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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 214515

New weeb thread. Always post caps!(shit thread)

No. 214517

reposting my last comment so we can continue

I'm actually pretty sad to see connie's new persona - remember she made a big deal in her recent videos about how she feels more comfortable in baggy gender-neutral clothing and no makeup and here she is with another internet persona fresh from the oven. she knows no life other than pretending to be a fictionalised version of herself on the internet. she should take a break from social media so she can figure her shit out

No. 214536

File: 1653299326603.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1125x1058, F3F98FC0-1DCF-479C-AF64-91B62A…)

Can’t decide if the lip fillers or tattoos are worse. I do feel sorry for Connie, she seems to have lost all identity of herself. Let’s be grateful the ‘edgy’ look has gone!

No. 214541

kek at the anachan waist chain but she's shaped like a fridge

No. 214545

File: 1653305711469.png (178.19 KB, 849x1341, girlboss.png)

Ohayou still being lazy replying to customer emails.

It's funny how she always plays the victim. In her latest customer complaint on twitter Chrissy can be seen lying to a customer that she DID actually reply to the email.

The customer says she looked everywhere for a reply and still didn't get one, but she is gaslit so hard she ends up apologising.


No. 214563

If you're going to make threads, at least post notable cows, past threads, in the bio. Didn't even post thread rules about things that get it to be derailed. Newfags shouldn't be allowed to make threads.

No. 214569

sage for nitpick but holy shit i've seen troons- hell, i've seen cis men with a more defined waist

No. 214596

This photo screams holiday with the parents(emoji)

No. 214817

File: 1653418820853.png (35.45 KB, 324x352, 2022-05-24 205809.png)

About abi's trip,
Here is some on her income, look like she post 3~4 things a month on Patreon.

No. 214822

£100 per creation, what a ripoff, so people are paying £400 a month for 4 videos, cosplays, songs, streams - ome born every minute I guess

No. 215150

Connie also deleted her youtube channel again. She really needs to pick whether shes 100% done with YT or not. Its like she was embarassed with how low her views were after she resurfaced. Like duh your views were gonna be low, once you say youve quit youtube and/or stop posting most ppl are gonna dip.

No. 215362

File: 1653589576557.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1169, 59D57141-4DA2-49D0-A6BF-BD308A…)

Sheeesh, look at those gnarly toes overhang the end of those shoes!(unsaged nitpick)

No. 215372

She doesn't appear to know how to wear shoes, see also >>214246 but the dress is very pretty

No. 215470

Watched vidrel where she attended the event and met with Kelsey, Becky, Connie and Abi. Always thought Abi was quite cute but turns out she became fat and now looks like a 40 yo british mom, wtf

No. 215471

File: 1653654957025.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1080, rip.png)

No. 215510

File: 1653678046421.jpg (335.03 KB, 1152x2048, FTsSIGYX0AI6EAV.jpg)

Last picture she posted, the wonder of magic
(had some pb to upload, sorry)

No. 215596

All, reading all these posts has been eye opening. I met Connie and abi once at Disneyland paris at a show, just in the crowd and my GF recognised them. Abi was screechy, loud and annoying.

But still, I would kill for her to do an OF(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 215604

Be gone moid. The only thing abi has going for her is a pair of tits, then again I’m sure that’s all you focused on when you met her.
All men are the same.

No. 215621

thanks for your retarded input Matread1982@gmail.com

No. 215625

Inner eye on right so badly photoshopped. kek.

No. 215636

Ew, I hope you're nearly a 40 something year old scrote asking her for an OF.

No. 215861

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Chrissy the scammer spotted at MCM London.

No. 216158

File: 1653931477067.jpg (457.12 KB, 1080x946, Screenshot_20220530-175638_Twi…)

> VALIdatE my ShiTty CosPlAY GuIZZ

No. 216340

File: 1654017501159.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1674, Screenshot_20220531-181502_Twi…)

She looks haggard without the photoshop jfc.

No. 216345

File: 1654018883812.jpeg (683.4 KB, 1125x1406, 787891BF-5811-45F6-936B-7B9777…)

Here comes the next personality crisis. How long will ‘Edgy elf phase’ last?

No. 216468

She looks like she's about to cry, has she ever posted about mental health issues? Her whole Instagram gives me "smiling through the tears" vibes, like she's very stiffly holding up a mask to disguise who she really is

No. 216507

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expecting paying customers to suffer for her own stupid decisions again.

No. 216508

Wow she looks different when she's not working those skinny angles

No. 216553

who is this person, they look fine? Why is this thread full on unsaged nitpicking?

No. 216612

At the risk of hi cowing, I have this tinfoil that cara & celestialkaty post eachother here as part of some weird competitive ana thing. Neither are especially milky but are posted in these threads frequently - usually the only replies are appearance nitpicks

No. 216654

File: 1654106609834.png (987.35 KB, 2048x2023, Screenshot_20220601-190019.png)

Ohayou throwing a tantrum threatening to destroy stock as it's not selling lol

No. 216682

warehouse wouldn’t be so full if she sent them out. you can tell by the number of tweets she gets that people want to buy her bags. she’s likely not getting sales at cons because people are burnt out on her. even if her intention isn’t to scam (suspending belief for a moment) it’s reading that way.

No. 216750

I think since she colossally fucked up her bird bag Kickstarter in 2019, she broke a lot of peoples trust.

She took 2 years to send out those bags, tried to blame covid but there were other artists making itabags during that time who got all their bags sent out within a few months.

Not to mention there's a ton of people who didn't receive what they paid for, whom she blocked on twitter. It's funny how these cows always pull the "mental health" card when they're caught with their pants down with their shady business practices.

No. 216751

File: 1654122553516.jpg (1.98 MB, 2048x2560, PhotoCollage_1654122341408.jpg)

Eh, while she is a scammer, I think she's not making sales at cons because her art sucks. I have no idea how she has the audacity to try and sell these as prints.

No. 216822

Wouldn’t it make more sense to run a sale and try to get some return before destroying them? Is she that dense?

No. 216836

seeing what was on offer, it’s all shit that no one wants from franchises ppl hate

No. 216935

It's hilarious how Ohayou fumbled the bag. She made £100k on that bird bag Kickstarter. All other small weeb businesses like hers who've made similar amounts invested the money back into the business and are now THRIVING (rainylune is a millionaire now).

Ohayou is so dense and not made for business, when she got the £100k she immediately booked a trip to Japan with her bf and bought a huge amount of weeb garbage. Didn't even start manufacturing until 6 months later then complained she was skint. I have no sympathy for her at this point.

No. 216953

hard agree. I can think of several brands that were launched from kickstarter around the same time that are million dollar businesses and if she just managed herself correctly she would be absolutely living it up.

No. 216956

She seems like an annoying ass i'm so quirky NLOG, but her frog pins are cute. It's insane how she made so much money on her ugly ass bags though

No. 217089

God, I'm so fucking sick of seeing this pedopander anime and I'm sick of cosplayers hopping onto it because "S-SHE'S JUST LIKE ME!!!"

No. 218167

File: 1654612862870.jpg (740.57 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20220607-154012_Twi…)

Cultural appropriation isn't cute Katy. We know you can't resist spending your benefits money on junk, but come on.

No. 220216

I’ve seen a lot of Connie on here recently, out of curiosity (for the old cows) what actually happened to Beckii?

No. 220286

She minds her business and does her own thing with fashion. Look at her insta if you’re wanting to know what’s up with her.

No. 220329

File: 1655316021257.jpg (799.16 KB, 1080x1360, Screenshot_20220615-190038_Ins…)

she's hopped on the wannabe medieval / Bridgestone bandwagon.

No. 220330

Her photoshopping her face onto old paintings and acting like it's innovative is a bit cringey, but she seems otherwise harmless

No. 220341

Oh no did she make that? Poor thing. Measure twice, cut once.

No. 220385

File: 1655328869587.png (230.74 KB, 462x677, beckii_bridgestone.png)


Bridgestone, lol

No. 220402

Yeah, looking at it, it's a bit cringe she tried to start a clothing company back when.

No. 220446

I still can't get over how ridiculous her lip fillers are, she looks like a duck

No. 221542

All of "G4laxy" seem to love these lip fillers and use the same company because: sponsorship.

Talking of sponsorship - Kelsey who makes/made a huuuuuge deal about not drinking alcohol - seems to have a lot of sponsored posts from Heineken Silver recently… if the money's right…

No. 222062

File: 1655835015998.jpg (2.66 MB, 2560x2560, 22-06-21-19-08-50-105_deco.jpg)

imagine contorting this fucking hard to look ~uwu skinny~ lmfao

No. 222064

Obvious photoshop is obvious..(unsaged samefagging)

No. 222713

File: 1656065766092.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1125x1714, 81FE18D9-E84C-4DF7-BC47-84104C…)

Shame she couldn’t photoshop together a consistent personality

No. 223746

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Imagine thinking this looks good.

No. 254079

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business… trip?

No. 258014

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the fact that murad is so deep in a mental breakdown that she embarrasses and contradicts herself even more often than usual is nothing short of delightful

No. 258731

Wasn't she wife at home, doing props for larps?(sage your nonmilk)

No. 258764

damn, thats pretty sad. She use to be husky and then quickly dropped a lot of weight out of nowhere. No wonder she no longer post on her YouTube channel. All of that hard work went to shit.

No. 261202

Ah yes after all these years her vocal skills haven't improved one bit

No. 261417

i find it shocking that she has now spent, i want to say more than a decade, dancing, singing, acting and generally being an uhhh 'personality' on the internet, yet she is literally entry level hobbyist at all of them and is really unlikeable, comes off so fake and up her own arse. i also find her taking out her fake eye for crumbs of internet attention quite disgusting, i don't want to see your eyesocket no matter who you are, you fucking weirdo…

No. 261459

I just don't get why she's still trying to get famous. I mean yes she can dance, but that's literally it. It's great that she was trying to reach for the stars, but at some point you just have to be realistic. It's not going to happen. Kelsey had years to work on her singing and acting skills and the results are not great. Grow up.

No. 261551

Holy shit… I just listened to the original song. I don't understand how she could hear this and think "Yeah, me talk-singing over the original track'll sound great!"

No. 261561

Seems like she was hoping for a viral moment

No. 261692

The problem is that I feel that Kelsey sees herself as already being at the top and having no reason to improve. The stupid thing is that she could jump on the hyperpop train, do something similar to pom pom and probably have an actual career. After all you don't need to be able to sing well for hyperpop.

No. 263641

File: 1667473025672.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1170x2060, 2BCAABBC-9AD9-433B-B908-182CA3…)

She’s 30 year old now, still trying to grasp for fame amongst the teens. Grow up and get a real job.

No. 264329

I agree. Kelsey had more than enough time to invest in her "superstar" dreams and now it's time to set more realistic goals. I mean at this point Kelsey should have realized that it's just not going to happen. She may stand out with her gen z fashion style, but that's it. Her voice is not good enough. Not even to perform in pubs.

No. 264369

I don't even think that Kelsey needs a "real job". She just needs to be herself instead of jumping from trend to trend. She needs to look inside herself and to see what she really wants and realize that maybe the reason she's not "famous" yet is because it's not for her or because she's doing it the wrong way. As I recall, each time she's gone viral was because of her dancing. Maybe she should stick with that

No. 264376

i disagree. those days are gone. not because she's too old, but because getting efame and going viral is a different game now. the landscape of social media and the internet has changed. viral dances and mediocre singers are a dime a dozen now.

No. 265799

She’s already gave up on this claiming that it’s because she’s have “complications” with dental surgery. She can’t stick anything out lmao

No. 269273

kelsey is doing the wednesday dance on tiktok now. those videos have more views than the trying to be a pop star ones lol

No. 269550

God Kelsey’s an awful singer. Show may hit notes but she just sounds awful.

No. 270832

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Yet you can afford multiple trips to Disneyland, a room full of anime figures and a bunch of Japanese clothes? OK hun.

No. 270834

I honestly think she could have easily sold her anime figurines in local anime shops, ebay, and whenever, even on amiami in the worst case. It's weird how hoarding seems to be more important to some people. I would understand if she had around 3-4 figurines, but a whole room…?

No. 273327

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Is this the result of the "30 days to go viral" ?

No. 273538

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>selfposting for attention in a dead general

No. 273610

does anyone know if kelsey and rain broke up?

No. 273707

I was just wondering the same thing. It seems like they must have, I don’t think they’ve shown seeing each other in months. I know Rain travels a lot, but you’d imagine they would’ve met up over the holidays at some point

No. 275230

Rain still followers Kelsey on instagram but Kelsey doesn’t follow Rain, so I’d assume they’ve broken up.

No. 290911

Does anyone else find Kelsey’s Norma Night schtick the most cringy shit ever?

No. 290920

its the worst thing ive ever seen

No. 294474

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Kelsey on the beg for money for her birthday, she’s enticing folk to pay her so they can get their name on her guitar.

No. 294507

It’s gross that she’s calling it a fundraiser, but doing it through PayPal so that you can’t see the total amount raised like with any other kind of fundraiser. She could at least use kofi or something to make it seem slightly less like you’re literally just transferring her money. Also I missed getting a cap but her gifted cowgirl hat is the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen

No. 295554

File: 1683277558712.png (3.3 MB, 1170x2532, 7604CF25-708E-48A7-A7F7-2BE17A…)

Ohayou Clothing, Summertimeshiba, Darlingxdespair (whatever name she’s going by now) aka Chrissy will be back at MCM London later this month selling some more absolutely awful art. Anyone going? Anyone who got scammed out of their money finally get a refund for bags they never received?

No. 295739

major kek if someone went with their receipt for the bag asking for a refund.

No. 295816

Wonder if Jared donated

Did anyone sign up for her amazing opportunity for her to tell you how to do social media for £20?(emoji)

No. 296111

File: 1683668147784.jpeg (130 KB, 1202x1029, NN.jpeg)

Cringe kino

No. 296674

Nothing Kelsey does is ever original ; everything is a copy or a parody. She even says “Norma Night” is taken as a play on Doris Day, and everyone who hears it will forever see her as a cheap tribute act. I think people would respect her more if she found her own identity and stuck with it.(sage your shit)

No. 296754

kelsey said she has no money on her instagram stories and asked for money/jobs. At this point she should just get a regular job.(screenshots needed)

No. 296957

Don’t worry, she’s charging people for her “expert” advice. Can you really claim that a tik tok video chasing an existing trend from an established creator getting 1M views is “going viral”?

No. 296958

File: 1684153596585.png (233.63 KB, 828x1792, C1600BD2-1838-45BD-8D05-F75AAB…)

>>296957(learn to post: lolcow.farm/info)

No. 296974


Has no money but then goes to a dance class…(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 296996

I remember when her and Abi were inseparable and thinking that Kelsey was the more level headed one whereas Abi was the annoying cringe fest.
Never thought I’d see the day where Kelsey is the more insufferable one of the 2.

No. 298592

File: 1685429180493.jpeg (56.74 KB, 1242x377, Tooth-o San.jpeg)

Abi is still pretty cringe.
"UwU I can't do basic fucking dental hygiene because my brain is all kooky"(sage your shit)

No. 298748


She probably has terrible oral hygiene, my bf has ADHD and despite his sugar cravings, he hasn’t had a single cavity in almost 30 years.(no1currs, not your personal blog)

No. 301053

File: 1687217331071.jpeg (276.21 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_8342.jpeg)

Christ just got a jumpscare on tiktok fyp. Beckiis lips are so botched now. Looks like lumpy sausages

No. 301464

that company that gave her and Kelsey and the others those free fillers years ago have just messed up her mind permanently

No. 302340

File: 1688196476123.jpeg (131.74 KB, 1242x2020, Power Shower.jpeg)

Good morning, everyone!
Try not to think about Kelsey blasting her clit with a shower head this morning!!(Sage goes in the email field)

No. 302406

File: 1688254783336.jpg (64.2 KB, 720x960, ENDRi3-W4AED6r9.jpg)

I actually don't hate her lip fillers, she was in dire need of some. But really, it was just her top lip that needed help. I don't understand why it looks like she got her bottom one done as well.
She looks horrible though with stick straight hair, since her other features are already so pronounced, it only makes them more harsh. Picrel, she looks better with some kind of volume or curl added to her hair.

No. 302573

I just checked out her Instagram and it's so funny how she rebranded herself because she realized she looks like the ugly women in old paintings
The lip fillers are a definite improvement though

No. 302609

File: 1688401383917.jpg (1.94 MB, 1439x1992, Screenshot_20230703_180859_Ins…)

I couldn't find an active Mikan thread all of them are maxed out.
Sorry of it's not allowed but she has been mentioned in the uk weeks thread before.

Currently Mikan has a shop stand at Anime expo (USA) and did a fashion show, anyone at AX that can tell us how it looked/looks like in person?

The booth set up looks very thrown together, but maybe it looks better/worse in person.

No. 302627

File: 1688416610215.png (404.61 KB, 864x1436, Screenshot_20230703-223726~2.p…)

I think she deserves her own thread but I haven't had time to put it together. I also think her booth looks like a bunch of rumpled bed sheets. I screenshotted some stories about her hiding from customers

Just before leaving for the US she went on another rant against Americans. The entire unhinged thing is here https://twitter.com/citrusymikan/status/1671903889086644224

No. 302636

She's not feverishly milky to warrent it. It took forever for her other one to fill.

No. 302641

there's more than enough.

No. 302642

the clothes were paper thin. can’t believe she charges people more than $15 for these

No. 302652

Lol I disagree. Her last thread and PULL thread are/were just nonstop proof of her being an asshole. She flies under the radar and maybe has successfully convinced some zoomers that she's some kind of fashion girlboss which is hilarious to me.

No. 302672

Then make one.

No. 302687

Saw her in person and she isn’t as thin as she appears in pictures. Her nose tip looks weird in person but I didn’t care to stay long enough to stay and look through her clothes.
Also lul at her constantly talking shit on Americans only to end up at Anime Expo

No. 302713

File: 1688502180468.jpg (1.27 MB, 2880x2880, 20230704_222222-COLLAGE.jpg)

idk why she thinks this shit is funny. (i'm not from the US, i just think it's tasteless and shows retardation, just like gang signs in photos)

No. 302726

Kinda fitting for her since she has that chinless, toothless, hooknosed, inbred look.

No. 302747

There was some drama she was mildly involved in a few months ago too. Mikan sent screenshots of cinnagal's story to capsulebunny to make fun of her. >>>/w/291201

No. 302750

Both are cows but I can appreciate the urge to make fun of either one of them. Cinngal went absolutely postal too, kek.

No. 302751

Funniest part is it didn’t even seem like Cinnagal had mentioned Katie by name until Mikan went and fanned the flames which caused Katie to respond.

No. 302755

Almost didn't recognize this as mikan for a second. She's managed to completely whitewash herself at this point. Wasn't until I recognized that botched nosejob melting into her top lip in that bottom right pic that I realized it was actually her. She genuinely looks like some white girl who was born with a harelip or something. kek

No. 302757

File: 1688533291654.jpeg (312.8 KB, 508x502, IMG_7711.jpeg)

Anon please, it sticks out as much as her nose

No. 302765

File: 1688546679064.jpeg (2.67 MB, 1170x1645, IMG_0556.jpeg)

Since she got that new nose job she’s been photoshopping her head, look how small it is compared to the other person!
I took picrel ages ago and have been waiting to post it.

No. 302769

Can we also talk about how strange it is that she seemed to be publicly thirsting over and flirting with these weird European otaku guys who tape their eyes back? This picture is from
one of their weird photoshoots.

No. 302771

File: 1688554715324.png (76.54 KB, 275x148, 1499794418305.png)

It's knitemaya who she was fake thirsting over, who is a white woman with lots of followers and her own thread here. Most well known for taping her eyes to WW2 anti japanese propaganda levels and accidentally exposing herself bitching about her "best friend" on lolcow kek
Considering Mikan rants about race every 5 minutes on twitter, you would think she would be careful about who she clout chases

No. 302772

i think it's supposed to have a cult party kei look?

No. 302778

File: 1688566734071.jpg (85.41 KB, 755x721, Mactonight.jpg)

No. 302828

looks less cult party and way more "making a pillow fort out of grandma's bedsheets" tbh

No. 302850

File: 1688672724719.jpg (322.16 KB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_20230706_154552.jpg)

Why does she always have to mention her one eye? It doesn't even make sens to mention it here…

No. 302898

File: 1688753706055.jpeg (615.79 KB, 990x1235, 13DDE884-5CF0-48CD-B0CC-49DE66…)

It looked like shit. Her bf was there on the 3rd day sitting alone managing HER booth. Sorry for the shit quality took as a screenshot from a vid I sent to my friend

No. 302899

Her leaving the booth isn't an issue. The hell you want her to do, not enjoy the con at all during the day?

No. 302904

File: 1688758048337.gif (656.97 KB, 220x225, 5A0A5A43-AB8C-4D2F-82FF-994A1E…)

Yes.(sage your shit)

No. 302905

File: 1688761134211.jpg (1.02 MB, 2880x2880, 20230707_221929-COLLAGE.jpg)

well there was this whole arc of her hiding under the table fabric from customers, which was weird. I combined all the screenshots but she made sure every single photo of her doing this was a photo of her thighs and stockings, kek

No. 302907

Girl get a coffee and do your job. How can someone have a booth and then not wanting to sell or interact with people interested in her brand?

No. 302923

That's why people have help, so they can leave their booth.

No. 302938

Trust me, this counts as good behavior in a Walmart.

No. 302940

This lmao I think it's pretty tame in general. Her hiding under the booth is milkier (and more pathetic)

No. 302950

to be fair, she would flip out if people were doing that in Japan while wearing the rising sun flag and pretending to have weapons. That's the extent of it, I have seen some infamous walmart photos but for someone so sensitive about culture and violence, this was an odd choice to make, that's all. It only intensified into mocking the national day and anthem. I'm European and not caring about anthems or national pride but I still wouldn't like watching a smug guest make a fucking mockery out of a country's national song or day. Of the US holidays, July 4 is pretty uncontroversial and freedom from the British is celebrated by a lot of nations lol.

No. 302956

I’m probably ignorant but what’s the problem? Her posing at wallmart or wearing a cowboy head? The pistol pose?

No. 302958

riding in the cart like a child was my eyeroll idk. and pretending to have a gun bc muuurica. It's like middle school humor

No. 302965

Distasteful considering that there was a mass shooting in a Walmart recently, maybe multiple? And iirc one of them targeted black people specifically. It’s strange to rant about Americans and how their concept of race doesn’t leave enough room for you to be seen as an uwu East Asian girl. Most people calling her out her recent white washing are likely American. The American concept of race also originated in Europe (UK in particular) so I’m not sure what she’s complaining about.
Sage for rant but her rhetoric is contradictory bordering on offensive.
I’m surprised that nobody called her out for associating with this and making several posts with this shitstain. Especially since she cries at any comment implying she looks more EAST asian. (She definitely does.)

No. 302969

File: 1688830397231.jpg (277.3 KB, 1080x1415, Screenshot_20230708_113235.jpg)

she did it again

No. 302970

>debut single

How many times has she "debuted" lmao

No. 302977

It's not distasteful.

No. 302983

imho it wouldn't be a big deal except Vina hates America and Americans and spends a lot of time online raging and mocking and blaming them. So that's why it hits differently to see her dressed like a cowgirl in LA (of all places) and doing finger guns. I mean she literally made videos about what NOT to do in Japan and etiquette about how to ride the train, etc. But now she's in another country acting like a fool. I guess you don't have to worry about etiquette in the US, only in Japan? How many 25yos do you see riding in grocery trolleys on the regular?

It's been a long time since I visited the US but I didn't see this kind of behavior in stores. Again, if it weren't Miss Vina Superoppressed, Always Right and Always A Victim, no one would care. But people who want respect should give a little respect especially when visiting another country. Mikan's friends all enable her anyway so she's never confronted with anything uncomfortable about her hypocrisy.

No. 303005

Everyone on twitter hates America and Americans, it's not that big of a deal, nonna, I think you're overthinking a bit. It's childish and stupid but I dont understand why get so pressed about it.

No. 303007

As an American, you're reaching way too hard, she did that pose because she was dressed in a western themed outfit. Way more obnoxious shit happens in Walmart on a daily basis, calm down.

No. 303043

You're trying to make this into some gun and an anti-American thing when it isn't at all. Walmart in certain states in the US even sells gun. She's dressed as a cowgirl with a gun accessory because it's Western iconography. This is such a bad attempt at milk.

No. 303063


>>How many 25yos do you see riding in grocery trolleys on the regular?


you are definitely not American yourself, so it is funny how you are acting like you are a beacon of American knowledge.

No. 303068

idk why I have to justify anything to have an opinion, but one side of my family lives in the US, and I did 3 years of (post)graduate education there, so I'd be careful about judging. My English isn't uniformly UK or US in style. Anyway, I've dropped it; you can too.

No. 303187

did she write this about herself?

No. 303242

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“They”? God she’s so desperate to be different

No. 303302

Mikan was mentioned around 15:26 where it was going around the whole con that she had stuff stolen from her booth

No. 303320

This is comically bad, it feels like a terrible parody of chappell roan

No. 303349

This is so embarrassing I can't even watch it.

No. 303380


this is so bad

No. 303383

Glad it wasn't just me that thought that. So cringe, never had an original idea in her life. Embarrassing that she's 31 and putting stuff like this out there to be honest.

No. 303386

Reminds me of those delusional rich white ladies whose husband's buy them studio time and music videos.

No. 303603

How long do we reckon before Kelsey gives up on this adventure because it’s not getting enough traction and goes back to dancing hermonie again?

No. 303770

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Now I guess

No. 303771

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It’s ironic when her songwriting is probably one of the things she’s least skilled at, I don’t think she’s ever written anything listenable

No. 303940

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not milk as such but cannot get over how botched connie looks now. she used to be quite pretty (albeit skinny like an anachan) but I just can't believe how much she's deteriorated since giving up on youtube

No. 304346

Kelsey is trying to cash in on the Barbie hype with a new short video of her singing. It's cringe and of course she takes her eye out.

No. 304378

and she also sings really bad as usual

No. 304384

I just don't know why she sings so badly, she'll sound okay for a few seconds then start almost screaming in that off key way. Is girlie tone deaf I don't fucking get it?

No. 304665

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Lol. How this girl keeps the lights on I’ll never know. Her CV must be a giant red flag, can’t hold down a real life job for longer than a few months.

No. 304696


Lucky posistion though just make a post and people will come and provide and ask around for you for jobs so a CV wouldn't matter much I guess(sage your shit)

No. 305542

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Kelsey on the beg for money again on insta. Claiming she doesn’t take “making a fundraiser lightly” as if she hasn’t already asked whatever is left of her fanbase for money on many occasions!

No. 305546

What is she begging for now?

No. 305554

Money so she can continue making creative content. Complaining that her laptop is 8 years old and broken and threatening to have to give up. Oh how will we survive.

No. 305572

She wants 3 grand for a new laptop…? That's MacBook money, not exactly a poor person's choice.

God, she really has no shame has she? Then again I guess she's given up judging by the quality of her content just getting worse instead of better. I remember being so impressed by her Bad Apple dance cover back in the day, and being jealous of her cute pastel outfits lol. Now it's just taking her eye out every video, singing badly (not sure how but even the singing got worse over time, or at least plateaed long ago) and wearing tacky cowgirl shit. It doesn't really feel like she is my age, there is this degree of lack of self awareness that I feel flabbergasted by. Can you imagine peaking as a teenager and then just… Never improving at your craft? Scary shit

No. 305575

Oh no, almost like she could… get a normal job like the rest of us to fund her shitty music on the side.

No. 305593

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The most embarrassing part of this is that this is the second time she’s begging for money for a new laptop.
The last time she crowdfunded a new laptop was 8 years ago. The link to the gofundme is still up albeit, closed.

No. 305625

File: 1691866512018.jpg (577.41 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230812_145534_com…)

get a job(emoji)

No. 305627

She doesn't even mention the idea of, god forbid, working at a normal job to fund this. It's evident the ad jobs have dried up, hence being desperate enough to flog the shower wanking device. Maybe the companies have realised she's not relevant anymore, or the alcohol companies have realised that she doesn't actually like to drink but just pretends for the ££££? I can't say me seeing Kelsey drinking a Heineken Silver is going to make me want to drink one, quite the opposite tbh.

No. 305678

It's gone up by £5 in 20 hours. Those 150,000 Instagram followers don't seem too fussed then?

No. 305679

She's the only one that ever mention dancing hermione. Get over it

No. 305680

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Forgot to post

No. 305748

i feel sort of sad for connie. she always seemed like a nice, regular person and although her books were written somewhat amateurly i did enjoy the series a lot. i get the vibe that she can't figure herself out. she attributes personality traits to particularly aesthetics, so if she wants to wear pink she has to be bubbly and sweet and if she wants to wear black she has to be edgy and rebellious. she's talked before about how her pink persona made her feel like she always had to be happy. during her emo black phase she made it seem like she'd never liked pink, disney, etc. and it was all an act for youtube, which was clearly so untrue. i don't know. it'd be healthy for her if she stopped defining herself based on her "aesthetics"

No. 305781

Isn't she like over 30 now? Dang.

No. 305786

31. At what point does she realise this isn't working? Still £175 on the donations total by the way.

No. 305996


16 hours a week is the maximum she can claim while on Universal credit (benefits/welfare) without it impacting her. Dang, our tax money is funding this sad sack of shit

No. 306097

So what absolute pathetic excuse for a human bought Kelsey a laptop? Clearly not a PR/sponsored post, and also shady AF in her story.

Patreon coming soon, I'm sure it will be an incredible success.

No. 306106

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The job search is clearly going well

No. 306125

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It’s kinda sad this was almost 5 years ago and she’s still flopping.
She keeps squandering any relevancy/fan base she might’ve had by constantly picking up and dropping projects, and seems disingenuous in all of them.
She wants to be aidoru but then claims she never wanted that, tried becoming her own musician whilst ripping off Kyary but then dropped it, jumps on the Disney bandwagon because Abi did, jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon but now dropped it because JK is a “terf”, tried becoming an actress as Lila Bard but got little work and is now rebranding as Norma Night.
It’d be one thing if these are all personal passion projects but the ebegging makes it seem like she really thinks she deserves to be a star.

No. 306172

Oh she definitely thinks she’s good enough to become famous on her talent alone. She’s got the stage school kid delulu. In reality she’s nothing special and only grew an audiences because she hopped on the aidoru hype train when it was at it’s peak in the late 2000’s/2010’s. It’s time to get a real job Kelsey, it’s getting embarrassing. You’re not a teenager dancing in your mums sitting room anymore.

No. 306251

Good news everyone, we now have an acoustic version of No Sympathy and a new single coming in September. Hope whoever bought Kelsey that laptop is happy with themselves.

No. 306281

I wish she'd stop doing the jarring 'vibrato', or at least practice tone control more… Kelsey, if you're reading this, I'm begging you to take some singing workshops, literally anything.

But I also think that it's a bit beyond just not being skilled, as the intro to the video is obnoxious as hell and also has an audio jumpscare that she did not bother normalising the volume of… Urgh. Sloppy.

This. Honestly liked her back then, she was just having fun dancing and was way more likable. Now it's just seeing what she's up to out of habit and it's kind of scary how people can stagnate in their craft like that. I've seen it happen plenty of times and it just makes me want to make sure I'm always growing in my art and not growing in ego

No. 306302

It's not like she's just a bad singer, it's not even a well written song.
Norma night feels like a drag act without the drag(sage your shit)

No. 306344

The weird country twang she's trying to add is really throwing me off, it sounds so unnatural.

No. 306357

"Pink Pony Club" by Chappel Roan is basically the same concept for a song as "Cowgirl Cupid" but I'll leave you to figure out which one came first.

No. 306519

At least she isn't dancing in a graveyard like her "around the neighbourhood" version

No. 306520

Probably an unpopular opinion, since I myself am tone deaf. But I feel like she could be a good singer with the right training plus actually working with a song writer who can write something suited to her voice. Not famous level singer but in all honesty, I've heard worse singers at live events.

No. 306564

I agree, with proper training she could be a competent singer, not impressive but not awful. Instead she's trying so hard to force a singing voice that is both bad and doesn't suit her at all

No. 306625

Does anyone know why Kelsey's unlisted her Japan vlogs? Videos like that can always bring in passive income on YouTube

No. 306671

Doesn’t fit her new edge-lord Norma Nights one eyes cowboy aesthetic she’s got going on

No. 326649

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Kelsey got an ad with RNIB for a subway. Much success

No. 326697

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Really? Doubt she's bullshitting but unexpected. Guess it was for some sort of background character

No. 327486

They make it sound like she's fully blind in the caption(sage your shit)

No. 329092

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Kelsey is still completely unable to take criticism I see.

No. 332127

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So tragic that she genuinely thinks she sounds good and will some how cash in on Chappell Roan fans.(sage your shit)

No. 332847

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Not this girl with <300 followers acting like she has fans(not milk)

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