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No. 1369688[Reply]

Thread #8

If you're new, please make sure you read:
https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

Last Thread

The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way
> most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways
> after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately.
> enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice
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No. 1407249

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No. 1407253

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No. 1407255

>cuz im coming

she doesnt even have a fuckin car. she taking the metro to murder her? uber?

No. 1407269

No. 1577869

I was browsing the Internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how she was cured from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure. I bought the herbal medicine from the herbal doctor [Robinson Buckler]. I took the herbal medicine for 2 weeks as instructed and i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes virus. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact this herbal doctor today on this Email address_________________robinsonbuckler@[[yahoo.com]]…..Thank you Doctor …Thank you so much

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No. 1405152[Reply]

And this is what he looks like. A fat man with moob-implants and greasy dark roots. Damn, just like an anime girl!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1405154

fuck this was meant to be a reply, my bad! Sorry can't delete

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No. 1348150[Reply]

Katherine McMahon, known online as Katherine Harlow theparkavenuepinup and themadameblush, is a 24 year old self-proclaimed burlesque dancer, pinup, luxury financial dominatrix, muse, disability advocate, costumier, historian, hyperfemme collared living doll.

Recent milk:

> Once again attempts to threaten lolcow with legal action and law enforcement because she totally has recourse against a female gossip site discussing her publicly posted neuroticism and narcissism >>1329877 >>1335880 >>1329882

> Shows she has no contact with any lawyer by asking if anyone knows one for familial matters >>1316446 >>1316450
> Monetarily exploits the death of a black sex worker that she has never met because she is “spending out of [her] savings” as well as uses the situation as a scapegoat for quitting her job earlier this year >>1343096
> Furthers the exploit by bragging complaining about how daddy is a cto that has a six-figure salary but his money isn’t hers!! Also takes the comments about her being malnourished because all she consumes is carbohydrates and makes them her life story >>1343133
> Not even 24 hours later proceeds to brag/lie about how “well-paid” she currently is thanks to anons here, making lolcow Schrödinger's site as it simultaneously brings clients to her while also being irrelevant >>1344098
> Publicly asks a professional domme how to attract the type of clients she wants who answers her professionally while also reading her into the ground >>1316922 then goes Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1405349

kek wtf is this

No. 1405406

If she was going for the corpse at the wake look in the picture on the left she nailed it.
It's funny how she posts herself with two completely different skin tones side by side. Without any indication of a new background or location change

No. 1405473

Next thread title should be “sissies and Swarovski edition”

No. 1405516


No. 1405538

New thread >>1405537

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No. 1261804[Reply]

>28 years old cannot function as an adult.
>has 3 children she has completely abandoned
>dates abusers and chases after her friends sloppy seconds
>scams her clients with bad photoshop
> abuses ketamine
>named her cat "xanny" after Xanax
>leaked poop out of her butt on cam and stuck it back in like nothing happened

Twitter: @sabrina_nellie_
Instagram: @sabrinaanellie(shit thread)
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No. 1405117

F off Sandra :):):)( :):):))

No. 1405228

New thread.


No. 1488779

New thread

No. 1490487

No. 1492062

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No. 1299824[Reply]

A woman who claims to hold 'traditional values' and claims to believe that women are below men but has benefited from modern day women's liberation and feminism.

Usually educated women from privileged backgrounds who have led very sheltered lives.

Most are pick mes addicted to superficial male attention and will make whatever talking points red pilled incels and neckbeards want to hear.

They often fetishize female bodily functions and traditional gender roles and cringingly over perform femininity.

Many are also racist white nationalists aka "wignats/wigger nationalists".

A few examples are:

Lauren Southern
>Former costhot
>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.
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No. 1404736

I've never been on crystal cafe and I don't think Jack Nicholson is the most handsome man ever (although he was above average looking when young).
I also definitely never said that women like older men, that is a moid fantasy. I've never heard a straight girl say she likes older guys. I have a heard a few gay guys say it, though.
It was the anon arguing with me who said that women don't care about looks, if anyone is a stealth moid, it's probably her.

No. 1404756

plenty of straight girls like older guys but they're shooting themselves in the foot

No. 1404783

What do you mean by "older"? Like 10 years? Very few women want a bigger age gap than that. I literally haven't heard a girl say that she likes older guys since I was in college, when "older" meant like 28.
older men and gym bods are a gay male fantasy, not a straight female one.
inb4 anon says that I'm a moid for pointing out that most women don't want to date guys who are their fathers' age

No. 1404795

Generic, centrist conservatism? Yeah, probably.

No. 1405982

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No. 1402336[Reply]

Tic is an 18 year old white supremacist and pedophile defender who is known mainly on discord as TicZ#6596. Tic has spoken multiple times about her problems with her weight, and when given advice by other girls, Tic resorts to extreme harassment, including but not limited to, threatening to kill herself when she loses an argument, calling other girls who she envies ugly, this mostly consists of anyone she regards as “anorexic” (a normal weight). Tic is non functioning due to untreated mental illness, extremely abusive behaviour towards her parents & other students as well as being spoken to the police on multiple occasions about threats of violence and has been kicked out of the education system in Canada on multiple occasions.
Discord : TicZ#6596(shit thread, no1curr)

No. 1402361

Fuck off with your vendetta. We don’t give a fuck about your bully

No. 1402440

shit thread.
If you want to start a vendetta on someone at least put some effort into it.

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No. 1381763[Reply]

Aeniayh Gendreau is a 21 year old troon fresh from EDTWT who is 5’2.. and also 5’8.5.. and also 6’1, and literally amab.


>>FTM who ‘successfully’ stealthed as cis for a year, tricking her middle school followers before being outing herself when her height was brought into question

>>npd, ptsd and trauuumaaaaaaa, a perpetual victim
>>stunted growth from drinking bottled indigenous people water and also from having anorexia since 12y/o.
>>got into a fight with precious cow @oswaldslunch/lucinda over fatphobic comments, mocked her for having a lolcow thread which escalated into getting herself her very own thread which she blamed on lucinda, of course
>>outed herself as trans because she looked bloated and short in a tagged post farmers dug up, showed twitter her “boy juice” and
>>tried to adopt a ‘couldn’t care less’ Patrick Bateman/Hannibal facade but this quickly fell through when she received the slightest bit of criticism from farmers
>>openly fatphobic whilst her irl friends are fat
>>posts deliberately manipulative tweets to misrepresent the situation, likes tweets posted by his friends & fans to paint an incorrect narrative about lucinda. randomly tried to promote the idea that lucinda and her ex (?) were starting a cult.>>doxxed herself (allegedly..) and played the victim on twitter, blaming lucinda for everything the farmers posted
>>phoned police on lolcow.farm and posted about being doxxed before she’d actually been doxxed
>>encouraged her middle school simps to go after lucinda, an unmedicated schizo, to threaten and blame her for this whole ordeal. back peddles when convenient but always goes back to blaming her
>>after 24 hours of tweeting about lucinda and liking her followers tweets about her too, she goes silent when she says she’s going to kill herself. does not comment on the fact her mutuals are encouraging her kill herself.
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No. 1403295

C'mon now, make sure you link that general edtwt thread here. I'm lazy.

No. 1403470

Like I said, I've never made a thread before so hopefully this is acceptable. >>>/ot/1007540
It put it in /ot/ since that's where I usually see the other "___ cringe" instead of /snow/. Dunno if that's correct.

No. 1403824

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Before this gets locked

No. 1405997

Seems he has locked and Ed twt found him again

No. 1405999

Can someone make a new thread for him please

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No. 1390280[Reply]

This thread concerns itself with male-to-female (MTF) snowflake behavior. This entails individual events, trends, and characters that do not deserve their own thread. Rules of /snow/ apply on this thread; don't blog about your tranny ex, don't derail with essays on feminist theory, don't post /pol/faggotry (not even ironically), etc. This is supposed to be a thread for MTF related milk, not a receptacle for autistic spergouts. Calling others handmaidens or scrotes is infighting. GC discussion is limited to this thread and Fakeboi General– do not take your autism outside the containment zones.

Do not respond to anything you suspect to be scrote bait or trannyposting. Report the post and move on.

Notable MtF-related subreddits:
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No. 1401384

yeah the "become the girlfriend" shit is painfully literal. they're all doing a jerry brudos (serial killer who dressed up as a dead woman and jacked off to his reflection)

No. 1401387

you missed one! right above the bluehaired troon

No. 1403944

His body looks almost exactly like Shayna’s…which is not a compliment to either of them

No. 1411621

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Spanish troon "la jedet" is too tired and sad of being too sexy so he posted some autistic shit on ig crying about it.
this is a chat he published so i'm going to translate it.
him: i'm going to stop being too sexy, i am feeling a little uncomfy lately.
x: i understand.
him:less makeup, less hair, less boobs. ticker and more relax.
x: there's a sex scene in the video , but precisely i dont want it to be sexy instead realist.
him: i don't care about the sex, but i dont think i have to be all time being sexy on the red carpets and photoshoots, i get tired, a sex scene is sex, otherwise it doesnt bother my body.

the worse shit is the comments, they are so vomitive.

No. 1411622

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this is the pic that he posted crying btw.

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No. 1366943[Reply]

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No. 1400732

This… women will never turn a female-oriented show into coombait. Their act of passing is "feminine uwu gayboi" kek… they're scared of becoming real boys and men because it's "too gwoss unu" but too bad passing tips(acting like AGPs) just fly over them because it's disgusting even to them.

Of course most are simply "the enjoyer" because they lack the lust towards feminine stuff. (bec they're straight lel)

On a side note fakebois and TIFs on grindr is jarring.

No. 1400740

No. 1400753

this makes no sense

No. 1400754


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1400779

>I've officially peaked on

OT but Is this a common thing people say? I feel like it describes very nicely how I turned against woke culture. After a while you just hit the peak and it completely reverses your stance.

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No. 1242901[Reply]

First Thread >>738758
Second Thread >>836614
Third Thread >>871951
Fourth Thread >>892447
Fifth Thread >>929121
Sixth Thread >>967636
Seventh Thread >>1031322
Eight Thread >>1087783
Ninth Thread >>1148062

Heather Steele is a former retro toy collecting and Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber who, at the end of 2018, decided to have a major meltdown and turned all her social media into a public diary. She began cheating on her allegedly abusive husband, and re-wrote herself as some sort of pop Victorian goth and witchy explorer. She got incredibly defensive of her sudden change. In her defensiveness– which she vaguely admitted was to win the affections of a man– she threw a lot of her supporters under the bus, has been unreasonably cocky and aggressive with a lot of people including former friends, and distorted the criticisms (which were towards her overall behavior) into a narrative claiming everyone is just attacking her for her fashion and hobby choices.

She has a history of incredibly self-focused and self-destructive behavior. Over the past year, she has wildly flipped between “I’m a strong woman and I don’t need to validate myself” to having public meltdowns on social media, only to delete them within an hour. Despite this, she denies she’s mentally ill and attacks the mere notion she needs help, once again using the “people hate me because I’m goth now” narrative.

Heather has alienated herself from all her old friends, but continues to act like everyone was just a bad person and she’s a victim who fled from a terrible life. She used and maPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1403262

I can see why her family would think that. She's emotionally unstable and cannot get her life together. I don't think she's on drugs at all. But if you have very little understanding of both drugs, and mental health struggles, I could see you taking one of her emotional episodes as such. I just wish that instead of blaming drugs, they would try to get her some kind of help.

No. 1403298

is her car haunted?

No. 1404611

Or her family didn't say anything at all as she took her ghost hunting equipment out to her car, and this is just background noise if you live with her I assume.

No. 1404668

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No. 1405818

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someone is bored

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