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No. 94399
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I'm not sure why the mods decided to post and then close the thread for posting, instead of just deleting but okay.
No. 94400
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>The TRUTH guise
No. 94401
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No. 94403
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>white knight-chan
No. 94411
File: 1430924093765.png (43.06 KB, 530x634, btb.png) That tumblr post that addresses a ton of legitimate issues with LACE
No. 94412
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>>94402>Group was literally created from Kate taking a shit
>a lolita defecates feces from her rectum and created an entire group of peoplemade me giggle
No. 94413
>>94409Its way to convenient for any of it to be true. Why wouldn't she have used these reasons before for starting LACE instead of that random anon who posted to /cgl/ about her poops.
As this whole thing progresses she is just getting scummier and scummier
No. 94414
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No. 94415
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No. 94418
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No. 94419
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My favorite secret from last week. Its so beautiful
No. 94421
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>>94420Basically only Kate and an anon were in a bathroom together, anon hears someone taking a huge shit. Out walks Kate and later anon posts about it on /cgl/ to make fun of her.
No. 94422
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>>94421Also she posts about that specific event in her reasons for starting LACE
No. 94424
>>94399The 4chan mods and janitors on cgl suck ass. Honestly they let the Jillian thread stay despite vendetta-threads/threads about individuals being banned since the dramu ban. I enjoyed the Jillian thread but c'mon. They also banned Chinese Gossip
multiple times even though the threads were always about Lolita and we frequently had similar threads. Not to mentione that this motherfucking damned useless Sieg heil tripfag who NEVER contributed something usefull and was his own special kind of obnoxious and annoying even for a tripfag is still allowed to post.
>>94400So, even if all of this were true - WHAT IS LACE GONNA DO ABOUT THIS??
Imagine recieving death threats, having an online stalker and such- HOW THE HELL IS LACE GOING TO HELP? This makes me mad enough for Capslock. Lace is fucking useless, because if you had such serious "bullies" you should head to the police and turn off the internet. A fucking hashtag and some "but you're all beautiful and precious!!1 uwu"-bullshit doesn't help.
Not to mention that I have yet to hear anything usefull from LACE.
But I'm afraid since all the e-famous Lolitas are on board and every newbie ita or dramawhore joins LACE and since they got RInRin or whatever, they'll continue with this nonsense. And everyone who dares to speak out against them will have their personal whiteknights against them. Just like thise girl.
>>94417I am reall yhoping no one in my comm introduces this shit at the next meet up, I don't want to be involved in any of this bullshit drama or be shut out for not supporting LACE.
No. 94426
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>>94422> lol guys i heard her take a huge nasty shit SO CRUEL AND HORRIFYING!!!
No. 94427
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>>94424Oh good god I really dont want my comm to start talking about this shit at meets. Its such a controversial thing right now and you look like some sort of -cyberbullying meanie- if you dont agree with it. Hopefully everyone else thinks its fucking stupid and doesnt fall for this shit
No. 94429
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>>94424>>94424thankfully lor is being fairly sane about LACE so far
No. 94430
>>94427That is honestly what bug me the most about LACE - it's so hard to openly be against it without being instantly labeled as a bully or "bully-enabler" to speak in tumblr-terms.
And in theory it's an okay idea but the execution is just sooo shitty.
>>94429I am really glad to hear that from Lor, I like her and hope she stays away from this.
Meh, but Kate and Jillian are probably glad because Lor is more popular than they are and would have gotten more likes and views on her videos. :^(
No. 94431
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>>94430Its like everyone is guilted into supporting LACE and I hate that. I agree that it could have been something good but the way Kate has handled it has completely ruined it.
No. 94437
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Comments from the parody video about LACE and Jillian
No. 94440
>>94437Best reply. This girl has some balls. She might be a bit blunt but I applaud her anyway.
>>94438Lel, she is trying soooo hard not to be mad here. I' 100% sure we'll get some more secrets about Jillian totes not selfposted so she can cry moar and get more attention.
>>94439Cadney does have a point, and I do like her. I wish she'd follow up onn her words and make LACE into a community for growng a thick skin and learning how the handle criticism on the internet instead of the hugbox mentality they seem to have.
No. 94441
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What I hate most about this post from Kate is
>Specifically because I wanted it to be community driven and a collaboration with lolitas from around the world. I wanted to hear other peoples ideas and what they thought would make for a helpful and successful group, which is why structure has been slow in formation.
Are you fucking kidding me Kate. It sounds to me like she wants everyone else to do the hard work for her while she sits around and gets all the recognition for it.
No. 94445
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>>94400>"I have had people take pictures of me in public, in class, at the grocery store, and send them to me on tumblr with death threats attached."Okay so either random people in her town know her tumblr url or people in her comm that know her tumblr are stalking her and doing this? Righhhttt..
>"I have been stalked, slandered, and dealt with cruel disturbing behavior in this community for years."Oh for the entire year or two you've been in the fashion. Bawww. Guess what? Everyone else deals with the same shit. Try doing what most people do, disregard it and keep doing you. You're only feeding the trolls and keeping them coming back for more by acknowledging them and letting them know that they have an effect on you.
No. 94451
>>94450Kate hasn't been into Lolita for very long. I can't say for how long she is wearing the fashion but she is definitely not an oldfag.
She did get some hate; I remember all the hate she got for her glasses. Which, granted, were stupid, but there were way more mean comments made about those than this pooping story. But aside from the glasses thing no one ever really paid that much attention to her. And the claims she made in
>>94400 are just fucking ridiculous. "Ohhh I'm sooo important, I got Anon hate once!! And someone on 4chan said kill urself to me :( :( I'm sooo important and oppressed you guise!!!"
And she doesn't even give one single fucking hint what LACE would do to support someone in her situation. Literally not ONE word about how LACe will improve anyone's life and deal with actual online bullying.
Other famous Lolitas like Fanny Rosie had shit said about them too. Guess what they did? Closed their ask box, ignored the haters and went on with their life.
She is quite e-famous due to wearing expensive burando coords. She always has these amazing OTT sets which is enough to fool everyone into thinking she's a super special awesome Lolita while all she does is keeping matching trendy burando OTT sets and pieces. Just pay attention to how much she wears this one pair of sheer white OTKs by Bttsb to see her superb coord skills.
No. 94480
>>94399cgl mod and janitor are major fucking faggots
I remember after the girlytoot typo came up they started deleting the LACE threads whenever they'd pop up
No. 94588
>>94577>>94584Just sounds like the average weeb to me, nothing that needs an own thread.
Don't we have a lolita general thread for this kind of stuff anyways?
No. 94621
>>94591>I mean it was always gonna be controversial talking about how bad Btb is, it’s almost asking to get put on there. But I don’t care. I’m sick of seeing the fashion I love get ruined by adults who act worse than a bitchy 14yr old in a chatroom. I don’t know why it’s so heavily guarded, it’s almost as if people are scared to not have a place where they can slander others without any repercussions
>The weird thing is, Lolita comes from Japan and in Japan bullying in the Lolita community does not go to this extent. Sure there are rivalries and outfit critics, but they don’t ruin Lolita for everyone else, they don’t step beyond the line. They dont humiliate people to that extent. So I’m wondering….. Why do the western Lolitas think this is okay?? Why do they?? Why do they find enjoyment in tearing each other apart?????????
>Yeah, it’s not gonna be a supportive fashion until Btb gets shut down. Honestly, they’re like the female versions of dudebros, racist and fat shaming slurs galore, coupled with this attitude of “oh well if you don’t like the bullying in Lolita, this is the way it is…” “Just walk away from the computer” like ?!!??!????? Ya shouldn’t be bullying in the first place!!!!!!!
>Just step back from it, and wear Lolita mixed with Harajuku fashions and call it “Harajuku kei” instead, it seems like at this point there’s no use getting involved in the western community when it’s in this mess.
>Looking at all my bubus having fun in Japan and happy for them but internally crying because I’m a single girl who lives in pajamas trying to finish my never ending uni work in Australia. ;O; “Better off Alone” by Alice Deejay starts playing…..
>Btw why hasnt behind the bows got removed yet?? i reckon if we all collectively reported it to livejournal it would get taken down (Laughs maniacally) Now that is the evilest most beautiful thing I can imagine. I should learn how to hack computers so I can take down behind the bows and cgl and wreak havoc (Lolita computer hackers come out now please)
>Looking at pictures of my friends who live in Japan…. sighs heavily SomedayIn response to Kate's post:
>This is awful. Lolitas should never go this far. Be ashamed those who continue to bully because it’s “the norm” in Lolita. No… It’s not the norm. Japanese Lolita’s don’t act like it’s the norm, the fashion came from Japan. So why should you? This girl is clearly trying to get a handle on the bullying in this community, you know the rampant racism, fat shaming, that sort of stuff…. You know what, you guys are as bad as those gamergate fedora wearers. There. I said it. No. 94634
>>94629She is saying she KNOWS there is no drama in the Japanese lolita community. Cuz you know, being a white Australian who isn't really a lolita and all, she surely knows.
I didn't even c/p all of the posts where she states this, there are more.
No. 94716
>>94701You can try, but I second
>>94709 and I think they're just gonna throw the email in the trash and go back to sucking cocks.
No. 94865
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>>94577Oh lord… I see Sugar-honey-iced-tea all the damn time on my tumblr because she reblogs all my original content and follows me. I thought she was somewhat popular but I had no idea she was like that lol. Not surprised tbh
No. 94866
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>Wonderfinches opinion
No. 94867
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>>94778What the fuck is with 4chan. We have comm drama threads all the times, whats the difference with LACE drama?? Who's dick is Kate sucking to get all this censorship about LACE
No. 94902
>>94701>>94709>>94716It wont do anything to help. The reason this all happened was around the time Dakota threads were in full swing, we were getting tons and tons of trolls from /r9k/ /fit/ and occasionally /v/ doing the
>So this is the grill board hurrrrrthing. Which everyone on /cgl/ always fell for, because for some reason it's the easiest board to troll ever.
People complained about it a ton, both on board and in emails, which got Moot personally involved, and he basically said
>I haven't even been on this board in years and years but I know what the userbase wants and that's a complete ban on PT/Dakota threads, for that matter I'm banning drama completely.And then Spoony called him out on being a shit and everyone on /cgl/ shit on her and sucked his dick as he ruined the board.
The end.
No. 94914
>>94913IMO I see drama and personal vendetta there alllllll the time, they just have some weird criteria for which drama gets banned. Or, kate has mod friends, or, a mod or two support LACE?
Anyway it's a shame, since I know no one wants a bunch of 4channers flooding here but there aren't many places to talk about LACE anonymously that can be advertised, which I feel is the only way you can do it without getting TONS of hate. A few girls I follow on tumblr are expressing their skepticism in very diplomatic ways and are just getting trolly anons in return.
No. 94920
inb4 Spoony starts WKing herself
No. 94984
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>>94434I'm going to post this this to BtB to bring more people here since the threads keep getting deleted. Hopefully it won't be rejected since it's technically advertising for another community. I didn't see that as one of the rules but you never know.
No. 95005
>>94577Man I remember when she finally took a fashion class and got critiqued or st, she made a post along the lines of "FASHION IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN WAHH"
I'll look for it, but it's hilarious to see people who are sheltered by tumblr get a taste of reality.
No. 95091
>>95044If it gets rejected hopefully the admin will give us a good reason. If it's rejected I say we comment on all the other lace secrets and tell people to come here.
I personally found out about lolcow when someone on cgl posted about it in response to another anon that was wondering what PT was up to. They didn't post the url, they just said to look up lolcow so I guess it went under the radar.
No. 95099
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No. 95101
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>>95088Some anon did some sleuthing a while back and found out the identity of one of the janitors. She's just a gross fat girl with terrible cosplays. Pic related.
No. 95105
>>95101oh fucking kek
she looks nasty
No. 95109
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I honestly feel so bad for all the girls posing for this stupid shit. Literally all LACE has done so far is create a hashtag
No. 95117
>>95109It's not even a good hashtag since it's cluttered up with normalfag posts: is another tag being used but I don't think it's the "official" one or whatever: No. 95251
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>>94400>>94996And there goes the LACE thread
No. 95641
>>95637On the one hand it'd be nice if LACE turned out to be a new community. LJ is pretty dead, and facebook and tumblr aren't reall great platforms. But I doubt this would happen.
I also still wonder -
who the fuck needs this? Sure, the internet can be mean, but where are all these tons and tons of poor bullied Lolitas?? I have been in this fashion for over two years and I've never experienced bullying. Neither did most of my friends and my comm. Sure there are some mean comments on cgl and btb, but that's not really "bullying" and will happen anyway. It's not like we all went to war and are now traumatised and constantly need a "safe space" and therapy and counselling and are
triggered by fucking everything.
No. 96965
>>95730Ahem. "Online certified professionals"! Which is even worse, what the fuck. Some vindictive bitch can make a fake profile/shit and become the ~professional counselor~ and once she grabs all the secrets she can, she just makes a big fucking BTB or /cgl/ or lolcow post about it.
I know Kate wants to 'stop bullying guize! just cause I had a loud poop doesn't mean you can comment on ittttt; bawwww' but what in the hell is this going to solve? Or even do? She's talking about counseling a bunch of tumblr-lolitas and e-famous lolita's followers about something that is a part of everyday society? Yes. Bullying happens. It happens in school, in work, with friends, and yes, on the damn internet. You can't solve problems like that; it's like the world all good instead of having it's flaws. If everything is good and fine and a perfect utopia, then I mean; what are we striving for next?
Whatever. Fuck LACE. Fuck the poophoot. Fuck people that think that things like this will be able to be changed- if you take away all the flaws/problems and create a hugbox, you've taken away the freedoms of the people; I mean, to get right down to it.
No. 98418
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Milkyfawn confirming that the LACE brigade has some crazies within.
No. 98781
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>>94398I wish something would fucking happen with this so we could get another parody.
(from supercarly64's tumblr)
No. 98865
>>98463Rumors about some crazy chick apparently going after other people (I guess in the Sydney comm?) despite being an advocate for LACE?
Sorry, I'm the worst at context. Found this on cgl. If I find out anything else I'll post it.
No. 100068
>>100048Nah all we know is she's in it because she said so on RC:U. I used to really admire her and now I'm side-eyeing her pretty hard. She claimed she was "so over" all of the drama of Lolita and that she was leaving–but she's stuck around and has even joined the most drama-fueled campaign atm.
You can be against bullying and not support LACE? The two aren't mutually exclusive. I get that people don't want flack from the efamous chicks and their armies of weird followers, but being afraid to speak up against LACE just shows how futile and stupid the movement is.
No. 100592
>>100068I'm a part of LACE but I'm only there for the drama but I just looked through the member list and MF, LB and AP are not there so they must of left / got kicked out??
I PM'd MF about LACE and tl;dr said she was added to it out of nowhere and doesn't support it because it's negatively run which explains why she's trying to divert conversation about it in threads. I think she's just trying to cover her friends asses but she should of just kept quiet.
No. 100738
>>100592She's being kind of an ass lately, judging from her little secret LACE tower and lurking /cgl/. If she didn't want to be apart of the group, she could've just dropped it and left. If she would've explained, people would've understood. Besides, why does she care about lolita drama and bullying if she's no longer a lolita? I don't buy her story at all.
To me she wanted to be in it for purely selfish reasons. She was an iconic lolita that was "bullied" so they must all sympathize to that and helped her. She talks on both /cgl/ the drama central for lolita and is in the heart of LACE, the anti-"bullying" icon. Apparently she likes neither and shows support to neither. She has no idea how to fix things herself so should stop being a hypocrite.
I also kind of hate how she threw other iconic lolitas under the bus saying they don't know even what they're doing and LACE is negative. I don't care much/know anything about GH and the others, but at least many are somewhat sincere and do seem super overwhelmed. MF is just a non-lolita critic on the sidelines who is team nobody. She should stay quiet and actually do what she says: Leave the fashion.
No. 100883
>>100882 again.
What I forgot to sum up is that Kate seems very thirsty for efame and validation and LACE is just another way for her to get herself known just like how she possibly friends popular people to make herself known.
No. 100899
>>100882I think I know who you are~ do you have dark hair and take outfit pics in your room? I think you're cute!
No. 101728
>>101655Im saying maybe she felt obligated after Pixie locks announced it without her permission. Kate probably didn't think it was going to explode in "popularity" like it did.
But anyways its all just a crazy theory, it was mostly a thought I had randomly last night. Just wanted to know what other farmers thought about this.
No. 101918
>>101367didn't kate's poop story come after LACE was founded though? Something's weird about the timing
1- LACE begins, Jillian uploads the video
2- Secrets are out (only way I knew about LACE at first)
3- poop anon on cgl
4- Kate releases statement about the poop
5- next batch of secrets
6- suddenly it's because of death threats
No. 101960
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>>101956Oh wow its so hard to tell. I dont know what date Jill uploaded her video specifically since she bawleted it, but the secrets from that week are so close to the poop stories date.
But then why would kate say she had a bad encounter in the washroom?
No. 101984
>>101956I'm pretty certain it did
because I remember reading her toilet adventure story and thinking 'wait so she's talking about the poop thread? Because that's the closest thing I can think of…'
I wonder if this spot of the internet is safe from Kate
No. 108321
More SHIT (Sugar Honey Iced Tea) hilarity:
For a bit of background, she got posted to BTB and has been shitting up her tumblr since.
>I mean, I’m even angrier when it’s my friend. Like pick on me, I’ll get mad, pick on me AND my friends. Bad move. Run. While you still have legs. I have a message for them: We will come after you and it will burn.
>If it wasn’t for the little things like being recognised by one of the shop girls working in AP in Tokyo and she complimented me ;U; or winning an award in fashion school based on my collection, stuff like that. Idk… Yeah I guess my success when I wear It far outweighs what they say.
>Im almost afraid of the repercussions when I live in Japan after I graduate.
>There was just comments made on my aspergers again that really weren’t warranted. Nobody can tell me what my aspergers can or can’t do to me. It’s disgusting and it’s not anyone’s place to comment. I’m actually quite sensitive about it and I would prefer if people only talk about my disability in a positive light.
>Even in primary school the kids were nice about my disability, the teacher just gave everyone a talk about how I had Aspergers and to be kind and accommodating to me. And even the saying goes, kids are cruel, well they were perfectly kind and understanding after that. So if even kids know better than to make disparaging comments about someone’s disability, EVEN CHILDREN KNOW BETTER THAN THAT.
>And they’re being ableist again regarding my disability. Lovely.
She seems to think people are making fun of her for her "disability" when no, people (myself included) are clearly stating it's the fact she excuses herself from doing shitty, bitching things BECAUSE of having aspergers that people are calling her out on. You can't be a complete bitch, shit talk people until the end of time, and then go "but it was just my aspergers gaiz be accommodating to me forgive meeeeee."
No. 108652
>>108504Welcome to s-h-i-t's world, it is a mix of the most lulzworthy and the most infuriating personal updates/ commentary you will ever see.
>>108338S-h-i-t was dating her now ex boyfried online, then they broke up. Then he and capsulebunny started going out IRL. The breakup was completely civil, but s-h-i-t and capsulebunny were kind of e-friends beforehand which sent s-h-i-t into a completely insane rage and she slandered the absolute crap out of capsulebunny on her tumblr for I think at least a year, saying HOW DARE SHE blablabla.
Capsulebunny was getting tons of anon hate for dating s-h-i-t's ex, and one day s-h-i-t messaged her and was all "hey those anons weren't me I would never do that" and the supposedly "made up" but capsulebunny most likely wanted to feign a friendship again just to avoid s-h-i-t's vindictive slander, because dayum she bitched about her up and down for ages.
I am not sure if s-h-i-t told capsulebunny she would be uncomfortable that they dated, nor if capsulebunny asked s-h-i-t if it would be okay, nor do I know how long s-h-i-t and her ex were broken up before he started dating capsulebunny or how long he was dating s-h-i-t beforehand. But he can capsulebunny are still together as far as I know, still IRL.
Regardless, s-h-i-t publicized their drama and slandered capsulebunny to her "10000+ followerz!!!!!" and really took some nasty jabs at her. I don't know of/follow capsulebunny at all so I do not know her lol-levels but the fact that s-h-i-t was trying to stew all that hate against her was really nasty when, again as far as I know, her and her ex broke up cleanly and there was no cheating, nor were she and capsulebunny THAT close.
Now, she gloats on her tumblr that they are super chummy again and when anons point out "Um… all that shit you said about her tho?" she goes into another ragefest about how she handled everything was all due to her aspergers and they are besties again and anons should STAY OUT OF IT BECAUSE IT'S NOT THEIR BUZNESS… yet she was the one who made it everyone's business by posting all that shit in the first place.
S-h-i-t is super thirsty too, she often reblogs e-famous fashion tumblr girls or e-famous girls living in japan's pictures and adds in comments going WOW and then something that makes it about her. She really needs to just gtfo the internet since she permanently has both feet in her mouth.
No. 115245
>One of my housemates is having a birthday party and all of the people I have nothing in common with and I attempted to socialise but ended up just drinking too much and passing out in a chair then going back to my room and taking off my makeup and going to bed because don’t often talk with upper middle class 20yr olds xD and… To be honest wasn’t interesting at all and I was kinda expecting that, now I just drank too much for no good reason because I thought I might be more social x3 I hate being social….not even all the alcohol could get me through that one… Sighs. Going to bed.The cringe is strong with this one.
No. 145292
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>>115245I heard she's got kicked out of fashion school, after all these secrets on Btb where she stated no-one could call her out on her special snowflake coordinates because she's studying fashion therefore she knows everything. The fact she supports LACE but then cyber bullied capsule-bunny for the longest time then tried to cover it with autism is sick.
After she went to Japan and tried to get a leg over every azn and post about it on Her blog, she's now trying to marry her way in with some loser in Australia.
It seems like she will do anything to get to her glorious Nippon. Her face looks like shit so no wonder that other guy ran a mile from her.
No. 145429
>>145292Horseface looks way more ugly
Her guy doesn't have a good taste
No. 145756
>>145429I love horse face being thrown around :D
Really highlights the vendetta-chans.
No. 145816
>>108652That's not entirely correct.
Elizabeth (S-H-I-T) was still dating gaijin hunter Leo when she found out he was actually dating capsule bunny. Idek if he tried to break up with Elizabeth before he started dating katie but that's what started her mental breakdown.
That aside, she's a total lolcow. She deserved her own thread, anything that happens she flails the 'autism' card like a special snowflake. She whores her friendship with Mannon and will ignore you if you aren't an ~e celeb~ like her.
Also claimed katie and her friends harrased her when she was in Japan, But somehow kept running into her despite her aparent efforts to avoid the man stealer. It's all BSD. She admitted to her bullshittery but don't ever call her out because AUTISM.
No. 145821
>>145816katie tried to put her tons of fb friends against elizabeth. not ok
katie acts like she is an angel. but she is not better
No. 146019
>>145879I kind of feel like this is s-h-i-t just talking to herself over and over.
Shit admitted to making the secret about Cbs boyfriend cheating on her…and there was no evidence to suggest anything bad has happened in their relationship.
There were also screenshots posted by CBs boyfriend, before he got with CB, telling shit to leave him alone and he wasn't interested.
The only person saying otherwise is shit, even though she apologized to CB about this in public, blaming her autism.
Shit admitted cyber bullying CB, and making her tumblr followers attack her, pretending CBs boyfriend was dating her and posting months of vile posts about them. Like she admitted it on Tumblr with the rest of the verbal diarrhea she shits out.
No. 147147
Her designs aren't bad but they're not original. She copies AP, which is fair enough but to really sell it as a product, people would rather buy AP so there's no market.
No. 153086
File: 1438897013600.gif (844.8 KB, 245x200, tumblr_inline_nl4trwMlDi1qjn4a…)

>>153082The way she applies her make up…
No. 153096
>>153082This bitch though.
I respect what lolita means to her, but she's being a huge edgelord with her sad poses and the "Welcome to my twisted mind" schtick. Please stop, you're not a rebel, just a weirdo in frilly clothes like the rest of us.
No. 153496
>>153082Why is it that
so many girls that dress in lolita look so damn frumpy or ugly without the giant wigs or 50 kilos of makeup?
No. 153685
File: 1438948868392.jpg (138.79 KB, 640x762, image.jpg)

I can deal with the constant shit talking she does, but what's up with her mouth?!
She looks haggard. How old is she?
At a guess I would put her at 28-30
No. 154800
File: 1439087561062.png (39.33 KB, 546x495, 83tAzL4.png)

I wish she would post what city she is in.
No. 155089
>>154979Nor can Japanese doctors… what is a mystery!!!!
She should probably have her own thread TBH, there is so much drama on her.
No. 155859
>>155818Hi, actual health professional here! Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that it can only be diagnosed when any other possible cause of the symptoms has been ruled out. Occasionally the diagnosis is applied to someone with a rare autoimmune disorder that is difficult to detect, but most often, the patient's issue is depression and a generally poor lifestyle (shitty diet, shitty job, overweight/obesity). Most doctors consider it a somaticized form of depression - minor aches and pains are amplified and obsessed over because the patient's mood is shitty. It is generally treated with antidepressants and exercise. The use of narcotic pain medication is discouraged.
tl;dr it's a mental disorder not a physical one
No. 157005
File: 1439344314075.png (41.75 KB, 419x181, Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 1.33…)

Kate selfposts to /cgl/ to stir up shit about herself. The "original poster" claims to be a friend who Kate sent the pic to via chat, but chat compresses images more than regular FB so it is a load of bullshit.
No. 157103
>>157080 is where it starts.
>>157085Facebook reduces the file size of images posted to it. Anyone posting a larger file size than the one posted to FB would have to have access to the original.
Someone claims that it was sent to them by Kate in an imgur album and that they posted it, but would not provide the actual proof of this. Also it makes no sense, as someone so close to Kate that she is asking their opinion would not be posting her, nor would they be asking if she was wearing shironuri (as they could just ask her themselves).
No. 157118
>>157085When you post a picture onto facebook, it is automatically reduced (i.e compressed) to a shitter resolution. Kate posted a file onto /cgl/ with a file size double the size than the standard facebook image is compressed into.
Therefore it can be derived that the image posted onto /cgl/ was the original image.
Meaning that Kate who has access to the original image must have posted it herself.
Someone came in after that was pointed out claiming that she was Kate's friend and was the one that posted it on facebook. Although when you send an image via facebook messenger it also compresses the image.
She then claimed it to be sent to her via imgur, and provided a direct link, but that did not prove anything since no time stamp could be seen unless she were to post the link to the album.
It is also fishy because the person claiming to be "her friend" that posted her on /cgl/ asked if Kate was wearing shironuri which is weird because if she was a friend, why wouldn't she just ask?
Thus it can only be Kate who posted herself on /cgl/, unless otherwise proven wrong.
This can also lead to a whole array of questions to whether she self posts a lot or if she started up the LACE drama herself to gain attention, etc ..
No. 157932
File: 1439426619134.png (4.03 MB, 6436x2504, 1tY30Pu.png)

>>157546Alright then…
Although it's totally not like you couldn't just click the link. You have to open this image in a new window to be able to read it properly anyway…
No. 167277
>>167246I wondered from the start why she got so much hate, it seemed quite unwarranted and made no sense. People would make threads about her and stuff, the janitors delete them quickly but you still see them for a while.
There are plenty more irritating fame hungry lolitas that are way more annoying than her so it makes no sense that she was singled out.
I've been questioning this shit ever since she started getting popular.
No. 167310
File: 1440295416925.png (27.31 KB, 300x330, Screen shot 2015-08-22 at 7.00…)

>>167297But she can't do makeup… What the fuck… I'm just so blown away. Wow.
No. 167340
>>167305>Sweet Rebel, shot in verite style, provides a firsthand look at how dressing Lolita both empowers Kate and inspires many, including strangers, around her. By the same token, the documentary examines why Kate, due to her perception of physical and psychological issues, such as, respectively, chronic illness and diminished self-esteem, believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita. >tfw non-lolitas will think we're out of touch with reality and batshit
> DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT - My desire to direct Sweet Rebel emerges from a longstanding interest in women's empowerment in today's society.For me, Sweet Rebel represents a new and intriguing opportunity to present a visually compelling and creative mode of this empowerment, namely Lolita fashion, to the public that is largely unfamiliar with it.>tfw tumblr "feminist" will run even more rampant in this fashionSo inspiring,t-thanks Kate.
No. 167349
File: 1440298434243.jpg (15.67 KB, 140x156, 1332486196395.jpg)

>>167340>the documentary examines why Kate, due to her perception of physical and psychological issues, such as, respectively, chronic illness and diminished self-esteem, believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita. >psychological issues>chronic illnessDoes this woman have a doctor? What the fuck she needs medical help, not a documentary.
No. 167354
File: 1440299456862.jpg (106.48 KB, 640x640, 11925854_944591358934615_19668…)

>old school
No. 167371
>>167354sweet fucking christ that face
that expression
what the fuck has she been smoking
No. 167372
Aspects of the "Profile of a Sociopath" from here:>Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." >Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. >A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core.>When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. >Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. >Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.>Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them.>Seeks out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired.>Extreme narcissism and grandiose.Kate literally says she "can't feel warmth" in the trailer. She came out of nowhere into the lolita community buying up a ton of a brand and now thinks she should be an Ambassador. I have no idea where she gets her money or what she even does with her life besides go around the world to promote herself. I'm actually worried about her, she's clearly not mentally sound.
No. 167377
File: 1440302052075.jpg (133.44 KB, 657x609, image.jpg)

>>167310>$750Or as a cheap alternative, Peacockfeather's videos can be viewed on YouTube free of charge!
No. 167399
>>167340>>167349>believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita. Wait- what? I truly can't decide whether to laugh or cry at the absurdity of that statement.
I agree. If this is true, she should really be putting that money towards a good therapist and possibly medication rather than using her mental instability as a stepping stone to garner misplaced admiration and become 'an international Lolita spokesperson'.
No. 167407
>>94445This is my favorite gif!
(Which Will Smith movie is it from again?)
No. 167408
>>167406You might be onto something.
>>167399Yeah, that's….what. Really sad.
No. 167414
>>167409I don't see a reason for her to have one, honestly. She may be big in lolita, but she honestly is 100% irrelevant literally everywhere else. What's funny to us isn't especially amusing to people outside lolita. Does Kate even really do other fashion styles besides that Tumblr hipster look?
Once she makes a movie and if it becomes something that piques normie interest, then an entry might actually make sense, but even then, like
>>167413 is saying, she wants all the hate she can get. She's the Anita of Lolita, basically.
It's so funny how in writing this, I realize how little e-fame Kate really has.
No. 167654
>>167408It makes perfect sense really.
Whenever someone gets posted to cgl, typically one of two things happen:
1. Their friends don't say a word to the person because they don't want to out themselves for going on 4chan and/or don't think it's worth the person knowing for a variety of reasons. (Person is sensitive, person wouldn't care but also wouldn't want to know, person has a lot going on right now, whatever.)
2. They know the person won't give a shit and tell them because none of them give a shit about each other going on gossip sites.
Typically the first option is picked in regards to well known/e-famous lolitas OR when you don't know how the person feels about 4chan.
I find it hard to believe that Kate is friends with tons of people on Facebook who are/associate with seagulls. Especially when she makes it clear how OMGTERRIBLE these places are… why the fuck is she friends with soooooo many people on Facebook of all places with people who seem to know what is happening on gossip sites?
Plus the way she wrote
>>94422 sounds really severe:
>cruel and horrifying thingsWhen actually it wasn't cruel or horrifying at all initially. One anon posted the story and no one really gave it much attention iirc. But then some anon(s) kept bringing it up again and again (Kate?) in future threads and mocking her about it started to spread. But the flow didn't happen as naturally as most hate, it seemed kind of forced?
Idk, since it was proven she self-posts just to stir up hate for herself, I think everyone should be suspicious about all of her "haters" because it could very well just have been her all the time. What a perfect opportunity to get e-fame, bullying is often met with sympathy and those who want to "do things to better a community" are initially met with admiration.
Kate made it clear she has social issues in her documentary and hints strongly at psychological ones, so all in all this whole hate brigade sounds completely fabricated to me.
It's the perfect plan for fame and to make a foundation for people to like her.
After all, people sympathize with those who get bullied for no real reason. Since she never had a huge public downfall, it's harder for people to believe she deserves the hate when she "has done nothing nothing wrong and is totes a nice girl gaiz."
But IMO her self-posting proved everything and she should really be exposed for what she is: a lying fame hungry shit-stirrer.
No. 167738
>>167354Dear god in heaven, why can't she buy another wig
Why does she continue to wear this choppy bang wig, the bang doesn't even stay flat to her forehead. It looks shit and if she loves it so much, is she aware that she curl the bangs to make them look more natural and less like the hair of a cabbage patch doll?
No. 167788
>>167674Yeah… people actually agreed to stop talking about Kate in the cringe thread, yet there is MORE Kate drama. I don't want to hear about the stupid gofundme anymore. I wish whoever it is would just stop posting it.
>>167749yep. She posted an image that only she would have had access too.
No. 167809
>>167788It's getting sad now. Nobody wants to talk shit about her any more so she's bringing herself up to feel special that people hate her.
"Oh no… There's another Lolcow in town getting more hate then me. SO HEY GUYS WHAT ABOUT KATE'S NEW OUTFIT HOW TERRIBLE HUH??? HAHAHA I HAVE SO MANY HATERZ"
No. 167916
File: 1440367606742.jpg (133.84 KB, 640x1048, image.jpg)

>>167788>>167809This is just in: /cgl/ is actually begging for people to stop bringing up Kate.
Kate if you're reading this, (and let's face it since she lurks god damn everywhere she is) just stop.
Nobody cares anymore so stop self-posting.
No. 167998
>>167916ugh and someone just posted a random picture of her in the great coords thread.
I wonder if it is her at this point or if someone has a massive vendetta.
No. 168040
I can totally picture it. I never really participated in any of the Kate discussions, but now I wish I had because it would be so hilarious to see one of my posts in the video.
No. 168072
>>168067Oh, weird. No I just saw it in the CoF thread, it's the only one I really check anymore (that and the aliexpress thread)
>>168068That's what I suspected. Everyone I've spoken to off-cgl about that coord agrees that it fails as old school and in general is just not good, I was really puzzled as to why so many people were defending it
No. 168074
File: 1440379015296.png (592 KB, 630x571, katereally.PNG)

Omfg it's kate. This picture was literally uploaded today. If you seen this picture uploaded today it was fucking kate.
No. 168078
>>168076She posted it in every fucking thread to try and bait people into saying shit.
News flash: If you have to bait people into talking shit about you, you're not popular.
No. 168095
File: 1440380740647.png (56.54 KB, 343x174, lmfaokate.PNG)

lmao she did it again folks.
No. 168116
File: 1440382259371.png (617.89 KB, 510x607, lmfaokatediditagain.PNG)

I saved the pic from fb. opened it in paint im lmfao she did it a fucking gain
No. 168124
>>168114The full quality picture on fb is 480x480 pixels. The one you posted is a larger size than that.
Both of the images are posted with the same name, implying that they came from the same source.
Someone either has a huge vendetta or Kate is an idiot.
No. 168128
>>168124Hand to jebus, I saved it to my iphone and then put it on cgl from my phone
No. 168131
>>168128That is irrelevant. When files are uploaded to Facebook, their quality is reduced because Facebook doesn't want the file taking up server space. The uploaded image is automatically smaller than the original. There is no way you would have the full sized one because Facebook wouldn't store it.
This has to be the dumbest logic ever.
If you really aren't Kate, post a timestamped picture of your face (or part of it) so we can see that you aren't the same chick.
No. 168138
>>168131I'm just saying, that's what I did. I'm not posting my face on here, are you crazy
I just downloaded the image again from facebook to my phone and emailed it to myself, sure enough it's 1MB
No. 168150
File: 1440383403669.png (137.57 KB, 594x438, stop.png)

>>168138If you really are not Kate, just don't fucking post pictures of her anywhere. You should be smarter than that.
No. 168152
>>168147If you have an iphone, try it yourself. Press and hold over the image and save it and email it to yourself and see what the file size is
>>168150Oh sorry for posting a picture from CoF in the CoF thread, how stupid of me
No. 168155
>>168152Don't play cute with me. If you're bitchy enough to post random coordinates to /cgl/ with a rude comment, you're bitchy enough to follow her drama and know she was caught selfposting. Have you not seen everyone agreeing not to post about her or post her pictures because she's probably been producing her own drama? Are you fucking retarded?
Also why the fuck are you saving an image on your phone and then emailing it to yourself, that shows nothing. I'm assuming the image.jpg is the default saved image file for iphone when uploading to 4chan, meaning you uploaded from your phone. So why are you talking about emailing yourself?
Just upload that same pic here from your phone, the same exact one you posted to /cgl/.
No. 168158
File: 1440383785679.png (24.03 KB, 136x90, Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 2.32…)

>>168143This file has a different name than the one that was posted, which means your phone saves it under a different name from the first image.jpg that was posted.
You are not the same one who posted it on 4chan.
Nice try though.
Posting proof with timestamp is easy, you hide your face with the time stamp and just let a feature like facial structure (mouth/nose) prove that you are not Kate. Example included proves I look nothing like Kate - all you need to do is this, including a piece of paper with the date written on it covering your face.
No. 168160
>>168155You can see that the filename is different in anons example.
We can't see where a file is uploaded from here so anon could easily post the image from the original thread and ~claim~ it came from her phone, when it actually didn't.
No. 168162
File: 1440384096401.jpg (1.05 MB, 2000x2000, image.jpg)

>>168155Are you seriously trying to act high and might when you post on lolcow lol. Fuck you. I was curious about what other opinions would be on the coord so I posted it to the relevant thread. And yea I think the cord is bad, so the fuck what.
I was demonstrating that the file size was 1mb when downloaded from fb to my phone. But here you go.
No. 168164
>>168162What you don't realize is that literally nobody has the same specs as you, but you. Anon
>>168159Tried it and the pic has 37kb. Iphone downsizes the file sizes as well.
No. 168165
File: 1440384332912.jpg (1.41 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg)

>>168162Here's a time stamp
No. 168167
>>168163Rofl are you seriously trying the "get a life" line on me
No. 168176
I'm black
Kate isn't black
How is this not enough proof
No. 168181
File: 1440384935673.png (27.69 KB, 106x146, Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 2.54…)

>>168176>>168173Skin color can EASILY be darkened due to light or camera settings.
Facial structure can also be changed but is much harder. Literally just post part of your chin. I'll give you another example. In this photo you can clearly see my jawline is different from Kates.
That is all you need to do, with timestamp. And we won't bug you more to prove you aren't Kate.
No. 168198
>>168190wow, it really isn't Kate.
Good job.
And see, nobody knows who you are still.
Now to prove that you can get full sized images from FB using your phone, take this current CoF coord and post it here to show that your phone posts the full size: and /pt/ need proof because we are anonymous boards so all credibility is lost when you post here. It's a pain in the butt, but if you want to clear Kates name then this is how you do it.
No. 168200
File: 1440385621544.jpg (464.78 KB, 900x900, 73492304.jpg)

Downloaded the pic from her girlyhoot facebook page which was posted 3 hours ago and it's 2000x2000.
No. 168208
>>168200On her page it was posted 3 hours ago. Someone posted it to /cgl/ 9 hours ago. Try again.
PS it's the file size not the image size.
No. 168226
File: 1440386980363.jpg (194.92 KB, 960x960, test.jpg)

If you click the file and open the full image in a new window, then save it. This happens. (I cant see the image sizes on my computer so I have to upload them here, don't know what is going to show up)
No. 168228
File: 1440387049364.jpg (56.76 KB, 960x634, grefdasx2tbewvfcad.jpg)

>>168226960x960 is the largest image size available on FB of this photo.
When I do the same thing with
>>168202 I get whatever the file size is here.
No. 168229
>>168228>>168226That is strange.
Anon is correct, she gets larger image sizes. Weird…
No. 168250
File: 1440388687643.png (14.51 KB, 514x101, sr.png)

No. 168495
File: 1440436205210.png (609.95 KB, 1708x3688, 1440419126973.png)

No. 168514
File: 1440438340231.jpg (61.61 KB, 750x571, image.jpg)

No. 168562
>>168560How do you guys actually know she's lying? How do you know for sure she's doing the selfposting?
I'm just playing devil's advocate. How can you be confident of samefagging or selfposting on an anon board?
No. 168565
>>168556Calm down there, webMD.
She does seem to have some sort of issue, like being unable to NOT post about everything on social media.
No. 168726
>>168650Yeah. All evidence of selfposting provided in this thread so far has been debunked, or at least not been convincing. Like
>>168229She does have a victim complex, but accusing her of posting hate comments, or comment-baiting pictures, regarding herself on /cgl/ with no solid evidence is really reaching. People always jump to conclusions.
No. 168954
File: 1440475501722.png (268.7 KB, 1800x1400, 1431285296468.png)

>>168928Here's the caps of when she scammed someone and a link to the thread it was posted in. It's a shame the names are blocked out, though. No. 168966
>>168963Not only possible, but likely. The anon provided pretty solid proof of how they were getting the larger picture, and it seems probable they were the one who posted it on /cgl/.
I think there's absolutely no evidence she was selfposting. I'm not trying to defend her as a person, just, accusations like that shouldn't be made on shaky grounds.
No. 169857
File: 1440611391867.gif (22.99 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mjfznj0GEe1s4rsh8o1_500…)

>>169833Na, you should act like you really admire her so she will let you follow her around all weekend. Befriend her, gain her trust, and then get her to open up about herself. Then come back here afterwards and give us all the lulzy deets. This will ultimately be more satisfying.
Some tips:
>Wear brand but don't wear anything that would outshine her. >Let her see you surrounded by comm members in a way that makes you seem like you're an influential/important group member.>Be prepared to approach her first because she's really really introverted.>Have a mental list of conversation topics prepared because let's face it, she's kind of a dull person and not good and keeping conversation flowing.Good luck anon! Let us know how it goes!
No. 170093
File: 1440629885623.gif (1.61 MB, 500x415, 300929-120.gif)

>>169833Only if you plan to film it and upload it here for our amusement.
No. 171137
>>168966Yeah, but then why did the anon-friend go about saying how Kate "sent it to her first" or how it was uploaded on IMGUR?
Too much backpedaling.
No. 173436
>>172957>an average rating of 1/5 starsKek
Stay classy, Kate
No. 173440
>>94399>if you cannot keep drama out of threads dedicated strictly to drama, then no more threads strictly related to drama will be allowedlolwut
I complained about /cgl/'s shit mods to the feedback section a little while ago. I feel like if more people did, they might actually do something about them.
No. 173477
>>94400>PEOPLE TOOK PICTURES OF ME IN PUBLIC AND THEN SENT THEM WITH DEATH THREATS TO MY TUMBLR!!I don't believe this now for the sole reason that IF this were true, we all KNOW Kate would have been screencapping these pictures with the threats and plastering them all over the place to prove just how insidious bullying is. She's done it with threads about her on /cgl/ recently, so why not those? Oh right, because they're NONEXISTENT.
>>172957The dumb agent who hired her to do it needed some shock value in order to gain attention to their shitty apartments. Kate was just the right kind of attention whore to agree to do it.
No. 173545
File: 1441219351155.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-09-02-14-39-45…)

>>173543fuck image dropped
No. 178064
File: 1441920748251.png (88.35 KB, 545x468, Screen Shot 2015-09-10 at 22.3…)

How much longer is girlytoot going to draw this out for? It's been months, we should have some vague inkling of what LACE is meant to be about by now.
No. 178287
>>178208If you want her to fade away, why are you talking about her?
>>178064What do you mean she has to explain what her group is meant to be about? Can't she just throw up a vague NO BULLY PLS idea and act like she's doing a service to the world without any criticism or second-guessing?
No. 180146
File: 1442343873337.png (127.03 KB, 1079x436, 20150915_150208.png)

It's coming…
No. 180212
>>178064What does exploitation even mean in regards to lolita? Has a lolita literally ever been exploited? Has she ever answered this? It doesn't really make sense when speaking about the community.
Lolitas against bullying makes more sense, but LAB just isn't cute enough, I guess.
No. 181040
>>180962Aaaaand the angry butthurt comments have begun.
munches popcornFahrlight is such a pussy. "Not trying to insult you" lmfao
No. 181109
File: 1442605279863.gif (967.45 KB, 500x230, Sashay_Away.gif)

>>180962>fahrlight defending kateGirl, what are you doin'
No. 181145
File: 1442612186191.gif (215.06 KB, 258x167, hvdy.gif)

>>181109Fahr kissing ass?
No. 181191
>>180962The original.
Its even more cringey since it meant to be taken seriously. So did Kate actually contact someone to make her documentary or did they go to her and ask if they could make it?
No. 183339
File: 1442696492410.jpg (21.58 KB, 289x292, image.jpg)

>>183285I don't believe so, but a guy who says he made the Sweet Rebel trailer posted in the comments
>mfw even the guy who made the trailer thinks the parody is spot-on No. 183389
>>183339>>183376I don't think the creator gives two fucks about Kate's heartwarming "message". He just knows that this documentary will gain some attention due to Lolita drama, Kate's thirst for efame and normies being all over this shit because "this promotes pedophilia" and other bullshit.
I could also imanige he just wanted to make a documentary about some weirdly dressed girl, and Kate went into full retarded mode later and the directo rhad no choice but to finish this anyway and laugh off his butt.
No. 183410
File: 1442707869214.png (36.75 KB, 829x357, ss (2015-09-19 at 05.11.05).pn…)

>>181191Some of these comments haha
>also gtfo Himezawa No. 183423
>>183413god that was the edgiest neckbeard shit ive ever heard
i hope they use that funding campaign money to buy kate a fedora and a trenchcoat
>I don't care what people think! When you stop caring what people think you'll be truly happy!!! I like being alone!!!is this seriously coming from the same documentary where she also bitches about how sad and lonely and insecure edgy desu snowflake she is? Let's play a game: guess the size of Kate's ego
No. 183431
>>183428>>183428Kek. I love how she starts off with describing how she eats food as a means of contemplating life.
She's like the new Victoria Suzanne.
No. 183441
>>183413>I eat slowly, sometimes I do tasks slowlySometimes I think slowly
>The future. Death.cuts to her staring sadly out the window in a gothic coord
>What is expected of society doesn't really concern meI like how it pans to the normie girl taking a selfie, and then goes back to Kate fanning herself. She's not like the other girls.
>supposed to be getting laid all the timeKate isn't a slut, you guys.
>it's a way of society controlling us TAKE THE RED PILL STAY WOKE EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!
>it makes for a very boring life.She's led such an interesting life filled with lots of adventure, like lost sales comm packages and getting posted to BtB.
>Stop caring about what other people thinkYeah just stand in front of that Banksy graffiti. Btw, what's with all these shots of her just standing around in random places staring off into space?
>doing what you loveThere's that edgy graffiti again.
>I love being aloneOOOOOooooOOO she's a lone wolf she's a strong independent woman who don't need nobody to tell her what to do. Except all those tumblr followers, and her entire comm, and her boyfriend.
>Everyone has the propensity for evilI guess she thinks she's really deep now or something.
>like myself, who are very self interested, self preservingSelf-absorbed.
>the past and a simpler kind of thingDon't fall in that water cunt
>this is goodSEE SHE'S SAVORING LIFE!!!!!!
No. 183708
>>183698"Future is just something that comes with time."
Well, yeah Kate, that's the definition of future.
No. 183861
This needs to go on BtB
No. 184740
File: 1442980845128.jpg (282.8 KB, 2048x1223, 12028911_10153268611550345_864…)

New outfit from Kate.
I'm starting to hate this girl more and more. When she was known as the glasses girl before, I really didn't care and thought seagulls were just being uppity about it. But now she has LACE, being caught self posting, and this terrible documentary under her belt. Shes only efamous from all these stupid stunts and I really doubt she has any actual fans.
No. 184746
>>184743 I swear I got if off CoFs… In the future should I just screen shot the image so its much tinier?
Also would Kate really make that self posting mistake that many times kek
No. 184796
>>184742I don't see any flabby arms
I do wonder why she's doing the peace sign at the fucking pigeon though.
>>184765I almost commented on the pic asking where the larme is
No. 184801
>>184765>>184765Tagged as larme but posts to closet of frills??
The fuck kate
No. 184898
>>184751She look like a blow up doll and other times she looks like she smells shit. So ereganto~
>>184765Don't you know? Pompoms and platforms make something larme. Watch Pixielocks crawl up Kate's asshole over this.
>>184747I have autism as well and I feel the same as you. I find it very hard to deal with people who are so full of themselves and full of shit/liars, etc. I see other people who are okay or choose to turn their cheek and just..why?!
No. 185033
File: 1443057575854.jpg (83.11 KB, 540x360, ew k8 why.jpg)

She tagged this as larme, too… And uchuu kei. I'm now officially convinced she doesn't know what any of these jfashions actually are and is just tagging anything remotely applicable that's trendy enough for her liking.
No. 185083
>>185033I'm being autistic here but even if her alpacasso is legit this photo makes it look like shit
I just have a pet peeve of how so many lolitas that have closets of brand but then have the cheap, hideous alpaca bootlegs.
No. 185102
File: 1443068883491.jpg (24.03 KB, 212x312, 2946327.jpg)

>>185033>>185083>>185101Yeah this alpaca looks like its seen some shit
No. 185135
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No. 185136
File: 1443075905403.jpg (97.63 KB, 499x587, ss (2015-09-23 at 11.24.35).jp…)

What is her sudden obsession with larme? Is she trying to score points with jill or something
No. 185139
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No. 185141
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What is this photo even
No. 185143
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No. 185155
File: 1443077754584.jpg (122.86 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nsijmcs2wp1syqyomo5_500…)

imo kate looks 10x better with the auburn/brown hair than the blonde.
No. 185156
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No. 185158
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No. 185159
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No. 185160
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No. 185161
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No. 185757
>>185737>>185738Kate looks like a lolita attempting to understand Larme. Her makeup is super lolita and way too heavy, as always.
Do these girls not get it's heavily inspired from tumblr's "nymphet fashion"?
No. 185821
File: 1443328573268.png (1.95 MB, 2558x1388, whatthefuckisafoundationbrush.…)

>>185738This is what happens when you apply foundation with your fucking fingers kids.
No. 185822
File: 1443328677899.png (2.21 MB, 2560x1384, eyelinerfuckingeverywhere.png)

>>185738How the hell does she think she's qualified to tell other people how to apply makeup.
No. 185830
is that
like an eyebrow hair or eyelash on her cheek? How does she not notice and fix all that excess foundation and mascara fallout?
How does she watch this and think having closeup detail of her gross face works??
No. 185833
>>185822Her fake lashes were applied a fucking mile from her lash line, holy shit…
I would just not wear makeup at all if I were this bad at it.
This is so embarrassing.
No. 185873
>>185822Wow… My lashes didn't even look that bad when I used fake lashes for the first time. And she is doing that how long now? For two years?
>>185821Using your fingers can work, you just need to have better make up skills than a toddler.
No. 185937
>>185821Wow. Literally the cheapest brush at the drugstore would improve the appearance of that mess. And the lipstick application, OMG. You can still see the liner….
Also how do you edit your video and miss all that? Or does she really think that's acceptable makeup application?
No. 185974
File: 1443382276282.png (801.06 KB, 1366x760, flawless.png)

Ah yes, flawless makeup application Kate
No. 185975
File: 1443382424128.png (789.47 KB, 1366x762, ssss.png)

What the fuck is she doing here? Shes dabbing this stuff into her wig… Is it lip gloss??
No. 185977
File: 1443382502639.png (581.44 KB, 920x540, ssssssss.png)

>the eyebrow hairs
No. 185982
File: 1443382899218.png (627.59 KB, 1366x768, stop plz.png)

No. 186122
File: 1443402485863.jpg (22.62 KB, 543x581, unnamed (1).jpg)

Oh my god, her forehead…
No. 186761
>>186729I know there's been a lot of debate about the whole self-post debacle, but I have a suspicion that she's been using /cgl/ from the very beginning as a stepping stone towards e-fame.
Maybe things were slightly more gradual in reality, but this is just from my perspective; I had never heard of her at all, when suddenly I started seeing this 'glasses girl' consistently popping up in almost all the lolita-related threads on /cgl/ with people posting replies along the lines of "omg is that Kate?" I could be totally wrong, but it would not surprise me in the slightest if she did on /cgl/ more or less what Princess Doll did here.
No. 186765
>>186729I do wear lolita on a fairly regular basis in my everyday life, but not like the coordinates like Kate wears. For me, on a regular day I'll choose a dress that doesn't have too much extra lace or extravagant details, coord it with a fairly simple pair of tights or socks and maybe just some simple pearls or something for accessories.
Obviously lolita is a very 'different' fashion, but I think there's something to be said for dressing appropriately for the occasion. Everyone is entitled to their own personal style of course, but you wouldn't wear an evening gown to an afternoon picnic in the park. I sort of feel like that's what Kate is doing with lolita.
No. 186935
File: 1443527125536.png (1.5 MB, 944x1196, tumblr_nvb30znZQT1syqyomo1_128…)

>>186761Hey anon, OP here from months ago. I'm not Kate but I really just made this thread in the mist of all the LACE drama. I find Kate very frustrating with all the self posting but I think I made this before that was officially outed. I found the whole LACE situation ridiculous and /cgl/ was deleting all the threads about it which was irritating because I wanted a place to be sandy about it.
Although admin-sama probably has better things to do, if they wanted to confirm me OP I give them permission, along with a vague description of my location (which is Canada, not the USA where girly toot lives).
Also I completely agree with you about her /cgl/ endeavers which probably included a ton of self posting to get attention even if it was negative comments. The one thing I dont understand though is that she likely has vert little real fans? You can truly tell from the $1 that was donated to her patreon or whatever the hell it was kek.
>also new picture from her tumblr, wtf No. 187013
>>186993Does anyone have the original fame-chan post? I can't seem to find it in the archives, but you could be right about Kate.
Assuming it was her, it does seem a bit strange that she would wait this long to put her plan into motion, but perhaps she was waiting until she had enough money to buy all the burando she needed and I remember reading somewhere that she got an inheritance from her dad or something?
No. 187042
File: 1443561680893.jpg (14.33 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

>>187007>girlytoot is actually smegeh kekNo anon, Smegeh is/was an anorexic/proana tumblr attention whore who practically disappeared off the face of the internet because she got baker-acted for beating up her then gf. She doesn't post anymore and iirc from when I followed her, she never had any interest in Lolita fashion. (Though I do wonder if her shop still exists.)
Girlyhoot is a fame-hungry Lolita who is constantly posting pictures of herself on Lolita social media sites. I can now see the resemblance in the picture, but they are (as far as I know) two completely different people.
No. 187146
File: 1443591833205.png (359.13 KB, 452x446, ap.png)

Going to dump the earliest pictures I can find of her on the internet in lolita. Will be 2013 - 2014 era
No. 187163
File: 1443592295579.jpg (167.71 KB, 960x670, 10151220_10152134234180345_132…)

>>187162Wow actually really love this outfit she put together for once, but its not lolita at all. I dont really feel its otome either.
No. 187170
File: 1443592479586.jpg (166.53 KB, 910x960, 10253870_10152179251020345_517…)

>>187169sorry forgot picture
No. 187216
File: 1443594118828.jpg (54.34 KB, 536x478, ss (2015-09-29 at 11.21.57).jp…)

>>187215Apparently she weighed 50 lbs more?
No. 187217
File: 1443594216478.png (485.13 KB, 1311x651, old kate.png)

>>187216Her old tumblr using the wayback machine kek
No. 187218
File: 1443594384976.jpg (126.31 KB, 714x379, ss (2015-09-29 at 11.26.21).jp…)

>>187217Kates jewelry she made hahahaha
No. 187220
File: 1443594488788.png (191.09 KB, 1311x651, youlovesabrek.png)

>>187218Youlovesabrek btw is kate
No. 187223
File: 1443594997146.jpg (53.81 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m6ydfrCeYv1rzufb7o1_500…)

>>187222old kate again, as "welovesabrek"
No. 187224
File: 1443595119686.jpg (73.72 KB, 640x499, 10458312_10152617137170345_485…)

>>187223sorry meant youlovesabrek
No. 187244
File: 1443596032203.jpg (78.06 KB, 1067x441, dsdiaa.jpg)

>>187243So I guess this was kates new etsy
No. 187245
File: 1443596064975.jpg (47.56 KB, 549x460, ss (2015-09-29 at 11.54.28).jp…)

>>187244And look what looks familiar….
No. 187322
>>187240Royal Melty Chocolate - Angelic Pretty
>>187241Lady Rose - Angelic Pretty
>>187243Drink Me - Angelic Pretty
>>187247I think its Emily Temple Cute
>>187249Day Dream Carnival - Angelic Prety
>>187319I'm assuming you accidentally deleted the last digit so I just looked at the dresses from the posts with 18724 in them. I recognize most of them
No. 187325
>>187280god DAMN that brown wig looks so much better than the blonde one
also the make up here is less horrifying.
No. 187330
File: 1443613288678.jpg (65.62 KB, 500x335, tumblr_nr4jdcu9TP1syqyomo1_500…)

>>187325I know right?? Its weird but imo Kate looks way better as a brunette/auburn than as a blonde. Which is weird because I think shes naturally blonde, or at least I assume so by her natural eyebrow color.
No. 187373
>>187322It was this one I was talking about!
>>187243Thank you!
No. 187596
>>187156>>187158>>187162I would just like to say that I really hate this wig.
The ringlets are so fucking ridiculously long, it doesn't look anywhere close to real anymore.
It's nice to wear a wig if it matches your outfit, but this thing just…distracts. Even as a lolita myself, I would have a hard time not laughing if I saw this thing out in public or at a meet.
Her natural hair looks fine, so I don't understand why she feels the need to have this ultra-princessu-hairdo in so many of her coordinates, even when it doesn't match.
Kate, lrn2style urself
No. 188666
File: 1444031965351.jpg (244.15 KB, 1034x502, ss (2015-10-05 at 12.49.31).jp…)

>>187717To be honest I dont think she has that much of a real fan base. I think most people that follow her do so because they are waiting for the drama. Realistically her outfit posts on tumblr dont get that many notes even when they get something moderate like 500 she can be seen with another efamous lolita.
Her patreon for Sweet Rebel was a terrific display of how many people truly support her. She gain $1 in 7 days. If she really had fans groveling at her feet she should have earned way more than that.
Her youtube videos dont get nearly as many views as other lolitas that make lots of videos. Compared to Princess Peachie her view count is pathetic. Even Pixielocks gets way more views than her videos.
I really think shes only well known now because she purposely created a shit storm around her. She probably was self posting back in the day with her dumb glasses to gain attention. She probably even made up that crazy pooping story to get girls gossiping about her. And then after that with LACE she got even more well known and laughed at. I doubt she has many "true fans" who genuinely like what shes doing.
No. 188667
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No. 188668
File: 1444032117134.jpg (267.7 KB, 918x588, ss (2015-10-05 at 01.02.15).jp…)

>arda wig
No. 188943
>>184694For me, I can't really be emotionally manipulated easily because I can't read what the other person is trying to make me empathize with. Not to mention empathy in autism is fairly low to begin with, so we might me more likely to look at it objectively. I can't even see what is so horrible about someone saying they heard you take a shit. It's more awkward on the storytellers' part for making fun of someone for a natural bodily function. The whole trying and bungling at emotional manipulation is hilarious.
I feel like a lot of the people who claim autism while manipulating are misdiagnosed or lying about it, like I can't even match more than the most exaggerated faces to emotions and even then can't tell between sad/angry/embarrassed and I'm pretty high functioning on the spectrum. I doubt I'd be able to do it if I tried. There are a lot of misdiagnosed between BPD and aspergers, so I'm guessing they fall under bpd.
No. 189237
File: 1444166773590.jpg (146.52 KB, 750x907, kateplzstop.jpg)

Aaaaaand she's regressing into scene queen territory.
No. 189521
File: 1444226229868.gif (746.12 KB, 500x240, DISGUST.gif)

>>189468>>189461Well she is kinda ugly but at least Lor is likable, Kate on the other hand is an embarrassment
No. 189803
>>189685If I'm going to be blunt, I would say the majority of lolitas (famous or not) are special snowflakes. Not all, I've met some great friends, but so many people are just into themselves.
And as you said here, pretty much everyone kind of has their established friend groups which you're either in, or you're just awkwardly outside of if you aren't as into yourself as everyone else. I find it easier to be a lone lolita honestly, though meetups are a great excuse to dress up and enjoy some fancy food.
No. 189980
>>189526Who cares if they are ugly. It's not like you need to win a beauty contest to wear pretty dresses. Newsflash, most people are average/borderline ugly, and so are Lolitas.
Kate doesn't look that bad, she's just shit at make up, constantly wears shitty wigs and has a shitty personality. Not to mention that her coords are boring as fuck. It's usually either full sets, the same goddamn Baby OTKs and MILK bag or otherwise super plain. But she makes sure to buy trendy and highly sought after dresses for maximum attention.
At least Lor doesn't hide behind dozens of filters and PS, and has some interesting coords.
No. 190038
>>189468Shut up, you newfag. The reason people like Lor is because she's alway cool-headed, especially in the face of drama. With LACE? She didn't hop on the bandwagon immediately and said she was against what it stood for in principal, but didn't hop on the LACEwagon. I really admired her for that.
Lor isn't just a lolita people respect because she's a kawaii, silent face which is what most "famous" lolita are. Lor is really good at being sort one of the few figureheads who aren't rustled by petty lolita drama and has some lasting substance to her. Not many people can be like her and sadly Lor types are hard to replicate. I wish more girls would aspire to be like her and not Kate's, Jillians and Isaki's.
No. 190994
>>189428Why is Cadney so desperate to hop on Kate's efame bandwaggon? She mad that she's not as popular anymore since the fade of Sweet OTT popularity?
Can't wait foor hoot to get back from Japan with more glorious lulzworthy content.
No. 191252
>>189428How is this even a style swap? They both look exactly the same as how they normally style themselves… Don't people usually do each other's coordinates and make up in these things?
Then again, I wouldn't let Kate anywhere near my face with makeup either. Her lipstick looks like was done by a 6 year old playing dress-up.
No. 191260
>>190994I think its the other way around. Kate is the one going to Toronto to spend time with Cadney. Its from Cadney that Kate got info about AM drama, and Kate not only went there to film with Cadney for that documentary but went to Toronto just before Japan for that swap.
>>191252I think the 'swap' was the idea of lets borrow eachother's clothes for a day and an excuse to film. It falls flat because both of them do sweet and classic stuff so it isnt even a change. I wish they would have done something like switched wigs and other 'iconic' stuff they tend to use so that it looked different from their usual stuff.
No. 191283
File: 1444596989662.jpg (376.58 KB, 1147x2039, image.jpg)

I'm going to just blame LACE for this cause their is no way someone is this dumb
No. 191290
>>191283Where's this from?
Oh I love the logic.
>Maybe you should have skills for a tutorial?>WAAAAH HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST THAT YOU BULLY!!!!!This is why we can't have nice things.
No. 191400
>>191283Ugh. The "you can't criticise me because I tried" generation strikes again. See what happens when we give those fucking retarded ribbons to everyone who runs in a race, whether they come in a place or not?
Fucking stupid and yes I mad.
No. 192518
File: 1444852527711.jpg (115.8 KB, 378x609, belly.jpg)

This is so unflattering and poorly coordinated.
No. 192519
>>192518W H A T T H E F U C K
No. 192695
>>192518Why is it that such a large proportion of internet famewhores have huge chins?
Just scrolling through the threads, most of the lolcows on the farm have an excess of chin.
No. 192729
File: 1444883675668.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-14-21-33-01…)

Posting from mobile so sorry about the pictures. First is photo, and then the comments
Like jeez kate please give up in this arda wig
No. 192732
>>192730there are people out there that genuinely like her wig and co-ords
w h a t
No. 192747
File: 1444888582679.jpg (83.05 KB, 278x370, 92620421.jpg)

>>192518The original piece is from miauler mew…the top isn't a crop top…
No. 192925
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Her face though…
No. 192926
File: 1444944380245.jpg (117.5 KB, 500x625, tumblr_nw9j8cJHsa1syqyomo1_500…)

What's with all this tongue business?
No. 193011
The one dollar thing still kills me. I think it really speaks volumes about her status in the community. You'd think she'd at least have a couple friends willing to donate, but It's like even the clueless bandwagon lolitas realized it was BS.
imho Kate was doing not too bad with the 'fake it 'till you make it' route, but I think things started to unravel when she (or the documentary makers) started that fundraiser with nobody who actually cared or supported her enough to donate.
No. 193215
>>193160She's made a few posts about being on the phone for business, which I'm assuming is stock trading, so I guess that's how she's making money. FWIW, I believe her father was an accountant, who is no longer living.
>>193102I just don't understand how a couple can work if one is always traveling alone for months at a time. Let alone in the first year of the marriage.
No. 193279
>>193215Dead for how long tho? If it was in stocks then would the stock end once the owner passed away?
Also the whole 'going away and traveling months alone at a time' seems really fishy for a new married couple.
What are the possibilities of Kate or her husband cheating?
No. 194315
File: 1445274908221.jpg (16.38 KB, 297x297, image.jpg)

why buy a kitten in fucking japan of all places
you can get a kitten in any shape color and size for free on craigslist every goddamn spring, and at least then you're saving it from a horrible kitten death
No. 194337
>>194301Ugh, I don't mean to sound like some holier-than-thou PETA activist, but this makes me genuinely angry.
I would never subject an animal to travel in an airplane unless I absolutely had to. Especially not on such a long overseas flight. Like
>>194311 said, it's extremely stressful for the animal and the conditions are just awful. A cat is a sentient creature, not just a fun souvenir to be thrown in the baggage compartment without a second thought.
No. 195508
File: 1445561352456.png (719.94 KB, 936x600, Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 7.47…)

we have our kitten
No. 195510
>>195508Wait a minute- what kind of cat is that? I'm not an expert on cat breeds, but it looks a bit like a Persian or something?
Kate really is careless and dumb. Most airlines don't allow cat and dog breeds with pushed in faces for safety reasons.
No. 195525
>>195517It's bad enough shes such an embarrassment to the entire lolita community but this an entirely different level of low.
There is no reason to buy a persian in Japan.. go adopt one in the US. It's only valuable to her because it's a ~kawaii japanese neko-chan~
No. 195561
>>195525And to think I was super nice to her the one time I met her, because I felt so bad that she had been bullied online.
Come to find out she self posts like crazy (probably started the whole anti-glasses thing back on cgl to get her name out there) and just does ridiculous shit solely for attention. And now she's toting around a poor kitten as if it's just another *~*kawaii burando toy*~*
No. 196121
>>195617But regardless even if another airline like JAL would accept there is a reason most airlines specifically don't accept cats and dogs with smooshed in faces.
The way they are bred with small nasal cavities makes it dangerous to fly and be put under that air pressure and stress. Especially a tiny kitten it is the equivalent of subjecting a handicapped infant to be shoved in a crate for a 13 hour flight with no food and water.
No. 196204
>>196166It's adorable, but there's no way that poor little fucker could handle being shoved into a pet carrier for a 12 hr flight.
I hate getting all PETA but fucking hell I can't stand people who treat pets like accessories rather than living things. Selfish bitch. I'm actually pretty fucking salty rn
>>196185Holy shit, what's going on here?
No. 196215
>>196204>>196185 is accusing
>>196166 of being Kate. Idk if that's true though. It is a cute kitten. Unfortunate he has such a terrible owner.
No. 196342
>>196121JAL only turns back bulldogs, according to their website. Nothing about other breeds with smooshed in faces though. But yeah, she's stupid to do that to a kitten.
What's next, she's only going to talk to the kitten in japanese so it fucking retains it's culture? jfc
No. 196478
>>196339Doesn't she live in Pittsburgh? Another half a day at least including going through customs.
Incoming quarantine is 6 months. Did she even think before pissing away all that money to a pet shop for a cat?
No. 196690
>>196185Holy shit, calm the fuck down, dumbass. I'm not Kate, I just think the cat is really fucking cute. Did I say anything defensing the way it was bred? No, I just said the cat is adorable because it is. I didn't state my disapproval of Kate getting a disabled pure bred she has to fly 12 hours overseas because everything I had to say about it had been covered in several comments.
Seriously, when your hate boner for someone is so strong that you hostilely accuse someone of being them just because they think their cat is cute, it's time to reevaluate yourself.
No. 196693
>>196219Since they said "it's embarrassing to read your posts" and called me pretentious, I think other anon is right that they thought I was Kate because I can't imagine what they could possibly be talking about otherwise.
If that's not the case, they're reply is even more silly and dripping with projection. "That's an extremely cute cat" is a very different statement than "I'm totally down with Kate's choice to buy a thousand dollar disabled cat to subject to a flight from Japan and months in quarantine when there's a massive cat population problem in the US".
No. 196780
>>196339Yeah that poor animal is going do die on the plane.
Both my brother and one of my close friends have been baggage handlers at airports before, and they've seen more than their fair share of dead pets coming off of planes.
I moved to the UK 2 years ago, and was thinking about bringing my (healthy, non-smooshed-in-face, fully grown, and with all paperwork in order so to avoid quarantine) cat with, and decided not to because it's hard to find an apartment that will accept pets, and because of all the horror stories my bro has told me. It sucked and I felt like a douche for leaving my 5 year old cat that I had handraised since he was a kitten, but I decided it would be better and safer to just leave him with my brother. Kate is an even bigger douche though for buying a brand new kitten with the intention of putting it on a plane, and there's no trusted friend or family member that she could leave it with in case she can't bring it with her.
It looks like a toy though. Let's hope she's just delulu and it's actually a toy.
No. 196782
>>185822hey hey hey…
what's the difference between Kate's makeup and Fukushima?
Kate's makeup has got a lot more fallout!
(I'm so sorry. That was terrible but you know it's true.)
No. 196783
>>196780I am half expecting her to post after she gets to america about "evil airlines desu wouldn't let me bring my kawaii neko-chan waah" for pity asspats
No. 196797
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No. 196798
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No. 196799
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No. 196800
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No. 196801
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No. 196802
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No. 196803
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No. 196804
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No. 196805
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No. 196888
she kinda went mental on facebook and twitter when he boyfriend dumped her
like she started complaining about her friends posting pics of themselves with their significant others, as if it's their responsibility not to
trigger her emotions
and then that time she bragged about posting some dude's phone number on craigslist to solicit dick pics because the dude hit on her the wrong way
and then she blocked anyone who commented that her actions weren't cool
she has some craycray within her, to be sure
No. 196919
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Not sure if it was posted but here is her pic of the cat when she bought it. It cost… 118000yen
Yep, she definitely supports kitten mills. And is trying to milk money for bullshit when she has plenty to throw around.
No. 196924
>>196921>and before more costs to fly it homeAlso, for anyone interested in these kinds of places that sell kittens and puppies:
>They are pure breeds which means lots and lots of health problems and generally shortened lifespans.>The animals are kept in 1-1.5 ft x .5-1ft class cages at least 12-16 hours of the day, if not longer.>The animals have no hiding place in their cage, so they must endure hundreds of thousands of people coming in, talking loudly to them, tapping on the glass, etc. (Most of these pet stores are in really busy areas in Tokyo.)>The stores themselves are maybe 8ft x 10ft, so cue lots of humans squishing together inside overwhelming the animals>Animals have little to no toys, usually just a food and water dish and a pee pad. Some of them get a little bed but it's rare.>Sometimes two animals are put together in a glass cage only slightly bigger, maybe 1.5-2ft to 2-2.5ft>The nutrition and health care is questionable.>Animals not adopted are not kept there past a certain age. You can guess what happens to them.It is fucked up that people support this industry and don't care because "omg look at the cute kitten!!!"
Kate's ethics are now proven to be garbage since not only is she supporting this kind of industry, but she is showing off the zomg cat from Japan as a bragging right instead of giving a home to a pet really in need.
No. 196925
>>196924*hundreds OR thousands
But then again they are in the major cities in Tokyo so some just might endure that many.
No. 196927 quick google brought up this site if anyone wants to do more reading.
>I once bought 2 kittens from a petshop but they both died afer a couple of months - they suddenly had breathing problem and died in pain…
>Pet stores in America are terrible and pet stores in Japan are even worse.
>Whatever you do, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT, under any circumstances, buy a dog from a pet shop, especially the ones with cages lined up on one wall with all the popular breeds. Most, if not all, petshops get their dog supply form puppy mills and we must not create the demand. Sadly, a lot of Japanese people buy dogs because they are cute, or in fashion, only to find out later that their lifestyle does not allow them to keep it. So they throw them away. I think the best, and most economical way (buying a pure bread dog costs you at least $1000) is to adopt one from a shelter. Dogs that are sent to the shelters are not given too much time before they are euthanized so if you are in a position to give one a chance to live, please consider this. No. 196950
>>196919Her behaviour is so disgusting. You can get cute kitties everywhere, honestly most people would give them away for little to no money because cats breed like crazy. We have two cats, and both of them are babies from a local neighbour's cat, and our neighbour was so glad to give them a home he didn't even ask for money (besides from vet costs for vaccinations). Not to say they never had to travel overseas.
Even if you want a certain breed, shelters often have the rejected former breed pets of other people.
A behaviour most shameful and embarrassing.
No. 196954
>>196919disugsting. kitten/puupy mills are vile.
does japan even have adoption shelters at all? or they just kill any and all strays/unwanted pets.
i almost cried when i saw a lost corgi frantically running through shibuya.
No. 196963
>>196919Japanese pet stores… The ones in the countryside are especially depressing. In one store I went to there was a room full of different birds in cages far too small, including large birds like ducks and pheasants, all obviously stressed and missing feathers and left to sit in their own shit for who knows how long. The shops you see in the city are usually closet sized and they cram as many animals, far too young to be away from their mothers, into tiny boxes along the walls.
Sage for getting OT. I just don't see how a foreigner could go to Japan and see that shit and hand over their money. Disgusting.
No. 196974
>>196963Because it's not a pet to her. Poor little Pom is just another souvenir for her. She's from Glorious Nippon so she's SUPERIOR to kittens you would buy in the U.S.
I really can't think of any other reason a person would do that. She just wants attention (as per usual.)
No. 196978
>>196924Yes they are all kept like that.
No. 196988
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No. 197044
>>196919Where is the kitten while she's traipsing around Tokyo? Besides the fact that she might not be able to bring it home, it's pretty awful if she's just leaving it alone all day in a hotel room/apartment. I know cats are more independent than dogs, but I would think that a small kitten would need more attention.
I feel bad because the kitten will probably die. And if it doesn't, it will probably not be treated as well as it should. And Kate is just a twat for asking for money when she can afford a $1000 cat. I can't even afford a shelter cat because I know they are expensive with vet bills and living expenses, and I'm not asking anyone for money.
No. 197058
>>196884Lol really? That's so stupid.
Plus it doesn't make sense, if anything you're more likely to get street snapped in a group of girls in OTT.
No. 197068
>>197060Seconding this. My neighbour got a kitten and I have to go over whenever no one else is home because the poor thing cries and cries. Independent or not, cats are sociable creatures and need company. If Kate doesn't socialise her cat with anyone it will go feral.
Also does this cat ever get any fresh air? It can't be good to keep it locked up all day. My local vet said he had to pump a Persians stomach because it had a hairball so huge it couldn't cough it up because the owner kept it inside 24/7 it's entire life. Running around outside in the wind blows off loose fur so they swallow less fur when grooming and since the cat never went outside it just had an unusually huge mass of hair in its gut. The worst part, the vet said this woman had 3 Persians and that this wasn't the first time he'd had to do this procedure on those cats.
I absolutely cannot stand this kind of animal abuse.
People should have to sit a written test before being allowed to have a pet to weed out the fucking idiots.
>>197061Animal abuse isn't a dick measuring contest anon. What happens everyday in Foxcom is wrong but that has nothing to do with this thread, it doesn't mean no one cares it just means it has nothing to do with the cat which relates to this thread. If you want to launch a PETA raid of some butcher shop on your sweatshop-manufactured laptop to make a point, go ahead, but that has nothing to do with this thread.
No. 197079
>>197076They're completely unrelated though. If someone here was saying shit about her while doing the same stuff to a cat, that would be different.
No one thinks Kate is the "antichrist" as you say, we think she's stupid and vapid and is probably going to get her $1000 injured or killed, and is a twat for asking for money when she clearly doesn't need it if she can drop so much money for a cat.
No. 197119
>>197061If you REALLY want to go this route…
There is a difference between using such things privately and boasting about them online for attention.
No. 197129
>>197116Probably use it as another sob story to garner more sympathy from the comm.
It won't be funny at all like the poop story tho. Just heartbreaking (about that poor sweet animal, not kate).
No. 197270
>>1970607 weeks? Jfc, kittens should be 12 weeks when leaving the mother.
Sage for OT
No. 197284
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Sorry for blogging but I've seen something similar to this when I took a trip to South Korea a couple years ago. I was in a mall and there was a pet section in a department store that had puppies on display for sale. All the pups looked so depressed. It's disgusting that anyone would support this and have the nerve to set up online fundraisers begging for money when it's probably going to things like this.
No. 197516
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Farmers, do you think Kate is gonna become the next Ellejay?
She's following the same path as Ellejay did. Right know she's in the 2010/2011 Ellejay period.
No. 197581
>>197516needs moar disease.
Kate is a lot of things, including an attention whore like ellegay, but she doesn't seem to malinger as much…? I guess only time will tell.
No. 197731
>>197284The worst thing about this shit is it makes people think this kind of treatment toward animals is okay and not harmful to them since they're seeing it done by "professionals". I used to work at the local Humane Society and there were six times where we got animals that had been kept in little cages with similar set ups as pet shop and ended up really fucked up health wise as a result. The owners weren't terrible people, they genuinely thought there was nothing wrong with keeping animals in these conditions because that's what you see at pretty much every pet shop.
It just hits me hard on a personal level to think of what Kate did and the fact she's far from the only one. At the HS we had to keep animals in a similar way as the tight caging in pet stores because there's too many animals at any given time and nowhere near enough funding for a better set up that also accommodates our ridiculous number of homeless animals. I remember one especially bad week where there were like fifteen to twenty dogs in kennel crates in the big hallway because we had the maximum number of dogs we could in each cage (3 for big, 5 for small) and there was nowhere else to put them. That shelter is one of the better ones, too. They're usually way worse.
So yeah, I really can't keep myself from judging someone who spends a grand on a factory cat from another country that very well might die on its way here, given that I've seen myself just how dire it is fot people to adopt from shelters over buying from shitty pet shops. Want a Persian? One look on Petfinder finds countless of them, many still kittens. There is zero excuse.
No. 197732
>>197731its all too sad
and you're right. her kitten may as well die OR she wont be able to bring it on the plane (and it will be killed) and she will treat it all as someone else's fault rather than her own stupidity
No. 197852
>>196919All these self-righteous comments by quasi animal activists. I don't like Kate, but all this talk about puppy mills being so evil and how she adopt is just stupid. If you think PETA photos showing some shock images of puppy mills clearly in violation = every breeder and puppy mill then you really eat up everything you're told. Not everyone wants to adopt a stray or abandoned animal that probably has a ton of issues. Some people do like doing that and good for them but it's often because they have price issue. Those animals are often cheap and you can't pick the breed or anything.
Also, if you really think a $974 cat was put in inhumane decisions, you're a retard and know nothing about breeding and purebreeds. It was clearly bred to be that way and the huge price tag says so. It even says "Babydoll", so it looks like a miniature ragdoll. You will pay for the miniatures in price often.
No. 197867
>>197852Miniature cats often have some pretty bad health problems.
Not about the kind of cat Kate has but here's one: to this one, even pet store pets can come from kitten mills, regardless of price: fact: Kim kardashian's kitten died at the age of only four months old)
Persian cats are known for having kidney problems, as well as other health problems, especially with breeders who aren't careful (and any breeder who sells their pets to pet shops is just looking for a quick buck):'s cat doesn't look like a ragdoll - my friend has ragdolls and there's really no resemblance between them and this cat - but ragdolls are predisposed to certain health issues, too - most commonly, HCM and certain enzyme deficiencies.
I'm not against breeding animals, but I am against pet stores, irresponsible breeders, and uneducated people adopting pets on a whim. If someone is going to adopt a purebred cat, they should be knowledgeable about the health issues faced by the breed and by their cat in particular. No amount of googling is going to be as good as talking to an actual breeder about the cat's medical history and receiving a health guarantee (something all reputable breeders do). Kate could have gotten a similar cat for the same price in the states (and therefore not subject a cat to a stressful plane flight) from a responsible breeder and been better informed about her cat's health.
No. 197869
>>197852You sound retarded.
Puppy mills get shut down nearly every day for keeping animals in terrible conditions. It's not just a few bad apples.
Most rescue animals don't have a "ton of issues", and I've actually heard of a lot more health problems and behavioural issues coming from animals that came from pet shops than from shelters tbh.
There is a wide variety of breeds available through shelters and rescue organisations, you're just not looking because you're a posh twat.
"Miniature" animals especially are prone to health problems because of how they're bred.
You're talking about animals that cost 1000$+ as always being from responsible breeders, but really that's not the case. Most pets shops either don't know what they're doing, think puppy mills are normal, or see the animals as dollar signs and not living things, and only thinking about their bottom line.
Not all of us coming down on Kate for this are "quasi animal activists". Some of us have actually worked with rescue organisations and see stuff like PETA's "shock images" on the regular. ffs.
All that aside, it's shitty of Kate to buy a kitten in another country like it's a just a wee knicknack she can put on her mantle, and not a live animal that will need care. That will need to be flown back to the US at some point, or else it will be abandoned. That will probably die on the plane if it's even allowed on the plane because it was specifically bred to have defects. It's a wildly irresponsible thing to do, and she's going to have idiot fans thinking it's a kawaii thing to do. Some that might actually try to copy her.
It's just all bad and honestly fuck off.
No. 197875
>>197869So you really think every "puppy mill" is a place where animals or tortured or something? Do you not know anything about the real world?
I've actually personally known breeders and they've all cared for their animals and lived comfortable lives outside any type of cage. If you think any animal that shows up in a shop has been in some tiny cage their whole life, then actually do more research.
Just because you can't afford it and hate Kate doesn't mean it's some ineffable evil. Miniatures are not some feeble entities that'll keel over and die. You speaking like this is absolutely disgusting. You've clearly never owned one and don't know anything about breeding. If anything, miniatures I've owned and plenty of others have actually outlived some of their "mutt" counterparts. Actually learn a thing or two about animals before typing. Yes, you are some quasi animal activist that learned a lot from Google. Stay angry.
No. 197889
>>197881This is absolutely true.
>>197886For calling you out for being a keyboard warrior?
No. 197982
>>197852It's kinda 101 that the idea adopted animals usually have issues is a massive misconception. In fact, many people prefer them because they're usually already trained and well behaved. Shelters also do basic training for the animals who need it. This is pretty basic stuff.
So yeah, the fact you believe that shows this is a subject you don't really know enough about to have a valid opinion on.
No. 197985
>>197889I love it when keyboard warriors insult other people for being
keyboard warroriors when they have no legitimate comeback against facts.
No. 198014
>>197987Holy shit anon, I remember that!
Goddamn, I wish Kate would just disappear from the internet. She's a shitshow.
No. 198046
>>198030OMG. Trouble in paradise I guess.
Maybe she'll just get divorced and stay in Japan forever. That would make the whole cat thing marginally better tbh because at least she wouldn't be putting it on a plane.
No. 198074
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>>198073Fuck I need more coffee
No. 198079
>>198072Not that anon but…what? Can you not be a cunt just for the sake of being a cunt?
You are the cancer that's killing /pt/.
No. 198100
>>197795Japan is easier to bring animals from because it is a completely rabies free country. (Hence why it's insanely tedious and difficult for pets going in the opposite direction from most places). I'm sure there are still some hoops to jump through before actually getting your pet in the plane, but nothing too difficult.
That being said, I still think this idea was dumb as hell and totally negligent. I hope at the very least she shelled out the extra cash to bring the kitten carry on with her.
No. 198137
>>198074Updating instagram/tumblr/facebook?
No problem.
Calling husband?
No. 198206
>>198169Speaking from experience, it's really difficult to call every day when you live halfway across the world from someone because of time zones and differing work/school schedules and stuff like that. But if she's able to update facebook/insta/tumblr, then she's got a minute to drop him a line, tell him about her fantastic trip, and still be involved, and yeah to call at least once a week, ya know?
She probably thinks of him as just another part of her fanbase at this point though tbh.
No. 198395
>>198206>>198224You could just set out a time to call, Skype, or send an email. Kate probably has a pocket wifi (Japanese are very suspicious of giving out SIM Cards) and most phones utilize free wifi calling now.
Having her husband post on her Facebook wall being concerned is a sign that Kate needs to communicate better. Being married has responsibilities between two consenting adults.
No. 198714
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Is there something wrong with her
She got some ashley horse face going on and skin picking or something
No. 198822
>>198714I have a strong desire to attack her face with a make-up remover wipe.
Why does she wear such thick and heavy foundation? Or so much of it? She doesn't even need it as seen in
>>187330 she has nice skin. She should just get a nice BB cream and use it
lightly without smearing a fucking handful all over her face.
She really is going to regret it in a few years when her skin turns to shit.
No. 198843
>>198822If she applied it with a sponge it wouldn't look so cakey and thick. Her makeup application is so terrible and there's no excuse for it.
And it seriously looks like she put concealer on those scabs. Ew.
No. 199029
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I love carly so much. let's hope kate takes this to heart
No. 199112
>>167354Muh jimmies this isnt old school.
When will fags learn that just cause its black and white doesnt make it old school.
No. 199117
>>199029I love Carly, but she needs to shut the fuck up. I can't stand how preachy she seems here. I have no idea why Kate would listen to her after her ego was probably wounded, either.
Maybe if a friend in her comm would address it to her nicely Kate might listen. Speaking of that, does Kate even have friends? Like, actual friends close to her and not "followers" or "Facebook friends"? I've never heard of any.
No. 199123
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>>195508i don't want this cat to die on the plane ride
No. 199213
>>199117>>199170This ^
Carly made her point very well - even saying that she thought Kate wanted to do what was right for the kitten. The BTB people just claimed that Kate was evil and didn't care at all.
>"As responsible pet owners (and I do believe that that is what you WANT to be)" No. 199236
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Seriously how does she look at herself in the mirror and think "yes, this is good"?
No. 199263
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Finally she is gone/
No. 199268
>>199263Holy shit this is the most pretentious goodbye I've ever read. And completely lacking in self awareness. Does she realize that the community (not the lolita community at large, but rather, the one she has surrounded herself with) is the way it is because she made it that way? Look at the company she keeps - Brizblossom, other e-fame whores… She's made herself miserable. The lolita community doesn't need people like her shitting it up, that's for sure.
Also kek at her thinking the Japanese lolitas are so nice desu~. Someone's never been on 2chan. Then again, her Japanese probably isn't good enough.
No. 199276
>>199269There's actually lolita threads on 2chan?
No. 199285
>>199263>(re: negativity and drama) often of which I am the center of for seemingly no reasonYes, forcing yourself into the efame spotlight and down people's throats with stupid projects and campaigns when you are a shitty person who looks fugly and have asked for some ridiculously large amount of money like $10000 while parading around your
sugoi lifu with hashtags up the heezy and exploiting a thousand dollar kitten deserves absolutely no repercussions…
No. 199288
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>>199283>>199286To be fair, Carly DID go out of her way to send Kate an ask.
No. 199295
>>199293> I realize it isn't easy to believe without proof but a good portion of Japanese lolitas do think she is pathetic.if this was some random girl then sure, but since this is Kate we're talking about, this is
very easy to believe even without proof
No. 199298
how long do you think she's gonna lay low before she re-emerges, starved and desperate for attention with her latest idiotic scheme
No. 199300
>>199288Lol good on Carly.
I mean she's doing nothing different than we are.
No. 199303
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>>199288someone just posted this on the 4chan thread
No. 199349
>>199320I honestly think it's because these idiots delved into the communities without knowing the drama sides, Jillian especially. When they were actually talked about, they quit.
I seriously can't imagine quitting a hobby over people mentioning you in a few passing threads or even a cringe thread. Even as big names in lolita, they weren't mentioned that much. Hell, this thread wasn't here until Kate went and made LACE. They're very fame hungry and starving for ego stroking. When they get backlash, they throw tantrums and blame the community.
No. 199356
>>199349One question you should always ask yourself when someone starts the smack talk about you:
1. Do they have a point/are they justified in what they say?
It wasn't as though everyone picked a name out of a hat to start hating on, which is what LACE, Kate, Jillian et al seem to think.
No. 199361
>>199117>Maybe if a friend in her comm would address it to her nicely Kate might listen. Speaking of that, does Kate even have friends? Like, actual friends close to her and not "followers" or "Facebook friends"? I've never heard of any.>>199333>Anyone from Kate's comm disappointed and upset at this? I mean she's basically calling you all back stabbing bitches and terrible people.PGH Lolitas are kind of too quiet about drama. Overall, most of the better dressed Lolitas admit to going to cgl. The overall opinion is that cgl is good for tips, insider news, but that when it comes to Kate the gulls are a bit excessive. Basically, Pittsburgh Lolitas tend to tune out cgl/lolcow conversations when it brings up Kate, because it is seen as ridiculous and uncalled for. Of course, this was before the cat. The most questionable time seems to have been during that brief period when it was believed that Kate self-posted, only to be revealed that she wasn't and it was an anon that "self-posted." None off the locals admit to thinking Kate is as evil as cgl/lolcow makes her out to be, so its just taken in stride.
Most local comm members don't really want to bring up Kate drama. They typically state that while Kate may have drama online, she doesn't bring it irl, and that opinion has her tolerated overall. But, she's been a mod for several months, and the only thing she's done is start a swap meet without giving anyone enough time to prepare. As for how the comm is going to react to her departure, only time will time. There hasn't been enough time, and the PGH comm doesn't air out its dirty laundry. I'm going to wait and see if her departure includes local interaction, because her wording doesn't preclude anything other than the online community.
No. 199372
>>199117 No one wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole. You'll get labeled a bully and thrown out of the comm. Everyone just seems to pander to her, in fact all the comments on her post are "I don't blame you." and "The community can't be helped." It's really maddening and sad at the same time.
>>199333 Personally, I have mixed feelings. PGH Comm really doesn't have any drama, and if we did it was around Kate. I do feel bad she's received such negative attention, and I know others did too. It's just I can't help but not care since it seems shes so narcissistic and running towards it.
Ironically, since she left to go to Toronto, the new mods and the comm seemed to be working to get everyone closer together and communication within the comm has drastically improved.
I don't hate Kate, I just dislike her blatant e-fame monster she's created.
No. 199377
>>199373>I never understood why Kate was a mod, since we used the PGH comm as her own personal staging zone.The new mods really try, and they actually seem to give a damn.Exactly, Kate totally made Tekko and RinRin 100% about her, shitting on the people who pulled the strings to get RinRin to come.
Its refreshing to see meets and mods who are not out for their own personal game.
No. 199448
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This just in
No. 199449
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No. 199450
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No. 199456
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Update on the DCW
No. 199469
>>199451>>199453>Just because Kate is nice to you, doesn't make her exempt from criticism, be it of her fashion sense or her actions. This. Sure, she may conduct herself differently with her friends, but you need to consider a stranger's perspective. From the outside, she has done a lot of things that are making people not respect her.
The way she has publicly handled herself is why she is getting this backlash. There have been numerous times that she has shown how immature she is regarding criticism. (I mean real criticism, regarding specifics about LACE, the documentary, her cat, etc.) That is something you just cannot do if you are pushing yourself to be famous.
Since I have about ten minutes of free time, I will do you a huge favor and specifically spell out her downfall. Keep in mind, these things are on top of her shamelessly promoting herself with hashtags and trying to rub elbows with popular lolitas, which is a bad idea for anyone to do because it makes you look like an attention whore.
1. LACE.
When she first created LACE, numerous people expressed some concerns or completely fair questions. What did Kate do? She avoided addressing these concerns and then did absolutely nothing to grow LACE other than what seems to be translating the goals into different languages. That also involved some controversy where some guy complained about not being paid, but once again nothing about that was cleared up. What ended up happening? People used LACE as a reason to start bullying themselves. Some people are against bullying but didn't want to pose for a stupid LACE picture or join the group. Controversy sparked. Kate just created problems and also gave the impression she was mainly trying to promote herself with how everything was handled.
2. Her documentary.
Did you even see the amount she requested and what the "rewards" were? Over $100 to talk to her on skype? That is beyond narcissistic. There were few details about what the documentary would include and based on the preview it seemed to be all about her feels. I forget if she was asking for $1000 or $10000 but either way it was ridiculous when she is obviously overflowing with money. If you want to do a documentary, do it because you want to, don't try to push the lolita comm to give you money for your "time." No one asked her to do it. And let's be real, it really looks like she tried to make some money off it it, or a free trip to Japan or something.
When people started asking questions or expressing their thoughts about her project, what did Kate do? Nothing. What happened? After raising just $1 she suddenly twisted it to make the directer look bad and said she she was no longer part of… the project she created.
3. Pom the cat.
This is where her true colors really came out. If you see a kitten in a petshop window, it is not like you create some amazing personal bond and suddenly both of your lives are better and you need each other forever. No, she bought the cat because she thought it was cute, wanted it, and that it would be exotic to own a cat from Japan. She could have gotten a very similar cat in her home state. Did she consider the business practices of the pet mill she was giving $1000+ to? No. Did she consider how scary it would be for a kitten to go on an 18+ hour flight? No. Did she consider the cat's well and make it a priority to be home with a new kitten while she will still want to do a lot of traveling during her, what, another month or two of vacation? No, in fact it looks like she just dumped it on her friend or something. That is further proved by her husband expressing neglect from her publicly on facebook, who she left what sounds like her cat and rabbit with to boot. When people expressed their EXTREMELY valid concerns since mistreating animals is brushed aside far too much, what did Kate do? After ignoring them completely she suddenly posted she is leaving the online comm because western lolitas are terrible and she has seen the light after being in Japan.
You need to understand that a lot of people who don't like her don't wish that something bad will happen to her or for her to get mauled by angry lolitas or anything like that. It is all a reaction based on how she presents herself, which is like a self-important, ignorant moron who wants attention way too badly. Sure, it is different for people she is close with, but if you cannot see the ways she has conducted herself are what caused this as I outlined above, then you are even more blind than she is.
No. 199574
>>199555You guys do realize that the flight is
at least 14 hours? Plus 2-4 hours of additional flight time/connections, not to mention the additional travel time to get to/from the airport, sitting in the airport, checking in ect.
Have any of you ever been on an international flight? I can barely stand them, and I cannot imagine ever putting an animal through that. Especially the rushing around with customs/checking in/security/buses.. just everything, it's unfair as fuck to put a mewling kitten through, especially when it's shoved into a tiny ass cage.
No. 199581
>>199574I took my full-grown cat on a maybe 26 hour car trip when I moved states, and she was miserable the entire time. I tried calming her down by giving her cat tranquilizer pills and they made her sleep for maybe… 2 hour intervals here and there? But other than that she was miserable for the entire time, until the last maybe 4 hours, when I think she was just so physically exhausted that she fell asleep naturally. We let her ride in the front of the moving truck with us, and at first we kept her in a pet carrier, but I decided to let her out after the first 2 hours, thinking maybe she would calm down a little if she was allowed to sit on my lap… and the first thing the proceeded to do was pee on my boyfriend's leg.
Even if Kate's cat doesn't die on the flight, I imagine it will be pretty miserable. And how is it supposed to pee and poop during those 18 hours? With my cat, we filled a shoe box with cat litter and put it on the bed of the truck. Is the airline going to let Kate do that?
Why did she need to buy a $1000 cat in a foreign country SO BADLY?
No. 199600
>>199574Wasn't saying that it was okay. Was saying that it is a different experience and that aren't quite up to what she went through.
And yes, I've been through international flights. Which is why I can say that my experience shared with my dog was only with a domestic flight. Calm down and read better. No one is disagreeing with you, just adding to the information of first-hand experience.
No. 199603
>>199581My first thought would be that the cat would be better with a tranquilizer. But, with its age and its muzzle size? Yeah, that is a really bad idea. How the hell is she going to get around this? I'm glad to see she's starting the paperwork this early in the game, but it is also too late to really think of the logistics.
>>199583If you look at the first images she shared of Pom on tumblr, it is of the kitten and a Baby bag. The post had like over 8,000 notes the last time I happened to scroll past it.
>Why did she need to buy a $1000 cat in a foreign country SO BADLY?Aesthetics.
No. 199639
>>199622Wasn't she known for shit talking people behind their backs? kek what a hypocrite.
Also that's some suspicious timing, posting that right after people on cgl were talking about being unfriended.
>>199618What do you want to bet she'll be like Jillian and lurk for the sake of insulting us more?
No. 199681
>>199648She is probably loving this attention. All of it. The more we talk shit the more the bitch eats this up.
Kate, if you're reading this (I know you are), seek help. Once we stop giving a shit about you, you're going to have nobody–because you fucked it up and pushed everyone away. Once you're no longer the flavor of the month, what are you going to do? No one trusts you anymore. Sure you can come up wth a new attentionwhoring scheme to stir up drama, but in the end nobody gives a shit. Turn back before you become the next Kaka. Seriously.
No. 199682
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>>199681Agreed anon. I'm sure she loves the attention however I cannot understand why since she hasn't really amassed a true fan base at all. Just girls who are following the drama. Nobody truly supports her.
No. 199830
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It's a bit rich for S-H-I-T to be taking the moral high ground.
If by bad choices on holiday in Japan she means stalking and slandering a girl, then getting fingered in the toilet of a club and then real time blogging about it on Tumblr, then yeah she's right. This is why her and Kate are buddies, they're both fame-hungry loons with a lot of enemies.
No. 199838
>>199834From what I can tell on her Tumblr she is trying to get Kate to give her friend the cat.
S-H-I-T is making a triumphant return to Japan early next year with her new boyfriend where It seems she will be trying to get a marriage visa?
She posted a picture with her boyfriend on Instagram but soon deleted it after people started laughing at her boyfriends face.
No. 199852
>>199838That S-H-I-T person seems to be everywhere. I didn't know she was such a special snowflake.
I remember her as the girl who got into an argument with two Japanese blogs because she said something along the lines of wanting to apply for JET/English teacher position just so she can become a kawaii fashion designer in Japan. They ragged on her for having no actual interest in teaching and just using JET or similar programs as a mere stepping stone for her wet weeaboo dreams. One of them said in Japanese: "That's the kind of foreigner we hate in Japan."
No. 199855
>>19985Don't you need a degree to be a JET in Japan? I swear she was studying fashion at college but then got kicked out or something. After all her rants about how people can't tell her about fashion because she's studying it lolol
She's obsessed with moving to Japan but hasn't bothered to learn the language or anything. Maybe that's why she went for marriage visa route with some ugly
No. 199858
>>199852If she wanted to do that, I'll be honest and it is shitty of her to want to use JET for that. But she isn't the first to just use JET for living in Japan. Jap friend of mine told me about his past English teachers who sucked and only wanted to live in Japan so they used JET too.
But anyway, she should be clever about it. Look at kota for e.g? Never saying shit and keeping it to herself.
Kate should not mention anything about her personal plans and do shit in secret.
But nope, these cunts need to made a show and bugger it up for themselves. Silly cow.
No. 199862
>>199858She doesn't know Japanese or anything about fashion, so that probably won't happen.
She is also autistic, which is why she said she stalked the girl who was living in Japan. Plus she said she was worried taking a plane on her own in case she had a breakdown. I'm more concerned for her, I don't think she can survive in a foreign country by herself.
No. 199915
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>>199913there you go, anon. The name is lanii.
No. 200019
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What Kate is doing is animal abuse, that poor cat doesn't deserve that kind of mistreatment and neglect. WHEN YOU DECIDE TO GET A PET, YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE WITH IT.Take care of it, put it's well being before your's, love it.Be nice to it.Even little kids know that.
GirlyToot doesn't give a shit about her kitten, or husband. But she does give a shit about drama especially when she starts it by taking a shit and creating ~LACE~. I hope that she'll be filled with a overwhelming guilt for the rest for her life for accessorizing, traumatizing, and/or killing a living breathing thing with feelings, and not taking care of it.
No. 200025
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No. 200026
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But wait, THERE'S MORE!
No. 200030
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>>199915Oh my god Carly is such a troll. I'm dying.
No. 200161
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>>200030but this reply tho. currently this is the only person who has stuck up for kate during this whole thing. even fahr and jillian have stayed the fuck out lol
No. 200171
>>200170Oh that's Voldie lmao.
Can she leave, too?
No. 200195
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from the 4chan thread case you needed another reason to love carly.
No. 200242
>>200171I thought voldie's blog was voldiee? Or does she have two? Or are there multiple voldies? either way her shit and her constant tripping on /cgl/ is annoying.
iirc believeintheheartofthecards followed me and i followed back like 1000 years ago, but i recall removing them more recently because theyve proven to be some stupid white weaboo who posts lots of racially charged sjw shit. wouldn't say they're lolcow level but definitely special snowflake-tier tumblrite.
>i come here to stare at pastel pictures all day, not hear your whiny social justice bullshit No. 201724
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