches porn and probably is upset because his gf watching lesbian porn means she is not satisfied by his pathetic dick alone and he gets his ego hurt wah wah. I bet he watches way more than her and calls her porn addicted
>She uses Shein for softcore pornShe probably is just trying to buy lingerie to satisfy his entitled ass that don't bother to put a ring on her after 11 years
God I wanna a-log so much, I hope she finds that posts, break up with him and find someone that satisfies her so she doesn't need to watch porn anymore
No. 1802372
>>1802014If she shot him I wouldn't judge her, no joke
But sadly the handmaidenry is too strong
No. 1802845
>>1802804I wish women like this would kill themselves and their nasty moids too, to spare the world from them. It makes me so angry when a child is brought into a broken,
abusive home like this.
No. 1803022
File: 1701986755838.jpg (415.2 KB, 1283x2280, Snapchat-619065633.jpg)

>>1800815Went to this user profile because I was so horrified by this woman's life that I just had to see, and this is how she describes her husband. Imagine getting your health and dignity stolen by this absolute fucking geriatric gremlin who claims he can only bust to pure 23 year olds. The children are keeping her prisoner financially but the mental prison is the real problem. I'll admit I simultaneously pity and hate women like this. Their stupidity and apathy toward their own self worth makes them utterly contemptible.
No. 1803315
>>1802014>>1802139>>1803022I know moids are trash but does anyone else look at women like these and
understand why moids are partially getting away with so much shit in hetero relationships? Even if the law finally held scrotes accountable and institutions changed overnight to actual equality of the sexes, there are still so many doormat retarded women with no respect who will let themselves be walked all over. I am disgusted and disturbed, especially because these women have CHILDREN! WHY DO
THEY (these types of women) ALWAYS HAVE CHILDREN??? I agree with
>>1802845, these women need to do the world a favor and kill themselves along with the moids. Women will never ever be free and at least a portion of it is because so many retarded idiot pickmes when given the illusion of freedom are still willing to degrade themselves for their trash moids. Please don't call me a shit feminist, I'm just tired of defending these women who are so set on harming not only themselves but also bringing a bunch of innocent souls into this world to be molested by their shit fathers.
No. 1803325
>>1803315Samefag but I didn't mean to quote this one
>>1802139 but all the other loveafterporn crap posts written by women who are dying inside, trying to find all the tips to end the porn addiction of a scrote who doesn't even really wanna stop but instead use the porn addiction as a manipulation tool to make the woman feel like shit.
>>1800931>>1802014This one
>>1800815 is just sad because who the fuck cares what your disgusting roach of a sex pest husband finds "hot". He has probably two brain cells and weaponized incompetence to where he can't do basic housework or childcare, yet you went and saved the pictures of the girls and tried to change her body to that of a young girl. How pathetically sad.
No. 1803330
File: 1702001222797.jpg (440.8 KB, 2048x1365, baddiewinkle.jpg)

>>1803321True. There are so many older people on Instagram posting their cool outfits, including literal "old" (80+) women (Picrel, @baddiewinkle, is 95!). Only zoomer-milennial pickmes and troons post to Reddit for validation.
No. 1803820
>>1800815>>1800820At least it sounds like she finally cracked and realized he's worthless. And won't make another child with him, though 4 is already way, way, way too fucking many.
>>1802014He wasn't abused, he's a bisexual pedophile, and fucking two boys at once is his sexual fantasy.
>>1802832She probably has no good or close family, and clings to the scrote like a life raft. And women can barely have irl friends after 25, scrotes monopolize everything by knocking them up and refusing to clean.
No. 1805109
File: 1702139687212.jpeg (423.46 KB, 828x770, IMG_0639.jpeg)

>>1801148I came here to post this, and lo and behold, a relevant conversation has already been going on ITT. Young women refusing to sleep with older men is praxis. Unfortunately, most of the comments on this post said “akshyally, there are TONS of young women who prefer older men! I’m one of them!” And then of course they eventually end up like
>>1803022 this winner here.
I see so many posts from women admitting to (almost bragging about) liking older men on Reddit. Is this mainly a Reddit thing or is it reflected among normies in the real world as well? I’m not old enough to know enough married people, but as an early 20s college anon, most women my age are skeeved out when even a graduate student pursues them. The wall exists for men and men only.
No. 1805133
>>1805109> "I've wasted my horny years beating off by myself"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DECAYING GRIZZLY BEAR no one is entitled to have a partner just because they are in the mood for fucking i hope he will leave this planet with no offsprings.
Anyway i don't know but most of the times i see "women" mentioning to be into old men on reddit they turn out to be desperate tranny faggots with no life
No. 1805618
>>1805380Well, they age poorly so…
I wonder if ALL the wall thing is them projecting on us because we usually age better
No. 1805802
File: 1702172856168.jpeg (517.77 KB, 1125x1901, IMG_2808.jpeg)

i was looking up different lotr audiobook narrators and this came up. god i despise male tolkien fans so much.
No. 1808696
File: 1702387778043.jpg (951.91 KB, 1080x2438, Screenshot_20231212_141922.jpg)

There's a pattern of men breaking up or cheating on women at the worst time possible, as if on purpose. I'm sick of deluding myself and pretending men aren't fucking evil and worse people than women
No. 1808697
>>1808696If you're wondering if moids do it on purpose, you're right because they do. Moids will abandon women they
married if cancer or any devastating condition happens. But think about it, if cancer is all it takes to make the moids leave, the moids must have been wanting to leave even before any diagnosis. But they wait until things like cancer become official, and THAT'S where they make the "I dumping you" move. It's gotta be deliberate. Males fucking
laugh at girls who kill themselves over boys.
No. 1809656
File: 1702419562027.png (45.64 KB, 881x741, antisex.PNG)

>>1774178Only now seeing this post, but this is actually really mild (and kinda entertaining kek). Maybe cringy, but they've specified
>team of individuals who want to combat sexual worship and swinger groups who even take their own children thereA bunch of shut-ins on Reddit won't change that obviously, but why mock them for putting in the effort? Also, sex escalates. Nobody is having missionary with the lights off for 20 years straight, all people who indulge in sex also have some pretty fucked up fantasies, this is basic knowledge. The "philosophy" of the sub makes sense even if they're creating their own power rangers over there.
Pic from the sub, they're onto something anons…
No. 1809910
File: 1702428277495.jpg (140.63 KB, 732x539, 5489358430952.JPG)

The fact that moids have survived this long is a flaw in evolution.
No. 1810296
File: 1702457564455.jpg (141.61 KB, 736x736, 2adb36d9e070b788fd353d42a47096…)

>>1809910>moid having an essay-long mental breakdown over some NAILPOLISH and a NECKLACEHoly fucking shit. Males have really outdone themselves with cheating mother nature and evolution to be this fucking WEAK with no consequence. I mean seriously, humans went from fighting off predators, overcoming diseases, risking their lives for resources, and a bunch of other shit way back in the early ages. Humans used their brains and created technology to make life so much easier for the general population, but that technology made things a little too fucking easy. Now mollycoddled little autist faggots are thinking that their girlfriends not giving them a blowjob is "sexual abuse", that their dad forgetting to give them an icecream cone ten years ago is "child abuse", that some loneliness is "going to kill them", and now this overdue abortion thinks his girlfriend putting on some fuckinf nail polish and a necklace is too hard. Oh my fucking God, it's actually amazing to watch all these moids act like mundane things are warzone issues. If these moids were born at anytime before the period we're at now, they would probably be doing so much more useful things, worrying about so much more important problems like how to dodge a grenade during the next trench battle, or working in a factory to learn and produce necessities. Instead, technology ran faster than natural selection for humans, and now life is so fucking easy that scrotes don't even get checked and naturally punished for being incompetent and weak. They get to sit on their comfy little beds, with their emotionally blackmailed girlfriends, their attention-starved 'boymothers', and their enabling discord friends as they cry, and cry, and
cry about what's basically spilled milk. Evolution feels backwards for males. The more generations pass, the weaker they seem to get.
No. 1810608
File: 1702483551347.png (37.37 KB, 1242x357, iuhsdopiund54se1dsz28.png)

Redditor: The problem with the Canadian government encouraging people to commit suicide rather than pay for their healthcare is not what I just wrote, it's that they're only telling white people to commit suicide.
I can't anymore.
No. 1810623
File: 1702484258217.jpg (99.09 KB, 1080x781, 1697748627150175.jpg)

>>1810608Ì think euthanasia is a good thing but that is messed up. Feels like were heading closer and closer to some sort of cyberpunk hell world.
No. 1810713
>>1810646Hanging is dumb way to do it. There's a good chance of living through it.
>>1810679Overdose can end badly too. You can survive that and end up as a vegetable.
Carbon monoxide poisoning with letting the car run in the garage is the best. You just drift into sleep. If you can get it in your country exit bags are good too.
No. 1810879
File: 1702491355641.jpeg (18.72 KB, 275x263, IMG_6292.jpeg)

>>1810608Wtf is this guy talking about. I’m Canadian and I only know of one assisted suicide ad and it was from a fucking fast fashion clothing retailer’ve never seen any other commercials for MAID but I don’t watch cable.
No. 1811005
File: 1702494638657.png (102.63 KB, 1177x811, lmao.png)

reddit is blocking VPNs. i deleted my reddit accounts this year but i still view certain communities or use it as a SEO workaround (googling <topic> + reddit) in an attempt to avoid low quality content mills/AI articles.
earlier this month i started getting the 'woah there pardner!' notice that i had to log in because i was using a VPN. i found an announcement post from last month saying it was an error they fixed: if you scroll down to the bottom (picrel) you see plenty of recent posts saying they're still getting an error with their vpn and they're simply told to log in.
in september they made it impossible to opt out of ad personalization, so why the fuck would i want an account on their shitty website?
anyway, i saw that using a private front end like libreddit was a workaround. but now that keeps breaking, too. like fuck, i just want to read posts and discussions about my skin condition, quit trying to make money off of me!
No. 1811518
>>1808697>>1809298yup, moids are 100% incapable of loving a woman. If a guy ever dumps you, it's never to 'find himself' or 'need me time' No it's because he already has someone in mind/lined up. Many bitch ass scrotes do this and they often choose the girl with the lowest self-esteem because these maggots are incapable of being alone. Men want
victims in every sense of the word. They'll tell you that you are incapable of being beautiful to someone else (can you tell I'm talking from experience?) which is a croc of shit and they know it. They'll try to get you to break it off and make you the bad guy to those around you. They love to hurt us. They'll laugh in your face about it. Evil creatures. All of them are rape apologists. He can get 'mad' that a woman got raped. But, if it was done by a guy he knows, it's "No, I think he wouldn't do that! Not him." EVERY TIME.
>>1810713It's bummer times for me not having a garage at my disposal.
Some moid in Ontario was going to let the government kill his ass because he was homeless and hopeless, but changed his mind when he got a wave of donations and support and is now an advocate or something. Funny how a support network and money can change one's life…funny how that works.
No. 1811571
>>1811518I think moids are capable and truly do want love but they hate women so much that when one comes around who they actually could have a real relationship with (IE are forced to see her as a human) they run for the hills. They can’t handle having a woman hold so much control over them so they dump the ones they love most and shack up with the women who don’t scare them and then wonder why they’re unfulfilled. Then after years of being miserable they leave the wife they “settled” for out of their own stupidity as soon as things get rough.
I think women don’t love men as much as we think we do but meme ourselves into being obsessed with shit men as to not face our own fears of dying alone but it will never be as insidious as what scrotes do.
No. 1811983
File: 1702570071981.png (803.51 KB, 2398x1738, Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 4.59.…)

i notice we never really discuss pure craziness in the reddit hate threads. the food delivery subs always have at least one or two nutty meltdowns a week over anything from customers wearing sweatpants to my account got deleted for mysterious reasons even though i keep declining orders and stealing people's food.
>doordash customers are scumbags because i didn't deliver their food
>if you're disabled you shouldn't use doordash apparently
>only rich people use doordash and you should just hire a private chef to live with you and cook your food
>this one speaks for itself No. 1812156
File: 1702577682262.jpg (736.33 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231215-034853_Red…)

I was reading some random argument on reddit and thought the chick sounded like a fucking idiot so I clicked the profile.
Tranny who posts this shit..
No. 1812330
>>1811983Im so confused on why doordashers are bitter. It's basically freelancing and you can literally just not do it.
The only thing I can side with about doordashers though is people who don't tip enough. But considering how they act I don't blame people for not wanting to tip. I also know a lot of restaurants with delivery options, typically pizza places get outsourced to doordash and it makes the hired drivers there lose tips
No. 1812372
>>1812347definitely. I use to drive for Uber Eats and it was stressful sometimes making hour-and-a-half long round trips to people who are far away from restaurants, esp when gas was at its peak price and got no tips, going up long stairs heavily pregnant with large orders with zero tips from people who had money. I uninstalled because I had multiple days where I lost money in gas due to the sheer amount of people who didn't tip. I can imagine how super stressful it would be to someone who relies on it for living where as I did it to just pass time really.
it's so weird to me to see delivery drivers whine about stupid crap like disabled customers, what customers wear, etc. I guess that's the price you pay when you have no real reporting manager + literally anybody with a car and insurance can do this and people start feeling entitled to doing whatever the hell they want
No. 1812731
File: 1702604429199.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2127, IMG_0450.jpeg)

> “parent” means nonbinary
I have no words
No. 1813721
File: 1702664913184.jpeg (214.92 KB, 828x581, IMG_0650.jpeg)

Comments on an r/nottheonion post with the headline “Elderly man fatally stabs wife after fight over pancakes.” Poor… guy?
No. 1813779
>>1813721Is this the man who stabbed his 91 y.o wife in aus? If not something similar happened, he had alcohol induced dementia and was drunk when he did it. He said she deserved to die.
Imagine caring for your retarded alcoholic scrote your whole life, get to 91 and the cunt kills you because he drunk himself into memory loss and he feels no remorse for it.
No. 1818069
File: 1702909751994.png (136.03 KB, 703x1395, Redditmalebeingdelusionalagain…)

Comments range from
"Yeah, man! Women are totally into me now that I'm older!"
to picrel where some tell him he's delusional and to leave young women alone.
No. 1818125
>>1814191Selfblog also so I've saged.
We're in the process of getting my nana to leave my grandad.
He has Parkinson's which as it gets worse causes dementia.
Hes awful to her anyway and our previous attempts to get her to leave him hasnt worked.
She had breast cancer which resulted in a double mastectomy.
During that time he made a fist and pushed it hard against her mouth to hurt her.
While I was visiting family I initiated the conversation about leaving him because when I saw him the day before he was just running her down and I told him off for it.
He was sick a month ago, shitting everywhere and while she was cleaning up his literal shit he was still berating her. Makes me furious.
Shes hopefully going to leave him in the new year. I wish I could force her to do so.
I wish I lived in my hometown so I could rent somewhere she could stay with me.
I'm pissed off that despite having 4 grown adult children none of them are doing anything of use, including my parents.
Apparently the oldest son is going to "have a talk" to him to get his guns off him, funny that he said that 2 weeks ago and still hasnt.
I've looked into and have spoken to my nana about putting him in an aged care home, she was worried about having to sell her house to do it. From what I've seen she wont have to. I've told her so, my mum has said she will handle that side.
Shes going to a dr with my mother and is going to tell them about what my grandad has said and is doing to her. Since the dr is his dr also I hope something more comes of it.
I'm just sad for her and think at least once a day that I hope he dies so she can be free.
No. 1820968
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No. 1824181
File: 1703254046560.jpeg (327.28 KB, 1170x1983, IMG_9055.jpeg)

Got this recommended to me on my home page (dunno why), and the comments are just filled with vegans going ‘why is he upset that he found a bit of dead animal in his meat pie’, completely missing the point that it’s a bit of bone, and is a potential chocking hazard… Just reminds me of why I can’t stand vegans. No. 1824304
>>1809910Neurotic male autists: Omg I'd do anything to get a gf. If only someone would just give me a chance. My life would be complete.
Soon as they somehow get one: omg the earth is ending because my gf isn't willing to bend to my every lil quirk and irrational fear that dictates how she should live and present herself. Time to die on the pettiest of hills. I def won't end up chronically single and regret this
No. 1824806
File: 1703279765830.png (43.9 KB, 821x407, lebbit.png)

Reddit's banning VPNs now. They're literally obsessed with tracking people.
No. 1824818
File: 1703280482682.png (91.08 KB, 634x696, retardedmoid.png)

well golly gee, who'd've thunk that simulated rape could go wrong??!!!
No. 1824849
>>1824818I don't get it, why did she froze up this time and not the others? Isn't this a regular thing for them? Apparently there's barely any difference between "fake" and real rape for these two it seems, besides some """"safe""'" words, which she omitted for some reason? Why did this time specifically
triggered her like that? Something doesn't add up, I think this guy is avoiding several details
No. 1824857
File: 1703283497952.jpeg (36.7 KB, 640x821, 1702881575908.jpeg)

>>1824818Faggots always defend shit like BDSM, DDLG, CNC, slave play, or whatever the fuck, and then act surprised when something like this happens. Faggots,
you are engaging and "playing" with very degenerate and harmful concepts but calling it "kinky" or "healthy". You are literally psyopping and preparing yourself to be an abuser or a victim when you normalize these concepts in your bedroom. If your husband wants to do rape "play", he is literally training himself to be desensitized to your obvious discomfort, and deteriorating his own grasp on consent. If your husband can do or act in such a grotesque way for "fun", he is ready to do it without any "play" in his actions.and whatever the fuck even happened to 'safe words'? Did these types of "kinky people" get even more brain damage and think they didn't need them anymore? No. 1824935
>>1824818I always wonder why this 'play' is always opt-out instead of opt-in. Like, wouldn't it be safer for her to use a certain phrase or article of clothing she only wears when she wants to be ravished?
Sorry for ot sperg but I fucking hate that it's called "consensual nonconsent" or "rape play". Ain't nobody wants to be raped and you can't consent to not consent. What a lot of these women want is for their lover to be so into them that they "can't help themselves" (but can actually stop at any point and are playing it up for eroticism). I mean it would be better not to encourage a male's rape-ape tendencies at all, but if they really wanted to do it that bad wouldn't letting her initiate be safer than trusting that she'll remember the dagnab safe word when she doesn't want his gross body near her?
No. 1824942
>>1824912>>1824857so many based posts in here today. i am tired of kinkfags and kink defenders. i have a theory that when you simulate rape or any kind of abuse, no matter how consensual, careful, or "properly" it's done, the "submissive" party will always, always, always eventually process it as rape/abuse regardless. and it can be immediate, months later, or even during the act. how can our bodies and midbrain supposedly process it in the context of the act itself, with all these nuances of "consent"? another thing to note is a synonymous acronym for CNC is DC - dubious consent. it just sounds like a recipe for disaster, and IT IS. i would love to see studies done on kinkfags and ex-kinkfags but it's unlikely we will see any for a while. but this shit is seriously a virus infecting young people. porn and kink are ruining people.
No. 1827136
File: 1703433464446.png (15.27 KB, 951x127, Screenshot 2023-12-24 155757.p…)

The fact it's locked doesn't surprise me, it's just really funny.
Emma may you be cured of the brainrot you're too pretty to be infected by the gendies
No. 1827143
File: 1703433867961.png (40.12 KB, 756x553, fuckingdelusional.png)

So much delusion and entitlement in one post. The one thing I want to point out is how he almost says the silent part out loud. These guys aren't traditional or conservative in any way, traditional conservative dads would chase off losers like this with a shotgun. That's why he can't find a woman in fucking ARKANSAS. The south isn't a liberal or feminist hotbed, the women just still have some expectations of men. These men CAUSE the same atomized society that they bitch about.
No. 1827173
>>1827145Good on you. We have a violence problem here and it makes the seethe when men try to excuse it.
I got perma banned from reddit because I commented on home post where this dude was whining about how his gf had a big vagina and sex doesn't feel good for him.
I asked if maybe his dicks just short and thin and some jannie scrote banned me for body shaming.
It was a genuine question honestly.
No. 1827510
File: 1703457344266.jpeg (776.61 KB, 849x1847, IMG_6285.jpeg)

"i hAvE a BaChElOrS iN aCcOunTinG fRoM wEsTerN wAsHinGToN uNiVerSiTY!1! (nerd face emoji)"
No. 1827515
File: 1703457418732.jpeg (850.82 KB, 906x1896, IMG_6286.jpeg)

>>1827510The comment he was replying to:
No. 1827520
>>1827510Is this scrote really trying to gather empathy just because his gender is too stupid to not senselessly murder each other and themselves? He didn't disprove those stats at all, he's just saying "b-bu-but think about the male
No. 1827532
>>1827510they always whine about suddenly living in fear (funny how you never hear this from them in any other discussion) and being the true
victims yet never actually demonstrate that they want to do something about it. they just want to complain about this stuff not because they really worry about it, but because they can't stand the idea that women are ever suffering more than them, and at the hands of men. they act like this is such a terrible issue for them yet do not want to make any kind of difference, they never ever suggest any way of making a change so all these poor oh so frightened men don't have to fear for their lives when they're outside.
No. 1827535
>>1827520You are correct. The western Washington alumni realises that it's hard to have sympathy for dumb moids who lost their lives through choosing a life of crime, but people "always" feel sorry for rape
victims. A good amount of male
victim of violence pretty much put themselves in situations to be "
victims". Whenever this discussion is had, men never want to face how awful their gender is as a collective. I'm sure if he was prodded some more he would sperg about Jewish people and feminism making the frogs gay and reddit favouring the libs.
No. 1827700
File: 1703467397843.jpeg (892.38 KB, 1179x1850, IMG_6333.jpeg)

>>1827510why is he bragging about that kek
No. 1827714
>>1827452They did the same shit a month ago in r/technology
>>1739345 they really fucking tell on themselves. It’s always the same exact defenses too.
No. 1827780
>>1827510Dumb faggor maybe don't dress like a muscleless
victim if you don't want to get beat up.
No. 1834208
>>1827143He's going to have his organs harvested, isn't he. Not that it's a bad thing in this case.
>>1833053Look on the bright side! Rottweilers are easy to train if you know what you're doing, and they're generally obedient and intelligent dogs. Pitbulls are also easy to train and obedient, they're nanny dogs which pose no harm to their loving owners, and have never, ever harmed their owners, other pets, random strangers, or countless children. You can achieve fantastic results by treating pitbulls like you would treat a Rottweiler, especially if you assert your dominance by shouting a lot and antagonizing the dog when it shows signs of anxiety. Go Reddit!
No. 1834381
>>1833053a little irrelevant but i wanted to say i think its cute that you not only wanted to get cheering images customized to your mom's preferences, you went to a community dedicated to posting about them in order to find the best of the bunch. sorry your search turned out to be fruitless, but it was a good instinct.
i like to go on pet subreddits because theres a lot of drama. truly no one can agree on the best way to care for any particular animal and they feel extremely strongly about their view. i cant even judge them for it, really, i also want to be the best caretaker for my animals, but it can feel like the blind leading the blind sometimes.
No. 1834920
File: 1703996379042.jpeg (148.44 KB, 824x334, IMG_8041.jpeg)

i accidentally stumbled onto a subreddit called "male mental health" and every other post is like this kek
No. 1835154
File: 1704036477088.jpg (160.17 KB, 1086x317, clown.jpg)

>>1834920Holy shit nonna you were not joking when you said every other post is them seething about being single/virgins kek. They might as well rename the subreddit to r/incels. Picrel is another one who thinks women have it sooo much easier when it comes to hobbies and careers. We live with the fear of doing something alone in public and have to be aware of creeps the moment we were BORN and it's us who get fucked because of a potential maternity leave but nope, it's so much harder to lead a busy life as a man apparently.
No. 1838295
File: 1704331892710.jpeg (179.12 KB, 1179x659, IMG_8944.jpeg)

Somehow, wanting your bf to marry you and having your friends gently tease him about the engagement is just as evil as long-term cheating. Every day I learn something new!
No. 1838377
File: 1704334789983.jpeg (Spoiler Image,211.91 KB, 1186x1536, IMG_3105.jpeg)

What the fuck is this subreddit lmao. Spoiler for RRREEEEEALLLLLY tiny tranny pinto peen.
No. 1838381
File: 1704334927737.jpeg (52.49 KB, 720x713, starter_kit_.jpeg)

>>1835154>That feel when you are a woman but you are "forever alone"Moids literally think every woman is drowning in dick at all times, kek. I don't even believe the most hottest woman gets the attention that moids think they get. Nonetheless, because i wasn't cursed with the affliction of being a moid, whenever i feel exceptionally horny i can just zap it away with a vibrator and be on my way. Females truly are the superior sex to males.
No. 1839464
File: 1704412737199.jpeg (759.73 KB, 1170x3468, IMG_4784.jpeg)

He’s not joking or larping either… this man really wants to groom 18-22 year olds in an harem and has a profile on seeking arrangement. In other comments he talks about his wife and how “she doesn’t like it but she knew who she was marrying”. Jfc.
No. 1839484
>>1839464whats the benefit?
>free place to live in early 20s/teensmost girls already get that with their parents and they don't need to allow a creepy old fat guy to rape them and their friends. he'll likely give them strict rules as well and control every aspect of their life where as parents don't.
>moneyI'd bet the "sizable allowance" can't be more than 600-800. The majority of college girls can make that as a server or something and don't need to give up their college years to a creepy rapist just to be let go when you age out of his preference
the only women that would be up for this are girls escaping from
abusive households or have some sort of issue that doesn't allow them to get a job, but he's probably expecting the rich preppy young girl phenotype and those girls wouldn't want to do that
No. 1839529
File: 1704418204645.jpeg (907.6 KB, 1170x1808, IMG_4792.jpeg)

>>1839464Samefag… here’s the link to the post.’s a lot to take in like him calling himself “the sultan” but someone said it well “This all seems like getting to know your mark to me.”
No. 1839590
File: 1704423478491.jpg (328.66 KB, 2594x1586, image.jpg)

>>1839529Wild. He's like a mix of super scary creepy and super fucking dumb. Fake or maybe delusional lol but entertaining to read. I hope he's nowhere near any real women
No. 1839614
>>1839513he plans to do this with 4-7 girls, he would have to spend at least 3 million not even including another few mil for the house. he would have to be a literal billionaire to spend that much and there are less than 150 billionaires in Australia, melborne and Sydney have less than 20 billionaires and I highly doubt some loser demanding a college girl harem on Reddit is one of the few handful of them.
he is either bullshitting on how much he plans to give them or plans to traffic them
No. 1839632
File: 1704427227582.png (254.63 KB, 837x638, Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 11.01…)

>>1839590Kek, the photos he posted of himself look AI generated
No. 1839633
File: 1704427292859.png (114.87 KB, 837x697, Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 11.01…)

>>1839590>>1839632Also, he proudly admits he makes $400k a year and does "day trading" KEK
No. 1839638
File: 1704428147861.jpg (699.91 KB, 1482x2890, delusion.jpg)

>>1839614I read all his replies up until like 5 minutes ago (he just keeps going) and if it's not pure fiction for shits and giggles it's extreme delusion. Picrel. He also references discovering Atlantis as a life goal of his lol.
In his two comments on other peoples posts his tone is different, like a young woman. Or at least not a 50 year old man's writing lol. No. 1839693
File: 1704433744011.gif (104.68 KB, 373x182, 1658644008552.gif)

>>1839632He claims it's "AI enhanced", so if that were true, he'd be too stingy to hire a professional to make him look less like his face is melting.
No. 1841168
File: 1704540433928.jpeg (681.47 KB, 1170x1273, IMG_4809.jpeg)

>>1839529Read through a few of the wannabe sugar baby “profile review” posts on that sub and the comments are 100% men telling the women “oh you’re looking for x? Well I would click off your profile because I’m looking for y. Change it now to fit what I want”. You can see it in picrel. The woman’s profile said that she doesn’t tolerate sexual comments or asking for nudes - can’t have that! No, you’re jaded and “missing seduction” for having completely normal boundaries. These men are so far up their own asses they can’t bare the thought that her profile is written that way to ward off men like themselves.
No. 1841339
File: 1704557158272.jpg (578.8 KB, 1125x2378, IMG_0008.jpg)

why are men like this? I see this kind of sentiment often, wah wah I’m old/divorced/disabled/etc and porn is all I have!
No. 1841434
>>1841339if the women on these sites have to submit their ids why shouldnt the men have to as well
>but that’s different theyre whores and im normal!!excuse me while i laugh because this guy has to pay for a vpn to access his shitty disorienting vr porn
No. 1841487
File: 1704568692168.jpg (195.09 KB, 1124x968, E0725CC0-94CC-4CF9-AE31-3B2D53…)

>>1841339>>1841407if this is true then how is it still pleasurable? I guess the brain or something? This is why castration doesn’t work right? Wtf
No. 1841782
>>1841743Yes, he did, and I am using all of my self restraint to not a-log
>>1839632In his comments he says he is a 40 something but a moid in his forties shouldn't be this rough looking, right?
No. 1842558
File: 1704645035952.png (446.68 KB, 436x1000, 1000006936.png)

The bottom image of the girls is the imgur attachment.
No. 1842630
File: 1704648839238.png (117.83 KB, 1448x610, 50.png)

>>1841782A bunch of people asked him about that and eventually he admits he is over 46 but under 55 and 46 is closer to his real age (I'm sure he's 50 years old but cannot bring himself to say that lol)
No. 1842636
>>1842558Where is a government program to cull the pedophiles who write comments and think pieces like this? I really hope women in government gain more power and stop empathizing with criminal moids to formally do something about these dregs of society. There’s probably a lot of papers to be written on the societal impact of protecting pedophiles, like the life outcomes of CSA
victims (alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, prostitution to name a few) and how that protecting pedophiles is hurting the potential of future generations of adults.
No. 1844392
File: 1704755203898.png (149.48 KB, 1153x590, 2024-01-09 000739.png)

No. 1845163
File: 1704803470135.png (47.43 KB, 1028x705, dEeP ThOuGHtS.PNG)

males are so fucking annoying
No. 1845227
File: 1704807917565.jpg (98.66 KB, 705x596, FwaDcPf.jpg)

Am I high or something?
People are roasting this poor girl in the comments saying her boyfriend looks like a teenager and she looks old, but she just looks like a woman in her late twenties to me. He, on the other hand, looks like a Jerma-aged man who smokes weed on college campuses and tries to pick up young girls. Ok she's kinda frumpy, but looking like his mom, really? I've never seen a 15 year old that aged before.
No. 1845298
>>1844392Sounds fake and like a propaganda piece to encourage young women to sugar because he’ll love you so much he’ll leave something to you in his will!
Why not cut her off that change right now so she doesn’t have to be in an exploitative relationship? No, he still needs that financial leash so she’ll keep interacting with him? Guess it’s the thought that counts.
No. 1845301
>>1845163Meanwhile, back in reality:
Men throwing tantrums at home all while carefully keeping up a public image of being unemotional and all level headed.
No. 1845428
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The sheer amount of people in the comments not picking up on the blatant AGP and believing this "reason" is astounding to me. The clothing isn't even remotely school like, and this was apparently done in Japan of all places (unsurprising, but I'm sure most would know that their uniform rules are incredibly strict). No. 1845466
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No. 1845630
>>1845163Tons of boomer moms tried to raise their sons like this, and all we got is millennial male feminists.
>>1845227She looks fine. The nurse just picked up on the manchild energy going on.
>>1845466If they want to talk about "slavery", how about talking about how many working poor childless adults don't qualify for any kind of government aid programs at all, but we still have to pay taxes to provide for the children of millions of deadbeat scrotes? And the scrotes got years of free bangmaid services (and probably free food and rent) from the women as well.
>>1845560I had an epiphany while watching a movie where some violent male character treats a male service worker like shit, and the guy just has to struggle to endure it. The movie uses it to show that the man is shitty, but IRL men act like that to wives and girlfriends all the time, and women are expected to just naturally shrug it off like an emotionally destroyed Victorian servant.
No. 1846938
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Dumb self hating ftm pretending that women are the main upholders of the patriarchy. Not even gonna the post the rest of it because it’s just misogynistic mra posting that of course gets upvotes in a feminist sub because reddit
No. 1846976
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>>1846938This is why I don't understand women who are okay with TIFs or would even date one just because they're technically women too.
TIFs are so mentally ill and backwards with how they view themselves and the world, I couldn't even be friends with one and them being women too just isn't enough for me to like them. They're still trannies and trannies are mentally unsound.
No. 1847307
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Instantly clocking a Reddit tranny due to how they draw themselves in their comic