First Thread
>>738758Second Thread
>>836614Third Thread
>>871951Fourth Thread
>>892447Fifth Thread
>>929121Sixth Thread
>>967636Seventh Thread
>>1031322Eight Thread
>>1087783Ninth Thread
>>1148062Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly
abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.
She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.
Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a
victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and ma
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