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No. 218113
Discuss TrashTaste and their friends in Japan
>part 1/3 of Garnt's wedding has been completed. There will be 2 more so all their friends & family can attend.>Joey struggles with making content because of his previous coomer persona. >Connor debuted with a vtuber model with IronMouse and continues to harem every man/woman>Karen is on hiatus from vtuber duties to attend conventions/events as her real persona>Aki goes through a quarter life crisis with tattoos, piercings, and is trying to distant herself from TT&friends>PewDiePie is having the time of his life in JapanReminders:
-Aki being fat is not milk
-Chris/Sharla anons stay in
>>>/w/216275 No. 218116
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aki continues to be a nlog and throws in her 2 cents, siding with johnny depp despite all the evidence of him abusing his other partners lol
No. 218118
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Karen continues to be a raging alcoholic and couldn't make it through the wedding
No. 218184
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The oreimo shit is making me lose my mind
No. 218400
>>218237if you know anything about the merryweathery team is that they're allergic to drawing anything that's not white pale skin characters.
looking at their portfolio you'll see this. they couldn't even draw gigguk's skin tone right for god sake. if i were him or gigguk i would have told them to fix that shit
No. 218539
>>218516the brother and sister are biological siblings in oreimo,
nonny…you should always be immediately suspicious of anyone that likes oreimo
No. 218550
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I do think there’s beef from aki to the rest of the crew though, they used to hang out all the time and now they don’t.
No. 218743
>>218524idk if anyone else will agree with me on this but Connor is the most enjoyable to watch considering the fact that he isn't as afraid to give his honest opinion on things even if people may disagree with him
meanwhile Garnt and Joey have the most basic ass takes ever
No. 218880
But I liked Joey videos about manga: it is still pretty rare for youtube to make videos about manga - especially if it’s unscanlated and kinda niche
Personally I don’t have pearls to clutch even if it’s grotesque
As far as I know, he doesn’t make videos like that anymore
No. 218908
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Saw this in the comments of the most recent trash taste vid. Kinda weird and possibly a bit more evidence pointing at the fact that things might not all be well between Joey and aki. (Pls forgive me the tinfoil)
No. 218951
>>218908to be fair though, Aki confessing to him has literally nothing to do with the passport story
for context, right before Joey told this story, Garnt shared his own story about losing his passport and having to have it be shipped to him. so bringing Aki up at all would just be irrelevant to the conversation imo
No. 219193
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Ignoring the obvious scrote bait
Isn’t it weird Karen’s ex who was underground for years, is suddenly gaining notoriety? I think it’s obvious she’s helping him with industry contracts and gigs, but I don’t understand why. Especially after he wrote a diss track(now deleted) about being jealous of her newfound fame.
No. 219286
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>>218113So glad there's finally a thread on these weebs. Showing your mom NTR hentai has got to be the lowest low.
No. 219353
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>>218237>one of the quote tweetsMy sides, such an animu prince
No. 219355
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>>218184This wedding sounds like something 14 year olds would organize
No. 219360
>>219356Could be. And the ammount of clickbait and "look how much we spent on useless shit please remember how relatable we are, here's a clip of us jerking each other how we're so popular that we're a fire hazard" is a thing I've always hated.
I'm waiting for when they get caught doing some shady shit, maybe next time it's not enough to just call yourself "advisors" when shit goes down.
No. 219383
>>219382And this thread will end after a couple more weeks at the maximum .
What milk is there to weebs being weebs at there wedding and not liking them? Nothing.
No. 219385
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Just remembered this old meme that has reached “jon tron punched Suzy” levels of drama. Joey/Aki no longer interacts with noble/last pause, but Connor/Garnt still does I think. Everyone thinks it’s because noble had a crush on Aki and he was jealous, but I think the more likely scenario is he called her fat so they cut him out of their lives lmao
No. 219386
>>219384How am I trolling? I'm saying there is little to no milk to be had here because not liking someone and a wedding for weebs isn't milk.
If that's the case most anitubers belong here more then them
No. 219407
>>219403Are the ESL boogeyman in the walls?
Because English is my first language.
No. 219452
>>219450>NLOG hentai art she comissionswow i didn't know it was that bad jfc
she lucked out on genetics with her eye,hair,skin color and facial structure but she doesn't seem to really take care of herself or stay fit, what a waste.
I think she's super annoying
No. 219475
>>219193I thought he friendzoned her and she wrote a whole album about it.
They still work together and I'm not aware of the "diss track" being deleted but maybe we're thinking about different things, they're rappers and were probably just ribbing each other.
FAKE TYPE had a pretty long period of hiatus then got back together, and both parts were doing stuff over their breaks, with THHK having some serious breakout success with his track Princess. It's possible there's some Mori -> DemonDice -> FAKE TYPE fans out there but most people I know knew them pre hiatus or through princess/post hiatus tracks. FAKE TYPE are pretty established and have a long career and THHK has his own solo career; so while Karen's contributed via animation and stuff it feels weird to attribute their success to her when they had a firm fanbase before she even showed up.
Also Karen is like… the uber-FAKE TYPE fan so if she is helping them out, no shit. She literally went to Japan and got into music because of them.
No. 219477
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>>219450I’ll post one of the cursed hentai she commissioned. This is the futa one please don’t unspoiler If you’re uncomfortable. This gives us confirmation that yes she is as depraved and pornsick as she lets on.
No. 219483
>>219477Ahahaha,holy fucking shit.
By the way,in this video she says the girls losing their virginity trope in porn is awful because irl they're bleeding and having their skin torn, gigguk says the same. Seems like she (or they together) had a bad experience with not even getting her relaxed and wet enough? She also says she likes cumflation and orc rape.
No. 219493
>>219475There was a leak where her mom posted a picture of faketype and Karen together and called him her bf. The diss track was deleted because the producer was found in possession of drugs and any association is career ending.
Also high-key hate fake type. Karen might be a raging alcoholic but even she didn’t deserve to be overworked for content as much as faketype pushed her. The reason why she was so fucking tired during the start of her debut was they were demanding her to draw things for them. I theorize out of jealousy since she hit it big with holo.
No. 219523
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OP is literally TrashTaste & Friends and Syd is in it, how retarded can the whiteknight be? This is about coomer anime podcasters. Anyway here's a pic of Syd's mom looking at her as she explains nipple penetration.
No. 219614
>>219604I like how even the comments are calling her out for pretending to be innocent when in other videos she openly admits to her fetishes lol, but here she's like "I'm a pure girl uwu"
>her mom even showed her youtube channel to some coworkersOh honey…
No. 220203
>>220202Connor is clearly one of those people who just do the thing they are supposed to be doing to be liked (& to make hard cash) and those who will do everything to reach the top. Out of the three he's clearly the least woke and his conformance with the current PC culture is very clearly rooted in money. Strikes me as that guy who is ruthless and will just do anything for game and glory.
Also, he was a literal no-one before Trash Taste. I actually watched him first out of all of them, because youtube recommended one of his voice acting review videos and I kind of enjoyed them so I subbed. When TT started, his following was like 10 times (literally) lower than Gigguk's or Joey's, or more. I was very surprised that creators of this caliber had taken someone like him to a podcast. There's no doubt that he's the absolute biggest winner of Trash Taste, because without it he would still have been a very mediocre VA based youtuber.
No. 220218
>>220202The Chris Chan episode was really bizarre. I think that and the time their friend the host with some outdated views came on were the most uncomfortable eps. I don't think Conner was a bully (none of these guys seem like they were true bullies, we're all nerdy) but I do think he was a troll for a long time. Think call of duty kid. They all were deep online growing up but Garnt and Joey went to more obscure anime and certain lewd things and Conner went to sites similar to this one. He's definitely followed and maybe participated in that business for years. Overall he seems nice in person at least.
>>220203The idea was that GeekxPlus were going to bring in three different anitubers from different backgrounds. Gigguk - old school, long form review style; Joey - Modern, lewd, Japan adventurer, well connected, Conner - Voice acting, actually has female fans. Joey was clearly the headliner initally and Conner was the biggest risk. I don't think much of his original fanbase translated to trash taste since the fanbase is more nerdy guys than lonely single young women. His channel probably would have died if he didn't go to Japan or join Trash Taste. His old content is completely different and even now he's building himself as a twitch gamer outside of his anime/Japan/trash taste side. He's not a bad guy but definitely mostly money/grind focused compared to the other two. Joey feels like he wants to be more of a legitimate artist/creator but isn't sure how and Garnt just wants to be happy and do right with his family. When trash taste ends we will probably never see Garnt again and Joey will focus on his music while not acknowledging the anime man much. Conner will be around though maybe with his own podcast.
No. 220314
>>220272>>220297>>220274>>220268I, too, would love to see some proof rather than just hearsay, as i'm not sure what iteration of PULL everyone's referring to, but Connor and TT weren't really a big thing until recently. Otherwise it's like people can sockpuppet to make exaggerated statements while agreeing with themselves in order to give the illusion of credibility to their claims. He's unlikely to be the narcissistic mastermind some anons are implying he is, but it shouldn't be that difficult to locate the original screenshots and files that are supposedly out there, if someone can get ahold of the anons that provided them. I can't remember what video he talked about it in but back when he was on his Black Butler schtick he collaborated or met up with some creepy parasocial fans/wannabe voice actors and said how it was an unpleasant experience for him, which is pretty milk worthy, although I don't know if he said anything more about it as he seemed very uncomfortable recalling it. I'm not deep into TT as they can hardly hold my attention for more than a half hour, but out of all of them, Connor seemed at least somewhat decent and down to earth, if not a bit queer bait-y.
No. 220326
>>220314Here's the archived PULL thread: the pages should be archived. I went and found it back during the drama with Mori Calliope. IIRC, it's mostly about his opportunism. And the former fans who are talking about him come across very young and naive. I didn't find anything that seemed extremely damning, but I did get bored and stop halfway through.
No. 220521
>>219193You're telling me Karen actually dated Tophat Kyo or someone else from Fake Type? I never knew this, interesting
I hate consoomerism and scrote behaviors too but I do have TT in the background sometimes when I do chores or clean. It does have a nostalgic feel as one of the nonnas said earlier.
No. 220528
>>220480Woke does pay, but I actually think he's being mostly genuine about it, since he has gained a lot of fanbase from TT and most of their fans aren't exactly woke, quite the opposite, since they're mostly reddit/4chan dudebros, and those people probably outnumber the fujos among his subscribers by now. It just wouldn't make sense for him to pander to the woke squad just for money, especially since wokes probably hate TT anyway cause they're friends with Pewdiepie.
That being said, I don't see him as actually Woke(tm) either, all his takes have been very mild. He just seems like a dude who tries to keep up with politics a little bit more than Garnt and Joey, and thus has formed opinions about stuff. And I actually like that he's trying to be respectful to others, for example his video about the Japanese gay bar was nice, I know that at least Joey would have made some weird jokes. Also it's refreshing to listen to Connor when they talk about coomer shit cause at least he is sensible enough to get disgusted by lolis.
I'm not trying to wk, I'm not a super fan of any of them, but yeh idk why he would pander to a group that isn't his target audience anymore.
No. 220591
>>220533> It totals to around ~97 GB.piece of cake
I knew my 5TB HDDs and digital hoarding would come in handy one day.
No. 220829
>>220591 pls
nonny provide updates
No. 220888
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>>220829downloading the topics and one month of picture uploads as a test, this is slower than a snail
No. 221096
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What is she talking about?
No. 221164
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>>220888update, im dropping the upload folder for now so i can get the whole topics website rip, since that one's gonna go a bit faster and might start the milkiness
No. 221232
>>220314>An online content creator that is clout-hungry and chases numbers has an egoIf cdawg was doing shit like grooming, physical abuse or something truly outrageous that would be something, but every single thing he's done is just standard overinflated eceleb ego.
He's no different than the average twitch streamer or youtuber.
No. 221503
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I downloaded some of the archived thread off the magnet link on reddit. It doesn't function as a website so I have to go one by one on all images/htmls from folders downloaded. Only found this so far about responding to getting critiqued.
No. 222675
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NLOG still going strong
No. 226090
>>226013It’s AX weekend
nonny, sorry you’re not part of the anime industry. I would’ve taken pics but I’m not losing my job for lolcow lol
No. 226297
>>226171ah yes let me post caps from a real life party
nonnie. You don't have to believe it, but idc, I'm going to share what I saw, and have it archived in this thread for when shit hits the fan.
No. 226549
>>226309>>226383how the fuck do you post caps of a in person party
nonnie? enlighten us
No. 237938
>>219351I stopped watching/listening a few episodes after they moved to the second studio.
The purple and those japanese things they have behind (those used for dressing, don't know how they're called) remind me too much of porn sets used by cosplayers.
That said, I think what changed was that they weren't new to Japan anymore. At first it was about these 3 guys moving to Japan, talking about their funny experiences and culture shock.
This then mixed with talking about their interests or themselves, they talked about stuff that they most liked, so they made it interesting. It was a good combo, japan+experiences+what they liked.
Slowly the interest in japan faded, they talked about their main stuff and now it's too generic for my taste. Of course it has a huge audience and it's well done, but it's not for me. I think this is why I don't like it anymore.
Also the porn set. I cannot believe nobody ever told them, the second set is a porn set and the set on the couch it kinda is too.
No. 250266
>>220202the Geno episode might bight them in the ass more then they realize
Some people are blaming Janke for the whole kiwi farms E drama trying to memory hole his daughters involvement with chris and if Geno is committed to the whole cover everything about chis they might try to drag him which might blow back on trash taste a bit for having him as a guest.
Doubt either will happen because the drama seems 100% centered on null, but who knows>>220202
No. 250308
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Joeys been spending lots of time travelling without Aki and now theyre both in ireland at a friends wedding. I still find it weird that aki didnt go to Garnts wedding.
The comments in the insta post thought for a second aki and Joey were getting married. They've been together for over 6 years according to his recent youtube video. Strange that they're not engaged although Joey seems so low energy with Aki in the video and its a bit painful to watch. Their relationship seems strained. wonder when theyre going to get engaged or break up. sage for tinfoil
No. 250521
>>250308They aren't getting married. Couples who date this long and don't get married is usually because there's a lot of doubt and apprehension. They've dated so long they don't want to break up because of sunk cost fallacy, but they also don't want to get married because they'd be giving up possible other better relationships. (Unless it's for another reason like career, distance, etc..)
If he wanted to propose to her he would have already.
No. 252092
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anyone else notice how bad Connor’s balding is getting ?
No. 252143
>>250353I remember watching a highlight reel of the podcast and he mentions he likes bigger women so that explains a lot.
Semi off topic but my friend sent me a snippet of their live LA show and Joey made a joke about making a tinder account which likely means nothing but still a weird joke to make if you’re in a 6 year long relationship
No. 257499
>>218113>>253279i think he has haemophilia or something so he can't even get one.
also lol at aki really thinking she did something by getting naked on the plane. gross
No. 257716
>>257500I think someone brought it up in the old jvlogger threads, but they thought she was a numberfag because someone approached Joey on the street and she replied to the camera man instead with something like “
I have 1 million subs too”. I kind of see it now. Also looks like there’s this inferiority complex going on where she wants to be a more legit YouTuber without relying on hentai(though she still leans into it).
Besides that rrat, I don’t think she invited the TT crew to her thanksgiving/New Years/Olympics party which is also pretty sketch
No. 258883
>>258766idr there being pathological lies? like i know theres an issue of her omitting truths - like she says she went to the military school when in reality ROTC is just a PhysEd alternative.
as for her drama, her biggest one was reading off wikipedia articles to vocaloid videos and not actually knowing about the fandom. I wish their PULL thread was archived, I'm sure there was more evidence there.
No. 268753
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What is she trying to prove here?
No. 268783
>>268753 The whole 'women don't buy or participate in sex culture in japan, yet all they do is get sexualized, but that's because so pure and innocent' is massive over there. It's not societally 'normal' for a woman to buy this stuff. She's just boasting about doing something UK and US people do, but this is exactly what tourists usually do if they are degenerates, it's not like it's not expected. It's a shock, sure, but it's not the same as if someone actually assimilated into the Japanese society is buying it. Foreigners are seen more sexualized because they don't have modest societies like Japan. She's trying too hard, but that's probably why she posted that.
"He's going to think I'm so LEWD~! I-I DON'T CARE!" Like.. Okay. Are you weird when you buy tampons and condoms too?
No. 271687
>>268812>>218184in case you missed.
what fucking weirdos.
No. 280492
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I noticed their views have been dropping lately, they used to hit 1-2mil viewers on the reg but now they struggle to hit 1mil and the numbers just seem to continue crashing down. Was their live shows so bad people lost interest? Have their lost their charm? Did someone say something too retarded for their fans to handle? I haven't checked in on the pod for like a year
No. 280551
>>280492its january so everyone's stats dip, but more importantly japanese borders are open and the pandemic isn't as prevalent anymore. i'm sure they'll have interesting guests soon to bring it up.
on the topic of their content though, shocked that joey"the anime man" was pro-ai art. your entire job is to critque manga/anime, isn't it a little fucked to put artists out of business with a "git gud"? so out of touch
No. 280866
>>280492>>280533They have fewer views because of three main things
1. The pandemic is over pretty much everything has fewer views look at all the streaming platforms even
2. No specials. They had one special last year and while still good it felt a bit unfocused as they kept going from location to location. Compare that to something like cycling where it's easier to bring out a better story as you don't need to keep introducing and reintroducing.
3. Boring guests NileRed and even Pete Premier Two are exceptions as they're genuinely interesting people but there was a period where they'd have on generic youtubers on who would be boring and even their subreddit complained about it
4. The regular episodes are getting a bit weird. Their lives are so different than before so they can't really bring out as many stories that would work on real people instead of other YouTubers. But it's not dramatically worse than before.
That said after dark is still decent. They have an America special coming out. They just need to get interesting guests that aren't just youtubers. JunkFoodJapan I think would be a good guest as he's had an interesting life and has done more than just play games on youtube. NileRed was practically a mad scientist and Pete is extremely charismatic and had a full career before becoming a streamer. I'm not too worried about the podcast.
No. 282031
>>280492Because they try not to be political while Connor the idiot makes side comments about his views. Joey is out of touch with his audience and is gonna be a j vlogger now. Gigguk is the only one who makes content that reflects originally why people followed him, to begin with.
Plus it's tiring to see them get basic shit wrong, like Joey and AI shit. As if he doesn't have loads of artist friends? How brain-dead can you be? After the first year, their content just wasn't as good and now it's like they are trying to force moments of funny.
I went from liking Connor at the start to just loathing his takes along with Joey. Rather than hate watching them I just stopped altogether but isn't it great to see Joey pushing AI shit on his Twitter. Living for it.
No. 283279
>>283206Daidus is youtuber, he does animated videos about random shit/his life, he recently moved to japan, and he basically never showed his face.
He looks so extremely uncomfortable in that video. I feel embarrassed for him/second hand cringe lol
( No. 283293
>>283288You got a timestamp for the off hand joke?
I'm going to watch all 12 hours of this just to find it
No. 283305
>>283293>>283296Nta but an hour and 50 mins in there's a part where he's joking with conner about 'nuts in his tea' and maybe 3 mins later he's still making innuendos and tells the staff he likes being wet. It was painful.
Later in the stream he's realizing how awkward he made things but he says he's only dwelling on it because he got diagnosed with adhd lately? No it was legit awkward and well worth cringing over. I feel like Pete carried the stream.
No. 283622
>>283608>She really fucking hates garnt, syd, and Connor lmfaoIs that actually true?
Thinking back on it now, I don't think I've ever seen her in a video with the Trash Taste group, the only other people she's ever done videos with are Emma/Tokyo Creative group and Sharla (especially in that awful "bath tub" video -
Has she ever said anything about not working with the Trash Taste group?
No. 284074
>>284073>Aki is deeply unpleasant and fake, well known for it in their social circles.Is this actually true?
Is there any proof to go along with it other than her not sharing the spotlight in videos?
I'm not a big fan of Aki, but hearsay about their "social circles" isn't very helpful
No. 284239
>imageboard>doesn't post an image of said evidenceare you new or just lying?
No. 288886
>>284028Who tf is choosing these caps of her?
No. 288910
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Reposting a ss a nonna posted in another thread, Syd has implied several times she is not attracted to women, I literally see no reason she is so much into heterosexual hentai made for moids, shit literally has total emphasis on sexualizing women for the male gaze, the only way you can enjoy this as a woman is if you're also attracted to women, but even then most of this shit is outright gross. It is literally chronic NLOGism or she does it for the views/clout/money. With how she acts around other men I'm going to be bet NLOGism.
No. 290518
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I usually would agree that a girl can do better than a guy but I do think realistically they are looksmatched. Both 6's, slightly above average
No. 291859
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>>218113Aki made an onlyfans account LOL
No. 293159
>>292177The fuck is this degeneracy
>>291859Why is she wearing shorts under tights
No. 293166
>>293159those are control top pantyhose
No. 293285
>>293251Honestly, I'd ship it. Kaho seems really nice and quirky. She is also a few years older than Connor, which I'm sure he would be into since he likes older women.
I honestly feel like if Joey were single though, Kaho could have ended up with him as well. They seem to get along even better.
No. 293308
>>293249oh where did meilyne say this?
Kaho would make sense..if not at minimum she is thirsting on him hard in several videos. he doesn't seem to reciprocate but it could be for the 93%
No. 293333
>>293330Every cute supposedly couple type interaction of Connor and Mouse I've seen is really just annoying little sister or close friend territory. It's really not that uncommon for people to behave like that despite one or both of them having no romantic interest in each other. She also lives in the US and probably can't move and Connor has explicitly mentioned not being able to do long distance dating either in a TT video or his "Dating a subscriber" special, can't remember.
Since he's kinda made it obvious he isn't into the loli cutesy shit romantically the way Joey or Garnt are, it is probably not Mouse. You could argue Mouse isn't her character IRL but they only interact online and most of his time spent online with her is hours and hours of streams of her in character being a kawaii loli demon imp or whatever. It's more likely Kaho or some woman the public hasn't seen before and know nothing about.
No. 293340
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>>293333i dont mean to imply he's dating ironmouse just that if he has a girlfriend its kinda fucked up what he does with her in general, he "brought" her to a dinner date with the other trash taste guys and syd (even tho it was a creepy tablet with her vtuber avatar picrel but yknow) and the whole sailor moon museum thing, they both also have retweeted art from shippers.
Imagine you boyfriend spend hours and hours on stream with another girl, shes the one having dinner vlogs with his friends and his fans constantly make art of them dating, Even if its just for clout on connors side its so disrespectful, i think meilyne was talking shit and hes a single fuckboy.
No. 293346
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>>293344Mori Calliope/Karen is another one who would benefit from that concept, especially after the whole "she's cucking her fans" drama thing . I think she's the most likely tbh, even though Kaho and Connor always kinda gave me FWB vibes.
No. 293509
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>>293333not only that, but she lives in a US territory and not mainland USA. Also, Connor has a high dislike of sand. It would suck to move somewhere that is basically surrounded by beaches.
No. 293522
>>293495Their partners aren't but their taste in anime girls leans hard toward lolis. Garnt's favorite hentai is a fucked up Oreimo incest one and Joey constantly defends lolicon and even made a whole video about how enjoyed reading a disturbing manga about actual children being trapped in a prison full of pedos or something.
Connor is the only one of the three who espresses being in any way grossed out by the sexual lolicon shit.
No. 293914
>>293906I get the feeling it's the same anon who was claiming this
>>284073 weeks ago. People who lie tend to make up semi convincing stories with unverifiable details in hopes that someone won't think twice about it.
No. 293960
>>293941if he isn't single anymore, he was either trying to cheat or it's very recent, because
>>226012 said he was hitting on people, so I'm going to assume this is new and idk why you'd want to reveal a relationship to your audience so early on so I kinda get him.
No. 294067
>>293960this was during their trip to LA, for AX and to film their America special. idk how long ago that was now, but seems like it was during the time
nonnie was saying he was flirting
>>294035always has to be someone on the inside. otherwise how would it happen? i find it odd sometimes, how people think you could just randomly come across any of this. i'm in japan right now for work, and the number of people i've seen just decked out in full trash taste gear, like as if they think they might run into any of them, is kind of disturbing. i feel like you should doubt fan stories, more than work stories
>>294062seems like she has some gripes with him because she thinks he's immature, lazy, and irresponsible. he is much younger than the other two, so i can see that, but she later on expressed that she thought the same of the other two as well. the more she talked, the more egotistical she sounded, and kind of sounded like although she thinks poorly of all three, she was targeting connor because he's the youngest, is the most successful, and has something she can use against him (his secret girlfriend), to keep him from becoming more successful, so he can't leave trash taste/geexplus. i only surmised this because out of the three, connor seemed to be the only friendly one, who was open to socializing, so i couldn't really key into why meilyne "hates" him so much, other than the attitude she was giving the whole time
(sage your shit) No. 294069
>>293350He can't be seeing Kaho
It was supposed to be me with her!
My ideal woman
No. 294194
>>294182Does Meilyne work for the TT group?
I thought she was their manager and the one who brought all three together
No. 294230
>>294182i don't get it either. although it seems as if she doesn't like to work with them, it seems clear that what she does like, is being famous by association, and to have at least one big name under her company. she could have just become her own influencer, but she probably wouldn't have a fraction of the followers she has right now, if it weren't for trash taste
>>294194i believe meilyne founded geexplus, which brought trash taste together. i also believe she was their manager for a bit, inside of geexplus
(sage your shit) No. 297976
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>>291862Aki has got some embarasing stuff on her OF don't know how joey is ok with it
No. 297995
>>297984I really don't get it. Are they that desperate for money? I think it's more that Joey is a pervert and Aki likes the attention of coomers. I doubt she had much of that growing up. Even Sharla does OF. So it isn't about money. Surprisingly Syd is the only one not doing that despite having the biggest scrotey coomer bait main content.
>>294182>>294067It's obvious that she grew up rich and spoiled if you listen to her TT appearances. I think she is scared of Connor though. He's the only who is most able and most likely to blow up trash taste. Especially starting off as just some guy with a small channel who was there so that the fanbase wasn't just all men. Now he is winning twitch awards, well connected to every big content creator name, diversified, and even more prominent than the other two when they both intersect. For example Chris makes more content with Connor than with Joey. If he left he would be impossible to replace and the views would tank. Joey and Garnt are too similar. Garnt keeps to his niche and isn't ambitious enough to push for more and Joey has already peaked in fame and seems really unsure of what he can do for content. He doesn't even like anime anymore. They won't leave trash taste and aren't going to have higher ambitions. Connor would probably leave very quickly if he thought it was best. The lifetime rich person like Meileine definitely does not like the dynamic of having to depend on someone like Connor that she has no leverage over. This is very common with some small business workplaces.
No. 298373
>>298346I don't think there will ever be any real drama, they will just continue to get less views on TT stuff and eventually disband. At this point they are just boring, unrelatable NPC entertainers clocking into TT to fund their Japan lifestyles.
>>298354Connor is probably a sex pest hooking up with random japanese women, but I don't think he's dumb enough to let that interfere with his work life.
(sage your shit) No. 300889
>>300884yeah, that could be it. i just also got personal experience with japan's anti-defamation laws, so my first thought was that.
i think you really need to just listen to it yourself to get what i'm saying though
No. 304888
>>298349They are employed by geekxplus which sponsors their visas.
I can't remember if it was a TT episode or somewhere else, but I believe Joey does have Japanese citizenship. I think they were complaining about having to show passports when booking hotels, or dealing with cops asking to see their residence cards. I believe Joey said something about having a card with his Japanese name on it, and the cops would immediately leave him alone
No. 310382
>>310319Or maybe they both are just obsessed with porn since their boyfriends are hideous and they can fantasize about being with someone attractive instead.
>>310326Wait what?
No. 310428
>>310326She didn't
interview him she read that rotten shit of a moids book and manga while behaving
so scawyyy its such a shame aki has become a ethot and a griffter I used to like her wacky japan stuff that now emirichu does
she has covered this topic already and so has her lolicon retard of a boyfriend No. 315280
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the coomer man strikes again.
it's always so gross how open he and the rest of the trash taste guys are about their porn addictions
>>314864any video where the appeal is spending a lot of money on retarded shit is garbage
No. 316282
>>316248Technically every country would have reason and right to hate foreigners but thanks to their excellent propaganda the world completely forgot what Japan did not too long ago and now you have gazillions of videos and stuff teaching you how to not offend precious Nippon when traveling there and people totally losing it when another foreigner does something that's not 100% correct according to glorious nipponese rules…
Meanwhile nips haul their asses around the world without speaking a single word of english or the local language, and without obviously knowing a single thing about there they traveled to kek But that doesn't matter because they're so superior yet also totally need our protection…
No. 319378
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>>293333Connor showed his discord today on stream and it displayed snippets of DMs. There was an intriguing one from SonaDaPengu (is
this one of his Twitch mods?). So possible he's dating someone not well known to his fanbase at all?
(sage your shit) No. 335575
>>323231Love Kaho and do not understand why she does not milk foreigners more. Is it because her Engrish is still not good enough?
>>321059Agreed the coomerman is so disgusting how he fucking monetizes on tragedies happening in Japan and the video about the "most hated family". I really wish somebody will dig up some dirt on this fucker, but they all seem to boring to really go over the deep end… Maybe when their views eventually plummet and they have mental breakdowns.
(necro/sage your shit) No. 335579
>>335577yeah so much dirt like them being assholes
(sage your shit)